seriouslyprongs · 7 years
Slip Of The Tongue
A Gryffindor: Why do they call it the shrieking shack?
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Based off this @accio-shitpost post Remus played by the sublime @notanotherweasley , James by me.
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Click it for better detail. My drawing of one of my favourite people in the HP RP community, the beautiful @notanotherweasley. I actually finished this ages ago, an hour after getting their permission to draw them, but I’ve been so sick recently and forgot to post it. The outfit is a simplified version of the one Marcus wore in her last Q&A video, the music note earring is to represent her love of musicals like Sweeney Todd and Newsies, the background and her painted nails are blue because she’s a Ravenclaw like me :) and she’s just so goddamn gorgeous I love her. Okay, bye xxx
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@ask-themaraudersmap, @geethanksinternet, @notanotherweasley, @oh-dont-worry-honey and @the-fake-geek-girl (i hope this aren't too much :'))
Lots of urls just means lots and lots of kindness to give, and I’m all about that! Just gonna put it under the cut :)
I already talked about Becci, so let’s give Jamie so love also!
Jamie was pretty quiet the few times we’ve talked, but i know that they love Becci a whole heck of a lot, and I can see it every time they’re together and that just makes me so super happy to see 
Jamie is really really kind, and I appreciate how honest you are all the time because it’s a really important quality ~Jamie, I really hope the world treats you well and that you and Becci are both insanely happy together because you two only ever make me happy and I think you deserve only the good things in life @ask-themaraudersmap
oh!! okay, listen, your Peter made me feel emotions the other day and your Ursula is my frickin fave holy shoot ugh how are you so talented???
your relationship with your friends is fan-flippin-tastic, I love the kind of love that is teasing without any malice behind it because it’s always a fine line, ya know? You do real well with that and I love the sarcasm and humor you’ve got 12/10~right okay, so you’re super cool, I love your stuff, keep on doing what you’re doing, angst and funny stuff and all. You seem quality and I’m not usually wrong about that, and especially not with what I’ve seen from you :) @geethanksinternet
MUMCUS!!!! How much do I love Mumcus?? Ummmm basically as much as I love Wonder Woman and that’s a hell of a lot my dudes
Seriously, I adore Marcus. Literally have admired them from afar before they were an rp blog and I’m so glad i’ve had the chance to befriend this amazing human being with a heart of gold that is filled with so much love for friends and Bean
They are the Charlie to my Hagrid and I cannot tell you enough how much I adore the Jily content Marcus does with Alice because my heaaaaaart jawiruwecnrawe too good ~um, anyway, so yeah, Marcus, you’re pretty much Wonder Woman with your resilience and i love you so so very much. You are incredible and I loved that time we spent a few hours talking and writing and hearing you sing was fantastic. I really hope you have a good day and that you get to spend lots of time with Bean and that you remember that you’re so loved by all your friends and that I adore you to bits @notanotherweasley
Erikaaaaaaaaa *sobs* can you tell how much i love this literal embodiment of Queenie Goldstein???
literally the s w e e t e s t person e v e r. Erika is just….you don’t understand. She’s amazing. Like…I have never once seen Erika as anything other than a strong and kind and passionate and caring individual with such a warm heart that will defend her friends and family
Erika is someone else who I have looked up to since the moment I met her, and I want so badly to be able to spend a day with her watching Wonder Woman and having her teach me how to knit and drinking tea and hot chocolate and listening to Disney music and just….being in the presence of this person who is such an incredible presence ~Erika….what can I say except I love you and adore everything about you. You seriously inspire me to be so much kinder and more welcoming to people and giving, but still making sure to take care of myself. You have never failed to make me smile and to be there for me without realizing it. I wish only that we lived closer so I could give you a giant hug because there have been so many times I wish I could and so I can say thank you for existing in the way you do @oh-dont-worry-honey
Klary Klary Klary, this wonderful human who doesn’t always recognize how AMAZING she is
Klary always has a kind word to say for others even if she can’t direct it at herself, but I try to remind her what I can because she’s the type of person who does things because she wants to and I wish she was recognized more for her talent and creativity 
Klary makes me smile more often than not, and I wish I could tell her that in person. You’re trying, my dear, and I am so so very proud of you and every little accomplishment you have ~Klary, you are magnificent. You are so smart and full of ideas and I love that you create what you do. I appreciate you more than you might realize, and I hope that you know you are so incredibly valuable as a person. I hope your day treats you the way you deserve to be treated, that is to say, I hope the day treats you the way you treat others. With kindness and consideration and with random acts that make them feel special @the-fake-geek-girl
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gryffindorkus · 6 years
Every Fight in the Granger-Weasley Household:
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Ron by @notanotherweasley Hermione by me
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You’ve seen him... you know him. He comes to me at night and I am afraid. Tell him to stay away! Tell him I won’t be his! —Lucy
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I’m sorry..
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seriouslyprongs · 7 years
Watch What Happens
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Jack Kelly played by the gorgeous @notanotherweasley, Davey played by myself, Script taken from the banging tune ‘Watch What Happens (Reprise)’ from the musical Newsies
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redhairforreasons · 6 years
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Let me tell you, the hardest part about this was getting her eyebrows. Happy Revenge of the 5th everyone. So excited to come online with @notanotherweasley
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Can we all take a moment and appreciate the people who have done Charlie Weasley recently and in the past?
I just really love Charlie Weasley and it’s amazing to see that not only have so many talented people done him, but it’s incredible to see how everyone portrays him a little differently but still with his love of dragons!
Because, seriously, look at all the dragon bois/gals!! Now, without further ado, here we go with a list under the cut in alphabetical order with a link to which post the gif is from so you can go ahead and check out more of their Charlie, or any of their other rp! :D
@askjamessirius  [source]
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@asktheboywholived  [source]
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@chrlieweasly  [source]
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@doodlebat  [source]
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@girlswillbeboys11  [source]
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@justasmall-obscurial  [source]
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@lifeasamarauder  [source]
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@lilyflowerevans  [source]
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@maraudersandlily20  [source]
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@notanotherweasley  [source]
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@paradoxes-and-plotholes  [source]
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@romulusandremuslupin [source]
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@siriusfirstchocolatesecond  [source]
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@son-0f-a-snitch  [source]
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@the-moon-and-stars-my-love  [source]
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And here’s the thing. I know there’s probably a few I missed. I just can’t for the life of me find them! So, if you’ve done Charlie or you know someone who’s done Charlie, well, I’d love to see this list grow, so please send it to me so I can add it because there can never been too much Charlie! 
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have u ever called mr. stark daddy by accident?
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Flashback to last week
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Natasha by my wife @notanotherweasley
Tony by the lovely @geethanksinternet
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((So I was tagged in the Signature Character thingy (started in this post by @paradoxes-and-plotholes) by @slytherinstation. She’s given me free reign to pick a character, and after much hemming and hawing I pick...
Lavender Brown!
In particular, I’ll be talking about my take on the werewolf!Lavender AU, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves. I’ll start at the very beginning (a very good place to start)
Sorry this took so long, I was half way through finals and totally forgot to finish it, ooooops.))
Lavender Brown was born in late 1979, in the middle of her parent’s generation’s war. The Brown family were not particularly important, but they lived through the first wizarding war, and began raising their child whilst living in fear of a great evil, just as so many others did. Andrew Brown worked an important but rather boring job at the ministry, and Elise Brown gave up her job as a secretary at St. Mungo's when Lavender was born.
A bright light in a terrifying time, the Brown’s huddled next to their emergency vanishing cabinet while Lavender took her first steps and spoke her first words. As the war ended and the wizarding world exhaled, Lavender continued to grow as a delicate flower, the perfect daughter to her parents who expected no less.
At 8 years old, Lavender learned how to do a cartwheel. All of the girls in her class were learning how to do one, and it seemed important at the time. Lavender ran home to her mother to show her how cool her new trick was, but when she ran barefoot into the kitchen, tracking mud in, with bloody knees and loose hair, Elise Brown clucked disapprovingly and sat her down to clean her up. “You have to act like a lady, my flower. Let the men get dirty for us, it is our job to be beautiful and happy.” Lavender liked being pretty and she liked being happy. But she also liked doing cartwheels, so she was confused.
At 11 years old, Lavender went to Hogwarts. She was excited to meet her new roommates, her mother said that her roommates at Hogwarts would be her best friends for her whole life, and she was excited to meet them. She became fast friends with Parvati, and the two soon became nearly inseparable. She didn’t realize until years later that it wasn’t her best friend that she met in that dorm room on September 1st 1991, but the love of her life.
At 15 years old, Lavender started to wear makeup every day. In part it was in rebellion against a professor who made femininity put a bad taste in her mouth. Lavender made a point to both excel in the DA and put mascara on every day. She would never admit it, but she did it to spite both the hyper-feminine, toxic DADA professor and to be contrary to a certain bushy haired witch with whom she shared a dorm room. Maybe she could not be perfect at either, but she could do well enough at both. Nobody really noticed.
At 16 years old, Lavender fell in love for the first time. This new feeling was overwhelming and thrilling. For the first time, it was like she mattered to someone. And she wanted to make sure that he knew that she loved him and cared for him just as much. But ever present was Hermione and her stupid intelligence. Maybe if Lavender put enough time and energy into Ron, then he would love her. She was beautiful and happy, just like her mom instructed. But flowers wilt if they aren't tended to, and even Sunflowers that search out a Sun wilt if the sun is fraternizing with the puffy haired moon.
At 17 years old, Lavender’s life became hellish. History books would say of her that her contribution to the resistance was the addition of a bathroom to the Room of Requirement. But people who were there will tell you that she was one of the few things holding the mangey group of teenagers together. Lavender and Parvati together tended bruises and scrapes, held the first years while they cried, and made sure everybody in the room ate every day. Lavender may not have known it then, but her best friend was slowly becoming her soulmate during this time.
At 18 years old, Lavender became a monster. Or she thought she had. Everyone told her she hadn’t. But if the man who had turned her into this was a monster, then wasn’t she? Her mother cried a lot, but her father never visited her in the hospital. “Just give him time” said Elise, “it’s quite an adjustment isn’t it?” She didn’t return home. Parvati offered her a spare bed at her flat when she was released. For a time, Parvati and occasionally Padma were Lavender’s only tie to the world outside.
It was early in her 19th year that Lavender looked in the mirror without hating herself. Later that same year, she returned to Hogwarts to finish her education. Now graduating in the class a year below her in age. She wasn’t the only young werewolf in the school, the war had left those marks on so many. The group was more than inseparable by the end of the semester, and it was hard to leave her new family.
Lavender didn’t realize that she was in love until her 21st year. When she realized, it felt like remembering how to breathe properly. Parvati had gone from stranger to roommate to best friend in the span of a few hours. But it took 10 years for her to become a soulmate. Parvati had been infinitely patient with Lavender, and had never left her side. It just took them both a while to figure out that the reason for that went deeper than friendship.
Lavender spent her early adult years climbing quietly through the ranks of the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures. Her calling and passion became the fair treatment of all beings in the magical world. Her interest in centaurs from her teenage years, paired with her rather intimate knowledge of werewolves made her work long and hard hours at the ministry, working to establish rights that previous generations never had.
((I want to tag @notanotherweasley to do whatever character she wants (if she wants to, of course). All of her characters are fab, and I just love getting to see her writing. Sorry if you were already tagged dear Marcus, I couldn’t be bothered to go check.))
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snake-cutie · 6 years
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I have like 3 or 4 different looks and I should totally keep my glasses on but oh 🐳 @desicosplay @loonylillies @loonylilylunapotter @notanotherweasley
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thehumanrat · 6 years
A Family Christmas
T’was night before Christmas, when all through the house,
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.
Just kidding, James Fleamont Potter is wide awake,
And he’s being very loud, for goodness sake.
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James: Which is cool for a lot of people. Family time, presents and all of that. But I hear that some of you have shitty families or you’re in a situation with no family right now. I just wanted to drop in and say that it will be okay. Like it was okay for Sirius, while he was with us. You might not have found the family you belong to yet, but this Christmas you can find your family with us.
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George & Fred: 
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James: Point is, we’re your family. I’ll adopt you!
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But I heard him exclaim, ere he drove out of sight
“Happy Christmas to all, and to all good night!”
((ooc: Christmas can be hard. I’ll be around to chat over the next few days if anyone needs anything. I love you all! (I also want to apologise for the lateness of this thread to everyone, I’ve been going through a lot.) Woo!))
James: Moi!
McGonagall: @rainbowsandsilverlinings
Teddy: @allthefawkesigive
Cho: @askthegirlwholoved
Hermione: @china-nightingale
Regulus: @gryffindorkus
Queenie: @gryffindor-blood
Newt: @siriusly-sly
Molly: @gentlect
Draco: @wingardiumleviosnah
Remus: @lifeofonehufflepuffgirl
Charlie: @notanotherweasley
George & Fred: @askjamessirius & @askaliceprewett
Sirius: @ohdeerboy
Petunia: @lifeofonehufflepuffgirl
Bellatrix: @seriouslyprongs
Voldemort: @romulusandremuslupin
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Did notanotherweasley deactivate their account? i can't find it anywhere
Yeah :/ I never really talked to her much but tbh I am super bummed that she did. I’m sure she had a good reason. I asked @askmischiefmanaged about it and she said she is okay but had things come up. I think maybe @askpadfootsiriusblack @rainbowsandsilverlinings @askmischiefmanaged might be able to provide more info since they were closer? Idk ._. But I miss her too.
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askapotter · 6 years
Tag people you want to get to know better game thing
I was tagged by @the-ginger-magician
I haven't done one of these in a while.
Nicknames: Besides the ones that I've had since I was little that my family uses I don't really have any nicknames, my best friend irl calls me best friend that's about it. Feel free to give me one.
Gender: Genderqueer
Star sign: Sagittarius ♐
Height: 172.72 cm/ 5'8"
Sexuality: Pansexual/ Gay/ Queer ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Hogwarts House:
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Gryffindor 😊 or Gryffinpuff
Favorite Animal(s): Foxes are my all time favorite animal (hoping I can go to japan one day so that i can go to fox island), but I also like cats (there is also a cat island) and dogs.
Average Hours of Sleep: It depends. On days that I have work its between 4-7 hours and on my days off its between 6-11 hours. Most of the time its just a guessing game.
Where I'm From: I live in Satan's asshole. The Sunshine State. It sucks here. Its hurricane season though so its been raining which I'm fine with. Humidity sucks though. (I live in the U.S. of A. in the lovely state of Florida...)
Dream Trip: Road trip across the country so I can visit my friend who had to move right after we finished high school and just all over the world to as many places as I can. Traveling has been a dream of mine since I was younger.
When I Made This Account: I want to say sometime last year, maybe right before I started my freshman year at Uni.
Why I Made This Account: So they had to deactivate their account for personal reasons, but Marcus (notanotherweasley) was one of the deciding factors in me finally making an account. I stumbled upon Jess and TT and at some point Marcus showed up and i think it was after i made a post about watching Newsies and here I am.
Followers: I may not have as many as the next person, but its more than I was expecting becaue i am not that great. 😌❤ (229, I'm going to do another singing video for a milestone.)
I'm tagging @mk-the-niffler @remus-lupin-is-my-type @severus-snickerdoodle and @siriussly-serious just because. Feel free to do this or not. 😊
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askdoratonks · 6 years
11 Questions
I was tagged by @the-ginger-magician
Rules: Answer the 11 questions, then make 11 of your own questions and tag 11 blogs to answer them.
1. In one sentence, what are your thoughts on outer space?  Looking across the vastness of time and space, how incredible is it to be alive, right here, and witness to it.
2. What’s the most comfortable clothing you own? My Nerdcon hoodie, love that thing.
3. Have you ever gone camping, and if so did you like it? I’ve been camping many times! it was a big thing with my dad and I love it.
4. What’s an interesting fact about your life that, if you were famous, would be a trivia blurb on a website or magazine? She went to a tiny high school with only 48 students in her graduating class and an acorn for a mascot. 
5. What’s the most recent thing you’ve been proud of? Orchestrating a truly awesome birthday surprise for my grandma.
6. Think about your favorite book. Now rename it. What’s it’s new title? Ugh, how am I supposed to pick one. How about The Gift? 
7. What is your favorite animal that is not native to your own country? Red Panda
8. If you lived in a world where superheroes exist, would you want to become a superhero? Aw man, yess... but like, give me some kind of healing ability rather than the kicking ass variety 
9. If you could go back in time and give the folks who raised you only ONE piece of advice on raising you, what would it be? Keep your promises - don’t promise what you don’t plan on keeping. 
10. Do you prefer hot drinks or cold drinks? oooo, I dunno, hot drinks maybe? Depends on the day and the time of year. but I love hot alcohol, like irish coffee, hot sake, mulled wine and non alcoholic like hot cider, tea, coffee..
11. Describe your aesthetic in three words.  Errr, Books, Blankets, and Cats
My 11 questions for you are: 
1. You’re given Donald Trumps fortune - after being sure all your loved ones are taken care of - what is the first thing you do with it?
2. Favorite type of bird?
3. Describe your favorite bridge - why do you love it?
4. What are you most afraid that you wont accomplish before you die?
5. If you were a character in a heist movie - which part would you play?
6. You’ve encountered a lot of animals in your life - describe your favorite that didn’t have to do with a family pet. 
7. Who is your favorite controversial character?
8. What is a show you know is terrible but you can’t help watching anyway?
9. You have the power to remove, change, or put in place one law - what would it be?
10. If you could bring back on cancelled or finished show - which would it be?
11. You receive a USB from the future containing a movie you can’t wait to see - what is the movie?
I tag: @masksofmickey @siriussly-serious @notanotherweasley @scarheads-malfoy @actinganimagus @paradoxes-and-plotholes @jadepresley @thehumanrat @egdramaqueen @asktheblacksheep @gee-wizard
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masksofmickey · 6 years
Please let notanotherweasley know that we care for her! I hate jerks who ruin things but at least she's happy 💖💛💙
I did and she says she misses RP and everyone
What a sweetie amirite? 
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