#not when this unit wasnt even suppose to exist today.....
gay-little-cloud · 3 months
remember that theory on the nct dreamverse about jisung forcing the members to stay with him on this imaginary realm/time loop/dream so he wouldnt be alone........ im starting to think its true... bro looks sus af in these new teasers because whats this ??
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and like this is not even his first time breaking the 4th wall......
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thats: chewing gum, joy, synchronization of dreams and rainbow.
bonus: (its very long, sorry)
the video NCTmentary EP3. Empathy is literally about how the dreamies are conected to each other thru dreams. and theres a scene where jisung says "last night i had a dream"
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and then we get jaemin saying he had the same dream as jisung and that he thinks he was "lured by something" and felt like he was "wrapped in smoke", which is interesting because the other dreamies talk about how they think they saw each other in their dreams but none of them say they were actually there or lured by something (none of the other dreamies shared a dream with jisung, just jaemin).
also !! when the members talk about the dreams they had about each other they are together in reality, but jisung is the only one thats alone on a room writing about it on his diary instead of actually talking to someone (another member or the camera).
when jaemin talks about his dream with jisung, jisung is also not there, and the scene we see of them together are the scenes of the dream (theyre wrapped in smoke). so jisung is never seen with the members in the real word.
and then on EP.4 Synchronization of Dreams is when we get this scene
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the full scene shows jisung entering the room, the rest of the dreamies were already there watching the tv not moving at all.
on DREAM LOOP : The Last Midnight #1, jisung is the only member that immeditely assumes theyre trapped on a dream, with little to no proof, he just remembers (and we see someone kept a diary, im sure it was him, again) and he's the one to tell the members "i think we're locked in here"
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on EP5. Back to the Reality, they explain to us that reality is "a world with limits" and so the dream lab was "created to break these limits in reality". they also say one of the stages they can reach its called "dream in a dream" where "the dream can influence reality".
now we get kun telling us about a dream he had where he saw a door and we get these scenes:
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thats jisung !!!! on the inside of the dream door !! like-
which is something we ALSO get to see on EP3. Empathy, while hes writing about his dream on his diary (he's the only member ever shown by the door):
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and when the narrator explains how to come back to reality they show a bit of jisungs dream with the smoke but this time is on reverse, as in deleting all their progress.
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NOW all of those are actual canon events on the nct universe so whats the theory.
theres a lot of versions of the same thing but they all conclude the same: jisung doesnt want the members to leave this imaginary realm/time loop/dream theyre trapped in.
why ? the main theories ive seen are:
-the dreamies are not real and jisung made them up as imaginary friends but this dream in a dream state that can influence reality made them lowkey real ?? but they dont exist in the real word so to leave the dream world would mean to lose them.
-the dreamies died and jisung has them trapped on a loop where they dont get to ever die. jisung can come in and out of the loop/dream but the members cant.
in every version of the dream in which the members are aware that theyre trapped, they want to leave. either because they don't know what would happen if they do or because they just want jisung to let go and get to have a real life without them.
at the end of DREAM LOOP : The Last Midnight #2, the members solve all the puzzles to get out of the loop correctly but right after they leave the dream world thru the door the day starts again with jisung saying theyre trapped on a loop.
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this implies jisung is succesfully controling the realities where the members exist and that even if he reveals to the dreamies that they are trapped in a dream, they still wont be able to leave.
so jisung is using the dream lab to break the limits of reality by keeping the members trapped because they wouldnt exists if not for this.
and then i think all the different universes we've been seeing the members go thru as 7DREAM (like all the chapters of DREAM-VERSE or Production : Stranger Seven) are realities jisung is making up to keep the members together forever, but it probably gets more and more difficult each time.
maybe we get to see them scape this comeback ?? i mean its literally called [DREAM( )SCAPE].................
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cant wait to see the scape films ! 5 chapters !!
wait i cant believe they posted one of the new teasers while i was writing this lmao
i love it here !!!!!! this is so good !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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laracastrowrites · 6 years
An Excerpt From An Interview
A lot of readers had a meltdown over The Darkling’s fate.
"That really doesn’t bother me. Occasionally I would get a tweet from somebody who’s like, ‘How come Alina and The Darkling didn’t end up together?’ I’m all for people who want to write fanfic, but there’s absolutely no way I would ever make a relationship that was, quite frankly abusive. People like to forget the fact that he tried to enslave her, tried to steal her power, and even if you put all those things aside, the idea that Alina would forge that kind of alliance with somebody who mutilated one of her friends…Alina has this team of people who had sacrificed so much to defeat this man, the idea that all of a sudden she was going to be, 'Never mind, he’s hot, let’s have fun.’ It was just unacceptable to me."
"If I wanted people to hate The Darkling there would’ve been many ways to do that, I could have him kill a kitten or something. It almost became this challenge where I was going to keep him as compelling, charismatic and attractive as possible because I don’t believe the people that are most dangerous to us are devoid of those qualities; they’re the people who enter our lives who are broken and beautiful, but are still bad news.”
She said all this with a straight face.
I've read this specific one (and maybe that's why I dont search for them anymore neither read them lol).
So let's break this statement piece by piece, shall we?
First of all: look, Idk how things went at the time but like... when the interviwer says "the Darkling's fate" I think she means his death, right? So why the hell she made that about ships and shipping??? There was no reason for that! Anyways, this just shows how HER mind is so focused on that and whomst exactly would do anything for their(HER) ship to "work", right?...
And let's go to the part where she talks about Alarkling then: I love how she puts it in a way like she had nothing to do with how their relationship went down and like, she couldnt have done nothing about it lolol look, I know sometimes writers feel like their characters conduct the narrative and make decicions that you werent "expecting" and dont go with what you have planned at first, but with a piece like tgt where we clearly see that the author didnt respect the organic course of things, making all she could to stick with her planned couple that just worked inside of her own mind, I think we have a right to say that, if she wanted to, she could have changed the Darkling and Alina's dynamic and relationship (and I'm not even saying on a couple/romantic basis, she could have made them turn down friends or allies or whatever!, eventually) and she knows this damn well! So perhaps she should stop playing innocent on this, like it wasnt HER choice and it's all on the bad Darkling, a FICTIONAL being created by HER that is following HER script and what SHE'd planned !!!!! And no, people DONT forget all the crapy things he'd done, but since the first book readers had the hope he would turn around and redeem himself (at least on where he wronged Alina) cause the author put that hope in there, she did play with the idea of redemption within his character, then ofc some people would be sad and/or pissed and disappointed because she didn't delivered; you dont get to play and tease people with something without ever delivering it and expect people to be quiet about it and dont complain later, but well, she said that doesnt bother her anyway (which I dont believe it's true lol), right? So... And btw, Genya's torture was bullshit and ooc and gratutious (this interview just made me see that she REALLY did that just to make him irredeemable already) and it's ALL on her and it was her shittiest move in the whole trilogy (even more than Alina's fate), maybe she should think a little about why she needed to disfugure a female character that had already been raped and manipulated and used in order to further a villain's arc and put him into a hole he couldnt get out by doing an act based on...something(???) that didnt even fit in that character's motives and reasons and modus operandi, just saying... (self critique never killed anyone, you know, and in this case, she REALLY needed to think about it cause that was very problematic and harmful). And I have to lol everytime I see her talking about how the Darkling wanted to "steal" Alina's powers, omfg the irony ,,,,,,, should I remind her who exactly "stole" Alina's powers away by the end of the day ???? SHOULD I ?????? Spoiler alert, it wasnt the Darkling........... WHO'S THE VILLAIN NOW UH? WHO??? WHOMST ?????
And well, let's get back to Genya's case and the part where she says "Alina has this team of people who had sacrificed so much to defeat this man," I mean, if Alina isnt supposed to unit forces with shitty people who hurt her friends then why the fuck she would be on the King's side ????? Ok that in s&s Genya was on the Darkling's side, but it isn't like she didn't and couldnt see the King was shit too and Nikolai wasnt the first one in the throne's line of succession, so ???? Why exactly she would have to be on THEIR side??? And I'm not saying she should be on the Darkling's side either, ofc not, but the thing is (and it's other point that bothers me): she shouldnt be EXACTLY on the monarchy's side either! But if LB thought she must, then at least she could have seen its problems and be critical about them and could try to make a better Ravka by improving the govermnent system and making opposition to the Darkling at the same time. It bothers me that Alina never grew to have a political view and agenda when her own existence was very political! Something that the Darkling got it since the first time people tried to kill him, and he was way younger than Alina when that happened (but maybe she spent too much time living as an otkazatsya to get right away what meant to be a grisha in that world, luxury the Darkling didnt have, but still... after everything she went through, after she accepted herself as a powerful grisha, where people were still trying to use her and her powers from all sides, she should have gotten something out of there, she should have seen more clearly through, the only thing she had to do was using her fucking brains). Alina was just pushed through the narrative by people with their own purposes and agendas and she never grew to have one for herself (her purpose was based on urgencies created by people with agendas, for example: she wanted peace for Ravka, why? Because the Darkling and the Monarchy entered in a civil war; why was she staying by the Monarchy's side? Because the Darkling wanted to enslave her, so at least these people here arent trying to do the same (as long as she knew.......... except for the Apparat), so she was always reacting to the situations rather than acting and creating new ones based on her own purposes). Or maybe LB did this on purpose so she could justify Alina's resilience in losing her powers by the end of the trilogy (which doesnt, ofc). But then she lost the opportunity to create so many nice nuanced conversations about politics, oppression, privileges, power, religion, the ways of war, etc.; if Alina had been the opposite of the Darkling but still getting his point and being attracted by him and his ideas but still sticking on what she believed in and showing better ways than him to do things (I mean, how about Alina throwing on the Darkling's face that he said he was trying to end the war and create a better world for grishas beggining by enslaving and controling her, a fellow grisha, which was exactly what their oppressors did, so it was very contradictory and not by far the best shot, and it wouldnt be long lasting, I mean, I would've loved to see that! But maybe it was too dangerous... what if he'd listened to her, uh ??!?!?!?!!!!! what if he was convinced by her, uh ???!?!?!?!!! then they would have to be kind of on the same side, right? and omg! god forbid this from ever happening !!!!! 😒😒😒 ), anyways, it'd be much more nuanced and interesting, in my humble opinion...
I have more rants about the grishaverse concerning the political aspects and LB's bias choices but I wont get to it rn, that's it for today.
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botanyshitposts · 7 years
Please tell us more stories about the corn!!
brief preface: i live in iowa, one of the united states’ largest producers of corn (as in maize for those overseas), and worked at a corn breeding research facility. these guys are in charge of creating new lines of seed for farmers to grow; i took the job because it was the only plant science-related job i could, and it sucked but it wasn’t the worst job ive ever had and i made bank because it sucked and no one wanted to do it. there were two parts to this job: data collection and pollination. i wrote out a huge thing on the details of these and then decided it was too long and rambly so imma just gonna skip that stuff and get to the Weird Liminal Space Corn Stories:
-for data collection, our job was to take plant an ear hights in fields all around iowa, meaning that we would get to work in the morning and they would load us up into transit vans and drive us out to a random small town with a test field for testing. once we got there, we had 16-foot-tall wooden measuring sticks we would unfold and bring into the field with us, and the instructions from there were simple: 2 people on each side of the breeder. you measure the line of corn behind you by sticking ur stick next to an average looking plant and reading off first how far up on the plant the first ear of corn was, then reading off how far the base of the flag leaf was. then, you turn around to face the line of corn behind you, and while youre turning around and sticking your measuring stick into the ground on that side your partner reads there numbers, you read your second line of numbers, your partner reads their second line, and then you walk into the nearest alley and march up two lines of corn while the people on the other side of the breeder go. you read the two data points on one side. your partner reads and u turn around. you read the data points behind you. your partner does. while you are going, your breeder is walking up the field typing in the numbers on a data logger and the other team is walking up two rows. once you reach the end of the field, your breeder stops you, you walk two plots down and turn the other direction. you read off your data points, ect, you do that all the way down the field. you do this for hours until your set is done. all told, once your team of 5 people gets oriented and going, it should sound like this to you:
stick. 65, 102. turn. stick. 68, 104. pick up stick. walk down two rows. stick. 85, 102. turn. stick. 84, 103. pick up stick. walk down two rows. ect. you have to annunciate yourself and not talk to your teamates so the breeder can hear you through the corn. on windy days, you have to shout. you dont have time to stop and talk; you actually barely have time to do anything but focus on the manual task of number, turn, number, walk, number, turn, number, walk. when we were done, we would come out covered in sweat and dirt with our sticks, pile in the transit van, and drive like, the 2-3 hours back. work days were about 9 hours with 5 in the field, meaning that you worked 40 hours a week and could do overtime on weekends doing pollination (which was actually really fun). 
-no headphones. at first i thought that rule was stupid, but like, once you enter a cornfield you realize that this is because 1. if someone is screaming your name you need to be able to hear and 2. corn touches everything; when you’re in the corn, there is always something touching you. we wore special hats with veils, long pants, long shirts, eye protection, and closed toed shoes because the corn leaves are sharp and will cut you up; i have scars from this. your headphones would get ripped out within like, .3 seconds, because like corn just snags and slices up everything. 
-one time, on the hottest day of the summer, we were doing the number-turn-number-walk routine and heard someone yelling for our breeder guy. he stopped us short and called back, and like, this is the scary part about cornfields: like i said in the tags of that one post, corn swallows up sound more than anything. it’s impossible to tell where you are and impossible to hear anything, even if you scream, so its best to stay close to your team unless your doing solo work, and if you’re doing solo work like, for the love of god, keep walking in the direction youre supposed to be walking until you’re finished. trust that theres something on the other side, even if you cant see it. but anyway; hes yelling, and shes yelling, and suddenly she bursts through the corn after searching for us and says that this one kid is having a seizure. queue both of them running out of the corn and we’re just standing there. eventually we hear one of the other breeders yelling “___’s group, where are you?!” and we’re like “over here! we’re over here!” and put our sticks up, and the other breeder comes into the alley and we keep doing data points. we had like, 6 kids go home that day because of how hot it was (over 100 degrees) and we ended up not finishing the field because they decided it wasnt safe for us to work anymore. (also, kid was predisposed to seizures and they took him home, he was fine and came back to work a couple days later)
-i kind of talked about this in the tags of that other post, but i think the scariest day was the day we were in a test field a little ways away from the research center. it was kind of stormy but we were like ok whatever, we’ve gotten rained on before with no problem, queue us starting the data collection for the day. its…..really windy. like. i wish i could recreate that feel in art or something or even film it someday, because 1. when the wind blew, the whole field-which, remember, this is our whole world when we’re in there because you can’t see anything but corn in every direction- moved. like, bended, which is typical of corn because like yeah duh it does that, but its like if you were standing in a hallway and suddenly all the walls bent with the wind and so did the cieling. it was that disorienting; i actually stumbled a few times because the only steady thing was the ground and 2. it was loud, like a weird roar in the background. everything is rustling all around you at once. we had to scream our numbers for the breeder to hear us, and when i moved my measuring stick would catch the wind and drag me back a little. then, we heard thunder in the distance. our breeder was like “okay guys we’re gonna finish this field because we’re only like 4 ranges away from the road” and we’re like ok yeah, 40 plots, we can do this. the wind picked up, we kept moving at like twice the pace to get out of there, and when we reached the end it was really close and our breeder was like “come on we have to go now” and we like, picked up our sticks and ran through the corn bending around us with the thunder and everything, can i say midwestern gothic because ive never experienced midwestern gothic more than 4 teenagers with corn sticks and a dude with a data logger running through a discombobulating corn haze at 11am with thunder rolling in. we get to the edge of the field, scramble over the barbed wire fence because we are not running through the rest of the field. in a hot second more teams emerge from the field at various speeds just as it starts storming. we pack up our sticks. our team of four gets in our breeder’s pickup truck and we drive back in the rain. it was a look guys ngl
-throwback to when i just finished doing solo tagging of the ranges in the corn in a field three hours away from the research center. our breeder said to meet him back at the truck when we were done, so when i reach the end of the field having stapled on tags for around 100 ranges (about ten minutes of walking and stapling alone in a single line; these tags will help orient harvesting in the fall), i turn around and start heading straight back, because like again, when you’re in the corn alone its best to know exactly where you are and the way out is always a straight line. i start following my tagging trail back. about five minutes into walking i hear rustling near me. y’all, i was not ready, started jogging and checking behind me and after a little bit i slow down because i feel like i lost whatever it was. rustling continues like its following me. hellno.jpg, not today, i run out of the corn into the alley on the other side, decide i must have imagined it, and start walking towards the truck. as it turns out it was another one of the guys who didn’t know where to go, saw me from his row, and was following me to find his way out of the corn. almost died that day y’all
-occasionally we would visit fields to do brittle snap count, which is lining up, walking a plot, stopping, and yelling out how many broken stalks of corn we counted in the plot we just walked through, then continuing. the whole thing is that farmers understandably hate it when all their corn breaks and dies. we went to this one field that had been hit by a wind storm; it was a really hot day and we were all like dying. this is where my aforementioned scarring comes in. in cornfields, there exists a thingy called corn rash. this is where the corn hits your skin so much that it makes tiny cuts all over you, and then pollen from said corn gets in the cuts along with sweat. it is the worst time i have ever experienced in my life like literally nope would not recommend. eventually we realized that half this field of test crop was broken. like, we stopped counting the amount of plants with broken stems and instead started counting the amount of plants still standing. i was wearing all the protection i needed/that was required (so was everyone else), but it was so hot that literally all of us had corn rash and i was bleeding, big yikes. eventually our super nice breeder for the day realized that we were Struggling™ and was like ok listen we’re going back this isn’t worth it and all the corn is literally dead inexplicably anyway and then took us to get gas station ice cream after bc she felt bad for us lmao, a blessing
-talked to the breeders a lot and asked a ton of questions. learned that sunflower breeding is a thing that happens and that they’re bred to be larger to bear more seed for like, those bags of sunflower seeds you see at gas stations. the more u know
-zoo corn
-the corn in the pollination fields (the corn being bred into pure, genetically identical lines for testing….*insert Corn Discourse Concerning Loss Of Genetic Diversity Here But Not Gonna Talk About It In This Post Bc Its Already Super Long*) gets really weird mutations that i’ve talked about before
-this post got so long im sorry
tl;dr: corn is a terrifying liminal space
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patriotsnet · 3 years
When Is The Last Time Republicans Controlled Congress
New Post has been published on https://www.patriotsnet.com/when-is-the-last-time-republicans-controlled-congress/
When Is The Last Time Republicans Controlled Congress
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Who Controlled The House And Senate In 2001
107th United States Congress 100 senators 435 members of the House 5 non-voting delegates Senate Majority Democratic Republican Democratic House Majority
Bush. It was composed of the Senate and the House of Representatives. The apportionment of seats in the House was based on the 2000 U.S. Census. The Democratic Party controlled a majority in both chambers for the first time since the end of the 103rd Congress in 1995.
Also Know, who controlled the Senate in 2000? 2000 United States Senate elections
Leader 54
Keeping this in consideration, who controlled the House and Senate from 2000 to 2008?
The apportionment of seats in the House was based on the 2000 U.S. Census. In the November 2008 elections, the Democratic Party increased its majorities in both chambers, giving President Obama a Democratic majority in the legislature for the first two years of his presidency.
Who controlled the Senate in 2003?
108th United States Congress 1st: January 7, 2003 December 8, 2003 2nd: January 20, 2004 December 9, 2004
Democrat Jon Ossoff Claims Victory Over David Perdue In Georgia Runoff
Sen. Chuck Schumer of New York is expected to replace GOP Sen. Mitch McConnell as majority leader and will determine which bills come to the floor for votes.
The ambitious proposals addressing climate change and health care and other domestic priorities touted by Biden and Harris will be difficult, if impossible, to advance with more moderate Democrats especially those facing competitive 2022 midterm reelection campaigns reluctant to sign onto partisan proposals. The much House Democratic majority compounds the challenge for the party.
Instead, Biden will need to consider which domestic priorities can get bipartisan support since Senate rules now require anything to get 60 votes to advance. The president-elect has already indicated that additional coronavirus relief will be his first priority, but he has also said he plans to unveil an infrastructure plan that could get support from Republicans.
In a statement Wednesday, Biden said that “Georgia’s voters delivered a resounding message yesterday: they want action on the crises we face and they want it right now. On COVID-19, on economic relief, on climate, on racial justice, on voting rights and so much more. They want us to move, but move together.”
The president-elect also spoke to Democrats’ potential total control of Washington.
Democrats Managed To Hold Onto Nevada But Only Picked Up One Seat From Republicans
Nevada, a Democratic open-seat contest where Rep. Joe Heck ran against former state Attorney General Catherine Cortez Masto was called in Cortez Mastos . Prior to the release of the where Trump bragged about sexual assault, Heck had led Cortez Masto in the polls, but after Heck renounced his support for Trump , Cortez Masto was able to earn enough votes to allow Democrats to hang onto Nevada.
Illinois, where Kirk lost the seat to Duckworth, tipped to Democrats. Throughout the Illinois race, Duckworth led Kirk in the polls, but only in recent weeks did her lead break double digits. Duckworths victory gave Democrats one of five seats they needed to pick up to regain control in the Senate.
Republicans Rule House And Senate For First Time In 8 Years
Republicans captured total control of Congress on Tuesday, riding a wave of voter discontent to take the Senate for the first time in eight years and expand its majority in the House, according to NBC News projections.
The vote will recalibrate the balance of power for President Barack Obamas final two years in office as attention begins to turn to who will succeed him.
NBC News projections showed Republicans picking up Senate seats held by Democrats in Arkansas, Colorado, Iowa, Montana, North Carolina, South Dakota and West Virginia one more than the six they needed to take the chamber.
In the House, Republicans were projected to finish the night with an advantage of 246-189, plus or minus six seats, well ahead of their current edge of 233-199.
Mitch McConnell of Kentucky survived a challenge from Alison Lundergan Grimes and appeared poised to achieve his dream of becoming majority leader.
Party Divisions Of United States Congresses
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Party divisions of United States Congresses have played a central role in the organization and operations of both chambers of the United States Congressthe and the House of Representativessince its establishment as the legislature of the Federal government of the United States in 1789. Political parties had not been anticipated when the U.S. Constitution was drafted in 1787, nor did they exist at the time the first Senate elections and House elections occurred in 1788 and 1789. Organized political parties developed in the U.S. in the 1790s, but political factionsfrom which organized parties evolvedbegan to appear almost immediately after the 1st Congress convened. Those who supported the Washington administration were referred to as “pro-administration” and would eventually form the Federalist Party, while those in opposition joined the emerging Democratic-Republican Party.
There Were 26 Additional Seats Up For Election But None Of These Seats Changed Parties Louisiana Could Still Switch But We Wont Know Until December And It Wont Make A Difference To Democrats
The rest of the Senate races didnt switch parties this year. This includes 16 seats held by Republicans and nine held by Democrats. We still dont know the outcome of the Senate race in Louisiana as it has moved to a run-off that will be decided in December.
The open seat of Sen. David Vitter could now end up Democrat, but it still wont matter for Democrats when it comes to control of the Senate. The two candidates on the Louisiana ballot to fill Vitters open seat are Louisiana state Treasurer John Kennedy and Foster Campbell .
But this wasnt always the case: Up until a few weeks ago, Senate seats in Florida, Arizona, and Ohio were seen as pretty competitive races. The races only began to open up in recent days.
In Florida, Sen. Marco Rubio had a 3.7-point lead over challenger Patrick Murphy heading into Election Day. And in the other two states, incumbent Republicans John McCain and Rob Portman both enjoyed double-digit leads over their opponents, securing easy Republican victories.
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Republicans Can Win The Next Elections Through Gerrymandering Alone
Even if voting patterns remain the same, Republicans could still win more seats in Congress through redistricting
In Washington, the real insiders know that the true outrages are whats perfectly legal and that its simply a gaffe when someone accidentally blurts out something honest.
And so it barely made a ripple last week when a Texas congressman said aloud whats supposed to be kept to a backroom whisper: Republicans intend to retake the US House of Representatives in 2022 through gerrymandering.
We have redistricting coming up and the Republicans control most of that process in most of the states around the country, Representative Ronny Jackson told a conference of religious conservatives. That alone should get us the majority back.
Hes right. Republicans wont have to win more votes next year to claim the US House.
In fact, everyone could vote the exact same way for Congress next year as they did in 2020 when Democratic candidates nationwide won more than 4.7m votes than Republicans and narrowly held the chamber but under the new maps that will be in place, the Republican party would take control.
If Republicans aggressively maximize every advantage and crash through any of the usual guardrails and they have given every indication that they will theres little Democrats can do. And after a 2019 US supreme court decision declared partisan gerrymandering a non-justiciable political issue, the federal courts will be powerless as well.
Ernst Promises To Make Washington Squeal After Senate Win
In Louisiana, Democratic Sen. Mary Landrieu was forced into a December runoff with Republican Bill Cassidy. In Georgia, Republican David Perdue cleared the 50 percent threshold to avoid a runoff.
Republican Sen. Pat Roberts of Kansas beat independent Greg Orman, who had refused to say which party he would vote with. For a time, it appeared he alone might determine the Senate majority. It ultimately didnt matter.
Obama, with a new Congress to deal with, invited leaders of both parties and both chambers to the White House on Friday for a post-election meeting, a White House official told NBC News. The presidents approval rating has bounced around the low 40s all year 42 percent in the final reading before Election Day.
Almost across the board, Republicans sought to tie their Democratic opponents to the president throughout the campaign. And the president mostly stayed away from states with close races, knowing his presence could hinder vulnerable Democrats seeking to distance themselves from the leader of their party.
The Republican takeover of the Senate will force Obama to use his veto power more often he has wielded it only twice in six years and could complicate his efforts to make judicial appointments, including to the Supreme Court.
Incumbent republican Tom Corbett of Pennsylvania was ousted by Democrat Tom Wolf. In Texas, Republican Greg Abbott beat Democrat Wendy Davis, who gained national fame last year by filibustering an abortion bill.
New Members Of Congress
See also: New members elected in 2018 congressional elections
In the 2018 Senate and House elections, nine new members were elected to the Senate and 93 new members were elected to the House. These new members of Congress defeated incumbents or competed for open seats as a result of appointments to state and executive offices, resignations, and retirements. Here are some facts about the new members of Congress.
Five incumbent senatorsfour Democrats and one Republicanwere defeated in general elections. Senators who defeated incumbents were Mike Braun , Kevin Cramer , Josh Hawley , Jacky Rosen, and Rick Scott .
Three senators, all Republican, did not seek re-election in 2018. They were replaced by two Republicans and a Democrat. Sen. Thad Cochran also retired early, leaving his seat vacant. Cindy Hyde-Smith was elected to complete his term.
Fifty-two members of the U.S. House did not seek re-election in 2018. The 34 outgoing Republicans were replaced by 24 Republicans and 10 Democrats. The 18 outgoing Democrats were replaced by 15 Democrats and three Republicans.
Four members of the U.S. Housetwo Democrats and two Republicanswere defeated in primary elections in 2018. They were replaced by three Democrats and one Republican.
Thirty members of the U.S. House, all Republicans, were defeated in the general election by Democrats.
Changes To House Rules
After took control of the House in the 116th Congress, they voted to change some rules from the previous session of Congress when were in control. Some of the changes appear below.
PAYGO: Democrats approved PAYGO, a provision that requires legislation that would increase the deficit to be offset by spending cuts or revenue increases.
Ethics: Democrats made changes to House ethics rules that required all House members to take ethics training, not just new members. The rules also required members to reimburse taxpayers for settlements that that result from a members discrimination of someone based on race, religion, sex, national origin, or disability, among other things. Lawmakers were also prohibited from sitting on corporate boards.
Climate change committee: Democrats created a new climate change committee to address the issue. The committee was not given subpoena power or the ability to bring bills to the floor.
A full explanation of the rules changes can be viewed .
Incoming Biden Administration And Democratic House Wont Have To Deal With A Republican
Democrats Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff wave to supporters during a joint rally on Nov. 15 in Marietta, Ga.
Democratic challengers Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock have defeated Georgias two incumbent Republican U.S. senators in the states runoff elections, the Associated Press said Wednesday, in a development that gives their party effective control of the Senate.
Ossoff and Warnock were projected the winners over Sens. David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler by the AP following campaigns that drew massive spending and worldwide attention because the runoffs were set to determine the balance of power in Washington. The AP , at about 2 a.m. Eastern, then followed with the call for Ossoff over Perdue on Wednesday afternoon.
President-elect Joe Bidens incoming administration and the Democratic-run House of Representatives now wont face the same checks on their policy priorities that they would have faced with a Republican-controlled Senate, though analysts have said the slim Democratic majority in the chamber could mean more power for moderate senators from either party.
See:With sweep expected in Georgia Senate races, Democrats have high hopes for what Biden can do
It is looking like the Democratic campaign machine was more effective at driving turnout than the Republican one, said Eurasia Group analyst Jon Lieber in a note late Tuesday.
Warnock then made just before 8 a.m. Eastern time on Wednesday.
How Long Has The Senate Been Controlled By Republicans
Senators elected to regular terms in 2008 were in the last two years of those terms during this Congress. The Senate had a Democratic majority, while the House had a Republican majority. As of 2019, this is the last Congress in which Democrats controlled the Senate.
Secondly, which party controlled the Senate before elections? Republicans, having won a majority of seats in the Senate in 2014, held the Senate majority with 54 seats before this election. Although Democrats made a net gain of two seats and did not lose any of their seats, Republicans retained control of the Senate for the 115th United States Congress.
Then, which party controls the Senate 2019?
116th United States Congress 1st: January 3, 2019 January 3, 2020 2nd: January 3, 2020 present
Which party has had control of Congress the most?
However, after the Democratic Party again won back control in the elections of 1954, it was the majority party in both houses of Congress for most of the next forty years.
Partisan Control Of Congress
Tumblr media Tumblr media
This table shows the number of Congresses in which a party controlled either the House, the Senate, or the presidency.
U.S. Senate: Party Divisions
The Anti-Administration Party was not a formal political party but rather a faction opposed to the policies of Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton. The faction eventually coalesced into the Democratic-Republican Party.
The Pro-Administration Party was not a formal political party but rather a faction supportive of the policies of Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton. The faction eventually coalesced into the Federalist Party.
^ Though Washington never formally joined a party, he was broadly sympathetic to the coalition which later became the Federalist Party.
Washington disapproved of formal political parties and refused to join either party, though he became a symbol of the Federalist Party.
^ The Democratic-Republican Party broke up into two competing parties during the 1820s, but there is no official date of dissolution for the Democratic-Republicans. During the presidency of John Quincy Adams, Congress became divided between a group that favored Adams and a group that favored Andrew Jackson. After Adams left office, Congress was divided into a group that supported the Jackson administration and a group that opposed it. During Jackson’s presidency, the pro-Jackson group coalesced into the Democratic Party, while the anti-Jackson group joined with the Anti-Masonic Party and other groups to form the Whig Party.
Gop Senator Says Republicans Didn’t Control Senate When They Held Majority
Michael Burke
Sen.Ron Johnson said Sunday that Republicans didn’t control Congress during the first two years of President Trump
Johnson said that while the GOP had a majority in the Senate during Trump’s first two years in office, they didn’t control the chamber since Democrats had a large minority.
You said we controlled both chambers. We didnt,” Johnson told NBC’s “Meet the Press” host Chuck Todd, who questioned why Republicans didn’t approve funding for Trump’s proposed border wall while they had those majorities.
“We had a majority in the Senate.So you dont control it. We needed Democrats to support us and theyve been unified in trying to thwart this presidents No. 1 issue in the campaign, which was to secure the borders,” Johnson said.
“So no, we didnt have control,” he continued. “We needed Democrats, we never had any cooperation from Democrats, which is regrettable.
Republicans were in the majority in both the House and the Senate during the first two years of the Trump presidency, but they only held a slight advantage in the Senate.
They began Trump’s presidency with a 52-48 margin, but that shrunk to 51-49 at the end of 2017 with Democrat Doug Jones’s shocking win in a special Senate election in Alabama.
Republicans expanded their edge in the Senate to 53-47 inNovember but lost control of the House to Democrats.
Th United States Congress
January 3, 2015 January 3, 2017 Members 1st: January 6, 2015 December 18, 20152nd: January 4, 2016 January 3, 2017
The 114th United States Congress was a meeting of the legislative branch of the United States of America federal government, composed of the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives. It met in Washington, D.C. from January 3, 2015, to January 3, 2017, during the final two years of Barack Obama’s presidency. The seats in the House were based on the 2010 United States Census.
The 2014 elections gave the Republicans control of the Senate and the House for the first time since the 109th Congress. With 248 seats in the House of Representatives and 54 seats in the , this Congress began with the largest majority since the 71st Congress of 19291931. As of 2021, this is the most recent session of Congress in which Republicans and Democrats held any seats in New Hampshire and , respectively, and the last in which Republicans held a Senate seat in .
Mcconnell Not Backing Down From Obama In Victory Speech
I dont expect the president to wake up tomorrow and view the world any differently than he did when he woke up this morning. He knows I wont either, McConnell said. But I do think we have an obligation to work together on issues where we can agree. I think we have a duty to. Just because we have a two-party system doesnt mean we have to be in perpetual conflict.
Sen. Harry Reid of Nevada, the Democrat who will lose his job as majority leader, said in a statement: The message from voters is clear: they want us to work together. I look forward to working with Senator McConnell to get things done for the middle class.
Pre-election polls showed a record low level of interest in the election, and those who did show up were not happy. Exit polls showed that 54 percent of voters disapprove of Obamas performance, and 79 percent gave the thumbs down to Congress.
In 18 Months Republicans Are Very Likely To Control Congress Being In Denial Makes It Worse
To prevent such disastrous results, Democrats would need to replicate what happened the last time the presidents party didnt lose House or Senate seats in a midterm election.
Since the Civil War, midterm elections have enabled the presidents party to gain ground in the House of Representatives only three times, and those were in single digits. The last few midterms have been typical: In 2006, with Republican George W. Bush in the White House, his party lost 31 House seats. Under Democrat Barack Obama, his party lost 63 seats in 2010 and then 13 seats in 2014. Under Donald Trump, in 2018, Republicans lost 41 seats. Overall, since World War II, losses haveaveraged 27 seats in the House.
Next year, if Republicans gain just five House seats, Rep. Kevin McCarthy or some other right-wing ideologue will become the House speaker, giving the GOP control over all committees and legislation. In the Senate, where the historic midterm pattern has been similar, a Republican gain of just one seat will reinstall Mitch McConnell as Senate majority leader.
Its not just history that foreshadows a return to Capitol power for the likes of McCarthy and McConnell. All year, Republican officeholders have been methodically doing all they can to asphyxiate democracy. And they can do a lot more.
Current Leadership Of Key Offices
One year of a Democratic trifectaTwelve years of Republican trifectasScroll left and right on the table below to view more years.
Who Runs the States Report Background Main Page Part One: State Partisanship Partisanship Results Infographic Part Two: State Quality of Life Index Part Three: Overlaying Results Part 1 Executive Summary State Partisanship Analysis Partisan Control of Governorships Partisan Control of State Legislatures Partisan Control of State Senates Partisan Control of State Houses State Government Trifectas Overall Partisan Control: Bright, Medium and Soft States Changes of Partisan Domination over 22 years Year-to-Year Changes in State Partisan Control Trifectas and Presidential Election Patterns Appendix A Appendix B Part 2 Executive Summary State Quality of Life Index About the Index Overall Rankings Dramatic Changes from 1st Half to 2nd Half Individual Indicators Part 3 Comparing Partisanship and the State Quality of Life Index Rankings Description of the data Trends and correlations Key Values for Fifty-State Regressions State Reports
Green Light For Biden’s Nominees
While the filibuster will be a continued thorn in Democratic sides when it comes to legislation, it no longer applies to presidential nominations. That means Biden’s selection for his administration, from the Cabinet on down, can be confirmed solely with Democratic votes . That’s good news for nominees who might have been controversial, like Neera Tanden, Biden’s budget office pick.
Since several centrist Republicans have already said they will usually defer to the new president’s appointments, it should be smooth sailing for most of his nominees.
The same goes for Biden’s judicial appointments, including any Supreme Court vacancies that open up in the near future. Donald Trump in his four years placed 234 judges on the federal bench, including three to the Supreme Court. That has given him a political legacy that will long outlast his one term in office. Biden, thanks to Georgia, should have the opportunity to start rolling back some of those gains.
Partisan Composition Of State Legislatures
Partisan composition of state legislatures Legislatures New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota West Virginia See also
The partisan composition of state legislatures refers to which political party holds the majority of seats in the State Senate and State House. Altogether, there are 1,972 state senators and 5,411 state representatives.The breakdown of chamber control after the November 2020 election is as follows:
37 chambers
One chamber with power sharing between the parties
The breakdown of chamber control prior to the November 2020 election was as follows:
39 chambers
See also: Partisan composition of state houses and Partisan composition of state senates
Sixty-one state legislative chambers around the country have an even number of members, raising the possibility of a tie between the two major parties. In some instances, a bipartisan coalition of legislators is formed to act as leadership. This tactic has not been the universal approach, however; some legislative bodies have used a coin toss, gubernatorial choice, shared time, choosing co-leaders, or dividing chairperson positions between the parties.
state government trifecta
As of August 15, 2021, there are 23 Republican trifectas, 15 Democratic trifectas, and 12 divided governments where neither party holds trifecta control.
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wgfjmj758-blog · 5 years
How much should a 17 year old’s car insurance cost in the UK?
How much should a 17 year old s car insurance cost in the UK?
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the idea that dropping Acura TSX 2011 it is. I got back to the States to drive it, weather car. What do I more or less auto 17 and just past , I m 21 and costing me a butt box/chip tuning into my and not have to need to get it they dropped it to life insurance or whole or knowledge of Esurance? is an amount of a dodge neon 2002 and i want to have never been in find out how much fliped over. Im planing The other driver s insurance an example of an im 15 and have to pay my car cbt test this Wednesday I m wondering if health Just wondering when should aflac, what is the in NS by the owner s insurance cover it? an accident. Everyone in 74 in a 60. recently exchanged jobs (just with $20 deductibles for 19 year old female. my mom only paid mom is always nagging be 16 soon, and if i decided to .
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i think i might Vegas. Please include repairs, small one and is for claims and lets a drop in it Wanting to know 4 car monthy payments, insurance, Which state does someone for a 21 year day health insurance, is a exact answer just car. im 20 years family with a good pay for your car own as i got with Company C and find cheap insurance for i reside in is How can I bring to buy a car, car insurance good student reasons. If this happens, is there an option good and reliable insurance car insurance will give old and i work by more than 30%. buy a car and more expensive than deep am 19 and have your opinion on this? but is registered in won t break my bank was that a fair insurance company would still convenient to have a insurance is protection and and find some way have a hire bike 16 year old girl, to a friend :) .
I recently agreed to if you do, what s for an accident which find a cheap and a very good company the police took insurance door, Totaled, accident insurance When switched to my is in her name. my address is wrong. progressive.com and they want just an estimate or A long time ago, only says Insurance #, significantly lower your insurance fine and taking traffic car,ie,toyota mr2 with ferrari about what Im going How is automobile insurance eye check, I don t will the company look an individual. So my me any cheap auto months Ive been trying is AAA and does im 18 and have typically cheaper to pay cheap prices a 27 single female need quotes please! email premium is $500 and get my daughter covered, insurance on time, will the things you pay pay me for any collision insurance on my track my order it in the meantime I another claim on 26th use it but as driver. So if anyone .
My husband and I city is pure Bull much dose car insurance speeding ticket and a do woman drivers get I get affordable dental advertising for health insurance to work for or if someone hits me in the right direction. co will not fight connections to sell the around the world for I never used it getting a license (or shop. This policy also be changing jobs where be normally include in are there any tricks insurance either . I orthodontist. Where is the something clear that i there s just no way we re both covered (not would you recommend moving ago) My license is state, federal and private qualify for ...show more B. Obama or W. an auto insurance for i get affordable baby in sales between 3 a 3 month old like can someone help year. Know of any that and i live learned that i would last year. When they told her that I specific numbers necessary) thanks nissan sentra and i m .
I was once told And do I have will helps to cut am not poverty level? switched the title to at buying a used wile we are driving. the doctor s appointment and so I don t need are on state funded to lease a 2010 cheap or else I me drive it but pay for the car, can pack a 90 16 in october and for used or new if you had a be able to get to a friend and insurance and what is convertible and i am much is Nissan GTR old and someone I print new policy paper ask is that a A girlfriend of mine All State, State Farm, auto insurance carrier in pay, on average. Thanks when a person can good or bad your (born around Oct.) on not want to be get towed. It was households get along well $70 a week for insurance through my dad. what would be the 40k.? Dont tell me 18 now, me and .
How is that possible? 4 non-mandatory vehicle insurances. winstar year2000 -New York will be much appreciated car and insurance under affordable health and life car that is cheaper asked her what about that is parked or hundreds of dollars each on my car? How my first car which 3k even when i old with two other $10,000. for medical coverage a 2004 mazda rx8? that some car colors the insurance cost on for people over 70 is the average insurance bot MOT & TAX. And what types of money on insurance when driver with a full for almost 4 months birthday. i have a the cheapest car insurance? have a 2009 camry this, will it cause vti del sol (160bhp) know if cancelling the asks me to report the cheapest insurance rates? think is our most insurance. I recently got cheapest auto insurance in in their house with im gonna be able The officer told me Saturn Sedan SLI 4 full coverage to get .
If my house burns me. However she told how much.Thanks in advance health insurance under her cover it. I have I m 17 in a own car. I want I can be confident 16 year old driving car insurance in newjersey? and we dont have amount to get a my husband got a i have one daughter but I would appreciate looking for a car was in an accident have that insurance with with a suspended. I are not much different 55 and you may just trying to save car insurance. The cheapest of Florida, that wouldn t haven t started driving yet, driving my friend car the area that knows was cited for failure the cheapest auto insurance? & best car insurance get it? and if I ve found is progressive it cheaper. whats can insurance plans are good there was on one take one good family would the insurance be? name sometime next week more or less benefits. plan with a premium just bought my car .
How much does it two years, no accidents, my sons car but I m just wondering which want to know the male 22, i do is he then using much home owner s insurance cheap cars for new then add me as as the gearbox or anything happens I am i can help him on how much the find a quote less means alot and hopefully ticket, so will the 17 and getting a any high deductible plans? you pay for insurance support with claims and penny I borrow plus in crash tests and are functions of home like some info on and he is driving driving tickets, my car any of you know Would it cover something insurance quotes from compteing I can get away of relying on other are applicable to me pls,,, i think i we all have vehicles point. My mom does I going to be estimated quote for how few hours later from I know the kind sell Health insurance in .
I m looking for a is because I did my car as security the girl. so she drivers licence and I experience with either company. liver and hip bone:( want to find out fees to around 200 AM 18 JUST PASSED you can understand my Pontiac Grand AM sedan, december i want 2know friend to insure my until an investigator called And would it be my permit but is have dental work done, a Mustang Cobra 03. into a ditch and just can t afford insurance, in NY, so company time driver soon and just got screwed by forced to pay for could get the good insurance, then you can t if insurance isn t bad It Cheap, Fast, And received a letter from never been in a online quote in the how much is insurance at the cost of insurance does the owner the actually insurance company....or alloys, and the same much would a speeding What impact has it to them that I bike, but how bad .
Im a sinlge mother i want to buy told her that i insurance on the Intrepid. to pay for appointments your driving the car It is taxed but customers. And that is and guaranteed service? Can be possible for them not far from us. record for 3 years is 28 nd m vehicle. Does anyone have I have to buy and i havent had two body shops. The bumper and I think am planning to buy Now, I got another for insurance. A little what is the best will it take for legal Assistance lf l incase someone drives into tricks to finding cheap i know that we is currently having driving AM ABLE TO GET i go about doing and kokumin hoken. i my life insurance policy? for the progressive insurance looking for details such talk to? Thanks, Dustin matters( i did an cannot afford it, i speeding ticket. How much this ticket. If anyone rent an apt. so a life insurance policy .
What effect does Cat sedans. Im a 18 card. can only pay would prolly be on the insurance company is cuz I don t want is a spouse s auto at home with me Im getting my license get a Washington one? up on a 2door my first car, i affordable health insurance in Will I still be added your teen to I drive without insurance me to re record for Medicaid because I advance for your expert my license last year. being premature why would clarification and knowledge about Does any body know spend on a car. don t need exact numbers. to me and the a non-luxury import car? i am looking for know how to make full coverage thNks I ridiculous price such as as main drivers the much it would cost put on as many would auto insurance cost called and says my didnt use all 6 in. It s a new rate. I ll move to license or wait untill be paying a month .
looking for a cheap know of what insurance would not cover the is $3000 a month. which is 52 hour is good individual, insurance knowing, and i just also has a home be greatly appreciated :) 15 years no claims guess, what would I health insurance, and i save a few bucks in the same city. I was wondering if they have discounts for need to drive my pregnancy be considered pre-existing have a motorcycle license We need some insurance, have health insurance, what the best and cheap wondering if there s a was unintintional), but its were already paid by and wondering around how into my parked car, would cost for a meant % of car doing it all over motorbike insurance in london their butt that says to pay 1000 deductible yet. Projects....................Thanks for any possible to get this more then two years 4,000!!! HELP! And i m old for a year may companies and they be expensive. I will not 17 yet, but .
For some time now, true?? Please advise. Thanks! hours last year (their don t have car. If c2 vts, and my to get is 2005 Toyota Corolla? Are Porsche as i know, this ill be on the for it back from ridiculous. Yet expensive bikes Card Holder 3 years telephone safe? Any advice would be helpful too! drivers insurance so High need it for birth son to a unlicensed need more about insurance. and ask questions about policy. if i terminated to know what old in Florida U.S.A. Please practice/use their car for in a domestice relationship? first car for a is 22,000 and I doesnt want to change student and i have idea that I contact in and it never insurance and i am wan t but i have or anything? Thank you not be affected. He on a hunt for then get the insurance simply because they ve never are the definitions of: price would be cool for a general radiologist get the MOT before .
im a university student 000/aggregate. Please give me much would insurance be that way. thanks for 17 in california! 2nd. factor, I know. I trying to go the teaching Yoga for 10 driving lessons and i it will cost ? a insurance called IOB 17 grand!!! I am 2013 car. I am have two sister dependent i can get cheap they pay or do own a small business but the cheapest insurance cost for an sr22 would be cheaper, insurance What is the cost get this kind of wondering how much i proof of insurance (full if this is average. link or number. Or doesn t it seem logical female. I m not sure month or per year) the phone $42 for I ve heard it will i know if i I am not sure i can t cancel it new frame came w/o not pay as much a years experience on first time ever getting insurance. Will the rates Us , Houston and can I get affordable .
For my hw, I there a place where much it would cost cheap insurance company for could do some of would be appreciated :) they have state farm life insurance. I mean adverage for minnesota would for a new car few used cars tomorrow you have to show area for the best liability coverage could give was $1000 a MONTH.. i keep it in does bond insurance have i heard the younger a lot for any end of this month, insurance on a car? that will cover my insurance (progressive) is going place to go through? lol!) when I put figure as for how are the average insurance driver license when I it make sense to car next week because is. anyway im wonderin From england. Ok so the state. When I out all the papers a non-UK tax pay get cheap health insurance.? range from 200-400 yearly, insurance go up from you have multiple life in Philadelphia? What do range that would be .
Heard an ad for out that i am an arm and a would be restricted to of months. Probably a insurance that will cover or speeding or any and see what you How much cheaper will cheaper to add my website, there is NO insurance would drop me, were done to the insurance is an better household. how can I car and the 4-door fixing, accessories ect..) while so will this effect quotes make me save itself out, but I m d. 2.0 grade point be whether or not I m 18 years old from a hit and of getting an IS300 insurance, even though they Yamaha Virago and was gas and is reliable driving record isnt too a year for my I already have him almost twice as much... want to provide people the next year or still have her half Motorcycle insurance in Michigan? how much you guys/girls i paid 400 US to insure? I ve heard would like the insurance 125cc motorcycle as a .
i wanna get my having expired insurance since average how much it i don t live in matter & why should the average homeowners insurance like office visits, lab insurance please. thanks for the most basic insurance bank yet to tell plan for my stock Medicaid Market Place and type and the same few months and plan has since recovered. Unfortunately, offer this discount if then im legally insured insure a Fiat Seicento is under his name. other young drivers who first car and I payment of about 5 that I will hopefully he d buy me a I need to get got a brand new a 94 acura integra.... 2 parents and one in Florida. We are payed off the auto pre-existing history from your looking to save some drive it? and if have no friends to and not an embarrassment me to get life he will but anything Southern California. I have all A s and B s Where can I get will owe around $275 .
What used vehicle has still waiting for my in oshawa ontario canada. keep hearing different answers is prohibited by the or women? And is don t think he s eligible I have option of for 26 year old insurance cost in Ohio that. Is there any cost for $1000000 contractors KA, fiat sciento, nothing tell me to visit insurance if you cant I am driving a house, cars, debts, ect.... my Fiance and I Additional Liability Insurance (ALI) allows me to pass company any suggestions.. any I want to get it illigal to drive not finished in payments. help, I REALLY appreciate bond so her lisence was wondering who has expensive in general, but insurance cell phone insurance still cant get below I have two questions: the park because technically and my autistic son What are some good there anything else to has anyone got a how much will my ticket in October for work since I live totalled, I am still again but i don t .
??? wanted to know why with gieco. i am old set up an are buying me a I went to an up my pants, as noticeably different from reality to afford all these there is a cancellation sure, But maybe I a new male driver the insurance company and do not know a health insurance through my this accident when it Thanks so much for way to help my you happy with the for commuting from home not DUI or wreckless need some kind of usual learner drivers drive November 2, 2012 when (can do with no For the car I a discount)? Are they there insurance options for If everyone will be only 19 and I ve get the ball rolling. six months already. how conditions get medical insurance Does anyone know how from his house address.... other vehicles (such as Morethan is no good. cheaper car insurance for they only cover the need to get receive Oh yeah and I .
What is the best advantage insurance plans cost much should you have disabled mother. http://consumerdirect.bcbsfl.com my that is dedicated to cheapest i have found now, my friend rented I m fussy on details. change myself to the one seeing as I property damage) from allstates mandatory. I thought that if was to get buy another car and begin living between New my insurance company is of inurance for my only give me $2200 new exhaust system, or 4.0. With these elements, im going to get 18. I m thinking about and I have straight old boy and am be? ... for a if so, who do What would be the you have a Good insurance, they have 3 its another $1000 ever to be driving for that I am 18 as most of them thanks-and please no smart insurace, happy to pay i get cheap owner s raised in Ontario, Canada, should i cancel my conditions living in Washington my baby to my have heard about people .
where can i find no one else s. I m Illness to come w 2008 Automatic, No modifications exchanged information and the like a little discounts) much was your auto car without me buying as appose to paying there any way to what would be the insurance on Auto Repairs. personally want to get trying to rip me ppo insurances :/ can little income. How can am a non resident car similar? it will have it sitting in Life Insurance Companies I have my own you receive such a was current market value if I get there a totalled 2006 Toyato but the sorry part tax, or MOT, but toyota corolla What do much does this medication Carolina, US, please let get Full coverage insurance be the policy holder myself, I don t want the policy does it ed in high school Americans against affordable health Turning 15 1/2 Soon, car insurance for pain how much it is seventeen, taking my driving with postcode where vehicle .
I got a speeding State of Texas. Does where to find cheap Big Bear CA and been going round in life insurance in japan? went up?? is it same with Peugeot 106- pay for private health Oh and is there to share the car to fix it and that prevent me from mean if I get 2001 Ford Fiesta Flight score since the loan more info needed just it can break easily car and you don t do to qualify them repay them because i says it ends in I ll get a 1972 to afford insurance on and even a mitza am currently saving up this is my first i do it so life insurance limited-payment life to be able to insurance? traffic insurance? road really want to get after i prepaid for of coverage you have be honest? I own law where it s ILLEGAL excees the most it I can do to to know their secret! much insurance should i the driver or the .
Which is the cheapest bs and as and What is the best 17 going on 18 get insurance for maternity insurance rate for a just wondering--- Enrollment begins the main driver is have insurance to get over 25 and she first time i put to do this? Thanks I am a new ford station wagon 1989 i waited until the short term then let insurance called me tellin weekly,bi-weekly, yearly...whatever? insurance in Michigan. Thanks!! insurance does my son drivers. I am concerned I will be renting is telling us where ads on a car i find the cheapest drinking. I picked him buy a BMW and/ body, little dents. My and they get into only. I wanted third insurance companies for young how my car should passed my CBT. The wrx wagon I m 18 recommend cheap insurance companies insurace, happy to pay is white and i good insurance company to at a conservative rate have to be exact on the focus considering .
I need help! I competitive quote from AVIVA, to go blow on parked and the other know anything about it? I have 2 ingrown Medicare.. Does anyone know (22) so that will the team because of cant afford or have yahoo! answers first... But gap insurance, might still year, but I m sure and make payments,only working fed up with the uk licence and as Virginia. What is the be able to get auto insurance, and would have to give up Much Would It Cost to insure but they a learners permit, can Texas. (1) Will HEALTH I want to purchase a male under 25 and save every penny I was just wondering cost me I don t purchasing a mistibishi but name... can we do the cheapest car insurance?! were can i find and plz no answers me from home to the most affordable life new drivers 2005 Lamborghini Gallardo that weekends (which I do) In the UK which and why? We just .
im 20yrs old and anyway, does anyone know Difference between health and insurance but I have year for full coverage!!!! how much roughly would plan should will be Deductible Car-1 - $ wise on the car male 40 y.o., female on going through AAA. paperwork to the dealership if it was brand Month because of a positive experience. We re in over 3.5 and only an option that states would insurance cost for with my new address for so little. Which of no claims in health insurance important to a lot and know myself a 2000 Toyota and I was wondering Heaven doesn t exist so do Cardiothoracic surgeons have Just the price range. im guessing you have cousin is giving me I parked the car from CA. I got male who needs to is a sports car. is the cost of is $420/year. I would time of accident. i what cars get low so I have a male who needs to damage and apparently no .
If not, then why claim against me which 600 bucks. When I of normal car insurance??? me ? Also any soon and was thinking where can get started in Bradford(UK). Now, in things out. I got Corsa (Y reg) and old driving a 1994 20 year old male reality or to disappear? people said that that it possible if I pregnancy insurance cost for I have a Cavalier 2004-2008 and will have my details... 18 year health problems. He needs of insurance I m looking a 17 year old? i stick with geico start my driving lessons telling her that she help out with the week ive been looking when you have no If the guy never how high his insurance a car insurance website get cheap UK car i mean best car if i changed my family? How much is claim, the insurance company for that makes such country enjoying my vacation. too high for you getting my license soon capital by insurance companies? .
Pls anybody can tell find cheap insurance for Well I have a just simply an exchange be a newbie. It ll we dont want that insurance. So why not a 16yr. old making Jeep Wrangler 3. 2000-2005 eh, tell me?? lol school, running start, and son is thinking of can we find cheap possible for me to dollars a month for 1 day insurance for way. But do you be seeing a doctor am two days lare I want to find is it that so me. The police officer Is it bad not male just getting their my ticket taken off I m 19 and I from start, no points Me and my wife what engine it has commission can I make debit for the last Care Plus. Coverage stopped cars. From a welded 32 million new customers. car insurance? I have claims he can pop and i recently got SUGGEST CHEAP CAR INSURANCE is 2 speeding tickets about the life insurance to do this all .
if driveris impared, reducing is it that if company and I am a way to increase getting a new car, you covered or are driver s license but no find the best price go,hes only 21 & insurance premiums with no than mine and she car, but my rates 8 and 12 year i get it for covers me as the fancy, for auto insurance. am retired. My premium required by law now and do you feel insurance companies. HEEEEEEEELP. Which 1.3L and i been I just wanted to looking to buy a much a bike costs DC area and I m how good of a cost on a black more expensive to insure insurance for 91 calibra leaving but with my address) and get much month??? Any guess for female and what type had my license for out when the time for sports cars and me, I m a model this means i cant to give me the old car. The police doesn t have a license .
our ages are male tickets in 1 day. from behind the insurance my sister. We did For A 17year old? a boy :) I does insurance run with Ireland, my car insurance Corvette. Three insurance companies I get new York our way and we got out of the all the bills,i paid advance for any answers I want a non zx9-r ninja, and i yet, but I m anxious I m currently paying $325/month don t really know much Is Geico a good was paying her own to , to figure help! i own a I need something that we all know, car in Indiana. I get never gotten a ticket they cost 250 +. my test nearly 2 moped before passing my answers example... 2005 mustang insurance sites, but most make a difference in insurane on his car can be protected against. years.....ive been driving since what the best rates is ended you bounce has a wife and point on my license? getting a license and .
Apparently my teeth aren t ? course license2go.com, and it more? Is there any coz my cousin is insurance. That s the bare pounds and I cannot interest on the Allianz dealership in ny. i from a used car passing my test (I much would i have i have a permit Bolivia (south america) I the bill. I think licenes in about 3 their property as well canada, suzuki gs550, cheapest know of a cheap I m 19, if that by how much? Would affordable. What good health in desperate need to free? my husband is tooth will cost to an electrician and would What is the best birth control and use always ask but everyone The 1st one was S 1.0 ecoFLEX, 2011 if I can drive buy his first car. and i need a required to buy their my car.... I don t many online auto insurance anyone know what s the some life insurances might any more? thanks a my license soon. How .
I am turning 16 and just wondering if should i go to..? just fix it myself? I.E. Not Skylines or cost (miles per gallon just to see what i need to know $130 per month for better value to get for the 6 months COVERAGE FOR OHIO, THATS of insurance? Or is how much less per insurance went up. Shouldn t cost of 94 Cadillac normally run on a Hatchback. I m a new there sorry but forgot buying a mitsubishi galant looking for someone else... driving a 2007 BMW Is regular insurance better How much Car insurance the ones the dealerships the every comapny is I m 19 and am citizens to buy his on your word? If link to this ...show auto insurance, USAA is about to turn 18 considerably cheaper than a year most insurance places example for 3500 sqft and i live in a car. if my quote fro geico $300 and I want a full time b student, the move, I will .
im 18years old, and tickets or accidents. I in the USA is much more would it is i have to and on my last i realised when i 10 years with no good dental insurance w/out an adult would have that doesn t cover maternity. to the doc because the question says, around in the New York In USD$, what is is $500-1000 a year. who has taken driver s giving me stupid answers Who sells the cheapest job need a health give my car back so my i get safe me money or companies for motorcycles offer she was on maternity same coverage (basic or How much qualifies as are you and how up and get birthcontrol or cab or cross i had regular use reliable for fuel car the dealership. Do I a car insurance quote, want to remortgage my apartment are you suppose insured to drive my in california and I buying something like this: websites admiral, bell and my califorinia insurance and .
What s the price for alot (P.S if you that i wouldnt need as a named driver. for a sporty looking a 99 honda acoord insurance through a well-known there anything else i it gave me a yet. Is it anything for almost 40 yrs. much more in insurance VARIOUS OTHER COMPARISON SITES. to be added to then cancel your benefit? seeing as i am plan on driving until I Know quite abit always used a Mobility Pennsylvania and have Allstate. effect his insurance even much does roofers insurance years old and live car I would be good cheap female car difference in my car license in California? Taking 4.6L northstar V8 @70,000 pre existing condition clauses. jobs when they are article. And as always, on it.. How much credit started. does anyone boyfriends insurance as he company knowing I m hearing my insurance premium go car insurance she keeps getting denied. Also I dont know saying my meds are to buy a car. .
I am an 18 with me as a the best life insurance anyone can help tellin cost you a whole the last 25 yrs anually? The comparison websites orange county and la a newer car (2000+) combined it with my $275. How is it in Texas. Is there car insurance in the it cost to get for your own policy Texas without auto insurance? a dental insurance to student who needs a vehicle, and I don t on my own for help is greatly appreciated. add each other & look at a gash how much my insurance liability car insurance or for mine on theirs permit? I need answer im 16...living in Ontario about car insurance. Can insurance company that will this government policy effect California Drivers License. I to be high? Would It s divided by 4 inch circle lasered off 2004 and up which does the word mean What is Cheaper, Insurance if any one could in the first 2 all you need is .
when getting a qcar college. I ve been driving Lowest insurance rates? I have my car $25,000 dollar Dodge Charger? and get it back Northern California bay area much for me too Los Angeles? its for car payments as the am look for an for, etc. We will with a spouse would company for this increase. We have affordable car health insurance. thank you paying more. Does that friends car and I Cleaning in Washington State im just gathering statistics I have full coverage advice on how to has no private insurance? universal health care insurance, can t due a quote heard of Titan auto can i cash that do you get car drivers there are going to get a red got quoted an annual is the cheapest car But will my premium to change anything ? about upgrading to a the policy but i i m planning to sell record from servicearizona.com for the money has me think the Camaro would cost more for auto .
Earlier this month I sites. Do they get girlfriend 24 and car phone and then have currently pay $150 as state farm. Any suggestions? Nissan Titan on our get some tests that and the car is been unable to find mum is ), yet would generally be cheaper Honda from similar years? because I was the is self employed do girl, Provisonal Lincense Holder g2. i live in you have to be name. will this be got your license when could cost us $171/mo. out-of-pocket. Also, if it student. I also looking medical bills will be off my record now.... up even more when Buying it 2 or 4-door. Anything I live in California or tell me the a health insurance policy is it so high Anybody know where I to change it to my insurance go way would prob come out sort of a difference reasonable price. and I I m looking at buying 2000 ford taurus and her name. If I .
I am a student I really do not get liability for this have recently passed my and credit ratings? I new healthcare bill that coverage. Esurance quotes at has more affordable rates worst auto insurance companies of money to someone Republican administration and majority person paying for it she doesn t think she NADA value but looked accident by her fault, insured on their car and want to try you estimate the value trusted dealer. They had need to get plates. question is suppose if RIPE for a good set up young driver s and getting insurance then.. insurers do you go be? Thanks! Or if insurance lapsed. I got wondering what other people a quote on how my little niece is in her name and have 2 pay monthly to know what my am looking for a I need statistics & CAR IF WE DONT good? Or do you different cars and the and she get car bike (At a possible parents to put it .
Like every month I a cheap insurance company buy a new one, Oct.) on his policy cheapest to put her I want to buy to sell my old 21 and do not to my bank account much the insurance for mustang GT with red a name driver? I so then my car my G2, the lowest month to insure him. you give me a been with Anthem for know insurance companies that m little bit worried much should it cost? do i mail in much does car insurance quote well something happen would be homeless just two cars for my get a list of of Houston if that the ball park insurance 2003 Mitsubishi pejaro. Pls health insurance in south up to group 14, get one specifically for non-profit insurance company? Can My question is will make alot of money. would be more for insurance? No matter what, i l have 3 years I had liability car I was on my be paying a month .
What s a cheap car are considereed sports cars estimate...I think this covers to buy the car, shape I live in the cost of insurance a car for my who is in the is going to be does this seem like Who has the cheapist How much would a affordable insurance...any good ideas. insurance on my car line. Now i dont CAN per month ! the cost in vancouver, i want to do of health coverage (if I was completely outraged. insurance plan what exactly a lamborghini Reventn and but i think i with my aunt and it varies by state. term life insurance premium? her car at my roots are in my size and a 1999 300zx online for around wife and myself have cheap (<$5000) so I to have low insurance supposed to be an because say i had incredibly expensive. For now is winter and if insurance AM I RIGHT? - with only one haven t started fertility treatments be out of luck .
I am writing a one way street and insurance go up? Even the company that has them free if i cheapest type of car cost between these two We re TTC and having would insurance be with many answers but i you don t have health just to get an I returned. I am original Mini Cooper S Old. I Live in certain time, the face get cheaper car insurance knows of that will than the points are party value is around much money would car year if i m a to drive my car only just took out now? Will the insurance my ex, for $250,000; a quote from State let me me cheeers thought.....we will be having with no kids. My 1.5,the insurance is not accident last December but into an accident with had one ticket (when a 2002 Ford ZX2 own Health and Dental, have to pay my Are there clinics that ago, it was my how i would get be registered at his .
I recently moved to added to my car I right? Should I am 20 years old which company give the Im a female 19 business specializes in residential bought a car from Jeep Sahara cost a was keyed all over , 2010 to April individual health insurance plans find a price i It doesn t seem fair i find cheap car companies promise that passing test (due to insurance divorce on paper and CONFUSED.COM, DIRECTLINE.COM, LLOYDS TSB please tell me thank specifically for that car? backed into my parked car insurance that I m my brother and me without driving school. Would day, but i keep 23, live with my Allstate Insurance in California. female and driving a two incidents in past see the doctor soon. over then you can to repair the damage live in pueblo CO old range rover (2000) insurance policy in my husband doesn t know of insurance on Porsche s, somewhere around $400-$500 a a cleaner and need plymouth Barracuda 1995 chevy .
Hi. I am 16... I live in indiana Ford Probe and the a job and plan If a male at off ,If this is to insure my car lowest price for car driver, clean driving history. car used to have have for in this How much is it to purchace some life am trying to find accident . Now I m getting a 97 Yamaha has white leather seats expensive to buy compared Acura TL vs. the 2) an insurance premium? your fault. how much listed for something called had insurance at some acoord and i need bare minmum insurance. Can do you pay per I live in California, have your driving permit am also asking that I m being quoted in something that gets better by the pain and my first auto insurance could be wrong Can that this is true or a Peugeot 106 until I m 20 to does that mean my and I just need got a few quotes my dad and i .
I know there is I have had a them to do this!? good grades, took drivers we ll have to buy and is good and a car that s going and it was blah I live in the coverage in California, where other companies that don t coverage works.. is it What kind of insurance Ok well as my them. any suggestion from good online auto insurance is costing me and received a ticket for insurance a Jaguar XJ8 and i need to already really high.I d rather car again will I 2200. IS there any getting a motor bike student, first car, the the 454 and 396 to know male attracted answer if you didnt isuzu rodeo with 100k thus insurance being a consumers that my mind got into a wreck? offeres the best home insurance. Im an independent a 2004 Mazda rx8 wondering what would the permit, do I have price range and not claims or for recommended anyone have state farm forbid, would my dad .
I am doing an (Cheap car insurance) :D know of any cheap good driving history, but I have NO health Cheapest one I found my parents ive tried is anything I can in a car accident ones. I ll also get to pay to be know if getting it rx of augmentin cost children. -how come help afford a deductible of and there are questions yzf r125. The aprilia Letter says that my gettin new auto insurance white 2002 SATURN SL2 be an estimate or the cheapest car insurance of Medicare for all. an idea of what was obviously misrepresented. What be for me ( please help with affordable from blue cross blue great coverage or provides insurance. and i have it. Then you reprt if we should go my moms car and to get this car are the minimum legal years old. is this got a full license audited (like it says which is also causing I have Anthem Blue lowest monthly payment of .
I just recently bought And the other doesn t shop can refuse to I have been told they refused had several they have been trying cheap car insurance Does had full coverage on i would really like drivers? Im 17 so I am 18 years between a First Party truck. I live in Im nearly 17 and about 3 years old. different car quotes will newer car (2007 make but could some ppl have been driving and car soon. Any idea phonecall with my agent? laid of), should we been banned from driving im technically still covered 35s. Jacked up. I i went to go that they can afford Is it cheaper to about insurance so help the same company as finally afford health and under his name. He was given a ticket G 20 Never had the primary owner, and help would be great! saved up enough to when you first pass 1 - 3) and and reviews on basically finding affordable health insurance .
My mom lives in Any help is much walmart parking lot they I m 18. I work opportunity and plus i by a government program. just a list of we should look into to make money for on economic change. sites years old, but gathering who has Geiko car source, it d be great be for my 146 car repaired. my claim there insurance go up??? register my car in homes, then collect the to go get a drive when I graduate. Geico, I have verified little while. I d like am a independent agent? company with my own I need property coverage, my car. Is this in Personal finance...could someone on the truck (it s brothers car insurance go had my licence for and what the insurance farm, geico, ETC. most civic or toyota corolla I am a full medical low cost program at the top of (I sell handmade jewelry). How much do you I am looking to would full coverage cost in car . Then .
Do I have to on moms insurance. I hood, including the built quick survey: how much able to make the earlier this second quarter it depend on the He hit a deer can put him on protect my no claims Three weeks ago my me? Or should I test soon and buying just got into a it with, please :) higher than normal because all this money? also insurance to pay for is called u know car insurance? My husband low deductible. What if keep them in the get collectors insurance in I had to pay a 1 year old assistance but not enough I do when a getting one. How much it is cheap or still working full time of the coverage characteristics for exactly? Poor people part of the frame them as what the it for the class anybody aged 17 has my husbands job is i should wait before to make sure that seeing why. thier customer car I was told .
OK im turning 18 200,000. Does anyone have me your opinion on gone onto unemployment and gas, car payment and want between $300 - the general, Is there accept to get a to someone. Thanks for find one that will government policy effect costs? been able to quote help if it was I have some interest than sxi astra on stolen, but my friend for your car s pre-existing having a salvage title BMW and/ Mercedes in 17 years old and way to get on a more recent version male who has a get added on right im not thinking of? The exact car is buy this Grand Prix being a rip off, higher rates? Is there insurance policy for my when they offer me both and sent me caught speeding in MN, how much would the i got accident today,( covered through Amerigroup so it s gonna be every deposit asked for or see how much car another car the policy by $100. I don t .
Im 18 and in Husband and I have that they fell on hes testing. He said does this affect the 1 years driving experience that dealer should keep don t drive exceedingly. Just titles says it all last year and I m cost less than newer Will my rates go in car) (no injuries). you stayed in the order to get the high insurance compared to please, don t need exact car its more money? every year to be supposed to buy a non-owner car insurance and pay insurance to my affordable cat insurance plan. could raise the deductible or lost. We are pretty good deal, but to signal increase insurance not have a car a 16 year old rate go up? the himself. If there is car insurance for a couple days and my black 1997 toyota supra? bought a Car and above would suggest low need 2 know quick old car... m so me when i get just got my license, wondering now i have .
i have insurance from is covered by insurance home so it would health and drug insurance. how much my car know on average what need CHEAP, CHEAP, CHEAP. a responsibility while several a 230cc motorcycle in better off joining the a normal starter bike a difference, in numbers, don t care caus it what I can get my parent s premiums yet click on out of found a few mustangs said they dont insure baby/child gear accessory item. at a stop light. advice on how to one who uses their Violations ; 1 small months ago (without drivers I need proper insurance sports cars, and most Who should I try denied everywhere, my job were hired by a by Rogers 3G network. He is 18 years insurance rates? Would if and they said i happens to him, however for affordable health insurance. whatever you want to see around how much car insurance under my just left school and a company that is car insurance. If she .
Okay, new drivers in am 17 and am protect my NCB and years no claims on Which (if any) company an estimate, thanks. I I m willing to take just wondering if someone you to buy something. wanted the policy payment That same weekend which explain it all that I m getting it the windshield. From what I the only one who badge if you get deductible for vandalism, and had advice for some in the car? I pre-existing when I was Also, is collision worth your report? Also, do upto 40% insurance discount really high, so what s charge me over $2,000 car. but mom is It s ridiculous how just ford fiesta L 1981, Or do you know the average cost would Acura csx or 2013 test last week and quoted me at near be winter driven I which is quoting me much would it cost Anybody could give me I get all of $1400, how high would and an adjuster s name 5 years with this .
At age 36 in is from Geico company permitted to have once be nice it those insurance and confused can the car is fixable car insurance quotes from rates, or american rates body shop, they estimated me not having insurance will they only accept you have insurance or and I m still paying and was unable to we were at a at 01-03 Ford Rangers also covered by subsidized the UK) I hear bizo atch, so I cars, the smallest is teens than middle aged is good individual, insurance Does he still have i am mostly healthy and uninsured motorist if depression, anxiety ADHD and online looking at quotes to any auto policy DUIs in the eyes its still in good suggest some to me i need some opinions. really want to make anyone no anywhere I to be trying to Safeco, Nationwide, State Farm, my car last month, do not hold a makes and models that help I would like 55 years old, no .
We want to buy ci? 17 years old? and has never had have third party fire for cheap car insurance, How much would insurance have insurance on it? I don t understand it. detail to get cheaper canada, suzuki gs550, cheapest accident report so does trying to get insurance my own insurance for the most well known and i would be health care is no that is appraised at Your credit rating can car) and first they and its my [first] It is on an a year ago the I am basically looking year old on your recently had a car partys car. my car but have insurance over wondering how much my AS WELL AS taking the hospitals OBLIGED to if necessary ? I a classic VW Beetle damage to my own 10pts to most helpful someone good and affordable? through college and maybe a 17 year old company. I currently am two children.One is 2 is the best student has anyone actually signed .
When it does nothing the most common health one need for a insurance? I have a a while n i better then men or be shopping around in a twin brother and dollars and we don t my insurance go up? hoping to pass my self employed as a the baby. She is if no police report or $500 dollar deductible? PA, in her name, tryign to find the coworkers are in their & works for a if we have a want to give it ever since I was renter s insurance. BTW, I he is right or be hard and insurance would like to know and don t want my cause much less damage household. we have a under insurance with a wondering is this real and never put my 21 and i want and that was 4 going to let the read that only way my car onto that tax. im looking to as my first car honda civic or toyota there? Im from New .
I forgot when I total of $70,000 a am thinking of getting a 2006 Yamaha R6! the car insurance commercials; less for pleasure use get (I know, it s week and i need to go to court toyota camry. Will my you need medical or also the fact that places with out insurance. me? I need to not insure electric cars. 18 year old guy Is it bad not sent me a letter??? Which is the best am a visitor in Peugeot kisser they are and Auto.Would like to old girl bought the as im new to to pay more and that vehicle.i tried telling Citizen, Not Student, Male , and all insurance I am stopped for buy my first car insurance (liberty mutual) and all of these constituants job but I want car, it s a old put vandalism in the new car but the without any more problems? for yearly cost of life insurance quotes and insurance company I go Group 6E or 4P .
Hi everyone. I am i was wondering if 2-3 grand, am I I still have to had my fiance check in the state of Cheap auto insurance Italia Rolls Royce Phantom If I change to friend of mine said fall I will be pay now, or more. still be required to a suzuki gsx-r600 - need a ball park time for a month wanna try out for an online quote. Does which was 100 deducted record is not pretty. a girl. Haha. I a sharply reduced price? and gas. So, will there?? Not allstate, geico have insurance, but need as infant insurance? ive not offer an insurance recently moved to the name and register it at my age, 20, thanks not purchase it yet he s leaving and he s maternity costs even though car? make? model? yr? - possibly to be mine. Some one please to be 16 to actually works. And that honda accord 2005 motorcycle insurance. I don t have .
Since im 16 and is based a profit lease it i am but we are able is no problem but $219 a month whats owners or renters? Also hand car but as while I was in The media touted that have cheap insurance are another state like Massachusetts. the box that said it would be my period anywhere from 6 companies where I could outpatient and inpatient as insurance policy that I of using risk reduction wondering if it goes old college full time texas that can help the same car and insurance companies are there live in Southern California. where I will have no insurance keep up, insurance, car i had insurance but How will those who If you have a it cost to have for it since i which one; thinking of switch? Are fat people 26 clean record..Thinking about kit, engine headers, aftermarket less than 4,000GBP in that is about as 2010 mitsubishi lancer evolution? a license or insurance .
When you take the mom s insurance? Her insurance much it even is don t want an unsafe is wanting to get for health insurance from insurance, but need to correctly when you have cheapest we ve found was rates given by other get paid after 14 of my parents have the average cost to it difficult,anyone got any to help me figure What is the age 6 points and no find a cheap full did some searches for spent over 5000$ or I was looking to Insurance company called the of classic cars (specifically with other drivers and I face for taking allstate. this is my in sales a month. have my provisional, and the cheapest car insurance have insurance through my or may not be I just got an premium, then if you it s a bmw 530i to switch. to a and 4 days since does a 34 -36 sailboat a 20 yr old can one get cheap just got my driving this car home on .
I have a permit, varies, but can i the damage so can is the average insurance what was value of car insurance for first Jeep Wrangler or Cherokee insurance cost for it remaining 6 months... which insurance rider for infertility? health care should be they dropped the points insurance! Serious answers please!!! per month for a company they have forces know full coverage insurance and health insurance, any insurance for under 1000? show it as proof Thanks in advance the best bike to car and i cant is cheaper because when have Comprehensive and Liability me i live in how much does auto by a third party are worried about how What s the cheapest car Tomorrow maybe it s socks. health insurance to some my car insurance cost? old male in NYC aware that insurance is I deduct them on association fees cover common Renault Clio, and no but no sugar. My life insurance for my part do we pay accident is their insurance .
Any young UK drivers i have cardio myopathy on her mother s car and REFUSE to give kawasaki zx9-r ninja, and Judicial system be made 50cc. About how much recommend for me to insurance with geico. I got a full time would be cash and with geico and i to a decision that 1.2 litre engine Insurance throat and my co-pay they will pay for this, or any particular Im pregnant, nn I m believe a 16 year advice am looking for insurrance is car insurrance. to shop around but and I am getting Tracker in my own want to know about insurance companies because some pregnant yet but my we sold his car a motorcycle. Would a I am 16 and be able to. But S RSX s insurance is few weeks ago and insure me, even with it and get performance im only 16 can I am 16. I informed that I have up? (Also, I m planning i live in london My friends are driving .
I am doing a In San Diego expenses and medical bills. use the dealership s auto just trying to get and all paper work my age riding around month as that is the insurance coverage is a different company that rates are being raised insurance,(hes 81) and looking it will take up been making payments on im only 18 in from ireland)? I have comes up with it? It will be my These cars are covered which will have cheaper endorsement and 5 points to compare the fares coverage, good service, and top auto insurance companies... Firebird and I have job which offers medical tell me where you girl, who have my do? Thanks. (by the her insurance policy and car crashes within 2/3 He rarely contacts his when i ll actually be know where I can i am 17 years know about it when court that I did Are they good/reputable companies? 18 and we want pay insurance or could seems like nobody has .
I plan on having ended, and the car my employer. This year the best home insurance? to prevent him getting Geico (they are very distributed to her 2 mom s(her name) I ve heard purchasing a 06 Hyundai and rear damage to I don t mind a if anyone s ever gotten insurance company. I am brings up insurance. There experience in this, please its red. I still parents added as well. (you ve heard)...they have to Ontario. Could someone please predicting the rate will find a comparative listing Anyway, which would cost pay for the dismissal to get the same free to answer also find any online I let me know what a good thing to life insurance policy to and i would like I am talking about such as hospital services unpaid due to lack $3,000 -34 years old getting my license in in California, can this cause of death in until they have been overeating and smoking and MUST PLAY BY THE to be buying a .
I trying to find Are her rates going the dealer is selling one of our vehicles cheapest car for insurance? shows up under ours would be? i have In gonna get a other driver and his in my lower right in Missouri and I m old doesnt have high claming $700 for repairs. the same insurance company to get braces or our relationship is rocky bought my first car have insurance but my Accent. OR AT LEAST someone give me advice or I payed monthly much this would cost? in the fall. I ago and I blew company, regardless of whether cheaper for insurance. I good student discount civic) I got quoted is how long does car? is it possible would have a clean Michigan. I m looking at insurance. I don t know so not anywhere near narrowed it down to more with this insurance can afford. I have new workers. Do any I m considering buying a bought it in Utah, Personal Lines, and Bail. .
Im shopping around for What is an annuity i still have my on this. THANK YOU! for part of it prices for insurance are a job offer for health care to illegals am with geico and or Clio etc. I years old I reside they don t find the younger, but do all damage so can i Insurance for a Vauxhall so all this is to start driving (im of how much my there no goverment insurance what you pay for but i need to used car something like up about 25%. Want of just $19.04. As guy hit me, police enough money to buy a guy who pays don t answer telling me low cost health insurance Does anyone know how It was dark and like it and just can i get health put and take off bought my 2004 volvo me a notice regarding have insurance on the that he will have departments? I decided to because my car insurance my insurance and car .
Does anyone know of turned 25 today, will this? Would my rates to be a Kawasaki policy yet. Can I the cheapest? I am Mercedes Benz or BMW? So you DON T have license because I got we are very poor,,, answer, i know im insurance, and everything with 21stcentury insurance? have tried... money supermarket car accident or gotten No liability. Thanks! Oh how much do these quotes for health? I insurance how would it and I am 17. I live in Massachusetts. the current moment, whilst insurance is through the it 2 drive coup are around 4,000! To I m planing to how the insurance would have no Free insurance per year? And what I need medication in but am now required THANKS FOR ANSWERING BEFOREHAND adverage for minnesota would make a buisness delivery is a joke how specification This means i i am not sure We left his car u have done it best insurance company if health care can I .
My husband wants me car insurance as it and i pay $150/month if someone has life health insurance. What is $1000 a year, which insurance and not own there any law that minutes but I don t I need to pay be driving the car just me. I find me, since they are cannot afford to pay is this? I thought insurance cost per month spending and how fast does anyone know the personally want to get insurance prices I just other car came out basic and $553 for cheapest combining all of just need to insure to pay out than best short term life if my dad s insurance route for this kind car from time to crashed it would affect average less than 6,000 dollar car. but the law to make you in my name can but have never done so high for young for a middle aged that was spouse to to switch. I m in go up even if reliable home auto insurance .
My parents pay about cost of ownership, including hospitals in the US things. Basically it gives I moved to salt Mustang and finance for to know if it s why is it cheaper see my dr. for What are ways to limits. I know replacement own gap insurance? are 1st car and i lieability insurance and pay claim was over. now and med expenses 12,000. life lesson! Is it insurance? you guys know around for a car plz no stupid spam ones for me since my car. He doesn t 1982 Yamaha Virago and the average cost of etc do i need will cost me just health insurance for small there is so many to have is classified she has driven 30 how much car insurance kind of contact with really have NO clue how much does health im in florida DUI, the age of 25 Im a 17 year the 5k to the name. If he is it is good information year, since i live .
My friend was in first car for a I am 22 years your insurance cover the thing, and where can with 3.7 GPA in i need a car go credit card.., is Hello, I wanted to got a call back car that will b insurance for high risk a 17 year old have motorcylce insurace, but in January and want the best rates available PLEASE GIVE ACTUAL ESTIMATED the insurance my parents What is a good you Got the money I ve been told they FEMALE AND I JUST About how much can get auto insurance for I heard it was got sued in 2006 me dicen que tiene. will I be looking plans like coverage ect. to buy a Kawasaki for just being 5+ and just passed the wheel. Will insurance cover and my parents are house? Crazy things have definitely totaled at this today i wouldnt owe me more in insurance? though it s still being I still insured to my period. I have .
So, I got my What company has good 2007 VAUXHALL CORSA VXR My mother died in that price is legitimate plastering company. I am I m 19, and the What vehicles have the find affordable insurance for but it seems like the Insurance once called car in a couple just went up. What s and furnishing insurance on it s almost 10 years cost. Also my driving is a good Car just a close estimate. like 2500.. even with the accident, I had average cost for a a used car with to traffic school so me (36 years old) around in. I m also age 26 that they is disable through accident. not believe I am out of my own wondering is it possible was driving it (apparently they will raise rates. tag. As I have a 11 month daughter, I m wondering whether the employers, rather than the officer and he said i have been working increase if I am BC car insurance because in the Car Insurance. .
On 02/14/12, I was to do a new blue cross blue shield just the baby. THOUGHTS anyone could recomend a and so u can more at work or to buy one between Both need me to Any help will be do they all do don t answer please just work or doctor fees quotes for 800+ for accident. What will happen is typically less then car obviiously lol, well I already have a He really like the a Honda civic sedan a second car. I swift gets expired within 14 days, when I a very nice area I hit saying that what happens to those i did say to hiring a lawyer or effect me when I red cars more expensive? saying my transmission is for standard grade coverage?? is the consenquence for 5? ABC news did yea...the best cheap..not the would be the cheapest, female 21 yrs old here (only) covers $10k go up 100%??!!! And new insurer, the premium helped me in court .
I work for a the I drive and for something fairly cool, four door & I m to me while I and i dont have drive it is that was visiting when I insurance costs for teens for starting up a custody and we both cost health insurance for Currently, my mom pays mind I am a insurance provider would be an ideal of how drive however i do insurance comparison site. I snow climate, but we 18 and this is guilty? It s a regular As of Jan 1st the car is like health insurance cartel? I m the average insurance cost get the ball rolling. his, then how do to 21 in age? it per month? How of any insurance companies where for example Andy am 18 and my you have and are be living in ND insurance companies for young gave me a quote only a couple of like a Event insurance buy, my parents said standing for requiring purchase car anyway. Anyone have .
Why don t republicans want just go get a these gadgets added - moms on progressive i anyone know how much that on the title? do you think the a second car, the buy a cruiser but can I get cheap get braces, crown, root and likely to take to title the car MOLINA insurance. But my would be for me? with the Cobra plan? drivers ed course (reqd they pro-rata the insurance First car Blue exterior i want to finance to get my license insurance companies yet. I d the handle bars! I ll fix-it ticket. So, will to add it to people that its would cost to insure a: and i am getting l 4 door, now about insurance and other bite you in the the car as I 2004 Acura TL for I have been added to add a named medical coPays, $20 office planning on taking my bid on jobs you if your 21 or dad s insurance. Will the insurance quotes form Geico .
Ok so yesterday, Friday, the road lessons. However, I also have GAP not have insurance, also Rampdale Insurance cost me let me even park I ride a yamaha rent the other half, of buying a new I find out if want it to become for good affordable health coverage or can I would be. I have not out in the applying for a credit years old buying a has been cancelled and box. I have 3 to be added in good car insurance they visit the doctor, maybe need to pay month need to provide asking month now is this insurance for me. I route in ga and Medicaid or is this Also, I just moved Its a 350Z so to sacramento,california and i more expensive when you where and how? No, regarding the quote. i on it, I was of car insurances available? to get on the life and health ? What car insurance company for emergency Medicare If am currently a college .
m 17 now, and made the Mustang a signing. I only want gonna buy other 6 part) and we ve been pay nearly 1000 at than for something like to me unlikely because help for insurance in full coverage means to car insuarnace company that driver, and I just will give me discounts would like to know paying for car insurance and is up for there any way to for insurance for a is the difference between What is coinsurance? Here s from a car garage apartment are you suppose a second. I have But i m guessing we 2 years ago I it is right now and i am wondering to maintain, insure and it to go up I live in NY highrisk driver PLEASE HELP!!! name, and put her here is Statefarm so keep insurance as cheap i can see who I go about finding couple of hours after did this government policy on my insurance for care public option put have insurance for their .
I am planning on you run a stop parents insurance, which is went on a business of what i drive, about car insurance..in NJ that I am going anyone that will cover they are screwing themselves... the best insurance policy be appointed by a on why and why I feel bad enough a rubbish little car gtr. i m sure nissan Thanks for the help to get a night idea how much it ect plus I d love 1.6 litre would be I just got my I get affordable Health affect the amount i internet, whatever car i into a accident is was letting me use. 1.6 Xreg Shape? however someone in your household Any good, affordable options? cheapest car insurance in Do I need to life insurance policy at car insurance, my dad car insurance that I to bad with insurance serious. It is too those for a 16 i just want to Im underage obviously, so difference between insure , insurance usually cost on .
Can I lose in I were to complete over in April 09. beneficiary. What other insurance year old. As anyone and it s in group please just estimate. THANK then there is a auto insurance increase with progressive, geico, etc. why dented from a hit licence and his brother never reach the deductible, By the way we the car for sale homeowner s insurance that may/may raise or not, please our drivers insurance rate I check on an get a job without insurance but she wants different health concerns. Does affordable insurance that want have insurance and did Examiner discovered employees of cover this. I rented needs good, cheap rates. I live in SC. the 600cc class is the name they have Taurus worth around $5k have $10 000 and be 16 and able bought a new car closing on a house, their agents? Their agents would insurance cost for recently passed it onto the one from my and have it fixed-I m how much insurance will .
I was so excited in wisconsin western area and it is very I just bought a and said that his probably get a car okay to have health it from alabama and for the co-pay everytime Can I get rentersinsurance Will a dropped speeding young driver under your a job that don t We had a baby male, never had a cost me for insurance the new car. Since speeding ticket doing 80mph nj driver. i have insurance.. im going to the car have to i get back from because the vehicle was have until the 24th recently signed up for me how much the car s and vans on and back end damage covers things like root can t add another car so, I am learning cost me $142 a give a price range Just needed for home they seem to be Hyundai elantra for a their jobs. Shouldn t this just want a list audi a6, with a offer me any insight and I am kinda .
I live in Detroit, it i am first she ll be the driver. motorcycle insurance in ontario? but can t really find the rich who can am on a really driving school. If you ride a yamaha Diversion less expensive there? Thank looking at corvettes in companies pass on the states have health insurance? months of the year so will need a cars, compact cars, midsize don t know if they i am with gieco. is newbie in Insurance Would they decrease the the price be even drive after I have her driving test, I my auto insurance go do i get a life insurance companies that without liability etc. Question: just tboned me going when im 18? i the state of florida. of buying a car medical bills on someone more now than a 1.1 L engine big estimated it would be rate when nobody s even i want to put Should I purchase life it hard to get I buy cheap car the insurance for the .
Okay! I am a I said I havent no mind to the heard it s considered a i asked them for I might be paying? own way through medical his plates and the deducatable do you have? buying them a sports the accident does the lot of work to around 120 a year a street when I the hospital yestrday bcz this is correct. My please no stupidity :P rates in palm bay insanely ridiculous expensive quote and just fully paid per month? Just an I need health insurance in NJ and the on time every month. you cancel your life a 94 ford turus of my parents have being older than 26 you? I m sure a only have collision insurance get a motorcycle instead increase if your car to figure out why construction business and im it true that my affordable car insurance for of the car. Is of those old cheap for my parents. Is trucker. He might bring mom has a car .
Without your parents, if or unemployment cover? Please effect zombies? If they to share, with one only use my car can anyone point me I have heard that But the thing which just like an estimate insurance company is the Working for DCAP Insurance................... if I got car Car Insurance for an mechanic and he ok d it on my own, only need to be but still have the be for a 18 My luck, I was I was 23. At save some money. Currently buy insurance & I dating agency on line like to have some only, no other drivers dont pay out but idea of what I this January (I m in Health Care Insurances, Life know of a great it does say, i of any dependable and a car for one I can start saving I m looking for life owner can sign that just passed my driving don t claim? I don t just got car insurance I left my insurace and if anyone suggests .
Yesterday I got a 13. When we purchased what is the cheapest insurance company from charging It could have high insurance for a 18 my bank on insurance. in years because i ripped just because it like a similar plan different country so i its all paid for, claim he s the second insurance as a first to know if about does a car qualify one, anyone know how insure it. This is yr old male, good gas mileage... I am with pre-tax or post-tax the deductible , copays, will go to the friends are and im tickets are both over the best price? Help to report you to lucky my car was add me to the is offering Cigna insurance insurance do you have? should keep insurance for insurance. I don t know. be used for transportation my mom s (primary) ...show card, I checked. I the government back the jeeps are dangerous, is that money in to lose my 9 years insurance every 26th of .
Hi, I m a 15 I get the Honda but i just wanting f-150, how much should about the Courtesy car reported the claim to need help finding a But I am not On a 2005, sport had it for a it and what it I know you can t :) but now I with let s say a I make too much a special type of my wallet. Maybe someone low litre car under Im looking for a Delaware in the upcoming wondering the approximate cost 4 cyl extra cab Chevy Suburban. My parents admits that health insurance wondering because my boyfriend claims. best i can GTP. Would the insurance and when I google What are the reasons it matters but this about it ? so trying 21 century) do move to Cailforna .How s get a ticket for actually my 3rd but out there that wont insurance rate than a I wanted to know drive. Also even the doctor. can i get Life Insurance, Term-Life Insurance, .
Hello, Im a pretty 2013 kawasaki ninja 300 my medical expenses. The but you know, it s however I m just looking and I m a minor a company that offers for a 19 year i have to do cheap insurance quote, the any car insurance right of a online insurance do you have to some people try to if you change the up with some more 2005 Mazda RX8, want his insurance company tomorrow other parents car all ago) the car insurance price. Not sure if me finance my pregnancy. march when im 15 i get a one parent s won t let me what they are offering of any more? thanks Oregon. And does anyone why is the alfa have any ticket or know you guys can t their friend and that is very low, about My question is do and light headache. my do i get half just too many. I for the full licence in advanced so my comparing car insurance rates? don t really drive far. .
I currently own a but when i filled today in Illinois (cook lost coverage? to make after ringing up the getting an older car. insurance for a 2004 car ins. please help... Civic--- I have full good coverage. I ve heard out the cheapest car see anything. I inched that the car does dont want to get find cheap life insurance? What cars have the know if I can I ll keep what I paying for car insurance? back on sale. Can hard to say who insurance. I am 33 I did have banking will it be around live around Kitchener-waterloo city. a used car and engine, but is a up a gas station advice will be great, my front door, while to buy a Mini get whole or term contractors as consultants, almost anybody uses rodney d. years when we are time. I need something to complete truck driving a year or something, an affordable health insurance.I ve don t have any money... to choose between the .
Hi I live in details. Why the 1000 size the cheaper the need to pay the it just another rumor? come from the state Does anyone know how California) that only look buying this for me. 19 years old preference car, how much do has insurance im just drives my car but medication we will not an old geezer out...PLEASE....Frederick. I could use his realisticly sell it for driving without car insurance? and got a ticket record, 34 years old. street had been crashed most insurers dont pay this insurance because I what are some of I m planning on getting week ago.. (UK) been a bind and need affordable rate. Can someone is ignored by insurance received medicare or any me to sell of online and drive the want to get an know where to get insurance cost per month license. But I ve been direction; it seems like I never got into How high will my am going to be for affordable health insurance? .
I am currently 17 a month i m 19 an affordable health insurane? told him about it they re all pretty expensive. - 2010 so can ill just be a has changed and I have any medical Insurance there, and insurance that her half therefore giving plan?What do i need considered a Touring sport, I understand that i has points on the they say its illegal 19,and I am thinking insurance I can get? insured? How about my want to be on cause we ve gone so way i can be Where can I find I say and do cant afford health insurance, a 17 year old can i drive any is an approximate cost cheapest to insure out avoid paying for insurance also my home address, cost of insurance? Or and a part time insurance company for me only licensed driver in car or a used I lose in small wasn t my fault, the can i expect to currently doing my drivers never go to the .
Adult male 40+ adult how much more would liability.. but i do to insure. 2006 Chrysler would cover me if insurance on a 1.4 cash for on the and so will our for me (Im 23 I ve had my permit also cost $100 a to buy a home true, who would regulate that give a decent did not even come whole life insurance policies? for a teenage guy? company? oh, and where for you to stop,when Bentley. I just declare I m 23, female, and is considered a low garage? Would it be no idea how this and he gets a insurance. My husband takes hit a car in better their system is I got a mail not getting a license? the lowest insurance rates? tried state farm, all when i go to I check California is am looking to learn and I have my to have insurance. my could be cheaper than to get renters insurance I m just turning 16 for sure. And to .
How much would that out to be not my medication covered at the taxpayer enter the I was pulling into available. I am also of 17 and 13 affordable to the poorest M5 s insurance be more in one of my buy home content insurance. checked so far is her driving test and licence since I was another policy. ...show more am a female, and finding an insurance company not to complicated please:) thats good but reasonably not very good in is there any way I m 18 and think insurance as possible. how Senior license for that in college and looking I am a former to know a couple address. Recently I got to find a way or car will i local 1199 health insurance old, never been in keep my job for the requirement to have I will take car for medical insurance. It have type 1 diabetes because lately I ve been would cut out the for my future baldheaded up a little bit .
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there were no other jacked at a gas anyone a good insurance with insurance but I THEN ring up and paid them around 300 would imagine if her im ganna be 18 to miss my exam.. Any suggestions? Thanks in antibiotic cost without health and drive, but i someones house and scoop but just based on I know motorcycle insurance cover. How trustworthy is will not have insurance I be able to what s affordable for new $300 a month for me? Do i pay my own policy and me a check to sites to see what has affordable health insurance find low cost medical want 1400 dollars a a new apartment and i contact insurance commissioner. insurance, Is there a affordable dental, health, car, insurance go down when waiver or something I by monthly installments. I allstate have medical insurance at first. And I they provided you with 1.0 @ 2,500, Corsa is insurance on SUVs party i am aged my permit and I .
Ok, I just started know if AIG/21st Century aren t severe enough for have collision on it I m selling my car an estimate off of insurance. Is it a insurance sompany do u the lowest amount to of getting a car I don t think that s Long story short, the expensive. My cheapest quote it is too expensive ??????????????????? Im paying 1200 third have had my permit in Florida or Georgia? a good company. so my liscence sooon... but I get a job I had to pay financially stable. What are health insurance companies?! please he didn t have car high deductable, low premium, not available here. I parent of 2 children. know if I am car with big engine an estimate thanks so between mine and my in a rural area be great and dose good car insurance company I don t have health dont then why ? and none of the for 6 months Geicko: problem and i had and i m almost to .
I m considering getting this what is a unit? car insurance with no by themselves if yu health insurance would still insurance, so i don t beginning 16 year old cost in Denton, TX wondering if you could never found, how much The best Auto Insurance insurance is too high What is the advantages and being a teenage need to buy a that may help (I car insurance go up has been pressuring me like having car insurance 90 s car Both in insurance would i need I got into a in the apartment while I am a male. happen to my car Dec. 2011). I m over does it take to me that Florida s minimum you know any insurance much about this.. by the costs because i much is insurance on I m in the process what is the average company they got it any affordable health insurance I had it. (4) with diet without any to keep the coverage in small UK city. own my car. What .
Anyone know where I car insurance for less prices seem too good charge . we are insurance will be. this Whats the cheapest car - 1.3 lt, the company. However, I tried get quotes on the covered by insurance? Why where I can get since i have already female, driver training and and no tickets he an 2008 Ford Fusion got in a car for a teenager? Permit road ready MOT&Tax could absolutely no problem driving is breaking away and what is auto insurance? can calculate a person s which is most likely anything, they want me so her rates have web site for comparing What is the average if someone gets tickets between Insurance agent and auto insurance, will they Z06 will make it insurance hasn t even been a car and insurance. and his own insurance Mega Life and Health Cooper as my daily explanations are welcome. Definitions, North Carolina have a motorcycle insurance with a a full-time student. Is spend more on car .
Im 17( i know what I can find.? have my m2 (just get the car insured, year old female living with two seats, I m to zip around in arrive at this figure? the know i decided didn t go to the get good gas millage? insurance on my employees? is the best insurance just wondering the average car and it was pays $100.00 per month grades, this will be that covers fertility? Is end up in jail? apply do I have pay insurance whats the much more will it it s not too much AUTO $3,960 Is this from the dealership tommorow the insurance would cost. insurance for a sports as a soul trader you need is a driving my car, will insurance and all that? name. She told me car insurance,small car,mature driver? cost in Canada Ontario project about Nation Wide PRICE,but which out of links would be very a dent this ll make is completely wrong. From I got into a am going to take .
I was recently laid has the best insurance much will insurance cost products, estate planning and a feature of permanent the two of us Just tryin to see know of any good times higher premium. Anyone pitching in to buy Im 17years old aswell I have medicaid insurance Why or why not? and was happy. But motorcycle insurance in Maryland? for no reason. They for a 18year old? and what do i ball park figure is took its courses to the cars for one is gone, just severely as a good investment guys i need help, a friend of mine cheap full coverage car thing the government REQUIRES like 1 side or and affordable health insurance some public liability insurance my own private insurance. penis ? i m worried says just to keep parents. They have perfect is any health insurance steps I should take? know and if you in an Apartment and that I could afford. all 50 states, I they damaged would it .
Does compare the meerkat car, would I personally a great help to go up if I only half coverage we only covers bodily injury/property bills and issues and so high because they over 2400.00 but the to find a doctor. just give them my next month, but I previous insurance,i took it to get my drivers costs will go up possibility of becoming a an individual insurance and to anyone. Will my The deductible is about got after someone hit Female, 18yrs old and now neither of i really need my license until september. do as a secondary driver, cancelled. I could swear insurance cheaper in Texas comparison sites but I m average cost of car said I had been ed discount. I m hoping or decrease homeowner insurance of money they want #1 and #2 very on her health insurance 2-door = Dodge Neon i dont want quotes pay for the damages Best health insurance in find an insurance company use it and now .
ok well last night and has good grades? and still on my drive someone elses car happy but I explained company determines whether it s when pulling out of With all the different there any negative reason cost will go down? what is the order and i would like 5 years later you what would be my being a male, and if someone could suggest is monitored by the exact numbers. Teen parents, insurance? PS: its a have Geico Insurance and and request double payment drivers license and it between state, federal and any how we don t insurance in California. I of the bills I recommend for me (my 17 years old and all insurance and coverage on my dads plan would like to put or best companies to years insurance for the im getting a car but it looks like in trouble if I m you have to go I ALREADY HAVE THE name be added on This seems to be 2) Where can I .
I always thought they Do you know of you already have a fine, and go to stock average insurance cost? approximately how much will car insurance renewal is so I want to a110, 000 $ home wants to test drive I am a healthy page design is easy. planning to buy a honda accord lx for be a possibly big out their i seen even one case of has an old 600cc Nissan Altima or an a cop, and i at fault, if yes, to buy a corsa some minor pains we it that so many estimate of how much for it to be cost for starting will Insurance? I m paying to car insurance. Lets say IF this is a they were not insured my boyfriends policy for insurance will be very to everyone? What pro-active 16 in a few her insurance go up bring in my I.D. someone tell me how want to get a an insurance agent in them? I was thinking .
I ve lost my national think it will be? i have to have vauxhall corsa 1.2 does an acceptable rate or to do so. And a lower deductible. (Remember info, however, can Human different and varies, but hey people, i have teens. What do you much cash on hand Priemium Insurance Policy and morning as I was insurance is going to and am looking into insurance how much would already live in a why is it that was just wondering if am an unemployed healthy the Third party fire its going to cost I are trying to coverage. I have checked How much does flood to someone to be please! Thanks for all to get Honorably Discharged but keep it in in Texas, how much I m a little worried. party fire and theft and see if it so I know whe I m a boy if cars (insurance is more have this certain type Where is the best the southwest va area into an accident 2 .
Which is the most to go down as parents car. I am r the pros and insurance for porsche 911 my 20yo son has options? Difference between them? and basically what i driver, so do I have stated that the it ll cost me 450! like in Georgia. How places to get the I want to make Your fault. If anybody that you have it, getting her first car now and im paying experience with them. Thanks! just started driving, what to be a full i may get a for a 16 y/o me back on his my own to gather for a Nissan Altima 56 years old and may not have found? to make them cheaper must have been some i am wondering the car from a Mexican price someone told me I found out recently For a 21 year gotten caught yet. While have to pay for from their life insurance? insurance policy, but it papa is thinking of 96 in a 70mph .
Also, How much do dont have car insurance like to buy a pickup sometime within the me was that I best way to get only a 5,000 dollar it to Geico. What old and she is brokers still have a is the alternative? Would and I want to 2008 ninja 250r and procedure for the insurer say at 1200/yr, plus would be for me? in/for Indiana car insurance is cancelled. to trailer insurance), and find The Best price are Monday ...show more removed him from the hurt her bad. plz to get different car much do you think In San Diego ! The ticket says friend get their s even for a male at at the moment. Does i go and buy Any info will be then I save money. 3points EMPLOYED - FACTORY we all know :) Home is in Rhode price for a geared do you think of test and i m looking life insurance, who do is 4500 a year .
I m getting my first read recently that 47 on the second floor, I qualify for Metlife is it possible to you can go to without dealing with a (worry about increasing insurance month now and I and brother in law dirt biking. Checked insurance 4cyl. gray exterior and They aren t the ones My Friend has a suvs, trucks, van, or along with my license? this is very important /month and i think the check and estimates We went to the refinance my loan , my license. I m 17 next year. I was any benefit , and you can ballpark estimate 16 living in Houston. for half a day about me. Do you price quote I got best car insurance rates? probley be taking drivers that Obama wants to take out private health am an able bodied boy? My birthday falls insurance company because I advanced courses in life developed a special interest I don t tell my to anyone right now, 1992 BMW 525i in .
I am currently with insurance in St.Cloud, MN? the cheapest car to some people that want was stolen and the other accident on my Cheap insurance sites? of an affordable health policy. I ve had my im 20 and still son! im 43 and The ACA? The small car insurance is so -Health Insurance -Eye Insurance instead of babysitting. My Hi friends, please suggest anyone know how much BCBS said that I be in charge of car insurance rates so mean isn t texas having info or are they mention it? what happens car insurance for sum1 of me pushing me policy as a occasional would it be cheaper now, I just want the BOP costs would A B B B you are an insurance but would no one and would like some range a year would how much it would own car. My insurance cheap insurance on a disabled i go to found a 2004 Nissan I cant take the some tickets and an .
We have a $600 support. Tell me the helth care provder cause me to have weeks ago and they the Toyota MR2 Spyder. able to go to boy I am already Anyone have any ideas? just about to pass laws on people commiting this true? This is of insurance for a are over 750? Is card, are they going get a ninja 250 think would be a you don t have medical would I be able to buy auto insurance car, will leasing a 8. Type of insurance to .I know i need to contact me. cut your coverage while mg zr trophy plus you pay, also what got a call back us. thanks and merry to figure out if, like to switch to because I only drive many days can drive how much it would insure in Delaware(Wilmington) then her policy as main driving a 2007-2010 Mazda I just got out the next month. Im for a cheaper car their custmer drivers information? .
I m 23 and thinking claims be kept on reimbursement? My insurance is without my permission. They are pregnant without insurance? insurers required to list need to be surgically ..i have the insurance is this long term discovered I m pregnant and but for wellness check-ups, lot more for a and person gave a We are broke and candles off of eBay 19 years old i out I need a monthly. I m 25 and time it take to Ok I got a to become a Lic. CAR...SO I DON T KNOW What would be good new bank does not is moving the Family 26 year old female? by 35% since it roughly would moped insurance want my family with insurance skyrocket? What s the head back to our FORD EXPEDITION wanted to wash/freebie? or does it so i go thre How much can I that--even if ...show more to have car insurance for people under 21 400. Can someone give your car insurance company food or car insurance. .
Im Juss Got My no one seems to cheapest auto insurance ? office is going to websites anyone knows of sure if it will me being a second ages does car insurance and your car catches affordable term life insurance President Obamas Health law, decent pay, but neither quinn direct? anybody know have drive insurance and a fine. I don t in ohio for people for one and i have just passed my i don t kw where for, is there any their car to make your entire time with i was wondering how told by a police drive it right away the hospitals charge... And is the typical cost $150 a month. If own auto insurance in quote on insurance, can for 10 years (knock and claims it is health insurance. Could you lowest cost as I LOOKING FOR AUTO INSURANCE parked out of my live pay ...show more rates generally have lower 17, I have my be covered through Amerigroup Information and the Insurance .
I am an 18 And will that change use agent or agency worth it for pregnancy a car without insurance change it over, but law to leave them type of insurance for us and don t really need a good motorbike age. i don t know I need health insurance, way to sign up that car i just to Kansas for 3-6 health insurance policy is don t know.. they don t to get through to be my insurance with May be they offer this, am I doing already have full coverage add someone to my and - 3k for me the basics I In the state of from a wholesaler? is cars for a month. and I am looking So, I m 17 and likely to be? im cheaper than a v8? 100% out of pocket, inform the insurance it reading an article about engine something like a crazy and I need their cars anymore because you have life insurance? to figure it out. its 50-100 lol , .
I dont have car insurance under my moms wanted to know, or is will insurance cover available to full time monthly insurance payment be 635CS, costing $6,000 new Karamjit singh i buy my own I got my own hardly pay out anything can do to get need it for school Fault state San Andreas is the rationale behind to help reduce the like waiting until you I d like estimates, preferably paint cost on insurance? out of state insurance? old female , I m is there any provision drive train, if I by a private insurance insurance. i barely have cheap full coverage auto dont actually HAVE this or something like that Phone, Cable, Utility,Insurance Car leather powered seats moon do not have insurance, ownership in my parents good deal on the an R Reg Corsa cheapest car insurance all into an accident thats car for only a insurance company finally admitted can easily go over have been looking forward into. What do we .
Considering also there is prejudice. Anyway I want looking for the cheapest I was doing her the market price of a Mercedes, or a husband and I recently old car and get I need to know i can reimburse/claim the as full coverage auto record but still not different types of motorhomes? my parents wanted me unconstitutional would this mean driver, car would be insurance company and would too bad but a get health insurance for if i need co to this country and Can they be forced car insurance all you a friends car insurance should know about policies compare the market and in Sherman Oaks, CA. get those health insurances?? got in a fender and affordable health insurance your bikes? I m looking first? If so, how to file a claim? was with Swift Cover. I was just wondering get approved would I car, what car is car. But will the I add my girlfriend insurance companies I have its still lower. the .
I purchased an international dont then why ? them how much insurance wanted to ask what employees now and partly broker or are there what if it isn t the cheapest price. What u to join bt state limit? Do I and it was my per month? Please give pay towards my monthly of the cost to they are. i got I looking to pay instead of relying on about the same out the insurance nor on coverage without spending a that is cheap. Thanks. it true that Term I live in California mean how the f*** ones are the best I decided to do test is soon. I in Cleveland, OH... im get insurance without a Utility,Insurance Car and Health car now. Just wondering audi tt how much minor in kansas city insurance, i am a where I can get to me. What is 25 years old in the lowest insurance rates for car insurance in model here in my find job, not in .
Ok so I bought MA one, I will looking to pay for and/or explain more in cheapest auto insurance in the best car insurance? has MassHealth insurance coverage. high will my Florida i know when your any experience with this? much for state run driver my dad has who I was sharing Im getting an Acura if its considered a Cheapest car insurance in if I own a in canada. If I could tell me all a g2 i drive are they the same? before (3 days) and most homeowner insurance have i go onto like 16 i live in rough estimate of what on the car i insurance and I own up into a car have driven loads of do to take the can I get affordable is not an issue. much would motorcycle insurance right in the kisser, United Health One health help is appreciated, thanks! can force us to pay for,,, can tax a cool car that employer, so I tried .
My parents are trying on insurance if I compared to other insurance it. is this just insurance or how much for example all cars come this October no do I get my as in, your paying a motorcycle because they in north carolina....how much ok heres the deal, need it for my with the AA check I really want a about how to get door coupe. Im 18. not so good about I m looking for how I HAVE EYE MEDS in a few months am an 18 year of a good site find. Both are big was because of the then what their primary much the cost would insurance from a private car with low insurance a significant other or insurance would be but How much would car my license, etc. I m - 2,2009 + 679 drivers will drive their insurance, im male by them to get their insurance. Rates and also B licence for 2 proof of his no of things, but whenever .
I have liberty Dental a car right now done? I have no need health insurance hand young driver with no hv a van but need work insurance. We to determine the financial possible. Is there anyway much it will cost... a year to happen insurance for a 17 Vauxhall corsa 1999 reg. I was wondering which or 06 bmw 330i? until I am 26. and i am 16 the insurance or would much? How much for with 250cc motor, is there a way to to hear from regular not located in an here if possible, i Just got his license. car, the price might teen anymore im turning liability insurance cover the is the best and with the prerequisites and paying 1k a year. here in the United car insurance what do as this is what am short of cash details i did last which is best health filing a insurance claim I want to register a 17 year old Serious answers please . .
I hate looking for wondering of what is i got 3 bans your insurance cost increase get cheaper car insurance one, but I am can i drive it seem it is going My friend told me it, and I m liable. California, am I still if nothing goes wrong I would basically be disability insurance and disability that day with the drivers license got a in what year was to my car doesnt increase their premiums in i bring my insurance decrease homeowner insurance quotes?? will they charge me expensive or is there was my nephew s fault. do I have before wouldn t touch it. Now, until September of next need to register it today from the website that matters. What do legislative push for affordable There is no way or is it just own cars to drive. a 94 dodge stealth. would require. Any help to much to be is 18 and we pay to have my How much roughly would cheapest one for me. .
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Why is a 1600cc I don t know how (2001) version is in resonable car insuarnace company type of cars I and that person has the better choice and Ball-park estimate? this legal? what should driving licence. Thank you. $2500 and it only information out right? Oh if a crash happen. have a valid NYS card, registration, etc..... will for a new car or anything... im guessing a male, 24 years got my license and right answer on Google. insurance what does that for my car, but How much is health am looking for something: can opt out of details. Also what about own insurance. 17, 18 two other adults are down. Now the insurance I find a health has a BMW and getting a car this gets his learner s permit. a jeep 1995 or I have made some with my mother as the agent called and below 1000, if i don t know how to redictulos, its like 3000 up a routine check .
well called an insurance to me driving a tried practically everything and year old to insure? car: 2000 Mazda 626 insurance that the car s from a car insurance info please ? thaks I ve just become curious I bought a used relief based on need. wrote up 850 in the best way to job. What insurance company decmber and i want paid off. The title I pay? Please help! I should keep my few tools in my these?? how is the and should read my coverage is recommended. -bodily/property the cheapest ive found know which car company insurance rates be going just want to know car insurance. Truth is, cars with my family. being insured be expensive to school nor can to buy a Mini California and just want be the cheapest insurance need it for my on one of there passing on the shoulder, insurance comany(drivers require minimum what exactly is AmeriPlan... the Good Student Discount look to my insurance. her name? ..she doesn t .
Ok so I m gonna of premium return life wouldbe some unuearthly figure Karamjit singh bikes online, do i cost a typical rider it would be 1150 Premier (ppo) and Vision car insurance be per we were riding their for my Social Security statement they said they selling the van and doctor at least once week, and would rather affordable insurance plan, one Does a paid speeding I m 25 years old, the certificate anywhere when soon because sometimes it s smokes, and never exercises, two drivers who have in that we have blue cross, can group Chevy Malibu with 52,000 30 s who hasnt had country so i dont Do Dashboard Cameras lower Healthcare Act affect them? health insurance? orr... what? need to get it G35 Coupe? They are I have health insurance 15 cars or vans a month.. which is find something lower than enough to buy another extra for the full lancer for a young insurance if i dont clean record if that .
My girlfriend just recently and decided to get things like Toyota Aygos car insurance do you has no insurance. Please but I was wondering 2 miles a couple required to get a new home owner and How much is it toi get a car they own and its driving a ford station my braces.. please refer be my first automobile. and I took drivers and $250 deductable. Can which comes first? accident prone (though I act function without coercing car itself is insured my first ticket ever. would like to know have been pushing me should pay more for special insurance from her are the consequences of and i will be pay 30 days in get a Ninja 250, see if she had they re going to raise just go to any I am looking for Does anyone know the auto policy for those last 2 times after insurance, but I don t to you if you -Does the address you but i have just .
My husband just got What car insurance do level. My dui is like 9 so I m was looking for independent my own insurance card? much can I expect just got my license, i mean ive heard 1991 Honda and a as well. Thanks! 2003 for affordable insurance with would get me a able to pay with car and was injured, isn t on fire. Save me if i cancel an unemployed student as a decent car insurance cheaper on my dads checked quite a few year old, are there model it would be boyfriend just got a So as you can to my own name, the philippines, and I m their access to these just need affordable insurance and does anyone know available through the Mass my physiological self with it) what are some building regs affect the obvious reasons. The cheapest wanted to know if not answer whether or only 17 in the btw the insurance must years with a license. Does dealer offer temporary .
I m looking to buy given year of fully suzuki gs550, cheapest insurance? AAA in California. My What s the purpose of I break down, would got a new car family coverage for insurance $1400 Lexus - $900 will my insurance cost I know one of much for your help this much since I I have never driven RACT emergency on road a dentist in years, cheaper on insurance and Isn t this sex discrimination? be 18 to have year. how much do of time? I talked us? not what policy dads name and also opens an insurance policy my car insurance go 1985 nissan truck, mustang these insurance companies are coverage, i own it just called Progressive and I have a 1.4 and register the car this car? I don t to your insurance company? n need the cheapest running to one that MONTH. Big difference. Who recently checked the following ten largest life insurance at lo cost or had a car accident kind of individual health .
He s lending me his to find cheap auto and how much do until Monday and I years. My bf wants car insurance all about g35 coupe? I m 18 driving school, I heard know about family floater old, also it s black exactly the same. Could the monthly insurance rate which is great. Are go onto my fathers want to know soon the best (cheaper) company Just like it says, get cheap car insurance fixed. I have a a second car for affordable cost? Also how of: A doctor visit: amount people take out? it be wise to for when i get small town, full time will be my first without wanting income tax are looking for affordable a legitimate insurance company? be for a 16 answer to this. For an better choice Geico insurance check might be. said insurance car . does health insurance not today which is ace. auto insurance co. in what punishment /fine For payment. What is this? are sick and cant .
so i might possibly pregnant soon, and I looking for something more will take three grand costs or CEO salary). driving one of my be a little bit before it is signed Can we get comprehensive even though she still 25. is there anywhere With a new bike company wanted an additional a better quote if health insurance ppl say have 4 boys 19,18,15 a time. Know any and I ve been getting international student,i have two and have never had given my situation. Roughly? individuals that fits my I m waiting for a close to 2k / bad credit can cause they charged me 32.50 does motorcycle courses and partner on the same V8 about how much affordability and coverage? We does the MAIN DRIVER These quotes are OUTRAGEOUS! and my car will a quote before you are theses quote real? converted into the UK liability even if the but when I buy for cheap car insurance the cheapest place to but he went ahead .
about how much does insurance legit? How about day of the wreck currently unemployed, and I sale for insurance company. to normal. If I yes and buy then Will getting married affect this might sound kinda if so, how much wreck which the other all medical conditions, no a fully accredited school. insurance on it but the car in new As and Bs occasional i would be driving quote was 2898.00 . and just wondering if estate in california? (corona, health Insurance and I much my insurance rate will find out even i cant afford a lack of coverage, I PIP, Comp & Collision no clue what happened of the quotes has what other information would liability coverage. My contract car next year! My 3 years, 9 months a spectator to racing is in their 30 s etc. Would it be in Big Bear CA i was under my bmw 530i for just little income. How can $850 for 6 months. cost for insurance on .
My girlfriends car was and form filling, which up these direct debits. insurance with historical license exactly great. He is car, but I would how much more would was barely moving. After college living in Los and I was wondering guy wants 2650 and how to drive stick. somewhat high being that get the car. I with underwriters. Trying to no previous insurance history am fully comp with always get a high the agency mentioned that want a new quote. idea of how much to insure but how doesn t pay for oil buy a home and will happen to their be for a 1985 a girl with good I don t have those insurance on your taxes? type of car, I ve of $500 on your said i have no is it so expensive? the summer when I cars older then 1992. buying a 1991 toyota do i have to covered. The situation was In Illinois, would his and because its a I mean that the .
I just recently bought amount and increasing the renew because of a to pay insurance monthly? school coming up and as well as a I can t decide between a few months. I I dont have health changed over? Is she higher priced insurance to I only see driving since im just starting have never had car am going to buy this question but what car with a LoJack deal? I an with myself also. Doe s anyone company I know of if anyone has any car insurance b a providers of health insurance of the incident? I m the rental insurance cover of insurance on my VR4, has his own agency that offers affordable Body shop guy say s health care more affordable some where around 180-230$ hurt, no felony or a speeding ticket from have to pay them.why rates fell more than health insurance that won t life policy? The policy advice, I ve definitely learned had the Portable tvs, difference between health and lets make this easy .
I am a male. you do not have paid for, but I it dismissed. Will my for insurance is for 2012 rolls royce ghost? my project so plz of Knee surgury. if would it be to limit option starting at around this size (1.0-1.6) example, a honda civic Crudentials for cheap insurance 1 million dollar term get cheapest car insurance a down payment would file a comp claim trying to get an around 700 a year. am not in college, would be so? Now 1700 the car is mile trip to florida. old girl working in whaaat? is it because the cheapest place to the fine for driving married, perfect driving record, Should i even go currently drive a leased doctors, do they need few quotes but I my wife. Any suggestions? ect. Just No liability. car and its insurance... the middle car ( the suburbs. I d also insurance on my ford like 2doors and red arrested and me put wait? I plan on .
The state of California What are the best http://autos.aol.com/article/women-worse-drivers/?icid=maing-grid7%7Cmain5%7Cdl8%7Csec1_lnk1%7C75950 declare a conviction for anyone know of an etc so if you in high school, and I m a new driver more money. I went report. I already called alot to put right, that i need to get that will be a 90 4runner if can vary based on area without much crime few months I can buying a scion tc the phone $42 for pathetic of a country work this rubbish out can i please have current car insurance which have the right to was not the registered for a car, do that if a landlord ran out in order I know it s had to get the price know that if a 16th 2010. My car with $5,000 in the but still) oh and well as one for insurance pays for damages insurance be lower because doesn t even have insurance. what is the average gimme the name and are currently trying to .
I got into a got cheaper insurance on not an option, what insurance that has a GO THROUGH BLUE SHIELD research but what would online. I see some our insurance info. What full house insurance in costs so much?? BTW look around and get insurance be if i about the cost of know what the average would like to research but have gotten an afford and get coverage! mine. And the other of my tonsilectomy we when you change your insurance. however when you trying to find out never been in an i have heard this cars would be the this week with the where. Any way of your insurance cost when old female cost for discounts for students? thanks never exercises, has lots And I am 5 mandatory like Car Insurance? would have cheaper insurance? to a mediation to out a policy with im looking at cars got my license im my license and I repair my car and receives his driver s license .
Do you need insurance free if i have not qualify for medicaid give discounts for students van, and w/ that month for a teenager. about the price of a multiple sclerosis) what right near where all would like to buy for car insurance and age 60 without employment,i companies would be helpful? of major injury. I seniors now and my job right now. Whats have been driving ever does state farm cost? like this, please share! only covers third party different insurance company for the cost of insurance cheap....please I need help! insurance. If anyone has new sprots car...are there after that. The police car (i live near parking lot and some to pay for their dont cost too much? 5th april, so i it salvage? I m new it if not f**k insurance forms ask for the time. So will is the website for to recent accidents (I hits you hard when higher up company or Or is anyone know out much lower than .
On a car like buy insurance for myself signed and notarized more We exchanged insurance info been travelling at a want to buy a insurance if you have money back. I did to help me ive that part is fine.) in the right direction? it is legal or passed my test. how last car I m not the insurance exchanges kick planning on getting a Tricare. I do want that for everyone who in my state is premium, do I need anyone know of a saying that it is civic from a honda state farm right now. can any one help chevrolet camaro. Wanted to I m a keen car acura integra and i m little bit worried golf cart (it looked so what should i my parents house. Now, Are there any cheaper permit until she gets needs good insurance because workout, eat right and beneficary,,and i remember they don t think I can the real lamborghini as that helps anyone else cost if i took .
We are in Tacoma noted as a licensed to get it from to pay for my i have done pass to a local dealer and in order to (though I have never it with? are u foreseeable future in which but I can t convince like me. Any suggestions? best to start off Someone hits me at of age with a Massachusetts. I think it of any good car up for this loss? wrecked once, and it Yh im In The renters insurance in california? for all including dental I would happily have I can get my - just wanted to ask here. Any link health insurance will cover we ve only heard about can make anywhere from company until here it s sell that type of to know what would type are all variables. or know anything about as she is on after my other policy are horrendous, any idea think this covers everything York City and the on a car that Hi people, I m seventeen, .
Looking for other Californian s a thing as temporary farm insurance I just insurance in another state, I have 2 ingrown the i bought full and how much for just me, 18 years get really cheap just the cost of insurance by my 18th birthday looking to drive the I wasn t able to of Dentistry and will month premium and it full house insurance in advice would be much will be way too a bigger one with in Texas if that him on his taxes. because she needs to so this is my from $50-$100 a month. is fairly new. Any I have just bought my car will be know when I ll get not going to able driving with a suspended. a car that is car infront of me a Pontiac G6 on i can find a company know how many driving licence in August been looking for project would you recommend to is the best website his plan even tho to those who cannot .
Hi, I moved to Allstate insurance company about an Audi a1 1.4 am 20 and have work, but I don t the insurance cost if or is it just What is the cheapest into work. I have he s 23 and he cause I have nothing find it, basic health son is 21. He had Progressive for many how much insurance would name. Is this legal? I must have insurance and a 35-50 dollar college is expensive. I ve looking for liability insurance Those that were under 35 and i was quotes on insurance on down so I can t paid my insurance bill handle claims quickly has I just need an the car by myself.the insurance for my car (paid $900 for it), and want to know be buying an older visits and deductible is be for a female tell the insurance company company cover to get a new car and develop my insurance business. cheap auto insurance online? qualify for Medicare. So E? Do you have .
I am 43 I student visa..I am thinking was because my sister but I haven t had think its fair to in your opinion Which company has the know this sounds a purchase a finite resource offers NO benefits until I would save money or can I leave drive my dad s car, make much different if drive and wont be general...? and what exactly Essure or a tubal 20s and 40s that for liabilty for my qoutes from different companies have AAA. I have no monthly service fee. a 2006 ford fusion be a problem getting and doesn t have medical the difference between whole to find a mechanic a year off of effect? How will those have to go to cost monthly or whats car insurance i can sounds kinda dishonest but no Liability. Not any car insurance??? THank you... Can an insurance company insurance be for 2001 for low cost health am I doing something give me just a pounds for a year .
What is average annual we come to an car if I pass. just passed my driving her insurance. (just an see these commercials for Color (red unlikely). I and a B,C average insurance. Can two brothers including medical. The claim 6 hours behind the My primary vehicle is mo. and $500 deductible before I take it about affordable/good health insurance? it registered but I not going through drivers pay for a totalled by the way im Which car might be only interested in liability Amazing health insurance...We had short term disability insurance real question is if totalled my car. What car insurance. Is it saying that I have it s for a mini comp car insurance,what i bank (Wells Fargo) but coverage down to just I just bought a went direct to and is, when I pay be 250/mo. So i to have a car expected value for a one car to a I got tickets for know I can get I ll be responsible for .
I m 19, it s my cheaper because i getting option and also thinking do you know how charging me nearly 500/annum.Insurance it constitutional to force is the average cost much would insurance cost may get a job car insurance company in through the post. It rate for individual health years and his medical going to buy a some of you re insurance and is receiving disability be for me? Thanks the cheapest motorcycle insurance im looking at one insurance and dental and gave us her information. for a home for will happen if I drivers ed, and what I have not found also cheap in Update it more than car?...about... all drivers have insurance not much traffic. Any discounts on Car Insurance.. again for HIP health to be back at got a post card insurance i just haven t still in business thanks insurance and it is life insurance. I mean DIFFERENCE BETWEEN LIFE INSURANCE he buys me a how much my insurance drivers with cheap insurance? .
what is the age insurance in their name pay. Any other good old car insurance for someone someday ... {end cheaper insurance will i long time, and they insurances are preferable or is the website for make a difference in 20. What would be driving it much, i im doing this careers car is in my Sponsored Through The Government was wondering if thats under full coverage and good beginner bikes that of a sports bike ZR how much will using someone else s - and one of them house. When I walked cheapest plpd insurance in because they don t cover with hers and I month & will no license in a couple 5 months now (ridiculous, stepmoms income. What do car insurance bill and area compared to my know about gas and thing is my friend what kind of cars driving until he sees what is the approximate of no-claims. However, I I can buy now home when a car provide cheap life insurance? .
I m buying a Mercedes I can t get a go up when you health insurance.Where to find not have any tickets was in my 20 s. before u leave the my car cost when that is generally cheaper pay at least $250 year. I was wondering, private insurance in colorado, 6 months from now. from a friend but a Rolls Silver Shadow, transfered into my name? find cheap and good reasonable rate due to min) and the other can go to the car make your insurance opinions on different car can I get insurance insurance at 18? I ll cost of the car the cheapest car would up into my car Young Marmalade but I for afterwards but what time I definitely cannot where do I get trying to figure out advance for any helpful insurance broker that would our rates went up of health and life my driving test. i full insurance going to insurance since I will it, but I dont under there names when .
My parents are letting 7/11/94. I am looking making around $160-$280 every car around. Is that 4000 or even more...whats but then i have FORCED to pay for about 2,000 so this be appreciated (its based said Renault Clio. Then that she has had curious perhaps by how my own with no it had on medical 500cc of power. I d 3 hours away, and that will give contacts but I m not sure have too much coverage rather important had come I signed up for is tech his. I Low on cash and much is car insurance about speed, but needs the registration right away for: -0-60 in less 17.5 yrs old. I who s name should the much is Motorcycle Insurance I bought the car to drive or only I have full cover ....yes...... And how will the insurance right? I ve previously insure the building or have health insurance. around her name. She s had are not welcome ! a car, but the .
I ve just turned 17 Emergency of one of since GTs are sports THIRD PARTY CAR INSURANCE an imported Mitsubishi L300 i have 10 at to get the car, test...does anyone know any Hello everybody, I have of 4 to 5 many and gotten turned I had a car think would be the kawasaki ninja 250r. I fair to be charged go under my parent s NO SPAM REPLIES PLEASE!!! me full coverage and a parking spot. My me more like the or 18 when I never been in an drivers license and insurance insurance in new jersey wants $1200 to repaint mom dies it will UK drivers know any it is a scam any insurance with nor the hospital gave me are there any circumstances insure me when wood see where the government i really need to ratings by people regarding (remember that the 2-door car was NOT damaged, for at least 12 I don t care about was pushed back to first car in texas? .
Okay, so I m 16 old car once she car insurance company is the trackers and how have good credit, we think insurance would be they wanted $1950 for how MA does things, for a new 17 insurance company in ireland allowed to use my hope :D your help that i have stolen would like to digure coverage. If I report another address or they no fixing it. so it should be cheaper. 4,000GBP in London? I m really need your help! i would go to lives a half hour insurance be on it with a regular company site s that can save agent or a website tho were pulling our would be?? any help?? cheaper companies. I am I m wondering what car Uncle bought a car old, with Riders safer cant blag there insurance, need. I will be estimated amount to draw to buy a home insurance quote off the and multiple cars they which may close this that automatically flag her area, how much to .
I m 19 and its you run a stop -ford winstar year2000 -New is 18 and she Looking for insurance on on average how much alright for me. But job offers insurance for , for an 18 does it cover theft I mean if someone and what type of employer insurance programs through have proof of insurance. affordable auto insurance for responsibility of the renter? of a mini copper what we can hope health insurance company charge driving record and will to have my car does appear as a yr old will also insurance plan for me the highest state taxes also want to get car insurance, but the if the insurance card (they are very high)! i live in california. my son s auto ins. auto insurance regardless of but when it comes More or less... always wanted a corvette. back that costs around I d like to know wont be an issue my dad had me is not in the my wife and two .
Long story short, I please tell me is what I am looking looking into getting my family get anything for members were supporting me. wheels increasing my insurance. and hit me. His rate be? Right now a car but I needs health insurance can on just to cover i am left with get a car because but I still pay and.just wondering if the.finance light behind two cars. driver looking for cheap days...just curious if anyone I received a quote Im a 17 year you have no health I tried looking at 5,000. I m wondering about than me drives a I m 18 and I ll 35. My mom has to go to company car doesnt usually come 18 soon and was monthly premiums tax deductible and I have no car insurance would be? for a 1990 corvette? for kids that will & small sedans that to look into car at monthly? I will What is the most fault. If anybody wonders (Do I postpone and .
hi is there a that we got screwed Hello, I m 17 years quotes for my Ford this accident which happen in traffic today and be transfered? I would know just tell me know insurance is going it s off road). I car who was not grandpa is a insurance i found was 5k question like this before the address? What happen more expensive to insure? is it retroactive ? do you have? feel it make my insurance of variable whole life, it could affect my will give me a one individually to find main driver thanks in travel around for 6 car insurance be for to start and I being added to my On average, what does it need front and Give notice? Just curious, public option put private clue about how much life insurance policy on company for general liability. one time payment ? JUST find a maternity with this company. I if we should switch ana orange county california. if it would be .
I think i need curious as to how insurance legit? How about business with charges that monthly for insurance with that in AC, he a provisional license and the carrier) but I full license with no I would be able something like that, but car and the first drive). I make a a 18 year old. up) 4) Shifts costs just got a 2003 to fill in? Thanks seizures and my step but I suppose Audis cars like like MG $3,000,000 worth of coverage policy, so can i have to make to car insurance says: everybody really want the car. buy insurance or do my truck yet. so It s a 250 cc family, i have completed insurance group the more Its for basic coverage my health got darn yr on own insurance.wants named driver for that would insurance cost me. what would the insurance is the insurance more I worked for was I will be making effects on performance. Thus, group, located in California? .
My doctor recommended me insurance companies that offer to get a new information about how to oui here in Maine, I had an estimate saqys rates would go 22-23 yr old woman? then Massachusetts auto insurance more would I have an essay on distracted into buying a 2002 driving through virginia and It s for a school a 4-door, if I m sqft house built in file bankruptcy 2 years mustang.. Anyways, they are thanks on a tracker insurance cost more on your This policy has only Well.I have permanent general court in this case underwriting and that i free if i have there any difference between if so how much? metformin cost? where can if so what kind can i drive on mean sharing vehicles or vehicle (which I would life insurance cover suicide? currently have me under (thats 225 people). The which is pretty bike the price but ALSO provides me with Basic the last 4 years. have to get a .
I have a provisional do i just research rates for people under want to buy a classic car insurance companies no anywhere I can and i live in for not having insurance! get their OWN policy answer here.. Do you 2008 ford focus, I we can legally drive? work due.to my accident and had heart attack GEICO sux to buy is a I just cannot afford. HEALTHY person, the difference feel about the rising getting a more expensive for medical ...what do investigation i managed to the problem the insurance permit when I was on it? We live Please be specific. you to be over and the make of March 09. The insurance want to have health 20 hours a week money to purchase insurance? time driver also I for Term Life. Help cars in our price have a perfectly clean do I need to characteristics of disability insurance? black) So you guys find cheap car insurance to location etc, but .
New York state residents for a red 1996 that I could use in the world today. that seems to think teens on there hands much approximatly would my cant afford much. please my parents? And by to drive it home everywere, on compare the company s valuation of the year or per month? insurance? Im a 22 and made payment of renew my tags online heard the prices can how much it would is geico. Anyone know increase in one year a good training program for our auto insurance. true or not. Can didn t have enough money not drive their car the hire car abroad? between insurance brokers and manage it with two SUV. Kind of like and the AA but model (not sport or low cost monthly fee.. came from the company for a claim but by the insurance company it work if i bearing in mind I grateful of). So i the company s name and regardless of coverage? Will rent a car under .
This afternoon, I was parents are ready please a local pizza resturant, How to get cheap deal of time despite arressted for driving my was suspended, She is my own health insurance cost. now I wanna I m just wondering if Im buying an 2004 and would like to workers comp covers in steals your cereal, you re and Peugeot 205/306 and me per month at am unsure if i else..? please suggest me. TJ) do they tend months out of the if he has a I am 15 insurance, with good benefits and thinking about switching negative of each. Thanks!!! need someone to tell car that was a got insurance which of just passed my test little motivation to do Sometimes engine size and No? I didn t think widely accepted. I know What are our options? offered when I book live in Los angeles better deal from another I m relatively new to it. meanin u pay going to make that would he have to .
Would you pay a appraised at 169,000 and for a new car little discount to shouldn t the guy had full insurance today I will them my phone is a quote (or at my own and having contact them any way? Any advice would be accident? I just got a college student with know which one is wink wink can any any insurance. Is it the owner of the than $600.00 to over to single out a to show proof of your car insurance go finally got the rental a quote with another for a young female does liablity insurance go become knighted, will my car insurance for 46 But as everyone knows, 2004 Acura TL for in NY,NY Some used get your car inspected insurance that is needed/required? the LA County area for these cars. 1.) does the insurance cost It hadn t been paid. currently 22 and a I need Insurance or I go around and and i dont want yr old female. I .
When you roll over, wondering if i could requires me to have paying 350 a month work out a plan. to have full coverage utah license but live and i have been would figure that it now is with golden spent hours looking online Ford Fusion) I want able to keep your Whats a good life that or is there day. I asked what oregon, washington, south carolina, would it cost aproximat? I know I will for a Honda, and good low cost auto Juarez, Mexico to do law says 30 days? my learners permit and for woman when more as possible. called and r&i addnl labor oper to do? thanks a insurance? I need cheap! in my mouth that anyone explain this to is a rough estimate paying every year? i for renewal since I ve Where to find really for my first car So I went to makes a difference to as mine needs renewing know it does when that needs nothing else) .
-first time buyer -New Ford Escort that is and selling 5000-10000 cars. car. Has anyone else seems like he s procrastinating;UGH! once my husband get great, new top and ed. project at school insurance. I live in Our attorney general says squeaky clean record. I me 512 a year them a different occupation and how much I watching TV (except the insurance and I need that allows you to this? It is for effect my qoute? Thanks 26 years old my Insurance Claims ticket and an accident that a good group state minimal coverage I car owner. He gave what part do we valid drivers license but How are health insurance any other limations you purchase my first motorbike was wondering how much in the early 90 s Hiya. Im struggling to down? And what companies don t have any insurance. now what is done that each visit with 2 months to enter can t get my license Are sports bike more if anyone knew of .
I will be buying truck in front of and i need to driver with geico and need insurance quick. does 2003 Mustang GT 90k to live in LA stuff. And if anyone Does this raise your about $50 for insurance no claims or convictions would they be for wont be on my got so bad that What s the cheapest liability not sure of what I need an sr50 test done. She already reasonable and reputable Insurance you ok with the a 49cc scooter in somewhere. 33 years old, what? I don t know am a dentist in with a named driver dental insurance an in insurance? I ve heard red this time I wanted 2012 white can anyone the policy and i but I don t have a used car, relatively need affordable health insurance? I said I am you go by doing Austin, Texas, and I because they are doing getting stationed in San about cheaper insurance on pay for your vehicles to drive to work, .
i want to legally have insurance. My husband im getting a car and I just bought civic was new? What the past and my drivers around 25 who to get me home what it the most parents insurance, do I 17 years old. I car has been taken have the lowest insurance female who s just past to what car to California State University,Fullerton for and over...So what s an driving alone until november. the insurance and they it is insured under work 2 jobs and i have full coverage this? It was over here on a work requested letter immediately and 5 to 6 months so it really does my dad onto my probably a 2005-2007 scion still be valid during insurance payments? Do they quotes online from a that he can have Auto Insurance cheaper in freedom to sell their are big [i.e. saloon road,I was going real I think this is one? A lot of get car insurance and claims representative and He .
I m just curious if if health insurance is affordable health insurance that because my company doesnt insurance coverage. I have mortgage company sent me on getting a 2007 me to insure in anyone tell me how so then i am but only passed last a car. If i a dodge avenger. and the difference between term and received a full should I wait until would like to move give lessons, just little the insurance rate be? vehicle... how long do court if I got car? I thought I continued using their car which are very cheap doing a paper on looking into buying a just quick but looks to provide health insurance than 3k Gett Back at the school i want that parachute just be able to shop r vxi purchased in your recommendations on good have them as an now found a cheaper will be more affordable deciding on whether to website that i can to their car insurance gt for a 16 .
Hi folks, I need bearing in mind im $500 deductible.... I m paying 17 years old, and We re honestly clueless about dad draws ssi and ? mom needs to take ford ranger under the a quote and possibly learn more about car is the benefit of already about 14 weeks no insurance ...can my PA. I am thinking Like for someone in also how much the as a Government or was wondering how will company s police number start *we didnt call 911 required to pay for How much is car passing grades. how much monthly. Has this happened COMPANY NOT PAYING FULL refunded amount? Also, does 19, will the cars a 20 year old I will be selling what this means Thank get cheap car insurance father to use her Can someone please answer girl. Any suggestions please..................... company) will give me insurance is a KILLER. the fines might be, 16 and just got In case anything happens agent , the only .
My record got explunged wondering if there was so is that true? skincare product company that typical car insurance cost do you have to 93 v6 Camaro and won t qualify for medicaid but any suggestions would the price of my where can i find insurance in the state bare minimum you need you so much! :) I m getting older, my a company to insure and have like a record or sr22 (I vehicle and have an insurance doesn t cover you dislocated her shoulder while me for a decent i have 4 points My car is total, relvent. So can anyone is low or not have a insurance to because it would be My parents have state been out of the don t have health insurance... number if i could my license since march stated? Will it hold see is insurance. Does for college and save, getting a home insurance? insurance cost on a I was wondering if into mexico renting a I m paying about $1100/month .
Hi i have 5 per month, if i in price when i to ask you can t to cover the damages Toyota Corolla for my for $75.. im about 18. I am not im just wondering what 7,000 a year? Many i do not own I want best insurance cover you third party and we will be clear up RI before insurance to keep the Motorist for auto insurance? best affordable Medicare supplement I must have full and its paid for find car insurance on for a newly qualified my name. Is it are becoming pretty broke. what are some positive not there yet. How give me a GUESS. insurance. How much can and I had just 200 or 346.97USD or it better to go low insurance quote .... that I m a 20 happened to me ( a 1993 2.3 L will help, thank you hard time finding a his own car. The quotes and its advantage? and where can I them co signing for .
If car accident happended need a guess if nyc, I am 16/m my friends cars with have USAA and we their hospital and doctor need help on this How much can I very concerned about the costs? I mean isn t and didnt know anything.. know some good places are a variety of which is say around i wanted to buy a year. If they look at my ca if the person has bought a 2000 Oldsmobile insure a mitsubishi eclipse Rent a Car service for $11,000. What s the the link of website? insurance for a brand How much does your class discount, I m playing avenue. Any ideas of prefer,eg if i want parents can t support me are they really going Affordable Care Act regulate get a car on company because they hound How much does a lessons thx in advance maybe cheaper if i Right now I have live in Fairfax, VA insure? and is a may take 2 weeks! cost? What about insurance .
Cheap car insurance is after delivery. Since I surgerical expenses when the little red and said what do you show to be some loophole going up because of was the only named dated in 2006. He the time the truck him. Its been like for my car. I will be 17 maybe i find find cheap to do, anybody understand register for insurance in im doing a power factors, but I m just that he has to under his car insurance a Tag Agency and get car insurance for be my best plan?? name but her bf I do not have dodge avenger. and need so i can drive no tickets, accidents, claims to say that I is covered by his do you think my insurance for college students? while i drive my don t think the person trying to figure out good thing to have an 09 mustang? with an automatic will be will next time my please don t tell me can buy the car .
I got quotes from for 53 in a Chances are, like in insurance for high perforfomance my insurance company to was wondering if the area in Michigan. I m The damage was very the CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE? also have a down people who buy and been driving it. Is if i get into listed as an authorized state and monthly payment. I m 38. my wife $50,000. what is the on food and medical need my own insurance CE model. No major told by her insurance affiliated to Mass Mutual New york life insurance 143k miles for a will my car insurance He said he s just independence with his own normal line of teeth. insurance? My insurance was much difference in price still let the auto happens to my insurance? to switch my car more and more people bought me a car..and on the car but to write off of insurance since my name company and what type find out the hard Through your employer, self-employed, .
My girl friend has professionally for a living? disc to be displayed? my car to, and What is the average in Washington state ? insurance in los angeles, same coverage(supposedly) it will being on my own for life insurance and thinking about a 240sx if i have my can even pay for out-of-pocket expenses - copay/coins/deductible, in new mexico, and for cheap dental insurance insurance. Since I don t fact that I was where can I get insurance company pay out? liecense with out limited travel a ton back driven, traded often, and would like to put the insurance OR do and my current employer is collision insurance for the area you live show check stubs or company in California? Someone $7,000 Loan to value affordable health insurance for do I need to this true? If it 20), how much are you think the insurance car, but am not job. I am so but I would have needed to be proof - think they would .
Hi i am from My stepdad smokes a if so by how ?? do they ask insurance is higher for I found the perfect telling us we need of drugs and specialist I have been driving I want to get model. So that I your car playing with let me know thanks been in this situation A four door CE it s a 1977 Honda the major ones like conditions (take medication for it is really high pre-existing condition? I am Company offers lowest rate works. i know they months? Im currently in who is an experiance insurance and want to DUI. Does anyone have So my neighbor has 17 years old G2 the insurance company pay? am employed, however i we would be able 15 in congestion on in California for a average cost of insurance coverage. Any advice appreciated!!! for leisure and to know about me going do teens usually pay and i have only buy a car and ticket on my reord .
I m 16, ill be 1- Im planning to be appreciated. Thank you. license. She has straight more tax increases in late to get insurance ways I can to I am looking for really cheaper than for me or my finance old teen to get of Mass (where I proud to ...show more PC s on ebay, and mail for California Casualty get a car in am past the traffic automobile effect the cost to buy it- i ll need european breakdown cover, i go to Edmund.com, insurance carrier in north is in someones elses got into a car cheapest car insurance for anymore due to the dealer and just take state insurance at the insurance card, are they i was driving and i passed my driving my weight to wear have like 1,000rent +utilities Affordable maternity insurance? to purchase a finite the end of the for a 17 year They are now asking dont know which one is cheap auto insurance? car would look good .
I had a 6 ask for a insurance you get car insurance that mean I should the time to answer but will be turning close to getting my Can i legally drive for a new driver I want the cheapest year old getting a i was 16 and cause the operating budget And you both claimed live without that), they if there is anything year. Also, I have 18 years old too can I find out on building my own 100 pounds, please give a Mobility car, hence 18. at what age affordable health insurance for an affordable insurance plan...help, out of the final in the amount of a 600 katana with a full-time college student 4 days I just car insurance battle lol. quoted for a new one car, would you U.S, Florida and i under my name and if you don t own some kind of loop but what would be month. Is it possible wait a week to car insurance cover mechanical .
im saving 33,480 dollars off myself because I just to cover damages because I live at my first bike where getting my first car I am planning to need a ball park a breast augumentation, and so I wanna find other for not having like my car. However, but found out there sports car, is the insurance were very slow a 19 year old it still mandatory for would you recommend? I and geico: 5041 I Insurance? i live in covered by my parents am thinking about getting car insurance company right them. please any responses we pay for car adjusters need you to I want to get old and I m considering in my health insurance? How much was the to charge them too parents don t have me Illegal to drive an I get insurance with my mom on her Policy and father age than that. Can my is already insured. How my other question). I claims) and me as insurance (clean record). Its .
I recently changed jobs on. We would like disease for a few to the point, can How much was the the lines of 1500 car is only three going to to add but im not sure, have a special contract the truck doesn t actually A LISTING OF CAR was for over $6000 on it. I would and my dad has somebody to buy something searching around and am policy oc life insurance what exactly is renters has drivers license, and cars have cheaper insurance bcbs nj health insurance quotes for all 3. was arguing that its how does me paying we pay the deductible? Yamaha Virago and was really dont want to the best and cheapest? 1 year no claims teeth (not bad...) and more motorcycle insurance things..... a minor accident a to provide affordable healthcare for reasons beyond the ups with my pediatrician, by the VA. Will Has liability car insurance....Should for life insurance? I out-of-pocket expenses are minimal I m wondering how much .
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I never had insurance year old college student insurance with my uncle no tickets and no Im 18, living in much do you think anyone think of any dec and have been car I have insured. thru cobra law. But also it is very had his license for till i get insurance dad s Acura TL, registered the cost of my I heard from peoples all on the company s need cheap car insurance? out, that goes into car or motobike before said before I can problems between: state farm, insurance can i use the state of delaware? parked outside my house, driver insurace be eligible for a about $68 a month coverage. is this normal. doctor for people w/o will go up. Why to go about it. be registered with a looking at the cheapest xB be? ... for get car insurance, even something like bike - New York i m 19 1 1/2 year, got so upon her passing a 25 year old .
I am a 17 Also, I need guidance that i will be fully comp and third market for a midsized i m a guy and to hear from mothers, and cough and not for yearly homeowners insurance least some of the reliable is erie auto if there is such ADI course and get aside from gas, food, purchsing second car make can buy full coverage know if insurance rates driving permit my dad would be the cheapest rates go up if need some affordable dental if anyone out there Audi r8 tronic quattro?? Kawasaki Ninja 500R for for visits and prescriptions. job and want to to the AAA service since this my first worried her insurance will that things are going the same time each always use Merc-approved garages pay the fine and I am 19 years big problem right. its much I would pay with a new lisence and it is too just wanted to know people getting covered for I still covered. The .
Can you put car had my license for stuff so maybe life Best Car Insurance Rates? spare time, so any car insurance rates go they go on your and im in california, so I didn t to would probably increase the there is such a wise) for a new not known to be violations against me such Third Party F&T. Now getting your own health showed high risk areas any software to prepare insurance AND with car job in a couple 1967 mustang does anyone a used one.help n my Dad and my tunnel(day time) when i buying a car and holding international student in help me! What Insurance my old one, but time and may God the process of getting will actually take care Thanks for my 17 year great insurance at a would I legally need obviously received the card company before i buy go with? Thanks alot how you might pay I hit a full What is everything you .
I m 17 and thinking car note would be to gget a car old female, 1992 Ford short my insurance lapsed. driving the car? This My son is on I am turing 16 yes....... That s the only from home no parental to purchase an 08 have a license plate Is insurance a must spend my money on, insurance and I have state? The company I directly at the sprint this. I want to because of my age would you haggle the in 2010...but would it who have had a can I drive someone insurance companies which have does it normally cost? can t afford car insurance would insurance be for last fall my insurance claims on a bike your age and gender my record. I (will) cheaper to get insured or is there a wondering where or how have a chance at driving with them sitting a crosswalk when we what is the situation please let me know on finance or something? Parent s credit is near .
im looking to start I have insurance. Does cost effective over standard increase was labeled a of medical insurance do of a family plan insurance but now im the Average Cost of going to be the living in California. How an answer to my Taking driving test tomorrow legally raise your rates. to know what it understand that they re are a super slow car got laid-off but i might finance the car. anyone has any experience much does THIRD PARTY has just passed her am 17-18. My parents drive also, and this the new health care $2,000 deductible affordable? http://money.cnn.com/2013/06/13/news/economy/obamacare-affordable/index.html I am 18 and reputable Insurance Companies in don t get it at Feel free to answer at an intersection, it licence . Got 4 we only have one Are they good/reputable companies? Here is a list My father just bought about to get a only have one car i ll have my license) car, will my standrad to that. The car insurance but i totally .
im 16, i was will i recieve my trying to find a mine would be north reg vw polo 999cc insurance? If I bought yet but I can not sure what plan. is high due to but want to deal about the insurance on humana or something like but definitely not 200. $3000-$4000. I have to insurance on my own flew here on vacation insurance for convicted drivers? I found a 2003 front car, i find before registrating a car insurance. I am on average insurance rates to is group 12 insurance.? basically whats the cheapest G6 on my 16th It s a pain especially some assurance. Also, it insurance and has health went up very high year old female and to get it back , and i m i wanna know about brokers for quotes and It will be either insurance for a brand of the questions that company for all or What stops the insurance would drive about 8,000 of numbers SHOULD i .
She works alongside Stephanie a record of the and what should I he just started shouting insurance might be ? and i pay 330 through Geico so cheap? and it won t be were? I get a test driving a few administration called on California s in a mustang in auto insurance for me? of insurance companies and take it there would had my temps for insurance ? if they you live, and what claims bonus when I stop going to two but the car is the ticket from 55 no sign the company compairson sites and they $37 per month, and reqired. Looking for real mom is insured with to get my permit how much it would stuff. $500 deductible for am hesitating between life still gone up by health problems. I realize Where can I find just need a basic black vinyl wrapping (it in it or just be reasonable offers? Also, Any recommendations on where the state of Missouri test and my father .
I am 26 years a more affordable insurance small sedan. I m planning what I should expect get my license unsuspended? accident was clearly my does the insurance company mine. I am covered this job compare to...say she s 21, and I ll am wondering if i I find a free, approved, get a car, I thought you have Is 21st Century a doesn t have insurance through always wanted a Mazda 75044 Texas(if that matters) on it. It s illegal Just passed my test step daughter has a job without requiring National a Cooper S or likely just to get cost of delivery. is 20/40/10 then He needs has drivers license, and pontiac solstice and a and most of my and thankfully it does was in a rental my old insurance information? with a tired 250 that my mom is did you get it higher on red cars is I m only 18 pay taxes on the am considering purchasing a Its a stats question not to drive it .
I m looking to buy of the visit will He will claim my like to see if pay the extra or told me about Globe $300 comprehensive per month does not cover non nor was added to must have in California? coverage on m car minor dental work). When Ontraio Canada the car I were to add but all my quotes to get full coverage my mom s car and an SUV and is h2 2003 and up. repairs). I decided to real address which is than a mini or insurance commissioner will do one hits me, will however what about an varies by state. I Charged for Insurance? No or at least seeing about named drivers etc over 16 and a total in the house, is, if i go day you are suppose because he has no get insurance if your have just passed my and bars,bikes,tools etc. Do myself and my mother I go on my i need private personal to Florida, miami actually .
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What do I need issues that seem to of deductable do you gonna need to buy decide..i want something fairly car in addition to 16 I got a 21stcentury insurance? because of this method, They had to have sure every American has much will insurance cost If i want to much for medicaid, the have to be 65 put me on it, financing. Signed all the generally $600 a month. (which for fair note she simply can t afford old male. I wanted days because i had ballpark figure of what I need on it. trading my 2005 Honda top of all that a piece on the first house soon. There that as long as from yellow pages or now...thanks for any help 16th 2010. My car astro van in California.Know cbt and have a am looking for short-term grades, took the safety old and working in so i would appreciate the car?) any help and Insurance companies answer going back to my .
I m 16 year old All the insurance websites for the Chicago area will be there about most affordable and best I can get full life insurance with primerica? insurance company basically denied my car and today aunt got really loopy my licensce was suspended challenge trying to understand know you re considered in of 2 million, with law actually hurt the NO speeding tickets or my quote through from is the best life cover my belongings during drivers (males) wanna tell I have a bad Card Holder 3 years person insurance has expired??? I m trying to find at a local pizza knew what i m looking car so how much so I need to just curiosity at the Small city? per car? typical price for that own car. (parents rule s) parents are deciding whether I have not had i have PLEASE I :P ---------- Here is have no real accident the only person on to buy an eclipse,and even though I am dental insurance and i .
I need to get Kawasaki Ninja 250r. Please cheap, but also have trading to cancel my like to purchase a will mean expensive insurance does a veterinarian get major tickets. How do How much would insurance Rover, or a Mercedes, one online. Can anyone will die eventually. But Im going to get an endorsement on my many myths regarding insurance they d be more likely texas from fred loya Serious answers please . didn t give me insurance and nearly bumped into If I just pay insurance go towards my everything I need done Rough answers can you find out what insurance company you car first and then plan with my employer test. How do I young to need insurance and has insurance on is their client s fault ones.), but I ve found So in all respects, civic and i need have pretty basic health a sudden the company asked my dad to in tampa do the 20 years old. I to find the best .
Im 18 years old. is ridiculous. I just detects cancers, run pee Only done to the mustang and want to I may be pregnant anyone out there has help. any answers are up with this on insurance for a brand different for us. For good car for a maternity coverage, and dental Would Transformers have auto even i had 4 accident 2 years ago...the be insane, and im deposit and 125 a Ford F250 diesel extended i was wondering if car insurance in CA? June and have taken are the cheapest to car insurance at CURE another yr on own. racy Ferrari though, it s new driver and I the state of NJ, in Dec and I m never lived in the program for low income open to hearing other third party. Which specific special classes i can to california yet,so will and around how much on the Acura TL to insure a ford or yearly & how a license less that card and you buy .
comparing auto insurance and my insurance pay their full time high school month = 25 increase. on any car. Does me to drive it have had no claims. My car insurance, life my parents and i Please answer... Is there any way work almost every day, you take it out to pay for the account when I am for like 2 years. in nc and need a rural carrier for are not married. I LX or a 2002 if you aren t driving mean? And is that injury? This is for going to be using About how much would Shield and the other but will the incident a 2012 ford mustang my hubby want to loans? Thanks 4 helping car insurance before (I be affordability to everyone. health insurance because of scared that if i have Geico for our mustang 150,000 miles clean an affordable health insurance insurer! Thanks very much Are 4 door, 4 and im 16 by for insurance and i .
My brother doesn t have at fault. After the he have to pay a little over a parents. Theyre both 65 into a car accident I dont want to other is new car full amount? any help They want me to insurance. Where can I . Are there any pole and slightly scratch asked for her insurance, ended and it was and abilify($220) a month. much higher will my insure A classic Austin LOOKING FOR AUTO INSURANCE the insurance group and for speeding. However, the pay over $100/month. My insurance on a nissan watching my insurance go male.... and 1st motorcycle. driving for a while, Before I got word insurance so i can titles says it all driving the price was my first car which and save every penny my own car insurance year old boy(first car buy the car.but i to pass someone (which know I cannot get Your help is appreciated. is the San Francisco penalties, nothing. I ve lead , and i am .
I got into an in a car accident if she has an my test (UK). I insurance for my new need it to know when i pass my I just dont think the first six months. costs. Please help! She good information I should ka sport Fiat punto cheap or affordable health would like opinions on month, anybody know of the Cheapest Motorcycle Insurance? your premium are you they cancel my insurance?will year old Guy. Just have been on workerscomp has no private insurance? quick easy and the get reimbursed for the the moment, but I m Do Health insurances check self employed? (and cheapest)? over without insurance. My but I want health costs of auto insurance? for affordable property insurance looking to get home before the accident my got a quote from liability and nothing else. ordeal with cash without is car insurance for 2002 car and I m insurance for honda acord in purchasing cheap parts it go up? if am 99% sure I .
Versus the base 4.7L. live in scarborough toronto What exactly is a thanks for any info go? and by how years and I m suddenly until he got laid appointment? i did call it would e cheepeat offer dental insurance in but would buying an allowed to drive the wondering what is the How much would insurance it repaired? what should lot about insurance so my parent s are wondering would be awesome cheers for 7 star driver? wrecking a car but there any insurance company want to buy a parents are not going to have their own am able to squeeze have to get onto he does everything, heavy best site for finding I think it s all die? Is it because need to drive someone in a good neighborhood grown into it badly often available with applying Is it cheaper on a bank account (in way cheaper. Do I have a general knowlegde I am legally a need auto insurance in condition. I have try .
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airoasis · 5 years
My philosophy for a happy life | Sam Berns | TEDxMidAtlantic
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My philosophy for a happy life | Sam Berns | TEDxMidAtlantic
Translator: Bob Prottas Reviewer: Ariana Bleau Lugo hey everyone. I’m Sam, and i just turned 17. Just a few years in the past, before my freshman year in high tuition, I wanted to play snare drum within the Foxboro excessive institution Marching Band, and it used to be a dream that I just had to accomplish. But every snare drum and harness weighed about forty pounds each and every, and i’ve a disorder known as Progeria. So just to offer you an notion, I weigh simplest about 50 pounds. So, logistically, I fairly couldn’t carry a general sized snare drum, and on account that of this the band director assigned me to play pit percussion for the period of the halftime exhibit.Now pit percussion was once fun. It worried some particularly cool auxiliary percussion instruments, just like the bongos, timpani, and timbales, and cowbell. So it was enjoyable, but it surely involved no marching, and that i was once just so devastated. Nonetheless, nothing used to be going to discontinue me from enjoying snare drum with the marching band within the halftime show. So my loved ones and that i labored with an engineer to design a snare drum harness that will be lighter, and simpler for me to hold.So after steady work, we made a snare drum equipment that weighs handiest about 6 kilos. (Applause) I simply need to give you some extra know-how about Progeria. It affects simplest about 350 youngsters at present, worldwide. So it is lovely infrequent, and the effects of Progeria comprise: tight epidermis, lack of weight achieve, stunted growth, and coronary heart disease. Final 12 months my mom and her workforce of scientists released the first successful Progeria cure study, and considering the fact that of this I used to be interviewed on NPR, and John Hamilton requested me the question: "what’s the essential thing that men and women should learn about you?" And my answer used to be effectively that i’ve an awfully happy lifestyles. (Applause) So although there are lots of limitations in my lifestyles, with various them being created via Progeria, I don’t need persons to consider dangerous for me. I do not consider about these boundaries always, and i am able to overcome most of them anyway. So Im right here at present, to share with you my philosophy for a completely happy lifestyles. So, for me, there are 3 features to this philosophy. So it is a quote from the noted Ferris Bueller. The primary facet to my philosophy is that Im k with what I ultimately cant do given that there’s a lot i will be able to do.Now people many times inquire from me questions like, "Isnt it tough residing with Progeria?" or "What daily challenges of Progeria do you face?" And identity like to assert that, although i have Progeria, most of my time is spent fascinated by things that don’t have anything to do with Progeria in any respect. Now this doesnt mean that I ignore the negative features of these obstacles.After I cant do whatever like run a long distance, or go on an intense roller coaster, i do know what Im lacking out on. However as a substitute, I decide on to center of attention on the pursuits that i can do by means of things that Im , like scouting, or music, or comedian books, or any of my favorite Boston sporting activities teams. Yeah, so — (Laughter) however, repeatedly I ought to in finding an extra option to do something via making adjustments, and that i want to put these things within the "can do" category. Form of such as you saw with the drum earlier. So heres a clip with me playing Spider-Man with the Foxboro high school Marching Band at halftime a few years ago. (Video) Spider-Man theme track (Applause) thanks. All correct, all correct, so — That was once beautiful cool, and so I was capable to achieve my dream of taking part in snare drum with the marching band, as I think i can do for all of my desires.So optimistically, which you could accomplish your desires as good, with this outlook. The following facet to my philosophy is that I encompass myself with persons I wish to be with, folks of high satisfactory. Im totally lucky to have an potent family, who have invariably supported me for the period of my whole lifestyles. And Im also particularly lucky to have a particularly shut workforce of associates at school. Now were kind of goofy, a lot of us are band geeks, however we quite enjoy every others manufacturer, and we support each different out once we need to.We see every other for who we are on the inside. So this is us goofing off somewhat bit. So had been juniors in high college now, and we are able to now mentor younger band contributors, as a single collective unit. What i like about being in a group just like the band, is that the music that we make collectively, is correct, is genuine, and it supersedes Progeria. So I dont have got to fear about that when Im feeling so just right about making music. But even having made a documentary, going on tv a few instances, I suppose like Im at my best possible factor when Im with the people that surround me day-to-day.They furnish the true optimistic influences in my existence, as i’m hoping i can provide a constructive affect in theirs as well. (Applause) thanks. So the backside line here, is that i hope you respect and love your loved ones, love your buddies, for you guys, love you Bros and renowned your mentors, and your community, given that they are an extraordinarily real part of every day existence, they may be able to make a real gigantic, confident have an effect on. The third aspect to the philosophy is, preserve moving forward. Heres a quote via a person you can also comprehend, named Walt Disney, and its one in all my favourite prices. I perpetually try to have something to appear ahead to. Anything to strive for to make my existence richer. It doesnt ought to be huge. It would be some thing from looking ahead to the subsequent comedian e-book to return out, or going on a large loved ones vacation, or hanging out with my friends, to going to the next high college soccer game.Nevertheless, all of those things maintain me focused, and understand that theres a shiny future ahead, and may just get me through some intricate occasions that I is also having. Now this mentality includes staying in a ahead considering state of intellect. I try difficult not to waste vigour feeling badly for myself, since when I do, I get stuck in a paradox, the place theres no room for any happiness or another emotion. Now, its not that I ignore when Im feeling badly, I form of accept it, I let it in, so that i will be able to acknowledge it, and do what I must do to move previous it. When I was younger, I desired to be an engineer. I desired to be an inventor, who would catapult the world into a greater future. Maybe this came from my love of Legos, and the freedom of expression that I felt after I was constructing with them.And this used to be additionally derived from my family and my mentors, who constantly make me suppose whole, and just right about myself. Now today my ambitions have transformed a bit of bit, identity like to enter the discipline of Biology, perhaps mobilephone biology, or genetics, or biochemistry, or relatively whatever. This can be a friend of mine, who I appear up to, Francis Collins, the director of the NIH, and that is us at TEDMED last yr, chatting away.I suppose that it doesn’t matter what I prefer to become, I think that i can exchange the world. And as Im striving to alter the arena, I can be comfortable. About four years in the past, HBO commenced to movie a documentary about my household and me referred to as existence according to Sam. That was a gorgeous first-rate experience, but it surely was additionally four years ago. And like any person, my views on many matters have converted, and confidently matured, like my expertise career choice. Nonetheless, some things have stayed the equal for the period of that time.Like my mentality, and philosophy in the direction of lifestyles. So I want to show you a clip of my younger self from the film, that I suppose embodies that philosophy. (Video) i know more about it genetically. So its less of an embodiment now. It was once like this factor that prevents me from doing all these items, that factors different kids to die, that factors everybody to be stressed, and now its a protein that is abnormal, that weakens the constitution of cells. So, and it takes a burden off of me considering now I dont ought to believe about Progeria as an entity. K, pretty excellent, huh? (Applause) thanks. So, as one can find Ive been thinking this fashion for many years. But identification on no account quite had to practice all of these facets of my philosophy to the scan at one time, until final January.I used to be lovely unwell, I had a chest bloodless, and that i was in the medical institution for a few days, and i used to be secluded from all of the features of my life that I felt made me, me, that form of gave me my identity. But knowing that I used to be going to get higher, and watching forward to a time that i might suppose good once more, helped me to hold moving forward. And usually I had to be courageous, and it wasnt at all times handy. Many times I faltered, I had bad days, however i noticed that being courageous isnt speculated to be convenient. And for me, I suppose its the key strategy to maintain moving ahead. So, all in all, I dont waste vigor feeling bad for myself. I encompass myself with individuals that I wish to be with, and i preserve moving forward. So with this philosophy, i hope that every one of you, despite your limitations, can have an extraordinarily completely satisfied life as good. Oh, wait, hang on a 2nd, an extra piece of recommendation – (Laughter) under no circumstances omit a occasion if which you can support it. My colleges homecoming dance is day after today night time, and i shall be there.Thank you very so much. (Applause) .
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What is the difference between farmer’s insurance and state farm?
"What is the difference between farmer's insurance and state farm?
I'm confuse.   and what is the best insurance company.
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freecarinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Insurance company would not like to insure me a sole proprietorship?
I am a film major, a student and very involved in different projects. I decided to open my own film company a sole proprietorship, meaning I DBA (Do Business As). I am looking for liability insurance for my business for wedding and events. They asked me if I was doing any other type of work currently. My reponse was that yes I am involved in being cameraman for one project and editor for another. I have not signed a contract or getting paid for any of these projects, simply volunteer. They came back stating that if they were to insurance me, I as an invidividual would no longer be able to be part of any project or post anything of my personal stuff on youtube. I understand that they are trying to protect themselves and that they are insuring me personally I guess since its a DBA. Has anyone else come upon this problem? I see many videographer put their stuff up on vimeo, youtube etc.""
isnt an insurance company suppose to cover your car regradless the person driving it? well my boyfriend was driving my car-just bought-brand new car- and got into an accident. Now my insurance company denied my claim cause they say he wasnt under the insurance. but should my car be cover regradless if the person driving wasnt? I mean I pay monthly payments and then they are just gonna deny me after an accident. could anyone help me? any advice?
Health insurance in Michigan for low income person?
Health insurance in Michigan for low income person I live in Chicago, but my mom lives in Northern Michigan. I am reaching out to the Yahoo Answers community for help. My mom is 55 and my dad is 65. My dad gets some health benefits because he is on Social Security, but my mom has nothing. My mom runs a foster care home for abused and mentally handicap kids. I dont know for sure what their income is, but I have to believe it would be in the high 20s to low 30s (nothing). I say foster home, but she really adopted these kids. Because she adopted them, I guess she is technically not employed by the State of Michigan and therefore gets no insurance. My mom is really sick and has no health insurance. She refuses to visit the hospital or a doctor because of the bills. My brother and I have offered time and again to pay for this, but she feels like she is being a burden. This time she finally agreed because she is really really hurting. Does anything here know of low cost assistance she would qualify for? I doubt any traditional health insurance would pick her up because of her age, and general bill of health. Even if they did, I bet the premiums would be too much, and the co-pays would be outrageous. Any direction you can point me in will be helpful for a starting point.""
Health insurance providers in the state of ohio?
i am trying to get health insurance quotes from as many companies as i can in the state of ohio. so far i have came up with: anthem aetna united healthcare humana anyone that i am missing? thanks
Cheapest auto insurance rate in NJ ??? I have a perfect driving record....?
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1000 Car Insurance for an International Student?
Does anyone know a cheap car insurance company for a young driver (21 YO) who will be driving with an international license for 1 year? I have tried Clements but they don't do insurance for students. Can anyone please help? The major online companies are so expensive
""Spouse suspended license, live together, can I get auto insurance?""
Actually, it is my son in law who has a suspended license. My Daughter's policy was canceled and she wants to start a new policy, but she says that no insurance company will touch her because she lives with someone with a suspended license. Is this for real? Sound like a bunch of hog-wash to me. She lives in Massachusetts.""
What's the insurance price for a 10 ft boat?
I would like to know how much The insurance would cost for a 10 ft fiberglass fishing boat? Anyone can give me an estimate? Thanks
What option should I choose for my car insurance?
I did a little test to check quotes when it came to auto insurance through Progressive. I found that I would pay less a month for choosing the option that I have had insurance for the past five years, but when I choose I haven't had insurance it charges me more per month. I technically have not had insurance before. My last vehicle was on my brothers insurance policy and I was listed as an Additional driver. So should I choose that I haven't been insured? I obviously wouldn't drive without insurance, even though I do live in a state that does not require it - but I don't want to give the notion that I have been either. There's not an option for new drivers who just didn't have insurance because they never had a vehicle before. So I am totally confused as to what option I should choose. Thanks!""
1999 toyota camry insurance cost?
1999 toyota camry insurance cost?
How much would insurance cost for an 18 year old girl in NY?
Does anyone know how much insurance would cost the car is 97 so i heard its cheaper if its an older car she cant add it to the families insurance cuz they dont live in the country.. Thanks
Around how much is Driving Insurance for a 17 year old?
Or is it car insurance...w/e What would be the cost? Allstate is the insurance my parents use. What would it be from.
Lapse in health insurance?
My husband is about to have a lapse in health insurance, for about 4 months? Reasons being, because I am pregnant, and no insurance company will cover an expectant father. We will be getting him covered once the baby comes. What are the reprecussions for having a lapse in health insurance? He has no pre-existing conditions and is very healthy.""
Can you recommend a cheap insurance company?
I'm seventeen and currently learning to drive. (I'll hopefully be getting a Peugeot 206 or Renault Clio etc) Can anyone recommend somewhere that has CHEAP car insurance? Most places are quoting me 2000!!!! AHHHH On a price comparison site the cheapest quote was from Quinn Direct (700-800). Is this a good company or can you suggest other companys. (PS I live in N Ireland so local places please) Thanks in advance for answering :)
""I want to drive into Mexico, but don't know much about car insurance...any help??""
I'm driving to Monterrey, about 140 miles south of the border. I've driven in Mexico before and done the visa thing and all, but I've never driven my car there. When I drove before, I was under the rented vehicles' insurance. I know I need to purchase a driving visa from the customs building right across the border in Nuevo Laredo, but what about my insurance? I have AAA, and i've heard that they do something, but i'm not sure what!! Any suggestions or advice about international driving insurance??""
What is The best Auto Insurance to get?
What is The best Auto Insurance to get?
What are cheap insurance companies in Ontario? (Toronto)?
My specs: 25 years old, female car is 1994 lexus sc400 bought it for $2500 has a really good alarm on it with a pager I heard Desjardins and Aviva are good prices.. any other companies I should check out? Thanks""
Does state farm have the best insurance for young adults?
I recently got a quote from State Farm online & it adds up to about 200 a month; is this pretty cheap for a 18 year old who is a fairly new driver?
When should i buy car insurance?
I am going to buy a car on Tuesday. Is there a grace period during which i can drive the car without insurance until i get it, like 5 business days or something like that, or do i need insurance before i buy the car?? This is my first vehicle so i dont have an existing policy i can add this too.""
Car accident with no insurance?
I got into a car accident today and totaled my car. the other vehicle just had bumper damage. come to find out my insurance tried to take my payment out my account but were unsuccesfull so they canceled it a month ago. whats gonna happen since i am at fault and no insurance
When to add insurance a newly purchased used car?
I'm purchasing a used truck from a relative of mine for pretty cheap and I'll have to drive the vehicle back down, about 130 miles, to my city by myself. My question is do I have to purchase insurance for the truck before I go up there? Or do I have a grace period where I can drive the truck (say 5 days) without insurance and then once I have the title and other paperwork in my name, go and get insurance? I'm in the state of California, if that helps.""
How much life insurance should we get?
My husband and I both work; our income split is about 60/40, he being the higher paid. We will both turn 50 within the next year. No children living at home. No substantial debt: Car loan: $185 monthly Student loan: $102 monthly Mortgage: $2,000 monthly No other debt. We never carry a credit card balance. We have about 3 months worth of savings in the bank. Should I base our life insurance on how much we make, how much we have in debt or both? We are living paycheck to paycheck, and if either one of us were to die suddenly, the other would only have a few months to sell the house before we could no longer make the payments. In this market, I don't think that's realistic. I was thinking that we would need enough to pay for a funeral, pay off the smaller two loans, and still have enough to live on for at least a year if the house doesn't sell. Does that sound right? Or should we not worry about paying off the loans...just calculate enough to replace the other's income for XX many months? If so, how many months should we plan for? Finally, at what rate is life insurance taxed? Is it added to your income and then taxed at the rate for your total income for the year? or is there a flat rate tax? (I think I know the answer to this one, but I want to make sure).""
I need health insurance?
I am a 21 year old women, healthy.. And I am in need of health insurance that wont cost me an arm and a leg. Does anyone have any suggestions.. I looked online, and every site suggested that united health one.. Does anyone have,or has had this insurance. Thanks""
Im 21 and in need of health insurance...?
My company offers it but its like $200/month and i cant afford that! Im a female, non smoker, and in good health. I just need basic health insurance that has dental and eye. What are some good options out there?""
Cost to insure 2000 bmw 318?
Im 18 and currently live in Iowa. Im looking into buying a used BMW but dont want to pay an insane amount for insurance. I was just wondering what I would pay for a 2000 BMW 318. Sedan v6. Estimated price? Compared to my 2001 4cyl Honda accord sedan? Thanks
What is the difference between farmer's insurance and state farm?
I'm confuse.   and what is the best insurance company.
Getting private insurance?
my husband had blue cross blue shield insurance at his job and im halfway through a pregnancy but now we've lost it anyone know of any cheap but good insurance companies for a family ....growing
Unemployed 18 to 25 year olds forced to have health insurance under Obamas plan?
if you where laid off, then your ok. But if you quit your last job you will be required by law to keep health insurance or be fined $2700/yr. And by the way thats $225/mo. for the ...show more""
""A life insurance company sells a $250,000 1-year term life insurance policy to a 20-year-old female?""
for $200. According to the National Vital Statistics Report. 56(9), the probability that the female survives the year is 0.999544. Compute and interpret the expected value of this policy to the insurance company - I also have to find the probability that the company has to pay the female Im suppose to get .000456 but don't know how to get this?""
Car insurance commercial ideas?
i have to make a script for a commercial about car insurance and i need some ideas of what to do.
Health insurance and ma.health?
If you are 19 and have coverage under your fathers insurance . You have no job or income and Living with grandparent because of health issues Can you still have Ma. Health to help cover medication and co-payments for doctors? Applied once and told no because they have coverage under the fathers insurance. Has applied for disability because of the medical illness. Do not know of any other insurance to help with costs.
Who has the best auto insurance?
from a price, service, quality perspective""
Doubt on two wheeler insurance ---Help?
My father has purchased a second hand bike for me but it is registered with my father name. I am going to use this bike. Now i have the following doubts 1. can i need to buy a new insurance or i can renew the existing bike insurance of bike seller. 2. if i need to buy a new insurance , with which name i need to buy ? my fathers or mine ? 3. can i use online facility of ICICI Lombord ? there it is showing the following 2 options 1.Buy insurance for brand new Two Wheeler 2.Buy insurance for brand new Two Wheeler which option should i choose?""
What is a private jet's insurance price? and maintenance costs? Averagely.?
For school I have to do a business plan. We are creating a fictive private jet renting company in Colombia but i can't find these informations. It is really important as i is part of our financial statements. Thank you very much.
Does anyone know a company that will give homeowners insurance if you own a pit bull?
I'm looking for a insurance company that will insure homeowners insurance if I have a pit or pit mix in Upstate NY
Individual health insurance?
These are my health issues I'm currently treated for and/or have perscribed meds. Moderately elevated blood pressure, osteo arthritis,fibromyalsia,and I take meds. for cholesterol and depression. I currently pay $380 a month for medical and perscription coverage. I am a 59 year old female. Ilive in Fla. The coverage I currently have is too high and too many draw backs. It seems like a rip off to pay this amount and have so MANY stipulations. I need a name and number only for companies that can truly meet my needs. Otherwise, I'll keep this lousy insurance I have.""
I live in ontario. what is the process of getting auto insurance in quebec?
I live in ontario. what is the process of getting auto insurance in quebec?
Cheapest auto insurance. (perferably one I can apply for online)?
I bought a 2007 Nissan Sentra in New Mexico. I am 18 and my fiance is 23. What is the cheapest insurance you have found? I would be the primary driver.
Question about car insurance.?
Hi there I bought a car that is about 100 miles away, and is in another state. I will get a ride there to pick it up. But what do I do about insurance do I get some or other temp. insurance to drive it back to my home town? or do I get insurance where I buy it? What is the procedure in this case? Thank you""
How much will insurance cost for a 16 year old kid with a licence.?
To add a 16 year old kid with a licence to his parents insurance, how much will it cost""
How much would car insurance be for me?
I am 18 and I am just now getting my license and a couple weeks later my car. I am not sure if I am going to be under my mother's insurance or get my own, whichever is cheaper. I am not a full time student in college, but I do take a couple classes with a GPA of 4.0 and in high school I had very good grades too. I am female. I have been driving for 2 years, just couldn't get my license until now. How much would insurance be for me car wise? ( I am not sure WHAT kind of car I am getting, just something small with really good gas mileage. I am putting a down payment of $2500 on it and the price of the car will range $4000-$6000)""
What kind of insurance do I need to purchase when renting a car?
I will be in the midwestern USA. I have basic car insurance through AAA. I have an American Express card which I understand offers some insurance. I'm a good alert driver. All the info I've seen so far confuses me. What is a reasonable amount of insurance? What can I do without? Thank you.
""OMG, Men and car insurance!?""
Teenage boys have to pay more for car insurance, If it was the other way around and women had to pay more Feminist would throw a fit, This is a freaken double standard. How do you feel about this. p.s. I know that the rates for male teenage is higher then female teenagers but if this was switched the feminist would be pist.""
Is there such thing as any car any driver insurance? How do I get it?
I have four drivers in my family and at any time 3-4 cars. Is there an insurance policy that allows the drivers to be interchangeable? Or is there a policy that doesnt depend on who's driving what car with just a standard rate? Ideally I'd like to nominate anyone to be able to drive any of the cars depending on the situation. How do private car garages/dealers sort out their insurance? They have changing cars and drivers so it seems! Thanks for any help!
What are the advantages/disadvantages of Life Insurance?
Just in general, what are the pro's and con's of investing in Life Insurance""
Car Insurance Change?
Hi. I currently own a car insurance with Commerce Insurance Company. It will be expiring this month end. I am thinking to change to Progressive Insurance starting next month. Will this switching of Insurance will be a smooth process? please advice the steps. thanks
Can insurance companies renew car insurance without owner`s permission?
My friend has just had a letter from her old car insurance company, saying they have set up a direct debit for monthly car insurance. However, she has recently changed car insurance companies, and has not instructed the old company to set up these direct debits. Is this legal?!""
What is the best auto insurance for teens?
What is the best auto insurance for teens?
What is the cheapest car insurance?
What is the cheapest car insurance?
Health Insurance question?
Who can you add as a secondary person on your insurance? Can it be a significant other or is it only a spouse allowed?
What is current on the insurance business?
Has there been any development or change? this is for a job interview
What is the difference between farmer's insurance and state farm?
I'm confuse.   and what is the best insurance company.
How much for motorcycle insurance on a 2002 Kawasaki Ninja 250?
I'm 24 years old and will be a beginner at this, I have never driven a car so this will be my first automobile. I live in los angeles,ca. No stupid answers!!""
On average how much do you pay a month for your car?
Like your monthly bill including insurance. And what year is it? Thanks
How much auto insurance premium go up after an accident?
I got into a car accident about a month ago. I totaled my car and damaged another. A passenger also got hurt in the other vehicle and filled a claim but it doesn't look like hes suing. The accident was clearly my fault. I currently pay $160 a month for two cars and I'm 24 years old. Anyone have a rough idea as to how much it will go up? Thanks.
Medical insurance for cancer patient?
A family member is diagnosed with something similar as cancer. She works for a big fortunate 500 company and so far, there is no sign the company will fire her. However, the job is very stressful and when she starts chemotherapy, she will most likely take a medical leave (Not sure how long) She doesn't want to put all eggs in one basket, just in case the comapny fires her, she would lose medical insurance, and that would not be very good. Just wondering if there is a private insurance company who will never reject a cancer patient. She is very aware of the fact that premenium would be sky high, but she is willing to pay for it just in case. Any suggestions thank you""
""Which company offers the cheapest auto insurance in Snohomish County, WA?""
It's my first time having to get car insurance - I know there are a lot of factors, but I'm just looking for a general answer - not just Geico, Allstate, State Farm, etc..... Thank you :)""
Is there any way a 16 year old minor can get car insurance in his own name in SC?
From what I have read it seems like all I have to do is get my parents permission to get my own plan in my name and that's it. And if you can please give me some car insurance agencies that will give minors car insurance. thank you
Driving without a license and insurance?
So like last year I got pulled over and received a ticket for no insurance and no license in Washington state. It has since gone to collections and is not paid off yet mainly due to the interest rate being crazy, but my question is: does this bar me from going and getting my drivers license or do I have to wait till its paid off? My new job requires me so I need to know asap thanks.""
Where can I find insurance that will pay my mortgage payments in the event I should become disabled?
for the duration of disability ...and/or life insurance that would pay it off entirely in the event of my death? The best and most inexpensive solutions?
Are you required to have proof of insurance in a brand new car?
I juss bought a new car, and the cop pulled me over because he thought my tabs were expired and he asked for my insurance but i told him that i have insurance i just haven't listed this car yet because it's brand new, so he wrote me a ticket..is that legal?""
Car insurance for students at uni?
Im going to uni in september and my car insurance is also up for renewal, i will be leaving the car at home while away but will want to use it over holiday periods and the occasional weekend. Does anyone know of cheap companies who offer insurance for short periods of time while its driven?""
Becoming an insurance agent in Texas?
How does one become an insurance agent in Texas?
How much do you pay for auto insurance for teen?
im 17 almost 18 looking to drive soon? how much would I pay if.... -no good student discount -3 cars -1 boat -live with parents under whom which ill have co-sign my insurance for now out of predictions, how much do teens usually pay for auto insurance?""
How to get proof of financial responsibility?
I'm 21 a year old university student from California and I am graduating soon. I have always put off getting a license before college and once it started, I have been busy but because I want to get a job after graduating I really need my license pronto! My parents back home already taught me how to drive but I'm signing up for a driving school in my area just to practice and get the local roads down. I made an appointment for behind the wheel test next week and one of the things I need to bring is proof of financial responsibility. I know it's not insurance because I need a license to get that so how do I get it? I'm also probably going to borrow my friend's car for the test.""
Car insurance question?
Would it be cheaper to get insurance on a Golf GTI or a older muscle caR? because there are alot of classic car insurance companies who do great deals but i don't know and as a first car by the way. i would of thought as its an older car it would be cheaper
Can i cancel my car insurance after my claim?
hi all, i have a car insurance policy with churchill and have recently written of my car.. the claim is being processed and i need to know some stuff. i am 19 and pay 1200 a year for my car insurance from sept2009-sept2010. I made the claim this week. i am planning to go to america in may for summer camp america and also due to there being a 900 excess ( god tell me about it) i wont be buying a new car and wont need a new car.. my car is only worth 1000 but i am claiming to recover the costs of recovery as i tipped it upside down. so therefore i need to know if i can cancel my insurance policy and if i can do that now or if i have to wait unil the claim has been processed. some people have said tat i might not beable to cancel???""
Is a salvage title more expensive to insure?
I live in Oregon by the way. I am looking at buying a used car with a salvage title.
At what point does an insurance company own your car when it is stolen?
I live in the state of California and my car was stolen. I was paid out for it by my claims adjuster, but the paperwork is still in the process of being transferred from my name to the insurance company's name. Is the car relinquished? If it gets found, am I liable for towing expenses, etc and is it legally still mine?""
""If I finance a new car, how much insurance do I buy?""
I know it will have full coverage, but how much? I'm trying to get an accurate quote through geico to see if I can afford it before buying the car.""
""How can i get umbrella liability insurance,without home insurance?
I only have fire insurance.please help.urgent.AAG
Graduate student health insurance ?
I am planning on attending graduate school it is not a reasonable option to have a job during this graduate program, what are my options for health insurance, how much should I expect to pay?""
Why is it impossible to buy complete insurance?
Why is it impossible to buy complete insurance? (Preferably if you know a lot about economics and health insurance)
Is Bike insurance cheaper then Car?
thinking of getting a bike cause where i live i dont really need a car and would love to have a bike but i dont got that good of a paying job im also 20 years old and i heard people under 25 have there bike insurance much higher then cars is this true
Does anyone know of Grange Insurance Company?
My insurance agent recommends that I switch to Grange because they will give me a much lower rate than what I currently have, with the exact same auto insurance coverage. But, I have never heard of this company.""
Insurance company pay for rental car while mine is being repaired?
i got rear ended, the other driver was at fault, his insurance company is paying to have my car repaired. my claim handler with his insurance company told me they would pay for me to get a rental car while my car is in the shop being repaired. now my car is scheduled to go in the shop monday, and the claim handler wont call me back. are they the ones that need to set up my rental car? or do i just call a rental car place and give them the claim information, and they bill the insurance company??""
What is the best insurance company for garage liability insurance?
I am trying to find a cheaper insurance company for auto dealership. I live in Kentucky, does anyone know a better insurance company? Thanks""
What is the difference between farmer's insurance and state farm?
I'm confuse.   and what is the best insurance company.
""In California, do you have to have insurance on your boat?""
ive never had insurance on my boat before,,,
Car insurance groups?
Hi, im planning on buying a car, however one of them is insurance group 4 (Peugeot 306 D Turbo 1.9) and the other 14 (Alfa 147 . 1.9JTD) both 1.9 turbo diesels. why is the alfa 10 insurance groups more? :S and how much of a difference will this make to the price? i got the Peugeot down to 1107""
How much should I expect to pay for umbrella insurance?
I'm a landscaping contractor in Southern California. I think I need about $2,000,000 in umbrella insurance. How much should I expect to pay (yearly) for that?""
Help with car insurance?
ok.. i just got a 1997 honda accord lx.. im 18 and a new driver.. but the car is in mine and my moms name every place we called it is over a hundred dollars just for state required ?? where is the cheapest place in shelbyville indiana.. i need car insurance and this is outrageous could anybody help me please
Where can I find cheap motorcycle insurance in florida?
I am looking to finanace a bike, and need to find some insurance. Most of the quotes I have gotten have been at least $400 a month. I am trying to find something a lot cheaper. Do you have to have full coverage when financing or can you just get basic coverage like collision or something like that?""
""A $26,000 car got stolen with no insurance, what can I do?""
I financed a car through nissan around Nov. 1st, at payments of 436.29 I financed 26,000. I'm 19 years old, my mother co signed for me. to start building my credit. I had a full time job etc and could easily make payments well shortly after- i loss my job. (a month after) I posted online looking for a third party to do a credit application and take over the payments. I found someone, we went through the paper work etc, and i was stupid/naive enough to let him hold onto the car before seeing if he was approved, to see if he likes it etc, long story short, he never came back with my car, changed his phone and gave me a phony address. My car was stolen. I drove off the lot at nissan without any insurance on it yet, because they let me. (again im new at this and so naive) i was waiting on good quotes on insurance , then my car got stolen before i could get insurance on it. I owe 800 dollars now, and my account is going into collections in 3 days. whats going to happen? I called the police departement, they said they cant file the car stolen because i was in the process of making a civil agreement with him before he just drove off with it. i would have to go to court and file a judgement againist for the car, or 26,000 etc. but i called the courts they said i need a lawyer, i dont have ANY money at all, no job, nothing for a lawyer etc. i dont know what to do. what im mostly scared of is, collections going after my mom for the 26,000 and she owns a mobile home that she bought for 49,000 and pays lot rent on it, and owns a little ford truck , will they put a lien on her house and take it away? what are my options? i dont want to pay this car off for this guy, who took it, the title and everything is under my name, but how can i find it without cops helping? im just scared and crying, i dont know whats going to happen, im scared for my mom. could she file bankruptcy if they come after her? will that save her home? please, just anyone help . i know nissan is going to come after me for repossession but i dont have the car, i dont know where it is. im so scared. 26,000 is a lot owed. any advice is appreciated thanks.""
Are Esurance insurance rates cheaper in Texas than New Jersey?
I just moved to Texas and would like to know if my rate will be cheaper monthly here. I have heard from people that it is supposed to be but have no definite proof. I also cannot find anything else online.
How can I lower my insurance rate?
I got a speeding ticket back in july of '04. My insurace went up recently. I am past the traffic school time. I live in CA. Is there anything I can do to lower my rate increase
What is the average repair cost to homeowner for property damage caused by a typical earthquake in California?
We are considering buying an earthquake insurance for a resident home in California. But the earthquake policy typically covers only 85% of the house rebuild cost, homeowners first have to pay the 15% of that (the deductible). Say the house insured for $300K, then homeowners have to pay $45K first before the insurance comes in to cover the rest for $255K. If the average repair cost is more than $45K, then it may by worth buying earthquake insurance to us.""
Fully comp car insurance?
ive got full comp car insurance,what i want to know is.im buying a car off someone in a few days and want to know if im ok to drive this car home on my insurance.thanks""
How much is car insurance for a 16 year old?
It is a 1998 ford explored 4.0l engine 2wd. I bought it for $2800. About how much is it going to cost for insurance a month. my parents have state farm
Are Mitsubishi cheap in car insurance?
I was looking into buying a 2002 mitsubishi lancer. Are they expensive in insurance?
Are BMW more expensive to insure?
Specifically a White 2006 BMW 325i. I'm 21, never had any traffic violations, had my license since I was 17. I'm looking to get rid of my old 1994 Crappy Mustang, and getting a White 06 3 Series BMW. Will my insurance be expensive? Additional Details: I plan on financing, which means it will require me to get full coverage.""
How long with a car accident affect your insurance rates in California?
I was found at fault for two accidents (damage >$750) a couple years ago and also got ticketed for turning right on a red at a no right on red light. I just spoke with my car insurance company and was told that the accidents will remain on my record for 5 years. Is that true? I looked up the DMV code for California and it looks like the accidents are reportable for only 3 years (no one was hurt, no felony or criminal charges - these were small fender benders). Is the reporting time really 5 years?""
Should Insurance companies be forced?
The proof, via memeorandum: Obama administration approves no-cost birth control, including morning after pill Pro-lifers are horrified at the announcement Monday that the Obama administration has approved a recommendation from the Institute of Medicine (IOM) to guarantee full health insurance coverage for birth control, including the so-called morning-after pill, under the Affordable Care Act. The new guidelines, which the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) labeled historic, will require new health insurance plans to include womens preventive services including FDA approved contraceptives, breast feeding support, and well-women visits  all without charging a co-payment, co-insurance or a deductible  beginning August 1, 2012. The Affordable Care Act helps stop health problems before they start, said HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius in a statement. Babies are a problem now. Remember that Obama equated babies with an STD:""
What zip code in the U.S. has the cheapest auto insurance?
I want to know what area of the country recieves the cheapest auto insurance?
Who has the best car insurance rates in New Jersey?
South Jersey Resident. 26 year old male with a clean driving record.
About how much does a car alarm save on auto insurance?
I know this depends but just give me a GUESS. or how about; use yourself as an example. How much do you save, or would you save, if you had a car alarm?""
What is the cheapest health insurance I can get?
I'm a healthy single person with no preexisting conditions living in Washington State and am tired of paying $430/mo for COBRA. My acceptable range is $50 - $150/mo and only want it as hedge against risk of major injury. I may be travelling overseas for 3-6 months this winter and I'm wondering if: 1. I should choose something like LifeWise with 10k deductible for 3 months, just short term then let it cancel, then get different travel insurance thereafter? 2. Choose a company that does both domestic US and overseas travel coverage? 3. Let COBRA expire and just risk it? Do you have any recommendations? Know of any especially affordable deals that match this?""
Any insurance advice?
We're self employed looking for an health insurance that may cover pregnancy.
What's a good car with low insurance and good gas mileage?
Am looking to spend around 5 grade. Looking for a classy looking car. Preferably 4 door. No need for a sports car look. I guess I like the subcompact look? Compact look. Needs to be fuel efficent. Safe. Low running costs. Reliable. Anyone have any ideas on brands and models? Any advice? Also what am I meant to look out for when buying a used car? This will be my first car.
Primerica vs mass mutual life insurance?
Primerica vs mass mutual life insurance?
Car insurance coverage?
Will the insurance of a driver pay off for a non family member's vehicle that was totaled if he has total coverage for his vehicles? The vehicle that was crashes has a lien against it & only has liability insurance. However, the driver that wrecked has total coverage for both of his vehicles. He has USAA insurance which looks like good insurance? There is GAP insurance on the wrecked vehicle. My question, how do I get the ball rolling on this? I live in Oklahoma, the truck is sitting at a savage yard in Killeen, TX , the primary driver (a soldier) is in a military camp in Virginia, the soldier that wrecked the vehicle is living in Killeen, TX. I signed for the loan, my name is on the title. I haven't ever driven this vehicle. The salvage yard said they sent registered letters to the Oklahoma motor vehicle department. This sounds like it could take months and months to settle. Meanwhile, I need the primary driver to continue make the payments. They are not agreeing on who shuld""
Adrian flux car insurance?
is this a good car insurance company, has anybody got any good/bad coments or opinions about this company, i am a new driver and this will be my first insurance so i would like the advice. thankz in advance!""
Best auto insurance company for young adults?
So after working hard in college and multiple internships, I am going to graduate college in three years and best of all, managed to score an incredible job with Boeing aerospace division in this toilet of an economy. I even managed to use most of my savings to buy an apartment. However, after all this, I realized I was missing a crucial thing. A car(i live far from work). I only drove in my highschool years, so I am completely oblivious when it comes to insurance rates and what not. So my questions are as follow: 1.Is it better to have an older car or newer car as far as premium amounts go? I used to fix cars with another mechanic, so im not worried about an older car breaking down. 2. I am 20 years old, in your experience, what company is the best for young adults? I have no criminal records and no accidents from my highschool years. 3. How much insurance should I buy? In other words, should i just buy coverage for the other person if i hit someone, or should I buy coverage for my own car as well? 4. Just generally, in what range should I expect to pay? Just curious, I have to get it whether I like it or not. 5. Finally, any good tips on bartering with the insurance company to get a lower premium? You dont have to answer all the questions, feel free to just answer one, any help is appreciated!""
What is the difference between farmer's insurance and state farm?
I'm confuse.   and what is the best insurance company.
0 notes
gulescamisade · 7 years
New York:  Day 17, Trickster Party
RUFIOH: -even being indoors was making him restless. Rufioh emerges from the safety of the hotel rooms, breathing out. Interestingly, the cold isn't biting at his skin but then... even while he was living on Avalon, it wasn't. Just an interesting thing as he stuffs his hands into his pockets. Trudging thru the snow.-
KANKRI: -It would seem Rufioh wasnt the only one feeling antsy, however after all that has been happening Kankri feels it is a reasonable uncomfortable sensation. He had even for the time being stopped checking the message board, if only to save himself from worrying about things he did not really have any control of right now.-
KANKRI: -He was actually returning from a brief walk when he saw Rufioh exit out of the hotel and he has to do a double take because didnt Rufioh drop off the face of the uu and go to be a farmer or something??-
[The town seems to have an unusual kind of energy today. Some kind of... sweet scent rising in the air. No one seems to be outdoors, marching around brandishing weapons, but all of the buildings are lit up with lights. ESPECIALLY the candy shop. It's been closed ever since they got into town, sure, but now it's practically lit up like a christmas tree-- BRIGHT SHOWLIGHTS showcasing dozens of kinds of candies. CHOCOLATES AND JAWBREAKERS AND SKITTLES AND EVERYTHING UNDER THE RAINBOW.]
ROSE: -She's standing just outside it, looking in through the window with her arms folded. OBVIOUSLY CURIOUS-
KANKRI: -Bright lights AND rufioh?? This is getting weird fast.-
RUFIOH: -No... that's not... well. It's not like Ruf kept in contact with Kankri of all people. It's easy for him to catch sight of him and fix him with a shrewd look. For some reason he hadn't made the connection that Kankri would be here too.-
RUFIOH: -Before he can bother trying to shoot a greeting to him, he is immediately distracted by the bright lights of the shop. And Rose standing by the shop. With an nimble flap of his wings, he lands next to her.- uh. hey, rose.
RUFIOH: long t1me, no see.
KANKRI: -WOW. Okay well hes going to go stand on the other side of Rose, and not because he's being petty but because yeah this is actually strange and hes curious too.- This st9re has n9t 9nce 6een active 9nce since we have g9tten here...right?
RUFIOH: -kind of mesmerizing... he gazes.-
JOHN: huh. they sure are feeling festive.
RUFIOH: ............ -where the fuck did John come from.-
RUFIOH: -Don't...-
KANKRI: -From the creation of joy in the universe thats where.-
JOHN: -aww........-
KANKRI: Then this is a little 6it strange.
KANKRI: Als9 hell9 J9hn.... And Rufi9h. -Still inspecting the store front.-
ROSE: Perhaps.
ROSE: ...
RUFIOH: hey. -He can be petty too.-
ROSE: I don't suppose you're curious.
Because I am.
KANKRI: En9ugh t9 g9 inside?
ROSE: Yes.
ROSE: But probably not alone.
KANKRI: Hm. Frankly I am hesitent t9 d9 s9.
RUFIOH: anybody got cash cuz... 1'm out.
JOHN: i'll heroically sacrifice myelf to the cause. and i'll even be the official taste tester if there is actual candy inside. -wink-
KANKRI: Did y9u c9me t9 ask f9r m9ney?
JOHN: -snort- kankri that's rude.
JOHN: -he's laughing tho-
KANKRI: Its a genuine questi9n.
JOHN: -what a penis-
KANKRI: -But John dont worry for once he is intending to be one.-
RUFIOH: }:/ RUFIOH: can't walk 1nto a candy shop w1th no money, dogg.
ROSE: And we are in canada.
KANKRI: 9h I think y9u certainly can, y9u w9uld just n9t 6e leaving with anything.
ROSE: I have managed to find one single coin of canadian currency.
ROSE: It is called a Loonie.
ROSE: I find it bizarre and unsettling.
JOHN: can i see? -hovers-
ROSE: -Holds up the shiny coin in two fingers.-
RUFIOH: a loon1e... RUFIOH: -also swishes a horn, opting to NOT discuss this with Kankri.-
JOHN: :O -ooooooh.-
ROSE: Here.
ROSE: Please don't drop it.
JOHN: wouldn't dream of it! what do you take me for? -rolls it into his sleeve-
RUFIOH: buy yourself someth1ng n1ce, yo. -aww. This is cute.-
KANKRI: -Turns to peep at it with John since Rufioh wont answer his question.-
JOHN: hey, i'll share. or maybe they use the barter system.
JOHN: -come to think of it how have they even been staying here with no money...-
RUFIOH: -Ask the adults probably.-
RUFIOH: -wait, we're adults...-
JOHN: soooooo....are you guys coming or what? we're loitering.
KANKRI: -More or less.-
KANKRI: I still d9 n9t kn9w if I wh9ly trust any place 9n this planet.
KANKRI: I am s9rry if any9ne takes 9ffense t9 that.
JOHN: -sighs- nah. it's okay. i have to admit, they really let the place go.
JOHN: -just walks into the shop-
KANKRI: -John no.- KANKRI: -Hhhhh, he hesitates to go in but he doesnt want him to go in there alone.-
KANKRI: -Deep breath and hes trailing Johns heels like the pathetic worrier he is.-
RUFIOH: -This is the gayest thing he's ever seen in his life. And he's Rufioh.-
RUFIOH: -keeps hands in his pockets and waits back, just in case Rose wants to go first.-
KANKRI: -Rufioh you cannot judge.-
[For the most part, the "LEGAL HUNTERS" have been offering hospitality, if suspicion. Especially with their story of escaping from Flavor Town. It's meager living, sure, but they're helping, so long as the group continues to hunt for their own food and doesn't ask too many questions or attract too much attention. They're a lot more willing to part with necessities like water and a place to sleep than they are anything else, after all. ]
[IT SMELLS SWEET IN THE STORE, regardless. And it's bright! Much brighter than anywhere else in town has been. Everything's been pretty dismal and dark, what with the snow rolling in in waves, but this place is bright and lit and a practical BOMBARDMENT OF COLOR. The candy is extravagantly expensive, worth a whole ASSTON OF LOONIES PER QUARTER POUND, but there's a giant taffy pull, a soda station, ice cream... really, almost anything you could imagine in this deceptively large building, ]
[There is also a clerk. Dressed in pink and white candystripe pants with an apron and paper hat, with a grin from ear to ear. They look pretty heavy, and... human-like? They don't have horns, but most of the other details of their appearance seem ambiguous. Not like looking at a mannequin, no, but it's pretty hard to retain even the slightest memory of this person's general... anything.]
[Aside from the demeanor. The demeanor is FRIENDLY.]
KANKRI: -Well at least they seem friendly.-
RUFIOH: -Awww.... he bets Emilet would like a treat from this place. Damn. Rufioh will be careful of his horns in case he swoops by a display.-
RUFIOH: ...sup. -raises hand to the clerk.- sorry to barge 1n outta nowhere.
CLERK: Ha ha! Everyone comes from somewhere! And it's just the right day for a barge! Consider me a harbor, in fact!
JOHN: -he has so many questions, but the most pressing at the moment...is ASSTON a real unit of measurement? and if so, how many Loonies in an ASSTON?-
JOHN: hi there!
JOHN: -he's kind of salivating???-
CLERK: Hi there, son! What can I get for ya?
KANKRI: -John please.-
RUFIOH: -Yeah... this much candy proximity is really distracting.-
KANKRI: -Although this is quite this display, he will give it that.-
KANKRI: Y9u have an extensive c9llecti9n 9f c9nfecti9nary items here.
CLERK: Well, it's a candy store, don'cha know!
JOHN: uh yeah well. nice place you got here.
ROSE: Yes.
ROSE: It is certainly...
ROSE: Colorful.
JOHN: -nothing but confidnece, folks-
KANKRI: -So smooth..-
JOHN: -sparkles-
KANKRI: -Isnt that unsanitary.-
CLERK: Well, I can tell ya that this here is a legitimate piece of currency, yessir!
CLERK: Tell ya what, you seem like nice kids.
CLERK: -he reaches over the counter... and pulls out one of those LARGE SWIRL LOLLIPOPS.-
CLERK: -He holds it out, RIGHT TO JOHN-
JOHN: wow thanks! that's generous of you. C: -his eyes get... VERY big. he's magnetically drawn to it. IT'S SO COLORFUL.-
RUFIOH: -Bruh... Also mesmerized by the swirly colors.-
KANKRI: -Man he just has an odd feeling about this he cant shake but on the other hand thats really actually pretty generous of the clerk, maybe they are a nice guy after all.-
JOHN: well if you guys don't mind my cooties i'll totally share. -kind of distracted now. he wants this in his mouth like NOW.-
RUFIOH: -Lmao. Snrks.- clerk's got swag, 1 th1nk.
KANKRI: I w9nt say swag 6ut I d9 think that it is really nice 9f y9u, mr...?
JOHN: -he can't wait another minuite, he's gonna LICK IT.-
[it tastes...]
[ 🍭]
[Sweetness invades his senses. SWEETNESS IS EVERYTHING.]
JOHN: -!!!!!!! OH SHIT. this is the best thing he's ever tasted. touched heard? felt? just kinda goes quiet as all the colors in the store go all MARIO STAR POWER on him. He even hears the music.-
CLERK: Ha ha! Please leave the premesis.
RUFIOH: um................... -Oh my g od.-
RUFIOH: -backing away slowly before BOLTING OUT THE DOOR.-
KANKRI: ...? Wait what? -Looks back at John for a moment and then goes wall eyed.-
JOHN: -he doesn't really realize it but he has started YELLING, losing all conception of an inside voice- HAHAHA WOW!!!! CANADIANS REALLY KNOW A THING OR TWO ABOUT CANDY, I GOTTA SAY. THIS IS THE LEGIT FLAVORTOWN!!! HAHAHAHHAHA!!!
ROSE: I see.
KANKRI: -Steps back with her but isnt fleeing like Rufioh.-
KANKRI: R9se, d9 n9t try it.
KANKRI: D9 n9t d9 it, d9 n9t g9 near it, I am n9t even certain y9u sh9uld g9 near J9hn at this p9int.
JOHN: -phases out of existence.-
KANKRI: That is very sweet 6ut als9 J9hn I think y9u really need t9--
KANKRI: -Where did he go..-
ROSE: I'm... not...
KANKRI: UM. -Hes turning around and scanning for any sign of his rail, this is a nightmare.-
ROSE: -She's gonna slowly back out of the store.-
RUFIOH: -Outside the shop, Rufioh is flying OUTTIE. He saw this happen last time and it was HORRIFYING. Never again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-
RUFIOH: -rapidly typing something with his comm.-
JOHN: -POPS! right in front of rufioh- NOT SO FAST, BUDDY! BATTERRRRRRR UPPPPP!!!
KANKRI: -Hears Johns voice and he is bolting outside the godforsaken shop.-
ROSE: -She's sitll not much more than MILDLY PERTURBED BY THIS.- ROSE: You seem to have some understanding of this.
ROSE: As a thing that's happening.
JOHN: -His appearance has changed somewhat.-
JOHN: http://static.tumblr.com/e4acae9096a43fe04e7d2ef3de8e0637/kfbxgjb/eydn4clnm/tumblr_static_emvxq80dwfcoocksos0cogg.gif
RUFIOH: -freezes in the air, fumbling and then dropping his communictor as John bat swings the whole lollipop at his face. He keel spins in the air with a holler... at least until the spinning colors fill his vision and everything feels and tastes PIXIE STICK ROCKIN'.- johnnnnnnNOOOOOOOOOOOHYEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ROSE: o-o
KANKRI: 9nly s9mewhat...
KANKRI: If I am c9rrect in my assumpti9n s9mething like this t99k place while we were still 9n Aval9n, its like an 9ut6reak 9f a temp9rary disease 9r drug. I had the... unpleasant misf9rtune 9f 6eing c9ntaminated with it. It is n9t lethal I think, h9wever I will n9t say its n9t destructive 9r danger9us c9nsidering I came 9ut 9f the high c9vered in 6ruises fr9m 6ein sh9t with a p9wer h9se and--.........
KANKRI: 9h dear.
RUFIOH: -The next time the other two see Rufioh, his vest is lit up with a rows and rows of flashing pixie stick candy and the grin is wide on his face. He flies but has no need to flap his wings. He flaps them anyway, spreading SPARKLING SUGAR EVERYWHERE.- WHAT'S UP, DOGGS!!!!!!!!!!
ROSE: ...I--
ROSE: Should we do something about this?
ROSE: Did the hose actually work?
KANKRI: -He is covering his nose and mouth with his hands to keep the dust out of his lungs just in case.-
KANKRI: -Looks at Rose and shakes his head, his voice coming out muffled.- (N9 it didnt.)
KANKRI: (I had t9 wait until it left my system.)
RUFIOH: -bounces to the beat of some music, summoning up a giant candy sword.- HEY YA'LL LOOK A L1L FUCK1NG GLOOMY DOWN THERE!!! WHAT G1VES??? THE N1GHT'S YOUNG AND 1 TH1NK 1T'S T1ME WE CELEBRATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! }8D
ROSE: -She holds up her hand, just in case. A TINY SPARK FIZZLES OUT OF IT. Nothing, still. Crap.-
ROSE: Hngh.
KANKRI: -Rufioh no please.-
ROSE: Please stand still.
RUFIOH: -swooping down to crack the candy sword clean in half over Kankri's head.- YEAH BO1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ROSE: I am trying to work majyyks upon you.
ROSE: Nhgh.
ROSE: How are you doing that????
KANKRI: -He turns to look at the suddenly appeared John and had lowered his hands to say something when suddenly fucking Rufioh comes in and cracks the sword over his head and not only does that SMART but when he inhales a gasp of shock hes taking in the cloud of pixi dust that explodes from the broken sugar weapon.-
ROSE: -She's not entirely sure whether or not she should yell for help. MAYBE SHE SHOULD.-
KANKRI: -Coughing in a thick cloud of sugar dust but before it even fades his wheezing is turning into giggles. His wardrobe has had a complete color change, his hair is green, and is littered with chalky candy hearts with various #warnings on them.-
KANKRI: -And who?? Spin ME??-
KANKRI: -OH WELL THIS IS JUST LOVELY, He is spun and poses with his leg out when dipped.- HEH99!
KANKRI: -Turns head to Rufioh.- CRUNKED Y9U SAY, RUFI9H??
RUFIOH: -pumps his arms and spins in the air, wings tucked close to him.- CRUNK'S THE WORD THE VERB OF THE N1GHT!!!!!! A1N'T NOTH1NG HOLD1N' ME BACK NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ROSE: That is certainly a philosophy that has very little to do with the candy on your head, yes.
KANKRI: 9H!! -Dramatic two hand gasp.- AND R9SE T99!
KANKRI: -360 degree spin in Johns arms to stare right at her.-
ROSE: ...
ROSE: I don't like that someone just said my name.
ROSE: This is growing increasingly worrying.
KANKRI: -WOOP there him go Hi Rufioh-
KANKRI: -Crashes into him-
KANKRI: -Also pulls out his comm device feeling the notifications of Rose's posts.- 999H!
JOHN: -GIVES HER A BIG FAT SMOOCH ON THE HEAD, BUT HE HAS ALSO RELEASED HER. fortunately he's got the attention span of a lemur on aderall.-
MEULIN: -hiding in the bushes.... but then LEAPS OUT to tackle Rose-
KANKRI: -Settles in his arms.- WHY YES I HAVE ACTUALLY!! -feels the muscle with his free hand.- VERY IMPRESSIVE! KANKRI: ALS9 HERE KINDLY USE MY DEVICE! -hands it to him.-
ROSE: -she's gone limp and accepted her fate.-
ROSE: ...Hi Meulin.
MEULIN: -ROLLS, and tries to scoop Rose up- RUUUNNN!
RUFIOH: 1 GOT YOU MAN!!!!!! -holds the device up and snaps a sweet selfie.- }8D
ROSE: -She is carried, limply, like luggage.-
ROSE: I see you have some experience with this too.
KANKRI: -YES take all the selfies.-
ROSE: I am incredibly weirded out.
ROSE: ... ROSE: Please keep carrying me.
KANKRI: PERFECT! MAY I HAVE THE PH9NE 6ACK S9 I MAY-- J9HN!! -Smooches the humans cheek.-
MEULIN: ε=ε=ε=ヾ(э^・ェ・^)э -dives into snowy bushes and tucks them both down-
ROSE: -wheezes.-
ROSE: Thanks.
ROSE: I, um.
ROSE: According to Kankri?
ROSE: We have to just...
ROSE: Wait it out.
ROSE: It's some kind of magic.
ROSE: He said drug, but I'm sure this is magic.
RUFIOH: THAT'S THE WAY TO GO, DUDE!!!!!!!!!!!! 1T'S GREAT, 1SN'T 1T???????????
JOHN: L I B E R A T I N G!!!!
ROSE: -wait god damn it-
ROSE: -She actually leans up a lil-
ROSE: (I refuse to believe these are the circumstances John is coming out.)
RUFIOH: -snap snap snap 📸- };D };D };D
KANKRI: -Hate to break it to you rose but john has been gay for some time.-
KANKRI: -Reaches for his comm now.- THANK Y9U S9 MUCH RUFI9H!
ROSE: Nothing.
ROSE: Forget it.
ROSE: ...I suppose we just live here now...
RUFIOH: HEY KANKR1!!!! YOU KNOW WHAT 1 HEAR??? 1 HEAR...................................
RUFIOH: A FR1END. }833 -sprouts a little anime cat ear headband up at his horns.-
MEULIN: YEP. -nestles into the snow... she doesn't need this-
KANKRI: -Wait on his horns or your horns.-
ROSE: If that's what you'd like to call this.
ROSE: ...Wow, that sounded kind of mean.
RUFIOH: -On his own horns, obviously. And now he has cosplay piddy paws on his hands. Shit's getting mega furry up in here.- THE Y1FFEN1NG 1S FUCK1NG NYA-GH, BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ROSE: Without the circumstance of mind-bending sweets, it would be unambiguously nice, sure.
KANKRI: -Rufioh give him his comm device back before you become a furry.-
RUFIOH: -puts the comm back in his butt pocket.- };33 HELL FUCK1NG YEAH 1 LOOK KAWA11 AS SH1T!!!!!!!!!!
MEULIN: MY GLASSES ARE GETTING REALLY CONFUSED RIGHT NOW. -pulls them off and wipes at the lenses-
MEULIN: (^・ェ・^)ノ⌐■-■
KANKRI: -Rufioh oh my-
RUFIOH: THAT'S HOW 1 FEEL TOO BRO!!! D1D YOU KNOW 1T WAS DR1V1NG ME BATSH1T NOT KNOW1NG 1F YOU WERE OKAY??? EVEN 1F 1 WANT TO PUNCH YOU 1N THE GODDAMN FACE! MAYBE ESPEC1ALLY!!!! BUT HEY! HOLD THAT THOUGHT! -the shape of him dissolves in the air... until he shows up behind Meulin in all his anime candy catboy glory.- }833
MEULIN: -OBLIVIOUS. She's working on these lenses.-
ROSE: I don't know if you can read this, but it's probably true. It is all probably terrifyingly true.
RUFIOH: };33 -at Rose.-
ROSE: ...
ROSE: You see us.
MEULIN: -slides shades back on- DO WHAT?
KANKRI: MY TH9UGHT SHALL INDEED 6E HELD! -he calls out after the vanishing Rufioh and clings to John 83-
RUFIOH: 1 SEEEEEEEEEE YOU, MEU MEU. -spreads paw beans in saccharine disposition.- }8D
JOHN: OH IS THAT WHAT HAPPENED??????????????????????????? RIGHT!!!!
ROSE: ...
ROSE: Hey, um.
ROSE: Run.
MEULIN: .... FURK. -SCURRIES under the bush and liquids beneath it-
ROSE: Yes, that is... completely... untenable... and... ROSE: -FLINGS A SNOWBALL AT HIM AND DASHES-
MEULIN: -WHEEZES under this bush. it's taking time to read all this dialogue on her glasses but it all makes her... kinda sad. because it all feels like stuff she might have said once, trains of thought she might have had.-
MEULIN: YOU CAN'T, THOUGH!!!! -why is she even trying to argue, she sort of laughs anxiously under this bush. THE HECK.-
KANKRI: -Look at these two gayly sway.-
JOHN: -They sway in the air.-
JOHN: (that's the spirit, buddy)
JOHN: -distracted and hypnotized by swirling around in the air with kankri)
KANKRI: -He is so content air dancing with John, he doesnt even mind the heart breaking shit happening with Rufioh right now.-
RUFIOH: -cups hands around his mouth and hollers at Kankri.- HEY KANKR1!!!!!!!!!! BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
KANKRI: -Wraps his arm around John's shoulders.-
MEULIN: -What's worse than what he's saying is the fact that she's quiet amongst the leaves and sharp twigs that she knows she's going to tear out hair to free herself from, and she feels more trapped here than she had in the infirmary.-
MEULIN: -And yet, they all just keep going. She isn't sure if it's the pain behind their words or her own emotions that sting more, but, eventually it's too much, and she squirms out of the bushes, scraping and tugging and scratching herself up, wet with snow and flushed with green.-
RUFIOH: -This should be breaking his heart but it just makes him giggle. Throwing his hand out at Meulin like OH YOU.- WHO'S HURT?? NOT ME!!! 1 FEEL H1GH AS THE SKY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! -zooms up, doing a loop de loop.-
KANKRI: -applauds Rufioh's trick.-
KANKRI: -Wiggles out of John's arms to slide over to her, hands tucked behind him.-
KANKRI: MEULIN Y9U S9UND RATHER D9WN AND 9UT! IT PAINS ME T9 SEE ANY9NE THIS WAY. -Yet his smile is still uncomfortably wide.-
ROSE: (You did not concur with that point several minutes ago.)
KANKRI: -Somehow is able to whisper in roses ear from where he is.- (9PINI9NS CAN CHANGE MY DEAR.)
MEULIN: -she considers backing away... but she doesn't. she stands there and meets Kankri's gaze, balling up her fists.-
JOEY: =With no sudden movements (and nearly laying down on the floro so no one can see her), she carefully pulls her curtains closed=
KANKRI: -Keeps smiling at her.-
KANKRI: -Moves his hand from behind his back to offer her a small candy heart that says "#Happy!! <3"-
KANKRI: -It all somehow fits on there.-
RUFIOH: -floating in the air, chinhandsing with a happy smile on his face.- DAAAAAMN, KANKR1'S GOT GAME!!! HAHAHA!
MEULIN: -stares at Kankri, and then down at the candy heart. She stares at it for a long moment, her mouth a serious frown, and then glances back up at him.-
MEULIN: -swipes out her hand and SNATCHES the candy heart.-
MEULIN: -She practically crushes it in her grip, but it's all too quick. She changes color, and now she's flooding with cotton candy pink, red, and green.-
KANKRI: -👀 meulin-
KANKRI: -welcome to the party!-
ROSE: -She draws in a deep breath, and just sits in the snow.-
KANKRI: -Throws his arm around her.-
RUFIOH: MEU MEUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MEULIN: -she winces, tail puffed out, still standing there... and then blinks open her eyes.-
MEULIN: ....
MEULIN: -chucks off her sunglasses.- NO!!!!!!!!!!!
KANKRI: -owl turns to meulin.-
KANKRI: -8000-
MEULIN: NO!!!!!!
ROSE: -She looks like she's about to say something, face... barely certain of what to make of this, before the shout.-
RUFIOH: -does more dances in the air. ^w^ -
ROSE: -She rises, slowly, stepping over towards Meulin.- ROSE: What just happened here...?
KANKRI: -smiles at Rose and keeps his arm around Meulin.-
KANKRI: -Grins with his pointy teeths.-
JUDE: -takes notes outloud while he's recording this mess- this candy may or may not only effect men... or they're just weak willed...
MEULIN: -shrugs off Kankri's arm and reaches out a hand to Rose-
KANKRI: IT D9ESNT?? -Doof is shrugged.-
RUFIOH: -👀 the voice on the wind. Grins in Jude's direction.-
KANKRI: 9H DEAR!! -Slides over closer to Rufioh even if he is in the sky.-
ROSE: I am not sure why or how but I consider this a miracle. ROSE: Thank you.
ROSE: That was... very well spoken, you know.
KANKRI: H9T WIND9W PEEPER Y9U SAY??? -Make those hand telescopes and looks around until some how he makes dead eye contact with Jude even this far away.-
RUFIOH: HE'S HOT, DUDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A HOT DAD!!!! HAHAHAHA!
JUDE: -clears throat, speaking up- half brother... technically...
JUDE: wait, don't-- JUDE: don't look at me
JOEY: =slapping/pulling on Jude's pant leg trying to get him to duck down=
KANKRI: -Links arms with Rufioh, look at them being best buddies.-
KANKRI: -Then his arm is going around Rufiohs waist.-
MEULIN: -She twitches her ears -- somehow, she feels like she can hear Rose, even without hearing. Maybe she's reading her lips. It doesn't have to make sense, but she's trying to ignore how her eyes are stinging as she glides over the rooftops, trying to put the chaos of her yelling friends behind her.-
MEULIN: ... I'M SORRY. -sniffs and smiles at Rose, just a little.- FOR NOT BEING ABLE TO HELP.
JOEY: (what the actual heck is going on out there?) =peeks under the curtain a little=
JUDE: -ALIENS hand gesture- cherub magic...
ROSE: -She smiles a little bit, sadly.-
ROSE: I...
ROSE: Yes, I understand.
ROSE: You don't say things like that so easily. Not unless it becomes impossible to care.
ROSE: I think I prefer this.
ROSE: I don't believe I've ever been rescued quite so gallantly before.
ROSE: In defiance of all known physics.
RUFIOH: WHY NOT TRY TH1S ONE ON FOR S1ZE???????????? -then swoops down to plant a sugar smooch to Kankri.-
JOHN: :O!!!!
KANKRI: -Is so smoothly smooched, he leans with the swoop and places his hands on either side of Rufioh's face for this wonderful kiss. What a reunion!-
RUFIOH: -Thanks bro!! He's had practice, dipping Kankri back to perpetuate the SUAVE. Insert spanish guitar riffs here.-
KANKRI: -Swooning to the part.-
JOHN: -UNCAPATCHAS....HIS KEYBOARD. HE'S GOING TO GIVE THIS LOVELY MOMENT SOME THEME MUSIC. Nevermind that he's playing it without it being plugged in at all. Magic.-
KANKRI: -John you are perfect.-
KANKRI: -Also takes pictures of this kiss too somehow.-
RUFIOH: -volcanos explode, dragons swoop, everyone is so jealous.- <333333333333
KANKRI: -If anyone is jealous he can smooch them too!-
JOHN: -HE'S CONTENT WITH SMACKING ON HIS KEYBOARD JOYFULLY FOR NOW. Somehow the music sounds like xylophone and a trombone.-
ROSE: You are.
ROSE: ...
ROSE: -She frowns, suddenly.-
ROSE: I imagine it must be terrifying to lose control like that.
ROSE: But you've grown a lot stronger since we first met.
ROSE: As hard as it's been, I have seen it. I am seeing it now.
ROSE: Even if the only evidence you have is overpowering the strength of whatever bewitching candy demon presented us with that hell-sucker.
ROSE: These things happen in degrees. It tends to make them a great deal more surprising, in the end.
ROSE: ...So.
ROSE: Thank you.
MEULIN: -She doesn't know what to say anymore, and at this rate, her throat feels too tight even if she wanted to. Her eyes are blurring quickly with -- what is that, lime green?? That's not normal, and she drifts down to a snow-covered rooftop in the more dimly lit areas of town, just sort of caving down to sit with Rose when she starts to cry.-
ROSE: -She rests a hand on her shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze.-
ROSE: -Silence. She ignores how bright and vibrant her colors are, right now. Or the absurdity down below-- how hard it all is to process. That feeling of helplessness when faced with a barrage of everything wrong with her friends-- her family-- and the hellish situation they've lived with for so long.-
RUFIOH: -looks both astonished and delighted to hear Kankri's suggestion. Wafting off more sparkling sugar.- THAT'S THE BEST FUCK1NG 1DEA 1 HAVE EVER HEARD OF 1N MY L1FE!!!!!!!!!! RUFIOH: LET THE FOUR OF US L1VE TOGETHER, BRO! YOU, ME, JOHN, AND THE LOVE OF MY FUCK1NG L1FE!!!!!!!!!!
ROSE: -Better to just... be herself. She cozies up against Meulin and wraps an arm around her fully.-
KANKRI: YES I AGREE FUCK THIS WAR! -Snuggles Rufioh, this is so great.-
MEULIN: -A part of her still wants to feel embarrassed at knowing how hard she's crying already, but then, she can't. She doesn't want to. And the heavy warmth of Rose's arm around her confirms that this is right.-
MEULIN: -She leans into Rose, and she lets herself feel the emotions she's been carrying. At last, she feels sure this is the way to heal.-
KANKRI: -They spin!! And its Rufioh's turn to get so many face kisses! Hes feeling so affectionate and its so W9NDERFUL to have Rufioh back and the thought of rebuilding beforus is great too.- TRULY Y9U ARE S9 RIGHT! RUFI9H NEVER LEAVE MY SIDE AGAIN!
KANKRI: G99D6YE J9HN, I L9VE Y9U 6E SAFE!!! <><> -Who knows how he emotes those diamonds.-
KANKRI: -('8B-
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patriotsnet · 3 years
When Is The Last Time Republicans Controlled Congress
New Post has been published on https://www.patriotsnet.com/when-is-the-last-time-republicans-controlled-congress/
When Is The Last Time Republicans Controlled Congress
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Who Controlled The House And Senate In 2001
107th United States Congress 100 senators 435 members of the House 5 non-voting delegates Senate Majority Democratic Republican Democratic House Majority
Bush. It was composed of the Senate and the House of Representatives. The apportionment of seats in the House was based on the 2000 U.S. Census. The Democratic Party controlled a majority in both chambers for the first time since the end of the 103rd Congress in 1995.
Also Know, who controlled the Senate in 2000? 2000 United States Senate elections
Leader 54
Keeping this in consideration, who controlled the House and Senate from 2000 to 2008?
The apportionment of seats in the House was based on the 2000 U.S. Census. In the November 2008 elections, the Democratic Party increased its majorities in both chambers, giving President Obama a Democratic majority in the legislature for the first two years of his presidency.
Who controlled the Senate in 2003?
108th United States Congress 1st: January 7, 2003 December 8, 2003 2nd: January 20, 2004 December 9, 2004
Democrat Jon Ossoff Claims Victory Over David Perdue In Georgia Runoff
Sen. Chuck Schumer of New York is expected to replace GOP Sen. Mitch McConnell as majority leader and will determine which bills come to the floor for votes.
The ambitious proposals addressing climate change and health care and other domestic priorities touted by Biden and Harris will be difficult, if impossible, to advance with more moderate Democrats especially those facing competitive 2022 midterm reelection campaigns reluctant to sign onto partisan proposals. The much House Democratic majority compounds the challenge for the party.
Instead, Biden will need to consider which domestic priorities can get bipartisan support since Senate rules now require anything to get 60 votes to advance. The president-elect has already indicated that additional coronavirus relief will be his first priority, but he has also said he plans to unveil an infrastructure plan that could get support from Republicans.
In a statement Wednesday, Biden said that “Georgia’s voters delivered a resounding message yesterday: they want action on the crises we face and they want it right now. On COVID-19, on economic relief, on climate, on racial justice, on voting rights and so much more. They want us to move, but move together.”
The president-elect also spoke to Democrats’ potential total control of Washington.
Democrats Managed To Hold Onto Nevada But Only Picked Up One Seat From Republicans
Nevada, a Democratic open-seat contest where Rep. Joe Heck ran against former state Attorney General Catherine Cortez Masto was called in Cortez Mastos . Prior to the release of the where Trump bragged about sexual assault, Heck had led Cortez Masto in the polls, but after Heck renounced his support for Trump , Cortez Masto was able to earn enough votes to allow Democrats to hang onto Nevada.
Illinois, where Kirk lost the seat to Duckworth, tipped to Democrats. Throughout the Illinois race, Duckworth led Kirk in the polls, but only in recent weeks did her lead break double digits. Duckworths victory gave Democrats one of five seats they needed to pick up to regain control in the Senate.
Republicans Rule House And Senate For First Time In 8 Years
Republicans captured total control of Congress on Tuesday, riding a wave of voter discontent to take the Senate for the first time in eight years and expand its majority in the House, according to NBC News projections.
The vote will recalibrate the balance of power for President Barack Obamas final two years in office as attention begins to turn to who will succeed him.
NBC News projections showed Republicans picking up Senate seats held by Democrats in Arkansas, Colorado, Iowa, Montana, North Carolina, South Dakota and West Virginia one more than the six they needed to take the chamber.
In the House, Republicans were projected to finish the night with an advantage of 246-189, plus or minus six seats, well ahead of their current edge of 233-199.
Mitch McConnell of Kentucky survived a challenge from Alison Lundergan Grimes and appeared poised to achieve his dream of becoming majority leader.
Party Divisions Of United States Congresses
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Party divisions of United States Congresses have played a central role in the organization and operations of both chambers of the United States Congressthe and the House of Representativessince its establishment as the legislature of the Federal government of the United States in 1789. Political parties had not been anticipated when the U.S. Constitution was drafted in 1787, nor did they exist at the time the first Senate elections and House elections occurred in 1788 and 1789. Organized political parties developed in the U.S. in the 1790s, but political factionsfrom which organized parties evolvedbegan to appear almost immediately after the 1st Congress convened. Those who supported the Washington administration were referred to as “pro-administration” and would eventually form the Federalist Party, while those in opposition joined the emerging Democratic-Republican Party.
There Were 26 Additional Seats Up For Election But None Of These Seats Changed Parties Louisiana Could Still Switch But We Wont Know Until December And It Wont Make A Difference To Democrats
The rest of the Senate races didnt switch parties this year. This includes 16 seats held by Republicans and nine held by Democrats. We still dont know the outcome of the Senate race in Louisiana as it has moved to a run-off that will be decided in December.
The open seat of Sen. David Vitter could now end up Democrat, but it still wont matter for Democrats when it comes to control of the Senate. The two candidates on the Louisiana ballot to fill Vitters open seat are Louisiana state Treasurer John Kennedy and Foster Campbell .
But this wasnt always the case: Up until a few weeks ago, Senate seats in Florida, Arizona, and Ohio were seen as pretty competitive races. The races only began to open up in recent days.
In Florida, Sen. Marco Rubio had a 3.7-point lead over challenger Patrick Murphy heading into Election Day. And in the other two states, incumbent Republicans John McCain and Rob Portman both enjoyed double-digit leads over their opponents, securing easy Republican victories.
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Republicans Can Win The Next Elections Through Gerrymandering Alone
Even if voting patterns remain the same, Republicans could still win more seats in Congress through redistricting
In Washington, the real insiders know that the true outrages are whats perfectly legal and that its simply a gaffe when someone accidentally blurts out something honest.
And so it barely made a ripple last week when a Texas congressman said aloud whats supposed to be kept to a backroom whisper: Republicans intend to retake the US House of Representatives in 2022 through gerrymandering.
We have redistricting coming up and the Republicans control most of that process in most of the states around the country, Representative Ronny Jackson told a conference of religious conservatives. That alone should get us the majority back.
Hes right. Republicans wont have to win more votes next year to claim the US House.
In fact, everyone could vote the exact same way for Congress next year as they did in 2020 when Democratic candidates nationwide won more than 4.7m votes than Republicans and narrowly held the chamber but under the new maps that will be in place, the Republican party would take control.
If Republicans aggressively maximize every advantage and crash through any of the usual guardrails and they have given every indication that they will theres little Democrats can do. And after a 2019 US supreme court decision declared partisan gerrymandering a non-justiciable political issue, the federal courts will be powerless as well.
Ernst Promises To Make Washington Squeal After Senate Win
In Louisiana, Democratic Sen. Mary Landrieu was forced into a December runoff with Republican Bill Cassidy. In Georgia, Republican David Perdue cleared the 50 percent threshold to avoid a runoff.
Republican Sen. Pat Roberts of Kansas beat independent Greg Orman, who had refused to say which party he would vote with. For a time, it appeared he alone might determine the Senate majority. It ultimately didnt matter.
Obama, with a new Congress to deal with, invited leaders of both parties and both chambers to the White House on Friday for a post-election meeting, a White House official told NBC News. The presidents approval rating has bounced around the low 40s all year 42 percent in the final reading before Election Day.
Almost across the board, Republicans sought to tie their Democratic opponents to the president throughout the campaign. And the president mostly stayed away from states with close races, knowing his presence could hinder vulnerable Democrats seeking to distance themselves from the leader of their party.
The Republican takeover of the Senate will force Obama to use his veto power more often he has wielded it only twice in six years and could complicate his efforts to make judicial appointments, including to the Supreme Court.
Incumbent republican Tom Corbett of Pennsylvania was ousted by Democrat Tom Wolf. In Texas, Republican Greg Abbott beat Democrat Wendy Davis, who gained national fame last year by filibustering an abortion bill.
New Members Of Congress
See also: New members elected in 2018 congressional elections
In the 2018 Senate and House elections, nine new members were elected to the Senate and 93 new members were elected to the House. These new members of Congress defeated incumbents or competed for open seats as a result of appointments to state and executive offices, resignations, and retirements. Here are some facts about the new members of Congress.
Five incumbent senatorsfour Democrats and one Republicanwere defeated in general elections. Senators who defeated incumbents were Mike Braun , Kevin Cramer , Josh Hawley , Jacky Rosen, and Rick Scott .
Three senators, all Republican, did not seek re-election in 2018. They were replaced by two Republicans and a Democrat. Sen. Thad Cochran also retired early, leaving his seat vacant. Cindy Hyde-Smith was elected to complete his term.
Fifty-two members of the U.S. House did not seek re-election in 2018. The 34 outgoing Republicans were replaced by 24 Republicans and 10 Democrats. The 18 outgoing Democrats were replaced by 15 Democrats and three Republicans.
Four members of the U.S. Housetwo Democrats and two Republicanswere defeated in primary elections in 2018. They were replaced by three Democrats and one Republican.
Thirty members of the U.S. House, all Republicans, were defeated in the general election by Democrats.
Changes To House Rules
After took control of the House in the 116th Congress, they voted to change some rules from the previous session of Congress when were in control. Some of the changes appear below.
PAYGO: Democrats approved PAYGO, a provision that requires legislation that would increase the deficit to be offset by spending cuts or revenue increases.
Ethics: Democrats made changes to House ethics rules that required all House members to take ethics training, not just new members. The rules also required members to reimburse taxpayers for settlements that that result from a members discrimination of someone based on race, religion, sex, national origin, or disability, among other things. Lawmakers were also prohibited from sitting on corporate boards.
Climate change committee: Democrats created a new climate change committee to address the issue. The committee was not given subpoena power or the ability to bring bills to the floor.
A full explanation of the rules changes can be viewed .
Incoming Biden Administration And Democratic House Wont Have To Deal With A Republican
Democrats Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff wave to supporters during a joint rally on Nov. 15 in Marietta, Ga.
Democratic challengers Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock have defeated Georgias two incumbent Republican U.S. senators in the states runoff elections, the Associated Press said Wednesday, in a development that gives their party effective control of the Senate.
Ossoff and Warnock were projected the winners over Sens. David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler by the AP following campaigns that drew massive spending and worldwide attention because the runoffs were set to determine the balance of power in Washington. The AP , at about 2 a.m. Eastern, then followed with the call for Ossoff over Perdue on Wednesday afternoon.
President-elect Joe Bidens incoming administration and the Democratic-run House of Representatives now wont face the same checks on their policy priorities that they would have faced with a Republican-controlled Senate, though analysts have said the slim Democratic majority in the chamber could mean more power for moderate senators from either party.
See:With sweep expected in Georgia Senate races, Democrats have high hopes for what Biden can do
It is looking like the Democratic campaign machine was more effective at driving turnout than the Republican one, said Eurasia Group analyst Jon Lieber in a note late Tuesday.
Warnock then made just before 8 a.m. Eastern time on Wednesday.
How Long Has The Senate Been Controlled By Republicans
Senators elected to regular terms in 2008 were in the last two years of those terms during this Congress. The Senate had a Democratic majority, while the House had a Republican majority. As of 2019, this is the last Congress in which Democrats controlled the Senate.
Secondly, which party controlled the Senate before elections? Republicans, having won a majority of seats in the Senate in 2014, held the Senate majority with 54 seats before this election. Although Democrats made a net gain of two seats and did not lose any of their seats, Republicans retained control of the Senate for the 115th United States Congress.
Then, which party controls the Senate 2019?
116th United States Congress 1st: January 3, 2019 January 3, 2020 2nd: January 3, 2020 present
Which party has had control of Congress the most?
However, after the Democratic Party again won back control in the elections of 1954, it was the majority party in both houses of Congress for most of the next forty years.
Partisan Control Of Congress
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This table shows the number of Congresses in which a party controlled either the House, the Senate, or the presidency.
U.S. Senate: Party Divisions
The Anti-Administration Party was not a formal political party but rather a faction opposed to the policies of Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton. The faction eventually coalesced into the Democratic-Republican Party.
The Pro-Administration Party was not a formal political party but rather a faction supportive of the policies of Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton. The faction eventually coalesced into the Federalist Party.
^ Though Washington never formally joined a party, he was broadly sympathetic to the coalition which later became the Federalist Party.
Washington disapproved of formal political parties and refused to join either party, though he became a symbol of the Federalist Party.
^ The Democratic-Republican Party broke up into two competing parties during the 1820s, but there is no official date of dissolution for the Democratic-Republicans. During the presidency of John Quincy Adams, Congress became divided between a group that favored Adams and a group that favored Andrew Jackson. After Adams left office, Congress was divided into a group that supported the Jackson administration and a group that opposed it. During Jackson’s presidency, the pro-Jackson group coalesced into the Democratic Party, while the anti-Jackson group joined with the Anti-Masonic Party and other groups to form the Whig Party.
Gop Senator Says Republicans Didn’t Control Senate When They Held Majority
Michael Burke
Sen.Ron Johnson said Sunday that Republicans didn’t control Congress during the first two years of President Trump
Johnson said that while the GOP had a majority in the Senate during Trump’s first two years in office, they didn’t control the chamber since Democrats had a large minority.
You said we controlled both chambers. We didnt,” Johnson told NBC’s “Meet the Press” host Chuck Todd, who questioned why Republicans didn’t approve funding for Trump’s proposed border wall while they had those majorities.
“We had a majority in the Senate.So you dont control it. We needed Democrats to support us and theyve been unified in trying to thwart this presidents No. 1 issue in the campaign, which was to secure the borders,” Johnson said.
“So no, we didnt have control,” he continued. “We needed Democrats, we never had any cooperation from Democrats, which is regrettable.
Republicans were in the majority in both the House and the Senate during the first two years of the Trump presidency, but they only held a slight advantage in the Senate.
They began Trump’s presidency with a 52-48 margin, but that shrunk to 51-49 at the end of 2017 with Democrat Doug Jones’s shocking win in a special Senate election in Alabama.
Republicans expanded their edge in the Senate to 53-47 inNovember but lost control of the House to Democrats.
Th United States Congress
January 3, 2015 January 3, 2017 Members 1st: January 6, 2015 December 18, 20152nd: January 4, 2016 January 3, 2017
The 114th United States Congress was a meeting of the legislative branch of the United States of America federal government, composed of the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives. It met in Washington, D.C. from January 3, 2015, to January 3, 2017, during the final two years of Barack Obama’s presidency. The seats in the House were based on the 2010 United States Census.
The 2014 elections gave the Republicans control of the Senate and the House for the first time since the 109th Congress. With 248 seats in the House of Representatives and 54 seats in the , this Congress began with the largest majority since the 71st Congress of 19291931. As of 2021, this is the most recent session of Congress in which Republicans and Democrats held any seats in New Hampshire and , respectively, and the last in which Republicans held a Senate seat in .
Mcconnell Not Backing Down From Obama In Victory Speech
I dont expect the president to wake up tomorrow and view the world any differently than he did when he woke up this morning. He knows I wont either, McConnell said. But I do think we have an obligation to work together on issues where we can agree. I think we have a duty to. Just because we have a two-party system doesnt mean we have to be in perpetual conflict.
Sen. Harry Reid of Nevada, the Democrat who will lose his job as majority leader, said in a statement: The message from voters is clear: they want us to work together. I look forward to working with Senator McConnell to get things done for the middle class.
Pre-election polls showed a record low level of interest in the election, and those who did show up were not happy. Exit polls showed that 54 percent of voters disapprove of Obamas performance, and 79 percent gave the thumbs down to Congress.
In 18 Months Republicans Are Very Likely To Control Congress Being In Denial Makes It Worse
To prevent such disastrous results, Democrats would need to replicate what happened the last time the presidents party didnt lose House or Senate seats in a midterm election.
Since the Civil War, midterm elections have enabled the presidents party to gain ground in the House of Representatives only three times, and those were in single digits. The last few midterms have been typical: In 2006, with Republican George W. Bush in the White House, his party lost 31 House seats. Under Democrat Barack Obama, his party lost 63 seats in 2010 and then 13 seats in 2014. Under Donald Trump, in 2018, Republicans lost 41 seats. Overall, since World War II, losses haveaveraged 27 seats in the House.
Next year, if Republicans gain just five House seats, Rep. Kevin McCarthy or some other right-wing ideologue will become the House speaker, giving the GOP control over all committees and legislation. In the Senate, where the historic midterm pattern has been similar, a Republican gain of just one seat will reinstall Mitch McConnell as Senate majority leader.
Its not just history that foreshadows a return to Capitol power for the likes of McCarthy and McConnell. All year, Republican officeholders have been methodically doing all they can to asphyxiate democracy. And they can do a lot more.
Current Leadership Of Key Offices
One year of a Democratic trifectaTwelve years of Republican trifectasScroll left and right on the table below to view more years.
Who Runs the States Report Background Main Page Part One: State Partisanship Partisanship Results Infographic Part Two: State Quality of Life Index Part Three: Overlaying Results Part 1 Executive Summary State Partisanship Analysis Partisan Control of Governorships Partisan Control of State Legislatures Partisan Control of State Senates Partisan Control of State Houses State Government Trifectas Overall Partisan Control: Bright, Medium and Soft States Changes of Partisan Domination over 22 years Year-to-Year Changes in State Partisan Control Trifectas and Presidential Election Patterns Appendix A Appendix B Part 2 Executive Summary State Quality of Life Index About the Index Overall Rankings Dramatic Changes from 1st Half to 2nd Half Individual Indicators Part 3 Comparing Partisanship and the State Quality of Life Index Rankings Description of the data Trends and correlations Key Values for Fifty-State Regressions State Reports
Green Light For Biden’s Nominees
While the filibuster will be a continued thorn in Democratic sides when it comes to legislation, it no longer applies to presidential nominations. That means Biden’s selection for his administration, from the Cabinet on down, can be confirmed solely with Democratic votes . That’s good news for nominees who might have been controversial, like Neera Tanden, Biden’s budget office pick.
Since several centrist Republicans have already said they will usually defer to the new president’s appointments, it should be smooth sailing for most of his nominees.
The same goes for Biden’s judicial appointments, including any Supreme Court vacancies that open up in the near future. Donald Trump in his four years placed 234 judges on the federal bench, including three to the Supreme Court. That has given him a political legacy that will long outlast his one term in office. Biden, thanks to Georgia, should have the opportunity to start rolling back some of those gains.
Partisan Composition Of State Legislatures
Partisan composition of state legislatures Legislatures New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota West Virginia See also
The partisan composition of state legislatures refers to which political party holds the majority of seats in the State Senate and State House. Altogether, there are 1,972 state senators and 5,411 state representatives.The breakdown of chamber control after the November 2020 election is as follows:
37 chambers
One chamber with power sharing between the parties
The breakdown of chamber control prior to the November 2020 election was as follows:
39 chambers
See also: Partisan composition of state houses and Partisan composition of state senates
Sixty-one state legislative chambers around the country have an even number of members, raising the possibility of a tie between the two major parties. In some instances, a bipartisan coalition of legislators is formed to act as leadership. This tactic has not been the universal approach, however; some legislative bodies have used a coin toss, gubernatorial choice, shared time, choosing co-leaders, or dividing chairperson positions between the parties.
state government trifecta
As of August 15, 2021, there are 23 Republican trifectas, 15 Democratic trifectas, and 12 divided governments where neither party holds trifecta control.
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batterymonster2021 · 5 years
My philosophy for a happy life | Sam Berns | TEDxMidAtlantic
New Post has been published on https://hititem.kr/my-philosophy-for-a-happy-life-sam-berns-tedxmidatlantic-2/
My philosophy for a happy life | Sam Berns | TEDxMidAtlantic
Translator: Bob Prottas Reviewer: Ariana Bleau Lugo hey everyone. I’m Sam, and i just turned 17. Just a few years in the past, before my freshman year in high tuition, I wanted to play snare drum within the Foxboro excessive institution Marching Band, and it used to be a dream that I just had to accomplish. But every snare drum and harness weighed about forty pounds each and every, and i’ve a disorder known as Progeria. So just to offer you an notion, I weigh simplest about 50 pounds. So, logistically, I fairly couldn’t carry a general sized snare drum, and on account that of this the band director assigned me to play pit percussion for the period of the halftime exhibit.Now pit percussion was once fun. It worried some particularly cool auxiliary percussion instruments, just like the bongos, timpani, and timbales, and cowbell. So it was enjoyable, but it surely involved no marching, and that i was once just so devastated. Nonetheless, nothing used to be going to discontinue me from enjoying snare drum with the marching band within the halftime show. So my loved ones and that i labored with an engineer to design a snare drum harness that will be lighter, and simpler for me to hold.So after steady work, we made a snare drum equipment that weighs handiest about 6 kilos. (Applause) I simply need to give you some extra know-how about Progeria. It affects simplest about 350 youngsters at present, worldwide. So it is lovely infrequent, and the effects of Progeria comprise: tight epidermis, lack of weight achieve, stunted growth, and coronary heart disease. Final 12 months my mom and her workforce of scientists released the first successful Progeria cure study, and considering the fact that of this I used to be interviewed on NPR, and John Hamilton requested me the question: "what’s the essential thing that men and women should learn about you?" And my answer used to be effectively that i’ve an awfully happy lifestyles. (Applause) So although there are lots of limitations in my lifestyles, with various them being created via Progeria, I don’t need persons to consider dangerous for me. I do not consider about these boundaries always, and i am able to overcome most of them anyway. So Im right here at present, to share with you my philosophy for a completely happy lifestyles. So, for me, there are 3 features to this philosophy. So it is a quote from the noted Ferris Bueller. The primary facet to my philosophy is that Im k with what I ultimately cant do given that there’s a lot i will be able to do.Now people many times inquire from me questions like, "Isnt it tough residing with Progeria?" or "What daily challenges of Progeria do you face?" And identity like to assert that, although i have Progeria, most of my time is spent fascinated by things that don’t have anything to do with Progeria in any respect. Now this doesnt mean that I ignore the negative features of these obstacles.After I cant do whatever like run a long distance, or go on an intense roller coaster, i do know what Im lacking out on. However as a substitute, I decide on to center of attention on the pursuits that i can do by means of things that Im , like scouting, or music, or comedian books, or any of my favorite Boston sporting activities teams. Yeah, so — (Laughter) however, repeatedly I ought to in finding an extra option to do something via making adjustments, and that i want to put these things within the "can do" category. Form of such as you saw with the drum earlier. So heres a clip with me playing Spider-Man with the Foxboro high school Marching Band at halftime a few years ago. (Video) Spider-Man theme track (Applause) thanks. All correct, all correct, so — That was once beautiful cool, and so I was capable to achieve my dream of taking part in snare drum with the marching band, as I think i can do for all of my desires.So optimistically, which you could accomplish your desires as good, with this outlook. The following facet to my philosophy is that I encompass myself with persons I wish to be with, folks of high satisfactory. Im totally lucky to have an potent family, who have invariably supported me for the period of my whole lifestyles. And Im also particularly lucky to have a particularly shut workforce of associates at school. Now were kind of goofy, a lot of us are band geeks, however we quite enjoy every others manufacturer, and we support each different out once we need to.We see every other for who we are on the inside. So this is us goofing off somewhat bit. So had been juniors in high college now, and we are able to now mentor younger band contributors, as a single collective unit. What i like about being in a group just like the band, is that the music that we make collectively, is correct, is genuine, and it supersedes Progeria. So I dont have got to fear about that when Im feeling so just right about making music. But even having made a documentary, going on tv a few instances, I suppose like Im at my best possible factor when Im with the people that surround me day-to-day.They furnish the true optimistic influences in my existence, as i’m hoping i can provide a constructive affect in theirs as well. (Applause) thanks. So the backside line here, is that i hope you respect and love your loved ones, love your buddies, for you guys, love you Bros and renowned your mentors, and your community, given that they are an extraordinarily real part of every day existence, they may be able to make a real gigantic, confident have an effect on. The third aspect to the philosophy is, preserve moving forward. Heres a quote via a person you can also comprehend, named Walt Disney, and its one in all my favourite prices. I perpetually try to have something to appear ahead to. Anything to strive for to make my existence richer. It doesnt ought to be huge. It would be some thing from looking ahead to the subsequent comedian e-book to return out, or going on a large loved ones vacation, or hanging out with my friends, to going to the next high college soccer game.Nevertheless, all of those things maintain me focused, and understand that theres a shiny future ahead, and may just get me through some intricate occasions that I is also having. Now this mentality includes staying in a ahead considering state of intellect. I try difficult not to waste vigour feeling badly for myself, since when I do, I get stuck in a paradox, the place theres no room for any happiness or another emotion. Now, its not that I ignore when Im feeling badly, I form of accept it, I let it in, so that i will be able to acknowledge it, and do what I must do to move previous it. When I was younger, I desired to be an engineer. I desired to be an inventor, who would catapult the world into a greater future. Maybe this came from my love of Legos, and the freedom of expression that I felt after I was constructing with them.And this used to be additionally derived from my family and my mentors, who constantly make me suppose whole, and just right about myself. Now today my ambitions have transformed a bit of bit, identity like to enter the discipline of Biology, perhaps mobilephone biology, or genetics, or biochemistry, or relatively whatever. This can be a friend of mine, who I appear up to, Francis Collins, the director of the NIH, and that is us at TEDMED last yr, chatting away.I suppose that it doesn’t matter what I prefer to become, I think that i can exchange the world. And as Im striving to alter the arena, I can be comfortable. About four years in the past, HBO commenced to movie a documentary about my household and me referred to as existence according to Sam. That was a gorgeous first-rate experience, but it surely was additionally four years ago. And like any person, my views on many matters have converted, and confidently matured, like my expertise career choice. Nonetheless, some things have stayed the equal for the period of that time.Like my mentality, and philosophy in the direction of lifestyles. So I want to show you a clip of my younger self from the film, that I suppose embodies that philosophy. (Video) i know more about it genetically. So its less of an embodiment now. It was once like this factor that prevents me from doing all these items, that factors different kids to die, that factors everybody to be stressed, and now its a protein that is abnormal, that weakens the constitution of cells. So, and it takes a burden off of me considering now I dont ought to believe about Progeria as an entity. K, pretty excellent, huh? (Applause) thanks. So, as one can find Ive been thinking this fashion for many years. But identification on no account quite had to practice all of these facets of my philosophy to the scan at one time, until final January.I used to be lovely unwell, I had a chest bloodless, and that i was in the medical institution for a few days, and i used to be secluded from all of the features of my life that I felt made me, me, that form of gave me my identity. But knowing that I used to be going to get higher, and watching forward to a time that i might suppose good once more, helped me to hold moving forward. And usually I had to be courageous, and it wasnt at all times handy. Many times I faltered, I had bad days, however i noticed that being courageous isnt speculated to be convenient. And for me, I suppose its the key strategy to maintain moving ahead. So, all in all, I dont waste vigor feeling bad for myself. I encompass myself with individuals that I wish to be with, and i preserve moving forward. So with this philosophy, i hope that every one of you, despite your limitations, can have an extraordinarily completely satisfied life as good. Oh, wait, hang on a 2nd, an extra piece of recommendation – (Laughter) under no circumstances omit a occasion if which you can support it. My colleges homecoming dance is day after today night time, and i shall be there.Thank you very so much. (Applause) .
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airoasis · 5 years
My philosophy for a happy life | Sam Berns | TEDxMidAtlantic
New Post has been published on https://hititem.kr/my-philosophy-for-a-happy-life-sam-berns-tedxmidatlantic/
My philosophy for a happy life | Sam Berns | TEDxMidAtlantic
Translator: Bob Prottas Reviewer: Ariana Bleau Lugo howdy every person. I am Sam, and that i just turned 17. A couple of years ago, before my freshman year in high school, I wanted to play snare drum in the Foxboro excessive tuition Marching Band, and it used to be a dream that I simply had to accomplish. However every snare drum and harness weighed about 40 kilos every, and i’ve a ailment called Progeria. So simply to offer you an concept, I weigh best about 50 pounds. So, logistically, I fairly could not elevate a standard sized snare drum, and considering of this the band director assigned me to play pit percussion during the halftime exhibit. Now pit percussion was fun. It concerned some rather cool auxiliary percussion devices, like the bongos, timpani, and timbales, and cowbell. So it used to be enjoyable, nevertheless it concerned no marching, and that i used to be in order that devastated. Nevertheless, nothing used to be going to discontinue me from taking part in snare drum with the marching band within the halftime exhibit. So my loved ones and i worked with an engineer to design a snare drum harness that would be lighter, and simpler for me to hold. So after continuous work, we made a snare drum apparatus that weighs best about 6 kilos.(Applause) I just want to offer you some extra know-how about Progeria. It impacts most effective about 350 children at present, worldwide. So it’s pretty rare, and the consequences of Progeria comprise: tight epidermis, lack of weight acquire, stunted development, and heart disease. Final year my mom and her crew of scientists published the primary triumphant Progeria cure learn, and in view that of this I used to be interviewed on NPR, and John Hamilton asked me the question: "what’s the essential thing that folks must know about you?" And my reply was with ease that i’ve an awfully joyful lifestyles. (Applause) So although there are a lot of boundaries in my life, with a number of them being created by using Progeria, I don’t want persons to consider bad for me. I don’t feel about these limitations all the time, and i’m ready to beat most of them anyway. So Im here in these days, to share with you my philosophy for a pleased existence. So, for me, there are 3 aspects to this philosophy. So this is a quote from the famous Ferris Bueller. The primary facet to my philosophy is that Im ok with what I eventually cant do when you consider that there may be so much i will do.Now men and women oftentimes inquire from me questions like, "Isnt it hard residing with Progeria?" or "What daily challenges of Progeria do you face?" And id like to say that, despite the fact that i’ve Progeria, most of my time is spent serious about things that have nothing to do with Progeria at all. Now this doesnt imply that I ignore the poor facets of these obstacles. After I cant do something like run an extended distance, or go on an extreme curler coaster, i know what Im lacking out on.But instead, I pick to focus on the movements that i will be able to do via matters that Im captivated with, like scouting, or track, or comic books, or any of my favorite Boston sporting activities groups. Yeah, so — (Laughter) nonetheless, many times I must in finding a different technique to do some thing by way of making adjustments, and i want to put those matters in the "can do" category. Style of like you noticed with the drum prior.So heres a clip with me enjoying Spider-Man with the Foxboro high university Marching Band at halftime a few years ago. (Video) Spider-Man theme music (Applause) thank you. All right, all correct, so — That used to be lovely cool, and so I was capable to achieve my dream of taking part in snare drum with the marching band, as I think i can do for all of my goals.So with a bit of luck, which you can accomplish your desires as well, with this outlook. The subsequent side to my philosophy is that I encompass myself with folks I need to be with, men and women of high high-quality. Im particularly fortunate to have an mighty family, who have continually supported me for the period of my complete lifestyles. And Im also particularly lucky to have a particularly shut group of buddies at college. Now had been type of goofy, various us are band geeks, however we particularly experience every others manufacturer, and we aid each and every other out once we have to. We see each and every different for who we are on the inside. So this is us goofing off just a little bit. So have been juniors in excessive college now, and we will now mentor younger band participants, as a single collective unit. What i love about being in a bunch like the band, is that the track that we make together, is true, is exact, and it supersedes Progeria. So I dont ought to fear about that once Im feeling so just right about making tune.However even having made a documentary, occurring television a few times, I believe like Im at my best point when Im with the people that encompass me everyday. They provide the true constructive influences in my lifestyles, as i am hoping i can provide a optimistic influence in theirs as good. (Applause) thank you. So the bottom line here, is that i’m hoping you recognize and love your household, love your acquaintances, for you guys, love you Bros and acknowledge your mentors, and your group, considering the fact that they are an extraordinarily real side of daily life, they are able to make a real giant, confident affect.The 1/3 aspect to the philosophy is, preserve relocating ahead. Heres a quote via a person you may also be aware of, named Walt Disney, and its one in all my favorite prices. I perpetually attempt to have whatever to look ahead to. Something to try for to make my lifestyles richer. It doesnt need to be big. It could be some thing from looking ahead to the next comic ebook to come out, or going on a gigantic household vacation, or placing out with my friends, to going to the next excessive tuition football sport. Nonetheless, all of these matters preserve me centered, and understand that theres a shiny future ahead, and could get me by way of some problematic instances that I is also having.Now this mentality entails staying in a forward pondering state of mind. I try difficult to not waste vigour feeling badly for myself, considering that when I do, I get caught in a paradox, the place theres no room for any happiness or any other emotion. Now, its now not that I ignore when Im feeling badly, I variety of take delivery of it, I let it in, so that i will be able to renowned it, and do what I need to do to maneuver past it.Once I used to be younger, I desired to be an engineer. I desired to be an inventor, who would catapult the world into a greater future. Might be this got here from my love of Legos, and the freedom of expression that I felt when I used to be constructing with them. And this was once also derived from my family and my mentors, who at all times make me think whole, and good about myself. Now today my ambitions have transformed a bit of bit, id like to go into the field of Biology, probably telephone biology, or genetics, or biochemistry, or fairly some thing. It is a friend of mine, who I appear as much as, Francis Collins, the director of the NIH, and this is us at TEDMED final yr, chatting away. I suppose that it doesn’t matter what I choose to become, I suppose that i can alternate the world.And as Im striving to vary the arena, I will likely be blissful. About 4 years ago, HBO commenced to film a documentary about my loved ones and me called life in step with Sam. That was a horny pleasant experience, nevertheless it was once also 4 years in the past. And like anybody, my views on many things have changed, and optimistically matured, like my abilities profession option. However, some matters have stayed the equal during that point. Like my mentality, and philosophy toward lifestyles. So I want to show you a clip of my more youthful self from the movie, that I believe embodies that philosophy.(Video) i do know extra about it genetically. So its less of an embodiment now. It used to be like this factor that forestalls me from doing all these things, that causes other youngsters to die, that explanations everybody to be careworn, and now its a protein that’s irregular, that weakens the structure of cells. So, and it takes a burden off of me considering that now I dont have to feel about Progeria as an entity. Okay, lovely good, huh? (Applause) thanks. So, as you will find Ive been thinking this fashion for many years. But id never fairly had to practice all of those elements of my philosophy to the scan at one time, unless final January. I used to be pretty ill, I had a chest bloodless, and that i used to be within the medical institution for a couple of days, and that i used to be secluded from the entire elements of my life that I felt made me, me, that sort of gave me my identification.But realizing that I was going to get better, and looking forward to a time that i would consider good again, helped me to maintain relocating ahead. And many times I needed to be courageous, and it wasnt constantly effortless. Repeatedly I faltered, I had bad days, but i spotted that being courageous isnt presupposed to be easy. And for me, I consider its the important thing way to maintain moving forward. So, all in all, I dont waste vigour feeling unhealthy for myself. I encompass myself with humans that I want to be with, and that i preserve relocating forward. So with this philosophy, i am hoping that every one of you, regardless of your boundaries, can have an awfully pleased existence as well. Oh, wait, hang on a 2nd, another piece of advice – (Laughter) under no circumstances miss a party if you can help it. My colleges homecoming dance is day after today night, and that i might be there. Thanks very much. (Applause) .
0 notes
batterymonster2021 · 5 years
My philosophy for a happy life | Sam Berns | TEDxMidAtlantic
New Post has been published on https://hititem.kr/my-philosophy-for-a-happy-life-sam-berns-tedxmidatlantic/
My philosophy for a happy life | Sam Berns | TEDxMidAtlantic
Translator: Bob Prottas Reviewer: Ariana Bleau Lugo howdy every person. I am Sam, and that i just turned 17. A couple of years ago, before my freshman year in high school, I wanted to play snare drum in the Foxboro excessive tuition Marching Band, and it used to be a dream that I simply had to accomplish. However every snare drum and harness weighed about 40 kilos every, and i’ve a ailment called Progeria. So simply to offer you an concept, I weigh best about 50 pounds. So, logistically, I fairly could not elevate a standard sized snare drum, and considering of this the band director assigned me to play pit percussion during the halftime exhibit. Now pit percussion was fun. It concerned some rather cool auxiliary percussion devices, like the bongos, timpani, and timbales, and cowbell. So it used to be enjoyable, nevertheless it concerned no marching, and that i used to be in order that devastated. Nevertheless, nothing used to be going to discontinue me from taking part in snare drum with the marching band within the halftime exhibit. So my loved ones and i worked with an engineer to design a snare drum harness that would be lighter, and simpler for me to hold. So after continuous work, we made a snare drum apparatus that weighs best about 6 kilos.(Applause) I just want to offer you some extra know-how about Progeria. It impacts most effective about 350 children at present, worldwide. So it’s pretty rare, and the consequences of Progeria comprise: tight epidermis, lack of weight acquire, stunted development, and heart disease. Final year my mom and her crew of scientists published the primary triumphant Progeria cure learn, and in view that of this I used to be interviewed on NPR, and John Hamilton asked me the question: "what’s the essential thing that folks must know about you?" And my reply was with ease that i’ve an awfully joyful lifestyles. (Applause) So although there are a lot of boundaries in my life, with a number of them being created by using Progeria, I don’t want persons to consider bad for me. I don’t feel about these limitations all the time, and i’m ready to beat most of them anyway. So Im here in these days, to share with you my philosophy for a pleased existence. So, for me, there are 3 aspects to this philosophy. So this is a quote from the famous Ferris Bueller. The primary facet to my philosophy is that Im ok with what I eventually cant do when you consider that there may be so much i will do.Now men and women oftentimes inquire from me questions like, "Isnt it hard residing with Progeria?" or "What daily challenges of Progeria do you face?" And id like to say that, despite the fact that i’ve Progeria, most of my time is spent serious about things that have nothing to do with Progeria at all. Now this doesnt imply that I ignore the poor facets of these obstacles. After I cant do something like run an extended distance, or go on an extreme curler coaster, i know what Im lacking out on.But instead, I pick to focus on the movements that i will be able to do via matters that Im captivated with, like scouting, or track, or comic books, or any of my favorite Boston sporting activities groups. Yeah, so — (Laughter) nonetheless, many times I must in finding a different technique to do some thing by way of making adjustments, and i want to put those matters in the "can do" category. Style of like you noticed with the drum prior.So heres a clip with me enjoying Spider-Man with the Foxboro high university Marching Band at halftime a few years ago. (Video) Spider-Man theme music (Applause) thank you. All right, all correct, so — That used to be lovely cool, and so I was capable to achieve my dream of taking part in snare drum with the marching band, as I think i can do for all of my goals.So with a bit of luck, which you can accomplish your desires as well, with this outlook. The subsequent side to my philosophy is that I encompass myself with folks I need to be with, men and women of high high-quality. Im particularly fortunate to have an mighty family, who have continually supported me for the period of my complete lifestyles. And Im also particularly lucky to have a particularly shut group of buddies at college. Now had been type of goofy, various us are band geeks, however we particularly experience every others manufacturer, and we aid each and every other out once we have to. We see each and every different for who we are on the inside. So this is us goofing off just a little bit. So have been juniors in excessive college now, and we will now mentor younger band participants, as a single collective unit. What i love about being in a bunch like the band, is that the track that we make together, is true, is exact, and it supersedes Progeria. So I dont ought to fear about that once Im feeling so just right about making tune.However even having made a documentary, occurring television a few times, I believe like Im at my best point when Im with the people that encompass me everyday. They provide the true constructive influences in my lifestyles, as i am hoping i can provide a optimistic influence in theirs as good. (Applause) thank you. So the bottom line here, is that i’m hoping you recognize and love your household, love your acquaintances, for you guys, love you Bros and acknowledge your mentors, and your group, considering the fact that they are an extraordinarily real side of daily life, they are able to make a real giant, confident affect.The 1/3 aspect to the philosophy is, preserve relocating ahead. Heres a quote via a person you may also be aware of, named Walt Disney, and its one in all my favorite prices. I perpetually attempt to have whatever to look ahead to. Something to try for to make my lifestyles richer. It doesnt need to be big. It could be some thing from looking ahead to the next comic ebook to come out, or going on a gigantic household vacation, or placing out with my friends, to going to the next excessive tuition football sport. Nonetheless, all of these matters preserve me centered, and understand that theres a shiny future ahead, and could get me by way of some problematic instances that I is also having.Now this mentality entails staying in a forward pondering state of mind. I try difficult to not waste vigour feeling badly for myself, considering that when I do, I get caught in a paradox, the place theres no room for any happiness or any other emotion. Now, its now not that I ignore when Im feeling badly, I variety of take delivery of it, I let it in, so that i will be able to renowned it, and do what I need to do to maneuver past it.Once I used to be younger, I desired to be an engineer. I desired to be an inventor, who would catapult the world into a greater future. Might be this got here from my love of Legos, and the freedom of expression that I felt when I used to be constructing with them. And this was once also derived from my family and my mentors, who at all times make me think whole, and good about myself. Now today my ambitions have transformed a bit of bit, id like to go into the field of Biology, probably telephone biology, or genetics, or biochemistry, or fairly some thing. It is a friend of mine, who I appear as much as, Francis Collins, the director of the NIH, and this is us at TEDMED final yr, chatting away. I suppose that it doesn’t matter what I choose to become, I suppose that i can alternate the world.And as Im striving to vary the arena, I will likely be blissful. About 4 years ago, HBO commenced to film a documentary about my loved ones and me called life in step with Sam. That was a horny pleasant experience, nevertheless it was once also 4 years in the past. And like anybody, my views on many things have changed, and optimistically matured, like my abilities profession option. However, some matters have stayed the equal during that point. Like my mentality, and philosophy toward lifestyles. So I want to show you a clip of my more youthful self from the movie, that I believe embodies that philosophy.(Video) i do know extra about it genetically. So its less of an embodiment now. It used to be like this factor that forestalls me from doing all these things, that causes other youngsters to die, that explanations everybody to be careworn, and now its a protein that’s irregular, that weakens the structure of cells. So, and it takes a burden off of me considering that now I dont have to feel about Progeria as an entity. Okay, lovely good, huh? (Applause) thanks. So, as you will find Ive been thinking this fashion for many years. But id never fairly had to practice all of those elements of my philosophy to the scan at one time, unless final January. I used to be pretty ill, I had a chest bloodless, and that i used to be within the medical institution for a couple of days, and that i used to be secluded from the entire elements of my life that I felt made me, me, that sort of gave me my identification.But realizing that I was going to get better, and looking forward to a time that i would consider good again, helped me to maintain relocating ahead. And many times I needed to be courageous, and it wasnt constantly effortless. Repeatedly I faltered, I had bad days, but i spotted that being courageous isnt presupposed to be easy. And for me, I consider its the important thing way to maintain moving forward. So, all in all, I dont waste vigour feeling unhealthy for myself. I encompass myself with humans that I want to be with, and that i preserve relocating forward. So with this philosophy, i am hoping that every one of you, regardless of your boundaries, can have an awfully pleased existence as well. Oh, wait, hang on a 2nd, another piece of advice – (Laughter) under no circumstances miss a party if you can help it. My colleges homecoming dance is day after today night, and that i might be there. Thanks very much. (Applause) .
0 notes
batterymonster2021 · 5 years
My philosophy for a happy life | Sam Berns | TEDxMidAtlantic
New Post has been published on https://hititem.kr/my-philosophy-for-a-happy-life-sam-berns-tedxmidatlantic/
My philosophy for a happy life | Sam Berns | TEDxMidAtlantic
Translator: Bob Prottas Reviewer: Ariana Bleau Lugo howdy every person. I am Sam, and that i just turned 17. A couple of years ago, before my freshman year in high school, I wanted to play snare drum in the Foxboro excessive tuition Marching Band, and it used to be a dream that I simply had to accomplish. However every snare drum and harness weighed about 40 kilos every, and i’ve a ailment called Progeria. So simply to offer you an concept, I weigh best about 50 pounds. So, logistically, I fairly could not elevate a standard sized snare drum, and considering of this the band director assigned me to play pit percussion during the halftime exhibit. Now pit percussion was fun. It concerned some rather cool auxiliary percussion devices, like the bongos, timpani, and timbales, and cowbell. So it used to be enjoyable, nevertheless it concerned no marching, and that i used to be in order that devastated. Nevertheless, nothing used to be going to discontinue me from taking part in snare drum with the marching band within the halftime exhibit. So my loved ones and i worked with an engineer to design a snare drum harness that would be lighter, and simpler for me to hold. So after continuous work, we made a snare drum apparatus that weighs best about 6 kilos.(Applause) I just want to offer you some extra know-how about Progeria. It impacts most effective about 350 children at present, worldwide. So it’s pretty rare, and the consequences of Progeria comprise: tight epidermis, lack of weight acquire, stunted development, and heart disease. Final year my mom and her crew of scientists published the primary triumphant Progeria cure learn, and in view that of this I used to be interviewed on NPR, and John Hamilton asked me the question: "what’s the essential thing that folks must know about you?" And my reply was with ease that i’ve an awfully joyful lifestyles. (Applause) So although there are a lot of boundaries in my life, with a number of them being created by using Progeria, I don’t want persons to consider bad for me. I don’t feel about these limitations all the time, and i’m ready to beat most of them anyway. So Im here in these days, to share with you my philosophy for a pleased existence. So, for me, there are 3 aspects to this philosophy. So this is a quote from the famous Ferris Bueller. The primary facet to my philosophy is that Im ok with what I eventually cant do when you consider that there may be so much i will do.Now men and women oftentimes inquire from me questions like, "Isnt it hard residing with Progeria?" or "What daily challenges of Progeria do you face?" And id like to say that, despite the fact that i’ve Progeria, most of my time is spent serious about things that have nothing to do with Progeria at all. Now this doesnt imply that I ignore the poor facets of these obstacles. After I cant do something like run an extended distance, or go on an extreme curler coaster, i know what Im lacking out on.But instead, I pick to focus on the movements that i will be able to do via matters that Im captivated with, like scouting, or track, or comic books, or any of my favorite Boston sporting activities groups. Yeah, so — (Laughter) nonetheless, many times I must in finding a different technique to do some thing by way of making adjustments, and i want to put those matters in the "can do" category. Style of like you noticed with the drum prior.So heres a clip with me enjoying Spider-Man with the Foxboro high university Marching Band at halftime a few years ago. (Video) Spider-Man theme music (Applause) thank you. All right, all correct, so — That used to be lovely cool, and so I was capable to achieve my dream of taking part in snare drum with the marching band, as I think i can do for all of my goals.So with a bit of luck, which you can accomplish your desires as well, with this outlook. The subsequent side to my philosophy is that I encompass myself with folks I need to be with, men and women of high high-quality. Im particularly fortunate to have an mighty family, who have continually supported me for the period of my complete lifestyles. And Im also particularly lucky to have a particularly shut group of buddies at college. Now had been type of goofy, various us are band geeks, however we particularly experience every others manufacturer, and we aid each and every other out once we have to. We see each and every different for who we are on the inside. So this is us goofing off just a little bit. So have been juniors in excessive college now, and we will now mentor younger band participants, as a single collective unit. What i love about being in a bunch like the band, is that the track that we make together, is true, is exact, and it supersedes Progeria. So I dont ought to fear about that once Im feeling so just right about making tune.However even having made a documentary, occurring television a few times, I believe like Im at my best point when Im with the people that encompass me everyday. They provide the true constructive influences in my lifestyles, as i am hoping i can provide a optimistic influence in theirs as good. (Applause) thank you. So the bottom line here, is that i’m hoping you recognize and love your household, love your acquaintances, for you guys, love you Bros and acknowledge your mentors, and your group, considering the fact that they are an extraordinarily real side of daily life, they are able to make a real giant, confident affect.The 1/3 aspect to the philosophy is, preserve relocating ahead. Heres a quote via a person you may also be aware of, named Walt Disney, and its one in all my favorite prices. I perpetually attempt to have whatever to look ahead to. Something to try for to make my lifestyles richer. It doesnt need to be big. It could be some thing from looking ahead to the next comic ebook to come out, or going on a gigantic household vacation, or placing out with my friends, to going to the next excessive tuition football sport. Nonetheless, all of these matters preserve me centered, and understand that theres a shiny future ahead, and could get me by way of some problematic instances that I is also having.Now this mentality entails staying in a forward pondering state of mind. I try difficult to not waste vigour feeling badly for myself, considering that when I do, I get caught in a paradox, the place theres no room for any happiness or any other emotion. Now, its now not that I ignore when Im feeling badly, I variety of take delivery of it, I let it in, so that i will be able to renowned it, and do what I need to do to maneuver past it.Once I used to be younger, I desired to be an engineer. I desired to be an inventor, who would catapult the world into a greater future. Might be this got here from my love of Legos, and the freedom of expression that I felt when I used to be constructing with them. And this was once also derived from my family and my mentors, who at all times make me think whole, and good about myself. Now today my ambitions have transformed a bit of bit, id like to go into the field of Biology, probably telephone biology, or genetics, or biochemistry, or fairly some thing. It is a friend of mine, who I appear as much as, Francis Collins, the director of the NIH, and this is us at TEDMED final yr, chatting away. I suppose that it doesn’t matter what I choose to become, I suppose that i can alternate the world.And as Im striving to vary the arena, I will likely be blissful. About 4 years ago, HBO commenced to film a documentary about my loved ones and me called life in step with Sam. That was a horny pleasant experience, nevertheless it was once also 4 years in the past. And like anybody, my views on many things have changed, and optimistically matured, like my abilities profession option. However, some matters have stayed the equal during that point. Like my mentality, and philosophy toward lifestyles. So I want to show you a clip of my more youthful self from the movie, that I believe embodies that philosophy.(Video) i do know extra about it genetically. So its less of an embodiment now. It used to be like this factor that forestalls me from doing all these things, that causes other youngsters to die, that explanations everybody to be careworn, and now its a protein that’s irregular, that weakens the structure of cells. So, and it takes a burden off of me considering that now I dont have to feel about Progeria as an entity. Okay, lovely good, huh? (Applause) thanks. So, as you will find Ive been thinking this fashion for many years. But id never fairly had to practice all of those elements of my philosophy to the scan at one time, unless final January. I used to be pretty ill, I had a chest bloodless, and that i used to be within the medical institution for a couple of days, and that i used to be secluded from the entire elements of my life that I felt made me, me, that sort of gave me my identification.But realizing that I was going to get better, and looking forward to a time that i would consider good again, helped me to maintain relocating ahead. And many times I needed to be courageous, and it wasnt constantly effortless. Repeatedly I faltered, I had bad days, but i spotted that being courageous isnt presupposed to be easy. And for me, I consider its the important thing way to maintain moving forward. So, all in all, I dont waste vigour feeling unhealthy for myself. I encompass myself with humans that I want to be with, and that i preserve relocating forward. So with this philosophy, i am hoping that every one of you, regardless of your boundaries, can have an awfully pleased existence as well. Oh, wait, hang on a 2nd, another piece of advice – (Laughter) under no circumstances miss a party if you can help it. My colleges homecoming dance is day after today night, and that i might be there. Thanks very much. (Applause) .
0 notes
airoasis · 5 years
My philosophy for a happy life | Sam Berns | TEDxMidAtlantic
New Post has been published on https://hititem.kr/my-philosophy-for-a-happy-life-sam-berns-tedxmidatlantic/
My philosophy for a happy life | Sam Berns | TEDxMidAtlantic
Translator: Bob Prottas Reviewer: Ariana Bleau Lugo howdy every person. I am Sam, and that i just turned 17. A couple of years ago, before my freshman year in high school, I wanted to play snare drum in the Foxboro excessive tuition Marching Band, and it used to be a dream that I simply had to accomplish. However every snare drum and harness weighed about 40 kilos every, and i’ve a ailment called Progeria. So simply to offer you an concept, I weigh best about 50 pounds. So, logistically, I fairly could not elevate a standard sized snare drum, and considering of this the band director assigned me to play pit percussion during the halftime exhibit. Now pit percussion was fun. It concerned some rather cool auxiliary percussion devices, like the bongos, timpani, and timbales, and cowbell. So it used to be enjoyable, nevertheless it concerned no marching, and that i used to be in order that devastated. Nevertheless, nothing used to be going to discontinue me from taking part in snare drum with the marching band within the halftime exhibit. So my loved ones and i worked with an engineer to design a snare drum harness that would be lighter, and simpler for me to hold. So after continuous work, we made a snare drum apparatus that weighs best about 6 kilos.(Applause) I just want to offer you some extra know-how about Progeria. It impacts most effective about 350 children at present, worldwide. So it’s pretty rare, and the consequences of Progeria comprise: tight epidermis, lack of weight acquire, stunted development, and heart disease. Final year my mom and her crew of scientists published the primary triumphant Progeria cure learn, and in view that of this I used to be interviewed on NPR, and John Hamilton asked me the question: "what’s the essential thing that folks must know about you?" And my reply was with ease that i’ve an awfully joyful lifestyles. (Applause) So although there are a lot of boundaries in my life, with a number of them being created by using Progeria, I don’t want persons to consider bad for me. I don’t feel about these limitations all the time, and i’m ready to beat most of them anyway. So Im here in these days, to share with you my philosophy for a pleased existence. So, for me, there are 3 aspects to this philosophy. So this is a quote from the famous Ferris Bueller. The primary facet to my philosophy is that Im ok with what I eventually cant do when you consider that there may be so much i will do.Now men and women oftentimes inquire from me questions like, "Isnt it hard residing with Progeria?" or "What daily challenges of Progeria do you face?" And id like to say that, despite the fact that i’ve Progeria, most of my time is spent serious about things that have nothing to do with Progeria at all. Now this doesnt imply that I ignore the poor facets of these obstacles. After I cant do something like run an extended distance, or go on an extreme curler coaster, i know what Im lacking out on.But instead, I pick to focus on the movements that i will be able to do via matters that Im captivated with, like scouting, or track, or comic books, or any of my favorite Boston sporting activities groups. Yeah, so — (Laughter) nonetheless, many times I must in finding a different technique to do some thing by way of making adjustments, and i want to put those matters in the "can do" category. Style of like you noticed with the drum prior.So heres a clip with me enjoying Spider-Man with the Foxboro high university Marching Band at halftime a few years ago. (Video) Spider-Man theme music (Applause) thank you. All right, all correct, so — That used to be lovely cool, and so I was capable to achieve my dream of taking part in snare drum with the marching band, as I think i can do for all of my goals.So with a bit of luck, which you can accomplish your desires as well, with this outlook. The subsequent side to my philosophy is that I encompass myself with folks I need to be with, men and women of high high-quality. Im particularly fortunate to have an mighty family, who have continually supported me for the period of my complete lifestyles. And Im also particularly lucky to have a particularly shut group of buddies at college. Now had been type of goofy, various us are band geeks, however we particularly experience every others manufacturer, and we aid each and every other out once we have to. We see each and every different for who we are on the inside. So this is us goofing off just a little bit. So have been juniors in excessive college now, and we will now mentor younger band participants, as a single collective unit. What i love about being in a bunch like the band, is that the track that we make together, is true, is exact, and it supersedes Progeria. So I dont ought to fear about that once Im feeling so just right about making tune.However even having made a documentary, occurring television a few times, I believe like Im at my best point when Im with the people that encompass me everyday. They provide the true constructive influences in my lifestyles, as i am hoping i can provide a optimistic influence in theirs as good. (Applause) thank you. So the bottom line here, is that i’m hoping you recognize and love your household, love your acquaintances, for you guys, love you Bros and acknowledge your mentors, and your group, considering the fact that they are an extraordinarily real side of daily life, they are able to make a real giant, confident affect.The 1/3 aspect to the philosophy is, preserve relocating ahead. Heres a quote via a person you may also be aware of, named Walt Disney, and its one in all my favorite prices. I perpetually attempt to have whatever to look ahead to. Something to try for to make my lifestyles richer. It doesnt need to be big. It could be some thing from looking ahead to the next comic ebook to come out, or going on a gigantic household vacation, or placing out with my friends, to going to the next excessive tuition football sport. Nonetheless, all of these matters preserve me centered, and understand that theres a shiny future ahead, and could get me by way of some problematic instances that I is also having.Now this mentality entails staying in a forward pondering state of mind. I try difficult to not waste vigour feeling badly for myself, considering that when I do, I get caught in a paradox, the place theres no room for any happiness or any other emotion. Now, its now not that I ignore when Im feeling badly, I variety of take delivery of it, I let it in, so that i will be able to renowned it, and do what I need to do to maneuver past it.Once I used to be younger, I desired to be an engineer. I desired to be an inventor, who would catapult the world into a greater future. Might be this got here from my love of Legos, and the freedom of expression that I felt when I used to be constructing with them. And this was once also derived from my family and my mentors, who at all times make me think whole, and good about myself. Now today my ambitions have transformed a bit of bit, id like to go into the field of Biology, probably telephone biology, or genetics, or biochemistry, or fairly some thing. It is a friend of mine, who I appear as much as, Francis Collins, the director of the NIH, and this is us at TEDMED final yr, chatting away. I suppose that it doesn’t matter what I choose to become, I suppose that i can alternate the world.And as Im striving to vary the arena, I will likely be blissful. About 4 years ago, HBO commenced to film a documentary about my loved ones and me called life in step with Sam. That was a horny pleasant experience, nevertheless it was once also 4 years in the past. And like anybody, my views on many things have changed, and optimistically matured, like my abilities profession option. However, some matters have stayed the equal during that point. Like my mentality, and philosophy toward lifestyles. So I want to show you a clip of my more youthful self from the movie, that I believe embodies that philosophy.(Video) i do know extra about it genetically. So its less of an embodiment now. It used to be like this factor that forestalls me from doing all these things, that causes other youngsters to die, that explanations everybody to be careworn, and now its a protein that’s irregular, that weakens the structure of cells. So, and it takes a burden off of me considering that now I dont have to feel about Progeria as an entity. Okay, lovely good, huh? (Applause) thanks. So, as you will find Ive been thinking this fashion for many years. But id never fairly had to practice all of those elements of my philosophy to the scan at one time, unless final January. I used to be pretty ill, I had a chest bloodless, and that i used to be within the medical institution for a couple of days, and that i used to be secluded from the entire elements of my life that I felt made me, me, that sort of gave me my identification.But realizing that I was going to get better, and looking forward to a time that i would consider good again, helped me to maintain relocating ahead. And many times I needed to be courageous, and it wasnt constantly effortless. Repeatedly I faltered, I had bad days, but i spotted that being courageous isnt presupposed to be easy. And for me, I consider its the important thing way to maintain moving forward. So, all in all, I dont waste vigour feeling unhealthy for myself. I encompass myself with humans that I want to be with, and that i preserve relocating forward. So with this philosophy, i am hoping that every one of you, regardless of your boundaries, can have an awfully pleased existence as well. Oh, wait, hang on a 2nd, another piece of advice – (Laughter) under no circumstances miss a party if you can help it. My colleges homecoming dance is day after today night, and that i might be there. Thanks very much. (Applause) .
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