merrysithmas · 1 year
ok but the scene in the Wrath of Khan where kirk is called down to the radiation chamber bc spock is dying is.... SO SO spousal-coded like my god
the tones everyone uses, the stilted silences, the unwillingness or inability to say those words to kirk's face.
the dread in bone's voice. the doctor. that TONE.
"jim you better get down here. hurry."
god it haunts me ever since the first time i watched it! it was just so REAL. and jim knows it. instantly. just like any loving partner would. it's even in the script that bone's tone scares him.
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the words no one ever wants to hear. he's about to lose his life partner of 20 years. publically. - and everyone knows it.
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he RUNS down to engineering, the way it is filmed it takes so long and it's so horrible like time is stretched out. you dont want to get to the end but you have to - just like jim. and the whole time your heart is pounding just as his is. and the expressions he is met with from bones and scotty... heartbreaking.
like walking into a hospital room where you only need to exchange those horrid expressions.
he is initially angry, barely has any time to register or react before it's over.
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the worst kind of goodbye.
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dawnofiight · 27 days
Asher likes pancakes
David likes waffles because he can follow the lines to cut it perfectly.
Milo likes French toast sticks so it really is whatever.
Darlin' likes something quick like a fucking everything bagel.
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scre6m · 6 months
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noctude · 2 years
is ANYBODY going to lay down quiet next to me while the world peels away around us like old paint on rotten wood because we can’t change anything but at least we are falling backwards into it together (proof clasped warm between aftershock palms) and even though all you can hear is rushing water roar behind your ears i still whisper love into the antimatter and pray that we jolt awake when the ground splits open like a wound, or am i just going to have to finish this research paper
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batfamscreaming · 4 months
Last night: seeing a lot of secondhand 'discourse' about trans people, might be time to bring out trans bruce again
This morning: oh. It's june 1st maybe that's why people were weird
Probably also time to bring out trans bruce again
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kagoutiss · 9 months
Much love in my heart for him, Ganondorf would be the absolute WORST to take care of while he's sick. Honestly I cannot think of anyone who would make this job harder
yeah i think this would be a huge massive nightmare situation because (well for 2 reasons) he would make a gigantic deal out of extremely minor afflictions because he wants attention soso bad and is not at all above guilt tripping or manipulating people for it. but also god forbid he ever ends up getting sick with something that is actually genuinely very serious/debilitating/life threatening because then i think it would become the total inverse of that and he would actually refuse to rest or let anyone bring him anything or even acknowledge that there is anything wrong with him at all. because at that point he would risk displaying Genuine Vulnerability by accepting help that he actually Needs, and that’s. obviously not an option and would make him want to barf just thinking about it
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jonahryan · 1 month
brooklyn is a rancid bitch
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chonnysinferno · 4 days
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dangerliesbeforeyou · 3 months
i did the whole 'oh i;ll only watch a couple episodes of this sh- oh oops i've seen the whole thing' with we are lady parts series 2 and i wanna give my thoughtssss
will be spoilers below btw
ok so overall i did love it!!!
as i said in my other post, this series was definitely less funny than the first but that made sense since this one felt a lot more serious, and the emotional moments were by far the strongest imo!!!
the music was great OBVIOUSLY! 'villain era' is an instant classic, and i WILL be listening to the whole soundtrack on repeat lol!
i also really adored so many of the character moments in this series! bisma trying to find her identity as a black muslim woman (and the whole 'don't let me be misunderstood' scene made me bawl! genuinely one of the best bits of tv i've seen in ages!), ayesha's struggle with her relationship to the idea of coming out (which i'm SO happy they went the direction they did! it also really did make me cry too lol... also laura was hot as fuck) and saira's whole censorship thing was SO fucking powerful! (the other characters had great moments too btw, but those definitely stood out to me!)
also ALSO i loveddd how so many scenes had this unique surreal feel to them! like we definitely saw this in the first series, but i love how they really played around with it in this one (the whole pausing people thing, saira being physically censored, etc)
also ALSO ALSO loved that we got some more momtaz scenes! it genuinely broke my heart when they decided to ditch her for the contract tbh and i was so SO happy where they went with her arc!
but ok so despite all that, i did have some Problems...
overall the first half of the series was definitely weaker than the latter half, and like i get that a part of that is cos they ofc needed to set up plots for the latter part to make sense, but it also meant that the first few eps kinda dragged a lil :///
connected to this, i really didn't get why the whole 'second wife' bit was there lol other than to create some 'lady parts are millennial and don't understand gen z' but it all just came across kinda cringey to me soz... (also the fanfiction plot could have been interesting but they handled it in a kinda weird way ??? idk lol...)
my biggest complaint, though, was with what they did with amina.
look, i ADORE her as a character and anjana is an absolute QUEEN. buuuuuuut.... they really couldn't have had something more interesting for her character other than a (kinda boring) romantic storyline?! idk... just with everything else happening with the other characters, it was the part that felt least developed imo...
and it's not like i have anything against ahsan and her being together, i really like their chemistry and def rooted for them in the first series, but the whole white guy thing (i cant be bothered to go look up that guy's name lol) & ahsan's jealousy was just a lil tedious to me idk...
even her scenes with noor and her mum, which i did like, just felt kinda disjointed from everything else... i guess they wanted to include it so the series still felt lighthearted with all the slightly more heavy subject matters this series went into, but it just didn't work for me...
and especially with her saying she's in her 'villain era' i was really hoping for some interesting and dynamic moments with her character but we got like... literally nothing that wasn't already in the first series lol??? also, and this is a small complaint, but i feel like her relationship with saira was a large part of the first series and yet we hardly saw them interact in the second series??? (and i'm not even saying this from a shipping context, even though i do like the idea of them being together lol... it was just odd that their dynamic was so important for the first series but completely ignored for the 2nd ??? idk idk)
and like, look, i know that a part of my minuscule disappointment with this series is that the first series had SUCH a big impact on me and so my expectations after literally 3 years of waiting were very high, so there was no way that it would ever be able to live up to all that anyway so ... idk
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looking for one of those chunky metal water bottles for shits and giggles, might get one might not, but just read something in a review praising a certain product because that type of sippy straw "doesn't cause lip wrinkles" and i'm fucking seeing red does anyone want to come with me to the forest to rip a tree out of the ground with my bare hands and cartoonishly smash things
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tele-mesmerism · 2 months
idk who needs to hear this but you should play aperature desk job before anything else on the steam deck. bc its literally just a portal flavored control introduction. and ive played prob nearly 300 hrs on this thing without knowing theres gyro controls lol.
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cheddertm · 1 year
I need Charlie to play Gegg music to make everyone stop arguing. That shit quiets everyone down just to see what that goopy guy is spewing
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nintendont2502 · 6 months
call me a nintendo dsi the way that i be ds. nintendo(nt)
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notbgame · 8 months
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I've finalized a design for Carver (he/they), the butcher, and I'm overhauling the butcher UI. Now it's got cute little meat icons!
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release-th-kraken · 8 months
why is no one talking abt vince dunn's spotify
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earlgodwin · 5 months
a bit ashamed to ask you this but do you possibly have the screenshots of those cesare borgia lines “i was born with a stain..... a mark. like the mark of cain. but it is the mark of my father, my family”. thank you in any case
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