#not to paint bensons mom as bad but if she believed or knew what happened to him I don't think benson would have been that way
ants-personal · 5 months
not thinking how from the brief scene we get with her it looks like benson takes care of his mom taking on the parental role while still being treated like a child and its not hard to believe its always been that way ( very first love by mitski coded)
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storiesofsvu · 2 years
Seeing Red Ch 3
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Casey Novak x fem!reader Warnings: Language. Talks of SVU cases.
When you rounded the corner into the precinct your head was down, focusing on your phone as you hastily typed out an extended reply and apology to your Mother about bailing early from the gala. You’d barely made it into the car before you cell was beeping with a text that she had someone you had to meet. You were almost thankful the call had come in from Benson, despite that meant a weekend of more work than you’d originally planned.
Casey was more than relieved that your attention was fully on your phone, she could barely tear her eyes away from you, and she suddenly felt incredibly underdressed in her workout gear. You were in a slinky shimmery silver gown with sapphire accents around the neckline and a slit up to your mid thigh, a blue Louboutin peeking out from under the hem as you walked. Your hair was tied back exposing your neck, a few loosely curled pieces fell framing your face, and your pursed lips were painted in a plum tint that she knew would leave stains across her porcelain skin.
“What happened?” You asked, finally looking up as you reached the interrogation window. Casey gulped, her eyes darting away from you to the glass, her voice completely lost, leaving Olivia to reply.
“Your client decided to get his bail revoked by murdering one of his victims.”
“You catch him red handed?”
“No. But an eye witness says they saw him leaving the scene.”
“Any security cameras confirm the sighting?”
“Not that we’ve found yet.”
“Any blood, DNA or weapons found on his person or in his possession?”
“No but those are easily dumped anywhere between the crime scene and his apartment.”
“Anything at the scene that links him to the crime? Prints? Shoe marks? Hairs or fibres?”
“The fact that Melissa was one of his victims and set to testify at the trial not enough for you Counsellor?”
“No.” You half laughed, “it’s Friday night, why was she out? Where’s the scene? She could’ve been out with friends and taken a turn down a bad road. Did you even ask my client for an alibi?”
“We’re double checking it now.”
“Okay. Then you dragged me down here for nothing. He potentially violated his bail, keep him in the cage overnight and have him transferred to Riker’s on Monday. Feel free to call me once CSU’s done processing the scene and we can talk.” You glanced to Casey, her face may have been focussed on the glass but you could see in the slight reflection that her eyes were dragging up your body, unable to even pretend to be paying attention, you smirked. “Got anything to add Novak?”
“I-what?” She quickly shook out of it, her cheeks flushing lightly once she turned to actually look you in the eye, “she’s right.” She sighed, looking back to Liv, “until we have labs back we’ve got him on nothing but bail violation. Sorry to interrupt your evening.”
“You kidding me?” You snorted, “you got me out of there right before my Mom tried to set me up with some ‘future Congressman’. Though…you did pull me away from an open bar, so I do believe you’ll owe me a drink or two Counsellor.”
“Seems like it was a waste of a dress.” The words tumbled out of her mouth before she could help it and you grinned.
“There’ll be other gala’s. Shame to interrupt your workout though.” Your gaze burnt into her, admiring the way the Lycra clung to her petite frame, usually covered by blazers and dress pants, now you could truly appreciate the way her muscles move, her ponytail baring her neck. You couldn’t help but want to see how many purple marks you could leave on the exposed skin, lipstick or bruises, at this point you didn’t care. (In hindsight maybe a few glasses of champagne after half a dinner wasn’t the best way to come into work, but at least it was just the prosecution being dashingly distracting and nothing worse).
“You want to talk to your client?” Olivia broke in and you shook your head.
“Tell him I called, approved your actions. I’m headed home to start working his case now. I’ve got a bottle of wine and a pair of pyjamas calling my name.” You gave Casey a small nod and a grin, “I’ll see you Monday.”
“You really wanna take this to court?” You turned back, half surprised it was the brunette talking to you, though, you could tell Casey was still half in her head.
“He has an alibi, you don’t have a match yet. I’ll take my chances on playing this out the fun way.” Casey laughed,
“You never were on to turn down a fight.”
“Exactly.” This time you fully turned on your heel, making your way back to the elevators, more than well aware of the redhead’s eyes on you. After the way things had been the past couple of weeks, there was no way you were about to turn down the opportunity to show off in a courtroom in front of her. Besides, if she looked that good in clothing that tight she had to look even better underneath it.
Show off was exactly what you did, the first few days of the trial weren’t too much more than normal, but you definitely added in a little bit more flair than normal. Casey started to have a bit of trouble focussing and was starting to worry that she was losing the jury on day two as you desecrated one of the people’s witnesses, especially considering the one who saw Peters on Friday seemed to have vanished into thin air. Part of you thought you may have been imagining things, but you were sure that Casey was putting in just as much panache as you normally did, if not more, which was rather unusual for her.
Friday morning rolled around and first thing you were on your last cross before closing arguments, it wouldn’t even take the full day to finish. You practically waltzed into the courtroom adorned in what Casey knew was a brand new outfit. A deep purple mid length pantsuit complete with matching Louboutin’s, a dainty gold watch around your wrist and a dangling necklace that disappeared under the neckline of your shirt, pulling her eye further downward than advisable all things considered. You greeted her with a grin out of the corner of your eye as you settled into the defence table. After your shenanigans at arraignment and being that Judge Farrell was presiding over the case, she wasn’t wasting anytime diving straight into the day to make sure you weren’t about to pull any crap in her courtroom.
You’d tried to convince Peters that he didn’t need to take the stand, the case was practically in the bag at this point anyways, even with the attached manslaughter charge. You knew the jury was eating out of the palm of your hand, all you needed was your closing arguments. However, people had a bad habit of being idiots and playing fast and loose with the law that they thought they understood, so here you were, leaning against the defence table, arms crossed over your chest as you greeted your client from the wooden box.
Leading him through a short series of question and answers, you were sure to hold him on the short leash you’d practiced, keeping the case on your side of the court. You kept a friendly and warm banter going as you leant against the witness stand, your eyes ghosting over the jury, pausing briefly at the prosecution where you smirked at the sight of Casey biting her lip. You nearly lost your concentration at the way it popped out of her mouth until you caught sight of Rita further back in the gallery, giving you the ‘good job’ nod and you managed to pull it together. Losing it because of Casey was one thing, but if it happened in front of your sister, you’d never hear the end of it.
Returning to your table you watched as Casey began her questioning without standing, shooting her first couple of questions in a cocky manner from her chair, you nearly rolled your eyes. When she did stand, moving towards the box you were more than drawn in with how she was dressed today, enticing you further into her game as she went. She usually didn’t do colour in the courtroom, but underneath a pristinely fitted dark blazer stood a red button up, if you didn’t know better, there was an extra button undone, and it wasn’t for the view of your client. Much like the other night at the precinct, her hair was up, a lone baby hair escaping the twist, brushing across her neck as she pivoted throughout the room. You were stuck in a trance until you heard a near growl come from the stand, your head shooting up to Peters, you gave him a steely look and he shrunk back a bit, but Casey didn’t let up. Her voice raised, the ferocity of it giving you goosebumps, a shiver ran through your body at the sound, the huskiness stood out more than anything. Within a matter of seconds, it didn’t matter how powerful of an objection you called, or how cold of a look you shot your client, she had him completely torn to shreds. You’d dropped back into your chair in defeat when Farrell overruled you, you were pretty sure your case was shot, at least you still had closing arguments to get through. You tried to flip the page over, focussing on what Peters was saying to change up your speech, but ended up far too entranced by Casey.
She announced her questioning was done, turning from the stand, expecting to see your gaze hardened on her, a near scowl on your lips. Instead she was greeted with blown pupils, your eyes boring into her, your head tilted in a welcoming manner as your lips opened ever so slightly, they twitched upwards at the sight of her cheeks turning a light shade of pink. She stuttered in her steps so quickly you were the only one that noticed, you held her gaze as you asked for a redirect. Casey involuntarily shuddered as she readjusted down into her chair, still feeling your eyes on her even though you were facing the complete opposite way. She watched as you did your best to turn your case back around and suddenly couldn’t stop thinking about the passion you held in the courtroom being used in a very different kind of situation. It was only when Judge Farrell asked if you were both ready for closing that she even realized the trial was almost done.
The Jury was out for deliberation, Casey had been hounded by the SVU squad, who, with good reason, were worried this perp was going to be able to walk out of there today with no repercussions. You’d instinctively followed Rita, practically whining until she handed over the coffee she’d brought for you.
“Nice save in there.” She commented and you groaned over the rim of the cup.
“You think so?” You pulled back, surprised.
“Yeah.” She half laughed, “Novak should’ve called at least two objections but she missed them. I don’t know if she was going over closing notes or what but you did something to throw her off her game.”
“Hmm…” your eyes drifted over to the prosecutor. You’d never managed to rock her that hard during a trial, she was always fast on her feet, clearly there was something sparked today that you hadn’t managed to hit before. In fact, she still looked a little frazzled as she tried to keep up with the little blonde you still had yet to actually meet, though you could see the frustration in her face.
“I’ve gotta be back by two. Forlini’s or 87 for lunch?”
“Ugh, we always do Forlini’s! Everybody always does Forlini’s! 87 has way better Old Fashioned’s anyways.”
“Alright.” Rita agreed, “87 it is.”
The two of you had just made it past security, barely reaching the sunlight of the early afternoon when your phone pinged. Pulling it from your pocket you were two stairs down when you stopped, Rita a few paces ahead of you before she realized, turning back to you.
“Jury’s back…”
“Then you crushed it.”
“Or I completely fucked up.” Your sister scoffed,
“Are you kidding me? I’ve never seen Novak so flustered. Did you want lunch?”
“Uh, yeah, just get something I can heat up later. Leave it in Barba’s office, I’ve gotta drop off some motions after this anyways.”
“You trust your food around Raf?”
“You’re right leave it with Carmen! Bring her a coffee for me? I’ll buy you a drink later.”
“You owe me.” She smirked and you rolled your eyes, turning opposite ways as you made your way back inside.
Today waiting for the verdict actually had you nervous. Once you’d cleared your first couple of months working solo you were always able to tell whether you had the case won or not, even if they came back with a guilty verdict you were always prepared for it. Today was the first time you honestly had no idea what to expect.
Casey often went into verdicts unsure of what the outcome would be, that was the sticky situation being a prosecutor, you could know with all of your heart and gut, the hard evidence could be there, but all it would take was one Juror disagreeing to throw the entire thing. The added doubt of going up against you always swayed her, you had a strong case and as usual, had done an impeccable job at presenting it.
Which is why it was such a shock when the Jury came back guilty on all counts, even more so was when the foreman asked if the manslaughter charge could be upped to a murder charge. You fiercely objected to that and were thankful that Judge Farrell agreed that could be discussed at sentencing, not today, for now, Peters was remanded back to Rikers until the hearing. He still offered you a handshake and you gave him the best apology you could, gathering your things as the courtroom cleared up. You turned to Casey, fully recovered with a smirk on your lips,
“Well…everybody gets one Ms Novak….”
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thatsgay-writes · 4 years
Elle Greenaway x Reader
Summary: Elle makes a shocking discovery after they catch an unsub. (Follows along season 1 episode 7)
Warning: Criminal Mind stuff
The reader is given a name, for certain purposes and it is third person on purpose.
Word Count: 2.5k
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Dr. Thomas Fuller wrote, “with foxes, we must play the fox.”
“Bad?” Agent Hotchner asks as Elle handed him a folder. “The worst.” Elle responds as they head to the round table room. Gideon stood in front of a board as he looked at all of the images. “Crawford family. Murdered 3 days ago.” He says just as Derek walked in, “Saw it on the news.” He says as he takes a quick look at the board as he walks by. “They were found in the basement of their house...” Gideon says, still staring at the images. “Bags packed for a vacation they never took.” JJ continues for him. “Report said it was a murder/suicide. The father stabbed the mom, then shot himself.” Derek says as he sits down, still not fully sure as to why they were taking it as a case. “That’s the conclusion the Maryland State police came to. The gun was next to the father, he had gunpower residue on his right hand.” JJ states as she states a few things listed on the report in front of her. “And now you must have some compelling reason to think that Chris Crawford didn’t off his family?” Derek asks, looking to JJ for a response. “Yeah. Another murdered family. The Millers-- found a month ago. The mother, Reese Miller, her two children and her new husband. Again, they were found in the basement and like the Crawford's, their suitcases were packed for a vacation.”
“Elle!” Bailey yelled as she ran towards her girlfriend. Elle Greenaway and Bailey Woods had been friends since Kindergarten, both managing to stay in the same school all the way through middle school and up to high school. In 8th grade, they both finally confessed the feelings they held for each other. “Bailey?” Elle asked in concern as she watched her girlfriend run up to her, tears visibly rolling down her face. “Bailey, baby, what’s wrong?” Elle asked as she scooped the younger girl, by a few months, into her arms. “Did someone do something? Tell me who and we can beat them up together.” Elle said, semi-seriously. You just shook your head as you held onto her shirt tightly. It was the week before Junior year ended, the only tears falling from your face should be happy ones. “What happened?” Elle asked concerned, you had never acted like this before. She knew it couldn’t have anything to do with your dad since he was home for the next few months.
Elle made a split second decision and led you out of the school before any of the teachers could notice. “C’mon, let’s go.” She said to you as she opened the passenger door to your car. She had taken the keys from your pocket, knowing you were in no condition to drive. As she drove to your secret spot, you managed to calm down some and were taking deep breaths to calm all the way down. Elle parked in one of the parking spots at the top of the abandoned parking garage and turned off the car. “Can you tell me what’s wrong now?” She asked as she reached over the middle section and grabbed your hand. You took a few more deep breaths before looking up at her, heartbreak shone through your eyes. “I’m moving.”
Elle stood outside the interrogation room as she watched Reid talk to Eric Miller. “Is that what this is about, hmm? You think I’m crazy, man? You think I suddenly snapped and slaughtered my own wife and kids?” Eric kept asking questions as he got more and more agitated. “You think I did this? Huh? Is that what you think!?” Eric yelled as he suddenly stood up. Elle looked to Hotch with wide eyes before they entered the room. “Sit down.” Hotch told Eric firmly. Reid was the youngest on the team and it was his first time doing an interrogation solo, so Elle and Hotch were a little protective over him. “Is this your daddy?”
--- South East Washington D.C
Elle sat quietly in her seat as she sat in the back seat of the car as they drove towards the address Hotch and Garcia had found while snooping through the Crawford’s financials. Reid and Hotch both shared a look at the unusually quiet Elle. Usually when in the car, she would be looking over a file or talking to others to understand more about the case but tis time she was just staring out a window. “Is... Um, is everything okay?” Reid asked, his voice going a little high at the end of his question. His question shook Elle out of whatever she was thinking about, “Yeah... Maryland just brings back some memories...” You’ve been here before?” Hotch asks, concerned about the other agent but also making sure that nothing would intervene with the case they were working on. Elle sat silently for a few seconds before answering right as they pulled up to their destination, “No.”
“Federal Agents!” “FBI” “Federal Agents!” “Clear!” Hotch, Elle, and Derek all yelled simultaneously as they busted through the front door of the home. Elle scrunched her nose in disgust at the sight of the home, “Cleanest thing in here...” She muttered as she kicked what looked like an empty dog bowl. She stayed at the front of the house with Gideon and Reid as Derek and Hotch went deeper into the home. She watched with a questioning gaze as Gideon walked over to the wall and picked up a single painting that was hanging. “What’s that?” She asked as Gideon looked down at the drawing. “It’s a child’s painting. It’s a colonial house. Mom, dad, 2 children out front holding hands.” Gideon listed what he saw. “And a big dog.” She states as she looks over his shoulder.
Bailey and Elle laid together in her bed, the end of summer coming faster than ever before. She and Elle had spent almost all their time together, going on dates, spending nights at each other’s houses, etc. Anywhere Elle went, Bailey were there, and anywhere Bailey went, Elle was there. Right now the two of them were laying in Bailey’s bed watching T.V. “Stop staring at me.” Elle mumbles as she stares at the television. Bailey lets out a breath of air and rolls her eyes with a groan, “Love meeee, I want attentionnnnn.” She draws out causing Elle to playfully roll her eyes in response. “Fine, come here.” Elle says as she opens her arms out for Bailey to lay in. Bailey plays with Elle’s hair as she laid her head on her girlfriends chest. “I want kisses...” “Bailey repeats over and over again, like a chant. “Geez, someone is clingy today.” Elle states as she sits up and leans back against the wall. Bailey shifted around so she was now straddling Elle. “I leave in 3 weeks... I just wanna kiss my girlfriend.” Bailey pouts as Elle finally gives in. “Okayyyy.” She says with fake annoyance.
Bailey and Elle were deep into a make out session when her door suddenly busted open. “Eww!” “Ezra!” Bailey yelled as her sister covered her eyes with her arms. “Eww! Not you too! Mommy and daddy were doing that too!” The 5 year old yelled causing Bailey to laugh. Bailey gets off of Elle’s lap and picks up her little sister. “Aww,” Bailey says with a fake pout, “Do you feel left out?” Bailey starts kissing all over Ezra’s face causing the little girl to giggle and try to get away. “No! Eww! Stop it!” Ezra yells as she gets out of Bailey’s hold and pretends to rub away the kiss in fake disgust. Bailey just rolls her eyes at her sisters action. “C’mon, let’s go see if Benson is awake. We’ll be right back Elle.” Bailey says over her shoulder as she and Ezra leave the room. Elle laid back on Bailey’s bed as she left the room, staring at the ceiling. All she could think about was how in love with the younger girl she was.
Her train of thought got cut off as a small body was laid on top of hers. Elle immediately moved her arms to hold him and make sure he didn’t fall off of her. “Hey buddy...” She said in a baby voice as Bailey laid down next to her and pulled her into her. Bailey let out a groan as Ezra jumped on top of her before snuggling up. “Alright... What do you want to watch?”
“Okay. No, I understand. Yeah, I figured as much. Thank you.” Derek says as he gets off the phone. “He’s been staring at those pictures all morning.” Elle states as she stares at Gideon who is staring at the drawings done by the murdered children. “well, I sure hope he sees a connection cause I’ve checked doctors, lawyers, travel agents, tutors, contract workers. I got nothing.” Derek says as Hotch walks by. “Why target those families?” Elle wonders still watching Gideon. “Well, to know that, we have to know how.” Hotch says as he sits down and continues looking at the file in his hands.
“ We know organized killers are often skilled workers with above-average intelligence. High birth status. And in most cases...male. In the workplace, he's socially confident. And with women...sexually confident. Every offense...is preplanned. Targeting the victim is almost as pleasurable as the actual kill. These guys, they're...they're meticulous. It's a compulsion. Everything has to have its proper place. They do exhaustive amounts of research on their victims. They watch their every move every last detail is observed. Everything has to be written ever so neatly in a book or possibly a journal. When the kids are comin' home from school. When daddy'll be home. Playtime. Suppertime. Bath time. Bedtime. Plan the work...work the plan. This is the way that he maintains control. It's also how he personalizes his target... So nothing's left to chance. Absolutely nothing... Is left out of place, ever. So he plans the work... And when he's good and ready, he works that plan. He takes great pride in his job. I think the workplace has to be the connection.” Derek says as they go over everything they have learned about the unsub.
Gideon walks out of the room he was in with two drawings in his hands. He holds both the pictures up side by side. “Both are by Emily, painted months apart.  This one...is full of color, life. The one I found at Emily's house has lines, dimensions. No color. I believe Emily was coerced to make this. It's a point of view. It is his point of view. This is where the killer stood, just watched the family.” Gideon says after having finally figured out the connection of the paintings to the case. Hotch drops a ring on the desk he was leaning on, letting it spins some before picking it up. “Each of the dead husbands was missing his wedding ring. This is the unsub’s trophy.”
Bailey and Elle sat on the edge of the cliff at their special place. Trying to soak up as much time as they could before Bailey had to leave in a few hours. “I can’t believe you’re leaving...” Elle state as she leans her head against Bailey’s shoulder. “We had everything planned out too...” She trails off, looking at the scenery in front of her. “Hey don’t speak like that...” Bailey says as she holds Elle’s face in her hands. “It’s just one school year apart and then we will go to college together like we planned.” Bailey states before she pauses. “Look, I’m going to make you a promise, okay?” Elle raised an eyebrow at Bailey skeptically, promises were a big thing for Bailey, she never broke them. Bailey lets go of Elle’s face and pulls a ring from her pocket. “No before you freak out, this is my dad’s ring.” Bailey says with a slight laugh as she watches Elle’s eyes get big before returning to normal. “Now, you know me and my dad are close... When I was 5 and he got sent on the first deployment I remember, I cried like a baby for weeks on end. It actually got so bad my mom had to take me out of school one time.” Bailey says with a smile as she stares down at the ring in her hand.
“When dad came back and heard about it, he got his ring modified.” Elle watches with slight confusion as Bailey slid the ring a certain way and it split in half. “And now, whenever he gets deployed, I get this half of the ring so I always have a piece of him with me.” Bailey continues her story as she puts the larger part of the ring on a chain. “It’s obviously too big to fit on my ringer so mom bought a chain to put it on.” Bailey says as she puts the chain around Elle’s neck and closes the clasp. “I asked my dad and he said it was okay for me to give my part to you so you know that I am always with you and thinking about you.” Bailey says as she gives Elle a goofy smile. Elle tries to cover her crying but lets a few tears slip. “Hey, it’s okay...” Bailey says as she pulls the girl she loves into a hug. “Senior year will be over before you know it and we’ll be back together again.”
The group all sits around the table in silence as Gideon stares into the box that Hotch had found in Karl Arnold’s office. Everyone’s heart dropping as Gideon lets the contents of the small box drop and 8 rings fall onto the table. Every sat in silence feeling remorse for whatever families had lost their life’s to Dr. Arnold. Elle takes a moment to look at each ring and feels herself get nauseous at the sight of one ring that looks a little different from the others. It can’t be... She thinks as she slowly reaches out, ignoring the looks from her friends, and grabs the ring that made her feel sick. She takes a minute to study the ring, her heart beating faster at how familiar it is. She can feel her friends and coworkers staring at her in confusion, wanting to know why she had picked up the ring.
Elle reach's into her shirt a little and pulls out a ring of her own. The group shares a confused look, wondering where the ring had came from and how long she had had it. Elle takes it off the chain and slides the two rings together like she had seen you do ten years ago. The clicking sound it made not only signifying the two rings becoming one but also her heart breaking into two. Elle looks up to see Hotch and Gideon looking at her with a worried face, it was obvious that Elle knew who that ring belonged to. Seeing her friends face’s filled with sorrow was enough for the dam to break and the tears to flow.
“Elle! Guess what!” Bailey yelled excitedly into the phone as Elle picked up. Elle laughed at her excitement. “What?” “I get to go on vacation tomorrow!”
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dukereviewstv · 5 years
Duke Reviews TV: Smallville 1x10 Shimmer
Hi, Everyone, I'm Andrew Leduc And Welcome To Duke Reviews TV Where We Continue Our Look At Smallville By Talking About Episode 10 Of Season 1, Shimmer...
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This Episode Is About A Girl Named Amy Palmer Whose Family Lives On The Luthor Mansion Grounds And Has A Serious Crush On Lex Despite Being Incredibly Jealous Of Victoria So, When Victoria Gets Attacked By An Invisible Man One Night When She's Taking A Bath Clark Tries To Find Out Who Is Behind The Attack And When Evidence Points To Amy The Question Lies Is Amy Behind The Attack? Or Does She Have A Guardian Angel Watching Over Her?
Well, If She Does, He May Be More Phantom Of The Opera Than Frankie Avalon. So, Let's Watch Shimmer To See Who This Person Is...
The Episode Starts At Smallville High, Where It's Blood Donation Week With Lana At The Helm Of Getting Donations. But As Clark And Lana Talk, We Meet Amy Palmer, Who Is Sitting In The Stands, Writing In Her Diary About Lex Luthor As A Kid Named Troy Swipes It From Amy But Luckily Her Brother, Jeff (Who Looks Like Johnny Yong Bosch On Power Rangers Turbo) Goes To Get It Back From Troy...
Eventually, Amy Gets Her Diary Back As Troy Tells Her That Lex Luthor Will Never Fall For Her...
(Amy) Oh, I Hope You Get Eaten By A Werewolf Someday...
Meanwhile In The Boys Locker Room...
(Start At 1:23)
Meeting Chloe At The Beanery, Clark Tells Her About Troy And His Invisible Man While Noticing That Whitney And Lana Are Having A Little Spat About How He Talked To Her For About A Week And She's Getting Concerned But Whitney Just Tells Her That He Needs A Little Space....
Walking Off Shortly After That Statement, Lana Talks With Clark And Chloe As Chloe Offers To Donate A Pint Of Blood Tomorrow, But Clark Lies To Lana Saying That He Doesn't Know When He'll Donate (Instead Of Saying That Needles Bend Off Of His Skin) But He Will Help Sign People Up And Pass Out Cookies...
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Meanwhile At The Luthor Mansion, Victoria Talks With Her Father Who Asks Lex If He's Going To Sell The Mansion After They Sell Out Lionel, But Victoria Doesn't Really Get An Answer Out Of Lex, Who Kisses Her Only To Be Interrupted By Amy Who's There To Give Them Their Drinks By Dumping Them Right On Victoria...
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With Victoria Knowing That She Did That On Purpose, Lex Just Tells Her That It's Just A Harmless Little Crush And That It'll Pass...
Running Back To Her Family's Home On The Mansion Grounds, Amy's Mother Talks With Her About Lex With Her Brother, Jeff Listening Saying That They May Live On The Mansion Grounds But They're Not Part Of That World And She Needs To Know Her Place...
Back At The Kent Farm, Clark Tells His Parents About The Blood Drive Which Is When They Remind Him That He Can't Donate Blood Because Of That "Needle Problem" Which He Knows But If He Can't Tell Lana The Truth Then He Should Say That He Has A Problem With Needles...
(Start At 0:12)
Arriving At The Mansion With Freshly Picked Tulips, Clark Finds Lex On The Floor Looking For A Watch That His Mother Gave To Him Before She Died, But Getting Back To Flowers, Lex Tells Clark That They're Victoria's Favorites Which Causes An Unknown Force To Knock Them Down...
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With Clark Realizing That Things Must Be Going Good With Victoria, Despite Her Not Seeming To Be Lex's Type, Lex Tells Clark That Relationships Aren't Always About Love But Sometimes Of Mutual Goals...
Going To Search The Library To Try To Find Lex's Watch, Clark, Lex And Victoria Hear A Door Rattling Upstairs...
(Start At 2:49, End At 3:16)
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Okay, That Doesn't Happen, But If It Did It Would Be Freaking Hysterical!
Opening The Door, Lex And Clark Enter To Find It Completely In Blacklight With Graffiti That Says Leave And Get Out...
With Chloe Getting Pictures Of It, Clark Explains To Her That The Door Was Shaking And When Lex Opened It, He Felt Something Brush Past Him Which Has Chloe Wondering If The Scottish Castle That Makes Up Lex's House, Came With A Poltergeist Despite The Police Believing That It's Vandals...
Asking About The Blood Drive, Clark Tells Chloe That Him And Lana Are Getting Together Tonight Which Has Chloe Warning Clark That Once He Crosses That Line, He Won't Be Able To Hide Behind His Cloak Of Friendship Anymore...
Back At The Luthor Mansion, Lex Gets A Visit From Lionel Who Is There To Talk With Lex About His Relationship With Victoria...
(Start At 2:07, End At 3:10)
With Victoria Listening In Amy Catches Her As She Grumbles Off About What A Bitch Victoria Is, As She Heads Back To Her Family's House To Tell Jeff What Happened...
Later That Night, Clark And Lana Go Over Schedules For The Blood Drive Which Leads Lana To Wonder What Time To Fit Clark In Which Leads Clark To Lie Her, Saying That He Has A Problem With Needles, Understanding Completely This Leads The 2 To Talk On Her Porch...
(Start At 0:39, End At 2:20)
With Auntie Buzzkill Interrupting, Clark And Lana Stop But Before He Goes, Clark Invites Lana To The Loft Tomorrow To See The Sunset...
The Next Day At School, He Tells Pete About Sunset With Lana Before Going To His Locker To See Whitney Talking With A Councilor Before Eventually Dropping His Books To Which Clark Comes To Help Him But In Doing So, Clark Finds A Bag For Smallville Pharmacy And Uses His X-Ray Vision To Discover That, What A Shocker, It's Drugs Specifically Amlodipine Which Clark Discovers Is Used To Treat High Blood Pressure And Chest Pains...
Running Into Amy At The Beanery, She Tells Clark That Victoria Was Going Through Lex's Stuff While Her And Her Mom Were In There While Also Relaying Why She Likes Lex, Stating That He Was The Only Person At The Mansion Who Treated Her Like A Person...
Visiting Lex That Night, Clark Tells Him About Victoria Saying That When He Saw Her In Here Last Night She Was Going Through The Files On His Computer, Knowing This Lex Tells Clark They're Basically Playing A Game Of Chess Which Has Clark Wondering If Lex Doesn't Love Her Why Is She Even Around? To Which Lex Tells Him That It's Complicated...
Telling Lex About What He Discovered About Whitney, He Recognizes The Medication As His Mom Was On It Before She Died Which Leads Lex To Tell Him About The Watch He Lost, Turns Out His Mom Gave It To Him When She Knew That She Was Going To Die Soon...
Well, At Least This Mom Had The Nerve To Die Instead Of Becoming A Megalomaniac Like On Supergirl...
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The Watch Apparently Has A Franc From The Napoleonic Period Wondering Why Napoleon? Lex Tells Clark About Napoleon's Coronation By David Saying That When Napoleon's Mother Couldn't Make It To His Coronation, He Had David Paint Her In It As If She Was There...
But As The Boys Talk, Victoria Is Upstairs Getting Ready To Take A Bath...
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But As She Jumps In Trouble Stirs As Our Mysterious Force, Starts Drowning Her But Luckily Clark Runs In And Manages To Save Victoria Before She Drowns Completely Which Pisses Off Our Mysterious Force Who Pushes Clark Into A Mirror Causing The Mirror To Shatter And Causes Our Mysterious Force To Bleed Proving That It's Not A Ghost But An Invisible Man...
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Taking The Mirror Shard With The Blood To Chloe, She Finds Some Green Dust On The Shard Which Makes Half Of Her Thumb Invisible, Wiping It Off Chloe Starts Wondering Who Might Have An Axe To Grind Against Victoria Which Leads Clark To Suspect Amy As Victoria Said That She Didn't See Amy When She Was In The Bedroom With Her Mom...
Asking If Amy Gave Blood, Clark Says That She Did Which Leads Chloe To See If Their Blood Sample Matches Amy's. Finding Whitney In The Cafeteria, Clark Confronts Him On Lana And On The Heart Medication In His Bag And It Turns Out That It's For His Dad As He's Been In Metropolis All Week For Test With The Doctors Are Uncertain If He'll Survive...
And The Reason That He Didn't Tell Lana Was Because She's Been Through Enough Pain With Her Parents And He Didn't Want Her To Go Through It With Him. Which Leads Clark To Tell Whitney That Lana's A Strong Person And She Can Take It....
Running Into Lex At The Beanery, He Tells Clark That Victoria Is Fine And She's In Metropolis Resting Up For A Few Days Till They Get Answers, But As Clark Tells Lex About Whitney's Dad, Amy Enters To Say Hi As Clark X-Rays Her Hand To Discover Lex's Watch On Her Wrist And Once Amy Leaves Clark Tells Lex About What He Saw Which Leads Clark And Lex To Investigate Amy's Room Where They Find A Shrine To Lex Where They Find The Watch...
With Amy's Mom Apologizing For Her Daughter, Lex Has No Intention Of Pursuing Charges But It's Clear That Amy Needs Help. Making It To His Loft At Sunset, Lana Stands By The Window So They Can Watch The Sunset...
(Start At O:27, End At 2:59)
As Amy And Her Mom Drive Off For Metropolis, Lex Calls Victoria Only Get His Phone Knocked Out Of His Hand And To Get Sucker Punched By Our Invisible Man...
Back On The Kent Farm, Chloe Drops By With The Blood Test Results And It Turns Out That Amy Did Not Match The Invisible Man's Blood Type But Her Brother, Jeff Does...
(Sighs) It's Always The Quiet Ones, But Yeah, Jeff Is Our Invisible Man...
(Start At 1:05, End At 3:55)
So, With Lex Saved And Jeff Arrested, Clark Returns To The Barn To See Lana Talking With Whitney About His Dad On Her Porch...
And That's Shimmer And It Was A Good Episode...
The Story And Characters Are Good And The Idea Of An Invisible Man As A Bad Guy Is An Interesting One To The Point That I Say See It...
Till Next Time, This Is Duke, Signing Off...
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