#not sure whether it was cuter in my head
tuesdayscanons · 2 years
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I'm not sure if I want to put this in the thread or not because it sounds so melodramatic, but...I thought about the possibility of Pigsy catching the woman who stood him up being romantic with another man. Maybe later into the night, after he spends time with Tang. Introducing it ASAP feels like too much at once.
I don't want to kick Pigsy when he's already down, though I love a bit of trauma and seeing Tang potentially get defensive over Pigsy? (Young!Pigsy wouldn't confront her himself bc he doesn't blame her and lowkey thinks he deserves it.) *chef's kiss*
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junnieverse · 8 months
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➙ enhypen's reaction to you not recognising them whilst you were drunk
pairing: enhypen x gn!reader
genre: crack, very little fluff
request: " so yk the series u did with the drunk enha not recognizing their partner… u should write about the roles being reversed and their partner is the one that can’t recognize them "
warnings: lowercase intended, mentions of alcohol/drinking, not proofread, jake swears once in his drabble
a/n: thank you for the request anon, here it is! this was a cool idea too so I hope you liked it :)
a/n (2): I also wasn't sure on whether or not to add riki into this one as well but I decided to go for it but riki is not drinking and the reader is legal to drink in the drabble
a/n (3): you can also find my post on enha not recognising their s/o whilst drunk [ here ]
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🖇️ — 양정원 ; JUNGWON !
you had been out celebrating with some friends and jungwon had been their too to make sure you didn't go overboard
what he wasn't expecting was for you to claim to not know who he was when it was time to leave
he wasn't suprised by your drunken behavior but he was taken aback when you asked him to prove he actually was your boyfriend
"If you're really my boyfriend, tell me something only he would know about me?" you interrogate him raising an eyebrow
"You once farted in front of my friends and blamed my dog." he says shaking his head
immediately covering his mouth you shush him feeling embarrassed at the revelation
"I can't believe Jungwon told you, he swore never to say anything." you whisper pouting as he gently removed your hands
"That's because I am Jungwon, now let's get you sobered up."
despite having already known this little secret you still couldn't seem to look Jungwon in the eye until you ran away into your room to go sleep to avoid him
🖇️ — 이희승 ; HEESEUNG !
you had a night out with some friends and your boyfriend was always the go-to person to call when you got hammered
tonight was unexpectedly different when you saw riki and pushed him away
even your friends would try telling you to sober up so heeseung could take you home but you argued that you didn't know him
"I DON'T KNOW THAT MAN! DON'T FEED ME TO THE WOLVES YOU PUNKS!" you yell out to your friends
he was shocked to say the least because you've never acted this way around him
soon your boyfriend had to step in and he carried you over his shoulder whilst you hit his back
despite your pretty weak defence, he oddly found this entertaining
he makes sure to help you sober up and feeds you until you fall asleep
🖇️ — 박종성 ; JAY !
you were a mess
jay got a call from your friends that you were crying saying you missed him and so he came over to get you
turns out you were just incredibly drunk and rambling over how perfect your boyfriend was and you 'didn't deserve him'
"I'm right here darling, wanna leave?" jay says rubbing your back as you look at him dazed
"Who are you sir?" you ask sniffling softly as you wipe a tear
he was left too stunned to speak
thought it was just you messing around with him but after he laughed and he say how stoic you were, he realised you were serious
"What, I'm literally your boyfriend, it's me Jay." he says pointing to himself as you shake your head
"No, my boyfriend is way cuter, no offense sir." you tell him taking another sip of your drink
he wasn't sure whether to take your words as an offense or a compliment but he still couldn't believe it
🖇️ — 심재윤 ; JAKE !
jake got a little pouty seeing as you couldn't recognise him
all he wanted was your affection but you wouldn't even touch him, CUDDLE THE MAN BEFORE HE DIES STARVED OF TOUCH
to make matters worse was you tried everything in your power to avoid him thinking you were in danger
poor guy had to chase after you trying to calm you down but to no avail
you'd tried hiding, screaming and even running away but he always came back
"Baby please stop, it's me, Jake. Layla's dad." he tells you making you go into shock
"HOW DO YOU KNOW MY BOYFRIEND'S DOG YOU STALKER?!" you yell at him as you hiccup slightly still drunk
you still didn't believe his words so you decided to call jake for yourself and somehow the phone in the stranger's pocket rang
"YOU ATE JAKE!!" you accuse him pointing at him in horror
"Oh for fucks sakes." he says done with your drunk self
🖇️ — 박성훈 ; SUNGHOON !
he was offended to say the least
"But (y/n) it's me, you're handsome and funny boyfriend. Snap out of it." he says shaking you lightly with his hands on your shoulders
you on the other hand was ready to fight because you couldn't believe this 'stranger' just laid his hands on you
"One more word buddy and I'll throw my shoe at you!" you warn your boyfriend slapping his hands off as you turn to leave
sunghoon was very adamant to get you to recognise him because he was your designated ride home anyway
"Sweetheart it's me, I'm Sunghoon!" he says again getting aggravated
true to your prior warning, you indeed took off your shoe and threw it at him
hoon woke up the next morning with a huge bump on his forehead and you couldn't remember a thing
"Where did you get that bump from baby?" you ask handing him an ice packing having no idea
he still wonders how someone so incredibly drunk had such great aim
🖇️ — 김선우 ; SUNOO !
"CAUSE IIIIII KNOW YA LIKE BOY!" you sing (more like scream) at the top of your lungs as sunoo directed you into the house
you had a few glasses of wine earlier on after working and sunoo was left in your care having picked you up after a karaoke night with friends
"Thank you for the ride mister taxi man." you tell your boyfriend getting out of the car
he was left very confused because he'd thought it was a joke at first when you got into the backseat and told him your address but he didn't pay much mind to it
"Sir why are you coming into my house." you ask trying to stand up straight to only lose your balance but sunoo was quick to catch you
"I live with you silly, I'm your boyfriend." he explains realising you didn't recognise him
"I already have one, his name is Sunoo, see." you tell him showing him your lockscreen of you and sunoo together
"Okay how about you go to sleep and your boyfriend will be right next to you once you wake up." he tells you gently brushing your hair
true to his words, you woke up to your sweet boyfriend right next to you still not realising he was with you the entire night
🖇️ — 西村 力 ; NI-KI !
as hurt as he was seeing you fail to recognise him, part of him also found it adorable
he knew he should've tried to help you sober up but watching you was like watching a patient who'd just gotten their wisdom tooth out and the gas had taken over
"Did you know I'm actually a secret spy, it's a secret but I'm telling you even though I've never met you before." you whisper looking around as if not wanting anyone to hear you
he would simply play along because he found this extremely entertaining
and this would be great content as birthday exposure
"And I have this super tall boyfriend, he's nine feet tall now." you say proudly not realising how ridiculous you actually sound
"You kinda remind me of him, only difference is you're much shorter... and he's way more handsome." you tell him mumbling the last part but riki caught on
it stopped being funny after you had made fun and complimented him at the same time and he realised you needed to stop with the drinks
he couldn't believe you were complimenting another man right in front of him... it was him but that's not the point-
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teabutmakeitazure · 4 months
“Say, Chrollo, will you ever hurt me if I don't comply to you?“
The first thing he does when asked such a question is tilt his head and smile. The bastard smiles at you as he sits on the sofa with one leg over the other, still in his loungewear and hair still tousled from sleep. “Why so inquisitive so early in the morning?”
At his question, you simply cross your arms to show you will not back down without an answer. Though you yourself are still in your pyjamas, you hope you could be at least a little threatening. Even if you are sort of hiding behind the kitchen counter. “Questions cannot be answered with another question,” you state simply. “So, will you ever hurt me if I don’t comply with you?”
Chrollo feigns thought for a moment. He puts on the entire charade. A hand on his chin, his eyes looking elsewhere, and a hum leaving his mouth. “Are you asking about something that’s treason level or something more like an innocent crime?”
You raise a brow at that. “All possibilities.”
“I’m afraid I can’t answer unless you’re more specific.”
“Chrollo,” you exhale sharply, “it is 8 am. I am up against my will, and you are testing me for no reason. Please, just answer the question.” Hands now flat on the granite counter, you stare into his eyes hoping he would stop fooling around.
After a minute of thoroughly having his fill looking at you, he concedes. “It depends. You refuse to comply with me multiple times a day, yet you remain unharmed.”
You gawk at him. “And when have I refused? You are simply tarnishing my image.”
“Just last night you had refused to sit next to me because you had already done so earlier that day,” he states. “I believe that falls under ‘refusing to comply’.”
“Oh please,” you say, “I only refuse to sit too close to you when you clearly have dirty intentions.”
“Is wanting to show affection such a crime?”
“Yes! Wait, no! You’re distracting me. Answer the question.”
Chrollo sighs. This time, he leans forward and rests his forearms on his knees before replying. “Cuter transgressions can be easily forgiven. Frankly, I wouldn’t even realise their malicious nature until some time passes. Other acts, on the other hand, more extreme ones will be met with equal ferocity.”
You narrow your eyes at him, ready to call him out on his less apparent but still petty acts, but he cuts you off. “If you’re planning something, I would suggest you don’t continue such foolishness.”
That statement makes your mood do a whole 180. The event you saw in your dream vividly comes back and you shake your head. “I’m not planning anything. It was just a question.”
“Questions are not born on their own accord. Something must have happened.”
You take a moment to debate whether or not you should tell him, but you decide in favour of it. He should know that complete trust and love is impossible in this relationship. Especially after how you fell into his clutches in the first place. “I had a dream,” you start, and he perks up immediately to sit up straight. “I was running. I don’t know where I was, just that there was lots of broken glass that crunched under my shoes and there were a few abandoned houses in the vicinity.”
A pause, and you continue. “I remember screaming I was sorry, but all that happened was some knife inside my chest and your hand holding the blade. I didn’t see your eyes, but the way you said you didn’t forgive me was a little… cold.”
No words are shared for a few moments, but the silence breaks when Chrollo gets up and comes to stand on the other side of the kitchen counter. There is no discernable expression on his face, but you follow the movement of his lips regardless. “I’m sorry you had to see such a thing in your sleep.However, I’m sure that if I do something like that, it may have been for a good reason. Not that I would hurt you over something like refusing to share the same cup of coffee.”
The nonchalant chuckle he lets out only makes you grimace. You sometimes wonder what you can do to get under his skin.
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flwrshee · 9 months
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duo ﹒ jake x fmr genre fluff wc 05k warnings not proofread
jake will not let go of you
i say that in most hcs but jake is glued to you
my boy will get scared when you let go of his hand for a second
hugging you anytime and anywhere
he wraps his big biceps around your small figure
clinging is arms on your waist is a must
sometimes you don't know whether he is a grown man or a toddler
head pats !!
he loves loves loves to ruffle and pat your hair
your hair is so soft for him
his hands never leave your hair
while your on his lap his hands are busying playing with your hair
ruffles you hair whenever he thinks your cute (basically all the time)
especially when you come back home and run to him
hugs you and ruffles your hair
jake has pictures of you everywhere
polaroids of you and him in his room, your picture in his wallet and even a separate photo album for you on his phone
he likes staring at you
he could stare at you forever and never get bored
jake observes little habits that you have
tucking your hair behind your ear, biting your nails and even the way you eat certain foods
he watches everything
calls you baby and babe
they are classics and jake likes them
"baby, we need to buy some strawberries."
"babe, what's for dinner today?"
"baby, please put this away for me."
"babe, your new dress is gorgeous."
jake uses them so much that it feels weird when he doesn't
you think he's mad at you when he calls you 'yn'
probably isn't a spam texter
spams memes though
he thinks its so funny when you give dry texts at them back
he knows you are laughing so hard irl
lots of 'i miss you' and 'i love you' texts
just to make sure that you know he is always thinking about you
good morning and good night messages are a must
its what you wait for when you wake up and before you sleep
jake is a half and half with calling and texting
but he loves to go on call before he sleeps
sleeping with your voice in the background helps him have a good night's sleep
however he texts you really silly and goofy things
memes that make no sense, keyboard smashes and just random pictures
did you see this video 😭😨
times like that make him cuter for you
jake is a kisser, a very good one
he loves physical touch so much
he basically cannot live with out it, especially when it comes from you
kissing your lips is a very normal thing for you and jake
it happens almost every where
his lips are just so cute and plump and always in a pout
he's so kissable, how can you not steal a quick peck?
he thinks you have the prettiest lips ever
addicted to them at this point
sulks when you don't give him kisses :(
loves taking you on dates
it's his favourite thing to do with you
picnic dates and dog walking dates are his faves
layla and your dog playing around while you and jake talk about random things
what could be better lets be honest
and picnics are the best in general
you cook lots of food for him
you love seeing the smile on his face when he eats your food
and he loves eating it
makes you kiss his lips, again
yes i know i just couldn't stop myself from writing that
© flwrshee
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beenbaanbuun · 3 months
i miss pinkgi so thoughts on helping mingi dye his hair pink using box dye as a joke but he ends up actually pulling it off is running wild in my head…
this is actually so cute!!
like that little cutie pie would just be so giggly and sweet as he presents the box of pink dye to you. honestly he just wants to make you happy, and you always talk about how fun it would be to dye his hair. pink just seemed like a fun colour, and it shouldn’t be too hard to get out if he decides he hates it!! nothing a bit of brown box dye and a dream wouldn’t be able to fix.
and he’s so happy when your face lights up and you drag him to the bathroom to get started. he isn’t sure whether or not you’re doing a good job, but with the way your fingers are massaging his scalp, he’s actually finding it pretty tough to care about all that. he just relaxes into it and closes his eyes as your fingernails scrape against his scalp.
and of course, when you wash it out for him he gets giddy all over again. actually he suggests the two of you take a shower together, but he has to settle for second best - a sink wash… ugh - when you remind him that you’ve just cleaned the shower a few days ago and you really don’t want to have to do it again when the dye inevitably stains everything. he doesn’t mind though, because at the angle he’s sitting, with his head tipped back over the sink, he gets a perfect view of your cute concentration face as you rub some conditioner into his strands.
and when he stands up, hair dripping wet and hot, hot pink, you can’t help but let your jaw drop because what the actual fuck?? this was supposed to be fun and games and now he looks like that??? upon seeing your shocked face, he turns to the mirror to check what he looks like for himself.
“what? do i look bad?” he fusses, rubbing a hand over his new pink locks. he doesn’t mind it too much, but if you think it looks bad then it would have to go; he wouldn’t be able to bear it if you ever stopped finding him hot.
“bad?” you scoff, “mingi have you seen yourself? you look good! no, wait! better than good!”
he finds the way you fumble over your words as you compliment him very sweet. he turns to you with a grin, “better than good, huh?” he takes a step closer, “high compliments.”
you blink at him as he bends down to your level and leans his face in close. his breath tickles your nose, which you scrunch up in turn. he can’t hold back his chuckle.
“you’re cute.”
“you’re cuter,” you pout.
“cute enough for you to take that shower with me?” he tests the water, “i’ll clean it all up…”
you nod.
“i guess so.”
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lordsukunas · 3 months
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baby, it’s our love.
tldr: megumi has to put up with (idiot) you and idiot bf!yuuji while debating whether or not water is wet. oh and yuuji is madly in love w u <3
cw: none tbh, it’s just a buncha fluff. black coded!reader, btw.
a/n: happy yuuji!!! i luv bf!yuuji fluff bc hes just so cuter patooter and doesnt deserve the hell gege is putting him thru rn. trying out (kinda) fancy layout stuff, not quite sure if i got the hang of it yet lol :p anyway, i hope yall enjoy this lil drabble!
megumi might actually pop a blood vessel.
“for the last time, water isn’t wet.” he pinches the bridge of his nose and sighs. “water makes other things wet, so it can’t make itself wet.”
“that’s stupid,” you say, chewing on a starburst, and there’s so much confidence in your voice that it makes megumi want to shake some sense into you. “water isn’t dry, so it gotta be wet.”
okay, well, you’re helpless.
“you do know that it can be neither, right?” he mutters before looking over at yuuji, who’s currently unwrapping a now and later. “please say you actually have common sense and agree with me.”
your boyfriend pops the piece of candy into his mouth and hums in thought. maybe, just maybe, yuuji has the extra braincell today...
but then, the other boy shakes his head, and megumi’s hopes are popped like a balloon. “nah. water definitely gotta be wet, ‘cause it isn’t dry.”
... there’s no way two people can be this dumb.
megumi drags a hand down his face. what happened to opposites attract?
you, on the other hand, press a kiss to yuuji’s cheek and smirk. “see! yuu gets it.” the tips of his ears burn hot, and even though it’s been a few weeks since the two of you have begun dating, he still can’t subdue the butterflies in his stomach.
megumi kisses his teeth. “what? itadori’s grades are worse than yours.”
you scoff. “and? grades aren’t everything, fushiguro, you should know that. my boyfriend is super smart and amazing, so not too much on him.”
the dark-haired boy glances between the both of you, and, suddenly, he feels like sisyphus.
clearly, both of you are helpless.
“idiots,” megumi states, and gets out of his seat before pushing the chair in. you can practically feel the annoyance rolling off of him in waves as you watch him leaves.
“see ya later, fushiguro!” yuuji calls, his sentence punctuated by the door slamming shut.
it’s silent until he hears your poorly stifled snickering. yuuji’s eyes seem to have a mind of their own because they slide right over to meet yours, and before he can stop himself, he’s bursting into a fit of giggles right along with you.
and, woah, you’re gorgeous.
the whole water debate disappears into the back of his mind, and yuuji’s giggles trail off as he stares at you.
the corners of your eyes are crinkled, your full lips are curved upward into a grin that sends an arrow right into his heart, and your smile lines squish your cheeks. the fading sunlight catches on your curls, outlining you in an orange glow.
everyday yuuji thinks he’s lucky to have you, but moment like these? moments where you’re happy and content and alive? god, it just doubles down on that. he wants more of these moments, he wants them for life.
if he risks megumi’s irritation? he’ll do it.
if he has to face nobara’s wrath? he’ll do it.
if he has to fight sukuna a million times to see you smile, yuuji will do it.
you mean the world to him, and you don’t even know it.
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the one with the bathing suit (b.r.b.)
a/n: yeah.... i don't got an explanation. takes place in the flight risk universe
summary: The time Bradley saw Sunshine in a bathing suit and was allowed to do something about it.
warnings: suggestive themes/comments, bathing suits (because that's a warning in and of itself), swearing, brief mentions of insecurities, brief mention of body sizes, future Bradley and Sunshine, this is my nod to all my fellow vanderpump rules watchers, unedited
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Bradley's hand slides into your own as the two of you enter the Target, the cool air hitting you as you enter the store. You slide the sunglasses up to sit atop of your head as you pause, figuring out where the Customer Service desk is.
"Thanks for coming with me." You say as you spot it, tugging Bradley along.
He hummed. "No problem, my love. Shame the pants didn't fit."
You rolled your eyes at the memory of trying them on for him after an impromptu shopping trip with Amelia the other day. The two of you'd bickered about whether or not you should keep them, the pants a hair too small to be comfortable.
Bradley, however, had appreciated how they had made your ass look.
("You say that about everything I wear." You'd said with a scoff. He'd only been able to offer you that cheshire grin of his.)
You let your eyes wander as the two of you wait in line. Target had just put out their selection bathing suits for the summer and you were somehow always surprised by the fact that they continuously got cuter every year.
Bradley squeezed your hand when he caught on to where you were looking. "I think you need a new suit, my love."
You roll your eyes as you step forward in line. "And where in the world would I wear it?"
"I think you forget you live in a beach town now, Sunshine. You'd get good use out of it."
You roll your eyes again as you step up to the desk. "You just want to see me in a bikini."
Bradley doesn't deny the point as the girl working the counter begins to process the return. You thank her as she returns the money to the card and exit the area, headed for the door. Bradley's hand in your own stops you, tugging you over to the bathing suit area.
"B..." You mutter, eyeing the bikinis anxiously. "I don't need to make myself insecure on purpose today."
"I'm looking for me, I don't know what you're talking about." He says, bypassing the bikinis into the much smaller one-piece section.
You snort as your eyes fall on a rosey-pink colored one-piece. "That's cute." You comment, rifling through the sizes. "Too bad they don't have one in my size."
"This one might fit." He says, pulling it from the rack.
You eye it nervously. It was adorable, with an open back and straps that were to die for. "There is no way in hell that'll hold up my boobs." You blurt out.
He grins. "Sure it could."
You shake your head, taking it from his hands and putting it back on the rack. "I hate bathing suits. Make me so insecure about my thighs."
He clears his throat. "Respectfully, my love, no one is looking at your thighs when you are wearing a bathing suit." His eyes roam over your body. "Much more distracting parts of you to look at." You shoot him a look, even as you feel your cheeks warm.
"We need toilet paper."
"I have a present." Bradley announces as he enters the house. "You're watching the new part of the reunion without me?! You said you'd wait!"
Your eyes flicker to the paused screen, Andy Cohen in the middle of proclaiming "My cards!"
"'M rewatching last week's episode."
Bradley's shoulders visibly deflate at the explanation, relieved you hadn't gone ahead and watched the reunion episodes about the Scandoval that had rocked the nation without him.
You smile, pushing yourself up on the couch. "Whatcha got?"
"I bought that bathing suit you were looking at this weekend."
Your face falls. "What?"
He holds his hands out, quick to soothe you. "You don't have to keep it if you don't like it." He rushes out. "But you didn't try it on, and it was cute, and you've been saying you needed a new suit anyways."
You sigh, pushing yourself off the couch and grabbing the Target bag from his hands. "I'll try it on." You say as you approach the stairs to go up to the bathroom. "But I really doubt it'll fit."
He follows you closely, sitting on the edge of the bed as you disappear into the bathroom to try it on. You take a deep breath, shedding your clothing to pull the material over your body.
You take another deep breath, nervously opening your eyes as you turn back to the mirror.
You... You don't hate it.
You tug at the straps, adjusting the top.
You actually really don't hate it.
The material is comfortable and does surprisingly fit. Your eyes flit nervously over your chest, fighting the urge to cover it up.
"You wanna see?" You call out.
You take a calming breath, unlocking the bathroom door, slipping into the bedroom.
Bradley's eyes go wide as his jaw falls open. You roll your eyes, huffing out a nervous laugh. "Okay, B, don't gotta gawk."
He shakes his head. "Nuh-uh, 'm gonna."
You feel your cheeks warm as you struggle to look at him. "'S just a bathing suit. You've seen me in those before."
"Yeah, and this is the first time I actually get to do something about it. Sunshine, you look so fucking good." He says, his eyes still roaming your body. "Holy fuck, and I spent years not getting to appreciate you in one of these things. What the fuck was I thinking?"
You let out another nervous laugh, looking back down at your feet. You hadn't even remembered to take your socks off before trying the suit on, not even thinking Bradley would see the piece on you.
"How do you feel about it?" He asks after a minute, his voice much softer.
You shrug, finally raising your head to meet his gaze. "I don't... hate it."
He grins. "Yeah?"
You shrug, taking another step closer towards him. He reaches out for you, hands falling to your waist.
"I've always loved the way you look in a bathing suit Sunshine, but fuck." He says, gaze planting right on your chest.
You duck your head, cheeks growing even warmer. "Not always."
He tilts his head in disagreement, clearly remembering the lake day from your camping trip in college.
("Careful now, Bradshaw." Eli had said to him. "You spend too much longer appreciating her tits in that suit and you're gonna get punched in the mouth.")
"You gonna keep it?" He says, pulling you onto his lap.
You nod, letting out a breathe. "Yeah, I think so."
He grins, shuffling the two of you back further on the bed. "Perfect." He says, his hand gliding down your body. One plants itself firmly on your ass while the other makes it's way back up towards the straps. "Because now I get to do this," He says, tugging at the straps, letting it unravel. "Without worrying about having to return it."
He captures you in a searing kiss, hands coming up to push the material off of your body.
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daftpatience · 6 months
Do you have any tips or advice for running an artists booth at a convention? I'm thinking about doing it eventually and been wanting to hear from people who have done it before :^)
yeah!!! lemme rattle off a few things off the top a my head also, pardon me 4 using amazon dot ca links for products that i mention. its just easy to find references that way (and often u can look up the brand and find their non-amazon store etc etc)
this got super long so im putting it under a cut!!
• join an artist alley group!! i'm in this artist alley discord and it is a fantastic place to get info about cons, table display ideas, manufacturer recommendations, etc. there are more than just this group out there and i think there are bigger ones but i personally really like this one ^u^ i make a ton of use of the display resources and manu recommendation channels!
• if you can afford it, be choosy about the events you apply to. there are a lot of cons out there that are fantastic, and a lot that aren't worth the trouble, and i don't necessarily mean small vs big cons. some of my fav events are smaller artist alleys local to me, and most of the artists i know avoid informa (fanexpo) like the plague. check out what other artists have to say about past events and keep an eye out for red flags: personally i find cons with really out of date/poorly advertised social medias and websites that have mismatched info are a warning sign of a mismanaged and not well attended event. • you don't need a lot of fancy display stuff to start, those sorts of things you can build up over time. im a fan of getting a ton of my display stuff from the dollar store >:)
when you're ready and need the space to display a good amount of art the main thing you wanna pick up is definitely something that gives your table some verticality, whether that's a pvc pipe style setup, pegboards, or modular cube shelving (we all used to use these big heavy grid ones until the plastic sheet covered ones came out and now we all use those. theyre cuter and lighter and fit better on a table and come in more colours yayay. im sure some people still like the grid ones since they fit gridwall accessories tho) there are lots of other ways to display stuff but these r what i am most familiar with. definitely helps to look at youtube and pinterest and discord groups for display ideas!!
another thing you will want to start is a tablecloth. not every con has their tables already covered! there are those plastic picnic ones at dollar stores, and you can thrift bedsheets/fabric too.
• depending on the type of display and art you do you'll need some way to attach signs/prints/charms/etc to your display. i just moved from blu-tack to magnets but i used to use sewing clips (back when i used the grid cubes) and before then masking tape. all of them are okay and cool! except blu-tack. don't make the same mistakes as me it adds like 40 whole minutes to teardown and it leaves gross oil on the prints after some time. evil
• if you don't have business cards you can make a sign with a qr code that links to you/your shop! there are lots of qr code makers online that u can even customize with images and colours and stuff. there will be people that wanna know how to find you again after a con!
• these days a lot of people don't bring cash to conventions and it's pretty vital to bring some sort of card reader or other digital payment method. most of us use square - they recently made it so that the phone app can accept tap! so you don't need to jump for the expensive physical readers. i've also got a paypal dot me qr code and my etransfer email (i think this is a canadian thing) on a lil sign on the table so people have lots of payment options. usually over 50% of my con income comes from non-cash sales!
• make sure to bring change!! we've forgotten in the past and done okay but it's always handy to be able to make change for people. you'll want a secure place to put cash as well, whether it's a locked moneybox that you keep out of sight or a place on your person (friend of mine uses a fanny pack!) you never wanna leave your table completely unattended but especially when it comes to the moneybox. if it's a multi day con this is an item you mustn't leave at your table overnight.
• keep count of your sales and expenses properly so that you can see how much you made at the end of the con. i really like spreadsheets but you can even just note it down in a book. here's a little example of one con for me:
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• you'll want to make a checklist of stock and display stuff to bring, but don't forget to make a list of minor stuff like phone chargers and scissors and tape and glue and pens and paper. multiple types of tape and paper if possible. they don't feel super important until you're stuck because you forgot to make a price sign and have to get by with a sharpie and a napkin. don't let that be you!! dollar store sticky note pads are super useful for this type of thing.
• plan out your prices and do as much prep (counting, sign making, display planning, packing/sorting) as you can beforehand so that the event doesn't feel too stressful. make sure your merchandise is stored in an easily accessible way for you behind the table so you aren't scrambling or rummaging too much when people are asking for stuff!
• similarly, whatever you can leave out for people to just pick/grab themselves, the more of it you're likely to sell. things like stickers and charms are good for this - people like to touch stuff! and it makes it so you don't need to go fishing for items for people as frequently. generally i don't do this with more expensive items just to be safe.
• if you sell prints, people are gonna ask for sleeves to keep them safe, especially at outdoor events. sometimes people ask for sleeves/bags even if they dont buy anything. they're a good idea to have on hand and you can find em for pretty cheap online and for a bit more expensive at dollar stores (i use OPP bags. if you dont wanna use plastic you can always get paper bags/envelopes/glassine bags instead)
• a cushion for the chair is a good idea. lots of conventions have really uncomfy chairs. some folks even bring camping chairs instead!
• pack snacks/lunch/water/drinks/have lunch plans. if you have a table buddy that is able to run out for food that's always nice. you might be sitting but it uses a lot of energy to interface all day!! you'll be exhausted and hungry and it's gonna be important to get enough fuel for your brain to function properly. i genuinely would recommend juice/soda/coffee/energy dink alongside water and food if you wanna live, especially if its a multi day con. get good sleep on days between!
• if you're excited to do trades with other artists during the con, the general etiquette is to wait until later in the day/near the end when the crowds are winding down! it's always okay to ask if someone's doing trades, and don't be upset or press them if they aren't interested or have certain stuff they don't want to trade.
• speaking of con etiquette, depending on the type of vert you are (intro/extro) and or how much customer service experience you have, interfacing can be nervewracking. my general rule is that if they stop to look, i say Hello and let them browse. if they seem interested in my table i try and do some small talk. stuff like How are you/How's the event been for ya/compliments on their outfit/cosplay/merch they have on like pins etc are good! kids and old folks love this. as tiring as it is to do some of my favourite parts of cons is talking to nice people that like my art!! all the folks that say nice things about my work are what keep me drawing ;w; i keep my sketchbook with me to jot down/doodle nice and funny encounters just cus it makes me happy to look back on XD
• when it's teardown time try to put stuff away as neatly as you can. you might be tired and just wanna toss all your stuff into whatever it is you brought it in but i promise future you (especially next-con you) will be so thankful that you put all your price signs into one baggie etc etc.
• speaking of bringing and putting away merch - you'll need a way to get it all from your home/car to your table and back. lots of people use dollies and other types of utility cart (i can guarantee there are a bunch of those grandma grocery ones at your local thrift store!!) - i personally use a big luggage bag and a collapsible wagon, but back in the day we used to CARRY bin after bin of stuff from the car and back in multiple trips which i would NOT reccomend lol. not every convention hall is easily accessible or close to parking so not having to lift stuff if you can avoid it is gonna be vital.
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recreationalfanfics · 6 months
Lisa Minci x Fem! Reader Smut
Author's Note: This is literally because I've been having so much brainrot for her. I have been listening to her voicelines non stop and she never fails to make me kick my feet and giggle so her just yearning and lusting after the reader-
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Lisa would know the power that she held over you. Mostly because she knew how charming she was but also, how so incredibly obvious you were. The sight of your flustered face brought a sly smile to her face. The way you stammered over your words when you tried to inform her that she really should get some work done. And the way you fidgeted with your hands and couldn't meet her gaze caused her hand to twitch. She wanted to grab your face with her gloved fingers, slide her hands into your bottoms and feel how desperately wet you were for her. She'd arch her back as you desperately pulled down the front of her top to latch your mouth onto one of her breasts, desperately lapping your tounge against the bud before sucking on it and shyly teasing it with your teeth.
She loves your sharp tounge, how you're quick to reprimand any man who speaks to her in anyway that can be deemed uncouth or disrespectful. How that same tounge falters as she gives you a soft giggle and kiss on the cheek before thanking you. Your mind suddenly going blank as your cute little face makes all sorts of adorable expressions. The woman resists the urge to lick her lips, wondering how the expressions you'll make beneath her would be even cuter.
She fantasizes about sitting on your face, using that clever tounge of yours to please her clit, and she does it all guilt-free. Because she knows you want her as badly as she wants you. When she invited you to nap with her to ease your mind about work (and totally not to have an excuse to hold you close), she had woken up to you humping her thigh and moaning her name. At first she was shocked, unsure of whether she should wake you, but...she decided it was more merciful to let you sleep. After all, you surely would've combusted from embarrassment and as cute as that would be, Lisa wouldn't want you to avoid her. Not to mention that she didn't have a problem with it.
She didn't mind the way your arms tightened around her, How your hips rutted desperately against her leg, and how you moaned and whimpered her name as you slept. She had just wished it lasted longer before you woke up.
However, as much as she loved watching your awful attempts at hiding your feelings and your lust for her, she was beginning to become impatient. Everything she did was more stressful than usual, especially if it didn't involve you, and it somehow made her procrastination so much more worse. While Lisa thought your bad attempt at hiding your crush on her was funny, she will admit that hers was also starting to become more obvious and obvious.
It wasn't just lust, she knew. It was wanting to explore every part of your body and worship it, to remind you that you are sacred to her as she is to you. She wanted the pleasure of having you, yes, but her stomach got butterflies at the thought of being with you. Waking up next to you the morning after, smiling at your timid face before coaxing you to come close to her so she can hold you before the day starts. To kiss you gently and call you hers.
Still, as the library doors shut for the night, and she sees you lovingly gaze at her only to look away, she decides that enough is enough. You turned your back away from her and tried to pretend not to hear her high heels quickly walking over to where you stood. When her hands rested on your hips, you raised your head to look at her only for her lips to crash onto yours. However, it didn't take long before you melted into the act and soon, you were kissing her with such need and passion that you dropped the book you were putting back onto the ground.
She pushed you against the bookshelf in front of you, hands gripped at the shelves as you felt one of her hands slide in between your bottoms and your undergarments.
"L-Lisa~" You moaned out, breaking the kiss.
Her gloved hands started with a slow rubbing motion and her lips were now placed on your neck as she began the process of leaving her mark on your skin.
"Relax, cutie~ She whispered softly.
You could hear her smiling as she maneuvered two fingers deep into your folds.
"Let me take care of my little helper~" she hummed.
At those words, you felt yourself surrender to the pleasure, and she did as well. You truly were an adorable thing, falling apart because of two fingers inside you, and it made her even wetter thinking about how much she had in store for you tonight.
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rabbittf2x · 1 year
Hiya! Can you do mercs with an s/o who has a horse? Its a pretty silly request but okay xD
You dont have to do it if you dont want to! ❤️
Mercs with a Reader that has a horse
To Pyro, your horse would’ve looked like a big pink unicorn. He was completely starstruck with you, thinking you must’ve been a magical prince(ss) or something to own one
Pyro liked to go on rides with you and your horse! He’d be hugging you super tight from behind, laying his head on your shoulder while giggling. You made him one smitten kitten
Not only did Engie love you, but your horse as well. You were a great little trio. I’d like to think he had some experience with horses too! Engie would definitely go horseback riding with you
Speaking of, expect plenty of dates doing just that! Whether it be both of you on your own horses, or sharing just yours, he was down. The Engineer found great happiness riding your horse, with you cuddled into him from behind
Spy wasn’t so sure on your horse at first. He didn’t wanna go anywhere near its stable, especially in his suit. But when he saw how happy you were with your horse, and how majestic you looked riding it, he toughened up
It took a lot of convincing for Spy to try riding with you. He preferred to observe you with your horse, rather than getting involved. So when he did accompany you on your rides, he held onto you for dear life
Heavy didn’t go on rides with you, but he did love watching you on your horse. He thought you were so beautiful
Heavy was much more interested in you than your little horse, but he still liked it. Sometimes he gave it head pats, telling you how cute it was
“But you are still cuter.” Heavy would then add
Sniper reckoned your horse was a beaut! It was so awesome to him that you owned one, and loved to watch you ride it
Sniper found it so fun when you took him on rides. He had one arm wrapped tight around you, and the other holding onto his hat
Sniper loved to rest his head against you as you rode off into the sunset, daydreaming about how awesome it’d be to headshot someone off the back of this thing
Wha? You had a freaking horse?? That was so cool!
Scout used riding your horse as an excuse to get close to you. He couldn’t complain when you told him to hold on tight. He was a blushing mess as he wrapped his arms around your waist from behind
Scout thought you were so freaking awesome. He could ride your horse with you for hours and not get bored. Screw running. Horses were his thing now!
Soldier found himself chilling with you and your horse more often than not. Whenever you went to the stable, he followed
You eventually taught Soldier how to ride your horse. It was so adorable how happy he was. He loved to ride with you hugging his back, yelling over the wind about how awesome this was. Soldier thought your horse would make a fine mercenary itself one day
Yes, yes, yes! Demoman loved your horse! He wanted to go on rides with you all day. Just don’t let him go while drunk
Demoman would whip out his talking sword Eyelander, and come in on your horse for an awesome entrance. You never knew how he managed to bring it into the base
As much as you tried to avoid it, Demo was often on your horse with a big bottle scrumpy in his hand. The amount of times you had to chase after it with your drunken boyfriend on the back was insane
“No, Medic. You cannot have my horse’s organs!”
In all seriousness, Medic found you and your horse to be a cute pair. He just thought it exciting how big its insides were! He wanted to poke around in there so bad (psycho)
Medic enjoyed riding your horse with you. Y’all looked so majestic when you rode in together. His doves would be flying out from behind the horse while it galloped through Tuefort, everyone watching the spectacle in slow motion
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The poll results speak. You’re getting some sugar relationship actionnnn plus their hot son
Yandere Baki Head Canons
Orochi Doppo and Natsue addition (plus one-sided Katsumi)
Minors DNI. People who find my content cringe do not interact. Don’t even look at it. Don’t even acknowledge it. (I had a dream about this)
Uncomfortable themes: age difference, obsession, NSFW, escorting, sugar baby, etc
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Doppo and Natsue
They decided to try to spice up their marriage a bit. Their sex life had taken a hit recently and they felt at a stand still. It was thanks to Katsumi that they came up with the idea of a third. He was talking loudly with Katou and Suedou about threesomes and it was then that they decided to try one out for themselves (they know d*mn well none of the karatekas were having sex but it still inspired them)
They decide to look for a sugar baby. That way it’s a symbiotic relationship for all parties. And you were a pretty face indeed! You certainly didn’t look like you belonged in such a website with how innocent you portrayed yourself but maybe that’s what caught their eye. How modest you were amongst the others
They set up a date with you and you’re even cuter in person! Like a lamb. You were also close in age to Katsumi, but they weren’t deterred. You had an old soul. You were so easy to talk to and the three of you got along incredibly well. It was the perfect match!
They discussed the threesome idea with you and payments. You admitted that this would be your first sugar relationship and more. You needed money for schooling so you would I be okay with their offer (it was better than a job). Natsue was thrilled. The two of them pay you handsomely for your time and arrange for you to come over
When they bring you over for the first time, you run into Katsumi. It was just a chance meeting but Natsue and Doppo didn’t expect their son to develop a crush on you. Nor did they expect him to follow you around like a puppy dog
It was when they told him to leave that he began to be a little strange. They didn’t pay any mind to him though. Katsumi was an adult, he was going to find out what his parents do behind closed doors one day
The first time the three of you got intimate, it was definitely more of a learning experience. A tangle of limbs and shy kisses. Natsue never knew someone could be so soft and sweet and Doppo didn’t know how nice it felt to have two people giving him attention. This whole situation made the older couple feel so many years younger
This arrangement really sparked back up their sex life but they enjoyed having you in the mix. You were the missing piece. But they did notice how uncomfortable you seemed around Katsumi and his advances. So Doppo just keeps you away from his son
You were in their bed four to five days a week, you were basically their newest member of the family at this point as the days turned to months. They enjoyed your company so much, they are going to ask you to move in with them
Doppo and Natsu are very gentle with you and everything is incredibly sensual. You’re always left satisfied and you make sure to give them as much satisfaction as possible. Whether your under Doppo or Natsue, you make sure to leave them both breathless
Doppo and Natsue take you on lots of dates. They just love spending time with you. It isn’t always sex with them
Katsumi mentions your close relationship to his parents to his friends and they look at him horrified. They inform him that you’re their third. Reality hits Katsumi like a truck. Is that why you kept rejecting him? Because you’re in a relationship with his parents?
He goes over a little earlier and that’s when he sees Doppo pressing a kiss on one of your cheeks while Natsue presses a kiss on the other while you cook. He couldn’t believe he didn’t see it before
He now has a front row seat to your relationship and he’s so jealous of Doppo and Natsue. He is absolutely starving for any crumbs of attention he gets from you. He will want more and more if you give him the slightest acknowledgment (he’s delusional)
When you move in with Doppo and Natsue, Katsumi starts to swing by everyday to the point his parents have to have one on one time with you. It’s a little frustrating how he’s interfering but Doppo is quick to catch onto Katsumi’s feelings for you
Doppo sits Katsumi down to explain that you were his and Natsue’s partner and he needs to let go but Katsumi wasn’t having it. You were the same age as him so you should be with someone close in age to you. It turns into a pretty heated argument actually
So you have one of two choices. Continue the agreement to just be with Natsue and Doppo or allow Katsumi into the equation to keep the peace. Now you will be with Katsumi one on one only and on the weekends (it’s like a custody agreement)
Doppo and Natsue will respect either decision and Katsumi will still chase after you regardless of your rejection of him
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sgcairo · 9 months
what are mamattores thoughts on each harbinger????? im hungry for her
She's been rotating in my brain for eons... so let's do it!
Smash. She sees him and immediately thinks he's hot, has to physically compose herself so she doesn't start trying to flirt with him in the middle of being questioned by the Snezhnayan court. Sure, he might be the Tsaritsa's (potential) man, but she's not against sharing. In fact, she might just bag the Tsaritsa too, while she's at it. When she does flirt with Pierro, the poor man is hopelessly oblivious, thanking her for her compliments while the other Harbingers look on in disdain. Poor Mamatorre gets a little discouraged, but it's worth the blush on his face (she thinks it's cute).
Il Dottore
I mean, he's her baby so... She loves him. So much. To the point that she pulled a knife on Pantalone and threatened to cut him if he ever breaks her son's heart. That might've been overkill, but the point stands. She's the supportive evil mom, and encourages Dottore to do all the nefarious things he wants. She also advises the segments to try questionable methods of torture, which are suspiciously effective. Regardless, every time they see each other they scream, run, hug, and probably bite each other. She's always believed in her son's abilities, and she isn't about to stop now.
Mamatorre thinks she's so pretty. If her son weren't trying to shoot his shot with a clueless banker, she would've definitely encouraged him to go after Columbina, because she is beautiful. Ah, but her son doesn't swing that way, so she'll just have to settle for having tea with the Damselette. Overall, she quite enjoys conversations with the Third over the "narrative" and gushing about Danya. The two also get up to quite a bit of mischief together, as one does when they're evil and inexplicably immortal.
Oh, she thinks he's an absolute unit. The beefcake son she's always wanted, and quite the gentleman when she comes to visit. Capitano tends to escort her everywhere when Dottore's busy, and he's chivalrous as always. She quite enjoys his protectiveness, and she often comments that he's the "son she never had", to which the Captain's ego is inflated just a little. She admires his blades quite a bit, and if she weren't so old, she probably would challenge him to a duel, but alas, she has bad knees and he's still young and spry. Ah well, she'll just hang off his arm and pat his muscles for comfort instead.
Three words: Old people gossip. These two, when put together, will not stop talking about their respective "children". While they often butt heads on whether Dottore or Childe is cuter, they agree that Danya is just the most adorable, most precious little guy ever, and will gush about him for hours. Mamatorre thinks he's a little suspicious, and probably wouldn't trust him alone with her child, but they do have their old person gossip huddle every once and a while, just because they have nothing better to do.
What a little bitch, she thinks, staring blankly at him as he growls like a damn feral animal. She thinks he has rabies. Either that, or there's something profoundly wrong with him. Probably both.
Does not trust her. While usually she would gush about how pretty Sandrone is, there's something about her that raises Mamatorre's hackles, and she'd rather keep her at arms length, if possible. She's never outright hostile towards Sandrone, but the two being left alone together leads to an awkward atmosphere that won't leave them alone. 0/10, would not recommend.
La Signora
She never got to know her, but I just know, in my heart, that they would be the two pretty best friends.
He's weird, but he's kind of her future son in law, so she can't be too hard on him. Besides, he's pretty rich, and also deals in poisons, so... Okay, she likes him. She likes him a lot, actually, and the fact that he's taking care of her son and grandchild only gives him more points in her book. Sure, he rambles about economic shifts, and is chronically stressed out, but he's not the worst candidate for her son's hand in marriage, and has so much money. He also has a nice wine stash that she can steal from, so extra extra points for that.
Thinks she's hot, but in a handsome way. They have a sort of comradery, both of them being parents of a sort, but also Arlecchino has the style and attitude that Mamatorre approves of. Yes, put that man in his place, you're doing amazing sweetie- Mamatorre says give this woman a medal. Arlecchino also has a pretty cool and shiny sword, which Mamatorre is a big fan of.
She thinks he's funny. She's probably one of the only people that thinks he's silly, and is always delighted by his excitement for battle. He's just a goofy little guy to her, and she often treats him to traditional Sumeru dishes when she can, just because she knows he'll eat it without complaints and probably ask for more. She really unloads her motherly nature onto him, of all the Harbingers, given he's the youngest, and proudly watches him dice up enemies from the sidelines while cheering him on.
The Tsaritsa
Hot damn. Give her a piece of that, she'd give anything to bite the Tsaritsa, even if it's the last thing she does. It doesn't help that the Tsaritsa and Pierro are both pretty and standing next to each other all the time, so she's hit with the double whammy of attractiveness. She absolutely loves talking with the Tsaritsa, just because they can gossip and giggle about Pierro together behind his back. Once again, the poor man is too oblivious to realize what's going on, and just thinks they're talking about Capitano again...
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miyuhpapayuh · 1 year
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Zora felt compelled to call her sisters up and get together, especially after the conversation she and Leon had, a few nights ago.
Meeting them at Snooze, they're at their usual spot, in one of the middle rounded booths.
“Hey y'all,” she greets, sliding in on the left side of Lovita.
“We know your secret.” They say in unison.
“What?” Zora asks, her lips barely parting.
“We. Know. Your. Secret.” Neoma repeats.
“Want us to spell it out, next?” Lovita asks.
“No, smart ass.”
“Alright, then spill it.”
“Okay fine, but it wasn't my fault!,” she whispers, “I was drunk! Nique said she'd keep quiet about the body!”
“What??” Lovita asks.
“A body?? You killed the man?!” Neoma whispers back, not knowing whether to laugh or be concerned.
“I had to. He was too pretty!” Zora whispers back.
“Would you two stop it!”
They fall into a fit of laughter, just as their waitress comes to take their drink orders; rummosas all around.
“Okay, you met a man, and apparently he's a good one?” Neoma asks.
“He seems to be, yeah. He's so sweet. So fine, my god y'all. So patient. He's got some soft ass lips.”
“Oh, you've kissed this man?” Lovita eyes her like an older sister would.
“A couple times, uh-huh.” She answers, making them gasp.
“Oh, you like him.” Lovita says.
“No, no. She likes him.” Neoma corrects.
“What's the difference?” Zora asks.
“Right, so how much did you drink and how much did you tell?”
Zora's sisters knew her like the back of their hands, especially Neoma. She was the most intuitive out of them all.
“Those buzz balls are like fifteen percent a gulp, I swear!” She defends against their groans of disapproval.
“Okay, we'll give you a pass on the alcohol. But, you're painting again, yay!” Lovita cheers, Neoma joining in.
“Yeah, it was kinda like another break the ice type of thing, not sure when I'll paint again.”
“How'd it go? I know you get a lil nervous, sometimes.”
“I was nervous as hell! But he's big on reassuring me that it's all good, and I needed that. Made it easier– took the pressure off a lil, ya know?”
“Sounds like quite the man!”
“Yeah, can we see him? You got pictures??”
Their drinks come out and their food orders get put in.
Zora flies to her camera roll, giggling before she turns the phone toward them, swiping through the pictures they'd recently taken together.
Some of them were cute, and others were cuter.
“Wow,” they say in unison, making her giggle all over again.
“I know!”
“Damn, he might be the prettiest man we've seen you with!” Lovita adds.
“I know!” Zora repeats. “Look at me, I'm evolving!” She laughs.
“That smile is killer, my goodness!” Neoma adds, before Zora pulls the phone away.
“Every time he smiles at me, I die a little.”
“Oh, girl. I bet!”
“So when do we get to meet him?”
“Uh… I need a little more time, but he's fond of you both, already.”
“Oh, we've been talked about??”
“Yes, I was telling him about my sarcasm gene and how it's one of a kind and that you two can attest, cause y'all are y'all, and I am me.”
Like clockwork, their eye rolls sync up and the bickering starts, making her chuckle.
“Here she goes!”
✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿
“So, you got yourself a boo, huh?” Eryn asks Leon, handing him a bottle of water.
“What??” Their cousin, Damon, asked. “Leon got a boo??”
He chuckles with a shake of his head. “Yeah, man. Why is that so hard to believe?”
“It's not, don't take it like that. You just haven't had a girlfriend since Candy’s wild ass. I'm just a little shocked.”
“Yeah, well it's definitely not another one of those situations so I think I'll be okay, this time around.” He snorts, making them both join in.
“She was a mess, I tried to tell you.”
“He ain't heard nothing once he saw that ass on girly.” Eryn shakes her head.
“Anyway, y'all third degree over?”
“Just getting started, actually. Where'd you meet her?”
“At the flower shoppe. She could be a botanist if she really wanted to be. Naming flowers without so much as a glance in their direction, like she's mapped the whole place a dozen times.” Leon rambles, making Eryn smile.
“What a hobby! I love flowers!”
“You two will get acquainted, don't you worry,” he laughs.
“Okay! What does she look like?”
“She's about your height, curvy as all hell, mocha kisses skin– good lord, she is beautiful.” He stops himself, knowing he'd go on and on about her.
“What's her name?”
“Wow, that's such a pretty name.”
“It matches her perfectly.”
“You in love, my guy?” Damon asks.
“No,” he shakes his head. “I really like her, though.”
“Does she really like you back?”
“Yeah, she does.” He smiles. “We've progressed a lot over the last couple weeks.”
“Aw, he's learning that these things do take time!” She claps, kissing her hand up to the ceiling.
“You are something else, Ryn.” He laughs.
“I'm just sayin’,”
“You're always just sayin’ something.” Damon interjects, catching an apple to the head.
“Yeah, shut up.” She cuts her eyes at him, before turning back to her brother. “I'm just sayin’, maybe don't rush through, this time around. The way you light up when you talk about her, makes me think she's something seriously special, so treat her that way.”
“Precious cargo, I am. She's been teaching me about patience, just like you always do. I hear you, I promise.” He assures her, putting her at ease.
“Good. So have you kissed her, yet?”
“Yeah, I couldn't help myself.” He sighs, making them laugh.
“Aw, how sweet!”
“It was sweet, man! I felt like I kissed an angel.”
“Oh! And where have you and this angel gone, date wise? Yes, I'm being super nosy.”
“I've taken her all over. We went back to the flower shoppe, I took her her to What The Fries, cause she's never been and surprisingly she'd always wanted to go, so that was an extra pat on the back for me,” he smiles, nudging arms with Damon, “we've gone on several picnics, cause she's a nature girl and I'm all for sitting in some grass.”
“Country ass.” Damon snorts.
“Boy, fuck you.” He jabs with a laugh of his own.
“Have you taken her dancing?”
“That might be the only thing we haven't done— well, if dancing in her living room counts, then we've danced a couple dances.”
“Well, we’ll count those but you should take her to that place I was telling you about!” She snaps her fingers, trying to remember the name of the place.
“Flavor?” Damon asks.
“Flavor! Yes, everybody be down there!” Eryn claps, making them both laugh.
“Okay, okay. Next date, we’ll go dancing.”
“Ugh, take pictures or something!”
“Oh, you wanna see her? I've got pictures.” He says, pulling his phone from his pocket.
“If I smack him.” She stares at Damon, who just shakes his head.
“Leave me alone, y'all. I don't be thinking, sometimes.”
“We know.”
He slides the phone in her direction, telling her to swipe from the left.
“Wow, she's absolutely gorgeous! Ugh, I love her hair!” She squeals, swiping through to see a couple of her and Leon together, cheesing wide.
“Aw, you two look really good together!” She squeals, passing the phone to Damon.
“Thank you.” He smiles.
“Damn! She's breathtaking, my brotha.”
“You don't know the half, man.” He shakes his head with his eyes closed.
“Okay, I gotta know how you rolled up on shorty, cause she looks like she plays no games.”
“She don't. She actually fried my ass up a lil when I was talking to her, but ol Leon don't back down. Mama ain't raise no quitter.”
“Mhm, so what you say that made her feel different about you?”
“I'm an honest man and she appreciated that. Told her I wasn't on funny business and I wanted to take her out, and she let me know up front how things were gonna go. I listen, unlike some men.” He sideyes Damon.
“Don't start on me, man. What Keisha tell you??”
“Nothing. But you about to spill everything!”
✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿
Zora was currently sitting in front of a blank canvas, when her phone started ringing.
A facetime call from Leon. She smiles and answers.
“Hey, beautiful.”
“Handsome. Wassup?”
“I was calling to beg for another date with you.” He says, making her laugh.
“Begging? I'm not that bad, am I?”
He smiles, shaking his head. “Nah, you're not bad. But I would love to take you dancing.”
“Aw, you tired of dancin’ in my living room?” She teases.
“Never that! I just feel like we might need more room to show off our moves, ya know?”
“Yeah, I hear ya. So where are we going?”
“There's this place called Flavor, my sister recommended it. She also told me to tell you hello, and that she thinks you're absolutely gorgeous.”
“Aw, she's too sweet! Tell her I said hello and thanks! And Flavor sounds fun, I'm down!”
“Great, are you off next weekend?”
“I am! I took Saturday off, cause ya girl be tired.”
“Well good, sleep til you can't no more and then we'll dance the rest of the day away. Sound like a plan?”
“Of course it does!” She agrees with a smile that matches his own.
Their playful banter continued on for about ten minutes, and then his mama called, making them reluctantly hang up.
“How's my boy?”
“Always good. How's my favorite lady?”
“Well I talked to Eryn and it seems like you've got yourself a girlfriend. Am I hearing that correctly?”
“Well, she's not my girlfriend, but we're working our way there.”
“Oh, okay! So tell me about her.”
He easily goes into his spiel about Zora, how beautiful, funny and intelligent she is. How her fire is his favorite attribute of hers.
“Sounds like your aunt Moonie.”
“I said the same thing, ma. I swear!” He exclaims, making her laugh.
“A spitfire, huh?”
“Yeah, she's not psycho or anything though. She's a sweetheart.”
“Well, when do we get to meet her?”
“I need a little more time.”
“No worries, son. But do make it before I gray all the way over,” she jokes.
Zora is at her easel like usual, painting away. Music blasting in her ears as she's in her zone.
It’d been a long day and she needed to destress in the ways she knew best.
And everything was going great, until he showed up.
Turning this light on, knocking this over, stepping over her materials that weren't even in his line of sight, just because.
“What you in here in the dark for?” He asks, but she can't hear him due to her headphones, which she points to.
“Take ‘em off your ear for a sec,” he says, before reaching and doing in himself. She snatches ‘em back before he removes them altogether.
“Yes, what do you need?” She asks.
“Wassup? Why you in the dark?”
“It's been a long day and I just needed to come home and sit and paint. My head hurts so I kept the extra light off. Could you turn it back off?”
“Fine, I'll do it myself.” She gets up and cuts it right back off, beginning to move back to her easel when he steps in front of it, staring at the painting.
“What is this, Z?”
“Flowers, J.”
“They're ugly.” He snorts, looking over at her defeated expression.
“Thanks. I really appreciate that.” She responds, way too beaten down to argue with him.
“I'm just sayin’, maybe you need a new hobby or sumn.” He continues, making her brows scrunch together.
“Excuse me?”
“This shit blows. I'm tryna help you out, here.”
“You wanna help me by insulting me?”
“Constructive criticism, ain't that what they called it at that fancy ass school you went to?”
“You're just being rude, that's all you're doing right now.” She says, pulling the canvas away before he gets any ideas.
“Well shit, somebody had to tell you. Your mama loves everything you do and so do them sisters of yours. But I gotta be the voice of reason–”
“Oh my god, voice of reason?! Who asked you to do that?? Who asked you to be that?? I had the worst day at work and you're in here tearing me further apart over some fucking flowers? You can't even draw a stick figure and you're giving me advice?! Please get out.”
“Look Zora. Whether you like it or not, your shit is not good. I hate to be the one to break it to you.”
“I think you love to break shit to me. Makes you feel like a man or something, like you can't be a man in other ways— important ways. You'd rather go toe to toe with me, than listen to anything i'm actually saying.”
“I don't have time for this.” He says, making her sigh so heavily.
“Of course you don't. Why not just leave?” This is my apartment. Just go.”
“Fine. If I leave, I won't be back.” Is something he'd always say, but he always came crawling back to her with an apology and like the sad girl she was, she'd always take ‘em back.
Maybe this time would be different.
Who knew it would take another six months before she was finally done with his verbal abuse, lack of communication, concern and care.. amongst other things.
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Putting the finishing touches on her outfit, she steps back in front of Nique, doing her little twirl as she claps and whistles.
“Damn, girl. You look so good!”
“Thank you! I spent two days searching up and down prettylittlething.com and this little baby popped up, I almost— I screamed. I won't lie.” She squeals, twirling around in the hot orange number.
“I bet you did,” she laughs. “I love how you've got your hair, too!”
A half up, half down style worked beautifully with her curls as they bounced above her shoulders.
“Thanks! The hair goddesses were on my side, yet again!” She kisses up to god, before spraying her bergamot and vanilla perfume again.
“You don't think that's enough?”
“Can you smell it??”
“Yes! Put it away, before you start a fire!” She half jokes.
“Jesus,” Zora huffs, placing the bottle back on her dresser just as the doorbell rings.
If it weren't for the deep slit in her dress, she woulda been able to fake out the tremble in her knees.
“Sis, are you nervous?” She asks, totally surprised.
“I— I just might be!” She laughs, as they head down the hall towards her door.
Blowing out a breath, she opens the doors and the air is knocked right back out of her lungs, and she isn't alone as he takes a moment of his own to drool at the sight before him.
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“Hi,” she greets, kicking one leg in front of the other.
“Hey,” he greets back, taking her hand into his to kiss the back, making her blush.
“You look amazing,” comes from them both, making them laugh at each other and Nique clears her throat.
“Leon, this is my dearest, bestest friend Nique. Nique, this is the infamous Leon.” She introduces, watching them shake hands.
“You're much taller than I thought,” she blurts, making Zora shake her head.
“I get that a lot,” he chuckles. “It's nice to finally meet you.”
“Likewise! It's about time we crossed paths. Now tell me, how much trouble has she gotten you into so far?”
“Oh, we're about waist deep, right Zora?”
“We’ll be up to our necks, after tonight.” She winks.
“Oop— well, let me get on outta here and let y'all get y'all's night started! I hope it's wonderful.”
“Thank you,” Zora says, hugging Nique before she opens the door back up. “I'll call you tomorrow.”
“You better,” she whispers, waving at Leon, “it was nice meeting you. Treat my girl great!”
“Of course, it was nice meeting you too.” He responds, before she leaves.
“You look absolutely stunning, mama.” He compliments, twirling her around as the frills on her dress flow about.
“Thank you, handsome. You look really good, yourself. I like this shirt.”
“Thank you. My sister helped me pick it out.”
“She did a good job!”
“I'll be sure to tell her so she can gloat about it,” he chuckles. “You ready to dance the night away?”
✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿
Out of all of my options, you'll be the top one
Baby, you got one-up
Get me high, get me louder
Damn, all that power I want you much too much
That sure do get me high
To God, oh, what I'm feeling
Well, you decide
'Cause, baby, all summer
They been all on my heels
I just need to know that if I pull up, you gon' be there 'cause you talkin' real, real And I don't wanna wonder
If you doin' side deals
I don't trust nobody, but that body keep on callin' me
(It got me roaming through these empty streets)
Thinkin' you ready for love
A strong hand at her back and a dainty one on his shoulder with their other hands clasped together, the two glide across the floor with ease, earning a few whistles from other couples.
“See, you're a natural!” Zora teases Leon, who swears he has two left feet.
“I'm only this good when I'm dancin’ with you,” he chuckles. “You know I got two wrong feet.”
“Lord,” she rolls her eyes as he twirls her once more, pulling her back to him.
“That your favorite move?” She asks, losing her breath from being so close to him.
“Mmhm,” he pecks her lips, starting a wildfire across her cheeks while they continue to sway.
“How's the last couple days been?” She asks, staring up at him.
“Hectic.” He huffs. “I got into it with one of my boys at work, which pissed me off cause he's usually pretty chill.”
She frowns. “It made it awkward, huh?”
“For him. I get my work done, regardless. It just slows us down cause now he acts like I gotta go through somebody else to give him information, and I'm not doing that.” He shakes his head, moving his other hand to her back now.
“Don't let ‘em push your buttons. I hate when people act like they're too important or butthurt to be bothered. It always boils over to them just being a jackass.”
“You're right,” he nods, laughing as she shoots him a look that screams “I know!”.
“What about you? I know you were a little more tired than usual.”
“Oh yeah, it gets super busy at the restaurant and those customers just lose their minds from time to time.. to time.” She sighs with a laugh. “It just took a little more outta me than I expected. But I'm okay!”
“Yeah? You sure?” He asks.
“Yeah, if I fall asleep on you, just splash some water on me,” she shrugs, instantly cracking up at his expression. 
“I'm joking, Leon!”
“I'm not too sure,” he squints. “Splash some water on you. We'd get you tucked in, before that happens.”
“Aw, ever the gentleman.”
“You know I do my best for you,” he humbly responds, making himself even cuter to her.
“Can I tell you something?” She asks, knowing she should hold her tongue.
“Of course.”
“I like you, Leon.”
He flashes that beautiful smile, and thank god he was holding onto her so tight or she surely woulda hit the floor.
“I like you too, Zora.”
The butterflies in her belly do a dance similar to the two-step she and Leon are doing, making her feel fuzzy and warm.
Unfortunately her pretty mules turned on her about an hour ago, forcing them to move from the dance floor, to a tiny rounded booth off to the left side of the place.
Were her feet pulled into his lap, while she sipped her margarita and danced in her seat to the music? Yes.
Was she enjoying every minute? Absolutely.
“So I feel compelled to tell you a little story.” She starts, and he's all ears.
“You know I'm listening,” he smiles.
“I know,” she smiles back. “It's not a nice story, but I won't get too sad on you.”
“Oh, is this about your ex?”
“Yeah, that rotten bastard.” She sneers, making him snicker.
“Seriously! He was a hater. He'd come home just to piss me off, I swear. Never a good full day, ever. Never any concern above his own. And it wasn't always like that, ya know? It's like he woke up one day and just started hating me.”
His brows furrow. “Who could hate you?”
“Ya know, I would ask myself what I did. Hell, I even asked him and he'd always tell me that I was trippin. Thinking too much into him dashing away my dreams, leaving more on my plate than not, shutting me out. You name it.”
“You're right, he was a hater.” He frowns. “Who the hell does that someone they care about?”
“I tried so hard to figure that out, that I made myself sick over it and him. I mean, imagine just graduating from college, working at a rundown job and your boyfriend comes home just to tell you that you should find a new hobby, a new lifestyle and a little bit more money because he wasn't gonna sit around and wait for a miracle to happen. Said he was my voice of reason.”
“Sounds like he needed an ass kick off that high horse he was on.” Leon says, shaking his head.
“Ugh! I can't tell you how many times I told him that. But, it never mattered what I said, cause he never listened. Plus, I'd take him back every time he'd crawl back to me.” She sighs.
“Don't beat yourself up about that, Zora. You just wanted him to do better. We all hit the wall, sometimes. You realized at some point that he wasn't gonna change and you left, yeah?”
“Yeah. It might've taken me a minute, but I did leave his ass alone. After I beat it.” She laughs, making him join in.
“I'm sure that was hilarious!”
“Nique has the video if you ever wanna see it.” She adds, going back to sipping on the fruity drink.
“Definitely taking you up on that.” He nods, reaching out to twirl a curl around his finger.
“I'm glad you shared with me. I won't be a bad story to add to your collection, I promise.” He says, making her smile.
“I'm starting to believe that. I really am.”
✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿
Carrying Zora all the way inside her apartment, he closes and locks her door behind them and sits her on the sofa.
“Thank you,” she sighs, sliding her feet out of her mules and rubbing her feet over her plush rug. “I hope I wasn't too heavy.”
“Light as a feather, baby.” He assures, kneeling down beside the couch to be level with her.
“Baby, huh? That's me?” She asks.
“If you wanna be.”
“Oh, I wanna be.” She replies, making them both laugh.
“Good. Cause I wanna be yours, too.”
Moving from his kneeled position, he sits beside her on the couch, reaching for her hand to pull her closer to him.
“I had fun, like always.” She smiles, kissing him again.
“Me too, like always.” He replies, returning the gesture.
“So, where we goin’ next, handsome?”
“Still on the fence about meeting my people?” He asks.
“No, not anymore. I'd love to meet ‘em.”
“Great,” he smiles, linking their fingers. “Cause I gotta meet these sisters of yours. Mama, too.”
Ch 6
@sheabuttahwrites @thegifstories @blackerthings @blackpinup22 @twistedcharismaaa @abeautifulmindexposed @nayaxwrites @cecereads209 @nahimjustfeelingit-writes @ghostfacekill-monger @blowmymbackout @chaneajoyyy @awerkofart
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itz-wanderer · 1 year
I've realized and I've known that writing contents about yakuza series or even judgment series is scarce and I'm pretty sure you guys noticed that already. So here I am gonna try my best to write about them (BCS I LOVE THEM ❤️❤️) and mostly it'll be headcanons but that can change over time.
Plus, this is the first time I've written a headcanon so Idk if this gonna get much likes or not, so I'm just testing the waters. Also,, forgive me if it's kinda out of character bcs I'm still new to writing these characters. 😭
I hope you enjoy!
How they act around their crush (Kiryu, Nishiki, Majima)
Kiryu Kazuma
- People would describe him as a cold person considering how he lacks of expressions. But they should know he has his own soft side, a side that he only shows to his crush. At first, his friends, especially Nishiki would notice his different behaviour whenever you are around. He starts to stutter occasionally around you and if you stare at his face, he’ll likely blush too which ends up with Nishiki laughing and teasing the hell outta him! Sometimes, you would eventually catch him looking at you with a genuine smile on his face as well.
- You can see him getting tongue-tied or accidentally saying something stupid. Definitely regrets that the next second he realizes what he just said, but manages to save himself. And it surely is hella cute to see a man like him struggling to find the right words!
- He’s very appreciative of you, which shows a lot through his subtle actions. When you were out with him on a date for the first time, he was being awkward, indicating he never went out on a lot of dates which only made him cuter. But there was a moment when your hands brushed against his and you could feel him tense up at the sudden contact but he finally gave in and felt more relaxed as you slowly laced your fingers around his. He did it all with a serious expression but that’s his charm, isn’t it?
Akira Nishikiyama
- Nishiki may look cool and badass on the outside but it seems like he can be a little clumsy or awkward as well, especially around you. Not being able to hold eye contact for too long and scratching the back of his head while trying his best to answer you.
- But only when he once thinks through twice and gathers his words to give a witty reply. He can’t always look like a stuttering loser in front of you right? After that, he shows up to you with his signature confident smile.
- He would often ask if you’d wanted him to accompany you, whenever you needed to go somewhere. Basically showing that, that was his way of indirectly asking you for a date.
- He had all your schedule memorized, so he had more than enough time to plan something whether it’s him bringing you flowers out of nowhere or treating you to lunch, dinner or anything you wanted.
Majima Goro
- The mad dog of Shimano shows you his soft side? He doesn’t show it to many people, that means you’re special for him and surprisingly, he’s a very good listener too. When you’re feeling down and you need someone to talk to, he’d always try his best to take out time for you and listen to your rambles.
- People know him for his crazy personality but to you, he’s a true gentleman. You might notice him being overprotective over you, especially when you two are walking down the streets together and men would stare at you, he definitely made sure to reply them back with an intense piercing glare as well.
- He may or may not hold your hands when you were walking down the streets together, but he never forced you to have any physical contact with him if you were feeling uncomfortable; any slight hints and he’d catch it within seconds.
- He remembers your favorite foods and sometimes he even shows up with your favorite snacks in his hands so you both can enjoy them together. It’s a huge moodbooster for him when he sees your eyes light up everytime you share your favourite snacks with him.
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rexxdjarin · 1 year
Dropping something that's been stuck in my brain:
"she looks cute like this, doesn't she?"
"she looks cuter when you squeeze her neck and get her to beg"
I don't trust any other writer than you to handle this kink properly and with dignity. FEEL FREE TO IGNORE or gobble up this idea. Love ya!
hehehehehhe ok so I’ve been in my pedro & tem feels lately so 👀
tw: threeway, bdsm/bondage themes, dominance play discussed and brat taming referenced
How in the name of every star system in the galaxy did you find yourself in this position?
Your boyfriend sitting five feet from you, hard as he’s been in ages and sitting impatiently on his throne.
His closest…I guess he would consider him his friend, standing in front of you just as hard as Boba and moving around you to admire his handiwork.
And you, bound up with intricate and delicate knots secured by a master bounty hunter and presented before the Daimyo for a thoroughly satisfying and well planned night of reward for all three of you.
Your hands were bound together over the side of a soft cushioned chair of sorts, completely immovable other than to hold yourself up by your elbows when you needed to. Your ankles were bound, but with enough rope to keep your thighs apart the way they needed to get a look at you from any angle they wanted.
The lingerie you wore looped and knotted into your bindings on both your hands and ankles and you were sure it wouldn’t stay on long with how Boba’s dark seductive gaze was eyeing you. His Mandalorian friend’s leather glove smoothed over the arch of your back and admired the way you trembled in excited anticipation.
“She looks cute like this, doesn’t she?” His baritone voice rasped from through his large silver helmet’s modulator. Though he looked intimidating, you knew from experience he was much more tender, gentle and encouraging than your partner was. Whether that was out of respect for Boba or just his actual preference you didn’t know. But you knew Din was always the softer of your two partners in these situations.
Before anyone else spoke, Boba’s weighted boots hitting the floor echoed against the cavernous sand stone of the throne room. Din’s hand gently caressing the dip of the small of your back retreated as Boba stepped up in front of you. His own gloved hands pinched your chin to tip your face up to him, the bat of your lashes over your seemingly innocent gaze making Boba do that soft, devilish smirk of amusement you’d come to adore so much.
“Mmm she does.” He reached down, testing the strength of the knots on your wrists and nodding his approval of them. “She looks even cuter when you squeeze her neck and get her to beg for you.” Boba rasped, his gloved hands sliding slowly up your arms, over your shoulders and around your neck gently to apply the slightest hint of pressure.
You could feel your pulse racing, thumping harder and harder under his fingertips as his hungry, seductive stare never broke yours. Your full chest rose and fell, your breasts aching to be touched and freed from the cloth they hid behind to find the warmth of his calloused palms.
“That so?” Din’s vocoder rang out, almost ominously, as his hand on your back returned to start unlacing the ties on your lingerie to free you like he knew you wanted.
“Show him, Princess…how pretty you are when you’re begging for it.” Boba chuckled, the subtle pressure of his fingertips on your pulse releasing as he stepped back to watch you and let Din take his place.
Din’s hand smoothed up your back to curl his leather glove covered fingertips around your neck. His touch was more practiced than you’d expected and Boba’s brow arched as he urged you to go with it. You could practically hear his voice in your head. Princess, you know Din is as dangerous as I am.
Which of course was why you liked both of them. They were powerful, dominant and commanding and yet they weren’t threatened by you at all. They were the only men who had ever treated you as equal to them and the only men you ever felt safe being this vulnerable with. You’d all talked about boundaries and safe words and Din didn’t even mind at all that you’d always turned back to Boba for the love and comfort of aftercare immediately following every session you’d ever done.
But before now, Din had never tried being in charge and you were surprised Boba was even allowing this since he was usually possessive of you when it came down to it. Today he seemed like he was being especially generous and intrigued by the opportunity to show off the bratty side of you and didn’t seem to hate the idea of calling the shots either.
Din’s deep baritone muttered in your ear, “cmon, sweet girl. I want to hear that pretty voice beg for my cock.” You swallowed thickly, the dirty words igniting fire in your lower belly exactly the way it did for Boba. His grip on your pulse point tightened just enough to make your heart jump in your chest to catch up. Blood was roaring in your ears as you felt Boba’s hands sliding along the ropes lining the insides of your thighs.
You whimpered quietly, Din’s careful grip on your throat preventing any actual words from forming. His other hand shifted to your shoulder to snap the strap of your lingerie clean off you. His hand curled around the plush of your breast and pulled at the hardness of your nipple to make you squirm for more of his touch.
“Princess…you’ll get nothing if you don’t speak up.” Boba urged, his thumb hooking into your panties to slide them out of the way. His heated breath into your cunt made you audibly groan and Din chuckled in your ear.
“Maybe she just wants to listen to you.” Din pulled at the other strap, releasing the front of you completely to the cold air of the room.
“Maybe she’s used to a firmer hand, Mando.” Boba quipped almost in annoyance, never one to deny himself a chance to prove he’s the best in the room. “Isn’t that right, little brat?”
You giggled, opening your mouth to answer only to find that Boba’s tongue had licked a long stripe through your slit. You let out a high pitched moan, quieting as he pulled away quickly. “I’ll do whatever you…ask. Just please touch me. Please.”
Din’s helmet erupted with a pleased laugh, “there she is. You’re right, Fett. She’s very pretty begging..”
“Now since she offered so nicely, she’ll finally get her reward.” Boba’s voice almost threatened, his hands pulling your thighs apart to make room for him. The two men loosened the knots enough to prop you up on your hands and knees before them. And that’s how you spent the rest of the night between the two of them. Listening to both of their orders and learning that as long as you obey whoever’s in charge, you’ll all have some of the reward you needed.
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evelxtus · 2 years
Hii! If your requests are open (if they aren't, then please ignore this!) may I request a Venti, Xiao, and Zhongli (separate) with an S/O that's like- really touch starved and sometimes just hugs them behind which turns into a cuddle? Dhejfjeje I'm so touch starved it's actually unreal😭 I want hugs so bADDDDD-
note. ofc i cannot ignore THIS, anon!!! >:) dw, these boys won't let you stay touch starved much longer.
featuring. venti, xiao, zhongli x gn! reader (separate.)
c.w. all fluff, pet name dear (zhongli), not proofread.
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⌗ venti. 🍎
There's no time in which Venti doesn't love being by your side or feeling you close. Whether playing the lyre, walking, drinking, or even in moments of rest. It doesn't matter when you show up, he'll be more than grateful for the time you decide to spend with him. No matter the day, place or weather, every time you go looking for him, he's already full of energy beforehand, knowing damn well that you're on your way. So when you ‘surprise’ him with an unexpected hug from behind, he's already waiting for you from before with a big bright smile on his face. His hands automatically reach yours, giving them a little squeeze and he lets you rest your head on his shoulder. Basically, in the same way that you look for him, he sometimes looks for you, both of you having the common goal of finding each other and quenching the thirst of being touched and feeling the warmth of the other embracing yourselves.
“I have foreseen your arrival, but I'm happy just the same! I must be blessed — how lucky I am that you come to me for these things! You know... for hugs and stuff. Hmm... should we kiss too? ...I'm kidding.” —But if you want he's not kidding.—
⌗ xiao. 🍃
Xiao can be veeery stubborn. When he insists on doing something, he does it and follows through with his ideals until something or someone forces him to change his mind. There are many times that you have gone to him and you have called him, only to hug him from behind every time he appeared in front of you, and there are even more occasions in which while you have him immobilized with your arms in an affectionate way, he has grunted that you shouldn't do it and that it can be harmful to you and your well-being. Do you mind? Well, of course you don't. It doesn't matter how many times he repeats it to you, or how many times you hear him sighing frustrated, because despite his words, his body's reactions are completely contradictory. The way his breathing becomes softer, how his muscles relax at the slight pressure of your hugs, how his hands timidly brush against yours. And as much as Xiao says that you shouldn't call him for that, he always comes to you, and deep, deep down, loves that you look for him to show him your affection. Of course he's not going to admit it out loud, but the pink blush on his cheeks when you let go of him speaks for itself.
“Are you sure this is what you want? I'm not the best option to do this. Still... I like that you have this behavior with me. Are you like that with other humans? If so, I don't think it's right for me to feel so... special.”
⌗ zhongli. 🐉
Every time you hug him from behind without warning Zhongli frights slightly, and not a second goes by when he already knows it's you — the way your arms gently wrap around his waist, the careful pressure you put on him. Any detail that has to do with you is imprinted perfectly into his memory. And if he thinks this gesture of yours is cute, his response is even cuter. Turning his head slightly to peek at you he gives you a tender smile, lifting his arm allowing you to move in front of him. As soon as you position yourself right where he wants, his gloved hands land on top of you, keeping you close to his chest. His fingers slowly dive into your hair, caressing you and giving you all the time you need. You're always welcome between his arms at any time. <3
“It seems like you require my attention, my dear. Is there anything I can help you with, or were you just looking to be close to me? Either way, I'm glad you're already here. This way, I'll certainly have you satisfied under my protection.”
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