vampire-yearner · 11 months
some notes from the summer course on film analysis i just finished
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thingstol00kat · 3 months
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windflowerlia · 2 years
ongoing list of threads to rewrite & turn into videos
i will edit this as i find more
cryptic general ley line thread
cryptic enkanomiya ley line thread
shadows amidst snowstorms albedo analysis
golden apple archipelago formation thread
fatui lore pv chess analysis - combine with overall chess theory
whatever this was.
loom of fate
vera's melancholy nonsense
chasm history
albedo knowing he might pull another orobashi/alchemist gold if he's not careful theory
whatever this was (2) ft. tsurumi island
global architecture most likely being from seelie era nonsense that's spread out between so many threads what even
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palepostbear · 2 years
A great journal for writing your thoughts, hopes, dreams or anything else😊
See more of our journal notebook @atelierneorah
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rainbowparkplanners · 2 years
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#minimalistic #planner #printables can also be used in your favorite #digitalplanner #notekeeping app, follow for updates, and check out my #etsy for more designs. #etsyshop #journaling #digitaljournal #etsyshopowner #digitalplanning #dailyplanner #budgerplanner #monthlyplanner undated and reusable https://www.instagram.com/p/Cix26fopiKx/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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purgemarchlockdown · 2 months
this is something that came to me at 8 am after sleepless night and i thought im too insane to post this publicly but i can post it into your askbox
i was looking at this. and was hit with the realization that it's very unsettling that they're all looking at the viewer (especially considering that they're not in the most comfortable positions while doing so, and especially considering that they interacted with each other before it)
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because it looks like a harem anime cover 😭
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particularly about them interacting before it, it's a common trait among illustrations where girls interact in affectionate ways that are made with male gaze/targeted at male audience that the girls interact with each other but still look at the viewer instead of at each other (i couldn't find good examples, but it happens even when girls are straight up almost kissing and they still look at the viewer), this is a form of objectification of female characters
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yunos look at each other in other frames where they interact, but in the frame where they're all gathered together and portrayed in full height they freeze in not the most comfortable poses and look at the viewer... also with the whole setting of the scene and yuno's themes... good bye
74n5n you have to know this is the exact sort of thinf that makes me go insane at this point. Anyway as someone who…let’s say watches too much trashy isekai specifically and never wants to touch harem with a seven foot pole- yeah I’m nodding along here.
Additionaly when it comes to harem each girl usuallt fufills a specific archetypical fantasy. Yknow, tsundere, childhood best friend, etc. Usually these can be divined through the character’s design, and we know each version of Yuno appeals to a different person. In a sense, she embodies archetypes that appeal to different people.
Interesting thing to note: Catgirl Yuno isn’t exempt from this. One because Catgirls ARE a harem archetype, and Two cause cold, agressive, standoffish characters who hate you IS an archetype that is literally what a tsundere is. So that’s fun I think.
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cnestus · 2 years
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tiny beetle with 4 eyes!
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oathofmoonlight · 1 year
Meta: Misc Facts
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Some tidbits that aren't exactly bio-relevant / don't fit anywhere, but are worth noting nonetheless.
Kaguya is missing her right leg and eye. For unknown reasons, she was unable to regenerate them with magic; she believes this is due to how she lost them, in the aftermath of a fight with one of the Phantasms, as they were known to have unusual powers that could seemingly prevent resurrection and regeneration spells. (She died. But she got better.)
Cordelia, one of the Phantasms she battled (and personally finished off) was a former member of her party, going by the name of Red. There is a reason she does not like to talk about that fight. She's still not over the betrayal.
Kaguya had a younger brother in her world. She does not know what became of him. This is a large part of the reason she is inclined towards caring for those younger than her; she misses her kid brother dearly.
Kaguya keeps a dedicated journal/travelogue. This also includes details of her previous world, as well as her encounters in any new ones she's come to. Unless she gives you permission, do not touch it unless you wish to lose a hand.
Kaguya has a full sleeve tattoo on her right arm that continues onto her back of a eastern style gold dragon. Gold dragons were one of the symbols associated with her Order; allegedly, the first Kaguya had befriended a gold dragon and it allowed the early Order to make their home in its territory. In exchange for its protection, the Order would bring it magical artifacts and knowledge, which was the beginning of the archives. It was a running joke in the Order that the active Head Archivist was secretly a dragon in disguise.
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emberdune · 1 year
who up gettin driven up the wall by their coworkers' incompetence
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post-it-notes7 · 1 month
does Mir Arthur ever keep physical notes on all the nonsense going on within his ranks, or is he just stirring the pot with wild abandon based on his own mental notekeeping? I can only imagine the hilarious spaghetti charts of who is willing to work with whom and why/why not that has to be constantly updated to keep things some degree of functioning during day-to-day activities
Mir Arthur prefers everything to be kept in his head, whatever that version of events might look like, but there is someone he shares that kind of information with regularly.
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Mir Nonsurat treats it as more of a hobby.
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desognthinking · 6 months
in light of just leave a comment fest's bookmark day, i've dug up, mostly for my own notekeeping purposes, a bunch of the deepest cuts i've got in my ao3 warrior nun bookmarks. they're variously short, sweet, totally unique, and so on, but they're all very specifically underrated pieces that i've commented on recently (ish). i've probably missed out a ton 😓 (and my marked-to-reads are overflowing) but anyway here goes:
Please Respond by @daisychainsandbowties - 17776 au
mama (carry on, carry on) by @jtl07 - 5+1, the ocs and mothers
romance is not dead (if you keep it just yours) by @emilyjunk - post season 2, ava comes back :')
Entropy, or the Heat Death of Sister Beatrice by @leet911 - switzerland and the laws of thermodynamics
across the boulevard, she hears a hallelujah by @potsticker1234 - spidey ava and her best friend/roomie beatrice
Canceling the Apocalypse by @knightsofrayx - pacrim au
like dust for stars by @wingedsilva - intelligence agents au
an old friend of the devil by alex_writes_things - john wick hitmen/assassins au
the wolf, the wolf, the wolf that stalks the forest by @foulbearobservation - fairytale au
when the caged bird sings (will you set me free?) by CardinalisSilva - the holiday au
Dear Fellow Traveler by @the-darkness-does-not-bargain - haibane renmei au
The Pendulum by Which We Sway by gleecastost - sequel to time travel magic au
when my day has come at last by @imnotevencatholic - mermaids, sailors and mermaid hunters
they say it gets better (but what if i don't?) by @halobearers - beatrice character study
lots of the authors here have many more fantastic pieces! i'm not sure if anyone's seeing this but if you do please consider trying out their other works too 🫶
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Notetaker’s question:
During the course of this story we may encounter the rare possibility of answers tying in the polls.
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t00thpasteface · 5 months
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dagoth-menthol · 2 months
So, I was involuntarely responsible for notekeeping of our @steamclouds , @titan-wolfdog and @thefishychicken Lost Mines of Phandelver campaign! Sorry, not sorry!
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Finally finished that Di//sco El//ysi//um fic! This takes place after the events of the main game without any major spoilers. In this scenario, Harry and Kim both work at Precinct 41. This is Kim’s POV, if people like it enough I might also write a version from Harry’s POV.
I’m using skills for Kim that I copied from this fic, repeated here for convenience: https://archiveofourown.org/works/44811607/chapters/112747735 .
Kim's skills: Intellect PUZZLEBOX - Make clues and information fit together. It all leads to something. NOTEKEEPER - Recall information and keep the record straight. TORQUE DORK - Machinery knowledge and appreciation. FANTASME - Creativity and escapism.
Psyche COMMAND - Make your presence known, feared, and respected. BLEEDING HEART - Your heart which aches with compassion for others. EYES - Your connection to and knowledge of the police and its office culture. OUTSIDER - Fight to keep your identity in a world that doesn’t want you.
Physique JOIE DE VIVRE - All those little vices that make life enjoyable. VOLTA DO MAR - Keep everything on track. Remain calm at whatever curveballs the world throws at you. GENIUS LOCI - Your connection and love for the living, breathing city. NERVE - Your muscles, nerves, and tendons. Everything that keeps your body going.
Motorics ALERT - Remain on guard and notice the small things. QUICK DRAW - Your reflexes and sharpshooting capabilities. POISE - A careful and cool facade. No one will see your weaknesses. HANDS ON - Interact with and feel the world around you.
YOU - Precinct 41 is as usual, except for a distinct lack of one Lieutenant Double-Yfreitor Harrier Dubois.
NOTEKEEPER [Easy: Success] - It’s not unlike Harry to arrive later than you. He does have a tendency to sleep in, and he prefers to arrive as late as he can get away with. 
PUZZLEBOX [Medium: Success] - What is unusual is that he’s over an hour late by now.
EYES - That’s definitely the kind of thing that would get him in trouble with his superiors, unless he has a good reason.
OUTSIDER - It would get you in even more trouble, and you’d need an exceptionally good reason.
[PUZZLEBOX: Formiddable] Figure out why Harry is missing
Ask Jean where Harry is.
Ask Judit where Harry is.
Continue on with your day (Discard the thought)
EYES - Jean is an intimidating asshole, but he’s also the most likely to have the answers you’re looking for. You make your way to his office.
JEAN - Jean sighs and glares at you, clearly irritated by the interruption. “What do you want?”
“Where is Harry?”
“Why is Harry missing?”
“Never mind.”
JEAN - He practically growls at you. “How the hell should I know? All I know is he’s not bloody here.”
PUZZLEBOX [Easy: Success] - So he’s just absent without an explanation?
JEAN - “If he knows what’s good for him, he’ll be at home. The man came in looking like the plague, I told him to get the hell out of here. So, he’s gone. And he better stay that way until he’s no longer spewing illness everywhere.”
BLEEDING HEART - Sounds like Harry is doing pretty bad. You should go take care of him.
EYES [Easy: Success] - There’s no way Jean would just let you go home. You’re going to have to come up with a good reason.
“Can I go home and take care of him?”
[NERVE: Medium] “Actually, I think I’m feeling a little unwell too. Permission to go home?” (Lie)
[FANTASME: Challenging] Invent a good reason to leave.
[QUICK DRAW: Impossible] Sneak out of the office and return before anyone notices.
“Got it, thanks.” (Leave)
NERVE - You cough a couple times to really sell it.
JEAN - Jean’s glare seems about enough to incinerate you on the spot. He shoes you out of his office, and you make haste to Harry’s apartment.
ALERT - Simply put, the apartment is a mess. It’s littered with used tissues, dishes piled up in the sink, and blankets strewn haphazardly.
PUZZLEBOX - In other words, all the indications of someone who doesn’t have enough energy to keep things in a more orderly state.
HARRY - Harry sniffles and looks at you sheepishly. “Sorry, wasn’t expecting any visitors.”
“No need to apologize.”
“You really need to clean this place up.”
[BLEEDING HEART: Easy] - Offer to do something to help.
Say nothing.
YOU - “Would you like some tea?”
HARRY - He pauses, considering the offer.
BLEEDING HEART [Challenging: Failure] - Does he not want tea? Is he reluctant to accept help? Does he not trust you to be able to make tea? It’s not quite clear what the source of this hesitation is.
OUTSIDER [Easy: Success] - If he’s anything like you, it would be that second one. But we both know he’s not like you, so the question remains.
HARRY - “Yes, that sounds great, thank you.” He gestures toward a cabinet where the tea can be found.
YOU - You find the tea and kettle easily, and get started on making him a cup.
ALERT [Medium: Success] - With your back turned, you hear a sound you recognize quite well. A sharp intake of breath and…
QUICK DRAW - You could turn around so you can get a better look.
JOIE DE VIVRE - You should! You know you want to.
VOLTA DO MAR - You should absolutely not look. No need to make a fool of yourself.
PUZZLEBOX [Easy: Success] - This will probably not be your only opportunity.
JOIE DE VIVRE - But shouldn’t you take every opportunity you can? Have some fun for once!
YOU - 
Don’t look.
ALERT - You’re missing the visual, but the sound is unmistakable. That was definitely a sneeze, and a loud one too.
JOIE DE VIVRE - The first time you’ve heard it from him! You’ve been looking forward to this.
NOTEBOOK [Easy: Success] - At this point, it would be customary to respond. Although not responding wouldn’t be particularly unusual either.
VOLTA DO MAR - Remember, keep it cool. No need to make a big deal out of this.
OUTSIDER - He probably already thinks you’re weird enough. Don’t make it worse. Keep your secrets.
[POISE: Medium] “Bless you!” (+2 didn’t see the sneeze)
[BLEEDING HEART: Medium] “Are you alright?” (-3 it’s a bit early for that, you just got here)
Just admit it already.
Say nothing.
POISE - You maintain a perfectly normal expression as you say a perfectly normal phrase.
HARRY - “Thanks, I’ve been doing that all day.” He sighs. “Jean told me to stay home because I was, and I quote, ‘basically a walking germ bomb’. He may have called me some other things as well, but the point is, he wanted to keep me away from the office even more than he usually does.”
EMPATHY [Easy: Success] - He’s making no attempt to hide the frustration in his voice. Those comments really seem to have gotten under his skin. Maybe he’s a bit more vulnerable now while he’s sick?
JOIE DE VIVRE - Um, are we going to ignore the fact that he’s been doing this all day? Meaning that he’s probably going to do it again?
POISE - Meaning we’re going to have to maintain a neutral expression again? Oh, Dolores.
NOTEKEEPER - Not like we haven’t done it before. Having an interest like this that can come up so easily in public does necessitate keeping one’s composure, and we’ve done great at that so far.
POISE - Yes, but this is Harry! The human can opener? The one who’s seen us at our most vulnerable.
VOLTA DO MAR - Take a deep breath, we can do this.
“I’m sorry to hear that.”
“Jean can go fuck himself.”
[JOIE DE VIVRE: Medium] “I don’t want to stay away from you.” (-2 You haven’t really led up to this at all.)
Bring Harry his tea (Move on.)
HARRY - Harry stares at you, his eyes open rather wide.
BLEEDING HEART [Easy: Success] - He definitely wasn’t expecting you to say that.
HARRY - “Um, what?”
YOU - “I mean it. He has no right to go about insulting you for something that is absolutely not your fault. I’m here now, let’s focus on that.”
HARRY - “Right, thanks.”
[JOIE DE VIVRE: Medium] “I don’t want to stay away from you.”
Bring Harry his tea (Move on.)
HANDS ON - The mug is warm in your hands, the water fresh from the kettle. You carry it carefully, making sure not to spill any of the precious liquid. You sit down next to Harry as he takes a sip. 
ALERT - You can see the steam rising to his face.
PUZZLEBOX - [Easy: Success] Probably loosening his sinuses.
ALERT - Audiovisual evidence confirms it - you hear the same breaths in from earlier, and you can see his nostrils flaring and his eyes glazing over.
HARRY - Harry sneezes again, and then curses.
BLEEDING HEART [Medium: Success] - That sounded like it hurt, and his expression and cursing seems to confirm that theory.
[POISE: Medium] “Bless you!” (-1 got a nice front-row view of the whole thing)
[BLEEDING HEART: Medium] “Are you alright?”
Just admit it already.
Say nothing.
POISE - Excellent job keeping everything locked down. The lieutenant doesn’t suspect a thing.
HARRY - “You’re going to get tired of saying that pretty soon, Kim. I told you, I’ve been doing this all day.”
FANTASME [Easy: Success] - You can picture it so clearly: Harry in this apartment, sneezing again and again and again and…
VOLTA DO MAR - Come back to earth! It’s about time you gave a response already.
“All day? Really?” (Probe for details.)
“I assure you, I won’t.”
“Actually, I rather like saying it.”
[COMMAND: Challenging] Raise an eyebrow. (-1 fantasized about him sneezing, which makes you distracted)
Say nothing, just nod.
COMMAND: Your eyebrow is not as imposing as you hoped it would be. You were going for authoritative “I won’t get tired of that, don’t doubt me”, and instead you gave off more of a curious “wait really?”.
HARRY - “Yes, really. This cold is seriously kicking my ass. I can’t remember the last time I sneezed this much… although I suppose that doesn’t mean much given the amnesia. For all I know, this is normal for me every time I get sick.”
JOIE DE VIVRE - To get results like that every time? You’d like that, wouldn’t you?
VOLTA DO MAR - Or it could be a rather nasty illness. In which case you should really get out of here.
BLEEDING HEART - You don’t want to leave. If not for your own selfishness, then at least for the sorry state the lieutenant is in right now.
HARRY - Before you can decide whether or not to stay, another sneeze rips its way out of Harry. This one is even harsher than the last.
ALERT [Formiddable: Failure] - How did you not see that one coming?
BLEEDING HEART [Medium: Success] - It seems to have caught him by surprise too.
[POISE: Medium] “Bless you!” (-1 failed the eyebrow raise earlier -1 still fantasizing about Harry sneezing)
[BLEEDING HEART: Medium] “Are you alright?”
Just admit it already.
Say nothing.
HARRY - “Hm, maybe you’re not getting tired of it after all. Sorry I’m not much for entertaining company right now. I’m…” he breaks into a coughing fit, wincing a little. “Yeah, that.”
PUZZLEBOX [Trivial: Success] - Sick.
OUTSIDER - And you’re enjoying it, aren’t you! Doesn’t that make you the sick one, really?
[BLEEDING HEART: Medium] “Are you alright?”
Just admit it already.
Offer to make more tea.
Say nothing, just start picking up the mess in the apartment to keep yourself busy.
[Critical Failure]
YOU - The sentiment is in your heart, but the words come out all wrong somehow. “You sound like shit.”
HARRY - “If I wanted insults, I’d just go back to the precinct to say hi to Jean again. Is that all you came here to do?”
BLEEDING HEART [Medium: success] - He looks both angry and like he wants to cry. You really hurt him. Great job.
OUTSIDER - Even when keeping your secret, you still manage to fuck it up. What a disappointment. 
VOLTA DO MAR - You can recover from this. Take another deep breath, and salvage the conversation.
“I’m sorry. I came here because I’m worried about you.”
“I’m sorry. I came here to help.” (Start picking up the mess in the apartment.)
“I’m sorry. I came here because I really wanted to see you. And I’m having trouble thinking straight at the moment, honestly.”
HARRY - “You came here to see me? The sick as a dog, coughing up a lung, sneezing every other minute Harry Dubois?” Much to your relief, he seems to gloss over the “trouble thinking straight” bit. 
BLEEDING HEART - Being direct and telling the truth here would probably be convincing enough to stop Harry from being upset.
OUTSIDER - Absolutely not. That’s way too risky.
YOU - 
“Yes, especially the sneezing every other minute.”
“I came to see you, Harry. The rest is inconsequential.” (Lie)
HARRY - Harry chuckles. “Wow, you must really like me or something! Couldn’t even wait for the end of the workday, huh? I suppose checking up on me does make for a decent excuse.” He wrinkles his nose and laughs again. “I guess I’m not done yet.” He sneezes several times in a row, so fast it’s hard to keep count.
ALERT [Formiddable: Failure] - That has to have been at least 3? Sorry, that’s the best I got. I can only perceive so fast, and those were damn fast.
[POISE: Medium] “Bless you!” (-4 That was a lot of sneezes!)
“You know what you said about getting tired of blessing you? Maybe you do have a point after all.”
Just admit it already.
Say nothing.
POISE - With anyone else you might have gotten away with that. But they don’t call Harry the human can opener for nothing. Something is just a little off about your tone of voice.
HARRY - “Kim, are you alright?”
“I’m fine.” (Lie)
“I’m just a little worried about you, that’s all.” (Lie)
Just admit it already.
Say nothing.
HARRY - Harry raises an eyebrow like he doesn’t quite believe you. “It’s just a cold Kim, I’ll be fine.” Before you get a chance to formulate a response, he breaks into another sneezing fit.
POISE - It’s becoming increasingly difficult to maintain a neutral tone. You might want to hold off on the blessings. 
NOTEKEEPER - He mentioned you might get tired of blessing him. If you don’t bless him, that will prove his point. 
PUZZLEBOX - Moreover, if you say nothing, would that be more suspicious?
[POISE: Medium] “Bless you!” (-2 already said it weird once)
Just admit it already
Say nothing.
POISE - You somehow manage to return to neutrality, thank Dolores. 
YOU - You begin picking up the tissues littered around the room, to keep yourself busy. 
ALERT - Speaking of tissues, it looks like the lieutenant could use one. He keeps sniffling and he seems to be having trouble locating the tissue box in the mess of the room. 
ALERT [Medium: Success] - You see the tissue box on the other side of the room. 
BLEEDING HEART - This is your chance to offer Harry the tissue he needs so badly. 
JOIE DE VIVRE - This is a chance for your hands to “accidentally” brush up against each other. 
VOLTA DO MAR - Don’t make it weird. 
JOIE DE VIVRE - I’m just saying, the opportunity is there. 
[HANDS ON: Easy] Hand him a tissue, letting your hands touch. 
[HANDS ON: Medium] Hand him a tissue, but don’t let your hands touch. 
Set the box of tissues next to him. 
Do nothing, wait for him to ask for it. 
HANDS ON - Your fingers graze his ever so slightly as you pass him a tissue. 
HARRY - Harry immediately puts it to use, with a nose blow wet enough to fill a full kitchen sink. “Thanks, I needed that.” The nose blow seems to have tickled his nose. He sneezes again several more times. 
[POISE: Medium] “Bless you!” (-2 already said it weird once -1 let your hands touch -1 impressive nose blow -2 multiple sneezes)
Just admit it already
Say nothing.
POISE - Sorry, I can’t help you on this one anymore. The floodgates have been opened. Not only does your tone sound a little unusual, but your face and your ears are starting to flush as well.
HARRY - “Um, Kim? Are you sure you’re alright? I told you there’s nothing to worry about.”
Just admit it already.
Say nothing.
YOU - You don’t trust yourself to speak at this point, but you don’t want to leave Harry hanging. You give a gentle nod as you feel your face get redder.
FANTASME - Thank Dolores your fashion choices for today included pants that are good for hiding that bulge that’s been forming.
ALERT - You can see the wheels turning in Harry’s head as he tries to piece this all together.
HARRY - “Kim, is there, uh… is there anything you want to tell me? About what just happened?”
Just admit it already.
Say nothing.
HARRY - “Wow, you really don’t wanna talk, huh? Okay, let me see if I can guess it then. Cause you’re definitely acting different with me today from how you do normally. I’m guessing that means you’ve got some kind of reaction to me being sick.”
PUZZLEBOX - Getting warmer. You know he’ll figure it out soon.
JOIE DE VIVRE - You could interrupt with your perspective and save him the trouble.
VOLTA DO MAR - But if he says it himself, it’ll save you the embarrassment of you having to say the words out loud. Much less humiliating that way.
OUTSIDER - Or you could stop him in his tracks completely, derail him from this dangerous revelation.
[Command: Godly] “Don’t worry about it.” (-5 you haven’t done a great job of disguising your reactions lately)
Interrupt him to explain yourself.
Let him continue.
HARRY - “And it seems like you’ve had the most reaction when I…” with perfect timing, he sneezes again. Just once this time though.
[Poise: Medium] “Bless you!” (-5 he’s already figured out something’s off +2 but he may not know yet how to interpret the data)
“When you what, lieutenant?”
Say nothing.
POISE - the words are still comprehensible, but your voice also sounds decidedly like a moan. And your face is definitely redder now.
HARRY - “…Oh. Oh! Um, Kim, I’m terribly sorry if I’m wrong about this, but uh… is it perhaps possible that…”
NOTEKEEPER [Easy: Success] - It’s quite  unusual for him to be this awkward in his phrasing. Usually he gets straight to the point, or at the very least he doesn’t have all those hedge words.
BLEEDING HEART [Medium: Success] - He’s trying to avoid hurting your feelings on what could be a sensitive topic.
OUTSIDER - It is a sensitive topic!
HARRY - “Do you… do you like it? When I sneeze?”
VOLTA DO MAR - Act natural. No need to make a big deal out of it.
“No.” (Lie)
“Absolutely not!” (Lie, with more feeling)
“Where did you get that idea from?”
[Fantasme: Challenging] Change the topic
HARRY - “Well, the last time I saw your face that red, you were confessing your feelings to me. Your… desire to meet me in the homosexual underground, shall we say. So I thought that maybe you somehow had the same kind of feelings about me sneezing.”
“No.” (Lie)
“Absolutely not!” (Lie, with more feeling)
[Fantasme: Challenging] Change the topic (-1 already engaged a bit in this conversation)
HARRY - “Huh. I can’t say I would have guessed that when you walked in here. I suppose it wasn’t just concern for me after all, then.”
YOU - “I did want to check in on you and take care of you, too. But yes, I was also hoping that you would, well, you know.”
HARRY - “You can’t even bring yourself to say the word, can you?” He laughs. “Well, you got your wish.” He sneezes a few more times. “And I think you’re bound to keep getting that wish.” He goes silent again, and you recognize the expression as the one he makes when he’s consulting with his skills.
HARRY - “So, um, I’m not sure how this fits in with your feelings that we just went over. But my brain has seen fit to inform me that an orgasm can help with congestion. Is that something you think you might be amenable to, officer?”
JOIE DE VIVRE - Why did I not think of that?
OUTSIDER - Is he making fun of you? Is that even a real thing?
NOTEKEEPER [Challenging: success] - There have been studies to this effect. It appears to be a real phenomenon. 
PUZZLEBOX - If you take him up on this offer, he may sneeze less as a result. 
JOIE DE VIVRE - Worth it. It’s pleasure central! No need to deny ourselves the main event. 
“That sounds like an excellent idea!” (Opt in, enthusiastically)
“Well I suppose if it helps, we may as well try.” (Opt in a little)
“Yes.” (Opt in)
“No, don’t be ridiculous.” (Opt out, insultingly)
“No.” (Opt out)
“Thanks for the offer, but I need some time to think about it.”
YOU - No need to embarrass yourself any further. Just get to the point. You want this, and apparently he wants it too if he’s offering. 
HARRY - Harry smirks and raises his eyebrows. “Well, then, prepare for…” He sneezes a few more times. “I mean yeah, prepare for that too. But you know what I mean.”
JOIE DE VIVRE [Easy: success] - He means sex, of course. And you are very prepared. 
YOU - You nod eagerly.
HARRY - “A funny way to spend a sick day, isn’t it?”
YOU - 
“Not as funny as me enjoying you sneezing!”
“I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
Nod silently. 
YOU - You sigh as you take in the absolute delight of the situation. This, right here and right now, is where you belong. 
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autumnbrambleagain · 3 months
i have like a completed 3 novel-long story thing that's at like 900 pages long but
i wrote it over the course of a decade and there's so MUCH that got changed mid-journey of this thing there's a lot of plot holes and Bad Decisions
and to fix it i'd basically need to write another several hundred pages and erase at least a hundred pages
and it'd be as much work to do this story up so it's to my actual standards than it would to make just more new stories
but honestly, rereading it,
this really is like
The One Story that i have in me to really want to tell
everything else derives from it in one way or another
i got the satisfaction of "finishing" it before but like
i really should continue my rewrite pass and actually finish it
it's just oh my god do you know how much notekeeping i need to have to keep 1000+ pages in my head coherently
it's like 350,000 words there are 20 pov characters do you know how much fucking plot is in this fucking thing
god it's so much work
it felt so good to be done but all ive realized is i did the sketch of it and now it all has to be filled in
there's also that i wrote the bulk of this stuff from 2012->2017 and i'll be honest some of this si still gpood but like kfuck man
ive gotten better at writing, and you can really tell the difference between this and stuff i write today
so it's like, should i just give up on it?
but the actual story, its themes, its characters, this is like
this is the best effort ive ever put out on doing what i want to do with stories
so like.
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