#now OBVIOUSLY 13 isn't old i was just saying that
orphiclovers · 2 days
yk, I was goaded into reading Self-Cest for the Danny Phantom fandom (it was a good read and I stalked the author’s entire dischoreography afterward) but now I’m wondering how that would go for Han Sooyoung and her avatars. Specifically 1863rd Han Sooyoung.
How would they get over the dispute over who the true hsy is? Would they conclude that they’re just two different people because the 1963rd was only possessing the other hsy to write? Would they be able to differentiate? Questions questions questions
The fic was by Dream_Trance if ur curious
'goaded' I like that word. I too have goaded people into reading selfcest content I think.
I'm guessing you read my recent Han Sooyoung meta where I talk about how I think their split happened and then sent this ask. You got me absolutely right in that case, there IS a secret selfcest version of that post I didn't include because of woke (well, actually because I want people to focus on the theory lol and weird selfcest shipping distracts from that).
The thing orv does with the alt universe selves that is sooo interesting to me is all of them, and I do mean all, have these twisted and complicated feeling about their other selves. And that's all canon, all I do is tint those feelings in a slightly more romantic direction. for fun. (despite all appearances I'm secretly a canon purist. no, not really. but imagine if I was)
So, what is Han Sooyoung's whole deal?
From what we see in orv, their whole dynamic is basically.... 1863 is cool smart badass powerful protagonist-like and 3rd is the 'rip-off' constantly trying to catch up to her awesomeness / keep up / 'plagirizing' her. This happens a lot, starting from when Han Sooyoung is 13 years old and accidentally plagirises herself for the 1st time.
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1863 writes Ways of Survival? 3rd gets vague dream-memories and writes SSSSS grade infinite regressor.
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1863 becomes a constellation named Architect of the False Last Act? guess what 3rd does.
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See how the narration always mentions 'btw 1863 did this first' - I'm not making this up. 3rd even plagiarizes 1863's lost memories into existence again !!
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So if there is one 'true' Han Sooyoung...it is pretty clear who that would be. But crucially, 1863 does not mind at all being ripped off and isn't bitter about it. (unlike sp, who is very bitter at first.)
When Kim Dokja comes to her like 'someone plagiarized your novel!!1!!1!' han sooyoung says lol idc because she knows its just 'daytime ego'/3rd.
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Even during the scenarios, 1863 is constantly helping her out because she sees 3rd as a bit of an idiot who does not know anything (very sp style) so OBVIOUSLY she needs to come along and save her while pretending its a huge hassle and she totally doesn't want to. (very 'this will be the last time i help you' for spyjh).
Like, for example, way before 3rd gets Predictive Plagiarism, 1863 is giving cryptic dream hints to help her, and when that doesn't work just straight up temporarily passing on the skill.
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but she's totally doing it for fun and because she likes to throw a wrench in others plans haha and not because she cares or anything. totally.
And ALSO let's just talk about this epilouge moment that drives me crazy. 3rd is doubting herself and crumbling under the pressure so 1863 emerges from their subconscious to help her one last time and says LET ME DO IT. Aargh!!!
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selfcest yuri...
So yeah, this is a brief look on how I interpret the 3rd/1863rd relationship (Han Sooyoung version.) I have more thoughts on them during the epilouge specifically and the avatar skill but. different post.
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maddy-ferguson · 1 year
13 is old as hell i'm sorry the way some of you talk about the party you'd think they were 8
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thalialunacy · 12 days
[for the @calaisreno May Prompthagoreum Theorum. Cheers to ya'll for still following along despite it being, you know, June.]
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) 23: apology (24)
At first, partially because it's 6am, neither of them recognise what Rosie is actually saying. But it's clearly directed at Sherlock, who looks at John from the table with an eyebrow raised.
John shrugs. 'What was that, sweetheart?'
She helpfully points at Sherlock. 'Say sorry!'
'Oh ba--balderdash,' John says. 'There was an episode of that Australian programme about apologising, I didn't think--'
'Be sorry, Sherlock!'
Sherlock looks merely amused. 'What for, Miss Rosamund?'
She moves her pointer finger to John, but her accusatory gaze stays on Sherlock. 'You ate banana.'
'I… ate your father's banana without asking?'
She nods decisively. 'Say sorry.'
'I'm very sorry, John. I shall ask next time before doing anything nefarious with your banana.'
How they manage to keep straight faces, John has no idea, but they deserve an Olympic sodding medal in parenting for it.
'She's not even old enough to really get the concept of apologising,' he says as it occurs to him. 'I can't--'
'Nonsense, she's brilliant. Aren't you?' This last is to Rosie, obviously, as he clears away her cereal bowl.
John rolls his eyes. 'Oh, so now you're in favour of emotional intelligence.'
'When it applies to my--' He smothers a wince, John is certain of it, but rallies immediately. '--my young flatmate, here, absolutely.'
He stands before John can say anything else. 'Time to be off, yes?'
'Sherlock,' he starts a few minutes later, but they're halfway out the door and he knows he's being cowardly.
Sure enough, Sherlock waves it off. 'You're for pickup today, correct?' John nods. 'Good. I've that case, have to go make several witnesses cry.'
John hides a grin, in case his newly-pious daughter is paying attention. 'Try not to get arrested, yeah?'
'I make no promises,' Sherlock calls back as he heads off down the pavement.
'John,' Sherlock says that night, once he's changed clothes and washed the distinct aroma of back alley rubbish off himself while John put Rosie to bed. 'You could take a turn from your daughter about the apologising. Be a good example.' His voice is light, but careful. Only a little bit mocking.
John, who is standing in the kitchen making coffee and around whom Sherlock has just reached to avail himself of the biscuits, is certain he didn't hear correctly. 'I beg your pardon.'
'No, you don't.'
John stares at him, mouth a little open. 'This? Coming from you?'
'Who knows you better?'
'No, I mean-- You never apologise.'
'Implying you yourself are a model for showing regret?'
John can practically hear the 'zing' of the direct hit, and it irks him. 'Fine, I apologise for nothing!' He stops. 'No, that's not true, I apologise for some things. A few things. Several things. I apologise for about half of the things!'
'That doesn't even make sense, you realise.'
'Shut up.' He pulls Sherlock to him. 'Shut up, you absolute wanker.' He drags their mouths together for a surprisingly filthy kiss considering how tired they both ought to be.
John has a suspicion, though, and he breaks the kiss. 'What's this really about?'
'Don't know what you mean,' Sherlock says against the skin of John's jaw.
'Sherlock…' He swallows, considers pulling back but isn't sure he'd be able to get through this if eye contact is involved. 'You know she's yours, right?'
Sherlock stills, his cheek brushing John's, and John feels him close his eyes. 'John, you mustn't say things that aren't true.'
'Oh for--' John does pull back, then, pulling on the back of Sherlock's neck and keeping him in check so he can't escape. He waits until Sherlock's focused on his face, on his nose today. 'Here's the thing: You're right. Beyond, you know, the big-- Beyond what we've worked out in therapy, I'm shit at apologising. I'll work on it for Rosie, and for you. Starting with--' He takes a deep breath. 'I'm really bloody sorry I ever gave you the impression I didn't want you as Rosie's father.' He sees and feels Sherlock's sharp inhale. 'I just thought you knew that you already are.' 
'John.' The air leaves Sherlock's body in a stream, warm and damp on John's skin. 'You're serious?' he asks, doubt small but lingering in his voice. 
John clears his throat, breaking their gaze to look down at Sherlock's collar. 'I asked-- Well, the papers have been drawn up, and I owe your brother now which will only come back to bite us in the arse, but--' 
Sherlock's mouth captures his in a desperate kiss, and John finds himself held so tightly he actually feels his heels parting from the lino.
'Sherlock,' John manages when they break briefly for air.
'Sorry, right,' Sherlock says, very near sheepishly, and loosens his grip.
'Don't be sorry, just, you know.' He tilts his head to indicate the hallway. 'Come to bed with me?'
Sherlock's eyes darken with a combination of lust and merriment. 'Where I can do nefarious things to your banana?'
John groans, then turns away and starts down the hall. 'Oh God, dad jokes now? I have so many regrets.'
'No, you don't.'
John smirks and holds the bedroom door open. 'No, I really, really don't.'
[ <3 ]
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vforvalensa · 9 months
I got caught up with the Golden Kamuy's author new hockey manga, Dogsred, and I also took the opportunity to start reading through Noda's old hockey manga that got cancelled early on, Supinamarada.
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For those unaware, Dogsred is effectively a do over of Supinomarada now that Noda has enough clout from Golden Kamuy to tell the hockey story he wanted with out fear of cancellation. Dogsred has the same premise, same characters, and same basic events to Supinomarada, but obviously Noda has changed as a story teller and manga artist since doing all of Golden Kamuy, and it's super interesting to see that side by side.
For one Dogsred is way more expedient, it manages to get through the story intro and the first hockey game in 8 chapters whereas the old series took 13. And I think one way in which Dogsred achieves this is by massively compressing the way information is delivered. This is super obvious in the first chapter of each series, in Supinomarada ch 1 there are a ton of flash backs and flash forwards between the lead up to inciting incident of the plot, the aftermath of that incident, and the tragic back story and takes about 15ish pages to set up the initial plot premise; the protagonist, Rou Shirakawa, is a teenage figure skating prodigy, before the series starts his single mother died in a car crash after falling asleep at the wheel due to exhaustion, and now Rou is competing in what might be his last figure skating championship because as a child he will no longer be able to support himself.
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Dogsred is significantly more direct and just has some random background characters say all that shit and conveys all that same information and more within about 5 pages.
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Dogsred also lets it's art do a lot more heavy lifting in regards to storytelling. The single panel of a car crashed into a pillar is way more dire and evocative than a whole page of a generically sad funeral, and we even get to see the dead mom in this one. I also find the handful of panels where Rou doesn't actually speak are really effective at setting up his character and mental state through expression and body language, and that's gonna be true throughout the series. Dogsred Rou is much more of a weirdo goofball than the Supinomarada version and he's got a ton silly little expressions and mannerisms in the style of the freaks from Golden Kamuy and it's lot of fun.
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Overall it feels like a way more confident manga than Supinomarada. Noda isn't trying to over explain things to make sure the reader understands every single detail of the plot or the rules of hockey. He's getting the details on the page really efficiently, usually while also working in a gag, and going harder on the aspects that are the big draws for bombastic sports manga, like the expressiveness of the characters and the dynamic sports action.
It's super cool to see how Noda has evolved as a manga artist and storyteller with Golden Kamuy in the interim and I'm really excited to see him get to tell this story he's been holding on to for a decade.
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scintillyyy · 1 year
i have this idea in my head for an au for tim where jason survives ethiopia and it looks something like this
so, obviously, both jack and janet are killed in haiti, since batman doesn't have a personal need to go down there, he just made sure that the ransom money went through for their release
of course, it was never about the ransom money, it was about the deaths. so they both get poisoned and offed, since batman isn't there to stop that and save jack
which leaves tim an orphan. he doesn't blame batman, because he doesn't know batman was even working with the police on this. i doubt the police tell people that lmao
bruce feels bad, but he and tim have no personal relationship so to him tim is just another victim of a senseless crime and the most he does is make sure that tim gets the support he gives to all the victims of crime he wasn't able to stop: access to good social services who will help him navigate this tragic time. since bruce does not actually have an adopting problem, he doesn't immediately look at tim and think mine, now.
and then, like normal, he and jason move on to the next crime and tim kind of fades from their minds.
however! things are not over for poor tim yet. after all, phil marin wants to embezzle all the money from drake industries and smuggle big boxes that say medical supplies on the side and pin the blame on 13 year old tim (he's a pure genius)
so tim, who is at the orphanage/group home now, and actually doing quite well for himself, he's very popular and likable, gets concerned when the police start asking if he knows anything about inconsistencies within the company, if his parents told him anything, let him know that the company is in danger
(the police do not buy that a 13 year old is involved in this. or maybe they're so corrupt that phil is paying them off to pin it on him anyways)
anyways, tim is concerned. and what does concerned tim do??? go to batman??? nay, i say, nay!! he doesn't care about bruce or jason that much, especially at this point. he only has eyes for (1) person.
so he sneaks out of the orphanage and takes a bus to NYC to see if he can get nightwing to look into this!!!
dick isn't at the apartment, he's at the circus so, sigh, tim has to find him there.
why is dick at the circus?? well his life is probably still blowing up. and he's still mad at bruce.
and now, i'm not a proponent of dick was super mean to jason at all, in canon he was pretty nice to him and liked him a lot and jason had his blessing and all and he's very glad jason didn't get killed by the joker
but listen. he's kind of resentful of both bruce and jason right now. jason nearly gets beat to death by the joker and then bruce lets him stay robin and is mother henning the eff outta jason??? when dick got shot by the joker he got fired and kicked out of his house. i feel like this would bring out very bad feelings in dick, a little.
just. torn between relief and resentment for bruce. he is staunchly avoiding gotham right now.
so he's all depressed and at the circus and this kid. this 13 year old scrawny, shady kid shows up and murder mystery and all that and dick is just like. who are you. tell me. what is going on.
and tim looks, like immensely guilty and he's like. i don't know how to say this. but i need your help.
dick doesn't know why anyone would need or even want his help.
and then tim's like. i need. nightwing's help.
and dick error code 404s. and this kid. does not want to tell dick how he knows he's nightwing. this effing kid.
eventually, dick cajoles it out of him and oh my god this is picture kid.
anyways tim promises he won't ever tell anyone and he didn't even want to have to come to dick but there's this thing going on with his recently deceased parents' company and idk the police are either not catching the bad guy or they're suspicious of tim and tim just didn't know what to do and he just needs help.
and really, how can dick say no to that? so he helps the annoying little kid, looks into it, finds phil.
and tim is just. so excited. that he got to see dick in action. this was the best day of his life.
anyways, thank you, my trust is safe, i won't bother you again, this was the greatest, i'll just be going back the orphanage now, i really appreciate it.
and dick's like...oh, no the orphanage? but it's not like he could adopt the kid or anything. dick's life is a dumpster fire.
and tim's like, nah it's cool. it's like boarding school, i'm used to it. and i get to go to public school now which is pretty sweet.
and they part ways. but you know. dick just can't forget about picture kid in the orphanage for some reason. he also doesn't tell bruce about tim because bruce is unreasonable and dick's still frustrated with him. dick can handle this on his own, okay???
....anyways maybe he starts going to gotham to check on tim more. gotta make sure he's keeping the secret, right? and he maybe starts enjoying this kid's company. tim's always so genuinely excited to see him. idk there's just a connection with picture kid :(
and bruce certainly doesn't need tim to fix him, but you know who's life is a dumpster fire and needs fixing? dick grayson, that's who. tim has a job now, and he's going to take it seriously.
bruce and jason don't notice dick's burgeoning friendship with tim drake on account of they're busy with knightfall shenanigans
anyways, bruce's back gets broken, azbats happens, dick and bruce somewhat reconcile. dick gets left in charge of gotham as batman! bruce goes on his soul searching and you know, i'm inclined to think he brings jason with because jason is his son. so dick is alone!!
which is very sad. luckily he's got a weird little friend in town to keep him company and that kid's name is tim drake
prodigal with dick and tim!! obviously, tim isn't robin, but they still hang out. go grocery shopping together, drink orange juice. tim just keeps him company, which is much appreciated. maybe dick starts teaching him some self defense and gymnastics stuff.
anyways bruce and jason eventually come back and dick moves to bludhaven to ~establish himself~.
but he comes back for contagion of course. he gets desperate when he finds out that tim's orphanage is affected and tim contracts it. he finds a cure just in time, racing from the hospital to get it to him!!
anyways cataclysm happens. and then....
no man's land!!!
i'm going to say that tim gets trapped in the city, due to being in a orphanage.
so guess what??? he becomes one of oracle's informants along with.....cassandra!!! he and cass get very close here okay.
i also like the idea of him running into young justice when they invade NML as a joke and helping them and then a fated friendship develops
i'm assuming at one point he gets close to huntress too. maybe he's in her class at school and figures out who she is before all this?? idk where she teaches lol im terrible
anyways tim and cass are in oracle's clocktower, cass becomes the new batgirl and this is probably when bruce finds out that tim knows
i like to think that becomes oracle's computer protégé around this time. maybe he ends up as one of oracle's proxies in this au.
and when robin and nightwing come into no man's land, dick is like "tim!!! my tim!!! little brother you're okay!!!" having been desperately worried about him when he realized tim didn't make it out before they blasted the bridges
and now they have to be like ooops yea so we know each other. :| bruce is grumpy, i'm sure. but he also kind of grows fond of tim after this??? tim is objectively a good addition to the team.
i almost think that jason is maybe a little resentful??? like this nobody kid has a super special bond with dick, dick adores him, barbara adores him, new batgirl adores him, huntress will only talk to him, bruce is grudgingly impressed with him, he's like an honorary member of young justice and they're all same age friends and jason is just a little too old and isolated for them being a couple years older and not quite as independent from batman and doing his own thing as tim was as robin in canon at this point
anyways no man's land ends and tim can't go back to the orphanage. he knows!! he's involved!! most likely he lives with barbara and cass but also he's in bludhaven all the time and so excited to be able to help dick out, like, officially
anyways i'm sure bruce eventually adopts him at the same time as cass after OYL and everything has burned to the ground because tim has been part of the family for years now
but then bruce dies!! i like to think tim stays in gotham and does his own thing as dick!batman's personal oracle. interestingly, jason is the one who is likely super isolated and goes off on brucequest, because if he doesn't have bruce, who does he have?
anyways i think tim is actually just much more secure here. he's fine! he had a good time. sure it sucked when bart and kon died, but he didn't have the same desperation since while he likes bruce and all it's not quite the same since he was never bruce's robin?? he's cool. he's got dick.
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mrsnancywheeler · 1 month
finnick's sweet girl is so incredibly who's afraid of little old me coded, the whole damn song
"but my bare hands paved their path, you don't get to tell me about sad" is the way she literally had to fight for her future by murdering her best friend, and other children, only to spend days listening to Capitol elites who watched this as entertainment, complain about their lives.
"if you wanted me dead, you should've just said" conway turning against her and trying to kill her, the Capitol putting her in the games again, the paranoia telling her that finnick wants her dead now but is toying with her
"is it a wonder i broke? let's hear one more joke, then we can all just laugh until i cry" she's so mentally and emotionally tortured for everything and to the Capitol it's fun, it's games, she has to act happy, but also they love it when she cries. a symbol of her weakness, of her fragility, of her humanity, of her beneathness to them.
"i was tame, i was gentle, till the circus life made me mean. don't you worry folks we took out all her teeth" sweet girl was just so sweet and young, free spirited, and longing for more than the expected. and then she was put on camera. forced to be primped up and perform the acts wanted by the Capitol. she lied, manipulated, killed, and her paranoia makes her meaner too. and she has to pretend to be sweet, kind, grateful, to these same people or those she cares about and loves are threatened by snow.
and her paranoia in district 13 towards the capitol. the rebels, finnick, literally everyone is so, "tell me everything's not about me. but what if it is? then say they didn't do it to hurt me, but what if they did? i wanna snarl and show you just how disturbed this has made me, you wouldn't last an hour in the asylum where they raised me."
"i'm always drunk on my own tears, isn't that what they all said?" obviously
i love sweet girl and i need to finish the next chapter, i'm so sorry y'all
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ldrfanatic · 3 months
the night i nearly lost you
Theodore Nott x Reader "13" Series pt 5 warnings - death, cursing, torture, reader almost gets killed
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You were pacing through the dark corridor a little ways down from the room of requirement, turning your head every few seconds to look out for Filch. Theo had sent you an owl begging to meet you and here he was, late. You checked your watch again. 12:28. In his owl, Theo had asked to meet at midnight.
You sighed and tried to stop disappointment from settling in your stomach. Obviously this was some cruel sick joke, no doubt orchestrated by Mattheo. Just as you turned to make your way back to your dorm room, Theo appeared. "Wait! Y/n."
"What do you want Theo?" Theo wasn't the only one who was taken aback by the tone of your voice. Even you hadn't intended to be that rude. "I'm sorry. It's just I'm tired and you asked to me nearly half an hour ago!"
"I know. I apologize. I just," Theo let out a harsh breath through his nose and ran an olive-skinned hand through his hair. "I'm sorry for what I said to you on the train. My struggles... I know how much you care for me. Please. Just allow me to prove it to you. Just one date."
Your heart started to soften. For the first time since your Hogsmeade date, when you look at Theo, your heart swelled. Theo's eyes followed your actions as your hand reached up to pull nervously at the bracelet on your wrist. His eyes shined with recognition as he looked at it.
"You still wear that old thing?"
"Of course. You gave it to me. Theo I-" You were cut short as Theo yelped out in pain and began clutching his dark mark. He fell to his knees and let out another gut wrenching scream. Immediately, you ran to his side. When you looked, your skin began to crawl. The mark on his arm was moving. The jaw of the skull was opening to make way for a snake that was slithering down towards his wrist in fractional movements.
"Y/n Run."
"What? Why?!"
"They're here. The Death Eaters are coming."
You stepped back and stared at Theo in horror. He wasn't shocked or surprised. He knew this was happening. The apology wasn't just for what he said on the train. It was for what he did. He helped them. "Theo... Please tell me that this isn't what I think it is." The words came out in hiccupped sobs and his silence told you everything. He did this.
"I'm sorry. Please understand I had no choice. My father would've killed me."
"Run with me Theo. We can get away from all of this. The war. My parents set me up with safehouses and galleons. Once the Dark Lord makes his official return, all magical families are at risk. Please."
"Y/n. I'd love to."
"What is it we have here? Little Theodore has found something to play with." The voice of Bellatrix LeStrange sent chills down your spine. "Oh. It's my dear little blood traitor niece." Her eyes locked with yours and she raised her wand. Theo placed an arm out to her.
"What's this? You want to do it yourself little Theo? Do it then." Bellatrix stepped close to Theo and raised his arm so that his wand was pointed directly at your chest. Your eyes immediately started to water. You'd gladly give your life for Theo's. She leaned in to whisper in his ear with a wicked smile. "My son says you've grown quite fond of her. Prove yourself to the Dark Lord. Kill her."
Theo's eyes watered and his arm started to shake.
"It's okay, Theo. I'd rather die by your hand than anyone else's. Just promise me that you won't let this turn you into your father."
"HOW DARE YOU SPEAK OF HIS FATHER IN THAT WAY?! YOU LITTLE BITCH. HIS FATHER IS AN ESTEEMED AND PROUD SERVANT OF THE DARK LORD!" Bellatrix came up behind you and placed her blade against the side of your next. "Kill her now, Theodore. Or I will."
Theo's eyes hardened and he steadied his arm. He mouthed 'I'm sorry' to you and you nodded your head softly in acceptance. You locked eyes with him. The last thing you would see in this life was Theodore Nott's eyes.
Suddenly, Draco ran behind Theo and Bellatrix threw you to the ground. "After him!" She took off running wildly with the Carrows following quickly. Theo walked up to you and helped you stand from the floor, then he pulled your crying form into his arms. "I'm so so sorry, cuore." You clutched him as close to you as possible. Theo pulled back slightly. Just enough to smash his lips onto yours.
"Let's go." He grabbed your hand in his and took off down the hall in the direction opposite of wherever Draco was running. You quickly noticed that he was leading you to the Dark Forest. "Where are we going, Theo?"
"I have a plan! We can escape Hogwarts this way."
You stopped reluctantly at the edge of the forest. A commotion was heard behind you. When you turned, you saw Harry Potter chasing after Snape, Bellatrix, and a few others. Suddenly, Potter fired a spell at Snape who deflected it and then the two began conversing. Bellatrix was dancing around Hagrid's burning hut and Draco, who look hilariously out of place, turned to look directly at you. But he didn't tell Bellatrix he'd seen the two of you. He just turned away and you thanked every God you could think of that your cousin had a sliver of his heart left.
Theo tugged on your wrist.
"Come on, Y/n." Tearing your gaze away from the scene, you took off after Theo into the trees. He guided you through the woods until you came to a clearing. A hippogriff was standing there chained to a tree.
"What is this, Theo?"
"I've been preparing this for you, Y/n. At this past Pureblood Ball, the one that you skipped, I met with your parents. I'm your escape plan. He knows where he's going, all you have to do is get on his back, and hold on tight."
"What do you mean? You're not coming with me?"
Theo grabbed ahold of your shaking form. "Listen to me. I can't come with you. If I go, my father will never stop looking for me. You'll be in danger constantly."
"I don't care! I'm not leaving without you Theo!"
Theo sighed. He'd hoped it wouldn't come to this. He raised his wand and made to cast Stupefy, but you blocked it. Then you pointed your wand directly at his chest. "I'm not going without you Theo." Your eyes were determined and your arm was steady. Theo on the other hand, was shaking like a leaf uncontrollably. He wouldn't fight you. He couldn't.
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You held on tighter to Theo's waist as the wind blew through your hair. Wherever you were going, the journey was long. "How did the Death Eaters even get into Hogwarts?" Theo sighed and looked back at you. He'd hoped you wouldn't be asking these kinds of questions.
"I'd been tasked with helping him fix the issues he was having with the vanishing cabinet. I'm particularly adept with magical artifacts."
You continued silently for few minutes longer and then your melodic voice sounded in Theo's ears again. "But how can the Death Eaters take over Hogwarts? Dumbledore would never allow it."
Theo looked at you over his shoulder. "Draco's task was to kill Dumbledore. Should he fail, Snape made an unbreakable vow with your aunt that he would carry out the task if Draco failed to do so. And even if neither of them did, Bellatrix happily would."
"So they cornered him? And why does Bellatrix care if its Draco or Snape?"
"Not Bellatrix. Narcissa."
Your heart clenched in your chest. Though you hated the Malfoys and despised your cousin, Narcissa was your most favorite family member from that side of the family. She was always kind to you. When you'd stayed at Malfoy Manor in the years they hosted the Pureblood Ball, Narcissa was always there to make you comfortable. She hadn't done this out of fear of Voldemort nor spite for Dumbledore. She'd done it to protect her son.
Somehow that made you feel a little bit better. As unbearable as your cousin could be, without the influence of Voldemort or the disgusting vermin Lucius Malfoy, deep down he had a good heart. Knowing his mother was looking out for him where his father wasn't made your heart just a little bit happier. Theo's voice interrupted your thoughts.
"Hey. None of that matters now. I'll never let anything happen to you."
You buried your face into Theo's back and remained silent for the remainder of the journey. Finally, the hippogriff began to descent. "That's it, Quickwing. Nice and steady girl." Theo brushed his hand soothingly along the feathers on the animal's neck. As you got closer to the structure, you noticed two figures standing outside of it.
She pulled you into a tight hug and kissed all over your face. Fleur had been a close friend of yours during the Triwizard tournament. Gabrielle and Bill were standing off to the side with soft smiles. After he finished tying up Quickwing, Theo approached the four of you apprehensively. Bill immediately pointed his wand at him. You stepped in front of Theo with your arms spread wide but Bill didn't lower his wand.
"Step aside Y/n. I don't know why you've brought a Death Eater here, but he can't stay."
"Wait! Bill, please." You looked at him with pleading eyes until finally, he lowered his wand. "He helped me escape Hogwarts. If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't be alive."
Bill scoffed as Gabrielle hid behind him. "If it wasn't for him, your life wouldn't have been in danger in the first place. And now you've brought him here. To where my fiancee and her sister stay."
"I didn't even know I was coming here! Please understand. Theo risked his life and defied Voldemort for me. Please." Fleur walked up to Bill and grabbed his large hand in two of her smaller ones. "Amour."
"Fine. But I'm watching you..." He trailed off and stared expectedly at Theo.
"Nott. Theo Nott."
wc 4.1.2024
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Disney Could Never (Rafe Cameron)
summary: Rafe comes up and tells you SOMETHING while you watch a movie with Wheezie.
Warnings: sexual innuendos-ish, sorta fluff, rafe being lowkey kinda adorable, swearing, confusion, idek but hope you enjoy even though it took me like three weeks to write this
A/n: this is something I'm doing with @pink-princess-pussy-pop so enjoy!
You were hanging out in the family room of tannyhill with Wheezie watching The Little Mermaid and just hanging out when you realize you ran out of snacks so you went to the kitchen to grab more.
"Hey, Wheeze, I'm gonna go grab more snacks, okay?" You tell her quickly running to the kitchen because you didn't want to miss any of the movie you've seen countless times.
You're speeding through grabbing the snacks when you feel a strong pair of arms around your waist and a head on your shoulder with a kiss to your neck.
"If this isn't my wonderful, amazing boyfriend than someone is getting punched." You said severely scared about whether or not it was Rafe.
"Don't be scared sweetheart, it's me." Rafe said with the sweetest little gravely sleepy voice that you've been in love with for two years.
"Okay. How you doing sleepyhead?" You ask him in a joking manner but also kinda serious about it and when he doesn't answer you get scared and confused. "Baby, are you okay?" You say turning around in his arms to find him asleep and using you as a form of balance. "Baby, time to wake up. Hello, Rafey?" You say in a soft voice not wanting to startle him.
He groans at your efforts and stands up straight, looks at you with the most sleepy eyes you've ever seen and for a split second you feel bad for waking him up but you quickly shake the thought when you decide to continue on with the snacks. After he realizes that you aren't going to treat him like the huge toddler he is he whines something that sounds like a muffled version of your name into the crook of your neck qnd when you don't respond he walks away to what you thought was your shared bedroom upstairs but oh how wrong you were.
"Okay, Wheeze, I've got some Goldfish, Swedish Fish, little fishing rods I made with pretzels and some sea creature fruit snacks...Rafe, I thought you went back upstairs." You say severely confused as to why your 6"2 boyfriend is splayed across the couch that you and his sister were previously chilling on watching a movie.
He looks up at you with sleepy eyes and your heart melted "not without you baby." he whined with the cutest little pout you have found nobody else could get out of him.
"Come on, Rafey. Time to go upstairs. I'll br back, Wheeze." You say helping Rafe stand up to the best of his current abilities. As soon an you get to your bedroom he falls into a deep slumber or so you thought when you went downstairs.
You thinking Rafe is asleep you sit back down with Wheezie and continue watching the movie that at this point you have missed half of so far because of Rafe wanting cuddles which you cannot give him you suddenly feel breathing on the back of your neck followed by "I'm so hard right now, babe." Whispered in your ear praying to God the Wheezie didn't hear.
"Rafe, please stop scaring me."
"Sorry, babe, you just look so good today" He says with an evil smile you're sure he had to muster up from the depths of his soul because not even ten minutes ago he was falling asleep on your shoulder.
"Hey, Wheeze, I'll be back in just a sec-" you try to say as you get cut off by Rafe pulling you to the other room. "Rafe! What are you doing?" You say rushed so he can't cut you off.
"Sorry, Love, I just wanted to say hi." He says with that signature Rafe smirk.
"You could have just said 'Hi, Babe.' Instead of saying what ever THAT was infront of your 13 year old sister. Don't you think?" You say obviously pissed at him for saying something like that infront of Wheezie.
"M'Sorry Love. Can I kiss you now?" He says with a sincere look that you're not sure you should believe because you know him like REALLY WELL.
"Fine. But only one." You say in a joking tone, one that you both know is fake.
"Okay, baby, whatever you say." He says closing the gap between the two of you not wanting you two to ever leave this moment. At the same time you hear a faint "Ewww, Get a room you two!" Behind you which you could only guess was Wheezie because Ward was at his office, Rose was out somewhere doing Lord knows what with the other Figure Eight Moms and Sarah was with the pogues so it kind of had to be her.
"Sorry, Love, I didn't want her to walk in." He said after pulling away just a bit.
You knew he was telling the truth and gave him a quick peck not knowing when Wheezie would give you two alone time.
"It's okay Rafey, I still love you." You mumble quickly trying to escape him knowing he would never actually let you go without him into the other room.
He looks at you with the cutest serious face he could muster up from the deepest part of his heart. "You better, because if you didn't that would have been a waste of time for both of us." He says somehow annoyingly deadpan.
You just roll your eyes at him because you just want to finish the movie with your boyfriend and his sister because at this point he won't leave you alone.
A/n #2: English IS my first language but I suck at it so I hope you understand also absolutely love this story and if you want more just lmk bc I always want more stuff to do.
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AITA for telling my mixed race cousin the truth about her racial background?
This happened a few months back but continues to divide our family to this day, and I have my own regrets about it, so I thought it would be good to get some outside perspective.
My little cousin (we'll call her May) was privately adopted by my aunt 17 years ago. Her biological mom already had 4 kids at home, 2 of them special needs, and she was an unplanned pregnancy. But she was also deeply religious and against abortion, so she went to her (southern baptist) church for help. My aunt was a member of that church and was having trouble conceiving, so she offered to adopt the woman's baby and she agreed.
I know all this for a fact because my aunt asked my mom to come with her as emotional support when she met with the bio mom and dad at their home to talk more about the details. I was dragged along (8 years old at the time) and saw the bio parents myself. The mom was white, and the dad was black. I sat and listened to them talk about boring adult stuff and heard both the man and woman refer to May as "their baby". Then I got bored and went in the other room to play with their kids on the xbox.
Fast forward 17 years later to the present day and May has done pretty well in life. She's a straight A student with a 4.0 and wants to be a physicist. She knows she's adopted and knows she's mixed race (would be pretty hard to hide, since both her parents are whiter than mayo and she's obviously not). I never said anything about her being half black, because I assumed she knew. I found out she does not when she was talking about looking into scholarships and says maybe she can get a scholarship for Indigenous peoples. I laugh because I assume she's joking.
May looks at me and asks why that's so funny, and I say because she's not Native American. She looks truly pissed now and like she's geared up for a fight against a racist and says yes, she is. I look at her parents for backup but they won't look me in the eye. "May, I met your parents. You're half black," I told her. She calls me a liar and says that's stupid, because her parents got her through an adoption agency and she knows she's half Native American.
Now I'll tell you, I know my aunt and uncle made jokes about how she "looks like an Indian" when she was a baby. I know they dressed her up in racist "Indian" outfits every Halloween (first I wasn't old enough to know it was racist, then I thought it's not worth the argument bringing it up). I know her cringey online persona when she was 12/13 was called "PocahontasGirl", and her online "aesthetic" has always been nature and romanticized, spiritual Native American stuff. And again, I never said anything because it wasn't worth the argument, and I figured she would grow out of it when she was less immature. I had genuinely know idea it's because her parents have been lying to her.
I tried to convince her I wasn't lying, I tried to get my aunt and uncle to back me up, but May is a terror when she's mad and she was screaming and crying at me for being racist and calling her parents liars so I just left. She's blocked me everywhere since then, and my aunt called my mom to rant about me filling her daughter's head with lies and trying to break up their happy family. My mom said I should have just left it alone, I said May deserves to know who she really is, and how can my mom condone lying to her when we both know the truth? My mom said just to drop it, it isn't any of our business. That she didn't like the fact that my aunt lied either, but bringing it up now was an asshole move because it would divide the family no matter what. Either May would believe me and hate her parents, or believe her parents and hate me.
In my heart I feel like it's wrong on so many levels to adopt a mixed race child then lie about their heritage, and I think my aunt and uncle are just plain racist. But I can't blame May for not believing me and believing the people who raised her. And I truly do miss her, having known her all her life. AITA?
What are these acronyms?
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yourlocalnetizen · 6 months
Book!Viserys wasn't a good father to the greens either.
Ok, I do admit he was better than show!Viserys. At least book!Viserys didn't go as far as to say Rhaenyra was his "only child"
Book!Viserys calls Aegon "Alicent's blood" when she suggests betrothing Aegon & Rhaenyra.
I'm not sure in what world saying that about your own child makes you a good father.
Unlike in the show, I don't think he would have even given betrothing Helaena to Jace a consideration because he doesn't think his children with Alicent are even good enough to be consorts.
He was upset Alicent wanted her own blood on the throne, and he betrothed Aegon & Helaena himself and made them marry at 15 & 13. (What a loving father! At least he cares about them enough to make 1 horrible decision regarding their lives right?)
Now let's get to his biggest offence. Aemond's eye.
Am I faulting him for loving Rhaenyra & Luke? No.
Was he as asshole for scolding Aemond over rumors instead of being worried for his well being? Yes.
The very least he could have done is make Luke apologize since he did disable Aemond for life, but NO, he has to make Aemond feel ever worse.
I know book!Aemond was a bully and an asshat ok (and what he does to Luke later isn't justified), but let's not pretend that he wasn't a victim in this particular situation.
"But he was a good father to Helaena! He loved her and her kids."
Wow, amazing how he got along well with the daughter who listened to his every whim and never once complained to him or demanded he listen to her desires.
He was also such an amazing father to her he let her get knocked up at 13 or 14 by her 15 year old brother who he forced her to marry when Rhaenyra didn't have to marry until she was 17. Truly father of the decade!
(Obviously the Rhaenyra thing is not great either but it's very different from being a literal middle schooler.)
Oh, and I'm definitely sure he definitely would have supported Helaena if she ever had bastards that were so obviously not Aegon's.
And wow, how amazing is it that he didn't neglect his teen daughter's children.
Truly something we should be praising him for, but let's remember if Luke ever cut out any of Helaena's children's eyes, you can sure bet beloved girldad Viserys would be on her side.
(Oh, and nothing is mentioned about his relationship with Daeron ever apart from the fact he wanted him to be besties with Jace. Not unlikely he may have forgotten he had a 5th child just like show!Viserys.)
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thalialunacy · 1 month
[for the @calaisreno May Prompt-athalon]
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) 8: hobby (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)
The Baker Street stairwell smells like Angelo's, which is not strange in and of itself, but had definitely not been part of the plan for tonight. Or this week. Or possibly several years until Rosie is old enough to eat marinara without decorating everyone in a ten foot radius.
'There's no red sauce involved,' Sherlock calls as John crests the seventeenth step.
He stops in the doorway, dripping rain onto the wood floor, to stare a little. Sherlock, Rosie, and what looks like every bowl in their possession are spread out on the rug, sat on an ancient quilt John for sure thought he'd chucked out a few months ago. Some of the bowls have food in them. Some do not. The latter are arranged in front of Rosie, which, John realises, meant Sherlock had actually taken cleanup into consideration.
They've come a long way from harpoons & pig's blood, he thinks, a tired smile quirking up his lips.
'Floor picnic?' he ventures, hanging up his damp coat and moving towards them. He leans down, grins, and shakes his head like a dog. Rosie squeals as droplets hit her, delighted, and he straightens, pleased with himself.
Then his gaze moves to Sherlock, who is trying to look above it all but failing. 'Obviously,' the detective says, then he picks up one of the bowls. 'Mozzarella, Rosamund?'
That's a lot of syllables, but she tries, gets out something that sounds passably like 'rella' while stuffing the round piece into her mouth whole.
'Caprese, John?'
John gives a fleeting thought to changing out of his damp work clothes, but it's very much only fleeting. In concession, he toes off his alarmingly practical trainers (that make him feel about a hundred years old but don't leave his knees in pain at the end of a clinic day), then folds down onto the quilt with relief. 'Yes, please.'
He holds his hand out, expecting a fork, but Sherlock's eyes twinkle as he just drops the food into John's palm - cool white cheese, a dewy tomato slice, two beautiful leaves of basil. 'Sherlock, what--'
'Hence the quilt,' Sherlock says as he spoons a little balsamic reduction over the top. 'Now, eat.'
'And you?'
Sherlock rolls his eyes, but does as requested, and as the flavours burst across John's tongue he watches Sherlock's eyes close in enjoyment and thinks, Yes. This is what I want.
'Sherlock,' he starts after taking his last bite. 'What would you say to--'
'Yoo-hoo, Sherlock! Delivery!'
'Excellent!' Sherlock leaps up from the floor (something he can still do easily, damn him), leaving John to corral an exploring toddler. Yes, there is the quilt as a catch-all, but John isn't keen to throw away any food from Angelo's if he can at all help it. Nostalgia aside, it's the best in the city.
Sherlock bursts back into the sitting room with a rather large parcel in his arms. John looks from it to Rosie, then accepts his due. 'I'll just clean up, then, shall I?'
'Leave it,' Sherlock orders. 'There's plenty of room.'
John has his doubts, but scoops up Rosie anyway and meets Sherlock just inside the door, where he's set down the hefty box.
Sherlock has already got his keys in hand, and plunges the sharp end of one across the seam of packing tape with alacrity. 'Let's hope they got it right,' he's saying, mostly to himself, as he pulls open the flaps. 'Yes! Rosamund, look!' he exclaims as he lifts out the contents.
It's a rocking horse. It's simple enough, but when John looks more closely he can see the solid craftsmanship and intricate carvings.
'Sherlock, what--'
'It's a rocking horse, John,' Sherlock sniffs as he sets it on the ground. He indicates for John to put Rosie down, so he does. They watch her waddle the two steps, then brace herself on the toy. She squeaks when it rocks gently under her weight, and John once again wonders how such a tiny human can move him to such strong emotions simply by being alive.
'It's gorgeous, Sherlock. Where--?'
'It's a replica of the one I had as a child. It was lost in the--' He clears his throat. 'I remember it fondly, and my parents were more than happy to find the maker and acquire another.'
John blinks. 'You had your parents--'
'Find the maker, yes, it's not that difficult to understand. Though it's not an exact replica, of course, because it's now the man's granddaughter making them, and--'
'Sherlock,' he says to the man currently showing his daughter how to sit properly on the toy, placing her deliciously chubby hands on the horse's ears and covering them with his own. 'I don't understand.'
'Hardly a surprise,' Sherlock replies, carefully showing Rosie how the rocking movement of the horse works. 'Which part of this is confusing, the construction or the usage?'
'F-- Sod off, okay, you know that's not what I mean. You know what I'm asking is why the he--ck you haven't-- You know. You clearly want this family--' He has to swallow back his heart, which is trying to throw itself off a cliff. 'But you haven't kissed me back.'
Sherlock stills, for just a second, but long enough for Rosie to look up at him with an expression full of objections. And long enough for the bottom to drop out of John's stomach.
'As you're the one with a dearth of experience with men, I assumed it should be up to you to take the leap, as it were,' Sherlock finally replies, like it's the most logical thing in the world.
Which it might be, but-- 'Alright, yeah,' John argues, 'but I did take the leap, if you'll remember.'
Sherlock makes a dismissive noise. He seems determined to remain focused on Rosie. 'Once, in a stressful situation where emotions were riding high and you were grateful I'd kept your daughter from injury.'
John takes a deep breath. 'Right. So. In order for you to reciprocate, it'll have to be, what? A boring Tuesday afternoon when everything is fine?'
Sherlock considers. He actually considers. John feels emotion roiling up and is glad when it comes out as a bark of a laugh. 'You're impossible.'
'So I've been told,' Sherlock replies, and his voice is not completely free of bitterness. When he continues, his voice is thin, stubborn but wiry. 'And it's not that I don't reciprocate, John. It's that I do, and it's enough to render anything less than your full participation an unacceptable outcome.'
Oh, sod-- Fuck it, John thinks, and then he makes himself stop thinking. He folds down to re-join them on the floor, puts a steadying hand on his daughter's back just in case, then uses the other hand to pull Sherlock in until their faces are close enough to smell the risotto.
'Get over yourself,' he says, quiet and firm. 'This is happening.'
And then he closes the distance between them.
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br1ghtestlight · 5 months
i HATE when people act like zeke is always 100% kind and supportive to tina and he's never said or done anything rude to her before bcuz HE HAS. and honestly that makes their dynamic better. if their relationship was zeke always being kind and supportive to tina and her always being cruel and disinterested to him it would feel kinda sad and uncomfortable?? i dont think zeke has any negative feelings toward tina or that he ever did but he definitely is able to hit back when necessary and there's been plenty of times when he sat back and watched other people bully or insult tina (which isn't great but yknow they're 13 years old they're gonna be immature and uncertain about their morals and relationships)
also their banter is just funny!!! let them be kinda mean to each other lol its like one of my favorite parts of their dynamic. they should be allowed to make jokes and feel comfortable around each other. they're both flawed people who have done bad things in their relationship and to each other but they're learning & growing :)
especially when its used in comparison to her relationship w/ jimmy jr because the only reason zeke has never been an asshole to tina romantically or hasn't broken her heart is because they've never BEEN together romantically. at most zeke has a one-sided crush on tina but tina isn't gonna get her heart broken by someone she doesn't see in a romantic light obviously. she just holds so much weight in everything that jimmy jr does/says to her right now
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1indigoisles · 6 months
Can we just step back and take a moment to appreciate the fact that we now have the smallest, tiniest, most insignificant inkling of an idea as to what might happen in TWP?
And that after New Year we will have more small, tiny, insignificant inklings as to what we might get to see?
CC has us all in web woven by her novel universe. I love her.
But gratitude and all aside, it's TWP CrAckPOt ThEorY TImE (by yours truly)!!
I have some pretty random theories and headcanons that I will be randomly spouting around now and for the next couple of days.
Theory #1: Kit gets gold wings.
Hear me out, why not? He's not just any old part faerie, he's the descendant of the First Heir! Also, Clary had a dream in CoLS of two people standing together beside a lake, one with white hair and black wings and the other with gold hair and gold wings. At the time, it was assumed that those two people were Sebastian and Jace, but the pieces are falling together! ASH HAS WHITE HAIR AND BLACK WINGS, can you not tell how excited I am?
Theory #2: The disappearance that Kit and Ty have to investigate is Livvy's.
I mean, does anyone reading this post have other ideas? It would make sense, since Dru would be sucked into Faerie danger, and even if she wasn't, she couldn't really help Ty because she can't even see Livvy. And if we assume that Dru is in Faerie, Kit is literally the only one Ty could go to, since nobody else knows (except for Magnus and Ragnor, who I think would either be too busy or simply refuse to help, thinking that if Livvy had finally truly died, then it would be lucky that the world got off without having to pay for it). Ty would, obviously, try to find Livvy on his own, but the thought that only Kit could help him would be nagging at him the entire time. So either he finally plucks up the courage to ask Kit, or they just bump into each other on their own. Either way, they team up together, very begrudgingly on Kit's part, because he'll be all ice and "I hate you" on Ty. Then, Kit's faerie magic spurts out again in a moment of danger, or in a fight scene where they're outnumbered, and Ty, aside being amazed, interrogates Kit heavily, and when Kit is finally worn off, he tells Ty angrily about his heritage and how if Faerie knew of it, the entire lands would be after him. And even though the thought gives me immense pain, I think that eventually, it's how Jessa dies, and Kit blames himself for it, and added to how he has to take care of Mina and live for her, he absolutely refuses to help Ty any longer. But then, when danger strikes again, his faerie magic comes out in full, Kit gets himself severely injured. And THIS happens:
"Well, it's a bit ironic, isn't it?"
"What do you mean?"
"All that effort to convince you I wasn't in love with you, and here I am, dying in your arms."
[Teaser #6] Link below.
I just realised I gave an entire rant about it, I'll stop now.
Theory #3: What can transpire between Dru, Jaime and Ash.
And I don't mean this just romantically. Dru getting involved in Faerie finally connects the dots, since Ash literally lives there, and Jaime disappeared there. Their storylines probably merge somewhere around TLKoF and they have their own adventures. Also, headcanon; you know how in TDA, Jaime was all distant when he found out that Dru was 13 and not 16, like he'd thought? And how he literally left, like, the next day? So, what I'm thinking is that he was already beginning to crush on Dru, and he was disappointed, not because she hid her age, but because they wouldn't be possible. Okay, okay, I know Jaime said that Dru was like his sister, but that if you go to that scene, you'll find he's speaking after a moment of being silent, perhaps drinking in the situation. I think he says that because he's trying to convince himself that whatever he likes about Dru is just friendly, and nothing more. Now, I know that people don't have the kindest opinions about DruxJaime, because Dru was just a child when they met, but if you really think about it, 13's really not that young, and Dru was really mature for her age. And this 3-year gap is nothing compared to what Lucie and Jesse had going on. Girl meets a 17-year-old-looking boy when she was 6 years old. Can you believe the age gap that I'm too lazy to calculate? So yes, DruxJaime is plausible, it can and will happen, although Dru will obviously end up with Ash. And if CC pulls an open end to Jaime's character like she did to Matthew, I will literally cry. I really dislike open ends, because it fills me with so many questions! I hate not knowing what happens next! I really want Jaime to either end up with Anush or go poly with Thais, which I know is just wishful thinking at this point. Any character will do, CC! Please and thank you!
Okay, I just read this entire thing over, and my self-critic says; this is not a post, this is me ranting. My writing is literally all over the place. I feel like I wrote too much. But I think I got it all out for now. This was fun.
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clouds-of-wings · 4 months
Ugh, Missy has to "take over" and "step up" and "play the mommy role" and everyone's acting like it's cute when she's actually getting parentified to hell and back. I already wrote last season about how Missy bears the brunt of all the dysfunction in the family, but now it's reaching an entirely different level. Why does a 13 year old have to play the mommy? Dad can't do it? Grandma can't do it? Even Mandy, who's 30, can't do it? No, the youngest non-baby in the house has to shoulder all the responsibility so everyone else can keep being immature and childish. And don't tell me they're all just broken up about the tornado. First of all, Missy is probably just as stressed by it as everyone else except for Connie, and secondly - they knew well in advance Mary was going away. Did they not make plans for who was going to do the work of the woman who single-handedly kept the house tidy, kept everyone fed, decided all disputes and made everyone do their chores?
I'm (obviously) not saying she should not be expected to help out in the household and pick up some of her mother's chores (as should everyone else), but the way she has to basically do everything, coordinate everything and force everyone else to help her isn't good. Also, the whole thing would be a lot less bad if all the emotional tension in the family weren't an element in the plot. A teen girl doing more in the household than normal for a few months isn't that bad. A teen girl who already keeps apologizing for having emotions, who is already struggling with the family situation, having to coordinate the household of the people who refuse to give her any care is bad. At the very least they should have distributed the tasks in advance, when Mary was still there.
The thing is, just like Missy's arc last season, this is a very realistic way for things to progress in a family that's falling apart - all the emotional and organizational burden is being shouldered by the only daughter. Mary is well-established as caring mostly about Sheldon, George is well-established as the stereotypical sitcom dad who has a good heart when it's easy but tries to get out of household work whenever he can, to have as few responsibilities as possible, only being forced to cosplay an adult by his boss and his wife. Missy, as I said in my other post, is established to be perceptive, sensitive and socially attuned and it makes total sense that she would slip naturally into the mommy role when no one else picks up the slack. What bothers me is how this is portrayed as cute or natural. Missy is 13 and has enough problems already. Life forcing her to take care of people who don't seem to give a shit about her - and just to point this out once more, everyone except for the baby is WAY older than she is - will make things even worse for her.
Narrator Sheldon said last season that Missy kept sneaking out at night that summer despite promising not to, that she secretly got a piercing - her life is very taxing for her, no one shows her any care or understanding and having to take over all household duties on top of that is breaking her emotional back.
Really, I will link the parentification thing once more just so that maybe 1% instead of 0.5% of people click it.
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chiharuhashibira · 4 months
Hellooooo! So apparently, I've been out for too long again XD
But here we are now with our Chapter 13. The end is almost near! Will make this a bit long so that you can enjoy... I hope!
So of course, tagging my precious readers~
Taglist: @unofficialmuilover @ahashiraswife @skeleton-the-gangser @crazycatlddy @obsessily-tm @sofilsword @virtualcolorland
𝑩𝒂𝒄𝒌 𝒕𝒐 𝒀𝒐𝒖
𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚇𝙸𝙸𝙸
𝐓𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐦𝐢 𝐗 𝐓𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐫!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 (𝐌𝐨𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐧 𝐀𝐔)
<𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 | 𝐍𝐞𝐱𝐭 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫>
TRIGGER WARNING! BLOOD and Violence in this chapter.
Content Warnings: Curse words, Emotional Trauma, Panic, Violence
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(Image isn’t mine. Credits to the rightful owner)
“I’ll talk to Hotaru. I believe I can convince him.”
Sanemi and Tomioka said it in unison, but that didn’t change your mind.
“I’m not pulling anyone of you into this mess. I’m going to fix this, and it’s final.”
"L/N-san... You must be kidding, right?"
"No, Iguro-san."
You stood in front of the three men, determined to end the conflict with Hotaru. But then, of course, two of those two men won't let this happen.
"But I think it's my fault, Y/N. I met with Hotaru before to tell him to leave you alone. Iguro-san saw us, and he also became involved because Sanemi is his friend. Perhaps this is why Hotaru is so pissed off."
You can't deny the shock on your face as Giyu confessed what happened a few nights ago. Sanemi held your hand, but with all your best, you avoided eye contact with him. On the other hand, Giyu tried to convince you once again, but that made you snap.
"All my life, you've been protecting me, Tomioka-san. Let me do something for myself this time. Let me fix this mess. I don't want you or Sanemi to get in trouble for my problem."
"But you're being irrational right now, Y/N!" Sanemi said in an annoyed tone as he held you by your shoulders. You could see the veins popping out of his forehead as he glared at you. Despite the knowledge that he is not angry with you, that caused your heart to race.
"But this is also a consequence of me punching him! And besides, this is not just your problem. I don't care if I lose my licence from this, but—"
"But I care, Sanemi... I care about you and Tomioka a lot. I don't want more bad things to happen. Let me fix this mess. Please trust me this time."
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"I never expected you'd want to meet up with me—"
"What do you really want, Hotaru?"
You stood in front of the man you hated the most, unbothered by the smirk on his lips. Hotaru lifted his hand to touch your cheek, but you immediately swatted his hand. You know that you are in his territory, but that isn't an excuse to touch you.
After telling the three men that you'd talk to Hotaru, you found yourself paying a visit to his old flat. And yes, fortunately, he is there at the moment.
Sanemi, Giyu, and Obanai accompanied you, of course. As they waited anxiously outside the flat, Sanemi couldn't help but feel guilty. Obanai noticed it and spoke up nonchalantly.
"Can I just say that I'm not ready to see you in this state, Sanemi?"
"Just fucking shut up. This is all my fault, Obanai."
Sanemi wanted to just follow you inside, but Giyu did his best to remind him to trust you. The ravenette knows that even if the three of them try to stop you, they won't be able to do so. So all they can do right now is wait and be prepared to support you in case anything happens.
Back to you inside the flat, you glared at Hotaru, cursing him with every inch of your soul. If looks could kill, perhaps you would've murdered the man at this moment. But still, Hotaru seems to be unbothered.
The man, obviously larger than you, towered over you as he scooted close. "Don't you miss being with me, Y/N?" He asked in a sad tone that made you feel shivers run up your spine.
If there's anything that you were missing before, it's your innocence that he stole from you.
"I will never miss the way you abused me."
Those words caught Hotaru off-guard. He stopped on his tracks and looked up at the ceiling, as if waiting for something to just appear there.
You can clearly remember this gesture. The mere thought of your ex doing this when he was in a foul mood caused your knees to weaken. But you fought that anxiety and spoke up.
"Can we just settle all this once and for all? What do you want to happen? What do you want me to do just for you to leave us alone?"
"I'm dying, Y/N. Stage three cancer. I only have a month left."
His words left you flabbergasted. Yes, you wanted to get rid of Hotaru and even thought of violence, but you never meant all of that. You don't want him to be gone because of death. You're not that bad.
Gulping, you looked down and sighed deeply. Trying your best not to get vulnerable with him, you just repeated your question. "What do you want me to do just for you to leave us alone?"
"Be with me again."
"You know I won't do that. I love Sanemi."
"You're really heartless now, aren't you, Y/N?"
"It's you who are heartless, Hotaru. You dying isn't an excuse to ruin my life again. This is not an excuse to threaten the people I love."
Hotaru sighed and cupped your face. His motions made you uncomfortable, but you just froze there.
"I would have distributed that video if my intention was to completely destroy your boyfriend's life, correct? But I didn't. I just sent it to your friend."
"But why?"
"I think I don't really care that much about that white-haired idiot. I just want you. And look, I think that worked because you are here now."
His words send shivers down your body. His hold on your face suddenly tightened, making you tear up. You tried to hit him, but Hotaru just easily captured your hand and squeazed it too.
"They're outside..." You tried to threaten, but then Hotaru didn't care at all. He slammed you against the wall and started kissing you. You wanted to shout, but his hands are now covering your mouth, muffling your voice.
"I'm dying, Y/N. And if I can't have you in this life, I'll make sure no one will have you."
You tried to struggle, but Hotaru punched you in the stomach, which made you almost lose your senses. You fell down on the floor, almost breathless and feeling helpless. Hotaru crouched down and used his finger to trace a line on your jaw line.
"I've been watching you for weeks, Y/N. Everything resurfaced in my mind the moment I spotted you exiting that restaurant with that foul-mouthed, scarred boy the night before. You almost saw me back then, but you were so preoccupied looking at him. Do you remember?"
"What the fuck, Hotaru?"
You hugged yourself as you tried to stand up again, but then, with his words, a faint memory came back to you. So he was there? He was... that guy?
You groaned loudly, making some people look at the both of you. Realising that you both were in public, Sanemi raised an eyebrow at some bystanders and spoke with a cold tone.
“What’s the matter with you? Enjoying the show? Go fuck off.”
No one would ever think that this foul-mouthed man is a teacher with how he acts sometimes. You shot him a glance, mortified at what he had done, but it didn’t seem to phase him in the slightest.
End of flashback
"Angel, believe me... I tried to forget you, but I can't. I am dying, but fate has brought you back to me. And thankfully, all my plans worked. Remember the time when you almost got hit by a car?"
You seethed with anger as you tried to throw a vase at Hotaru. And yet, like he always does, he catches it easily. He approached you and forcibly pulled you by the hair, causing you to sob in agony. "Don't be too feisty, angel... You haven't heard the whole story."
"Fuck you!"
"I definitely will. As soon as we get out of this place."
Disgusted, you just wished for Sanemi, Tomioka, or even Iguro to just pop out of nowhere to save you. But unfortunately, the three men were still oblivious to what was happening at the moment.
Hotaru pulled your hair harder and spoke up once again. "It's my colleague who almost hit you. Oh well, I actually planned it. I paid them to do that. And here we are now, my angel. I've missed you so much."
You're now sure that Hotaru isn't just dying. He's also out of his mind.
"Hotaru... you're insane."
"Perhaps, but that doesn't mean that I'm losing you over someone inferior to me."
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"It's almost 30 minutes, Tomioka. I have a bad feeling." Sanemi told Giyu, who is now feeling more anxious than earlier. Obanai stopped playing games on his phone and looked at the two men, who seemed to have just encountered something traumatic.
"I think we should check on her. I think I heard a thud earlier. I'm worried." Giyu finally expressed his worry, causing Sanemi's eyes to light up.
"Check on her. I'll wait for the both of you here. I'll get ready in case you'll need me."
Sanemi patted Obanai's shoulder, and both he and Tomioka finally went out to the flat. Hearts racing, both the men you loved the most are now heading towards you.
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"Please let go of me!"
You finally managed to get your strength back and push Hotaru. Fortunately, you got the chance to get one of the katanas that was hanging in his living room as a decoration. In a desperate move, you sheathed the sword and pointed it at him.
"Touch me again, and I'll fucking kill you, Hotaru!"
"Kill me? You can't even wield that sword we—"
Before he could even finish his words, you managed to slash his face. That made Hotaru shout and finally charge you with all his might.
Outside, the man's voice echoed, which made Sanemi's eyes widen. Before Tomioka could even react, the silver-haired man sprinted towards Hotaru's flat. Thankfully, you told them the details earlier, so he was able to locate it easily.
Without any thought, Sanemi kicked the door open, and there he saw you pinned to the wall, trying to snatch back the katana from Hotaru's bleeding hand.
Seeing your boyfriend, tears run down your face. You never wanted any of this to happen, but your problem seems to haunt you again, worse than ever. You just wanted to end this, but then you felt weak as Hotaru's hand tightened on your neck.
"Fucker! Let go of her!"
Sanemi charged towards Hotaru. He was able to dissuade the man from approaching you by tackling him, and he is undeniably considerably stronger than your ex. Sanemi's fist landed on Hotaru's face tonnes of times, but that didn't knock the man out of consciousness.
Tomioka managed to reach the room, and yet before he could throw a punch at Hotaru as well, he managed to see you crouching at the corner, in pain, as you helplessly watched your boyfriend beat up your psycho ex.
"Call the cops." You told Tomioka as he helped you stand up.
"I will call them after I stop Shinazugawa-san from killing Hotaru!" Tomioka rushed in to see the seething man, pulling him away from the older man, who was bleeding everywhere.
"Shinazugawa-san! That's enough!"
"FUCK YOU, OLD MAN!" Before Giyu could finally pull the math teacher away, Sanemi still managed to land one final punch on Hotaru's face.
Panting, Sanemi ran towards you and embraced you tightly. He felt like the world stopped, in a bad way, as he saw how hurt you were. "I'm sorry, baby... I shouldn't have let you go here alone." He said this, cupping your cheek as tears streamed down his face.
You kissed Sanemi slowly, embracing him back and wishing he would calm down. You never intended to worry him this much; much more, let him dirty his hands for you. "I love you..." You whispered as you buried your face on his chest.
With a faint relief painted on his face, Giyu looked at both of you as you finally had the chance to look up. But then, just as you thought the chaos had finally ended, you saw a glimpse of Hotaru standing just behind Tomioka with a knife in his hand.
With that, adrenaline filled you, and there, you pushed Sanemi out of the way. That is also just in time to save the life of the man whom you treated as your real brother and best friend.
A tinge of pain crept into your senses as you were now eye-to-eye with Tomioka, whose eyes widened in shock. Slowly, you held on to his shoulders as your knees weakened and the pain in your back became worse.
"Y/N! No! I never meant to..."
Hotaru's voice echoed in the background, but that isn't important anymore. "Tomioka-san... Thank you for trusting me this time. I love you. Tell Sanemi, I... love... him... too... so much..."
And after telling him those words, the world darkened.
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It seems like his life flashed in front of him as Sanemi watched you rush towards the aid of Tomioka. He felt all his strength drain from his body as he witnessed Hotaru stabbing you.
He ran towards you but then kicked the helpless murderer aside. "I'll make sure you'll rot in jail!" Sanemi screamed as his tears streamed down his cheek. He turned to look in your direction, and there he saw Tomioka holding your unconscious body.
He can clearly sense the shock in the ravenette's state, but that doesn't stop him from checking your pulse and carrying you. "She's still alive, Tomioka. Let's fucking get her to the hospital!"
"What the fuck happened here? I'll call the ambulance and the police!"
Obanai's voice echoed in the flat, and there he rushed in to dial the authorities. Tomioka, on the other hand, managed to finally stand up. "I'll make sure you'll never get out of this, Hotaru. I swear. If Y/N dies, I'll kill you."
He said that and finally helped Sanemi carry you towards the couch.
Hotaru sat on a corner, having a nervous breakdown as he realised what he just did. He stabbed the love of his life. If you die, it'll be the end of everything for him.
Just before Hotaru can make a move could say a word, the EMTs came onto the scene, and the police also managed to get ahold of Hotaru.
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"Sanemi, I..."
"Don't say anything, Tomioka. It's not your fault."
"Don't fucking say anything like that! Because if you do, you'll just prove to me that Y/N's sacrifice is nonsense. And I might end up hurting you here. Right here, right now."
After hearing that, Tomioka decided to just leave the man alone for a while.
Sanemi, on the other hand, felt like he was in an endless loop of nightmares. He never expected to see you once again in this state, unconscious at the hospital. All he can feel right now is that everything seems to be slipping away from him. He doesn't ever want to lose you.
Hearing the endless beeping of the heart monitor, he can't help but count the seconds that have passed since he's been alone here with you. Burying his head on your palm, he let his tears fall once again as a sob escaped his lips.
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"Please don't leave me, Y/N. I can't live without you. Please come back to me."
𝑻𝒐 𝒃𝒆 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒖𝒆𝒅…
𝓢𝓸 𝓼𝓸𝓻𝓻𝔂 𝓽𝓸 𝓮𝓷𝓭 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓬𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓼 𝔀𝓪𝔂!
But what will happen now to the love story of Y/N and Sanemi?
Let's all find out on the next chapter of Back to You!
Thank you so much for your patience and never ending support on this series!
Will keep you updated, I promise~
For a while, feel free to reblog, comment, and request anything! Thank you!
<𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 | 𝐍𝐞𝐱𝐭 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫>
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A Corduroy Tragedy
So...I was reading a tumblr post focused on Wendy (and the Wendip ship, which...I still don't care for, honestly. I mostly read it for the Wendy lore) and I came across something interesting.
And its from the Lost Legends comic. Like Journal 3, it too has hidden messages and I wanted to get mine so I can verify what was said in the post.
I don't have it immediately available at the moment (I left it in my mom's room and she's asleep, so I don't want to disturb her), but according to the post, the message had something to do with Wendy's mother.
And it's that she isn't die at some point, like many of us probably assumed (under the assumption that not everyone is privy to this).
The message hinted that she's trapped in another dimension. Sort of like Ford, but not really. Like, I don't think she's dimension hopping. She's trapped in one place. Perhaps this could give the idea that there are random portals/rifts than can appear and disappear.
And Wendy's mother accidentally encountered one and vanished without a trace. As for when...hard to say. Obviously, it was some time after the birth of Wendy's youngest brother, Gus.
We also don't know the ages of the Corduroy bros (except for being less than 15, since Wendy's the oldest child) and Marcus having facial hair surprisingly wouldn't help in this case because it could be a Corduroy thing, sort like how Wendy's height is a Corduroy trait.
Still, I'll take the facial hair for consideration just to make things easy. Of course, facial hair starts appearing during puberty, usually at the age of 13~16 (though some sources say 11~15 for facial hair growing at the corners).
So, I'd make the guessimate that Marcus (the oldest brother) is probably either 14 or 13 years old. The middle brother, Kevin, I'd say could be 3 years younger (11 or 10), and the youngest brother, Gus, is maybe 8.
I personally headcanon that Wendy lost her mother at around the same age as Dipper and Mabel. That headcanon remains true even with this new knowledge. Maybe Mrs. Corduroy went looking for something or went for a walk in the woods and fell through a random rift.
She gets reported missing and despite an extensive search, she was never found. It made no sense to the locals. Mrs. Corduroy knew the woods like the back of her hand, she couldn't've gotten lost. I can kinda see this as a reference to 411 cases.
And, perhaps, an incredible role model to Wendy.
Because...with a family like the Corduroys, I highly doubt that Mama Corduroy was a pansy. No, she was a down-to-earth and strong-willed woman with a sharp wit. She was an inspiration.
And now, she is gone. Vanished without a trace. It left the family devastated and Wendy in a bad headspace. There is a scene with Manly Dan's vehicle where there is a yellow ribbon sticker attached to the back...yeah.
To this day, Wendy still holds out hope that her mom will come back. And when she does, ask why. Even so, she knows that she's gonna have to move on.
This is...somehow more tragic than just having Mrs. Corduroy die in an accident. Because, at least with that, there is confirmation. There is a body. There isn't uncertainty. But, the idea that Mrs. Corduroy just...vanished?
It has a special type of hold...one that will linger for a long time.
Whelp, more angst fodder! Have at it!
...It's 11 pm and I should be asleep, but instead, I wrote this!
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I am suffering a bit and I am taking y'all down with me.
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