#not in a parasocial way lmao
tanktoplinson · 2 years
i’ve been listening to so much good music these days that it’s literally overwhelming..
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rojekte · 2 months
seeing people's takes about the whole watcher situation is just a bit.... mind-boggling.
i think the apology they posted was good in the sense that they admitted to fucking up and walked back on their decision, and i think the model they've settled on now is a lot more reasonable (having content be released earlier for those who choose to subscribe), but like.... that doesn't mean that no one should've ever been mad at them in the first place???
like seriously, why does it seem like people are looking at a "good" apology and thinking "huh! they sure did apologize well! i guess that means that it was ridiculous for people to be mad in the first place! no one should have ever complained!!". if no one complained, they wouldnt have walked back their decision! they would've kept going with their dumb completely paywalled option!
and thats not even getting into the fact that their financial woes seem to come from completely mismanaging their money - hiring people when they can not afford to and spending more money on "high quality productions" when they cant afford to.... these are core issues that im not sure will be completely fixed by this? but idk.
also, this situation i think has really helped my own self come to terms with the fact that i do not enjoy many aspects of their content. i sorta already knew that considering i can not remember the last ghost files video i watched because i find that shit incredibly boring and overproduced, and even things like too many spirits have become a chore to watch bc they decided to extend the Not That Funny drink making portion when i just wanna hear some funny spooky stories.
anyway i guess my ultimate point here is: im glad they acknowledged they fucked up, but i also am not sure how interested i am in their content anymore in the first place. oh well
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ianthoni · 11 months
Ok, Idk if it's just me but I can't stop thinking about the part in Anthony's letter where he asks if Ian even knows the real Ian... like, I think I'm crazy and tinhatty for seeing Ian as visibly repressed, but Anthony literally sees the exact same thing.
My very detailed thoughts are under the gifs and videos. Buckle up that's a long ass post. I put some of the parts i find interesting in the video.
First of I wanna start with comments like "oh i think Ian is emotionless he doesn't show emotions" he literally did. Watch the video. Don't just listen to his words look at his eyes.
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No no no you're not alone. The more i watch him the more I'm like damn this man has a lot to unpack. Like you can see he has so many emotions but also is hiding them. At first people were like Ian is so chill, Ian doesn't care and I'm like HE CARES?? You can clearly see he cares, you can see he's affected by everything happening around, happening TO him. He's just so closed up so withdrawn even he himself doesn't know how to react to things. Just like he said he's the most chill-unchill person. He probably has a hurricane in his mind but he doesn't show it outside. I think it's because he was alone for a long time. He was definitely more open when he's with Anthony but after watching the video I think their friendship stopped being close when Anthony started dating his girlfriend at the time. Ofc there was probably some stuff between them they're friends since 6th grade, but the strings broke and they stopped being best friends probably at that time. And probably after this Ian started to press his feelings. Cause I think he tried to talk to Anthony about that person but it backfired so he stopped it all together. At the time he probably didn't have enough close friends and after Anthony left he was just alone in his thoughts. Ofc he had partners he had co workers, friends, employees but at that point he was already in a state where "it's better if i just shut up about my own feelings/emotions/thoughts cause they're wrong they're the reason my best friend leave me" and everything else, the company, the break-ups whatever it was all his problems, he's the boss, he had to take care of everything and he had to protect his friends/company and everything. He should be the one doing it without bothering others. And that's why he's now "chill" he put on an unbothered person mask to stay strong in the game. He built strong walls around his emotions. He hide them so much that he lost his ability to show his emotions in the meantime. He's an amazing listener, problem solver, perfect boss and friend and best friend probably but he's not good to himself. His feelings are pressed, he has a lot to unpack probably. Idk if Anthony and him talk about everything (i don't think tho i don't think ian could just trauma dump) and i feel like he has to. Not just talking about shit happened before like they say in the video, no he has to talk about his feelings, how he feels about what happened, how he feels now, is he hurt, is he heartbroken. Without a filter. Like he had to leave the labels behind and idk have an open conversation with someone(probably a therapist tbh) and realize that showing emotions is not weak or wrong. And he's not alone. Maybe he felt that way before but he has friends, he has a whole family actually. I really don't believe he's an emotionless person he's just so so introverted in his emotions. And he's lost in his insecurities.
First of all you can see he's emotionally unstable already when he said let's keep going because he's either afraid he's gonna show emotions(god forbid he shed a tear) or so emotional to talk about the subject.
"I don't think I would even recognize if I was being put through emotional turmoil. This is just so sad.
"That doesn't mean you weren't being put through it, that just might mean that you're shutting things off" Anthony explained so well in this sentence.
And this part i definitely agree with Anthony. "How do you know if I'm keeping it to myself?" Cause eyes never lie chico! We can see the sadness showing from them. The fake smile thing is like. Ok yeah I don't think he's fake smiling in every smile but i think when he's actually hurt he just smiles at the person hurting him. Even in this video there are so many moments that you can see he's upset he just smiles and moves on. Not wanting to make things worse or trying to keep everything going. Don't wanna mess up again. But you can't live a life like that. You can't just accept everything anyone is giving and not have a breaking point. Idk him so idk if he had that point already or he'd have that in the future but i know if he keeps ignoring everything and trying to push them aside it's burst. (It's not about Anthony leaving this is not about anyone else I'm talking about Ian's feelings)
And the last part yeah I think we know the real Ian. Cause even if he pushes his feelings aside he's who he is. Him hiding his hurt moments is not gonna affect anyone but himself.
Also wanna add I was so so upset when he said he thought Smosh was his and Ian was just a sidekick to him and even then Ian just smiled and kept going. It's so obvious he knows Anthony felt that way at the time. He's not shocked about this. He probably had his moments about that. I'm so glad Anthony realized that Smosh is not this and that Smosh is them together. And praise him every chance he has for that.
Lastly. I was really sad when Ian said "I forgive you" and Anthony laughed with "for what?" I think this was the only moment we actually see Ian trying to show his emotions and Anthony's joke makes it go away immediately and Ian smiled and hid his emotions again with "just kidding". Again this is all me just putting my thoughts out there but I think Ian deserved an apology or at least a thank you(which Anthony probably did them in private i think) cause he fought to keep Smosh together for years alone. So there was something Anthony could ask forgiveness for. Yes it was the best decision for Anthony and his mental health and it definitely helped him. And Ian could have left with him but didn't. But if he didn't try to stay and fight there wouldn't be a Smosh to turn back to. Wow that was dark.
Anyways this is me overthinking for something I shouldn't at fuckin 2am and I swear I have a life outside this. I just love analysing shit and talking about it ok?
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1phakephan · 15 days
why does something i say being referenced feel more harrowing than if something i posted was actually shown
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I kind of love that Taylor has made London her home base for the Euro leg of eras because idk it feels very “I can reclaim the land” of her. She loved London before she ever met Joe, she lived there before they ever moved in together, and there was so much ~stuff~ wrapped up with the city and being intrinsically tied to him and what was going on the last few years that I hope for her sake this summer feels like a bit of a fresh start and rediscovering the city she loved outside of all the other bittersweet memories and making a bunch of fun new ones on her own terms.
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worm-priest · 7 months
This is my hear me out moment
I think I will be a parasocial relationships defender for life because people tend to villanise the concept without really knowing how they work. People tend to think that parasocial relationships are only the instances where people stalk celebrities or want to kill themselves if their kpop bias reveals they are dating
But in reality parasocial relationships are classified by the idea that people in them are aware of the fact that these relationships are one sided and most people who interract with any celebrity fall in some way in a parasocial relationship. For a lot of people parasocial relationships are just a pretty healthy coping mechanism that lets them regulate their emotions by angaging with media they enjoy
This is just the natural effect of us using technology and our brains not knowing what a screen is. We know that the person isn’t actually talking to us but out brains don’t know this. Thats why we get attached to people in media.
The problem starts when the person in a parasocial relationship doesn’t know how to act in any social interaction online or offline. Because the parasocial relationship itself doesnt make you act “crazy” it just shows how you would act in any other relationships. Ofc they can become dangerous especially when people prey on emotionally unstable, socially anxious people to profit off of their emotional attachement (yes, kpop for example)
In a way its kind of like using substances. If you do it in moderation it can be fun and useful but relying on it too much can be harmful and take over your life
I would actually recommend reading any Tilo Hartmann’s publications on this topic because they’re super interesting
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fereldanwench · 2 months
this watcher stuff is an absolute trainwreck that i cannot turn away from
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unhinged-nymph · 8 months
Link’s been going on and on over the last year about how he’s been on a journey of self discovery yada yada with the one speech taking place after an “it’s okay to be gay” banter with his best buddy and then today he comes out with “I don’t sweat labels I just follow my instincts” …… 🤔
What assumption am I not supposed to be making here??? I know people feel ick about speculating about people’s sexualities but I’m just drawing conclusions from real things said… things that sound kinda clear to me 😅
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rakkuntoast · 1 year
chayanne is awake but its another day where his admin isnt playing him (QNPC11 is playing as chayanne today, no wonder why he seemed off to me LMAO)
edit: chayanne hasnt already cleared the food mission yeah that's a dead giveaway
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aeide-thea · 7 months
ugh… saw a pic of [redacted] and got flooded with a sudden strongly-bad feeling which i'm supposed to be too Evolved for in, like, at least three different ways, such that i think it's actually too humiliating to lay out here in detail even if working thru it out loud would probably help me :/
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pftones3482 · 2 years
Marinette was not almost akumatized because she had a crush on Chat Noir and it didn't work out.
She was akumatized because people kept telling her how she should feel.
First Alya (and lowkey Tikki, who never tried to defend Marinette's feelings), telling her over and over that she was just trying to get over Adrien by using Chat. Then Andre, who was adamant that because of his "magic love ice cream" (seriously how does this man still have a business????), it was destined for Ladybug and Chat to be together, and she HAD to be with Adrien.
And then here comes Chat who, from her perspective, is telling her that they can't be together because she loves him like a fan, and he thinks he's taking advantage of her.
Of course, the audience and Marinette both know this isn't true - Chat Noir is, first and foremost, one of her best friends. But he doesn't know that.
And the audience also knows what Marinette doesn't: that Chat Noir is a celebrity in both his daily life and his superhero life. It was no mistake that the way Chat got to Marinette's balcony was through being chased by rabid fans of both Chat and Adrien. The creators of the show wanted us to see the connection Adrien made between how the fans treated him and how he thinks Marinette sees him, because he doesn't know she knows him personally.
Marinette, of course, knows none of this - she just knows how she feels, and god, doesn't it fucking drive you batshit when people keep invalidating how you feel because they think they know better than you?
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lastoneout · 6 months
hi! who are some of your favorite blogs?
Hmm....I mean my first instinct is to just plug all of my mutuals but I feel like that's something people should be allowed to keep private if they want so I don't really feel comfortable doing that(also I would probably forget some people and that would make me feel bad), but aside from them I enjoy headspace-hotel's posts, they've really helped me recontextualize my relationship with nature and have actually inspired me to work on my fear of bugs? I also really enjoy gimmick blogs! Especially alphabetcompletionist, identifying-cars-in-posts, and reading-comp-posting, those ones are always delightful to have on my dash. dear-ao3, yamujiburo, and vaspider are also great for dashboard enrichment.
Uh, there's absolutely more but that's the ones I can think of off the top of my head!
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eugeniedanglars · 1 year
some of you need to learn to be less personally offended by writers saying “canon is just the things that explicitly happen in the show/book/movie”
#can’t believe i’m defending n*il g*iman i don’t even like the guy’s books and i have a tumblr vendetta against him#i genuinely don’t know much about him as a person except that he married am*nda p*lmer and therefore has extremely questionable judgment#so despite how much this website loves to throw the term parasocial around i have no parasocial attachment to him i just care about facts#but i just read two blog posts of his (including a pre-tumblr one)#that people linked as ‘proof’ of him being homophobic to aziraphale/crowley shippers before the tv show came out#and they were literally just. completely reasonable posts saying ‘the text of the book does not say that they’re in a relationship#and things i say online or in interviews should not be taken as canon and neither should popular fan interpretations’#i think people were mad because he phrased it as ‘making things up’? but in context it clearly wasn’t meant as an insult#it was just a way to differentiate ‘things that are explicitly in the text’ and ‘things that you have to use your imagination for’#at no point did he say anything bad about shippers he just said that it wasn’t textual canon in the book. which is objectively true lol#and even then the more recent post was like ‘it’s not book canon but tv canon is different’ like he literally was supporting it lmao#idk maybe i’m not offended bc i’m not a shipper#but i really think you’ve gotta read those posts in the absolute worst faith possible to interpret them as homophobic/anti-shipper
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scalpelsister · 7 months
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Aja Volkman of Nico Vega, photography by Bryan Greenberg
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no one kills my desert duo love faster than grian himself lmao
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tigerator · 2 years
love people for what they are. love the imperfections that the rest is built around. and don't try to cover or minimalise those imperfections when you love that person because they're showcasing it.
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