#not me fighting to color this video the whole time
While we’re on the subject, what’s the weirdest party finder experience you’ve had?
Oh boy. So this one's a couple years old now, but I will never forget this guy.
We (my fiance and I) were going through MSQ for the first time and were in early Endwalker, I think, and our raid lead wanted to take us through an unsync of E12S. Enough of a savage fight to get a taste for if we wanted to do the real thing, but not too overwhelming for a newbie. At the gear level of the time, you had to do up to Titan phase in phase 1, and all of Basic Relativity/a couple mechs after in phase 2, so she was confident we'd be able to manage it. But we didn't have a whole group together, so we put up a pf for the last couple slots.
Enter Mumbo*.
Mumbo said they had watched a video and understood the strats. It immediately became clear this was not the case. For those who don't play the game or haven't done E12S, let me introduce you to Dwayne the Rock Johnson strat**:
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You get a colored shape above your head and the diagram shows you where to go with it; this happens three times, and then you're (probably, depending on your damage) done and the boss phases into a cutscene. It's super doable but it also NEEDS to be done or else the party explodes.
Mumbo could not do this. No matter how many times we reset and tried again, or re-explained the strat, or showed them graphics like that one. Also, after a handful of pulls, our lead noticed something bizarre.
Mumbo was on black mage. Except they were ONLY using ice spells.
For those who don't know, the basic gameplay loop of black mage is: you spend your MP with more powerful fire spells, then get MP back with weaker ice spells. There's lots more to it than that, black mage players are more powerful than I could ever be, but that's the basics. When used properly, it's a pretty powerful job. When used like this...it was gonna be a long fight.
We did make it through phase 1, somehow, getting it just right enough to scrape people off the floor after getting exploded by rocks. Then it was time for phase 2, which you absolutely cannot do by vibes. Especially for the dps role, which is what Mumbo had to do.
At this point we regretfully had to part ways with our new friend Mumbo the Ice Mage. But he lives on in our memories***, to this day.
*not their real character name; it's been long enough that they may have mended their ways, so I don't want to put them on blast
**I don't know why it's called that either. FFXIV savage strats often have silly names
***and is referenced when we find someone else who similarly does not fundamentally know how to play their job; i.e. the two Mumbos the White we met in DT trial 2 who were curefishing for their lives
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kurikive · 2 months
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The countdown got closer and closer. 3… 2… 1…
Most of Y/N’s viewers were probably expecting to see the owner of the channel herself. For some, what they were met with was much better. For Anton, much worse.
The screen faded from black to Anton in green clothes, green cardboard cutouts of cat ears on his head, and a full face of green face paint.
Behind the scenes, Y/N gave a thumbs up, indicating the voice changer filter was turned on, and it was his time to speak.
“Hello, viewers. I’m Widdung, Y/N’s alien companion. I’ve come to Earth to celebrate the milestone of 1 million people being subscribed to “isatellite”. “ Anton does his best to sound enthusiastic, and tries to stop his face from cringing.
“Widdung! Oh my gosh!” Hyewon enters the scene, “How did you get here?” She’s having too much fun with her acting lines, revoking the seriousness from everything that’s happened before the countdown ended.
The voice filter turns on again, “My spaceship brought me here, but it crashed right outs-”
The focus moves to a limping Jiwoo with fake blood on the side of her head and a fresh scratch on her cheek (done by Hyewon), “You!” She points at the bright green Anton.
The boy puts his green hands in the air and Jiwoo angrily speaks, “Your UFO crashed into my lawn!”
“Woah! Woah!” Y/N finally enters the screen with a colorful birthday hat on her head, tilted slightly to the right. “It’s not the fight to time, guys!” The other three try their best to stay on character and not laugh.
“...Time to fight.” Y/N corrects herself in a mumble. “Anyways! It’s time to celebrate!”
“Celebrate what?” Jiwoo asks.
“Hitting one million subscribers!” Y/N turns to the camera while her friends take out party poppers from behind them. The sounds of party poppers cracking and party horns fill out the audio of the livestream.
After the group finishes making noise and cheering, the screen is supposed to fade to black before the actual stream starts, but there’s no one behind the camera, so they’re left awkwardly looking at each other, then back at the camera.
“I’ll go.” Anton says, now without the voice filter. His green self quickly steps out of frame to control the stream. The screen fades to black, and a short video of the behind the scenes of the teaser photoshoot plays while the kids prepare for the next scene.
“Y/N, don’t go in there!” The sounds of the video camera tittering play before the actual footage plays. Y/N and Sooyoung, who’s filming, stand in the grass of an empty field close to the city.
When the younger starts walking towards the enormous puddle hidden in the grass, the shutter of a phone camera sounds shortly. The viewers can’t see, but it’s evident Sooyoung just took a picture of Y/N.
“Y/N your pants are gonna get-” Sooyoung is cut off by a raspy, cracking screech, “-wet…”
“Unnie!” The girl whines. The camera zooms into the wet seams of Y/N’s jeans, then pans to her pained expression. “I told you not to!” Sooyoung says from behind the screen.
The video is suddenly interrupted by gray static and noise, like the one of a shut down channel.
The screen fades back to the background of the first scene, zoomed in where you could only see the top of the couch and a fraction of the wall behind.
The camera slowly zooms out and Y/N appears in the center of the couch, birthday hat still on her head. Her cheeks had 1 and M written on each side. She looks directly at the camera with a sheepish smile on her face.
“Hey guys…” Y/N says in a cheeky tone. “Welcome to my party.”
Jiwoo snorts behind the camera, and Y/N sends her a quick piercing look.
“So… did you guys like my surprise?” The girl rubs on her thigh nervously with her palm, “I planned this whole thing in like three days.”
Y/N reads the comments from the phone sitting on the table in front of her. The chat was going way too fast for her to read, so she picks it up and chooses a random comment to read.
“You’re crazy and insa- okay. Well. Thanks!” A sarcastic smile shows up on Y/N’s face before she goes back to read another comment.
“Since when are you friends with Yves? Um…” Y/N looks up to remember the date her and Sooyoung started talking, “Well, we met, like, about three or four weeks ago. But we started talking like, four days ago?”
An awkward laugh escapes the young girls lips, “She’s a very trustworthy person. Anyways!”
Y/N claps her hands together and they make a loud noise. “We’re not at the Q&A section yet. That’s later.” 
There’s a few mumbles but they’re inaudible due to not being picked up by the microphone. “Is he done?” Y/N mutters, then nods.
“So! A party isn’t a party without what?”
“Cake!” Y/N’s friends yell behind the camera.
“Anton, what’s on the menu?” Y/N puts her hand behind her ear and waits for the boy’s response.
“This pussy!”
Her smile drops at the unexpected answer, but anything she was about to say gets disrupted by the lights turning off. A very low budget rendition of the happy birthday song sung by the three of Y/N’s friends plays in the background. The lyrics are changed from 생일 축하 합니다 (Happy birthday) to 백만 축하 합니다 (Happy one million)
The flames atop the candles burn and light up Y/N’s eyes, a childish shimmer accompanied by her shy smile. This wasn’t discussed in the call, but she won’t complain about it.
The song finishes, and Hyewon exclaims “Make a wish, Y/N!”
I wish to be this happy for the rest of my life.
She blows out the flames and the screen goes pitch black, but the claps and cheers let the viewers know the room is far from empty.
The lights turn back on and after a few seconds Jiwoo returns to the frame with the others. “Happy one million, Y/Nie!” She says as she sits down next to Anton.
“Thanks so much guys.” Y/N looks around to convey her emotions to her friends with her eyes, she’s not very good with words anyway.
Her eyes land on Anton. Small remains of green body paint are left on his face and hands, but it’s not enough for it to bother him. She giggles at the sight. 
“I feel like- this feels like my birthday.” The others giggle with her. “Let’s we dig in?”
The girl immediately frowns at her own words, “What the hell did I say?” She and her friends burst into laughter, as well as the viewers in the chat. She hopes they don’t notice her embarrassment rising to her cheeks.
“Let’s eat.” She says, now calmed down. The cheers from the other three fill her ears. They had no plates, only spoons, a dream and a very excited audience.
“Dude, why are the comments going so fast? Oh my god.” Y/N said with a mouthful of cake. “I’ve never streamed before so I don’t know how it usually is.”
Anton deadpans at the girl, “Please remember you literally just hit one million a few hours ago.”
“Dude this cake is so good.” Hyewon says, also with her mouth stuffed with cake.
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The four have been eating cake for what seemed like hours, just talking amongst themselves. Y/N’s sure some clips would surface on her Twitter feed that same night.
“Guys, I don’t know about you, but I’m kinda sick of cake.” Y/N leans back on the couch, pushing her belly out with a groan.
“I don’t even like cake. I'm not sure why I kept eating it.” Jiwoo mentions, mirroring Y/N’s actions.
“You know what I think?” Hyewon puts her spoon down on the table and stands up suddenly.
“You think?” Anton teased, earning him a deadly look from the girl as she walked out of frame.
“I think it’s time for Q&A!” Hyewon exclaims loud enough from behind the camera so that the mic could pick up her voice clearly.
The screen fades to black, elevator music plays for around 7 minutes.
When the screen returns to its normal state, Y/N sits alone on the couch, phone in her hand. She wears the green kitty ears Anton was wearing at the start of the stream.
“Welcome to the Q&A section. We have compiled a few questions from the live chat as well as questions I get asked a lot.” The music gets lower when she starts talking and Y/N adjusts her cat ear headband before it falls from her head.
“Let’s shall start we?” Before anyone laughs again Y/N threatens, “If any of you laugh the live ends right here and now.” 
The girl clears her throat and gets back to reading the questions from her phone. “Ahem! Let’s start.”
Why is your name satellite?
“Ah… the OG question. I’ve gotten this one for years and never answered it for this exact moment.”
“We don’t even know!” Jiwoo says from the back and Y/N giggles.
“So basically, you know how my last name is Koo? So that means nine. And if you write the English word nine in Hangul it’s Na-in. And the Korean word for I is na and satellite is Ingongwiseong.”
It’s quiet for 10 seconds. If it weren’t for Y/N’s blinking and her goofy smile turning into an awkward one, you’d think the livestream froze.
“Y/N that barely makes sense.” Anton reasons. He’s kinda right.
“KOO? NINE! NA? I! INGONGWISEONG? SATELLITE! It’s simple!” Y/N doesn’t know if she’s yelling at Anton or her viewers, but they seem to have similar opinions about the channel name.
“I thought you just liked space a lot…” Hyewon says loud enough for everyone to hear and the chatroom and Jiwoo burst out laughing. 
“Let’s move on before you make fun of me more. I’ve had enough.” A cheeky pout invades
The Q&A goes smoothly for the most part. The majority of the questions have to do with the behind the scenes of Y/N’s gameplays or about the friend group’s dynamics.
At one point, the other three join the scene just like before. They talk and joke around while answering the questions directed at them. How does it feel to be a nepo baby? Have you successfully hexed someone? Are you actually a bottom? Jiwoo got really heated at the last one.
They finished answering the questions they had gathered beforehand, so they decided to read some questions in the live chatroom.
“How was filming with NewJeans?” Hyewon reads from her own phone. Her and Jiwoo’s heads turn to Y/N, but Anton’s response is faster.
“Great!” Y/N pushes him away in annoyance and the four of them laugh. 
“You’re such an idiot.” She lightly slaps the boy on the leg and he lets out a fake whine. “But it was really great. All the girls are so kind and funny and pretty. And surprisingly good at Minecraft.”
“Minji literally beat you, what are you talking about?” Jiwoo teases the girl, “And don’t say you let her because you know damn well you didn’t.”
Y/N sighs in defeat, her eyes landing on the leftover cake that got put away behind the camera. She gets the urge to slam her face into it and say nothing for the rest of the day. “Let’s move on!”
This was the last section of the show before some behind the scenes content played in the end, and Y/N was understandably getting quite tired.
Her energy decreased rapidly and she was getting dizzy from the comments moving too fast. Her phone was turned off and she just listened to the conversations her friends had, chiming in only when there was something to add or someone to tease.
Y/N’s notably surprised when her phone vibrates in her hand, so she turns it on to see- it’s Minji.
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Y/N tries her best to respond to Minji’s text sneakily so that the viewers don’t notice. Hyewon does, however, and gives the girl a questioning look when she turns her phone and straightens herself up on the couch awkwardly.
Y/N looks at her and only a timid smile could be sent the other girl's way before she looks away and slowly takes the green kitty ears off of her head.
She knows Minji wouldn’t have stopped watching the stream even though she told her to, so she sticks her tongue out and tries to sneak a middle finger with it too. Hyewon laughs beside her.
“How long have we been up for?” Jiwoo asks all of a sudden. It’s 3 A.M, they started the live show at 12 A.M, Y/N hit one million at 7 P.M. Y/N didn’t sleep so she’s probably been up for-
“More than a day, I think. At least I have.”
“WHAT?!” The three of her friends yell at the same time. “Are you insane?!” Jiwoo yells the hardest.
“Wh- Well, I didn’t know Min-” Y/N cuts herself off when she realizes the public doesn’t know about her and Minji’s friendship. “I didn’t know I was gonna hit one million today.”
“We’ve been talking for like an hour, guys. I think it’s time to go.” Anton waves at the camera, the comments vary from shock to sadness.
“Oh my god, can I finish the cake?” Hyewon stands up when Jiwoo and Anton do, leaving a frozen Y/N on the couch.
“So, I guess it’s time for us to go. Thanks for being here, guys. I’m so grateful for all of you and how much love you’ve given not only me but the four of us. Thanks for one million. I’ll have another cake when it’s two.”
Y/N stands up from the couch and the camera follows her, “I’ll leave you with some behind the scenes footage. To show my love. Bye guys! I love you.”
The scene fades and after a few seconds, the footage starts playing.
Behind the camera, Jiwoo and Anton scold Y/N for not sleeping. Hyewon seems more interested in the computer.
“Dude. You have 30 thousand fucking viewers,”
“Tell me you’re joking.” Y/N rushes to Hyewon’s side.
“Is that good or bad?” Anton asks, confused at the sudden panic, “Don’t your videos usually get 500k views?”
“Yeah, but this is live viewers, Anton.” Hyewon answers, “This is what top tier streamers get on a normal day.”
“It’s probably because it’s my first one, right?” Y/N’s voice wavers slightly, still in shock at the amount of popularity that she’d gathered in such a short amount of time.
“Girl...” Jiwoo joins them, “You fucking made it…”
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taglist # @yumtooki @saysirhc @modanisgf @yerimbrit @sixflame438 @miinatozakiii @hotluvlet @mym1na @keiji-jin @wintersgff @wonyoungssi @kimminjiissosjdirbidnsjje @shozeu @nwjnsloona @kaypanaq @pandafuriosa60 @linnnsworld @hwabyul4wheesun @artrizzler19 @brocoliisscared @jeindall777 @haerinkisser
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iznyangwoni · 2 months
EASY TO LOVE | chapter nineteen !
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You’ve been working all day on the outfits for the festival and honestly it’s been great at taking your mind off of Jungwon. This last week all you did was ignore him, thinking of how you should talk to him, what to say, how to say it. But all your overthinking did was just making you distance yourself from him, as if fighting wasnt enough.
You sigh, finally finishing one of the hundreds sketches you need to do before sunday. Its already getting late, but you need a few more people to come in for you to take measurements, so its gonna take a while before you can go home, not that you really mind, you like doing this after all.
You hear a knock on the door, so you tell them to come in, not really looking towards that direction since you’re busy choosing a color for the skirts. The door closes and you raise your head only when a grocery bag stops your vision. Your heart drops when you see Jungwon, you cant really read his expression, he looks both annoyed and relieved.
You take off your headphones and glasses, your ears getting red. “Sunghoon told me you haven’t eaten all day.” You gulp, not really knowing what to say, your eyes fall on the bag, then on Jungwon again. “You spoke… with Sunghoon?” “You’ve been avoiding me for a week, i did what i had to do.”
You bite your inner lip, you cant really imagine the two of them having a normal conversation, but you’re glad they’re growing. Jungwon sits in front of you, his eyes never leaving you, you’re trying to be tough, but its hard when your mind is going a thousand per miles and your heart is about to explode.
“I’ve been busy with the festival.” “Don’t bullshit me.” His cold voice makes your back shiver, and then you see it, that angry look he’s had since the fight, you run a hand through your hair, and then start tidying up the desk, you know he’s not going until you eat, so might as well get this over soon.
“I don’t like your attitude.” You say, and he laughs sarcastically, taking the ramen off of the bag, he already put the hot water in it before coming, the thought of him doing all of this for you makes you sigh. “Just eat and dont complain.” You roll your eyes and finally sit down again to eat, you only left your sketchbook on the table, just in case you get any ideas.
“You’ve been hanging a lot with Minji..” “Mh.” Jungwon didn’t think twice before digging into his ramen, meanwhile you’re still playing with your chopsticks. “Riki and Jake say that she’s been weird lately. So they dont hang much with us anymore.” “Ah.” This whole thing is awkward, the way you’re talking, the way he either looks into your soul or doesn’t look at you at all.
Still, maybe this is the right time to tell him the truth, to finally express how you feel and actually tell him what happened, but you’re still scared. Jungwon basically doesn’t hang out with his best friends only because of her, how delusional do you have to be to think he would believe you? “Jungwon… I’m scared.”
Finally his eyes meet yours again, your hand is slightly shaking, and you cant really stop it now. You bite your inner lip once again, meanwhile he completely stops eating just to hear you out. “Of what?” “Of you not believing me. Or of you choosing Minji instead of me.” “Y/n you can’t make me choose.”
That’s exactly what you were afraid of. Of course he doesnt want to choose, he’s known you only for a few months, meanwhile him and Minji have been friends since ever, he’s never going to pick you. “You’ll have to once you know what happened.” “Then tell me.” You take a deep breath, you really cant find the words to tell him, he’s looking at you patiently, but you dont know how long he can wait.
Just thinking back about it makes you feel ill and dirty, you want things with jungwon to work out, you want to be able to date him and call him your boyfriend but god is it hard to just say it. You look at him, your throat already hurting meanwhile he seems to be getting disappointed. “That video minji mentioned to you…” your mouth feels dry, meanwhile your eyes are the complete opposite.
You shake your head, you dont want to say it, you dont want him to think of you as low as you think of yourself for what happened. Jungwon hand reaches out to yours, wanting to soothe you. “Jiyoon was in Minji’s friend group last year, and we… we weren’t really friends.” You decide to start like this, its really now or never.
“And i was kind of dating this guy, Ricky.” “Kind of?” You give him a bad look, its not really the time to joke now, but you’re glad he’s making it less awkward.
“Well, turns out, Ricky was cheating on me with her, and they wanted me out of the picture.” You take another deep breath, you did have a little crush on Ricky last year, but it was nothing like what you feel for Jungwon, but thinking about what happened still hurts you like crazy. “So they.. they decided to take a video, something that could ruin the reputation of my family if it got out…i didnt know the phone was there when it was recording.”
Jungwon is listening carefully, caressing your fingers with his thumb, going through your jewelry so gently. “What was in the video?” You look at him again, you really dont want to say it, but you have to. “It was me, at Ricky’s house. And we were alone, and.. things escalated and we were-” “Y/n.”
The way he calls you makes you scared, is he mad at you? Does he think you’re disgusting? You dont even want to look at him in the eyes out of fear.
“Y/n, look at me.” Your bottom lip is trembling as he interlocks his fingers with yours. “Why didnt you tell me earlier?” “I was scared..” Your voice is breaking as you speak, Jungwon gets up and hugs you, you hide your face in the crook of his neck, you didnt expect him to act like this. But your friends were right at the end. Jungwon kisses your forehead before speaking, cupping your face.
“You’re safe with me.” You nod again, your eyes are watery, but you’re happy he doesnt hate you. You feel like you finally got a rock off of your back and you can finally breathe. You look at the table, the ramen is cold by now, but thats the last of your problems. “I cant believe she would threaten you with something like that i’m so sorry Y/n I-“ “Wonie you couldn’t know.” “Let me take you out to make up for it.” You giggle at that, and nod happily.
“yes, yes lets do that.”
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author’s note we really are reaching the end 🥲 but dont worry i wont vanish, i already posted the masterlist for my next smau! it would be great if you can check it out hihi ily
TAGLIST @unhakki @firstclassjaylee @en-verse @mxxninthesky @onlyhyunjin @heeseungmyman @jiamini @yoonzns @wonswondrland @50-husbands @leaderwonim @aloloveswonie @f3rraribabez @jwonistic @ribbioniki @kyanmeai @ilovejungwonandhaechan @nat123c @yjwsgf @gyuvision @realrintaro @glxzillx @qettalos @rairaiblog @sakanelli-afc @onlyjungchan @haohaoshoe @vixensss @terryfiedgyu
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morgluvsconnie · 3 months
BOUND, c.springer
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chap.11 | fluff, comfort, short ending | chap.10
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self defense.
they didn’t justify it as murder, they justified it as self defense.
just as you prayed they would, the videos of it proved everything they needed to prove. what reiner did to you proved everything it needed to prove. but that only shortened his sentence.
sitting down at the chair and tapping the table with your fresh set, sitting for a minute before they finally brought connie out. his uniform tied around his waist while his muscle shirt showed.
for some reason he looked different every time you visited.
the whole year he’d been locked up, you saw him every time you could.
his hair was slightly fluffier, somehow faded on the sides, probably some trick he learned. he looked stronger, boredom had him working out, but in your eyes he was still the same old connie.
you both grabbed the phone and held it to your ears, as you looked at him, a smile creeped onto your lips, him immediately mirroring your actions.
“hey babyyy.” he dragged along, realizing you were happier than the first few times you visited. “hey connie.” you smiled and looked down. connie smacked his lips and leaned back a little, the phone still to his ear. “don’t act like you ain’t happy to see me.”
you couldn’t lie, all you wanted to do was go home and go to sleep so the next day could come quicker.
so he could be standing in front of you without the uniform and the cuffs, without holding a dumb phone to his ear.
“you got yo nails did? lemme see.” he said, looking at your hand. you looked up and held your hand up. “i put your initial right there, and your favorite color, ‘cus i love you.” you teased, making connie looked to the side out of embarrassment.
“i love you more. i got sum to show you tho.” he mumbled. you tilted your head, resting it on your hand.
connie pulled his shirt up, showing your name tatted across the top of his stomach. you covered your mouth with your hand and looked at him. “how’d you do that?” you smiled. connie sucked air through his teeth and pulled his shirt down.
“shittt, a mirror, pen, and hope. almost got in trouble, ian worried though.” he laughed a little before crossing his arms, putting the phone to his other ear. “but yeah, i miss you. ready to see you.” he mumbled, staring at the table.
you slowly nodded. “i can’t believe it’s been a year without you. ian go out in so long, or rarely, it just don’t feel right when you not there.” you pursed your lips together.
connie bit the inside of the cheek. “you visited mama?” he asked. you smiled. “yesss, she so nice every time.” you looked at your nails more. connie nodded.
“you been eatin?” connie tilted his head a little. “yeah it’s different from when you first came here.” you waved him off. “ight now, don’t be lyin.” he pointed at you. you laughed and nodded.
connie huffed. “shit i can’t wait to eat right. this shit in here weak as hell, boys is too.” he shook his head. “you been in any fights, baby?” you asked. connie looked at the ceiling for a few seconds before looking back at you. “been on my best behavior.” he flashed a quick smile, making you laugh.
“i can’t wait to hug you, i miss you like a bitch.” he rubbed his eyes, staring into yours. “me too.” you mumbled, but connie shook his head. “you ain’t no bitch.” he said, leaning up on the table. “you been on yo best behavior right? don’t end up like me, ima lose my shit.”
“yep, just like you asked. no fights, no serious arguments, nothing.” you assured connie, him trying his best to detect a lie.
“i’m glad.” he smiled a little. “you know i did that tattoo like… three months ago. the day i gave you yo tattoo is that day i did this one.”
“and we missed our lil one year anniversary.” you smiled. “now i gotta surprise you with yo name.” you laughed, making connie laugh. “nah, nah. you good.” he scratched his head.
“don’t cut your hair when you get out, connie. it’s cute like that.” you looked at his head. connie hummed and nodded. “gotchu.”
“two minutes.” the man behind you spoke, making you glare at him and look back at connie. connie stared at him before looking at you, playfully rolling his eyes.
“well.” he leaned back again. “ima see you tomorrow, ight?”
you nodded, looking at connie. “i love you.” you said, blowing a kiss. connie held his hand out to catch it and put his hand over his lips, like he always did.
“i love you back.” he said, waving bye as he put the phone down. you did the same, glancing back as the guard walked back over to you and a different one walked to connie, grabbing his wrists and cuffing them before standing him up.
“can i kiss my girl?” connie asked the guard.
he’s been asking the same question since he first got locked up, and it was always a no. but as the guard looked at you, then at connie, he led connie back to the table, you leaning over the plastic screen that separated you, grabbing connie’s face and pulling him into a long kiss.
just like he did you.
as he pulled away, hands still behind his back, he smiled at you, finally being able to feel your lips again after a whole year.
“i love you.” he mumbled as the guard pulled him back.
you smiled.
“i love you back.”
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THIS was lowkey very fun to write even tho it’s short but thank you sm to the people that stuck around the whole story, if it was on wattpad or something it would’ve been sm longer tbh 😭 BUT I REALLY HOPE YOU LIKED IT, yk i would never (i think) finish yall off with a bad ending.
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Hi! It's me again :) btw can I be your -💀anon?
You don't have to put a tag or anything but it's just so when I send asks you know it's me (^-^)/
Btw loved the headcanons you made
Could you please do some but this time it's a bit silly like I have this plot in mind :
Skele walks on s/o cutting their hair but with kitchen scissors and then like making it better with a derma shaver (I saw a video on tiktok of someone doing that and it just was funny to me lol)
What would the skele do and think? It'd be funny if some if them are a bit confused since they don't have hair
Again no worries if you don't take the ask ! Have a good day/night and be safe :)
of course you can be 💀 <3
(imma just do the skelebros from the last req bc i love them)
(also the amount of times ive wanted to do the exact same thing)
UnderTale, UnderFell, and UnderSwap skelebros walk in on their s/o cutting their hair
-"whatcha doin', y/n?"
-you look at him through the mirror while you continue cutting your hair.
-"oh, nothing! just wanted a little bit of a change. by the way, could you make sure im getting it even in the back?"
-he does.
-other than that, he just... watches.
-not creepily, or whatever.
-he's kind of quiet the whole time.
-when you finish, you do a little twirl to show your haircut
-"good job, kiddo"
-goes to take a nap
-as long as you're happy, he's okay.
-"human! what is it you are-" his jaw dropped.
-literally. it fell on the floor.
-that was his biggest concern. was having to wash the scissors. he uses those to cook! he needs them clean!!
-he gives you the silent treatment after
-for about 20 minutes. what can he say? he missed you!
-he was just walking by the bathroom and looked caught a glance of you, scissors in hand, hair in clumps on the floor.
-he thinks it's a fighting thing. to keep monsters from being able to pull it.
-kind of surprised when you said that no, you just thought it'd be fun.
-he's weirded out, kind of. he thought you liked your hair?
-but oh well. as long as he doesn't have to be the one cleaning up the bathroom.
-he definitely has the strongest reaction of all of the skelebros.
-he LOVES your hair.
-when you said you just felt like cutting it, he STORMED out of the house.
-he went through extreme grief.
-he didn't tall to you much for the next week or so.
-least supportive, most dramatic. that's for sure.
-he is SO excited.
-he thinks you'll look great!
-asks if he can help you
-wonders if you'll dye it, too? blue! it'a his favorite color, to go with his favorite human.
-the exact opposite of SOMEONE *cough cough* Edge
-he is the MOST supportive
-"hey, y/n, have you seen- oh!"
-it's certainly a surprise, but a welcome one, indeed.
-hangs around in there, just watching what you're doing.
-how are you so good? have you done this before?
-he thinks you look pretty damn good, though
sorry some of these are short ;-;
also idk if you meant just trimming? like i started writing these thinking 'oh! anon meant like long hair and going short! great!' because that's where it is from my (long haired) perspective. if that isn't what you meant i'd be happy to rewrite them x
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ariichive · 3 months
crossed wires
k. kenma ⋆𐙚₊˚⊹🍒
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fluff | misunderstandings (nothing serious) | reader has a rbf | mutual pining | cursing | fem. reader
this is a cute idea i had; i thought kenma would be a good fit for this ;p
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"kenma, how do you not see what everyone else does?"
kuroo's teasing voice rung through Kenya's mind. it was like an alarm going off on an early school day. please, just be quiet. kenma stared at the giant 'GAME OVER' on his console; his irritation with his best friend seemingly growing.
"clearly, you're not seeing correctly. you sure your hair isn't cutting off any brain cells?" kenma mumbled as he pettily shut off his console. his eyebrow twitching when he heard the familiar snicker from the tall captain next to him.
"dude.. that's like.. not possible."
kenma did not have the energy to respond.
the two friends continued on their walk home after a long practice. kuroo, the whole walk there, had been nonstop bickering about the 'not so obvious but totally obvious' admirer he had: (name). admirer was not the term he would use. if anything, it was more like a butcherer stranded on a meat farm with nothing but a meat saw and an empty stomach. maybe even like one of the villains from his game; the ones with a deep rooted trauma causing an untamable hatred for the player. well, in kenma's case he was the poor player and you were the villain.
it all started in the beginning of the new school year. new faces in a new classroom. usually, kenma never really paid attention to his classmates. sure, he gave them a typical rundown and would decide to judge them based on first impressions for the rest of their lives. then boom, he would eventually forget their names come the second week of school. they didn't talk to him, he didn't talk to them.
that was hard to do when you, a classmate who sat diagonally behind him, would constantly feel stares at the back of his head. one time, he seen the reflection of your murderous gaze in his gaming console and he damn near flinched.
did he accidentally do something to you in the past? he tried to put a name to the girl with (eye color) eyes and (lip color) lips, but nothing was ringing a bell in his head.
because of this, he started to pay more attention to you.
when lunch would roll around, you would become joyful with friends, a rather pretty smile on your face. this was when he heard one of them say your name in a fit of laughter. (name). he repeated a few times in his head. kenma thought it was a nice change of scenery; his heart even skipped a little. and then when you felt eyes on you, turning and making eye contact with the quiet boy in your class, your face dropped.
it looked like a mix of both fear and absolute horror before morphing into a stone faced, angry expression.
yeah, you definitely hated him.
at first, he kept these interactions a secret from kuroo; truly not wanting to become a victim to the already relentless teasing.
until the one day you so happened to take the same train as them. today just had to be different.
kenma was set on ignoring you. he was locked into his video game: a PVP fighting game with unlockable characters and an online ranking system. kuroo usually would have ignored kenma's gaming; it was second nature to him after all. but of course, today was different.
"care to tell me why you're playing an online game with no internet?" kuroo pointed out as he stared at the constant loading circle making zero progress on kenma's screen.
kenma snapped out of whatever trance he was in and looked up at his friend with wide eyes. "...no." kuroo hummed in response, taking a quick look around the train. that is when he seen a sight that he never thought he'd witness. a girl staring at kenma with practical hearts in her eyes.
"kenma.. that girl is totally checking you out."
kenma's face contorted into one of disgust and confusion as he looked in the direction kuroo was only to make eye contact with you.
"kuroo, if that's how girls look at you i think you're never going to get married." kenma quickly shook his head and avoided looking back at you with everything in his body. "what? i know what i'm talking about. listen to me, i'm older and wiser." kuroo smirked arrogantly.
"she is the definition of if looks could kill."
"so you think she's pretty?"
kenma paused, his brain not really processing kuroo's words.
"that's not what i..."
he hesitantly glanced at you again. with a closer look, he noticed how you fiddled with your hair when you looked at him. the way brows were furrowed, and the way your leg bounced.
it kinda looked like.. you were nervous?
by the time he realized how long he was looking at you, his stop was already here, leading to his current predicament of kuroo's constant teasing and shitty advice.
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you screamed into your pillow with a heated face. after rolling around for a few minutes to calm yourself down, you laid on your bed facing your ceiling.
you first noticed kenma during a rather boring lesson. the teacher's voice was draining all your energy, and it was getting harder to keep your eyes open. your eyes found focus on the boy in front of you, who had bleached hair and questionable posture.
he was playing a video game hidden in a book on his desk. you glanced up at the teacher one more time, making sure he was distracted. you watched as the boy played effortlessly through levels of a game you didn't know the name of.
before you knew it.. the school day ended.
it became a ritual for you, staring at his game after lazily taking notes. it came to the point where it felt like you were playing the game yourself. every time he would die and have to restart, you felt the anger and frustration for him.
a character would die? you'd silently weep for the fallen character since it seemed like he didn't give a fuck. and if he did, he wasn't one to show it casually on his face.
the most he ever showed (that you noticed, anyway) were subtle stretches of his legs, a twitch in his finger, and a knuckle pop.
or when he won after a tedious battle a sigh of relief, his shoulders dropping.
so maybe your facial expressions were a bit.. emotional compared to his and definitely not as subtle.
it didn't help that whenever the boy, who's name you learned was kenma, would look at you, your body immediately froze and you tried to get your face as normal looking as possible; not realizing what might've seemed normal to you was terrifying to kenma.
he wouldn't hold eye contact for so long before going back to whatever he was doing, much to your pleasure.
the train ride today was a change in your relationship with kenma.
why didn't he look away like normal?
it was a change yes, but not a bad one.
with delusional friends encouraging the idea, you've come to the conclusion that kenma kozume has a crush on you.
sure, maybe you were exaggerating. but any high school girl would, it's part of growing up! you justified this in your head.
and maybe you weren't too far off from the truth. his sneak glances during the school day allowed him to see the happy expression on your face when he reached an ending of the game. the look of anticipation when he was going through his game library; trying to find a new game to play after beating the last.
one he liked most, though, was the look of shock when he angled his console perfectly out of view from the teacher, but in a position for you to see more clearly.
pls reblog and like if u enjoyed it!
kinda proof read kinda didn't lol sorry 4 any errors
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disasterofastory · 11 months
Records (Brahms Heelshire x Reader)
Records // Brahms Heelshire Masterlist Brahms Heelshire x Reader Kinktober 2023 - 10/14 Warnings: facefucking, facial
Summary: What is it called? Spank bank?
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"You want to do what?" You ask him, shocked. You are not even sure why you are so shocked. After everything you did together, you shouldn't be surprised at his ideas, especially since you have internet access. "Please," he says, keeping his eyes on you the whole time to see your reaction. Like the way your eyes widen and your lips open. Your bottom lip shines with a thin layer of saliva as you lick the soft flesh repeatedly. He gives you a few seconds to think before speaking up again. "If I will have a video of you, you can go out more often." Brahms doesn't want to lie to you, but he isn't sure how much he can keep his word.
He can try, though.
Your eyes start to shine with interest as one of your brows lifts into a soft curve with a silent taunt. "So you want videos of me so you can jerk off while I'm away?" You ask him, fighting with your smirk. A slight blush spreads across his cheeks, but there is no way back now. "Yes."
Brahms's heart flutters in his chest, and his hold tightens around your phone.
You watch Brahms circling around the living room with a concentrated frown between his brows as he stares at the screen of your phone. An amused smile plays on your lips the whole time. "Honey," you break the silence after a while. "It's just a home movie, not a cinema." He doesn't even hear you. "Here," he says, stopping next to the window. "Here will be good." You laugh but can't deny the excitement bubbling in your chest and throbbing between your legs as you make your way to him.
"So, what do you want me to do?" You ask him, glancing at the camera, then up at his face. Without a word, he cups your face with one hand, letting his thumb stroke along your bottom lip. "I want you to suck my finger first." That's new, too. Obeying, you open your mouth and let your tongue brush the tip of his thumb. His skin is salty and warm. "No, wait," he says, pulling away his finger. "Kneel down in front of me." You do. "And look at the camera, not me," he continues. You are surprised at how difficult it is to tear your eyes away from his face. You start to notice why he wanted you next to the window. The lights of the setting sun illuminate his features. They highlight the color of his eyes and the straight line of his nose. His hair is a curly mess, and he still frowns at your phone as he focuses on it. His lips are in a small pout the whole time.
When you adjust your position in front of him, Brahms offers you his other two fingers. He pushes inside your wet channel immediately, letting your lips close around his digits while you keep staring at the camera from under your lashes. Your tongue flips around his fingers, coating them in your saliva. Your mouth is warm and wet. Your cheeks are hollow as you start to suck, still moving your tongue around. The feeling from his fingers goes straight to his dick. He was already hard when he came up with his idea, but now, the throbbing in his pants almost feels unbearable. His fingers shine when he pulls them out with a quiet pop. "Take out my cock." Comes his next order. His voice is hoarse with need and anticipation. Your hands smooth up on his thick thighs until you reach the buttons of his jeans and pull them down with his underwear until his cock stands free in front of your eyes. The lights filtering through the windows make his erection even prettier, with a bulbous head and veins bulging under his soft skin. Saliva gathers in your mouth at sight.
You start to stroke his length. You are so close he can feel every warm exhale coming out of your lips. Brahms shudders at the feeling and pushes his hips forward until the tip pokes your lips. Grabbing the base, he brushes over your lips, letting his pre-cum wet your lips even more. You are so pretty he can't even breathe until his lungs start burning for air.
You smirk up at the camera knowingly before focusing back on his cock against your lips. Your hold tightens around his shaft, and your tongue pokes out between your lips. You let yourself taste the tip of his cock. Just a few licks while your hand still jerks him up and down. You brush over the sensitive skin under the head, lapping up the pre-cum flowing down from the tip. Brahms grunts and moans above you, staring at the screen of your phone. Just the sight would be enough to make Brahms cum, but the feeling of your warm, wet mouth taking him deeper and deeper drives him crazy. Your tongue flattens at the underside of his shaft as you lean closer and closer. Your lips stretch around his grith as you stare up at the camera. Your eyes shine with something dark that makes Brahms's cock jerk in your warm hold. "Fuck," he grunts in ecstasy. Coming up for air, you start to stroke his whole length while you speak. "You can fuck my mouth, Brahms." The man almost chokes on his saliva when your words register in his mushy brain. "Pinch my thigh if it's too much." With a nod, you open your mouth wide again to gulp down on his erection. Your tongue dances around his cock the whole time. You bob your head up and down, soaking his cock in pre-cum and saliva. He can see them glinting at the corner of your mouth. Your lips are already swollen and red. You work on his cock, moving down and backing away, taking him deeper and deeper each time. Brahms has to force himself to steady his hold around your phone. You lick up from the base to the tip and then take him back into your mouth with one deep breath.
Brahms is unsure about fucking your mouth, mostly because he doesn't want to cum too soon. And he doesn't want to cum in your mouth.
Placing his hand on the back of your head, he grabs your hair and pushes you lower on his length. Your lips stay wrapped around his shaft as you let him take the lead and buck his hips against your face. You take him deeper and deeper. Your tongue strokes on his cock the whole time.
"Fuck!" He cries out, tightening his fingers in your hair when the gagging sound of your throat vibrates all over his body. Your struggle to accept him down your throat is filthy and oh-so-sweet to his ears. Brahms can feel his cock swelling in your mouth as he pushes and pushes while your moans vibrate around him. You let him use your mouth for his own pleasure while you stare up at the camera the whole time. Your thighs fidget every now and again for some friction, but your pussy continues to throb and ache for some attention.
Brahms can feel the familiar pull of his balls as he chases his orgasm. His cock pounds in and out of your mouth, making a mess on your lips and chin. Your eyes shine with tears, and he can see the stretch of your throat as he goes deeper.
You are so beautiful. You are so perfect.
Even though the pace he dictates is too fast, you still try to move your tongue around his cock as you gulp every now and again around him. You suckle on his cock, holding his thighs to keep your balance against his thrusts. Brahms's eyes are dark as he stares down at you with a primal wildness. You can see the hard line of his jaw as he clenches his teeth. He fucks in and out of your mouth for long minutes until your mind starts to get light and hazy because of the lack of oxygen.
"I'm- I'm gonna-" Brahms tries to form words, but his every attempt ends up as a low moan. He has to use every will to jerk your head away from his cock and grab the base of his shaft as he explodes.
Strings of pearly white cum hit you across the face repeatedly, landing on your cheeks, covering your lips, and spilling into your mouth. Brahms's cock throbs and pulses with every releasing shot. You feel his seed running down your face as you close your eyes tightly while he still moans and whimpers above you, stroking his cock until he has no more cum to plaster on you.
When Brahms opens his eyes, you are still on your knees, smiling up at the camera as you gather his release on your fingers to lick them off with your tongue. "You are beautiful, Y/N." You smirk. "Just me or me with your cum all over me?" Brahms doesn't know how to answer.
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gigi-loveless · 8 months
first date headcanons for hazel callahan 🤭🤭
listen to hazels spotify here and her taylor swift jam session here ✩ˎˊ˗
reqs are open!!
your wish is my command bestie! hope you enjoy ᡣ𐭩
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𐙚 would definitely be too nervous to ask you face to face and would slip one of those cheesy “will you go on a date with me? check yes or no” notes in your locker
𐙚 you can absolutely tell when she arrives to pick you up from the growing sound of fall out boy barreling down your road
𐙚 because let’s face it, this poor girl cannot drive to save her life
𐙚 especially when a pretty girl is in the passenger seat
𐙚 one hand on your thigh and one on the wheel
𐙚 she would absolutely go out and get everything to make and decorate a cake together, with a whole stack of movies to boot
𐙚 changes clothes 87 damn times to get the right “comfy but cute” look
𐙚 but just ends up in her normal tank top and pajama shorts
𐙚 does the lesbian lean™ on the wall in the kitchen
𐙚 purposefully picks scary movies because she thinks that you would get scared and cuddle right up to her
𐙚 but she accidentally picked your favorite horror flicks of all time, so she’s the one curling up to you
𐙚 touching hands when reaching for more popcorn
𐙚 flour fight while baking the cake that ends with her grabbing your hips and finally kissing you
𐙚 decorating the cake in lesbian colored flowers bc duh
𐙚 standing behind her, her back pressed up against you as you show her how to pipe the flowers
𐙚 going through a bottle of wine she stole from her moms cabinet and doing the 36 questions together
𐙚 looking up into her thoughtful eyes as she answers these deeply personal questions to you with ease
𐙚 but oh no! you drank, so you have to sleep over! what is a gay girl to do?!
𐙚 i guess you’ll just have to cuddle up close to your new girlfriend, wearing her boxers and t shirt
𐙚 her bed smells like her, ivy and musk
𐙚 she must listen to video essays to sleep for her overactive brain
𐙚 mostly about pokémon or other nostalgic properties like animal crossing or the sims
𐙚 “hazel?”
𐙚 “yeah, what’s up?”
𐙚 “we should do this more often.”
𐙚 “i can arrange that.” she chuckles, bringing you closer into her chest.
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fandomfucker · 6 months
💳 💥💳💥💳💥💳 Rhea Ripley social media posts / talking bout her girlie in interviews part 2 pleaseeeeeeeee 🥵🙏
I mean, if yall are insisting…🤷‍♀️
For the purposes of this, you're not a wrestler
Part 1: https://www.tumblr.com/fandomfucker/745782885181734913/do-you-think-you-could-do-one-for-rhea-were-its?source=share
Also, currently getting my first tattoo as I write this so please ignore any possible grammatical errors
With the ass video going around, you’d repost it with a “😋🍽️” caption and she would immediately repost it with a “🙇🏻‍♀️🍑🍽️” or sum shit to rile up the fans
You don't have a hug social media following yourself, but they do often ask for more content. Specifically outfit of the day(s)
You make Rhea do them with you because she makes you feel more confident and in every video you can see her just staring at you in the mirror the whole time
I've already said Rhea will bully people off the internet for being me to you. But you? Oh my god you’re worse than Rhea is
If one of her co-workers says something even slightly unkind about her in an interview (Becky👀) you will go with Rhea to her next show and find them backstage
You don't even wrestle or fight but Rhea has had to pull you away from multiple people now because you will fight anybody and everybody for her
One of said fights happened to go viral online, no punches were actually thrown as Rhea had dragged you back first though
People online either loved the love between you two as a couple, or wished they had a partner absolutely willing to throw hands will someone over them
Rhea would do your makeup for videos and she'd always do her makeup on you to see what it would look like
She also does voiceovers on your own makeup videos, or a day in the life, or something
The fans always eat it up too cause Rhea's commentary is hilarious
Whenever you're backstage and Rheas going to take photos, she’ll ask you to do the shoot with her so that her fans, and yours, can get sexy pictures of you both to thirst over
Totally not because she loves seeing you both look like that and wants a picture for her lock screen
Rhea started a war of bad facetime screenshots between the two of you on Instagram and you're determined to win
To the point that you have called people to interfere in the background while Rheas at work to get a bad reaction photo out of her
She's too proud to admit it, but it's worked several times
Your tiktok has pretty much become a house reno account
You build all the furniture and shit, make the cool decorations and put them up, paint, do everything yard-eorl related while Rhea picks out what's pretty and the pretty colors
She'll also help you carry heavy stuff around cause she's jacked and you like watching her work but she mainly kinda just like, flounces around
The fans are dying for the two of you to have a show on HGTV together
Which may or may not be in the works
It went VIRAL
that's how most mosherz were introduced to you as Rhea’s partner
You started vlogging, though not very often, just so that you could have the permanent memories of all the different experiences between you and Rhea
You only post like once a week but people eat it UP
You have your own merch now
Most of its the two of you but there is a shirt or two thats just one of you
There are mercy plushies of both Barry and Luna that you always have to put up for pre-order cause they sell out in seconds
Clothes for said plushies are in the works
She posts little video clips of you on her story the same way she does her dogs
And it's always the embarrassing ones where you're completely cuddled into her and shit
She got Saints of the Undead (the people who make her leather jackets) to make you a personalized one as well even though you don't wrestle
It's your favorite thing in the world and you wear it more than you should
Like it matches with nothing that you're wearing it with
But, it says “Mami’s” on the back of it so you make sure to wear it especially when you go with her to Raw, Smackdown, any povs, etc so that people know you belong to her
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gabrielleyueerrrrr · 17 days
My thoughts on Influencer Arc Ep.1
Major spoilers for Influencer Arc Ep.1. "Green's channel"!
Alright, we've all watched the newest episode, and I have to say, the plot is nothing new. The kids exploring something they've never seen/done before, accidentally going too far/making a few mistakes, and now there's this eldritch being with cool powers trying to kill them. We've seen it before,
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and again,
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and again.
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Ok, I get it, what is a stick animation without epic fighting scenes? And the fighting scenes in the new episode are so creative and well crafted. The gang utilized Adobe Premiere's features to battle the glitching video Green, showcasing seamless teamwork and impressive adaptability, and ultimately dunking it into the recycling bin with a final breathtaking move. Not gonna lie, I was grinning like an idiot the whole episode.
What makes the glitching video green(I'm just going to refer to them as glitch from now on) unique is that they weren't an established entity like Herobrine, Youtube and Lucky Block. For the first time, the color gang were fighting someone, or something, that was entirely their own creation, hostile because they were created as a mistake.
Does that ring a bell? Yes, I'm talking about how similar the glitch was to Victim. Both were created unloved, both rebelled against their creator(s), and both met a swift end at the very hands that brought them to their existence.
So how was the glitch different? Why should Alan be blamed for abusing and murdering his creation but not the Color Gang? Is it because we're emotionally attached to the gang so we can turn a blind eye and convince ourselves it's not a big deal?
Well, not really. Unlike Alan, the color gang is totally justified in this.
Firstly, Alan created Victim out of malice (hence the name), Victim was meant to suffer, to be humiliated and toyed with, all for his creator's entertainment. But the color gang didn't hold such malice. Yes, the glitch was a result of their failed editing, but who would have thought they would suddenly gain sentience and came to life? (If all the failed editing projects I discarded in the past came back to haunt me I'd be buried three feet beneath the gound by now).
(And really, how does creation of digital life even work in the AVA universe? Why did this particular video come to life but not others? Is it just spontaneous and random? I guess this would remain a mystery like Second's creation unless Alan decides to explain it in future AVA episodes:/)
Secondly, the colour gang, although wary of the glitch, shown kindness upon the initial encounter.
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Even after the glitch attacked Green first, Second still intervened to stop Red's aggression, instead grabbing the glitch in a questioning manner:" Why did you punch our friend when he was trying to be nice?"
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It was only after Second too was struck to the ground did the gang start to treat the glitch as an enemy.
On the contrary, Alan started the assault, forced Victim to act in self defence, eventually deleting him.
Still, an overly sentimental part of me still felt bad for the glitch. Being created as a distortion, a mistake, unwanted and unloved, they had a reason to be mad at their creators. If only there was a way to get rid of those excessive effects and turn the glitch back to a normal video, then maybe the gang could earn themselves another cool friend.
Or maybe not. If the glitch's existence was born from their identity as a "mistake", would they still exist once that very "mistake" was rectified?
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misty--nights · 4 months
So I'm watching the show yet again (usually I struggle watching shows, I don't know how I've managed to watch it twice already and still want to watch it a third time), and here are some things that I've noticed in episode 1, after the read more because it got longer than expected.
Charles calls himself the brawn and the protector of the two, but it's Edwin who goes all serious and says "I would not let that happen" when Charles asks what they'd do if Death came for them. I'm sure/concerned that he'd try to fight her if she ever came to take them...
Edwin knits!! When they are wearing their disgusses to get the demon out of Crystal he knitts while Charles reads the newspaper. Granted, you can only see him doing for a short moment, so I don't know if he's doing it properly, but I like to think he is. I have many thoughts about this, but it would take over the whole post. I'm still willing to make a whole post for it if anyone is interested but yeah. Bottom line is, Edwin can knitt!
The tone of voice that Crystal uses when she first wakes up in the Agency and in her walk with Charles is really different to the tone she uses the rest of the season. In hindsight, it's pretty obvious that is her mean girl tone, but still, I just think it's a nice detail.
Edwin takes Crystal's coffee cup when she takes the mail? We've just stablished he's not going to drink it, so is he just being petty? Is he going to throw it away or hide it just to be a nuisance? Is he investigating what she got? This boy, I swear...
I know people have pointed out all the Clue boards in the closet, but there's also a ouija board there? Hilarious. Maybe some ghosts prefer communicating with that instead of speaking? Or Charles got it because he thought it was funny and then never got rid of it?
I like that the thing that convinces Edwin to take the Becky Aspen case is Charles asking if he's going to let a little girl die. But more importantly, the title card right after that says "three flights". I've had this question for a bit, but what do they do during those flights? Do the boys spend those just standing in the hallway next to Crystal's seat? Do they sit in the cockpit? Do they hide in the bathroom until someone comes to use it? Do they hope for empty seats they can use? I don't know, every possible version of their trip is so funny to me. I know ghosts don't get tired like alive people, but the idea of them just standing awkwardly off to the side for more than 10 hours is hilarious.
No big detail here, I just love Crystal's purple coat thing she wears in this episode. Never really noticed that it has like flowers embroidered at the bottom, and the color of the whole thing is so nice.
"Maybe he's our fucking demon now." Crystal I love you, that is one of the funniest lines in the episode. I also really like that she gets to be angry and scared. Even if later Jenny talks her down from the worst it, it's not her anger that she points out, it's the fact that people are just like that and how the boys act is nothing personal. Her anger is not directly attacked (except by Edwin, but that's just him being petty), because she gets to be angry about all that's happening to her.
The flashback to Edwin's life at St. Hilarion's changes the video aspect (is that the proper term for that? It makes the screen square like in older films is what I mean.) Also he card for that flasback specifies "Edwardian England" even while having the date at the bottom. I don't know, it made me chuckle that they felt the need to clarify the era even while having the date there. They don't put "modern day England" for Crystal's flashback.
With the way the cat reacted to the sardine, I'm willing to bet he would have told Edwin everything without the binding spell if Edwin had a few more fish for him.
When they're talking behind the shop and Crystal says she gets angry, Charles looks down and takes a bit to respond. I think this is the first time he relates to her. The first time he can call that pull twards her something more than mere attraction. He has this very vulnerable look when she says it and then immediately shows her his parents and tells her something he's never told anyone before? This boy saw his anger in someone else and thought maybe it's fine for him to be angry too.
Is it a trick of the light in the scene where she meets Niko, or does Crystal have a septum piercing?
"If you're sticking around, you gotta let us in." Charles, I love you, but you are the last person who should be saying this. Specially after that sad look he gets when Crystal says it must be hard not being able to talk or hug his parents. You just agreed to what she said, as if that were the truth of why you check on them, what do you mean "you gotta let us in"? (I do get that they haven't known each other for long so he's not going to open up about all his trauma, but precisely because of that, it's wild for him to expect her to do it.)
I never noticed Charles quickly returning the mirror to normal when Edwin comes. I'd noticed the audio cue for the mirror changing back, but I never noticed Charles moving to do it and he looks so panicked about it.
Considering how Edwin is about touch, the fact that he lets Crystal take his hand when she tells the that the case matters is huge.
Why are they planning down at the shop when they have Crystal's room all to themselves? Besides the ambiance, of course. I think Jenny's reaction is completely justified.
Esther leaves her turntable on when she goes to the post office. Is it for Monty? The atmosphere? Did she just forget?
Not a new discovery, just a reminder of something I really like. There's this very specific editing thing (like the quick cuts between the instruments and then the opened lock, I don't know what to call it) that they do pretty much every time Charles picks a lock / opens a door, and it makes me very happy each time. The sound they use for it is perfection.
Edwin's attention to detail is insane. The fact that he can recall one cupboard is further forward than it was in the plans is really impressive.
Charles sounds so done when he throws the magic backpack. "Put her in the bag-of-tricks backpack." Man, I can hear the eye roll in that sentence. Good to know Edwin isn't the only bitchy one in this relationship.
And that's it for episode 1. I think I might do this for the others as well as I watch them. It was really fun to do, and it forces me to pay attention to the details, so I think it's worthwhile.
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venuscrashed · 1 year
Prowler Miles Morales x Quiet Reader pt 2
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18 plus blogs DNI (cause he’s a minor)
Miles is overprotective we establish that but he also likes to see you fight.
This man falls in love with you all over again when you fight someone, especially for him.
You were sitting on the person who had been bothering your Miles the whole class, attempting to flirt. They just couldn’t take the hint when you wrapped your arm around them. Not being able to talk really ruined your way of getting them to leave him alone. It was either that or they were just oblivious, really oblivious since you kissed him.
Now here you were pinning their arms with your knees while punching their head over and over again to get it through their think skull. You were going to stop, really, but their face no longer being there was comfort to you.
“[Name].” Miles said while dragging you off of them. “You did enough.” You two started to walk away but not before he kissed you. “Thanks.”
He knows that you can fight he’s just overprotective in the sense that you can’t stand up for yourself in a more…civilized manner.
That being said since you don’t really talk he’ll try to make you flustered.
Pet names, flirting, whispering in your ear. The whole thing. He’ll do anything to see you get flustered and try to get him to stop. “Use your words [Name].”
But if anyone calls you a pet name oh….you’re the one dragging him off of the person.
But it’s fine! He’ll get them while he’s the Prowler.
As the Prowler he’ll always stop by your house when he has the time. Whether you know he’s the Prowler or not, he’ll be there, watching you.
If he does tell you the Prowler, he’ll be crawling through your window after every mission, much to Aaron’s disappointment.
You looked over to the clock by your bed. 9:30 it said, in bright bold colors. You sighed, getting up from your desk you started to get ready for bed.
The window opened letting the wind flow in and hit your back. You turned around already knowing who it was. A man crawled in, decked out in black and purple armor walking towards you. He corned you on your bed before the mask was finally removed.
You raised your hand to play with his braids. “Hi [Name].”
His mom and uncle loves you, almost as much as him.
It wouldn’t be out of the ordinary if you’re at his house.
But Aaron and Rio love to tease him about you once you’re gone.
“So,” Aaron said with a smirk watching you leave, “ the strong silent type.”
No seriously, this is Aaron whenever your the topic:😏
You guys kiss a lot. Since you don’t talk that’s your hello, goodbye, love you, stop making me flustered, sorry it’s just so entertaining. …yeah.
Miles will do anything for you. Pay, cook, clean. He’s a male wife.
And he’ll gladly be one for you as long as you love him back and come back home.
If you do talk he’ll listen to what you say no matter what.
He’ll be on the phone with his mom and will make her be quiet so he can listen to you.
“Hold on Ma.”
“What! Boy you better listen to me-“ he hung up.
“What we’re you saying?”
He couldn’t see you for a month because of that.
And because of that he’ll take photos or videos of you guys. Videos of him walking up to you, photos of you asleep on him, yeah.
He’s in love with you. He can’t wait for the day you guys get married.
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dotaeisms · 1 year
𝙨𝙠𝙯 𝙖𝙨 𝙥𝙖𝙧𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙨 ☆ (𝘮𝘢𝘬𝘯𝘢𝘦 𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘦) ☆
song recommendation: ‘my universe’ (seungmin & i.n) (feat. changbin) ♪
an; omg! thank you all so much for the support on the hyung line ones !! now, prepare for the cutie maknae line <3
📂; bolds are a summary, use of pet names (sprout, sugar, puppy, peach), use of the word dada (x1), a bit of crack in seungmins, pure fluff other than that, barking at people T-T, thats all i can think of. 
𝙟𝙞𝙣𝙞 𝙞𝙨 𝙩𝙮𝙥𝙞𝙣𝙜
< 🐿️ > HAN;
definitely makes pillow forts and has pillow fights.
‘good night sprout, i love you so much!’ 
movie night sundays :(
sits the kid on his lap and cradles them, all while watching a silly cartoon movie that both of them enjoy, probably the lego movie or something.
his child would be the brightest light of his life, enough said
constantly talks about them, nothing but praise, just thinks they are perfect in all ways.
writes every single song about them, just finds one thing to compare in every lyric.
lullaby king.
sings them to sleep every night, and will stay at their side until they fall asleep.
he always, ALWAYS, tries to see himself in the kiddo, whether it be through looks or personality, it finds comfort knowing he put effort into raising a fragile human life. 
< 🐥 > FELIX;
thinking about this makes me SO SAD.
baking cookies together :(
‘you alright sugar? good, make sure you don’t spill the milk ok? be careful.’
his mini assistant in pouring, measuring and every step in the process.
if his child had freckles, he would make sure to count them, making a note of each one as they fall asleep in his arms.
if felix is sunshine, his child is a brighter ray of sunshine.
always speaks highly of his child, nothing but endless praise, as he loves them for who they are nonetheless, and it can turn into rambles, but that’s just how much he loves them.
GIRL SCOUT DAD (if he had a daughter).
the best field trip chaperone ever, gets immersed in the experience and makes it all the better.
plays video games with the kiddo in his lap, teaching them the controls and holding their hands to play with the controller. 
the type of dad to affectionally call his kid, ‘dog’ or ‘puppy.’
‘aw yeah, i think this puppy here is ready for their nap.’
loves to play with the kids toys, like make the whole experience better for them.
‘playing pretend’ >>>> especially with seungmin.
similar to felix in the sense of a girl scout dad.
goes adventuring outside in the backyard, playing in the plants and whatnot.
after they get inside, bath-time! the lord of giving bubble baths. 
teaches his kiddo to bark at people, at first it was a joke until it got out of hand. 
‘see uncle jisung? yeah, bark at him.’ T-T
his kid would always try and run and hide from him, as if they were always playing, which makes them a handful in public spaces. 
but he plays it cool, the hide and seek king he is.
he randomly buys things because, ‘oh, this looks like them!’ and it’s literally like a plushie.
most caring dad ever.
king of playdates, he has a whole color coordinated calendar of events dedicated to his kiddo, along with sticky notes of drawings they made.
scent king, he wants his baby to smell good. 
fresh baby, lavender lotion, or the really good smelling lotion.
this whole scenario makes me have butterflies in my tummy :(
he holds them up and just tickles them with silly little kisses to their tummy, and laughs along with them.
and then they fall asleep together, the sweet smells wafting together as they doze off. 
‘goodnight my peach, dada loves you.’
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flippinpancakes64 · 3 months
The Cullens at the Club
My requests are open if you have a silly scenario you want to see these fellers in!
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^ his face the whole time
jk jk
He only agreed to tag along so that he could keep you out of harm's way
Doesn't need to drink and doesn't want to
I feel like he would be silently judgemental if you have more than three drinks
He would hold your drinks while you go to the bathroom tho
His favorite part would be dancing with you
Of course he would prefer to do it somewhere that isn't so crowded...
But he makes do
Told himself beforehand that he wouldn't get into a fight with anyone
But if anyone were to touch you without you knowing...
He had to have a talk with Carlisle afterward about controlling anger around humans
8/10 club partner he would prefer to be home
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She has some rave outfits she never gets to wear...
And one of them might happen to randomly be your size...
She's a little crazy I feel like she would love to let loose
They have to act human around humans all the time
But at the club?
No one there's gonna notice if you're ice cold, not blinking, not breathing, or if you look odd
They are there to party
And so is Alice
She thinks it's funny if you get drunk
She will take very good care of you but she will also take videos and pictures
I feel like she'd have a couple drinks just for the hell of it
Not like she would feel anything but she likes the color of the pretty drink <3
Another dance floor maniac
Literally tearing it up, cutting a rug, if you will
She has a blast
11/10 she's the life of the party
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Hoe repellent
Mr freak over here is literally scaring the hoes
If anyone makes the mistake of bumping into him they are guaranteed to stay on the far side of the club for the rest of the night
Good thing you aren't here looking for someone because he is the opposite of a wingman
Poor guy is trying his damnedest not to freak out and kill someone
He only came with you because you begged that you really wanted him there
When he felt your fear at being in a club with men you don't know he agreed
He's lowkey (highkey) regretting it tho
The lights are too much, the music is too loud, there's too many people, the smell of blood is SO strong
If he was a human he would have passed out by now
Jumps at any opportunity to leave
You were dancing and stumbled a little?
Ok time to go home
A guy made eye contact with you for half a second?
That's enough, home time
Will need like 5-7 business days to recover
1/10 sorry
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She's not really into the club scene
She has always been more family-oriented after all
But she'll go just to hang out with you
Seeing all of the young couple is kind of bittersweet to her tho
It reminds her of what she can't have
She's a little mopey
But take her to the dance floor and she'll loosen up
I think her hidden talent is knowing literally every dance ever
She can break dance
Not that she would
But she could if she wanted to
She keeps it lowkey tho
She likes seeing you have fun
Is the perfect support when you're drunk and throwing up
Will hold your hair and get you water
She's a saint the day after if you got really drunk
7/10 sort of in the middle but extra points cause I think she's pretty <3
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Oh lord
He was probably the one to suggest to go tbh
He gives me MAJOR frat boy energy
This man has taken his shirt off and jumped on a table to crowdsurf before you were even there for 10 minutes
Monster at beer pong tho
He's not that interested in the dance floor tho he's the one starting bar fights
He thinks it's funny when drunk guys try to fight
One time he started a 20 person fight and he just stood there watching
He got kicked out of course
And banned
And the police would have come if he hadn't left so quick and if the camera footage was better quality
When he's having a chill night tho he loves to parade you around
Again, will fistfight anyone who looks at you weird
"This guy bothering you?" *cue WWE elbow drive*
Overall he's similar to Alice in that he loves to let loose
They don't get to do it too often and he LOVES it
9/10 minus one point because he got you guys kicked out of your favorite bar
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I think he'd hate a normal club
He would love like a high-end bar tho
Like the ones where guys sit in big chairs and smoke cigars and play pool
He's old money what can I say
But if you insist on going he would go with you
Again just to ensure your safety
Mostly he's watching from the sidelines
He doesn't want to go into the crowd of people
Wouldn't really want to dance but he would do it anyway
Mostly he just sort of nags
"I think you might want to hold off on another drink for now"
"Maybe we should go get some fresh air to give your eardrums a break from this loud music"
"You've had a lot to drink maybe you should go to the bathroom"
Brings down the mood a little bit
8/10 extra points because he, again, is a saint the morning after
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She might be the only one who downright refuses
Don't get me wrong, she cares for you
But not enough to go to the club
She's just not a fan
It's not her scene
She knows who she is, what she likes, and where her priorities are
She would suggest going with someone else
She knows Emmett and Alice love it and would suggest you going with them
She would be there for you as soon as you get home tho
Nice, warm bath
Your favorite food
Comfy clothes
And the next morning your favorite food again along with some painkillers if that's what you need
I feel like I can't give her a rating since she doesn't go tho
So we'll say 0/0
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Vampire! Bella:
She's unexpected
At first she'll insist that she doesn't want to go, that it will be too loud, etc.
But she caves eventually
And once she gets there she is a different person
Screaming with the music, dancing up a storm, literally insane
It's a good thing she can't get drunk cause you can't even begin to think what she'd be like then
Of course, she is still aware tho
If she sees you getting uncomfortable, a guy is being creepy, you've drank too much, she is instantly there
Won't fight a guy but she will yell at them
She's more likely to be sneaky tho
One time a guy was hitting on you so she told him off and then sneakily cut a hole in his jeans so the next time he bent over his pants ripped in half
Very memorable night
Solid 10/10 she's fun but also caring
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spctrsgf · 4 months
laser tag
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summary: first date w marc BRO I NEED HIM (i'm just a girl)
word count: 1.2k
warnings: language?? i don't think this one needs any??? crazy unheard of ik i just miss my man
a/n: me spawning every three months to drop a piece ain't cool I KNOW BUT LIFE HAS BEEN SO BUSY i miss u guys i am trying so hard to be more active :((((
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Marc Spector.
His name is Marc Spector.
His name is Marc Spector, and he is downright nervous.
His palms are sweating, this is getting embarrassing. It's just a date. All he had to do is get dressed nice, the verdict being in something that he'd found in the back of his closet. It's been ages since the last time he'd needed to suit up, in not his Moon Knight getup.
He walks back to his mirror, turning to the back to make sure all of his clothing is straightened properly for what feels like the millionth time. He runs his hand down the back of his suit, bringing himself to face front and tightens his bowtie.
This is stupid. He pulls off the tie, unbuttoning the first button of his shirt and flattening it nicely against his collarbone. A tilt of his head to the clock tells him the time: 5:45. He shakes his hands out lightly, trying to muster up some sort of confidence before he grabs his keys and makes his way out the door.
He navigates his way to the place you two had picked out, nervousness bending to excitement as he sees the flashy sign. Its effervescent light is so enticing he finds himself pumping on the gas in excitement. After parking and stepping out of his car, he sees you at the door. 
Well, that's sure to stop him in his tracks.
You're dressed up in his favorite color. You’d asked him, the night before. He snorts. What a sneaky move. Your outfit fits you perfectly, and your smile when you notice him is to die for. He feels his hands getting clammy again and his cheeks dusting as he wills his wobbly knees to move towards you.
“Hi,” he drops out, nearly breathless as he comes within talking distance. You're even more stunning up close. “You look…” You smile brightly at him, your own cheeks pink as you giggle at him. “Hey, Marc. You look,” you pat his chest, pulling at the edge of his shirt. “As well.”
He shoved your shoulder lightly. “Shut up.”
“My bad, sir.” You tease.
“Don't hit me with that,” he pushes open the door to the place, letting you walk in ahead of him. “I’m paying. Could get you a shitty gun.”
You toss your head back at him with a tilt. “Please. You know I’d still be better than you.”
“Yeah, yeah. Keep telling yourself that.”
You both giggle as you make your way up to the front desk, Marc buying all of the tickets and you leaving punchy lines the whole way through. Soon enough, the two of you have been suited up and are ready to play. 
You two had decided that you would be on the same team, fighting against another sweet couple who were just as determined to win. “Marc, look at his shirt,” You point towards one of the men's shirts. “It's white. What a bold move.” Marc snorts, but you're right; the shirt glows like headlights. You can't miss it. “How good do we think he is?” He whispers back.
“Either really fast or a newbie who doesn't quite know they use UV lights yet.”
He snorts. “Laser tag newbie. Who hasn't played laser tag?”
“Not everyone.” You bump his shoulder. 
“Watch the video, baby.”
“Oh, pet names,” you giggle as you face the screen with a shit eating grin. “Didn't know we were there yet.”
“We don't have to be.” Panic flashes across his face.
“No, no. I think it's sweet.”
With that, you two go silent, both blushing from the high of your banter. You make your way out into the room soon after, settling into a competitive spirit. You quickly map out your plan to tackle the other couple based on what you had seen and previous experiences with laser tag, kicking into rapidfire excitement with Marc on your heels.
The game will start in… the automated voice booms on the loudspeaker, nearly scaring you. Marc giggles at your surprise, but a sharp slap to the side quickly quiets him. 
He turns his focus to you, admiring the way your brows are furrowed in concentration and your fingers flex impatiently in time with the dart of your eyes. You're locked in, solely focused on the game.
Your lips curl into a slight smile. You know he's looking at you; he hasn't quite figured out that subtlety, you've gathered. It's exhilarating, confidence boosting, to have someone so blatantly admiring you. 
He realizes he's staring. That’s so creepy, he scolds himself, turning forward and remaps the room in front of him. He scouts out the best hiding spots, how to get to where he needed to go, kicking into his dump of internal lunar habits.
He's off in a flash, bounding forward in a mess of anticipation and adrenaline. He's determined to impress you, ready to rub it in– only a little– when he places first and you second. 
Oh, is he in for a shocker.
You’ll give it to him. His moves are so smooth and calculated. He moves with the agility of a cat, dipping left and right. His eyes scan for any movement, so meticulous you’d think that maybe there was a cat up in his brain, telling him what moves to make next. But he lacks one thing. In all his glory, in all his advantages, you have one thing to top him. 
You pause, you don't move to take the higher ground, you crouch, and you wait. You let one of the men come forth, let him think you didn't see the way he crept behind the block to your left. You let him think he won. 
He launches forward, as you had expected, triumphant in the thought that he had captured you, unbeknownst to you. You turn, shutting one eye and slamming your finger down on the trigger button.
The shot seems to go in slow motion to you and to the man. It felt like a shot out of a movie, so picturesque that you couldn't breathe through the cliche. It blips into the plastic on his chest with a blue flicker, surprising him. You can hear his confidence shatter with the ring of the buzzer.
The man turns, heading back to his base to revive himself, only turning back once to nod with a sense of respect. You tilt your head back at him, smiling. With that, you dart off towards where you see Marc, gaping at you from behind a barricade.
Your free hand cups his cheek as soon as you get close enough to touch him, bringing your face up and just a hare's breath away from his own. “How'd I do?” You murmur. He blinks helplessly at you, barely managing to conceal his groan when you pull away from him.
“C’mon, lover boy,” you turn back, ushering him forward. “We got a laser tag game to win.” He follows you without a question nor a word, a dumbstruck smile painting his face.
He definitely chose the right person.
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malaanna · 21 days
The original challenge and rules are from @ginovasims. I only adapted it to base game. You can find the original rules here: https://ginovasims.tumblr.com/starsignchallenge
And big thanks to Hope for helping me edit it <3
I have copied some of the rules below for your convenience.
·  A twelve generation legacy challenge based on the twelve signs of the zodiac. Each generation will have a different set of goals and requirements before the new heir takes over.
Aging must be turned on, but you can have it at any length you wish (I recommend long but it is entirely your choice).
Each goal must be met before the new heir takes over.
You cannot give the sims dramatic makeovers or personality adjustments. Slight changes to the appearance are fine but they can’t be made into a whole new sim.
If you do this challenge, please credit @ginovasims.
Vague guidelines/suggestions:
Heir can be any gender, they don’t have to be female. They can also be any sexuality. 
Children don’t have to be genetic, they can be adopted, BUT they must be adopted as a baby/toddler.
Mods and custom content can be used.
The generations will offer three traits, you do not need the heir to have all three traits, but they MUST have at least TWO of them.
If you cannot add any of the required traits when the heir is a child, you are able to choose another trait and change it to the correct trait when available (either as a teen or YA). You can do this through cheats in CAS. But the same rule applies that you must have at least two of the offered traits by the time the heir is a YA.
If you do not have all of the packs required to complete the requirements for each generation, either find a similar alternative or skip that rule. But where possible, you must complete each generation requirement.
(OPTIONAL) I have assigned each generation a colour, you don’t have to follow this at all, or you can only use it as much as you want. You don’t need a whole yellow house with a sim only dressed in yellow, for example. It’s up to you!
(OPTIONAL) I have also given every generation a different theme to name their children. Again, this is all optional and you can ignore this, I just thought it would be fun and add a little extra challenge by coming up with different names you might not always use.
(OPTIONAL) Use the hashtag #StarSignChallenge on tweets, posts, and videos.
Generation 1 - Aries
You have always been an independent and confident person. Even since childhood, you knew what you wanted to do and had a plan to get there. You dreamed of becoming- no, you WOULD become a businessman/woman. You wouldn’t let anything get in your way and put all your efforts into climbing to the top in the world of business. You make friends with like-minded people and bump heads with those you don’t get on with as well. Your main issue is that you have never liked it when people tell you what to do. You often get easily frustrated when you think people are saying that you’re unable to do something. You never turn down a challenge and have always been extremely passionate about all of your interests. Anything bold and daring, you’d try it. You live for a life of thrills, always in action. You have always been loyal, sticking by your friends through thick and thin. It’s the same in relationships. In your eyes, love is built on trust and loyalty, and you would never forget this. You will always fight for what you believe is right and support the people you love, no matter what.
Any partner must be a good friend before you start romancing them
Never cheat on a partner
You must never initiate a breakup or divorce, but your partner can if it fits the story
Master fitness skill 
Have at least two tattoos
Dye your hair a bright color at least twice in your YA life
Reach at least level 7 of the business career
Reach at least level 3 of the Bodybuilder aspiration
Optional Requirements: 
Woohoo in 3 different locations (hot tub, rocket ship, backyard observatory)
Make sure you have enough household funds to give your heir 30k when they move out
Reach level 10 of the business career 
Complete the Bodybuilder aspiration 
Give children winter themed names
Traits: Hot-headed, Loyal, Active 
Aspiration: Bodybuilder
Career: Business (managment branch)
Colour: Navy Blue
Generation 2 - Taurus
You grew up close to your parents and, because of their hot-headed nature, you have quite a short temper as well, and your problems can often seem trivial. The smallest things can offset your balance and get inside your head. But that’s okay, because you’ve found something to help you cope and distract you: food. You love to cook. Whenever you get stressed, you go to the kitchen and let all your frustration out into your cooking. And it pays off, your food is incredible. You spent your teen years cooking and dreaming about a future doing the same. Your dream is to one day become a master chef, but you need to make a name for yourself in the cooking industry first. Starting from the bottom won’t be easy, but you know you have the drive and the talent to make it. Nothing will stop you from achieving your dream. Even though you had a really close relationship with your parents, they did work a lot, meaning you spent a lot of time home alone.
Anytime a negative hot-headed moodlet appears, you must cook any meal (you don’t have to eat it, just cook)
Reach level 7 of the culinary career
Marry a co-worker
Reach level 10 of the cooking and gourmet cooking skills
Have twins (can cheat for this)
Host dinner parties and invite your parents at least every other week
Reach level 3 of the Master Chef aspiration
Optional Requirements: 
Reach level 10 of the culinary career
Cook food with ingredients that you produced/collected
Complete the master chef aspiration
Give children food themed names
Traits: Good, Hot-headed , Foodie
Aspiration: Master Chef
Career: Culinary (chef branch)
Color: Orange
Generation 3 - Gemini
Being a twin, you always feel like you have to try harder to carve your own personality. You and your twin aren’t the same person, just because you look the same. You are unique and will prove that to everyone, in the most dramatic and fun ways you can think of. You’re a bold and confident person who wants to stand out, in every sense. You always worked hard in school, but it came easy to you to get good grades. You’re a natural genius, and aren’t afraid to show off and boast about it. You have a variety of friends and enjoy meeting new people, and you’ve never been afraid to experiment with fun and different styles or hobbies. Because of your parent’s hot-headed attitude and their frequent freaking out at little things, you’ve become a bit unpredictable as well. No one knows what mood you’ll be in, or how you’ll react to things. You enjoy this though, you like that people see you as an enigma. Life would be boring without a bit of spontaneity! It’s the same with your work life, and in romance too. You can’t settle in one job for a long time; you always get bored and want to try something new. You’re no different with relationships. You never really have a serious, long-term partner. It’s not that you aren’t interested in romance, it’s more that the idea of exploring new romances and people excites you more than settling down with one partner forever. You have always been inspired by your grandparent’s love of adventure. You want to explore different cultures, try new things, and be courageous! But can you keep up with this lifestyle forever?
Achieve an A grade throughout school 
Always wear bright colours
Have at least two piercings 
Take a ‘gap year’ after highschool and spend at least 2 days on vacation
Get pregnant/get someone pregnant from woohoo with a friend at a party
Stay friends and co-parent with your child’s other parent
Never get married
Reach level 3 of the Renaissance Sim aspiration
When your child is a toddler, move house. Move again when they are a teenager
Optional Requirements: 
Visit your grandparent (if they are still alive) at least twice in your life 
Complete the Renaissance Sim aspiration 
Uproot your life when you become an adult and move to a different world
Give children location themed names
Traits: Genius, Outgoing, Erratic
Aspiration: Renaissance Sim
Career: Any
Colour: Mint
*Generation 4 - Cancer
You’re never able to fully settle as a child due to your parent’s erratic ways and brash decisions. Your life is often uprooted by moving houses so you never feel fully stable or like you fit in anywhere. You feel like you never really had any true friends growing up; you always have to leave them behind when your parent decides it’s time for a change of scenery. You try to stay in touch online, playing games with them and chatting, but it isn’t the same as being with them in person. Your parents always love you and treat you well, but you can’t help but dream of having a ‘normal’ family. With parents who live together and living in a forever home. You have always wanted this life for yourself. But when you get it, you realise that this ‘normal’ family isn’t everything. Things aren’t as easy as they always seemed. Your partner has been keeping secrets from you, and you find out in the worst way possible. Absolutely distraught and heartbroken, you begin to put all your effort and love solely into your children, often forgetting to care for yourself. Your children are innocent in this and you won’t let them suffer because of your partner’s mistakes. It takes you a while to get over the pain they caused you, but, eventually, you are able to pick yourself up and find a new focus in life. Your children will always come first. You decide to join the tech guru career. Over time, you learn that the main thing in life is having people who love and support you, and just because a family isn’t always together, it doesn’t mean it’s broken.
Play online video games with friends every week as a teenager
Have a rom-com style ‘meet cute’ at the library as a YA
Get engaged within a week of knowing each other, and married within the next week
Have at least one son and one daughter
Walk in on your spouse having an affair after you’ve had children 
Join the Tech Guru career at least a week after discovering your spouse’s affair
Reach level 5 of the tech guru career (eSports branch)
Reach level 3 of the Big Happy Family aspiration 
Reach level 10 of the programing and video gaming skills
Have your parent move in with you when they become an elder
Optional Requirements: 
Have a pen pal as a teen
Complete the postcard collection
Divorce your spouse and find love with a friend you haven’t spoken to since childhood 
Go on a holiday with just your children after discovering the affair
Reach level 10 of the tech guru career
Complete the Big Happy Family aspiration 
Name children after video game characters
Traits: Family-oriented, Geek, Gloomy
Aspiration: Happy Family
Career: Stay-at-Home Parent, Tech guru (eSport branch)
Colour: White
Generation 5 - Leo
Your life is never the same since one of your parent’s cheated on the other. The previous heir would give you and your siblings extra attention, and you lap it up. You know you were always spoiled as a child, and you never go without something you want. Despite all this, you do truly appreciate everything they do for you to try and give you a happy childhood. They teach you to be selfless and pure, and you keep these values in mind through your whole life. You aren’t a selfish person at all, you just know your worth and won’t let anyone treat you any less than that. Throughout your childhood, you have a passion for the arts. You’re always doing something to creatively express yourself. Anytime you have the opportunity to be the center of attention, you take it. You always knew you wanted to be known in the world, but would never give up on your creative hobbies for the sake of your career. You use your creative mind to post style vlogs. The more you post, the more your following grows, and your fame is quick to follow. Before you know it, you have paparazzi following you around and screaming fans chasing you, and you love every second of it. You adjust well to the celebrity lifestyle, and live a life of luxury with your equally famous partner and children. Who said you couldn’t have it all?
Play an instrument of your choosing through childhood and teen years
Reach level 8 of the style influencer career
Donate to charity every week after you start working
Master any instrument 
Reach level 4 of the photography skill
Reach level 3 of the Friend of the World aspiration 
Marry another a coworker as an adult 
Adopt at least two children together (you can also have genetic children)
Optional Requirements: 
Master the childhood creativity aspiration 
Reach level 10 of the style influencer career
Complete the Friend of the World aspiration 
Host house party weekly
Give all your children whacky and eccentric names
Traits: Creative, Good, Self-Assured
Aspiration: Friend of the World
Career: Style influencer (Trend Setter Branch)
Colour: Yellow
Generation 6 - Virgo
You never really fit into the famous lifestyle you were brought up with, it didn’t feel like you. You didn’t appreciate being in the public eye and couldn’t wait to move out and stop being known as the famous child of the social media celebrity that is your parent. While the rest of your family would rather be outside, followed by fans and paparazzi, you had always much preferred being home, tucked up with a good book. You still had a good relationship with your parents growing up, but felt like they unintentionally put extra pressure on you to be the best. The whole world watched you grow up, so they would know if you put a toe out of line. You always worked hard to avoid this embarrassment, for both yours and your parents’ sake. Having famous and rich parents meant that you had so much handed to you growing up. A lot of people would have loved this, but you hate it. You want to make your own life and create your own path, without your parents’ help or money. You were never interested in romance or love, but you love the idea of being a parent. You heard about how your great-grandparent had your grandparent with a friend, and the two would co-parent to raise them. This inspired you, and you realised you didn’t need a partner to be a parent. And so that is what you do. You and a close friend agree to raise a baby together, in a completely platonic relationship. The child would still grow up in a supported and loving home, and no one said that there had to be romance involved to look after a baby together. You provide them with anything they need, just as your parents had done for you. Except you would create and make everything for them, not just buy it with a celebrity status, and you always make sure it was perfect for your little angel.
Read one book every week as a teen
Finish school with an A grade
Move out with just 2k to your name
Drastically change your appearance after moving out (no facial reconstruction)
Master the painting and handiness skill
Decorate every room with paintings that you painted
Never decorate your house with something you buy IF you are able to make it (i.e. dining table or chairs)
Never pursue a romantic relationship 
Have a baby with a good friend and co-parent with them (you can woohoo with them to start the pregnancy, but remove all romance afterwards or you can have a science baby with them)
Reach level 3 of the Bestselling Author aspiration
Optional Requirements: 
Instead of moving out with 2k, keep track of how much money you earn while living with your parents, and move out with just that money as a YA
Publish books as a side job/hobby
Reach level 10 of the writing, photography, gardening, fishing
Complete the Bestselling Author aspiration 
Name children after book characters
Traits: Perfectionist, Bookworm, Noncommittal
Aspiration: Bestselling Author
Career: Freelance Writer
Colour: Lilac
*Generation 7 - Libra
Growing up in a home built solely by your parent made you appreciate every detail, you knew that everything you owned was built with love. You never took a possession for granted, and would always relish in new items and objects. Your parent was a perfectionist so you knew that everything in your house would be of excellent quality, and this was what you’d grown to expect, in every walk of life; excellent quality. Since your parent cut themselves off from fame and fortune, you never knew your grandparent as a child. As a teenager, you became curious about your extended family, so your parent introduced you. It was easy to see that you had a lot more in common with your grandparent than your parent. You loved their life of luxury, especially how posh and expensive everything was. You knew you wanted a life like this. You always had a strong sense of right and wrong, and relished in honesty and truth. You decided you would join a business career. Plus, the job paid well so you’d be able to afford your luscious dream home. Your best friend as a child came from a wealthy family, so you bonded over your love of materialistic goods. When you became teens, you saw each other in a whole new light. You started dating and everything seemed perfect for a long time. Until, a matter of days before your birthday, something happens for you to break up with each other. You were both devastated but knew it was for the best. You had a few more serious relationships after your breakup, but none of them felt right. You eventually bumped into your first love again, and rekindled the relationship. This time, the love between you both was stronger than ever and you knew you’d met your soulmate. You live out the rest of your days in a luxurious house, full of materialistic goods, growing old together.
Always dress to impress
Don’t have any relationship with your grandparent until you’re a teenager, but become good friends before you become a YA
Fall in love with your childhood best friend and date as teenagers 
Breakup before you become a YA and go your separate ways
Have two positive and serious relationships as a YA, but end them by asking to be friends
Rekindle your love with a childhood sweetheart and never break up with them again
Have only two children close in age, but only after you become an adult
Reach level 8 of the business career (Investor branch)
Reach level 3 of the Soulmate aspiration
Optional Requirements: 
Move in with your grandparent as a teen
Live in a modern mansion 
Reach level 10 of the business career (Investor branch)
Complete the Soulmate aspiration 
Name children after gemstones
Traits: Romantic, Cheerful, Materialistic 
Aspiration: Soulmate
Career: business (investor branch)
Colour: Pink
Generation 8 - Scorpio
You always loved hearing about your parents’ love story and dreamed of having one yourself. Two childhood friends who fell in love and always found their way back to each other, what’s more romantic than that? As a teenager, your romantic relationships never worked that well. The other sim never quite lived up to your expectations. You wanted them to be perfect, and they weren’t. What made it worse was that your older sibling seemed to find the perfect partner while you were both at school. How was that fair? Not only that, they had better grades than you, and more friends. Anything you could do, they could do better. You were both given the exact same opportunities as children and raised the same, so it seemed wrong that they were better than you. But the one thing they couldn’t take from you was your music. That was the only thing you knew you were better at than them. Through your teen years, when you weren’t stuck on bad dates, you were in your room playing one of your instruments. When you became a young adult, you and your sibling cut ties and didn’t really interact with each other at all. You were also still on the hunt for a perfect partner. You continue to date around, but are faced with failure. How could it be so hard to find someone to love? You eventually decide to put your dating life on hold and focus on yourself. You have always enjoyed being active and sporty but never really concentrated on it as you were so preoccupied with dating and your music. But since you weren’t dating, you could bring your attention back to fitness. Lo and behold, you bumped into someone at the gym. Someone you never expected to be interested in. Someone so different from you and your family. But this sim captured your interest and really excited you. Could it be the love you were looking for all along? After your engagement and career success, you decided it was about time you made amends with your sibling. You realised that happiness didn’t come from other people and there was no use comparing yourself to them. Happiness comes from within and you strive to become the best version of yourself.
Lose any relationship with your sibling as a teen and have no relationship with them until you’re engaged and at level 7 of your career, then become BFFs with them
Have multiple failed romances in both your teen years and young adult years
Meet a sim at the gym who is very different from all your past romances 
Get engaged after two weeks of dating
Only have one child 
Busk weekly until you become a parent
Write and sell songs as frequently as you can
Reach level 7of the fitness
Master 2 instruments 
Reach level 8 of the Musician career
Reach level 3 of the Musical Genius aspiration
Optional Requirements: 
Master any instrument while you’re still a teenager
Master 3 instruments
Reach level 10 of the musician career 
Complete the Musical Genius aspiration 
Give children musical themed names
Traits: Jealous, Active, Music Lover
Aspiration: Musical Genius
Career: Entertainer (musician branch)
Colour: Emerald Green
*Generation 9 - Sagittarius 
Being an only child meant you always had your parents’ attention, and you loved it. You weren’t a difficult child but you were very playful and never took things too seriously. At school, you were known as the class clown and never put too much effort into your studies. You loved parties.  Drinking, partying, exploring yourself. Getting juiced at clubs and spending your nights with strangers, anything to have a bit of fun. You made money by doing some part time jobs. Things went on like this for a while, until one night, something changed. You were expecting a baby with a random stranger. And they didn’t want the baby. Even though it wasn’t anything you’d anticipated ever wanting, the idea of having a child of your own felt… nice. You agreed that you would take the baby in and raise them by yourself, without the other parent. You saw it as a sign that it was time for you to grow up and mature. You had to support this new little person who only had you to rely on, and you refused to let them down. You stopped partying as frequently and spoke to your parent about a job in the entertainer industry. They made it big playing music, and you had always loved all the songs you’d heard at the clubs through the years. You wanted to produce your own tracks, and it meant you could still spend some evenings out doing your standup routines. You might never be the picture-perfect and most organised parent, but you’d do everything in your power to provide for your child.
Never achieve more than a B grade at school 
Go out to a nightclub or host a party every night in your early YA life 
Get a tattoo while juiced at night club
Only do part time jobs (but never overmax it, when you reach the top of the career, switch career)
Have a baby with a random stranger from a one-night stand
Move back in with your parents after becoming a parent
Enter the entertainer career after becoming a parent 
Reach level 5 of the guitar skill
Reach level 7 of the comedy skill
Reach level 3 of the Party Animal aspiration
Optional Requirements: 
If you are able to become pregnant, woohoo with multiple people in one night so you never know who the parent is
Reach level 8 of the guitar skill
Reach level 10 of the comedy skill
Complete the Party Animal aspiration 
Name your child after a cartoon character
Traits: Music Lover, Goofball, Childish
Aspiration: Party Animal
Career: Part time jobs (before your child is born), after entertainer (Comedian branch)
Colour: Red
Generation 10 - Capricorn
You never really understood why your parent chose to live their life the way they did. No order, no plans, just doing whatever they felt like in the moment. You loved them, but you had very different belief systems and the pair of you often had arguments about these disagreements. They did what they could to provide for you, but you couldn’t help but question if it was enough. They never got a real job or fully settled down, and you felt a bit embarrassed that you were brought up in your grandparent’s house since they never bought their own home. You decided early on that you would strive to be better than the legacy they left behind. You would work towards big achievements, in both your professional and personal life. You decided that when you have children, you would always do whatever you could to help them achieve and set them up for success. You started by thinking about where your parent went wrong, and worked hard to do better. You’d get As in school. The idea of getting juiced and woohooing with strangers was something you decided you’d never do. Everything you would do, you wanted to do it properly and like a real adult. Your children would learn to be responsible and have a parent they can fully rely on. You always had an appreciation for the finer things in life, and would often be seen turning your nose up at whatever seemed below you. You didn’t have the most friends because of this, partly because you never saw them being as good as you, and partly because no one liked your attitude. You didn’t mind though, you wouldn’t want to be seen with anyone or anything lower than your worth. Why settle for anything less?
When you become a teenager, have arguments with your parent and lose friendship (never enter the red though)
Never have more than three friends outside of family 
Have As all through school 
Always dress smart and never wear revealing clothes 
Never get any tattoos or piercings 
Never dye your hair 
Marry a snob sim  
Hire a maid/nanny to take care of your children and home while you are at work 
Never send a baby or toddler to daycare
Never woohoo in public 
Have a big white wedding
Reach level 7 of the writer career (journalist branch)
Reach level 10 of any 3 skills
Reach level 3 of the Successful Lineage aspiration
Optional Requirements: 
Go on family vacations to Oasis Spring
Reach level 10 of any 5 skills
Reach level 10 of the writer career (journalist branch) while you are still a YA
Complete the Successful Lineage aspiration
Give children traditional names
Traits: Snob, Ambitious, perfectionist
Aspiration: Successful Lineage
Career: Writer (journalist branch)
Colour: Black
*Generation 11 - Aquarius
You grew up in the city and never felt like you truly belonged there. It felt too chaotic and crowded, full of fake people pretending to be happy. At least, that’s what it seemed like to you, because you were never happy there. You felt drawn to the place with warm climate. So with your childhood best friend, your only friend, you decided to move to the Oasis Spring at the first chance you could. You always had a passion for plants, always making sure that your garden looks healthy. So you started selling things that you grown. In the loud hustle and bustle of the night life, you could escape by focusing solely on your paintings. Watching the brush swirl on canvas. Whenever you were stressed or tense, you would go back to painting. You met someone who you’d never seen in the small town before.
Have only one friend throughout your childhood and teen years
Move to Oasis Spring as a YA with your BFF
Live with your BFF until you get married, then make sure you see them every week after moving out
Marry a sim with Art Lover trait
Reach level 7 of the painting skill
Reach level 10 of the gardening skill
Reach level 3 of the Freelance Botanist aspiration
Optional Requirements: 
Complete the frog collection 
Grow a Cowplant
Have at least 5 perfect plants
Complete the Freelance Botanist aspiration
Give children water themed names
Traits: Cheerful, Loves the Outdoors, Loner 
Aspiration: Freelance Botanist
Career: None
Colour: Peach
*Generation 12 - Pisces 
Growing up you were always connected with natural world. You grow up playing in your parent’s garden and watching the pother parent paint. So you developed love for both those things. Any way you could express yourself creatively, you would try it. You were a free spirited child,used to the expensive outdoors, so you tend to be really clumsy. As a teenager, after trying many different hobbies, you found that your true calling and passion was for art. You loved to paint and craft things. It was never your plan to sell your art or become famous, you just wanted to create. And create you did. Your home was covered in your artwork. Your parent couldn’t be more proud of the caring and artistic person you’d become. So you began to think, why care what others think? What’s the point in over-thinking and becoming paranoid about people judging you? You would always have your family and animals there for you, no matter what, and that was all you needed.
Never go fishing 
Start painting with your parent as a child
Reach level 3 of 3 different creative skills as a teen before learning the painting skill
Become BFFs with your non art lover parent 
Master the painting skill
Reach level 5 of gardening skill
Decorate your house with your artwork
Reach level 3 of the Painter Extraordinaire aspiration
Optional Requirements: 
Paint individual portraits of your family members (use paint from reference)
Reach level 10 of the gardening skill
Reach level 7 of any creative skills
Complete the Painter Extraordinaire aspiration 
Give children art themed names
Traits: Vegan, Clumsy, Art Lover
Aspiration: Painter Extraordinaire 
Career: Freelance artist
Colour: Baby Blue
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