#maybe replay the octo expansion
missnatzooie · 2 years
Listening to Splatoon 2 music while drawing and having a latte is awesome
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the-knife-consumer · 2 months
That post is actually making me feel crazy. If I were like intelligent I'd be able to put my thoughts into words but ouuhhh... Eight....
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hiroshotreplica · 1 year
thinking about side order again and like. this sounds obvious but i REALLY hope it has good music. the best part about splatoon is its music. i need side order's ost to be the best shit ive heard, ESPECIALLY in-context, i swear to god.
im not a music expert so my wording will be Horrid. but i want tracks that make me feel emotions, like Anything. strong, confident, upset, scared, determined. especially for the motif, if it will have one (which, i think it will judging by how motifs are used elsewhere).
i want a motif to fuck up my brain and rewrite the dna in the cells. the motif used in octo expansion always gets to me (maybe because fly octo fly is literally one of the best songs in the franchise). i think they need to do something like that again but better. i need music that will make me bawl whenever i hear it when replaying the game
if the music is bad or nothing special it will be bad overall to me. even if the story is the best ever written. i dont want to build up expectations but... ARGGHHHH the music is So Fucking Good in this franchise i cant feel bad about expecting it to be Good
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boingyboof · 8 days
Splatoon waaahhh
So its over. damn silly squid game making me feel emotions. i know that splatoon is not going to just magically explode and delete every existing copy after the fest fully ends but still ive been playing splatoon since the first game on the Wii U and even though I only properly got into multiplayer in splat 3, I always adored the story modes and the universe and worldbuilding. Like I replayed Octo Expansion more than once, its just so peak. While there is obviously going to be a next game, this still is the Final Fest and now not only the finale of one game but of all 3. I know they said somewhere that, while not the finale of the franchise, it is the finale of this story and of the characters we know, so we probably won't get to see squid sisters as the main piece anymore :( and off the hook :(( definetly not off the hook like we got so much of them now that they will probably leave them alone for now :((((( I hope deep cut will still be a thing next game cuz they got so little here :(((((((( idk maybe i am just doomerposting, but Its all just bittersweet. Silly squid game where you shoot ink is making me more emotional than anything in the last 6 years Even if we dont get all the stuff we love now, I am sure I will love the new stuff just the same Heres hoping that Splat 4 comes out sooner than later and that it's still as good as always!!!!! I lov splat!!!!!!!!!! stan callie
Also!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Marina and Pearl do a gay little jig at the post fest stage!!!!!! they are so gay.. good for them good for them
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alelelesimz · 7 months
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splatoon 3: side order ~ ale's 2024 game reviews II
oooooh guess who finished side order (like, actually 100%)! me baby! and yes i've technically been playing splatoon 3 since 2022 and this is for games i finish this year BUT side order is a totally different game mode so it counts :p also it's my review i make the rules
spoilers ahead! although if you've paid any attention online there's no huge spoilers going on.
i finished the tower on my 4th run i think, i'm not that good at this game okay. but i did finish it on the day it released! i got a bit sad because i thought it was too short but then i realized you're supposed to replay this a bunch of times and the story keeps going! so it ended up lasting a couple weeks for me. it could've been faster if it wasn't bc i needed to finish my catalog before the season ended, but hey that's better i think!
i like that the game forces you to do a run with each weapon, cause otherwise i would've done only the shooter and MAYBE the roller. but it was fun! i hate chargers and splatlings, but once you learn how to use the chips and get a bunch of hacks, it becomes easier even with weapons you suck at. also i love overpowering Pearl, it's fun.
the game itself is absolutely gorgeous. i found myself staring at the ink before starting almost every level. i'm a sucker for glittery pastel ink are u kidding me!!!! the design of all the characters outside KILLS me like what the hell they're all SO adorable i want one of those jellies in real life. also cypher's design rules.
the world is so pretty too, i love all the backgrounds in the levels (and that they reused animal crossing fish ugh!!!!), the outside of the building, THE LOBBY????? i can't start a run without running around with the cool lights and music!
i LOVEEEE that we got so much Acht! i was already obsessed with them before the dlc, like their design and persona was such a cool concept for me, and now we get to hang out with them and learn about them before getting sanitized omg i love it so much. also we love an enby in a nintendo game
i also love Pearl and Marina so much, fight me all you want but they're truly the superior idols of splatoon. i love that nintendo let them be so incredibly fucking gay in this game. yeah yeah it's not said out loud but i've never seen two characters more in love than those two bitches. good for them
oh and i fucking love Smollusk wtf. why is it so adorable????????? specially at the end aaaaa him and small fry are my sons
the only things i didn't like about the dlc are that they kinda teased something going on with agent 4 but then there's nothing about them? we have a palette and the clone thing looks like them and then there are a couple mentions here and there but that's it? i would've preferred if they don't mention them at all instead of this. i also would have liked a little cut scene once you finish all the weapons. i was a bit disappointed once i finished eight's palette you're just done with it and well. that's all! smollusk is now friendly and nothing more :/
aaaanyways i really enjoyed myself with this dlc! i'd say i enjoyed it more than return of the mammalians which i still haven't 100%. i've seen people say octo expansion was better but idc cause i never played it! so side order gets 4.5/5⭐️ from me :D love u splatoon
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octocurse · 11 months
Scatter Brain
AO3 link
3 chapters as of 10/27/23 - 3.7k words
From the moment they wake up, everything's changed. Or; post octo expansion from Agent 3's perspective.
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Unrated . Full text (c1 & 2) under cut .
Sally wasn't sure what woke them up first. The pain, the whir of the helicopter, or the sun burning into their one good eye. When they tried to lift their head, they felt a sudden jab of pain, shooting through their skin and eye like needles and knives, all at once. They shuddered and gasped, a weak and pathetic whimper escaping their throat. Home felt so far away. Sally felt distant from their body with their brown, uncovered eye wide open as though they'd seen a ghost. The amber and purple sunrise burned into their retina.
Nobody would save them.
On the platform, surrounding them, there were strangers, and then there was the pink octoling and Sally's gramps. So desperately they wanted to cry out, to beg that stupid old man to hold them like they were a kid again. A thick, hot, bubbling sensation went down their throat like they were swallowing blood. Something was holding them back from spitting it out with a plea.
Maybe they were breathing. Everything felt so slow. On one hand, they could replay their memories, the happy ones of sitting by Marie and watching a dumb rom-com movie while Callie did their hair. On the other, their mind was so foggy and there were things in it they didn't want to see. Their body felt unfamiliar. They felt unfamiliar and fake, like a porcelain doll of an inkling rather than a teen.
Sally could hear the ocean below them as the helicopter whirred. Would they be dropped into the deep sea? Part of them wanted to be, to return to their roots and swallow the thick, salty water. They wanted it to dry out their throat and tongue in a thick coating until no air was left and they eventually combusted under the pressure. Sally hoped for that pressure to surround their frail body and make it burst, like a balloon with a bubbly pop.
There was a voice, trying to guide them. They called themself Eight in a heavy accent, voice tainted with horror. Clawed hands grasped theirs, interlacing with their blunt fingers. They were cold and a bit sticky from sanitized ink, as though they'd failed to get it all off. Eight was a mess. And yet...
"Friend. Friend, y’back on the surface. Y’wake?" The teen struggled to speak, words coming out like a heavy drawl. Every time they uttered something, it seemed as though they were talking through layers of oil connecting their lips in some sort of bubble. The words echoed in Sally’s head, each time changing to a more and more obscure sound. An eye, so bright and shimmering like a gold leaf, bore through them like a snake's fangs. The other was covered, much like their own, with a bandage thick enough to absorb the entirety of a poor man’s ink.
A low hiss rattled from Three’s chest, knowing only little of their life as an agent within seconds. The salty air, the taste of iron on their tongue, the pain and adrenaline coursing through their ink was nothing now. They hissed, baring their teeth in a snarl. It gained a rather sudden reaction from the octoling, who immediately jolted back and cried out for another force. Within moments, there were solid, cold hands on their mantle, gently yet firmly guiding their face to focus their gaze on the ragged old man.
He was squinting, likely smiling under the thick, white beard in tentacle clumps. They grew uneven, but they were memorable. He sat beside Three, ignoring the violent clicking of Sally’s tongue. Three moved Sally’s weakened arm to land it on the stupid old man.
They couldn’t. They just couldn't. The thought burned a hole into each of the hearts in their chest. A hot, wet feeling went down Sally’s cheek, staining their dark skin and freckles with salt akin to the rolling waves below. Three didn’t remember crying. It made Sally gasp for air, hiccups breaking every solid breath. In their throat, there was a thick layer of dryness, like shards encasing the flesh. With a hard swallow, iron covered the blade-like feeling.
“You gotta breathe, kid,” the man grabbed their hands, guiding one away from Sally’s knee, where they’d left imprints, and guiding the other away from their chest, leaving the fabric to ease on its own. “You’re good. You’re safe. We’re goin’ home ‘gain,” he rambled on, voice chill. He nodded to Eight, who scooted back to the two inkling’s side. The two strangers kept rambling in the distance. It was loud but didn’t top the background noise ringing in their ears.
“Nhh— Fight- I- I fight- fought-“ Three tried to speak up, but the mouth wouldn’t open and close how they wanted it to. The tongue stuck to the roof of their mouth. Something reeked of rot. Maybe it was their own mind, stuck to a youth long gone.
“You fought, yes,” he hummed, rubbing his bony thumbs along their knuckles. His skin was rough and calloused, holding years of experience on each fingertip. Three's hands were much like his own- rough, and scarred, but much softer, with smoother skin and scars from years past. “We all fought. We won a big battle.”
They gasped for air, forgetting the choking feeling of their sobs for a few moments. "When- I- Where? Where is- I..." Three stammered, feeling a block in their mind. There was a wall in what they should know.
The old man chuffed, letting go of one hand to scratch the back of his neck. "We'll get into that, kid. All that matters s' that we ge'cha home," he turned to Eight with buggy brown eyes focused on them. "And get you into your new home. A bed sounds real nice, don' it?"
"Behd?" Eight repeated the word before rambling something incoherent. The words sounded like a vague chittering, almost electronic. Part of Three understood the words, 'Like the war cots?', but to the rest of them, it sounded like an intolerable buzz.
"Nah, ain’t no soldier bed," The old man scratched the back of his head, humming. "I’s more like uh… Some’n fit for royalty"
The magenta octoling seemed baffled by the thought, golden eye widening to a saucer. Their red cheeks puffed up a bit, imitating something much like shock. Though, it was almost uncanny. Their gaze looked so hollow, much like Three's.
"You know it, don'cha, Sally?" The old man turned back to Three, squeezing their hand. His words left a hole in their already hollow chest to be filled with confusion, and a lack of recognition in their head. They knew who Sally was. It was second nature at this point to reply to the name. So why, why couldn't they just-
"Who?" The mouth uttered the word before they could. Three wasn’t sure when the gap in their mind began to return, cutting them off from what they knew. Their head felt like it was falling into the waters below to roll with the crashing waves and fill them with salt. They could see they were still stable on the moving platform.
“Ahhh,” he made a sound of recognition “How old are ya, squiddo?”
Three inhaled shakily. 14? 13? The numbers felt blurred in their head. They could feel Eight stare through them. “Fourteen,” they managed to huff.
“So still Three, aight,” he hummed, moving his hand from his neck to the gruff beard. The old man closed his eyes for a few moments, breathing in the chilly air. How he wasn’t shivering was a mystery, with his thin aloha shirt and the khaki shorts that barely hid how thin his legs were. An old, frail man is all Three saw. An old, frail man they could call their Gramps.
“Gramps. Are-“ They struggled to find their voice, interrupted by their own sobs. Ignoring the hollow ache in their chest, they continued. “-we safe? With the… uh…” Three’s gaze flitted to Eight briefly, who looked hurt by their hesitancy. Part of them still felt that she was the enemy.
“Yeah. She saved yer life, y’know,” Gramps responded with a chuckle, patting Three’s hand reassuringly before letting go.
Suddenly, Three’s attention was brought elsewhere. The sound of approaching footsteps felt deafening, even over the whir of the helicopter. A guttural hiss slipped from their lips moments after they spotted the short, pink inkling, who was louder than any child they’d known. Some audacious inkling star, one they’ve heard the name echoed by Callie once or twice.
“Ay, cool it!” Pearl had a confident grin, unfazed by Three’s show of strength. “We’re not your enemy.”
They followed her gaze, leading them to the sight of a much taller octoling. The sight of her left a knot in their chest, a sense of recognition forcing them to suck in a breath. Marina Iida, an octoling who’s done quite the work for the octarian military. They’ve seen few of what she’s made, but some of the mechanical investments have left scars on their back.
“Iida,” Three muttered. “The- You’re from the octarian-“ they bit their tongue. “You made war weapons.”
“Oi! She helped make war weapons,” Pearl huffed, crossing her arms.
“Now’s not the time, Pearlie,” Marina rubbed her temples before giving a forced smile. “We’re going to be landing soon. I just wanted to warn you all. I’m assuming you’re going to be calling someone to pick you two up?”
Gramps looked up at her while rubbing his beard. “Yeh, we gots family to call. What about Eight there?” He gestured to the other teen.
“We’re planning on taking her with us,” Marina chided. “That sounds good to you, sweetie?”
Eight didn’t reply. All she did was look straight through Three with that soulless golden eye.
Three struggled to balance their weight as the helicopter skidded to a halt on the paint-marked rooftop. Their fingers, blunt and tense, turned their knuckles pale as they gripped the textured metal beneath them. A familiar weakness pulled them, promising them a break from the agony that seared their flesh. Did they listen? Of course not. They wore a burnt-end cloak with their title, a badge to their accomplishments and work. Three didn’t need luxuries like a day nap to survive.
A hand settled on their shoulder, accompanied by a grunt from Gramps, tapping their shoulder a few times before releasing. Three took the hint, rising on legs about as strong as jello.
The transition from the deafening roar of the helicopter to relative silence was jarring, leaving a ringing in their ears. Now they were awkwardly navigating across the concrete- or at least, what they think is concrete. They came to a quick realization their vision was betraying them. Their sight was fuzzy and unfocused, awash in a mix of tears and the sun's reflection on distant windows. The glaring light was a needle prickling through their already aching retina, spreading heat to their cold face.
Inkopolis was cold around this time of year, with mid-October in their wake. The concrete roof felt even colder, though vast, holding enough room for the helicopter and the entryway to the stairs. Even through the blur of their gaze, Three could see far-off buildings, marked with vibrant graffiti and ink. If they focused hard enough, maybe they could forget the burning sensation encasing their every thought, and the chill seeping through their thick clothes and into their cartilage and ink.
“Your legs are shakin’,” Gramps observed, tone edged with concern. Giving little warning, he grabbed the hood of Three’s cloak, halting the teen. “Lean on me,” he insisted, leaving no room for debate.
Three sighed and, taking a few steps back, wrapped a trembling arm around the old man. It made them feel even older than Gramps himself but eased the unsteadiness.
Three’s gaze turned to the two octolings, watching intensely as Marina guided Eight to the edge of the roof, leaning her against the short wall where it jutted up. The woman was talking to the younger octoling like a senseless child, occasionally swapping to octarian. There was a sense of desperation in her tone. Did Eight’s stare bother her just as much?
Marina’s hands grasped Eight’s and she knelt, all the while rubbing her knuckles. Few words stuck out to them, with the rest being lost to their own confusion. They gave up trying to hear anything more.
“Ayo, Gramps,” Pearl’s voice broke through the air. It sounded like nails on a chalkboard to Three. “Are you gonna call when you two get down or right now? Cuz’ I got a phone if ya need it.”
Gramps scratched his beard before he spoke, buggy eyes focused on her. “Eh, I’m sure we’ll be fine gettin’ down first. Besides, I’m sure my grandkids ‘re as busy as bees right ‘bout now. Don’t wanna worry ‘em.”
The short girl scoffed, her squinted gaze flitting between Three and the Captain. “They’re gonna worry when they see you two if they’ve got a brain. Three looks like a trainwreck!”
“Don’t be too harsh on ‘em,” Gramps chuckled, patting their shoulder. “Kid’s gone through hell ‘n back.”
“Honestly,” Pearl started “they look like they haven’t gotten back from it. Are you sure you can get them home?”
Gramps nodded, pulling Three a bit closer. “Sal’ll be fine. We’ll be okay.”
The short woman inspected them with her golden eyes for a few moments, glaring at them as though they were as foolish as fleas.
“Aight,” Pearl chimed, straightening up. “I’ll let you two go. Just text us when ya get home, yeah?” The inkling grinned. Her beak was so white Three thought they were looking at the sun, though thankfully, it only flashed them for a few seconds before Pearl turned the other way.
Gramps waved her away before beginning to guide Three away, the door clicking behind them as they entered the stairway.
Their footsteps echoed down, slowly becoming a distant murmur in Three’s ears. It smelled of week-old smoke and dirt, not exactly what they expected from a spoiled-rich squid like Pearl. Though it possibly wasn’t her building, and if it was it didn’t matter. They wouldn’t be here again for days.
“D’ya think we should call Callie or Marie?” Gramps hummed. He adjusted his grip on Three, pulling their arm further across his shoulder. His arm was firm around their waist, the other being supported by his cane.
"Mar-" they inhaled sharply "Marie? She's the... Y'know." Three muttered, waving their trembling hand for effect.
"Yeppers," Gramps began guiding them down the second flight. "But she'll get onto me for lettin' you get all jumbled up."
"I'm fine," Three muttered. They tripped, nearly falling down the rest of the steps halfway down. Just barely, they were held up, suddenly more grateful than ever that Gramps was there to protect them. Adrenaline jolted them out of their dazed state, forcing them to cling tighter for support.
The old man huffed as he pulled them back to a straight-legged stance. It didn't last long with their knees wobbling beneath them. Three could see from the look on his face that he didn't quite believe their words. Part of them didn't believe them, either.
"Fine my ass!" Gramps gave a rather hollow chuckle.
Three didn't listen as they got to the end of the stairs and began to hobble to the main area of the building. They weren't sure how many flights they'd gone through. All they could remember was two but then there was another and another and... another.
Now they just had to find a payphone.
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yatgb · 1 year
My predictions for side order (and also the things i sorta just want to happen really really bad)
Play as agent 8 (obvious prediction)
Opening scene mirrors that of octo expansion with pearl waking up agent 8 and trying to make small talk like "lol long time no see huh bestie??? how you been :D" only to come to the horrifying realization A8 doesnt remember her or anything at all and has lost their memories again
This one is sorta out there but this might be commander tartar exacting revenge on A8 for thwarting its world domination plans in OE. Just saying if it was really gone then WHY was it in the chaos v order promo
If not tartar then some New Threat Weve Never Heard Of Before. Probably with help of tartar but also maybe not yknow. Id be fine with letting tartar stay dead as hell
Brainwashed marina. I can feel it in my bones
Seriously can you imagine pearl shouting "WAKE UP MARINA!!" like marie did when trying to snap callie out of it. Can you imagine the tension between brainwashed marina and desperate pearl. Come On
Agent 4 return. Istg we saw their shadow for that one freeze frame. I Know He Is Real Nintendo Why Are You Hiding Him
Octarian enemies come back still mammaled but now their fur has turned white bc of the weird bleachy thing goign on. Something something polar bears
Lil judd final boss (this is a /j but could you imagine)
dedf1sh content. This isnt a prediction its a plea
Come on guys we got harmony in-game they have to know how much we love dedf1sh right
dedf1sh boss fight................ imagine
Alternatively what if dedf1sh is there but only able to be seen from a window in an inaccessible room like spyke in the cafe in splat2. cmon nintendo you know u wanna
I dont think we're getting a new playable species unless they pull some REALLY wack shit and let us play as fuzzy octarians (i saw someone hack the model to be playable so 👀)
The more we progress the more color returns to the plaza
Idk there was a LOT of imagery with brains and neurons and dead things (and how octopuses irl turn gray when stressed/dying). I wouldnt be surprised if they leaned more into a theme of death or an afterlife. Nintendos done some crazy shit. And yknow they already had "relive memories" to explain replaying the crater and rocket battle to cement alterna as a kind of final area so like. Imagine going back in to the side order area with "ascend" or some shit
The description on the shop said "see what has become of inkopolis square" so its definitely a new virus of some kind
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ashenberry · 2 years
Oog maybe I should replay octo expansion
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fnvbennygecko · 3 years
maybe i should replay octo expansion
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captorcorp · 5 years
splatoon time :3c haven’t touched my switch in so long but splatoon is so good and just gonna replay the octo expansion a ton to get back into it!! and maybe finally get the online service
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totaldramafan-lauri · 2 years
First week of Splatoon 3
I-I haven’t really had a lot of energy lately, so I’m gonna keep this a bit briefer than usual:
This game is still just as fun as ever...Maybe even a bit MORE fun than 2 just cuz of the extra customization options like the lockers (SUCH a cool feature) and the cool new specials being more skill based. Splatterscope’s still my baby, and I’ve been pulling off a few cool things with Ink Vac, especially in Rainmaker! Splatana Wiper is still AWESOME and I will continue using it. During this next week, I’m planning on trying out the new Carbon Roller (cuz I’m curious about Zipcaster), but it’ll be hard to pull me away from the two weapons I’ve been glued to....TTvTT
Salmon Run is still a blast and a half, but with the combination of weapons I’ve played with so far, it seems a bit harder than it used to be. That’s not even going into Cohozuna, who I have yet to beat even once (and have only gotten down below half health once). I’m really hoping I get the hang of fighting that thing soon, cuz it’s kinda annoying to fight now....
Story mode is really cool. Never got to play Octo Expansion, so it’s great to see mechanics from it return. I also love my Smallfry. I just beat the first area today, and it’s been pretty easy so far, with the exception of ONE stage - the one where I had to survive for a minute dodging shockwaves on the ground. That was kinda a big difficulty spike for me....but I beat it on my fifth try.
Before I go into story stuff, I’ll mention that I’ve just posted a bunch of replays of highlights over the week on my Twitter, @NastyMajestyyy, which is basically just there for replays now and that’s it, pfffffff....but it’s there if you wanna see me in action, I guess? XD
NOW! Spoilers below:
Notes about the story:
-The Squid Sisters continue to be amazing, especially Marie of course, who’s still the same snarker I loved from before. “I’m here if you want to talk about anything with someone who’s barely paying attention” is my fav line of hers so far.
-I’m normally not a fan of stories that go into the apocalypse/human extinction, cuz...I dunno, thinking of that usually scares me. I know Splatoon has mentioned it multiple times, but this story is the first time going into DETAIL about it....I-I hope it doesn’t get too dark...Do not want....
-Deep Cut not only being a part of the story, but being bandits makes them even COOLER to me! Although I hope I don’t have to fight them, cuz that’d make me sad.....Let me join yoooooouuuu! *shot*
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