#not gonna tag fandoms but ykno
edducard · 1 year
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hey giggles. It's like half eddsworls so I'll post it here erm heehee
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neptunesailing · 10 months
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hades art dump + some whiteboard doodles
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neptunite-stars · 10 months
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i need to be stopped
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illiousart · 2 years
hey! commissions are open, i really need the money! i'm only taking headshot commissions, and probably only 2/3 right now.
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examples of what you'd get! these are $30!
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hello you dont knwo me but i follow your art a lot hehe, when i saw the storm of garbage happening on twitter i got very scared because of how nasty folks were being when they can ykno just close the tab and go about their days; now im scared of writing and uploading my fics to any site because hwat if it happnes to me as well?
anyways just wanted to say hi and that i love your artstyel, i admire your resilience and how you've kept on going despite such an awful time. lot of love
Thank you so much for this, I really appreciate it! <3
I'm happy to see you like what I do!
On the note of being scared though, I understand.
Honestly, it hasn't been easy. Putting aside my blunder that had everyone angry to begin with, they basically just tore apart my story and made false accusations for all to see. You can make any reality you want people to see when you cherry-pick screenshots from 190K words. And even if they were uncomfortable with the topics in the story, as you said, it's not that hard to simply click away and do something else. That's WHY the tagging system on Ao3 exists in the first place. It's not like the old days in fandom where you had no clue what you were gonna get when you clicked a story. Back then, you had no choice in the matter. Like Russian roulette with words instead of bullets. And let’s not forget that tagging as it exists on Ao3 literally isn’t a thing in the vast world of literature. Aside from a general overview and summary on the back of the book, you usually don't get a choice when you pick up a work in a bookstore.
But on that note, this is fiction we're talking about. It's all just stories. Hence the reality of "Don't read it if you don't like it." Not all fiction is for every viewer and that's just a fact of life no matter what anyone has to say about it. From Dead Dove, angst, and whump to fluff, slice of life, and romcom - and every genre in between – fiction has been and always will be a vast plethora of subjects and experiences.
And it is within our right as creators to explore them.
Just as it is within their right as viewers NOT to consume them.
So, write what you want to write. Draw what you want to draw. Every subject has an audience. There's always someone looking for what you're creating, or at least someone who can appreciate it. But if you're not ready to be public with it due to everything you've seen, which is entirely understandable, on Ao3 specifically, you can post your work to the Anonymous collection or you can Orphan the work. Or you can simply make a new account and post under a different name. Or, if all of that is still too uncomfy, then I'd advise simply writing it out and keeping it saved until the day you're ready. There's no rush. This is your work after all. You're doing it for yourself first and foremost. So do what feels best for you.
No matter what you choose, though, never stop creating.
Imagination and creativity is what makes us human. Even in the realm of more uncomfortable subjects.
So keep up the good work, boo~
We'll be here when you're ready to share. ~<3
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padfootastic · 2 years
I recently read 'Moving in' but got caught up with something so I couldn't say this to you
IT WAS AMAZING gahhhhh.. I don't know how I feel about James x Marlene lol no hard feelings please but Wolfstar was *chef's kiss* and the first few chapters - Sirius knew exactly what he was doing to Remus wink wink and there was snivellus bashing which I loved -
Anyway, what I'm saying is that, it was a brilliant story, (I read some of your other snippets too) you are wonderful!
Yours deerly, me.
…wait what
im sorry for the weird reaction lol but no one, and i do mean no one, reads moving in. not since i first posted it many, many moons ago : o
it’s my first (and only) completed baby so it has a special place in my heart and i’m so, so glad u liked it!!!!
i’m gonna be honest, when i wrote it- marlene was pretty much a blank slate for me (and if it makes u feel better, i don’t think i ship it either, at most they’d be the kind of good friends who hook up once in a while, ykno, the way friends do 💀)
i still remember how much fun i had writing it, creating muggle backstories, trying to fit canon characteristics/actions in the au setting, working on the romance, worldbuilding etc etc and the snivellous bashing was one of the best parts about the whole thing (after writing sirius, ofc 😏 that guy had no right being as attractive as he did, though in hindsight he comes off almost as a caricature lol)
thank u so much for this lovely feedback!! it’s made my entire week (and it’s barely begun so high bar right there) and to hear i did wolfstar well is just…woah.
yours siriusly, me
(the fic in question)
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shoutydwarf · 3 years
i just dont understand y ppl care so much about what other ppl are doing in fandom like... i used to be the same way and actively search critical tags to get riled up about dumb takes on characters i liked and, yes, respond to OPs arguing w them. now im,ykno, an adult. and i just dont care. and i dont understand y other ppl do lol. as long as they arent some giant figure making explicitly harmful art or whatever just block the post bro. that weird kinky cullen smut with 4 notes isnt gonna become ur sleep paralysis demon 
disclaimer no this doesnt mean dont call out racism/homophobia/etc and u know it doesnt
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outragedslime · 4 years
I'm not that anon and neither am I against meat Roxy but some people don't seem to like that iteration bc of the widely accepted reading of Roxy as a transfeminine character. Idk how much of it is canon-supported and how much is just hcs tho
I mean if ppl liked transfem roxy then go ahead but. I like transmasc roxy and making me tag my own art in a way that lets people blacklist my art out from my blog makes me Super uncomfy. Like?? If u dont like it just unfollow me or if u dont wanna see my art in the roxy tag u can block me its not that deep... idk how to phrase this well but ive so many thoughts abt this. Again ill say i woke up almost 22 hrs ago so im v sleepy so i might phrase things wrong but here we go (also sorry for rambling here but i rly wanna get this out bc its been bothering me for ages and im!! Upset! This big rant isnt specific @ u this is like in general i wanted to type it in a post anyway but i was scared but fuck it ykno.) Id do a read more but im on mobile ill edit it later
Like we all agree that its bad to erase canon gay charas right? So like...why is it g to erase canon trans characters. Like yeah it was a popular headcanon but like......?? Headcanons get deconfirmed sometimes it happens??? It makes me feel like having a woman hc for roxy is more important than having a transmasc canon, which is. A constant self doubt of mine like i worry people will see me as lesser bc im trans and ive also seen it happen! So thats not very nice! To see the fandom treat a canon trans character as "lesser" bc theyre not trans in the way they want!
Also roxy is literally the only positive transmasc character ive ever seen in any piece of media. Ever. So that adds to it. The amnt of ppl who i seen say shit like "give her back u dont deserve her" like? That shit hurts!! Im sorry but it does! Constantly being told that a character being revealed as transmasc is "not worth it" is one of the things that makes me wanna leave the hs fandom bc holy shit!! Thats so transphobic!
Roxy is also rly rly important to me bc ive never seen a canon nb character who uses he/him either and like! I never saw rep lile that! If ur srsly mad abt transmasc roxy and want to be able to filter him out bc u prefer a different hc pls take a step back and look at urself and see how that can be transphobic. Like u can recognise that a character was important to u and like... be mature enough that u dont make ppl feel like shit when they now vibe w that same character? I used to hc transmasc vriska and i drew a few super self indulgent drawings that i didnt post publically and it was a Super important hc to me but i wouldnt draw that again now that vriskas confirmed transfem bc im not an asshole? If u see a trans character and ur first thought is "theyre not trans in the Better way though so i hate this and will make it clear to the people who like this that i hate this" thats transphobic.
Do u have to like transmasc roxy? Fuck no! U dont have to do anything. But srsly @ that anon earlier: like if thats ur reasoning, why would you go to me when i clearly take a lot of comfort in this character (i even Said seratonin time like. I draw roxy and i get an instant boost of euphoria) and imply that u do not want to see it. Like if u do not want to see it u can just unfollow or block me. Instead u make me feel like shit if im being honest! Ik that wasnt the intention so i dont blame u ily n im sorry if im bein angry this has just been building up for a long time. Like "tag this Canon trans character u relate to and love so i dont have to see him" that..doesnt feel good. Pls be mindful of that h,,
Like if u hc roxy as transfem im not gonna stop you like you do you, im not saying this to bash at transfem hcs. But i literally mean it in the nicest way possible, u dont have to interact w my stuff if u dont like it or if it makes u feel bad. Instead of coming to me and making Me feel bad. U can just unfollow and thered be no hard feelings. I draw stuff to make me happy, and if that stuff doesnt make u happy u dont have to stay, but i dont want to post art of the only positive canon transmasc character i know that makes me feel euphoric and tag it deliberately knowing theres people out there who will actively blacklist that specific drawing. Im not saying its bad to blacklist it, u can blacklist it, but im personally rly uncomfortable w that happening w my art of this specific character so if u dont want to see it u can just. Unfollow. Like 100% no hard feelings im not trying to be cheeky i just think itd be most comfortable for everyone involved bc i dont wanna sacrifice my own comfort and euphoria for other ppl.
Sorry for writing so much and ty if u read this ✌
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alicentsargent · 4 years
yeah so i normally dont do this but. i think its just very very hypocritical for people to make a post telling others to basically 'keep their opinions to themselves' bc the negativity in this fandom is making their online experience sad.
i literally just saw this post and heres the last line: 'can people just keep the negative opinions to there self or just lower the amount you post please'
im not trying to bully but i want people to really think when they write stuff like this and put it out there. You're essentially ignoring your own words, what about these people you view as too negative, see you as a source of negativity too bc you're trying to control things to have it you're way - you are literally not keeping your own opinions to yourself either, by writing something like this on the world wide web.
im involved here and on twitter - the twitter fandom is unbearable most days but ykno what? im never gonna make a tweet or a post telling people to stop posting their own opinions on their own online platform, as long as they're not purposely hurting or harassing anyone, its just their opinion about a tv show? people can idealize shameless all they want, enjoy it all they want, and people can also criticize it every week, be disappointed by everything. its fiction, its allowed to be taken any which way so for people to try and guilt others just bc they dont think the way they do, its pretty shitty.
and yeah, I'll make posts saying people lack critical thought etc, but thats MY opinion. im not tagging direct people, no one even has to agree, the same as how ive seen a ton of people make posts i dont agree with at all - i just ignore them. ignore ignore block ur done. dont act like a child throwing a tantrum bc people all over the world dont all agree with the same thing and it makes you angry.
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urumisu · 5 years
SHIPPING INFO // Answer the following for your muse(s) so people know how shipping works on your blog.
REPOST. Don’t reblog.
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What’s your OTP for your Muse?
for urumisu i die for jeice/urumisu FJSDKLF like. what an unexpected pairing but its SO cute?and like. who allowed that. (aims my gun @ joolz)
for fu, fu/cumber OR fu/trunks ! probably a little more fu/cumber tho ngl lmao and i have syd to thank for writing a good cumber 👀 !
for kibito haribo has me by the NECK with shin/kibito--all her drabbles and mentions of him w/ her shin i die for. thanks
and for gramma--aims another gun at joolz bc thats the good shit
What are you willing to RP when it comes to shipping?
uH? a lot? i gueSS? i definitely dont care for gratuitously angsty/toxic shit, but--on fu’s blog, i have a few weird .. not-relationships that i kinda like exploring if just bc writing fu Slowly losing his grip on sanity is. a lot of fun. (i feel bad and,,do it sparingly bc i don’t know if thats fun for--anyone else though to write With so aHA--)
there’s also--that urumisu is a rather Flightly Broad, so? like? theres potential for drama there , honestly, that i might not mind exploring there some day <:’>
How large does the age gap have to be to make it uncomfortable?
with my more human-aging characters i like to keep things within pretty short age ranges the younger they are? like, the older characters are, the less it can matter, since--past a certain point, both parties have been consenting adults for some decades and . are mature enough to take care of themselves and manage a relationship, so <:V
with immortal characters--if the two characters are obviously matured adults, be they immortal/immortal or immortal/mortal, then, like, whatever tbh. mortals thatve just become adults with much older immortals is.. a little dicey for me, though lmfao
Are you selective when shipping?
a little, i think! i pretty much function exclusively off chemistry and exploring dynamics--i dont think ive ever done a pre-established relationship? that isn’t to say i never Would, but. just that i guess i dont know How lmAO
like, talking extensively abt how two characters would bounce off of each other in place of doing an entire roleplay is fine though. thats been a lot of my interactions w people tbh sO-
How far do steamy moments have to go before they’re considered NSFW?
i mean, if i have to sit there and retreat into my hoodie bc im too embarrassed to write ‘dick’ in a sexual context, then thats probably a good sign KJDSF
theres. a lot of nsfw headcanons ive written that..just kinda dance around the wording that im like, whatever about, but--those are standalone posts w/o someone else that replies to it. i think..honestly when it comes to rps i feel like i get embarrassed when kisses get too heated jfkljsdfsadklf
Who are other muses you ship your muse with?
looks into the ground i just kinda muse for shipping urumisu w a few canon characters bc im self indulgent like that , but other than that--not a lot honestly..!
Does one have to ask to ship with you?
UM i dont tHINK SO HONESTLY--it , kinda happens a lot that if i start feeling ship ideas enough im gonna ..doodle smth based off of a thread thats inspiring me, and that’ll be my way of asking permission lmAO
How often do you like to ship?
NOT,,OFTEN but its not like i dont want to , i just.. kinda psyche myself out of a lot of interactions so,,any ideas for any shipping i have i , just, kinda never act on haHA--;;
Are you multiship?
of course! i just. love exploring dynamics with all Kinds of relationships , be they friendships, relationships, rivalries, etc
Are you ship obsessed or ship more-or-less?
i--totally do think abt potential ships and stuff a lot, but-- i at least hope i dont come off as obsessed or smth, since i definitely Dont want to be pushy or come off as desperate <:0)-(;;;; just--like i said!!i really like exploring how two characters’ dynamic develops! i get excited when it seems like smth deeper could develop, but it doesnt have to be romantic <:}
What is your favorite ship in your current fandom?
ogh ufkc UH .. ykno i think its fu/cumber honestly kDJF
Finally, how does one ship with you?
I MEAN--honestly if our muses hit it off in threads, like. im probably here for it JKSDF
esp if we start talking about ideas for it outside of threads--and dont be afraid to dm me or hit me up!! 
this is why chemistry is like, How i ship exclusively just bc its what . works for me aHA;; if our muses hit it off, thats! all the permission you need from me!!
yoinked off the dash!
Tagging: anyone left who would like to participate! i just yoinked it bc i wanted to clarify myself for anyone curious, so! 
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tumblunni · 5 years
What the actual fuck there were a bunch of posts in the yokai watch tag about some sort of rape fetish ask blog for Babblong, of all people! the talking banana yokai??? I ve blocked that blog now because seriously if youre not gonna tag your extremely nsfw extremely triggering content then dont post it into the fandom for a goddamn kids game. I know that most people who have mega dark kinks are perfectly normal nice people in real life and all, but if youre someone who doesnt give a shit about keeping their stuff actually IN the goddamn kink community then you seem like an asshole, sorry. Also i hate when people use kink as an excuse to post super sexual stuff without tagging it because 'oh well it doesnt show a vag or a dick' YEAH BUT ITS A THING THATS SEXUAL TO YOU EVEN IF THEIR GROIN IS COVERED UP! In this particular case it was covered up with an adult diaper, ugh. Seriously the title of the post was somethibg like 'i wanna see babbling needing to use an adult diaper cos he got raped so hard in the ass' and like..they just put lil asterixses in r*pe and *ss. That doesnt fuckin make it not explicit, geez! Youre TALKING ABOUT SEXUAL VIOLATION you cant say thats appropriate for all ages just because you put the most minimum of obscuration on JUST TWO WORDS
Gahhhh seriously poor babblong whyyyy
Also can i just add that 'adult diaper fetish' is a big thing i am especially wanting to avoid ever seeing, okay. It bugs me cos its taking a real life medical condition and continuing to make fun of it just like everyone always does, just adding an extra layer of somehow finding it sexy to mock them, i guess?? Its like how 'genderbend fetish' is something that triggers me even though i'm trans, and 'fat fetish' is my beserk button even though i'm fat. Both of those things have a tone to their sexualization culture thats heavily buried in negative stereotypes instead of like..actually findibg the damn thing itself sexy. No its UWU ISNT IT SEXY HOW TRANS PEOPLE ARE FAKE TRAPS and OMG YEH BIG UGLY FAT PEOPLE EATING A LOT AND SMELLING LIKE SHIT. Just goddamn stop.
Seriously i have nothing against the kink community itself even though obviously i absolutely am not into that stuff and id rather avoid it if i could. I just wish everyobe could agree to keep that stuff properly tagged so that people actually can avoid it if they want. And also ykno maybe have less gross bigoted and/or literal sex crime shit, and if your fetish is specifically about bigoted sex crime shit then hey maybe be aware of the fact that thats a very triggering thing to a lot of people and you should be extra careful about keeping it tagged. I know a lot of friends who are into dark stuff and are 100% great people who follow all of the tagging rules and dont act like assholes to the literal children within the fandom. So i hate when i see people like this instead, ugh!
Also seriously WHY BABBLONG?? Why didnt you pick a yokai thats like..more humanoid or something. Does this person have the worlds most specific fetish for rape diapers ONLY when theyre on sentient fruit??
My goddamn eyes, y'all. Sorry im having a bit of a rant here but MY GODDAMN EYES
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sinningtamer · 6 years
honestly i was in tags when i found character and just the pure nerdy excitement of seeing them i completely forgot it was kink art for a solid two minutes. i am fully here in support of p//arvi//ll kink art, i appreciate u and your hard work.
hi, okay, this has been sitting in my inbox for awhile, so sorry about that, but i’ve kinda been saving it because it is. so sweet, okay. thank you anon, idk who you are but i really appreciate it 
lol like. getting back into the y.ogs fandom 3 years after leaving it and saying “you know what? fuck it. if the creators are gonna completely abandoned their characters, then they’re mine now.” is very self healing honestly. its nice. i can do what i want
granted taking these characters and making kink art out of them is, ykno, weird, but since when do i have ANY shame? (although im not just making kink art im doin other fandom stuff on my main, lmao)
aaaaaanyways, this Very Dumb Preg AU is really silly but also just. fun? no one cares so it can be whatever i want it do. its also kinda my way of apologizing to st.rife cause in like, every au i create he ends up suffering and possibly dying horribly (cough dr au cough) so making par.vill cute parents is?? Soft
with that note here’s a self-indulgent doodle i did to relax after a particularly annoying class
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this would. not even happen in this au cause stri.fe wouldn’t let par.v get a camera within 100 yards of him but, none the less, here’s a photo parv.is probably sent to everyone he has added on minecr.aftian snapchat. 
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raksesrot-a · 5 years
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name:     edward nickname/s:     ed height:     uhhhhh like 6ft smth last time i checked ???? h nationality:     latvian sexuality:     i dont care if you wear high heels or a tie you might just catch my eye because Im Definitely Bi     b I G   B A   N     D   !!! pronouns:     they / he guys or girls:     ykno if youd asked me a hot minute ago i woulda said Girls,, but like ??? maybe most guys Arent garbage fires v_v ,,, last time i cried:     ive cried almost every day for the past like month fhdfg today i cried coz i got frustrated over not bein able to remember what video i wanted to show my mom hair color:     ive heard it be called both dirty blond & strawberry blond so like go off ig what i should be doing:     considerin it’s like 3am i Should be sleeping ???? tanned mongoose vc bUt Am I GoNnA
favorite fruit(s):     bananas & grapes babey favorite season:     s-summer v_v,, favorite scents:     burning wood, old wood, sawdust, freshly baked bread & pastries, cooking porkchops & sausages, lacquer, cold air favorite colour/s:     BLUE RED BLACK IN THAT ORDER HH favorite animals:     platypuses !!! & foxes !!!!!! also big heccin cats like tigers & panthers !!!!!!!!! favorite food:     more of a dish than a single food but couscous with chicken / pork & noodles !!!!!     my mouth is always in sensory heaven when i eat that goodness uwu favorite tv shows:     hard to say since i dont watch a lotta tv these days but uh ig lethal weapon, american gods, sayin ahead of time that when it comes out good omens is def on this list, & uh well if we’re countin anime then pkmn favorite movie:     tough choices between httyd, shrek, & bee movie favorite vine:     a tie between im gnna Munch,,,,, im gnna Crunch,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, & my dICK FELL OF F favorite videogames/s:     does minecraft count favorite subject:     math & physics & chemistry & english uwu & i swear the last aint coz it was my easiest the 3/4 of the teachers were just real big delights & made every class that much more enjoyable v_v tea, coffee, or hot chocolate:     any of em so long as there’s a lotta sugar !! average hours of sleep:       uhh if you count all the naps i take it rounds off to like 6 or so but generally i only get like 4h before i get woken up by my pupper, but i cant really blame the time on nothin but my shitty sleep schedule v_v when my blog was created:     the og multi was made last year on sep 17th & then i remade on dec 19th
number of followers:     208 random fact:     i broke my left-hand middle finger when i was like 6 while riding my bike & crashing & to date that is the only body part i’ve ever broken favorite fandoms:     cant really think of any favorites considerin i typically stay away from fandoms as a whole & just stick to my own lil corner with friends
tagged by:     tagging ???? in this economy ????????? tagging:     either uve already done it or ur already tagged & if it’s neither uwu consider urself tagged
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senhsucht-archived · 5 years
SHIPPING INFO // answer the following for your muse(s) so people know how shipping works on your blog. REPOST. don’t reblog.
i think leo/cyberlife-sent’s connor and that’s it? there are muses i want to ship with just because i think the muses would be a good fit, but not too often do i get the opportunity to interact with people
anything as long as it isn’t with a muse that is under 18. if you want to write some smut, let’s write some smut. if you want to write arguments, temporary breakups, permanent breakups, arguments, fluff, proposals, i’m down with like, literally everything. hate-ships, hate sex, friends with benefits, as long as it isn’t breaching r*** and is between two consensual adults then i’ll be down to write it
i think as long as both characters are adults ie, anyone over 18, i’m pretty fine with it. the only thing that makes me uncomfortable with shipping characters with an age gap is if their relationship is family-like or the elder has taken a parental-like role.
no i don’t think so? i like shipping, i just haven’t gotten the chance to do it a whole lot because i don’t interact with a whole lot of people actively. i just think it’s good to not force anything ykno?
i think that as soon as it starts leading to sex, and it’s obvious is when i consider it nsfw. like, if my muse is kissing yours and it’s very obvious they’re both aroused i’m probs gonna slap it under a readmore
however i also am pretty casual with things like nudity and when a character is naked but not in a sexual way you know?? like. one of my threads i have where connor and leo share a bath and it’s not under a readmore because that isn’t nsfw in my opinion
in the past i shipped with a chloe by the url thiriumbluerose, she’s since deleted. i ship very actively with cyberlife-sent’s connor (and their rk900 collin to an extent as well) but that’s it, really. my muse has briefly flirted with amorous-amalgamation’s OC Killian, and i think that’s it?
no not really. you don’t have to ask. if our muse’s relationship is already headed toward something romantic, if they’re going to just stay great friends. if they absolutely despise each other, but eventually become acquaintances, then y’know, i’ll let it and just go with the flow. it’s just good to have the communication between muns, being on the same page for what could happen with their interactions and how their relationship will or could develop
okay i love shipping. i love it. but i can’t force anything or else it doesn’t feel genuine. i often don’t get the chance to ship, probably because i don’t rp with many people, but i do enjoy shipping and everything that comes with it.
i think i’m more-or-less. there’s other things to write other than shipping. and shipping isn’t everything. to some people it is, but i don’t feel that way.
it’s good to develop romantic aspects with muses that do interact well romantically, but if they don’t, then it feels false.
don’t drag me but rk900/rk800, connor/gavin, reed1700, and simarkus
honestly, we just need to have muses that interact well. it doesn’t hurt to get to know the mun a bit though, communication between muns will better help guide our muse’s relationships.
TAGGED BY: @cyberlife-sent
TAGGING: anyone
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ferocity-flynt · 7 years
OC Tag - 25 Questions
tagged by @mayflydecember <3
Let’s have some fun and talk about our OCs! If tagged, pick the best/most developed OC you have and fill this out!
Post these rules.
Answer the questions about your OC below. Go ahead and give more info than just a one-word response!
Tag at least 5 people! (If you don’t have an OC, you should make one and then fill this out *winky face*). You don’t have to be tagged to do this, if you want to do it, tag me so I can see! :D
OC’s name: Coleson Wallace Von Whytsworth Fandom (if any): none - he’s a pathfinder oc Age: he’s what 24? yeah Occupation: rapscallion
1: Any nicknames?
2: What is ‘home’ to your OC?
The tavern where he lives with his bff4lyfe Maggie
3: Favorite food and drink?
He really really likes corned beef and black licorice. Give him a good amber ale and he’s set.
4: Any scars/birthmarks?
Couple of scars in a couple of places (some of which are incredibly uncomfortable)
5: What does your OC do in his/her free time?
he reads fantastical romantical novels
6: When does your OC think killing is ok?
self-defense or in defense of one’s honor, or protecting one of your own crowd. he’s big on loyalty
7: Biggest fear?
abandonment, failure
8: What does your OC think is his/her biggest accomplishment?
he’s pretty much a badass and he’s very proud of that
9: How clean/tidy is your OC?
not really clean, not really messy.  one of those people whose room is cluttered but he can still find everything, ykno?
10: Favorite smell?
rain and coffee
11: What does your OC smell like?
a bar. also cheap cologne. sometimes gunpowder
12: What kind of clothing is your OC the most comfortable in?
trousers, loose shirt, good boots and a nice thick jacket. long sleeves are a must.
13: What do your OC’s living quarters look like?
tiny little tavern room he’s renting indefinitely, a single window on the far end, a small bed, a desk, and a bookshelf are pretty much the only furniture. think 1890′s bachelor pad/dorm room
14: Is your OC impulsive?
he definitely can be, but it’s more that he’s just really good at making bad decisions 
15: Most treasured possession?
16: What does your OC consider to be good entertainment?
bad romance novel read-aloud parties and friendly fisticuffs
17: Most noticeable physical characteristic?
his wonderfully floofy hair
18: You OC is going out somewhere. Where is he/she going and what time is it?
gonna go gamble somewhere only a little seedy. it’s pretty late.
19: Did your OC enjoy his/her childhood?
childhood was ok, his family was well-off and he was well cared for, adolescence...... not so much
20: What would your OC die for?
he would die out of stubbornness, i think, a refusal to back down from a challenge. he cares about his friends and his own pride more than anything else.
21: What does it take to earn your OC’s respect?
be a badass. blow something up, solve a hard puzzle, tell a great joke. doesn’t matter. just do what you’re good at and he can respect that.
22: Pet peeves?
rich & powerful people being evil capitalist scum, people lying to him
23: How forgiving is your OC?
mistakes are easy to forgive, ill intent is much harder. by much harder i mean impossible - this kid holds a grudge 
24: What does your OC sleep in?
this / this 
25: Biggest secret?
that he’s the son of a former royal engineer. bad idea telling your gang brethren that you come from big money. even worse idea bragging about who your dad is when you’re all in dishonor (thanks corrupt government officials).
tagging: @metametonymy @gregorvorbarra @gr33kw4t3rm3l0n @lingthing and anyone else who wants!!
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auroral-melody · 7 years
What ship do you hate most? What’s a ship you hate that most people like?
What ship do you hate most?
I can’t really think of any specific ship that I hate? I’m generally just sort of a ship and let ship person and I just generally “mildly dislike/avoid” things rather than actually hate them. I mean, I have limits on types of ships, but I don’t really like to talk about things here (just things that are a No). 
I guess I think of GO Pepper as being p gay, so I just don’t care to read anything that ships her with a guy later???
Any ship with Dovewing or Ivypool probs. Idk. I just like them better w/o mates. I don’t like thinking they grow up idk
And I recently decided to read the whole Crow/Bentley tag on ao3. Shudders. God dammit. I was laughing so hard, but also it was viscerally. . .dear god, you guys, I love this fandom, it was so awful.
What’s a ship you hate that most people like?
I’m gonna get so many people after me for this: Clara/12. I don’t know why. Clara/11 is fine with me, but Clara/12 just sort of??? Their relationship changes and I read them as far more platonic, ykno? 
Don’t attack me for this and please don’t ask me for more detail, because I honestly don’t even know why myself. I don’t even hate it. I just mildly dislike it. Isn’t my thing. Doesn’t float my boat. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
[Send a shipping ask!]
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