#nothing worked so im gonna have to take it to the shop tomorrow and i'm probably going to lose a month or so of photos whatever who cares
dmumt · 1 year
why is everything that could possibly go wrong in my life doing just that
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i see u pleading for an andrew request so IM GONNA DELIVER 😼 what if. academic to lovers college au where y/n and andrew get assigned to a group project or smth (ion get how college works YET) and it’s actually really fluffy?? like maybe slightly yandere andrew where’s he’s a lil possessive but nothing too toxic that would scare a girl away irl.,.. okay that’s my idea good luck 🤧
Yandere! Andrew Graves x Reader (College AU)
Wordcount: 1,500+ words
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Andrew and you had the same history class and your professor paired the two of you up to research about WWI and create a presentation for class. You couldn’t use the internet for research, so you had to resort to digging around the city's library.
Andrew was a bit annoyed at first for this project. He preferred working alone, it made it so others wouldn’t get in his way while working and so he could have all his work credited for. 
Andrew quickly grew to respect you when you actually took the project serious instead of placing the work on him because he was smart, or just goofing off and not contributing. He respected that you could work efficiently at a decent-pace, but also you could have fun too. You could crack harmless jokes, and you could make something as boring as studying entertaining and fun while still taking your deadline and work seriously. 
Andrew quickly breaks out of his shell with you. You just have some sort of aura that draws him to you, he can't help but laugh at your jokes or guide you through the books with him. 
By the end of the first study session, Andrew leaves feeling happy to spend his time researching with you, and a bit sad that he has to wait until tomorrow to see you again.
The next day, you both go back to the library to research some more material for your project. You gather up what books you want to dissect today, sitting down at a table with Andrew to study, but he seems a bit distracted now.
Andrew's eyes drift from the pages to you repeatedly, he couldn't read a full page without looking at you twice, which made your work less efficient.
        "Are you okay?" you finally questioned.          Andrew seemed surprised that you caught him, his green eyes flickering in surprise, before he cleared his throat.         "Um... yeah. I'm just thirsty." He lied. "Hey, do you want a drink? There's a coffee shop not too far from the here. We can continue studying there?" he suggested.          "Sure." You smiled, seeing no harm in it.
        Andrew looked relieved that you accepted his proposal. You both gathered your materials and books, walking together to the library. Andrew stayed walking on the side of the road, a silent act of chivalry that you probably wouldn't have noticed if you weren't observing him to see if he was alright.
        When you got to the coffee shop and ordered your drinks, Andrew sat next to you in the same booth, your shoulders as he claimed it would be easier to point out what one another is talking about and to hear each other better in this crowded place. 
        Even though you both had gotten your drinks, Andrew's mind was still somewhere else. He was too busy staring at you, thinking of how pretty you looked with how your hair was done, or how your eyes looked in this coffee shop's lighting, or how you bit your lip slightly when you started to daydream while reading about the boring events going on for your project.
By the end of your second day together, you both had to leave the coffee shop because of how late it got. Andrew was disappointed he had to leave you, but he knew he'd see you tomorrow. 
On day three, Andrew woke up early and stopped at the library to check out some books for today's study session. He dropped them off at his apartment, cleaning up his apartment some before walking to class. He sees you and sits next to you during the lecture, making small talk with you before class started. 
Andrew and you goofed off a bit during class, but were still pretty productive helping each other out and not being too distracting to your other peers, so your professor allowed you two to stay seated together.
When class was over, Andrew mentioned how he picked up books earlier this morning during a grocery run since the library was just around the corner from him (liar). He said the books were at his apartment and that you both can study at his place.
You agreed. It'd be easier to study someplace where you wouldn't get kicked out for staying too long or for being too loud, and it's also helpful for if you get thirsty or hungry. You and Andrew walked to his apartment together as he walked on the side traffic was. 
Andrew almost wrapped his arm around your waist, but felt that it would be too intimate for now (he didn't want to scare you after all!) He instead placed his arm around your shoulders and pulled you close to his side. 
When you questioned what he was doing, Andrew leaned down into your ear and spoke: "it's loud out here with the traffic and all, this just makes it easier to hear you."
You ignored it, following him back to his apartment. He unlocked the door and allowed you to step inside, before closing it behind you and locking it. Andrew took you to his bedroom, saying the books were in there. 
The books were on his bed as Andrew sat down on it, looking up at you, as if telling you to join him in bed. You did, sitting down next to him and picking up a book to start analyzing. Andrew had a bit of a hard time focusing with you in his room, on his bed, alone with his company. He was able to manage, reading and going over the topics with you. 
Andrew played soft jazz music in the background, claiming that the music was around the same time period as the project, so perhaps it'd get them in the mood to keep studying or maybe the lyrics could have something mentioning the project. Either way, the music and all this reading was starting to make you sleepy.
Andrew noticed how your eyes drooped, and how your head started to bounce up and down as you tried to keep yourself away. He hid his smile by hiding his face with his book. Before you could try leaving, you fell asleep on his bed next to him. Andrew noticed, and after a few minutes of making sure you were completely asleep, he placed both of your books down on his dresser, writing today's research papers for the two of you since you were asleep.
Andrew curled up next to you, wrapping his arms around you as he admired your sleeping figure. He kept the jazz music playing in the background, just in case you woke up from him turning it off and so it looked like he fell asleep too when you would eventually wake up.
When you woke up, you were fairly confused and flustered that you had fallen asleep in Andrew's room, and even more flustered once you realized you not only fell asleep in his bed, but his arms too. Andrew stirred awake when you tried to move out of his grasp, realizing you woke up. He apologized (fake, of course) and said that when he sleeps he usually hugs a pillow, so he must've thought you were his pillow when he fell asleep.
It was a reasonable answer, so you accepted the apology and moved on, getting ready for class. In the next few days, you and Andrew were able to finish your project and presentation together, getting a perfect score with each other's help. 
Andrew was disappointed that you two couldn't work together on the project together, so he proposed that you two become study buddies and help each other study. You accepted, making Andrew happy that he still got to see you and hang out with you after school alone. 
When Andrew left to go back to his parent's apartment, he made sure to call you about the situation at home, the contaminated water and the quarantine and all. He called you everyday, for hours at a time as you both fell asleep on the phone lines. 
When Andrew's calls faded all of a sudden, you were pretty concerned for him. He still wasn't in class, and he hadn't called you in almost a week despite your phone calls every day. 
It wasn't until you got a knock on your apartment that you saw him. When you opened the door, Andrew rushed in and immediately picked you up, spinning you around in the air as he smiled. 
"(Y/N)!" he smiled brightly, his hands on your hips as he spun you in the air happily. "Andrew!" you gasped, a smile making way on your face as you couldn't help but laugh as his actions. "Where have you been? Why haven't you been calling me?" you questioned, your face turning in confusion when you caught the whiff of something metallic on his clothing.  "That doesn't matter." He smiled, setting you down on the ground as he looked at you adoringly.  You noticed something on his cheek and used your thumb to wipe it off. It was a small blotch of red. Strange... "That doesn't matter anymore. She tried to keep us apart, but I wouldn't let that happen." He spoke, his eyes half-lidded as he stared into your pretty ones. "Nothing matters anymore. I'm here with you now." 
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        Thank you for the request! I'm a huge simp for Andrew (especially yandere) so I had such fun writing this!
        Want more Andrew Graves content? Check out the Andrew Graves masterlist!
Inbox is open for requests!
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yn-bishop · 2 years
‘Fuck You’ Flowers
Kate Bishop x Fem!Reader
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Prompt: Y/n owns a flowershop and one day Kate comes in. Kate slaps 20 bucks onto the counter and then asks How do I passive-aggressively say fuck you in flower? and Y/n bursts out laughing before making a bouquet for Kate.
As Y/n was laying out the new stock of flowers in her shop, she hears the ding of the little bell above the door that indicates there's a customer. She walks behind the counter just as a girl with black hair slams a $20 bill in front of her.
"How do I passive aggressively say fuck you in flowers?"
The taller woman asks with a serious look on her face, looking towards the shop owner.
Y/n stares back at her in surprise before bursting out into melodic laughter that makes the taller girls heart beat faster.
"Flowers aren't really a fuck you kind of gift but I'll see what I can do"
Y/n replies before walking towards some flowers and gathering them into her hands.
"Is that your dog?"
She asks as she walks towards some more flowers.
"Uh, kind of. I mean, he's mine now but he wasn't always mine. I found him"
The girl replies as she leans down to pet the dog.
"What are your names?"
Y/n asks with a polite smile as she fixes the bouquet to give the girl.
"I'm Kate and he's Lucky. Or pizza dog. He responds to either one"
Kate replies as she takes the flowers from the girls hands.
"So who are you trying to say fuck you to?"
"My mom. I had an unfortunate incident with a bell tower and a bow and arrow and now she's pissed at me. So I'm giving her an apology gift to get her off my back"
Kate sighs out before looking at her watch.
"Oh shoot, I'm gonna be late. Thanks for the flowers!
Kate yells to the younger girl as she runs out the door, leaving Y/n smiling to herself.
A few days after that encounter, the black haired girl finds herself talking to Clint.
"She was just so beautiful, Clint! And she didn't even make fun of me for asking for 'fuck you' flowers. Should I go back in there and ask for 'ask out' flowers or something? But then she might think I want to ask someone else out and-"
"You know, a normal girl would just tell the girl she likes her"
Clint cuts off the young girls rambling with a sigh.
"I can't do that. What if she has a girlfriend? You're like 60 Clint. You know nothing about this"
Kate replies as her mind wanders back to the shorter woman.
"Oh, hi! Did the flowers work?"
Y/n asks as the black haired girl walks in her store again.
"Yeah, I actually need some more. Not fuck you ones this time. I actually need ask out flowers. For you. Im not sure if that was obvious but-"
Kate's cut off when she feels Y/n's hand go on top of hers.
"Kate, I would love to go out with you"
"Really? Great! Tomorrow then? I'll pick you up from here at 5. See you then!"
She says as she runs out the door.
"Did you still want the flowers?!"
Y/n yells to her but receives no answer. She smiles as she watches the door.
4 years later Y/n wakes to the feeling of  familiar fingers running softly up and down her arm.
"Kate? What's wrong?"
She mumbles as she opens her eyes to see her girlfriend.
"Nothing. I'm just so happy. And I have something for you"
Kate sits up and reaches for something under the bed, holding it in front of her.
"What is this?"
Y/n asks with wide eyes, looking at the flowers in front of her with a sign taped to them reading 'marry me?'.
"I was gonna get them from your shop but you know I only ever buy flowers for you so you would've known something was going on and-"
Kate's cut off by her girlfriends lips being pressed against hers.
"Yes. Of course I'll marry you"
Y/n tells her as she wraps her arms around Kate with a wide smile.
"You will? I'm so happy. I can't wait to marry you"
Kate replies as she pulls Y/n in for another kiss.
"I can't wait either"
Y/n mumbles against her fiancés lips.
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timetravell · 1 month
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Twas the first day of school, here is a little recap:
We mainly went over all the new procedures. Theres one about phones and if they have to take it up 4 times in a row you have to pay a fine of 15 dollars. And the dress code regressed?? No teacher is enforcing it though. We still have the same tardy policy (10 tardies = ISS).
If this phone policy doesn't 'work' then we just- wont be allowed to bring our phones at all Which is a HUGE safety concern.
below is a recap of all my class periods <3
1st period: Colorguard
Nothing much happened here, again a lot of today was just a repeat of all procedures. There were a few band specific things, such as attendance, rehearsals, UDB, and stuff pertaining to the band hall itself. There is now a form so if need be, your istrument can be turned into the shop to get fixed!
We also cleaned out the guard locker room/area. All of the costumes from last year got put in one of the lower lockers. We somehow found stuff from seniors who left YEARS ago. And 3 year old water....in a jug still.. yikes.
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2nd: Forensics!!!
Im actually so happy I got to be in this class. Im looking forward to a lot of things in it. Especially the labs and that one lecture about blood splatters. Our teacher is actually absent this first week, but thats because he's also the volleyball coach. (Our volleyball team is in Hawaii for nationals I believe)
We had three assignments. One of them was designing a locker (mine is super cute, it has a Marina poster), the second was a Syllabus scavenger hunt which isn't due until tomorrow but I wanted to get a jump on it so I finished it at home. The third was homework, which was just a student survey.
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3rd: ELA
It was just, again, more policy updates and a little get to know you card. This class, thank god, wont be all on computer. We'll have some paper assignments. We haven't gotten our reading yet (which upsets me a teeny bit, but I'm sure we'll learn about it later in the week)
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4th: AP World History
I'm actually so exited for this class its not even funny. I was genuinley upset when we didnt get our unit 0 packets and when I found out we werent getting our textbooks until Friday.
We did learn that the AP teachers are no longer allowed to split that 70% weighted major assignments to 40/30. Which absolutely sucks, and on top of that our first unit is stuff our state says we NEED to know to get said World History credit. Which means we wont even be tested on it come spring. Our district hates us.
I actually have a good teacher for this AP class, last year I had a very (idk how else to put it) 'White privlidged' teacher. AND AND I narrowly missed being stuck in a class with someone I despise. Made me so happy!
I also learned that 'The History of the Entire World I guess' is pretty accurate! So I can use that as a study resource for like- a short summary.
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5th: Astronomy
SO SO SO excited for this class. And there is no math! None! (If they added math it would have to become an AP class). My teacher is so funny unironicly. He's very monotone and you would think he'd be a bore, but he's actually really funny in my opinion.
We actually will talk about why Astrology isnt real which I think will be really fun. I dont nessicarily believe astrology is real, I like the idea of it. But going indepts on why it isnt is going to be really interesting!
We also will get to learn how galaxies and solar systems form, which will be really helpfull for making my story, Abyss. Theres also gonna be night labs!! (if we go we get a free 100 on a test grade) And maybe some Day Labs if the school can get their hands on a solar telescope.
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6th: Geometry
It's geometry. There wasnt really anything of note here. Just the fact that i somehow have a class full of kids who dont care abt the Highschool grades. (I have confirmed this, it isnt speculation) It's gonna be a loud period..
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7th: Band (they split it up weird)
Im in guard, i dont do 'band' until concert season. I cant work on my solo during this period OR my homework. Pissed me of factually because the original plan was as followed:
Used as a study hall
Practice choreography
Practice flute
But nope! They hate me! /j
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8th: Musical Theatre!
So many new people! Its gonna be so much fun! I have a lot of friends in that class so im really excited!
I already know the song im gonna do for our first solo, just gotta get permission cuz its technicly not from a musical (Wont say im in love from hercules)
Anyways thats it!! Tmmr will most likely have some more stuff so follow if you want to see!
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ase-trollplays · 8 months
--chronicallyMousy [CM] began trolling sandstormHuntress [SH]--
--chronicallyMousy [CM] began trolling sandstormHuntress [SH]--
CM: ...hello corali... (//:3 ...how have you been?...
SH: Eh, I been better, I guess. Some fucking
SH: Coward ass chicken shit's been leaving threats at my hive.
CM: ...what???...
SH: It ain't nothing to worry about. I ain't scared a nobody that can't threaten me to my face. Little annoying notes ain't gonna intimidate me none.
CM: ...corali... maybe you s-should take this s-seriously... ...did you upset or hurt anyone recently?...
SH: Just the usual rowdy drunks at the Jackhammer and the troll whose arm I snapped in half a perigee back for stabbing me.
CM: ...do you think its him?... )//:3
SH: Unless he wants me to snap every bone in his body, it better not be.
SH: He's been banned from the bar, and I ain't seen him since then.
SH: Fucker knows he can't take me in a fight, so he's trying to scare me.
CM: ...do you think a legislacerator might help you?...
SH: Are y'all kidding? Legis don't give a shit about lowbloods unless they're arresting, beating, or putting us on trial.
SH: I might as well ask my pa for help for all the good a legi will do.
CM: ...i just dont want you getting hurt... ...what if they escalate things?... ...if they already know where you live... and your hive isnt that easy to find or get to... imagine what else they must know... D//:3
SH: Don't y'all worry your pretty little head. There ain't a troll on Alternia that can scare me. You've seen your mate, and you know me and him go at it like pit fighters and he ain't killed or seriously hurt me yet aside from the occasional broken bone.
CM: ...but danny fights fair... ...whoever this is probably wont... and you might get killed or worse!...
SH: I'm telling y'all it's fine. Everything's gonna be fine.
CM: ... )//':3
SH: Ah come on, don't make little crying faces at me.
SH: It's
SH: Fine.
SH: I promise on my sobriety I can handle whatever the fuck's going on.
CM: ...just call me and check in every night for the next perigee... ...if i dont hear from you... im coming out there...
SH: Alright, if it'll make you feel better, fine. Expect to hear from me tomorrow.
CM: ...thank you... (//:3
CM: ...have you told darius?...
SH: Of course not. She's got better things to worry about, like her dress shop.
CM: ...darius is using s-she/her again?...
SH: Yeah, says it feels "right." Whatever, I ain't gonna judge her. She's my kiddo no matter what she calls herself.
CM: ...im trying to think of how to better explain gender to varoll... ...s-she only knows about cisgender boys and girls...
CM: ...and i told her that s-sometimes boys and girls look different than you expect... and s-someone you think is a boy is really a girl... and vice versa...
CM: ...but im not s-sure how to explain people that are transgender... or arent a binary gender at all...
SH: Eh, you're overthinking it. Kids will take whatever you tell them pretty much at face value.
CM: ...varoll isnt like that... though... ...not at her age... ...s-she wants to know everything in detail... and all the hows and whys...
CM: ...if i tell her that s-some people are just 'like that'... s-she might not accept that as an answer...
CM: ...but i dont know any other way to explain other genders to her...
SH: Dar's genderweird. Just scoot Varoll her way.
SH: Get her answers right from the hoofbeast's mouth. She's the one who taught me all this gender shit in the first place.
SH: I ain't gonna say I'm an expert, but I know enough. I'm sure she'd love to talk about it.
CM: ...are you s-sure?... ...i dont want to put that on her and make her feel like s-she has to...
SH: Trust me, Dar'll leap at the chance.
CM: ...okay... ...it would be a really big help...
CM: ...hows work?...
SH: Same shit different night.
SH: Throwing out people starting fights or getting handsy or giving the bartender a little too much lip.
CM: ...i really wish you would work s-somewhere else... ...im worried with you constantly being around alcohol and people drinking...
SH: Have some faith in me. It's been, what.
SH: Seven perigees now since I quit? And I haven't had a drop. I'm still going to AA, and I got you and Dar and Arri for support.
SH: Ain't nothing gonna make me blow this.
SH: I invite the universe to fucking try it. Can't be done.
CM: ...please dont tempt the universe... D//:3
SH: Y'all know I'm just messing. ;)
SH: Anyw
CM: ...corali?...
--sandstormHuntress [SH] is an idle chum--
CM: ...im going to call you...
--chronicallyMousy [CM] gave up trolling sandstormHuntress [SH]--
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hedonianow · 1 year
really did have the most amazing weekend. went out for a fancy rooftop bar with some new friends then to a regular dancey bar for dancing then to a karaoke bar then lyfted home & found a blue gatorade in the lyft then i barely remember ordering a chicken cutlet gyro at the bodega. saturday i woke up sooo nice and late and got some work done and also made it to the gym which was huge bc normally it's really hard for me to get up enough energy to go thank you levothyroxine! & then i just chilled i think, took bean on an extra long walk. then sunday was my big social day, i was supposed to meet corrina and some other folks for lunch but her bus up to new york was delayed so i just went to magnolia bakery bc it was right by the american folk art museum which is where i was about to go with my new friend emma and it was really cool honestly!! and then i went home and ordered hartbreakers and laid down in preparation for the frankie cosmos show which i showed up to at seven like an idiot but because i was in line so early i posted about it and elisheba saw my story about it and came thru so we basically ignored the 2nd opener and frankie made me super emo like that girl is the only person who i think really understands me tbh. soo then kept talking with elisheba and went home and walked bean (all these days ofc start and end with walking bean). oh also saturday is when my debit card came so i got that activated and today i was FINALLY able to withdraw cash and do laundry and then i just got stuff done i went grocery shopping and knocked out some extra work so i'm gonna get paaaaaiiiid & i took a lovely shower & i made vegetable stock & used that to make a cauliflower soup that my fav coworker posted on slack the other day and it was soooo tasty and hearty. i'm really just astonished & proud to see how much i got done this weekend i've really come a long way from my days of just lying in bed doing nothing for hours and not being able to start any projects. there were def some ups and downs, i had a kind of triggering conversation with indra on thursday where she was like very sympathetic to me but also is still remaining friends with the old friendgroup that pushed me out and it's like ok so what is the truth. but i havent let it take me over or really even take over my conversations. anyway tomorrow is my last day at my current position at work and i get to go to therapy too! and tell melissa about all my progress. overall im really proud of io!!!!
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kiribakuficrecs · 3 years
hello!!! im going on a very long trip at the end of april and I'm looking for some very long fics to download to keep me entertained! i dont care what they're about as long as there's no major character death or mentions of non-con. ur blog is a godsend ilysm and you do such a good job thank you so much 🙏
hi there!! i definitely have a lot of good lengthy fics i can recommend to you!
quote love unquote by newamsterdam 
Sero nods. “It’s the chance of a lifetime, really,” he says. “We want you to date Bakugou, for the sake of his reputation with the press. Some public appearances, a few ‘candid’ photos. For at least a couple of months.”
“Bakugou sent you to ask me to date him?” Kirishima asks, baffled.
“Of course not. We, his people, are asking you to date him. He’s going to have to get on board, if he wants his career to survive. And in the bargain, Riot will get all sorts of publicity, because their lyricist will be dating one of the industry’s hottest stars. A win for everyone.”
When Kirishima Eijirou's band hits the big time, he's not prepared for his newfound fame. He's even less prepared to meet the actor he's been crushing on for years, or to start dating him as a publicity stunt. The closer Kirishima gets to Bakugou Katsuki, the more he realizes he's in over his head. But it's hard to stop, once his heart is in it.
acceptance and denial by poteto
It all goes okay when Kirishima decides to come out to his friends and it all goes wrong when decides that Bakugou is the best fake boyfriend material.
cause the darks not taking prisoners tonight by imatrisarahtops
“Are those soba noodles?” Kirishima asked.
Again Bakugou’s only reply was a grunt. He offered no further explanation—not that Kirishima honestly expected one—as though making soba noodles from scratch at half past four in the morning wasn’t at all a bizarre occurrence and made complete and total sense. For a fleeting moment, Kirishima even wondered if maybe he was the odd one here. Besides, he’d already decided it was generally not in his best interest to question these types of things with Bakugou, especially when it was something essentially harmless.
When Kirishima has a nightmare and is unable to fall back asleep, he accepts defeat and decides to study in the common area of the dorms. What he doesn't expect to find is Bakugou, also very much awake, and Kirishima can't help but think that maybe they're both having the same problems with sleeping. If he's worried, it's just because they're friends. (Right?)
the weight of your hand by kamin
That night, to the citizens, the explosions were a jolt of fear at every blast, but to the heroes and the students of UA, they were punches and swings, fierce fighting and loud strength. The explosions were the pulse of the battle, and the power of a boy that would never back down.
One after another, explosions set a chorus through the shuddering city.
And then, suddenly—the explosions stopped.
(In which Bakugou’s kidnapping goes a little differently, and just a few seconds could change so much.)
so take my hand (your life will be brighter) by multiclassmaps
When a stranger shows up at the ice rink during Bakugou's usually private training sessions, Bakugou expects to hate him. He doesn't expect to develop feelings that become increasingly difficult to deny, or for them to help each other sort through their emotional baggage. - Bakugou really didn't like Kirishima's smile. There was something about it that made his stomach hurt, something about it that made it difficult to focus. He definitely hadn't thought about that smile on his way to the ice rink that day. He definitely hadn't.
distance makes the heart grow fonder (false) by dragontrappedinhumanskin
When Bakugo and Kirishima get hit by a quirk that forces them to literally stick together or face the less then desirable consequences, how the fuck is Bakugo supposed to keep his crush hidden?! Well, turns out he never needed to.
-- “Well, this fucking sucks, how are we supposed to train?!” "Really closely?"
perihelion by tauontauoff
Bakugou was a comet, blazing out of reach. Kirishima knew he was stupidly lucky that his furious trajectory went by close enough that his fingertips got to graze the cowl of fire. It was enough.
During Christmas Class 1A and 1B spend a laid-back week learning about extreme environment hero work in the Alps. Kirishima was used to keeping part of his feelings for Bakugou hidden, and had every intention of keeping it that way, but things don't always go according to plan.
fight me by mr_todoroki
Bright red, spiky hair. Annoyingly bright smile. Clothes that radiate ‘look at me’ vibes. Neon yellow tank top with black shorts. And those were definitely crocs on his fucking feet.
Yeah, Katsuki hated this guy.
Bakugou gets a new roommate.
quietly by chezka
“We’ve been taking the same way to and from school for weeks,” Kirishima grinned, and then when Bakugou frowned at him he put on an affected pout, tilted his head so that he was looking at him through his thick, long lashes, “you never noticed? Am I that easy to miss?”
He could barely finish the sentence before a laugh escaped his lips, and Bakugou rolled his eyes, hit him with a shoulder a little more violently than necessary.
“You stick out like a sore thumb, broom-head,” he grumbled, promptly ignoring Kirishima's whining about his hairstyle when it started coming, “I didn’t notice ‘cause I didn’t care.”
“And now you do?”
everyone knows that cats are independent by purplepersnickety
Eijirou enjoys his job, working the graveyard shift at a 24/7 coffee shop. His daemon Riot is always there to keep him company, and he likes meeting the early-morning patrons and giving them the best possible kick-start to their day. It's been his routine for about a year now.
Then one day, a grouchy guy with a daemon in the form of a lion walks into the shop in the dead of night, and Eijirou decides to strike up a conversation with him.
punks not dead by wrunic
“So you want to use me to piss off your mom?” Kirishima summarized, raising one pierced eyebrow at Katsuki.
“Look, if you want to be all fucking judgy about it, I take cash,” Katsuki said, dropping his hand palm up on the table.
“Hey now,” Kirishima said, raising his hands in surrender, “I didn’t say I wasn’t doing it. I’m always down for a little chaos.” He flashed a grin, showing off his ridiculous shark teeth.
“Good,” Katsuki said. “We start tomorrow."
sent, delivered, read, loved by kiribakuhappiness
Kirishima E. [6.49pm]: ur okay for such an angry dude bakugou! :)
Bakugou K. [7.12pm]: FUCK YOU!
Kirishima E. [7.14pm]: haha! :D ttyl!
Bakugou K. [7.52pm]: STOP TXTING ME!!!
- OR -
Bakugou's and Kirishima's relationship develops from classmates to friends to more, as told through their text conversations.
flicker by mr_todoroki
He was starting to feel depressed. Life was so uninteresting. It was so mundane and forgettable. He had no one to hang out with besides Kota, his family didn’t even live in the city.
He grew his hair out as some sort of rebellion, some sort of stand to make his life the slightest bit more interesting. But he could already feel himself giving in to the pressure of cutting it. He needed to work to live. Without a job, he’d truly have nothing.
Kirishima never applied to UA, therefore never became a hero.
let’s get down to business by kjelfalconer
Katsuki Bakugou, one of the brightest rising stars on wall street, is in need of a new personal assistant. Again. Could Eijirou Kirishima finally be the one to last more than two months?
Katsuki's long suffering HR department sure hope so.
something about us by bigstupidjellyfish
nothing like being in highschool and having no idea how to deal with emotions
fireproof by inkbender
Four years after a classmate nobody seems to remember is kidnapped by the League of Villains, Kirishima drags an amnesiac hobo he found washed up on the beach into his apartment, attempts to teach him how to adult (with varying degrees of success), and discovers along the way that the line between heroism and villainy is quite fine indeed. Plot-divergent after episode 45, the Forest Training Camp arc.
blood riot by magicallee (alternatively)
Kirishima from a universe with no quirks is mind-swapped with an alternate universe version of himself where there are superpowers.
And in that universe he’s a super villain.
And Bakugou is the superhero who caught Evil-Kirishima and put him in prison.
blindside by drowclericpelor
“You’re the first guy friend I’ve had that I can just like, be friends with. You’re either the most unthirstiest boy ever...” Camie shrugged and made another wobbly illusion appear between her hands. It looked like a sparkly rainbow with the word ‘friendship’ beneath it, accompanied by what Bakugou assumed was supposed to be a twinkling sound effect, but it had a tinny quality to it and sounded far away. “...or I just ain’t got the kinda straw you like to ssssip.”
Carefully, Bakugou considered the strange turn this conversation had taken.
He had never been asked, point blank, if he was gay before. And he honestly had never thought about how he would respond. Lying about himself didn’t sit right with him. But he’d always wanted to wait until he was the number one hero - when he stood above everyone else - before coming out. Though he’d had times when he’d thought about doing it before then and had almost gone through with it once. But being the number one hero came first. It wouldn’t matter what people would say about it then as long as he’d risen to the top.
Bakugou knew his lack of a response would give Camie all the answers she needed.
flour power by wingsonghalo
“I’m telling you now, Shitty Hair,” the blonde growled, “I am not gonna play house with you. We will cart this stupid flour around for a week like the assignment says. But some of our idiot classmates are naming the thing and setting up ‘playdates’ and dressing it and I am not doing anything that stupid. Got it?”
Kirishima and Bakugou are paired up to take care of a flour sack for a week. It would be so simple, except nothing with Bakugou is ever simple. Also Kirishima might be kinda sorta completely head over heels for him.
sunchaser by chonideno
that feeling when you suddenly want to jump off a cliff for no reason but instead of a cliff it’s your best friend and instead of jumping it’s growing feelings out of nowhere
or how Bakugou has to try really hard not to throw everything to the wind, and Kirishima doesn't help
i also have a tag specifically for fics that reach somewhere between 30k-70k words long if you wanted to check that out as well! i hope you enjoy the fics here and that i was able to help, ily enjoy your trip!!! :D 
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hikari-writes · 4 years
Fluff Oneshot
Winter Wonderland Collab
❝ A Very Special Christmas Eve ❞
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Pairing: Iwaizumi Hajime
Warning: None, just some fluff, and mention of one death, and iwa being the husband material he is
Genre: F L O O F
Words: 2.6k
- F!Reader
A/N: heres my piece for the winter wonderland collab!! Hope yall enjoy this one!!
Winter Wonderland Masterlist
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Your legs swing from side to side as you snuggle closer to the pillow in your arms. The black screened TV stares back at your bored eyes lifelessly, as if expecting you to turn it on. You heave another heavy sigh when you receive a text notification from Hajime. You open the message and a wry smile naturally comes to your lip when you see your husband’s messages.
“I’m so sorry, Y/N…. I dont think i can make it to movie night tonight,,, I still have so many work to do at the office”
You correct your position on the couch before facing your phone again and replying to Hajime’s messages. 
“It’s okay hub :) dont work too hard now <3”
You close your phone and go back to staring around your empty living room. How many times has this been already, you thought to yourself. 
Ever since Hajime got promoted at his workplace, he has been busier than ever. Of course you're happy for him and you appreciate him doing so much to provide for you both but you can't help but to feel lonely sometimes.
Before his promotion, it's already been a tradition for the two of you to have a movie night together so you can relax and spend some quality time as a married couple.
Even still, he does a lot of things to make it up to you, like making you breakfast early in the morning before you wake up, kissing your forehead and cheeks whenever he gets home after work and a lot more. Just to show his affection and love for you even though he's constantly busy and swamped with works.
You check your phone again to see a new message from Hajime. He tells you that you can go to sleep first, since he'll probably be back at a later time. As you type out your reply for him, you can't help but notice the date shown on top of your phone screen.
It's nearing Christmas. Precisely one week from today. You think back on the memories you shared with Hajime from your previous years of spending Christmas Eve with him. 
Those moments are your favourite memories with Hajime of them all. It feels so nice to enjoy a meaningful holiday together with someone you love. Your smile fades as you remember back on how busy Hajime has been.
“Maybe we can't celebrate Christmas Eve together this year….”
You can't help but to feel a little bit disappointed at that realization, but you tried to stay positive...for Hajime's sake. You don't want to burden him by asking him to leave his work early just because you wanted to spend some more time with him. 
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“What?? You don't think Iwa-ch--- I mean, Hajime-kun can be home for Christmas Eve because he'd be busy with his work??”
You silently sip your bubble tea as you stare at Oikawa's shocked face through the screen of your computer. After fiddling with the straw a bit, you nod your head at his question. 
“Y/N-chan, that's ridiculous! No matter how busy he may be, he can't possibly miss spending an important holiday like that with you.”
“I don't know, Oikawa….He's been busy these past few days. And I honestly won't be surprised if he's going to be busy again until Christmas Eve.”
You let out a heavy sigh and Oikawa gives a look of sympathy at you. 
You slump back into your chair and take another sip of your drink until there's nothing left in the cup, filling the empty silence between you two. There is a faint sound of people talking in a foreign language from Oikawa's side of the screen.
“I'm not trying to be ungrateful or anything since I know he's working hard for the both of us but….”
You bring your knees from under the table and hug it closer to your face, covering your entire face. 
“I just...I don't know if I can handle being alone for Christmas Eve without Hajime.”
You mumble those words through your hidden face, not really caring if Oikawa heard that or not but from the way his soft voice calls out your name, you assume he did. 
You hide your pained face in your knees for a lot longer, not noticing the clicking sound coming from behind you. Not until you hear Oikawa calling out your husband's name in a panic do you finally lift your head from the safe spot of your knees.
You stare at Hajime who's still in his suit. He came back rather early today. 
Hajime furrows his eyebrows at Oikawa when seeing how you were just hiding your face in your knees a few moments ago. 
“Hey, Shittykawa. You weren't trying to make Y/N cry were you?”
The sharp tone of his voice sends a chill down Oikawa's spine and he quickly laughs it off with a smile.
“Hajime-kun, that's mean!! I would never do that to my best friend's wife!”
Hajime puts a hand around your shoulder and lowers his face a bit to match the level of your computer screen before continuing to bicker again with Oikawa. 
The scene seems nostalgic to you, bringing your memories again to the times you were in high school. You can't help but to smile softly at them, enjoying their bickering a bit more before deciding that it's getting late and you and Hajime best return to bed by now.
After you close your computer, you turn to Hajime and he immediately plants a kiss on top of your forehead as he always does whenever he comes back. 
“You're home early today.”
You comment while wrapping your arms around his neck, resting your head on his chest and taking in the soft beating of his heartbeats.
“Yeah, I finished my work early today.”
He heaves a weary sigh as he replies to you, and you plant another kiss on the bridge of his nose before grinning. 
“Well, I'm glad I could snuggle with you tonight while we're sleeping then.”
You both share a kiss before going off to do your night routine. 
After you're done with your night routines, you climb onto your bed and snuggle into your soft pillow before pulling out your phone to kill some time while waiting for Hajime to finish his shower. 
When you feel a big hand being placed on top of your shoulder, you close your phone and turn back to face Hajime with a soft smile. 
“So what were you talking with Oikawa about?”
Hajime starts as the both of you get under the duvet. 
“Just catching up and asking him how he's been. He seems to be pretty happy there. Oh, and, it seems that he's still having a hard time trying to not call you Iwa-chan.”
You giggle a bit when remembering back how Oikawa kept referring to Hajime as Iwa-chan like he used to in high school while the both of you were in a video call just now. Now that you're also an “Iwaizumi”, he can't really use the nickname “Iwa-chan” for Hajime anymore. 
Hajime hums a bit before nodding.
“Can't say I'm surprised there.”
He pulls you into a hug and you close the distance between you two by snuggling into his chest. You could smell the fresh scent of the body soap he used. It was calming and very like him. 
“Something’s bothering you, isn’t it?”
The sudden question almost makes you flinch in his arms. You can’t afford to let him know now but you can’t bring yourself to cover it up and lie to him either. Especially because of how sharp and attentive he can be towards you. 
“Yeah… a bit. I was just wondering about that coworker I told you about before.”
Hajime looks down at you and seems thoughtful for a moment.
“You’re still worried about how she would cope with her husband’s death?”
You nod in his chest and tighten your arms around his sturdy build.
Technically, it’s not a lie. You were extremely concerned and worried about your coworker who recently just lost her husband. You can’t help but think, if you were in her place, how would you handle it.
“Losing someone as important as your partner is certainly something that’s hard to cope with. But, knowing that now they’re in a better place up there, watching over you and wanting you to go through life, full of smiles...I think that just makes you feel a lot better. You might not be able to be together now, but one day, you will reunite and you’ll have an eternal span of time to be together.”
You look up at Hajime who’s stroking your hair softly. You didn’t expect him to say all that. Those words just made your heart clench more and you pull on his shirt to lower his face and give him a kiss on his lips. 
“Hajime you’re more destructive than I originally thought....”
You bury your face in his chest again, hiding your steaming face and leaving your husband confused.
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Days passed and it’s finally Christmas Eve. Many people are in the shopping district, buying the necessities for their home decor and ingredients for cooking. As always, you had bought everything beforehand so as to avoid the gathering crowd.
It’s nearing evening and you can see many young couples around, sitting together and gazing at the decorations in the shopping district. You can’t help but to look at them with nostalgia. It reminded you so much of your younger days with Hajime.
You shake the thought from your head and continue walking away. You chose to take a detour after you’re done with work today, just so you could take a look at the busy shopping district. Since it’s Christmas Eve today, you thought that you’ll start decorating your house when you get back home.
“Hajime’s probably gonna be busy today and tomorrow too so I can take my time a bit,” you mumble to yourself and continue making your way through the district.
Moments after you said that, you received a text message from Hajime that weighs upon your heart like a heavy rock.
”Babe, I’m so sorry I can’t make it home before 12…. Seems like we’ll miss spending time together for this year’s Christmas Eve. Im so sorry again, i know how much you’ve been looking forward to Christmas Eve every year but the work just keep on piling up. And for Christmas tomorrow too...I’m so sorry.”
You thought that maybe if he can’t make it for Christmas Eve, you would have had time to spend on Christmas the next day. You have to accept the fact that this year, there’s just no other way other than to spend it alone and being wrapped up in your blanket. You honestly much prefer Hajime’s strong arms to wrap you up, though.
Christmas Eve is considered to be one of the most popular days to celebrate as a couple and you truly enjoyed spending it with Hajime every year. That’s why you value the celebration so much and you honestly don’t want to celebrate it with anyone else other than him.
Although your main concern right now is more towards the fact that he’s been working too much lately. You’re definitely worried about his health more than anything right now.
“It’s really okay bb! Im grown up now and i know we cant celebrate Christmas eve together every year :) Im just worried that youve been working too much and havent had much rest lately :(( make sure to take care of yourself u hear me ??!”
You see him replying with a promise that he will, and that somehow put you at ease. You tell him you'll reach home soon and send a last 'I love you' message before turning off your phone and picking up your pace.
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“I’m home….”
You open the lock and step inside the empty and dark house. 
But something feels wrong.
At the center of the living room, you can make out several colourful light bulbs hanging from a Christmas tree.
“Huh….that’s weird. I didn’t remember putting anything there….”
In fact, you haven't even started decorating yet. It makes you wonder if you have decorated the living room while you were asleep.
“But I'm pretty sure it was empty around here before I left for work….”
You look around your house once more and sure enough, it's filled to the brim with Christmas decoration. Your heart flutters at the sight, completely disregarding the odd fact that the house has already been decorated even though you don't remember doing so.
All of a sudden, you feel a pair of strong arms around your waist, pulling you closer before all the lights in the house are turned on. 
“Merry Christmas, Y/N.”
The soft voice of Hajime coming from behind startled you a bit, but that doesn't stop the tears that're welling up in your eyes.
“Hajime?! But-- I thought that--”
When you feel his grip around you loosens, you turn around to face him, not really realizing the tears that are threatening to fall down your eyes.
He says with a shrug and a grin before embracing you once again. You bury your face in his chest and before you know it, you're already starting to let the tears and a few hiccups out.
Hearing you crying, Hajime quickly releases you with his eyes wide, inspecting your face while you try to hide it in your hands.
“Y/N, what's wrong?”
You can hear his panicked voice calling for you and your hiccups slowly turn into a soft laughter.
“S-sorry...it's just, I really wasn't expecting this and…..All this time I've just felt so lonely thinking that you won't be able to spend Christmas with me but… but this surprise really caught me off guard and my tears just started...”
You try to explain through your tear stained face with a smile. Hearing that explanation, Hajime releases a relieved sigh and cups your cheek in his hands before moving it closer to plant a soft kiss on your lips. 
“Sorry I made you feel that way, honey.”
You shake your head and give him another kiss on the lips. You both stare at each other for a moment before letting out a soft giggle. 
As he leads you to the dining room, he explains to you how he's been busy working overnight the days before so that he can get an early leave for Christmas Eve. He wants to make a surprise Christmas celebration with you so he took it upon himself to decorate and cook all the food before you came back home from work. 
“Hajime, I really appreciate you doing this for me….”
You stroke his face and bring it closer but all of a sudden you flick your fingers to his forehead, thankfully not too hard so your fingers aren't too damaged from the hit. 
“But what did I tell you about working too hard, hmmm?? You better be getting enough rest after this or else!”
Your husband just looks at you with a deadpan expression before heaving a small sigh. 
“It's okay, I don't have to go to work tomorrow so I plan to rest anyway.”
He sneaks in another kiss, completely catching you off guard and almost making you forgive him right away if not thanks to your strong wife's willpower.
“Oh but...tomorrow's Christmas so….”
You look at him again and a smile automatically graces your lips in a matter of seconds. 
“We get to spend the whole day together on Christmas then.”
You hum those words out, and skip your way into the dining room with a smiling Hajime following closely behind you. 
“Yeah, I'm looking forward to it.”
That night, the Iwaizumi household is filled with laughter as they dine and chat together, spending their time and valuing each other's company as a happy married couple.
The End
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Gen. Taglist: @vventiis @laylahoran @whootwhoot @mirakeul @kiyorei @instantmiya-main @ourvisty @tamaguchi @cadenceh2o @hidehaskak @yamagucji @ynainnit @tsukisemi @that-chick212 @bakuhoetoedoroki @alysken [Join my taglist here!]
Winter Wonderland Taglist: @aii-channn @peteunderoos @jungtoast @nekoclysm @our-tall-slytherin-queen @isabella5 @slippinglasses @yhyucklee @rowley-with-ackerman @lilacnoodles [Get into the winter wonderland taglist on this post!]
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el-dibidibidorado1 · 4 years
Baby's lollipops
Chapter 1
Steve Rogers x plus size reader
Warnings: smutty
AN: Sorry for the delay my phone screen broke and i have to use my old phone for a while. Hope you enjoy.
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Hey you. What are you doing here?" I asked stocking the last of the double sided lollipops. Very popular here.
"I just came to see how my friend and her new boyfriend are getting along." I laughed at Ophelia and tossed her a box of edible underwear for her to stock. She sometimes comes and helps me to get a little more cash in her pocket.
It had been a couple of months since Steve and I had our ice cream date and I've never been so happy. The only thing that has been giving me problems is the tension between us when we have our heavy makeout sessions. Soon as Steve slips his hand down my back I panic and push him off.
"So what's the problem? Scared that he splits you in half." I gasped and threw her a toy making her squirm away.
"No! That's not the problem!" She wiggled her eyebrows.
"So you like them-"
"Ophelia I swear to god that I'm going to kick you ass" she laughed, I've only done it once and I was drunk as hell. I also remembered everything that happened, he was nice and all, but let's say that he didn't last long. How disappointing that night was.
"So what's the dealio?" She began playing with one of the toys like if it was a lightsaber.
"Stop it. And soon as his hand touches my lower back I freak out." I take the toy away and continued stocking but this time more annoyed.
"Y/n he likes you! Like a lot. Plus poor man, you are giving him blue balls." I guess he does like me a lot. No guy has brought me flowers for a whole week or waited until I got out of work so he could take me to dinner or home.
"Y/n. You got a costumer." The bell kept on ringing making me rush to the counter and attending the couple.
"Enjoy" i said and noticed the familiar head of hair facing away from me. He was looking at some Male underwear that had an elephant face on them.
"Need any help, sir?" He jumped and smiled making my heart skip.
"No, no thank you ma'am." I walked over to his open arms and he engulfed me in warmness.
With tip toes I managed to get a kiss earning another smile from him.
"Whatcha looking at?"
"I was just wondering how men get into these." his confused face looked so adorable and it made me chuckle at his confusion.
"Um, you put the underwear on but the man thingy goes into the trunk of the elephant"
His surprised face made me laugh.
"What's so funny?" Ophelia came out to investigate my laughter.
"Nothin just looking" steve said letting me go. We went back to stocking and attending a couple of customers until it was lunch time.
"Where should we go?" Ophelia asked placing the last box of flavored warming lube on the shelf. The store looked nice and stocked ready for the next employee to fuck up as she just brings in friends to stir a mess up.
"Subway?" I shook my head as we had that the other day.
"How bout that place where Tony likes to go?"
"Shawarma?" Steve said putting on his coat and helping me with mine.
"Yeah, we haven't been there for a while."
"Okay let's go!"
We arrived at the restaurant and enjoyed our food but it only lasted for a while until I had to get back to work.
"Are you going back to the shop?" Ophelia nodded but Steve was interrupted by his phone.
"Not me. I have to head back, Captain America duties." He leaned in and kissed me goodbye and ran off.
"Don't forget dinner at my place!" I yelled.
"How could I forget?!"
"Ooooh you guys gonna get it on?"
"Alright, you better run before I officially kick that fat ass!" I ran after her like when we where little. But now that she had brought that up, she is right, he's waited for a while now. Maybe now it's a good time, with a little liquor or wine maybe it would make it easier. I really want him but I'm just self conscious about, me.
"Earth to y/n" Ophelia waves her hand in front of my face. Panicked I look at the clock and noticed that I had another hour before I have to close.
"What's a matter?" I touch my face and sigh deeply. Obviously nervous about what is going to happen!
"Just tired" that's not a lie I've been working full shifts, the boss is in vacation so she trusts me more than the others.
Thank God that I have a day off tomorrow!
"How about, you.." she points at me "go ahead and I'll close. Its only another hour, I know how to use the cash regester and I'll just give you your key tomorrow, how does that sound?" Without hesitation I hug her and get ready to leave.
"You sure?" I have to make sure. She second guess herself often.
"Three...two.." she began counting making me rush out of the shop.
Going to the nearest store I buy a couple of wine coolers and a pizza on the way home.
I took a bath and got clean for him. Today is the day! Today is the day........and he's late. Its 8:37 and our dinner was at 7:00.
I grabbed my phone and texted him
You forgot
I reheated the cold pizza and drank two of the wine coolers. This is the second time he's late and I understand that he is an avenger but a text would be nice. Ah maybe I'm just being dramatic about it.
I went to sleep leaving my window cracked as he liked seeking in.
"I'm late" looking up at her apartment I noticed the lights out. She's probably asleep now, dammit as soon as I saw the text I bolted out of there. Homework with Tony and Bruce always makes me forget the things that I have to do.
"Fuck" I mumbled. I was about to walk back to the tower when I saw her window cracked. I jumped onto the tree and climbed up.
"Oh my.." looking into the window I found her sleeping in those lace underwear that she sells at the shop and a t-shirt that I use.
I open the window and slowly slide in.
"Doll?" I kinda hope that she's awake.
A breeze made me smell the perfume that I love.
"Doll?" I slipped out of my suit, still in my boxers and got in bed.
"Doll, I'm sorry I'm late" I whispered taking in her scent and figure.
She hummed and turned around wrapping herself against me.
"You forgot" she mumbled half asleep.
"You look gorgeous" she opened her eyes and smiled.
"You too" she brought her lips to mine making me fall into a frenzy mood. I wanted her. I wanted her badly.
I pulled her over my lap still having my lips on hers.
The feeling of the lace of her underwear and her smooth warm skin made my blood rush into my legs.
"Tell me to stop" I groaned digging my fingers into her thighs.
"No, not tonight. I need you" she panted against my neck.
"You sure?" I made her look at me. Her pupils where dilated, heartbeat loud and the smell of her perfume getting mixed with her natural sent.
I layed her on her back while I got in between her thick legs. Gently running my index finger across the lace making her shiver.
"Let's take this off" her arms rose as I bunch up the shirt and threw it next to my uniform. Her arms covered herself.
"Come here" I mumbled bringing her closer. I spread her arms and tangled my fingers with hers leaning in to kiss the top of her breast. She looked beautiful. I kept on kissing and showing her my love.
Testing my limits i slowly slid my hand into her panties. Her eyes closed and she swallows thickly. She was wet and warm making me grow harder by the second.
I felt him aganst my thigh, he's bigger than i thought.
"Can i?" He asked tugging my panties. Oh god the lust in his eyes made nod. I felt myself clenching at nothing and it made me want him more.
As he pulled them off i clashed my lips with his and i pulled his boxers down with my legs. I felt him begining to rub himself against my core.
"I need you...i need you now" my panting speed up.
"But, i don't want to hurt you" he pulled away making me whine.
"You won't." With the strengh i never knew i had i pushed him off and sat on his thighs, grabbing him and began stroking him. A sweet low moan rolled off his lips.
Embarrassing, but some of the videos that i had to put on taught me something. I continued using that hand twisting technique making him moan.
"Stop-oh god stop" his knuckles cracked when he gripped the covers.
"Im going to cum if you dont stop" he choked and a smile appeared on my face and i stopped my movements. He took deep breaths while he rubbed my thighs, trying to get me to get closer to his cock. I gladly obliged.
A soft moan sliped out of me when his hottness touched my core again. I slowly moved my hips when he sat up straight. He wraps his arms around me making me speed up. The quiet wet sound made blush fill my cheeks.
"Cum, cum so i can be inside you" his talk made my pleasure skyrocket and i felt the tight coil snap.
"Oh god!" I brought him closer using all my grip to ease my pleasure. Once more i found myself on my back with Steve hovering over me.
"Ready" he said. The lust in his eyes grew ans i realized that what he asked wasn't a question.
He touches my core ans began spreading my wetness around his cock. Looking down i felt his tip moving againt my entrance. I felt his eyes on me and i looked up, after a few seconds i felt pressure and a bit of sting hit me. Once he was all in i found myself enjoying the strech and pressure he gave.
"Move" i whimper. He pulled out and shoved himself in making me cry in pleasure. His speed was speeding up each stroke. His grunts and growls made me want him more. I just kept on ttying to keep my moans and whimpers down just to hear his.
"You feel so good and tight around me" he threw his head back and i kept on raking my nails on his back.
"Don't stop" i cried. His movements speed up more it felt unhuman. A new feeling bubled up in my stomach.
"Steve im going to cum" i told him and he replied that he was close too.
"Just. A. Few. More" he groaned throwing his head back as i felt pleasure take over and i clenched him. Second later i felt his cock twitch and warmth filled me up.
"Better than i thought" he kissed my lips and slowly pulled out looking at his mess with a smirk.
"I'll be back" he went to my bathroom and brought a wet cloth and helped me clean up. He layed next to me bringing me close.
"I'm a bit hungry" he said making me chuckle.
"Lucky for you..." i rolled over to tje desk next fo me and opened one of the boxes from work. "I got to bring home a box of these." I pulled out one of the double sided lolipops.
Taking off the wrapper i gave him the apple flavored side while i got the strawberry side and i layed comfortably next to him again.
"This aren't that bad." I nod and we began talking about anything again. I was too comfortable in his arms to notice his knee rubbing against my core again.
"Wanna go again" he bit his side of the candy and taking mine out placing it on the night stand.
"Hell yeah" he kissed my lips getting on top of me again.
This is going to be a long night. I don't mind it.
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leelee10898 · 5 years
Fast cars & Freedom: ShadowBoxer (4/?)
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Summary: Ellie gets blast from the past. Logan amd Ellie have thsor dinner, but will it go well?
Pairing: Logan-x-Ellie, Colt x Ellie
Rating: Mature
Song inspiration:
Ellie paid the driver and got out, her eyes taking in the familiar sights.  It had been a long time but she would always remember this street. She turned around slowly noticing her destination, a sign that read TC Automotive where Kaneko Auto Body used to be. New owners  she thought to herself as she took a deep breath.
Ellie sat in the in the booth of the diner somewhere in Eastern California, the events of the past few weeks playing over and over in her head. She had ditched her prom dress grabbing a change of  clothes at Riyas. Colt stopping and buying something quickly. “Were gonna get through this Ellie, don't worry.” He placed a reassuring kiss on her forehead, she rest her head on his shoulder. “How can you know that colt?  These people are unhinged, we could be dead tomorrow. I want to live Colt. I'm not ready to die” she sniffled.
Colt knew this was eating her up, he needed to find some kind of a distraction, anything to make her happy, to take away all the fear and pain. He needed her to be happy, it was as if he survived on it.  He looked around the small diner, a guy sitting at the counter, his shirt reading viva las Vegas. “Have you ever been to Vegas?” she lifted her head “What? With everything going on you're seriously asking me if i've been to Vegas?”
She walked into the shop, not seeing anybody around, nobody manning the desk, nobody anywhere. “Hello?” she yelled as she walked around. She looked at the desk some papers strewn about, some car parts. The place reminded her of Kaneko's garage,  the new owners obviously rebuilt it a bit more modern but appreciated the older feel of a garage. Her eyes landed on a postcard from Vegas. Her mind taking her back to a night that she would remember the rest of her life.
“Ah yeah, I am. So have you?” he smirked, he loved seeing her get railed up, it was cute the way she scrunched her nose up. “NO!”
“ok, it's settled. Were going.” he jumped up reaching for her hand. She grabbed it as they climbed on his bike. “Where are we going colt?” She asked as she put on her helmet.  “Vegas.” he smirked as he shut his helmet kicking his bike to life.
“sorry miss. How can i help you.” she turned towards the voice. “Oh just picking up my car.”
A huge smile formed on her face. “Toby?”
“Oh my god. Ellie belly is that you? You're all grown up.” he ran lifting her up into a spinning hug. “oh my  god hold on x is gonna get a kick out of this.” he ran towards the hall “Hey X. X, come here. You're never gonna believe whos here.” ximena came out a huge smile plastered on her face. “oh my god sweetheart, how the hell are ya?” she pulled her into a crushing hug. “Eck. X. Crushing. Me.” she grunted as ximena let her down. “I'm not sorry, it's been too long honey.”
They stood there talking about Ellie moving back. Toby and ximena travelling together, coming back this way once they heard someone opened a shop in the same place, and ended up working there again. Toby went to look for her keys and couldnt find them. “Hold on, I bet the boss has them.” “Hey boss, can you bring the keys to that Honda?” she heard someone shuffling around in a room off the back before emerging. Toby and ximena said they would catch up with her later.
“ C- Colt!” Ellies heart dropped in her stomach as she came face to face with him. After 6 years the sight of him still lit a fire in her. “Here are your keys miss. You should be good to go. Also, you should probably get a new car seat those may not be safe after an accident.” He kept his face fixed on the paper in front of him. Ellie felt the tears start to well up in her eyes. He couldn't even look at her and acted like he didn't know her.  “Th. Thank you.” her voice trembled, immediately irritating her. Why should she be upset, he's the one who left without saying goodbye.
She snatched the keys out of his hand and storming off to the lot to get her dad's car. How dare him, after 6 years he still had the power to make her swoon to pissed in a matter of seconds. She marched out to the lot getting in her dad's car. She let out a long irritated scream,  all of her frustrations boiling over. She turned the key, the car roaring to life. Something in her snapped as she peeled wheels out of the lot. She caught a glance at colt propped against an open bay door.
She couldn't understand how someone she hadn't seen in 6 years could piss her off so bad. She took the long way home, hoping to calm down before getting there. She arrived home, Luca barreling towards the door. “mommmmmy.” All of Ellie's frustrations and fears instantly melting away upon seeing that sweet smiling face. “Hi baby. Oooh I missed my sweet girl. Did you have fun with grampy today?” she lifted her up, wrapping her in a hug.
“Yup. We went to the park. Grampy made a friend. Her name is sally.” ellie eyed her dad. “He did?”
“uh huh, they are going to have dinner on Saturday night.”
“Ooooh kay. That's enough of that little miss loose lips. How about you go watch some tv while grampy helps mommy with dinner.”
Luca jumped up and down with excitement before running into the living room.
“How was your day?” He asked Changing the topic. “Nope. Na ah. Were starting with you. You taking my daughter to pick up chicks?” she eyed her father.
“what? No. I would never, ellie.” she chuckled “Dad im just playing with you. I think it's great you have a date.” she hugged him. She knew he hadn't really dated much since her mom died, and the fact he felt comfortable going on a date now made her so happy.
“Speaking of dated. I have one tomorrow night.” her father looked at her confused.  “With who?”
She spent the entire work day thinking about her dinner with Logan. Was it a date? Was it business? Whatever it was she felt the butterflies in her stomach, no matter what happened she knew one thing for certain she was telling him tonight.
She raced home getting ready in a hurry, Riya picked Luca up since her father had card night with some of his old police buddies. She wore a white and champagne colored v neck midi dress. She tacked her hair up in a braided updo, she looked in the mirror her nerves getting the best of her when she heard a knock at the door.
Logan stood on the other side, Ellie stood there a minute admiring the man before her. He had sure grown up, still with that toned body but he was bigger than before. He wore a pair of khakis and a button down shirt. “You look beautiful Ellie.” He finally broke the silence. “Ah. Beautiful you too look.” he cocked his brow amused by how flustered he made her. “I mean, you look nice too Logan.”
“These are for you.” He held out a bouquet of wild flowers as She let him inside. “Thank you. These are beautiful. Let me go get a vase.” she came back quickly and they headed out for dinner.
They sat at the table sharing stories of the past, and laughing.  She missed how easy it was with Logan. They were headed somewhere she had thought and then she found out he used her to get information about her father's investigation.  She had already had feelings for Colt, but she would be lying if she said that didn't play a factor in them becoming even stronger.
A silence settled over the table and Ellie took her chance to try and back out of becoming his accountant. “Logan. We need to talk about me being your accountant. I dont think its a good idea.”
“Ellie, we have been over this time and time again. I trust you, besides it's a done deal.” Logan casually sipped his beer.
“You might not feel that way after you hear what I have to tell you.” He arched his brow.
“ok El, what is going on?”
She shook her head “not here, can we go?” He grabbed the check, paid and the valet brought his car around.
They drove to a parking lot, Ellies nerves a wreck. “Ok, whats up Ellie. You know whatever it is,  you can just tell me.”
She took a deep breath, it was now or never. “Logan I am a mom. I. I have a daughter.”
“Oh.” His eyes widened at her confession. “So you have a kid. I don't see what's so bad about that Ellie.” he chuckled.
“That's not the bad part.” she started to fidget in her seat. “Her. Her name is Luca. shes. She's 5.”  Logan sat there Quiet. She could see him doing the calculations in his head. “Logan?” she spoke softly, she couldn't take all the silence.
“Five? You were in college then. Did you meet someone there?” She shook her head no. He swallowed hard, his throat becoming dry. “What.  What are you saying, is. Is she mine?”
The tears started to spill, silently. “Im, not sure if she's yours or Colts.” She hung her head ashamed. “I'm so. So sorry Logan. “ she said through sobs. After 6 years of being alone, raising her daughter alone she finally was one step closer to finding Lucas dad.
“Hey. Hey. Don't cry Ellie.” He wrapped his arms around her tightly.  
“How can you be so calm? I just told you there is a possibility you have a child.”
“I know. I'm not going to lie Ellie, I am kind of freaking out. But what good is it going to do if I flip out?”  he took a deep breath “You did it on your own?”
Ellie told him about finding out in school and trying to get in touch with both him and colt, both numbers disconnected. She had her dad look for them, but turned nothing up. Eventually she just resolved herself to raising Luca alone. Logan apologised, he left town for a little while, he came back once the brotherhood was dismantled completely. It was then he enrolled in night school and took a job with a racing company.  They drove back to her house in silence. Logan leaned over giving her a hug. “It's gonna be ok El, we will figure it out. Can I.” He cut himself off, hesitant to finish.
“Can you what Logan?”
“Do you think I could meet her?” Ellie stared at him shocked “Ah. Well. I think that is ok. But, and don't take this the wrong way but.  I don't want to tell her you may be her dad. Not until we know for sure.” Logan nodded “I'll follow your lead. It's gonna be ok Ellie, no matter what,  i'm here for you.” he wrapped her in a tight hug, placing a soft kiss in her cheek.
She got out of the car, waving as he drove off. She turned to head to her house when she caught sight of someone standing across the street. “Really Ellie, him? Of all people why him?”
“Not that I have to explain anything to you but, it was a business dinner.” She snapped. “what do you want colt?”
“What do I want? It's been 6 years and you show up in town like nothings wrong.” He followed her up the walkway.  
“Oh, so you do know me? Because yesterday you couldn't even look at me.” She seethed, turning to face him.
“Oh I know you alright.” he snorted.  “ how could I ever forget you Mrs. Kneko?”
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pbandjesse · 5 years
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Today was a really nice day off. But like. I wish I had more time. Im just really burnt out. But today was at least a bit restorative. And me and James had a nice date. A really nice way to end the day.
I slept okay enough. But I woke up a few times. I think I'm going to remake the bed tonight. Maybe that will help.
I woke up early. No alarm or nothing. I was happy to see James. But like I was kind of sad. I just wanted to lay in bed. Which I felt bad about but James told me not too feel bad. To take care of myself. So I did. I laid there and played on my phone for like an hour.
Eventually I got up and got dressed. I had cereal. Got James to take put all the trash. Helped him with the doors. Which let sweetp run downstairs. Where he proceeded to cry a whole bunch. Hes being so needy.
James eventually left for work. And I was just sad on the couch. It was really cold in here. I put on some layers and decided to go out.
I took my scooter downstairs. But then I saw we had mail so I stopped to get those and it was my new glasses! Excellent. I felt so cute in them. A really good purchase.
I practiced scooting around the block. Its a little wobbly. But fun. And was a fairly quick way to get to the shopping center. I hsd s funny conversation with the garbage men about my scooter. And then went to the new Walgreens that was formally the rite aid.
I mostly just looked around. I bought mini mms and left. I scooted to the park. Sat and at my snack. Took furby pictures. Cried a little. It was so beautiful but I felt so sad.
I went back home. And ate. Which helped me feel a lot better. And I started to do some srt work. I got my prints. And they were so blurry. I was so sad. But I figured out if I trace all the lines it fixes it a whole bunch. So I dud that for a few hours. I needed a thinner sharpie though so I texted James to grab me one of those. But I was proud of my progress.
Wearing my glasses helped my eye strain a lot. And I felt cute. But I was really tired. So I laid in my tent and watched videos and cuddled sweetp. Eventually I made noodle soup. And James texted me he would be home early. Excellent news.
He got back here. We cuddled for a while. And once the sun went down we headed out.
We biked down to the harbor. I got mad at a stupid scooter rider who yelled at me for not moving. When They were the one on the wrong side of the road!!!! I hate those fucking scooters.
But I had a really nice time with James. We got to see lots of the pieces from Light City. We went on the Pride of Baltimore II. Which was neat. I felt really happy.
We walked back to the bikes. Saw the other half of light city. Including a giant kaleidoscope. It was on a whole building!!!
I liked the mushroom garden and thr nickelodeon machines. It was a lot of fun.
We went over to harbor east to have dinner at the James Joyce restaurant. We walked around a little. It was just a really nice night. We eventually went back to actually eat dinner. Which was excellent. There was a live musician. And James tried to argue that "In the Navy" should be our song. Incorrect. He's so silly.
I couldn't finish my food. Ate to much. But I felt bad so I got a box for my salad and left it on top of a recycling can. I hope some homeless person gets it.
We biked home. I was a bit winded but I made it. With encouragement from passerby. And now im laying on the couch with my boy. I am really tired. But I feel good. And I have a short day tomorrow. Just 1130 to 230 at the museum. And then I hope to go find a new winter coat. As I only have soft ones. Nothing weather proof. But mostly I want to chill.
I am slightly nervous because its a VIP tour. But it'll be good. I'm excited. Its gonna be good. And im going to try to get the special McDonalds toys. Wish me luck on both counts.
I hope you all have a great night. Sleep good. Wish me luck on the same haha.
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Ali & Carly
Ali: I have THE most shockingly incredible news Carly: ? Ali: Someone you know Ali: someone very geographically close to you Ali: is leading a double-life Carly: I know my ma's fucking the bloke who works in the kebab place Ali: Hmm Ali: fair play Ali: a man who knows his way around a giant sword of meat is undoubtedly a plus Ali: but this is not about kebabs or adultery Ali: yet Carly: thats what i said after i told her what pegging is Carly: but k is it about 💊s? Ali: bless Ali: from the mouth of a babe Ali: nope, but think one of your other great loves Carly: aw its about you Carly: tell me tell me Ali: okay, okay Ali: but only 'cos you're the sweetest Ali: and I am 😻 Ali: cat lady has an antique shop! Ali: idk how I've not found it 'til now but it's so cool and you've got to come Carly: o thats so cute! Carly: all the 🐈s just on the shelves like 👀 Carly: she must have so many breakages tho 💔😿 Carly: u there now? Ali: RIGHT?! Ali: I nearly gave her a heart attack when I realised it was her Ali: like seeing a 🐅 in its natural habitat Ali: [imagine a hilarious selfie with a slightly bewildered old lady 'cos she's #buzzin] Ali: won't blame her beloved moggies but it is a bit of a mess Ali: party still tho, so come thru Carly: 😍😍😍 Carly: wtf @ her working there still shes like 400 Carly: not looking it from that angle tho 😘 Carly: where am i goin? Ali: she's the big boss lady Ali: 🤑🤑🤑 Ali: 'cept not, obvs Ali: it's a complete hidden 💎 Ali: hidden the operative, so just get to the main drag of the high street and I'll meet you 💚 Carly: yea?! aw love that for her & us Carly: scavenger hunts r so fun bye ma👋 Carly: ill bring mr darcy he's been trying to get in the hot tub all morning 😼 didnt have the 💜 to tell him hes not meant to like water Ali: exactly Ali: knew you'd get it Ali: won't blindfold you or nothing but maybe later Ali: awh, double date moment Ali: he's just tryna live up to his name is all Carly: 🔮 finds u baby or u find it Carly: ha ill make that maybe into a yea thats my 🔮 Carly: 💙🐅 & 💜🐈 aw cute Carly: thats why he's 😾 but 😽 yea? thats the 1 right? Ali: got it all in one, baby Ali: so smart Carly: my outfit choice gotta b some kind of 🔮 too 🌟 Carly: fate found me overalls like get ready bitch Carly: 🐇 Ali: ready to work and werk Ali: that's my girl Carly: ha Carly: can't have u looking like that & me Carly: idk but not 👼 level Ali: psh Ali: impossible Carly: ur a 🍑 Carly: but we're still honeymooning Ali: life's a honeymoon with you and me, doll Ali: neverending summer, yeah Carly: u kno Carly: any hot customers that come through the door better only have 👀 for the other 🐈 Ali: 🐈 gets 'em in the door, they gotta stay, and more importantly pay, for the bargains Ali: that's my business plan anyway Ali: not sure how she's rolling, only that she ain't rocking Carly: & no more breakages thats mine ha Carly: dont have the shakes today its k but will be weak at the knees when i see u 💙 sorry colleen Carly: make sure u catch me yea 👼 Ali: 'course Ali: you're far too pure to ever be a 😈 Ali: the universe and I will never let that happen Carly: ur too nice Ali: nah Ali: just what you deserve Ali: well, I try Carly: ur the real 💎 Carly: & im happy we found each other Ali: me too Ali: never gonna lose each other again Ali: trust Carly: the universe & i will never let that happen Ali: 💚 Ali: forever means forever Ali: do you want anything, I'm just killing time Carly: im goin nowhere baby unless its w you 💫 Carly: idk water maybe Carly: not v rock & roll but i reckon maybe youll like me anyway Ali: adventures only club 🌌 Ali: I know I'll love you dope Ali: water it is Ali: strictly straight-laced plain ole h2o, no hint of party Carly: 💙forever i kno Carly: ha wot r u planning to spike it w? 👀 u Ali: WISH I'd found some really retro pharmaceuticals in all those old bottles Ali: wonder how coke ages like Ali: fancy Carly: if we find any i'll be your lab 🐇 Carly: but not today im 😵 Carly: 💔😢 Ali: 😢 now I'm thinking about animal testing Ali: no cages either Ali: we got work to do Ali: but you can take it easy babe, sweet-talk like only you can Carly: omg no 😭 we have to free every 1 🐇🐀🐁 no cages ever! 😠 Ali: that's a job for tomorrow Ali: we'll need posterpaint and balaclavas Carly: cute Carly: i kno lads who've got some we can borrow Carly: & 💪 if we need it too Carly: or 🏎 for the getaway ha Ali: they've got their uses Ali: that's for sure Ali: can we convince 'em to dress up like 🦍s for the cause Ali: obvs 😘 Carly: i can Carly: u could but id b 💔😢 like Ali: but what about my 💔? 😏 Carly: ur protected by the 🔮💫 Ali: yeah Ali: and I protect you Carly: yea u do Carly: we dont need the lads Carly: ur a🐅 Ali: 😊 Ali: what's going on at the zoo tonight tho Ali: any parties we need to be a part of Carly: johnnos home thats always good til the garda wanna welcome him back too ha Ali: party poopers Ali: we'll be gone before then Carly: gone 🏃 or gone 🚀💊 Ali: little from column a little from column b Ali: don't wanna share you for that long Ali: and I'm defs not sharing our spoils, either Carly: k Carly: i kno u said this place was hard to find but maybe im outside? Carly: idk it 👀s right Ali: omg 🗺📌 Ali: I'm still in the tescos getting us some lunch Ali: called Calico Jacks Ali: which is SO perfect Carly: !!! Carly: i knew this was the place 🐈👑🏰 Ali: the universe WANTED us both to find it today Carly: omg its so cute in here Carly: idc that im sneezing Carly: i love it Ali: right? Ali: she has some amazing stuff Ali: it just needs sorting out so people can 👀 it all for what it could be, not necessarily what it is rn Ali: once we've bagsied the best bits for ourselves, naturally Carly: i'll tell her its the comedown so she wont feel bad Carly: omg i just found the cutest 🐻😍😍 hes joining us for tea Ali: totally making this a picnic moment Ali: you've gotta name him/her Carly: yay Carly: kettles on baby 💙 r u nearly here? Carly: mayb ill have thought of a name by then Carly: cant rush if he has to go by it forever Ali: faster than you can sneeze boo Ali: exactly, names are very important Ali: so 🍀 he gets to pick his own Carly: aw lucky is a good name Ali: perfect Ali: I wonder if we can find him a suitable tea time outfit Carly: 😊😊
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lousimusician · 6 years
Oblivious Part 2
Peter Parker x Reader
Summary: You start to realize that you maybe have new feelings for Peter
Days had passed since you found out Peter liked you. Seeing him after was awkward, neither of you really knew what to say. And you may have been blaming yourself for why it was that awkaward. 
Because as fate would have it. 
You had a problem.
A big problem.
Since that night 7 days ago, you couldn't get Peter off your mind. It was like a switch had been flipped and you were suddenly noticing him. Like really noticing him. Like the way he blushed when he did something mildly embarrassing. How humble he was in every sense of the word, he was a genius and he knew it, but not once had he ever looked down on someone for not knowing something. The way his eyes lit up when someone talked about old movies. And then you noticed how attractive he actually was. He had a cute face, you've always thought that, and you knew he was strong. But now you were beginning to find yourself becoming increasingly attracted to him (MJ had even found you checking him out on more than one occasion). So you couldn't help but make things feel increasingly awkward around him. You were starting to figure out your own feelings towards the boy and then reality hit.
"Holy shit." You hissed, once Ned and Peter got up to get lunch, leaving you and MJ.
"Tonight's my date with Jason."
MJ raised an eyebrow, "And you forgot?"
"Yes! Oh my god." You continued to panic.
MJ shut her book, "Okay, let me get this straight. You forgot you had a date with Jason, when he's all you've been talking about for months now, after Peter tells you he likes you."
You narrowed your eyes, "I feel like this is a trap." 
"Alright! Fine, I don't really know what I feel anymore. I've completely forgot Jason even exsisted because all I can think about it Peter, and I don't know what to do anymore."
"...I don't know what you want me to say. This sounds like something you need to figure out on your own."
"Ugh, thanks for nothing." You muttered. "...Okay, this is what I'll do. I'll go on the date and then I'll just break it off tomorrow."
"So, you're still gonna go out with him?"
"Yeah, he-"
Peter and Ned had come back and sat down across from you and MJ. Peter had a frown on his face, and you instantly knew he overheard part of your conversation. The rest of the lunch period was uncomfortable. Peter hadn't really said anything, MJ almost never speaks anyway, so the period consisted of you and Ned trying to make things less awkward. But thankfully the period eventually ended and you all went to your respective classes.
You sighed as you threw your backpack into a corner of your apartment. School had been exhausting to say the least. It's funny how just last week you felt like you were on the top of the world. The boy you had been crushing on had asked you out, but now you felt like a dumb teenager trying to sort out her feelings for her best friend.
And now you had to get ready for your date.
You and Jason had agreed to go to the mall. Where you'd probably just grab dinner and shop around together. You weren't as excited as you were a week ago so you decided you'd just change into just casual clothing. What was the point of looking your best when you were just going to dump him the next day. You felt bad, of course you did. Jason liked you but now you had Peter consuming your thoughts 24/7 and it was getting really tiring. You weren't sure if you wanted to be in a relationship with him, but you wouldn't say no to dating a little. Coming to that conclusion was tough because picturing yourself actually being romantically involved with him was very different, he'd always just been your dorky best friend. But the longer you thought about, you started to like the idea more and more. You just needed an extra push. You walked into your living room and fell on your couch, and let out an exasperated sigh into a pillow. Your mom, who you didn't even notice, sat in a chair with her laptop on her lap and started laughing.
"What's got you all worked up (N/N)?" Your mom asked.
"Life." Came your muffled reply.
"I thought you had a date with that boy tonight, why are you upset?" 
You usually told your mom everything, but you couldn't bring yourself to talk about Peter, it just felt weird to get all your thoughts out in the open about the topic. "It's hard to explain."
"Try me."
"I don't wanna say."
"It'll make you feel better, plus who am I gonna tell?"
"Ughh fine." You sat up on the couch. "It's about.... It's about Peter."
"Did you guys have a fight?"
"N-no, he- he kinda told me he likes me."
Your moms eyes widened, "When did this happen?" Your mom had been you and Peter's biggest shipper. You never quite understood it.
"Last Friday."
"And you didn't tell me!?"
"No cause I knew you were gonna be weird about it and I had to think about it."
"What did you tell him."
"I told him I wasn't interested, but I dunno anymore..."
Your mother raised her eyebrow, "You don't know?"
"N-no. I mean yes he's cute, and yes he's nice, and we're both nerds and we get along so well together but..."
"But?" Your mom urged.
"He's my best friend!" You exclaimed, frustratedly. "I grew up with him and what if we do go out and we break up, then I would've lost my best friend. And we've been friends for so long and I don't know how I'd even go about starting a relationship with hi-."
"(F/N)." Your mother cut you off, "Your problem sounds similar to a problem I had in high school."
You looked at her confused, "You liked your best friend."
"What'd you do?"
"I married him." A look of realization crossed your features as you waited for your mom to continue. "Falling in love with your best friend is a weird experience. I didn't know if it'd work out at first either, but once we got past the awkward stage it was so easy. We already knew everything about each other and we just understood each other so well. So, if you like Peter and he likes you, try it out. And I've seen you two together since you were 5, I don't think there's any way for the two of you not to be friends, even if it doesn't work out."
"So you think I should give him a chance."
"Of course, he's a good kid. So go cancel your date, because I haven't heard you say a single word about him all week so i doubt he was that important to begin with, and go talk to Peter."
"Okay.. thanks." You mumbled.
Your mom smiled in return and went back to work on her laptop as you walked to your bedroom. You pulled out your phone and texted Jason, and after about 30 minutes of trying to think of the nicest way of letting him down you came up with.
'I'm so sorry, but Im not sure if we should go out. Something came up.'
After about 5 minutes your phone vibrated.
'Is it Peter?'
You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion and typed back.
'Then I understand, good luck.'
Okay, you definitely weren't expecting that, but whatever, you'd take it.
You then decided to text Peter.
'Can we talk tonight?'
A reply came seconds later.
'Sure, but don't you have a date?'
'I'll explain everything later, just come to my apartment at 7. My mom and dad will be out.'
Your heart was racing as you typed the messages. It was only 5 now so you had 2 hours before he would show up. You decided to figure out what you'd tell him, you rehearsed it in your head over and over, and before you knew it there was a knock at your front door.
You swung the door open, revealing a nervous Peter.
"Hey," you greeted and opened the door wider to let him in.
He nodded his head slightly at your greeting and headed to your living room. You shut the door and followed after him. "Soo, what did you want to talk about." Peter asked nervously as he sat down on your couch. You pulled a chair over so you were sitting across from him.
"I wanted to talk about what happened last Friday."
He sighed, "Listen (F/N), I get it that you don't feel the same, I don't know if I can handle being rejected twice."
"No it's- it's not that Pete."
Peter furrowed his eyebrows, "Then what is it."
"I've been thinking a lot, and I've come to realize that I'm not completely opposed to dating you." 
Peter stiffened and his eyes widened, before he relaxed and said sadly, "Seriously, it's okay, don't force yourself to like me if you don't, neither of us want that."
"No!" You exclaimed, "I'm not kidding Peter, you're the only person I can think about right now. You've been consuming my thoughts 24/7 and I'm freaking out!"
Peter chuckled a little, "Now you know how I've felt for 6 months."
"See! And you say things like that, and i don't know what to do. I like you, I'm really sure I do but I'm just so confused and I don't know how to deal with these feelings, because we've been friends for so long."
"Well what do you want?"
"I want to give us a chance, but I'm scared."
"Would it help if I told you how I feel about you?"
"Yes, please I need help."
"Okay, well." Peter grabbed your hands and held it in his. You looked at Peter with a blush on both your faces. "I p-panicked at first too. It happened after Liz left, and all through October and November was when my crush on you really started to grow. I started to notice every little thing about you, the way you stuck the tip of your tongue out when you were concentrating or like when you would bite your thumb nail when you were nervous. I started to admire e-everything about you. You're determined and your strong a-and I could easily list off a ton of things but it'd take too long."Peter chuckled before continuing, "I knew that it was more than a crush one night in December. We were having a movie night, and we were watching Harry Potter because you got tired of watching Star Wars and you were so insistent that we watch Harry Potter, I realized I couldn't say no to you and the way you smiled when I gave in just made my heart race." Peter smiled ear to ear at the memory.
You stared at him with puppy dog eyes, realizing more and more that you did want a relationship with the boy in front of you.
"And later that night." He said looking down at both your hands together before continuing. "It had to be about 1 am, Ned and MJ were passed out, and I had woken up from the TV, and I just found you curled up in my side, fighting off how tired you were trying to stay awake to watch Harry Potter, and I don't know, I just felt so weak for you. It was so simple but you felt so warm and you looked so cute, I realized that I wanted you more than just a friend and it felt so right. And then Monday came along and that was when-"
"Jason." You breathed out.
"Yeah, Jason had just moved here. And I remember the way you looked at him, you were like caught in a trance. And I knew I was screwed cause that was the same way I looked at you. I was so confused after, cause I thought that you maybe liked me back, but you didn't, so I tried to get over you but it just got worse, and I know we're young and don't really know what love is but I feel like I'm in love with you." 
Peter looked up but was met with your soft lips on his. Peter widened his eyes in excitement before letting them close shut. You were now standing up, leaning over him with one hand on his jaw and the other behind his neck. His hands went up to rest on your waist. The kiss quickly became deeper and a little rougher. He pulled you down so that you were laying on the couch and he was now above you. The kiss was passionate as both your lips fought for dominance, but unfortunately it didn't last long.
The door to your apartment was opened as both your parents walked in, you both pulled away quickly and were on opposite sides of the couch.
'Oh shit'
"Well I'm glad to see you two worked things out." Your mom said with a laugh looking at your disheveled forms.
Your dad looked a mixture between pissed but also very slightly relieved (probably because he trusted Peter). "I'm gonna go pretend I never saw that. Peter I like you but if I catch you with my daughter like that again you better run."
Peter gulped, "Y-yes sir."
"Um- I'll walk him out." You said quickly and pulled him along with you.
You stood outside your apartment door, and looked at Peter with a bright smile and hugged him. Peter wrapped his arms around you and held you tightly. "By the way I take it back." You said, "You are the sweetest and handsomest guy I've ever met."
Peter smiled back down at you and pressed a soft kiss to your forehead.
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leejeongz · 6 years
Stray kids reaction to an insecure s/o
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🔅I’m sorry this is slightly more towards a female s/o it was hard to not to really, and im sorry Jeongin’s is kind of short, I ran out of ideas that didn’t sound the same as others, I didn’t want to repeat myself too much but n e way thanks for the ask hun!! I hope you like it🔅
Requested by: @softxfcc
Bang Chan:
Your first gala meal with your boyfriend. Your scrapbook wasn’t going to be complete without the photo. You slipped into your tightly fitted dress and asked Felix to take the photo of you and Chan together. Felix gave you your phone back and ran to his s/o to compliment them leaving you and Chan to look at the photo. You couldn’t lie you thought you looked fat. It was horrible to see that photo of yourself and to think you have to look like that all night. You began to cry. Chan turned slightly, his arm was still around your waist from when the photo was taken. When you told him you thought you looked fat he was flabbergasted. You were so gorgeous and you definitely weren’t fat how could you think that of yourself? He made sure you knew that you looked stunning not only then but all the way throughout the night.
“Seriously y/n you look amazing. You’re absolutely beautiful and your body is perfect. Please don’t change”
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Lee Know:
He was constantly surrounded by pretty girls. Idols, fans, work colleges they were all so much prettier than you. “Why aren’t you dating one of them, they have so much more to offer?” you ask him one night while cuddled up in bed. At the question Minho shuffles so he’s directly looked at you holding both of your hands in both of his. His eyes looked sad that you’d even thought of this question. He loved you not them. You had so much more than they did. You were beautiful and to him you were perfect. It was clear to anyone that you were so much better for him than they were anyway. They didn’t make him feel the way you did. And he told you all of that with just one sentence.
“Because I love YOU”
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You’d recently posted a selfie with Changbin on your personal Instagram. Not many fans had found it and those who had up until then were really supportive of your relationship. This post however led to many new people commenting. Commenting their opinion on how you looked and how you weren’t right for him. How he deserved better. Changbin saw all the comments and rushed over to you making sure you were okay. He didn’t want you to believe anything they said because none of it was true. He’s told you so many times how amazingly good looking you are, and even though you’re actually really pretty, even if you weren’t you’d still have the best personality. And he wasn’t lying. He made you block all the haters. You wanted to take your whole account down but Changbin told you that you looked too cute on every photo to do that.
“I wish they’d understand that lying isn’t gonna get them into my heart... ever”
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It was a bad day. The water at your place was stopped last night and wouldn’t work tomorrow morning and all you could use was the toilet so you hadn’t been able to shower or clean your teeth or anything. Seeing your perfect boyfriend was not an option tomorrow or tonight. He offered that you stayed at his house that night but you were afraid of morning breath and bed hair and whatever else. But Hyunjin didn’t care. He wanted you to have bad breath and bed hair and whatever else because that was you. You didn’t always have to be glam. He convinced you to stay the night nevertheless and told you in bed that you didn’t have to wake up early to get ready. He left some mints on the bed side cabinet if you wanted one so you didn’t have to get out of bed straight away.
“When we’re married with kids I think I’m gonna see a lot worse y/n”
(I'm going to drown myself look at that gif oml I think I'm crying)
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Even the slightest bit of insecurity and Jisung would be there hugging you telling you how great you are. It was results day today and you’d been waiting what felt like years to finally see what you’d gotten. When you opened it and saw an “F” next to biology you broke down into tears. You weren’t good enough anymore. Your dreams of becoming a doctor were shattered. You couldn’t believe it. Jisung’s arms were around you in a flash. He stroked your hair telling you that it was going to be okay and that you could get it remarked. He’d pay. He knew how much this meant to you and how humiliating it would be if you tried to get into any med school with an F. He tried to distract you all day. He took you for food to celebrate all your other passes and took you to the ice skating rink so he could “show off his moves”. He wanted to see you smile again.
“There’s more to life than being a doctor baby, and you always make me feel better when I’m sick is that not enough?”
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Felix had had enough of you saying that you were ugly. You obviously weren’t ugly, you were so so pretty and he wanted you to know that. He knew you’d always been insecure and he always wanted to help but he never really knew what to say. It was only today when you refused to leave the house because you looked “so ugly” that’s when he knew what to do. He wanted to show you off to the world. Everyone would think you were pretty and he knew they would and if they didn’t he’d be quick to correct them. He sat next to you on the bed and put his arm over your shoulder pulling you in closer to him. He told you how beautiful you were and how silly you were not to see that. He said all the right things. He ended his speech with a small delicate kiss to your forehead.  When he finally convinced you to go out he held your hand at all times. 
“You’re so pretty you make my heart explode you don’t need me to tell you that”
(you’re Hyunjin but lets be real no one is iconic as Hyunjin so)
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You were out shopping when seungmin took you into a skincare shop after you’d complained about the spots on your face. You took this the wrong way however, thinking he wanted you to sort them out else he wouldn’t want to date you anymore. Immediately you stormed out of the store going to sit at the nearest bench. Seungmin followed behind you almost running to catch up. He sat down next to you, sitting on his hands, and apologised shyly. He explained why he did it and that he only wanted to help you feel more comfortable in your own skin. He didn’t care what you looked like, he always wanted you to be his. He grabbed your hand and took you home, letting you try all of his skin care products that he already has.
“I just want you to be happy. I don’t want you to feel like you have to cover yourself up”
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You and Jeongin had been dating for a while and he felt it was the right time to come out to the public about your relationship. He wanted to show STAY how beautiful and wonderful you were! You weren’t opposed to the idea, but as soon as you said yes the real emotion kicked in. What if the fans didn’t like you? What if they thought you weren’t the right weight? What if they thought that you weren’t enough? Your expression changed to a straight face causing Jeongin to look at you with a frown. You asked him the same questions you’d asked yourself to which he responded with:
“You’re perfect to me who cares what they think, you’re mine and nothing is going to change that”
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lasagnabomb-blog · 6 years
Belargo the Coin Dragon
"Hey, shopkeep, what can I get for this? Found it on a recent venture in southern Duskain".
Kit faced a small roadside wagon set outside of Lupren in central Duskain. Drawing the short straw, he was sent out to run errands while the rest of the crew set up camp. Usually, they would stay at an inn when this close to town, but after being robbed of your gold and some of your supplies you learn to make do.
“Looks beat up, but the knife is still sharp. I'll give you six gold for it.”
The shopkeep was a stout man, short too. You could almost mistake him for a dwarf if he grew a beard. He stepped back from the counter and put away the knife. Kit looked around at the pines and straightened his coat. Winter was coming and it was coming fast, frost had been on the ground that morning.
“Aye, here you go. Six gold, as promised.”
In the shopkeep's hand. There were six coins, but there was also a tiny silver dragon clutching one of the coins. Kit tried to softly tug the coin away from the dragon, but to no avail as it growled and hissed at his hand.
“The dragon comes with the coin, sir.” The shopkeep gruffly spoke “Little guy never lets go of his coin, so he always goes with. He's traveled to about every shop in the town, and who knows where he was before that. Try and spend ‘im somewhere else so he gets to travel.”
“I… uhh…” Kit held out his hand. The dragon perked up and scampered onto his hand, up his arm, and perched on his shoulder.
“By the way, the lil guy responds to Belargo. Have a nice evening now.”
The shopkeep didn't give time for Kit to respond and closed the window to the cart. Dumbfounded, Kit decided it was best to spend some of the gold and get food for the crew.
After shopping for a while, Kit finally returned to camp with dried goat, dried fruits, and one gold. The camp had been set while he was gone, and his two companions were already sitting by the fire. On the left sat a black kobold named Arua, on the right sat a dwarf named Gurk. Both seemed to be laughing at some joke Arua had just finished, her jokes were known to be a bit raunchy and a favorite of Gurk's.
“Hey, Kit, we found a log for ya to sit on. Find anything good out there?” Gurk's voice rumbled deeply. “I can smell the meat, toss it ‘ere!”
“Fine, calm down Gurk, there's plenty for us tonight.” Kit, pulled out a piece before slinging the sack over to Gurk. “Got some fruits for the road as well.”
There was a moment of silence.
“We have one gold piece left” Kit said “though it uh… it comes with this little guy” Kit proceeded to reach into his jacket, and show off Belargo in the palm of his hand. “Merchant said the dragon comes with the coin, never leaves it either. Figured we can keep the little fella for now at least. His name is Belargo.”
Arua had already approached and convinced the dragon to her hand by the time Kit was done talking. “So, he's sorta like our little mascot now, huh?” Arua chirped. “ Who's a good wittle fella, huh?” as she pet the dragon with her finger.
“We should get to sleep soon. We have to catch up to Silvereye if we're going to claim that bounty.” Kit stated. “We've come close to losing the trail a few times, so we can't let him slip out of Lupren without us knowing.”
Belargo trilled happily as Arua rubbed his belly.
“Well, silver dragons are a sign of good luck.” Gurk said. “Maybe we'll catch Silvereye at the gate tomorrow before he gets the chance to slip!”
“Well, if we are gonna do that, it's best to turn in soon. Goodnight guys.” Kit yawned through the sentence.
The group had a peaceful night and rose early the next morning. After tearing down camp, the went into Lupren to try and spot Silvereye, the infamous murderer. She would leave a silver piece in the left eye of her victims, and was more than rich enough to pay off the law. The bounty was big, it would definitely make up for the money the group lost a while ago.
Kit was leaning in the gate of the town, watching over the street. The sun had barely risen, and the streets were near empty. Kit was having a hard time staying awake before his head flashed with pain and his vision went black.
When Kit came to, his hands were tied behind his back and his mouth was gagged. In a chair across the room sat a very large man with two other brutes standing beside him. One of them had a bloody bandage wrapped around his nose and cotton in his mouth.
“Ah, boys, our guests are finally awake.”
Kit looked around and saw Arua and Gurk both tied up. It looked like Gurk was hurt the most, he must've spotted the thugs before they got him.  
“Now, I have a question fellas.” The chair creaked as the man stood up “Why are you following miss Silvereye, eh? You couldn't be bounty hunters, could ya? I hear plenty in that profession die gruesome deaths.” The man towered over Kit now, blackjack in hand. “Some of ya even go through torture. So why are you followin’ the miss?
Kit spat at the man's boots. Before he had time to make a snide comment his head exploded in pain and his vision went blurry. Blood started dripping down his temple. Before he knew it, he was hauled up by his hair and pinned against the wall.
“Now, I asked you a question. I think it's best for you to answer.” His breath smelled like beer and onions.
Kit remained silent
“Fine, I see you won't talk If I hurt you. How about the little miss there? Skellen, grab her. Tie her up to the chair.”
Arua was hauled over to the chair. Her fighting back was pointless, she was much smaller than any of the thugs. After she was tied up, the leader let go of Kit and walked over to the chair.
Kit started struggling against the rope, trying to get free to save his friends.
“So, what's a little miss like you doing out here? It's easy to get hurt y'know.” The leader slammed his blackjack into her stomach. “I think it's best to admit to what you did, we might kill ya faster then.”The leader put a hand on Arua's shoulder and cocked his other hand back.”It's a shame sweetheart, you're pretty for a fucking lizard.” A small flash of fire hit the hand on Arua's shoulder. The leader roared in pain and reeled back, clutching the burn on his hand.
Kit had worked his bonds to the point he could slip a hand out. Skellen was standing over Arua, confused by the small dragon on her shoulder. Belargo had clambered his way up to Arua's shoulder from one of her jacket pockets. That gave Kit just enough time to tackle Skellen while he was confused. The third thug stumbled back, surprised by what was happening.
Kit took the knife from Skellen's sheath and cut his throat, then sprung back up to assess the situation.
Gurk was still tightly bound and Arua's chair had been knocked over, she was struggling with the rope. Stefan had cast aside his blackjack in favor of a shortsword. The third goon had drawn his sword as well and was getting ready to charge.
“So, you really do want to be tortured to death, huh?” The leader growled “I'm gonna put your head on a fucking pike in the middle of town!”
The leader rushed forward and thrusted his blade at Kit's chest. Kit turned aside and kicked at the ankles, causing the man to tumble. Before he could do anything else, Kit was pommeled by the other goon. Luckily, he missed Kit's head and bashed his shoulder instead, causing Kit to fall over in pain. The thug but his boot on Kit's back, pinning him to the floor.
The thug raised his blade, and readied to stab Kit through the neck.
Kit heard a loud thud and a crash, followed by a string of dwarven swears and a fist meeting flesh repeatedly. The foot was no longer on his back and Gurk was free of his bonds,  beating down the goon. Arua had also escaped hers, but hadn't gotten up yet.
“You think… that I'm just gonna go down that fucking easy?” The leader stood back up, and whirled his blade.
“I mean, I was sort've hoping so. I've had a rough week, and your fat ass made it worse. Sorry I have to take it out on you.” Kit threw the knife at the leader's head. It would've hit if the leader's reaction was any slower, he deflected the knife with his sword.
The leader charged, whirling his blade around and making it difficult to get much closer to him. Kit saw an opening, but the leader read his movements and slashed as his side while sidestepping away. The blade caught Kit on his upper arm, leaving a deep wound. Kit cried out in pain and clutched his arm, making a feeble attempt to staunch the flow. Having lost his balance from the blow, Kit crashed into the wall and fell back over.
“My name is Sellus Drihart, and I’ve never lost a fucking fight. I’m not gonna lose to some cut-rate bounty hunter.”
Sellus swung his sword at Kit’s head. Arua cried out, her lifelong friend was about to meet his demise and there was nothing she could to. She couldn’t make it in time. The sound of a blade cutting flesh and cracking bone echoed through the room. Arua screamed, and found the knife on the floor. Kit wasn’t dying in vain.
“... your blade isn’t as sharp as you think, Sellus… don’t you know it’s important to keep it sharpened after every fight?”
Kit sat there, blood pouring out of his right arm and his left hand, sword embedded in his palm. He seemed to barely be conscious. Sellus stood there, shocked. He then yanked the blade and readied for another swing.
Sellus had no time to swing though, Arua had already closed the distance and slashed his achilles tendon with the dropped knife. Sellus crumpled to the ground, unable to stand back up. Arua made quick work of Sellus, repeatedly stabbing him anywhere she could. After it was all said and done, Arua fell to her knees out of pure exhaustion. Kit had fallen unconscious, and Gurk had just finished off the last thug, with a few less teeth than before.
Silence rang through the room.
Gurk finally spoke. “ I guess silver dragons aren’t much luck after all…”
Both of them stared at Kit, he was basically their leader and what brought them together. Neither of them knew how to patch wounds like he had; especially his hand which was almost dangling off from the rest.
Belargo skittered over to Kit, and started lapping up the blood. Before Arua or Gurk could stop the dragon, the blood began turning silver in color, running up into his wounds. The wounds started shimmering, and then began closing. Scar tissue grew rapidly and stopped Kit’s bleeding. Belargo’s horns rapidly shrank in size until they were little nubs on his head, and then the dragon fell asleep.
Hours later, Kit woke up in an unfamiliar room. Arua and Gurk sat by his bedside. After a flurry of questions which were mainly answered with “I’m alive”, “I feel like shit”, and “I need water.”; Arua screamed something about Kit’s eyes. Kit didn’t really understand, his head started ringing. Stumbling over to the mirror, Kit noticed a few things immediately. His wounds were covered in a very rough scar tissue, it almost looked scaled. Each of those scars burned like fire when touched. Lastly, his eyes had taken a sterling silver color and resembled those of a dragon.
“Guys, What the fuck happened to me? Where are we?”
Gurk calmly explained that they were still in Lupren, in the Blitzed Imp Tavern. Then told Kit about Belargo and what happened after Kit had passed out.
“Little fella still hasn’t woken up.” Gurk explained “Fixed ya up and hasn’t moved a muscle since.”
Kit stumbled over to where Gurk and Arua had made a makeshift bed out of rags and a spare pillow. Belargo was nestled beneath the rags, with only his head sticking out.
Slowly, the dragon’s eyes opened. Kit’s eyes almost exactly matched Belargo’s. The two had been bonded by dragon magic in the attempt to save Kit. Nobody knew what this meant for them, but they were soon to find out. This was only the beginning of an adventure, the likes of which hadn’t been seen in centuries.
This was inspired by a writing prompt that was thrown my way! It had reached Tumblr fame before, but I figured I'd give it a shot too. Thank you of you've taken the time to read this, I'd love to know what you think! Have a good one!
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survivor-ingary · 3 years
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At the tribal, Ping was voted out of the Pendragon Tribe nearly unamimously. Tribal immunity for this round is Pictionary.
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I bet all these bitches know i voted for Keith and now they are going to come kill me in my sleep if i die i blame dylan
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yass round 2 i either think im in the best position on this tribe or theyre all secretly coming for me thats all
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Tribal went as well as I expected it to go. No major drama. It seems like Keith is in real trouble if we do go to tribal again though which would put me in a very tricky spot. For now, though, I will be trying my best in the upcoming challenge. The problem is, however, timezones and schedules. Jon is going to be our drawer, but he can only do it tonight or in the early afternoon tomorrow which I will not be there for. Additionally, Keith is asleep so we have no idea what his schedule is going to be so we basically had to schedule the challenge without him. And Nya could only do right before the deadline tomorrow which Jon cannot do. I hate this for us, truly. I just hope that Moth and I can rub our brain cells together for this one so that we can pull out a win. OR somehow the other tribes fail horribly. On the bright side, I am finally starting to catch up on Duolingo exercises. They're a lot easier than I thought, but it is still going to be tedious af to save up enough coins for some of the higher end products at the shop. As a final note, I am going to work with Nya in the long term as we promised each other to. Hopefully that actually works out. Time to actually be loyal and be a hero this time around. Need to try something different.
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If we lose this challenge, I will be very upset. We went so hard on this challenge!!! I believe that we can at least get second place, but I don't know how crazy the other tribes are. So, let's see what goes on
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Ayyyyy soooooooo looks like the four, Colin, me, Ava, and Brayden are officially in an alliance!? I’m really hyped to be working with everybody and already have sights on who should go if we have to go to tribal 👀 but like I’m gonna feel so bad if we go to tribal and I orchestrate a whole plan to take someone out I gotta do it when I’m not in my feels and the planets aren’t fucking with my emotions too heavy. But go alliance ! This means I’ll be able to stay safe until hopefully a merge and hopefully we can avoid a tribe swap till then which I get those vibe from it !! But I’ll be here to survive two more tribals just in case which is pretty rad. Other then that hopefully me offering to draw doesn’t end us up in the bottom and we can keep killing ! But anyways that is it as off know hopefully I have a lot more coins tomorrow morning and I get hit the hat shop bright and motherfucking early.
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Just got asked to be apart of an alliance <33333 the besties in the group trust me which maybe ain't the right move but for now we gotta love the bonding. exciting!!!
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YAY FOR ROUND 2! Okay, so I meet once again with the Hat Shop and... third times the charm! Except,,, the charm is getting nothing AGAIN lmao I'm not complaining though, still got that extra vote :P I stayed up at 1 AM for this challenge, and I honestly think our team popped off. Anastasia was guessing a ton, and Riley was amazing at drawing real quick! I have a relatively good feeling about our performance, so I hope I wake up to the news of our tribe being immune :D
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so yesterday I set myself on a mission to get an alliance. I wanted Ava + Brayden + Toph + me as a majority alliance. it was our day off from tribal so I thought it was the perfect day to do it!! I talked to Brayden about it first because he's the person I feel the most comfortable with, and then after a lot of coordination and careful communication I was able to pull it together!! I think the most important thing when making alliances is making everyone feel like they're a big part in it. So I was careful to ask each person how they feel about the others, about the game, and made a point to say that I wanted to work with them specifically. Some may call that a little manipulative, but I wanna make sure that I'm an essential part of the alliance!! i need everyone to feel like they need/want me there.
all of this happening so soon into the game is a testament to how aggressive I'm playing this time around. I usually like to lay low and just rely solely on my social game in the start, but I'm trying this out to establish myself early on! I wanted to play the tribe leader and I think I'm doing that in a smart and subtle way!!
so yes now we have a 4 person majority alliance named "duolingo owl hate club" because fuck that guy. I think we're the 4 most active and present people on the tribe so it's only natural for us to work together, but I think it's definitely worth noting that I was the one that was pulling the strings here.
We just did the pictionary challenge, I have a good feeling about it!! Toph was an amazing artist, and if we win, all credit rightfully goes to him!! I think the guessers also did great of course, but like come on, the artist has to be the mvp. I'm really hoping we pull through!! I don't mind going to tribal, but I genuinely don't wanna vote anyone out yet. I'm fine just playing the game in a precautionary way. I know I'm in a great position if we do go to tribal, but it's always preferred that we don't go.
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Everyone else on my tribe: doing the challenge and kicking ass
Me: I’m sleep
Riley (Tumblr has once again chosen violence so only the first 10 get banners 🥲)
I think our challenge went pretty well! My team were good guessers. Feeling like I've established some Integrity now. Hope it keeps me safe later!
Toph Soooooo we finished the challenge with 32 points and like wig !! I was a quick as drawer for 32pts expect when my internet lagged, but still ! I think we whooped some ass and if we do go to tribal I know it won’t be me going, thanks to Duolingo owl hate club but I’m also worried same could have and advantage because they seem pretty kean on learning a lot in like 3 hours and then tried to cover that statement to not seem so threatening but like babs s a huge threat too apparently they love Duolingo and know 5 laugnes ? This is from brayden but If so go babs ! That’s absolutely iconic for real Life but fucking scary in this game ! I gotta be buddy buddy with them so hopefully if they do have something it won’t be them going home first and it will be Ava. But I’m thinking we might get second place again unless someone is a fucking wizard at this.
Dennis hmm i think we did well enough in the challenge to not see tribal tomorrow but who knows i guess we shall find out tn
the way ellie was so on top of stuff yesterday only to oversleep the challenge makes me giggle maybe shes freaking out about it which makes me also giggle but i dont think its really a big deal
anastasia asked me to call yesterday and i was like sure lets talk but it is damn near impossible to hold a conversation with her idk i tried BUT she did tell me “yeah i just got off a call with ellie” im like i see. she says shes down to work with ellie but that quickly switched from ellie being ~experienced~ but good to know ellie is also playing hard. anastasia also mentioned that she talks to riley a fair amount who i still have yet to connect to well. but dat makes me think ellie is def talking to riley too miss debate team is definitely a talker. but good on her for the social game i guess
kenneth keeps being like haha we’re the same person and im like yeah👁 i bet we are👁
i just wanna win and not think about tribal just keep it slow and chill for now keep learnin my welsh i guess
Ava Second challenge was Pictionary and I had a ton of fun playing. The tea is: toph did a great job. He was pretty vocal about not being a great artist but really I think he did great. However, Babs was super inactive yesterday and ~too late~ said they were a great artist and should've been picked to draw. It was kind of like.... k babs thanks for the belated "help". They did do great guessing which scored a point in my book. Brayden was supposed to play but last minute logged off without saying anything so we did the challenge without him :/ sorta a bummer. Anyway the lack of participation from Sam is kind of popping off so we'll see where that leads them... Overall a fun game and fingers crossed we did well!
Moth I think we did okay at the challenge. Today I am dying from the heatwave so I’m not thinking too straight! Stay cool everyone
Ellie So yesterday Anastasia and I called for about an hour!!! I’d say we’re definitely way closer, she’s someone I really wanna work with although the idea of her and Brayden eventually being on the same tribe is kinda scary cause I know how close they are. Still she’s so fun to talk to and I just love her energy so much!
Pictionary challenge results: Jenkins Tribe wins with Penadragon second, Hatter Tribe has to go to tribal council on the following day.
Ava Well well well seems our bob ross, toph, didn't pull through (y'all think babs would've pulled it out for us or slept through our challenge like they said they almost did?) I can't wait for tribal. I'm in it for the drama. I'm hashtag voting Sam off - didn't even bother to be apart of our challenge and not too sure they've even been online for a full 24 hours. Weed out the weak.....
Brayden https://imgur.com/n60Lz0c
guys i dont know what to do someone help me out
Dennis i hope damn brayden gets the boot
Raffy Woo! We don't have to go to tribal again! We stan!
Ellie So I figured I’d go idol hunting today cause the shop was about to close and I just wanted to see what had been bought and what possible hats there were, I see that there’s a hat I have enough for that hasn’t been bought and I decide fuck it let’s get it
Sam Well you see. I like all my tribe people. And I think we did real good on that music video! So, I think rather than voting anyone else off, I think I should just vote myself off if that is possible! Ahhh
Babs So sad to see Sam not only go but go through what they're going through :( same w Toph :( they all seem so lovely
Keith Not sure if i submitted a confession after the last tribal. But if I didnt here it is.
Happy I made it out of that tribal. I had raffy backing me with whom I played. Last time we played. We were at odds. We didnt work together but whats worse that we were against each other. It was either him or me goin out. Hopefully thats the past n we can work together. I jus need to keep things calm n show that Im not here itching to make big moves. So they dont feel threatened by me. N its easy cause right now. I havnt made that kind og bond with anyone on my tribe. To even think of such moves. Lets see what round two holds for me.
Colin so uh
we lost! :(
I was really bummed tbh. Like I thought we did well but circumstances with the challenge were just really unfortunate, from conflict about who wanted to be the artist to people disappearing the moment the challenge started, I think we did well despite all of that. Except we did kinda get stomped anyway. Oh well!! The game moves on. Tribal has to happen.
Initially I was gonna push for Babs, just because I feel like I don't wanna attach myself to them too early on. I've seen how much of a bitter player they can be, and lets just say I'm not the most loyal ally to have. however! 9 minutes after we lost, Ava announces to our alliance that she's voting Sam. I wasn't surprised, Sam has been the one not really pulling their weight. But I had some good connections with her!! we both did colorguard and shes so sweet and easy to talk to. I was really conflicted for a little bit, debating on whether or not to actually push for Babs. I think brayden sensed my hesitance but we both knew there was nothing really I could do to stop Sam from being the vote. At first tribal, the initial name always spreads like wildfire.
However, my mess was stopped abruptly by Sam asking to be voted out. welp!! okay then!! babs stays i guess!! i'm not too bothered. I'll never turn down an easy vote hehe.
Pretty sure there's a swap tonight. I'm kinda scared of that
i almost forgot to upload this but dont worry i just remembered
Colin screams
Toph So we’re going to tribal in 20 and all I have to say right now is if there is a tribe swap after I’m gonna so scared but I ducking called I had a vibe and it was right that’s what is gonna win me this game trusting my intuition. I’m holding on now and gonna be the biggest comp beast next challenge in case I get fucked on this swap !!!! Or at least if it is a swap 🤔
Riley I don't know what this announcement's gonna be I'm worriedddd... Ginny said it probably means we're swapping teams but I don't wannaaaa I like our team.
Toph Sam self sacrificing made this the easiest vote ever and me being safe is a plus I guess 😎
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