#not saying this as a callout necessarily to you anon
emailsicantsnd · 8 months
The only reason olivia was nominated for anything was because he label has always paid for it to happen she's in no way talented enough to win a Grammy on her own
see like here's the thing to my point yesterday from my post ab sabrina not being grammy nominated, there's a way to support someone without tearing down someone else (i.e. the women supporting women concept)
i'll be honest and say im not a fan of olivia. her music just personally isn't something i care for, and only really like a handful of songs of hers that i dont really reach for to listen anyways. but with that said, just because i dont really gel with her music doesn't mean im gonna go off and say she's not talented, bc that's totally subjective and clearly she has to have talent if she's had the astronomical success that she's had, and that's great for her, but her music isn't for me so it's inconsequential to me if she's nominated or not and that's okay! good for her, but i am bummed as hell that sabrina didn't nominated and unfortunately, bc of the DL drama (that i am BEYOND over hearing about and have my own gripes about how that was handled), sabrina is always gonna be inextricably linked to olivia, so it's one thing to be bummed about sabrina, but we dont have to go after olivia for getting nominated because they're two separate people that deserve to be talked about individually
i have my own issues with the grammys/scammys as is but that's not something im blaming on olivia or saying she has any fault in in the slightest. for me, i didnt particularly care for sour or guts because im very particular about my pop music since my first love is rock/punk/screamo/metal etc (more aggressive music) so for me it doesn't matter if she got the grammy nom, that's not something im concerning myself with, i just want us to be able to support women without it being at the expense of someone else in the industry because we dont have to be fans of everyone and that's okay 💌
at the end of the day this is my sabrina side blog, and that's who i wanna focus on on here 💌
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theoddest1 · 4 months
the "viv is like j*k*r" anon again!
i actually didn't have anyone *particular* in mind when i spoke about the weirdness of some people being left alone while there's tons of evidence and that there's people who got/get cancelled for the smallest stuff- just the "scenario" in itself. there's just some people wanting to cause drama and they dig stuff up that isn't even necessarily "bad", just questionable maybe. i mean i was an edgy ass "creepypasta teen" so i know first hand what's its like saying stupid sh*t and paying the price for it and learning from it- but bringing that up NOW wouldn't even achieve anything since a) i never said anything hateful, b) i was a child, c) i learned from it and grew as a person and c) what relevance does it have now? i doesn't affect anyone and i know better now than to do it again. but some people would still insist it's important- those types of people/scenarios are what i was talking about- if that makes sense!
Makes complete sense! In fact, it's these sort of callouts that aided in making actual worrisome and bad things found on Viv virtually unknown. I see people bring up the snake bath art Viv made more than her literally bullying and calling a 15 year old nasty for being critical of her work, or her being happy that Dollcreep attempted to take his life, or her openly being happy that her fanbase was harassing someone over a meme, or her uplifting, liking, and following problematic people who make the fandom worse.
But damn, that snake bath art bro, that's where I draw then line/j
Look I get it, that snake bath art is very weird, especially with the fact that Addi would be drawn in more than one sexual scenario with snakes or not, but to make this one of the main things to call Viv out for is wiiild. There's also the pedo character situation. I get it....she's a pedo, and the tag Viv made underneath that photo was weird af, but I have seen people say that her making a character a pedo PERIOD makes HER a pedo which...no. if she would place Mirage in a good light and make it where it's good, that's when I'll agree since placing pedophilia as some good thing and not something gross is batshit, but if they're meant to be a villain and seen as horrible that doesn't automatically make you a pedophile. It just means you made an irredeemable villain. However, her way of treating Mirage was pretty similar to how she treated Valentino sometimes, just more with her personality rather than her horrendous disgusting behavior and gross attraction.
In any case, claims like these are WHY people are even MORE apprehensive against callouts for Viv and muddied the waters, ultimately setting back MANY victims under Viv's name. It's why I HATE these sorts of posts on her. It does more harm than good and makes any victims trying to say their peace look like clout chasers, liars, and have people see them as jealous. Though, of course, people shouldn't shut out valid evidence and criticism all cause some flimsy callout came out, but this is like "the boy who cried wolf." Scream too many times, only for it to be nothing will make it harder for people to take you seriously when something serious actually happened.
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olderthannetfic · 10 months
“Besides, thinking in terms of "clearing your name" is very black and white and self-important.” You said this on my anon about how to not care about randos blocking you, can you elaborate there?
Tbh framing it as callout posts maybe wasn’t the best choice, J agree that no one in 2023 who listens to those is very smart, I’m thinking more of where I get in a discussion about X representation with one individual and I don’t respond the way they like/respond at all and don’t 100% agree with them and bow down to their infinite wisdom since they’re part of X minority group, and then that person starts *privately* warning others in the fandom (like in discords and stuff) that I’m X-ist or “unsafe for X people to follow” or I “talk over X people” and a bunch of people who weren’t involved at all start blocking for safety reasons. (And yeah I’m not being paranoid, people have told me this is happening.) The thing is, I’m sympathetic to why marginalized people are a bit over cautious in blocking — I have been myself, too — but there are so many people now who weaponize that for mean girl shit by just saying “racist” or “homophobic” or whatever and not discussing the actual situation, since that might cause some of these individuals to disagree with them if they knew. And it bothers me so much because a lot of these people are themselves deeply bigoted in other ways: for instance, I know someone in a fandom who was slurred as antisemitic and blocked by a bunch of randos where the “antisemitism” was “disagreed with one (1) Jewish person about whether a fictional group was a Nazi analogue” and the Jewish user in question was really racist toward people from some of the groups victimized by those other proposed analogues — but of course that is left out in that person’s version of events, as is the fact that plenty more Jewish people in the discussion agreed with OP than didn’t. Situations like that and what happened to me are why I think now it just makes sense to require evidence (as in the offending posts) when someone does an “OP is a terf” or whatever, so you can make up your own mind — but I’ve seen people get accused of shit just for asking that. Someone even said in response “a trans woman asked you nicely and you can’t even just take her word for it and block the TERF, you have to ask her to do the emotional labor of finding proof for you?” Yeah? She’s a stranger? I think it’s normal not to listen to random accusations from strangers without evidence behind them????
I mean, I assume tons of people block me for "safety reasons", but that's both their prerogative and a them problem.
You can either placate people all the time, or you can accept that some people will find you contentious/annoying/scary/whatever.
Whisper campaigns and callouts aren't actually different here. Someone who believes the rando that you're a bigot is also not interested in doing their own thinking and investigation. Maybe they're tired and busy. I can't fault them for that. Maybe they're easily led and you're better off without them.
The situation remains the same: there are a fuckton of people in the world and you are not going to run out of people to hang out with just because some believed a rumor.
People who go "How dare you ask for evidence?!" are generally bad news, especially when they have decided to intentionally take upon themselves the labor of spreading the news about so-and-so.
If someone demands I do a thing and then throws a tantrum, it's that person who's getting blocked.
As for why it's black and white and self-important, my reasons were in the other post:
Yes, I'm sure some people did just believe a whisper campaign and they genuinely think you're a bigot and that scared them off...
...but to assume that's necessarily why a specific person blocked you is silly.
It's entirely plausible that they blocked you after looking at your actual tumblr/twitter/whatever and finding you not to their taste. Maybe they looked after hearing the rumors, but that doesn't mean the rumors themselves are why they blocked. It's plausible that they block everyone whom they perceive to be involved in wank on the theory that no matter who's at fault, blocking all and sundry will lead to a quieter fandom life. They may block everyone who ships something they dislike. They may block for one single annoying response on one single post that they happen to see. (I have blocked hundreds of people for this kind of reason. Maybe thousands.)
The reason it's black and white thinking is that many people block for all kinds of murky "I just felt like it" reasons that aren't as dramatic as dividing other users into Safe and Unsafe, Good and Bad.
The reason it's self-important is that you're imagining that you matter to this person. You probably don't. Their reasons may be extraordinarily petty and not this grand drama about whether you're a bigot or not.
I mean, sure, the pattern you describe above is a constant in fandom now from what I can tell, but who cares?
The people being hurt by this are the people who are preemptively blocking interesting tumblrs, not the tumblrs that got blocked.
I suppose it's compassionate to wish for people to learn how to do their own research and not be swayed by rumors, but it's also not my job to save them from their lack of critical thinking skills.
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fandom-hoarder · 6 months
Considering OP is yelling at ppl to leave them alone when questioned on specifics because a post that says “the grooming in spn fandom is insane” (specifically Wincest) was “not a callout” and only “a legitimate safety concern” about “a space is known for well you know”, they are not worth the time. They also reacted very rudely to an anon who only wanted to apologize for following them (thinking that OP was anti Wincest and trying to respect OP’s boundaries). Just not worth it.
[I held onto this in my drafts for a day, but I think I'm just gonna publish it after all. Even though v did a much better job of addressing the op directly, imo, I'm not interacting with the op. I'm also going to gather screenshots in a posterity post, but it will likely be unrebloggable.]
Hmm, I debated publishing this ask, because I'm really just. So tired. And annoyed. And it's not a great combination for tact. Nevertheless...
I haven't seen the yelling myself, just avoidance and redirection. Flippancy. But maybe it's happening in a space I can't see, or between people I've blocked, idk. If so, it sounds a lot like it IS January 2023 redux 🙃🙃🙃 -- I HAVE seen it now, and my suspicion still stands, though still not 100%.
People need to stop making such serious accusations when they refuse to back it up. Words fucking mean things. Saying a certain sector of the fandom--that ostensibly you're also a part of?--has a problem with grooming and is stupid...that was NOT worded in a way to help people stay safe. It was worded like a vague callout post to scare people. We've seen those before. 🙄
A post that was actually concerned about grooming in online spaces *in general* would list some things to be aware of, things to recognize, tips for getting out of a situation. But no, it's this vaguepost without anything specific, with the one question in the notes asking for an explanation or if it's sarcasm-- unanswered [eta: well maybe they responded and I can't see it, since I realized I had op blocked]-- and one reblog from a person who claims it wasn't about wincesties specifically, when it demonstrably WAS??
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So who is doing it, and where/how? I don't necessarily think it's a good idea to make public posts with names that devolve into personal beef and worse, but if someone is making the accusation that there's a grooming problem in the fandom they need to come with receipts or at the very least descriptions of the situation??
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This isn't cutesy. You know exactly what anon is talking about, as shown later. Reblogging the post unaltered gives at least the appearance of agreeing with it as written.
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This isn't to make light of! You reblogged it.
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This isn't helpful.
If there was no one specific, why reblog a post specifically about the wincest fandom having insaneeee grooming? It wasn't "just in general." It's not a joke, yet this reply looks entirely unserious.
I am too old to keep seeing this type of shit go through the fandom at regular intervals, especially when it's so often a false accusation based on interpersonal drama. The only purpose this serves is riling up the dash. It's exhausting, and waters down the gravity of the accusation by making it a phrase that cries wolf.
I'm not even saying outright that the post is a LIE; just that it has seriously similar markers of past drama that was approximately 90% unaddressed purity culture biases about fiction, 9% interpersonal beef, and 1% actual concern for a human being who was an adult, but young. And it led to the utter gutting of fandom, loss of acquaintances, deletion of a glut of fic-- all due to smearing the reputation of a writer by using horrible UNTRUE AND INCENDIARY ACCUSATIONS.
So I'm sure many of you already understand why I take umbrage with these types of posts! Who knows if it's about fiction or something real? 🤷‍♀️
And since there's no further context to be found, the way it LOOKS on the dash is that someone is taking creeper!Dean too seriously. It could be about something else, but who knows.
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iphisesque · 10 months
can i ask why you ship gojo and megumi? not as wank or as a callout or anything like that, I promise (especially since I'm sure we both ship far more morally reprehensible couples than that lol), I'm just curious as to what you see in them as a ship!
hi anon! love your disclaimer lmao, it's so funny to see people get all up in arms about me "shipping" gofushi when i literally ship like. johndean.
i wouldn't say that i Ship gojo and megumi, or at least not the way people ship like kawoshin or harumichi or whatever other lovely romantic daydream-material ship: i feel like people in contemporary fandom use the word shipping in two ways, to indicate a couple they find healthy and semi-aspirational and cute together (like how people in this fandom ship itafushi or kirakari) or to indicate two characters whose existing dynamic they want to dig into and dissect (like how people "ship" waltjesse or gendo and rei).
me and my friends definitely belong to this second category wrt how we engage with gofushi: their dynamic is foundational not just to the story, but most importantly to understanding gojo and megumi as individual characters at all. gojo canonically kidnapped and groomed megumi after killing his father, bought and indoctrinated him into the jujutsu world as well as his own cult of personality, and demanded he become as strong as him (like geto once was) while deliberately hiding information about megumi's own technique; megumi, on the other hand, has practically never known another "paternal" authority figure besides gojo, they grew together, and as such he sees him as not only the strongest and his teacher the way the other students do, but also as someone he knows personally and whom he consistently relies on to help him (this moreso re: the status quo at the beginning of the story), and as a benefactor who saved his life and to whom he owes a large debt.
granted, none of this is necessarily indicative of a sexual dynamic, just a deeply exploitative and unhealthy mentorship; however, when you couple that with all the countless references to gojo being a creep or sketchy or too-touchy (and the multiple akutami-written jujusanpo where he preys on students, if you consider those to be canon-compliant), as well as akutami's taste in media that inspired jjk (leon the professional, satanic sweet, etc), an implication starts shaping itself pretty clearly and starkly if you have the eye for it, and me and my friends definitely have that eye.
as yall know i don't care for anti/proshipper discourse, i think it's stupid and reductive, but i would say that my little gang approaches gofushi in a way that's antithetical to the proshipper ethos: i have seen how proshippers ship gofushi, and it's mostly "omg aren't they soulmates so cute!! same age au where they kiss and hold hands <3 student teacher romances are adorable!!", while what we say is essentially "gojo abused his power to groom and molest megumi his entire life and nobody in jujutsu society batted an eye". i ship gofushi the way i would ship humbert and dolores, or akio and anthy, or fucking leland and laura, which is to say not at all: all of these are horrible abusive dynamics i like to rotate in my head, and whose "victim" characters i empathize with and dearly love.
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vigilskeep · 10 months
the negative comments about a character in posts about a character are sooooo fucking annoying especially if it's already a disliked/controversial character whose tag you can't enter without being bombarded with negative takes anyway. like listen i get being a hater i do it all the time but idk do it in private. i personally censor the names so it doesn't show in tag but i'm not asking people to do that but can y'all maybe not comment "yeah i dumped them for [the main fandom guy] lmao" under a character romance gifset. litcherally who asked. all this does is makes me dislike the main fandom guy bc somehow it's always their fans acting like dickheads. and the guy himself is like fine i don't hate him he's pretty neat but he's covered in the fucking Ooze™ bc the people who like him are toddlers who don't know how to behave. not to mention doing all that on a post of an artist [as in person who makes any kind of art and not necessarily drawing] who spent their fucking time and effort on something clearly dear to them and you just go "yeah i think they suck" the only one who sucks is you dear commenter. i swear i try to be a nice person but if this goes on i'll lose my shit and start being such a cunt to those people i'll end up with a bajillion callout posts about how i'm soooo negative and ruin the fandom and get in the way of people having fun. WELL THIS WOULDN'T HAPPEN IF Y'ALL WEREN'T GETTING IN EVERYONE ELSE'S WAY OF HAVING FUN. idk what this is and why only fans of characters like g*rrus or ast*rion do it and everyone else has the braincells to have some decency and be a normal human who doesn't comment their very important (no) negative opinion on people's work. MAKE YOUR OWN FUCKING POST TELL A FRIEND HOW MUCH THAT OTHER BLORBO SUCKS COMPARED TO YOURS IDK TOUCH GRASS
you're probably gonna look at this and go "anon what the fuck" and yeah i don't blame you i'm just. very tired. feel free to ignore or respond with that mcdonalds cashier meme idk i just needed to say this
i’m patting you on the head consolingly. yeah
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fictionfreedom · 5 months
hi. i dont know how to really start this but like. i guess i present myself as being against radqueer stuff / pro para stuff. like outwardly. but if we're being honest i feel like im probably one myself. i feel stuck. everyone who knows me i think is not okay with this stuff. basically ive just been supressing things this entire time. i dont know if its good to live that way? i guess it sucks to know that honestly a lot of people would hate me a lot for who i really am and how i really feel. i dont want people to attack me but like. i feel kind of... fascinated with the para community? like. i wont lie ive followed quite a few people in this community in secret but otherwise just suppressed it. the recent callout stuff thats going on this website though is like... it feels like its bringing stuff up. like obviously i dont agree with like acts of abuse but like. ive been breaking down a lot suddenly about seeing people who are similar to me getting harassed for things that i feel too. like i suppress it and pretend to be anti i think because i just want to survive. eveyone says like its the more moral thing to be against this stuff because its bad and gross and only bad and gross people feel that way. i dont think im bad and gross? i mean sometimes i feel that way. but like, my attractions dont feel gross in the moment. i only feel that way when im beating myself up for thinking about them. i feel like i still want to otherwise keep them to myself outside of this anon but it hurts honestly to see people who i like talking about how it makes someone a bad person and that you deserve harassment for it. i dont know if it woild be helpful for me to be open and prideful like everyone else. i dont want to be hurt. but i want friends or something that wont hate me forever or even ruin my life because i feel the way i do. i mean ive tried to stop feeling aroused and attracted to the things i do. ive tried but obviously i cant stop it and it's probably uneraseable. wtf do i do?
Wow that's a lot for an ask. I don't quite know if I'm good at giving advice but I'll definitely say this: You are in no way a bad person for these feelings, and the fact you even feel bad about them in the first place proves that. It is not a thing you can necessarily stop unless it's a trauma response, and even then most people have to go through therapy just to get close to stopping those feelings, and even then that's usually just dealt with through finding ways to have an outlet for harmful paraphilias such as certain kinks and whatnot so that they aren't actually harming anyone, such as roleplay and whatnot or through means of fiction. I will still say it's best you don't identify yourself as a Radqueer, as most Radqueers are well known to be Pro-contact which means they are fine with people acting on things like pedophilia and zoophilia outside of a roleplay/fiction scenario. If you feel that you want to express your paraphilias and whatnot to other people, even if those people aren't your friends but rather just a good community, I'd suggest looking around on here for servers and whatnot, but again I suggest avoiding radqueers and any places that say they support anti-recovery people. You may HAVE to interact with Radqueers or radqueer-type things to find stuff about different labels and whatnot, but besides that I still say avoid them or interact with them in a careful context. It absolutely isn't a good way to live, suppressing these things and beating yourself up over it, and even if you just continue to vent or talk about these things anonymously it's still a good thing to talk about. You are not a bad person for feeling or thinking these things, no matter how you feel about them, and the only thing that can make you a bad person in this situation is if you act on them in a non-fictional/roleplay scenario.
If anyone else has advice for this person feel free to put it in the comments/reblogs, and I will personally be deleting anything rude or hurtful towards this person as they are obviously not doing well mentally because of this stuff.
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space-writes · 7 days
Please, how do i use the templates? the callout ones? im in tears trying to figure this out
hey anon, sorry it took me a minute to get to this!
i’m guessing you’re talking about either my custom callouts for tags and summary, or the infobox callouts, cause those are the only ones i remember posting about.
since i’m not sure which bit you’re stuck on, i’ll go over all the tricky points i can think of and hopefully one will be helpful, but please please comment or inbox me again if you’re still stuck so i can try and help!
for the custom callouts for tags/summary in the fic template:
install the Admonition plugin (plugin install tutorial)
Download the custom callouts json and save it somewhere you can find it
Edit the file name, and change .txt to .json. You’ll get a popup saying something like ‘this will change the file, are you sure?’. Click yes, it’s okay.
In the settings for the Admonition plugin, click on ‘choose files’ next to the ‘import admonitions’ option.
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Import the file you just renamed. It should look like this:
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To use one in a note, you need to type/otherwise insert a callout so that it looks like this:
> [!tags] Title > Contents
The part inside the square brackets is the type of callout - the names of them are set in the Admonition plugin for these custom ones.
for the infoboxes callouts
(caveat: these are not my callouts, they were created by SlRvB, so i can't necessarily troubleshoot every issue that might crop up with them.)
Download the ITS Callouts Snippet
Add the snippet to your CSS folder (tutorial on how to do that here)
Enable the snippet
Use one of the examples from the ITS Documentation Wiki to help format the callout
This post has some rough guidelines for then further adjusting how the callout looks
for using a template in general
i haven’t done a simple tutorial of my own, but the Obsidian help docs cover it pretty well: Templates - Obsidian Help
otherwise, for any of the templates I’ve linked in posts, you should just be able to copy and paste them out of the pastebin file into Obsidian.
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monkberries · 1 year
I have a late hot take Tuesday take: Ringo is the real PR Beatle. I have nothing against the guy but I have noticed nothing sticks to him in the way it does for the others. Reading Beatles bios, he's often described as the least communicative and even stand-offish. In many photos and videos, including Get Back, he looks like he's having the worst time of his life. There's been rumors over the years of him being grumpy to fans, not paying well, and there's the infamous "peace and love no more autographs" video. In his individual parts of Anthology he's subdued, monotone, and serious. And YET. Who has the reputation for being the stick-in-the-mud? George.
He outright admitted to almost beating Barbara to death and it sounds like the last years with Maureen got dicy yet who is known as the wife-beater? John.
Paul doing stuff for kids and playing up to cameras is cringe. Ringo doing it is charming. While Paul's response to John's death was awkward, Ringo came across as admirably vulnerable. Paul dying his hair? Pathetic. Ringo? You mean the guy who's somehow looked the same for 30 years?
He moved to Monaco to avoid taxes, was regularly photographed with different women, was one of the most notorious partiers in the 70s, has questionable political opinions, and was drunk in pretty much every 80s appearance but he narrated Thomas the Tank Engine, sang Yellow Submarine and loved his old bandmates so he maintains this cuddly approachable image. Ringo is down-to-earth!
His twitter is also a masterclass in PR.
That's not to say I think the way Ringo expresses his feelings is calculated or that all of this was necessarily intentional but I don't believe it's an accident either. So it's not fair Paul is the only one called out on it.
Wow this was an essay. Sorry. lmao
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i know you're not trying to cancel him, and not to dunk on you, anon, because i love that you sent this (an Actual For Real Hot Take), but this reads a little like a Your Fave Is Problematic callout post where "nearly beating his wife to death" sits alongside innocuous things like "quit the band and went on vacation" lmao
i mean, i do totally agree with your point as a whole that ringo gets away with a lot in terms of his public image. he definitely does. i feel like of all of them, ringo gets talked about like a rounded complex human being the least.
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noa-ciharu · 1 year
F, I
F - what's the longest you've ever been in fandom?
I think around 3-3.5 years. It was KHR fandom, I think I was 12-15.5 back then. But clamp fandom would probs be my longest since I'm at around 3 years now
I - has tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so which and why?
Yes and that's actually why I prefer non popular fandoms. I used to be in naruto fandom, more specifically sns ship subfandom and I lasted there for couple months before I actually started disliking the ship. Solely based on association with how vile fandom was.
Countless shipwars, top vs bottom discourses in holy year of 2022, attacking other ships, making analysis posts full of bias and mental gymnastic, countless antis (look, I don't even ship naruhina or sasusaku, but the hate those ships got under pretense of "criticism" created negative energy in fandom; ffs some sns shippers use sasusaku as a slur :/), attacking artits and fanfic writers within fandom for bs, demanding everything is IC and making callout posts for anyone interpreting characters in OOC way and so on.
Last straw for me was when I saw some anon being attacked for saying they personally see nothing romantic between sasuke and naruto but get why people ship them. I sort of tried to defend that person by saying "hey, ship isn't explicitly stated as canon, it's up for interpretation and someone seeing it as platonic or QPR isn't necessarily a homophobe or ass too deep in their heteronormative mindset" - and OP wrote few k long post how I lack critical thinking ability, am causing oppression for gay men irl (hello???), may not be homophobic but should reevaluate why I don't see sns as romantic and basically told me I have my ass too deep in heteronormativity if I can't see "uwu best love story ever written"
So yes, I was so done with sns fandom after that. I doubt other parts of naruto fandom are any better tbh.
Beside that cursed fandom I tend to avoid bsd fandom nowadays since it's swamped by younger fans, more precisely tiktokers. I liked it back in 2016-2017 when it was less popular, but fandom got too fluffy, shipy and dictating for my liking. Also the way characters get misinterpreted makes me cringe so much
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deiteyarchived · 2 years
going over the situation
so literally maybe 30 minutes ago i got an anon linking a callout post on one of my mutuals.
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im going to go over every point made by this person. the attention is probably what they want but im too mad to care.
1. The first point made by this individual is that my mutual has problematic interests.
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First and foremost, anyone with critical thinking skills can enjoy something "problematic". One of the most important things about consuming media is being able to understand the things in it that are problematic and/or offensive. These things don't have to stop you from enjoying something as long as you know and understand what makes the media problematic.
2. I will let the screenshot speak for itself
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Bordering on terf logic! Fun. (sarcasm)
Lets look at the posts they are talking about.
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The intrusive thoughts comic is about HIS OWN PERSONAL INTRUSIVE THOUGHTS. The way he wishes to cope with them is up to him. Can no one cope with their mental health by joking about it? Are you suddenly the cope police?
To the second part of that, you claim my mutual believing men have it hard and get mocked is misogynistic. My mutual reblogged a post about the demonization of masculinity which is experienced by transmasc people. That post is about the transphobia that transmen experience. Not every post about the struggles of masc people are trying to undermine femme struggles. Everyone has struggles and everyone has the right to talk about their struggles.
3. Now we get to the dumbest parts.
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That first post isn't even necessarily a vent. He is stating he wants to leave his state and the country. There's nothing "manipulative" about that. The second post he was GENUINELY asking/reaching out for help. HE DOES WANT ATTENTION HE WANTS THE ATTENTION SO HE CAN GET HELP. Attention is not a bad thing! Shocking! Also wanting help is manipulative now? okay.
4. Dumb
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You add this in the callout and yet! You look on your own blog and you have literally done the same thing. Shut the fuck up. ITS ON THE OFFICIAL ART PAGE.
5. Dumbest
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I cannot even begin to describe. The hatred in my heart. The utter malice I feel in this moment.
I'm exhausted. You're fucking stupid. Delete the post and go touch some grass.
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acourtofthought · 2 years
Heyyo, I’m the person that made the callout post towards Elriels and their beef with the color yellow that your most recent anon post was about. I just figured I stop by and clarify some things. Sorry in advance if this doesn’t make much sense, I’m super tired rn lol The post I was talking about/calling out was actually made a few days after your toga post, and basically the anti-toga blogger made a post that agreed w/ an anon saying that fan artists were responsible for Elain hate or some shit. If I’m remembering right, it implied that two artists were problematic because 1 said they associated Elain w/ the color yellow, and 1 didn’t want to make fanart of her for an acotar project they were doing. No artists were called out directly, and I haven’t been in the fandom long enough to know all of the big fan artists, but the post did use pretty specific examples of things certain Instagram artists did, so someone knowledgeable on the fandom might be able to deduce who they are. Normally I wouldn’t of had enough of an issue with that to feel the need to make a callout, but the blog ended up accepting another anon confession where someone called neutral elriel commission artists a “waste of money” and asked for a list of pro elriel artists to commission. Obviously people are allowed to have their preferences and whatever, but I am worried that the elriel community is jeopardizing commission artists by fostering an environment where artists will be under a lot of scrutiny. That’s why my petty little callout post was mostly me promising Eluciens that I’d make them some fanart, it was kind of a “fuck you elriels, artists don’t like you anyways” lol. Also, I pissed off one of my elucien muts by making a joke about how the real problem w/ Elain’s black dress was that it wasn’t slutty enough, and I wanted to make up my bad joke with some Elucien content (I’m only mentioning this because they follow this account) (shoutout to my girl, this fanart is for YOU bestie). TL;DR: No artists are being harassed yet, but Elriels are starting to create a worrying environment. I don’t think any of your posts are responsible directly, but I do think you advocating for toga fan art kinda pushed the anti-toga blogger to openly not like fanartists in general. I’m hoping that we’ll stop with the toga/suit/black/yellow debates because all of these debates are heavily linked to commission artists jobs, and I don’t think ships are worth jeopardizing someone’s financial stability/mental health
I am sorry that your original post went over my head because honestly I had no idea that was all going on. I've recently been blocking a lot of accounts I'm uncomfortable with because I've become a lot more Anti E/riel lately and I realize that's a bit of a change from when I first joined (when I was open minded to either ship). I didn't want to deal with stirring up E/riel supporters because that just leads to a lot of inbox hate messages.
I do apologize if a post I created somehow led to discontentment towards fanartists although I feel it has to be said, E/riels have already created a worrying environment that's been around for quite awhile. I'm a super small fish on Tumblr and don't have the following a lot of other bloggers have so I'm not sure that anything I've posted has the sort of major impact that would drastically spill over elsewhere.
Also, I wasn't necessarily advocating for Toga fanart. More acknowledging why artists who have already created Toga fanart should not be attacked for their work. There was already fanart shared during Elucien week that anti's were up in arms over and I felt their arguments were fairly baseless so I was addressing that more than saying Elain and Lucien should be in Togas all day, every day :D I just felt bad that someone's work was being attacked.
Unfortunately, I think Anti E/riels will find a way to rally against anyone they think might show loyalty to those that are Pro Elucien. That is extremely childish and I feel horrible that any artists would have to deal with that sort of behavior. And I think if that is the type of person they are, it doesn't really matter what we blog about because hardcore anti's will use literally anything we say to further their cause.
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barbierpt · 5 months
i’m also of personal opinion that fc and character can be separated, however, i do think there are some limits that both we as people and the rpc as a whole should enforce and have a right to be mad about. gal gadot is actively complicit in the gxnocide of an entire people. i understand that just because a fc has a certain opinion, the mun playing them doesn’t necessarily have the same one, but there’s two things to this for me.
the first is that there are certain acts so horrid and despicable, that using a fc like that will be triggering most likely. and i don’t mean fcs that had one misstep 10 years ago, but i mean seeing active abusers, trump-supporting racists, zixnists who want the deaths of pxlestinians, murderers, rxpists, etc. it’s things that are incredibly triggering for, arguably, the majority of rpc members. i think if we care for this to be a community we should be mindful of these extremes in interacting with each other, and banning fcs that support these horrid things is a small step.
the second for me is that while the mun might disagree with the fcs actions, and once again, i do talk about the most horrid acts here not smaller discretions, they are still giving a signal that it isn’t disagreeable enough for them that they would stop using them for these characters. you are giving everyone a sign that you might disagree with the fc, but not enough so to switch them out for someone else.
i do think you have good intentions whenever you speak on these subjects but i also think it’s important to note that as a roleplayer who’s home country has been attacked by isrxel, seeing someone use a fc that actively champions and supports that destruction does immediately make me think of the points mentioned above, even when the mun or group might not “agree” with what the fc has said or done. 3000 children being kxlled doesn’t disgust them enough to stop using zixnist fcs actually championing that mxrder, the bar is in hell.
thank you so much for your input, anon, it's really well said and thought out and i appreciate hearing your opinion and view 💓 i think what you and i are saying/thinking are leaning towards a similar place in this topic. like you said, (i'm paraphrasing here) there are levels to what atrocities a fc's committed that really makes the situation depending. like i mentioned armie hammer as an example in my group, while none of us at the time were uncomfortable with those accusations just coming out and them just being accusations, things changed when things got more serious and he quickly became a banned fc in our group after the player changed their character's fc.
i definitely understand your take on the gal gadot (and other zionist) fc issues and i also think what's happening is terrible. it's gross that so many innocent lives, both adults and children, are being taken. i am not from palestine so looking at a fc's face doesn't personally trigger me (though i do give a disgusted scowl). then again, gal is not a fc i use for any of my characters so that's also where i'm coming from. i definitely respect why you feel the way you do specifically about this and it's absolutely valid. and if an admin of a group wants to use that kind of fc and no one in the group wants to say anything otherwise, then that's obviously not a group i want to be a part of. idk if it's really worth making public callouts and trying to cancel the whole group though.
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⚠️warning post regarding the users weimu (now ppgd), flonnezillas, & stupidneet (check blog description for updated urls)
UPDATE AS OF 5/02/2021 (BEFORE POSTING):  the user weimu now goes under the name “gabberzon“. this url was a past username flonnezillas owned, and is now in use under the user weimu. user flonnezillas has terminated (to our knowledge). stupidneet has also changed her url to darkishcircles. UPDATE AS OF 5/14/2021 (BEFORE POSTING): raquel has deleted her server. the people behind the post still find everything here relevant and necessary to bring to light. 
the following post was made as a warning to showcase the behavior of some of the users on the site. if you're a minor we highly discourage you from interacting with any of the individuals mentioned; if you're 18+, do as you wish but with discretion (and the trigger warnings in mind). we find the things these users have said and done to be morally reprehensible, and to be genuinely concerning. this isn't some random petty callout post; we sincerely believe the behavior of those mentioned to be genuinely concerning and need to be brought to light.
that being said, we also do not condone the harassment or hate towards these users. the people behind this blog recognize that bringing forth this sort of thing may incite other users to do so, but we highly are against it. sending hate and harassment is not the way to go about this. simply stay away from those users if you have nothing better to add to the situation. thank you.
(all images have been censored for proper viewing. if you don't believe the claims being made, you're free to ask for the uncensored versions of the screenshots off anonymous so long as you're 18+. usernames/icons censored are of the minors or those irrelevant to the post in the server.)
⚠️ major tw: necrophilia, lolicon + pedophilia mentions, nsfw, irl gore (one image in particular contains a 17 year old girl)/drawn guro, & underaged characters in torture/sexual situations. ⚠️
users mentioned + their past/present urls (please check description of the blog for updated urls): 
raquel/witch/cas (17 yrs at the time of posting) (neko865 > ureshichan > autismchan > weimu >  gabberzon >  omduvarmin > ppgd | past sideblogs were disgustchan, suicidegirlsjp, and now currently speedcorebeach [tw for guro/gore]) 
dasch/rena (18 yrs at the time of posting ) (catgirlmode >  slashermedia > mawisa > stupidneet > femcelirl > darkishcircles  > aspiechan > 719203727299272910822810 > 71920372729922980822810) 
maid/val/vale/valentine (20 yrs at the time of posting ) (morimiyamiddleschoolshooting > raspberry-valentine > nekrofylia > phonestalker > gabberzon > pukemaid > morimiya > flonnezillas | sideblog named ichigomashimaros)
url proof here. 
first thing we’d like to address here is raquel’s server and what goes on in it, as the server is not at all properly ran or moderated well. on her blog, she explicitly states this:
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but still allows those under the age of 16 to join her server, and doesn’t even make it mandatory to make an intro or for the users in there to state if they’re a minor or not. however there are minors that are in the server, and it’s clear who they are. we wont be showing who they are, but there are a handful that have joined and are active within it.
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raquel herself is also a minor (being 17) so it’s odd that she wouldn’t make sure that fellow minors wouldn’t be kept away from some of the things that are said and shown in the server. that being said, a few of the conversations that have gone on publicly in the server have been about:
dasch’s tights and how sweaty they were, with raquel and maid talking about wanting to do things to her tights
dasch offering her bra 
talking about having phone sex together
openly condoning gore in the chats and saying it’s fine to be 100% okay with gore (which isn’t true, it’s fine to have a fascination with gore but to be 100% okay with it or even obsess over it is not okay). 
(screenshots of the conversations can be found here & here.)
we recognize that a few of these conversations are obviously jokes/banter between the three, but it is still wildly inappropriate to publicly talk like this where minors can see. you have an nsfw chat, at least use it properly.  (important to note: in raquel’s server, the nsfw & real life gore channels were opened to the public for awhile, accessible to anyone at any age, before there was a complaint to make them hidden with a role. even with a role implemented, the guro channel is still visible to those who have the ‘baby’ role [and as guro is, the content is very sexual].)
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second thing that is worthy of being addressed is how (mainly) dasch and maid fetishize irl gore, dead bodies, and crime scene photos. as stated prior, we’ve censored out the images that were posted, but if you would prefer to see uncensored versions of the images (if you somehow don’t believe what is being censored), you’re welcomed to come off anon and ask for the uncensored versions (so long as you are 18+). like the rest of the screenshots, they can be found in a separate link here.
third thing that is noteworthy of the people mentioned are the things they post publicly to their blogs. on raquel’s blogs, she has warnings in her pinned posts. 
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the warnings on her blog, while one being genuine and the other uncaring, do in fact warn users that content on her blogs are nsfw and explicitly state what she posts. however, this doesn’t mean she is exempt from criticism of what she posts. anytime raquel is called out for posting something questionable, she simply blames it all on “terfs”, that she’s allowed to post the things she posts because she is also a minor, or that you’re in the wrong for insinuating that a csa victim would even have lolicon art. raquel is not free from criticism from this, as she has posted art with actual children in it. the people behind this post mean no disrespect to raquel and the things she has been through and we respect that entirely. that being said, this does not mean you are free from criticism of the things you post willingly to your blogs. especially when some of the things you’ve posted in the past include children.  when asked why she doesn’t credit artists on her guro blog, this is what she responded with:
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someone in her notes also pointed this out, but to our knowledge she never acknowledged what they replied to the post with (censored out as they are not relevant to the post).
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regardless if you credit the artist or not, people can reverse image search to find the creator themselves. it’s also worth mentioning that you are blatantly admitting to posting from a pedophilic artist. you are still supporting this pedophile’s art by doing so. you are admitting the guro content you post is from pedophilic sources, and regardless if you source them or not, you are inherently posting pedophilic content.
we’ve provided examples of posts on her main blog here, and examples of posts on her sideblog here. major tw (for lolicon art & underaged characters), although we’ve censored the images, the content is still pretty intense. 
the next person we would like to shed light to and the things they post are maid. since the post started, maid has terminated her account. however some screenshot examples (with links) still exist, so those are what we will be using to explain the sorts of things she posts/has posted. 
before we go on, we would like to make it clear that we have no definitive proof that maid is a pedophile, but the content she is into is very questionable due to the nature of what they are. a few of things that she is into can be considered lolibait, which includes a lot of underaged girls. 
examples of the media (click the links for examples of her posting about it):
ichigo mashimaro (strawberry marshmallow): an anime/manga about 10-12 year old girls, that while not problematic itself, the creator of the anime makes lolicon-esque content of the girls (outside of the anime/manga). the media is also heavily known for being liked by lolicons.
ro-kyu-bu!: an anime surrounding a basketball team comprised of mostly young girls, the content of the anime itself is rather deplorable as it sexualizes the young girls very frequently (which is basically the only plot it has). very much known for being lolibait and liked by lolicons. 
on her main blog, she had reblogged this post:
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(post contains two young teenagers from yuru yuri.)
just on the surface, this image isn’t necessarily sexual and we do not claim that maid reblogged this with sexual intentions, however with her consumption of media known for lolibait, it makes it questionable. 
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she also has a body pillow of satou matsuzaka, a 15 year old girl from the anime “my happy sugar life”. we wont be getting into the content of the anime here, but it should be odd enough that this 20 year old woman has a pillow of a 15 year old girl. 
the last thing we’d like to address with maid is the posts on her instagram (can be found here. major tw for guro & emetophilia [all of which is censored]). a main point here that we haven’t brought up is that she blatantly fetishizes asian women and often posts about them. you can go here to look at a few of the things she’s posted and the fetish nature of the content she puts out there involving them. 
the point of this post was to highlight a few users in the animecore community who are clearly unable to host servers or interact around minors properly. we still do not condone the harassment of these users, and we would highly recommend to simply block them in response to this post rather than seek them out and harass them. there’s no point in doing so, however we realize we cannot stop every single person who reads this post from doing something. all we can do is state that we are against doing so and have no want or need to engage with that sort of behavior. 
to the users this post highlighted, if you’ve read everything through, good on you. instead of taking this as a call out post for drama (which genuinely was not the intent of this post), maybe the few of you can recognize the faults you have here and work on them and change for the better. this isn’t some post made because those behind it had personal beef or something with the users it mentions. this post was made because some of you cannot behave and act appropriately when interacting with minors and the general public. clearly not, as a server was allowed to exist with tons of minors alongside fucking weirdos. maybe give a shit about the minors you allow to interact with you. thanks
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thejudgingtrash · 4 years
Annabeth is a good person,but not a nice or pleasant one,IMO.
That’s it. That’s the post. Pack it up everybody, we just cracked the case and cleared up one of the most compelling fights in the PJO fandom since forever. Good job everybody, clap it out and there’s the door! Don’t forget ordering the drinks at Starbucks, Mitch! They’re on me!
Okay, but on a more serious note: YES. YES EXACTLY.
And before some of you roll your eyes or grab your pitchforks – put your biases aside and hear me out for once. I like Annabeth. She’s my in my top three characters only second to Percy himself. I love Percabeth. It’s my favorite ship in the entire series and to be frank, the only ship that I care about PJO wise. Hell, I spend my time creating my own headcanons or writing my own fanfics with Percabeth being the star in them.
But that is not to say that I’m unable to see how certain things have developed over the years or where they stand now in regard to Annabeth. I’m not here to ignore things that have been said and/or done due to or in the name of Annabeth and I’m not here to vilify anyone that doesn’t like her. And I’m here to admit that I’m guilty of some of the things that may be addressed in this meta essay that you will read in just a second. However, I try my best to assure you, that I’m for once able to recognize my own bias.
Warning: a monster essay lies right upon you.
This should count as a paper of its own.
Back to the statement on top: I would go out even further to reframe your claim, anon:
Annabeth Chase is a good character but not a nice or pleasant person.
Annabeth is a wonderful character but she isn’t a nice one. Or at least not nice to everyone. She is (construction wise if I dare say) the best character out of the series. She has her positive traits (she’s caring, she’s emotional, she’s encouraged and volunteers, she fights for what she believes in, she forgives (even if doing so begrudgingly)) but she also has her negative traits (she’s stubborn, she’s brash, changing her mind takes forever, she is prejudiced, she baits others). That balances things out. She is branded as the intelligent kid but does irrational things (like I’ve just said a) she’s a kid and b) she’s not a robot). She should probably know better, but we all make mistakes and hopefully grow and learn from them. The clouds in the sky do blur and cover our visions sometimes.
Annabeth had clashes with other characters or was about to have fights due to her stubbornness or jealousy (Rachel, Reyna, etc.) and has of course her problems with the mortal world and her family but she also found new friends, some things cleared up throughout the narration and she was/is quite popular in Camp Half-Blood.
The thing is: she doesn’t have to be nice or pleasant (as a character). Or at least not all the time. Her character is humanized. That is what or who she is. Human. She does stand out as a character, not just because she’s the (future) love interest. She feels like someone you could meet in real life and either adore from the top to the bottom or declare as your biggest enemy. And that’s totally okay if you lean either way – liking or disliking her. Or even feeling indifferent about her. Also great!
To say that she has been the best character that Riordan has crafted is easy to say, because she has been sculpted after Riordan’s wife. He had a model he could rub some of real-life events or traits on. That’s not the problem. The problem truly doesn’t lie on Riordan’s side for the most part for once.
The problem is inherently on the fandom’s side. What the fandom does, how it acts and how it treats Annabeth as a character is the problem. The problems vary but it’s mostly the mischaracterization of Annabeth, starting fights and fan/ship wars, internalized misogyny (in some cases) and how some of the Annabeth stans lash out (ha, got firsthand experience in that field among many of my friends and mutuals!). There is a reason why many people are wary of people that have Annabeth or Percabeth related URLs.
The fact that we see Annabeth mostly through Percy’s lens and (until the Heroes of Olympus saga hits) we never really see her in chill everyday situations is essentially Riordan leaving the back door of the house open, ready for all of you asshats to rob his mansion in Boston. Because a frame on a character means that we don’t get to see the character in its entirety (unlike we do with Percy in PJO for the most part). That means a bunch of stuff is left open for interpretation which is the reason why Annabeth gets so many polarized headcanon and opinions tossed around. I think that is one of the true appeals of Annabeth. You can add on stuff and it necessarily doesn’t have to contradict itself.
We have people calling her abusive due to a (n admittedly stupid and unnecessary) judo flip and we have people that act like she’s never done anything wrong. People sorta use this excuse to form and shape Annabeth however they want and distort her characterization.
People in the fandom act like Annabeth is some weird prized possession. We perceive Annabeth mostly through the eyes of others (Percy, Apollo, etc.) and when we had some sort of insight in her ways (MOA, HOH) it felt… weird? Somewhat? Like Riordan left two bullet points of her characterization and told the ghostwriter: aight, fuck it up, gringo, see you on Tuesday and greet Fred the next time you see him for me. 
There have been many posts lately (by Tharini, Simi, Sawasawako, Jewishpercy and Annie I believe?) that HOO Percabeth felt weird. That they felt weirdly constructed, that there was no conflict, no growth. It felt stagnating, like we’re turning back. We had five books prior where we had Annabeth and Percy slowly shifting from disliking to liking and crushing each other. True development. And when we finally got the cake it felt… dissatisfying. Like the cheap box stuff and not the delicious exquisite taste that we were promised.
I said it previously in my Percabeth ship roast, but let me repeat myself: many Percabeth related things are straight up fanon. Some of it is very old fanon so that’s been unable to distinguish unless you’ve read the books recently and subtract nearly 99,9% of things you see on Tumblr (and occasionally the other shitty parts of the fandom like Reddit, IG, Twitter. Although they mostly steal and recycle tumblr stuff oh well. But back to the topic).
The way people treat Annabeth is so strange. She’s either an innocent fluffy smush baby that’s never harmed a fly and all that she wants for Christmas is being Percy’s lapdog or she’s the devil incarnate, broke into your house, killed your parents Batman style, kicked your puppy and didn’t flush the toilet on the way out. I think this is what mostly makes people hate her or the ship Percabeth. And both extremes are wrong and right at the same time? She is multifaceted so both stereotypes are true and untrue and sorta cancel each other out in the same way.
The true reason why people dislike Annabeth is because the stans are doing the most. (The haters as well, don’t get me wrong, but oh boy. Piss of a stan and you’ll know what I mean). That isn’t inherently new. Are you guys old enough to remember the ship wars that have happened cross platform? Perachel vs. Percabeth? Oh boy, oh boy. I saw some kids on tumblr a few months ago trying to infiltrate both tags and start shit (and also fail). The fact that Rachel still gets used as the bitchy (ex) girlfriend in fanfics? It’s 2020 guys. I know this apocalyptic year is far from perfect and over but I think we can let this trope die, right? Right? I thought we’ve established that Rachel is a pretty chill charcter by now… right?
If you posted your stuff on FFN back in 2010-2013 and it wasn’t the typical cutesy Percabeth story (Goode High, the gods read TLT, punk/prep Percabeth, college AU, etc.) people would’ve come for your fucking throat. Not because the story or the narration was shit. But because the pairing wasn’t Annabeth and Percy (in the sense that Annabeth had to be paired with Percy. I mean Percy gets shipped with everyone and their mother but for Annabeth it was strictly Percy. As annoying as this whole Connabeth thing is – the people behind it actually had a point. She never had a different love interest unless it’s a Percy centered story and he goes off dating Athena, Artemis and Zoe at the same time for some odd reason. Yeah, FFN Percy ships are something). Or it wasn’t the action filled canon compliant story or it wasn’t an AU that was popular.
People were really stubborn, snobbish and wanted their stuff in the four five boxes that were the most popular ones and that’s it. People have been bullied off the site in many fandoms, so it’s not a PJO-only thing but it’s still sad that it happened. (Off-note: most of these FFN tropes are still alive and well and thriving on AO3. Don’t be so snobbish and pretend that every piece you’d find there is a holy grail. There’s a lot of trash you have to waddle through. Same with Wattpad, Tumblr or anywhere else where fanfics get posted. Also had this discussion with Annabeth stans. Sigh).
And Tumblr back then? Forget it, wasn’t much better.
That view has sorta changed (at least for people that have been in the fandom for several years or have managed to find a way to navigate through it) but some of the negative sentiment from back in the day has survived. Be it by new fans coming in or from old fans that never let their stance die. The aggression feels differently and somewhat not. (I don’t know if the anon function had been abused that much back in the day. I was an observer not a participant in the fandom).
Crack a joke at Annabeth’s expense (Kal’s famous “Annabeth is a Republican” post or Dee Dee’s and many others “Annabeth has the education of a second grader, chill with the college plans, girlie” stance) and you have people insulting you, making callout posts, unfollowing and blocking you (based on only that? Okay, honey), making aggressive counter-posts, etc. in a minute. If you respond with “It’s a joke, it’s not real” you have a 50/50 chance of either getting blown off or embarrassing them so that they apologize for once.
This isn’t just about jokes. You can make a headcanon that’s not the cozy cute convenient mainstream saga and people would react the same way. Or art piece (no, not including the whole Tannabeth Blackchase shtick done by Viria and others) or fanfics.
People project so much onto the unfinished canvas that is Annabeth Chase that any form of negative sentiment as little as someone not liking her to straight up criticism, regardless of how tiny it may be, seems like an affront. Like an invitation to a fight. Like an insult to them, their character, everything they believe in. Let me state something:
You are NOT Annabeth Chase. Annabeth Chase IS NOT you. Annabeth Chase is NOT real. Her feeling cannot be hurt. Someone criticizing, disliking, joking about her or even insulting her will not bother her. Someone making a statement about her is not an insult to YOU.
Let me repeat that:
Annabeth Chase isn’t real. Annabeth Chase isn’t you.
So think a little before you act? I get it when you’re a kid and new to fandoms or haven’t been up with fan cultures in the past and are back in the scene. But if you’re in your late teens or even older as an adult and you’re unable to understand that you aren’t what you like – you aren’t the extension of a fictional character – I feel incredibly sorry for you. Because that’s just incredibly sad. Someone disliking something you like isn’t an attack of your character. It shows you that you are you and the other person is a human just like you. That they just have different taste. Disliking something you like isn’t a crime, you know? But me feeling sorry for the way some of y’all act won’t mean that that’s even remotely okay. Especially if you’re no longer in the intended audience for PJO age wise and should know better.
This isn’t a “white stans” only thing. I’ve seen and witnessed firsthand how people of color, mainly women of color, act the same or not even worse when it comes to her character. People have projected their problems and real-life occurring events into her character (I’m sure that she isn’t the only character nor that this is the only fandom where this is happening) and in some cases like I’ve said cannot separate their own personality from the fictional world. Fights with woc happened because of Annabeth fucking Chase. So many things have happened in the fandom the past few months, mostly due to people being forced staying at home because of the quarantine but I’d say it’s 10% on quarantine and 90% on people for acting up like this.
So here’s a little story: There was the act of Riordan blowing the fandom up because of his own stupidity and being unable to apologize for his mischaracterization and lack of research (the whole Piper fiasco) back in June (?) and admits the upset fandom, people on Twitter, Tumblr and Discord legit thought that none of that mattered and that the outcry was destroying Annabeth Chase’s birthday. That’s right. People thought that Annabeth Chase’s non-existing birthday because she’s a fictional character had a higher priority than the rupture and prevalent racism in the fandom. Okay. This isn’t a great look, Annabeth stans. And this of course pissed a lot of people off. I made a post about it and someone not only berated three other people on said post but no, we had a mighty argument which had disrupted many friendships in our circle which haven’t recovered until this very day. We both had our parts in it and no one is innocent. But the cause of this still remains Annabeth Chase or how people prioritize her non-existing well-being. Anyway. I’m getting agitated just thinking about it.
Let’s go back to the characterization thing with Annabeth. Let me remind you:
Annabeth Chase is an asshole. There I’ve said it in a post ages ago (too lazy to look it up, sorry) and I’ll say it again. And that’s not me insulting her. That’s me actually loving that about her. Annabeth is one of the very few unapologetic female characters that really showed all young readers across the world that you can be a girl, a badass, smart, strong, standing up for yourself and what you believe in. You don’t have to be nice. You don’t have to hide your feelings. You don’t need a man in all cases but it’s also okay to accept help and defeat.
A large reason why I think she’s an incredibly important character in children’s literature/YA because many other novels (mostly (sadly)) have the “Oh, I’m a white skinny dark-haired girl that likes unconventional things like READING. I’m not like the other girls, that take care of themselves and pamper themselves by enjoying shopping and wearing make-up. No, I’d rather be one of the boys but a sweet cute little boy and not the jock fuck that drank vodka shots out of a filthy shoe once. Despite me calling myself hideous every man in a 10-kilometer radius falls in love with me and tells me I’m oh so sexy and by the way I’m only 16 years old” shit going on for no goddamn reason.
Yes, I do blame Twilight for this mostly in recent years, but this trope isn’t by any means knew. Pretty sure that you could even use classics as Pride and Prejudice and dissect them in the same manner (Bold statement: Lizzy Bennet is the OG Bella Swan. There. Go fight somewhere in the corner, people). The new wave of YA focuses on girls belittling themselves and only starting to believe in themselves because someone else (mostly the male love interest) tells them they’re worth it. And these books hit the mainstream because they’re incredibly bland and picture perfect white.
With Annabeth it’s different. She shows up for the job and is done with it. (Brie Larson would probably be the perfect in real life version of her. You either like or dislike her. Or you really don’t care). That is what is so refreshing about her. Her unapologetic nature. Can it be off-putting? Yes. Is it annoying? Yes! Hell, every time I read The Lightning Thief, I want to rip her goddamn head off. And it’s just so well written. Her shift from mistrusting Percy but secretly still believing in him to her opening up. Wow, Riordan did something right there.
Annabeth Chase isn’t a young character. She has existed along with PJO for 15 years. She’s on her way to the second decade. I’m pretty sure that with the success of Percy Jackson (and Harry Potter) many lives have been warped and shaped.
But when I say the problem lies mostly in the fandom, it doesn’t mean that Riordan’s completely innocent. The only problem that I have with Annabeth lies not truly with her but the fact that Riordan is only able to produce three variations of female characters:
The sweetheart (Hazel, Silena, Calypso, Hestia)
The strong feminist (Annabeth, Piper, Thalia, Reyna, Artemis)
The bitch (Drew, nearly every female goddess in the goddamn Riordanverse next to every female monster)
And these female characters only know three endings:
End up married with a mortgage, three kids, two dogs and a cat somewhere in Connecticut by the age of twelve
Get dumped into the hunt
Chill on Mount Olympus and only come down to be a nuisance and/or give a cryptic message before going back and doing a godly rave party or something
We know Annabeth as the badass strong female first (or the bitchy character we’re supposed to actually like. Choose your approach), the blueprint so to speak, so some of the other characters feel almost pale in comparison and almost not needed? Doesn’t mean that other characters can’t behave similarly, but it feels kind of redundant especially if their character arcs end in a rather anticlimactic way (Thalia, Reyna). The new additions are the much needed woc as the main story with PJO was inherently white (anyway stan black!Percy and Grover, folks). So it’s not to bash on the new characters, it’s more Riordan’s fault more than anything.
Since Riordan only knows three female character arcs it feels like he tried to copy the formula several ways with different nuances. Some more or less successful. This is where fandom actually comes in handy and helps create more distinguished and fleshed out characters in form of headcanons or fanfiction.
But even in these cases people still make it about Annabeth when it’s time for characters of colors to shine. Remember that whole spiel and discussion that broke out when people (Kal, diver-up, Caitlyn, Bee, reynaisalesbian, etc.) joked about or criticized that Annabeth thinks that she’s having it harder because she’s a blonde? In front of Hazel and Piper? If she would’ve been a real person that’s an invitation for getting decked. And then all hell broke loose because Annabeth stans couldn’t accept the fact that in the real world and/or in fictional worlds the woc/coc have it harder? That the white woman wasn’t the victim that needed the coddling? Yeah, that was mad pathetic.
I hope you people get my point?
Well fuck. I wrote so many things and have the feeling I’ve said nothing. Anyway, I hope I made sense. This is way too long.
TLDR: Chill about Annabeth please. She’s an important character but that doesn’t mean that everyone has to like her, regardless of being a character in the books or a reader/fan of PJO in real life. She isn’t nice or a sweetheart all the time. She also isn’t the monstrous asshole that some try to make out of her.
Peace out.
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izzyliker · 3 years
Hey, asking you this as nicely as I can but can you give the immediate victim blaming a break. The absolute lack of respect you have for the people tmc abused is genuinely disheartening. Yes, he’s a shitty person, you’re entitled to hate him but immediately going “well you should’ve seen it coming earlier lol we’ve been saying this” is just ASTONISHINGLY shortsighted and cruel. Have your opinions about him and the situation all you want I would just ask that you please keep it to yourself due to the many many people he’s hurt that are still on here and can see you disparaging them.
ok, that is not what i have been saying. "well you should've known" is not an accurate summary of my feelings on this matter but apologies if thats how it came across. i have been in an abusive relationship where the person did a lot of the same things and i, too, defended that person without considering how it impacted other people. i almost lost my best friend because of how i acted as a result of keeping him in my life while people around me kept telling me to get tf out. i know.
what i am is im frustrated and annoyed by how long people were willing to publicly and passionately defend this guy while apparently fully aware what kind of shit he was doing to other people, many of which is detailed in the callout itself, and how this is now being framed as news. before the document itself was published all me (or anyone) had to go off of was vague posts that amounted to a "callout trailer" and almost all of the information on it was shit that was 100% completely public knowledge. 20+ people being aware of all that goddamn stuff and not one of them publicly stopping associating with him is frustrating. it comes across as spineless and yes, like one anon told GD, gaslighty (although i have my own issues with this being used on a large scale instead of in interpersonal relationships but i understand where they were coming from). his lesbophobia, transphobia (strange that none of the transphobia towards trans men was mentioned?), and panphobia/aphobia/biphobia were widely documented and seeing that on a callout post as if it were news was extremely tiring.
ive since read the callout. the interpersonal actions seem to have been horrible but sadly im not surprised (by which i dont mean "and neither should you" but rather. my spidey senses for this sort of behavior are pretty accurate most of the time and i did see this coming. this isnt me saying im Better than these people or that they shouldve as well but rather that i have learned to identify people of this genre.) by any of them.
also im 75% sure this is tumblr user GD. hello. if not then apologies, its just that the typing here is very similar. if it is, i think you trying to both take accountability for this and process whatever it is youre processing at the same time on tumblr is a bad idea and going to just lead to people feeling hurt and betrayed because while i truly do see where the reaction is coming from (like, truly, i understand, believe me), if you say "i take responsibility for how i acted while being manipulated" but then when people voice their negative feelings you tell them theyre victim blaming you it is going to reflect poorly on you. i dont think you understand how many people were absolutely hurt by the enabling you and your large, massively popular group of friends did for him, including the MASSIVE defense rant you typed up in defense of him when someone sent an ask to the bi jon event about him being panphobic and aphobic. whether its fair for people to expect you to immediately go into depth about it is questionable but dont invite people to do this when you obviously cannot handle it (i dont mean this in a bad way like "oh you should handle it". i mean genuinely this is how you get burnt out and possibly worsen possible future trauma. by trying to immediately placate people without having the mental resources to do so.)
i think the "we dont condone these views and never did!" without ever specifying what they were or doing any other work there is a lazy fucking cop-out. your circle was/is massively popular and a lot of people took all of you as authorities on stuff like headcanons and respectful portrayals of certain characters or identities to the point of accepting your meta as canon (something you havent really dissuaded ever), and associating publicly with someone who would constantly do this kind of shit and then defending him publicly while also positing yourself as an authority isnt something you can just "oops! we never agreed with him!" yourself out of. GD & TF specifically, you are massive blogs. you are babys first TMA blog. people in your askbox hurt and betrayed by this shit are not necessarily there to victim blame you. they are there because they trusted your word when they said "hey seraf reblogged anti pan and anti ace and weird transphobic posts" and you said "seraf is one of my dearest friends and would never do any of those things and im personally offended youd even imply that." i think you dont understand the real life consequences of the massively popular posts and sentiments he made & published and that you helped spread (despite apparently knowing that he was being a massive hypocrite and bigoted towards those groups or identities in his personal life). obviously interpersonal abuse/conflict is going to be "worse" but dear god i hope you collectively understand that "oh btw we never endorsed his views" is a massive copout and a shit apology for the hurt this association and endorsement caused. tmc has been terrorizing this fucking fandom for months with his bullshit and bigotry and you have not been passive bystandars but active enablers.
anyways, hope everyone involved gets to uh, heal i suppose, but i think expecting the people who seraf suicide baited, the groups of trans men he misgendered, the people who he targeted and harassed, the genuine fucking long lasting dysphoria he caused real people to have over his shitty takes re: transness and dysphoria, and the general shit behavior he was allowed to keep up with zero pushback from anyone in his circle of the fandom to drop all the anger or frustration they have for the people who enabled him and defended him aggressively is... unrealistic. and makes you look bad. especially when the doc doesnt even clarify which opinions you still support.
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