#not really talking ships here
I had a thought
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oobbbear · 4 months
I want to post this here too because I’ve seen it happen a few times
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Please understand that there are cultural differences and language differences, if you see this happening let the person clarify what they meant, that person might just not be familiar with words the western side of the internet use
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shima-draws · 2 months
Me: Hehe Sanlu!!!!
Fandom: Oh but Zoro? Where's Zoro? What about Zoro? Including Zoro in this. Adding Zoro here because. Zoro tho
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mxtxfanatic · 30 days
Fandom Gripe #23: I know that fandom is in some deep denial about its treatment of female characters that are canonically involved with fan favorite m/m ships, but do y’all realize that when you disappear female characters from the narrative wholesale to push the idea that your canonically straight fav was “secretly gay all along!” you’re making several bad implications? That 1) bi men don’t exist, 2) bi men do exist, but those who have genuinely loved a woman before cannot genuinely love a man after that (therefore bi men don’t exist in practice), 3) women cannot inspire genuine love and devotion in men, therefore any relationship with a woman is “lesser” than the one they later have a man (see previous parenthesis), or 4) to acknowledge the existence of a lovable woman who isn’t a terrible person, where if a relationship previously existed, it did not end because of “incompatibility,” is enough to destabilize the present relationship between two queer men?
Because why is the tgcf fandom allergic to acknowledging that He Xuan had a whole ass fiancée that he loved? Why does no one ever seem to remember that the kidnappings and murders of He Xuan’s sister and fiancée were the final straws that sent him on his rampage, and he still keeps a shrine to them in the present-day of the story? Why is her entire existence and significance to He Xuan as a man, character, and to his character arc disappeared in favor of pushing Shi Qingxuan—the brother of the man responsible for his fiancée’s death—into that same role, as if to say that her impact on He Xuan is significant... just not when it's from her? Why does He Xuan’s life in fandom essentially begin not just after her death but because of it?
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thelaurenshippen · 6 months
ah yes, the sweet sting of rejection from a billion dollar corporation who believes that "action stories don't appeal to romance audiences", welcome back my old familiar friend
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selfshipseaside · 7 months
Self-shippers! It's Indigenous Peoples' Day! 🧡
Remember to support your local indigenous self-shippers, and not just for today! As an indigenous person, it's very important to me as an activist as well that people truly understand the gravity of how this day became what it is now. If you are also an activist or are looking to just in general be more educated and an ally, I fully encourage you do your research and read up on indigenous history! Please do not ask native/indigenous people to educate you. And remember, indigenous peoples are not just in North America! There are indigenous people all over the world, and as we all know, there are also self-shippers all over the world! So remember that we do exist, and we do belong here, and our culture is not to be taken and colonized any further. Please do not use native/indigenous culture for your own personal gain via self-ships or at all. If you are not native/indigenous, do not wear our regalia (even as a s/i) or mock ups of it, do not practice our closed practices (even as a s/i), do not mysticize us, treat us like fantastical magic and sacred beings, and don't treat your native/indigenous f/os like that. We are real people. We have real culture that does not belong to anyone but us. Respect native/indigenous characters and media because there have been times in which we were mocked and laughed at for merely existing. Racist caricatures are rampant with our people, and it's still ongoing. And I will be the first to say it if anyone hasn't already: It's not okay to be ignorant about this anymore. It never has been, but it's been far too long that native and indigenous people in general are pushed to the side and it's normalized to be very ignorant and to be forgiven for microaggressions against our people because of "not knowing". Educate yourselves, don't choose ignorance over human rights. Today is very important, but indigenous and native people don't exist just for today. We are always here, and always will be 🧡
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scooterpengie · 1 month
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Redraw of one of my favourite moments in Succession because Roman's my favourite and I wanted to practise drawing him but then I got too involved and turned it into a whole comic and I don't even really like how it turned out but I spent too long on it to not post it 😭
I wish I could do something more creative than just redrawing scenes from the show but I find the characters so difficult to write 😭 like I'm genuinely jealous of people who can write good fanfiction of them
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chiyobaasama · 5 months
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yamato is about to be DITCHED i fear
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Just to clarify, having a favorite side of the lovesquare is not- ‘this side is objectively better and more moral than all other sides’ or ‘this side is the only side worth shipping’
Having a favorite side of the lovesquare is loving and appreciating all sides of the lovesquare because they are all the same two people and just overall enjoying the lovesquare as a whole, but also having one particular side that makes your heart extra giddy whenever you see them and makes you especially excited to watch their scenes
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astral-lights · 6 months
Howdy y'all, it's been a hot second but uh there are more important matters to discuss like-
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“Have you heard?”
“Heard what?”
“That Octavinelle made a discord server !”
“Yeah I heard it was started so people could leave suggestions for Mostro Lounge”
“That does make sense”
“But I’ve also heard that there’s a secret channel that only the house warden and his right hand men have access too…”
“Probably for keeping track of blackmail huh?”
“Yeah, they definitely have a lot of it..”
** meanwhile in said secret channel **
As always, inspired by the shenanigans @h3apm3ch4n151m, @strawberrymilk-sunshine, and I get into
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blighted-lights · 2 months
do you ship ravage and drift? you draw them a lot and they're always so touchy lol
nah. they're really touchy amicas, tho. probably because im always touchy with my friends and it just kinda rubs off on my art. ravage is my Me character so i do end up giving him traits i have. one of those is being touchy with people he cares about 🤷‍♂️. he's especially touchy with drift as when they were grouped together in the dead end (which is where they met in my brain), ravage spent a lot of hours curled up in drift's car alt with laserbeak and buzzsaw for shelter. that touchy aspect never really left their dynamic.
and besides,
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drift/deadlock's candle has always been lit for someone else.
(plus an extra doodle of them)
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marsalta · 2 months
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Take the happy Alastor
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emblazons · 2 months
WARNING: FFVII spoilers + ship talk—scroll if you want to skip, because I am simply commentating my own gaming experience & not trying to start a war in the comments
It’s the way I’m DESPERATELY trying to play FFVII with an openness to Cloud and Aerith because I know it means so much to so many people—and yet even when I go to YouTube and watch alt versions of mandatory scenes I cannot fathom how people are missing the subtext of “Aerith knows and acknowledges Tifa is so much more than Cloud’s friend even as she wants his attention because she doesn’t know if he’s really himself, has been extremely lonely since Zack left + knows somewhere she’s going to die for herself” ☠️
Like I am 3000% for FF ships that have a lot of groundwork but aren’t primary canon, because Square is notorious for building true chemistry between people who are not ever canonically romantic (hello Phoenixflare) but…it’s getting kind of absurd to see how many people are denying the subtext of Aerith as secondary to Tifa solely because they love their ship.
Perfect example: the scene where Aerith goes up on the Nebelheim water tower (a place wholly and entirely tied to Cloud and Tifa’s ongoing relatonship) and asks Cloud about his town…only for us to get this:
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As someone who just consumes media generally…the whole subtext of the scene is clearly that Aerith trying to 1) pull Cloud’s actual memories up from the mind muck he’s going through (something she and Tifa both do repeatedly) and 2) remind Cloud of the side of him that inherently has always had a whole ass crush on his childhood best friend to help jog his memory.
Sure, it reads as a cute moment between them if you want that…but if you’re paying attention to the purpose of the scene itself and what’s being said (verbally and subtextually)…it’s astronomically clear this is a Cloud x Tifa recognition delivered to the audience through a Cloud/Aerith moment…and this happens repeatedly ☠️
And then…immediately after having her be upset that she doesn’t have someone the way Cloud has Tifa, and asking to be alone? I…I just. Like it’s so hard to be here in the middle of a war about “optional scenes” when shit that happens to everyone happens just like this 😭
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winchestersheaven · 2 months
me: i’m gonna read Rodney McKay fics
fandom: we have lots of McShep
me: McShep is good, i like that ship
me: so, McShep fics with Rodney feels, please
fandom: sure thing, lots of Rodney feels here 😇
fandom: *bombards me with unexpected John feels*
me: hey, uh. why is my heart all fucked up?
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tame-a-messenger · 1 month
My thoughts,
I feel like the biggest disconnect with all the discourse going around is that, (mainly twitter) users automatically assume that combining two peoples names is 'shipping' when that's really not why.
If you were looking for content surrounding 2 certain people but only tagged their names separately you would be getting EVERY single post. Posts that could have other people in it, and not be the two you were looking for (if I were to look for posts about Ian and Anthony, I would trust the Ianthony tag more than just looking through their regular tags, because people tag them in a lot of other Smosh related content)(same thing for Damien and Shayne, if I was looking for them as a duo I would look through the Shaymien tag)(it simply sorts posts better)
They don't seem to grasp the fact that tagging 'Damangela' is because that's how the tagging culture works over here, and not because we're 'shipping' them.
I thought it was common practice, everyone understands in the fandom world that when you combine people's names it's at it's CORE, a 'Duo Name' before ANYTHING ELSE.
I'm just going to automatically assume that most people getting their feathers all ruffled, just haven't been in fandoms spaces as much, AND THAT'S OKAY!!!
But please, if you take anything away from this, most people doing a lot of shipping is young people, so keep that in mind.
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