#nothing wrong with going back to ur first love after trial and error. i do think someones first love is incredibly special most of time
zhuhongs · 1 year
last anf post for the night but damn. a lot of what was discussed in the story rlly reflects some things ive been thinking deeply abt as of late. esp the whole theme of choices and there is no right choice, there is the choice you make and how you live with it and there are a million possibilities but if you get so caught up in those possibilities you only miss out so be messy and reckless and pick up the pieces later bc it all falls into place. not everything is permanent but everything moves you into where you need to be. and yea
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Here's my S. C. Calhoun essay-
I just want to give a heads up that all of these HCs revolve around the HC of Calhoun being gradually Eldritch. This is mostly talking about his powers/other small fun facts.
-He was chosen to become Eldritch, parallel to Gordon/Adrian being hired by G-Man. Maybe he was in a bad accident or something and his future boss came down and talked to him. He was given the choice to become a supernatural being with abilities to “protect others and bring others to follow that claim (< future security team)”, or he could simply die to his wounds. It’s obvious what he chose. He woke up a week later after the initial meeting/accident.
-He did have a significant other and a close family, but becoming Eldritch made anyone who knew him no longer recognize him, everyone thinking he died in the accident he was in. This with a few other events made it easier for Calhoun to simply watch everything with a calculated look, and not to become too attached to anyone (at least till Gordon arrived). This was a serious blow for early S. C. Calhoun’s psyche.
-He found his mind reading while talking with a coworker/subordinate, “hearing” another voice as the worker spoke. It confused Calhoun the first few times it happened, but he eventually learned how to control it (albeit with a lot of trial ‘n error). He now uses it when talking to anyone, as long as he isn’t disassociating, making sure he knows a person’s ulterior motives. It does look like he’s disassociated when he uses his mind reading though.
-He learned he had teleportation when he was just meandering in his room/workplaces one day (maybe at the start of/right before BM) seeing if he had anything else other than what he knew at the time. He got frustrated at one point and felt himself yanked out of his room. He passed out due to the sudden force. When he came to, he realized he was in Xen and was royally scared. He tried calling his Higher-Ups, but nothing came through. He eventually found his way around Xen, using his teleportation powers to move around. (I like to think he has to actually aim where he’s going, like with his hand or a certain motion) It took about a week to get the basics of his teleportation down, but he was able to get back to Earth after finding his new pet. 
-He didn’t know he could teleport others until he was well in Black Mesa, Calhoun now mastered his self-teleportation powers. Calhoun accidentally made a subordinate disappear after they came into his office unannounced. Calhoun got the guard back quickly and erased the little fiasco from the man’s memory. 
-Any language he hears sounds like English, and sounds like the initial language when he speaks to the person with said language, even when he only knows English. This also works for ASL and Vortigese, though he certainly doesn’t explain how he knows the alien’s language when the BM incident plays out.
-And finally, stasis control. Calhoun found this skill out when he was working on some papers (I HC he doesn’t let others do certain work for him, even when it can be done by his subordinates). Maybe it was a heavy day, and he just wished for more time. He felt a change in his office, though nothing looked different. He opened his office’s door, and saw the dotted-void-background. Calhoun immediately ran towards a clock, and saw it was stuck on the same second. He sighed and went back to his desk, finishing up his work as he tried to quickly think of a way to get out of whatever he just put himself in. He knew he was Eldritch, but god wasn’t it confusing sometimes.
As soon as he finished the last piece of work, he saw a small booklet appear on his desk. It showed him how to use his time-bending properties (or at least the basics). This was one of few times in which his Higher Ups decided to help him control his powers. He mostly used it to stay on time, until Gordon (and/or Adrian) showed his worth.
  Smaller HCs:
-I forgot to mention this in my 1st post, but I do think he would have /some/ powers related to lightning, though nothing too large. Usually it would just show when he’s teleporting/ fighting with his bare hands (I don’t think he would know how to shoot lighting). It’s the same color as his eyes.
-Calhoun -I don’t think- needs to eat/drink anymore, but does it out of habit & familiarity. It’s something that helps him keep calm when he is a bit stressed. Plus it keeps the human look to coworkers.
-And of course he still has emotions, it’s just that they’re just very hard to bring out. They are not completely muted, though his in-humanness does damper them a good bit w/ the including of the years he’s been alive numbing him to humanity. (So if you see Calhoun with any other emotion than his bored/casual grin -or even a smug look-, you might want to run for the hills)
Thank you for coming to my TED talk byeee-
dang you didnt have to pop off so hard but you DID and i LOVE IT your mind,,,again i love ur idea of barney slowly becoming an eldritch being over time!! i hc calhoun likes to eat too, despite not needing to, but i dont think he’d have a v big appetite so he often nibbles 
if you see calhoun with wide awake eyes you know you did something wrong/something bad is gonna happen!!
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helianthus21 · 5 years
Heli’s Fix-It Rec List
So a while ago I was asking for some fix-its for the Casifer storyline and got some amazing recs. And because they were all so good for my bitter heart, I decided to compile a list of spn fix-it recs by the season. The hashtags give info about whether the fic is gen or has a ship (which would be Destiel bc. you know me) and what issue the fic is trying to resolve or fix, as well as other things that I thought should be mentioned.
Here we go:
Season 8
A Room Of One’s Own by NorthernSparrow All Dean wants is a little privacy. Cas doesn't understand.
#destiel #explicit #post-s6 guilt #closure for godstiel
Season 9
Human Perspective by skydark Post 8x23 AU.  After the fall Dean realizes he's not trying teach Castiel to be human for purely selfless reasons; he hopes to gain something from it, too.
#destiel #human!Cas #endgame angel!cas #trueforms #team free heaven
There Are Many Things by imogenbynight In which Dean and Castiel learn, through trial and error, how to be together.
#destiel #9x03 #human!cas
My heart is beating from me by Enochian Things (Salr323) After Rexford, Castiel tries to live a normal life and Dean tries to let him go...  But nothing’s ever that easy.(Canon divergent from s9e06 “Heaven Can’t Wait”)
#destiel #human!cas #Daphne Allen #suicidal thoughts
Forgotten by NorthernSparrow Sam and Dean are working a case in Wyoming, but are distracted by news of a dangerous angel called "Castiel" who they can't remember ever having heard of before. The name seems a little bit familiar, but neither of the boys is sure why.
#gen fic #team free will #amnesia #human!cas #you will cry ur eyes out #i’m not kidding
Flight by NorthernSparrow Sequel to Forgotten. A/U from mid season 9. Castiel is human and wounded, and Dean and Sam need to get his grace back - and his wings. Things do not go as intended and Cas faces a difficult road. 
#destiel #team free will #wing fic #suicidal thoughts #Sam/OFC #you will sob
Season 10
Playing With Fire by aini-nufire When Charlie unearths the Book of the Damned, she draws the attention of the notorious Styne family, who will stop at nothing to get it back. And even with the help of an angel and a phoenix, the Winchesters might have bitten off more than they can chew…
#gen fic #Charlie lives
The Forever Crown by whichstiel Charlie's back on earth after being dead for over a year. As she investigates her mysterious resurrection, something lurks near her old Michigan stomping grounds.
#Charlie lives #Charlie/Gilda
The Most Important Thing by NorthernSparrow Jimmy Novak remembers nothing of the last six years. Reunited with his troubled daughter Claire, he's struggling to raise her on his own. The most important thing is to make Claire happy. But why does he keep having these dreams of wings, and of two men in a black car? (Canon-divergent from S10E11, when we first met Claire again and Dean was still struggling with the Mark of Cain. Takes places several months later).
#destiel #amnesia #team free will #Cas & Claire
Season 11
What is Hidden, What is Seen by ExpatGirl The Darkness has descended, and Castiel must make a choice. What, in reality, is the nature of Free Will, and where does love end and self-effacement begin? And why didn't Castiel know about the Mark of Cain and its relation to The Darkness in the first place? This began as a one-shot called "The Hanged Man" and has turned into...something else.
#destiel #s11 rewrite #Charlie lives #Hannah lives #Cas deserved better #trueform
Pieces by Castiel_For_King Castiel switched places with the Devil to give the world one last chance.  Almost a year after taking his place in the cage, Sam and Dean finally manage to get him out.  Unfortunately, some pieces got left behind.
#post-casifer #trauma recovery #wing fic #team free will #temporary amnesia
There’s An Angel In These Woods by Castiel_For_King "It had hurt, Dean remembered.  It had hurt deeply whenever he would snap out of worry or raise his voice in frustration and Cas would shrink away from him with fear flashing in his eyes and move instinctively towards Sam – where he felt safe, away from the threat, away from Dean.  It was that – seeing Cas looking at him like he was the dangerous thing that made his wings tremble and spread – which had been the driving force behind Dean’s quest to temper his ingrained reflexes and make an effort to act less like…well, a hunter.  Because he’d only just recently learned that it made Cas feel like prey.  Even if the angel didn’t understand what it was that he was feeling."
#destiel #post-casifer #trauma recovery #wing fic #team free will #Jesse/Cesar
Favorite Son by aini-nufire Coda to 11x18: Amara's plan to get God's attention works.Now with follow-up chapter after 11x20
#post-casifer #gen fic #team free will #Chuck & Cas
We Band of Brothers by LadyWallace S11 AU—Amara must be defeated, but Sam and Dean can’t do it alone, thus some unexpected help arrives in the newly resurrected archangels. But figuring out how to save Cas and Lucifer from Amara and creating a trap that will hold her might be too much to handle. Will they survive the final fight, or will the world fall into Darkness? Gen-No Slash
#gen fic #casifer #team free will #angel brothers
Three Angels Walk Into A Bar by 29-pieces Lucifer can't take on Amara by himself. Michael is useless, but there's another archangel that he might turn to - one who is none too happy about his big brother parading around in Castiel's body. Oh, or that whole thing where Cas is being tortured instead of left alone. Even if they beat Amara, how are they supposed to rescue Cas when the Devil holds all the cards? S11 AU
#gen fic #casifer #team free will #angel brothers
Season 12
The Choice by aini-nufire Post 12x19 “The Future” - It takes them a year to find Cas.
#brain washing #gen fic #team free will
The Sum Of My Regrets by procasdeanating “A quick trip to the past, that’s all. Look Cas, I know we can’t do anything about all the innocent people getting into the crossfire of our battles, but this I can do. Let me rescue this child and give Lily Sunder back her life. What can possibly go wrong?” In which Dean Winchester travels through time, learns a thing or two about best laid plans and falls in love with an angel – all over again.
#destiel #minor character undeath #cas in a female vessel #Lily Sunder
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branching-paths · 5 years
Of Thorin and Of Pancakes
Another chapter two days late, sorry y’all!
Should I add a tag list and a summary? I see a lot of stories doing that...
Also, should I announce the POV? Idk how much of this works, or what would make more sense to readers
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Alright, well here we go!
"Hey get up," Someone called in the middle of the battle. I looked around, only seeing Orcs, and dwarrow. Something hit my side and my eyes flung open. It was early morning, before dawn, and I wasn't in the middle of a battle field. Bofur was standing next to me, gently rubbing my side with his boot. "I thought ye weren't going to get up," He said with a smirk. I sat up and rubbed my eyes.     "No, just took a while to find my way back," I mumbled as I dropped my hands.
    "I know the feelin'," Bofur sighed. "You and Thorin have got watch 'til dawn." With a tip of his floppy hat, Bofur went to his roll next to Bifur and Bombur and curled up in the Ur heap. Thorin was standing near the field, watching it like it might reveal a pack of Orc on our tail. I pulled myself to my feet and went to thinking. Why did Bofur want me to watch with Thorin? Did Fili and Kili set it up, or was it just because Bofur thought it was my turn to watch, seeing as I was late to the party? I walked over to Thorin and hugged my shoulders from the cold, even though it was April. Thorin glanced over and smirked. I nodded and looked into the field with him. Seeing nothing there, I turned towards Thorin and looked at his face.     "Yes," Thorin asked. I growled and shook my head. "What?" Thorin turned to face me.     "Why didn't you tell me," I growled at him.     "Tell you what, that the Orcs have a bounty on my head," He growled back. "They've had a bounty on my head since Azog died."     "You could have told me," I growled again. I took a deep breath and looked out into the field again. "Fili and Kili said you weren't yourself on the way to the Shire." Thorin snorted softly.     "Just a little tense after the Wargs," He mumbled.     "WARGS?!" I yelled. Thorin clamped his hand on my mouth. We both took a look around camp, nobody had woken up from my outraged yell.     "Yes, they were on the east end of the Shire," Thorin mumbled quietly. "Nobody was hurt. How's Dis?" I frowned at him and let the Wargs issue drop.     "Fine, started to help out Jezel with her sewing shop last I heard." The rest of the pre dawn morning past by without much more happening. The only interesting thing that happened was that Gandalf screamed out in his sleep, "You shan't take my hobbit!" At first light, I went to my pack and pulled out a box. Inside were special things that I would need to get today off with a good start. I opened it up and smiled at the eggs that lay waiting in the box with butter and syrup. Thorin peered over my shoulder and frowned as he laced his arm around my middle.     "What are you going to do with those," He asked in my ear. I smiled brightly and shut the box.     "Making something to cheer everyone up," I said looking at him. I pecked his cheek and twirled out of his arms. I stopped next to Bombur's pots and pulled out a frying pan. I set it on the coals and pulled out things to make pancakes. They solve many things, I have found. I made a double batch and flopped the first pancake into the hot pan, making a sizzling sound.     "Pancakes," Thorin asked, sitting down next to me. I nodded and set down the batter bowl on my other side.     "Don't get any ideas," I said, poking him in the side. Thorin chuckled and grabbed the box, pulling out the butter and syrup. A few minuets later, the sweet smell of pancakes wafted through the camp, making Bombur sit up, arms raised.     "Pancakes," He mumbled. His eyes flew open and he lowered his arms. "I must have been dreaming," He said sadly.     "No you weren't," I called to him, startling the poor dwarrow. I lifted the pan, showing the nearly done breakfast food. Bombur got to his knees and crawled over his cousins. I flipped the pan with a chuckle and the pancake flew into the air. Bombur caught it with his hands and shoved it into his mouth, still steaming hot from the pan. He munched it down quickly and smiled.     "That's a great recipe Myrin," He mumbled through the last of the pancake. "Where'd you get it?"     "From some very rude dwarrow, Trial and Error," I said with a smirk. Bombur smiled and pulled out another pan from his pack. He set that on another part of the coals and cooked with me. Fili and Kili were the next ones up, tangled in each other even though their bed rolls were apart. Kili attempted to sit up, but Fili's arm held his neck.     "Fee, get off," Kili mumbled. Fili turned over top  of his younger brother, but Kili was free. He finally sat up and sniffed. "Is that pancakes," He asked, looking over at me. I nodded and flipped another pancake. Kili walked over and took one from Bombur. Fili soon got up and followed suit. Soon after, everyone was up and was fed, everyone but the hobbit. When dawn had come, and the sun was fully over the horizon, Bilbo was still sleeping. As I finished up the last four pancakes, Thorin got up and hovered over the hobbit, nudging him with his boot's toe. Bilbo moaned and rolled over. He curled around Thorin's foot as everyone suppressed giggles.     "Pancakes, I smell pancakes," Bilbo moaned. He turned his face to the sky and opened his eyes. His face morphed into a panic as Thorin glared at him. Bilbo pulled away from Thorin and stood up, face red and obviously embarrassed. "T-terribly sorry Thorin, I-I don't know w-what to-"     "You should have been up an hour ago," Thorin growled, interrupting Bilbo. I frowned as I flipped the pancake. "Hurry up and eat so we can get moving." Thorin went over to a stump and pulled out a map from his pack, along with a water skin. I smirked and leaned over to Kili.     "Has he always been this tense on long road trips," Kili asked. I shook my head.     "I have an idea to get him out of his rut though," I breathed. I whispered my plan to Kili who was giving me a lopsided grin. I pulled my pack over and pulled out some tea leaves, peppermint leaves.     "Kili, come and help me out with the ponies," Fili called.     "That's going to mess things up," Kili whispered. I shook my head.     "No it won't, just call Thorin over," I mumbled. "Tell Fili, he should be in with it." Kili nodded as he stood up. Bilbo walked over and took Kili's spot.     "What are you two doing," Bilbo asked, cocking an eyebrow. I pursed my lips and shook my head.     "Don't know what you're talking about hobbit," I said as I shook my pack to settle the contents. Bilbo frowned as he grabbed a pancake, tore it up and put it on his plate.     "Then why is Kili avoiding Thorin," Bilbo asked. I frowned and looked up at him. He pointed to Thorin, who was talking with Kili. Kili wasn't looking at him, but he had his grin. Kili darted away, and Thorin looked at me, confused. I shrugged and picked up my pack. I stood up and sighed. Bilbo frowned.     "What are you going to ride," He asked. I shrugged.     "I'll figure something out," I said.     "THORIN," Kili bellowed. All head turned towards the field, where Fili and Kili were getting the ponies ready. My own head turned to Thorin, who was frowning at his map.     "What Kili," Thorin asked. A few minuets past before either responded.     "It's your pony," Fili yelled back. Thorin growled and looked up.     "What about him," He yelled. A few more minuets.     "It's....nose has got something..... weird," Kili yelled back. I raised my hand to slap my forehead, but went to itch my nose instead. Thorin folded up the map, got up and walked past everyone, grumbling under his breath.     "It's a muzzle nit-wit," He growled. The second he was out of sight, I crept over to his water skin and shoved the leaves into it. Everyone was so busy watching what Thorin and the boys were doing, nobody saw me shove the leaves into his water skin. I crept back over and walked out to the field to help Fili and Kili with their uncle. Thorin was rubbing his pony's muzzle, glaring at Fili and Kili.     "But there was something sticking out of his muzzle," Kili insisted.     "It was black and slimy," Fili added.     "What ever you thought you saw, you didn't," Thorin growled. He turned around and frowned at me. "What are you doing," He asked. I smiled at him and pulled Kili over, my arm around his shoulders.     "Helping these angels with the ponies," I replied. Thorin frowned further and grabbed his pony's reins.     "More like imps," He mumbled under his breath. I squinted at him as he walked away with his pony. Once he was out of ear shot, Kili burst into giggles.     "We're going to get in so much trouble," Fili said, suppressing his own chuckles. I shrugged and grabbed the reins of two ponies and lead them towards the camp. Nori and Bofur took the ponies from me and mounted.     "Wha' are you gonna ride Myrin," Nori asked. I glanced up at him and rolled my eyes.     "Why is everyone so interested in what I'll ride," I yelled. "I'll run if I have to!" Everyone got on their steeds, everyone but Thorin.     "Hey, we're ready Thorin," Dwalin called. Thorin got up, folded up his map and grabbed his water skin. He took a swig of it, and sprayed it out. He wiped his mouth and frowned at his skin. I glanced over at Fili and Kili. Both were red faced and giving toothy grins. I took four deep breaths and bit my tongue to keep from laughing. I glanced back at Thorin, and burst out. He looked up and frowned.     "What did you do," He growled. I bit my lips and smirked. Thorin walked over to me and held up his water skin. "What did you do," He repeated.     "I kind of shoved tea leaves into your skin while you went to see what was wrong with your pony," I said, barely controlling my laughter. "I just know how much you love tea." Fili and Kili burst out laughing. Thorin glanced at them, then back at me.     "I see now, you three pranked me again," He growled. "You three have got pony watch for the next three weeks, Myrin, you've got scouting duty-"     "But she hasn't a ride Thorin," Gandalf reminded. I glared at Gandalf.     "Who says so," I asked.     "Besides Thorin, that's a little harsh," Gandalf said. "It's was just a prank." Thorin glared at Gandalf and mounted his pony.     "Prank or not, they are all acting like dwarflings," Thorin growled. He turned to me and frowned. "Hopefully being responsible will set them straight. Myrin call your ride and catch up." Thorin turned the pony around and trotted out of the clearing. Fili and Kili rode over to me and looked down.     "You weren't kidding," I moaned. "A total knot in the beard."     "We thought you would set him straight," Kili said. "Maybe he's just tense about everything." I nodded.     "Maybe..."     "FILI AND KILI," Thorin called from ahead. They sighed and spurred their ponies ahead.     "Hurry please," Kili called back. I nodded and took a deep breath. I let out an eagle scream and smiled as I heard it echo around the valley. I waited a few minuets, but nothing happened. I frowned and looked in the sky. She never was late when I called. I looked around and spotted a nice tall aspen. I reached up and pulled myself into the tree. I climbed to the top and looked around the valley. To the west, Thorin had the company at a fast trot, to the north and south were massive storm clouds. I twirled around to the other side of the tree and looked to the east. Hobbiton lay silent on the horizon, bright, white fluffy clouds hovering over the peaceful village. I was suddenly picked up by my shoulders and plucked from the tree. I looked up and smiled. Lakita, my long time friend was carrying me.     "Hey girl," I yelled. She looked down and if a griffon could smile she did. We angled upward and she threw me upwards. I straightened out and parted my legs. Lakita flew under me and I landed in the Warg saddle she wore. As she angled downward, I strapped my legs in and rubbed her white neck feathers. Lakita was white everywhere but her tail and head, and we had been friends ever since Erebor fell. I turned my torso around and made sure that everything that was in the saddle luggage was still there. Cooking supplies, two sets of clothes, medical supplies, my bow and a bunch of arrows. I nodded and turned back around. Lakita trilled and shook her brown head.     "I know, I missed you too," I clacked, rubbing her neck again. I felt my swords hitting my legs on both sides as we flew, so I strapped them into the leg straps. I looked around the valley, deciding I could scout as flew towards the company. I didn't spot anything threatening, so I shut my eyes. Lakita trilled a few minuets later, so I opened my eyes. The company was right in front of us. I trilled at Lakita to land behind everyone. She back pedaled and landed next to Fili. He lifted his eyebrows and gave a quick nod.     "That took a while," Kili said.     "She was in the middle of eating," I said, rubbing her neck again. She cawed and Bilbo yelped. He looked around and his eyes landed on Lakita. His mouth flapped a few times before he could speak. When he did, he seemed angry.     "That thing kidnapped me," He yelled. I frowned at him as Lakita trilled at him.     "Correction," I said. "I asked her to find the company, and remove any suspicious characters. I thought she just picked up some random hobbit. You honestly look different upside down, wind tossed, and frightened." Bilbo frowned at me.     "Who wouldn't," He growled. "So how did you come by a griffon?" I pursed my lips.     "Yeah, you've never told us how you got Lakita," Kili added. Fili looked at me and gave me puppy eyes. Kili joined in and I melted.     "Fine," I yelled. "Right before Erebor fell, Thorin and I went hunting and found these humans from Dale picking on Lakita-"     "Wait, you're-"     "Don't interrupt hobbit," Kili said.     "Kicked their but, freed Lakita from the log of doom-" Lakita trilled, annoyance thick in her shriek. "-she flew off and Smaug came. Went back in, saved Dis-"     "Who's Dis," Bilbo asked.     "My Amad, now be quiet," Kili said again.     '"-Came back out, Lakita picked me up, and friendship blossomed." I pursed my lips again. Bilbo frowned.     "How did you get a saddle," Bilbo asked. I rubbed the worn leather, memories flooding my mind.     "Up in her nest," I said, playing with a piece of leather that needed resewn.     "Oh, so that's where you went," Thorin called from ahead. Bilbo looked up towards him, looked back at me and frowned at his saddle horn.     "How long have you two um.....known eachother," He asked. I scrunched up an eye as I thought.     "Since I was little," I mumbled. I smiled and looked up at the back of Thorin's head. "We've had some fun, Thorin and I. And some not so fun things happen."  I cleared my throat and looked around. It had started to rain again, so I pulled up the hood of my white cloak. Bilbo didn't have a cloak, so his head was drenched. I chuckled as Lakita shook, spraying Fili, Kili and Bilbo with water. Poor Hobbit.......
    We traveled for a while more, then the terrain became too muddy to travel. We all huddled under trees, or in Bilbo's case wings. Lakita laid down and looked around the puddle of a camp. Her eyes narrowed at Dwalin and I smiled. He glared back and she screeched at him. Bilbo got off his pony and stared at Lakita.     "Do you want to catch a cold Hobbit," I asked as I walked along Lakita's flank.     "No, it's just I'm curious about your friend," He said, taking a step towards her head. I chuckled as Lakita looked at Bilbo through her blue eye. "Is she blind in this one," Bilbo asked, pointing to her eye. Lakita thumped him softly on his head with the under side of her beak. She pulled Bilbo close and pulled him under one of her wings.     "I'm going to walk around, see how bad the rain is," I said, rubbing Lakita on her wing joint.     "I'll go with," Thorin said. In the corner of my eye, I saw Fili whisper something to Kili, who smirked. Thorin pulled his hood up again, resting his hand on his sword. We walked into the surrounding fields, the company had camped in the only trees in a few miles. Once we were out of ear shot, I looked at Thorin.     "Why did you do that," I growled. "Now they'll suspect something." Thorin took a deep breath and coughed.     "Because there's bandits out here," He said once he caught his breath. "Two's better then one." I snorted and took a step forward. Water soaked my entire leg, all because I stepped into a pothole. I hissed as I pulled my leg out again, shaking it once it was out. Thorin was chuckling at me, his arms folded tightly across his chest. As if he was cold. We walked for a while longer, surveying a new route, seeing just how bad the rain was. Two new rivers flowed through the road, one was two feet deep, the other only a few inches, but it was wide. We stood at the second river for a while, deciding if we should cross it or find another route, when I was tackled into the river. I caught myself and rolled over, someone  jumped on top of me. I was pushed face first into the shallow river as knees dug into my back. I lifted my head and turned it to the side as my hands were bound. If I could shake this guy off... A knife dug into my back, making me gasp. I lifted my legs and kicked the thing that was on me, making the knife skim my back. I rolled to my left, away from the person and got to my feet. Three humans, young boys about seventeen or so, were attacking Thorin, who was holding his ground, barely. I grabbed a knife from my boot and freed myself. The boy that was on my back pulled himself out of the river and looked at me.     "Yer gonna regret tha," He growled. I pulled my hands out from behind my back, still holding the knife. They boy's eyes widened with fear, and he got to his feet.     "Scat," I growled at him. He sprinted east, screaming about a banshee or something. I drew my swords and wadded through the river towards Thorin. The others looked more like noble folk, mostly because they had swords and dressed with bright colors. Maybe they stole them, maybe not....     "You're terrible with the sword dwarf," One yelled at Thorin. "Give us a challenge!"     "I'll give you a challenge," I yelled, jumping onto of him. He let out a very high pitched scream as he fell into the river. My right sword met with number two's weak thrust, so I disarmed him before he could hurt anyone else. Thorin was still at it with number three, until he broke down in a fit of coughing. Three knocked him over into the river as Thorin coughed. I tripped him and pointed my sword point at him as he landed on his back.     "You dare try and hurt him," I growled. In the corner of my eye, I saw Two and One getting up, grabbing their swords and approaching me from behind. Keeping my left sword on the boy on the ground, I turned and pointed my other sword at the other two. They stopped dead in their tracks. Thorin stood up and went into another coughing fit.     "Does he have the plague or something," Three asked. I turned to him and almost growled that he didn't.     "Yes," I growled. They all went white and glanced at Thorin.     "Are you infected too," Two asked. Once again, I almost said no.     "Yes," I said, giving a feeble cough for good measure. "And you three are going to get it if you don't leave us alone." They scampered quicker then Fili and Kili when a bad prank went wrong. I helped Thorin up and slapped his back, launching him into yet another round of coughing.     "You okay," I asked. Thorin nodded and smiled at me.     "I do not have the plague," He snorted. I laughed and picked up Thorin's sword. He took it and we walked back to the puddle of a camp. We walked into the firelight, and Oin was on top of us in a heartbeat.     "Why are you wet, do you want to catch Death," He screamed at us. He started to pull at our cloaks, coats, and vests. Soon I was just in my white under shirt, and black leggings. My boots, socks, half vest, coat, winter coat, and cloak were hanging on a tree, drying, even though my cloak was waterproof. I sat down at the fire to warm my toes, which were frozen solid. My hair was undone so it could dry, I thought it looked like molten gold. Something went thump behind me, drawing my attention from rubbing my toes, to wondering why Bofur fainted. His hat was still planted on his head, surprisingly.     "Why did Bofur faint," Balin asked.     "Like a hobbit," Kili added. Bifur stepped over his brother and crouched by his head. With a pull on Bofur's nose, he was up. That's when his hat fell off.     "Wha' happen," He mumbled.     "You fainted like a hobbit," Bilbo said, handing Bofur his hat. Bofur took it and looked around.     "Why did I- Oh.....That's why... Myrin you're bleeding." All eyes flew to me as Bofur pointed at my back. I patted my back and looked at my hand.     "Oh, must of been from that knife...... Oin, can I have a few bandages," I asked.     "Sure," He said, reaching into his satchel and tossing me a few strips of cloth. I walked past the firelight and took care of my back. I walked back, happening to pass Thorin, who grabbed my hand and pressed it to his forehead.     "You're hot," He mumbled. My mouth went dry. I knew what he meant to say, but it still left me uncomfortable, and apparently I wasn't the only one. The only ones who weren't the least bit uncomfortable, were Fili, Kili and Gandalf who I think was sleeping, but it was hard to tell when he sleeps with his eyes open.     "Is he flirting with her, or is he saying she feels feverish," Fili asked quietly. I ignored them and turned my attention to Thorin, who was frowning. I pulled my hand out of his and, self consciously, wiped it on my leggings.     "You're one to speak," I growled at him. His forehead was un naturally hot. Realizing what that could entail, I slapped my hand against his forehead again, almost knocking him over. I couldn't really get a good reading with my freezing hand, so I leaned in and put my cheek against his forehead. Still very hot. "Oin...." The tone in my voice made everyone tense, even Gandalf who must of woken up. Oin walked over and put his hand on Thorin's head, then nodded solemnly.     "You've got a fever Thorin," He announced. Oin lowered himself to Thorin's eyes and glared into them. "You are going to have blankets, and coats on you for the next two days, and I don't want any complaints! Myrin, you know what to get..." I grimaced and went to Oin's medical pack. I pulled out a few cloves of garlic, a few licorice roots, and Oin's mix of elderberry juice. I pulled out the canteen and his mortar and pestle. I ground up the stuff and shoved it into the canteen, with the elderberry juice. I dumped some water in the canteen and shook it up. I glanced over at Thorin and laughed. He had seven blankets on him, and three hats. He looked absolutely miserable. I took a sip of the potion and gagged. I dumped some honey Oin had in a jar into the canteen and shook it up again. After a more palatable sip, I threw it at Thorin and watched him empty the canteen. He grimaced when he finished and handed me back the canteen.
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