#not by a ton but uggghhh
motheyes · 1 year
i feel rlly bad like good fucking lord
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shanks42 · 19 days
This is the first time I am posting. I appreciate feed back and I can do separate one-shots with character if you'd like to place a request. This is a ongoing story with many chapters to come. The story is about Shanks getting Captured, tortured and rescued. Shanks has a relationship with Nami and Robin and history during the 2 years they were gone. Stay posted for more :)
Chapter  1: Shank’s battle with The Blackbeard Alliance
Shanks was currently involved in a battle with Blackbeard, Burgess, Flamingo and Kaido all at once barely dodging attacks. “That was close” painfully exclaimed Shanks after barely escaping a direct hit from Blackbeard. He was barely conscious as it was since his crew had all been wiped out by Kaido and Blackbeard. “Well looks like you dodged that hit and is still conscious I see” snickered Flamingo. Shanks glanced up and gasped when he saw Do Flamingo coming in with his string shotgun. 
Oh no, when did he get up there. I was barely able to stop Blackbeard's attack, I don’t think I can dodge this one. I can’t move and my vision is blurry, I didn't even detect him thought Shanks as he attempted to stand and failed falling to his knees. “Looks like this is the end of the road for you red hair” boasted Flamingo as he sent his string 72lb shotgun straight towards the yonko. “Aaaaaahhhhhhhh” screamed Shanks as it hit him dead on. He flew back and smashed into the ground, blood spraying across the air from Flamingo’s attack. 
Shanks vision is extremely blurry and fading into blackness, the last thing he remembers was Blackbeard walking up laughing “Oh the fun has just begun” was the last words he heard before succumbing into darkness. “Wakey Wakey, don’t want you missing out on all the fun now do we” laughed blackbeard as he punched the red haired yonko in the stomach with his blackhole causing Shanks to jolt awake.
 “Aaaaaaahhhhhhh blahhhh” screamed Shanks as he spat up blood. “Oh good, you’re awake just in time for the party” snickered Kaido from the corner of the room. Where am I, what happened? Last thing I remember was Flamingo attacking me and the “huh” it dawned on him. BLACKBEARD!!! Everything came back to him at once. 
“What did you do to my crew?!?!?!” weakly demanded Shanks, earning him a sharp kick to the chest by Bellinger. It was at that moment Shanks realized his cape, sword, shash and shirt were all gone leaving him bare before his torturers. “Oh, your crew??? Don’t worry about them, we left them to die back there!!” laughed Kaido right before he delivered his gorilla punch right to the side of Shank’s heading. “Uggghhh” groaned a semi conscious borderline delirious Shanks. Blood ran down his face and onto the floor as he realized he was suspended in the air and chained down. 
“W-wh-where a-am I??” weakly groaned Shanks, trying to blink the blurriness out of his eyes. His head was throbbing from the gorilla punch by Kaido. “You are at the new location of the smile factory. PUNK HAZARD!!!” maliciously laughed Flamingo. “Don’t worry, no one followed us so we have all the time in the world to spend time together” laughed Burgess landing  a 1 ton gravity kick masked in armament Haki and lightning to the yonko’s gut. Shank’s head flew back and a blood curdling scream came from the young redhead “Aaaahhhhhhh Aaaahhhhh” screamed Shanks as his eyes rolled into the back of his head and he splattered up blood.
“I think he wants more. Bellinger hit him with your double bull horn head butt” said none other than his stepmother, the one who tried to kill him when he was a boy. “Y-Y-You B-Ba-bastard” wheezed Shanks. “OKIE-DOKIE!!” exclaimed Bellinger, hitting shanks and piercing his chest with his horns. “Aaaaaauuugggggggghhhhhhh” was all that came out before Shanks succumbed to the darkness taking over from the pain he was in. “Oh no, we're not done yet” was the last thing he heard from Flamingo before passing out watching a string pistol shot heading towards him.
This is a ongoing series, let me know what you think. I am currently working on it and will take requests for any pairings for other stories including once shots. Enjoy!!!
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zambehnation · 2 months
uggghhh I hate going outside and there's a ton of people out and I'm at a donut shop and someone asks to share a table and because I'm a coward I can't just say no- I don't want to share a table with you and your child and your child's toy car and now I have to leave even if I don't want to.
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strawberryseeded · 3 months
oh man..sighs.....ok so im kinda worried abt sum of my piercings.. ://
sooooo. ive been paranoid abt my eyebrow piercing rejecting 4 a whiiile now..n while tbh it doesnt rly seem 2 be that case..? 1 of the holes is just constantly slightly irritated. also ive been feeling discontent abt the way it was pierced also 4 a while; i prefer snug jewerly 4 eyebrow piercings n, bc of the way mine was done, even w the smallest curves barbell ucan still see quite a bit of the metal hanging and uggghhh i love my eyebrow piercing 2 death but im just not that into that specific look..ive been looking 4 smaller jewelry (even custom 1s) since 4ever n ive had no luck:((( im seriously considering retiring the piercing n getting it redone. but im scared the scarring wud be too visible this time since i think they wud be piercing it a bit wider(?) this time, not in the same place like the last time i repierced it. i shud prob see a dermathologist 4 dat -_-;;
THEN.. my ears. they do not plague my mind as much as the eyebrow piercing lol BUUUT all the lobes + helixes r taking 4EVEEEER 2 heal its such a pain!!!!! lol dhdhdhh the issue is p much solely when i lay down. if im laying down 4 a long time while pressing down on one of the piercings w/o notices they swell up like crazy. a warm shower + saline soaks help a TON but its just....annoying lol. sometimes after i wake up from a nap or yanno just sleeping i realize not only my neck is sore from trying so hard not 2 sleep on my sides, my ears r sore as well -_- n i just cant help but think god again???? all this pain 4 naught!!(dramatic) why am i even enduring this??? I just wanna sleep peacefully!!! T-T honestly i think a big part of the issue is the fact that i pierced both my ears when the last i had pierced wasnt fully healed (i thought it was even tho only 3 months had passed..silly). tbh its one of those mistakes that ppl on the internet n reddit threads constantly warn u abt but u dont realize just how truly annoying n detrimental 2 the healing it is until u actually make the mistake. when i think its all good one of the piercings starts acting up. when that 1 calms down, another 1 gets irritated. when that 1 is under control, one of the stupid little jewelry balls gets unscrewed n i lose it and dude im out of the little balls do i just put a ring?? MISTAKE. well.
ok whatever hdgdgdh just wanted 2 rant. im planning 2 go to the piercer next month 2 mainly ask abt the eyebrow piercing ..n maybe if im feeling masochistic & since its my bd monthhh.......get another 1 🤡
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unhingedhearties · 5 months
CSI Hearties
Time to go back to 9th grade English class where your teacher insists that every word or image is symbolic of something deeper.
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“Did we get that for Lucas?”
You got told he would have a major story arc, so yes you did get told that. We just saw people in my previous posts say that Lucas should have had his own poster to represent that major story arc.
“That would be a No, not really.”
…so that would be a yes.
“And no announcement that NEITHER was leaving the show.”
That has to suck for the writers. You write this big story about Lucas being governor and ending the season with a mysterious confrontation and ambiguity about what happened to him. All so that you can build excitement for the next season and you can’t even let it be a mystery because a ton of the fanbase will send you vile, hateful messages if you don’t spoil the next season for them. They were the kids that had to snoop around for their Christmas presents and then wondered why Christmas morning wasn’t fun.
“Writers had no say in promotional content.”
Hey, someone who pays attention and thinks logically. I’m sure that’ll be ignored.
“No respect!”
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Oh my God, the red serge nonsense. Plenty of people have already pointed it out, I’ll just be one more.
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What if… they didn’t have him in the red serge because the color would clash with the pink of her clothes and the sky? Do you notice how (except for maybe the second poster) in the earlier seasons Jack’s not front and center in the red serge? It really grabs your attention when it shouldn’t and clashes with everyone else’s color pallet. I’m sure that’s also the reason why Rosemary is wearing blue 4 out of 5 times. Color theory and what not. All those things you need to keep in mind when doing graphic design.
No, there must be a deeper, symbolic reason for it.
“it makes no sense since we were told Jack was/is the love of her life…”
Ever notice they only bring up Jack being Elizabeth’s true love when talking about Nathan? I never saw them bring it up when she was with Lucas. Where were all the discussions about how Lucas is awesome, but don’t forget Jack’s her true love when they thought they were getting a wedding?
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Salt in the wound. Mark your bingo card.
Way to gloss over the season 10 poster. I guess because then you’d have to admit no one besides Elizabeth was on it and yet none of you said anything back then. Where were the cries of “muh ensemble cast!”?
“this poster is a huge difference from the poster they put out for S9”
Oh, you mean the one that has Elizabeth, Lucas, Nathan, Mei… and none of the other 50 cast members? 4 people isn’t really an ensemble. In fact, if you look at that collage of all the posters, it was a major downgrade in terms of featuring the characters. It went from showing 10 to just 4. 
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“Lucas is looking at her and she isn’t at him.”
Uggghhh, it’s not that deep. Seriously. They’re doing the same thing on the Season 5 poster. Every poster except for the last 2 have Elizabeth staring at the audience. I’d sooner believe there’s some subconscious marketing nonsense for it (“people are more likely to buy a DVD if the lead character is looking at them. It helps the audience develop a parasocial relationship” or whatever) then believe a bunch of people in Hallmark’s marketing department are working long hours to fit the most symbolism on their poster.
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“then where are some other top characters like Bill, Rosemary, Lee and Henry?” Insensitive!”
Where were they on Season 10? Where were they on Season 9? Where were you when those posters came out? How come you weren’t advocating for them to be included years ago? Truly a mystery.
Insensitive. Mark your cards, that was a corner square.
“Can marketing for such a huge company really be that bad?”
They said as they repeatedly shared the poster, commenting on it, commenting on other people sharing it, hashtagging it, drawing attention to it, GETTING IT TRENDING ON TWITTER.
I know a lot of you Hearties think you should be in charge of how When Calls The Heart is written and marketed, but you’re not as smart as you think you are. You’re really, really not as smart as you think you are. And that right there is a perfect example why Hallmark and TPTB should put a lot of you on the pay no mind list.
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aborealisglfry · 3 years
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when the combat is mad idk i never watched it
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astarlightmonbebe · 4 years
schools are closed to the 27th...are you kidding me
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theres gonna be a music festival in my state with tyler the creator and beach house why the FUCK cant i be rich
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silverrstarrr · 3 years
Normal girl (2)
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Note: i just edit this chapter a bit and added more dialog. Someone messaged me and helped me out with a few things, thank you!
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Chapter 2:
Walking side by side down the stairs, you took a sip of your coffee and place your herd of keys the side of your book bag. yume was scrolling through her phone on tik tok, drinking from her coconut Carmel ice coffee. You didn't understand why she was drinking ice coffee in mid February, it was cold. It was surprising their wasn't any snow.
Grinning like an idiot, she shaked your shoulder, positioning her phone in front of you–you both watched the tik tok. You didn't laugh at first only smiling, yume kept gesturing you to keep watching, waiting for the punchline. Finally it came up and you both started laughing, you slowly shaked your head placing your hand over your mouth.
"NOOO, nooo. That was so wrong, yall are going to hellll" you whined out.
Yume wiped the tears from her face and continued down the last step. She opened up the door and slid out, you trialing behind her. You both proceeded to walk down the street, where all the park cars were out.
"We riding in rich today girlie, jump in," she lifted up her arm that held her drink, her other reached into her purse and grabbed her car keys.
"I thought we were gonna walk there? It's only 10 minutes." You headed towards her car as she unlocked it and sat in the driver's seat. She had a 2018 dark Grey Nissan altima. You remember her having this ever since junior year, you recalled her talking about getting a newer model since this one was old. Like girl what? Old your ass, if the car still functioning there ain't no problem. White people shit, man.
"Well, it's the first day of sweet college life," she dragged out the last few words, adding a sarcastic tone. Yume tossed her bag in the backseat through the open space from the front, She dropped her drink in the little cup holder as well. Catching up with her, you open the backseat's door and chucked your bag in there–immediately closing it after. You pull the passengers door open and sat down, closing it behind you. Yume did the same–letting out a large sigh as she used her long sleeve to rub her legs, which were freezing.
"Bruh, you were just cold. Shouldn't have wore that skirt knowing it was this cold. Your mother would be disappointed," you moved your head side ways, pretending to be disappointed. You dropped your dunkin' drink in the other cup holder next to hers.
"Y/n, shut upp." Rolling her eyes jokingly, She grabbed the buckled next to her seat and puts it on. You placed your seat belt on too. Automatically, her phone connected to the car, you check over at the screen in the middle. It had the time, the degrees outside and all that other fancy things.
"Wanna play something?" she inserted the keys into the ignition and started the car.
"Yeah, I'll type it in,"
You grabbed her phone, showing the screen to her to unlock it, automatically recognizing her face– the lock screen slid up, revealing all her apps. You went to spotify and played "C U Girl" by Steve lacy.
"OKAAYYY, MS. INDIE TIK TOKER." Yume said nodding her, jamming to song. It was only going to be a 5 minute drive, or 7 if you guys couldn't find parking. She swerved to the left, leaving her parking space and pulling off. You whipped out your phone and paused your music, rapidly switching to snapchat–you heard yume's loud singing.
"I WANNA SEE YOU GUURRLL, I WANNA PLEASE YOU GIRL....GO AHEAD AND BE YOUR GIRL," This girl was jamming her out heart out, steve lacy was her favorite along with Brent faiyaz and many others.
In response, you started cackling as you hit the record button—swiftly turning over it to the driver. Her black ponytail moving as she sang and motioning her head in all different directions. Eyeing towards your direction she sees the phone and leans towards the camera flashing a smile, moving her head side to side—still singing through the lyrics. Yume returned back to the road as she lightly taps the steering, avoiding the horn of course.
Once the quick little vid was done, you added a caption,
"I swear if we crash😭😭💕"
Your thumb jolted between posting it on your private or public. You decided to post on the public story because why not? The song was over pretty quickly as the next one played.
"Who knew white people had rhythm?!" It was obviously sarcasm. You knew she was half Asian but it was fun always calling out her white side.
"Naaahh, white people don't have any rhythm. What you saw there was my miki matsubara pop out". She eases down her breaks– the traffic light turns red. Miki Matsubara? Oh yeah, it's that woman who sung "stay with me". It was a good song, you were obsessed with the chorus mostly. 
You giggled a bit at her remark, you checked your socials once again.
"If this light doesn-" Yume sentence was cut off by the light turning green. She pressed her foot on the gas and carried on with attending class.
Pulling up to the parking lot, yume leaned towards her wheel, searching for a place to park. She slowly went down each isle searching for a vacant lot she could snag. You had your drink in between your lips, you took the last sip and shook the plastic cup trying to get a little more. All you heard was ice rattling against one another, dropping the cup back in the holder. You peer out the window looking at the campus, there were a ton of kids, like a lot. Anxiety began spiking up through your veins, this really is the college life, huh? Maria University. It was a school for literally anything, it was one of the biggest universities in the country as well being highly diverse. Yume would be allll the way on the other side of campus while you're slightly in the middle.
"Uggghhh! I regret not leaving earlier, I don't see any open slots." She whined. This was her 2nd time driving around the parking lot looking for a space.
"I said we should walk but nahhh, you wanted to be lazy and take the car." You rolled your eyes as yume, exaggerating, throwing your hands in the air. But you weren't going to be late on the first day. As the generous queen you are, you aided your roomie with looking a space to park. After analyzing for a few moments, you spotted a space and immediately tapped at the window, pointing towards it. Yume car swerved to the left, sliding right into the parking. Taking her keys out the hole, she grabbed her drink and headed out.
"No leaving trash in my car, miss L/n!"
You grabbed your plastic cup and opened the passenger door.
"Yes ma'am," you opened the backseat and grabbed the two bags and closed the door. Beep yume locked her car. She was sipping her coffee but gave a bitter expression when her sweet drink was watered down because of the ice. You looked at your phone, checking the time:
                             8:38 am
                 Monday, February 18th
                                                               38m ago
Kittykiller27, prettygirlnene liked your photo
                                                               45m ago
[Andyhas]: CRONA BECK started following you and 48 others.
Your phone was blowing up from insta notifications. It was time for class and you weren't sure how long it'll even take you to find your classroom. Slinging the bag over your shoulder, you handed yume her own, which she grabbed. You both were speed walking, despite her coffee being ruined she still continued to drink it. It was for the caffeine you guessed. Reaching the sidewalks, it was time to part ways. Yume turned her face towards yours pouting.
"We're leaving each other nooww," she stuck out her bottom lip staring at you. You grabbed her arm, pulling her closer to you. Her arms slithered around your waist, resting her chin on your shoulder–giving you a warm hug. You returned the hug by grunting and holding her tightly.
She started giggling and patted your back a few times, you released your grip and she started to jog in the other direction while looking back, waving at you. You waved back hollering a "BYEEEE!" A trash can was next to you so you dumped your empty dunkin' there.
It was now time for your own adventure, to find this damn classroom. You click the play button on your phone's lock screen, "baby powder by Jenevieve began playing. (Play the song whores👩🏾‍💻)
Walking downwards to the left side of campus, you searched for a pair of doors to go inside of. At this moment, you regretted not going to orientation. That day you were busy setting up your website for your makeup line. You haven't released any products yet, but you had plentiful of ideas and themes you wanted to do. Since it was black history month, maybe you'll drop something as simple as a face cream to help clear and brighten up the skin. But you discarded that thought because you weren't anywhere near ready to start your own small business. Plus, you had bigger things to worry about.
Standing in front of double doors, you grab the handles and pulled it back, you stepped inside while students behind you did the same. You came in slowly, admiring the interior. It was hella spacy with paintings and photos hanging along the walls. Students were roaming the hallways going back and forth from classrooms. Most of the students seemed to be in some sort of costume, or they were dressed fairly well like they were models. You didn't know the directions to your designated class, so you took up the courage to ask someone. You turned to search for someone who didn't seem busy, since most people were rushing to class. Finally you laid eyes on q girl leaning against the wall, typing on her phone. She had long pink acrylic nails, her blonde hair tied into a low ponytail, which complimented her pale skin tone. She had a gold nose piercing on the right nostril.
She seemed nice enough, so you decided to approach her.
"Um excuse me, do you know where Mr. Fargo's class is at?"
The blonde girl averted her eyes from her phone, now focusing on you.
"I'm not really sure—um, I believe it's down that way." She pointed to the right of her.
"Mr. Fargo, he's teaches cosmetic right?"
"Yeah," you replied
"Then I think it should be down there." She scrunched her face in a confusing manner, meaning not to take her word for granted. But you couldn't care less, it was worth a try.
"Ight, thank you." You bid her goodbye. Oop. You accidentally switched your lingo. You were used to speaking in AAVE but you knew how to change your tone and wordplay around others who weren't African American. The girl didn't seen to notice so you just continued down the hall.
"Down... here right..? Yeah this is the way," you murmured to yourself while you strut down the hall. Then turned left as the lady told you. You were now at a hall with multiple doors. Out of all them, you forget the most important, class started in five minutes. You looked to the left as your braids swayed with your movement, then searched to the right. You walked down the hallway, stopping at the fifth door on the left. You were hesitant with grabbing the door, you didn't want to make a fool of yourself walking into the wrong room as all eyes are on you. You pulled out your phone and texted yume.
(I did a different message format just in the previous was confusing)
                 colonizer but times 2🧑🏻‍🦲
                        I'm so lost, this is embarrassing.
Lost? What happened
                               Idk where my class is
                             & its starting in a few
You don't know where?? Bruh
Ask someone, im sure they'll help you
                              I did...but she didn't tell me
                                    which class it was😭 all.
she said was "down the hall"
Just open the door you think it is😋       
                      UH- HUH🧏🏾‍♀️ YOU SETTING ME
                               UP FOR FAILURE.
       Imagine going into the wrong class and
                 all you see are eyes 👁👁
Girl, half of the people won't even see you again on campus👩🏻‍🏫
If you don't recognize the teacher, try to ask a student close to the door for direction
         Okay, im blaming you if I make a fool.    
                           outta myself 😟
                        Read at 8:43 am
(Play quicksand by SZA rq 👩🏾‍💻)
You decided to take your roomie's advice and pick a class, which you already did.
You dropped your phone back into your jacket pocket and swung open the door–you were prepared for the stares. The classroom was vacant, not even a teacher in sight. Just a bunch of stools and white pull down screens. You saw a few cameras standing in front of these screens. "Was this the photography class or sum?" You mumbled to yourself.
And well, eyes were on you but it wasn't a herd as you expected, just one. Sitting on one of the stools in front of the door, was pale skin boy with long brown hair. It rested at his shoulders, some of it covering his face even. He seemed around 6ft, or 6 ft 2? You couldn't really tell since he was sitting.
He had on some black jeans with a black long sleeve sweatshirt as well with a beige greenish short sleeve unbutton shirt rested on top of it– a long golden key necklace dangled from his chest. His hands were sitting between his lap, you noticed sliver rings on them.(his outfit for people who need help visualizing) The teal eyed boy was also rocking black & white air Jordan 1 retro, literally the same as you.
You screamed internally at how fine this man looked and he had shoe gang? Uggghh. Class been started and you were going to be late on your first because this OBVIOUSLY wasn't your class. You decided to break the awkward silence and speak,
"Hey, um, is this Mr. Fargos class?" You stepped more into the classroom for the brunette male to hear you.
"Wrong one, babe. His class is in a totally different building." A different building?! You wanted to die right there and then, especially after hearing him laugh after his statement. Not just the wrong class but the wrong building? Bye–you're so stupid. His eyes scanned your body, his eyes lingered a bit longer at your shoes–it seems he noticed. A smirk appeared on his lips after finishing his quick outfit interrogation–wait, did he just call you-? I-, yes he did. You tried your best to hide your smile and not react.
"O-ooo, I got it. Thanks" Eren released a small chuckled seeing your reaction, he could tell you were caught up with the little pet name.
"I'll walk you over there." He got off his stool and walked towards your direction.
"I-, nah it's good, I got it." You said in defense not wanting to bother him. He didn't respond and just passed by you, exiting the classroom. He held onto the door, looking at you.
"You coming or no?" He was so nonchalant with it everything. You smiled a bit and walked out the class alongside with him. He released his grip once you were out and started trialing behind you.
You paused for a moment because you didn't know where you were going. You turned back to look at him, he caught on and let out an "ah". He quickly got in front of you as you proceeded behind him.
"So," he said.
"What?" You replied. Why did he start a sentence and not finish it? Was he expecting you to start the conversation, weirdo. You just wanted to get to class l.
"Oo, sassy are we?" He raised a brow.
"What—? boy, say what you wanna say."
Once again, he let out a chuckle, flashing you a small. God, was his laugh attractive.
"You're into makeup and stuff?" He questioned.
"Yeah, I'm into 'makeup and stuff' " You said the last few words in the mocking tone, referring to what he called cosmology.
"That's good, at least I'll be seeing you often."
"Often? Oh, are you in that major also?" You said.
"No...Do you really not know anything?" He made you feel dumb by his response. How were you suppose to know what he meant? You clicked your teeth and started walking ahead. You pushed back the door that lead to another hallway and walked towards the end to push the second door that lead to another building.
The brunette boy watched as you left him behind in the dirt, waiting for the moment you'll turn the wrong corner—so he could tease you about it then correct you.
It wasn't too long till you reached your destination, you both stopped in front of the class's door.
"Well, see you. I hope you don't make snarky remarks to every girl you meet."
"Nah, only you princess." He had a smirk on his face, ooo! You wanted to wipe it off.
You glanced at him and his eyes were already on you, you broke eye contact and reached for the handle.
"Wait–" you whipped your heard back.
He cleared his throat
"Name's Eren," you let out a small giggle, did he really just stop you to say his name? Puhleasee. Hearing your laugh, his face brightened up and kept his eyes on you.
"Okay, Eren~. Thank you for walking me, I gotten get to class now."
You opened the door and stepped inside. Eren didn't even get a chance to ask your name. Luckily for him, your major mingled a lot with his own, he could only hope to see you again around campus.
Authors note: UGHHH, I STAYED UP ALL NIGHT FOR THIS just to pass out a few hours before school started. 🥲 I wasn't even paying attention in English and math class, but hope yall enjoyed <3.
Pt 3
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ginnyweasleywannabe · 3 years
How James found out- James' Pov
Companion piece to my other story "How James found out" but from James' POV. Gives more of glimpse to Marlene and James' friendship with a little background Blackinnon tender moment.
((I still don't know how to format a tumblr post so if you want to read the first piece, just go to my page and search tag #my writing))
As always you can also read on AO3 @inthemiddle
Notes: IDK honestly I just wanted to write more of the thoughts behind the other story. I thought about writing the talk between Marlene and James' after this event but I think I'll make that a separate piece. As always minimal editing because I just wanted to write and then be done and get it out-there.
Honestly, James was tired. He had been really pushing himself both mentally and physically lately. Revising was starting soon so he was working his school work more than usual. Revising and the end of the year also meant the end of quidditch season. They only had a few more games which mean they really needed to make them count to have the best chance at the cup. He had been looking forward to dinner all day, all the workouts meant bigger appetite. He was currently diving in deep into his shepherds pie, only half listening to the talk around him.
“Peter was great, he took a step in front of me and held up his wand. He didn’t even have to say anything, they just left!”
“Well, it wasn’t quite like that Mary….” Peter said sheepishly, “I think they knew that if they messed with us then it would become a whole thing with you lot, that’s all.”
“Peter, I think it was nice of you to stand in front of Mary. They truly believe as a muggle-born she’d be worth the easy fight.” Lily wanted to help boost Peters confidence.
“It shouldn’t matter! Mary is great at defense, she could’ve taken the whole lot without even breaking a sweat!” Marlene’s word were encouraging but James could tell she was really annoyed. Marlene tended to have a short fuse. James couldn’t blame her. He felt like things were getting worse and worse. He was of the firm belief that it was time for the staff to take more action. Dumbledore was a believer in keeping the peace and that there was always more to the story. James felt like that was bullshit.
He looked up to see Marlene staring down some Slytherins down the table. He knew what she was thinking. He could read Marlene like quidditch through the ages. He got it but tomorrow was really important to him. He just wanted to make it through the game then deal with this.
“Just let them pass, Marley, it’s not worth getting suspended from tomorrow’s game” James urged her with a pleading glance.
Rosier sniggered to Snape “I saw the little chubby one staring at the redhead mudblood earlier, she must had something special to get them all worked up”
Okay screw keeping the peace, James was out of his seat. And so was Marley… and so was Sirius. But he was just not going for the Slytherins, he standing in front of her, back to Snape and Rosier. He had his arms wrapped around Marley’s waist, trying his best to stop the lunging girl. James felt small quick relief, Sirius had Marlene. If things turned physical, which it would with Marlene, she had a good ex but much preferred a punch, they would definitely have to forfeit tomorrow’s game. He glanced away from the focus of the two for just a second, taking in the whole scene as Rosier said “She’s got all of you wrapped around her finger, maybe I ought to give her a try.”
Marlene went to lunge again but James knew Sirius could hold her steady. He went to turn back and give the pair of Slytherins his mind but suddenly he was more focused on Marlene and Sirius. They had exchanged a few words but now it was time for Snape to cut in “Yeah Black control your girl” welp. James knew that wasn’t good. Back in 5th year Marlene had dated Luke Wilson for a few months and hated being called “his girl” She was not a piece of property. James knew the chances for the game tomorrow were gone, or so he thought but then Sirius just leaned into Marlene and whispered something in her ear. She slowly relaxed and let her feet back down onto the floor. Marlene never relaxed that easily, especially with the way things had been going for her today. Then with one arm still wrapped around her waist, Sirius used his free hand to push a piece of hair behind her ear. James suddenly felt like he was invading in a private moment. A private moment between his best friend and his sister.
What. The. fuck.
Before James could even blink, Marlene straightened her robes and excused herself. James whipped his head to Sirius. Sirius looked at James like everything was perfectly normal, like he didn’t just stroke Marlene’s hair and comfort her. He gave a quick shrug and then agreed with Lily to go check on Marlene. The whole group went to get up and James was still stunned for movement before storming ahead of the rest of the 6th years. He found Marlene pacing out in the corridor. James charged ahead, he wanted answers.
“What the hell was that?” He couldn’t help but raise his voice.
“Oh, sorry Jamie, I know I should have let it go but its just been a long day” Marlene sighed letting her shoulders hang.
James wasn’t mad at her outburst, how could she think that. This just got him more worked up, why was she not answering. “Jamie” that was she had always called him. She was the only person he allowed to call him that, it was their thing.
“I don’t care about that… what the fuck was that” James knew he wasn’t making a ton of sense but he couldn’t bring himself to say the words, so waving his hands around like a mad man would have to suffice. Marlene just stared at him with a face of confusion.
Oh yeah that bastard was still here. During this whole thing James had been processing things at lightning speed and thinking everything through but at the sound of Sirius’ voice James didn’t think, he just whipped around and punched Sirius. Sirius stumbled a little but remained on his feet. James was seething. Marlene was his everything, he would give his life for her. She was the first person outside of his parents he ever loved, it wasn’t romantic but that’s what made it so special because he felt so much love for her it went beyond lust.
“James, its not-“ it’s not what he thinks?! Was he actually about to say that? What else could it be. Sirius had been sneaking around with his Marley behind his back, after he promised he would stay away from her. Sirius had taken advantage of her, her willingness to love everyone and want to fix broken things. James hit him again, this time knocking him to the floor
“MY SISTER?? I asked you for one thing and it was not to sleep with my sister!!” James was yelling as loud as he could. Sirius felt the blood from his nose. He lunged back at James. James was caught off guard expecting to just let him have it. They both tumbled to floor, it didn’t last long before the group was pulling them apart.
James was breathing hard. He was glaring daggers at Sirius while Marlene quickly wiped his cheek. Why was she doing that, why was she comforting her. She suddenly whipped around to James.
“What. the fuck. was. that.”
James recoiled into himself for just a moment. He took a lighter tone remember that this was his favorite person, he hoped his tone was filled with love so that she would listen to him. “Marley...”
“What. did you. Mean. He. Promised.” Oh yeah… had he said promised. He had never meant for Marley to find out about the promise. But once he explained, she would understand, he wasn’t the person she should be upset with. He was doing this for her.
“It’s Sirius, you know how he his. After fifth year anyone with eyes could see the way he was looking at you. I just wanted to keep you safe, I mean, I mean HE” but Marlene cut him off.
“You had no right to do that, James. You don’t get to hold your good deeds over him for a favor in return. Especially one that controls MY life.” Marlene was still glaring up at him. Her voice never taking the soft tone they usually used with each other.
James released his breath and hung his head. He was tired and he hated fighting with Marlene, he just wanted to go somewhere with her and they would talk, move past this and laugh.
“James…” Sirius had started barley above a whisper.
“Don’t.” James removed any emotion from his voice but anger. He couldn’t be here anymore, he turned and left the group.
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cool ! i am crying !
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clivtbartcn · 5 years
Favourite iron man movies scenes? Favourite avengers movies scenes?
Well this will totally teach me for not checking my inbox, won’t it? Thanks for sending this, and I’m sorry it took me so long yikes
Iron Man
I love everything with Yinsen like A LOT. I love “Is this the last act of defiance of the great Tony Stark? Or are you going to do something about it?”I mean what a strong and incredible moment that totally defined Tony. I love that so much. Of course, Yinsen had a lot of amazing quotes too, like the immediately following “Then this is a very important week for you, isn’t it?” His sacrifice and telling Tony not to waste his life rips out my heart every time. I just really really love Ho Yinsen.
Naturally, the shot of Tony forging the first ever suit while THAT music plays is totally iconic and unforgettable and one of my favorite things ever.
Small thing, but I love Happy and Tony racing to the plane because that is soooo them. As well as Tony calling Rhodey platypus because ugh adorable.
I despise the Obediah scenes but also love them because I hate myself I guess?? He genuinely reminds me of my abusers and scares me shitless so I’m super uncomfortable when he’s on screen but I think it’s a little comforting to see a superhero deal with the same kind of person? I dunno.
Pepper pointing out that it’s different for Tony to date someone at work than it is for her because he’s Tony and a man and people will think she’s trying to sleep her way to the top. Girl spoke the truth
God everything with the bots. Dum-E and his fire extinguisher. Doll.
“Sometimes you gotta run before you can walk”
“I am Iron Man.” I C O N I C
I have a whole lot more in movie one alone so I am gonna cut myself off here to be totally honest.
Iron Man 2
Everything with Natasha. Bonus points if the scene includes Happy tbh. Also Tony and Nat literally have the tag of bros™ on my blog. I also, ofc, love everything with Rhodey bc come on.
tony’s process of buying the strawberries- I love that salesman so much. Also his ADHD with the thingy on Pepper’s desk.
Him figuring out how to save himself, and while I despise Howard being portrayed as anything besides what he is (post agent Carter at least) I even love his video. And I DEFINITELY love Tony finding and using Cap’s shield, and his whole exchange with Coulson and the earlier one with Fury.
Peter. Parker.
Again, I’m sure there’s more but this list is already SO long and let’s be real this one isn’t gonna have as many as the first Iron Man
Iron Man 3
EVERYTHING WITH RHODEY!!!! Rhodey is ON POINT in this movie, alright, like everything he does and every exchange is pure gold. I also love the stuff with Happy
Tony’s anxiety and PTSD. Look, I feel like a jerk for saying it but I love those scenes. I will never ever forget sitting in that theater and having just recently realized I have a legit problem with anxiety and seeing IRON MAN deal with the same thing and seeing it actually treated like a real issue. I still cry sometimes rewatching this movie. I love that at first Tony doesn’t know what to do with it and then just... accepts it. Like he never really looks at it like a mental illness is any different than a physical one and I adore that.
The bunny & badass Pepper
There’s more but I’m never gonna stop if I unleash
The Avengers
My second favorite MCU movie most likely.
God everything SteveTony. They are so extra in this movie yikes
This is easily Clint’s best movie in the MCU, and the one that first made me realize how awesome of a character he is. All of the ClintNat was fantastic and I will forever be mad at Whedon for backtracking that like it didn’t happen because RUDE
Coulson. Oh god Coulson
The whole team interaction. Honestly like... It was so great. I love how it set things up, which is probably why I love 2012 fics so much. It was just... The movie was magical and the fics taking place after are magical. The whole thing is pretty awesome and I just love the dynamics and how it gives you a vision of how things might grow between them all
“Put on the suit” God, Steve, armorkink much?
Pepper’s shorts at the beginning. Good god woman way to slap me in the face with how pan I am
Honestly just about the whole film. I really love the Avengers. I love my memories surrounding first seeing it, I love the team, I just really really love that movie. It is only second to Iron Man
Age of Ultron
Not a good movie, but some very good scenes IMO
The WHOLE party. The thing with the hammer and how Steve was obviously not trying and how Tony and Rhodey worked together and bantered. Of course also the look Steve gave Tony because gee. Also Thor and Tony debating about Pepper and Jane
Steve and Tony and the log cutting
Tony’s vision and then talking to Fury about it and uggghhh pain my poor baby
Also the end with Tony and Steve and Thor. And then Steve and “I will miss you Tony”
I am totally missing one or two things but??? Eh, most just the random team interaction
Whew okay I’m gonna let Infinity War and Endgame be separate bc honestly listing Endgame alone will be a novel basically. I love A LOT of scenes. Feel free to ask if you want though! This was super fun even though I missed a ton!
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tbrew7777 · 5 years
Goodbye, T
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“I just want my doggy back”
It’s not often that a cute little toddler and a bearded 40-year old feel the same exact way, but here we were...
After saying a heart-breaking goodbye to our beloved friend of nearly 15 years, Alisa and I went to pick up Emmie from her grandparents. When we got home, Emmie asked where Tucker was. Alisa and I (trying in vain to hold it together) did our best to explain that Tucker was up in heaven and that he wouldn’t be here anymore. Her beautiful, innocent three-year-old brain couldn’t process what she’d heard, but she could sense the anguish in our voices, and she couldn’t find Tucker anywhere in the house. Through sniffling tears, she whimpered, “but I just want my doggy back.”
Uggghhh. “I know, baby. I know. Me too...” was all I could get out.
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Tucker was born in early April of 2004. For the better part of the next 15 years, we’d spend nearly every day together.
Life is so much about routines, and we certainly had ours. He’d hog the bed most nights, but was kind enough to let me sleep to a reasonable hour most mornings. Once awake, we’d take our first walk of the day.
I’d estimate that we took more than 1,500 walks together. Typically four walks a day over 14 years and eight months. I don’t know the exact number, but it’s a lot. And, oh god, will I miss those walks. Not only did they provide much-needed exercise for a human that hates the gym, but it was also a daily bonding experience between two best friends. Those walks were life-savers when I was trying to make tough decisions. Am I ready to get married? Have a kid? Should I quit a comfy, secure job and attempt to carve out a career in sports journalism? I would go over the pros and cons with my walking companion, hoping he’d provide an answer. He never led me astray.
Those walks also gave me invaluable time to think. Away from the noise and distractions of everyday life. Just me and T by ourselves. I conjured up a ton of ideas and sketched the outline of so many stories I’d go on to write during those walks. The piece on Rajon Rondo that got published on the NYT website - I came up with that concept walking around Flushing Meadows Park with T. The best-man speeches I gave at my brothers Kevin and Ryan’s weddings - I pieced those together on countless walks in the weeks and days leading up those special events. I’d practice them by reciting it to Tucker as we marched along.
Tuck taught me so many priceless lessons over the years. For instance, he’d use our walks to remind me to slow down. No need to rush home just sit in front of a TV, or computer screen, or smartphone. Take one more trip around the block. Stay outside. Soak in the sunshine. Stomp in the snow. Let’s go over here and find out what’s up with this fire hydrant. He forced me to stop and smell the roses, literally.  
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Most importantly, he taught me about love. True love. Selfless love. The kind of love only a great dog can give. A dog that eagerly offers a lifetime of compassion and comfort, and asks for nothing in return (other than maybe a few treats and an occasional belly rub). These last 15 years have been a wild ride. From a confused kid at 25 to a grown man approaching his 40th birthday, so many things happened. So many incredible life experiences, and some things I wasn’t fully prepared for.
So much change. Only one constant. Tucker. By my side. Every day. Every single day. Whether I was doubled over in laughter, or crippled by anxiety, he was by my side. Always bounding with energy to greet me everytime I stepped inside, he’d often be the first friend I’d get to share great news with.
He rode behind me in the car when Alisa and I drove to the beach for our first date 10 years ago. He also pounced on top of Alisa and me when we took him to that same beach a few years later and I and proposed and she said ‘Yes’ and we all tumbled to the sand. As the Best Man at my wedding, of course he was by my side on that big day as well. (While looking for places to host our reception, one of the requirements was that it was dog-friendly.)
I once overheard a relative proclaim: “If you’re looking for Tucker, just find Tommy, cause they’re always together.” By my side. Always by my side. Driving to my parent's house to watch Lions games on Sundays, by my side. Heading into Central Park for long walks in the summer, by my side. Any time I ate any meal at home, he was underfoot, looking up, knowing I’d always share some of my food with him. He was always under my feet at my desk as I wrote. I’m looking down right now and it’s heartbreaking to see an empty space where he should be.
After Tucker graduated from the Good Dog Foundation’s training program in 2006, we’d visit vet hospitals and nursing homes together. He seemed to radiate a special warmth and kindness that put everyone at ease. He somehow even managed to get close to people that claimed they didn’t like dogs. And for people that liked dogs, well, they loved Tucker.
These last couple of years were tough at times. He slowed down quite a bit. Our walks were shorter in duration. He had more and more grey in his beard. But his heart was still as big as ever. I feel so truly blessed that he got to meet and spend a few years getting to know Emmie. Those are memories I’ll cherish forever.
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I hope to one day be a great dad to Emmie, and if I succeed in that goal, he will be a major reason why. Being responsible for Tucker was such a wonderful experience, full of learning opportunities. He taught me how to live with patience, and kindness, and compassion; and about how being a parent can be frustrating, but it’s so, so worth it. The love you give and get back is life-sustaining.
He prepared one final lesson as he left us. It was a hard one to learn, one about loss. Not having him by my side at this moment is a vivid reminder to appreciate each day. Spend more time doing the stuff that matters, with those that matter most. Hug and cuddle the ones you care about. And let your loved ones know you love them (just as Alisa would each night when she’d lie down next to Tucker’s bed and whisper in his ear that he was the most handsome and special dog in the world).
One day you may look down and the loving eyes you’d grown accustomed to won’t be there to look back. I’d give anything for just ten more minutes with my buddy.  
These last couple days have been unspeakably difficult. There’s no way I can put into words the pain I felt lying on the floor of the vet's office saying goodbye to my best friend one last time.
And I suspect the next few days and weeks and years will be tough at times as well. I don’t know how I’m going to start and end each day without a walk. It won’t seem right. It’s been 15 years, and old habits are hard to break.
I guess the simplest way to sum it up is: “I just want my doggy back”
But, even though he won’t be by my side anymore, his spirit will always be with me. His incredible companionship increased the size of my heart, which allowed me to love more than I thought possible. I’ll take great solace in knowing that the love Alisa and I pass on to our daughter and son is infused with the love he gave over all these many years. In that way, he’ll continue to live on through all of us.
Miss you, T
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kattfisherr · 2 years
K-drama fanfiction
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*For all ages. This is a BTS fanfiction. No shipping. Just for the enjoyment of people Hope you all enjoy.*
Characters; Suga, Brianna,JK, JHope, Jimin, Jin, RM, V, Tanya
Starring; Suga & Brianna
I was incredibly nervous as I walked towards the jet. I was to fly to Seoul to do the music video of my latest song. With whom you might ask? A month ago I did a collaboration with BTS. Due to our schedules we didn't physically meet for the song. Unexpectedly the song hit number 1 on the charts and due to public demand we have to do a music video. So here is me; on my way to Korea. BTS are literally my idols. I really loved them actually my bias was Namjoon but I was going to put my crush aside and focus on being professional.
I walked down the steps of the jet, my muscles exhausted. My tour manager had already arrived and was waiting for me. When he saw me he mentioned me to the car next to him. My publicist took tons of photos as my bodyguards walked me out of my car. I had a press meeting at seven in the evening and later have dinner with some influencial people. I was going to meet BTS the next day. I just wanted to throw myself in a bed and sleep till kingdom come. I barely had two hours to myself to get ready.
I barely had five uninterrupted hours before I heard my alarm buzzing and a knock on my door
"Wakey wakey, pretty lady," my assistant announced as she walked in. How she can be this energy with inadequate sleep shocks me. As I sat up lazily she walked to the little dining table and lay my coffee on it. She gets it perfectly as I like it. I should from the bed and slipped my feet into my fuzzy slippers.
"We got to hurry,you have to meet the Bangtan Boys at nine and you have a live at 7:30. So we have almost an hour to get ready. Room service should be here dammit," I just stared at her blankly. I really wanted to go back to sleep. Just five more minutes. The live was just an impromptu for Instagram to show my fans about my stay in Korea and to let them know I was fine.
I walked to the table, my phone in hand and saw a couple missed calls from my parents. They must be warned,shoot I forgot to call them. The food came in and barely ten minutes later my make up artist and dresser walked in. We rushed through everything and I dressed into a sporty but sexy outfit. A supreme headband cause those boys make it so cool. As I walked to the car my publicist recorded me and I showed my fans how excited I was about meeting BTS. I wasn't faking it. I really was beyond excited. I have so many BTS t-shirts with the 'Permission to dance' and 'Butter' logos and their faces on it. Creepy? Maybe. I don't know.
"Hey guys. I'm on my way to meet BTS. I showered and I'm sweating and my knees are shaking. I really can't wait to meet them. Jeez! Am I dressed right? I hope so. Oh I had some noodles. So spicy but uggghhh sooooo good," my lie was basically me rambling for fifteen minutes. We stopped at various places to take pictures and left the editors to do what they do best.
Finally we were on our way to meet THEM. My stomach was in knots as my manager said we were five minutes away. As I saw the large building, Big Hit, I was about to get off the car and run myself cause I felt like the driver was going too slow. I was having palpitations and pretty sure even my blood pressure increased. I closed my eyes and leaned against the car seat.
"Bri...Just breathe. It's gonna be fine and you look gorgeous girl," my assistant and friend said as she patted my knee. I opened my eyes and looked at her. Her smile was warm and it did take the anxiety down a notch. The car came to a stop.
"We're here Brianna. You ready?" my manager, Ted asked. My eyes grew wide as I looked nervously at Tanya, my assistant. She tightened her hold on my knee assuringly.
"As I'll ever be," I said. I pushed the door open and one of my guards helped me out. It's a good thing he did because I was weak waist down. As I walked towards the building I felt breath leave my lungs and a gust of wind hit my face. I was accosted by more than two dozen paparazzi wanting to have a word with me about how it felt to be a couple of feet away from BTS . It felt like I was having a panic attack that's what. But I didn't say that. I kept my head down as my bodyguards protected me and hurried me into the building. Once I walked past the enormous front door I felt my shoulders relax. My heels clicked on the tile floor and I remembered Tanya had a pair of Jordans in the bag she carried for me just in case we started the dance practice today. My manager was already at the front desk introducing us and the woman behind the desk enthusiastically showed us to the elevator.
"Brianna," she said as we waited for the elevator doors to open. I turned to her and smiled.
"Yes," I responded.
"Um... I'm a big fan of yours could you um...maybe take a selfie with me. You don't have to if it's a bother," she hurried on the last part.
"It's not a bother at all. Take out your phone," she did, with shaky hands and opened her camera. I pushed my sunglasses to the top of my head. I put my hand over her shoulders as she took the picture. When I pulled back she looked so happy. This is what makes the endless hours of hard work worth it. I took the sunglasses off my head and handed them to her.
"Keep this. A little souvenir. It is signed on the inside of the right handle with my name," I said as she stared at me with her mouth open. The elevator doors pinged and I walked in with my crew. She thanked me and I gestured the Korean heart to her of which she responded similarly.
I hate elevators. When it started moving I had to hold to the wall and calm myself. I breathed in and out deeply. Seems the relaxation made time move fast because the next minute the doors opened and I walked out. We saw a man outside who introduced himself as a manager and walked us towards the door at the end of the hall. This was it.
My feet moved faster and wanted to stay glued to the ground at the same time.
"In a rush Brianna," the man asked his Korean accent thick. Ted chuckled.
"You have no idea," I said shakily as he held the door knob. I needed to calm down but couldn't.
The door opened and everything felt like it was in slow motion. We walked in at the same time the band turned around and stood up.
"Brianna!" J-hope shouted in excitement. I was shivering and surprised that he knew my name. They automatically fell into formation of a line and smiled warmly at me. I felt my heart vibrating and blood rushing in my ears. I was about to pass out and my hands were sweating. They are going to feel it. As I walked towards them I bit my tongue to fight the urge to chant out each of their names. I was a crazy fan girl,they didn't need to know that. Kim Namjoon, Kim Seokjin,Min Yoongi, Jung Hoseok, Kim Taehyung, Jeon Jungkook, Park Jimin. I fought the urge though.
"Hey guys. Wow you guys are taller than I thought," I said as I walked closer. I let out my hand and greeted each of them in turn.
"I'm RM, Namjoon," I smiled and responded with a nice to meet you. Same happened with Jin.
I got to Yoongi and he is wow...like. My oh my.
"Hey I'm Suga," he said as he held my hand in his. He had a weird look in his eyes that held me captive.
"I'm Brianna," that was a stupid thing to say but I felt better when he smiled at me. It was a small curve of his lips but I saw it nevertheless. I heard someone clearing their throat and we broke from our reverie.
I turned to J-hope who instead of taking my hand, pulled me into his arms for a bear hug. I laughed. I don't think I've met such a ray of sunshine like him in a long while. He passed me on to V who passed me on to Jungkook and then to Jimin who lifted me off my feet. I was laughing really hard. I can't even remember when I genuinely laughed that hard. When I was back on my feet I turned and locked eyes with Yoongi just for the briefest moments and he turned his head. I felt a pang of disappointment and I didn't know why.
"How was your flight?" Tae asked with his thick accent. It's so adorable and I couldn't help but smile.
"It was long. Korea is far," I teased.
"So far...Oh I'm sorry," Jimin said as he walked up to me and rubbed my shoulder.
We talked for a while and got to know each other. Maybe an hour went by when some men walked in and introduced themselves as our producers and creators for the music video. Apparently even Suga was going to be a producer of the song. I didn't know why the mention of his name made my heart skip a beat considering Namjoon is my bias. Shouldn't that have been my reaction to him.
We sat and talked about the video and I didn't mind anything in the arrangement until I heard, "So Brianna in the song it will seem like you and Jungkook are in a relationship."
I was stunned, I was about to ask why but I guess the man saw the question in my eyes.
"This is because according to the internet people currently think you and Jungkook would make the perfect couple," he said matter-o'-factly.
"Well then," Jungkook said excitedly clapping his hands. What made it worse was the creepy looks everyone had on their faces. The guys, for a reason they haven't told me,found it so amusing. So much so that some of them had their faces turning purple as they held back their laugh. Even Tanya found this amusing. I scanned my eyes across the room, looking at them all. My eyes met Yoongi's and he quirked his eyebrow at me. Again with the jumping feeling in my heart. He didn't laugh or smile like the rest. He looked upset. Or irritated. I turned back to the rest and let the discussion continue. It took us forty five more minutes then we were left alone.
*Back in the hotel*
"Sooooo..." Tanya said with a sneaky smile on her face.
"What?" I knew what she was fishing for but I wasn't going to give in easily.
"You met your bias today," she said then stared at me. I didn't react. I was excited to meet RM but that doesn't mean I wanna go out with him. Weird though.
"You know," she continued, "I have seen you nervous before a performance or even before an interview with Jimmy Kimmel but I have never seen you shake as you did with Min." I turned quickly to her.
"Oh I mean Suga...or is it Agust D," she said in mock inquisition.
"I have no idea what you are talking about," I countered avoiding her searching gaze.
"Oh really?" she asked. She walked up to me and let out her hand.
"Oh hi Suga. I'm Brianna," she mocked as she flipped her hair flirtatiously.
"I didn't say that," I said trying not to smile.
"Oh Suga... I ain't ever met anyone as sweet as you," she teased. I walked away but she was right on my heels.
"I don't have all day but you can give me a min,Yoongi," that had me and I laughed so hard I had to hold on the wall.
"That is the wo...worst pick up line I have ever heard. He'd walk out if I said that," I tried my best to speak out the words. Tanya just laughed and went on to come with worse puns.
We had been practicing for almost two hours. I was so tired. My feet hurt. J-hope made the dance moves so easy. Jungkook and Jimin weren't even panting and I was about to pass out. I needed an oxygen tank.
"Okay guys that's enough for today," the choreographer said.
"Finally," Suga said under his breath but we all heard him. The guys laughed. My feet hurt and the shoes I wore hurt me cause I think they got me a size too small.
"Why do you do dance practice in heels?" RM asked as he walked up to me and handed me a bottle of water. He had another in his hand which he opened and took a swig of his water.
"Because it's really hard to dance in heels. If I practice without them when I'll have to wear them for a performance I won't dance as good. So I need to practice with them. Get used to them," I said with a small smile and thanked him for the water. As I drank he smiled at me.
"That's tough," he said with a pouty lip, "So I hear from reliable sources that I am your bias."
Dammit he knew. I was trying to be cool about it.
"Who told you that?" I asked with a nervous smile.
"Tanya...and the internet. We all saw your Instagram live. V showed it to us," he said pointing at V. I was so embarrassed I wanted to run away.
"You think I'm weird now, right?" I asked covering my face with my hands.
"No. You're not weird," he said pulling my hands from my face, "V sleeps with his eyes open, Suga shouts when we all just want to meditate, Jk takes his socks off when we're eating. So, no, you're not weird. These guys... total weirdos." That made me laugh.
"Hey...um do you wanna join us for lunch. Or... Am I pushing too much," he asked. It was weird to see someone twice my height and size nervous.
"No no. I'd love that," I said. He smiled and stood up, turning to the rest of the guys.
"Hey guys let's go for lunch, Brianna's coming along. If that's okay," RM said it more like a statement of facts than a question.
"Yeah sure," Jin said.
"Um... can...uh... Tanya come along. Brianna is that okay?" J-hope asked. I didn't get the chance before Tanya walked up to him, linked her arm through his and said, "Which kind of lady declines an offer of food from a man?" I laughed. I stood up and we all walked out. My feet hurt so bad and unfortunately Tanya didn't carry any spare into the building so I had to wait till we got to the car.
In the elevator the guys talked to each other and I felt so excluded. Even Tanya was talking to J-hope. I was basically invisible. Well maybe not just me, Suga leaned against the wall silently then turned to me. This time he actually smiled at me, I tried to my best to smile back but it didn't quite reach my eyes. When the elevator doors opened. Everyone walked out and Suga and I were last to get off.
In the hallway Suga stopped me with a hand on my arm.
"Are you okay?" he asked. It still amazes me how someone this adorable has such a deep voice.
"I'm fine," I say with a shaky smile. My feet hurt so bad I had tears in my eyes.
"Really? You have tears in your eyes and you're hopping from one foot to another," he said calmly.
He searched my eyes and then wiped my tears.
"Tell me," he pleaded.
"It's silly," I said with a cringy laugh. I was so embarrassing, what next? He's going to find me singing My Heart Will Go On to a cut out of him?
"Yeah, well. I'm one for silly games," he teased. I took a deep breath and decided to tell him.
"It's my shoes. They hurt my feet so bad. I've been trying to take them off during practice but couldn't," I said in a whisper.
He looked into my eyes for a while. See, I'm 5'1 so even with heels I have to look up to meet his eyes. He made me feel so small. His tiny eyes were literally the reason I was so much into Asians.
He suddenly went down on his knees and my heart went WILD. He went to the zipper of the boot on the back and opened it. He lifted my foot and took the shoe off then did the same with the other foot then stood up holding both shoes by the heel in one hand. He handed them to me and I tilted my head, wondering what he wanted to do. He turned around with his back to me and went down on one knee.
"Get on my back. I'll carry you," he said.
"What? It's like fifteen feet to the car," I said nervous, knees wobbly. My head was like 'get on his back'.
"Yeah and you'll be all out crying by the time you get there. The guys are going to think I bullied you," he said turning around to smirk at him. Having no more argument I agreed. He clasped his hands tightly on my thighs as I settled onto his back. When he stood up I held onto him tightly worried he might drop me.
As we walked closer to the main door I noticed a couple of reporters outside and I froze up.
"I don't think they should see us like this," I said.
"Relax Brianna. It's nothing big besides maybe I'll get less 'Yoongi marry me' jokes from Tae and Jin," he joked. I laughed. The paparazzi fed on the images and took almost a million pictures of us. As I leaned in to him, I got a whiff of his cologne. Jesus Holy Christ, he smelled so good.
"I know," he said. I gasped.
"Did I say it out loud?" I asked. Sheer embarrassment in my voice.
"Yeah. But don't worry. I won't tell anyone," he said then laughed.
Once we got to the cars, RM turned to us, concern etched on his face.
"What's up with her?" he asked as he opened the door to the car and Suga helped me in and strapped me to the seatbelt. His face was so close to mine and damn if he isn't the finest man I've ever seen.
"Her shoes hurt her. She was crying. Even her toes are red," Suga said to RM as he stood back.
Tanya run up and came to us then handed me a pair of fuzzy slippers.
"Who's are these?" I asked coz they were so big.
"Jungkook's. I am sorry love. I forgot to pack yours," she said apologetically. I smiled at her.
"No worries. Tell him thanks. Are you going to ride with me?" I asked as I slid my feet into the slippers.
"Um...I promised Hobi," I quirked my eyebrow at the name she called JHope by. She saw it but ignored me.
"Maybe go with Suga. It's his car anyway," I almost chocked at that. RM said he'd tag along and that was it.
I was stuck with my bias and the man who makes me stupid.
I swallowed a gallon of saliva when RM got in the back seat and Suga went round the car and got in the driver's seat. This was a bad day to call shotgun. I tried not to look directly at Suga. All this because of shoes.
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a-nonbinary-mess · 6 years
I want you to do all the botanical asks because im a plant gay and i love you and i love plants
im crying op please tell me who you are please i love you too idk who you are but im love u too (also this is 31 questions anon omggg)
baby’s breath: 5 things you associate yourself with
1. art (anything aesthetically pleasing)
2. food–mainly desserts
3. stress (that i put on myself)
4. lavender bc i really love lavenders
5. uhh dogs? i really love dogs
bleeding heart: what makes your heart go mushy?
-thoughts of how much I adore my friends tbh
-any cliche romcom trope in a fanfic or seeing ppl suddenly realize how much they love another person, whether platonically or romantically
-seeing kind people in the world and amazing animals, mainly dogs and cats
bell flower: what’s the title of the song that makes you want to jump around out of joy?
-uhh idk i like disney channel original songs a lot tho and ive been listening to a lot of potential song by aly and aj lol
-love on the brain by rihanna, uhh anything that sounds cheesy and cute and romantic like la vie en rose by edith piaf (the cover by laura and anton is super good)
evening primrose: what is your sleeping playlist (five songs): 
-anything by lofi hip hop beats w/ anime girls studying hard
-any studio ghibli song tbh
-any classical music song idk i dont listen to a lot of music before i sleep
-tango music ??? 
-a whole musical (hamilton, chicago, etc)
-songs that dont require me to sing bc i will sing to legit any song at 3 am instead of sleeping
forget-me-not: who is your favorite blog that’s not following you? 
-hmm idk? i mainly follow a lot of art blogs, so i would say any of them? maybe hinamie? or insomniac-arrest is a super cool person, thatsthat24 bc thomas sanders is an amazing human being and i would love to be friends with him
daffodil: what is one plant that you want to have but can never get?
-lavenders or sunflowers? where i live is kind of really difficult to plant anything tbh (unpredictable weather, things die in the winter, etc) and also idk how to take care of plants r i p 
calla lily: are you more of a sunny day or a rainy evening?
-rainy evening for sure. i love to leave the window opening, listen to soothing music, drink tea surrounded by candles, and read something ive been putting off while my dog is curled up next to me
foxglove: what is your favorite color and in what shade?
-i like the whole rainbow of colors but i prefer the darkest black and darker red for clothing and a light purple in general
lavender: what is something that you’ve always wanted to be/have/get but can never have?
-happiness. jk but i really do wish that i wasn’t mentally ill though :// also a cat. bc im allergic : (
love in a mist: what is the latest dream that you remember?
-idk i dont sleep well or deep enough anymore to even dream but i remember having a dream 2 years ago that i was dating oikawa from haikyuu and he was so disconcerting in my dream that i remember it to this day bc essentially he wasnt a real person like i could recognize him bc he was a damn hologram like miku and we had sex the end it was wild
daisy: what is your favorite flavor of cotton candy, ice cream, and juice?
-favorite cotton candy flavor (???): there are multiple flavors???? i just like the original pink i guess idk anything about cotton candy 
-ice cream: cookies n cream, cookie dough, vanilla, mint depending on where im getting it, and strawberry : )
-juice: does fruit punch count 
painter’s palette: are you more of a singer, dancer, painter, or instrumentalist?
-i love singing and i can legit never stop
tulip: what is your most favorite make-up product? do you like it more natural, dark, or etc?
-i love love love red eyeshadow. the brighter the red, the better. i also love red eyeliner and just anything red in general, but i usually mainly use red eyeshadow bc i love the look; anything red = good
waxflower: are you a bee or a butterfly person? a dog or a cat person?
-i love bees !!! butterflies are cool too but bees are cute fluffy babies that essentially control whether we live or die
-uhh probably dog person but only bc i have one :0 i love cats too but im less sneezy and generally stressed when im with dogs lol
sugarbush: do you have sweet tooth? if yes, what’s your favorite sweets? if no, why?
-i really do like sweets but i used to eat so much as a kid that im kind of sick of them now but i still like to eat the occasional cookie or cake or something
-i really like donuts !!! also any asian dessert (eastern, southern, western, EVERYWHERE) is amazing to me and i love eating them
sunflower: would you like to be a fairy or a mermaid?
-merperson !!! i love the ocean and maybe we can finally figure out whats at the bottom of it ; ) sweet pea: what would you like to call your significant other?
-babe mainly, hon
-hey, you fucker
-u dumb egg
sea lavender: can you swim? which strokes can you do?
-i can barely swim now uggghhh but i swam for five years and i knew all the strokes and was super good at freestyle (haru who) !! now i can barely do the freestyle and that’s it lolwindflower: list 5 of your favorite blogs and explain why i like them
-thebootydiaries: she’s funny !! anyone who i find funny i automatically like
-thatsthat24: thomas sanders is amazing. i love him and his friends so much and i think about being his friend a lot to the point where ill have dreams about suddenly being good friends with his whole posse aldjfal;fjl
-tatir0ckz: we used to talk a lot like back when we were both into hetalia but we never talk anymore ? which is fine ! but i remember a lot of our old convos and we skyped like once and idk 2012 was a simpler time
-adorable-as-fuck: i know her irl !! we went to the arcade like once and it was a ton of fun so we exchanged tumblrs and thats it and on the rare occasion that we’re both free, we might go to the arcade again !! idk its cool she’s super cool
-mhaikkun: her art style is so good and she doesnt upload as much on tumblr anymore but shes so cute and her clothing style and aesthetics is sooo good !! she’s a p cool person and her stories on twitter are always super wholesome aah
-this is more than five but ngl aphtextsfromnordics, incorrectknb and any other incorrect quotes blogs or text message blogs changed me as a person aldfj
golden rod: are you more of a baker or a cook?
-baker for sure ! baking just calms me down i think
bloom: what is something that you would like to tell your children?
-if i do have children, i want to tell them that i will never judge them for who they want to be. i hope they will be as open as possible and that i would never want to make them uncomfortable. i would encourage talking about problems and just communicating needs in general. idk, basically everything my biological parents didnt do
peony: what is something that you wish your parents could’ve told you?
-tbh my parents are awful, awful parents (and one of them is just a purely disgustingly, horrid person) and i would never wish for them to tell me anything bc on the off chance that they did try to parent, it was to tell me how much of a burden i was, or something racist/homophobic, etc. 
-if they were better people, i wish they would have told me it was okay to be struggling and its okay to be lost rn. i wish they would have encouraged open communication and kindness but well, i learned that all myself : )
prairie gentian: do you have a significant other?
-nope! i sometimes really wish i did, but relationships honestly stress me out and idk how to talk to irl people : ( i love platonic relationships a little more honestly, makes me feel more comfortable
september flower: are you more of a sunshine or sunset person?
-sunset for sure lol i think sunsets are so pretty bc of all the colors that are involved and during that time period is when im doing something i like and im typically at home : ))
bird of paradise: do you wake up early? do you sleep early?
-i wake up early now bc of school but i usually sleep late and wake up late haha
marigold: what’s your favorite tea?
-roasted green tea and lavender! anything flowery is nice too : )
peruvian lily: what are the names of your pets?
-i only have one dog (a pomeranian) and her name is marzia! which is short for marzipan bc my dad didnt want to remember such a long name lol
hyacinth: do you name your plants?
-ye! most of the time theyre just silly names like spiky (for when we had a cactus a long time ago) or red/pink (the colors of the roses), etc. idk about now bc i dont have any plants currently
lilac: would you rather sleep and be cozy or hang out with your friends?
-hmm depends on the friend tbh
-but most of the time id rather sleep and be cozy !!!
poppy: do you like to dip your fries or do you like it as is?
-dipping !! i like ketchup or ketchup and mayo !! cheese fries are sooo good too
dandelion: any special talent that you have?
-i can bullshit a writing piece really bad and still get a good grade on it (seeing as most of the time i procrastinate until the night before and write the whole damn thing)
thanks for all of these questions anon !! if u can and ur comfortable, pls get off of anon sometime so we can talk !! im on tumblr a lot more now bc im procrastinating lol (and if my responses are late its bc im on mobile with no notifs on lol)
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apocalypse-tights · 7 years
Ugh I want a different mayor for my kiddie-themed ACNL town, a specifically kiddie-themed OC/version of myself, but I already made the mayor as Star from SVTFOE. I’d restart except that this town is F***ING PERFECT with an amazing layout and tons of villagers that match the theme. I wish you could change your character’s name. Uggghhh.
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