#not merlin*
gvaine · 15 days
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Colin Morgan as Nathan Appleby The Living and The Dead
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groundbreakingdot872 · 9 months
‘tis my birthday, so im gonna happily rb as many posts of gwen on the dash as i can bc she brings me sm peace + joy :))
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hellerscape · 7 months
I knew our favourite side character was getting a little too much screen time this season
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sneakyboymerlin · 7 months
Valentine’s Day was invented by Big Scorpio to make more Scorpios
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merlinemrys · 11 months
ao3 down on my day off⁉️😫 the horrors persist
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tansyuduri · 3 months
Watching Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story
As someone with Bipolar Disorder is an EXPRIANCE
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aithusar · 1 month
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who liked or reblogged something from you 💖
I am SO SORRY I took a million years to respond, I've gone through like four major life events in the last few weeks so I've been a bit scattered, but I've treasured this message every time I've seen it in my inbox 🥰 so, 5 things that make me happy:
1. Your message
2. Watching the sun rise while out running
3. The teddy my grandparents gave me when I was born
4. Memories of a recent holiday I loved
5. Reading in the sun on a rare sunny winter day
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merlin-slut · 10 months
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so i was looking at promo stuff for the good omens radio drama and why is he posed like that
his neck like doesnt look right
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vi-visected · 1 year
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he has 3 dads and undiagnosed autism
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merlinssaggyyfronts · 4 months
its school holidays should i watch spn
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theroundbartable · 10 months
After watching heartstopper season 2, I got reminder of how much society values romantic love above all other forms and how freeing it can be to set your own values up for yourself.
I am aro/ace and I have a girlfriend who is also on the spectrum. It's a queer platonic relationship and it's based on the idea that she knows exactly how she wants her life to go, but she couldn't do it alone. And I am the kind of person who doesn't want to be alone all the time and I like helping people. That's the dynamic. It helps that we have similar interests and share our fanfiction obsession.
The thing is, her original "emergency plan" was her best friend who is bisexual and very much interested in a romantic relationship, which is why she is constantly searching.
I talked about her little bouts of jealousy with another friend and that one told me to put my relationship over this friend. She asked me, when we realized our feelings were "different". And it kind of made me uncomfortable, because I don't think she understands what this relationship is.
It's a functional relationship. Based on mutual interests and sharing a future and having the same non-explicit expectations. Our feelings aren't "different" from before or from that of us with other friends. It's simply mutually benefitial. And I, as an ace person KNOW what it feels like to be left behind and told my feelings aren't enough. In the entire social world, my feelings aren't "enough" while they overwhelm me daily. I love all my friends and family and I work hard on every relationship and to be told that I should feel different about one person, make them special in some way, really hurts. They are special to me. Why do I need "more"?
My gf 's best friend is my brothers ex. And she always respected my wish to not be involved when they were together. She always remained my friend and never made it awkward, even when she was put in the spotlight for this by others. I value what we have. And I have no interest in standing between her and my gf. And if she decides that hey, she doesn't want a relationship after all, she wants to be with her best friend, then I will step aside without question, like she stepped aside for me. I love them both and I don't want to risk losing either of them. I'm not afraid of being alone anymore, because they made me feel loved. I cannot put a relationship over a friendship and I feel like people don't really get that. They are best friends. They've known each other since preschool.
My feelings matter. Breaking them apart would scar me for life. Breaking up with my gf wouldn't hurt either of us.
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gvaine · 6 months
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COLIN MORGAN as BAY MIDDLETON CORSAGE (2022) dir. Marie Kreutzer
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groundbreakingdot872 · 11 months
whys everyone using the teeth now? Is that something we’re supposed to be doing 💗😭
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hellerscape · 7 months
What I love about ofmd is Ed and Stede’s last kiss in the finale didn’t make me shit piss and cry my eyes out because I’m used to seeing them kiss, which is how shows should be with queer relationships
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regulusrules · 10 months
just started and finished good omens for the first time. beware the almighty spam
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merlinemrys · 10 months
angel coulby's collarbones . u agree? yes. thank u
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