#not even a single fucking apology to the millions that suffered due to their stupid ass monarchy :
lvrby-katsuki · 2 years
LET'S GOOOOOOOOO I just managed to get my mom on the anti-monarchy movement
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Valentine's Day | Shawn Mendes
“Valentine’s Day is always hard for some people that are single, but it’s harder you have a loved one that’s on another country, but lucky you, he always had his ways of making everything better”
Hiiii! I’m going to try to post this weekend other to Valentine’s Day oneshot, but the other two will be  one with Raul and the other with Peter, they’ll all be called the same {Valentine’s Day} and that’s it, hope you guys like it!
                                         Peter  |  Raul (coming soon)
Word Count: 3.7K+
Warnings: cursing, mentions of sex and a lot of fluffy boyfriend material Shawn.
Posted: February 15th, 2020.
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  You love Shawn with every single cell in your body. I mean, how could you not? He’s everything anyone could possibly ever want. He’s the kindest, sweetest and most loving person you’ve ever met, he would literally run a marathon barefoot just to put a smile on your face and he would say that to anyone who was close enough to hear it. You’ve met him three years ago and been together practically all these time. You two met at a common friend’s birthday party and he couldn’t stop talking to you or trying so ridiculously hard to make you giggle just to hear it, at the end of the night, you had a date on the next day. And you couldn’t stop seeing him ever since and it was magical, for the first two months.
I mean, not that he changed or something, he’s still the same doofus cheesy 6’3 guy I fell for, it’s just that he’s not just Shawn, he’s Shawn fucking Mendes, a sweetheart with two identical brothers and a rockstar for a living.
The only thing that makes it hard is when he’s away. He tries his best to compensate with FaceTime calls and sending me surprise gifts and stuff, but that doesn’t make things easier. He also suffers from it, even though he doesn’t want me to see that or to think that, I know he does, his parents and friends told me that sometimes it gets harder for him and he just spends the hold day in a bad mood. But still, whenever he’s back from the road, everything’s better and it’s lime he never left. He clings to me like a giant teddy bear and follows me around like a lost puppy and I’d do anything he asks me with those hazel orbits and when he holds me, I just know things are going to be okay.
But right now, things don’t seem to be okay. 
I mean, between us, things are great, he’s been as present as he could as he was working his ass off in LA on his next album. But on the rest, it was all just a big mess. My parents are constantly screaming at each other due to a family thing on dad’s side, my brother left the house for college recently and wasn’t actually talking to anyone and work and college were trying to kill me, and the cherry on top was this  stupid project I had to finish and publish that was a huge part of my final grade. Everything’s falling apart and I haven’t been able to talk to my boyfriend for real for like, two days. I know it’s ridiculous, but I needed so bad just to hear him saying “you’re going to be okay, honey, you’re the smartest person I know”. But I can’t call him and stuff his head with my shitty problems, I don’t want to keep his mind away from his work. So I called his brothers instead.
Peter told me he could stop by at the end of the night if I felt like I needed help, and Raul offered to take me out to dinner to relax a bit since I’ve been going mad over this. And I love them for trying, but it’s simply not the same thing. So that’s why I’m sitting in Shawn’s living room (since he asked me to move in the past month and I did) surrounded by papers, textbooks and my computer on my lap, running my temples and trying to get some work going when my phone started ringing and my computer screen stopped working, Shawn’s face appeared all over it as he called me on FaceTime.
“Hey” I said as soon as I picked it up.
“Hey, baby, God, I missed your pretty face”
“You called me two days ago, weirdo”
“Still missed you tough”
“Okay, so... what’s up?”
“Hm, nothing, just got back to the apartment and I’m so tired and I miss you”
“I miss you too, kinda wish you were here”
“I’ll be back soon, I promise”
“I know” I said sighing and placing a few strands that fell of my messy bun behind my ear.
“What are you doing?”
“Just some stupid project”
“Apparently not that nice”
“No, it sucks, I have to submit it until noon”
“Uh, yeah”
“Oh shit, am I interrupting? Shit, I’m sorry, baby, I didn’t even considered the possibility of you being busy or something, I just needed to see you”
“No, hey, it’s okay, I was about to take a break, it’s okay”
“Sorry, I’m so sorry”
“Hey, bubs, it’s okay”
“Okay, so what are you doing tomorrow after submitting it?”
“I’m gonna go grab lunch with Peter and then work, probably later than I should, but you know my boss and his lovely situation with his ex, so he’ll probably keep us late due to Valentine’s Day to keep his mind busy, but after that, Raul is coming over for dinner since he’s single and you’re not here, Pete’s got a date”
“With that girl he likes?”
“Yeah, that’s the one”
“I think he’ll actually have something with her”
“So do I! He’s very happy whenever he talks to her or about her”
“He’s Peter”
“That’s true, what about you?”
“Me? Oh, just work stuff, I was curious about you to see if I could call you or something, but you seem to have way to many plans”
“No, you can call me after I leave work, I can text you, letting you know when I park or leave work so you can call me, Raul wouldn’t mind”
“I doubt that, but I don’t really care about what he thinks about it, text me when you leave work and I’ll call you”
“Okay, any new songs to show me?”
“Not yet, I want you to see only the finished product”
“You still love me” he sang song and I couldn’t stop myself from giggling at his boyish side.
“Bubs, I’m so sorry, but I gotta hang up, Kate’s calling me to help out with a thing I’m struggling with” I said sighing as my phone started ringing again.
“Hey, it’s okay, I should probably try to get some sleep, I have to be up early due to a meeting”
“Yeah, so should I but... Not finished, no sleeping” I said motioning to the paper on my lap.
“You should really try to sleep, honey, it’s late and I’m pretty sure the project is practically done, you’re just attached to details”
“Oh, you know me so well”
“Of course I do, I’m your boyfriend after all”
“That’s true, okay, I really gotta go now, Shawn, I’m so sorry”
“Don’t apologize, there’s nothing wrong, now stop worrying, add your finishing touches and go to bed”
“Okay, sir, goodnight”
“Goodnight, baby, I love you” he said chuckling.
“I love you too” I said smiling at the camera before hanging up, trying to call Kate back to get some help with some of the things I was not happy about before I could fall asleep.
Waking up on the other day was torturous since of the lack of sleep, but stepping outside was worse. I don’t get bitter on seeing other people happy, I really don’t, but seeing couples with flowers and holding hands broke my heart into a million pieces, because that was just a reminder that I wasn’t going to see Shawn for another week, which meant he was away for a month already. And it was everywhere.
When I was able to just hand my teachers a copy of the project and leave, it was like a thousand pounds left my shoulders and I could finally breath again, so I fished my phone from my pocket to text Shawn, but finding out he had already texted me early in the morning. This paper was eating me alive and I didn’t even noticed ‘till now.
“Hey, can you talk?” I said as soon as Shawn picked up the phone.
“Yeah, anything wrong?”
“No, everything went smooth apparently, I just left college and I’m going to meet up with Pete now”
“That’s great! Are you feeling better now?”
“So much better, I just called you to thank you for... I don’t know, being so supportive, I guess, and for texting me ‘good luck’ this morning”
“Oh, sure, that’s my job!”
“No it’s not, you’re just perfect and I fucking love you”
“Love you too, baby, but I gotta run now, I’m sorry”
“No, it’s okay, I’m sorry, I won’t hold you back”
“You don’t, relax for a bit, and thank you for calling me, I love hearing your voice, and soon I’ll hear it again personally”
“You’re too cheesy for your own goo, Mendes, goodbye” I said and I head his laugh through the phone, making me smile almost instantaneously.
“Bye, honey” he said hanging up.
The rest of the day was fine. Lunch with Peter is always amazing, he always now crazy and random facts about everything and he is way too sweet. Going to work sucked a bit cause my boss was being a bitch the whole day and just finding flaws were there weren’t any, but nothing that I couldn’t handle. When I left, I went to a grocery shop to buy some stuff for my dinner with Raul that he asked and sent a message to Shawn telling him I was going to be home in thirty minutes, and he replied with a simple ‘kay, baby, talk to you later’, which I found weird but tried not to read too much into it. He was probably busy anyways.
But what sucked was parking at the garage and calling Raul, only to find out he was not going to make it.
“Hey, Raul, I just got home and I can start the food if you want”
“Oh shit, I completely forgot to tell you”
“Tell me what?”
“Shit, I’m so sorry, Y/N, but this kid come into work today and his situation is pretty bad, I can’t leave him alone, I’m so damn sorry, I... shit, I don’t even know what to say!”
“Hey, hey, it’s okay, it’s not your fault and I’m not mad, you’re not bailing to go drink or something, you’re working and saving a child’s life, Raul, chill, dude, I’m not mad!”
“Thank you so much, you’re the best, I gotta go now, Y/N, again, I’m so incredibly sorry, thank you so much, bye” he said hanging up.
“Bye” I said into the empty lot and opening the door to grab my bags.
I pressed the button of the elevator and got in, holding the bags with one hand to text Shawn with the other one a quick ‘hey, Raul’s not coming, I’m at the elevator, you can call me anytime you can now xx’. When I got to my floor, my phone started ringing and it was Kate calling, so I picked it up.
“Hey, Y/N, are you busy?”
“No, it’s okay, how are you? By the way, thank you so much for the help yesterday, I really appreciate it” I said as I placed the phone between my cheek/ear and my shoulder to fish the keys in my bag.
“Oh, I’m fine, thanks, so... I’m calling you exactly because of the project”
“Oh really” I felt my heart going to a stop “something wrong?”
“The only think wrong with your project is in your extremely perfectionist brain, dummy”
“What do you mean, Kate?” I said finally being able to place the key on the lock and turn it.
“Bitch, you got an A, YOU GOT AN A, do you know what that means?! Your project is perfect! You don’t even need to do the test if you don’t want to! God, I hate you so much right now”
“Holy shit, Kate! Are you kidding me?! How do you know that?!”
“Mr. Saltzman just published the grades”
“I can’t believe it!”
“I know! And you know what happens to people who get an A on this thing?! YOUR ARTICLE IS GOING TO BE PUBLISHED! I’m so damn proud of you”
“I can’t believe it” I said finally getting out of my trance with a wide smile on my face as I got into the condo, closing the door right behind me, still trying to balance everything I was holding and lock the damn door.
“I know, I mean...”
“Wait a second, Kate” I interrupted her as soon as I heard a noise coming from the empty apartment “I think I heard something.
“Is everything okay? Where are you?”
“I just got home and I heard something, but the door was locked, so I don’t know, it’s probably nothing, I’m just overreacting” I said as I paced to the kitchen to get rid of the grocery bags, my heels echoing on the empty rooms.
“Are you sure? Do you want me to come over?”
“No, it’s oka... shit” I said as I almost dropped my phone and I suddenly felt the bags being pulled from my arms  from behind, I was at the verge of losing my shit when I saw his reflex on the big window on his kitchen
Standing behind me was the 6’3 rockstar teddy bear that I got to call mine holding the bags that were almost falling from my arms for me as I just stared at him completely shocked. He just grinned at me through the reflection and I almost lost it, but kept frozen in place.
“Y/N? What’s going on?” Kate’s voice sounded clear now through the phone.
“Oh shit, sorry, Kate, I almost dropped my phone and I... I gotta go, I just found out Shawn’s home, I, I’ll talk to you later, bye” I said as I hung up, turning around in shock as I stared at him.
“Hi” he said barely louder then a whisper, placing the bags on the counter and picking up the bouquet of tulips that he picked up from the counter.
I couldn’t even understand what was happening, but my body decided to take the natural lead and jump on him, wrapping my arms around his neck and burying my face on his neck. He quickly wrapped his arms around me to keep me off the ground and in his embrace. I wrapped my legs around his torso and just took my time to process the information that he was actually here, with me. When I finally pulled back from his neck, I could only stare at his eyes that were already on me, with a look of pure love and adoration, so I just did what felt right, I crashed my lips on his. And all was right in the world again. The kiss was so passionate and so in sync that only made the fuzzy warm feeling I always have when I’m around him intensify a million times. I only noticed that I was crying when I felt his hand coming up to caress my cheek softly while his other arm kept me tightly in place.
“What the hell, Shawn?” I asked as soon as I pulled back for air.
“Hi, lover, I love you too and missed you lots”
“You do know I love you and you also know I missed you so bad, but what the hell? Weren’t you supposed to come home only in a week?”
“Well, that’s what everybody told you cause I asked them, you really thought I was going to leave you here alone in Valentine’s Day?!”
“Wait a second, Mendes, everybody knew you’re coming home today?!”
“Uh yeah?”
“So Raul wasn’t going to be with me at all?!”
“Nope” he said popping the ‘P’.
“Did he lie to me about being at work?”
“No, but he also never cancelled his shift today to be with you”
“So why the heck did he sent me grocery... is that why I have all the ingredients for chocolate chip muffins?!”
“Uh, maybe?” Shawn said with a sheepish smile on his face “don’t get mad at me, I wanted to surprise you”
“Mad at you? How could I be mad at you, bubs?”
“I don’t know, I can do some pretty stupid things”
“That’s true”
“Outch, you weren’t supposed to agree to that”
“Sorry, but I thought we didn’t lie to each other”
“Okay, I’m going back to LA” he said threatening to let me go.
“No! I’m kidding, I love you and you know I can never get mad at you, cause even though you make same stupid things, they’re never harmful and always innocent, so no, I’m not mad at you”
“Good, cause I have a whole night planned”
“Oh, really?”
“Yeah, I figured you wouldn’t like to go out, so I grabbed your favorite Italian dish, you bought the wine, I’ve set up our room, we can take a bath and then cuddle while we watch Harry Potter or Grey’s Anatomy and eat our food, then we’ll go to bed and I’ll cuddle the fuck out of you”
“You’re so weird, dude” I said and he chuckled, placing me on the ground again, but still not letting go of me.
“Yeah? Then why are still with me?”
“Because you’re the Shawn Mendes” I said and he laughed holding me tighter.
“Is that all?”
“Well, pretty much, of course, you’re pretty and stuff, but yeah, your career is all that matters to me”
“Thought it was my bank account... so if I go ugly and my voice disappears you’ll dump me?”
“Obviously” I said tapping his strong chest playfully and he held my wrists, bringing my hands up to kiss they’re back, so I took the opportunity to cup his jaw gently “but for real now, I don’t care if you loose your career, bank account and all your hair, it wouldn’t change a thing for me. Of course it’s amazing to be dating someone who gets to play in sold out arenas and travel around the world with a guitar case in his hands, you’re really talented and I’ve told you a million times that you always mesmerize me with everything you put on, you’re fascinating for sure”
“Thank you” he mouthed in the middle of my speech and I couldn’t contain myself from standing on the tippy toes of my shoes to place a sweet peck on his lips.
“Where was I?” I asked as soon as I pulled away “oh yeah, but honestly? That’s not what’s best about you. You’ve got the kindest soul I’ve ever met, you’re so caring and loving, you always put everyone that matters first and always makes me feel special, even on the toughest days, you do not measure consequences when it comes to pleasing someone you love and also, you’re the best person I’ve ever met and I’m so lucky to able to call you love of my life, I love you, Shawn Mendes, not only for the fame and the amazing...”
“...sex?” he suggested with a smirk on his face.
“Well, no, but that’s actually right as well. Anyone, and the amazing music you make, but for the real Shawn, the guy the grew up in Pickering and that watches rom-coms for a living” I said and he smiled softly, attaching his lips to mine again in a sweet kiss.
“I was the one supposed to make you a speech, I was not expecting that but thank you” he said kissing my forehead “ and also, thank you for being patient with me and allowing this relationship to work out”
“You don’t have to thank me for anything” I said softly as I caressed his cheek with my thumb “thank YOU, Shawn”
He smiled down at me and kissed me again, this time, deepening the kiss faster than before, quickly grabbing the back of my thighs and picking me up as he licked into my mouth, making my head go dizzy with the sensations.
After the bath, pretend to watch whatever we picked to put on the TV while we made up for the lost time on his couch and then ate or food to recover, we finally decided to head back to our room, cause after all, he got on a plane today to see me and my work was exhausting. We were laying in bed, Shawn in his underwear, and me in only his shirt laying half on top of him. He was gently running his fingers through my hair as I drew mindless circles on his bare abs, minds far away as we laid close just enjoying each other’s warmth and company.
“I forgot to get your present, it’s on my suitcase” he said more to himself then to me.
“You shouldn’t have”
“Ooh, shush, I like to buy you presents and spoil you, and you never allow me to do so, I just have to grab every opportunity I have”
“Fair enough, yours are on the closet”
“We can do that tomorrow when I’m making you breakfast”
“Yeah, learned how to do pancakes!”
“Really?! I’m so proud of you, bubs” I said and he smiled, kissing my forehead.
“Thank you”
“Hey, Shawn” I said lowly after a while, breaking the silence again “thank you so much for coming home and doing all of this, it means the world to me, every single detail was perfect, and I can’t believe you actually bought me tulips! They mean...”
“They mean ‘declaration of love’” he said complementing what I was going to say “yeah, I know, Peter helped out on that one, not gonna lie”
“Just the fact that you took your time on asking what each flower meant it’s enough to make me love you even more” I said pecking his soft lips delicately.
“You should sleep, honey, you seemed tired when you arrived”
“I am”
“So sleep, I’ll still be home when you wake up”
“Do you promise?” I asked nuzzling my face further on his collarbone.
“I promise” he said softly “I promise I’ll always come home to you, happy valentine’s day, honey” were the last words I heard before I drifted off to dreamland, in the arms of the man I love with every single cell of my body.
Happy belated Valentine's Day!
*Please reblog or like this post if you liked it so I’ll know.
*I’m sorry if there are any spelling mistakes, I had to finish this in rush to post it on time.
*Please do not repost this without giving me the credit, this is a completely original piece and I do not give permission to copy this!
*Hope you guys enjoyed it!
... : @fivefeetapartt
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smilingleoo · 5 years
Perfect Coincidence-JJK
Summary: _“I couldn’t hear you, the music was so fucking loud...”-he mumbled on your skin, fingertips taunting your bare tight-“That’s why I’m getting paid for, Jeon”
Warnings: angst, mentions of alcohol and SMUT
Author’s Note: Okay! First of all, I’m really sorry for not uploading; I’ve been really busy with school and exams. But I found some time to finish this one-shot, so I hope you like it! Secondly, this is my first time writing smut...so that’s all...
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“Why don’t you give it a try?”-Jimin asked, tossing the water bottle towards Jungkook’s way. His brown hair dripped from the hot shower he had taken after football practice in order to see if his headache would disappear ye it hadn’t, and Jimin’s constant reminders didn’t help either-“I don’t feel like going, ‘kay?”-Jungkook replied slightly annoyed while shuffling his caramel locks with a white towel he had packed inside his training bag-“Why do you want me to go anyways? You have Taehyung to party with and you’re actually pretty fucking sociable!”
“You know why I’m trying to convince you, Jungkook”-Jimin threatened, catching the returning water bottle and signalling him with it-“Don’t play dumb”. If Jungkook hadn’t been so tired and sore, he would have argued with his friend about his personal life and how he could solve his own problems alone. Yet he didn’t feel like getting into a verbal fight with the exotic-haired coloured athlete besides him, so he decided to just shrug the topic off and ask him another sort of question-“Is your girlfriend going?”
“I don’t think so”-he declared, packing his sweated training uniform and zipping his backpack close-“I broke up with her yesterday. She cheated on me and didn’t even apologize”-his frustrated huff clearly portrayed his disappointment and Jungkook didn’t know what to do. Therefore, he pulled on his t-shirt and clutched his friend’s shoulder reassuringly-“Listen Gukk, I don’t want you to lose things because you still miss her, okay? She was your first love but she is older than you. She taught you how to be with a woman was, how it feels to be ambitious. But we are still in high school and being with your math teacher is not your best option...”
Jungkook’s heart cracked a little bit more with his friend's statement. Yet it was not because of the words he said but for the fact that he was right. He had slept with his teacher, had taken her to some dates and had fallen in love with her. However, she just seemed to be playing around for a while. She wouldn’t have stayed, not in a million years, with someone who was barely legal. And he had known it when he had touched her for the first time; he had known every condition of it. But list had taken over him and his sensitive heart couldn’t afford to go through the painful consequences.
“Come with me tonight”-Jimin continued, now grasping the door’s handle and gifting Jungkook the last pleading gaze-“Meet other girls, fuck with someone else for my sanity’s sale, god”-he chuckled before opening the door and shouting a shallow farewell.
Maybe he would think about it when he arrived home.
“I can’t believe you fucking convinced me to come”
Oh god, he regretted agreeing with Jimin so bad.
There he stood, tight black jeans hugging his toned legs and a white shirt he had used a thousand times before. This would have been a normal outfit for him yet the silver chain hanging on his chest and some more accessories Jimin had urged him to wear, made the look much fancier-“I will look for something to drink”-Jimin stated before walking past Jungkook and into the bursting house-“Don’t get lost!”
Some girls gathered outside the house’s entrance eyed Jimin’s figure before adverting their gazes to Jungkook, who just served his own eyes from them and concentrated on an interesting stone beside him. Why did he agree to do this anyways? He could have hit the gym or play video games in the safety of his own, precious room. It wasn’t that he was not sociable nor weird, he just didn’t feel like coming to this kind of parties; where people drunk alcohol until they had no neurons left and the music was too loud to even hear what people said.
But he needed to clear his mind from everything that had been happening recently. He had to throw _her _out of his head before it was extremely late. So he grabbed the last bit of courage he had left, puffed his chest slightly and entered the crowded area with a confident aura surrounding his body.
As soon as he stepped in, a horrendous scent slapped him. He had to squint his nose slightly so as not to gag, his stomach begging him to run outside. Yet he held firm and pushed himself past the obnoxious basketball team, who were throwing their stupid orange ball around, and into the large living room filled with dancing teenagers. Jung Hoseok, the dancing prodigy and current host, had an expensive mansion secluded from the city. His parents were barely home due to business trips or late meetings which demanded the loss of a night inside their place. Therefore, his house was the first place to throw a good party. Not to mention the fact that his kitchen or living was five times bigger than Jungkook’s humble dwelling.
“Big party, huh?”-Taehyung beamed from behind Jungkook, a full red cup in his right hand while his left arm was draped around a petite girl’s shoulder. She seemed a little shy and introverted, the tall guy’s presence wrapping a cute crimson blush on her round cheeks-“Oh, where are my manners? This is Jungkook”-Taehyng slurred, signalling the lost boy with a slow neck movement. Jungkook offered her a friendly grin before waving his hand. She nodded gratefully-“Jungkook, this is...this is...”
“-Sarah, nice t-to meet you”-she interrupted Jungkook’s clearly drunk friend and extended her delicate hand, which he took with ease. The booming music made the conversation quite uncomfortable so Jungkook decided to leave both of them alone and enter the spacious kitchen. The clear lightning invaded Jungkook’s retina like a fierce punch, obliging him to let out a frustrated groan and pull a hand above his eyes. Damn, why would they keep lights on?
Angrily, he stomped towards the bar, grabbed a cup of something he wasn’t quite sure if the colour was normal and ushered his legs out of the place. Unfortunately, he bumped into someone, dropping her nearly empty cup to the floor. Jungkook was already preparing himself for the sure-to-come slap but nothing touched him. Actually, he heard the most beautiful laugh he had ever witnessed in his short life-“I should be thanking you”-Jungkook couldn’t focus his sight in order to take in her features, for the annoying light had damaged his vision greatly-“That tasted like actual shit”
He chuckled and tried to ask the stranger her name. Yet he couldn’t because he heard how Hoseok called out for her and how a small ‘See you later’ left her mouth.
“I was just looking for a drink”-you taunted Hoseok, swaying your newly refilled cup in front of his bothersome expression. You knew he wasn’t actually mad at you but just jealous of your minimal interaction with Jeon Jungkook, the innocent football team captain that had every girl swaying for him.
But you were not those girls.
However, you were not blind either, having analyzed the athlete’s intriguing beauty more than once. Training hours, for example, where the most convenient situations in which you could stare at him without being tackled by an arrogant cheerleader or a mad psychopath. An advantage of playing field hockey was that most of the time, your schedules collided with the male ones; offering you a pleasing view of those sweaty men who seemed to be gods-or that’s what Jen, our coach and single forty-year-old mother, said.
Anyways, Jeon Jungkook was a handsome guy who was too oblivious to notice the girls formed a straight line behind him-“What? Little Hobi is scared that his best friend is going to abandon him for some boy?”-you playfully sang while pinching his right cheek. Hoseok chuckled and swerved his head out of your reach, pushing you up to your spot as DJ-“No, I’m worried that if you go for too long, someone will get up here and start playing with your toys”-he winked and nodded towards your precious equipment-“I don’t want to comfort you like the other time”
Remembering how you had suffered when your old mixer had been broken by some random guy at a private gathering, you swiftly grasped your headphones and began mixing the songs that had been requested.
Music was your passion.
Your mother was the one who introduced you to it. She was the most talented violinist you had the pleasure to hear. The delicate strokes she created with her refined bow were majestic, entrancing every single person in the audience. You remembered fondly how your father danced at the violin’s rhythm with you draped around his embrace. Unfortunately, your parents died during a business trip and you were left with your uncle and your obnoxious little cousins. Although you loved them, they didn’t even make an effort to understand your love for music, abolishing everything related to it from his house.
Actually, that’s how you met Hoseok. Because of your uncle’s intolerance, you sought another place to express yourself. Practice rooms were always occupied by band or orchestra students and although you knew how to play some instruments, you wanted to be by yourself. The only sector available was the dancing salons, which were barely used. You had gone to the booking reception and asked for the room but someone next to you seemed to have the same idea. Jung Hoseok had been the only student you had fought over a practice room. And you were glad you did because if you hadn’t, you would have never actually become best friends.
Your fingers skipped through the vibrating board, twirling and pressing buttons repeatedly. Your laptop showed the songs placed on a queue and the ones that were currently breaking through the large speakers at your sides. Instinctively, your body moved with the rhythm, head bopping and eyes fluttered shut. Everything was fine, you were having a great time and no one seemed to complain about your skills.
‘Just dance and feel, the night has just begun’
Jungkook washed his hands and turned off the bathroom’s lights before exciting the expensive room and emerging into the dim corridor. He heard a giggle from the door facing him and then a loud moan followed, unfaltering bumps accompanying the latter sound. Quickly, he drowned his palms into his pockets and made sure to place himself as far as possible from there.
At the middle of his journey, Jimin had altered his trajectory and had dragged him into the living room. Music had risen from the last time he had stepped inside the area and more people crowded the space. The same girls that had been gossiping at the house’s entrance were now swaying their hips while on top of Hoseok’s coffee table, boys admiring their figures from the cushion below. Colourful lights flashed everyone’s faces with ferocity as Jimin began dancing to the song’s steady rhythm.
Jungkook followed him right away.
“Look to your right”-his friend advised. Jungkook did so, watching how two boys flirted with each other before crashing their lips together-“What do you think?”
“That people’s sexuality is not of your business?”
“What? No!”-Jimin exclaimed-“I meant the DJ, Jungkook”
So he twirled his head once again, now aiming a little bit further into the jumping crowd. At the top of what it seemed to be wooden deck there, you stood, enjoying the music whereas a red plastic cup accompanied your hand´s movements. You were absolutely stunning. Large black headphones contrasted with your flawless mane, which cascaded down your happily relaxed features. Although he could not see your legs, your upper half was decorated with a strapless white top, accentuating your breasts and shoulders. Now Jungkook knew why Jimin had nudged him to direct his gaze towards your place. You were not only sexy but also incredibly smooth.
You introduced the following song by lowering the former´s one volume, leaving just the bass playing. Afterwards, you raised the volume at its maximum and dropped the actual beat, receiving a drowning round of excited scream-” She´s Y/N”-Jimin explained in Jungkook´s ear, making him advert his piercing stare from you-” Hoseok´s hot best friend”
Out of nowhere, Taehyung emerged from the aggressive mass besides Jungkook´s friend. He was clearly drunker than he had intended to be, tumbling past Jimin and finally plopping on Jungkook´s hard shoulder-” What are we discussing ´bout?”-he slurred lazily. Jimin thrust his neck sideways, signalling a secluded couch where their friend could rest for a while. Pushing Taehyung with no mercy, Jungkook managed to slump the nearly dead body over the inviting cushion. Jimin sat on the narrow table in front, sighing quietly before swinging his hand and motioning Jungkook to imitate him-” So?”-Taehyung was not giving up-” What were you talking ´bout?”
“Hoseok´s friend”-Jimin answered but the brunette seemed unconvinced, turning to Jungkook for a second opinion. The lost boy just nodded reassuringly, his gaze moving through the crowd and landing on top of you once again. God, now you had taken off your headsets; savage hair swaying with your whole body-“Her? Yeah, she’s hot...”-Taehyung agreed before bumping his head back down and extending his hands upwards-“Y/N L/N!”-he began to call for you, earning some weird looks-“Jimin and Jungkook are demanding your attention~!”
Jimin was the one who jumped on top of him and covered his mouth with his palm, spatting a ‘Are you stupid?’ to his face. Sighing with relief, Jungkook knew you were too far away to even hear what Taehyung had screamed. However, despite that fact, he didn’t take into account that Hoseok had been standing behind Jungkook during the entire scene-“I mean, he is not wrong”-Hoseok chuckled nonchalantly. Jimin’s face should have been recorded. Eyes widened, lips opened and hands still on top of Taehyung’s face, Jimin’s concern could be seen from miles away.
Jung Hoseok was not the scary type of man. In fact, he was extremely sociable and sweet, known throughout the campus for his charisma and dancing skills. But that did not abolish the fact that he was actually really protective over what he loved. His family, his dog, his girlfriend... his best friend; were practically untouchable. Therefore, it was no secret you were single yet no one dared to speak to you romantically-“W-We...”-Jimin gaped but no words left his mouth.
“We were talking about Y/N”-Jungkook spoke up, twirling his torso in order to face the man behind him. Hoseok seemed amused as if challenging him was not on his plans but Jungkook did not flatter, maintaining eye contact with Hoseok’s flaming stare-“Is there a problem?”
Maybe it was the alcohol talking for him but he was uttering things he would have never even dared to think. Now he was standing, facing Hoseok fully-“It depends on what you were saying”-he answered, thrusting his palms slightly forward sending Jungkook backwards-“What? She’s of your property now?”-the football captain retorted, biting down on his tongue before clenching his jaw strenuously.
Hoseok gazed the unpleasing audience around them, judging without fear their actions. He gulped but decided to stand for himself and, most importantly, you-“No”-he spat-“But no one should speak about a person like that”
“Oh, don’t be such hypocrite!”-Jungkook rolled his eyes, crossing his toned forearms over his puffed chest-“We both know you’re no saint, Hoseok”
Regret tumbled on Jungkook’s opponent’s features, images of his past experience hunting him down. Despite wearing a huge smile every day, Hoseok did have some deep secrets too; like the fact, he had harassed a girl during a party held after an important game. Maybe that was the reason why he was so overprotective with you...maybe he was just trying to keep you safe from people’s lack of willpower.
Everyone gasped with Jungkook’s statement and he caught how the music had lowered its volume abruptly, leaving a melodious hum floating with the tense air. His eyes darted your way but you were nowhere in sight. Because of his worry, Jungkook was unable to dodge Hoseok’s punch towards his stomach, which had him vending in a matter of seconds. Coughing, he gained some strength and swerved away from Hoseok’s exasperated reach. The red-haired threw one, two, even three fists but they all landed on spots besides Jungkook.
Hoseok was now stumbling, clearly exhausted. Jungkook took advantage of his state and struck a final kick into his abdomen, grabbing his shirt’s collar so as for him to face him entirely-“Don’t ever touch me again...”
“What’s happening?”
You emerged from the crowd, beautiful features drowned by concern. Now Jungkook could admire you fully, taking in your slender legs peeking through your tight black skirt, your feet covered with same-coloured heels. Despite being smaller than him, Jungkook felt intimidated by your confidence. As you moved forward to the scene, some people began whispering mischievously; trying to figure out what would happen.
Jungkook felt how his stomach bolted notoriously while you helped Hoseok up, resting his right arm around your shoulders. Finally, your gaze landed on his; embarrassment flashing through your iris. Everyone seemed to vanish, the only sound remaining being Jungkook’s labour breathing and drumming heartbeat. Mesmerizing eyes were still fixed upon him and Jungkook couldn’t help but wonder if you were just as amazed as he was with you.
But unbelievable moments were meant to be broken for you had a drunken man attached to your side and thousands of excited teenagers waiting for the party to start again-“I’m going to take Hoseok to his room!”-you announced smiling vaguely as if you were done with everyone and everything. Yet you managed to raise the music’s volume with a tiny remote control and leave the place without anyone noticing. Well, everyone but Jungkook.
“Jimin, take care of Taehyung”-Jungkook declared before disappearing followed by Jimin’s annoyed growl. You could be in danger, right? Being with a nearly-unconscious adolescent could lead to various scenarios, maybe Hoseok was not as innocent as everyone thought he was... and Jungkook knew that perfectly well.
With that thought in mind, his legs sped up through the narrow hallway which introduced him to Hoseok’s gigantic room. The door was cracked open, so you might have already entered the place. Pushing the piece of wood at its end, Jungkook stepped inside the room and relief washed over him. There you were, knelt besides Hoseok’s dreaming form on his bed. Jungkook was reluctant in whether he should have approached you or not but you were yet again faster than him, twirling your torso and gifting him a marvellous view of your profile.
God, he had seen you during practice. How your ponytail would flop from one side to another when you ran or how your determination would never leave your features although things were not going exactly as you had planned. He had always thought you were beautiful. However, when the moonlight shone across your blushed cheeks and your lips were slightly opened so as to breath properly, he pictured you as an actual goddess.
“I’m fine, Jungkook”-you whispered, standing up and walking towards him-“Go...enjoy the party”
Yet Jungkook didn’t move. Even though your warm grin ordered him to follow your indirect order, he didn’t want to change you for some kind of social-fucking-gathering-“Let’s go together then”-he proposed and you giggled shaking your head-“I have to take care of Hoseok”
And by the way, you looked towards your best friend, he knew there would be no excuse that would drag you out of the room. Therefore, Jungkook sighed closing the door and then proceeded to look for a comfortable place to lay himself on. Surveying the enormous expansion, he smirked to himself when he bumped into a blue cushion which was far from Hoseok’s bed but close enough to keep an eye on him-“What are you doing?”
You inquired from the threshold, arms crossed and eyebrows raised in amusement-“If you are not going downstairs with me...”-Jungkook answered while plopping himself down on the couch-“Then I don’t want to go”
“And why is that?”-you played along, discarding your complex heels away and moving tentatively from the door. Jungkook couldn’t help but admire how your tightly hugged hips swayed steadily as if music’s beats slept inside you. Soon enough your reached Jungkook’s comfortable position and decided to stay standing in front of him, staring how his tanned chest peaked through the collar of his opened shirt or how his worked tights looked exceptionally good with those jeans. Either one of them, you had to admit that maybe you were one of those girls who had been charmed by Jungkook’s handsomeness.
“Because there’s no other person who interests me down there more than you”-he dared to admit. Yes, you had lost all coherent thoughts. You crawled on top of his lap, sensing how his hands immediately groped your bottom earning a slight gasp from you-“And you? Why don’t you go downstairs?”-he whispered in your ear.
“I have to take care of Hoseok”-you said. Lips mocked each other, floating just above on another. His mint breath fanned your features and his large hands had rolled up your skirt, leaving your white lingerie exposed to anyone who entered the room-“Is that it?”-he repeated now caressing a finger to your already humid opening which was still covered by the lace cloth.
Your eyes fluttered shut in response to his minimal touch, bottom lip hiding submissively behind your teeth. Jungkook painted your face inside his mind rapidly, not wanting to forget how pleased you looked by his actions-“So? Are you really here just for Hoseok?”-he dared to move your underwear aside, gracing the skin beyond and marvelling with the amount of moisture lapping from it.
“No”-you moaned under your breath-“I-I...”-you couldn’t find the right words to express your desire, how much you wanted him to fuck you roughly on your best friend’s couch. So you grabbed his face and crashed your lips with his, tongue pouring impatiently out of your mouth and into his. Jungkook groaned wildly, sneaking his fingers away from your cunt and upwards to your fitting top. He was quick to dismiss that item too, which soon accompanied your long-forgotten heels.
Your rosy bud aroused due to the sudden touch of the room’s cold but Jungkook’s hands were already there to warm them up, squeezing both of your breasts as you moved down on him. He broke your make-out session by attacking your neck, licking his way downwards to the valley on your chest. He kissed your right mound and latched his swollen lips with your wanting nipple. You whimpered, clasping his chestnut locks desperately and pushing him even further into your exposed skin. He groaned and began playing with your neglected breast, freehand then moving to your ass and slapping it slightly.
“Fuck!”-you swore and he couldn’t be more pleased with it. With a loud pop, he lost himself with your sinful expression, giving you the right amount of time to free yourself from his grip and kneel on the floor, face in front of his clothed cock. Skillfully you unbuttoned his pants and discarded his underwear, leaving his length completely exposed. Liquidy precum glossed his large shaft and you had to admit that you were surprisingly intimidated by the sight of it-“What? Is my cock too big for you?”-he chuckled and you looked up, challenging eyes battling with determination itself.
You gently grasped the base of his cock with your left hand and lined his swollen crimson tip with your parted lips. He contained a breath as your tongue peaked out of its cavern and tasted the fluid covering his length, toying with it for a while before taking in the first part of it-“God!”-he screamed dumbly pulling your hair backwards to have a good look of your bobbing head and teary eyes. You thrust his cock even further into your mouth, gagging just when he reached the back of your throat. Slurping sounds and moans full of lust echoed through the shallow room while your clothed pussy creamed the expensive underwear that you had bought the other day. But you could not care less as you sucked harshly on Jungkook´s titanic shaft, provoking breathy whimpers and harsh tucks on your spontaneous ponytail. 
Jungkook was lost in utter pleasure, your hands-which now squeezed his balls with confidence-contributing to his blissful delight. He was cumming. He knew it and you surely knew it too. But he was not going to be the first one to fall. Jungkook took advantage of your vulnerability and yanked your head away from his virility by your loose ponytail, tending your back on top of the couch. Hurriedly he climbed on top of you and, although he would have killed to taste your juices right then and there, he knew both of you had minimal time to enjoy yourselves. He removed your last piece of clothing and centred his length on your pussy.
You moaned when his tip graced your sensitive entrance, tickling your clit when he began moving it upwards and then-tentatively slow-downwards-“Get on with it, Jeon!”-you begged and he chuckled darkly. He managed to sneak a hand down your stomach and placed his middle finger on top of your juicy slit. He slid it until it reached your sensitive nerve bound and you nearly screamed when he pressed it tenderly-“Hm? What do you want, baby?”-he growled, pushing his shaft a little bit further into you-“Ah!”-you moaned and clutched his broad shoulders-“Use your words...”-he mocked.
“Fuck me, please!”-
Without further do, he stumped his full size inside your needy cunt and groaned when your walls tightened around him. He was huge, stretching every inch of your vagina with every single thrust; going deep, deep, deep...-“Ah!”-you whimpered when his nimble fingers buried themselves in your creamy inner lips, caressing your clit as if it was the silkiest fabric he had ever touched-“Why don’t you moan a little louder?”-he asked, accentuating his last word by burying himself deep into your throbbing cunt and staying motionless for a whole minute.
“Please! Move, Jeon!”-you screamed while rolling your hips around his toned pelvic. You threw your head back, earning the right amount of contact in order to rub your sensitive bud over his hot sweaty skin. But he was cruel, planting his calloused palms on your hips maintaining you utterly still-“What?”-he smirked like the devil itself. Minutes ago he could barely make eye-contact with you, what had happened? You weren’t complaining though when he roughly slapped your right ass cheek, leaving the warmth emanating from your pussy before slamming himself back in again-“Aren’t you worried your best friend might wake up?”
Hoseok, fuck.
Jungkook chuckled as you snapped your head sideways, searching for any sudden movements from Hobi’s dormant self-“Because...”-he spoke again-“I wouldn’t mind him seeing you like this, begging just for me”-Fucking Jeon Jungkook on your best friend’s couch, inside his room while he’s slept literally a few steps away from you; wasn’t and had never been on your plans. However, when someone as him was now hungrily staring at your body and nearly touching your cervix with his titanic cock, you couldn’t-not even thought about-turning down his offer.
Therefore, you pushed his chest backwards on the couch and placed yourself hurriedly on top of him, swirling your hips tentatively to make your point clear-“I wouldn’t mind that either, Jeon”-He groaned and you took the lead, riding him mercilessly as you moaned while throwing your head upwards. It was a sinful melody; his growls, your uncontrollable whines, and the slurping sound bumping with the steady music. You were about to reach your climax. He wasn’t too far either.
Jungkook’s hips met your movements halfway, creating a new sensation that you couldn’t actually describe. It was amazing. So much so, that when he growled and pushed his cock even further into you, creaming every inch of your vagina, you came undone. A large moan erupted from the back of your throat, freeing every bit of pleasure swimming inside you. It was the most wonderful orgasm you had ever experienced and Jungkook must have known it too, for his smirk was extremely huge and hands were already circling your exhausted frame-“That was...”
“Fuck”-he muttered, not believing any of what had happened. He had sex with Hoseok’s best friend, the most astonishing woman he could have laid his eyes on-“Yes”-you agreed, moving away from him so as to look for something warm to cover both of you. Soon enough, you found a large quilt that would provide a nice warmth.
“You know”-he spoke when you crawled beside him, tangling your arms around his chest while his hands cupped the sides of your hips-“I couldn’t hear you, the music was so fucking loud...”-he mumbled on your skin, fingertips taunting your bare tight-“That’s why I’m getting paid for, Jeon”
“Then maybe next time I will have to make you scream harder”
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silenthilllz · 7 years
Silent’s Details
its kinda long
Character Chart 
Character’s full name:  Silent Armont Reason or meaning of name: Character’s nickname: Z Reason for nickname: Because she accidently one day spelled her own name wrong “Zilent” Birth date: 10/23/???? Physical appearance:
Age: 20,000 years old  How old does he/she appear: 20 years old Weight: 90 lbs Height: 5′5′‘ Body build: Lean Eye color: Hazel, yellow when she’s in berserk mode Glasses or contacts: None Skin tone:  Pale Hair color: brown Type of hair: Short down to her shoulders wavy hair, but she usually has it straight Voice: very small and quiet, but loud Favorite outfit: light purple hoodie and blue jeans.  Jewelry or accessories: She has a black cat choker on her neck with a chain and locket Personality Good personality traits: She’s kind and caring, and loyal Bad personality traits: Short tempered, and sometimes selfish Mood character is most often in: Happy Sense of humor: Kinda got a small dark sense of humor? She kinda laughs when people do stupid things and end up getting hurt, also makes fun of herself. She laughs more when she watches youtube videos rather than movies. Character’s greatest joy in life: Her friends and family Character’s greatest fear: Killing people she loves, being alone.
Why?: Because she’s a demon with an unstable amount on dark energy. She cannot control her own feelings sometimes, and so she attacks and lashes out at whoever is near. That being her friends and family, and maybe even someone she loves.
What single event would most throw this character’s life into complete turmoil? When she killed a small child. And found out she destroyed a whole city.
  Character is most at ease when: She’s left alone to do her own things.  Most ill at ease when: Too many people want to touch her tail and ears. It makes her uncomfortable.
Enraged when: Someone hurts people she cares for, and over small things sometimes. Depressed or sad when: When she’s reminded of the things she’s done to innocent people. If granted one wish, it would be: To have not been born Why?:
She’s killed so many people. If she wasn’t born, no one would have had to die when she was around. There are other people who are more suited for her job. She’s not the only one who can take down the monsters she faces. If she was gone, no one would to suffer if she makes a blunder.
Character’s soft spot: she likes animals and sweets Is this soft spot obvious to others? Hell yeah Greatest strength: Lame as it sounds, her friends and family Greatest vulnerability or weakness: Being reminded she is a monster, and if you bring up that one lover who died in her arms or the child she killed, she shuts down. Biggest regret: Not apologizing to the person she was in love with before she killed them. Minor regret: She regrets alot of things. Biggest accomplishment: Defeating Devin. Minor accomplishment: getting up every morning Past failures he/she would be embarrassed to have people know about: Like forgetting her own damn name? Why? She forgot how to spell her name one day, and is embarrassed af about it. To be fair, she did pull a 2 week nighter when hunting a very large powerful hertz. 
Character’s darkest secret: She failed to save a world once, and she watched as the planet was consumed in darkness and everyone was killed.  Does anyone else know? Looker knows. Goals Drives and motivations: Seeing the worlds in happiness Immediate goals: To control her powers Long term goals: To get rid of the Hertz once and for all, and to maybe settle down with someone that she loves and wont die. How the character plans to accomplish these goals: Work hard and erase the Hertz. Fall in love with a long living demon, but she tends to fall in love with humans. How other characters will be affected: Gotta prepare for seeing Silent in heartbreak and injuries. Past Hometown: Rapture Type of childhood: She doesn’t remember it, she wasn’t born normally Pets: Echo, and some of the monsters on the island. First memory: Waking up in a clear tube with a mass of swirling darkness around her. Most important childhood memory: Meeting Looker. Looker saved her ass so many times when she was a child. Why: Well, he had to take care of her because her powers were not controlled and so she often broke alot of stuff. Childhood hero: N/A Dream job: Jobs don’t matter on an island,  Education: Learned everything from her teachers in the castle Religion: N/A, she has gods and demons on her island ffs Finances: Royalty Present Current location: (when shes not in another universe or on a different planet) She usually has her own room in the castle that she lives in. Currently living with: Echo Pets: Echo, and maybe her lurkers, and some of her drawings? Religion: Not very religious? She likes alot of other cultures.  Occupation: A hunter, looking for Hertz and destroying them before they fuck up universes and worlds. Finances: She’s a princess, loads of money Family Mother: N/A Relationship with her: N/A Father: N/A Relationship with him: N/A Siblings: Code and Data Relationship with them: Very good Spouse: N/A Relationship with him/her: N/A Children: N/A  Relationship with them: N/A Other important family members: Looker and Soul
Color: Purple  Least favorite color: Neon Pink Music: classical music Food: seafood Literature: She doesn’t read alot really. She does like fantasy books though. Form of entertainment: video games, exploring universes Expressions: Cat face~ Mode of transportation: Portals Most prized possession: her cat choker Habits Hobbies: Video games, drawing, singing Plays a musical instrument? Used to be able to play the piano Plays a sport? No, but she does fight every day. How he/she would spend a rainy day: Watching the rain or actually playing in the rain Spending habits: She has  fuck ton of money because she is a princess, but she doesn’t actually go on spending sprees. Smokes: N/A Drinks: She hates alcohol Other drugs: She takes a pill to help her when she’s in heat. What does he/she do too much of? Apologize What does he/she do too little of? Look before she leaps Extremely skilled at: Fighting, drawing Extremely unskilled at: Cooking Nervous tics: Usual body posture: slouched over Mannerisms: She kinda has good manners since she was brought up in a royal household, but she kinda forgets sometimes and just acts like a normal person. Peculiarities: Traits Optimist or pessimist? She’s kinda both sometimes? Maybe pessimist? Introvert or extrovert? Introvert Daredevil or cautious?  Both, depending on what it is Logical or emotional? Emotional, and that tends to cause her to go berserk. Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat? She is neat. Her room is organized. Prefers working or relaxing? She likes to work since she can see different worlds and meet different people on her missions, but she likes to relax sometimes because getting her ass handed to her by giant monsters kinda gets tiring. Confident or unsure of himself/herself? UNSURE Animal lover? Yes, she is part cat after all. Self-perception :
How he/she feels about himself/herself:  She hates herself. She has killed millions of people when she goes berserk and ends up hurting those she cares about to try and get away from them.  One word the character would use to describe self: Monster One paragraph description of how the character would describe self:
“I’m a monster because, well. Literally a monster because I’m a demon, and it fits because I kill people. I hurt people I care about. No one needs to be near me because I’ve hurt them. I lie, I cheat, I hide... Other than turning into a mindless monster who destroys everything around her, there’s nothing good about me.”
What does the character consider his/her best personality trait? Kindness? She is kind to people. Even if she is shy. Also she is very loyal to her friends. She will die for her friends and family. What does the character consider his/her worst personality trait? Short tempered, she has a short fuse and not very patient. Snaps at people who get on her nerves very quickly. What does the character consider his/her best physical characteristic? Her freckles. She has no idea, she likes her freckles.  What does the character consider his/her worst physical characteristic? How small she is. Being 5′5′‘ might not be small to most people, but she lives on an island full of monsters who are fucking huge and tall. How does the character think others perceive him/her: They think Silent is a quiet girl, very shy, and a little awkward. But when they get to know her, she is very friendly and a bit... clingy? Might be due to her liking to be pet. What would the character most like to change about himself/herself: She wants to be normal. Like a normal monster who has their powers under control. She used to want to be human at one point, but then she realized who would save her friends when there wasn’t a demon around? Relationships with others Opinion of other people in general: She is ok with other people as long as they don’t poke fun at her for being a demon. Does the character hide his/her true opinions and emotions from others? Totally, she hates showing herself because she kinda has insecurities about herself. Person character most hates: She fucking hates some dude named Devin Thorne who used her as a toy and a weapon on her home island when she was 17,000 years old. She trusted him, and he used her. Best friend(s): Soul, Data, Code, and Looker :D Oh and Echo! Love interest(s): She doesn’t fall in love with anyone anymore because 1) she’s a demon and she tends to outlive humans 2) last person she cared about died in her arms because she accidently killed them. Person character goes to for advice: Soul, he is like. The best person. Person character feels responsible for or takes care of: The residents of her island because she is, after all, a princess. She has to learn how to settle quarrels. Person character feels shy or awkward around: Anyone she doesn’t know. And she might be crushing on. Person character openly admires: As a friend, its Looker. He’s fucking amazing! Demon cat overlord!!! Person character secretly admires: About every boy/girl/whatever she happens to crush on when she meets them Most important person in character’s life before story starts: no one, she was created in a tube in a lab. After story starts: Soul
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lawlight-week · 7 years
Title: Now The World Is Ours

Name of creator: @shipaholic

Created for: 
Prompt: “Angst” + “bottom!Light"

Characters: Light, L

Rating, warnings and no. of words (for fics): R (M for part 2), nuclear apocalypse, 1781 words (this part)
It’s day thirty-eight. The air is yellow and L is still not back.
Light sips his coffee. There isn’t much else to do. The monitors have been blank ever since the bomb hit, and the back-up generator hasn’t brought them back online. Venturing beyond the control room in search of a fix has been deemed inadvisable.
So, this is where they’ve holed up. This bland square space filled with non-functioning tech is all that’s available to them. Light considers his good luck, in spite of it all. Of all the places to be when nuclear warfare breaks out, L’s stupid ostentatious building had turned out to be a godsend. Radiation-resistant walls. The backup generator whirs along and keeps the lights on and the kettle working. A water filter, for L’s million cups of tea. Gas masks.
The only exit to the room is the exit to the building. L goes out to get supplies. Mostly other people’s radios and televisions he’s deconstructed. They don’t need food, for now - the kitchen is well-stocked, and Light has drawn up a plan for rations, just in case. Neither of them suffers easily from cabin-fever. Light learned that about himself during his fifty days’ confinement. As for L, Light wonders if his stint at university was his first time out of doors.
Light takes another sip of coffee. The handcuff chain clinks against the arm of his chair.
Ah, yes. Those. Light had really, really hoped he’d seen the back of those.
L had disillusioned him the first day he’d decided one of them would need to go outside.
“Kira cannot be trusted on his own.”
Light had stared at the twin loops dangling from L’s crabbed, pinched thumb and forefinger. He’d pushed down the urge to scream.
“We proved my innocence. You stared at those rules for hours and you couldn’t think of a loophole.”
“I think we’re beyond proof now, Kira-kun. Hold out your arm.”
“I am not Kira. It is impossible for me to be Kira. The policemen of my country have determined that I am innocent. I don’t have to do anything you say.”
L sighed. Light laughed. The sound was sharp and echoing in the metal box they now called home.
“You must be overjoyed, now it’s just the two of us. Nobody can stop you tormenting me now. It was never really about proof, was it? You know I didn’t do it, and that’s why you’re out to get me - because I showed you up. I showed everyone The Great L was wrong. You want to punish me for not being Kira.”
L’s jawline twitched. It was the first time Light had seen an emotion force its way onto his face.
“I went easy on you before, Light.” There is no pleasure on L’s plain, tired face; only immovable dislike. “During our fistfights. A trained martial artist versus a teen with a handful of high-school boxing lessons under his belt? Don’t fool yourself into thinking we were evenly matched. If I’d fought back with no care to your safety, I would have done you a serious injury. Now, I could spend the next few hours laying out why you are Kira, and why those rules in the Death Note are fake, and how you have engineered this situation to provide yourself an alibi. But I am tired, and we are out of time. Hold out your arm.”
Light laughed again. It was hard to hold back, in this new ruined world. His laugh rolled around and around the room.
He refused.
It was a miscalculation.
That was weeks ago.
Light rubs his jaw with the hand not holding coffee. It still twinges when he presses too hard.
In the end, he can’t stop L doing what he wants. A small light of rage burns within him, replenishing every time he looks at L, every hour he spends tied to this chair. But it isn’t defeat, not really. L is just as trapped as he is.
Footsteps sound in the corridor outside.
Whenever L comes back, Light has a shameful urge to prick up his ears and lean towards the entrance, like a dog. He only does it because nothing else happens here. But for an instant that flame of rage gets directed at himself, for feeling anything at L’s comings and goings. Light’s priority is to ensure he stays alive and L dies, and the latter will happen as soon as the former is assured.
The door sweeps open, and a yellow astronaut steps into the room.
The astronaut places a backpack carefully on the ground. It straightens up and removes its helmet. Underneath is L’s head, smaller than usual with his body covered in bulky hazmat-wear.
Light lets out a breath. He hates the feeling of relief creeping up inside him. If L became a shambling radiated zombie, or got his head bashed open by some desperate person, Light’s only reason to mourn would be for his own odds of survival.
“You were gone overnight. I was worried,” he said out loud.
L starts to wriggle out of the hazmat suit. No doubt it’ll be left in a pile on the floor until the next trip. “Apologies, Light. I found an office that was still accessible on the ground floor. It made sense to work through the night.” Just as Light knew he would, he discards his suit on the ground like an old skin. L crouches on the floor and unzips the backpack.
“Well, I’m glad you’re alive. I could do with another coffee when you’ve got a moment.” Light watches L pull bits of deconstructed computer out of the backpack. Unusually for him, he has remembered Light’s request for more toothpaste. A bright pink, half-empty bottle of shampoo, obviously stolen from some teenage girl’s bathroom, is crammed at the bottom. And so are… condoms.
Light blinks as L lays the little box on the floor with the other personal items. Definitely condoms. There’s no reason Light would hallucinate that.
“That’s a little presumptuous,” he says.
L lifts his huge eyes. His dark circles are worse than ever. If he stayed up all of last night, Light calculates he must be nearing hour eighty without sleep.
“It is still possible there are other survivors. In case we end up accommodating more people, I am trying to prepare as broad a range of supplies as possible. These don’t expire for another five years, so that gives us plenty of time.”
Light wants to laugh, but he feels too exasperated. “L, quite besides the fact that no-one else in Tokyo is likely to have been inside, effectively, a nuclear bunker when a bomb was dropped on them with no warning -”
“Breathe, Light,” L mutters.
“- And besides the fact that we now live in a single room, which while spacious, does not provide for privacy or sound-proofing -” Light does pause for breath at that point. L inspires a lot of run-on sentences - “I doubt anyone with the dubious luck of being alive in this hell on earth has sex on their mind.”
“Oh well. I’ll put them with the spare batteries.” L sets the condoms aside.
Light watches him as he sorts through the guts of the computers he’s shredded. He feels vaguely rattled, though he doesn’t know why. It isn’t just because he spent the night chained to a chair, while L was apparently raiding strangers’ night stands for sex aids.
“You’re lying to me,” he says, half to himself.
L’s nimble fingers stop sorting bits of metal. Light’s always found them interesting to watch, the strange crabbed way L holds them at odds with their dexterity. They remind him of spindly pale insects he once saw in a nature documentary.
“I regret, due to the nature of my work, I am frequently lying to you, Light-kun. As ever, I pray you won’t take it personally.”
“Oh, spare me,” Light snaps. “It’s the goddamn apocalypse. Nobody has a job any more.”
The words surprise him. The concept of an apocalypse feels straight out of comic books. It’s not a word he would normally reach for. Still, he realises that this is how it feels. Not just that Tokyo has ended, but the world has.
His New World has died, right when he’d begun to shape it for the better.
L gives him a look, but doesn’t comment on his odd word choice. “As far as I am concerned, L is a job for life. It’s not as if I was drawing a salary. I am still working a case, even as the circumstances I am working in become… highly irregular.”
“Ah, the case.” Light rolls his eyes and tips his chair back. “Some might call it selfish to fixate on catching one murderer when millions are dead and the world is in shambles.”
“What an abrupt change in Light-kun’s attitude.” L’s voice is sharp. “I recall you giving me a black eye the last time I lost focus on the Kira case.”
“Well, what can I say. Statistically, Kira is probably dead. And if not, he must be having a job locating new victims at the moment.” Light sets his empty cup down on the ground. His eye catches the condom packet and he almost loses his train of thought. “But far be it for me to question your priorities, L. One: acquire as much junk as you can carry. Two: provide for the sex lives of hypothetical guests. Three: chain up the one person who could help you and call them a murderer. Four -”
L drops the bit of piping in his hand to the tiled floor. The crash rings throughout the room.
Light almost jumps out of his skin. He stares from the pipe on the ground to L’s tightly drawn mouth.
“Light. Shut up.”
Light’s mouth snaps shut. He has never seen L lose his temper.
L resumes picking through his stack of parts, while Light’s brain whirs into overtime. It is the condoms that’s bothering him. L’s explanation makes no sense. And everything he does is calculated. Dropping them in front of Light like that… it was a provocation.
The conclusion drops neatly into Light’s head like the answer to a test. He smiles.
“You’re lonely,” he says.
L pauses. He doesn’t look up.
Light’s voice brims with satisfaction. “You’re afraid you’re going to die. So you’re hoping for a pity-fuck.”
L still says nothing. Light doesn’t need him to. His smile widens.
They spend the rest of the hours until bed in silence. Light doesn’t get his coffee. He doesn’t care. The triumph burning inside him, for once, is enough to drown the anger.
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latinalesbi · 7 years
Do you have a feeling one way or the other if The Fosters will be renewed for a 6th season? With them only shooting 18 shows instead of 20 made me wonder. (I read that somewhere). But then last night someone asked Bradly and he said there are rumors.
Peter also mentioned season 6 in an interview. Freeform doesn’t really have a more successful show (even though last week’s ratings were the worst ever, not surprising considering how awful the episode was). I think if they can’t get key players in place it’s not going to be possible. So, I imagine that’s what the rumors are about.
Anonymous said:                                                                      Hopefully Callie doesn't do anything with Russell. Her going there was so stupid. Thx just adds another traumatic even to her life. She doesn't need anymore trauma. Hopefully we don't see her acting out like she has been. I think she got some trauma from being in juvie.             
Doesn’t do anything? You mean like get raped? I don’t think we’re going there. Peter pretty much said that but the trial isn’t over either (sigh, le sigh, fuck me). He said, this is it for her though, a turning point. We will see. I am sick of her story.
Anonymous said:                                                                      this was one of the worst episodes this season, if not ever. last week's episode with the whole kyle twist was the right move. take this stupid storyline and make it about callie's character development and turn her whole "the system is rigged" ideology upside down. this could've been big. but no they had to make troy guilty, make callie right (wow! teen detective cracks the case! does it illegally! yay for criminal justice!!!).             
Yeah, I agree. And so did Vulture.com, which is usually up the producer’s ass. The Kyle twist would have had far reaching consequences for Callie. This just lets her be just as self righteous as before. I am sick of it, no one is always right, and Callie does not have a clue on how to do things right. I can’t stand it. I can’t stand the quick confession. It was terribly written with characters we don’t give a shit about and they’re doing it again with Diamond, literally no one cares.
And just so you feel a little angrier, they cut a Stef and Lena scene according to Peter on Afterbuzz.
Anonymous said:                                                                      So sick and tired of Callie getting in to truble like every 5min!!! Really hope season 5 will be less of these drama and more of the family love..             
Well, as Peter said:
Final thoughts on what to expect next season?Season 5 is a little bit of a reset to our family, our home, and the sort of simpler and brighter and happier times that our family really needs.
Let us hope that is true, it’s what the audience needs.
Anonymous said:                                                                      In the picture you post of Bts of Maia, Sherri and Teri.. The 4 picture in one. The one of Teri, looks like she got hit in the face. Might be just my eyes.             
Good call. There does seem to be something... Stef has some explaining to do in terms of her role in getting Callie in this particular mess. She wasn’t really looking out for her. Another terribly written story.
Anonymous said:                                                                      I hope AJ is still in the show a lot, despite not being with Callie anymore. Like it'd really upset me if they just stop his character from having screen time. I really like his character and he's more than just a love interest. I just noticed how he was on the show often when he was dating Callie and then suddenly after they break up he has no screen time. At least he is more of a main character compared to people like Wyatt
Peter said he’d be around but obviously not as much. Too bad we get rid of AJ and have to put up with more odious Aaron.
Anonymous said:                                                                      If Maia is in "Callie" clothes and is shooting a scene ifo the house, that must mean that Callie's okay, right? Like, the whole trafficking monkey business is short-lived?? I hope.    
I think she gets out of that in the first episode but that means another season opener filled with complete bullshit drama.
Anonymous said:                                                                      I finally saw last weeks episode. Now, Mariana has always been my favorite of the kids. But last week was the first time I ever disliked her. It was Emma's choice to have the abortion. I hope in 4x20 she apologizes and the two reconcile.             
Mariana who self invited her bio daddy to a house she doesn’t pay a single bill for, that Mariana? Yeah that Mariana is unlikable.
                                                                              Anonymous said:                                                                      I miss the old Jesús :( I was re watching the first episodes and seriously, everything about him is so different now. I liked him because he was so protective over his moms and the family in general (Even when he was together with Lexi) and now it seems like everything is just about Gabe or Emma. I don't why I haven't noticed before, but this Jesús sucks a lot.             
This Jesus has been Jesus for nearly 2 seasons and he just now had a nice scene with the moms. It’s ridiculous. I know this question is old but I feel exactly the same way, new Jesus is all about his bio daddy and his penis. I am sorry but that’s all I see. Old Jesus was handsome, gentlemanly and most importantly Latino.
Anonymous said:                                                                      I've noticed fosters ff has been super slow lately.. do you think it's because of a lost of interest in the show?             
I don’t know because I only follow Stef and Lena fanfic and that’s always been slow.                             
Anonymous said:                                                                      My finance, myself and many of our friends are die heart Fosters fans. We used to watch episodes live, now we DVR them & watch when we have nothing else to do (weeks later-fast forwarding most of the episode). These storylines (Daimond, Aaron, Gabe, Anna) are really sucking the want to watch out of us. Unfortunately, this has made us unsure if we will DVR or tuned in for the finale or next season.  Hope the show producers/showrunners do better & hope they don't lose more viewers due to this.             
You aren’t alone. It bothers me more than the fact that Stef and Lena weren’t allowed to kiss. The last few shows, I mean, I watched hoping they’d surprise me. I watched, hoping for some neat moments. I didn’t care at all about any of the main plots. AT ALL.
Anonymous said:                                                                      I just saw Maia Mitchell's instagram story and she was in the car with Robert and why does it look like Gabe is going to be meddling in family affairs I'm so done with this show             
There does seem to be at least a Stef and Lena scene, still,  I know episode 2 won’t be my favorite.
Anonymous said:                                                                      As someone who was born to a teenager, I definitely identify with Mariana being angry with Emma, as my entire existence is predicated on my birth mother's decision to not terminate her pregnancy. A abortion as an adopted kid is always a touchy subject, and I would like to see both pro-choice and pro-life arguments being presented.             
Wrong person to send this anon to. There’s only one person that gets to decide and that’s the pregnant woman. There’s no such thing as a pro-life argument for me. Sorry. I mean, not to get personal but since you did, how many of us are accidents? How many of of our lives were dependent on a such a choice. I was. I totally support any choice my mother might have made. If she had made the opposite choice, I wouldn’t care because I wouldn’t exist. It’s really a silly argument.                                                              
  Anonymous said:                                                                      sherri has MASTERED the look of love when looking at stef. in the episode when frank passed in the bathroom Lena is leaning on the sink mesmerized by her woman before she rallies the troops. that wonderful kitchen kiss scene when stef is having flashbacks. & in the making out in the rain scene. it's really beautiful to look at how much she loves her woman. also love stef stroking lena's face & then she pulls her chin up right before the kiss. these woman are absolute goals            
Anonymous said:                                                                      i'm the anon who just wrote about sherri mastering the look. in the making out rain scene one thing i love is seeing sherri smile into a kiss. she's so relaxed with teri now which means more from lena. after the cut back from jude clapping, that is my fav. angle they captured because you can see how close they are, like physically, second because we can see sherri smiling & then putting a bit more force behind the passionate kiss. i'll never be over that kiss. we're blessed             
Yep, gonna go watch it again!
  Anonymous said:                                                                      Why is Stef so cool about what Callie did ? I know the girl isn't going  to prison and I know Stef has to be supportive and all but Callie did all of this. It's on her and I don't understand why Stef and Lena are son nice with her. Even if they don't want her to suffer, I wish someone could tell her that what she did was wrong. Now we are supposed to feel sorry for her. I'm so tired of Callie. I wonder what happened to this character.             
They took her too far. This isn’t life is so unfair to me Callie that we could relate to. This is self destructive Callie who gives a shit about everything and it’s hard to relate to.
Anonymous said:                                                                      Does Lena have an EdD? That could help her a lot in terms of future employment if Anchor Beach goes private.             
My great big hope is that Anchor Beach goes fully public. Peter said it won’t be resolved in the way we expect so that’s what I hope. The charter has been revoked or whatever, if it’s an affiliated charter as it has been portrayed then the San Diego Unified school district would take over. The school is worth more than 10 million btw. That’s my opinion.
Lena having a PHD? I would assume so. Mike said she did but I have been unable to identify it on her wall.
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bookworm46 · 8 years
The Other Woman Part 2 [Requested]
msimpala67 , keepcalmandbeajunkie , shameless-danni , keep-calm-and-omfg-jensen-ackles , misspepinillo17 , and yunngarab.
I wasn’t planning on making a part 2, but all of the people above asked for more, so here it is.
PAIRING: Dean Winchester x Reader
WARNINGS: Probably Cursing, Drinking, ANGST, Possible Adultery
REQUESTED BY: justmasblack
Part 1 is right here. 
Dean didn’t necessarily know what he was doing to his girlfriend; he thought they were as happy as ever, but as time passed, he noticed that she seemed... different.
After he came back from the life with Lisa and Ben, his lover had seemed to distance herself from him. The little things that she did had suddenly disappeared from his life as though it didn’t exist. The way she laughed at him when he sang off-key in the car, the small smirks and looks she sent him when Sam tripped or fell, and the way she would run her fingers through his hair when they watched old movies together all vanished.
Dean sighed as he sat down on the couch in the motel room, and he glanced around for (Y/N), but she wasn’t in the house... again. It was as though she was purposely avoiding him, and he hated that.
The Winchester flinched as the door burst open, and he jumped to his feet, gun outstretched and ready, but he relaxed instantly as he realized it was his younger brother holding a large brown bag filled with junk food.
“Jesus, Sammy! Don’t do that!” He groaned loudly, and Sam rose his eyebrow at Dean’s reaction.
“Alright...” The younger male drawled his words out, slightly confused, and his elder brother rolled his eyes before asking, “Hey. Do you know where (Y/N) is?”
Sam stopped in his path before awkwardly clearing his throat, “Dude. She told you.”
Dean eyebrows furrowed at Sam’s answer, “What? When?”
Sam shook his head condescendingly before exasperatedly saying, “While you talking on and on and on about Lisa and Ben.”
Dean scowled at the youngest Winchester, and Sam put down the junk food on the motel table before sitting down in a chair, “Sit down, Dean. We need to talk.”
(Y/N)’s boyfriend hesitantly sat down in a nearby chair, “What is it?”
“You’re an idiot.” Sam’s answer was short and quick.
“Wha-” Dean began to talk, but his younger brother interrupted him, “No. Let me talk. You are an absolute idiot.”
Sam’s voice got deeper as his frustration became visible, and he glared at his only living relative, “Dean. You’re my brother, and I love you. But you are one of the most stupid people on this planet. How can you not see how much (Y/N) is suffering because of you?! Every time you talk about Lisa and Ben, she gets ignored by you, but she puts up with all this complete shit because she loves you! But you listen to me, Dean Winchester, if you love Lisa instead of (Y/N), save her the future heartache and bullshit that you’re going to cause!”
Sam took in deep breaths after yelling, and he sighed before running his hands through his long hair.
Dean stared at him, still absorbing the information that his brother had smacked him in the face with. Suddenly, his chest began to constrict as his head screamed at him, random memories immediately beginning to make sense.
The time (Y/N) looked so pained was because he was talking about Lisa’s barbecue party. The time when his girlfriend looked nauseated was due to the way he was proudly talking about Ben joining the soccer team. The time (Y/N) looked like she was going to cry was because he was talking about Lisa’s roast beef after Ben made friends. Dean groaned as he slammed his face into his hands; he had been such an idiot.
A surge of anger flowed through him as he got up; adrenaline pumped through his veins furiously as he kicked over his chair, effectively breaking it. Sam got up, panicked due to his brother’s sudden outburst.
Dean roughly grabbed his leather jacket, “Where is she, Sammy?! Don’t make me ask twice!”
His brother glared back straight at him, looming over him, “I’m not telling you jack-shit until you promise me you’re not going to hurt her.”
Dean flinched before angrily bellowing, “I’m going to hurt her, you damn giant! I’m going to apologize! Now tell me where she is!”
Sam hesitated before giving him the location, and Dean ran towards his baby before driving towards his destination, thoughts racing through his head.
(Y/N) was having a pretty good day compared to the days that she was forced to listen to his boyfriend talk about his future wife. Immediately, she had a bitter feeling in her mouth, and she forced it down by finishing her whiskey.
She coughed as the liquid burned her throat, and she lazily looked around the bar for Sam, who had promised to meet her here in 30 minutes. She sighed, obviously tired from life; the hunts, the drinking, and the nightmares were overwhelming her now that Dean wasn’t there to help her.
Dean- the name now left a bitter-sweet taste in her mouth.
Dean- the man who had loved her and took care of her while she was at her worst and her best.
Dean- the man who had broken her heart.
Her eyes began to burn as unshed tears stung, threatening to overflow, but she refused to let herself cry. The sound of the bar door opening was loud as it seemed to be anxious and desperate, and (Y/N) turned around slowly, hoping it was her best friend, and she flinched when she saw it was Dean.
The moment (Y/N) saw him, she immediately knew something was... different, but it wasn’t a bad feeling. It seemed nostalgic and comforting.
The moment Dean saw her, his heart broke; there were bags under her eyes, and her face was pale, contrasting harshly against her black leather jacket. 
The eldest Winchester instantly knew the reason of her bags and pale skin: the nightmares. She would toss and turn in the night, whimpers escaping her lips as she fought against the horrifying nightmares, but she never confided in him anymore; she stopped explaining them to him and held the burden alone.
Dean walked towards his girlfriend, and he was suddenly aware of the strong smell of alcohol, his fast heart beat, and the millions of anxious thoughts rushing through his brain. He stopped in front of his lover, and the silence was deafening although no one else was able to feel the tension. He grabbed her arm, and he dragged her outside the bar, not saying a single word.
They stood outside, and (Y/N) shivered in the cold air as the sky blackened vastly due to the time.
“(Y/N)...” Dean’s voice was threatening to crack, but he continued, “I’m so sorry.”
His girlfriend flinched at his words, confusion clearly seeping from her expression, and Dean held her hand softly, “I... I didn’t mean to talk about Lisa and Ben all the time... I am so damn sorry for acting like such an idiot; I didn’t even notice how much you were hurting because of me... I love you, (Y/N)- not Lisa. You.”
(Y/N) couldn’t react; she was too shocked. 
Gorgeous gleaming green eyes stared directly into wide eyed (e/c) orbs, and (Y/N) forced herself to think again.
“Dean... I...”
His grip on her hand tightened as she began speaking, and her heart warmed uncomfortably in her chest as it started to beat at an incredibly alarming rate. His rough callused hands differed from her own hands, which were soft even after all the years of hunting, and tears streamed down her face. 
Dean’s hands moved from her own hands to her face; his hands caressed her face before wiping away tears, and (Y/N) began sobbing, “You’re an idiot. You are such a god-damn idiot.”
Her boyfriend nodded along before pulling her into his chest, holding her tightly as if he were afraid that she was going to disappear, but (Y/N) simply hugged him back, “I love you too, Dean, but if you ever pull bullshit like this again, I’m dumping your sorry ass.”
Dean chuckled despite the circumstances, and he pulled himself out of the hug to examine her face. He winced when he saw the bags under her eyes up close, but he slowly leaned in. 
His lips gently landed on her soft ones, and he tugged her in, his arms around her waist as he slowly grinded against her. (Y/N) moaned into his lips, and Dean groaned as his girlfriend wrapped her arms around his neck before lightly pulling his brown hair. The Winchester forced himself to stop, struggling to ignore the thoughts of fucking her right there in public, and he kissed her forehead.
“I love you, (Y/N).” 
And once again, it was her decision. She loved him, and he crushed her heart. But she was okay with it, because she remembered all the times that he repaired it; she was in love with Dean. No matter how many times he broke her heart, it would still beat for him.
“I love you too, Dean Winchester.”
Okay, so I decided to get it over with. I rushed, so I apologize if you guys don’t like. Hope you enjoyed it tho! :)
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