#not my best work but OH WELL
glyphalodon · 3 months
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"prepare for your examination"
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glitterghast · 6 months
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drawing ronance every day because i can
day 8: ”pride„
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cloverconsolass · 6 months
Average interaction between siblings:
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I go to my sister’s room and sit on her when I’m bored too. She always kicks me out or actually kicks me in the end so 💀
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the-kingshound · 1 year
I was just wondering how the ROs would react if the MC liked to stay up and just watch the stars and when asked about it they said "They make me feel small but... not in a bad way. More in the way I was when I was little and Saraah was there to protect me as best as he could and my siblings were all still together."
Arthur: their heart breaks a bit. The smile they direct their Consort's way is sad, but also tender, "you miss them very much, don't you? I believe I understand why. Everything was easier, wasn't it? When we were taken care of and protected."
Evaine: Evaine reaches out a hand to offer support, but they think again of it and retreat it afterwards. They feel lonely too. Nostalgic of the things they had and now they lost.
"I understand," they say, their voice cracking a bit.
Yniol: their eyes turn on you, worry flashing in them. It fades quietly, though, as they look back at the stars themself. "It must have been comforting goriwng up with them by your side," they note, their voice even but not devoid of understanding.
Morien: they feel their heart constrict a bit, in pity and sympathy. "Maybe it's good that you have the starts to remind you of those memories with them. Hell, half the time I wish things were simpler and easier too."
Gwyar: they simply listen to MC's words, coming closer in slow, careful movement. They offer an understanding nod if MC isn't comfortable with touch. Otherwise, they let their head rest on your shoulder, their weight a comforting presence that makes you feel less lonely.
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theyluvbix · 6 months
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I got a new inking pen so I drew the silly :D
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ametisztpatkany · 6 months
mixing two niche insterests bc I wanna mix and match hazbin/helluva characters with the tma fears, so i started with the obvious choice, Angel Dust as the Web
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Supplemental: Husk
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ladybrainrot · 8 months
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@propagandistisk 's goretober day 5: Escape Sorry no actual gore today, i didn't have too much time and after yesterdays post i just really wanted to play with light.
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bigchumpus · 1 year
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Ari! ٩( ᐛ )و
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u-need-a-nap · 5 months
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mermaid castiel. send post
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honey-oatmilk · 2 years
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I’ve been enjoying reading @inkspottie’s Laughing at Tragedy au lately and wanted to try drawing my idea of what Rockstar Lolbit would look like, so here they are!
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sofieflee · 2 years
This was mostly just an expirement for poses, I love Monique Gibeau though <3
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hippie-self-shippie · 7 months
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word that rhymes with maggots
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su8arandspite · 5 months
[ it’s not that’s we’re scared; it’s just that it’s delicate ] delicate: damien rice
@powderblueblood you asked for fan art, and you shall receive
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swirly-lemonade · 5 months
Drew eyeless jack in class today
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a-good-weird · 2 years
I haven't drawn in forever but he's worth it...
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ghost-guard-13 · 1 year
And I give you...
Part 1/2
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