#not to mention that I wouldn't mind looking like someone you'd read as female
calamitaswrath · 11 months
Hmm. Hm. Starting to feel like I'm actually an "any pronouns" kinda person? Not sure, though.
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navybrat817 · 1 month
Hold You Tight: Part 7
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Pairing: Club Owner!Bucky Barnes x Female Reader
Fic Summary: The owner of The 107th wants you to be his girl whether you like it or not.
Part 6 | Series Masterlist | Part 8
Chapter Summary: You meet some of the staff at the club and try to reason with one of Bucky's men about your situation.
Chapter Word Count: Over 4.3k
Chapter Warnings: DARK AU, tension, mention of stalking, inner conflict, insecurities, manipulation, possessiveness, flirting, Bucky Barnes (he's a warning, okay?), more warnings to come.
A/N: More Hold You Tight! Hope you lovelies continue to enjoy. Bucky edit by the beautiful @nixakimbo . ❤️ Beta read by the lovely @whisperlullaby , but any and all mistakes are my own. Divider by the talented @firefly-graphics . Please follow @navybrat817-sideblog new fics and notifications. Comments, reblogs, feedback are loved and appreciated!
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You weren't sure exactly how far the club was from the bookstore, but you didn't say anything for a minute after his declaration. You’d read stories about instalove before, the accelerated trajectory of feelings and relationships. It wasn't something you thought you’d ever be on the receiving end of. That mixed with a dark antihero.
How was this your life?
Bucky chose to break the silence. “You can change here if you want.”
Your heart rate spiked as you stared at the garment bag. There was a chance that the dress was to your liking, your style. But in the car, it wasn't like you could shield yourself if you undressed. He’d see you. Maybe even try to touch you. Was it worth the risk?
Reaching for it, you took a deep breath and curled your fingers around the hanger. The moment you grabbed it though, you set it right back on the hook. You wouldn't bother unzipping it to take a look. You weren't a doll for him to play dress up with.
“Sorry, Bucky,” you began, shifting to face him. “I’m sure it’s a nice dress, but I'm not wearing it.”
“You sure?” He asked. “You haven’t even seen it.”
“I don't need to see it. You got your way about me going to the club and I think it's fair I get my way about the outfit,” you said. “We both know I could've met your friends another time. It didn't have to be tonight. So they'll meet me like this or not at all."
His eyes snapped to you, pinning you in place as you froze. Giving him an ultimatum over something he may consider trivial wasn't a smart move and it wouldn't be a hill you'd die on, but you needed some sort of win. Part of him had to understand that.
Bucky's lips curled in a small smile, but you still swallowed nervously. “You look stunning to me just as you are,” he said, tracing the collar of your shirt with his fingertip. "Perfect even.”
“What?” You asked. You were far from stunning. “You're really okay with me going into your club like this? I don't think it meets the dress code.” You were lucky your black dress was nice enough to get in the first time.
“And? I said in the bookstore that you can wear whatever you want since you look beautiful in anything, so of course I’m okay with it,” he said, his finger gliding down the middle of your chest. “If you're worried about anyone saying anything, don't be. You’re my girl and my friends and I will shut anyone up who tries to make you feel less than perfect.”
Your eyes widened at the casualness of the threat. There was no reason to threaten anyone on your behalf. You could also hear Marc's voice in the back of your mind, reminding you that Bucky was dangerous. “Bucky, you don't have to do anything.”
“If someone upsets or hurts you, yes, I do,” he said.
Addison was the type of person who would defend you if you were upset or hurt. You would do the same for her. A boyfriend type defending you was entirely different. He could've just said that to make you lower your guard or play on your insecurities. So why did it still sound like he meant it?
You gripped his wrist before his touch could move further down your body. “What if you upset or hurt me?” You asked.
Bucky blinked at your question, an unfathomable look in his eyes. “I promised I’d never hurt you,” he whispered. You were the only one safe from his underlying rage, weren't you? Because something was lurking beneath the surface that you hadn't yet witnessed. “But I'd do whatever I could to make you happy again if I upset you.”
“You realize dragging me to your club didn't make me happy?”
“I didn't drag you. You got into the car with my help,” he teased. When you didn't smile, he sighed. “I'm sorry. You told me you wanted a quiet night and I pushed you to go anyway. I just got so excited for everyone to finally meet the girl of my dreams and…” He shook his head. “That doesn't matter. I should've listened.”
The apology sounded so sincere it threw you for a loop. If gaslighting was an Olympic sport, he could take the gold. Everything about the man had you second guessing just about everything. “I appreciate that,” you said, going with a safe response.
He smiled as the car rolled to a stop. “I’ll make it up to you,” he promised, his gloved hand taking yours.
You wouldn’t ask how he planned to do that. “Wait,” you said, pulling him back slightly before he could open the door. “Can we just sit here for a second?” You weren’t ready to go into the club. Maybe you could buy yourself another minute or two.
“You're stalling,” he smiled. You didn’t disagree. “We can't stall for too long. The longer we stay, the more it pushes back the evening and I promised you’d be in bed by 10.”
“I just want to talk for another minute. I still don’t feel like I know much about you.”
“Like what?” He asked.
“Things like your family? You said there was a story about your mom,” you said.
A swirl of emotions passed in his eyes, a range of sorrow to anger and even hope. “There is, but I want to tell you that story when it’s just us,” he said. Just the two of you. Alone together. “I will say though that the original club belonged to her before I turned it into The 107th. It helps keep part of her memory alive for me.”
“That’s a beautiful thing,” you said honestly. She clearly meant the world to him. “And your dad?”
“He deserved what he got,” he said, not an ounce of pity or sorrow in his voice.
“Oh.” There was no lost love there. You wouldn’t linger on the topic since that was likely another story for another time. “Can you tell me why your left hand is always covered? You said I'd never be a mistress, but are you covering up a wedding ring or something?”
The storm raged in his eyes again and you had to keep yourself from shrinking back when he wrapped a hand around your neck. Your heart pounded as he applied a light amount of pressure, but he didn't squeeze any further. Would anyone help you or care if you tried to scream? “Do you feel a ring beneath the leather?”
“No,” you whispered, your eyes shutting when he leaned in.
His breath fanned across your lips. “I told you before that you’re the only one I see,” he whispered. “So when I do wear a ring on that finger, it’ll be on our wedding day.”
You let out something like a whimper when his thumb rubbed along your pulse. While you wanted to stall before, the car now felt too small. Too hot. You wouldn't be able to breathe if you stayed in there much longer. “I think we waited long enough to go inside,” you whispered.
Both of you sighed when he let go of your neck. “I think we did, too,” he agreed, taking your hand again. “But before I forget, you owe me a picture of you since I found you.”
You glared at him since you hoped he’d forget about that, but he only smirked before he helped you out of the car. Parked right in front of the club, you nearly jumped when you saw Raymond standing close by, his gaze flickering between you and his boss. “Hey, Ray,” you said as Bucky pulled you along.
Raymond said your name in reply as he followed close. There were already a few people lined up to get in, but your attention was on the bright sign of The 107th. It welcomed you. Taunted you. You had a feeling you were going to become very familiar with the ins and outs of this place.
“Let’s go, Kotyonok,” Bucky whispered. You hadn't realized you stopped walking until he slipped his arm around your waist and guided you forward.
Bucky nodded to the doorman and walked tall with you beside him. Of course he wasn't nervous. He had no reason to be. This was one of his castles and he was the king. And he chose a peasant to be by his side. A peasant he wanted to make his queen.
The music vibrated through the floor as you went inside and bypassed the coat check. The sound grew louder as you approached the main floor and watched the crowd, all dressed to impres. The lights bathed everyone in red and it felt like you had walked into a sensual version of Hell. And Bucky, the devil of the establishment, tugged you closer by the waist, but he might as well have put a collar around your neck to show everyone that you were his pet.
“Breathe,” he said close to your ear, making it hard to exhale. You were out of your element, the territory somewhat terrifying since you weren't in the company of your friends this time around. At least your legs weren't shaking. “Would you like a drink?” He asked.
“Maybe later,” you replied over the music.
“Then let me introduce you to some of the staff. And don't worry. They know who you are,” he said. Before you could respond to that and ask what exactly they knew about you, he turned you back toward the way you came and waved a couple of men over. Your breath caught in your throat when they approached. Both wore a black top and pants and were as large as Bucky and looked just as dangerous.
“This is Ari,” Bucky said, nodding to the darker haired man who had a scowl on his handsome face. “And this is Jax.” The blonde smirked when you made eye contact with him. “They’re two of my best bouncers and they’ll help keep an eye on you when you're not with me.”
You scooted closer to Bucky on instinct when both of them stared at you, but you didn't lower your gaze. Their looks could never be as penetrating as the man who owned this place. “Keep an eye on me? Are you my babysitters?” You asked. Would they watch your every move, too, and report back to Bucky?
Ari didn't smile, but the scowl softened. Jax, however, chuckled. “Guess you could say that, but we don't mind,” he said, his grin flirty and eyes twinkling as your cheeks warmed. “It's a pleasure to finally meet you, darlin’.”
“Jax,” was the only thing Bucky said, his fingers digging a bit more into your side. Ray gave the bouncer a warning glance, too.
Jax shrugged. “Just being polite,” he smiled. The man likely had people hanging all over him during his shifts with his charm. He probably wouldn't have looked at you twice under normal circumstances, but you smiled back anyway.
“I appreciate the politeness,” you said.
Bucky’s eyes narrowed. “You’re not being polite. You're flirting with my girl,” he said to Jax, your smile falling immediately when the air around you thickened.
“Just being polite,” he said again, not at all bothered by the look his boss gave him.
“Nice to meet you,” Ari cut in, his voice deep and even. People probably hit on him, too. And as domineering as they were, you felt an odd sense of security.
“It’s nice to meet you both. Hopefully you won't have to babysit me too much,” you said, glancing at Bucky. His fingers were still digging into your side, his muscles tense. Was he jealous? “Breathe,” you urged, giving him the same instruction he gave you moments ago.
The bouncers each had a look of surprise on their faces when Bucky listened and slowly exhaled. “Okay. Thank you,” Ray said, gesturing for them to get back to work. “Boss?”
Bucky’s hold on your relaxed a bit. “Let’s introduce you to Hal and then we’ll go to my office,” he said.
“Quieter than the VIP section,” he explained.
You weren't sure if people recognized Bucky or if it was just the aura of power that he gave off, but people moved out of the way without prompting as he led you toward the bar. He smiled as he did so, completely at ease in his domain. “You know, I don't need babysitters,” you told him.
“You need people to look out for you, especially if you’re with me,” he said.
“Because you’re dangerous,” you said. You’d eventually have to find out why. “Once again, you aren't giving me a choice.”
“When it comes to your safety, I can't,” he stated unapologetically. You grit your teeth as he took you to the bar where a couple of bartenders were working. You didn't pay much attention to the guy at the other end since the one right in front of you had no shirt on, his toned torso on full display.
“This is Hal. Our top bartender.”
“Hey!” The bartender flipped his light brown hair back and flashed you a smile almost as bright as his tan. “It’s good to see you again.”
“Again?” You repeated, nodding as your mind flashed back to Addison’s bachelorette party. “That’s right. You gave my friend a shot before we went into the VIP section. You have a great memory.”
“I’m good with faces and you have a very pretty face,” he smiled.
The attention from his staff was dizzying. It wasn't anything you were used to. What was it going to be like when you met everyone else? You felt so lost.
“First Jax, now you,” Bucky muttered. For a split second, you thought he would try to cover your eyes. “Would you put your fucking shirt back on and stop hitting on my girl?”
“Oh, c’mon. I'll put it on after my shift. This is getting me tons of tips already and will only continue through peak time.” Hal winked at you and you tried to smother a laugh. Between Jax and Hal, you wondered if the two of them had a bet going to see who could make their boss snap. If so, they were brave.
“Bucky, I’m not looking at Hal’s abs,” you said.
The bartender snorted when his boss's eye twitched. “Just get back to work,” he grumbled, stepping a couple of feet away from you to speak to Ray.
“You can look. I won't tell,” Hal smiled, leaning on the bar. “Boss man said you’d make an appearance tonight.”
“And here I am,” you smiled, leaving out that it wasn't by choice.
“Is there anything I can get you? Your drinks are always on the house.”
“I’m fine for-” A man in a blue suit elbowed his way in before you could finish. “Excuse me.”
The guy sneered at you as he gave you a once over. “Ugly underdressed bitch,” he said, making you flinch before he snapped his fingers at Hal.
You glanced down at your clothes, your throat tight. You stubbornly refused to wear the dress Bucky got you on principle, but the jerk’s comment was another reminder that you didn’t belong there. What would prompt someone to be so rude?
“Hey!” The guy snapped at Hal again when he didn’t serve him right away.
The bartender smiled, but it didn't look right as he stood back to his full height. Had he heard what the guy said? “You know, it’s not nice to interrupt a lady, John. Maybe you should apologize.”
“Fuck that,” the guy, John apparently, scoffed. He must’ve frequented the place enough if Hal knew the guy's name and you weren't about to cause a scene. A complete stranger shouldn’t make you feel bad anyway.
Hal’s smile disappeared completely. “Do you know who she’s here with?”
“It’s okay, Hal. Thanks,” you said, your burning eyes on the floor as you moved back to Bucky’s side. You didn't want to be there. You didn’t belong there. Why couldn't you just-
“You okay, Kotyonok?” Bucky asked, lifting your chin with a look of concern. “What’s the matter? What happened?”
“Nothing. I’m fine,” you answered, giving him a tight-lipped smile. You just wanted the night to be over. “Can we go to your office, please?”
Bucky intently searched your face, something dark taking over his eyes as your heart raced. “Ray?”
“Quick change of plans. You take her upstairs and wait outside my office,” he ordered, swiping his thumb along your cheek. “I think Hal and I need to have a quick chat before I join you.”
“Hal didn’t do anything,” you said quickly. He was a sweet guy from what you could tell and he didn’t need to be on the receiving end of Bucky’s anger for something insignificant.
“But someone did,” Bucky guessed, his eyes still dark when you didn’t deny it. “I’ll take care of it,” he promised, ushering you toward Ray.
“Bucky, it’s fine,” you said over your shoulder, but he had already waved Hal over to speak to him.
“This way, please,” Ray said, leading you away from the bar.
Before you knew it, he took you up a flight of stairs and down a corridor, the decor sleeker than the main floor. The closed double doors at the end of the hall you could only assume was Bucky’s office since Ray had you stop just outside of them. You took a breath and leaned against the wall. Though you could feel the beat of the music against your back, it was much quieter. Less crowded. You didn’t feel completely overwhelmed.
“What’s he going to do?”
“Depends on what or who upset you.”
“You’re my girl and my friends and I will shut anyone up who tries to make you feel less than perfect.
You took a moment to look at the bodyguard as he stood against the opposite wall. Stoic. Pristine. “What am I doing here, Ray?” You sighed. This wasn’t your scene. It wasn’t your world.
“Meeting some of the boss’s staff and friends,” he answered.
“That’s not what I meant. I meant… God, I don’t even know what I mean,” you groaned and wondered how long it would be before Bucky joined you. “But I don't belong here.”
“Yes, you do,” he said.
Why in the world would he think that? “How long have you worked for Bucky?” You asked. It wasn’t that you wanted to really talk, but you didn’t want to let your mind race while you waited.
“A few years now,” he replied.
“You’ve seen him date people then. Has he stalked any of his past girlfriends that you’re aware of or am I the unlucky one?” You asked. Bucky told you he tried to go the traditional dating route and that the last woman he saw tried to rob him.
“You’re the only person he has gone to extremes for,” Ray carefully answered.
“Extremes. You mean stalking,” you said. Did that make you feel better or worse that it was just you? “So, you’re fully aware that he stalked me. And that he plans to move me into his place.”
Ray gave you a single nod, though you wouldn’t say he looked proud. “I am.”
“Can you stop him?” Your stomach dropped when he shook his head. “Why not?”
“You can’t stop or delay the inevitable. He wants you and I’m afraid that’s that,” he said.
Incredulity crossed your face. He sounded like Bucky, but this was somehow worse. Did he not see that his inaction helped upheave your life? “Oh, it’s that simple, huh? Bucky wants me, so he gets me? Did you even try to stop him when he began to do ‘research’ on me?”
“No,” he stated. One simple word that held so much weight.
“What the hell?” Fury seared through you as you pushed yourself off the wall. “You didn’t think to step in and at least tell him, I don’t know, that stalking is crazy and wrong and illegal?!”
Ray blinked and pushed his glasses further up his nose. “You think he’d listen to me?”
Your fury didn’t dissipate, but you did step back. “Well. I assumed…”
“That what? That we’re friends? He may respect my opinion from time to time and he may consider me a friend, but he’s my employer first and will not hesitate to remind me of that,” he said, glancing down the hall. “And perhaps it is not my place to say so, but as wrong as it is this is the happiest I've ever seen him. You ground him.”
“So, as long as he’s happy, it doesn’t matter what he does?” You asked, feeling more hopeless by the second. “Why am I bothering? You don’t care.”
There was no reasoning with Bucky nor his men. At this point, you were going around in circles. It was exhausting.
Ray blinked again. “You assume I don't care because I’m not stopping him. His methods are unconventional, sure, but he just wanted your full attention.”
“There are other less creepy ways to get my attention.”
“Are there? You know what we found when we researched you?” He asked rhetorically. “You never go out. You're either home or at work. When you’re at work, you don't give a second glance to any of the men who come in. Where was he supposed to naturally meet you?”
“That doesn't…” Tears stung your eyes, but you refused to weep. Being a homebody shouldn’t be a tool to use against you or used as a means to manipulate you. “I went out with my friends. And he flat out said ‘where’s the fun in that’ when I asked why he didn't just ask me out. Stop making excuses for him.”
It was no wonder Bucky did whatever he wanted unchecked.
“You went out with friends who are all in relationships and aren't interested in meeting anyone. So you didn't go out of your way to meet others which no one is faulting you for. Breaking in was a bit much, but he was desperate and took drastic steps to get to and keep you,” he said. He spoke like it was natural, logical. “You're afraid. I know. But you’re the one in his eyes. If you try to run, we’ll be forced to catch you. Is that really what you want?”
Your hands shook. “I just want normalcy.” Was that so wrong?
“And you wanted someone to love you. So did he,” he said with more gentleness than you expected. “There’s always some madness in love.”
“And between love and madness lies obsession,” you said. That’s what Bucky was to you: obsessed. “Why am I the one? Why is he so desperate to have me?”
The bodyguard considered your question. “Does there have to be one reason? He has no family left. Work and friends can only take so much of the emptiness away,” he said, glancing down the hall again.
You bit your lip. “When you dug into my life, was there something specific that set me apart from anyone else he ever encountered? An incident or anything?”
Bucky convinced himself you were his soulmate, mind, body, heart, and soul. Ray stood across from you and stated he was happy since you were in his life, the happiest he had ever been. But why? Was the man obsessed simply because you were you or was there a piece of the puzzle you were missing?
“That’s not for me to tell, but I can say he’s devoted to you and you only.” He glanced down the hall again before he straightened up. Was there something for Bucky to tell you then? “Be angry with me if you wish, but know that I’m not just looking out for my boss now. I’m looking out for you, too. We all will.”
You heard Bucky’s footsteps as he walked toward you, but your eyes remained on his bodyguard. “Okay,” you whispered. Ray wasn’t going to help you any further. Not tonight.
Bucky stood in front of you, effectively blocking your view of Ray. “I hope I didn’t keep you waiting long.”
“I hope Hal isn’t in any sort of trouble,” you said.
Bucky gave you a wolfish smile, energy buzzing around him. “Not at all. In fact, I’m giving him a raise,” he said, slipping his arm back around you. What did the bartender tell him exactly and what did he do in response? “I do want to warn you before we go in, they may stare since they’re not used to meetings like this.”
“What, they’re not used to you having someone on your arm?” You asked. You found that hard to believe.
“They’re not used to me having someone I’d burn the world down for,” he said proudly, nodding for Ray to open the doors. “All you’d have to do is give me the match.”
“I’ll keep that in mind,” you said, gulping when you heard the chatter and laughter inside.
Once again, you were the lamb going into the lion’s den. But you could do this. You just had to mingle a bit longer and then you could go on your way. Bucky swore he’d have you home and you’d hold him to it.
The moment Bucky took you into the office, all conversations ceased. The men appeared relaxed, like they weren't aware of or didn’t care about the aura that surrounded the man beside you. He was right though. They all stared. Including a man with a pair of blue eyes you recognized.
The man who bought tulips from your shop.
“It’s good to see you again,” Steve smiled.
With a sinking heart, you began to accept that there really was no escaping Bucky Barnes.
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Sorry to cut this off before meeting the rest of the friends, but it was a natural stopping point. And we'll find out what happens to John in the next part. Love and thanks for reading! ❤️
Masterlist ⚓ Bucky Barnes Masterlist ⚓ Ko-Fi
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stilesmieczyslaw · 3 months
Stubborn Longing
*****Minors DNI!! 18+ Only content. *****  Words: 8.5K Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x Female Velaryon/Strong reader  Summary: Aemond swore that one day you would be wed. When the time actually came you wanted nothing to do with him and his prejudices. Slowly you remember how close you used to be.  Warnings: Targcest, Sex (P in v), masturbation, grinding, enemies to lovers? Friends to enemies to lovers? Slightly OOC Aemond. Lots of background filler and time jumps before the smut, smut. Loss of Virginity. Slight mention of blood. Fingering One swear word. No use of Y/N (If I miss anything let me know) The author is dyslexic and apologises in advance.  AN: I'm a Daemon girlie. But somehow I've been sucked into Aemond girlie territory. I can't get enough of your beautiful writing and fics... And edits. You're all fantastic and I hope you enjoy. Read my other unrelated fics here
You were the eldest daughter of Rhaenyra Targaryen. Your hair was brown and curly. Your complexion looked nothing like your father's. Yet still you thought nothing of it. You had fond memories of laughing in the gardens with your father. Chasing him around trees and getting dirty, sneaking extra pieces of cake from the dessert table. Your mother would sometimes scold you both but she also encouraged it. If the people at court saw you playing with Ser Laenor then maybe they wouldn't question it.
You also had fond memories of your mother. You didn't understand what was wrong but there were some days, when she thought she was alone where she anxiously played with her fingers, absentmindedly staring into the fire. Tears at her water line but never shed. You silently wandered over to her and put your head on her knee. The first few times shocked her but now she grew accustomed to it. She stroked your hair and you drifted off. You woke again in your room unknowing how you got there.
You don't remember your younger brother Jace being born. He was just always there. But some days he was boring. He just lay there in his bed - which was unfair. Why was he allowed to sleep in mother and father's room while you slept in the next one?
The only other children to play with were your Uncles and Aunt. They had white hair just like your mother, father and grandsire. Your eldest Uncle, Aegon, sometimes would play but sometimes would be dragged away for lessons as he was older than the rest of you. Helaena your Aunt always seemed to prefer the company of bugs. Always finding somehow the biggest. Although custom would say you would spend your time with her. You were of similar ages.
But secretly you'd always spend time with your uncle Aemond. It started off as games you'd play together. Although his mother disapproved of these games. Or more so you. She was worried her son would get too attached to the bastard children. She could not let this happen. But what she didn't know wouldn't hurt her. As you got older you'd find yourself alone with Aemond reading books. Both of you wanted to learn. More than what was expected of you. You'd teach each other High Valyrian.
Aemond was your best friend. You'd spend all day with him if you could but he had to learn to fight while you had to learn to be a wife.
"You should be my wife," Aemond said out loud after you had returned from one of your lessons. "Us?" You scoffed. He looked at you offended. "I did not mean it like that." You waved him off. "Your mother hates us being friends. Never mind us being wed." "Well, I was taught a good wife should know her husband. Who knows me better than you." "That is a good point and I wouldn't have to leave Kings Landing." You nodded. "But I'm sure your mother would try to find you someone else anyway." "What if I could convince her?" "You won't." You almost sang looking down at your book.
After the birth of your third brother Joffrey, your mother announced you would not live in Kings Landing anymore. A third child who did not look like her husband. What did it matter? Their father was their father and they all looked like each other. Did white hair matter when inheriting the throne? Apparently, it did. Your mother gathered all of your belongings while you begged her to stay. 
You were to live on Dragonstone. To which you were the heir. You might as well get used to it now. When your mother becomes Queen it will be your home and when your brother becomes king it will remain your home. You went to find Aemond for one final goodbye. You sat in the woods with him, underneath your shared tree. "You'll be back." He said rather confidently. "Will I?" You looked up at the castle. "When we wed." "You are a fool Aemond. But I admire you for it."
With your absence, his mother spoke more freely about your heritage. You were not your father's daughter. Aegon heard the rumours of Ser Harwin Strong. Aegon passed this knowledge to his brother. Aemond wondered how you could be the product of something so wrong. The more he heard it the more he hated it. How dare a bastard be his friend? Poison words enter the heart of a child so easily. 
Your father's sister died and the whole family were called to Driftmark for her final send-off. While you were sad for your father you tried to contain your excitement to see Aemond again. He had stopped replying to your letters. Maybe he was deep into his studies. When you finally saw him after months of missing him you couldn't help but run to him and hug him. His hug was stiff but you ignored that. 
"How is your plan going Aemond? Our marriage." You asked. "I miss Kings Landing." Part of you was joking, the other secretly hoped. You had missed him terribly. "If that's all you miss then maybe we should not get wed." The words were filled with hate. "Oh." You frowned. "It was a childish dream. I see now it does not matter. When I marry it must be for duty." "For what end would our marriage be then?" "It does not matter." He turned away from you.
For the rest of the night, you tried to talk to him again but he avoided you. You searched the castle on Driftmark for him and you found him at the wrong moment. You could hear the shuffling of a fight. You saw your brothers, cousins and Aemond fighting.  "You will die screaming in flames just as your father did...Bastards!"  "Aemond." You gasped. He turned to look at you. Horror in his eyes. He didn't mean for you to hear that. 
Your younger brother Luke took Aemond's moment of distraction to swipe at Aemond with a knife, taking his eye. He did not mean for the injury to be that bad but the past could not be rewritten. You shouted for help while Aemond lay on the floor bleeding. You were pushed away by The King's guard. Aemond's eye was lost and with it your friendship. 
The Queen wanted your brother's eye in return but your mother would never let that happen. But the Queen was determined. Her son lost something, so something must be taken in return. The King had a brilliant idea - Only in his mind. He proclaimed once you came of age. You and Aemond were to be wed. Something which this morning you would have taken with glee. But now you looked at the boy and glared. You hated him and by the look in his remaining eye. He felt the same. 
"Mother." You tried to get her attention. She was rushing around in a panic. "Mother please." "We must prepare for the journey. You are to be wed tomorrow and nothing is ready." "If we do not go then we do not need to be ready." You tried. "Your King demands it, my love." She sighed. "The King... Does not know me. Not anymore." You held your tongue. You had more choice words that you would not utter in front of your mother.
"Your Grandsire was there the moment you were born. The look of happiness in his eyes as he held you for the first time."  "And yet he strives to take my happiness."  "You and Aemond used to be so close. Maybe you can be again." She tried to remain positive. You shook your head.  "No. Not after what he called me. The disrespect to my father. Who won't even be here to see his daughter sold like a..." You bit your tongue again. 
"Sweet girl." Your mother played with your hair. She was nervous. Something was eating at her mind. "You may be husband and wife to the outside walls but you can control what happens behind closed doors. If you do not wish to be with Aemond in private you do not have to be." She didn't say it but you knew what she was saying. You nodded in understanding. 
The flight to Kings Landing wasn't a long one. You were on your dragon silently crying. This would be the last flight you would take with your family for a very long time. Your brothers flew in circles trying to make you laugh. You closed your eyes and listened to their laughter trying to keep it in your memory forever. 
Once landed and your dragon seen to, you looked up at the Castle. It did not look how you remembered. Nor did the people inside. Your Grandsire looked more tired and old than you last saw him. Helaena was the mother of two small children. Aegon looked like he was fighting back a smirk and Aemond... Aemond had grown so tall. His eye patch suited him and he looked at you with distaste. You tried to meet his gaze of fire with your own but you couldn't hold it. You hated it. You hated him. 
The day came and your Mother and Step Father officially gave you to Aemond. Your hands were tied and you uttered words that had no meaning to you. You sealed your marriage with a kiss. You kept your face neutral no matter how much you wanted to scream. The crowd cheered as you walked through them with your husband. 
There was a giant feast in your name. Food from all corners of the seven kingdoms was presented and music played. You found yourself dancing with your brothers. Your new sister Helaena. Even your Stepfather danced with you. Your mother stayed to the side. Her pregnant belly was only a reminder of the life you were going to leave behind. Were you to have a new brother? A sister? Would you know their laughter? Would they know your face? 
The music slowed and the King announced that it was time for you and Aemond to dance before retiring to your marital bed. Aegon laughed loudly. You danced the dance your mother taught you. Move after move. You felt numb. This was the worst night of your life. Whispers filled the room. You ignored them. You knew now why your mother sat and looked into the fire looking sad. But unlike your mother, you would not receive comfort. Not here. 
When you reached Aemond's, no, your chambers... Your blood which was supposed to be made of fire, turned to ice. You did not wish to lay with your now husband. It might have been your duty but you did not wish it. The torment he brought you and your brothers. Calling you Bastards. Your mother said you did not have to, but what if Aemond expected it of you? 
Aemond stood behind you. His beautiful wife. He had wanted this for so long. He knew he had wanted you as his Lady Wife since he was a child. He let his mother's hatred into his head and he had regretted it every day. Not just because he had lost his eye over it but he lost you too. He would never forget the look on your face when he called you a Bastard. The last thing he saw with both eyes. He lost you. 
When he saw you arrive on Dragon back his breath was taken away. You had become a beautiful woman in the years you had spent apart. How he longed to write to you but he knew his letters would go unanswered, just as yours had done those years ago. When he saw you again it only reaffirmed his want of you. But he could tell by the tears running down your face this is not what you wanted. So he hid behind his cold demeanour. One that he was used to, one that people expected of him. 
As much as he desired you, he knew you did not feel the same. His own family did not want him so why would his now wife be any different? He could not remember the last time someone touched him with kindness. Not even a hug. His mind flashed back to when his brother forced a whore onto him and he vowed to never do the same.
He spoke finally, knowing you wouldn't. "I won't touch you. Not unless you ask." "I will not ask. Ever." You replied coldly. You walked off behind the divider to put on your night clothes which had been brought over by the handmaidens. It was difficult to get out of your marital gown but you refused to ask for help. Not from a man who would call you a bastard. Not from a man who claimed you like property. 
Once in your night clothes, you walked straight to the bed. It was freshly made but you could tell by the items surrounding the bed which side Aemond would sleep on and you chose to climb into the opposite side. Not long after Aemond joined you.
It was strange seeing a woman in his bed. He didn't hate you. He remembers only fond memories of your childhood. Times he was bullied by his own brother and yours. You would be there to console him. Make him laugh again. It was foolish to think after all these years you could pick up where you left off. As friends.
He climbed into his side. The both of you almost hung onto the side to ensure neither of you touched the other. You both did not sleep out of fear of doing such. You both were angry and you both were saddened. The following morning continued in silence. Your handmaidens helped you dress. They ignored the lack of maiden's blood on the bedsheets. You trusted them not to gossip but you couldn't be certain of that.
You made your way to break your fast with your family. It was almost like a mini feast again. How any of you still had room after last night you would never know. But you filled your plate with grapes, strawberries and other sweet fruits. Your mother greeted you with a smile and tucked a strand of hair behind your ear. Aemond watched with jealousy. His mother would never treat any of her children like that. Not even when he lost his eye did she offer comfort. She only wanted revenge. He sat down and loaded his plate with whatever.
"I see the tiredness in your eyes brother. Did you remember where to put it? It has been a long time since you last used it. Surprised it hasn't fallen off with neglect." Aegon very loudly teased. "Aegon!" His mother scolded, looking around with embarrassment. You scooted your chair closer to your mother.
Soon midday came and it was time for your family to leave. Their dragons were saddled and their things packed. Your own dragon looked at them with confusion. Why was she being left behind? It did not help that she could also feel your own emotions of abandonment.
"Mother please." You tried one last time. Tears filling your eyes. Kings Landing had not been your home in years. The last time you lived here your father was still alive. How could you walk the gardens knowing he wasn't here, waiting for you to find him?  "I'm sorry my dear." She shook her head. "It is too late. Your vows were before Gods and King. I can not part you as much as I wish to. Your souls are bound." She gave you one last hug before tending to your brothers making sure they were ready. 
Your Stepfather watched with a frown. Knowing what it was like to be in a forced and unloved marriage. He took your hand. A very rare form of affection from him.  "Say the word and I shall end this marriage for you." He looked into your eyes looking for understanding. You had heard rumours of his first marriage. It was said among court he had killed her.  "Thank you, Uncle." You gave a concerned smile. "I'll keep that in mind."
You watched with tears in your eyes as your family flew away on their dragons. Your dragon roared after them. You patted her neck and hugged her. She is what was left. You did not go to your lord husband for comfort. You did not go to anyone for comfort. You stayed alone. 
Your handmaidens would fetch you food. You didn't want to leave your chambers. Were you acting like a child? Maybe but it felt like your only option. Rumours spread amongst the small folk that the high towers had imprisoned you with shackles.
The King, your Grandsire, would call you to his chambers. You sat in silence. You no longer knew the man in front of you. "I remember." He said very laboured. "You'd sit on my lap and help me build my masterpiece." He gestured to his miniature stone version of Old Valyria. A place neither of you had been. "You'd laugh at my jokes. Tell me Princess, what happened to your smile?"
"I have no reason to smile My King. I miss my family." "Am I not family?" The way he looked at you. An old man trying his hardest to keep his family together. He, just like you missed his family. His daughter, his brother and his grandchildren. He was bound to this place just as much as you were.
"Of course you are... Grandsire." You gave him an honest as possible smile. Far from the sparkle of happiness, he was used to. But better than nothing. "This was once your home, we, your closest friends, allies, confidants. We can be again if you leave your chambers. Walk the castle. Eat with us. Read with the maesters." "Yes, My King." You bowed.
You started off small. You would venture to Helaena's chambers. Eat with her and her children. You played with them and told them stories. They didn't understand your words. But they brought you much comfort in this time. Helaena also seemed to enjoy your company. Or more so did not despise it. Sometimes she would listen to your stories too. You loved the three of them. "Third draw. Left dresser." Helaena would mumble. The first time she said it you thought she was asking for something. But when you showed her everything in the drawer she would shake her head.
Then you would venture to the books and scrolls. Another place of your childhood. Piece by piece you were learning to smile again. At least in public. You still hung onto the edge of your marital bed. Trying to escape without falling.
One particular hot day you realised you could not stay inside. It was time to venture outside. Feel the wind blowing on your face. Picking up your book you followed your feet to your favourite tree. How you would spend hours reading underneath it. How your feet remembered the way while your mind did not, you did not know.
You followed them and gasped when you saw him. Of course. It was his favourite place to read too. While you had left this place he had not. He rolled his eye when he heard someone coming towards him. Normally it was some handmaiden telling him his mother required his attention. He just wished to read in peace.
He looked up and saw you. Book nestled on your hip like it was a babe. His mouth went dry. You remembered the tree?  "I'm sorry my Lord." You gave him a practised bow. "I did not realise someone else would be here. I did not intend to disturb you. I shall take my leave."  "Wait." He called to your quickly retreating back. "You need not leave." You turned to look at him. "The tree is big enough for us both to sit." He gestured to the floor. 
You hesitated. You really did love that tree. The tree never hurt you. In the wind, you could hear Aemond's laughter. His face was void of emotion but you could hear his childhood laughter.  "Yes, My Lord." You finally agreed sitting down. The tree separating you. Neither of you reading but thinking of the other person sitting on the other side. 
You both continued this new tradition for days. Maybe after the second week silence was broken. A squirrel ran past you. You gasped with delight at the tiny creature. You stayed as still as possible to not startle it.  "Aemond." You couldn't help but whisper. It was so quiet he almost didn't hear you. He turned to see what you needed. It must have been dire for you to talk to him after two weeks. He followed your gaze and saw the creature that brought so much light to your eyes. 
He remembered how much you loved the squirrels of the gardens. For one of your name days, he vowed to catch you one but failed to do so. But he enjoyed the laughter he got out of you in the process.  "Shall I catch it for you Princess?" He offered.  "No. I think he shall miss his family if you do. Leave him be." He didn't fail to catch the double meaning of your words. How was he living his dream when you hated him so? 
As more time passed you both found yourselves not sitting on opposite sides of the tree but closer to each other. Even in your bed, you felt more relaxed. You were starting to get used to life again but you still missed your family.
A raven came telling you the news of your new baby brother. Your heart almost burst with happiness and sadness in equal measure. You wished to go to Dragonstone to meet him but you couldn't. You must remain here with your Lord Husband... who must have a quill somewhere in these chambers!
You scrambled around looking for anything to write back to your mother with. Words of congratulations and excitement. But, you could not find anything. You went to his personal bedside dressers. It felt wrong to go in them. These were his personal effects. You would go mad with rage if he looked at your things. But you really needed to write to your mother.
You looked at the two dressers. Left dresser, the third drawer down. You opened the drawer and there was writing equipment but also old pieces of parchment. Curiosity got the better of you. They were your old letters. From when you first moved to Dragonstone. Letters you never got replies to. You laughed at things you once thought so important you needed to tell Aemond.
Beneath your letters, there was one you didn't recognise. You knew the writing, it was Aemonds. The letter was addressed to you but you never got it. He speaks of regret of his words to you on Driftmark. How he wishes to become friends again before you are wed. So many words are scribbled out. If he felt this way why not send it? Maybe you could have worked on something rather than marry in hate. Who knows where your relationship could have been if he had sent this? You borrowed an empty piece of parchment and wrote your letter to your mother. 
"Hello, Aemond." You greeted sitting down beneath the tree. He looked at you puzzled. You never greeted him.  "Princess." He gave a nod of acknowledgement. You almost felt giddy. Even if Aemond wrote that apology letter years ago part of you hoped he still meant it now. You sat in your usual silence but you could not wipe the smile from your face. Aemond opened his mouth a few times, unsure of what to say. "What has gotten your spirits up?" You looked at him with a smile. You meant this one. He could see it in your eyes. 
"Mother has given birth to a son. I have another brother. I feel much happiness for her." That and his unsent letter but to tell him that would be admitting you went through his belongings.  "Oh yes. I heard." He nodded. At least this one wasn't likely to be a... He stopped his own thoughts. No. You were his wife. Your parentage did not matter. You had gone back to your reading but he could not get back to his. He couldn't take his eye off your smile. He hoped he could make you smile like that again. 
Another week had passed and you felt yourself become restless again. You had now been in Kings Landing for a handful of months. The Queen still did not speak to you unless she absolutely had to. The King was growing ever weaker. Aegon was a drunken fool. Helaena was sweet but you wanted to do something else. Not sit inside. Not sit and read a book. You thought of your poor dragon. It had been too long since you had seen her. Your one memory of your home on Dragonstone and you had been neglecting her out of selfishness. Today you would take her out. 
But you could not leave the keep without permission. They say it is for your safety but you knew it was to stop you from running away. With a deep breath, you went to find your husband. This time every day he would be training in the courtyard with the knights. You walked to the courtyard where he had amassed a group of people. People always wanted to watch him but you never understood. What was the point in watching the same people fake fight every day at the same time? 
You watched him fight off the knights with ease. Despite only having one eye it did not stop him from having reflexes that could rival 20 knights. His fighting was almost like a dance. Every step calculated. His footwork working side by side with his arms. Sword going exactly where it needed to go. He was sweating and you could see his muscles working. Maybe you could see the point in people watching him fight. 
The fight ended and Aemond fought to catch his breath. In the crowd of people, he saw you. You would only be here if you needed something. He sheathed his sword and made his way over to you. There was something about him breathless and sweaty with his gaze focused on you. It made you feel some strange way. Nothing you had felt before.
"Aemond." You were almost breathless yourself when he was finally in front of you. "I would like to go for a ride." He pulled almost an amused face which was lost on you. "The Dragon keepers say my dragon has grown restless. I need to go for a ride."  "She grows restless. Or yourself?" He mused. "Both. So may I?" "As you wish Princess. But allow me to accompany you."  "Oh no. I wouldn't want to take you from your schedule." You tried to wave him off. 
"A good husband always makes time for his wife. Especially if that request is a ride." He almost smirked again.  "What is so funny?"  "Nothing."  "It's something. I'll get it out of you Aemond Targaryen." You pointed a finger at him like old times. "I'm sure you will." He let out a small chuckle. He went to link his arm with yours to walk you to the Dragon Pit, but remembered his vow. Do not touch. One playful conversation in weeks does not mean that changed.
You got yourself ready for your ride. Making sure that everything was fastened tightly. You hugged your dragon apologising it had been so long. When she put her head on top of yours you couldn't help but think of your mother. She would always be with you.
"Are you ready Princess?" Aemond's voice called out. You looked over and saw him ready to climb onto Vaghar. How he managed to claim her as a boy you would never know. You nodded. You got on your own dragon and urged her forward. She almost ran for the door. Once in the air, you felt free. Freer than you had in a long time. There was nothing but you, your dragon and the air.
Well... and your husband but he was flying lower. You could see for miles. You turned your head in the direction you knew to be Dragonstone. What were they doing? How were Joffrey's lessons going? How faired your mother and the babe? How easy it would be to fly back to them. But you could not. You would bring shame to yourself and your family. 
Aemond watched you. He always found himself thinking back to his childhood with you. How you had a dragon and he did not. How you'd promise him that you could fly together one day. And here you were flying together now. But again it was not how he imagined.
You looked down and almost laughed at how small Aemond looked compared to his dragon. His legs straddling the saddle. The way he used his legs to steer the direction he wanted to go. An image flashed in your mind of him straddling you. You shook your head. Where did that come from? The same feeling from the courtyard entered your mind. That strange feeling. You felt yourself move uncomfortably.
"Are you alright Princess?" Aemond called out to you. "Yes quite well. I must have not ridden in so long my legs grow tired." "Shall we retire?" He suggested. "Yes, I think so." You agreed before returning to the Dragon pit.
"Thank you for today Aemond. I appreciated it. If I ever require your services and a ride." You paused waiting for his reaction. "I'll let you know." You don't know why you did it, but it felt so right. Walking away you made sure to sway your hips more than you usually would.
More days passed and you found yourself watching your husband train from a balcony. Always that feeling came to you. What was it? You changed your posture, your thighs rubbing together and something felt good. You did it again and you had to bite your lip. You excused yourself to your chambers. You lay on your bed rubbing your thighs together and it felt amazing. A knock on the door pulled you from your playing and you felt embarrassed. Whatever that was, it was not fit of a lady.
But still, you could not help yourself. From those days on you would excuse yourself while Aemond trained. He would be gone for a few hours every day and in those hours you explored your body. You found all sorts of spots that made you feel good. One day while touching yourself an image of Aemond popped into your head. You imagined your hands were his and your pleasure doubled. You looked at the door longingly hoping he would come in and find you like this but he never did.
After that, everything he did drove you crazy. Even he slouched on a chair drinking from a goblet you wanted to climb onto his lap. You wanted a ride. You wanted one so badly.
You woke first. All night you had dreams of Aemond touching you. There was an ache between your legs that wouldn't go away. You tried pressing your legs together in hopes of something eliminating the feeling but you couldn't. You couldn't touch yourself with him just there. You wanted him to touch you. All you had to do was ask. But what if he didn't want to anymore? What if he had grown accustomed to your mental absence that he did not wish to be with you? You wouldn't blame him. 
Images of him fighting in the courtyard filled your mind. His skill and passion. How sweaty he sometimes got. The way his hair would stick to his forehead. This wasn't helping you. It was making it worse. He was still sleeping soundly next to you. Maybe if you got a bit closer.
You remained on your side facing away from him. For if he woke up you could claim you moved in your sleep. You backed up slowly. You could still hear his deep breathing meaning he was still asleep. You backed up until you could feel his breath on your neck. It sent shivers down your spine. You still did not touch him, however. Now you waited.
It felt like an eternity but eventually, his deep breaths stopped. You obviously had no idea when he opened his eyes as you were facing away from him and also pretending to sleep. But you did hear his involuntary gasp when he noticed how close you were. He did not make a move to touch you but he also did not shy away.
He looked at your sleeping form. You were so close to him. He looked down and saw each of your curves beneath the sheets. He wanted so badly to run his hand down you. Starting from your shoulders, past your stomach, around your hips and your legs. That is when he noticed. It wasn't even his first thought when he saw you this close but now it was his only thought.
How close your ass was to his crotch. His trousers were already tight with it being morning but even more so now. If only you were a small bit closer then he could feel you pressed against him. He could rub himself on you. Your night shift let his imagination run wild. He clenched his fists to his sides. He promised he wouldn't touch you. Maybe he could sneak away. Deal with himself before you wake up. If you noticed and questioned his absence then maybe he could claim early morning training.
Before he could move you grew bored of this position. He had been awake for several minutes and had not made a move. You commended him for keeping his word but his word was not what you wanted right now. You wanted anything but his word. Keeping up the pretence of sleep you turned so now you were facing him. You wished you could have seen the look of shock on his face. If the view from your behind was anything the front was better.
Your hair was a mess. Soft brown curls were on your pillow and over your face. He remembered others calling you names because of your hair but he now knows it is perfect. It is a part of you. His eye travelled further south and landed on your breasts. The position you were in was pressing them together. His fists were almost shaking with how tightly he kept them to his sides.
He closed his eye and began to talk to himself in his own mind. 'She does not want you. She made that clear. She does not want to be touched by you. She wanted a different husband. A different husband who she would have let touch her. A husband who wasn't you. A husband who would know what she felt like... what she tasted like. Does she know? Does she touch herself when I'm not around? Who does she think of? Some lord? Some stable boy who smiles at her every day?' He grew jealous of his own thoughts and opened his eye to be free of them.
When he did he saw your eyes were open. You were looking at him. You had spotted how close you were and you did not recoil. He could see a hint of anger in your eyes. He should have moved away the moment he got the chance but he couldn't. He was so transfixed on looking at you and now you were angry.
He went to back up from you and you moved closer. This puzzled him. "Aemond." Your voice called to him. Far too awake for someone who woke up less than a minute ago. Unless you weren't asleep. "Yes." He answered like a million thoughts were not running around his head. "Touch me. Please Aemond." You almost begged. He was in shock for a moment. Maybe he was still dreaming. The look in your eyes, wasn't anger, not anymore. Your pupils were dilated. He noticed you rubbing your legs together. This was happening.
"What?" He knew exactly what you had said but he wanted to hear you say it again. "Aemond I would like you to touch me. Please. Touch me." You lifted your hand and ran it down his face. He slowly lifted his own hand and placed it on your waist. His eye closed. He had waited so long for this moment.
You sat up from laying down. His hand fell from your waist. His eye shot open. Surely that couldn't have been what you wanted? For him to touch your waist once and be done. He hadn't upset you, had he? His worrying thoughts were gone the moment you swung your leg around him so now you were straddling him. Your bed shift scrupled around your hips. Your legs bare to the side of you. He was reminded that there was nothing under your shift. The only thing separating the two of you were his own clothes.
You both looked at each other frozen in that moment. You had no experience in this field but something drew you to sit in his lap like this and you were glad you did. You could feel every inch of his outline against you and it felt good. But what now? Aemond saw the look of innocence on your face and almost came right there. With both hands, he held onto your hips and dragged you forward. The noise you made would stick with him forever.
It was a mixture of shock and pleasure. You felt a little embarrassed at it. A lady should not make that noise. Before you could say anything Aemond did it again earning the same noise. It felt so good. Maybe if you just... you dragged your own hips forward without his direction and it felt just as good. "Aemond." You said suddenly not knowing any other words. Any you did know were gone.
He sat up changing the position you were in. His chest was pressed against yours. You looked at him under partially closed eyes. You rocked your hips again and your eyes closed fully at the new sensation. Who knew him just sitting up would feel so different to him lying down?
He called out your name and you looked at him. He pressed his forehead against yours. "Do you want this?" He tried to confirm. "Truly." You nodded. He let out a laugh. "I want to hear you say it." "I want you. I want you so bad Aemond." You almost sounded like you were whining. "I have for a while now. I need you." He smiled at you wickedly before his grip on your waist became like iron before it travelled to cup your ass. From this new position, he ground you against him faster and more forcefully. Your eyes rolled backwards as your jaw dropped open.
He placed kisses on your neck enjoying the sounds you were making. He had dreamt of these sounds but they sounded so much better in real life. He nipped and pulled at your flesh with his teeth. His lips went lower but to his dismay, you were still wearing clothes. While your shift had fallen slightly to reveal your shoulders he wanted more than that.
He lifted his hands from your behind and held the edges of your clothes. He looked at you almost asking for permission. You nodded and he pulled it over your head. Now you were in front of him completely exposed. Your nipples hard and the mess you made on his trousers. Wet from where you had been grinding against him. He was in awe of your beauty. You almost hid yourself away from him but before you could he latched his mouth onto one of your nipples which earned him a brand new sound.
He placed one of his hands back into position getting you to grind on him again while the other played with your other breast. You were his. His wife. And the sounds you were making were his too. "Aemond." You called out to get his attention. He looked at you. His own spit coated his lips. He looked so good right now. Although his hair wasn't stuck to his forehead yet. That is what you wanted.
You took his hand from your breast and guided it between your legs. He had seen women at the brothel do this but he didn't know why. You lead his fingers to a sensitive spot and with your guide, he began to rub that spot. "Fuck." You moaned out arching your back. He watched your face crumple up. "How did you know to do that?" He teased going faster. "Have you been touching yourself? Not very ladylike." You nodded. "Tell me. What were you thinking of?"
Your cheeks immediately flooded red. Him. Always him. "Hmmm." He probed for an answer getting faster and faster. "You." You couldn't catch your breath. "You Aemond." You practically shouted. You could feel the familiar feeling in your lower stomach. But there was also something different about it.
"You should have told me. I could have helped you out." He teased more. How long had you been thinking about him? Was it as long as he had thought of you? "I did say all you had to do was ask." You nodded. "Yes, I should have." You agreed. Almost there. "I wanted you so badly. I... I..." your words got caught in your throat. "You what?" "I" was all you managed to get out before your climax washed over you. It was different from usual. Normally your hand would be caught up in your orgasm that you would stop rubbing your clit meaning you would only feel it for a few fleeting moments. But Aemond did not stop. He kept going watching you come undone on top of him. Your whole body shook.
You looked so beautiful in that moment for him. He needed to do this again to you. Now he knew what it was, he needed it again. Once your body stopped shaking and your eyes closed with tiredness he removed his hand. You felt like you might wobble off the top of him. "Ready for my turn Princess?" Whether or not he meant that as a pet name or your official title, you would never figure it out. You gave a nod.
He flipped you over so now you were on the bottom. You were still in a daze. "Look at what you've done to my trousers." He scolded. You looked down and tried to ignore the bulge and only focus on the giant wet patch. Maybe you might have felt embarrassed but you didn't care. "You felt so good." You sounded like you were drunk. Aemond looked down at his wife, delirious and wanting more and he was more than happy to oblige.
He undid the strings that were trying their best to hold his waistband together. His dick sprung free causing him to wince at the sensitivity. He kicked his trousers away and you shot a sneaky look. Obviously, you had already felt it but you didn't imagine it would look like that. All stiff and leaking slightly. "Enjoying the view?" You were caught. Clearly not as sneaky as you thought you were. You nodded and licked your lips.
"I'll go as slow as I can." His voice suddenly went soft. "It might hurt." You nodded at him. He ran his dick up and down your folds a few times to gather your wetness. It sent small shocks down your spine. Was he teasing you? "Aemond?" You questioned. "Just enjoying my wife. The one who said she'd never ask." You bucked your hips up trying to meet him but he held you down easily. You began to squirm underneath him. You felt so empty. You needed him inside you.
"Don't make me beg again. I was wrong. I do want you to touch me. I do." He didn't move. "Aemond." You tried to sound annoyed but you couldn't. He leant his face forward and kissed your lips. It was then you realised that in all of this, you hadn't kissed him yet. This was your first kiss since the wedding and it made you want more. Why had you been missing out on all of this again? His tongue glided against your lips and you knew immediately what he wanted. You opened your mouth and let him in. For a moment you wondered what his tongue would feel like elsewhere. Maybe another time.
You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him closer. You didn't miss the smile he had as he slipped himself inside you. You gasped into his mouth and pulled your face away. "I've got you." He reassured. "You're okay." You nodded speechless. He slowly moved while kissing you again. Your sounds of discomfort slowly turned back into moans. It was a strange feeling. He was reaching places your fingers could never could. "Faster." You breathed into his ear. He did as asked. 
Your extra sensitivity meant you couldn't last much longer. The sensation in your stomach coming back. When Aemond started making noises you knew he wouldn't last much longer either.  "Aemond." You couldn't help but shout. He began to nod.  "I know. I know." He began to repeat over and over. He kept one hand by your head while his hand went back to the spot you had shown him earlier. The shock of pleasure had your body jolt forward clamping your muscles. Aemond let out his own moan which sent you over the edge for the second time. Your muscles pulsated around him and he finished inside of you. 
He stayed inside of you for a few moments catching his breath before rolling over beside you. You shuffled over to him and put your head on his shoulder. You looked up at him and saw what you wanted. His hair was a mess. You raised your hand and brushed it out of his face. He looked down at you puzzled. You moved your hand.  "What?" You asked suddenly worried that you had done something wrong. He took your hand and held it against his face. He leant into your touch. "What is it Aemond?" You were suddenly concerned. 
He took a deep breath in.  "Nothing." He brushed it off. Letting go of your hand.  "Don't do this Aemond. I'm your wife, as much as I have not acted like it. Please share your thoughts with me."  "I just fear now that you have gotten what you wanted from me, you will leave me."  "Aemond." You sat up brushing your own hair out of your face. You gathered the sheets to cover yourself. "I know what you think of yourself. I see it. You might think you hide it but I've known you my entire life." You turned back around to look at him. "I won't leave you." He didn't look at you, not believing you. 
You leant down to kiss him. You tried to put all of your feelings into the kiss. At first, he did not kiss you back but he got caught up in it.  "You don't need to believe me, at least not at first." You said pulling away. "But I will make sure you know. I will make it up to you. I shouldn't have taken my anger out on you." You curled back up into his side. He moved slightly but only to hold you closer. You were in his arms as much as he was in yours. You both drifted off to sleep again. 
You both were woken by knocks at your doors.  "Prince? Princess?" It was your handmaidens.  "Go away," Aemond shouted at them. You giggled at his childishness. You heard the shuffling of feet.  "We should get up." You sighed. "Although I do not wish to." Closing your eyes again.  "We are needed for royal duties." Aemond agreed.  "Do any of your duties include training? I like it when you train." Aemond chuckled.  "Is that so?" You nodded at his question. "Watching you made me realise how badly I wanted you. Watching you sweat and be out of breath. I wanted to do that to you." "I can make it part of my duties. I do need to be ready to always protect the realm. And once I'm done I can find my Lady Wife." 
You pulled away from his arms and tried to get out of bed only to find yourself collapsing under your own weight and back onto the bed.  "It's like I'm on one of grandsire's ships." You giggled. "I might have to stay here all day." You beamed.  "Then how will you watch me train?" Aemond pointed out. You pouted. He kissed you. As he pulled away you pulled him back in for a second one. "I fear I have created a monster." 
"I'd like to say. In the future please feel free to touch me whenever you like. Well... Not whenever. We might cause quite a stir if we do that in court."  "Hmmmm." He traced circles on your side. "I like the idea of us sitting at the presiding table with my hand up your skirt." You shivered.  "Sounds like you've already thought about it." It was your turn to tease. He sat forward, his lips pressing against the shell of your ear.  "Oh, I have Princess. I've thought about many things."  "You should have let me know. I would have helped you." You mirrored his words from earlier. 
The both of you got dressed and Aemond led you by arm to see his sister Helaena and her children. You sat down and smiled at the children. Helaena looked at you once you were alone.  "Hot baths." She said. "Hot baths help with the pain." She went back to sowing while you felt yourself blushing. How she knew, you didn't want to know but you hoped nobody else did. 
You and she walked around the red keep taking the children for a walk. You heard grunting. You looked down into the courtyard and saw your husband and Ser Cole practising with swords. His grunts and breathlessness taking you back to this morning. Almost like he could feel your presence he looked up. He grinned knowing your thoughts. 
He told you, you'd end up married.
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ellaa-writes · 1 year
Good Dög
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authors note: Part 2, part 1 here. In the same Universe as The Beast Within series. Can't wait to expanded the world more. But anyways, enjoy! :) (wow did not notice i reached 200 followers!)
summary: His favourite words include; down boy, good dog, heel, fetch and his most favourite, get 'em. Well trained, and listens good. Loyal through and through. Always striving to be the absolute best. Ready to attack at all times, always on guard. Loves discipline, either giving or receiving. Working for a criminal mastermind, lurking in the shadows. You both trying not to be seen or noticed but after one unlucky night, all you both can see are the ghosts. He invades your life, if you both like it or not.
tags: Alternative Universe. A/b/o dynamics. Female reader. Lots of trauma in this one. Mentions of a dead body. Mentions of weapons, self defense. Reader has a panic attack. Simon saves the day once again. Slightly stalking Simon. not proof read
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Two weeks passed since that fateful night at the corner store. Your days were filled with nightmares, and those eyes and that voice were always there to save you. Too pull you back into the light, always waking up with your heart pounding.
The police realeased your belonging back to you, you didn't bother telling anyone. If you did they would just urge you to seek out help, to talk to someone. But you can't afford that right now, you were already overworking yourself trying to save up enough money to move out of this hell hole.
Two weeks and not a word from him, Simon. You laid awake most mornings and nights, wondering what he was doing and if he thought about you to.
You felt silly for thinking that, sure Beta and Alpha relationships were common. Hell your parents were in a Beta/Alpha relationship. But you always felt unworthy, never meeting someone that sparked your interest as much as that Alpha did.
You had a few days off, only because the law required it. But if it was up to your employer you would have been working today.
You decided to get out of your apartment, to go for a walk, to try and not thinking about the cold steel on your throat and that evil smile. Anytime it crept into your mind you would wipe it away. Shove it back down with all the other shit you refused to face.
It was a beautiful day in the city, lucky for you it was a weekend. People littered the streets, groups walking together and chatting. The restaurants had their patios open, only if you had friends you thought. You'd be out there, drinking your fancy drink, eating your fancy food and smiling and laughing. Reminiscing about the good ol' days, but you had none of that. Instead you watched from a far, wishing that one day you'd wake up in a new body, new life.
But that never got you far. You've always been a keep your head down and don't stay for long type of gal. Having been alone in this world for longer than you remember not being.
You lost your mother young, and your dad left all together. Not wanting to raise a child by himself, being a single widowed father. Instead he forgot about you and met someone else. Started a new family, one where you weren't in the picture.
Living in foster care after foster care, until your turned of age and was pushed out into this unforgiving world.
You found yourself staring at the people, laughing and enjoying their time. You were staring for too long, sometimes lost in your own world. Taking your eyes off the people out on the patio, you began casing things out.
Since the accident, you've been on edge more. Keeping a small pocket knife on you at all time, and a can of bear mace. As regular mace wouldn't take down a drugged up Alpha.
As you were looking around you noticed something, or someone. The eyes that haunted your dreams, staring at you from across the street. The same eyes and voice from the corner store.
It couldn't be, you must be imagining it. That feeling of uneasiness creeping up from spine, your brain telling you to run. So you did, you spun around and decided this was a bad idea. Leaving your apartment was stupid. Mentally beating yourself up as you sped walked down the block. Trying to get as much distance between you and those eyes.
They didn't scare you, not intentionally. But you were seeing things, they weren't real. Taking a short cut through the back alley, not wanting to waste anymore time. You were too much in your own head, speeding down the desolate alley, not noticing the fast approaching footsteps behind you.
All you felt was the hands grabbing your arm, and in an instant you were spun around. Your bear mace in hand ready to spray at the intruder. But before you could it was knocked out of your hand. Flying into the brick wall beside you.
And there he was, Simon. It was real, you did see him. "You could kill someone like that." you snapped at him. Picking up your now busted can of bear spray. Hoping you can get another one soon. "Plan on using that on anyone?" he asked. His voice just as husky as the first time you heard it. Your heart skipped a beat, holding in the breath you just took, your core getting tingly.
"Well not anymore." you huffed, shoving the broken can into your bag. "Had anymore run ins?" he asked, noticing the small knife next to the can. "No." you were shuffling on your feet. Not wanting to be here anymore. "Just precaution." you explained.
You hated the way he was looking at you, his head tilted. He was judging you, noticing things about you that even you didn't.
The tenseness in your body, the way you were constantly looking around you, how you held your bag tight to your body. Your quick movements and that look in your eyes. The one he knew so well, the same look he'd have often.
You looked like a lost doe, eyes frantic and legs wobbly. He pitied you, knowing the inner battle raging on inside of you. One that he wish he could take away.
"How have ya been holdn' up?" he asked. Stupid question he thought. He knew from just looking at you, that if a big gust of wind were to come you'd crumble like a dry leaf in autumn.
"I uhhh-" you didn't know what to say. Do you lie to him now? "I'm getting by." you replied. Knowing that didn't fully answer his question.
You were running, not psychically but mentally. Your movements becoming more frantic, your eyes wide with fear, the lost doe cornered and trying to find a way out.
Simon knew this, as he felt it often. He did the only thing he could think of, and he wasn't sure if it was even going to work. He purred, he never purred before. Not even sure if he was doing the damn thing right, but it was pure Alpha instinct. A female in stress can sore the nose, the smell permeating far. Letting everyone know, it was old basic biology, things have evolved since then.
The purr was deep and low, sounding like a bike engine off in the distance. As he slowly stepped closer to you, making sure his shoulder were laxed and his scent enclosing around you like a bubble.
You didn't know what was happening, you felt the tightness in your chest. You began struggling to breath, wanting to dive into the garbage bin and hide. To scream, cry, kick and bite. All these emotions coursing through your body, you hands shaking. Trying to grip onto your arms, hugging yourself tight. Rubbing you neck against your shoulder. Trying anything to make this feeling go away.
Simon wrapped you in his arms, pushing your head into his chest. That's when you finally heard it, the low purring coming from it. It soothed you, making you feel like a pup being cradled by its father.
He held you tight to his chest, enclosing both of you in a bubble of his scent. Blocking out all other noise and smells. His juvenile attempt at consoling you were working, you began sucking in even and deep breaths. The tightness in your chest and back relaxing, you unwrapped your arms from yourself and wrapped them around Simon.
If you were anyone else and this was any other moment he'd he ripping your limbs off. But it was you.
The nights he'd spend wide awake, thinking about you. Everytime he closed his eyes he'd see your dead lifeless body, your dead soulless eyes staring back up at him. He couldn't sleep the first time, he had to make sure you were alright. Sneaking into a vacant apartment across the street, just to make sure she was alright, he told himself.
But it was nightly, then daily. Ignoring his own work to watch night and day. Making sure nothing could or would happen to you. He didn't know what got into himself, why he had these strong feelings towards you. What made you so special.
What made you different from the rest, you haunted him night and night out. And you were alive, so why does he keep seeing your dead body everywhere he turns.
His boss noticed he'd been quiter than normal, which is saying a lot for him. A conversation he had while sitting in his bosses office one night. He use to hate the man, seeing him as enemy number one. Making it his dying mission to take him down, to take him out.
But when shit hit the fan, and Simon was sent to prison. His years of decidated and hard work went down the drain, along with his life. He was a walking reminder, the people he considered close some even close enough to be family, all cut him off. Discarding him like he was yesterday's trash.
The man across from him in the office, sitting on the stiff leather chair. The man that went by König, he was the only one that was their for him. When he was realeased from prison, he was their at the gate. Leaning up against a black sports car. Simon thought he was dead, everyone at least still thinks he is.
He gave Simon an offer, a too good to be true offer. Turning it down, vowing to never cross that line. To go over to the other side. But after finding out that no one gave a shit, that him going to prison didn't change anything. Him taking the fall and paying the price. Just to have them all act like he never existed. So he didn't.
Death by fire, he found it fitting. He felt like his whole existence was flawed, the moment his mother became knocked up with him. A bastard growing in her belly. She left him like the rest did.
But what made you so special, it was a question that he didn't know if he'd ever get an answer to.
For two whole weeks he couldn't shake you. Lying too himself that he wasn't stalking you, that when you were gone for work, that he wasn't breaking into your place. To make sure the windows were sealed and the smoker detector wasn't low on batteries. He even fixed the buzzing from your fridge, something you did notice but chalked it up to old appliances.
If he knew any better he'd say he was infatuated with you.
With you still wrapped in his arms he brought you back to your apartment. Using your key to unlock your door, carrying you into your bedroom. Setting you down and wrapping you up. "I'll be back." he told you. Leaving for only a moment, coming back with a bag of hot food.
It was late in the night when he finally left. You were tucked into bed, everything locked and secured. He didn't like the idea of leaving you alone, but he'd be right cross the street. Having rented out the space after squatting in it for a few days. Paying for two rents wasn't ideal, but in his mind it was only tempory.
You guys talked for hours, you telling him about your past in foster care. How you saved up everything you could to move here and get this place. Only for you to now do the same so you could get out.
You told him about your dream to live out on the country side, to live a small village. To have a farm, yellow house and maybe a few pups running around. But how that dream seemed to slip away faster and faster everyday.
As he settled into postion, on the weathered chair at the window. Watching people flow in and out of the street below. His mind asked the same question it always did when he found himself in this spot. Why you? What was so special about you. But now he also thought about how he wanted to give you, your dream.
The yellow house, the farm to look after and of course the one thing he never would have wanted or thought of wanting....pups.
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tan1shere · 7 months
Could you write a Young Miko story where she notices the reader is being distant. And when she asks it’s because of hate she’s receiving online and she’s not used to it. Like Miko comforting the reader maybe? So cute to think about.
My Angel
Young Miko x female reader !
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A/n: Your wish is my command my love ! I especially find this fitting right now, so I hope this helps whoever reads it when you're facing hurtful people <3
Warnings: none, comfort only !!! Buttt maybe a bit of hate and language ? Small breakdown ?
It rang through your brain constantly. You couldn't get rid of those same words. Over. And over. Miko had noticed this change in you, she didn't know what was exactly going on but today she decided to get it out of you. You were drifting from her, it hurt her as she missed you. You knew the 'perks' of being with someone in the public eye, it wasn't as easy as you had thought. You were so confident that any hate you got you'd be able to handle it, ignore it even. Boy were you wrong. It kept on going, nonstop of how you didn't deserve her, how they'd be better. That, you could handle. You knew miko chose you for a reason. She wouldn't be here if she didn't want to be. But it started getting more brutal. Little details you even hated about yourself, they'd mention it.
Then it got to the worst of the worst kind of hate. The 'kill yourself' and so on. It was getting to you near the end. You couldn't handle it anymore.
As you sat watching TV, you couldn't stop thinking about this one message you got. "Miko is just sorry for you, she doesn't love you, I mean look at yourself. You don't belong here or even in this world at that point. Go kill yourself." It played in your mind all day, a little voice chanting it. You couldn't let the last part consume you, but you were beginning to let it just happen. We're they truly right? It was tricking your brain into thinking it was. All the voices, all the messages. You couldn't think properly. You get a tap on your shoulder, it was Miko. She was finally home. You look at her, a bit startled but your expression changed back to its gloomy self.
Although you didn't look sad per say, your demeanor was cold, off-putting. "What's up with you lately?" She just asks at random. You furrow your brows, keeping looking at her. "What do you mean?" Fiddling with your fingers, you kept looking at her. But you couldn't bare it. "You've been so distant, have I done something?" She wonders, sitting beside you. You just shake your head. "So is there something?" Now you look to the side, such a stupid give away but you could feel tears pooling and you didn't want to look stupid. She gently grabs your face, and you curse because when she does a warm liquid comes down your face.
There was no stopping them, they had been bottled up inside for far too long. "Shhh, talk to me." She brings you close rubbing your hair. "Please? Im really worried." She continues speaking, doing her same actions. You couldn't form words, you sob and sob. But her sweet heart understands completely, she takes her time with you. Knowing that whatever it was wasn't easy. Gentle touches on your hair and your cheek as you rest your head on her should. Your crying had subsidied thankfully. Your eyes stung so you just closed them. "Want to tell me what's up mama?" Her tone was soft, and comforting. "I've, been getting quite a lot of messages.." You spoke quietly, feeling your throat hurt also. Having let so much emotion out you were just genuinely tired. "What messages love?" A sigh escapes your lips. You grab your phone to just show her as it'd be easier.
She reads everything, comments, dms, posts. It hurt her, not only were they being cruel to the woman she loved, but her own fans. "It's so hurtful." Your quiet voice speaks up. "I know, I know.." She sighs now. "You don't deserve any of this, you've hardly been in anything anyway, this is so disgusting." You hated the fact she was still reading the stuff, you could see how upset she was about the whole situation. You grab your phone gently, setting it aside. "I didn't want to worry or upset you-" She shakes her head. "I'm glad you told me. Although I wish you would've done it a bit sooner, I'm glad I know now." You nod. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you til now." She kisses your forehead. "I chose you for a reason, none of these hating loosers." You smile as she speaks a small laugh coming out of you. "There she is." Shes the one smiling now, you blush at her words. "Keep that, it suits you." She refers to your smile. "Oh Miko. How'd I get so lucky." You put your head back onto her shoulder.
"How did I get so lucky with you." She rubs your arm, as a comfortable silence approaches. "Don't listen to them from now on yeah? And if there's anymore, please tell me. Its no good keeping it to yourself like that." You nod and smile at her. "I'm glad you chose me." "I'm glad I chose you too my angel."
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mimi-cee-genshin · 2 years
Just a kid - Alhaitham x f!reader
Summary: It was getting harder to deal with Alhaitham's crush on you.
Other info: fluff, childhood friends to lovers, pre-relationship, prequel to Friend-zoned? but this drabble spoils it a little, occurs after and spoils his story quest, 0.8k words
You were taken out of the world you were exploring when Alhaitham sat beside you. The patch of grass was worn underneath him and you were surprised the spot hadn't given way into the soil.
He pulled out a textbook from his bag and removed the bookmark you had made for him. It was a keepsake made from his grandmother's flowers. Periwinkle blue was her favorite color.
The scowl on his face remained even though he was seemingly engrossed in his book. From the years of experience of reading his face, you knew better than to think he was fine.
"What's wrong?" you asked. Many things had been bothering him with his new role as the Acting Grand Sage.
"It's been a long day," he said, eyes not leaving the page. "Apparently I made another enemy by pointing out the flaws in someone's project."
"Did you need my help again?" you said, laughing and rubbing his hair. He rarely got along with the other kids in your neighborhood.
"No," he said, shooing your hand away. "I had to deal with it right away. This hivemind case wouldn't have been resolved if I had simply ignored it. I was the target after all."
"Hivemind?" you asked. "You mean like in the book Giants of Heaven?"
He raised a brow. "Is that the light novel you kept trying to get me to read?"
A smile tugged on your lips. "Are you interested in it now?" Maybe he'd finally read the stack of books you wanted to share and enjoy with him.
"Not really," he said curtly, continuing to read his textbook.
"Fine…" you complained. He never looked down on you for taste in books. He just didn't enjoy light novels. "But who in their right mind would create a hivemind? It turned out horribly in the novel."
"Akademiya scholars aren't exactly the brightest bunch," he said. "You'd be much better for the position."
There he went again with the flattery. "Maybe if it were possible to get a degree in light novels," you laughed. He thought way too highly of you simply because you grew up together.
"You know I'm being serious." He closed his book and turned to you. "You'd teach them to get out of their own heads. Like you did with me."
He used to be a know-it-all as a kid, often arguing with you when what you said didn't match his book. At least now, he was more level-headed and thought through things rationally while keeping an open mind. Not to mention he learned how to discern information better.
Yet there were moments where he'd act like the child he was all those years ago. It was always so funny when he'd pretend he wasn't excited about the books you brought home from your travels. That didn't change one bit.
"Meh. I'm not that great," you told him. "I don't really want to give my life away to the Akademiya anyway."
"You've gotten better at rejecting my compliments," he stated, crossing his arms. "Did you get that from the female lead of your current book?"
"Actually, that book went on hiatus, but it's coming back later this year and–"
Alhaitham raised his brow. Cheeky kid.
"You think you're sooooo smart, don't you?"
"Apparently not smart enough," he replied. "You still haven't accepted my feelings for you yet."
He was so casual about bringing them up that it had almost caught you off guard. You lifted up your book and turned your face away from him. Water continued to trickle over rocks and down the stream.
The longing in his eyes was still the same as when you were young. Avoiding them with this book was a lost cause. You didn't understand why he was so infatuated with you, but the adorable and cute little Alhaitham you knew was now grown up and sitting inches away from you.
"I think I'm feeling hungry now. Did you want to head back?" you asked.
Alhaitham rubbed his temples. You knew he'd be annoyed since he just got here and had no intention of moving from his reading spot.
"No. But I'll be here again tomorrow."
Translation: Retreat for now and try again later. Just when was he going to give up on you?
You scaled up the small cliff using the rope he replaced last year. Maybe a drink at Puspa Café would be nice. Another trip away from Sumeru might be good too.
He was making it harder to keep on rejecting him.
I hope you liked it.
This was a mini spin-off of Friend-zoned? lol. I wanted to explore Alhaitham and the reader's interactions more. I actually have another drabble idea for them but we'll see if I actually like it enough to post it. lol.
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bloodstainedsaint · 11 months
things better left unsaid. (dick winters x nurse! reader)
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summary: you find out that perhaps war is not the best time for romance. (written as two letters from the two of you)
word count: 1650+
warnings: sappiness, angst of the pining variety, breakup(?), and ofc mentions of war
notes: any feedback would be appreciated 🫶, also inspired by @currahee's post about dick's "completely platonic" female penpal. since i've never read the letters between him and that woman myself, i took one line and ran with it
Letters written two days before D-Day. Though they were never meant to, both letters accidentally, and in no way aided by nurses and Easy Company men (specifically a man named Lewis Nixon) alike, make their way to their receiver.
Dear Dick,
I still remember the day you came into the base's hospital, looking for one of your men who’d been injured during a field exercise. You had made it difficult to pay attention to the soldier I was treating, asking like a concerned father if he would be alright. Not to mention your flaming red hair out of the corner of my eye.
Noting stupidly in the back of my mind the entrancing blue-green shade of your eyes, I had smiled and told you he would make a quick recovery. You’d returned my smile and said you'd be back to check on him. Like some silly schoolgirl, I had secretly looked forward to the return of this tall, attractive man.
Over the course of your several returns, we’d talked about ourselves while your private slept. Our easy conversations concerned simple topics, like where we came from, what we did before the war, and what we would do after it was over—though the fighting had yet to truly begin for us. There was a rumor going around base that you were a Quaker; lucky me, I found out you weren't before everyone else did.
There weren't many injuries at that time, and I guess you'd decided to stick around to watch your soldier recover. I was grateful for your company, as you were unlike a lot of the men I had encountered working here: flirty, overconfident, vulgar, you know the like. You were reserved and gentlemanly, with a small smile that I could tell you didn't show many others and a dry sense of humor. I suppose your humble beginnings in Pennsylvania had shaped you into a humble man.
Even after your soldier was released from the hospital, you came to visit me. I wasn’t sure why, and still am not today. You were a busy man after all—why spend time with a random, dime-a-dozen nurse? I wasn't complaining, though; like the fool I am, I had already began catching feelings for you, which I was sure were unreciprocated. You were probably just being respectful, I reasoned when I found my mind was full of thoughts of you, someone so upstanding wouldn't risk a relationship in times like these. If only I knew I was right. I wouldn't have bothered staying up at night overthinking every little thing you did.
During your free time, you would help me treat other patients, keep stock, move boxes, routine things like that. Over time your visits grew in frequency; so much so that your men had started teasing you whenever they saw you enter — sneak away to, rather — the nurse’s facility. I missed your company when you couldn't come visit, when arduous training took up too much of your time.
Fortunately for me, we started meeting while I was off-duty. Not surrounded by dozens of men, these stolen moments proved to be much more intimate. Taking walks around the base during the early morning before anyone else had risen or late at night when the base was fast-asleep was one of my favorite past times with you. You'd walk me to my small living quarters and offer me your jacket if it was cold, tell me about the seemingly universally hated Captain Sobel and how your men were doing. Sometimes our hands would brush, and I would feel my cheeks get warmer despite the biting cold. I could've sworn I saw your cheeks redden as well as your eyes snapped to our hands and just as quickly were averted.
Winter was coming to an end, and as the planned date for the Normandy invasion came closer, nerves were rising all around base. One mild evening, after a week of not being able to visit, you confided to me your concerns about the war. I boldly, brazenly, took your hands in mine and reassured you that everything would work out in the end. Holding my breath, we stared into each other’s eyes for what felt like a lifetime before you tentatively leaned your head down and kissed me. That was the first time I’d ever seen you unsure of yourself. My heart felt like it was going to beat out of my chest; what if we got caught? What would they do to us, to you, after everything you'd gone through? But at that moment, time slowed down. Nothing mattered. It was just you and me, my hands in yours, and your lips on mine.
After our kiss, your visits started becoming more sporadic, until days without you stretched into weeks of silence. Do you know how much I longed to hear your calm, steady voice during a busy day, to watch the dew on the grass in the morning with you, to feel the warmth of your presence next to me as the stars twinkled in the sky? Eventually, I resolved to pull you away somewhere private the next time I saw you and give you a piece of my mind.
And so I did. As soon as I saw your tall figure, I took you behind the hospital and confessed everything I was feeling towards you: the hurt, the bitterness, the betrayal, the love. Irritatingly composed, you firmly told me that you had no time for such frivolities in war. As the words left your lips, I felt my heart shatter into a million different pieces and settle like glass in my gut. I told you, my voice not even sounding like my own, “if that's what you want,” and I entered the hospital again.
It's been a week since then, and two days before you drop into Normandy. And though you'll never read this, I yearn ask you: is that what I was all along? Some distraction that you entertained before I had to be pushed aside? I would've waited for you to come back to me after the war, would've waited for a better time. Is this it for us?
Although it pains me to say that I still love you, it seems that some things are better left unsaid.
Sincerely, (Y/N)
Dear (Y/N),
It’s now two days before our drop into Normandy. Much has happened to Easy Company since Toccoa. Much has happened between you and I since we met here in England, while you were treating one of my men.
I never regarded you as a potential suitor; I couldn't do that to you. Knowing that in a few months time we would be parachuting into France, I was reluctant to develop things any further. As it stood, I had already taken an unprofessional liking to you since that day we met in the base's hospital. Our following conversations certainly did not help the matter. Starting a relationship would have jeopardized my men and myself. I had to focus on running the company, and when we got deployed, I knew having a sweetheart back somewhere safe would have fogged my mind and gotten me or someone else killed.
Yet in spite of my reservations, I got ahead of myself and began spending more and more time with you. Though it was never explicitly confirmed between the two of us, and though we never said it, many would have considered us dating. We both knew what we were doing. For a while, and with the encouragement of Nixon, I relished being with you, taking you out every morning and night, assisting you with your tasks for the day. It was nice to get away from the duty of watching over my men and focus on the person I adored.
In the spring, as the day of the invasion loomed ahead of us, things were ramping up. I couldn't see you as often as I used to or would've liked to. The day I could ended up being the day we kissed, when things changed irrevocably between us. I wasn’t acting like myself that day; I let my feelings get in the way. When I stared into your eyes, I saw a lifetime with you, and without meaning to and without much due thought, I leaned down and pressed my lips to yours. From that day on, I knew I couldn't let this continue.
I needed space from you after that, before I went careening into the uncharted territory that is romance. It pained me to avoid you, but it was for the best: I'm a ranking officer, and you're a ranking nurse. Being caught fraternizing puts us both at risk.
But more importantly, it wasn't fair to you, my men, or myself. Easy Company needs a levelheaded leader. If I were to panic in the midst of enemy fire thinking about getting back to a lover, I'd be letting them and myself down. And the thought of you receiving a letter informing you of my death is something I could never forgive myself for.
I said as much when I told you I had no time for such frivolities in war. You didn't deserve that. I'll never forget the hurt that flashed across your face. I see it every day, reflected in the morning dew on the grass and in the stars at night. In everything I used to enjoy with you.
Nixon has since convinced me to rethink my decision to break things off. Nix is a very persistent man, you could guess. I don't think two days is enough to mend what is irreparable. But I can start with a letter I'll never send, so that if the Lord allows us to meet again, I can tell you this personally:
There may not be time for frivolities in war. But when the war ends, there will be time enough for you.
Sincerely, Richard Winters
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screamingcrows · 5 months
mob boss!Pantalone x hitman!reader in fast bullet points
Note: This has been rattling around in my brain and I needed to flush it out. This is a very watered down version compared to how dark it is in my mind. Mostly because a lot of the heavy stuff would take too much setup compared to my energy level.
Warnings: dark content, guns, murder, violence, manipulation, coercion, gore, brief allusion to noncon, female reader, 'little girl' used once as petname, vague torture mention,
See any tags you don't enjoy? Don't read beyond this. Simple as that
Pantalone is a mob boss and you're his most priced hitman. Came from bad circumstances, got into worse company and ended up owing the wrong people a lot of money.
Luckily, you met Pantalone. And who would he be to turn down a young woman desperate for protection and help?
Turns out you have quite the flair for subtlety and one hell of an aim. His favorite mix of young, talented, and obedient.
He always assures you that taking someone out is a last resort. Reserved for the truly vile and irredeemable. And you trust him, you've yet to catch him lying after all. It's just…
There are a lot of bad people? A lot of dirty work to do. And suddenly you've killed more than you want to count.
What about that guy last night? With a little kid who came in and saw your target their father in a pool of their own blood?
Pantalone tries to shield you that much is evident. But you start noticing the cracks in his smile. How the little gifts and words of affirmation only come when you've been a little too distant.
You steal some cash from Pantalone that night, the moon your only witness as you bolt towards a promise of freedom in a new city.
Freedom lasts about four days before his men have tracked you down and dragged you back. They ripped out your fingernails in the car on the way, something about "making sure a feisty kitten is declawed"
"I'm disappointed in you. And you of all people should know what happens when someone disappoints me," he glances down at the pistol in his hand, letting out a tired sigh.
He offers you a deal to pay back what you'd taken. But just paying it back with cash wouldn't be enough. No, he had no real use for that.
His eyes hold no small amount of disgust as they look down at the shiny metal reflecting your bruised body. Your lip was bleeding, as was your left temple, that eye too swollen to properly open. Skin on your wrists raw and bloody from the rope. One of your shins broken. His gloved hand grabs your chin and yanks your head up to look at him, his expression cold and detached. Before you can plead for mercy he's already shoved the barrel past your lips, his nose crinkling when you try to scream around it.
"Usually this would be it. But I'm in a good mood. And it pains me so see my little girl like this"
You'd work it off of course. His smile too wide paired with those cold eyes when he assures you that it "won't be like that"
Pantalone just wants you back where you were. With the exception that you don't get to leave unaccompanied anymore. And you only take orders directly from him. Which means you have to stay at his mansion of course, he doesn't have the time to seek you out, you'll be ready at his disposal when he needs.
Promises you'll negotiate your freedom once the debt is repaid, and when has he ever lied to you?
The deal he has you sign doesn't specify the nature of his orders. But you'll find out soon enough exactly what he had in mind.
And so what if he deliberately provided the chance for you to run once he'd begun suspecting you were having doubts?
You were his now, and the ends always justify the means
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minnophee-writes · 11 months
My Little Crybaby~ Pt. 2
A/N: Here's part two to the multi-part Johnny fic uwu the drawing inspired this chapter and I also love inserting myself into fandoms, hehehe this isn't beta read so any errors are on me!
Fandom: Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Pairing: Johnny x Reader
Series Warnings: Character death, blood, violence, knives, brief knife play, implied blood kink, kidnapping, death, non-consensual touching, slight dub-con, smaller person / taller man, size difference, abuse, physical, emotional and verbal abuse, mentions of female anatomy, smut, oral sex
Chapter Warnings: Character death, blood, mentions of corpses, description of corpses, descriptions of death, knives, verbal abuse, non-consensual touching, rough touching / handling, violence, brief knife play, slight blood kink
Summary: When you wake up bound back in the basement you almost feel helpless until help arrives. You attempt to escape while witnessing your friends' lives come to an end but a certain someone wants you all to themselves.
Word Count: 2,713 words
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The last thing you remember was a handsome face with a pair of icy eyes staring intensely back at you before everything went black. Now you were in a dark, damp room - possibly in the basement if you had to guess, and your wrists were bound again. You tugged on your restraints but the rope was tightly knotted and connected to the leg of a table that was bolted into the ground. You were feeling helpless and worried about your friends but you knew that wouldn't get you out of your predicament.
'I hope Leland found the others... I need to get out of here...' you thought to yourself.
You scanned the space around you and noticed a small, blue object laying not far from your right leg. It looked like an old switch-blade, slightly dull but it would have to do.
Luckily your legs and feet weren't tied up so you began to maneuverer your leg over to the small blade, slowly dragging it toward yourself before being able to get it within arms reach. As soon as it was close enough you grasped it firmly in your hand before quickly trying to slice through the thick material. Your guess about the sharpness of the switch-blade was correct but you continued regardless, concentrating on cutting your bindings and hopefully find help or an exit.
"C'mon... c'mon, damn it."
Sweat was beginning to roll down your temples, the invisible weight of making sure you survive this hell was hanging heavy over you - but you prayed you weren't the sole survivor and that you'd see your friends again soon.
Distant noises could be heard from the other side of the door which caused you to pause your movements. You debated whether to hide the blade or attempt to cut through the rope faster but the silence that then followed was deafening. You weren't sure if your mind was playing tricks on you or not, however, you shook your head and continued your previous task. When your head was down and your concentration was on your restraints you didn't notice the door silently opening or the figure stepping into the room.
Your bindings finally released you and you massaged your tender skin around your wrists all while the figure crept toward you, your back facing them and completely oblivious to any danger. A large hand covered your mouth while the other wrapped around your torso and pinned your arms to your sides. Your shouts were muffled but your legs were still mobile so you thrashed as hard as you could, attempting to kick your attacker in the knees but then a familiar voice tried to shush you.
"Hey, hey! Y/N, it's me - it's Leland!" A male voice whispered into your ear and your head swivelled around to look at him.
"Oh my God! You nearly gave me a heart-attack," was your response, "but I'm glad to see you."
"Same here."
"Did you find the others?" You meekly asked.
Leland's face fell at the mention of your other friends and he let out an exhausted sigh. He couldn't blame your naivety of the obvious, possible outcome it but he also knew you had no clue of the horrors he encountered while you were unconscious. Leland witnessed Connie's stomach being shredded and torn open by the sharp blades of the chainsaw carried by the man in the mask, her blood and intestines falling onto the floor with a wet slap as her body then collapsed on top of her own gore. Sonny was brutally stabbed multiple times in the abdomen before the moist sheathing sound of a knife ripped through skin and embedded itself into his neck. Blood flowed down his dark skin and soaking his shirt as the man in the torn shirt and denim jeans tossed Sonny face first into the dirt below. Leland can still see Sonny's lifeless eyes peering directly at him from behind the cover of the old, wooden shed. He had also heard the pained cries of Ana echoing around him at one point then nothing. The basement had been silent ever since.
The only reason Leland knew where to find you was when he was attempting to lock-pick the side gate, and turning off the car battery electrifying the fence, he had seen the same man who had killed Sonny carrying your limp body toward a makeshift shack and carefully climbing down the ladder with you perched on his shoulders. Leland had followed after him, waiting for the perfect opportunity to sneak into the room and rescue you.
"I'm getting you out of here." Leland stated with determination, "Come on, follow me."
Leland had guided you to where the ladder was and told you the side gate is nearly prepped, he just needed a little more time picking the pad-lock. You began to climb up the ladder first while Leland watched your back, you tried to be cautious of making noise but you couldn't help your starving need to escape this nightmare. When you reached the top you didn't notice a well-crafted bone trap near the back of the shack, directly in the path to the gate.
As Leland ascended after you, you had the urge to venture toward your last obstacle to freedom when the sudden pain of sharp, needle-like claws snapped shut around your ankle and dug into your skin. You yelped in agony and fell to the ground in a heap, the pain too much to bare as tears gathered in your eyes while you tried to pry the trap off but your blood smeared across your hands making it slippery and difficult to get a firm grip on the object.
"Shit - I'm coming, Y/N!"
Leland was able to grab a bit of the twine that was holding a part of the trap together and yanked on it while also using a sharpened bone to wedge the trap open. You felt the trap's jagged, barbed spikes tear your flesh more when Leland pulled it away from your skin, all the small puncture wounds and your blood trickling down your ankle and into your sock and shoe. You whimpered in discomfort but you were grateful to have Leland's assistance and support at that current moment in time.
Leland tossed the destroyed trap to the side and extended a friendly hand toward you to help you up off the dirt. You grasped onto his hand as he steadied you to your feet, your ankle pulsing and flaring up at the pressure you were putting on it but you needed to keep moving.
You parted your lips to give Leland your thanks when suddenly the wet sound of something ripping through fabric was heard and Leland gave a grunt followed by a long, pained whine. His brows pinched aggressively and his mouth twisted into a weak snarl as he lifted an arm up and behind his back - as if to reach something, while you held onto his other hand. Your confused gaze met his terrified ones, Leland's grip on your hand began to slacken and his body descended onto his knees exposing the figure behind him.
The man that had taken you hostage stood menacingly over Leland, his hand grasping onto the leather handle of his large hunting knife and yanked it out of your friend's back. The person then pulled Leland's head back by his hair before aggressively slicing the blade across Leland's throat. Blood spurted out onto the ground below, some droplets splattered across your legs and clothes, while a large drizzle of blood landed on your cheek. Leland attempted to cry out only for him to gargle on his own blood filling his lungs and mouth, his outstretched hands grabbing onto you with what little strength he had left for support before Leland finally collapsed into the dirt with a solid 'thump'. His lifeless corpse lay motionless before you, your eyes nearly bursting out of your head and tears slowly blurring your vision as adrenaline shook your entire body.
You were in shock, your brain was trying to process what had just happened and if it was actually reality or some mess up, fever dream but the cooling sensation your friend's blood staining your body told you it was real. It actually happened.
The man's eyes were pinned on you, laser focused and a smug smile settling on his handsome face. He crept toward you while you were in your frozen state, attempting to approach you like you were some sort of rabbit.
"Hey now, it don't have to be like this." The man cooed as he slowly began to circle around you like prey. "My name's Johnny, and you are...?"
You stayed silent, fearful that anything you say might be your last, and you didn't want it to be something stupid either. You just watched him and jerked your body out of arms reach when he got too close for comfort.
"Listen here, Rabbit, you do as I tell you and everything will be fine..."
Your body and mind were screaming at you to run, run as fast as you could but a small part of you knew your stamina would be your downfall. You be that 'Johnny' would catch up to you in no time if he tired you out. That reasoning flew out the window as soon as Johnny took another step closer toward you again and you took off like a tightly wound spring being released. Your mind chose flight over fight and your legs dashed you through the small, wooden shack and straight for the side gate.
"Hey! Get your ass back here!" Johnny shouted after you as he took chase, "I ain't done with you yet, sweet-cheeks."
Your legs propelled you forward but muscular arms encased around your stomach and pulled you into the rough embrace of Johnny, his grip like a python's and unwilling to let you go. You screamed in terror and thrashed your entire body in hopes to stun your assailant with a head-butt to the face, or a sharp strike in the thigh or knee.
Johnny chuckled at your weak attempts and dragged you back to the ladder while you tried to cling onto any stable object or grooves in the walls to prevent him from dragging you down into the basement again. Everything slipped through your fingers like sand before you had a chance to properly grasp anything and your legs kicked the air as Johnny held you firmly in his arms. A rough, callused hand slapped itself over your parted lips as you went to shout again, silencing you as to not have Johnny's family hear that he kept one alive.
"Now, now, rabbit - you need to calm down and shut the hell up or I'm gonna have to make you..." Johnny's eyes glared at you as you stopped jerking in his arms. "Good. Keep your mouth shut, do as I say and maybe I'll give you a reward."
You didn't want to be mutilated like the others so you followed, mainly dragged, back into the dark room again but this time Johnny pulled a pair of cuffs from his jean's back pocket. Johnny slapped one end of the cuff to your bruised wrist and attached the other end to a rusted pipe next to the table you were previously restrained to. You tried to give Johnny the nastiest glare you could but he only seemed to chuckle at you, your scowl looking more of a pout through his eyes.
"No need to sulk, little rabbit." Johnny slowly strutted over to the other side of the table and examining something on its surface, "I promise we're gonna have so much fun."
He lifted a small knife off the table, another switch-blade but a black one. Your entire body tensed in anticipation and you pressed even closer against the wall, you weren't keen on what Johnny planned for you and you didn't plan on finding out. A gasp left your lips as you slightly rattled the cuff, you let out a low whine as Johnny crept closer to you with the knife in his hand.
"No, no, no - please! Please don't hurt me!" Your voice cracked as fear took over your mind making you panicked like a startled deer.
A sharp sting could be felt across your left cheek, a small trickle of blood appeared soon after. Johnny then quickly flicked the blade over your right collar bone causing you to cry out in pain from the sudden cuts. You lifted your free arm to protect yourself but Johnny just laughed at your misery, he then slashed your forearm - the cut going a bit deeper than he intended and you cradled your arm into your chest.
Tears flowed down your face as your face, chest and arm left like they were on fire, your body curling into itself for protection as your distressed mind attempted to process cherished memories of family and friends flashing in your head. Johnny gave a little sigh before he made his way to a rotten cabinet and grabbed some sort of medicine bottle, with faded labelling, and a frayed rag.
Johnny paused in front of the table again where he placed the switch-blade before grasping it in his hand and leisurely flicked his tongue across the blade, cleaning your blood from it while staring down at you intensely with a hidden emotion behind them. Johnny then focused on cleaning your wounds while you made an effort to distance yourself from him.
"Calm down rabbit, making sure your weak body heals." He soaked the rag in the mysterious liquid from the bottle and began to wipe your cuts and blood.
You squirmed a bit from the slight pain as Johnny cleaned your injuries. Your body trembled from the close proximity between you both, his intimidating figure hovered over your much smaller one and you could smell his natural musky scent of blood, dirt, and leather. You also noticed that Johnny had a faded scar on his face that runs from his hairline, down his left eye and curves onto his cheek. You only realised it was were because your subconscious mind relaxed at Johnny's tranquil motions as he softly caressed the rag over your skin and murmured praises into your ear.
Once he was done cleaning your injuries Johnny stood up and threw away the bloody rag and stroked your hair briefly, he squatted down to your level with a deadpan stare - his eyes expressing grave seriousness when he spoke to you next.
"Now listen here, little rabbit, you alert anyone that you're down here my family will gut you like your friends. So if you want to live you do as I say when I say - got it?"
Johnny grasped your face and made sure you looked into his eyes, he wanted to know that you understood what he was saying. He wanted to keep a victim for once, his sexual urges have plagued him for months and finally he has a little toy to play with but need to make sure his family was oblivious. He found the perfect pet, you, and he didn't plan on letting you go any time soon.
"You're mine. I'll take care of you as long as you listen to me." He lastly stated, his blue eyes connecting with yours.
You're lips quivered as you attempted to blink the tears from your vision. Johnny gave your cheek a pat and his chapped lips pressed against your forehead before he got up, left the room, and locked the door - leaving you alone again.
You struggled to muffle your cries but you finally released your bottled up emotions and sobbed into your hands. You were trapped underground with a very unstable man as your keeper and his family had brutally murdered your friends without reason.
You leaned against the corroding wall and closed your eyes, you tried to believe this was all just a nightmare but no matter how many times you made an effort to wake up back in your own room you would open your eyes again only to see the same decaying room. The next time you closed your eyes your mind then decided to drift off into a restless slumber.
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themoonsbride · 2 years
Protective Peter is just something else.. 🥵 Andd because of him I was thinking about requesting one shot with him - where reader is scared, sitting in the chair with the scientists around her, listening their talking about another experiments they want to do on her, and when she's almost crying, Peter enters the room and with just one move of his hand all the scientists are dead 🤭 I just know that he would be the most protective boyfriend ever 🤤
I had fun writing this !! thank you so much for your request beautiful ♡
Give Me Your Heart And Your Hand And We Can Run .
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pairing; Protective!boyfriend!Peter Ballard x Fem!Reader
summary; In the request! readers scared whilst listening to the scientists talk about tests to run on her, and when she finds herself on the edge of tears, Peter comes in and takes her away. <3
warnings; mentions of murder, crying, extreme fear
a/n; I'm trying so hard to think of something to write for Anthony Hope oh my god it's not even funny
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The sound of printing and machinery filled the room, but the fear was the only thing blanking everything out. Your skin prickled with goosebumps.
Scientists were inside of the testing room, where you'd been forced into. You didn't want to do this, you missed the outside world.
People must've thought you were dead, or just went missing, maybe even moved. You hated to think about it, you weren't dead, you were kidnapped.
You tried to focus on reality, fear was consuming you, bound to swallow you whole at some point.
Suddenly there was a headset being forced onto your head, thankfully they wouldn't be buzzing you to your scalp since you were 28.
At least they allowed you some sort of freedom, but only because you knew the fucked intentions or Hawkins Labrotory.
You'd read the newspapers, the articles, hell you've seen the building for yourself before you became trapped inside if that place like someone trapped a hamster inside a cage.
And the facility making you play along in their tests and mess of genetics to give you physiological powers was like the hamster running on the wheel.
You focused your attention on the white walls, then the tiled flooring, the feeling of the headset thats wrapped around your head, and suddenly reality had pulled you back to itself.
"Is Brenner going to allow us to put her inside of the Nina project?" One of the female scientists asked, your ears were suddenly one of the most active senses you had.
You glanced up at the camera in the corner, the red blinking light was the most color there could've been inside the room.
You looked down at the floor, it had a shine to it from the nauseating white lights in the ceiling slabs. it reminded you of the classroom ceiling from high school.
"Brenner hasn't had any of the others test out the Nina project, it could be dangerous."
"But he needs a test subject, we could use her instead of risking one of the children subjects."
Your breathe caught inside of your throat. Children subjects? what the fuck? this rancid place tested on children?
"No, Brenner strictly informed us to not interfere her with anything else until we've studied her brain enough to estimate what she can and cannot do."
"It's still worth a chance to confrence with him and discuss having use her as a test run for Nina."
Your heart rate felt like it was beginning to speed as your fear began to swallow and digest you.
"Fine, we will conference with Brenner and discuss it then, but as of now we are focusing on seeing if her mind can handle the challenge of the test examples we have in place."
You weren't sure if you'd ever make it out if this building alive, or what it would've mattered even if you did, how would you cover it up to the outside world? where people didn't know the containments of Hawkins Labrotory.
You didn't want to be here, or anywhere else in the building, you weren't sure where you wanted to be, you just wanted to get away.
Your throat began to feel sore, like there was a wire wrapping itself in your nerves of your neck, and your eyes became soggy.
This was not what you would've expected your adult-life to have turned into, a lab rat. Your life has been now officially thrown away, and all you could do is live in fear.
Except that's not whats happening. And you knew that everything was now changing for you and your future when you saw the man you'd fallen in love with opened the door those scientists forced you behind.
He seemed normal, except he looked at you, for a split second, but it didn't feel like a normal glance he'd spare you, he was telling you something.
You couldn't piece together what though, what was he telling you?
"Is there something in need for you Mr. Ballard?"
"Yes, actually, I'm in need of Ms. L/n." His voice seemed firm
"Did Brenner ask you to escourt her to him?"
"Not quite."
"We're going to have to ask you to leave-"
"Gladly." And with the quick turn of his head, they all dropped dead.
You gasped quickly, as he walked over to you whilst the alarms throughout entire facility blarred.
"What did.. What did you just do?!" You asked him as he grabbed your hand, the both of you running out of the room.
"I took care of them so we can leave, like they asked us too." He looked over at you whilst the two of you ran, hand in hand and undoubtedly in love, smiling cheekily.
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anyon-else · 1 year
I Set A Fire to My Soul (I Hope It Ate 'Till It Was Full) (The Red Room pt.9) | You realize after spending two weeks at the compound that existing peacefully actually seems like a plausible way of spending your life. It makes you feel free, a feeling that you're wholly unfamiliar with. It's something you want to get used to. (Marvel AU) – spotify playlist | read on ao3
Pairings | Kakashi Hatake x Black Widow!Reader + Sakura Haruno, Sasuke Uchiha, Naruto Uzumaki, Orochimaru (mentioned), Kabuto Yakushi (mentioned)
Warnings | female!reader, fluff!!! some hurt/comfort, not much this time around (just you wait though)
Word count | 6.4k
(previous chapter) | (next chapter) | (series masterlist)
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"It was as if someone had handed me the moon, and what does one do with the moon? What does one do with a life when one had expected to be dead?"
Marya Hornbacher, Waiting
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At first glance, Kakashi's room was sparse of anything but a few pictures and a small potted plant in the window. It was the opposite of Sakura's room, which was teeming with decor and testaments to things she was interested in before she was taken. Seeing it had been like seeing a version of Sakura that you'd never had the chance to meet. A happier version.
But Kakashi's room gave little away.
You weren't exactly sure what you were seeking from Kakashi, and you almost wished he'd suggest something for you to do. You were standing awkwardly by the door as the man gathered a few books from his bed and set them aside. You eyed the newly-emptied space and wondered if it was too late to back out the door and shut yourself in your room.
But the thought of being alone again made your stomach twist in fear rather than nervousness. This was easy compared to the idea of dreaming of Orochimaru again. You were having trouble coping with the hold that he still had on you in your dreams.
"You can sleep in the bed, if you'd like. I can sleep on the floor, or–"
"No, don't. I'm imposing on you, I shouldn't take your bed too."
You both eyed the rather sizable space on the mattress, and you were sure that Kakashi was turning over the same idea that you were. Sharing a bed didn't seem all that different from sleeping together in the tent, but this wasn't something you were doing out of necessity. This was born out of fear and crippling solitude.
"I...don't want you to do anything you're not comfortable with."
Were you comfortable with Kakashi? It felt like you were, but you couldn't remember when exactly that shift had taken place. On the mission, when you'd accepted that you had to rely on him to watch your back? Or at his house when you spent nights getting a few hours of light sleep on the couch with him.
Admittedly, his bed looked much more comfortable than his couch.
"It's fine," you took a hesitant step towards his bed, glaring at it like it was an obstacle, "I don't mind."
He clearly didn't believe you, but he shrugged, slipped under his covers, and picked his book back up. No expectations or demands, but not a rejection either. It was a new type of kindness that made something in your chest loosen.
You slipped carefully under the covers on the opposite side of the bed, leaving enough room so that you wouldn't shift and touch Kakashi in your sleep.
The mattress sank with your added weight, and you turned on your side to face Kakashi, eyes cracked open. As much as you wanted to avoid looking at him for fear of getting flustered, you still couldn't bring yourself to put your back to someone who wasn't Sakura. This was all so new. Trusting someone enough to keep them out of sight while you slept was one too many obstacles for the night.
But your quick heartbeat wasn't the same as it had been during your panic attack. It wasn't a feeling that threatened to consume you. It was just a reminder that you were in close proximity to Kakashi.
You were starting to accept that there was something about being in his presence that made sleeping through the night peaceful. That something also seemed to make the logical side of your mind shut down.
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That night, Kakashi woke up gasping for air.
He knew that being next to you wouldn't give him a one-hundred percent success rate for restful nights, but he'd at least hoped that he wouldn't have to deal with waking from a nightmare in front of you so soon. Maybe after you'd both gotten used to this arrangement (one that he selfishly hoped would last longer than one night).
Obito's face still lingered in front of him, and he shook away the unwanted images of his friends dead, all because he wasn't strong enough to keep them safe.
"You okay?"
He glanced down at you and chuckled at the unfamiliar picture of your eyes barely open and your face pressed against a pillow. He should've figured that you'd be a light sleeper. Next time he'd have to try and control himself after waking up. You hadn't come here just to be burdened by his nightmares.
"Yeah," he sighed, "sorry, I'm alright. Go back to sleep."
He let out a heavy sigh, resting his head in his hands and squeezing his eyes shut. He had to keep it together. At least until you had fully adjusted.
"If you want to talk about it," you said quietly, voice still groggy, "I don't mind."
He laughed, looking down at you with a small smile.
"You don't look happy to be awake right now."
"I can be awake," you shrugged. He started to protest when you shifted, but you waved him off and settled on your side.
"Lay down," you muttered, more of a suggestion than anything else, but he didn't hesitate to do as you asked. "Hold out your hand."
Again, with little hesitation and almost no thought of your motives, he extended his hand until it was midway between you and him. You mirrored the movement, and he froze from shock alone when you hooked your pinkie around his. He wondered if it was just exhaustion that was making you act without thinking, but you seemed a bit more aware now. Maybe you were just becoming comfortable with his presence faster than he'd expected.
"I used to do this with Sakura," you whispered with a fond smile. "She was troublesome. Whenever I messed up and got thrown in a cell overnight, she would always make sure she ended up there with me. There were grates between each cell with just enough space for us to do this. She wanted me to know that I wasn't alone."
Kakashi felt his chest ache at the idea of you and Sakura being imprisoned in the place that was supposed to be your home. The image of Sakura deliberately putting herself there just to do then what you were doing for him now made the gesture feel much more significant. It almost felt sacred.
"It made me feel at ease," you whispered, eyes barely open, "how do you feel now?"
In all honesty, his heart was still racing. But images of bloody bodies and comrades lost weren't haunting him anymore. He gave a hum in response and closed his eyes, focusing on the warm point of contact between you. He felt that warmth spread through the rest of his body and lull him to sleep.
He only slept for a few more hours, but he woke well-rested and found that he had an easier time fending off unwanted memories than the last time he'd jolted awake.
He also felt a strange, unfamiliar weight on his arm.
You hadn't woken yet, but you had moved at some point in the few hours since you'd both fallen asleep. Instead of just holding on to his pinkie, you had grabbed his hand and pulled it towards you, hugging his arm and tucking it into your chest.
He felt his heartbeat pick up again. He sat completely still, afraid that moving would wake you up.
He thought he'd seen what you looked like when you were at peace when you slept during the mission. Even when you spent nights on the couch, you seemed to be sleeping peacefully. Now, you almost looked happy. He swore that he saw a small smile on your face, though that could've just been his mind playing tricks on him.
He thought back to when Sakura was younger and small enough that he could lift her on his shoulders. At that age, she liked the feeling of being surrounded in a hug. He always wondered if it was the reassurance that nothing could get to her that was appealing.
Kakashi had spent his fair share of nights trying to chase away nightmares of her parents' deaths by hugging her close and keeping her tucked under his chin. He couldn't imagine that her nightmares improved while she was in the Red Room. It was likely that you had taken over for him and spent nights keeping Sakura close to try and unburden her of her fears.
Maybe you'd gotten used to having something to hold. Maybe being deprived of that now was taking more of a toll on you than you realized.
He did his best to keep still, but a few moments later, your grip on his arm and hand tightened enough that he knew you'd woken up. He glanced up and met your eyes, though you looked more confused than anything else.
"Mm..." you sucked in a breath, looking down at where you were holding Kakashi's hand. Realization dawned on you at the same moment that you threw it back at him, your confusion morphing into horror, "I'm so sorry. I didn't even realize–"
"It's alright."
"I didn't mean to...make you uncomfortable or anything."
"You didn't."
"Oh," you huffed, turning on your back and staring up at the ceiling, "okay. Good."
He wanted to ask if you remembered waking up last night, either to give you some peace of mind that he'd been perfectly comfortable with you touching him or to determine whether or not it was drowsiness that made you so open to comforting him. But you looked embarrassed enough as it was, so he kept his mouth shut.
"Thank you for letting me stay here," you said quietly, "I appreciate it."
You nodded, giving him a small, half-hearted smile before you were on your feet and heading towards the door. He sat up and watched you go, searching for the right words.
"I mean it," he rushed out before you could rush out. You glanced back, expression unreadable, "really. You can sleep here anytime you want."
It shouldn't have been this hard to talk to someone, but he felt himself second-guessing all of his words just to make sure they were the right ones. He wanted to figure out how to talk to you in a way that made you feel at peace.
"Okay," you nodded, "thank you."
He didn't expect you to accept his offer, but that night, you were in front of his door once again.
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Two weeks later
Sakura woke up far earlier than she would've liked with stiff limbs and excess energy to burn off. Her room had enough space that she could stretch out on the floor and try to loosen up, but she still felt an ache in her legs that she knew was a result of cutting off her training so abruptly after her escape. She had gotten used to an intense daily routine in the Red Room, and while it wasn't the most pleasant form of training, she almost missed starting her mornings with activity.
It had been nearly two months since she was given permission by her doctors to spar. And while she didn't want to bother you to train with her, Naruto and Sasuke wouldn't be as much fun. They didn't know the tricks and techniques that she'd learned in the four years that she'd been gone, and they'd have to take time to get used to her new fighting style. That morning, she found herself itching for a challenge.
Your room was only one door down from hers, and she hadn't pondered much on the habitual silence coming from it day after day since you'd returned. She knew that you were light on your feet, but around her you weren't as careful. You'd never felt the need to hide your presence from her. She helped you get used to the idea that you were allowed to take up space. That you didn't need to conceal your presence like a ghost everywhere you went.
When she opened the door and peaked into your room, she was only slightly concerned to find it empty. In fact, it looked untouched. She didn't even see your small bag of clothes next to the bed where you usually kept it.
Were you out? No, you wouldn't have left without telling her. Maybe you were already in the gym? Did you go for a run? Were you making breakfast? It was five in the morning, no one was up yet and the compound was silent. She could hear her own footsteps echoing in the hallway; she would've heard you if you were wandering around.
She didn't start worrying until she had stopped in all of the main rooms of the compound and found them vacant.
It wasn't like you to disappear without a word. You knew how worried she'd get if you left without telling her, so she was confident that if you had left of your own volition, she would've been the first to know. That left one option: you had been taken. Maybe HYDRA had taken you, or SHIELD had found out that you were staying here.
In her panic, she realized that she needed to tell Kakashi-sensei that you had disappeared. While there were quite a few plausible explanations for your absence, all of them seemed less likely than the worst-case scenarios. Sakura wasn't used to not knowing where you were, and it was making her panic grow by the second.
She sprinted down the hall, mind racing through possible explanations faster than she could keep up with them, and her panic had grown enough by the time she reached Kakashi's room that she disregarded any need for privacy.
"Kakashi-sensei," she gasped as she opened his door, swinging it against the wall with a bang, "I can't find..."
What? What?
You were...in Kakashi-sensei's room. You were in Kakashi-sensei's bed. Kakashi-sensei was in the shower and the door was shut, and you were sitting under his covers like you had slept there. Had you slept there? What was going on?
Sakura felt like she had fallen into an alternate universe.
You were staring at Sakura like she was a ghost. In fact, she wasn't sure she had ever seen that expression on your face before. She had seen worry and fear, but never this mix of shock and embarrassment. She wished she had a camera.
"What are you doing here?" you said through grit teeth after a long silence. You glanced between Sakura standing shocked in the hallway and the closed bathroom door where the shower was still running.
"What am I doing here?" Sakura let out a disbelieving laugh, "what are you doing here? Does Kakashi-sensei know that you're in his room?"
"Wha-of course he does! It's not what you think, nothing is going on, but you need to leave! You can't just walk into people's rooms!" you said. You looked like you were aging years in the seconds that Sakura was standing in the doorway. You glanced back with a groan when the shower cut off, "Go, go, we'll talk later."
You stood from the bed and practically tackled her through the door. She stumbled back with a disbelieving laugh, a mix of shock and glee on her face.
"We will talk about this later," you repeated calmly, though you still looked mortified, "Just...go back to sleep or something. Do not tell the others."
The door slammed before she could say anything else, and it took her about a minute to move from in front of it. Her paralysis lasted until she heard you shuffle back to bed, and it reminded her that you weren't only sleeping in Kakashi-sensei's room, you were sleeping in his bed. She still hadn't quite recovered from the shock, and processing what she had just seen seemed like a monumental task. How had she not noticed?
Sakura nearly sprinted away from the room, rushing down the hall and opening Naruto's door in the same abrupt fashion as she had Kakashi-sensei's.
"Naruto," Sakura whispered, hoping that you hadn't hear her scampering away from Kakashi-sensei's room, "Naruto! Wake up!"
"Huh...wha-? Sakura, wha's goin' on?"
Naruto's face was pressed into his pillow, and he looked like he had no intention of getting up despite Sakura's urgent tone.
"Naruto, come on," she grinned, shaking the boy, "Y/N is in Kakashi-sensei's room."
Naruto shot up at her words, fully awake and staring at her with wide eyes. She nodded when he gave her a disbelieving laugh, grin growing wider.
"No way," he laughed again, and Sakura slapped a hand over his mouth when he opened it again.
"She'll hear you, dummy! We have to be quiet!"
Naruto looked at her wide-eyed, nodding against her hand and waiting patiently for her to deem him ready to be released.
Sasuke's room was a bit more intimidating than Naruto's, and Sakura found herself calming enough to knock quietly at his door. He opened it a moment later, rubbing his eyes and glaring at Sakura and Naruto tiredly.
"It's five in the morning," he grumbled, then perked up, "is something wrong?"
"No," Sakura shook her head at the same time that Naruto gleefully said, "yes!"
Sasuke looked unimpressed.
"Y/N is in Kakashi-sensei's room!"
While Kakashi-sensei had trained his charges extensively in stealth, they seemed to forget all of their lessons as they stumbled down the hall to his room. Naruto couldn't stop giggling as he raced down the hall, and Sasuke looked more shocked that Sakura had ever seen him.
This was new and very exciting territory. Kakashi-sensei had never had a...
A what? A girlfriend? The idea of you being someone's girlfriend felt wrong to Sakura; it was so...normal.
"What do we do?" Naruto whispered, backing away from Kakashi's door like it was a wild animal.
"There's no way this is happening," Sasuke whispered, head in his hands and voice very distressed, "what is going on?"
"This is weird, right?" Naruto whispered nervously, "I mean, we're just...sitting outside of his room."
"We need answers!" Sakura grinned. "This has never happened before. I mean, Kakashi-sensei? No one ever sleeps in his room with him!"
When had this happened? She was wracking her brain to create a timeline of events, but she was coming up empty. Maybe something had changed on the mission.
That would be so romantic.
Footsteps sounded on the other side of the door, and she heard you mumbling something to Kakashi as you approached.
"Hide!" Sakura whispered, though not as quietly as she would've liked. All three of them stumbled to their feet, and Sakura groaned at their luck when Naruto tripped over Sasuke and took both of them down. She grabbed them by the back of their shirts and tried dragging them to their feet and out of sight, but the door clicked open before she could begin moving them at all.
"Jesus," you gasped, backing away from the three with a hand over your chest. Sakura supposed they probably looked like a comedy skit, all tangled up on the floor and looking at you like deer in headlights.
"What?" Kakashi said from out of sight. When he appeared, Sakura almost laughed.
He was wearing a fluffy grey robe that was tied tightly around his waist. His hair was dripping from the shower, and he was maskless.
"No way," Sasuke muttered again, followed by a delighted laugh from Naruto.
There was a long moment when the five of you just stared at one another. Then Kakashi nudged you out of the way, grabbed the door, and slammed it shut.
"What are you doing?" you hissed at him. He was red to the tops of his ears, and he was looking just about anywhere to avoid meeting your eyes. "Now they'll be even more suspicious!"
"I was caught off guard!" he whispered back, voice low enough that the kids would only be able to hear if they were pressed against door. The thought had you glancing at the shadows under the crack of the wood. You narrowed your eyes and kicked it.
"Ow," Naruto shouted, followed by two identical shushes from Sasuke and Sakura. You scowled.
"I'm never going to have a day of peace again," Kakashi grumbled, "they'll never let me live this down."
"Maybe because you slammed the door in their faces. You look like a teenager who was caught by their parents."
"I've never had to deal with this before!" he threw his hands in the air, "even if it's just for nightmares, they'll be insufferable. All of the questions..."
His face fell into lethargic horror at the thought.
"Don't be dramatic," you huffed. You opened the door in one swing and glared down at the three brats falling at your feet. Sakura met your glare with an innocent smile.
"Good morning," she smiled. You glared harder, "it's lovely out today. Wanna go on a walk?"
"No," you grumbled, "I want peace."
"We want answer-mmhp," Naruto shouted over Sakura shoulder, cut off by her hand blindly slapping backwards and landing over his mouth. She held it there and gave you another innocent smile.
"Listen, all three of you. I will say this one time and one time only."
The kids all froze, and you even noticed Kakashi stop in his tracks to look at you.
"I have nightmares, and being next to someone at night helps. That's all."
"Aw man," Naruto grumbled, turning towards Sasuke, "we thought Kakashi-sensei had a girlfriend."
"Hey," Kakashi stuck his head through the door, now fully dressed and slightly less red than before, "all of you go run three miles."
"Wha–, sensei," Sakura groaned, "what were we supposed to think? You were practically naked–"
"Four miles."
"Fine, fine, geez."
Naruto and Sakura sulked towards the gym, but Sasuke paused and gave you a long glance. It didn't hold any of his previous coldness; now it was just curiosity that lingered in his gaze. Once he was apparently satisfied with his observation, he glanced at Kakashi and tilted his head, then turned and followed Sakura and Naruto down the hall.
"Good morning," you muttered to a wide-eyed Kakashi. He looked like he had gone into overdrive, and you imagined he was picturing the horrors that would come that day as a result of this incident. Five miles wouldn't do much good to deter them from being insufferable.
"Right," Kakashi sighed, "great morning. Once I leave this room, I'll live the rest of my life being tortured."
"Oh, please," you waved his concerns away, "how bad could they be?"
"You clearly haven't spent enough time with all three of them together," Kakashi mumbled, "they feed off of one another. They're evil."
"Dramatic," you repeated, glaring pointedly at the mask that he was pulling over his nose. He shrugged.
When you left Kakashi's room, it didn't take long for you to run into Naruto. He was standing in the doorway that led into the gym, watching Sakura and Sasuke spar disinterestedly. When he saw you next to him, he perked up. It was the first time you'd ever gotten such an enthused reaction from the boy.
"Hey," he looked behind you, presumably for Kakashi, "can I, uh...talk to you?"
Interesting, but not as weird as it would have been if he hadn't just discovered you sleeping in his guardian's room. You leaned against the opposite side of the doorframe and tried to look as open and safe as possible.
"I thought you were supposed to be running?" you asked.
"Nah, Kakashi-sensei's never serious about that stuff," Naruto laughed, and you couldn't help a small smile. Kakashi really was like a father to them, and you desperately hoped Naruto didn't see you and this newfound closeness as a threat to him.
"I just wanted to...ask what your intentions are, I guess? With Kakashi-sensei."
You almost laughed at the question, but Naruto looked dead serious. You glanced at Sakura and Sasuke and saw that they hadn't stopped sparring to look at you and Naruto. So this conversation was likely happening independent of their input.
"I don't have any intentions," you said simply, "what I told you is all there is. It's a mutually beneficial arrangement, that's all."
Naruto didn't look convinced, but he moved on quickly.
"We didn't exactly meet on great terms, but I know from what Sakura's told me and from what I've seen that you're a good person. It's just that...Kakashi-sensei doesn't have that many people that he relies on. He has friends, sure, but they're more like...coworkers. He goes on missions with them, so he always feels like he has a responsibility to keep them safe. He doesn't really let his guard down much. I don't know why, but he doesn't act that way with you."
You weren't sure how you felt about being told that you were unique in someone's eyes. For most of your life, you were simply a cog in a machine. There was nothing about you that differed from your fellow Widows. You were basically a copy of the girls who came before.
"He lets his guard down around you. And he does that with us too, but he's our guardian. I think your presence is like...a reassurance that he can unwind without worrying that someone will get hurt. He's always looking out for us, never letting himself rest, so maybe you can take some of that weight off of him. Keep him from taking on too much."
"I think you're overestimating how much he trusts me."
"No," Naruto smiled, and you tried to reconcile the boy standing in front of you giving you rather wise advice with the one who had come poking around your cell when you first met, "he does. I think it makes him nervous how much he does."
"How can you tell?"
"Dunno," Naruto shrugged, "but we spend every day with him. We notice when things have changed. And all three of us have noticed it. He's more relaxed."
Did he seem more relaxed? You supposed that you hadn't known him before, so you didn't have anything to compare it to, but it was hard to imagine Kakashi being even more vigilant than he already was. You wondered just how much stress he was under on a day-to-day basis.
"Please don't leave," Naruto muttered. Your eyes widened, and you had to stop yourself from letting out a shocked laugh, "if you do, it won't just hurt Sakura. It'll hurt him too. I don't think he even realizes that, but it will. And none of us want to see that happen."
"I don't think–"
"It's true."
"Shit–" you jumped away from Sasuke, who had somehow managed to stand behind you and listen in on the conversation without you noticing, "again? Seriously, this shouldn't keep happening. I'm supposed to be a spy."
"Maybe you're distracted because you're talking about Kakashi-sensei," Sakura said with a sly smile. You narrowed your eyes at her.
"Why would I be distracted?"
"Oh, no reason," she shrugged, taking Naruto and Sasuke by the arms and dragging them back to the middle of the gym, "no reason at all."
Distracted. You weren't easily distracted, and Kakashi was low on the list of people who could throw you off balance. Orochimaru and Kabuto were distracting. Kakashi was just Kakashi. He didn't stop you from breathing. He sometimes made it easier.
That wasn't distraction.
You pushed Sakura's irritatingly cryptic words aside and joined Sasuke next to the mats, watching Naruto have a significant amount of trouble taking Sakura down. Both were laughing, and even Sasuke had a fond smile on his face as he studied the match. You noticed that he was paying more attention to Sakura than Naruto, eyes focused on her footwork as she side-stepped her opponent's attack and knocked him to the ground.
"How come," Naruto panted, stretching out the shoulder that he'd landed on when he fell, "I can't keep up with you anymore? It's not fair."
"How do you think I feel? I miss having sparring partners who can actually put up a fight"
"Kidding, kidding," Sakura laughed, turning away from a sputtering Naruto. "Oh. good morning, Kakashi-sensei. Sleep well?"
"I slept fine, thank you for asking, Sakura," Kakashi spoke smoothly, no trace of his previous embarrassment in his voice, "and you?"
"Oh, it was a bit lonely," she shrugged, "but I suppose you wouldn't understand that problem."
Sasuke snickered, then became conveniently enraptured by the opposite wall when you glared at him.
"Hey, Kakashi-sensei could take you down!" Naruto told Sakura, pointing at the man excitedly.
"Of course he could," Sakura scoffed, "I didn't train that hard."
She glanced at you, and in some sudden revelation, her eyes widened and she jumped off of the mats. You let her hurriedly push you onto them in her place with just a bit of resistance and a dead expression on your face.
"Spar Kakashi-sensei!"
You gave her a flat look, wholly uninterested in sparring at the moment. You needed breakfast. You were also in the middle of a good part of Icha-Icha, but you'd been too tired last night to keep reading. You'd been looking forward to returning to it all morning.
"I'm tired."
"No, you're not. You slept great."
"You're such a little shit," you grumbled, glaring at her, then at Naruto and Sasuke with equal amounts of contempt, "all of you."
Naruto was grinning and trying to pull an equally as inconvenienced-looking Kakashi onto the mats with you.
"Don't you three want food? I know none of you can cook."
"Cook after!"
"Maybe I won't want to after."
"We'll go out."
All three were watching you and Kakashi eagerly. Sakura looked conflicted, like she was trying to decide who she should place her bets on.
"Did you three finish your five miles?"
"Of course we did!"
"Pretty quick for a couple of short stacks."
You snickered, ignoring Sakura's glare.
"Fine," Kakashi said, meeting your unimpressed stare with a smile, "but I expect you to observe carefully. You'll be seeing two different fighting styles, so pay close attention to the strengths and weaknesses of both."
"Kakashi-sensei," Naruto groaned, "why does everything have to be training?"
"Oh, I'm sorry, Naruto," Kakashi turned his smile from you to the sulking boy, "would you prefer to write me an essay on this instead?"
"No! Not at all, I'll watch very diligently."
"Good," Kakashi nodded, then turned to you, "well, this feels familiar."
"Right," you scoffed, "because last time was just so much fun."
Sakura was looking between you and Kakashi with wide eyes, and you didn't want to imagine what kinds of assumptions she was making about your comment. You ignored her questioning gaze and steadied yourself in front of your opponent, hands raised in a defensive position.
Kakashi still had his hands in his pockets, and in the split second that you wondered if you should attack first, he was gone.
He's quick, you thought with a scowl, though not quick enough that you couldn't detect his presence behind you. You stepped forward just as his leg attempted to kick yours from under you, and you barely missed getting thrown to the ground as you spun towards him.
You heard a mix of shouts from the kids, and most of them were encouragements for Kakashi as you continuously sidestepped his attacks.
But he was the only one attacking. You were just trying to keep up.
He had you cornered, and you let out a frustrated grunt when you felt your foot hit the edge of the mat. Kakashi barely paused, so you settled on a rather crude attack and leapt at him, grabbing him around the waist and pulling him to the ground.
He landed on his back with a surprised grunt, though it didn't take him long to recover. This time, though, you had the upper hand on him. Your attacks were swifter, but they had less power behind them. One technique that was encouraged in the Red Room was to tire an opponent out with fast attacks until they couldn't counter one with increased strength. It was especially useful for stronger opponents like Kakashi, who used more raw strength in his offense.
The match continued for far longer than you would've liked. You'd thought that you'd have an easier time beating him, but you wondered if he would actually manage to take you down. You were on fairly even footing in terms of skill, you'd known that from the beginning, but you knew enough tricks that you thought you'd have the edge on him.
It seemed you'd underestimated his strategies. It must've been a lingering feeling of superiority over SHIELD that rubbed off on you from Orochimaru.
You were even more surprised when, in your momentary distraction, Kakashi reused his move from the beginning of the fight and swept your legs out from under you. You landed with an oof on the mat, head knocking against it and arm aching where your gunshot wound had almost finished healing. You probably shouldn't have been sparring, but curiosity about Kakashi's skill in close combat took precedent over concern for your still-healing injuries.
"If I hadn't gotten shot," you panted, looking up at Kakashi's pleased expression, "I would've won."
"Of course you would've," he said jovially, mood apparently lifted by his victory. He held out a hand, and you took it begrudgingly, allowing him to haul you to your feet.
You narrowed your eyes at the hushed voices behind you and glanced back at Sakura, who was whispering something in Naruto's ear that made him grin and giggle.
"Did you learn anything useful?" you ruffled her hair, pushing her head to the side playfully and sidestepping her when she tried to shove you.
"Oh, sure," she laughed, "lots of things."
Naruto laughed again, and even Sasuke cracked a small smile.
"You guys are weird," you huffed, stretching your arms above your head and following Kakashi out of the gym.
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Later that night, after you'd successfully finished your Icha-Icha volume and ranted about it extensively to an amused Kakashi, you were pulled into Sakura's room hastily and rather aggressively on your way back to the gym. You stumbled inside on ungraceful feet, tripping over them as you tried to catch yourself. Sakura offered no help; she glanced out into the hall once you were inside, then closed the door quietly behind her.
"You know, you could've just asked if you wanted me in here."
She shrugged, then leapt into her bed and patted the spot next to her in invitation.
"Can I ask you something?" she said once you had settled in on the empty side. You hummed your assent, sitting up and giving her your full attention when you saw how serious her expression looked.
"Are you...happy here?"
The hope in her eyes was so clear that you had to look away. She wanted you to say yes more than anything, but it wasn't that simple. happiness was never that simple, especially when you had never really thought about your own happiness at any point in your life. It had never been enough of a priority.
Now that you thought about it, you weren't even sure what it meant to be happy. How were you supposed to tell? How could you even give her a truthful answer without knowing it for yourself?
"I...don't know," you told her honestly. Her hopeful expression didn't fade, and she nodded like she had been expecting that answer. "I'm comfortable. I feel safe here."
She smiled, and you couldn't help but mirror it. You hadn't realized how much you missed spending time with Sakura; it had been a while since you'd been able to sit down and talk like this, just the two of you. You realized somberly that it was the first time you'd been able to do it outside of the Red Room.
"You're smiling a lot more," she told you happily. You looked at her, brows furrowed. Had you smiled more? You didn't feel all that different, but you supposed that the person you'd been when you escaped with her was a far cry from who you were becoming. It hadn't even been long, and she already saw that much change?
But now that you thought about it, you saw the change too. Your nightmares were becoming more infrequent, and you no longer felt the constant pull of the Red Room and of Orochimaru's promises. They appeared to you as a distant memory; a thing of the past.
You tried to remember when you'd stopped assuming that you would eventually go back. When you'd accepted that you were no longer a Widow.
You wondered when you had become okay with that fact.
"I'm so happy," Sakura laughed, silent tears rolling down her cheeks, "none of it even feels real."
"What do you mean?"
"This," she motioned towards you vaguely, then towards the door where you could hear Naruto and Sasuke talking to Kakashi from the lounge, "you being here. Everyone being safe. For the first time in almost five years, I'm surrounded by people I care about. And you're smiling so much, I just..."
Her words were becoming more strained, like she was trying to keep herself from bursting into tears. You reached towards her on instinct, and she was quick to lean into you and wrap her arms around your waist. She was crying quietly into your chest, gripping your shirt and muffling the sounds of her cries in the fabric. You buried a hand in her hair and tucked her head under your chin in a familiar set of movements.
"I'm so happy," she cried quietly, pulling you closer and sniffling. You rubbed her back, unsure of how to respond. You felt something swell in your chest; this was the first time that Sakura had cried in your arms because of something good happening. The last time she'd done it, it was because you were leaving. You had been reassigned after your mission together, and her terrified cries often haunted your nightmares.
"I...I think I'm happy," you whispered. She paused; it almost felt like her breathing had stopped. "and I want to stay. I am staying. If...if you and the others will have me."
"Of course," she laughed, though it sounded more like a sob as she tackled you to the bed. You chuckled, wrapping your arms around her and relishing in the lightness in your chest. It was such a new feeling. It was freeing. Maybe that was what happiness felt like.
If it was, it was something that you wanted to get used to.
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(previous chapter) | (next chapter) | (series masterlist)
Author's note | ahhhh i'm so excited about this chapter. i've had it started for a while so i'm glad to finally get it published. also, i have this series planned to the end, but i'm absolutely love writing it, so would anyone be interested in a sequel series (that i've already begun planning)?
anyways, as always, let me know what you think and leave me some love if you enjoyed!
title is from "Trust" by Lucy Dacus
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tinywitchgoblin · 5 months
Hello there! (general kenobi) I would like a ship if you don't mind? 👀
I don't want to say my exact age but I'm an adult cis female, I'm short (5ft nothing 😂) and a bit curvy (thicc thighs and a big chest lmao). I have hazel eyes, glasses, and light brown hair that's about 3 inches past my shoulders.
I'm a huge nerd and I love to read, I've been learning to crochet, and I like to play video games, watch movies and anime, TV shows, and of course enjoy just scrolling through tumblr and reddit, etc and geeking out about my favorite fandoms. I love animals and nature as well, and I dote on my two cats like they're my children. I also love flowers and it would be a dream to have a big garden someday!
I'm definitely an introvert and tend to prefer small groups of friends and more quiet environments. I struggle with anxiety and can be nervous and shy around people I don't know. Sometimes I can appear standoffish but I'm not!! I'm nice, I'm just really shy!! I tend to be quiet and listen a lot until I feel comfortable with someone and then I slowly start letting my personality out. I love when someone can make me laugh, and I love to make people laugh too. When I really start to like someone I tend to show it subtly at first, maybe dropping flirty compliments here and there (calling them cute, etc) and listening to their interests, and making an effort to engage in those interests. I love giving them little gifts that I know they will appreciate (I'm big on "I saw this and thought of you" energy). I love hugs!!! As well as other signs of gentle physical affection like cuddling and hand holding, forehead kisses, having my back rubbed or fingers run through my hair.
I struggle with self-worth as well, and I tend to feel like I can be clingy and annoying once I'm really comfortable with someone, and I always fear that I will drive them away or they will get tired of dealing with me. I tend to withdraw sometimes when these feelings get the best of me. Kind words and reassurance that I'm valued and loved help a ton.
I hope that's enough lol! Thank you for doing this, I know I will love whatever ship you give me. :)
gENerAl kENoBi lmao
I ship you with...
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Something very, very few people know about Crosshair is that he loves cats. Like, a lot. He really relates to them in the sense that he also likes to be independent and have space from people, but he has a select few people that he trusts and enjoys being around (being his siblings- and now you!). So when he finds out about your cats, he just had to meet them. Once he met them, they and he were practically inseparable. That was the moment you knew that you'd found a good one; a man who likes cats is a man worth keeping. Anyway, he loves sneaking them treats when you're not looking, and sometimes you'll find him asleep on the couch with your two fur babies curled up next to him. He's (affectionately) threatened to shoot you if you were to tell anyone, but it's something you like keeping to yourself- being able to see that side of him is almost sacred, and it's something you treat with respect.
When he lost his hand, Crosshair had a difficult time adjusting to life with only one hand. When you showed him that you were learning to crochet, he was really upset and frustrated that he wouldn't be able to crochet with you, but that wasn't about to stop him. His stubborn ass did some research and figured out how to crochet with one hand, and now it's something the two of you bond over. One of your favorite ways to bond is just sitting there, crocheting, not a care in the world (except making sure the cats don't destroy all of the yarn).
Crosshair never thought he would ever get the opportunity to settle down and have a peaceful life, but that's exactly what he gets to have with you. You mentioned to him at one point about wanting to have a large garden of your own, and you and he work towards making that a reality. You figure out what types of plants you'd like to grow, whether that be flowers, vegetables/fruits, something else, or a combination, and you get to work. Making sure that all of the plants had the right amount of sun/shade and water took a bit of work and some trial and error, but you finally figured it out. Sometimes Omega and the kids come over and help out with the gardening, whether it be watering, weeding, or other stuff, they enjoy helping out, too, and both you and Crosshair love having them over.
Crosshair is very good at reading people and understanding them from nonverbal cues, and that ends up being very helpful in your relationship. He can sense when you're getting anxious and/or struggling with your self-worth. At first, he isn't sure how to help you feel better, so he kinda just sits there and holds you, letting you take what you need. Eventually, as he gets to know you more and spends more time with you, he understands why you're feeling insecure and will readily reassure you that no, you're not clingy, and no, you're not driving him away. Again, he's stubborn as hell, and will stop at nothing to make you feel better. Whether it be through kind words or meaningful actions, Crosshair wants nothing more for you than your happiness, and seeing you happy again makes him feel happy, too.
Thanks for reading! If you want a ship request like this, drop it in my ask box (but it may take a while to get to), and don't forget to reblog <3
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dearaliya · 11 months
A Court of Thorns and Roses: Missed the boat, but got caught in the waves
Dear Aliya,
Booktok might know what they’re talking about.
I’d been seeing artwork and hearing snippets from this series for a while and eventually took a chance on the first book. I can’t say how glad I was, I love a good magical romance with severe parallels to Beauty and the Beast.
Well within reason.
It's actually the enemies-to-lovers trope that I wholeheartedly adore, and it's in this series a few times so naturally I was hooked. Stockholm syndrome isn't ideal, but pining and dancing around one another until someone confesses? My kinda book.
Shall we dot point? Stop me if I'd spoil things
Characters Maas does some pretty good character work in her stories. A bland story is permitted to exist if the characters can carry the show and they did so well that I had to always know what was next for them. So let's discuss a few!
Tamlin Look, we're talking about the first book here. In this one, he was pretty... okay? He's a dude thrust into a bad situation and he's making the most of it sometimes, other times not so much. I kicked my feet a few times, twirled my hair once or twice I'm not immune to charm.
He wasn't my outright pick, though I enjoyed his interactions with Feyre and they might have hit it off better if he was just slightly not so overbearing.
Short of it is, if I got swept off my feet by him I wouldn't say no, I just didn't love how perpetually unhelpful he seemed to be towards the end of the book.
Feyre You know what? I really like some of Maas's female characters. They're as strong and independent as you'd expect a woman in these types of novels to be, but there's always a facet of them that is so grounded it's kind of refreshing. Feyre learned to hunt, put her own needs aside for her family and got rewarded for that for at least a little while. She only wanted simple things, like enough money to look after herself and maybe buy a few paints.
Her cataloguing and noticing colours and everything that an artist would notice was a lovely little touch to make her feel more like a person and I really appreciated it.
She does have a lot of things go realllly well for her so we're walking the fine line of mary-sue character but it pulls back enough that it scrapes by.
Lucien Look, I have a thing for snarky mean gingers and as soon as Lucien opened his mouth I was fully sold on the book. Make of that what you will, but he’s not the only character I enjoyed following who was sporting the red hair and we'll sure get to that.
I was almost disappointed when I found out he wasn't part of the love interest cast honestly cause he had good chemistry with Feyre. I did at first think it was going to be a choice between him and Tamlin, and I would have chosen him! He helped during the challenges, it was my last push to jump ship.
I also find the headcanon that he was staring at Feyre during his challenge, unable to read, and losing his mind because the words on the wall were probably just, no, nope and this one hilarious so bless whoever placed that in my mind.
Amarantha I do not condone the actions and atrocities committed by Amarantha. No one should be excused for what she did.
Now that the formal disclaimer is out of the way she was a little bit cool. She's a terrible person and if I met her IRL we'd be brawling under the mountain, if I were able to get close. In that vein, however, fucking up the guy who tortured your sister to death so hard that all that's left is a knucklebone and an eye that you fused to a ring to force him into uninterrupted consciousness for centuries? My kinda bitch. Not all men but definitely that one and she made sure he never forgot it.
Not to mention she crippled Prythian overnight and kept it under her control for fifty years. She nearly sealed her place on a throne permanently too, if not for the power of love. She was getting shit done, I was almost sad to see her go and not end up an asset to the courts given she was a general to Hybern.
Rhysand Lucian was in the lead till this one showed up. I am just as basic and unoriginal as everyone else and once Rhysand stepped into the story I pointed, cheered and put myself firmly in his camp. (I did cheat a little, he was the primary focus of a lot of fanart.)
'There you are, I've been looking for you.'
Howl walked so this man could RUN. I assumed there was a reason he'd been looking, upon finding out what it was later in the series? What a long play, what a setup and what a payoff.
Under the Mountain was not his finest time in terms of winning over Feyre, he's mouthy and cocky and inebriated her most nights under the guise of lessening the pain of being trapped there. However, as stated a little higher with Lucien, I love a smartass and he fit the bill perfectly.
Plot Girl kills wolf. Girl meets beast. Beast is man. They will-they won't-they for most of the book. He sends her away. She comes back to fight for him. Wins. They live happily(ish) ever after till the next instalment. I give you, ACOTAR.
Okay, I'm not being totally serious because there's more in there and you could bare bones a lot of books this way. I've heard a lot made about this story and how paint-by-numbers it is and while that is true in some aspects it's not true in all. There were a lot of nice, humanising scenes and interesting worldbuilding that painted Prythian as its own place while still keeping snippets of traditional fae folklore and myth. It's not fully fleshed out, but the central focus is supposed to be the romance between the two main characters so it doesn't really have to be.
Other The Suriel CARRIED the drama dispersed through these books, starting with this one. Came for the clothing, stirred some shit and promptly disappeared into the shadows until another part of the plot needs to be jumpstarted. The other magical creatures were also interesting as well, though I couldn't consistently pronounce any of their names and neither could the girls narrating the audiobook.
Golly, is that a segway?
Yes! Speaking of audiobooks, this series is fully covered and I own them all! I don't always have the time to sit in one place so I appreciated that it was all completed and the narrators were great. There are a few audiobooks that I refuse to buy because of the way the narrator's voice sounds but that's a me problem. Another me problem is that they keep changing who narrated what book! ACOTAR and ACOMAF are both the same but it switches once we get to ACOWAR and again during ACOSF (which is slightly less of an issue because we are following Nesta this time). Each lady does a great job, but pronunciations changed and it felt a little jarring at times to experience.
Nothing more comes to mind, so I appreciate you listening to my thoughts. I’ll see you next time, stay well!
Hannah xx
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thecontumacious · 2 years
heya!! do you not mind me requesting luxiem college au? like u're both in a healthy relationship idrk hhh
College AU Luxiem
a/n: i think anon sent this after reading my first yandere fic 😭 check out the original boyfriend headcanons if u haven't~ ALSO YES IM SLAPPING THIS FIC AT YALL AFTER JOTC'S PREMIERE IT WAS SO FUCKING LIT AHHHHHHHHHH
reminder that all my work and others in the fandom are purely fiction and intended to entertain, not to be projected irl.
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content utc!
Vox Akuma 👹🌹
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would take performing arts as his major since he's super interested in voice acting!
you'd think he would take history as an easy way out seeing as he's lived for centuries now but bro i can tell you that he probably sucks at it :'
i can't imagine him taking anything else than performing arts. even then he wouldn't just focus on voice acting only. he'd perfectly take a role in acting too
dancing and singing maybe not too much-
but vox would enjoy them nonetheless since it's all about having fun
he's the popular student, whether he intended to be one on purpose or because he's just naturally charming. not all the guys rly like him since he's practically had all the girls drooling all over him
even the female (sometimes male) professors can't find themselves in the right position to teach him
not with that devilish smile, nope
he aces his practical exams and projects super well, not so much his written tests tho :o
students would sometimes ask advice on voice acting since he was doing that pretty well
no shortage of times where they asked only to get in contact with him, his number if they were lucky
doesn't really do tutoring sessions since he believes he still has a lot to learn himself, asking for advice sure, but teaching? nah
the film/animation students fight over him whenever they're assigned to make a movie production
vox might actually be interested in joining the student council and it's no surprise he's accepted since he's very charming, has relatively good grades and is flexible in group projects
on a more serious note, he loves meeting new people and making new connections so yeah!
besides the student council, would also join the drama club and most likely met shu there
again, for connections and to practice his skills
there have been one too many times where he was casted as the main characters throughout the years he was at college
what can i say? he captures an audience so well~
part time job is obviously barista.
i think vox low key has always wanted to become a barista
to him there's just something so attractive about being one?? or is this just a stigma that i have
whatever, being a barista is cool as hell
oh and he loves the idea of putting down whatever message he wanted on the customers' cup, he could be sweet or flirty
he likes it because he has the chance to make someone's day by simply writing a message to them <3
the job pays well, he can experiment with types of drinks and when there are leftover pastries from the day, vox gets to bring them home to eat
vox is a interpersonal (social), aural (audio) and a visual learner. as mentioned before, he won't be too good at taking written tests so linguistic is out of the question (doesn't mean he dislikes reading tho! i've heard him say that he reads books)
i also don't think he's the biggest fan of studying alone either so he'll always rope in a classmate or two so it's not so quiet
vox remembers much easier when there's something to look at, like pictures or something
audio learner because he wants to be a voice actor duh
he would have to get used to listening to other actors do their work to pick up on how they act in terms of their voice
how you and vox met was through a cinematography project you had
you were required to make a film production with a certain theme and of course as the rumors spread, you heard about everyone in your year fighting over vox as their cast
you too wished you could cast him but seeing as he was probably busy helping the others, you didn't really bother to ask
but vox was working at the cafe your team agreed to work in and he overheard your wonderful ideas for your project, so when he personally delivered your drinks, he also asked if you were open for casting since you came from the same college anyway
surprised to say the least but you couldn't refuse him, so he officially became part of your team too
so that was how you met your current unseiso of a boyfriend they call vox
he asked you out once the project was finished, saying that he didn't wish to stop meeting you
cheesy but romantic all the same
the perks of having a boyfriend who was in the performing arts major rly helped you out as a film student. you got to meet a lot of talented actors and you could ask for vox's help
as long as you paid in kisses and cuddles
at the end of the four year study, vox was obviously asked to make a speech. when he stepped on that stage, he did not forget to mention you:
"and to my lovely y/n, who's given me a path to so many opportunities to help with my development as an actor. thank you, darling."
may or may not have proposed in front of everyone
Mysta Rias 🦊🔶
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because he thinks it's super cool he could track down criminals with rly cool techniques
but then he realized how fucking hard it is to be a criminology student and wished he could've picked something easier :"D
(let's pretend he didn't drop out okay <3)
ofc college was not cheap so at least mysta tried his best to get through
asking for a ton of help from his classmates or straight up the professor
he sure as fuck did not take another four years of this shit
although mysta is not the best in the class (bottom ten), a lot of people like him for his humor and his rly eccentric attitude about things
his fashion sense became one his trademarks
a good break from the stress of college rly
but people rly do question why the heck he chose this major but eh
definitely the type to hog for homework answers
i actually think mysta would make a huge contribution tho despite his lack of skills in the department when it comes to group projects
what i mean here is that he's always hands down to help however he can, especially the more physical and tedious workload
like needing to print papers, looking for as much material needed for the project or setting up the contents into a powerpoint
i still think that counts as a lot of work <3
professors know him because he frequents them for tutoring sessions, so it's safe to say that mysta is super close with all his lecturers-
but that's not a bad thing at all!
in fact, without mysta rly realizing, this has become his benefit. with most of the teachers aware that he is struggling in his classes, they tend to grade him based on his efforts more than the results of a test
so even if he thinks he's falling behind, ask his professors and they will say the exact opposite!
for school activities, i would say mysta would like to join the sports club as long as his classes don't take up too much of his time
he wants to be able to stay active instead of sitting down and studying all day, plus he gets to meet a lot people and actually where he met the super popular kaneshiro kid!
part time jobs is also something mysta could commit himself to, especially if it meant helping out with student loans
anything works out for him so long as again, it didn't take too much of his time and don't tire him out
lot of times where he fell asleep in the library when he should be catching up with homework and reading tests o.0
speaking of studying, mysta is definitely a visual and kinesthetic learner mostly bcs he's not the type of guy to just sit still and read that fucking textbook
far from being a verbal learner. def not the type to like reading for long periods of time
he claims to be an interpersonal (social) learner, but with a lot of people around him, it's more likely he won't get anything done
this is where you come in
you and him were paired up, and it just so happens that you were one of the students who was doing pretty well in criminology
anyone would've been happy to be paired up with you but mysta is a bit different than just anyone
he was actually intimidated by just how well you were doing and he kept telling himself that he was being such a burden to you
but you never fail to patiently get mysta to work on the ones that need more thinking, even if you have to guide him
for once, mysta knew what the assignment was about this time, due to your composure during work
after that, he may or may not have braved himself to be in one group with you a lot more
it's just that people tend to just give up on him but there you were, staying up late with him just so he could get some material down for an upcoming test
when you fell asleep, mysta let the words of falling for you slip
"i like you too, dummy. now get back to studying. we'll go on a date after the test."
final project weeks were the same. lots of staying up late together (mostly bcs of mysta) and checking each other's work.
when the results were almost out, you actually had to stay over at mysta's bcs of how fucking nervous he was. was he going to graduate? did he have to start another year over?
as you held his hand tightly, mysta opens his results and sees his passing grade, officially now graduated from college
he sobbed against you that night, thanking you over and over again for always there to help him and being so patient
Luca Kaneshiro 🦮🔆
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he took me a while to figure out what major best fit him (disclaimer: i swear i've heard him mention what major he took but my tiny brain forgot what it was and from what stream ;-;)
sooo i think it's most likely business since he is in the mafia
the skills could be super useful if he's going to need some extra funds for his syndicate
he'll take only a bachelor's degree because he wants to focus on his mafia work as soon as college finishes
luca is most obviously the jock of the school and one of the more popular students because of his extroverted nature
tbh tho his grades aren't too great??? let's say average :D
he's more like the guy who's looking for the fun of college instead of actually getting the education-
because of this, a lot of people like to hang around him. sometimes students who have super good grades can be a bit unapproachable, ofc not because of the students themselves, but others tend to not feel relatable to someone who does very well in academics
so luca is extremely approachable, easy going and friendly
not the smartest but its the quality of the company that counts right?
professors know who he is because of his popularity and although most of them are okay with luca, some do appreciate him bringing the mood up when classes are tense
the younger lecturers are most likely best friends with him lmao
as aforementioned, man is a jock and is just naturally energetic
he religiously participates bcs he gets to see his buddies and would always join in on whatever challenges were set onto him. he's not afraid to lose
i also think he would be interested in joining the student council and he did make it! which brought him to meet with vox ^^
luca brings a ton of ideas for student activities and is always happy to help out with whatever he can. with his popularity, it's easy to rope students into whatever event they had going on too
because he has a mafia to run, he rly doesn't make time to do a part time job
definitely a physical (kinesthetic) and interpersonal learner. man can't just sit down to read something and he most certainly will go crazy if he's not loudly memorizing his flash cards without someone else there
so how does he meet you?
the student council asked him to go to the art club to find someone who could handle illustrations for an event they were holding, so luca pitched in and saw you busily working on something in the club room
you didn't really know anyone from the student council so you pretty much had to cling onto luca the entire time when you met up with the student council (esp when this guy from the performing arts department kept hitting on you. vox was it?)
in the end, when the event finished, luca got used to hanging out with you. then he confessed when he realized he was crushing on you :3
he asks you to come by to the sports club all the time so he could introduce you to his friends and when you're alone, you and him would sometimes work out together
you guys go out on a lot of study dates
...which turns to playing around and not really getting anything done :")
luca always teases you to draw him "like of your french girls" but he was caught by surprise when you actually do ask him to model nude for an assignment
he was more embarrassed than he thought he would be
but he liked knowing he could help you out!
he would sometimes cry when you give him a drawing you did of him just because you wanted to. he's framing them all in his room
as a graduation gift, you actually gave him a super elaborate artwork in a pretty big medium too. and well, it's safe to say luca shamelessly shed some tears at the ceremony, showing off your work to everyone there
as his gift to you, he took you on vacation to somewhere you've always wanted to go to.
to luca, you definitely made his time in college so much more fun
Ike Eveland 🖋💙
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pretty obvious he took up literature
but let me tell ya, i think he will take literature for his first four years and after he got the degree for that, he's going to change his major to music because again pretty obvious reasons
he would take literature first so he has the writing skills needed later in music making
or, ike could take the option of a double degree since i see him as the type of person who rly likes to bury himself in work especially if it's the things he really is passionate about
but for the sake of his social needs and sanity, let's say our man ike did not take a double degree
ike eveland is obviously the star student of his class, perhaps even top 5 of his entire year
he's also pretty humble about his achievements so he's not the snobby kid who flaunts their good grades
everyone absolutely respects and admires him for it, even going out of their way to ask for tutoring sessions with him
paid tutoring sessions, mind you
he'll take some, but not so much his schedules are full much to the student body's dismay
his professors love him so much as well, using his work as examples no matter how many times ike insists there's no need to do that
is ike the type to join the student council?
ehhhh not rly i don't think?
there was a time where he did consider the choice, seeing how he has potential and all the people around him supported him to join
but i think he wouldn't take up on the opportunity, mostly worried he won't be able to have any time for himself
like i said, ike is super passionate about writing and music so he's going to take all his time really immersing in that world
even outside college hours, he'll do personal projects and all that
so yeah, no to the student council and tutoring sessions if ike wasn't looking for the extra money
i do think he'll take a part time job tho! that's where he gets most of his money
librarian ike anyone? well it's obvious he'd work there.
he's an aural (audio), verbal (linguistic) and intrapersonal (solitary) learner
ike likes to record his professor's lectures and listen to them when he goes back home or while he's practicing his music. even for his literature studies, he usually sings out the things he needs to remember or listen to some music while studying to help him get in the mood
also bcs he does frequent the library, he meets this rly weird grey haired guy from criminology who goes there to "study" but ends up falling asleep.
now, what happens after he meets you? :3
i headcanon yall met during his tutoring sessions bet
while he would usually not let students ask for his time for a session, ike would make an exception for you
he'd push away all the other slots so whenever he does have a tutoring session, it's mostly with you
after building up the courage to finally ask you out, tutoring sessions became less and less with the other students
ike prioritizes his study dates with you
since he is in the art field, it's very very clear you've become his muse throughout college (both literature and music)
whenever he gets a project to create something, he'll find a way to have it tie to you
especially for his final project
write a story?
you're the main character
compose an entire song?
you're the theme
no shortage of times where he reads out a poem/story or serenade his own songs to you during late night studying
you become his number one proofreader and critic for everything he creates since he trusts you a lot with it. ike would heavily appreciate it if you could give him honest feedback
if it's boring tell him! if it's too cringey, tell him!
ike can take the criticism since he wants to be a good producer one day <3
on the day he finishes his studies and he's called to give a speech for being valedictorian, this is the highlight line you'll forever remember:
"y/n will always be the reason why i'm here today and all the tomorrows. why i've achieved so many things and create stories and songs for everyone to enjoy. thank you so much, y/n, for staying by my side and i hope you continue to stay."
Shu Yamino 🔮✨
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unfortunately modern day colleges don't have sorcery or black magic as majors :D
soooo shu would probably opt for computer sciences!
nerd shu poggers
would only take a bachelor's degree for this tho, but he's happy with where he is ^^
shu would much much like it if he stayed on the sidelines minding his own business, meaning he just doesn't wanna be popular. but it's kinda hard staying under the low with how skilled he is in his classes
honestly students just look up to him with how chill he is with his college life
sometimes they would even ask shu to be their partner in most projects since he's super reliable and good at what he does
he's known to be rly patient when teaching someone too so-
but don't get me wrong, shu will fucking now if someone is only taking advantage of his kindness and smarts
you don't wanna rly know what he can do to ruin your college career o.0
the professors know who shu is and definitely appreciate him for helping out the students whenever possible, although his grades aren't always top of the class, his character and attitude makes up for it
shu would definitely like to join clubs outside his academics, say like the performing arts club
look i know but i can't stop thinking about shu joining the theatre club, just hanging out with a whole bunch of different kids. he likes making friends! plus he likes working backstage more
plays need a reliable technician like him after all
or if not performing arts, most likely an anime club if it was available lmao
unlike ike, he's not one to rly delve into his college life all the way back home. so once he's out of class, he's focusing on his non academic skills
besides clubs, there's a big chance shu works part time, preferably jobs that let him work at night since he has a rly bad sleep schedule.
the atmosphere is quiet too so he can take advantage and use it to study if it wasn't busy
a 24 hour store of some kind should be alright for shu, it doesn't have to be related to his major either
he's more of a interpersonal and visual learner i think
he likes studying with someone there with him like a study buddy since it makes it less boring. visual because he likes to doodle things so i have a feeling he illustrates something he finds hard to remember
also, of course studies only at night time if possible
because of his interpersonal type of learning, this was how you met him
you two were both looking for study buddies then through your friends, you guys met and agreed to study together
originally it was only for that one test you were super nervous of, but as you aced that one because of shu's help (his assignment flawless because he had you to it check over)
yeah you guys enjoyed each other's company and decided to go on more "study sessions" together
i think the way shu would confess to you would be that trend where you would make a program and you just click a ton of buttons saying how much he likes you
and then at the end there's a message box that asks you:
be mine?
with the choices being yes or yes 😭
you go to your next study session, now named study date!
for his final project, you were obligated to stay over at his place until he submitted it. he claims that his brain works more efficiently when you're there with him, plus he'll have a second pair of eyes that hasn't been glued to the same codes over and over again
when shu announced the results, he treated you to some sushi and an all you can eat barbeque for helping him graduate pretty much
with a full stomach, you and him are cuddling for the rest of the night until you felt like getting up
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lokisprettygirl · 3 years
Hit me Baby, One more Time (Wrestler Loki x Female Reader)
Read Chapter 30 here
Chapter 31
Summary : They often say when someone seems too good to be true, it's often an illusion, a facade. The same could be said about Loki? or he's just a victim of his past. ?
Warning : 18+, some sexual content, sweet loki, mentions of past abuse. Foul language. Mentions of cheating
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"If I clear this round I'd like to move in with you, wherever you want"
"Yeah? What made you change your mind?" He asked you, Utterly surprised but he couldn't have been happier.
"What did I do?" He asked you sheepishly and you looked at him "You fought for my honor" you giggled so he caressed your head in order to control the urge he felt to pound you into the bed.
"So you'd give me a present every time I fight for your honor?" He chuckled and you snuggled closer to him. 
"Mmmm maybe" 
Next morning when you woke up he wasn't there. You checked the bathroom, he wasn't there either. The anxiety filled your whole being at the realization. Did he leave? You shouldn't have talked about moving in together. It hasn't even been 4 days since you got together with him. It's not even a relationship. 
He was just being generous probably when he asked you to move into the mansion.
Your heart felt so heavy and you felt nauseous, so you sat down on the bed, pulled your knees up and cried your heart out. After a few minutes though you heard the door opening and there he was, freshly showered and in new clothes, with breakfast in his hands. You looked at him, your face tear soaked. So he placed the parcel down on the dresser and walked over to you.
"Who hurt you now darling?" He asked you as he caressed your head and then he kissed your forehead.
"I thought...I thought you left" he tilted his head and looked at you curiously.
"Why would I do that?" He asked you as he wiped your tears "I thought I said something wrong last night, last time I did that, you left and didn't come back and you wouldn't have if it wasn't luck bringing us together again" you seemed so scared, his heart felt as if someone plunged a knife straight through him. He hurt you so badly that night, that you're still haunted by it. Do you live in absolute fear every time he leaves you without informing you? 
"I won't do it again, I know I have hurt you but I am not going to run away again, even if I feel overwhelmed or something I'll come talk to you instead of running. I promise" he pulled in for a hug and you calmed down a little.
"It's just last time after we took a step forward, and I woke up so happy and relaxed and then you.. you ..I just freaked out I'm sorry" you pecked his forehead quickly "I'll take a shower" 
You went to the bathroom and he laid down on the bed as he thought of the conversation you two just had. The knowledge of the fact that he damaged a part of you like that with his rash decision that night hurt him to the core. He thought you'd move on soon and so would he, but none of you could get over the connection you have with each other. He didn't want to hurt you like that again, but would you even want to be with him after finding out everything he has been hiding?
No you'd be disgusted and you'd hate him. The ugly truth he has been hiding from you to maintain that semblance of normalcy about himself, it would all get destroyed once his whole reality comes out. Tears slipped down from his eyes as he thought of you being disgusted by him but he quickly wiped it away as he heard you coming. 
When you saw him lying on the bed you walked over to him and crawled on top of him "So this is how you look on the bottom" he chuckled as he heard you and he cupped your cheeks and pulled you down to kiss you and then he flipped you over "I'm not going to leave again, I want you to stop thinking about that possibility" You would leave him instead. He looked into your eyes as he said that so you caressed his cheeks
"Does the future scare you?" You mumbled as you played with the collar of his jacket annd he kissed your forehead "Yes" You feared that he'd leave, he feared that you'd leave him.
"Mee too" you teared up and he did too, You are so in love with him, you couldn't even deny it anymore. Not even to yourself. But did he feel the same? He didn't even want to label the relationship as a relationship.
"But we don't have to think about it right now. You have me, I have you, Is it not enough?" You teared up more as he said that. Would it ever be enough? The pain you'd feel when you lose him days or months later from now, this time that you are getting to spend with him, would it be worth it? You lost your thoughts as you felt his lips on yours, you can't give him up now even if you'd want to. You're too addicted, his touch is enough to fire you up, his taste feeds your soul. He's running through your veins like a drug and yes he would be worth all that pain. He's worth the pain.
"By the way where did you go?" You asked him and he smiled "Went to train early, I wanted to come to the studio and spend some time with you, watch you dance" you smiled as you heard him. He went to train early so he could be with you. It made your heart flip.
He was so jealous to see you so close with Mack, but he reminded himself that You're just following your passion. And Mack is Gay Ofcourse.
You talked to your dad the same day and he was so worried about you but your mom was upset, She felt humiliated by the pictures. Everyone in the family was talking about you, and they couldn't understand how you managed to get in touch with someone so out of your league. You had a dm from Tonya so you finally built the courage to open it and maybe you shouldn't have
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 It didn't make you feel any better. Did Jack really do that to you or was she just being a bitch to hurt you? But then you thought of the days you'd find him in your apartment when you returned from the studio. It made sense. You didn't tell Loki about Tonya. He fucked her too.. so many times. But he didn't care about her at all, He cared about you. 
 Everytime you read something bad or heard something deprecating about yourself, you wanted to hide away from him but he'd pull you out of your head and pleasure you with his mouth and fingers, whispering praises in your ears. He made you cry and overwhelmed you with thrill and excitement. You loved it all.
You spent the next few days wrapped around him. Since that day he started to leave notes for you whenever he had to leave while you were sleeping. So you won't get anxious when you get up. You forgot the number of times he made you cum already. He didn't even have to fuck you to do that. When the day of the second round arrived, he calmed your nerves down by making you cum into his mouth.
The dress he gave you, you kept it on you, just the dress, nothing else. "Such a good little whore you are for daddy, I bet you don't even care if you get late and miss your chance hmm? You just want to cum in my mouth, am I right pet?" He played you like a fiddle with his filthy words until you exploded, he wouldn't let you miss it for anything but he loved degrading you and you loved it too. You love him. 
But he could tell that you needed more, that you needed the sweeter side and the gentle touch, you needed the affirmation so he gave you that too. He'd give you anything you'd want. You had him wrapped around your little fingers and he absolutely loved the hold you had on him. He loved being accepted and being cared for. He loved it all. He loves you.
"You're so beautiful darling, so graceful when you move like that, so sublime I can't take my eyes off you, you're going to make me so proud today, I believe in you my precious birdy, clear this round like the good girl you are and I will reward you with my cock deep inside your tiny little cunt and I'll make you cry my name out all night long, I promise." 
And you shattered again in his arms. Tiny little pieces. But you have never felt so whole before than you did in the moment.
You went, you performed and you did your best. The judges recognised you as the girl who just got caught making out with the Wrestling sensation a few days ago. But you both got in, despite that or because of that. You didn't care, you believed in yourself. He believed in you. You got selected among the top 100 couples out of thousands of people out there, now you just have to compete in the next rounds and go as far as you can. You'd have to stay in LA for two more months. If you make it to the top 10 couples, you'd be on tv. On tv. 
Loki could tell that you got selected just by the way you walked towards him, skipping on your steps, your eyes twinkled and he cherished the look on your face. You kissed him passionately as he picked you up by holding your waist, so tiny. Everytime he held you he felt as if you belonged in his arms, as if you were made just for him to hold you and carry you.
"So I'm definitely filling you up tonight right?" He asked you and you felt your face heating up at that. "Yesss" you giggled so he kissed you again, and again and again. Fuck the tabloids, fuck their opinions
 "I'm so proud of you birdy, you're so extraordinary, so so special" 
You watched him drive, you couldn't understand how he looked so sexy without even trying, then you felt one of his hands between your thighs as he held you mindlessly, his other hand stayed on the wheel as he focused on the road. The little action made you burn for him. How pathetic. He didn't even do anything sexual. This is probably one of the most innocuous things he has ever done to you but just the sight of his big veiny hand between your warm thighs made you want to fuck him right now.
When you reached to your room you called your parents, excited to share the news. You both sprawled down on the bed and he asked you to keep the phone on the speaker, he wanted to watch your face light up as they compliment you  "I got in top 100 mumma daddy, I have to stay here a few more days now" you told her and then smiled at him. He raised his brow at the use of the term. If looks could kill. "Congratulations Bubba, I'm very proud of you, I do miss you though" you smiled as you heard your dad.
"I miss you too dad" you teared up, your dad has always supported your life choices and you couldn't have been more grateful. It's because of him you were able to follow your dreams.
"Are you seeing that guy Loki? Rory said that he doesn't have a good reputation when it comes to girls. Stay away from him" your mom had her typical passive aggressive tone. You could hear your dad trying to shush her. You looked at Loki and he had a look on his face you couldn't read "Well he's not like that mom, stop listening to Rory for god's sake" you mumbled and she sighed
"I'm serious Y/n, grow up. You're almost 26 now, you allowed a boy like Jack to slip away from you and now you're acting like a teenager, so embarassing" 
You sighed as you heard her and soon hung up after talking to your dad some more. 
"I'm so sorry about what she said" You crawled towards him and got on top of him to kiss him and he gripped your hair to pull your head back. You couldn't help but moan "Don't care, nothing I haven't heard before, I'm more concerned about how she was talking to you" he told you and you wrapped your arms around his neck and your legs around his waist "She's like that sometimes but she means well"
"I hope so birdy" he kissed you so softly, you heard the violins playing in the background. You heard the birds singing. You're in love, So in love.
Then he got you all dolled up in a dress he got for you. Is he going to spoil you like this? 
Then he took you clubbing to celebrate the day, you love dancing and he wanted to dance with you. And he did, you stayed pressed to him as you moved and grinded all over him sensually, he held your hips tightly. When he went to get drinks for you, a guy tried to get frisky with you, all he had to do was glare at him and the guy scurried off as soon as he recognised him. However he wasn't the only one fighting others with glares, so many girls had eyes on him and you hated it. After you wore yourself out dancing, he took you aside to the lounge and made out with you on the couch.
"Can I ask you something?" You asked him as you sucked on his neck, he had you sitting on his lap. "Yess darling" you pulled away to look at him and smiled "You said I am yours right?" 
"Do you not believe me?" He took his jacket off and put it on your shoulders. You remembered him getting upset when you decided to go out with his shirt on once "See? You're all mine birdy" 
You blushed at the gesture and you leaned forward to kiss him "Mmm that's so sweet, you're so sweet" you mumbled between the kisses. But then you had to ask him an important question.
"But are you mine? All mine?" You asked him as you caressed his cheeks and he pulled you closer to him "Am I making you question my loyalty towards you?" He asked you and you shook your head in no.
"I'm all yours darling I promise, I would never hurt you like that" You knew that already, you didn't doubt him but he had so much of temptation around him as compared to you and it scared you.
You had to use the restroom so you got off his lap very reluctantly, you couldn't stop smiling today. You got selected, you have the hottest, sexiest most considerate Boyfriend? However your smile didn't last very long.
When you came out of the stall you screamed a little as you saw Thor all of a sudden, leaning against one of the sinks. What did he want now?
"This is the ladies room, you know that right?" You asked him and he snickered. "I can read Lady y/n or should I call you Loki's birdy or my future sister in law" you walked towards the sink to wash your hands and ignored his quips.
 "Oh by the way congratulations for the competition" he told you so you glared at him again. Isn't he supposed to be a Pro Wrestler himself? How come he have all this free time to stalk you.
"So you did a course to become a stalker or this talent of yours is all natural?" You asked him and he chuckled "Damnnnn the more I talk to you, the more I could see why he's so infatuated by you but then that's how he has always been, he would find a hobby, obsess over it for few days and then chuck it out as soon as he got bored by it" he smiled devilishly and you glared at him again. How can anyone stand to be around him?
Infatuated? He's not just infatuated is he? You didn't think someone like him would get obsessed with you anyways. He must feel something for you right? No, don't listen to his asshole brother. He's just trying to create a rift between you two.
"Fuck off Thor, why won't you leave him alone" You asked him as you huffed in frustration and he smiled
"I can't, not anymore" his expression turned serious for a second but then he started grinning again.
"What's your plan here? You want to take your mother back to your abusive piece of shit father?" You crossed your arms as you asked him that and he started laughing.
"Tch tch tch, that's not a decent way to address your dead father in law" he looked at you and your eyes widened. Dead? He can't be dead, Loki is always worried about him taking frigga away again. Maybe he doesn't know yet, right? Oh he'd be so relieved when he finds out, he won't have to be so scared and afraid all the time.
"Does he know? He doesn't, right? He needs to know" you mumbled under your breath and Thor chuckled so you looked at him.
"Ohhhh I'm pretty sure he remembers killing Odin a few months after he got out of prison. But in case he forgot that night, please remind him" your eyes widened as you heard him.
Loki killed Odin? Then why did he hide Frigga all these years?
"No that can't be, he is always scared about Odin taking frigga away" you said to him and he smiled.
"Ahh lady y/n, maybe it's about time you realize that my brother isn't exactly right in his head. He's delusional, he didn't hide my mother away to protect her, he kidnapped her. He held her captive" 
And the ball has dropped 🤫
Taglist : @colifower @karuna11 @vbecker10 @the-wounded-healer05 @hayden429 @lokismfbitch @limiworld @12-pm-510 @daddylokisqueen @lokislovingvalkyrie @3ddiebrock @chaotics17 @rat-p1ss @wheredafandomat @notmesimpingforanothabritishlad @lokislittlemoon @sluttybitchs-world @dren-whalen @catalina712 @bouffantofdoom @lokistoejam @multifandom-world8 @loving-barnes @apine7 @midgardianminx @rainybananaturtletaco @marions-wither88 @phantombaby @snigdha-14 @disneyismyworldforever @xpixiedevilx @christineblood @sarcastically-defensive17 @itshemlock @howdidurhammergrowchris @julian0800 @vllowe
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angelamajiki · 3 years
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PARINGS: Brother! Tamaki Amajiki x Female! Sister! Reader
CW: yandere, incest, stealthing, con to noncon, quirk play, riding, manipulation, possessiveness, slight angst, implied kidnapping
AN: thank you to @suzuki-violin-school for beta reading!! @sightoru @bonesoftheimpala come get y’all juice
You always had a strange relationship with your big brother, seeming to be just a touch close for your parent’s liking. But the pair of you never paid too much mind to it. Something about it just felt natural and right. You were thick as thieves, always confiding and comforting each other when no-one else seemed well enough to do the job.
When you ran to your brother’s house the second your first boyfriend broke up with you for a completely arbitrary reason, leaving you to cry on your nii-san’s shoulder to deal with your heartache.
“I told you he was no good for you, bunny. I knew from the start that something was wrong with him. There’s no one that’s good enough for my baby sister.”
Then it happened again. And again. And again, until it seemed like every partner you’ve ever had lost interest after the first few months of your relationship. It was devastating to feel unloved and unwanted, but at least you had your big brother to make everything better. Tamaki always reminded you how much he loved you, how smart and intelligent you were, how anyone would be lucky to have you, and the people who have dumped you were complete fools to not see what a gem you were.
And anyone would be lucky to have your big brother; you reminded him as well. The number seven pro hero who had finally blossomed into a confident, top-tier hero with a heart of gold. He was so strong, not to mention a heartthrob. Maybe it felt wrong to be jealous of the attention he gets from the media for his work along with his looks. Still, maybe it was because you knew better than anyone else that one day, the devotion he showed towards you would be the devotion he showed towards his own partner.
Not that you ever planned to tell him you didn’t want his undivided attention to be cast elsewhere, but just like everything else about your relationship, it flowed out naturally when you were crying about your recent first date that had ghosted you after dinner.
“Tama-nii, I’m never going to find someone! Why does no one want me?”
You sobbed into his chest, clinging to him like you did when you were a child, searching for the lost innocence of your youth in his arms. His strong hands embraced you without question, without judgment, as he kissed the top of your head tenderly while shushing you gently.
“Oh, bunny. That’s not true at all-”
What could he know about your struggle? The media treats him like the very man who hung the stars in the sky, and how could you blame them? He was the moon, the very embodiment of tenderness that waxes and wanes with a gentle, shimmering brilliance that you can’t help but hide in the shadows of.
“Yes, it is! What could you possibly know of not being wanted when you’re just going to end up leaving me like everyone else does?” His silence spoke louder than your own sobbing. “One day, you’ll find someone and leave me to be alone again because no one wants me!”
His hand, that touch you’ve become so familiar with, gently strokes your lower back.
“Who said I don't want you? You're making assumptions, little bunny.”
His words tickled your ear, got your heart racing as he quelled your cries of anguish. “Because I certainly do.”
Nimble fingers tilted your chin up to meet his soft gaze, lust clouding his eye like the calm before the storm.
“B-But not like that-”
“Exactly like that.”
His words lit a fire in your core, but forced ice to run through your veins. Your brother could never have you in the way you wanted him to, the way you needed him to.
“It's not that simple.” You choked out, straining to contain yourself from your fleeting desires. This fleeting feeling of weakness can't let you risk your relationship with your brother, or worse, let him be your everything for just a moment and watch him walk away when he's done. “We can't.”
“And why is that? Isn't it obvious that I'm not going anywhere unless I'm with you?”
His face inched closer to yours, a blush splattering his pale skin up to his ears.
“It’s wrong-”
Your eyes flicked to his lips for a brief moment as you found yourself frozen.
“Not if I love you.”
Plush lips sealed over yours, enveloping you in the tenderness you'd had always envied him for. The love, the obsession he had for you had come crashing down in waves over you as you kissed him back, eager to feed off his affection and attention.
Teeth and tongue clashed together in a messy display of the taboo; hips pushed flush against each other as you whined into his mouth, sobbing in the relief of finally feeling yearned for.
The question of whether or not it was right wasn't plaguing you anymore, not like it did you when you scorned yourself for the infectious desires that coiled in your core late at night. His love cleansed you, cured you of your ailment as his tongue and lips made their way to your neck.
Sweet nothings tickled your ear as he nibbled and kissed along your tender flesh, leaving bright pink spots in his loving wake. The tears from your eyes dripped onto his hair, but neither of you seemed to care.
“Don't cry, my love.”
His words were like a symphony, enthralling you with the melody that he carried in his voice and the song he sung to soothe your overwhelmed state. “Let your big brother take care of you, okay?”
Clothes were discarded in a flurry, tossed somewhere beyond the couch the two of you were grinding on. His hands were so strong, yet so gentle as you were carried like a princess, his princess, to his bed where he no doubt intended to indulge in every one of your desires.
Your knight in shining armor kissed you breathless under the moonlight that trickled through the window, casting his shadow over you. Even now, he stole the limelight but you couldn't find it in yourself to care this time, not when he touched you so lovingly.
Nimble fingers kneaded and pulled at your plump flesh, making their ways down to the wetness between your legs. Shame flushed your face as he throatily chuckled. “Wet for me already, imouto? You're flattering your nii-san.”
The pad of his thumb circled your clit gently, sharp eyes watching as your body jolted and twitched at the sensation. “You’re acting as though you've never been touched before.”
You hear the smile in his voice without even seeing it. It only served to flush your shame even further, avoiding the eyes that were fucking you with everything they had.
“Don’t take those pretty eyes off of me.”
His middle finger prodded gently at your hole, teasing the twitching thing with circles of his forefingers. Shyly, your eyes turned to him, begging, pleading for him to stop teasing already!
And how could he deny such an unspoken request from the love of his life? Tamaki already knew what you wanted before you even did, he always did. He’s been able to read you like a book, already knowing what would be on the next page before it was written.
Still, he liked to tease, or more so needed to. It would fuel him like no other to finally hear you beg for him, beg for the love only he knew how to give you. Not that he would be so selfish to deny you of all that you wanted, he was more than prepared to spoil his lovely princess.
But, the man couldn't deny the inklings of his insecurities coming back to bite him. There was a chance that you could regret this later, that you would run far from his reach the second the realization that you slept with your brother donned on you. Tamaki wouldn't have it, now or ever.
Your moans drew him back to the present as his finger pumped in and out of you, dragging along your spongy, wet walls that gripped him oh so nicely. He could hardly handle the anticipation of getting to feel you around his cock.
“N-Nii-san! I can't wait, want you inside!”
Your broken cry sent a shudder down his spine and a jump to his cock. Such a desperate little thing you were, but you were his desperate little thing.
Maneuvering the both of you, he sat you in his lap while holding your ass flush to his hips.
“You know what to do, pretty girl.”
Swallowing thickly, you pulled his cock out of his boxers and positioned yourself to sink down on it.
“Y-You’ll pull out, right?”
“Of course, imouto.”
That was all you needed. Determined to please him, you pushed just the tip in before sitting all the way down on it. A choked gasp filled the space as you felt the fullness of your brother’s cock inside of you.
“S-So full, nii-san!” He stretched you perfectly, letting any pain fade comfortably into pleasure.
It was then that Tamaki decided he would ruin you, not only for himself but for anyone else who dared to think they would be able to please you.
As you ground your hips down into his, you couldn't help but start to feel him grow inside you. Was this normal for sex?
“Ah! Hold on, it's really starting to hurt nii-san.”
Your hips lifted off of his, only to be slammed back down by those strong hands you've come to love.
“Just relax, princess. I'm doing this because I love you.”
Admittedly, this was his first time to try to manifest this part of his body, but he had to try for you, didn't he? Your future with him depended on it. The kiss he pressed to your temple was to soothe himself more than you, focusing on the horse meat he had eaten early that day just after you called him.
He shushed your struggles, hugging you close and stroking the ever-growing bulge in your stomach as he completed his manifestation.
“There we go.” He kissed your cries of the pain away. “It’s okay, you’re okay, princess.”
You had to understand that he was doing this for both of you. He’d ruin that cunt of yours, make it so no man other than Tamaki and his quirk could ever satisfy you.
“You were made to my cock, and mine alone, princess. I'll make you see that.”
The pain was nearly unbearable as he began to thrust up into you, hitting your cervix with the strange cock head he had produced. His hand stayed flush to the bulge on your stomach, stroking it gently as he pounded into you from below.
Your cries and moans meshed together in a perfect melody, one that was always destined to be sung by the both of you, together as one.
Neither of you were going to last long, not with his quirk in play.
“Oh God, I'm gonna cum, princess!” His thrusts became erratic, pounding into you with a new vigor.
“Y-You promised to pull out!” You cried in frustration, feeling his cum fill you up to the brim and dripping out of even with his cock still inside. Tamaki thumbed at your clit to help push you over the edge as he shrunk his cock back down, feeling you cum around him with a cry and shaky legs.
He pulled out, looking at the bulge his cum inside you left behind as he pushed on it gently, watching it gush out of you.
“Now no one else will ever want you.”
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