#thank fuck for the buses oof
chaotictomtom · 10 months
bad knee :( why are you like this
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pitbullwithaship · 4 months
I am ridiculously glad to get to watch Dr Who tonight cuz I just spent a 4 hour long rehearsal standing motionless and occasionally marching around and my legs and knees are killing me. AnyWHO time to watch!!
Ominous music
Ooh art museum at night optimal setting for interesting stuff to happen
Goblet (of not-fire, presumably)
BURGLAR we getting troped
Ooh she's cool
You're just gonna trust that they're genuine?
They never saw her face I thought, why does he know it was her
Teeth joke
I'd eat it if I was her
Lol she's very confused
Usually epic police chases don't involve clunky city buses
The Voices tm
Oh wow that's very weird
Disappearing bus oof
Very bright
Desert fun
Okay chill in the bus until you figure out what happened or you'll all get heat stroke and die
Alien hand
Voices again
Oof dead isn't very alive omen
Transition lenses
Licks sand
It tastes like death oooOoOOOOooooOOOo
Okay he's dead
Very dead
Just a little out of your depth
Girlie is kinda awesome and young dude is kinda smart
I like Christina
He's a great peptalker I want to steal that quality
Hello UNIT
Portable shovel lol
I hate sand
Stares at phone confused
All the peeps on the bus must be so confused about why these people are so excited to meet him
Genius dude is kinda silly
Ooh those look like fly eyes
Shiny storm!! I love shiny things
Okay maybe shiny things aren't good
Definitely fly eyes
Very flyee
That's a gorgeous city
Stop flirting my dude
It's never that simple
Oof that's a sudden climate shift
That's a large amount of dead people
That's a lot of sky rays
Ooh that's a really cool creature
Christina is smartie smartie
Amazing creatures!
Cool cool I bet that weird goblet has something weird going on with it
Is she gonna go down there!!
She's awesome
Spaceman awww I miss Donna too
Good boy IM SORRY?!
Oh close call there
Oof lots of rays
Okay so bug guys are dead then
Those are incredibly sharkie rays
I love malcolm
Very trigger happy
Hammers it
Flies a bus lol
Oh they better make it in time
NOT NOW IM BUSY I love this man
Why do you look so surprised my dude you were very furiously flirting with her the entire time
I love Malcolm
Oh he is mot in the space to have a companion now
At least explain my dude, communicate your brain a little bit
Aww poor Christina
His face lol
Aww sets Christina free
Christina and the flying city bus sounds like a kids book
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Carry On Countdown - Day 22
Wow, watch me use the @carryon-countdown to plug my skating fic lmao
I don’t know if this counts, since Angelina is an OC and actually, Baz would totally make friends with/practically adopt a 17yo Russian girl, so I don’t know how unlikely it is, but it’s here. And also, I just really want to share more of On thin ice content, but the fic itself isn’t ready to be published yet so have this instead. 
For context, Baz used to train in Russia aged 16-20, and now both him and Simon train in Montreal (no, idk why I chose Montreal out of all places but that’s how it is.) Also I think Gelya is the Russian diminutive/nickname used for the name Angelina, but I’m not sure. The fic is still in the works, so this scene is bound to change/expand (I did omit it a bit when writing because spoilers) but anyway, I’ll stop rambling now. 
Prompt: Unlikely friends Word count: 1950 Rating: This scene is G, although the whole fic will be T or M 
The ride from the airport to the hotel is awful. Baz must’ve suspected this, because he made me sit in the front.
“Go on,” he said teasingly. “The only skater who has motion sickness.”
I have to say, sitting in the front almost didn’t make a difference. I may not know how to drive, but even I know you’re not supposed to drive like that. When the cab drops us off in front of the hotel, I don’t even bother hiding my relief. Baz laughs.
“I never want to experience this again,” I say, knowing full well that this is my life for the next week. The hotel might be close to the venue, but it’s still far enough for it to be a driving distance. I can only hope buses are less deadly than cabs.
“You know, Moscow traffic is actually tame compared to the rest of Russia,” Baz smirks, handing me my bags.
“Well then I never want to see the rest of Russia,” I mutter, slinging my duffel bag over my shoulder and stepping through the automated hotel doors. Baz scoffs and follows me.
This hotel is fancy – much fancier than the hotels we usually stay at. Baz doesn’t seem phased by it at all, the posh bastard. I bet the hotels he stays at when he’s on vacation are at least twice as posh.
He does, however, seem phased when someone yells “Basil!” across the lobby. Before either of us can register what’s going on, a small figure in a red jacket runs towards us at full speed and crashes into Baz, making him emit a surprised oof sound.
The moment I realize the figure is actually Angelina Nuriyeva is the moment she starts speaking in fast Russian. I don’t understand a thing, but Baz seems to, because he laughs and hugs her back.
I knew Baz and Angelina were friends, but I didn’t think they were this close. I mean, they’re the exact polar opposites; Angelina is an actual sunshine (she’s always hugging and smiling at everyone) and Baz is… Baz. (He’s a big softie, I know that, but he goes through great efforts to appear cold and closed off.)
But here he is, ruffling Angelina’s hair and telling her something in Russian. (I’m suddenly met with the realisation that being in Moscow means I’ll get to hear a lot more of Baz’s Russian. I am very much not complaining at this prospect, even if I don’t understand a thing of what they’re saying.)
Angelina is nodding along and she pulls out her phone to show him something, but that’s when Baz stops her, suddenly speaking in English.
“Wait, I think in the interest of Snow, we should switch to English. He already looks lost enough as it is,” he says.
“No, no, I’m fine, by all means…” I start, but I’m soon cut off by Angelina.
“Yes, of course! I’m sorry, Simon! Come here, it’s so good to see you,” she says and hugs me. (This is what I mean when I say Angelina is a sunshine.)
“Good to see you too,” I nod.
“I was just about to show Basil how his houseplants are doing. Do you want to see too?” she asks.
“Houseplants?” I don’t bother hiding the surprise in my voice. Since when does Baz like houseplants? His flat in Montreal doesn’t have any, spare the tiny cactus on the windowsill.
“I had a lot of houseplants when I still lived here, but I couldn’t take them with me on the plane when I moved, so Gelya took them in her care,” he explains, as if he’s reading my mind.
“Georgy is doing amazing but Ilya went a bit floppy. I changed his earth so now I’m hoping he gets better,” Angelina says, showing Baz a picture of two houseplants, side by side, one of them (Ilya?) looking slightly wilted.
“When it goes floppy, we say it wilts, and we don’t say earth, we say soil,” Baz corrects her. If I was Angelina, I’d probably be annoyed right now, but she just smiles at him.
“Thank you. It’s so much harder to learn English now that there’s no one here to practice with me,” she sighs.
“You know you can call me any time and we can practice,” Baz offers.
“Wait, wait, wait,” I stop them both. There is so much new information I have to process. “You had houseplants? And you named them Russian names? And you taught her English?” (That would actually explain why Angelina’s English is so good.)
“Yes, Snow, are you keeping up?”
“And when he gave them up, he wrote me a whole notebook on how to take care of them,” Angelina chimes in. “And another notebook with English grammar.”
Maybe I do have trouble keeping up. Who is this Baz? (And why is he so attractive?)
“I never thought of you as a houseplant kind of bloke,” I shrug. “You don’t have any houseplants in Montreal.”
“I’m still mourning the loss of my old children.” Baz deadpans before turning back to Angelina. “Show me Alyosha. He was always my favourite.”
Unsurprisingly, the jet-lag catches up with me right when it’s time to go to bed. I don’t know why I was naïve enough to believe I won’t need melatonin when dealing with an eight-hour time difference. I better take it now, before it’s too late.
I sigh and throw the covers back before picking up my phone to check the time. However, a text message notification from Snow grabs my attention before I can do that.
Is he nervous again? It would make sense, since this is a big competition for him. Would I be able to sneak into his room and sneak out the next morning unnoticed? I doubt that. There are only athletes staying on our floor, the coaches, press and competition staff are all on different floors, and I doubt the athletes would pay us much attention, but it’s still risky.
I’d much rather risk a few weird looks than have Simon spiral into panic two days before a major competition, though. I decide I’ll go to his room if that’s what he needs.
Maybe I should check why he’s even texting me before I devise any plans.
SS: do u have melatonine? SS: jet lag
I sigh in relief. He’s not having a mental breakdown. He’s just jet-lagged. (Which is a bit strange for Snow, but I suppose even his circadian rhythm can take a blow from time to time.)
BP: It’s spelled melatonin and yes, I have it. You can come get it if you still need it BP: Room 254
SS: yes ik where u r SS: I’ll b right over
I sit on the edge of the bed and wait for Snow to knock on my door. He’s staying a few corridors down, in room 273, so it takes him a few minutes. I jump up when I hear his knock.
He’s standing in front of my door, wearing joggers, a hoodie and those damned glasses of his again. His hair is messed up, like he’s been tossing and turning too.
“I thought you didn’t get jet-lagged,” I say, stepping aside to let him in. He settles on the edge my bed while I rummage my luggage for melatonin supplements.
“I don’t get sleep jet-lagged, but I do get food jet-lagged,” he says.
“What does that even mean, Snow?”
“It means it’s lunchtime in Canada right now and I’m so hungry I can’t sleep.”
I bite back a laugh. He’s an idiot. (An adorable one but an idiot nonetheless.) “You don’t need melatonin, Snow, you need this,” I say, throwing a granola bar at him. He startles, but manages to catch it.
“You’re just giving this to me?” he asks, audibly surprised. (Which is ridiculous. He gives me food all the time and here he is, questioning my generosity over a fucking granola bar.)
“No, Snow, pay up. Fifty rubbles.”
“I don’t have any Russian money,” he laughs, tearing the wrapping open. He’s going to get crumbs all over my bed, but I don’t shoo him away. Instead, I finally find the melatonin supplements and take one with some water. “Do you still want one?” I ask.
“Do you have any more granola bars?”
I laugh and pass him another one before sitting down next to him on the bed.
“Are you nervous?” I ask, just to make sure he’s really okay.
“Right now? I’m just hungry,” he says, tearing open the second granola bar.
“Right,” I nod.
“Baz. Are you doing that thing where you’re worrying about me again?”
“A bit,” I admit.
“Stop,” he says like I can just turn it off like a tap. (I wish I could.) We sit in silence for a while, me thinking about how much easier my life would be if I just stopped worrying about Simon Snow and him chewing through his granola bar. “I didn’t know you and Angelina were such good friends,” he finally says.
“We trained together for four years,” I shrug, but it’s not just that. The training environment in Russia was intense. It’s a bloodbath to even get on the national team there, so of course it’s intense, but I think every other skater the rink was looking at me sideways because I was an outlier. I wasn’t Russian, I didn’t speak Russian and I think they felt like I didn’t belong there. (I know now that I really didn’t.) They eventually accepted me and by the time I left Russia, even the ones who refused to speak during my first year there were sad to see me go.
But Gelya was nice to me from the start. She was only thirteen at the time and didn’t speak any English, but she clapped for me when I did something well and cheered me on when I was having a bad day. (Thanks to her, davai was one of the first Russian words I learned.) She brought me homemade pyraniki on special occasions and when I got injured and had to go back to England to have surgery, she sent me get well soon cards all the way from Russia and she made the entire rink sign them.
That’s just who she is. She’s this nice to everyone and it didn’t matter to her if I was Russian or English, I was just another person at her rink who she could bring biscuits to. Over the four years that I’ve lived there, she became like a little sister to me.
“Baz?” Snow’s voice snaps me from my thoughts. “You seem tired. I’m going to go.”
I have half a mind not to ask him to stay here. (We both know we can’t do that.) “Okay,” I say instead. He stands up and throws the granola wrappers in the bin. I stand up too, to walk him to the door (I have manners), but he waves at me to sit back down.
“It’s fine,” he says.
“Will you be able to sleep?”
“If my hunger doesn’t get to me again, yes,” he laughs. He’s already by the door.
“Wait.” I stand up and grab the last granola bar from my bag, offering it to him. “Just in case,” I explain. I want him to stay here, to make sure he sleeps well and doesn’t spend the night worrying about the competition, but I can’t do that, so this is the least I can do.
“Thanks,” he smiles, tucking it in his pocket. Then he hugs me briefly and presses a kiss to my cheek. “Sleep well.”
“You too.”
And he’s out the door.
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meandmypagancrew · 4 years
Maybe What You Think Of Me Won’t Change
Did you guys know that in addition to being a gifmaker and a dollmaker, I’m also a writer? I know! I am a woman of many talents most mediocre and useless. Anyway, I wrote this little fic about Clark and Farrah from We Are The Tigers, so if you’re into that kind of thing, give it a read under the cut!
It wasn’t super uncommon for Farrah to suddenly come to and not know where she was or how she got there. So when, in her drunken haze, she had a sudden moment of clarity and found herself outside by a dumpster, she groaned. In the dim light from a streetlight, she took stock as she pushed one of her braids over her shoulder. Clothes? Still on. Phone? Not dead. Purse? There. There wasn’t any vomit or blood or anything. All in all, not the worst night she had ever had.
As she got on shaky feet, she tried to remember what had happened. Marissa had picked her up, and they went to a house party at Rich’s. She had a few flashes of the party, a red solo cup in her hand, Liz doing a keg stand, Kayla and Jason trying to subtly sneak upstairs- but then nothing. Fuck. There was no one around, so how was she supposed to get home? She pulled out her phone again and clicked the home button, being greeted by a picture of Tom Holland as Spiderman- her favorite celebrity crush- and the time 3:42. It was a Thursday, but still summer, so thank God she didn’t have to worry about being up for school. 
She pushed that thought to the back of her mind. First she needed to get home. She unlocked her phone- her home screen was a picture of her and her mom when she was born, which caused her to squint, both because of the lighter color scheme being brighter and the memory of her mom- and clicked to her contacts. Family was strictly out of the question, Annleigh would kill her for waking her up, her stepmom hated her, and her dad wouldn’t be mad but he’d be so disappointed he would probably cry the entire way and making your dad cry is a soul crushing experience.
She sat back down as she scrolled through her contacts. Party friends. A guy who was her partner for a chem project last year. Former Captain Kimberly, future Captain Riley. A guy who was rumored to be a drug dealer, but was only her contact for buying alcohol. Her first try was Marissa- she got her into this, it seemed only natural she’d get her out, but it went straight to voice mail. She kept looking, her drunk mind trying to think. Her finger tapped on Bridget, a girl who had been a cheerleader at Giles Corey but transferred back to public school after her dad had been laid off. They weren’t close, but Bridget had shown her the ropes when she joined the team, and she was a night owl so she should still be awake.
Before the first ring even finished, her usual deadpan voice answered. 
“What.” She said, and Farrah struggled to not sound as drunk as she was as she responded.
“Bridged?” Despite her best efforts, her speech was a little slurred. “Canyou comeaaand git mee?”
“Farrah, it’s almost four AM.” Her voice still had no inflection. Even when sober, it was very difficult to discern where Bridget was standing, and if you were getting anywhere with her. Drunk? It was pretty much impossible.
“Yeeeeaaaaaaah… but Imm stuuuuuuck.” 
“No.” Was the response, unusually harsh for Bridget. 
“Whaa…?” She asked, though she was pretty sure she heard her correctly. It just didn’t seem right. Bridget wouldn’t just abandon her like this, right? As she had so astutely noted it was almost 4 AM- she was the only person who would be awake.
“No. I’m not your babysitter, Farrah. You got yourself into this mess, take some goddamn responsibility for your actions.”
“Buuu… butMarissa took meee dribking-“
“Did Marissa force the alcohol down your throat?” Bridget asked, a little too abruptly and Farrah didn’t respond. She knew she was right, and Bridget knew from her silence she had hit the nail on her head. “You made a choice. You deal with the consequences.”
The line went dead. Bridget’s words were true, but how the hell was Farrah supposed to get out of this? Buses weren’t running this time of night, she didn’t even know where she was, let alone how to get home- she needed help.
As she resumed scrolling through her contacts, a very depressing thought hit her. She didn’t have anyone to call. She was the girl you call for a party, not the girl you depend on when you need help. She didn’t have a single true friend she could depend on right now. There were no clutch friends. To put it quite frankly, she was completely fucked.
As she settled in against the dumpster to wait for daybreak, hoping the sun would bring with it some ideas, a memory she didn’t know she had came to the forefront of her mind. 
“I think she’s asleep.” A voice that must have been Annleigh’s said in her memory. 
She was lying down, but her eyes were closed. From the lights that occasionally shone through her eyelids, the soft rumbling, and the feeling of movement, she must have been in the backseat of the car.
“Okay.” Came another voice, male- Clark. “I’ll carry her in when we get there.”
“You don’t have to do that!” Annleigh immediately replied, and Farrah could picture the heart eyes she was almost undoubtedly making. “You’ve already done so much, helping me come get her.”
“Don’t mention it.” He replied. “I’m happy to help.”
“You must get tired of it.” Annleigh replied with a sigh. “I mean, she’s not even your family.”
“Well, first off, we are all sisters and brothers in the eyes of our Heavenly Father,” She could hear the smile in his voice, and a gentle sound of contact as if Annleigh had playfully hit his arm. When he spoke again, though, the smile was gone. “In all seriousness, though, your family is my family. I will always be there for Farrah, because I love her like a sister.”
The conversation turned to some boring bullshit about theology, so she had tuned it out. But her mind kept coming back to that promise. Did he mean it? Did he say it just because he thought it would win him brownie points? Either way, it was her last possible option, so she navigated to his contact and hit call.
After a few rings, his groggy voice answered.
“Clark?” She asked, and she could almost feel him snap awake.
“Farrah? What’s happening? Is Annleigh okay? Are you okay?”
“Iiii’m fiiiiine. I need a riiide.”
Clark exhaled, and she felt a little bad for waking him up. He was probably going to do thing Bridget had. This was a speculator waste of time for everyone.
“I’m…. I don’t knoooow…”
“Do you see any landmarks?” He asked, his voice patient even though she could hear him moving about, probably grabbing his keys and heading out.
“Let me… check…” She stumbled a little bit, struggling to hold the phone and climb to her feet. “Oof, okay…”
“Farrah, what’s going on?” He asked, and she waved it off before realizing he couldn’t see her as she meandered out of the alley to the street.
“Iiiit’s fiiine. You worry too much!” 
She put a hand on the wall to steady her as she took stock of her surroundings. Sure enough, she was at a bar, but she didn’t recognize the name and found it highly unlikely Clark would either. Most of the storefronts were dark, and even the ones that weren’t, she felt like the words were spinning in front of her. 
“What do you see?” He asked, and she scrunched up her face.
“Uhhh…” She stalled but then she saw it. She thought it was maybe the most beautiful building she had ever seen in her life, down at the end of the street. “There’s a castle…”
“A… castle?” He asked, confused.
“It’s all white. It’s so pretty. It has flowers.”
“An all white building?” He tried to clarify. “The hospital?”
“No… there’s a man on the building…” She had to squint, but sure enough.
“A man on a castle that’s white with flowers?” The skepticism in his voice was so evident that even in her state she could pick up on it and it annoyed her.
“He’s golden!” She insisted, just wanting him to believe her, that she wasn’t hallucinating.
“A golden man on- the Mormon temple?” He asked, which Farrah couldn’t say for sure, but it seemed like the best bet. “Farrah, are you at the Mormon temple?”
“Nooo… I’m in front of a bar down the street…”
“Okay. Okay. Hold on.” Clark said as Farrah leaned against the wall, already feeling a hangover starting to set in. “I’ll be there in five minutes. Can you hang on for five minutes?”
“Yeah…” She replied, closing her eyes against the light filtering through the bar’s windows.
“Okay. I’ll see you soon.”
Once he hung up, she pocketed her phone after making sure it was on vibration in case something happened. She had considered doing something on her phone while she waited, but even on the lowest setting, it seemed so bright it might burn her. Out of sheer boredom, she started to undo her braids. After all, even if she slept in them, she’d have to redo them tomorrow, because they’d be messy. 
Just as she was relocating her second hair tie to her wrist, and shaking out the braid, the door to the bar opened, and a man walked out. Farrah didn’t notice him at first, busy combing her hair out, but he sure noticed her.
“Oh, hey, pretty girl.” He said and she looked up into eyes that looked at her like she was less of a person and more of a meal. Ugh. She had met so many predatory men like this, and she really wasn’t up to it right now. “What are you doing out here all alone?”
“My ride is coming.” She said, both as an answer to the question and a way of informing him that there was someone who knew where she was supposed to be, so he better not try anything.
“I can take you wherever you need to go, baby.” He was almost purring, which was about as unsettling as being called baby by a stranger twice her age. “Especially if where you need to go is back to my place.”
That statement was punctuated with a wink, and she felt like she needed a shower.
“No, thank you.” She replied, trying to walk the line between being polite enough that he didn’t think she was a cunt and murdered her, but not so polite that he thought she was into him and when she rejected him, didn’t think she was a cunt and murdered her. 
“Aw, come on, I can make you feel reeeeal good.”
He started to advance towards her and Farrah took a step back before she realized that would just back her into an alleyway, which was a dead end. She had no option but to stand her ground.
“I said no!” She almost yelled, and he grabbed her arm.
“Come on, baby, don’t be like that.” She tried to struggle against his grip, but he tightened his grip, which only scared her more. He was so much more powerful than she was.
“Get off of me!” Now she was yelling, a hint of desperation in her voice and he grabbed her other arm as well, which she continued to try to resist, but he was too strong.
“I said don’t be-“
“Get away from her!” She heard a car door slamming and while she couldn’t see who it was, she recognized his voice. The dude’s attention was fractured by the interruption, and his grip loosened as he looked over his shoulder. Farrah took advantage of that to pry herself from his grasp, running straight at Clark, throwing her arms around him and clutching the back of his shirt as tightly as she could, squeezing her eyes shut as she buried her face in his chest. He immediately wrapped one arm around her, holding her close.
“What are you, her boyfriend?” He sneered, and the fear in Farrah’s heart didn’t subside much. What even could Clark do? This guy, he looked like he could be a stunt double for Thor. And Clark? Clark could be the stunt double for Captain America- pre-serum.
“I’m her BROTHER!” He said, his voice taking on a hint of fierceness that Farrah had never heard before, and somehow she knew that he was going to protect her, whatever it took. “And she clearly said no, not to mention the fact that she’s 15! Take one more step towards us and I’m calling the cops on you, you pervert!”
There was a very tense moment, a pregnant pause where Farrah could feel Clark’s heart pounding against her forehead. He talked a big game, but he was terrified. If he called their bluff? The two of them together couldn’t even come close to taking him on, especially in her state. But he must have moved away, because she felt Clark exhale.
“Whatever. She’s a fat bitch anyway.” His voice was moving away, but Clark continued to hold on for several moments. He put his other arm around her before pressing a soft kiss to the top of her head.
“Oh, Farrah…” 
She pulled away and looked up at him, furrowing her eyebrows at the soft murmur, confused about what he meant. Before she could ask, he pulled away even more to open the door of the car for her.
“Let’s get you home.”
She obediently climbed in, again running a hand through her hair as she checked in the mirror her reflection. Her makeup was a mess and she had definitely seen better days, but the wave in her hair was gorgeous. As Clark got into the car next to her and immediately locked the door, she expected him to say something, but he stayed silent. Even as he started the car and some sort of Christian rock- Switchfoot, maybe?- started filtering through his car speakers, a little distorted because the bass was ruined. If Farrah recalled correctly, that was because when Greatest Showman came out, Annleigh adored it so much that not only did she make Clark take her to go see it in the theatres at least six different times, it was the only thing she would listen to and she would play it whenever he drove her anywhere and was not afraid to blast it.
She expected a lecture, some kind of explosion, but instead he just stared straight ahead, clutching the wheel so tightly that his knuckles turned white. His silence was agonizing, and when she finally recognized their surroundings as he turned into their neighborhood, she braved speaking.
“Are you mad?”
“No.” He answered quickly. It wasn’t snapping at her, just a decisive statement.
“Are you sad?”
“No.” It was said the same way and she exhaled in frustration, feeling like she had to get to the bottom of this before he dropped her off, which would be soon despite the meandering streets of the neighborhood that made little sense- Clark was an expert and could navigate it like nobody’s business.
“Are you hungry?”
“Are you annoyed?”
“Are you disgusted?”
“Farrah, I’m worried.” He said as he pulled in front of the Victorian manor replica that she called her home. 
She was surprised that he cared so much, and surprised at herself that she also felt defensive. As he unbuckled his seatbelt to turn and look at her, she crossed her arms.
“You’re only saying that because of Annleigh. You don’t care about me. Or at least you only care about me as Annleigh’s sister.”
“Farrah, look around.” He said, and she furrowed her eyebrows, turning to him. Look at what? The dark buses that lined the pathway up to the front door? The neighbors across the street who’s porch light was green instead of normal? The empty McDonalds bag at her feet? The little pop figures from whatever weeb shit he was into on the dashboard?
“Do you see Annleigh anywhere?” Her brows still furrowed, she shook her head. Of course Annleigh wasn’t here, she would be inside asleep, like the good little girl she was. “This isn’t an act for her. I’m not even planning on telling her this happened. I’m worried about you because I care about you. Not the Farrah who’s Annleigh’s sister, but the Farrah who’s an amazing flier, the Farrah who knows all the words to Princess Bride and watches it every year on her birthday, the Farrah who hasn’t taken ballet in four years but still sometimes twirls when she thinks no one is looking. I care about the Farrah who goes horseback riding and even if she’s in a skirt refuses to ride side-saddle. I care about the Farrah who hides books in her backpack because she loves to read but would hate for anyone to find out. I care about the Farrah who sits on her phone and pretends not to pay attention to whatever’s on TV but when her dad falls asleep during the middle of an episode and then when he wakes up and asks what he missed, always knows exactly what’s going on. I care about the Farrah who found an abandoned kitten in a rainstorm and took him home and took care of him until she could be rehomed despite the fact that she’s very allergic. I care about the Farrah that named that cat Aaron Purr. I care about that Farrah a whole lot more than I care about Annleigh’s sister.”
She didn’t have a response to that. Clark had only been actively in her life for about a year, since her dad got married, but in that time he had been paying attention. She had gone through the mortifying ordeal of being known by him and she didn’t even realize. But at the same time, even though those things were all true, they all seemed so far away. When was the last time she had danced? Finished a book? Gone horse riding at all? The person he described sounded like such a nice person, she wanted her back. When she realized that, she started to cry.
“Oh- oh, no, no, Farrah, please don’t cry-“ Clark started to panic, placing a hand on her back as she dropped her head into her hands as he continued to move around as if looking for something. “I didn’t mean it as a bad thing, I just think you’re an amazing young woman and if you keep getting into bad situations like you did tonight, I don’t know what’s going to happen-“
“Help me.” She managed to get out through her sobs, and he suddenly stilled.
“Help me. Please.” Once she started, it seemed like she couldn’t stop, even though the plea had to be filtered through sobs and snot. “I know I’m in trouble, but I don’t know how to stop- I can’t stop. I know everyone hates me, even my friends, and I know that it’s gone too far, but I’m scared, Clark, I’m so scared-“
“Hey, hey, shhh…” His voice brought her to an immediate halt, bringing her back to earth. She looked up at him, and even with her smeared mascara, snotty nose, tear stained cheeks, and red, puffy eyes, he didn’t turn away. He didn’t recoil in disgust. He offered her some napkins from a fast food chain he must have found somewhere with an encouraging smile. “It’s going to be okay. I’ll talk to your parents with you about it. If you have to go to rehab, I’ll visit you there and write. A bunch of my friends have sisters about your age, I’ll introduce you to them and maybe you’ll really hit it off and find some better friends. It won’t be easy, but I promise you don’t have to do it alone. Just say when.”
She accepted his offering and transferred her makeup from her face to the little caricature of the Grecian from the Little Ceasers logo, thinking hard about it. Right now was not an option, even with the sun beginning to appear on the horizon, she didn’t want to wake anyone up. But she also knew if she waited too long, she would lose her nerve. She was already starting to waver as she pulled herself back together. Surely things weren’t that bad, right? She could handle it on her own. But Clark was still looking at her for an answer.
“The day after tomorrow.” She finally said, and he seemed a little confused about the random time, so she explained. “The cheer sleepover is tomorrow night. You’re picking Annleigh and I up in the morning. When you drop us off, my parents should be home.”
Understanding the timeline, he nodded. It would give him enough time to research how to be a support system for her, and it would give her enough time to figure out how to backtrack, and tell Clark she didn’t really mean it and she was actually fine. That decided, she sling her purse over her shoulder and opened the car door to get out.
“Farrah?” He asked as she put her foot on the sidewalk, and she turned a little to look at him.
The light in the interior turned on when she opened the door, so she could see him clearly for the first time all night. He looked tired, but still as charismatically cheerful as ever, the human equivalent of a golden retriever. 
“Chin up, buttercup.”
He gave her shoulder a playful punch and she couldn’t help but smile back before fully getting out of the car. As she walked up to her door, she thought that maybe it wouldn’t be too bad after all. Maybe he could help her find the girl he saw again, and she could be better. As she opened the door she looked back. He was still waiting and gave a small wave. She waved back before taking a deep breath and stepping inside, hearing his car start up again and drive off as the door closed behind her.
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Sure Feels Right Ch. 10
Taglist: @hllywdwhre, @xxkellsvixen19xx, @desdestiny, @lain-ee, @crystalbaby12, @lovemythsworld, @hxllywood-whxre, @creatureofthen1ght-v3, @stellaxrosa, @purplecrayonflower, @leanimal90
Note: This may be the last chapter of this fic. I’m not sure where else to take it tbh and I have other stuff I wanna write for as well
Warnings: Smutttt
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The bus was surrounded by screaming fans and Lux was almost fearful of them knocking it over with how roudy the crowd was becoming.
“I just want you to know that I could kill you both for the amount of anxiety you’re putting me under with this bus situation.” Lux glared at the two boys excitedly bouncing around the bus and getting the fans more riled up through the windows.
“This is fooking MENTAL” Dom screamed shaking her shoulders.
“Yeah Lux, loosen up!” Colson bounced up to her and ruffled her hair. As childish as it was Lux couldn’t stop the smile spreading across her face from the small act. Colson was always more childlike and chaotic when Dom was around, but it made for a good time for everybody else involved.
The two boys didn’t wait long to hear her complain any further and they opened the door to the insane crowd. She had no idea how they managed it, but they climbed up the door and to the roof of the bus.
“The fact we are still able to rent these buses is truly a miracle” Rook laughed and pressed a kiss to the side of her head.
“Come on we have to get inside to watch the performance” He made his way skillfully through the crowd only getting stopped a few times by some of the people. She followed not too far behind him and they stood near the bar watching Colson and Dom get the fans to scream the lyrics to “I Think I’m OKAY” from on top of the bus. Just as she was about to wonder out loud how they were going to get down off the bus she sees Dom jump into the crowd and be carried to where he can walk to the bar and Colson soon followed suit front flipping off the bus and giving her a small heart attack.
The bar was cramped, but that didn’t stop all the boys from rocking out to the maximum that the little stage could offer and then some. Colson was climbing the bannister and flipping upside down even. Lux and Rook watched from the sidelines due to the stage being so packed with the drum set and the three rockers. She admired how they all gave one hundred percent on stage despite the limited space. Once everything was all said and done they were on their way to get back to Colson and Rook’s place and Lux could not be more excited about it. After a long and stressful few weeks of tour they were finally about to have some time to enjoy themselves and not be all stuck together on the bus.
“Oh thank god” Lux sighed out when they pulled into the driveway.
“You are so dramatic” Rook teased grabbing the bag of bedding out of her hand and heading into the house.
“It is late Rook and I want to sleep in a bed that isn’t a twin and traveling at 70 miles per hour down a highway”
“Well then complain less and get your ass inside”
“I need to still drive home though” She pouted and rubbed her eyes really not looking forward to the drive.
“No you don’t you can sleep in bed with me” Rook grabbed her hand dragging her in the house and they both made their way up the stairs to his room.
Lux had been in Rook’s room a hundred times, but had never spent the night in his room especially with him. She usually crashed in the guest bed if she got too fucked up to drive home. She followed him into his room and plopped down on the soft cool sheets on his bed breathing in the faintest hint of him on the pillow. 
“You want a shirt to sleep in tonight?” Rook asked pulling a shirt out of his closet and holding it up.
“Yes please.” She took the shirt from him and he shielded his eyes to block him from seeing her change. She giggled at the small gesture and quickly undressed to just her underwear and pulled the shirt over her head before slipping back under the covers on his bed.
“It is safe now” She watched as rook removed his shirt and slipped out of his pants then slid into the bed next to Lux.
She scooted closer to him so her back was against his chest and felt his strong arms wrap around her middle. Lux felt him lean over and press a kiss to her shoulder and she sighed contently. She tipped her head to the side to allow for more of her neck to be exposed and Rook pressed more soft kisses to the smooth skin there. She brought one of his hands up to her lips and pressed a kiss to each one of his knuckles.
“You know” Rook said between kisses “I would never think that you would be here and I’d be lucky enough to be kissing you.”
“You know I never thought I’d be lucky enough to kiss you” She chuckled rolling over to wrap her arms around his neck and kiss him properly on the lips. Rook cradled her head as he slowly moved his lips against hers and pulled her body closer to his with his other hand. Lux trailed a hand down his head holding his cheek with her hand. Rook began to trace small circles along her exposed thigh causing a sigh to escape from her lips and a smirk to form on his. Taking the sigh as a sign of approval, he began tracing larger circles as he deepened the kisses they were sharing. His fingers skirted along the edge of her underwear and she felt heat pool between her legs. 
“We don’t have to do anything by the way” He looked at her with soft eyes as he kept inching his fingers closer to the sensitive area that was becoming more insistent on being touched the closer he got.
“I know, but I want to do this with you” She moaned softly.
He nodded his head and connected their lips again while his fingers danced along her folds that were increasingly becoming slick with her want. She moaned and stuffed her face in his neck as he applied pressure to her clit through her underwear. She bucked her hips against his hand and he pushed her underwear to the side grazing her clit with his fingers. She let out a muffled moan blocked by his neck and he audibly groaned sinking a finger inside of her pumping it in and out. Lux whimpered as he added another finger and used his thumb to circle her clit and she spread her legs further. Rook flipped himself over to be in the cradle of her legs and removed her underwear positioning his face between her legs. The first lick was slow, languid, and torturous and Lux flung her head back against the pillow. He looked up at her face twisted up in pleasure with her eyes open and mouth agape panting and he picked up the pace with his tongue.
“God dammit Rook” She gasped gripping his hair as he continued to lap her up while plunging two fingers in and out of her. 
Her back arched off the bed as the familiar feeling started to build in her lower abdomen. Her moans increased in volume and frequency as she reached the edge. Rook buried his face deeper into her core and moaned against her the vibration from that and the combination of his tongue sending her over. She called out his name and rocked her hips against his tongue riding out her high. Once her movements ceased Rook pulled his two fingers out placing them immediately into his mouth. Lux pulled him up and connected their lips again as their hands scrambled to get Rook’s boxers off along with the shirt she was still wearing. Rook positioned himself at her entrance and rubbed the tip of his dick against her wet folds.
“You sure you’re okay with this?” Rook asked still teasing her.
“I’m very positive” She smiled and pulled him down to kiss him as he entered her slowly.
They groaned in unison as she took in his full length in a smooth motion. Rook began a slow, dragging pace as he rocked his hips against hers. Sliding his hand along her thigh he dragged it down to her knee and picked her leg up placing it on his shoulder and started a quicker pace.
“Fuck Rook oh my god” She called out as he snapped his hips against hers faster and harder hitting her in all the right places. 
“You feel so fucking good Lux” Rook groaned out slowing his movements down again.
Lux took the opportunity to flip them over so she was on top and lowered herself on to his dick. She threw her head back and placed her hands on his muscular chest to leverage herself as she moved up and down on him rocking her hips in time with his to hit her sensitve bud with each thrust.
“Rook I’m gonna cum” She cried out desperately.
“Me too” He groaned and sparks flew behind her eyelids once more as she came throbbing from the sensation. Rook lazily thrust up a few more times coming down from his own release and Lux rolled off of him curling into his side and pressed a few lazy kisses to his chest.
“That was amazing” He pulled her closer and she hummed in agreement falling asleep shortly after in his arms.
Lux hummed absentmindedly as she danced around the kitchen preparing coffee when she heard the front door open and shut. In walked the tall lanky blonde still wearing the clothes he went out in last night when they had gotten back.
“Oof did somebody do the walk of shame this morning?” Lux teased from behind her mug.
“It was more of an uber ride of shame” Colson smirked rounding the corner to come give her a kiss.
“Uh uh not until you brush your teeth and wash the other girl off of you” Lux held her coffee up to shield her face and Colson pretended to be hurt.
“You are so out of pocket right now. You are in Rook’s shirt with fresh hickies on your neck” She had forgotten they had gone for a round two this morning that had been rougher than last night’s antics.
“Hey first of all I’m not trying to kiss you with someone else’s fresh saliva on my tongue” Colson grimaced at her words and she continued “And secondly, by the time you’re done navigating that trashed room of yours to make it to the bathroom, which by the way is out of pocket, I will have showered, brushed my teeth, and changed”
“Fine, but afterwards I’m getting so many fucking kisses” He pointed his finger at her making her chuckle and shake her head. 
Their arrangement was weird, but it was them and it worked. She moved in with them the weekend before ESTfest which was something Casie was most excited about because now she had someone to do hair and make up with and make blueberry pancakes on weekend mornings. She didn’t quite understand the relationship between Lux, Rook, and her dad; but she loved them all so much it didn’t matter. Besides their family had always been kind of weird anyway.
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darlingpetao3 · 4 years
Seducing the Gem (Nash Wells x Reader, Chapter 2/9)
Rating: M (Smut in Chapter 6 only)
Summary: When a mysterious package shows up at your front door, you (a famous Romance novelist) are hurtled from your virtually uneventful life and into one of danger and adventure. In a quest to save your captured friend Caitlin from impending harm, you run into a suave adventurer named Nash who helps you along the way. Or is the charming Nash simply after something in your possession…?
Chapter 1
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You never want to travel by air again after this.
So many cumulative hours on a plane, layovers, and don’t forget that brutal time change. Jet lag is the real bitch, hands down.
You weren’t supposed to tell anyone about what’s happening with Caitlin (and even you don’t know the full extent of it, other than she’s being held for ransom and you have to deliver a weird piece of tech to these criminals?), but you felt an obligation to tell Iris. You were all friends, after all, and she should know. Plus, you figured you should tell your boss before she quite possibly never heard from you again.
Needless to say, she freaked out when you told her the gist.
“What do you mean Cailtin’s in trouble? And you’re going where?!”
“I can’t tell you any more than that, Iris, just please keep this all to yourself!”
Iris had promised you as much and even saw you to the airport in a flash.
And yes, you may be reaching your final landing, and it may have to do with your def-con one anxiety flaring up, but you’ve had this nagging little feeling that you have constantly been watched throughout your neverending travels. But of course, who wouldn’t feel a certain level of delusion after losing track of how many hours you’ve been awake?
Wearily, you grab your luggage and attempt to follow the signs to where you might find transportation to the hotel. It’s almost like you need to gain your “land-legs” again after flying for so long. And why is there so much yelling from one man? He sounds American, angry and gruff to boot, so you try to stay clear of him and avoid eye contact.
Now, where are the-?
“Oof.” You walk directly into a towering brick of a man who looks like a real-life G.I. Joe action figure.
“Excuse me, ma’am,” he apologizes in a familiar accent. Another American. “Are you alright?”
“Oh yes, yes, I’m sorry, I’m not fully with it right now,” you reply awkwardly. “Do you happen to know where the buses or cabs pull up? I need to get to Pullman Kinshasa Grand Hotel. It’s urgent.”
“Ah, the Pullman!” the silver-haired man exclaims happily. “I’m headed there as well. My wife is here on business and I’ve flown in to surprise her. I rented a vehicle, would you be interested in hitching a ride?”
Honestly, it would save your brain and legs a whole lot of trouble otherwise.
“If you don’t mind? That would be absolutely wonderful,” you exhale in relief. “Thank you so much… I’m sorry, I didn’t catch your name?” You offer yours first.
“You can call me Wade,” he tells you with a smile, “now, let’s get you safely out of here.”
You don’t remember falling asleep.
Surely, it couldn’t have been for very long. After all, the hotel wasn’t supposed to be too far from the airport. But why did it seem like you were on a jungle road when you should see more buildings…?
Stretching, you yawn and ask, “I wasn’t out long, was I?”
“No, no, not long at all,” Wade replies while keeping his eyes on the road. You continue to look around, feeling the kindling of nerves starting to surface.
“So, uh… how much further until we reach the hotel?”
“Not much longer now.”
A few minutes later and you’re still travelling through the jungle and now the bad feelings are flooding you even though you’re trying your damnedest not to let it show. Where are we going? Who the hell did I get in a car with? Like hell were you going to get taken to a secondary location. You’ve written plenty of those stories before.
“Hey, do you mind pulling over for a minute?” you ask casually. “I didn’t go to the bathroom after landing. It’s pretty urgent.”
“Can’t hold it?” Wade questions you. “Otherwise, you’ll have to just go behind a tree.”
“I’m afraid I can’t wait,” you fake grimace. God, you hope you can get out of whatever this frightening situation is.
“Alright then, be quick,” he says gruffly, but adds overenthusiastically, “luxury awaits!”
You laugh while getting out of the car, and hope it passes for a genuine one.
“You need your backpack with you for this?” Wade comments. Your heart races in fear.
“Oh yeah, well, you know… feminine products.”
After shutting the car door, you plan to make a run for it in five seconds, but the sound of another slammed door echoes along with one of a cocked gun. It’s aimed directly at you.
You’re frozen in place - alone, with an armed man in a jungle with no one else in sight.
Well, fuck.
“Hand over the bag, Miss (Y/L/N),” Wade orders you. “You have no idea what you have in there.”
Yes, you do. It’s the key to saving Caitlin. You hug your purse closer to your chest.
Also, you don’t recall giving him your last name…
Who is this man?
“Hand. It. Over.” Wade takes a step closer, and just when you think you’re about to meet your end, you hear a little beep beep noise. A man on a motorbike approaches and thank the universe there will at least be a witness to your death.
“What’s going on here?” the mystery man asks after stepping off his bike and removing his full-face helmet. You don’t even have time to register the attractive face appear into your vision because a gunshot rings out amongst the trees. The next thing you knew, the tire on Mystery Man’s motorbike lets out a long hiss. The man raises his hands in surrender, but in the blink of an eye, he pulls out his own gun that he must have hidden on his hip under his jacket. He shoots at Wade in retaliation and you hit the ground, crawling to get behind the closest tree or bush.
Why did a freaking shootout have to happen right in front of me? Why?!
As one might expect, you were more awake than you’d ever been.
Mystery Man reloads and takes another shot at Wade, who makes a mad dash behind the hood of his car, then manages to hop into the driver’s side. He peels away, barrelling down the jungle road. Only once the sound of the vehicle disappears can you hear the sound of your heart pounding in your ears.
It gets even louder when you hear footsteps grow closer to where you’re crouched behind a bush. A face pops around.
“Hi, there,” Mystery Man greets you.
“Hi,” you peep.
“You doing alright?” he asks.
“I’d be better if you put your gun away.” He makes an understanding noise and does so, then offers a hand to help you up. “Thanks.”
“Don’t mention it. The name’s Nash.”
Whoa, his eyes are insane. You feel the need to avert your own eyes with the speed in which this Nash guy drew his gun earlier. They’re the soul-piercing kind.
“I’m (Y/N),” you reply, rustling in your pocket for your phone when he starts to talk again.
“So, I have to ask, what in the hell brings you out here with that guy?”
You check your phone and naturally, there’s no signal. You need to call the hotel, get ahold of Caitlin, something.
“Listen,” you say, “I’d rather just try to forget all that. I need you to tell me how to get to Kinshasa. It’s a matter of life and death.”
“Darling,” Nash laughs, “you are hell and gone from Kinshasa! It’s over that way, on the coast.”
Wait, what?
“But that man,” you say, unable to comprehend, “Wade, he said…”
“Yeah, I bet he did.” Something on Nash’s arm - a gauntlet or something - beeps and lights up when he takes a step closer to you.
“What was that?” you ask.
“Don’t worry about it. ...What else did he tell you?”
You leave out the weirdness about Wade seeming to know who you were and you having that GPS device Ronnie sent you in your purse.
“Please,” you beg, “I need your help.”
“I don’t know h-”
“I will pay you!” you add in desperation.
“It’s just that-”
“Everything I have on me, you’ll get!”
Nash raises an eyebrow in curiosity, then laughs. “Relax, okay?” He rests his hands on your shoulders. You feel the weight and size of them on you. You’re happy Nash is on your side and not Wade’s. “The only issue is that my bike is flat,” he explains. “We’ll have to walk.”
You sigh. “Okay.”
“But I can tell you this: you’re going to regret carrying that backpack through this humid heat for miles. You’ll have to ditch it.”
“But I-!” you protest but stop. Sometimes it really sucks being a material girl. Thanks, Madonna. You leave your luggage behind, but you make sure to take your purse and strap it over your shoulder.
“I look forward to getting my hands all over everything on you,” Nash says playfully with a wink.
How dare he! You are having a crisis! You were just held at gunpoint - now is not the time for trying anything!
“Listen, buddy,” you tell him, “I don’t know who you think you are but don’t even think about it.” You start walking away from him, but he calls after you.
“Uh, Princess? Kinshasa’s this way.”
You spin around and shoot him a death glare. That treacherous eyebrow makes a reappearance.
“You know what you are? You’re a cocky bastard!” you exclaim before walking past him on the correct path to Kinshasa.
He laughs again. Damn him having a beautiful laugh, too.
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shsl-corn · 5 years
My part of
@danganhalloween-exchange for @magioftheseas
Some Kaede/ Naga!Miu, hope you like it.
“Apple slices cut into bunnies, just as you requested.” Kirumi Tojo announced, handing off the Tupperware container to Kaede.
Kaede smiled, she hated having to ask Kirumi for favours. But trying to slice these apples herself was proving less than successful given by the bandage on her finger. Give her a piano and some sheet music and she could play any song flawlessly and with the utmost confidence. Give her an apple, a knife and ask her to make bunny apples? Not worth losing a finger and her career over.
“Thank you, Kirumi,” she said, taking the container.
“It is no problem, if you need anything else please don’t hesitate to ask.”
After thanking Kirumi a second time and watching her walk off and disappear into the busy streets, leaving her surrounded by a sea of strangers. Kaede took a moment to look at the container, now just noticing the vast amount of apple slices stuffed into the clear container. Just how many apples did Kirumi end up cutting? She did tend to go overboard whenever it came to food, the times she and Shuichi had tea with her proved so. But she could always tell Kirumi she didn’t need to go to such lengths to-
It took Kaede a moment to register that the container of bunny apples was no longer in her hands.
“Huh? What the...”
Luckily the thief didn’t go too far and disappear into the crowded streets. In fact, he was standing in front of her with his usual cheeky grin.
“Oh! What are these?” Kokichi asked, opening up the container. “Bunny apples?”
“Kokichi, those aren’t for you,” she said sternly through gritting teeth.
“Who are these for? You got a boyfriend or girlfriend now?” he gave an overdramatic sad pout. “Does that mean you’re gonna forget all about me?”
Having known Kokichi for a long time, Kaede wasn’t fooled one bit by his act.
“That’s a lie, isn’t it?”
Kokichi’s pout instantly turned into a big grin. “Yup, it’s definitely a lie!” he announced. “Man, you’re getting good. I might have to think of harder lies.” Kokichi fished an apple slice out of the container and took a big bite of one. “I don’t mind, I loooove a challenge,” he said while crunching the apple in his mouth.
“Can I please have them back?” Kaede requested, arms crossed with a frown plastered on her face.
“Maaaaaybe.” Kokichi teased and popped the remaining bunny apple in his mouth. “Tell me who there for first. You know I’m nosy,” he demanded and fished a second slice out and noisily chewed.
“There for a friend,” Kaede said, managing to quickly snatch the container away from him.
“Really?” Kokichi looked unimpressed. “THAT’S the best lie you can come up with?” he frowned. “I expected better from you, Kaede. Well, whatever. I’m bored, I’m gonna find something fun to do.”
Kaede let out a sigh of relief as she watched Kokichi disappear into the crowd. She returned her sights to the bunny apples, even with a Kokichi snacking on a few there were still more than enough. She took a look at her watch, making sure she wouldn’t be late for her bus.
Three buses, a long walk and brief hike in the crisp autumn woods, Kaede stood before the cave. It was dark, without any light to guide the way.
“Miu?” Kaede called, waiting for a response but nothing. She let out an annoyed sigh. “Miu, I bought you something,” she called again, giving the container a shake.
Sure enough, the sound of something stirring in the deepest depths of the cave could be heard. Normally this would scare anyone, but not Kaede. She had done this once a week so far for at least a year, she knew what to expect.
Eventually the sound grew closer and closer, and sure enough, there was Miu. At first glance, she looked like an everyday woman, at least until she was fully out of her cave. She had a pale complexion with a head of flowing blond hair, but once you got a closer look at the upper half of her body, her vibrate blue eyes had black slits for pupils and two pearly white sharp fangs protruded from her upper lip. And that was just the upper half of her body. From below the waist in place of where a pair of legs should have been, was an incredibly long and scaly dark green tail.
She first met Miu last fall, during a costume party with a few of her friends. They decided to take a quick walk with all the sugary energy they had gotten from snacking on the cakes, cookies and other desserts Kirumi made. They stumbled across this cave and first caught sight of Miu. Her friends screamed and ran away, but Kaede did not. Being ever so curious she found herself staring in awe at such a creature and even more so when she learned she was a real naga as opposed to some elaborate decoration or costume.
Miu grinned and immediately swiped the container greedily away from Kaede. “No fucking way! You actually remembered with that pea-sized brain of yours!”
Kaede pouted. “A thank you would be nice.”
Miu wasn’t listening, she was too wrapped up in opening up the container and inspecting an apple slice. “Don’t get how these are supposed to look like bunnies.”
“It’s the way the skin is cut, it’s supposed to look like bunny ears,” she explained.
“Hmmm, I still don’t see it.” Miu shrugged and popped the slice in her mouth. “Meh, real rabbit tastes better too. But I’ll give you points for bringing these to show me.”
“Thanks, I think?” she blinked, guessing that was Miu’s weird little way of thanking her.
“Oh! Did you bring the other thing too?” Miu asked, stuffing another apple slice in her mouth.
“Of course I did.” Kaede reached into her bag and fished out a portable DVD player.
Miu’s eyes sparkled as she slithered closer to her. “Oh thank fuck, I was worried you forgotten!”
“I bring it every time I visit,” Kaede said, setting the DVD player on a tree stump.
It surprised Kaede that a naga of all things liked children’s tv shows, but she wasn’t going to complain. She had a bunch of DVDs from her childhood her parents took to keep her boredom at bay whenever she had to endure a long car drive or flight. Miu was lucky she forgot to get around to donating the portable DVD player and all the movies and cartoons she had along with it.
“Well, hurry up and put it on!” Miu urged, slithering closer to the device eagerly.
“Impatient as always...” Kaede muttered, extending a digit to push the button and turn on the DVD player.
“Hey, what happened to your finger?” Miu asked, gesturing to the tiny little bandage wrapped around her digit.
“Oh, this? I accidentally cut my finger while trying to cut those apples,” she explained. “After that, I figured I should just get someone else to cut them for me.”
“Thought you avoided anything that could hurt your fingers?”
“Well yes, but you said you wanted to see bunny apples so I’ve made an attempt. Luckily it’s just a small cut and should heal up quickly.”
“Wow, you seriously risked chopping off your finger and ruining your whole pianist career for a few cruddy apple slices? Damn, no wonder I’m the smart one!” she crackled.
Kaede huffed, tempted to point out Miu had eaten nearly half of the apples at this point. But she decided against it, for now, she just focused on starting up the film for Miu.
They were halfway through the movie when Kaede felt it. It was a few harmless raindrops, but within seconds it escalated into a heavy downpour.
“Ah, of all the times I don’t check the weather!” Kaede quickly swiped up the portable DVD player and stashed it in her bag, hoping there wasn’t any damage from its brief time out in the rain.
She glanced at the cave, clutching her bag Kaede made a dash to the cave’s entrance... or at least that was the plan.
“Oof!” she grunted as she fell face-first into the wet and grassy ground. Kaede groaned and carefully lifted her face off the ground, just now realizing Miu had part of her tail wrapped around her ankle. “What was that for?!” she demanded and tried to shake her ankle free from Miu’s grasp.
“You can’t in my cave!”
“Why not?”
“Ge-genius inventor reasons... someone like you wouldn’t understand.”
“Miu, it’s down pouring, just let me stay until the rain stops.”
“I-I can’t!” she shook her head.
She lifted Kaede into the air, leaving her dangling by her ankles and making her very thankful she wore pants today.
“Miu!” Kaede hissed.
“I-I gotta go!” she loosen her grip on Kaede, letting her fall to the ground before slithering off into her cave.
Kaede huffed and peeled her face off of the ground yet again. The already present frown on her face grew as she got up, not pleased she was soaking wet at this point.
She stared at the cave’s entrance, no way was she going to sit around and make the journey back home in this weather. Regardless of what Miu said, she was determined to enter the cave. She stood up and made her way over, taking the first step inside. It was dark, so Kaede took out her phone and used it as a light to see her way through the cave’s darkness.
The cave was dark and deep, much deeper than she originally guessed it was. It just made her all the more thankful she charged her phone prior to coming here, she was doubtful a low phone battery was going to be enough to get her in and out of this cave.
After what felt like forever walking deeper into the depths of the cave, a wave of relief washed over Kaede as she caught sight of dim orange light at the end of the tunnel. She shut her phone off and made her way towards the light source.
At the end of the cave’s long and dark tunnel was a fire. The light helped her get a better view of what exactly was at the end.
The end of the tunnel was filled with lots of little knickknacks, some Kaede could easily identify as being stuff she bought Miu from past visits. As well as a workbench that was littered with little tools. And there were a few posters hung on the cave’s wall, another gift Kaede had gotten Miu despite never being in her cave. At least until now...
But out of every item there, the thing that piqued her curiosity the most was something large and covered with a dull grey sheet. Kaede took a step closer, reaching out for it. But for the third time today, she found herself falling face first and for the second time, there was Miu’s green scaly tail wrapped around her ankles.
“What the fuck are you doing?!” Miu hissed at her.
Kaede gulped nervously, but rather than back down she made the choice to stand her ground.
“It’s down-pouring outside, it’s a long trip here and back. I’m not waiting out in the rain when you have more than enough space in this cave,” she stated firmly.
“B-but...you can’t!” she stuttered, her tail loosening around Kaede’s ankle.
“Why not?”
“You just can’t!”
Kaede huffed and stood up, taking a moment to brush the dirt off herself.
“And what’s this?”
She made her way over to whatever the sheet was keeping hidden. Without any hesitation, she grabbed hold of the cloth.
“No, wait!”
But Miu’s pleas fell on deaf ears, and before the naga had a chance to react or stop Kaede, the pianist yanked the sheet, revealing what it was hiding.
Underneath the sheet was a piano, a very dull pink one with pearly white keys. Kaede could only stare in awe, before taking a moment to blink and look at Miu.
“A piano?”
“Duh, of course, it is!” Miu snarled. “You’re a goddamn pianist, you should know what a piano looks like!”
“That’s not what I mean.” Kaede huff, taking a moment to brush some stray locks of her blond hair out of her face. “What I want to know was this the reason you didn’t want me in your cave?”
Miu’s cheeks flush pink as she glanced away, anxiously twirling a lock of hair around her finger. “Yeah... a-all you talk about is the damn piano so I figured...” she cleared her throat and regain her composure. “If you were too damn lazy to bring a piano-“
“Miu, how many times do I have to tell you...” she took a deep breath and pressed her hands against each other before pointing them at Miu. “It’s impossible for me to haul a piano up here!”
“Not with that attitude.” Miu scoffed. “God, are all human so pathetic? If you just bought one I wouldn’t have had to make one myself.”
Kaede rolled her eyes. “You still didn’t answer my question.”
“Uh... I... well you go on and on about pianos and shit, and well...” Miu shifted in her spot. “And I wanted to hear it, you’re either actually really good or stupidly cocky!”
“If you wanted to hear me play, you could have just asked. I have recordings of my performances.”
“It’s not the same, how do I know it’s not edited to shit or something?” Miu crosses her arms. “Or what if the piano is self-playing?”
Kaede didn’t buy that for a second, having known Miu for so long she knew better than to believe that. It was easy to piece together what her real motive was. Miu simply desired to hear her play in person but was too nervous to ask. It was tempting to call her out, but Kaede felt she would get a better outcome if she played along. Plus Kaede could never say no to playing a song or two.
“Fine, I’ll play and prove it to you,” she spoke, making her way over to the piano. “Do you have a stool?”
“Gee, are all humans lazy too?” Miu huffed. “Here,” she slithered over. “just sit your lazy ass on me.” she gestured to the lower half of her body.
Kaede rolled her eyes but decided to just do as Miu suggested and gently sat on part of her scaly tail and began to play. Considering it was fall and they were still well into October, she settled on playing a few Halloween songs on the piano, ranging from themes to classic horror movies to more upbeat and cheerful Halloween melodies.
She lost track of time, but by the time she played the last song she knew by heart, her fingers were begging for a break. Kaede lifted her gaze from the keys and glanced at Miu, who remained staring in an amazed trance before she eventually snapped out of it.
“That was....” Miu blinked before clearing her throat. “Alright, I guess. I mean, I did make that piano so naturally, it would make you sound amazing!” she boasted.
Kaede let out a loud sigh, of course. She shouldn’t have expected anything less coming from Miu, she knew the truth about how Miu really felt and exactly what to say.
“Well if you don’t like it, I guess I don’t have to play it again.”
“I-I’ve never said that!” she stuttered.
She couldn’t help but laugh, that was Miu for you. “I’ll bring some sheet music next time, would you like that?”
“And those bunny apples?”
Kaede fought the urge to roll her eyes. “Of course.”
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cielwritesshit · 5 years
You’re the wind at my back - Gratsu
Summary: Natsu finally goes on that date with his coworker Gray, and it’s so much better than he expected.
A/N: This is technically part 2 to the bus stop fic, but it can stand alone, so you don’t need to read that to understand this. Also, this has been in my drafts for months, oof. Sorry it’s taken me so long. Enjoy :)
You can find this on Ao3 and wattpad, I hope you enjoy :)
Tags: @splendidlyimperfect @friendlyneighborhoodfairy
Natsu checked his phone again. It was stupid, he knew Gray was driving, but he still hoped there was another message from him. He’d been waiting outside the theatre for about 10 minutes, since the buses were running less often due to the snow. When his phone check resulted in nothing, he sighed and pulled his scarf tighter around his neck.
He had no idea that a date would be so stressful.
Thankfully, he didn’t have to wait too much longer before he heard the tell-tale crunch of snow, and saw a familiar mop of raven hair. Gray hadn’t dressed up, just like he’d said, yet he still looked just... amazing. He was wearing his leather jacket, black ripped jeans, and steel-capped combat boots.  And he looked gorgeous.
“Uh, hey.” Great. Smooth, real smooth Natsu.
“Hi. You ready for the movie?” Gray smiled, making Natsu’s heart skip a beat. How dare his best friend be so. Damn. Hot. It wasn’t fair! Stumbling over his words, Natsu responded, and they headed into the cinema. As they waited in line, Natsu felt the awkwardness creeping up on him. Gray must’ve felt it as well, because he was desperately looking round the room. He sighed, before turning back to Natsu.
“You never did tell me. How did Lucy’s disaster date with Loke go?” Natsu smiled, before recounting exactly how much of a disaster his co-workers actually were. By the time they had sat down, all awkward feelings were gone and their discussion had continued to general questions, like how they were, and what Gray had done to his shoulder first week of uni (how they’d ended up at that, Natsu had no idea, but he hadn’t laughed this hard since their junior year camp). As the lights dimmed, Natsu felt that he could just relax and watch a movie with his best friend. And crush of nearly 7 years. And date. Fuck, he was so screwed.
The opening action had faded, and there was a gentle lull in the film. Natsu had expected this, most superhero films had character building in them. What he hadn’t expected was for Gray to stretch his arm up, and lower it around Natsu’s shoulders. Of all  the cheesy things, it had to be that one. The worst thing was that Natsu quite liked the feeling. It was private. Intimate. And damn did Gray smell good. Like pine trees, and spearmint. It was nice.
Before he knew it, the credits were rolling, and the lights were coming up. Gray had removed his arm, and was standing up, tugging his jacket on over his shoulders. Natsu was still in a daze.
“Hey flamebrain! I’m sure I offered you dinner. You coming?” Gray’s nickname didn’t have any bite, and he was grinning like an idiot. Not that Natsu was any better. They left the theatre and headed to a nearby diner, where Natsu was sure he ate more than normal. He and Gray kept egging each other on, until they could hardly eat another bite. And when they’d finished, they’d talked and laughed until their ribs ached, and they could barely breathe. Natsu couldn’t remember the last time he’d had so much fun on a date. Especially a first date.
Natsu knew Gray was everything he’d ever wanted, but damn, was this boy pulling out all the stops.
The sky had turned dark by the time they finally left. Gray paid while Natsu was in the bathroom, much to Natsu’s displeasure since he wanted to treat the other(and he complained for all of two minutes until Gray stretched to put his jacket on and all the words dried up on his tongue). Both boys walked to where Gray was parked, which seemed to be further away from the diner than necessary. In a moment of bravery, Natsu had grabbed Gray’s hand, and was thrilled when the taller boy had interlocked their fingers. Natsu was filled with glee, and a sense of nostalgia. The only other time they’d held hands was the night of their senior prom, when their dates had decided to leave them for each other. Gray had been sitting on the side of the school hall for a while, and when Natsu had sat down, they’d grabbed each other’s hands before they knew what was happening. After that, their night had improved. They’d had fun together, and for one night, they didn’t care about the consequences.
Natsu was jerked out of his memories when they reached Gray’s bike. It was then that he remembered he’d caught the bus into town. And a quick glance at his watch told him that he had missed the last one. He voiced that to Gray. Who started to laugh.
“I brought a spare helmet. Gimme a sec,” and Gray had pulled two helmets from his bike. Passing Natsu the red one, he pulled a jet black one over his already black hair and unzipped his jacket. “Here, put this on. You don’t want to get cold out there.”
“Not a chance. But thanks for the jacket, since you’ve still got mine!” Natsu stuck his tongue out at Gray, and laughed as Gray looked almost offended. Then his jaw dropped. Gray had straddled his bike, and…
Holy shit was Natsu gay™.
He’d never seen Gray ride before. He wished he had. He didn’t think he could be more attracted to his… boyfriend? Date? What were they again? They hadn’t talked it out yet, they’d had too much fun at the diner.
But in that moment, Natsu didn’t care. He just knew that he had to get on that bike right now.
“Don’t let go, okay? Hold on tight.” Gray started the engine. Natsu barely had time to wrap his arms round Gray’s chest before they were speeding off under the cover of darkness. He’d never moved so quickly, he’d never felt so free. They probably weren’t moving as fast as it felt, but the speed felt so much more real when there were no walls around him. All the lights were so bright, and the wind was so loud. Natsu had never felt more alive. He gripped Gray tighter, and realised how well defined Gray was. He clearly worked out, and Natsu could feel every muscle tense as he moved ever so slightly since all he had on was a thin black t-shirt (how could he not be freezing, there was snow falling for heaven’s sake!). For the first time that day, Natsu truly appreciated how lucky he was to be with the man he loved.
And if he noticed that Gray had taken the long route to his apartment, well. He certainly wasn’t going to complain. He just wished Gray’s helmet didn’t cover his neck, so that he could rest his head next to the other boys.
That wasn’t creepy. Natsu just wanted to be as close to the other as possible.
When they reached Natsu’s home, Gray took both of their helmets, and walked him to his front door. They had fallen silent the moment the engine stopped. And even though everything felt calm, Natsu could feel the adrenaline coursing through him.
And the moment when their lips met outside his front door was one he’d remember forever.
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lime-be4n · 6 years
Falling in (part 2)
Thank you to @crimsonbluemoon for proofreading, you should go check out their work. 
My house is not the nicest my house isn’t the nicest on the block, but it fits my current needs. If I were to live like the amount of money I had, life would be exponentially diverse, to the one I currently live. My money can be seen through my dog, I buy the best for her and only the best.
I feed my dog, depending on my mood for the day: beef, chicken, and the occasional fish. I cook them most of the time, without seasoning, or if I feel great compared to other days I can grill it. Though I do give her everything she wants, that does not mean that she is spoiled. She is actually a service dog, she served in many missions, and she is also an emotional support dog. She can tell if I’m in a bad mood even if I feed her the same food. I don’t think I could ask for a better dog, she’s around her adult age, which is good and she’ll stay around longer.
I grab the door handle wearily. I hope my baby is okay.
The door creaked, like always, but there is something missing from my normally welcoming home. I stepped in and paused. At this moment Baby would run at me, barking, and jumping into my arms; but the house was silent. I took a gulp. “B-Baby?” My voice cracked and my eyes watered. “Hey Baby! I-I’m home!” I left the door open and walked to the kitchen looking. “Come on Baby! Please?” The kitchen was empty.
My mind was everywhere at once and the thought of every worst possible scenario ran through my head. Could it be possible those people knew where I live? I need to think positively. Then suddenly, I heard a bark on the second story; I wasted no time rushing up the bamboo wooden stairs. I panted as I called out to her once more,”Baby! Where are you sweet pea!” The bark was much louder now. It came from my ‘spare room’, I slipped through the halls and slammed open the door. “Baby?” I try to calm my breathing. She growled this time, she never growls. But I couldn’t see her, she was possibly in my safe room. But there is no way she could have gotten in there without…. My breath hitched; I’ll open the safe and let her out, as long as she’s safe I don’t care what happens to me. As I thought that she whined. “I’m sorry Baby.” I punched in the code and opened it, the wall clicked and pushed itself open an inch. I solemnly swing the door open and there she was.
Baby was wearing a muzzle and was held back by the man named Craig, the only thing different about him is the fact that he’s wearing a suit of armor. My Armor. But I let that slip past my mind, he was holding my baby hostage. My Baby. I made myself weary of my actions, I can’t have my baby getting hurt. I clenched my fists. Then remembered that I need to calm myself if I was going to get out of this situation.
A person was behind me, I could tell by their constant shifting or slow steps as an attempt to get closer to me. Wrong move. I grabbed the person, or known as paper bag head, by the vest and flipped him over. That then caused the other man, plastic bag head to attack me; his attacks were off as if they were new at brawling. Nonetheless, I did the same, in turn flipping him onto the other tall one. An ‘OOF’ came out of the paper bag head man. I was about to rotate my position when a click echoed the room.
Craig held a gun to Baby’s head, she whined. I whipped my head to her, tears dampened her fur. I was filled to the brim with fury, but not willing to bet her life for a small mistake a could have made, I looked down and raised my hands to where everyone in the room could see. “That’s more like it,” a voice from behind me, Irish. “Yeah, Finally. Now we don’t have to hurt anyone.” the African- American monkey masked whispered to the Irish cyborg looking one. I flinched at the diction of the two; I growled. The Irish apprehended me.
“Will you let her go?” I managed to bark out. My arms didn’t hurt a bit- gymnastics paid off, and soon go will soccer.
“Huh?” The cyborg Irish responded. My body tensed, “Will. You. Let. Her. Go.” He should have listened to me the first time. He finished tightening the restraints, “Duh, who do you think we are? Huh? Monsters?” He joked, clearly comfortable with the situation I’m in. “Calm your tits, dude. She’ll be fine.” He grabbed the rope that held my wrists together and lifted me up; yikes, the rope is not the securest thing to have. “Bad move ‘dude’” I kick him where the sun doesn’t shine and slipped my wrists through the holes. I then grabbed Craig’s gun and pointed it at him. “You should know, I don’t mi-” I was interrupted by a pain in my neck, I slowly reach towards and tore it out. “A vile?” My vision slowly pulsed as I turned it, fiddlesticks.
My vision then disappeared with the sound of a gun hitting the floor and the picture of a cartoon bear with a familiar face on it stuck in my head
3 1 18 20 15 15 14
My luck couldn’t get any worse.
What. The. Flapjacks.
I reach to grab my throbbing head. But I can’t. In fact, I- “ Can’t feel a thing?” I twitch, that was none of the voices I heard at the alleyway or house.
My head continues to throb.
My eyes are open but I can’t see, I’m wearing a blindfold- no, a sack; a potato sack. My wrists were chained, prison chains, to the floor. There’s no way I got caught already! I’m better than that.
The man pushed my head down to face my lap, gripping to the sack and my hair tightly. I winced a bit, “Do you know why you’re here? Hm?!? Do you?!?” I bit my lip, I won’t give him the satisfaction of hearing my voice.
It hurts.
I tried to kick but my shins were clamped to the chair. I’m immobile. He then yanked at the sack to look up while hunched over. My chains pinched my skin, I could feel the ripping and busing of it. Dill Weed!
Everything hurts.
The chains started to chatter, he’s not shaking me. I am trembling. “What’s the matter? Can’t take the heat?” Mocking me. There should not be any reason why I’m wavering, nor in pain for that matter. I have been ‘investigated’ many times to where I’ve built a thick skin- a tolerance. I don’t quite understand, did they drug me? He then finally let go and a couple of steps back. “In case you were wonderin’, usually skinwalkers are so fucking weak to this crap.” He then threw an empty metal bottle in my direction, it slowed to my feet.
Somehow, I feel insulted, for my loss of sight, but then again he called me a skinwalker.
What in the name of leaping lizards is a skinwalker?
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changji · 5 years
There’s a limit for when you’re in school but in summer I can do whatever I want bc it’s a Free Country 🤪 u miss are not allowed to get sick u hear me or else I will personally fly to cali & nurse you 😤 A STARBUCKS DRINK FOR $4.85 EYE- THAT’S SO GOOD WTFF I DON’T THINK I’VE PAID LESS THAN $5 FOR A DRINK THERE. You’re really out here like that
Ah I forgot to say how often I climb but I usually try for 3+ times a month bc the gym is pretty far away (by far i mean 2 different buses & an hour of crying). When I first started I was being taught how to tie a figure 8 knot (which is the most important one you need so you don’t die) and i couldn’t fucking get it right so the instructor had to go over it 193837 times & was getting annoyed @ me. LOL I couldn’t look him in the eye at all and my face had never been redder that day lmfao
At least ur teachers like you. I’m like that one student that never says anything and just sits there with an rbf so idk what my teachers think of me LOL. Half the time they don’t know I’m there. I got marked absent a couple times before but i was there in class 😤😤 ohh that’s cool. Band season runs the entire year for my school but that’s probably bc it’s a credit course. Newborn babies kinda are, it’s when they reach a couple months old they become cute
LOL how do you pronounce breakfast? I say salmon with the L & I get hated on by everyone. Taeyomi was great but changji is even better. Like changbin + jisung? Genius. Legends Only. Jkhsdiweiihfew I’m glad my url has an impact on ur daily life 🥵🥵 languages are so hard, I’m literally illiterate in every single one ik. Ikr? Our names are so easy like how do u mispronounce arella? One time  someone spelt my name as Adly and I wanted to Perish
The chance the skip 2 math levels? Once again ur a genius legend. I could never esp w math holy moly. Okay dark ones it is!! I was thinking either the 1st or 2nd ones? Which do u like more? Ah new friends. The first weeks are always so awkward bc you don’t really know them well so you don’t know how much of urself you wanna expose (or it’s just me. I’m too much of a crackhead apparently). Wait a moment. Do you have multiple buildings at ur school like a uni campus??
Make out spots at my school is this one sketchy stairwell where all the scary ppl are. The whole school just smells like weed bc 90% of the school are potheads. Alright that’s the deal if we die we die together 😤 I have never heard of bathroom portables before,, those sounds so Extra. Are they like a porta potty? Omg speaking of older grades a bunch of girls who graduated last year came to my work & I was like “oh shit lol ik u all this is awkward” 
Oof I’m the older sister so like. Favouritism never works in my favour. My sister will literally start a fight w me but I’m the only one who gets lectured in the end. Like. Bitch u started this 😤 I’m on the older side out of my cousins so I’m just Ignored 😪 I’m placing my bet on 2k words right now for our convos 
ah makes sense, i thought there was a time for summer too but it might just be here or i’m dumb 😔 I CANT AFFORD TO GET SICK MISSING ONE DAY OF SCHOOL WILL NOT HELP ME AT ALL ! but thank u for ur concern miss, u should just fly to cali anyway 😪 myb i’ll go to u can i hitchike from here ?? IT IS SO GOOD ITS AMAZING IT WAS SO CHEAP but the drink was super sweet 🤢 i have converted back to normal lattes with no syrup. peet’s is usually 5.20 for my drink and it’s so strong i don’t need extra shots ☺️ 
3 times,, a month,, i go to the mall like 3 times a week, look @ u being so athletic! tbh i sound lame but i’ve never taken a bus (other than a school bus for field trips) before like. buses here are lowkey sketch but it’s mostly college students. i rely on my parents and uber 🤧 sometimes i walk but. i don’t like to but if i have to i will oop. it takes an hour to get there and an hour back then right? i can’t imagine bro omg i’d just die. i know how to knot my shoelaces and never being able to untangle them so i now wear slip ons 🤪 poor ada, were like the same person but that was me when i took a knitting class for some reason and couldn’t do any of it 😪
okay idk if i told u yet but my ap euro teacher asked who’s been to italy so i raised my hand, he asked how it was and i said “the gelato is rly good” and his face was just. utter disappointment. turns out he was asking abt the art but he didnt clarify it and we weren’t even talking abt art so now i’m known as That Girl 😔 it’s hard to miss me oop, if it’s quiet then i’m sleeping & all my teachers last year knew this 😪 how do u get marked absent?? i wish band was a credit course but it’s only extra curricular 😔 are ur teachers snakes i will Step on them. newborns look fake but yeah they get cute when they’re like half a year old. 
like. brek-fust by my friends says brek-fist like it’s more of a u sound than an i but go off u idiots. salmon with the L,, ada,, no,, if u say carmel instead of caramel i’m gonna riot. ugh thanks bro i was lucky someone gave me this url, but nohyuckclub? aka the author of the most legendary mark lee social media au? A Whole Legend, but treerachas? my absolutely fave 🥺 languages are dumb i don’t know english i don’t know spanish my vocab consists of sksk and i oop, and that’s it. HOW DO U MISPRONOUNCE ADA LIKE. when i saw ur name i was like ay-da not ah-da, ppl need to learn bro it’s just said how it’s spelled. AND PERISH LOL I LOVE THE WORDS U USE
i’m actually dumb tho i just hate math oops, i’m more of a lunch kind of person if u know what i mean 😉 JK IM GROSS STOP ME and i like the 2nd one (the red one right? idk it’s all pretty u choose) i don’t wanna expose myself but it happens bc i’m just naturally a crackhead oops. but yeah we have multiple buildings! my campus is pretty small tbh? compared to other schools we’re really small, there’s like 2k kids here and i wanna die. it’s so crowded in the halls like get away from me u smelly thot. we have 3 buildings connected by 3 hallways, and a few other ones like the science buildings, music room, portables, 2 gyms and classrooms. in total i think there are 10 buildings? how’s ur campus like?
do you have one big building or smth? in my middle school had stairs and. stairs aren’t fun i hate them. if people kissed on the stairs everybody would hate them bc they’re blocking the halls LOL. we have our legendary D wing bathrooms where people smoke its so funny how often i got offered a roll,,, people straight up vape in class its so funny. but yeah a porta party. disgusting 🤢 in my head that’s what i call it LOL, a portable bathroom… i hate when i see people from school or just. ppl in general, did they recognize u?
U SPELL FAVORITISM WITH A U THATS SO WEIRD FUCKING AMERICA but im lowkey spoiled (highkey) but i. don’t pick fights, its my brother who does that LOL, he gets lectured tho so,,, not my problem oops i have a lot of cousins but we split it when we were younger so its wrong but teens (now adults but still called teens), kids (now teens but still called kids), and the adult adult cousins (which is the only correct one LOL) but i fit into the kid category so,,,, also we have almost 20k im literally SCREAMING, including this we’re at 20,712 words im-
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