#novelas Young Adult
ametthysmoonliture · 4 months
Presentación de mi futuro libro
La primera novela a la que dedico tiempo y creatividad, oficialmente
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[Mis libros con imágenes clave y png que los representan]
Tuve muchas dudas y no escogía con cual de mis (futuros) libros comenzar a trabajar, así que pregunté en varias partes de mis rd, y Project Autumn fue el ganador u,w,u ✨.
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[Aesthetic y nombre clave de mi novela]
Hay mucho material, pero primeros borradores sólo capítulos y actualmente son 4, sin embargo, aún no pienso publicarlos. Me gustaría tener un primer borrador oficial, revisado y editado. Todavía no puedo decir una fecha exacta, pero estaría genial traerles la novela durante el final de otoño e inicio de invierno.
Aunque, estaré compartiendo sneak peeks en Instagram y TikTok, y vlogs en YouTube sobre el progreso nwn , así que espero vernos por allá 💜.
[Lo que postearé aquí y en Notion, pero con más formatos :3]
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Nombre clave: Project Autumn. Proyecto Otoño.
Autor: Stromkarl.
Géneros principales:
Ficción sobrenatural, Ficción histórico, LGBTQ+, Young Adult.
Géneros: Criaturas Sobrenaturales, Drama, Horror, Novela Juvenil, Magia, Misterio, Paranormal, Romance, Sobrenatural, Suspenso, Thriller, Tragedia, Vampiros, Supernatural.
!TW y advertencias de contenido:
Homofobia, transfobia, muerte violenta, gore, agresión/ataque/abuso verbales y físicos [no sexual], violencia física, traumas y/o PTSD, trastornos psicológicos/neurológicos.
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•Tiempo: Época victoriana [Inglaterra]
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Estoy muy emocionado por continuar creando este libro, ansío ya ir compartiendo más cosas en mis redes sociales y por aquí, como los personajes, su biografía, ficha de personaje, entre otros 💜.
[Mis lectores beta se enterarán primero que nadie sobre cualquier actualización y/o novedades🧐, si te interesa formar parte háblame por Instagram]
Mientras tanto, estaré grabando vlogs y preparando posts para que me acompañen en la travesía de escribir Project Autumn✨
No olviden dejar un comentario (ayuda mucho, y me encantaría conversar por ahí ;^;), e interactuar en las redes sociales para amigar u,w,u
Les agradezco infinitamente el que se tomen tiempo para leerme💜💜, ¡nos vemos en un siguiente post!
Imágenes utilizadas: Pinterest.
Png utilizados y programa para diseños: Canva.
Stromkarl: Pseudónimo de escritor y general.
AmetthySMoonliture: Nombre para el canal de escritos en YouTube.
Stromkarl Amethyst: Nickname y marca de rd de escritor.
Stromkarl Lirit: Nickname y marca de rd general.
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fany-mo-blog · 2 years
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Fanart viejo de Bastian, personaje de la novela “El príncipe del sol”.
Me da nostalgia porque lo dibujé antes de que tuviera ilustración oficial <3 
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filmexorcist · 1 year
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luxshine · 1 year
Seguimos con #ChavelaVargas y su aventura en #chavelachocolateychtulhu ! No olviden el #kickstarter de la #novelajuvenil #lgbt+ https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/calicochimera/chavela-chocolate-y-cthulhu/
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eveything-renas · 1 year
damnnn reading books is so fun like really I’m having the time of my life it’s like perfect I love it
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All Woman de Matt Harding
Cover Artist: Jack Faragasso Artista de portada: Jack Faragasso
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Which Would He Do, Beat Her Or Love Her — Or Both? She had the kind of body no man could pass up — not even Frank Fillmore to whom she was a punching bag, a toy, a helpless beauty to be beaten and brutalized… —¿Qué haría él, golpearla o amarla, o ambas cosas? "Tenía el tipo de cuerpo que ningún hombre podría dejar pasar, ni siquiera Frank Fillmore, para quien ella era un saco de boxeo, un juguete, una belleza indefensa que podía ser golpeada y brutalizada…"
All Woman de Matt Harding. Es una novela de pulp fiction escrita en 1960 por Matt Harding y con portada de Jack Faragasso. El libro se describe como "lectura para adultos con portada erótica" y parece ser una novela romántica con temas de atracción física y deseo. La portada muestra a una mujer en una pose provocativa, probablemente destinada a atraer al público objetivo del género pulp fiction. La mujer es la legendaria Bettie Page, representada por el ilustrador Jack Faragasso, quién había fotografiado a Bettie en sus inicios, cuando asistía a la Art Students League de Nueva York en 1951. Jack Faragasso la contrató para una sesión de fotos desnuda, en los inicios como modelo de Bettie. Sobre Matt Harding, lamentablemente no encontré nada de información, lo cual es una lástima. Es lo que tiene Internet; la mayoría de las veces es un mar vacío. 
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All Woman by Matt Harding. It is a pulp fiction novel written in 1960 by Matt Harding and with a cover by Jack Faragasso. The book is described as "adult reading with erotic cover" and appears to be a romance novel with themes of physical attraction and desire. The cover shows a woman in a provocative pose, probably intended to appeal to the target audience of the pulp fiction genre. The woman is the legendary Bettie Page, represented by illustrator Jack Faragasso, who had photographed Bettie in her early days, when she attended the Art Students League of New York in 1951. Jack Faragasso hired her for a nude photo session, in the beginnings as a Bettie model. Regarding Matt Harding, unfortunately I didn't find any information, which is a shame. It's what the Internet has; most of the time it is an empty sea.
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Lithograph by Jack Faragasso.
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Jack Faragasso cuando era un joven estudiante de arte en su estudio.
Jack Faragasso as a young art student in his studio
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Como agua para chocolate - Laura Esquivel
Como agua para chocolate es una novela romántica escrita por Laura Esquivel, publicada en 1989, que trata acerca de la vida de una mujer (Tita), sus amoríos y la relación de esta con su familia, todo relacionado con la importancia de la cocina y las recetas típicas mexicanas de la época en que está ambientada su vida. En la novela se puede apreciar un estilo particular, en el que se emplea un realismo mágico con el fin de combinar lo sobrenatural con lo mundano. Fue incluida en la lista de las 100 mejores novelas en español del siglo XX del periódico español El Mundo.
Lee más sobre esta novela en Wikipedia.
Like Water for Chocolate - Laura Esquivel
Like Water for Chocolate is a novel by Mexican novelist and screenwriter Laura Esquivel. It was first published in Mexico in 1989. The English version of the novel was published in 1992. The novel follows the story of a young woman named Tita, who longs for her beloved, Pedro, but can never have him because of her mother's upholding of the family tradition: the youngest daughter cannot marry, but instead must take care of her mother until she dies. Tita is only able to express herself when she cooks. Esquivel employs magical realism to combine the supernatural with the ordinary throughout the novel. The novel won the American Booksellers Book of the Year Award for Adult Trade in 1994.
Read more about this novel on Wikipedia.
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cristhine-inkwell · 7 months
Se alien stage fosse uma novela brasileira ia se chamar "Rei do Palco" seria sobre quatro jovens tentando entrar no mundo da música sem nem saber os horres que a indústria do entretenimento tem preparado pra eles e, claro, teria o losango amoroso entre a Sara, a Milly, o Ivan e o Téo (sem esquecer do subplot tenso do famoso cantor Lucas e sua amiga de infância Renata)
English translation under cut
If alien stage was a brazilian novela It would be called "Ruler of the Stage" and it would be about four young adults trying to make it through the music world with no idea what horrors the entertainment industry had prepared for them and, of course, there would be the love square between Sara, Milly, Ivan and Theo ( and not forgetting the tense subplot of famous singer Lucas and his childhood friend Renata)
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agentbreedlove · 9 months
3, 4, 17 for the book ask!
3. What were your top five books of the year?
Mexican Gothic by Silvia Moreno García. A gothic horror set in México in the 50s, it follows a young woman going to the aid of her cousin. Said cousin has just married into a mysterious English family who owns a silver mine in a remote mexican town. I've always seen a lot of hype around this book so I was a bit wary (also, I think the title is a bit goofy), but it ended up being incredible. Moreno García's prose is out of this world and the story was scary and twisty.
Distancia de Rescate (Fever Dream) by Samantha Schweblin. Short novela that blew my mind. Very hard to sumarize without spoiling anything, I think the title translation does honor to how it feels to read it. Set in Argentina, it deals with themes like motherhood, environmental issues and fear.
Madhouse at the End of the Earth: The Belgica's Journey Into the Dark Antarctic Night by Julian Sancton. A recounting of a real Belgian antarctic expedition in the 1800s, where their ship got stuck in the ice for nearly two years. A well reserached survival story. Interesting and well written, never dull. I read this on a ship and I recommend the experience
Las Cosas que Perdimos en el Fuego (Things We Lost in the Fire) by Mariana Enríquez. A short story collection from one of Argentina's top horror writter. A good introduction to her work, it quickly shows why she's a master of the craft. Deals with issues like misogyny, poverty, argentinian politics, etc.
House of Hollow by Krystal Sutherland. Three sisters went missing as children and returned changed, odd, different. Now as adults the older sister goes missing again, prompting the other two to search for her and finally unravel what actually happened to them. This is labelled as young adult but it doesn't feel like it. It was dark, slightly gory, intriguing. Stunning prose, I liked it so much I read it twice.
4. Did you discover any new authors that you love this year?
Krystal Sutherland, I'm eagerly waiting for her next book. Marian Enríquez, I already checked out herr other short story collection from the library.
17. Did any books surprise you with how good they were?
I randomly got approved for an advanced reader's copy of a book about an automaton. It's called Miracles and Machines: A Sixteenth-Century Automaton and Its Legend. It's an illustrated volume about a monk automaton in the collection of the Smithsonian Institution’s National Museum of American History. The book details how it was made, how it works, and everything people have done to track down its origins. I was surprised by how interesting it was and how much I learned.
Thank you so much for asking!
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lunamidnight · 10 months
November 29th
Fanfiction/Original Fiction
First created: August 2023
Last updated: Sept. 28 2023
General Premise: Got inspired by @driftingmoonmenace from their Club Au, I have messaged them, and we figured out that mine is vastly different form theirs. Still wanted to shoutout though.
Other notes: I haven’t even gotten to the club yet in story but i know what i plan to do when i get back into it.
Tw: signs of past domestic abuse.
Laws were passed and robots and animatronics became citizens, fazbear incorporated and all of it's locations closed and disappeared after the lawsuit that was the catalyst for said laws.
Old patrons young and old helped those who once entertained them gain their feet in society, some continued to entertain on their own terms, others strayed far away from their old roles and thrived in surprising ways.
Many years passed and younger patrons grew up into adults, some still seeing their old idols and caretakers, some wishing to see them once again. One in particular has been in a bad spot, crappy boyfriend, shitty home life, and recently fired from her last job thanks to the boyfriend. The only solace this one had is the little friend she saved on her last visit to fazbear's pizza plex. 
This one’s name is Nova and her little friend was the tiniest of DJ Musicman’s babies, Tiny. He was set to be thrown away when she was leaving the Plex but she snagged him when the worker wasn’t looking and they have been together since. He hides when the boyfriend is near but records everything he can in case they find a way out of their situation.
On a day that they got to go out on their own to look for a job is when things got to change. Nova had just handed in an application at the local cafe when she turned around and bumped into someone she once knew.
She looks up at the one she just bumped into, her eyes widening in surprise at the head of rays and sky blue eyes in front of her. “Sunny?” She asked incredulously.
“The one and only SuperNova.” He stated while smiling down at her and lifting her up into an exuberant hug which caused her to let out a small whine of pain. He put her down immediately with a shocked and worried frown. “Oh no, did I hug too hard? I’m sorry…” He said sadly, stepping back from her.
Nova’s eyes widened as she shook her head. “No no, you’re fine, I just…I have a few spots that are still tender…” Nova replied reassuringly although she was hesitant to go into detail about her home life. It was then she heard the excited squeal of Tiny and the deep chuckle of Sun’s counterpart Moon right behind her. “Goodness, so this is where you’ve been Tiny, keeping Miss Novela out of trouble?” He asked although his tone suggested that he already figured out the truth.
Nova jumped and turned around in slight surprise to face Moon. She could see in his expression that he could see exactly what had caused her to whine in pain. “...as much as he could at least…We have a lot to catch up on…” Nova replied with a relenting sigh as Sun stepped over to place a hand on her shoulder reassuringly after exchanging an internal conversation with his twin.
“Indeed we do, Both sides surely.” A third voice sounded belonging to the third brother, Eclipse. “Why don’t we go somewhere with more room to sit and eat, the cafe has some food, but not enough to make a meal.” He said coming around the group and leaning down to Nova’s level. Nova went to protest about both her not having the money and them paying for it, but before she could utter a word Eclipse shushed her with a finger and a calm, but firm statement that they would not be taking no for an answer. This made a small pleasant shiver run up her spine,but she ignored it in favor of relenting to the given statement.
Nova sighed again when he took his finger away. “Alright then, where too?” She asked before getting excitedly dragged out of the cafe by Sun. “Oh goodness I know just the place, Best dishes and everything, they even have things that we can eat too, now that we can.” Sun explained as he took her by the hand down the street, the two darker brothers following idly but quickly.
“Oh you got the food upgrades? That's awesome.” Nova replied having heard of some of the upgrades that became available after the laws were passed. “Oh yes, and a few other things, but we will discuss that at our destination.” Sun explained as he turned the corner. “Tada! Just a little more and we will be there.”
Nova looked ahead at the restaurant. “Wow wow no way, that's terribly expensive I can’t let you guys pay that.” Nova explains digging her heels into the sidewalk in retaliation. “Now come on, we wouldn’t bring you if we couldn’t afford it.” Eclipse stated from behind her blocking her way from backing up, to which she blushed lightly from the contact. Meanwhile a shop door bell quietly went off behind them. “Ugh alright, but I'm super underdressed, I wouldn’t be allowed inside.” Nova responded in vain as the shop bell rang out again and Moon appeared with a very nice and most likely expensive jacket which he proceeded to put on Nova much to her protest. “Not any more~.” Moon sang as he finished getting the very expensive jacket on her.
Nova gaped like a fish unable to rebuke any of the boy's antics before they continued to shuffle her into the restaurant and into a private booth big enough for them and at least 3 others if needed. Eclipse handed her the menu made for humans. “If you worry about the price, I’ll get you the most expensive thing on the menu.” He said while pointing at the very expensive steak and lobster dinner that was so pricey the price had to be asked by the chef himself.
Nova gulped at that fact. “Got it, I won’t worry about the prices.” She said before taking a look at the menu. Her mouth watered at many of the choices, she hadn’t gotten to eat anything she wanted because of her boyfriend, so with this opportunity, she ended up ordering a scampi dish with shrimp and crab. Once the waiter took their orders and left, the boys all collectively turned to Nova. “So SweetTart How have you been? Please be honest, Tiny has already given us some pointers.” Eclipse said as the small robot jumped out of Nova’s shirt pocket and climbed onto Moon’s shoulder looking sheepish. 
Nova watched him and sighed. “It’s okay Tiny, Thank you. It helps me talk about it all.” Nova reassured the spider-like robot. Tiny nodded with a happy chirp before snuggling into Moon's chin.
“Well, I…I’m sorry I don’t know where to start…” Nova said after a few moments of thinking things over and visibly becoming upset. Sunny pulled her into a side hug and Moon joined in from her other side. Eclipsed sighed understandingly. “That’s fine, Let’s go with questions, we ask something and you answer then you get to ask us something in return. Sound fair?” Eclipse explained. Nova nodded. “Yeah that sounds easier and Tiny can help too,” Nova replied calming down a bit, just happy to be with her favorite trio of animatronics.
“Right, let's start off easy, How has your diet been?” Eclipse asked simply. Nova blinked in confusion before she realized what he was actually asking. “I…my situation hasn’t let me have a lot of what I’d like, more like a vegan or vegetarian diet, which each their own but I miss proteins and carbs…and chocolate.”Nova replied after figuring out her wording. “That explains the scampi, want a brownie for dessert?” Moon asked with a chuckle. “Sure but now I get to ask two questions, thanks Moon,” Nova said with a mischievous smile which got Moon to gape in shock before chuckling in pride. “Well played Novela,” Moon replied. “Indeed, so go ahead SweetTart,” Eclipse said with a proud smile of his own. Sun hugged her closer in pride with a giggle towards his twin.
“Hmm, okay what have you guys been doing to be well enough off to afford a place like this?” Nova asked. “And probably has a similar answer, but what other upgrades did you all get?” 
Sun laughed lightly in response. “It sure does have a similar answer though… a lot of it is not suited to a table,” Sun replied getting Nova to deadpan. “This is a private booth, but if you are really not comfortable answering aloud you can tell me in my ear.” Nova offered. This time Moon chuckled while pulling her away from Sun and sitting her in his lap to which she blushed in response. “It’s not us that might not be comfortable, but if you insist,” Moon said before leaning to her ear and whispering.
Nova listened carefully as he explained. “Uh-huh, okay, yeah that makes sense, oh…ohhhh.. Oh my god, you guys are basically-” Nova started in surprise before Moon’s hand covered her mouth in retaliation. “The proper term and closest we could find is Escort alright.” He said simply getting a nod before he let go. “Okay wow, um congrats, though a little surprising due to what you guys did before but, hell if you found your calling who am I to judge,” Nova explained before getting licked by Moon’s too-long tongue as he giggled like a mad man. “Bleh, what the hell Moon!” She exclaimed with a heavy blush as she movied back to Sun while rubbing her face. Sun sighed with a shake of his head. “Yes, well that is also an upgrade, I’m sure you’ll know most of them, if not all in time,” Sun replied, moving her over his lap to sit between him and Eclipse. This made Moon pout, but he said nothing of it otherwise.
Eclipse pulled her still blushing form closer to himself. “Thank you for your understanding, I honestly was expecting some kind of backlash since you used to be a patron of the old daycare.” 
“Oh goodness no, Who am I to judge, sides I can see it's working, so good for you guys,” Nova replied with a reassuring smile.
“Yes, well not everyone is so accepting, but now it's our turn, Moon?” Eclipse said passing the metaphorical question torch to the old naptime attendant. Moon nodded knowing which question he was tasked with asking. “You mentioned that your situation has forced you to change your diet, and I am sure you know what Tiny has alluded to us, so what exactly is your situation?” Moon explained simply but bluntly. 
Nova sighed knowing this was to come and now has had time to figure out what to say. “ I have a Boyfriend and he…he was so good at first but lately it's just been…hell…the diet change is the least of my problems with him, I lost my last job because of him, I've been hurt by him, im rarely able to leave on my own, today was one of those rare times, I just-...” Nova said before letting out a hiccup and realizing she had started to cry. 
Eclipse carefully wiped away a few tears from her eyes. “You just want to get out yes?” He asked and she nodded with another hiccup. “Well, you obviously don’t have anywhere else to go or you would have left already right?” He asked again knowing that their game was on hold. Nova nodded again looking up at him with a defeated look in her eyes. “Don’t worry then you don’t have to go back, you can stay with us, hell we even have a sort of receptionist job open for you if you’re interested.” Eclipse detailed.
“Oh goodness, I wouldn’t want to take advantage…” Nova began before Sun spoke up. “Nonsense, you’d actually be doing us a huuuuge favor, not only is the apartment above the club not lived in, but the job we're offering would take a lot off our shoulders, so we can focus more on the customers,” Sun replied reassuringly. “Yep, you’ll be basically working for room and board, although we will have you know, we do plan to spoil you, a lot.” Moon continued with a smirk. “Yes, and the job should be easy, just mainly keep our customers from doing anything stupid while they wait their turn. Oh, and you’ll be able to see DJ too on music nights.” Eclipse replied, finishing off the offer.
Nova looked between them in shock and relief before nodding with a few tears. “Okay, Okay I accept, Thank you, guys, so much,” she said, starting to cry again and Sun took the initiative to comfort her. “Oh and you are officially broken up with that imbecile, so if he shows his face we will deal with him accordingly,” Moon said with a sinister grin. “Sounds good to me, good riddance,” Nova replied before she waved to Tiny and got him to come to her. “Tiny, do you mind sending all the recordings you have on…him..” Nova asked. Tiny nodded before curling up in her jacket pocket and going into a power-saving mode to start uploading and sending the files to the three around them. 
Meanwhile, after Nova calmed down, their food arrived and Nova couldn’t help but dig in ravenously. “Oh sweet carbs, have I missed you so.” Nova said when she stopped long enough to take a breath. “Easy now, SuperNova, don't want you to get sick.” Sun chided lightly. “Sorry sunny, got a little excited.” Nova replied with an embarrassed blush before a loud banging came from the nearest window. The window was blocked from most of their booth but, with Nova sitting between Sun and Eclipse, She could see who was there and vice versa. Upon seeing who was causing the noise her face blanched out in fear.
All three noticed the change easily. “SweetTart…Is that him? Eclipsed asked softly not getting a responce through her fear. “Nova. Please.”Eclipse said more firmly while using her name to finally get her attention. “S-Sorry…Yes it’s him…” Nova choked out through incoming tears.Her now Ex looked anger and was obviously swear up a storm. Eclipse nodded simply before moving her to Sunny’s lap and getting up just as their waitress showed up. He leaned down to say something to the waitress before signaling Moon to follow him outside. Sunny stayed and comforted Nova, moving them to hide away from the window.
It took Nova a moment to calm down enough to wipe her tears away with Sun’s help when a platter of desserts was placed down in front of her. “One comfort platter for you from Mr. Eclipse, enjoy.” She said with a sympathetic smile before walking off to help other customers. “Comfort platter?” Nova asked looking up to Sun and then at the Platter itself. It contained just about every cake, cookie, and brownie on the menu, including various fruit and dips, Creme brulee and tira mesu to top it all off. “Yep I had a feeling he’d order you that, don’t worry we can take the rest home.” Sun replied. 
Tiny then let out a small squeak that indicated that at least one of the files was successfully sent. Sun grew quiet as he went over it in his mind, He stayed quiet even after, only hugging her carefully to himself protectively. Nova had started on some of the desserts, her main entree left aside before she realized the quiet. “I don’t know what order the files are being sent in, but most are the same.” Nova explained solemnly. Sun let out a sigh, obviously upset by the contents. 
“How long has this been happening to you? do you know when it changed.” Sunny asked keeping an open link with his brothers so they could hear. He was glad they couldn’t see the window, the argument outside would just upset Nova more. “It's only gotten that bad within the last year or so, but I think it started going down hill more than two years ago, maybe more, I thought it could be fixed, but I only realized that it wouldn’t after it was too late to leave.” Nova replied with a heavy sigh, setting the dessert she was eating down, not feeling it now. 
“I am glad you won’t have to go through that anymore,” Sun replied, turning her around in his lap for a proper hug. “We won't let you get hurt ever again, we promise.” Nova leaned into him with a relieved sigh. “I know…Thank you.” She replied letting herself absorb the warmth he was letting out.
Outside was a different story as upon exiting the restaurant, the Ex walked up to the two brothers to yell at them only to be picked up by the scruff by Eclipse and dragged into the nearby alley way, once there, he tossed him into the side of the dumpster, causing a pained shout to emit from the scum bag, Moon stayed near the entrance to both keep watch and wait his turn.
Eclipse idolly walked up and knelt down in front of the Ex, his secondary arms emerging out from his trench coat and snagging him by his shirt. The Ex looked dizzy from his impact but still glared at Eclipse in defiance. “Wha’ you doin’ with my gir…” He slurred angrily. “Your ex Girl now actually. Do you have any idea how much trouble you are in for hurting her for so long?” Eclipse asked calmly, having heard the conversation between Sun and Nova through the open link. Eclipse didn't even look at the file fully before he had scruffed the Ex. 
“I did’n do nothin’ She lyin’” The ex spat out before getting slapped by Eclipse. “Me and my brothers are recieveing a increasing amount of evidence that says otherwise. Seeing the acts you have done against her makes us all very angry.” Eclipse said calmly but threateningly. “Whatsit to you freak?!” The Ex snapped out as he began to struggle in his realization that he was actually in danger. 
Eclipse grinned sinisterly as he leaned in closer to his face. “We once watched her as a child, and honestly seeing her as an adult has us falling for her rapidly. We consider her as one of our own, and no one messes with our own, especially a sniveling bottom feeder such as yourself. Do you now understand what you are dealing with?” Eclipse asked simply as he watched the male squirm in fear. 
“Yes yes I do, what do you want? Just don't kill me please.” The Ex relented, terrified. “What do we want? Simple, leave her alone and never show your face around any of us again, because if you do, none of us will have any mercy for you. Do I make myself clear?” Eclipse asked as Moon came up from behind to signal that they needed to wrap it up, Moon may have not gotten a turn but he agreed with every word Eclipse said. “C-crystal clear.” The Ex squeaked out struggling more against the solid hands that held him. “Hmph, alright then get out of our sight.” Eclipse said before tossing him like a ragdoll further down the alley, the Ex then stumbled to his feet and ran down the alley and out of sight.
Eclipse stood up,put his extra arms away, and sighed. “Well that was productive.” He said getting a chuckle from Moon as they headed out of the alley way. Outside Stood Sun and Nova, the former of which was handing off the left over to a worker bot that helped them often in taking things back to the club for a free charge from time to time. They used to be a common staff bot from the plex, and just like many of their brethren, have had minimal success in integrating into society unlike their more advanced peers. So giving them a job and a temporary charge station helps a lot. 
While Sun waved off the old staff bot, Nova made her way over to the two remaining brothers and hugged them. “Thank you for dealing with that, I feel alot better knowing I won't have to see him ever again.” Nova replied. “Of course Novela, you eat well.” Moon asked quickly, getting the subject away from that moron. “Uh well, I did eat more dessert than my main dish, but I promise to eat the rest later.” Nova replied sheepishly knowing that too much sugar was a bad thing.
“It’s alright, this was a special circumstance.” Eclipse replied as Sunny turned towards them after seeing off the leftovers. “Ah good, now we can go!” Sun said excitedly. “Where?” Moon asked his twin with a tilt of his head. “Well, Miss Nova suggested that if we insist on spoiling her, then we Can at least help out the local small businesses, isn’t that right?” Sun asked, looking at Nova. She nodded with a smile. “Yep, I have been wanting to go to the local market festival for a while, but never could, so i figured if you guys are so hell bent on spending money on me, then let's help out the community while we're at it.” Nova explained 
“That sounds like an excellent idea, SweetTart, I Too have heard of it, didn’t Chicka mention it last we saw her?” Eclipse asked his brothers. “Yes I think she said someone we know has a booth there, but of course she refused to say who.” Moon replied with a shrug. “Well then Let’s go find out.” Sun replied before picking up Nova. She squealed in surprise before Moon spoke up. “Hey you got her to yourself for a while, we should get a turn.” Eclipsed walked over and took Nova from Sun’s arms despite his protest and placed her on the ground. “I agree with Moon, though I think Nova should decide. 
“Hmmm, Tiny, how long would you say Sun got to be with me alone, and yes I am included on the way here because we did leave them behind.” Nova requested making sure Sun understood her reasoning. Sun frowned but nodded in understanding as Tiny popped up from out of Nova’s shirt pocket. He squeaked out something in her ear and she nodded in agreement. “Alright so rounding it off to 15 minutes correct?” Nova said, getting a nod in return. “Alright 15 minutes each and we got through the same order, so sun got first, who goes next and third?” Nova said as the two other brothers turned to each other with a competitive glint in their optics before rapidly playing Rock Paper Scissors, Nova could not tell how many rounds were dealt in the speedy blur that they created, but when the blurring stopped Moon stood victorious.
“Best for last it seems.” Eclipse said with a sigh and Moon picked up Nova and started towards their destination. “You're just jealous.” Moon said with a laugh before seeing a frown on Nova’s face. “Moon It’s not nice to be a sure winner, don’t make me give you 5 minutes less.” Nova explained firmly. “Honestly Moon, you were more of a stickler for that rule than I was.” Sun commented. Moon sighed knowing they were right. “Sorry Clip” Moon said aloud. “It's all good, just don’t do it again, I don’t think she’s bluffing on changing the time limit.” Eclipse replied with a proud smile. “Yeah definitely not kidding.” Moon said, adjusting Nova to sit on his shoulders.  
Once settled Nova picked up the end of his old hat that he still wore. “Goodness Moon, this poor thing needs a patch job, something fierce. How on earth did it survive this long?” Nova asked as she found and carefully tied the bell at the end of the night cap. “I honestly have no idea, but I haven’t found anyone that I'd willingly leave it with.” Moon replied simply.
“Hmmm, fair point, hopefully we can change that soon.” Nova said while neatly put the cap back properly so the end of it draped over moons shoulder. “Anywho, continuing from earlier, what’s your guys er… “menu” like?” She asked curiously. “Menu? Oh how it runs, well it’s a work in progress but we have decided on the ice cream flavor for discretion purposes.” Eclipse explained as they walked. “Oh okay so like vanilla for simple, strawberry for medium, and chocolate for extreme?” Nova asked in clarification. “Correct, wanna try guessing which is which?” Moon asked with a chuckle. “Moon she doesn’t need to know-” Sun started before Nova got his attention. “It’s alright, I am an adult, I know what everything is basically, plus I wanna see if i can get it right.” Nova said tapping her chin in thought.
Sun sighed knowing that yes she was an adult. “Alright go ahead.” Sun encouraged now curious on her answers. “Sun your vanilla, Moon is strawberry, and Eclipse is chocolate,” Nova replied confidently. “And how did you come up with that?” Eclipse asked with a neutral face to keep the answer to himself. “Easy, Sun is a literal ball of sunshine, and probably adores cuddles as much as hugs, You, Eclipse, have 4 arms so that's already extreme territory so that leaves Moon with strawberry which checks out since he definitely does the brat-taming thing,” Nova replied with a mischievous smile. Eclipse chuckled heartily with a nod of his head. “Right you are SweetTart, very good, I have a feeling with that knowledge you may be able to help us with the rest of the menu.” Eclipse replied nonchalantly as the banner for the market came into view. 
“Oh totally, since you guys are using ice cream for discretion I think adding sprinkles colors, or flavors would help with finer details on what a customer wants.” Nova replied already having ideas. “Ohh that is a wonderful idea, but what finer details could there be?” Sun asked having a few ideas but unsure if they would fit, his brothers assured him in his head that they would figure it out together. “Well, one example I can think of assuming all genders come through, maybe a closeted lesbian gets dragged in by their friends and hasn’t told them but doesn’t want to disappoint, maybe ordering a vanilla with pink sprinkles can clue you in on maybe a simple cuddle session to appease the friends but not pressure the customer in question.” Nova detailed. “Wow, that is genius, we will have to go over all of the possibilities later however, because we are here.” Moon announced catching Nova’s attention.
She looked up at the banner and grinned in excitement. “Ohhh this place looks awesome.” she said taking a look around as they entered the market, with her vantage point from Moon’s shoulders she could see many of the booths. “Indeed, if you see something you want to look at closer please let us know.” Eclipse instructs as he and his brothers also look around. It was Sunny who spotted a booth with lotions and scents, and waved everyone over. He spotted a bottle of lotion that claimed to be good for getting rid of and healing bruises, but even he thought it was ridiculously expensive. 
The three brothers wanted to confront such a price at a local market when Nova pointed out the promotion. Another bottle was set out with no label, the sign said the scent of the bottle had three components, guess all three get one of whatever they wanted from the booth for free, Two right got one free item from any table that wasn’t the one that had teh lotion they wanted on it. One right got the consumer a product of the seller's choosing. Upon reading the sign, they noticed how many people weren’t getting any more than one scent.  “Maybe we should check elsewhere?” sun suggested looking to Nova who had a determined look in her green eyes. “Or not…” Sun relented exchanging looks with his brothers before Moon stepped forward and knelt down so Nova could inspect the lotion bottle. The seller noticed the four of them and walked over with a big speech at the ready but Nova stopped him as she picked up the bottle and sniffed it heavily.
She closed her eyes as she processed the smell and opened her eyes with a confident grin. The seller looked pleased thinking he was going to win again, except her answer was not what he expected. “Bosenberry, Lavender, and Passion fruit.” She replied getting the seller's face to fall in shock. He stood there gaping like a fish as he looked between Nova and the bottle. He then stepped back and gestured to choose what they wanted. “Anything from any table ma’am.” He said with a break in his voice. Nova thanked him simply before getting the bruise away lotion, Sun asked for a bag which was received and he offered to carry it. Then they continued onward through the market leaving the poor seller to contemplate his life.
“How in the world did you do that?” Sun asked after a short giggle fit at the seller’s reaction. “I overheard some of the other people who tried and got the last two, and the Boysenberry scent isnt used alot in things so most wouldn’t be able to figure it out, but Since many of teh other berries that smell similar weren’t it, I figured out what it could be.” Nova explained with a smile as she looked around at the booths. “Goodness, fantastic observation skills,” Sun replied sounding proud of her. “Yeah I guess so, wait is that?...” Nova said squinting ahead of them to a booth for a local seamstress, and in said booth sat the old security guard of teh Pizza plex Vannesa. “Oh snap, that’s gotta be who Chicka was talking about. “Moon replied already making his way to the booth. Sun and Eclipse followed understanding why Moon was invested, after all they both had to deal with what happened back then.
When they got closer, they could see Vanessa busy stitching a garment on a small sewing machine. Nearby was a sign that said free patch-ups with purchase or 1 dollar without. She finished the stitch and lifted it up for inspection before setting it aside that’s when Moon spoke up. “Sup Ness” Moon spoke up getting the blonde to look up in surprise. “Moon?” She asked surprised before spotting Nova on his shoulders and the two brothers coming up on either side of the naptime attendant. “Well hey, I wasn’t expecting to see anyone I knew today, How are all of you?” Vanessa asked in greeting. 
“Doing well, Just got SweetTart here out of an undesirable situation, and so forth, How about you Miss Vanessa, We see you have started a business?” Eclipse replied with a question in clarification. “Oh, good, yes My therapist suggested that I try to make my hobby into something more, So far I’ve been mainly doing alterations, but thanks to Chicka and Roxanne I started making a few things.” Vanessa replied gesturing to the many items of clothes that were much more than a few. “Your definition of few is hilarious Miss Vanessa.” Sun replied with a giggle. Vanessa scratched her forehead with a small blush. “Yeah well, I’ve had time on my hands.” She explained.”Nova wanna check soem of the stuff? I think i have some that should eb your size I can always fix it if needed.” the older women offered. “Oh yeah totally, also MOon’s cap here needs so serious TLC, maybe since you two get along maybe you can fix it?” Nova asked looking down at Moon wondering if he would be okay with it. “Well, I do trust Ness, but taking it off…”Moon said trailing off getting a little antsy.
“You don’t have to now Moon, but I can see from here that it doesn’t have much life in it anymore,I can definitely fix that for you.” Vanessa replied. Meanwhile, Tiny popped out of Nova’s shirt to warn her about the time limit. He also waved at Vanessa who waved back and smiled glad to see he was okay. “Moon can you bring me down to your level please?” Nova asked after a moment of thought. Moon did so and held her in a way that she was sitting on his arms facing him at his eye level. “I know I should just go for it.” Moon spoke quickly feeling a lecture or something coming on. “Yes but, it’s ultimately your choice, but let me ask you this, do you want your cap fixed?” Nova asked looking him into his optics. “Yes, of course i’m just…I dont like having it off. The hood isn’t the same.” Moon replied clutching the hooding that hung on his back. “Right, understandable, would it help if you had a distraction?” She asked simply. He tilted his head in confusion his brothers not too far behind. “...I suppose…” Moon replied unsure what she could be referring to.
Nova nodded with a deep sigh. “Okay then two thing, One I’m sorry in advance, and two you’ll thank me later.” Nova said moving her hands to Moon’s cheeks “What do you me-!” Moon started only to be kissed by Nova who quickly brought up his hood as she took the cap off and handed it to Vanessa behind her. Vanessa quickly got into fixing it while Moon’s internal fans kicked into overdrive at the kiss. Then Tiny let out an alarm sounding the 15 minute mark. Nova let go and dropped to the floor thanks to the slack in the shocked animotronics arms and ran hid inside Eclipse’s trenchcoat. “I’m so sorry but it had to be done.” She exclaimed as she hid. Sun and Eclipse looked from Moon to each other in shock, finding that they felt a tiny bit jealous of Moon but was ultimately impressed with the plan of getting his cap fixed.
Moon was still very unresponsive the only indication that he was still online was the heavy blush and loud whirling of his fans. Vanessa worked quickly and expertly as she added stars, clouds, and, a moon patch to cover some of the bigger tears, she also fluffed the brim and added a new silver bell to the end. Eclipse picked up Nova as she was finishing up and Sun moved over to Moon to check on him. “I hope I didn’t break him, I couldn’t think of a better distraction.” Nova replied feeling bad. “It’s alright SweetTart, It’s about time he got it fixed, although I must admit that me and Sun at a tad bit jealous…”Eclipse replied whispering the last part, unfortunately, she heard him and looked up at him from in his arms. “Aw really, don’t worry, you guys will get your time, I promise,” Nova replied with a smile. Eclipse blinked down at her. “Wait so was that not just for the plan?” He asked simply. 
“Well at first yes, but then I realized that you three saved me from a very bad situation and that I have always loved you guys, so now that we're here as we are now, why not see what happens, and see if I can be in love maybe? I don’t know I’m still figuring it out in my mind.” Nova explained sounding unsure. Suddenly two sets of arms were around her in a double hug and Eclipse joined in with his brothers while holding her up. “Nova, it’s okay if your still figuring it out, you just came out of a very bad relationship, you do not have to figure out everything in a single day.” Eclipse explained firmly. Nova smiled gratefully. “Thank you…” She replied. “No need to thank us, Thank you for being you.” Sun replied his rays spinning happily. “Yes, and thanks for the distraction, I’m glad it worked, it was nice too.” Moon replied still blushing about it.
Nova giggled hugging back before Vanessa called out that she was done. Each of them blushed at the fact that they essentially got together right in front of Her, but she didn’t seem to mind. She handed over Moon’s cap and he was quick to put it on. Vanessa then handed over a hand mirror to him so he could look. “Wow, doesn’t even loook like it aged a day since the daycare.” Moon said aloud carefulling touching the cap all over, the others moved to look too. “Great pick on the silver bell Vanessa, looks so will with the colors now.” Nova exclaimed flicking the bell for it to ring.  Eclipse chuckled agreeing with the notion. “And such quickness and dexterity, we are definitely recommending you from here on out.” Sun replied spotting her business card in a pile nearby. Moon then turned and pulled Vanessa into a ug which surprised the blonde before she recipricated it. “Thanks nessy.” He said simply getting a smile from the usually aloof women. “Of course, and that’s on the house so don’t go trying to give me money, you guys spreading the word is enough.” Vanessa said firmly although had a feeling that they would try something anyways.
 “Sure Ness, we will just pay for anything Nova gets then.” Eclipse replied as he carried Nova into the booth. “A.k.a. They will not take no for an answer.” Nova continued with a laugh before eclipse picked up a few different clothes for her and dropped them on top of her while continueing to the back of the booth where a large closet dressing room was located. Nova carefully moved teh clothes off of her head and frowned at Eclipse and his shenanigans. “Rude.” Is all she said getting a laugh out of him as he carefully set her done at the entrance of teh dressing room, he took the clothes and one by one lifted them up to her to see what she thought.
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campaigntonki · 2 years
Strawberry fields
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#Strawberry fields free#
Tickets to our visitor experience should be booked in advance here. Entry to the cafe, shop and gardens is free. We’ve implemented new guidelines to reduce the risk of spreading COVID and ensure everyone in our dispensaries remain healthy. Strawberry Field is open for visitors to come and see what lies beyond the red gates. Strawberry Fields is committed to taking every possible action to keep our customers and staff safe. The new site is home to an interactive visitor exhibition, café, shop, calm garden spaces for spiritual reflection and - at its heart - a Steps to Work programme for young adults with learning difficulties and other barriers to employment. Its played as a C/G chord, but marked as a 'C' because you can play it either way But 'C/G' sounds better than just a plain 'C' chord. CAPO ON 2ND FRET PAY CLOSE ATTENTION TO THE WAY THE 'C' CHORD IN THIS IS TABBED OUT. Previously the site of a Salvation Army children’s home where the young John Lennon played in the grounds, Strawberry Field now serves as a unique addition to Beatles tourism. There is no strumming pattern for this song yet. The resulting image shows that prior knowledge of fruit coloring is irrelevant: even shapeless blobs will take on the color that our visual system assigns them based on our implicit assumptions about the light source.Strawberry Field, the iconic site immortalised by John Lennon in The Beatles hit, ‘Strawberry Fields Forever’, opened its iconic red gates to the public for the first time in September 2019. Vision scientist Michael Bach modified the original picture by replacing each berry with a gray blob. Moreover, you do not see the strawberries as red, because you know what color they are supposed to be. A young Japanese-American girl is affected on. With Suzy Nakamura, James Sie, Reiko Mathieu, Heather Yoshimura. Strawberry Fields is the story of two sisters who both like the same man but in different ways and is a bold and inventive melodrama that offers a distinctively refreshing spin on a complex story of lust, rivalry and liberation. With Anna Madeley, Christine Bottomley, Emun Elliott, Philip Martin Brown. Each single berry is actually gray, but your brain begs to differ. Strawberry Fields: Directed by Rea Tajiri. Strawberry Fields: Directed by Frances Lea. Grilled chicken breast, baby spinach, quinoa, mandarin oranges, strawberries, red onions, Gorgonzola, almond slivers, and blueberry pomegranate vinaigrette. The plate of strawberries, also created by Kitaoka, illustrates another form of color constancy. We see the automobile as blue, but the image contains only red and gray wavelengths.
#Strawberry fields free#
The car photograph, created by vision scientist Akiyoshi Kitaoka with free online software, exemplifies a type of color constancy called the Land effect, after Edwin H. Because of color constancy, strawberries look red at sunset and at noon, under cloudy skies at your local farmer’s market, and flooded by fluorescent lighting in your supermarket’s produce aisle. The perceptual consequence of this process is called color constancy because it allows us to see an object’s color as constant, irrespective of the illumination conditions. The originals are still there, just round the. Strawberry Fields (Guantánamo), sitio negro. Not the original Strawberry Fields gates, but you get a sense of nostalgia when standing in front of them. Strawberry Fields Festival, un festival de rock celebrado en Mosport, Canadá, 6 a 9 de agosto de 1970. Escape to Strawberry Fields forever with this light bodied blonde ale that celebrates the bright aromas and sweetness of sun-ripened strawberries complimented. de 2007 la novela de Marina Lewycka Two Caravans. Instead our visual system decides what the surface color of the strawberry probably is based on a process that identifies the light source and then discounts it. Strawberry Fields (película de 2006), un documental sobre los cultivadores de fresas palestinos en Gaza. By the time we perceive a strawberry as red, our perception is far afield from the original light wavelengths. In the late 19th century German physiologist Ewald Hering showed that our experience of color is partly the result of our brain interpreting blue as opposite to yellow and red as opposite to green. How do we manage to see red strawberries in the absence of red wavelengths? The problem is, sometimes the light that falls on a strawberry does not have any red at all. The usual reason strawberries appear red is that they reflect reddish and absorb bluish wavelengths. But a red strawberry, too, is a mirror, though an imperfect one. At our new Strawberry Fields development, we have a selection of 1, 2, 3, and 4 bedroom homes on offer designed with a number of exciting features including. The glassy surface of a lake on a windless day is a perfect mirror when it reflects all light faithfully without scatter. Every object we see is a mirror to some extent.
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ametthysmoonliture · 4 months
Playlist de Project Autumn
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Hoy quiero compartir la playlist que hice para mi primera novela🤎✨️
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La música siempre es mi fuente de inspiración infinita, por lo menos, así lo siento jsjs.
(No dudo que también lo sea para otrxs writers🤎)
Amo escribir mientras escucho canciones o piezas que me hagan recordar o imaginar momentos de la novela; O si no estoy escribiendo PA, de alguna historia corta o idea random.
Así que, cada canción de la playlist ha jugado un papel muy importante para el ambiente, escenas y emociones de Project Autumn.
Les comparto un pedazo de mi mundo escrituril, en forma de melodías u,w,u
🎶 Fairy of Shampoo - [TXT]: Esta canción me ayudó a imaginar varias escenas entre los protagonistas; Además es de mis canciones favs de TXT, y amo su melodía suave y mágica. 🎶 Mercedes Lullaby - [Javier Navarrete]: Una pieza instrumental que evoca la atmósfera tensa y sobrenatural del lugar donde viven los protagonistas. 🎶 I Goota Keep Dancin'-Keep Smiling - [Carrie Lucas]: Me recuerda mucho a cada uno de los protas durante sus conflictos internos.
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La primera novela juvenil en la que me pongo a trabajar en serio (de casi 11 o 12 libros que están esperando su turno con el plot en idea y capítulos olvidados ;w;).
Combina los géneros: Young Adult -como ya lo mencioné, je, je-, Ficción Histórica y Sobrenatural, LGBTQ+, Misterio, Drama, algo de Tragedia uwu, y Magia.
Está ambientada en Inglaterra, durante la Época Victoriana, con toques de Dark Academia y una estética -claramente- de los años 1800's.
Pero ojo 👁, recalco que es Ficción, es mi mundo sobrenatural. No es irl 👁.
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Espero que esta playlist les permita adentrarse un poco más en el mundo de Project Autumn y que disfruten del viaje musical tanto como yo he disfrutado creándolo.
¡No olviden seguirme para más actualizaciones y sneak peeks de la novela! 🎧📖✨
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libroresumen · 9 days
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Adonde te lleve el ritmo de Sarah Dass: Cuando el paraíso se convierte en una jaula de oro
¿Alguna vez has sentido que tu lugar seguro se ha convertido en una prisión? Pues eso es exactamente lo que le pasa a Reyna, la protagonista de "Adonde te lleve el ritmo". Esta novela de Sarah Dass nos lleva a las playas de Tobago, donde el amor, la música y el deber familiar chocan como las olas contra la arena.
Un paraíso con sabor agridulce
La Plumería, el hotel de la familia de Reyna, es el escenario principal de esta historia. Y vaya escenario:
Playas de arena blanca ✅
Aguas cristalinas ✅
Sol caribeño ✅
Pero no todo es tan idílico como parece. Para Reyna, este paraíso se ha convertido en una especie de purgatorio. ¿La razón? Bueno, resulta que:
Su madre falleció hace dos años.
Aiden, su primer amor, se fue para perseguir sus sueños musicales.
Mientras sus amigos planean sus futuros, ella se siente atrapada cuidando del negocio familiar.
El regreso del primer amor (con bombo y platillo)
Justo cuando Reyna pensaba que las cosas no podían complicarse más, ¡boom! Aiden regresa. Pero ojo, no vuelve como el chico que se fue, sino como toda una estrella musical:
Es parte de DJ Bacchanal, un grupo nominado a los Grammy. (Nada mal, ¿eh?)
Llega al hotel como invitado VIP. (Qué fancy)
Y para rematar, viene acompañado de dos chicas guapísimas de Los Ángeles. (Porque el drama nunca es suficiente)
Reyna: Entre la roca y... otra roca
Nuestra protagonista está en una situación complicada:
Por un lado: Siente la responsabilidad de mantener el hotel familiar.
Por otro lado: Ve cómo sus amigos persiguen sus sueños mientras ella se queda atrás.
Y para colmo: El regreso de Aiden remueve todo un cóctel de emociones.
Más que un simple romance de verano
Aunque la historia tiene todos los ingredientes para ser un típico romance juvenil, "Adonde te lleve el ritmo" va más allá:
Explora el duelo: Reyna aún está procesando la pérdida de su madre.
Cuestiona el deber familiar: ¿Hasta qué punto debemos sacrificar nuestros sueños por la familia?
Habla de segundas oportunidades: ¿Es posible retomar un amor del pasado?
Toca el tema del crecimiento personal: Vemos a Reyna en un viaje de autodescubrimiento.
El poder de la música
La música no es solo el trasfondo de la historia, sino que juega un papel crucial:
Es lo que separó a Reyna y Aiden.
Es lo que trae a Aiden de vuelta.
Y probablemente (aunque esto es una suposición) será lo que ayude a Reyna a encontrar su propio ritmo en la vida.
Un debut que promete
"Adonde te lleve el ritmo" ha recibido algunos reconocimientos interesantes:
Fue seleccionado como uno de los mejores libros de 2022 por JLG Gold Standard.
Está en la lista YALSA's 2022 Best Fiction for Young Adults de los Estados Unidos.
No está nada mal para ser el primer libro de Sarah Dass, ¿eh?
La gran pregunta
Después de todo esto, la pregunta que queda en el aire es: ¿Logrará Reyna encontrar su propio ritmo en medio de todo este caos? ¿O se quedará atrapada en la melodía del pasado?
Si te has quedado con ganas de más (yo sí), te animo a que busques el resumen completo o el vídeo resumen de Adonde te lleve el ritmo. Quién sabe, tal vez encuentres tu propia banda sonora en sus páginas.
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javierherce · 9 months
Punto y final.
Ya está. Punto y final. Mi nueva novela (la última de corte Young Adult que pienso escribir en una buena temporada) ya está corregida y ayer puse el punto y final con esas correcciones. No sé qué va a pasar con ella. La novela está bastante bien, pero no sé qué voy a hacer, si la voy a presentar a alguna editorial, agencia, concurso o nada de nada. Lo que sí tengo claro es que no voy a cometer…
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lovealways-tspring · 10 months
Hijas del atardecer - José Daniel Tencio Lobo
Título original: Hijas del atardecerAutor: José Daniel Tencio Lobo Año de publicación original: 2023 Género: novela de ficción, distopía, fantasía, young-adult, new-adultNúmero de páginas: 251 (Club de Libros) Hola, hola, lectores. Hoy les traigo una nueva reseña de literatura costarricense, lo cual me hace sumamente feliz, pues me siento muy orgullosa de descubrir tanto talento literario en mi…
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entreteclasytinta · 1 year
¡Muy buenas!
Voy a comentar algunas cosillas sobre mí como escritor: Soy un escritor de novelas de fantasía, principalmente me muevo en juvenil y young-adult. Mi género favorito a la hora de escribir es el Hopepunk, pero me gusta moverme entre géneros. Actualmente estoy en proceso de autopublicación de La luz del Ocaso🌟🌄 Mi estimación es poder tenerla lista para verano. También estoy preparando ya la secuela🤭
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