#not pro anything just tagging
wander-wren · 6 months
here’s my thing about proshipping, particularly in regards to the “well you can write that stuff to process trauma, but don’t fucking post it” argument. and i’m really just repeating what many, many others have said, but bear with me.
i don’t have sexual trauma (which is, 99% of the time, what this argument is about), so i can’t speak to that directly, but i do have traumas and coping mechanisms that some people think weird or off-putting or gross. i’m also someone who needs to talk about things with some kind of audience in order to process, whether that’s my therapist or my friends or—get this—fanfic readers. often, all three! max processing, baby!
but i’ve had people avoid responding when i bring certain things up, or outright say they can talk to me about some of my ~problems~, but not Those Ones. which is fine on its face, everyone is entitled to boundaries and in many cases they may simply not know what to say.
but it is deeply isolating to feel like there is a part of you unfit for public view. especially a part of you that you still want (need) to talk about in order to come to terms with it. so i can only imagine how it feels for some of the people arguments like these are attacking.
as long as there are warnings (and YES, “choose not to warn” is, in itself, adequate warning), there is no reason why any aspect of the human experience should have to be permanently hidden and undiscussed, no matter how uncomfortable its existence might make some random on the internet.
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stargirlie25 · 2 months
ive seen so many people say stuff to shit on Lucien for example, ''Lucien only left with Feyre to the night court for Elain not Feyre!''
and many people have defended this fact but is it just me who doesn't gaf?
Like hell yeah he left for his mate. He was easily willing to travel through 7 courts for her. LIke who cares if he didn't do it for Feyre? It's not like Feyre wasn't using him as her toy in her little plan. Tbh tamlin deserved to be humbled but the people of the court did not.
I think its SJMs fault though. She writes that tamlin is mistreating his people and because of that, Feyre destroys his land and people?
As you can see I can never really stick to one topic.
Anyways Lucien has shown genuine concern for Feyre (couldn't care less is he hasn't) although I choose to uplift the fact that he left his high lord who saved him from the AC risking his second home all for Elain Archeron. He is an exile because he chose to leave for Elain.
So yeah he did not leave for Feyre :p HE LEFT FOR HIS MATEEEE
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sapphic-agent · 3 months
The ATLA fandom is interesting. There's been uproar about Katara's personality changing in the live-action... Besties, don't you think there's a reason why they did that? Maybe due to a certain influx of people bashing Katara every time she breathed in 2020? She was shamed repeatedly for being angry, outspoken, and confrontational. Not to mention how many of you defended her being a docile healer instead of a fighter in LOK (hell, some of you preferred Katara in LOK over Katara in ATLA, don't think I forgot). Why are we backtracking now?
(Yes the live-action could have done better with her. But they were probably trying to appease the people who whined in 2020, which they shouldn't have since this fandom would find something to rage about no matter what)
Istg, Renaissance fans and their performative activism. Again I say, the ATLA Renaissance sucked
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anneapocalypse · 5 months
At the end of the day you can use "Varric is an unreliable narrator" to overwrite literally any part of DA2 that you don't like. Like you can say, "Oh of COURSE Varric isn't actually against mage freedom! He just said that he objected to Hawke freeing the mages because Cassandra was interrogating him." And sure, I can't prove to you that he isn't lying about that. I can't prove to you that Varric isn't lying about anything. I can't prove to you that the entirety of Inquisition isn't also Varric making things up because he did also write a book about that and we hear Cassandra reading it in the end credits. At the end of the day if you want to you can basically wipe out Varric's entire character as presented to us and say, "Actually he was lying! He's really this."
But at a certain point you do also have to acknowledge that the frame narrative is a storytelling device that's meant to enhance the story, not like... erase it. Or at least I prefer to acknowledge that, because going too far the other way basically guts the story of all meaning. If Varric is a character we are meant to engage with on any level--and I think it's clear from his prominence in the franchise that he is!--then at least some of what we see him say and do needs to be able to meaningfully interpreted, even if we second-guess him, even if we can pick out half-truths here and there, even if we cross-check our interpretations against how he behaves in other parts of canon.
Like at least some of what we're given about Varric has to be meaningful to his character, or why even bother, I guess is what I'm saying.
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ahalliance · 6 months
still thinking about antoine semi-rping on main during the qsmp meta talk with etoiles, florence and zerator last night . why did this dude scoff when étoiles started talking about the resistance . why did he start asking him why he’d possibly want to kill federation guards and disagree with étoiles calling them mean/bad people . you are currently discussing this while playing on the mc server that contains La Tour de Merde you can Nawt give me lore jitters like this…..
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sklnandb0nesstuff · 2 years
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So, I believe we are starting up a new tag! So, whoever wants to, we can try #systempunk!
This tag is going to be EXPLICITLY endo, so i suggest adding endo tags along with the systempunk tag on your posts!
Any comments / suggestions are welcome because we haven't ever started up a new tag, but here goes!
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rewritingcanon · 1 year
snape apologists: omg poor baby boy he never did anything wrong he’s had a rough childhood but he was always a sweetheart like hes a total victim! a victim!!! hes never done anything to warrant what he got and he deserves sm better than that absolute *insert any misogynistic term here* lily he totally didn’t deserve what SHE did to him 😢😢
canon snape, literally making whole ass spells that torture his enemies and being an overall sassy feral shit who also happens to be part of a gang of terrorists:
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helloimamistake · 3 months
There are two types of zukka shippers
1. The ones who are really chill people and just here vibing the fanarts and fanfics
2. Those kind of people that want to involve Zukka to to ZK vs KA ship wars and/or shitting for zutara for some reason (the amount of times that people mentioned zukka on every ZK vs KA shipwars is quite a lot actually)
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dastardly-crows · 6 months
Every time I see someone say "find a better way to cope" when referring to writing or reading fiction, I have to fight back the urge to start laughing hysterically.
Buddy, pal, dude, writing and reading fiction is the better way of coping.
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flavia8 · 8 months
Look. I don't like SJM Books. At all. I read Throne of Glass and A Court of Thorns and Roses years apart, way in the past and disliked them both. I know vaguely what happens in each series bc Rant reviews are fun. But I must say. I'm pro Nesta, forever and always. She's the only person I respect in that Bitch of a series (Acotar) and if she wants to murder everyone I'm all for it. Whatever acts of "Evil" or Bitchiness I hope she goes all in. If she wants to leave and live a secluded peaceful life, Away from everyone I will be cheering wholeheartedly. Whatever she does.
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enden-k · 8 months
whenever i get potg as ram im too distracted by my chosen intro for him to pay attention to whatever i did to earn it bc hes just so
and im so
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dirtytransmasc · 10 months
If laena wedded viserys the dance will happen expect rhae*nyra won't get the velaryon support and if anyone thinks otherwise they don't understand coryls and rhaenys
I just got an insanely similar ask right before this one, and I will say the same thing. this is insanely true.
Corlys only backed Rhaenyra and her bastard children because he was desperate to get even a figment of his name near the throne. he only backed Luke and Jace's parenthood through Laenor as it was the only way to "get his blood" on the throne (even if the boys were not truly his, 'history only remembers names').
if Laena had been queen and had children to Viserys, he would have abandoned Rhaenyra the second Jace popped out with brown hair, he wouldn't have even waited for Luke or Joffery to be born.
Rhaenys backs her husband just as much as she wishes to further their shared bloodline, so it would be easy to say she would similarly back Laena's children. we saw her push for Baela and Rhaena to take the claim to Driftmark despite hating Daemon, imagine if Laena's children were born to the thrown through Viserys? she would similarly back Laena and drop Rhaenyra in a heartbeat.
I would even argue they would support Laena prior to Rhaenyra having children and would potentially avoid wedding Laenor to Rhaenyra to begin with (as it would serve them better to marry him to another house to create an ally instead of marrying him to Rhaenyra where it would have little benefit)
the war would be insanely quick and easy if Rhaenyra had attempted to petition her and her childrens claim, she would have no allies and the realm would more than likely drop their oaths.
those TB fans are so delusional sometimes, that their terrible takes only serve to damn their girl more than she already was.
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Tw m3ansp0
You think eating will make you happy? You're wrong. Being thin will make you happy.
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looked in the mirror today and I couldn't be more ✨disgusted✨
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lewiscarrolatemybrain · 11 months
Thinspo and pro-ana girls who use the fatspo tag are literally just abusers using their mental illness to justify their abuse.
Fatspo was created to be a more welcoming and fat-positive alternative to Fitspo, but then you all came along and immediately stole it from us because you saw the opportunity to be cruel to people.
If you're "nOt PrO aNyThInG jUsT uSiNg TaGs" and you use fatspo, then I promise your weight is the least disgusting thing about you.
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