#novice painter
journeytodrawiii · 5 months
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It was recently my friend's birthday and I made her a painting. She's a very vibrant young woman, filled with passion and the need to live. She loves swords and all things Celtic, Norse and Greek mythology; so, I decided to her as a nymph type creature or perhaps as the lady of the lake. Mostly I drew her like this because of a photo I saw on Pinterest of someone standing in a murky lake holding a sword and I immediately thought of her. She's been with me through thick and thin, since my very first day at middle school and she'll be with me through to my very last day at high school. She's been there through the ups and downs, and I've been there for her. She's much stronger than people realise, and I feel she sometimes aches to let others know that she has seen and felt so much more than she lets on. But, I drew her with a peaceful look upon her face because I feel she really needs a good rest, real peace. We all could, but the way school challenges her is harsh. Yet, she pushes on, building herself a loving future day by day. I see her, and I admire her very much. Having her arms around me feels like home.
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myeyesart · 2 years
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Painting 5, I’ve stopped this painting because I still haven’t got the eye or skill to add the detail that I would like. I think I’ll spend some time improving in these areas and come back to it.
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driftwoodmfb · 3 months
Inspired by this post by @desultory-novice where he talked about what would happen if the Dark Blade chose Adeleine instead. I'm calling this Apologies AU, AU: The Armed Painter and the Dyed Knight aka APDK
I uh... might have gone too far on the second page...
CW: Heavy blood, character death, and body dismemberment
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Some info!
The comic starts in the middle of the conflict. The Dark Blade chained Adeleine in one place to make her watch. The start of the comic is when the Blade stabs Noir's back, causing blood to splash on Adeleine's face. All the cuts before hand were survivable, but still very painful.
Adeleine, as dark matter is known as just Dark Matter Blade, never Dark Matter Swordsman because the sword is more or less puppeteering her.
Noir had the paintbrush on him when he was killed because he was keeping it to give to Adeleine on her birthday.
Don't know if I'm going to go with it, but I have the idea of the Dark Blade taking the form of Raquelle. Either killing her and taking her form to befriend Adeleine and Noir or, for this AU, Raquelle was made up by the Blade.
At the end of the comic, the Magic Paintbrush tried to revive Noir, replacing everything missing by painting it. This attempt failed though. It ended up basically making a living puppet. The Paintbrush gained all of Noir's memories and realizes just what he, and it lost.
The Paintbrush didn't turn Noir into Dark Matter because it could feel how much he cares about Adeleine. This ended up making the care about her too; and Noir.
Noir's scarf at the end in a nod to those pocket color wheels
His outfit changed colors at the spots Dark Blade dismembered him. His sleeve cuffs are silver just like the Paintbrush's metal.
'Noir' later paints a glass eye for himself.
Calling this AU the Armed Painter and the Dyed Knight is a double meaning with Noir having the Paintbrush and also dying in this AU.
'Noir' still goes to Popstar, similar to the White Hair Noir AU. He initially pretends to be Noir, not wanting to except he's really gone.
I'll let Dess decide if this should count as Noir propaganda for the tournament
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vxctorx · 8 months
[ all I'm saying is, you should let Vic be the Dorian to your muse's Basil ]
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multydoodles · 3 months
One of my favorite things about IDV is how a lot of survivor's trait tells details of the character itself, no matter how insignificant or in your face it is, here's the most interesting ones I found:
Veterans are more vigilant than novices ( Emily )
With lies running through his veins, the Lawyer is never shaken ( Freddy )
The Mercenary has tempered his spirit through battle / Scarred by the effects of war, the Mercenary panics when he hears the noise produced by Cipher Machines ( Naib )
The Explorer hardly controls his curiosity and tends to attempt risky operations / Possesses superior survival skills and knows how to hide trails ( Kurt )
Years of indoor work have exacerbated the Mechanic's timidity ( Tracy )
The Perfumer is very sensitive to scents and doesn't like the smell of medical equipment ( Vera )
He is carefree, undisciplined, and dislikes complex machines ( Kevin )
Extremely sensitive to the presence of others ( Aesop )
Exploration in the wilderness has made the Prospector physically strong ( Norton )
Having lived by himself throughout the years in the cemetery, he hasn’t communicated with or learned from the living. His eyesight is also poor as a result of his illness. ( Andrew )
Hmm... If no one sends him a letter, why doesn't he peek into one? ( Victor )
The Painter is perceptive and observant of real-life objects ( Edgar )
The Batter refuses to stand back when others are in danger ( Ganji )
The Reporter hates the sound of metal scraping ( Alice )
The Cheerleader suffers from early psychosis caused by childhood trauma and is unable to accurately discern her surroundings ( Lily )
The Fire Investigator's hearing has been impaired due to prolonged exposure to high-decibel noises, which makes it difficult for him to concentrate ( Florian )
Tense situations affect Faro Lady's ability to make decisions ( Evelynn )
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teameagleworks · 5 months
One of my dearest friends just celebrated their birthday, and I had an idea absolutely stuck in my brain that I needed to make for her.
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So I grabbed a piece of red oak and got to work. I used my laser to make some guide lines for my hand painting. About 10 seconds into painting, I remembered what I love and hate about red oak, the delightful open grain. The grain pattern on oak is akin to Swiss cheese, which is gorgeous when you stain or oil it, but paint goes feral. I'm an extreme novice and untrained painter, although it's the thing I love to do most. So there are lots of happy little accidents in this piece, but I poured all of my love into it.
The recipient loved it and proclaimed they would put it on their bookshelf, which is honestly the highest honor I could imagine.
Art is such a delightful healing space. Sometimes you get a beautiful end result, sometimes the healing is in the process. When I paint, the rest of the world disappears. Hours might pass, I might forget to make dinner. It's beautiful to get lost in the process.
I suppose my point in all of this is to be unafraid to make stuff. Have the audacity. What is the worst that can happen? You might end up with something beautiful, or you might just have enjoyed the process.
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desultory-novice · 8 months
"Like Brother, Like Sister"
Gonna try for 1-2 short, last minute Apologies AU side comics before I drop The True Ending and declare this AU (mostly) finished.
This one (the "beginning" of the White-Haired Noir AU) was already semi-complete (I had originally intended to color it) so here you go!
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Noir wasn’t the only one willing to stoop to criminal acts to save them. Alas, they are doomed to never leave the planet together…
This is basically how the Dark Matter Painter stuff comes about.
For a bit of clarity - while there wasn’t a full script for this - in the AU AU reality, Adeleine was the one responsible for “killing” the sibling’s mutual best friend, Raquelle (whose soul would go on to feed/host the future Dark Rimula) by over excitedly sharing the paintbrush’s magic with her and, in playing around with it, accidentally turned her into a (living) painting, a process she found she could not undo...
Her tormented attempts to do so anyway, pushing the paintbrush’s abilities to create/duplicate life, plus the innocent girl’s shame and desperation to hide her responsibility for taking the life of the girl who was a combined parent-sister-friend for her AND the closest person Noir had to a friend outside herself (with the gift HE got her) was too much for her, allowing Dark Matter to get a firm grasp in her.
She had just enough time to finish her picture perfect forgery pass for Noir (her own smeared into illegibility) before it consumed her.
...Noir's date of birth is March 21st, btw. (Being Dark Matter Swordsman's birthday and all)
[Apologies AU Masterpost]
...Man, between this comic, the last story, and the one coming up, it's "Not Very Fun to be Adeleine Week" on Desultory Novice. ^^;
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can you give me a bear on a beautiful landscape to paint? (please keep in mind i am a novice painter)
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seasteading · 11 months
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if it seems like i haven't touched my main wip in 2 months, that's because i haven't 😋
instead, anyone unfortunate enough to have spoken more than a sentence to me will have realized that i've spent that time in baldurs gate 3 hell, with nothing but durge brainrot to show for it—brainrot i will now inflict on main with some selected excerpts <3
transcripts under cut:
She does not remember many fairytales, but she thinks this one starts the same way as all the rest: a princess to flee a castle, a handsome knight to save her from the shadows that haunt the woods. The princess does not have a name beyond her title. The knight is called Griseis. She speaks it aloud. There is no tugging at her memory, no rush of truth. Yet it is the name of a creature with the purpose to vanquish, same as her, and all those with a purpose must have a name.  “My name is Griseis,” she tries. It holds no magic, but she likes the way it rests upon her tongue, like it could belong there. She slips the waterlogged fairytale into her pack.
Yet beneath the drone of busywork, the urges remain. They bid her to tear the legs off a rabbit caught in the brambles that surround the garden, and Atonement endures. A stained glass window shatters, and they bid her to pick a shard off the floor and cut through Novice Clements’ fragile throat. Atonement endures. They infect her dreams. Behind her eyelids flicker visions of a temple in ruins, of Ilmater’s statue bathed in the blood of his faithful, so she works more, sleeps less.
And he laughs at her. Brings his uninjured hand to her jaw and pushes his thumb under her upper lip, using her own slack shock to pry her mouth open. Finger pressed against a sharp canine, “Look at you. Bhaal’s Chosen, the purest of his spawn, baring your teeth like a damn dog.” She doesn’t have to think about it. Put your hand by a dog’s mouth, and expect to get bitten. She bites.
But the painter who’d put her features to canvas saw something else, too. Maybe the taint in her blood had made it into the pigments. Maybe it’d been Bhaal himself guiding their hand, ensuring proper justice be given to his spawn’s visage. Griseis looks, and the Dread Lord’s Chosen looks right back.
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newthinkerer · 9 months
@desultory-novice this probably got lost in the notification sauce, so here it is again: the 1980s Girl's Cartoon AU!
The Kirby games are fan continuation/fan reboot of Kirby's Starry Tales, itself a spinoff of The Waddles; Kirby made his first appearance in the second episode of the three-parter, Waddle in the Wasteland. The episodes involve Waddle Town suffering a dreadful famine. Bandana Dee leads a small party of Waddle Dees across the Wild Wastes in search of the Mystical Soil that can grow any crop, and withstand any weather; their journey brings them to the oasis-garden of Kirby, keeper of the Soil. After the three-parter's conclusion, Kirby made regular appearances in the show, and gained enough popularity to get his own show.
(Incidentally, Kirby is white here, as my cute little nod to the NA Kirby's Dream Land box art! 😊)
The Waddles made their first appearance in the hour-long TV special, The Meta-Knights in the Cursed Country. On the orders of the Queen of Gibbous (a character made specifically for the show), Sir Meta and his misfit crew seek out the Rainbow Blade in order to cast the Dark Knight down. Sailor Dee knows of the Blade (specifically that it's shattered into seven pieces) and suggests they go to her old home (the eponymous Cursed Country) and ask the Wise Elder Dee for the yellow piece. Sailor's people made sporadic appearances for the remainder of the show's run.
And finally, the show all these other shows spun off from: Adeleine the Magic Painter! The first episode (a two-parter, natch), Paint Me a Problem, has the eponymous Adeleine (wearing regular 80s girl street clothes) worrying about what to make for an upcoming art fair. While on her way to get art supplies, she finds an unusual Paintbrush that sends her to the magical world of Pop Star, besieged by the Wizard of Nightmares. With the aid of some unusual characters, she is able to kill the Wizard in an explosion of colors (you could get away with straight up killing baddies in 80s girl's cartoons as long as it's all sparkly and stuff)!
Every subsequent episode has Adeleine entering the portal picture in her room to take her to a random place on Pop Star, helping whoever needs help and defeating various villains of the week; the iconic look she sports from DL3 onward actually originates from the Super Art Studio Adeleine playset. Sir Meta and his misfit Knights made their first appearance in the 20th episode, Never Meta Knight I Didn't Like.
Side note: Magolor makes sporadic appearances in all of these cartoons as the owner of the traveling carnival, Merry Magoland. His design is more explicitly "wizard kitty cat" here, and has vibes I can only describe as "a mix of carnival barker and used car salesman," so of course he steals the show 😊.
(Of course I had to include Magolor; he is everywhere, and also it would be super funny if this is the exact same Magolor from the games. Think of all the stories he could tell!)
My only problem now is figuring out how everyone else can fit in these cartoons. Maybe you have some ideas?
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hare-beneath-pine · 1 year
Big working last night - consecration of my black book of (visual) art, plus the first painting in it. This is a general road opener with an area to place a small, separate sheet of paper with a sigil or petition for a specific situation.
Consecration was pretty simple, though I had to write what I was going to say... often I just speak off the cuff, but wanted to be a bit more precise in my language for this. Apart from that it was my usual feeding with incense and candle (a safe distance away from the book) plus three breaths. Here's what I said:
I consecrate you, my black book, With cover dark, with pages blank; White void before creation. By my word and by my will, May you live in the threshold Between this world and the Other. As your pages bleed and bloom, The lies I draw turn into truth, The dreams I paint persist in waking. May messages from other realms Adorn your pages by my hand: Wild whispers and weird visions. I consecrate you, my black book, With cover dark, with pages blank. Now feed upon creation.
Probably this is quite influenced by Aidan Wachter (as is this whole thing), though I haven't read him in a few months.
The painting was a little more complicated and I'm not 100% pleased with the results. Trying to be nice with myself since I'm a novice painter and have never painted ritualistically before.
Process-wise, I entered a light-medium trance through song (Station to Station on repeat baby) and swaying/dancing - thanks to those who suggested that. I didn't prime the paper as much as I normally do, which had a negative affect on the brushstrokes - didn't pre-prime because I didn't want any marks on the book before consecration. Future paintings will be primed and taped before the working. I also think I'll prep a palette with liquid retarder pre-trance or in a light trance next time. Grabbing and mixing colours on the fly feels very intuitive but I haven't internalized enough colour theory to be happy with the result on an aesthetic level.
Results-wise, I have mixed feelings. I like the general composition and the central sigils magically and aesthetically, and I'm also happy with the inclusion of a thumb print to tie it to me. My annoyances are aesthetic - not happy with the quality of the brush strokes or the lack of unified palette.
Shortly after finishing this painting last, I had a strong visualization of the palette and brush strokes I "should have" used. I've primed and taped the next page and am planning to do a second road opener painting with these improvements. I feel like I should leave this painting in the book though, as it leads to the next one.
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empirearchives · 2 years
Female French Painters during the Napoleonic Era:
This is a short compilation to highlight some of the work of really awesome and overlooked female artists in France during the early 19th century and the late 18th century. There honestly were a lot of professional female painters during this time period due to more freedom of expression, and female artists were being celebrated and encouraged from the very top of French society.
Tumblr only allows a limited number of pictures in one post, so I shall be posting a lot more to continue sharing the beautiful artwork from women during this time.
Marie-Denise Villers
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Une étude de femme d'après nature (Study of a Woman), 1802
Portrait of Marie Joséphine Charlotte du Val d'Ognes, 1801
Marie-Guillemine Benoist
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Pauline Bonaparte, Princesse Borghese, 1808
Portrait d'une femme noire (Portrait of Madeleine), 1800
Constance Marie Charpentier
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Melancholy, 1801
Marguerite Gérard
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Motherhood, circa 1800s
Prelude to a Concert, 1810
Jeanne-Elisabeth Chaudet
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Portrait of a lady as a novice, 1811
Gustava and Wilhelmina Armfelt, 1802
Constance Mayer
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Self-portrait, 1801
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fourgods-nobrakes · 1 year
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Nurglings! I am very much a novice painter but I had a lot of fun with these little snotballs and I’m looking forward to painting more dudes soon
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driftwoodmfb · 1 year
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An AU of someone's AU
To be more specific, @desultory-novice 's Apologies AU but if Ado got cursed instead of Noir (pre dark matter Dark Matter Swordsman).
I plan on doing more art where Noir takes Adeleine's role in the Kirby series and might even while the Rainbow Sword. He will not be wilding it against DM Painter though.
He probably felt some effect from the sword, but the effects ware off or something.
Yes, Noir still is the one who gave her the paint brush, so his guilt is strong
DM Painter's tears are rainbow paint.
Her body is fully dark matter, but is covered in paint. All her paintings that come to life are actually made from dark matter
I think that in this part, when Noir goes to check on Ado, he never finds her. He does not take it well when he finds out what happened to her and that she's dead. Maybe he'll think "At least she's not in pain anymore..."
DM Painter probably made scrawls on walls and floors made from things other than the magic paint brush that resemble Noir, but she doesn't remember why she draws that face.
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pwlanier · 2 months
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Borisov Alexander Alekseevich (1866-1934). Northern landscape. Kon. XIX - beginning. XX century. Oil on canvas.
Author's signature in the lower right corner.
Alexander Alekseevich Borisov (1866-1934) - Russian artist, the first painter of the Arctic, writer, public figure, researcher of the polar lands, who made a significant contribution to the development of issues of transport and economic development of the North.
Alexander Borisov's parents were peasants. At the age of fifteen, he came to the Solovetsky Monastery, where he worked on a fishing tone in the Savvatievsky Skete. Soon he got a job as a student in an icon painting workshop. The archimandrite of the monastery, seeing Borisov's pencil drawings, took him to the main monastery. As a novice, Alexander studied drawing and icon painting. Borisov's works were noticed by the President of the Academy of Arts Grand Duke Vladimir Alexandrovich and the famous collector of paintings, General A.A. Bogolyubov, who served at the headquarters of the St. Petersburg Military District. They helped Alexander: he was awarded a scholarship, and on September 20, 1886 he came to St. Petersburg. During the period of study at the Academy of Arts (1888-1892), Borisov's creative achievements were awarded two small and one large incentive silver medals. For "good success in art classes," the Academy Council granted Borisov's request, and since June 1892 he has been awarded a scholarship "as a state peasant." In 1895, Borisov was engaged in the workshop of I. I. Shishkin, and a year after his departure from the Academy - at A.I. Kuindzhi.
In the summer of 1894, he accompanied Sergei Witte on the steamer Lomonosov on a trip to the North. Borisov's duties included sketches of the harbors and bays of the Murmansk coast. Borisov fulfilled his dream of visiting the Arctic Ocean and began to nurture the idea of a high-latitude artistic expedition. From the trip, he brought about 150 sketches, some of which were exhibited in 1897 at the academic exhibition in St. Petersburg. These works caused admiration of V.M. Vasnetsov, approving reviews from V.V. Stasova. P.M. Tretyakov bought Borisov's works for 8,000 rubles for his collection. In 1900, Borisov and eight of his satellites went to New Earth. The expedition lasted 14 months, during which time Borisov and his comrades had to overcome many difficulties. They surveyed and mapped the shores of the bays of Chekin, the Unknown and the Bear, giving the bays, straits, mountain peaks and capes the names of artists, scientists and those who contributed to the development of the North. Thanks to Borisov, the Capes of Shishkin, Kuindzhi, Kramsky, Vasnetsov, Vereshchagin, Repin, as well as the Tretyakov glacier appeared on the map of Novaya Zemlya. The Kazi Mountains are named after the organizer of shipbuilding in Russia M.I. Kazi. In addition, travelers conducted meteorological observations, collected geological, botanical and zoological collections. One of the main results of the expedition was hundreds of sketches and sketches, which formed the basis of the monumental paintings created by Borisov upon his return from Novaya Zemlya.
The artist's works, exhibited at the spring St. Petersburg exhibitions of 1900-1905, attracted the attention of art connoisseurs not only in Russia, but also abroad. In 1902, at the invitation of the Vienna Society of Artists, Borisov organized an exhibition in the capital of Austria. Borisov's success allowed him to hold exhibitions in Berlin, Hamburg, Cologne, Dusseldorf and Paris. The French government awarded the artist the Legion of Honor. In 1907, the famous polar explorer Fridtjof Nansen visited the Borisov exhibition in London and presented the artist on behalf of the governments of Sweden and Norway with the Order of St. Olaf, and the British government awarded the artist the Order of the Bath. In 1906, Borisov took an active part in the creation of the Northern Circle of Lovers of Fine Arts, participated in the development of the charter, and then in the organization of all exhibitions of the circle (1905-1919). In early 1908, Borisov came to the United States. An exhibition of his paintings in Washington was held at the White House. Borisov became the first Russian artist to be accepted by the President of the United States. Returning to Russia, Borisov settled in his homeland, near Krasnoborsk. In the following years, he created works dedicated not only to the Arctic, but also to Solovki, Pechora, Severodvinsk lands. In February 1914, the artist organized a major exhibition in St. Petersburg.
Currently, Borisov's works are stored in the Tretyakov Gallery, the Russian Museum, the Arctic and Antarctic Museum, the Arkhangelsk Regional Museum, the Vologda Art Gallery, the Nenets Museum of Local Lore and other museums in Russia.
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🎨 Fred Common, Novice Artist
🎨 My current art project called: My Painter’s Palette — Monday, January 29, 2024.
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