#not sure if this was ever meant to be canon as to how goat and alex met but seems legit
posarmeklen · 1 year
Downtown storyboard discovered! 
I would give my partially-enlarged Traci Lords poster and all the cash in a highly subpar band’s tip jar filled with urine (go on, read the storyboard) to see this fully voiced-over and animated, omg…
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sparrowsworkshop · 5 months
"Don't You Worry" by OneWingedSparrow
Main Tags: Twilight Princess, Post-Canon, Zelink, Link & Epona, Fluff, POV Epona, Trust Issues, Retrospective
Summary: Epona notes Zelda's nervousness around Link, and thinks it is undeserved. Read on AO3 Reblogs are appreciated! Hey listen, have a TP Zelda song rec since you're here :) ~
Epona knew her master’s hands. Link’s pull on the reins was never harsh, never hasty. She could not say the same for Fado; that man meant well, but, while occupied with counting the goats they were herding, he always clutched the reins too tightly, putting too much pressure on the bit. Nor would she say the same for the children she loved; whether nervous about being up too high on her back, or simply so confident to be up so high, they would cling to her mane with fervor. Talo especially held a habit of jerking.
When the Bulbins had taken her, they roughhoused her more than even Talo could have. She did not appreciate the rough talons that cut into her skin while they wrestled a coarsely woven bridle over her head and clamped their harshest bit, perhaps better fit for a boar, over her tongue. She did not like the feel of their hands on her reins, as they yanked her hither and yon with no care for her own sense of direction. To them, she was only a vehicle that carried them from one point to the next. She had been glad to break free of their stiff, demanding control.
When her master found her again, his touch was as welcome as a summer breeze from Farore. Gentle, and soothing, and steady, and sure. He guided her, but did not force her; he let her go her own way, but tugged her away from distractions as necessary, ensuring they arrived at their required destination.
Epona knew her master’s hands. She had spent countless years of her life helping Link plow the fields, tote the crops, haul the firewood. She knew the firm kindness by which he brushed her coat, the quiet strength by which he mucked the barn, the fond tenderness by which he patted the goats. Even when the herd got ornery, and he had to wrestle a wayward, bleating fugitive back to the ranch, Link’s might never lost its meekness. Epona knew her master’s hands, and she knew they were trustworthy.
Why was it, then, that the princess of Hyrule seemed nervous of the hand offered unto her?
Glancing back over her withers, Epona shook her mane and waited. For how long the princess had hesitated to receive the gift, it was as if Link had offered a writhing snake instead of a shimmering tiger lily.
The forest whispered a patient breeze to pass the time, while the ever traipsing brook muffled any conversation between the two. Epona swished her tail in warning as a fly droned by. Thankfully, it did not land.
Movement at last caught Epona’s eye. The princess finally accepted the gift, though she received it not in her hands, but in her hair, as the giver—her Hero—carefully reached upwards and tucked the flower behind her ear. No, Epona thought, the princess’ hands were meant to receive something greater than that lovely gift. After all, Link was reaching out once again, and this time, there was no hesitation; the princess let her hand rest in his.
Epona’s ears flicked forward. While she watched in excitement, the two began to wander, their footsteps drifting towards the water that danced with dappled sunlight.
Yes, anyone skittish could discover the truth, even the very princess of Hyrule.
Her master’s gentle hands could always be trusted. ~
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I didnt realize how much I needed that rewrite of kung fu panda 2. I never considered how closely po's arc tied in with tigresses, and I just accepted that the goat guided him as a wise teacher, rather than tigress as someone who /knew/ him and his past deeply.
What gets me is the movie knew Tigress had that connection. It had HER be the one talking to Po on the boat, HER be the one he opened up too about finding out he was not just adopted, but maybe abandoned.
It had Tigress put aside her confusion at Po being shocked his goose dad isn't his 'dad', and take his pain seriously. No judgment. No joke. Just, understanding.
The movie even hinted at something I know know is from the Secrets of the Furious Five short- That Tigress was left at an orphanage until Shifu started training her. The movie almost has her says it, she was abandoned, she was orphaned, she was given a home.... and then the other five jump in and it's back to jokes and stuff. They aren't the ones who understand what Po's going through. She is.
AND WITH MR. PING, PO'S DAD. The movie SHOWS Tigress knew Ping adopted Po. But when Po's leaving, and Ping's so clearly upset and scared- Tigress makes a point to promise him that Po will be back soon. She clearly treats him as Po's dad, because he IS, and she also clearly values that relationship.
She doesn't have a father. Shifu took her in, but never once in the movies do address or treat each other as anything other than close student and teacher. It's hinted in the first movie that she WISHES Shifu would think of her more the way he did Tai Lung. But she doesn't have that.
So here she is again. Po, again, has something she wishes she could have. First it was being the Dragon Warrior, now, being openly loved by a doting adopted father.
And she. Is kind to Po. She HUGS him later.
He's her friend now, after all.
If Shen's mistake was clinging to his past and refusing to see it in a different light, if Po's mistake was going down the SAME path by letting his need to discover his past nearly get himself KILLED, if Tai Lung's mistake was letting his past pain of being shaped for a destiny that was then denied him
Then Tigress is the only one of these orphans who got it right.
She accepted that she could not be like Shifu, she accepted that she could not fill Tai Lung's place in Shifu's heart, she accepted her failure to STOP Tai Lung, and she accepted, in the end, that this seemingly random person would take up the role she had spent her whole life training for. She let go of the past, for the sake of the present.
And I think that was what she said when she gave Po that hug and told him she understood him, but she couldn't watch him die.
Because he is her friend. Friends are the only family Tigress has EVER had, and instead of focusing on what she's never had she holds on to what IS here now. Shifu. The Furious Five. Po.
The soothsayer was WRONG, Po was never meant to beat Shen in a fight. He was never meant to do anything!
Shen killed himself! He would rather be squished by the very weapon he made for his own protection than be defeated! Than be WRONG! He was defeated by a warrior of black and white- HIMSELF.
Po overcame him when he chose not to go down the same self destructive path. THAT'S Po's win. Not the canon ball throwing.
And Tigress should have gotten him there. The Movie put in scene after scene of her in relation to Po's adoption angst, of her protecting him, of her having something to say and twice not having the time to say it.
The third time, she should have almost died making sure Mr. Ping's son would come home.
The third time, it should have just been her and Po on that little boat, no interruptions or jokes, and she should told him her story. Which is also his story.
Orphans is what they are. But WHO they are, is a choice they get to make.
Just like being the Dragon Warrior. Or, accepting that you are not the Dragon Warrior, and deciding to be his friend instead
Cue raindrop / tear catch.
I don't understand WHY the movie made so much effort to put her in Po's plot line, in such a specific way, and then..... not use her.
I don't understand why the soothsayer, who's whole emotional tie in was to Shen and his family, suddenly had to be the important person to Po.
I don't understand why, after showing how the loss of their friend broke Master Ox and Master Crocodile, and how Po doesn't get that, and how Tigress very much does...
....why he didn't get the moment of Oh when Tigress almost dies saving him. Why he didn't get a moment where he clearly sees that no, it's not just himself he's risking by chasing after his past like this. It's everything, and everyone, he has in his life NOW. Not just Tigress and the furious five, but also his dad, and oh yeah all of China too but whatever
And and and, Master Rhino's defense didn't work on the canon, got him killed
If Tigress faced off against it her style would be to attack- she doesn't take the full blow as a result but still nearly dies and at least gets SOME kind of big injury scar
So what would that leave Po to try? Po, the Kung Fu nerd?
Can't block it. Can't break it. Can't run from it forever....
So. Redirect it.
it's such a pretty and funny and cool and BEAUTIFUL film but it makes me so mad i aklsfdjfjdkjfsbfsjkfsfsnarrrrrrrrrrrrr
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secretsofdbz · 7 months
Oh hi there, it's been a minute!
Sooo NYCC panel happened, and Dragon Ball Magic/Daima is real!
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Under the read more for the links, images, and some of my thoughts, analysis, etc...
First, the name: Daima 大魔 can be translated as big magic, large sorcery, big magic trick...And that 魔 symbol should look familiar to you guys, because it's the same MA from Piccolo DAIMAo, from MA Jr., from MAkkankosappo, from MAsenko, and from MAjin (magic people/population). It's the same word used for magic, sorcery, witchcraft, and hocus pocus style stuff. So... with or without demon connotation, just supernatural magic stuff :p
Then the continuity. When does this happen? There's no DBS refs at all in it, so there's speculation about it happening before DBS (but after the Buu saga since the Buu events are the origin of the story it seems). However... Kibito and Shin are defused. Did they defuse because of the wish? Or is it happening sometime after they get defused in DBS (different versions depending on manga or anime).
We don't know. I would say: we don't care. "Canon" is a lie. Official content (games, anime, manga, movies, tv specials, one shots, promo material, etc..) tend to steal from each other and reuse whatever is interesting for the following stories. Content is recycled and reused and readapted to fit whatever narrative of the current story beat (or arc/saga if we're generous) and that's it.
Oh btw you can watch it online, since Toei put it out!
Anyway let's get back to the plot:
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Pretty sure these guys are Bibidi-Babidi related, and they hold a grudge against the gang because of the Buu situation (this is what they're watching).
They make a wish to make everyone young, and there's no transformations (!) so.. Goku has to use the PowerPole.
There's also a message from Toriyama himself, delivered by Iyoku:
Hello. I’m Akira Toriyama. I’m currently working on a new Dragon Ball. The Title is “Dragon Ball DAIMA”. Due to a conspiracy, Goku and his friends are turned small. In order to fix things, they’ll head off to a new world! It’s a grand adventure with intense action in an unknown and mysterious world. Since Goku has to make up for his petite size, he uses his Nyoibo to fight, something not seen in a long time. I came up with the story and settings, as well as a lot of the designs. I’m actually putting a lot more into this than usual! Things will unfold that close in on the mysteries of the Dragon Ball world. Hope you enjoy these different-from-usual battles that are cute and powerful!! — AKIRA TORIYAMA
He's far more involved in this than he ever was in DBS, sooooo.. !! Who knows. It's going to be similar to his modern style though, like Dragon Quest or SandLand.
Everyone's designs look amazing!
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Look at Trunks and Goten! They will never age, they get CTRL-Z lol Same for Marron actually, she got back to being her Buu saga toddler self :o (note how Trunks is back at being purple, and not Blunks anymore...)
The animation looks STUNNING. However! Goku's hair looks very stiff :(
Other than that, the series started production right when Dragon Quest Dai ended: that's what the animators are transitioning from.
And some new and old names!!
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Nakatsuru at the character design and corrections, Aya Komaki and Yoshitaka Yashima in the direction roles. Art direction is Takahashi Kurahashi (big background artist, did Yo SonGoku a while ago), and some GOATED names for the animation: Chikashi Kubota, Naohiro Shintani, Yuya Takahashi, Takeo Ide, and Miyako Tsuji. Kubota is the guy who did the 2D section of the intro for DBSSH btw. Kubota My beloved.
Anime AJAY did a whole thread about the production info he has so go check it out.
Kid versions of everyone look super cute, but there was no Gohan on sight. It has to take place "after the Buu saga", but considering the designs, I do think this is kinda meant to be before Pan and Bra were born.
Also I smell Demon lore.
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Much interest on my end because it looks amazing even if it's not the serious type of story I usually enjoy. But it looks so good!
Also yeah, DBS Broly and DBSSH is "let's reuse the OG Broly Trilogy", so this is let's reuse/repurpose GT?
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dragonbanexxi · 1 year
The Dragon Queen
*Not Canon Compliant!!!*
Jaehaera Targaryen x Aegon III Targaryen
Chapter: 6 Robert Oakheart (OC)
The raid in the Astapori market had been a success. The tiny hoard sat around the fire feasting on the meats and wines they’d stolen from Astapor. They also stole a great deal of goats from the outskirts of the city.
Ser Robert knew the princess wasn’t pleased to have to resort to theft. It wasn’t honorable but she understood that the tiny hoard has chosen her to lead them. They were under her protection, and they needed food to survive.
The Knight had decided to enjoy the evening, trading war stories with some of the Dothraki men. The horsemen had been fascinated to hear about Westerosi war culture. They debated different tactics of defense amongst each other, scoffed at anything Oakheart would say.
Respectfully of course.
They just all unanimously agreed that Ser Roberts homeland stood no chance against a Dothraki invasion. Basing their judgment on the fighting tactics the Andal had told them. Robert took no offense. He laughed in agreement with the Blood Riders.
His country men relied heavily on blockade formations. It would be counterproductive for them to face a Dothraki Hoard face on. Only a fool would meet the Dothraki in an open field.
“Ser Robert!” A erratic voice yelled.
“Khaleesi!” It was the young Yorroh. A boy of eight and ten.
“Please they have been taken!” He yelled out frantically.
Jaehaera came out of tent with her eyes widening with worry. Both she and Robert rushing to Yorroh.
“What happened Yorroh?” Jaehaera asked in Dothraki. She put her hands on his shoulders to calm him down. Yorroh breathing heavy.
“Who’s been taken?” She shakes the young man slightly.
Yorroh told the princess how Jeena and three others went to river to release water. They got ambushed by a group slavers with an emblem of the harpy. Yorroh had tried to save them but was outnumbered.
“The Astapori Masters might be seeking revenge princess.” Robert said hesitantly.
The girls sworn shield saw a look of panic cross her pretty face; Jeena was the closets thing she had to a friend.
Yorroh fell to his knees. He knew what the Astapori were capable of doing. Fear pierced the young man’s heart. Evil things would be done to Jeena and the rest. He wouldn’t be able to live with himself as a free man knowing the love of his life was destined to be a slave.
Yorroh grabbed his Khaleesi’s hands. “Khaleesi…” he sobbed. “I’m begging you. Evil people have taken Jeena.”
Robert knew this was a good opportunity for Jaehaera. It is perpetual that the girl learns to inspire devotion.
Yes these remaining Dothraki have opted to stay by her side, but did Jaehaera have the means to keep them loyal? She’ll need to learn to inspire and earn loyalty should she ever take back the Seven Kingdoms.
The Green Princess has expressed a great many of times that she has no want of returning home, but Jaehaera is still a child. Six and ten years of age; she doesn’t know what’s best for her.
Robert would make sure to guide her to the correct path.
After all the Seven have gifted her three dragons. The blacks only had one; sickly at that, if the rumors were true. In Robert’s mind the Gods have made their will known. Jaehaera was meant to rule as queen.
The Knight out his firm grip on the girls shoulder. “Princess.” Her large lilac eyes meets his. “These people have chosen to follow you willingly. There your subjects now.” Taking a quick glance at the young horseman. Who nodded in agreement with him. Yorroh wiped his eyes. There was a hardness in them. Jaehaera had saved Jeena once. She could do it again!
“Bad men have taken four of your people.” Jaehaera nodded.
“I understand what needs to be done.”
Offering her dainty hand to Yorroh so he could stand. The three walked towards where the others sat.
Robert noticing the determination in the girls eyes. This dragon will learn to breathe fire soon enough. No doubt about it.
“Blood of my blood” the girl growled.
All eyes now on her. “Four of our own have been taken from us tonight!” The Dothraki silent having been put on edge.
“They’ve been taken by Astapori Slavers.” The Dothraki warriors began to screech in anger.
“You all have chosen to stay with me and for that I’ll always be grateful!” Jaehaera said in their language.
“You all are under my protection for as long as you wish to be. Now four of our own have been taken and I will not stand for it!”
Cheers erupted and Ser Robert could feel the morale of the Dothraki down to his bones.
“We save our four and we will save the remaining slaves of Astapor! I swear to you that the Astapori Masters WILL DIE SCREAMING!”
Chills was all Ser Robert felt. It was heavy promise to make. Doubt began to cloud his eyes. They’d discuss this between two before. Jaehaera had a habit of going in over her head when it came challenges. Though to her credit, the princess always pulled through.
The Dothraki cheered their little Khaleesi on thoroughly enjoying the girls promise of revenge. Jaehaera wasn’t done yet it seems.
“Blood of my blood I have an idea.”
The warriors, Ser Robert and Jaehaera stayed up the rest of the night discussing their battle plan.
“There’s not enough of you for me to lay siege to the city.” She said calmly.
“The most important thing is that we save Jeena and the others!” The princess said seriously.
“We will parley with the masters, I’ll act like I’m interested not in saving the girls but in selling you guys to buy unsullied soldiers.”
Her warriors looked confused. Why would she want to act interested in buy buying cockless soldiers?
“The master and I will negotiate. He will reject me and I’ll offer up my dragons. They’ll be our secret weapon.”
Ser Robert protested the idea. “You cannot risk the dragons Your Grace! These men could shoot them dead before anyone of us can blink.”
“Khaleesi we should just strike then and there when you meet with them! Let the element of surprise be our secret weapon!” One of the men said.
To just charge in the middle of a parley was dangerous. With their luck they’d all fall into slavery.
“Surprise can only work with luck on our side.” Yorroh said in an annoyed voice. “We don’t have the numbers. If the Khaleesi does it her way the dragons could burn everything to the ground.
“I just need you guys to trust me and to not doubt me for a second while we are there!”
The Dothraki agreed heartily.
“Tomorrow we will be victorious. I know it.” The Green Princess said oddly calm.
Ser Robert hoped the princess was right.
I’ll be honest I wasn’t really feeling this chapter. So consider it just a really bad filler chapter lol
However the next chapter will be a Jaehaera pov. I write her pov and Aegon’s better in my opinion. Also we still have a long way to go before A&J meet. HOWEVER Jaehaera and Viserys will meet soon!!!!! In like Chapter 9 (If it doesn’t happen it’s because I didn’t promise anything lol) They’re going to annoy each other so bad lol
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ladyhoneydee · 6 months
30 Day Song(fic) Challenge: Day 8
We are officially over a week in! I'm very proud to have gotten this far without missing once.
Today's prompt for my Song(fic) Challenge was "Shuffle". I had a lot of trouble with this! I listen to music in at least four different places, and I listen to a lot of shorter themed playlists rather than having a massive one that would have a good mix of my music, so I didn't have an easy place to shuffle. I ended up, shamefully, shuffling lots of different playlists until one gave me a song I was inspired by. And so: here is my piece for "All My Love" by Noah Kahan! It can be seen as a sequel to Riptide (but not necessarily).
from the wastebasket of the hero of twilight
Game: Twilight Princess, post-canon
Pairing: Midlink
Word Count: 395
Keywords: angst, yearning, epistolary
Dear Midna, My love, O wise and wonderful goddess-damned Twilight Princess, Midna, This is already weird. Talking to you like this. Neither of us are meant for writing letters. Me with my quietness and my art. You and your love of the sound of your own voice   love of barking orders love of talking out loud. But this is all I have left, so, here goes.
Read the fic on Ao3, or under the cut!
Dear Midna,
My love,
O wise and wonderful goddess-damned Twilight Princess,
This is already weird. Talking to you like this. Neither of us are meant for writing letters. Me with my quietness and my art. You and your love of the sound of your own voice   love of barking orders love of talking out loud. But this is all I have left, so, here goes.
I’m doing okay, I guess. I’m living in the treehouse again, in Ordon. Every morning I wake up and remember how you complained about how cramped it was, but curled up close to me that night. It feels so cold without y Rusl is back home too, he’s doing the oxen’s share of the work with the baby while Uli rests. The kids are home now too. It’s nice to hear Ordon full of laughter again. I still remember the silence when I came to get the iron boots from Bo, how much it hurt. I have nightmares about that whole time, a lot. I don’t think that’s normal. The goats have been skittish lately, but I’m sure they’ll get used to me everything again soon enough. 
Are you doing well, Midna? Have your kingdom’s scars started to heal? Have yours? 
I hope they have. 
I can’t help but remember our last night. I still haven’t washed that shirt. Your scent haunts m
I’d give anything if you could just
I never hurt as much on the quest as I have since it ende
Why the fuck would you ever
I need you to know that there’s no bad blood between us. I understand why you left. You did what you thought was best, and I respect your choice. Only you could have made it, after all. And if there’s anything I learned, that year we spent falling in love saving our two worlds together, it’s to trust you. And I trust you even though I don’t even know you anymore.
I thought I had a lot to say, but I guess it all comes down to this.
You still have all my love, Midna. I plan to heal from this someday, but some part of me will always live in the twilight with you. 
If you ever find a way back, I’ll be right here in Ordon, in the bed we shared one night.
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trixeraptops · 2 years
This is gonna be a long ass commentary piece as I finally stop procrastinating and I watch the SGE movie.
Buckle up prowlers and princexs and make sure to follow the rules. This line is headed to the school for good and evil.
Not even watching and the cover photo makes me excited. Is she wearing a crown of thorns? Slay. Love the font they used too
The orchestral music and the effects as the title rolls in... I understand what happy crying is now
I usually hate silent reading in movies but I think it was the right move here and the music is kinda eery but also ethereal. A balance of good and evil ♡
I love Rhians coat and the automatic way you can tell who is evil with their mannerisms
Non Canon compliance or a red herring?
Straight into decadence and a fancy ball after the intensity. This is such a beautiful interpretation of what I think is Sophie's dream.
I kinda wish they had stayed with this like in the book but also the fight was epic so I won't complain
SOPHIE IS SO PRETTY hate her dress love the actress LOVE THE GLASS SHOES
And the narrator saying how she sees herself mwah chefs kiss
Wait does Helena already live with them? That's not meant to happen til the 2nd book. But it does explain further why Sophie wants to leave Gavaldon so I'll let it pass
HER DRESS ONG I'm in love costume design is on point so far
Why is Helena, if it is Helena, blaming Sophie for throwing tomatoes her devil children did that
But then again the whole point of Sophie was she had a good life where she had a living family and was narcissistic and beauty obsessed and that's why she was evil even though her actions were 'good'
Ooh Aggie's turn!
Wait are they not starting on the choosing day? It seems like everyone is going about their normal lives which is the exact opposite of what happens when the choice night happens. Idk what the proper term is for the kidnapping
Side note I wonder if Sophie is ever gonna read the story book she does in the beginning with the witch who had a bracelet of bones so that the connection between Ansdil and the witch is present (or was it Hester? Sure wasn't Dot)
I'm 6 minutes in btw. I'm never gonna finish at this rate lol
I love the design of Graves Hill
I love Agatha's design! And Callus too
I love that their first shot together is them separated by a road being jeered at four being weird. I hope it's echoed later in the movie it'd be such a good recurring theme of separation between good and evil and then they kiss and go home to connect them (at least in the book they kiss)
As much as I love it I do miss the idea of Sophie having to drag Agatha out of the house and having the small interaction with Radley that shows she isn't as good as she makes herself out to be
Wait Sophie ignored her mothers grave (book) and now she's reading at it (movie)? Why not just have a funeral scene instead? Though she is a (adorable) child in this scene so maybe it's different now that's she's grown? Or maybe they just nixed that detail?
Also Sophie made friends with Aggie as a good deed now its a genuine friendship? Or was 5-7 year old Sophie already plotting ahead?
I do like the first actual conversation further solidifying Sophie's emphasis on beauty trying to give Aggie a makeover.
The causul insults and the way the two are in synch is so good though, the chemistry of these actors is amazing! Can't wait for them to fight each other later
[Agatha chortles] idk why that's funny
I feel like book Sophie would be offended being called a prig but idk what that even means
Aggies social anxiety and everyone being mean to her
Omg this guy is threatening a child
Wait Sophie I can see as a major customer but Aggie denounces all things fairytale (except for her secret stash). Also don't the books come like every for years and the kids all line up to get a copy? What happened to that? This store should be empty
I spoke too soon Aggie is ridiculing her for reading kids books while holding an edgy story.
Sophie should 200% own Cinderella already are you joking? I get why they did it though they can't just info dump like in a book plus it's the og copy she's looking at
I feel like they could've done a flashback to explain the SGE. Everyone in Gavaldon knows it. They'd be stupid not to, they have a big event where bad kids join the choir and good ones cut off their hair and all the adults hold torches In a ring around the village. But if they are kids they wouldn't know
Love the insane asylum line from Aggie though
Why twenty years ago. This is a every 4 years deal. Wtf making it rare changes fucking everything
And only one girl? They're supposed to be in pairs! One good one evil
I feel like Sophie's letter could have been written to convince the school master to take her WITHOUT CHANGING THE ENTIRE FUCKING KIDNAPPING HOOK
They are supposed to be special because they are good and evil who are friends. Not because they're the only ones to be taken in a Fucking pair.
That kid that bites people is thereby going erased so how is Agatha going to realize the fairies and wolves are failed students? She gonna recognize Leonara who's she's never seen in her life?
I was so excited to see the Schoolmaster chase scene where Agatha jumps through fire to save Sophie but I don't that will happen
And the terrible home life justifies Sophie wanting to leave. Originally it was cause she thought she was better than everyone else but now it's cause she has a bad life. They haven't built up her "good but actually not a good" side at all.
I was so excited but everything's changed and not in a good way. Fucking Wishing Tree. They just did it cause it's easy not cause it's accurate.
I hope the rest of the movie is less... disappointing. It had so much potential just to slap me in the face with its utter ignorance of Canon.
I love Agathas emotional speech to get her to stay and Sophie betraying her that's the only close to evil thing she's done so far
Oh I love this chase scene this was what I was excited for
The castles are so cool I love them
Hahahaa Hort is such a creep now THAT is Canon compliant
These good girls omg, pretending their nice and calling Aggie an it in the same breath
Loving the costume design and I have a feeling I know who Beatrix and Kikyo are~
Can't wait to see the baddies
Sophie is finally showing her bad side and LADY LESSO IS SLAYYYYING
Still wish it was every 4 years like the books but I'm gonna have to let it slide if I want to make it through this
Wait they gotta Memorize everything on the first day? That's true evil. I love it but I do miss the snake basket maybe they'll have the uniform in one
Hahaha I love Agatha
Professor Dovey AHHHH She is a golden goddess
She comes off a bit condescending but also kind. But threatening jeez
Armour she says while hundreds of dresses come in. Also they're meant to have uniforms why is she getting a choice? Is this for casual wear?
Omg they look so out of place even in clothes that fit their school it's perfect.
The Evers chatting ever and then the school for evil chants kill you? Mood.
Why are they starting before the boys get there that's rude.
Ohh ok so instead of the theater moving the first year boys have to sword fight in front of the school. Much more practical ngl
Damn Tedros swung in on a rope, the drama
NO USE THE SWORD YOU DUMB DRAMATIC BITCH bringing fists to a sword fight smh
Yup Beatrix for sure who I thought she was, Kikyo currently uncomfirmed
School for Evil represent!
Ok I understand why he didn't use Excalibur fighting his own side for fun now
I hope the Cyclops wins but I know he won't unfortunately
I love the rose toss. If he hadn't looked back he wouldn't throw it to Agatha and now it's a set up for Sophie and Tedros's relationship
Ooh ok a Lil nice moment btwn Ted and Agatha I see you foreshadowing lovely
Who is this bitch please say it's not the Schoolmaster please say it's fucking Pollux or something
The dorm is so cool
Also what fucking dorm room locks from the outside? Or were those bitches holding the door?
Also who introduces their father with themself? This isn't a descendents fanfic
Your name is Dot but Sophie is weird
The Evil room has the perfect aesthetic
So it's cupids instead of gargoyles?
Demon cupids
I love the dynamic between Dovey and Lesso
I'm sorry is that blood? RAFAL
Bitch just threatened Aggie and poofed the fuck out
Wait where is the mirror in between the bridge
We got off on a rocky start but 42 minutes in and all is forgiven your my fate to the trial by tale tonight
'Something' acting like it wasn't a whole ass man dancing in blood
Shit is going fast
Oh no it is the schoolmaster :(
He's meant to be mysterious :((((
I wish they waited a bit for the Storian reveal but I get it, they've got a time limit can't be as drawn out as the book
The height difference kills me Aggie is so tall lmao
Wait everyone moved out of Aggies room why are their people in there? No one wanted to bunk with the witch?
Sophie is wearing a crown of twigs♡♡♡
The kiss list omg
Oh no red head isn't Tristan. That's disappointing. I bet he's the bite kids replacement
Why be revolting? None of them are they're all stunningly beautiful. Ig that's why the uglification class exists
Um I'm sorry I thought Anemone was the classic cone hat princess who taught animal communication? Nvm checked my book she is the beautification teacher I was thinking of Uma
This scene would've worked better with the original Aggie who never smiled instead of this one who smiled a fuck ton at the beginning. This scene makes no sense more that we've seen her smiling and know she can do it. Though maybe it's harder to smile on command?
Also Good is prejudiced against neurodivergents I can't tell you how many posts I've read of people having to practice smiling and facial expressions. It's the first day cut her some slack Anemone jeez
Also you give grades at the end Anemone. Prejudiced and rule breaker
HORT YOU BITCH but it was sweet that he said she'd always look beautiful to him we stan a creepy half wolf who loves women despite what they look like
Gregor is the fake Tristan! Is he replacing Kikyo or have we just not met her yet. Anyways be seems sweet
He wants to run a grocery store that's so cute
Why are they fighting on a hill? We saw that there was a courtyard they could use that is much flatter and safer
Sophie pulling bold moves, she's clearly never heard of consent jeez
Ooh nice moment btwn Tedros and Agatha it's Canon divergent but i like it alot better than hating each other until they recognize they're meant to be (she said condescendingly)
It's more like playful teasing than hatred. They're actually friends in this i love it
Why is Yuba's group only Evers it is meant to be the only mixed class other than lunch
Yuba is very different not only in height which I don't mind but in personality he's not as gruff and jaded
She's literally watching him fail Jesus she gonna have some trauma after that
Awww lady lesso doesn't have a class made of ice? Unfortuanate
Oh and now she teaches special powers? Bruv
Oh ew Hesters skin is pulsating gross
Oh Hort told her to watch out sweet
The demon is so cool though
Yeah Sophie call the squirrels to fight a demon
Wait but she called them with a scream she meant to sing to kill them
Oh the bees turned into Rafal
Also Lady Lesso X Rafal???
Oh this is so sad Hester baby :(
Also no spiffy professor Sader :(
Aggie babe middle of class ain't the time to bring up Gregor
What no Uma? Dovey stole her class smh
Shit her name is Kiko? Whyd I think it was Kikyo?
Oh Aggie is so pure I love her "I wish for home for all of us"
Oh the wish fish were a baby girl I'm gonna cry this is so sweet
Fuck Agatha just saw two deaths in what to or knowledge is a row
Oh Gregor is a birdie now ♡
Now they're enemies
Dovey is angry at the present but she showed it towards Aggie at first but I'm glad they got there now
Wait where is the White Wolf
Is she not going to kill him in this version
Oooh damn she yanked her extensions out (cut her hair)
Oh ngl she looks so fucking good with short hair
Omg shut up Rafal go away you vampiric creep
oh Teddy is actually nice to her after the punch in this version that's new and welcomed. Can't be meant to be if you want to her each other
Just like the Og Kiko is adorable
Oh ew the key pierces into them like a knife
Damnnnn Sophie looks like a baddie fucking slay queen
How'd she know what's going on she came in late
The costume dept killed this film
The arrow flies straight if you're pure? Homophobic smh lmao
Calm down Hort, possessive much?
Oof if Hester doesn't kill Sophie I think Beatrix will
Ayo Bea I thought Evers never attacked
Wait Trial by Tale is meant to be an annual school thing now its a test of true love? Stop ruining my school traditions movie :(
What's next no talent show?
I wish the relationships were more developed. But there is so much that happens in the book I really can't blame them
Wait do Nevers not get a Survival class? Wtf this is rigged!
Hell yeah Aggie the dove for the win!
Sophie help him you dumb bitch you have to have learned something. Use your talent!
Don't blame Aggie for saving Tedros's life while you were being a Fucking coward. All you had to do was throw a sword at him
Stop smiling Rafal your a creep
You tell her Aggie! Fuck her up with your words!
Wait did they lock her in room 66? Does that mean that they kicked out Dot Anadil and Hester?
I saw your brother Rafal your too old to be calling Sophie love
Oh my god there is no talent show :,(
Gross she just pulled out her tooth
Lesso is Leonora? Twist
I'm glad the skipped the part where Tristan tried to be Tedros and Kiko tried to be Beatrix but i miss the talent show it would've been so dramatic and I wish they have Aggie what I believe to be her iconic night blue gown with the gold
Instead she looks like Cinderella
Damn make up team did well
Sophie and Bakugo would get along "Shut up Aggie the protagonists are talking"
I love the drama of the blood magic
She drops a bomb and then dips like a Fucking badass
Ok I know I was complaining about the talent show being canceled but I love how Sophie showed her evil by turning the teachers to dolls
Oh I just realized Agatha and Tedros were kinda matching
I miss the cupid guy he was a bitch but he was so loyal to Sophie
The Never Ball, is just a bit off but that's why I love it. Oh to be a evil student dancing in an off kilter way with no one to judge and everyone dancing with me. The one social event I long to be at
They look so happy the Evil darlings
Oh so all that happened was their clothes turned white that's not very- SOPHIE IS NORMAL NOW
What will happen to the Evers their clothes will turn black
Yes that's what happened they also they have *gasp* cuts and scars! How atrocious and also offensive to people with scars
At least they didn't put a wig on the bald kid in evil
Hester look so pretty ♡♡♡
Wish we got to see more of Anadols rats we only saw them once :(
But then I would have been like ew rats
Hort is in sicko mode damn
shittt she's gonna kill the school master
Oh no he was pretending to his brother
Um excuse me evil doesn't have to be murder it can be forcing kids to memorize their schedule on the first day
Oh Aggie your so hopeful I love you and your optimism
Don't kiss her Rafal your such a creep ugh
Wonder if his face will crack and turn into a decrepit old man one well see when I unpause
Oh no he's killing children the blood is literally pouring out the school
Oh his face is cracking
Hell yes run to Aggie
Ooh killing Sophie meant that the csstles were put back nice
Ngl beatrix looks hella good in black
Goth girl supremacy
Tedros! Yessss struke the final blow King
Oof nvm lol
Oh shut Teddy's gonna die lmao
Hell yes we live we laugh we love
Rest in pieces Rafal
Id be crying if I wasn't so dehydrated rn
I mean rip Sophie but yay kiss
Oh who could've guessed true platonic loves kiss would have saved her? What a surprise she said roboticly
Oh is she gonna stay with Teddy, for real? NOPE
Girl power but also this time it was more of a choice then the og where it just kinda happened
Oh they're in their office clothes with the new hair
The road is repeated but this time their on the same side i told you it was power
They legit just used magic to make birds shit on their enemies lol
♡♡♡♡♡♡/5 went through some tough spots and I miss the little details but love some of the new additions and overall the movie was amazing surpassed my expectations
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the-type-a · 1 year
We're back with part two of Duncney playlist songs. If I accidentally suggest the same one twice, just blame it on the fact that I'm sick. I'm giving sections this time!
-Your Stupid Face (Kaden MacKay)
-Boys (Charli XCX)
-Blank Space (Taylor Swift)
-The Call (Regina Spektor)
-The Calling (TheFatRat)
-Darkside (Alan Walker)
-COPYCAT (Billie Eilish)
-Your Obedient Servant (Hamilton)
-Dead Girl Walking (Heathers)
-Ain't It Fun (Paramore)
-Try (P!nk)
-Take A Hint (Victorious)
-Everybody Loves Me (OneRepublic)
No Children (The Mountain Goats)
Rat (Penelope Scott)
-Oleander (Mother Mother)
-Oh Klahoma (Jack Stauber)
-All That Glitters (Earl)
-Already Gone (Sleeping At Last)
-Boys Will Be Bugs (Cavetown)
-Today Today (Jack Stauber)
-Be Alright (Dean Lewis)
-What About Us (P!nk)
-Me and My Husband (Mitski)
-Who Is She? (Reprise) (Centaurworld)
-Lotta True Crime (Penelope Scott)
-All Eyes On Me (OR3O)
-I Of The Storm (Of Monsters and Men)
-Cleopatra (The Lumineers)
-The Moon Will Sing (The Crane Wives)
-Requiem (Dear Evan Hansen)
-Good For You (Dear Evan Hansen)
-Words Fail (Dear Evan Hansen)
-If Only (Descendants)
-Just Another Girl (The Killers)
-Don't Come Back Here (KIRA)
-Don't Make Me (MALINDA)
-Evelyn Evelyn (Evelyn Evelyn)
-Are You Satisfied? (MARINA)
-Blue Lips (Regina Spektor)
-Two Birds (Regina Spektor)
-Feed My Ego (Mickey Darling)
-Cardigan (Taylor Swift)
-August (Taylor Swift)
-Hoax (Taylor Swift)
-Bruno is Orange (Hop Along)
-Father (The Front Bottoms)
-Ghost (Reinaeiry)
-Ghost (Confetti)
-Ghosts (Jacob Tillberg)
-A Boy Like That (Glee Cast)
-Rose's Turn (Glee Cast)
-Glimpse of Us (Joji)
-If it's True (Hadestown)
-Come Home With Me (Reprise) (Hadestown)
-How Long? (Hadestown)
-Satisfied (Hamilton)
-I Say No (Heathers)
-Freeze Your Brain (Heathers)
-Meant To Be Yours (Heathers)
-I Am Damaged (Heathers)
-His Theme (Caleb Hyles)
-How to Save a Life (The Fray)
-Monster (dodie)
-If I Were a Boy (Beyonce)
-I'm glad you're evil too -Re-release (Rachie)
-Personal (Stars)
-Goodbye (Bo Burnham)
-Angel Eyes and Basketball (Foot Ox)
-Heather (Conan Gray)
-Are You Bored Yet? (Wallows)
-Hurts Like Hell (Fleurie)
-Mad at Disney (slem ilese)
-prom dress (mxmtoon)
-I Knew You Once (Hollie Allen)
-Blame (Air Traffic Contoller)
-Oblivion (Dirty Palm)
-Once in a Dream (In the City)
-Catching Fire (Acoustic) (Sum 41)
-Family of Me (Ben Folds)
-feelings are fatal (mxmtoon)
-Cigarette Ahegao (Penelope Scott)
-putting a spin on never ever getting rid of me (Egg)
-Praying (Kesha)
-If I Could Take This Moment Back (Tangled the Series)
-I'd Give Anything (Tangled the Series)
-All Too Well (10 Minute Version) (Taylor Swift
-Look What You Made Me Do (Taylor Swift)
-All You Wanna Do (Six the Musical, live recording. Make sure to get the one with the purple cover.)
-No Way (SIX)
-Heart of Stone (SIX)
-Get Down (SIX)
-I Don't Need Your Love (SIX)
-Yr the Best! (carpetgarden)
-Smells Like Teen Spirit (Malia J)
-In My Head (Derivakat)
-Swallowing Shadows (Blixemi)
-Spider Dance (Adriana Figueroa)
-Bugbear (chloe moriondo)
-How Did You Love (Shinedown)
-A Sadness Runs Through Him (The Hoosiers)
-Trust Me Not (Backseat Vagabond)
-UH OH! (Sub Urban)
-An Unhealthy Obsession (The Blake Robinson Synthetic Orchestra)
-Way Less Sad (AJR)
-you should see me in a crown (Billie Eilish)
-Found (Steven Universe)
-Fragile Things (Reprise) (Centaurword)
-Monster (Adventure Time)
-In A Crowd of Thousands (Anastasia)
-You (Keaton Henson)
-Can't Help Falling in Love (Annnapantsu cover)
-The Daughter of the Fish and the Ram (The Scary Jokes)
-To You (OR3O)
-Obvious (Dear Evan Hansen)
-If I Could Tell Her (Dear Evan Hansen)
-Don't Forget (Toby Fox)
-Electric Love (BORNS)
-Riptide (Vance Joy)
-Falling In Love (Crystal Bats)
-Lady Stardust (Lisa Miskovsky)
-Hey Stephen (Taylor Swift)
-Fly Me to the Moon/Lucky (Rick Hale, Breea Guttery)
-Jessie's Girl (Glee Cast Version)
-A Million Dreams (The Greatest Showman)
-Come Home With Me (Hadestown)
-Wait For Me (Hadestown)
-Wait For Me (Reprise) (Hadestown)
-Helpless (Hamilton)
-That Would Be Enough (Hamilton)
-Best Of Wives and Best of Women (Hamilton)
-If I Can't Have You (Shawn Mendes)
-Safe & Sound (Kurt Hugo Schneider)
-Love Will Find A Way (The Lion King 2)
-Lover (Taylor Swift)
-Paper Rings (Taylor Swift)
-hey (Egg)
-Give Me Your Attention (Candelion)
-Next Stop Anywhere (Tangled the Series)
-With You By My Side (Tangled the Series)
-The Girl Who Has Everything (Tangled the Series)
-The Girl Who Has Everything (Reprise) (Tangled the Series)
-Dandelions (Ruth B.)
-A song about Nothing (MALINDA)
-Here I Am - End Title (Bryan Adams)
-One Sided Love (Planttvibes)
-You'll Be In My Heart (Phil Collins)
-Can't Stop Singing (Teen Beach Movie, switch the male and female roles for this one)
-Two Worlds Apart (Lilyrabbitsings)
-The Crush Song (Tina the Twina)
-No Reason (Beetlejuice)
-Roxie (Chicago)
-Sincerely, Me (Dear Evan Hansen)
-A Winter's Ball (Hamilton)
-Just Monika (Random Encounters)
-Senpai Notice Me (Random Encounters)
-Legendary Heroes (Random Encounters)
JUST COURTNEY SONGS: (not even sure if these ones count but have them anyways)
-I Deserve to Bleed (Sushi Soucy)
-Disobedient (Steven Universe)
-Haven't You Noticed (I'm a Star) (Steven Universe)
-Chameleon (Blixemi)
-Dollhouse (Melanie Martinez)
-Hiding in Your Hands (Dear Evan Hansen)
-don't stop dancing (reprise) (Bojack Horseman)
-Party Mom and Invisible Dad (That Handsome Devil)
-Top of My School (Katherine Lynn-Rose)
-And He Runs (Blixemi)
-You Belong With Me (Taylor Swift)
-Stepsister's Lament (Cinderella the Musical)
-She Knows (Hollie Col)
...and I thought I wouldn't have enough for a part two.
Added a good handful of these! Great list ✨
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lunellasflo · 3 months
My Revision Of Wish (pt 4): Orion
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Welcome back to more of my personal revision of Wish. Today, I will be talking about our starboy, the legendary wishing star himself, Orion.
One of the many things I didn't like about the canon version of Wish is how Asha didn't have a partner to bounce off of or develop her character with, she was just talking to a ball of light that squeaks and squeals, and I heard how everyone in the world agrees that Star should've been a humanoid figure and Asha's romantic interest. We miss having a real romance couple in Disney films, but of course, Disney doesn't want to do that, because.. well.. "girl power!" And furthermore, this is supposed to be the origin story of the Wishing Star, doesn't he deserve to be in the spotlight ?
Orion is the adorkable Disney Prince to Asha's timid Disney Princess. He is born from the power of positivity, joy and hope. Energetic, ever-so-curious about the new world he's in. His purpose is simple. He was meant to be Asha's companion, or at least, that's what he believes. As one of the many Wishing Stars of the sky, his purpose is to help the mortals who send their wishes to him. But since Magnifico and Amaya are the key wish-granters of Rosas, people stopped wishing on stars and relied on the royal couple for their dreams to come true. No one has ever wished upon a star since then... until Asha.
Asha's wish was pretty vague, all she wanted was help from above to save her kingdom. Orion doesn't know what to do either. He has the appearance of a teenage boy, and the mentality of a newborn child, and is blissfully unaware that he has omnipotent power to help everyone, but right off the bat, he knows that he is there to help Asha in her time of need.
Orion: Wait, what even is my purpose anyway?
Asha: Oh, well, I wished on a.. star?
*Orion points to himself with a puzzled expression*
Asha: Yeah, and.. I'm not sure what I wished for, maybe it was for help, or guidance, or just someone to help.. me?
Orion: Oh, it all makes sense now! I'm here for you!
Asha: Me?
*Orion nods*
Asha: It's weird. I just had a feeling that someone would hear me, you were the reason why I wished, and I don't even know you yet.
Orion: I've been watching you from the skies but I was too afraid to interfere, but it's your love that brought me here.
Orion, however, has no sense of right or wrong, he is very similar to Pinocchio in the sense that he needs to learn about morality, and Asha serves as his conscience figure.
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Orion's power correlates to Asha's sense of hope and optimism. The happier and more hopeful she is, the more powerful Orion becomes. He learns that he can shapeshift into many forms, and disguise himself as various animals for when he needs to hide himself from the evil royal couple.
Orion (as a horse): I don't get why humans only have two legs, having four legs is much more fun, and I can run even faster!
Asha: You're glowing.
Orion: Aww, thank you!
Asha: Eehhhh no, you're glowing too bright! Can you..?
Orion: How should I know, I don't know how!
He can stretch and change the shape of his body, and sometimes he is able to disconnect his head or his limbs from his body, and it doesn't hurt. He can bring plants to life, make animals talk, and even when he doesn't, he can always understand animals in their language. He is also able to make things (both living and nonliving) grow or shrink to extreme sizes.
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Orion is accompanied by his tiny starbeing companion, Little Dipper. (Star in the canon version). Little Dipper has already evolved centuries - if not eons - beyond human language, so he communicates through pantomime. Little Dipper also serves as a fast friend companion to Asha's pet goat Valentino (And thankfully, he does not talk in my version). Despite its youthful appearance, it appears to have more maturity than Orion himself. Orion has only granted one wish, and Little Dipper already granted two wishes, but the two are a mischievous wish-granting duo that end up causing a lot of chaos. After Orion and Asha get in trouble for granting too many wishes for the people of Rosas, the King and Queen mistaking Little Dipper for the star, and they capture it for its energy. Orion would take a much dangerous risk to rescue his friend and exposure himself to the royal couple in the process.
Orion didn't start out as the North Star (The biggest, brightest star in the sky), he was just a tiny little star that needed experience in wish-granting. Asha's eyes were fixated on the North Star, but she believes that she might've missed her mark, and should've been more specific. But he eventually will be the biggest, brightest star at the end, and it will feel very rewarding! Orion mentions at one point that the bigger star is his mother, the Blue Fairy. There are multiple Blue Fairies in his realm who become stars after they die in the mortal realm, but they need to be pure of heart in order to become Blue Fairies. (I'd say that Cynthia Erivo's portrayal of the Blue Fairy would be his mother. They really do look like mother and son!)
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Orion is constantly bursting with curiosity and energy. He's as quirky as Rapunzel, and as mischievous as Peter Pan. Once Orion is summoned, he is instantly enamored with Asha. He gives her big hugs, asks her tons of questions, and is extremely eager to help the Princess. He is very enthusiastic about learning about humans and Earth animals, and he enjoys taking all kinds of forms to study what they're really like. Orion fully understands that most wishing stars of his kind are only supposed to intervene from a distance, instead of floating down to Earth to help, but the power and desperation of Asha's wish was enough to bring him down to Rosas. He can't help but to interfere and to help the mortals in person. He deeply cares about Asha and her desires, but he feels a huge sense of responsibility granting everyone's wishes.
Oftentimes, he regrets coming down to Earth and causing chaos just by being there, he contemplates or whether or not he should go back to the night sky, but he remembers that he is there to help Asha and the people of Rosas, but it's Asha who needed him more than anything. (I'm giving him a solo Prince song, think Evermore or Wild Uncharted Waters) He develops a wish of his own, to become human and stay on Earth, but he learns that he wants to grant wishes for everyone in the world, he is heartbroken to leave Asha, but he grants her the honorary title of a Blue Fairy so that she can grant wishes on her own for the people of her kingdom.
Essentially, he is a mixture of Peter Pan, Prince Philip, Genie, Pinocchio and Tramp, with a few shades of Moana and Rapunzel. All-in-all, Orion is a living embodiment of joy and hope, the living answer to Asha's wish. He may have his moments of self-doubt in being the savior that Rosas needs, but he remains hopeful and determined to heed, to love, and to protect Asha at all costs.
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frankhightower · 3 months
Disney’s Wish
Today I have to write about the movie everyone loves to hate… but, in my view, it’s for all the wrong reasons. On the one hand, it’s movie made to coincide with the 100th anniversary, it “had” to come out on the 100th anniversary day which meant parts of it would be rushed, what did you expect? On the other, people keep echoing a single word: soulless. There’s a lot of little things in this movie that make me disagree. Now, sure, I can already hear the counterargument that an overworked inbetweener pouring their soul into an animation sweep does not compensate for the lack of effort from the higher-ups, but we’re getting ahead of ourselves.
Firstly, the only reason I was able to watch it was that someone finally put it up for pirating, so no yelling at me for giving Disney money to see it, I’m still too poor for that. Secondly, friendly reminder that when I watch movies, it’s as therapy. Did this movie fulfill that role? It’s debatable.
To start, no I do not find the “quirky Disney princess” to be a tired trope as literally every review I come across points out. I could see it working in some scenes. If anything, I’d argue our “princess” (whose name I can’t remember and that’s a problem other people are way more qualified to talk about) is not quirky enough, and that’s why it feels like it falls flat. Secondly, no, I did not catch the “her seven friends are the seven dwarves” reference. Not even with the blatant “I’m grumpy” line. So everyone pointing out the movie is too obvious and heavy-handed, I’m living proof it’s not.
I also had no problem with the multiple references. The movie is clearly trying to seed a “grand unified Pixar theory” for the Walt Disney canon. When the Disney Princesses line was created, one of the main rules was that no princess can ever acknowledge the existence of any other: if two or more princesses appear in the same image, they can’t look in each other’s direction nor interact with the others’ items in any way. I’m sure you just said “that’s stupid” aloud; because I did, too, when I first read it. If this realization has finally reached the Disney higher ups, I’m totally here for it and can’t wait to have The Great Mouse detective nervously negotiate a safe passage past Lady and the Tramp because his latest case involves Peter Pan since these are all set in about the same time period.
And yes, I liked the dancing chickens ...and the star
My problems
My problems with the movie actually start with the “I want” song. If you haven’t watched it, the song that plays during the trailer (“This Wish”) is that song, and is a bit of a unifying theme to the movie. Most people fault this song for “so you want …what exactly?” I found it strangely fitting that the protagonists wish is incredibly open-ended and vague; after all, it’s what our villain faults her grandfather with. Slight spoilers for the first 10 minutes but, the grandfather’s wish is to write a song so heartfelt, it inspires an entire generation. The villain says “inspires them to …what exactly? To create or to fight? It’s too vague!” So having vagueness run in the family works for the movie.
The problem is that this never affects the movie in any way. How fitting would it have been, for “This Wish” to have been the song the grandfather wrote? (Spoilers for the ending, but it is revealed that everyone in the town knows this song! If the grandfather wrote it, he had already succeeded! Everyone in his generation clearly taught it to their kids and them, in turn, to their kids! It would’ve been a beautiful message for the movie to say “you don’t need a billionaire to buy your idea off you for it to come true, nothing can take that drive away from you!”)
Then there’s the talking goat (he talks in the trailer, so this is not a spoiler). Yes, I know everyone complains about the goat, but the goat, too could’ve been a beautiful message. Expanding on Tangled’s “Well that's the good part, I guess. You get to go find a new dream.” Our protagonist clearly has more than one wish, and the goat being able to talk is explicitly stated to be one of them. Society tells us to focus on just one thing, which is something modern media is questioning (see the Kung Fu Panda series). So the villain asks you to give up a wish, your deepest driving desire. So what? You can have multiple deep driving desires. Even if we accept the premise that there are some wishes that can only be granted by essentially winning the lottery, you can still be, pun intended, fulfilled by chasing your other wishes.
My second big problem
Which brings me to the second big problem with the movie, and here’s where the more serious spoilers start: the protagonist’s magical ability. She clearly must have some, otherwise why would she have made it to the interview phase to be The Sorcerer’s Apprentice? Yet she goes from being an amateur to being able to create intelligent life with no effort on her part. We’re told it took the villain a lifetime to achieve that level of ability. This seems to be a very bad message to give, and as one YouTube commenter wrote, runs directly against the message of The Princess and the Frog (which I interpret as referring to “the star can only take you a part of the way”). Sure, the magic star refuses to outright grant her wish, making her work with the new ability, but it’s still a bit of an overkill ability to give her for nothing.
But my problems with this don’t end there. The villain feels the need to stop this new power …but doesn’t know what the power is. If he was upset at precisely what I’ve just described, the conflict would feel earned, and it could be a commentary between people who just “get it” (i.e. they’re “naturals” at a certain skill) versus people who have to struggle to consciously remember all the little quirks.
What we instead get are pieces that hint at “I made a law that made magic illegal. No one in my kingdom would break my laws because they love me so much. Therefore, the only logical conclusion is someone in this kingdom is a traitor!” I mean… no? You could be getting invaded, the move does state it’s an island in the Mediterranean. And is it the policy of this kingdom “people show magical ability, they get interviewed, rejected and then are expected to never practice magic again”? That’s just not human nature …or have all the magic users given up their wish to get good at magic to him? He does state no one ever wished to be his apprentice, so the problem is they wished to harness their magic without the villain watching over them? I have so many questions!
My third biggest problem: the Mediterranean
But I did mention the Mediterranean, and this is my third biggest problem with the movie: no “once upon a time in a small kingdom” Disney movie yet has chosen a real place to set that kingdom in. Even Frozen which is “obviously Scandinavian” hasn’t explicitly said they’re Scandinavian, just that it’s a kingdom that has “southern isles”, which could very well mean an alternate history Alaska, if we want to get creative with our interpretation.
…and then they go and put a raccoon in. Which are animals that are not native to the Mediterranean. Forget the bear which is not native to the Mediterranean but could have wandered there or escaped a roman circus – raccoons belong to the new world. For a movie that’s trying to be consistent about being the ur-prequel to all other Disney movies… why, just why?
(You thought I was going to complain about the weird character names, didn't you?)
Fourth problem: the wishes themselves
My fourth big problem is the fact that the villain keeps the wishes and I just have to ask… why? He doesn’t discover that wishes can augment his powers until later, so that clearly isn’t the reason. He doesn’t even like to look at them so an “obsessed collector” theory doesn’t work either. And, unlike Fantasy Island (70s TV show this movie is clearly ripping off), he gains no money from this and the people learn nothing.
There’s also no indication of him considering the problems taking people’s driving wishes can bring, such as making the citizen unproductive (though it’s suggested that, when he reviews them, he grants those that would keep the citizen from being productive, but we don’t see that, in fact the opposite!)
Several reviewers have suggested it’s because it keeps the population complacent, but again, what happens when someone has two deep driving wishes, and only the second-deepest is a problem? We don’t see any villainous hubris of that assumption (like we do in, say, Snow White with the evil queen repeatedly dismissing the power of true love). Has this simply not happened yet? Why isn’t this part of the message of the movie?
5th Problem: The queen
My fifth big problem with the movie is the villain’s wife. When the villain goes into full villain mode, she remains calm and collected and queen-like, and that’s fine. But when the villain is defeated …she just smiles. There is no sense of loss coming from her, ever, that the man she’s loved for her entire life… is so “far gone” in every sense… she’ll never feel his cheek against hers …ever. Forget realism, what kind of message does that send?! We hear from the protagonist’s mother “oh this is grief, I know grief” presumably referring to the death of the protagonist’s father …is there no grief from the queen?!? Is there only grief in this world for the loss of wishes?!?! If this was supposed to tease at her becoming the “evil queen” later… where are the other hints earlier in the movie?!?!?
Other problems
I mentioned the protagonist’s father, and a lot of people have complained that we never see this father. I guess my brain went “oh this is another ‘no Disney dad’ movie” and that’s fine. The mysterious missing Disney dad is practically a running gag by now. Modern movies have started adding them, but if you need proof it’s not really necessary, consider, again, The Princess and The Frog: for a long time, my only way to watch it was when it aired on TV, and I would always catch it late …but I never knew I was catching it late. The entire movie worked for me without the “little girl Tiana” scenes.
…But the villain clearly knew him, and he was clearly some kind of astronomer, and the protagonist clearly used the knowledge he taught her to pick out the right star to wish on …but we don’t see that! It would’ve been just a few more lines of dialogue, possibly something along the lines of “my father always told me to wish on the second star to the right, for it is always the first star you see tonight” would have sufficed, but we don’t get anything that comes close. And there are clearly some lines they only added because they were rushing production …Why was something like this overlooked?
Another thing people seem to have problems with is the fat boy’s wish to be a knight. This seemed to me to be a pretty realistic wish for the time, especially considering how old he was. And the fact that he had nothing else in life once this was taken away also to be pretty realistic: not everyone is creative or ambitious or has easily-transferrable skills.
I’ve also seen criticism on the fact that the protagonist’s grandfather is 100 years old, most of them assuming this means he’s been waiting for his wish to be granted since he turned 18. I, again, take no issue with this, because the kingdom is established in the opening narration to be a nation of immigrants. For all we know, the family arrived in the kingdom a year ago, possibly because the king needed an astronomer, and the fact that in the grandfather’s vision of his wish he looks as he does now, hints at the wish having been surrendered rather recently. (The alternative of the vision aging up as its owner ages à la Dorian Grey is a little uncomfortable and I don’t think Disney would go there.)
You’ll notice I didn’t number these last thee, and that’s because I consider them pretty minor.
So what’s left?
The movie, however, does have an important message, and it’s not “everybody has a wish” (though that’s a good message too). The problem is we only see it twice: It first crops up with the baker friend, who bakes beautiful cookies that look like portraits. Clearly, this wasn’t her wish, since you have to give up your wish in this world as part of the social contract, but the movie does not go into details here. We later find out her wish was to make beautiful dresses …and this is never really addressed again. Later, we see the protagonist ask everyone in the town to make a wish, and this is so powerful it helps defeat the villain.
The message, then, is that you can always make a new wish (this is distinct from my earlier “you can have multiple wishes to begin with” because the new wish here comes after you’ve lost your old one). Yes, you will feel grief when you lose your wish. You will feel empty. (And in fact, if you see someone that looks like that, this is probably why!) But you can make a new wish and become an excellent baker, because losing your wish does not make you lose your abilities, your personality. A wish drives you, but the wish isn’t you. And that makes you and all the other wish-makers more powerful than the billionaires.
Sounds beautiful, doesn’t it? Almost as beautiful as the messages I proposed earlier. But if that was the movie’s message, why do we only see it twice?!
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joshstambourine · 3 years
Greta Van Fleet and Their Kid’s First Day of School
Y’all seemed to love my GVF as Dad’s head canon so I thought I’d continue on the same line with something else cute~ I’ve had this idea since I mentioned it in a fic I recently wrote (A Girl Named Ivy) so I thought I might as well throw a head canon together for it as well... SO I STOP THINKING ABOUT IT LMAO.
Taglist: @anditsmywholeheart @babydxll​
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He strikes me one of those dads who is actually really excited for his kid to start school. Not that he doesn't want them around, or that he doesn't realize its the mark of the beginning of the end... but because he knows this is a part of growing up.
Josh can tell while they are out shopping for new school clothes that his kid is excited. They are beginning to feel grown up, even if its just in a small way --- and Josh is proud of them for that.
I just can't imagine him being the kind of parent that struggles with letting them go, instead I see him being the kind of parent that just wants to nurture their growth in everyway.
"What about this shirt for your first day? You know what we should get you?? A set of wheelies!"
"Josh they don't allow those in schools anymore..."
*Whispers* "We'll get you some wheelies, just don't tell mom."
He'd make sure he goes through the checklist the school had sent out multiple times, trying to make sure they have everything they could possibly need.
When the big day finally comes, he would be talking with his little one all morning making sure they know they are going to have a great time and make lots of friends.
He would want to help make their lunch but instead just spends all his time drawing a picture of a rabbit with a cowboy hat riding on a goats back to put in instead.
Josh wouldn't be able to stop himself from looking in the rearview every few minutes to look over the little ones face. Trying to make sure they didn't look nervous at any point. If they do he'd find a way to reassure them.
"You remember that nice lady that gave you that cool cat sticker a few weeks ago? She's going to be there all day today! She's actually your teacher, isn't that cool?" Josh would just want to do everything in his power to keep them feeling relaxed.
"You give 'em hell today, okay?" Josh would say when they stood outside of the classroom, watching the little one nod. "Before you know it I'll be here to pick you up."
"You promise?"
"Of course I promise... I need someone to go get ice cream with!" He would say as he'd move to give them a tight hug.
"I love you."
"I love you too Dad."
As soon as the classroom door shuts, Josh won't be able to stop smiling the rest of the walk back to the car. He would be just so proud that he raised such a fearless kid.
The first thing Josh would ask when he picks them up at the end of the day,
"So? Did you learn how to move things with your mind yet?"
"No but did you know squares have four sides...?!"
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Oh god.
Jake is going to be having such a tough time.
He wants to be a big strong man about this. "It's so silly... why would I be sad about them going to school?! That's ridiculous."
He would pretend like he didn't care.
Anytime his little one asks about what school is going to be like, he gives very quick pointed answers so he doesn't have to think about them being grown up enough to go.
"Is it too late to home school them...?"
"Yes Jake it's too late to home school them."
Jake just wants to hold hands the whole time they are school shopping. He doesn’t want to let them go.
"Jake, you have to let them go so they can pick out what they want."
"They can bring me where ever they want to be. I can help them reach what they need.”
The moment his kid puts their backpack on their shoulders, even just to test it out, he’s going to need to take a moment. When did his baby get so grown up?!
He thought that was bad but then the school assessment kills him.
Jake wants to be the one to make their lunch for their first day, its a special day, this little one deserves something special. He'd hide candies and other treats at the bottom so Mom won't see.
There is no way Jake isn’t driving his kid on their first day of school. He’s going to talk with them all the way to class with their hand clasped in his.
I think despite how well he covers it over, his kid can probably tell that he’s having a hard time letting them go.
“I’ll be okay.”
Hearing them say that would make him smile, trying so hard not to cry. Jake would lean down and immediately give them a huge hug. “I know.” He’d tell them.
“I’m just going to miss you lots.”
“I’ll miss you too.” They’d say, “But. Mom says that I’ll have time to draw pictures probably. Would you like a picture Dad?”
“I’d love a picture.”
As soon as Jake gets back to the car he’s a sobbing mess. He’s so proud but its so hard to see your baby grow up.
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Sort of like Josh I think that Sam is excited for his little one to start school. He has so much confidence in his kids abilities.
Sam would just assume that whatever task is sent his little ones way will be accomplished with all of their effort.
He feels like the kind of parent to hype up school any chance he gets for his kid. He wouldn’t want his kid to be nervous, so he’d say just about anything to keep them from being scared.
When Sam brings his kid in for the assessment he is just going to be absolutely beaming with joy.
He’s just such a proud dad. Getting to see his kid answer questions and have so much fun is going to have him over the moon.
“Buddy you did so good with those shapes! When did you learn those??”
Sam would be on the ball for school shopping. Everything that’s on the school given list and then some.
“Sam... they don’t need a dictionary --- they can’t even read yet.”
“Just incase! You never know!”
*Insert Sam looking for dirty words and snickering to himself*
He’d also want to practice so much with his kid before the big day comes. Going over their numbers and ABC’s so they feel nice and prepared.
When the big day does come around he is immediately going to have his camera out, ready to take some nice first day at school pictures. Whether they are waiting for the bus or he’s driving them to the school.
There are going to be like a million pictures. 
So many.
“You’ve got your crayons?”
“Are you sure?! I just want to make sure. Oh and you’ve got your lunch box?? Mom made you such a good lunch.”
“Yup! I’ve got everything!”
“Excellent work~” He’d hum, “You're going to have an awesome first day!”
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Danny I could imagine feeling a little nervous for his little one to start school
He would never tell his kid this of course; I feel like he would understand how well attuned kids can be to feelings, especially nervous feelings.
So he tries to bury his worried feelings.
They’d come out a little every time his baby shows any concerns about school. But he will stuff them down and try to be as reassuring as he can.
“You’re going to make so many friends, buddy! You aren’t even going to notice Mom and Dad aren’t there, y’know? They also have lots of cool toys.”
Danny seems like the kind of Dad that would want them to feel confident. So if that meant lots of new clothes, or cool school supplies. He’d get it for them. Above everything he just doesn’t want them at any point to have a hard time in this process.
In all honesty though he’s the one having the hard time.
His kid is probably hella excited.
Danny sort of strikes me as a parent who would pack a really nice lunch for his kid. Like. This kid isn’t just going to have a ham sandwich like the rest of the loser kids in their class.
The scene I sort of keep running in my head is with Danny standing at the end of the driveway holding his kids hand, they're both just leaning out waiting for the school bus to come around the corner.
“Hey dad?”
“...I’m sorta scared.”
“Buddy, it’s okay to be scared. This is a new thing for you. It’s totally okay to be worried about it.”
“I know...”
“Is there something that’s scaring you a lot though?”
The kid would nod, “...I’m going to miss you.”
Danny’s heart would just melt, and he’d pull them up into his arms for a huge hug. “I’m going to miss you lots too! But. As soon as you get home we can play as much as you want, okay?”
Watching his kid get onto the bus is going to be such a scary thing, but he knows it’ll all work out.
I feel like he would plan something fun for afterwards. Whether it be like going to get ice cream, or taking them out to a movie. Just something to celebrate!
Well that’s all of those! Sorry they’re a little bit more briskly written I sort of wanted to get those out of my head so I can focus on the next part of What Friends Do. As always if you guys want an actual full fic written for one of these, let me know~ 
Fun note! My first day of school was proceeded by going to an amusement park on the Friday. Going to a friends house and dislocating my elbow on the Saturday. Having major surgery on the Sunday. And then sobbing my whole first day, the Tuesday.
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box-of-birds · 2 years
For the ask 6, 13 - Felix, please ^^
6. Has fandom ever made you enjoy the pairing you previously hated?
I don't think so? I don't have a lot of pairings I hate, and when I do it's usually because of the fans, so...nah.
13. Unpopular opinion about Felix.
Hmm, that's tricky. I think my unpopular opinion is that I like both Felix (PV) and Adrien as protagonists pretty much equally? Like, at first Astruc was pushing the idea that Felix is boring and bad, and people should just forget about him and move on, and fandom rolled with it. Then, when the salt started rising, I saw more takes about how Adrien sucks and Felix would be better as the main hero. I've seen both "Felix is an awful person, Adrien is a better role model" and "Adrien is boring and perfect but also the worst person on Earth, Felix is way more interesting" takes and decided I don't like either of them. I love both catboys, thank you very much. I think they can both be good protagonists, though they were meant for different kinds of stories.
And canon Felix is like a completely different deal. He is allowed to know so much precisely because he is not a protagonist, and he doesn't appear a lot because of that, yet every time he does, he is so much fun! I've seen a lot of hatred towards him after the finale but I can't hate him. I also hope that he won't get Duusu forcibly taken away or die like some want him to. He might be a terrible gremlin but he doesn't deserve it. (...Imagine if Kwamis' Choice is about Duusu, I'd lose my mind). I also don't see him teaming up with Lila. He is too much of a loner and he probably wouldn't trust her. Besides, they don't have similar goals or enemies. I do like Felila (sometimes) but not in an "evil power couple" kinda way, but in a "No Children by Mountain Goats" kinda way? I like the angst of two people being totally unfit to be with each other, if that makes sense.
I think that's it. I'm not sure how unpopular these opinions are
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fuchsiagrasshopper · 3 years
Contending the Flame X
Author’s Note: Ten chapters in! I haven’t written something this long in a while and there’s so much more to come yet, so thanks for your encouragement, patience, and kind words as always!
Song inspiration for this chapter: So I never do this, but inspiration in song came to me via Oceans by Puscifer
Pairing: Ivar x Reader
Word count: 3268
Warnings: Canon divergent, Master/servant dynamic, language, hint of angst
When you first saw the great expanse of the blue ocean touching sky, you only had two thoughts; that it was more beautiful than all of the green hills of England, and that Ivar should have been at your side. He had broken his promise, though not intentionally you understood.
He had been there at the break of dawn as Ubbe helped you into the longboat. After you had parted in the slave's quarters, you hadn't been given the chance to be alone with him again. Standing at the edge of the water, his face had been as blank as a fresh sheet of parchment, and he was careful not to look in your direction. You never stopped looking at him though, even as the bow of the boat pierced the water and the current started to drag you away. Ivar soon became a black line in your vision, and when you lost sight of York, it set in that you were leaving behind your homeland. 
Hvitserk had pulled you aside days before you were to depart to give you an education on what to expect when travelling by sea. It wasn't uncommon to have an upset stomach or light head, but drinking enough water would help ease such discomforts. You were also told to keep close to Ubbe's side should the clouds sink low and drive squalls into the side of the boat. Hvitserk had laughed at the alarmed look on your face but had continued to reassure you that if you all ended up in the water, that Ubbe was a competent swimmer. Not very comforting.
The chill in the air was different in the open water than when on land. Taking a look around the longboat at your fellow traveller's, they did not appear to be as bothered by the cold. Their northern bones were built to withstand the wind it seemed. Ubbe had draped you in a fur pelt, but it might as well have been a silk curtain. The cold had seeped into your marrow, and you felt soaked from the spray of the salty sea. 
As you watched the waves roll by, you heard the thumping steps of boots on the wooden boards coming closer. Ubbe tossed you an unsure smile as you looked up, and he took the spot across from you. It was still odd sharing in your first tour of the ocean with someone who was mostly a stranger. When you had first spotted him on the night of the raid, you had only seen another blood soak barbarian who spoke in a foreign tongue. Your paths had intertwined since then, but you hadn't spoken until this morning. He had apologized for scaring you, and also explained he had only been trying to help you that night. Perhaps things would have turned out differently had you stayed at his side, but you chose not to ponder the 'what if' scenario.
"You travel the water well," He complimented, cutting through your thoughts. "Most throw up their first time."
"I've been following Hvitserk's advice," You said, holding up your waterskin. You were mindful to pace yourself and not chug it down all at once either. "It's also beautiful out here. I didn't want to miss anything."
Ubbe nodded as his gaze fixed on the knife in your other hand. You didn't know what to do with it, and you didn't have any other belongings in your name. Even if you didn't agree with the purpose of its gifting, you wanted to keep it close.
"Ivar gave you that?" Ubbe prodded lightly, but you could see he was curious. 
"Yes," You said, hoping to God you didn't give up a blush as you thought about Ivar.
"Thralls aren't supposed to have weapons, you know."
"I tried to tell that to your brother, but he insisted."
Ubbe smirked. "I wonder why he would do that?"
You frowned as you looked down at the aforementioned knife. "What do you mean?"
"Only that he was constantly badgering me about keeping you safe," Ubbe said and he laughed at your confounded expression. "I'm not sure what Saxon men gift to their women, but for us, a weapon is of some significance."
You considered Ubbe's words, and how adamant Ivar had been when placing it in your hand. You'd never had any man offering you gifts before. Maybe that was why you kept it so close.
"I told him I wouldn't know how to use it. That was a lie."
"You know how to wield a knife?" Ubbe asked incredulously. 
"Well, not with any real skill, but when Ivar gave it to me he said it can take a life if I had to. That doesn't require any technique, just courage and a fight to survive." You withdrew the knife from the sheath, focused on how the blade glinted from the sun.
"And have you...taken a life that is?"
You looked out over the side of the boat, but there was no escape out there. Seeing how far the water spread put into perspective how alone these ships were. The Northmen seemed to be the bravest people you had ever known, to venture out into an abyss and hope to come across land after travelling such a distance.
Your attention returned to Ubbe, and you had nearly forgotten his question or rather you had hoped he would. "I've never told anyone this before; only God. It has been my burden and shame, a part of my past I've been seeking absolution for."
"You mean you've killed before?" Ubbe stretched out his legs and moved closer. It suddenly felt as if you were the only two sharing the boat.
"In a different life, before I had taken my vows as a nun. I was alone on the streets after my mother died, still new to the idea of being an orphan. I knew little in the ways of fending for myself. Up until that time I had survived on what scraps my mother could beg or steal for us both." You felt your eyes close a moment, and you could see the crooked alleys of Rendlesham again. It had all the charm of a charnel house, and the scent of spoiled goat's milk was everywhere. 
"When my mother died, I didn't mourn her absence as much as I resented it. She left me alone. I was a vagrant, and my struggle came over a bit of leftover stale bread. Another poor boy wanted it, but I had found it first. He was as skinny as me, but I remember he seemed so strong. I knew I would never have wrestled the bread back from him, so I picked up a stone and hit him over the back of the head with it. He didn't even make a noise, he just laid there. At first, I thought he was unconscious, but he wasn't breathing. I took the bread, and I ran. I haven't stopped running since."
"You joined the church after that?" Ubbe guessed.
You nodded. "I was too young to make any real commitment to joining a nunnery, but the sisters' pity orphans and that meant a bed to sleep in. But I couldn't get over my guilt at what I'd done. It wasn't for me to decide if that boy died, but I had been selfish. I wanted to live, and he was in my way."
"Self-preservation isn't a bad thing. It takes courage to stand up when it is so much easier to lie down," said Ubbe, and he held out his hand, silently asking for the knife. You put it in his palm while hesitating, afraid he wouldn't give it back. "This can save you. It is an extension of that will to survive, and even a nun can become as fierce as a shieldmaiden if the situation calls for it."
You were quick in retrieving your knife back, and your eagerness caused Ubbe to laugh. You smiled in return a moment before growing serious. "I hope I never have to use it."
"I wish that for you, if only because it brings you peace. But your life is tied to my little brother's now, and death seems to follow him like a black cloud. I would get used to the idea all the same if I were you."
You had so many questions about Ivar, about his past, and what his intentions for you were. It wouldn't have been fair to try and pry the answers out of Ubbe though. Ivar's mind was as closed off to him as it was to you it seemed. Besides, you wanted to hear the truth from the man himself, whenever you were to meet again. A throb grew in your chest, but you refused to call it longing.
Ubbe stood up and brushed a hand on your shoulder. "You should rest. Our journey has only begun, and the ocean can turn you weary."
"I will try," You agreed if only to placate him. "And Ubbe, can you not tell Ivar about what we discussed?"
"Why not?" He asked, a genuine look of confusion falling on his face.
"I just...don't want him to think badly of me."
"I don't think he would. In fact, I think it would only bind him to you more," Ubbe said, but your pleading eyes didn't waver. "But if it's that important to you, I won't mention it."
"Thank you."
Ubbe nodded before leaving you to return to the men rowing the ship. You tried to do as he suggested, settling further into your fur in the intent to sleep, but your mind was awake and you were surrounded by water that never knew rest. Your thoughts dwelled on the murdered boy, his face you had since forgotten. All that remained was his blood on your hands. You wondered again if anyone had noticed his disappearance, a family waiting for a son who was never coming home, or maybe he had been like you. Left alone, and ignored by the unfriendly faces of strangers. 
What Ubbe had said about the truth binding Ivar to you made you curious. The Northmen had such different views on death and murder. Ubbe had not flinched at your story, so you knew Ivar wouldn't even bat an eye. It felt good to unburden yourself from the secret, and that in turn filled you with guilt. You didn't want to reflect on that moment so haphazardly. You had taken a life.
With a sigh you looked up at the sky, wondering which god was listening to you. Closing your eyes, you began to murmur your prayer.
"Hail Mary, Full of Grace, The Lord is with thee…"
Ivar was miserable. He loved seeing the world and leading the army to conquer new lands, but it was a pity he had to travel by sea to accomplish all of that. There was no skipping over the inevitable part of sailing on a longboat and try as he could to refrain from feeling sick, he had already lost the contents of his stomach over the stern. He knew he was as pale as a baby seal, and his expression was screwed into one of discomfort and acrimony. Hvitserk was mindful to keep anyone from approaching him, even Freydis who thought she could use the opportunity to soothe his irritability with her false concerns.
Vestfold was a long journey from York and centered in inhospitable territory surrounded by floating ice. Ubbe and his boat would likely reach Kattegat before they were to arrive in King Harald's domain. Ivar considered how to approach the man. He was both wise and volatile and had led great legions of men when Ivar was still an infant. He respected the older King a great deal, but that wasn't any reason to let his guard down and play the situation with anything less than caution. 
Ivar looked around the ship and spotted Hvitserk laughing around with the men. He was grateful to have his brother with him, but it didn't ease the ache of your separation. He had never broken a promise before until he had said he would take you to see the ocean. You were off somewhere else with Ubbe, who he prayed to Odin would keep you safe. He wondered how you were travelling by boat, and whether or not you had thought of him in return.
He had gifted you with a knife, and in return, the only thing Ivar had of yours was your wooden cross pendant. It was from the first day you had met. He didn't know why he kept it then, only that it had nothing to do with the Christian symbol. It was something of yours, delicate and modest that had rested close to your heart. It fit so small and insignificant in his hand, and he traced it with his finger, hating everything it represented but unable to toss it aside.
"Are you considering converting?" Heahmund's voice chimed at his side. He was tied up at the back of the boat, and Ivar thought he had been asleep until now.
"I would rather die forgotten and nameless, belonging to no god than to ever believe in your powerless one," Ivar groused back as he hid the cross away.
"Where did you get that then? From an unfortunate soul whose path you crossed."
Ivar thought of your face, breathless and flushed after he had kissed you. "On the contrary. She has been very fortunate to have met me."
"I see," Heahmund said unconcerned. "It was (Y/N)'s then."
Ivar frowned, craning his head to engage with the Bishop head-on. "(Y/N)? Is that her true name?"
"Yes," Heahmund replied, and he lost the smarmy smirk. "She never told you that then."
Ivar wanted to toss the Bishop overboard, regardless of the usefulness he thought he could provide up until now. You had confessed your true name to this man, something Ivar had been trying to wrest from you for months. His stomach pulled tight from the hurt, and he thought he was going to be sick again.
"Ivar," The Bishop called for his attention. "I'm certain she only told me because she was confessing a private matter to me. I did not ask it of her."
"What matter?"
Heahmund shook his head. "I cannot say, for that would be a betrayal of her trust."
Ivar forced himself to stand, even as he swayed from the motion of the boat. He clung to one crutch while thrusting the other into the center of the Bishop's chest, forcing out an exhale from the impact. 
"Tell me now, or you won't have any teeth left to chew with." Or to smile with for that matter.
Heahmund hesitated a moment as if to measure how true he felt the threat to be. He came around to the smart conclusion and began to talk. "She only said that she felt lost in regards to your intentions, and how she feels about you. I warned her not to fall in love with a heathen."
Love? Ivar frowned, not able to grasp how such a concept had been conjured up in a conversation between you. But the notion didn't repulse him. It was a delight. He had an entirely different reason for the fog in his head, none of which had to do with the shifting of the boat. Could it be possible that you felt the same?
"What did (Y/N) say?" He asked, getting familiar with the taste of your name on his tongue. 
"She said that she could never give her heart to a heathen and that she will remain with God. Alas, Sister Mary Catharine will never belong to you, Boneless."
Ivar didn't take you to be one for cruelty, and he was skeptical about what Heahmund was saying. Another part of his mind, a dark part that he had tried to shut out, believed the Bishop. Everything from the kiss to your attempt on your own life, and of the words you had shared occupied his thoughts into one loud boom of chaos. He loathed the distance that now separated you. If you were with him now, he could hear the truth pass from your lips rather than wanting to shake it free from Heahmund. 
Ivar went closer to him until his figure loomed and blocked the sun from his face. "You both belong to me, and if you think you can steal her back to England, then you'd best prepare yourself for the cross, Bishop. I hear your people crucify thieves." 
"Ivar," Hvitserk interrupted, wearing an unsure expression as he approached. "Everything alright?"
"Perfect. I was just clearing something up with our God-fearing Bishop. We understand each other much better now, I think."
Heahmund stared back blankly, and Ivar could sense his hatred. He revelled in it, knowing that he had taken all of the power away from the Bishop. 
"Great. Can I talk to you for a moment, now that everything's settled," Hvitserk said, already starting to walk away towards the side of the boat.
Ivar spared one last look at Heahmund, who had humbled himself in defeat. His head was bowed, and he uttered no prayer under his breath. Ivar smirked before leaving him.
Hvitserk's shoulders were tense, and he was gripping the ledge of the boat as Ivar came up behind him. He appeared annoyed, something Ivar wasn't used to seeing. Hvitserk was the calm type.
"What's the matter?" He asked.
Hvitserk shot a sour look over his shoulder in the direction of Heahmund. "I've had it with that lippy Christian, and I'm not the only one. Most of our warriors aren't keen on having a Bishop doing our fighting."
Ivar rolled his eyes. "He's nothing more than a pawn. No real power."
"Then you should tell them that. Most would rather have the nun back."
Ivar froze at the mention of you. "What do they know about (Y/N)?" 
"That's her name, as I've found out," Ivar explained brusquely. "Anyway, most of them don't even know her."
"That's not true. A lot of them have seen or spoken with her since she aided Audhild."
It had slipped his mind accidentally that he wasn't always with you since he had given you away. Things had happened beyond his sight of you, like the bruise on your eye that he was never made privy to. "What do they say about her?"
"They think she is meek, like most Christians," Hvitserk said, shrugging. "But she isn't judgemental when it comes to our customs, and she has admirable patience. I told them she must have, to have put up with you this long." 
Ivar jostled to the side as Hvitserk nudged him in the shoulder. They both broke out into a laugh, and it helped remind Ivar he wasn't alone in whatever came next. Vestfold would be upon them soon enough, and there was no room to be careless. 
The brothers stood sharing in each other's silence. Ivar couldn't hazard a guess about Hvitserk's thoughts, too preoccupied with his own and the weight of the cross he had stashed away in his tunic. He stared out at the water, with visions of sea serpents and merfolk playing tricks on his mind. Leagues away in your longship, he hoped the first sight of the ocean had brought you some happiness. He would make it up to you with a promise of something else spectacular, and this time he would see it through at your side. 
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nerdybirdy6602 · 3 years
ooh 15 + hugs + any d20 couple?
My god I love this request! So sorry it took me forever to get to! ACOC week happened, and then I moved into my dorm... Life is simply insane and chaotic but in all the best ways lmao. Anyway, I know these two aren't a couple in canon BUT you said a tender embrace and my brain latched on to this and simply wouldn't let go. Hope you like it! <3
Paralysis crept up Evan’s spine like a black widow spider under his shirt, moving so slowly at first that he didn’t even recognize the feeling. It was just an itch, just a minor sensation, until suddenly it was all-consuming and all he could see was a deep, dark shadow. Faintly, he heard Jammer’s voice in the background, but it was as if Evan was submerged deep underwater.
Weakly, he pondered just how apt the description was. Yes, possession felt exactly like drowning. Whatever eldritch horror lived inside him had filled his lungs, making it nearly impossible to breathe. The icy cold chill in the space around him made him want to shiver, but his body didn’t move.
He used to question if this was how he was meant to die, possessed by the ancient malignant spirits that rested in his soul. These days, he knew that the beings within him would never let him die. He was simply too precious to them; he was the most useful tool in their arsenal for completing whatever heinous plot they had in mind. He could only pray that they didn’t hurt anyone, especially not his friends.
How close had Jammer been before everything went dark? Was it selfish to hope he was close, so that he could fix it in his uniquely-Jammer style? God, of course it was, but still he hoped. He longed for the gentle praise and kind words that Jammer gave so openly, like those things were a commodity. It made him ache for all he’d never been lucky enough to experience as a child, but also warmed his heart to know that he could still be worthy. It was strange how such a contradiction of emotions could happen simultaneously.
“You in there, my guy?”
Yes, he wanted to scream, but his mouth was frozen shut and there was no breath in his lungs. Please get me out. Please, I’m still here.
“Of course you are,” Jammer muttered to himself, as if reading Evan’s thoughts. “Stupid question.”
Silence reigned for several minutes. Evan only heard the rush of blood in his ears and the quiet whispers of whatever took over his body. Ice flooded his veins, an entirely separate feeling from the takeover in his body. Did Jammer leave? Had this been the straw that broke the camel’s back? He knew there had to be a limit. Still, he was shocked by how long he’d gone on without hitting a boundary.
“I don’t want to be alone,” Evan heard himself say, but the words were messy and distorted. He winced at how desperate he sounded.
“You’re not,” was Jammer’s quick reply. Of course he hadn’t left. He wasn’t the kind of guy to leave a teammate behind. “Never, Evan. You hear me in there? Never.”
Evan fought against the beings within himself to nod, even if it was only the tiniest motion. Jammer must have perceived it, because the next thing he said was, “Good. I’m right here with you, my guy. Goat house!”
“Goat house,” he croaked in return, his eyes trying to scan through the darkness to see Jammer. After a moment, he murmured, “It’s so dark.”
Instantly, he felt familiar arms wrapped around his torso. Each time he got another hug from him, Evan was sure it was the best touch he would ever receive in his life. This one, though? His embrace was so tender and careful, lacking all the desperation Evan felt. Jammer hugged him like the light at the end of the tunnel was inevitable, like it was a when and not an if.
He felt the beings try to rebuke the affection, but the tendrils of inky-black darkness still slowly receded. Evan garnered enough control over his body to tuck his face into Jammer’s chest and gripped him tight. The elation of being released from the possession delayed the realization that Evan wasn’t just being hugged by Jammer, but his best friend had also pulled him into his lap at some point. His face flushed pink, but he didn’t have the energy or the will to try and convince Jammer that he didn’t have to do this, any of this.
Instead, he waited for the soft rumble of Jammer’s voice to say, “Welcome back, Evan.”
Evan’s answer was muffled by the silk fabric of his companion’s robes as he answered, “Good to be back, Jammer.”
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moonah-rose · 3 years
A quick alternate to Earshot, but set in canon S2 rather than NPL, where the demons focus on Michael for their taunting.
Second book in on the top shelf. That’s the one to pull to unlock the secret door hidden in the wall behind Michael’s desk. She’s supposedly the only other being, besides Janet, in this micro-universe privy to that bit of info. It leads to a hallway that extends to a secret chamber filled with a bunch of Earth collectables along with, recently added on her suggestion, a mini-arcade with classic game machines and a karaoke stand. The walls were sound proof, obviously.
She’s not here to escape a lecture from Chidi about messing up the laundry by hanging out in her demon pal’s very own ‘bud hole’ this time. Her ear is pressed to the closed panel after sealing herself in, waiting for the big Satanic tree to arrive.
To her surprise, and slight annoyance, he hadn’t arrived alone.
“You shouldn’t be getting drunk like this. What if the humans saw you? Everyone here is supposed to be abstinent of all vices!” Michael had grumbled, a ruckus of giggles behind him.
“That’s the point, dummy! It’s a ‘Purge’ night!” Vicky cackled; “Tell ‘im again, Gunner!”
“I got the idea off this human movie - one night, we’re allowed to do any shirt we wanted without consequence! We can drink, smoke, do drugs, stab and bite to our black hearts content!”
“NO! Definitely no stabbing! Or hurting any of them...Physically!” He’d struggled to make that last detail sound natural.
Good save, bud, Eleanor had thought.
Another demon, Petra, Eleanor thinks, had groaned; “Ugh, you are such a buzzkill lately. Can’t you see how awesome this idea is? Think about how wasted Eleanor is gonna let herself get! That dork, Jason, is gonna be high as a kite and it will make Chidi and Tahani wanna cower inside their homes! It’s genius!” 
Eleanor had almost let herself be excited for the idea of trying to make the most of this supposed ‘torture’, similar to the one at Tahani’s party, which even Michael had said she hadn’t done too bad at acting and preparing the chaos sequence the next morning. She could hear the worry in Michael’s response though, being surrounded by three hundred demons, losing their inhibitions and wanting to let off steam in the most ‘passionate’ way possible, had the potential to go very wrong. For all of them.
As she listened, Michael’s attempts to reign in his rogue employees soon descended into outright pleading, which only gave him more scorn in return.
“Look just...remember what our goal is here. I get that you’re all frustrated but we’re doing so well and all I ask is that you don’t go too far on the humans, please.” He’d tried to ask, nicely. Wrong move.
The laughter nearly shook the building.
“Jeez! If you love these humans so much, why don’t you fork them?” Bambadjan teased.
“Nah, let’s face it, not even those cockroaches would wanna go near that disgusting skin suit with all it’s musty folds.” Vicky responded; “...Oh, what’s wrong, Mikey? It’s not like we’re insulting ‘you’ after all...Unless you’re starting to feel a little too cosy in that costume of yours.”
Eleanor’s stomach twisted on his behalf. She knew how much he loved that suit; he was so forking vain, after all. But then again, is it vanity if it’s not really his body? He just wishes it was.
“Don’t be ridiculous.” Michael responded, quietly.
“Then prove it, dude! Take it off! Strip! Todd goes streaking every night.” Gunner encouraged.
“You know I can’t! It’s not the same for me.”
“Maybe I’ll take mine off tonight. Imagine how much Mendoza will freak out when he sees a giant acid snake coming for him after too many mushrooms!” Vicky joked; “It’s still ten times better than any torture method you’ve come up with for them, Mike. Maybe melting their brains by revealing your demon form will provide us some results.”
Is it really that bad? Eleanor was naively hoping there was some sexy bald goat-man underneath that suit. Dude was so shifty about it, like he didn’t wanna spoil the mystery. Was it more than that? Was he ashamed?
“You’ve all made your point, have your Purge and I’ll clean up the mess tomorrow. Just go easy on the humans - I insist.” Michael sounded so tired.
“Oh he ‘insists’!? Did you hear that guys? Mikey, who failed his own experiment over eight hundred times, wants to ‘insist’!” Vicky sneers.
“Well I insist that he shuts his fugly food hole and leave the masters to our job!” Petra cackled; “And he gets back to trying to fork his paperclips or whatever shirt you get up to here.”
That sounded painful, Eleanor couldn’t stop herself picturing it.
“Jeez, Mike, you always were a loser but there’s really no hope for you, is there. Before you were just the quiet nerd no one wanted to hang out with because of your weird fixation with Earth-people. Soon you’re gonna be known as the idiot who failed his first experiment; even if the rest of us do manage to salvage it for Shawn, we’ll all know the truth about how badly you suuucked!”
It took all of Eleanor’s strength not to shove the panel open, stomp over and grab Vicky’s hair to slam her face into the desk. They all just followed him in there to bully him?! They were the losers.
“C’mon, guys! We should have known he wouldn’t have wanted to join our party, it’s not like he’s used to being invited to any.” Bambadjan added, inciting more giggles.
“See you in the morning, dumb-ash. Be up bright and early to clean up our shirt, as you say, chop chop!”
Counting to ten to contain her rage luckily meets up with the sound of the door closing, the demons exiting the building.
She carefully opens the secret door, seeing Michael sat in his chair, hands folded on his lap, eyes cast down. When he hears her soft footsteps, his head turns, expression shifting to try to cover the wobbling lip she’d briefly caught sight of. He sniffs and rubs his upper lip with his hand.
“Eleanor!” Michael straightens up; “Were you there the whole time? What if they’d seen you or...sensed you were there?”
“Relax, man, they didn’t see shirt, it’s cool.” She puts her hand up; “...You okay?”
He looks to the side, forcing his ‘superior’ smirk, “Uhh, yeah, of course! Why wouldn’t I be? Just...having a bit of workplace banter, as they say.”
“Didn’t sound like ‘banter’ to me, dude.” She edges closer, slowly, knowing that if he’s as much like her as she knows, he’s gonna be like a wounded tiger right now.
Getting too close, too quick, is gonna get her eyes clawed out. She would know, she’s swung a few claws herself.
Michael sniffs, struggling to keep his mask on; “M’fine, Eleanor, really. You better go prepare for this Purge or whatever they were talking about, go enjoy yourself or...make sure the others are safe-.”
His words are cut off by her weight falling down onto his lap, arms looping around his neck as she embraces him. Fork it. Screw being slow and steady; the demon was about ready to cry.
“Wha....What are you doing?” Michael stutters, stiffening.
“Hugging you, idiot...Sorry, I mean that affectionately,” She says against his ear.
She shrugs, still hugging him tight, shuffling on his knees; “’Cause you need it. ‘Cause it’s the quickest way to let you know that all those things those demons said was garbage. Fork, have they always talked to you like that?”
His silence answers her question.
She squeezes him again; “Damn, no wonder you’re as new to this whole friend thing as me.”
“Demons insult each other all the time, Eleanor, it’s how we compliment each other. We’re meant to enjoy it.”
That made zero sense. 
“But you don’t....do you?”
Michael breaths in deep against her. Then she shakes her head, leaning into her shoulder.
“That’s ‘cause I’m a freak...I’m wrong, just like they say...like Shawn says...I’m just a failure of a demon.”
“That’s a good thing in my books, man.” Eleanor pulls back, looking at him, admiringly; “You might be failing as a demon but, I have it on good authority, you are rocking it as a newbie human. And I know you think we’re all gross and stupid but...I know you love us.”
He wrinkles his nose, trying to look as though he denied it, yet refusing to. His eyes gaze into hers, a rush of color brightening his cheeks.
“It’s fine, you don’t have to say it, I know you’re not quite ready there yet.” She knows herself how difficult it is to say those three words, to anyone; “But we’re your friends. We want you on our team, Michael, not just ‘cause it stops you torturing us but...Because you’re a cool guy to be around, when you’re not giving paperclip showers or putting us in purple space bubbles.”
A smile threatened to crack on Michael’s face as he squirmed beneath her. Was it really this easy to make an all-powerful being look so shy and bashful? It was adorable.
She moves her hand up to his cheek, thumb stroking below his eye, reddened with unshed tears.
“Also...I feel kinda obliged to confess something.” She says, “This skin-suit? Your skin-suit? What Vicky said was bull-shirt. All of it. Not only is this suit as much you as whatever demony essence you got going on underneath...But it’s also not bad looking either. I might even go as far to say ‘handsome’. In like a Richard Gere in Pretty Woman way.”
“R-really?” He looks hopeful for a second; “I mean...I know it’s gorgeous, but I wouldn’t expect...I mean I wouldn’t want you - or any human - to ever wanna-.”
She cuts his babbling off again with a kiss on the cheek.
He’s frozen now.
Eleanor grins; “That prove it for you? You know me, I don’t give out pity kisses.”
Michael squirmed again, biting his lip, mumbling something which might have been ‘gross’ or ‘weird food holes’, but he doesn’t move his hands away from where they’ve found the small of her back.
“Hey...how about we do one quick bit of karaoke before we go brief the others on tonight. You can pick the song.” She says, giving his bow-tie the smallest tug.
He smiles, touched, then nods; “Sounds good...”
“Cool. Also, don’t open that drawer on your desk until you’ve properly cheered up - I rigged it with a pie to get thrown in your face as revenge for cheating off my paper earlier!”
“Oh, pies are the best prank! I wish you hadn’t told me now, you’ve spoiled the surprise.”
Eleanor giggles as she takes his hand, leading him to his bud-hole; “You know me, demon buddy. I’m always full of surprises.”
His fingers squeezed hers; “That you are.”
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conaionaru · 3 years
The drowned girl
Little Menace
Synopsis: What if Siggy never died and was raised by loving parents that cared for her and taught her the way of the Gods? What if the little Völva was raised by Floki and Helga (because fuck Bjorn!)
Warnings: canon divergence (duh), violence, past child neglect, child abandonment, bad parenting
I don’t own the gifs.
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Bjorn looked at Floki and Helga, waiting for the good news to be said. If the boatbuilder kept his promise and built him the means to leave, Bjorn Ironside could sail to an unknown land and discover what no one had dreamt of.
"What do you say, Helga? What shall we tell him?" Floki mocked his tone, teasing, trying to drag the pretense on.
Bjorn looked at the kind blonde. "We think that it won't be long until you have boats ready and able to take you to the Mediterranean Sea!"
The Ragnarsson lit up at the information until Floki scoffed at the Viking's excitement. "If it exists."
"Of course, it exists!"
"It's just a map, Bjorn. Marks on a paper. A child could have drawn it." Floki cut him off, causing the younger boy to frown. "How can we know if it's real?"
"I learned from my father. The only way to tell if something is real..." He laid a small boat on in the water and pushed it away from the shore. "Is to sail there. I hope you'll come with me, Floki."
"Are you joking? The lure of an imaginary land. Traveling somewhere that doesn't exist?" Floki laughed in his mad way and grinned happily. "Of course, I am coming."
"And I hope you will come too, Helga." The blonde healer smiled at them, amused.
"Well, if Floki is mad enough to go, then I guess I will follow."
Bjorn cheered up at the answer, happy to know that his father's friends would be there to see him achieve his dream. What bothered him, though, was the silence. Something was off. "Where is she?" The tall Ragnarsson looked around them and up the trees, looking for a familiar face or shape. But he saw nothing.
"Went to collect some herbs a while ago," Helga explained, frowning at the relieved sigh the boy let out in return.
A girl in a long scarf sat by the shore, the dark teal fabric hiding her hair from the gentle breeze that swept by. Her bare feet were burrowed in the sand, while her hands held the scarf in a death grip.
The waves mercilessly hit the shore, washing away any imperfections from the sand. But the girl sat there, unmoving. If it wasn't for the rise and fall of her chest, she might have seemed dead. Her lips are in a thin line, a vertical stripe drawn down her chin, with another symbol between her eyes, strands of blonde hair sway in the wind around her face.
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But the most shocking feature of this girl are her kohl-lined eyes, as white as milk, unblinking and unseeing. She appears to be in a trance, the world passing by her as she sits there—the calm before the storm.
Despite her ears being deaf to the world, she still heard voices, painful screams, and the hissing of snakes sounded in her head. She saw a snake curled around an arrow, drowning in a river of blood. She could feel the red liquid against her bare feet, wetting her dress.
A raven croaked over her head, drawing her from her state. With the blink of an eye, her white pupils changed to blue, the same shade as the waters before her. She looked up at the position of the sun and sighed in annoyance. With some difficulty, she rose to her feet with a bunch of flowers in one of her hands.
The blonde girl walked up a hill, pulling down the scarf from her head, her wild hair flying behind her in a fury. She sat upon the mountain, putting a bouquet of wildflowers on a small grave, pulling the weeds out, and tossing it away.
The painted girl patted the child's grave, lovingly, and sighed. "I would sing to you, but you have suffered enough, no? I am sailing away soon to Bjorn's imaginary sea. Don't miss me too much."
She left the hill, passing by some playing children and fishers who run around in excitement or got ready to work. She ignored the noise around her, striding towards her goal—the forge. The people around her gossiped with each other, the name of Ragnar Lothbrok falling from their lips. Apparently, the king returned to Kattegat after years of absence; she could care less.
An older woman glared at the young blonde, pulling her child behind her as if to protect it from a rabid animal. "Freak." She spat under her breath, glaring at the unbothered teen.
People avoided her like the plague as if she was no better than the thralls and cattle. Goats were more loved than her around the town. But she didn't care for their feelings, or them for the matter.
"Sigurd." She greeted the man who stood out the forge strumming his oud, humming a cheerful tune with a scowl on his face, trying to distract himself from his thoughts.
"Siggy." The Ragnarsson nodded at her, the lines on his forehead relaxing as he looked the blonde over. She carried herself in the usual swagger, her feet bare and eyes crazy. "Did you hear what happened?"
She snorted and plopped down next to him, taking the oud out of his hands and plucking at the strings with no talent or intention to play. It annoyed him when she used his things, so of course, she did it as often as possible. "Ragnar's back. I heard people curse his name. But do tell what he did."
Sigurd spat on the ground and glared at the dirt, making her stop messing around and look at him in question. "The settlement in Wessex was destroyed right after he left, which he knew of but did nothing! And now he came back, not to reunite with his family or apologize to his people. He wants to sail to England instead."
Siggy giggled at the explanation and jumped up, twirling around the support beam before dropping the music instrument in his lap and continuing her twirls. "He wants revenge like everyone does. People died because of him in every fight, so why are you angry that he wants people to die again? Tis nothing new, Sigurd."
He shook his head angrily before dismissing the issue and talking to her about more pleasant things. "I caught a fox. Do you want the pelt?"
Siggy shook her head, snagging an apple from a merchant's cart and then another one from another food stand. "Keep your lame pelts. I told you I want a bearskin!"
The Ragnarsson rolled his eyes at her and strummed his instrument as his niece stole another apple and juggled them cheerily, ignoring his stern look. "You shouldn't steal, Siggy! You have money!"
"You are the rich one, not me. And I am hungry." She snorted, catching the apple in her mouth midair, wiggling her thin eyebrows at him in a mocking manner.
It felt nice to be around each other without the pressure of Sigurd's bloodline around them. People avoided him when he was around Siggy, the girl too wild and violent for anyone to spend time with her. All but Sigurd were cautious about their words around her.
The Viking with the serpent in his eye was not afraid of her at all. In his eyes, she was the same as when they were children, his lonely friend. Siggy used to be too scared to leave the Great Hall, dirty and neglected by everybody.
"You should be nicer to me, anyway. I am leaving soon, you know? What if I never return? Would you miss me?" She joked dramatically, skipping around the dirty ground with her bare feet
"I suppose I would miss your shrill voice. The silence will be haunting." Sigurd said sarcastically, earning a punch on the shoulder from his niece.
Siggy giggled delightedly, the sound the same as the cackles Floki let out when happy. So much has changed since she was a child; the little blonde wasn't a child anymore; she was now a young woman hungry for adventure.
She was so happy when Bjorn announced that he is leaving to find the place on his map that she didn't even care that it meant going with him. Siggy wanted to see the world; she was an explorer, far too nosy and curious for her own good. But Sigurd supposed it was a family trait; she was just like Ragnar and Bjorn.
"Try not to kill him, Siggy."
"No promises, Sig." Throwing away the last apple core, she spoke to him in a serious tone, her hatred for her biological father obvious. Ragnar's eldest son was far too mouthy towards her, considering he is to blame for all her shortcomings. After all, Siggy wouldn't be an outcast and madwoman if he had been a better father to her.
Truth to be told, Siggy was happy with how her life turned out; she had Helga and Floki, she was sure they were far better parents than Bjorn could have ever been. She pitied his children with Torvi, the poor children were probably neglected, and their mother had to raise them independently. Otherwise, where was the fault if not in him as a father? He couldn't just hate her and love the rest of his children.
Helga and Floki loved her and treated her like their own, so she can't be the issue. Bjorn never cared to explain himself, and they avoided each other like the plague. Whenever he came to visit Floki, she left for the woods or to annoy the Ragnarsons.
Siggy parted ways from Sigurd, who left to train with his brothers. She needed to return home before Helga started to worry; the poor woman would go gray at this rate. Floki already said he was bald because of her and Ivar, which was a lie; it was all Ivar's fault; he was more annoying in her opinion.
"Siggy, there you are! Come help me stitch this sail." Helga called out to her adoptive daughter, smiling when she saw the girl safe and sound. She knew that Siggy could take care of herself, but ever since she lost Angrboða, she was worried about her. After all, the gods tried to take her once before, trying to drown her in the river when she was barely four years old.
Siggy was Helga's second chance at motherhood, maybe Floki didn't want a child anymore, but in the end, they got one anyway. Perhaps not of their blood, but Siggy was their daughter, even if not by name.
"Tighten it better and take your time; a good sail is not made in a day." She reminded the younger girl, watching her thin fingers work carefully. Siggy was skilled with sharp things, no matter if blade or needle. But she was always too restless for needlework; everytime, she started a piece and then ran off.
The two worked side by side in silence, while Floki carved details into the prow. It's supposed to be a bear head, meant to honor Bjorn. Siggy hoped it looked just a stupid as him, but knowing the boat builders' work, it would be beautiful.
"Did you pack your things?"
"Yes, Helga."
"All of them? Even the furs?"
"It's gonna be hot there. I don't need furs."
"You don't know that. Pack some just to be sure."
Siggy sighed and looked at her adoptive mother with a begging face. "Yes, Helga." The older blonde ignored the mocking tone and smiled in satisfaction.
Floki snickered behind them and dropped a bow and arrow in Siggy's lap. "Catch something big. We will sacrifice it to Thor later."
"Isn't Aslaug making a sacrifice?"
Floki shook his head and tapped her forehead with a pout on his lips. "This one is to give you more wits. I can't have you dying stupidly. Helga would kill me."
With a scoff, she slapped his hand away, ignoring his giggles as she went out into the woods. Hunting was always her favorite pastime, other than annoying people. The woods were silent; the gods guided her hands as she became a predator and came back covered in blood. What was there not to love?
Walking barefoot over the grass, Siggy enjoyed the serenity and quiet. It was nice to be surrounded by the woods where she grew up. Ever since she was four, the forest was a part of her home. Climbing the trees like a squirrel and gathering herbs with Helga or Aslaug was when she was happiest.
Despite her indifference to the Queen, she was thankful for her company. Aslaug taught her about her gift and how to use it, teaching her the bits that Floki lacked when it came to Völvas. The woman also gave birth to Sigurd, so that was a good thing too. It was also easier to forget that Aslaug left her to the thralls instead of raising her herself. With four children of her own and her husband away, Siggy was too much of a burden on her.
Sometimes when she was young and bored, she wondered what it would have been like living with the Ragnarssons and being raised in Kattegat instead of here. What she might have been like as Aslaug's granddaughter instead of her ward. But those were childish fantasies and a waste of time.
The snapping of a twig broke her train of thought. Siggy stopped in her track and sharpened her ears to any other sounds. Another noise followed, and a deer walked out behind a tree. The animal didn't notice her yet and happily ate, unaware of its upcoming doom.
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Siggy drew her arrow and carefully aimed the weapon at the deer. A crow flew from the tree the moment the animal dropped to the ground. Siggy walked to the still twitching deer on the floor; an arrow ebbed in his chest.
"The gods will be happy; you are a pretty one." She grinned in victory and kneeled before the animal to pick it up. "Come on, don't be difficult." Narrowly missing a flailing antler taking out her eye, she threw the animal over her shoulder and carried it home. Humming a song tune Helga sang to her as a child, Siggy returned home only to hear a foreign voice talking to Floki.
Slowly she let the animal to the ground and climbed up a tree to watch the visitor from afar. He was bald with a beard and dressed in rags. But by the way, he talked to Floki and Helga; he must be an old friend.
A crow sat down on the branch next to her and croaked into her ear. "Shut up." The bird continued the persistent noise, only tilting his head as if to mock her. "Gods, you are more annoying the Ivar. Shoo. Shoo." The crow inched closer to her and cawed louder, right in front of her face. "Fuck off!"
"Stop bullying the birds and come down!" Floki's voice carried out from under the tree, causing the blonde teen to scoff. Leaping off the tall tree, Siggy landed in a crouch and picked herself up from the sandy ground. Making her way to Helga, Floki, and the stranger, Siggy sprinted to her seat by the fire. "What did you catch?"
Plopping down next to the stranger, Siggy leaned into his personal space to stare at his aged face that was pulled in a grimace. The blue eyes and quirky smirk were somewhat familiar to her but still a little bit foreign. "Nice to meet you."
"Stop harassing Ragnar. He is a visitor. Play nice for once, huh." Siggy frowned at the name that Floki spoke and leaned away from the once Greatest man alive.
"I imagined you taller. With more hair." She exclaimed, shrugging her shoulders and reaching for the plate with soup, ignoring the man who chuckled at her nonchalant statement.
Helga ruffled Siggy's hair affectionately and filled a bowl of soup for Ragnar as well. The older man thanked her and watched the young blonde female waiting for a name from her. "Don't mind Siggy; she isn't that fond of people."
Ragnar's eyes widened in slight shock at the name reveal. There was only one blonde Siggy, the girl's age that he knew. Bjorn's daughter Siggy - his granddaughter. He looked at Helga for her to confirm his suspicions, so the woman nodded in agreement.
He opened his mouth to tell her something, but the girl cut him off. "Don't bother. I don't care:"
"Siggy." Scolded Helga.
The younger female rolled her eyes and waved her hand while talking. "You told me not to tell lies. I am simply honest. I don't care what he has to say. Sigurd told me he is back and what he did. I could care less for either."
Floki snickered at her indifferent speech and smirked at Ragnar proudly. No matter if she was of Ragnar's blood, Siggy was more like Floki himself. Crazy with the touches of Helga in between.
"But if you touch any of my stuff, you will pay for it with your life, old man." Ragnar snickered at her statement and looked at her with a challenging glint in his eyes.
"What makes you think you could beat me?"
Siggy scoffed and counted on her fingers. "You are old, in pain from your wound. Meanwhile, I am young, fast, and know your weaknesses from Floki."
"Also stupidly brave and possibly suicidal."
Smirking at his remark, Siggy leaned into his face again and chuckled darkly. "Maybe. Or maybe I am certain that if I stabbed you in a dark corner, no one would come to your aid. Especially not your oldest son."
Ragnar grimaced at her truthful words and looked down at his hands that still held the bowl with soup. "You don't like Bjorn."
"For someone who has been away for a long time, you catch up quickly." She stood up from her seat and walked to the water to play with Floki's mini boats. "He is a lot like you, you know? A shit father just like you. You must be very proud."
"Siggy!" Helga scolded, apologizing for her daughter's behavior and running after her. "What happened today. You are being awfully mean today, Siggy."
The blonde snorted and pushed the model ship around the water.
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The water created soft waves around the small boat, calming her earlier anger. "We will sail with Bjorn."
"You don't have to go if you don't want to. You could stay with Sigurd. I am sure he won't mind. Or I can stay as well. We could have some time alone and make some new dresses for us. I think yellow would suit you well."
Her reflection in the water looked pissed off. The tangled blonde hair and bright blue eyes of her biological father were a permanent reminder of who she really was. No face paint or mannerism could cover-up whose daughter she was. "I don't want a dress, Helga. I want to fight and have an adventure." Siggy hissed in anger and slapped the water, destroying her reflection. Helga jumped in surprise but calmed down when she saw Siggy's concerned look.
"Then what is the problem? You will be with Floki and me. You can talk to Hvitserk and other warriors. You don't have to talk or look at Bjorn at all." Helga whispered softly, stroking Siggy's dirty cheek tenderly. Closing her tormented eyes, Siggy sighed as if a weight was lifted from her shoulders.
"What matters is the adventure and the glory, not Bjorn. What matters is you, not them—none of them or their whispers." Siggy nodded and stood up to take a stroll.
"I will go for a walk. Meet you at the Hall for the celebration."
Helga watched the teen walk away solemnly. "Be careful!" Siggy waved her hand at her and left without looking back.
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Running through the woods barefoot at dawn felt great. The birds were up and chipper while the rest of the world slowly woke up around her. Her blonde hair flowed behind her as she jumped into a puddle of mud and enjoyed the squishy feeling in between her toes.
"Come, the best trees are up here!" Called Floki hiking up the hill before them, passing other tall trees on the way.
Siggy runs behind him, touching every tree and remembering the textures of every bark. "Why not this one? It feels good."
Floki turned on his heel and circled around the tree in a weird dance before shaking his head. "No, no. Not good enough. This one needs more time. But when it gets older. I will make a pretty boat out of it."
Siggy pouted and hugged the tree in protest, pushing her face against the bark. "I like this one! Do something out of it, Floki! Pleaseeeee!"
The boatbuilder rolled his eyes and pried her from the tree. He held her by the shoulders and looked her in the eyes for a bit before chuckling in his peculiar way. "Both you and the tree will grow, and when you are both older, this tree will be the first plank for your very own boat."
Her blue eyes practically sparkled at the thought, and she grinned in excitement. All her earlier sadness and frustration were forgotten. "You will make me a boat? A real big one?"
Floki chuckled and continued his way uphill, Siggy climbing behind him. "Of course! Every voyager needs a ship."
"How do you know I will be a voyager?"
"I can see it in your eyes. You will sail all over the world and see many exciting things." Siggy grinned in victory and sprinted up the hill to a tall oak tree.
She hugged it and smirked down at Floki, who nodded in agreement and let her mark the tree with a knife. He would cut it down later when she was further away. First, they will need to find more trees. "Will people love me when I am older?"
He looked down at the hopeful eyes of his adoptive daughter and sighed. "People don't always love great men and women. They envy them as they envy the gods. Be true to the gods and yourself, and they will reward you."
Siggy opened her eyes, the milky white color fading from them. She sighed in annoyance and watched the waves move in the moonlight. The Great Hall was alive with drunken cheers and brawls, but she felt content by the shore.
When she returned home from her walk, Helga and Floki already left to join the celebrations, so she got ready alone. The pink dress that Helga made for her, especially for tonight, felt too delicate on her. How were those battle-hardened men supposed to fear her if she looked like a soft flower?
Siggy was anything but soft. Sigurd always said she was a hurricane with skin. Easy on the eyes but secretly dangerous. Men will still underestimate women; that was an unspoken rule that always pissed her off. They would respect her skinny mad genius of an adoptive father before they even thought about not treating her like an object. Of course, they will lose an eye or hand for that, but the audacity was still annoying.
Let them look at her and think her small, and then they will shit their pants when they see her beheading enemies. The day Siggy the Drowned settled for a peaceful life, Ragnarok would come. She is Viking and Vikings aren't to be disrespected or underestimated.  
With one last sigh, Siggy turned on her hell and discarded her fur cloak to show off her bare arms to the horny eyes of the drunk people. Sigurd sat on a table near Aslaug, his brothers all around him. Floki and Helga talked to some foreigners on the other side of the Hall.
Merrily skipping towards them made the younger of the two foreigners look at her in curiosity. "You disappoint me, Floki. I wanted to butcher the deer myself."
"You snooze, you lose, Little Menace." The boatbuilder snickered and pulled her closer to show her off to his friends. "This is our daughter Siggy. These are King Harald and his brother Halfdan."
"Ah, yes. The conqueror and his shadow. I am a huge fan of how you take over one kingdom after another—the reason why is disappointing, though."
Harald and Halfdan both frowned in anger but said nothing back to her. Not even an hour here, and she already pissed off two people. At this rate, she would hit her personal record of how many people she can bug in a day.  
"Be nice, Siggy. We are to sail with them to the Mediterranean." Helga softly scolded and shot Floki a glare when she saw him enjoying the exchange too much.
"You have a very unique daughter. I wouldn't expect anything else from you, Floki." Halfdan finally broke the silence looking the young teen over. Slightly unruly blonde hair, face paint, blue eyes with a crazy glint, and a pretty figure. The girl was the perfect mix of Helga and Floki.
"Have you ever raided before, Siggy?" Harald questioned her, causing her to shake her head in denial. "A first raid is a great way to prove yourself. I wish you luck in your battles, then. Let your first kill be easy."
"Who says I haven't killed before?"
Halfdan chuckled at the darkness in her gaze. The voyage won't be boring at all. "And how many did you kill then?"
"A few. People tend to anger me very easily and bleed out too fast."
"I like you, Siggy."
"A shame I don't like people."
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