#now I wanna play sdv again
cerise-on-top · 4 months
hi!! not a x reader ask but more in general. What do you think Valeria, Laswell and Farrah’s weird/ dumbest habit? Adore ur stuff btw!
Hello! Thank you! These are pretty short as well, but it isn't particularly easy to come up with a dumb habit either!
Valeria’s, Farah’s and Laswell’s Weirdest Habit
Valeria: She has trouble stepping on the edge of shadows. Valeria either has to avoid the shadows on the ground or not step on their edges and step on them entirely. While she can step on a shadow’s edge if she needs to, and as long as she doesn’t look like an idiot in front of her people, she will avoid doing so if she can. She knows it’s stupid, she knows it doesn’t make any sense, but she can’t help it either way.
Farah: She counts her steps whenever she takes a short walk somewhere. Again, she doesn’t know the reason why she does it, she just does. Naturally, she won’t do it when she takes a long walk, but whenever she has a place to get to that’s 200 steps away at most, she’ll count. Even when she’s not doing it consciously, she’ll subconsciously count her steps. It serves no purpose whatsoever but it’s something she’s been doing ever since she was a kid.
Laswell: She has a habit of eating food in a specific order. The part which she likes the least will have been eaten up before anything else, that way the taste of the best part of her food can linger longer than anything else. While she will eat things in a “random” order once she’s aware she looks stupid having eaten one thing for a long time, she will always finish her least favorite part first, no exceptions. Unless there’s a salad, in which case she’ll always finish the salad first.
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wonderfulxhappiness · 2 years
little brown chicken pancake has officially taken residence in pyon pyon farm’s chicken coop 😌
yesss pancake <3 i hope pancake brings you many joys
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i will not accept shane spouse room slander anymore im sick of it
I'm so mad at everyone who is mad at Shane's spouse room and i cant keep silent about it anymore
let me start by saying yes Shane was my first ever spouse in SDV and no i was not thinking i could fix him i was just impressed by his progress and self improvement so i had my character marry him
then i went online to see what are people saying about him and i was SHOCKED everyone was so mean to him and were absolutely wronggggggggggg about him
this man does improve himself he absolutely is better after marriage and everyone that's mischaracterizing that because of his spouse room is a coward sorry i don't make the rules
facts: Shane goes to therapy and starts getting his alcoholism under control by eliminating the source of his pain which is wasting his life away at joja and doing something he loves which is raise blue chickens THAT HE MADE MIGHT I ADD HE INVENTED A NEW BREED OF CHICKENS BTW. that last point alone pisses me of so hard because people so often over look it! he is just as smart as Maru just as creative as Eliot and just as ambitious as Sam, let me repeat myself HE INVENTED A NEW BREED OF CHICKEN WHILE HE WAS DEPRESSED AND SUFFERING OF ALCOHOLISM.... recognize his brilliance please
so that means people saying he falls back into his old habits because he has a six pack in his room is wrong, imo he stops being an alcoholic and goes back to having drinking be a hobby he does while gaming or hanging out with friends at the bar THAT'S THE POINT UR SUPPOSED TO GET FROM HIS HEART EVENTS
yes his room has mud tracks but consider this this man's WHOLE JOB is to RAISE CHICKENS IN A COOP !!!!! chickens who again he literally invented their breed who track mud shit and drop feed on the floor of the coop he is in all day!!! OF FUCKING COURSE HES GONNA HAVE MUD ON HIS SHOES!!
he works all day for his blue chickens and then just wants to come in and relax playing a video game and drinking a beer if he was a horrible dirty alcoholic like people claim he is he would track mud ALL OVER THE HOUSE AND DIRTY UP ALL THE HOUSE but no its just his tiny hobby room
you as a farmer also work all day on chores and after you are done you also just wanna do something fun to relax and guess what YOU HAVE THE ENTIRE HOUSE EVERY ROOM IN THE HOUSE TO MAKE INTO YOUR HOBBY ROOM some of you fill the house with kegs because you are making it your thing hell one of my farmers who was a witch had an entire room that's just crystals potions and a fucking cauldron , in my Shane save i had a room LINED with fish tanks that was my farmers Hobby, do you think Shane gets mad that i had 4 to 6 fish tanks running all day with puffer fishes and some legendary fishes stinking up the house?? NO because he gets his hobby room and the farmer gets their hobby room everyone keeps to their space period.
i think everyone needs to understand that having a messy hobby room is not a bad thing and that Shane and the other spouses have a right to their own room to look however they want and it doesn't have to match the house
everyone also needs to look at Shane in a better light please I'm begging you to let characters have small flaws and not be squeaky clean perfect
Shane sought help he is helping himself and trying to be better but that doesn't mean he doesn't get to indulge in some guilty pleasures he is human and is aloud to be one even while still in recovery! the difference now is that he HAS CONTROL OVER ALCOHOL AND GAMING CONSUMPTION AND IS NOT SPIRALING OUT OF CONTROL LIKE BEFORE he has job he loves a family he takes care of and he makes sure he doesn't dirty up his entire house but gives himself a break in his ONE room and doesn't stop himself form having fun doing the things he enjoys without over indulging or falling into bad habits.
Edit: i know in the end the drinks are non alcoholic as confirmed by him and i mentioned beer and drinks cause i know there is non alcoholic Versions of them som.. but as i said im adressing the MISSCHARACTERIZATION of shane by the shane haters who didn't go through his heart events hence me saying "you are supposed to learn all this from his heart events" cause they dont go through them :D
in conclusion SHANE IS GOOD SPOUSE, a good man and an inventor in his own right. yall just need to be gentle to him in your judgment cause man is he trying his earnest and that needs to be recognized. i mean look at him look at this healthy man <3
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Since ive been playing Stardew again, mainly thanks to Stardew Expanded, and have been on a Stardew kick in general:
How would the different villagers (base game, no mod villagers, with maybe the inclusion of Marlon, Gunther, Krobus and the dwarf maybe?) react to a cottagecore (actual) witch (wizard, spellcaster, whatever you wanna call this version of the farmer) who, while making artisan goods like jellies and mead, also makes potions and enchanted knick knacks that help people too?
Hewwo :D
As you can see, dear anon, I got rather... carried away with the question, so I apologize for the long reply. I hope you enjoy it, and thanks again for the ask! 💕
SDV townies react to the cottagecore wizard/witch!Farmer who, in addition to artisan goods, makes potions and enchants trinkets:
Shane doesn't mind the home-brewed beer and hot peppers from the garden that the Farmer regularly treats him to, but doesn't need to be told about the trinkets and stinky herbal concoctions and other weird stuff. The chicken lover doesn't believe in that (even though he's facing a real wizard/witch), and he has pills for his hangover.
No matter how hard Marlon tried to talk the Farmer out of it and explain that they didn't owe him anything for his help (a.k.a. "how once again Marlon had delivered the unconscious Farmer home"), but the new member of the Adventurers' Guild was stubborn and left on Marlon's table a dozen life elixirs that they had brewed themselves, as well as a whole basket of fresh apples. Well, it was rude to refuse, but the old adventurer still wanted the Farmer to be careful in the Mines next time.
A good luck bracelet? Ha! Thanks, Farmer, but Alex doesn't need one. He's a real sports star (not yet recognized, but soon!), and he relies solely on his talents and muscles. Although, if an athlete knows Farmer very well, he won't turn down a bracelet. Although he's not superstitious, a gift from a friend as a token of attention really touched him. Not that he'll admit it out loud, of course.
"Will I be able to fly?! Or talk to animals? Will I be able to talk to trees too? Will I turn into a dinosaur? Or invisible? I'd like to become an invisible dinosaur!" Yeah, I guess it wasn't such a good idea for the Farmer to announce to Vincent that they were brewing potions in addition to farming. Who knew the boy would be so intrigued by the Farmer's activities, after all, where else would you see a Farmer who could not only make cheese, but also do magic things?
Jas is a pretty smart girl, and quickly guessed about Farmer's unusual talents. She promised to keep it a secret.... If the Farmer promised to show her those unusual black chickens. Given that the farm is not far from her aunt's ranch, Jas often comes to visit the hospitable Farmer, just to watch them conjure or make cheese. And for black chickens. So cute!
To be honest, Marnie is a little... confused. She doesn't really believe in magic and all, but one event has made her reconsider. The Farmer recently gave her an totem that they say protects her lovely chickens from forest predators (poor Marnie is still grieving over hen Matilda, who was stolen by a fox). Now foxes approaching the coop howl, as if wounded, when they see the totem and run away. A coincidence, or does the totem really work?
"Ah, fellow craftsman! Glad to see that the practice of the arts of alchemy and enchantment is still not extinct." Wizard knew from the beginning that Farmer was connected with the magical world, but even for him it was a surprise that the young talent could cast complex spells and brew potions. And most importantly, help the locals (well, or at least not harm anyone). Hm, he was just looking for an apprentice, and Farmer would be perfect candidate...
Leah isn't much into elixirs and talismans, but when the red-haired girl fell ill, the Farmers were the first to help and gave her some funny-smelling potions that made her feel better instantly. They also treated Leah to some homemade goat cheese and fruits. Witch or not, Leah was glad to have such a caring friend and promised herself to do something for the Farmer in return.
Even though Demetrius had no desire to offend or insult the Farmer in any way, the scientist will look very sceptical at the amulet the Farmer offers him for protection against evil spirits. And for all the spells that the Farmer shows, desperately trying to prove to Demetrius that they are real spellcasters, he will wave his hand, saying that it is all scientifically explainable. Farmer is levitating, the hell you mean scientifically explainable?!
Clint wanted to ask something about a love potion, but quickly silenced himself before the Farmer could hear anything. It would hardly be true love if you put that magic stuff in there.... What?! No, he didn't mean anyone in particular, they heard nothing! In general, the blacksmith doesn't care if the Farmer grows strawberries, enchants bracelets or practises fortune-telling.
Abigail has become a very frequent visitor to the farm. The violet-haired girl sometimes likes to sit in the Farmer's kitchen, helping or watching them make blueberry jam or pickled tomatoes. But most of all she is interested in watching them brew potions or just the way the spoons stir themselves thanks to magic. Abigail will also ask them to make her a elixirs taster ("Pretty please!").
Perhaps Lewis would have just politely ignored the Farmer's statement that they were a wizard and that they would be happy to help him and the people of the Valley with potions, but still the Pelican Town Mayor decided to try his luck and ask the Farmer one specific question. Hmm? Why did Lewis need a stamina potion? Erm, well, Lewis wanted to start doing, er... exercise, and- Never mind, forget what he just said, Farmer.
You know that look on some parents' faces when their little child hands them a craft made of dirt or leaves, and the adults try to squeeze out a smile and say what an interesting thing their kid made? That's what was on Jodi's face when Farmer gave her the gift with a proud smile. Thank you so much for the fresh vegetables, Farmer, and, umm.... What's with the skull pendant with the glowing eyes? "Luck pendant? Ahahaha, how nice, thank you!" (Jodi dies inside).
A small woven basket, containing some fruit or goodies, and a small vial of purple liquid.... Almost everyone in the Valley had received a gift from the unusual Farmer, and Robin was no exception. The carpenter doesn't know what's up with the "potion to cure diseases", but she's just glad that the Farmer has fit into their little community so quickly and takes care of everyone like family. Robin smiles genuinely and is already on her way home with peaches given by the Farmer to treat her husband and her children.
One day Haley is sure to drop by the Farmer's to visit and ask them to let her have a photo session of their farm. Because this place is sure to be a winner in Zuzu City's "All About the Country life" photo contest! Plus, the blonde-haired girl discovered the delights of rural life, and the Farmer themself turned out to be a very interesting person. But Haley can't stand the smell of the cauldron. Why would the Farmer have a cauldron in his kitchen?
For about an hour now, poor Maru has been racking her brains and searching medical books and scientific articles for any information about the ingredients that the Farmers, as they themselves claim, put in the "potion". It's phenomenal - a liquid that instantly cured Maru's burn on her arm! (the result of a failed experiment). Poor Farmer only wanted to bring the young inventor the cure and fresh strawberries, but ended up being showered with a mountain of questions from a exited Maru. "Magic? Witches and wizards? Nonsense!"
Kent had been standing by the front door of the farmhouse for some more than ten minutes now, keeping his eyes fixed on the broom that was brushing the porch steps by itself. Either his nightmares had made him crazy, or those pickled mushrooms the Farmer had treated the military man with (and given several jars of mushrooms as a treat to his family) were laced with some sort of hallucinogen. Farmer stepped out onto the porch. "Ah, I can use magic to make a broom sweep!" Apparently it was the mushrooms after all, Kent thought.
Did someone say pendants with stones that have magical properties? Or dreamcatchers? Then Emily's on her way! Nothing brings the blue-haired girl more joy than discussions about amethyst, that ability to enhance the wearer's intuition, or the positive emotion-filled bracelets she's made for her friends. Granted Emily has a slightly different field (and Farmer's pendants are enchanted for real), but she would be the one closest to Farmer's interest in making trinkets of all sorts to help others.
Oh, Gus knows well that if he needs the best quality produce for his meals, the owner of the Saloon can ask the hard-working and kind Farmer for help. Admittedly, at times he is a bit taken aback when the Farmer still offers him unfamiliar herbs and products that they have made themselves. "Moon salt", what is that? Seems edible, even delicious! Definitely going into his escargot.
"That's the ugliest thing I've ever seen in my life." Whoa, Pam, you don't have to be that blunt with the person you're getting a gift from. Yes, the bracelet may not have the most adorable look, but the Farmer is a spellcaster with experience, and this trinket will help bring Pam happiness, wealth, and- "Thanks for the mead and the parsnips, kiddo, but I'm not taking this creepy bracelet." Pam, don't be rude to the Farmer, where's your manners and gratitude?
Yoba, Harvey tries to be polite and patient, but he can't stay away when he sees Farmer offering other residents elixirs that, they say, will "instantly cure illnesses"??? He is a doctor, and has devoted years at university to curing people, while Farmer is engaging in, pardon his harsh words, quackery?! However, when the doctor is convinced that Farmer is a real wizard/witch, he quickly apologizes and goes into a crisis. Someone give this man a glass of wine or Harvey is about to freak out.
Oh, no, no, no, no! Pierre had already made a mistake once in his youth when he bought a "talisman that brings wealth and good luck" from a stranger who claimed to be a sorceress, but it turned out to be just a cheap glass craft. So he had to create wealth with his bare hands. The shopkeeper would refuse all the amulets offered by the Farmer, and the strange elixirs too. But to buy their homemade strawberry wine of iridium quality is always welcome!
When the Farmer had just arrived in Stardew Valley, Willy had once told them that he had an amulet against all sorts of misfortunes, which he had had to sell because the money was almost gone. The old sailor had already had time to regret it, but you can't bring back the past. Farmer remembered this moment, and out of kindness made a real sea amulet for Willy. And unlike the old one, this will definitely protect him from treacherous sirens or huge deep-sea monsters while fishing.
"So enchanting objects for each other is normal for humans?" Krobus had thought that only the Wizard had knowledge of the forgotten arts, but it seemed he had missed some details when he had studied the lives of the local people of Pelican Town. People usually don't do that? Oh, alright..
The amulet that Sebastian received as a gift from the Farmer looks so cool and creepy that Sebby has started wearing it with his everyday clothes. True, the young man was a little distrustful of the Farmer's words about the "enchantment" of this trinket. He was interested in all sorts of occult things, but was not sure about the magic. Farmer, in order to prove their words, gave him another "frog magnet" talisman. The next day, by Sebastian's surprised face and a dozen frogs jumping after him, it was clear that the local emo definitely believed now.
An enchanted pendant that allows you to see artifacts hidden from human eyes... That explains how the Farmers were able to find and provide Gunther with such rare specimens of forgotten civilizations. Did they make such an amulet themselves? Amazing! What? An amulet for him? Thank you very much, Farmer. Now together, the two of them can not only restore the local museum to its former glory, but also make it even better!
Penny doesn't know what the little bottle of liquid the Farmer gave her, but her flu is gone in just an hour after she empties the contents of the bottle. Thank you so much, Farmer, for helping the young teacher by giving her this medicine. "My pleasure, the elixir of healing diseases isn't that hard to make, the main thing is not to overdo it with the wolfsbane." "W- what?...." Penny didn't have time to ask again, as the Farmer handed her a basket of oranges and wished her good health, running off on their own.
Linus had time to show the young mage (yes, it's no secret to him that they have a magical gift) all the secret places to pick unusual berries and mushrooms. Because he knows that the Farmer will definitely use it in brewing elixirs to help people, and that can't help but please the good-hearted wild man. Plus, he has to say thank you somehow for that wonderful blueberry pie.
From the Farmer's window there is almost always the smell of delicious baked goods or the pleasant scent of flowers, and Sam, without noticing it himself, has begun to walk past the farm often. The young guitarist doesn't need to be told twice when he's invited for pie or maple donuts. Farmer is always happy to have guests, especially if the guests decide to brighten up their mornings with a beautiful music. "What's brewing in the pot?" "Elixir of immortality." "Cool. Wait, what...?"
"These leaves give the tea a rather unusual flavor. And I think I'm beginning to see... flowers in my eyes. Dear Farmer, are you sure you've worked the tea leaves properly?" Caroline, your tea made the Farmer's eyes see a white little man dancing on the edge of your mug. So don't go blabbing about the Farmer's homemade tea. They certainly know the basics of herbology and alchemy, and know how to brew the most complex elixirs. So don't even-
Given Dwarf's suspiciousness, they didn't take any medallions or elixirs from the Farmer at first, because it could have turned out to be a devious plan by the shadow people. What if there's poison in the bottle? Or the medallion reveals their location to the enemy? It takes a long time before they can trust the Farmer, and later they have something of a bartering relationship with potions (the Farmer gives Dwarf elixirs out of the goodness of his heart, but Dwarf insists that the Farmer needs to get something of equal value in return).
Hmm! Why would George want this useless trinket, even if it was free? So they could sit on a shelf and gather dust? Farmer, he doesn't believe in all that focus-pocus, so he doesn't need those strange and ugly bracelets and amulets that also smell weird. A spellcaster? Don't be absurd.
Farmers were so kind to come and visit, and they also brought some goodies: ripe berries, homemade cottage cheese... And they even brought George some ointment for his bad knees, how nice of them! And though it's not clear if Evelyn believes the ointment is magical, and if she knows that Farmers can cast spells and communicate with animals. The granny is just glad that such a kind and caring young person came to their house, and without cookies, which just had time to cool down, Evelyn will not let them go.
A lonely, city-weary man who had been hiding their magical talent was finally able to escape the suffocating clutches of a mega corporation to drop everything and move to the middle of nowhere where they could find their happiness and calling... Yes, Elliott is definitely sure that this would be the perfect story for his new novella. The writer was so taken by his own muse that he wasn't even surprised by the fact that the Farmers, in addition to caring for crops and livestock, can do magic and brew elixirs. Novella now, questions later!
Morris has absolutely no time for nonsense, why did the Farmer give him some strange liquid in a bottle? A cure for back pain? Very funny, but he wasn't born yesterday to believe that nonsense. Except that Farmer's curiosity and puppy eyes made Joja's manager take a sip.... And no more back pain! Hmm, interesting... Farmer, how about a contract to sell this miracle liquid?
Note: I hope I didn't deviate from the main question because I couldn't decide if the people of Stardew Valley believe the farmer is a wizard/sorcerer/witch by default, or if some know and some don't? And how are talismans and potions even viewed from their perspective (Shane, at least, doesn't believe in magic, judging by the canon quotes). I'm open to feedback! 😃
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babiebom · 1 month
HAI!!! your writing is so good omg :3 can i request the sdv bachelorettes with a farmer (can be fem?? but gender neutral is cool too!) who’s secretly really into theater/musicals? like how would they react when they found out? :] tysm!!
A/N: I LOVE MUSICALS !!!!!!!! I wanna audition for the theater here where I live but also I would be too anxious and shit myself so it’s a no go. But I enjoyed being in choir in high school. Literally Starkid is my favorite thing right now. Also no problem!!
Tw: cursing? None really but fem!reader!!
Bc: at least 5 for each!!
Stardew Valley Masterlist
I think she likes musicals but only the romantic ones.
So like The Phantom of the Opera is one that she really loves.
When she finds out you love musicals it’s because you’re going to have a movie night and you have a dvd of one. (We’re going to say that the broadway people recorded one of the stages and released it idk)
And she’s like !!!!! Can we watch this one?
And you’re like “heheheh I mean sure…it’s a musical though!”
And she just reveals her own love for musicals
Her finding out is really you finding out and then her finding out you also like them
I don’t think she watches musicals at all she just listens to the songs
So when you find out it’s you walking into her cabin in the middle of her making something
And she’s in the middle of listening to Carnival de Barrio
And you’re like…….?
And it’s a whole “haha you weren’t supposed to find out about this” as if it’s a secret that should be taken to the grave
And you’re like “WHAT DO YOU MEAN? You weren’t supposed to find out about me loving musicals?”
And you two just stare at each other for a minute like DAMN that’s kinda stupid when you think about it huh?
It’s funny afterwards! I think she’d actually have to fall over laughing so hard.
I don’t think she cares for musicals at all
And probably knows what they are but she hasn’t seen one EVER
So her finding out isn’t really her finding out
It’s one of the songs playing while you two are hanging out and she’s like “oh this song sounds nice! What is it? I’d like to listen to it while tinkering with my robots.”
And you’re just like “heheh it’s from a musical…”
And she just shrugs and is like “okay what’s the song?”
Will watch the musical with you!
But like I think she only watches the musicals of the songs she likes
So she isn’t a super big musical fan at all but has probably watched Waitress with you or Dear Evan Hansen (sorry for spelling I’ve only heard like one song from this musical and don’t really remember the spelling).
Either she’s a big theater person or she thinks it’s cringe there’s no in between
So her reaction would be VASTLY different depending on which you believe she is.
Personally I think she’s on the thinks they’re cringe except for Mean Girls, Heathers, and Legally Blonde end of the spectrum.
I feel like when she finds out it’s a whole “Jesus Christ you scared me” and a “lmao are you listening to a musical?”
Would make fun of you a little, but only a little because she likes you and thinks you’re pretty.
Will sing defying gravity and popular because she’s Glinda. You have to be Elphaba(omg I’m a fake fan I forgot her name and called her Idina)
Those are the only songs she knows from Wicked and will not watch the musical until the movie comes out.
Probably LOVES musicals
But only the obscure ones that no one else knows that was on stage for a single day and was never done again.
I don’t know any musicals like that so you can imagine whichever one you want if you know any.
Probably songs at the top of her lungs while making clothes, it’s how she relaxes.
Will watch any musical with you because she is up for anything.
When she found out it probably was because a song played while you had a playlist on shuffle.
And it was a “oh I like this song!” Instead of her asking about musicals and your love for them.
It’s more natural than the others finding out because she doesn’t make a big deal of it at all.
She just silently accepts it because if I’m being honest I think there’s very little she hates.
One hundred percent makes fun of you
Like no ands ifs or buts, she makes fun of you
I don’t think it’s in a malicious way though
Like never do I think she would genuinely make fun of anyone unless she actually dislikes them.
Yes she would say beeble instead of beetle.
Is very willing to watch and listen with you though
She’s the type of person that thinks that doing something with or for someone because they like the thing is a very good way to show love.
Like if you hate video games but will play them with her because she loves them makes her feel as if you love her more than doing anything else
So yes she will watch all the musicals you wants
I do think she prefers Starkid musicals because of the chaos.
Her favorites would be Firebringer and the one with the penises and vaginas that sing I forgot what it’s called.
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sp1tkink · 1 year
hey, sorry to ask, but could you do a sdv elliot x fisher reader 🤭 if not, that’s alright! i don’t wanna take your time from ya
of course! :D, im not too into elliot’s story but i’ll go based off of what i’ve seen and heard,,,
pairing: (sdv!)elliot/(gn! fisher!)reader
wc: 1.09k
cw: spoilers to elliot’s heart events, mutual pinning, fluff, gender neutral (no gender specific terms), use of platonic nicknames (bucko by willy), established friendship, friends to lovers
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wiping your brow and setting your fishing rod to the side, you marveled at your small bounty of sea creatures. having caught three fish, combined with your walk through cindersap forest, plus your stops to greet your neighbors had worn you out.
an exasperated sigh flew past your lips as your legs dangled over the edge of the dock, you knew your work wasn’t done yet. turning back to check the clock on willy’s storefront, you were met with a certain long haired man walking by, gazing off at the water. “OH- my, goodness!” you yelled before chuckling nervously, “you scared me!”
elliot chuckled back softly before his gaze shifted back to the sea, “i thought you’d be used to seeing me by now.” he hummed, “i’m afraid not.” the man playfully chided much to your, just as playful, dismay.
you’ve been living in stardew valley for a while now and built up a decent relationship with elliot. he’d shown you around his cabin numerous times, played his piano for you, and invited you to a book reading he’d hosted in the local museum/library in town. he’s supported you too! in his own ways, of course.
he based a couple of scenes in his books on you, inspired entire books off of the interactions you’ve had, complimented you on your fishing skills along with other things of the sort. you enjoyed it, the brief gleam of joy in his eyes when you tell him you liked a song or excerpt he wrote, it made you want the dream of living in pelican town to never end.
you hadn’t realized it but in the midst of your thinking, elliot had walked away. maybe this was why you weren’t used to him, he’d always been disappearing just as quickly as he appeared. you knew he had his own schedule, but visiting his house was always an option, so you’d do it later.
standing up, you decided to pack up your things and head home, briefly stepping into willy’s to sell any fish that you didn’t need to donate to the junimo at the community center. on your way home, you made a took quick detour to the saloon only to be greeted by elliot once again. you ordered and found a seat with some familiars of the right-corner table of the place.
elliot was spewing his usual poetic nonsense which you couldn’t help but laugh at his slurred tone caused by the strong wine he often drank when he visited. sharing one last chat with clint and willy, you decided to focus more on your food, not wanting to be fatigued the next morning. though, you couldn’t help but notice the not-so-subtle glances elliot was taking from across the saloon.
given you’d been doing the same thing occasionally, you didn’t think he was too. admittedly you were a bit flustered and this didn’t go unnoticed by willy or even ‘the romantically oblivious’ clint. “you should talk to him.” he stated bluntly nearly prompting you to spit out your food. “it’s not like you don’t know the boy, and not to mention we all saw you leaving pierre’s with those flowers.” willy added.
you swallowed your food and grinning defeatedly seeing as your purchase earlier this week outed you. it’s not like you weren’t going to give elliot the bouquet, you’d just been building up the courage to.
“you’re the same person who told me to go for it with emily? seriously? i find that hard to believe.” clint grunted, taking a sip from his stein of beer. “okay, well, don’t act like that. you got with her didn’t you?” you huffed back, waving your fork around before hiding your face behind the glass of your wine—that elliot had bought you earlier that night—in even more defeat. “which is just the reason you should go and splay your feelings to elliot, bucko.” willy prodded matter-of-factly, moving the bottle away from your face.
standing up, you placed a pouch of gold on the table. “i’ll do it. tomorrow. and if i don’t! i owe you both double this!“ you announced catching the attention of sam, sebastian, and abigail—who’d just been a room away—causing them to snicker at your seemingly random announcement.
willy and clint laughed in amusement at the bet, “we’ll take it, i could always use a little extra cash, you haven’t stopped by to process any geodes lately.” clint chortled. “i won’t even owe you a silver dollar!“ you guffawed, snatching up your bottle of wine and heading to the door.
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the next day came faster than you’d expected, it almost made you wish you never stepped foot out of that bar with the thought that the night would have gone slower if you hadn’t.
you took your time watering your crops and feeding your animals, hoping that somehow they’d convince you to go give the bouquet to elliot. fortunately you did it yourself, after checking your personal stash you realized you didn’t have enough gold to renovate your home and pay the men for the bet so you’d just have to perk up and confess.
on your way to elliot’s you greeted your friends around town, emily in particular noticing the bouquet and cheering you on before quickly sending you on your way by shoving you out of her house and on your way to the bridge. “you can do this!” she loudly whispered, the giddiness she’d been holding in becoming evident when she spoke. “okay… okay!” you reassured her and yourself.
walking onto the beach, you notice elliot dusting off the old boat that always sat next to his house and luckily enough he’s not quick to notice you just yet.
“ahem… uh. elliot!” you speak out, causing him to look up at you, flashing a brief smile before going back to dusting off his boat. “hello, the weather is just about right for a boat ride. willy says to give it another day though, something about those silly ‘tides’ and such.” elliot replied.
laughing dryly, you nod. “yeah… listen, um, i wanted to give you this.” holding the bouquet down to elliot, you notice his eye slightly widen and you couldn’t help but feel you made a mistake, but you waited for him to confirm your suspicion. “you really feel that way?” the question made you gulp, “i feel that way too!” he said cheerily. letting out an excited yelp, you hopped into the boat and hugged the red head tightly, “thank yoba!” sighing as you slid off of him, elliot gently ruffled your hair.
you felt relived that this was finally off your chest. smiling at elliot, you kissed his cheek and waved a pleased goodbye, breaking off into a run to willy’s not too soon after you left his eyeshot. “i told you i’d do it!” you yelled, swinging the door to his shop open.
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THIS WAS LEGIT MY FIRST FIC(on tumblr), i really hope you enjoy, i did my best to proof read and everything
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sugar-omi · 4 months
I don’t wanna sound rude but will we ever get day eighteen of kinktober? I’ve just been playing sdv again recently now my brain is filled with Sebastian and Cove 
not rude at all! i ask myself the same thing LMAO, i've been really busy. n depression is a bitch. but it's definitely my priority to finish bc it's so self indulgent n i wanna see it finished too lol
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stabbyfoxandrew · 3 months
Top 5 video games 👀
ohhhhhh gosh! this kind of thing is hard because there are so many games. so many genres. so many... Eras? like there are games from my childhood that i love and miss and also there are games from now?
so i'm gonna list a lot of my faves, in not particular order!
Kingdom Hearts 2- instant nostalgia even thinking about this game makes me wanna cry. TWT
Sonic Heroes- the most fun game ever. i got my ps2 working last summer and played it again with jess and it was a blast TWT (i wish they'd remaster it but also i don't wanna pay for a new version bc my old one is Fine!)
Fortnite- it's just FUN alright? i love killing bitches. :))
TS4- unfortunately i like build mode and CAS mode more than actually playing. and cc shopping... that's so fun
Spyro- i didn't get to play spyro till a few years ago but it's really fun!
GTAV- it's been years since i touched it but i really liked driving around and shooting the shit out of the npcs. the story mode?? no idea how i felt about that. but buying a rocket launcher, shooting a bunch of people and climbing onto a tall building to shoot helicopters down? FUN :)
Rise of the Tomb Raider- this is the 2nd of the most recent trilogy i think??? i also enjoyed the 1st! but the third sucked :') (to me anyway) i love lara croft. she's so... ough... oh there was One good part of the third game that gave me goosebumps but the gameplay wasn't as good to me??
Breath of the Wild- I never finished it. but goddamn it was so pretty and fun.
Sdv- i haven't touched it in forever but i really enjoyed it when i did!
Anch- i played animal crossing every day for almost 2 years. and then i finally stopped because it had just become a tedious boring thing. i really would like to start a new island but... my island TWT can't do it uhhhhhhh if i keep going this'll get so long it'll be Annoying, but i love a lot of different games! :) ty for asking TWT <3
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crowsncorvids · 5 months
Ok my lungs are full of fresh air now. Going home and I will try to edit a mod bc I have the seasonal outfits mod but I found a mod that makes Sebastian really fucking hot and they're not compatible so I will simply replace the files. In theory. I have done this before I'm intelligent
Also I'm gonna compile a mod pack to play with when I get bored of this farm. With a bunch of mods that change the game a lot a lot like sdv expanded and riverside. It will be fun but I will play it only after I get perfection (unless I get really bored before then) I also wanna play kynseed again
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It's me again!!:D I just read your answer to my ask and yes! Yesterday I unlocked the Elven City and Demon City plus the quick travel services to those places and to the eastern woods! I've made it my personal mission to romance the prince himself because I'm a foolish sucker for the "I hate you, why are you nice to me"-Trope and I'm curious to see how his personality will change towards the MC lmao- In SDV I almost always go for Elliott, but the character development I enjoyed the most is definitely Haley. I also played Expanded and *coughs* Lance? I love you? But also, why are your quests so hard? I honestly think that that's a bit sad tbh, cuz you already have to wait so long to meet him and then you just get hit with quest after quest in order to get his hearts:(
Anyways, YES I love the dragons and other creatures in this game, they look so cool!! I would've loved to adopt the dragon bby myself tbh. When it hits you with the 🥺 I just thought: .... I want you. Now I'm working towards adopting a fox... creature, riding thingy from the Elves, hehehehe>:)
And I picked Amari Farmer for my first playthrough! I definitely wanna go Angel next, don't know what profession yet though, maybe Baker?:0 My only gripe with the character customization is that I don't like the eyes- They fit the game but now my character just looks worried 24/7😭😭
Oh god you are MILES ahead of me LOL
I just beat Weedil and I'm working on getting some quests done while also getting all the machines and stuff you can at the farm, as well as grinding skills. I think my exploration is at 14/15 for the quest Elios gives you to get a skill to level 15, so that's where I'm at at this point! (Also, beating Weedil gives this funky looking pet that keeps shooting seeds around me... lil meanie.)
I'm also trying to grind spring seasonal tokens because AAAAA I WANT THE LITTLE FAIRIE PET THING! AND ALL THE STUFF BLOSSOM HAS!!! All that stuff is so cute, I want it so much ;-;
I'm probably romancing Anne or Liam with my Elf, and I'll probably romance Wornhardt with my human I use for streams, mainly because my regulars really like him lol
Oooh, Amari Farmer!!! I do like the Amari stuff, it looks very interesting!! I actually really like all the races and the customisation, but I do agree that the eyes are... strange, to say the least.
In Stardew, my first romance was Elliot! But my favorite romance is Sebastian, with Shane coming up second. Haley's character development was BEAUTIFUL!!! I loved every second of it!!!
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spokelseskladden · 9 months
I kinda wanna draw again but I've been getting back into crochet cause i wanted to make some cute stuff for my friend's baby shower next weekend and then i learned some new techniques and started making a new blanket but while i was doing that i put on some sdv vids in the background and now I'm playing sdv so who knows really
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I'm very curious about Sebastian/Dickon for the ship asks! And can I ask about George/Evelyn for SDV as well? 😁
Hi Annie! Sorry for being late...I kinda slept hehe.
So! For DIckon and Sebby, the first thing that came to mind for me was a spring picnic! I can see Dickon being so happy and excited for it, and Sebastian hating it at first, but eventually starting to enjoy it! It's so cute! AAAA I wanna write it now!
For Evelyn and George, I definitely thought of them in the snow together! Since their dialogue has Evelyn talking about the two playing in the snow, which is just so cute! I can imagine like a fic where the first scene is them as young peeps playing, and then thekm again playing as their canon age! So cute!
Thanks for the asks bestie! They were lovely!
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ambersky0319 · 11 months
this is gonna be my reminder to myself that I wanna play sdv tomorrow but on a new farm bc I want to use the beach farm again
Wanna challenge myself with not relying on crops but animals
I would do it now but! I'm tired, drawing, and have a mild headache so looking at a small screen wouldn't help rn
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bibookmerm · 2 years
Okay for the longest time I was like "I wanna cosplay again but I have no clue who" but now I have a whole lineup.
• Elliot from Stardew Valley. Throwing this one together for Halloween as all my friends are going out together as Stardew Valley NPCs. Should be fun! (My wife will go as Leah. tbh I havent played much SDV but my wife said it works because in-game Elliot and Leah are friends. Cute.)
•Bee from Bee and Puppycat. Just love her outfits! Idk which one to choose. Gonna do this one hopefully for Tekko next summer with my friend going as Deckard!
•Morton from The Owl House (random side character. I just think I look like him and I like his mint green shirt and frog necklace, heh.) Probably would do this one at the local con in the spring.
•Raine and Eda couple cosplay with my wife. I'd be Raine, she'd be Eda. This is more hypothetical, a "someday maybe" thing and not a planned thing.
•Kuronosuke from Princess Jellyfish. So many iconic looks. Heavily relate to being a ~beautiful male princess~. Hell yeah.
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letsoulswander · 2 years
to clarify more on that last point. I don’t really care about most of the SDV characters very much, they’re all pretty flat, but SHANE. SHANE is outright RUDE. Penny is shy, Clint clearly wants your money, Jodi is Too Busy for you, but SHANE says “What do you want? Leave me alone” and shit like that until you’ve got a COUPLE HEARTS with him! and frankly I would not ever befriend someone like that in real life.
yeah I know he’s hurting, I know he’s struggling with addiction, and imo it’s heavily implied that Jas is his biological daughter that he’s given up rights to or at least was far too young to parent when she was born. but none of that makes me want to give the TIME OF DAY to someone so needlessly rude right out of the gate, and when I haven’t even given him ANY SAP YET. honestly.
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coolspacequips · 5 years
*gets too far into a fun game so that things start to get complex/close to ending*
Uhh oh I don't wanna be done playing this and I wanna go back to the fun times and explore other game mechanics,,,,
Hm wonder what it would be like 2 make Lance in this game 🤔🤔
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