#not having money 4 food is awful too . i eat Enough n i do live w my family BUT. thats a whole worm can in itself tho
29121996 · 4 months
#it baffles me that i cant get like#a loan of $10k (ive rounded up bc [redacted] seems like an odd number#yes im exposing myself here what else is new#and just . pay that off.#bc it seems logically easier for me to pay $50 a week for the next 2yrs (interest)#than this . fuckery shit ive got rn#like . itd free up so much of my money i tell u#n i do mean that#bc ive done a lot of work on my financial habits and relationship w money#but im paying for my past mistakes n that sucks actually#n ik thats the point but . id rather not b doing it this way#id rather make it easier 4 myself actually.#im not racking up any more debt but my god ending the week w .43c is Awful.#not having money 4 food is awful too . i eat Enough n i do live w my family BUT. thats a whole worm can in itself tho#i just . ive hacked the system to keep myself happy n alive while i fifure it out tho . so were good on that front#but id still like to have my money back thanks#hell id pay $100 wk too . thats abt what i am paying (a little less lbr)#n ik borrowing more money to . fix the problem is exactly how they get u and i do think im smarter than that.#bc . i do NOT have any intention ofrepeating the mistakes that got me here (being Stupid#but . i was doing rlly well w paying off my debt. but id like to condense it.#the fact that theres no family member i can borrow $10k off n then pay off for the next 2yrs is Awful. id have to go to a bank n i fucking#Hate THat. SIDE NOTE????#I HAVE TO PAY MORE MONEY??? IF I PAY OFF MY CAR LOAN EARLY??? you fucks already bumped my $6k to $6.4k#n ur telling me. that if i magically could pay it off RIGHT NOW. id have to pay EXTRA???#what kinda fuckass scheme is that. genuinely. what the FUCK.#how is that fair#dawg this car wasnt even worth $6k . why is that a thing
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Prey for You | Part 4
Genre: Smut, angst, and some fluff this time
Word Count: 4.4k
Summary:  It has come to this. After your landlord kicks you out, you’re at Chan’s mercy. Turns out, he might not be as bad as you thought he was.
Warnings: enemies to lovers, switch!reader, switch!chan, wolf!hybrid chan, fox!hybrid reader, thigh riding, really unheathly dynamics
A/N: this part is like the opposite of a tootsie roll soft on the outside hard on the inside
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 Part 5, Part 6
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“This is just for a short while.” You say, swallowing the bile that has risen up in your throat as you look at the smug wolf sitting in front of you on his couch.
“Sure.” He shrugs nonchalant, but the cocky arch of his brow says otherwise and you have to squash down your pride with everything you’ve got not to jump on him. Like it or not, you’re at his mercy now that your landlord has officially evicted you. Without his gracious help, you’d now be on the streets. “I’ll find another place as soon as I can.”
“You can take all the time you need.” He opens his arms wide, going for a welcoming vibe but the stupid grin on his face counteracts it.
“No. I’ll be out of here soon.” You deadpan, not wanting to owe him more than you already do. God knows he’ll hold his over your head forever.  "And I don't feel comfortable living here for free so from now on until I leave, I'll be taking care of things around the house."
“Oh, how domestic.” He chirps sweetly.
"More like a live-in maid." You mutter under your breath but he easily hears it, the stupid grin finally dropping from his face as he sits forward and looks at you sincerely. "Don't say that. I meant what I said. You’re here as a friend."
"Yeah, sure." You snort. “You’re basically high from gloating.”
A smile tickles his lips again as he leans back. “I always enjoy the chance to one-up you, but that doesn’t mean I’m lying.”
“Wow, you really are a saint.” You jeer, grabbing your bag and heading towards the room that is to be yours.  
To your great surprise, living with Chan was actually kind of nice. Aside from the obvious perk of living in such a comfortable, beautiful house that had everything you could ever need. Chan himself was proving himself to be a quiet congenial roommate. Most importantly, he left you the hell alone for the most part, staying cooped up in his studio the majority of the day so that you barely even saw him. And despite your agreement that you’d take care of things around the house, he still did most of his things himself, picking up after himself and washing his clothes before you got the chance to. He fed himself too as indicated by the boxes of takeout from every possible fast food place filling out the trash. So you were barely wasting any time on taking care of the house, and spending most of your days following up on your studies like you so sorely needed. 
All in all, this whole arrangement was working out positively in your favor. Too positively, that you have to wonder what he was getting out of this. He can’t possibly really be doing this out of the goodness of his heart, especially since no one is even aware of this kind deed for him to gain any morality points off of it. He hasn’t even made a move on you for the whole three weeks you’d been here, seeming content to just coexist with you that you were starting to feel like you were taking advantage of him somehow. Even though this whole thing was his idea. 
Maybe that, your momentary self-doubt, is what prompted you to do what you did next. 
“Hmm, something smells nice.” Chan remarks, walking into the kitchen where you were making yourself some food. He stands behind you to take a look at what you were cooking, and you feel your heart skipping a beat at the now familiar scent of him filling your nostrils and his body being so close to you. And when he speaks, his voice deep and calm next to your ear, it makes your skin tingle. “Looks tasty too.” 
And like a teenager who had the great fortune of being noticed by the popular jock, you twist your head around to look at him, dewy-eyed as the words stumble out of your mouth before you can think them over. “Would you like to have dinner with me today?”
He pauses, looking at you curiously and you turn back to the food and continue nervously, “I mean, that junk food you eat everyday can’t be good for you.” 
“Aw, are you worried about me?” He asks cheekily, and your shoulders tense. “Never mind.” 
“No, no, I’ll have dinner with you.” He rushes to say, plopping down on a seat resolutely. “No take backsies.”
“Idiot.” You mutter, finding yourself wearing an involuntary smile because of him once again.
You’re not the best cook, you’ll be the first to admit it, but Chan praises your food like you are a world class chef. 
“Fuck off, Chan. It’s not that good.” You protest awkwardly, not really used to being complimented. But he insists, mouth full of food, “It is! It’s sublime.” 
You look down at your food to avoid eye contact with him and put on your best snooty voice. “Poor thing. Your habit of eating exclusively junk food must’ve ruined your palate to the point where you think my cooking is anything but decent.” 
“You sell yourself short. These hands--” He suddenly grabs your hands suddenly, startling you as he kisses them. “They’re magic.” 
You yank them back to your lap, flustered, the adrenaline pushing your poor fluttering heart into overdrive and making you panic. You quickly grab your fork and shove some food into your mouth trying to distract yourself from the conflicting emotions clashing in your chest, and regretting it almost immediately as your nausea swells up. 
“Is that how you woo prey?” You snark, taking a big gulp of your wine to wash down the piece of food you barely chewed. “Blatantly lie to them about their cooking skills?” 
The atmosphere fully changes as Chan drops his cheery attitude.  “Can we not talk about… that? It’s just you and me here. We don’t have to let the outside world in, do we?”
You still, your sense of danger rising up exponentially at his suggestion, and once again you find yourself wondering why he was doing this. What was his endgame here? Was he just messing with you? He puts on an honorable performance but you’ve seen him slip before. It must get tiring for him. Maybe he wants to see you hurt; it’s in his nature and he’s been repressing it for so long. You’d be the perfect victim too. No one even knows you’re here, and even if they did, they’d never believe your word over his. 
Or he could be genuine. Maybe he’s as nice as he tries to be. But that just scares you more, because how do you deal with that? You’ve never had a relationship with someone that was open and trusting. You’ve always hid behind your games. They kept you safe. No one has ever truly hurt you because you’ve never allowed someone to get close enough. But if you trust Chan, if you let him in and he betrays you… you don’t know how you’d even recover from that. 
You want to believe though. Everyone always says how much of a good person he is, how loyal, how selfless, how supportive. They can’t all be blind, right? And you’ve seen it too, in the way he always strived to protect his friends from you. He wanted the best for them. Maybe he could want the best for you too.
“Okay.” You answer in a small voice, heart pounding. 
His answering smile is bright and big, but it does nothing to assuage your fears so you settle for taking another sip of your wine. That’s what it’s made for, right?
“So, what do you actually do? I never asked.” Chan makes conversation as he gets back to his food.
You clear your throat. “I’m a waitress.” 
“Oh, and… um, is that what you want to be doing?” He asks unsurely. 
You roll your eyes at him, feeling a little at ease at his naivety. “No. Nobody wants to work in the service industry. It’s basically slavery and all your costumers are either rude or crazy. I hate it.” 
He pauses, looking like he’s thinking very hard for a moment, before he asks, perplexed. “So why do you do it?”
“To eat?” 
“Oh. Right. Of course.” His ears turn red and it’s his turn to take a big gulp of his drink. “I’m, uh, apparently an idiot. Yes, people work to afford living. Of course.” 
“I guess you’ve never had to think about that.” You note, surprised that you don’t feel any bitterness as you say it. 
“No.” He stares at the food on his plate. “I’m sorry.” 
“What are you sorry for? It’s not your fault.”
“Yeah but--”
“But I don’t have money so you feel sorry having money in front of me?” You grin, tone light, and he smiles back, face flushed as he obviously chastises himself in his head. 
“So…” He starts again, and it’s a little endearing how nervous he is. “What do you really wanna do?” 
You regard him for a second, wondering if you should really cross that line and let him in. Well, here goes nothing. 
“I’m studying to be a doctor.” 
His jaw drops to the floor. “You?”
“Yeah, shocking right?” You quip, taking another sip from your glass.
“I mean, yeah.” You would take offense at his words if it weren’t for the--you begrudgingly admit--endearing confused frown on his face. “Isn’t that a traditionally prey profession? Don’t you get, like, weird looks or something?”
“Yeah.” You snort, feeling the bitterness rise to the surface. “I get more than just weird looks. People feel the need to tell me every moment of every day how I’ll never be a good doctor. How no one will trust a fox with their life. How I should just quit and get into business or law or whatever other profession that can use my no-doubt nefarious skills.”
“That sucks.” He says then immediately cringes at his lame comment.
“Yeah, no shit. And guess who says it the most? Prey hybrids.” 
A light bulb suddenly clicks above his head. “Is that why you dislike them? They’re really not all like that--”
You interrupt him sharply, already knowing where he was going with this. “They’re not like that to you because you’re powerful and rich and you could do whatever you want, but they’re ruthless to me. They’ve always been. So yeah excuse me if I don’t care too much for your prey apologism. It’s pretty infuriating actually.”
“I really think you should--”
“What about you?” You ask pointedly, clearly wanting to change the subject. “I mean, I know that you’re a producer. I suppose this is what you’ve always wanted to be doing.” 
“Ah, yes.” He coughs, straightening in his seat as he reels back from the change of topic. “I’ve loved it since I was an angsty teen listening to hip hop and pretending like I’m so cool and gangsta.” 
The thought of little rich boy Chan swearing it up and down and acting like a thug brings an involuntary and sincere laugh out of you. It doesn’t bother Chan though. If anything, he looks content to have made you laugh. 
“Did you…” He begins after your laughter dies down, fiddling with the stem of his glass as he looks at you from under his lashes, “Have you ever listened to any of my tracks?”
“No.” You scoff, the word coming out automatically. I mean, why would you? It’s not like you like the guy. 
His face falls at your flippant answer. “Ah. Of course.” He says flatly, bringing his glass to his mouth. 
You feel a pang of guilt in your chest. Logically, you know you have no reason to feel bad. You two were never on the best of terms and you have no obligation to listen to his songs. And yet, as you look at his crestfallen face, the guilt still eats at you. 
“How about you show me some after dinner?” You find yourself suggesting and his face immediately brightens up. “Yeah! I mean… you don’t have to if you don’t want to.” He interjects quickly, even though he clearly wants you to. 
“I want to.” You say firmly, and he smiles. ___________________________________
“I’m a nice guy who just has a lot of money?” You wheeze, cracking up and face flushed from the intoxication. You were somehow on Chan’s lap as the night progressed from him showing you his proudest works to his most regrettable ones.
“I know. I know. What was I thinking, right?” He laughs along with you despite his obvious embarrassment. 
You lean in close to his face, humming, "I think it's endearing." You kiss him. 
"You just like embarrassing me." He protests weakly, mouth opening against your lips. 
“Guilty.” You pull away to take his shirt off. Caressing his exposed muscles, you grin, “Hmm...yummy.” 
He bursts out laughing, “You like it?”
You shrug, “It’s not what I usually go for but I can get used to it.” 
He scoffs at that, and pulls your own shirt over your head. Tugging your bra over your breasts, he cups them in his hands and murmurs against your skin, “Well, I don’t need to get used to these.” before his mouth latches onto them. He sucks marks onto the sensitive flesh while his hands grope and knead your breasts. 
Looking up at you, he pushes your breasts together and laps his tongue over the nipples. Your arousal spikes as your gaze locks with his challenging one, and you start rocking yourself over his thigh. 
"Fuck that's hot." He mumbles, lightly tugging on your nipple with his teeth as he pulls away, making you moan out and your hips swivel down to push your core harder against his thigh. 
"Wait, wait," He pulls you to your feet, and you whine, protesting the loss. 
“Hush, baby girl.” He soothes, yanking your pants down your legs along with your underwear before he slips his hand between your legs to drag a finger up your slit, hissing when he feels your wetness. "That's what I want." He groans, pulling you back down on his thigh and using his grip on your hips to make you move over his thigh again. "Want you to ruin my pants with your cum, baby girl. Show me how much you need me."
"But I don't need you." You retort, though your hips don’t slow down. 
“Are you sure about that, my little fox?” He flexes his thigh under you, pushing it up more against your core. 
“Uh-huh.” You breathe, squeezing your eyes shut and throwing your head back. He takes the opportunity to get back to sucking on your breasts, which only makes your movements more frantic. 
“Come on, baby, tell me how good I am and I’ll help you.” He gasps between kisses. You tug on his hair, almost bouncing on his thigh now. “Why don’t you beg for it, pup?”
“Unbelievable.” He growls, pulling your head down. “You’re still so prideful even as you hump my leg like bitch.” 
Whatever stinging remark you would’ve hurled at him is muffled against his lips as he pulls you into a hungry kiss. You let him push his tongue into your mouth, taking him in and caressing it with your own before you put your hands to his chest and push him back. 
“You really want it? Want me to say how good you are for me? How wet you make me?"
He nods eagerly. 
“What a sweet pup.” You praise, “Striving so hard to please me. You’re doing so well, baby. You’ll make me cum real soon.” 
“Do it, please. I wanna see what you look like cumming up close.” 
“Keep tensing your leg like that and you’ll have me cumming in no time, puppy.” You bite your lip, small but needy moans flowing out of you. “What a good boy you are, so good.” 
“Please,” He whispers, his hands helping you move faster on his thigh. “Please, please.”
“So close---ah---oh god, so close...baby!” You gasp, grabbing onto him tightly as you finally cum, the orgasm surprisingly potent. He beams up at you, soaking up every little moan and shudder you let out. “So pretty.”
Gradually, your panting breaths turn into airy giggles as you get down from your high. You give his lips a peck before your hands fall between you and starts pulling his dick out from his sweatpants. You grin against his lips, feeling giddy. "I can’t believe I’m gonna let you fuck me in your studio. How cliche.”
His answering chuckles are punctuated with little moans as you glide your hand up and down his hard dick. “If it--ahh-- makes you feel any better, t-this is the--ahh, yeah like that, baby-- the first time I fuck anyone here.” 
You giggles increase in pitch, “You’re so full of shit, Chan.”
“I’m serious.” He whines, leaning up into your touch as you swipe your palm over the leaking head of his cock. “This is kind of a... sacred place for me."
“Yeah, right.” You roll your eyes, “It can’t be that special if you’re here with me now.”
“It is.” He insists with a pout, and continues casually as if it was nothing, “Because you’re special.” 
Your hand stills on his cock, your face turning to stone as you try and make sense of what he just said.  He's messing with you. He has to be.
Fear and uncertainty makes your stomach churn and your skin loses all color, your face getting cold and sweaty as the bile rises up in your throat. You thought you could handle this but you can’t. You’re too much of a coward to risk it and your sense of self-preservation rears its deformed head once again. 
Standing up abruptly, you croak through your suddenly dry mouth,  "I think I’m gonna go. I need to lie down" 
Chan gets up too, not letting you go. "Oh, is everything okay? Are you sick?". 
"I’m fine. I’m just..." You explain weakly, wriggling yourself out of his grip as quickly as you can in your intoxicated state. "I gotta go."
“Hey, wait!” Chan calls after you, but doesn’t try to stop you. You hear him curse out just before you get out of earshot.
You wake up with a huge headache and an even bigger feeling of dread. The events of last night coming back like a bullet shot through your chest, and you’re even more confused now with the hangover shattering any hope of a coherent thought forming in your head. 
You stumble out of bed and head to the door, resolving to get some water and some painkiller so you’d maybe start to feel like your head wasn’t likely to explode at any moment. But as you slide the door open, you hear bickering voices just outside in the living room.
"Chan, what the hell are you doing man?" You hear a familiar voice ask but your brain is too scattered to pinpoint the owner of it right now. Luckily, you don’t need to as Chan speaks up in reply, "It's fine, Jisung. It’s all under control."
"No, it's not. Isn’t that what you used to tell me? That no matter how much she makes it seem like she cares, she could flip the table on me at any moment and that I shouldn’t trust her. That’s what you said!”
You quickly pick up that they’re talking about you despite how much you don’t want to believe it. But that’s the kind of language that has always been directed at you, there is no mistaking it. Yet, against all reason, you hope it’s not true. Or at least, you hope Chan would deny it. 
He doesn’t, of course. They never do.
“I know what I said!” 
“And? Do you trust her now?” Jisung asks incredulously. 
“Of course not.” Chan vehemently denies, the resoluteness in his voice piercing straight through your heart. 
Of course not. Of course he doesn’t trust you. What a ridiculous question.  
“Jisung is right, Chan.” A new voice adds and you focus on the sound of it, trying not to break down just yet. “You’re letting her sleep under your roof, man, and you didn’t even think to tell us. Has she been messing with your head?”
They are talking about you like you are some kind of monster, some wild beast that would pounce on you the second you turned your back to it. You’d find it amusing coming from anyone else, but not from Chan, because for once in your life you wanted to believe that someone could see you as something other than what the world thought you were. You blame yourself for this one. 
“My head is fine.” Chan retorts angrily, letting out a forced sigh. “I’m just.... She was in trouble and I had to help her.” 
“Oh, you had to?” The new guy interjects mockingly, “Tell me, would she have helped you if you were in her position?”
“That’s irrelevant.” Chan protests. 
“No, it’s not. She would’ve let you suffer and laughed about it. She’s bad news, man.” 
“I think you guys are being a little harsh.” Another voice speaks up, deeper than the rest. “Maybe she’s not as bad as you think. I’m sure Chan has a good reason for trusting her.” 
“Yeah, I’m sure his dick does.” Jisung scoffs, “You know, I can’t believe you’d do this after preaching to me for hours about how I need to stay away from her and how stupid I am for letting her get to me. But hey, I’m just a stupid squirrel hybrid, right?” 
You’ve heard enough. Pushing the door the rest of the way open, you plaster a smile on your face and step into the living room, the four boys’ head snapping around to look at you. 
“Chan, you didn’t tell me we had guests.” You ponder theatrically, ignoring Chan’s dismayed exclamation of your name. "Oh hey, Sungie. I knew you'd be back for more." You wink at him and he immediately ducks behind the dark-haired stranger. 
“Please go back to your room.” Chan asks, equal measure pale and tense.
“But aren’t you going to introduce me to your friends?” Your eyes flit over the three guys, stopping when you get to the blonde, freckled one. “Especially this one. What’s your name, pretty boy?”
The boy blushes at the unexpected flirtation but extends his hand out to you nonetheless. "I'm Felix." He greets you unexpectedly cheerily, and you’re even more surprised to find out that he’s the one with the deep voice.
But before you can take his hand, Chan steps between the two of you. 
"I need to talk to you." He grits, pulling you to your room and shutting the door behind you. “What are you doing?”
You shrug, feigning ignorance. “Saying hi to the guests?” 
“Now is not the time for your games.” Chan rakes his hand through his hair, stressed out, but you keep up your innocent facade and he sighs in defeat. “You know what? Just stay in your room until they leave and then we’ll talk.”
“No, we’ll talk now. Are you ashamed of me or something?" You wonder, cocking your head to the side. “I thought you said I was special to you? But apparently you say a lot of things.”
“Why, Chan?” You finally let your facade drop, letting the full extent of your disappointment and sadness break through. “If you don’t want me here then why did you offer in the first place?”
“I do want you here. I just wasn’t planning on anyone finding out about this.”
You laugh in disdain, “How do you always know what to say, Chan?” 
“I’m sorry but you have to realize how bad this looks for me. I worked fucking hard to get to where I am today. There are so many people waiting for me to make the slightest mistake so they can watch me fall. And here you are… well, you don’t exactly have the best reputation. If people find out about us then--”
“Wow, you really are an angel, aren’t you?” You bite, venom lacing your every word.
He laughs cruelly. “Oh, yes, and the judgement comes out. You’re such a fucking hypocrite. You can judge everyone and treat them like shit, but as soon as someone does the same to you you’re suddenly the poor misunderstood victim that everyone bullies.”
You reel back at the harshness of his tone and words. He’s never spoken to you like that before, no matter how much he was upset at you. It was jarring. “Stop it.”  
“Why? It’s what you’re best at, darling.” He sneers, continuing to ruthlessly attack you. “You judged me before you even knew me and went about treating me like a feeble predator because that’s what you decided that I am. And now you want me to take responsibility for your actions and stand up for you when other people treat you the way you’ve been treating them? But here’s the thing, baby; maybe if you had actually been a decent person and treated others with respect, you wouldn’t be in this situation right now. Hell if you'd been a decent person, you wouldn't be having such a hard time anywhere, not with me, not with school, not--" 
"No, fuck you, chan. Don't you dare tell me this is all my fault. You know nothing about my life! I can't believe I actually--never mind.”
“No say it. You actually what? Liked me? Cared for me? Don’t make me laugh, fox. You don't give a shit about me. Every time I try to get close to you, you pull back like I make you sick. If it weren’t for me offering you a place to stay, you wouldn’t even be talking to me right now. You only care now because I have something to give you, but the second you’re done with me, you’ll throw me in the trash like you do everyone else. And I’m not going to sacrifice all that I’ve worked for to entertain you until you’re bored.”  
“You may be right. I may be as awful as you all say I am.” You smile, tears falling down your face. “But at least I'm honest with myself. You on the other hand? Under all your pretense, you're just as fucked up as I am. And one day, everyone will see you for how ugly you really are. ” 
A/N: sorry guys she (me) had to do it to you. leave your feedback uwu
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dreamescapeswriting · 4 years
BTS Reaction | You’re Evicted [BFF Series] [Request]
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It was the only option you had left, everyone else was busy with their own problems to help you. You didn't want to turn to Jin for help but he was the only person you had, he'd always been the only person you had. So you were sitting on your doorstep waiting for him to show up and you were preparing yourself for the questions he was going to have for you. Questions as to why you were sitting on your doorstep surrounded by boxes of your things and wanting him to take you home to your family home.
"What-" He stopped himself from asking anything when he saw you wipe your face, you'd been crying and he didn't want to make it any worse for you so he silently took the boxes and started putting them into the car with you.
"Where to?" You looked at him, you sniffled a little.
"Home, my family home." It was going to b a long drive so it started in silence. Jin didn't want to try and upset you but you'd been best friends since you were 6 and you saved him from a giant bug.
"What happened?" He questioned when you reached a traffic jam on the motorway,
"I was kicked out. Stupid ex-boyfriend of mine started filing complaints and I got kicked out." Jin had never liked your ex but now he hated him even more.
"Where are you going?" You questioned when Jin turned up the exit towards his apartment.
"You can come and stay with me. I'm not letting you go home to that place, you hate it there." You shook your head at him.
"I love you Jin but I don't think your wife would like me staying with you," You laughed trying to make him realise what he was doing but he didn't care. He wasn't about to let his best friend go home to a house where she wasn't wanted and where no one had offered to go and pick her up.
"Jin, please...She hates me enough as it is." He didn't care, she would just have to get over it. You were his best friend for years and she had friends he didn't like but he never stopped her from seeing them.
"It's just for a couple of nights, I'll find a decent hotel and put you up there until you can find your own place." You knew there was no use in trying to fight Jin on anything, once his mind was set it was set on that one thing. It had always been that way even when you were kids, you smiled at him softly as he continued to drive in the direction of his house.
"Thank you, Jin." You whispered knowing there was nothing you were going to be able to do to make it up to him but you would thank him every day for the rest of your life if you had to.
"It's what any best friend would do." You smiled and stared out of the window feeling slightly better about everything but it was going to be a long journey ahead but as long as Jin was with you throughout it you knew you could do it.
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You pulled the hoodie strings tighter as you walked around the streets, it was starting to rain and you knew you were going to be stuck out here if you didn't find somewhere to go and soon but there was no one to turn to. Your mother told you that it was your own fault and you should be left to deal with the consequences and your friends had all turned their backs on you the moment that it happened. Well all of them except for your best friend Yoongi, you'd been best friends since you were kids but you weren't telling him about this. It was way too embarrassing for you to go to about this, you were evicted from your apartment because your landlord decided to raise the rent without telling you - which was illegal but because you were late on four payments before you didn't have any leg to stand on to hold it against him. The rain started to pour as you got onto Yoongi's road, it was on your way to the local shelter but you didn't want to go up there and tell him all of this. Tell him that you were kicked out because you couldn't afford to live, tell him you were fire a month ago. It was too much to dump on him,
"Y/n?!" You turned around to see Jungkook walking up to you, he looked like he'd just gotten back from the studio. He took one look at you and pulled you down the driveway towards their front door. You'd never really spoken to him before, just on occasion when you went to the studio with Yoongi but never enough for him to be concerned about your well being.
"Yes, Yes. Well if they turn up will you let me know?" You heard Yoongi's panicked tone as you walked through the door.
"Found them," Jungkook said pulling you further into the house, you took one look at Yoongi and knew he hadn't been sleeping well. His hair was a mess, he was in sweatpants and a tank top as he hunched over papers in front of him. The phone that was in his hand was dropped onto the coffee table and he rushed over to you, grabbing your face and turning it around.
"Where have you been?! We've been worried sick!" He yelled looking you in the eyes,
"You're cold," He started walking you towards his bedroom and sat you down on the bed while he went to turn on the shower coming back in to see you sitting in the same place he'd left you in,
"Get changed or you'll get sick." You turned your head to look at him and frowned,
"How did you know-"
"Your mum called me when she sent you away, she felt awful but you wouldn't go back to her. She thought you'd come here but you didn't, where have you been?!" You looked into his eyes, he looked terrified at what might have happened to you and he was. He was scared that something had happened, that you'd been killed while trying to make it to his or that you'd been kidnapped or something.
"I thought someone kidnapped you,"
"You know they'd bring me back within a matter of seconds, I'm too annoying." You joked and he smiled, ruffling your hair up glad to know that his best friend was still inside there.
"Get a shower, and then come and eat something with me...We'll figure all of this out together, okay?" You nodded and stood up, you were about to walk into the bathroom when you called Yoongi back,
"Yeah?" He looked over his shoulder at you,
"Thank you."
"What are best friends for? Now go and have a shower, you smell like you'd rolled in something dead." You giggled softly at him and headed into the bathroom to change out of the clothes you'd been wearing for three days and then stepped under the water.
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Hoseok walked down the road to your house expecting to see your car in the driveway but the closer he got he realised that there was nothing in your driveway, the windows were covered by wooden panels and your front door had a huge metal door across it. You were standing there handing your keys over to a bald man,
"Y/n?" You turned not expecting anyone to call your name, Hoseok was standing there with a frown on his face.
"You're supposed to be on tour."
"What happened?" He questioned ignoring the fact that you'd pointed out that he wasn't supposed to be there, you ignored him but he only questioned you again wanting answers from you.
"I kicked her out. She never paid on time and when she did she thought I would brush it under the rug that she was short on her rent." Hoseok took out his wallet ready to pay for the rent until the man told him that it had been that way for months and you'd been behind for a while.
"Why didn't you tell me?" You shook your head looking at all of the boxes that were laid out on the driveway,
"Where's your car?"
"Impounded." You groaned. Instead of questioning you more and making the situation worse, Hoseok told you to wait there. He rushed off to go and get his car.
You explained everything to him once he got you back to his apartment and into some different clothes.
"Why didn't you come to me? I could have helped you with your rent?" You sighed looking at him and he knew what that look meant, he'd offered you money before and it started a week-long fight about not taking money from your friends. It was just something you couldn't do.
"Well you're staying here until we find you a new place, it'll be like one giant sleepover." You smiled at how enthusiastic he was about this it kind of helped make it all feel better.
"What about work? What happened there?" You sighed and rolled your eyes,
"I got fired for punching a customer but in my defence, he grabbed my ass so he deserved it." Hoseok smiled proudly, you'd always been able to look after yourself and he loved that about you, it was how you met. He was going to 'rescue' you from playground bullies when you were kids but you ended up rescuing him instead when they tried to bully him.
"I'll figure something out Hobi, letting me stay is more than enough-"
"I know Yoongi is looking for someone to be his assistant? Jimin is always looking for someone too." You knew he was trying to be nice by offering you them but there were more people with better qualifications for the job.
"I'll think about it, can I use the shower and go to sleep? I'm tired, I was up at 4 packing everything I owned up." He nodded and told you that you knew where everything was. He watched you leave and called up Jimin and Yoongi to tell them he would send over your CV and things for them to look at he wasn’t going to let you go through this alone and he was going to do anything and everything he could to make this easier for you, he loved you like a little sibling so he wasn’t going to let you struggle alone.
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First it was your job that you lost, you got fired because of low-income rate to the business and then your apartment followed. You were evicted due to not having the money for rent which you couldn't pay because you didn't have a job. Your life felt like it was falling apart and you had no one to turn to for help. You ended up finding a hotel that took you in, you took a job as a maid and you were working to keep a room and food until you could get back up on your feet, you told no one. You dropped off the face of the earth which is how Namjoon turned up at your empty apartment. The place was boarded up and he frowned having no idea where you had gone, he called up everyone you spoke to beside him but they hadn't heard from you in weeks. Panicked he turned to your landlord for help who told him you were working in a hotel on the outskirts of town.
"I'm looking for one of your maids-"
"Sir, we don't offer that kind of service here...Maybe you're confused."
"I'm not confused and I'm not trying to pay someone for sex. I'm looking for Y/n y/l/n, they started here around a week ago?" You turned around the corner to see Namjoon standing in the lobby of the hotel covered in sweat and turning red in the face from anger.
"Joonie?!" His shoulders relaxed once he spotted you and he rushed over to check on you,
"How did you find me?"
"I asked your landlord, what happened? Why did you disappear without telling anybody." People were staring at you so you took Namjoon to your room and sat him down on the bed.
"I got kicked out, I'm assuming you know that since you said about my landlord." He watched you walk around the small room and start cleaning up and he held out his hand to stop you.
"Why didn't you tell anybody..."
"Why would I? 'Hi yes, I just wanted to tell you that I got fired and I got kicked out all in the same week, why yes, you're right I am pathetic.' Namjoon I didn't want people to know." He could see where you were coming from with this but he hated that you were doing all of this on your own, he wanted to do something to help you. He'd been best friends with you for years and you'd always done everything you could to help him.
"Come work for me."
"What? Namjoon don't be stupid, I can't sing." He shook his head at you and told you to sit down.
"Work for me, be my assistant or something in the BigHit building." You thought about it for a couple of minutes, working for Namjoon would be weird but it would be a lot better than living in this tiny room.
"You can come and stay at the dorms until you can get your own place...We'll look after you." You thought about it a little more before nodding at him.
"Okay, well as first-order as your boss I order you to quit this job and go back to the dorms. You look like you haven't eaten anything in days, so we'll order a big take out tonight." You smiled to yourself about how kind Namjoon was, he'd always been this way with you it was just his nature.
"Thanks, Joonie," You whispered to him before leaving to find the manager.
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Your mum was the one that called Jimin to come around and see you, you were staying at her place trying to get back on your feet but going from her place and to your job was taking up half of the money you earnt while the rest went onto food for yourself. She'd called Jimin because she knew he lived closer to your workplace and it would be much easier for you to stay with him than it would be for her but he had no idea you'd even moved back home.
"Mum what was the big emergency-" You stopped midsentence when you saw Jimin standing in your bedroom and not your mum.
"What are you doing here?" He asked looking around the room and then back to you. You walked further into the room and dropped your bag down onto the floor beside your bed.
"I think I should be asking you that." You shot back instantly feeling the need to be defensive about him being there but he was your best friend. He was just trying to look out for you and make sure you were okay and he couldn't do that if you didn't tell him when something was wrong.
"What happened?" You shook your head not wanting to talk about it,
"Well you're coming to mine, it's closer and I can help you find a place close by." You stared at him and then noticed your mum coming into the room with cardboard boxes,
"You're kicking me out too?" She sighed not wanting you to see it that way.
"I'm not kicking you out, I'm making you see that living with Jimin is the better option for you financially." She started packing everything up again and you stared at Jimin.
"We've been friends for years, did you really think I was going to let you do this alone?" You sighed knowing he was right, your mother slipped out of the room knowing you needed some time alone with him.
"I didn't want you to think I was dumb or weak for losing my place, so I came out here...Thought I could make it alone and I couldn't." He sat you down on the edge of your bed and pulled your head to rest on his shoulder.
"You just need a little help and I'll help, me and the boys will help you as much as you need." You smiled softly and looked around the room.
"I guess it will feel good not to be back here all the time." You groaned looking at all of the posters that you still had up from when you were a kid,
"If it'll make you feel at home you can put up a poster in your room at my place, I think I have one of me, your bias of course." You pushed him off the edge of the bed and started packing up everything you were going to need while you stayed at his.
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When Taehyung got to your front door he thought there was a birthday card stapled to it at first but once he got closer he saw that giant red writing on the front 'Eviction notice' was on the paper instead and your door was open slightly.
"Y/n?" You froze once you heard his voice and you turned around to see him standing there holding a present and card. You forgot today was even your birthday until you saw him staring at you. He watched as you tried to come up with some kind of excuse as to why you were packing everything you owned into boxes but instead of questioning you he placed his things down and started to help you.
"Clothes? Which box?" You frowned as he tried to help you, you had been friends for years.
"Any with the room, there's no organisation here." You whimpered trying not to cry in front of him but it was hard when he was just trying to help you without asking what was happening. Taehyung would act now and ask questions later, he'd always been that way since you were kids.
"Alright, well where are we taking them? New place?" You locked the door and posted the keys back through. He'd done his best not to question anything happening until now but he was concerned as to where you were planning on going.
"Mums got my old ready so pack up my car."
"You're moving all the way back out there?" You nodded,
"I don't have much of a choice Tae," He nodded and made you face him,
"Yes you do, move in with me. Until you get a place. You can stay in the spare room in my apartment. It's close to work and you won't have to take a long drive..." He stopped when he realised you were crying again,
"I don't have a job either Tae, I have nothing-"
"You have me, you have your best friend. I'm here. You're staying with me and I'm not taking no for an answer." He took the last box from your hand and put it into the boot of your car before taking your car keys and getting inside.
"Get in." He ordered and you got in without thinking about it. He drove off down the road and towards his place, it was closer to the town centre that your place was so there would be good opportunities for other jobs.
"I'm not letting you go through this alone, we're best friends." He whispered to you as you thanked him for doing this for you.
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Jungkook didn't even know that you'd applied to work at BigHit until he saw you running around late one night carrying coffee, he followed behind you and watched you walk into the main conference room and back out again. You came face to face with him and screamed a little,
"You work here?" You nodded showing him the small lanyard around your neck and he followed you down the hallway. You were his best friend and had been for years but you hadn't told him when you started working there.
"Since when?" You groaned about not having the time to talk about it right now,
"I have to take these to Namjoon and then I have to go to my second job." Second job? He followed you up to Namjoon's studio and made you stop in front of him.
"Second job? Y/n, what's going on?" You sighed turning to look around you and then to Jungkook.
"I can't talk about it Kookie-" You only used that nickname on him when you were upset about something but didn't want to talk about it and why would you? You were just kicked out of your apartment and working three jobs to try and keep the hotel room you were currently staying in.
"I'm your best friend, what can't you talk about to me?" You started tearing up as he stared down at you expecting answers but all you had was embarrassing answers.
"I got kicked out so I'm working here, the cafe down the road and a bar in town. I need the money so I can afford the stupid hotel room I have and I can't afford to waste time Jungkook." He took the coffee for Namjoom from your hand and told you not to bother going to the bar,
"Go to the hotel, get your things and come back here. Do I make myself clear?" You frowned at him and shook your head,
"Speaking as your new boss, I want you to go and get your things and come back here." You nodded and he watched you run down the hall and out of the double doors at the bottom of the hall that leads to the staircase.
Your clothes were all away in drawers in the spare bedroom of Jungkook's apartment. He'd told you that you were going to live with him and that you were going to work for him,
"Jungkook it's too much." You told him when he told you he wasn't going to charge you rent,
"You need help y/n, I'm your best friend I'm not going to see you struggle and leave you on your own." You smiled at him as he walked into the room carrying two cups of hot chocolate and your favourite movie from when you were kids. He'd done this for years, whenever either of you were upset about something you would have hot chocolate and watch the film together, it was traditional at this point.
"We'll figure it all out, one day at a time." He promised you, leaning over and hugging you while you watched the movie together.
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@writingdreamsnottragedies @yoongisdumplingcheeks @snowy-meowl @lynnthevirgo @jooniesdarlingdimples @lyoongx @mitzwinchester @fan-ati--c @rjsmochii @callingmyangel @kneel-begyourpardon​ @taestannie​
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don’t leave japan! kenma
Pairing: timeskip!kenma x f!reader
Word count: 1.9k
Summary: It’s the last straw when you break up with your boyfriend, but can either of you live without the other?
Genre: angst with fluff at the end
Warnings: crying, breakup, I think that’s it
A/N: peep the anohana reference at the end. Might post a part 2 to this so let me know if you would be interested!
You had spent the past two hours waiting for your boyfriend to finish live streaming. He kept saying "10 more minutes..." trailing on to his viewers. Eventually you gave up and started setting up your cake, being sure that by the time you were done he would finally be ready. With a glow in your heart and a quick dust of your dress you got the courage to enter his gaming room.
"Kenma are you ready? I'm really excited to go out tonight-"
"Why don't we just go out another night." Your heart dropped, it was your birthday after all. He already promised he would go out with you tonight. There's no way he could have forgotten. "It's just a Thursday, why would we go out on a Thursday?" He did.
"But Kenma-"
"My god Y/N can't you take a hint!" It was the first time he had faced you all night. Your eyes began to sting as he lashed out at you. "I'm sorry, but I don't see how this is my fault." He turned back to his game adding some commentary after apologizing for the interruption as you stood there shocked.
"..my friends were right, I was only going to get hurt in the end." You heard Kenma tsk at you as if you were nothing more than a nuisance. "I'm breaking up with you." Kenma ripped off his headset, eyes bewildered as he faced you.
"I moved half way across the world to a country I barely speak the language of and have no friends," your voice quivered. "Just to be treated like shit." Eyes leaking, you watch as Kenma scans your face for any kind of hidden motive. "I don't ask much of you Kenma, all I wanted was you to remember my birthday and spend some time with me."
Kenma quickly got up as he saw you start to run out of the apartment. He trailed you but before he knew it you were already out the door and disappeared down the hallway.
"Y/N! Please, I'm so sorry! I will do anything to make it up to you." He called out after you as you rushed to put your shoes on, not even worrying about grabbing your keys. "I promise I'll do better! This is my first serious relation-"
"Cut the bull shit Kenma, it's not an excuse to treat your girlfriend like shit. You treat random girls on the internet better than you treat me. You don't think I don't notice how much you flirt with them? How would you like it if-" Your voice cracked. "This whole thing was a mistake."
Kenma watched as you ran out the door and he couldn't help but let out a defeated laugh. Tears escaped his eyes in his slouch to his game room. He looked up at the computer as he walked up, he leaned in quickly looking for the end button. He didn't even say goodbye and the end screen of his red eyes would soon be making it onto twitter.
He slowly made his way to your shared bedroom and fell onto the bed. He hugged your pillow tight to his chest as he buried his face. It still smelled like you, the thought caused him to start sobbing.
"I... love... you... please... don't... leave..." He pleaded into your pillow as if you could hear him. He needed you more than anything, he knew that was true. So why? Why did he have to mess everything up.
It had been three days since your fight and you were hiding out on Hinata and Bokuto's couch. You felt awful for just being there after all they were Kenma's friends, but you had no where else to go. It's not like it mattered anyway you would be gone by the end of the week. You would leave them money to cover you being there and you would never see any of them again. It would one day be a funny story that secretly pangs you that you would tell to your kids.
Not even a day later Kenma had released a statement saying he would be going on an extended hiatus. You know you shouldn't care, but you still worried about him. You loved him more than life itself and knowing Kenma he would not be taking care of his basic needs. You weren't sure if it was out of love or instinct, you picked up your phone, ignoring all the messages from Kenma, and called Kuroo.
"Y/N, oh my god do you know how worried everyone has been about you? Are you okay because I know Kenma's not at all." Your heart dropped.
"Can you please go over to Kenma's apartment and make sure he eats something. I have a feeling he hasn't been eating."
"Ok is that all you wanted to talk about."
"If you could continue doing that until Kenma feels a little better, I know he'll find another girl to replace me soon enough. Don't tell anyone, but I'm leaving Japan Friday and I don't plan on returning."
"No, Y/N you don't have to leave. I know this isn't what you want, you care about Kenma too much."
"Yes, that's the problem. I can't keep giving him my all for him to only give me 10% back. If I stay I'll just end up getting hurt even more."
"C'mon Y/N, just talk to Ken-" Before he could even finish his sentence you had hung up on him. Kuroo looked down at his phone. He did originally plan to see Kenma afterwork, but work could wait for now.
He made his way off the busy streets up into the large complex with a bag of food. You had even texted him to bring him some apple pie. It was comical really, anyone could see that. Yet you knew you wouldn't be able to help it. Kuroo took out the spare key and shoved open the door only to see Kenma balled up on the couch watching some cartoon. Kenma shot up hoping that it would be you, but he could only help but let out more dry tears at the sight.
"Why the hell are you watching Sailor Moon?"
"It's her favorite and I never wanted to watch it with her." Kuroo made his way around and squatted in front of his best friend. Undeniably he looked disgusting; greasy hair, dark circles, red eyes, knotted hair, tissues everywhere, leaky eyes.
"Here eat this." Kuroo shoved the take out in Kenma's face. He just slowly shook his head and Kuroo couldn't help but flick his friend right between the eyes.
"Hey what was that for?" Kenma said finally sitting up and starring at Kuroo in disbelief. Wasn't it obvious that he was in pain after losing you.
"Do you even know why I'm here and brought you food? Y/N!" The rooster headed boy couldn't help but get heated. "Even after treating her like shit she calls me to make sure your okay! Kenma you are honestly so stupid because I know no one else will ever love you how much this girl loves you." Kuroo threw the food onto the coffee table and started to head out.
"Wait she called about me?" Maybe she'll give me another chance.
"If you actually care about this girl you'll go to Hinata and Bokuto's place and convince her to stay in Japan, because if she leaves I'm going to be pretty upset about it too." Kenma shot up to his feet and starred at Kuroo in disbelief. "Oh yeah she told me she's moving back to the United States on Friday."
"No you're lying." Kuroo just let himself out as Kenma starred in disbelief at the door. You weren't really leaving Japan, were you?
Those words were what made him get ready for once. You usually helped him out with his hair and he desperately tried to blow dry and style it. As soon as he got changed he was out the door and rushing over to your hide out. If he did nothing you would be gone in four days and he knew it would destroy him.
As Hinata opened the door he instantly spotted Bokuto squatting in front of you. "C'mon Y/N-san, it's been 4 days and you've eaten nothing. At least have some water." He cooed to you as he pet your head. He couldn't help but ball up his fists at the sight. That should be him and no one else. Bokuto looked over and saw Kenma. He quickly threw a pillow into your face. "If you are looking for Y/N I have no idea where she is."
"I can see her right there."
"Well she doesn't want to talk to you." Bokuto crossed his arms as you slowly sat up. "Don't worry Y/N I won't let him near you." Kenma eyes prickled with tears as he slowly watched you grab Bokuto's arm.
"It's ok, Bo. I'll be fine." You gave him a soft smile. Your first smile in 4 days and Bokuto just sighed as he walked out of the living room and to the adjoining kitchen. Hinata quietly excused himself and Kenma came over in an awkward silence.
"Y/N I am so so sorry. I will do anything. Just please don't leave Japan." The last part was a whisper but you heard it. You sighed as you urged him to sit down on the other end of the couch.
"I don't know Kenma." You couldn't face him so instead you just starred down at your lap. "I can't be with someone who I'm not even sure loves me." You sat in silence for a moment before a loud sob cut through the air, surprisingly it wasn't you. It caught you by surprise, you had never seen him cry.
"Please don't say that!" Kenma looked up at you with streams running down his cheek. "I know I'm not the best boyfriend, but please don't doubt that I love you." He harshly wiped his eyes as he continued his ramble. "I hate that I even made you feel this way. Please I don't think I can live without you. These last 4 days have been absolute hell and I don't know what I would do with myself if you disappear from my life."
You couldn't help it as you covered Kenma's hand with your own. His crying soothed as he looked up at you. He launched himself into you burying his face into your chest. His sobs continued and soon enough you both were a mess. It took some time but soon enough you had both managed to calm down, in the process wrapping your arms around him slowly rubbing his back.
"I know I'm going to the US, I'm not sure if it will be for a week or forever. I really need some time to think and let everything settle." You paused hearing Kenma sniffle. "I really do love you Kenma, but I need you to put more effort in and I don't know if you can do that."
"Please, Y/N take me to the US with you. Let me prove, to you I'm worth it. I can't lose you." He paused looking up at you from your chest. You had no idea what would leave his mouth next, but you certainly didn't know how to react. "I love you Y/N. My love for you is the sort of love where I want to marry you."
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victorscrown · 3 years
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V I C T O R ‘ S  C R O W N  ⸻
type: excerpt
word count: 2236
warning(s): mentions of suicide
status: second draft, unedited
For as long as Finnick Odair can remember, the ocean has been his home. He learned to swim almost before he could walk; his mother used to joke that he should have been born with fins and gills instead of arms and legs. His earliest memories are drenched in saltwater and smell like brine and fish. They are sand-bottomed, adorned with seashells and kelp and coral, set to the melody of waves crashing against the shore and seagulls crying from the air. They are wrought from long hours spent aboard District 4’s trawlers, netting seafood bound for the hungry mouths of Capitol citizens. His parents’ house might be where he sleeps, but the ocean is where he belongs.
Despite this, the ever-present threat of the Hunger Games sweeps Finnick out of the water and deposits him in the austere world of Career education almost before he’s old enough to understand what he’s preparing for. The only son of eminent fleet captain Lochlan Odair and his shipwright wife, Finnick is selected for District 4’s prestigious training academy two years earlier than the normal recruiting age. Every minute Finnick is not at sea he is training, learning how to survive, how to fight, how to win.
Being a five-year-old in a class of children two years his senior should have left him at a distinct disadvantage, but Finnick is a natural, both at the physical and mental aspects of Career academia. After his first day at the academy, Finnick marches thorough the door of his home, head held high, and announces, “I’m going to win the Hunger Games one day.”
His parents don’t quite know what to think about this. As one of the few families of Panem with some material wealth to call their own, a sense of responsibility falls on the Odairs, a need to provide for and protect the less fortunate of their district. They donate frequently to the Games fund. They satiate the appetites of greedy Capitol officials with bribes and obsequience. But willingly sending their own child to the Games is a sacrifice above and beyond what they are willing to make. In District 4, it’s considered an honor to be chosen to compete in the Games, but it doesn’t make the possibility of their child dying at the hands of another any more palatable. So Finnick’s parents mask their worry behind sunny smiles and words of congratulation.
We are so proud of you! Their voices warble like the tide. You will make such an excellent angler. All of the fish will just hop right into your net!
Meanwhile, Finnick, young, soft, and new, is dazzled and awed by the bright posters hanging from the academy walls. Show pride in your district! the posters urge. Volunteer to compete and show Panem what District 4 is really made of!
In Finnick’s academy days, volunteerism, while not rampant like it was in Districts 1 and 2, was frequent enough to preserve the district amidst a sea of destitution. To the trained, money is a powerful motivator, and the fact that many victors pour their winnings back into the district makes the Games seem much more appealing. But the Games are only appealing when someone from District 4 wins.
Finnick is seven when he hears about Nereus. News of the victor’s death floods the streets as though carried by a riptide, and soon all of District 4 is talking about it. Poor old Nereus, academy personnel would mutter when they thought the students could not hear. Found his body on the beach. Wanted to see the sun set one more time, the poor fool.
Even then, Finnick is old enough to know of Nereus, victor of the Forty-second Hunger Games. While other victors were deeply involved in the functions and activities of the academy—drafting the school’s curricula, hosting seminars, even teaching classes for potential tributes—Nereus did not step foot once in the academy after his victory. He holed himself up in his luxurious house in the Victor’s Village and did not emerge unless coerced. Except on the night on which he died.
Officially, Nereus died of a heart attack—a tragic accident, the mayor of District 4 claims at his district-wide funeral. But there are rumors floating around District 4, eddying in the dorms of the academy and muddying the waters of the mayor’s claims like silt.
They say Nereus died of a heart attack, but he never goes outside. Why would he go to the beach unless he knew something? Unless he planned something?
One night, Finnick is brave enough to ask his father about it.
“Dad, the mayor says Nereus died of a heart attack. But everyone else is saying he planned it himself. Like he wanted to die.”
Finnick’s parents exchange looks. Finnick just waits. His father will answer eventually; he always does.
“I’m not sure I understand your question, Finnick,” Lochlan says at last.
“Why would Nereus want to die?” Finnick asks. “He won the Hunger Games, right? He lived in a big house and had all the food and money he could ever want.”
Lochlan takes a deep breath, as if about to dive underwater, and fixes Finnick with a serious look. “Nereus’ death was unfortunate, yes. But he was selfish, through and through.”
“Lochlan,” Finnick’s mother starts, reproving, but he carries on.
“You were right, Finnick. Nereus was a victor. And as such, he had a duty to his district. A duty to care for his people, to give them help as they needed it.”
“Like you do,” Finnick says.
Lochlan nods solemnly. “Nereus was so caught up in himself he forgot his obligation. But we will never be so. You, son, are an Odair. And when you grow older, when your mother and I are gone, you will carry the responsibility for our district as well.” His eyes, to which Finnick’s are so often compared, are as dark and fierce as a stormy sea. “As captain, I must direct my crew. I must tell them how to steer the ship, exactly where we are to go, or else we will get lost out on the open sea. Or even worse, crash and sink the bottom of the ocean. District 4 is one giant ship. There must be a strong, steady captain, or the ship will not make it safely back to the harbor. Do you understand?”
Finnick is seven and understands very little of what his father’s metaphor implies. But he nods his head obediently and tucks the conversation away in his heart, where he dwells upon it often in the quiet, solitary moments before dawn.
Later, Finnick realizes District 4 didn’t mourn Nereus’ death as much as they mourned the sudden lack of monetary resources his presence sanctioned. He might have been a recluse, but his winnings still aided the people. With one more victor dead, there was one less salary the district could use as a crutch.
Unfortunately, Nereus’ death seems to be the advent of a streak of bad luck for District 4. In the following months, when the seas are normally teeming with life and District 4 flourishes under its bounty, trawlers begin hauling in seafood black and putrid with disease. A parasite, they soon discover, and quicker than a flash flood it spreads from the sea to the air. Infected birds begin to litter District 4’s pristine shores alongside their infected prey. This won’t last, trawler captains assure their Capitol managers. Give it a season, and the parasite will die out and your quotas will be met.
Another season comes and goes. Fishing is poor and the district poorer.
In response, strict rationing is instituted by the Capitol. The inner sectors of the district, already barely keeping themselves afloat, start to get pulled under by the riptide of starvation. Dissent ripples outward, starting in the inner sectors, where the rationing hits hardest, to the outer fringes of the district, where the Odairs live. The Capitol, fearing outright rebellion, tightens its chokehold on District 4 with an unforgiving fist. Anyone suspected of instigating an uprising are punished severely, or just disappear altogether. A district-wide curfew is enacted, with harsh retribution allotted to any who break it. And the academy is shut down, because every child over the age of seven is forced onto a trawler alongside their older siblings and parents, shuttled inland to work in the processing plants, or consigned to long, back-breaking hours combing beaches for clams and any other edible source of food.
The fleet is out to sea for weeks at a time, venturing out to waters previously considered too dangerous to fish. Finnick is lucky enough to have grown up on his family’s trawler, but other children are not so lucky. Every week, it seems there is a new story about some untrained child being washed overboard by colossal waves, or strangled by the heavy nets, or withered away by dysentery caused by eating rotten seafood. These children are mourned the way children sent to the Games are mourned.
Finnick’s mother and other shipwrights are displaced from their jobs in the shipyards to assist in the process of moving delicate, time-sensitive cargo onto trains and hovercrafts bound for the Capitol. With so much of the seafood being rendered inedible, it is imperative that every iota of good food is transported to the Capitol as quickly as possible to minimize the amount of time trawlers spend in port and reduce the spoiling of perishable goods. Finnick and many other children do not see one or both parents for weeks.
The only time everyone has off is to partake in the 60th Hunger Games. The afternoon before Reaping Day, every vessel in District 4’s fleet returns to shore, but there is no relief in the days to come. For the next three weeks, District 4 witnesses firsthand the consequences of minimal to no Career training. This year’s volunteers—a pair of inner district adolescents desperate to fight their way out of poverty or die trying—have not been properly trained in over a year. They don’t stand a chance against their Career counterparts from One and Two. District 4 watches, deluged in shame and horror, as both of their tributes are killed off in the first week of the Games. The chance of securing relief from the Capitol in the form of food or other supplies dies with them.
Finnick doesn’t quite understand what the Games imply, why they occur or why children must be sent to die. But he recognizes his parents’ grief, the pronounced slump of his father’s shoulders, the sheen of tears in his mother’s red-rimmed eyes. He recognizes the bent heads and dull gazes of other adults, and even some children, who even younger than Finnick are impacted by the despotism of the Capitol.
The night of his ninth birthday, Finnick is rocked to sleep by the roll and pitch of his father’s ship, already redeployed after the Games. He misses his mother desperately, but he most likely won’t get to see her for another fortnight, when the trawler will deliver its bounty into her custody onshore. It can’t go on like this forever, he thinks, though it’s hard to think about much other than the hunger gnawing at his belly. At some point, things will go back to normal.
And gradually, things do. In the following months, the parasite infecting District 4’s waters dies out, and more food becomes available to citizens outside of the Capitol. Children are allowed to go back to school. The academy reopens, and vigorous training resumes. By now, though, District 4 is a good two years behind the other districts in terms of Games readiness. And it shows when Four loses yet another Games—to a girl from Three, of all places.
The humiliation wears at District 4’s normally indefatigable spirit. It’s made indubitably clear that the only way District 4 will begin bringing home victors is if they’re trained first. So District 4 unites the best it can, pouring every possible asset into scholarships and Games-related aid organizations. Every extra cent of the Odairs’ income flows directly into fund dedicated to providing for Four’s tributes in the arena. As for Finnick, there is nothing he can do but train. And train he does, with an unprecedented intensity and focus. His dedication garners the attention of academy faculty, who praise his skill and commitment. Even Capitol officials, stationed at the academy to monitor for suspicious activity, remark at the newfound enthusiasm with which he tackles his education.
Your boy shows such promise! they’d tell Finnick’s father. He’s going to be a volunteer for sure.
By the time Finnick’s thirteenth birthday arrives, he has been living at the academy full-time for three years. Once children achieve Games eligibility at age twelve, the most promising are assigned personal trainers, some of whom are former victors. Batten is a perfect match for Finnick’s relentless ambition. He shapes Finnick into just what he intends to be: A reason for District 4 to maintain its pride, a victor through and through.
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dabblescrawl · 4 years
Gato Fuera de la Bolsa
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First time I have tried something like this!  Hope you like it!
Here’s a One - Shot as per request:
The reader is Ruby’s older sister and she’s secretly dating Oscar and like Ruby, Jamal, Cesar, Monse find out
The Core 4 sat crowded together on the couch while Mario spilled his cross faded wisdom.  You’d come in later for the rant apparently, pulling off your shoes from work you threw a ‘sorry’ glance at the kids on the couch.
“Yes he’s high” Mario was saying, “On life, memories, and some seriously good indo,” chuckling to himself, “What I was saying? Work hard, put your heart out there, even if its broken by some bitch you’ve known since Mr. Estrada’s seventh grade Social Studies!”  His voice raised as he got heated.
Grabbing your shoes to cart off to your room and ambled down the hallway, drowning out the, very likely very terrible, advice of your twin brother.  If you’d stuck around there you might have realized that his advice was not only sound for the young freshman, but the heart of it was to.  It was an end of an era and a start to something new.
Despite being twins, Mario and you were very different.  You liked to think that high, lighthearted quality was something you shared but in all honesty he had that skill in spades and yours was situational.  He could joke through anything.  He also loved all things social.  That was probably the reason he went to Berkley at all, he wasn’t very good at it.  You supposed that’s how he ended up back in your house with Amber.  Well it probably explained a lot about the whole Amber situation.
You were much more reserved and cautious, while Mario believed everyone loved him from the start, you believed that you knew who loved you and that anyone else probably didn’t.  It had come as a huge shock when ‘THE Santo’ had come to visit you more days than he didn’t, on purpose and even more so when he’d taken you on date after date until you were quite clearly the only woman he had time for.
“Hi! You look like you need an ice cream, what can I get ya?” You’d asked the man standing on the other side of the window.
“Don’t I know you?” He’d asked instead of giving his order eyebrows arched in question.
“Freeridge” you’d answered, giving him little finger guns, “Mario’s my twin, everybody knows him better.” 
The man nodded in response.  “Uh, chocolate milkshake, large” he ordered after a pause.
“Sure thing!” You’d wandered off into the shop to get the milkshake.  When you came back you gave him a big smile, “Or I’m Ruby’s sister.  He and Cesar have been inseparable.  Most days they are all at the house.”
Oscar, now identified had nodded and taken off down the beach.
What you hadn’t known at the time was that Oscar had made his way back towards the shop and was watching to see when you got off work.  As you had waved goodbye to your coworkers, he’d positioned himself so you’d have to run into him again.
Smiling when you caught his eye you’d walked up, “You’re still here,” you had said shielding your eyes from the sun “need a ride to Freedrige?  I’m going back soon.”
He shook his head, looking up at you, “Nah, I’m going to stay here a while,” he paused, “So you see Cesar a lot?”
“Oh yeah, he practically lives with us, they all do.”  
“How’s he doing” he asked.
You looked out across the water thinking, “Uh he’s ok.  He seems to do good in school, he’s smart as a whip, he and Monse spend an awful lot of time together when no one else is around, but he’s got it together.” You smiled, seeming to know that he wanted comfort that Cesar was OK before he saw him next.
You debated whether or not to tell the next part.  “Out with it” Oscar had demanded.  
You were startled, how had he known what you were thinking? “I’m uh, pretty sure he’s mad at you.” You said, then quickly added, “Well I don’t know, but he seems mad at the situation maybe, but he’s not always nice,” you shrugged.  Oscar nodded slowly running his hand over his mouth and down his chin.  “You sure you don’t want a ride?”
Oscar shook his head this time.  Just as you turned to leave he called out, “Hey, you’re not just Mario or Ruby’s sister, you must have a name, what is it?” 
“Y/N.  See you later Oscar.”
Life had only gotten more crazy since then, Ruby and Olivia had been shot, Olivia died, Ruby was still going through bouts of PTSD, Mario moved back in with his baby momma who wasn’t his baby momma, Cesar had been jumped into a gang and then forced to live on the street and your madre wouldn’t so much as look at him in town, Monse had come back from writing came a new woman, found her mom, shattered Cesar’s heart and her own, returned to Freeridge, Jamal had been especially cagey about something and gotten in major trouble for destruction of property, and you, well you had started dating Oscar.
You’d seen him around town and each time smiled at him.  You knew he and Mario got along well and Cesar and Ruby were good friends.  You still weren’t sure what that patch over the summer where Ruby and Cesar hadn’t gotten along was about but it didn’t really matter.  The Core 4 was back together again.
More than around town though, you and Oscar saw each other at the beach.  The other girls who worked there noticed it before you, but Oscar would come and order, only from your window, usually not too long before you’d gotten out of work.  Things had gotten especially tight at home for money lately with Ruby’s hospital bills and you were trying to help you anyway you could.  You worked more hours and almost every day of the week and Oscar was there almost all of them.
You and Oscar had a routine, talk about Cesar, talk about Ruby, but as time went on and your biweekly chats turned to weekly, and then your weekly chats turned to a few days a week, the topics of conversation broadened.  And the jokes and lightheartedness, seemed to flow as easily as if Oscar were your own family.  
You’d talked a lot about what kept you both in Freeridge and why your families mattered so much.  You’d shared the little things you did to help out.  Like, in your case, your parents refused to take any money from you so instead you’d do things like buy some extra flour and make sure there was always an extra bag in the back of the pantry somewhere.  Things that people might not notice themselves and be glad they’d “thought to buy extra”.  Or fill the cereal up a little bit each day so that no one noticed when the next person came along to eat some.  Oscar had laughed at you that it was a lot of effort to go to hide your good will.  You’d simply shrugged and replied that even the small things would help.
It was that kind of thankless existence that Oscar had been so curious about and he became determined to make sure you were thanked and knew you were great.  He wanted you to feel worthy of the same attention that you gave to other members of your family.
You were currently lounging around Oscar’s house in his flannel and a pair of jeans.  Somehow despite the warm weather outside, you were always cold blooded enough to wear a long sleeve inside.  Oscar didn’t protest, nor would he admit that he wore them the day after you did just because they smelled like you. 
You never could sleep over for fear of someone at your house finding out, but that didn’t stop you from pretending you had things to do before work so you could go over to Oscar’s first thing in the morning.  You’d gotten to the house when it was just barely light, the sky thin and almost transparent in the morning.  Oscar was in bed still snoring away, so you’d climbed in and falled back asleep yourself.  
A few hours later you awoke to his strong arm pulling you to him and snaking itself beneath you.  In his deep, husky, not quite awake voice, greated you.  “Buenas diaz, mi amor” smiling to show his dimples.  
“Buenas diaz” you scoffed, blinking in the now bright light, “buenas noches is more like it, what are you going to sleep all day” you teased.
Pecking kisses across your forehead you felt his chuckle more than heard it, “Only with you”.
You’d stayed in bed that way talking about the night before until it became apparent that the morning must get started.  Oscar got up first and as his warmth left with him you’d whimpered a little.  
This was not a new routine and so without another word, Oscar threw the flannel leaning over the chair towards the bed and made his way into the rest of the house.  Oscar hadn’t needed to do anything in particular for the day so you’d spent most of it just hanging out around the house.  Unfortunately, the two of you either had to go out of town or stay indoors if you wanted to spend time together.
There were too many risks associated with being seen together.  And truly, you’d thought, it would save a whole lot of trouble if things didn’t work out and no one knew.  It wasn’t that you were ashamed of Oscar, in fact that couldn’t be farther than the truth.  But rather, Ruby and Cesar’s history had been too complex for that.  Well more like your family’s opinions of Cesar and by association Oscar were too complex for that.  And since Oscar had been the one to ask you if you’d wanted to keep it a secret, you figured it probably saved him too.  If he didn’t come out in the open and claim you as his own, it would be no sweat for him when he broke up with you.  Not that you’d mentioned either of these thoughts to Oscar, he hated it when you shared that you thought he would stop loving you long before you stopped loving him. 
On these days indoors you spent the day talking mostly, but also playing cards, kissing and snuggling, and making amazing foods.  Oscar loved when you played his su chef.  As the day turned to afternoon you checked the clock.  It was time to finish packing up and head to work or you wouldn’t make it on time.
“I guess it’s our last day at the house,” you’d shrugged as you finished packing your purse for work.
“It doesn’t have to be” he said simply looking at you across the living room.
“Sure it does, Cesar will be home tomorrow, that’s the day you have your deal right?” you asked. 
“Yeah, bu…” he tried, but you cut him off.
“So last day in the freedom of the house, Cesar will be home for good tomorrow and then he’d know.”  Oscar just stared back at you.  “And hey,” you said crossing the room to stand in front of him, “don’t do anything too stupid.”  He leaned down to kiss your lips and then nodded with that serious face of his.
“Te quiero” you’d bid him goodbye, running your finger between his knit brows and heading towards the door.
“Quiero mas” he answered behind you.  
Oscar had decided that day on the beach that he wanted to make sure you were always loved.  He didn’t realize that it wasn’t that you didn’t feel loved by those closest to you, it’s just that you didn’t think people outside of the circle would.  He’d driven to the beach every day you worked after that, making sure to take you on walks down the pier, dinner, the movies, anything there was to do outside of town.  He’d even gone down to the hospital and paid on Ruby’s balance each month.  He’d set it up so he paid the interest so it couldn’t accumulate.  At first he’d wanted to pay off the whole thing, but he wasn’t sure that would be well received.  All the little things count became the mantra he stole from you.
When he had suggested that you see each other in secret it had everything to do with the fact that he didn’t want to share you.  Not with the Santos, not with your family, not with anyone.  If you kept it a secret your time, though sometimes fleeting, could be for just to two of you.  And as time went on it just seemed more and more logical, there was obvious bad blood on the part of your parents from the falling out of the Cesar-Latrelle situation.  The longer you kept it a secret, it seemed there was less and less opportunity to share the information with the world without it being awkward.  So you hadn’t, instead you’d kept your dating a secret.  
Now that Cesar was back at home, the Core 4 met there each day before heading to school.  At first, you had just seen Oscar less, but it was getting to you both.  Instead you started to leave just after Ruby and spend a few hours in the morning together after the crew had left for school.
It worked perfectly many mornings.  Unbeknownst to the happy couple, it would not work today.  Sneaking through the side yard you entered the house and set to work on breakfast.  You weren’t exactly sure where Oscar was but you knew he’d be out as soon as he started to smell the omelette you were making.  He hadn’t bothered to put a shirt on or even check the front door before sauntering across the kitchen towards you and the smell.
“I love you, I love you, I love you!” he’s said wrapping his arms around you and hugging you close.  He picked you up off the floor and waved your feet back and forth before putting you down and placing a few quick kisses on your cheek.
At this point the teens in the door had stopped all conversation as they stared wide eyed at the couple.  They’d been conversing about the bomb threat at school and being sent home when the sight in the kitchen had caught them all off guard and stunned them into silence. 
“Mas, mas, mas” you’d giggled turning in his arms and cupping his face to properly kiss him good morning.  
“What the actual hell” came the comedically high and emphatic voice that belonged to Jamal.
Oscar’s eyebrows shot up in question, his hands still entangled in your hair, he quarter turned to see the teens.  You’d leaned around his muscled arm to look at them also.
Next came Ruby’s voice, quizzical, “Is your brother dating my sister, like for real?” he asked, presumably Cesar.
“Ummm” Cesar replied, being able to muster nothing else by way of explanation.
“I did not see that one coming,” Monse replied.
The couple turned back to one another, Oscar spoke first, “Supongo que el gato está fuera de la bolsa, mi amor.”  And instead of answering, you just pulled his face down to kiss you again.
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naomixhill · 4 years
“Aren’t you the one who got expelled from DeSales?” These were the first words that you said to me as you approached me at David’s bonfire in 2011. We were seventeen years old. A group of us came here after a Friday night football game. There were a handful of neighborhoods in our village, perhaps five important ones, but the one we were in that night was the best – the one where sophistication meets elegance meets English-inspired architecture. There was a twenty-seven Jack Nicklaus golf course in front of David’s home. Inside the house was a grand reception room, medium sized ballroom, martini parlor, two dueling libraries, a small art gallery, and a wine cellar. Throughout the home, opulence of the tenth degree: marble floors and 18’ high ceilings and two servants. Just beyond where I was sitting, there was a heated pool, veranda, and small tennis court. Jews get everything. This whole village was Jews, new money snobs, and plastic surgery. But I never minded.
 You repeated the question, “Hellooooo, Naomi, right?” I looked up at you with red, glossy eyes. I was stoned, and David’s two servants had been serving Cabernet since we got there. I smirked, raised my head at you, and said, “Who’s asking?” You extended your hand and introduced yourself with the charismatic, all consuming smile that I would one day become familiar. I did not return the warm reception; I had a magical sadness about me that year that began with the death of my rapist and ended with my name being the topic of more than one scandal. I hardly remember much of the year at all, but I remember meeting you there that night. In That Place.
 You acted like you were meeting a celebrity. You mentioned a few of the rumors that spread around DeSales about me, most of which were incredibly true, and I told you that night, “It doesn’t matter what people say about you unless you believe it.” You told me that you had just transferred to the village school and that you were incredibly lucky: You lived in a modest home on the edge of town that had not been seized by Wexner for further construction of his brick empire. I was completely awestricken by you. You were so bold, so empowered to speak truth, so nonchalant in the way you spoke, and had this magnetic flowerchild persona. If it hadn’t been for you that night, I would have drank alone at the firepit of David’s home. It was true that I was still frequently invited to events that year and next, but I was never really one of these people and I always remained on the outskirts of parties and social gatherings. When the night ended, I told you not to talk to me again. You needed a fighting chance to assimilate in this odd, wealthy village school that was more reminiscent of an episode of Gossip Girl than a place in Ohio. You were never going to get that if you associated with me.
We reconnected in February 2014. It was a historically brutal winter in Ohio, frequently closing down the university, and I was frailer at 106 lbs, more contemplative, and battling an autoimmune disorder that was so severe that I was sure it would have killed me. Looking back on it now, there is no doubt in my mind that your antithesis to everything that I was saved me. From the moment we reconnected, there was rarely a moment that we were apart. Every morning, you held back my hair as I spent the morning vomiting into a dormitory toilet. When I would try to crawl back into bed, you would force me into a warm bath, lay out clothes for me, and often blow-dry my hair when I was too weak to do so myself. Without fail, and for the entire semester, you would walk me to the cafeteria, watch me eat breakfast, and we would undoubtedly end up back on the bathroom floor for several more hours. But you’d still make sure that I attended my afternoon classes, even if that meant sitting on the business halls’ floors in effort to see that I didn’t leave. You were the only person who knew how bad my health had gotten that year.
 Because to everyone else, I was confident and had accomplished in my studies precisely what I had in my social circle of business students—complete mastery, complete command. I was fastidious, wearing almost exclusively Brooks Brothers button downs that tucked into dark colored slacks or designer jeans, and carried myself with an air of superiority that few ever questioned. In school and in the finance society, I was the best. I maintained a portfolio of investments that had achieved a 56% return that year, and when I shared my opinion on what our club should be investing in, I was rarely wrong. It awed some, and frustrated many male egos that couldn’t understand it. I was an excellent financial analyst to be, interviewing at several bulge bracket investment banks in New York and Chicago that year. And when anyone questioned me or alluded that I couldn’t possibly being doing as well as I was, I would raise my prominent nose nostrils at them and say nothing at all.
 I didn’t dress, walk, talk, or play like other college students did. I was incredibly aloof and malicious, whereas you were a never-ending ray of sunshine. You were bohemian and buoyant and wise all wrapped into a blonde package of beauty. My persona was much more overpowering and chilling. Yet, you liked me, and you held my secret, and no one ever questioned why you—the special education major—were in the business hall at 2 pm, 4 pm, 8 pm, and 10 pm everyday. In fact, most of my companions that year really preferred you to me and it was often a relief to have you there as a shield.
 In the summer of 2015, we moved into an off campus apartment in what would be considered the Chinatown of Columbus, Ohio. With my full-time job in financial services and lucrative investments from the prior year, I had tried to convince you to live downtown in a high-rise apartment, but you wouldn’t have it. You always wanted to pay your own way, and Chinatown was what you could afford. So we lived there with Ethan Allen furniture, your bohemian nonsensical decorations, including a plethora of crystals, bags of cannabis, and music posters. By the end of the summer, I was showing signs of recovery, though the months of medical bills had put me in a tougher spot financially than before. I was still able to casually pay our rent and fixed expenses, afford food, and pay my own tuition without much concern. Though it was in September that everything changed.
 You worked at a Bob Evan’s right behind the university that summer to save for college, but you had racked up $17,000 on a credit card that was accruing monthly interest. You wanted to save, but you were forced to pay that down and there was never an expense that you met that you didn’t like. It has always been who you are: you spend too much on others, too much on holiday decorations, too much on latest clothing styles, too much online, too much on fast food, just too much. So even though you worked your sixty hours a week until that political bill made everyone like you work thirty-seven and a half hours and not a moment more, you couldn’t make tuition. And I couldn’t help you.
 I remember one night we were in Cincinnati for a Cal Scruby concert when the idea came to me. I said, “There are a lot of girls in Pi Phi that I know that use this escort site to make fast cash, and you are much prettier and have a much better personality.” So while we waited for the concert to begin, we turned the Marriott hotel room into a glamorous studio for photos, and wrote you a descriptive, alluring profile on that website. Looking back on this now, I am not sure what I was thinking except that it seemed like a perfectly sensible thing to do, and everyone else was doing it. An older, established Cleveland man solicited you within the hour. You planned to meet him later that week. A thousand dollars just like that.
 But that fateful morning, you confessed that you couldn’t do it. And I knew then that if you didn’t return to school that semester, you might never. And I thought about your credit card debt, your newly broken down car, and your ambitions slipping away from you. And I couldn’t let you, the brilliant bohemian with so much to offer to the world, possibly lose it all that easily. So I knew what this all meant for me, but the way I saw it, and still see it, is that it was the least I could do for the person who likely saved my life. So I became you: I went to a hair salon that day and dyed my harsh, almost black hair, to bleach blonde; I bought extensions; I bought baby blue eye contacts; I used makeup to manipulate a small mole on my cheek; I contoured my face, used drugstore eyelashes, and it was convincing enough. That night, I wore a pink kimono with ripped jeans and pale high heels. I wasn’t nearly as tall as you, but I hoped our Cleveland man wouldn’t notice. And he didn’t. And that was that.
 These visits continued twelve times, and we never spoke about them. It was our next big secret, and one I never planned to mention them to a soul. Your fall tuition was paid and I was relatively healthy, and we had our oasis in Chinatown. Everything was finally alright, it seemed, until December.
 There was only one problem: That Piece of Shit Heroin Addict. Back in the summer before the school year began, you had met Josiah. Perhaps it was my jealously of losing part of you, but I never took to him. You could have had any of my friends majoring in finance – we both know that they all loved you, and could have given you the life you wanted – but you chose him. I am certain that your biggest flaw has always been loving flawed people and thinking that you could positively influence the outcome of their lives’ through love and belief alone. Josiah was everything that I loathed about a person: he was uncouth to a fault, sported a horribly unkempt appearance with long, blonde, greasy and tangled hair, had terribly patchy facial hair, had lightly yellowed teeth from years of smoking and drug abuse. Best of all, he drove a sports car. His family was from the neighboring county, and in Ohio, if you don’t live in the capital county, you might as well live in the middle of a fucking farm wasteland infested with heroin, blue-collar jobs, and Mountain Dew.
 I tolerated this boy in the summer because you loved him. But it worried me when you would come home at 3 a.m. with him and his cronies, and they would all end up sprawled out on the floor of our apartment. These people were not good enough for you, and they brought you down with them. I would have done anything to better myself that year—I associated myself with the most elite people our university could offer, all of whom today ended up becoming prominent investment bankers and private equity directors, some traveling internationally, some making over half a million dollars annually – but you always found yourself attracted to the bottom.
 He manipulated you. He told you lies about me, and made you think differently about me. He fed you drugs. He sedated your sunshine and stole your youth. And then in December, he convinced you that I was nothing more than a haughty, arrogant, self-serving person, which perhaps was right to some degree, but never with you, and that you needed to leave. So one night in December, when I was traveling, you stole everything out of our apartment – right down to the kitchen table and bath curtains – and left me to come home to nothing. You never returned my calls or texts, and it was more than a year before I ever got an explanation.
You went from my fascination to my friend to my caregiver to my roommate and best friend to my deepest regret.
 In fact, for the next six years, you tried to contact me sporadically, pleading for forgiveness, but there was nothing that I could offer you. At times, you would comment on my life events that you could see through social media. You told me how happy I looked in my wedding photos, but little did you know for those four years that I was getting beaten, evens sometimes being held at gunpoint, literally; you told me how successful I had become from my work, but little did you know that I was facing more than one harassment suit; you would tell me you were happy that my life had become so wonderful, but you had no idea that at the very time you sent that, that I was sitting in a hospital waiting to be radiated for cervix cancer. And through all of it, I thought of you frequently, sometimes spitefully, sometimes with more regret than a person can carry, sometimes with fondness.
But I never returned any of your correspondence until last week. And now, here we are at a Panera in a rundown suburb, and I am staring right at you. The passage of time has not been your friend: you wear bold framed glasses that remind me of Buddy Holly. Pregnancy has turned your beautiful blonde hair into an ashy brown shade and your long, cascading curls have been cut into curly short strands. You have gained perhaps thirty or forty pounds, hidden under a large, flowing hippy blouse – so that has remained, your style.
 When I approach you, you throw your arms around me for what feels like an eternity. I had planned to dig into you; I had wanted you to feel the internal war that has been raging inside of me since your departure. But I can’t do it. As you pull away from our embrace, you try to speak but your lower lip trembles. Your eyes are red and strained and you weep as you grab for my hand. People around us begin to stare, but my sole focus is on you. I suppose it always has been. You begin a long soliloquy of apology, that at times is so incoherent and sincere, I can only help but think that this has eaten away at you for as long as it has me. So I don’t chide you for abandoning me, I simply smile and say, “I Forgive You.”
 As we catch up, it seems our friendship is a marker in time for you much like it is for me. There was before you, you, and after you. Your “after you” is dark – things have been much harder for you for the past six years than they have for me. One unplanned pregnancy, another planned pregnancy, multiple lost jobs, government assistance, an alcoholic partner, and death threats galore. It is hard to imagine the young bohemian that I once knew has achieved such a disappointing life. You never finished college and you work as a PSA in a hospital. You mentioned repeatedly how tired you are, and I see you: it’s a spiritual exhaustion that knows no bounds. It is the type of exhaustion that one can only feel when they have done nothing that they set out to do in life. I am familiar.
 I often take your hand in mine. We talk until the Panera closes, and then promise to meet again soon.
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let-it-raines · 5 years
another kind of green (5/10)
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Emma Swan spends her days in pretty white dresses and heavy layers of makeup. Day after day and dress after dress, she poses for pictures and acts like she’s in love and having the happiest day of her life with the man standing next to her.
It’s not. This is all a gig, and at the end of the day, she’s no longer the girl in the pretty dress who’s faking getting married for a magazine cover or a wedding convention. Instead, she’s the girl who probably never wants to get married.
Little does she know, she already is.
Rating: Mature
a/n: I hope everyone is having a good weekend! 💚
AO3: Beginning | Current
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Emma filed for an annulment of her accidental drunken marriage yesterday.
She also took a pregnancy test.
Neither of those things were exactly in her life plan. Or whatever hypothetical life plan she’s supposed to have.
Luckily, that test (and the three she took after it because she does not trust those things) all came back negative because if getting accidentally hitched isn’t bad enough, getting accidentally knocked up would be even worse. That’s significantly more permanent and time consuming than marrying someone she doesn’t have to see every day, and she’d pass out from stress if she was actually pregnant.
And the extra-large margarita she had two days ago would have been a pretty big mistake.
(It was already a pretty big mistake when it made her a sloppy kind of intoxicated that had her telling Killian Jones that she liked the smell of his hair.)
(Ruby and Mulan have not stopped making fun of her for that.)
(Killian Jones, Emma Swan, and alcohol are obviously not a good combination.)
But she’s not pregnant, started her period today actually, and after going downtown to the family clerk’s office and having the nicest clerk in existence help Emma fill out the request for annulment papers, she’s officially got that off of her to-do list, which had quite possibly been the biggest weight off of her shoulder in years. Walking inside of the courthouse hadn’t been the best time, giving her flashbacks to being seventeen and having to go to trial (and jail) over those damn stolen watches that Neal set her up for, but at least she didn’t have to have a lawyer.
She stressed over that way too much, but it’s all in the past now. She’s got to keep that stress there.
Fucking Neal. He’s the scum of the earth, and that doesn’t even describe him. She wants to – no, she can’t. she can’t go there.
Positives. She has to focus on the positives, and not all of the memories she’s been tormented with over the past few days. There have been flashbacks of spending her days in a small cell and marking down the days until she could get out, her eighteenth birthday passing by her without her truly realizing it because she’d missed a few days on her chart. The flashbacks of the pregnancy test are the worst, however. The test she’d taken in jail was cheap, something not entirely reliable, and for a brief moment, Emma thought she was pregnant.
For an even briefer moment, she was happy about it because it meant she still had a connection with Neal. How messed up was she that she still wanted to be connected to the man that betrayed her trust and her heart? Why would anyone sane want that?
Why would anyone want to be connected to the man who ruined their life?
Because she loved him, let him tell her that things in her life were going to turn out right, and listening to him was her first mistake.
Emma wasn’t pregnant then and isn’t pregnant now, and she’s thankful for both negative tests even if things would have been different this time. It wouldn’t have been great, but at least she wouldn’t be a teenager in jail scared shitless over how the hell she’s going to do anything with her life because no one she cares about seems to stay. She’s got people now. It’s not a lot, but it’s something. That’s all that matters to her.
She’s got to stop focusing on those awful memories that make her stomach churn and nausea bubble up, and she needs to focus on something productive.
Like serving Killian Jones with his annulment papers.
The clerk has given her options to do that, including paying a courier to do it, but that had cost money and she figured it would be just as easy to give it over to them himself and ask for his half of the two hundred bucks she had to shell out for this. She meant to text him yesterday morning to arrange a time, but the whole pregnancy test thing threw her off. There was no way in hell she was going to talk to him after all of that. Today, however, she’s going to get her shit done and get this whole thing over with.
Emma Swan: Can you meet today?
The little bubbles pop up two seconds later.
Killian Jones: I’m booked all day today. Tomorrow?
Emma Swan: I’m booked all day tomorrow.
Killian Jones: Saturday then?
Emma Swan: I can do Saturday. What time?
Killian Jones: My place? Around noon?
Emma Swan: Send me your address.
She realizes that she never tells him why she wants to meet, but he probably knows. Despite them spending the entire evening together Monday night, they’re not casual friends who meet up to get something to eat or go to a concert together. They’re…acquaintances. She’s got no clue, isn’t really interested in defining it, and she’ll leave it at that. Their “whatever” is short term and will be ending soon anyways. There’s no need to get any kind of attached.
Her phone starts ringing, a picture of she and David from last year’s Christmas popping up, and she slides the bar across the screen to answer the phone.
“Hey,” David sighs, “this is your daily reminder that you have to file your annulment papers.”
“It’s really a shame that you and Marg haven’t procreated yet because you’re such a dad.”
“How could I have a baby when I’m too worried about you? So I think we’ll keep using condoms for now.”
“Oh my God,” Emma grumbles, getting up from her bed and walking the few feet to her kitchen, which is really more of a kitchenette that can barely fit food than anything. She needs to get a bigger place, but she doesn’t mind living here. Having a savings account to fall back on is far more important than an apartment with actual walls around her bedroom. “I don’t need to know about your sex life.”
“I know for a fact Mary Margaret talks to you about it.” “That’s different.” “How?”
“So, I filed the papers,” she blurts out, changing the subject.
“Did you really?”
“Mhm, yesterday, and I’ve already texted Killian so I can give him the papers in case he wants to contest it or anything.”
“Do you think he will?” “What? No. Neither of us want to be married. It was literally a drunken mistake. Nothing about it was sane. We both want it behind us.”
“Is that Emma?” Mary Margaret says.
“Can I talk to her?”
“Wait,” Emma starts, “aren’t you at work? How is Marg there?”
“I’m home on my lunch break. I – ”
“Emma,” Mary Margaret gasps, her voice coming in clear in the phone. “I had no idea Killian was one of Ariel’s clients. I don’t know how I didn’t realize that when we did the convention. I called Ariel yesterday, and I just had to talk to her about how funny the whole thing was with the two of you getting married. We – ”
“Wait,” Emma gasps, dropping her package of Pop-Tarts to the counter, “you talked to Ariel about it? Did she know or did you tell her?”
“Well, I told her.”
Shit, Marg. “Marg, Killian hadn’t told anyone about it! I don’t think he wanted to! What happened to not telling anyone?”
“I assumed she knew.” “Did you having to tell her about it not clue you in that maybe you shouldn’t have told her?”
“I’m sorry. I guess I wasn’t thinking. That’s been happening so much lately. God, Emma, these pregnancy hormones will make you insane. It’s, like, shit, my brain isn’t even my brain even more. I’ve been all over the place. I promise I didn’t mean to screw that up. It didn’t even cross my mind. Will you apologize to Killian for me?”
“Mary Margaret Nolan,” Emma whispers, “did you just say that you’re pregnant?”
“Fuck, I did, didn’t I?”
Emma barks out a laugh, leaning forward to rest her arms and her forehead against the countertop. She was just teasing David about this, and then…they’re having a baby. For all the screwed-up thoughts Emma has over her own experiences in this area, she knows this is a good, wonderful thing that David and Mary Margaret deserve.
They’re going to be great parents.
“Congratulations, lady! I’m so happy for you guys, and I forgive you for being even more scatterbrained than normal.”
“Says the most unorganized person I know.”
“I get shit done.”
“That you do…most of the time.” Mary Margaret sighs. “I’m so happy, Emma.”
“As you should be. You guys are going to be the best parents.”
“Thank you. I love you.”
“I love you, too. Tell David congrats on knocking you up.”
“What a graceful way to put that my wife is pregnant,” David grumbles, his voice muffled. “Real classy.” “That’s me. Marg, are you going to be at any of my shoots tomorrow? I think I need to hug you.”
“I will be at your two o’clock appointment because I need to go over some of the paperwork for you.”
“Perfect. Expect the biggest hug of your life.”
“How the hell does Ariel know that I got married?”
“Well, hello to you too, Jones.”
Emma side steps around Killian and lets herself into his apartment, her eyes scanning over the place. It’s clean a lot cleaner than her place, and she wonders if it’s always like this or if he cleaned specifically because she was coming over. But that would be ridiculous, and she doubts Killian would have straightened up his bookshelves and dusted his TV off just because she was here.
“Hi, Swan,” he sighs, closing the door behind her before walking back to the kitchen where something that smells ridiculously good is cooking on the stove. “It’s nice to see you. You’re looking as beautiful as ever. How the hell does Ariel know that I got married?”
Emma sighs and pulls out a barstool to sit down, dropping the envelope of papers on the countertop. “Mary Margaret can’t keep a secret, and she told Ariel. I’m really sorry about that.”
“I mean, it’s fine. Honestly. Ariel and Eric have always been like older siblings to me, but they can get a little…”
“Overbearing, protective, annoying as hell?”
“Yeah,” Killian laughs, turning around and crossing his arms so that the muscles in his arms flex underneath his t-shirt. “You know the type?”
“My friends are the exact same way, which makes sense that they’re friends with Ariel and Eric.”
“Small worlds and all that.” “That seems to be happening lately.” Emma sighs and pushes the papers over the countertop. “So, we are officially a pair of fools whose annulment papers are somewhere bustling around in the family council office of Boston.”
His brow arches. “Yeah?”
“Mhm. I didn’t get an attorney. I filed the papers out myself I didn’t ask the split any assets or anything…since we don’t actually share any. I don’t think you have to do anything unless you see something ghastly wrong in these papers, but we have to wait at least twenty-one days before it’ll get looked at. That’s how long you have if you dispute anything.”
“I’m not going to dispute anything, love.” Emma opens her mouth to dispute his little name, but she stops herself. It’s just how he is, and there’s no reason for her to be rude to him no matter how fun that could be. He’s never actually done anything wrong to her. “The only reason I’d dispute the disappearance of our marriage is the fact that I know how you kiss, and it’d be such a shame to not get to do that again.”
She takes back every nice thought about him she’s ever had. She gained a few new ones Monday night, but they’re all about to fly out the window.
“If I had something to throw at you, I would.”
“Such a violent lass.”
“I am what I am.”
Killian chuckles and turns back around to the pot he has on the stove. “I’ve got some spinach and ricotta tortellini if you want to stay for lunch.”
“Oh, I, um, I really shouldn’t.”
“Have you eaten lunch?”
“Do you have plans to eat lunch?” He turns around to look at her, and all she can do is shrug. “Exactly what I thought. C’mon, darling. We’ll call it a celebratory lunch that we’re soon to be free of what was quite frankly a nasty marriage. I mean, my wife kept trying to throw things at me.”
“Shut up, Jones, or I’ll actually throw something at you.”
“You think that’s a threat, but really, I see it as a promise.”
The bastard winks. He’s got to stop doing that.
Killian keeps talking, asking her about her shoot yesterday and how it went. He apparently hasn’t been working as much lately but does do the occasional job like the other day to keep paying the bills until he can officially start at the Academy and get a paycheck like normal people do. Emma’s never liked talking about her job because it always seems to lead into conversations about if this is what she really wanted to do with her life. It’s not, never has been, but considering everything, this is so much better than she should have it. Maybe one day she’ll branch out into something more normal and a little calmer, but googling jobs that hire ex-convicts with a GED has never been something she particularly enjoys.
“So, how’d you get into this whole thing?” Killian asks her when he slides her a plate and hands her a bottle of water. “Someone saw you and thought they just had to have your face in an ad in a magazine?”
Emma hums, cutting a tortellini in half. “There was an ad in the paper, which makes me sound so old, for a local dress designer who wanted someone to do a shoot for some of her dresses. There was no experience required. I just needed to be the right size, and I was. I think I maybe got paid two hundred bucks for that shoot, but it opened me up to the whole industry. You?”
If she’s got to answer these questions, he does as well. Tit for tat and all that.
He hesitates. He tries to cover it up, but she can tell. He’s trying to be a cop, so obviously this whole modeling thing isn’t what he’s always wanted to do. Emma may not be some kind of genius, but she knows people pretty damn well.
“Ariel got me into it. I’d known her forever, needed some money, and it just kind of happened. I’d been piddling around in construction and bartending before that.”
“Ariel’s a good friend.”
“Yeah, she’s one of the good ones, always keeping me on track.”
Killian smiles, something soft that makes the crinkles around his eyes show up where they normally wouldn’t, and Emma’s stomach flips. It’s probably because this food is really good. That has to be it.
“So, did you make these from scratch? They’re really good.”
“I bought them from Whole Foods. It’s simple, Swan. I think anyone can make it.”
“That’s because you don’t know how unfortunate of a cook I am.”
“Oh, I’m the worst. I won’t admit that to anyone who has seen me cook, but I’m definitely the worst. I could mess up boiling water.”
“That’s pathetic.”
“Hey,” Emma scoffs, flicking a piece of the bread off her plate at him. “I can say it. You can’t say it.”
“Are these in the unwritten rules of Emma?”
“Oh, absolutely. And they constantly change, so you’ll never really know.”
“Bloody hell,” he mumbles, leaning forward to press his forehead to the counter and hiding his face in his hands. She can see his smile peeking through. “You’re going to be the death of me.”
“Well, I assume at some point we did say ‘til death do us part.’”
“Does that mean you’re going to murder me before our papers are processed?” he laughs, those crinkles showing up again as she feels her own lips curling up to the sides.
“Obviously that’s exactly what I meant. Gonna finally put all of my police connections into use.”
“What the hell is going on out here?” someone groans, and Emma nearly falls off of her stool as someone walks down the hallway in a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt that’s got to be fifteen years old from all of the holes and faded letters. “Who the hell are you?”
“I could ask you the same thing.”
“You’re in my apartment.”
“You have a roommate?” Emma asks Killian, turning to look at him as he’s still got this shit-eating grin on his face. “You never mentioned that.”
“You never asked. Emma, this is Will Scarlet, my roommate. Will, this is – ”
“Holy shit,” Will gasps, “you’re the girl he married. I couldn’t believe it when Ariel told me. Sorry about that, lass. He’s a real piece of work, and I’m sure he didn’t get you satisfied on your wedding night.”
He did, but that was technically before the wedding, and she’s not saying any of that out loud.
“Oh, I think I’m going to like you,” Emma laughs, shoveling some more food in her mouth. “Can you tell me every weird thing Killian does?”
“How long do you have?”
“All day.”
“Bloody hell,” Killian grumbles, pushing his hair back, “I don’t need to be here for this.”
“You do if you don’t want me to tell her about the time you went blonde.”
“Oh, I definitely have to hear that,” Emma sighs. “Tell me everything. I hope you have pictures.”
“Digital and print versions.”
Tag list:  @xemmaloveskillianx​ @stahlop @shardminds @carpedzem @captainsjedi  @galaxyzxstark @thejollyroger-writer @kmomof4 @tiganasummertree @xellewoods @idristardis @karenfrommisthaven @shireness-says @scientificapricot @captswanis4vr @a-faekindagirl @ultimiflos @jamif @dreameronarooftop15 @nikkiemms @resident-of-storybrooke  @bmbbcs4evr @onceuponaprincessworld @jennjenn615 @mayquita @teamhook @kmomof4 @ekr032-blog-blog @superchocovian @ultraluckycatnd @cs-forlife @andiirivera @qualitycoffeethings @jonirobinson64 @mariakov81 @spartanguard @snowbellewells @therealstartraveller776​ @onepunintendid​ @bluewildcatfanatic​
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fleckcmscott · 5 years
Watch What Happens - Chapter 8
Chapter links: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Summary: Arthur, an aspiring comedian, has struggled to find normalcy and compassion his entire life. Y/N, a hard-working paralegal and transplant to Gotham, has just been put on a case for the Wayne Foundation. When they meet, unexpected sparks fly.
Chapter warning: Swearing
Words: 3,835
A/N: Totally self-indulgent, but when Sinatra is mentioned, this is the song I hear playing (though almost any would do): Nice ‘N’ Easy
Also, a big thanks to @harmonioussolve​ for reading this chapter before I had the courage to post anything!
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Arthur paced in front of the door to Y/N’s apartment. His shoulders lifted as he sucked in a deep breath. He couldn’t stop fiddling with the collar buttons of the red sweater he wore (one of the few pieces of clothing he had that fit him properly). A rose was in his hand, one he’d grabbed at a vendor on the way over. He’d gotten it on a lark - women were supposed to like flowers. Now he was on the verge of worrying off the leaves.
It’ll be fine. It’s only Y/N. Only Y/N - what a joke.
Forcing himself to stand still, he slowly raised his hand to trace the apartment number, 4A. Then he swallowed hard and knocked.
“Just a minute!” she called.
At the sound of her voice, he leaned forward to listen to her slight shuffling. As her footsteps brought her nearer, he screwed his eyes shut, trying to calm his pulse. Hearing the sound of the deadbolt being unlocked, he straightened. The door swung open.
There she stood, beaming. His breath stopped. That smile was for him. Because of him. It was hard to take-in. His eyebrows lifted and he held out the flower. “Hi.”
“Hi, Arthur. You look wonderful.”
His cheeks burned and he lowered his eyes to the floor. “Thanks. So do you,” he said.
Y/N took the rose from him and gently ran her fingertips over the petals. “This is lovely. Thank you.” She stepped back, then, and extended her arm to guide him inside. “Come in, come in.” After closing the door behind her, she darted back to the kitchen. “You can put your coat on the hooks by the door.”
He did as she instructed, shrugging out of his jacket and hanging it up next to hers. He felt his throat clench and pressed the back of his hand to his mouth. Don’t fuck this up. Letting out a long breath, he stepped further into the apartment and peeked around.
It was different than he’d imagined. The white walls were sparsely decorated, with a calendar here or a print there. The cream colored carpet was plush, but struck him as a pain to keep clean. The living area was larger than his own, maybe by ten square feet. In the low light of the side table lamp, he could see there were no knick-knacks anywhere, no photos. Two doors were connected to the room, which he deduced were for the bathroom and bedroom. A third, glass door led outside. His eyes went to the kitchen, which was in the same spot as in his own apartment. It was somewhat longer, with a dining nook at the end.
He knew he was out of place. The freshness, the newness of the apartment was a stark contrast to his own, aged home. It was nice to be here, though. Different, but nice.
Y/N interrupted his reverie. “Did you have any trouble finding your way here?”
Arthur approached her, leaning against the kitchen entrance and folding his arms over his chest. “No, you gave good directions.”
She cocked her head at him. “I was thinking the other day how it’s funny you live so close by. Well, relatively close by.” Stirring slowly, her attention back to the stove, she continued. “I wonder how often we passed each other without noticing,” she said.
The words, spoken in her usual casual tone, landed with him, hard. He didn’t answer, unsure of what to say. Instead, he tried to focus on her easy manner. So far, it had always helped him relax.
He let his eyes rove over her form, noting that her conservative heels complimented the curves of the back of her calves. Her knee-length skirt prevented him from checking out her thighs, but it accentuated the feminine silhouette of her backside. The blue sweater she wore was snug, and he could make out the curve of her breasts. Her hair looked soft, and he alternated between wanting to touch it and breath in her scent.
The moment she looked at him, he averted his eyes to what she was cooking. He didn’t recognize it. “That smells good. What is it?”
“Beef stroganoff. I can’t take too much credit. My crock-pot did most of the work. I’m just boiling the egg noodles now, which is about the height of my cooking skills.” She huffed and shook her head at herself. “I’m selling myself well, aren’t I?”
Arthur met her gaze, then pushed himself to verbalize what came to mind. “I’m already sold on you.” He froze for a split second, then smiled in relief as her eyes warmed and he realized he’d said the right thing. As she retrieved a colander, he saw that she’d put the rose he’d brought in a glass of water. Emboldened, he stepped next to her. “I’m actually okay around the kitchen, taking care of my mother… Maybe I can help?”
She placed the colander in the sink as she fished a noodle out of the pot. After testing it, she handed him oven mitts. “Yeah, would you drain these? The pot’s heavy and I messed up my wrist at work today. Too much typing.”
He put them on and picked up the pot. “Are you all right?” he asked. Dumping the noodles into the sink, he watched her take out plates, cutlery, wine glasses, and a bottle of red wine.
Shit. Maybe Gary had been right.
“Yeah, I’ll be fine,” she said, placing the silverware on the table. “Happens sometimes. Occupational hazard.” She grabbed the wine corker and opened the bottle, then held it out to him. “Here. You pour and I’ll serve.”
“Um, okay.” He took the it from her and furrowed his brow at the glasses. He’d drunk occasionally, but wine was new to him, and he was trying to figure out how much to pour. Half a glass? A full glass? He went with the latter.
Y/N’s hand was on his bicep in an instant and he stiffened. “Arthur, that’s too much,” she laughed. “Are you trying to take advantage of me?”
He flinched and put the bottle down. Did she really think that? “No, I wasn’t-.”
Her hand moving down his arm to the back of his hand stopped him. “I’m teasing you,” she said. She gave him a little squeeze. “You’re going to have to get used to it.”
The smile she was giving him, the glint in her eye, her close proximity. For a moment, he could see himself clearing the counter with his arm, lifting her onto it, stepping between her legs, pulling her mouth to his -
A nudge from her elbow caught his attention. “Is this enough?”
He blinked down at the portion. It was more than he usually ate in a day. “That’s plenty.”
After serving herself, she grabbed both plates and brought them to the small, round table at the end of the kitchen. He followed her lead, wine glasses in his hands. The corner of his mouth turned up when he saw he was supposed to sit next to her, not across from her. She sat down and put a cloth napkin in her lap, and, taking his cue from her, he did the same. “Well, enjoy.”
Arthur watched her movements for a few seconds before starting. He wasn’t used to sitting at a table and eating with someone, even though he’d often wished for it. It had always been more casual: TV dinners on the couch, or alone at his table as he wrote in his journal. He observed the way she held the knife and fork, in her right and left hands, respectively. He was used to cutting his food with the side of his fork. He tried to hold the cutlery in the same manner she did, but it felt unnatural. He could feel himself tense up. A short laugh forced its way through his throat. Wincing, he instinctively covered his mouth.
Y/N lightly put her hand on his shoulder, caressing him soothingly, then gave him a tender squeeze. “It’s okay. I’m a little nervous, too.” She hummed softly with a blush. “And I didn’t invite you here to be uncomfortable or someone else. Eat how you want.”
His eyes watered but he managed to blink it back, hoping she didn’t notice. She had no idea how often he wished to be someone else, away from this city, his conditions. But not tonight. He was glad to be here tonight. With her. Lowering the hand from his lips, he nodded. Taking his fork in his right hand, he took a bite. He chewed it slowly and mulled over the texture. “It’s very good,” he said. “Thank you.”
“It’s great when the weather’s this chilly.”
A few mouthfuls later, he tried the wine. It was surprising, a little dry, but he decided he liked it. He cleared his throat. “I know we talked about this before, but I still don’t understand how you could choose Gotham to live in. There are other cities.”
She took a drink herself. “I needed time to save up enough money to move. I was doing legal work at home, too. Once I’d put away enough and could leave, I applied to every paralegal job in a big city. Metropolis, Toronto, Central City. I didn’t care where it was. And I got work in Gotham.” She looked pleased. “I’m glad I did.”
Bashfully, he smiled back. “Me, too,” he said.
Looking ahead, she chewed thoughtfully. “I never felt at home in Boonville, you know? It’s such a small town. Nothing to do, not much opportunity. I thought I’d be able to settle down there and be content with my ex-husband, but that didn’t happen.” She squinted then and her eyes pierced his. “It doesn’t bother you, does it? That I’m divorced? I know it’s unusual, but I got married twenty years ago when we were both young and stupid.”
He wouldn’t have minded if she’d been locked up in Arkham with him. Arthur shook his head. “Does it bother you that I’m not?” He could see her shoulders loosen at his answer.
Chuckling, she continued to eat. “You seem to hate it here.”
He paused, pondering what to say that wouldn’t put her off. For reasons he would never understand, she loved Gotham. “People can be awful.” Bitter memories starting surfacing. “They’ll cut you off in line like you’re not even there. There was a homeless guy once, who died on the sidewalk near where I live. People were just stepping over him. Like they didn’t even notice.”
His voice lowered as he poked at the food on his plate. “What happened on the train?” he said. “That wasn’t the first time. You’re the only reason I got out of there all right.” He brought a hand to his forehead. “It’s tiring. And embarrassing.”
Y/N’s hand touched his and he let her pull it away from his face. “Don’t be embarrassed because others are assholes. Just don’t be one yourself. That’s all anyone can do.” She finished the last few bites of her food. “There are awful people everywhere.” A short snort escaped her. “At least here it’s in your face and you know where you stand.”
They continued in silence for a few moments, Arthur finishing his meal. “Oh, I haven’t told you yet.” He perked up, a wide smile on his face. “I have a stand-up show next Tuesday at eight. Maybe you should come see me?”
She stood, grinning down at him “Of course I’ll be there. Just tell me where.” Bending slightly at the waist, she picked up their plates. “Would you like seconds?”
He observed her, the closeness of her face. Suddenly, he was hungry again. “Please.”
Nicotine soothed what remained of Arthur’s nerves as he stood on the fire escape, cigarette in his mouth. He’d been craving a smoke since entering the apartment building. His eyes crinkled at the corners as he went over the evening so far. He was feeling pretty good, which was new. He hadn’t made a mistake, except with the wine, which Y/N didn’t seem to mind too much. It was nice to be around a person who so comfortable with themselves. He hoped it would be contagious - it seemed to be when he was around her.
At least partially. Part of him wondered what she saw in him, anyway. A professional woman like her interested in a high-school dropout like him? He hadn’t minded leaving school at the time. It had been difficult, with his laughter and black moods. And quitting had eventually become a necessity so he could take care of his mother. Working odd jobs and concentrating on comedy and performing had helped him get out of his own head, at least for a time. Y/N was such a contrast, having gone to college and made something of herself. He hoped she never realized he was worthless.
He closed his eyes against the musings worming their way into his brain, wishing his mind would let him enjoy himself. He felt himself slipping sometimes, though he still mostly managed to push through the negative thoughts. They were recurring more often, however. Two of his medications had run out. He only had enough of the rest to get him through Sunday. The effects of suddenly stopping them wasn’t something he knew much about, having been on them for so long. And now he had no one he could go to to ask. So far, the most obvious change had been the shortening of his refractory period from a few days to a few hours.
Though Y/N might have also helped with that. He blushed, feeling a little shameful, thinking about it with her maybe twelve feet away.
As if on cue, he heard her open the glass door behind him. “The ad for the apartment said this was supposed to be a balcony,” she giggled. When he didn’t reply, she loosely put her arm around his back at his waist. “Arthur, you’re so tightly wound. I want you to have a good time. You need more wine.”
He chuckled, the corner of his mouth turning up as he blew smoke through his nose.
Her voice was apologetic when she spoke again. “I’ve noticed when I touch you, you sometimes tense up.” Y/N stroked his side, softening her words. “Should I stop? I don’t want to, but if you-”
Arthur turned to her, grasping her hand desperately. “No. Please.” He entwined their fingers, savoring her smaller palm against his own. It was odd to voice what he craved as if it mattered. “I want you to touch me. I think about it a lot.” He scoffed at his own vulnerability. “I’m - I’m just not used to it.”
She nodded in understanding, tightening her hold on him. “It’s been a couple years for me, too.”
He flicked his cigarette off the ledge and watched it as it fell. It’s only been thirty-five here.
“Come back in,” she said, turning and pulling him inside. “It’s cold out and you could do without the cancer sticks.”
The notes of music coming from a radio in the corner caught his ear. Sinatra was playing. After closing the door, she stood in front of him expectantly. When he gave her a crooked smile but didn’t move, she extended her hand to him. “Mr. Fleck, you told me you were a good dancer,” she said, lifting an eyebrow. “Show me? Quick, before the alcohol wears off and I change my mind.”
He grasped her hand tenderly, then, and stepped closer. “Change your mind? About me?”
“No, silly. Embarrassing myself.” She gripped his shoulder.
Arthur scoffed. “I don’t think that’s possible.” It took him a couple seconds to steel himself before he could place his hand on her side. Gently, he started to move, leading her to the song’s beat and rhythm. He longed to look into her eyes, and did so for a few moments before self-consciousness took over. When that happened he pulled her closer, his eyes shutting as his jaw grazed her cheek.
After a few minutes, her forehead fell forward onto his shoulder. She moved her hand to his chest and sighed contentedly. “Where’d you learn how to dance?”
His hand went over hers. “My mom taught me when I was little. That’s when I started. And I’ve listened to a lot of Jackie Gleason Orchestra records.” He dipped her, then, not too far, but enough to feel her weight on his arm.
She laughed. “Those records are so cheesy. I love it.” When he brought her back up, she put her hand to her forehead. “I gotta sit down. My head’s spinning.” At his disappointed groan, she waved dismissively and sat on the couch. After taking off her heels and pouring a third glass of wine, she cleared her throat. “I’ve been thinking about you and your mother. You’re in a tough situation. I’ve been there.”
“You have?” he asked.
Y/N swallowed hard, taking a drink. “One of the reasons I had to stay home for so long was my father. He had dementia.” Looking up at him, she added, “Is that what you deal with?”
His brow pinched and he sat next to her. “I’m not sure. She’s been sick a long time. She focuses on strange things.” He rolled his eyes, already annoyed. “Lately, she’s been obsessed with Thomas Wayne.” Sighing, he said, “She keeps writing him letters asking for help, because she worked for them thirty years ago.”
She nodded and turned her body to face him. “My father got like that, too. Always obsessed with the mail. Thinking someone was stealing from him.” She sniffled once and swiped at her nose. “My mother had passed away. My sister - I have a sister - she tried but she has her own children.” Tucking her feet under herself, she leaned against the back of the sofa. “In the end, the worst thing was the emotional back and forth. Most days he was a shadow of who he used to be. But there were days when he knew who I was.” She clicked her tongue. “You keep hoping for more of those, but they don’t come.”
Arthur saw her lip tremble and her eyes gloss over. Pressure formed in his chest. He wanted to comfort her and make her smile, but he didn’t know how to do it. He settled for putting his hand on her forearm and turning to her.
Staring into the distance, she continued. “You get to the point where you don’t recognize yourself. All you want is to be alone with your thoughts instead of…” She blinked a couple times and looked at him, as if realizing she wasn’t alone, and grimaced shyly. She put down the wine glass. The heel of her hand went to her eyes to wipe away unshed tears. “Whew. I shouldn’t have started that third glass. I’m sorry. I’ve ruined our beautiful evening.”
“No,” he answered quickly, moving his hand to her shoulder, the way she had comforted him at the dinner table. “You didn’t.”
She stood, still seemingly embarrassed. “You’re too kind.” She held her hip and looked down at him. “You’ve asked a couple of times if I was real. Are you sure you are? You seem too good to be true. How are you not married with five children or something?”
He widened his eyes and studied the surface of the coffee table, laughing quietly. Good thing she couldn’t read his mind. Or his journal. “Now I know you’ve had too much to drink,” he said.
She continued to stand there, looking down at him with narrowed eyes. “It’s possible.”
He smiled wryly. Sensing the evening was winding down, he picked up the glasses and brought them to the kitchen. He put his hands on the edge of the counter, grasping until his knuckles were white. Even though he thought it would be the correct thing to do, considering she was tipsy, he didn’t want to leave.
Y/N followed. Her hand touched the small of his back as she moved to rummage in a bottom cabinet. “Let me pack some of this up for you and your mother.” She pulled out a few Tupperware dishes.
“You don’t have to do that,” he said.
Not heeding his words, she started to fill each dish with a separate part of the meal. “I’m one person. It’ll go bad before I eat it. Plus, I want to.”
Arthur slowly went to the door and pulled on his jacket. When he turned around, she stood before him, a grin on her face, bag of leftovers dangling from her fingertips. “Thank you for coming over, Arthur. It was the best night I’ve had in a long time.” She leaned forward, stood on her toes, and gave his cheek a tender kiss.
He let out a long breath, then, staring at the floor before meeting her look. Before the moment passed, before he left, he had the urgent need to do something, anything. His voice cracked slightly. “Y/N, I…” For one of the first times in his life, he followed his instinct, placed his hands on the sides of her face, and leaned in to kiss her.
Y/N’s lips were soft, so soft, against his own, and her short moan warmed him. He could feel her pull him closer, her hands going across his back as his own slid down to her sides. She tilted her head and deepened the kiss, one of her palms going to the nape of his neck, her fingers in his hair. When her fingernails met his scalp, a groan escaped him and he grasped her hip. It happened so quickly. He felt himself hardening in his pants as her lips sought his.
She broke the kiss first, gasping and giggling. “I’ll be at your show next week, all right?”
Arthur was lightheaded; she was still hanging onto him. His voice was unsteady when he answered. “Yes. Okay.”
She finally released him from her arms and handed him the food. He took it gratefully, a sad smile breaking out as he turned to leave. She tempered the blow by giving him another quick kiss when she opened the door. “Get home safely.”
He nodded, voice raspy when he answered. “I will.”
She slowly started shutting the door, whispering, “Good night” before it closed completely.
Arthur stood in the hallway. Closing his eyes and breathing deeply, he attempted to quiet his heart. Did she know what she did to him, how quickly and hard he had already fallen for her?
With a sigh, he started down the hall, stretching his arms in front of him to expel the energy built up in his wiry frame. After the elevator opened, he entered it with a little spin, and chuckled, thinking about he was going to need a new journal after writing tonight.
Tag list (Let me know if you want to be added!): @harmonioussolve​@clowndaddyfleck​ @stephieraptorr @rommies @sweet-nothings04​
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cbseung · 5 years
cobblestones: modern prince hyunjin - pt 6
[pt 1] [pt 2] [pt 3] [pt 4] [pt 5] [pt 6] [pt 7] [pt 8] [pt 9] [pt 10] [final]
you’ll be happy to know i decided a major plot point by asking google heads or tails
i hope you all are okay! if not that’s okay too. make sure you drink water and eat food! stray kids would want you to :)
pairings: hyunjin x reader
w/c: 1,655
warnings!: slight alcohol use :) nothing too bad only enough to make yourself dance on tables in barcelona [this statement makes sense don’t worry] (and not underaged because drinking age in barcelona is 18) [this still makes no sense hehe]
description: it’s ball prep time!!!! gotta sort out a dress, a date, AND YOUR feelings for a certain someone who must not be named! 
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your shopping day with hyunjin is finished!!
you walk back to buckingham with eight bubble teas
cause SOMEONE wanted to try all the flavors
that someone was you btw
“i can’t believe you made me buy you eight flavors of bubble tea”
“i can’t believe you actually did it!!!”
“you’re lucky you’re cute”
“nah i’m just lucky you’re stupid”
hyunjin rolls his eyes as he smiles and you walk in laughing when you’re stopped by felix and yeji
looking at you pretty strangely
“...hello you two...”
“HI” you and hyunjin simultaneously say
“do you want some bubble tea?? hyunjin bought them all for me!!”
“that’s a lie”
“no it’s not!”
“okay fine i did but i thought you would’ve been nice and shared them”
“me? nice? to you? have you forgotten the past weeks?”
hyunjin gasps
“are you saying you STILL hate me??” he says as he pouts, “after i bought all this bubble tea for you??”
“well i mean.. you’re up 5 points in my book”
“5 points??????? i should be more!! why are we keeping score in the first place!?”
you and hyunjin continue to tease each other as felix and yeji share that look
“you guys look pretty friendly”
“us? friendly? HAHAHAHAHA” you and hyunjin say
“uh huh.. y/n can i.. talk? to you?”
“course felix! what’s up my dude”
“hey so i was talking to yeji.. and she said i should take you as my date to the ball!”
your heart didn’t flip
you don’t feel like a middle school girl who got asked to the dance
in fact all you feel is excitement that you’re able to go to the ball with your best friend
you squeal in excitement
“yay!! you do know this means you’re gonna have to keep me company throughout the night”
“would not have it any other way”
you talk to felix about the dress that you’re gonna buy and how his tie HAS to match your dress and you HAVE to look like the best because there’s a LOT of people you need to impress
you force yeji and felix to go to the dress store with you because you’re indecisive
“aw really?”
“yeah y/n it’s gonna knock people’s socks off”
“EEEE THIS IS SO EXCITING! yeji!! now we have to find your dress!!”
so 100 dress try ons, 4 bananas milk teas, and 1000 complaints from you and felix later,,,
“god yeji you look good in everything just PIcK one”
“L I S T E N i NEED to DRESS to impress!!! and after that dress you bought we NEED to look like we’re unstoppable powerful women!
“you know what? you’re right! i’ll buy this one”
you and felix share a “oh my god thank god this literally took 500 hours” look
“y/n, felix,, i think it’s gonna be a night to remember”
so like
the ball isn’t until a month away
there was a lot of planning that had to be done
and yeji and felix SO willingly helped because apparently they have an eye for these things
to your convenience (♯▼皿▼)
who are you gonna hang out with now?????? you think to yourself
“hello hello my pretty pretty pumpkin pie”
“hyunjin!!!! you’re hanging out with me today!!”
“yeah! why wouldn’t i?”
“no it’s just.. never mind that was easier than i thought”
“i like hanging out with you!”
“if it makes you feel better yeji and felix are too busy with ball stuff so they couldn’t hang out today”
“well, third choice is better than not being a choice at all! even though you were my first choice”
"ah stop it!! >:(”
“never! anyways what’s your plan”
“... we can go to all the coffee shops again”
“WHAT is your infatuation with me and coffee?”
“oooooH and we can go sightseeing!! i wanna see those cute houses i see online all the time!!”
“anything for you princess”
> < you stuck your tongue out at hyunjin
ah too bad though
you missed one of those genuine hyunjin smiles™
this ball planning stuff goes longer than you expected
you spend a lot of your days in hyunjin’s company
and you’re.. enjoying it?
uh oh no no
“why? you seem like you’re having a lot of fun with hyunjin” she says as she eyes you suspiciously
“I SWEAR!! IT’S NOT LIKE I THINK ABOUt his cute nicknames for me and how he laughs at me every time i drink coffee because i drink it too fast and end up burning my tongue and he laughs at how pouty my face looks and the super cute mole on the bottom of his eye BUT I SWEAR WE’RE JUST FRIENDS” you rant
“just. friends.”
“who’s just friends?” you hear hyunjin ask beside you
“bro oh my you just gave me a heart attack” you say
“oh? a heart attack because of my charming looks?”
“what do you want from me???”
“ah i don’t hear denial”
“okay! okay! pack your bags! we’re going to spain!”
“YEJI HELP” you exasperate as you turn to your best friend
yeji raises her eyebrows and says
 “spain? sounds fun! y/n you should go”
“you heard her!!! let’s go!” hyunjin says pulling your arm
how do you keep getting yourself in these situations?
so you and hyunjin jump on a train to barcelona
“i can’t believe we’re here”
“well you better believe it princess! now, first things first.. coffee on cobblestone streets?”
“ah look at that! you know me so well”
you and hyunjin spend your day in barcelona walking around and sightseeing
“ah hyunjin take a picture of me by that building!!”
“y/n, you made me take about a million pictures now”
“it’s not my fault you have a talent!”
hyunjin GASPS, “oh? a compliment? from great y/n?? i am not WORTHY”
“oh look! now WHO’S dramatic!” you say as you roll your eyes and smile
you and hyunjin stop at a small but lively restaurant for dinner and 15 tapas and 3 glasses of wine later and you’re dancing on the floor in the middle of the small barcelona restaurant
“come on hyunjin!! dance with me!!!!” you yell
“y/n you’re drunk!”
“i’m not! i swear! now come on!” you say as your drag hyunjin on the dance floor
“uGH fine!” he says smiling
what’s that hyunjin feels as he looks at you having the time of your life?
dancing like you don’t have a care in the world?
like you’re having genuine fun and experiencing genuine happiness?
“oh you’ve GOT to be kidding me” he thinks to himself
but how can he? when he just realized 
that his feelings for you might be something a little more than friends?
oh no 
oh god
“hey y/n? we should head home”
you pout
you were having so much fun!
“but hyyyuunnjiinnnniieeee” you say, still with your killer pout
“no buts!!! i can’t even take you on the train! i guess we gotta get a hotel for tonight”
“yaaaay!!!! sleepover!!!!” 
 through hyunjin’s many many princely connections, you guys have no problem getting a hotel
“weeeeee!! this bed is so comfy!”
oh! did i mention that the hotel you’re staying at only had one (1) bed?
your hotel only has one (1) bed so you know what that means
“nuh uh you’re taking the floor” hyunjin tells you
“no buts”
hyunjin was half joking
i swear
he just wanted to get a reaction out of you
you’re an emotional drunk
so naturally 
you just start crying
“but but”
“hey woah no i was kidding we can BOTH take the bed!! or if you want i’ll take the floor!!! just stop crying i’m sorry” hyunjin freaks
even drunk you were still aware of what’s going on and you weren’t about to let hyunjin sleep on the floor 
that’s crazy
“no it’s okay let’s share the bed!”
so you and hyunjin get in bed in to your respective sides 
“good night jinnie” you murmur
“...good night princess”
the following day..
you try to forget the fact that you got wine drunk 
and instead try to figure out why your pillow feels so hard?
like it doesn’t feel like a a pillow
why is your pillow moving up and down
why is your pillow breathing
is your pillow haunted????
(a haunted pillow? really?)
as you move your head up to see,,
you were greeted with a peaceful sleeping hyunjin
a pretty hyunjin
with his bedhead!
and your head on his chest
and your arm around his waist!
oh so that’s the thing you were hugging
naturally you jump up 
you were just sleeping on your enemy but not really anymore i guess ‘s CHEST
“OH HAHA H-HI U-UM SORRY G-GO BACK TO BED” you say, refusing to look at his face 
“did you turn up the air conditioner? why’d it get cold all of a sudden?”
“hey also did you feel something on your chest? like i felt like someone was laying on me”
now THIS makes you look up 
in confusion
and you’re met with a smirking hyunjin
“i-i’m gonna go order breakfast now!” you say as you walk out of the room
hyunjin flops back on the bed
“ahhh.. what am i gonna do with you?”
a/n: hehehehehehehheehehehe
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myforeverforlife · 5 years
would you be my love?
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Last request for another anon! Minseok + 4. "Did you just hiss at me?" - "Are you judging me?
Word Count: 2,079
CBX Detectives Masterlist: (Minseok)  (Baekhyun)  (Jongdae)
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“CBX Investigations, how may I help you?”
The woman on the other end of the phone launched into a spiel about a boss that she suspected of cheating her out of her wages, voice much too loud for your ears. You winced, moving the phone further away from your ear and reaching for a pen and notepad.
“Just a second, please.” You quickly scribbled down the few details you remembered. “Policy does require me to remind you that our detectives work on an hourly fee.”
“Well how much is it?” the woman snapped.
“Judging on how much information you need, it will vary.”
“I need my money, and I need that leech’s reputation down the drain!”
You continued to question her about her boss, getting the story and her request straightened out before hanging up with a sigh of relief. Sadly, in the crime-sleuthing industry, there was rarely any time for rest. Your fingers ran over the keys of your typewriter as you began working on a formal request for your supervisors. The three of them might act more like children than grown men at times, but they were still sticklers for organization.
“Another assignment already, Miss Y/N?”
You glanced behind you to see Private Investigator Kim Minseok sipping from his cup of coffee as he leaned against a filing cabinet. Every day, you thanked your lucky stars that office dress code required all of you to be dressed formally. Minseok was always dashingly dapper in his three piece suits, and today was no different. The other two detectives liked to tease him about overdressing for the occasion, but you didn’t mind, especially when it gave you lots of material for daydreaming.
Minseok called your name when you didn’t answer, jolting you back to the present.
“Ah. Yes, it’s another disgruntled factory worker,” you explained lamely, clearing your throat and trying to calm the butterflies in your stomach. You gave him the basic rundown of your conversation.
The investigator shook his head, taking a longer sip of coffee before replying. “It’s getting worse and worse. I’ll look over the report when you’re done typing it up. Hopefully, I can head over and have a talk with the woman this afternoon.”
You nodded, about to turn back to the typewriter when Minseok cleared his throat. “Yes?” you asked tentatively, hoping that you hadn’t misheard him.
Minseok’s cheeks were a rosy pink, much like the flowers that bloomed down the street from your apartment in early spring. “Are you staying late tonight?”
“Yes, I still have to go over some paperwork with Mr. Byun. He’s trying to finish up the 5th Street investigation.”
“Ah. Would you like to get supper with the rest of us after I come back? If it’s not too late for you,” he added quickly, looking apologetic.
“I-I’ll have to phone home and see if I can. I’ll let you know in a bit.”
Minseok had forgotten that you still lived at home, customary of most single women in this day and age. Surely your family would worry if you were out late, especially in a city this big. “Of course. Take your time.”
He let out a puff of relief, half nervous and yet half excited for tonight. Minseok walked over to Baekhyun’s workspace, half-hidden from your spot at the front desk. “Baekhyun,” he whispered, garnering the younger’s attention.
“I know, I still owe you money for paying for my trolley ticket last week,” Baekhyun mumbled, engrossed in his work.
The sound of a chair scooting against the floor interrupted Minseok, and he looked over to see you heading for the ladies room. He waited a couple of seconds before speaking again. “No, not that. I need you and Jongdae to come to supper with me and Miss Y/N tonight.”
Baekhyun sat up, letting his fountain pen drop to the table as he studied Minseok. “Why? What’s the special occasion?” he asked skeptically.
“Nothing, I just... I finally took what you two said into consideration and asked her to spend a night out with me.”
Baekhyun’s face lit up, toothy grin appearing on his face as he leaned back in his chair. “Kim Minseok, I’m surprised. Who knew you had it in you? But wait,” Baekhyun raised an eyebrow in thought. “Why do you need me and Jongdae there?”
“So I don’t make a complete fool of myself!”
“Ah, but don’t you want your dear lady friend to see you get all flustered?” Baekhyun chuckled. “Sorry, Minseok. This is all on you tonight.”
“Baekhyun, please. What am I going to do without you two there?”
“That’s the whole point, my friend.” Baekhyun clapped a hand onto Minseok’s shoulder, rubbing it in sympathy. “How else are you supposed to woo our capable secretary?”
“You make me sound like a predator,” Minseok said sullenly.
“No, you’re much too innocent for that.” Baekhyun laughed as he pinched Minseok’s cheek, not caring that his business partner was staring daggers at him.
“Let go, Baekhyun,” Minseok grumbled, hissing under his breath as Baekhyun pulled harder before finally letting go.
“Did you just hiss at me? I think you’ve been around Tanie for too long. You know, it truly is a good thing that you’ll be socializing with Miss Y/N instead of staying at home with your cat.”
“Are you judging me?”
Baekhyun gave him a sugary-sweet smile. “Of course not, Mr. Kim.”
“Did someone call me?” Jongdae perked up from where he sat at his desk, in the midst of writing something down.
“No, I was just congratulating our dear colleague on his plans for tonight,” Baekhyun added in a hushed whisper. You were still in the restroom, but it didn’t hurt to be extra careful.
“Plans? With who?” Jongdae asked, dropping his pen and walking over with a smirk.
“Our one and only Miss Y/N, of course. You know how he’s been pining over her for the past couple of months. I knew it was a good idea to hire a secretary,” Baekhyun said, chest puffing with pride.
Jongdae’s eyes widened in realization. “Minseok, I can’t believe this. I’m proud of you, old man.”
“Alright, now I’m glad you two aren’t coming.” Minseok stomped back over to his desk, picking up his hat and placing it on his head. He stopped by your desk on the way out, plucking up the finished report and reading over it for a second. Content with what he found there, he turned to look at his colleagues and tipped his hat to them in goodbye before heading out the door.
“Poor guy. Do you think he’ll be okay tonight?” Jongdae mused.
Baekhyun snickered, lifting his feet up to rest them on top of his desk. “For both his and Miss Y/N’s sake, I hope so. Those two can be so quiet sometimes.”
“Hmm. Maybe we should have come along?”
“No, that would ruin everything. Besides,” Baekhyun added with a laugh, “We’ll get to hear all about it tomorrow.”
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Minseok was glad to see you were still in the office when after he came back from interviewing his client. Work would have to wait until tomorrow — he was famished, and felt bad about making you wait until he returned.
“Miss Y/N,” he greeted you. His heart did a backflip when you looked up from your book, a gentle smile on your face.
“Mr. Kim. How did everything go?”
“As well as it could have. I’m going to have to pull some strings to complete this request, but it’s nothing we can’t handle. Are you ready to go eat?”
You nodded, closing your book and leaving it on top of the desk. The only lights in the office were the ones in the hallway and the lamp at your desk. You turned off your lamp before slipping your purse and coat on. “Are Mr. Byun and Mr. Kim still joining us?” you asked, walking over while putting your hat on your head. “Mr. Byun left about an hour ago, but wouldn’t tell me where he was going, and Mr. Kim hasn’t been back in a while.”
“Ah, no. They couldn’t make it.” Minseok felt guilty about lying, but if he told you the truth, that would also mean exposing his feelings for you. He wasn’t quite sure he was ready for that right now.
Your steps faltered, heels almost slipping on the floor before you regained your balance. “Oh.”
Minseok could sense your nervousness, face taking on a worried expression. “We could take a rain check for another day?”
“No, it’s fine.” Despite the shakiness in your voice, your smile was genuine. “What place did you have in mind?”
One trolley ride later, you found yourself at Park and Do’s Kitchen, a restaurant you had read about in a newspaper clipping last month. You stared wide-eyed at the simple beauty of the place, delicate lighting and cozy seating arrangements giving the place a home-like feel.
“This place is more beautiful than I expected,” you murmured, taking off your hat as you continued to gaze in awe.
“I’m glad you like it.” Minseok felt more at ease here, the trolley ride having stirred up a wad of anxiety in the pit of his stomach.
The food certainly lived up to its reputation, and Minseok smiled to himself every time you sighed in bliss. Contrary to his worries, conversation came easily to both of you. Almost all of your conversations up to this point had been centered around work. But now, you two exchanged thoughts on books, people, the latest showings at the picture show.
At the end of the meal, Minseok wouldn’t hear of you paying a single cent, and you had finally given in, tickled pink by his manners and generosity. He even offered to walk you home, your arm tucking in the crook of his as you both chatted and walked along the concrete sidewalks.
All too soon, you had reached your apartment complex, the building teeming with life as people got ready for bed or for a night out. You let your arm slip away from Minseok’s, immediately missing his warmth.
“Thank you for tonight, Mr. Kim.”
“Please, call me Minseok.”
Your face flushed at the sudden change in formality. You knew well enough that the events of tonight had been his attempt to court you. “Alright, Minseok,” you tried out tentatively, loving the way his name felt on your lips. “Thank you, truly. I enjoyed my time with you tonight.”
“As did I.” Minseok’s smile was gleaming, rivaling even the glow of the moon as she watched over you two. “You are a pleasure to be around, Miss Y/N.”
Your lips curled upwards in a bashful smile, gloved hands itching to hold his hands in your own. “I feel the same way.”
Minseok wasn’t sure where to go from here — would it be too forward to kiss you here? Would you be worried about your family watching from the windows? Was he misinterpreting your actions? What if you were just being polite and weren’t as interested as he thought you were. Coughing to hide his anxiety, Minseok tipped his hat to you. “Well, good night, Miss Y/N. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
You watched in horror as Minseok turned around, having expected him to at least stay a bit longer. “Minseok!” you called out.
The investigator turned around in a flash, hope brimming in his eyes. You came closer, leaning in to press a soft kiss to his cheek. When you pulled back, you could spot the faintest hint of red to his cheek, remnants of your lipstick against his skin.
Minseok’s hand came up to cover the spot as he gaped in wonder, slowly coming to his senses.
You giggled at his reaction, already walking backwards. “Good night, Minseok.”
“Good night. Sweet dreams,” he added, watching as you nodded shyly before turning and heading into the apartment complex.
He waited until he couldn’t see your figure anymore, the clicking of your heels against the stairs tapering off into silence. Only then did he manage to pull himself away from the building, hands in his pockets as he whistled cheerily to himself. He missed you already, the spot beside him achingly empty now that he had gotten used to being with you.
Minseok spared one last glance at your apartment. He didn’t know which window was yours, but he took a chance anyways, a peaceful smile on his face.
“Sweet dreams.”
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CBX Detectives Masterlist: (Minseok)  (Baekhyun)  (Jongdae)
A/N: I accidentally deleted the draft I had for this after getting everything formatted god ☠️ but this was so fun to write! it’s inspired by the horololo music video, and if you had to pinpoint it in a certain date I guess this is vaguely related to the early 1900s (?) i just really wanted to write sweet, gentleman minseok lol
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No Mass ✰
y/n’s POV
"I'm going to the Alvarez's!" I yelled
"Did you eat breakfast?" Schneider asked
"Yes." I groaned, knocking my shoes on the ground as I was anxious to get over there
"Obviously, you didn't brush your hair." Schneider said, gently patting my head
"What? Yes, I did." I gasped, pushing down my hair
"My bad. I know you didn't take your medicine." He said, shaking the orange bottle he took out of his pocket
"Come on, I'm fine. I promise." I said
"Nope. Come here." He ordered, putting one in my hand
I glared at the little white pill in my hand, wanting to put it in the trash
"Promise me you'll take it." Schneider begged
"I promise." I sighed, walking out the apartment door
I shut the door and crushed the little pill with my foot. I used my heel to push the dust under the welcome mat. 3
Once I got to the Alvarez apartment, I walked right in as if I lived there. I practically did.
"What's going on today Alvarez family?" I asked, shutting the door gently behind me
"We're just moving the Pope." Penelope said as if it was a normal thing
"Do I want to know? Actually, don't answer that. I don't." I said, sitting at the kitchen table next to Alex.
"Did you take your medicine?" Alex asked, raising his eyebrows in question
"Yes." I lied, patting his shoulder
I turned to find Lydia putting up a picture of the Pope on their counter. We laughed at her as she continued to dance her way to her room.
Later, I was back at the Alvarez's house. Lydia invited me and Schneider over to eat dinner with them.
"You can probably dump that whole thing on there." Schneider said, referring to the food Lydia was passing out
"Next time." Lydia, lovingly, laughed
"Hi!" We all said, as the door slammed following Penelope's entrance into the apartment
"Welcome home, Lupita. We are almost done, but there is plenty left." Lydia said, pointing to the dinner on the table
"Aw. Dinner with my entire family... and the whitest people I know." Penelope said, gesturing to me and Schneider
"We're not that white." I said, unconvincingly
"Honey, you're as white as your converse..and those are really white." Penelope joked, making everyone laugh
"Yes, I invited them, again. They're orphans." Lydia said
"Do orphans always have rich dads who buy them buildings?" Alex asked
I tensed at the mention of a dad, but shook it off with a smile. I wasn't going to cause drama in a situation that didn't really involve me.
"Hey, I may have money in the bank and two living parents, and four living stepmothers...but there is a hole in here. We never had family meals. I ate alone in front of the TV. At least now, I have this one." Schneider argued, ruffling my hair
I instantly felt guilty about not taking my medicine. I knew he wanted what was best for me, but I just couldn't bring my self to do it.
"Ay, pobrecito Schneider." Lydia said
"Oh, don't get me wrong. It was a massive TV. Sometimes my nanny would join me, but only if I agreed to watch telenovelas." Schneider said
"Ooh, those are so over the top." Elena groaned
"Right? This one time, Rosa got jealous of the housekeeper cause she was makin a move on her man, so she threatened to throw live scorpions on her while she slept." Schneider said
"Sounds good. Which one was that?" Lydia asked
"Oh, no. Rosa was my nanny. Ex nanny. Now, stepmother. I'm so glad to be here." Schneider sighed, rubbing the table
"I'm just glad to be home with everyone." Penelope said, smiling at her family
As if on cue, Elena's goth friend walked out of the bathroom and sat in Penelope's chair.
"Who the hell are you?" Penelope asked
"This is Carmen, my best friend. I'm doing my history project with her." Elena said, introducing the stranger
"These all sound like things I should know. Hi, Carmen." Penelope smiled, introducing herself
"Hi." Carmen sighed, dramatically
"I'm Penelope. Kind of a big deal around here. So, uh, what's this history project you're working on? And then maybe later you can show me how you turn into a bat." Penelope asked, teasing Elena's friend
"Well, we just got done explaining the whole thing." Elena said
"Oh, come on, mija, I missed it." Penelope begged
"Oh, wait. Alex, y/n, tell Penelope that funny story that happened in chemistry class." Lydia laughed
"Again?" Alex asked
"Okay, I'll tell it. So, there is the floor and... slip. Oh, that Dylan." Lydia laughed as she barley got through any of the story
"Oh, That story never gets old." Schneider said, laughing at Lydia's incoherent story
"I've been working so much. I've been missing all the scoops plus Latina Twilight over here. Careful. There's a lot of garlic in that chicken." Penelope said, continuing to tease Carmen
"Your mom's kinda mean. I'm obsessed with her." Carmen, oddly, smiled
"Who would like a pastelito?" Lydia asked
We all eagerly took one, ignoring the pizzas Penelope had brought home
"Mm! You know what? How about we go on a hike this Saturday like we used to?" Penelope asked her kids
"Mom, Uh, Carmen and I need all Saturday for our history thing." Elena said
"Yeah, and Abuelita, y/n, and I have tickets to wrestling." Alex cheered
"I don't understand why you waste good money on that." Penelope sighed
"It's educational." I said, attempting to convince her
Penelope stared at me with a "we both know that's bullshit" look.
"Eh, I don't know." I shrugged
"Okay, Saturday's out. How about we go on a hike Sunday morning before it gets hot?" Penelope asked
"You seem to have forgot. Sunday morning is for church." Lydia said
"So, we skip church." Penelope suggested
"You seem to have forgot. We don't skip church." Lydia said, shaking her head at her only daughter
"Mami, it's okay if we miss it one time. It's not gonna kill us." Penelope insisted
"Oh, really? My great uncle Luisito skipped church, and on the same day, he was crushed by a runaway tractor." Lydia said
"Why don't you just go to church and then go hikin' after?" Schneider asked, solving their obvious problem
"We're Latinos, Church takes all day. By the time you're done with mass and you've said hello to fulano y fulana, it's five o'clock." Penelope said
"Oh, you exaggerate. 4:30." Lydia insisted
"I wanna see these guys this weekend. Come on. Cause I like them." Penelope said, pulling her kids close to her
"I have to put my foot down. Sundays we go to church, and then sometimes we go to Applebee's." Lydia said
"Well, I have a foot, too, and I'm gonna put my foot down and say this Sunday we're not going to church." Penelope argued
"Well, I am putting both of my feet down. We are going and that is the end of it. Ya!" Lydia said, shushing Penelope
"That's not your decision to make." Penelope said, beginning to get angry
"It's starting to feel kinda like home in here." Schneider smiled, making me shake my head
"I'm with Mom. We don't need to go to church. After all, Abuelita, you don't believe half that stuff." Elena said
"I believe everything." Lydia argued
"Really? When you take the communion you believe you're eating the actual blood and flesh of Jesus?" Elena asked
"Ay, no, it's a symbol. Don't be gross." Lydia said
"Okay. So, if you believe that then you're Protestant." Penelope said
"There is no need for name calling. All I know is that a good Catholic does not skip church. Right, papito?" Lydia asked, looking towards Alex for support
"I like church. I see my friends and I eat some donuts." Alex said
"Now, this one gets it. We're going." Lydia said, patting him on the back
"No, we are not! I work hard all week. When I get home, there's barely enough time to have a meal with the kids. Weekends are my only chance. So, this Sunday, no church. End of discussion." Penelope said
Lydia stood up and said something in Spanish, confusing me and Schneider.
"Ooh." Alex and Carmen said
"What? What'd she say?" Elena asked, who was also confused
"I am raising my voice, because I cannot believe we're having this discussion! I'm their mother! I don't need permission! I decide." Penelope fought
"And I am your mother, and I decide what you decide." Lydia said
"We are a family, damn it! Don't make me choose between you." Schneider said, "Okay, I'd choose Lydia because of her warm food and even warmer hugs. But I'd feel really bad about it."
"All right, everybody, go do your homework. Schneider, take y/n and go call one of your moms." Penelope said
"Fine. Guess we'll just eat this all alone in front of my massive TV." Schneider said, storming out
"Thought that was at his dad's house-" Penelope started
"He has one too!" I yelled as we stormed out 2
The next morning, I was sitting on the couch before school when someone knocked on the apartment door. Schneider went to open it to reveal the whole Alvarez family.
"Hello, Schneider. Listen have you—" Penelope started
"Wow! I always forget how huge your apartment is." Alex said, barging into the apartment
I waved from the couch before going back to my TV show, trying to ignore the chaos around me.
"Nah, come on, it's not that big. But let's talk in the parlor." Schneider said
"Schneider, have you seen my mom?" Penelope asked
"Gosh, no." Him and I, suspiciously, said
"Then why do I smell fried plantains and Cuban coffee?" Elena asked, glancing around the apartment
"Fine! She spent the night. But I want you to know, nothing happened." He promised
"Ew." I said, shaking my head at the older man
"What were you thinking chasing that women away? She's funny, charming, and when she gets angry, she cleans." He said
"Where is she?" Penelope asked, ignoring most of what he said
"I don't know. After last nights ugliness, she spent the night and left without saying goodbye. So, she already knows the drill." He said, referring to the previous women that had been in the apartment
"Again, Gross." I groaned
Then, a girl walked out a Schneider's room wearing just a shirt. Alex stared at her, making me laugh at his immaturity.
"Unlike some people." He said, glaring at the girl
The girl walked into a different room, and everyone turned their attention back towards Schneider
"What was that? And why was she drinking my coffee?" Penelope asked
"Well, when my family oasis blew up last night, I had to seek solace in the arms of.. I don't know her name. Your mom called her the stick girl and made her eat plato de huevos." He said
"Did Abuelita forget to give her her pants, too?" Alex asked, making me laugh
Later, Schneider and I were still at the Alvarez's because Lydia wasn't there when Alex and Elena got home from school.
Penelope walked in and we all greeted her with smiles and waves, still worried about Lydia.
"Welcome home, Lupita! We already started, but I insisted nobody say anything interesting till you got here." Schneider said
"Aw, that's so sweet." Penelope smiled, looking at all of us sitting at the dinner table
"It's been weird." Elena sighed
"Did you find Abuelita?" Alex asked, desperate to see his grandma again
"Yeah, she's with Jesus now." Penelope said2
"What?" We all screamed, thinking she meant Lydia had died
"No, no. Sorry. She's at church. Poor choice of words. Uh, whoa! What do we have here?" Penelope asked, looking at everything Schneider had set up
"Oh, Nothing special. Just some nutted quinoa, wilted broccoli with radish micro greens, and venison carpaccio on a bed of nettles. Grab a cedar plank and dig in." Schneider said
"Big change from Abuelita's cooking, huh? You like it?" Penelope asked all of us
"I can't wait to have eaten it." Elena said, as Schneider stared at her waiting for an answer
"I didn't think I would like nettles, and I was right." Alex said, setting down the fork he was using to eat
"Well, I'm competing with perfection here." Schneider sighed
"It's okay, Schneider. We all thank you for this very Caucasian meal. Good to see you again, Elena's best friend, Carmen, you beautiful weirdo." Penelope smiled
Carmen stared at her, uninterested in what Penelope was talking about.
"I'm sorry things got crazy the other night. That's- that's not us." Penelope insisted
"Seems like us." Alex disagreed
"We have all kinds of arguments in my family. I have two brothers. Ones a priest, ones a witch, so..." Carmen said, making us look at her oddly
"I'm really glad I'm getting to know you better, Carmen." Penelope
"Hello!" Lydia said, dramatically making her reappearance through the front door
"Oh, Thank God!" Schneider said, running ahead of everyone and hugging her
"I am so glad you're home. I was wilting under pressure to be you." He groaned
"Oh, hello, babies." Lydia said, hugging Elena and Alex, then me
"I'm sure you did fine. Who threw up in the table?" Lydia said, approaching the table and judging Schneider's cooking
"What were you doing all day?" I asked
"Oh, you know, saying my Rosary, praying for the departed souls...Asking forgiveness for your mother." Lydia said
"Why?" Elena asked
"Oh, She didn't tell you? She's no longer going to church. Ever." Lydia said
"We can do that?" Alex asked
"You can't. We will all go together. Us. Your mother will go hiking with Satan." Lydia sassed
"Yeah, and then we'll go to Applebee's. Cause Satan loves the Fiesta Lime Chicken!" Penelope sassed right back
"So, I guess you want to take my grandchildren to hell with you." Lydia asked, furthering the argument between her and Penelope
"I don't wanna go to hell." Alex cried, making me pat his shoulder
"There is no hell." Penelope said
"Don't worry, papito, there is." Lydia said, not making Alex feel any better
"Okay! You- you really wanna do this? All right, let's do this. I am not even sure I even believe in God, Okay?" Penelope said
"Hardcore." Carmen said, as the Alvarez's gasped
"Oye, you're so smart. If God doesn't exist, who made all of this?" Lydia asked, gesturing around the apartment
"Target." Penelope said2
"Okay, can we agree that if there is a God, it's gender neutral and not a He or she?" Elena asked
"No! God is a man. If he were a woman, there would be less problems. Pobrecito God. He tries so hard." Lydia said5
"Look, Mami, I get it. You like going to church. It's habit. You go out in lipstick, get dressed up, see your friends, gossip. It's your little social club, Mami, and that's fine." Penelope said
"It is more than that. I pray. I seek forgiveness." Lydia said
"And I am so glad that that gives you comfort. But that doesn't mean that God exists, okay? I'm sorry." Penelope said
"He kept you safe. Every day that you were gone, he kept you safe. My little girl says she wants to go in the Army, and then the army sends her to Afghanistan where she is getting shot at and I don't even know what else. Do you have you any idea... how much I worried? When you were deployed, I went to church everyday and I prayed that he would keep you safe. And he did. So don't you tell me about God. I know that God exists, and he is great." Lydia said, crying as she finished her story
"Mami, I'm sorry. I had no idea. You know, you went missing for one day and I was worried sick. I can't imagine what it must feel like to worry all those years." Penelope said
"All those years putting up with Birdie, with her terrible hairdos and her smelly breath." Lydia said
"Look. I still wear the cross you gave me." Penelope said, showing her the dainty cross necklace
"So you do believe!" Lydia exclaimed
"No, I don't wear it because it's a cross. I wear it because you gave it to me." Penelope said
"I don't understand the difference, so please just let me have this." Lydia said
They both sobbed and hugged each other, as everyone else looked on with a smile.
"So, are we going to church or not?" Elena asked
"Yes. Wait, no. Wait.. Sometimes, okay?" Penelope asked
"At least at Christmas and Easter. And one other time, so we are not those people." Lydia said
"And I'm not saying God doesn't exist. In fact, I check in with him constantly, you know, like, 'please God don't let Elena come home with a face tattoo.' And Mami, I am glad that you find comfort in church. I just find it in different places." Penelope said
"That's how I feel when I watch John Cena." Alex said, making everyone laugh
"Exactly, or Sonia Sotomayor... or Death. Everyone has something that inspires them." Penelope said
The next morning, I was sat on the couch with Alex watching the News. All of a sudden, a story about a car swerving off a bridge, into a lake, came on.
I stopped focusing on what Alex was talking about and stayed glued to the TV. As the story went on it started getting harder to breath, and I was shaking, and my eyes were tearing up.
"y/n? y/n! What's wrong?" Alex asked,  grabbing my hand when he heard my labored breaths
"I... can't... breath." I said, shaking my head and crying
"Mom!" Alex screamed, calling out for an adult to come help
"What?" She asked running in, quickly rushing to the couch
"Something's wrong with y/n." He said, tearing up as I continued to shake and attempt to catch my breath.
"I'll go get Schneider. Wait here." She said, running out the apartment door
Elena, Alex, and Lydia tried to get me to calm down, but I just couldn't.
"Where is she?" Schneider asked, running in with Penelope.
When he saw me on the couch, he sat down and placed his hands on my shoulders, forcing me to look at him.
"Okay, okay. Remember your breathing. Breath in, 1,2,3,4,5. Breath out, 6,7,8,9,10." He said
We did that couple times, and I calmed down to the point where I could at least talk.
"What happened, kid?" He asked, rubbing my back in comfort
"The news. And the story, the car, bridge, lake." I said, beginning to tear up again
"y/n. Why didn't you take your medicine?" Schneider asked, realizing what had happened
"I did." I lied
"No, it wouldn't have been this bad if you had." He insisted
"I can't, okay? Every time I take those pills, I feel numb. And as crazy as it sounds, I want to feel the pain. I need to realize that what happened to my parents is real, not some horrible nightmare that I can just forget. I need to remember, and I need to heal on my own. I know I'll never have a mom who cares for me, or siblings to comfort me, or a dad to hang out with. I miss that, but pretending it's not real is worse." I said crying
Everyone stared at me either with teary eyes or sympathy, making me want to sink into the couch.
"Hey, I may not be your mom or your dad, but I'll always be there for you. I didn't think I'd enjoy taking in someone else's child, but since you've been with me I couldn't imagine life without you. You're my family." Schneider said, hugging me, "You can't hide these kind of thing from me, though. You have to try and be honest about it."
"We'll always be here too. For anything." Alex said, coming in to wrap me in hug
The rest of the family joined in one big hug, making me realize that Schneider was right. I may have lost my biological family, but family isn't just about DNA. It's about surrounding yourself with the people who will love and care for you through everything, and that's what Schneider and the Alvarez's are to me.
Alright, I hope this chapter provides an idea of what happened to her parents. Thank you guys for the reads!! And please, any feedback is welcomed.
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The Southsider (pt. 5)
Sweet Pea x reader
Chapter Summary: School isn't going too well for y/n, but there are both old and new friends that have her back. And later, she prepares for her first date.
Author's Note: y/i means "your initial"
Word Count: 2410
Chapter 1 • Chapter 4 • Chapter 6
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You walked into Biology with a big smile on your face. Sweet Pea had just asked you out. You felt people staring at you, but you didn't care. You didn't care how they looked at you or what they were saying about you. Sweet Pea had just asked you out.
"Hey." Toni said as you sat at your joined table you two shared together. "You okay?"
"Huh? Yeah, I'm good."
"Are you sure?" She put a hand on your shoulder.
"What? Oh, yesterday. Um, lot of crying, lot of drama, found out some stuff about my mom, but Sweet Pea was there for me the whole time. And, uh, yeah." You fiddled with your pen.
"And what?" Toni teasingly smiled.
"We may have started going out." You looked up. "And we have a date later today."
She playfully pushed your shoulder. "I'm so happy for you!"
"Am am I." Cheryl said, smiling. "Today we're supposed to work in groups of three. Is that okay with you, raggamuffin?"
"Sure." Toni said, scooting her chair away as Cheryl brought up a chair in between you two.
"Don't worry, you'll get used to her." You said.
"You talking to me or her?" Toni asked.
"Yes." You smiled.
"Anyways," Cheryl said. "Before we get on the topic of that date, what did you learn about your mom?"
"Oh, about that." You took the jacket out of your backpack. Both of them were shocked. You nervously laughed. "So funny story."
You explained to them everything that happened, from what happened at Jughead's trailer to the letter. "Wow." Cheryl said.
"Yeah." Toni agreed. "So, are you going to join?"
"I don't know. I'm thinking about it."
"You should start thinking about going back to the Southside." Some bulldog said as he passed your table.
"And you should start thinking of getting your head out of your ass." You said sweetly. "It's not a hat." You then turned to Cheryl and Toni, who were both trying to hold in their laughter. "So yeah, that's the story."
"Alright," Cheryl said, still smiling from your comment. "Back to the date. What are you going to wear?"
"This?" You didn't think anything was wrong with your outfit. It was just jeans and a t-shirt with the Back to the Future car on it.
"Yeah, if you guys were going to a classic rock concert. You do have clothes better than this, right?"
You shifted in your seat. "No. All I have are novelty tees and jeans. I don't see anything wrong with that."
"And there's nothing wrong with that." Toni interrupted.
Cheryl shook her head. "Okay, here's the plan. After school you and I are going to my house, where we will find you the perfect attire for your date with that tall gang member."
"Uh, okay. I just need to go shopping for food first. I haven't had anything to eat in my house for a few days now."
"Then it's settled. I'll go grocery shopping with you, then we go to my house to make you a better you." Toni rolled her eyes as Cheryl smiled.
As you went to second period, you felt the stares of people burning into your back. You told yourself that it wouldn't get to you, but you were beginning to get fed up. Instead of being embarrassed and sad like you thought, you were just annoyed. You didn't even know most of these people. They had no right to talk about you.
During break you were heading to your locker, finding Fangs in the hallway. You two had the same third period, so he went with you. As you two walked together you felt people stare at you.
One person harshly bumped your elbow, making you stumble into Fangs. "Hey!" Fangs yelled. "Apologize."
"Fangs it's fine." You tapped his arm. "Let's just go." You were a little happy that someone new had your back. The Serpents really were loyal, even when you only knew them for a short time.
As you got to your locker there was a crowd of people around it. You and Fangs slipped your way through to find someone had written Southside Slut on it. This one hurt.
You slowly unlock your locker, and open it. Suddenly it's slammed shut by a guy in a letterman jacket. A bulldog. He's expecting you to be mad, but you couldn't have that. You give him a smile. "So, how's Reggie?"
"Suspended because of you. For two weeks. And he's off the basketball team." He glared.
"Aw, RIP." You flash a smile.
"But don't worry," he says. "Until then we'll carry out what he wanted."
You scoffed. "You know, I am so fed up with all of you. None of you even knew I was from the Southside, and we sure as hell didn't have a problem then. I don't even know you."
You unzipped your backpack. Taking out the jacket, you slipped it on. It was a good fit. You grabbed your textbook, slamming the locker shut. You then leaned on your locker, smiling. "Tell your mouth breathing leader that I say thank you, for making me remember where I came from. Because of him, I think I'll embrace my roots." You then turned to a shocked Fangs. You grabbed your backpack, slinging a strap around your shoulder. "Let's go."
After their period the two of you went to English together. Sweet Pea was already there. Fangs went in before you, quickly going to Sweet Pea and hitting him on the shoulder. "Dude." He said, smiling. Sweet Pea looked at his friend in confusion, until he saw you walking to your desk in a Southside Serpent jacket. He sat up quickly and smiled at you. Were you going to do it?
As you sat Toni passed you a note. It told you to send a picture of your outfit, as well as her number. You gave her an okay sign with your hand. Sweet Pea and Fangs looked at the two of you confused.
After the bell rang you walked towards the school library, where your friends always meet up for lunch. Sweet Pea walked right in front of you l, gently ghosting his left hand over your right hip, barely touching. He leaned into your ear. "I'll pick you up at your house at 5." He whispered, kissing just below your ear.
He then walked off smoothly, with you watching him go as you put your hand where his kiss was. You snapped out of your daze when you couldn't see him anymore and continued walking. You sat down next to Kevin when you got there.
"Jug, Bets-" You began.
"Look, I wanted to say that I'm sorry. My dad shouldn't have kept that from you for so long, and I-" Jughead cut you off.
"Jug." You got his attention. "It's fine. I read the letter, I get it. I'm not mad anymore. I'm sorry for overreacting."
"No, y/n. You didn't overreact." Betty said. "We understand that you were going through an emotional time, and it was perfectly okay to react the way you did."
"Thanks guys." The three of you went into a group hug. The other three joined in.
"Betty told us about everything. Sorry if you didn't want us to know." Archie explained.
"No, it's fine. I'm okay now."
"So," Veronica said. "Are you going to join the Serpents? You're wearing the jacket."
"Yeah, I think it'll be good for me." You nodded, looking at Archie. He was still your friend, and has had run-ins with the Serpents before.
"We support you, no matter what." Archie said. You beamed and nodded your head giddily.
You meet up with Cheryl at the outside of the gym after school. You both go to the grocery store and shop for food. "If you want something, I don't mind getting it for you." You offer.
"No thanks." She said, looking around. "Shouldn't your guardian or something be shopping for food instead?"
"It's just me looking after myself." You explain. "My aunt sends money while she's on her business trips. She sometimes doesn't send enough, so I picked up a job at Pop's. I mean I don't have any parental figure breathing down my neck, so I'm fine."
But you weren't. You were lonely. Sure, you have Jughead and FP, but you didn't feel like you belonged with them. Hopefully the Serpents would change that feeling.
You went to your house and put your groceries on the kitchen counter. You then went to Cheryl's house. As you entered the mansion, you went to a living room where Cheryl's mom and grandma were. "Mother, Nana Rose, this is y/n."
Her mom glared at you, as if looking down upon you. "Oh, dear," Nana Rose said. "You look just like your mother."
She then gained your attention. "You knew my mom?" There was something about her that was unsettling, although you also felt that she was harmless.
"Oh yes. Sweet little thing. Her mother abandoned her when she was so young, going on about not being ready or whatnot. She was always such a stickler. How is she, by the way?"
"Um, she passed away four years ago."
"How awful. I bet that man she was dating had something to do with it. I never did like him."
You let out a humorless laugh. "Me neither." Cheryl then led you to her room.
While Cheryl was looking for an outfit for you I'm her walk-in closet, you were looking at all her lipsticks. "I get that your Nana is creepy and stuff, and I'll just let that go since I have a soft spot for old people, but what's up with your mom?"
"Mother is horrendous." She said from the closet. "She dislikes it when I only bring one person to my room."
You were confused by that response. You would understand if it were a guy. Then it clicked. "Oh my God!" You said, walking towards the closet. "You're bi."
She quickly turned around. "Excuse me?"
"Holy crap you are!"
"I don't appreciate you making accusations about me. Especially when I invited you into my home." She stomped over to you.
You sighed and walked to the bed, taking a seat. "Sit." You gently said. She stared at you, but reluctantly agreed as she sat next to you with a huff. "Cheryl, I don't give a crap what your sexuality is." You laughed. "It doesn't make you any different. And I promise I won't tell anyone."
She looked straight ahead, refusing to look at you. She kept a straight face. "So there's nothing wrong with me?"
"No." You urged.
"People look at me differently." Her voice was starting to waver.
"People look at you the same way they look at me. It's because of our crazy ass family, not your sexuality. Okay?"
"Okay." She sounded like she was crying. You gave her a side hug and put your head on her shoulder.
"Hey, this is kind of like our first date, huh?" She shrugged you off as you giggled.
She then got up and grabbed an outfit. You snorted and looked down at your hands, smiling. "What?"
You then quietly say, "You're in the closet." You bursted out laughing.
"Just put this on!"
You took a look at yourself in her mirror. You wore tight leather pants and a dark green crop top. You ran your hands over your stomach, not used to showing this much skin. "I feel like I look awkward."
"Nonsense, your greasy snake boyfriend with love it." She said, choosing to ignore the look you gave her. "Sit. I need to do your makeup."
She put a dark burgundy lipstick on you. She put on a small amount of eye liner and blush. She then put your hair in a half bun half down style.
She took a step back, examining her work. She then snapped her fingers, going into one of her many drawers. "Of course. You need a choker." The choker she handed you had a design of little black vines with tiny red roses on them. You put it on. "Perfect."
You smiled. "Okay, I usually hate taking pictures of myself, but I told my friends I would. Do you want to take some pictures together?" She smiled back.
After taking a few pictures, you went to your jacket and took out your camera from your pocket. "One more picture." She looked at it, amused. "Don't judge. This thing is special."
Cheryl led you downstairs, where her mom and grandmother still were. "Oh my," Nana Rose said. She reached out for your hands, which you took. "Are you going somewhere dear?"
"Yeah. I'm going somewhere with someone special."
She gently squeezed your hands. "Well have fun dear."
"Thank you so much." You smiled. "I'm so glad that Cheryl has at least one family member who isn't evil." She laughed in return, giving her daughter-in-law a look of triumph. She let go of your hands. "Bye guys."
As Cheryl compressed her laughter, she led you the door. "Have fun. Your serpent boy will be pleased with you."
"Thanks." You laughed. "You know, you and Toni would look really cute together."
She gave you an annoyed look. "Bye now." And with that she closed the door.
When you got home you texted a picture of yourself to your friends.
V ~ OMG you look amazing 😍😍
V ~ He's going to love it💓💓🐍
Gay Best Friend ~ masterpiece 🖤
Gay Best Friend ~ you look like Sandy in Grease at the end of the movie
B ~ you look great y/i have fun
Jugster ~ you're really going out like that?
You ~ thanks Jug🙃
V ~ he's just mad that his sister and friend are dating each other🙄😏
Archie ~ have fun y/n
Archie ~ if anything happens though let me know
Jugster ~ ditto
You ~ will do ._.
You then texted Toni. You sent her a picture of you and Cheryl.
Toni ~ looks hot
You ~ me or her lol
Toni ~ ha ha
You checked the time. 4:50. You saw your forgotten groceries and decided to preoccupy yourself by putting them away. You finished a lot more quicker than you wanted and sat on the couch nervously.
You then heard a knock. You checked yourself though your phone and stuffed it in your pocket. You opened the door to a Sweet Pea who wasn't wearing his jacket. He only had his black flannel and a smile on his face.
Author's Note: sorry that there was less Sweet Pea and more y/n in this part
Also (pls read): I already have the gist of the date planned in my head. I was wondering if you guys had any suggestions that I could add
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@madaboutlili @sireennotsiren @elsie2018 @greyfairie @iamaunicorn4704 @wanna-plan-world-domination @whenallsaidanddone @t-a-i-l-o-r-m-a-d-e @live-love-bailar @thecraziestcrayon @cvvlxx @grim-adventures58 @official--fangirl @jesus-jagiya @skeletalwolfcat @theunofficialduke
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Oc Questions
So my friend @bio-hazard0us and I have been working on a lot of My Hero Academia original characters and I was hit with the sudden idea to make my first villain one. I thought that I would share my process so that they could see it and everyone can know how I flesh out a character. In this case I have paired my original character up with Jin Bubaigawara aka the villain Twice in My Hero Academia. 
A: What are/were this character’s best subjects in school? Violet was good at just about every subject in school but her favorites were history, ballet, English and of course botany
B: Do they have any allergies? She is funnily enough allergic to bees even though they are essential to her quirk. They pollinate her flowers but just the sight of them has her feeling ill.
C: Can they swim well? She taught herself how to swim rather well and it’s one of her favorite hobbies that she does on her days off. 
D: How do they react to being flirted with? A flustered awkward disaster mess that’s how she would react to being flirted with (Especially if it was with Twice. He does it to mess with her in and out of costume and always teases her when she gets a bright pink face. 
E: How are they with children? Violet comes from a really big family and loves her siblings but one of Jin’s biggest fears is that his mental instability will be passed down to his children. 
F: What’s one thing they’re really bad at? She is awful at being a villain, let’s just be honest here. She is mostly doing this because Jin is doing it and she wanted to stick by his side. She is always known for being the most genuine member out of the League and even helped Bakugou escape.  She is also very bad with directions so she usually has to be sent out with Dabi or Toga as well as Twice because they both are extremely scatterbrain and tend to get way off track.
G: How do they flirt? Violet is basically the worst type of flirt, the type that doesn’t even know when they are flirting. She just is genuine with her compliments and is always open about how she feels. She loves to compliment Jin and it is usually her way of getting revenge when he flirts with her “That was so good hun!!” She’s basically his little cheerleader always encouraging him to do his best at everything that he does and he loves that about her. 
H: What is their deadly sin? Her deadly sin would most likely be Gluttoney because she has a problem with sweets and knowing exactly when to eat them. (Twice jokes that it’s lust which usually results in him getting smacked upside the head.) 
I: On a scale of 1 to 10, how much do they love themselves? On a scale of one to ten she loves herself at a very low 4. She loves Jin more than anything in the entire world but she hates having to be a part of the League of Villains. She would much rather be a small flower shop owner even with her quirk that is meant to do things for evil. She has a lot of crippling self doubt and doesn’t know how to deal with the awful things that she has to do. The only reason that her number isn’t any lower is because of Twice. 
J: What’s their sense of humour like? Her sense of humor is very bubbly and peppy, it’s a lot of plant puns and really bad jokes that Jin told her to get her to laugh at him when she was younger. If she’s tired it’s a lot more sarcastic and full of attitude but usually that only happens when Shigaraki asks her to do villain stuff when she has already had a long enough day as it was. Twice loves her either way you look at it with her sense of humor. He just loves her more than anything when you really think about it he considers her the best possible thing that he could ever ask for.  
K: How do you know when you’ve upset them? You will know when you’ve upset her when she sends her “Audrey II” after you. That is her man eating venus flytrap that she named after the flytrap in Little Shop of Horrors.  
L: What is their favourite board game? Any board game that makes her laugh. She loves to play Apples to Apples with Twice and the rest of the League of villains it’s the one time when she truly thinks that they are actually a family and she really feels like she fits in.
M: What is their favourite dessert? She loves ice cream, absolutely loves ice cream. When she has a bad day stress or anxiety wise Jin brings her strawberry cheesecake Ben & Jerries ice cream and Phish Food for him and they both openly talk about what they are struggling with (Mental health for the win!!!) 
N: What do they usually eat for breakfast? Her go to breakfast usually has some fruit in it. That's really the only thing since she isn’t always hungry in the mornings. 
O: What would it take to break them, inside and out? For Jin to break up with her. That’s what would break her inside and out she would not be able to live without him making her laugh. If he were to break up with her and not even want to be friends that would cause her to have a full on mental breakdown. 
P: How do they handle money? She is nearly a professional at handling money. She doesn’t have a whole lot of it because she works part time at a flower infused coffee and pastry shop.
Q: Are they patient? She is one of the most patient people that you will ever meet in your entire life. It is one of her best qualities that she prides herself on. You sort of have to be patient when your long term love of your life is Jin Bubaigawara (Twice). She always rubs his back when he cries into her shoulder apologizing for saying anything wrong in his other personality. It breaks her heart to see him like that. She would much rather see the joking having a fun time side of his personality but she has loved him for as long as she can remember and she’s going to be damned if a little mental illness roadblock is going to get in her way. 
R: What are their hands like? Her hands have little calluses on them that Jin loves playing with as a fidget technique because having her presence around makes the voices in his head for once shut fully off. He can be comfortable around her just holding her hand and telling stories in his different personalities to make her laugh. 
S: How stealthy are they? She is actually very stealthy and extremely quiet person (when Twice isn’t around to make her laugh)
T: Where are they ticklish? Violet is ticklish almost literally everywhere on her entire body something that kid Jin loved because it caused her to snort when she laughed if he did it too much. 
U: What’s their voice like? She’s naturally soft spoken unless she’s really excited about something than she has the tendency to rise in volume. 
V: What’s the easiest way to annoy them? The easiest way to annoy her is to send her off on a solo mission with Shigaraki. It takes everything in her not to just blow up at him and tell him that she’s done being his minion. Then she thinks of Twice and just takes some deep breaths to calm herself down and remembers why she’s doing this. So that the love of her life can fit in somewhere and finally be truly happy with his life. 
W: Can they dance? Dancing is one of the things that she is the best at pretty much all styles of dance. 
X: What’s their most petty little secret? Her pesky little secret is that she made a stuffed smaller version of Jin as Twice for the nights when they aren’t together and she can’t sleep. It helps her sleep at night knowing that she has something to remind her of her boyfriend. 
Y: What is one question they’ve always wanted an answer to? Why did her dad have to die? Her older brother who was a police officer was caught in the crossfire and killed by a hero in an accident.
Z: How do they sleep? She doesn’t sleep that well at all if she doesn’t have either her stuffed version of Twice or the real deal around her. She suffers from frequent nightmares of the awful things that she was forced to do as a member of the League and the momentous amounts of bullying that she was given as a child.
1. Do they sleep with a stuffed animal? She does actually sleep with stuffed animals. Jin won her a massive stuffed sea otter at a shooting darts game when they were back in high school at their cultural festival and she loves it so much. She also has the afformented stuffed version of Twice.
2. Can they take care of a plant? What about a pet? What about a child? Her quirk is quite literally taking care of the plants that she houses as tattoos on her arms and that she keeps in her garden at work. She has a pet cat that is probably the most tsundere cat to ever exist but it loves it’s human so much. Violet adopts young Toga as her own showing her what actual love and affection really should look like instead of the pain that she has suffered through.
3. Ask them to describe their love interest. Violet would describe Jin as the sweetest man that she has ever met. Forget about the mental illness, that doesn’t bother her in fact it only makes her want to take care of him on his really bad days. She truly loves her boyfriend more than anything in the world. He is the reason why she gets up everyday to make him laugh with her little screw ups at being a villain. To her, you can’t find a more perfect man than Jin Bubaigawara. She loves his sense of humor, the way that he looks at the world and the man behind the mania more than anything. She’ll jokingly call him her Deadpool and he loves it so much since that was one of his favorite heroes in high school. 
4. Do they look good in red? In her opinion since part of her villain costume (her hoodie) is red she would say yes. Twice jokes that she would look good in a paper bag. 
5. Speech! Speech! Speech! Speech! It would definitely be a late night speech to the love of her life Jin after a night that he’s been struggling with his split personality disorder. He’ll tell her that he doesn’t deserve her and her pureness and that she should run while she still can. She would tell him that would never, ever happen. That she loves him despite her mental illness. That she loves the man that has always been there for her and is the other half of her soul. That he isn’t defined by his mental illness but by the person that lies beneath all of that. He would just melt into her side and she would quietly run her fingers through his hair turning him into putty in her arms.
6. Who will they take advice from, no matter what it is? Who won’t they take advice from, no matter what it is? She will always take advice from her father who has known what is best for her throughout her entire life and is immensely supportive of her relationship with Twice. He loves Jin and worries about him instead of being against their relationship he gives Violet advice for how to deal with him and his outbursts that he sometimes has. She would absolutely never listen to Shigaraki no matter what. He tells her that her “emotions” for Twice will be her downfall and that she shouldn’t be as kind as she is if she wants to be a villain. 
7. Describe them in three words. Now let them describe themselves in three words. I would describe Violet as endlessly patient, kind and forgiving of all of Jin’s downfalls. Usually when he forgets an anniversary (he never forgets her birthday though). She would describe herself as a wet blanket, a burden on Jin and a naturally spineless person. 
8. Do complex puzzles intrigue or frustrate them? Puzzles have always intrigued her 
9. Do they empathize with non-sentient things (dolls, plants, books…)? She has an attachment to her favorite book since childhood that her dad would always read to her. It’s called The Little Prince and it’s been her favorite book since she was five years old. She feels an empathization with her plants that she needs to use for her quirk and always apologizes before she has to use them. 
10. What age do they most want to be right now? She wants to be at the age that she is right now. She lives on her own even though she wishes that she could stay live with Jin full time. 
11. They’ve won the lottery. Spend, or save? Save the money for the future and get a big house for her, Jin and Himiko to live in. She loves her family more than anything and just wants for them to be happy together. 
12. Do they like romance in the books they read (or in the book they’re in)? She has a soft spot for romance in films. She openly cries every time that she watches the first ten minutes in Up or the ending of The Painted Veil. She is a naturally overly emotional person so whenever she watches one of these films Jin has a box of tissues at the ready to dry her eyes with.  
13. Name one thing their parents taught them. Her parents taught hre to be kind and patient with most everyone she meets which is one of the biggest reasons as to why she is so good with Jin and his mental instability. 
14. Would they agree with the term ‘guilty pleasure’? Do they have any? She has a guilty pleasure for the film version of Little Shop Of Horrors and is often seen humming Mean Green Mother From Outer Space while she waters Audrey II
15. What would they consider a waste of time– other than school or work? Violet considers lazing around a waste of her time. Why be lazy when she could be watering her plants or helping Himiko with her homework? Jin definitely has to draw the line at some point and give her a backwards hug telling her that she needs to take a break. 
16. If money wasn’t a limit, what would they wear? She would wear designer clothes that she always sees in the shop windows. There is this really adorable dress that has plants all over it that she loves to look at on the street and in the shop window (Jin buys it for her for Christmas once he gets a steady following with his artwork.) 
17. Do they like children? Violet has always loved children and willingly will look after her siblings if she doesn’t need to be doing villainous work with Twice and Himiko for the night. She was raised to love children and her and Jin have talked about adopting others when Himiko goes off to college. He’s legitimately afraid of being a good father but she is always there to encourage him and tell him how good he is with their adopted daughter. He teased her that they already were basically siblings so it didn’t really matter but he always loves her encouragement. 
18. Kissing: tongue or no tongue? It depends on where they are. She loves to press little kisses to his mask when he’s wearing it but when the mask is off they do have the tendency to kiss. She’s actually asexual so as long as it doesn’t go to sexual intercourse she’s okay with all the types of intimacy that kissing can bring. 
19. Do they study before tests? Practice before job interviews? She always has this need to study for tests even though everyone around her encourages that she’ll ace it with flying colors because she is just naturally intelligent. She actually helped Jin get his GED in high school so that he could pass and got him through the grades with the help of a lot of patience and snacks to go around. 
20. What do they like that nobody else does? Most of the stuff that she likes that nobody else tends to like is the manga that she reads in her free time. This gets a lot of jokes poked at her by Jin and Himiko but they love it about her that she is a massive Otaku.
21. What would it take for them to break up with someone? What would be the last straw? There would be no real “last straw” with her and Jin. Unless he cheats on her which he would never do because he loves her way too much to do that to her. 
22. Do they like being called pet names? Do they call other people pet names? What’s their go-to? Oh the sappy nicknames between these two strap yourselves in folks especially for Jin\Twice because his are numerous. His favorites are dolls and baby that he uses outside of the mask and they never fail to make her soft like butter. With the mask on it’s cupcake and milady “Hey cupcake need a little help over here!!” 
23. Stability or novelty? Stability all the way. She needs to keep to her schedule and her downtime needs to be there otherwise she will fall off the rails and it’s not a pretty picture. Jin is there to make sure that even her stability is still the life of the party. 
24. Honesty or charity? Honesty is always the best policy.
25. Safety or possibility? Possibility she is always open to new ones that could change her life and it’s one of the reasons why she started dating Jin she saw all the possibilities that their relationship could have. 
26. Talent or effort? Effort all the way. She will always put forth the effort into everything that she does. She has this belief and it’s the same way with her father that there is no talent without a little bit of effort thrown into everything.
27. Forgiveness or vengeance (or…)? Forgiveness. She will always forgive Jin no matter what his mental illness does to put a damper on their relationship she will always take him back with open arms. 
28. Would they date a fixer-upper? She would because she believes that there is really no such thing as a fixer-upper. I mean growing up her favorite movie was Beauty and the Beast so she has always believed that the true beauty of somebody isn’t on the outside but on the inside their personality. Jin is basically one giant fixer upper that most people would run for the hills from but not Violet. Most of her siblings scratch their heads when they seen the two of them together but they know that their sister is the happiest that they have ever seen her when she’s around him. 
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gaypanda · 5 years
Not Even Sunflowers Can Grow In Our Toxic Love Pt.1
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Pairing: Steve Rogers x Tony Stark 
Word Count: 1.8k
Warnings: Non 
Summery: It’s October in 1995, Tony Stark is 24. All he need is coffee and his lab. Then he meets Steve Rogers an artist. They fall in love. They face the world together. Yet, sunflowers can’t grow in their love, but that’s okay morning glory can. That should be enough.
A/N: Hello, Humans. This is a fan-fiction that I’m working on. I hope you like it. This will also be posted on ao3 with the same title. I will let you guys know there will be somethings that I will tag as I go. I’m doing this not to deceive anyone, but the tags would be spoilers. Any ways I hope you enjoy. 
He stayed in the lab until three in the morning and had a seven A.M class to attend. Sadly he couldn’t just skip it to sleep, because the teacher for some god awful reason gave a grade for attendance. Which meant that he had to actually go to class. In the hopes that he might survive the day he rushed off to get coffee. With coffee in hand he could actually be a person. Only to get to class and have the espresso-filled cup spill on all the notes he had taken that night. With coffee gone and notes ruined Tony end up falling asleep in class. After that two hour monstrosity, he was able to go back and get more coffee before his physics lecturer where he needed to be able to correct the stupid TA that was teaching the class. 
Once Tony entered the coffee shop only to see that they got a new barista. He looked like a blond Superman. Tony stood in line trying to think of a good pick up line to use on the blond man. Slowly the line got shorter and Superman got closer.
“What can I get for you, Sir?” Blond superman asked
“How about you tell me how to time travel from World War Two and my dad’s lab” Tony asked. Only to mentally scolded himself. Why did he think that a pick up line about his dad's failed super soldier experiments during World War 2 would work or make sense? God he needed coffee.”I mean can I have an extra large cup filled with just espresso and a dash of milk.”    
“Are you okay, Sir?” Superman asked while he wrote down Tony’s order. He had a faint smile on his lips.
“No, I need caffeine or I will die!” Tony said pulling out a twenty and handing it over to blond superman,”keep the change by the way.” Tony said as he walked a way to wait for his “coffee”. 
“Espresso for ‘Or I will die’” one of the other barista’s yell a little while later. Tony rushed over to the barista and grabbed the cup and went straight to drinking it. 
When he looked down at the side of the cup he say some writing on the side along with a number. ‘Your pick up lines suck maybe you should try again -Steve’
Tony smiled at the number. He finished his coffee pulled out his phone and put Steve’s number in it.
I think it worked if you gave me your number. My name is Tony by the way.
Tony smiled as he walked to class. Maybe today wasn’t turning out to bad. Now he just had to deal with mister “I know more Physics than you do so shut up”. The man sucked at physics. Tony was constantly correcting his work. At this point He was practically teaching the class. This is what he gets for trying to be normal. 
After that god awful class Tony was done for the day. This meant he could go home and crash. He lived a couple of blocks away from campus in one of the larger apartments. He lived alone more often than not. His best friend Rhodey would took the guest room when he is home from the air-force. 
Tony meet Rhodey in high school. Rhodey got in the private school by scholarships and pure dedication. He had taken every AP class he could and then he took the test. Somehow he always passed those tests with nothing lower than a 4. By the time they graduated high school Rhodey was halfway done with college. He ended up signing up for the air-force and enrolling in MIT.Tony was proud of his best friend. Every once in a while Rhodey would stay at Tony’s. 
The other person who would stay the night was Tony's other best friend Pepper. Pepper was an intern at Stark industries she was better than the people that Tony's dad had working there. Pepper took no shit. Tony fell in love right away, but Pepper said that she didn’t date spoiled rich kids. From then on they were friends. Pepper calling him out for his shit, and him repaying her with expensive shoes and dresses. By now Tony had given her his credit card when he messed up so she could buy her own apology clothes. When people asked if he was scared that she was just using he for his money Tony laughed and told them if she was then she would have dated and married him. No, Pepper was one of his closest friends, and one day she was going to run Stark Industries. 
Tony smiled as he thought of his friends. Thinking of Pepper, he should ask her if she wants to come over and do a movie night.Tony pulled out his phone to text her when he noticed he had a message. 
From: Steve
You got me. Although what was that pick up line? You need to tell me that story. How about you do that over some dinner. What do say about 6 at the pizza place north of the art building. 
Wow this guy was smooth was all Tony could think as he read the message.
To: Steve 
Yeah I can do that.
Tony looked at the time. It was 12:13 which meant he had just enough time to eat quick sandwich, tell Pepper, take a nap, Pepper barge in help him dress, and get there by 6. Oh how he wishes that could be the case.
Once home Tony did make a sandwich, but only to have Pepper walk in. 
"You have a date, and I'm only being told now." Peppers eyebrow raised as she looked at him and his sandwich. 
"Umm, yea, you were informed the same time I was. Oh yeah his name is Steve. I meet him at one of the three coffee shops near campus. I was too tired to remember which one.” Tony said as he eats his sandwich. Pepper looked at him with disgust as he ate with food in his mouth.  
“Okay,” she sighed,” what time is this date?”
“6 o’clock”
“Do you need help getting read. What don’t answer that of course you do.” Pepper smiled at him. Tony know that she was proud of him for going out on a date with a guy. Tony for the longest time refused to except that he was bisexual. Howard, Tony's dad, was very homophobic. Tony who always wanted his father approve tried to push down the part of him that liked boys. Slowly With the help of Rhodey and Pepper Tony learned that it was okay to like both girls and boys. He still hasn’t told Howard and never will, and Tony’s okay with that.
Tony smiled at her before telling Pepper that he need to nap for at least 3 hours before he could do anything. Pepper just laughed as Tony walked to his room and crashed.
“Tony it’s 4 o’clock you need to get up.” a female voice told. Tony sighed, turned away from the voice, and tried to go back to sleep.
“Tony if you want to make it to your date with Blond superman. Than you need to get up and get ready.” The female voice, now Tony could say was Pepper, told him. With another sigh he open his eyes. Pepper was standing over him. Her red tied back in a bun, along with the suit she was wearing made her look like a mom. 
“ Pepper you look like one of those work moms that is waking up her kid for school, before heading off to work.” Tony laughed.
“God knows I’m not paid enough to wake you up for school.” She rolls her eyes and walks over to Tony’s closet to pick out his date clothes.
“You’re not paid to be my friend Pep. You just love me too much to leave.” Tony said as got up to shower. Stepping in to the bathroom Tony stripped. He turned on the shower and stepped in. The warm water helped wake him up the rest of the way. Tony stands under the hot water letting it wash away the stress of the day. After an unknown time Tony thought it best to rushing through the rest of the shower. When he got out Pepper had already picked out what he was going to wear. She had pulled Tony’s maroon dress shirt and a pair of black jeans.
“I own a pair of skinny jeans?” Tony asked side eyeing to jeans
“They aren’t skinny jeans they’re just jeans. Of course you own jeans Tony want do you wear in the lab?” Pepper respond with a raised eyebrow.
“Jeans but those jeans have holes and grease. Those jeans love me Pep. How did those even get in to my closet?” Tony said as he pulled on the shirt and a pair of briefs. 
“I got you them for your birthday last year, but never showed you to make sure didn’t get rid of them. Now put them on they will make your ass look phenomenal.” Pepper said throwing them at Tony only to have them land on his arm and fall to the ground. Reluctantly Tony put them on. Pep was right they did make his ass look great.
Once dressed Tony made his way to the bathroom to put on some makeup. After being in the public eye his whole life Tony was always having makeup put on him. In his teen years one of her girlfriends thought that it would be fun to do his makeup in the way that girls do it. After that Tony found he liked how he looked fully done up. From then on he would do his makeup for dates and parties. Tony decided to a simple look with only eyeliner, mascara, and a red lipstick. 
When he walked out he saw Pepper sitting on his bed. She smiled at him before telling him, “Now Tony you need to play nice with Steve. Remember that if wants to play you need to be safe. So don’t be silly Tony and wrap your willy.” 
“But mom all the other kids don’t wrap their willies.” Tony laughed.
“ Yes and look at where that got them. Pregnant and getting chlamydia, so lets- lets” Pepper couldn’t finish she was laughing to much. Tony at his friend at they laughed at her stupid joke.
“Okay Pep I need to leave if I’m going to make it on time. Also Pep I’m not the kinda guy that goes wam bam thank you mama.” He said as grabbed his wallet and keys. Before closing the door he hear Pepper shout
“Tony that’s all you did last year.” As she continued to laugh.
Tony walked to the pizza place that he had been told to meet Steve at. He stood at the door looking in and he saw his blond superman. Tony’s heart fluttered and butterflies swarmed in his stomach. Tony knew that this was the start of something amazing. With a deep breath Tony opened the door and walked.
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glenncoco4 · 5 years
A/N: Looks like I’m gonna be updating more than once a week! (Ch.4)
It’s the first weekend of November and the weather is perfect for a day at the beach. Kensi is laid out on her towel while Marty rides a few waves. 
After half an hour he rides his way back to shore, making his way to his beautiful bikini clad girlfriend. Shaking his hair, getting water all over her warm body.
Shivering, she opens her eyes to see her toned boyfriend standing over her, hair dripping wet. “I’m gonna kill you.” 
He laughs, practically laying down on top of her and rests his head on her chest. “Nah, you wouldn’t.”
Knowing that he’s right, she sighs when his skin touches hers. Every time. “Okay, I wouldn’t but I can keep my kisses to myself.”
Moving positions so that he’s hovering over her, his baby blues locking with her chocolate orbs. “You wouldn’t do that either.” 
“Oh, no?” She knows he’s right yet again, but she wants to see what she can get out of him. 
“Nope.” He says popping the p. “You love me too much.” Oh shit! She wasn’t ready to say it to him, why would he think that it would be okay for him to imply that she did. 
She sees the panic look cross his features. “You’re right.” Leaning up, she places a soft, sweet kiss to her shaggy surfer’s lips. “I do love you too much to do that.”
He’s pretty sure that if his heart could explode, it would’ve done so by now. Hearing her confess her love in her half conscious state is one thing, but hearing it leave her lips just now is a whole other level. “I love you, Kensi Marie Blye.” 
Placing a brief kiss to her lips, because nobody wants to see a couple make out on the beach, he pulls back and lets out a laugh when her stomach growls. “Looks like I need to feed my woman.”
“I love you.” She grabs his hand so that he can pull her up. 
He shakes his head in disbelief that this woman actually loves him. 
They pack up their things, making their way to his truck, hand in hand. “How about some In-N-Out?”
“How about, yes!”
“What can I get you two?”
“Two Double-Doubles, Animal Style Fries and two milkshakes, one chocolate and one vanilla.” He orders for the both, knowing exactly what his girl wants.
They take a seat at a booth, eating their meal, enjoying each other’s company. 
“So what are you doing for Thanksgiving?”
He’s glad she brought it up because he’s been meaning to ask her. “Funny you should ask.” A hopeful smile graces his face. “I was wondering if you wanted to come over to my place. I can cook dinner, you can be my Sous Chef.” Taking her hand, he squeezes. “We could stay in all day, eating, watching movies and trashy tv, maybe cuddle a little.” He wiggles his eyebrows.
She knows he actually means cuddling and is just playing around with her. “I couldn’t imagine anything better.” Squeezing his hand, she lets out a soft joyous laugh. “Actually, I would add one more thing to make it even better.” Her eyes growing dark. “But we promised.” 
“Baby, you better stop it right now.”
She licks her lips, want filling her eyes. “Whatever do you mean?”
His eyes grow wide at her actions. Evil temptress. “Kens, seriously. I’m not gonna be able to get up.” 
She leans down under the table as if she’s going to pick something up. Smirk on her face, she sits upright again. “Seems like you’re half way there already.”
“Kens.” The strain in his voice is enough to make her stop.
Holding her hands up in surrender, she backs off. “Okay. Okay.” 
They quietly sit there until he’s ready to go. He gets up, takes her hand, leaving the rest of the night to do whatever they want.
It’s feast day. They’re successfully making dinner together. Bits and piece of food being thrown at one another in the process. Kisses being exchanged. All of it feeling natural to both of them.
She’s chopping carrots while he’s prepping the small turkey. Exchanging smiles every few minutes because they just can’t get enough of each other.
When she feels his arms wrap around her, flashes of their future play in her head. Their first Thanksgiving living in their new apartment. First as an engaged couple. First in their new house as a married couple,  but this time his arms are around her protruding belly. That one gets her. Then there’s the last one. A little blonde boy, mashing the potatoes with his equally blonde haired dad and the little brunette girl laughing at her mom when she puts a dab of cookie dough on her nose. “Wow.” She whispers. 
“What?” He hugs her tighter, hoping to coax her into telling him.
She shakes her head. “Nothing. Just some scenes flashing through my head.”
Leaning his head against hers, he places a kiss to the top of her head. “Oh you mean like our first Thanksgiving in our first apartment, then our first as an engaged couple. First in our new house as a married couple with you all pregnant and glowing. Then there’s my absolute favorite one where our son and I are cooking up a storm while you and our daughter are play with the food.”
She turns around, amazement written all over her face. “You-you see all that too?”
He leans down, pressing his forehead to hers. “Kens, every thought I have of the future has you in it.”
Placing her lips to his for a passionate kiss, she puts everything she has into it. Pouring her love for him into this one kiss. “I love you, Marty.”
“I love you.”
They’re wrapped up in each other on the couch, bellies full of delicious food. 
It’s the perfect time to bring it up. Doubt filled her throughout the day, worried about his reaction. She knows he loves her but the doubt she grown accustom to throughout her pre-Marty Deeks faze in life rears its ugly head. “I know it’s Thanksgiving, but I got you something.” Pulling an object out of her pocket, she hands him the picture of a snow cover cabin in the woods. “Since we’re all each other has, I figured we could spend our first Christmas together in the snow.”
He’s stunned actually, the fact that this woman wanted to spend Thanksgiving with him has him in awe already, but the fact that she wants to spend another special, if not the most special holiday with him, leaves him in a state of shock. He was prepared to ask her if she wanted to go away with him, but knew that if she declined he could easily back track. Great minds alike. 
She takes his silence as a no, deflating her hopefulness. “I get it. It’s too soon.” She goes to grab the picture out of his hand. “It was a stupid idea.”
Grabbing her wrist, he puts his finger under her chin, lifting her head up, he brings his lips to hers for a soft loving kiss. “I was gonna ask you to go away with me too.” 
The hopefulness returns to her eyes. “You were?”
He pulls her into a tight hug. “Yeah, a buddy of mine has a cabin in Mammoth. I found out that he wasn’t going to be using for break a few months back so I asked and he said we could use it. I was planning on asking you, but you kinda beat me to the punch.” He explains, placing a kiss to her temple.
Hugging him with all her might, she lets out a sigh of relief. “So what do we do?”
“How about you cancel the reservation that way you can save your money to buy me presents and we can go to Mammoth.”
She laughs into his chest. “Your logic astounds me.”
The vibration from her laugh radiates throughout his body and the sound the sweet sweet sound melts his heart. “Hey, I may play the fool at times but I’m more than a pretty blonde boy with an ass that won’t quit.” 
Shaking her head at her dork of a boyfriend, she turns her attention back to the television. A smile graces her face knowing that today is just a glimpse into what is yet to come. Thanksgiving indeed. 
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