#nothing in the book i was studying w required me to have much knowledge of it at all aside from cos(0) = 1 and sin(0) = 0
pallases · 2 years
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Dream SMP Recap (March 4/2021) -      Life and Death
Foolish  has found signs of the Egg’s intrusion on his land near the Temple of Undying, and wonders if it’s finally time to step in... What is this new foe, with remarkable control over people’s minds?
And what does it mean to play god?
- One thing leads to another, Tubbo visits HBomb’s savannah mansion, puts him on house arrest, revokes it because H put on a suit, and forms an AA board.
- Foolish sails in a boat wonders whether he’s been living...a little naively. 
“You would think after so many years, that I wouldn’t misunderstand things. That I would’ve learned lessons, that I would know everything, but...I guess there’s some meaning behind my name. I think it applies not just to me though, either...I think it applies to most creatures. I think everyone’s perhaps a little foolish.”
- He reaches the shore and shows that his statue has been covered in Blood Vines. 
“And boy was I foolish...I thought I was safe here.”
- He doesn’t fear the Egg, but it does bother him. He thought he didn’t need to pay much attention to it, that it was just a pest. But the Egg might require more attention than he assumed. He thought his statue, his cats, they would protect this place.
- How far is this thing willing to spread? What is it? An old foe, or a new one? Foolish gathers his full set of Netherite. He wonders who they could seek for help. Tommy? Technoblade?
"But then...it gets me thinking...other, perhaps, risky ideas...what about Dream? If Dream was not in prison right now, would he let it spread -- or maybe he’s in favor of the Egg! That’s what we don’t know."
- Foolish heads to the Egg Room. What makes the Egg special?
- He doesn’t hold any grudge against Bad or Ant or Punz or anyone else whose mind has been corrupted by the Egg. Mind control is an interesting thing. Not many creatures can do it.
- He meets eyes with Ponk, whose eyes are red. Foolish talks about how it’s unwise to think that one can tread the line and not become corrupted. Ponk tells him to come look. 
- The Egg starts to make noises...a laugh?
“Have we ever met before?”
- There’s a rattling noise.
“Do you have a name?”
The Crimson speaks, but for the first time, it’s not in reverse:
“I don’t believe we’ve met before. You’re a new foe, something I’ve not quite seen in all my years...”
“You think you’re more powerful? Be careful...careful being naive.”
“Maybe so, maybe so, but we will see. ‘Cause you might have fucked up dragging me into this.”
- The Egg laughs.
“Laugh. Laugh if you want, we’ll see.”
“Well, it was nice getting to know you. It was nice talking with you. And thank you for intruding!”
- Foolish goes to leave, as the Egg continues to laugh. Someone will figure this out.
“What has the power to control minds? Witches, warlocks, perhaps could maybe influence one...Demons, Dreamons? Even they, I have seen, have the power to tinker with someone’s mind, but not control and twist so many at one time."
- Foolish returns to the Temple of Undying, a peaceful place.
“And that is what I’m trying to explain...that be careful! Be careful when you think you’re all high and mighty, ‘cause little do you know until it’s too late...that maybe there is something above you...”
“If the Egg was really so powerful, let me see it here. I want to see its vines right here.”
- He thought the Egg was a pest, that it would just die on its own. It looks like he might need to start talking with more people.
“I like to build...and there’s still...a room that I have up my sleeve. A room that, as far as I know, no one knows about...it’s still a last resort. I don’t think we’re quite needing this yet, but...it’s still something to keep in mind.”
- There’s a room in Foolish’s basement under the statue, a special staircase down. He hesitates, but does not go down there yet.
“Tinkering with life and death, it’s...very profound. It shouldn’t just be toyed with lightly.”
“But this...this is something I’ll no longer take lightly.”
Tommy’s Resurrection
(Again, this part of the recap will be more detailed)
- Tommy’s before-stream screen starts with “Undertale” playing. There’s nothing but a black screen.
“Am I dead?”
“Hello, Tommy.”
- Tommy asks Wilbur how long is left. Wilbur goes to check, saying there are eight more eons to go.
- Wilbur offers Tommy competitive solitaire.
- Schlatt and Mexican Dream are also there, though Wilbur thinks Schlatt’s been asleep for around three months.
- Wilbur is happy that Tommy’s there. 
“Me and you were never good for that server...you can look at the entire history, and it all falls in our laps...”
“I genuinely think if it weren’t for me and you dying, the server would be in shambles. I know for a fact that if I’m brought back in some way it’s definitely just gonna go to shit again. I know what I’m like, that’s the issue.”
- Tommy says he hates it here. Wilbur says his plan is, in a couple months, they can set up a competitive solitaire arena.
- Wilbur’s voice disappears.
“Tommy...Tommy? Wake up.”
- Tommy wakes up in the cell with Dream.
- Dream asks what it was like. Tommy says it was dark. Dream asks if there were others there, Tommy says there was Schlatt, Mexican Dream -- Dream sounds excited about Tommy talking with Schlatt.
- Dream asks...what did it feel like? Death? No one has ever been dead and been back before.
Dream: “I was kind of scared it wouldn’t work...”
Tommy: “You were scared it wouldn’t work?”
Dream: “I mean I never tried it...”
- Tommy explains that death felt like being pulled apart and put back together again.
- Dream asks what was Wilbur like.
Tommy: “Do you remember what Wilbur was like? Here?”
Dream: “Yeah! Wilbur was awesome!”
- Dream tells Tommy everyone thinks he’s still dead.
Dream: “Tell me one more time, what was it like. When you die, what does it feel like?”
Tommy: “I felt like I was shredded to dust--”
Dream: “Did it feel good?”
Tommy: “No, no, it didn’t feel good, it felt like I was put through a shredder. There was no blood, there was no flesh, there was just essence.”
Tommy: “A tunnel of black and void, not even black just colorless.”
- Dream said he tried to give Tommy time. Tommy says he was in there for months. He asks where Tubbo, Jack and Phil are. Dream asks how long he was in there. Tommy says a month or so.
Dream: “Tommy, you were there for two days, Tommy.”
- They lost count when “Schlatt started doing the thing,” but they were counting. Tommy says that was just the first “round,” and Schlatt insisted they count like that...they kept count up until about a month and 20 days.
Tommy: “He always liked the number 18...”
- Dream says he only did it to prove that the revive book was real. Tommy remembers the book...it’s real. It’s actually real.
Dream: “I...I’m a god! I can bring people back to life, I didn’t even know for sure that I could, but I can! I’m actually a god! I -- this -- I could kill people and just bring them back if I wanted to!”
- Tommy asks how long Wilbur’s been dead. Dream says he’s not sure...maybe six months?
- Tommy says that the things Wilbur talked about, said he would do...
Tommy: “Promise me, never, EVER -- Dream look at me, LOOK AT ME! -- NEVER bring back Wilbur...please, please, please. Dream, I thought he was like my brother, alright, even before, I wasn’t sure, I tried going to his revival...Dream, I’ve been there for so long now, I take every ounce of doubt I had back. Do not. Bring back. Wilbur. EVER.”
“Dream, you are NOTHING. You are FINE, we can be friends if you don’t bring him back, all the tragedies you’ve done--”
- Dream says it’s up to him. Maybe he’ll flip a coin!
“Dream...why did you keep asking me how it was?”
Dream: “I just -- I wanna know! It’s interesting!”
- Dream wonders if they could send him back to figure out more.
Tommy: “You’re too powerful -- you’re too powerful! ...Dream? Burn the book. Burn the book, now, Dream! You think you understand -- you don’t understand this, this is so much bigger than that. The TRAUMA, everything -- you couldn’t even comprehend what I’ve gone through, alright? Burn the book now, please.”
- Dream says he doesn’t have the book, just the information, the knowledge inside of it, and he can’t burn knowledge.
Dream: “I wanna know about death, you know? We can study it! We can study it together! We can become IMMORTAL together! By studying it!”
- Tommy tells Dream to burn the book again, but Dream insists that it’s in his mind, he can’t get rid of that. He goes over to the lava and throws one of his books in.
Dream: “I can burn every book that I have and it will do nothing.”
Dream: “How am I even gonna die? I’m in this--”
Tommy: “Dream? I have to kill you. This isn’t even a matter of disliking you or not, disregard all of our previous entaglements -- you have to die.”
Dream: “Okay...go on then. Kill me.”
- Dream simply goes to the corner, waiting.
Dream: “Go ahead. Do it.”
Tommy: “This is where you die, in the prison...and you’re fine with this?”
Dream: “Here, use some potatoes, just like with you.”
Tommy: “And you’re fine with this? You’re fine with me just beating you to -- you die, and revival goes down with you, and I’ll kill you in the fuckin’ prison! The prison you would’ve never fucking get out of, if only I hadn’t come here, and I wouldn’t have been trapped in here, I would’ve been fucking fine, so now I’m gonna kill you, and I’m gonna be trapped alone. I’m gonna...and I’m gonna be in here...”
- Tommy starts, but then stops.
Tommy: “And if I kill you now, then I’ll be in here...then I’ll be stuck in here. And I know the book I signed. I can’t...so if I kill you in here, what happens if I kill you in here?”
- Dream says that Awesam is mad with him so no one would even realize Tommy was in there for a while. Tommy wonders about the conditions of the waivers -- the books meant breaking in, not trying to kill, right?
- Dream says it could be a couple months before Awesam checks again, he might assume Dream had gotten out.
Dream: “Kill me if you want, I’m fine! I’ll stand right by the lava, you could punch me into it, I’ll set myself on fire.”
He steps into the lava, lighting himself on fire.
“Come on. Go ahead.”
- Tommy knows that Sam takes his job as warden seriously, he knows what he signed.
Tommy: “I can’t kill you in here, because then I’ll be in here forever myself, and then...and then it’ll be worse than down there! Or up there -- I don’t know where it was -- but it will be worse than...it will be worse than death. And then I’ll have to die in here, and then I’ll go back there...with no more memories, no more anything, just suffering.”
- Dream says that now that Tommy knows, though once Tommy gets out of the prison, he can go and tell everyone that Dream has the book, that he wasn’t lying. Tommy can tell everyone that Dream was telling the truth.
Tommy: “I can’t kill you...I can’t kill you...I need to kill you, and I can’t.”
- Dream realizes that he could kill Tommy, kill Tubbo, and just bring them back!
Dream: “Everyone...is my puppets.”
- Tommy is horrified that Dream would kill him just to prove a point.
Tommy: “With this much power...you killed me.”
Dream: “You wouldn’t believe me! What else am I gonna do?”
Tommy: “You killed me to prove your own point -- you could’ve just showed me, you could’ve just -- this is so evil, this isn’t like before -- you put me through torture, through pain, to prove a POINT, Dream! That’s fucked! You can’t do that to me, to any --”
Dream: “Why? I can, Tommy! You didn’t believe me! You were calling me a liar, how else am I supposed to prove it?”
Tommy: “You’re. nothing, Dream, you don’t know what it’s like. You’re not just evil now, you are fuckin’ demented. Fuck you. Fuck you, man. Seriously, more than before -- you’re not just a villain, you’re not just the villain in the history books -- you are the fuckin’ Devil, man.”
- Dream says he has to let Tommy out of there alive
Dream: “Otherwise Sam will cut off my visitors, he’ll feed me less, he’ll do all these things -- but what I will do -- I’ll let you free, I’ll let you free, we’ll call for Sam, we’ll get him in here, he’ll let you out. But...I’m gonna bring back Wilbur...and (laughs) Wilbur’s gonna help me escape. He will owe me his life! And he’s been there for how many years? He’s probably the smartest man on the entire planet!”
“I’m bringing back Wilbur.”
- Back at his summer home, Foolish speaks with Bad, telling him that while he was at first neutral about the Egg, he’s starting to hate it.
- Bad arrives at the Temple. Foolish tells him that he feels a bit bad for Bad, he used to be good! And deep down, Foolish thinks Bad needs to be freed.
- Bad replies that even so far out here, Foolish is still vulnerable. 
- Foolish tells Bad to leave. Bad does so.
Afterwards, he thinks to himself.
“This is a spit in the face of everything that this summer home stands for...This Temple of the Undying? It’s life, happiness, not whatever this is. Absolutely not. You know, I haven’t spilled any blood, I’m a peaceful man, I don’t like death. I don’t like death at all.” 
(He shows his stats -- “Players killed: 0″) 
“And I’m going to do my best to keep it that way.”
- He says he’ll do his best to resolve things peacefully, but when it comes down to it, he may have to kill for the greater good. Doing things peacefully might lead to his downfall. Is he being naive, thinking that things can be resolved without violence?
“Thinking that this could be fixed peacefully -- maybe that’s my problem, maybe that’s why I’m still searching for answers, ‘cause I think peaceful -- the peaceful approach is the right way -- maybe it’s not! Maybe it’s not...”
“But I’m still gonna maintain the hope that it is.”
It’s time for Tales From the SMP: “The Haunted Mansion!”
This episode takes place a bit into the future.
The Cast:
- Connor plays Connor
- Karl plays Karl
- Sapnap plays Rash
-  Dream plays Francis
- Punz plays Joey
- George plays Greg
- Tubbo and Ranboo play the twins, Ash (Tubbo) and Zachary (Ranboo)
- Techno plays Porkums, who has a very silly hat
- Bad plays Gump
- Karl meets Connor, who introduces Karl to his friends. They’ve rented an AirBNB at the mansion.
- Connor introduces Karl to everyone. Ash and Zachary have lots of milk.
- Karl has them sit in a circle to play Duck-Duck-Goose 
- Somebody’s at the door...Schlatt?
- Connor introduces him. He’s been completely dead for a couple months. According to Schlatt, he spent some time reflecting on his time as President and decided to become a landlord and rent out some places for AirBNBs. 
- Schlatt shows them the million-dollars-a-night property.
- Connor questions the logic of Schlatt having this massive property in a server whose economy has been characterized by numerous governments collapsing. Schlatt explains they invested in cryptocurrency.
- Schlatt shows them My Castle and tells Connor to press his very special button. Nothing happens, so Schlatt fishes him out of view and Connor disappears.
- Schlatt explains that he built this castle as a fun game! There are three beacons, and they all need items to be activated. If they find all the nether stars, they can see Schlatt’s lair, where Connor is trapped!
- Everyone wonders what if they don’t really want Connor that much? Could they have something else, like Haribos?
- They go down the first hall of trials. Schlatt leaves them.
- They retrieve the Nether Star and debate who should be the one to put it in. Porkums is selected. Schlatt fishes him behind a wall and disappears him and his silly hat.
- They go through the next trials as Schlatt plays Trance Music for Racing Game.
- They get the second Nether Star and return to pick the next person. Karl brings up how he was on Schlatt’s side the whole time in Manberg, and Schlatt talks about how he’s changed since then and become a landlord.
- Francis puts the next star in and gets teleported to the lair.
- Glatt tries to take Ash as well so that he can teach him about real estate but accidentally gets the wrong twin and sends Zachary down instead.
- They go through the last hall, the red one, and retrieve the Nether Star. Greg puts it in.
- They pull a lever and a pathway appears leading down into the basement. They find everyone down there chilling in a pool. Connor greets them.
- Schlatt and Connor used to run a business together on another server...
(SMPLive canon?)
- Karl goes to the Inbetween and starts reading.
“Welcome back :]”
- He reads some more and finds a Nether Portal with a book labelled “STOP” warning him to not stray from the path.
- The Inbetween is a hot destination for time travelers to return to! :]
- He finds another book:
- Another book, again in all-caps, tells him that the castle isn’t what it seems, and he doesn’t want to learn the truth about those other forms of him. He needs to find a way to the portal.
- A line of books tells him to stick to the path.
:] writes another book telling him that the Inbetween is gorgeous! What more is there to ask for?
“It’s a time traveller’s dream.”
- Karl will return to his library. The stories need to be preserved.
“The SMP needs you, and you need me. We make a good team! See you soon! :]”
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sparklingpax · 3 years
We return to another episode of Kuni rambles incoherently on tumblr with a phone at 18%
Alternately titled, someone take my phone the f r ag away from me
Ok. I apologize if someone else has come up with this idea first and this is therefore a pale comparison to the original idea, but um, here goes. 
I want an au (?? Might have a different name based on what I'm talking about Actually, but brain Fried so I can't remember) where optimus gets to talk to his youngest self--to Orion Pax :0
Note: the times it mentions Optimus is like. from Op’s pov? Since Orion never learns his name?? If that makes sense?? Sorry this is so confusing aa a a--
so anyway Sorry for typos and grammar stuff, I'm typing this on my phone as it slowly dies Hfkdjsj hH 😳
Orion is pulled from his study books at the sound of footsteps.
A shadow is cast over him.
Wonder and disbelief spark in his gaze as he stares up at the rather grand figure before him.
This mech--plating a nearly exact match to his own in the red, blue, and silver coloring--seems to possess an air about him that is...neither true confidence, nor uncertain existence.
At the very least, it seems he knows who he is, and his purpose in this world. Something Orion is still working on.
Silence rests between them.
Optimus, meanwhile, feels an overwhelming sense of yearning.
Seeing Orion--seeing himself--he wishes he could go back to those days.
The simpler days of youthful naivety towards life.
When Cybertron still thrived under golden days and the silvery illumination of the moons at night.
When the buildings stood tall and beautiful and untouched.
When he could never have known the awful sight of a corpse at the end of his own sword, or the unnatural cries a bot makes as it is brutally murdered next to you, and you can do nothing but continue to fend for your own life...
"You are...studying for a quarterly exam?" Optimus asks, leaning closer to see the book. He recognizes the cover and feels a twinge in his spark.
He remembers the book.
...And that he never enjoyed Chemistry much.
"...I am.....but...how did you know?" Orion stands slowly to meet the gaze of the mech standing over his desk. His gaze turns to light worry and confusion.
Orion is acutely aware of a feeling in his spark that...a lot about this mech feels familiar.
Somehow even...intimately.
He stammers in the silence, fishing desperately for the words to use that would ask his question, yet still be polite.
After all, 'are you related to me?' is definitely an awkward--perhaps intrusive--question to ask a complete stranger...
Optimus continues to regard the young bot, slightly amused.
He knows what Orion is hoping to ask, but also that it would be hard to ask a question like that upfront, at least when he was a younger mech.
"Orion Pax," Optimus says, placing his servos on his hips.
"Be careful not to stay up too late with that book. Tests require knowledge, but they also require one to be awake to take them...and sleep--"
"--helps a processor function, yes..." the smaller mech sighs, frustrated. He's heard that one before, but his mind isn't thinking about that at the moment.
Alright, so he knows my name, too. But...I've never met him? There's absolutely no way he doesn't know me somehow... but how could I possibly--
He jolts at his name, almost blurting the question before pulling himself back.
The mech standing over his desk gives the gentlest of smiles and rests a firm servo on Orion's shoulder.
"I know what you are going to ask, Orion."
"And I will tell you as much as I can."
What is he, inside my head now?
But he receives an answer that shocks him more than that would.
"I....am you, Orion, and beneath my title and age from my timeline....I am still you," he pauses, beginning to look a little sad now.
Orion blinks a few times, absolutely shocked.
"....but you're so....tall..." Is all he manages to murmur before realizing what he just said and instantly feeling heat rush to his face.
Optimus tightens his jaw as he doesn't wish to embarrass the archivist any further by laughing.
I was less careful with my thoughts and emotions once. If only I still knew how...
"I am a Prime, and I am fighting a war."
"A war?" Orion frowns in thought.
There's hasn't been a war since the revolution against the Quintesson oppressors.
What need had Cybertron to fight again?
"Is it an invasion of Cybertron to come? Or a resources conflict?"
And me? Fighting in that war? But...I fail every self-defense practice with Megatronus, at that's true no matter how hard I try...
Optimus feels his chest grow heavy as he remembers the pain Megatron's anger alone had caused him after the council of Halogen.
The guilt, regret, frustration at his friend's obstinance, fear, sadness...
He realizes quickly that he can't possibly unload the heavier truth to Orion--to himself--all over again.
He can't...bring himself to tell Orion that his closest friend and mentor would be the leading force in a centuries-long, gritty, bleak and somewhat horribly hopeless war against him and his cause.
So he instead offers a rather sad smile, and chooses not to answer the question.
"Orion, hear my words, even if you don’t understand them at present. No matter what happens or who around you turns for the darker path, you must never lose your spark, hope, or your character."
"My spark....and character?" He echoes, distantly. "Hope?"
"Indeed," Optimus affirms, feeling an uneasiness of his own. 
The light in his eyes has dulled, yet they also maintain a grim light to them.
One that tells Orion that this mech has seen things he wished never to have seen, and never to see again. 
A grief so strong it....scares him.
Orion feels a wave of uneasiness wash over his whole body.
Something very dark is somewhere in the future...and now he has something to do with it?
And...it involves him becoming bigger, taller, stronger? Learning to fight...to kill, maybe? 
To kill means to take a life. To end it. 
Orion swallows, at last processing the other part of what the mech had told him.
He had to become a Prime??
"I--but I couldn't...not in any dream could I..." He trails off, feeling almost too much at once. 
I cannot kill. 
Optimus senses the turmoil he's set in the younger mech and feels guilty immediately.
"Do not worry," he consoles him, reaching for his smaller servos. He then looks Orion in the eye, knowing the firmness will settle his mind. "My being here alone may be enough to stop what might happen to you, to this planet..."
Orion indeed beings to feel the pounding in his spark settle just a little.
A war would mean all kinds of devastation he couldn't begin to imagine...but this mech was from another timeline.
Perhaps we...are destined for another future.
"Above all, know that if you never lose yourself, then....whatever you become will be just as true as that," he tells him. The words are weighted with something profound. 
The archivist knows in his spark that it will be a long time before he can grasp that emotion, but he is fine with that. 
Orion blinks at him, feeling a new wave of mixed emotions he can't define. He feels himself tense as he tries to control it.
But the mech's hand reaches to his arm.
He nods encouragingly, and Orion just knows the Prime doesn't want him to pent up his emotions.
"In my eyes, Orion, you have always been a prime..."
Optimus draws back at last and slowly begins to leave.
It must be time for him to go...
Orion stands at his desk, staring, a forearm still raised.
"...Or so I am told by those around me..."
The mech adds with a mild chuckle before finally leaving the room.
Orion continues to stare at the now empty doorway ahead of him.
Was that even real?
From another future?
And yet...there is that feeling in his spark...the gut instinct telling him to trust in what this mech had been saying, that it was all real...
He plops back into his seat, staring at the ceiling.
He is too lost in thought to try and get back into his late-night studying.
And then it sinks in.
I never asked him his name!!
He deflates a little and facepalms.
Orion, you dumbaft....
Nhjdjdjs I hate this, writing skils have left the chat 
bye ;w;
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rabbitrah · 4 years
Do you think "learning styles" might be more applicable to people with adhd/autism? I agree that as a whole it's too vague as a concept and for most people you can't prove that it's effective. But I seriously struggled with listening due to my adhd and would always zone out. So any visual stimuli in the lesson was always appreciated. Then again, I suppose visual stimuli is effective for everyone. No one can learn just by someone droning on at them. Especially if they have a learning disability.
[TL;DR: The issue with “learning styles” is that regardless of individual preferences and weaknesses, everyone benefits from multiple modes of communication and practice, so identifying “learning styles” just creates extra work for the teacher that accomplishes nothing.]
That’s a great question and you pretty much answered it yourself in the end, lol. (Here was my meme-y post about learning styles for anyone interested.) I have ADHD, dyslexia, and some other learning disabilities myself, and also have a lot of trouble with verbal instruction.  I think that having trouble processing something, such as sound, or even being neurotypical but having a preference for how you like to receive information, is distinct from a “learning style” as it’s presented in the handful of theories on the topic. The thing that’s in dispute isn’t that some people really like and get a lot out of graphs, other people get a lot out of using hand gestures to remember things, and other people prefer to learn by talking and listening. The issue with learning style theories is the myth that there’s essentially a clearly defined “learning style astrology” that teachers can and should use to categorize their students and individualize instruction.
None of the studies on the various learning style theories has shown that teachers or students knowing their “style” actually has any effect on individual success than if they never knew in the first place. One reason for this is that even though these learning differences and preferences exist between us, the differences are pretty inconsequential in the long-run. Even though you and I have trouble processing sound, we’d probably have a rough time if the sound was cut completely out of our classrooms, right? Similarly, “auditory learners” might find themselves struggling if their courses were suddenly delivered exclusively through audio.
Dr. Susan Greenfield wrote, "Humans have evolved to build a picture of the world through our senses working in unison, exploiting the immense interconnectivity that exists in the brain." While we all have unique perspectives on the world and a unique way of acquiring and filing away new knowledge, students will learn best when they’re given high-quality EVERYTHING. That means high-quality visuals, high-quality discussions, high-quality hands-on assignments, whatever. Trying to determine learning style is of little to no consequence, and the time spent on analyzing it would be better spent implementing the research-based teaching methods that will benefit ALL students, as well as the research-based accommodations to best serve students with diagnosable learning differences like you and me.
People w/ learning differences and disabilities (like ADHD or blindness) might require additional accommodations, but that’s very distinct from what learning theorists recommend. For example, when a blind student can’t access visual materials, so they may be given books in braille and auditory descriptions. A  student with ADHD might need to always have written instructions for a project because they can’t efficiently process verbal instructions. In both cases, things are being added by the teacher, but nothing is being taken away. We want ALL students to receive and participate in the lesson in as many different ways as possible because we all benefit from multi-modal learning.  We only consider what you might call “learning styles” when a student can’t access a part of our lesson. It comes down to painting with broad strokes and knocking down barriers as they arise, rather than obsessing over minute differences and sorting kids into boxes.
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transformersrelay · 4 years
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Mace ropes Weathervane and Shrapnel into a drinking contest, because what better way to befriend his quiet crewmates than with a challenge! He didn’t expect the idealogical crises, though.
“Hey guys!” Mace made entrances, Weathervane had learned. The drone practically burst into the hangar, abandoned by all but the newest recruit and their second-in-command. Shrapnel had been assigned to show him the specifics of the controls first thing, in case there was ever an emergency.
   But Mace didn’t seem to notice or care that they were in the middle of something. Mace slammed his servos on the panel in front of him, making just one of the other two planes jump.
   “I bet you both I can hold the most hi-grade!”
   Weathervane blinked. Shrapnel scoffed.
   “You try this every time, Mace.”
   “Besides, we’re all flyers, so it’s not like you have an advantage? And… you’re the smallest.” The biplane gave a skeptical frown.
   “Oooh newbie~ Prove it,” Mace smirked.
   “For the love of Primus...” the SIC muttered.
   “Uh, but...Why? Would we?”
   “Because! It’ll be fun!”
   Shrapnel and Weathervane exchanged glances.
   “C’mon! Fun?”
   Weathervane laughed nervously. Shrapnel stared.
   “Ugh, fine. I’ll bet you both my entire personal unit stash.”
   That was how the two had found themselves allowing him to drag them along, down to the mess hall. Shrapnel went to fetch the stash of hi-grade he kept stocked; Mace had teased that it was so well maintained precisely for times like this, but the triple-changer had neither confirmed nor denied. The rec room was empty, which served Mace’s plans wonderfully, because his fellow flyers were far too proud to have fun in front of other bots. Primus forbid anyone know they weren’t completely devoid of positive attitudes!
   They sat down with their stack, and each took one cube to start. The larger two swirled theirs hesitantly: Shrapnel out of disinterest and Weathervane looking like he thought his would bite him. Oh, this would be like taking Energon treats from sparklings! Mace, with a wicked grin, slammed his down without warning, sticking his tongue out with his empty cube on display. That earned him a couple of competitive frowns.
   “Well? I’m winning so far!”
   “We just started-- don’t reach for another. Primus,” Shrapnel grumbled, drinking his own just as quickly. “Your big mouth is cheating!” and moving to keep pace. Mace was already mostly through with his second.
   “Weathervane, are you trying to be slow?”
   “No,” he snapped defensively, trying to take a big gulp and not making much progress. “Shut up, Mace, you’re so going down.” He tried to drink more and scowled.
   “Don’t tell me you don’t like hi-grade,” Shrapnel said.
   “I do! I’m just not used to it, okay?”
   “Should’ve been built a Seeker frame,” Mace teased.
   “Oh, well gee, thanks Mace, I’d never considered that,” he huffed, forcing the contents of his drink down with finality. “Hand me another damn cube.”
   Mace happily did so, grabbing himself another too. Shrapnel was keeping up, at least.
   “Don’t you do this with Bumper all day instead of making yourself useful?” Shrapnel mused, clearly not ready to leave Weathervane alone. “I’d think you an expert solely by keeping his company.”
   “Not more than one, when we do,” he said. “Not like I’m going to get myself tipsy on the clock.”
   “He certainly would,” the triple-changer said.
   “Well, I’m not him. Don’t expect it to be a habit, anyways. I’ve only joined him once or twice.”
   Mace gasped. “Do you like him?”
   “Uh, I guess? I mean, I think we could be friends.”
   “No, no, no, like like.”
   “... What?”
   “He’s asking if you have romantic interest.”
   “Oh, what? No! Why would you assume that?”
   “Awww, too bad, you guys would be cute.”
   Weathervane grimaced. “I’m going to need this hi-grade after all.”
   An awkward silence settled. Granted, not for Mace, not ever, and Shrapnel was far too self-assured to let it bother him. So really it was awkward for Weathervane and Weathervane alone.  He worried his lip with fang-like teeth. Not that it was anything new, but he felt intensely out of place with the two Autobots. He found himself fretting privately about how he let himself get roped into this situation and what they might be thinking and if they--
   “Okay, okay, you’re like, three drinks behind. C’mon, Weathervane,” Mace set his cube aside and pushed an armful of them in front of the other plane. “We’ll wait!”
   Shrapnel nodded solemnly from his seat. The biplane blinked at them, a twinge of relief at the silence being broken despite the newest pressures placed so unceremoniously upon him, now. He sighed, looking as terribly put-upon as possible. But he did as asked. He wanted those units, after all.
   The smallest of them snickered, not missing the slight sloppiness in his movements. “Are you getting affected already?”
   “Shut up, Mace,” he snapped. “Why are you so eager to win, anyways? You won’t get anything out of it. Can’t give yourself your own units.”
   “I can, too!”
   “Bragging rights,” Shrapnel said.
   “Oh, yeah. That, too. I told you both I could hold more than you!” He pointed dramatically ahead, as if striking a pose.
   “You’ve hardly won, yet.”
   “Ah,” Weathervane muttered.
   While the empty air still bothered the newest Autobot, he had a task to complete now: drinking with whatever fervor he could muster. So really, it didn’t occur to him that he ought to be feeling awkward again. Shrapnel had seemed to settle on looking and acting bored, perhaps spacing out. Mace, for his part, was watching Weathervane with a twitchy excitement, and had the biplane not been so focused, it would have been making him far more uncomfortable than he already was. The uninitiated may have seen the drone’s energy as a side-effect of the hi-grade, a few weeks ago, but he knew better by now. It was just his constant state of being. The mechsimply  had no off-switch.
   “Hurrrryyyyyy,” Mace whined.
   “I’m doing the best I-- listen, you’re going to stress me out and then I’m just going to… to choke or something.”
   “You’re lllllllame.”
   “Stop! I didn’t ask for your opinion!”
   Shrapnel sighed deeply and grabbed another cube, despite what Mace had said. This was not his ideal company for drinking.
   “Ah, but you like drama like this, don’t you, Weathervane?”
   He cocked his head. That had been a sharp turn, hadn’t it. Mace was a difficult conversation.
   “Depends,” he answered carefully.
   “Hey! Who do you think is the strongest Autobot here? I think it’s Echo because of his guns, but he probably has weaknesses I didn’t even think about!”
   “Plenty,” Shrapnel said blankly. Weathervane wondered if the drinks had invigorated their usually stoic and silent Second to say so much. Though, speaking ill of the captain had never required him to be drunk before, so in the end, he still couldn’t tell. This was all so stupid, petty, impotent. Yet a hot flash of anger bolted through Weathervane’s chest at those stupid words.
   “That’s the problem with your hero complexes,” he growled, before his brain could catch up with him. “You think being strong is a good thing. It’s not. It makes you incapable of empathizing with the targets of that strength.”
   He hesitated, mouth suddenly dry. “Oh. S-sorry, that… wasn’t what you wanted.”
   “The hi-grade is getting to you,” the largest mech surmised.
   “Says you.” Weathervane sat back upright, trying his best to appear collected and sober. His bashfulness forgotten, his claws curled against the tabletop and he grabbed another cube defiantly. “I won’t give up. You’ll have to kill me.”
   The triple changer only looked at him in response.
   “Hey, Shrap.”
   “Don’t call me that.”
   “Since you’re second-in-command, do you know any cool Autobot secrets?” Mace leaned in, eyes surely sparkling. The other mech didn’t bother turning to him, because really, it was a stupid question, and Mace only ever wanted light, fluffy responses, anyways.
   “As I’ve said before, if I did, why would I tell you?”
   “Ahh, you’re no funnn,” he whined.
   The biplane tuned in silently with a shift of optics. They’d had this conversation before, had they?
   “I’m actually kinda curious, now,” he said, eyebrows arched up, body leaned in, expression plainly interested. Normally, Shrapnel wouldn’t notice how it suited him.
   “That is unfortunate.” He sipped his drink. They’d amassed a decent pile of empty cubes by then.
   “Surely there’s something interesting,” Weathervane pushed.
   “What do you want from me? The terminal passwords?” Shrapnel didn’t budge.
   “Well, I certainly… wouldn’t complain.”
   “I’m sure. You would use it to download alien music or something, wouldn’t you?”
   “W-- would I? Do I strike you as a musical person?”
   “Well, you were telling Bumper all about alien instruments the other day,” Mace added, leaning his head in his hand. Clearly, he thought there was something to say about the two, judging by the teasing look on his face. Jumping to conclusions, as he often did.
   “That’s because he asked,” the biplane argued.
   “That’s not the point,” Shrapnel said, tapping a finger on the table. “The fact that you knew any of that means you must have studied it.”
   “I read one book on it,” he said, looking far more affronted than necessary. “It was just for the one planet, too. It’s just because the history of different tools and how each civilization created them is interesting. It’s how you fill the time. What are you going to do otherwise, walk down the hall? Or-- or sit and stare into space? So that then, when you think back to that moment, you’ll think, ‘oh, why didn’t I do something with that time? Now I just have memories of staring at a wall.’ But instead, I have memories of learning the conceptualization and evolution of a viola and how to use it and what each string sounds like. Even if you never use that knowledge, it’s stimulating and new and worth learning because at the very least, it’s better than nothing”
   The other two, for the first time that night, turned to each other.
   “I’m lost,” said Mace.
   “He is much more talkative now, isn’t he?” Shrapnel almost sounded teasing.
   “You asked! Don’t complain when you asked me!”
   In his defense, he wasn’t completely sober, himself, but Shrapnel felt himself intrigued that Weathervane would ramble in such a way. It almost felt like some secret he was bearing witness to. The newbie could speak more than two sentences, who knew?
   “What kind of frame are you, anyways, Weathervane?” Mace jumped without warning to a new subject again.
   “Hm? Why does it matter?”
   “Well you’re probably not a Seeker like me, and you’re definitely not like Shrap. Are you Vosian?”
   “Of course I’m Vosian, I’m just made for mining.”
   “That explains the weapons,” Shrapnel said.
   “Aw man, I wonder if we ever met before, then? Since we’re all Vosian!”
   He almost seemed to snarl. “Not a chance. You upper castes wouldn’t even know where to find the mines.”
   “No, I mean like, out in the skies!”
   “Military is hardly that upper,” Shrapnel added.
   “Aren’t you Seekers super regulated on where you can and can’t go? We certainly were. We were expected to live in the mines working forever, so those damn upper castes didn’t have to do any work.”
   “If you didn’t do the work, someone else would have had to,” Shrapnel said.
   “Ohh, well now that you say that I feel so much better, Shrapnel. Even if we were never built and others took our place wouldn’t make it any more just. To say that ignores a perfectly viable third option, wherein energon miners regardless of construction are treated fairly, given freedom and compensation for their time. I know the politicians and scientists get those things. Why only them?”
   “Politicians and scientists have more to offer. Even a Disposable could pick up a tool and dig up some crystals. Those who present a unique contribution to society don’t have to justify their existence. The rest do.”
   “Is that really what you believe? That the system was functional?” Weathervane’s expression darkened. The larger mech huffed.
   “No system is perfect. And of course, only the lowest castes complained, rather than accepting their role. They should’ve been proud. They were crucial to the balance, afterall.”
       At that, Weathervane’s eyes sparked like fire.
   “Well, I think the revolution was inevitable. I think the people at the top got what was coming to them. They deserved it for being ignorant-- for being okay with how things were.”
   “Uhh, I’m not really sure what’s going on right now,” Mace interjected nervously. “Isn’t that something a... Decepticon would say?”
   “You would know.”
   Mace started like he’d been burned.
   “More like something I’d have heard in a neutral camp,” Shrapnel said.
   “You... raided?” Weathervane tensed.
   “No, idiot, I lived in one.”
   “O-oh. Oh.” He tilted his head, seemed to get dizzy for a moment. “That sounds nice.”
   “It wasn’t.”
   “A-anyway, naturally the energon drought pushed everyone to get more aggressive in obtaining it. And neutrals, generally, aren’t so aggressive. But isn’t that simply fair, by your philosophy? That those who won’t contribute aren’t worthy of basic rights?”
   “My philosophy is that those who don’t work as hard shouldn’t expect the same benefits as those who do. That is not a denial of basic rights, it’s a rejection of the weakest link. Besides, now we’re discussing the entirely different issue of idealism, which is pointless now even with your best arguments.”
   Mace looked between the two with a nervous smile. All of this was going way over his head.
   “Where the hell is Shrapnel...” Echo hissed, to no one in particular. His second-in-command was supposed to be helping set the scanners and it was hours past when they’d started. Most of the crew was resting by now, and Echo wanted to do nothing more than follow suit and take his mind off this tedious piece of scrap, Shrapnel be damned.
   “Dunno, Cap’n,” Bumper said, looking up from where he’d been helping in the triple-changer’s stead. “Y’don’t think he actually went off with Mace all this time, after all?”
   Bumper had noted when he’d approached Echo earlier that he’d seen the two with Weathervane, but he didn’t expect they’d have been getting along. Even if, by some miracle, Weathervane had gotten on the SIC’s good side, he sincerely doubted that would be enough to make him spend quality time with the drone.
   Echo stewed for a few moments.
   “At this point, I don’t care where he is or what his excuse might be. He can’t just skip out on jobs, now. Meetings was one thing, but this-- He’s going to finish this by himself,” he stalked off, his direction being the only indication he’d actually heard Bumper at all.
   Bumper frowned at the unfinished job, but shrugged and followed after, anyways. Where to look for them, that was the big question. The three Autobot flyers didn’t have many interests in common, from what he knew. Assuming Shrapnel was still with them, what could they possibly be doing?
   “What you’re proposing is mass suicide, you understand that,” Shrapnel was saying. He sounded slightly off. Too relaxed, and not-angry.
   Echo stood in the doorway, watching the scene before him, somewhere between furious and downright incredulous. There sat the unlikeliest of trios, a notable stack of empty cubes between them (Bumper made a distressed noise from behind him.) Mace seemed perfectly normal, but the same could not be said for the other two.
   “This trajectory is just going to end with all us dead anyways,” Weathervane was arguing. He was clearly inebriated, his words unsteady and his optics burning brighter than they should. A passion-- something Echo hadn’t seen from him yet-- clouded his expression. “We should at least be able to die trying to fix this Primus-forsaken hellhole we’ve made.”
   “We’re doing that. It is called surviving.”
   “No, by… Ugh. I just want to save a shred of morality for myself. That would be so nice…”
   “Are you always so depressing when you’re drunk?”
   “Okay,” Echo interjected sharply, and only the biplane jumped, “What the hell is going on here? Explain, Shrapnel.”
   “Competition. Whoever lasts the longest gets all of Mace’s units.”
   “And I’m winning!”
   “That sure ain’t healthy…” Bumper murmured, eyeing the aforementioned stack of empty cubes. “You even leave any for the rest o’ us?” He seemed a little downtrodden at the thought of the supply being low. Weathervane seemed to draw back, at that. He looked way more guilty than he needed to be.
   “It was my idea, Captain! Don’t get mad at Shrapnel! Besides, we still have a lot of hi-grade left, it’s not that big of a deal!” Mace beamed.
   “That’s not what I’m mad about, Mace,” Echo said curtly, “But thank you for confessing, we will discuss that later.”
   “I’m not very pleased about it,” Bumper added. “But, uh,” he turned back to the biplane, who looked upset- and more than a little frightened. If he was a paranoid drunk, this situation was only going to exacerbate his condition. He could practically see the steam coming off of Echo.  “We should take care o’ you, first, buddy. You’re not going to get back to your quarters in that state.”
   “Who won…?” His voice was oddly hollow, for the question. Though all things considered, it made sense that he wouldn’t make sense.
   “Clearly Mace did,” Echo said.
   “What?!” Shrapnel exclaimed.
   “Ahh, risk not reward, hmm,” Weathervane seemed to grow sad.
   “Woohoo! Told you guys! I was right!”
   Shrapnel drew his shoulders up, as if to argue, but was cut off.
   “Clearly you’re even more of a joy than usual, Shrapnel. You’re not acting like yourself, and you missed tonight’s job.”
   “What of it, Echo,” he turned slowly back to the Captain. “It got done without me.”
   “No, it didn’t.”
   “Uh, well I’m gonna help Vane here back, but I’ll come back help with the rest o’ that, after,” Bumper interrupted. He’d already slung one of the other’s arms around his shoulders and supported his heavy leaning. Weathervane seemed to be getting more nervous.
   “Thank you, Bumper.” Echo didn’t look at him as he effectively dismissed him, focused on Shrapnel. He regarded him silently. Shrapnel stared back. “... We’ll discuss this when you can think straight.”
   “Can you say you deserve to be alive?” Weathervane blurted, turning around at the door to figure out where Shrapnel was and nearly knocking both himself and Bumper over in the process.
   “... Weathervane?”
   “What do you mean?” The largest mech tilted his head.
   “You… your arguments fall apart if you can’t tell me, guilt-free, that you deserve to be alive more than everyone who’s ever died,” he managed. “You’re wrong.”
   His intensity was tangible. A momentary hush fell over the room, as if they’d all been blindsided by his words. Echo had to admit he was... surprised, his spark both twisted and impressed by the biplane’s sentiment. Perhaps his first impression of Weathervane had been… wrong.
   “You’re naive,” Shrapnel answered, unaffected, voice still cold and precise. “Everyone who has offlined has made their sacrifice. They weren’t strong enough to survive, and their deaths decided their worth.”
   Weathervane’s mouth clicked shut. He glared, unfocused, for a silent few moments. An insurmountable rage seemed to flare up in the spare moments. Shrapnel scoffed, had to have one last remark.
   “This is a war you’re in. Not everyone matters.”
   The other’s silence grew angrier, he almost seemed to regain a focus, something sharp and cutting he’d never displayed before. In moments he deflated, suddenly looking defeated and burdened.
   “C’mon buddy,” Bumper interrupted gently. “Let it be.” The flyer was already too distraught for him to allow it to get worse. And Shrapnel was gasoline to a flame. The grounder coaxed him forward on wobbling legs and managed them both out of the room towards the suites.
   The captain and his second-in-command watched them go in silence; a silence that even Mace respected, clearly uncomfortable as he was.
   “You’re a fucking idiot,” Echo finally spat, turning on the largest mech. “You should be ashamed of your conduct.”
   “I’m not.”
   “I fucking know you’re not. Get to your quarters and rust for all I care. I want you on deck at cycle break and you are fixing the Primus-forsaken scanners on your own. If you’re not there, I’m throwing you out of the airlock myself.”
   The triple changer didn’t immediately move, challenging the optics glaring at him. Echo was only intimidating if one believed him, afterall. Nonetheless, the captain’s words impacted him enough to slowly stand. He didn’t sway like Weathervane had, but his steps were uncertain all the same, leaving behind Echo and Mace without another word.  Echo wished he believed there was some regret in his silence. But he wasn’t that stupid.
   “Soooooo I guess I’ll just--” Mace was slinking out of his chair.
   “Clean up this mess? I agree.”
   The drone’s wings drooped and his mouth opened to protest, but after a moment, he thought better of it. He began collecting the empty cubes scattered on the floor, the containers quietly clinking together the only noise until the little mech started humming to his work.
   “So, uh, Captain? I--”
   “Mace, you still have the courtesy of my patience, but it’s thin.”
   The drone looked wounded, but got the hint.
   Echo left after the first two armfuls were disposed of, confident that the work would be done without issue. Mace was a chatterbox, but he pulled his weight, if nothing else.
   He went back to the main deck, staring absently at the mess laid out on the panels, and spent the rest of the cycle awake.
   “You gonna be okay?”
   Weathervane nodded groggily. It seemed that the crash had hit him hard now that the challenge factor had been removed. Bumper chuckled, in both humor and relief, “Well, good. An’ I hope you learned somethin’ tonight. If Mace challenges you, it’s prolly ‘cause he knows he can win.” He chuckled to himself. The flyer graced him with a little smirk at that, if tinged with what he could only assume was disappointment, optics darkened and losing focus quickly.
   The purple mech stayed just long enough to make sure the newbie was settled, already in hi-grade induced recharge by the time he left the hab suite, and made his way back to the rec room as he’d promised.  Mace was still picking up; and by Primus there were a lot of cubes. He didn’t seem particularly upset by how things had ended, but he was alone all the same.
   “Need help?”
   The drone perked up immediately, spinning on his heel with an arm full of cubes.
   “Phew, absolutely! I was getting lonely!” The grounder smiled-- it was hard to stay mad at the tiny crewmate-- before grabbing an armful himself. It was tempting, but it was too late in the cycle to have some himself. He was almost hurt he hadn’t been invited.
   “So… What’d you start this whole mess for, anyway?” He prodded, dumping out his armful into the receptacle against the counter, “Weathervane, sure, but Shrap? You had t’ know that’d be bad news.”
   Mace almost looked hurt by his wording, but seemed to brush over it just as quickly.
   “Well, I really did just think it’d be fun. Flyers have to stick together, you know. Besides, those two are so wound up all the time. They’re gonna get stuck that way!”
   Bumper laughed at that. “Guess so. Just might not be somethin’ worth messin’ with. Yer gonna end up on Echo’s scrap-list.”
   “Yea, maybe not. But hey, I tried! Never say I didn’t try!
   “... I did win, though.”
14 notes · View notes
I looked at the casket in front of me, letting out a sigh. A tapestry of the Veilmont mountains early in the dawn was thrown over the lid. Flowers and candles surround it, like a scarf of morbid beauty around the neck of the befallen. I held my breath, both to not disturb the scene, and because I don’t think I could’ve stopped the tears if I dared let out a breath near her.
“I know that this isn't what you had planned, Ozhika. But what did you think would happen? A job from the Giochi? You knew getting involved with the Giochi was a bad idea. They’d sell out themselves for a firechip, needless to say what it would take for us.” I said, the black coal of despair and helplessness growing in my stomach.
“It was just a job. We could’ve-.. We could’ve just taken another. Why the Giochi? Why-?” I took a deep breath, trying to keep the tears in
I reached into the purse at my side, rummaging around. This was her’s, at one point or another. A bit morose, all considering. I guess one day, when my children are in the same position as I, an uncaring history’ll repeat. If they even come. I grimaced at the thought. I grabbed a small journal and pulled it out, drawing several wrappers and pens with it. I ignored them as they fell to the ground, looking back at the casket. 
“Always thought our roles would be reversed, no, Ozhika? Always thought I’d be the one to take a bullet to the heart, not you.” I choked a sob back.
I drew in a deep breath as I opened the journal. I looked at the text written on the first page as I began to read. I didn’t need the journal to know what to say, but It made me feel better, the last physical thing I had of her.
“Whether in this life or at the Door of Stars, know that I shall carry your memory with me for the rest of my life, Ozhika. As the text reads upon the door; Let all know who such desire, All must eventually put their weapons down. It is not a sign of weakness nor despair, but a natural evolution of life. For the Golden Hand shall always look over his people, the Silver hand shall always guide them, and the All-Knowing will bequeath them with the knowledge they require. As you, Ozhika, place your weapon down for the final time in this life, know that the Three shall be overlooking you as you walk the Path. And, once it is required for you to pick it up once more to protect the Door, the Three shall overlook you once more.”
I took in another shaky breath, tears streaming down my face. I closed the book before drawing my head to her casket. I felt my head against the cold stone as I let out a sob. “How could you be so dumb, Ozhika? How-how could you leave me? W-why now? When I-I need you the most?” I let out another sob, shaking through my entire body. I slammed my fist against the cold stone.
As I cried, I felt a warm hand upon my shoulder. I ignored them at first, hoping that they would get the message and leave me with my sorrow. But after a few moments, I let out a deep breath as I tried to get a hold of myself. I sniffled and looked at the person next to me. He was a middle-age human man, no older than fifty. He was dressed in a baggy shirt with even baggier pants, slightly yellow in color. Several darker pieces of cloth wrapped around his waist and across one shoulder. His skin was tan and leathery, covered in wrinkles from a life filled with laughter. His dark black hair was drawn into a bun. Multiple strands remained unrestrain, falling over his face. A long, single line of lighter colour skin, a scar, went from the corner of one eye to the corner of the opposite side of his mouth, cutting across his lips. 
“I know the pain you feel. I have felt it myself many times. Do you mind if I sit with you?” The man said in a thick accent. From Aeon, maybe?
I looked at the man, before letting out another sigh as I placed my head back against the casket. “Do what you want. I won’t stop you.”
Not today. Today, of all days, you will not be curious, you will not dive deeper than you can swim. This- this day is just for Ozhika, just one day.
The man let out a groan as he sat down, his back against Ozhika’s casket, legs crossed. He reached around his neck, and undid a necklace. He pulled it from his neck, grasping it in his hand. It was a small chalice, with a hand grasping it. a red gemstone was carved into looking like red mist filtering from the cup. He held it to his forehead and mumbled something quickly. He put the necklace back on and shut his eyes. We sat in silence for a while, only noise being my sniffling, before he spoke again.
“I apologize, I do not believe I got your name.”
“I never gave it” I let out a noise that was half between a snort and a sob. That’s where I had stopped in my head, but the coal in my stomach grew slightly warmer from guilt. “Gaya. Gaya Etsadzo.” I sat up from the coffin, making the symbol of the Three one my chest, holding my first three fingers to my heart.
“Gaya Etsadzo? Is that not “Night River” in Odroma?” The man asked
“Night Stream. Or brook. Creak, drabble, whatever small flowing path of water you want.” I paused for a moment, looking over the man once more. “You do not seem like a man who knows Odroma.”
“Because I look Aeon? That is probably because I am. Let us just say I am... well-studied for a man from the Tsarist.” He replied.
“For the peasantry, sure. But you do not look like a man from the peasantry.” I stood up. “Which house are you from? Aja?”
The man let out a bellowing laugh, drawing looks from the other two ladies in the church. “Do you really take me as a man of Aja?” I didn’t respond. He let out a puff of air. “Pfh, really? I’ll have to change the way I dress, then. No, I am not from any house of the Tsarist. I was there long before it was.” He stood up. I realized he was nearly a foot taller than I. The coal in my stomach grew hotter, seemingly burning inside of me.
“Before the Tsarist? It’s existed since the Sun E-”
The man let out an exasperated groan. “Descended from the City of Convergence. Yes, yes, I know. I do not need a history lesson.” He cracked his knuckles, looking over Ozhika’s casket, his eye lingering on the tapestry.
I took several steps back, nearly falling over the candles and flowers. “You're older than any Elf I’ve met, much less a human. Who are you?” I managed to stutter
He cracked his back before reaching into his pocket, drawing two obsidian-black gloves. He slid one onto his right hand. “My name would mean nothing to you. Some call me the devil, though I believe you Gozhike don’t think there is a devil, do you? Just your three little gods from An’Garresh.”He slid the other glove onto his left hand, stretching it a couple times before looking back at me. “No?”
He began to walk towards me, causing me to hurtling backward. I fell to the ground, crawling backwards before I felt my back to the wall. “I-I-I..” I began to stutter.
The man  slowly walked just in front of me, causing me to draw further against the wall. He squatted down in front of me, before putting his finger to my lips. “Shh.. Do not worry. The more you worry, the more this will hurt.” I let out a whimper.
“I do not call myself the devil though.” He looked me in the eyes, drawing slightly closer, a small, pitying smirk on his face, as if he knew something simple that I did not. “Do not worry, you’ll be with Ozhika soon.” He hummed as he grabbed my face with one hand and began to squeeze. I let out a yell as I began to thrash, trying to crawl away.
“I call myself Akim, though others call me Nùipfa, The Dark Forest.” He cleared his throat
“‘Let all know who such desire, All must eventually put their weapons down.’” He drew his other hand to my face. I grabbed his hands and fruitlessly tried pulling his iron-grasp away. I heard a door open and the stomping of several feet - running away.
“‘It is not a sign of weakness nor despair, but a natural evolution of life.’” I felt my vision begin to go dark as the pain overtook everything. I let out another scream, for help or pity.
“Shh.” he hushed, “For the Golden Hand shall always look over his people, the Silver hand shall always guide them, and the All-Knowing will bequeath them with the knowledge they require.’” I felt my temples begin to crack as the darkness completely overtook my vision. 
“‘As you,Gaya, place your weapon down for the final time in this life, know that the Three shall be overlooking you as you walk the Path.’” And my vision went completely dark.
. . .
The man reached into his pocket, drawing a small vial and placing it to the woman's face. As she let out her final breath, the vial glowed faintly gold. He capped it, putting it back in his pocket. 
“Good,” he hushed “‘And, once it is required for you to pick it up once more to protect the Door, the Three shall overlook you once more.’” He huffed as he drew another, larger vial and a small knife. In one swift motion, he cut open her neck and let the blood dribble into the vial
“You’re goin’ soft.” He heard a high-pitch voice squeaked into his ear. He closed his eyes as he squeezed the hilt of the knife. “Reciting her prayers as ya killed her, huh?” The man let out another sigh. He capped the vial and put it back into his pocket. He bent over. and slumped the woman's body over his shoulder, walking back over to the coffin, her warm blood quickly washing down his back.
“So what if I am? I have to kill, that does not mean I have to be burlesque about it.” he said as he laid the womens body below the coffin, carefully placing her hands across her chest, leaving three of her fingers outstretched on her right hand. He whispered out a prayer as he closed her eyelids on her now malformed skull.
“Seems like a good way to go insane to me!” The voice squeaked again.
“I hear a voice I cannot see the source of and I talk back to it. I’ve killed more than any soldier  - or any monarch - in the world. If anything, I am already insane.” He replied, standing up from the body. He reached for his neck and held it once more to his forehead, whispering another prayer. “Go in peace.”
“Those other ladies, you know you'll have to kill them, right? They saw your lovely face, Jarem.”
There was a loud crunch as the man punched a wooden pew, shattering the backboards. “I. Have. Told. You. Do not use that name!” He yelled, glaring at the floor, blood seeping from his knuckles.
“Jeeeez, fine!” The voice drew out “Just ask me next time! Ya know ya have to kill ‘em now, Akim?”
The man sighed, leaving the question unanswered. He drew his knife once more, still with fresh blood on its blade. He fingered the finely crafted handle, tiny dragons flying up around in a spiral. The red gemstone embedded in the pommel faintly glowed. It faintly felt like it had some liquid within it, sloshing around like it would in a vial or glass. It seemed to almost buzz as he thought about the question and came to the conclusion he knew he would. He let out a groan as he looked up to the open church doors, droplets of blood falling from his hand.
“Yes. I know, Mek.”
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blankdblank · 5 years
Anaticula Pt 44
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Pt 1 - Pt 2 - Pt 3 - Pt 4 - Pt 5 - Pt 6 - Pt 7 - Pt 8 - Pt 9 - Pt 10 - Pt 11 - Pt 12 - Pt 13 - Pt 14 - Pt 15 - Pt 16 - Pt 17 - Pt 18 - Pt 19 - Pt 20 - Pt 21 - Pt 21b - Pt 22 - Pt 23 - Pt 24 - Pt 25 - Pt 26 -  Pt 27 - Pt 28 - Pt 29 - Pt 30 - Pt 31 - Pt 33 - Pt 34 - Pt 35 - Pt 36 - Pt 37 - Pt 38 - Pt 39 - Pt 40 - Pt 41 - Pt 42 - Pt 43 -
Eager to just get this monstrosity over with, you all dressed in your favorite jeans and sweaters in the oddly chill drizzly morning. The trip to the station went easily and through the crowds of Muggles and other students whispering as soon as they saw your group. At the train you all headed for the seventh year car where Cedric let out a relieved sigh as you entered your usual booth, “There you are! Such a fuss they’re throwing up, huh?”
You all sat down saying, “You have no idea.”
With a grin he asked, “How’d your summer go? Get those papers signed yet?”
Farther down the train the fifth years all settled into their own cars, strolling past a full car Harry and Ron walked to their usual car passing other students along the way, “Dean, Seamus.”
Harry, “Good holiday?”
Dean, “All right. Better than Seamus', anyway.”
Seamus, “Me mum didn't want me to come back this year.”
Harry, “Why not?” More students poked their heads into the hall listening in.
Seamus, “Let me see. Because of you. The Daily Prophet's been saying a lot of things about you, Jaqi and Dumbledore.”
Ron, “What, your mum believes them?”
Seamus, “Nobody else was there the night he supposedly came back. Cedric can’t remember anything.”
Harry mumbled brushing past the pair to head to their car, “I guess you should read the Prophet, then, like your stupid mother.”
Seamus, “Don't talk about my mother.”
Harry turned back to him seeing Dean now standing between them, “I'll have a go at anyone calling me a liar.”
Hermione finally climbed on the train after handing over her trunk, “What's going on?”
Ron said nodding at Seamus, “He's mad, is what's going on.”
Seamus, “Do you believe the rubbish he's come out with about You-Know-Who?”
Hermione, “Yeah. I do. Jaqi showed me the memory herself.” Parting his lips. “The Prophet is rubbish and Fudge is just a coward hiding behind headlines.”
Ron, “Has anyone else got a problem with Harry?” The others pulled their heads back in their own cars while Seamus’ eyes lowered in thought.
Harry stormed straight to the final car with the pair behind him, there Neville unpacking his carry on bag in search of his crosswords book from you asked, “You all right?
Harry, “Fine.”
Ron, “Seamus was bang out of order, mate. But he'll come through, you'll see.”
Harry huffed and plopped back onto his bench in the corner while Neville asked, “What’d Seamus do?”
Hermione, “Just believing the Prophet rubbish.”
Neville, “He’ll come around.”
A song of quick comeuppance and the toppling of the unstable left you all chatting amongst yourselves until Minerva returned with the first years who were all excited for their new houses. The small group was all securely tucked into their new spots already trying to make new friends with those around them, Dumbledore’s rise however signaled the elder students to point out the need for them to go quiet for the welcoming speech.
“Good evening, children. Now, we have two changes in staffing this year. We're pleased to welcome back Professor Grubbly-Plank who'll be taking up Care of Magical Creatures while Professor Hagrid is on temporary leave. We also wish to welcome our new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher Professor Dolores Umbridge. And I'm sure you'll all join me in wishing the Professor good luck. Now, as usual, our caretaker, Mr. Filch, has asked me to remind you...”
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Umbridge clad entirely in pink stood after clearing her throat interrupting Dumbledore making him turn to look at her, “Thank you, headmaster, for those kind words of welcome. And how lovely to see all your bright happy faces smiling up at me. I'm sure we're all going to be very good friends.”
You and the twins mumbled, “That's likely.”
Umbridge, “The Ministry of Magic has always considered the education of young witches and wizards to be of vital importance. Although each headmaster has brought something new to this historic school progress for the sake of progress must be discouraged. Let us preserve what must be preserved perfect what can be perfected...and prune practices that ought to be prohibited.”
Dumbledore forced a grin and turned back to the students, “Thank you, Professor Umbridge. That really was most illuminating.”
Ron, “Illuminating? What a load of waffle.”
Collin, “What's it mean?”
Dumblebore, “Magic is forbidden in the corridors...”
Hermione, “It means the Ministry's interfering at Hogwarts.”
A tap on your arm at the start of the feast had you grinning at the first year girl asking excitedly, “Is it true you’re in a film with Max Troublane?”
You nodded and the girls around her squealed making you turn your head back to your juice you took a sip from wondering why they were so excited over a middle aged man you barely had two minutes screen time with. But still politely you answered their questions until they broke into another conversation on their homes and family freeing you to turn back to your friends and teammates ignoring the pink clad woman staring out at you all coldly. Even Snape, a former Slytherin himself along with Barty refused to acknowledge her place at the table.
At the end of the feast however at the glint of your Head Girl and Prefect badges seemed to instantly spark a flash of rage in her eyes unsettling you. Alongside the twins and Cedric you guided the first years to your common room and helped them ease into their first nights away from home before using your enchanted doorway to head down to the Chamber of Secrets. It didn’t take much and with a whole wing of the palace sized home you had been allowed to use for your snakes Tulip had plenty of room and company for this year so the Ministry couldn’t find or hurt her. Opal and Norberta as well were informed of the plan and regrettably you returned to your dorm and left your hammock in your trunk just in case she ever came in there she wouldn’t suspect anything of it.
Breakfast was followed by Herbology. Magical Creatures was next and was a simple intro back into the course followed by an extensive list of potions you tried to make the most of for a hefty supply of house points. Double Charms was next and as seventh years nonverbal spells were required after the first few tries of a new complicated charm.
11 am brought on the much dreaded Pink Toad-Face the first three year students had all gossiped about being a waste of a class. All together they took their seats eyeing the odd blue and white text books looking like they were from the 1800’s that they all right away flipped through growing more disappointed by the minute.
“Good morning, children. Ordinary Wizarding Level examinations.” Extending her wand to have the piece of chalk tap under each letter across the board, “O- W-Ls.” Another flick had the acronym underlined and the chalk was set down again, “More commonly known as OWLs. Study hard and you will be rewarded. Fail to do so, and the consequences may be severe. Your previous instruction in this subject has been disturbingly uneven. But you'll be pleased to know, from now on you will be following a carefully structured, Ministry-approved course of defensive magic. Yes?”
Hermione, “There's nothing in here about using defensive spells? Using spells?”
Umbridge, “Well, I can't imagine why you would need to use spells in my classroom.”
Seamus, “We're not gonna use magic?”
Umbridge, “You'll be learning about defensive spells in a secure, risk-free way.”
Harry, “What use is that? If we're attacked, it won't be risk-free.”
Umbridge, “Students will raise their hands when they speak in my class. It is the view of the Ministry...that a theoretical knowledge will be sufficient to get you through your examinations...which, after all, is what school is all about.”
Draco, “And how's theory supposed to prepare us for what's out there?”
Umbridge, “There is nothing out there, dear. Who do you imagine wants to attack children like yourself?”
Harry, “Oh, I don't know. Maybe Lord Voldemort.”
Umbridge, “Now, let me make this quite plain. You have been told...that a certain dark wizard is at large once again. This is a lie.”
Harry, “It's not a lie. We saw him. We fought him.”
Umbridge, “Detention, Mr. Potter.”
Draco, “Jaqi’s throat was cut of its own accord?”
Umbridge, “That was a tragic accident.”
Ron, “It was an assault. Voldemort’s Death Eaters did it. Stabbed her in the back too.”
Umbridge, “Enough! For all we know Potter or Diggory did that!” Open mouthed the students peered up at the Professor straightening her pink tweed jacket, “Enough. See me later, Mr. Potter. My office.”
The remainder of the class a simple set of chapters they read quietly. Already she could tell there would be a struggle against her methods and was penning her mental draft of a letter to Fudge for initial status for how she was received.
Noon again had you all in the oddly warm day out in the main fields practicing a basic set of spells to dust off the summer months. The growing group that the first years flocked to out of curiosity had the pink clad Professor fuming from up in her classroom. Silently seething until a glance through a book pulled from her purse reminded her of the spell to draw on a nasty down poor she assumed to ruin the club for the day that only meant you took it up to the RoR.
Lunch after the club came next, followed by another break after leading into Transfiguration. A request for a report on how the class went was given at the end of hers. A creeping feeling spread through you all and straight for the usual room you went to inspect yet another Professor undertaking the task.
“Good morning, children. Nastily Exhausting Wizarding Test.” Extending her wand to have the piece of chalk tap under each letter across the board, “N-E-W-T-S.” Another flick had the acronym underlined and the chalk was set down again, “More commonly known as NEWTS. Study hard and you will be rewarded. Fail to do so, and the consequences may be severe. Your previous instruction in this subject has been disturbingly uneven. But you'll be pleased to know, from now on you will be following a carefully structured, Ministry-approved course of defensive magic. Yes?”
Flipping through the book you heard Bryt ask, “There’s no spells in here.”
Umbridge, “Well, I can't imagine why you would need to use spells in my classroom. You'll be learning about defensive spells in a secure, risk-free way.”
Cedric, “Lot of good that would have done us the past few years.”
Cho nodded, “The school does seem to have a reputation for mischief.”
Umbridge, “Students will raise their hands when they speak in my class. It is the view of the Ministry...that a theoretical knowledge will be sufficient to get you through your examinations...which, after all, is what school is all about. No matter what lies are being spread,” her eyes shifted to you as you propped your chin in your palm reminding yourself not to be goaded on. “Who would ever attack children such as yourselves?”
Strolling past you she patted your shoulder making your eyes flash silver in her stroll past you revealing she had summoned those Dementors that attacked Harry after a few glimpses of her early life, “Now, let me make this quite plain. You have been told...that a certain dark wizard is at large once again. This is a lie.” For a few moments you tapped your finger on your cheek until she strolled back to the board finishing her rant about the importance of the new regime for the graduating class. “Good test scores can guarantee you all can live up to your family names and make your families proud,” then her eyes fell on you, “Or otherwise be every bit a waste of a wand the civilized Wizarding world assumes you to be. Now I know you especially have quite a hurdle to cross, being more than just another criminal. Anyone can be an upstanding citizen, if they simply make the right choices. Do you want to, Miss Black, make the right choices?”
Lowering your hand you forced a grin, “Well with great role models like you how could I refuse the offer for guidance.” A grin eased onto her face and you continued, “I mean just look at you, Madam Undersecretary, Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor, so close with Minister Fudge himself,” she nodded and let out a giggle, “Your father must be so proud.” Her grin flinched and smirks spread through the class, “A worker in the Department of Magical Maintenance, to see his daughter grow from an unspectacular Slytherin student of average standing, a halfblood no less, to climb so high under Fudge’s pureblood biased regime.” You gave her a few sarcastic claps, “I am truly in awe.”
Resting your chin in your palm again with a wider grin her way as her eyes narrowed and she turned back to the board to move around her desk to sit down “It seems you will be in great need of some private lessons on improving your outlook on life. Detention, perhaps one week might sort you out.” That single challenge seemed to spark up something in the other sixth and seventh years already done with her regime.
One questioning on the first page led to a backhanded comment from a Slytherin student, from there another picked up what was meant to be her defense only to insult her more until one after another the entire class had landed themselves in detention at 6. Exiting the class when the hour was up Umbridge was seething, huffing and puffing turning to her desk to write to Fudge with no clue about the yellow dust falling off her back from you and the twins casting your duck charm on her so she would be little more than a loud nuisance.
For your free course in the absence of Muggle Studies you joined the other free students into the Study Hall Barty was hosting where even he couldn’t help but smirk hearing how the class had unfolded. Guiding you all to the tables at your shared wish not to go back again he said, “You are able to sit for the NEWTS for a course without attending the course you know. I’ll send a note up to Dumbledore alerting him to the dilemma, above OWLS it is not a mandatory course.”
6pm came and along with the full sixth and seventh year class you attended were joined by Harry and a few fourth years from families in the Ministry she found unworthy of their positions. Inside her class you took your seats in the desks provided much smaller than your usual ones to fit you all with paper and quills provided.
“Come in. Good evening, come in. Sit. You're going to be doing some lines for me today. No, not with your quill. Going to be using a rather special one of mine. Now... I want you to write, ‘I must not tell lies.’”
Cedric, “How many times?”
Umbridge, “Well, let's say for as long as it takes for the message to sink in.”
Harry, “You haven't given me any ink.”
“Oh, you won't need any ink.”
Steadily you all began to write and fists clenched through the room as you all began to learn the trick, the quills carved the words into your skin and wrote with your own blood. In a pass by Harry she raised a brow, “Yes?”
He curtly replied, “Nothing.”
She smirked and leaned in for a moment, “That's right. Because you know, deep down you deserve to be punished. Don't you, Mr. Potter? Go on.”
Ron inched a bag of sweets closer to Hermione in their own Study hall before dinner, “Care for another? I'm not asking you to write all of it.”
Hermione, “Please.”
Ron, “I've been busy studying for these stupid OWL exams.”
Hermione, “I'll do the introduction. That's all.”
Ron, “Hermione, you're honestly the most wonderful person I've ever met. And if I'm ever rude to you again...”
Hermione, “I'll know you've gone back to normal.” At Harry’s entrance her eyes moved to his scabbing hand, “What's wrong with your hand?”
Harry flashed her his unharmed hand, “Nothing.”
She fired back, “The other hand.” Reaching out she grabbed it and gasped as Ron did at the words carved into his hand, “You've got to tell Dumbledore.”
Harry pulled his hand back settling his bag in his lap waiting for supper to pop up in front of him, “No. Dumbledore's got enough on his mind right now. I don't want to give Umbridge the satisfaction.”
Ron, “Bloody hell, Harry. The woman's torturing you. If the parents knew about this...”
Harry, “I haven't got any of those, have I, Ron?”
Hermione, “Harry, you've got to report this. It's perfectly simple. You're being...”
Harry, “No, it's not. Hermione, whatever this is, it's not simple. You don't understand.”
Hermione, “Then help us to.”
In a glance up the trio looked to you and the others from detention, all with bandaged hands parting their lips to the sheer number of you all. Ron grumbled out, “Bloody hell, what did she do, give the whole final two years detention?”
Harry nodded, “Just about, few fourth years too.”
Hermione, “Something has to be done!”
The Professors all strolled in and filling up the table they all took their seats and watched Umbridge stroll in, all clearly aware of the sheer number of kids in detention on her first day. Pausing on the raised floor in front of Dumbledore’s podium with a clearing of her throat, “In accordance with the behavioral codes pertaining the Prefect and Head Boy and Girl statuses any students ever having gained a detention are forfeit of the rights pertaining to the title.” 
A flick of her wand she brought out meant to fetch the pins from those breaking the rule sent a flock of ducks out of her wand. The descending feathers from them made you smirk as you led the full group of Prefects and Topper to remove your pins you floated over to the table in front of Minerva while Umbridge inspected her wand muttering about the unnoticed cap on her magic repeated in a few random charms she cast next all resulting in more ducks.
On his feet Dumbledore sighed saying, “Now that we have been stripped of our entire student governing body, Miss, Umbridge,” Emphasis on the Miss, “Let us eat.” He clapped his hands and supper appeared in front of you all signaling you to eat.
One whole week you sat through the detention and let Umbridge just sit in her empty classroom through the striking two upperclassman courses while you all took up space in the courtyard reading through copies of the typical manuals for your years aloud. The impromptu class drew out Dumbledore to assist in guiding you through the ones you all asked about. No matter her frustrations she couldn’t seem to find the way to break her magic block and borrowed wands the block still remained angering her even more as she had no way to find out who had issued the charm.
Though a commotion brought you indoors to find Umbridge and Minerva arguing.
Umbridge, “Pardon me, Professor, but what exactly are you insinuating?”
Minerva, “I am merely requesting that when it comes to my students you conform to the prescribed disciplinary practices.”
Umbridge, “So silly of me, but it sounds as if you're questioning my authority in my own classroom...Minerva.” Her name accentuated by moving up a step to be even with Minerva.
Minerva held her ground, “Not at all, Dolores, merely your medieval methods.”
Umbridge, “I am sorry, dear. But to question my practices is to question the Ministry, and by extension, the minister himself. I am a tolerant woman...but the one thing I will not stand for is disloyalty.”
Minerva, “Disloyalty. I am not the one carving into the skin of students Dolores! How would the families of these students feel about the Ministry’s treatment of their children? Hmm? They trust us to protect their children, not maim them. But I feel quite a riveting mood to write some notices of my own since you seem to have a flurry of owls off to Fudge on the hour, let us bring some awareness of Fudge’s beliefs on how these children are to be treated by the Ministry!”
Umbridge, “Is that a threat?!”
Minerva, “Oh I don’t have to stoop to threats, or fear mongering methods to see these children on the proper paths, unlike some. But only one who does could see a threat in the truth being revealed. And all that would be needed for proof is carved into the skin of those around you, I would sure love to see you cover that up, come on give that dud wand of yours a swish and bring on a storm of ducks to fill up Black Lake!”
Dumbledore glanced down to your raised hand he compared to those of the twins and his eyes narrowed in a silent muttering of a spell of his own then turned back to the courtyard, “I believe we were on barrier charms, Cedric, your turn.” All of you turned to join him as Minerva stormed off to her office, out of which the stacks of letters to each parent zapped off using a spell of yours with photographic proof with patching sets to each of the newspapers and magazines she could think of.
Screams however echoed through the school at Umbridge’s collection of quills, both for detentions and her own personal use were blown to bits with revealing pools of ink making her contact to Fudge all the more difficult. In a frenzied trip to Hogsmeade she returned with a fresh supply to pen letters off to Fudge. “Things at Hogwarts are far worse than I feared. Cornelius will want to take immediate action.”
Between the flood of magazines filled with the proof and statements on the detention treatment coverage in the Daily Prophet centered around the marriage of Donaghan Tremlett and reports on the trial of Sturgis Podmore for trespass at the British Ministry of Magic on 31 August. At least until the end of the week, in the sea of stolen or exploding Quills Umbridge was amassing in Dumbledore’s jinx she seemed to sneak off a letter to Fudge all the same and then a burst of news exploded all the same.
“Having already revolutionised the teaching of Defence Against the Dark Arts, Dolores Jane Umbridge will, as High Inquisitor, have powers to address the seriously falling standards at Hogwarts School.” Fudge’s quote rippled through the Wizarding world and with Educational Decree Number Twenty-Three the grin on Umbridge’s face deepened as finally after being passed over for power positions in her former school she was the second highest in command and had the power to really change the school to fit a whole new regime.
McGonagall was first under her unscrupulous inspection, yet the more she tried to interject and question the more steadfast Minerva became in proving herself unflawed in her teaching worsening Umbridge’s mood even more.
Flitwick was next in his Charms course just before lunch, in which she did little to question him and merely measured him with a sneer at having to share a space with the halfblood Professor.
The inspections got around and right after lunch the scrutiny was shifted onto Professor Trelawney in Divinations.
Umbridge, “Just one question, dear. You've been in this post how long, exactly? Could you please predict something for me?”
“I'm sorry?”
“One teensy little prophecy?”
“No, wait. Wait, no. I think I do see something. Yes, I do. Something dark. You are in grave danger.”
Scribbling the note down in pencil she mumbled to herself, “Lovely.” Then strolled out.
Pt 45
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gtsvnbys · 6 years
a whole new world
prince!jackson x royal tutor!you
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so prince!Jackson
he's the most outgoing, happy, cheerful prince ever to be introduced to the kingdom
the public absolutely adores his positive attitude and caring, considerate manners towards everyone—royal or not
he's always on the move, so he's never in the visiting kingdom for a long time, which makes everyone miss him even moreeee
in every country he visits, he tries to learn the basics of their language
it may be a bit rusty and there's wrong grammar stuff, but he makes the effort and it definitely shows:)
adorably handsome and suave at the same time
he is incredibly humble and and grateful for the working staff and crew after dinners and ball, he tries to help the staff clean up by taking things to the kitchen for them
he also is sure to thank everyone for an amazing night
his role as an ambassador for his kingdom requires him to travel to many countries and know everyone on the royal court
so when he first sees you standing by the entrance when he lands in a new kingdom, he panics
bc he doesn't know your name
he intensely stares at your young face, locking eyes with you for a moment, before he hears someone with a familiar voice next to you
"ah! SOMI!" his attention is diverted towards her as he wraps her up in his arms, lifting her feet off the ground and spinning her around in the air
princess jeon somi is basically his kid sister, the only royal daughter in the royal kingdoms younger than him
and like a sister, she dislikes affection from her older brother
"jaCKSON!" she swats her arms on his back as he gently sets her down on her feet
in addition to you and somi, there's royal assistant jiwoo, who tsks her tongue at jackson
jackson formally bows to all of you, thinking you're another visiting royal, "excuse my behavior, somi, jiwoo. I wasn't aware you were entertaining another royal, excuse my behavior, princess..."
but instead, he sees the hem of your skirt hit the ground, looking up to see you curtsy to him, "I am (y/n), a tutor to the princess"
jackson is taken aback, "a tutor?"
you stand up quickly, your eyebrows knitted together in offense, "I am an educated woman, is something wrong with that?"
"n-no!" jackson immediately backtracks, "I think knowledge i-is beautiful! and everyone should be allowed to learn more about the world and the fact that you are a tutor is amazing! I didn't mean anything negative at all, there should be more people like you, eager to learn and teach, thank you for passing on your wisdom"
"oh," now you're taken aback, "uh thank you" 
he's smiling at you warmly and your cheeks tint themselves a light pink as jiwoo clears her throat, "prince jackson, the other diplomats are meeting in the study right now"
"right! I'll get going! I'll see you both later, somi, (y/n), excuse me" he bows and jiwoo directs him towards the study
you're still frozen when somi glances at you, a smirk on her lips, "(y/n)? you alright?"
"huh? yes!" you beam a smile at her, "let's start our lesson! today is all about economics, the mathematics and logistics behind the production, distribution and consumption of goods and services!"
you couldn't stop smiling to yourself as prince jackson's words echoed in your mind
later that night at dinner, the table is filled with much laughter and smiles thanks to jackson's colorful storytelling about his adventures all around the world
when all the heads of royalty and the visiting diplomats leave the room for bed, you usually stay behind and help clean up with the kitchen staff
and you're surprised to see the visiting prince helping some of the elder ladies, "prince jackson, shouldn't you be off for bed?"
"I will be, after this" jackson carefully stacks the placemats and folds the linens as you set away the candles and the metal trays, "and you don't have to call me 'prince jackson,' just 'jackson' is fine"
you nod, "pri—jackson, do you always do this?"
"this? of course, I don't think doing simple things like cleaning up or housework is 'beneath someone's station,' as others have referred it as. my mother always taught me good manners, I just want to do right by her and myself"
you lead the way into the kitchen, "(y/n), how did you start tutoring somi?"
you launch into the story of being scouted at your university, being the only female tutor well-versed in many of the school's subjects
jackson's in awe of your intelligence and knowledge, so he prods you with more questions about yourself
he ends up walking you to your room, the game of 1 million questions sadly coming to an end as he kisses your hand and bows goodbye to you
your heart has never beat this fast bc of a simple gesture
the next morning you and somi finish a morning lesson, there's jackson outside the door 
he offers to take you both out on an adventure in the somi's kingdom, but bc somi is busy with her other princess duties, it's just you and jackson roaming around
somi's texting you nonstop bc she's bored with everything but she's also keeping an eye on you two bc she has a feeling that someone likes someone and bc she wants to be in the loop
you and jackson dress casually with only jackson's guard watching you from close distance
jackson offers to buy you various foods, but you don't want him to spend money on you
he buys it anyways bc "he wants to eat it" but gives it to you anyways as he runs away from you to prevent you from giving it back to him
he likes walking with you into the open markets and bookstores, following behind you as you wander in and explore things on the shelf
at the end of the day, jackson walks you to your room again and kisses the back of your hand, leaving you grinning madly as you shut the door
somi: so how was your date? [10:23pm] 
you: it wasn't a DATE [10:28pm]
you: but I had a very good time:) [10:28pm]
somi: (Y/N)!! [10:30pm]
somi: how much of a good time, huh?? ;)))) [10:31pm]
you: soMI [10:32pm]
on days when you’re not available or out of town, jackson eagerly awaits your return he spends his time split between conducting diplomatic business, walking around the city square and helping ppl, or sulking talking to somi
somi: (y/n), you should come back tonight [9:12pm]
somi: jackson keeps asking me what time you’re coming back and keeps moping when I say I don’t know [9:13pm]
"sooo somi," jackson's avoiding eye contact with her as he asks her about her plans for the day, which is nothing but lessons with you, "would you, uh, mind if I sat in on your lesson with (y/n) today?"
she crosses her arms with a small smirk, "why? don't you have any meetings or appointments to get to?"
"no, not today, I have nothing planned" 
he secretly cleared his whole schedule
he quickly shakes his head "I just want to… to get to know what normal palace life is like! I want to see what a day in the life of jeon somi is like"
"mhmm sure" 
somi is 110% sure he's only going to lessons bc he wants to spend time with you, but she don't say anything else
you're writing on a chalkboard as they both slip in quietly behind you, "somi! you didn't forget your language book right?" she hums innocently as you turn around and you're caught off-guard, "ah—jackson! w-what are you doing here?" 
you're easily flustered by his appearance in the study room
"I just wanted to sit in on your lesson with somi, if that's alright with you, but I can leave if I'm—"
"n-no no! you're fine, you can stay, just don't distract somi" he nods and takes a looks at somi's book, "or me" you mumble under your breath
somi disguises a "too late" with a cough, having heard your mumble
but you switch into tutor mode and start the first part of your language lessons
jackson is v attentive during your lesson, watching you with intrigue and curiosity and waiting to ask a question or two at the end of your lecture 
when your back is turned and somi is working on a worksheet, jackson helps fill out the answers for her
"don't think I didn't see you helping somi with the answers" you say out loud to him as somi takes a restroom break
"I don't know what you're talking about" jackson's just simply smiling at you whilst sitting on your desk
"I know you can speak multiple languages, but you should let somi learn mandarin on her own"
he starts saying something in mandarin about helping you but then he switches to cantonese
you don’t know much cantonese, only the alphabet and some basic greetings
but you can infer that it’s something about him and you
"huh? what did you say?" you move closer to jackson, but lean back against your chalkboard
jackson's eyes go wide, "you don’t understand?? I thought you knew everything though!!"
honest to god, he does think you know everything, that’s how highly he thinks of you:)
"I don't know everything, but I did know that was cantonese" you remark to him, "what did you say again?"
"oh nothing important,” he says, "maybe I can give you lessons... in cantonese, I mean" he quickly adds
"well, I wouldn't mind that at all" you say, a small smirk on your lips
he tilts his head closer to you, keeping eye contact with you until you notice his eyes dart to your lips
romantic tension is buildingggg!!
jackson's leaning in so close till somi opens the door to the room with a shout, "back! am I interrupting anything?"
jackson retracts away and shakes his head, "no, nothing!" 
you turn around and pretend to wipe something off the board, hiding the small frown on your lips, "let's begin again"
when you let the two royals out of your lesson, somi teases jackson in the hallway, "you like (y/n), admit it!"
"somi, not so loud—"
"I saw that whole exchange between you two before you guys noticed me! you said tried asking her out in cantonese, jackson wang, admit it! you like (y/n)!"
"okay, okay! shhh!" he cups his hand over her mouth until she agrees to keep quiet
somi agrees to keep her mouth shut, but she decides to help play matchmaker with you two
"royal ball?"
"yes, you are invited as a guest under my name to next week's ball" somi states, flipping the pages of the novel
you narrowed your eyes in confusion, "it's for potential suitors to mingle around and ask for a person’s hand in courtship, all eligible bachelors and bachelorettes will be there"
somi agrees to dress you up and everything, more excited for her plan to commence than anything
on the night of the ball, after somi helps you get ready, you spot jackson coming out of your tutoring room, closing the door behind him as he jogs up to you
"wow, (y/n)! you look—" jackson has this look of amazement and delight in his eyes as you twirl around in the spectacular gown, making you forget about asking why he was in your tutoring room
seeing you look so beautiful almost makes him forget that he’s not the one escorting you:’(
the jeons arranged the pairings and they probably set him up with a royal princess
but when the announcer reads off the next pairing to go down the stairs together, "miss (y/n) (l/n) of the jeon family, escorted by prince jackson wang"
somi nudges jackson with a smirk, "you’re welcome" 
you and jackson lock eyes and you both begin to walk towards each other, wide smiles on your faces
he kisses your hand as he bows deeply to you, "ready for tonight, princess?"
you blush at the affectionate title as you curtsey and place your hand in his, "ready, my dear prince"
jackson continues to lead you around the ballroom, your arm threaded thru his and his hand firmly set over yours as he introduces you to everyone there
many of them assume you’re an adopted daughter of the jeons or that you’re jackson’s girlfriend or that you’re a princess from a far off kingdom or that you’re the woman jackson is courting aka jacksON’S GIRLFRIEND
so you give them a pleasant shock when you tell them you’re somi’s tutor, "it’s just... you’re so beautiful, and you’re just a tutor?" they all say backhandedly
you plaster on a fake smile on your lips, "I firmly believe that one’s beauty isn’t found in their appearance, but rather in the knowledge and wisdom they share. being ‘just a tutor’ isn’t a role one should take lightly, as they say ‘knowledge is power’"
jackson loves how composed and poised you are, even when you’re absolutely seething inside
he glares at everyone who doubts whether or not you should even be here at the royal ball
you impress everyone with your elegance and grace and intelligence and fluency in multiple languages
and jackson’s absolutely delighted to have the most amazing woman on his arm
he then introduces you to his groups of friends who happen to also be the other princes from the neighboring kingdoms
princes jaebum and mark keep to themselves and enjoy your company, watching jackson stare at you in amazement as you make conversation with them and him
prince jinyoung adores you, as he finds your intelligence a breath of fresh air when you mention something from the same novel he finished reading
princes bambam and yugyeom each ask you for a dance with them but jackson just pulls you away from them and into another dance with him and only him
jackson doesn’t like sharing you
dancing with him is easy, it feels like second nature being with him
he LOVES being this close to you and being able to wrap his arm around your waist
he spins you around so much that it makes laugh so hard and it leaves you super dizzy, so you gotta lay your head on his shoulder;)
he leaves to get you water when you spot somi talking to her fifth potential suitor across the floor and something clicks in your head, "jackson, why aren’t you talking to any of the other royal women tonight? you’ve spent this whole evening with only me"
"what’s wrong with that?" he shrugs
"but isn’t this night for courtship and marriage proposals?" 
you’re still very suspicious, "shouldn’t you be courting someone? or asking for their hand in courtship tonight?"
"I was planning to ask someone special but—" 
"but what...?" you wait for an answer, but jackson bites his lip till his expression changes
"wait! close your eyes" you close your eyes as he begins to pull you along, "wait, actually not yet, follow me first"
jackson leads the way back up the stairs, back to in front of a very familiar room, "and we are outside my tutoring room because...?"
he opens the door and on your board are cantonese characters written on the board with different sized blank lines next to a bubble that says ‘jackson’s cantonese lesson #1’
you look to jackson, "what is this?"
he smirks, "my very first cantonese lesson with you, and for the first exercise, you have to translate this phrase from cantonese" he taps a cantonese dictionary on your desk, "use this and solve the riddle"
"why must I do this?"
"just do it!!" he excitedly nudges you towards the board and you melt at his smile
after a while, you manage to figure out what each character means and build a phrase from it
especially with jackson helping you turn to the right page and everything
"‘could I take/have your a hand in a courtship?’" you stare at it for a minute, repeating it over and over bc something about the phrase seems off??
"oh wait, let me fix it!" jackson adds things to your translation, changing it to read "‘dear (y/n), may have your hand in courtship? -sincerely, jackson’"
"and the answer is..."
you’re too busy wrapping your arms around jackson to answer
189 notes · View notes
inkxlenses · 6 years
Regarding post/172299066623/istj-hedonist-samlick23-istj-hedonist-when I don't get why people would compare mbti with astrology and shit. It's as flawed as any other personality theories but it's still a system that works. Astrology doesn't even deserve to be called a personality theory 😩 And just like u said it's never about 'personality' anyway?? That test clusters people yet only considers people's behaviors as if nobody doesn;t have shit like that
Okay. These are among the most exciting asks that I have received so far. I would like for this blog to be as drama-free™ as much as possible because it’s just my virtual escape™. I have also always expressed that I don’t consider this blog as solely an aesthetic™ and inspiration blog. In fact, I was very humbled to be encouraged by my friends and followers to continue including topics that interest me in this blog. But even though this is my blog, I know that I have the responsibility to check what I post here to ensure that nothing would negatively affect someone else’s mental and emotional health (especially as I have observed that most of my followers are minors). So I would just keep my response under the line—and because it’s just really, really, long. HAHA. Also, just for future reference, if you oh-so-hate MBTI [or whatever piece of knowledge I feature here/ if you’re only interested with the aesthetic™ content], you could blacklist my *mbti*, *text* and *photo* tags.
Coincidentally, I would be having a mini-hiatus, and this would be my only response regarding this topic because I’m not really fond of tumblr drama™. I would be temporarily disabling anonymous asks during my break, so if you have anything you would like to discuss with me, kindly contact me via private messaging (but please be patient with my response. I promise I would get back to you as soon as I become online). My only request is that you should first read what I have to say before reacting to anything, because I might have already discussed what you are trying to ask. No worries, I wouldn’t judge nor hate you for your opinions. I actually welcome and enjoy healthy debates (as it is part of my real-life job lmao). And I’m not a fragile snowflake™ so you could really talk to me about anything, I wouldn’t mind :P 
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Firstly and most importantly, I want to apologize to anyone who had been offended or had felt attacked on my rant. I was not describing a particular person in the *inner dialogue*, and it’s not my intention to offend anyone. So if anyone had felt this way, again, my apologies.
So what is this post about?
I had recently reblogged an MBTI post where I was referring to the function theory—not the common MBTI stereotypes and misconceptions circulating over the internet. And just like what I had mentioned over and over again [and on my tags on that particular MBTI post], online MBTI tests are not accurate and should not be taken seriously. It’s disappointing how 16personalities have been profiting from this by selling misinformation to people. This was OP’s topic, in which I had just agreed with their views and had personally shared my opinions as well. Yet it seems to be that there had been some misunderstanding regarding said topic. Literally OP’s argument—and the same criticisms we continuously read regarding MBTI *points to some of the anons above*—are exactly what we are critiquing as well, because these are common misconceptions and stereotypes which are not related to the theory anyway. So I don’t really understand the intense reaction regarding our opinions on the letter dichotomy and online MBTI tests, because we actually disapprove of the same things as well. Weird -_-
I never mentioned nor even vaguely expressed that MBTI should be the zenith™, the absolute “ Law™ ”, nor do I believe that it should monopolize all the ideas in personality theories. That’s just.. funny. We wouldn’t mind if the function theory is not your thing; you can leave it just like that. Simple. Just like how everyone else has their own beliefs and interests that others simply don’t agree with as well. Nobody would forcefully entice you to MBTI, especially if you had not expressed your interest and curiosity for it. It’s just a matter of respecting others’ POVs and interests.
I could easily brush this off because I truly believe that people are entitled to their opinions, and I respect that. More importantly, I had studied typology for several years now that I’m already quite confident of my knowledge about it. Thus, I won’t easily be shaken by criticisms about the theory—which I’m very much aware of anyway. Sadly, it’s seems to be an automatic impulse in tumblr to hate, rather than communicate. My friends had told me of someone publicly posting something defamatory with regards to the MBTI post that I reblogged. I don’t know what that particular blog had been aiming for, but clearly their hateful intent had failed miserably. I didn’t expect the support of my friends, more so, the consideration of people from the MBTI community. I really want to thank everyone who had supported and understood me even if I wasn’t online during that time. My friends are so protective of me, and the responses of people from the MBTI community had been so funny and adorable I’m SO flattered. Watch as my face turns vermillion xD
With that said, I felt like I should at least explain my part and answer the anons who aren’t in favour of MBTI. I just want to stress that I don’t plan to forcefully persuade you to believe MBTI. My only intent is so that you could look into my perspective as I share my knowledge and understanding after many years of studying the theory, in contrast to the misconceptions and stereotypes about it, which I believe is what these anons were referring to. I emphasize that if MBTI is not your *thing*, then you could simply ignore it. This topic is very important to me because it had helped with my well-being, introspection, relationship with others, career, and general outlook in life. So I just want to clarify some points with regards to the asks above^ because I believe some misunderstandings had occurred. So thank you very much @hueristix​, @clumsynix​, @ckatharcis, @tzeentchs-secretary​ and anons for your messages. I am really so thrilled to discuss my views with you.
The cognitive function theory—more commonly known and referred to as MBTI [especially here]—explores the human cognition, NOT outward behaviours and personal preferences. Contrary to what the first anon had said, I believe that we cannot compare the theory with astrology because the former never categorizes how humans act the way they act, more so, it never simply propose their “ personality traits ”. The theory recognizes that every person has their own free will, inherent capabilities, traits, emotions, and preferences (etc. I could go on and on, I swear), and would be constantly affected by personal struggles, life circumstances and other external factors through out their life.. and well, basically just like what Jeanne (ckatharcis) had referred to, it acknowledges that humans cannot be “ clustered ” simply through their behaviours, personal preferences, traits, etc. because again, the theory is NOT about that. Thought process is the essential and primordial reason why outward behaviours, personal preferences, emotions, etc. are easily observable in a person, and NOT the other way around. Thus, it’s also the reason why your type cannot change contrary to common misconceptions, and essentially the reason why tests are not reliable. [Link 1, Link 2—I highly recommend this post.]
I think the first anon is not familiar with the function theory, but, instead, with the letter dichotomies (i.e. I vs. E, etc.) which is the general principle on the said 16personalities site [and other online MBTI tests]. This was exactly what OP had criticized and what I had discussed on my *inner dialogue*. Again, I do not blame the first anon or anybody else who are familiar with this concept because misconceptions and stereotypes are easier to be accessed, contrary to the theory itself which would definitely require time and in-depth research to get acquainted with. I understand that not everyone would be interested to invest time and effort on something that they would just like to casually learn. And it’s okay.
However, I would like to clarify that I [and I truly believe that OP as well] have no intention to humiliate, condemn, mock or ostracize people who had only been familiar with MBTI stereotypes (the letter dichotomy) and/or had only taken online MBTI tests, because we understand that [again], sadly, those misconceptions are disappointingly perpetuating in the internet and even on some books. OP had clearly stated that their only issue was how people who aren’t really familiar with the function theory should refrain from initiating any MBTI-related discussion. Even if I personally agree with OP, their premise was repeatedly contradicted by others who were justifying the validity of 16personalities. However, I believe that asking questions and expressing genuine interest to learn more is different from spreading misinformation to others. As long as you do your own research first, the MBTI community here is actually very welcoming of people who would like to learn more of the theory. The MBTI community here also encourages critical thinking, exchanges of different ideas, and endless rational debates—which is exciting, right?
I think OP had been very honest with their opinion (though may had been perceived as *offensive* and rude by some) and I truly concur with their points. I’ve said in my *inner dialogue* how I believe that spreading wrong information is destructive. It is damaging to other people who have only been starting to learn the theory, to take advice and information, or be mentored by people who had been misinformed as well. Why? Because above all else, the theory is used for self-evaluation and understanding of one’s strengths and weaknesses (with regards to their cognitive process), to provide clear direction on how to advance towards their personal growth and development. For that reason, if one is mistyped, and they generally believe that their thought process works this *particular* way and that they have *certain* strengths and/or weaknesses, then they are not only failing to seize the opportunity to recognize their *actual* strengths and weaknesses through fully understanding how their cognition works, but they could also potentially damage their mental health and well-being because that is not how their thought process operates. It worsens when spreading misinformation like that is increasing exponentially.
We would never dismiss nor humiliate anyone who have only been starting to familiarize themselves with the theory, because we had been beginners as well. Mate, my blog is not an MBTI blog, but I have two mutuals who had been so humble to admit that they had fell for that abomination-of-a-test, and had asked me about the basics and other resources to study the theory. I never ridiculed them; contrary, I was so proud of their humility to admit that they had been misinformed, and of their willingness to learn. There is no shame in that. I really admire people who admit their mistakes or ignorance because I know that people who think this way are really the ones who have the desire to learn and improve, and have insatiable thirst to absorb more knowledge.
I’ve been studying the function theory for about 3 or 4 years now, but I still consider myself to be a newbie at this. Even if I’m already quite confident of my knowledge about it, I know that I still have a lot more to learn [and that’s exciting]. But OP and other legit MBTI blogs here have been studying this theory for many years now, and they are considered as reliable resource persons for other MBTI enthusiasts as well [at least in tumblr]. Which is why I think [just my opinion], they could easily retaliate on insults or misinformation thrown at them by people who don’t even make an effort to read just the basics and/or have poor acumen to just believe everything they read on the internet, yet have all the liberty in the world to whine and be [passive-aggressively] defensive to rationalize their misconceptions of the theory. These legit MBTI blogs know what they’re talking about, and I think you could be the judge as to how they could react to insults thrown at them by people who don’t even understand the topic itself. I’ll just quote hueristix here, “ laziness should not be an excuse to ignorance ”. As I’ve said before: be receptive to different ideas, yet skeptical enough to question everything before accepting any piece of information as real™. And yes, that includes everything I say. After all, I’m just responding to opinions as well and we’re all just stating our subjective views here. We wouldn’t mind if the function theory is not your thing; you can leave it just like that. Simple. Nobody would forcefully entice you to MBTI, especially if you had not expressed your interest and curiosity for it. It’s just a matter of respecting others’ POVs and interests.
Yes, I am passionate about this theory and I know it is fine. But never had I mentioned nor even vaguely expressed that MBTI should be the zenith™, the absolute “ Law™ ”, nor do I believe that it should monopolize all the ideas in personality theories. I don’t know if what the first anon actually meant was: since I’m so passionate of this theory, then MBTI must be My Favourite™ personality theory, thus, I propose that it should be held true above all else.. but uhm I just want to clarify that MBTI is not My Favourite™ (I even prefer Enneagram over it, sorry haha). I am aware that it’s not the most recognized personality theory in the field of Psychology. And I had said it before, and I’ll say it again: just like any other typological theories, I know that MBTI has its merits and flaws. Though there is qualitative neuroscientific research intended to point evidence to the existence of cognitive functions in the human mind, MBTI is still not 100% considered to be scientific by some [because according to them there is no physical manifestation of cognitive functions. Uhm. I’d just leave it like that.. For now]. No personality theory is infallible. And again, as I had said in verbatim on my *inner dialogue*: “ The human mind is so complex. And to propose that a person’s *personality* could easily be identified through a 10-minute test is just absurdly.. laughable to me [not to mention that that test is focused more on NATURAL HUMAN behaviours and not cognition—which is what the theory is about anyway xxxx xxxx xxxx] like wtf so amazeballs that they could identify my *personality* with such an overly-random question that any other person could have strong preference over the other. ”. So I don’t really understand what the first anon’s critic was, because what they had pointed out was exactly what OP, I, and basically all the people who had studied this theory are continually expressing. Based on my tags alone, we’re actually on the same team™ here.
How? (1) I had said earlier that the theory does not limit human free will. It understands that people have innate imprints in them that manifest on how they act, talk, feel, etc. In the same way, it also understands how people and their preferences are constantly developing and changing [and yes as the first anon said, “ evolving ”], because humans will continue to encounter and be exposed to several personal afflictions, relationship struggles, disappointments, successes, gratifications, religious beliefs, cultural conformity, and other life-altering situations and external factors throughout their lifetime that will heavily affect their behavioural makeup and adaptability to their external environment. Everyone—whatever their type may be—can behave any way they like depending on the situations and circumstances that they are dealing with, because there are many factors that affect and influence how people behave, not only a person’s type. BUT their cognitive functions have been there all along, constantly operating, even if their *functional stack* could fluctuate on their healthy and/or unhealthy states depending on how they had adjusted and adapted to these circumstances [uhm more advanced topic of the theory—see the beauty of this theory? It’s never obsolete. Contrary to misconceptions, the theory recognizes the erratic human nature. It pains me how people could outright dismiss and insult the theory without studying it first, because they fail to realize its usefulness in a person’s life, more than what that shite site says *ho hum*]. (2) I agree with most of the principles of the function theory because it doesn’t “ categorize everyone into 16 cutout personality types ”, nor does it have a manual that says “ ‘here are a few common personality traits, be free’ aspect ”. MBTI stereotypes and ideas from the 16personalities assert that; the function theory does not. (3) [uhm this is getting so repetitive now] The theory is not about what our external behaviours are, nor does it dictate what our *personalities* are. Rather, on the simplest terms, it analyzes how we think. It analyzes how we make decisions, through our cognitive process, when we encounter a particular situation.
Hopefully, my explanation would be enough to clear up some misunderstandings from the aforesaid post. However, I believe that this explanation alone would not suffice for anyone who are still confused with the theory and/or for those who are interested to learn more. Hence, the next section is really just for reference and further clarification, just in case there are still some questions that others are still confused about. That said, I know that I would not be able to articulate these ideas the way this particular blog do [and I don’t want to sound like a bot if I would just be reciting their ideas exactly as they had expressed it], so I’d just be quoting one of the most reliable MBTI blogs here and a personal favourite of mine (mbti-notes), to give insight on some issues that had been critiqued on that post. These are really interesting and thought-provoking ideas so I hope you could take time to read them. Also, I highly-recommend their blog!
[With regards to common MBTI stereotypes and misconceptions]:
Anonymous: Stereotypes give people wrong assumptions about what types are. They don’t define what your personality or your actions are going to be like. They don’t even define what thoughts you have. It’s simply the pattern and the functions you use to come to conclusions. I’m an ENTP (22) and my best friend is an ENFP (23). Yet people would probably switch our two types because I tend to be very gentle and kind around others while she appears more tough and openly says what she thinks.
I appreciate your point. Part of the reason for the stereotyping problem is that the information online and even in books is dominated by two main schools of thought that focus very heavily on behavior at the expense of cognition (Myers-Briggs and Keirsey Temperaments), so a lot of people do not realize that there are other (better) interpretations available. My first exposure to typology was through Keirsey and, although I thought it was interesting at the time, I wasn’t able to see the full potential of the system because everything was masked behind simplistic labels (stereotypes) that didn’t seem to connect with real life to the degree that I thought was necessary to be a truly viable theory of personality. I think a lot of people get interested in MBTI because of its practical applicability in situations like personal relationships or group/work environments and MBTI is good for learning some general rules of thumb that can help you improve the ways in which you deal with different kinds of people. However, general rules of thumb very easily morph into stereotyping and pigeonholing when people do not understand the finer details of the theory and then apply the ideas and principles too carelessly. The human mind is prone to lazy overgeneralizing or drawing invalid conclusions as it is and the lack of depth in the information available unfortunately encourages that laziness. (Source)
[With regards to MBTI’s *accuracy*]:
Anonymous: Do you think that other personality identification types such as Alignment and Global 5/SLOAN are more, less, or just as accurate as MBTI can be?
“Accuracy” is not really the right question. Every theory of personality that is developed by academics is put together very deliberately to serve a particular purpose, and it must be used as intended in order to preserve validity. Unfortunately, when the ideas trickle down into mainstream consciousness, the original purpose of the theory often gets lost in translation, with the general public using it more like a horoscope or fortune cookie and then complaining about the inaccuracies. Every kind of theory has its advantages and disadvantages. For instance, the Five Factor model is a trait theory, which has the advantage of being easily quantifiable and very reliable for statistical analysis. However, there is no actual theoretical underpinning for it because the traits are derived from factor or data analysis, which offers no explanation as to why traits exist, how they arise, why there are only five, and so on. Trait theories are limited in what they are able to explain about human behavior but they remain very useful for doing replicable research studies. There is of course some overlap of concepts between trait theories and type category theories like MBTI.
Cognitive function theory is a qualitative and holistic model of personality that sprawls into other related areas of psychology. Qualitative research excels at theoretical analysis and depth of detailed explanations and is less conducive to statistical analysis/prediction. Jung developed psychological types as a part of the psychoanalytic tradition, however, that tradition fell out of favor in the US to make way for more popular quantitative research methods, though it continued to expand in certain European circles. Myers & Briggs and David Keirsey brought it back to life in a more digestible form but it was never meant to be distilled to such an extreme degree; MBTI essentially turned into a corporate money making tool and Keirsey rejected the notion of cognitive functions in favor of behavioral descriptors. Many of the criticisms that are leveled at MBTI are legitimate but not actually applicable to cognitive function theory because of not seeing the full extent of it and how it is embedded firmly within the long history of psychoanalytic theory, a school of thought which has done more than any other to reveal the qualities of the unconscious mind. Now that there is emerging neuroscientific research that confirms some of these old ideas about the unconscious, there is some resurgence in their popularity within research circles. (Source)
[With regards to MBTI’s basics, development and “scientific” basis]:
Anonymous: The J/P dichotomy is particularly interesting because, say, you have already three letters I N F, the last letter decides not only your dominant and auxiliary functions, it flips the stack; INFP (Fi-Ne-Si-Te) vs. INFJ (Ni-Fe-Ti-Se), and then we read that according to descriptions those types are very different. But then we also have a lot of people who can’t really decide if they’re INFJ or INFP. It’s all very strange to me.
It’s strange to you because (judging by the earlier question) you haven’t understood what the J/P distinction really means and you haven’t properly distinguished cognition and behavior. Two different cognitive functions can manifest similar looking behaviors on the surface (as I have explained numerous times in the guides, please read them carefully). E.g. Any introvert can be reflective but the reasons WHY a particular individual is reflective, the motive and explanation behind it, differs according to the cognitive functions involved (Fi vs Ni). If you don’t know the details of their inner cognitive processes, you cannot see the differences because, just looking from the outside, all you see is that they are both reflective in demeanor. xxxx xxxx xxxx MBTI type descriptions are purposely simplistic because newbies don’t know the theory and therefore must identify themselves through simple behavioral descriptors. MB designed their system in part to sidestep the complicated process of learning function theory so that more people could access it, a noble intention, therefore simple type descriptions do not include all the info you need to type accurately because they do not address variations within type and cognitive function specifics. In other words, problems with typing stem from lack of knowledge of the theory, usually because of not going any deeper than the simplified descriptions/tests. The test was meant to be administered and interpreted by an expert, which means that people run into all kinds of problems when they try to self-type with limited to no knowledge of type theory.
[continuation of the ask] Is there any real scientific proof that Jungian cognitive functions exist? Dario Nardi’s attempts are certainly interesting, but it’s a common knowledge that EEG method is far from being reliable. Also, on one of his AMA discussions on reddit he presented instances when he was testing midlife INFJ adults who he couldn’t differentiate from of ISTPs, which he attributed to the use the second most common pattern (Ti-Se for INFJs). So, which model is true, or is this a combination of dichotomies and functional stack model? Can you shed some light on those issues and inconsistencies? Additionally, I’d really like your opinion on Reynierse’s articles (“Preference Multidimensionality and the Fallacy of Type Dynamics”, etc.). Thank you. The question of “science” has already been beaten to death over and over again so I’ve grown impatient with this can of worms. I don’t have much to say about Nardi, he’s pursuing his ideas and more power to him, but his work is not particularly interesting to me because it is getting away from other aspects of type theory that I am more interested in. xxxx xxxx xxxxx Some people latch onto him because they desperately want some kind of “scientific proof” of the functions. Some people dabble in typology and keep demanding “scientific proof” but don’t understand the differences between quantitative and qualitative research. There are different kinds of theories, with different kinds of objectives, with different standards of measurement, with different methods of application - the scientific method is only one valid research framework and it should not be the measure of all things. Traditionally, science often includes the concept of falsifiability but you can’t falsify that which is not within the realm of empirical fact, e.g., you can’t falsify human valuations or subjective meaning/experience, so are these things not “real”? Do you understand the difference between facts and values? Do you believe that only scientific measurements can imbue ideas with value? Do you believe that materialistic explanations of human psychology are the be-all and end-all? Not everything about human experience can be reduced to neurons and electrons. If you think it can, then feel free to dismiss type theory as crap because it’s not going to fit well with your assumptive worldview. Also, abstract and concrete knowledge are different and should be treated differently. No idea is “real” because “real” implies concrete, and ideas are abstract. One can easily claim that any idea is not “real” depending on how you want to set your standards of measurement. xxxx xxxx xxxx Similarly, people claim that “types” or “functions” are not real even when they themselves: behave as type theory describes, suffer the problems that type theory describes, feel attracted to the relationships that type theory describes, follow the developmental path that type theory describes. 

Before you ask for “scientific proof”, you should first define exactly what standards of proof would satisfy you and make you believe that cognitive functions are “real”. It is quite often the case that people who like to harp about scientific “proof” don’t even understand what they’re asking for or to what end, they demand proof but no matter what proof is offered, they keep moving the goalposts because they are actually more interested in criticizing than understanding (see climate change deniers as the perfect example). Just so you know, many mbti bloggers are tired of dealing with such people, we’ve already gone through all these arguments a million times. I’m not saying you’re one of these people but beware that you’re stepping into a complex discussion and don’t seem sufficiently prepared. Instead of making people explain or educate you, state your exact criteria of scientific proof and I’ll happily tell you if type theory passes. Type theory is a big theory and some people find it hard to understand even the basic type concepts which barely scratch the surface because the theory goes far beyond simple typing. It is an incomplete and fragmented theory, with many people working on it for different reasons in different directions. Many people have found elements of type theory very useful and accurate in their lived experiences, even using it to permanently solve long running psychological issues, even using it to deftly cure relationship problems. There is piecemeal neuroscience evidence which does not directly relate to type theory but nonetheless corroborates it. I wouldn’t know if any of this is enough “proof” because you haven’t specified exactly what proof you’re demanding. If the book falling on your head doesn’t prove gravity is “real”, then I suppose all the people whose thought processes match the principles of type dynamics don’t count as real proof either. The results say a lot. I run a popular typology blog and have dealt with thousands of people, so I at least don’t suffer from sample-size-1. Type dynamics describes very specific problems and offers workable solutions, and I’ve witnessed many different kinds of people from different backgrounds, cultures, walks of life apply these ideas with great success. Is this “empirical evidence”? I’ve had the most hardened scientifically-minded strangers think I’m a magical wizard when I can knit together their life story and reveal their innermost insecurities based only on four letters, yet all I’m doing is applying and extrapolating from the theoretical ideas as I understand them, nothing more. 

All I will say about arguments against type dynamics is that they usually can’t see the forest because they’re stuck in the trees: they get wrapped up in granular details and superficial inconsistencies; they don’t see the historical big picture of how every model evolves from and contains the same set of ideas; they don’t see how some disagreements between models are merely semantic and actually address the same underlying concept; they don’t fully grasp the principles of type dynamics and then produce strawman criticisms (some of the points in those articles actually support, add to, or help clarify type dynamics rather than debunk it); they perceive the explanatory flexibility of type dynamics as a flaw, not a strength; they probably prefer trait theories because they are easily quantifiable (and then completely miss the point of type dynamics); they don’t see how the ideas could potentially fit with mathematical dynamics and energy flow. Any theory worth its salt should remain open to criticism, development, and further clarification but, in order to critique a theory successfully, you must first understand it, and I don’t think the author of those articles has understood type dynamics well enough. (Source)
Again, I apologize to anyone who had been offended of what I said in my tags. And thank you very much for taking the time to read this post! :)
P.S. I have no intention to answer that anon who made a sexist comment about M & B. I have already discussed what my points are regarding MBTI Tests™, so I wouldn’t really judge them or anyone else for having fun with taking multiple personality tests. But since I think this anon have zero knowledge of the theory anyway, I have to clarify that it wasn’t created by M & B [who, by the way, even if they had not been psychologists by profession, had made extensive research of the theory—probably more than you would ever do, anon. Then again, I don’t really adhere to M & B’s approach], but was devised by one of the best minds psychology has ever known. FYI that person was a man—if anon would feel more validated™ to know that their own sex is the perfect authority for objective™ measurement of intelligence or competence *cough* it actually isn’t *cough*. Also, I really am so tired already to rebut something that is completely illogical, it’s even barely understandable. *ho hum* I’m very open to discuss opinions that differ from mine, but if you are trying to establish your argument through a sexist comment, then don’t expect that I would answer you with respect.
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jawnkeets · 7 years
hello sorry to disturb you lovely person but i was wondering if you had some advices to have a better literary analysis, or a better culture well, i mean how can i improve my literary intelligence basically ? ( it may not be really clear but i hope you'll understand because i feel like i'm lost... )
hello anon! no need to be sorry, ur not disturbing me at all :+) feel free 2 send an ask at any time ✨✨✨
i’ll attempt to answer this by splitting ur ask into 2 parts. first i’ll try to give some tips on literary analysis, and then i’ll try to talk about the sort of wider awareness of lit (or the culture as you call it).
a little disclaimer: pls bear in mind that i am by no means qualified to speak about this in any way (i still very much consider myself a learner). i’ve generally been left alone throughout my education to do my own thing, which is a good thing in some respects and a bad thing in others; i don’t have the solid foundations that most ppl do, never following things like paragraph structures throughout lower school, and i didn’t know a thing about metre until the start of this month. however, because of my education i think i’ve managed to avoid a few conventional pitfalls. so, in short, you can take as much or as little of this advice as you like!
PART 1: literary analysis
• an excellent way to boost your analysis straight away, dull as it is, is to learn some literary devices beyond, say, alliteration and personification. being able to spot things like chiasmus and epiphora not only wows an examiner, but also enables you to talk about more things within a poem/ book/ play and thus broadens your literary scope in close reading.• remember that for each literary device you mention you should say what it REVEALS (DO NOT just list!!!). the best essays move from a literary device to an explanation of why this device is used - what does it reveal about a character, the speaker, or even the society that the poet or author was writing in?• rhythm and meter in a poem tick boxes in an exam, but can also lead to insightful analysis. how do the rhythm and meter add to the overall message of the poem? does, for example, the metre give a regularity to the poem? why might this be? is it broken at any point? how is this significant?• the above can be applied to rhyme scheme, too. look out for rhyming couplets at the end of a poem, which may give a sense of finality to the poem (or may seem to give a sense of finality when in actuality the speaker of the poem is far from decisive…).• it is important to remember that a particular rhyme scheme (or metre) doesn’t ALWAYS mean anything; it can mean different things in different poems, so instead of applying a ready-made formula, try to go into the exam knowing how to identify these aspects of a poem and then try to work out why you think the poet has used them in that particular poem. flexibility is key, which can be daunting but also somewhat liberating.• i personally find a ‘scribble method’ quite useful. this is where, when first approaching a piece of writing, you write down everything that comes into your head, regardless of how messy, or how basic. you then sort through your ideas, expanding upon what you think is worthwhile and discarding what you think is not. this method is generally more handy when not under time pressure, though, as it can get you into a muddle in the exam.• start simple and build up. it can be tempting to jump straight in but sometimes when you start simply new things can reveal themselves as you work your way up into more complex ideas! • perspective is extremely useful to consider. who is speaking and why? are they biased or objective? who are they speaking to and why?
unseen exam tips
• in an exam, i would approach a poetry or prose extract first by simply reading it, and trying to find out what it is about. then i would go through and highlight words/ phrases of interest, and label literary devices. finally, i would go through it again and build the main analysis. a brief paragraph plan can be useful before writing the essay.• acronyms can help sometimes as a go-to in an exam when you don’t have much time. for example, i use CFTTSOL - content (basic story, characters, who is speaking and why etc) form (poetry, prose, drama etc), tense (past/ present etc), tone (happy, sad, why? is the tone at odds with the subject matter? in emily dickinson’s ‘because i could not stop for death’, for example, the poem is about something dark but it is very jolly), structure/ syntax (rhyme, caesura, enjambment, any disrupted syntax, etc) other (anything not mentioned in the rest of the categories) and language (similes, metaphors, assonance, etc). i would recommend finding one that works for YOU and makes sense for YOU, because creating your own can really help to ease you into analysis.
PART 2: literary awareness
• read, read, read! i cannot stress the importance of wider reading enough, and also the importance of thinking whilst you read (making notes/ annotating books whilst you read is advisable). i am speaking from experience here - i didn’t read outside of the curriculum at all until the end of last year, and since i have started my literary analysis has increased tenfold. this is partly because practice is vital, but also because wider reading gave me an awareness that i could never have expected to gain. it enabled me to start making links between texts, genres, periods, etc – i began to see patterns and conventions in literature. for instance, a poem that breaks convention is easier to spot and talk about – to use a very basic example, a sonnet (usually a form of love poetry) about brutality/ violence toys with genre. if you had read some of shakespeare’s sonnets, you could then compare the violent poem with sonnet 18, to elucidate your point. this isn’t to say that you didn’t already know that sonnets were love poems, or that you wouldn’t have picked up on this without wider reading. but having read sonnets outside of class means that you can talk about this with greater clarity, authority and confidence.• i would also advise you to push yourself with the literary material you explore. it is difficult, but try to find nothing intimidating - read thick victorian novels, read modernist authors, read kant if you want, and even if the prospect of reading ‘harder’ texts doesn’t thrill you then try them anyway - you may be pleasantly surprised! part of the difficulty of studying this subject is that preconceived ideas can erect barriers and put you off. it is important to totally bulldoze these barriers and remind yourself that nothing is above you, and that you are capable. that’s not at all to say that you can’t read ‘simpler’ texts, and of course it is probably wise to admit to yourself when you perhaps need a greater literary background before you tackle a text (for example, i tried joyce’s ulysses, a modernist text full of allusion, when i have a barely working knowledge of greek mythology, and i admitted to myself that though it would not be impossible for me to read it, i would like to read more widely and then return to it in the future).• w i k i p e d i a. it’s often sniffed at but honestly don’t be afraid of using it! it’s an excellent way to absorb info fast. also don’t be ashamed of using websites like sparknotes if you don’t understand a poem to begin with! u shouldn’t rely on them for the crux of your analysis but they can be helpful to get started!• it’s perhaps obvious, but it helps to remind yourself that literature isn’t just fiction - try to read some critical essays if you can, and look at philosophy, history, psychology etc and how they relate to literature as studied in school. this is actually wayyyy more fun than it sounds (!) and will improve your general literary knowledge.• tumblr, whilst being a killer procrastination station, can also really help to broaden your knowledge. reblogged quotes from famous writers often stick around in your memory, and period moodboards can help you get a sense of different ages and help you to visualise what you’re studying. it’s also great to be in a community of passionate people - the passion of others on this site has definitely rubbed off on me!• make it relevant!! all of these texts and literary movements have shaped our society profoundly. as overdramatic as it sounds, look for the romanticism in a house party, or existentialism in internet memes, or hamlet in yourself. legacies are all around us, and seeing the world in this way can really bring literature to life.
literature is a subject where you get out what you put in. it’s relatively straightforward, if you work hard, to get very good grades in lit; if this is what you want, then having a solid knowledge of metre and literary terms, being able to spot them in texts, and then being able to describe what this reveals can get you top marks. but, in my opinion, to develop true literary intelligence you really have to let the subject permeate every aspect of your life. this is a subject where you really can take risks, be original and unique, and explore a huge amount of periods and ideas. if you see it reflected in the world around you, and think deeply and thoughtfully about everything you are reading, then the classwork honestly sorts itself out.
i hope this has been useful in some way and that it answers ur ask adequately!! if u have any further questions or require clarification please do not hesitate to let me know. i hope u have a wonderful day 💘
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17mounteens · 7 years
heya, just wondering if i could have a supernatural!au with vernon/hansol and something along the lines of soulmates?? also if it could be angsty w a little fluff that'd be awesom - either way i don't mind haha. i love your writing so much and i just thought i'd take the chance of an open request box! thanks!
this didn’t turn out to be that angsty, it’s just more or less ‘sad’ and deals with loneliness etc. but i hope you still enjoy hehe i let all my teen wolf and twilight knowledge out on this
Werewolf AU/Soulmate AU
It was just another normal day for you, you were going to the nearest café after school because going home meant other activities for you. Your pack  usually called you to go for your evening runs around the city woods. Yes - you had been welcomed to the werewolf world just last year when you got bitten by your close friends after a long time coming.
You had basically begged her to bite you so you could have some excitement in your life, and generally, you had always been interested in the supernatural.
Being a werewolf however wasn’t as easy as you might have thought in the beginning, it required a lot of time and effort from you - both mental and physical and above all, you had to balance school and everything else on top of it. You couldn’t leave the pack, that was not how it worked.
“Ah Y/N, you got off early?” the owner of the café greeted you with a smile from behind the counter when you stepped in through the door, the bells ringing the door slowly closed. You nodded and smiled, asking her for an ice tea that you always had, unless you needed coffee to keep you awake.
The café was usually empty during this time since most people were at work or school, just like you had been a while ago. But for the past few weeks, there had been this one guy sitting in the other corner of the café, drinking his iced coffee and reading some heavy looking books. He didn’t seem much older than you but you hadn’t seen him at your school either, which you found odd since your school was the only school close to the café.
You had exchanged a few words here and there, mostly when you were sitting on his way or vice versa but nothing more than that. Although, you did catch him looking your way a few times but you couldn’t deny that you wouldn’t glance at him from time to time either.
But for the past two days you hadn’t seen him in the café at all, which  confused you and you had to admit that you were rather disappointed every time you got to the café and he wasn’t there because you were planning on finally talking to him properly.
Your ice tea was brought to the table where you sat; a cozy corner where most of the soft pillows were but also where you could usually focus on your school things in peace. You thanked her and got your phone out first, checking for anything that could help your procrastinating needs.
But you were quickly interrupted with a strong scent coming from somewhere, a smell you swore wasn’t human. Sure, it was only you who could smell that as a werewolf but it bothered you since you couldn’t even pinpoint where the smell was coming from and it wasn’t a scent you knew although you knew all the other werewolves in the area.
“Whatever,” you mumbled to yourself when you saw a group of students come in and gave up on trying to figure out the scent. You’d deal with it.
To your surprise however, within the group of people, you recognised
the guy who you had seen in the café many times previously. He was there for sure but there was no way you’d go say hi to him now. He seemed to be laughing with his friends and you probably looked very thrown off because of the mysterious scent filling the whole café.
“Hansol,” the barista yelled and you followed closely who would pick up the drink from the counter. Oh. So Hansol was his name.
Well, now you didn’t need to go talk to him anymore, you supposed, which was almost a relief for you. And now you were able to actually start studying for the day before heading home and doing your nightly round across the city woods.
You all kept moving in formation, smelling around you and staying alert - you were on the forbidden grounds and at any point you could be surrounded by the opposing pack. Your pack had been on the area first, or at least so said your alpha, and this ‘new’ pack had arrived to the areas just a few years ago and wanted to get a fair share of the areas for themselves too, which resulted in a lot of territorial fights between you and them.
Your alpha thought it was very important to make sure no rules were broken by the opposing pack, which was one of the reasons you had to join them every night. If you didn’t you’d get scolded heavily or even punished and you hated having to explain to your parents why you had bruises all over you and also, why they healed so fast.
The members of the pack had told you to just obey the rules and go with the flow but you still felt lonely. Even with your best friend in the pack. She didn’t understand you at all and when you had joined the pack, you realised she was completely different as a werewolf.
She was bossy and cocky, teasing you over the smallest things. You couldn’t understand why she was allowed to bully you when she wasn’t even the alpha and had basically no power over you.
But as one, you change your route accordingly when you smell your enemies scent comes from the north. Your friend nudges you and you take notice someone hulking black form coming towards you from the left. It makes your skin crawl even to this day - you didn’t quite expect that you would find it this creepy every time someone was lurking in the bushes and you could just see gleaming eyes and catch their scent with the wind.
Maybe becoming a werewolf hadn’t been a good idea since you felt disconnected from everyone in the pack.
It’s silent as you tread through the bushes, paws barely making a sound but suddenly you hear a loud growl from behind you and hear steps running away from you. Your pack hackles raise in unison, this time louder growls coming from your leaders. The alpha freezes, but slowly turns to face you. The fur on his back was raised and you could tell he was tense and angry.
The noise came from one of you and you exposed your location to the opposing pack. They had clearly been on your territory but they seemed to flee when they heard you so close - avoiding conflict.
“Who was it?” Your alpha exchanged, giving a stern look to all of you behind him. There was five of you and when you were going to turn to see your friend next to you, she was gone and on the other side of the pack.
“She ruined the whole thing,” your friend exclaimed, throwing you under the bus with an annoyed growl and left you feeling incredibly offended. She was the one who made the sounds and gave away your location, you could recognise her growl no matter what.
You wanted to fight her. You did not sign up to be thrown under the bus like that and blamed for something you didn’t do. So, you took a stance and got close to her, snarling at her with a mean look across your snout.
“Why are you hesitating Y/N?”
Just wait until she’s close enough.
She takes another step forward.
Just one more.
“Are you afraid,” she snickers, clenching her jaws.
No one was telling you to stop.
Before you could jump to attack her, you all heard a howl come from the same direction you were supposed to be heading to. The noise had rendered you completely frozen, your ears perking up at the sharp howl. Your aggressive panting turned to fear and confusion again, and you felt a lump growing in your throat.
The sounds of your own breath were replaced by the alpha and the leaders around him and the heat radiating from them was insane. They were mad, you could tell although they were good at keeping their thoughts to themselves. Everyone was alert right now and had their fur standing.
“You - head back home,” your alpha commanded you, clearly frustrated with dealing with you right now when he had enough to think about. The howl you had heard was clearly a mock against your pack as well as a challenge to come and find them and you weren’t wanted there.
You had had enough, so you gladly ran off from the pack, feeling them stare at you when you ran back the way you came from. You could still hear them discussing you in your head. You thought you could never feel lonelier than you did but you felt like you just hit a new low.
You didn’t really know how to keep yourself focused on school for the next few days. In the beginning you felt angry that you had been played like that by someone who you trusted immensely but then you felt sad because you should’ve just counted to ten and calm yourself down but in the end you end up feeling uncomfortable in your own skin and wanted to go for a long run as a wolf as soon as you could. To your disadvantage however, the time seemed to be going slowly, until you realised that you had no more classes.
You were on your way back home, which was out of the ordinary for you as you usually headed straight for the café. You needed to have some time for yourself and nothing was coming on your way for that. Except Hansol, who grabbed your arm and pulled you to the side of the road, just a few blocks away from your house.
You were completely clueless as to the situation you were in, confusion clouding your mind and not allowing yourself to think clearly. “What are you? Get off me,” you said frustrated and wriggled out of his hold.
“Can you just listen to me for two seconds?” He asked quickly, pleading you to stop. You shake your head. This didn’t make any sense. You barely knew him and you honestly didn’t want to deal with him right now.
“I know what you are,” he blurted out, your focus on him immediate. What did he just say? “I saw you yesterday, I mean, I’ve seen you before too…I can tell you have a different scent.”
Suddenly, everything started making more sense. That time you were in the café and a werewolf scent filled the whole room - it had been him. You could smell it even now. And also the fact that he had been gone for a while, possibly dealing with the recent changes.
“Then you also mean you were in the forest yesterday?”
He nodded, rubbing his neck awkwardly. “Yeah, I was the one in the bushes,” he admitted.
“And you just ran away? And left me hanging there, facing the consequences that I didn’t want. You could’ve come and helped since you knew me.”
Hansol closes his eyes and shakes his head, he then looks back up and you see his eyes gleaming blue. Blue meant that he was in a pack, which suddenly made a lot more sense.  “You now realise why?” He asked with a sigh, somehow seeming like he wasn’t too happy about it.
You nodded slowly, not sure what to say next. You were dumbfounded, although you didn’t even know him well. But somehow, ever since you saw him for the first time, he had been bugging your mind and you almost felt like you had known him for years.
“I know you probably hate me right now but, please, try to get past that.”
“I-I do hate you,” you said hesitantly. He was a newborn, just like you were a while back and you couldn’t really blame him for anything but you still couldn’t get past the rules of your pack which strictly prohibited contact with werewolves from other packs. You were feeling unexplainably warm and your hands were almost shaking. “It’s natural though,” you added. You weren’t sure why you didn’t want to hurt him with your words, you couldn’t control them.
“I guess I’ll see you around,” he said after a moment of silence, brushing his fingers through his hair. You shrugged as an answer and you parted ways, although in your minds all you could think about was each other.
“What on earth did you think you were doing?“
Your alpha screamed at you at your usual meeting point in the woods. This time you had all agreed to meet up in your normal, human forms and talk things through but that hadn’t worked out too well.
You still had a foreign scent to you.
You wanted to scream back but instead, you lowered your head and submitted.
“First, you did a big mistake earlier this week and now you have the audacity to come here with another werewolf´s stench on you.”
“He talked to me first…” you said quietly, feeling your heart beat faster than ever. You were trying to keep yourself calm and collected but it was no use when you knew all of the pack could hear your heart beat.
“You’re tearing this pack apart Y/N,” your alpha commented and sat down on a nearby rock, shaking his head. The others were scattered all around you, not saying a word.
It was true to an extent but you were not going to back down. It made no sense how you were blamed - why would they even let you ‘tear the pack apart’ in the first place. You were just another omega in the pack who had no bad intentions and just wanted to get away from her everyday boring life.
“You know what, I’m not the problem here.”
You were going to regret this.
“You’re tearing me apart and I can’t take it anymore. All you do is pressure me and blame me for something I didn’t do. If you could actually listen to what your omegas had to say maybe there wouldn’t be any problems,” you let out and expressed your utter frustration with your hands.
Actually, you didn’t regret it as much as you thought you would.
“I think it’s best for you to -“ your alpha got up and said, the gleam in his eyes signaling that he was not happy with your sudden outburst. He couldn’t stand defeat or in this case, critique.
Nor the fact that he was rudely interrupted. “Leave with me,” Hansol said from behind you, eyes hooded as he kept a close eye on the situation. Almost immediately, he received sneers and mean looks from ‘your’ pack.
You looked back at your alpha and then to Hansol - you might be making one of the stupidest decisions of your life right now, but you wouldn’t know if you didn’t try. You sprinted to Hansol and smiled at him. “Run,” he whispered and soon you both ran away as fast as you could. Immediately, you heard howls and the sounds of clothes ripping - you were being chased.
“Not how I expected them to react. My pack was so cool with it,” Hansol said between sharp breaths. “Why don’t we just turn too?” You asked and tried not to stumble on any stumps of wood. “Because -“ Hansol answered and made a sharp turn to the left, where you were met with the lake around the city.
“Jump, quick.”
And you did without looking back, hitting the water in a few seconds. You swam under water for as long as you could and when you had to come up for air, Hansol had swam at least two meters further than you. He was impressive.
You continued swimming to the closest shore, surprised that there wasn’t any people around. When you got on the shore, you lied down onto the wet sand and took deep breaths.
“So…what happens now?” you asked weakly, feeling like you might be woken up from this dream at any point now, which you didn’t want.
You were finally doing what you wanted.
If you had been told earlier this week that you would be totally willing to follow a strange man anywhere he went, you would have seen yourself as crazy. But now, you felt a strange tug in your gut that just told you that you could never leave him. You didn’t want to leave him.
You didn’t feel like a lone wolf anymore and he agreed with you - he felt like he was right where he belonged. “I think, we’re soulmates,” he said out of the blue, lying right next to you. “I know I sound crazy but I swear I can’t stay away from you. Something just told me to come after you today.”
“Imprinted?” You asked if he meant this instead while laughing.
“I guess it could be that too,” he answered and looked at you, a little awkward look on his face. But through the bond you shared, you knew you’d survive anything together.
“Thank you.”
Admin Memesol
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shaoclark · 5 years
Fat Decimator System - The Fat Decimator System Diet Wes Virgin Review
Watch on YouTube here: Fat Decimator System - The Fat Decimator System Diet Wes Virgin Review Fat Decimator System Review | The Fat Decimator System Diet Wes Virgin & Special Discount: Learn More https://rebrand.ly/Fat-Decimator-System01 Fat Decimator Review - Fat Decimator System is a new weight loss program that’s entirely backed by science. It’s not about taking some weird voodoo potions or shakes at times during the day, trying some weird contraptions or worse, popping “diet” pills. Instead, it’s about eating right and doing the appropriate workouts, which includes always been inside your lose weight and shred your system. Why many of people forget this really is beyond me. I guess when you've got all these awesome, get-fit-quick schemes almost everywhere, it’s simple to be fooled into believing that losing weight doesn’t require some time to dedication, and you just need to chant a mantra 5-times every day. But don’t be mistaken, slimming down does take some time to dedication – some time and dedication to eat the correct things and exercise regularly. It’s science! TFirst things first, the Fat Decimator System is a foolproof weight-loss system that specializes in a science-based diet that lets you lose 1 pound of tummy fat every 72 hours. I know, I know – you’ve heard everthing before. However, you likely heard something similar attached with a weightloss system that isn’t backed by science; that doesn’t present you with a 60 Day Money Back Guarantee and this has nothing regarding diet and exercise. The the fact is – fat reduction has remained the identical for centuries. You have to eat the proper foods and do the appropriate exercises. It’s science. The only thing which includes changed in the past is the fitness and well-being industries volume of knowledge as a result of more resources and studies, that has led to more specific dieting and exercise often regimes offering even better results. And that's what this system is. Yes, it’s a similar as what we may have tried before inside sense that it’s a weight-loss system that specializes in a science-based diet nevertheless it’s different inside sense that it’s infused using the latest research and scientific evidence. This has allowed the creator from the program to consider typical eating and working out programs and sculpt them in to a precise regime that has only the issues that works. About the Creator with the Fat Decimator System. Kyle Cooper will be the man behind this revolutionary weight loss system. After meeting Doctor Sam Pak overseas following a marine mission gone bad, Kyle learned the eastern approach to weight-loss, which ultimately took him using a journey through science-based evidence offering the Westernize approach tow eight loss to get entirely ineffective. And everything he learned are available in the Fat Decimator System. Brief Summary with the Fat Decimator System. The Fat Decimator System is a remarkably comprehensive fat loss system that gives you with everything you must know to change your lifestyle, dieting and exercise often regimes into people that are effective at burning weight. It’s highly centered on diet, since meals are 80% of the fat reduction process, however it certainly doesn’t leave the very last 20% of exercise and lifestyle out either. Best For Fat Decimator System Fat Decimator Fat Decimator System Review Fat Decimator System Reviews Fat Decimator Review Fat Decimator Weight Loss System Fat Decimator Reviews The Fat Decimator System Book Thanks when buying take the time to view our review video. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLIy95_enP_7T_J2TNFhWf5keDeWAy6CeK https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?search=Fat%20Decimator%20System&ns0=1 https://www.pinterest.com/search/pins/?q=Fat+Decimator+System https://www.webmd.com/search/search_results/default.aspx?query=Fat+Decimator+System https://twitter.com/search?q=Fat+Decimator+System If took action now need it, ensure you leave a like and enroll within the channel for much more videos as time passes! #fatdecimatorsystem #fatdecimatorsystemreviews #fatdecimatorsystemreview #fatdecimatorreview #fatdecimatorsystempdf #fatdecimatorweightlosssystem #fatdecimatorreviews #thefatdecimatorsystembook #fatdecimatorsystembywesvirgin #fatdecimatorbook #fatdecimatorpdf #fatdecimatorscam #fatdecimatordiscount #fatdecimatorbookpdf #fatdecimatorprogram Source https://youtu.be/ofgH-HP7JpA Fat Decimator System - The Fat Decimator System Diet Wes Virgin Review published first on https://wesleytvirgin.tumblr.com
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irnjehernandez · 5 years
Fat Decimator System - The Fat Decimator System Diet Wes Virgin Review
Watch on YouTube here: Fat Decimator System - The Fat Decimator System Diet Wes Virgin Review Fat Decimator System Review | The Fat Decimator System Diet Wes Virgin & Special Discount: Learn More https://rebrand.ly/Fat-Decimator-System01 Fat Decimator Review - Fat Decimator System is a new weight loss program that’s entirely backed by science. It’s not about taking some weird voodoo potions or shakes at times during the day, trying some weird contraptions or worse, popping “diet” pills. Instead, it’s about eating right and doing the appropriate workouts, which includes always been inside your lose weight and shred your system. Why many of people forget this really is beyond me. I guess when you've got all these awesome, get-fit-quick schemes almost everywhere, it’s simple to be fooled into believing that losing weight doesn’t require some time to dedication, and you just need to chant a mantra 5-times every day. But don’t be mistaken, slimming down does take some time to dedication – some time and dedication to eat the correct things and exercise regularly. It’s science! TFirst things first, the Fat Decimator System is a foolproof weight-loss system that specializes in a science-based diet that lets you lose 1 pound of tummy fat every 72 hours. I know, I know – you’ve heard everthing before. However, you likely heard something similar attached with a weightloss system that isn’t backed by science; that doesn’t present you with a 60 Day Money Back Guarantee and this has nothing regarding diet and exercise. The the fact is – fat reduction has remained the identical for centuries. You have to eat the proper foods and do the appropriate exercises. It’s science. The only thing which includes changed in the past is the fitness and well-being industries volume of knowledge as a result of more resources and studies, that has led to more specific dieting and exercise often regimes offering even better results. And that's what this system is. Yes, it’s a similar as what we may have tried before inside sense that it’s a weight-loss system that specializes in a science-based diet nevertheless it’s different inside sense that it’s infused using the latest research and scientific evidence. This has allowed the creator from the program to consider typical eating and working out programs and sculpt them in to a precise regime that has only the issues that works. About the Creator with the Fat Decimator System. Kyle Cooper will be the man behind this revolutionary weight loss system. After meeting Doctor Sam Pak overseas following a marine mission gone bad, Kyle learned the eastern approach to weight-loss, which ultimately took him using a journey through science-based evidence offering the Westernize approach tow eight loss to get entirely ineffective. And everything he learned are available in the Fat Decimator System. Brief Summary with the Fat Decimator System. The Fat Decimator System is a remarkably comprehensive fat loss system that gives you with everything you must know to change your lifestyle, dieting and exercise often regimes into people that are effective at burning weight. It’s highly centered on diet, since meals are 80% of the fat reduction process, however it certainly doesn’t leave the very last 20% of exercise and lifestyle out either. Best For Fat Decimator System Fat Decimator Fat Decimator System Review Fat Decimator System Reviews Fat Decimator Review Fat Decimator Weight Loss System Fat Decimator Reviews The Fat Decimator System Book Thanks when buying take the time to view our review video. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLIy95_enP_7T_J2TNFhWf5keDeWAy6CeK https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?search=Fat%20Decimator%20System&ns0=1 https://www.pinterest.com/search/pins/?q=Fat+Decimator+System https://www.webmd.com/search/search_results/default.aspx?query=Fat+Decimator+System https://twitter.com/search?q=Fat+Decimator+System If took action now need it, ensure you leave a like and enroll within the channel for much more videos as time passes! #fatdecimatorsystem #fatdecimatorsystemreviews #fatdecimatorsystemreview #fatdecimatorreview #fatdecimatorsystempdf #fatdecimatorweightlosssystem #fatdecimatorreviews #thefatdecimatorsystembook #fatdecimatorsystembywesvirgin #fatdecimatorbook #fatdecimatorpdf #fatdecimatorscam #fatdecimatordiscount #fatdecimatorbookpdf #fatdecimatorprogram Source https://youtu.be/ofgH-HP7JpA Fat Decimator System - The Fat Decimator System Diet Wes Virgin Review
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So over the summer I like...started a rewatch of Danny Phantom and I’m continuing that now. I made a foopets thread for assorted thoughts and wanted to try and get some people to join me for like...round internet analysis I guess. The goal was to get one person who’s never seen it, me with a lot of nostalgia but separated by many years and with more knowledge of how to tell a good story, and somebody else who has seen it actually recently and really likes it. 
That didn’t work out though so I’ll just be posting little reviews whenever I get around to new episodes. If you wanna add on feel free if not blacklist “arche rewatches danny phantom”
Anyway, collected reviews so far under the cut. (with added context since it was originally on a forum where I was talking to somebody aka Levi)
Boy howdy, first episode down, that sure was…an episode. Alex Hirsch (and probably many others but he’s who comes to mind first) said that the pilot and finale are the hardest episodes to make because w/ a pilot you have to hook people and convince them it would be worth their time to tune in every week to see more and w/ a finale you have to wrap up everything in a way that makes people happy. or you could just never end and slowly crash and burn.
Anyway, it’s not a bad first episode but the exposition was really clunky, they would just stop moving the plot forward and shove as much exposition as they could justify out as fast as they could, the conversations in which the information about how Danny got his powers could have been spaced out more over the next few episodes. Just saying he got ghost powers from a lab experiment is enough for a first episode.
The humor is pretty cheesy but Dash picking Danny up to say “These are the best years of my life, after this it’s all downhill for me.” made me cry because that was not at all what i was expecting him to say.
The intros to the character’s motivations/personalities were not as natural as i remembered. His parents are oblivious, Sam is That Vegetarian™, Jazz is overbearing (shut up you’re 16 what do you actually know), and Tucker likes eating meat. Danny’s pretty undefined at the moment but that at least makes sense, he’s in high school (they r 14, such infants) and most kids don’t know what the heck they’re doing, also he’s meant to be more everman-ish right now. He’s currently not in full control of his powers but from what i recall that just stops one day and he’s all of a sudden mostly a master of ghost-ing but sometimes (because it is required by the plot) gets beaten by Vlad or a big bad and occasionally picks up a new skill like the ghostly wail and double team.
Anyway, nothing remarkable thus far but first episodes are meant to hook you and this one did for me way back when (and a lot of other people since it lasted for three seasons and is still well-liked). Can’t say for sure if i would have gotten into it if it had started today but eh. It didn’t.
Second Episode was on a similar boat, also reminds me to get used to seeing all this 90s tech it was actually the best they had then. 
((Levi had mentioned that Tucker would absolutely have 12 iphones if the show were being made now and something else I can’t recall))
Tucker would change phones every episode because that’s about the speed apple comes out with new phones (but animation takes a long time so no matter what they try to do he’s always a few behind)
The mad scientist ghost who takes over technology would be the Real Big Bad because holy crap literally everything we have is tech-based (but Vlad would still be a threat because white businessmen are The Worst).
Anyhow, Skulker’s intro episode was pretty standard, feel like that’s what i’m going to be saying most of this season. Skulker is a fine recurring character though
i have to say it was really diabolical of Skulker to let Danny go to class before trying to catch him again. Like, he has a PDA with Danny’s schedule in his arm and he watches Danny go into school. Skulker knows exactly where Danny is and he still waited for Danny to go to his locker to get books out that is the most evil thing i’ve ever seen on this show. in fact a lot of villains do this they leave him alone at night/during classes. Buddy, that’s a free weakness you can exploit.
The Gorilla subplot was unnecessary i get they needed something to remind the viewers Sam is into animal conservation and also to beat the bad guy of the week. They could have found another deus ex machina to beat Skulker though. He’s never seen or heard from again we really could have done better there. i remember really hating this episode but really it’s just…eh.
Also: As an aside, when i was in high school we couldn’t just leave campus and go researching/buying newspapers and stuff to study for extra credit what kinda high school is this? My friend Jeanette could occasionally go off-campus during lunch but that was only her senior year and she had 50 minutes tops. Danny’s just scheduled to leave school grounds after every class and he’s a freshman (or sophomore at best) what the heck???
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ciathyzareposts · 5 years
Shadow of the Comet – Development Hell
Written by limbeck
So, the last session finished with me recovering from last night’s events and Dr COBBLE prescribing me some pills to stop a heart attack. As I get off bed and put on my clothes, I have two goals for the day: get these pills from the pharmacy; and develop the plates from last night, again at the pharmacy. So, without much delay, I gather the prescription from the desk and head out. Oh, I also have a look at the parchment from the ritual, but I cannot read it. Maybe JUGG will be able to help later. Just to be on the safe side, I try to use it very near the desk, but it doesn’t work.
Maybe I won’t come across Miss PICOTT this time
At the pharmacy, I give the prescription to Mr MATHEWS, the pharmacist, who says it will take some time and goes to the back to prepare my medication. Before that, he pointed me to the door at the back, where his dark chamber is, so I can develop my plates. He also mentioned that I will need to mix the four chemicals to develop the plates.
So, I go to the back to collect the four chemicals. Only there are eight of them. Fortunately, I have a good chemistry education and have the internet at my disposal to find the solution. As you can imagine, neither was really helpful.
…develop those plates. Well, I definitely won’t work for them.
The scene in the screenshot played several times, because the chemicals I had in my possession did not really correspond to what instructions I could find online. I spent the better part of an hour reading everything I could about photographic film development and what chemicals are used. I am quite confident that I can pick up analog photography as a hobby again.
However, all this knowledge did not really help me much. My online research suggested that I need to use metol and / or hydroquinone first, then add something to raise the pH (benzene chlorate?) and finally sodium sulphite. This is the process for B&W photo development. I suppose I could add the ‘chromogenous’, whatever that is, in the end. Black and white works better with astrophotography, as there is not really much colour in space and requires less light on your plate / chip to produce an image. And it can be equally spectacular.
My first try failed, but I could try as many times as I wanted, fortunately. I was convinced that I had to use sodium sulphite at the end, so I tried various combinations, without success. Some more googling suggested that sometimes it helps to add a weak acid to control the development. I tried some combinations using the acids at my disposal (weak and strong). In vain.
In the end I resolved to brute force it. I was pretty sure that the Metol – Hydroquinone were correct, since I had tried several combinations with only one of them to zero success. After a few more tries, I found the correct combination. I will leave it here to spare others of this madness: metol – hydroquinone – benzene chlorate (which is actually sodium hyposulphite) – chromogenous (potassium metabisulphite).
I would disagree
Here, I must say that my first choice was very close to the solution, but honestly, I have no idea how I would have solved that puzzle if I did not have internet access. Maybe if I had an encyclopaedia at home, but again, I don’t think I would get the exact combination of chemicals, because some of these were not mentioned in any of the sources I found online. Maybe the art is forgotten, what can I say? On top of that though, the names of the chemicals were different in my inventory and when I used them, adding to the confusion. A hint in the game would have been much appreciated here.
But I digress. After I successfully develop the plates, I am treated to a cutscene in which I slowly go through the developed plates, only to look at a horrid image in the third one, a set of eyes formed by stars looking at me with malice.
Game over. Or not
I naturally faint and I am saved in the last moment by the pharmacist, for just $10. My life is so cheap. Unfortunately, the plate shattered when I dropped it, so I have no evidence to defend my sanity. I collect myself and go out.
Outside of the pharmacy I met some Mr COLDSTONE who warned me not to go to the forest, because “it doesn’t agree with some people”. I don’t know where I’ve seen him, but PARKER apparently knew him. Oh well.
I want to head to JUGG’s house, but I wander around town a bit first. At the tavern, I buy JED a beer and watch him complain to ZEKE, the bartender, about the quality of his beer. About time I say. Now JED owes me one. In the town square, I see miss PICOTT again, all alone, so I try some small talk. She seems concerned about my pallor but then goes on with her Bible reading.
Technically, I was up to voyeurism.
In order of increasing unfriendliness, I also meet:
Miss PICOTT’s niece, GLORIA, who is hiding from her aunt and pleads to me not to rat her out. Naturally, I promise her.
CURTIS HAMBLETON says that I made a mess and that ‘they’ know everything. Who are ‘they’ and what is ‘everything’? Fine mess indeed.
Outside of the dilapidated mansion, I meet the HAMBLETON boys, who suggest I leave and then go away.
I also notice a bug. When I entered the hardware store from the north, I could not move at all. All the other commands worked normally.
Anyway, I finally collect myself and head to JUGG’s place. Outside it I meet WILBUR. Was he at JUGG’s? The door was locked, so I don’t really know. Maybe he killed JUGG? There is nobody at the Archives, so the murder scenario seems very likely. Maybe I need to find WILBUR and have a chat. He didn’t respond to the Talk command when I confronted him in front of JUGG’s house.
Staring contest
I return in front of JUGG’s house and I exit to the right, following WILBUR’s path. Indeed, I can follow him as he enters MYER’s store, stops in front of the counter for a bit and then heads out. I try to follow, but he has already disappeared. Clearly I need to look at the store. I do, and find a key at the counter, which I quickly pocket. I suspect that this is the key to JUGG’s door, but why would WILBUR drop it here? Is MYER an accomplice? The plot thickens or I am becoming increasingly paranoid.
As predicted, the key opens JUGG’s front door, after an unnecessarily long cutscene of trying to turn the key in the lock. When inside, the first thing I notice is blood on the floor. I am a bit disappointed there is no mention of it when I Look around.
As I head to JUGG’s bedroom, I feel that I am being set up for a puzzle, because I find and pick up a statue of a baby (on the desk), a statue of a young man (in a cabinet) and a statue of an old man (inside one of the butterfly displays).
There is more blood in JUGG’s bedroom, but what is more important, I can now pick up a number of books from his shelf and bookcase. The books are called: Youth, Beyond Chaos, The Old Man and the Sea, The Invisible Man and the Mystery of the Pyramids.
This time the puzzle made sense. I put the statues in the place of the books most relevant to them: Baby for Youth, Young Man for Invisible Man and Old Man for Old Man and the Sea. Not that the game let me put them anywhere else. Once I replaced the other books in their places, I got the satisfaction of a secret passage being revealed.
Honestly, I thought I was trying to open the door hidden behind the curtain
Going through the passage takes me to JUGG’s secret library. The library is full of occult books, the likes of which I have probably not heard before, unless I was deep into the study of ancient and forgotten cults.
Oh! There is also a dying JUGG. I try to call for help, but he stops me, saying that he still has enough life in him to help me. I give him the parchment from the ritual and he translates it. It is the most common unpronounceable quote about Cthulhu.
Fortunately, there is a translation
He then goes on into a Cthulhu Mythos exposition about the GOOs who ruled Earth before man and the deluded cultists who try to bring them back. Apparently the Stars Are Right and the passing of the comet in 2 days the guardian of the portal that could bring these GOOs back will materialise in a stone circle. He throws in some names, Cthulhu, Nyarlathotep, Yog Sothoth and Dagon. These should be the ones to worry us.
He also gives me some hints. I should read the NECRONOMICON, a book so horrible that drives people mad just by its words, so that I can find the formula to stop the guardian. I must read it here. On his desk there is also a note about someone who can help me. I must read it only in the safety of my room.
Finally, he speaks about the dead sorcerer NARACKAMOUS. This was the name that the Native American used.
This guy, in case you did not remember
After the exposition is over, I pick up the Necronomicon and the message. And I am stuck as I cannot do anything with them. Again. Apparently I need a key for the Necronomicon. I try to find some hints in the other books of the library, but nothing works with anything. Of course, I cannot read the message before I go to my room and I cannot leave JUGG’s place before reading the book.
Another 20-30 minutes and 2 rage-quits later, I find out that it was a pixel-hunting solution again. The key was under the carpet in the next room. In retrospect it makes sense, but again I must remember to press L with every step I take.
I mean, why wouldn’t I lift everything not nailed down. It’s an adventure game
I use the key on the Necronomicon and get some more knowledge. The book speaks about Yog Sothoth being the portal and the key and provides guidance on how I should stop him from coming to Earth. Then I try to get out and I burn to death, because I stupidly forgot to put the book back on the desk.
Before I go on, I must say something positive about the tools at my disposal, and that is the Notebook I carry. I have omitted it in previous posts, but it is very helpful for people like me who rarely take notes when playing. It keeps track of important goals or gives subtle warnings. For example, it warns me that, now that JUGG is dead, I will probably be the prime suspect for his death. More on that in a bit.
Having learned the secrets about how to stop Yog-Sothoth from returning, I now need to get back to my room and read the message from poor JUGG. Only one route seems to be open though. In the others, there are cultists waiting for me and the policeman takes me to JUGG’s home and arrests me for murder. I suppose I am summarily led to the chair or the noose or whatever they used these days. Maybe the plank.
After reloading, I head back to my room through the city square. Apparently safe, I read the message from JUGG. I cannot understand much, other than that I need to look at a map of the area and that the person that can help me lives “where the three colours float and 100 messages leave”. Both of these clues lead me to the post office, where I have previously seen the map and sacks of undelivered mail.
But first: the obligatory Miss PICOTT scolding
When I arrive at the post office, the map is not in its place. I ask the lady behind the counter, which is more helpful this time. She says that David UNDERHOUSE borrowed it. He lives above the post office and has a keen interest in Native American history.
She also gives me some of her personal views on the matter
I go upstairs and meet Mr UNDERHOUSE, who is confined on a wheelchair. Considering that the only way to his room is via the stairs, he is practically at the mercy of whomever brings him food. Nevertheless, he is well versed in local myths, the Natives’ culture and the Cthulhu Mythos.
Considering that his lookalike was a big racist, this is a big awkward
After a short discussion, he lets me look at the map and explains to me that the Stone Circle I point out is at an old Indian cemetary, which he was really keen to see before some locals broke his legs. I also learn that the NARACKAMOUS I met is supposed to have died 70 years ago, but it’s possible that he is still alive because he belonged to a branch of the Mic Mac tribe that worshipped He Who Howls in the Darkness, Nyarlathotep. But of course this is just a story. Right?
UNDERHOUSE gives me another task, and that is to bring him a diary from the Mayor’s safe. The combination has to do with the Bible and Evil. I would assume 666 but that would be too easy, right? Or I can ask the Bible expert in the town: Miss PICOTT.
I conveniently meet her outside, but I receive a royal scolding about getting into fights (to save WEBSTER) and spending time drinking alcohol in pubs (ZEKE’s watery beer barely qualifies as such). She is also unwilling to lend me her Bible to mend my delinquent ways.
I will stop this session here. Next time I will try to get into Miss PICOTT’s good books and stop Yog-Sothoth. I feel that the second task is easier than the first.
Session time: 2:30 Total time: 6:00
Sanity lost: 5 from looking at the plate / 3 from reading the Necronomicon Total sanity lost: 12 (there’s definitely something hiding in that corner. MORE LIGHT)
PS. Bonus death scene: If I tried to visit the lighthouse before I develop the plates, I see WILBUR passing through the fence and the two gorillas warn me not to come closer. If I do, I get shot.
Not the fastest draw west of Pecos
Note Regarding Spoilers and Companion Assist Points: There’s a set of rules regarding spoilers and companion assist points. Please read it here before making any comments that could be considered a spoiler in any way. The short of it is that no points will be given for hints or spoilers given in advance of me requiring one. Please…try not to spoil any part of the game for me…unless I really obviously need the help…or I specifically request assistance. In this instance, I’ve not made any requests for assistance. Thanks!
source http://reposts.ciathyza.com/shadow-of-the-comet-development-hell/
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rafi1228 · 5 years
Learn everything from Calculus 2, then test your knowledge with 830+ practice questions
What you’ll learn
Integrals, including approximating area, the dreaded Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, and every kind of integration technique
Applications of Integrals, including volume of revolution with disks, washers and shells, and all kinds of real world applications
Polar & Parametric, including how to sketch polar curves and find the area bounded by polar curves
Sequences & Series, including all the convergence tests, and Taylor and Maclaurin series
You should have a decent foundation (but it doesn’t have to be perfect! :D) in Algebra.
If you have some experience with Trigonometry and Precalculus, that will definitely be helpful, but it’s not absolutely necessary.
A good foundation in Calculus 1 (limits and derivatives) is required for this course.
This 557-lesson course includes video and text explanations of everything from Calculus 2, and it includes 180 quizzes (with solutions!) and an additional 20 workbooks with extra practice problems, to help you test your understanding along the way. Become a Calculus 2 Master is organized into the following sections:
Applications of Integrals
Polar & Parametric
Sequences & Series
Videos: Watch over my shoulder as I solve problems for every single math issue you’ll encounter in class. We start from the beginning… I explain the problem setup and why I set it up that way, the steps I take and why I take them, how to work through the yucky, fuzzy middle parts, and how to simplify the answer when you get it.
Notes: The notes section of each lesson is where you find the most important things to remember. It’s like Cliff Notes for books, but for math. Everything you need to know to pass your class and nothing you don’t.
Quizzes: When you think you’ve got a good grasp on a topic within a course, you can test your knowledge by taking one of the quizzes. If you pass, great! If not, you can review the videos and notes again or ask for help in the Q&A section.
Workbooks: Want even more practice? When you’ve finished the section, you can review everything you’ve learned by working through the bonus workbook. The workbooks include tons of extra practice problems, so they’re a great way to solidify what you just learned in that section.
“Excellent Quality course. I just finished Calculus 1 and wanted to start learning calculus 2. The instructor gives you quick feedback and is very clear on every example she posts. I highly recommend this course for anyone who wants to learn more about integrals.” – Nick Z.
“This is a superior course. I have taken MOOC Calculus courses now through Ohio State, and MIT (also superior). Krista King is an excellent instructor, with superior knowledge, and nails down precisely what one needs to know, and also provides superior supportive notes.” – Snowcrash
“Krista is saving my butt in my Calc2 class. I always review her videos and do practice problems before my quizzes and exams.” – Nye W.
“Krista’s energy and thoroughness make sitting through an explanation simple and motivating. There are loads of examples, with quizzes to check your progress, and detailed explanations on ALL the quiz questions. Plus she answers questions quickly and is very professional! Worth every penny, bought her whole series. It will also help with physics and economics, as she includes relevant explanations and exercises for applications in those topics as well. Got an A in calc 1 online because of her calc 1 course, and now I have gotten an A in calc 2 online as a first time student of it and in a summer semester (shortened!) Thank god I have her calc 3 course, I know I will need it next semester!” – Jennifer L.
“I just can’t get over how well she teaches her classes. I have now taken all 3 of her Calculus classes and I really do have a strong understanding of calculus concepts.  If only more people could teach the way she does. These concepts that seem so hard she has made easy and clear. My favorite part are the quizzes. She has just enough gotcha’s to really get you thinking and remembering concepts.  I really just cannot say enough good things about this course and the teacher!” – Morgan G.
“The instructor goes through every little step no matter how minor. It makes learning the material fun! Thank you so much for this wonderful and detailed course!” – Immanuel W.
“This is the second of three courses I have purchased from Krista and she does an incredible job of breaking down the complicated concepts into easy to understand steps. Her courses are very thorough and include a variety of different methods of instruction. Well thought out course. Thank you Krista!!!” – John C.
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I can’t wait for you to get started on mastering calculus 2.
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Anyone who wants to study calculus for fun after being away from school for a while
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