#not to mention- I felt so awful about it!! my body wasn´t even giving me the OPTION to throw up in the sink!
hes-a-rat-whisperer · 2 years
((lunch wasn´t as good as I would have hoped, then I suffered through a horrific migraine that ended with me throwing up all over my siblings´ bathroom floor..))
((ye, today didn´t really go as planned :I ))
0 notes
eliemo · 4 years
All Gone- Part 3
Next part of my fan work for the Labelled Universe by @snowdice
Sorry this part took a bit longer to upload, but its also a longer chapter! 
TW: kidnapping, violence, panic and mention of drugs (nothing too bad, just sedatives and stuff) 
Virgil woke with what he quickly decided was the absolute worst headache he’d ever had in his entire life. 
And with how many times he’d woken up in varying degrees of pain, that was really saying something. At least he’d had morphine when he’d opened his eyes to a bullet wound. 
Now though, it felt like somebody had taken a meat cleaver to his skull, his head throbbing in time to his racing heartbeat, his whole body trembling and burning like he’d been dunked in lava. 
Jesus, he wasn’t even sure he could move. 
Virgil tried to open his eyes, quickly backtracking and squeezing them shut when even a sliver of dim light felt like a million tiny knives burrowing into his brain. 
He bit back a groan as a wave of nausea washed over him, overwhelming and awful as he lay perfectly still against something cold and hard. 
Hadn’t he been at school? He thought so. It had been the week from Hell- his foggy, pounding brain could at least piece that together. 
Between school work piling up as the year came to an end, stress from a new villain rising in power, and the fight with Logan, Virgil was--
This time, Virgil’s eyes did fly open, his sudden panic as memories came flooding back not nearly enough to smother the cry of pain as agony shot through his whole body at the movement. 
Logan had been right in front of him, calling to him from the car, panicked and afraid as arms wrapped around Virgil and dragged him into the dark. 
There’s been a stabbing pain in his neck, something cold and sharp pressing into his skin before he’d passed out. 
Oh god, had he been drugged? How long had he been out?
It couldn’t have been too long, he reasoned against the rising panic. Logan wouldn’t let him stay kidnapped for long. Logan would find him, kick the shit out of whoever had taken Virgil, and bring him home to a fretting Patton. 
It would be fine. It was ok. No need to freak out like a baby, Logan was probably on his way right now to--
“Are you awake, Shadow Caster?” 
That made Virgil freeze, panic intensifying because last time he checked he definitely was not wearing his mask. He’d just been trying to get home after band practice. 
There were feet suddenly moving in his line of sight, and Virgil shrank back out of instinct, tensing at the feeling of someone looming over him, in far too much pain to try scrambling away. 
 “Well, hey.” The man was crouching down, still too close and too tall, and Virgil squeezed his eyes shut as he moved closer. “What’s the matter, Shadow? Scared?” 
It was that horrible sickly sweet tone, the one Virgil had heard so many times before that reeked of false kindness, drenched in eager giddiness at the power they had over him. 
Virgil couldn’t move from where he lay on the floor, and he was quickly realizing that wasn’t just from the fear. His body, aside from the lingering pain, felt heavy and cold, limbs slow and unresponsive. 
“Oh, I’m sorry,” the man said. “Do you prefer Virgil?”
Virgil felt like he was going to be sick, hearing his real name somehow so much worse, the reality of the entire situation hitting all at once, too many memories flooding back. 
He couldn’t even concentrate long enough to form anything more than a measly shadow against his ankle. Nothing that would be of any help. 
Virgil risked a glance up, furiously forcing back the tears that threatened to spill over at what he saw. 
It was the man from the news, the one Logan had been working tirelessly to track down. The one that clearly had no qualms with killing innocents. 
And he knew who Virgil was behind the mask. He’d taken him right in front of Logan. 
“What do you want?” Virgil asked in a breathy rush, cringing at how shaky his voice was. He couldn’t see most of his kidnapper’s face behind the black mask, but his eyes were practically glowing with amusement. 
“Here,” he said, and Virgil couldn;t even try to hold back the whimper that escaped when the man reached forward, shrinking back and shutting his eyes. “Let’s get you off the floor.” 
Virgil tried to protest, tried to kick and scramble away, tried to do anything in his power to make sure this man didn’t touch him, but in the end it was useless. 
Virgil’s body was still slow and uncooperative, and the man moved too fast. Before he knew it there was a hand fisted in his shirt, another squeezing his wrist, and Virgil was roughly yanked to his feet and dragged to the nearest wall, forced to sit up and lean against it. 
It wasn’t any better than laying on the floor, despite being a bit less vulnerable, and the sudden movements had only sent more bursts of stabbing pain through his body, stars dancing along his already hazy vision. 
He grit his teeth and said nothing, now staring resolutely at the man’s black jeans in front of him. 
“You’re sixteen, right?” the masked man asked. Virgil didn’t answer. “Poor kid. Do your parents know about your little bank robbing habit?” 
Virgil forced himself not to flinch, wishing he had the strength to curl up into a ball, feeling far too vulnerable and exposed. 
He barely went out as Shadow Caster anymore, spending the free time he did have training with Logan, and he definitely hadn’t stolen since moving in Logan and Patton. 
The man’s hand was suddenly moving without warning, too fast and too close to Virgil’s face, and he couldn’t fight back against a violent flinch this time, ears burning when the man laughed. 
“I don’t need to hurt you,” he said, a hand now rested on Virgil’s shoulder. It was too tight, too confining, to be anything even remotely gentle. “Your dad seemed real upset when I picked you up. We don’t want to keep him worrying much longer, right?” 
Virgil tired (and failed) to steady his breathing, dissolving mostly into hiccuping gasps, ignoring the nagging panic that came with each second Logan failed to make his entrance. 
He...he was coming, right? Virgil knew they’d fought that morning, and he’d been unfairly short tempered when he’d known Logan was already stressed but...but that wouldn’t mean…
Virgil didn’t realize he’d been hit until the pain registered, seconds after the deafening crack that rose up in the empty room, the man’s hand now missing one of his black gloves. 
“Are you paying attention to me, Shadow Caster?” 
It wasn;t the first time he’d been slapped, obviously, and definitely not the first time he’d heard that demand afterwards. Of course, this situation was arguably a bit different. 
He’d literally been kidnapped, he had no obligation to cower and submit to this adult’s wants. Logan was coming- he was. Virgil was still alive for a reason. He could afford to be defiant. 
But a bit of rational thought wasn’t nearly enough to erase a lifetime worth of conditioning. Virgil found himself pressing back even further against the wall, fighting to raise heavy, trembling hands up to block his face from another hit, unable to raise his eyes from the floor. 
“S-sorry,” he stuttered out, hating himself for turning so weak so quickly. He wondered, briefly, if Logan would be disappointed. “I...what do you want?” 
The man’s eyes practically lit up at the obvious fear, and Virgil shuddered under the weight of his excitement. He hoped his own expression wasn’t giving away how badly that slap had hurt. 
“I sent your friend Bluebird a nice little picture,” he said. “Figured he’d want to know the kid that used to follow him around had gotten into a little...predicament. Smart guy like him should be able to find our location, right?” 
Virgil forced himself to breathe, the mark on his face burning like acid. He had enough experience to know that it would probably leave a nasty bruise. 
“He’s...he’ll be here.” 
“Yeah?” It was impossible to tell for sure behind the mask, but Virgil thought the man was smirking. “You’ve already been here about two hours now.” 
Two hours? And Logan still hadn’t…
No. No. It was fine. It was all going to be ok. Logan would find him. He would. 
“He’ll be here,” Virgil repeated, barely audible, more for himself than anything. “And he’ll kick your ass.” 
Virgil expected the slap this time, but that didn’t mean it hurt any less, a new burst of pain exploding across his already throbbing cheek. 
“Tell you what,” the man said, casually, like Virgil wasn’t hunched over himself and fighting back tears. “Let’s make a deal, ok? Just in case he doesn’t.” 
Virgil didn’t answer, just stared resolutely down at his feet, shivering  and uselessly trying not to dissolve into sobs. 
God, he just wanted to go home. 
“I’ll let you go right now,” he said. “All I need is the Bird’s name. His real name. Tell me who he is, and you’re good to go.” 
And there was no way in hell Virgil was ever going to accept that. It wasn’t even a question. Not for a second. 
He was just glad this guy was apparently too stupid to connect Virgil’s recent adoption with the superhero’s identity. 
“No,” he spat, and quickly cringed back when the man’s hand raised again. “Wh-why don't you just...figure it out yourself? You found me.” 
“It’s not hard to find some street kid, Shadow. Not if you try hard enough. Bluebird’s another story.” 
Virgil swallowed, fairly sure he could taste some blood in his mouth as he hunched his shoulders and braced himself, knowing what was coming. 
“I don’t know who he is.” 
It was a fist that connected with his face this time, real anger finally leaking through the man’s giddy facade, and Virgil definitely tasted blood now. 
 “Don’t lie to me, kid.” 
“I-I’m not--” 
He honestly couldn’t tell if he’d been punched again, all of the pain was starting to blend together into one horrible wave of agony. But even as he feels himself roughly shoved to the ground, something digging into the back of his neck, his answer never changed. 
He was used to beatings. He could...he could take it. And yeah, maybe he’d gotten used to living under Logan and Patton’s safety the last year. Maybe it was worse because there was absolutely nothing stopping this man from killing him in seconds. 
But there wasn’t a second where he considered giving Logan up. Because even if he died...Logan would be ok. The only people to ever show him a shred of kindness in his life would be safe. 
And that was...that was…
He didn’t even have time to finish his thought before the weight on top of him was ripped away, the sudden change in pressure only making the pain flare up worse than before, and Virgil cried out in alarm. 
There were noises around him, too far away to make out, and much too loud to bring any semblance of calm. There were voices, he thought, angry and demanding, followed by deafening crashes and thuds. 
Had he done something wrong again? Everything hurt so bad and he couldn’t lift his head to even see where he was anymore. He shouldn’t be this weak. He should be able to get up and run while he could. He needed to get away, he needed--
There was a crash, louder than any of the other sounds, and Virgil thought he heard someone scream. A second later, he realized it could have been him. 
But the crash had definitely been close this time, like someone had hit the wall right above him, and Virgil used what was left of his fading strength to curl into himself, doing what he could to protect his face. 
Something sharp scraped against his arms and legs as he moved, stabbing pain joining the rest of the constant hurt, but he didn’t pay it any mind. 
And then, despite the fact that he hadn’t opened his eyes or lifted his head, Virgil is painfully aware of a presence making its way back towards him, looming over him, ready to hurt him all over again. 
But he wasn’t giving this guy any answers. 
“I-I’m...I’m not telling you who-who he is, I’m not--” 
Oh god, Virgil can’t breathe. He can feel the panic rising up, stronger than the pain and drowsiness, and his chest aches with his labored, frantic breaths. 
There’s a hand on his shoulder and Virgil couldn’t help the sob that escaped as he flinched back, back slamming into the wall. 
“Please d-dont.” He was begging now, desperate and scared, unable to stop himself. “Don’t hurt me, don’t hurt me I’m--”
“Virgil, it’s me.” The hand loosened slightly, but didn’t let go. “It’s just me. I found you, you’re safe.” 
And that...that sounded like…
“Look at me, Virgil. Please. I...I need to see that you’re alright.” 
Virgil found himself obeying, not moving from where he was curled up on the floor, but glancing up just enough to see Bluebird on his knees in front of him, gloved hand on Virgil’s hoodie. 
He couldn’t remember deciding to speak, barely able to hear his own pitiful voice. But it was there all the same, small and unsure. “D...dad?” 
There’s a beat of silence, Bluebird--Logan-- watching him with poorly concealed worry, before he clears his throat and replies. 
“Hello, Virgil. I assume you’re ready to go home.”
Virgil had broken down within seconds. He didn’t bother to hold back any sobs this time, still not strong enough to move from the floor, but Logan quickly gathers Virgil in his arms, murmuring frantic reassurances and what sounded like apologies. 
Logan held him close to his chet, Virgil pressed close enough to hear his heartbeat, fast and strong and real. 
Virgil felt himself being moved, but there was no panic that came with the motion, just another wave of pain and dizziness. Logan said something when he cried out in pain, hold briefly tightening, but Virgil was asleep before he could hear it. 
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bobohoney · 4 years
dulce de leche (M)
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A/N: hii!! my name is cori and i want to write: fluff, angst or smut. i would appreciate y'all reading this 🥺 thank you so much! hope you enjoy. feedback is always appreciated!
Warning: this contains mature content !! you had been warned.
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Have you ever perceive someone as a color? If you think about them the color will appear in your mind and surround you like a filter, make you see everything that color. Well, you do. You view Byun Baekhyun as honey yellow and it gives you the warm taste of dulce de leche inside your mouth. His tiny giggles are explosions of color inside your brain, everything about him is vibrant. He is light in your life and you are happy that you get to have him…as a friend. Not everything is warm colors in your life because sometimes you feel shallow; sometimes you believed you had nothing special to be adored by him. It hurts you to watch him hold her hand, to watch kiss her cheek and those little inside jokes that you will never have. Baekhyun was your friend, not your best friend, just your friend.
Daydreaming about Baekhyun was easy, everything that it came to him was but living your life…not so much. Not that you had big troubles but today, your birthday, is not being the best day as it should be. For starters everyone, even your roommate, forgot about your special day but it doesn’t matter right?
You just tried to shove off the tight feeling of sadness and disappointment inside your chest. Today was blue.
You opened the door to the corridor with your head down, embracing the rainy cloud that followed you- on your birthday- You didn’t realize until your books and papers were all on the floor that you had crashed into firm chest. Looking up you saw that cheeky smile handing your things to you. Oh Byun Baekhyun WHY. You thought.
“Here you go!!” He said with the cutest smile but before you got to say anything he continued. “Oh and happy birthday!”
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 Tonight was your first college party that your roommate convinced you to go. You dressed yourself simple with just a casual black top and black jeans, not to forget your combat boots. You always wore those; they were your lucky pair of shoes.
You smiled awkwardly while he waved at you leaving for his next class. You couldn’t believe that of all people he would remember your birthday. That’s how you decided that Byun Baekhyun wasn’t like everyone else. He cared, he deeply did.
Entering the party to your surprise you found out Baekhyun was the host; you listened to the RNB music that was playing in the background as you saw colors dancing inside your brain. It wasn´t the first time your synesthesia acted. You found it curious that every time Baekhyun was related to something it seemed to increase. Speaking of which Baekhyun was heading to your direction but your roommate, Baekhyun´s best friend, wasn’t anywhere to be found. You looked at him in awe, as everything screamed in colors. Hoping your face didn´t look as dumbstruck as you felt but the color honey yellow was present all over his warm smile and his figure. He looked so handsome; his hair slicked back almost as if he was Johnny Depp´s character in Cry baby. You really felt like a school girl who had the biggest infatuation in her life.
“Hi! You look good, wanna come to the kitchen and drink something?” He asked with his smooth voice. Not to mention he complimented you who made you blush deeply.
“Y-yeah that would be awesome!” You screamed for him to hear your voice with the loud music.
Taking you by surprise he grabbed your hand and suddenly you felt as if you were chewing dulce de leche candy. Byun Baekhyun really drove your senses mad. Your heart was feeling so heavy in your chest, why was he doing that? Being nice to you and making you feel special even with the smallest things.
When you two got to the kitchen he poured you orange juice with the tiniest bit of vodka meanwhile his drink had a lot of vodka and nothing of orange juice. He gave you your cup, not abandoning your side and you really asked yourself why Baekhyun on his own party would be by your side.
“Why are you here with me…? I mean it’s your own party and i don’t wanna ruin the fun…”
“Joy said this was your first party, so i felt like it was my duty as a host to be by your side.” He said with the sweetest tone, smiling down at you. Baekhyun wasn’t very tall but your head reached his lips so to talk to him you had to look up. “I´m not going to leave your side until you have a little bit of fun with me.”
So the night carried on while Baekhyun and you talked in the kitchen until your stomachs hurt from drinking and laughing. It surprised you how funny you were when drunk; it was like your awkward aura went away. You suddenly felt hot and the whole room shone on red lights, the music suddenly becoming louder in your ears and slow bass making your body vibrate.
“Want to dance?” Baekhyun looked at you with a glint of mischievousness in his eyes, his face red. He handed you his hand to go to the dance floor. You grabbed his hand and giggled.
He stood behind you grabbing you by the waist directing your movements, his hot breath hitting your nape. Baekhyun felt intoxicated with your perfume the proximity of your bodies while you two danced. He closed his eyes letting you dance in front in him, he pushed his hair to the back feeling suddenly your hands around his nape. He opened his eyes; looking directly at your eyes. Fuck, were you always this pretty? His hands flew to your hips bringing your body closer and closer as if he needed you. It had been a while since Baekhyun danced this close to a girl but you weren´t just a girl. Something about you made him want to be closer and intrigued him. He knew he had to take care of you tonight but he just wanted to let loose.
“Baekhyun?” You asked, softly yawning. He nodded at your question too lost in the sensation of being close to you to answer. “Take me to your room, ´m sleepy.”
You laid on Baekhyun´s bed looking at the ceiling; drinking too much made you sleepy and your senses were all over the place too. Baekhyun was next to you, looking at the ceiling as well. Your eyes felt heavy and your drunken mind decided it was good to cuddle Baekhyun as you fell asleep.
 You woke up with the feeling of a headache that was killing your brain, you didn´t know where you were. Until you remembered that this was Baekhyun´s bedroom….WAIT! Did the two of you drunk had s-sex? You didn’t want to have your first time like this and nononono this was such a mistake; that was probably why Baekhyun wasn’t next to you because he didn’t want you around. What if he hated you now?
You had to get out of there as soon as you could; you opened the door to peek if someone was there but lucky for you there was no one around.
Back into your house you got into your and closed the door because how could you look at Joy´s eyes and tell her yeah I had sex with Byun Baekhyun, your best friend. You felt dirty because you remembered how close Baekhyun and you were while dancing. How his hands danced across your stomach making you feel butterflies.
The back pocket of your jean started to vibrate; startled you took it out of there and saw who was calling.
You decided to decline the call, too nervous to answer and besides you didn’t trust your voice.
 After classes you opened the door of the house Joy and you shared. Breathing in the usual clean smell your house had, you felt relaxed until you saw who was sitting on the couch.
“What are you doing here?”
 “Joy said the house will be alone because you had classes till afternoon…” Baekhyun answered while looking at the game he was playing on your console.
“Well i´m here you can go.” The harsh tone surprised Baekhyun and the tension was palpable in the air.
“Is there something wrong…You seemed okay yesterday and now you are treating me coldly?” He sounded kind of hurt with the tone that you were using.
You didn’t answer him and went to your room closing the door with a loud thud. You hated how hurt he sounded but you didn’t want to talk to him because you didn’t want to have your first time drunk. Hot tears were building in your eyes, threatening to spill and your heart squeezed at the sound of Baekhyun´s voice behind the door.
“Hey, are you alright? Has the day been hard? You know you can count on me.”
“Why are you being nice to me now when yesterday we fucked and not even a goodbye? I´m not one of your whores, Baekhyun.”
“What are you talking about? We never fucked; i wouldn’t take advantage of you… I wouldn’t…”
You opened the door, relieved to find a very ashamed Baekhyun. His puppy eyes looked at you and with a pout he said. “I would never do that to you.”
You wanted to kiss him so bad, he looked so cute and your heart squeezed at the sight of Baekhyun´s pouty lips.
“I didn’t want to have my first time like that, drunk, you know…”
“Y-your first time?” He stuttered and you nodded.
Baekhyun started to feel hot and he didn´t know what to say or what to do. He always thought you were so pretty but his shy ass didn´t know what to do or how to get close to you. When you two danced that night he thought he was going to die if he didn’t kiss you but he wasn’t going to take advantage of you specially when you were drunk and he was too. Suddenly he looked at you and he thought his heart was going to leap out of his chest, the tension had change into a sexual one and everything had slowed down.
“Fuck it.” Muttered Baekhyun under his breath before grabbing you by your cheeks and kissing you softly.
You opened your eyes watching Baekhyun with his eyes closed and pouty lips kissing you but before you could respond the kiss was over. He was looking at you with his hands still on your cheeks when you kissed him again grabbing his thin cotton shirt bringing him closer to you. You felt butterflies wait no you felt a whole zoo inside your tummy. The desire was running through your veins as well as the adrenaline making your brain excited and your panties damp because you never wanted anyone like this in your whole life. You never saw anyone as honey yellow or tasted dulce de leche when you touched them. He made you go wild with only a touch.
His hands traveled from your cheeks to your waist to bring you closer while his teeth nibbled at your bottom lip because his tongue wanted to enter your mouth so you complied, you opened your mouth letting him caress the insides of it. His tongue was warm making you moan and wet yourself even more. You had never been touched like this by anyone but Baekhyun, he was special. He was the boy that was always there, your ultimate crush. Your heart squeezed when you felt his hard on poking at your thigh.
“Make me yours, Baek. Please” You whispered separating yourself from the kiss and he opened his eyes wide. He couldn’t wait to make you feel good.
His fingers gently touched your belly and you shivered in response to his touch. He looked at you for permission and you nodded. Baekhyun dropped to his knees and opened your jeans lowering them till they hit the floor. He saw your wet black panties, touching your covered slit with his two fingers.
“Y-you are wet…so wet.” He muttered as if he was speaking to your pussy instead of you. He kissed your covered pussy and watched your reaction. You trembled when Baek lowered your panties and gasped when he saw your pussy lips. He couldn’t wait anymore and licked between your folds. His tongue felt so warm between your pussy lips. He was at first given kitten licks then Baekhyun decided to suck your clit so harsh that your hands flew to his hair. Threading your hands between his hair you brought his head closer to your womanhood, he moaned while invested on giving you the best head you would ever get. His fingers gripped your thighs to not let you fall because they felt like jelly. Your breath came in uneven pants, the coil in your stomach getting so tight that it was time for you to release. Chasing the feeling you whimpered Baekhyun ´s name and came all over his face.
“i´m s-sorry…” You said shy after the first orgasm of your life.
“No need to be sorry, you taste really sweet almost like dulce de leche.”
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laceymorganwrites · 4 years
The Story of the sad chapter 15
Word Count: 2,367
Pairing: Ban x reader
Warnings: cursing
Summary: The Rescue Mission continues
Taglist; @lysawayne​
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“Okay, lovely reunions aside, we gotta go save the princess now” you hated to be the one who destroyed this precious moment, but someone had to do it.
It wouldn´t be good if you stayed here any longer than you needed to.
“You should´ve said that at the beginning, dear” Merlin smirked and forced Elizabeth´s location out of Vivian.
As soon as she uttered the words, Merlin teleported you in front of the king´s room, something was holding her back though, it was the perfect cube, a demonic barrier.
Not that that was a problem for Merlin, who immediately canceled the magic, making you able to enter the room.
Elizabeth headed straight for Meliodas to hug him, it was bittersweet. She didn´t remember him yet and still her feelings were prevalent.
You wondered if you would ever be able to harbor such a strong love for another person and if they would for you.
Before you could sink into your thoughts any more, Dreyfus entered the room and had all of you on guard.
However instead of fighting you, he broke down on the floor in shame, admitting to the crime of killing his own brother, the very reason you had to flee in the first place. Before you wasn´t a holy knight, he was merely a broken man eaten alive by his guilt now.
He also informed you that Hendrickson´s plan was to bring forth another holy war.
After hearing that his son was alive, he obliged and obediently walked himself into the dungeon to await his trial.
Merlin took a look at the king´s health and stated that he needed to be treated immediately, however this would only be possible in Camelot where she had all of her supplies.
“I´m coming with you!” you said.
Merlin only raised an eyebrow but then chuckled.
“I suppose you would, after all it´s where your weapon lies… however it got there, I cannot remember” she smirked.
She teleported you, Arthur and the king to Camelot´s castle where she treated him.
“Arthur, show (Y/N) where her sword is” she smiled mischievously.
“You mean the one you told me to guard?” he asked and you cocked an eyebrow, why would he have to guard your sword? It´s not like it would wither and nobody was able to steal it.
He showed you around the castle and then stepped through a secret hallway leading into a big room plastered with all kinds of weapons and armor of the goddess clan.
It felt like a twisted version of home.
“What the hell...where did she get all of this? Well, I suppose if anyone would be able to, it´d be Merlin. But still...” you looked around the room in wonder, subconsciously remembering your old days as a soldier, as the head of the holy army.
It was sick but it filled you with pride, you were good at it, very much so and even better at strategy.
But still, there had to be a reason why you remembered so much of your past recently.
“Merlin said you could take anything you want, she also told me to tell you to view this room as your personal closet” he awkwardly smiled at you.
You had to chuckle, that was so typical of her.
“Well, thanks a bunch for all of this, but I have to go back now” you said as you went back to say goodbye to Merlin, sword in hand.
“If you ever need anything else, just give me a call” Merlin smiled at you before she teleported you back to the capital.
You landed right amidst the action, it seemed.
“Holy shit, what the fuck is going on?” you asked, looking around you saw only ruins of the castle, two holy knights wincing in pain and your friends, boyfriend and another holy knight.
“Hell if I know, whatever it is we have to make it stop” Diane said.
“Babe!” Ban came up to you and hugged you tight, kissing your cheek.
“I missed you...” he nuzzled your neck.
Warmth spread through your body as you let yourself fall into his touch for an instance, this, whatever this was, whether it was true or not, it felt right.
Yes, Gowther did spread some doubt in your mind about the reason you got into this relationship, but you wouldn´t let that hinder you.
You were always better at fighting when you had something to protect, even if that something was immortal and handsome.
“(Y/N)! You got your sword back!” Elaine exclaimed, clapping her hands and cheering for you.
“Finally joined the party, eh?” Meliodas joined you, teasing you.
But before any more casual conversation could be held, Jericho transformed into the same monster that Meliodas, Ban and King fought a while ago.
Apparently it was a malfunction on holy knights who have been given demon blood.
The thought that Hendrickson did that still made you sick to your stomach.
He suddenly appeared in front of you, clad in a demonic aura as the new generation of holy knights all transformed into beasts.
“Okay so, how the fuck do we go about this? Mel, you told me that those beasts could only be defeated once you killed the person inside, right? There has to be another way!” you called out to him.
There was too much chaos to get a clear head or overview, everything happened too quickly.
Meliodas and Gilthunder tried to take on Hendrickson, however he ordered Vivian to take Margaret and Elizabeth as hostages, making the men startle for a second.
A second he used to slice them down.
Elizabeth did something very brave and stupid at that moment, she offered to go with Hendrickson in return for Meliodas´ and Gilthunder´s life.
She always thought about others before herself, which made her so strong.
“Mel, I know what you´re thinking, but we need to think this through. We need a rescue Elizabeth team and one that deals with those fuckers” you pointed at the beasts that were once holy knights.
All he gave you was a pained expression.
“I´ll heal your wounds, give me a sec” you knelt down at his side and applied your magic.
“Okay, we need to contain those monsters before we know what to do with them that doesn´t kill the person inside. I can´t afford them to wreak any more havoc. Somebody needs to get the citizens into a safe space. So that´ll be two teams. And then the last one is the rescue team. King, Diane, Gil and Howzer, you go defeat the beasts. Gowther, Hawk and Elaine, get the people to safety. Ban, Mel and I will rescue the princess.” you knew it wasn´t your place but someone had to put order and clear instructions into the heads of the scared, otherwise nothing could be done.
Nothing could be achieved by being frozen in fear.
Meliodas nodded, getting back up on his feet.
You ran into the direction where Hendrickson´s magic was coming from, apparently Dreyfus fought him as of right now.
Dreyfus was on your side, but even if you arrived in time to save the princess you doubted that the four of you could take Hendrickson on.
You might have been able to if you had had the opportunity to train with your sword longer, it should come to you easily, but maybe ten years was just too long. Not to mention Meliodas was exhausted, even though you healed his wounds.
And while Ban couldn´t take any longterm damage from Hendrickson, you doubted he could deliver any to him.
It was hopeless. And yet you couldn´t just stand around and continued moving forward.
When you arrived you saw only the remains of Dreyfus´ armor and a bleeding Elizabeth.
You hoped Ban and Meliodas would be able to distract Hendrickson long enough for you to heal her and get her to safety.
Without thinking you flew past him, grabbed Elizabeth and healed her in the process of leaving her in the care of Elaine and Hawk who alongside Diane and the others came into your direction to help.
You told Elaine and Hawk to get to safety before you joined the fight again.
“Mel, if we´re lucky he won´t be able to take the demonic magic any longer, so let´s hit him with everything we got. Make it count” you husked, a determined look in your eyes as you swung your sword as the first attack against Hendrickson.
Ban watched in awe as your blade stroke his skin, making him wince in pain. It´s been while since he´s seen you go all out on someone and damn were you a sight to behold.
So graceful, so elegant, so utterly beautiful. He had to watch out not to get distracted too much by you.
“Yes babe! Get him!” he cheered for you and the others followed your example, fiercefully attacking Hendrickson.
As the battle commenced it was revealed that Hendrickson hid a red demon corpse in a hidden cave which he claimed to be the source of it all.
It enraged you beyond belief, how he said that without any remorse, without any tone change in his voice, he even sounded proud of it, of himself.
“You disgust me...” you balled your fists, shaking as tears streamed down your face.
“How the fuck could you make them drink that?! Aren´t you ashamed of yourself, you piece of shit? I´m gonna fucking obliterate you and you bet your ass I´m gonna make it hurt” you lashed out at him, your wings subconsciously raised you higher as you started an attack from above, slashing at his shoulder with all force.
“Ashamed? Why should I? Just look at all the success I´ve had with this… I´m invincible” he sardonically smirked.
“If only Mael didn´t steal my place as one of the four archangels and I had his sword, I would´ve killed you back when we first found out about you, but now this´ll have to do!” you kicked him in the guts and held him down, about to give him the final stab when he grabbed onto your wings and broke them.
You saw red as the pain emitted into your body like hot lava, almost making it burst. Your wings hung loosely down your back and you couldn´t move them, they were now a mere burden to you.
“You fucking bastard!” Ban rushed to your side and got you out of harm´s way, only refusing to hit Hendrickson when Meliodas actively held him back.
“Ban.” Elaine stated coldly, there was so much anger inside of her small body she couldn´t contain it, she would have her revenge.
“Let´s end this. Once and for all, we did it once, we can do it again. It´s time for vengeance, for the forest, for (Y/N), for all the misery this thing caused” she grit her teeth, collecting all of her magic in the palm of her hands and pointing it at Hendrickson, making him fall down the hole that was created when the demon was revealed.
“Fucking hell, this hurts like a bitch...” you twisted your arms behind your back to reach your wings to heal them, but it seemed like you had exhausted your healing magic for the day.
“Don´t force yourself, (Y/N). We´re gonna take him down, no matter what” Meliodas told you, carrying you to the side of the battlefield with a dark look in his eyes.
“Diane, you stay back with (Y/N). Watch that nothing happens” Meliodas ordered as the rest went down the hole into the cave.
“We´ll be right back, darling...” Ban held your face in his hands, caressing your cheek.  “Just stay put, okay? Diane, make sure she´s not into too much pain. Please watch out for her for me” he pleaded with a worried look on his face before he kissed your forehead one last time and joined the others.
“You can count on me!” Diane nodded determined and sat down beside you.
“Poor (Y/N)...is there anything I can do to help?” she hated being tall, especially in moments like this she felt useless. A dear friend was hurting and she couldn´t do anything but sit by and watch.
“No...I´ll have to wait until my magic is restored, I think with enough stretching I can heal myself. But it hurts like a bitch...” you forced a smile.
“Maybe we can talk to distract you from the pain? Hey, let´s talk about Ban! That´s sure to brighten up your mood” she smiled at you.
“Yeah, it sure is...” you returned the smile.
“I don´t know what I did to deserve him, but I feel like if I question it too much all the happiness will just go away and I don´t want that. But if I don´t question it then I´ll never be sure...” you rested your chin on your legs.
“Sure of what?” Diane tilted her head.
“Whether I truly love him...whether I´d be able to recognize the feeling even if it hit me in the face or if I´m even capable of such a wonderful thing...” you shared your thoughts with her, watching her frown.
“Well, with your past it´s only natural that you´d feel this way. I can´t tell you how to feel but I can tell you the things I noticed that changed about you when you and Ban got together. You´re happier, it shows, you´re so free and light all the time, it´s contagious, it´s like your smile and happiness washes over to the rest of us. And you´re much more relaxed too, it´s like a burden has been lifted off you. I like seeing you happy like this, I never liked it when you were so depressed over things long past and unchangeable… and (Y/N)? I can see the same changes in him too. He´s so soft and gentle around you, I´m envious of what you have, it´s just so beautiful” she played with her fingers.
“You think so? I didn´t notice any of that...” you felt silly, how could you not even recognize your own happiness let alone the one of others anymore? It was pathetic.
“It´s because you´re always in your head” Diane giggled.
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m0etenchandon · 5 years
Romantic Getaway (Reader x Gwil x Ben smut)
Pairing: Reader x Gwilym Lee x Ben Hardy Summary: The boys spend an entire week getting you sexually frustrated, and after the tennis match a couple of weeks later, they have an idea you can´t refuse.  Warnings: SMUT (18+), threesome, teasing, oral, fingering, unprotected sex, creampie, dom!Gwilym, some sub!Ben and featuring a tiny bit of jealous!Joe Word count: 11K
This is pure filth and you are not allowed to read it if you´re under 18. I will block you if I catch minors interacting with this story.
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The second you stepped out of the plane in France, you were hit with the warm summer air. It was almost too hot. The sun felt scorching against your skin and you scrambled to locate your sunglasses in the bottom of the bag. Of course they were at the bottom, it was just your luck. Really, you shouldn´t complain though. You had somehow managed to join Ben and Gwilym on their press trip. Cognac wasn´t really your thing per se, but it was an opportunity you weren´t going to turn down. Even though it meant the two boys had lied and told the arrangers you were their manager. You were fine living with a lie for the next week. Surely, they could teach you some acting skills so you could fool everyone.
You turned around just in time to see Ben take a selfie with Gwilym in the background. He was biting down on his bottom lip, and if it weren´t from his sunglasses, the picture would clearly show him squinting his eyes. Ben´s hair looked golden in the sunlight, and you could also definitely see some stubble on his top lip and chin. He wasn´t able to grow out a full beard like Gwilym, but a boy can dream.
Speaking of Gwilym, the man didn´t have time to react before Ben snapped the picture, yet he still managed to look effortlessly sexy. His hair was slightly messed up by the wind, his deep blue eyes concealed by his sunglasses.
The both of them were gorgeous, there was no denying that. They always looked good. It was a struggle really being friends with them. There was always a lingering sexual tension in the air accompanied by looks and touches that lasted a little bit too long. Not to mention when Joe was there too. The three of you always ganged up on the poor guy, but you knew he secretly loved it. However, maybe not the fact that he was missing this trip. That was happens when you live across the Atlantic. It was always a blast when you saw Joe. One time you even ended up almost sleeping with him before realizing what you were doing. Needless to say, there were a lot of drinks involved. Specifically, tequila. But, you still remember the way he grabbed your ass and poured all his energy into the kiss. The way his stubble rubbed against your face. You never spoke about it, but you both certainly spent your time thinking about it. A lot of time.
“Are you trying to fuck the camera, Ben? Bloody hell that lip bite oof I´m sweating”, you teased, stopping and putting your hands on your hips. The rest of the group was waiting for everyone to get off the small plane before getting into cabs.
“Aaw, are you jealous, Y/N?”, Ben asked. He winked at you and you hated the fact that your pulse immediately went up.
“You wish”, you mumbled. You definitely were. You might have been able to fool them, but not yourself. “It´s just the heat”
“Stop flirting and let me see the photo”, Gwilym said, walking up to Ben. He ducked his head to see the brightly lit screen. “Ah come on, mate! You caught me off guard, I look awful”
“Well I think you look handsome, Gwil. Besides, Ben´s the one who looks awful in this picture. He looks like he just smelled something really bad”, you said, winking at the tall man in front of you.
“I just caught a whiff of you, love”, Ben said, “but relax, I´m just sending it to Joe”
“Rude”, you said, pushing his shoulder. A smile tugged at your lips though, you knew he was only joking.
“Ah ok. Go ahead then. Show that fucker what he´s missing out on”, Gwilym said. He gave you a kind smile and a quick peck on the cheek as a thank you for your compliment. It probably didn’t mean a lot to him, but you could already feel yourself getting even hotter. Heat rose to your cheeks and you blew out a breath of air.
“Did you just get all flustered, Y/N? I didn´t mean to overstep my boundaries”, Gwilym said, furrowing his eyebrows.
“Nah it´s just the heat. You know I don´t mind”, you said, and thankfully the cabs arrived. You really didn´t want to continue the conversation.
The three of you took one cab for yourself. Obviously, you would eventually have to socialize with the other “influencers” on the trip, but for now you just wanted some time alone with your boys.
“What should the caption on the picture be?”, Ben asked, getting ready to send the picture to Joe. He had pushed the sunglasses up to his head so his golden curls hugged them, his green eyes meeting yours as he waited for a reply. What you wouldn’t give to run your fingers through his hair.
“What about wish you were here, handsome?”, you suggested with a smirk. You knew Ben and Gwilym hated the fact that you hooked up with Joe once. Or, they didn´t explicitly say it, but they got all jealous and protective whenever one of you brought it up.
“You kiss him once and now you think he is handsome?”, Gwilym said. Yup, there was definitely jealousy in the air.
“It was more than a kiss, Gwil. And besides, I told you literally a few minutes ago that you look handsome too”, you said, winking.
“What about me?”, Ben asked, forcing your attention away from Gwilym. You rolled your eyes.
“You too, Ben”
“Then why have you never kissed us?”, he asked. Oh, if only he knew how many times you´ve thought about it.
“The opportunity never struck”, you mumbled, shrugging. You definitely would have, given the chance.
“What was that, Y/N?”, Gwilym asked. Ok so they didn´t hear. That´s for the better, you guessed.
“Never mind”, you said, reaching for Ben´s phone. “Here, I´ll come up with something”
--- Joe replied just as you pulled up outside an old castle. You could hear Ben´s phone ding but you were far too preoccupied taking in the view. You had previously been briefed that you would do a sightseeing stop on your way to the hotel and this was it. The buildings in front of you were simply stunning, so beautiful you felt out of place. So romantic.
“Wow”, you said, looking around and taking it all in. Yep, you were definitely happy you agreed to come.
“Y/N! Joe said we have to try harder to get him jealous”, Ben said, following after you with his eyes glued to his phone. There was a whiny tone to his voice that went straight to your core. A shiver ran down your back.
“Can you take a picture of us?”, Gwilym asked.
“What? No, do it yourself”
“Come on, you work for us, remember?”, Ben said with a wink.
You groaned. The acting had to start now apparently. You shot him an annoyed smile before reaching your hand out in front of you, palm up. Ben placed his phone in it and went to stand next to Gwilym. They posed next to each other in a passway, backs against each other.
“You have to stand closer than that”, you said, snapping a photo. You knew Joe hated missing out, but he hated seeing Ben and Gwilym being affectionate even more. Also, you wanted to see them together too. Purely for selfish purposes.
Gwilym moved an arm around Ben and pulled him into his side. You took a photo.
“Even closer”, you said, “Just hug each other. That will drive him insane”
Yep, definitely for selfish purposes.
Ben laughed before wrapping his hands around the taller man´s waist. He rested his head against Gwilym´s cheek. Wow they really did look cute like that. What you wouldn´t give to be in between that sandwich though.
“Yes, just like that”, you said with a grin. You eagerly took several more pictures, having them make silly faces at the camera. Trying to ignore the tingle in your lower half. They just looked so good like this. You were pretty sure your legs were about to give in when Ben tilted his head slightly and Gwilym shot you one of his signature tight lipped smiles. The fact that you could see Ben´s new tattoo didn´t help either.
“Joe will be so pissed”, Ben giggled as you showed him the pictures. He chose the best one and sent it off to Joe.
You didn´t have anything planned for the rest of the night, but to be honest you were relived. It had been a long day of travelling and you desperately wanted some alone time to deal with the frustration that had built throughout the day watching Ben and Gwilym be all over each other. Thankfully, you had your own room.
You took a long, warm, shower. Just letting the water run down your body and the scented soap fill your nostrils. Hotel soap usually sucked, but this was a fancy hotel, so it was actually decent. There was some matching body lotion on the counter too, which you rubbed all over your body.
Wrapping a towel around your hair and the bathrobe around your body, you emerged from the bathroom to find both Ben and Gwilym lounging on your bed. Fuck. So much for alone time. They would only make your frustration worse.
They hadn´t noticed you appearing, too preoccupied with their phones. You rolled your eyes and coughed, immediately feeling two pairs of eyes raking all over your body. The robe was long, so you were pretty well covered. Well except for the low neckline. You adjusted it and raised your eyebrows.
“Guys, what are you doing here?”, you asked, walking over to your suitcase and started picking out an outfit to wear. Your plans of staying in bed naked all night had gone out the window.
“Joe still isn´t jealous. Or at least he says he isn’t”, Ben whined. God it was a beautiful noise.
“And?”, you asked, “Why should I care?”
You picked out a clean pair of underwear and added it to the pile of clothes in your hands.
“Well we thought of something else that might make him jealous and we need your uh- your help”, Gwilym said. Fucking hell how many more photos did they want?
“Ugh fine just let me get dressed and we can go out”, you said, turning and walking over to the bathroom only to be stopped by Ben.
“Wait, don´t! It uhm- we were thinking maybe you could be in this photo”, he said. There was a pink blush creeping up to his cheeks, making you squint your eyes.
“Ok? In what setting exactly?”
“Just hear us out on this one, ok?”, Gwilym said. He stood up and walked over to you, grabbing your hand in his. Oh, that felt nice.
“O-Ok”, you said. Gwilym gave you a bright smile before leading you over to the bed, sitting you down as Ben got up. They were both staring down at you which only made you more nervous. What the hell was going on?
“So, we know that Joe is pissed he never got to sleep with you, right?”, Ben said, to which you nodded in agreement. He had told the boys several times, and they of course had told you. It´s not like you didn´t regret it yourself so it was fine.
Wait, where was this going?
“Yeah and we were thinking that if we sent a photo of us eating you out or something that would really get to him”, he followed. What now? You were pretty sure your jaw was about to hit the ground.
“We don´t have to actually do anything. It´s just pretend”, Gwilym said, trying to calm your shocked state.
Oh. You felt kind of disappointed actually.
“Please say something, love”
“I-uhm, sure”, you said after a while. At least the image would come in handy when you were finally able to be alone.
“Ok great”, Ben said, a grin spreading over his face. “Uhm, if you go put on a pair of underwear we´ll get ready out here, ok?”
Your mind was racing as you walked on shaky legs towards the bathroom. Of course, Gwil and Ben had seen you in a bikini before, but this was different. This was lacy underwear. Which by the way left very little to the imagination.
Thankfully, you had settled on a matching black set. At least it wasn´t some old, washed out granny panties.
After putting it on and fixing your hair in the mirror, you walked out into your bedroom again only to find both Ben and Gwil shirtless next to your bed. Oh my god. Your eyes raked all over their bodies. Over Ben´s hard pecks and defined abs, over Gwilym´s long and toned torso. Both of them insanely hot in their own way.
“Bloody hell, Y/N”, Ben muttered under his breath. Oh. They were checking you out too. You felt heat rush to your cheeks.
“So, what were you thinking?”, you asked, eager to relieve the tension in the air. One way or another.
“Uhm just grab Ben´s phone and lie down”, Gwilym instructed, gesturing towards the bed.
You took a deep breath and did like you were told. The only thing on your mind was their hungry looks and their nakedness. Even to the point you were operating on pure auto-pilot.
“Tell us to stop if you feel uncomfortable, ok, darling?”, Gwilym asked. You certainly didn´t want this to stop, so you just nodded and grabbed Ben´s phone.
The two boys knelt at the very edge of the bed. Ben reached out to place a hand on both of your thighs, slowly pulling your legs apart. You could hear them draw in a harsh breath when your heat was almost revealed to them, only the thin piece of lace leaving at least a little bit to their imagination.
“Ready?”, Ben asked, raising an eyebrow. He was so close you could feel his hot breath on your naked thigh. You felt dizzy, your heat getting damper and damper by the second. You were positive they could tell.
“Mhm”, you said, not trusting your voice. Gwilym smiled at you before leaning in and pressing his lips to the very edge of your panties, millimeters from your entrance. His beard was rubbing against the inside of your thighs, his lips soft against the sensitive skin. You knew, you just knew that your wetness was seeping onto his lips but right now you were too preoccupied with not passing out. Especially when Ben gave a kiss to your inner thigh, just below your knee.
They both looked up at you with cocky looks in their eyes. Shit, right. You were supposed to take pictures.
You hastily snapped several photos of them basically eye-fucking the camera and you definitely staring at them through the screen. You could just barely see the tops of their shoulders and chest and you couldn´t help but start to breathe heavily.
“Did you get them?”, Gwilym asked. His lips were still almost pressed to your heat, the vibrations in his deep voice enough to make you shudder.
“Y-yeah”, you said, having to fight back a whine when they pulled back. Ben reached for his phone to check out the photos as Gwilym gave your knee a kiss. You closed them and threw the blanket over you. It´s not like they hadn´t already seen a lot of you, too much even, but it was nice and warm.
“Thank you for doing this, darling”, Gwilym said. As he moved his lips you could see the side of his chin glisten. Holy shit. He had your pussy juice on his face.
“Oh my god you have- uhm let me get this”, you said, quickly sitting up and swiping your thumb over the wet patch. You collected your wetness before rubbing it onto the sheet. You were absolutely mortified. “Sorry about that”
“It´s alright. I´m flattered”, he said with a wink, and turned his focus to Ben´s phone. He had apparently found a good one and showed it to you, but you couldn´t focus on it. You just nodded while staring into your room. Oh my god. Gwilym had just been flattered that you were wet for him. Was he flirting? What was happening?
“You ok, Y/N?”, Ben asked, his eyebrows furrowed in concern.
“Yeah, I´m just tired”, you said. You weren´t exactly lying, you definitely were tired. Tired and very horny.
“Oh, ok. Well good night then, love. See you tomorrow”
“Sleep tight, darling”
You smiled at them before settling back into the warm bed. If it weren´t for your focus on how turned on you were you would have noticed how hard both Ben and Gwilym were as they picked up their shirts and left the room. Might even have heard them jack off through the wall if you had listened hard enough.
The following day was filled to the brim with activities so you didn´t really have time to talk to Ben and Gwilym in private about the events of last night. You even had breakfast with the other influencers, and you didn´t exactly want to ask what Joe had responded with in front of them. At least it meant that Gwilym had no opportunity to bring up the fact that you had definitely been wet when he kissed your inner thigh.
It didn´t exactly help that the two boys looked incredible in their outfits, your mind going straight back to what happened after they left your room last night. How you had gotten yourself off to the thought of fucking them. What you wouldn´t give to have that happen.
Around 5 pm you were told to go get ready for a fancy dinner at an estate. Luckily, you, Ben and Gwilym were the only three on your floor of the hotel. Or actually, it wasn´t a good thing because the second you stepped out of your room to catch up with them, your pulse rose significantly. If you thought they looked good earlier that day, they looked incredible now. Both of them had on well-fitting dress pants that accentuated their best features. Ben´s pants were a tighter fit than Gwilym´s, his thighs being hugged by the fabric. Gwilym´s pants were a bit too short but showed off his ankles. Who would have thought ankles would turn you on?
They both wore simple, but probably very expensive, white t-shirts tucked into their pants. Gwilym had put on a simple yet smart black cardigan that he had buttoned in the middle while Ben wore a grey fitted blazer. You almost couldn´t tear your eyes away, but slowly made your way up to their faces. They had obviously caught you staring, a smug look on both their lips. Fuck. Their hair was perfect too. Ben´s curls had finally started to grow out a bit after he cut it short, and they laid neatly on the top of his head. Gwilym had styled his in the usual quiff. Up and away from his face. His gorgeous face. And that beard that you had felt against your inner thigh last night.
“Earth to Y/N”, Ben said, waving his hand in front of your face. You snapped out of it and turned to face him. Feeling heat rush to your cheeks.
“Sorry, what were you saying?”, you asked.
“I said you look lovely”, he said with a smile. You felt both pairs of eyes rake over your body and take in your summer dress. It was a gorgeous yellow color with flowers printed all over it. Your boobs were on show as well as your legs.
“Oh, thank you”, you said. If you weren´t so turned on by them then maybe you could have actually stuttered out a proper reply. Instead, you just said they looked handsome and pressed the button for the elevator. God, why were you so awkward?
There was so much tension in the air when you all got in the elevator that you were sure you could cut it with a knife.
“So, what did Joe think about the picture last night?”, you asked, twiddling with your key-card. The two boys started laughing, which caused you to whip your head up to look at them.
“Oh he´s so jealous, love”, Ben said, winking. “He told us to stay off his girl”
“What? I´m not his girl”, you said, grateful that the tension had lifted slightly.
“He wishes you were”, Gwilym said. Sure, Joe was hot, but you couldn´t see yourself do more than sleep with him. Despite it being the subject of many of your wet dreams.
“Well he can keep wishing”, you mumbled.
“Also, he thought the photo was staged so we might need to do another one”, Ben said just as the elevator doors opened and you were met by the other influencers. Another one? Yeah, you would be down for that. Your mind already starting to race.
“Will you take a photo of just us, darling?”, Gwilym asked after they had done the group photo. Thankfully, you didn´t have to be in that because you were their manager. Or at least for the week.
“This is a step down from last night if you´re trying to get Joe jealous, you know”, you said, a smile tugging at your lips. You wanted to move on to more risqué ones.
“This is for Instagram”, Gwilym said, “And to give Joe some fomo. But, we´ll send a different one to him later. A more private one”
Gwilym whispered that last part into your ear, his breath so close to your skin that a shiver ran down your back. You almost dropped his phone at the sensation. Fuck. Wetness started to gather in your panties.
You took a deep breath and quickly snapped some photos of them leaning on each other and doing different poses. The best one was definitely one where Ben was stood two steps above Gwilym and had his arm resting on his shoulder. Gwilym looked up at Ben, his hands in his pockets. They looked ridiculously hot, but the thing that made your heart race was the fact that Ben was staring at you, his lips slightly parted.
“Did you get a good one?”, Ben asked, pulling you from your trance.
“Yeah! I´d certainly get jealous if I missed out on the two of you looking as handsome as this. 10/10 would bang”, you said.
“Really?”, Gwilym teased.
Both boys walked towards you while laughing, and you couldn´t help but take a few candid shots of them smiling.
“It´s the setting. Everyone would look good here”, you lied. You didn´t want them to know just how much you wanted to fuck them. Or maybe you did?
“I´m not so sure, love. Gwilym told me you got really excited when we had our little photoshoot yesterday”, Ben said. He locked his green eyes on yours, making you swallow. Hard.
“I-uhm. I- you interrupted my alone time”, you said in panic. It wasn´t necessarily a lie. You were about to play with yourself after all. “That´s why”
“So you didn´t like it?”, Gwilym asked. Both of them stepped closer and you were pretty sure you were about to pass out. Where was that confident girl who was here just seconds ago?
“Didn’t say that”, you mumbled. “Who wouldn´t like two gorgeous guys between their legs?”
“Are you down for another one then? One where you pretend to suck Ben off?”, Gwilym asked. There it was again. That pretend part. The part that stung.
“Sure”, you said with a shrug. At least it would give you something else to get off to.
The two boys smirked and started walking off towards where the dinner would be held. Neither of them mentioned their abrupt proposal through five courses. Of course, with matching cognac. That was why you were here after all. You just chatted away about normal, mundane, stuff while slowly getting more and more buzzed. It was probably out of order to get drunk at such a fancy restaurant, but they kept pouring you more whenever you finished your drink so really you had no choice.
You were pulled from a conversation with one of the other girls there by a strong hand on your thigh. The warmth from their palm spread up to your heat, causing you to excuse yourself and turn around. You were met by those beautiful deep blue eyes you knew so well.
“Come to the bathroom in two minutes, darling”, Gwilym whispered into your ear before leaving the table.
As he stood up, you noticed Ben was gone too. Right, he was the one you were going to suck off after all. Or, pretend to suck off that was. You couldn´t help but feel a wave of disappointment wash over you. Why couldn´t you just tell them you wanted to do it for real? And why could they not just take your hints? Urgh boys. Stupid, gorgeous and so god damn sexy boys.
You counted to 30 two times before excusing yourself. It hadn´t been two minutes yet, but you were getting bored. And certainly impatient. You quickly crossed the bar and knocked on the door to the bathroom.
“It´s me”, you said before knocking again.
The door swung open just as you had raised your hand to knock a third time. Gwilym appeared behind it, a cocky smirk on his face.
“Eager?”, he snickered, gesturing for you to come in. He locked the door behind you.
“Can´t wait to pretend to have Ben´s cock in my mouth”, you said, turning to Ben just in time to see his eyes widen before he cleared his throat and composed himself. It felt really empowering to have him get all flustered.
“So how are we doing this then?”, you asked. You noticed Ben was still fully clothed.
“Just kneel in front of Ben and I´ll take a photo from behind”, Gwilym said, moving his hand as he spoke to show you how he wanted it to look.
You nodded and sank to your knees in front of Ben. You gulped when you were met by his clad crotch, desperately wanting to reach out and touch him. Instead, you looked up at Ben and gave him a smile.
You could hear Gwilym snap a few photos behind Ben before cursing.
“It doesn´t look right”, he mumbled, apparently studying the photo on his phone.
“Maybe if Ben´s pants are pushed down?”, you suggested. You looked up at Ben to gauge his reaction. You could see him take in a deep breath, his cheeks flush, before nodding to let you know it was ok.
“Yeah, try that”, Gwilym said.
You pulled Ben´s t-shirt out of his trousers, feeling his hot skin against your fingertips as you moved. You could see a strip of his toned stomach accompanied by a trail of hair as you lifted it, probably higher than strictly necessary, before moving down to work on his button. You popped it open before sliding the zipper down. Your fingers brushed against his boxers, and you swore you could feel his cock stir slightly beneath your touch. Warmth rose to your cheeks.
You reached around and pulled his pants down just slightly, doing the same at the front. The thin material of his boxers was all that was covering his cock. His cock that was definitely semi-hard.
“Hmm, doesn´t look right. Can you pull his boxers down just a little, Y/N?”, Gwilym asked from behind Ben.
Ben nodded when you looked up at him for consent, causing you to relax a little bit. Just a little though, because as you pulled his white Calvin Klein’s down you could see the neatly trimmed patch of hair that was centering around the base of his cock. Even though you could only see the first inch of it, you could tell he was well equipped.
“Yeah that´s it. Lean in a little closer and we´re good, darling”
You took a deep breath and leaned in, closing your eyes in the process. You were so close. You could just poke your tongue out, pull his boxers further down, do literally anything you wanted. But you couldn’t. You wanted to, but that would be taking advantage of the situation.
“Got it”, Gwilym said, excitement evident in his voice.
You opened your eyes and pulled away just as Ben placed his boxers back in place. They were definitely tighter than what they were a minute ago, causing you to smirk. So you had the same effect on him as they did. Good to know.
The photo did turn out great. It was totally believable. You wanted to ask Gwilym if he could send it to you but figured that would seem to desperate. It didn´t really matter though, you still had the clear image of Ben´s crotch mere centimeters from your face. It was a mental image you used several times over the next couple of days, and even weeks, when you were alone with your toys.
The three of you had left France a couple of days later. It was a good trip, it really was. You got to see some beautiful views. Both in public and in private. The image of Gwilym so close to your heat and Ben´s cock so close to your face left you flustered at the most inappropriate times. Especially the fact that you knew Ben got hard from having you pretend to suck him off. It definitely made you more confident. And arguably flirtier.
You were mostly able to keep your filthy thoughts at bay, but when you opened the door to the waiting cab and saw Ben and Gwilym once again dressed smart, you immediately felt a rush of excitement rush to rest between your legs. Your panties definitely already damp. This would be a long tennis match.
“Hi, boys”, you greeted and slid into the seat beside Gwilym. Ben had once again gone for the white t-shirt tucked into dress pants look, but this time the suit was pink. He kept his blazer open. His trousers cut a bit short to show off his black boots. He looked good. Really good. You hadn´t really seen him in pink before, but he could definitely pull it off.
Gwilym had put on a subtler outfit. His trousers were a deep navy color, of course a little too short this time too. His ankles on show. Oh god you had to take a deep breath. His white button down was slightly open, allowing you to catch a glimpse of his tanned chest and the hair covering it. Gwilym had trimmed his beard, rocking a stubble rather than a full-blown beard this time. You could see the hair had begun to transition into grey, but somehow it just made him even hotter. You definitely had a thing for older guys.
Their hair was of course styled to perfection again, although you were pretty sure they could have rocked up with bed hair and every girl in a mile´s distance would swoon.
“Looking good, love. 10/10 would bang”, Ben said with a wink. You rolled your eyes. The phrase had become an inside joke between the three of you.
“You wish, Jonesy”, you mumbled, putting on your seatbelt.
“Oh he does”, Gwilym said, nudging Ben´s side.
“Like you don´t”, Ben said. He raised his eyebrow at the brunette.
You laughed it off, knowing they were just joking. Or at least they probably were. Right? You were suddenly way too aware of how close you were. Your thighs were pressed up against Gwilym´s, his body heat radiating to yours.
The rest of the ride to Wimbledon was spent catching up on each other´s lives. You were definitely part of the conversation, but your eyes kept drifting down to Gwilym´s thigh. Over to Ben´s. Your panties completely ruined by this point.
“Can you take a photo of us, Y/N?”, Ben asked before the match started. He wanted another one for his grid probably. They had uploaded some of the pictures from your France trip, which reminded you of the nights spent alone each time you opened Insta.
“No, take it yourself. I´m not pretending to work for you anymore”, you said, crossing your arms over your chest and slumping back into your seat. You were so frustrated you couldn´t help but act a little bit rude.
“Geez what´s gotten into you today?”, he said, nudging your side with his elbow. You shot him a glare.
“Just take a selfie mate, Y/N´s probably on her period”, Gwilym said.
“I am not”, you mumbled, watching as Ben flipped the camera on his phone. He did this weird thing with his mouth and gave the camera his finger. You knew he intended it for you, but it didn´t get you mad. In fact, it had the exact opposite effect. You couldn’t help but imagine that thick finger somewhere else. Ok so maybe you did get a little bit mad, but only because it made you even hornier.
Honestly, you couldn´t care less about the actual tennis match, you were here for the free booze. And maybe to gauge at men in suits. However, there was only two men that caught your eye. Which was why you kept looking over at them throughout the match, your sunglasses thankfully keeping them from knowing.
Each time one of them would lean in to whisper something in your ear you would tense up and feel goosebumps form on your skin. You were so horny, your period due in a couple of days. Why were tennis matches this long? All you wanted to do was go home and get into bed with your vibrator. But, no such luck.
You were almost asleep by the time both Ben and Gwilym stood up to cheer the winner on. You stumbled to your feet and politely clapped your hands, mentally thanking the gods that you were finally able to go home.
“Want to come with us back to mine, Y/N?”, Gwilym asked as you made your way through the crowd and towards the waiting cab. You groaned.
“I´m really tired”, you lied. You weren´t tired, you were horny. You needed a release soon or you were sure you were going to drown in a puddle of your own excitement.
“Come on, we´re going to facetime Joe and order a pizza”, Ben said, nudging your side. “You know you want to”
“I don’t know”, you said, giving the driver a smile for opening the door for you.
“We promise it will be worth it”, Gwilym said with a look that could only be described as mischievous. There was something about it that swayed you. Something so mysterious, you eventually agreed.
What you didn´t expect however, was the suggestion they made after you had finished eating. You stood in front of the two boys in Gwilym´s bedroom, your eyes drifting back and forth between them.
“You want us all to have sex? And film it all and send it to Joe?”, you asked, not really believing the words that had come out of Ben´s mouth. You hoped he meant it though. God you wanted to.
“Well yeah, that pretty much sums it up”, Gwilym said, shrugging. Ben had spent a good few minutes trying to tell you what they wanted to do, stuttering his way through. It was kind of cute really.
“Uh, sure”, you said. This was definitely something you wanted. It wasn´t just a spur of the moment kind of thing. The week away with Ben and Gwilym had reminded you just how hot you found both of them and besides, you were all consenting adults so there was really nothing wrong with it. Well maybe except for the part that you would basically be live-streaming the entire thing.
“We need you to be sure, Y/N”, Ben said, apparently having composed himself. His cheeks were still blotchy though.
“I guess”
“Come on. Yes or no, darling”, Gwilym said. He took a step towards you, boring his blue eyes into yours. There was something so different about this time. It would be for real. There would be no pretending. You would have them both in the bed. Naked.
“Yes”, you said, no doubt in your mind.
“Good, maybe we should reenact the photos but this time”, Ben said, stepping closer so he could lean down to whisper in your ear, “You´ll actually have your lips around my cock”
A shiver ran down your shine at his words, and if it weren´t for Gwilym reaching out to grab your waist you were pretty sure you would have collapsed right then and there.
“You would like that, wouldn´t you, darling?”, Gwilym asked. His voice was low and raspy, the vibrations going straight to your heat. They hadn´t even touched you and you were completely putty at their feet.
“Need you to use your words for us, love”, Ben said. He leant down to press his lips to the spot just below your ear lobe, the spot that always drove you crazy. You could even feel him smirk against your skin, clearly happy with having found it right away. His tiny stubble felt rough against your skin as he nibbled and sucked small bites onto your neck. A moan fell from your lips at the tingling sensation. The same tingling you felt in your panties.
“Oh, she likes that, Ben. Better keep it up”, Gwilym said. “Come on, talk to us, Y/N”
“I-I fuck that feels so good, Ben”, you whined, arching into his touch. Feeling Gwilym´s warm hand on the small of your back.
“Mhm, and?”, Gwilym asked.
“God, I want you so bad”, you said, “Please”
“Hmm, that´s it, darling”, he cooed, pulling you away from Ben. You whined at the loss of contact, but the whine was quickly replaced by a moan as Gwilym pressed his lips to yours. His hands snaked up your waist, pulling you close to his body. The kiss was intense, his tongue immediately pressing into your mouth. Your teeth were clashing, his grip on your waist tightening.
You reached out to wrap your hands around his neck. You were desperate to have him even closer. Yet, the only thing that was separating the two of you were your clothes. You pulled back and started unbuttoning Gwilym´s shirt.
“Someone´s eager”, Ben chuckled, watching from the bed. You hadn´t even noticed that he had moved, too preoccupied with the kiss.
“Wait”, Gwilym said, putting his hands over yours. They were hot. And big. Holy shit. “If we´re recreating the photos, then I think you need to lie down”
Oh. You liked where this was going. A lot. The mere memory of Gwilym´s beard against your inner thighs enough to have you clench your thighs together for some sort of friction.
“Would you like that, love? Do you want Gwil to make you cum with his mouth? Maybe his long fingers too?”, Ben asked, grinning when you turned around and let out the most desperate whimper you´ve ever made. They really had you wrapped around their finger.
“I thought so, come on. Let´s get you undressed”, he continued. Ben twirled his finger so you would turn around before rising to his feet. Your eyes locked on Gwilym´s as you felt Ben´s warm fingers slowly glide the zipper of your dress down your back. His curls tickled your skin as he placed kisses along the newly exposed skin. Nibbling slightly as the zipper reached its end just above your ass.
Gwilym stepped closer and tugged the material down over your hips and legs, exposing your rather unflattering underwear. You cursed yourself for having opted for those no visible panty line ones, and a washed-out bra, but by the hungry look in Gwilym´s eyes you figured they couldn´t really care less.
You felt Ben´s fingers on your back again, lingering just beside the clasp of your bra. His breath hot on your neck.
“Can I take this off, love?”, Ben asked, tugging at the material. You leant into his touch, just needing to have him close. To have them both close.
“Please”, you said, the word almost came out as a whimper at this point. You could hear Ben chuckle behind you, obviously aware of the effect they had on you. And loving every second of it.
Ben snapped your bra open before reaching out and sliding the straps down your arms. You could see Gwilym´s eyes darken in front of you as he took in your naked torso.
“Mmm, I´ve thought about these for so long, darling”, he half growled. Gwilym reached out to cup your tits in his warm hands, skillful fingers tweaking your nipples. Ben wrapped his arms around your waist and held you close, his lips finding your neck again. You could feel his erection pressing into your backside. It was almost too much. They were everywhere. Your pussy was aching to be touched, ever pull and squeeze of your breasts sending waves of pleasure straight down to your soaked panties.
Gwilym leant down to press his lips to the soft curve of your breasts, sucking and nibbling lightly on the skin before making his way to your hard nipple. He wrapped his lips around the nub and flicked his tongue over it. Humming against your skin as he heard your moans. You pulled at Ben´s hair behind you with one hand, the other clawing and Gwilym´s back.
You were just about to tell Gwilym that you needed more when you felt Ben´s hand slide down to your panties. He dipped his fingers into the fabric and pressed them against your aching clit. You moaned in pleasure, leaning all your body weight onto him.
“Bloody hell, love. You´re completely soaked”, Ben said, pulling his fingers out. You wanted to scream in frustration at the loss of contact. You just needed to cum.
Ben brought his fingers up to his mouth and licked them clean. A small groan escaped his lips.
“Does she taste good?”, Gwilym asked, pulling away from your nipple. Now none of them were touching you where you wanted them. You tried to shoot them an angry look, but it just turned out desperate.
“Tnaaw, do you want us to keep touching you, darling?”, Gwilym cooed. He placed a finger under your chin to force you to look him in the eyes. They flickered with lust, almost making your knees give out.
“You have to be patient, love”, Ben said. He dipped his fingers back into your panties for a brief second, making you cry out in frustration, before bringing them up to Gwilym´s lips. The taller man sucked them into his mouth, moaning at the sensation.
“Please”, you whined, desperately trying to get their attention off of each other and onto you. “I just need to cum”
“Do you now?”, Gwilym teased, finally looking down at you. He raised his eyebrow in amusement. Not that you found the situation funny. At all.
“Yes”, you said. You reached down to finish unbuttoning his shirt.
“I thought we were going to reenact the photo, darling? I need you to lie on the bed for that”, he said, watching your fingers move.
“You had your shirt off in the photo”, you mumbled, sighing when you got them all unbuttoned. You could hear both boys laugh as you slid the material off Gwilym´s shoulders, your eyes raking over his torso.
“Ah that´s true, darling”, Gwilym said, winking, “Speaking off, will you set up your phone, Ben? I´ll take care of Y/N in the meantime”
The look Gwilym sent you sent shivers down your back. He pulled you closer to his body, his hands finding your waist and his lips yours. He swiped his tongue across your bottom lip, silently asking you to open up for him. But you didn´t have to do anything, his hands slid down to your ass and you couldn´t help but moan into Gwilym´s mouth, which he took as an opportunity to press his tongue through.
You could faintly hear Ben setting up things in the corner, but you were far too focused on the way Gwilym´s fingers almost dug into your ass as he squeezed your cheeks, how his bulge pressed into your front through his pants. How his lips felt against yours. His beard on your skin.
Gwilym´s fingers hooked into the material of your panties, playing with it for a few seconds before sliding them down your legs. You stepped out and looked up at the man in front of you. Completely naked. Exposed.
Gwilym was smirking.
“What a view, darling”, he said, voice low. “Lie down”
You walked backwards until the back of your knees his bed before sitting down and scooting up the bed. Your hands brushed against something, and you turned around to find Ben sitting at the headboard. Oh. You hadn´t noticed him moving. And certainly not that he was shirtless too.
“What about Joe?”, you asked, not seeing his phone. Ben grinned and nodded towards the dresser. You could just about see the outline of your bodies on the bed on the screen of his phone. This was actually happening. Joe was going to see you get fucked by Ben and Gwil. You felt a rush of excitement at the thought.
“Come on, lean against me”, Ben said, opening his legs. You positioned your body between then and leant back into his chest. You could hear his heart-beat against your skin, his erection poking into your lower back.
The feeling of Gwilym´s hands on your knees pulled your attention away from Ben.
“Hmm, this view is even better”, he mumbled as he slowly pulled your knees apart. Gwilym leant down to press his lips to the inside of your knee, making his way downwards at an agonizingly slow speed. His hair tickled your skin, his beard scratching it. Your senses were in overdrive, your mouth dry from being open.
You whined and leant further into Ben´s chest, closing your eyes in a mixture of frustration and pleasure. What made it even worse was that you could feel Gwilym smirking against your skin. That smug fucker.
“Stop teasing Gwil”, you whined, bucking your hips in an attempt to meet his face. However, he pulled back.
“I seem to remember me kissing you right here”, he said, leaning in and pressing his lips just outside your folds. Exactly the spot where his lips had been the last time.
“That looks about right”, Ben spoke above you. The vibrations of his voice sent a shiver down your spine.
“Fuck off”, you mumbled. Pissed.
Gwilym shot you a wink before pressing a kiss just beside your clit. Finally, he let his lips graze the sensitive bundle of nerves. He sucked it gently into his mouth before pulling back, enjoying the moans and whimpers that left your mouth, the pleasure he brought you.
Ben slid his hands around your waist before moving them up to cup your breasts, his lips finding your neck again.
You bucked into Gwilym, reaching down to tug at his hair. Thankfully, he took the hint and sucked harder. He alternated between flattening his tongue against your clit and taking it into his mouth.
“You´re so wet for us, darling”, Gwilym cooed. His lips left your clit to drag his tongue through your folds, collecting your excitement. His tongue nudging the sensitive bud with each lick. The sensation mixed with his beard constantly rubbing your skin raw and Ben´s skilled finger on your nipples, was almost enough to bring you to an orgasm. But you needed more.
“I need your fingers, Gwil”, you whined, tugging harder at his hair. Gwilym looked up at you with an eyebrow raised.
“Need? That´s a bit of a harsh word, Y/N”, he teased. He licked your clit with the very tip of his tongue, sending bolt after bolt of electricity throughout your body. You groaned in frustration.
“Fucking hell, Gwil. Can you please just finger me?”, you asked.
“Hmm, since you asked so nicely, darling”
Gwilym moved on of his hands from your thighs to run two fingers through your folds. He made sure they were completely covered in your wetness before he pressed them against your entrance. His blue eyes met yousr again as he looked up at you, seeking consent. You eagerly nodded your head, feeling his fingers already stretching you. It was nothing compared to when he actually slid them inside though. His fingers were so long, so thick, it almost made you see stars.
He curled them expertly against your g-spot and started rubbing it. God that man knew what he was doing. You arched into his touch, the top of your back digging into Ben´s chest while his fingers played with your nipples.
It was too much, the pleasure in the pit of your stomach building at a rapid pace. You could feel the familiar tightening, the tingle threatening to boil over. Exactly what you had craved all day.
What really pushed you up to the edge however, was when Gwilym leant down again and wrapped his lips around your clit. His tongue pressed against the bundle of nerves, his fingers nudging your g-spot.
“Are you going to cum, love?”, Ben asked against your neck. He had probably made several hickeys on your skin by this point but you couldn´t care less. You were far too focused on your incoming high.
“Y-yes”, you whined, “Fuck I´m gon-I´m gonna-“
You didn´t even get to finish your sentence before absolute euphoria took over your body. Wave after wave crashed over you, the tight tingles caressing every inch, every nerve of your being.
Gwilym guided you through it while Ben held you still, trying to stop your shaking thighs.
“That´s so much better than what I´ve imagined”, Gwilym said after you had come down. He retracted his fingers, bringing them to his mouth to clean them off. You watched him with dopey eyes, trying to regain your breath from the intense orgasm.
“Y-You´ve imagined it?”, you asked.
“Of course, darling. What do you think I did after we took that photo in France?”, he said like it was the most obvious thing in the world. “Got me so hard”
“Me too”, Ben chimed in, giggling against your neck. You suddenly felt way too hot all over. You pushed off of Ben´s chest and sat between the two men.
“You guys actually jerked off after that?”, you asked. They both looked at each other before nodding. “Then why the hell did we wait until now to do this? I was so horny”
“Oh I know you were”, Gwilym said with a wink. Right, he had gotten your wetness all over his chin when he kissed your inner-thigh. You squirmed at the thought.
“To be honest, I didn´t believe Gwil when he told me you had gotten wet from us. But when you were on your knees in front of me I couldn´t think of anything else”, Ben said.
“So that´s why you got hard?”, you asked.
“Yeah”, Ben half-laughed, running his hand through his hair. “Couldn´t help it, you looked so hot”
“Want to see me actually giving you head?”, you asked, taking your chance.
Ben´s eyes went wide at your abrupt question. You could see blood rush to his cheeks as he stuttered for a reply.
“G-God yes”, he said. Ben reached for his trousers, immediately undoing them and pulling them his legs. You were once again met with the view of his boxers, but this time they were significantly more tented.
“Someone´s eager”, Gwilym chuckled, from behind you. He went to sit down on the bed, watching you lean over in front of Ben.
You let your fingers graze over his bulge while you pressed kisses to his lower stomach. Ben´s breathing had already increased, his hops bucking into your touch. Man was he impatient.
“Relax, Ben”, you said, moving your lips to the waistband of his boxers. You pulled them down slightly, just like you had in the picture. The base of his cock was even thicker now, his cock stretching the fabric of his boxers. Your mouth watered.
You pressed a kiss to the very base of his cock, letting your tongue dart out and wet the area. The whimper that left Ben´s mouth was all the encouragement you needed to pull his boxers down his legs. His cock sprang out and stood at full attention in front of you. There were a few thick veins going from the base all the way to his head. A steady stream of small pre-cum drops oozing from the slit. You smiled and licked your lips.
You looked up at Ben to gauge his reaction as you wrapped your hand around the base of his cock. You could feel the blood pump through it. The skin soft despite him being rock hard.
Ben´s eyes were trained on your every move, his bottom lip between his teeth. His cheeks all blotchy with arousal. Just beside him was Gwilym, sitting and watching you hover over Ben´s cock. You sent him a wink before turning your attention back to the blonde in front of you.
You leant down to swipe your tongue over the slit, feeling the salty taste of his clear pre-cum coat your mouth. You could tell Ben was getting impatient, but you wanted to take your time. This was something you had imagined doing for so long.
“Please, Y/N. Do something”, Ben whined, reaching down to grab your head.
You hummed in amusement, slowly letting your tongue swirl around his sensitive head. You coated it in your spit, gently pressing kisses here and there. Ben yelped when you kissed the string just below your head, making you grin. You had him completely at your mercy.
Deciding you had teased him enough, you wrapped your lips around the head and slowly started bobbing. Your lips created a delicious friction against the tip, your hand slowly starting to work his shaft. Ben kept trying to push you further down, but you shot him a warning look.
You sped up your movement slightly, your hand working in tandem with your mouth. Your tongue was resting against the bottom of his cock, dragging against the string with every bob of your head.
You could tell Ben was getting close by the way his hips thrusted up into your mouth slightly, the moans and whimpers leaving his mouth at a higher frequency.
“Are you going to cum, Ben?”, you asked, pulling off of his head with a bop. He let out a long whine at the loss of contact, left with only your hand working his shaft at a slow speed.
“I was so c-close”, he whined, “Please, love. Just let me cum”
“Not yet”, you said. You let his cock fall against his stomach as you sat back on your knees.
“Can I fuck you then?”, he asked.
“I think you need a few minutes to calm down, mate. Don´t want to bust in a few seconds, do you?”, Gwilym asked. He stood from the bed and started to unbutton his pants. His fingers were quick to get them open, and you watched in awe as he pulled them down his long legs along with his boxers. His cock was a little bit bigger than Ben´s. The head red and angry from being neglected.
“Sit and watch me fuck her. You´ll get your turn”, Gwilym said, kneeling on the bed. He waved you over with his fingers, and your body moved on pure instinct. Driven by lust. Your eyes trained on his cock. Your mind racing with what you were about to do, another wave of wetness pooling at your entrance.
“I´m going to take you from behind, darling. Let me know if it´s too much or if you want me to stop, ok?”, Gwilym asked. His eyes were dark and laced with lust.
“Y-yes”, you said, turning around so your ass was right in front of him. Gwilym groaned at the sight as you leant your weight onto your elbows, wiggling your ass in front of him. His hands found your cheeks, his fingers digging into the flesh. Just like he did earlier, only this time he held you even harder.
One of his hands left your cheek before a sharp sting from a slap shot up your body. You yelped in surprise.
“Is this ok?”, Gwilym asked, massaging the spot where he just slapped you.
“Fuck yes”, you moaned. The slight sting went straight to your heat, making you clench around thin air. You needed him, and you needed him now. “Gwil can you please ju- Oh my god”
Gwilym had grabbed his cock and slowly pressed it into your heat. You could feel every ridge and vein of his cock drag against your walls as he came to a halt inside. Your wetness made an excellent lube, making you feel nothing but absolute bliss of being full. He stretched you just right, your walls clamping down on his cock. A grunt leaving Gwilym´s lips with every squeeze.
“Fucking hell your cunt is so perfect, darling. I feel you hugging me just right. Is it alright if I move?”, he asked.
“God yes”, you whined, already feeling the knot in your stomach start to tighten.
Gwilym pulled back slowly before slamming back in, almost making you lose your balance. His balls slapped against your clit with every trust, creating the little friction needed. He somehow had gotten the perfect angle, the tip of his cock nudging your g-spot with his every move. Bringing you closer and closer.
“I can see my cock slide into your wet cunt”, Gwilym mumbled, mostly to himself as his eyes were trained on the spot where you were connected.
You looked up to see Ben had grabbed his phone, apparently getting a few close-up shots of you being fucked. His hand slowly working his cock. You tried to make a sultry look at the camera, but it turned into a grimace of pleasure as Gwilym´s hand came down on your ass. Hard. You were sure there was going to be bruises there the next day, but it felt so good you didn’t care. You clenched around Gwilym, feeling your orgasm approaching.
“Are you going to cum again, darling? I feel you squeezing my cock. Fuck it feels so fucking good”, Gwilym growled, picking up his speed. His hips stuttering slightly as he felt his own high build.
You responded with a whine, burying your head into the mattress. A hard slap across your ass-cheek made you scream.
“Use your fucking words, Y/N”, Gwilym commanded, giving your ass another slap.
“Shit I´m sorry. Y-yes, I´m so fu-fucking close, Gwil”, you moaned. “Ca-can you, fuck, I need your fingers too”
Gwilym hummed, perching himself on his feet to drive into your harder. He almost pushed you into the mattress with how hard he was fucking you. The knot in your stomach started unraveling the second his fingers pressed against your clit. He didn´t even have to rub, the pressure enough to push you over the edge.
You screamed his name in pleasure as you orgasm hit you like a freight train. Bolts after bolts of absolute euphoria took over your entire body, your legs shaking and your mouth falling open as you rode out your high. Your walls clamping down on Gwilym´s cock.
“Bloody hell, darling, I´m so close. Can I cum inside you?”, Gwilym asked once you came down, his voice strained from holding back his own orgasm.
“Please”, was all you managed to get out, your whole body spent and ready for him. You squeezed your walls around Gwilym´s cock one final time before you felt the familiar warm feeling of cum coating your insides. Spurt after spurt shot out of his cock as Gwilym buried himself balls deep. His hands were gripping your hips so hard you were sure there were going to be prints permanently embedded into your skin.
“That’s so fucking hot”, Ben mumbled, eyes wide as he watched Gwilym empty himself inside you. His own cock twitching in his hand.
“Fuck that was amazing”, Gwilym groaned as he pulled out, watching his cum pool at your entrance. He leant down to press a kiss to the raw mark on your cheek, soothing the burn just a little bit. “You did so good for me, darling”
“Do you think you can take another one, love?”, Ben asked, handing his phone off to Gwilym. “We don´t have to”
There was a concerned look on Ben´s face as he took in your exhausted form. You had faceplanted onto the mattress, desperately trying to catch your breath. You tilted your head to look at him. His cock was positively aching in front of you, the head leaking. The sight made your clit twitch. Your eyes travelled up his body, over his muscular stomach and up to his bright eyes.
“I want to, Ben”, you said with a smile. And it wasn´t a lie. You were craving another orgasm. Especially when you saw the way his face lit up. You rolled over and spread your legs, shuddering slightly as the cold air hit your wet pussy. “But you´re going to have to put in the work”
“That I can do, love”, he said with a grin, quickly moving over to position himself between your thighs. You could hear Gwilym move to sit at the headboard, but all your attention was on the blonde man in front of you.
Ben grabbed his cock and dragged it through your folds, apologizing when the head grazed your clit and you yelped from over-sensitivity. His entire upper body was red and blotchy, a vein in his forehead popping out as he positioned himself at your entrance. Ben placed his hands on either side of your body, drew in a harsh breath and slowly pushed in. You gasped at the sensation of being filled again, being stretched.
You grabbed onto Ben´s forearms as he pushed all the way in, digging your nails into his skin. Sure to leave small pink marks. God you wanted this so bad.
“J-just fuck me, Ben. Please”, you whined, hooking your legs around his waist. Ben chuckled and started moving his hips, pulling out before thrusting back in. His cock dragged against your walls, making you whimper and cling onto him for dear life.
Ben leant over and pressed his lips to your neck, putting his entire body weight into his thrusts, pinning you underneath him as he drove into you.
The knot in your lower stomach had already started to tighten, the sensitivity from your other orgasms bringing you close in a matter of minutes. By the way Ben was breathing heavily through his nose as he nibbled at your neck you were sure he was close to.
You looked down to see his cock slide into your heat, making you groan in pleasure. The sounds of wet skin against skin filling the air.
“Please tell me you´re close, love. I don´t think I´m going to last”, Ben whined, pulling back from your neck to look into your eyes. A wave of tingles shot up your back, making you clench around his cock. Ben groaned in pleasure from the tightness. God, he looked so pretty like this, his pink lip between his teeth. You reached out to pull it out before pulling his face to yours, pressing your lips against his.
Ben moaned into the kiss, speeding up his movements as he felt his balls draw up. It was all too much. Ben´s lips against yours, his cock nudging your g-spot, his heavy weight on top of you. How hot he was.
“I-I´m going to, shit I´m going to cum, Ben”, you whined against his lips. You moved one hand up to his hair to tug at his curls, completely burying your fingers in his golden locks.
You came. Hard. Your mouth fell open against his as pleasure shot up your spine and out to your fingertips. The delicious tight tingle spread across your stomach, your pussy clamping down on Ben´s cock. Milking him for all he was worth.
It took all Ben´s strength to hold out until you were done, but the second you came down he pulled out and wrapped his hand around his cock. He jerked himself off, moaning when the first spurt of hot cum shot out to coat your chest. The white liquid painted your breasts, making a right mess. Not that you cared, Ben looked ridiculously hot with his hand wrapped around himself, his face scrunched up in pleasure.
“You better clean up this mess, Jonesy”, you teased once he came down.
Ben let out an exhausted chuckle, falling back on his knees.
“Just give me two seconds, love”, he said, trying to steady his breath.
“One, two”, you said, giggling. You felt almost high from the post orgasm bliss.
“Fuck off”, Ben mumbled.
You could hear the tell-tale sound of a video ending, causing you to look over to Gwilym. He fiddled with Ben´s phone for a few seconds before meeting your eyes.
“The video is currently on its way to Joe´s phone. Pretty sure he´ll believe us this time”, he said, tossing the phone to the side. He grabbed a tissue from his bedside table and handed it over to you with a kind smile. A harsh contrast to the way he was slapping and pounding into you earlier. You could definitely said slaps on your bottom as you wiped Ben´s cum off your chest, your ass stinging as you moved.
Deciding the tissue wasn´t doing much for the sticky mess, you stood up and walked on shaky legs over to the bathroom. You got out a washcloth and wet it before running it over your skin. You wiped away Gwilym´s and yours cum from your heat too, hissing when your fingers brushed your sensitive clit.
After using the toilet and washing your hands, you walked back into Gwilym´s bedroom to find both boys fast asleep on the bed. Completely naked. You couldn´t help the smile that crept onto your face. They sure were cute. And amazing in bed too.
You were just about to slide into bed yourself when you saw your phone light up with a notification. Turning it on, you saw a single text from Joe. Your heart raced as you unlocked it, your mouth falling open as you read the four words. You´re mine. Just mine, it said.
Permanent tag list: @tanya-is-dead, @meghans-corner, @killah-queenz, @mrs-tayylor, @sunflower-borhap-boys, @seasexnsun, @valkyrie-and-lokis-daughter, @joes-milk, @pantamemes, @unicornofdanger, @gwilymplots, @monochromedeacon, @pushthetide21, @finite-incantatem-7, @jiswoogannon, @bensrhapsody, @bowiequeen, @another-random-girl, @augustjosephine, @vee-ndetta, @mymelancholyblu3s, @the-next-one, @katiesobsession, @catch-a-deak, @cheese-on-deaky, @caffeine-girl, @spacedust1124719, @scarsout, @lovelikeafrenchman, @little-weirdo-13, @shewantsthe-youngamerican, @goodolfics, @toomuchtellyneck, @crazy-little-thing-called-me, @brownhardyho, @arrozsocarrat, @deacyloverogerinalove, @ezmina98
Tag list is open. I will add/remove you if you comment you want to, but I won’t reply (this is a side blog). If you want me to reply, send me an ask:)
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trickstersantana · 5 years
[Para] SantanART Contest Duel
Who: Santana, @ellnaturae @shiftingdani Location: Park of Florence Farr School Time: 25 February 2019 Summary: Santana gets Free Art from artist Ell and Dani also monster discussions.  Triggers/Notes: Violence, death, corpses, body horror
Santana called Elliott and Dani to hang out next to the park of Florence Farr School of Magical Performing Arts. Because it has Art at the end, wich obviously means it gives strenght to artist to do a better job. It was all well thought. "Well, well, artist. You are here to Battle. With your pencils because the pen is mightier than the sword if the sword is broken and the pen is very pointy. This is..." She makes an illusion of confettig and sounds effect of people cheering and clapping to reveal in floating neon lights. "SantanART CONTEST DUEL: Who is the better artist?" She dissiped the illusion. "So, are you guys ready?"
Dani wasn´t quite sure what exactly they were doing, but she enjoyed the opportunity to get out of her room and away from studying and if that meant she got to spend some time with her friends. What she hadn´t expected, however, was some sort of art duel. "Huh?" Dani couldn´t quite hide the smile on her face as she watched the confetti illusion fall. She was a good artist, but she was definitely a little out of practice. "Okay. But I do have a pretty cool sword," she pointed out with a laugh. "What are we drawing?"
Elliott arrives with his bag full of notebooks and art supplies, if he wasn't wrong Santana wanted him to draw something but he saw Dani was there too and then the confetti. He chuckles "An art competition? Sounds fun" he winks at Dani "What's the prize though?" he teases Santana.
Santana looks at Dani, very interested. "Oh, my my, a sword? Did you studied the blade when everyone was busy being heterosexual?" She joked. "Since when do you have a sword and why I haven't seen it?" Elliott mentioned prizes. "Aw, don't artist want to enjoy art for the art or something like that? What about the pleasure of victory?" She complained. "I have some useful items if you want them, thought. Potions, bear plushies who make you stronger, you know it." She comments. Dani already had 1 point for asking what they should draw instead of the prize. "Anyway. I'll show you an illusion of a woman I saw. I want a realistic portrait of her. I don't have any pictures and I can't share illusions over the internet. I want to find if someone knows her."
Dani put down her bag and pulled out a sketch pad and a couple of pens. "I haven´t had it for very long, St. Pierre gave it to me for apparently not killing anyone with the net gun," she joked and settled down, giving Elliott another smile. She wasn´t going to complain about getting a prize, though Dani really would enjoy spending time with her friends. "Any other special requests? Colored portrait? Charcoal?" It did seem like Santana was definitely up to something, but for now Dani was just going to let it go and focus on the drawing.
Elliott narrows his eyes, even though he isn't really upset, he is serious about what he is going to say "Hey, art is a job like any other, artists should be paid for their work" he says getting his sketchbook out of his bag "but I was joking anyway" he then realizes they are talking about a sword "wait what? really? we are not really fighting are we" he raises his eyebrow looking at Santana.
"Don´t worry. I won´t stab you with a pen." Dani comments with a grin, in case that wasn´t clear.
Elliott blinks and then chuckles "You would be wasting a very nice pen"
Santana says a "Mmmh..." somehow worried. Remembering certain conversations about LN slayers. With the collar on, Dani was basically a common, so, why not, right? "Be careful with what St. Pierre is doing. But, well, enjoy the sword!" Santana also aproved taking advange of whatever if you could. "I want it to be more recognizable than artistic, so, what you think would be better? I guess color would help." Santana also approved asking money for doing things, but not so much when she was the one paying for it. She made an illusion of a woman in front of them. She looked dead. A grotesque, frozen dead woman, with mottled feathers clinging to her. Her eyes are piercing blue, glaring angrily. Her body was transparent, you could see her veins through it. "Can you draw her alive?"
"Yeah...I´m not sure what exactly to make of it, the course I took with him was helpful though and I need a way to defend myself. And you guys," Dani nodded, she didn´t want to go into a detailed conversation now so instead picked out a couple of pens. "Depends on what kind of woman we´re looking at," she picked up a pen and then, for a moment and then waited for the illusion, eyebrows furrowing together. "What the...?" Dani glanced over at Elliott for a moment. "What I wouldn´t give for The Angelator now..." she muttered before looking at the illusion a little more, trying to remember every detail. "You mean...draw her how she´d look as if she was alive? Before she turned into...whatever the hell that is." It wasn´t really a question. Dani outlined the face first before glancing up at Santana. "Where did you see her?"
Elliott listens to Dani's explanation and wonders what St. Pierre is up to, he was glad Dani had something to protect herself anyway, but something about it felt suspicious. He doesn't have time to voice his worry when an illusion of a dead woman appears in front of them, he shares a look with Dani. "Where did you see this woman?" he exclaims too almost at the same time as her. He can't stop looking at the illusion, her piercing blue eyes without any life in them. She vaguely resemblence an immortui but there was something else there. He grabs a normal pen, and a notebook, maybe doing too much would take away from her being recognizable "Are you hoping to find her again?"
Santana laughs at Dani's hilarous joke of her, a normie who couldn't use her magic, protecting someone as fucking strong as her. And Elliott. But specially her. "Oh my, Dani, you're so fucking funny." She keeps laughing for a bit until she notices. "Oh wait, you were serious. Aw, that's adorable." She looked back at her own amazing illusion. "I don't know what the hell an Angelator is." She nods and shakes her head at Elliott asking her if she wants to find her, doubting."I want to know if someone knows her when she was alive. Me and Kittycat saw her at the last field mission. I think she is like the undead monsters we keep encountering. I mean, she is clearly undead, she said it herself." She says, non challant. Illusion still up. "But you know, they are all connected. Probably."
Dani doesn´t even roll her eyes. It´s Santana after all. Instead she laughs, poking her tongue out at the other for a moment. And she doesn´t even explain the Bones reference. Just thinks "Muggles" and looks back at the outline she´s drawn of the woman so far. There´s something...haunting about her eyes. Sometimes that makes her seem alive even though she´s clearly dead. Like she´s ready to stare down into their soul. "The dragon was like...hundreds of years old, maybe she is too?" She then asked, making sure to pay extra attention to the eyes as she keeps drawing before reaching for another pen. "Maybe we´ll find a picture of her in a book..."
Elliott stares at Santana for a while as she laughs, he isn't sure what is so funny, but is sort of contagious and he laughs a bit too. He looks down at the drawing a couple of times, but mostly observes the face of the woman trying to notice whatever detail would be important to represent her as she was. He nods at Dani's suggestion "Maybe that would be a good idea, compare her to old photographs too, look in book, a google search?" he asks making another line to mark where her eyes should be in the face "Are those feathers?" he asks pointing out at the illusion.
@Elliott 😈 Karin:  
 = (4) = 4
@Dani Harper 🐈44/44 Fiyero Lv.2:  
 = (3) = 3
Santana thinks about it. It made sense. Maybe this bitch was super mega old like the dragon. "Do you think those things were like, alive a super long time ago and now they are back? You are right. Maybe she is soooo old no one knows anything." She shrugs. "It's worth a try, thought. I was planning on putting your drawings on the aethernet and around campus to see if anyone knew anything about her." Santana nods and makes an illusion of a white bird with blue eyes. Matching her. "Yeah! She had feathers. And before we saw this fucking ugly bird." It was important to catch up. "It talked, so at first I though it was some kind of trickster. But she was clearly not, ha..." She laughs, bitterly, glancing at her own illusion of the bitch's corpse.
Dani picks up the blue pen to devote some time to the eyes. Something tells her she has to get them right, whether Santana would be using her drawing or not. This is weird. Somehow. But if it´s going to help stopping those monsters that are trying to kill them then she´s happy to help. Or well. Glad. Maybe happy is the wrong word. "That´s a good idea," she then nods. "Even if she´s old...maybe someone´s heard her story. Knows what kind of myth or legend connects to her,"
Elliott nods giving to his drawing some shadow for the shape of the face "Were there any clues about the dragon.. or the others...?" he asks curious, he then realizes what Santana says, she thought the woman was a trickster, that's something he never thought about before, when these creatures attacked, they all defended themselves, he did too, he remembers New Year and the enormous creature. He gets lost in thought, his pen stops. What were these creatures? He never stopped to think about it, he just reacted, and now it was too late for some of them. Who were they? he corrected himself "Do you think maybe we should draw all of them? Try to find out about... you know, we have seen many now" he looks up at Santana.
Santana thinks abou how cool a name is The Myth Killers when Dani speaks. "We found the bird in the cave. It says it was its home. You know, like the dragon had like, his place. It says it lived there a fucking ton of years, but you know, I assumed it was lying lies... the woman said...something about the life she sewed together." Wich agains, all this sewing metaphors connect to the angel thingie of stitching the world together. In the end it was all about knitting. "You can't kill what's already dead... That's what it says. And that's what all the big monsters had in common! We need a cool name for them. I accept suggestions." She illusions some little monsters in front of them.  The first Samhain one, the one she didn't see but Blaine showed her an illusion of. The big thing attacking at New Years. Marley with a tittle of "Picture not avaiable. I didn't see it and everyone saw it differently." The dragon. And the undead woman. "Those are what I know of. "
"Who knows just HOW many are out there." Dani agrees with a nod as she picks up the first pen once more, doing some corrections around the eyes before turning her attention to the feathers. "We should form an investigative group and call it "The Knitting Circle", that way nobody will get suspicious about what we´re actually doing." She puts the pen aside and then smudges the edges of the feathers a little with her fingers. When Elliott speaks up however, Dani gives him a nod. "Yeah, maybe that´s a good idea. I´ve already done a drawing of the dragon the day after the whole encounter. I had a feeling it wasn´t over..."
Elliott frowns confused about those words, they seem like riddles, everything always had to be so vague and mysterious, almost like they were part of a bigger story who needed to be solve and someone could be hitting at it breaking the fourth wall, was this joke even worth it. Either way, he keeps thinking about it "But why do we need to be secreti-" he starts asking "oh yeah memory erasure..." he bites his lower lip "Nice" he looks over at Dani's notebook waiting to see her other drawing "Oh, there is another one" he suddenly remembers "Jules told me about it" he says moving the drawing of the woman aside for a second and on the next blank page he made a quick very simple drawing of a flying creature "though I didn't personally saw this one, but it was the one from the news, in new year, a second creature appeared in Time Squares" he shows the drawing to Santana, then he looks at the line up of illusions "Is that the "mom", why is she Marley?"  he deduces by elimination "I didn't really see it very well either" he sighs "I mean it was sort of a blob with faces... kind of super fucked up and creepy."
Santana shrugs. "The investigate group  can have many names, but I mean the monsters! What should we call them? The undead big monsters? Is just not catchy." She walks a bit to look how the drawings where going, while still maintaining the illusions. "My my, then you are going to try to draw all of them? Half Dani and half Elliott. It would be really useful. I doubt anyone took pictures, trying not to die and all that." So, the dragon was done already. Perfect. She thumbs up at Dani. "Oh no no, fuck secrets. I'm going to tell everyone about it. They can't erase my memory." She saw the flying creature thing. "Oh, true. There were other monsters at New Year. Added." Santana changed Marley to Shelby, and then to the blob. She remembers she is not supposed to super mock Ryder in case he returns she needs that friendship strong. She grins "I though it would be funny!"
"That and...well we already got strikes, if we get another poking our noses into things that aren´t supposed to be for us," Dani shrugs her shoulders. "I mean I don´t mind poking my nose into it, I just don´t want to get caught doing it. Or have my memory erased." She wipes her fingers on her jeans and puts her notebook down for a moment before pulling another one from her bag and handing it to Elliott. "It´s on the first pages. A close up and some full body sketches," she tells him.]
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maggyme13 · 7 years
You never said anything about a wedding!(24/?)
Frigga, mother of Thor and Loki, was able to find a way to get Loki back on the right path.
A spell to bind his fate to a willing person, so he learns the value of other.
Thor was send to Earth to find that someone. He found this someone in the Reader, who he met at Starks AVENGERS tower.
The Reader was friends with Thor for a long time now and wanted to help him save his brother for a life of imprisonment.
But the god of thunder forgot to mention an important detail.
Warnings: nope
Wordcount: around 1690
AN: F***king Writers block :( Hope it turned out alright none the less.
Thank you for all the name suggestions;)
Have fun reading:)
AAAAAANd I just realised tumblr doesn´t shows the links -.-
Part 23
 “Yes, my Love. Our daughter is doing well.” He said and smiled down on the little bundle in his arms.
“How long was I out?”
“Nearly three months my Love. You had us all worried. You had me thinking I lost you.” His voice was thick with tears, when he thought back to the months without her and how helpless he felt.
No one had known what was wrong with her, and when Heimdall had said her body might be in Asgard, but her spirit was on Midgard, they were even more confused.
Thor had then returned to Midgard to try and find answers. He had returned a month back, without her or any information.
Three months?
“Aunt (y/n). I don´t want another cousin. Sefa *, is enough for me.” Magni cried into his aunt´s embrace. “I love you too much.”
Her heart clenched hearing the little boy’s declaration of love and that he feared to lose her forever.
“Oh Magni. I am so sorry you were worried about me. But I am here now, and I don´t plan on leaving any time soon. Now, can you do me a favour and catch your father and grandmother?”
Still with tears in his eyes, the young boy nodded and ran to do as asked.
Loki took the seat, Magni had occupied before and gently pulled his wife into a thigh embrace (without crushing their daughter between them) and sat with her on the bed.
“She is so tiny and calm. Was she like this the whole time?” (y/n) breathed looking down on her daughter in her husband´s arms.
“She was. Mother always laughed about how fitting the name, we choose, is. I don´t know what I had done if she had cried for you. She was always calm and I couldn´t but feel like that as well. It was like she knew you will be alright.”
Loki placed kiss after kiss on her temple and cheek.
How he had missed that.
“Do you want to hold her?”
“Of course, I want to but let me change my position a bit.” The young mother beamed and turned, so she was seated against her husband´s side, her head resting on his shoulder.
“Here, my Love.” Loki mumbled into her ear and laid their daughter into her awaiting arms before embracing his girls into a loved filled hug. Fluffy´s head rested on the foot of the bed, watching over his family.
Little Sefa opened her eyes the second she felt her mother´s arms around her and showed a toothless smile.
“Awe. Hey there little one. I would introduce myself, but I am sure your father already did that. Look how beautiful you are.” (y/n) cooed.
“We spend every day with you. She has your beautiful eyes.” Loki whispered, and their little girl let out a happy silent huff.
“Sister, you are finally awakened I see. You had us all worried here.” Thor´s happy voice echoed through the hall.
“Hello Thor, Lady Frigga. Magni found you I see.” (y/n) smiled, when her eyes found her brother in law.
“He did. How are you feeling child?” Lady Frigga asked with a motherly voice.
“I am feeling good. My belly hurts a bit, but that’s all.”
“That is normal after what you had gone through.” She smiled.
“Do you know what happened?” She asked him.
“I was in pain and then lost consciousness. Next thing I know, I am on earth and Thor and the Avengers are fighting some flying robots. I get hit by a red energy wall and then woke up here again. That was a weird dream.”
(y/n) explained short and Thor and the others exchanged glances.
“When you were out, Heimdall told us your Spirit would be on earth and Thor went to investigate.”
“You mean, what I think was a dream, wasn´t one?” the young woman awed. “But how is that possible?”
“It may be a possibility that during your pregnancy and in combination with the spell, you gained your own abilities. But we need to test it further.”
That makes sense- I think.
“I am sure Loki want to get you and your daughter out of the halls of healing.” Frigga smiled. ”You are fully healed and allowed to go whenever you want. I know my son will never leave your side, so there is no need to keep you here under watch and keep your little family apart any longer.”
“If you say it is ok- I would love to leave with them.” The young mother said and smiled at her little girl.
“Will we see you at Dinner?” Little Magni asked with pleading eyes.
“We will see Magni. But let your Aunt rest first”, Loki told his nephew with a fatherly tone.
Half an hour later wife, husband and daughter were sitting in their seating area on a couch (Loki had hexed their chairs into one). Loki on the left with an arm around his wife´s shoulders and their daughter in her arms.
“If you had told me over a year ago, I would be married and have a child, I would have laughed and said you are crazy.” The young woman said.
“Me as well. Love. Me as well. But I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
“I love you, Loki. You and our little girl.”
“You two are my life.” He answered her and placed kisses on either head.
From behind them, Fluffy let out a loud huff and bark only to look over their shoulder and give each a little dog kiss.
“It seems Fluffy thinks so as well.” (y/n) smiled and kissed her husbands on the lips.
 Two months had gone by since then.
Not once did Loki leave her and their daughter out of his sight. Too big was his fear to lose them, and now that the bond had been broken even more so.
More than once had he reacted with panic, when she hissed in pain, no matter the reason. When she had hit her food one day, he had scooped her up and nearly ran to the infirmary, only her scold and laughter had stopped him.
She couldn´t be angry with him though, she could only imagine what he must have felt when she laid there.
The young mother became a bit tired of his pampering once or twice, she had become stronger and Frigga had told her she had the same strength and resilient as an Asgardian now.
Just like she did before the birth, (y/n) would sit on a bench near the training grounds and watch her husband; her daughter either on her knees or sleeping in a little carrier next to her.
Fluffy was always at their side, he was the embodiment of a guard dog and always on high alert.
He will need to go on a run, maybe we should get a supersized treadmill for him. Tony would help, for sure and maybe I can persuade Loki to go on a little ride, perhaps Jane or Frigga would look after Sefa.
(y/n) let her thoughts wander when an image popped into her head: Tony and Steve were arguing about something, no someone and she instantly knew, that wouldn´t end good.
Strange- lets ask Heimdall what is going on.
“Lady Sif. Would you join me on a walk to Heimdall? I don´t want to interrupted their match.”
“Of course, my Lady.” The female warrior answered with a nod.
“Loki. I will go on a little walk with Lady Sif, Sefa and Fluffy.” (y/n) shouted over the training noises towards her husband, who looked like he wanted to stop the spar with his brother there and then, only to think otherwise.
She was always patently waiting for him, and what threat would there be on Asgard for her or their child, with Lady Sif and Fluffy around them. Almost everybody liked her.
“Have fun. Love. I will find you when we finished sparing.” He sends her smile, all the while continuing fighting with his brother.
“Lady (y/n), what can I do for you?” Heimdall greeted the young woman.
“I had a vision of some sorts I think. I saw my friends fight and I want to know if that really happened.” She asked her.
“I fear it is. Queen Frigga was right about your newly found abilities.” He answered her.
“Because of what reason, if I may ask?”
“An old friend of Mister Rodgers is accused of an attack. Mr Rogers believe he is innocent, Mr Stark and others are not. The name of the man is James Barnes.”
“Bucky? I he was like a brother to Steve, no wonder they fight. But I thought he is dead. Heimdall, do you know if he did what he is accused of?”
“He did not. But I fear most of them are blind to the truth. Barnes was caught and turned into an mindless assassin by an organisation named Hydra. Until he met Rogers again, he had no memory or will of his own.”
“Are you telling me, he is accused of killing someone, because in his past he was turned into a mindless weapon? Poor man. Sounds like what happened to Natasha, only so much worse.”
The young woman whispered.
Sefa, what shall we do?
And just like her daughter could read her mind, she waved towards Heimdall and smiled.
“Bring us to Midgard.” (y/n) finally ordered and Heimdall smiled knowingly.
“I knew you would say that. Though I must advise you not to go alone. The man might be a friend of your friend, but his mind can be easily taken over and he might try to hurt you or your daughter.”
“I can assure you that will not happen. Neither Fluffy nor Lady Sif or the warriors three would allow it to happen. If they choose to escort me.”
“Of course, m`Lady.”  Was Volstagg answer.
“Heimdall, please open the Bifrost to get us to Midgard. I wanted to ask Tony for a while now, WHY he build intelligent killer robots that went wild.”
“M´Lady. Be careful.”
 Part  25
 AN2.0: Last Chapter AoU, Now Civil war- damn I run through the timeline with my story AND I know the time between the happenings aren´t right. But why not use some artistic licence? :)
Am I running to fast through the chapters? Let me know what you think.
As always feel free to comment and reblog.
     *Sefa means “calm” https://www.nordicnames.de/wiki/Sefa
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blogmarareactions · 7 years
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Note: Here is the last part for this. FINALLY! I know this has been in my inbox for so long and I started writing this but then I lacked creativity and since then it`s just been stuck in my drafts folder. But now I`m done with it so I hope you enjoy it. Also this bacame a little longer cause I found a really good soundtrack that sparked my creativity :D
BTS version
Short backstory:
You have been together with him for a year soon. Everything seemed fine for so long, he was nice, funny and always seemed to know how to make you smile when you were feeling down. Now however he was different. He was gone untill late, barely talking to you and when you asked him about it he`d answer you with short annoyed statements, almost angry. You had tried talking to him more than once but he wouldn`t listen. This is what made you draw your conclusions and you decided it might be better for him if you dissapeared. So packing a small bag with your most needed belongings you ran away.
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Rap Monster
Stress had taken its toll on him lately as his mind was flodded with mission plans and coordinating the meetings and whatnot. And today it`s been even worse. Namjoon wanted nothing more than a hot shower and a few hours of sleep, instead however he found himself destroying the apartment in a fit of rage. He had come home to find a note from you, saying you were sorry for using up his time and apologizing for not being what he wanted. So after taking apart the place he used his contacts to locate you before making his way there. He`d grab you wrist making you look at him before furiously yelling.
“Why the fuck would you do that? Why the fuck would you run away? Are you crazy? Do you know how fucking worried I was?”
When seeing your scared face he`d look defeated, calming down. He wasn`t angry with you at all. It was himself he was angry with really. So in the next sentences he made sure you understood just how much you meant to him. He`d let go of your wrist, instead catching both of your hands his and continuing in a soft but firm voice.
“I can`t loose you. I was a fucking dickhead I know. I was so caught up in my work that I neglected what`s most important in my life. You. Y/n, I am so sorry I did you so wrong. You are not a burden. You are the only thing keeping me sane. Shit, I never beg but if it takes begging for the rest of my life for you to stay then I will. Please y/n. Don`t leave me.”
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The last few months have been a disaster. Things just didn`t play out the way he wanted and it was driving him insane. Today especially. That`s why he decided to get off work earlier. Maybe a quite day at home was what he was lacking. And if he was honest with himself he missed you. His happy thoughts of cuddling and a nice dinner however were thrown completely off board when he stepped into the bedroom to find a suitcase packed on the bed and you trying to close it. Your head would whip around to look at Jin when you heard him ask what you were doing. 
The next few minutes where filled with you explaining your feelings to him while you profoundly apologized for being a burden and not being good enough for him. Jin would be silently listening to you, not because he was being polite but because he didn`t know what to say. He couldn`t believe he made you feel this way and the only thing he wanted right now was to make you feel wanted again. So he did the only thing he came up with. He kissed you. Pouring all of his feelings of shame and longing into it. And as the kiss progressed so did his yearing for you and as you were both laying beside eachother, sweat cascading your bodies and heavy breathing filling the air around you, he said out loud what his actions just now have said for him.
“I love you y/n. Please don`t leave me.”
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Yoongi isn`t someone you play around with. Everybody knew that. But it turned out that there were people who don`t see it as a threat but rather a challenge. Ever since he found out that he had a spy in his group he was on edge. Snapping at everyone and everything. You included. He wasn`t proud of it and he knew he was being too harsh. So when the day finally came that he cought the traitor and dealt with it he set his mind on making it up to you. But he was too late. As he came through the door he knew something was off. He had tried to call you earlier but you hadn`t answered. He had wondered why. Finally finding your letter he got his answer, finding out that his plan of making it up to you came too late. 
He was shocked to find himself calmly sitting in his office rather than trashing the whole place, but he knew this wasn`t the time to throw a fit. He knew you still loved him, or so you said in your letter. The only reason you left was his incompetence to remind you of his love so he just had to show you. And he was determent to make sure you would never question his loyalty and love to you ever again. After having his people drive you back to his office he now stood infront of you. He felt a pang of guilt hit him when he saw how sad you looked as he started talking. 
“My job is important to me and you know that. You also know that this situation I was having was out of the norm and demanded a high level of attention. That being said, I also thought you knew how much I love and care for you. But I understand why you would run away. I have not done my job in giving you the attention you deserve, by that letting you think one hell of fucking aweful things and I cannot apologize enough for it. Fuck. You know I`m bad with words so I`ll just get to the point. I need you y/n. I would never forgive myself if I let you leave like this so stay with me. Please.”
Saying the last sentence he gave you a small black box, inside lay a promise he swore to never break.
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You had never seen him like this as he was always the smiley, bright and positive Hobi around you. So drawing your conclusions out of it, you must have become a burden to him. It hurt like hell writing your note to him and even more so to leave your shared flat for the last time. Hoseok didn`t notice any of this as he was currently trying to stay calm at all the stupidity going on around him. This had been going on for a few months now and he was sick and tired of it. When he finally left work he was worn out once again. His tired eyes would scan the flat curiously as he didn`t see nor hear you anywhere. Feeling his heart speed up he found your note on the kitchen table, your apartment key next to it. The next few hours were a blur. The only thing he could remember was a call to his team with the demand to find you and him releasing all of his stress by tearing up the place and screaming his throat soar. Now he was in a car on his way to your location, nervously bouncing one of his legs up and down. 
The moment he saw you through the window, he jumped out of the car running to you and catching you in a tight hug. In this moment nothing around him mattered except for you. As he reluctantly pulled away and locked eyes with you he couldn`t help but tear up, no letting go of all of his feelings.
“You don`t know the fear I felt when I found your note. I.. I can`t loose you. I don`t want to loose you. I`m miserable without you. I am so incredibly sorry. I truly am. I was a horrible partner and I understand if you hate me now but y/n, I love you. I will change. I promise. Just give me a chance. I swear to make you happy. Just... don`t leave me.”
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His heart broke the second he read the first line of your goodbye letter. All the problems he had thought were crazy important just a few seconds ago were now nothing compared to this. Nothing compared to loosing you. His chest rose and fell quicker at the thought of you sitting here alone with these horrible thoughts of not being good enough gnawing at your mind. Not to mention the constant pushing away and screaming he had done to you. But the thing that bothered him the most was that you didn`t leave him because he was an asshole. You left because you thought you were a burden. This was the point at which he would be sitting on the kitchen floor, your letter still in his hand, as he stared blankly infront of himself. He would need a good hour before he finally got back the courage to get up and find you.
With the help of his people he`d get your locations in the matter of a few minutes, not loosing any time to set out to your location. He didn`t want to let you go around with those thoughts for a single second longer. The moment his eyes would meet your, from crying, bloodshot ones his heart would break a second time. He quickly grabbed your arm and drew you close to him when he saw you trying to run. In his arms you tried to protest, telling him he`d only make it harder for you to leave if he kept holding on.
“Good. Then I`ll never let go. I don`t want you to leave. Never. I know this doesn`t make up for my behavior these last few months in the slightest but I am so so sorry y/n. You only deserve the best but what I did was worse than the worst. I made you believe you were useless and a burden when in reality you are all that I am fighting for every day. I don`t expect you to stay when I let go of you now, but please know that I really, truly love you.”
And holding on to his last straw of hope he let go.
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This was the worst day of his life. Not because his million dollar deal had gone to hell. Not because several utterly important files had been stolen from his organization. And not because his right hand man, that he had trused for years, turned out to be a traitor. They were not the reason he was currently driving at an inhuman speed down the streets, his hands sweaty and heart beating so fast he thought it was going to burst. No. The reason for why he was a mess like this was the apologizing letter you had left him on your shared bed. His mind was buzzing with guilt, and quite frankly, anger. Not at you but at himself. He was sure he shouldn`t be driving in this state, but the thought of losing you was too much for him. His mind telling him you`d be where you felt the safest. In the park where you two had first met. More precisely on the bench under the great oak tree where you two had fallen in love. 
And he was right. He found you sitting there, your head in your hands as he could hear your sobs filling the cold air of the night. He`d be careful when approaching you. Any signs of his recklessness from earlier gone as he didn`t want to scare you. He`d hesitantly stand infront of you, your tear filled eyes staring at him as he softly spoke up.
“I knew I`d find you here. You really love this spot don`t you. I do too. After all, this is where I found the love of my life. Someone I thought I would never find. But it seems I have fucked up bad. I didn`t treat you the way I should have and now your head is filled with these... these horrible thoughts that aren`t true. You should be mad at me. Yell at me for being the dick that I am, butinstead you are blaming yourself. Y/n, I don`t deserve you in any way. I never have. And if leaving me will make you happy I won`t stop you. But if you still love me, like I love you, please... don`t go. Let me make it up to you and show you how important you are to me.”
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If he thought he was beaten down already from his day, now he was truly broken. This situation was completely overwhelming him and he didn`t know what else to do than angrily walk up and down the living room. His hands, no, his whole body shaking in what he could only describe as rage and sadness. He was trying not to cry but failed miserable at it as he noticed wet trails on his cheeks. He had found the note you left him and had immediatley tried calling you only to hear the sound of your ringtone in the livingroom where you left your phone. Now he was only waiting for his men to bring you back. 
What the fuck could take them so long? He was waiting for over an hour already and his patience was wearing thin. That`s where the door would open and you`d step into the apartment. Right on time, he was sure he would`ve gone crazy had it been just a few minutes longer. You couldn`t even say a word when you were suddenly enveloped in a hug, his head tightly pressed into the nook of your neck and his arms having a grip on you as if he was afraid you`d crumcle beneath his hands. And as he felt you hugging him back he let go of everything he had failed to say to you.
“I love you so much y/n. I love you. I don`t even know where to begin to tell you how sorry I am for making you think I wouldn`t love you anymore and that you are a burden. You are anything but useless to me. You are all that I am waking up in the morning for. I made a horrible mistake at not taking care of you when you were feelings this way and I apologize for it. If you still love me, I`d like you to stay here with me. I swear to take better care of you from now on. Whatever you want me to do, I will do it if it makes you stay.” 
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sternenstaub28 · 7 years
Secret Santa!
My secret santa for satinalia is @urrsari. Or I'm theirs? English is hard. I heard you like dogs and dao and as my talents are few, I wrote a little fic. I hope you enjoy it.
The strange two legged beings were painting my fur again today. I did not know why, but the cool and wet feeling was nice, so I did not complain. It resembled rolling in mud, I did not know why they complained, when I did that but not when they put the mud on me on their own.
After a last swipe over my nose, they looked proudly at me and scratched my ear. I liked this tiny two legged being with ears almost as pointy as mine and eyes as big as a puppy´s.
My pack siblings joined me soon after, swipes of mud like my own all over them, some were proud about their intrinsic patterns, some were annoyed by the wait. Then the horn sounded, we knew this was what we were born for.
death mention
Teeth showing, hackles raised, we stormed forward. Foul smelling beings, some on two, others on four legs in front of us. Their smell screamed danger, they were the enemy, we needed to stop them from hurting what was ours. Tearing through, barely seeing, only blood and flesh, metal screaming over my head, the earth mud under me and we teared and fought side by side. Some brothers fell, some sisters got hit, but we did not stop. Biting, running, dodging. This I was born for. This....
My mouth felt numb, my sight blurred, my legs broke under me and the world turned dark…
The next sunrises were unclear, my body felt heavy, my limbs hurt. Some two legged pack members tried to feed me, stroke my fur, but I could not stand it, growled and snapped, once accidentally drew even blood when all I wanted was to be left alone and sleep.
The sun rose and fell, my pack siblings started leaving me alone, giving me up. Left to my own devices, I knew what this meant. A pack member was never left behind if there was still hope. But for me... there wasn´t.
I lay under in the shade, feeling my body give up on me and just when I wanted to give up myself, a two legged came and chained me, I growled but they didn't show fear.
Their smell seemed familiar, though I had never seen them. It belonged, it felt right to be touched by this one, more than it ever had before. Should I have found my true pack twin just minutes before death awaited me?
My head felt heavy, I fell down. Just existing was a task I was barely able of fulfilling. Then, suddenly, someone gave me something awful. Coughing and hacking, I turned around, away.
Another battle started, but I could not do more than hide under a stone. My life was waning and I couldn't even die alongside my pack. Lying in a puddle of blood that was not my own, my world turned dark.
death mention end
The sun was so nice on my fur, the mud was cool, it was a great morning. I woke up, confused but suddenly feeling like myself again? How was this possible? Once my brain was over it´s initial confusion, a foul smell hit my nose. Burned wood and enemies, I did not look closer to what I knew would be pack, there was no breath to be heard anywhere around. Trotting slowly through the destroyed kennel, another smell met me, a right smell, my pack twin! Ears held a bit higher, my gait sped up. At a road I saw them, my last true two legged pack twin, fighting.
Wagging like there was no tomorrow I stormed off, only to stop a few feet before my new friends. They looked afraid of me.
With a little hesitation my twin came near me and I couldn't hold onto it any longer, with a jump and a bark, I started licking their face, relieved to hear a laugh and not a scream. We were pack now.
Travelling together was all I had ever dreamed of, no more walls, no more leashes and friends all around. My twin was a part of me and I of him. This was what I was born for. Strolling through the land, protecting my pack and mock fighting family.
The dark haired “human” as they called themselves, I think they did, it´s so confusing, why are they all calling each other by different names all the time? Morrigan, witch, please don´t turn me into a toad, I think I like Morri the most. She acts like she dislikes me and I act like I slobber in her shoes at night but actually I put little acorns next to her entrance and I know I saw her smile. Next night a little bone lay where the acorns had been. I need to get some elfroot.
A few nights later, we arrived at a village. The smell was overwhelming, so many two-leggers, running around, screaming.
We met a strange smelling human, she talked like a bird and smelled like a flower, but there was something underlying, something my pack did not seem to notice or care about, she was steel and poison but did not try to hurt anyone. I couldn't find anything wrong in someone hiding their teeth when they were not necessary.
Just a few steps further we met a caged, strong smelling being, who talked in a growl. I did not understand why we stopped there but could feel sympathy for someone caged and hungry. I would growl as well. Their eyes were kind, despite the obvious pain haunting them.
We left the town with two more pack members and two small two legged beings following them. I liked the younger one of them, he did not talk much but always liked to pet me and sometimes his rocks made my fur stand on end.
We travelled along and I was glad to be there, for surely my pack would have stood no chance against the foul smelling creatures without me. I growled when they were near and was the front line.
Until one time I got lost. We had fought and I had followed a fleeing four legged being and wound up at a river. Sniffing around, I tried following my packs trail. But there was another river and a swamp. Despite liking mud, it was now my doom. No more trail to follow, no smell or indentions on the ground.
Walking in the general direction where I assumed my pack to have gone, I smelled people and heard fire crackling. But they were strangers, clearly not my own.
Hiding in a bush, I crept closer, making sure not to be seen or heard. It was a small group of two leggers. They talked about hiding and one screamed and whined periodically just to stop right away again and laugh. It was the strangest thing.
They were not my two leggers, they did not concern me, I turned around and walked away.
The sun set soon after and I rested under a big tree, when I noticed a smell. Someone was near! Ears perked, I looked around and heard some rustling above me. With a thump a two legger jumped down a tree next to mine. I got up and growled, apparently startling them.
Warily looking at each other, teeth bared, metal glistening, a deep growl emanated from deep within me when they suddenly dropped their guard. “You won´t hurt my face, no? I might still need it later.” and with that the metal vanished, the glint in their eyes turned kind. “Lost your way? I never would have thought to see a mabari without a Ferelden smelling the same at their side.”
What did this creature want from me? They did not seem to want me any harm, and… did I smell bacon there?
The two legger sat down on the ground, acting like they were ignoring me but I knew they noticed every movement. Making a show out of taking out their food and eating slowly, a pair of big eyes met mine again. A bit food was dropped close to me, sniffing, I decided I could eat it, if they did as well.
The still measured breaths next to me became more relaxed. I got a few steps closer, sitting down.
We ate and sat and watched the night. I did not feel a hand on my fur but I definitely heard some relaxed breaths and mumbles about dreams and a future that would not come. A sun that would go up one last time. Watching the stars walk through the night, their eyes reflected the night like a sea. Starry eyes seemed lost but comfortable at my side. The tension I had felt the whole time had vanished and my presence seemed to be relaxing. I would keep guard.
I did not sleep that night, deciding this being was pack now as well.
We got up at the same time the next morning and I was greeted by a breathy chuckle. “A crow and a dog, who would have thought?”
Not knowing where to go, I followed starry eyes for now.I did not quite understand why we were spending most of the morning hiding behind a tree. I needed to find my pack, missing my twin more than anything. But something made me stay here, my instincts would know what to do, I listened to them.
More people joined us, the ones I saw yesterday at the fire. What was going on here? They seemed excited and fearful, whispering and hiding behind trees. The tension made my fur stand up on end.
Suddenly I could hear a someone shouting, the same distress I had heard at the fire, but no laugh followed this time. The wind blew in our faces and there! My pack, I could smell them!
Breaking out from behind the tree, I rushed towards them, just to hear a curse at my back and my new friend to start attacking them? Why? Protecting my twin, I had to grit my teeth and fight starry eyes.
Why looked my new friend so sad while fighting, there was no light in his eyes, not like last night, when the stars were glinting.
My pack easily won and starry eyes was arguing with my twin. Slowly, warily, I approached and nudged his side. Everyone around me held their breaths when I was only greeted by a chuckle. “So you do have a home, little one?”
I did not quite get what was going on after that, besides the surprised shouts from everyone around. They seemed to decide to keep starry eyes for now and even took their leash off.
That night, we sat together again, staring up at the night. My twin had told me to keep an eye on them, but this was no hardship. “Seems we stay friends for now, perro.” I kept starry´s back from that moment as well.
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81scorp · 4 years
Constructive criticism: Spider-Man 3 (2007)
(Originally posted as an editorial on Deviantart Dec 7, 2016)
Ah yes... Spider-Man, one of my favourite marvel superheroes.I remember that there was talk about making a live action Spider-Man in the early nineties and James Cameron was gonna direct it. Some time later in the early twothousands I started to get confirmation that a live action Spider-Man movie was indeed in production. (Directed by Sam Raimi though, but he directed Darkman, which I liked, so he seemed like a good pick.) Before this there had been mostly DC in the cinema when it came to comicbook superhero movies, and pretty much only of two of the most wellknown heroes DC had, Superman and Batman. And it was mostly Batman. In both cases the franchises started good but got dumber and worse with every sequel. It seemed like Hollywood just couldn`t make good superhero movies. Then an X-Men movie came out. Maybe not perfect but at least it understood the sourcematerial. Then came the Spider-Man movies. After waiting for ten years was it everything I hoped it would be? Not quite to be honest, but don`t get me wrong, I did like it and it was good. It had all the basic things that Spider-Man should have; webswinging, a colourful supervillain (both metaphorically AND literally), Mary Jane, Aunt May, Uncle Ben, fights, people being saved, badassery and great powers followed by great responsibility. I would have preferred a different look for Green Goblin though. Give him a costume closer to the comics, but with pants instead of bare legs.Then came the sequel and I liked it even more, it felt like the logical next step for the characters of the first movie to take. Then came the third movie... maybe not bad per se but it felt like a step down from the second movie. If you like it I can understand, it has some redeeming qualities but still... it had more subplots and characters than it knew what to do with. It seemed like Hollywood, once again, just couldn`t make good superhero movies. Anyway, it`s here now on my constructive criticisms. So let us see, in my very subjective editorial, how I would have done it differently.
With great power comes great SPOILERS Sandman, Gwen Stacy and the butler Lose them. As much as I like Gwen, she wasn`t necessary for the story. She was only there so that MJ could get jealous, and it just feels like a step down from how MJ was written in Spider-Man 2.I do like the moment where Flint Marko has been turned into sand for the first time. You can tell by his body language that he`s thinking: "Dear god. What have I become?" But his story takes time and focus from the symbiote plot-line that, in many ways, is the spine of the movie.The butler wasn`t in the first two movies, not noticably anyway, but that`s not the problem. If he knew that Spidey didn`t kill Norman why didn`t he tell Harry that sooner? On the fence: Topher Grace A part of me thinks that Topher Grace was a bad choice for playing Eddie Brock. I would have prefered a little older actor because I think that the idea of Eddie competing against Peter, a much younger and more successful photographer, would only add more fuel to his inferiority complex that would drive him to become Venom. On the other hand: Maybe Topher Grace would have been better as Eddie if the script had been better. So: either keep Topher Grace or replace him with (and this is just some of my personal picks) Jeremy Renner or Nathan Fillion.
Story: The beginning is pretty close to the beginning of the movie that we got: things are going well for Peter and he goes to see MJ perform on stage. In my version however her performance isn`t singing but acting. She performs in a stage version of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde (she plays a supporting role, but it`s a wellwritten and important role). After the show is over Pete congratulates MJ and meets Harry Osborn who he tries to reason with but Harry is still hellbent on revenge. Before Pete meets Aunt May to tell her that he plans to propose to MJ he bumps in to Eddie Brock who is in a hurry and doesn`t have time to chat with him because he`s "chasing a big scoop". A masked terrorist named Sin-Eater is mentioned a few times on newspaper headlines, he`s kinda like the unabomber in this universe. (Yes, Sin-Eater is gonna be in this one, but he doesn`t play a big part.) Pete gets attacked by Harry Osborn and they fight, but instead of Harry knocking himself out and losing his memory he chases Pete into an abandoned old building that he demolishes with lots of grenades. There`s no sign of Pete in what`s left of the building but Harry knows that he must`ve escaped. Since Harry knows Pete`s secret identity Pete knows that Harry might use his loved ones to get to him, so he tells MJ to get out of town with Aunt May. MJ reluctantly agrees to this and tells Aunt May that she thinks it would be good for them to get a little time of their own for a little female bonding. They leave early the next morning. Pete does his usual shtick, superheroing as Spider-Man and selling his photos to Jameson but all the time doing so while looking over his shoulder, fully aware that Harry is out there. (Yes, I know that he has spider-sense that warns him, but still.) When Pete`s at the Bugle he bumps into Brock who has just finished talking to his dad on the phone, or rather, his dad`s answering machine. Here`s where we get a little human moment from Brock where he tells Pete that he and his dad hasn`t talked to eachother for some time. He then runs away to "chase his big scoop". We get one scene where Harry visits Aunt May`s house to find that no one is home (thus validating Pete`s paranoia). He smiles confidently and shakes his head. "You`re a clever boy Pete, you knew what I was gonna do." Meanwhile at Aunt May and MJ`s hide out: May realises that there`s something odd about this very sudden "female bonding" trip that MJ practically forced her to join and wonders if there`s someting going on that MJ doesn`t want her to know. Is it about Peter? Is he in trouble? MJ tries to calm her down and says that there is nothing of that kind going on. Aunt May pretends to accept MJ`s explanation but senses that she`s lying, MJ herself feels awful for lying to May. Later that evening at Pete`s apartment: Peter collpapses on his bed after a long day. The black goo that attached itself to his moped on his date with MJ (Yes, I`m going with the movie`s version of how that happened.) comes out of the shadows and devours Pete. Spidey wakes up hanging upsidedown outside a building, looking at his reflection in the window. He feels more confident and powerful. He goes out swinging and finds a masked terrorist who`s about to blow up a mall. Spidey beats him up and uses more violence than necessary. He stops himself from killing the terrorist, webs him up and leaves him outside a police station. Pete doesn`t like what he just did, he almost killed that man. Criminal or not, that`s just something that he shouldn`t do. Could it be the suit? Is it making him more aggressive? But then the suit clouds his judgement and he tells himself that he has everything under control, what happened was just a one-time thing. The next day the police arrests the terrorist who turns out to be that Sin-Eater that has been mentioned in the news. Since Sin-Eater has been caught Brock reveals to Jonah what "the big scoop" that he chased earlier was. All this time Brock had been telephone-interviewing Sin-Eater who had told him a lot about his life-philosophy and about how "decadent he thinks our secular society is". Jonah likes it, it`s extremely in depth. Brock could win the Pulitzer prize for it. Hearing this makes Brock beam with pride. That same evening Spidey is out webswinging and runs into Harry. They fight. At one point Harry uses a sonic grenade and here`s where we learn that the black suit is vulnerable to loud noises. Spidey gets the upper hand, goes really violent and almost beats Harry to death. Harry manages to escape and all of this has been caught by a guy with a video camera. It later ends up on the late news and is seen by MJ. Once again Pete feels bad for going too far and once again the suit makes him think that it wasn`t a big deal.The next day Brock`s interview is published in the Bugle. Jonah congratulates him in his office when Brock`s phone suddenly rings. It`s Sin-Eater! But wait a sec, isn`t he in jail? Maybe he used his one phone call to call Brock? But then Brock (and Jonah) finds out that the man calling doesn`t know that Sin-Eater is in jail, the man calling isn`t even Sin-Eater! All this time Brock was interviewing a mentally ill man who pretended to be Sin-Eater. (The man also has no TV or easy access to the news paper, that`s why he didn`t knew that the real S-E was behind bars.) This is bad! Todays newspaper has already been printed! Jonah fires a distraught Eddie Brock. Later that day MJ comes to Peter`s apartment. (Yes, Pete told her and May to stay out of the city to be safe from Harry, but right now Harry`s not much of a threat compared to Pete.) She saw Spidey`s and Harry`s fight on the news and thinks that he went too far. They start to argue and Peter pushes MJ into the wall... just as Aunt May walks in and sees it. Pete realizes what he`s done and runs out of his apartment to be alone. He sits on top of a building to think, sees a church and gets an idea. He uses the loud noise from the churchbells to rid himself of the alien suit. Eddie Brock happens to be in the same church at the time. After the suit has been separated from Pete it looks for a new host and finds Eddie... who turns into Venom. Pete returns home to his apartment (with clothes that he has taken from some church-charity thing) where May and MJ are waiting. (It`s his apartment after all and they don`t have the key, so they can`t leave it unlocked.) After some talking MJ forgives Pete and a few minutes later May does the same. After this Pete (as Spidey) swings over to Harry to patch things over with him as well. (He is of course smart enough to realize that it`s not gonna be a walk in the park.) When they meet we see that Harry`s face has been damaged from their latest fight and he doesn`t want to reconcile with him. He doesn`t want to fight him either but he wants him to get the hell away from his property. Somewhere else: Venom kidnaps Jonah, takes him to a construction site and soon gets Pete`s attention thanks to the news. Spidey suits up, swings to the site and tries to reason with Eddie, but Eddie won`t listen. He says that he and the suit has a "symbiotic relationship" and after that he starts to refer to himself in plural ("we" and "us"). He knows that Spider-Man is Peter because the suit told him that. Spidey and Venom fight. After a few blows have been delivered Eddie says to Spidey: "Can`t sense when I`m coming, can you? That`s right! The suit knows all about your little extra warning sense! And it knows how to not trigger it!" Harry sees their fight on the news. Spidey manages to incapacitate Venom long enough to break away from the fight and rescue Jonah. But then Venom gets the upper hand and knocks Spidey out. He`s about to kill Spidey when... Harry comes to the rescue! Harry and Venom fight, Spidey manges to regain consciousness just in time to see... Venom stabbing Harry with his own hoverboard! Spidey fights Venom and defeats him (or "them) the same way he did it in the movie. (Harry is strong enough to still be alive, he pulls out a grenade that he throws to Spidey that Spidey throws at the symbiote.) Eddie isn`t desintegrated by the blast, just knocked unconscious by it. Pete and Harry say their good byes and Harry dies with peace in his heart. The next day Peter visits Aunt May, gives her the ring back and says that he`s not ready to marry MJ yet, maybe some day but not in a near future. The next day Pete, MJ and Aunt May go to Harry`s funeral. Next we see MJ and Pete (in Spider-Man costume but without the mask on) on the roof of a tall building staring at the sunset.
The End Mid credit scene: Eddie is in the hospital in a coma. We get a re-play of the moment when the explosion killed the symbiote and knocked him out. A close up shows that a small piece of the symbiote managed to escape. Back to Eddie in the hospital: the symbiote is outside his window, it sneaks in and devours him. We get a close up of one of his eyes as he wakes up from the coma. Yes, I know, my version is not much better than the official version. Even in this one Venom doesn`t appear until the third act. But with Sandman and other distractions gone we at least get more time to explore Eddie and understand his goals and motivations. When I first came up with this I was originally not going to have Venom in it. I was gonna use Lizard since he had already been mentioned and shown in the first two movies and it felt like a waste to not use him.   
And no: I`m not gonna do a CC of the The Amazing Spider-Man movies. Because A: I don`t want my gallery to be filled with thousands of editorials. I want my visual art to outnumber (or atleast be in equal quantity to) my written stuff. B: Spider-Man 3 has been on my CC list for a couple of months while TASM 1&2 haven`t been on the list at all. (Not that they don`t have a few things in them that I would like to change though.) If I were to give them the CC treatment I would sum it up like this: a: Don`t reboot them, make them sequels. It is possible to make sequels with a new director and a new cast. Just saying. Or b: Just stop after Spider-Man 3 and let the rights revert back to Marvel.
0 notes
To Dance Again
Fandom: Undertale
Words: 1606
Characters: Sans & Papyrus
Genre: Slice of Life, Bad Puns, Sibling Banter
Summary: “Sans, don't tell me you aren't ready yet!”
“All right, I won't tell you.”
In which Sans and Papyrus get ready for a dance. Banter ensues. 
Because my fellow Underfans have some amazing Sans and Papyrus Formal cosplays (seen here) and I wanted to write a gift! Set Post-Soulless Pacifist Route, Everybody Lives, Broken Barrier, all of this is barely relevant. It’s Sans and Papyrus discussing formal wear, I don’t know what else you want. Link to A03 if you’d rather read it there, or read below.
“Sans, don't tell me you aren't ready yet!”
“All right, I won't tell you.” Sans chuckled from his place on the couch. He remained where he was, his arms acting as a pillow behind his head, slippered feet propped lazily up on the coffee table. There was no sense in leaving a comfortable position any earlier than necessary, in his opinion. Of course, “necessary” came roughly thirty seconds later when Papyrus plucked one of his feet from the coffee table.
“I’m not sure what to be offended by first, your choice in footwear or the fact that I have told you time and again not to put your feet on the table, brother!” The taller skeleton huffed as he glared down at Sans.
“Sorry bro,” Sans drawled as he cracked open one eye to grin up at his brother. “Guess I just wasn’t able to listen.”
He vanished in a flash of blue, narrowly avoiding his own slipper as it was yanked off his foot and thrown at him. “Hey, careful, those are quality dumpster diving prizes. You know, from ye olden days,” Sans said from his brother’s left, using magic to rescue the footwear in question and return it to its proper place.
Unfortunately, this closer and distracted position only made it easier for Papyrus to grab Sans off the floor. “Ugh. Just look at you. I know as a brother you cannot help but emit slime, but could you at least button up your shirt?” The taller skeleton tsked.
“Maybe. Maybe not.” Sans shrugged as he slumped in his brother’s red gloved grip like a cat. His grin dropped slightly as he finally took the time to properly inspect Papyrus’ outfit. “Are you wearing a tux?”
Papyrus nodded as he set Sans back on the floor. “Well, of course! It is important that I always look my best, after all,” He declared as he adjusted the jacket he was wearing, taking careful note to ensure the many buttons and the coattails were all in proper place.
“I thought this barrier anniversary shindig was semi-formal?” Sans pointed out. His brow furrowed as he leaned back to make it easier for Papyrus to finish buttoning up the shirt.
“There’s no such thing as semi-great, Sans. Similarly, you are either formal or you are not. So, obviously, I intend to be formal and great, as usual.” Papyrus nodded decisively as he pulled back, fiddling with his bright red bowtie.
Twinkling eyelights glanced up at him for a moment before Sans smiled wryly. “You’d look great if you could stop messing with that, pal.” The bowtie in question flashed blue as Sans adjusted it. “Where’d you get this anyway? I don’t remember you buying this at the store.”
“You were asleep at the store.” Papyrus pointed out as he handed Sans a teal vest.
“Eh. Once you’ve seen one shopping center, you’ve seen a mall.” Sans snickered to himself as he shrugged the vest on.
“UGH,” Papyrus groaned. He glanced down at the white tie in his hands, then looked back to Sans’ dark blue button up shirt, the light blue vest, and the dark slacks. “I must admit, you managed to put something half decent together for a brother who cannot quite reach the clearance rack.”
Sans snorted. “I’m surprised you didn’t say the ensemble’s a bit beneath you.”
Papyrus let out a long-suffering sigh, but his face crumpled for a moment. “I considered it…” He trailed off, clearly fighting something, then opened his mouth again. “But I was worried it would go over your head.”
“Hey now Paps, don’t sell me short!” The smaller skeleton snickered as he adjusted the vest to its proper level of rumpled.
Papyrus gave a long-suffering groan. “I already regret indulging you.”
“Aw, c’mon Papyrus…” Sans grinned as he looked up at his brother. “Just a little more?”
Papyrus threw the tie in Sans’ face.
The shorter skeleton chuckled as he peeled the material off his face and began to thread it under the collar of the blue shirt. “Sorry, couldn’t resist,” He said as he let the two ends of the tie flop onto his front, then reached out and flicked his fingers. A white fedora with a black ribbon jerked from its place on the table and settled comfortably onto his head. “And there we go, all set. See, Paps? Wasn’t worth all that fuss.”
“Are you not going to tie the tie!?” Papyrus sputtered.
“Eh, it’s good.” Sans shrugged.
“No! No no no, absolutely not!” The taller brother exclaimed, reaching out to grab the two ends of the material. “It is in the name of the garment, you can’t just not do the one thing the name calls for!”
“I’m a rebel.”
“Rebellion implies effort, Sans,” Papyrus huffed as he began to struggle with the tie. “Admit it, you probably do not even know how to do this. Fortunately I, the Great Papyrus, am…” His brow furrowed as he continued to tug at the material in question. “Erm… the… Great Tie… Tie-er...  um…”
“You don’t actually know how to tie a tie, do ya, buddy?” Sans asked, grinning up at him.
“Of course I know how to tie a tie!” His brother cried. “You just… tie it? L-like shoes?” He pulled back, frowning at the messy knot the tie had become.
Sans chuckled, undoing the mess in a flash of blue. “All right, watch me. You hang it with both ends lined up, right? Then you grab the big guy and you pull it to your right, like this, and then pull the big guy up and under the little guy. Then you go over and down the loop you’ve made here to your left, then back under the small guy to your right, then across the front to the left again… then you go up under and now you got this loopy loop, see?” He wiggled his skeletal fingers through the loop, then tugged the wide end of the tie down and through it.
Sans pulled the tie tight, leaving a knot that, while a bit crinkled and lopsided, certainly seemed presentable enough. “And there you have it. It takes some practice, but it’s not too hard once your hands get used to it.”
Papyrus gaped down at him. Sans grinned blankly. “What?”
“Wherever did you learn how to do that!?” The taller brother sputtered.
Sans shrugged. “It’s a useful skill, even if I don’t really like doing it. I had to look at least kinda presentable for… y’know, old job.” He winced at the mention as it left his jaw, feeling something drop in his nonexistent stomach.
Papyrus picked up the slack. “And to think, all I have is a clip-on! I will have to practice if I want to catch up to my lazybones brother! Here you’ve gone and made yourself mildly presentable!”
“C’mon, don’t say that, I couldn’t tell it was a clip-on.” Sans said as he glanced up at Papyrus. He frowned for a moment, tapping his chin. “You are missing something though…” He then snapped his fingers, stepping past Papyrus.
Sans shuffled past his own jacket carelessly hung on a nearby chair, then plucked the infamous red scarf from the otherwise neglected coat rack. The instant he grabbed the thing in question, he regretted it. After all, the last time he’d actually held the thing was--
Dust motes mixing with the snow, soft red in his hands, frayed red clutched to his chest, not fair, not fair, he hadn’t held this thing in years because Papyrus never took it off and it shouldn’t be here couldn’t be here wasn’t fair wasn’t fair what was the point in even taking care of the scarf when there was no one to wear it why why why--
“Sans, as much as I love my scarf, it does not go with my outfit.” Papyrus, mercifully, cut into the memory.
“Nah,” Sans’ grin slid back into place as he turned back and used magic to help guide the fabric over his brother’s shoulders. “Can’t have the Great Papyrus without his scarf. Besides, the shindig’s semi-formal. Now I’ve gone and dragged you down to my level.”
Papyrus snorted. “I would never sink so low.”
“You’re right,” Sans chuckled as he carefully tucked in the ends of the scarf, then let the rest drape dramatically behind his brother. He stepped back, taking in the sight, felt his grin fall a bit easier. Back where it belonged and where it would stay. He didn’t really believe it, but well… this was new for both of them, right? That was something.
“There we go, perfect. You look cool, bro.” Sans paused for a moment, then snickered. “You could say the look suits you.”
“I revoke all of the compliments I was about to give you,” Papyrus groaned. His gaze flicked up and down, then he gave a sigh. “I cannot believe you’re still wearing slippers… but we are running late.”
“Aw, that’s not true bro. No such thing as late. We arrive precisely when we mean to, not a moment before or after.” Sans nodded sagely.
“Well I mean to be on time,” Papyrus huffed. “I don’t suppose you…”
“Gotcha covered,” Sans drawled as he reached up to hook elbows with his brother and walked in the exact opposite direction of the front door. “Hey Paps, why didn’t the skeleton dance at the disco?”
Papyrus’ brow furrowed as he glanced down at his brother. “Why?”
“Because he had no body to dance with.”
Papyrus’ cry of outrage followed them out the living room and onto the dance floor.
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laceymorganwrites · 5 years
The story of the sad Chapter 5
Word Count: 1,741
Pairing: hinted Ban x reader
Warnings: cursing I guess
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Meanwhile you were on a mission. On a mission to get your conscience clean and to get your sword back.
Your journey led you to where it all began, well not really, but your involuntary immortal life began there.
Somehow there was a rush of adrenaline going through you, making you run the whole way to the fairy king´s forest. You could´ve flied there, it would´ve been quicker, but you needed the exercise.
As you arrived, you were met with a bunch of confused, angry fairies that wanted to throw you out of the forest.
“I´ll be gone in a few moments, I just need to retrieve some things first. I´d appreciate it if you wouldn´t get in my way” you growled at them.
They were still eyeing you with suspicion, but sure enough they backed off.
This place sure changed while you were gone, you thought.
It took a while until you could make out what the forest looked like 3,000 years ago, but still, you couldn´t quite remember where exactly you left your sword.
“Excuse me? Did any of you see a big sword lying around here somewhere? It´s been here a really long time, like 3,000 years? I forged it myself and I kinda need it back. I gave it to Elaine to watch over it, but I haven´t been here in a thousand years so I don´t know where she put it. It´d be great if you could help me” you awkwardly tried to persuade the fairies into helping you.
“It´s you! It´s her guardian angel! Elaine told us you would come back eventually!” one fairy called out, making you raise an eyebrow.
“I´m not sure about the angel thing, but I really need to hurry things up, so it´d be great if you could just give me my sword back” you sighed.
You didn´t want to reunite with fairies you didn´t know and tell them about how you were there when Elaine was born and watched over her for a bit. It wasn´t that special really.
Finally the fairies led you to where their saint was buried.
“Damn, you really didn´t grow an inch, huh?” you smiled sadly, she looked so peaceful, lying there, your sword next to her. Your sword was bigger than her, making you smirk slightly.
“Anyway, I´m sorry I´m too late. I really wanted to come back to you sooner, I´m not even gonna make any excuses. I´m gonna bring you back now, okay?” you smiled at her, tearing up slightly.
She was like your little sister, well, more like your daughter but you didn´t want to feel that old.
You gathered all of your healing magic in your hands and gently placed them on Elaine´s dead body.
Nothing happened for a while, making you frustrated. You called out various curses and angry tears left your eyes, hitting Elaine who opened her eyes.
“Holy fuck, I did it! Shit, I can´t believe it worked! Welcome back, Elaine!” you embraced her in a tight hug, laughing and crying at the same time.
“I´m sorry I´m late...” you sobbed, but she just giggled.
“It´s nice to see you, but why did you bring me back?” she asked, confused.
“There´s someone who wants to see you” you smiled sadly.
Elaine tilted her head and then started laughing again.
“Are you talking about Ban?” she asked.
“Of course I am, don´t you want to see him?” you asked her, this wasn´t the reaction you expected.
“Of course I do, but why is that so important to you?” Elaine tried to get a confession out of you,    it´s not like she was mad at you, quite the opposite really. She didn´t get why you would bring her back, a possible threat to your happiness.
“I think he deserves the happiness he keeps denying himself. All I ever did was fight for fighting´s sake, because it´s what I was told, I think it´s time to do good deeds now. I want to make people happy, I want to protect my friends. And I want to apologize for you for not being there for you and preventing your death.” you whispered, feeling guilty.
“You´re a good person” Elaine told you, smiling up at you.
“We should go now” you picked up Elaine and flied back to the Boar Hat.
She giggled the whole way, holding onto you and making big eyes at the feeling of flying and stared at the view in awe.
“That was amazing!” she sighed when you let her down in front of the door.
“Wait here, I´ll get him” your heart started beating faster, was this really a good idea? It was so selfish of you, you just ignored Elaine´s peace, she was resting assured, so why did you have to rip her back to reality?
You stepped into the Boar Hat, seeing everyone getting ready for tonight´s ball.
“Where the hell have you been?” Merlin hugged you, she scolded you but you knew she was just worried about you.
“Oh, you know, just getting my sword back”  you smirked, showing off your weapon.
“I didn´t think you needed your sword to fight” Merlin inspected you closely.
“All of you have your sacred treasures, you don´t need them to fight either, but I think they´ll come in handy when our real enemies show themselves” you told her.
“If you say so…” Merlin mumbled, continuing getting ready.
You moved further into the Boar Hat, finally finding Ban in the corner, talking to Meliodas.
“Ban. There´s someone outside who wants to see you” you stated frankly.
He gave you a look you couldn´t read before he went outside.
“What the hell did you do, (Y/N)?” Meliodas asked you coldly, there was almost a tint of fury in his voice, but most of all it was worry.
“I don´t know what you´re talking about, like I said, I got my sword back” you said.
Suddenly you felt really weak, the Boar Hat was spinning and the last thing you saw was Meliodas worried face over you.
He carried you upstairs and laid you on the bed, Merlin rushed to your side to examine you, but the only comment she gave was that your body was in chaos and she didn´t know if you would ever recover. Merlin never saw anything like this, she couldn´t help you.
Meliodas started freaking out, Merlin started researching everything about the goddess race magic with the help of Escanor.
At the same time Ban and Elaine reunited.
Ban was confused when you told him someone was waiting for him, he didn´t have anyone left to do that.
When Elaine smiled up to him, he couldn´t believe it, he thought it was an illusion until Elaine explained what happened.
“They did what?” Ban voiced his confusion after listening to her.
Elaine giggled.
“I can´t believe you met (Y/N). You´re really lucky.” she sighed dreamily.
Ban looked down and chuckled.
“I guess I am… how do you know them?” he was curious, he couldn´t imagine the two of them meeting.
Elaine started laughing out loud, making Ban smile brightly, she really was back.
“It´s such a long story. I´ve known them ever since I was born. They were there when I was born actually, even though it was an accident. They come to the forest every few decades to mourn, be it their lost love or the innocents they killed. I think they mourn the person they could never be, but that´s a story for another time. I always called them my guardian angel, because they used to watch over me, make sure I slept soundly and they saved my life in the war. They were my company before you tried to steal the fountain. (Y/N) told me so many stories about life, about the war. I learned everything I know from them, they´re family to me. I told them I would watch over their sword until the day they´d come back to retrieve it. It was our promise that they´d return.” Elaine talked with such sentiment and respect about you, now Ban understood why she always had that dreamy look on her face.
“I watched over you from the other side, you know?” Elaine mentioned casually.
“Oh really? Must´ve been depressing...” Ban huffed.
“A bit. But then Meliodas broke you out of prison and introduced you to (Y/N). And I saw the way your face lit up with happiness. And in that moment I knew I could rest assured. Because all I ever wanted was you to be happy. And I don´t know why (Y/N) brought me back, but then again, I really have to scold you for not chasing them! All you ever preach about is not disappointing and disrespecting me but all you ever do is do that. I want you to be happy, so why won´t you let yourself be? I was dead, you should´ve moved on…” she pouted, crossing her arms. She looked like an angry mom, Ban had to laugh.
But then he looked into the distance again, thinking about (Y/N) and all the reasons chasing you would destroy everything. He was an asshole, you really should know better than to want him. And Ban knew you didn´t.
“You know I can´t. And it´s not because of you. You´re back now, so the topic´s off the table anyways. But even so, nobody should be with me, all I ever do is destroy the happiness in people, I make them miserable. Nobody should get close to me” he mumbled, making Elaine groan.
“Well it´s a good thing I´m back then! Because I got close to you and I didn´t regret it, I never will! I bet all of your friends will say the same.” she put her hands on her hips and glared at Ban.
“Well you died because of me so I don´t think that´s a good omen...” he commented bitterly.
“You´re not making this easy for me...” Elaine mumbled, you said the exact same thing to him and the smirk on her face after she saw his pained expression let him know she did too.
Before any other words could be exchanged, Meliodas came dashing out of the Boar Hat, his face full of worry.
“Everything alright, Cap´n?” Ban asked, raising an eyebrow.
Meliodas frowned as he saw Elaine.
“So this is what´s going on...” he crossed his arms, staring the two of them dead in the eyes.
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maggyme13 · 7 years
You never said anything about a wedding!(4/?)
Imagine: Frigga, mother of Thor and Loki, was able to find a way to get Loki back on the right path. A spell to bind his fate to a willing person, so he learns the value of other.
Thor was send to Earth to find that someone. He found this someone in the Reader, who he met at Starks AVENGERS tower.The Reader was friends with Thor for a long time now and wanted to help him save his brother for a life of imprisonment.
But the god of thunder forgot to mention an important detail.
Loki x Reader,
Warning: not really, the assholes have an second appearance
Wordcount: 2917
AN: Please let me know how you like this Part. It´s the first day after the wedding and the Reader and Loki try to have a relaxed day ( try is the magic word)
Want to get tagged, or I forgot you? Just send a message  :)
Have fun :)
*Thoghts *
 Part 3
She had just played the God of Mischief, who was still staying in the middle of the seating-area a baffled look on his face.
 Rays of sunshine woke her up, the warmth tickling her face.
She felt refreshed and started to stretch her limbs, looking around in her room.
After getting out of the comforts of her bed, she walked to the bathroom to get ready for the day.
When she reached the door, that let to the bathroom, she halted, Lokis bed had been empty and there was no noise coming out of the bathroom.
Not wanting to disturb him, (y/n) glanced inside the closet on noticing it was empty, she decided to pick her clothes first, letting Loki have his peace a little bit more.
Content with changing her morning routine, to make this whole thing easier on both of them, she turned around, nearly bumping in a leather covered chest.
Jumping back in alarm ( and because she was scared shittless in the sudden appearance- she blamed her just woken up state of mind) she lost her footing and stumbled backwards.
But the anticipated land on the floor never came, instead a strong arm sneaked around her waist and steadied her.
She must have looked like a dear in headlights, because she looked at Loki´s grinning face.
Where did he come from?
“Uhm-Thanks for the catch I guess.” She mumbled blushing on the situation.
He was clearly amused by the situation.
“We don´t want you to get hurt, do we?” He said with a big smirk on his face.
“Wasn´t my intention-no.” She said with a small stutter in her voice.
“Then what were your intentions, my Love?” He still hat his arm around her back, his green eyes were staring into hers waiting for an answer.
Damn, that’s a green.
“You surprised me and I lost my footing.” She answered short, not trusting her voice at the moment.
“That’s not want I meant. And I am sure you are well aware of that.” He said.
It´s to early for my poker face, pretty sure it won´t work again on him.
“I thought you were in the bathroom and didn´t want to disturb you. I wanted to get my clothes settled in the meantime.” She explained him sincere.
“Afraid of me?”
“No” This timer her voice was firm. She had never been afraid of him. Sure, he attacked the earth and nearly caused the destruction of NY. But she has always been sure there was more to it then everybody thought. He wasn´t the monster everybody ( and maybe he himself) thought he was.
And the knowledge, that the spell would protect her ( should her appraisement be wrong), helped as well.
She thought he saw astonishment flicker in his eyes, it was gone so fast that it could have been her imagination.
“I new what I signed up to, well most of it. I was prepared to be around you 24/7. You did not. I wanted to give you some time alone, before you are stuck with me again for the day. I figured you were in there, because you weren´t in your bed anymore and I couldn´t see you elsewhere in the room.” (y/n) couldn´t stand the stare, combined with the silence anymore and looked away. She would have tried to step back as well, but she knew his grip was to strong, not using any force.
They were quiet for a few more seconds.
“Very thoughtful of you. But I was on the balcony. You may have the bath to yourself. I advise you to hurry, mother doesn´t like to be waiting.”
Loki let go of her and returned back towards the seating area and began reading in one of her books.
Well, let´s get ready then.
It took her merely twenty minutes to leave for breakfast, using the sink, to wash her hair.
Not bothering with drying her hair, she put it in a simple braid. The weather on Asgard was warm enough, she wouldn´t fetch a cold.
She wore a simple pair of black trousers, with a lose shirt and her comfortable chucks.
“I am ready to go.” She exclaimed exiting the bath.
Quickly he looked her over, laid the book aside and sauntered over to her.
“Do you have anything you want to do?” She asked her husband on their way to the royal dining hall.
He only lifted an eyebrow in question, glancing at her from the side.
“I mean. You just sat in a jail-cell for nearly five years, there must have been something you missed. I on the other hand, just want to look around the city and maybe relax a bit later. God knows that’s a rare occurrence for me to be able to do that.” (y/n) smiled.
He had not time to answer, they had just entered the dining hall, where the rest of the Family was already seated.
“Brother! Sister! Good to see you this morning.” The god of thunder boomed with a happy voice.
“Good morning to you too Thor. How was the rest of the feast?” She asked him politely.
“Good morning to you as well, Lady Frigga, Allfather, Jane.”
Loki only nodded as a greeting.
“It was good. I hope you didn´t left this early because of those bilge snipes.” Anger still in his voice.
“I forgot them as soon as they left. I was just tired that’s all.” She answered him with a smile.
She saw Loki look in her direction.
“Why, what happened.” Jane wanted to know.
“When I was on the balcony, I overheard a group of soldiers expressing their displeasure about the feast and other things. I asked them to leave and they did.”
(y/n) answered her with a shrug.
“Nonsense.  You gave them a piece of your mind. You did good.”
“I blame it on the mead I drank.” The young woman answered, starting to feel uncomfortable with being the centre of attention.
“What are your plans for today my dear?” The queen asked her, sensing she didn´t like the current situation.
Not better.
“Library and a tour around Asgard.” Her Husband answered for her and she only nodded in agreement biting down on her breakfast.
Knew he would choose that.
For the rest of the meal, the others were talking about their plans.
“Library huh?” She whispered, leaning a bit towards the dark haired man.
“Unlike others I like to keep my mind occupied.”
  “This is awesome. Loki. I never saw a room like this.” She awed.
They had entered the private library and Loki strode straight towards one of the bookshelves, his wife was forgotten.
It reminded her on the library of the Harry Potter movies- old wooden shelves stood in rows on one side of the room was a little alcove, with two big ottoman and an armchair in front of an fire place.
Lady Frigga´s colours were predominant, giving it a homely and warm atmosphere.
I could get used to this.
“Do you think, your mother would mind me taking a look at one or two of these?”
(y/n) had found a lovely looking book, with illustrations of different animals on the cover.
This looks interesting.
Her Husband didn´t even bother to look at her, or give any indication that he had heard her.
But she knew, he had only decided that he simply couldn´t be bothered with giving an answer.
“I take this as a ´No, she doesn´t mind.` If I am wrong, that’s on you.” She informed him with an innocent smile.
She took a seat in the armchair, opposite to the ottoman Loki had taken residence in.
Careful, not wanting to ruin the book she had chosen, she opened it and gasped in awe.
The first side was a beautiful illustration of the Asgardian palace in front of a changing night sky.
Wow. That’s magical.
The next pages showed different landscapes, all lovely illustrated and she was sure magic was used, because they where moving in a way that made them look animated.
Turning another page, her eyes fell on the picture of something she always wanted to see.
A huge black wolf grinned at her.
Next to his fury body was the sketch of a humanoid ( probably an Ase) body.
The shoulders of the canine and those of the Ase were on one high, indicating the wolf was the same high as a big horse. It seemed to have the body proportions of a draft horse.
Hell yeah!
“Typical for a Midgardian to get excited over a children’s book.” Lokis monotone voice brought her out of the excitement.
“Well, this is all new to me. So excuse me that I get excited by a magical picture of a wolf with the proportions of a draft horse.”
He cocked an eyebrow at her.
His eyes were still looking at her, an amused glimmer in them.
“Glad I am of your amusement.” (y/n) mumbled.
That caused his lips to turn into a smirk.
It seemed like he was smiling about something only he knew before returning back to the book he was reading.
Two hours later, a growling sound interrupted the peace again resulting in the young woman blushing, it happened from time to time, that she forgot to eat because she was engulfed in work.
When she looked up, her eyes met those of her husband.
“It seems, I need to feed you.” He sighted.
“I am not a pet, you know.”
Loki only rolled his eyes and put the book he was reading aside.
“There should be food served in the dining toom.”
Loki was right, the table was filled with different kind of food.
 After a quick lunch, (y/n) decided to eat a salat, that had a wonderful fruity dressing and fresh breadsticks, Loki held word and they wandered around the palace grounds.
Their first stop was a wonderful garden, that could be found in a concluded area.
Flowers of different colours and heights were in full bloom. Birds and other small animals ( like bunnies and she thought she saw the glimmer of a snake) were bathing in the warm sunlight.
“This isn´t like anything I saw before.”
“It is quite beautiful.” He hummed in agreement and (y/n) thought he saw him relax a bit.
Once or twice a group of three soldiers passed them of their patrol without any incident but when the third patrol passed, things were different.
It consisted of three of the soldiers, Thor had described as bilge snipes earlier this day, and they still seemed to be pissed at her.
“They let him roam free. What a disgrace.” One of them whispered to his fellow comrades, thinking she wasn´t able to hear them, but she was, and her husband was able as well.
His whole posture stiffed, and his eyes got darker.
He tried to stay calm and to look like he wasn´t bothered at all my that comment, but (y/n) new he was.
“I won´t tell if you won´t.” She whispered towards her husband, looking around.
But he had a confused looked on his face.
“I mean. You still can use magic right? You are the god of mischief, why don´t you cause a little bit of it? Odin knows they deserve it.” The last part was said with anger in her voice.
“You are even duller than the green goblin. The spell hinders me from using my abilities.”
“He hinders you from causing harm with them. But I am sure there is still something you can do with them?”  She said with an eyeroll- fed up with his behaviour towards her.
Her words seem to land on fertile soil, Loki´s face lost a bit of the annoyed look.
“I mean, a little illusion never hurt anyone, right?”
The god of mischief didn´t bother to answer her. But it wasn´t necessary, just a few seconds later a shrill scream was heard from the soldiers, who only stood fifty meters away.
They were jumping and shaking, in a manner like they tried to get something out of their armour.
(y/n) started giggling and soon was laughing out loud.
After a long minute, the guards seemed to get a hold on what was moving inside their uniforms. One of them threw something that looked like a snake, before it dissolved into green smoke.
With a furious look on their faces they stomped over towards the pair.
“You! That was your doing, wasn´t it?” One of them growled.
Loki´s demeanour changed immediately. His eyes darkened and jaw tensed, fist clenched so powerful, they durned white.
“Who do you think you are? Talking to me in such a manner?” Her Husband growled. “I still am a prince of Asgard. You shall not speak like this to me.”
“You are nothing else than a monster. Odin should have never listen to Lady Frigga and killed you instead of letting you roam free, only under the supervision of a puny mortal.”
They where face to face now, Loki still a few centimetres taller than the soldier.
“This puny mortal is a princess of Asgard. You better get your head out of your ass and leave.” (y/n) told them calm, but with anger in her voice. She wouldn´t mind, should one of them get hurt, but she didn´t want her husband to lose his tamper and the spell to kick in. He had tried to keep calm, and she told him to cause a little mischief.
“I don´t listen to a whore that willingly marries a monster. I told you that yesterday.” He sneered towards her and pushed her away.
Aesir were a lot stronger than Midgardians resulting in (y/n) flying a few metres and landing in the middle of a flower- beet.
Shiiit. That hurt.
After a short check for major injuries, she stood up.
Loki and the guards were surrounded by newly arrived soldiers.
The scream must have attracted them.
He was trembling in anger and his look was murderous.
One of the newly arrived soldiers stepped forward.
“M´Lady. What happened.”
“Your comrades over there insulted me and my husband and then pushed me. Just because some insect was lost in his uniform.” (y/n) told him with an professional voice.
“We will escort them to our superior. We apologise. M´lord.”  He nodded towards Loki and then pushed the suspects towards the palace, other soldiers following him, leaving her husband and her alone in the garden.
“Too quote my favourite TV Angel, that guy was an Assbutt.” She tried to ease the tension.
But he was still staring angry at nothing. His eyes still filled with green fire (and a glimmer of red?).
“Loki. You alright?”
His only answer was a pointed look in her direction.
“I will sit down. Just tell me when you want to leave.” (y/n) told him with a sight.
Her shoulder and back hurt, probably bruised and the pain had started to ache as well.
Damn. He looked pissed. Why couldn´t I get the body strength of an Asgardian? That Asshole could have broken my shoulder!
Around half an hour later, the God of Mischief turned towards her and held an hand out, to help his wife back to her feet.
Oh- Gentleman.
“Thank you. Can we get back in hour room? I think I have flowers and dirt in my hair. And my body hurts, need to check for bruises.” She smiled at him.
He bowed his head in approval.
 Back in their room, (y/n) excused herself to grab a change of clothes and head towards the bath to get dirt out of her hair.
Getting out of the clothes was complicated then anticipated, her shoulder gave her problems.
Only wearing her underwear, she turned around to take a look in the mirror, to check on her back.
Her shoulder was already black where he pushed her and the back wasn´t really better. Where her body had connected to the ground it was starting to turn black as well.
She remembered, Natasha had given her a ointment, she always used when she was hurt on missions.
Just in case She had said. You never know what will happen!
And of course, the ex-assassin had to be right. Just take a warm bath or a hot shower and then put that on overnight. It doesn´t smell the best but it works.
Following Natasha´s tip, she was staring to let water flow into the pool, before poking her head out of the door, not wanting to be seen by Loki, only wearing her underwear.
He is probably on the balcony.
Quick and as silent as possible, she ran to the little trunk in front of her bed and pulled a little tube out, before returning to the bath.
“What´s that on your back?” Loki´s voice stopped her dead in the tracks.
“Bruises.” She answered silent. “Got them when I fell.”
No need to lie to him.
“Do they hurt?” His voice was closer now.
“What do you think? A bit. I just wanted to take a warm bath and then put this on them.” She showed him the tube.” Natasha gave it to me.”
His fingertips brushed over them, causing her to shiver and to hiss in pain.
“Take your bath. I will send a message, that we will not attempt the dinner because you are not feeling well.” Loki said, nearly ordered, with a gentle tone in his voice.
“Thank you Loki.”
  Part 5
   @carefree-flowerchild @white-chocolate-mocha-fan @a-kiddo-with-a-doggo @spookycatqueen @hisunlikelyvalentine
I hope I didn´t forget anyone, should I - just let me know ;)
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