#not sure what plans bill would have for molly though
bennydwight · 1 year
On a scale of 1 to 10, how much of a good thing would you say Scratch being the supernatural entity Molly's best friends with and not Bill Cipher is?
1000, for the sole reason that Molly is prime manipulation material. Especially at the start of the series, she's alone and searching for connection and believes the best of everyone and Bill, for the most part, is a good actor. He fooled a mature adult for 30 odd years. If it was Bill instead of Scratch, The Chaos Demon and Molly McGee would be a horror show instead of a family one.
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eyeballmonster20 · 5 months
What would be your opinion that Ollie was going to be the new chairman of Ghost World?
I think that Ollie becoming the Chairman is a fantastic and wonderful arc for him. It would of been poetic for him because once he hated ghost and wanted to destroy them for his either life before he moved to Birghton and now him and his family seeing ghost are good, there is nothing holding him back to help engoodify the Ghost World.
I think that this would of challenged the relationship of Molly and Ollie because one he will be far too busy to hang out with Molly despite his attempts at trying to make plans but because of his responsibility of being a roller of the world it make it hard for him. And the idea he has to be a wraith for most for the time he has to do Chairman duties he wills slowly lose his memories of his human life. I read in Twitter from Bill and the writer for the episode that was the plan.
Now what this can Intel for Ollie and the rest of his life well it can go a few ways. For one I see the streets of taking care of a hole world probably will weight on him. But the Ghost Council will probably help him because he is a kid after all. Second, him struggling to juggle his human and Chairman duties can be hard for him but again he will have friends and family to help him. Now about his mind being erased. Well I think one this one may be the sad ending, Ollie forgets Molly and continues to be the Chairman. Now that probably not the direction their going for because that will be sad (then again they did make Scratch forget Molly and all his friends soooo.) but anther possibly is Molly some how helps Ollie remember who she is and jog his memories back. I’m not sure what they had in mind for the Ollie Chairman Arc but it’s a very interesting arc to think about.
Something else I want to say is why did the robe shoes Ollie to be the Chairman? To answer we need to think about his arc in season 2. His arc was to learn to be more empathetic to things he doesn’t understand but that suffer level. I believe there is a deeper meaning to why it choose Ollie.
What makes Ollie worthy to be the Chairman? We’ll it’s can be because Ollie heart to change the world. For probably eons the Ghost World knew nothing but Misery until Molly destroyed the original Chairman. Ghosts purpose was to spread misery far and wide which is why ghost in that universe are persuade as villains and evil monsters. Then Molly stopped the Chairman and the Ghost World finally was free to enjoy their after life. Yes Scratch being the Chairman did make the Ghost World better but remember he hates being the Chairman because he didn’t want to be one in the first place, that’s why he is so terrible at it. Which is why Scratch after realizing that him being the Chairman was a huge mistake because he realized he not worthy to be the Chairman. He understood the burden and responsibilities that came with it which he realized he was not living up to. So I think him sending the robe to choose a worthy ghost was a responsible thing for him to do. Now back to my point, why Ollie? We’ll Ollie knows that now Ghost have been treated as monster and villains for years and years and he knows for a fact what I felt like to hate them. So I think the robe sense in him he wants to change the World by changing the Ghost Worlds statues quote. Ollie takes the robe and knows that instead of Ghost being know to spread misery he can take this chance to make them spread joy instead. He will take this role to make sure all ghost are seen as just people. I also think he will turn the Ghost World to more of a democracy. He will hold votes which he will supervise and make sure are fair. Even though some things he will call the shots on he will make sure the Ghost World will change forever being a place no longer a place of misery and making sure it won’t go back to that time when the Chairman and Jinx(temporary) ran the way it once was. Again a poetic thing for him is that while Molly enhappifies the Human World, Ollie engoodifies the Ghost World.
I really wished we got to see this on screen animated because as a Ollie fan and other Ollie fans alike, this would of been a huge win! But again I’m happy Bill and Bob got to end the show in their own terms and at least Disney gave them one last episode to end off everything they wanted to end the series off on.
Well we see Ollie Chairman fresh out on screen, will we see the universe of The Ghost and Molly McGee again, only time will tell.
I hope that answers your question. I hope you have a great day or night when ever your reading this.
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hchollym · 2 years
I find it so interesting that we never actually truly see what Percy wanted to do in the ministry. Sure, we know he worked under whoever was the minister but who says that’s what he wanted? I feel like he started as an intern and was shoved his way up because they saw a way to use him. He’s a good working and he knows that and they know that and he deserves his job but does he want it?
It’s always just been working at the ministry. But which part? What part of it has he been dreaming out?
Which is why I’ve always felt like Percy didn’t actively want to work there. He only did to please his parents and after the fight I think he stayed form a mix of desperately hoping he isn’t being used and him having no clue what to do. He’s never thought about it before, he has the grads to work any job but he doesn’t know what he wants. His goal was always making it to the ministry, to work by his father and to earn his respect.
It’s just very different from what we know if the rest of his siblings. We know Fred and George wanted the joke shop, how they planned for it and saved for it. We know Bill and Charlie went against their mother’s wishes to follow their dreams.
I find that with Percy it’s almost a parallel to Harry. Harry assumes he’ll be a wizard cop (I can’t remember the name sorry) because that fits his life. But he has t activity thought about it. Far too worried about other things. It’s just what makes sense for the next step but where’s the want? Where’s that dream? Where’s the curiosity to learn more to get ready for that future?
I definitely agree.
I said in this post that I think Percy liked the idea of working at the Ministry of Magic more than the actual job itself.
The only time in the text that we ever see a hint at Percy's aspirations is when this happens:
They found Percy, deeply immersed in a small and deeply boring book called Prefects Who Gained Power. “A study of Hogwarts prefects and their later careers,” Ron read aloud off the back cover. “That sounds fascinating…” “Go away,” Percy snapped. “’Course, he’s very ambitious, Percy, he’s got it all planned out… He wants to be Minister of Magic…” Ron told Harry and Hermione in an undertone as they left Percy to it.
That's just Ron's words though, and we have no confirmation from Percy. It's obvious that he wanted "power" but I think it was always more about wanting respect, and the Ministry of Magic seemed like the "safe" bet for that.
I also said in the linked post above that Percy's interests don't actually align to working in the Ministry, but we do know that Arthur worked for the Ministry, and Molly highly encouraged her children to work there too, so I think it's very likely that Percy chose his career based on the desire to "earn" his parents' love and respect.
I believe another thing that contributed to his choice is that Percy didn't know what he wanted to do - he wasn't like his siblings who had clear career goals - so he just chose something. I can personally relate to that, because so many of my friends had very distinct passions that led them to obvious career choices, but I never had a particular calling or desire to do any career. I think it went even further with Percy though, because once he decided on the Ministry, he was too stubborn to open his mind to the other possibilities, so he never gave himself the chance to figure out good alternatives for his life.
Now, there's also the possibility that there weren't any good alternatives. Not everyone finds fulfillment in their work (I certainly don't); some people find it in their home lives, their children, their spouse, their hobbies, etc., and there's nothing wrong with that. It's very possible that Percy would be that type of person, but even then, the Ministry of Magic is a very time-consuming job, and I just don't think Percy would have been happy there in the long run.
Thanks for the comment! 😊
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charmingveela · 2 years
Le Tempête
Fleur blinked against the darkness surrounding her as she tried to will away the tiredness that still plagued her. Judging by the darkness, she was willing to guess that she had been asleep far longer than the hour she planned. Then again, the breeze that now drifted through the window carried hints of the salty ocean air. It reminded her of their little cottage back home in the English seaside, but this was France, which surely meant a storm was rolling in.
And yet, Fleur found herself reaching for the nearest blanket instead of her robe, even knowing she would be needed downstairs. Victoire was plenty old enough to be fascinated by the might of a storm, but Dominique was not. Surely in a half an hours time, when the might of the storm was unleashed, the little girl would be dashing up the stairs screaming for her mother. Daddy might scare away the monsters under the bed, but maman had to scare away everything else or at the very least, offer a hug when the scary thing could not be scared away.
Slowly, Fleur pulled herself from the bed and made her way down the stairs relieved to find both her girls, passed out on the floor after what had surely been a hard day of some sort of adventure. “What did you do to tire them out so much?” She asked her husband as she slid her arms around his waist, resting her chin upon his shoulder. Not that Fleur minded, it was kind of a relief although the coming storm would surely wake them up eventually.
“We are never eating seafood again,” Fleur told Bill as she kept a gentle hold on him. Her stomach still had not recovered from what she assumed was bad seafood a few days prior. “Though if you ask your mother,” Fleur pointed out with what could only be described as an affectionate roll of her eyes. All last week, before they left for France, Molly Weasley had been insisting the two of them had something to share with her. If she had been bugging Fleur herself about it, surely Bill hadn’t been spared the same pestering.
Truthfully, she had made peace with the fact that they were done having children. They had tried for so long after Dominique and had not had any success. Their youngest would be six in a few months and sometimes, it seemed like just a reminder that they _had _been trying for so long now. Well, had been trying. That ship had sailed.
“I wish she would stop,” Fleur admitted softly. It was still a sore spot no matter how much Fleur tried to convince herself she had made peace for it. It still hurt to watch the rest of their family members grow their family and know they were done; their family complete. She wasn’t even sure why she wanted a third child so badly. Two had always been her number and what she thought she wanted. In a way she had wanted the third more than the first two despite all their troubles, loss, and two very tough pregnancies before it. “Ginny is having a girl this time,” Fleur told him not sure if his mother told him the secret or not. His sister was due any time now and had been attempting to keep the gender of her baby a secret, but there was no such thing as a secret in a family as large as the Weasley’s.
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Informal- Fred Weasley x OC
Fred Weasley x Mallorie Bishopp
Description: It’s Fred and Mallorie’s wedding. Considering that Fred was always the more outgoing and flamboyant twin, everyone expected them to have a grand wedding. One could imagine the guests’ surprise when the ceremony began. 
Word Count: 1.9k
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Out of the many weddings that the Weasley family would experience, they had not expected the way Fred and Mallorie’s turned out. It’s absolutely no secret to anyone that Fred was the more boisterous and outgoing twin. He was always the one to initiate conversations between him and George, and it was often his charm that got them out of trouble when George’s soothing words didn’t work as well as they would like. 
Naturally, when he proposed, everyone expected him to make a bigger deal about it. In fact people hadn’t even known that the couple had gotten engaged until they received an invitation from them with a ‘save the date’ written in beautiful calligraphy. It took the receivers a moment before their eyes reached the bottom, where ‘casual dress is requested’ was written at the bottom. 
Even the Weasley family (save for George and Corinne probably) were surprised. They hadn’t even known Fred was planning on proposing. To be fair though, Fred had become a bit recluse after the Battle of Hogwarts (more specifically, after he and Mallorie nearly died) and aside from working in the shop, he hadn’t gone out as much as he probably could have. 
Nevertheless, they offered their help when needed, but Fred and Mallorie rarely accepted it. Their upcoming wedding was becoming sort of infamous and very anticipated by those who would be in attendance. The only ones who knew what was going on were George, Corinne, Bill and Sophia, who were their groomsmen and bridesmaids respectively. 
Molly never said it to their faces (she could never), but she was quite annoyed with their elusive behavior. After all, another one of her babies was getting married! How could she not want to participate in its planning? She claimed that she just wanted to help, but everyone knew that was a lie, she just wanted to make sure things went her way. Try as she might, she just couldn’t get her hands on the plans. Bill, Sophia, George and Corinne kept everything under wraps as per requested by the future bride and groom (which they were grateful for). 
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Finally, the fateful day came on Sunday, March 21, 1999. The wedding was taking place in Mallorie’s parent’s backyard. It wasn’t a big guest list, having only contained their closest friends and family, but that was all they claimed they would need. There were chairs set up on either side of an aisle made from white satin with some flower petals strewn about. On the far end of the aisle sat an arbor with pastel flowers and greenery. Obrass Ahagan, a friend of (Mallorie’s mother) Tanya’s, had been selected to be the one to officiate.
At precisely 5:30 p.m., just as the sun began to set beautifully in the background, Fred led Bill and George to the altar/arbor. All three of them were in casual suits that were unbuttoned. Naturally, everyone was a bit surprised by this. Sure, the guest’s dress code was casual, but they hadn’t been expecting the groom and groomsmen to be in such informal clothes. 
Then, the bridal march began playing from somewhere the guests couldn’t see. Everyone stood and faced the back of the house, where Mallorie would be making her entrance, respectfully. Yet again the attendees were shocked by what they saw. Mallorie wore a long empire waist sundress with short flutter sleeves. Yes, the bride wore a literal sundress. And so did the bridesmaids. The rest of the Weasley family was surprised that Molly didn’t faint on the spot upon seeing it.  
 Despite her unpretentious dress, no one could deny the way that Fred looked at her as she began walking down the aisle. His eyes never strayed from her, and he stared at her as if she’d hung the stars and created the night sky itself. It was a beautiful sight for anyone watching. As Mallorie and her father drew closer, both her and Fred’s smiles widened until they were almost comical. Her father Michael handed her off with a hug to both her and Fred, and Corinne gingerly took the bride's bouquet so the ceremony could commence. 
The wedding itself couldn’t be considered much of one at all. It lasted long enough for Fred and Mallorie to share their previously prepared vows, then they were pronounced man and wife by the time the sun had fully submerged behind the horizon. The sun was gracious enough to leave a beautiful twilight sky in the background in its wake that left the guests in awe while Fred and Mallorie shared their first kiss as man and wife. 
The ceremony was over before the guests knew it, and then came the reception. It was an odd sight, and it sort of felt like watching what a wedding sounded like to two children. Food came first, which wasn’t unusual. But it wasn’t traditional finger foods or anything like that. No, it was food from around the world. There was pirozhki from Russia, jianbing from China, zapiekanka from Poland, and many more. Even the desserts didn't originate from England except for the cake, which they didn’t make a big deal about cutting. 
Next came dancing. There was a space in the back reserved specifically for that portion of the reception. Fred and Mallorie had a quick dance together, then after that the floor was open to whoever wanted to dance. The bride and groom danced for what felt like hours before finally sitting down to take a break. 
The wedding ended soon after. After everyone had gone home (save for the Weasley clan and Mallorie’s parents) everyone had gone inside the Bishopp house to change into more comfortable clothes and relax after such a long day. While Molly, Arthur, Michael and Tanya talked in the other room, all the Weasley kids (plus girlfriends/wives) sat around the living room comfortably. They all conversed amongst themselves for a short while until Adora faced Fred and Mallorie. 
“So, can I ask, what made you decide to have such an informal wedding?” She asked. Her question made the others quiet down and look at the couple. It seemed that just about everyone else was curious about this. 
“Yeah, I thought you’d be the one to go all out for it,” Ginny added, leaning back against her seat. The couple glanced at each other, and Fred shot Mallorie a look that she realized was a silent question. Can I tell them? The girl, who saw no harm in doing so, shrugged with a single nod. Once he got the okay Fred grinned then faced the others. 
“Allow me to take you back to dear Charlie and Adora’s wedding,” he started. 
Charlie and Adora’s wedding was, in typical Weasley fashion, a grand event. Of course it wasn’t as big as Molly would have liked, but they were in the middle of a second Wizarding War, so they had to make do. That didn’t stop Charlie’s mother from doing as much as she could with what they had. 
It was stressful to even plan, but they eventually managed to do so before the wedding day. And luckily all their hard work paid off. It was a massive success from start to finish. Despite the fact that they didn’t have as much to work with, everything still looked so lavish as they merged from the ceremony into the reception. 
The scars on which they had been sitting rose gracefully into the air as the canvas walls of the marquee vanished, so that they stood beneath a canopy supported by golden poles, with a glorious view of the sunlit orchard and surrounding countryside. A pool of molten gold spread from the center of the tent to form a gleaming dance floor; the hovering chairs grouped themselves around small, white-clothed tables. They all floated gracefully back to earth round it, and the golden-jacketed hand trooped toward a podium. Waiters  popped up on all sides, some hearing silver trays of pumpkin juice, butterbeer, and firewhisky, others tottering piles of tarts and sandwiches. It had been an extravagant affair, and Fred Weasley hadn’t hesitated to express his distaste of it to his (then) girlfriend. 
“When we get married, I won't be bothering with all this nonsense,” he spoke before looking at several of his friends and siblings that sat around them. “You can all wear what you like, and I’ll put a Full-Body Bind Curse on mum until it’s all over.”
“I can’t believe you actually remember saying that,” Charlie laughed as he reminisced about his own wedding day. 
“I can’t believe you didn’t actually put a Full-Body Bind curse on mum,” Ginny added amusedly. 
“He almost did,” Mallorie retorted in the same tone. 
“It was very tempting,” Fred snickered, taking his wife’s hand in his. “But, Mallorie said that mum would kill me as soon as she got out of it. Of course I can’t be dying on my own wedding day, so I ultimately decided against it.” Ron’s brows furrowed curiously, which caught Mallorie’s attention. 
“Everything okay, Ron?” The boy faced her. 
“I’m confused,” he started, though he was cut off by Fred almost immediately. 
“There’s a shocker,” he teased, dodging the throw pillow his younger brother launched at him. The others rolled their eyes at the interaction. 
“What are you confused about?” Mallorie asked as she attempted to prevent her husband from throwing the pillow back at the younger boy. 
“If you guys didn’t want such a big wedding, why didn’t you just go to a courthouse or something?” The boy questioned, which made Fred look at him in bewilderment. 
“Well, we still wanted a ceremony,” he answered as if it were obvious, earning a nod from his wife. 
“Yeah, Fred would never have forced me to just elope with him and move on. We wanted a wedding, so we planned a wedding. It just wasn’t one that was up to your mum’s standards. All we needed were our families, closest friends, and each other,” she concluded. Several people cooed at their explanation, which made the couple blush. 
“What are we talking about?” Tanya asked as she, Michael, Molly and Arthur walked into the living room. 
“Nothing,” everyone responded simultaneously, which made both sets of parents pause in their steps. That caused everyone to burst into laughter as the four newcomers all took a seat in random places. 
After talking for a few more hours everyone collectively decided to call it a night. Despite the fact that the wedding wasn’t huge, it was still a tiring day. Fred and Mallorie wished everyone a good night before heading up to their designated room. Since they were already in their pajamas they just climbed into bed. Immediately Fred’s arm wrapped around the girl once they were close enough to each other. Mallorie’s arms were around his neck and she played with the hair at the nape of his neck, eyes already closed. 
“Did you have a good day?” Fred whispered despite the fact that they were the only ones in the room. The girl nodded immediately. 
“The best,” she answered with a small smile. “Did you?” 
“Well, I got to marry my best friend, so absolutely,” he responded, which made both of them laugh quietly. “I love you, you know?”
“Well I would hope so. It’d be a bit awkward considering what happened today,” Mallorie retorted. Fred chuckled softly. 
“Fair enough.” Silence settled over them for a minute before she spoke again. 
“I love you too,” she whispered, tone laced with exhaustion and sleepiness. “Goodnight, Mr. Weasley.” A fond smile settled on the boy's face as he pressed a kiss to her forehead. 
“Goodnight, Mrs. Weasley.”
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ofcarnvge · 1 year
Unity made it to the point in Cyanne's journal where she understood why she was talking to herself. Her understanding of the stone expanded with every page Cyanne turned, and her calculations took on new shapes.
“Huh,” Cyanne muttered. Up until that point, the device was just...the Device. Then here came Molly, wanting to help in her usual way, blessing the device with a proper name. “I welcome the help. Seems like however this Reach business is supposed to work, you’re more adept than I am.”
Cyanne turned the page. “It’s a busy house. I have my team from the Pillbox here, though without a proper barracks and no way to house them without shoving them all into hotel rooms...I may just send them home. Leave the development to us. Besides them, Amber is here. She was the one hacking...everybody. She's settling in after apparently being attacked by Agnes. The implications behind that are...unsettling...but the network is chomping at the bit for payback.
"Anyway, Paris conducted the rescue, and she's acting as Amber's bodyguard...so she’s here...don’t know if she plans to stay. I imagine not, since you’ll be here. I don’t think she’s as big into conflict as she used to be. Finally, there’s her partner Koa... I can’t begin to sort out if he’s coming or going. If I were to assume, he’s charging his batteries and waiting for the Agnes shit to hit the fan.”
Cyanne laughed. “Are you sure you want to come here? A lot of big personalities under one roof, and a lot of unstable politics surrounding Umbrae. It might be calmer across the pond.”
Somewhere, in the middle of the discourse, Eleanor stopped scoffing to herself, and her usual quips fell to the wayside. Eventually, her silence drew Amy’s attention, finding her retreated into a corner with a stone-cold stare on her face. Amy tracked Eleanor’s gaze...and found herself wearing the same exact expression.
Pan stood against the wall, halfway through a slice of cheesecake sitting atop a saucer. Her fingers barely moved, and her eyes struggled to lift from the blank stare at the floor. Both Eleanor and Amy knew it didn’t matter where Pan’s eyes looked--they knew that she saw visions of her father in them no matter what. Pan's mind tumbled and fell into a slideshow of every time he hurt her for her “benefit;” from the day he left, causing her to chase him into the Shadows, all the way to the point where he left again, forcing his title upon her. It hurt worse now that she could recall every moment with precision.
But even without Reach, she recalled the exact number of lives lost in the attempt to wipe Parliament, and along with them, the Shadows’ Board of Directors from Earth's surface. It was the single act of butchery Delun needed to make Pan’s promotion possible.
Bill and Delun would have been good friends.
Pan sat down the saucer of cheesecake.  The phone number she dialed was longer than any telecommunication standard. “I would like to arrange a video call with prisoner 5241-SR. Encrypt it on your end, and let me know when you have a key generated.” She hung up, and for a moment, she struggled to move.
Eleanor gently wrested the phone from Pan’s grasp before making her way to the bag she tucked away in the corner, rummaging through its contents in search of her laptop.
“You know if she talks about this to anyone...”
Pan shook her head. “Amy, I don’t think she cares. I don’t think I do, either.” She willed her eyes up from the floor. “We can’t sweep our history under the rug forever...”
The cell was a cave, and the door was several dozen feet above her. The rock was always wet and slippery, so there was no climbing it. The only thing she had to call her own was a small lantern, powered by batteries that the guards tossed down through the bars. The batteries themselves were always from differing brands, with various levels of charge. Anything to keep her from forming a pattern. Her eyes hadn’t tasted sunlight since...
She didn’t know when.
The method was effective. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner were lowered down in a basket at irregular intervals. When they caught her through the camera measuring the length of her curls, the guards descended in force, held her to the cold stone, and shaved her bald. When they grew back, she begged and pled to keep them, vowing never to measure them again. They never came back. Her curls grew to her shoulders, but by then...the objective was met.
Sparrow Ravensdale’s perception of time was irrefutably shattered, and without it, there was no way she could weave an escape. The hole in the artic was all she knew.
The rope fell from the door above and slapped the cold ground, waking her from her sleep. Her instinct told her to recoil back, her hands raised. She heard the guard connect his gear to the rope and slide down until his boots struck the stone.
He sat the laptop down in front of her, along with a brighter lantern. “You have a caller.”
“But...” Sparrow shivered. “Kelsie called not too long ago...it’s too soon.”
“It's the director.”
“...what does he want with me...?”
The guard shrugged and stepped to the side. “Be ready. The call will commence in a few minutes.”
Molly sat down on the floor - not the floor of the elegant manor house bedroom in Cambridge, England, but the floor of Casa Del Doi. She made herself stop for a moment.
“Funny you mention Agnes.” She said, resting her chin on her hand. “I noticed...Something about her when I was looking at Floss earlier. It was an accident. But I think they have a history, and yeah, even if people aren't talking about it right out in the open just yet, you don't have to be a Shadow to notice you could cut the tension around Somnia...” 
She bit her lip in thought. “Maybe you’re right. I only just got Liss back and here I am packing cases. I just...” She wondered how to possibly describe what she had seen. 
“...The people who sent us this message? They really weren't kidding...” Molly let her hand drift down to the floor, and in much the way the bay window had become a theatre of time, the floor between herself and Cyanne lit up momentarily, a perfect depiction of the Cataclysm folding the sky. 
When Molly pulled her hand away the floor was simply the floor again. She got to her feet.  
“I guess since you’ve got me-” she gestured around, still amused by her ability “-on call, now, maybe I should keep my feet in England. But if you need anything, you know where to find me. I don't even know how, but I’ve got my ear to this thing, I can hear the flow of it, because of that I might be able to help.”
There was that sweet smile. It had only truly re-emerged when Liss had stepped over the Upton threshold.
“And besides, I expect a lot more than a baby shower. I expect to be attending both of my daughter’s thirty third birthdays.”
Molly’s eyes glimmered, and the reach connection tapered gradually, until the Upton residence reasserted itself.
An uncomfortable silence fell in the wine cellar.
“She’s right.” O-ren broke it finally. “It’s time to see Beatrix. I know where Bill lives. I’ll go there, contact her, I’ll talk to her if she want to talk...”
“O-ren! What if...” Go go hopped down from the bench, her face a picture of fear.
“Go go, I need to do this, do you understand?” The statement started out hard and turned gentle. A shrug. “Besides. I’m not treating this as a suicide mission. Bee and I...”
She gave Mallory a dry look before looking back at her adopted daughter.
“...Bee and I have things we need to talk about.” O-ren looked at Floss. “I really appreciate everything you’ve done, but I need to ask one more thing. I don't have any resource available to me here. Can you find Beatrix for me?”
Floss nodded. “That’s easily done. And anything else you need. But I insist, you rest tonight at least. You’re still recovering.”
“I wont let her lay a hand on you.” Go go insisted. 
“If Bee wants that you wont be able to stop her, because you’ll be here. I’m going alone.” O-ren replied sharply, a bit of that old severity cutting through in her tone. Go go’s mouth dropped open.
“No.” She responded. 
“Yes, Go go. You’ve been fighting my battles too long. And it’s mine to deal with, please understand?” O-ren took Go go by the arm. The argument fell away. The bodyguard looked bereft. A look past Go go’s shoulder toward Floss indicated, in a complex non verbal communication, that this was the other part of what she asked; look after my step daughter for me, just for now. 
Florence gave a barely perceptible nod. “I can arrange transport as soon as you need it, but tomorrow.”
“And me? Do I sleep here?” Mallory asked, a touch of sarcasm in her voice. 
“O-ren, Go go. There are bedrooms set up upstairs for you. Please make yourselves at home. I need a moment with Mallory.”
The two of them went quietly up the steps, O-ren throwing a look of gratitude back over her shoulder before she moved out of view.
Floss got up off the stool and squatted in front of the young Viper. As she spoke her voice was quiet, but utterly serious. She laced her fingers together where her arms rested on her knees. 
“I know who is responsible for the loss of your family. And believe me, you are not the only person gunning for them. I’m not in the business of telling people what to do, but the problem is - that person is much more powerful than you, in some ways much more powerful than many of my associates in this house. You will need our help...”
Mallory sat quietly, absorbing everything the older woman said with a look of frowning concentration.
“...So here’s what I can offer you. If you want to leave this house now? Go about your life? I wont stop you. No one’s going to put another tranq in your leg. But if what you want is to really know, what happened? You need to give us time, and be our ally. So what’s it to be?”
The frown softened on Mallory’s face. After a moment she nodded.
“Alright. You’re on.”
Floss extended a hand and helped her to her feet. “You get the last choice of bedroom I’m afraid. Straight down the hall.” She looked the Viper up and down. “Feel free to take a bath, and Mallory...I meant what I said, you hurt anyone in this house - you’ll be dealing with Beatrix, and you’ll get no information.”
Mallory nodded, and left Floss alone in the cellar with her thoughts. She only stood there a moment before she decided that a piece of cheesecake would be much preferable to her internal dialogue.
Mallory walked slightly dumfounded through the house she had previously been carried through, and started the bath running in the spacious en-suite bathroom. She pulled the phone out of her pocket and began typing a text;
[Milo, I don't think this could get anymore nuts...]
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wisteria-blooms · 2 years
long hair & tattoos (bill weasley & reader) (8/15)
CHAPTER 8: Molly Weasley simply can’t wait to hear the news about you. What did you have to tell her? Well, besides the fact you saw her eldest son with another woman. (4.7k words; oops)
(Tag list moved to the bottom!)
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June signified the start of a new chapter in you and Bill’s lives, though you’d disagree and say that through the optimistic embellish, one of you had an infinitely more luxurious beginning.
When you woke after your first night spent at Fred and George’s flat, your stomach was deeply upset with you. You walked out to the kitchen like you did every morning but realized there was no breakfast ready for you on the kitchen island. And of course, you couldn’t call for the help of a house elf to prepare one. So, you stared blankly at the ice box in front of you. It was spotless and not in the way you’d like it. All there was were a few cans of beer, Molly’s leftovers from last weekend wrapped in tin foil, and two eggs. Not the tastiest combination, you were sure of that much.
“Is this all you have?”
Fred scuttled over from the couch and joined you in your assessment of his fridge. He had previously been reclining in his pyjamas, enjoying the morning before he had to get downstairs for work. He poked in head into the enchanted box which was kept at the right temperature with a cooling charm.
“Well, we don’t have to cook much.”
“Why’s that?”
“The innkeeper at the Leaky Cauldron insists on feeding us three square meals a day,” he explained.
“Really? That’s nice of him.”
Fred got up and stepped back. “We always give his grandchildren free stuff when they come. It’s nothing, really.”
“Regardless,” you said as you closed the door. “He won’t be feeding me. I’ll have to figure something out.”
Fred gasped and stumbled a little. “A Malfoy doing housework?” He clutched his heart with his hand. “Blimey, the world is really ending.”
You glowered at him, readying a response, but remembered how much gratitude you owed him. “I’ll have to go the bank anyway,” you said instead. “By the way, how much do I owe you for the month?”
“Nothing,” Fred responded. “Your presence is payment enough.”
“At least let me do something,” you said with a huff. “Maintain the house, take you out for dinner, or—?”
“Just make the place more fun to be around,” he suggested with a shrug. “Make it feel like home.”
You looked around at the unfurnished space and responded, “I’ll do my best.”
“Brilliant,” he said as he approached you. Then he firmly placed his hands on your shoulders. He looked downwards and naturally, so did you. “Now, time to get dressed and head out, unless you plan to go out in that?”
“What’s wrong with this?” you asked, pulling at the hem of your baggy shorts that you paired with a white tank.
“Nothing,” he responded with a grin. “It’s just interesting to see you unkempt.”
“Excuse me?” you huffed. His fingers trailed down until they were dotting your waist.  You narrowed your eyes at him. “Fred? What are you doing?”
Fred’s eyes glistened. You knew this expression all too well; he was never up to any good when he got this look. But before you could react, his fingers darted out and launched a barrage of tickles. You screamed and swatted his hands away, but he didn’t relent. So, you aimed for his sides too, knowing he was just as ticklish as you.
As you chased each other through the small flat, you had an inkling of hope that living here wouldn’t be a bad idea after all.
After both you and Fred had surrendered, you went back to your room so you could get dressed for the day’s errands. You slipped on a long silk skirt, a white short-sleeved blouse, and pinned your hair back. George had tacked a wobbly mirror on your door at your insistence. It was nothing like the many angled mirrors in your closet, but it would do.
You ran down the steps, out of the shop and merged into the wakening streets of Diagon Alley. Your first destination was the coffee shop to properly waken and get something into that persistent stomach of yours. You found a spot by the window and with the help of a strong Americano, you concocted a grocery list on a spare napkin; eggs; bread; milk; cheese; cured meat. You figured you’d get some pantry staples and figure out what to do with them after. But there was no point in using magic when you had no insight or plan of what to do with the ingredients. Maybe you would have to go home and pilfer some recipes from Dobby. Or you could just steal the house elf. Your father could spare you at least one, right?
Your next destination was the bank. Gringotts was a relief from the climbing heat.  As you queued in line, you wondered if Bill would be around today. Did he work on Saturdays? Your sharp eyes looped around the marble pillars and skimmed each row of goblins and the line of patrons in search of the redhead.
Surely enough, he was off to the side, turned away and facing a goblin. Though you couldn’t see his face, his body language was enough for you to know that he was engrossed in a long and serious talk. Mindlessly, your hands reached out to straighten your windblown hair. As your fingers grazed your face, you contemplated why you were fussing over your appearance in the first place. Surely, you didn’t care to do it this morning after getting up and chatting with Fred right after.
Idly, you waited for Bill to finish up. You hoped he’d be done before it was your turn to be served. You were terribly curious to know how he was liking his new accommodations. Was he enjoying all the facilities the penthouse offered? Had he sunk into the Jacuzzi after a long day? Had he tried the pool table in the recreational room?
When the conversation concluded, he turned around, eyes skittering in search of something. As you’d hoped, he tilted his head up in acknowledgement. You raised your hand to wave to him, but quickly realized his eyes weren’t on you. Instead, they were looking faraway. Embarrassed, you cemented your hand to your side. Luckily, he hadn’t seen you and was focussed on whoever was behind you. Cautiously, your eyes followed him as he strode past you. You were expecting another goblin colleague, but it was a woman.
You blinked. The woman looked lovely and elegant the way she was standing, her back pin-straight and her arms crossed in front of her. She was dressed in a blue suit that brought out her eyes. Tresses of long blonde hair flowed past her delicate shoulders. With heels, she could almost meet Bill’s eyes. Even when you wore them, you had to strain to look up at him. The memory of the first time that happened was sweet, and you couldn’t help but smile.
The smile, however, quickly fell off your face as she leaned in to kiss Bill’s cheek. Not once, but she planted another kiss on the other side of his cheek as well. He didn’t seem to mind it as evidenced by his touch on her back. Then, midst conversation, he redirected her to the offices of the bank – the very far, very private offices.
You sucked in an audible breath. You weren’t aware of how loud you were until an older witch shot you a condescending look. Godric, when had Gringotts been policed into a library? You ignored her and focussed on the pounding of your heart in your ears and the rush of blood to your head. The more rational side of you insisted it was a typical greeting, like the one that the French fancied. Your aunts did it to you and Draco though the memory was blurred by the both of you trying to escape the barrage of kisses and the chokehold of their poignant perfume. Therefore, you supposed it should be perfectly fine that Bill’s female friend was kissing his cheek.
She was a friend, right?
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Before you knew it, your fourth week at the flat reared its ugly head. The kitchen had marginal improvement from its sad, impoverished state; the only thing saving it were your grocery trips and attempts to spruce it up with houseplants and photos. Living with two young men also had its ups and downs, but you were set out to make the best of it.
On the bright side, you experienced development in other areas of your life. You mulled over a paradox: you wanted to be a self-made woman, but you couldn’t be one if you were waited on hand and foot. This prompted you to better yourself. You combed through memories, recalling your mother’s circle of friends talking about some renowned author over tea. You went out to Flourish and Blotts and rewarded yourself to a best-seller in Wizarding Britain: Madame Millicent’s Tips for the Domesticated Witch. You didn’t think this was the one in the series that Narcissa’s friends were praising (likely, it was the one beside it about how to better please your husband), but it would be perfect for you.
Despite its sexist title, you found it useful for all the domestic charms you never got to use; a muffling charm for Fred’s snores and George’s early showers; a softening charm for the bed; a darkening charm for the window; and so forth. You supposed even without magic, you were growing accustomed to the narrow bed you slept in. It was still hard to get used to your new schedule; tackling household chores and maintaining yourself ate up most of your free time. There were so many things you wanted to have Dobby apparate over to take care of, but you knew you had to trudge on. And each time you accomplished something on your own, you felt proud of yourself.
Over the weeks, your mother had tried to invite you back for dinner, but you hadn’t had time to respond to her requests. Bill had also written just once, the contents simple: “I’m settling in well.” Still, you tucked the letter in a drawer and held onto it.
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“You made this?” George sounded incredulous as he plucked a wedge of brie off your board.
“The disbelief in your tone wounds me, George.” You huffed as you put the finishing touches on the charcuterie board you’d been working on for the last hour.
“Where’d you learn it?” he asked.
“A book about entertaining at parties.” Your response was abrupt. You’d slowly learned that avid fans of Madame Millicent were usually housewives or at the very least, women more than ten years your age. Both groups boasted very traditional values but her books were too helpful for you to care. Before George could ask who the author was, you continued, “I think it’s only proper to bring something for your family, don’t you?”
George had offhandedly invited you to the Burrow last week. The prospect of spending a summer evening at his family’s and eating a proper homemade meal weren’t the only things enticing you. No, you were fairly certain that Bill would be there, too. So, you’d entrusted your favourite summer dress to Madame Malkin yesterday, knowing she would masterfully soothe any wrinkle in the light crepe material. Your morning today was spent on your hair and make-up. You couldn’t understand why you were putting in all this effort for what would be a laid-back occasion, but you vehemently denied the little voice that suggested it was because Bill could be there.
“Fred’s waiting downstairs,” George urged.
“Then let’s get this packed up and ready to go,” you said. “Be a darling and grab the wine bottle, would you, Georgie?”
You walked downstairs with George. As you circled the spiralling stairs down, you saw Fred standing by the fireplace with his hands in his pockets. When he saw you, he let out a low whistle.
“Dressing to impress?” Fred asked, eyeing your outfit.
“Hardly,” you responded, though you were embarrassed that your efforts were noticed. To save face, you winked at him. “Some of us have standards.”
The three of you travelled by floo. Green flames doused your body and felt like you were spinning downwards. When you opened your eyes, you were standing in the living room of the Burrow. There wasn’t a soul stirring in the house. You followed Fred and George to the kitchen. Every window in the cozy corner was cracked open, letting in a gentle, late afternoon breeze. The little checkered curtain that covered the main window by the sink was fluttering peacefully, unaware of your appearance.
“Where’s everyone?” Fred asked, staring at the deserted kitchen.
“Out there under the shade,” George said, having picked up on the half-obscured faces chatting in the backyard. At that moment, Molly rushed in through the backdoor. A flour-dusted apron cloaked her body, a tell-tale sign that she’d been baking.
“Hello, boys,” she greeted. Then her eyes landed on you and her mouth rounded in surprise. You supposed George hadn’t told her you’d be coming. She walked over and extended her arms, pulling you into a hug. “What a pleasant surprise! So, so lovely to see you, (Y/N)!”
“It’s nice to be here,” you responded with a smile. “I hope it’s not an intrusion.” You looked at George. “You probably weren’t expecting me.”
“Not at all!” Molly refuted. She seemed thrilled and even more welcoming than usual. “As we say here, the more the merrier.” Then she looked at what you were holding in your hands. “What are you doing letting (Y/N) hold onto that?” she scolded Fred who flinched. George snickered. “Take that outside for the others.”
Fred quickly grabbed your platter from you and ran outside. George, fisting your bottle of Merlot, followed.
“Come on now, let’s join the others,” Molly suggested, linking her arm to yours in a motherly manner. She leaned in as if she was sharing a secret with you. “I simply can’t wait to hear the news.”
You nodded slowly despite not having a clue what she was talking about. Did Molly know you had moved in with Fred and George? Did she know you were the reason her eldest son had been catapulted to a penthouse in the clouds? You weren’t sure what thrilling news you could offer her.
As she led you out of the kitchen, a rush of warmth swept over your face. In the sun-drenched backyard, there was a long table set up on the grass. Your friends were there; Harry with Ginny; Ron with Hermione; Arthur in the back, beads of sweat running down his face as he handled a muggle contraption. Molly ran out to the back to bring her husband a glass of beer for his efforts.
Fred and George sat on the other side of the table next to Ginny. You sat down next to Ron, facing the back of the Burrow. You saw the top tuft of Percy’s hair through the second-floor window. He was still slaving away at some report. As you looked around, you felt relieved. Despite most people here despising your brother, they didn’t feel the same towards you. You worked hard to make the distinction from a young age and it’d clearly paid off.
“Good afternoon,” you greeted.
“Who are you here with?” Ron asked with an impish grin.
You cocked an eyebrow. “Fred and George.” Was it not obvious enough?
“He’s not asking about it in that way,” Fred teased.
“Then what?” You were confused.
“You didn’t, Georgie,” Fred said, eyes lighting up. “Did you tell her?”
George shook his head to Fred’s delight. “We all came in pairs,” George explained, using his index and middle finger to group couples. “Mostly romantically, but Fred and I are lone souls who have each other, which leaves you.”
“So, who’s your other half?” Ron prodded.
“Must I have a date to be here?” you asked.
“Yeah,” Ron stated matter-of-factly. “Mum assumes if you’re here, you must be dating someone in the family. That’s how all the relationships here have started, anyway.”
“What?” you exclaimed. You glared at George who was holding back a laugh. “But I’m not.”
“Well, quick, latch onto someone,” Ginny suggested. “I have more brothers than these three.”
George began the process of elimination, counting down with his fingers. “Percy fancies books over you, Charlie has a budding love in Romania, so the only bachelor is…”
You were quick to not say the name this time.
“Bill?” Fred finished, his eyes widening and his voice lightly dusted with your intonation, the same one you’d used the first time the three of you came up with this fake-relationship idea.
There was a loud round of laughter. Not that anyone else besides Fred or George knew about your predicament but you went as red as one of Molly’s garden tomatoes on the vine. And this wasn’t like you. You should’ve been laughing with them, asserting that the whole concept was ridiculous. Instead, you were rendered speechless.
“You two are ridiculous,” Hermione said to Fred through the chorus of laughter, coming to your side. You thanked your stars for her. “(Y/N) doesn’t need to come with anyone.” Then she turned to George to lecture him as well. “And you should’ve said something to Molly. Now she’s elated for nothing, and it’ll make everyone feel…”
Hermione’s voice was slowly drowned out by the commotion. You were so focussed on George’s expression of mock offense that you hadn��t realized more guests had strolled in.
“What’s this ruckus about?” someone hovering over you asked. He placed the back of his tanned and freckled hand on your face. You could tell it wasn’t Bill by the pitch of his voice and how his hand felt on your skin. “(Y/N), are you alright? Looking a little warm there.”
You glanced over your shoulder to respond, “Yes, I’m perfectly fine, thank you—”
“Charlie?” Ron exclaimed from beside you. “What are you doing here?”
“I took a week off, so I came back home, of course,” Charlie explained with a grin. “Just in time to see a show with Bill here.”
“It’s a stadium rock concert in muggle London,” Bill continued. The calmness of his voice made your skin prickle. “We’ve been wanting to go since we were teenagers, but school was always in the way.”
Bill stood to Charlie’s right. You remarked that he had styled his hair differently today; he swept the front back. It was also shorter and more coiffed. He must’ve gotten a trim in the weeks you hadn’t seen him. He wore a white t-shirt over jeans, and kept on his piercings and earring. He looked like he’d fit right in at the rock concert.
“But that’s a local band, Charlie. You’ve got on the wrong uniform,” George said, pointing to Charlie’s shirt. “Muggles won’t know who that is.”
“We’ll pretend it’s our band,” Charlie boasted. “I’m the lead singer and Bill’s the back-up.”
“Try again,” Bill said quickly which earned a laugh from Charlie.
“I’ve heard you sing in the shower, Charlie,” Fred taunted, his face pulling into a grimace. “If that’s your best effort, then you should stick to dragons.”
Charlie simply shook his head, rolled up his sleeves, and curled his fingers into fists. He raised them, beckoning Fred over. Fred got up and did the same, ready to brawl.
You laughed politely with the others, but deep down, your throat constricted and your heart felt heavy. In the past couple of months you’d known Bill, he never once told you about going to a concert with Charlie. He hadn’t even tried to instigate any conversation in the past weeks besides the letter that probably took two seconds to write. To make it worse, he’d come in today and barely acknowledged you. His eyes were on everyone but you. Even Charlie, who you hadn’t seen in forever, had said hello.
Why did Bill neglecting you bother you this much? It wasn’t like he was obligated to say anything, and you weren’t privy to his life either.
Watching Bill and Charlie saunter over to help their father, you ruminated. Maybe you did miss the elusive glimpses of Bill as a partner. The one who purposefully kept open entire weekends to have dinners with you. The one you didn’t have to run into by hope and chance alone. You longed for his arms around you on the couch in the drawing room as you latched onto each other, tangled in a wicked game. You yearned for those little whispers in your ear, speaking a language only the two of you knew. You missed his blue eyes fixated on you, a look that silently proclaimed to everyone in the room that you were his sole object of adoration. His girlfriend. You should’ve cherished that shade of baby blue because who knew when you’d see them again?
Thinking about this was making you dizzy, and the overhead sun wasn’t helping.
“I think it is quite warm, actually,” you said. “Just going to get a glass of water.” You excused yourself quickly and headed back into the kitchen.
When you were inside, you poured yourself a cold glass of water. You splayed your hands on the counter, trying to come to terms with what you were feeling. You couldn’t possibly like Bill, could you? You couldn’t even pinpoint the moment your feelings of gratitude for him turned into that of affection. It made no sense and so much sense at the same time. If it had been Fred or George or anyone else at the bank that day, you would’ve forgotten it by now.
Suddenly, the screen door slid open with a slight screech. You jolted upwards. Bill came in holding an empty beer glass.
“Going already?” you asked, embarrassed that Bill had caught you in contemplation. You hoped he couldn’t read all the frantic thoughts racing in your mind.
“Figured we’d stop by before we left,” he responded. “But we’re going to a pub before the show.”
“Oh, that sounds fun.”
Bill nodded. “It will be.”
Your conversation was drier than the month-old bread in Fred and George’s pantry.
“How’s the place?” you asked in a hushed tone.
“Really lovely, though I feel crummy about it still,” Bill stated with a sigh. He placed the empty glass by the sink. “It’s just too large for me. How’s living with my brothers?”
You forced a smile. “Having a great time, as you predicted.”
“Come on, Bill,” Charlie urged as he entered the kitchen. He put a hand on Bill’s shoulder and smirked. “If you keep chatting, we’ll miss the show.”
“Have a nice night, (Y/N).” Bill bid his farewells and quickly disappeared with Charlie in the fireplace. They’d left as quickly as they’d came.
You gaze lingered on the brick fixture longer than intended. Your imagination ran wild concocting stories of how their night would play out. You envisioned Bill and Charlie at a trendy pub in muggle London, sat on barstools downing drinks. Maybe they’d be meeting up with the woman from the bank there or at the show. Now your mind was entering treacherous territory thinking about Bill’s arms snaked around her waist as they enjoyed the night together. And it would be late when the show ended, so Bill, being the perfect gentleman, would refuse to let her go home alone…
Your night, on the other hand, would be spent differently. In your time spent musing, Percy had descended half the steps and arrived in your line of vision.
“Hello,” you greeted. You put your past conversation with him behind you and attempted to be cordial. “All done with work?”
Percy wore an irritated expression. His pale blue eyes scanned the kitchen. You figured he might’ve been displeased in general, but then his eyes landed on your frame and showed no signs of leaving.
“I know what’s going on.” His gaze was unwavering.
“What do you mean?”
“With you and Bill.”
“That’s ominous, Percy. Could you explain?” You couldn’t help but add a bit of malice to your words because, frankly, you were now the irritated one. What was with his attitude towards you?
“I don’t believe he would choose a place like that on his own accord.”
“What place?”
“Don’t be daft,” Percy said in disbelief, eyebrows furrowing. “The penthouse.”
“Well, why shouldn’t he have something nice?” You had to choose your words carefully because you weren’t sure if Bill had told Percy anything.
“Because that’s not him. I think I know my own brother better than you.” Percy crossed his arms and scowled, baring some teeth. “I’ve been lenient on you instigating Fred and George’s bad behaviour, but don’t you think you’ve crossed a line this time?”
“You’ve got it backwards,” you retorted. “I haven’t instigated anything.”
Percy scoffed and closed his eyes for a moment. “You’re no different from your family,” he said with an accusatory tone. “People aren’t disposable things you throw away when you’re tired of them.”
“Well, it’s rude of you to assume—”
Then he brushed past you without another word. Unlike your last encounter, you didn't feel confused; you felt indignant. Your breath hitched as you watched everyone outside greet Percy with fervor, relieved that he was finally taking a break from his duties to join the family for dinner. But they didn’t hear the unkind words he’d just spoken to you. You wanted to scream from inside the house, tell Percy he was wrong, that you weren’t like your family.
But you were a guest and couldn’t be so boorish to cause a scene, especially not when Molly was laughing outside, swaying as she enveloped Fred in a hug. So, you swallowed your pride, retrieved your glass of water, and quietly rejoined the others. Percy was sat on the other side by his father. Every once in a while, you caught him looking disdainfully at you, but you willed yourself to ignore him. In your state, you had nothing to add to the gaieties of the night. You simply nodded and smiled when Arthur boasted that he’d gotten the barbeque—apparently, a favourite summer muggle activity—working.
After dessert, you thanked Molly and Arthur for having you. You excused yourself prematurely, stating Ministry work with a dangerously tight deadline. Truthfully, there was no work, but you knew Fred and George would linger around for the rest of the night, giving you the flat to yourself for another hour or two.
It was dark when you landed back on the first floor of the shop. All the windows and doors were shuttered so not even a sliver of moonlight could creep in. You turned on the lights and ran up the stairs as fast as your legs could take you. You just wanted to sink into your bed and drown forever. Drown, never wake, and never answer again to anyone.
In your entire life, you swore you couldn’t let a single thing hurt you. You let the wounds on your heart form and scab over before picking at them and repeating the cycle. You did this until your mother’s unwarranted advice, your father’s favouritism, your brother’s insults, and people’s upturned noses didn’t bother you anymore. Malfoys simply didn’t hurt, you recalled your father saying over and over. Malfoys also didn’t lose, he’d ingrained, which was likely how you ended up in this situation.
In your heart, you knew it wasn’t Percy’s cruel words that caused you to be so upset. It was Bill. Not what he did, but what he didn’t do.
It was like you’d never spoken before today. He treated you like a closed chapter in the story of his life. He was the Bill you knew prior to your meeting at the café, only you would’ve preferred that because a stranger couldn’t hurt you like this. You learned intimate things about him and withdrawing from such familiarity was an awful feeling indeed.
Your hand unknowingly struck the wall behind you as you let your frustration ebb out.
Recollecting your composure, you wiped your face and shuffled over to your workspace. You looked at the stack of your mother’s dinner invitations on the side of your desk, addressed to you and Bill, that you had left unread. Scornfully, you grabbed one and ripped the parchment into two, repeating the motion until there were no invitations left.
TAGLIST: @inpraizeof @milkiane @lovesanimals0000 @alisslahey @milfodyssey @itscheybaby @lookingthroughmirrors @stiles-argent24@aki-ham @my-current-fandom-is @salvatoremuse @nimue-lady-of-the-lake @agathne @benbarnesismybaby@bangbaang @venus-d-vinyl @lexxxtacyyy @pink-hufflepuff @unicornicopia1@itsrhyann@awesomeowlbook @bamboozledflamplant @howpeculier (leave a comment if you'd like to be added!)
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theoreticslut · 3 years
pairing: charlie weasley x reader; bill weasley x reader; fred weasley x reader; george weasley x reader
 requested: nope
word count: 5.1k
warnings: SMUT, age differences but all characters are 18+, first times, fingering, oral (female receiving), penetration
A/N: Please do not judge me for this. That’s all I ask. I know this is questionable, but the weasley boys?? All of them?? They’re pretty hot and I’d be down to sleep with all of them, just saying. I’ve had this written for months and have just been too scared to post it, but you know what? It’s written, it’s pretty freaking good in my opinion, & I just really want/need to post shit again so hopefully you enjoy this. 
Taglist: @justmesadgirl @xuckduck @yikesyikesyikes95 @filipi-yes @aestheticwh0r3 @siredkai @matsuno-nadeshiko @msmarklee1213 @immajustreadwritereblog @msmimimerton @perfectlysane24 @mischievous-queen @bunnyboo7 @grandeoptimist @kaitlynw011 @daddystevee @slytherinxhunter @streetfighterrichie @sarcasticallywitty15 @isthereanymorejello @karushinekomiya @p0gue420 @hogwartslut @sebby-staan @darthwheezely @slytherin-7 @callmelilone @teenagesublimefan @midsummernightdream @hufflrpuffforfred @aviezap @stxrryxsky @snoopydoop1 @fredweasleypls @hopefullhearts @pandaxnienke @georgeweasleyishot @christhebell @fredshmeasley @youralternantpersonality @angeletarte @stoopidwithtwohoes @georgeweasleysbabe @psychocracker @tovvaa @weasley8800  @wand3ringr0s3 @pinkypurplemagic @pineapplesandpinas
^let me know if you’d like to be added/removed (or add yourself here)! Xx
You were excited to be staying at the burrow again this summer. You had pretty much grown up with the Weasley boys as your parents were friends from their time at hogwarts.
You had also been around to see Ron and Ginny grow up, so all of you were almost like siblings. You got along with all of them really well, and you were an only child so anytime you came to the burrow felt like you were coming home.
You were closest in age to the twins, being only a month or two younger than them, which meant that the three of you were as thick as thieves. There are plenty of stories from your childhood of you three planning pranks...and getting in trouble for them later.
Even though you’re closest to Fred and George, both in age and friendship, you still got along really well with Bill, Charlie, and Percy. Percy could be a bit stuck up at times so you didn’t socialize with him too much, but you did have a good relationship with Bill and Charlie.
In fact, most of your late childhood into early teen years you had a bit of a crush on the two older siblings. It’s bound to happen when they’re cute, older than you, nice to you, and almost always around.
Once you started at hogwarts, however, your crush on the two faded as they weren’t around as much and you were surrounded by other guys. Not that that really mattered any because you found yourself starting to crush on Fred and George more and more.
You knew it was weird since you literally grew up alongside them and they were your best friends, but you couldn’t help it. Even though the two of them could be a menace, they did know how to be really sweet. They had consoled you many a time from scraping your knee to losing your longtime family pet, even to when you had had a falling out with a friend.
You suppose that’s part of the reason you had fallen for them; since you grew up with them, you knew all these different sides they had that others didn’t necessarily get to see.
“Y/n! It’s so nice to have you stay here with us again.” Molly smiles at you in greeting as you, Fred, George, Ron, and Ginny walk through the door after yet another school year.
You, Fred, and George had just finished up your sixth year and were excited that you were so close to graduating.
“Thank you for letting me stay again. I swear I’m not trying to permanently move in.” You smile, earning a chuckle from her as Fred rolls his eyes and mumbles a sarcastic ‘sure’ to which you slap his bicep for.
“Don’t worry about it, dear.” She chuckles. “You’ve been a surrogate daughter to me for years. It’s almost wrong to not have you here.”
You smile, loving that you’re essentially a part of the family. Don’t get it wrong, you love your parents just as much and wouldn’t trade them for anything in the world, but something about being a weasley just sat perfectly with you.
You frown as you make your way down the stairs. You’re not really sure where everyone was. You’ve been hiding away in ginny’s room with a fan trying to stay cool while you read a book you bought in hogsmeade you just hadn’t had the time to read yet.
It’s surprisingly quiet, which is why you become so curious. It’s almost always full of noise in here.
Even though it confuses you, you decide to  ignore the itch you have to figure out why and instead find yourself something to eat as your stomach is growling something fierce.
You make it down to the kitchen and make a beeline for the fridge, looking around to see what there is. Just as your about to pull stuff out, you hear someone call you’re name from behind, startling you.
“Ah, sorry, y/n.” the same person chuckles as you turn around.
If you had been annoyed before, it all left your body when you saw who it was that had scared you.
“Charlie! What are you doing here? It’s been ages!” You ask, running up to give him a hug.
After he graduated, he decided he wanted to study and work with dragons and moved out to Romania to do so. That was nearly four years ago now, and you’d barely heard anything from him since.
“Nice to see you too, kiddo. How have you been?” He chuckles, hugging you back.
He doesn’t like admitting it, but he’s always had a bit of a soft spot for you. He remembers always wanting to take care of you when you were real little, granted he was real young then too, but something about you fascinated him. Maybe it was because you weren’t a boy.
Either way, he took care of you a lot when you were both real young. He got to watch you grow up, seeing you as a cute and innocent toddler to a carefree child.
He loved how you were wild enough to keep up with his twin brothers, yet were so soft and laidback as well.
He ended up having a bit of a crush on you. But he never acted on it as he was about five years older, and didn’t want anyone to think he was a pervert or anything. It’s not like it would matter, you two had grown up together, but you were both young and people don’t always like an age gap in young couples.
“I’ve been really good, Charlie. I was chosen as one of Gryffindor’s prefects this year! Not to mention I’ve done really well on all my tests.”
“That’s amazing, kiddo. I always knew you would do good. I hope you’ve been able to keep Fred and George in line?”
“Well, sort of...” you trail off. You didn’t really want to tell him how being a prefect gave you the ability to help Fred and George sneak around even better to set up their pranks.
“You’ve been helping them out with their pranks, haven’t you? I remember how much you three would get in trouble for them when you were younger.”
“We only got in trouble because Percy would rat us out.” You argue to which Charlie chuckles. He does remember how feisty you were at times.
You sigh as you take in his features. He was the same Charlie you had always known, but he was so much more mature now. His muscles were even more defined since his days of quidditch from working with dragons day after day.
You couldn’t help the butterflies that had started fluttering in your stomach as your heart started racing. You thought you were over your crush on him, but seeing him now resurfaces all your old feelings, only tenfold as you’re now with raging hormones.
“I see you’re still as feisty as ever, kiddo. Glad to know you haven’t changed that much since I’ve been gone.”
“If I’m ever not feisty, somethings wrong.” You chuckle, getting him to smile as he looks over you.
He has to admit just how well you’ve matured. Your y/h/c hair fell smoothly against your shoulders, not much longer than that. Your locks only highlighted your soft face, framing your features perfectly.
Same as you, he can’t help but feel his childhood crush on you reappear.
“You know, you never did answer what you were doing here? Does molly or any of your siblings know you’re here?” You ask after a moment of you two admiring each other.
“No, she doesn’t. Nor do they. I was hoping to surprise them with my visit, but none of them seem to be here. Honestly, I was more than surprised to see you here.”
“I’m surprised to see you. I don’t know where anyone else is, but I’m glad I got to see you first.”
“Same here, pumpkin. I didn’t expect to see you at all, but I’m glad I am. It’s been real nice seeing you before anyone else, especially since I don’t think I’ll have much time away from them whenever they do come home.”
You smile, looking up at the man you’ve been crushing on for years. He’ll never know what his words do to you.
“Y/n, kiddo. Can I tell you something?” Charlie asks, pushing some of your hair out of your face as he tucks it behind your ear.
“Of course.”
“This might be crazy and I know it’s probably a bit weird, but I used to have such a crush on you.” He confesses, smiling at you as you watch him.
“Yeah? Well, I used to have such a crush on you too, Charlie.” You blush.
He quirks an eyebrow at you, chewing on his bottom lip as he mulls over his next action.
“Used to? Or still do, kiddo?”
“Still do...” you mumble, your cheeks a furious shade of red now as you admit to liking him.
You’re not really sure where your confidence came from. Sure you’ve always been comfortable talking to him about anything, but this was unchartered territory.
“Good.” He smiles, kissing you before leaning in so he can whisper in your ear.
“Because I do too.”
You gasp as he kisses your neck, not giving you any warning.
“Charlie.” You gasp, as you wrap your arms around the back of his neck, your hands tangling into his hair and tugging.
He moans, pulling you even closer as he sucks on your earlobe, drawing a whiny moan from you.
“What do you say to taking this up to my room? We can have a bit of fun before everyone gets back?”
“O-okay.” You agree, melting against his body.
You’ve never been kissed before, let alone touched like this. Your body was going crazy with all the sensations and you weren’t sure what to do.
Charlie leads you up to his old room, that had been left pretty much the same. He closes the door, placing a locking spell on it even though no one should question why his door is closed. Molly keeps it shut anyways.
“Have you ever done anything, kiddo?” He asks, laying you down on his bed as he hovers over top of you.
You shake your head, chewing on your bottom lip as you watch him for any sort of reaction.
He smiles warmly at you, gently tucking your hair behind your ears as he admires you. He would love to be the one to take your virginity, but only if you’d like him to.
“Are you okay with all of this?”
You nod, moaning lightly as you clench your thighs together.
“Do you want me to stop?”
You shake your head, not wanting him to stop at all. No, you much rather he do something to help this sensation you’re having.
“No.” You whine. “Please don’t stop.”
He smirks, pressing a soft kiss to your nose as he feels down your body.
“You’re so beautiful, y/n. I hope you know that.”
“Charlie, please do something. I-I don’t know what to do.” You whimper. You’ve never felt so needy before and you need something to happen.
Charlie chuckles lightly above you before pressing a kiss to your lips.
“Are you feeling a bit needy, pumpkin? Need me to take care of you?”
You whimper, nodding at his words as he smirks.
You close your eyes as he leans down, pressing a soft kiss to your lips before whispering to you, “let me know if you want to stop, okay? I want you to feel comfortable.”
You nod, moaning as he starts to undress you, feeling your body up and down.
“So pretty, pumpkin. You’re so so pretty.”
Slowly you feel him drag his hands over your breasts, gently massaging them in his palms before trailing his hands down to your thighs, pulling your legs apart so he can see your pretty sex.
“Charlie.” You groan as he trails his fingers around your inner thighs, placing kisses at the tops of them but not touching where you need him to.
“Patience, kiddo. We gotta make sure you’re warmed up enough. I don’t want to hurt you any.”
You nod, tossing your head back as he tauntingly trails his fingers closer.
You become lost in the bliss of everything, not being able to separate his hot kisses from when he starts rubbing your clit before sliding two fingers into you.
No, you’re too far gone in the bliss to even realize he’s ready to slide himself into you until his head is pressing against you, ready to be enveloped within your soft walls.
“You okay, pumpkin?”
You nod, a few tears falling out as he begins sliding himself inside you, intertwining your fingers with his as he holds your one hand near you head, the other gripping at the sheets while his is planted on your hips to hold you still.
“Feel so good, pumpkin. You’re taking me so well.” Charlie praises, slowly pushing his way inside you.
“Oh, Charlie. Fuck.” You groan, squeezing the hand that’s intertwined with yours.
“It’s alright, pretty girl. You’re doing so well. Just a few more inches and I’m inside you, yeah? Can you handle that?”
You nod, moaning as he pushes further into. You never would have expected him to be so well-endowed. It felt heavenly, but bloody hell.
He hisses when he finally fills you completely with his dick. He’s had sex before, but nothing has ever compared to this. He swears there’s nothing that could top the feeling of filling his childhood crush  with his cock.
“Charlie. Oh Merlin, please move.” You whine, your walls finally stretching enough for the pain to dissipate.
The next few minutes go by way too fast. One second, Charlie’s thrusting into you making you feel the best you ever have, and the next you’re coming all over him as he does the same in the condom he’s wearing, his dick still buried inside you.
You sigh as you come down from the high, not quite believing that just happened, but wanting to do it all over again.
You groan, frustrated at the feeling you’ve been dealing with for the last few days. Charlie only stayed for a week, and as he said, he had been swept up by his siblings wanting to spend time with him before he left again.
Since you two slept together, you’ve been finding yourself getting turned on and needing release more and more.
Charlie had been kind enough, or needy enough depending on how you want to look at it, to please you a few more times during his stay. Each time was absolutely amazing and you wanted so much more, but you knew he would be leaving again while you were stuck here.
Charlie has been gone for nearly three weeks now and yet you still find yourself getting turned on and needing release. Unfortunately, there was no way to do that, not unless you want to risk completely embarrassing yourself.
Bill had come home for a visit and he’s been here a few days now. You wanted to blame him for getting turned on, but you knew it wasn’t anything but your own thoughts doing it to you.
Same as with Charlie, the moment you saw Bill, all your old feelings arose and hit you tenfold.
Unfortunately, no “promising situations” arose where Bill might confess that he’s had feelings for you all along as well.
“You look grumpy, kid.” He points out as you come into the kitchen.
“I am a bit.” You frown, making your way over to the fridge. Again, you had been so preoccupied that you didn’t realize just how hungry you were until your stomach was yelling at you.
“What’s got you so grumpy?”
“I’m really hungry and just kinda tired.” You half-lie. Sure you were hungry and tired, but that’s not really what was making you so grumpy.
“Really? I would’ve pegged it on something else.”
“Yeah? Like what?” You ask, too irritated to really care what he thought anyway.
“Well, if I didn’t know any better, I’d say you’re turned on and haven’t done anything about it yet.” He states, not shy about it in the slightest.
“Excuse me?!” You blubber, choking on your own saliva at his answer. You never expected him to say that, especially to you.
Bill was always the mature, proper one out of all the boys. You two were close, but never in a million years would you have expected him to say something like that.
“Y/n, kid. I’ve been through puberty myself. I know what it’s like to be sexually frustrated.”
You whimper, not meaning to in the slightest, but it’s out before you can stop it.
“Is that the case, beautiful?”
You nod, blushing furiously. You don’t like to admit how needy you are, but here you are anyway.
“Would you like some help to feel better?”
You look up at Bill with such a needy expression on your face. Your eyes are wide and your lips are pouted. You don’t want anything more than to have him help you out, but the thought embarrasses you.
“Is that a yes, love?” He chuckles, caressing your cheek as he watches you. He’s always thought you were attractive but for merlins sake the sight of you all horny was a bloody masterpiece.
You nod, watching as he smiles at you, grabbing at your hand and tugging you along behind him.
He leads you up to his bedroom where he kisses you, pulling you flush to his body. Even though you’re younger than him by a number of years, he’s always had a crush on you. Seeing you now, nearly all grown up and matured, he wants nothing more than to make you feel good.
“Please do something.” You moan as he keeps kissing at your neck, his hands feeling  over your sides, hips, and ass.
He nods, placing one last kiss to your lips before ripping your shirt up over your head and quickly unbuttoning your shorts.
Before you know it, you’re naked underneath him as he’s naked hovering over you. He looks absolutely delicious, and you can’t help but kiss at his neck as he pushes his way into you.
“Oh, fuck.” You groan.
“Ugh, fuck. Doing so well, love. Taking me so well.”
You can’t help but moan at the praise. You love knowing that you doing good, that you’re making him feel good.
As soon as he’s all the way inside you, you’re arching your back, wanting him to move. You swear he’s even bigger than Charlie and yet you’re taking him better.
Before long, Bill has a fast pace set that’s nearly knocking the bed into the wall.
“Feels so good.” You whine, arching up against him.
“Almost there, love.”
You let out a high pitched moan as you both hit your highs, you arching against the bed as your one hand grips at the sheets, your other holding on bill’s shoulder.
“Feel any better, love?” He asks, panting as he pulls out of you.
“So much better. Thank you.” You smile, happily curling up into his arms as he holds you to him.
Summer passes by with days filled with happy and fun memories of swimming in the pond near the burrow or eating marshmallows that you toasted over the fire.
Soon enough though your back at hogwarts, stressing over classes and spending all your free time with the twins.
Tonight they had decided they wanted to drink and play silly muggle party games as it was a Friday after a big test in potions. You all felt pretty confident with your work, but it had been a long and stressful week. One that Fred and George just wanted to drink away. Being their best friend, you were of course invited.
“Alright, y/n. Truth or dare?” George asks.
“Let’s go with truth, I guess.” You say, taking a drop of the Veritaserum you all insisted you play with to make things more interesting.
“Alright, let see. Fred, what are you thinking?” George asks, leaning over to his brother to converse.
You were drunk, but not so far gone that you weren’t aware of what was happening or that you’d forget tonight’s events in the morning.
“Yeah. Yeah, that’s a good one. Okay, y/n. Have you lost your virginity?” George asks, giggling at the alcohol coursing through his veins.
Neither of the boys knew you had, which is why they both choked on their drinks when you blatantly answered “yes.”
“Wait, really?!” Fred asks, his eyes wide as he looks at you in a new light. How did he not know his best friend had lost her virginity?
“Over the summer.” You answer before you can stop. You really, really did not want to tell you’re best friends that you had slept with their two oldest brothers.
“Over the summer? B-but, you never left the house.” George splutters out, not quite putting the pieces together yet.
“Mm-hmm” you hum, your cheeks flushing in embarrassment as you can’t help but tell the truth. Stupid veritaserum.
“The only people you would’ve seen...w-were,” he trails off, blanching at the realization that you slept with at least one of his brothers.
“Bill and Charlie.” Fred answered, not yet at his brothers realization.
You all sit in silence for a minute before Fred shouts out.
“Oh Merlin! You lost it to one of our brothers?!” Fred asks, a hint of disgust in his tone.
You nod, closing your eyes as both Fred and George shake their heads at the images.
“Which one?” Fred asks.
“Uh, well...both?” You answer, the veritaserum wearing off only slightly as you had such a small dosage.
“Both?!” Fred and George exclaim.
“What the hell, y/n! They’re our brothers!” Fred groans, disturbed by the thought of you sleeping with his older brothers.
“Hey! I didn’t start any of it, okay! They initiated it each time.” You defend.
“Each time?! How many times did you sleep with them?” George asks, exasperatedly.
“Uhm, 3 or 4 times with Charlie. Twice with Bill.” You admit, the veritaserum kicking in again as it works it’s way out of your system.
“Oh, godric. Ugh, we didn’t need to know that.” Fred huffs.
“You two asked!” You huff, blushing wildly as you lean back on the bed, crossing your arms.
A few minutes pass in silence as you mull over your words while Fred and George try to accept this new information.
“What was it like? D-did it feel...good?” George asks, shyly.
“What? Sex?”
He nods, blushing lightly as you start to get wet, thinking back on how amazing it feels.
“It feels amazing, Georgie.” You sigh, your thighs clenching together unconsciously.
“Yeah. I-I don’t know how to explain it, but the high it's-it's phenomenal.”
“C-could you show us?” Fred asks, both twins flushing madly.
“You want me to show you?!”
“Yeah. C-can you take our virginity?” George asks, shifting around in his spot as he gets turned on by the idea.
“I-I guess. B-both of you?”
They nod and you smile shyly, a deep blush on your cheeks as you lean forward to give each of them a kiss.
“Alright, well both of you lie back then, yeah?”
They do as you say, laying down on the bed you three were sharing. You take a deep breath, trying to calm your nerves. These were your best friends for merlin’s sake, you had literally grown up together.
Slowly, you climb on top of George as he’s closest to you and you smile lightly as his breath hitches at the sight of you on top of him.
“You’re sure you two want to do this?” You ask, looking between the two twins.
They nod, gulping as they watch you. True they had never really thought about you being their first, but now that the moment had arose, they knew they didn’t want it to be anyone else.
“Okay, uh, how should I do this?” You mumble to yourself, blushing at the reality that you’re going to be taking your best friends’ virginity. Not one of theirs, both of theirs. At the same bloody time.
“How did your first time go, love?” Fred asks, watching you as you try to figure out what to do first.
“Uh, well. It started with kissing; kissing each other’s lips before h-he trailed down my neck.”
George gently sits up, connecting your lips as Fred works on kissing your neck, drawing a moan from you.
“Like that?” Fred asks, as George pulls away and taking his turn at your neck.
“Just like that.” You hum, pulling the older twin into a soft kiss.
“What next?” George asks, trailing his fingers up your sides.
“A lot of touching, caressing. W-we undressed.” You say, a bit breathily as you pull away from Fred, the red head immediately moving back down to your neck and shoulders.
“I-I’m supposed to be making you two feel good.” You moan, both of their hands feeling all over your body.
George had decided that he’d trail his fingers over your hips and thighs, roughly grabbing onto them every now and then to get you to grind against him.
Fred, however, decided he’d take responsibility for groping your breasts, sides, and stomach. His touch sending shivers throughout your body.
“We’re feeling good, don’t worry, y/n” Fred mumbles.
George nods, groaning in agreement.
“No. Let me take care of you guys.” You say, halting their movements as you push Fred back down on the bed.
You trail one of your hands up each of their stomachs, lifting their shirts as you do. You place a kiss to both of their lips before ripping off the fabric.
You slowly grind against George as you reach over and palm Fred, locking your lips with him as George throws his head back in a moan.
“Fuck, y/n.” Fred groans, upset at the lack of contact as you switch to kissing George.
You slowly trail your kisses down george’s neck and stomach as you crawl down to unbutton his trousers. You can hear him groan and you smile to yourself. Sure you’ve had sex, but you had only just started and were still quite inexperienced, especially when it came to focusing on the guy's pleasure. Hearing that they were enjoying it certainly made you feel better about your skills.
Once George’s trousers are off, you move over to Fred to give him the same attention. You slowly straddle his hips, grinding into him slowly as he grabs yours.
“Godric, y/n. You’re so...so good to us.” Fred sighs, grinding you down onto him harder.
After a few minutes you get both boys rid of their bottoms and them ridding you of your clothes except bra and panties.
“You’re so beautiful.” George smiles, kissing you before easily removing your bra.
“So beautiful.” Fred agrees, kissing you after his brother. You let out a shocked gasp of air when Fred pushes you back onto the bed, kissing your neck.
“Can we fuck you now, princess? Please, angel?” Fred begs, looking up at you after making a mark on your collarbone.
“Go ahead, weasley.” You hum, a shiver running up your spine as he hooks his fingers in the crotch of your panties to rip them off you.
“Oh fuck, Freddie.”
He smirks, carefully bringing his finger to your folds, circling your clit carefully before slowly inserting his pointer and middle finger inside of you.
You groan, back arching up off the bed as your one best friend fingers you, your other best friend gently massaging your breasts.
“Come taste her, George.” Fred says, pulling his fingers from inside you and sucking on them.
You moan at the sight, never imagining your two best friends would be here taking turns on you to lose their virginity. In all honesty, it was quite a spectacle. You really hoped you’d be able to do this again with them...except maybe one at a time though.
You sigh out in pleasure as George begins fingering you, bringing his tongue to your folds and eating you out at the same time.
You fall into a bit of trance, not able to differentiate between all the pleasure, the twins taking their time in prepping you. You don’t even realize they’re ready to fuck you until you feel George enter you, stretching you out.
“Oh fuck, Georgie. So big. Feels so good though, baby.” You groan, grabbing ahold of his shoulder as he pushes himself inside you.
You can just barely see Fred kneeling at the end of the bed, watching the two of you as he absentmindedly palms himself slowly.
George groans, twitching as soon as he’s inside you, much too overwhelmed with all the stimulation.
“Merlin, darling. You’re s-so tight. Feels so good.”
You moan, feeling him finally enter you completely. He waits a minute, letting the both of you adjust before he starts moving.
The next ten minutes or so go by much too fast, it didn’t take long for George to cum, pulling out of you as Fred takes his place. You register the switch, Fred feeling different inside you as well as going at a different pace.
You’re a moaning mess, reaching your high with Fred who stills inside you, leaning into you as you both ride out the bliss.
“Oh fuck, princess. That was amazing.” Fred smiles, kissing you as he massages your lower back, laying down beside you, facing you.
“Yeah it was.” George agrees, laying behind you and massaging your hip.
You smile tiredly, nodding in agreement as you try to catch your breath. The three of you lay together in silence for a few minutes before Fred kisses your nose, George kissing your shoulder.
“Is it cool to do that again? Like, tomorrow or something?” Fred asks, smiling at you as you chuckle.
“Yeah. Yeah, we can do that again. It felt amazing.” You smile, looking at Fred and then over your shoulder at George.
“Definitely, angel.” Fred agrees, kissing you and you feel george nod against your back as he continues placing soft, warm kisses to your shoulder.
You never expected all this to happen when arriving to the burrow this past summer, but you can’t say you weren’t pleased with the outcomes. Not only did you get a confession from your two oldest crushes that they also liked you back, but you lost your virginity to one, got to sleep with the other, and you got to sleep with your two best friends; which you’re pretty sure the three of you are going to continue to do for quite awhile. What more could you possibly ask for?
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hpimaginesandblurbs · 3 years
Ok but can u also do this but with ron + the twins, I love ur smuts !!!!!!!
pairing: reader x ron weasley x fred weasley x george weasley 
warning(s): 18+, unprotected sex, foursome, double penetration, oral (female and male receiving), face fucking, fingering
word count: 4.2k 
a/n: soooo this is the longest thing i’ve ever written on this account but if anyone deserves it its the damn weasleys. i tried to make this as non sweet home alabama as possible and that’s probably why it’s so long. anyways, enjoy this ungodly amount of smut while i decompress. 
You had been spending a majority of your summer at The Burrow, where you boyfriend Ron lived. You spent day in and day out with him, practically on top of one another whenever you could be, but that didn’t stop you from spending time with his family. His mother was incredible, albeit a little scary at times, his father was charming, and Ginny was becoming a fast friend. But you couldn’t help the particular draw you felt towards the twins, Fred and George. 
You couldn't deny they were attractive, the genes were strong in the Weasley family. And you often did a poor job at hiding your attraction. 
You didn’t think any of them had noticed your subtle glances or blushes. Little did you know, all three of them had noticed over the few weeks you had been there. They were just waiting you out. 
Tonight you were all cozied around the fire pit, drinking some firewhiskey, taking advantage of the fact that Molly and Arthur had gone to visit Ron’s oldest brother Bill and his wife, Fluer, for the weekend. You weren’t drunk by any means, but you were certainly feeling good. 
You were cuddled up to Ron’s side, his arm slung around your shoulders, a knitted blanket draped over your laps. You were so wrapped up in your boyfriend that you had barely noticed that Fred had taken the spot on your other side until his leg brushed against yours, making you still. 
“Do you need another drink, sweetheart?” Fred asked when you finally looked his way, his face far too close to yours in the situation to be normal. 
You blushed at his proximity, but nodded. “Um, yes, thank you,” you added bashfully. 
Fred dashed a charming smile at you and placed a soft kiss to your cheek before dashing off to get you another glass of whiskey, your blush only intensifying when you felt his lips on your skin. You prayed no one could see it through the light of the fire. 
Ron tugged you back into his side and dropped his lips to your ear. “Whatever you think you’re doing, stop,” he said lowly, clearly not pleased by the situation. 
“He kissed me,” you argued softly, your head turning to press a kiss against his neck. He pulled back and shot a look down at you, his brow raised. A look you couldn’t exactly argue with. You got caught and you knew it. 
You stayed quiet, trying to keep your eyes anywhere except the two men that currently had your stomach in knots. But that effort was broken when Fred made his way back over to you, plopping down beside you. He passed you your new drink and you thanked him for it, sitting up straight to take a sip. 
You were caught off guard when you were pulled into his body and away from Ron, Fred’s strong arm now wrapped around your shoulders. 
“Have you been enjoying your summer here so far?” He asked quietly, making sure only you could hear him. 
Your eyes flitted cautiously over the group around the fire, making sure no one was noticing the strange behavior. You paused when you met George’s eyes, his own trained on the interaction between you and Fred, but you tried your best to ignore it. 
“Um, yes. You’ve all been quite lovely. I like it here,” you told him genuinely. You had been enjoying your summer despite tonights most recent turn of events. 
“Mm, good,” Fred mused, shooting another smile down at you. You couldn’t help but notice the little mischievous glint in his eyes that he got every time he was thinking something that was likely to either end brilliantly or disastourly. “I saw we play a little game. Are you in?” He asked. 
You swallowed nervously, knowing this could end very poorly. “And what is this game?” You questioned. 
“Let’s see how jealous we can get Ron,” he whispered, the smile never leaving his face. 
“I- I don’t know if that’s a good idea,” you argued, knowing fully well Ron had already told you to stop… doing whatever you were doing. 
“Oh, c’mon Y/N. Live a little. Anyhow, you already know how this is going to end,” he told you. 
“And how will this end?” You asked, raising your eyebrow at him. 
He moved closer to you, so close you could feel his breath on your face. Your whole body was hot and the blush was creeping back onto your face and you knew he could see it. 
“Judging by the noises I hear coming from his room almost every night, he’ll fuck you stupid. And I get to hear those pretty noises again,” he told you shamelessly, pulling you into him closer. 
You shot a nervous glance at Ron, only to find that he was already looking at you over the rim of his own cup, fire in his eyes. He raised a brow at you and you could see the way the corners of his lips were tugging up into a smirk, practically daring you to continue on. As if he knew exactly what you and Fred were talking about. 
“By the looks of it, he doesn’t seem to mind,” Fred added from behind you, making you whip your head around back to him. 
“Of course he’d mind. You’re his brother,” you argued incredulously, still not believing this conversation was even truly happening. 
“You think he doesn’t see the way you look at me and Georgie? You look at us like you want us to devour you,” he told you. 
You snuck a glance at George only to find that he was still looking at you. You could feel Ron’s eyes still on the back of your head. You gulped nervously, your brain short circuiting for a half a second. Did they… did they plan this? 
“I - I haven’t been -,” you went to argue, but Fred cut you off. 
“Don’t play coy with me. Maybe if you beg him nicely like I hear you do so well, he might let us join you tonight,” Fred teased, causing your core to pulse and drip with arousal at the thought. 
You could only stare back at him, his breath fanning your face as you took in his words. He knew he planted a seed in you that wouldn’t go away until it was satisfied. The smug look on his face only proved it. You didn’t get the chance to reply before you could hear Ron getting up from his place on the bench. 
“Bunny, come with me,” he said innocently enough to the ears of everyone else in the group, but you could hear the edge in his voice. 
You detangled yourself from Fred and rose up from your spot, taking Ron’s hand as he silently led you back into the house. Once you had passed through the threshold into the kitchen and away from the eyes of everyone else, he spun around to face you. 
“And what was all that about?” He asked, stepping right into your space so you had no other choice but to look up at him. 
“N-nothing. We were just having a chat,” you stuttered out, trying to not seem intimidated. 
“Wasn’t what it looked like to me. Spill it,” he said roughly, continuing to back you up until your back hit the counter, leaving you nowhere to go when his hands were placed on either side of your body. 
“Promise you won’t get mad,” you half heartedly requested. 
“Just tell me.” 
“He- he said, um, he said that we should try to make you jealous,” you told him. It wasn’t exactly a lie, but it was only a half truth at best. 
“That’s not what has you blushing like a virgin though, is it? What did he say to you?” He pressed, the fire in his eyes growing larger by the second. 
You swallowed and took a deep breath before you even opened your mouth, knowing this could only go one of two ways. He’d either blow up entirely, or you’d have a night you’d never forget. “He said that if I begged you you’d let him and George join us,” you said quickly, all in one breath. 
You shut your eyes, waiting for his response. But when a chuckle fell from his lips your eyes shot back open in shock. 
“Is that what you want, bunny? Do you want them to join us?” He asked, his eyes now more playful than they had been just seconds prior. 
“Are you serious?” You asked after a moment, you head spinning that he was just offering this to you on a silver platter. You expected yelling, anger, the whole fit. You didn’t expect a cheeky smirk and twinkling eyes. 
“Do I look like I’m joking?”  
“They’re your brothers,” you argued. Why you were even arguing this, you weren’t sure. You wanted this and he knew it and they knew it. You just couldn’t understand why he was letting it happen. 
“It’s not like I’ll be fucking them,” he said with a laugh. “So, tell me what you want.” 
“If it’s okay with you…,” you started, trailing off. You looked up at him nervously, hoping your eyes conveyed enough of a plea that he would continue agreeing with you. 
“So beg,” he said, his voice dropping low as he continued to stare down at you. 
“I’ll be good, I promise. Just this once. I just - I - please,” you said, launching right into it but quickly running out of words as you watched the smirk grow on his face. 
“Go to my room. Strip. I’ll be up in a minute,” he told you, placing a kiss on your forehead before heading back outside. You watched his figure walk away for a moment, letting your mind race until you booked it up the stairs not wanting to wait any longer for the night to truly begin. 
You were waiting in your position on the bed for what felt like hours, but you knew it had only been a few minutes before you heard multiple sets of footsteps coming up the stairs. You moved to cover your chest when you heard the doorknob turn, unsure if you should be exposed or not right away. 
Ron came in first but left the door open just enough so your guests could hear. “Last chance, bun. Do you want this?” He asked, slowly coming over to rest his hands on the bed, leaning over slightly so his tall form was eye level with you. 
You knew it wasn’t your last chance to say no, but it was your last chance before the twins waltzed in. 
You took a shaky breath and nodded your head, saying “Yes,” loud enough so Fred and George could hear. 
The door was opening once more, the twins walking through, both pairs of eyes immediately on you. When the door shut, you stared up at them, unsure what to do or say, but their matching smirk told you they already had plans. 
Ron walked around the bed until he crawled on to it behind you, his legs bracketing your hips as you knelt between his spread thighs. 
“Let them see you,” he coaxed gently, hands coming around you to grip your forearms. 
He only put a light pressure on your skin, letting you move on your own as you exposed your chest to them. They took you in with hungry eyes but they didn’t move from where they both stood before you, waiting. 
“All of you,” Ron spoke again, his hands trailing down to your thighs, gently prying them apart. 
You leaned back and hid your face in his neck as he repositioned you, unable to look the two men in the eyes as your entire body got exposed to them. You knew you were a dripping mess over the situation and the embarrassment of it being so obvious made you squirm. 
“Fuck, Y/N, you’re more perfect than I imaged,” you heard George say, the bed dipping down infront of you. 
Your eyes snapped to him, watching him as he looked down at your glistening sex. His eyes were hungry when they met yours, desperate. Probably the exact mirror of your own. 
“Can I touch you?” George asked, his fingers twitching against the sheets, waiting. 
“Please,” you begged, wanting nothing more than for one of them to do anything right now. 
George wasted no time in bringing his fingers directly to your cunt, trailing one long finger through your slit while his thumb trailed soft circles onto your clit. You couldn’t hold back the moan that fell from your lips when he pushed his finger in, immediately searching for you g-spot. 
As if your noises were a cue for Fred, the bed dipped on your other side and without a word, he was kissing down your chest. Soon enough, he was attacking your nipples when George was working your from the inside out. Your back was arching and your hips were moving at their own volition, unable to stop yourself under their ministrations.
“Does that feel good?” George asked you softly, placing kisses on your shoulder. 
When you only nodded, Ron grabbed your chin and forced you to look directly at George. “I won’t remind you again, bunny. Use yours words,” he said sweetly, but you knew there was danger laced in his words. You knew better than anyone else what he could do to you if he reminded you one more time. 
“Yes. Feels so good. Please don’t stop,” you told George, already breathless from the three men surrounding you. 
You felt Fred chuckle against your skin and you knew the smirk George was wearing was only mimicked by Ron’s behind you. They knew exactly what they were doing to you. 
You couldn’t stop the whine that left you when George removed his hand, but your eyes lit up when you saw him go to kneel at the edge of the bed. He pulled up his to the edge, draped your legs over his shoulder, and started trailing kitten licks all along your slit until his tongue was swirling around your clit. 
You held fell back against Ron’s shoulder, a moan falling from your lips as Fred moved to your other side to attack your opposite nipple. 
“Having fun?” Ron asked, beaming down at you. 
You nodded breathlessly, your eyes rolling back in your head with a flushed smile on your face. “Want you too,” you told him. 
“Of course you do, my greedy girl,” Ron mused, his finger coming to tilt your lips back and locking your lips in a kiss. 
Your body was overwhelmed with just their lips. You weren’t sure how you would handle it when their pants came off. 
Your hips were grinding down onto George’s face without you sparing it a second thought and you kept pushing your chest into Fred’s lips, your entire body grinding back on Ron’s body. 
“She tastes like fucking heaven,” George said, finally coming up for a breath. His entire chin was soaked in his own saliva and your juices and his eyes were blown with lust. 
Ron made a noise of agreement that was swallowed up by your lips, but you were ripped away from your boyfriend by George’s grip on your neck. He pulled you into a kiss with him, tasting yourself on his tongue, as Fred trailed kisses down your body until he was getting a taste of you for himself. 
Fred quickly brought you your orgasm, his tongue so deep inside of you that your toes were curling. Your hands had a monster grip on Ron’s thighs and every noise you made got swallowed by George, his lips hot on yours. 
You finally relaxed your body against Ron’s, his chest being the perfect place to settle against, as your body calmed down. 
“Think you can handle all three of us?” Fred asked cheekily, looking up at you from his place on the floor. 
You gave a shaky nod, but in your head you were unsure how this would even work. You never thought you’t get this far to even have considered it. 
That line of thought was abruptly cut off when Ron grabbed your hair and yanked back so you were looking up at him again. “What did I say about using your words?” He asked darkly.
“Yes, I want to. I can,” you got out breathlessly, still basking in the sting of your scalp. 
“Good,” Ron said, now satiated with your words. “Get on your hands and knees for us, bunny.” 
He gave you one last searing kiss before releasing you, letting you adjust your own shaky limbs on the bed until you were in the position he instructed you to be in. As you did that, the boys began stripping themselves of their clothes, Fred and George both strategically in your line of sight depending on which way you turned your head. 
You watched as they both ripped their shirts over their heads, a sight you were accustomed to thanks to many sweaty afternoons in the yard playing Quidditch. But you didn’t know where to look as they peeled down their jeans and briefs, relieving both of their impressive lengths. They were both around the same length, but Ron was thicker than both of them. No matter what, you knew you’d be sore in the morning. 
“This is how it’s gonna work, bunny,” Ron said, finally rounding the bed so he could see you. “I’m gonna fuck this pretty little cunt,” he told you, adding emphasis of his possession when he bent over and easily hooked two fingers inside of you, pressing directly on your g-spot. You jumped at the abrupt action, but you never broke your eye contact with him.
“Fred’s going to fuck that tight ass,” he continued, and you watched as Fred rounded the bed until he was behind you. 
“And George is gonna fuck that cute face,” Ron finished, George coming up on the other side of you to grip your face to force you to look at him. 
“Does that sound good, sweetheart?” George asked, looking down at you fondly. 
“Yes, fuck. Please,” you said, your hips beginning to move against nothing now that Ron had removed his fingers, searching for any ounce of friction you can get. 
They moved in almost perfect sync. Ron maneuvered his way underneath you swiftly, George pulled your head off to the side so your mouth was lined up with the tip of his cock, and you could feel Fred’s lube covered fingers breach the entrance of your tightest hole all at once. You were overwhelmed in the best way, unsure what to do with yourself but totally just along for whatever ride they were about to bring you on. 
When Ron fucked up into you roughly, George immediately pushed your head down to feel the full effects of your moan of his cock, causing a shiver to run through his body. They were practically fucking your mouth and core in tandem, one pulling out while the other brutally thrust in. 
You felt as if you were splitting open for them already, but when Fred’s cock finally lined up with your entrance and began pushing in, you practically saw stars. 
George let you pull away from him for a moment so you could breath through the new pressure inside of you, your head now buried in Ron’s neck as you panted and moaned. Ron had slowed down his thrusts to match with Fred, balancing you on the precipice of pain and pleasure. 
“You’re doing so fucking good for us, Y/N. Just give it a minute and it’ll feel so good. You’re gonna be so pretty when you cum for us,” Ron mused quietly in your ear, knowing that you’d latch on to his voice to get you through the intensity. 
Finally, your hips starting moving against theirs, a silent signal you were ready for them to fuck you, all three of them truly went wild with you body. 
George dragged your face back over to him, letting you do your own thing but keeping a steady hand in your hair in case you tried to pull away. Ron and Fred were fucking into you in perfect sync, pulling out and fucking into you at the same time. 
It was so intense you were shaking, only being held up by three strong pairs of hands at this point. But you couldn’t hide how good it was making you feel. Even as deep as George’s cock was down your throat, it was barely muffling the screams of pleasure you were giving them. You just hoped someone remembered to cast a silencing charm. 
You could hear them talking around you, a mix of praises directed at you and words shared between themselves. “Fuck, you feel so good” and “Just like that” mixed with “She feels like fucking heaven” and “Her mouth is a dream”. You could barely hear them over the blood pumping through you, but you knew you’d remember it later with a blush and a smile. 
“Fuck, you’re gonna make me cum. Swallow it all for me,” George told you, bruising your hair out of your sweaty face. You felt the unmistakable twitch of his cock just before he spilled his cum inside of your mouth and fucked it down your throat, giving you no choice but to follow his request. He came with one of the prettiest noises you had ever heard, and you knew you’d want to hear it again someday if you were lucky enough. 
You pulled away from George panting, finally able to have a minute to catch your breath as Fred and Ron continued to pound furiously into you, your body jolting with every deliberate thrust. 
“Ron, please I’m so close,” you begged, for what you weren’t entirely sure, but you knew he’d know what to do. All you could focus on was how close you were, how tightly you were gripping both of your cocks, and trying your best to balance on shaky arms so you didn’t collapse. 
Without missing a beat, Ron turned his head to George. “Touch her clit,” he told him, finally sounding breathless from all the work he was putting in. 
Fred’s arms came around you to pull you up until your back was against his chest, giving George full access to your most sensitive spot. 
“Cum for us. Show us how much you loved this and cum for us,” Fred said low in your ear. 
Your eyes never left Ron’s as all three of them worked you closer and closer to the edge. As much as the twins were turning you on, this orgasm was for you boyfriend. Everyone you had was. He was the one that let this happen. Let them take you like this. And he was the one currently fucking your g-spot with every thrust it made your head spin. 
“Cum for me” was all Ron had to say, seeing and feeling just how close you were, for you to explode. 
Your vision went white and your whole body shook, the only thing keeping you grounded was Fred’s warm chest pressed against you. You knew the scream you were hearing was your own, but you couldn’t keep it quiet no matter how hard you tried. You pulsed around their cocks, milking them of their own orgasms as you were going through yours. You felt their cum fill you completely, another moan leaving your mouth at how erotic it felt. 
When you finally felt as though you had come back down to real life, you were settled against Ron’s chest, his cock still in you, while the twins were busying themselves with getting dressed. They were talking quietly while Ron ran his hand up and down along your back, just waiting until you were finally back in the present. 
George was the first one to notice your eyes had opened again when he finally got his pants back on. He walked over to the bed and knelt down so he was almost eye level with you. 
“That was wonderful, darling. You were perfect,” he told you, placing a quick kiss to your forehead before righting himself only for Fred to take his place. 
“What he said,” Fred told you with a smirk and mimicking his twin's kiss to your forehead. “We’ll see you two lovebirds in the morning,” he added with a wink. 
They both made their way out of the room, the door clicking behind them, leaving you and Ron in a blissed out silence. 
“Did you have fun?” He finally asked, tilting his neck so he was looking down at you. 
“I did. Thank you,” you said with a soft smile. 
“My girl always gets what she wants. You just have to ask, bunny,” He said, placing a kiss on your nose. 
When you moved your lips up to move against his, he stopped you with a chuckle. “No offense but my brother did just cum in your mouth. So let’s go get you cleaned up so I can kiss you properly, yeah?” He asked, wrapping a blanket around you so he could get you down the hallway and into the bathroom. 
“I thought you weren’t going to be weird about it,” you grumbled under your breath as he adjusted you in his arms, carrying you bridal style. 
“That’s different and you know it,” he said defensively as he made his way for the door, making you giggle.
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ttuesday · 3 years
HCs of the fellers trying to flirt with you
You sat at the bar in the saloon, alone. You weren't planning on staying long but after dropping a particularly troubling bounty off at the local sheriff's office, you decided that you needed a drink. That's when he walked in. He was with a rough looking group of men but the second he entered the saloon, the only thing he could pay attention to was you.
it takes Arthur about an hour to work up the courage to approach you. When he finally makes his move, he goes to stand next to you at the bar and casually orders a drink.
While the bartender rushes off to get him a beer, neither one of you speak. Just before Arthur goes to sit with his group again, he mumbles "Excuse me but um... you got some real pretty eyes".
Arthur doesn’t hang around to see your reaction. Before you can even say thank you, he's already walking away. We all know Arthur doesn't have the highest self esteem so he’s already certain you'll reject him.
You have to show him you're interested, otherwise he presumes there's no chance. The next time he comes up to the bar to order a drink, you say "You never let me thank you, how's about I pay for your beer?". There's no way Arthur let’s you pay for his drink but that does show him that you're interested. As you both start talking, you can't help but notice his small smile and his cheeks turn a rosy red.
Let’s be real, Charles doesn't know how to flirt. He's seen Dutch chat up Molly and Mary-Beth at camp and he has unfortunately witnessed Micah try to charm the majority of people but he just doesn’t think he can do that.
Charles comes up to the bar and orders himself a drink, making sure to keep a respectful distance from you. He wasn't going to say anything to you but he couldn't help himself when he saw the beautiful hunting knife you had holstered in your gun belt
“That’s a nice knife, is that a custom handle?” he asks, timidly gesturing to it. You answer him and it leads to a full blown conversation about different weapons you both own (how romantic). Charles talks about his bow and how he prefers to make his own arrows
Before the night is out, Charles offers to make you some arrows and asks if you'd like to go hunting with him sometime so ye can exchange some tips and tricks with each other
Dutch has rehearsed this a million times, saying the best pick up lines to himself in the mirror and trying to figure out the formula to get anyone into bed. He immediately turns on his charm as he approaches you.
Dutch gazes at you for a few seconds, his eyes wandering up and down your frame. He clears his throat before saying "My apologies, I don't mean to stare. It's just, I've never met someone quite as beautiful as you". This man will absolutely smother you in compliments and of course, he'll get poetic. "The brightness of your smile makes the most dazzling star look dull" he recites as if he’s in a Shakespeare play.
He tries to impress you with his money, obviously. Dutch doesn’t even ask you if you want a drink, he just buys you one. And when he's paying for it, he opens his wallet just wide enough for you to see all the fifty dollar bills he has stuffed in there. On the slim chance his charm doesn’t get you into bed, he’s hoping his money will.
Dutch vaguely describes what he does for a living, emphasizing the fact that he's in charge to try and impress you yet again. And since Dutch is just so generous, he offers to pay for a room at the hotel down the street too *wink wink*
Micah will completely abandon whoever he came into the saloon with and walk straight up to you. He doesn't waste anytime, coming up next to you with a cheesy smile plastered across his face. "How's about you pay for the drinks and I'll pay for the room" he smirks.
You could go off with him immediately or if you tell him to stick his shitty pick up line where the sun don't shine then he backs off... but not for too long. Micah comes back about 10 minutes later, putting his hands up in mock surrender. "Easy tiger, only came to get another beer" he lies, not even half done his first drink.
He stays around the bar and tries to make small talk with you. It doesn't work at first but eventually you both actually start talking. It doesn't last long though. It all happened very fast but some drunk bumped into the both of you and then Micah shoved him into another group which led to the whole saloon erupting into chaos.
Two men grab Micah and throw him out of the saloon, one of them yelling at him that he's barred. You could stay inside, finally free of Micah bothering you or you could follow him out and see where the night takes ye.
You wouldn't think John is good at flirting... and you're right but John thinks he knows what to do. He waits for the perfect moment before going up to you, which is basically when you finish your drink or pull out a cigarette.
Then he quickly hurries over to you and offers to buy you a drink or light your cigarette. John presumed flirting would be easy after that but he doesn’t know what to say. He opens his mouth to say something but words fail him.
For a few seconds he just stands there, trying to think of anything impressive to say to you but then he starts to get paranoid that he's taking too long and that he looks weird. So he blurts out the first thing that comes to mind "So... you come here often?".
Poor John's mind is absolutely racing as he tries to figure out if that sounded stupid. He’s already picturing about twenty different scenarios of you rejecting him but to his surprise, you smile and answer his question. It settles him a little, knowing that he didn’t immediately fuck it up and he asks if he could sit with you for a while.
This man is the definition of smooth. He’s nervous approaching you but he tries not to show it. He acts confident and hopes for the best.
Javier doesn’t go straight into flirting, first he starts a normal conversation with you but throws in a few compliments. His one goal is to make you blush as much as possible so he can tell you how cute you look.
He casually asks if you’ve eaten yet and that the food at the saloon is terrible. Luckily for you, Javier tells you that he knows the perfect place to eat and that it has the most beautiful view he’s ever seen.
Javier leads you out of the saloon and to the general store, telling you to wait outside. He comes out with a satchel full of all kinds of food and brings you away from the busy street and sits under a nearby tree for a picnic. When you question him about this apparently amazing view, he looks at you and nods “Yeah, it’s the most beautiful view a man could ask for”. 
Bill doesn't exactly know how to approach you, so he spends the majority of the night admiring you from a far and thinking of how he can make a good first impression. Eventually, the fellers he came in with get sick of him talking about you and tell him the 'perfect' pick up line.
It's super obvious that he’s trying his best to act casual as he approaches you. Bill gestures to the tacky menu beside you "Y-you using that?". You pass it over to him and Bill says what he believes to be possibly the best pick up line known to man.
"Huh, I wonder what's on the menu... you and me? Wait, no, shit... shit I said that wrong, I meant to say me n' u... heh, get it? It’s like menu". Of course he had to fuck it up somehow. On the inside he's cursing himself but he's trying to put on a brave face.
He only relaxes when he sees a small smile on your face. “That was a uh... pretty terrible pick up line” he admits. You agree with him and Bill starts laughing “If you think that was one bad, you should’ve heard the other ones”. You spend the rest of the night laughing with Bill as he recites some more god awful pick up lines.
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theweasleysredhair · 4 years
You Love Me! {DRABBLE} [G.W.]
Request: Hi! May I request one with George Weasley with fluff prompts 13, 37, and 50? Aaaand if its ayt can it be a bestfriends to lovers kinda thing? With confessionsss? If its not too much! Thank you!! Keep up the great work!!!!🧡🧡🧡 (by @imaginationforreal )
SHARING A BED TROPE?? yes PLEASE!! hope you enjoy lovely!! 💖
theweasleysredhair’s 4.6k follower event!
13. “Take my bed tonight. I’ll sleep on the couch.”
37. “Do you want to kiss as badly as I do right now?”
50. “You love me!”
Character: George Weasley
Word Count: 1236
Taglist: @dreamer821 @gracemayhateyou @criminalyetminimal @firewhisky-kisses @obsessedwithrandomthings @angelinathebook @iprobablyshipit91 @potterverseimagine @slytherineheir @kpopgirlbtssvt @rexorangecouny @wand3ringr0s3 @ickle-ronniekins @sehunasbitch @cryingforcrystalpepsi @kashishwrites @girl-next-door-writes @susceptible-but-siriusexual @crissdanvers @freddiesbouquet @heart-of-tempered-steel @andineversawyoucoming @mytreec | message or send an ask to be added/removed!
Disclaimer: Gif isn’t mine, credit goes to whoever made it
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The Burrow was extremely crowded - apart from the usual family members, Molly was running around trying to also accommodate Bill, Fleur and Charlie into her home, along with Harry and Hermione, plus help plan a wedding. She was stressed - this much you could tell - and you had been an extremely late minute addition to the Burrow, not planning on being at the Burrow before the twins insisted on you joining them. You were glad to be invited, however the sheer amount of people in the house meant there wasn’t anywhere for you to sleep apart from the couch
Not that you were complaining, it was extremely comfortable, and you’d fallen asleep on it many a time. No, the only person who seemed to have an issue with you sleeping on the couch was George, who watched you place your suitcase and a couple of bags down in the corner, and put your pillow on the arm of the chair.
“Whoa, wait up! You’re not sleeping on the couch are you?” He asked, his eyebrows furrowing as he watched you sit down.
You looked up at him and nodded, “There’s more people than rooms at the moment, Georgie. It’s okay though, don’t worry, I’m absolutely fine on the couch, it’s probably one of the most comfortable places here.”
George shook his head, “Take my bed tonight. I’ll sleep on the couch.”
You scoffed, crossing your arms over your chest, “You lost an ear tonight, you are not sleeping on the couch - I won’t allow it.”
“Yeah? Well I won’t allow you to sleep here either,” George countered, “So you can either march upstairs with your things and take my bed, or I can carry you up there myself.”
You frowned. It wasn’t because you didn’t want to sleep in his bed because Godric did you, but the idea of allowing him to sleep on the couch unsettled you, especially since you knew for a fact he wouldn’t be letting you sleep there any time soon.
“Counter proposal,” you said hesitantly, “Because clearly neither of us are willing to let the other sleep on the couch... you sleep in your own bed because you’re injured, Georgie, and I’ll sleep on the floor.”
“That’s worse than the couch! No, I am not about to let you sleep on the couch, or on the floor. I’m not budging on this,” he looked at you, “And you’re too stubborn to listen so... share the bed with me.”
You blinked. Share his bed? With him? Where his body would be? Right next to you? What if he wanted to cuddle? What if he wanted to spoon-
“Love? What do you say?” His voice interrupted your thoughts as he rocked back on his heels, waiting for you response.
“Will it make you happy?” You asked, looking up at him.
“Very,” he nodded. And he wasn’t lying - the entire idea of sharing a bed with you made his heart race and he began to get a little flustered at the thought of you being lay so close to him. What if you wanted to cuddle? Merlin, George wanted that. His arms wrapped around your frame and him being able to sleep with you so close to him? He’d thought about it a few times.
“Okay then, let’s both share your bed,” you agreed, trying to hide your excitement as you grabbed your suitcase and other bags and turned to him, biting your lip nervously. George grabbed your heaviest bag from you, plus your pillow and began heading up the stairs, with you following him.
He pushed the door open to his room, a place you’d seen multiple times from your numerous visits to the Burrow over the years, as you dropped your bags off at the foot of his bed.
“Well well, what’s going on here?” Fred asked, looking up from a product he was fiddling with to smirk at you both, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively, “Do I need to vacate the room for activities?”
George felt his cheeks grow warm and suddenly was thankful his only ear - that would certainly be red from embarrassment - was covered by a bandage, “Shut up, Fred. Y/n was going to be sleeping on the couch and I didn’t want that so she’s sharing the room with us instead.”
Fred patted the space beside him on the bed and winked at you, “C’mon then love, I’m sure if you’re sharing our room you’d like to sleep next to the better looking twin - me.”
You laughed and shook your head at him, but George immediately frowned, “She’s sharing with me.”
“And why not me, dear Georgie?” Fred asked, faking his offence as he looked at his brother.
“Because- well- I mean- I was the one who didn’t want her on the couch and invited her up here!” George stammered. You smiled, shaking your head playfully at Fred before reaching out and giving George’s arm a squeeze reassuringly.
A little while later, you found yourself lay in George’s bed, the sound of Fred’s snoring filling the air as you tried to focus on anything but the presence of George beside you.
He’d taken to resting an arm loosely around you and your back was pressed against his chest, mostly due to the lack of space - not that either of you were complaining. You had nearly began to drift off to sleep when you heard George murmur, “Night darling, I love you.”
That’s when your eyes sprang open and you almost choked on air, “What?!”
“Hmm?” George replied, confused, his own eyes suddenly opening, him being fully awake now and seemingly unaware of what he had just said.
You turned around in his arms to look at him. “You-You just said you love me!” You whispered to him, heart pounding at the thought. George tensed up, swallowing as he felt his heart race - praying you couldn’t feel it too, “I did?”
“Yes! You said you love me. Do you love me, Georgie?” You asked him softly, peering over at him in the darkness.
“I um... maybe?” He hesitated before sighing, “Yes, yes I do.”
You nodded, moving a little closer to him, and he instinctively moved his hand to your waist, pulling you pretty much on top of him so that your face was in line with his, you biting your lip down at him. “Good,” you whispered with a smile, running a hand through his hair, “Because I’ve been feeling the same way.”
George couldn’t help but grin at you, feeling relieved and so happy - ecstatic - that you also felt the way he did. His gaze flickered from your eyes, to your lips, then back to your eyes and you felt his breath fan across your lips.
“Do you want to kiss as badly as I do right now?” He mumbled in a low tone, the pad of his thumb gently tracing circles on your waist.
You nodded in the dark, unable to bring yourself to speak, and George leant up to press his lips against yours, capturing you in a slow kiss that allowed him to pour out all his emotions.
You’d never been so thankful that Molly had asked you to take the couch - though, now you thought about it, maybe it was her plan for you to end up sharing George’s bed all along.
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witchyweasley · 3 years
Love Potion - Ron Weasley
Pairing: Ron Weasley x fem!reader
Summary: You can’t really have sex in the burrow, but there are other options. This is a bit of an AU. Instead of knowingly prepping for war, the only pressing matter is Bill & Fleur’s wedding.
Word Count: 1.9k 
Warnings: smut, 18+ themes, thigh riding
Spending school breaks at the burrow is always nice. All of the Weasley’s are very welcoming, especially now that Ron and I are officially dating now. I was hoping to get more free time with him during this break, given that Fred & George had moved out, but there were more people than normal at the burrow. Ron had failed to mention that it was time for Bill and Fleur’s wedding, so now all of the Weasley’s were back under the same roof again.
“Well, so much for any alone time,” I sighed, leaning my head on Ron’s shoulder. We watched as Fred and George kept trying to get Percy to try one of their products.
“Well actually, I’ve got an idea,” Ron said.
“Oh yeah? What’s your idea?” I asked.
“Well Harry and I were talking. What if, once everyone else has gone to bed, you and Harry trade rooms?” Ron suggested, wrapping an arm around my waist.
“Do you think we could get away with that? I thought you guys were worried that your mom would catch us?” I said thinking it over. As I said this, Fred had somehow convinced Percy to try the small potion. Percy’s hair turned bright green and then turned into moss. Molly was soon  chasing after Fred, telling him to get the antidote potion if he wanted to attend the wedding in a couple days.
“I think she’s got her hands tied with everyone being home. I feel like we are the least of her worries,” Ron laughed.
“Fair point, what about Hermione though? She’s also rooming in Ginny’s room right now,” I pointed out.
“She’s going to sleep in Charlie’s room. He won’t be here until tomorrow evening so she will chill there tonight,” Ron answered.
“How long have you and Harry been planning this?” I asked, a bit shocked at how much he had thought into this.
“We planned it last night. I’m not exactly thrilled with him staying in Ginny’s room, but it means that we can at least spend one night together,” He said, squeezing my hip.
After dinner, Harry, Hermione, Ginny, Ron and I went on a walk around the yard, trying to get away from the chaos. We decided to settle the plans whilst away from everyone, the only somewhat alone time we’ve had so far.
“So, what time are we all moving rooms?” Hermione asked.
“Well, mum and dad usually go to bed around 10pm, so probably 10:30, to make sure that they’re both asleep,” Ginny answered.
“Are we all moving at the same time, or do we need a plan?” Harry asked.
“What do you mean?” Ron asked.
“Do you want to move one at a time? Act like you’re going to the bathroom, and then just go to the other room? And then that person go get water and switch rooms? Or do you just want to be ballsy and move all at once?” I asked.
“That plan sounds good. I think Percy still thinks he’s head boy, so if everyone moves at once he will sense trouble and snitch,” Ginny said.
“Works for me,” Harry said, wrapping his arm around Ginny.
“Harry, can I talk to you for a second?” Ron said, grabbing his arm and pulling him away.
“What’s that about?” Hermione asked.
“Who knows, honestly,” I shrugged.
“He’s probably getting onto Harry for holding me, he acts like I’m a child,” Ginny whined.
“I’m sorry, I try to talk some sense into him, but he can be a bit dense at times,” I laughed. Soon Harry and Ron caught back up with the group and we all decided to go back inside, getting ready to execute our plan.
At 10:30, I went down to the kitchen, grabbing myself a glass of water. As I was pouring the glass, I heard someone coming downstairs. I looked over to make sure it wasn’t Harry going against the plan.
“Oh, hi George. How are you?” I asked, silently relieved it was him and not Harry or Percy.
“I’m doing alright, how have you been?” He asked, grabbing a snack from the cupboard.
“I’ve been pretty alright, despite Ron completely forgetting to mention that Bill’s wedding was this week,” I answered.
“Yeah, that sounds about right. Speaking of which, you two are officially a thing now, right?” He questioned.
“Yep, as of a few months ago, we are officially a thing,” I said.
“So I have a question. Fred and I have been looking for couples to try a new product we were looking to release. Are you down to try it?” George asked, leaning against the kitchen counter.
“What is it?” I asked, a bit skeptical. Though, I trust George far more than Fred in regards to trying products.
“It’s just a potion. We don’t like to tell testers what it’s supposed to do though, because we don’t want a placebo effect to happen,” George explained.
“Why not have Ginny try it? She and Harry have been dating longer?” I suggested.
“Fred and I are a little uncomfortable with the idea of giving her this to be honest. Yes, she’s an adult and she and Harry are very cute together, but she’s still our little sister,” George explained, cringing at the idea of giving his sister the potion.
“Fine, I’ll try it,” I sighed, giving in.
“Lovely, so are you going up to Ron’s room right now?” George smirked.
“What? No…why would you think that…” I was never a good liar.
“Expendable ears work wonders,” George winked. Sliding a small pink vial towards me.
“You’re lucky I like you George, had Fred asked me it would be a no,” I sighed before taking the potion like a shot. It tasted like strawberry roses, making it one of the more pleasurable potions to take.
“Yeah, I’m sorry about Fred. I told him not to prank you in our 6th year but he doesn’t always listen to me,” George said as he finished up his snack, “Now, go sneak up to Ron’s room, I’ll ask you about the potion in a few days.”
George walked upstairs and I followed suit, heading into Ron’s room instead of Ginny’s.
“There you are! I was worried you had forgotten,” Harry said as I came in.
“I’m sorry, George was in the kitchen so I had to talk to him,” I said as I sat down on Ron’s bed. Harry headed over to Ginny’s room, leaving Ron and I alone.
Ron wrapped his arms around me, pulling me down next to him. He pressed a kiss to my temple before nuzzling into me.
“You know Ron, when I said we should have some alone time, I wasn’t expecting to cuddle,” I laughed.
“I wasn’t either, but I kind of made a promise to Harry,” He said slowly.
“What did you promise?” I asked.
“Ummm, basically I promised that we wouldn’t have sex because I asked him to not do anything with Ginny tonight,” He said, bracing himself.
“Ronald Weasley! Why would you do that!?” I said, smacking his chest.
“She’s my little sister!” He argued.
“Who’s been in a relationship with Harry for about 6 months now. Not to mention, she’s of age,” I pointed out.
“It just makes me feel weird,” He said. “Plus, I like cuddling you.”
“I like cuddling you too, but I also like having sex with you,” I sighed, tracing my finger along his chest.
“I’m sorry darling, I wasn’t thinking,” He sighed, tracing small circles on my hip.
Soon, my skin was far more sensitive than usual. The small circles on my hips felt like heaven, and I could feel myself getting turned on by the action. I shifted around, trying to relieve some tension. I settled down with one leg wrapped around Ron, my core pressed up against his leg. His arm moved down to trace circles on my thigh, driving me crazy.
“Are you alight?” He asked as I took in a deep breath.
“Yeah, I’m just...honestly I’m just incredibly turned on right now,” I admitted.
“Oh? You’re that turned on by my touch, I was trying to keep this innocent,” He said, a bit confused as to how turned on I am.
“Fuck, I think this is George’s fault,” I sighed.
“Not making me feel any better here babe,” Ron said, grabbing my thigh. I grinded against him slowly, trying to relieve some of the tension his touch has caused.
“No, no, that’s not what I meant. He asked me to test a product and I agreed to it. He didn’t tell me what it was, but he said they were looking for couples to try it out,” I said, my breathing getting deeper as Ron continuously massaged my thigh.
“So it’s a type of love potion?” He asked, watching as I grinded against him subtly.
“I guess so. Fuck, why’d you have to make that promise to Harry,” I whined.
“Well, there is something we could do…”Ron started.
“What? What is it?” I asked, desperate for some release.
“Well, you could get off on my thigh. You’re sort of trying to right now anyways,” he said.
“So you want me to ride your thigh?” I questioned, a bit too excited about the idea.
“Yeah, I think it would actually be really hot. And I technically wouldn’t be breaking my promise to Harry,” Ron said, his hand now running up and down my thigh.
“Mmm, I think it’s a great idea,” I said, pressing a slow kiss on his lips.
“Do you want these on or off?” He asked as I kissed down his neck, pulling on the waistband of my pants.
“Off, and I want yours off too,” I said, standing up to slide them down. Ron shimmied out of his and sat down on the edge of the bed. He grabbed my hips and pulled me on top of him, kissing me deeply as I straddled one of his thighs.
Small moans left my mouth as I lightly ground my covered pussy against his thigh. Ron kissed me deeply, using his mouth and tongue to try to muffle my moans.
“You’ve gotta be quiet baby,” he said quietly. I nodded, holding back the moans as my hips grounded down on his thigh. His hands grabbed my hips tightly, and slowly started guiding my hips on his thighs. I bit my lip and threw my head back, breathing heavily as I try to not make any noise to wake up anyone.
“You’re so beautiful,” Ron groaned out softly, watching my hips move against him. I buried my head into his neck, sucking on his skin so I could muffle the moans escaping from my mouth.
“Fuck, Ron,” I moaned out quietly as he started bouncing his leg a bit. His hands continued guiding my hips, going faster and faster.
“Are you going to cum, baby? Are you going to cum on my thigh?” He whispered in my ear. I nodded and grinded my hips harder on him, chasing my high.
“Be a good girl and cum for me,” he whispered, knowing it would push me over. My legs shook and I bit harshly at his neck to suppress my loud moan as I came over his thigh.
“That was...fuck that was hot,” he breathed out.
“Yeah, um, I really enjoyed that,” I sighed out, laying down on the bed. Ron wrapped his arm around me, pulling me close.
“For once I’m glad you tested out one of the twins products,” he laughed.
“And for once I wish you didn’t have such good morals, because I’m still incredibly horny.”
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ijustwant2write · 4 years
Brought Together-George Weasley x Reader
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(GIF credit to @tanrininsonteki​)
(I’ve written loads about Fred, George needed some love too!)
Summary: Who ever gets over the death of their brother? The death of their son? A friend? (Y/N) and the twins were always together, as if joined at the hip (or hips rather). But once the trio became a duo, one person had to become stronger than the other, pushing down their emotions and feelings to help the person they loved; because when things are put in perspective, it’s so obvious who their soulmate should be. 
Characters: George Weasley x Reader, Weasley family x Reader (platonic), mentions of Fred Weasley
Meanings: (Y/N)=Your name
Warnings: Lots and lots of fluff, death, mourning, suppressed feelings/emotions
My body was numb. Whether it was from exhaustion, shock, trauma, fear or the wounds scattered across my body, it didn’t matter to me, I couldn’t bring myself to move. With my knees hunched up to my chest, my hand tightly gripped onto my wand, showing how much I was shaking. A shadow cast over me, but I didn’t move my head. In my peripheral vision, I saw someone sit next to me, gently taking my wand away before I snapped it in half.
“You haven’t moved. It’s over now (Y/N).” 
George saddled up to me, slowly put an arm around my shoulders. I leaned into him, letting him rest his chin on top of my head. My hand grabbed his free one, guiding it to wrap it around my waist, pulling him close for a hug. It felt relieving to have human contact, to feel someone else’s heartbeat, knowing that they were alive here with me. There was too much blood, too much crying, too many friends lying dead or unconscious on the stone floor. Although fear had been pulsing through my body throughout the entire time we were fighting, my mind wouldn’t accept the concept of anyone dying; yet here I sat, having watch the life drained away from one of my best friends.
“George?” I suddenly gasped, pulling away from him.
His eyes widened at my movement.“What?”
“You’re here, aren’t you? George, please don’t tell me I’m imagining you?!” my voice raised as I panicked, and George tried to shush me. I was disrupting the first sign of peace.
“Yes, yes, (Y/N) I’m here. I’m real,” tears started rolling down his cheeks, but he attempted a smile,“I’m not leaving you. I won’t ever leave you.”
I groaned as I picked up another box, feeling the pain in my back. At ‘Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes’, we were re-stocking for the beginning of the Christmas season, changing around the shop to give it a fresh look. George was rolling up his sleeves, stepping back from the display he created. I approached him, standing with my arms crossed as I admired his work.
“I like it.” I simply said.
“Just like?” George nudged me with his elbow.
I smiled, rolling my eyes.“You know what I meant.”
“Come on, I’ll help you with the last boxes.”
“You don’t have to George. Have a break.”
He walked past me.“Nonsense. We’ve got places to be.”
“What do you mean?”
“Drinks after work of course. Seeing as it’s just us today, I thought we could head to the Three Broomsticks, like we used to.”
I blushed, happy that he turned away from me to not see it. Following after him, I tried not to stare too much as he decided how we should set out the certain product. When he was engulfed in his work, something that he was so passionate about, it was like I was seeing the old George, the cheeky chap from school (not that he wasn’t cheeky anymore). These small moments were captured in my memories, pushing back the old, terrible ones. He deserved to be happy, especially when all he wanted to do was make other people laugh with the jokes and pranks they sold.
We managed to finish the new displays within the next hour, meaning it was time for us to relax with a good drink. It wasn’t going to be a night of getting drunk, just two...friends enjoying each other’s company. Wrapping up warm, George locked up, holding out his arm to me as we hurried to the pub, wanting to be out of the cold as soon as possible. Once at the Three Broomsticks, we were easily able to find a table, being served instantly as it wasn’t busy, only a few locals filled the space.
“Actually,” George started after setting his drink down,“I’ve been meaning to ask you something.”
There was that blush again. It seemed that words didn’t want to form.“Hm?”
“Well, obviously you’re always welcome round mine. But I was wondering if you wanted to come over for Christmas? Not the actual day cause I know you’ll be with your family, but just before-”
He chuckled.“That didn’t take much persuasion, did it?”
“I love your family. You didn’t even need to ask. But you sounded nervous.”
“Did I?”
I nodded, taking a sip of my drink. 
“W-well, I...I don’t know what you’re talking about.” he looked everywhere except in my direction.“You ever seen me nervous?”
I giggled.“You don’t remember asking me to the Yule Ball-”
He waved his hands dismissively, which only made me laugh harder.“We said to never speak of that again, remember?”
I shrugged, a grin still on my face.“I still think it was more cute than nervous.”
Now it was his turn to tease me.“You think I’m cute?”
“Thought, I thought the whole idea was cute. But you can’t deny that it wasn’t a good night.”
“No, that was fun.” we were both in thought.“You looked beautiful in that dress.”
I waited for a snarky remark, but nothing came.“But?”
“What do you mean, ‘but’?”
“Oh, usually you just...never mind.” 
“Anyway,” George cleared his throat,“you know mum wouldn’t take no for an answer, so you’ll have to pack a bag to stay a few nights.”
I laughed.“I would expect nothing less. Gosh, what to get all you Weasley’s for Christmas?”
“Don’t be daft. You don’t need to get everyone presents.”
“Of course I do!”
“Tell you what, why don’t we join up for presents? Buy them together.”
“You know what George, that’s probably the best idea you’ve had for a while.” I smirked.
He scoffed a laugh.“Right, I know I offered to buy the drinks, but that stops now!”
We had a few weeks before my time at the Weasley’s, meaning we were able to think and buy everyone’s presents. During lunch breaks or on days off, we would scour the shops, coming out of them with bags and bags hanging off our arms. I was always excited to see my second family, and Christmas was a fun, special time of year for everyone. The night before we were set to visit them, I stayed with George as we had to set off early the next morning. It was lovely when we stayed with each other.
"I know you only clean this place up when I come round, just admit it!" I giggled as we laid in bed facing the other, discarded chocolate wrappings scattered between us. 
George laughed with me, rolling onto his back, looking up at the ceiling. As we calmed down, I bundled up into a tight ball, feeling a slight chill, which George noticed. He said nothing as he leaned his upper body off of the bed, grabbing a blanket from who knows where before wrapping it around me. My gaze remained on him as he tucked me in, enjoying the small amount of attention. Feeling hands on me made butterflies emerge in my stomach, and the caring side to him was the sweetest thing I had ever seen. 
"I will admit, I did buy that blanket just for you. You complained about being cold enough to drive me mad." he smirked. 
I clutched onto the soft fabric."Well, if you're going to speak to me like that, then I guess I'll just leave." 
He tucked his arms beneath his head, closing his eyes slowly."Go on then. See you later." 
When neither of us moved, we tried to contain our laughter, both failing miserably as our cackles rang out in his bedroom. It was like our sleepovers we had when we were much younger, they stopped as we...changed at a certain age. 
“Are you sure everyone will like their presents?" I wondered. 
He sighed lightly."We've been over this. You could pick up a weed from our own garden and they would fawn over it. It's not the gift they want, it's you." 
My mouth open, prepared to protest against him as he teased me again, but I was stuck for words."George...that's a lovely thing to say." 
His head lolled to face me, his face scrunching up in disgust."I take it back." 
"No!" I quickly said."You can't pretend you didn't say that!" 
"Say what?" he teased.
Carrying everyone’s presents in our arms, George and I prepared ourselves for the onslaught of hugs and kisses we would be attacked with before we could even set down any of the presents or our bags. We were still a few steps away from the door when it was fiercely pulled open, Molly squealing and throwing her arms up in joy.
“Oh, you’re here! Arthur, they’re here!” she was beaming.
She hastily took the presents from George’s arms, impatiently ushering him inside as Arthur (who was a bit more reserved) took my presents, before I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek as a greeting. Once all of our belongings were set down, proper hugs were given, just as bone crushing as they usually were.
“Oh, it’s so lovely to have you over dear.” Molly gushed.
“Mum, she was here a month ago.” George said.
“Well, it wouldn’t matter if it was just a day, I would miss her the same amount.” 
I smiled at her.“Thank you Molly. See George, maybe you should be as kind as your mum.”
“I see you everyday, that’s almost too much for me.”
“Well, Ginny and Harry should be arriving tonight, Ron is already here, I think Hermione is supposed to be coming tonight too, but I’m not sure when, Bill and Fleur-”
Molly continued explaining the plan for the next couple of days, but I was distracted by George talking to his dad. Their voices were hushed, they kept side glancing at us as they spoke, before a shy smile emerged on George’s face. I somehow went back to Molly’s explanation, pretending that I had heard everything she said. Politely nodding, I was relieved that she started asking me about myself, changing the topic of conversation, even though my mind was occupied with someone else.
Everyone had arrived as the evening came, squeezing into the house and around the long table. As we sat down to eat, I noticed an empty chair besides George, realising who should have been there. My breath got caught in my throat at the sight, not hearing George call my name until he placed his hand on top of mine. 
“You OK?” he whispered.
“Um...” my head slowly turned to face him.“Yeah, sorry. I’m fine.”
“It’s strange, isn’t it? What I mean is, it’s weird to think he’s...he’s not here.”
I squeezed his hand, but before I could say anything, Arthur stood, preparing to make a speech. Keeping my hand in George’s, I listened just like everyone else, trying to push away the flashes of Fred filling my mind.
“Well, I know it’s a bit early to be celebrating Christmas, but we know that you all have your own plans for this year, now that you’re grown up. But it is important to ensure that we get together, especially during this season about love, giving gifts, drinking, eating, and spending time with family and friends, because...because you never know what the future holds. And I think...no, I know that the last year has taught us all that.”
People were either getting teary eyes, already crying, or had a solemn look on their faces. Glances towards the empty seat were common. I didn’t wince as George’s grip tightened, strongly pinching my skin. Keeping my head down, I suppressed any tears, taking in a deep breath as Arthur managed to carry on.
“I just want you all to know, that I love you, your mother and I love you. And for those extended family, (Y/N), Harry, Hermione, Fleur, Audrey, we love you just as much. You’re our family too. We need to make every moment count, make every moment special. So, with that being said, let’s have some fun tonight!”
We raised our glasses, clinking them all together before drinking. I took a big gulp, and then another as the chatter built up again. Once we were done with food and the conversations afterwards, we were going to start playing games, lifting up the atmosphere in the room. Before it started, I excused myself, not that anyone took much notice. Scurrying upstairs, I tried to slow down my breathing as I shut myself in my designated room, covering my mouth to silence my cries. I collapsed back onto the bed, head in my hands as I felt tears try to stream down my face. My shoulders shook as I forced myself to make no noise. The door opened, causing me to flinch back, even though it was George.
“(Y/N)? Why are you crying?” he panicked, immediately kneeling in front of me.
I shook my head that was back hiding in my hands.
“Hey, come on, you can talk to me. Did someone say something?”
I sniffled, looking away from him.“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t be crying, it’s not fair.”
“What do you mean?”
“Just seeing Fred’s chair...without him in it, it was heartbreaking. And, and I know you and your family have to deal with that every day for the rest of your lives but...but I miss him so much George!”
“It’s alright. Hey, I’m here.” he moved to sit beside me, holding my close. 
“I’ve always wanted to make sure you were happy, and I knew that if I started crying like this then it would make things worse. He was your twin brother. What right do I have to be like this?”
“Listen to yourself,” he softly said, gently pushing me away so that I would look him in the eyes,“you’ve never mourned properly. You heard my dad downstairs, you’re family. Fred loved you, you loved him, we were the best of friends us three! The fact that you’ve not let out all of this makes me worried. It’s not healthy.”
“I know, I just couldn’t stand to see you upset anymore. I wanted to make you happy.”
“You do make me happy (Y/N). You make me extremely happy by just being with me, by just being you. You’re right, all those times I saw your smile, I smiled. Making you laugh is one of the best things in the world, and the fact that I can see you everyday, well, I couldn’t ask for anything more. I just wished that you had been able to talk to me about this, you know I’m always here for you.”
“I should have, I realised that now. But when you would start to let everything out to me, I couldn’t bring myself to say anything, I felt like I was adding to your trauma and making it about myself. And after relentless weeks of nightmares, nightmares that involved you dying alongside Fred, it would all disappear from my mind once I saw you.”
His hand pushed away the hair stuck to my wet face, sadly smiling.“I understand. Promise me that you’ll tell me about these sort of things?”
I nodded.“I promise. I’m sorry that I didn’t speak to you sooner.”
“Don’t apologise. You have nothing to apologise for.”
Strangely, we both leaned in towards each other, quickly kissing. We didn’t pull away a lot, kissing once again, though this one was firmer and more confident. It wasn’t leading to anything, it was something we both wanted but knew tonight wasn’t the right time to go too deep into this. After a few seconds apart, I couldn’t help it, I had to kiss him again.
“My dad asked about us earlier. After hearing that we bought presents together and stayed with each other, he was wondering if something had finally happened.”
“Glad he’s not the only one wanting something to happen between us.”
“We’ll definitely talk about this tomorrow. But just so you know, I enjoyed that.” George said.
“I did too.” I mumbled, suddenly becoming shy.“And thank you for always being there George. I will get better at expressing my feelings in the moment.”
“I just hope you know that it doesn’t matter how you’re feeling; happy, sad, excited, annoyed, you can tell me anything. And also, if Fred was here, he would have certainly burst in and ruined the moment.”
I giggled.“You’re not wrong there. Perhaps he’s watching down on us know, wishing he could have put some sort of plan into action to embarrass us.”
“I bet he is. But I know he would have also been happy.”
“And we’ll be happy too. We are happy.”
“Yes, now that I’ve got you, I’m going to cherish every moment, just as dad said to.”
I hugged him close.“Don’t ever leave me George.”
“I won’t, not ever.”
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slyttherins · 3 years
Meeting the Weasleys | Bill Weasley x Reader
Summary: The reconstitution of the Order of the Phoenix bring Bill back to England to help his family and others fight against Voldemort. Bill takes you along and you meet his family...who has no idea he has a girlfriend
Pairing: Bill Weasley x Reader
Word count: 1880
Muggle transport sucked. Especially planes. Fascinating transportation system, but why must they take so long to get to places? Portkeys were much faster.
Usually, when going to his family home, Bill would use a portkey to the Burrow, but as the Weasleys had temporarily moved to the new Order of the Phoenix's headquarters, there was no point going there. There was also no portkey available to Grimmauld Place since it was a secret house.
A plane was the only option.
''You didn't tell your family you wouldn't be coming alone?!''
Bill slung his satchel bag over his shoulder, thankful for the extension charm. ''Erm, no. I wasn't going to announce to them that I have a girlfriend through a letter, it doesn't sound really serious.''
For that, he wasn't wrong.
''We can't just show up together on the doorstep, Bill.''
Suddenly, you started re-evaluating your decision to come to England and think it was a bad idea. It's not like you and Bill were old friends. You had never met his family. What if his mom was angry for not warning her he was bringing his girlfriend? Would this put you on her bad side?
Bill shrugged, seeing no issues. ''Why not? Mom won't mind. She'll be so happy to see me that she'll forget to be mad for not telling her about you. It'll be fine, Y/N.''
As you expected, it didn't go like Bill had planned. He was a fool to think he could trick his mother like that. Molly was furious.
At first, she was confused. Then, she thought Bill had brought a friend to help with the Order - they could always use more wizards and witches on their side. But, when he introduced you as his girlfriend, her mood changed and she started scolding his oldest for not telling her something so important - even swatted his arm with the spoon she was holding. Ouch.
Bill too had been surprised by his mother's reaction, having not been talked to in that tone since his teenage years.
''William Arthur Weasley, how could you do that? You disappear in Egypt for six years and come back with a surprise girlfriend and expect me to not get mad and act as if it's nothing important? How long have you been hiding this from us? I'm your mother, how could you hide this from me?'' her voice boomed through Grimmauld Place. It was like getting a real-life howler. Pretty scary.
Once Mrs. Weasley was finished, she turned to you, her facial expression completely changed, and smiled warmly. ''Sorry about that, dear. Some people have no manners and assumes they can't be scolded after leaving the nest.'' She narrowed her eyes at Bill. ''I'm Molly, Bill's mother...but I'm sure you've caught that already. What's your name?''
''Y/N,'' you introduced. ''I'm sorry for coming unnoticed. I kept telling Bill it wasn't a great idea.''
''Don't feel bad, it's all forgiven.'' The plump woman smiled warmly at you. ''Would you like some biscuits? I just took a batch out of the oven.''
After eating some biscuits in the kitchen and chatting a bit with Mrs. Weasley - Bill was trying to be forgiven -, you and Bill took your luggages upstairs and went to put everything away. There weren't a lot of rooms left - a lot of members of the Order had taken residency at Grimmauld Place -, but Mrs. Weasley had kept one for Bill. Ron was supposed to share with him, but now that you were there, Ron was going to have to move rooms. Sorry, Ron.
''I didn't think she would be that angry. If I has known, I-''
''Angry? She was furious, William!'' you interrupted as you entered the bedroom, finding it a complete mess. There was a trunk opened in the corner, quidditch magazines and wrappers on the nightstand, and dirty clothes everywhere. Bill's little brother was a messy person.
With a few whisks of his wand, Bill gathered Ron's stuff and put everything in his trunk - dirty or not - to make room for yours. In the end, the trunk struggled to fit everything, but with a little bit of magic, everything was possible. It might explode when Ron will open it, but it wouldn't be your problem then.
''I guess I overestimated myself.''
You started with your clothes, folding them neatly in the chest drawers and hung the jackets in the small wardrobe. There was an old smell floating in the room, but it was inevitable in a house this old.
While you did that, Bill reached for the toiletries items, frowning confusedly when he saw how many bottles of who-knows-what you had brought. What were they all for? Did you really need all of those?
''I...I thought she was going to hate] me because of that,'' you admitted, genuinely scared you were going to be one of those girlfriends that's hated by her future in-laws. All because Bill omitted to tell his mother about you.
Bill huffed a short laugh, but seeing how you were genuinely worried of so, he turned into a serious face and he came up to you, wrapping his arms around you from behind. ''That's very unlikely,'' he said, turning you around in his hold and tilting your chin up. ''My mom has no hatred in her body - except for the ones who harm her children. I promise she doesn't hate you.'' Bill kissed your temple, but his speech didn't convince you completely.
''Well, she was yelling. To me, yelling is not something positive.''
''At me. She was yelling at me,'' he corrected. ''But then, she offered you biscuits, didn't she?''
''She did.''
Food was how Molly showed affection and care. She loved to cook all sorts of meals and desserts to feed the ones she loved. If you were particularly kind with her, she might cook your favorite dish at supper.
''Let's finish unpacking so I can introduce you to the rest of the family.''
You nodded and slipped out of your boyfriend's hold. Hopefully it'll go better, this time.
When you left the bedroom, you ran into two boys of the same height and physique, which you recognized as the infamous twins. Bill had told you about all members of his family on the plane journey, but telling apart who was who was another story though.
They both hugged their brother - who was almost as tall as them -, having not seen each other in a while and, when Bill introduced you, they looked shocked.
''Girlfriend?'' Fred repeated, sounding surprised. He glanced at you mischievously. ''Have you slipped him a love potion?''
It was all jokes, but you didn't know their humor so you took him seriously.
''Excuse me?'' You were offended that they could think you did something like that. Slipping someone a love potion was vile and immoral. Plus, love potions only created infatuation, not love.
Beside you, Bill rolled his eyes and laughed lightly, which told you they were only joking. ''Is it that difficult to believe that I got a girlfriend? Last time I heard, you all agreed I was the coolest brother of the lot.''
''The coolest, perhaps, but not the most skilled in the flirting departement,'' Fred teased. ''I think I deserve that title.''
''It's just, our brother never brought a girl home before,'' George explained to you, feeling sorry for the misunderstanding. ''How did mom take it? Her oldest son taking a girl home, she must've been emotional.''
''She was thrilled-''
Thrilled wasn't the word you would've employed.
''He's lying. She hit him with a spoon,'' you corrected.
Bill nudged you. ''Y/N! You're supposed to be on my side.''
You shrugged.
''A spoon?'' Fred and George chorused. ''I thought it was only us who got the spoon.''
Next was Ginny and Ron, which you met at the dinner table.
Although she was the youngest, Ginny was the closest to Bill. There was a special bond between the two that made you smile fondly.
Farther into the kitchen, another ginger haired boy stood on his mother's heels, trying to steal something to eat. Upon hearing Bill's voice, he turned and joined his sister, but didn't fail to give you a confused look, having never seen you before. If he had, he would've remembered.
''Who are you?'' He took a bite of the bread he stole and Ginny elbowed him for being rude.
In response to Ron's question, Bill slid an arm behind you, grin on his lips and raised his eyebrows, waiting for his siblings to catch on. Since knowing him, you had learned that the eldest Weasley didn't like to make a big deal out of any news - counting having a girlfriend.
It didn't take long for a wide smile to spread on Ginny's face. ''Oh my Godrick! I was not expecting this when you said you were coming home. I'm so happy for you,'' she told Bill and then turned to you and introduced herself - although you already knew her name - and kindly asked for yours. ''Finally, I will no longer be the only girl among those boys. Why have you kept her a secret?''
''I did not-''
Ginny gave her brother a look. ''You didn't tell us. It's the same thing.''
''Maybe he didn't want you to steal her from him,'' Ron joked, making fun of his sister's excitement.
Ginny glared at him, about to say something back, but before she could, Molly called out that dinner was ready. A loud crack echoed and Fred and George aparated in the kitchen, sneaking on Molly and making her yelp.
''Just because you're allowed to do that doesn't mean you-''
''Do you need help, Mrs. Weasley?'' you offered.
Although Bill had promised his mother didn't hate you, being helpful would surely get you on her good side.
Molly smiled at you, thankful for the help. ''That would be very appreciated, dear. You take the soup and bread to the table. Don't forget to place a cloth underneath the stockpot or else it'll burn the wood of the table.''
You nodded and got to business.
While you were helping Molly, two men arrived in the kitchen. One of them had dark curly hair and the other had a walking stick. They introduced themself as Sirius Black and Remus Lupin. You had heard of the former in the newspaper, but didn't dare ask questions. You simply smiled at him politely.
''Where are the others?'' you asked Bill when you sat down beside him, looking at the kitchen's entrance thinking two more Weasleys would come in. ''I thought you had five brothers.''
''Charlie is in Romania working with dragons and Percy,'' Ginny paused, glancing at their mom in the kitchen, taking something out of the oven. ''He doesn't live with us anymore.''
Ginny didn't need to say more for you to sense that Percy was a sensitive subject for the family. Especially to Molly. You felt like there was more to it than him moving out, but didn't dare ask as it wasn't your businesses.
Thankfully, the subject was dropped fast enough and Ron and Fred started arguing about who would get the ladle first, only for Ginny to roll her eyes and take it before them. Once she was done, she gave it to you to purposely annoy her brothers, which got a complaint from Ron.
''It was my turn!''
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This is a mess
I wrote a fic about Percy Weasley coming out and like I said above, it’s kinda a mess.......👉🏼👈🏼 it’s really chaotic but lots of people like chaotic stuff right?! let’s just hope
anyway, do whatever u want with this and yeah!
warning: percy became a bit ooc and charlie became trans so she is now charlise <3
Percy Weasley was very nervous. Very nervous indeed. He was going to be coming out to his family. His loving but super chaotic family.
“W-What if they think I’m a-abnormal Ollie? Or w-worse than t-that?” Percy stutters out to his boyfriend, Oliver Wood, otherwise known as the keeper of Puddlemere United.
“They won’t darling. They love you,” comforted Oliver, “Besides, hasn’t Ron come out as bisexual, and isn’t Charlie, Charlise now?”
“B-but, I wasn’t there for them,” replies Percy ashamedly, “I left them when they needed me the most, and Fred died. I don’t deserve it!”
“Percival Ignatius Weasley, you are a beautiful, kind, smart person and you, like everyone else, deserve to be happy. Everyone makes mistakes! The thing that matters is you apologized! You came back!” Oliver reassures.
“Sorry, I’m just freaking out, Oll,” Percy apologizes.
“It’s ok, love. No need to worry,” says Oliver, “How about a kiss for good luck?”
“Seriously, Ollie?” replies Percy with a fond smile.
“Yes seriously!” Oliver chuckles.
“Fine!” Percy gives him a short but loving kiss, “Now let’s go over the plan one more time.”
“Percy, I love you, but if you make me recite that one more time, I’m going to flip. Besides, I remember,” Oliver said.
“Ok, ok. Love you, too! Bye,” replied Percy as he headed through the floo.
As he entered the Burrow various shouts of hellos greeted Percy.
“Hello Mother and Father,” Percy said primly.
“Oh, Percy, darling! You’re home!” Mrs. Weasley replied.
“Yes, indeed, Mother!” Percy responded, trying to stop his nerves and muster a smile.
“Oi! What about us?” Bill laughed.
“Hello to you too, siblings,” replied Percy.
“You say siblings like it's a bad thing,” Ginny replied.
“It is,” smiled Percy.
“No, this cannot be. Percy just made a joke,” said George, shocked.
“Hey, I make jokes. I’m plenty good at it!” Percy replied.
“Yeah, sure. Tell me one person who thinks your jokes are funny!” Charlise asked.
“My boyfriend!” shouted Percy, forgetting his plan, “Uh, I mean girlfriend.”
“Percy, do you have something to tell us?” Mr. Weasley asked.
“Um, yes father. I have a boyfriend,” Percy replied anxiously.
“Great, we were wondering why you were single for so long, Perce!” Fred laughed.
“Hey!” yelled Percy, “He’s been my boyfriend for 2 years!”
“That was the wrong thing to say, Percy,” giggled Ginny.
“Percival Ignatius Weasley, why haven’t you told us about your boyfriend of 2 years? When is he coming for Sunday dinner? I need to make a sweater for him!” Mrs. Weasley fretted.
“Um, well actually, I was going to tell you and then ask him to come,” Percy nervously replied.
“Ok, dear. How about you go call him?” Mrs. Weasley smiled.
“Wait. Wait!” Bill shouted.
“What?” George and Ron asked simultaneously.
“Can we guess who your boyfriend is first?” Bill questioned.
“Fine,” replied Percy looking at his watch, “My boyfriend is running late anyway.”
“So, what house is he in?” asked Fred.
“I won’t tell you! You have to guess!” chuckled Percy.
“Maybe, Slytherin?” asked Charlise.
“No, Charlise. Not Slytherin,” replied Percy.
“How about Ravenclaw then?” inquired Ron.
“Nope,” said Percy.
“You probably won’t date a Hufflepuff so Gryffindor?” asked Bill.
“Correct. He is in Gryffindor,” Percy smiled.
“Um, do we know him?” asked Ron.
“Yes, you know him,” replied Percy.
“Ok,” Fred says, “This is hard.”
“Because you haven’t even properly guessed!” Percy shouts.
“Fine, fine. Does he like quidditch?” asks Ginny.
“Yes, he does,” Percy replies.
“Oh, thank Merlins. If he didn’t, I don’t know what I would do!” George laughs.
“Ha, ha. Very mature, George,” Percy replied dryly.
“I give up! Can Percy’s boyfriend come so we can eat?” asked Ron.
“I will if there is an overall decision,” says Percy.
“One last question?” asks Bill hopefully.
“Ok, what’s your question?” Percy asks.
“How many siblings does he have?” asks Bill.
“None,” said Percy.
“Well he’s going to be in for a chaotic surprise,” laughs Charlise.
“Anyway, you can bring him now, Percy!” Mrs. Weasley replies.
“That would be good. I’ll bring him from the floo,” replies Percy as he steps into the floo, “Home!”
“Perce!” Oliver shouts anxiously, “What took you so long, love?”
“Sorry, darling,” replies Percy, “They wanted to try to guess who my boyfriend was!”
“Did they guess it right?” chuckles Oliver.
“They didn’t even guess! They just asked silly questions,” said Percy as he rolled his eyes.
“I figured. Anyway, ready?” asked Oliver.
“Yeah, I’m ready, Oll,” replies Percy.
“Great! Let’s go then!” Oliver says.
“No, wait!” Percy stutters.
“Mhm, what?” asks Oliver.
“Maybe, I could come in first, and then I could prank them! Maybe say he can’t come/he broke up with me or some shit and then floo to the Burrow?” laughs Percy.
“Hearing you swear never fails to make me wonder. And yeah, I love it. But it’s your idea, if they ask, which they will!” Oliver smiles.
“Come when I ping you on your watch, ok?” asks Percy.
“Sure, muffin. Love ya!” said Oliver, his scottish twang prominently arising in his voice
“Ok then. Bye Ollie. Love you,” kisses Percy as he floo’s to the Burrow.
“Hey, Percy!!” says Ron.
“Wait, where is he?” asks Charlise.
“H-he b-broke up with me….” stutters Percy trying to sound devastated. It wasn’t too hard considering he had done acting at Hogwarts. Not many people knew though. Only Neville, Hannah, Penelope, Susan, and Luna.
“Oh no, Percy, dear. Would you like some tea?” says Molly trying to comfort him.
“Yes please, mum,” Percy (fake) sniffles.
The other Weasleys were shocked…..they had never seen Percy act this way…..before they knew it, they were all starting to curse his heartless ex-boyfriend.
“I’m going to kill him,” screeched George.
“Me too!” replied Fred.
“Me three!” Ginny replied.
“Me fucking four!” growled Bill.
“I’m here too!” Ron yells.
“And me!” replies Charlise.
“W-wait guys,” Percy stammers.
“Excuse me?” glares Ginny.
“Oh, guys and gals,” says Percy, covering up his mistake.
“Yes, Percy?” asks his father.
Percy cracks a huge grin as he laughs, “It’s a prankkkk!”
“Fuck you, Percy. Fuck you,” growls Fred.
“Seriously, what the hell?” Bill yelled.
“And why did you do this?” asked Ron.
“I could answer that, or Charlise might know,” smirked Percy.
“Sorry, Perce. It’s just you never make jokes or pranks, or whatever,” replied Charlise.
“Never mind that, how’re you so good at acting?” asked George.
“Because I was in acting for 4 years, George!” shouted Percy, “How come you don’t remember?”
“To be honest Perce, I don’t remember,” replied Ginny.
Shouts of ‘nor do I’ came chorusing through the Burrow.
“Seriously?” Percy sighed.
“Percy, so is your boyfriend still there?” asked Mrs. Weasley trying to change the topic.
Percy instantly brightened up and he replied, “Yeah, he is. And before I get him, don’t scream, don’t yell, don’t do anything that would embarrass me, and the prank was my idea so don’t blame him. Got it?”
“Got it!” replied the Weasley Family.
“Ok then,” said Percy as he tapped his watch, turning it the color of his bright blue eyes.
“Hey, how did you do that, Percy?” asked his Father.
“Just some simple charms and transfigurations which allow me to ask my boyfriend to come where I need him to be,” Percy replied, “It also kinda works like a patronus but instead of sending one, I can just call him and he can talk to me!”
“Woah, cool!” replied the twins simultaneously, “Can you make a prototype for our shop?”
Flustered at the praise, Percy just nodded as he waited for Ollie.
A familiar voice was heard, “Hiya Perce! Oh and hello Mr & Mrs. Weasley.” said Oliver, “-and hi fellow Weasley siblings!
“No freaking way!” yelled Ron.
“Oliver Wood, keeper of Puddlemere United!!” screeched Ginny.
“Calm down! I told y’all to keep it down and not to embarrass me, it hasn’t worked so far,” glared Percy.
“Y’all? Who says y’all?” shudders George, “Oliver’s rubbing up on you, Perce!”
“Oi! Shut it! I think saying y’all is cute! Don’t you, pumpkin?” says Oliver, “Oh, and aren’t you cold, muffin? You’re only wearing a sweater, dear.”
Embarrassed, Percy replied, “I’m fine, love. Now let’s go to eat!”
“Wait a minute, did everyone else hear Oliver saying pumpkin, muffin, and dear in the span of 2 minutes?” Bill chuckled as he asked.
“No more questions,” Percy shouted as he blushed, “Now time for dinner.”
taglist: @mais-e @just-a-smol-spoon @oliverwoodmarrymepls
please join my taglist if u like this kind of shit 🤠
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onlyfreds · 3 years
It’s Time | Family of Four
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Title: It’s Time
Summary: The time everyone waited for has come.
Warning/s: Mentions of pain, a mention of a fatal disease, Ginny and George (probably) being the happiest of them all, George and Molly crying tears of joy
A/N: Finally the last installment, of the series. I might have cried a bit from the ending. But, I just wanted to thank you all for the support, likes and reblogs you have given this series. I never thought that this would reach this far. So, I hope you enjoy this last part and I might have a new series coming soon!
Series Masterlist
I never thought that Fred’s clinginess could reach its maximum level.
And it just did.
I was due to give birth anytime now, Fred had gone through the whole nine yards when it came to preparation.
“I just need to run to the shop quickly princess. You sure you’ll be okay here?” Fred asked as he put on his suit jacket.
I gave him a small smile, “I’ll be fine Freddie. Honestly love, relax.”
He chuckled, giving me a quick peck on the lips, “I know, it’s just you could give birth anytime soon. I want to be there when that happens.”
I giggled cupping his face as he hovered slightly above me, “And I assure you, you will be here when that happens. Now stop stressing and do what you need to do.”
He smiled, giving me another peck on the lips, “I’ll come back as soon as I can.”
“Just take your time love.” I said, giving him a reassuring smile.
He then apparated to the shop.
I got up from my seat, walking over to the bookshelf in hopes of finding another book to read.
In the whole period of my pregnancy, I had felt like that I had finished every single book that was lined up on the shelf.
I scanned the book spines before deciding to re-read my all-time favorite: Romeo and Juliet.
As I walked back to the couch, taking each step carefully, I felt a sudden flare of pain in my stomach causing me to drop the book I was holding.
I stood steady in my position for a few more minutes, it had been happening for the last few days so I just decided to brush it off.
Taking out my wand, I summoned the book to from the floor and made my way back to the couch.
Later that day, when I was on my way back to the comfort of the living room after using the bathroom, I felt a similar flare of pain in my stomach. Then I felt something dripping down my thighs. I looked down, my heart racing as I saw a puddle of water at my feet.
It was time.
I summoned the emergency bag that Fred had prepared from our bedroom, thank Merlin for magic.
That’s when I heard a familiar pop.
“Princess! I’m home!” I heard the familiar voice of my husband call from the living room.
“I’m here!” I called out, leaning against the wall for support.
His eyes widen when he saw me leaning against the wall, the emergency bag slung over my shoulder.
“Is it time?” He asked, frantically taking the bag from me and leading me towards the fireplace.
I nodded, “It’s time.”
He immediately threw some floo powder into the fireplace and said, “George! George! Are you there mate?”
“I am.” George’s voice answered clearly from the other side, “Why? What’s wrong?”
“Y/N’s going into labor and we’re heading to St. Mungo’s right now.” Fred said frantically.
“I’ll alert Mum and Dad!” George said as Fred dipped his hand in the bag of floo powder again, throwing it again towards the flames as we stepped in and got transported to St. Mungo’s.
Fortunately, enough, the moment we stepped into the hospital, we bumped into my doctor.
She took a single look at me and said, “She’s going into labor isn’t she.”
“Obviously.” I said as they placed me in a wheelchair and wheeled me over to the delivery room.
(Ginny’s POV)
It was normal Saturday afternoon, until George started banging on our door.
“George, what in the name of Merlin is so bloody urgent that it looks like that you want to break down the door so badly.” I said as I opened the door.
“Well, for your information dear sister, Y/N is going into labor. I already told Ron and Hermione and I’m about to head to mum and dad.” He said before apparating to the Burrow.
“What did he say?” Harry said coming out from the living room.
I looked at him as I only started to register what my brother just said, “Y/N is in labor! We have to head to St. Mungo’s now!”
Without a second thought, we apparated to St. Mungo’s where Ron and Hermione were already waiting.
Well, Ron was more relaxed as he sat down in one of the chairs while Hermione was pacing back and forth.
“Hey.” Hermione greeted, pulling me into a hug, “We came here as soon as George told us.”
I chuckled, “Us too. Any news from them?”
Hermione shook her head, “None.”
We heard another pop as we turned and saw that the rest of the family had arrived: Mum, dad, George and Angelina, Percy and Audrey, Bill and Fleur. Everyone was present.
“Are there any news yet?” Mum asked, pulling the four of us into a hug.
Harry gave her a small smile, “Not yet. But so far, Hermione is the only one acting like Y/N has a fatal disease when in reality she’s just in labor.”
The group laughed as Hermione gave Harry a playful glare.
“I don’t know about you guys, but I’m already excited to meet the twins.” George said, practically bouncing off the walls in excitement.
Percy gave a hearty laugh, “And why is that? So, you and Fred could pass on your pranking legacy?”
“This is the twins we’re talking about Perce, of course they’ll pass on their legacy.” Bill said.
Arthur chuckled, “I think that I’m starting to pity the load Mcgonagall would be having when the next generation attends Hogwarts.”
“I won’t even be surprised that if the day when this new generation attends Hogwarts will be the same day Mcgonagall resigns.” Molly said.
“Nah,” Ron joked with a small grin, “She loves us too much.”
Hermione and I playfully smacked him on the shoulder, “You wish.” We said in unison.
“Oh, come on,” Percy intervened, “We all know I’m Mcgonagall’s favorite.”
George snorted as Angelina smacked him on the shoulder, “Why? Because you were an ickle Prefect and a Bighead boy?”
Bill and Fleur laughed, “Please,” Bill joined in, “Save yourselves of the embarrassment because it’s pretty obvious that I’m Minnie’s favorite.”
All of us bursted into a fit of laughter before s voice spoke, “Don’t leave me hanging guys, what’s so funny?”
We all turned and saw Fred with a huge grin on his lips.
“How’s Y/N and the kids?” I asked.
“They’re fine.” He said, his voice quivering a little, obviously he had just finished crying.
“Do you wanna go see them?” He asked.
George smiled, “Though you’d never ask. Lead the way then.”
Fred led us to a room at the end of the hall and pushed the door open.
(Reader’s POV)
I couldn’t stop staring adoringly at the two babies that were I had just delivered.
Fred had bursted into tears the moment I handed him our son.
“Hello there kiddo.” He cooed, the tears gently falling down his cheeks, “I’m your dad, and I love you, your sister and your mum so much.” He continued, voice cracking slightly.
Even I couldn’t stop my tears from flowing as I looked at Fred with our son and our daughter that I was cradling slowly in my arms.
I scooted over a bit as Fred sat next to me on the hospital bed.
“I can’t believe they’re actually here, in our arms.” He said.
I smiled, “I can’t believe that we could make something this beautiful.”
Fred chuckled, placing a small kiss on my cheek as I looked at him, “I’m married to the most gorgeous woman in the whole wide world. So, it only makes sense that our children inherit that.”
I playfully rolled my eyes at him, “Ever so cheeky.”
Fred had already gone to pick up the rest of the family while the twins laid in my arms.
I looked up as the door opened and the rest of the Weasley clan piled into the room.
Ginny and George where the first ones by my side as they looked adoringly at the kids.
“Can I hold one of them?” Ginny asked, giving me her best puppy dog eyes.
I handed Ginny her niece which she took with a huge grin.
“Can I hold the other one?” George asked.
“Just make sure you don’t drop him.” Fred teased his twin as I handed him his nephew.
George and Ginny started parading the twins around the room, handing them to Molly and Arthur respectively after the former complained that “They should have a chance with their grandchildren.”
After a few moments of silence, Hermione asked the question that had been on everyone’s mind, “What’s their names?”
Fred and I exchanged a quick look as I said, “Freddie, if you may.”
He smiled at his twin, “The boy’s name is George Arthur Weasley.”
George stared at his twin as his eyes widened while Arthur had a huge grin on his face.
“You named your son after me?” George asked in disbelief.
Fred shrugged, “Of course I did. Is it so hard to believe?”
Angelina smiled as George bit his lip as he tried to keep his tears at bay, launching himself into Fred’s arms, pulling him into a tight hug.
“How about the girl?” Harry asked.
I took a deep breath, giving them a small smile as I answered, “Ginny Molly Weasley.”
Ginny gasped as she started jumping up and down, running forward and hugging me as tightly as she could, “Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!”
I chuckled, rubbing her back gently, “Anything for my favorite sister-in-law.”
She playfully scoffed, “Your only sister-in-law.”
We pulled away when we heard a small sniff to see Molly quietly crying as she lovingly stared at her three-hour old granddaughter.
“Hey mum, why are you crying?” Fred joked as he stood next to her.
She took another sniff, “It’s just. Out of every single name out there that you could’ve given your kids. You name them after your twin and your sister and your father and I.”
Fred chuckled, “Well, we would’ve named them after all of you already. But we have to reserve some for our other children.”
He then dodged the pillow I threw at him, “I just got those two out and now you’re planning some more?”
My husband laughed as he sat next to me, “There’s no harm in thinking ahead.”
We watched as the rest of family passed the twins among themselves.
I rested my head on Fred’s chest as I took in the sight of our perfect little family.
𝙶𝚎𝚗𝚎𝚛𝚊𝚕 𝚃𝚊𝚐𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝:
@lumosandnoxwriting @wand3ringr0s3 @famdomhideout @nova-darling @gaycatlord-stuff​​ @pandaxnienke​ @escapingrealitybyreading (if your username is crossed out, that means I couldn’t tag you)
𝚂𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚜  𝚃𝚊𝚐𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝:
@the-romanian-is-bae @manuosorioh @lucymfer @lunylovelovegood​
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