#nothing is a bigger punch to your hopes and dreams than finding out someone you grew up with is living your dream
ss-trashboat · 1 year
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wildpeachfarm · 2 months
Hi! I hope you’re doing good
I’ve seen a few anons mention how it’s okay to only be here for Dream/dteam. And how a lot of the other Minecraft-based CCs are seemingly jealous of all the success Dteam have had, and think that deplatforming them will make way for us to move to their content. And I want to say I agree.
I became a fan of (dream first, then SNF) them in 2020 when it was peak Covid time. I was a sophomore in college, and my brother was in kindergarten; I was trying to find things to relate with him, and stumbled into the Minecraft sphere, cause he likes Minecraft. I was hoping to find someone current and semi-child friendly, and I stumbled upon dreams videos. I watched them first before showing them to my little brother, and after deciding I liked them, we now watch dreams videos together.
As someone who had limited access to the internet as a kid, and knows like next to nothing about Minecraft, I’m really only here for Dteam. Cause I enjoy their content and it brought my brother and I closer. If I stop being a fan of Dteam, I’m honestly probably going to just leave the Minecraft sphere altogether, considering Dteam are what’s keeping me here (not that I haven’t met some amazing people, but you get what I mean).
It’s very telling the agenda of these CCs the more I become offline and take a look at the bigger picture. I said this earlier, but their content is based on a fleeting hatred for the internets current punching bag. If they ever stop expressing hatred or, god forbid, Dteam get deplatformed, all the “fans” they think they had will be gone. Because with no common perceived enemy, there’s nothing keeping them tied to those creators. And so they’ll go back to whatever they were doing before-hand.
I wanted to extend some semblance of sympathy to these CCs, cause it’s really hard to make a career out of this, but they’re also going about it the wrong way, and my sympathy doesn’t exist anymore. If the only content you have is performative activism, then maybe you should consider a different career path.
Adding on to that, let’s say I do stop watching Dteam, or the “behind the scenes” stuff wasn’t just petty grievances. Why would I then go watch the people that have been harassing, bullying, threatening the same people I was just a fan of the entire time I was their fan? If dteams morals are so bad, what makes theirs any better? And why would I support theirs, when I wouldn’t support someone else’s bad morals? (Again, hypothetical, cause I’m still a fan and all the “bts” stuff ARE petty grievances).
They’re so blinded by their hatred and jealousy that they cannot see they’re destroying their own careers with this. There’s a reason outside of Twitter, a lot of people don’t know who these creators are, and the only reason they do is because they stick their noses everywhere.
It’s become apparent the last few weeks that outside of Twitter- where their core fanbase IS NOT- people are seeing these CCs for what they are and it’s driving them away from any content they might produce. They’re driving away potential fans acting like this, and they can’t even see it, cause they’re so focused on dteam (mainly dream). Maybe focus on your own career, before trying to take down someone else’s, especially when you have nothing career-ending over them.
So again, why would I stop being a fan of people I liked for so long, and stuck around for the good, bad, ugly, and sometimes dangerous (gotta love doxxing /sar), to immediately go be a fan of people that contributed to the absolute onslaught of horrid treatment of the people I was a fan of? It doesn’t make sense.
Unlike them, I’m not going to compromise my morals and make a big public spectacle to then privately do the opposite. I dropped Wilbur after Shelby came out with her story. I was more than willing to drop Dream if his allegations were proven correct, and the same goes for George. That’s what these CCs don’t understand. I’m a human first before I’m a fan. And that humanity stays with me wherever my interests take me.
Sorry it’s so long; I know you probably have a lot of asks. But still appreciate you taking the time to read this anyway.
Have a good day, my favorite source of tea!
-L :)
Thank you for sharing L ! I think you bring up some very good points about consuming content/CCs and just Being A Person
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theamityelf · 4 months
Hey! (this is my first time asking and i'm nervous asf) So we know Matsuda and Sakakura played roles into making Hajime become Izuru. How would you interpet Makoto finding out about this information and how they treat Reserve Course students? I know canon him likes to see the best in people but for the sake of Hinaegi/Kamuegi how would you make him react? Like could you imagine pregame Makoto seeing how Sakukura has Hajime on the grown with his foot on him spouting his bullshit to his boyfriend who already has major insecurities or finding out during/after the tragedy.
Ooh, I think, if he walked up on that interaction, he would push Sakakura. Not even as a planned thing; he just would run and shove Sakakura off his friend. Or try to. Sakakura would probably not be bested by the maneuver and Makoto might end up on the ground himself. I could see Sakakura, without budging from Hajime, just flinging an arm out to shove Makoto aside and barking, "Get to class, luckster; this doesn't concern you." And Makoto would not leave; he would argue back.
My thought is, this guy tried to punch Monokuma twice; I think his seeing the best in people tends to take power dynamic into account. When the Remnants of Despair are under his power, he sees the best in them and wants to help them. When he's under Monokuma's power, he's pretty consistently aggro towards him. When he meets Junko in the trial, he's determined to win against her. When she loses and is about to start the execution, at that point the power dynamic has shifted and also he doesn't want her to die just in general.
So yeah, coming up on a situation where someone drastically bigger and stronger than Hajime is literally stepping on him, I think he would get up in Sakakura's face and stay in his face until something happens.
My personal dream version of that scenario (other than the happy, 'Hajime sees that having someone care about you is more important than having a talent and makes huge progress in unlearning the Hope's Peak mindset' version of events, which is nice but maybe not as fun) is:
Makoto intervenes. He's persistent. Sakakura shoves him in a way that causes a mild injury. Nothing hugely debilitating, but something that bleeds and will leave a scar. I'm picturing him skinning an arm or leg on the ground, something like that. Hajime feels powerless and like he got Makoto into trouble because he was too worthless and Makoto is too loyal.
But this is Makoto, so of course they don't get far into the confrontation before one of his classmates/friends spots them. If we're being nice, maybe it's Sakura, who could absolutely take Sakakura in a fight. If we're adding insult to injury, though, let's say it's Byakuya. Because while having Sakura break up the fight by being level-headed and strong would still feed into Hajime's feelings of inferiority, having Byakuya, who was already vying for Makoto's attention, be the one to save the day just because of who he is would add that extra sting.
So Byakuya is able to end the confrontation with his family name and his air of confidence, and Makoto thanks him and then turns his attention to Hajime. (Which would annoy Byakuya more, if the broader situation hadn't turned out so in his favor.) Hajime just can't look at either of them, because the past few minutes have been humiliating and only further cemented in his mind that he doesn't deserve Makoto. Makoto comforts him, and I imagine he's able to get Hajime to look at him and he sneaks Hajime into the infirmary inside the main course building, to get looked at, and eventually Hajime is back to smiling and making conversation.
But he's decided he's going through with the Hope Cultivation Plan.
And later, Izuru sees the scar on Makoto and asks about it, and when he finds out how he got it, Sakakura earns a very powerful enemy.
(I'm honored to be your first ask! I hope my response was satisfactory, lol.)
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chilly-me-softly · 2 years
Big Brother • Mason Mount
Request: Mason is either you dad or brother and you started your first period and you don’t know what to do and you at training and some one said a something and he help u hope that make sense
You and Mason are four years apart, he is the eldest and you have always adored him. Your mother often says that you were always attached to him, whatever he did. So it was only a matter of time for you to start playing football like him and with him.
As you grew older, you realised that you liked it, that it could be your life and you started to take training more seriously, dreaming of playing in a stadium full of people cheering for you and of winning many important trophies.
Your parents left you both at the camp that afternoon, you're sure of that since you went in the same car. Yet no matter where you look you cannot find your brother Mason anywhere. You wander the corridors cautiously trying to hear his laugh or catch a glimpse of him, but there seems to be no sign of him in that place suddenly too big for you.
Panic is taking hold of you more and more, the breath you have tried to keep under control as much as possible is slipping from your hands. You enter what turns out to be the physio room and there is no one there, it seems like a dream. Or rather a nightmare.
Instead, someone is there that you haven't noticed panicking, he approaches you and you shrug as soon as he tries to brush past you. "Call Mason" is all you say before you go and hide in the corner of that room.
And you don't actually know how long it's been since you huddled there, after stealing a tablecloth and hiding under it trying to be invisible. When such a familiar voice makes you whimper.
"(Y/N)? (Y/N) what happened? I... I'm going to take this off you now okay?" slowly that piece of cloth slides off your head but you still hold it tightly preventing it from uncovering your legs.
"So what happened?" seventeen year old Mason looks at you trying not to show his concern but his eyes give it away having always been very expressive.
"Where were you? I couldn't find you" you mutter and he feels like someone has punched him in the chest, seeing you so small and helpless hasn't happened in a long time. You always wanting to appear bigger than you are. "I need your help"
"Are you hurt?" he tries to put a hold on his racing brain thinking about what could have possibly happened, as you shake your head wiping away a tear as your mind replays what happened only moments ago.
"Hey, you know you can tell me anything" so you murmur those words which he genuinely struggles to understand though and his expression in another context would have made you genuinely laugh.
"I got my period" you spell correctly this time, gaze down and embarrassment taking over you.
"Ooh" you hear Mason murmur as he shifts position resting his back against the nearby wall and pulling you to himself, "it's okay, nothing to be ashamed of"
"No it's not! Or the girls- they..." they wouldn't have been so mean.
"What did they say?" his tone of voice becomes more serious, his older brother's protective instincts wasting no time in kicking in.
"(Y/N)" he calls you back, a hand of his continuing to rhythmically stroke your hair, creating a calming effect. And you sigh, not really wanting to tell that part out loud. You just want to bury it somewhere and forget about it as soon as possible, but you know Mason would keep pressing and he wouldn't let you do that now that you've let bits slip out.
"They... started mocking me for messing my trousers"
"All of them?"
"No not everyone but- does it make a difference?"
"No" he sighs, leaving a kiss on your temple. He would like to say more to cheer you up but he doesn't think a catchphrase is what you need right now.
"Okay here's what we're going to do. We're going to get changed and as soon as we get home we're going to hide out in your room and watch some movies and eat some chocolate"
"How do you know all this stuff? It's for the girls isn't it?!" 
"Only for my beautiful little sister" he grins innocently as you roll your eyes, then a grimace paints itself on your face. "Mase I- I can't move"
"Can you wait here for a moment?" you nod as his body moves away from yours and you follow him with your gaze until he disappears through the door. You huff hiding your face in your hands and suppressing a scream of frustration.
Every little noise makes your heart jolt, praying that no one but Mason will come through that door. And you almost breathe a sigh of relief when you finally see your brother coming back towards you with something in his hand.
"I brought you one of my shorts and... well I asked one of the ladies if she had a- a you know"
"Thanks Mase" a genuine smile forms on your face as you save him from his moment of embarrassment and quickly hug him wanting to thank him for being there once again.
Mason laughs amused to see you after you've changed, "That short barely covers my knees, look how it fits you instead"
"Ha ha very funny Mason"
"Hey bitchy, I'm not going to do this with you for the rest of my life from now on is that clear."
"Yeah yeah make fun of me, go ahead"
And although you've calmed down since you were frantically looking for Mason just a while ago, you still feel awkward walking down those corridors. Convinced that everyone is there to stare at you. And several times you pull Mason by the shirt intimating him not to stop and talk to anyone, wanting to get to the car park as quickly as possible and sink into the seat all the way home.
Mason stares at you on the drive home, your gaze turned to the window lost in the landscape passing quickly before your eyes. His little sister, now a little woman. He is a little afraid, if he has to be honest, for what is to come from now on. You are growing up and with you so is his role as older brother, your relationship becoming more serious finding in each other someone to confide in. And he doesn't even get to think about you struggling with adolescence and boys and all that. No, absolutely not.
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honeynutbakuslut · 1 year
Imagine having a quirk where you can literally just manipulate the periodic table. That doesn't sound like much if you don't think about it, but you can literally manipulate ANYTHING to do whatever you want it to. Since everything is made from a chemical element, there's nothing you can't control. You can control fire and ice, who cares about todoroki. You can make explosions easily and ones a hundred times bigger than bakugous, who gives a damn about him anyway. You can manipulate air to pack one hell of a punch and manipulate your skin o harden, that alone throws Midoriya and Kirishima to the side. You could be the most powerful hero alive and keep the world safe, make it better.
But no.
You chose to live your life in pathetic villainy.
'why. why do i do this.'
You realise you'll never find your answer, looking down to All Might, pinned below your foot. Bloodied and tired and worn out and dead.
Look up and around the now demolished city. Look around at the thousands of people crushed under buildings and cars and houses.
Look around at the hundreds of heroes who thought they were good enough to be number one. Villains who thought that since someone important to them had died, they would be the worst villain of all. Every last one of them lying burnt and scraped and scarred and bloodied and limp.
Every last one of them gone. Forever.
And you. Standing without a scratch on your body or tear in your clothes. No blood on you to deal with in the wash.
Then you wake up.
Surrounded by your classmates all huddled around each other avoiding you.
You sit and observe as the girls in the corner giggle while pointing at you. The boys making lewd gestures at the oblivious girls. Your teacher dead asleep in a yellow bag. Your hair covering your upper half as you shrink back down to the desk.
Fall back into the safety of sleep.
In bloody hope of continuing your dream.
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moonlightsylph · 2 years
Ooh! Trick or Treat please :D
Why hello! I am not sure what you are dressed as, but you certainly looking rather nice this night. I hope you haven't been getting into too much trouble, though I can't fault you from a little mischief tonight.
Here, take this full-size caramilk bar and take a seat. I have a story for you, if you don't mind listening for a spell.
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You can barely see through the fog.
It was annoying, seeing that you were the one doing the filming in the group. With the way the weather has been behaving, you were tempted to just call it, but lo and behold here you were with the crew getting ready for the traditional yearly 'ghost hunt' in another abandoned structure.
This was wasn't all that different from the usual targets, just way bigger. Hard to get bigger than a old amusement park with a massive rollercoaster honestly.
According to the forums, this place was shutdown some time in the 50's due to some unsolved disappearances of staff and the odd teenager that snuck in after hours. Nothing could be proven, even the owner of the place was dragged into court only to be let go when there wasn't strong enough evidence of him being behind it. So the cases went colder than a polar bear's rump, leaving so many questions for people like you to feel the itch to answer.
So you and your friends booked the time off, packed up the van and headed out to see for yourselves if you can find a ghost of a concession stand clerk looking for the punch-out clock. It sounds silly on paper, but it was something your group of friends have done together since high school, one of the few things left that can draw you all together for a single goal at the years gone by.
A tradition.
Flipping on the camera, you weaving through your friends and put on your best documentary voice as you introduce your friends to the invisible audience of zero, immortalizing their laughter and funny faces before getting down to work. Your job was to circle the grounds, film as much as you can, so you all can go over the footage later to find weird shadows and blobby shapes. Easy and honestly, the most fun since you get to wedge your body into places that normally would get you kicked out of a park for. Living all those misspent youthful dreams of being a menace to society.
So you start with the grounds, circling the boarded up stands and commenting on places you think could be brute forced open on another trip tomorrow, before making your way to the large barn-light buildings where exhibits and showing would have taken place by the local farming scene. Another large building that would hold all the club tables, crafts on sale, raffles. Just thinking of how many people once stood in the yawning emptiness makes something clench in your chest. So many years gone, yet their laughter still lingers like a mournful ghost.
So you move away from the weird sad feeling and look at the abandoned rides, trying to chase that high from earlier to lift the mood.
Sweeping over the width of the ride grounds, you linger on the huge shape that dominates at the center of the rollercoaster, hidden by the thick fog enough to obscure what it might even be. You couldn't help making a dramatic commentary on the rides, extending your 'o's for spooky effect, before filming the Merry-go-round.
You quickly move on from there after being creeped out by the horses with the chipped paint and blood-red rust around their faces making it look like they ate someone. You skip over investigating the hall of mirrors when you see the very distressing faded clown face over the entrance, commenting that you were not looking to get eaten today by bargain-bin IT.
One by one you film the other rides and note their creepy deterioration before finally going to the biggest draw of the place.
The Roller-coaster.
Even this close, you can't see what the big shape in the center is, which only fuels you more into doing reckless things. You judge how high the tracks are, wondering if it was climbable, before deciding you didn't want to become a new headline for the town. So you settle for looking at one of the track cars to get some footage and find yourself seated in the from row to making a shot of how it must have looked being on the ride before launch.
You hear a creaking sound.
Was the track that rusted that it wouldn't hold your weight without protest?
You hear it again, this time with the sound of something snapping like static. Like a light switch sitting in the middle between on and off.
Suddenly you see the lights in the control room turn on. You squint at the dirty window, wondering if one of your friends is trying to pull a prank on you. You can't see a shape thought the dirt, only the fact the light was turned on.
You call out, telling them to cut it out before they make you leave this car to do it for them.
The headlights on the track car spark to life. Then the rest of the lights flicker in a line one by one along the whole snake of cars. You are still filming this, now feeling more weirded out that your friend isn't coming outside to laugh at your unease.
Then the bar slams down on your lap, locking you into place. You scream, trying to pry it open with no success, yelling that this isn't funny. You start to curse and beg your friend to let you go, to get you out.
Then you see them. Your whole group of friends, on the other side of the fence, no where near the control booth and looking white as sheets as they stare towards you.
They are staring above you in silent horror.
You turn you head, eyes starting to water as the realization hits.
There are eyes looking back at you from the shape in the fog.
There is a clawed hand gripping the back of the train, sending a grinding scream through the air from the force as it pushes the train into motion.
You are in for a ride.
You are a new story on the forum.
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crybabyalexxx · 3 years
The One Where Peter Parker Is A Sub
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Sub!Peter Parker X Reader
Summary: The reader finds out that Peter is a sub and she loves every second of it. What could go wrong with a little teasing?
Warnings: submissive peter parker, dom reader, smut of course, BOTH ARE 18+, sex in school, unsafe sex (wrap before you tap)
A/N: I haven't written fanfic in a good MINUTE so I'm so sorry if it's not as good. And I also have never written a peterXreader, yup first timer over here. I hope you enjoy this as much as I did!
Word Count: 2k
When you first met Peter Parker, he was a shy and awkward kid. He only really has one friend, Ned, and they were basically inseparable. You and Peter both had English class together and he drew you in like a moth to a flame. It was the little things he did, like the way his eyebrows would rise when he was suddenly called on when he was surprised. The small smile he would make when he got an answer right, then a lightbulb went off in your head.
Peter Parker is a sub.
Of course, you were more than eager to test your little theory, but in order to do that, you had to actually talk to the kid. So you did what any reasonable teenage girl would do, you talked to him. After a few weeks of small talk and occasional flirting, Peter was stuck to you like glue. It was as if you were the missing puzzle piece for the duo. Ned and Peter adored you and couldn't believe a person like you would want to actually hang out with them, you weren't shy at all. You stood up for people in need, you stood up for them. You were quick with your comebacks, you were extremely funny and nerdy. Not to mention extremely sassy, god you were so sassy and Peter felt intoxicated every time he was with you.
Peter wondered if Ned felt this way with you too if everyone felt this way when they were with you. He wouldn't blame them if they did, but he felt a pang of jealousy every time he thought about other people liking you the way he did. How could he not like you? You were stunning. The way you carried yourself was one of the things he loved most. Like everyone else in school, he couldn't stop looking at you when you first walked into the classroom. Not only because you were absolutely gorgeous but because his spidey senses went crazy the second he saw you. He didn't understand why at first. Maybe it was just a fluke, but then after a few weeks, he noticed it would happen every single time he saw you. It's not like he was complaining though. He had the hardest time focusing when you were in class together though.
He could feel your eyes on him every time, and when his eyes would meet yours you wouldn't look away, you'd just smile and he would blush. He blushed so much with you and you loved it. It was small things that would make the brown-haired boy blush. Like when you’d complement his outfits and the way his biceps look bigger when he wore his blue button-up shirt.
Then there was the touching. Peter thought he would pass out every time you touched him. It started out small, placing your hand on his arm when you would laugh at something he said. Or how you would play with his hair when he'd put his head down while studying. Then he noticed how you would touch him in other places that got his heart racing. You would brush your fingers against his, or when you whispered to him you were lingering a little longer and he could feel your lips brush against his ear. Just that would make his head spin. He didn't know if you knew what you did to him or if you were completely oblivious. He sometimes wishes you would do more though. He would imagine what it would be like to finally have you, to feel your lips against his, your hips flushed against his. The way you’d moan his name. Peter would often get carried away with his thoughts about you, and he didn't care. He was drunk on you and he loved it.
“Hey, Peter?” Peter was lost in his thoughts again and you hated to interrupt him in his thoughts because he looked so cute to you.
Peter jumped slightly, not realizing you had sat beside him. “Oh um, hey y/n! Didn't realize you'd be here so soon.” Peter was slightly flustered from the thought he had of you seconds before you showed.
You noticed the way his blush was slowly making its way down his neck and chest, and how his pupils were blown, and how he was breathing a little harder. He’s horny.
You giggled softly and decided to have a little fun with him today. “Well, i could leave if you'd like and come back-”
“No! I mean, not that’s okay you're here and we should erm, I mean I don't want you to leave.” Peter couldn't seem to stop rambling, and you saw how much the poor boy needed help, and you couldn't just sit there and not help someone in need.
You grabbed Peter's face with both your hands and leaned in close. Peter felt like the entire room froze. He looked down to your lips and prayed that you would kiss him right now because he's been dreaming of it. And you almost did until you heard him whimper, and all you could do was smile.
“Peter Parker, did you just…” you leaned in to whisper into his ear, your lips brushing his ear, “whimper?” You could feel his breath fan against your neck and shoulder. You leaned away from him to find him with his eyes closed and lips parted. When he finally opened his eyes he found you smiling at him. His eyes went wide as he realized what had just happened. “Y/N I am so sorry I don't know what I was thinking!” Before Peter could continue, you stood up and pulled him with you. “Follow me, Parker.”
You pulled Peter out of the library and into an empty classroom. You were glad that school was out and there was practically no one in the halls, which meant you wanted Peter to scream for you. You locked the door as soon as Peter walked in and covered the window just in case anyone decided to pass by.
Peter could feel the hairs on his stand-up straight, he was breathing hard and he could feel the blood rush down and his pants get tighter. He heard the door lock and turned to see you staring back at him. His spidey senses were going off like crazy, and although he knew he wasn't in any type of danger he still felt like prey.
You pushed him into the chair behind the teacher's desk and straddled his hips. “Tell me to stop and I will. Do you want me to stop?” You slowly grind down on him, feeling him grow from beneath you.
Peter’s head was dizzy and he wanted nothing more than for you to continue with what you were doing. His head rolled back when you ground down against him again, his hands flew to your ass to feel the roll of your hips. “Please don’t stop.” He swore this is what heaven felt like.
That was all you needed to hear. You continue to grind down as you start to kiss him. You'd imagine how it would feel to kiss Peter, but you never imagined them to be this soft. If it weren't for the fact that you were in a classroom right now, you would kiss him for hours. You had to pull yourself away from him if you wanted this to go any further.
“Take your clothes off, pretty boy.” Peter seemed to be eager because, by the time you were down to your underwear, Peter was already naked in front of you. The little smirk you gave him made him blush and you moved closer to him.
“I could stare at you all day, but I really want to taste you right now.” You pushed him back down on the chair as you got on your knees. You couldn't believe how massive he was, but you always did love a challenge.
Peter could feel himself grow, the way you were looking at him had him shaking in seconds. He just wanted you to touch him already. The worst part is that his senses were going crazy. He could hear how fast your heart was beating, he could still taste your lips from moments earlier. He could smell you, you must have been soaking and all he wanted to do was please you and let you do whatever you wanted. He just needed you to touch him already.
“Y/N, please.” Peter sounded like a wreck and that is exactly how you wanted him.
“Please what? Use your words, pretty boy.” A little teasing never hurt anybody.
“Please just touch me already! Anything just please I-” Peter’s head fell back as your mouth and tongue finally touched his aching red tip. The way you were sucking and licking was nothing he has ever felt before.
You could feel him shake as you continued to suck his tip. You noticed how tense he seemed as if he was holding himself back. You decided to push a little bit more of him inside your mouth. This seemed to knock the wind out of him because he came leaning forward as if someone punched him. You looked up at him as innocently as possible and couldn't help the moan that came out of you.
Peter swore you were trying to kill him, then when you moaned his eyes rolled to the back of his head and he thought he saw stars. Peter could feel the way your tongue moved against him, the way it was pressed against that certain vein. The way your moaning sent vibrations and he didn't think it could get better than that.
The way Peter was gripping the chair made you weak in the knees. If you weren't already on your knees, they would have given out. You looked up at him and couldn't resist the urge to run your hands up his abs and play with his nipples, you felt him twitch in your mouth.
“Y/N I'm- ung- close!” Peter could feel himself get closer to his release and god he wanted it. “Please ride me, please y/n.” Peter could feel the way you smirked with your lips wrapped around him.
“How can I say no to that?” You get up and gently slide him inside you. You both moan as he stretches you. As you start to slowly ride him, you decide to hide his moans by kissing him. Peter wanted to stay inside you forever.
You wrap your fingers around his throat and he gasps. As you ride him you lean closer to his ear and whisper, “fuck me, Parker.”
Peter let out a low growl and wrapped his arms around you as he pounded into you. You had to cover his mouth with your hand suddenly aware that you were in school.
“Peter, I'm coming,” you whisper to him. And as soon as he heard those words Peter was coming inside you, igniting your own orgasm.
You and Peter help each other ride out your orgasms and stay there for a couple more seconds. The two of you finally decide to get dressed.
“So, is this like...a one-time thing?” Peter dreaded the question, but he had to ask.
“Do you want it to be?” You look at Peter and you could see the panic in his eyes.
“No! I mean, no. I really want to do this again. And then maybe some more after that...please.” Peter could feel his blush creeping up on him, especially with that smile you're giving him.
“Don’t worry Spidey, I want to keep doing this too.” You giggle softly to yourself. He’s the cutest.
“Okay good because- wait, did you call me spidey?”
“You aren't so good at keeping secrets from me Parker.” And with that, you walk out of the room with Peter hot on your heels.
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fnf-amateur-writing · 3 years
Could I request a boyfriend, Pico, and Girlfriend(poly or separate) with a s/o that loves physical affection.
I'm very touched starved-
🥚 anon
Hey Egg Anon, I'm touched starved too tbh, lol. Guess that's why x readers are such a coping mechanism for me.
I decided to do headcanons for the characters separately for this one. Hope you like it!
Boyfriend, Girlfriend, and Pico (separate) with touched starved S/O headcanons
When he found out about your desire for physical affection, he had an idea: what if he carried you around in public, so you don't have to wait until at home to snuggle. It sounded a bit strange, but you loved the idea.
But he looks a bit short to be carrying anyone past a five year old child. Maybe he was joking?
You're assumptions were wrong in the best possible way. This kid must've eaten protein powder for breakfast, because there was a lot more muscle in him than you thought.
And he would happily carry you out in public as he had offered, showing you off around the mall while you held a drink with two straws to share.
Some clearly salty guy would then accuse Boyfriend of being a show off carrying his partner and looking all lovey dovey, when it was really just him spending time with you in a way you both liked.
Don't worry, he would never let go of you to throw punches. Instead, in his usual beep bop style, he challenged the guy to a rap battle. Some passerbys started to watch in interest.
And it was then you learned that he could not only carry you, but carry you while singing. The guy soon stormed off, humiliated, after another successful rap battle from your favourite little cyan haired hero.
And outside of carrying you, you two like to put on a movie while snuggling in bed. However, you would be too relaxed to stay awake and could never remember what happened in the movie.
And if you can sing too, you could sing like Skid and Pump does and Boyfriend could carry you while you sing a duet against your opponent.
So when it comes to wanting physical affection, you are lucky to have someone like Boyfriend.
You are blessed.
She's the squishy and curvy girl people dream of. She pats your head, as you use her as a pillow, whispering sweet little nothings until you sleep.
Remember to check your face before going out, because you never know if there is another lipstick marking from her kisses after a cuddle session.
And she finds it amusing how much you enjoy the squishiness of her body, allowing you to give her surprise hugs when you want, being that most women would be judged for such a thing.
But this woman is still a demon.
One day, she's down to snuggle and no questions are asked. But the next, she's teasing your neediness.
"Not so fast," she would say as she held you away from her with her hand on your head. "I wanna see you earn it this time."
She wants her partners to have skill in rapping, and if you haven't shown any in a while or if she feels like she wants to hear you sing, then she'll say you can't cuddle until you find a tall bad boy to rap against.
She's joking there, since the tall bad boy rappers are almost never worth the trauma of facing, but she still wants you to find someone.
And once you do and beat them in a rap, she would get off her speakers and give you the affection you've been craving. And yes, she'll do it even if it embarrasses you in front of those watching. It's what you wanted, right?
It's been a long time since he has dated Boyfriend, and he hasn't had much physical affection since then. With his paranoia and murderous tendencies, it seems he has forgotten how nice a simple hug can feel.
Not long into the relationship, you got physical for the first time and gave him a surprise hug from behind.
But this didn't end too well, with him panicking and asking you who broke into the house.
"No, nothing's wrong!"
"Then what is it!?" he nearly screamed with his Uzis pointed in different directions.
"I just wanted a hug."
"Oh... Okay?"
For a while, you felt bad for how much you gave him hugs and cuddles. He was interpreting being embraced as you needing his protection from someone. But don't worry, he eventually got used to it, and even started to enjoy it.
On second thought, Pico actually missed the affection he used to get from Boyfriend. Maybe he was a bit like you; he just needed you to crack that shell of his.
So now, you two are almost always embracing. You would do so watching TV, sleeping, playing games, and when Pico would hold on behind you in the kitchen out of a constant fear of you falling while opening the oven. Depending on who's bigger, one of you would often sit in the other's lap.
But even when it's not the time, like in public, you always hold hands. It feels like a constant reminder of your love without the need of words and gifts.
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jaskiersvalley · 3 years
Witchers didn't have daemons, that was a known fact. They were terrifying in their solitude, unfeeling and unaffected. Monsters made to fight monsters, they didn't need part of their soul for that. What the general public didn't know though was that the daemons weren't imprisoned somewhere, nor were they dead. The mages had figured out a way to separate daemon from child and force it into the most unnatural of shapes, another human. It meant two Witchers from a single child and the best part was, neither child nor daemon felt any connection to their counterpart once the process of the trials was complete.
In an effort to make sure full separation was certain and not even a sentimental link remained, daemons and children were separated and trained in different schools. Lambert had arrived at Kaer Morhen, still tripping over unfamiliar human feet and seething at being separated from his human. Over the years he tried to remember his human but, like all Witchers, they were given new names when they got their medallions and Lambert didn't think Luca still went by that name, nor would he be the scrawny kid Lambert remembered him as.
Whenever Lambert met another Witcher, he couldn't help but wonder whether it was his Luca that he was meeting. Though he wanted to believe that there would be a spark some kind of recognition there. He had been a little relieved when he met Letho and there was nothing there between them.
Of course Geralt had to be the first one to find his daemon. The smug bastard had found a bard who told people his daemon was a flea which was just like him; unnoticeable until he causes a nuisance. Most pitied him but Geralt had seen through the charade. He watched the bard without a daemon, curiosity and caution allowed him to permit Jaskier to tag along. The story tumbled out eventually.
"My great grandparents bought me. I was some kind of freak novelty some merchants were selling."
That was all Geralt had needed to hear and he was all but dragging Jaskier back to Kaer Morhen in the winter. Nobody had expected Vesemir's face to close off completely.
"I remember you!" Jaskier said in way of greeting. "You were a dick."
"Julian." The reply was terse and tight.
Lambert got a front view seat to seeing Geralt's face flit through more emotions in one second than he usually did in a whole year. The embrace was tight, Geralt's nose buried in Jaskier's hair.
Jealousy trickled through Lambert's veins. For all he knew, his human was already a dead Witcher. There was no link between Witcher and daemon, the trials severed it all completely so when one died, the other didn't even notice, let alone die from it.
"Why isn't he a Witcher?" Eskel asked, eyes glued to the happy reunion.
"Kaer Morhen needed money. Your cohort, the daemons didn't become Witchers. We sold them to the highest bigger."
Lambert didn't expect Eskel to punch Vesemir across the jaw but he was sure as shit glad he saw it. It meant he didn't need to do it on behalf of Geralt and Eskel. For the first time though, Lambert had an optimistic thought.
"It might mean he's living a happy life somewhere. I mean, look at Jaskier. He's had it better than us."
That was a topic that came up repeatedly over the next few weeks. They dreamed up all sorts of fancy lives Eskel's daemon could have lived, the wonders he would have seen. Through it all, Lambert bitterly wished his daemon could have been anything but a Witcher. Alas, Vesemir rapidly disillusioned him from that idea.
"He's become a Witcher, probably dead by now. And if you met him, you'd probably wish he was."
"Is that so?" Lambert drawled, emptying his tankard with a disappointed sigh. He couldn't believe it was empty again.
"You suffered the same shit fate I did. Your human was trained by Cats. Guxart turned into an utter dick."
The words were muttered darkly and Lambert tried not to take it to heart how much hatred Vesemir oozed. It made him all that much more determined to not go the same way as the bitter old man. Instead, he turned to Geralt with a leer. "So, is it gay or is it masturbation to want to get off with your own daemon?"
To say the table erupted in uproar was an understatement. Geralt was scowling somewhat fierce, arms crossed over his chest in protest. It only egged Lambert on further.
"I think it's incest," he declared with a shit eating grin. "Technically it's part of your family because you have the same parents."
"It's masturbation at most." Geralt was growling and glowering. "Because the daemon was still part of you."
Through it all, Eskel stayed rather quiet. It was only when the other two looked to him for opinion that he leaned forward, propping himself up on the table with a serious crease to his brows.
"I think-" the words were low and measured, "-that as long as everyone involved consents, it's fucking hot is what it is."
"The only thing it is," Vesemir finally butted in, "is a disaster waiting to happen. You don't want to meet your counterparts. Trust me."
Except that only made Lambert all the more keen. He wanted to both prove Vesemir wrong and also have what Geralt and Jaskier seemed to be hurtling towards. So, come spring, he set out with the intent of fulfilling one contract only. It was one that he would pay himself for in emotional fulfilment. He was going to find every Cat he could until he found Luca.
He met Gaetan along his travels who laughed in his face and said he was much more into snakes than wolves. That was an encounter Lambert was more than eager to cut short because he did not want to think about how Letho and Gaetan were oddly complementary. It was also another jolt of bitter jealousy, another Witcher and daemon had been reunited while he was still out there looking for his own. Assuming Luca had survived.
Meeting Guxart was a bit of an accident and Lambert wished he'd not encountered the old Cat. He growled and hissed about his stupid daemon who would probably have turned into a useless pigeon if left alone. There was obviously no love lost between them and Lambert desperately hoped he wasn't going to have the same fate.
Third time lucky, as the saying went. Lambert had trailed the new Cat for a few days, learning his habits and watching him work. There was no ounce of recognition or familiarity. But then again, the last time Lambert saw Luca, they were being dragged away from each other, foreign hands on his rapidly shifting body so his eyes could barely adjust enough to see the screaming, tear filled face of his human. It was quite possibly the worst last image he could have had of Luca.
Satisfied that the Cat wasn't someone Lambert wouldn't want to associate with, he approached in the evening when the campfire was still bright but slowly settling.
"I was wondering when my shadow would make himself known," the Cat said easily enough, barely glancing up from where he was whittling something.
The last two times Lambert had tried to be careful with exploring the idea of the Cat Witcher being his human. He was tired and cut straight to the point.
By the fire the man froze. It was only luck that meant Lambert could hear the shuddering exhales of someone trying to keep up the façade of calm and collected. Finally, the man set his carving aside and stood with an easy smile that felt like a thousand lies.
"I go by Aiden." It wasn't a reply and Lambert knew it.
"I don't remember my name," he admitted softly, desperately hoping he wasn't about to make an utter tit of himself. "People call me Lambert. But I'm looking for my Luca."
He didn't expect to suddenly have an armful of Witcher clinging to him like their very lives depended on it.
"It's really you!" Aiden sounded close to tears. "You never did have a single name, usually going by Idiot, Pain In The Butt, Menace and so many other equally flattering names."
"Guess that never changed," Lambert laughed wetly. He held Aiden close, wishing he could feel as he used to when they were connected. "We have a lot of catching up to do."
It was just that start of something Lambert never thought he'd have. Easy companionship, shared disdain for the whole Witcher thing, stories upon stories of contracts gone well, gone wrong, or just plain gone. By the time winter rolled round, Lambert was firmly of the opinion that he and Aiden would travel together, fuck the Path and all the teachings about it being lonely. If Geralt could have his bard then they sure as hell could have each other.
Getting to Kaer Morhen, Lambert gleefully had an arm slung around Aiden's shoulder, introducing him to the rest of his family. He especially delighted in the flaring of Vesemir's nostrils as he took in the situation.
"Cats and Wolves don't mix. You of all people should know that."
"And you should know it's my life's mission to prove you wrong, old man," Lambert shot back.
Perhaps the most curious part of the whole winter was that Geralt was already back with not one, but two guests. Jaskier was a known quantity and Lambert greeted him warmly. The other though was a near silent man who watched them through eyes that looked way too old for his body.
"This is Cahir," Geralt said when the man didn't even introduce himself. "We'd heard rumours of a Nilfgaardian without a daemon and went to investigate."
"Not a Nilfgaardian," Cahir grumbled with a half-hearted glare.
It took Lambert a moment to figure out just why Geralt would bring such a man back before his eyes widened in delighted realisation.
"You think that-"
That was the extent of their conversation because Lambert was cackling in delight. He looked Cahir over with a newfound interest. Young, like Jaskier but so very different in behaviour. As much as they'd wondered about Eskel's daemon's fate, this wasn't one they'd predicted.
Three days later Eskel was leading Scorpion into Kaer Morhen's courtyard. Lambert and Aiden were all but bouncing with excitement, not wanting to miss the moment Eskel met his daemon. In their opinion Geralt was drawing things out and making it less fun by not having them all meet in the stables. Instead, Eskel was allowed to venture into the kitchen in the company of Lambert and Aiden who were vibrating in anticipation.
"Eskel," Geralt greeted him with a warm hug. Jaskier and Cahir were behind him, even Vesemir had ventured out to see what the outcome would be. "It's good to have you home. Allow me to introduce you to Cahir."
The two looked at each other with guarded gazes and Eskel gave a terse nod. It was as anticlimactic as fuck. No recognition, not interest, nothing. Just a slow once over which, if Lambert had thought about it, was pretty much a mirror image of each other, equally considering and closed off.
Despondent, he dragged Aiden off, helping lay the table for a shared meal. Vesemir was quick to follow, there was no way to tell whether he was disappointed or relieved by the lack of drama. Geralt and Jaskier wandered out, oddly deflated. Not two seconds later there was an almighty crash from the kitchen and they were all racing back. Only to turn right around and flee after a glimpse of Cahir pinning Eskel to a wall and kissing him like Eskel was the last gasp of air for a drowning man.
"So, are they?" Jaskier asked, glancing towards the kitchen. Something else crashed and thumped but it was best not to investigate.
After a moment it was Vesemir who tiredly said, "Does it matter? It doesn't seem like they much care."
All in all, Lambert didn't think he cared either. Cahir and Eskel seemed happy enough in their new acquaintanceship, trying to figure out their past could wait, if they even wanted to explore it. Though Lambert had a hard time imagining Cahir as a goat. Over the years he'd heard Eskel lament enough about how his daemon preferred to take the form of a goat.
Regret came the next morning at breakfast when Eskel and Cahir appeared at the table, seemingly indifferent. If the rest of them hadn't see the two almost violently making out in the kitchen before disappearing to a bedroom, they wouldn't have guessed anything had gone on between them.
"Hey Geralt," Eskel called, face passive. "You know the difference between a goldfish and a mountain goat?"
"A mountain goat could live in Kaer Morhen but a goldfish couldn't?"
Eskel rolled his eyes. "No, a goldfish mucks around a fountain."
"And a mountain goat fucks around a mountain," Cahir finished the joke. He and Eskel high fived without looking at each other. Lambert only smacked his head on the table when Cahir continued, "And I am no goldfish."
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upat4amwiththemoon · 3 years
The Scary People Next Door part 3
Summary: Two women move to the neighborhood, it seems like there’s more to them than meets the eye.
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x fem!reader
Warnings: nightmare (let me know if there are any!)
Word count: 2299
a/n: Finally a new part! Hope you enjoy, feedback is always appreciated :)
Tags: @madamevirgo @fishlikestuff @hi-i-1 @d14n4ol @simpforwandanat @diaryoflife @emilyprentissslut @idek-5
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Y/N declines Darcy’s call for the fifth time in the span of an hour. She has been trying to call her the whole day, even Monica called her a few times, but Y/N hasn’t answered to any of them. She knew Darcy would eventually end up knocking on her door and possibly breaking in with the help of Monica’s tech if she didn’t answer soon. She couldn’t bring herself to pick up the phone and talk to Darcy, yesterday’s events still clear in her head.
Groaning, Y/N plays a voicemail Darcy just left her. “Listen, I don’t know what is going on with you right now, but I don’t appreciate you ignoring me. So, you better answer my next call or I’m coming over with Monica. And if you even think about not opening the door, I’ll call Jane and drag her here to drag your ass out of the bed!” The voicemail ends.
Jane Foster, Y/N and Darcy’s best friend, who neither of them have seen in years. Y/N met her and Erik Selvig through Darcy while she was helping with Jane’s astronomy research for college credit. Y/N decided to tag along and help as much as possible. They became close, and still are to a certain extent, but things happen. Darcy had to leave to finish college and become an astrophysicist, Jane got a new job at S.H.I.E.L.D and Y/N had to find an actual job that is in her skill set rather than being strung along with different doctors.
Jane was always known to be a bit bossy. It wasn’t always a bad thing, she needed to be bossy as a woman in that field of work to be heard and taken seriously. For Y/N that meant doing things that she didn’t want to do, like getting a job. If it wasn’t for Jane, she'd most likely still follow Darcy around like a lost puppy, which isn’t necessarily a good thing. She is very grateful for Jane pushing her into getting a job. That being said, she knows Jane would come over and make her spit out everything if Darcy did call her.
Her phone goes off. Y/N rubs her eyes frustratedly before picking up the phone and answering it. “Hi.”
“Hi? You ignore my calls the whole day and all you say is hi?”
“I’m sorry.” Y/N sighs. “I really just don’t feel like talking today.” She mumbles while laying in her bed. She has been laying on her bed the whole day, only getting up to go to the bathroom and get something to drink. She tried to convince herself that yesterday didn’t affect her, but it did, a lot more than she’d like to admit.
”That’s usually the time you need to talk to people the most.”
She did need someone to talk to. The feeling of rambling everything she feels to Darcy was strong, but the guilt of making her problems Darcy’s problems was bigger.
“I’m just tired, nothing to worry about.”
“Are you sure you’re okay? Would you like me and Monica to come over?”
Y/N bites her tongue, Darcy’s words bringing her close to tears. The damned question: Are you okay? That one question makes her want to spill out her guts instantly. “No, I’d rather be alone.”
Darcy mumbles something that Y/N can’t hear, probably to Monica. They have a silent conversation while Y/N waits for Darcy to answer her. “We’ll come over tomorrow.”
Knowing Darcy wasn’t asking her whether or not that’s okay, Y/N just hums in confirmation before saying her goodbyes and hanging up the phone. After throwing her phone somewhere to the table, she closes her eyes, ready to fall asleep.
“Hello!” She yells to the abyss, her voice echoing through the never ending emptiness. “Anyone there?” When Y/N’s only answer is her own voice bouncing back to her, she starts walking. At least she thinks she is walking. The space she’s in is pitch black, so Y/N wasn’t sure if she was moving anywhere.
Suddenly she starts falling. Y/N screams as her body flies down with no signs of stopping. She desperately tries to hold on to something, anything to stop her from falling, but to no avail. There’s nothing around her to grasp onto, only darkness and quiet apart from her screams.
A punch to the face changes her scenery. She groans, trying to lift her hand up to her face but gasping when she isn’t able to. Y/N’s eyes snap open in panic. She looks at her surroundings, noticing it’s the same room she was in not too long ago. However, now it was just a little more unsettling. She didn’t know what it was that made her feel so different from the real thing, nothing was visibly wrong. It just felt bad. Perhaps it was because she knew she was in a dream and she had gone through this already.
“Pay attention!” A very distorted voice shouts, punching Y/N to the face once again. She lifts up her head. The what’s supposed to be one of the men that hurt her definitely didn’t look like one. Its whole body was blurry and it moved to every direction. Its voice sounded like someone spoke through a broken megaphone, the voice cracking every now and then.
“What the fuck are you?” Y/N’s voice was a mere whisper compared to the creature.
The thing doesn’t answer, simply smirks, or at least it looks like a smirk. It starts walking around her, glitching when it takes a step forward. As it stops behind the chair, it sets a hand on top of Y/N’s head. She screams, all the pain she felt during that day going through her body in seconds.
Y/N screams as she sits up and looks around her, hands swatting away any remaining feelings of the thing. Her room is darker now, the clock being almost 11 pm. She stands up, runs downstairs and out the front door. This most likely isn’t the best idea, but Wanda did ask her if she wanted to stay at their place. If the question was genuine or not wasn’t clear to Y/N, but right now she’d like to think Wanda meant it.
She didn’t even know why Wanda and Natasha’s house was the first place she thought of. Maybe it was because she felt weirdly comforted by Wanda’s presence, or because they simply were the only people who know what happened.
Knocking on their front door, Y/N starts doubting herself. She almost turns around and leaves, but Wanda opens the door before she can.
“Hey, are you okay?” Wanda’s concern fills her ears. And so the waterworks start. Wanda gasps lightly, pulling Y/N into her arms as she sobs. She whispers sweet nothings to her ear while guiding her inside to sit on the couch. “It’s okay. I’m here.”
Y/N leans more into Wanda, putting her head on Wanda’s shoulder. “I’m sorry.” She mumbles. “I couldn’t sleep, I just can’t be alone.” She sniffles, backing away from the hug as she tries to stop crying.
“That’s okay.” Wanda has a gentle smile on her face that melts Y/N inside.
The feeling makes her question everything. Why is she feeling this way? She met Wanda only a week ago. These kinds of feelings weren’t supposed to awaken so soon.
“What’s going on here?” Natasha, who neither of the two noticed coming in, asks.
Y/N looks down, letting Wanda take control of the situation. “She’s staying the night.” She says as if it was obvious, which makes Y/N frown. It wasn’t her plan to stay the whole night, not wanting to bother the two, but she isn’t opposed to the idea.
“Only if that’s okay.” Y/N adds, lifting her head to look at Natasha, who only glances at her before turning to Wanda. They seem to have a silent conversation going on. It wouldn’t be the weirdest thing for Y/N if they were talking telepathically, knowing Wanda did have some kind of powers.
Her eyes widen. Is she able to read minds? Has she ever read her mind?
Wanda pulls Y/N up from the couch, bringing her back to the present. “Come on. You seem tired.” She leads her upstairs to her room. “You can sleep in my bed, I’ll take the floor.”
“What? No, I can’t let you do that.”
Wanda smiles, taking Y/N’s hands to her own. “You’re my guest.”
Y/N stares at Wanda’s green eyes, finding herself mesmerised by them. They are beautiful, she could look at them all day. It feels like Y/N is transferred into a whole new world as she feels herself falling deeper into her gaze. Soon she starts relaxing her muscles, Wanda’s gentle smile and sparkling eyes bringing her comfort. Y/N glances at her lips, wondering if they are as soft as they look. Judging by Wanda’s widening grin, she is listening to her thoughts. Y/N averts her eyes back to Wanda’s.
“Go ahead.” Wanda says with a playful tint in her voice. Y/N frowns, making Wanda giggle. “Ask what you want to ask. I don’t mind”
She blushes, trying to drop her head down to look at the floor, but Wanda’s hand on her chin stops her. Wanda knowing what she wanted should have scared her more than it did, but right now she didn’t care.
Y/N gives Wanda a shy smile. “Can I kiss you?” She whispers. If Wanda hadn’t been so close to her, she would’ve missed it. When Wanda nods, Y/N pulls her closer and kisses her. Wanda sets her hands on Y/N’s waist, while her hands travel through Wanda’s hair.
Wanda pulls back, tightening her grasp on Y/N’s hips. Her eyes are a darker shade of green as she kisses Y/N again and again.
For the next two weeks Wanda and Y/N take it publicly slow, hiding whatever they have going on from their friends. Of course, Natasha being a literal spy, she caught on pretty quick. Not that the couple were that good at hiding it. Wanda spent a lot more time at Y/N’s house, sometimes even nights. Natasha wasn’t mad per se, Wanda was so much happier now, but she was hesitant. Dating someone outside of their field of job always proved to be difficult, no matter how many times one of them tried to have a successful relationship. It always failed one way or another.
Wanda didn’t want to think about that. She had heard a lot of dating horror stories from the other Avengers, but she knew she could make it work. She just needed to be careful and choose the best approach of telling Y/N what she really did. She already knew she had magic, that’s one difficult conversation out of the way, and she knew Wanda’s job is something dangerous because of the kidnapping. Not the way Wanda would’ve wanted Y/N to find out, but it’ll make the actual telling easier.
“I’m going to check up on Y/N!” Wanda tells Natasha as she opens the door. She had different excuses to tell Natasha. Checking up on Y/N, helping her cook or fix something, comforting her through hard times and so on. Sometimes they were true. Wanda did help Y/N during a nightmare or a difficult day many times after the unfortunate event.
Natasha hums, her eyes never leaving the television. “Make sure to check her neck better this time, it had quite many bruises on it last time.” Her voice was completely monotone, but she had the tiniest smirk on her face.
Wanda freezes, almost dropping the piece of cake in her hand. “I’m sorry?” She squeaks out.
“I’m just saying.” Natasha turns to look at Wanda. “You two are doing an awful job hiding the signs.”
“I-I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“Oh, so someone else must’ve done them. Or perhaps a mosquito, hair straightener, a match... I know all the tricks, Wanda.”
Wanda closes the door, sighing. “Fine, you’re right. What now?”
“That’s not up to me, it’s your call. Just be careful. These kinds of pairings don’t usually last.” Natasha didn’t want to be so pessimistic of their relationship, she has actually started liking Y/N, not that she’d ever let either of them know. She still wanted Wanda to know the hardships these kinds of situations brought into their lives. “Besides, we can’t live here forever, the mission is almost over, then we go back.”
“I know, Nat, I do. I’m not letting that stop me though, because I really want this to work.”
Natasha nods with a smile. “Then I’m rooting for you two.”
“Thank you.” Wanda’s smile returns to her face as she opens the door again. “Now, I’m going to go and spend some quality time with Y/N, don’t wait up.” She steps outside and closes the door, not waiting for Natasha’s answer. It would’ve been something witty.
Wanda knocks on Y/N’s door, feeling nervous. Natasha was right. Soon they’d have to go back to the Avengers compound and she couldn’t see Y/N whenever she wanted. It also meant going back to no contact missions. They could last months. Wanda didn’t want to disappear for months with Y/N having no way of knowing whether she was okay or not.
Y/N opens the door, but not with the excited look Wanda was waiting for. Her brows were furrowed and she looked almost angry. “Why didn’t you tell me you are an Avenger?”
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gamerwoo · 3 years
[Tales from the Pack] Joshua: Second Chance (Part Three)
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Characters: Joshua x female reader
Genre/warnings: werewolf au, fantasy, fluff, some fluffy angst too so it’s not really angst is it lmao
Word count: 1,988
Summary: After his mate died, Joshua always blamed himself and never wanted to imprint again. However, fate has other ideas when he meets you: a young, energetic werecoyote that’s quite the opposite of him. He insists he doesn’t want a new mate – nobody’s even sure if he’s ready for a new one – but he can’t ignore his instincts.
Previous | Next | Second Chance Masterlist
“Oh,” the girl beside you seemed surprised that your eyes opened, squinting against the light, “you’re awake. How do you feel?”
You only groaned in reply. You definitely didn’t feel as awful as you recalled, but you still didn’t feel good.
“We’ve cleaned the remaining wolfsbane from your system, so you should make a full recovery,” the girl told you, her voice soft and soothing.
She definitely didn’t look like she was from here. She had brown skin, round eyes, and long black hair that she kept clipped back away from her face. Had you seen her before when you were dying? No, you couldn’t tell. Your memories from then were too foggy.
Wait, you were dying. How were you alive?
You opened your mouth to speak, but your eyes finally adjusted enough where you could see the person laying on a cot behind the girl. His eyes were closed, and you couldn’t tell if he was passed out or sleeping, but you just felt very strongly toward him. Much stronger than you’d felt about anybody ever. He was absolutely beautiful, and all you wanted to do was walk the couple feet of space between your cot and his to stroke his hair and cheek.
You didn’t know why you felt so strongly about a stranger, but you also weren’t questioning it. You were a curious person, yes, but you tended to just roll with the punches.
The girl noticed your gaze had drifted behind her, and she chuckled, “Would you like to be closer? It’s better for mates to heal if they’re as close as possible, and he needs all the healing he can get.”
Mates? That wasn’t something you’d heard about before, but you could probably guess what it implied. Either way, your head was nodding before your brain could really think much about it.
The girl stood and moved her stool out of the way before wheeling your cot closer to his until they were pressed together. Your face was almost right next to his now, and you observed every single detail of him. You didn’t even know his name or anything about him, but your heart and your instincts already told you you’d do anything for him.
“They’re cute,” Minjee commented once she entered the room as her partner continued to stand by the doorway and watch the two of you.
Prajya hummed in reply, her hand finding Minjee’s, “I don’t think the girl knows anything about herself. I told her he’s her mate and she seemed a little clueless.”
“Well, she is young,” Minjee noted. “Maybe nobody’s told her about creatures like her.”
Prajya nodded slowly before turning her head to look at her partner, “Did things with the other wolf go well?”
Minjee nodded, “Perfect, actually. Sura’s just finishing a few minor things and getting him settled into a bed to recover. His brother and the girls are still waiting in the living room.”
“I should go see if they need anything,” Prajya decided, pressing a quick kiss to Minjee’s cheek before she left.
Minjee turned back to the two of you after her girlfriend had left, but saw that you weren’t awake anymore. Your eyes were closed, one of your hands resting on Joshua’s as he slept. Minjee smiled to herself, thinking both of you looked like you were doing better already.
Josh still wasn’t awake. Even Hansol had woken up before his older brother did. Wonwoo had already brought Soomin and Suvi back to the house, and Joshua still wasn’t awake. It worried Hansol that he was asleep for so long, but Minjee assured him it was just because he had exerted his power too much.
“Is he going to get it back...?” Hansol wondered, his yellow eyes warily watching Joshua sleep beside you.
“Yes, with time,” Minjee replied with a warm smile. “You really have nothing to worry about, Hansol. Besides, he has his mate with him, so the healing will be faster.”
“Yeah, if he isn’t stubborn about it,” he muttered to himself, the human girl unable to make out what he said.
That was something else that was worrying Hansol. Joshua already had a mate and lost her. Would he really be so open about a new mate? Even if he did use the remaining energy he had in him just to save you, he did that on pure instinct. It didn’t necessarily mean things would go smoothly when he’d wake up.
“Who is she, anyway?” Kyung wondered, nodding her head in your direction. 
You were still sleeping beside him, your hand still in his. Neither of you had even moved, either, but Minjee also promised that was nothing to worry about.
“I’m not sure of her name,” Minjee sighed, “but my partners and I found her when we were out checking traps one night. My mate, Sura, knows where some of the werewolf hunters place traps regularly. He likes to patrol them and see if anyone was caught so we can help. We found her in one of them. Sura said she might be a werecoyote.”
“Werecoyote?” Hansol repeated.
The doctor nodded, “Yes. He noticed she doesn’t smell quite like werewolf, but she’s definitely something.”
The two mated wolves could admit they noticed the same thing but kept to themselves about it. They thought maybe it was just because of the wolfsbane.
The pair looked between the two of you. While Joshua seemed peaceful now, both Hansol and Kyung weren’t sure how he’d react when he woke up. They could practically already see the sour look on his face before grumbling something about not wanting a new mate. They hoped maybe they’d be wrong, but…
“What do you think she’ll do if he denies her?” Kyung wondered to her mate, unsure if you’d be as patient and understanding as Hansol. They didn’t know anything about you.
Hansol let out a quiet sigh, “I don’t know, but they’ll both just...eventually...” he didn’t even want to say it, but after a beat of silence, he quietly said, “die.”
“Werecoyotes are creatures I’ve never encountered,” Soomin hummed thoughtfully as she flipped through Beom’s book of creatures.
Once Wonwoo had returned home with her and Suvi, the youngest excitedly began talking about how Joshua had imprinted and saved his new mate. Meanwhile, the rest of the pack seemed shocked and almost horrified. They knew how Joshua was, and they knew he wouldn’t want another mate. What happened with Lilly messed him up pretty badly, but it also made him afraid of himself for a long time. He’d be too scared to be with someone else.
While Suvi was explaining what happened and the pack began spewing questions, Soomin was already looking through Beom’s stuff to find some answers.
“I think Beom had told me a story or two of werecoyotes, though,” Soomin continued.
“I met a few,” Yeji chimed in. “They didn’t really seem too different from you guys.”
“They’re not -- not really, other than some minor stuff,” Soomin said after finally reaching the page she was looking for. She scanned it over, using her finger to guide her eyes. “Overall, they’re essentially the same, just a little weaker -- smaller, not as strong, but they are a little quicker because of their smaller size. It makes them more agile.”
“Anyone can outrun that old man,” Jeonghan scoffed.
“Who’s the oldest, anyway?” Suvi asked.
“Nobody really knows anymore, but we just assume it’s Josh,” Jun shrugged. “Years start to blend together after a while.”
“Speaking of not knowing things,” Danbi spoke up as she looked around the packed living room, “where’s Soonyoung?”
“It’s nighttime, so he’s in town,” Jihoon sighed.
“I thought we were still being careful?”
“Since when does Soonyoung follow rules?” Seungcheol asked with a quirked brow.
Soomin cleared her throat to grab the pack’s attention and bring them back to the bigger matter at hand: you. Once they were paying attention again, she continued, “Werecoyotes have the same heightened senses, the same weaknesses, and the same instincts as werewolves. However, because they’re smaller and weaker, they recover slower and are more likely to die from things like silver bullets.”
“So Joshua’s new mate is essentially a hyperactive accident-prone child?” Wonwoo snorted.
Soomin frowned, finally looking up from the book to look at her mate, “That’s mean. And she may very well act mature. Just because they’re faster than werewolves doesn’t make them hyper.”
“You said werecoyotes are just werewolves, basically,” Jeonghan shrugged. “You’ve seen our pack.”
Seungcheol nodded, “Seokmin specifically.”
“Hey,” the young wolf whined.
“Let’s not judge her just yet,” Soomin sighed.
Jihoon raised his eyebrows, “You didn’t even meet her?”
“She was passed out,” Suvi was the one to explain. “Her and Joshua were sleeping beside each other when we left.”
“I wish I could be there when they wake up,” Seungkwan chuckled. “I’m sure that’ll be a mess.”
It wasn’t until the sun was about to peak over the horizon that Josh finally groaned and rubbed his eyes with one hand. The other felt warm with a light weight in it that kept him from moving it.
The older wolf’s eyes opened before slowly looking to his left hand. He saw another hand in his and his eyes followed the arm up to the owner. He recognized your face. Not only did he remember what had happened as soon as he saw you, but he was bombarded with your face in his dreams -- well, more like nightmares. All he dreamt about was you and Lilly.
He wanted to snatch his hand away. He wanted to growl at you and wake you up and tell you to keep your hands to yourself. He wanted to yell at you to not touch him.
But he was too exhausted to do anything but lay there and glare at you with golden eyes.
“Oh, good,” a voice made him turn his head, “you’re finally awake.”
Joshua was briefly introduced to Prajya during his first check-up. She was a nice girl, but she had a little...bite to her. Josh liked her from the get go.
“See you’ve noticed your little friend,” Prajya chuckled. “You don’t seem too fond of her, though.”
His face scrunched up in almost disgust, “What is that?”
Prajya let out a snort at his reaction to his mate.
In your sleep, your nose wiggled a few times before you reached up to scratch it. Joshua rolled his eyes feeling his heart swell at how cute you seemed. He wanted his instincts to fuck off.
“I think you already know,” she replied in amusement.
“Who is she?” he asked.
The foreign girl just shrugged, “Beats me. We didn’t get a name from her or where she came from or anything.”
Unable to resist the curiosity, he slowly wondered, “...What happened to her?”
“Caught in a net that had barbs laced with wolfsbane,” she sighed as she leaned back against a wall and studied your face. “We were sure she was going to die until you showed up and--”
“Don’t,” he said sharply before dropping his tone to be only grumpy rather than angry, “mention it.”
Prajya just shrugged, “If you didn’t want it mentioned, you shouldn’t have done it. Kyung was right, you are a grumpy old man.”
He let out an exasperated sigh. Of course Kyung was gossiping with her old friends about him. The new alpha was a piece of work.
But she wasn��t really wrong, and even he knew that.
Prajya was silent as she watched Joshua watch you. It was clear that even though he openly showed his distaste for his new mate, his instincts were strong and hard to ignore. Even through the disgust and annoyance on his face, Prajya could see the love and adoration clear in his eyes.
The grumpy, old werewolf, and the young, carefree werecoyote. This would be interesting to see.
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darkeninganon · 3 years
Arachnophobia part 2! As stated in the link, this AU is the fault of me being me and darkening bittydragon’s Webbed AU. Trigger Warnings for: Arachnophobia (Driders/spider people), Death (Unnamed adventurer), Killing, Blood (Kind of implied), Vore, fatal vore, and Cursing! Read at your own risk!
Ranboo hated this, hanging just a few feet off the ground, tied up in a web with the predator keeping him there just out of sight in the bushy leaves of the giant tree. "HELP!" His voice was hoarse, having been screaming for help for hours. He was bait. Bait for anything or anyone who happened to come by and hear him yelling. He coughed, too violently. He relaxed, casting one last glance at where he knew the drider- Dream, apparently- was hiding. "Please... Help us..."
Ranboo perked up, coughing slightly as he heard the stranger call out in response.
"I heard you! Keep calling! Kid?!"
"Over here!" Ranboo yelled, falling into another coughing fit, causing him to sway slightly from where he hung. "Help! I'm stuck!"
Ranboo saw a strange man stumble through the undergrowth, the other's eyes lighting up as he saw Ranboo. "Thank goodness you're alive! Usually kids who wander into here don't make it out you know!"
Ranboo rolled his eyes. "Yeah, I wonder why. Look, can you get me down? My friends are in danger!"
"What? From the spider that got you?" The stranger laughed. "Come on, you know spiders are dumb and blind. Just hold still and I'll get you out in a jiffy!" The man bragged, approaching where Ranboo hung.
Ranboo could only glare at the guy. Okay, he was not going to feel bad about this guy's fate. "Yeah, well, it's much bigger and smarter than you-" Ranboo yelped as he was pulled up into the foliage, yelling and kicking as he fought from instinct. Ranboo froze, once again face-to-face with the giant drider.
"Good job. I knew you could do it."
Ranboo yelled again, pleading for Dream not to as he was dangled and then dropped into Dream's mouth. Ranboo fough and squirmed, still bound by the web  as he was tossed around by Dream's tongue, before finally being swallowed down into the drider's storage stomach.
"Hey bossman."
Ranboo sighed, cringing as he was once again trapped with Tubbo and Tommy inside the giant spider human.
Right near his actual stomach.
With a stranger outside.
Ranboo's eyes shot open. "Shit."
The three boys yelled, suddenly thrown as Dream moved, jumping from somewhere and landing roughly. The boys could hear some sort of yelling outside and Dream talking, likely mocking the guy Ranboo had just helped him capture.
Ranboo squirmed enough to prop himself up against one of the walls, hopefully not the one that was against Dream's actual stomach, and looked to Tubbo and Tommy. "There... was a guy... he heard me yelling, and-" Ranboo felt something, no... someone fall behind him, the wall of Dream's storage stomach giving way for the much more useful actual organ. Ranboo threw himself away from the wall. "Crap! I'm sorry! I didn't-"
"What the fuck did you do to me?!" The man yelled. The teens could just barely see the man pressing his hands against the organ, trying to find where Ranboo was. "I try to help you, and you betray me?! You play bait and let everyone die in your place?!"
"Hey! It's you or us asshole! Don't blame us for wanting to live!" Tommy yelled back, trying to stand and intimidate someone who couldn't even see him.
"What- How many of you guys are there?!"
"There's three of us in here!" Tubbo replied, attempting to free Ranboo from the web he had been trapped in. "Look, we're... we didn't mean to! We just want to stay alive!"
The man was silent for a moment, before asking almost too quietly "Wait... if you guys are over there, where am I?"
The three boys fell silent. They had found out on day one what was on the other side of that side, after all, Dream did get another "Meal" that he saved the trio from. Dream had only brought them out that day to force feed them some of his own food, talking about how it was no different from eating a regular spider or a cow, and made sure they ate what he perceived to be enough before throwing them back into his storage stomach and eating some himself.
"Boys... where am I?!" The trio cowered away from the wall, still moving from the pressure the man was putting on the walls in an effort to find them. "Hello?!"
"You're... uh..." The trio and stranger yelled, the boys suddenly thrown against the one wall they didn't want to be anywhere near. Of course Dream had chosen now to rest on his stomach. He was probably relaxing in the sun.
"Ow! What the hell was that?!" The stranger yelled, squirming underneath the tangled trio.
"Oh god, oh god, oh god, oh god, oh god, oh god-"
Tubbo smacked Ranboo over the head. "Shut up! We're fine!"
"But he's not!" Ranboo yelled, motioning toward where the stranger was.
"He didn't need to know that!"
"He'd find out eventually!"
"Oh god... I'm going to die..."
"I'm sorry, I'm so, so sorry!" Ranboo finally broke down, burning tears streaming down his face. The tall teen curled in on himself, covering his ears as he tried to block out what he knew was coming sooner or later.
Then the thread on his leg was pulled.
Dream had tied a thread to one of each of the boy's legs, and somehow they never got tangled. He used them to pull whoever he wanted out of his storage stomach when he only wanted one. Dream glared at Ranboo, teeth clenched in anger. Sure enough, the drider was laying on his stomach in a sunny spot. Wow he was predictable.
"Would you four calm down? I'm trying to nap and you all moving around and punching is keeping me awake."
Ranboo could only stare, tears still falling from his eyes. "What? You... You're doing this on purpose!"
Dream's scowl suddenly turned to a smirk. "Well, I have to keep you three in line somehow. Tell me, do you want to join the stranger?" Dream asked, sickly sweet with a tilt of his head.
Ranboo frantically shook his head, "N-no! I'm sorry!"
Dream waved his free hand. "Relax. Just chill out and you'll have nothing to worry about. Got it?" Ranboo nodded. "Good, Do me a favor and Tell Tubbo and Tommy to chill as well, okay?" Another nod. "Good boy. Back you go." Dream praised before quickly swallowing Ranboo back into his storage stomach.
"What the hell was that about?" Tubbo yelled, trying to stand without stepping on the stranger.
Ranboo grabbed Tubbo and pulled him down, pulling Tommy and Tubbo to an area he hoped would be far enough from what was to come. "Dream wants us to calm down..." Ranboo let the sentence hang there. The other two boys knew what the silence meant.
"Calm down?! How can I calm down!? I'm going to be fucking digested by a shitty spider asshole!"
"Not you! Us!" Tommy yelled back, only to have Ranboo clamp a hand over his mouth, motioning for Tommy to be silent.
"You guys?! What are... Oh... I get it. Hey! Spider! Dealing with one is so much easier than dealing with three brats! Come on! I could convince others to come into the forest and bring you twice as many people as these three!"
"You son of a-" Ranboo grabbed Tubbo, slapping a hand over his mouth now and doing his best to keep Tubbo from moving too much.
"Tubbo, please!" Tommy hissed, pleading with the shortest boy to calm down.
"Come on! I've got no ties to this dumb town! They hired me to look for some lost kids! Three brats from the orphanage!"
Uh oh... The trio looked between each other. The headmaster knew they were missing and knew they went into the woods. "We're not getting out of here... ever..." Ranboo whispered, tightening his grip on Tubbo out of fear.
"Come on I- Holy shit ow! What the fuck?!"
The trio flinched. It had started. For the next hour, the trio was forced to listen to the adventurer yell and scream, plead for life, and slowly fall still. Sometimes Dream shifted and it threw the trio against the wall right where the stranger was. They were quick to scurry away, scattering to any direction they could that was "not here". The three were silent, and refused to move as it finally fell silent, aside from the gurgling on Dream's stomach as it dealt with metal and cloth.
Tommy and Tubbo seemed to be asleep, hands over ears and back-to-back as they sought any form of comfort from each other. Ranboo could only stare. He had killed that man, it was his fault. The thread on his leg was pulled, and he once again found himself fact-to-face with the giant drider.
"You did good today. But, maybe Tubbo would be better, he looks more like a child, you know. And like that guy said, I only need one-"
"No! I'll do better! Don't hurt either of them! Please!"
Dream hummed, rubbing his chin as he thought. "Well, what could you three offer me that I couldn't get from one?"
"Well... you get us alive and us putting in effort."
Dream stopped, frowning to glare at Ranboo. "What?"
"If you kill two of us, the one remaining isn't going to help you. And, even if you just kill one of us, the other two aren't going to help you either!"
Dream tapped his finger against his temple, humming quietly. "So, it's all or none?"
"Exactly." Ranboo hopped he sounded brave, he certainly didn't feel it.
Dream hummed again, shifting to sit up. Well, that certainly woke up Tubbo and Tommy. "Well, guess I can't do much about that. You do make it easier to get food, so guess I don't have a choice."
Ranboo smiled, breathing a sigh of relief. The trio was safe for now. That guy's attempts to remove them had failed. Ranboo yelped as he was thrown into the air and swallowed again. He had gotten used to this far too quickly.
"What now?" Tubbo hissed, clearly still worried about what had just happened.
"We're safe... for now at least." Ranboo stated, not moving from where he landed. He was exhausted.
"Unless he makes one of us immortal." Tommy stated, glancing up with worry. "I hear some forest beasts know how to do that."
Tubbo rolled his eyes, "That's an old wive's tale!"
So were the spider beasts Ranboo thought bitterly. So many stories from the orphanage came to mind as he lay there. Spider beasts, immortality, snake monsters, giant bird beasts, plants that mimic people. Ranboo sighed, slowly dozing off.
Wilbur looked out to the forest. His three charges were still missing. He had seen the broken window in Tommy's room and the footprints leading into the forest. Phil had warned him and his brother about the forest, and him and Techno had warned the children, but as the kids got older they got braver and would inevitably go into the forest. Wilbur let out a sigh. He had sent a hunter out to find them, and that guy still didn't return.
Then Wilbur saw him.
His heart stopped in terror as the giant drider stared at the orphanage from the forest, sickly smile plastered across its face as it tossed something towards the building. Wilbur ran to the side exit, tripping and stumbling in his desperate attempt to get there before the drider left.
"Woah! Wil! What's the rush?"
"Drider! The worst one!" Phil was suddenly running behind him, cursing under his breath as they ran out the door and towards the edge of the forest. It was gone. It was so silent and quick.
"Shit... we missed it. Aw fuck and it knows where the orphanage is now. Fuck! God, we need to get Techno, mate."
That made Phil freeze. Wilbur rarely called him Dad at this point. Phil turned, walking over to where Wilbur was crouched. Sitting there, on the ground, was a rather damp and partially melted bag. A familiar bag. "Holy shit..."
Wilbur stood, looking towards the city walls that were just past the orphanage. "We need more than Techno, we need a whole army." Wilbur cast one last look at the hunter's bag, kicking dirt over it to hide it from the children, The didn't need to know the stories were true.
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Paloma, Part II
Series Masterlist - Part I - Part II
Word count: 8900+
Rating: explicit, 18+ only
Outline: Statesman!Frankie "Catfish" Morales, Agent Jack “Whiskey” Daniels, and "You" (OC cis/het female reader, Statesman research analyst, code name “Paloma”; age 26; reader is “blank canvas”/no physical description/no use of “Y/N”)
Warnings: “plot bloat” (trying to get Paloma where she needs to go); fully legal age gap; curse words; alcohol; Whiskey acting like a bastard; a little sprinkling of angst; open-mouth kissing; protected P/V sex; some extra-soft!Frankie
On your third Monday at Statesman New York you led a planning meeting that should have been easy. Jack Daniels made it anything but.
The worst part was that you hadn't even been properly introduced yet. Where Champ had rolled out the red carpet for you at Louisville HQ, Whiskey was a phantom, too busy to meet with you during your first couple of weeks. That made what happened in the meeting even more humiliating.
You started by outlining the research that your team had gathered, the analysis that they had carefully done, and presented the options and outcomes. When you were done, Whiskey threw his copy of your report down on the table and said, "That's horseshit."
You felt your face heat with embarrassment, but you tried to hold your ground. "Excuse me?"
Jack waved his fingers dismissively, "That's alright, I'll excuse you. This isn't the kind of work I expected from our new 'hotshot' team lead. Why isn't there information about the facilities we'll be targeting?"
"There are no 'facilities' at this location, Agent. It's a one-and-done for a drop and extract. There's nothing to raid, nothing to seize, and nothing to see."
"Really?" He arched one eyebrow at you and rubbed his thumb over his lower lip. The sheer cockiness of it made you burn with irritation. "So how come the information we got last Friday tells us that there's a production facility the next block over? You really gonna send our agents halfway around the world without botherin' to target the facility next door?"
You froze. Was he correct? That didn't seem possible. How had your team missed that? You held his gaze with as much assertiveness as you could muster, trying to match his attitude so that you wouldn't appear to be weak. "I don't have information about any facilities."
He cracked a smirk, "Well then, you're not very good at your job, are you darlin'?"
You swallowed hard and tried not to let tears rise. How dare he talk down to you? What the hell was his problem? Another agent spoke up, saying that if new information had come in recently, then you could review it and reconvene later to discuss its impact. The meeting disbanded.
You felt like you had been sucker-punched, and you weren't sure if you wanted to flee to your office, or sit gripping the edge of the table and glare Whiskey down. You opted to stay, waiting for everyone else to file out. Finally it was just you and Whiskey left, sitting at the big conference table and having some kind of a stubborn staring contest. This was not how you wanted to start your new job.
"What the fuck is your problem with me?" You gritted the question out and held his gaze. You knew that cursing at a senior agent, not to mention the one who was the face of Statesman Whiskey and de facto head of the New York office, probably wasn't the wisest way to start your tenure... but neither was backing down and letting him roll right over you.
"Nothin' personal, darlin', but I can't let you give my agents incorrect or missing information. Your team should have known about the facilities at this location."
"It sure felt personal, Agent Whiskey. If you have a problem with my work, you take it up with me privately. I don't mind admitting when I've made a mistake, but it's shitty to treat people like that in front of others." You glared at him, trying to look as fierce as you could.
He finally looked away from you, and muttered something that might have been an apology.
"What's that, Agent Whiskey? I didn't quite hear you."
"I said, 'I'm sorry.' You're right. That was unfair of me."
Before you could stop yourself, you found acid on your tongue. "Well, well, the great Agent Whiskey lowers himself to apologize. No wonder you flash that charm at everything on two legs. Your manners can't stand on their own, can they?"
If you hadn't been so focused on gathering up your paperwork, you would have seen a flicker of hurt cross his face. Instead you stomped out of the conference room and thanked the stars that you hadn't cried. By the time you got back to your office, a cold ball of regret was starting to form just below your ribs. You prided yourself on being able to work effectively with everyone, and you were extremely proud of your track record at Statesman so far. Why hadn't you been less confrontational, or tried to smooth things over? Why had you jumped straight to a pissing contest?
"God, what an asshole!"
"I told you, he's kind of a lot to take." Ginger's voice on the other end of the phone came through calm and sweet, as she always was.
You spun your chair to lean back and stare up at the ceiling of your office, trying to keep tears from forming. "Ugh, he's such a colossal jackass. I cannot believe he tried to undermine me like that in the meeting. I could have strangled him!"
"Just stay out of his way as much as you can. I'm sure he'll calm down once he sees what kind of work your team produces. You're doing great."
"Yeah, well... not so great actually. It turns out he was right. There was a report on a facility that came through very late on Friday, and one of my analysts went home sick, so I didn't get it in time for the meeting. That's the worst part: he was right, the bastard."
"Oh, Paloma. I'm so sorry. I'm sure that stung."
You let out a deep sigh. "I'll be okay. I just hope I get the chance to catch him making a mistake, and then I'll shove it in his stupid face. Make him lap it up with that ridiculous mustache of his."
Ginger giggled. "As much as I'd like to imagine that with you, I gotta run. Call me later? I miss you!"
"I miss you, too. 'Bye."
You hung up and spun your chair around, coming face to face with the sight of Agent Whiskey leaning in your office doorway. His arms were crossed casually, one foot propped over the other, looking like he could stand there all day. Your stomach leapt into your throat and then dropped down to your shoes. How much had he heard?
"Oh, kill me now," you breathed.
"Not just yet, darlin’. We have work to do." He popped up from his perch in the doorway and took a seat in one of your visitors chairs.
"How can I help you?" You kept your tone respectful, although it verged on frosty.
"Well, we need to revise the mission plan to include the new intelligence. Then we need to have a talk about civility."
You arched an eyebrow. "Oh, civility? I see. What kind of ‘civility’ did you have in mind, Agent Whiskey?"
"Well, for one, you can call me Jack. And for two, I was comin’ down here to apologize again, but apparently there's something you'd like to shove in my face and have me lap up with my ridiculous mustache?" He twitched one eyebrow up, looking smug and amused by the double entendre.
You closed your eyes and suppressed a groan. Maybe this was a hallucination and you were still in bed at home. Or maybe you hadn't actually left Louisville. You cracked one eyelid open, finding Whiskey’s deep brown eyes still on you. You decided to try to be the bigger person and smooth things over.
"I'm sorry. I was venting to a friend, and obviously that wasn't intended for your ears."
"Well now, I’m a big boy. I've heard worse and survived."
"I apologize. I let myself get irritated by your behavior in the meeting. It wasn't professional, and it won't happen again."
"Well, for my part, if I think you've made an error, I'll be sure to talk with you privately instead of calling you out in front of the team. Deal?" He stuck one broad, well-manicured hand out to shake.
You reached your own out somewhat reluctantly, then warmed to it, feeling how large and soft his hand was when it wrapped around your fingers. "Deal."
He gave your hand one final squeeze. An involuntary tingle ran up your arm, and you found yourself wondering whether he was as talented with his hands as he was smart with his mouth. Oh god, what was wrong with you?
You cleared your throat and pulled your hand away, trying not to jerk it back like he’d burned you.
“I’ll, um, I’ll have my team revise the mission plan to include the new intelligence, and then we’ll reconvene tomorrow. Sound good?”
“Sounds fine, darlin’.” He winked at you and you felt something flutter just below your navel.
Despite the conciliatory conversation with Whiskey, you still felt awkward and hurt, not to mention confused by some of the warmer feelings that had popped up uninvited. You spent the next six weeks trying to fly low and avoid Whiskey. You sent your senior analyst as your replacement for every meeting that you possibly could, and when you did have to attend them you timed your entrances and exits so that you wouldn't be in the conference room any longer than necessary. You transferred reports to Whiskey's office electronically, and when a hand-delivery was required you sent whoever happened to be closest to you. It worked great. You hadn't said more than "hello" and "goodbye" to Whiskey in so long, you were starting to feel like maybe you had escaped the awkwardness, the horrific start to your time in New York. It felt like a bad dream from another era.
One late Thursday afternoon, your plan fell apart. You got a request from Whiskey's assistant for a hard-copy file, and the entire office suite was empty. Each of your team members was off doing other things or had left early. You avoided it as long as you could, running to the ladies room to pee and then lingering in the hallway outside your office, just in case someone from your staff came back. After 10 long minutes you realized that you were "it" and that nobody was going to come save you. You sighed and trudged to the elevator. It seemed to move too quickly, depositing you at Whiskey's floor in no time flat.
As you rounded the corner you saw that Whiskey's assistant was gathering her things to leave for the day. After one too many disasters with "pretty young things," Champ had put his foot down and assigned someone to Whiskey who would keep him on the straight and narrow. Mary was what you called a "motherly hard-ass," while Ginger called her a “saint.” Mary had worked for Statesman almost as long as Champ, and she knew her stuff inside and out. Most importantly, she was completely immune to Whiskey's flirtations. He had tried once or twice to charm her, but after finding that her warm exterior concealed a brick wall of professionalism and a razor-sharp wit, he had relented.
"Hi Mary!" You kept your voice cheerful and light, trying to hide the twisting in your gut. "Here's the file he requested."
"Hi Paloma, you can go on in." Mary smiled wryly, "He actually asked to see you if you showed up. Sorry, kiddo, you're a lamb to the slaughter." She patted your back in sympathy.
Your shoulders slumped, "Ugh." Just as you were about to air your disgust in stronger words, Whiskey's door opened.
"Paloma! Glad to see you, darlin'. Come on in."
You shot Mary one last look, pleading for reprieve. She patted your shoulder and bid Whiskey a good night.
You forced your legs to move, and when you got inside Whiskey's office you perched on the edge of the sofa in the visitors area. Whiskey preferred to entertain visitors away from his desk, so he had a cozy corner of the office set up with two large chairs, a coffee table, and a black leather sofa that seemed to take up half the room.
You tossed the file on the table and spoke in a monotone that bordered on rude. "Brought you the file. Need anything else?"
Whiskey gestured to the bar cart. "Can I get you a drink, darlin'?"
"No." You shook your head. "But thank you."
Whiskey shrugged and poured himself something amber in a small glass. You couldn't take your eyes off his hands as they deftly maneuvered around the glassware and ice bucket. They reminded you a little of Frankie's hands: strong and thick, sure and precise in their movements. But where Frankie's hands were warm, work-worn and calloused, Whiskey's were primped and clean, just as manicured as his sharply tailored suits and slick mustache. You bit the inside of your lip to bring yourself back to reality before your brain could wander any farther down the path of what Whiskey's hands could do.
You focused your gaze on the file on the coffee table and waited. Whiskey settled himself into the big chair closest to your end of the couch.
"Paloma, darlin'. Thanks for coming up."
You cringed internally and tried to screw up the courage to ask him to just call you Paloma. The nickname of "darlin'" was starting to grate. For a moment you weren't sure if it was because you found it unprofessional or because you wanted to hear it more. Shit. What was wrong with you?
"What can I do for you, Agent Whiskey?"
"Please, call me Jack."
"What can I do for you?" You refused to give in, drawing your mental line in the sand. You could have a whole conversation with him without calling him Jack, couldn't you?
"Well now, I was hoping we could finally chat a bit - outside of a meeting, that is. You've been here almost two months and I'm sorry that I haven't taken the time to get to know you better." He winked.
You suppressed an eye roll and pursed your lips. "What would you like to know?"
You weren't going to make this easy for him, you decided. If he wanted information beyond your resume, or even a friendly conversation, he would have to work for it. You weren't simply going to open up like a flower under the sunshine of his charm.
"Well, I understand you're from Louisville. Beautiful place." He leaned forward in his chair, resting his elbows on his knees, trying to close the space between you.
"Yes." You scooted all the way to the back of the sofa and crossed your arms, somewhat amused at the difficulty you were giving him. He hadn't expressed any displeasure yet, but you were certain that he was going to get frustrated sooner or later.
"Well, darlin' I had no idea that we were growin' them so smart down there, not to mention so pretty. If I'd known, I would have lured you up here to the big city a lot sooner." He looked like he was about to wink again, or try to devour you.
"Is that so?" God, he was really buttering you up, wasn't he? You crossed one leg over the other, keeping your arms crossed over your chest for good measure.
"Yes, it is. I was awfully impressed by your analysis on the Rex Smith case ‘bout a year ago. I had no clue there were that many shell companies in the mix. I would've thought three, maybe four, tops. But you found thirteen!"
Your jaw dropped a little at that. Not only had he seen your work on your first case as Assistant Director in Louisville, but he had reviewed the case file thoroughly, remembered such a tiny detail, and was also giving you credit? You were starting to think that you had underestimated Agent Whiskey. His charm and sass were legendary, but you now realized that those traits didn’t indicate anything missing in the brains department.
He smirked at your reaction and teased you gently. "Better watch that mouth, darlin'. You're liable to catch a few flies if you don't close it."
Goddamn him. You closed your mouth and tried not to sulk. You didn't like making mistakes, especially not such idiotic ones. If you weren't careful, he was going to knock you on your ass.
"Can I get you that drink now, darlin'?"
"No, thank you. I need to get going." You uncrossed your legs and stood up. Whiskey stood at the same time, and you found yourself entirely too close to him, your bodies just inches apart as you tried to negotiate your exit from the seating area. Something warm that smelled like cedar and smoky bourbon was emanating off of him, and you were certain it was from the expensive side of the cologne department. His coffee-brown eyes held yours, and you caught yourself staring at him while your brain sent you panicky messages to, “Move! Speak! Leave!”
Whiskey let the moment hang, seeming to enjoy every second that passed like torture for you. His eyes were twinkling so hard you thought you saw sparks. You heard yourself exhale a breath that was far more shaky than you would have preferred. He put his hand out to shake yours, and you found yourself imagining what would happen if you bypassed the polite gesture and wrapped your arms and legs around him, knocked him to the floor and kissed that stupid mustache right off his face.
Instead, you reached out to shake his hand and accidentally brushed the front of his hip, just an inch from his crotch.
"Oh my GOD! That was an accident. I'm so sorry, I'm sorry!" You scrunched your eyes closed and buried your face in your hands. Mortification consumed you as you heard Whiskey guffaw. You felt like you were going to die of embarrassment, and you were pissed off that it wasn't a real possibility. Death would have been extremely welcome.
Whiskey put his hands on your shoulders and squeezed. His laughter died down to a soft wheeze. "Hey, look at me."
You dared a glance through your fingers. His eyes twinkled and his white teeth still showed in a wide smile. "I'm sorry I laughed, I know it was an accident. You weren't trying to take advantage."
You moaned and Whiskey chuckled again. "It's alright, darlin'. You didn't break anything."
“Argh! I’m so sorry. That’s the most embarrassing thing I’ve ever done.”
“It’s okay, I didn’t think anything of it.” He pulled you gently toward him, and you did something you never imagined possible: you let him wrap you into a hug.
“I’ll forget it if you will, darlin’.” His deep voice rumbled against your body and you felt yourself melting a little. Tears of embarrassment pricked at your eyes.
You sniffed and pulled back. Whiskey let you go, but kept one hand on your elbow. He looked at you warmly and smiled. “Really, darlin’. Don’t think anything of it.”
You found yourself staring into his dark brown eyes, warm and shiny with humor. The mood shifted almost imperceptibly, turning him magnetic. Something in you snapped and you wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him.
Whiskey hummed a surprised noise against your lips for a moment, then opened his mouth to let you in. His mustache was softer than it looked, and hardly tickled at all as you wrestled each other for satisfaction. You found yourself tumbling down to the couch. Whiskey lay over you with one strong arm wrapped around your lower back, keeping you pressed close against him. His lips and tongue were eager and searching, and you responded in kind, nibbling his plush lower lip and flicking your tongue across the back of his top teeth. The taste of his liquor intermingled with the scent of his cologne, and it sent your senses reeling. He tasted and smelled and felt so good, and you wanted to stay there and drink him in forever.
Your lips parted from Whiskey’s and you took a gulp of air, looking into his brown-black eyes above you. The inrush of oxygen kicked your brain into gear and you felt cold; both from the absence of Whiskey's mouth on yours and from the dose of harsh reality that washed over you. This was wrong... wasn't it? As good as it felt, it wasn't right to make out with the boss in his office, after hours, on a couch for God's sake. What the hell were you thinking?
"Oh, shit!" You shoved Whiskey's shoulders up and away, rolling him toward the back of the couch as you slithered out from underneath him. You landed on the floor, then crouched and stood up. Whiskey shifted on the sofa, turning to lay face up on the plush leather and folding his arms behind his head. His grin hovered somewhere between 'Cheshire cat' and 'kid let loose in a candy store.' You groaned at the sight while irritation and the desire to flop back down on top of him fought equally within you.
"Well now, darlin'. You need to be off somewhere?"
"Yes. This was not a good idea." You waved your hands in front of you as if you were trying to erase a blackboard. "I think I need to leave."
"Feel free to come back anytime, darlin'. I'll be right here."
You took three swift steps toward the door and then spun to face him. "I need you to stop calling me 'darlin''. My name here is Paloma."
He cocked one eyebrow at you as you continued. "And another thing, Agent Whiskey: this never happened."
Before he could respond you yanked his office door open and jogged to the elevator. What the hell was wrong with you?
"Ginger, you have got to help me. I don't know what's wrong with me." You shuddered out a breath as you kicked your shoes off and sat down at your kitchen table. At your elbow was the biggest drink you could pour without causing a hangover.
"Are you okay? What happened?"
You gulped. "I kissed him."
"What?! Why?"
"I don't know! I just... I was in his office and he was standing really close to me and then I went to go shake his hand but I accidentally touched his crotch and..." you trailed off as Ginger laughed. "It's not funny, it's embarrassing!"
She giggled at you. "That sounds kind of funny. You'll laugh about it later."
"I won't. I wanted to die of embarrassment, but then he was so nice about it and he was looking at me softly and I just- I kissed him! What the hell is wrong with me?"
"Try not to worry too much. You're not the first lady to make that mistake and you won't be the last. He'll forget about you as soon as someone else catches his eye.”
"Yeah, I know." You weren't sure if being one in a long string of women made you feel better or worse.
"… although it does seem like you have a ‘type’ now.”
“Well he is tall, dark, and handsome. If he weren’t such a jackass I’d say he reminds me of Frankie.”
“Oh, hell no. That is not a fair comparison. They’re nothing alike.”
“You’re right, Frankie was a gem. Listen, just avoid Whiskey and keep your eyes on your work. He'll forget about you and it'll be like it never happened. And as irritating as he is, I know he's not a gossip. Don't worry, this won't get around."
You threw back your head and let out a long breath. "Okay. You're right. All I have to do is my job."
"That's right. And you're really good at your job, Pal. Don't let this derail you, okay?"
"Okay. Thanks, Gin. I appreciate it."
"No problem. Listen, I have to go, but I wanted to tell you that I’ll be coming to New York next week. I have to do some training with, uh, a consultant. And when I’m done we can have a girl’s dinner out, okay? Just try to have a good weekend."
"Thanks, I will. You too."
You sighed and finished your drink. The idea of calling in sick tomorrow floated up, and you seriously considered it. But you had already spent six weeks avoiding Whiskey, and your integrity wouldn’t let you call out without a good reason. You could make it one day until the weekend, right?
You awoke Friday morning with a pounding headache and a cotton-dry mouth. You were dreading going to work, but duty called. You showered and dressed as slow as you dared, and found yourself dragging into the office only 15 minutes late. Fortunately, there was enough work to keep you distracted, and at your 10:00 department heads meeting you found out that Whiskey was out of the office for the day. Relief washed over you, and you suddenly felt lighter. You could survive until the weekend without worrying.
The rest of your day was uneventful until around 4:00, when an assistant brought you a vase of fresh flowers that had been delivered to reception. You frowned and looked for a card. The arrangement was beautiful, featuring dark yellow daisy-shaped flowers with fuzzy chocolate brown centers, and pinky-purple blooms shaped like bottle brushes. Both types looked oddly familiar. You leaned closer to examine them as your brain twisted in confusion. Were those...? No way... orange coneflowers and dense blazing stars? Who the heck would send you an arrangement of Kentucky wildflowers? Mom? It wasn't your birthday yet.
You felt an icy ball of lead punch you in the stomach as you opened the notecard: "Even though nothing happened, I had a hell of a time. Hope to see you again. -Jack"
That motherfucker.
Just as you were about to sweep the flowers into the trash, there was a heavy knock on your doorway. You looked up, and your emotions spun from anger to elation so fast you almost threw up. Frankie stood in your doorway, looking soft and rumpled in a plaid flannel shirt with the sleeves rolled up, his sweet curls escaping the same well-loved baseball cap he always wore.
"Frankie!?" You leapt out of your chair and practically ran to him. He swept you up in a bear hug and pulled you six inches off the ground. "Oh my God, Frankie, I'm so glad to see you!"
"Hey, Paloma. I missed you. How's the big promotion? They make you head of the New York office yet?" His deep voice rumbled into your ear softly, and you laughed with joy. You never wanted to let go.
Frankie set you down and broke the embrace, and you immediately grabbed his hand and guided him to one of your visitors chairs. You took a seat in the chair next to him, turning it to face him and get as close as you dared without looking too desperate.
"Oh my gosh, what are you doing here?"
"I'm doing a quick consulting job for Statesman, helping Ginger train a few folks for an extraction. I have to work on the project Monday and Tuesday, and then I'll be in town until Saturday as a tourist. I took the whole week off, so I don't need to be back in Florida until next Sunday." He smiled broadly at you.
You felt your own face split into a wide grin. "Do you need a tour guide? I've been here two whole months. I can show you my favorite coffee shop and we could go to a few museums."
He smiled warmly back at you, and you felt like you had been wrapped in the world's softest blanket. "I'd like that. Statesman gave me an apartment for the week. Should be close by, if you don't mind showing me where it is?" He pulled a slip of paper out of his wallet and read the address.
You threw your head back and cackled.
"What's so funny?"
"That's my apartment! Statesman owns a few units in the same building." You grabbed the piece of paper from his hand to read the apartment number. "You're literally one floor below me for the week."
He grinned. "Well, shit. If I'd known that, I would’ve just told them to let me bunk with you."
You frowned and handed the paper back. "Wouldn't your girlfriend be upset with that?"
Frankie looked down at his shoes. "She's, uh, not my girlfriend anymore. We broke up."
"Oh, Catfish. I'm so sorry." You reached out to squeeze his forearm, and the feel of his warm skin over ropey muscles made you tingle. You vividly remembered how much you used to love grabbing those forearms as he pounded into you, how good they felt wrapped around you in the shower, how strong and safe Frankie felt at all times. You pulled your hand back and cleared your throat.
Frankie stood. "Listen, I gotta take care of a few things this afternoon, but can we go to dinner later? Nothing fancy, if you know anyplace I can go dressed like this," he gestured to his worn jeans and work boots.
"Unless, uh,” he pointed to the flowers on your desk. “Is there a boyfriend who would be mad if I took you out?"
You stood and smiled, biting your lip. "No. There’s no boyfriend, and I'd love to go to dinner. I'll come down to your apartment and pick you up at 7:00? 7:30?"
"Seven is perfect." He hugged you, and the smell of him spun you right back to Louisville. Frankie smelled like clean cotton and hard work, with a faint whiff of mechanic's grease just under the scent of his laundry soap and Old Spice deodorant. You used to tease Frankie about his habit of buying the same deodorant that he’d been using since junior high, but he always swatted you away with a, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” Now the scent of it made you want to buy every package in the world and always have the smell around you.
When you broke the embrace it was so hard to let go, to not lean in for a kiss like you used to. He seemed to feel it, too, lingering just a moment longer with his arms wrapped around you and smiling wistfully as you finally pulled apart. You wanted to stay in his arms for hours, maybe even stow away on his flight back to Florida.
“I’ll see you at seven, Paloma.”
You felt your goofy grin reappear. “Okay. I’m so glad you’re here, Catfish.”
The hours until dinner crawled, and you spent more time than you thought wise trying to get ready. You showered and put on your nicest outfit, which was really just the all-black, most-recently-purchased version of your normal work clothes. Your job at Statesman didn’t call for anything very dressy, so you hadn’t expanded your wardrobe beyond work staples. Still, you spent entirely too long arranging your hair, sweeping it one way and then the other, trying to figure out what jewelry to wear, and then changing your hair again for the third time. You were contemplating another shoe change when your phone alarm went off, warning you that it was five minutes to 7:00. Oh, well, too late to change anything now. You brushed your teeth frantically and hoped Frankie wouldn’t care.
You floated down the stairwell and found yourself grinning idiotically as you rapped at Frankie’s door. He opened it looking exactly the same as he had at 4:00 that afternoon, and you chastised yourself internally for trying to dress up. Your irritation turned to pride, however, when Frankie looked you up and down with a low whistle.
“Jeez, Paloma, you look fantastic. Should I change?” He looked worried.
“No, you look fine! We’re not going anywhere fancy, I promise. I don’t know why I changed clothes, it was silly.”
“No, you look amazing.” He opened his arms for a hug. You felt warmth rush to your face as you leaned in. Frankie was always so eager to please and to compliment you, to make you feel good. You had missed him so much.
The walk to dinner was easy, conversation bouncing between the two of you as you made your way to the restaurant. Frankie filled you in on everything going on in Florida, about his friends and his parents and his job. You spoke enthusiastically about your new position and how much you loved New York. You decided not to share information about either one of your run-ins with Agent Whiskey.
Dinner passed in a swirl of giggles and wine and good food. Frankie made you laugh so hard you almost choked twice, and before you knew it, nearly three hours had passed.
“Frankie, I think the restaurant is going to kick us out if we don’t scoot soon. Do you want to go walk around a little bit?”
He drained his water glass and nodded. “Yeah, where to?”
“We can window shop down the street, and there’s a cute little park nearby.” You arched one eyebrow at him, “Wanna go play on the swings?”
He laughed and nodded. “Yes, let’s do that.”
You fought Frankie for the bill before letting him win. “Okay, but the next one is on me, Catfish.”
When you emerged into the summer night, you both took a deep breath, trying to clear your heads of the alcohol haze. You weren’t drunk, just pleasantly buzzed and a little silly. Without thinking, you tucked your arm into Frankie’s and snuggled yourself against him as you wandered along. Store windows were lit up against the dark, and you stopped here and there to look and giggle at displays.
You paused in front of an antique store. The window behind the bars was lined in red velvet, and on each of the little red display pillows sat a piece of vintage jewelry.
You were quietly gazing at an enamel bracelet and a sparkly tiara when Frankie’s voice broke the silence.
“You ever want one of those?”
“A tiara? No. I mean, it might be fun for a hot bubble bath, but I can’t exactly wear it to work.”
“No,” he nudged your arm and tilted his chin toward the far left side of the store window. “An engagement ring.”
You froze and suddenly couldn’t breathe. Your eyes shifted to a sparkly, square-cut sapphire ring sitting on the smallest pillow. You couldn’t form rational thoughts, and you weren’t sure exactly what kind of answer Frankie was expecting.
“I mean- uh, I guess I never thought about it. I haven’t seen anyone since we-” you swallowed hard. “I’ve been single since we broke up.”
You couldn’t bring yourself to look at him, and when he didn’t respond right away you found yourself filling the silence with nervous chatter. “I mean, I tried dating but it never went past a second date, and I don’t know anyone who would propose that early, and anyway I just- I mean I didn’t think- and you left so I didn’t…” you trailed off, realizing that you weren’t making any sense.
Frankie’s voice was low and serious. “I thought about it.”
That broke the spell and you turned to face him. “You thought about it? About me?”
He looked at you, almost shy. “Yeah, I thought about it a couple of months after we started dating. But with your job and my work, and… Well, you know what happened. You were there, same as I was.” He reached out a hand to cup your chin. “I was sorry it didn’t work out for us.”
You sighed and melted into him, “Oh, Frankie.”
He wrapped both arms around your shoulders as you gripped his waist. Your mouths found each other in the dark as if your last kiss had been yesterday. Frankie was warm and solid and familiar, and you found yourself aching to hang on to him, to keep him there with you for as long as you could.
You stood on the sidewalk together for what seemed like hours, exploring each other and passing silent messages back and forth with your lips and tongues and teeth. Slow swirls of the tip of his tongue around yours told you he missed you, and the tiny nips you bit against his bottom lip conveyed an urgency, a need that you couldn't express in words. You found your fingers entwined in his belt loops, pulling him as close as you could, mimicking the kind of connection that really required nakedness and absolute vulnerability together.
You turned sideways to loop your arm around his waist and walk unsteadily back to your apartment building, stealing kisses again and again as you strolled, then paused, then continued on your way. The trip took twice as long as it should have, but neither you nor Frankie was willing to break apart for longer than it took to step down off a curb or glance at a walk signal. You just kept kissing, drunk on each other and wanting more and more; silently cursing the fact that the apartment was still so far away, but reveling in the moments that you could seize right now to embrace each other as you walked.
When you reached your block, you murmured against Frankie’s mouth. “Do you have anything? I don’t have any protection at home.”
He cursed softly, “Shit. No, I didn’t bring…” He didn’t get a chance to finish his sentence as you kissed him again.
“Don’t worry, that’s why I asked. There’s a drugstore right here.”
“I always knew-” he kissed you softly, “... that you were smarter than me.”
You giggled against his mouth and wrapped your arms around his neck. “You’re the one who can fly helicopters. I just stare at data reports all day.”
You walked into the pharmacy holding hands and made it through the checkout line in record time, urgently kissing again when you reached the sidewalk, navigating the final dozen or so yards to your building.
The elevator ride consisted of one long kiss, broken only by Frankie’s urgent, “Mine or yours?” You murmured, “Mine,” and pressed the button for your floor, folding yourself back into his arms. You unlocked your front door while Frankie held you from behind and peppered kisses down your ear and cheek and jaw, distracting you as you fumbled with your keys. When you finally got the door open, you tumbled inside together and slammed the door shut.
Now that you were someplace private, you could undress, fumbling against one another as you struggled to open buttons and zippers and bra clasps in between kisses; to continue your soft caresses while you kicked shoes and pants off and away. Finally you were both standing, wearing only underwear while you continued to embrace. You pulled away from Frankie and picked up the box of condoms where it had dropped, then you took his hand and led him to your bedroom.
You tumbled onto the bed together and continued the makeout session that had started miles away and what seemed like an eternity ago in front of the antique store window. Frankie’s strokes along your ribcage and thighs were light and almost ticklish, so familiar that you wanted to cry. You had no expectations of getting back together and attempting a long-distance relationship, but he was here right now. And that was good, right? It was familiar and lovely and sweet.
Frankie hadn’t changed a bit since you parted 10 months ago, except for a few more grays in his beard and one or two more crinkles when he smiled. You ached and ached for him, even though he was right on top of you, kissing you and touching you and murmuring your name. Your brain kept raising the idea of what would happen in a week when he had to leave, or what might have happened a year ago if Statesman hadn’t demanded so much from both of you. The knowledge that you had missed becoming Frankie’s wife because of shitty circumstances, combined with the threat of losing him again in just a few days time punched you in the throat, and a sob escaped your lips as tears sprang to your eyes.
“What’s wrong, babe? Did I hurt you?” Frankie looked you over, rolling to one side to examine your face with a worried scowl. He propped himself up on one elbow and hovered over you.
“No, I’m just-” You sniffed back another sob. “I just wasn’t expecting to see you, and I’m so glad you’re here. It’s just a lot, that’s all.”
He brushed a tear from your cheek. “We don’t have to do this right now; not if you don’t want to. I didn’t come here with the expectation that you would jump back into bed with me.”
Your heart leapt at that. Same old sweet Frankie, doing everything he could to treat you tenderly, to care for you. You knew that if you tried to explain everything you were feeling, he would probably take it personally. Frankie hated to see you hurting, and doubly so if he thought he was the one who had caused it.
“I might just need a minute. I’m okay, I promise. It’s just been a weird week.”
You decided to joke, to lighten the mood and try to ease Frankie’s worry. “My old boyfriend is back in town, and I just found out that I missed out on him being my husband, and I also kind of kissed my boss yesterday, so I’m not in a real ‘steady’ place right now.”
Frankie frowned at that. “You kissed Bill?”
“Oh, no! No, not my boss-boss.” You paused, unsure of whether or not Frankie would hate you for your next words. “I kissed Agent Whiskey.”
Frankie’s eyebrows nearly leapt off his forehead, but he didn’t sit up or let go of you. He didn’t run out of the room screaming. “Is there something I should know?”
“It was a mistake. I was in his office and I accidentally touched his crotch-” Frankie’s eyebrows raised another impossible inch as you continued, “Truly an accident, a horrible, embarrassing accident. And then I think I just felt really vulnerable and lonely and I kissed him.”
Frankie nodded. “It happens, I guess.” He looked at you tenderly. “Although I’ve never kissed my boss. He always has food in his beard.” You erupted in giggles and tucked your face against Frankie’s chest. He stroked your arm and shoulder, laughing against your hair.
Your giggles subsided, and you rolled away from Frankie, laying on your stomach and folding your arms under your chin. You sighed and turned your face to him. “I am glad you’re here, though. I really missed you.” You paused, trying to formulate your next words.
“It took me a long time to get over you, and I’m honestly not sure I ever did. If we hadn’t both had so much work and conflicting schedules, if things had been different-” Frankie leaned over and cut you off with a soft kiss.
“You don’t have to tell me how things could have been different.” He stroked your temple. “After we broke up I just couldn’t handle working around you. I didn’t hate you, I just had to leave. It hurt too much to stay.”
“I’m sorry, Frankie.”
“No, don’t apologize. It wasn’t you, it wasn’t me, it was just life.” Frankie leaned over and kissed your cheek, stroking your back with feather-light touches, raising goosebumps as silence settled over the both of you.
His touch felt amazing, conjuring electricity where his fingers met your skin. Tingles started to form in your pelvis and you found your breath shuddering in time with Frankie’s caresses. You sat up and moved to straddle him, entwining your fingers with his and pinning his hands to the bed next to his ears.
Neither one of you spoke as you rolled your hips gently on his and stole kiss after kiss, feeling his erection grow and press harder against your vulva, still separated by the fabric of both your underwear and his. Finally you broke your grip on his hands and Frankie reached up to cup your breasts. You arched your back to press yourself into his palms, and your nipples stiffened with the friction and the heat of his touch. You grabbed the backs of his hands and pressed them harder against you, as if you could multiply the sensations that were zipping through your body.
You leaned down for another kiss and then swung your leg off and over him. You stood next to the bed and pulled your panties off, then reached over Frankie to grip his waistband. He lifted his hips to assist you, and when his cock sprung free you nearly gasped at how much you missed him and missed this, the intimacy and the raw electricity and the closeness. You reached out to stroke his length a few times, running the pad of your thumb gently up the underside and over his slit. He was damp there, but not leaking yet, and you let go only to grab the box of condoms and rip it open.
“Here,” you handed him a foil packet and let him put it on. When he was covered you gripped him again and gave him three firm, slow pumps, pulling a moan out of the deepest part of his chest. You straddled him again and hovered over him, making eye contact as you lined up to insert him, taking him into the most intimate part of you. He stroked one large hand from your knee to your ass, then cupped both cheeks and pulled you slightly apart to help guide him in. You closed your eyes and let out a soft hiss as he entered. Everything felt so good and familiar, like no time had passed at all, like he had never left.
When you were fully seated on him, you placed your palms on his shoulders for leverage, watching with delight as the tendons in his neck flexed and his Adam’s apple bobbed, veins throbbing on either side of his beautiful throat as you rode him. He reached one hand down to thumb your clit, pressing and petting it and drawing whimpers from you as the pleasure swelled within you. Neither one of you spoke as you gazed into each other, moving together in a practiced rhythm, increasing the pace and the tempo and the force until you were shaking the whole bed. Then your head spun and you found yourself crying out his name as you climaxed around him. You slumped over him and buried your face in his neck, that gorgeous soft crook between his throat and his shoulder. He braced his feet and thrust up into you. Chills wracked your body as you squeezed and fluttered around his cock. He grunted and clenched his jaw, “I’m coming.” And then he pulled you closer and froze, holding you there as he filled the condom. When he relaxed his thighs and arms, you reached down and gripped the base of the condom to keep it on him as you rolled sideways and off.
You both lay staring at the ceiling, recovering your breath, trying to remember where you were and why anything outside of your shared pleasure mattered.
Frankie stayed at your apartment all weekend. The two of you kissed and caressed, showered and fucked, made breakfasts and dinners, watched movies and slept curled together, until you almost forgot how much you had missed each other, almost forgot the fact that he would have to leave.
On Monday you and Frankie walked to the office together and kissed at the front desk, parting ways for the day. You ran into Ginger in the hallway and squealed and gave her a hug. She smiled at you and wiggled her eyebrows. “Did you see who our consultant is for this project?”
“Yes! He came by my office on Friday and we went to dinner.” You leaned over to lower your voice and murmur, “And we spent all weekend together.”
Ginger laughed and you grinned and rolled your eyes. “It’s nice. I don’t know if we’re ‘back together’ or anything, but I’ll have fun hanging out with him while he’s here.”
Ginger bit her lip, “I’m glad. I know you guys really missed each other, but I’m happy you can see him while he’s here.”
“Me, too.”
You and Ginger made plans to have lunch together that afternoon, and your mood was light as you entered your office. It dampened a bit when you saw the flowers from Whiskey that were still sitting there. And it dropped further when you saw a note from one of your staff saying that Whiskey had requested that you come see him when you arrived this morning. You decided that you would just have to treat him like nothing had happened, and keep your head up. After all, you were on cloud nine with Frankie in town, so what’s the worst that could happen?
You found Mary’s desk empty, so you squared your shoulders and knocked on Whiskey’s door. He could try to irritate you all he wanted, but you were going to be cool as a cucumber.
When he opened the door, Whiskey grinned at you and motioned you in. You opted to stand next to his desk with your arms crossed. If this was business, you would keep it businesslike. He walked up to you and raised an eyebrow, still grinning like a fool.
You looked at him and frowned. What was his deal?
He started the conversation cryptically, “Well?”
“Well what?”
“Did you get my flowers?”
You opted for the driest tone you could, “Yes. Thank you.”
He nodded, “Good. Listen, darlin’-”
You interrupted him. “Paloma.”
“Right, Paloma. I’d love to take you out to dinner sometime and apologize again for behaving like a jackass in that meeting a few weeks back.” He placed both of his large, warm hands on your arms and squeezed. “If we could see our way clear to some kind of understanding, I think I’d like it very much if we could-” a knock on his door cut him off.
Mary opened it and stuck her head in. “Agent Whiskey? I have the consultant here for your 9:00 meeting.”
Whiskey hissed out a breath and sounded disappointed. “Right.”
You pounced on the opportunity to escape. “I’ll just get going.”
Mary opened the door all the way and Frankie walked halfway in, freezing at the sight of you and Whiskey standing so close together. Guilt creeped up, even though you had no reason to feel that way, and you fought the urge to apologize to Frankie.
You and Agent Whiskey spoke at the same time, words jumbling together as Frankie approached to shake hands with Whiskey.
“Hi, Agent Whiskey. You can call me Ja-”
“Frankie, hi. I was just-”
“Oh, do you two already know-”
“We used to-”
You found yourself standing next to them as they shook hands and sized each other up. Your own discomfort was so strong that you almost didn’t notice that they were jostling each other as if they were fighting for dominance. A strange energy settled over the three of you as they stared at each other. If you didn’t know any better, you would have said it felt like they were fighting over you.
“Whiskey, this is Frankie Morales. He and I used to work-” Frankie cut you off, something he normally would never do, and his next words mortified you.
“Paloma and I used to date when we worked together in Louisville.”
You groaned. You weren’t embarrassed that you had dated Frankie, but the less information Whiskey had about your personal life, the better.
“Is that so? Well, I didn’t know that.” Whiskey’s voice was as smooth as the leather on his couch, and he cocked an eyebrow at you. Instead of irritating you, it had the effect of sending a flutter to your crotch. You gulped, hard.
Whiskey turned back to Frankie. “Any big plans while you’re here in New York?”
“Paloma and I are going out.”
“We’re what?” Your voice was louder than you had meant it to be and both men turned to look at you. You felt stunned by the double gaze, the two pairs of dark brown eyes, the strong noses and lovely mouths; features so similar to one another now that you saw them together. Maybe Ginger was right, maybe you did have a “type.”
Your brain did a somersault, throwing up the most shocking and simultaneously wonderful idea, and you wished you could banish the thought back to whatever delicious hellhole it had sprung from. You almost burst into tears, thinking that the stress of your job had finally broken your brain. Under normal circumstances, the idea and all of its implications would have been curious, but under the current circumstances it was absolutely ridiculous. The absurd, impossible word had popped into your head entirely uninvited: “Threesome.”
Frankie and Whiskey stared at you for three long, agonizing seconds, then they both spoke the same word at the same time.
“Oh, shit. Did I say that out loud?” ---
"Paloma" Series Masterlist Just-here-for-the-moment’s masterlist
Tag list: (Please message me if you're on here and don't want to be!)
@honeymandos @driedgreentomatoes @silverwolf319 @mourningbirds1 @honestly-shite @anaaaispunk @greeneyedblondie44 @spacedilf @maxwell–lord @nicolethered @dihra-vesa @the-queen-of-fools @juletheghoul @anxiousandboujee
84 notes · View notes
quietmyfearswith · 3 years
thorned flowers ; andy barber x fem!reader
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status — completed oneshot
word count —8,528  words
summary — in which andy barber mourns the loss of his family, until he finds another reason to be hopeful for the future.
warnings —SMUT, DARK THEMES, stalking, drugging (like putting some fertility things in their food and drink, oral (female receiving), unprotected penetrative sex, andy being sad, SOFT!DARK!ANDY, dubious pregnancy/breeding
pairing — soft!dark!andy barber x fem!florist!reader
a/n — DNI IF YOU ARE UNDER 18!,, this is my entry for @imanuglywombat​‘s “is that even a sex position” challenge. and the certain position was the special breakfast(you can find it liked in the smut part)... anyway here is the second oneshot for my folklore series! next is either a oneshot for the same series or a preference... feedback is appreciated!
tagging — @la-cey​ @pedropcl​ @iloveshawnieboi​
masterlist | series masterlist | join my taglist (please follow the rules)
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As Andy drove closer and closer to the graveyard, he felt the sweat from his hands drop onto the steering wheel — making it even more difficult for him to grip onto the leather. The last time he visited Jacob was when they buried him a few months ago; the pain was too much for him to bear, making it difficult for him to go and visit his deceased son — the son he loved, cared for, and protected. The son whom he once had precious memories with was now gone.
It wasn’t that he had fully grieved his loss, but he was getting there. But he didn’t just lose his son in that fateful accident that happened nine months ago, he had lost — or more accurately, divorced — Laurie when she confessed that she still had doubts about Jacob’s innocence and crashed the car for she couldn’t believe the monster her son had become. Every ounce of self-control was used by Andy the moment he got the chance to speak with his ex-wife in the middle of her hearing; every curse word he knew was thrown at her for her brutal actions that led to his untimely death.
Now as he faces the aftermath of every single thing that has transpired over the past months, he couldn’t help but feel empty. Happiness was something he longed for; he once had it all, but a series of events reversed that situation quickly. He would do anything to once again look forward to going home, knowing that he had a loving wife and joyful child; instead of coming home to his house filled with silence and agony for it serves as a reminder of what he once had.
Well, maybe not what he had — it wasn’t perfect and the ideal picture he always dreamt way back then. A fresh start, he thought silently, a new start with someone who can fulfill my dreams.
Parking in parallel, Andy looked to see if there were oncoming cars before going down to enter the flower shop. The soft bell that hung above let out a small chime as he opened the door, his blue eyes scanning the different floral arrangements that were littered across the store. Roses, lilis, orchids, sunflowers — all of them looked and smelt lovely. It made him smile how pleasing to the eyes every bouquet was, making it difficult for him  to choose what to get.
“Hi! How can I help you?” A voice spoke up which made Andy turn his attention to the girl wearing overalls who just came from the back room. Once he quickly took in her appearance, though her face sweat a bit and her overalls had patches of greens thanks to the plants, he thought she looked adorable and cleared his throat, “I was hoping to buy some flowers.”
Smiling widely, she wiped her forehead with a towel draped on her shoulder as she said, “I’m happy to help,” She stood by the shelves as she pointed through some flowers, “These have just been arranged today. Oh! And these lilacs and peonies just came in today, too.” Andy couldn’t help but chuckle softly upon seeing how cute her excited state was. “If you don’t mind me asking, what’s the occasion or for whom these flowers are? Just so I could suggest a few things to you,” She turned to him after listing some of the fresh flowers she had.
“It’s for my son, I’m visiting his grave today.” Y/N wanted to smack herself; her shop was located less than ten miles away from the nearest graveyard. His gloomy, silent aura should have been a clue on how he was mourning, she thought. “I’m so sorry to hear that, sir. How an arrangement of lilies and roses?”
Following her as she walked towards the opposite side of the store where a shelf containing an arrangement of lilies and roses were displayed. With a nod, Andy confirmed, “I’ll take that please.” Grabbing the vase, she excused herself to move onto the counter. Placing it on the wooden surface, she went to get a watering can to place some more water for the flowers. Wanting to talk with her more, he decided to initiate a conversation, “Slow day?”
Peering her eyes up as she returned the can, she nodded her head a bit, “We’ve had customers, but there’s no rush, you know?” Mindlessly, he bobbed his head up and down as she continued, “Some are for their wives, some for their mistresses — but don’t tell!” She placed her index finger on her lips to make her point and the lawyer couldn’t hold back his laughter anymore and shook his head at her goofiness.
“And you’re the first to buy then go to the cemetery, usually they don’t come this time of the day,” She gasped upon realizing what she said; as she punched in his total she didn’t have time to analyze what she said, “Oh my God, I’m so sorry about that, sir!”
Eyes widening at her apology, Andy wondered why she was saying sorry for, “What for?” Looking down as she played with the denim material of her outfit she muttered shyly, “Well you know, I didn’t mean to bring you up. Or the whole cemetery thing.”
Catching her drift, he nodded and genuinely smiled as he reassured her that he took no offense, “It’s alright, you didn't mean harm with it, yeah?” She nodded as she changed their topic before she could embarrass herself any further, “Your total comes to $26.25; how would you like to pay?”
“Credit,” He curtly replied as he took out his wallet from the back pocket of his jeans; as he was inserting the PIN, he found himself wondering why she suddenly meant all business. Staring at her focused expression which included her lips slightly pursued gave him a faint clue that perhaps she didn't want to embarrass herself any further.
“Here’s your receipt,” She slid the paper across the counter; as she placed her hands on the glass jar to move it closer towards the customer, Andy placed his on top of hers as he too made a move to grab the vase. Surprised with the warmth and spark she felt when their skins grazed against each other, the florist shyly smiled as she moved her hands away from the vase, “Thank you for visiting us, sir.”
“Andy,” He introduced himself as he carried the vase with one arm as the other extended to her direction, offering to shake hands, “And your name is?” She shook her hand as she gave him her name — the lawyer repeating it as he liked how it rolled off his tongue. Disentangling their hands, Y/N fiddled with her hands nervously as the attractive man waved at her one final time as he left the store, not before promising, “Gonna see you real soon, petal.”
Placing the floral arrangement on the front passenger side, Andy couldn’t help but feel giddy with himself as he jogged to the driver’s seat. “Y/N,” He repeated to himself as he began the drive to the cemetery. In their short, yet sweet interaction, he couldn’t help but feel lighter upon meeting her. Could this mean something? He wondered as to why he was feeling this way with her.
Once he found a decent parking spot, he went out of his car with the flowers and walked to where Jake rested. “Hey buddy, how you doing?” Placing the flowers by the stone where his name was engraved, he sat by the grass as Andy looked up in the sky. “I’ve been doing good, I think. Work keeps me busy and I’ve been doing some outdoor exercise as an excuse to get out of the house.”
Picking at the grass as he recalls what has happened the last nine months, “And I think your middle school named something after you. Though I wasn’t paying too close attention to know what it actually was — sorry about that, buddy. But your friend Sarah, she asked for some of your things and clothes. Think she has, or had, a crush on you,” Exhaling deeply as he paused, the lawyer couldn’t help but mourn about the endless possibilities and chances his son would have had if it wasn’t for her.
“Anyway, Laurie has been sending some letters. I don’t if I should read them — part of me wants too, I still want to know if she’s doing well. But there’s this part of me that wants nothing to do with her, because of what she’s done to you, us, and because of what she failed to do,” Hooking his chin on the palm of his hand as he could feel the slight sharpness of his elbow against his thigh, he contemplated a bit, “What do you think I should do, Jake?”
Grass slanted towards the east as sharp gusts of winds prickled Andy’s skin which made him smirk slightly as he looked at the name of his son, “I take that as I need to be the bigger person and reach out to your mother?” When the grass was left unmoving, it was seen as a confirmation that his son did want him to reconnect with her. Nodding to himself, he guaranteed he would do so, “Okay then, Jake. I’ll do so.”
A softer wind brushed and swayed the flowers he bought, making it look even more graceful than it already was — which reminded Andy of the woman he met earlier. “And I met someone earlier, on the way here, actually.” His lips formed into a smile as he thought of how charming and sweet she was as he was being accommodated ; he wondered something out loud, “Do you think I should do uh, what term did you use? Shot your shoot? No, it’s shoot your shot, right?” He scratched the back of his neck as he racked his brain remembering how he’d be teased for finding it difficult to familiarize himself with this decade’s lingo, “Anyway, she just seems so kind and welcoming; and there’s something about her that makes me feel like I could have a second chance at happiness.”
Should his headspace not have been in a remorseful one, he would have found it frightening how it seemed the wind only moved the arrangement of lilies and roses in an almost ludicrous fashion. Whether it was a sign his child had sent him or something his mind was making up, he interpreted it as a sign he should go for it. “Guess I will shoot my shot, Jake.”
Kneeling by the slab of marble, his thumb was rubbing against his son’s full name as Andy sadly smiled, “I love you, buddy. See you soon.” Standing up, he walked away and to his car feeling lighter. Being able to go to his son was progress for the lawyer as he was slowly coming to terms with the events that happened. Reaching out to Laurie was also another way of him acknowledging the past and coming to terms with — and it would probably give him the closure he needed as he ventured on to the future.
The future, he thought, seemed to be brighter right now. And the sole reason why he thought that way was because of someone he had just met. Normally he would be rolling his eyes at the thought of love at first sight; but now things are different since he’s a changed man. Hastily exiting his parked car, he entered through the back door where he discarded his shoes and socks by the doorway. Flipping his laptop open, he opened his browser and searched for the name of the flower shop he visited.
This was far from the usual search engines — like Google or Ecosia — for this allowed him to know every single thing there is to know about what he searched. Usually, he would use this solely for work; and this was the first time he ever used it for his own selfish reason. Not only the reviews, location, and services offered by the flower shop appeared on the screen after a few minutes. The business and clearance permits were shown; but so did the owner's name appear. “Y/F/N,” He read out loud as he highlighted her name and searched again.
Social media accounts, educational background, cell phone number, and her address shown up in an instant. A smile settled on his lips as he took in everything there was to learn about her. Part of him was glad that she didn’t post too much of herself online for he couldn’t see how pretty she was — but he considered it a good thing for it wouldn't attract anymore competition or creeps. Flowers filled her feed and by reading through each and every one of her posts, relief washed over him upon knowing that these were flowers she arranged and were not gifts to her by a beau.
Peeking at her phone records, he noticed how there had been only a few register of incoming and outgoing calls — the fact that her most called number was of a restaurant that delivers had been slightly concerning for him — and digging into her text history, there was no hints that she was in a relationship. As he searched for her address online, it was brought to his attention how she lived not too far from where he was residing, in just twenty minutes he could be over with her. As he closed his laptop it was clear to Andy how perfect Y/N was for him — and that she would be the perfect woman for him to build a family with.
Going to the living room, he grabbed for the letters sent by Laurie. There were a total of four, and until now he hasn’t opened a single one. After reading them he was relieved to find out that she was doing well and that she wasn’t being mistreated by anyone over there. She also has repeatedly apologized for what she has done. Fear and uncertainty were just some of the two overwhelming emotions that affected her decision-making. Sentiments of how she misses their son and long for how they once were.
Grabbing a pen and paper, Andy then wrote his own letter in response;
I apologize for taking too long to reach out to you — it took me a while to come to terms with everything that happened. What you did came as a shock to me. I never knew about how still had your apprehensions about Jacob. I wish you would have talked to me about it, or even to him.  Perhaps by doing so things would have been resolved better.
I won’t lie to you so I will just tell you that I believe it was harsh of you to end Jacob’s life like that. He had so much waiting for him — so much potential and fire within him, and to see it all disappear breaks my heart. After his trial ended, I thought of it as a chance for all of us to have a clean slate — granted it didn’t feel like it — and have the chance to redeem ourselves and build another life for all of us. But I didn’t imagine for it to be this way — us divorced while you’re in jail and our son buried six feet under.
Nevertheless, I won’t dwell on what has been. I will focus on the future. Speaking of, I would like to apologize as well for shoving the divorce papers in you. It might seem like a “heat of the moment” decision; but I think we both saw it coming. Having our marriage and relationship built on a lie, it all would have led to this moment — one way or another. It was neglectful of me to lay it on you when you already had your plate full, but I guess there was just really no perfect timing for it either, no?
The frequency of my letters to you might vary, but rest assured I will write to you as much as I can. I hope that you will find peace and safety despite your current situation. I wouldn’t fully say that I have forgiven you for what you did, but I am on the path of reaching that point.
Take care always, Andy
As he folded up the piece of paper and slid it on an envelope, Andy felt lighter. Somehow there this part of him knew how shitty the content was. But that was what he felt. What he wanted to tell Laurie. Sealing the envelope, he then pasted a stamp on it then stood up to place the letter on his coat jacket; that way he won’t forget to drop it off.
Returning to his work desk, he then looked over the information he had collected. Another thing that the letter made him feel was that he has already made closure with his past; and now he can venture on and look forward to the future. And he sees one with Y/N.
Having worked at a flower shop for almost five years, Y/N almost memorized the frequent visitors of the cemetery. She always engaged in polite conversations with them. Another thing is that she noticed a pattern as well. If one visits every week, it was a sign that they have yet to come to terms with the loss of their loved one. Once their visits became less frequent, say with two weeks in between, she took it as a sign that, slowly but surely, they were getting over their grief and sadness. And when the gaps between their visits stretched over a month or so, it showed that they had reached the final stage of grief — acceptance.
That’s why as much as she enjoyed her small talk with the customers — which ranged from their daily activity to workplace gossip — she felt fulfilled for them once their visit became less and less frequent than their initial ones. Besides, there were always new friends that she could make along the way. It just so happens that Andy happens to be one of her potential friends. Having never seen him before and their brief conversation, led her to believe that the death of his son was fairly recent.
“Hey, Y/N,” His warm, deep voice rang through her shop. Fortunately, she was in the front checking the sales so far when he entered. It was exactly seven days after he dropped by her shop on his way to the cemetery — and then her hunch was somewhat confirmed. “Hi, Andy. how are you?”
He carried with him a tray with a couple of drinks — one was his preference for coffee while the other was her favorite kind of drink to start off her day. Placing it on the counter he smiled at her, “Busy day?”  Placing down the clipboard she was holding she rested both her hands on the counter, “It was, yeah. Wedding bouquets, centerpieces for events, any occasion you can possibly think of suddenly needed flowers. Not that I’m complaining! But I'm just thankful I’m gonna be having a break in a few.”
Laughing at her dilemma he then casually brought up, “Well I was in the coffee shop earlier and they gave me a spare drink,” Pushing the cup of her favorite drink to her, he offered it to her, “Do you want it?” Not wanting to seem ungrateful, she brought the cup to her nose, she smelt it and was surprised to find out it smelt like her favored drink. Taking a sip a bit, she smiled after she placed it down, “Thank you so much for it, Andy!”
Hiding a smirk, he simply nodded at her as he took a sip out of his own drink too, “I have two orders of flowers for today. White carnations on a small vase, and yellow orchids on one of those small boxes,” He pointed behind her, where mounted on the wall were some packaging ideas for the flowers. Nodding her head, she pushed the hot beverage aside as she got to work.
A slow, melodious song played in the background; and the lawyer just found it even more adorable with how she hummed along to it. While working on his purchases, she shifted her gaze to look at him. However, she quickly turned away due to the intensity of his stare — no one had ever looked at her with so much interest. “Beautiful, isn’t it?” She cleared her throat, as she tried to diffuse the tension. With every move she made while cutting the orchids to fit the wooden box, she could feel his eyes trailing her in an instant, “It certainly is.” Her eyes were focused on trimming up the stems of the carnation, so she missed the way he was looking at her and not on the flowers.
Placing the trimmed up carnations on the vase, she then grabbed for the watering can to fill them up a bit with water. “Here you go, Andy,” She shyly declared as she was done with the yellow orchids and white carnations. Heading over to the  cash register to punch in the items, he spoke, “Do you have any plans for the rest of the day?”
Shaking her head no, “That’ll be $45.17,” She turned the card machine towards him, “No plans tonight. Just gonna be staying in. How about you?” After entering the card details he was asked for, he slid his card on his back pocket as he joked, “Well I’m gonna try and stay in with you then.”
Hearing her giggle made him wonder if she realized how serious he was. He truly wanted to be a part of her life; and she didn’t even know the effect she had on him. Handing him the receipt, Y/N watched closely how Andy only grabbed for the white carnations, “Andy? Are you forgetting these?”
As she held the yellow orchids, he shook his head and smiled warmly, “They’re for you. I’ve read somewhere that they represent friendship.” Taken aback with what he said, she nodded her head and confirmed, “They do, yeah.” A hand then reached over as it caressed her cheek before settling it under her chin, lifting her head a bit to stare at his passionate eyes, “And I hope that this is a start of a beautiful one.”
His thumb tapped her jaw softly before letting go and walking out of the store; it was only then that Y/N managed to let out a breath she didn’t realize was being bottled up inside her. Holding the box with one hand as the other patted the flower’s petal, she spoke to herself, “I really hope that it is the start of one.”
“I’m going out with Y/N tonight, Jake,” Andy told his son as he sat on the grass after placing the wonderful arrangement she made near his name. “Well, it’s not really a date. She wrote down on her schedule app that she’ll go to the grocery store today during her break. So I’ll just casually bump into her there.” It was incredible that with today’s technology he was able to even see what was in her phone. Using it to his advantage, he tried to pattern most of his schedule with hers; and so far this was the first one that lined up.
As his legs crossed, his hands were rubbing against his shin while recalling what the past week looked like for him, “I also finally wrote back to Laurie. The letter I wrote might have been shitty but it’s still been a struggle for me to put into words what I feel.”
Like the last time, a cool breeze of wind prickled his skin even as he wore a gray henley, “You’re right. It was harsh. But I’m hoping that as time goes on, I’ll be more of a friend to her.” He once again found himself staring at the flowers and smiled, “I’m gonna be honest and tell you that I was planning to divorce her either way. It just wasn’t working out anymore, bud.”
Memories of their fights that happened in the garage so Jacob wouldn’t have to see them yelling at each other flashed through his mind. “And somehow I can’t help but think that maybe Y/N would have been the perfect stepmother for you. She’s really nice and sweet. Based on what she listens to, I feel like you two would have gotten along well.” Once again his heart aches at the thought of how his son had his future right in front of him, and yet it was all snatched away from him.
Kneeling down, his fingertips brushed against Jacob’s name, “Anyway, gonna let you know how’d the date go next week. I love you, buddy.” Walking to his car, he felt giddy at the thought of going to the grocery store. He never imagined doing something so mundane would make him feel this way.
Noticing that the Oreos had a two for one deal, she didn’t hesitate to grab two packs. Pushing the grocery cart down, she was proud of herself for not getting every snack she craved for. Stay on budget, she reminded herself mentally, you’re saving for that new laptop, remember? And that explained why she’d always buy what was on sale; brand loyalty be damned!
Checking her list, she now had toiletries, vegetables, a small selection of fruits, meat and fish, as well as her snacks and drinks. She even managed to buy rice that was on sale. As her eyes scanned for pasta, she let out a small huff how the last one was at the very top, pushed at the back. Standing on her tippy toes, she tried to reach for it — but as her nails scratched the container, it only pushed the item further away.
Feeling a warm body press against hers as they reached for the box, she turned around and was shocked to see it was Andy, “Here you go.” Grabbing the item from him, she smiled at him after placing it on her cart. “Thanks, Andy. would have ended up climbing my cart just to reach it.”
That’s dangerous! Can’t have you risking your body when it’s soon to be carrying our child, He scolded her in his mind. But what he really told her was, “Well we can’t have that happening; some are gonna think that you’re a die hard pasta lover.” They both laughed at what he said as they both walked. She noticed how he only had a basket with him that was filled with a few personal hygiene products and a reusable bag.
“I don’t think I’ve seen you shop here before,” She’s shopped at this market in different times and days, and not once has she seen his face before. Already having prepared an answer, he smiled, “Well this is further from my home. But it was on the way back, since I did just come from the cemetery.”
Shaking her head as she cursed herself, she turned to him to express regret, “I’m sorry for that. It seems like I always unknowingly bring that up.” Bopping her nose with his finger he reassured her, “Like you said, unknowingly. You didn’t know that it would somehow lead to that — so don’t sweat yourself about it.”
Bashfully, she just kept her head down as she lined up for the cashier. Andy didn’t follow her directly as he opted for the self-service check out. Still, after he was done paying he waited for her at the end of the lane. When he noticed that she struggled to carry her items, she took two of her bags — leaving her to carry only one.
“Andy! Let me get it, there’s no need for you to do that,” She tried grabbing for her bags as they walked out of the market. Bringing the bags to his side so she wouldn’t reach it, he stuck his tongue out, playfully, “No way! Plus these are too heavy for you. So allow me to be a good citizen and carry it for you okay?”
Deciding that it wasn’t worth her time and energy to fight him, she just nodded and began to silently lead him to her car — but what she didn’t realize was that not only did the lawyer know what kind of car she had, but also where she had parked it. “You know it feels like I’m taking advantage of you.”
What she said had him interested as they both neared her vehicle, “And why is that?” Opening the trunk of her car, she placed the bag she carried before reaching over to him and grabbing the ones he brought, “Well you buy flowers from me — and this morning you even gave me one — and then you carry my things like you’re my servant.”
Oh if you only knew, love, he thought to himself. But he smirked at her as he closed the trunk before placing his own bag then resting his elbow on the car, “Well how about a repayment then?”
“Done! Your next order, or orders, of flowers are on me.” Her quick response had Andy laughing, “I didn’t mean for it that way, petal.” The nickname he used had her stuttering for a bit as her brain felt like it was being transformed into a melted mess. “What’d you mean then?”
“How about we text? You know, we exchange numbers and just get to know each other a little better,” For some reason Andy felt nervous as he proposed the idea. Insecurity lingered on his head as he tried to gently weasel his way in. But it brought him comfort when she smiled and nodded, “I’d love that, Andy!” While she grabbed for her phone that was in the pocket of her leggings.
He already had her number registered in his phone, it was only for formality’s sake that he put in his number on her cellular device so as not to raise any suspicion. “I look forward to chatting with you,” She giggled at the term he used, causing him to raise an eyebrow at her. “I just found it silly how you said chatting. It’s silly, really.”
Placing a hand on his chest as he pretended to be offended, he defended himself, “I may not use today’s terms but I sure am a great person to have a conversation with.” Chuckling, she just bopped his nose before heading to the driver’s seat, “Only one way to find out, yeah?”
Nodding, he winked at her before grabbing his bag and heading on over to his car, “Only one way. See you soon, Y/N. Take care on your drive.” As she entered her car, she unlocked her phone and sent out a text to Andy:
take care as well, Andy! thank you once again for helping me out :D ‘til next time!
Placing her phone on the seat beside her, she turned on the engine and was preparing to leave when she heard her phone chime. Surprised with how quickly responded, she then decided to read the message now:
Can’t imagine this will be the last time I’ll be helping you out. (I’m kidding of course! Unless…)
Shaking her head at his goofiness, she began her journey back to the shop where she decided it would be best to not reply to him right away. They’ve only interacted twice but she couldn’t help but find him attractive. He had this charm in him and the way he carried himself was amazing. It also helped that he was pleasing to the eye and quick-witted. Perhaps this could be more than just a friendship; but Andy had already had an entire plan hatched out in order for that to happen.
Andy was having a bad week. He wanted to have gone to visit Y/N on Wednesday since those were the days of when he had previously visited her. Granted, they have been texting throughout the previous week, it still doesn’t compare to seeing her actual face and getting the chance to touch her skin. But having been swamped with work since he was assigned to a massive, imperative case; and now that it was almost being resolved, he thought to unwind and relax. And what better way to do so than spending time with his best girl?
The moment he stepped foot in her floral shop, his sweet, positive attitude he had quickly turned out to be a sour one. “Andy, hi!” Her excited voice made him put on a fake smile, stopping his earlier activity which was piercing daggers through the back of the man’s head she was earlier talking to. Cautiously, he stepped forward to stand behind the till as the man stood off to the side as he held out his hand, “Hey, man. I’m Scott Lang!”
“Scott here just delivered the flowers,” She pointed to the crates of flowers that she has yet to unpack. “Oh? And he’s still here because?” Despite being serious, the two took it as a joke and just laughed it off. Scott even hit his palm against Andy’s muscular bicep as he threw his head back laughing, “Well I was just catching up with Y/N, it’s been awhile since I got assigned to her little shop. And i’ve got a few more deliveries to make, so I’m gonna go ahead.” The relief that the lawyer had when Scott waved goodbye was short lived for he heard him call out to Y/N, “I’ll see you on game night, okay?”
It even pained him when she nodded her head while she placed her elbow on the crate on the counter, “So, Andy, what can I get for you?”
“White chrysanthemums on that white box, please,” Patting down his pants, he shook his head and scowled, “Shoot, I forgot my wallet in the car. Hold on, I’ll be right back.” He didn’t even wait for her reply as he was quickly heading out the door. Looking to his right, he noticed Scott’s delivery trunk and how he was reading something off a tablet as he stood with his back leaned against the door to the driver’s seat.
Scott was taken aback with the sudden force on his shoulders, prompting him to look up from the tablet and on the face of the man he just met, “Andy? What?” The bearded man had his hands pressing onto his shoulders, shoving the delivery man even more into the car’s material, “Stay away from, Y/N.”
“What? What are you talking about?” Leave it to Scott to find the current situation he was in hilarious as he chuckled out his response. Andy, however, didn’t find humor in the situation; the intense gaze his eyes trapped Scott in partnered with the firm grip he had on his shoulders made it clear how serious he was. “You heard me,” He spoke after gulping down the tension he was bottling up, “Stay away from Y/N; she’s mine.”
Breaking into a heartfelt smile, Scott cooed, “Did she tell you about her crush on you? Are you finally together? She has been gushing to me and Hope about how nice and handsome you were being.” At his statement, the lawyer released his solid grip on the man; confused at what he said he questioned, “She said that? Who’s Hope?”
Chuckling at his confused state, Scott playfully hit his arm, “Hope’s my wife! She and Y/N are close friends you know? And my daughter, Cassie, absolutely adores Y/N. We try to have her over as often for game night. We’ve only seen her once in the past few weeks, and she talked our ears off about how great you are!”
Andy could feel himself getting all shy and warm with how his girl was crushing on her; Scott shook his own head as recollection of how dreamy his florist friend was at the thought of this man. And to think he was being the same right now! The expression he had on his face also gave him a clue that two weren;t officially an item yet. With a final nod, he hopped into his van, “Next time I see the two of you, you better be a couple already! ‘M sick of this pining and puppy dog looks of love!”
Laughing out, Andy shook his head as he waved off to Scott who was already driving away. To think that I saw him as a threat, he scolded himself as he began walking back to her shop, when all this time he was a big help.
“Hey! You found your wallet?” She inquired upon seeing his smiling face walking right back in her shop; she thought that he looked even more handsome in that state — there was something about him sporting a boyish look despite looking dignified made her undergarments wet. Nodding, he moved to the counter and admired the arrangement she had made, “Wow! These look wonderful, Y/N. How much do I owe you?”
“Just $19.35. So, you finally got a break from your big case huh?” Tapping his credit card on her machine, he nodded as he let out an exaggerated sigh to which she giggled at, “Finally! I think my back’s starting to ache from all those long hours of sitting down!”
Pushing the floral arrangement to him, she decided to tease him, “You sure it’s not your old age catching up to you?” With wide eyes, he feigned offense as he gasped out loud, “I’ll have you know I am extremely handsome and even look young for someone my age!”
“Don’t I know it,” She mumbled lowly, but still wasn’t soft enough for the lawyer to miss. So he asked her with a smirk etched on his face, “What was that, petal?”
Like a deer caught off guard by headlights, she shook her head, “Nothing! I didn’t say no thing.”
“Well that’s a double negative; so it definitely means you said something,” Both his hands grabbed for one of her hands from across the counter as he held it delicately, “What kind of tree can you fit in your hand?”
Unsure where this was going, she asked, “What? What kind?” Bringing her hand up, he placed a gentle kiss on her palm before answering, “A palm tree, of course!”
Snatching her hand from his grip as he said his joke, she laughed as she teasingly chastised him, “You and your dad jokes, Andy! I swear to God!” Loving how flustered she was, he decided to tease her even more, “Does that mean you’ll call me daddy?”
By now she was a stuttering mess, “Ha, very original, Andy.” Bopping her nose, he bid her adieu as he carried out the arrangement out of her store — walking away with a wide smile on his face. Now feeling more relaxed than ever.
Giddily, he placed the flowers by the top right end of Jacob’s grave as he sat down and told his son, “You’ll never believe what I found out today, Jake!”
Are you busy tonight?
Andy bit his lip in anticipation as he stared at his phone, waiting for a reply. Considering how it was just 3 in the afternoon, he gave her the benefit of the doubt that she was busy with the flower shop — maybe counting her inventory or checking her sales. His blue eyes lit up when she replied:
well depends on who’s asking :P but after work i have no plans…
Perfect, Andy thought. He had enough of waiting and he’d like to think that his plan was working out well. They’ve been texting each other consistently for the past two weeks and whatever she hasn’t told him yet, he already knew thanks to his research. She also began to open up to him and so has he. The more he got to know her, the more he was assured that she was the right person for him to begin a new chapter of his life with.
Would you want to come over for dinner then?
Y/N’s breath hitched as she read his text; she was in the middle of watering her flowers when that invite dropped onto her like a ton of bricks. Over the past few days that they’ve gone talking, she felt herself getting more and more attached to the older man. In her mind she had doubts about if this was just a simple dinner or a proposal for a date — so she voiced out her uncertainty:
i will if you answer my question… is this a date? or just like a simple dinner??
Andy had to laugh at her question — she must have been confused and understandably so. So he decided to smooth things out:
If you’re fine with it, it’s a date. But if you’re not, it can be just a friendly dinner.. No pressure on anything, petal.
Squealing as she twirled around, Y/N had to compose herself before sending out a text:
well looks like we’ll be having a date later, andy… can’t wait to see you!
Thankful that time cooperated as it went by quickly, Andy looked over the table one more time — he lit up candles to make the scene even more romantic, brought out napkins to make it seem even fancy, and added some of the flowers he had bought from here the previous day.
Hearing the knock on his door, he put up a bright smile as he opened the door and greeted her, “Hello, petal.” He stood at the side and let her in. surprising the two of them, Y/N surged towards him and hugged him; but it was a welcome surprise as he too wrapped his arms around her.  “Missed me too much, hm?”
She could only hit his arm lightly as she shook her head. Sliding her coat off her body, he hung it on his coat hanger and guided her to the dining room. “Smells great in here. Is that,” She trailed off and looked intently where Andy removed the cover of the pot to reveal her favorite meal.
“My favorite!” She gasped out loud excitedly, “Are you a mind reader, Mr. Barber?” She squinted her eyes suspiciously at him. “Well that is exactly what I am, petal! How did you find out?” Though she took it as a joke, Andy knew better that it wasn’t her mind that she read; instead it was her entire online profile that he monitored.
With that, they began dinner that was filled with laughs and chatter. It seems that despite their difference in age, they always found something to talk about. “Wait, so you really hid your cousin’s clothes in the freezer?”
Nodding her head, she drank the last bit of the wine before answering, “She had it coming her way! She told me I had no chance of marrying Harry Potter!’ There was a baseless jealousy forming in the pit of Andy’s stomach, but he reminded himself that it was just her silly, childhood crush.
“Let me help you with that,” She offered once she noticed that Andy was clearing up their plates. Waving her off, he shook his head as he told her, “You’re my guest — more accurately, my date,” At the reminder of that, she looked down on the floor and Andy smirked, “Why don’t you go wipe off the table instead?”
Nodding, she proceeded to do so as a pleasant silence hung over them; Andy loaded the dishwasher as Y/N wiped off the table. Heading to the trash bin, she threw the trash and the paper towels she used —leaving her to stand beside Andy.
“Look at you, like a real housewife,” His comment had her taken aback. She didn’t know why, but part of her was delighted in the idea. “My, Andy, this is just our first date and you’re already thinking of marriage? What’s next? You wanna knock me up with your kid?”
Oh petal, you have no idea, do you? Andy smirked mentally, but his hands circled around her waist as he laid a gentle kiss at her nose, “And if that is my long term plan?” Pursing her lips, she could only tilt her head down; though it might be too soon for what he had said out loud, there was a tiny part of her that wanted that.
Lifting her head up with a hand, he smirked down at her, “I’m guessing you do want that, do you, petal?” She gave a slight nod which only fuelled Andy’s lust as he kissed her feral, leading her to walk backwards onto the dining table. She gasped as she was being lifted up to sit on the mahogany; granting the lawyer access to let his tongue enter her mouth. He groaned upon relishing the sweet taste that was her while his nimble fingers brutally tore the fabric of her shirt, “No bra? Why petal, were you hoping the date would end this way?”
She shook her head but quickly stopped as she let out a moan when she felt his lips and teeth nip at the skin of her breasts. Her hands clawed at his hair as he sucked on the nipple. “God these will fill up with milk,” He groaned out, but it was too indistinct for her hazy brain to fathom.
His lips trailed down to her stomach as he groaned against the flesh of her stomach, “Such a glorious stomach.” Upon feeling the coarse hairs of his beard, she giggled against him which allowed her to miss his husky moan of, “Gonna swell up with my seed.”
“Andy, please,” She moaned when his lips pressed kisses along the hemline of her pants. “Since you asked so politely,” He hastily shoved off her pants and panties in one go as he placed her thighs to rest on his shoulders, lifting her slightly off the table, while she planted her elbows firmly on the table. “Fuck!” The cuss she let out was dragged out caused by Andy furiously licking from her clit to the opening of her pussy. Her thighs trapped his face firmly, the rough texture of his beard contradicted his silky tongue lapping at the inside of her tight cunt.
“Can eat you all damn day, petal,” He caught the juices she was leaking with every flick of his tongue as his left hand rubbed on her hardened nub; while the other hand lowered his sweatpants until he was able to stroke his erect cock. Feeling her walls close in on his tongue, he smirked as he drove his tongue deeper inside her and rubbed her until she mewled out loud, “Fuck, Andy! I’m cumming!”
His beard was splattered all over his lower face, coating his beard. With a few more final licks, he let her legs fall from his shoulders and hang limply by the edge of the table. Standing up from the dining chair, Andy quickly removed his gray shirt as her hands weakly, but successfully, slid his sweatpants off legs. Her hands jerked his length while looking into him with desire, “Gonna fuck me real good, Andy?”
Loving the way she sultrily said it, he kissed her lips roughly as he pushed her by the hips, closer to the edge of the table. His right hand guided his cock to slide right in her, their tangled tongues moaned out loud upon being intimately connected. She tried to rut her hips against him, wanting to feel more of him. “Oh petal, let me do it for you.”
Both his hands settled on her thighs, using them as leverage to match his harsh thrusts as he slid in and out of her tight canal. Her walls gripped onto him tighter every time he slid back in, making him groan against the skin of her neck. The sting of her nails as they raked down on his back only added to his pleasure as it motivated him to plow her harder and faster, until she felt his tip hit her sweet, sensitive spot.
“‘M so close, Andy,” She whined, accentuating her point by digging her nails into his shoulders. Maybe it was the way she was piercing to his skin, or the way was falling apart under him beautifully, or the fact that he felt confident that after this she was going to be carrying their child, but it drove him feral which was evident when the table moved and shook in time with his relentless thrusts.
“Open that fucking cervix for me, petal,” He moaned out as his hand rubbed her swollen clit, “Let me shoot my seed in you.” Perhaps in the proper mindset, she would have viewed it as a red flag — bringing up marriage and having kids at the first date would have freaked her out. But in the heat of the moment, she found herself submissive and compliant with all his desires.
Her hands pushed his back closer to her, making her rub her stiff nipples against his chest as she begged, “Please, Andy. Cum in me.” And just as she moaned out the last word, she could feel her body tense as she clenched on his cock and cum at the thought.
Smirking, he continued his harsh assault on her pussy as pinched her clit to milk out more of her orgasm. Gasping out, she tried to restabilize her breathing — which was a challenge given that Andy was grunting wildly as his thrusts slowed down while the force remained. Feeling his cum fill her up surprised her, but she didn’t protest it.
Carrying her over to his bedroom, Y/N could feel herself getting tired from their activities. She willed herself not to close her eyes, but sleep seemed so enticing. The way Andy rubbed her back and lay her down on the bed gently didn’t help either. The lawyer smiled upon seeing the peaceful expression on her face; he kissed her forehead before reaching over to the nightstand and fish out the plug he bought and cleaned for her.
The plug was snug inside her as he slid his cock out. Laying down beside her, he cuddled her as he stared at her features, “I just know you’re gonna be pregnant, petal,” Her breathing was even and her closed eyes gave him the impression she was now falling asleep, “I checked your period tracker app, you should be ovulating now. Plus, I have been slipping some vitamins in your food and drink to help make you even more fertile.”
Wiggling around, his breath hitched when she nuzzled her face even more to his chest, “Goodnight, Andy,” Plus a kiss to his chest made his heart swell up even more. Smiling despite the joyous tears leaking in his eyes, he kissed her forehead once more before bidding her goodnight as they both slept.
“Here’s to new beginnings, petal.”
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youarejesting · 3 years
Hope In The Sheets.6
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Beta: N/A Pairing: Hoseok x Reader Genre: Friendship, Comedy, Soft boy, Fluff, SMUT, Friends2Lovers, Words: 4.2k
Summary: You held many titles: his neighbor, colleague, wing-man… well, more likely a wing-woman, yet most importantly, you were his best friend. You had been friends since you were born. Between the two of you, you were younger; barely, but he never let you forget it. He always seemed to ruffle your hair and tease you, which could get rather annoying but he made up for it by treating you to things.
What if a drunken one night stand between you and your best friend Hoseok leads to more complicated situations? Your reckless twenties are cut short as you find yourself suddenly responsible for something a little more.
Warning: Not sure if there is any.
[First] [Previous] [Masterlist] [Next]
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“Jimin, Where can I find jin?” Hoseok called across the bar. 
“He is on the dance floor,” Jimin said, gesturing and Hoseok thanked him and headed out through the bodies. He felt odd like he had forgotten how to weave through the bodies and he was jostled to a fro until he stumbled on a blood boiling sight. Seokjin was making out with a young lady, the two grinding against each other, and Hoseok grabbed Seokjin and punched him.
He watched Seokjin look up shocked from the floor, his cheek becoming a little puffier and redder. The music had stopped and Yoongi jumped down off the stage standing ready to break up a brawl if needed. Jungkook was there as well looking at the angry Hoseok.
“What the hell do you think you are doing?” Hoseok growled low, “Y/n is at home sleeping and you are here grinding on the dance floor and making out with another girl.”
“Hoseok-” Seokjin began but was quickly interrupted.
“I felt your baby kick, and you are out here cheating.” He was seeing red, he didn’t know what he was going to do but it wasn’t going to be good. He couldn’t accept giving away the love of his life to Seokjin if he was out partying and sleeping around. “You don’t deserve her”
“Hoseok, the baby isn’t mine,” He said, making Hoseok freeze confused “I wasn’t the person who slept with her that night, I was working and you can see the footage, I went home with a guy”
“Then who is the father?” Hoseok said
“She doesn’t want to say,” Seokjin said, look go home cool off and ask her in the morning.
“You're lying, she tells me everything and she wouldn’t lie to me, we have been friends since we were children.” Hoseok was fuming and confused and he wanted to hit Seokjin again. 
You had been awfully secretive about things but that didn’t mean this right, this was so important and scary for you and he was your best friend through it all the one person you could lean on and trust. He would be the first to know who the father was. Right?
“Go home Hoseok,” Seokjin sighed, rubbing his swollen jaw, “before I have you thrown out of my bar”
“Come on Hoseok,” Namjoon said sadly, “you two can talk in the morning when you have calmed down. You are scaring the customers”
The reality of the situation seemed to fall back on Hoseok as his focus fell from Seokjin to the club patrons standing around dumbfounded at the situation. 
Hoseok nodded, letting Namjoon guide him from the club, Jungkook who was on door duty looked over with a smile. His smile fell quickly looking at Hoseok and Namjoon’s solemn faces. 
“Would you like me to call a taxi?” Namjoon placed his big hand on Hoseok’s shoulder looking into his eyes searching for any signs of violent emotions but he only found a sense of powerlessness. 
“Nah, I need time to think I will walk home.” He said, walking towards his old apartment and trying to process even the slightest thought that you were lying to him. 
Twenty-five years that’s how long you had known each other, you were his best friend. There was never secrets between you, Hoseok knew when you got your first period and you knew the first time he had sex. It was just natural when something happened, whether it was meaningless or important, especially something important that the other person knew. 
But, you were pregnant and you didn’t tell him, you wouldn’t even tell him the father. Not only did you not tell him you lied to him made something up to hide from telling him. 
“Hey Hoseok,” Yuta called from across the street he was sitting on his delivery bike and eating some pizza. 
Hoseok walked over, taking a slice without permission, and leant against the wall. “Y/n lied to me. Perfect Jin isn’t her boyfriend or the baby daddy, can you believe that?”
“Help yourself I guess,” Yuta laughed “what’s got you in a daze.”
“Look I don’t remember much about that night, I don’t know who I was with but I remember walking home and waking in my bed.” Hoseok sighed chewing the pizza to the crust and dumping it into the box before grabbing another slice  “my dream girl had vanished but what I don’t get is I don’t remember going home with anyone but I also don’t remember anyone going home with Y/n., it’s weird.”
“Do you know what’s weird?” Yuta huffed “I never offered you my pizza?”
“Dude no we are talking about me and my problems right now, who did she go home with, she got pregnant and I don’t know who this guy is, was she seeing someone?” Hoseok turned to Yuta and asked, “how long has she been lying to me?”
“Maybe you went home together and had sex with her, maybe you’re the father?” Yuta laughed, slapping Hoseok's arm. “Heaven knows you are both in love with one another”
“No, that’s crazy. I would know if it was Y/n, this girl she was different and amazing.” Hoseok dropped another crust into the box and when he reached for another slice Yuta snapped the lid closed. 
“Get out, I am not here to give you free pizza,” He huffed, shooing Hoseok who laughed and hopped out of reach “Whatever it is, you need to talk to her tomorrow about it, tell her to just come clean and you will trust her”
Hoseok nodded waving goodbye heading back to his rundown apartment, he stopped at your door and wondered if you were still sleeping. Wondered what you were thinking. He had kissed you, felt the baby move in your belly and he wanted nothing more than for it to be him that you were with.
If Hoseok was the father he would be there, he would step up. He wouldn’t let you fend for yourself. He loved you and he would give up on his dream girl to be with you. Maybe that’s what he would do, he would step up, if this baby daddy wouldn’t be there for you then he would. He would step up and help you because that’s what best friends are for.
Hoseok woke to a knock at the door and for just a second, things were back to the way they had been before you were pregnant. He checked his phone making sure he wasn’t late for work and saw a message from you asking if he got home alright giving the cold wash of reality and a message from his phone.
Storage full!
You can free up space on this phone by managing your storage in settings.
He sighed, throwing on some pants and heading to the door. He threw open the door expecting you with some breakfast and coffee but instead he saw Seokjin standing there in all his handsome fat lip glory.
Hoseok remembered what he had done that night and bit his lip trying to hold back a laugh. Seokjin saw his face contorted and smacked him on the arm. “Don’t you dare laugh at me, this face is priceless, a rare beauty that you decided to hit last night.”
“I’m sorry,” Hoseok said the words squeaked from his chest as he suppressed the laughter inside. He honestly didn’t think the older gentleman’s lips could get any bigger, “Come in,”
“I even brought you breakfast and you are making fun of me,” Seokjin sat handing him a coffee and a breakfast burger. “You have a lot to answer for coming into my bar and punching me in the face.”
“I am sorry,” Hoseok meant this sincerely and it was reflected in his tone that all joking was pushed aside, he felt bad for his actions and Seokjin got caught up in all of this. “I just thought you were the father and you were cheating on Y/n and I don’t know I just got so angry and I hit you and I am sorry”
“You like her I get it and if any of us saw her baby daddy kissing another woman we would punch him in the face, so for that, you are forgiven and I thank you for apologizing.” Seokjin began eating wincing when he tried to take a big bite of his breakfast burger. “You need to talk to her about everything”
“I know Yuta said the same thing last night,” Hoseok said, he scratched his bare chest and took a sip of coffee to wash down the food. “But I thought about it all night and I have decided it doesn’t matter?”
“What?” Seokjin was stunned, this man who was in love with you just didn’t care anymore, “What do you mean it doesn’t matter?”
“Well, If the father of this child wanted to be a part of this he would be there, but he isn’t. I haven’t seen anyone stepping up, so I will be there for her, I will take on the responsibilities just like a real dad would. It doesn’t matter who the father is because I will be there for her and this child.
“Well, I am glad,” Seokjin smiled scrunching up his rubbish and dropping it into the bin, “You should still talk to her, it’s important that you let her know that you are going to be there for her no matter what and that she can be open and honest about everything”
“Of course, I will head over now,” Hoseok smiled unlocking his phone to send you a quick message saying he is coming over when the stupid message appeared again. 
Storage full!
You can free up space on this phone by managing your blah blah blah.
“I will make room later.”
Seokjin was at the door when he stopped at the threshold. “If you punch me in the face again, you will never step foot in my bar again. Got it.”
“Got it!” Hoseok saluted with a bright grin. 
Hoseok raced around the apartment getting dressed before heading out the front door to the bus stop. Whilst riding the bus he checked his emails trying to ignore the full storage message 
Storage full!
You can free up space blah blah blah something something settings.
and found a response about a vehicle, he booked a time to see the vehicle and thought he would stop in before making it to yours. 
It was a bit of a rush and the vehicle wasn’t the best, he almost made the deal when he received a phone call, excusing himself he answered with his usual business tone, thankfully he did as it was a response back from one of the jobs he applied for, the asked if he could start on the following Monday and he was so excited, it was a full time job that paid sick leave.
He apologized to the young man and the rusted heap of junk that he was about to call a vehicle and raced off, he wanted to see you and tell you the good news. He was stepping up, he would be there for you, help provide for you.
Hoseok took the next bus to your house and knocked on the door, he opened it to see you all dressed up cute in a pair of maternity jeans and a babydoll shirt. Hoseok wondered how you got more beautiful every day, pregnancy made you glow.
“Hey,” Hoseok stepped in, his excitement bubbling, “I got a job, an office job, it’s full time and it pays sick leave and I am growing up and being an adult.”
“That’s great!” You smiled happy that he was happy but concerned about his job of choice he hated office jobs, “Are you sure?”
“Yeah, I am sure, I thought about it after punching Jin last night that I should really start to live my life like an adult.” Hoseok smiled
“You punched Jin, Why?” You shrieked worried about the man who had been posing as your baby daddy.
“Well, he was kissing another girl on the dance floor and I thought he was cheating, but he said he wasn’t really the father and Y/n I want you to know. I don’t care who the father is, you are my best friend and I am here for you and if you don’t want to tell me then that is okay, but know that I am here for you and you can tell me the truth and I would never judge.”
“I know that Hoseok, I just got scared it was a big thing and I was worried how you would react, I mean we tell each other everything but even this was a big deal” You licked your lips taking his hands, “I think I am ready to tell you-”
Your phone started ringing ruining the moment and you answered confused, “Good morning this is Y/n speaking how can I help you?”
“Hello Miss Y/n, This is Miss Cho from the Prenatal clinic, I am just confirming that you are coming to your ultrasound at 11:30 today?” The woman’s voice was professional and you realized you had forgotten entirely about the appointment.
“Of course, we will be there at 11:30,” You smiled checking the time, you had an hour and a half till the appointment that was plenty of time. You hung up and told Hoseok that you had an appointment and he seemed nervous but he volunteered to accompany you.
The clinic was small and complete with anatomical posters of the baby laying in the womb and breast tissue and hoseok tried not to look at anything or anyone which wasn’t really working. 
“Your first time here?” An older gentleman asked, “you look nervous son just relax soon you're going to see your little one and it’s going to be magical.”
You took Hoseok's hand and tried to soothe his nerves and the two of you discussed random topics mostly about food as it was getting closer to lunch. 
“Perhaps we can get something to eat after this, what would you like?” Hoseok smiled 
“Mm chicken” you grinned thinking about how you couldn’t even enjoy beer with it. 
“Chicken it is,” Hoseok smiled, you felt at ease when he smiled, the lady called your name and you took Hoseok's hand and guided him into the room. 
Hoseok was blushing as people saw you holding hands going to see the doctor together. They must think you two are together. 
“Hello miss Y/n and is this the baby daddy?” The woman smiled at Hoseok and you laughed almost agreeing with her when Hoseok interrupted. 
“No, I'm her best friend?” Hoseok smiled patting your hand, he felt proud that this woman and the man in the waiting room even thought he was the father “we are going to do an ultrasound today let’s get you ready”
Hoseok watched the woman scan your stomach and he heard the heartbeat feeling his heart warm at the sound of a little baby that you had made. He would love this child as if it were his own. 
You watched him almost tear up and the woman spoke, “Your baby seems really well developed, how far along are you now?”
“Uh, about six months now,” You said, checking off the months on your fingers, Hoseok nodded along as the Nurse told you the baby was perfectly healthy and was average for it’s gestational age.
“would you like to know the baby's gender?”
“Yes, please, can you record it Hobi?” you said excitedly to know more about your unborn child. The woman waited while Hoseok tried to work his phone only to see the persistent alert and he frowned.
Storage full!
Storage full!
Storage…! Storage…! Storage…!
Come on damn it this was an important moment, sighing and taking your phone Hoseok used it to record instead. The woman turned the screen to you both. 
“It’s a little baby girl” she spoke and you looked up at Hoseok who was tearing up and you laughed trying to wipe your eyes . 
“You're having a baby girl!” He shouted excitedly through the tears and pressed his lips to yours. 
It was a beautiful moment that quickly turned awkward and you pulled away almost instantly. Hoseok stopped recording and the nurse gave a knowing chuckle. 
“I will give you two a moment while I get you a picture of your little girl to take home” she smiled shutting the door. 
“Sorry I got so carried away and excited,” Hoseok smiled the smile hadn’t left his face “I can’t believe it a little girl”
You watched Hoseok wipe his tears, the woman came back in handing over the photo. Hoseok snatched up the photo, fawning over the tiny baby captured on film. 
“Come on momma, we have to feed the little little darling, she needs to eat?” Hoseok pulled you off the table onto your feet not noticing how close he held you, your rounded tummy pressed against him. 
“What about me, I want to eat too?” You pouted feeling like Hoseok had replaced you, but you had little time to think as he tucked some stray hair behind your ear.
“What does my little darling and little little darling feel like eating?” His gaze was soft, his hands restless holding yours and massaging your palms affectionately. “What is darling momma craving? Do you still want chicken?”
If this man was any cuter you would melt, with Seokjin it was nice but he was very business. Have you eaten? Here is some nutritional food and make sure you rest. Whilst with Hoseok it was how are you feeling? What do you want to eat? It felt like he was here because he wanted to be not because he had to be.
“I really want seaweed soup,” You began, he seemed to nod contemplating where exactly you could get seaweed soup for lunch. It was an afterthought that made you continue “And bacon with peanut butter and sweet potato and watermelon and-”
“Woah woah woah, why do I feel like this is going to hurt my bank account?” Hoseok said cheekily. Slapping his arm you walked out dragging him, from the clinic making sure to wave goodbye to the reception.
“You suggested it so you front the bill, Hobi” You laughed, “Come on, I will settle for anything right now I am hungry.”
“Come on we can’t have darling momma and her baby starving to death,” Hoseok waved down a taxi, he went to help you into the vehicle but when he turned he saw you crying, clutching your stomach. It was like all the blood left his body and he was left with the cold sick feeling. “What is it, What’s wrong are you in pain?”
“You said we would starve to death!” You accused him, you knew it was irrational but you had just seen your baby girl and even joking about death was off limits things were too fragile right now and your hormones were all over the place.
“No, no no no” Hoseok reiterated quickly, “that’s not what I meant, it was just a dumb figure of speech, I would never and I mean never let you and your baby starve listen to me I would feed you my left leg before I even think about letting that happen.” 
“I don’t think you would taste good” You frowned, nauseous at the thought, pregnancy was such a miracle, between the mood swings cravings and the urge to upchuck every so often it was “I know exactly where you have been” 
He laughed, “Come on, I will take care of you, let’s eat everything you want”
Jumping excitedly you climbed into the taxi and the two of you sped through the city to a nice quiet restaurant, it was beautiful the aesthetic was nature and you were happy looking at the pretty flowers.
The two of you laughed and ate excitedly the old lady who worked there gave you some team with a hint of ginger to help with nausea. “You are a cute couple, you will make wonderful parents.”
“Thank you Auntie,” Hoseok smiled, taking your hand and kissing it, “We just found out today that it’s a little girl.”
“Oh that is wonderful, a man like you will have to protect your girls now,” The woman teased, making Hoseok puff his chest proudly raising his hands in a karate chop motion, “I won’t let anything hurt them.”
“You two take care now,” The woman smiled letting you both go, filling your hands with a few bags of goodies.
You were walking to the bus stop when you stopped out the front of a tiny boutique, there were a few baby clothes inside in pastel shades. You were frozen outside and Hoseok smiled, “We can go in and look around, if you want,”
You were about to protest when Hoseok continued slipping his hand into yours, “Come on, it won't be scary we will just look around”
His gentle tug on your hand was the only thing that got you into the store, for some reason each new milestone made this baby feel more and more real, and less like a concept. You had set up the nursery and now you were going to buy clothes for your baby girl that you will be having in approximately three months.
You remembered trying to deny it all, even postponing making the nursery but here you were getting increasingly nervous and excited. Every night you rubbed your belly whispering to the baby inside about how you couldn’t wait to meet them but how you were still learning and you loved them.
Pressing your hand to your stomach, you push back the emotions. Trying not to think about anything that could make you anymore emotional in public. “This one is cute, look at the little frills”
Hoseok held a very tiny suit in his hands and you thought about the small person who would fit in his hands and blinked back the tears. This was so much at once but you couldn’t back away, you had to face it, like ripping off a bandaid, even if it stung or was overwhelming it was better to get it done quickly.
“The Nursery is white and grey. What colours were you thinking to add to it, maybe pink rattles?” He suggested holding said items, “Fluffy yellow socks?”
“I love green,” Hoseok added excited about the idea of using his favourite colour, “what kind of green?”
“I thought maybe a soft mint green, mint green light grey and white, an easy colour scheme” Your voice strained the emotions bleeding through into your words as you took a small suit from the shelf. Imagining your little girl wiggling in the suit with her little legs and arms and her squishy face. “Hoseok”
“Hey, what’s wrong?” he grabbed your face, “What has you upset again little darling?”
“The baby is going to be so small and I don’t know if I can do this, I am trying but maybe my mother was right, I am not ready and-”
“Your mother is a rotten old woman, you are going to do great, because you are tough, because you are trying your best, because you have a heart of gold and because I will be there with you every step of the way holding your hand” Hoseok assured you “I am going to be there”
“This one is very cute, how about we buy it and call it a day, you have had a lot of excitement today and I think we take small steps not giant leaps.”
“Hoseok, I got, this flyer for a baby class, they teach you about the birth and hospital bags and what to do if the baby is born early and how to give the babies first bath and well, I was wondering if you wanted to go with me cause you know dad’s usually go but well your the closest thing I have to a man in my life and I would be ever so grateful”
“Have you finished rambling?” You nodded sighing, Hoseok was giving you a look that said you were overthinking everything. “I would love to go”
You smiled “It is every sunday afternoon at five to eight, so if you can’t make it tomorrow we can try for the next one”
“I will be there.” Hoseok smiled and the two of you headed home Hoseok carried the free snacks from the old lady at the restaurant and you cradled the tiny paper bag from the baby boutique with the tiny mint green suit with the frills.
Once at your house Hoseok stopped you at the front door, “Listen to me whenever you start to panic or freak out, remember twenty-five years can’t be erased that easily” He moved your shirt to show your collarbone tattoo caressing it with his thumb “I won’t just leave, I promise you, okay?”
“Okay, Hobi” You agreed with his statement. Feeling a little reassured by his declaration, he was right. You had twenty-five years and when you tell him, he will understand and everything will be okay.
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Teenage Dreams
The one where someone disrespects Emily and Jack remedies it by punching them in the face.
Read on AO3
Emily was a great Mom.
Despite the fact that they weren't related by blood, she was the only mom he truly ever know. He never really knew his actual Mom since she had died so long ago now. He had snippets of memories, barely threads now since it's been over a decade since she passed, and the stories that his Dad would tell him. About how they first met in the Pirates of Penzance play in high school, how she supported him through law school and the Academy, and how she loved strawberry ice cream and will always love him.
But Emily had always been around, on the sidelines of his soccer games and baseball tournaments, wiping his tears and kissing his bandages when he scraped his knee or slammed his finger in the car door. They had gotten married almost five years ago now and it was only in the last three that Jack had insisted on calling her Mom.
"You're the only Mom I have." He had said when she was stunned into silence as he tested the moniker on his lips on a Wednesday afternoon. He doesn't think he'd ever seen Emily cry so hard before.
The only thing Jack Hotchner didn't really like about his mom, is all the snide comments and half whispers among his friends whenever they came over. He was aware that Emily was beautiful, if the way his Dad always told her was any indication.
It was after school and Mom had come to pick him up after his first soccer practice, his friends quickly starting to elbow each other as his Mom made his way towards them, still dressed from work with her FBI badge hanging off the side of her blazer.
"Hi sweetie." Emily greets. She smiled brilliantly at all his friends, some of whom quickly averted their eyes at the sight of her.
"Hey Mom. These are my teammates." He says, introducing her to the gangly group of teenagers who were either outright staring or doing everything in their power to not make any eye contact.
"I just need to go grab my stuff from the locker room. I'll meet you at the car?" Emily nods, knowing that now that Jack was getting older he was starting to enter the phase where everything his parents did embarrassed him, even if it was just something as simple as picking him up from practice. If Emily were a betting woman, she would wager a large amount of money that Jack wanted her to park down the street so his friends never saw her.
If only she knew exactly why Jack was keeping his friends far away from her.
His friends immediately start whispering to themselves as Emily makes her way back towards the parking lot to wait for Jack.
"That's his mom?"
"Holy shit."
"That is a MILF if I've ever seen one." Jack is quick to shoot an angry glare at his teammate, who at the stern look in Jack's eye, had the decency to look embarrassed before they made their way into the locker room.
Jack could still hear the rumblings among his friends, catching the words sexy and red from the direction of the showers. He tries to block it out, but he can feel the tips of his ears go read as his teammates swapped remarks about their list of hottest Moms and somehow, his own makes it on the list.
He's still bright red when he hops into the car, Mom with a concerned look on her face.
"Are you alright, Jack? You're not catching a fever, are you?" She frowns, checking his temperature with the back of his hand as he swats her away.
"Mom, I'm fine. It's nothing." Emily tuts, Jack's tone toeing the boundary between upset and disrespectful.
"Jack, you know that as a profiler I can tell when you're lying to me, right?" She says, her eyebrow raised and Jack grumbles to himself. Emily smiles at the muttered words, but for her benefit, she asks him to speak up.
"Sorry, what did you say?"
"I said yes ma'am, I am well-aware."
"And you also know that I won't force you to talk about anything unless you want to talk about it?"
A small smile breaks on Jack's lips. Mom never did push him to talk about anything, always just letting him know that she was available when he eventually did want to. Her only condition was that he would talk to her eventually, no matter how long that took. It was one of Jack's favorite things about her, since she could really calm his Dad down when he had that vein bulging from his neck whenever information was withheld from him.
"I'm aware of that too."
"As long as you know." She says, before turning up the radio and singing in an off-tune pitch to the latest pop song on the radio, clearly unaware of the actual lyrics or which key the song is supposed to be in.
Okay, maybe there were two things he didn't like about her.
The next time someone makes a comment about his Mom, they make it to Jack's face.
Dennis Smith was one of those kids you'd consider an outcast in school. Always dressed in torn jeans and black, followed by thin cronies who were too afraid to stand-up to the kids who picked on them so they ended up hiding behind a larger bully. He had been taunting Elliot, Jack's lab partner, for the past three weeks. Elliot had run into class that day, his shirt torn and bag half-opened as he rushed to sit next to Jack.
"Dude, what happened?" Jack asked when he spotted the torn pocket and the hastily stuffed belongings in his backpack. Some of his books were wet and if Jack had to guess, they had roughed him up in the boy's bathroom.
"Dennis." Elliot just mumbles, pulling out his notebook and cursing when he realizes that they took his wallet.
No one was going to pick on his friends if he could do something about it.
At least, that's what his Dad taught him.
So when Chemistry ends, he stalks Dennis and finds him bent over a water fountain, his friends chatting away while leaning on the locker next to him. Jack reaches over and taps him on the shoulder, a bewildered expression on Dennis' face.
"What do you want, Hotchner?" He spit out, puffing his chest to make him seem bigger than he actually was. Dennis didn't like him, since he was one of the only ones who wasn't scared of the bully. Jack found it hard to be scared of him, considering the fact that both of his parents were in the FBI and dealt with much scarier things than insecure teenage boys with an anger issue.
Jack crosses his arms, Elliot hiding behind him as he stares Dennis down.
"What's your problem with Elliot?" He asks flatly, interested in getting to the bottom of this. The hallway slowly starts to flood with students exiting their classes and the commotion causes a small crowd to form. In the corner of his eye, Jack can see cellphones being pulled out and aimed right at them.
"My problem is that little pipsqueak told Ms. Gardner that I was cheating." The bully stares directly at Elliot, who cowers further behind Jack despite the fact that Jack was only a few inches taller than him.
"But you were cheating."
"Well, if he learned to mind his own business, then maybe we wouldn't pick on him so much." Jack sizes Dennis up - he notices the muddy state of his shoes and pants that dangle just above his ankles, clearly too short for him. He smells faintly of body odor and some form of energy drink and if Jack had to guess, no one was providing him parental supervision at home.
He was angry, and had no one to direct that anger towards except for a student who was just doing his due diligence.
"Look, Dennis. I get it - your parents don't spend enough time with you, they leave you alone a lot, and you're angry about it. Can't you find something better to do with your time? Like actually studying so you don't need to cheat?"
Dennis flushes bright red and Jack turns and motions for Elliot to follow him. Hopefully, that would be enough to stop them from bullying Elliot. It's only then that he hears what Dennis mutters under his breath.
"Not all of us have a hot ass stepmom to tend to our every need. If I had a stepmom like that-"
Jack's fist connects with his nose, his knuckles flashing in pain at the contact. He feels a white hot rage spark under his skin, directed at anyone who would think to badmouth his family. The crowd gasps as Dennis falls to the floor, clutching his nose and yelping in pain. Jack flexes his knuckles and winces at the dull ache that settled in his joints. He freezes when he hears a familiar voice call out his name.
"Jack Hotchner!" Jack's eyes close and hopes that it isn't who he thinks it is.
He plasters a smile on his face and turns around, hiding his swollen hand behind his back.
"Hi Principal Gibbons."
"You are grounded for at least three months." Aaron says, his knuckles white around the steering wheel. It was just his luck that his Dad would be the one to pick him up. Apparently, Mom was off on a case with the BAU and Jack had a feeling she would be more understanding of him breaking Dennis' nose after fifth period.
After all, she was the one who signed him up for self-defense classes.
"What were you thinking Jack? Breaking a kid's nose?" His Dad had been furious upon arriving at the Principal's office. To the normal outsider, he looked calm, but Jack knew the fury that lay underneath. Dad had an excellent poker face and he managed to keep his anger under wraps until they got back into the car.
"He was being a dick."
"Language." His Dad warns and Jack sighs, knowing that swearing probably wasn't going to save him from the thin ice he was already on.
"Look, he was bullying my friend Elliot and I stood up to him."
"So, instead of talking it out, you punched him." Aaron says in disbelief and Jack shakes his head in frustration.
"No, I told him that his parents weren't around and that he was angry, so instead of picking on Elliot, he should just study."
There's a beat of silence.
"You profiled him?" Aaron curses the pride that blooms at the realization, not wanting Jack to get off that easy. After all, he did get suspended for three days and had to visit the school counselor with Dennis upon his return for 'mediation'.
"I did. Then I walked away."
"Then why did you punch him?"
"Because he said something about Emily." Jack's arms cross, his gaze out the window and Aaron sighs. He had been ecstatic when Emily came to him with tears in her eyes because Jack wanted to start calling her Mom. It was a decision that Aaron always left entirely up to Jack, not wanting to force him into feeling like they were replacing Haley since they were getting married. She had always been perfectly fine at being called Emily, not wanting to infringe on Jack's view of Haley. Jack only reverted back to calling her 'Emily' when he wanted to distinguish Emily and Haley.
Aaron lets the silence sit for a minute, his anger deflating. "What did he say?" He eventually asks.
"That not everyone had a hot ass stepmom to tend to their every need."
A different flash of anger runs through Aaron, his grip around the steering wheel tightening a little bit and his knuckles flashing white.
"That's why I punched him. I don't want anyone to talk about Mom like that."
Aaron lets out a breath, the last of his anger dissipating with Jack's words. He had always taught Jack to stand-up for those who couldn't stand up for themselves and he did just that. He stood up for Elliot and he stood up for Emily as well, not tolerating any disrespect for the people he cared about.
"Hot ass stepmom?" Aaron asks, a curious eyebrow raised.
"Oh Dad, you have no idea."
Emily comes back home to the angry marks on Jack's hand settling into purple and yellow bruises.
"You did what?"
"He punched a kid at school. He'll be suspended until tomorrow." Emily crossed her arms, disappointment in her expression. "Did this kid attempt to hit you first?"
Jack shook his head, hung low from the stare his Mom was baring into him. Aaron chuckles, rescuing Jack from what he is sure is a tongue lashing with a gentle hand placed on her shoulder.
"He was actually defending a friend." Mom's stance softens ever so slightly and eventually, she uncrosses her arms and sighs.
"As long as it was for the right reasons. But I still don't condone the violence and you're grounded until next week." Jack nods, knowing that it was a lenient punishment considering he spent the last month grounded because he had snuck out to see a girl.
Later, when Jack is in bed, Aaron tells Emily the true reason why he had gotten in trouble. Her heart swells with pride and an absolute adoration for the boy she's watched grow up and felt honored that he would defend her from his peers.
"Hot ass stepmom, huh?" She teases as Aaron bristles. She loved that even after years together, he still got jealous. Many cops and detectives have been the end of the Hotchner glare when he caught them checking her out and somehow, it doesn't surprise her that a few harmless teenage crushes would cause his heckles to rise.
"Oh sweetheart." She coos, snaking her arms around his neck as his hands land on her hips. She doesn't miss the way his grip is just a little tighter and giggles as he grunts in acknowledgement.
"You don't need to worry about a bunch of teenage boys stealing me away."
"Who says I'm worried?"
Emily just laughs, smoothing the frown on his forehead.
"Whatever you say, sweetie."
Later that week, when Jack's friends come over before they head to the high school football game, Emily comes home from her run. Her hair is thrown up in a messy bun, her sweat slick on her skin and her running shorts hugging her behind tightly. Aaron walks into the living room to greet her to see two pairs of eyes glued to Emily's form as she walks into the kitchen to get some water.
He throws them a death glare and doesn't fight the smirk on his face when Emily presses a kiss to his lips in greeting.
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