#now bad knee is again a problem....augh.
chaotictomtom · 10 months
bad knee :( why are you like this
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autism-corner · 6 months
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dualitysdownfall · 1 year
medical oversharing in form of sentence fragments below cut
knees prone to hurting after i walk more than usual ("usual" in this case being a very low threshold) particularly in situations like school where im also carrying heavy stuff (not very specific i guess. began couple months ago, not immediately after start of semester which is interesting (what changed???) didnt do good job logging occurrences and circumstances.)
not normal right? what do about this. not bad enough to be debilitating but enough to notice -> enough to cause concern. can power through. semester just ended, no more school anyway. not expecting problem to occur during break. so like should i even worry about this rn?
why this happen though? would simply reducing weight load help? or just minimize walking altogether? not muscular pain. ...wait for problem to worsen? cant think of anything immediately implementable that would reliably assuage or prevent. at least not without knowing whats going on.
i know in my brain preventive care is just as important as addressing stuff thats already happening but. how. feels like making big deal out of something manageable. logically know any issue at all is deserving of attention and relief, indicator of Not Fully Able Bodied but not sure how to address while still certifiably Not That Bad, Actually /genuine (esp considering, like i said, probably not a concern now that semester is over) like idk what kinds of things would reduce/prevent on such small scale without feeling like overreacting. don't exactly want problem to get worse but if it did at least that would justify getting something for it
also not really sure of patterns, again, did bad job recording data. sometimes convinced "i did so much walking today, this is gonna hurt tomorrow" then it doesnt. not sure what exactly triggers it or when. i do know once when it happened, sitting down for an hour made it virtually go away, then i started kicking my legs as a stim and pain began to seep back. like "ooogh augh you're still making us move, why this".
idk theres probably more details but. brain gone
should have carefully logged everything pertinent, would make easier to detect patterns or lack thereof
sometimes pain when laying down going to sleep. very distracting. like what more do you want me to do im already laying down.
like pain in response to movement but on a delay.
at worst maybe a bit unsteady, not thrilled about getting up and moving but can.
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aureolusfirewrites · 3 years
Here we go again
This one finally has some brooken fluff dont worry though because I'm to angst filled to have to much fluff for to long before absolutely ruining everything
Veined in Black
Chapter 3
/October 31/
Rook waited outside the door to Ben's room. After he knocked the first time and got no response his mind immediately flickered to the idea that Ben might be sick or hurt or worse but the second time he had heard some rustling and a voice call out "Just a second!" 
When Ben finally stepped out he looked great. A lot better than he had yesterday which, to be fair, wouldn't take much. He was still pale and there were still bags under his eyes but he didn't seem like he was about to fall over sick any second. "Well you are looking much better" he commented.
"Hey Rook!" Ben said cheerfully. "You ready for the Halloween party tonight!" Rook chuckled at his partner's excitement. "Indeed I am though you have not told me what you will be going as" he didn't know why Ben refused to tell him unless it was for some sort of surprise. Ben had done that before, held off information to reveal it at the right time but Rook didn't understand the importance of hiding his costume. 
"Are you coming?" Ben called running down the hallway. Rook chased after him and caught up easily. Ben never had very much luck outrunning him he was simply to short to have a lead for to long. 
"Ben where are you going?" He asked quizzically. "Well I was thinking what if instead of Bellwood we patrol undertown today" Rook quirked his head, Ben liked undertown Rook understood that but he also remembered quite clearly that Ben had been avoiding it during halloween. There were so many criminals down in undertown and when undertown did halloween they did halloween hard. 
"Why may I asked would you want to tour undertown?" Ben smiled and shook his head. "Oh c'mon Rook it's halloween think of all the cool stuff that's gonna be down there! I bet the entire city is decked out!"
He ducked and backed up as the teenager frantically waved his arms around as he talked. Rook had noticed this pattern of body language very early on in their partnership and he knew that Ben didn't notice he did so, and didn't control it either. Most of the time this led to Ben accidentally smacking his hands into Rook but he had learned how to dodge. 
"Are you sure you want to risk going to undertown today? I know you don't like to talk about it but are you not concerned about having a potential... breakdown?"
Ben stopped and put his hand up to his chin. Rook wasn't sure what he was looking at. Normally at the mention of Ben's occasional mental instability he would get a glare or snarky comment or on a rare occasion just a gentle 'its fine' but now Ben looked confused. As if he wasn't even sure what Rook had meant. 
It started happening a few months ago, well longer than that but Rook had started noticing a few months ago. The uneven breaths Ben sometimes had to take, the jumping and flinching at contact in certain areas. Rook had easily guessed what might be going on with his overly heroic self-sacrificing partner, but it had been confirmed in the worst way possible. 
Zombozo had shown up again and Rook had noticed Ben was already panting at the sight of the clown. He couldn't imagine how bad it would get though.
After the fight Ben had fallen to his hands and knees staring at the ground panting gasping and shaking with his pupils no bigger than pinpricks. Rook bent over and put a hand on Ben's shoulder. Apprently that had been the wrong move. Ben whipped around faster than light and smacked Rook off of him. Then Ben was pushing himself backwards screaming at Rook saying "GET AWAY FROM ME" and "DON'T TOUCH ME!"  One look into Ben's eyes and Rook could tell he wasn't  really seeing him anymore. The thin pupils glancing around wildly as if there was a crowd surrounding him. 
Rook knew what it was, just never expected to see the Ben 10 having a panic attack.  Rook simply sat down on the ground and talked to Ben from a distance not making any move forward and just letting Ben hear his voice. 
Rook had no idea how he hadn't noticed any sooner. With how early Ben was thrown into this lifestyle and the constant threats against him Rook was surprised he hadn't developed any form of PTSD earlier. 
After a while Ben's breathing evened out and he was able to choke out Rook's name before he curled up and started bawling his eyes out. Rook had never seen his partner cry before but it seemed like this was long overdue as Ben buried his face into Rook's chest clinging to him like a lifeline. Ben had passed out after a while still hanging on to Rook who had taken him home and told Max about the incident. 
Since then Rook had just tried to understand the condition better and help keep his partner grounded.
Ben was mumbling and Rook could only hear half of it. "Breakdown- I didn't think he- that would explain-" 
"Don't worry Rook it won't be a problem I'm feeling good about today!" Ben said finally getting back on task. "If you say so..." 
The trip in undertown went unsettlingly better than he would've thought. Ben never flinched when people bumped into him, never sent a nervous glance at anyone, not even a slight hitch in his breath. Which was quite a feat considering their surroundings. 
Undertown had transformed for the holiday. The vendors had painted their carts and hung up orange lanterns pumpkins and other things had faces carved into them and were glowing casting haunting light over everything. And the entire city hummed with purple light where there wasn't orange. To summarize Undertown had turned into an earthen version of Anur Transyl.
Ben walked around looking at things and laughing with Rook. He was happy to see his partner so carefree the sky above knows he needed it but also unnerved him. Ben just seemed off to him. 
"So about the plumber's party tonight, I was thinking maybe we could go... Together?" Rook quirked his head to the side in confusion. "Were we not already going to attend the party together?" Ben's face burned red. "I- I- mean maybe as like a kinda sorta... Date?" 
Rook was pretty sure his brain did a... What would Ben call it? Short circuit? 
"AUGH no" Ben buried his now entirely red face in his hands "stupid, I'm so stupid this is stupid, just forget I said anything-" "I'd love to" Ben froze and glanced at Rook. "Really?" "Would you like me to stop by your room at eight?" Ben smiled widely "y- yeah that'd be awesome." 
They stayed like that for a while on the boardwalk not saying anything until the omnitrix beeped. 
"Oh right I forgot I set that, Rook I gotta go back to my room and get ready... See you in a bit?"
Rook nodded with a smile and watched Ben walk a ways away before getting up and doing what Ben called a 'fist pump' and walking to his truck.
Rook looked at the costume he had prepared. Ben said that a costume enough would've been not wearing his armor but plumber base had a tendency to take advantage of letting your guard down so he had this. 
He had taken the main pieces of his armor and spray painted them changing it from a dark blue to a ghostly white. He put it on and looked in the mirror. It had turned out better than Rook could've expected he looked just like he was wearing a skeleton costume and he had found a special coating to it would glow in the dark to. 
Rook was excited wondering what costume Ben had chosen. He really hadn't been expecting a date proposition while they were in undertown but he also couldn't say he hadn't wanted it. Truthfully he had been avoiding the idea of having feelings for his partner, but for Ben to return the feeling...
Rook stopped in front of Ben's room. A pit had suddenly formed in his stomach. He thought for a moment he might just be nervous but it was more like his 'danger radar' was going off. He opened to door and walked inside. The lights were all turned off odd...
"Ben? It is almost time for the party are you prepared?" The door behind him slammed shut suddenly. Rook jumped startled away from it the only light in the room was his armor until... 
'czzrk crrk zrrkc' crackling noises came from above him and he looked up at something flashing. Suddenly humming split the terrifying atmosphere making the eerie feeling worse. It was a haunting melody that carried loudly and sounded like it came from a child. Rook looked up at the rafters.
There was crackling green electricity sparking with purple swinging back and forth. Illuminating a figure above him. "...Ben?" 
A raspy chuckle came from the teenager.
"So​​​rry Blonko Ben isn't home right now."
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strawberrysoup · 4 years
Let’s Review || Chapter 6
Peter Parker knew that his big sister would do anything for him to be safe and happy. She’d given up everything for him twice over already and would do it again in a heartbeat. And that’s why, when the criminal mastermind Tony Stark started inextricably following him around, he didn’t say a word. Because he knew without a doubt Penny would do whatever she had to if it meant keeping Peter safe. He had to protect her, just like she always protected him. He never considered what would happen if Stark decided both Parker siblings were worth taking. Never considered who else in Stark’s inner circle would agree. He just wanted to protect her and yet somehow, they both ended up with needles in their necks.
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relationship: Steve Rogers/Original Female Character/Bucky Barnes, background Peter Parker/Tony Stark rating: Explicit warnings: Dark Steve Rogers, Dark Bucky Barnes, Dark Tony Stark, Dark Avengers, kidnapping, non-con/dub-con elements, underage Peter Parker, emotional and psychological abuse, very dark. extra warnings for abduction and creepy interactions with a minor. 
God, Penny had a brutal fucking headache. The light coming through the window meant that once again she’d forgotten to pull the curtains shut before passing out on the couch. She must’ve fallen asleep crying again, it would explain the serious dry mouth and pounding head.
“Peter?” She called out, groaning in pain immediately after, “augh… Peter, are you getting ready for school?”
There was no reply and she couldn’t hear him shuffling around in his room, which was a bad sign. She must’ve forgotten to set her alarm and Peter had probably slept through his own. Swallowing hard, she raised her arms and dug her palms into her closed eyes.
“Peter, you gotta wake up babe,” trying to raise her head made a wave of nausea roll through her body and she clapped a hand over her mouth just in case.
She might’ve been sick, could it be food poisoning? If she was sick, Peter was probably also sick. That must’ve been why he wasn’t getting ready for school. Oh, fuck she needed to call into her job at the daycare, there was no way she’d be able to deal with screaming babies with low immune systems for six hours. Blindly reaching down over the edge of the couch, she furrowed her brow in confusion when her hand didn’t hit the floor. The couch was low and uncomfortable, she was barely off the floor at the best of times.
Prying her eyes open was going to hurt and she really, really didn’t want to invite that level of pain into her life. Assuming her sense of space was off because of her sickness, she just reached further down. And further. And further. Until she reached too far and pitched herself off the edge of the couch. Hitting the ground was bone jarring and stirred a memory just out of reach, of falling and slamming her head into the hard wood flooring. It wasn’t an usual occurrence, she fell and hit her head all the time, but the carpet she landed on was weird. Super weird, they didn’t have carpet in their apartment.
Penny’s eyes snapped open, letting in the brutal light and also the terrifying revelation that she wasn’t in her apartment. She hadn’t fallen off her couch. She’d fought with Tony Stark in her apartment and smashed her head against the ground before they stuck a needle in her neck. They, there had been a second man who’d come out of nowhere.
Immediately she forced her knees under her and pushed up to her feet. She didn’t know whether it was the blow to the head or the drugs but her entire sense of balance was off and she went careening into the wall, smashing her head for the second time in what she assumed was a single day, against a shelf. A yelp and a crash later she was on the floor again, both hands clutching the side of her head that had gone into the corner of the wood. Was she bleeding? Fuck she was probably bleeding.
“Oh sweetheart,” she hadn’t heard a door open or any footsteps but suddenly a pair of heavy arms came around her, lifting her carefully off the ground and setting her on what she now realized was a bed, “stay still, you’re bleeding. J, call Bruce, Penny might need stitches.”
“Right away, sir. He asked me to inform you he must run to the medical wing to retrieve supplies but will be in shortly. ”
Her eyes were clenched shut, against the pain and the fear, but Penny recognized Tony Stark’s voice immediately. He was sitting next to her, holding her tight to his side with a towel or something pressed to her bleeding wound. He was making a hushing sound, petting her head with his unused hand.
“Off,” she choked, squirming in his hold, “fuck—get, get off of me.”
“Calm down, Penny—”
“No!” it came out as a shriek and she curled her hands into fists, lashing out in his general direction, “get off of me you fucking bastard! Get away from me!”
One of her hits must’ve landed because he yelped abruptly, arms going slack from where they’d held her and she launched herself off the bed. Once again she realized her entire sense of equilibrium was gone and collapsed on the floor, forcing her eyes to stay open despite the nausea and started to crawl towards the only door she could see.
“Damn, Penny, that’s one hell of a left hook,” arms wrapped around her waist and hauled her up and backwards, causing her to screech in fury and indignation, “Don’t make me tie you up, sweet girl, cause I will.”
“So, I take it she’s not a docile kidnapping victim?”
Her head snapped around, eyes landing on a man now standing in the doorway in shock. He was about Stark’s age, hair graying slightly about the temples and some wrinkles on his forehead and around his eyes.
“She’s a spitfire, Brucie bear, a real shit kicker,” Tony grunted as he forcefully manipulated her onto the bed again, this time keeping her in his lap with her extremities restrained by his own, “you’re so small, where is all this force coming from—Jesus!” he ducked his head to the side swiftly, just barely avoiding the back of her skull slamming into his nose.
He brought his arms up, still holding her wrists, and tucked her head tightly between his shoulder and neck while keeping her wound exposed for Bruce to look at.
“Her head went into the corner of the shelf over there, I’d show you the spot but my hands are full at the moment.” The bastard was making jokes . She had been drugged and kidnapped and was being bodily restrained after waking up in a strange room and he was making fucking jokes .
Penny hadn’t considered ‘murder’ to be a logical solution to her Tony Stark problem but maybe it should’ve been her go to. Actually, now that she thought of it, there was still time.
“Wow, I can literally hear how badly you want to kill me right now,” Stark pressed the side of his face against hers, “what kind of expression is on her face right now Bruce? Does she look like a murder kitten?”
“She definitely doesn’t look happy Tony,” he rolled his eyes, leaning against the bed to get a better look at Penny’s scalp, “I’m sorry we’re meeting like this Penny, I’m Bruce. Any bumps and bruises around here go through me, anything serious needs to go to medical though. Other than this, how are you feeling? Dizziness, nausea?”
For a moment, Penny almost answered just based on instinct. She hadn’t been to the doctor in ages, but he gave off the same vibe as a pediatrician. Instead, Penny pressed her lips together and averted her eyes, not that she’d been able to see him well with her head pinned against Stark’s neck anyway. Bruce hadn’t been one of her kidnappers but he was obviously, painfully complicit. He knew everything and wasn’t trying to help her escape.
“Come on baby, you can tell Bruce,” Stark tucked both of her wrists in one of his hands and brought the other up to cup her face, stroking his thumb along her jaw line, “he just wants to make sure you’re okay. It looked like she was having trouble staying on her feet—J, any observations?”
“ Ms. Parker seemed to wake in acute pain, movements suggest nausea and light sensitivity. Potential for dizziness and vertigo, and a loss of balance. ”
“Hm, she might have a concussion. Tones, you said she hit her head, right?”
“Twice now, once at her apartment and just now off the shelf.”
“Let’s get her to medical, I want to run a CT scan just in case,” Bruce shifted to bring himself into Penny’s line of vision, “I’m sure you have a concussion. Usually, I wouldn’t bother with a CT scan at this point, but since you hit your head twice in such a short period of time I want to make sure there’s no bleeding in your brain. Have you ever had a CT scan before?”
A moment of silence passed before Tony sighed, pressing his thumb firmly into the joint of her jaw, “answer, Penny.”
The threat in his movement was clear and Penny swallowed heavily, “no.”
“Good girl,” a slow, victorious smile crossed Tony’s lips at her response and he moved his thumb, continuing to stroke her face softly, “J, call the soldiers, we’ll need help to transport her safely and I’m sure they’ll be thrilled to assist.”
“They’ve been pacing the living room for the last three hours, I’m sure they’ll be here in half a minute, tops.”
Soldiers. Tony Stark employed soldiers. Of course he did. He had the government and the police in his pocket, why not the fucking military too. It was all a goddamn conspiracy and holy mother of God, Penny’s head was throbbing so bad.
She must’ve made a noise or something, because Stark was back to cooing at her a moment later, turning his head to nuzzle his face against hers, “we’ll get you some medicine soon, angel, just hang on.”
Penny pressed her eyes shut tightly, wishing he’d stop with the pet names. What was it with assholes and pet names? They’d been effectively ruined for her, if she ever got out of this she’d make everyone call her Penelope forever, no exceptions.
The door to the room opened with so much force it crashed into the wall with a bang. If she hadn’t been so tightly restrained in Stark’s grip, she would’ve jumped. Instead her muscles just went rigid and she prepared to be manhandled further as they brought her to ‘medical’.
“Oh, doll,” why was that voice so familiar, why did it feel like she’d been electrocuted by a 50-volt battery, “our poor baby.”
“Just wait until she tries to beat the shit out of you, Barnes, you won’t be cooing over her then,” Stark snorted, turning Penny’s face again and tapping her nose, “she’s a Hellcat.”
“She’s tried to beat the shit out of you multiple times now, Tony, and you’re still ‘cooing’ over her,” Bruce shot back, his voice fond.
He laughed and stood up with her still clutched in his arms, causing her eyes to pop open as her equilibrium shifted for the 80 th time that day. Penny’s head lolled slightly, until her eyes caught sight of the two men moving towards her.
She wasn’t sure when the culmination of her bad luck would come, when it would all wrap up in a grisly end. Soon, hopefully, because as the blows kept coming she wondered if she was going to be able to keep up.
Bucky and Steve, from the fucking coffee shop, were apparently the soldiers Stark had summoned to assist with her transit. If she’d been rigid before, it was nothing compared to the way her muscles pulled taught at the realization. A complete, overwhelming sense of fight or flight began pulsing through her veins—it had been a setup, everything at the coffee shop had been staged.
“So, the bad news is that I think she recognizes you,” Stark’s voice was full of laughter as he felt her begin gearing up for a throw down, “the good news is I think if I let go she’d hit the floor before she managed to hit one of you.”
No, Penny thought carefully, the bad news was that she might’ve been a dumbass but she wasn’t stupid enough to try to fight four men at the same time while half incapacitated. The bad news was that Penny had been a real shit kicker when she was in high school and maybe hadn’t grown out of it quite as well as she thought. The bad news was that at some point, they were going to let their guards down.
Penny was a little ball of chaos, but every inch of her was patient. She could wait.
The paranoia had started setting in around noon, when Penny had stopped answering his text messages abruptly. It would’ve been one thing if she’d been at work, but Peter knew she’d called out.
She was unusually available even at work, so it was extremely weird of her not to answer when she had the day off. By 1pm he’d placated himself by deciding she must’ve been getting her nails done like she’d said earlier and couldn’t answer because her hands were busy. But it didn’t take that long to get a manicure and when another hour passed without an answer, Peter felt his chest begin to tighten.
It was their last real day together for what could be forever. She should’ve been glued to her phone the way he was, desperate to live in his pocket for just a little while longer. He wanted to tell her about the gross apple he’d bought during lunch and how the soap dispenser was out in his favourite bathroom and ask if she knew about geomagnetic reversal.
By the time school was out, he heavily considered skipping academic decathlon practice to just go straight home. He’d be shipped off to Oregon in a few days anyway, so what was the point? But he forced himself to go anyway, if only to spend a little more time with MJ and Ned. And Flash wasn’t there, since MJ had punched him so hard in the stomach earlier that the asshole puked. Peter’s cheek still twinged from where Flash had punched him over the stupid chemistry test.
Practice had stretched on half way past forever and he’d hugged both of his friends for a solid minute before literally running away. The idea of really saying goodbye to either of them made him want to throw up and he couldn’t look at them any longer without breaking down. So he’d ignored Ned’s shouting and bolted for the subway as fast as he could.
Penny’s solution to his Tony Stark problem was insane. Peter wasn’t even sure if it would work, or if Tony would somehow intervene. He had so many connections, it was like running from an entire army instead of just one man.
Peter hadn’t actually seen Tony since Penny had caught them walking near the apartment complex. He almost wondered if Tony had been scared off by someone seeing them together, as if worried about being caught. Caught. Because Peter was 17 and there was no reason for a 40-year-old man to have any interest in him unless it was creepy and Stark needed to be caught .
But he knew that Tony wouldn’t be dissuaded by something so simple. If Penny was right, and he was almost sure she was because she always was somehow, then Tony was immune from the law. That’s why they were going to such extreme measures to get out of his grasp, because there was no other way to stop him. There was no way Tony had stopped following him, had stopped watching him. He was simply doing it at a distance now.
For some reason.
Peter really didn’t want to think about what that reason was.
A bone deep chill ran down his spine as he buzzed himself into the apartment and started up the stairs. He kept his phone in his hand, still hoping it would vibrate with a text message any second now. It was almost 5 o’clock, why hadn’t she answered his texts for 5 whole hours?
All three locks were done up on the door when he arrived at his apartment, which eased his tension somewhat. Penny was either still out and about for whatever reason, or she was safely tucked away in the apartment. Maybe she’d laid down to take a nap and not set an alarm— her schedule was so irregular she could sleep for hours and hours whenever the opportunity arose.
Another reassurance came when he saw her purse and keys sitting on the table just inside the doorway. She was home safe, her phone was probably just in her purse and she’d forgotten about it. It would bother him if she just hadn’t answered, but at least she’d be okay.
“Pen?” He called out, dropping his backpack onto the floor under the table and quickly digging into her purse, “are you awake?”
No phone in her purse, Peter sucked his lip into his mouth and worried it with his teeth. She must’ve fallen asleep on the couch and her phone was on the floor charging. He stepped swiftly down the hall and into the living room, crossing the hardwood floor quickly and peered over the back of the couch. Panic began to shoot through him when she wasn’t there. She might’ve been in the bathroom, maybe, or she could’ve laid down in his bed to rest instead—
“You lied to me, baby.”
Icy terror dripped down Peter’s spine, every hair on his body rising in unison. He wasn’t sure if it was the statement itself, or the tone, or the implication. Half a dozen apologies stuck to the roof of his mouth, spicy like cinnamon. Suddenly, a single thought began to race through his brain on repeat: Where is Penny?
“You told me you lived alone, off of an inheritance. Made me think you were all alone. Did you want me to think you were vulnerable, Peter? Did you think it would make keeping my attention easier? Because if you just wanted more attention, you should’ve told me baby boy,” the swish of fabric betrayed Stark’s otherwise silent movements as he shifted around in the kitchen, directly behind Peter.
“I… I told you I moved here after my aunt died, with money from family.”
“Do you really want to argue lies of omission with me, baby? I’m really good at arguing,” he was much closer now, Peter could almost feel the taller man’s body heat against his back.
“M-Mr. Stark, where is—”
“Penelope?” Stark cut him off before he could even ask, sending another nauseating spike of terror through his entire body, “does she prefer Penny or is that just what everyone calls her? She seems pretty averse to sweetheart.”
“She asks a lot of questions too, Petey,” his arms wrapped around Peter’s torso and pulled him back against his chest, carefully running his palm over the teenager’s sternum, “like ‘how did you get into my apartment?’ and ‘why won’t you leave my brother alone?’ That last one threw me for sure, baby. She was so scared but would hardly say anything but ‘please leave him alone’ half the time.”
“What did you do with her?” He could barely breathe, there was ice in his lungs, was he having an asthma attack?
“Nothing you need to worry about, baby boy. Why don’t you explain why you didn’t tell me about Penelope Parker, big sister extraordinaire?”
“P-please, I’ll tell you whatever you want to know, j-just tell me she’s okay first,” tears were welling in Peter’s eyes, threatening to spill out at any second accompanied by loud sobbing.
“It’s cute you think you’re in a position to negotiate, precious. You’ve already earned yourself a punishment for lying, are you going to dig this hole deeper by being naughty? Answer me, now.”
Fuck, fuck he’d alluded to punishments and rules before but it had never seemed real. It all seemed like a bad dream most of the time, something that gave him nightmares but hadn’t actually happened. Wouldn’t ever lead to anything happening.
“I didn’t want to you know about her,” he whispered after a moment.
“Why Peter?”
Another hesitation, swiftly brought to an end by Tony’s teeth near his ear, “a-at first because she’d just… she’d just been hurt really bad and I didn’t want anyone near her. But later—later it was because I didn’t want you to have any leverage over me. Any more than you al.. already did.”
“Leverage, huh?” The man hummed quietly, both still very close to Peter’s ear, “You think I would’ve, what? Threatened to hurt her if you didn’t do what I said, threatened to kill her if you told?”
Peter nodded, a few tears escaping over his lash line to run down his cheeks. He’d been right too, Tony had taken advantage of Penny’s existence to hurt him. Where ever Penny was, she was there because of Peter. Whether she was hurt or scared or please not dead it was Peter’s fault because Tony Stark should’ve never been in their lives to begin with.
“Well naughty boy, you’ve earned yourself at least one and a half punishments, by my calculations. Silly thing, thinking I would hurt the person who took such good care of you for me. Now it’s my turn to take care of you, baby boy.”
“Please, where is she?” Peter sobbed, curling over the arm around his waist slightly, “is she okay?”
“Penny hit her head pretty hard, so she’s getting a CT scan right now and some medicine to help her sleep it off,” Tony’s unused hand began carding through Peter’s hair, tickling the back of his neck carefully, “You can see her sometime tomorrow, if she’s up for visitors. Cap might get over protective, we’ll have to wait and see.”
“W-Who is Cap, why can’t I see her now—”
“Uh, uh, uh, baby,” long fingers suddenly grew uncomfortably tight against Peter’s scalp, pulling his head back in one slow drag, “no more questions from you. It’s time for your punishments, and the only words I better hear from you are ‘thank you, sir’.”
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animeniacss · 4 years
What I Want - BadBoy! Taehyung x Reader - Chapter 17 - Spring Day
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Synopsis:  You are an innocent, excitable new girl, moving all the way to Korea due to your dad’s new job. As you anxiously learn about the new world around you and how you’ll make your mark, you stumble into none other than bad boy Kim Taehyung and his band of six crazy friends. He seems to be bothered but you, something he doesn’t even understand. Will you be able to tolerate the shenanigans of Taehyung and his rowdy friends, or will you fall victim to his charms just like everyone else?
Featuring Jihyo and Dahyun (TWICE) as your friends, and BTS members as Taehyung’s group of friends.
Genre: Romance, BadBoy!V, BadBoy!BTS, High School Romance, Drama
Length: approx. 4.1k words
Chapter 17 - Spring Day 
It took most of the next day to handle the situation with Ji Seok. They were tempted to get the kid in cuffs and bring him in once they looked everything over. They even looked up the complaint from you about the concussion in December, and did some investigating at Ji Seok’s school, with his friends, family, and yes, and even Hyuna. It looked like Ji Seok was going to finally go away for something, face the consequences of his actions. That is until Daddy was done waiting. He gave the cops the day to do their job, but when it looked like Ji Seok was in hot water, he pulled the Sergeant and working Detectives into a meeting. It was only a matter of minutes before the Sergeant as well as Detectives Dong-Wook and Da Min sat in the Sergeant’s office with Ji Seok, who looked annoyed as his father sat beside him and watched the video Jungkook sent involving the fight with Taehyung. The Sergeant paused it and the man took a deep breath, hitting Ji Seok over the head.
           “Ow!” He frowned.
           “Shut up, Ji Seok.” He said. “Now, Sergeant, what do you suggest? I really don’t want to have to involve my lawyers in this, but I will if I must.”
           “Well, Mr. Na, based on what the video shows, your son initiated the fight with Mr. Kim, who only responded after the second punch was flung. My Detectives spoke with both parties and that is why Mr. Kim was released.” Mr. Na looked at his son, who was staring out the window in annoyance.
           “Look. The way I see it is two teenagers getting out of their hormonal rage. Luckily, both got out with a few bumps and bruises and nothing more serious.” Mr. Na leaned forward. “I assume we can just leave it at that? I’m sure that…Taehyung kid and his parents would prefer it that way too?” The Sergeant took a deep breath, nodding. “My son needed to be knocked around a bit, maybe it’ll keep his head on straight for once.”
           “I can agree, this time. But, I assure you, if your son ends up in my station again, I don’t intend to make it just…go away.” The Sergeant said. “I know it’s happened before in other stations, but not in mine.” Mr. Na chuckled, reaching a hand out to the Sergeant as the duo gave a firm shake. Mr. Na also reached out to Dong-Wook and Da Min, shaking their hands as well with a smile on his face.
           “I can assure you that this won’t be happening anymore.” He said. Ji Seok snickered.
           “Whatever.” He mumbled, only to get another smack upside the head by his father.  
           “Apologize, Ji Seok.” He said sternly. Ji Seok rolled his eyes, nodding his head slightly as he murmured a half-assed apology. “Thank you, officers.” He grabbed his son by the shoulder and practically dragged him out of the room. Both detectives saw Ji Seok turn around and look at them, flipping them off as the doors closed behind him.
               “What a prick.” The Sergeant huffed.
               “At least his Dad seems to understand the consequences, unlike him. God, I wish we could’ve just put him away.” Da Min said. “That other kid looked like hell when he arrived.”
           “Trust me, he’ll be back.” The Sergeant said, sending both Detectives out of his office and back to work.
As the weeks went on, March turns into April, Taehyung recovered from his injuries. But now he had a new, and to him, much bigger problem to face. It had been one month since you told him that you loved him, and he has tried countless times to say those same words to you. But every time he did, he would clam up and say something else instead. Over time, you kind of figured out what he was trying to do, and it meant a lot to you that he was trying. But still, you hadn’t said it to him since the first time, thinking that if you did so, it would make him even more anxious about it.
           Since the upcoming week was going to be filled with nice weather, you decided that it would be fun to invite all of your friends over for a nice little BBQ. You knew how much spending time with friends meant to Taehyung, so you thought it would be a good idea for everyone. Getting permission from your parents, you got all of the necessary ingredients at the grocery store, and made sure to get enough to feed a whole bunch of people. It was exciting, the idea of having all of your friends over for a fun afternoon together on a nice day. Saturday seemed like the best bet, most people were free then, and the four oldest boys were readily prepared for their entrance exams in the next few weeks. So, you called every person up and invited them over on Saturday.
           Everyone kept their schedules open, if they even had anything planned, and your house was packed with teenagers starting Saturday at noon. You had woken up early to prepare different finger foods, snacks, and a whole bunch of BBQ that your father offered to help prepare. Your mother made giant pitchers of lemonade and put out water for easy access. It was nice. Everyone was in the backyard, your brother running and playing a Nerf gun shooting game with Jungkook, Taehyung, and Namjoon. Jin had offered to lend your father a hand with the cooking, and you were sitting on the porch with Jihyo, and Dahyun, sipping lemonade as you watched the gaggle of boys make fools of themselves. Yoongi was acting as a referee for the Nerf gun war, making sure all shots were fair and keeping points. It seemed he was ruling in favor of your brother and Jungkook.
           “That’s not fair, Hyung!” Taehyung said, lowering his gun. “That totally hit him!”
           “Nah,” Yoongi said. “Missed.”
           “What kind of a referee are you!” Namjoon shouted. Jimin and Hoseok were cracking up at the argument that was breaking out.
           “The best kind!” Your brother shouted. “Yoongi-Hyung has good eyesight!”
           “Oh, can it!” Taehyung grinned, shooting a plush bullet at your brother. Jungkook quickly scooped him up and moved him away. “THAT’S CHEATING! AUGH!” He fell to his knees as Jungkook as your brother joined in with the loud laughter.
           “No, it’s not, we’re on the same team! You guys just suck.” Jungkook said. Taehyung and Namjoon lowered their guns.
           “My turn!” Jimin shouted as he and Hoseok ran towards the guns and lifted them up. You watched Namjoon sit beside Yoongi, who snickered at his playful frown.
           “You definitely played favorite, you can’t fool me.” He said to Yoongi. Taehyung approached you and the girls, leaning on the porch as you handed him your lemonade. He took a sip of it and handed it back to you.
           “You’re sweating.” You said, pointing to the bandana on his forehead that looked like it was getting soaked in sweat. “Hot hard did you play? It’s just a Nerf gunfight.”
           “Tch, tch. You don’t just play a Nerf gunfight. You do it to kill your enemy.” Taehyung teased. You smiled at him and Jihyo poked the side of his head.
           “Please don’t kill the ten-year-old, okay?” she asked, and you and Dahyun smiled. As Taehyung continued to playfully pester you three, and the boys were continuing their Nerf gun fight, Jin looked up.
           “Guys, the food is done!” He called out, both him and your father bringing the plates of BBQ to the table and setting it down.
           “SWEET!” Jungkook and your brother shouted, dropping their guns as everyone gathered at the table. Your mother set up enough plates and everyone took a seat. You went to seat yourself between Jihyo and Taehyung. Taehyung quickly stood up, pulling out your chair for you. You smiled.
           “Aww, thanks.” You said, sitting down as he pushed you in.
           “Will you push my chair in too, Hyung~?” Jungkook teased playfully as he went to take his seat across from Taehyung, and Hoseok and Yoongi began to laugh. Taehyung sat down, quickly extending his foot and kicking the seat back, making Jungkook fall back and grab hold of the chair for support. That only made the table laugh harder, and Taehyung smirked.    
           “So brutal.” Namjoon sighed. You watched your brother poke his head in to see what was on the table, and Jin turned to him.
           “Mom said I have to eat inside because sis has her friends over.” He pouted. Jin simply scooted his chair over and motioned to the extra stool that was put out for extra seating.
           “Come join us. You’re not bothering anyone.” He said, and your brother beamed, taking a seat between Jin and Namjoon. All of you said a quick thank you for the food, and then began picking at the different plates. There was a spread of different meats, sides, rice, drinks, and anything else a bunch of hungry teenagers could dream of. You all began to pick and eat, chatting amongst yourselves. You didn’t participate too much in the conversations, but you did eavesdrop. As you put a mouthful of meat into your mouth, you saw Jihyo and Dahyun talking with Yoongi about the taste of the meat, Jungkook and Hoseok were still laughing about Jungkook falling off the chair, Jimin was talking across the table to Taehyung about the Nerf gun fight, wanting to go against each other after they ate, and Jin and Namjoon were talking to your brother, trying to learn more about him. He was eager to please, telling them about school and his friends, as well as all of the new video games he got. You saw your mother come poke her head out, looking for your brother.
           “Come back inside, leave your sister with her friends.” She said. Your bother whined, but Jin waved a hand.
           “It’s okay, ma’am. He’s not bothering us.” He assured. Your mother smiled a bit.
           “Okay, but be respectful, okay?” She said. Your brother agreed, his mouth full of rice as the boys chuckled a bit. Your mother retreated inside. Your father was watching over you all, making more food so that way he could supply it right as what was already served had been devoured. As he watched the food cook, he made sure he angled himself to see out the kitchen window at the group of kids at the table. More specifically, you and Taehyung. He saw you both talking, mostly Taehyung. He also saw you lift up a mouthful of rice, before turning to Taehyung and offering it to him as your hand waited underneath. He hesitated, blushing as a few of his friends teased him, but in the end, he leaned forward and accepted the bite of food. It made you smile.
           “My turn.” You said, grinning. Taehyung laughed a bit, reaching over a bit to take some chicken in between his chopsticks. He brought it up to your lips and you opened your mouth, grinning as you quickly covered your mouth to catch the bit of sauce that dripped out. Both of you began to laugh. Your father couldn’t help but smile a bit, turning back as he plated some more food. You reached over to get some more water for yourself when you realized the pitcher was empty. “I’ll be right back. I need to refill this.”
           “I’ll do it,” Taehyung said, taking the pitcher from you as he stood up.
           “You sure?”
           “Yeah.” He said. “Gotta walk off what I ate so that I can make room for more, you know?” He smiled as he headed into the house, closing the screen door behind him. As he walked into the kitchen, he saw your father plating the food that he was about to serve. They looked at each other for a moment, and Taehyung simply nodded his head in acknowledgment, before going to the fridge to get more water. He pulled it out and filled up the pitcher without a word. As he closed the door, he saw your father approach him. Mentally preparing to be intimidated, he turned to your father. “Yessir?” he asked curiously.
           Your father didn’t say anything. He simply stuck out his hand. Taehyung looked down at it for a moment, a bit shocked. He wasn’t expecting this. He lifted his hand, taking your father's hand as they firmly shook.
           “My daughter is happy with you.” He said simply. “I still am not a fan of this but…you treat her well. I can’t deny that.”
           “Thank you. I care about her a lot.” Your father nodded.
           “I see that. Just remember, I was the first man she ever loved. I showed her how she deserves to be treated ever since she was brought into my life. She knows how she deserves to be treated, and if you expect me to allow this, you’ll understand that.”
           “I do,” he said.
           “Good.” He released Taehyung’s hand. Taehyung nodded. It was extremely awkward for a moment, but Taehyung stepped back and took the pitcher in his hand. He nodded his head a bit towards your father before returning outside. He set the pitcher down and took his seat beside you once again.
           As food was continuously served and everyone ate themselves full, you and your mother gathered up all of the plates and utensils. The boys all moved from the table, sprawling themselves out across the backyard as they groaned.
           “I ate too much.” Jimin whined.
           “The food was so good.” Hoseok added.
           “I may never walk again. I can’t move.” Jungkook mumbled, groaning.
           “Why did you guys eat your weight in meat?” Dahyun asked, watching them from the porch.
           “Meat is amazing, that’s why.” Namjoon hummed. You stepped back out onto the porch with your mother, both of you placing bowls of chips and other snacks out on the table for people to pick at through the day.
           “Dessert will be out in a little while.” Your mother said. You heard the seven boys collectively groan in agony at the mention of dessert, and it made you laugh. You watched your brother go over to the porch steps and pick up his Nerf gun. He loaded it up, with exactly seven of the foam bullets. He glanced at you and grinned devilishly. You pulled out your phone, stepping onto the grass as you hit record and nodded. You knew it would probably hurt, but you had to admit, the idea was too good to pass up. Your brother went up to the boy closest to him, Jin, who was covering his face with his hands as he murmured about his stomach ache. Your brother pointed the Nerf gun at him and-
           “AH! Christ!” Jin grunted, holding his stomach as he rolled over. You brother began to laugh as he hurried over to the next victim, Jimin. Jimin opened his eyes to see the gun pointed right at his stomach.
           “What are you do-“
           “OW!” He held his stomach, groaning as the laughter from you and your brother intensified. He saw your brother head towards Namjoon and groaned. “Hyung…look out.” He said dramatically.
           “Huh?” Namjoon glanced over, seeing your brother rush up and pop a foam bullet right in his side. “Auuugh! You monster!”
           “What’s going on?” Hoseok rolled onto his side as your brother approached him next. “What the? What are you doing?” He was next. “Owwwwww. So meeeean.” He pouted, putting his face in the grass.
           “Don’t you dare...” Yoongi said when he saw your brother approach. “Don’t do it, kid.”
           “Ah!” He bit his finger as he muffled a swear word. Two more targets. He hurried to Jungkook, was trying to sit up, but his stomach was to full. Taehyung was lying next to him. Your brother towered over them, both looking up.
           “…You wouldn’t.” Jungkook said. “After I saved you from your demise earlier!?”
           “I need to get all seven of you.” Your brother said.
           Ping. Ping.
           Taehyung and Jungkook groaned in pain, a bit of laughter mixed in as well as you ended the video. Your brother collected the Nerf gun bullets and set the gun aside, before you two exchanged a high-five and laughed.
           “You’re so cruel…” Jin groaned. Satisfied with himself, your brother went back to the porch to sit with Dahyun and Jihyo, who also found enjoyment in his spontaneous decision to torture the boys.
After that, some time passed where everyone just kind of relaxed, allowing the nice day to just go by. The boys lounged on the grass, some even falling asleep, while you, Dahyun and Jihyo sat and talked on the porch, occasionally sitting in silence as you scanned your phones and showed each other funny things you found during your searches. Your brother passed out on the couch inside for a little while, and your parents were in the kitchen doing the dishes. It stayed this way for about an hour or so, but nobody minded. As the sun began to set, dessert was brought out by your mother. She brought out the cookies, refilled the bowls of chips and pitchers for drinks.
           “Desserts ready. Want to go wake those guys up?” She asked you, pointing to the seven boy’s unconscious in her backyard. You nodded.
           “I have an idea.” You got up and went into the living room, shaking your brother awake. He woke up and you led him outside, handing him the Nerf gun. “Go ahead.” You said, giggling. Your brother hurried onto the porch as the boys slowly began to wake up from their naps.
           “Who's ready for round 2?!”He shouted, purposefully hitting the Nerf gun loud enough for them to hear. Almost immediately, each boy sat up.
           “NO!” They said in unison. You and the girls began to laugh at how frantic they looked.
           “Desserts out, boys. Come on.” Your mother said. The boys got up and headed to the table. Your brother was scooped up and Taehyung and the duo horsed around for a minute in the grass, your brother howling in laughter.
           “Come on.” You called out to them, motioning to the desserts. “There won’t be any left for you at this rate.” The boys eventually stopped their little wrestling match and joined everyone else at the table after you called them a few more times. “Enjoy. I made the cookies myself.” You beamed, and everyone began to reach around, taking what they thought looked good. It was another little while of chatting and eating, just relaxing together as a group of friends. You saw how happy Taehyung looked as he spoke to his Hyung’s, or ate some snacks, and how excited he was when he put his arm around you and held you close to him. You were glad he was at such peace, and that you were able to bring him here.
           You all were having such a good time in each other’s company that when it got dark, you didn’t want the day to end. Jungkook was the first to leave, around 6 p.m. after getting a phone call from his mother.
           “Bye guys. See you at school.” Jungkook said as he grabbed his backpack. He looked at your brother. “I’ll be sure to get back at you for that Nerf gunshot. My stomach still hurts.” Your brother playfully stuck his tongue out at him, and you hit him over the head, frowning.
           “Don’t do that.” You said. “Bye, Jungkook.” Everyone waved him off. The next to go was Yoongi and Hoseok, around 6:15 p.m. Jimin was close behind them.
           “We need to make more plans to study,” Namjoon said to his friends as they were heading out.
           “Yeah, we will.” Yoongi said, fixing his hat.
           “Thanks for today.” Hoseok said, smiling at your mom. She smiled back. “It was great~.”
           “Come back anytime.” She encouraged, taking his. “Summertime we can do this again.”
           Namjoon and Jin spent some time with your brother, who was excited to show them his new video game. They didn’t mind staying back for a bit, but they too had to leave around 7.
           “Come back and play soon, okay?” your brother asked.
           “We will.” Jin said, ruffling your brother’s hair as he and Namjoon got their stuff. They thanked your parents before making their way out the door, leaving just you, the girls, and Taheyung. You glanced between them.
           “…Do you girls want to stay the night?” you asked Jihyo and Dahyun.
           “Sure.” They said happily. Taehyung frowned, wrapping his arms around you.
           “What about meeeeeeeeeee?” he whined playfully, making you giggled.
           “Goodnight, Mr. Kim.” Your father called from the kitchen. Dahyun and Jihyo laughed as Taehyung pouted.
           “Goodnight, Sir…” he called out. You took his hand and led him to the door as he waved to your brother and grabbed his sweatshirt off the back of the couch. “I’ll call you tomorrow.”
           “Okay.” You said happily, getting on your tiptoes as the two of you shared a kiss goodbye. “You going home?” you asked.
           “Yeah, probably. I should make sure my mom isn’t dead, you know?” You frowned a bit, and he chuckled, patting your head. “I’m kidding, I’m kidding. I haven’t been home in a few days, though. No harm in…stopping by I guess.” He shrugged.
           “Well, call me if you need anything, okay?” You said, smiling up at him. Taehyung nodded, planting a kiss on your forehead. He looked down at you for a moment, taking a deep breath. “What’s wrong?” you asked curiously. Taehyung shifted in his spot, biting the inside of his cheek. Was now the time? Could he finally tell you that he loved you? You deserved to hear him say it, and he didn’t want to make you wait any longer. You saw him struggle and took his hand. “Tae?” You said gently. He looked down at you. “You look tired. Get some rest.” You lifted his hand up, kissing it. “Okay?” Taehyung nodded.
           “Okay.” He said. “See you at school.” You nodded, closing the door behind Taehyung as he headed down the steps and onto the street. He ran a hand through his hair as he went down the street. “Fuck….fuck fuck fuckfuckfuck!” He kicked a wall angrily. “Unbelievable.” He pulled out his phone and dialed Jimin’s phone number, listening to it ring as he headed down the street.
           “Do you think Taehyung said it after we left?” Hoseok asked Yoongi, the duo taking a sip of a beer that Yoongi had in his car. They were parked outside Hoseok’s house.
           “Doubt it.” Yoongi said, reaching over to take a swig. “He’s never ever said it to us in a friendly way.” Hoseok chuckled.
           “Do you want him too?” Hoseok teased. Yoongi hummed. “I think it’d be adorable if he did that.” Yoongi chuckled, taking another sip.
           “Yeah, it would be kind of cute.” Yoongi agreed. “Alright, I’ll see you at school.” He said, nudging Hoseok towards the door. Hoseok frowned.
           “Uh, no?” he asked. “You just finished like two beers.” Yoongi looked over.
           “So tell your mom you’re staying here. I’ll set up the guest room.” He patted Yoongi’s shoulder as his friend groaned.
           “Alright.” He said, turning off the car as they stepped out of the car.
           “So you chickened out again?” Jimin asked, laying on his bed and tossing a little stress ball in the air, catching it in his hand just to throw it up again. He had his phone on speaker as he listened to Taehyung.
           “Yeah…” Taehyung sighed softly. “Every time I try, I just clam up. I don’t know what to do. If this takes any longer, I’m worried she’ll really get upset.”
           “I doubt that,” Jimin responded. “You’ll do it at the right time, and I’m sure it’ll be romantic and she’ll cry and you’ll be happy you’ll say it fifteen million times over.” Jimin smiled.
           “I hope so.”
           “Why don’t you practice on me?” Jimin asked. Taehyung huffed as he heard his friend laugh.
           “Dude, stop…” he said. He had to admit to himself, he was a bit anxious to try. But, he had never told his friends he loved them, even though he did. He just…it wouldn’t ever come out.
           “I’m only kidding,” Jimin said. “You really shouldn’t stress.” He said. “…Why don’t you take her on a nice date? Just the two of you? Maybe the romantic air will give you the courage to say it.”
           “You think so?” Taehyung asked.
           “Didn’t you want to take her on a picnic back in December?” Jimin asked curiously. Taehyung nodded, grinning.
           “Yeah. Yeah, I did. That’s a great idea. Jimin, you’re the best!” He said.
           “I love you too, Taehyung~.” Jimin teased. Taehyung hung up and hurried into his house to plan.
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thefaithie · 5 years
WC, Chapter 3
Wrong Conclusions Chapter 3 : Sudden Beastly Strength
With Robin's motorcycle, Cyborg's car, and Starfire and Raven having the ability to fly, it didn't take long for the four Teen Titans to get Downtown. The only problem was that once they got there, there were no signs of their pale villain, anymore. They got pointed in various general directions from the people who claimed they had seen the attacker, but it took them almost fifteen minutes to find any form of actual trouble.
Down, right outside Chinatown, a battle was taking place. There were sounds of windows being shattered and of various objects being thrown into things, followed by load roars. All the Titans looked at each other in horror before bolting towards the scene, praying that no one had been hurt all too badly, and that they weren't too late to save any lives. Just as they skidded to a stop and Robin prepared to give his age old battle cry of 'Titans, Go!', they all stopped to stare in pure shock, their voices escaping them.
It was indeed the villain that had been reported about on the news. It was a very tall, extremely pale male wearing a long, flowing black cape. He wasn't just pale; in fact, he was paper white, but his hair was black and slicked back. His golden eyes appeared completely hollow and void of any emotion other than light amusement, and as he smirked, two fangs that reached to his chin were revealed. He looked like a perfect person to play a vampire in a movie, other than his outfit choice. It wasn't medieval, but rather almost futuristic. He wore a tight body suit that lessened and flowed out as it reached his knees, and knee-high boots. He wore gloves as well, everything in a jet black. But he wore belts everywhere: dozens up to his gloves, three on his waist, and four in an x-shape on either leg, as well as a collar around his neck. Each belt had a different design and different metal studding going across it.
But the vampire-looking villain was not what shocked the Titans; they had seen considerably stranger. What shocked them was the fact that a moment after seeing the bad-guy, a green cheetah came running at him and leaped into the air, turning into an armadillo and curling into a ball as it did so, nailing the baddy right in the stomach. The villain was sent back, right into a wall, while the armadillo flew in the opposite direction, transforming into a green-skinned and green-haired boy with fangs who adorned a purple and black outfit. His silvery gloves and boots shined slightly in the sunlight as he took the shape closest to human that he could, straightening himself up as he did so, a prominent glare in his dark eyes. Beast Boy looked very fierce and very determined, which left the four other Titans speechless and confused.
Beast Boy did not stop there, though. He leaped into the air and transformed into a small hummingbird, and hurled himself right towards the vampire look-alike. Right before he would have connected with the albino's face, Beast Boy transformed into a very large sea-turtle, causing the nose of the villain to shatter as he smashed right into the man's face.
"Aaugh-!" The villain fell to his knees, shaking violently and clasping his nose in agony. Beast Boy fell to the ground in his turtle shape, landing on his back. Knowing he could not move, he transformed into a gorilla and leaped to his feet, instead. With one final snarl, Beast Boy knocked the villain into the nearest wall for a second time with a sickening crack.
It was this that finally got one of the Titans to make a sound, and it was Starfire that did so. She let out a loud gasp when the villain crashed into the wall, her eyes widening in horror. For a moment, all the Titans simply gaped in horror, thinking Beast Boy had killed him. To their partial-relief, though, the villain opened his eyes and glared at Beast Boy. "We aren't finished, Changeling," he gasped out, his voice slightly gargled due to the blood from his nose, before throwing his hand into the air. A lightning bolt to crashed from the sky and hit his open palm, causing dust to lift up around the entire area from the huge static surge. Beast Boy ran at him, seemingly attempting to prevent this, but by the time the gorilla reached the wall the villain had been leaning against, the vampire look-alike was gone.
Beast Boy transformed back to his human-like shape, growling in rage, staring at the empty spot amidst the cloud of dust. He had let that jerk just get away! That vampire-wannabe had hurt at least five girls, and Beast Boy had let him just get AWAY! No wonder Raven preferred Robin over him. Robin would never have let such a man escape...
"Whoah-!" Beast Boy suddenly felt the muscles around in his thighs give way and cause him to collapse to the ground. He had transformed far too many times, and it had drained too much of his energy. Beast Boy had been in such a blind rage, he had not noticed how much energy he had actually wasted.
"Beast Boy!" Starfire flew up to him quickly, the other Titans right behind her. "Are you damaged?" She placed a hand on his shoulder, looking worriedly at her friend.
"I'm fine," Beast Boy panted out, lightly bushing Starfire's hand away. He was thankful for her worry, more than she could have ever known, but he felt defeated and didn't need anyone touching him at that very moment. He had only fought the vampire look-alike on his way to try and prove to himself that he was every bit as strong as Robin, only to find that he had been wrong. Robin was the better man after all, no matter how he tried to prove that truth wrong.
"Dude, that was amazing!" Cyborg said with a metallic hand on his head in disbelief. "BB, since when are you THAT powerful? If your evil half fought like that, I wouldn't've been able to kick his butt!"
"I have to say, I'm just as surprised," Robin said in an awe-filled voice, looking over the damage done to the area from their fight. It looks like the battle with Trigon didn't only effect Starfire...
"Yeah, but I still lost!" Beast Boy growled bitterly. "I couldn't stop him, and now we have some crazy killer on the loose. Augh, I'm such a LOSER!" He threw his elbow into the air, wanting to smash his fist into the cement beneath him, but suddenly found that his arm was no longer under his control. He opened his eyes and looked at his gloved hand, noting that it was glowing black with Raven's aura.
"Beast Boy, you fought better than you ever have before. If he wasn't able to teleport like that, you would have won," Raven stated in a mildly-irritated tone. "Now, stop being an idiot. Your body's exhausted - and breaking your hand won't help anyone."
Beast Boy wanted to say something happy, or at least sarcastic back to Raven. Something like 'Well, if I get a cast, I might be able to hit him over the head with it. For all we know, that's his one weakness!'. But Beast Boy couldn't. As the Changeling looked up at Raven, he found his voice caught in his throat. The realizations he had made the night before were still haunting him.
"...You're right," He finally said in complete defeat, feeling Raven let go of his hand. Only she did not do this out of relief; she did so out of sudden shock.
"...What was that?" Cyborg asked, unable to believe it any more than Raven. He was sure he'd misheard.
"She's right. Letting my anger out on the ground isn't going to do anyone any good," Beast Boy let out a sheepish laugh, turning away from Raven to look towards the damage he had caused. Smashed windows, broken walls, demolished signs, scathed pavement... "I did enough damage as it is, anyway. I guess I really need to control myself better, huh?" He gave a forced smile, looking back to his friends. The smile became even more strained as he saw Raven silently land beside a thoroughly-confused Robin.
"Your control is most impressive as it is, Beast Boy," Starfire said, causing Beast Boy to remember she was right beside him. She was smiling proudly, as though he were Silkie who had learned not to eat Cyborg's bolts. "The loss you have suffered was not of your accord, and you should find pride in what you have accomplished."
Beast Boy blinked for a moment. Starfire always had the nicest things to say but he never really...took any notice to them before. She was usually complimenting everyone, but this was one of the rare times he had fought on his own. For some reason, her words got through to him, even if Raven's, Robins, and Cyborg's had not.
"...Yeah," He said, finally able to muster a true grin, his lower fang protruding slightly. "Well, I did some major bad-guy bashing today!" Beast Boy said proudly, standing up and beginning to sound like his usual self. "I say we all go and celebrate!"
"Oh, glorious!" Starfire said excitedly, clapping her hands together. "May I suggest the pizza and the night of frightening movies?"
"I... Don't see why not," Robin finally said, scratching the back of his head. For a moment, he could have sworn Beast Boy had been on the verge of a break down, but that didn't seem to be the case now. He, of course, wanted to search the area for clues, see what had happened, why this villain had appeared from nowhere, what he had done. But with how Beast Boy was acting, he wasn't willing to try and force anything yet. If he was happy again, it was best to keep that up.
"Aw, yeah!" Cyborg cried, punching his metallic fist into the air. "BB and I can rent the movie. We should get that new one about the vampires..."
"Augh, no more vampires," Beast Boy muttered, getting a sickened look. "Drinking blood's even sicker than eating meat, dude!"
Cyborg laughed a bit, as Starfire floated up into the air, her face filled with glee. "I shall bring us the pizza which we may consume!"
All four other members twitched in unison at that idea, Raven being the first to speak up with a nervous expression. "Uh, Star? Maybe I should come with you to order...Your tastes always are a lot different from ours."
"Wonderful, friend Raven!" Starfire said, just as joyfully, watching Raven float up into the air beside her.
Robin laughed a bit, watching Cyborg and Beast Boy walking off, and Starfire and Raven beginning to float away. "I guess I'll try and research a bit on this new guy while you're all getting ready, then," Robin said to himself, walking calmly to his motorcycle, more than ready to take some private time studying clues after Starfire and Beast Boy's strange behavior that day.
Starfire, Beast Boy, Raven, Robin, Cyborg, Silkie, and pretty much everything but the plot at hand and the vampire-dude belongs to © D. C. Comics/Cartoon Network/Kids WB
9/2019 Update:
Still updating~
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KH3: Kairi's Final Rescue Part 1
Finding The Light - One More Time (The Unseen Rescue Of Kairi
:Warning of KH3 Spoilers!:
(This will go according to the ending and will contain grief. Read at your own heart's risk. I know a lot of you have been wondering about what happened after I left to save Kairi at the end. So, here you go. I've actually got two perspectives on what happened, this is the first one. I hope...it doesn't hurt you too much to read this. I don't really change what happened, so just be aware. It will be sad.)
(Told by Jiminy Cricket. Or for a twist, it could be told by someone whose always kept a close eye on me from another distant reality; the mysterious man known as the Master of Masters. I'll let that be your choice.)
He descended deeper and deeper, searching for his missing light.
Delving so deep, his form had begun to dissolve due to the darkness down there. Without having anything this time to help him retain his form, and shield him from the dark, nothing was keeping him from just fading away.
When it was beginning to look, and feel like he would wither away before he ever found Kairi's heart, he saw further down a glimmer of light, shining in the vast darkness.
"Kairi!" He called, as he knew it had to be her. Letting her light guide his heart, he continued descending towards it, delving even deeper.
The darkness surrounding him was starting to become more and more of a problem as he was able to feel it gradually consuming him now. He was slowly deteriorating, and he knew it. The more time he spent down there, the greater the risk was becoming. He was running out of time!
"Agh...! Kairi... " He uttered her name, trying to hold on.
The darkness threatening his heart was starting to have a painful impact on him, but he kept right on going.
"Ngh. I'm not losing you again!" His heart cried out with all it had. Driven by an even stronger determination, he gathered enough strength to make him delve quicker.
He dived straight into the heart station when he found it. It was surrounded in shadow just like the ones from before he noticed. He let the light of the portal engulf him.
When he opened his eyes, he wasn't sure where the portal had taken him, or did he? Something had changed about the place he found himself in, it looked different, especially with all the dark jagged crystals growing up the walls through the floor. But it was, unmistakably, the same big room he remembered from Hollow Bastion. The exact place where he...
He hardly had time to recall that time when he saw it... The same dark creature who stole his friends' hearts before, only this time it seemed to have grown a little larger, which could only mean it had become stronger too.
There it was, hovering over the center of the big room, where his beloved Kairi lay in mid air a distance in front of it. Her form looked all blue and transparent, but still shimmered with its pure light. He had found her at last!
He practically threw himself over to the sleeping girl, hitting the floor on his knees beside her glowing body. Her heart was here, he could feel it.
He eagerly reached out for her as he acted from his heart. But just before his hand could even touch her face, the special Heartless teleported in front of him, and used a dark force to send him far away from her!
"Dnaagh!" He landed on his back, getting the wind knocked out of him, then he sat up to see the strange enemy, still floating behind the helpless girl.
As though just to taunt the agonized hero further, the lich-like creature carried out its next motive right in front of him, where he'd be forced to watch. Sora's eyes grew wide and his heart sank at the dreaded sight of her beloved heart being extracted from her see through body, then to only be shackled tightly with those awful chains he'd seen before. He witnessed it all. Surprisingly, however, her transparent form stayed behind instead of it disappearing. It appeared much dimmer though once her heart had been stripped away.
The hero's hopes were shaken.
"Kairi!" He cried out of his pain while the creature held Kairi's heart over its claw-like fingers, bringing it up to the large heart shaped gap in its chest.
He gasped in horror when her chained heart seemed to vanish inside the heart captor, instead of just dissipating at its hold. It had decided to keep the princess's heart for itself instead of guiding it down to the abyss, which angered the heartbroken boy even more.
Sora wasted no time.
He jumped to his feet, enraged. Then he called back his weapon and charged straight at it, leaping into it with a hard strike!
"Hharrgh! No! Give her back!" He demanded while forcing himself into it.
The Lich countered back with another dark blast, sending him away from it. Sora quickly regained his balance this time though, and went for it again, completely driven by determination, and rage.
He slashed it with a series of attacks, without letting up, until the enemy was left with no choice but to retreat. It floated out of the keyblade wielder's range, all the way to the fiery, heart-shaped portal, where the door to darkness was once said to be connected to. The hero glared at the creature before it disappeared into it.
"Ah!" He gasped, then hurried after it.
With his mind set on getting back Kairi's heart, he jumped straight into the suspicious looking dark portal, unsure of what it would mean for him, and he vanished. He wasn't about to lose her again!
Now, he found himself in an area without any visible walls, or a floor. All around, as far as he could see, there were flowing flames of red, green and blue filling the empty realm. And there, in the distance, was the monster that stole his precious Kairi's heart. But why had it come here?
Whatever that reason was, Sora didn't care. He was here for one thing and wasn't going to stop until he got what he'd come for.
"Oh!" Sora looked down and found the surface beneath him rising with darkness.
He looked ahead at the Lich through the dark wisps wavering in front of him, making it difficult for him to see out. He wasn't about to let the darkness stop him. Not while there was still a light there to guide him through even the deepest darkness.
With his target locked, Sora took off after the enemy with his keyblade, passing right through the darkness. He leapt at the enemy when he was close enough and struck over it, knocking it back. But the enemy used its special ability and split itself into multiple others, floating further back in attempt to confuse him.
Enraged once more, Sora slashed through them with his blade, one by one, vanquishing them until he could reach the real one. Being able to still see the faint glow of Kairi's heart as it shined through the original made it easy for him to see through the fake versions.
But even after all that fighting, after all that effort, something seemed to be working against him. "Augh..." He let out an exasperated sigh.
Sora was feeling worn out the deeper he went in after his foe, putting him at a huge disadvantage. This battle was taking a heavy toll on him. But he didn't care. Saving Kairi was more important to him than any of that, and he was still determined to do whatever it took to get her back.
But, it seemed the Lich had other ideas...
While the darkness in that place had started to get to him, until even his very form had begun to deteriorate at this point, his enemy seized the chance it'd been waiting for.
While emitting a strange glow around itself, it suddenly formed a red light around Sora, making him stop in his tracks as it outlined his whole body. Tried as he could to move, he couldn't.
"Ah!" He gasped when he saw himself being lifted up.
The Lich moved towards him, like a looming darkness. Sora could only wonder in a panic what was going on. What was about to happen.
He had a bad feeling this was it though. The final price he'd have to pay for chasing after hearts in this place again, despite all the warnings he'd received.
He watched helplessly now as the mysterious enemy motioned with its hand at him, wiggling its outstretched, pointed fingers in a similar way to how he'd seen Xehanort gesture around him.
He suddenly felt a strange force tug on his heart, making him inhale sharply. It felt like an attempt to take hold of his heart, too, but it backfired from within him. Something was keeping the dark power from getting to his heart.
He wasn't sure what had just happened.
"Agh!" He yelped when a light flashed where his heart was.
The Lich seemed to stare confounded at him while it held him there, before just letting him drop. Sora landed on his feet as he regained control again, and looked up at the heart guardian, just as confused.
He couldn't figure it out.
The way he had felt just then had to be the guardian trying to tear out his heart. But something prevented that from happening. A light... A light like...Kairi!
He realized at that moment, she must've been the one protecting him. Even while separated from her body and soul, Kairi's heart of light was still looking out for him.
He felt about ready to cry at the mere thought of it. Here he was, doing everything he could to rescue her... But it looked like she had saved him again.
"Ah..." He felt so overwhelmed at just the thought of her. As long as their two hearts stayed connected, she really would never let anything happen to him. Just like she promised. "Kairi..." He uttered her name while taking the moment to look inside himself.
The darkness could destroy his body... His memories weren't even safe from being overwritten he knew. But, as long as he had her, his light within the darkness, nothing was touching his heart. She was the reason he had held out this long, he knew the darkness here posed a great threat and had been trying to eat away at him since his arrival. It must've took a lot of strength on her part to keep him from just diminishing.
Then it occurred to him. Kairi really WAS doing everything she could to protect his heart, even while her heart wasn't even connected to her own body anymore. But could he say he was doing the same for her?
He'd already lost her after his failure to provide her with that same protection, and that made him feel terrible. Kairi needed him as much as he needed her, maybe even a little more right now. He had to make things right again. What was he going to do though? What could he do?
He was giving it lots of thought when he felt a thump in his chest. His heart. It was clear the guardian was after it now. But, thanks to Kairi's unwavering light, it couldn't reach it.
However, in this place his power felt a lot weaker, while his enemy had obviously grown stronger. He knew he was never going to stop it at this rate. Then he had an idea.
"Wait..." He spoke up. "You want my heart, too, don't you? But when you just tried to take it, you couldn't."
His words seemed to anger the creature where it floated in front of him as it shook violently, rattling the chains that hung beneath it. Sora was wondering what he'd done to make it this mad in the first place when it dawned on him.
"It's because of what happened before, when I freed all my friends' hearts. That's why you're upset, isn't it?"
The reaction he got from the guardian made it easy to see he was right. "Well, they weren't yours to take like that! It serves you... Oh." He paused when he remembered something.
His, and his friends' hearts had all been scattered from their bodies during the start of the big battle, which would've made them this guardian's responsibility. It was 'he' who had refused to let nature run its course. He didn't want to give up on them. The same way Kairi wouldn't let him go. So, with her help, he used the power he'd been given to bring them back, rewriting all of their fate.
Sora had come to an understanding now, but it was too late. His words had already provoked the Lich on taking its vengeance.
Before Sora knew what was happening, the outraged monster thrust its staff into the surface next to him and soon, had its claws gripped tightly around the boy's throat, and was lifting him up.
Sora's weapon fell from his hand and clattered over the dark surface below.
"Aagh-" He gagged, as the air in his lungs felt trapped.
Wincing from the deadly hold he was hanging by, Sora gazed down at the dark creature as it lifted its other hand towards him and motioned at his chest. He struggled when he saw it.
Using the same gesture as before with its claw-like fingers, the Heartless conjured a red aura around him again, and Sora felt another strong tug on his heart. It was just like before, only in a much bigger threat this time, as it still had its other hand clamped tight around his neck. But there wasn't much he could do.
"Ugh!" He grappled to hang on.
Even at such a disadvantage as he was, Kairi's heart prevailed, and the Lich could not bypass the protective barrier she had put around him. No matter how hard it tried to break through it. Her unwavering light would just flash from inside him to send the opposing power back.
Sora could feel the conflict in his heart between the forces of light and dark as it waged within him. Lucky for him, Kairi's light proved to be the stronger out of the two. She was the only thing keeping him from losing now.
He couldn't help wincing from the affliction, and on top of that, he was still struggling to catch a breath at the tight hold still around his throat. He could see what the enemy was trying to do, but Kairi's heart wasn't going to give him up so easily.
While his existence soon felt threatened to the point, a dark aura had started to form around him, trying to consume him while he was too weak to fight it off. He knew without Kairi's help the darkness would've taken its claim on him by this time.
His life was literally hanging by a thread.
"Gngh..." His strength was depleting fast.
It was a strange sensation, for one to be standing at the edge of life and death, but feel neither. He was thinking and he knew deep down, it was probably over for him, being nothing that could change it. He couldn't take much more of this. The only thing keeping him from just fading away already was Kairi's undoubting heart of light.
The fading boy wasn't sure how much longer this conflict could last, but he was ready for it to end. He was ready to give back on his part now, while he still could. Even if as long as they both believed in each other's hearts it meant he would keep going on, if he survived this ordeal, a life without her in it was no life at all. She was his light. His whole world. And right now, he couldn't have been wishing for anything more than for her to be returned to where she belonged, in the realm of light.
She deserved to have her life her back.
While Kairi's light seemed to have the whole situation under control, Sora knew what it would take to turn things around. It wasn't that he wanted to, but if it meant freeing her, then...
His heart and mind were made up.
"...W-wait!" His voice strained. "Ngh... YOU CAN HAVE IT!"
Sora's desperate cry seemed to get the Lich's attention. It dismissed the force that had been pulling on his heart all this time and was still while it held the boy dangling by its threatening grip.
The hero gagged again when he tried to speak, making the enemy release its hold and leave him to fall.
He gasped as the air was returned to him after landing on his knees before the creature, choking a little. "I... I escaped you before...(huff...huff...) That's why...you want my heart now, isn't it?" He placed his hand over his chest. "For hers, you can have it."
The creature with the gaping hole in its torso appeared to be listening.
"Set her heart free and allow her to return home safely, and I'll...take her place."
He said it, and with very little regret. He was ready to rewrite another heart's fate, even if it cost him his heart. He was ready to pay it.
While he knew the Lich wasn't capable of answering him, Sora waited anxiously to see what would happen, hoping his offer would be enough to free Kairi. Even though he was feeling very weak now, he was still willing to keep on fighting for her, if he had to.
The ominous looking creature hovered before him, then its hollow chest emitted a glow. He watched in amazement as Kairi's chained heart magically floated out in front of them.
He had got his answer.
His stomach churned inside, and his heart felt a slight ache. Whether it had really been his decision or not, it was breaking his heart. But there was no going back now.
The truth finished sinking in, as Sora came to fully realize his fate.
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chockfullofsecrets · 6 years
Sit and Stay
Rating: Gen
Summary: Yagi has a habit of tapping his fingers nervously. This normally isn’t a problem, but today there’s a certain voice hero lying in his lap.
Word Count: 1763
A/N: Happy Thanksgiving, you guys! Going to post this just in case anyone needs to read about soft indulgent tickles as much as I do right now :)
Hizashi frowned as he looked over the common room of 1-A’s dorms.
There was nothing wrong with the room itself; despite Aizawa’s grumbling about the horrors of having twenty quirk-possessing teenagers live together, the place was barely a month old and had yet to develop any serious carpet stains or burns on the wall. That he could see, anyway.
It was pretty nice, actually – curtains open, sunlight streaming brightly through the windows and melting into smudges of warmth against the glossy surface of the coffee table. No, the only problem here was the scarecrow man sitting in the middle of it all.
“All Might, there you are! You’re a hard guy to find!”
From the look on his face, the other man was surprised to see him. That was only to be expected, given that it had taken nearly twenty minutes to track him here.
Yagi straightened from where he had been listing slightly against the couch’s armrest, tapping nervously at the pages of the book on his lap even as he smiled brightly. “Yamada-kun! Sorry, I didn’t realize you were looking for me! I’m here because I promised the students that I would help them make dinner tonight.”
Hizashi squinted. “So you’re going to sit here for the next four hours, waiting for them to get back?”
Yagi’s grin took on a distinctly sheepish tilt. “I thought I might get a little reading done in the meantime,” he said. “Regardless, what are you doing here?” His eyes widened. “Is something going on with the children? The trip-”
“Nope,” Hizashi interjected firmly. “They’re fine, Eraser’s fine. I am here,” he said grandly, pausing to shoot his fellow teacher a pair of finger guns,” to do this!”
Crossing the room to Yagi’s side, he lifted the book and Yagi’s hands with it so that he could flop down comfortably in his newly-available lap.
Yagi coughed sharply, his thin legs twitching under Hizashi’s weight. “Yamada-kun!”
“Hey, keep reading, pretend I’m not even here if you want!” he soothed, pulling out his phone. “Aizawa told me to, and I quote, sit on you or something to make sure you didn’t follow him and 1-A on their class trip and actually got your rest in. I don’t make the rules!”
Yagi was still bent uncomfortably against the weight, his whole body tense, but at that he laughed shortly. “I’m sure he didn’t mean it this literally.”
Hizashi shrugged. “Too bad! With Eraser gone, you’re my designated cuddle buddy until further notice.” Wanting the other man to relax, he reached up and tugged lightly at one of his bangs. “We can braid each other’s hair if you want – and believe me, I would be one hundred percent down for that – but I meant it when you said you can keep reading. What is it? Anything good?”
The book’s cover was hurriedly flattened over Hizashi’s stomach, but not before he could make out the title - ‘Teaching For Dummies’? He huffed in disbelief, but that was a battle for another day. Squirming onto his side to get a better angle for viewing his screen, he opened up his browser and pointedly started scrolling.
Thankfully, Yagi took the hint that Hizashi wasn’t planning on moving anytime soon and, shyly propping his book up on the available hip, got back to doing whatever it was he was doing. Hizashi found himself drifting as well – the sunlight really was nice in here, the couch a cooling leather, and after a couple minutes of getting used to Yagi’s bony form he stopped minding it except for the comforting warmth soaking into his side and back through his T-shirt.
And then one of Yagi’s hands slipped from the pages of his book to Hizashi’s side and returned to its nervous drumming, finger after finger padding lightly down.
Hizashi bit back a giggle, not wanting to disturb the tranquil scene, but it just kept going, the slight tapping, and the longer it went the more it started to feel… sensitive.
Thanking himself for wearing glasses today instead of contacts, he squeezed his eyes shut and tried to think. He could roll over, but being on his belly would smush his face into the couch cushions and being on his back with those fingers still drumming was definitely not an option. If it kept on like this, he was going to laugh, and that would startle Yagi out of it, but then -
It felt too nice to make him stop, Hizashi decided. A couple minutes. He could hold out for a couple more minutes, and then he would say something.
He tried to focus on his phone, raising one hand dramatically to his mouth as if he were deep in thought – at least it would hide the smile he could feel tugging at the edges of his lips. But the feeling just kept going, each tap sparking a new ticklish nerve on his side, and despite his best efforts he couldn’t keep himself from snickering helplessly at the assault.
Yagi’s fingers paused abruptly, and with the relief came a sense of disappointment that he tried very hard to supress. “Yamada-kun? Are you all right?”
Hizashi’s hand spasmed over his mouth; he wasn’t sure what would happen if he actually turned to look at the other man. “Yeah, yeah! You were just, uh… tickling me, that’s all.”
“Oh, I’m sorry!” The hand returned to his side, rubbing briskly and dispelling the remaining tingles. “I didn’t even realize, I must have been doing that for a while – nervous habit, you know! Why didn’t you say anything?”
It was a casual question, in exactly the same tone Aizawa asked it in when he was in the mood for teasing, and Hizashi blamed that entirely for his knee-jerk response of, “I – haha, I… didn’t want you to stop?”
Yagi’s hand froze. “Ah.”
Hizashi moved so fast to cover his face in embarrassment that he almost cracked his glasses and maybe his nose on the phone still in his hand. “Augh! Sorry, for a second there I thought you were – I mean, I wasn’t trying to-”
The hand on his waist tightened a little, pushing gently until Hizashi was tipped over into a decidedly more supine position than his ban on eye contact could stand. Yagi didn’t look angry, though, just a little amused. It was the first time Hizashi had seen him anything other than blatantly nervous all day. “You must be quite ticklish here, if a little tapping has you this worked up.”
“Huh?” Mic said, half mumbling into his hands, and then his eyes widened as the words registered. “I – ah – not really, and – it wasn’t just the tapping! I’m not that ticklish!”
He absolutely was, but he wasn’t going to admit that.
Yagi took it in stride, setting his book down and sending his other hand to join the first on Hizashi’s sides. As Hizashi took a second to stupidly wonder how hands so large and comfortingly warm could exist, he stroked his thumbs gently against the base of Hizashi’s ribcage. “Oh, really? In that case, you’ll have to tell me what I was doing that you liked so much.”
“I – pfft –“
“Or maybe you didn’t like any of it, and you were hoping I would do this instead?” A single finger scribbled across his belly, bared below the hem of his shirt from all the shifting, and the genuinely curious look on Yagi’s face did absolutely nothing to keep him from squeaking in pleasured mortification.
“Ah – gyahahaha – that tickles!”
“I figured it would,” Yagi chuckled. “I don’t mind doing this, if you’re enjoying it.”
Mic sputtered, still choking on giggles as another finger snuck out to circle his navel. “W-whyhyhy?”
Yagi ducked his head a little, not entirely succeeding on hiding a shy smile behind his bangs. “I’ve been looking for something to do with my hands, and you said you didn’t want me to stop, so – please tell me if any of that isn’t the case!”
Even Aizawa wasn’t usually mean enough to make him admit things like this, he thought, and ignored the question in favor of curling a little further into Yagi’s lap.
“Okay, then,” Yagi said, smiling a little wider, “how about here?” He dipped a finger delicately into the shallow well of Hizashi’s navel, pressing down just hard enough to massage the nerves at the very bottom, and Hizashi very nearly screamed a hole into the ceiling.
Luckily his hands were tight enough over his mouth to avoid him being the first person to cause property damage in 1-A’s dorm, and he deployed one of them to smack Yagi furiously on the arm until the offending digit was removed and he could successfully gasp for breath. “Ha, ha, ah – I have a voice quirk, remember?”
Yagi raised a surprised eyebrow, taking his hand and squeezing it reassuringly, and Hizashi almost melted under his fond look. “That bad, huh? I guess we’ll save that spot for Aizawa-kun to tackle, then.”
So much for fond. “Don’t tease me, it’s mean,” Hizashi groaned, breaking back into bubbly giggles almost immediately as Yagi returned to tracing light lines over the lower half of his belly.
“Sorry, sorry,” Yagi said – how many times was this guy going to apologize to him anyway? – but he was smiling happily at Hizashi’s torment, providing gently torturous tickles until Hizashi decided that he was finally in the mood to breathe like a normal person.
He wriggled into a more upright position, tugging his shirt down, and grimaced as he caught sight of the time on his phone. “Ah, it’s only been an hour, and we’ve already done all there is to do in here! Why don’t you come for a walk with me or something?”
Yagi’s smile diminished considerably. “But, the students-”
“Are doing community service in the middle of a city with multiple pro heroes watching their every move. I know we don’t have the best track record, but sitting here waiting for them to come back safely isn’t going to do much, is it?”
“Right,” Yagi sighed. “As long as I’m here when they get back, I can go for a run or something-”
“I will sit on you again.”
“A walk,” he conceded. “Exercise is good for staying positive, isn’t it?”
“Anything’s better than staying in here,” Hizashi agreed, bouncing a little in excitement. “Okay, let’s go!”
“You have to get off me first,” Yagi reminded gently.
“Oh, yeah, crushing the Symbol of Peace under my legs… oookay, here we go!”
And so they went.
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kingofthewilderwest · 6 years
A/N Much thanks to @jayalaw for the conversation inspiring this idea!
He said he knew what he was doing. And he meant that, mostly. Sure, he hadn't owned a dog before. But he'd played with his neighbor's pets when he was a child. Those dogs sat; they stayed; they rolled over; they listened; they were wonderful, loyal, obedient companions. He loved dogs! So how hard could a couple days of dog sitting be?
Thus he assured the first lieutenant it would be no problem, she could attend to out-of-town work while he enjoyed a rare weekend off, a rare vacation for just him and Black Hayate.
The weekend would be great.
Hawkeye had given him a surreptitious side glance before leaving the apartment, some suspicious gesture that maybe she didn't believe he knew what he'd be doing. He waved farewell with a confident smile, but at the same time she paused, and with some strange reluctance said, "There's a box of dog treats in the top cupboard. Black Hayate's more obedient with an incentive. But please. Being firm is better. Use those sparingly."
"Of course. The pooch is well-behaved, anyway. Aren't you, boy?"
He knelt down toward the dog, whose tail wagged tentatively, and Mustang said, "Can you shake?"
Black Hayate looked at Mustang's palm. Black Hayate looked at Mustang's face. Black Hayate wagged his tail twice more. Black Hayate cocked his head to one side. Black Hayate did not shake.
Feeling somewhat self-conscious at the dog's lack of respect, and even more self-conscious the dog's owner was witnessing Mustang-brand uselessness, the colonel tried again.
Hawkeye sighed.
He could certainly detect reluctance in that sigh.
She… didn't believe he knew what he was doing.
"Shake," she said, and at once, BraHa's paw plopped itself on top of Mustang's open palm.
"Uh. Well. See?" He gave an awkward laugh, scratching at the back of his head. "Obedient dog."
Hawkeye's stare was firm, unwavering. "Don't use all the treats, and please don't do anything stupid," she said one last time.
With that, she left the colonel to his duties.
The door closed before him.
He stood in the room alone with one small, innocent puppy, who stared at him with a combination of curiosity and confusion. Mustang, in turn, looked down to the dog, but his expression was one of pouty exasperation.
"You couldn't shake for me?" he whined to the dog. "Not even in front of your owner? Way to make me look bad." Apparently the commanding officer of a military base, who dictated orders to thousands of well-disciplined soldiers, could not garner the same authority for a four month old puppy. "Those were orders, dog."
Black Hayate gave a happy, carefree yip.
"Let's try this again."
It wasn't just to cure his hurt ego, Mustang told himself. It wasn't so he could feel like the smarter species against one knee-high canine. Simply, he needed to get the dog to shake for a logical, level-headed purpose: to make sure that this dog he was watching would listen to him. It was imperative for Black Hayate to understand who the boss was. Standard dog-training procedures. That's all this was.
"That's an order, soldier."
The dog sat down, but none of this was actually listening to what Mustang wanted. Why didn't the dog care what he had to say?!
Roy eyed the top cupboard, a sly grin pulling up on his face. The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting. Brilliant strategists knew how to employ resources to utmost efficacy. "Oh. Just you wait. Just you wait. I'll win this one, mutt. You'll be listening to me in a minute..."
The treats worked like alchemy. At once the dog transmuted from an idle tail-wagger to a loyal, obedient lackey. Feeling rather pleased and self-important, Mustang with his new-found dog-controlling superpowers convinced the puppy to wear a leash and follow him outdoors for a walk around the block. Being a dog owner was easy. Being a dog owner was magnificent. Ah, yes! He surely loved dogs! The ultimate, loyal followers, man's best friend indeed!
Mild-mannered Black Hayate would pause to sniff at flower beds alongside the sidewalks, creep toward small children who wanted to pet him, calmly follow Mustang's lead toward the nearest public park. The dog didn't tug at the leash. The dog didn't abruptly stop. Outside of their earlier "shake" incident, everything was proceeding perfectly. And if anything else were to go wrong - which it wouldn't, not at all - then Mustang was prepared, the box of dog treats secured tactically inside his pants pocket.
To think the lieutenant hesitated leaving him with this dog!
A break in close-packed buildings and narrow alleys opened to a square of rolling green: one of East City's larger public parks. BraHa perked immediately, even before they had crossed the road and started strolling on the grass. Roy found himself relaxing once they stepped past benches and trees and wandered through the park. Glancing at a stick discarded on the ground, he began to formulate an idea.
"You like fetch?"
He paused for a second, analyzing the situation. This would involve letting the dog go off-leash. But given as BraHa seemed so behaved - the dog was sniffing mildly at Roy's pants pocket even now - Roy couldn't see any harm letting the pup run free.
As the dog licked up a treat in one hand, Roy used the other to clip the leash off.
Just as he was about to chuck the stick, though, something happened.
The dog launched himself away from Mustang, charged at an impossible speed across the lawn, yapping and barking with unadulterated enthusiasm. Roy found himself screaming at the top of his lungs. "SHIT! BLACK HAYATE! NO! NO! BAD DOG! NO NO NO NO NO NO! TREATS! I'VE GOT TREEEEAAAATS!"
Ecstatic dog howls pursued… a terrified squirrel.
A very frantic colonel raced after that. Past couples who stared, shocked, at the gallantly-charging dog sitter. Blundering past children playing ball. Leaping over the basket of one family's previously-peaceful picnic. Darting around other dog owners who calmly played with pups, no issues at all, no squirrels setting their canines barreling off to the other end of the green.
"No no no no no cooooome baaaaack!"
He almost face-planted into soil the second BraHa stopped. Tail wagging, the dog placed front paws against the trunk of a tree. A chittering squirrel hid in the branches above.
Roy gasped for breath.
"Alright… Alright. Leash… back… on…" he decided.
The dog hopped out of reach before he could finish that maneuver. Butt high in the air, BraHa gave a playful growl, then danced away again from the colonel's hand.
Oh. Now the dog wanted to play with him.
Frustrated grin on his lips and teeth grinding under his smile, Mustang dug into his pants pocket. Time for treats. He wasn't giving the dog too many, right? And he needed to catch Black Hayate before…
Mustang glanced up.
A tall, blond man, puffing a cigarette in his mouth, stared down at the spectacle between dog and dog sitter. Havoc was standing just a few feet away.
"Oh. Havoc."
"What do we have here?"
Mustang used the distraction as opportunity. With a hoot of success, he clipped the leash to Black Hayate's collar, then stood to greet his subordinate. Hopefully Havoc hadn't seen Mustang's earlier desperate dash across the park. Hopefully Havoc wouldn't notice the grass stains on Roy's knees, either.
"The lieutenant asked me to dog-sit this weekend."
"You?" Havoc said skeptically.
Mustang glared.
"Yes, me!"
"Wow. She's got way more faith than I do."
"I know how to handle dogs," Mustang grumbled.
"Do you?"
Havoc pointed down.
Mustang looked down.
There was a leash. And a collar. But no dog.
Havoc looked out in the distance.
Mustang looked out in the distance.
There was the dog. Another squirrel. Halfway across the park.
"AUGH! Dumb dog!"
And as Mustang charged off again, shouting, hurling dog treats into the air and altogether forgetting to grab the collar, Havoc snorted.
"Pretty sure the dumb one's on the other end of the leash."
Keys jangling from outside came at exactly the wrong moment.
He couldn't say "Wait!" to the owner of her own apartment. She had a right to enter. She had the means of entering. She was entering.
He still almost shouted "Wait!" anyway.
The words caught in his mouth, though. So did all the other words he could have spoken. Even when she piped up with a, "Hello? Colonel?" to find his location, he couldn't find anything useful to speak, and choked on nothing.
She found him like this, dumb and dumbfounded, seated on the floor of the bathroom.
Water everywhere.
Mud everywhere.
Shampoo everywhere.
And a suddenly, completely, perfectly obedient puppy, darting up to greet his owner.
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umbraastaff · 6 years
I Saw Seven Bounties, chapter 7
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Phandalin is one of Barry’s most frequented locations as a lich. So, Kravitz reasons, maybe that’s where he comes back to life. Admittedly, he’s never (knowingly) found Barry in living form, but it’s been a slow week for bounties. He’s got a minute to poke around for his most important target, especially with the possibility of finding him at his most vulnerable: alive.
“Poking around” actually ends up entailing slinking around the shadows for a good bit of the day. As fate would have it, there’s a large, cross-country train passing through the city. It’s too perfect of an escape for Barry to take, he’s sure, but Kravitz slips into the darkness beneath the train anyway. What other leads does he have, after all?
He nearly jumps up through the floor the second he feels it-- muffled by flesh, but unmistakably Barry’s soul-- but he has to control himself. Barry isn’t nearing the record for Kravitz’s longest hunt by being a fool, and Kravitz isn’t going to catch him by being one, either.
Nighttime would be best, he decides: fewer witnesses, sleeping target, and of course the advantage of darkness. And so it’s in the early hours after midnight that Kravitz phases up through the floor and creeps towards the door he can feel Barry sleeping behind.
In retrospect, confusing conversations always seem to be Kravitz’s downfall when dealing with Barry. But he always seems so genuine… And then Barry’s tricking him and shoving him and running out the car door.
Kravitz slams against the door with all his weight, but Barry holds steady on the other side. They’re just inches apart, and the energy is deafening-- until it isn’t, suddenly. He shoves the door again, and it swings open easily, letting him stumble into the cold air. He catches a glimpse of movement, below. The bastard jumped. Several seconds later, he sees a red shape rise from the body just as the train takes the chasm out of his view.
There’s no hope for it now, he thinks, shutting the door and slumping against it. Now that Barry’s dead, he’ll be gone in seconds. It would be impossible to catch him here, but at least he’s spooked Barry into dying again; he’s easier to find when the lich stench isn’t buried under blood and bone.
A distinct voice cuts through his thoughts, jolting him. His whole mind goes blank to accept a single sentence: I-i-if you want a fight, Kravitz, I’m on the roof.”
It’s a trap, of course. Barry’s trying to distract him and escape. But Kravitz has nothing better to go off right now, and anyhow, it’s not as if Barry has ever actually done long-term harm to him, even with a planned trap. And if it isn’t a trap, well, punching Barry Bluejeans in the face seems like a rewarding prospect.
He rises up between the train cars. There’s a moment when he can’t hear anything, and he almost stops there. But just above that, he can hear again, as if he’d just passed through the world’s thinnest Silence spell. The wind blows audibly here, but the train now glides soundlessly over the tracks.
He sees Barry, several cars closer to the back of the train, walking towards him. His bright red cloak billows in the wind like fire, no longer obscuring his skull or his jeans. The wind shouldn’t be affecting it, actually-- Barry must be putting effort into making it move. But the energy coming off of him feels too strong to be an illusion.
A terrible rasping voice slices through the wind. “K r a v i t z,” it whispers. It’s Barry, definitely. “Howww dare you interfere… with my plans,” he growls. Kravitz’s eyes widen, just a bit. If he has another emotional explosion right above the train…
“Barry, let’s calm down…” he glances down at the train. “Perhaps we should take this somewhere else?”
Barry follows the downward look. “You don’t--” his voice is back to normal. “Oh, uh, shoot. Um. You don’t think the Silence spell will-- um, do you think we need a shield, too? Over the train? O-or we can move, yeah--”
Kravitz squints at him. “You’re still stable.”
“And… you want to fight. Me.”
Barry nods. “Yeah, it- it’s a good way to, uh, get out anger? You seem… mad at me, a whole lot, and I can’t give you-- I mean, I’m not gonna turn myself in, but I c-can do this.”
“You’re legitimately just here for a fight,” Kravitz reiterates blankly, sending out his senses for any sort of trickery. This is Barry in his entirety, though. Just there. Perfection may be unattainable, but this night sure is getting close.
“Y-yeah, uh, I mean-- we don’t have to--”
“Challenge accepted,” Kravitz says, skin melting away as he takes his own skeletal form. Barry will never come near if he fights with his scythe right off the bat, but perhaps Kravitz can wear him down before delivering a final blow. He summons a sword for the moment: long and silver, with black feathers sprouting around a red gem in the hilt.
Barry, startled by the enthusiasm, just barely manages to jump back out of range as Kravitz swings. The sword misses, but the burning energy extending from it manages to clip his hood.
“Agh! O-okay!” Barry shouts as the cloth knits itself back together, still sparking with bits of magic. “Great!” The sparks hop down to coalesce in his skeletal hand, and he points. Kravitz tries to move, but Barry’s finger follows him, and the electric strike shoots through his chest. Ouch. At least he doesn’t have any heart to stop.
In the moment he stumbles back, the ground feels uneven beneath his feet. Then it shoves upwards as soon as he’s off balance, throwing him to the other end of the train car. Of course, when he sits up and looks at the ground, it’s perfectly flat. Barry stays where he is, skeletal face betraying nothing. Waiting for the reaper to make another move.
Kravitz obliges, furious now, hovering back to his feet. They meet eyes, socket to socket, void to void. The darkness between them thickens until Kravitz can shape it, wrapping it tight around Barry to choke out any light.
He extends his senses through the artificial blackness and finds the lich shaking. To Barry’s credit, he tries to get out of range by lifting his feet and letting the train take Kravitz away. Of course, this isn’t something Kravitz will allow. He takes hold of a thread of the darkness to yank Barry back towards the train. Barry resists far less than expected.
He crashes right into Kravitz, radiating a heat and blinding light that shines through cracks in the darkness. Kravitz stumbles backwards, off-balance and blinded, and Barry collapses at his feet. The dark aura surrounding him breaks apart and dissipates.
Kravitz’s scythe materializes, and he slams the blade down. Barry rolls out of the way, passing right through his shins. The heat Kravitz felt before burns his legs with tenfold the strength, and it boils up through him, accompanied by a horrible sensation of being ripped apart from the inside. It isn't in his soul like last time, though-- it feels far too material. It’s eating away at his physical form.
Kravitz feels something shove through his back and through where his heart should be. He looks down to see a skeletal fist coated in flame, sticking right out of his chest. It looks like a ghost passing through him, but it feels like lava in his chest.
Panicked now, Kravitz forces one hand just far enough into the ethereal plane to get a grip on Barry’s wrist, and then he pulls it forward. Barry tumbles right through him and hits the train roof-- caught not by the metal, but by the Silence barrier, being made of magic himself. He looks like a slumped pile of cloth on the ground now, starting to shake with a series of violent coughs.
Kravitz is overwhelmed by a sudden nausea. Barry passing through his core didn’t burn him like the last time, but a lich is still a lich, composed of everything Kravitz is sworn to stop. So instead of taking a swing at his weakened target, he starts coughing as well. Souls were never meant to pass so close together that way.
“Augh, damn,” Barry says between coughs. “Are y-you okay? I’m-- I didn’t mean to hurt-- to, uh, startle you that bad.”
“Oh, startle me?” Kravitz shouts. His movements are too stiff for the energy in his words. “You provoke a fight and suddenly you’re concerned for my emotional well-being?!”
“I- I- I started this be- because- because I was con-- because--”
“I don’t get it, Barry Bluejeans! I don’t understand!” He looms over the lich as he gets to his knees. “Why aren’t you ever angry? Upset?! You’re a lich, for crying out loud! I’m going to drag you to hell, Barry Bluejeans, and you’re concerned for me.”
Barry does spark and twitch through that spiel-- telltale signs of instability-- but it’s more likely just him expelling magic. He says weakly, “I’m-- y- you're the only person that’s-- that I've had a fully lucid con- conversation with in almost… no, over three years, now. Of course I'm-- of course I would--” he puts his hands on his face and looks skywards. “I mean, okay, you-- I assume you usually deal with liches who g-gave up life for power. S-so their whole temperament is kinda-- it's guided by that bond to- to, uh, ambition and destruction. But the problem with that is, um, mental energy fluctuates, so they get an emotional high and then--”
“And then they crash, and the lack of defined purpose makes them explode, yes, this is my job,” Kravitz says, exasperated. “And you're special? You've got some emotionally-immune anchor, Barry? You're composed of emotions by definition!”
“Y- yeah, uh, yes. I can't explain the circumstances, exactly,” Barry says, and Kravitz rolls his eyes, “but my anchors are to my family, to love, which d-doesn't fluctuate the same way. A-and, uh, for better or worse, I'm prone to caring… e-even about people that want to k-kill me, I guess.”
Kravitz snaps back to himself at the last sentence. Neither of them have coughed for at least a minute, now. They're just… sitting around and talking. “You’re something else, Barry.”
He summons his scythe, but Barry barely seems to notice, looking past him instead. “Duck,” says the lich urgently.
Kravitz lets out a second of a laugh. “Ha! Really, again? You think--”
“Duck!” Barry shouts, and this time it's a Command, rattling Kravitz’s brain and loosening his knees.
It’s too late-- something slams into his back before he can fall, and it keeps going, destroying his physical form and leaving his soul scrambling to keep hold of consciousness.
He can't see or hear like this, but he feels a calming force wash over him: an assurance that if he falls asleep now, he will still wake up. Then he is passing through a dimensional rift, and then he is on the ground.
The moment Kravitz is awake enough to do so, he conjures up a basic skeletal form and clambers to his feet. His surroundings are about as dark as the night was around the train, but indoors. He’s in his office, in fact. Barry isn’t here.
Barry casts Command moments too late, and he watches Kravitz get hit by the outer wall of a tunnel the train is passing through. His body dissipates, and a glowing orb is left in its place.
The orb is no longer tethered by the train’s movement, so Barry lets go of the train as well to keep from crashing into it. “Kravitz?” he whispers. It doesn’t respond, but it keeps flickering like-- like it’s running out of energy. Oh no.
On impulse, Barry pulls on some of Merle’s teachings, from a long time ago. A cantrip: Spare the Dying. It’s classified as necromancy, but it requires divine assistance. Barry doesn’t know if the Pan in this world will listen to him, let alone any other gods, but he invites anything to to give him the magic for this one spell.
As a necromancer, of course, Barry knows that opening yourself to any power is a dangerous thing, especially when there are gods at odds with you. But in this split section of a moment, he’s ignoring a century’s worth of learned caution.
Suddenly, he is exhaling a dark fog that carries all of his warmth, and the wind begins crystallizing into ice as it blows through him. The fog surrounds the glowing orb, and then they both disappear.
Barry is suddenly sure of two things as his incorporeal form goes back to not having the nerves to feel cold: firstly, Kravitz will be fine. Secondly, if there were not countless laws in place stopping gods from interfering more directly, Barry might have just made a terrible mistake. He feels very, very small when these thoughts are put into his head, but it is not a new feeling.
Barry sighs and watches the train disappear into the distance. It would be too predictable if he tried to get to his destination now, right after being caught on the way to it.
Well, there will always be another chance. He was getting a bad feeling about heading to Glamour Springs anyway.
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deductionfreak · 7 years
wulf watches conan falls over a cliff, the musical
feat presume and patsu, who accompanied me on this shitfest
新一 ☆-Today at 01:35
sees preview oh boy its one of those 'haibara is the only competent one' aos isnt it dreads next part sigh yyyyep it is another good premise ruined at least the police are semi competent tho seriously tho why go alone just mghghghgh conan as well just places face in hands why do u do this @ writers esp bcthey should have noticed that cave at the cliff
犯人の灰原さん-Today at 01:35
face > hand
新一 ☆-Today at 01:35
re cops like all this feels like it hinges on four fucking boats missing a gotdamn cave boats CRAWLING W COPS LOOKING FOR STUFF IN THE WATER just LONG SIGH
Rancrow 🎃-Today at 01:36
doesn megure like tell them to look in the morning Kogoro is like NO
新一 ☆-Today at 01:37
they do it rigth away
Rancrow 🎃-Today at 01:37
新一 ☆-Today at 01:37
yea kogoro says no now and like i can understand why he'd wait for the morning, the seas at night are fucking inky black it looks like a tar pit its very hard to spot anyone but they'd have seen a goddamn cave FOUR BOATS
Rancrow 🎃-Today at 01:38
新一 ☆-Today at 01:38
AND THEY KEPT SEARCHING TILL MORN THEY WOUDL HAVE SEEN THE FUCKIN CAVE im just shakes fist it sets itself up okay then goes for shit tropes like 'cops cant see shit' and 'the competent chara who is not the mc™ goes off on their own' plus 'conan tells no one but haib he survived for NO FUCKIN G REASON'
Rancrow 🎃-Today at 01:39
ye the second part was like wtf
新一 ☆-Today at 01:39
first part was intense second part was shit the whole stunt w the belt too lfmao the more i watch the worse it gets i want to file my Big and Long complaint, see reason why im scared to do a case myself unless i have it planned out: this happens cc is like..........my one mistake that i will not repeat most of yall dont know the story for that tho his reasons to not tell anyone else dont make sense like its fine that they want the bandits to think the guy is dead but not the police??? his friends??? this is just so much bullshiti need a drink I KNOW IM ALWAYS BITCHING ABT THIS STUFF BUT ITS BC ITS BAD
Rancrow 🎃-Today at 01:51
,,,       *refills the salt shaker* continue
新一 ☆-Today at 01:51
omg and of course haibara has no complaints about LETTING THEM THINK THEY ARE DEAD whats this about having the police force wrapped around your pinkie? i dont know them lit when he could have made THE MOST USE OF THE POLICE FRIENDS HE HAS LIKE U KNOW WARN THEM OF THE PLANNED ROBBERY BC APPARENTLY THIS WAS A SLOTTED PLAN BEFORE and then'explain to them later' >just the db >not lit everyone you love who thinks you fucking died well not really but w using the comp they rbought they lit know where the next hit will be you arent gonna use your cop buddies? REALLY? redeeming trait: they do fuckin call the cops
Rancrow 🎃-Today at 01:56
refills the salt shaker again just in case -img of conan tantrum on table-
新一 ☆-Today at 01:58
me tbh
Rancrow 🎃-Today at 01:58
its ok let it go
新一 ☆-Today at 01:59
i hate how so many anime originals that focus on haibara do this to all characters around her tho like you dont need to DUMB THEM DOWN to make her stick out its just bad writing
新一 ☆-Today at 02:00
u can tell when its a manga one instead because the characters at least dont get dumbed down i think the only character gosho has dumbed down to the point where it felt extremely noticable was jodie unfortunately yes i get it writers love salty science child but STOP DESTROYING THE CAST AROUND HER TO MAKE HER SHINE FOR GODS SAKE a a a a a
Rancrow 🎃-Today at 02:01
新一 ☆-Today at 02:01
just this is such a prominent problem and then its reflected on the fandom
Rancrow 🎃-Today at 02:01
it is
新一 ☆-Today at 02:01
bc then THEY DO IT TOO
Rancrow 🎃-Today at 02:01
I agree I'm just half asleep
新一 ☆-Today at 02:02
screams into hands i hate this
犯人の灰原さん-Today at 02:04
angrysquint @ staff why th
新一 ☆-Today at 02:04
same wow conan, talking to three big armed men all by yourself
Rancrow 🎃-Today at 02:05
-haibara thumbs down emotes-
新一 ☆-Today at 02:05
another sin and now he's taunting them
犯人の灰原さん-Today at 02:06
,,,,,, k for a moment i read that as talking to three big arms
新一 ☆-Today at 02:06
LFMAO sentient robber arms
犯人の灰原さん-Today at 02:06
ur ran-neechan's already got them big guns no need to look at others
新一 ☆-Today at 02:06
tbh seriously conan confronting three men. Alone. They-re armed.
Rancrow 🎃-Today at 02:07
with a fucking crossbow
新一 ☆-Today at 02:08
and then he tells the man they want to kill to COME IN and then the cops come out of nowhere honestly like they could have shot them both before they got arrested literally esp a guy who shot ppl who -resisted- so why bother w the stunt show??? that made absolutely no sense and then they just give up when there are just three cops three. unarmed. cops ran also nowhere to be seen he just fuckin drops his crossbow and bows like?????????????? this is one sudden character flip an d makes absolutely no sense for all of them what makes more sense? for them to come in to a room full of cops this plan is just flimsy and relies on them not taking potshots at the toddler not to mention them not resisting arrest SOMETHING HE SEEMED TO HAVE NO PROBLEMS WITH WHEN HE SHOT THE COP IN THE FIRST HALF 'you photoshopped them' lfmao the detco constable frozen sigh this little twist at the end wasnt even worth it and was sadly predictable he just fell
children look smug over mantantrum
Rancrow 🎃-Today at 02:16
looking at that makes my knees hurt
新一 ☆-Today at 02:16
same i guess the end was worth it for them being mad at him for doin this fucking bullshit its kinda sad tho bc it felt the emotional investment in their worries and fears was just brushed aside for comedy
Rancrow 🎃-Today at 02:17
yeah kinda just not a good thing to do
新一 ☆-Today at 02:18
im tired of this ao bullshit so ill watch fanboy mitsuhiko later but honestly that was just so underhanded this whole second part just toys with potential and throws it in a firepit then laughs at you for expecting any better it was also my problem w the conan in a coffin one well one of the many the emotional investment was just brushed off haha how funny he forgot to tell everyone else he wa s still f ucking alive best part??? kogoro knew but apparently ran didnt the whole cops knew and we dont even know how they felt about this agasa also and its just what the fuck why cant you even bother to tell them 'im ok but we're hiding' hell just augh it was just plain bad this ao was shit, lads
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rabiesram · 7 years
hot head can’t do math
ech a one shot I did one night when I couldn’t sleep well freeform kai and lloyd just bein bros (movieverse)
The bell echoed throughout the school. It's loud ring signified the end of the school day, much to the joy of all the hardworking students. A whole class nearly busted out the door, almost thirty teenagers pouring out from the classroom they were just sitting in seconds ago. Out of all these teens, six of them grouped up at a line of lockers in a hallway just nearby. "Cooole! Do you really have to throw these airplanes at me?" Jay whined, picking various shaped paper airplanes out of his curly hair and throwing them on the ground. "Heey! Don't throw 'em! Those are good paper planes!" Cole complained back, scooping them off the floor. "Since when did you learn how to make these...?" Nya questioned her friend, taking a paper plane out of his hands. "Give it back! I spent so much time on that one too!" He cried out, snatching it back quickly. He flung his large black book bag off his shoulder and shoved his planes into his bag. They were his hard work! How dare they try to destroy them, let alone take them! Jay chuckled at this. Meanwhile, Zane just watched with the most confused expression. "So, get your homework before the end of class?" Lloyd casually asked his hot-headed buddy. Kai sighed and shook his head. "No. I...I didn't really...get it." He muttered, clenching his hands into fists. He didn't like admitting it, really. Lloyd's eyebrows shot up. "You? Out of all people? Kai glared angrily at Lloyd. "Don't say it like that! I...I usually get this stuff! I'm like, so good at this stuff...most of the time!" He yelled, crossing his arms. Lloyd laughed and let his hand fall onto Kai's shoulder. "Don't sweat it dude," He said, a smile across his face. "If you want, just swing by my place later and I can see what I can do to...uh...help out." Lloyd suggested, pushing his friend backwards a bit. Kai snorted and then took a minute to consider it. Did he really want to put the effort towards this? And did he really want Lloyd, his leader to help him with such a petty little thing? He really didn't want to waste Lloyd's time anyway. But...finals were coming up... "...I'll probably pop over in a hour." Lloyd smiled at that answer. Though he wouldn't admit it in public or to Kai himself (yet), he really liked spending time with Kai. It wasn't like he didn't like spending time with the other ninjas on his team, but he just seemed to click with Kai. So it was pretty nice just to kick back with him, even if it was school related. Lloyd brought out his fist in front of Kai, a grin still stuck on his face. Kai returned the smile and bumped his own fist against Lloyd's. "See ya' around greenie." "See you soon!" With that, Kai walked off with a very subtle skip in his step and Lloyd turned back to the rest of his friends. -- Lloyd was in his apartment building, sitting at the kitchen table with his mother at the sink doing the dishes. "Everything all cleaned up for your friend?" Koko asked with her cheerful voice ringing through Lloyd's ears. Lloyd nodded. "Yes Mom." "Are you sure? We wouldn't want Kai to find your dirty shirts all over the place, now would we?" Lloyd groaned and put his head in his hands. "I'm super sure. A hundred percent. Just...don't embarrass me when he gets here, 'aight?" Koko giggled and dried a dish off with a towel, setting it gently to the side on the counter. "Understood, lil' Lloydie!" She smiled. The blonde groaned again and slammed his head on the table. Then, a ring at the door. Lloyd shot up. "Kai!" The blonde scrambled out of his seat, nearly tipping over the wooden chair. He ran to the door and looked through the peephole quick before opening the door. He had made this a habit of his ever since Garmadon sent one of his shark army general's to his door a few times to attempt a kidnapping of sorts. Much to the teenager's delight, the only thing at the door was a kid his same age with brown, spiky hair, a scar over his left eye, and a red jacket. It was Kai. Lloyd sighed in relief and unlocked the door to his apartment, swinging the door open. "Welcome to my humble-abode!" Lloyd called out, stepping to the side to welcome Kai into the apartment room. "What a welcoming. Wish I had that every time I got home." Kai said, patting Lloyd's shoulder as he walked in. "So, you brought your stuff?" Lloyd asked, shutting the door. Kai nodded, shaking his back a bit to show off his backpack. "You know it." "Alright, good. So what do you need 'help' with." Kai was about to tell him, but he froze. He looked around quickly, making sure nobody was around to hear about Kai's...academic problems. He crept closer to his leader and cupped his hand around his mouth. "Math. All of it. Everything we've learned this week." Lloyd was surprised by Kai's rather strange behavior. He couldn't remember the last time he saw Kai like this. Kai's cheeks even looked like they were starting to grow pretty pink from the embarrassment. "Uh...no problem dude. Follow me." Lloyd said, making his way through the small living room. Kai followed him as ordered. It didn't take long to reach Lloyd's bedroom where his dark green backpack lay on his bed. He grabbed the pack and zipped it open, digging his hands through the bag. "Ok...sooo...I got notes from the last couple days...a few worksheets...and to be honest I never really did any of them but you could try 'em out...uhhhh..." Lloyd continued to throw his papers back on the floor, aimed at Kai's feet. Kai bent down and started to pick up all of the flurrying papers that came from his friend's bag. He didn't like the look of all of this...it seemed incredibly boring. Inhumane even. He looked over each paper as he shuffled them together as more came to his feet. "That's great 'n all but...where do we start? This is...pretty overwhelming." He said, nervously reading over each of them. Lloyd looked back at Kai with a 'oh' kind of expression. "Oh! Um...we can try notes first and then we can move on to the worksheets." Lloyd spoke up, flushing the rest of his bag out of all the papers that were filled with equations and any signs of numbers. Kai watched the whole scene unfold and grumbled to himself. "I knew this was a bad idea." -- "So, that's how a arithmetic sequence works. Got it?" Kai looked obviously pretty stressed. His eyes were wide, trying to take in all the information being thrown his way. His hair even looked incredibly messed up, which Lloyd didn't understand because his friend didn't even touch his hair for the whole time he was here. All he knew was that Kai looked like a mess. And he didn't even know if his hot-headed friend was even getting any of this. "...I...yeah I think I know now." Kai lied through his teeth, a tight grip on his pencil. Lloyd noticed Kai's grip on the pencil, seeing his hand shake. "Do you...wanna take a break, bro?" Kai snapped his pencil. And so did he. "AUGH!" Kai threw everything that was on his lap onto the ground with one big push. He then chucked the split pencil at the wall and got up. Kai angrily stomped his way out of the room, his hands still clenched into fists. Lloyd blinked in disbelief in what had just took place in his room. After getting over the shock, he rubbed his hair out of his eyes and started to pick everything up. He was quick about it though. The teenager had everything in a pile near his bed in a minute. He then slid this pile back into his bag and zipped it up before pushing it under his bed for the day. "Well...better go after him. Don't want the apartment burning down." He groaned himself, setting out to find Kai. It didn't take incredibly long to find him though. "...Lloyd?" "Kai? Where are you?" Lloyd asked in response to his name, looking around. "Bathroom." The blonde slowly went over to the bathroom and leaned against the door ever so slightly. "...Sorry 'bout that...you know me..." Lloyd felt a pinch of pity bite at his stomach. He knew Kai pretty well, and he usually prepared to handle Kai's kindergarten-like tantrums. He thought that it must've been hard being the fire ninja...having a temper like that. "I just...well...I don't like having weaknesses. I always want to be the best person I can be, y'know. I just...want to be the best ninja I could be," Kai ranted. "And I can't be the best if I have flaws!" "...Hey Kai...?" "...Yeah?" "...It's just math." A awkward silence blew through the air before Kai broke it with a soft chuckle. "For real though, nobody can truly be the best. For example, I'm the green ninja and everyone expects me to be the perfect ninja on the planet, right?" There was a brief silence. "Well, I'm not! I'm literally the most in-perfect loser there is out there." Another silence ripped through the air, making Lloyd cringe a bit. He must've been saying something wrong. "But...I think you're a pretty good ninja. You make a excellent member to the team, no matter what flaws you might have." The door flew open, nearly hitting Lloyd. The blonde stepped backwards before getting tackled. Lloyd let out a yell as he was pinned to the ground with...affection. Kai was tightly hugging him on the ground, his grip tight as ever. Lloyd wondered if he was going to end up like the pencil; split in two. Lloyd grinned and returned the hug gently in comparison to Kai's death grip. "Thanks dude." Kai sighed, starting to let go and getting up onto his knees. Lloyd gave him a dismissive wave. "Ey, it's no problem," He replied as he sat up to face his friend. "So now that we've hugged it out...I say it's time for a little...desert?” Kai gasped. "You don't mean...?!" "Yep." "Dude. I'm gonna take it all." Kai said in awe, darting off to the kitchen. "You always take all the ice cream when you come over! Mooom! Protect the ice cream with your LIFE!"
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vacantgestures · 5 years
Ascendant Recollection :CH 03:
Franchise: Kingdom Hearts
Genre: Action, Adventure, Drama
Love Interest: Riku
Rating: Teen
The gang makes their way to a new world, filled with ups and downs. Still that’s the least of their problems, as the aforementioned underlying force from Yukari’s dreams, posses a new threat.
 I quietly slinked into the cockpit and took a seat, in the fourth empty chair, next to an unmanned console labeled "Teeny Fighter Controls." The boys hadn't immediately noticed when I came in as, they chattered away. Although Sora seemed to be more or less, listening then having been fully involved in their conversation. He was mostly looking about, taking in all the buttons and switches, and the view of space that hung over our heads, as the cock pit allowed a full 360 view. Amidst his ogling, he seemed to catch me sulking in my seat as when I looked up, he was there on his haunches, resting his chin on the arm rest.
 "You okay?" He asked with big, eyes.
 "Uh huh..." I responded half-heartedly, as I pulled my knees into my chest on the chair.
 "Well... How was your ten minute nap?" Sora supplied. "I thought you were tired."
 It was very clear I was in a mood. It was even more clear that Sora was trying get me to talk. In all Honesty, I truly wanted to say something-- to everyone, but I still wasn't... confident, I guess, about how factual the dreams were. I mean, yes, they seemed incredibly detrimental to share at this point, but how was I supposed to say to a bunch of strangers, and Sora, that I could see things while I slept? I mean, I'd been having these dreams for the length of several months, and only now was the crazy stuff coming to life.
 Maybe I should wait.
 "You think... Riku and Kairi are together, like we are?" I asked. I wanted so badly to talk about the point in my dream about where I'd seen Riku, but I held back. Besides, I wasn't even sure if everything was legit yet. And if they were... there where was Kairi?
 "Hmm..." For a moment, Sora hummed in thought. His half lidded eyes contemplated endless possibilities in a matter of seconds. "Maybe." He finally said. "I mean, it's hard to say for sure at this point. We've ran into some pretty crazy things, but we also met nice people."
 "More or less..." I said, recounting the fact, that Leon thought it was a good idea to beat up kids over holding a civil chat.
 "And you and me turned out to be Keyblade wielders!"
 "Sworn protectors of the world with endless opportunities of death at every turn." I remarked sarcastically.
 "They're bound to be just as well off as we are! Who knows, maybe even better."
 I looked down in to his deep blue eyes the sparkled with excitement. For a moment, we shared a small grin, delighting in the fact that we could still hope that our friends were in good health where ever they may be.
 Yet still... I couldn't help but feel guilty about not sharing what I'd managed to learn.
 I bit my lip as I prepared myself to speak. "Sora... I've been meaning to tell you that I-"
 "We've come across a new world!!" I little voices boomed from all around it. It took a minute for me to gather that it had been chip's voice coming from the intercom that was connected throughout the ship.
 "Convenient..." I grumbled.
 "Great!" Donald exclaimed, as I watched him hit a series of buttons before realizing he'd thrown the ship into a state of rest. "Let's head out immediately."
 I watched as he and Goofy made their way out of the cock pit, confident we'd follow.
 "Sweet!" Sora exclaimed, rising from his spot next to me.
 I frowned, yet still felt a bit of relief as I stood up and hesitantly followed the boys down to the air lock.
 The four of us huddled together around the exit. Donald felt the need to wait until this moment, to lay down a few ground rules.
 "Alright." He announced. "Before we head out-- something the two of you need to be aware, of, as Keyblade wielders. Protecting the balance and fighting monsters is a pretty big job. But, one thing to make absolutely clear is that you-- under no circumstances, tell anyone you are from off world."
 "Why not?" Sora asked.
 "To protect the borders of the world!" Goofy stated confidently, grinning as he stuck a finger in the air.
 "That's 'Oders' of the world, you dimwit!" Donald corrected
 "But that very order is being disrupted by the Heartless, isn't it?" I asked thoughtfully. "Come to think of it, I'm pretty sure the whatever world we go to, has already run the risk of having its whole state of peace of coherence pretty much thrown out the windows."
 "Which is why, stating the fact of us being off worlders, will make an even bigger mess of things." Donald, agreed. I watched as he moved to unlock the hatch. "It's pertinent that we keep business on a need to know basis."
 As he swung the door open, we were met by and impressive light show of energy the swarmed around the outside of the ship. A force field maybe? I watched as Donald and Goofy neared the exit, peering carefully outside.
 "Now, we're about to set foot on new ground." Donald informed turning back to look at us. "One thing to note is that you, under no circumstances, jump the air lock. Once we get down there, let's make sure to stick together, got it?."
 Sora and I nodded, wordlessly.
 "Alright. Let's get to it." Donald said, as he and Goofy step foot outside the ship.
 For a terrifying moment, I was led to believe, that these two were completely nuts as they had leaped to their deaths.
 Sora and I rushed to the exit to catch a glimpse of our new friends, go plummeting to their doom. Yet, once there we found no sight of them. They'd completely vanished.
 For a moment, we stood with expressions mixed with awe, horror and confusion-- completely unsure of what to think.
 "Do you think..." I finally asked.
 "Only one way to find out!" Sora shouted, taking a few steps back.
 "Wait a minute, you aren't thinking of-- Sora, no!" I tried to stop him.
 "Here I gooo!! Augh!"
 As Sora got off to a bit of a running start, he'd accidently shoved me half way through the exit, sending me dangling over the side. Noticing his mistake, he tried to somehow stop himself, as he reached out to make a grab at me. But he'd been much too late, as he'd sunk into the light that buzzed around the ship.
 Breathless, I found myself, once again gripped by fear, as I fumbled to try and keep myself from falling in, as well. But I was hardly holding on by the pads of my fingertips as I slipped and fell away from air lock and into the bright light, screaming for my life.
 Kingdom Hearts: Ascendant Recollection
Chapter 03
A Wonderland Deception
On top of the weird tingling and the slight dizziness from light travel, it was a weird experience to say the least. Getting zapped down to a new world, would have actually been quite exhilarating had it not included falling through an thicket of trees, and smashing my face into just about every single one. When I hit the ground, the loud thud of my head against the thick trunk, almost dulled out the sound of a little girl screaming in fright.
 I was starting to have a real bad relationship with trees at this point.
 Sitting up, I rubbed the back of my head, and blinked the black dots out of my eyes. Slowly my vision began to clear and the image of a blond girl, in a plain blue dress around maybe... eight to ten years old fazed into being. She looked at me with big black eyes. Her body language was apprehensive. She seemed just about ready to run.
 But... and you know I was probably losing my mind at this point from all the concussions I was getting and what not-- but this girl... actually seemed incredibly... small!
 She stood near the sole of my sneaker, blinking fearfully up at me. I wasn't able to really tell, but in comparison to her, I was at a height much larger than the clock tower back at Traverse Town. She was probably no bigger than my pinky.
 "Oh! I had no idea you--- How--? You’re so tiny! I didn't even see you! "I stammered over my words apologetically, feeling frantic about not having seen her. I could have squished the little girl, and never have known!
 "It's not that I'm small, but perhaps, that you still seem to be quite tall."
 "Still?" I asked. "You mean I should have shrunk before I got here?"
 The girl nodded. "Was that not clear? That door knob specially stated to, sip the drink so you could shrink."
 "Ah..." I paused for a moment, rubbing my head once again. Bad enough I had to keep up with this girl's rhymes, but I had no idea what door she was talking about.
 Coming to think of it, I'd landed in some thicket, alone, without my team. I'm supposing, Sora's fancy summersault out the airlock, left nasty effects for me and my crash landing, alone in the new world.
 "Well how do I get to your size?" I asked.
 "The shrooms, that around here, loom. Tall they are, but bland tasting treats. They'll help you shrink if you attempt to eat."
 I glanced around once again and realized that the trees, I'd come crashing through were indeed not trees, but mushrooms in which the girl had pointed out. In fact, this hadn't been the oddest, thing as I began to truly survey my surroundings. I sat in what I could only assume was more like great expanse of a possible field. Along with mushrooms, enormous blades of grass shot hundreds of thousands of feet in the air. The base of a giant tree trunk loomed so high in up, that it faded out of existence-- or at least just so, that I couldn't make any part of it out from where I sat with my size. I almost got tunnel vision when a gargantuan butterfly swooped down and picked up such a great wind that It tussled my hair.
 Turns out, that I wasn't the biggest thing here. Great...
 I looked back down at Alice, nearly shaking from the sheer disbelief of this world's capacity. I don't think I'd have too much trouble keeping the world order intact, here.
 I turned to find a mushroom, at my height. Gripping it in my hand, I ran a thumb over it, feeling for the texture. It was a boring, unexpecting looking mushroom. It was almost impossible to believe that it would make me shrink.
 "One bite?" I asked, looking down at the girl.
 "That's right!" The girl nodded
 Hesitantly, I pulled a small piece from the thing just to test its flavor. I wasn't keen on putting foreign plants into my mouth. Mushrooms were fine, but magical ones from other worlds??
 Carefully setting the small piece on my tongue I, bit down and met a chewy texture I really had no tolerance for. I would have spat it out had I not felt obligated to grow smaller. Continuing to process the chewy plant in my teeth, I swallowed and quickly began to feel the effects.
 At first my stomach bubbled before bursting into a fit of Butterflies. And before I knew it, the world around me increased in size and I went plummeting, once against, towards the dirt, right at the girl's feet.
 I groaned, sick of the falling.
 "Are you alright?" The girl asked.
 "Quite..." I said with a bit of a cheeky grin, standing and brushing the dirt from my clothes. "So... I'm sorry to bother you but, I'm a bit lost. I was kind of here with my friends, but I've gotten separated from them somehow. Have you by any chance seen a boy with brown hair, dressed in red, come through here-- or anyone for that matter?"
 "I wish I could say but, I've been alone this whole day." The girl said, with a droopy frown. "In fact, a little white rabbit is what I'm in search for. But the Cheshire cat failed to give a proper tour. So, now I'm quite lost in this maze. It feels less like hours and more like days. And worst still... the creatures with their odd features. I've been out running them for a while. Although, I haven't seen them in the last mile."
 Quickly deciphering her poetry speak, I noted that this girl had been thrown into a pretty odd predicament herself. She was in a place she wasn't familiar with and was searching for white rabbit, she'd most likely lost multiple times. Some... cat gave her bad directions and now she was here in this ticket, alone. I had to presume that the creatures she referred to were Heartless.
 "Well... I don't mind tagging along to keep you safe from the creatures. We can search together to we find who we're both looking for."
 "Sure!" The girl cheered, clapping her hands and twirling about, excitedly. "Oh! By the way, how do you do? My name is Alice, and you?"
 "I'm Yukari." I nodded, glancing about the path. "Ah...Which way do we... "
 "Follow me."
 On recommendation, I followed Alice diaper into the thicket of enormous shrooms and towering blades of grass. The expansive dirt, crunched softly beneath our feet as we walked. For a good while, the walk had been far from eventful so, I supplemented the silence for a bit of chatter. I asked plenty of questions, allowing Alice to do the majority of talking. At the same time, my mind began to drift away.
 I wondered where my party could have turned up and if we'd meet at any point during this visit. I was so... small in the world, it was almost mind shattering. I tried not to think too deeply about it when we passed enormous insects and a bed of rude and pretentious flowers, that hung over our heads, and prodded over our appearances.
 The wandering came to an end, when our surroundings began to shift from lush vegetation, to a manicured hedge maze. The sound of men, singing a light hearted tune, hung in the air, and I couldn’t help but notice a strange shift in the artificial sky that boxed in over my head. Sure it was bright and blue, but there was something incredibly off about the place.
 "This way, perhaps!" Alice shouted excitedly as she made a sharp turn around a wall of hedge.
 "Hey, wait!" I called, chasing after her. "It could be danger...ous..."
 My words trailed off as I ogled at what lay before me.
 "I... must have completely lost my mind..." I said under my breath as I watched Alice, merrily joined in with what appeared to be a group of... card men.
 When I say, card men, I actually mean, they were literally people made of playing cards. Their bodies were a tall length of Bristol paper, decorated with spades, respective to their number. They heads, hands, and feet were all spades as well. I marvel with confused amazement at their incredible articulation, as they bent and jumped and danced around. All the while I noticed they been holding paint brushes, dripping wet with red paint. I watched as they messily slapped the paint onto what appeared to be white paper roses that sat, elegantly folded within the beautifully treated, trees that had been forced to grow into the appearance of spades.
 The faint, musical number floated about the small clearing, bringing life to the artificial beauty around me. I almost settled into the mood when loud yelled, tore into my ears.
 My soul nearly left my body, I had been so scared.
 The three card men, leapt from their tree and scrambled about the placed until they had the neat idea of stacking themselves together, to hide their presence. Alice, afraid of the disembodied voice, just like the rest of us, had run to my side and cowered behind me.
 I did say I'd keep her safe, didn’t I?
 The world began to shake as, aggravated stomping came from the exit, opposite of the way Alice and I came in. An enormous, menacing shadow, creeped slowly into view from over the hedge's height. I could feel Alice's grip on my arm tighten. My breath got stuck in my throat as I stood there. I was somehow more afraid of whatever the consequence of painting roses red, than the actual... thing... that was advancing.
 "WHHOOOO WAS IT!!??" The voice demanded once more.
 From the darkness, the figure emerge and stared wide eyed as a plump, round woman dressed in a regal red and black umbrella dress loomed above us. She had puffy sleeves and a raised collar, that seemed particularly pointed. Her big pudgy face was red with rage. Her hair was a tangled mess that seem more aggravated by her mood than anything. Atop her had sat an itty bitty crown that was barely holding its own.
 A legion of card men, came trucking into the scene on either side of this women. Seemingly very aware of the culprits, they surrounded the three card men who'd made a poor attempt to hide. Ripping them a part, they were dragged over towards the angry woman and thrown down in front of her.
 "YOU THREE!!" The woman, exclaimed, loudly, pointing her small, chubby finger in the direction of the guilty party. "WHO!! Painted My Roses Red??!"
 I watched, completely paralyzed as the cards tried their hardest to hide amongst each other, shifting the blame and pointing fingers before finally giving up and admitting to their actions. "W-we did Your Highness." One of them said. "We thought you might... like them r-red."
 "Oh? So you did, did you?" The queen asked. Suddenly her beast like features vanished, as she reverted into a friendlier version of herself. But this was short lived as she immediately resumed shouting. "Who Told You, You Could Don't Such A Thing!? OOOF WITH THEIR HEADS!!!"
 On que, red card soldiers emerged to take away the perpetrators, who were dragged away sobbing and begging for mercy, perhaps, never to be seen again. I clamped my molars tightly against each other when the angry peach of a women, stepped in front of me. Her face was serene, almost as if she was enjoying a cool summer breeze.
 "And Who... might you two be?" She asked. She had that gentle tone in her voice that heavily hinted on apprehensive.
 Both of us spoke together, afraid that hesitation would get us killed.
 The woman... or I supposed I should call her the Queen, eyed us as though we were mere, ugly looking ants. I could feel Alice shaking as she gripped my arm tighter. I would have been too if I hadn't been trying to figure out where to look, out of the lady's royal respect. So I kept my eyes strained on  the perfectly trimmed grass beneath my feet.
 "Perhaps you already know this, but in case you might need a refresher, I am The Queen of Hearts. And I hereby dub you two guilty of treason."
 My stomach lurched from where it had been lodged in my throat. "Tr-treason??" I blurted out.
 "Cards!" The Queen shouted. "Take them away!!"
 Panic filled me, as my eyes darted frantically about at the card soldiers that closed in on me. I turned, looking for Alice who'd already been grabbed up. She screamed and pleaded while struggling to get free.
 "No, no, no! Let me go!!" Alice squealed over the hollering and thrashing.
 "Alice!" I shouted. I would have rushed to her aid but, I was grabbed up by a few of the card soldiers. Surprisingly, they were stronger than I presumed, and their grip on we was uncomfortably tight.
 I turned my head to search for the Queen who'd put us in this predicament.
 "Please!!" I shouted. "We haven't done anything! Let alone commit treason!! Let us go so we can explain ourselves."
 "SILENCE!!" The Queen shouted, exploding int a fit of red rage!! "The two of you appear, suspect, as those who've attempt the theft upon my heart!!"
 "What?!-- Augh!" I was yanked back by one of the card soldiers, that was trying to now bind my wrist. “No!" I shouted. "I-isn't there a sort of trial or something!?! To prove our innocence."
 I watched, as the Queen stared over me, her anger slowly dissipating. Her expression was quickly replaced with that of contemplation.
 "STOOPPP!!" She yelled, suddenly.
 And everything ceased.
 The cards that succeeded in binding my hands, held me by my arms, and shoulders so I wouldn’t escape. I looked for Alice who looking up at the queen with a horror stricken face.
 "Indeed." The woman, said as a devious grin slowly grew onto her face. "A trial, of course. It's only way. I'll hear your plea, but then it's OOOOOOOOOOF WITH YOU HEADS!!!"
 Seemingly used to this sort of behavior, the cards knew exactly what to do. They took no time in shoveling Alice and I out of the clearing, past the maze. It didn't take long before we were roughly ushered into an "open air" court room, existing within the hidden recesses of the hedge garden.
 Even as artificial as the hedge maze was, there still managed to be something regal in the appearance of the "room." An enormous long, red rug with gold trim laid, through the center of the area. It looked like a normal court room with jury and judge panel. There was the witness and defendant stands and everything. The only issue was, no one was around.
 As Alice and I stood at our spread podiums near each other, I could already feel that this was going to go horribly for the two of us. The Queen sat as the judge, reclining happily in her chair. What we were waiting for, I had no clue at the time, but soon found out when a nervous looking rabbit came running into the scene.
 "It's him!" Alice whispered to me, almost excitedly.
I watched as a white rabbit dressed in an a red outfit of puffed sleeves and fancy frilled collar darted up the spiral of stairs that wrapped up around tall pedestal, likely made just for him. Once at the top, the rabbit drew out a horn, and inhaled sharply before blowing out a sort of commencement tune, that settled over the court room.
 "Court... is now in session..."The rabbit said, in between labored breaths. I watched as he wiped his brow with a handkerchief and stood silently at the ready.
 "These two are the culprits!" Accused the queen, promptly starting the meeting, cutting straight to the chase. She aimed her little gavel at the two of us, waving it back and forth, from me to Alice. "There's no doubt about it. And the reason why? Because I say so, That's Why?"
 "Why, this meeting is absolutely flawed!!" Alice cried out, stamping her little foot in protest. "Neither she nor I have done anything wrong!! I don't know whether or not, you're truly Queen. But, I've never seen someone so self and... and so mean!"
 The Queen let go a very exaggerated gasp, placing a hand at her chest. I glanced about me as the card soldiers all around came undone and started to low-key panic from where they stood. I could only assume what was about to unfold as I turned back to the Queen of Hearts, now ready to fight my way out of the situation if I had to.
 "You dare defy me?!?! Both of you are guilty!!! Guilty of the theft upon the heart of Queen of Hearts!! OOOOFFFF WITH THEIR HEADS!!"
 The card soldiers leapt into action, moving faster than I could think. They yanked and pulled at my hair and arms, struggling to force me into submission.
 "No, No!! Oh, Please!" Alice squealed, as they closed in around her.
 "Hold it right there!!" A voice bolted through the air, like a rooster breaking the silence of dawn.
 Raking my head free from the grip of one of the card soldiers, I found Sora barging into the court yard, with Donald and Goofy immediately behind him.
 "You Dare Interfere With The Proceeding Of This Court!?" The Queen hollered. Her temper completely dissipated at this point. "Manner less! The Lot of You!!"
 "Just wait a minute. We know who the culprits really are!" Sora declared.
 "Yeah!! It was the Heartle--" Goofy began to speak, but quickly covered his mouth, realizing he'd almost said too much.
 "Hogwash!!" The Queen spat. "You couldn't possibly know what you're talking of, lad. Have you, any proof?"
 "Well... uh..." This was where Sora's 'planning' went south. I assumed he brashly rushed in to save the two of us, but with no forethought.
 "Very well." The Queen hissed, as she glared infernos in the party's direction. Her nostrils flared aggressively and, it almost looked like steam was spewing out of her ears. "I shall humor your claim. Bring me evidence of these girls' innocence. Fail and it's Off With All Your Heads!!"
 At this, the card soldiers, roughly picked both Alice and I off of the ground and shoved us into a cage.
 "Until your investigations are through, the Court is adjourned!"
 The slam of the gavel marked the definitive end of the session. I could truly feel the harrowing sensation of our predicament, when the boys approached Alice and my, engagement.
 "Yukari, where on earth have you been this entire time??" Sora asked, keeping his voice level.
 "I'm going to assume it has something to do with my... erm... rough exit." I said, eluding to the events prior without dropping any hints of our being aliens to this world. "I've been here probably just as long as you but, got... 'turned around' a bit." I punctuated my statement with air quotes.
 "Well this is a fine mess." Donald said rubbing his temples. "This is what happens when you meddle in the affairs of other worlds. Now what are we supposed to do about... all of this?"
 "Hey, I hardly did anything." I snapped a bit, keeping my voice low. "But Queenie up there is impulsive. She does what she pleases, and I for one can't be so sure, that even if you find your evidence, she'll let us go."
 "Indeed." Alice whispered, standing next to me at the bars. "It would be a far cry to believe she'd hear it if you plead."
 "Oh--" Sora seemed a bit thrown. "I know it seems a bit hapless, but we're definitely going to get you guys out of here. Don't you fret."
 "Not at all. With Yukari here, I feel I've got a lot of gall." Alice smiled.
 Her faith in me was shocking, considering I couldn't help her escape the Queen's wrath. I suppose it's more to do with my keeping her company than anything else.
 "We've just got one problem.” Goofy interjected. “We don't even know where to start looking for any proof."
 "There does in yonder woods, reside the Cheshire Cat." Alice suggested. "Do seek him out and ask him where this proof is at."
 I realized, Alice had spoken of him before. But, the way she did so made me think he might have been a bit misleading. I would have debated if that were a good idea or not. But before I could speak, the Card that stood guard next to the cage seemed to grow irritated, at our discussion.
 "Enough talking already! Get a move on.
 Sora gave me one last, worrisome glance before the party strode away.
 I sighed as I plopped myself down near the back of the cage. Pulling my knees into my chest, I wrapped my arms around them and tried to keep my through from souring. I watched as Alice took a seat as well, elegantly sitting mermaid style as she clasped her hands into her laps. The look on her face was troubled, which made me feel worse.
 "I'm sorry about this mess." I said. "But those guys were my friends. I trust they'll definitely help us out of here."
 Alice shook her head. I took it she didn't blame me, considering how we got here. "Of course you aren't to blame. Yet even with your friends help, I'm worried all the same. Without you here, I'm sure I'd have much more to fear..."
 I nodded, resting my chin against my knees as the two of us patiently waited for the boys to returned. We settled into the quiet, not wanting to draw more attention to our situation. It wasn't even long, before Heartless exploded into the room, with the boys bounding after them.
 "Oh no..." I grumbled, as I neared to bars of the cage.
 "Here's the evidence your Queen-liness!" Sora shouted, taking down the Heartless as they surged towards the Queen of Hearts. Right as one was about to drive its claws into the Queen's chest, Sora leapt onto the judge panel and destroyed it, sending it bursting in a fit of darkness.
 "How Dare You!?" The Queen exploded, probably more shaken at the fact that she'd almost been attacked. "The proof is nothing but a farse!! This is all the evidence I needed to confirm that you are the ones attempting to steel my heart. Off With Their Heads, All of them!! SIEZE THEM!!"
 Suddenly, the cage lurched upwards, shoot up towards the sky before locking in place, raised above the court yard.
 "Sora!" I shouted to him.
 "Don't worry abou-- Augh!!" But his words were cut through as he was cut off when the legion of card soldiers, leapt onto him. To my great dismay, a curtain suddenly wrapped around the circumference of our prison, obscuring our view of the outside.
 "No. Nope!" I said, getting up shakily, trying to maintain balance. Carefully I made it to the latch and tried to rip the door open with force. Of course, this thing was high grade, thick metal or whatever so it didn't budge. I attempted kicking it in, but this only managed to rock the cage. Alice yelped in terror, trying to keep her balance.
 "Sorry." I told her. "I'm just trying to get us out of here, so I can hel--"
 And then it struck me. The Keyblade.
 I mean, it was a Key, maybe I could somehow get it to--
 "Yukari!!" Alice screamed.
 My head shot towards her, wondering what the problem could be. But when I looked upon her, I found, a pool of what looked to be inky darkness, culminating at the bottom of the cage. What was more alarming was that it wasn't just latched on to Alice, but myself as well.
 "Oh Goodness! What is this?!" She cried out, trying to pull herself free, yanking her leg out with her hands. But no matter how much she managed to free herself, the stuff latched back on to her.
 What was more frightening was that it began to suck her in.
 For a second, panic whipped over my senses and I was frozen in place. My mind raced with frightening possibilities of what would happen if she was completely consumed. Where on earth was this coming from? A dark tendril, latched onto my wrist and yanked my down, into the pool. I fought against it as much as I was able, but when I wouldn't come to Darkness, it came to me.
 Where I thought I was panicking before, I was truly freaking out now. Somehow I was tumbling through an expanse of dark fluid that curled and tightened around my body. I shouted, silent cries that were stolen away by the Darkness around me. I tried to call out to Alice, but it was fruitless. I fought against a tugging sensation that occurred all over my body, like a swarm of evil hands pulling me deeper into the darkness. I fought until I felt another pull, one much more pure, yank me in the opposite direction.
 Suddenly light erupted from my chest and everything came to a halt.
 "Sleeeeepp~" A hiss sounded in my ears.
 I found it almost startling. But not as startling as another voice that loudly buzzed though my head.
 "Get up."
 My eyes, shot open.
 Slowly I sat up, with great confusion. The two voices that chased each other in my head, sounded nothing alike. One raspy and evil, while the other was warm and inviting. At first, I wondered if I'd imagined it, before I noticed a body, of pure white, standing near me.
 "Stand." The voice of a women spoke. But even as such, I saw no indication of lips or eyes. Whoever this had been, was a complete silhouette of light.
 "Who.... are you?" I asked, a bit apprehensively.
 Last time I even looked upon a creature completely eclipsed in black, I was always almost eaten. Who's to say this lady didn't have the same intentions.
 "We must hurry, if you want to help you friends." She said, completely dodging my question.
 "My... friends?" I asked. "Wait... where am I? What happened to Alice, is she--"
 "You are in the Darkness between." The woman, voiced beginning to walk away. Her steps were so light in comparison to my own, against the wet, dark ground. "Your enemies pulled your through it, in order to capture you. Perhaps they intended, to use or destroy you... But in the end, their intentions are not pure, either way. As for Alice, she has lost the battle with the darkness and was captured. She's already within the enemies grip."
 For a moment, I considered her words. "Well... Well we've got to go and save her!" I suggested.
 "You are not ready." The woman said. "To face the enemies alone, would be suicide."
 I pressed my lips together, knowing any further suggestions, would be met with disapproving responses. I wanted to suggest taking Sora and the others, but I had no idea what was going on, how I ended up here, or even how I'd get back.
 "Due to my deep connection with you... I only managed to pull you away from their grasp."
 "Deep connection..." I echoed. "Then... who are you? You seem a lot like that screeched thing. But somehow... different at the same time."
 The woman, stopped, to do what I could only assume was ponder. "I suppose one could call us the Ladies of Light and Dark respectively. While I reside within your heart to protect you... she seems only intent on your destruction."
 "D-destruction??" I stuttered. "Wait! Do I even get a reason as to why??"
 But the woman let go a yelp, clasping her fingers to what I had to assume was her forehead. "I... cannot fully recall." She said. "For whatever reason... those memories are sealed off. I cannot even remember how I came to be here."
 "Wait... your memories are--"
 "But this is not important. You enemies have sent a heartless out to destroy your friends. You must hurry to their aid, as they cannot defeat it without you."
 "Flattering." I grumbled. "But Sora's got a Key too. I'm pretty sure that--"
 "Now..." The woman, dubbed as the Lady of Light, threw up her hand and created a sort of... portal made of bright, shimmering, golden light.
 "Wait... Seriously?! You can't just throw all of this on me and not even explain!"
 "SCREEEEEEEEEEUUUGH!!" A loud hissing sort of cry, sounded from behind us.
 I filched, turning back to pear into the infinite Darkness to see what I knew was approaching.
 "You must leave, now." The woman's voice was urgent. "You will get your answers, when we meet again."
 "But I don't even know--"
 "Now!!" The Lady of Light grabbed me by the shoulder, and shoved my through the portal. The greatest inconvenience of my days was being tossed through the air twice now. Sadly, where I thought those would be my last times, I couldn't have been more incorrect as I went hurdling through the air, screaming my lungs out as I fell through an enormous room of pinks and whites. The place around me seemed full of three dimensional objects, put upon passing them, they all turned out to be false, drawn surfaces. I screamed harder when I noticed a large, round table below me, that I couldn't decipher as a real one or a flat 2D plain as I went rocketing towards it.
 But I did manage to make out three little figures stood upon the tables top, scrambled about.
 I plummeted, right into the arms of Sora who'd ended up crumpling, unable to support the weight of a girl who'd fallen from the sky.
 "What the heck!?" Sora shouted, picking himself up.
 "What is that???" I responded frantically, ignoring Sora's mild curses.
 Erupting from below the edges of table was an enormous... Heartless. For lack of better terms, the thing was odd-- sporting doubled limbed, double jointed legs, that looked good for jumping. It was a mass of folded paper like arms that that did nothing more but absent mindedly juggled batons of fire about while stomping around the room.
 The table beneath my butt, had suddenly vanished. My party happily went slamming right into the floor below.
 I yelped in pain as I massaged the side of my face. Glancing around at my team mates, they looked a lot worse for wear. How long that they been dukin' it out with... whatever this guy was. I turned to look for the Heartless only find an enormous black shoe coming down upon the four of us.
 "SCRAAAAM!!!" Donald shouted.
 The four of us all leapt in opposite directions, narrowly missing getting squashed likes ants. I rolled to a halt and quickly got to my feet and summoned my Keyblade. I glanced about me, taking a mental note of where the boys all landed, before gazing up at the towering Heartless above.
 "Can I ask?" I shouted. "What in the world is happening!?"
 "Talk later." An unfamiliar voice sung. My eyes darted all around the expansive room in search of the one possessing the voice. It didn't take long to find a disembodied, floating cat head spinning around on the ledge of the gigantic fire place. Slowly, it came to a stop, looking directly at me before it's body, of deep purple and pink stripes came into existence before reclining in his spot-- a big grin spread long across his face. "Fight! For now that the gang is all here, the Heartless can be defeated."
 "This was all a trick!" Sora shouted, as he rolled beneath an attack from the papery arms of the Giant Heartless boss.
 "A trick??" The cat, who I quickly began to gather was the Cheshire, tutted. "Nothing of the sort. The Cheshire Cat is always here to help those in need."
 Upon those words, the Giant Heartless rose it's firey buttons over its head. Spinning them in its hands, fire quickly began to manifest before he plunged his twirling weapons down upon our party as a wave of fire came surging directly at our quartet.
 "Some assistance?" I could barely hear the cat's words as the four us screamed for our lives.
 I almost hadn't realized the twinkling, magical aura that fluttered brightly around Sora and I. Too panicked to think I shoved my Keyblade out before me to block the oncoming attack. To my great surprise, a flurry of a blizzard shot from the tip of my Keyblade and swamped half of the Giant Heartless in ice and snow.
 "Wak!!" Donald voiced. "You just did magic!!"
 No kidding. I could really feel it too, as I suddenly felt completely drained. Much like the Heartless, half of my body from the right arm up and bit down to my waist was frosted over. I shivered aggressively with teeth chattering as I tried to find warmth, drawing back my key. Looking up, I watched as the Heartless shivered and twitched trying to recover from my spell.
 "That was amazing, Yukari!!" Sora shouted, throwing a fist in the air.
 "But incredibly dangerous!" Donald added. "If you're gonna use magic, you'll have to focus it. Channel it through your Keyblade. Don't just throw it around recklessly, or you'll burn yourself out."
 "Yeah.." I nodded, shaking the cold away. Slicing my Key through the air, I could see it glitter with little flecks of frost. "Sora. We've gotta rely on magic to take it down." I said.
 "I mean... I'll try." He said, ready his blade, looking determines regardless.
 The Heartless, now somewhat recovered, groaned as he weekly took a step in our direction.
 "Looks like that really did a number on it. Sora, follow my lead." I ordered. "Donald, can you back me up with some stronger ranged spells? We're gonna try and freeze it for good, but I think I used up most of my magic already...."
 Donald nodded.
 "Goofy, we're gonna need you in front to block his fire. Together we can take him down!"
 "Yeah!!" The boys all shouted before we broke huddle and rushed into action.
 Sora, Donald and Goofy and I rushed the big boss, with Goofy holding up the front. He bravely blocked fireball after fire ball, while we all ducked numerous oncoming swipes of his baton. I could tell it was getting annoyed with us by the way it started stomping around.
 Donald held up the rear, casting spells that did more area damage than, to the Heartless-- which was outright perfect as Sora and I hit him with little blizzard spells as we darted around the thing’s ankles.
 The Heartless began to slow, stopping in its tracks and, bending it's odd legs to their fullest as it crouched down low.
 "It's gonna jump!!" Goofy shouted, breaking formation as he ran for any possible cover.
 The four of us completely dispersed as it leapt high into the air, nearly hitting the ceiling of the room. It was then that a bright idea formed.
 "Donald!!" I shouted. "Watch it's trajectory!! Aim you magic at where it lands. Sora!! Focus on the enemy, keeping firing your ice!!"
 The boys did just as I'd ordered, casting magical cold spells all over the place. It was only when the thing came back down, that I had grown increasingly worried. Now completely frozen, the Heartless would only be good for a frosty explosion!!
 "Duck and cover!!" I shouted, turning to run. Instantly I slammed into Sora and together we'd plopped into a heap on the floor, only to attempt to scramble back to our feet to get to safety.
 "Firaga!!" I heard Donald shout as he and Goofy appeared ahead of us.
 A big, blazing fire exploded from the tip of Donald's staff, right at the moment where the Heartless hit the floor and erupted into a explosion of snow and ice that, had it not been for Goofy’s shield, would have impaled us all.
 For a good while, the frost hung in the air, obscuring our vision. But whence it cleared we found the heartless, frozen and in pieces. While no longer functioning, it had still not completely disappeared. Sora and I quickly disposed of the thing, sending off yet another one of those large, pink crystalline hearts that floated up into the air, before vanishing out of sight.
 "Phew!" Goofy exclaimed, wiping his brow. "Glad that's over."
 "Good, lord... What is all that racket?!" A voiced whined. I looked to find a talking door knob yawning sleepily. It's baggy eyes looking our party over with great distaste. "Do humor me a bit and tone down the brawl, could you? A door knob isn't to get any rest around here, he can't..."
 The thing, finished off its sentence with a grand yawn, opening it's maw perfectly wide, and holding it just right for us to notice something beyond the depths of his... esophagus.
 Suddenly both Sora's and my Key lurched towards the door, as if being controlled by some guided hand. Promptly, a beam of bright light shot from the tips of out blades and right into the door knobs mouth before dying away. A loud clunking noises sounded before the door knob could, conveniently close its mouth.
 "What... was that?" Sora inquired.
 "Sounded like something... locked." I suggested.
 The four of us continued to gaze on as something fell from the door, and rolled onto the floor at Goofy's feet. To which he picked it up to inspect what looked like a sort of bright green rock.
 "Ahyuck, it's a Gummi black!" Goofy explained.
 "It's doesn't look like a normal piece tough. Let's have it here." Donald urged, as he took it from Goofy to look over himself. As he turned it in his hand, he hummed in thought, furrowing his brows. "Haven't seen one like this before..."
 Clapping suddenly filled the air, cutting through our revelation. We all turned back to the newly appeared table that sat in the middle of the room to find the Cheshire cat, once more.
 "Superb performance! You're powers certainly do bloom true, if I do say!! Keep it up and someday you'll be florist! I can't wait to see what you'll do next."
 I frowned at such a poorly placed pun.
 "Who are you, really, Cheshire cat?" Sora asked. The tone in his voice informed me that he'd met with this cat more than he'd liked to.
 "Alice is neither here, nore there-- or available for any occasion." The cat echoed. It was only then that I realized that his body had phased out of existence, while his voice reverberated impressively around the great room. "She's past from this world to where I cannot speak... Borne off by the shadows, she has fallen to the darkness of obscurity. Perhaps, your feminine friend could shed some light upon your situation. Tip toeing around the truth will only get you thrown into deeper Darkness."
 All of the boys' eyes landed on me as, I became the new subject of interest.
 "Yukari... what's he talking about?" Sora asked. "Does this have something to do with why, Alice... didn't come back with you?"
 He Donald and Goofy traded worried expressions. I bit my lip, now fearing what I'd been putting off. But if what they Lady of Light had said, about our enemies was true... then I suppose it was indeed time to tell the boys about the dreams.
 "We should get back to the ship." I sighed. "There's... something I've been meaning to tell you."
To Be Continued
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themanicmagician · 7 years
Papyrus Pairings Drabbles
I couldn’t decide on what ship to write for Valentine’s Day, so instead I offer these 100-word drabbles, containing Papyrus x Many (but not at the same time :P). All are in the Undertale-verse, unless otherwise marked. 
Happy Valentine’s Day, everybody ❤️️
1. Papyrus x Grillby
Papyrus has kept Grillby after work long enough with his petty personal problems. He makes for the door.
Grillby follows after him with a brown bomber jacket on his arm.
“Oh, it’s not far—”
Grillby slides the jacket over Papyrus’ shoulders. It’s large on him, the sleeves ending well past the tips of his fingers. It smells like leather, like woodsmoke. Like Grillby.      
As Papyrus steps outside onto the stoop, Grillby leaves him with a second gift—a sizzling kiss on the cheek.
The Snowdin night air is cold, but on his way home Papyrus is warm.
2. Papyrus x Gaster
Papyrus’ little white puff of a dog greets him at the door. Gaster gives it a few scritches before he moves deeper into the house.
He finds Papyrus in the kitchen, placing the finishing touches on their Valentine’s Day dinner.
Gaster hugs Papyrus from behind, plants a kiss on his skull.
Papyrus’ face scrunches up, and he sneezes into the sleeve of his shirt.
“You smell like flowers.”
He tenses. “Is that….bad?”
Papyrus sneezes again. He looks up at Gaster with watery eyes.
“I’m allergic!”
Gaster rushes back outside to return the three delivery trucks worth of flowers he’d ordered.
3. Papyrus x Flowey
“Flowey, look!”
He points to the pin on his chest.
“This pin shows that I am a member of the Flowey Fan Club!” Papyrus brings out a second pin from his inventory. “Now you can join, too!”
“I can’t join my own fan club, silly.”
“I disagree! It’s good to be a fan of yourself!”
Flowey’s smile dips.
“I don’t think I like myself that much, Papyrus.”
“We can fix that!” Papyrus tapes the pin to Flowey’s stem. “Whatever you don’t like, you can always improve! Don’t give up, Flowey!”
Flowey grumbles, but he doesn’t take the pin off, either.
4. Papyrus x Undyne
“Nyeh heh heh! Surrender, Undyne!”
Undyne is exhausted from six hours of training, but finds the energy to block Papyrus’ attack with her spear.
Bellowing, she surges forward and tackles him. They fall to the ground in a tangle of limbs.
Papyrus raises his head, their foreheads bumping together, and hits her with that adorable, thousand-watt smile.
“Wowie, Undyne! If I was not a skeleton, surely the air would’ve been walloped from my lungs!”
They’re both flushed and sweaty. Undyne enjoys the press of Papyrus’ body against hers—too much. She scrambles up off of him.
“That’s enough for today.”
5. Papyrus x Frisk
Papyrus daintily wipes at the edge of his mouth with a cloth napkin.
“That was most exquisite! Excellent choice of risotto, human!”
Frisk steels their resolve. This is their 107th date. Now is the time.
They hop off their chair and bend down on one knee. From their breast pocket they pull out a stunning 24-carat ring, nestled in its box.
“Papyrus…will you…”
“Hold on, one moment.” Papyrus taps his phone screen. “I must tell my boyfriend about this place!”
Frisk feels their heart shatter.  
“Human, what are you doing over there? Did you forget how to tie your shoe?”
6. Papyrus x Asgore [Underswap]
He’d been so excited to show Asgore his makeshift greenhouse, but now that they’re here he wants to turn around and go back home, suddenly too aware of the peeling paint, the spills of soil everywhere, and god, when was the last time he watered everything—
“The tomatoes look lovely.” Asgore cradles one in his paw.
Heat floods Papyrus’ cheeks; he tugs up his hood.
“Just followed your directions.” He murmurs.
He startles as Asgore wraps him in a hug. It feels like being enveloped in a warm, fluffy blanket.
“Thank you for showing me this,” Asgore rumbles.
“N-No problem.”
7. Papyrus x Ice Wolf (aka Jimmy Hotpants)
Papyrus joins the line for checkout, carrying new pairs of hotpants. He spots a familiar face from Snowdin.
The monster turns.
“Papyrus! How are you?”
Papyrus’ gaze lands on the article of clothing held in Jimmy’s paw.
“A fellow hotpants connoisseur!”
The cashier clears her throat. Jimmy places his hotpants on the counter, but drops his wallet. He bends over to pick it up.
“B-Butt!” Jimmy looks at him questioningly. “I mean what. What! Are you doing next? I know how you feel about hotpants? But what about hot coffee? With a hot skeleton?”
Jimmy grins. “I’d love that.”
8. Papyrus x Toriel
Papyrus gingerly lowers himself onto a chair at the kitchen table. Sans is already sitting in his own chair, looking haggard.
“Brother! You are awake at a suspiciously early hour.”
“Pap, you know I love you.”
“Was that ever questioned?”
“But please, I’m begging you. Next time you an’ Tori feel the urge to—you know. Tell me first so I can not be here.”
“Impossible! Passion isn’t planned, it’s spontaneous!” Papyrus winces as movement pulls into focus the soreness of his pelvis. “But you need not fret for some time. We broke the bed last night!”
Sans groans. “Papyrus.”
9. Papyrus x Mettaton
It’s their first anniversary. Papyrus asked him out last February 14th, because he knew Mettaton would love the added drama that comes with a Valentine’s Day confession.
In the weeks leading up to today, Mettaton planned several potential dates strewn all across the city, tipping off different groups of paparazzi for each one.
“Ready, Mettaton?”
He looks at Papyrus—adorable in a short dress with dark stockings—and makes his decision.
Mettaton scoops Papyrus up in his arms.
“You look positively scrumptious, darling.” He carries Papyrus towards the bedroom. “Today, I don’t want to share you with anyone else.”
10. Papyrus x Sans [Underfell]
Papyrus is awoken by an elbow to the face.
“Augh, Sans,” Papyrus rubs at his abused nasal bone as he sits up. “What the hell—”
“Shut up a second, alright?” Sans presses Papyrus’ hand to his stomach, which is swollen with their growing babybones.
First, nothing. But then—beneath Papyrus’ splayed fingers, there’s a kick.
Sans is beaming at him.
“They’re…strong.” Papyrus manages, thickly. He’s glad it’s dark in their room. So Sans can’t see the tears he’s not crying.
“Heh, well, what’d ya expect? They’re your kid.”
“Our child,” Papyrus corrects, and pulls him in for a kiss.
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imagines-never-die · 7 years
While searching through wreckage of a recent war site, Hanzo/McCree/Lucio find a person who begs them not to bring them to a medical place. The stranger somehow persuades them to just go to their home and as they clean up, the man sees that they have huge bird/bat wings and the person has become almost fully healed from being injured in a matter of hours! Thanks! {Angel Anon}
(Oh hello again, AngelAnon~ So nice to hear from you! This kind of sounds like an OC idea? Are youplanning an Angel OC? I can totally help match them for you if you want. This one turned out to be pretty long, though, so I put it under the cut.)
The archer surveyed the wreckage around him,his breaths heavy and his fingers sore from exertion. It had been some fightand he was the last one to leave the war site. He had been told to look for anysupplies to scrounge or any possible survivors, but there were none that hecould find. Sighing, he began the trek home when he saw a meek little head popup from the rubble.
The stranger glanced around nervously andshakily, their [color] eyes darting this way and that. Hanzo watched them for afew moments until they pulled themselves from the rubble and collapsed on thesurface. Now that he could see the rest of them clearly, he saw that their bodywas covered in dried blood and dirt. Beneath all that grime, they wore astrange sort of dress that ran from their neck to their knees, hanging looselyaround their form. It had one large zipper running down the back. Suddenly, herealized they could be survivor he was supposed to be looking for, and herushed over to them.
“Are you alright?” he asked as he knelt downnext to them.
The stranger flinched and sat up, giving him asuspicious glare.
“Do not worry,” he assured them, “I willnot hurt you,”
They just continued to glare at him, theirlips wavering slightly before muttering, “O-ok…”
“You’re hurt badly,” he pointed out, “Iwill take you back to the city and find you–”
“No!” they suddenly gasped, scrambling awayfrom him, “Not the city! I can’t go anywhere where more people might seeme,”
Hanzo cocked his head in confusion, “Whynot?”
“I just can’t! You sh-shouldn’t have seen meeither!” they exclaimed, “J-Just leave and pretend you never saw me!”
“Leave you?” he echoed, “Why would Ileave you? You could die from those injuries,”
“I-I’ll be fine,” they insisted firmly,hugging their knees to their chest.
Hanzo let out a small groan and pinched thebridge of his nose as he stood up. Why was she/he being so difficult?
“At least let me take you back to myapartment,” he offered, “I have medical supplies there that could help. Itwill not be as effective as proper medical attention, but at least I won’t beleaving you out here,”
Glancing around worriedly, they nodded slowly,and got to their feet. They were hesitant to let Hanzo carry them or even touchthem at all, so he merely offered his arm for them to lean on. Even when theyreached his apartment, the stranger continued to look about them nervously,darting like a skittish cat through the door once he let them in.
They insisted they could tend to their ownwounds and asked that he just leave them to get cleaned up. So, Hanzo went backto his room and waited for about an hour and a half. After that time hadpassed, he figured they’d have finished cleaning themselves up. Maybe theycould use some tea; probably an extra calming type for their nerves. 
When he entered main room, tea in hand, he wasastonished to find the medical supplies unused. At first he worried that theyhad just let themselves die, but when his eyes moved to the stranger, he nearlydropped the tea he was carrying. All their wounds were completely gone, leavingtheir skin smooth and unscathed. Even if he had taken them to a hospital, itwould have taken days for them to recover like that!
But that wasn’t even the most shocking part.The large zipper to the back of their baggy dress was open and two giant batwings had unfurled from within it! The wings lay strewn across the carpet,little veins running through the leathery black skin. Meanwhile, the strangerlay on the floor, their lungs slowly rising and falling as they slept.
Hanzo didn’t even know what to make of it! Washe dreaming? Carefully, he set the tea down, and studied the wings. They lookedlike your average, enlarged bat wings…Felt like them too. Smooth yet ruggedlike fake leather; bony in some spots. Then his hands wandered to where theirwings met the back, his hand pushing the dress to the side a little to get abetter view.
Where the wings were implanted didn’t looknatural. It was like someone had dug them into their shoulder-blades thenhaphazardly stitched and spliced them into place. Just as his fingers began torun along where their normal flesh met their wings…
“Augh!” the stranger jumped awake, sending Hanzoflinching backwards.
The whirled around, their face flustered asthey tried to hold up their dress at the front.
“Y-You creep!” they shouted, “What thehell w-were you trying to do?! What, do you have a thing for backs?!”
“I-I…” Hanzo stammered, his face turningred, “Forgive me, I just–the wings were there, and I–well I didn’t evenknow what I was–”
“Wings?” they repeated, then their facesuddenly paled.
Quickly reaching back, they felt their wingsand their mouth formed a little “o” shape.
“They…came out?” they whimpered, “Yousaw?!”
“Y-yes, but that’s not a bad thing, is it?” heasked.
Suddenly they started to flap their wings andwith each flap the wings grew smaller and small until they completely retractedinto their back and disappeared.
“I can’t believe I let them fall out while Iwas sleeping!” they gasped as they frantically zipped up their baggy outfit.
“What…What are you?” he asked.
That question seemed to make themuncomfortable. They slumped their shoulders and hugged their sides, rockingthemselves back and forth gently.
“Y-You shouldn’t have seen me,” they mutteredunder their breath, “You sh-shouldn’t have seen my wings…”
“Why not?”
“I…I’m a geneticexperiment from Talon, but I escaped this morning,” they mumbled without makingeye contact, “I stowed away in one of their ships, but I didn’t know itwould lead me to one of their fights…”
Hanzo sat there, taking all that he/she had told him. So he had been harboring a fugitive that whole time. No wonder they were so jumpy. But at least now he knew what to do.
“Here,” he handed them a cup of tea, “You can stay here and rest for one more day, and then I’ll contact headquarters,”
They opened their mouth to protest, but he raised a hand to stop them.
“Don’t worry. Overwatch will keep you safe; you have my word,” he said, “And you’re knowledge of Talon could prove invaluable to them. But for now, just rest. My name is Hanzo Shimada by the way. I am sorry for not introducing myself sooner,”
“[Name],” they said in response, “Thank you for saving me, H-Hanzo,”
Jack groaned when he saw Jesse’s caller ID on his cell phone. What did he want now?
“Hello?” 76 grunted into his phone.
“Howdy, Morrison,” McCree said on the other end, “So, uh, I’ve got a bit of a problem and I need your advice…”
“What is it?” he grumbled.
“You know that mission we were just in? Well I was surveying the reamnants like you said, and I found someone,” he explained.
“Then take them to medical like I said,”
“Well I woulda,” McCree grimaced, “But uuuh…they were very insisting that I hide them and it all seemed a little fishy to me,”
Now the story seemed a little more interesting to Jack and he perked up, “So where did you take them?”
“Back to my ranch,”
“You took them to your personal home?!” 76 barked, “Agent, that’s a risky move! They could be undercover!”
Yeah, yeah I know!” Jack could practically feel McCree rolling his eyes on the other end, “But they were beat up pretty bad, and if I didn’t take them back here to get patched up, then there wouldn’t be much else I could do. Besides, that’s why I’m calling. They’re cleaning up right now which leaves a good chance me to go routin’ through their stuff. What kinda stuff would I be looking for if they were undercover?”
“I guess an ID card of sorts or some kind of pendant,” Jack shrugged, “Most Talon agents wear the company logo on them in the form of a charm or necklace, but you might also find a card with it, too. Look for any confidential files with an undercover mission, too, anything that instructs them to infiltrate an Overwatch agent’s personal abode,”
“Huh,” McCree nodded, “Got it,”
“Call me back if you find anything,” was Jack’s last order before hanging up.
That left McCree sitting in his kitchen, glancing down the hall to the bathroom. He knew the stranger was in their cleaning up, and all he needed to do was slip in and grab their bag. With any luck, they wouldn’t see him, so it was time to put some of his old Blackwatch skills to use. Gradually, he moved down the hall to the bathroom where he could hear little water ripples.
Backing himself up against the wall, he slowly edged the door open just enough for him to reach his arm through. So far, it didn’t seem like they had noticed. He could see their black backpack, so he slowly reached out for it, easing through the crack in the door more and more. Sure, he got it, but made the mistake of looking up.
“The hell?” he mumbled then slapped a hand over his mouth.
He almost couldn’t blame himself for saying it out loud. They had fucking angel wings on their back! Big, white, feathery wings hanging off their back and pooling into the tub around them! Of course they heard him and spun around, disturbing the water around them.
“W-W-What do you th-think–” they stammered, flapping their wings angrily, “G-Get out!”
Jesse yelped and ducked out, totally abandoning the pack he was supposed to have grabbed. He tried calling Morrison back to update him on the…odd situation, but he wouldn’t pick up. When the stranger finally emerged, wearing the same pants and backless shirt from before, their face was red and they looked pissed.
“What is wrong with you!” they shouted, “Can’t a guy/girl get some privacy?!”
“S-Sorry, really, I-I just wanted to–um…” he stuttered as the stranger waited impatiently for an answer, “Well…truth is I was gonna go through yer things and check if you had any evidence for being an undercover agent from Talon,”
They scoffed, “Do I really look like an undercover agent to you?”
“Well I dunno, you had those big ol’ wings on yer back!” he retorted.
Their face turned a darker red and they averted their eyes.
“So…you saw…” they snarled.
“Of course I did! The big white feathers hangin’ off yer back? Duh,”
Sighing in annoyance, they grabbed their backpack and slammed it down on the kitchen table. They unloaded all its contents, even shaking the bag upside-down a few times. There was a passport, snacks, money in the form of a variety of currencies, a silenced pistol, a guidebook to America, and some spare clothes. But nothing that Soldier: 76 had warned him about.
“See? Nothing that points to Talon,” they snapped, “So why would my wings of all things point to them?”
“Ok, ok,” he eased off a bit, “Just uh…wasn’t expectin’ you to be half bird,”
“Half angel,” they corrected him.
“Yeah, alright,”
“Well I am. Don’t you work with people with special powers in Overwatch?” they pointed out, “Aren’t you used to that?”
“So yer sayin’ you were born with this?” he asked.
“I’m saying that you should mind your own business, McCree,” they ordered, “Look, I’m grateful for you hiding me while I regenerate–”
“Wait what?”
“–But I’ve got to fly now, literally. Can’t stick around here much longer,”
With that, they grabbed their backpack and put it on backwards so that it hung off the front of their shoulders. Then they headed for the door with Jesse hot on their heels.
“That’s it? Not even an explanation for why your here?” he whined, “Not even a thank you?”
They stopped just short of the door and took a deep breath. Then they turned to him and looked him in the eyes with a heartfelt sincerity.
“Thank you, McCree,” they gave him a small bow, “I know I haven’t told you much yet–not even my name–but trust me, things will start to make sense very soon,”
“What do ya mean?” Jesse asked.
“I can’t explain that now,” they shrugged as they opened the door.
They walked outside, standing in the ranch’s driveway, and their ivory wings erupted from their back again. They looked so pretty and plush, it almost made him want to run his hands through them.
Looking back at him, the stranger said, “But I will explain soon. You play a bigger part in this war than you think, Jesse,”
They knew his first name?
“Wait, how you know my–” he started to ask.
But in one flap of their wings, they took off from the ground, leaving behind a cloud of dust. Just like that, they were gone, but he was sure they’d be back.
Lucio didn’t question in much at first when the stranger requested to be hidden. They seemed so jumpy and afraid that he just wanted to calm them down, so he took them back to his place for the time being. He figured he’d just call the hospital in a bit anyways. If this person needed some time to settle down, he’d give it to them. After all, he found them in the wreckage of the Numbani Museum, where a big fight had just gone down. They had probably seen some shit in there.
He left them in the living room his Sonic Amplifier switched to the healing setting. Last he saw them, they were sitting criss-cross next to the speaker, allowing the light tunes to slowly cure their wounds. But when he came back with some water and blankets, he was surprised to hear that the music was switched off.
“Hey, you should keep that on if you…” he started to say when his voice suddenly died in his throat.
Well for starters, their cuts had totally closed up and they looked totally healthy. But what was weirder was that he had walked in on them changing shirts. But what was weirder than that were the chestnut-colored bird wings sprouting from their back and falling gently to the floor.
“U-uh sorry!” he felt his face heat up and he turned around, trying to hide the oncoming blush.
“It’s alright,” was their calm response.
At least they had chilled and weren’t stuttering and shrieking anymore.
“You can look now,”
They were wearing a shirt now, but a small part of the back was open for their bird’s wings to come out. The stranger fluttered them gently and smiled.
“You like ‘em?” they asked sweetly.
“Uuuuuuuuh…” was the only thing that came out of his mouth.
The stranger just giggled at him and stretched their wings out as big as they could make them, “Go on, you can look at them all you like until you get used to them,”
Lucio just placed a hand under his chin and leaned against the wall, his eyes still unable to move from the wings.
“I’m…not entirely sure I will,” he mumbled.
They just laughed at him again and folded the wings at their sides, “I always get the funniest responses from these. But listen, you can’t tell anyone you saw these. It’s a secret.”
They put a finger to their lips and went “shhh.” Lucio could only nod along.
“Got it. Um, w-why exactly do you have those?” he asked nervously.
“Born with ‘em,” they shrugged, picking at some of the feathers at the ends, “I’ve been looking for my biological parents–or creators–to find out why I’m like this. I came to the Numbani Heritage Museum for answers, thinking my wings resembled a bird native to here, but…”
Their cheery exterior suddenly dropped, and their body shuddered upon remembering their museum experience. Lucio grew worried and approached them.
“Hey, it’s ok now, you’re away from them now,” he comforted them.
“Who were they?” they breathed.
“Talon,” he sighed as he took a seat next to them, “They cause trouble everywhere they go,”
“What were they after?”
“Doomfist’s gauntlet,” he answered bluntly, “Those grunts just won’t take no for an answer. They just keep comin’ and comin’ to take it,”
“That sounds troublesome…” they mumbled.
“Yeah,” he droned, before perking up, “But you can stay here as long as you need to recover, of course.”
“That’s very kind of you,” their smile returned, “But I should be going soon. After all, my wings also somehow heal me, and I’m all better now. I’ll probably spend the night on the couch, but I’ll be gone in the morning. My past isn’t going to discover itself,”
“Heh, yeah I guess,” Lucio shrugged before getting up again, “But listen, if you need anything, just let me know. Food, tunes, birdseed–”
“Heeey…” they pouted.
“Sorry, sorry,” he chuckled.
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