#not to be mentally ill on the hannibal sideblog or anything
doegraham · 2 years
im thinking about how Hannibal was Il Monstro. The Ripper. always above or below "human." he was either unholy, sinful, or seemed elevated above human folly. then Will comes along, and Will is just painfully human. he knows humanity intimately, all of its sins and greatness, and was incredibly burdened by the knowledge. and suddenly Hannibal's Achilles heel is a man of raw humanity he (and others) so often saw him apart from.
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arianrhodsprophet · 1 year
hail and well met, witchblr!
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you can call me silas or prophet! i'm in my late 20s, white, queer, autistic, and use he/they/it pronouns, and astrologically, i'm ♏ sun, ♓ moon, and ♈ rising! and while i'm relatively new to witchblr (i've reblogged tarot stuff + followed some witchy blogs on my main, but now i've fully converted an old sideblog into what you see here!), i'm not new to tumblr! i am however, still also relatively new to witchcraft itself, only starting in the last couple of years and being hindered by chronic/mental illness.
some of my hobbies outside witchcraft are pro wrestling, video games (arknights, zero escape, disco elysium), music (the paper chase, the mountain goats, elliotly), furbys and beanie babies (they are NOT cursed!!!), twitch streamers (jerma985, wayneradiotv et al), ttrpgs, horror genre, nbc hannibal... i could go on and on, haha.
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at any rate! i'm looking for some blogs to follow. i do a decent amount of tarot but i'm looking to branch out beyond that a well! i'm a devotee of the goddess Arianrhod (if you couldn't tell from the username, ehe), and am working on dabbling in various ways to honor Her, and plan to document my journey as a worshiper here!
to note: despite said username, i don't see myself as an irl prophet! just a fun internet nickname. and i like the idea of being Hers, as opposed to Her being mine if that makes any sense whatsoever lol.
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so uh like this post and/or follow me if you'd like me to check out your blog, and i'll follow some people back!! (i follow back from @prophetesque, which is my main blog that i don't really post witchy stuff on). also, i would prefer if no minors followed me, as i'm almost 30. thank you for understanding!
i don't have a full dni or anything but nazis/terfs/fascists can choke thanx.
dividers by @firefly-graphics !!
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louwritesthings · 2 months
this is the fic-centric sideblog for @louthingg. if youd like a more in depth intro post head over there.
CURRENT WIPs: Wonders of the World ( stucky / captain america ), unnamed cthulhu mythos fic
FANDOMS I WRITE FOR: captain america, hannibal ( nbc ), re animator 1985, saw, supernatural, and cthulhu mythos
put a lot of time and effort into my fics. if you’re going to leave criticism, please make sure it’s constructive
appreciate comments more than i could ever express. this doesn’t just apply to my fics, but if you liked a fic. even at all. please !!!! comment !!!!! that shit keeps us going !!!! kudos are just numbers !!!!!
tolerate discrimination of any kind. if youre homophobic, racist, transphobic, zionist, neo-nazi, ableist or anything of the sort, kindly fuck all the way off. dont even read my fics.
take requests. i will write what makes me happy.
write smut. sex repulsed people you are safe here <3 ( i do have some explicit stuff bookmarked though, be aware )
due to my poor mental health, updates will be very slow. i know how frustrating that can be and im sorry
sensitive topics are included in all of my works ( most commonly gore and depictions of mental illness. PLEASE check tags, summaries and notes for specific CWs
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thedevilandhisbride · 3 years
Welcome to our corner of Tumblr, We are the The Devil and his Bride. ⤚🦌⇾
Name(s) -> Rae / Raeven ^ also fine: Friend, Hostile, Catacomb, Athazagora Pronouns -> That thing/That things, Hell/Hound, Keysmash ^ He/Him is fine, no They/Them, only mutuals can use She/Her Hosts -> Will [He/She/They], Hannibal [He/They] ^ others may or may not let themselves be known Carrd -> https://thedevilandhisbride.carrd.co/#
[Previously known as: The Poet Polyplex/The Catacomb Creature Containment Unit, House of Poets, Ill-Code Collective, Friend System] [Under the cut has our DNI, BYF, boundaries, tags, sideblogs, etc.]
Our post about system and nonspeaking apps -> Click on me! We are: - Queer and trans - Disabled - Neurodivergent in many ways - Religious and spiritual - Mixed/Bipoc (Want specifics? Come back with a warrant) DNI: - Usual DNI (Racist, LGBTQ+phobic, etc) - Sysmeds/Anti-Endo - Terf/Transmed/TMERF/Anti-Transmasc (Including if you dont believe transandrophobia exists) - Pedophile/MAP/AAM - Anti-para, or pro-contact/complex-contact - Believe thought crimes exist - Radqueer/Kandiqueer or Xenosatanist - Anti-Mspec identities or contradicting labels - Honestly if you are against good faith identities and people just go away please BYF: - I use slurs and will not tag them, and I would prefer that you asked before tagging one of my og posts or tag reblogs that have slurs as 'q slur' or 'f slur' etc. - I call myself insane and things like that, especially about media, and I can say these things because I am psychotic. If that makes you uncomfortable, dont follow me. - If you have ANY questions about my stances, or are wondering things about me, please send in an ask <3 I know I said to come back with a warrant but that warrant honestly just needs to be showing that you are willing to have a genuine conversation. - I am not the best at articulating things, especially when it comes to discourse, and I tend to be shy when researching because I have been misled and I am still damaged from it. I prefer to go to people whose activism and well-worded posts I agree with for links and starting off points for researching down the right rabbit holes. If you are going to debate me and my stances, or get my opinions on something, PLEASE give me both sides of the discourse and at least a jumping off point to looking into both sides cons against each other. - Also, when I say to not talk to me about current world issues (noted in boundaries), I typically mean about war. I can handle queer discourse, and syscourse, and similar things to that, and witch and pagan discourse, but I cannot be of any help to anybody if I cannot safely research and actually process what I am reading. If you believe that I should research and talk about it regardless of my mental health, get out. - I tend to mindlessly reblog and like posts with weird and sometimes personal tags. - I will bite you. Your flesh cannot escape my teeth. Boundaries: - Use headmates, not alters/parts/etc. - Use Introject/Anaspect, not fictive/factive/etc. - Collective/System is fine, but we prefer Somber/Somber Assembly - You&, You all, Y'all is all good - We've had many system collapses, and so all of our old headmates that ran this blog pre-TDahB are gone. Many of those old opinions, or posts, do not reflect how we operate and act today. ^ Piggy backing off of this, the old headmate blogs are still up. They will never be active, but exist still. We just removed them from this post. - Do not ask us to talk about current world issues. - We've redone this intro post again for reasons in this post.
Need us to tag anything? Send us an ask. ^ We are open to question asks as well. Tags: (We will try to remember these) #tdahbposting #tdahbanswers (may be misspelt as #tdahbanswering) #save for later #important
Side Blogs: @animisticpagan - Religious sideblog about paganism and witchcraft @citadelofmarks - Citadel of Mark's subsystem sideblog
Sorry I update this so much. Peace and love </3
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nextraordinaire · 3 years
20 questions
tagged by @sielustaja! thank you so much for providing me with distractions from ALL the things!
1. What do you prefer to be called namewise? nicole or nextra
2. When is your birthday? july 5th
3. Where do you live? beautiful, beautiful Sweden
4. Three things you are doing right now? unpacking moving boxes, preparing a presentation, listening to some music
5. Four fandoms that have peaked your interest? x-men, hbo war, skam + hannibal by association
6. How has the pandemic been treating you? pretty good? it made my recovery from a certain mental illness a lot easier due to not having to meet people. i'm very close to having a master's degree, and some of it can be attributed to recorded lectures and small classes.
7. A song you can’t stop listening to right now? to the boneyard - los campesinos! (on may 7th, they released an EP with all of the b-sides that have been virtually impossible to get your hands on until now).
8. Recommend a movie. blind spot (2018)
9. How old are you? 24 going on 25
10. School, university, occupation, other? master student, starting work after a short vacation.
11. Do you prefer heat or cold? cold. anything above +25°C and i'm rendered useless.
12. Name one fact others may not know about you. i run ~35 km (~22 miles) a week
13. Are you shy? depends. not really
14. Preferred pronouns? she/her
15. Biggest pet peeves? performative activism. having a dirty/messy living space. people messing with/taking my food >:(
16. What is your favourite “dere” type? none, i'd say.
17. Rate your life from 1-10. feeling pretty good, so 7?
18. What’s your main blog? this one.
19. List your sideblogs and what they’re used for. @lucemiactura for my hbo war stuff (it's for gen kill, who am i kidding)
20. Is there something people need to know about you before becoming friends? nah, not really. if we have over-lapping interests and you're willing to admit everyone messes up sometimes, we'll probably get along!
taggees: @traumschwinge, @cheezybananaz, @hvelfa, @widgenstain, @clickthefrog + anyone else who feels inclined! (no pressure, as always)
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tapedeck-archive · 4 years
20 questions tag
tagged by @lovely-tea-petals thank you! ily <3
- what do you prefer to be called name wise? just my name, Emma lol! tho i’m not super comfy with how fem it is
- when’s your birthday? july 10 :)
- where do you live? indiana, US
- three things you are doing right now? procrastinating my hw! thinking about hannibal, eating a bao bun :)
- four fandoms that have piqued your interest? i’m not sure if this is asking what i’m interested in getting into, or which fandoms im in right now! but rn i’m super into hannibal, killing eve, community, and psych. from the outside looking in, i’m interested in the owl house, gentleman jack, the magicians, and gotham ig
- how has the pandemic been treating you? ok ish, i mean i’m not very social anyway so it hasn’t affected me too much. i’m back at uni, too! the hardest parts of quarantine had nothing to do with the pandemic, more about some Tough Shit happening in my life
- a song you can’t stop listening to right now? You Are the Apple, by Lady Lamb! hm also though, billie eilish’s more recent songs (bc of h*nnibal)
- recommend a movie? The Old Guard (netflix), and Hustlers !!!
- school, university, occupation, other? I go to DePauw University. i have a job too, i work for the university as a sewist. right now we’re just making masks for the singers
- do you prefer heat or cold? cold!! i love layering, and the weather is just a lot nicer to me
- name one fact others may not know about you? my friends know everything about me lmao! but for my followers who don’t know me as well, the fun fact I always tell people is that i was a baby model in Japan lol
- are you shy? i used to think i was, but i’m just introverted. if i don’t need to talk to someone, i won’t. if i have to talk to someone out of necessity, i will! but if i want to talk to someone, it’s harder to get there because i have anxiety lmao
- biggest pet peeve? not really sure. right now, since i’m frustrated with my homework, i’m most peeved by academic gate-keeping. i hate that academics use such big words and complex sentences to sound smarter. just say what u need to say pls lol i can’t read
- rate your life 1-10, 1 being crappy and 10 being the best it could be: weird question! idk, 5 i guess
- what’s your main blog? this one~
- list your side blogs and what they’re used for: 👀 the one i’m most active on right now is @shawnisbi and it’s multifandom but mostly hannibal. i also have @uglybrother for random stuff. i have other sideblogs that are just for personal organization so u don’t need to know lol. i have another account tho! @willowcreme for dark academia and cottagecore, and @packhunters is another sideblog for quotes n shit
- is there anything people need to know about you before becoming friends? just a disclaimer: i am mentally ill lol. SO i get anxious replying to the simplest texts, it takes ages. and i struggle with expressing emotions and just communicating in general. 
I'll tag @magdalenas, @purdymow44, anyone else who wants to do this! i’d love to read your responses if you do
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