#now i just wanna play splatoon 2 again
missnatzooie · 2 years
Listening to Splatoon 2 music while drawing and having a latte is awesome
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hazelplaysgames · 1 year
and fest results! shame i got a headache partway into it, but it was fun. i think this was the first time i've ever had matches go friendly during fest, and hard to imagine a better time than a team Love mirror match. good games out there everyone!
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thegaythespian · 2 years
I despise splatoon mechanics
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dr-spectre · 2 months
Rambling about Marie....
I wanna quickly talk about something because i was looking around on Inkipedia and i stumbled across this interesting dialogue exchange from Callie and Marie during the live performance at Tokaigi in 2018.
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Now i have talked about the official translation of this dialogue before a while back and it's surprisingly very different from the translation done on Inkipedia. Now this could be just a very rough translation and that's why the Inkipedia one is so different but i find it to be very interesting.
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In the original Japanese dialogue it's more clear that Callie is making a joke and playing around with Marie and Marie freaks out a little. But Callie says "just kidding!" to ease Marie. However, in the official English translation, Marie is way more harsh and seemingly dismissive of what Callie has gone through. And Callie just goes, "Whatevs!" Like... it's pretty damn different tone wise.
The English translation makes Callie seem more like some airheaded idiot that doesn't remember what happened because "oooo brainwashing ooooo", but in the Japanese script, its more clear that Callie is being obviously snarky and cheeky towards Marie and she does remember what happened which is more in line with her character. Callie is not a dumbass, you have been fed lies. She's able to pick up on other people's emotions, especially her cousin's as she quickly says "just kidding!" to make sure Marie doesn't freak out too much and to know she's just joking around with her.
(Side note, only in the English translation do they call what Callie has gone through "brainwashing" and other characters like sanitized Agent 3 and Marina Agitando even though that's not really happened. In other languages it's always referred to as hypnosis. We don't have a fan retranslation of the Japanese dialogue for Splatoon 2 from my knowledge so i cant comment on that either unfortunately.)
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Now to get to the point, It got me wondering... Does Marie have trauma or any sort of stress from Splatoon 2? And is that why she's way less snarky towards Callie in Splatoon 3 because she's terrified of Callie ever running away again and doing something irrational like joining the Octarians? From the Squid Sister Stories we can see that Marie often worries about Callie and overthinks a lot.
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Even though Marie seems a lot more happy in Splatoon 3 and has matured a lot since the first game, like Splatoon 1 Marie is a different person from Splatoon 3 Marie. I think most of that maturing is out of fear and anxiety. Like you can't just brush aside your own cousin running away and the next time you see her, she's wearing some crazy outfit and is trying to murder an agent you hired to go find her in the first place. That would mess anyone up and especially someone like Marie who does have some mental troubles brewing under the surface.
I kinda wished they dived a little bit more into it but alas, we don't have a lot of stuff to go off of between Splatoon 2 and 3 as by the time the thrid game comes around Callie and Marie have matured and grown a lot in those 4 to 5 years. Which is good of course! But... I really would have liked to see Marie deal with the aftermath of those events. Maybe I'm asking too much i don't know...
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onetoomanyyy · 5 months
Splatbands Idol AU Part 1 - Ichiya and Namida as The Squid Sisters
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Thought I’d finalize my designs for this idea (it’s not really an “AU” despite the title bc the designs are kinda the main focus) where the main bands and idols for each game swap roles. So OTH are Wet Floor, Deep Cut are C-Side, and ofc, the Squid Sisters are Squid Squad. Ichiya and Namida specifically, since I like to think of them as a duo and their colors even fit Splatoon’s main colors of blue and orange!
feat. some kinda lazy art bc I don’t rlly wanna do lineart esp since I’m gonna have to draw the other two groups as well lol. Pretty happy with their designs tho, I think I fused them well.
more info under the cut to keep this post short
Even tho this concept is mostly focused on the band characters, this does mean that the idols take their place as well (along with the other band members, so the main band of Splatoon 1 is now Callie, Marie, Ikkan and Murasaki). It gets kinda confusing if you think too hard about it (esp for OTH lol) so we’re just not gonna do that. It’s mostly so I can draw the band characters in cute outfits lol
Anyway Meet Squid Squad! Here to bring news, music, and splatfests to a plaza near you.
The Squid Sisters have a decent amount of story, and although I’m already said in going to worry too much about that, it is pretty easy to merge the squid sisters and squid squad’s stories together, so why not? Instead of growing apart in Splatoon 2 they full on break up, but then get back together and instead start to use pseudonyms (Agent 001 and 002). Guess that means Ikkan and Callie are chill but just distant.
Their personalities are the same tho. Ichiya is still an asshole in Splatoon 1 lol. Maybe not really on the news, but you can see it in Octo Valley for sure. And then I bet He’s nicer in Splatoon 3 but his first reaction to C-Side is definitely not “I love them”
As for Namida, she’s a lil less smug than Marie, but she’s still the more sarcastic of the two, both on camera and off. She’s a little relieved that Agent 4 never heard of Squid Squad and feels weird about being called “boss” all the time.
They both play their instruments on stage during splatfests along with singing, kinda like Marina in We’re So Back. All their songs minus Calamari Inkantation are Squid Squad songs with a more pop-like tinge. (Ikkan left bc he didn’t like all the pop Callie was writing lol).
oh yea and have to mention they probably are agents but they’re not related idk how they’d know captain cuttlefish. Or maybe captain cuttlefish is someone entirely different! Who knows!
Once again this is more of a fun concept than a fully fledged AU. None of these confusing or vague things are gonna get concrete explanations, I just like speculating abt this type of thing.
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goitale · 1 month
hello! i'm goi! they/them pronouns please!
i am a nonbinary lesbian, who is taken by a v pretty person!
my favorite color is orange:3
yes i use a typing quirk! þ=th
im currently very interested in: Minecraft: Story Mode <3, Phighting (Roblox), Splatoon, Old technology!!!, my gf's ocs!!
i have comfort ships!!! which are currently: Jesstra, Pearlina, Agent24, Array
PLZ INTERACT: mutual interests, jesstra shippers, jesskas shippers, pearlina shippers, awesome artists, LGBTQIA+!!
PLZ DNI: basic dni critera, homophobic, transphobic, furry haters, etc. + aidesse, medhammer, and other toxic/problematic shippers
fun facts:
im a chronic reblogger, my cool posts/reblogs r in featured tags #pinning this, and #pinning this fr! + specific posts too!
my favorites r in #gois favs , where its stuff i wanna look at again! if u get a reblog w þat tag, you won/gen
i rarely change my profile!
my music taste stinks, my bad chat
i play roblox alot!
i have a ps3, 3ds, wii, minicassette tape recorder/player, and more old stuff!!
i do wax melting when i send mail, letters, etc.!
i love cats!!
i write ao3 stuff! mostly of dead source content fandoms or ocs!
now for a wall of buttons:
music i listened to recently!! (no i dont have spotify):
+508 songs... i love game music!
we can b mutuals if you know me on discord!!! :3 just do an ask to lmk or else i wont follow back my baddd
pronouns page:
idrk what else to say my badddd
feel free to ask questions or @ me in cool posts!
HIDDEN FUN FACT!!!! THIS BLOG IS COLOR CODED! pink = misc but cool thing
u can guess what þe 'key' is :3
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leafytaffy · 1 year
can anyone recommend some affordable games with really good character customization, so much so I can make my blorbos, but also good gameplay too?
stuff I liked in the past for reference, and reasons I stopped playing as well:
Miitopia: ngl I wanna do another playthrough with an Everhood cast, but my main problem with this game is it loses replay value IMMEDIATELY after you beat it. The gameplay is pretty shallow aside from the customization aspect, and the story you already know so it won’t hit differently when you restart of course. Now onto the good: The customization in the switch version is god tier, the story with everyone being miis you cast in each role (excluding our best boy Dominic <3) is amazing, I love playing a fanfic basically!! The personality quirks and relationship aspects are also really fun!!
Cult of the Lamb: more focus on gameplay than customization, but in every damn save I GOTTA make my Everhood blorbos!! For now the little animal followers do well, but I wish modding becomes easier in the future for custom follower forms </3
Flight Rising: I REALLY REALLY want to play this again, but I can’t because the only legal way for me to play it is to use my shitty account I made when I was 16 which used up all username changes and has a TON of shitty cringeworthy forum posts attached to it because it was the pandemic and my social media was extremely restricted with parental controls……. I don’t feel comfortable enough with the moderators and their extremely strict attitudes and rules to just make a new account and not touch my old one.
Sims 3: I wanna play this again so baddddd… I stopped playing sims 2 tonight after a few minutes because tbh? Modern game customization (mainly sims 3 and miis) have absolutely spoiled me to death and I can’t stand having to download a mod for every. Single. Customization I want. It’s so painful.
Rain World: I wish I could play this, I have tons of skin mods including an Everhood one, but it’s too damn hard for me to play (yeah okay Leaf sucks at video games and just needs to git gud and stop whining). The hardest games I play admittedly are Monster Hunter and Everhood’s battle replay, and I absolutely cannot STAND video game time limits. They stress me the fuck out every time and I can’t deal with them at all (shoutout to Mix quitting the call with me fighting the splatoon 3 final boss because I was screaming my guts out and I ended up having to hand the controller to them for me to beat Grizz), and on top of it I have to use a map in order to beat the game, pre-planning my routes every time and not making a single mistake lest the rain get me. I hate it. I hate that I can’t be good at games for fucks sake ughhhhhhhhhhhHHH
Lobotomy Corporation: I like the customization and modding is rather easy but. Come on. It’s lobcorp no fan has beaten the game its even a fandom in joke LOL (though I’ve definitely gotten farther in it that Rain World. CURSE YOU, TIME LIMITS!!! The thing also keeping me from beating Wandersong….)
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My thoughts that no one asked for on final fest:
The trailer arguably goes so hard but honestly? I’m a bit disappointed. Idk if it’s just me but it feels so underwhelming?
For starters, it’s reusing a theme already done in both games. It’s fine if S3 reuses themes for less important monthly fests, but it feels real cheap to reuse it for the final fest ngl.
At first I was mad it wasn’t Idol v Idol v Idol, but then I remembered the final fests decide the next game’s plot, so I’m glad it isn’t just that. But now I’m mad at the fanbase deciding that it is idol v idol v idol. Present is in the lead rn just because so many people love OTH. Guys I get it I love pearlina too I adore the cephalopod lesbians but we need something different, I am begging. We’ve had enough of present timeline Splatoon.
On the one hand with past, we may get to see so much cool lore from events in the timeline like the great turf war, stuff with S3’s idol’s families, or even going even more in depth into octoling storylines and playing from an octarian perspective. However I fear it may lead to even more nostalgia bait like 3 is painfully oversaturated with. Splatoon isn’t even 10 years old as a franchise and we’ve had way too many callbacks in S3.
In future we may get to see what happens with the salmonids, how inklings and octolings finally realize they’ve been coexisting peacefully again, we may even get to see a fleshed out romance or even marriage between Pearl and Marina because it’s the future.
Both past and future also set up the possibility of a new playable species, be it a species that’s now extinct (past) or something newly discovered (future).
Present just doesn’t offer any of the cool benefits. The Splatoon formula is already getting stale, if we all pick present, nothing will change and we lose the chance to get something really innovative and cool that the other 2 have to offer.
Lastly I wanna rant about idol fit choices because what the hell were the designers thinking.
They look better in 3D in the trailer but I’m still not vibing with the fits. For such a colorful franchise, why is everyone in the same bland ugly off-white color? Especially after we just had side order, which is full of monochrome and off-white color palettes.
We could’ve had Callie and Marie in retro 80s clothes or even further back, 1800s clothes.
Pearl and Marina could’ve just popped off in more streetwear since for some reason the devs love putting them in that fashion style and that fashion style only.
And deep cut could’ve had some sick as hell cyberpunk fits. You’re telling me you don’t wanna see Big Man in hologram shades? You don’t want Shiver rocking a shark motorcycle suit? You don’t want Frye to have levitating bracelets shaped like eels?
Instead we get big man in a leather thong for some reason. It’s funny. But it looks so bad
TL:DR: I am begging you please don’t pick team present just because you’re blinded by lesbianism, and I wish the idol fits had more color
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Alright, if you don’t mind, I have something I wanna talk about:
Life lessons I’ve learnt from my hyperfixations!
Whether the characters, the story, or the game itself had an impact on me, most of the things I’ve had massive focuses on have taught me something, and I wanted to share a few with you all.
1. The Wings of Fire Book Series
For a fictional dragon book, WoF has some incredibly complex character designs and creative ways of expressing them. The first ever writing project I started was inspired by the main cast of the second saga!
But I got more than just inspiration from these books: I learned that
You should never hide who you are, and that you should fight to be safe.
Never let others scare you into becoming something you aren’t, like Peril. While her Fire Scales might have been the one thing keeping her away from others, she learns that without them she’s not the dragon she should be, and just a shell of herself.
Another one, but less of a lesson:
You can write a good brainwashing story from the victim’s perspective.
The whole second half of Escaping Peril is a brainwashing plot, and it’s thrilling to see a sudden change that the victim doesn’t even notice. Believing everything is alright, losing her memories, and falling back to her previous allegiances… it’s just a good read overall, and the series is incredible.
2. Terraria, specifically its modding community
I bet you’re asking, “what kind of lesson can you learn from a game like Terraria?”
And I have 3 simple answers:
Your fears aren’t a force field, but a wall.
The first time I played Terraria, and for almost 30 play-throughs after that, I didn’t even TOUCH the Crimson. The Blood Crawlers, the creepy background, the eerie music, all making an environment that I just felt off about. But eventually, I took a risk, and made a Crimson world. It did not go well.
I’m not saying your fears are an illusion and shouldn’t be acknowledged, but that with enough work, you can overcome them. With enough power, any wall is just a temporary obstacle. After another year or two of subtle exposure to the aspects of the Crimson I hated, I had the courage to try again. And wouldn’t you know, it all worked out.
Number 2:
Canon Lore is a suggestion.
While there is a blueprint, if you know what you’re doing, it’s possible to make a lore suggestion so good that it fits canon better than canon itself.
For example, I made a suggestion in the Calamity Mod’s official discord server regarding the lore behind the Mechanical Bosses, and it stuck. It might be different now, as it was a while ago, but for that moment I felt good knowing I had made an impact on the community.
Number 3:
Be the change you want to see.
Why wait for someone else to make something you want when you can make it yourself?
I always felt as if the crafting trees for things like the Zenith, the Ark of the Cosmos, and other things were too simple, or had too many lengthy breaks in progression. So, I started work on a mod to flesh those out. It may not be done, but it’s a work halfway in progress, and I’m sure it’ll be excellent when I finish.
3. Splatoon
Here we are, the big one. The one that’s been with me for… what, a decade now?
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Well, not quite, but you know what I mean.
Anyways, it’s been a long time, and in that time I’ve learned a few things, from the game itself and from the community, starting with…
While cliché, the power of friendship can be a really strong idea.
Take Callie and Marie into account. Their bond, both friendly and familial, has lead to some of the best character growth throughout the series. Take the whole Villain Callie arc, where their bond slowly degraded just to come back stronger than ever! And they treat each other with respect, now that they’ve recognized what they lose without each other.
Off the Hook is another great example. You take a rich girl, raised in near seclusion with an estate larger than all of the major cities, and with a special gift that would make her an outcast, and a military elite with incredible tech know-how, a desire for freedom, and a craving for order and permanence, and you combine them. It sounds like a bad mix, but Pearl and Marina have some of the greatest interaction dynamics I’ve ever seen. While separate, they have their charms, but as you see in Side Order, they can hardly hold themselves together without each other. And I think that’s beautiful.
Another thing:
You can only succeed if you fight for what you believe.
Now, that doesn’t necessarily mean throwing hands, but it does mean never giving up until you accomplish your goal.
And this one goes out to @dr-spectre , who, in his infinite Callie-fueled passion, has lead me to become a more enthusiastic person about defending what I believe. Without him, I wouldn’t have even begun to try and fix the Inkipedia articles about Callie, I wouldn’t have started planning a potential “coup” for Callie, I wouldn’t have even dedicated myself to the fanbase the way I have.
And I doubt I would have even turned Seawyd from a stupid OC made just to simp for Marina into an actual character with flaws, imperfections, connections, and most importantly, beliefs without this man’s help. So thank you, Specter. With all my heart.
And speaking of hearts:
4: Kingdom Hearts
Ah, yes, the game with notoriously complex lore and thousands upon thousands of retcons. My dearly beloved.
To keep this section short, I’m not gonna go into insane detail because god knows I’d start ranting about Roxas and the nobody system and the fuckin Recusant’s Sigil-
Spiderweb Lore can actually be fun, if you explain it correctly.
Complain all you’d like, but Kingdom Hearts lore is actually decently designed. While several loopholes do happen, stemming from or leading to completely random happenstances, those are decently rare. And more often than not, the lore explains itself through backwards mannerisms and cause-and-effect scenarios.
Take the world “La Cité des Cloches” from Kingdom Hearts: 3D. Based off of The Hunchback of Notre Dame, it contains quite a few moments that really help you see the inner workings of the series. For example, Quasimodo and Sora talk about the limitations of an enclosed Heart at the end of the world’s story, and the cutscene helps explain the concept of Hearts as a whole quite well.
Of course, not everything does it this well, which is why so many people complain about KH lore and its complexities.
I don’t have much else I can say without getting mad, so:
5: Psychonauts
The first thing I ever classified as a hyperfixation. The story, the characters, the music, and the gameplay roped me in and refused to let go for way too long. And I learned quite a bit about myself, just by looking at the other characters.
Follow your dreams, even if others discourage you.
Razputin Aquato, simply referred to as Raz, is a young boy who dreams of joining the Psychonauts. So of course, he trains his psychic powers behind his parent’s back, because he was raised to hate psychics due to them cursing his family to be attacked by a hand from the water whenever they got close. He eventually runs away from the circus his family runs, ending up at a psychic-kid summer camp.
As you progress through the story, you get to see Raz grow, fighting the fears and emotional complexities of others while struggling to fight his own. Eventually, at the climax of the story, he fights off both an evil representation of his father and the father of Coach Oleander, and learns that his own father is also a psychic when he enters Raz’s mind to help fight Raz’s misbelief about him. After the success of the two, Raz is given the role of Psychonaut, and is immediately sent on a mission.
Raz, despite the obstacles in front of him and inside of him, never stopped believing and ended up becoming what he always wanted to be.
And finally:
Helping others can be rewarding, both mentally and tangibly.
While you might not be able to enter someone’s mind and cure their depression or PTSD, you can definitely help an old lady cross the street or a friend with moving house. And doing so can give you that warm feeling of being good, or even something more than just a good feeling.
Of course, it shouldn’t be EXPECTED that you be rewarded physically, but it could be a possibility.
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purplekoop · 4 months
I just had a somewhat troubling War Bots thought relating to two gentlemen in the Control category who've both been difficult to bring to a satisfying level in terms of kit concepts.
The first is Lyonn, the fourth bot in the role, who I've mentioned exclusively by name and no other descriptor. His main trait is that he has a sticky bomb launcher style weapon, making him the cast's definitive trap master and an area denial powerhouse, who struggles in more direct fights due to lacking a means of self defense up close. On top of that, he actually *does* have a design, though slightly outdated in terms of weapon design and missing a few details. Aside from that, it's been a personal favorite of mine for a while. The main holdup was that he's lacked a good accessory, something to complement his fairly flexible main weapon. An idea I had was some kind of melee weapon he would swap to for close-range defense, but this kind of stance change mechanic felt fairly arbitrary and not super cohesive to his overall gameplan, but I couldn't think of anything useful without being redundant with either his other abilities or the rest of the cast.
The second is a more familiar name *and* face, Martinet. He was made so the Control lineup had a character that could control space in a way other than by threatening raw damage, and so his defining ability, the Laser Tripwire, was made so he can make it more risky to cross a pathway unopposed. That's... kinda it though. His weird charge pistol, chargeable bomb stolen shamelessly from Splatoon, and slide ability are all pretty much filler, I'll be blunt. They all sorta fit his theme, but that theme doesn't really inform a gameplan.
So... I had an unfortunate thought. If I have a character I like who lacks an accessory to bring the kit together, and an ability I like but on a character without much else, then... I feel like that means one of them may have to be shelved.
My best idea right now is to give Lyonn the tripwire ability, making him the cast's ultimate trapmaster, while Martinet is demoted to NPC, likely as some sort of mission mode administrator, dealing mission intel to the team and that sort of thing. He still could join the roster again later, and he may still keep his slot he has now, but it'd require him getting more to his kit than I have ideas for at the moment. He's a fun character, but I'm just stumped on what kind of weapon would give him the strongly defined role a War Bots character needs. If this was a bigger cast with less specifically defined characters like Overwatch, then I'd be less concerned, but as-is he's just too flimsy of a character conceptually.
I like War Bots characters to be easy to explain with just a phrase or maybe a sentence. All-rounder duelist. Big AOE rocket guy. Frontline high-damage juggernaut. Frail but flexible utility provider. Mobile close-range healer. Not only does it help communicate what a character does quickly, but it helps me make sure they all have their unique roles that nobody else really fills, which is important when trying to maintain an efficiently small cast. Martinet just isn't like that, he's supposed to be the "intel guy" but only does that because of one ability, which lets him know when someone walks through one specific hallway-sized space. None of his other abilities really play off this mechanic. He just kinda has a little bit of a bunch of things aside from any sort of defensive sustain. He can move okay. He's got some burst damage and AOE damage. It's just such a flaccid set of abilities compared to the other characters. at least to me.
So that's my 2 AM ramble for the day, I would appreciate input one way or the other, but I'm hesitantly set on Martinet being benched in favor of this guy I haven't even shown yet. I don't really wanna sideline Martinet, if there's a way to make the secret agent man work then I wanna do it, but it might take some more creative thinking.
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dogtoling · 1 year
1. Can Inkfish breath in while swimming (or sitting still) in their ink?
2. So we know that Inkfish don’t have bones, but I heard they have cartilage or something instead. That true? If so, how does that work?
3. Ok while writing this question I realized the answer, but… How do Agent Neo and the rest of the NSS get out of Alterna? (Realized they just super jump)
4. How do Inkfish super jump so accurately and onto moving objects like the Tower?
5. Why did ORCA create puzzles for the Inkfish? Like, not generic puzzles, puzzles specifically designed for Inkfish? Last I checked, all ORCA is is just a storage system with an AI.
6. So… Deep Cut. Wth did they think those random pieces of metal were going to do? I doubt that’s very valuable (unless humans mined all the ore and there’s basically none left, so melting it down gets a lot of money) so like… why fight over pointless junk when there are literal HUMAN ARTIFACTS probably just sitting around Alterna?
7. For a timespan of 12k years, the buildings in Alterna seem quite well preserved… explain.
8. How is Grizz so big and furry? Like, bears aren’t that big. Also the guy can survive in space. Like what.
9. How did Smallfry change like that in the final fight?
10. I keep seeing how Splatoon confirmed magic and now I’m confused.
Lotta questions about Alterna, I bet most can be just chalked up as bad planning regarding the story but like… I wanna hear what you think.
Assuming they're not literally inside the ink but rather on top of it, yes they can breathe
Inklings having cartilage is entirely fanon, they are confirmed not to have bones but they're not confirmed to not have some other type of support structure. People default to cartilage because Inklings are big enough to where SOME kind of support structure would be required, and we do see details of "bones" on the models (especially captain cuttlefish) although i think those are only there because the game's artists still wanted the inklings to have human anatomy. hence why they have kneecaps
yeah they probably super jump.
Game logic. But also Inklings are implied to use (and even need) signals to track when they super jump, so it's likely that they are able to sense magnetic fields and signals that they use to fine tune their trajectory, which is how they're able to super jump so accurately when they don't actually see where they're jumping. (It tracks when you take into accounts spawn points, squid beakons, the huge antenna on the Grizzco boat.. i DON'T know how the hell teammates function in this scenario but alas)
there's no good reason for this one chief the story writers just wanted to reuse octo expansion level design. ardnin has a good theory surrounding this but other than that canon does not have our back here
again the story writers didnt know what the hell to do but corporate quota probably says the new idols of the game HAVE TO be in the main story for marketability reasons so they needed to be in there being the weakest links of any story mode to date. this plot point is made worse by the fact that in the story mode, Agent 3 ISN'T EVEN AFTER THE OBJECTS. you just kind of wander into the boss areas with the thing just lying there abandoned and deep cut shows up like OH MY GODDDDD YOU CANT TAKE THATTTTT like girl, ok! you had 5 hours to take that yourself and leave! the player was never asked to retrieve the things to begin with, we just kinda take it in the end.
this has bothered the hell out of me too and it did the entire time i played through the story mode. Not to mention EVERYTHING looks extremely well-preserved taking into account the, uh... you know, the entire major plot point about the caverns COLLAPSING? lol. Not going to nitpick too much about this but basically the best explanation is that Alterna doesn't experience weather or anything, so it's semi-functional as a type of time capsule.
all but confirmed in the new art book, but Grizz is mutated to ALL HELL. His skeleton doesnt even resemble a bear at this point. Basically, he is insanely mutated. yeah i got nothing on the surviving in space part, i hate the story
i hate the story (the answer is magic i guess)
Related to the previous point, this is WHY people are saying splatoon confirmed magic. I mean there is zero explanation to a smallfry (JUVENILE SALMONID) turning into a 15 meter giant floating fish in rapid 5 second metamorphosis because of Ocean Creature Hopes and Dreams, in SPACE, then going nuts for a while and just............. turning back into a juvenile salmonid. Honest to god I would be more okay with this happening if Smallfry had STAYED as a giant fish, because we know salmonids come in a lot of different forms and whatever they turn into is highly influenced by their life and battles up to that point. So hell, it would've made sense that Smallfry's adventure in Alterna and finally going up against what is basically the Salmonids' arch nemesis would've been a good arc for them to mature, but to pull that magic anime transformation and then just REVERSE IT is just.... You could say it's the salmon equivalent to what the Kraken is for inkfish, but that makes NO SENSE because whereas transformations like that are sensible for inklings which are creatures known to be able to do rapid metamorphosis and alter their body shape, A SALMONID IS A FISH. WITH MUSCLES AND FLESH AND BONES AND STUFF. what HAPPENED HERE bro
anyway thanks for this ask and yes, as you predicted, i believe that 90% of the plot holes in the alterna story are just because they did not have time or interest to make the story cohesive - because of the art book we now know that the Splatoon 3 story mode's first concept was COMPLETELY DIFFERENT (although we know next to nothing aside from that), there's barely ANY concept art for fuzzy octarians, barely any concept art for Mr. Grizz, and literally zero mention of O.R.C.A. So at this time I fully believe that for one reason or another the dev team wasn't able to make the story they actually wanted to make, so the story we got was either rushed or just didn't have a lot of effort put into it and that's why everything about it feels so weird and quickly smacked together and it tries way too hard to have a cool climax to the point where it achieves nothing but confusion
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squid-ink-symphony · 2 years
(Almost) Every Single Idol Splatfest Performance
Here's the link with no backstory if you just wanna look at cute squids and not read my rambling
I still need help finding some splatfests from splat 1 + 2, and i could use higher quality versions some of the ones i do have. So if you want to check this out and help with the missing ones then i'd be eternally grateful!
(reblogs are also appreciated cuz 1. it shows it to other ppl so they could also potentially help and 2. i did minor amounts of work and want validation lol)
Ah, you hit read more. You've signed up for rambling now!
I started this because i wanted to see the idols performing with their different colors because i never played 1 + 2. (plus i figured having easily available resources of them in different colors would make my life easier over on my side blog. *cough* shameless plug @splatoon-edits *cough*)I figured it would all be very easy to find and there would probably be a playlist of all of them on youtube all nice and ready for me.
I was wrong. But the scale of my wrongness was unbeknownst to me at the time.
So I figured I would just have to find the videos and make the playlist myself, no big deal.
Wrong again.
And thus began the hunt through videos with sometimes as little as 5 views. And a lot of them weren't just short little videos of the dance. There would be like 20 extra minutes of gameplay mixed in that i had to cut out. And a lot of them were really bad quality or a recording of the screen with a phone. But worst of all, some of them i was just completely unable to locate at all.
So it took me about 2 days of working late at night after i had finished everything else for the day. I slogged through so many videos and after i was like 70% done downloading, editing, and compiling them i get hit with a new problem. My Google drive storage being full. -_- So I clear out a TON of stuff and make sure it's all fully deleted. ..... No change. I tried looking it up and got 0 answers that actually managed to fix it. But i'm invested and annoyed already and spite is the worlds best motivator. So trust me. This project WILL be finished.
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waddledab · 1 year
wtf pls tell me abt your splatoon mlp au???
OH boy. oh boy. anon I am so glad you asked. putting this under a read more so I don't clog people's dashes lmao (also forgive me for my thoughts not being organized)
ok so this is based on friendship is magic bc that's the only one I've seen and it's like... if the mane six were in splatoon? specifically splatoon 3 bc that's the one I had on my mind lol anyways. freshness is magic
Twilight is an octarian soldier (like, the only one left for some reason) sent by Octavio to investigate the Splatlands about the disappearances of the other Octarians while he says he "won't be too far behind" (foreshadowing)
on the way there she meets spike. he's the "little buddy" smallfry of this. no he will not tell her what spike is short for or why he was in the middle of the desert when he met her
Oh yeah and only twilight can understand him bc she speaks salmonid. he just sounds like gurgles to the rest of the gang
twilight gets a transmission from Octavio basically telling her to go to Splatsville specifically, "blend in, make friends, keep a low profile, whatever"
just outside of splatsville they run into fluttershy (her name is probably different but I can't think of a good one so she's just fluttershy for now). she's a sea slug (kinda like flow) bc look at this image.
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it's literally just her. come on
she's heading into town too and it basically goes like the show where she's like "omg is that a salmonid... wowie......."
MEANWHILE in Splatsville:
Pinkie (inkling), Dash (octoling who grew up in the Splatlands), and Jack (inkling) are all friends but they're in a bit of a pickle. they wanna do turf wars but they need a 4th person and the random people they keep getting matched with just don't vibe very well :(
enter twilight. (and fluttershy) (and spike)
at first twilight's like "Ugh no" but then spike is like "heyyyyy part of your missionnnn was making friiiiiends rememeberrrrr?"
so she joins the team. fine sure whatever I'm not gonna get attached (she gets attached)
Twilight is a charger main. e-liter menace
Dash is a dualies main because of course
Pinkie is good with all weapons tbh but her favorites are rollers and blasters
Jack mains N-Zap 64 and she is a tacticooler mvp
At one point they're like "Hey twi love the military drip but like you gotta get some drip"
enter rarity. i don't really have a clear mental image of her yet but she is crab. probably hermit crab? tamatoa ass back I know that for sure
she moved to the splatlands from Inkopolis and started a boutique there
she's a brush main btw "hey Earnest you dipshit only inklings and octolings do turf war" nuh uh big man canonically plays turf war AND salmon run so there
(fluttershy doesn't like doing turf war and doesn't have a main for obvious reasons) (but she does cheer them on) (spike does too bc he's not allowed in the Turf War building :( )
anyways. twilight and the gang are now besties. enter cuttlefish.
Dash: hey is it just me or is that old guy staring at us from the sewers
Pinkie: I'm gonna go follow him lol
this action has consequences.
they're all agent 3 now (3.1-3.7) but cuttlefish only has one set of hero gear. "sorry guys you're all shit out of luck" (of course twilight gets it bc protag disorder) and rarity's all "well Fine I can make hero gear for the rest of us"
crater proceeds as normal with twilight, pinkie, dash, and jack each taking one level. twilight is... *unnerved* by the current status of the octarian troops
enter octavio. hes fucking pissed. this is his natural state of being tho
he calls out twilight for being a TRAITOR and she feels bad blah blah blah they kick his ass
again it proceeds as normal but when twilight wakes up. she's alone (except for spike). as it turns out all of her besties landed on different islands somehow bc this might as well happen
Twilight is island 1, jack is island 2, pinkie is island 3, fluttershy is island 4, dash is island 5, and rarity is island 6 working on everyone's agent outfits all along so they got their group swag by the end of it
again story is pretty much the same from there. kill that bear
and so the world is saved with the power of friendship :)
unfortunately celestia and luna don't really exist by virtue of octavio kind of taking celestia's role? rip queens we loved you so much but you were replaced by old men unfortunately. sad
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dr-spectre · 7 days
honestly the only thing i wish now since team past won is that we don't get a great turf war game.
A more past based aesthetic sounds inherently cooler for a game no matter what people say.
I think i was being a little too harsh and mean towards Team Past and I was riding the high of the Grand Fest....
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At the end of the day, what makes Splatoon's world so special is that it's world follows our time, a year passes in our world, a year passes over there. Stopping the timeline would be a bad idea and I think the developers know better. I have faith in them.
I dont think we're gonna get a great turf war game because Splatoon 4 was most likely already in pre-production before the Grand Fest, and they are just choosing what aesthetic to wrap the game in. They probably have a bunch of storylines planned out too and now they can get to work on the next game. That's just how game development works, especially Nintendo ones where gameplay is first and story is second.
The results of the final Splatfest of each game do make an impact but not THAT big of an impact. Callie vs. Marie decided who was gonna play the villain role in the next hero mode as they already placed down the set up for that story line in the songs Tide Goes Out and Bomb Rush Blush, as well as the Splatfest dialogue creating tension between the two.
Marie won so the developers gave Callie some angst, and she strolled down to Octo Canyon, said to good ol' Octavio "Hey I wanna be evil and stuff." And Octavio was like, "aight sick yo. But you gotta wear these hypnotic shades first tho." And Callie was like "COOL! :D"
Chaos vs. Order impacted what the next game was gonna look like aesthetic wise, and even then it's not as extreme as a lot of people envisioned. Splatsville is Inkopolis but basically... a little bit more chaotic and clearly not as wealthy of a city as Inkopolis. Deep Cut's aesthetics and personality were based on the theme of chaos, we would have probably gotten a three person Idol group regardless but what team won in Splatoon 2 impacted what they were gonna look like. The rest of Splatoon 3 is just regular ol' Splatoon. It's not a crazy Mad Max chaotic land like what some were expecting and that Inkopolis was gonna be up in smoke.
And, of course, the losing team was yet again the central theme of the villain, this time, the idea of Order itself and even then its different from how Callie vs. Marie played out. Marina becomes Marina Agitando at the start of the story to get it out of the way and to subvert expectations. And then the real villain, Overlorder takes centre stage.
I dont think we're gonna see the whole "losing team becomes evil" thing because its a tired old trope and it created so much just.... bullshit in the community, I'm gonna be so real. Like you know this already and my stances on Hypno Callie and what people say about her but... I digress!!
I wanna end off my rambles by saying that the best part of Team Past winning, is that Callie and Marie got to win TOGETHER! It feels like the perfect cap to their arcs and it feels... good.... you know? It just, makes me happy that these two girls are just finally happy and are on each other's wavelengths so well. They even show that in Blushing Tide but ive already gushed about that song.
I feel like thematically Team Past/Squid Sisters winning feels.... perfect? It feels... right? I guess? Starting off in darkness and hate, fighting each other, coming together after being reminded of the good times they've had, healing their broken bond, finally winning... as a team...
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I think im taking the loss pretty well LMAO! I mean I was on the winning team of Chaos vs. Order so I'm perfectly fine with coming in second place.
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kassie-splatoon · 1 year
(sorry abt the way this is formatted btw i really want ppl to join this splatfest but idk how to form it in any other way except a funny 2000s ad lmao 💀)
do you want revenge against shiver? do you wanna fight for your favorite deep cut member once again??
even if you’re not that upset about shiver winning, you can play the shiver vs frye vs big man splatfest again as a custom splatfest in THE SPLATFEST/SPOOKFEST SERVER!!
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not only does the server regularly host both custom made splatfests and callbacks to older ones, but you can also play TRICOLOR with certain people (theyre hackers but i promise theyre not the kind that gets ppl’s ip addresses lmao) in private battles, using something called LAN play
u may think lan play is only for local games, but with this computer program from lan-play.com, you can just enter the name of any of the lan servers listed on the website and you can play splatoon 2 and 3 with anyone, even without NSO!! :D
if you wanna know how to connect your switch to one of the lan play servers, just watch this video made by one of the mods of the server
here’s the link to the server, i hope you join and have fun!
edit: the splatfest is over now, and im happy to announce that SHIVER LOST!!! big man just barely beat her with 30 points, while shiver only had 21 :D
even though this revengefest has ended, theres still more to come! this server holds splatfests almost every weekend, and not all of them are re-runs of official splatfests like this, so i still recommend joining for future splatfests :]
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theletterwsartflap · 10 months
hey can you tell us more about that one drawing where agent 4 was a salmonid commander i wanna learn more about that
Ah ha wow, I'm surprised you managed to find that first of all. I'm trying to recall what all that conversation contained, since it was something I think I thought of while actually playing Salmon Run itself? Hard to remember all the dumb shit I spout off in VC playing that mode... I specifically remember a conversation about a Salmonid bootleg of Commander Tartar being named Admiral Lemon Wedge and I can't for the life of me remember why.
I believe we were talking about how Agent/Captain 3 has made a return not once but twice now, yet Agent 4 has yet to be seen. Salmon Run made its debut in Splatoon 2, so I thought it would be neat if she got some sort of plot point to do with the Salmonids specifically.
I remember one of the things I brought up at the time was her wielding an oversized spoon (very much like Mewtwo in the Pokemon manga!) seeing as the Salmonids like to wield cookware. I believe there's canon lore about her being a college student(?) so who's to say she couldn't have studied their language and culture?
As for how she got there... your guess is as good as mine. Did she go willingly? Was she abducted? Left behind in an emergency evacuation from a jobsite gone wrong? It's probably something I should think about... last one would probably be the most fun to work with though.
I admit I haven't done a ton with Splatoon related fanworks despite being rather intrigued by a lot of the concepts. I think I just also wanted to see something different in the campaigns for enemies than just the Octarians again, especially since 3's antagonist set Salmonid appearance up so well... for them not to even be mentioned outside of Little Buddy.
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