#not rlly a fan of batfam as a whole
mikakuna · 1 month
Hey! This is the music anon again! I was wondering if you had any jayroy fic recs? Or, given your latest post lol, only child Jay fic recs (or even JUST Jay and dick as Bruce’s kids fic recs) and if not that, then, an au where Jason didn’t pick up the mantle/was convinced not too, and is living his civilian life. I’ve read rara Avis by zoeleo already lol, Idk if you read that one?
omg hey!! i have a few fic recs for what you'd like to see but honestly i'm lacking a bit in jayroy! i'll link the ones that i rlly enjoyed tho <3 and alsooo the only-child jason fics are all set during his childhood sadly, so i don't have any where he's an adult and still bruce's only child :(
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When Batman rescues a twelve-year-old boy from a sex-trafficking ring, he ultimately makes the decision to look after him for a few days, feeling responsible for his current condition. Revealing his identity to the boy is the logical next step. Building trust was important, and Bruce needed Jason to trust him. There’s one slight problem with Bruce’s plan. Due to the effects of the Joker Venom, Jason doesn’t remember anything about meeting Batman, let alone Bruce Wayne. In Jason’s eyes, he’s been trafficked. And the man who brought him is none other than Bruce himself.
Jason’s background as a victim of abuse and childhood homelessness means it’s hard for him to trust, and to ask for things. After only a couple months in the manor, he still isn’t sure about Bruce Wayne.
When Bruce brings a new child home to the manor, Dick has a few choice words for Bruce about making him Robin. Convinced that Jason needs a stable loving family more than he needs a crime-fighting outlet, Bruce, Dick, and Alfred take on the challenge of bringing Jason up as civilian while still keeping their caped careers a secret.
Or: Bruce Wayne is a Good Dad, Dick Grayson is a Great Brother, Alfred is the Best Grandpa, and Jason is smol. Tooth-rotting fluff ahoy. (i'm linking this even though you read it for people who haven't yet! also i never read the ones with tim in it but those are a lot later in the series so don't worry, it's still jason and bruce centric)
Jason Todd was kidnapped at nine-years-old and given two options. Work for his keep, or be forced to to work for his keep.
His life was not pleasant, but Jason was nothing if not a fighter, and dammit if was he going to let the hell around him kill who he was as a person. Or his dreams of growing up and going to college.
Those dreams suddenly came a little more into focus, when his idiot of a pimp accidentally tried to rent him to Bruce Wayne. Poor bastard could have never guessed he was the Batman himself. Heck, not even Jason figured that out, at first. And Batman had practically adopted him. (i loved this so much)
Jason doesn't die at the hands of the Joker. There are a couple of things he and Bruce might need to work through.
“You will fix this,” Alfred corrects him. “You will fix this, and let Master Jason know that you don’t care about his sexual orientation, that it changes nothing. That you were mistaken in what you said to him. That you certainly didn’t mean to imply that you thought any less of him for his choice in reading.”
Batman makes it in time to save Robin from the bomb. He doesn't make it in time to save Jason from the Joker.
Or Batman is too late in every universe, but Bruce Wayne doesn't have to be.
+ jayroy:
i've linked this one in a previous rec list but basically, this is an au series where jason escapes an abusive relationship and meets roy!
It was just dinner with family. A family large enough to be an independent militia, but that was all. Nothing serious.
Lian disagreed. (one of my fav crack fics!!)
a fic where the bats find out, one by one, that jason and roy are dating!
i really don't have much for jayroy since i'm pretty picky when it comes to jason fics and ship fics in general, but i'll reblog this if i find any others that i enjoy! in the meantime, hopefully these are some new fics for you to read!!
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askaniritual · 7 months
i have been rlly fortunate so far that all the hs fans i’ve interacted w have been cool w my whole deal and also honestly like i’m far enough in it at this point that i have just started lying if i think it’s gonna be deleterious to the flow of the conversation but that being said like occasionally i run into pockets of ppl who r SO mad abt the not actually reading the comic thing. like not at me just mad at this kind of person in general. ig i get it because i understand the pain that this very behavior (thinking you can gain full context for sth via fic) has caused the batfam fans. it’s not even that i think i’m doing it differently or better or whatever it’s just like. ┐(´-`)┌
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dukethomas · 3 years
🔥 + duke thomas :+D
dee my bestie ty for asking me abt duke!! <333333 now i'm not sure if these are necessarily UNPOPULAR opinions but my god duke is the first char i've read all the way through for so i am having some opinions
okay uhhh first: fanon duke is racist, full-stop, and that's when fanon stans bother to include him at all. he debuted several years ago!! he started being a core part of the batfam specifically in rebirth, five years ago!! he's part of the family, jfc, and no he's not the normie sane one, and no not knowing how to write/draw duke is not an excuse for his exclusion. the dc wiki exists. reading recs exist! duke's first solo, batman and the signal, is literally only 3 issues long! pirating comics is easy as fuck!
next: he was a robin!! we are robin was not made of conventional, batman-sanctioned robins. that's the point. those kids made robin their own, and even if they moved on (hoo boy i've also got thoughts abt we are robin in rebirth and onwards despite their minimal appearances) they were robin. they chose to be there for their city, they chose to stand up and fight, and imo if you consider the kids from the we are robin movement not really robins you're missing the whole damn point
also, i think duke should have had a much bigger role in the batfam in rebirth, like i know rebirth was going back to the roots, but also. i feel like he's kind of thematically set up as being part of the next generation of heroes, he's the future of the batfam, and i absolutely fucking adore that angle for him. literally it's so perfect??? he's "something new" but still rooted in the very same determination to fight and hope for a better future that bruce was (and still should be) motivated by from the very beginning. if rebirth was supposed to make it easier for new readers while still being recognizable for old fans? come on. it would have been so interesting to explore in a lot more depth how duke interacts w the batfam and gotham and what that means for their future (which isn't to say i don't like the appearances duke has in rebirth onwards. i do) (and also. bruce consistently treats duke well as compared to literally anyone else lmao and i do enjoy that dynamic and i would like to have seen more of bruce training and mentoring duke to be the future of the batfam)
that in mind, duke is not a good fit for the outsiders. i love his dynamics with cass, jeff, and tatsu, his appearance in future state outsiders was SO fun and so fitting i could cry, and i am hyped for what brandon thomas is going to do with duke in the upcoming outsiders series(?) because he is a FANTASTIC writer for duke who really lets him shine and clearly respects him and loves him, but. duke's whole thing is literally being a new hero in the day, someone visible in the light, and the outsiders are supposed to be on the fringe, literally outsiders, and a team not rlly meant to be in the public eye (from what i understand) so with the direction duke took in batman and the signal that is the opposite of what duke is meant to be. i def enjoy him on teams, but this ain't it. that said i do like that duke being on the outsiders means connections to the wider non-gotham dc universe and also consistent duke appearances is something i will always appreciate
last opinion bc this is getting long—i've got many thoughts on batman secret files the signal, one of them is that i think having a cure for joker toxin being right there is too cheap. like sure you can play the cat and mouse game with it but after a while? that'll get repetitive and boring. a few more options. duke gets his hands on the cure, but there's a catch. or duke never gets his hands on the cure, it disappears forever. or duke does get his hands on the cure, and it works. i think the first and last options would be the most interesting to explore going forward, but i'm also just. attached to the tragedy of his story, knowing his parents are alive but they may never get better but also hoping they will. and with how little that's been explored (not mentioned or referenced or seen, explored. which hasn't been done since all-star batman i think) and also with comics being an ongoing medium i do think bringing in the cure this early is a little cheap and also too soon too fast
actual last opinion duke is the best i love him so bad i will not be taking criticism <3
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cdelphiki · 4 years
hey, i’m not sure it was an accident i rlly hope you don’t ship batfam incest, but you reblogged art from an artist that does and i only noticed through a shippy hashtag they used (in the art u reblogged) just letting you know :/ it’s the most recent tim drake art you reblogged.
Hi! I do not ship the brothers together, so no, I don’t ship the ‘batfam incest.’ I do believe it’s wrong for adopted siblings, or siblings in general be them biological or not, to have romantic relationships with each other. However I have several questions for you:
Do you mean the picture of Tim, by himself, asleep on what appears to be the ground? I don't see how that's shippy at all. If the original artist, or anyone else reblogging it, tagged it with a ship tag, I don't really see how that matters. I get annoyed when people tag their work with a ton of tags that have nothing to do with their work, all in hopes that it'll get seen more, but that's a whole different matter. I don't see how this piece of art is incest. It's just Tim by himself.
Second, are you just attacking a piece of art because you disagree with the artist themselves? I’m not a fan of ‘cancelling’ people in this manner. Me reblogging a piece of art that it, in itself, is not shippy is not me endorsing every single opinion that creator holds.  And if you think that it does, that says more about you than it does about me. No one has time to research every single opinion a person holds before they reblog them, nor should we expect people to do that. I see a cute drawing of Tim or Damian or whoever, I reblog it. It’s just that simple.
And third, if you personally can’t handle seeing stuff by that person, I’d suggest just blocking their blog so you do not see their stuff anymore. Then you won’t have to worry about it at all.
And finally, if there’s a post I reblogged that is, indeed, incest shipping and I’ve overlooked it, please let me know, I don’t want that on my blog. But otherwise I refuse to participate in this side of fandom where we are the moral police and cancel people entirely for their opinions about fictional characters.
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dykerachelsummers · 4 years
Fans rlly will be like "yes I only include the four popular Robins as Bruce's kids while making Dick and Damian very white, yes I will include Babs in the Batfam even tho she loves her dad v much while ignoring Cass who is Bruce's daughter, yes I will make a point to not include Cass or Duke when called out on it, how is that racist" and they really say it with their whole chest don't they
they’re just like “oh they said i’m being bigoted so i must act like a bigot to prove them wrong” and i’m just. so fucking tired
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cryolyst · 6 years
#i hate to sound all ''ugh fake fans'' and be all comic book elitist but like...#im seein ppl tht clearly don't know anything about dick grayson or the teen titans characters outside of the tv show and like...#it's fine if you aren't that into it and all ur knowledge happens to be from that but please#please please please don't say how dick wouldnt say fuck batman or starfire's powers are wrong or whatever#like the trailer truly looks bad n i don't feel good abt the show but. i see some people out there who rlly don't know what they sayin.#like. stop. dick was an officer. he absolutely had a fuck batman phase. the killing thing is ooc but it's. not making him jason.#ugh im just real annoyed rn.#don't even get me started on all the people slutshaming kory and saying awful shit about anna diop.#like i know her outfit in the teaser doesn't look good but can y'all stop with the misogyny and racism? the colorism? shut up.#i am very very tired of seeing anyone that isn't like. very specific kinds of actual comic readers from this site talking about this.#like i know all of this sounds stuck up but like. all of you who don't even know anything about dick except from the show#which again. nothing wrong with that but like. he isn't dick grayson and this show isn't the same as the cartoon. please.#AND ALSO. why is everyone even focusing on that line?? like?? not just bc i think it's in character but like#there was a whole two minutes of content. why isn't anyone ripping at anything else rn?#raven's whole ''darkness feels good''? dove's knife cape? the wack hair tht was on raven n starfire?#DICK LITERALLY KILLED LIKE 9 PEOPLE. STEPPED ON SOMEONE'S FACE. USED A FUCKING GUN.#BATFAM DON'T DO THAT. IDC IF THEY DIDN'T DIE. THAT WAS JUST REALLY WEIRD TO DO.#literally there was so much to talk about but all everyone is focused on is the ''fuck batman'' like. are you done. can we move on.#ignore me#dc
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