#not lyrics
sonimiki · 2 years
congrats on being un-nuked!!
Thanks!!! Hopefully I'll get around to making my official website one day so I won't have to rely on Tumblr LOL
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thesaladglovers · 2 years
PSA this blog is not run by a bot its run by a single real human person who just adds things to the queue intermittently, if you vent or otherwise detail personal mental health information in the tags of posts you reblog I will have to read that. thanks
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mitskimaxims · 6 years
due to personal reasons i will be the cowboy
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kazoous · 3 years
settle down little dog in my ribs, I’ll care for you in the morning.
stop your barking, little dog.
I’ll distract my mind with getting undistracted .
your fiction for my night’s mind.
little dog, stop your barking.
I’ll write untill you go away.
nothing is wrong, night’s mind is on a break.
why did you choose to bug me?
i didnt do nothing wrong, did i?
of course i did.
im selfless and selfish, little dog knows that.
it has no mind, yet it barks with more purpose then I.
what a shame.
you’re still there.
ribcage dog, please leave.
i’d like to get some sleep.
“let me take care of you, unlike before.”
i say, though i regret.
dog knows me well, better then i.
my brains a puzzle with no image.
id try to finish it, please let me do.
stop your barking
ill get through.
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habitual-irony · 3 years
Nell and Rain
Nell has a lot of songs involving rain. It was especially noticeable last album, and after getting completely bowled over by “Sober” on this album, I wanted to make a list. Here are all of Nell’s songs I could find that reference rain.
Part 1 drenched in the sound of rain as I quietly walk on the street
고양이 / Cat it would be nice if I could become the rain
일기오보 / Noise of Silence just forget about the rain
Day After Day I’ll sail through the pouring rain
Love It When It Rains even if I scream my throat out, pour down until I can’t be heard
낙엽의 비 / Rain of Leaves even the sound of the rain is way too desolate
이명 / Tinnitus whatever it is, whatever its form, it comes to greet me
정야 / Wishful Thinking it’s really raining a lot; I worry whether you took an umbrella
Separation Anxiety my falling teardrops scatter across the clouds under my feet
Standing in the Rain whether we want it our not, it pours down sometimes
Blue the sound of rain hitting the river echoes across the crowded street
Sober I’ll be able to withstand it like I always have
무홍 / Fogbow am I stuck inside the eye of the storm?
백색왜성 / White Dwarf Star I want to go back to that place where the green rain fell
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gb-lyrics · 4 years
Infinity Train - Behind The Scenes
Hi everyone! So, I don’t know if you’ve all seen this video with behind the scenes footage of Kirisho quite possibly saving Kyan’s life, but just in case any of you are interested, I’ve translated it here (link goes to Google Docs). I’d recommend reading it alongside the video, as it may not make much sense on its own. I wish I knew how to fansub, but alas (^-^;)
More lyric translations will be coming later today!
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Sunday Song Rec #14
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cassassinated · 4 years
if I've ever told you I love you,
I love you
I still love you,
no matter how long it's been
I still want you,
just as much as I did then
if ive ever told you i love you,
I miss you
I still miss you
even if we've only been a moment apart
I still miss you
you'll always live in my heart
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lyrical-feels · 4 years
Hi there, nice to meet you :) I saw your Rilo Kiley post and since you have VERY good taste in music, I was wondering if you would like to have a listen to some of our songs? It would be cool to know what you think! Best, Ben
hi!! i listened to your music and oh my god it’s so good. it reminds me of margot and the nuclear so & so’s which is one of my absolute favorite bands. thank you for sharing your music with me! you have definitely gained a fan :))
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Why does Anatole have a foot fetish. Mr Malloy, is there something you wish to share with the class?
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sonimiki · 2 years
hello miss oktavia your cover of shoujo rei means everything to me
thank you!!! :^) I'm so happy I got to cover it...
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thesaladglovers · 3 years
just letting everyone know that if i had the energy for an april fool’s bit this year this would have temporarily become a car seat headrest lyrics account. okay good day everybody
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peppapiglyrics · 5 years
mods are asleep post fat goldie
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flood1990 · 5 years
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Keith Haring- Untitled, 1983 // Duane Michals- The Illuminated Man, 1968
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habitual-irony · 4 years
Nell Song Ranking
Every released Nell song as of 2024, ranked! All...*counts*.....159 of them! 
I started this for my own enjoyment, but I’m posting with the hope that other Nell fans find this interesting. Feel free to let me know what your favorites are!
Warning: this post is extremely long!
A few ground rules:
This goes without saying, but all of this is totally subjective. A lot of these got bumped up or down based on personal sentimentality.
I believe I’ve included all their singles, OSTs, and hidden tracks. I did not include covers or unreleased songs.
For songs with multiple “official” versions, I ranked them based on my favorite of those versions. So they’ll only appear once at their highest possible spot.
I’ve included my thoughts on each song to give some insight why my ranking turned out the way it did! Sorry if this makes an already long post even longer, but writing these was half the fun of doing this in the first place.
And some general notes on my taste in Nell before we begin:
I don’t like ballads. Just want to establish that going in.
Walk Through Me is the worst album, sorry for anyone who likes songs from it. They all rank poorly. You’ve been warned.
Slip Away was my introduction to Nell, so those songs got a lot of sentimentality points. Baby’s first Nell.
But Moments In Between is probably my favorite Nell album overall.
1. Standing in the Rain Slip Away
Is it Nell's best song? Objectively, no. Is it my favorite song by Nell? Probably not. But this song was a long-standing favorite of mine and still holds a special place in my heart that no other Nell song ever will. It's my first karaoke song, the first Nell song I memorized, and its chorus still strikes me even today. The English translation doesn't do justice to how beautiful the lyrics are, but trust that there's a reason I regard it so highly.
2. 습관적 아이러니 / Habitual Irony C
Dreamy and moody. A quintessential modern Nell song in its sound. Its unique chorus-less structure make it a stand-out, and the buildup is so satisfying. Emotional and beautiful. Kim Jongwan's vocal performance is spectacular, both in sound and in emotional expression. Kind of a new favorite.
3. Hopeless Valentine Slip Away
The way it plays with meter is probably my favorite part about this song, but I also like the outro lyrics. The song itself is lyrically simple, with a repetitive chorus, but the unusual rhythm changes make it interesting to listen to. A sleeper favorite among my many favorites on Slip Away.
4. 기억을 걷는 시간 / Time Walking on Memory Separation Anxiety (Let’s Part)
Probably Nell's best song, and their most well-known. The lyrics read like poetry. The imagery it invokes is beautiful and vivid and full of emotional weight. Another song where translations can never do justice to the beauty of the original. The vocals and instrumentals are all great as well, coming together in a perfect blend for a wonderful song that deserves every bit of popularity it gets and then some.
5. 청춘연가 / Green Nocturne Single
Gentle yet relatable lyrics. It looks back at the folly of youth with a combination of fondness, embarrassment, and envy. The line near the end that says, "time made me an adult, but it didn't make me any stronger," always really hits home. Beautiful in its simplicity and poignant meaning.
6. Dear Genovese Newton’s Apple (Let’s Part)
A solid song about wanting to be a better person. It's grown on me over time, slowly creeping its way into one of my top favorite Nell songs despite being lukewarm on first listen. It's an easy listen, and while I don't always love Jongwan's falsetto in this, I just really like the meaning of the song. It speaks to me on some level. I didn't really get it at first, but after realizing it was a reference to Kitty Genovese, that only made my appreciation for its meaning even deeper.
7. Go Slip Away
The song that made me cry twice on the same day. Slow and repetitive with an extremely tight rhyme scheme and stark imagery. The background vocals that drift in toward the end were what did me in, as I didn't expect them when reading through the lyrics for the first time. The imagery of seeing someone else's brokenness in your reflection felt really profound and hit me hard when I first heard it. I still love that lyric.
8. Day After Day C
Synth assault in the beginning aside, a great song. Not sure how to describe the way it's so pleasing to the ears, but I like the instrumental on this a lot, especially combined with the vocal melody and lyrics. Like, the lyrics aren't poetic or anything, but they work well with the song. Has mainstream appeal in like, a good way. And the guitar solo is my favorite part. When Jaekyung released a video of it on instagram as a spoiler pre-album I listened to it on loop not even realizing I'd soon be hearing it in a song.
9. 믿어선 안될 말 / Words You Shouldn’t Believe Official Live (Let It Rain, Let's Take a Walk, Reflection of Nell)
Specifically the live version, which was my most-played song on iTunes for years before I switched laptops. All three studio versions are varying levels of fine, but the live is somewhat haunting that transitions into intense. Love the pseudo screamo it turns into for a few lines against that heavy guitar, with the simple and empty beginning. Long, but great to jam to. It's no wonder they ended up releasing an official live recording from one of their concerts as a single; their live version of it is better than any of the studio versions. Really stellar for a song that started out on one of their indie albums!
10. 꿈을 꾸는 꿈 / Lullaby Colors in Black
Very EDM, but I actually really love it. The concept of someone talking to a child apologizing in advance for the cruel world they'll grow up in is something that I really like, and the execution just really sells it. The lyrics may sound suitable for a lullaby at some points, but the song itself doesn't suit its English title at all. Makes me want to sing and dance. Strangely enough, a somewhat empowering song. Always improves my mood just by listening to it.
11. Haven Escaping Gravity
I always think of how the first live for this was so disappointing that people immediately stopped asking for it to be performed haha. The song itself is great though. It's my favorite of their all-English songs. Slow and repetitive but with an impressive and super satisfying buildup that releases into a flood of emotion. The repetitive part of the lyrics are also surprisingly lovely and work great with the song. The instrumentals on this, though, are out of this world.
12. 기생충 / Parasite Let It Rain
I just really like the aggressive feel of this song. The guitar and backmasking are both key parts of this song that I love, and the concept is also fun. I always imagine a tick sitting on someone's scalp feeding off their pain and misery. The lyrics just feel evil in a fun way, and the instrumentals are very "rock" which is always nice to hear from Nell.
13. Ocean of Light Escaping Gravity
The only thing I don't absolutely love about this song is the obvious bit of autotune in the first of Jongwan's repeated "in the ocean of light"s at the end. The vocals are otherwise very natural-sounding, so the one random insertion of the autotune effect feels unintentional, but it has to be intentional, but why??? Use it for all of them or none of them! Of course, I prefer none of them. Anway, the clap clap riiiip is so fun, actually just all of the instrumentals on this are so fun. And the lyrics. Just everything. Probably my favorite Nell MV, too.
14. 유희 / U-Hee Moments in Between
Just the right mix of dreamy and emotional to completely hook me. It transports me to another place, another reality where I’m the protagonist of this album completely swept up in this whirlwind romance for one magical night.
15. 일기오보 / Noise of Silence Colors in Black
"I might as well go insane" is such a relatable lyric to me. Like, wanting to escape through your own mental instability. If I'm dissociated enough, then maybe I'll stop caring that everything's awful. Just a good song overall, but that lyric is my favorite.
16. Perfect Escaping Gravity
A beautiful and sweet love song. The plucky guitar motif sets a lovely, bouncy rhythm, and the breathy vocals and sugary sweet lyrics will leave you tickled. One of Nell's most romantic songs.
17. A to Z Colors in Black
Very simple but very effective. Some of the English phrasing feels awkward, but this is up there in terms of all-English tracks from them due to the sheer romance of the lyrics and great sound of the song itself.
18. 현실의 현실 / Reality of Reality Healing Process
Lyrically, great and poetic verses with a repetitive and somewhat uninteresting chorus. But the song overall is good, and the breathy, echo-y falsetto version of the chorus gives me chills every time. One of my favorites on Healing Process for this alone to be honest.
19. 오분 뒤에 봐 / See U in Five Colors in Black
A very real and very close-to-home depiction of adult friendship. The lyrics are simple, but the meaning in them and the whole mood of the song, the melody, the emotion in Jongwan's voice, the soulful instrumentals, it just all comes together to make a very poignant song. A real gem of a track.
20. Dream Catcher C
The bouncy synth is good. The whole song is just so upbeat and uplifting. And also relatable, particularly the line about everything seeming so easy for everyone else but being hard for me. But I'll hold! on! 이! 순간! Great anthem.
21. Love It When It Rains Colors in Black
Not a huge fan of Nell’s new penchant for all-autotune-effect songs, but the song itself is quite good. The prechorus is amazing, and the chorus drop is so fun. The whole song, particularly the chorus and especially the ending, makes me want to go out in the pouring rain and spin around with arms spread wide. Great lyrics, great melody, great sound, great vibe. As soon as you get used to the autotune effect, even that doesn't drag the song down.
22. 희망고문 / Vain Hope C (Let’s Part)
The prechorus in this is probably my favorite part, and the song's meaning as a whole feels very relatable. It's about wanting to just put life down and get away for a while. Combined with the title (in Korean it's "hope torture," so tormenting oneself with wishful thinking you know will never come true), it's a bittersweet kind of song.
23. Sing for Me C
Sweet, upbeat, an overall feel-good song. I would love this song so much more if the buildup into the last chorus wasn't such a letdown. Like, I get what they were going for, they were trying to build things up and then let it release like a dam burst, but the "burst" feels so empty in comparison to the buildup that it just loses all momentum. Very anticlimactic.
24. 오후와의 대화 / Conversation with the Afternoon Healing Process
A great entry from the "emo album," its nihilist refrain can be very relatable for anyone who's depressed. The contrast between the distant, soft first half and the more aggressive second half feels like listless depression turning into an anthem for frustration, punctuated with the hopeless ending lines. A solid depression song. Great emo song. Love it.
25. 헤어지기로 해 / Let’s Part Let’s Part
Lovely, simple, and sad. One of those "we should break up for our own good" songs Nell does so well. Jongwan's vocal performance really carries this one, but the instrumental is a perfect complement.
26. 안녕히 계세요 / Farewell Healing Process
One of the songs that made me give this album the nickname "the emo album." Very raw and frankly triggering lyrics set over the most beautiful instrumentals you'll ever hear. I've considered removing it from my Nell playlist because of the lyrical content, but the song itself is so, so gorgeous. A true hidden gem among Nell songs.
27. Counting Pulses Healing Process
Emoooo albummmmm. "'Don't die. Try to breathe again.' But I don't know how. ...maybe I don't want to know." Teenage me would have loved this song, and young adult me DOES love it. The live version they did in one concert a few years ago just broke me. It usually kinda builds up to a big guitar break thing, but instead of that, the song halted and had big yellow lights and took on an ethereal feel with a big anthem chorus of "ohhhh~" and it was just.....wow. Tears. Anyway. Catchy song with emo lyrics.
28. 백야 / White Night Holding onto Gravity
This song is really good! Very emotional, with a great vocal performance from Jongwan. I frequently adapt the melody of "난 네가 필요해" (I need you) to all sorts of other rhyming phrases in Korean. "휴지��� 필요해~" (Need to get toilet paper). "난 지금 피곤해~" (I'm tired right now).
29. Holding onto Gravity Holding onto Gravity (Let’s Part)
The whole "holding onto gravity" concept always really intrigued me. Holding onto the things that draw us in, refusing to let go of our lingering attachments, clinging to them because they’re familiar. The song itself is good too, of course, hence its place here. Sentimental with some very specific yet poignant imagery. As with a lot of Nell songs, I like the outro bit a lot; the way he sings the melody of "the end is always the same" (마지막은 항상 그래) is just really nice.
30. 시간의 지평선 / Horizon of Time C
A classic Nell soft rock ballad type song, and one of the ones I particularly like.
31. 지구가 태양을 네 번 / Four Times Around the Sun Newton’s Apple
A simple yet meaningful little song about missing someone for years on end. I really like this song. It has a very nice sound and feel to it. Was a very suitable title track for the album.
32. 오늘은 / Today Single
This collab with GroovyRoom is really good and captures a very specific emotion very well. Sometimes it's just one of those days, you know? When you're in a particular mood that's not really any mood, just kinda blahhh but there's no specific reason so all you can do is wait it out. And the song is super catchy to boot!
33. Crack the Code Dystopian’s Eutopia
If I say any other song is Nell’s “best English song” somewhere else in this ranking, ignore it. This is their best English song. For a song about breaking free from undue influence, it sure it hypnotic. Also I think I may just enjoy a canned clap sound effect? It was addicting in “Ocean of Light” and it’s addicting here, too.
34. 무홍 / Fogbow Colors in Black
The autotune effect makes its return in this song. A lot of it on this album. It's particularly strong in the prechorus, and I actually like its application on the first one, but don't like it on the second. Kinda wish it went somewhere else for an ending instead of just repeating the chorus, but it's a fun song.
35. 시작의 끝 / End of the Beginning Let It Rain
Another one of the more "rock" songs I like from Nell with a great vocal performance and great instrumentals.
36. Moon Shower Dystopian’s Eutopia
Groovy guitar and energizing drums overlaid with vocals filled with simmering rage. The pre-chorus line “tonight my moon will rise even without your sun” is probably my favorite lyric in the entire simulation theory themed EP.
37. 한계 / Limit Acoustic Live (Healing Process)
Okay I'm cheating a bit for this one. There's an acoustic live version of this I ripped from youtube that I absolutely love, so I'm ranking based on that. The original is too cinematic and ballad-y for my tastes, but the raw live version is soooo good. I wish they'd release it as a studio recording at some point. The lyrics are painful and poignant, and so, so beautiful.
38. Fantasy Newton’s Apple
I honestly like this song way more than I should. I didn't want to love it. The English in the chorus is kind of silly-sounding, and the song itself isn't anything to write home about. Even my favorite part, the repeated line at the end, isn't anything spectacular. But it's an easy listen that I always find myself going back to.
39. Fisheye Lens Separation Anxiety
This song is very dreamy and surreal. The title unexpectedly really suits the whole sound of it. Awesome, super underrated song. The guitar in the chorus, the break at the end into the long instrumental outro...a masterpiece.
40. Sober Moments in Between
An incredible end to a fantastic album. The first time I heard it, the way the thunderclap ushers in the guitar on the second chorus brought out an emotional reaction I was not expecting. Listen to it with headphones to really get the full experience with the stormy sound effects in the beginning half. The transition between the two halves of the song is so smooth that you don’t even realize it’s happened until partway through you’re like, wait this is not how we started.
41. 이명 / Tinnitus C
The concept of this song is what really sells me on it. It's so...conceptual. The "it's me" refrain is a metaphor for tinnitus, or the ringing in one's ears, and repeats throughout the song to mimic the effect. The way the song changes gears for the ending is my favorite part. The lyrics in that part are great, too. Actually all the wordplay in this song is excellent and doesn't translate well into English unfortunately. The whole song is just wordplay.
42. Good Night Healing Process (Let’s Take a Walk)
Nothing particularly special about this song, it's just a good song. Jongwan's voice is good in this. I mean, it's always good, but he does some interesting things with it in the chorus of this one.
43. 백색왜성 / White Dwarf Star Let’s Take a Walk (Walk Through Me)
Honestly? There was this one studio session I saw on Youtube and the vocal performance from Jongwan just shows all of his strengths, his full vocal range, and to use an outdated term, that particular recording is just an eargasm. The original? Okay. Rearrangement? Great. That one Youtube video? Perfection.
44. 1:03 Separation Anxiety
I just really like the guitar in this one, both in the beginning and the bridge. The lyrics are also quite nice if you actually listen to them, though honestly that's just bonus. Just an overall solid song and a good listen.
45. Run OST
This was the first time I heard Nell seriously experiment with this dance track style, and I really like it. The synth sound in the background is pleasing to the ears, and the lyrics are suitably emotional for my tastes. "I fall and break every day~"
46. 소멸탈출 / The Great Escape Newton’s Apple
Jongwan's vocals in this are legend status. The low verses contrasted with the soaring chorus are just so, so good. The song itself isn't suuuper amazing, but those vocals, just...wow. I also really enjoyed the glitchy electronic noises when I first heard it. Gives the song some really unique and interesting character.
47. Separation Anxiety Separation Anxiety
The title says it all honestly. I relate to this song a whole lot, and the repeated "don't leave me" throughout the song really gets across the concept.
48. 파랑 주의보 / Calling Moments in Between
Just a good, solid song. I don’t have much to say about this one, it’s just good. Nice lyrics, catchy chorus, cozy vocals. The outro is kind of mediocre among Nell outros, but that’s not saying much. The official English title isn’t as good and thematic as the Korean, which is a shame.
49. 타인의 기억 / Disowned Memories Newton’s Apple
Another classic soft rock ballad type song from Nell. A solid song with nice lyrics and a pleasant melody. The changeup around the ending is really nice, both the vocals and the audio itself.
50. Beautiful Stranger Slip Away
One of Nell's best all-English songs. I like this song quite a lot, and I began to like the phrase "beautiful stranger" itself because of this song. Was one of my favorite Nell songs for a while.
51. 모래시계 / Hourglass Speechless
One of only two indie album tracks to make it to my elite Nell playlist. The guitar in this is soooooo good, both the motifs throughout the song and the solo bit at the end. Great to rock out to. Despite being from their indie era, the quality still holds up against their more polished albums.
52. Glow in the Dark Single
...okay, I lied again in the “Crack the Code” blurb, this is the real best English song, lyrically. Also a friend apparently heard this on their local rock radio station in the US, which is neat! Great soaring vocals in the chorus of this one, and I’m sure I’ve said a million times that I love when Nell really brings out their rock side.
53. Wanderer Dystopian’s Eutopia
Guitar solo! Not one, but two guitar solos! Do you prefer your Nell guitar solos to be in the bridge or the outro? Doesn’t matter which you picked, because this song’s got both! Often my favorite part of their old indie songs was the guitar parts, so I was happy to see them start bringing those back in this era.
54. _ / Underbar Let’s Part (Separation Anxiety)
There was a live version of this I liked a lot and have in my Nell playlist, and the rearranged version on Let's Part is similar. So that one's good. I just don't like the chipmunk voice of the original. Otherwise a great song, but gosh that chipmunk voice on Separation Anxiety...why.....
55. Boy-X Escaping Gravity
Mixed feelings about this song. The swastika reference makes me uncomfortable, but I understand the metaphor it’s used for. The audio itself isn't my style, but I like the attitude this song brings. Like, it's good, but not really a problematic fave so much as a problematic “begrudgingly like.”
56. 마음을 잃다 / Losing Heart Healing Process
Not my favorite song, but not bad. It's mostly the audio of it I don't like; the lyrics are actually quite well-written, but then again, it's Nell. I'm just not one for these slow, kinda whiny songs. That's not against the song itself, it's objectively good, just not my thing.
57. 유령의 노래 / Song of a Ghost Let It Rain
Another lovely conceptual track. Vaguely haunting and unsettling, but also very sad. The wailing in the back just completes it haha. Not a top favorite, but a nice listen every so often. Not easy on the ears, but the song itself is good.
58. 치유 / Healing Process Let’s Part (Healing Process)
I could never get myself to like the original from Healing Process, but the rearrangement on Let's Part is really nice! I think the acoustic instrumentals and lower register really suit the song. Listen to the Let's Part one, it's objectively the better version and is genuinely good.
59. Promise Me Separation Anxiety
I get this one mixed up with "Good Night" a lot. They kind of have a similar sound/feeling to them. The lyrics are interesting on this one, but auditorially (?) it's pretty generic.
60. 그리워하려고 해 / Loop Single
This is the kind of song that you feel like you've heard somewhere before. I guess it's kinda mainstream in that respect. Good song, though.
61. Don’t Say You Love Me Moments in Between
What is that sound in this one, a wavering saxophone? I’m not good with identifying specific instruments. Anyway, the contrast between that and the dreamy bridge is delicious.
62. 얼음산책 / Walking on Ice Healing Process
While I'm not a huge fan of the repetitive first half, but the ending/bridge (?) part is fantastic. I just wish I liked the melody of the verse parts that frame it.
63. 미련에게 / Dear Regret Let It Rain (Let’s Take a Walk)
Both versions of this have their own charm, but I think I prefer the original on Let It Rain. The big, emotional second half is just really good. But the gentle, slow plod of the rearrangement on Let's Take a Walk gives the song a totally different feel, complete with new lyrics to suit the more soft, level ending. Both worth a listen.
64. It’s Okay Let’s Take a Walk
Love the prechorus so much, both the lyrics and the delivery. Even just this song alone justified the entire album’s existence.
65. Tokyo Official Live (Separation Anxiety)
I actually liked the live version of this more than the studio, though the studio isn't bad. This is another of their good English songs. The lyrics are simple but not basic, and it's just overall a good song.
66. Decompose Newton’s Apple
The instrumental intro track for Newton's Apple that I actually like a lot. It's even in my Nell playlist. No words, just some cool instrumentals that are a good setup for the rest of the album but are also great on their own.
67. 어떻게 생각해 / What Do You Think? Healing Process
Love the prechorus a lot. The chorus falsetto is also lovely. Used to like it more than I do now, but it's still one of better ones on this album. I think it's just the slow tempo that isn't my style anymore.
68. 환생의 밤 / Night of Reincarnation Newton’s Apple
Love the instrumental and verses and stuff, but not a huge fan of the chorus, which brings it down in the rankings.
69. Loosing Control Slip Away
Though I don't listen to it often, it's probably my favorite concept among Nell's songs. The song slowly ticks along with its quiet, repetitive vocals and sparse instrumentals, all while the lyrics get increasingly aggressive. It's the song version of a ticking time bomb, and you can just feel the simmering anger underneath the calm veneer.
70. Afterglow Separation Anxiety
A slow, sweet love song with a sad undertone. The part that really sticks with me is in the last lines when the singer urges their lover to stay with them when they're on their deathbed.
71. Cliff Parade Slip Away
My main complaint about this song is its length. It's already so repetitive, which isn't bad in and of itself, but it could do to be a minute shorter. A good song for big concerts though. Love the strong guitar chords and powerful synth.
72. Dystopian’s Eutopia Dystopian’s Eutopia
Nice guitar refrain on this one, but the chorus’s English lyrics are a bit cliche. The line repeated in the outro is good, though, I like that one.
73. Star Shell Single
A good old-fashioned indie band type song from later in their career. The sound can be a bit too raw for days when my ears are being sensitive, but I like the message behind the song quite a lot. Both the lyrics and melody are really good.
74. Burn Escaping Gravity
Probably my least favorite from this EP, but not a bad song at all. Not my thing though. The strong beats feels annoyingly heavy. Melody's good, lyrics are good, but don't like the blaring synth noise that starts it off, nor the high pitched voices in the back for a lot of it. A song I want to like more than I do. Would've liked it a lot with some different production choices.
75. 침묵의 역사 / The History of Silence Newton’s Apple
A little slow and ballad-like for my tastes, but I like the way the vocals feel very unprocessed. Sounds like Jongwan’s singing right next to you.
76. 어떤 날 중에 그런 날 / One of Those Days C
A good song, but not one of the best on C. The heavy bass just isn't my style, and I don't find the melody particularly compelling. Theoretically I like the buildup toward the end. Still on my Nell playlist though.
77. All This Fxxking Time Colors in Black
This song really brings Nell back to their roots as a knockoff Radiohead britrock type band. It's loud, it's aggressive, it's rock, and though it's not my favorite aggressive song of theirs, it's always nice to see this style come back to their discography.
78. 말해줘요 / Part of Me Moments in Between
Nell likes to start out a song with a very recognizable little line. This is a lovely ballad, and I really enjoy the echo-y plucking in the bridge. Jongwan’s voice is so soft and warm in this.
79. 고양이 / Cat Let It Rain
Yaaaiiiyaaaa~ The cat yowl singing is fun, if a bit grating haha. But I like the meaning of the song a lot. It's telling someone to stop expecting you to smile all the time even when you're not feeling good. Wanting to become the rain so you can cry when you want is a beautiful little line.
80. Down Let’s Take a Walk
Repetitive, but it actually works for this song and the mood it tries to convey. I do enjoy the English refrain, "I don't blame you, but it hurts."
81. 섬 / Island Healing Process (Let’s Part)
Honestly hard to choose between the two versions of this song. They're both kind of the same level of just okay. I think I like the original better for its group vocals and the nifty bridge with the guitar. Great escalation. But the soft rearrangement has its own charm.
82. 부서진 / Broken Single
A previously unreleased song that since got released as a little bonus for fans. Not a bad song, but you can tell why it wasn't released, and it definitely shows its age as well. Very much an early Nell kind of style.
83. Duet Moments in Between
Feels like an OST song but somehow isn't. Simple and a little generic, but not in a bad way. Very acoustic indie in tone.
84. Home C (Let’s Part)
Really like the ending of this song, but overall the song is just kind of okay. (Can you sense a pattern of me liking guitar bits at a song's climax?) The gentle verses and heavy choruses just feel kind of disconnected.
85. 그리움 / Longing Healing Process
A proper ballad. Mournful in tone with a fairly simple instrumental and emotional strings. A pleasant song.
86. 연어가 되지 못한 채 / Unable to Become a Salmon Let’s Take a Walk
This title will never cease to mystify me. I don't think there's ever been an official explanation for it so there's only theories. A sad song, not a favorite, but quite pleasant.
87. 멀어지다 / Drifting Away Separation Anxiety
The slightly whiny chorus and empty verses aren’t quite to my taste, but I still enjoy the song. Wish there were more of that guitar stuff toward the end. Spices things up a bit.
88. Cliche Colors in Black
The dreaded autotune effect. Otherwise a pretty good song, but the effect is a bit severe for me in this case. The echo in the chorus also kinda makes me laugh, which I don't think is the intended effect haha.
89. Crash Moments in Between
I'm bad at describing songs. I don't know how to explain the feeling of this song. It's kind of a strolling type of song. It's sweet and simple. I particularly like the bouncy rhythm of the prechorus. Just a good song with mainstream appeal. The kind of song to play at a wedding or to dance around the living room with a lover.
90. 숨 / Breath OST
Sounds very much like an OST, which could be good or bad. On one hand, it's an OST so it's good it sounds like one I guess. On the other hand, it has a ballad-like quality to it that doesn't appeal to me. But the ending is really good? The anthem-like crescendo into the outro is nice and reminds me of the effect I mentioned liking from that one concert performance of "Counting Pulses" earlier in the ranking.
91. 정야 / Wishful Thinking Moments in Between
Not a song I’d seek out to listen to, but that’s not an insult. It’s beautiful and dreamy, with an emotional musical buildup designed to draw all the sadness and longing out from the depths of your heart. The weeping strings and chime-like synths create that beautifully melancholy atmosphere Nell does so well.
92. Too Late C
Quite nice considering it's a hidden track that only appears on the CD. Simple and quiet, just Jongwan and a keyboard. Feels like something recorded in one take.
93. Walk Out. Escaping Gravity
Quiet, distant piano featuring a single mournful line of vocals in the background. Fitting as an outro, but doesn't really stand on its own.
94. 조금은 슬픈 이야기 / A Slightly Sad Story Speechless
The chorus is an unexpected earworm, and the buildup at the end is super good. The rest of the song isn't super great, to be honest, but I like it anyway.
95. Slow Motion Colors in Black
Honestly, the heavy percussion beats under an otherwise sparse instrumental make it hard for me to like this song. I'm the type to jump at sudden loud noises, and I kinda feel like flinching with each snare. It's also just incredibly slow. Which is in the name, but like. Not my thing.
96. Meaningless Healing Process
The vocal performance on this one is very emotional, and the sudden escalation brings out the emotions in the listener, too. Clearly not a favorite, but I do appreciate it as a well-done song. Emo album is good album. Weird album, but good album.
97. 말들어 / Listen Speechless
I almost like this song. I just feel like it's missing a chorus or something. The chorus feels like it's building up to something, but never quite gets there. Has a lot of promise, but could use some work.
98. 낙엽의 비 / Rain of Leaves Let It Rain (Speechless)
Not totally sold on the repetitive melody of the chorus, but the song overall is pretty decent. Moody.
99. In Days Gone By Slip Away
I like the bouncy prechorus and catchy chorus. A decent song that's easy to listen to. Not sure how I feel about the way turned up reverb at the very end, but otherwise a solid entry in Nell's discography.
100. 위로 危路 / Beautiful Jeopardy Moments in Between
Epic, sweeping, cinematic. Also too slow and repetitive for my listening pleasure. I enjoy it conceptually more than in practice.
101. The Ending Slip Away
Interesting meter happening here, but I don't like the song itself. Melody's a bit...flat isn't the right word. Uninspired? The song is also much longer than it should be. Don't like the synth bits. Just don't like this song much. Which is a shame because I want to like it for the weird beat alone.
102. Beautiful Day Healing Process
Has a rather bright guitar rhythm with rather emo lyrics. The tone is like sunflowers and sunshine and baskets and skipping in fields, but something beneath the surface is rotting.
103. Grey Zone Newton’s Apple
Too repetitive for me. Not much else to say about it. If you want a song all in English with highly repetitive lyrics and an instrumental build-up, look for "Haven."
104. 인어의 별 / Mermaid’s Star Let It Rain
The verses have a feeling of urgency to them, and the chorus is comparatively loud. A pretty good song. As always, love the guitar-filled bridge. Ends kind of abruptly, though.
105. Hollow Dystopian’s Eutopia
I enjoy when they express the song’s meaning through sound—in this case, adding a ton of reverb to everything so it sounds like it’s being recorded in a hollow space. This song’s just not for me. It’s good, but not my thing. I do really like the lyrics, though.
106. 51분 전 / 51 Minutes Ago Healing Process
I really wish I liked the chorus more. The verses and the plinking of the synth are something I like a lot, and the escalated ending, but then the chorus is a bit...noisy and repetitive? But not in a good way. Don't like the melody, kinda ruins the song for me. Can't win them all, I guess. On a side note, this song is rated 19+ on music sites, the only one on the album. Not sure how some others on this incredibly emo album passed the censors but not this one, but okay.
107. Newton’s Apple Newton’s Apple
The first victim of autotune effect overkill. Jongwan, why must you do this to your beautiful voice? Lyrics are also kinda cheesy, but I kind of expect that from Nell's English lyrics. They kind of feel like an awkward translation of a better Korean original. Would be better with different production choices.
108. 차라리 그럴께 / I’d Rather Speechless
This is a case of an indie era song where Jongwan's vocal performance actually works well with the song, in my opinion. The transitions between moody verses and noisy chorus add variety but don't feel jarring. The tempo and style changes toward the end do get a little weird, but they're not bad.
109. 1분만 닥쳐 줄래요 / Would You Shut Up for a Minute? Healing Process
This song is so fun. Just fun. Doesn't fit with the rest of the album at all, but I guess that's the perk of including a hidden track, it's just a bonus.
110. 그��고, 남겨진 것들 / The Day Before Slip Away
I'm going to get crucified for ranking this so low, but I did warn you I don't like ballads. The song is really good, don't get me wrong! I just don't like it a ton. Don't dislike it either, it's just okay for me, but the song itself is objectively great. The song is already sad, and then the MV adds another layer of deep ache, and it's no wonder it made an impact on people. Love the strings in this, I can admit that much.
111. 기억해 / Remember Single
The song is perfectly mediocre, but Jongwan's vocals in the chorus are so good. Kind of sounds like bits and pieces of other Nell songs all mushed together, to be honest.
112. Blue Holding onto Gravity
The interesting off-beat percussion really elevates this otherwise simple song. It really has an atmosphere to it too, a cohesive combination of dreamy instrumentals with poetic lyrics and Jongwan's warm vocals. Feels very melancholic. Very...blue.
113. Full Moon C
Don't like the chorus, iffy on the heavily processed vocals. Everything else is pretty good honestly, but disliking the chorus is kind of a huge drawback when it gets repeated so much.
114. Coin Seller Holding onto Gravity
Atmospheric. Quite nice. Peaceful. Melancholy. Simple. Just nice to listen to.
115. Stay Let It Rain (Let’s Take a Walk)
Seems to be a concert sing-along favorite, with its chorus full of call-backs perfect for audience interaction, but it's just okay for me as a song itself. I think the call-and-response thing just isn't my thing for casual listening.
116. Part 2 The Trace
An overall pleasant song. The repeating melody of the chorus is a bit annoying, but that's my only real gripe. It's just fine. I have a version of this on my usual Nell playlist, but it's part of an acoustic medley. More interesting as a part of a bigger whole than on its own, I guess.
117. Let the Hope Shine C
These middling songs are hard to really form opinions on because my opinion is just that they're fine but not great. Not much else to say. Not a bad song, but it's a little slow, a little long, don't particularly like the vocals in the climax, lyrics are just okay and a bit cheesy. It's just okay.
118. Onetime Bestseller Let’s Take a Walk (Walk Through Me)
Plays with time signature in an interesting way in the chorus. The way the Let's Take a Walk version decides to end it is way better than the original version. It's just very interesting. Not ideal or anything, but I do prefer the rearrangement.
119. Sunshine Newton’s Apple
Begins suddenly and goes on for far too long. Just not a fan of this song. Also feels a bit jazzy, which...I hate jazz, so...sorry, Nell.....
120. Movie Healing Process
On this one, it's the synth organ sounds that I don't like a lot. They drown out the vocals in the verses. It's also a bit slow tempo-ed. But the vocals of the chorus are so nice.
121. 어차피 그런 거 / Anyway, That’s How It Is Let It Rain (Let’s Take a Walk)
A decent song. The beginning really shows its age as one of Nell's early songs, but it quickly improves as it goes along.
122. Moonlight Punch Romance Separation Anxiety
The prechorus is really nice, I love the rhythm of the lyrics, and the "dududu" of the chorus is so catchy. A fun little song that I kinda wish I liked more. I think I just don't like the melody?
123. 몽중인의 현실 체험기 / A Dreamer’s Experience of Reality Walk Through Me
This song actually has a lot going for it. The verse melodies are simple but interesting. The lyrics are nice, too; the "verse" bits are full of imagery that transitions into simple, almost childlike repetition of "I want" for the "chorus" bits.
124. Act 5 The Trace
I actually like the atmosphere of this song. The synth parts are pleasant, and the vocals blend well with it. It slowly layers in new bits throughout the song until an emotional ending. But it's a bit slow, and there are other Nell songs that do similar things better.
125. Slip Away Slip Away
Nobody does deep, painful melancholy the way Nell does. The beautiful vocals after the first chorus are so, so nice. Also big kudos to the orchestra they got for this album. The strings are really something special on all these songs.
126. 3인칭의 필요성 / Lost in Perspective Single
I do like Jongwan's vocal performance in this. It's very emotional and shows off how great his voice is. The climax though feels a bit empty, and overall I'm just not a fan of ballads, even good ones like this.
127. Eden Reflection of Nell (Let It Rain)
Spelled "Aden" on the indie album lol. Actually kind of prefer the indie version. They're not that different stylistically, I just like the vocal performance on the indie recording a little better. Otherwise basically the same. Anyway, the guitar and percussion and melody and stuff are pretty nice, just not a fan of the whiny vocals and "my Eden" chorus-y bits.
128. 피터팬은 죽었다 / Peter Pan Is Dead Walk Through Me
A little cheesy, but one of the better songs on this album. Not much else to say about it. Don't like the group vocals thing it's got going on, but whatever.
129. 양의 노래 / Sheep’s Song Speechless
A solid song with a nice rock sound. The relatively monotone verses contrast well with the emotional chorus. The pieces of the song just work well together. Feels very classic. Worth a revisit imo.
130. Hidden Track Slip Away
As far as I know, this doesn't have a title. It's also instrumental. A little jazzy, which I'm not big on, but it's a nice little outro for those who listen to the CD.
131. Don’t Hurry Up Moments in Between
I guess it makes sense that this song is slow considering the content, but it's slow and ballad-like. As always, Jongwan's vocals really shine, especially the way his voice soars in the chorus. I know you're just showing off now, Jongwan! Not a bad song, but definitely not for me.
132. Minus Speechless
A little monotone and repetitive already, so adding the whiny vocals makes it a bit annoying.
133. 길들임 / Tamed Reflection of Nell
Starts off strong with some real groovy guitar. Then you can hardly hear Jongwan's vocals in the first verse lol. Ah, Nell's indie days... Don't like the background vocal stuff in the chorus, but the guitar's cool.
134. Part 1 The Trace
Not big on the chorus, but the verses are kind of nice. The ending actually works though. I guess I like the chorus better in a higher register? I may also be biased toward the verses because that's the part I'm used to hearing a lot— I have a live acoustic medley of this and two other songs on my Nell playlist, and the verses are the part of this song that are in that medley.
135. 기다린다 / Waiting OST
A perfectly serviceable ballad...which is why I'm not a fan.
136. A.S Healing Process
Just don't like this song. The chorus is a bit much. Don't like the chorus's lyrics either; I think the rhyme is just too obvious and overbearing. The echoing of the chorus, the back and forth of the prechorus, the cliche English... Just has a lot of pieces I don't like put together into a song I don't particularly like.
137. 부서진 입가에 머물다 / Lingering on Broken Lips Walk Through Me
Feels like it's missing a prechorus or something. The transition between verse and chorus just feels so unnatural.
138. 迷我 (미아) / I Am Lost Walk Through Me
This song's slow tempo, emotional vocals, and pretty piano all contribute to a sound that I can objectively appreciate but don't particularly enjoy. Too ballad for me. Then the chorus of voices in the background toward the end I just straight up dislike.
139. 선택 / Choice Speechless
Slow, whiny, and mumbly. Waste of a fun 7/8 meter. Kind of makes me sleepy.
140. 벽 / Wall Speechless
Noisy, but not in a good way. The melody isn't that great either, making for a rather meh listening experience that makes me want to turn it off more than anything else, really. Even the ending jam section doesn't redeem it.
141. Marionette Walk Through Me
I actually kind of like the verses, but the group vocals on the chorus weaken it. I have a love/hate relationship with that messy bridge part. On one hand, it's fun, but on the other hand, it's messy.
142. Selfish Love Walk Through Me
The sound of the guitar in this song is almost tropical at times, which is probably the most interesting thing about it. 
143. 바보 천사 / Stupid Angel Speechless
Just kind of boring. Has a lot of the same problems as other songs from their indie days (nasally vocals, lackluster production, plodding tempo) but without the redeeming qualities (fun guitar bits).
144. Empty Walk Through Me
Honestly I have trouble having any thoughts about the songs on this album. I just don't like any of them. In this case, my least favorite aspect is probably the call-response bit in the chorus. At least there's an attempt at a guitar solo, but it's not a good one.
145. Thank You Walk Through Me (Let’s Part)
The original is better than the rearrangement if only because it's more upbeat. But the song itself is mediocre, and I really don't like the effects on the chorus vocals.
146. Take Me With Reflection of Nell
....hm? What? Can't hear you, Jongwan. Are you mumbling? Also just kinda slow and plodding, but the guitar is nice. That guitar solo...yesss more of this please, Nell. Bring back the guitar solos! Would've been good with a different vocal performance, I think.
147. 4 Reflection of Nell
Don't like the melody much, but the soaring high note leading into the quiet bridge are an interesting touch, in a good way! Song itself isn't great, but has some promising moments.
148. Hidden Track The Trace
Mumbled vocals harken back to their indie days, but that's not really a good thing. I guess I don't expect much from a hidden track, but I'd like to be able to hear what's being said.
149. 그런 기억 / Such Memories Reflection of Nell
...huh? Didn't catch that, Jongwan, can you repeat that but not whispering? Very severe "early Nell Jongwan vocals" disease in this one. Speak up a bit, will you? Song itself is also just okay. Picks up toward the end, as Nell songs tend to, especially these early ones.
150. 쓰레기 / Trash Reflection of Nell
Mumbling verses, whining chorus. Overall mediocre. Honestly, a lot of these indie songs would be perfectly serviceable (if a bit lyrically boring) with a rerecord by their more experienced selves.
151. 너 / You Reflection of Nell
Not my style, mostly. Percussion is kinda groovy. Has a very sudden shift toward the outro that I'm not sure I like. Guess my enjoyment of random guitar breaks isn't universal.
152. 12 Seconds Separation Anxiety
Weird ricocheting synth instrumentals are interesting, but I don't necessarily like them. Then the chorus is just...no. The hard "r" in "heart," the obviously strained high pitch. Also, for a song called "12 Seconds," it's kinda long haha. Longer than any other Nell song I own, both actual songs and concert sets ripped from youtube.
153. Last Advice Walk Through Me
The song itself already sounds kinda grating, but then the chorus reminds me of something I wrote in middle school. It just makes me incredibly uncomfortable. So basically I have a personal grudge against this song for reminding me of my own poor songwriting abilities.
154. 벙어리 / Mute Speechless
The way the high vocals cut in and out in the beginning reminds me of myself when I try to sing high notes but I'm singing too quietly to actually hit them. Has an interesting buildup throughout the song, from bare and quiet to a full guitar and percussion instrumental. Otherwise not particularly notable or interesting.
155. 두번째 / Second Reflection of Nell
Suffers from "early Nell Jongwan vocals" disease. Just don't like his nasally, whiny vocal performance here. Also not a fan of the weirdly cheery chorus melody.
156. My Reason Speechless
Not big on this song, even though theoretically it has a sound I like. I think the lyrics contribute to that; the "kiss my toe" line always feels icky to me. Kissing feet is a common expression so that would've been fine, but changing it to "toe" just creeps me out for some reason haha.
157. Payback Speechless
The vocals on this just drone. Feels very lifeless, which might be the point, but doesn't make for a very compelling song. Picks up toward the end, but by then I'm already bored.
158. Unsaid Walk Through Me
It opens up with clashing notes that continue throughout the song. The whole song is just off-kilter, which is definitely on purpose, but it's so grating. If I want to hear a car alarm go off for four minutes, I don’t need to listen to a song for that.
159. 자해 / Self-Harm Walk Through Me
I can appreciate that Jongwan tried to do something different with his vocal performance for this, but I don't like it.
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