#now i'm adding ben to the mix
M2D HC(?): I kinda wish we had an episode where Nicole is the sole babysitter to Gracie for a day, like the dads are both out & Nicole's left in charge of the loft & taking care of the baby. Just Nicole being the best big sister (figure) ever to Gracie. I would've loved to have Ben come back & visit too. Make all three of them - Nicole, Ben, & Gracie - a special pseudo-sibling trio, you know?
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killlerfang1 · 1 year
So apparently Across the Spider-Verse has MULTIPLE different versions of the movie out in theaters right now???
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This reddit thread by Hohoho-you goes into the details but so far all the differences between the versions include
During the opening of the film one version has a "cough" text before the Sony logo appears and added comic frames during Gwen's monologue
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Lyla either takes a bunny selfie of Miguel or offers a fist bump after he calls for backup
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When Gwen asks who Miguel is he either says "that’s classified” or “isn’t it obvious”
Miguel either says "that's funny" or "No" when Gwen calls him the blue panther
The build up from when Miguel was going to bite the Vulture is cut
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When Jefferson fell through one of Spot's spots he either groans and looks around, or has a quick frame reaction of his face
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When the Spot is going to put his finger in the mini collider he either says "-which would... not be good" or "oh what the heck."
In the chai tea scene Miles either says "no! no." Or "sorry! im sorry" after getting called out by Pavitr
When Hobie first comes on screen and Miles says "Hobie" a little text saying "Hobie" popping up above Miles’ head may or may not appear
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One version has Gwen's lines when she's looking for Miles in the rubble removed
At the spider society, when Jessica asks if "anybody else got jokes" the text boxes that show up can either be yellow or blue in color
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During the canon event scene Hobie has different coloring and lighting depending on the version
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When Ben Reilly grabs Miles during the chase scene he either says “I’ve got you trapped in my well defined musculature so don't even-“ or “This one’s called the sleeper hold, I’m using my bicep to constrict your-"
During the chase scene Miles rides Web-Slingers horse through the villain prison and receives cheers from said villains all while the other spiders get boo’d. This scene is cut in an alternate version
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In the same chase scene when the spiders cross the tightrope they either fall or get launched in the air, with the falling scene being a slightly extended version
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When Miles venom strikes Miguel the line where he says "sorry man I'm goin' home" is cut
When Peter B. Parker returns home MJ either says "Hi" or "How was work" upon his return
during the Prowler!Miles reveal one version has him with more lines and details on his face (thank you @cannibalgal for pointing this one out to me)
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I've only seen the film once so far but based on other people's comments online the changes seem to be mixed and matched depending on when and where you go to see the movie
(edit: added more changes)
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chelleztjs18 · 8 months
The Scene (E.O)
Elizabeth Olsen x Fem!ActressReader ; Rachel McAdams, Benedict Cumberbatch (Platonic)
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Summary: Something unexpected happened while you were filming a movie with Lizzie which leads more things out of it.
Warning: None. Just some fluff.
A/n: Hello! I'm back. This fic is from two request that I combined together. This is a made up Kamar Taj scene is being filmed with Rachel McAdams and Benedict Cumberbatch in it. I apologize in advance for any inaccuracies in the scene and golden globes part. Happy reading!
Here are the requests for this fic:
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Main Masterlist
What’s better than playing a superhero role in the movie industry? Well, nothing can top the joy and the fun of filming in one of the Marvel movies with your beloved wife, Elizabeth Olsen. You and Lizzie have been married for five months now. It was a very small intimate wedding with family and close friends, just like how you and Lizzie wanted. There was no media nor paparazzi craziness. Both of you try to keep your relationships for two years and the wedding under the radar to enjoy and cherish each other more privately in between busy schedules.
“You did a great job, Lizzie. I can’t believe that you did that scene in one shot. That was pretty hard to do with all the wires and stuff.” Benedict compliments her as he takes a seat next to her, taking a break.
“Aww thanks, Ben. I was actually nervous. You know me with heights, never a fan of it.” Lizzie lets out her little laugh.
“Oh yeah, I see what you mean. They pull you up pretty high.I bet it can be uncomfortable sometimes, especially with your Scarlet Witch costume right now.” The Wizard cast responds.
“Sometimes but I love this costume. So, I won’t complain.” She laughs again after trying to let out a joke.
Lizzie and Benedict have a great time talking for a little while until she sees something that makes her stomach turn. Anger thundered through her. Her heart aches and she crumbles inside. All emotions mix up in a split second. Lizzie stands up furiously. She can’t believe what she just saw. Seeing Rachel kiss your lips and you don’t even do anything to avoid it, makes her want to get to you right away.
“Liz? Are you okay?” The British man asks confusedly after taking notice of Lizzie's displeased facial expression.
“Yeah. Excuse me. I’ll be right back.” That was all Lizzie said shortly before she rushed her steps with her full Wanda’s costume and barged into the set where you and Rachel are.
“What’s going on here?” Lizzie asks in such anger. You and Rachel look at Lizzie in surprise that neither of you say anything for a few seconds.
The silence from the both of you upset Lizzie even more. Her glossy hurtful eyes look at you in disappointment as she continues telling you how she feels in gritted teeth slowly walking closer to you and Rachel. “After everything we’ve been through, this is what I get in return? Was it a game for you? And to think I would go through the ends of the world for you. Just explain to me why?!” she demands. Her voice gets shaky.
Rachel slowly moves to get to behind you, trying not to get involved between you and Lizzie. Noticing what Rachel is doing, you naturally take a stand in front of her. You were about to tackle everything she said but she didn’t let you. “How could you do this to me?” She added as she spread her palms then clenched them to fists with fury.
Then all of sudden, a familiar voice struck Lizzie’s attention. “Cut! That surprisingly fits perfectly!”
Lizzie quickly turns her head to where the voice came from. She came to realize what was actually going on. She looks at you, Rachel and surroundings. The filming crews are looking at the three of you. Sam, the director smiles satisfiedly.
Her cheeks slowly turn crimson. “Oh my god. I’m so sorry. I–I–I didn’t know that you were filming a scene. Oh my gosh.” She covers her face with her hands for a few seconds and then uncover it. She tries to laugh her embarrassment off. Her cheeks feel warmer from blushing.
“It’s okay but yes, love. I was filming a scene with Rachel.” You replied.
“I’m sorry, Lizzie. It was totally a professional kiss.” Rachel explains in a light joking tone to make your wife feel better.
“No. No, you are totally fine. I’m sorry. I-I just didn’t know that there’s a kissing scene.” Everybody in the room heard what she just said in awe.
“Yes, babe. I told you about it the other night, remember?” you explain yourself as you grab both of her hands to give her the reassurance and comfort she needs. Lizzie tries to recall. “Oooohh yeah. Gosh, I was probably distracted when I was cooking dinner. So embarass–”
You and Lizzie notice that Sam came to talk.
“I’m so sorry, Sam. I totally forgot that there was a kissing scene and I got—” Lizzie awkwardly apologizes but Sam finishes her sentence.
“Jealous? First of all, it was cute. Second of all, it was a brilliant spontaneous scene! I love it. You should see your facial expression on the whole thing.”
“Oh yeah, I could see that, Sam. I thought the Scarlet Witch existed for real for that whole minute.” you joke more as you gently squeeze her hand as your way to let her know that you are with her to comfort her.
“Yeah, but I apologize for ruining the scene.”
“Oh no, you didn’t at all, Lizzie. As a matter of fact, I will change the script and we will use it in the movie. We just need to add some visual effects in it and it’s good to go.” Sam lays out his idea and plan in a thrill.
Hearing his plan, Lizzie’s face slowly shows some relief. “Oh, uh– wow. Okay.” The four of you laugh. “Okay, then. Let’s take a lunch break and we’ll continue in an hour?” Sam announced.
Everybody walks away to take their break but you grab Lizzie’s hand before she turns around. “Feel better, babe?” you try to make sure.
“It was so embarrassing but yes, I feel better.” She smiles then laughs.
“No, I meant that the kiss was just one of the scenes.”
“Uh-y-yes.” She admits and covers her face once again. You pull her hands away and look at her lovingly.
“I would never do that to you nor hurt you like that. I’m all yours I love you.” You kiss her forehead then look at her again.
“Aw. I love you too, y/n. Thank you.”
“You were cute and sexy at the same time when you get jealous though.” You tease her and both of you laugh.
“Oh yeah? Well, you better watch out.” She teases you back.
“Oh, really?” your lips form a teasing smirk. She playfully hits your arm and rolls her eyes.
“You are silly. Let’s go have lunch babe. I’m hungry after all that jealousy I felt.” she grabs your hand and walks with you.
“You are cute.” you follow where Lizzie leads you.
It has been two weeks since the latest Marvel movie came out. It was a hit. People love you and Lizzie in it. You are happy with how positive the public's reaction was. There was a rumor going around that Lizzie improvised on the jealous Scarlet Witch scene after your character kisses Rachel’s. Neither you, Lizzie nor other casts know how the words spread. Lizzie is happy with the fact that people love your acting in the movies. That’s all that matters to her.
Today, you, Lizzie, Rachel and Benedict are invited to the Jimmy Fallon show to talk about the viral movie. Before you got to the location, both you and Lizzie had a talk and decided to be ready if Jimmy asked about your love life. You both think it’s time to let the cats out of the bag about your relationship.
“Welcome everybody! Wow, I feel so safe right now with some of the Marvel superheroes around us.” said the host followed by the cheer and applause from the thrilled audiences.
“Thank you for having us, Jimmy. So good to be back here.” Lizzie expresses her gratitude from where she sits next to the beautiful older actress, Rachel. You adore her beauty from the seat across from her as the dark haired actor next to you chimes in.
Everything went well and it was really fun for everybody. All the casts get their questions.The studio is filled with laughter and excitement.
“Okay, Y/n Y/LN. It’s your turn right now for questions.” Jimmy slightly turns his head to you.
“Oh lord.” you joke as you pretend to look nervous. The audiences and Jimmy laugh at your antics. “I love your character. You have a cool super power in it and as you know a lot of fans are simping your character with the one and only Scarlet Witch.” The crowd can’t hold back themselves with such thrill as soon as Jimmy mentioned the both of you.
You hear Lizzie’s lovely laugh and you glanced at her to see her smile.
“Ah yes, yes. I heard about it.” you respond as you shift the way you sit a little and smile.
“Let’s just go straight to everybody’s favorite scene after you kiss Rachel’s character.” Benedict and Rachel playfully do a hand gesture as if they are locking their mouth. Rachel even throws the imaginary key of the lock to you.
“What? What is it? Are we missing something?” puzzled with what he just saw, Jimmy asked. His gaze bouncing back and forth between the four of you.
“Oh no. Nothing. Nothing.” Benedict denies the question and laughs. Jimmy then looks at Rachel, hoping he will get an answer and Rachel pretends jokingly to look around with a smile.
“Ah, I see. We’ll get back to you two later.” Jimmy adds.
“So, back to you, Y/n.” Jimmy looks at you and with that he interviews you some questions regarding the movie. Three questions and some jokes later, you thought he was done asking you but you were wrong.
“As the newcomer in MCU, fans are dying to know about your current love —” Jimmy was interrupted by the cheering women fans in the studio. He smiles as he slightly lifts up his hand asking for some silence to continue.
You laugh as your cheek blush and you tap your hands gently multiple times on your thighs nervously. You and Lizzie knew sooner or later that this question would come.
“Are you seeing someone now?”
“As in dating or hallucinating?” Once more you joke around and everybody instantly laughs.
“Good one. Good one. Nice try on stalling to answer the question.” Jimmy responds humorously in between laughs.
You sneaked another quick glance to Lizzie then looked at Jimmy. “Well, I’m taken, married actually.” you finally answered and you subtly show the wedding ring on your ring finger and awkwardly laugh.
“Wait.. Wait.. Wait.. What?? When did this all happen? Last time you were here, you were single.” Jimmy exclaimed.
“Yes I was but now I’m happily married.” The audiences are in awe with your answer.
“Okay, okay. Congratulations! Wow. What an exciting surprise. Is your husband from the movie industry as well?” Jimmy asks curiously.
“Wife.” You corrected it with an excited smile. Surely, Jimmy looks surprised yet excited for you. A huge cloud of curiosity flows over Jimmy and all of the audiences instantly.
“Awww! Who is this lucky woman?” Jimmy asks and shortly after people start to chant “Who is she? Who is she?”
The four of you laugh. Rachel and Benedict try to keep their expression that they know the truth. Nobody notices that Lizzie looks at you and gives you a subtle small wink and you take that as your cue that it’s time to let people know.
“Okay. Okay. My wife is a very lovely woman. She is the sweetest so I’m the lucky one. We have been friends since the first time I came to this industry. She helps me and teaches what she knows in acting.”
“Oh?! So she is an actress?” Jimmy tries harder to dig more.
“Yes she is. Lizzie and I have been married for five months now.” In a split second, everybody in their seats cheers, applauses and goes crazy.
“Oh my god! I knew it! I knew it!” Jimmy exclaimed with a huge smile, raising his fists as if he just won a jackpot.
A few minutes later silence slowly covers up the cheerings.
“Okay, since the tea has been spilled, Lizzie, let’s switch seats so you can sit next to your wife.” Benedict stands up and gives up his seat to Lizzie. Everybody looks at you and Lizzie in awe as soon as she sits next to you and holds your hands.
Jimmy quickly connects the dots and asks one unexpected question.
“Wait, so does it mean that the improvised jealous Scarlet Witch was actually real?” An image of the scene shows up on the giant screen as Jimmy’s hand points at it. “I meant Wanda’s expression looks so real that I can even feel it when I watch it. Were you really jealous, Elizabeth?” he continues.
“Uh oh.” Benedict's short remark lures some laugh from you and Lizzie.
“Tell him, Lizzie.” Rachel joins in jokingly.
Lizzie laughs awkwardly, blush creeps up on her cheeks. “Oh my gosh. This was embarrassing. So, in my defense, I didn’t know— well actually I forgot that there was a kissing scene between Y/n and Rachel. I was just taking a break and chilling with Benedict then I saw them kissing, I didn’t know they were filming. So yeah and then that happened. Eeeeend scene.” Lizzie explained.
Jimmy lets out a pretend gasp and looks at Benedicts. “Why didn’t you stop her?” Everybody laughs.
“Oh I was just so puzzled because she just suddenly stood up, excused herself and told me she would be right back. I tried to stop her, I wish I had the time stone with me at that time.” The  dark haired man responded with some laughs.
“Rachel, you were hiding behind Y/n’s back.” Jimmy examines the giant picture.
“Yes, yes I was. To be honest, I was so bamboozled and my mind tried to think if Lizzie was really mad with me because I don’t want her to be mad at me or if it was just Wanda’s part in the scene. My mind starts to question in those short minutes if Wanda will push me with her wiggly woo in it because I have all the wire around me and I wasn’t ready if they were gonna do a sudden pull on me with them.” Rachel smiles at Lizzie and you.
Jimmy nods at Rachel’s answer then looks at you. “I was as confused as Rachel was but I tried to calm her down because I knew it was all a misunderstanding. Lizzie never really shows jealousy but I’m not gonna lie she actually looked so cute and adorable.”  You look at her in adoration and rub your thumb in the back of her hand. Lizzie gives you a smile back.
“Wow, I never knew behind that iconic scene was actually a funny moment. So Sam, the director, decided to use that scene for the movie?” Jimmy lets out his thoughts.
“Yes, he did.” Another shy laugh followed Lizzie’s answer. With that, the show continues with a little more questions and everything goes well.
You and Lizzie are happy with people’s positive reaction at the show about your relationship until some comments you read on social media a few days after.
You and Lizzie are having a relaxing week before the Golden Globe award event this weekend. You are sitting in the backyard scrolling on the internet while Lizzie is doing her gardening vlog.
“Hi babe. What you doin’ there?” Lizzie asks as she grabs a glass of iced tea you made for her and sits next to you once she is done with her plants.
“Oh nothing. Jimmy’s show that we were in is up on the channel and internet. So I was just reading people’s comments.” you answer while your gaze is glued to the screen of your tablet.
“Oh? I hope they are all good comments?” she responds after a sip. “Hm yeah, they are.” you mindlessly answer but she notices your facial expression. You squint a little as you read more. Your eyebrow knitting together and your lips pressing in a straight line without even realizing it.
“What’s wrong, babe?” Lizzie’s tone sounds a little concerned.
“Ah nothing to be worried about, Liz. Some people are just funny with their comments and really need to find something else to do.” your hand did an air quote on the word funny and you laughed.
“What did you mean? What comment? Let me see.” Lizzie's curiosity takes over and she opens her palm, waiting for you to hand her the tablet.
“Just promise me, don’t worry about the comments and ignore them, okay, love. They really don’t bother me.” you subtly demand shortly before you let her read them.
“I can’t believe that Lizzie married Y/n Y/L/N. I hope it was just a lie.”
“Y/n is a new actress, she probably just wanted fame from being with Lizzie.”
“I think this whole thing was a skit to gain more fans attention, she probably lied about being married to Lizzie.”
“Even though IF it was true that they are married, she just uses Lizzie as her ride to fame. I’m sure as soon as she gets enough fame or movies, Y/n will leave her.”
The more she reads the comments, the more upset she looks. “I’m not happy with this, Y/n. We gotta do something about this.”
“No, I don’t think we have to do anything about it. I’m sure the comments will soon be old news and people will forget about it. I don’t really care what people say about me, Lizzie.” you express your point of view.
“I do. I will do something about it.”
“Wait, what are you going to do?”
“We’ll see. Don’t worry, darling. Everything is under control.” She kisses your cheeks and smiles, not giving you any clue what’s on her mind. You try to shrug it off and not to worry about it.
Few days later, there are more comments, both positive and negative about you and Lizzie’s. There are even videos in the media from the influencers or fans talking about them and going viral.
Today is the Golden Globe award day. It’s the first big event since you got married. After hours of getting ready, you and Lizzie finally arrived at the venue. As soon as both of you got out of the car and walked to the red carpet spot, fans went all hyped up and so did the paparazzi and the media. You and Lizzie sometimes stop to sign some autographs.
You hear a bunch of voices calling Lizzie’s and your name. It’s your and Lizzie’s turn to be on the red carpet, camera flashes start to show up from every direction. Lizzie holds your hand as she poses with a smile and her eyes look at the camera.
The photographers caught some cute moments of you and Lizzie smiling at each other with the look of love.
Suddenly, Lizzie pulls you closer to her and kisses you on the lips to show the world how much she loves you and how happily married she is to you. She wanted to show all the internet trolls who said bad things about you to just mind their own business.
After the kiss, Lizzie smiles and says “I love you.” and without a doubt you say it back to her and it all caught on camera.
At the end of the red carpet, Lavern Cox is already waiting for you two to come and interview you.
“Oh my god, here comes the newlywed. One of the IT couples. Hi you guys. Both of you look amazing tonight!” She greets you and Lizzie.
“Hello, Lavern. Thank you. So glad to see you again.” you replied after you and Lizzie gave her friendly kiss on the cheeks.
“Me too, Y/n! Congratulations on the wedding! You both make a perfect couple and Lizzie, that kiss just now, I was in awe when I saw it. That was a pretty strong statement you made after things went viral about you two.” Lavern said shortly before she directed her microphone to Lizzie and you to respond.
You start with an awkward laugh. “I really didn’t expect the kiss, Lizzie always surprises me with her lovely and sweet gesture. I really appreciate her ways of showing her love and I’m really proud to show up as her wife tonight.” You can’t hold back a smile as soon as you are done saying your part and Lizzie takes her turn. Lizzie’s eyes are drinking the view of your smile in awe.
“Nice to see you again, Lavern. Thank you. It’s always nice to see our friends here and I think tonight is the perfect time for us to openly come out as being married to each other. I thank all the fans for their support and I would also like to tell some of the people who spread bad words or lies about Y/n to just leave her alone. We are happily married, we love each other sincerely. Y/n has been a great partner for me and she loves me for who I am. She could be famous even without me because she is a very talented actress and amazing person.” Her gentle smile looks totally opposite from her subtle firm tone as she expresses her thoughts towards the end of her statement.
“I couldn’t agree more with you, Lizzie. Wow, I love you so much for standing up for Y/n.” Lavern compliments her and continues with a few more questions about the outfits you and Lizzie wear tonight before the usher leads the two of you to the ballroom.
After having a little small talk with the others on the table, you gently hold Lizzie’s hand under the table and whisper to her “Thank you so much for standing up for me. I’m so lucky to have you.”
Lizzie’s gaze gently locks on yours and she replies with a loving smile. “Of course, babe. Like I said, everything is under control.” she gives you a quick peck on your lips then tonight’s host starts the event.
Everybody had a great time. At the end of the night, the crowd cheers even more positively as you and Lizzie walk out.
A/n: Welp, that's all from me for today, peeps! I hope you enjoy this. Let me know what you think. Reblogs and comments are highly appreciated. Follow me for more and see you in next!
Taglist: @madamevirgo @musicinourlips @unstable-sapphic-hoe @fanboy7794 @chloe7076 @b0mbdotc0m @trikruismybitch @ichala @californianwhiterabbit @honey-sweet-hiraeth @imfuckinggenius @sxfwap @chaekhan @daenerys713 @luvmcgrath @stupidsapphicsstuff @pattypavo @savethefbees @frvny @imdoingsortagay @marvelwoman-sugarbaby @franfineashell @heyyoweveryone @ygtft-chen @yaaskasey @sweeet-likeeee-cinnamonn @paumxmff @dopeyouth @beaniejennie @ineedafinghug @idkwhatimwriting @lucydiibi @mainly-rebloging-fics-i-like @gloriousfoxruins @grxvitye @mcubreakdown101 @aos22 @wandanatstan @paulawand @yeeterthekeeper @femalehomosexual666 @snowdrop1026 @modernmonalisa @nothingisrealanyway @idamaemann @sweeterlust @royalityofmultifandom @playboysaleen @peabrain112 @gwhaley127 @harleyswanda @bodhi-j @darth-rain @cristin-rjd
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loggiepj · 2 years
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Summary: Wanda mistakenly rejects you when you try to ask her out.
And now she regrets it because you're definitely, undeniably her type.
Seeing your ex-girlfriend kiss someone else in your workplace felt like hell.
It was as if love broke you. The ability to function hindered only by one organ in your body. And even if it was so tiny, once it was hurt, it would hurt you like a ton.
Through the first weeks, the breakup affected your work. Finding yourself stuttering through discussions or staring blankly in space during meetings, it was as if your life stopped and you began to question on your existence.
What is the meaning of life if not to love?
Your boss even requested for you to take a leave because he said you deserved it. And you wondered which thing you did deserve, the leave or the breakup.
Maybe both.
When your friends started to notice you being all depressed and mopey on your table while your ex from another department was smiling like crazy as she prepared herself for a date with the new guy, they immediately felt the need to console you with food, drinks and company.
That was why on your 7th week after the said awful breakup, your friends managed to pull you on your feet and dragged you with them into a bar owned by the sister of one of your  friends.
After gulping down your second shot of whatever drink your friends offered to you, you finally stood up and declared.
"Okay, I think that's enough for today-"
But Natasha, your somewhat close to bestfriend, stopped you. "Cmon Y/n, we barely even started."
"Yeah, Y/n," Steve, Nat's boyfriend, added as he made you sit back on your stool. "Plus, the reason why we're here is so you can find yourself a gal and move on from that stupid ex of yours."
"She's not stupid," you immediately argued, making Steve raise his hands in surrender. You didn't even know why you were still trying to defend her. She hurt you. "Sorry... She's just, complicated. That's all."
"Enough about your past," Pietro butted in. "Steve's kinda right, you know? You have to realize that there's still plenty of fish in the water and your ex was just a tiny plankton."
"That's not even a fish-"
He stopped you midsentence. "What I'm trying to say is that there's someone out there waiting for you to ask her out. And all you need is a one big push. Maybe you'll even thank your ex someday."
You only shook your head as he offered you another shot.
"Unless... you're scared," Pietro added.
"Oh... This is good," Tony meddled in. "Did you just call Y/n a scaredy cat?"
"I am not scared to flirt, okay?" You defended yourself, straightening the collar of your shirt. "I just... Well, I'm just not in the mood."
"Fine, if you're not scared as you say you are... I dare you... To ask that bartender out," Pietro suggested, pointing at the woman mixing and serving drinks at the bar. When you turned your head to glance towards her, as if on cue, Stand By Me by Ben E. King blared from the speakers in the background. The woman had brownish blonde hair tied up in a bun. Her emerald eyes glinting as she smiled at her customers. You could tell right away she wasn't the kind of bartender who'd sport a fake smile, she was a genuine one, like a beautiful flower in an open field of buckwheat.
You thought Pietro had good taste because the woman was so breathtakingly attractive. But you knew there was no way she'd say yes being asked out in a place like this. She had probably received a lot of offers, too. Looking like that, most people would just objectify her. While you would worship her.
You couldn't blame her if she'd say no though.
So you agreed to Pietro's dumb dare. "On one condition. If she'll say no, I am going home."
"That makes no sense. We're here to party for you.... And what makes you think she'd say no? I mean, you're beautiful, I'm not blind, Y/n, and she looks like an angel in hell," Pietro said, his arms flailing before you to explain.
"I just know she wouldn't, okay? She deserves to be asked out, but not in a place like this," you reasoned out.
"Deal, then!" He agreed after a moment of silence. "But please put a little effort, too."
"I'll try," you mustered up a bit of courage, as you stood and made your way to the bar. Her last customers just left with drinks in hand as you slowly approached, hands in your pocket.
"Hi!" You must have greeted her enthusiastically because it made her jump on her spot. You couldn't deny that she was more beautiful up close and it made you forget why you were there in the first place.
"Hey, what can I get you?" she asked, her voice so sweet and lovely.
"Just a can of coke, please," you replied, smiling.
She only giggled, not expecting you to order something nonalcoholic.
Once she placed a can, a glass full of ice and a napkin before you, you immediately added, "Oh, you forgot something."
Her brows furrowed in confusion, wondering if she served the wrong can.
Then you handed out a napkin to her and said, cringing internally, "Your number."
After five seconds of painful silence, she broke out into a loud laughter. And you smiled because she had a beautiful laugh.
"Sorry," she managed to say after trying not to laugh for a second, covering her mouth. "But you're not my type."
"So you're straight?"
"No, I'm bi..," she hesitantly admitted. "But just because I'm half gay doesn't mean you're my type."
And you released a soft chuckle, nodding back at her with understanding, because you were right all along. Internally, you were rejoicing because you won Pietro's dare and a soft warm bed awaited you at home.
"And you find rejection amusing too, first time," she went on, now with an awkward laugh.
You licked your lips as you said. "Sorry, turning serious now.. Okay, I'm hurt." You placed your hand dramatically on your chest. "Both physically and emotionally... What's your type then?"
She was now wiping a clean glass dry as she replied. "Someone who doesn't give corny pick up lines in a dingy bar like this."
You let out a laugh because your thoughts about her just matched and it intrigued you even more.
"Actually... I don't pick up girls from bars like this. I was just dared to by my friends," you explained.
"Ohh, and you know why I know you're not my type?" she asked with a smirk.
"Enlighten me, please."
"Because I knew you'd say that. Exactly those phrases. What are we? Highschoolers playing truth or dare?"
You only smiled, giving her credit for that. If you were in her shoes, you'd probably do the same thing too.
"My name's Y/n..," you introduced yourself. When she wasn't responding, you added. "And yours?"
She only chuckled at you. "And... I'm working."
"Hi, Working! That's a pretty cute name. For sure you hate your parents for that though."
Giving you one last laugh and a shake of head, the woman tended to another group of new customers and you decided to leave her in peace.
When you came back to your table, your friends laughing and awaiting for your return, you only punched your hand in the air in victory.
"I told you she'd say no," you said, as you grabbed your bag from your seat, slinging it on your shoulder.
"What?!" Pietro exclaimed.
"And because I won, I can go home now," you added, leaving a couple of tens on the table. "Thank you so much for the company guys."
Little did you notice that the bartender was staring at you, wondering why you were suddenly walking out the door with no one in hand even though you were undeniably attractive and literally could have anyone. Did you really just flirt with her and only her?
"Hey, Wanda! My lovely sis!"
When she saw her brother, Pietro, leaning in front of the counter, Wanda immediately shrugged him off, telling him he already had too much alcohol.
"Why did you say no to my friend, Y/n?" Pietro groaned like a kid as he took a seat.
And Wanda's eyes suddenly lit up.
"Oh, so you are the one who tried to set me up with your friend," she complained. "Sorry, Piet. She's just not my type, okay?"
And Pietro glared at her as if she had said the most offending thing ever.
"What? Y/n is definitely your type."
"You're unbelievable, you know that? I have standards and her asking me out like that in a bar like this is just a no-no for me." 
Pietro sighed as he leaned, resting his head on his folded arms. "Look... She's just not trying hard to ask you because I dared her to. And she didn't want to ask you really. Actually, she was opposed to the idea. She made a deal about it that if you'd reject her, she'd leave and go home, which made her happy to be honest."
Wanda grew confused as she placed the cleaned glasses back on the shelf.
"So you forced her to ask me out, even when she doesn't even want to?"
Pietro smiled apologetically. "Sort of... But I am telling you, sis, Y/n is your soulmate... She's just going through some stuff right now. And you rejecting her would definitely not boost her confidence."
Wanda only laughed. "Oh, from what I witnessed earlier, she didn't need that much help."
When Tony walked into the conversation just to order refills, Pietro immediately included him. Him and Pietro were childhood buddies and knew Wanda since little.
"Hey Tony, what about you? Do you think Y/n is Wanda's type?"
Then Tony's eyes widened in realization. "Oh my God, you are right! I've never thought of it before. I think they're soulmates."
Wanda only scoffed, ignoring the sudden churn she felt in her stomach. Did she make a mistake?
"See?" Pietro exclaimed, then she pulled Natasha when she happened to pass by along the bar. "Nat, you know my sister, Wanda, right?"
And both of the girls smiled and acknowledged each other.
"Wanda said that Y/n is not her type," Pietro went on.
Natasha only raised her eyebrows. Then she looked at Wanda in shock. "What? But Y/n is a hopeless romantic, Wanda. And a complete nerd if you ask me. She's definitely your type."
"She goes to musicals," Steve suddenly butted in, as if their table just teleported to the bar.
"Oh, and she likes to watch-"
"Interstellar!" Both Natasha and Tony screamed as they giggled.
"She must have watched that movie for the thousandth time," Pietro added. "More than Wanda had seen it... There were times I couldn't get the movie soundtrack to leave my head for weeks-"
"Okay, okay, I get it," Wanda interrupted. "Y/n and I have common interests. But I just don't like to be asked out in a bar... and besides, if she's really that amazing as you tell, how come you just talk about her around me now?"
"Because she just got out of a 5-year relationship," Pietro slowly answered as they all grew silent. "And she's still hurting."
Upon the revelation, Wanda's heart ached for you. You were hurting and she was rude to you, she didn't even give you her name.
When the topics have changed, Wanda couldn't stop wondering what if she did say yes. Would you take her seriously?
She had previous relationships that she didn't even want to remember because of too much trauma and red flags. And she didn't want to relive those moments.
Pietro knew she had been single for almost a year now, not being able to find time to date, and when she did have time, it was either a no show up date or a bad first impression date. She wondered if you were her first mistake, the one who got away.
Even after her shift, Wanda's mind always drifted back to you. To the point when she saw Pietro help her arrange the tables after the bar closed, she relented.
"Do you have her number?" Wanda sheepishly asked.
And Pietro only smiled at her as he pulled out his phone.
But Wanda hadn't found the courage to text you until a week after. She was about to send out her drafted message, probably the 11th version, to you when you accidentally bumped into her on the streets.
"Oh, sorry, I didn't see you there," you immediately apologized. Then upon recognizing her, you greeted. "Hi, Working! I haven't seen you in like what was it, a week now?"
Wanda bit her lower lip to suppress a laugh as she replied, her insides squirming. "Careful there, one might think you're counting."
You only chuckled back then you noticed the groceries she was carrying. "You need help with that?"
But without waiting for her reply, you grabbed the bags from her. "So where to?
Wanda must have blushed but she tried to hide her face by looking down the pavement. "Nice try, showoff... To the dingy bar, please..."
But you only smiled as you two walked along the streets, knowing the bar she was referring to was just two blocks away.
"What are you doing in the food market on a Sunday, anyway?" Wanda curiously asked, breaking the silence.
"Oh, I went there for the food," you answered honestly, smirking at her.
"Yeah, very smart, smartass," Wanda smirked back.
You continued. "There's actually this store that sells a variety of nuts-"
"-which you can choose the quantity of each type at the same rate!" Wanda finished, then she realized what she did, nerding out on nuts.
"You like nuts that much, huh?" You joked. You found her cute, though.
"Ha ha... very funny."
"Hey, I meant the food," you quickly explained.
Wanda couldn't stop the smile from widening on her face.
When you finally arrived at the bar Wanda was working at, you noticed how she pulled a big keychain from her bag, numerous keys dangling around.
"You own this bar?" You asked, slightly intending the question as a joke but curiosity killed you.
Wanda hesitantly nodded. She didn't see now why she needed to hide.
"Wait," you muttered, connecting the dots. "So your brother must be Pietro Maximoff, then. I'm one of his dear friends."
"Yeah, he's my twin brother, actually."
After entering the bar, you followed her to the kitchen where you placed the groceries on top of the table.
Wanda suddenly grew nervous, now that you're both alone in a small room. "Do you like something to drink, a refreshment of the sort maybe? As a thank you," Wanda asked, nerves started to kick in.
"Oh, no it's okay," you instantly replied, shaking your head. "I have to go home anyway and feed my cat."
You thought she looked disappointed at the moment but you could just be imagining it.
But Wanda was indeed disappointed.
Before you turned to leave, you added. "Sorry about that night, though... I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable like that. If it was anyone to blame, you should blame Pietro. He was the one who dared me to ask you out."
Wanda only chuckled softly, her heartbeat racing.
"No, it's fine. That's just my brother. He's just silly and all."
You nodded and smiled. "Okay... I won't keep you long... Have a great day, then, Miss Working Maximoff."
It took Wanda to get the joke and when she laughed out loud, you were already gone. And she regretted not giving you her number. Because she still didn't have the courage to text you first.
The next time you saw each other was at a common friend's wedding two weeks after that short interaction. You didn't want to come but Tony would kill you if you didn't.
And then you saw Pietro's sister looking like an angel, a beautiful flower in a sea of grass.
She was dressed in a pretty white dress and her eyes never looked so greener than before. To be honest, you thought she looked more beautiful than the bride herself, no offense to Pepper, Tony's bride-to-be.
"Hi, Working!" You greeted behind her.
Wanda should be angry at being teased at but when she recognized the voice and the joke, she couldn't help the butterflies in her stomach.
"Hey, Y/n," she greeted back. Then she leaned forward to kiss your cheek in greeting, which made you jump and melt at the feeling of her lips on your skin. Wanda couldn't help but feel entranced by the way you look that day, she didn't even notice her brother was talking.
"Why is she calling you Working?" Pietro asked.
But the ceremony just started and he was immediately shushed out.
At the reception, you found yourself dancing to your favorite song when it came up. It was Wanda's favorite too.
When she saw you dancing, Wanda immediately went to ask her friends to the dance floor, needing an excuse to bump into you. But it was to no avail. Her friends were still full from the meal they had eaten.
Someone coughed behind her, making her abruptly turn. Then her lips curved into a smile as you looked at her, your hand held in front of you. "I heard you have troubles finding yourself a dance partner."
Wanda sheepishly took your hand, as she answered. "Well, now I don't."
And you both had the time of your lives as you and Wanda danced to the lively song followed by another pop one, then a rock song. When Lunar One by Seventeen Evergreen played on the speakers, you both tried to catch your breath as her arms slowly snaked  around your shoulders while yours wrapped around her waist.
"I have a question," you began as you swayed to the song, smiling at her.
"If you've finished working, does your name change into its past tense Worked?"
Wanda didn't even know why she was laughing at such a corny joke but she was, tears warning to get out from her eyes.
"What if you're in England," you added. "And someone calls you Job, would you acknowledge that person or correct him and say that's not your name?"
Chuckling so hard, she punched you lightly on your shoulder as she said, "Stop it. I believe now you know my real name."
"I... may have stalked your brother's social media."
"And what have you seen?"
"That you have a beautiful and a very unique name.... but not as unique as Working though."
Wanda shook her head in laughter, her eyes suddenly drifted to your lips, wondering what it felt like against hers. But the moment ended when Wanda was suddenly asked out to a dance by one of the guests. You happily, but deep inside disappointed, let her go.
What you didn't know was Wanda's eyes follow you after that.
When the night ended and everyone eventually started leaving, Wanda expected you to see her afterwards, knowing you both had a moment.
She knew you were feeling it too. And then she would just ask you out right there because you didn't seem to have the courage to.
But Pietro said you already left because you were catching a ride with your friends. And Wanda's wonder and insecurities started to rise.
It was almost winter when you got invited to Tony's manor for a very early Halloween party. Pre-party as what Tony would call them. He wanted to do it early because Pepper wanted a month-long honeymoon before the holidays.
You were not fond of parties but it was a great opportunity to lay out your small telescope and rusty camera in their wide backyard. The manor was near the countryside, away from the light pollution of the city.
You arrived at 1am, set up your devices for half an hour and you were preoccupied. Around 3am in the morning, you finally had a full glimpse of the Milky Way galaxy's core.
When Wanda found out you came, she immediately went looking for you. She was about to give up until she found you in the backyard, the last place she thought you were at.
"What are you doing out here?" Wanda called out to you, wrapping her cardigan tighter around her body as she approached you. "It's literally negative degrees."
And Wanda might have fallen in love when she saw you smile so wide from ear to ear as you saw her.
You then said, "Look above you."
Wanda craned her neck to see what you were talking about. And she didn't even realize how vast the night sky looked right now above them with thousands of twinkling specks of light.
"Wow! That's a lot of stars," Wanda said, her voice full of amazement, as she stood next to you.
When you gently grabbed her hand, her heart stopped beating and she did try her best to focus on your voice instead because she was sure she'd faint on the spot if she didn't.
You pointed her hand at the direction of the sky.
"Do you see that?" You traced the outline with her hand in yours. "That is the core of the Milky Way galaxy."
And when Wanda finally gathered her bearings, she saw what you were trying to say.
"Oh my! I thought I'd never see it in real life. Only in pictures," she blurted out, the skin around her eyes creasing as she smiled.
"I know, right?"
Then you looked at her and you thought about how beautiful she looked up close. And it felt like a moment, but you were sure the earth slowed down around you.
Shaking your head away from the thought, you decided to look back at the sky. You were not her type. Why do you keep forgetting that?
When you noticed her body tremble slightly, you worried.
"Are you cold?"
But without waiting for a reply, you wrapped your extra jacket around her.
Wanda nodded as she breathe in your perfume, loving it and wishing that she could have you more than just your scent. She wanted everything about you.
You and Wanda must have talked about the stars, nebulae, galaxies and the new space telescope from NASA for too long, you didn't even notice that almost an hour has passed.
When Wanda was about to confess her feelings to you, someone called out from the house and disrupted the moment.
"What the hell are you doing out there?!" Tony shouted. "It's freezing cold!"
And Wanda didn't get a chance to.
The next time Wanda saw you, you were crying in the balcony of Pietro's house. He was hosting a small party to celebrate his promotion at work.
Knowing that you weren't alone, you immediately wiped the tears from your eyes. Turning, you saw Wanda and greeted, "Hi there!"
"Hey," Wanda cooed softly as she stood beside you, rubbing your back. "What's wrong?"
She couldn't help but feel protective around you. If someone made you cry, they would have to deal with her after.
"Nothing, just...," you answered in a small voice. "Something went into my eye, you know."
And Wanda softly chuckled as she continued to rub your back, soothing you calm. And you were because she was there with you.
"You're a terrible liar too, do you know that?"
"Oh I wouldn't know. I've only tried them on your brother."
"Well, you know he's an exception right? He literally believes everything. He is that gullible."
You laughed.
After a moment, you grew silent, just staring out at the horizon before you. You knew she was waiting for you to speak up, but not rushing you.
Then you suddenly muttered. "I wasn't crying because I was sad, you know."
"Why are you then?"
"I met up with my ex-girlfriend earlier... S-she said that she messed it up and she wa-wanted to get back with me."
Wanda wished so bad she couldn't hear you right now if she'd only hurt herself.
"Did you?" But Wanda still wanted to know.
You only shook your head. "No, that would be crazy... That's why I'm crying because I thought I'd never make it through the heartbreak. I was totally broken months ago. And now I can look at her and feel nothing. Absolutely nothing, Wanda... It's just amazing how time can heal you."
Releasing a breath she didn't realize she was holding, Wanda smiled.
"And those were just happy tears?"
You smiled at her. "Yeah, those were happy tears."
Wanda then hugged you, her arms slipping around your body, as she buried her face into your neck. You hugged her back, placing your head on top of hers.
"Is this okay?" she asked.
You whispered yes as you let her hug you like that and treasured the moment. As long as she was there, even just as a friend, it would be okay. You would be okay.
Trying to distract you, Wanda started when she pulled away. "Tell me about your favorite galaxy."
Then you began to tell her about Andromeda and how it was so near, it was always visible to the naked eye.
As Wanda listened to you, she realized you still needed a little time before getting overwhelmed by confessing her feelings. So Wanda gave you more time.
Three nights passed and Wanda still felt the same.
Wanda wasn't working that night at the bar when you and your friends decided to drop by. The night wasn't busy because it was a weekday and some stocks just needed some replenishing.
Going away for a small event the next day, Wanda could only sign the purchase orders provided by her staff on that night. That night you specifically dropped by.
Wanda thought that the feelings were mutual and that she was finally getting through to you but when you introduced your new officemate to her, eventually realizing you were setting her up with your officemate because said officemate was asking for her number, her heart broke into pieces. And you didn't even mean to. It wasn't your fault that you thought she wasn't interested in you.
You were in the comfort room that time washing off the ketchup that smudged your shirt when Wanda came bursting through the door.
"What the fucking hell is wrong with you?!" Wanda exclaimed.
You had never seen her look so terrifying before.
"What was that about, huh? You just set me up with someone!"
"I-I just thought I'd introduce you two because you're both single and-"
Wanda only sighed, stopping you. "God, how can you be so oblivious?"
Her mouth crashed against yours, as she pinned you against the cold tiled wall. And as quickly as it happened, she immediately pulled away and cursed, leaving you dumbfounded.
"Shit I-I am sorry, I just thought you like me back-" Wanda stopped herself as she stepped away from you and exited the room.
You ran after her, surprising your friends, until you were outside the bar. The streets were now deserted as it was almost midnight. Wanda was already a step away to her car, having trouble in finding her keys.
"Wanda!" You called out to her.
Wanda looked at you as her body wracked up in sobs. You immediately wrapped your arms around her in a tight embrace.
"I'm sorry... I know I ruined it, I ruined our friendship-"
"Stop, Wanda," you butted in, pulling away to rub each of her shoulders as you tried to calm her down. "You didn't, okay? Because I like you too. So much, Wanda. Even way before knowing I wasn't your type."
Softly chuckling, Wanda wiped her eyes as she softly said. "I regretted every single day why I said that... I really did. Because you are my type, Y/n. You are amazing and sweet and so beautiful and you make me laugh and giddy... I-"
She swallowed back a sob as you hugged her again, burying your face into her hair.
"You make me happy, too," you confessed. "I've never been happier before I met you, Wanda."
After a moment, she pulled away as you both looked into each other's eyes, yours sometimes drifting towards her lips. "And I don't think I can manage another day without knowing what your mouth feels like against mine."
Wanda's eyes smiled at you as she softly laughed.
"Why don't you find out?"
And you almost just did as you began to cup her face and leaned forward.
"I don't know... maybe if she'd agree to go out with me on a date tomorrow, I would," you quipped, making her chuckle.
Wanda sniffled as she licked her lips, leaning towards you as well. Her arms were now wrapped around your neck as yours around her waist. "Maybe I can fit her into my schedule."
Both of your noses were now merely touching, feeling each other's breath on your faces, her fingers caressing the baby hair at the back of your neck.
Nobody knew who closed the gap between the two of you, but you knew you didn't want to stop kissing her.
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anundyingfidelity · 6 months
I'M A RUIN — Soldier Boy/Ben (Part V)
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Series summary: After the events of the Seven Tower, you present Grace Mallory a new secret project you're working on already to develop a cure to Compound V. The only problem? You need Soldier Boy for that.
Pairing: Soldier Boy/Ben x female reader.
Word count: 2.4k.
Warnings for series: set after S3 (spoilers), some OOC!Ben, some depressed!Ben, angst, hurt/comfort, eventual smut, slow-burn, language, PTSD, reader has Compound V (she's no Vought supe tho), Soldier Boy being an usual asshole, reader is a fucking liar.
Warnings on this chapter: some misogyny and shit (you know who), psychiatry stuff, canon gore, blood, heads exploding, and violence?.
Notes: so I'm sorry for any mistakes during the psychyatric process, I go to therapy and take medication myself so that's all I know plus google research. And be aware of the gore descriptions, I tried to do my best I guess lol. Thanks for reading as always!
this fic tags: @k-slla @syrma-sensei @mostlymarvelgirl @cheynovak @drasticemotions @soldirboy @deans-spinster-witch
☕ if you like my writing, support me with a ko-fi !
get yourself in the taglist!
Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV | Part V | Part VI | Part VII | | Part VIII
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Part V: Blow Your Mind
With a deep breath, you reviewed the symptoms Soldier Boy barely 'gave' during your session. The list was kind of long on the pages and it read:
Always being on guard for any danger, self-destructive behavior, irritability, angry outbursts, panic attacks, feeling emotionally numb, not trusting anyone, not feeling safe, hypervigilance, intrusive thoughts, fatigue, muscle tension, headaches, back pain...
There was a weird silence surrounding both of you, mostly because of his mood and his change in demeanor from a somewhat friendly asshole to an irritated, unbearable jerk. Once you had started with the uncomfortably stupid questions, he felt threatened. Soldier Boy wasn't actually open to talk about his past and the traumatic experiences he had, and that meant it was difficult to get to know how his body and mind were reacting to all the stress and madness he went through in decades, adding those weeks after Billy Butcher had released him from his nightmare.
He was opposed to speaking directly about how he was feeling, but you knew better that Ben speaking out on his symptoms was not going to happen. So you had to ask each one of them and review some his most harsh experiences directly, in order to receive monotonous responses, limited to: 'yes', 'no', 'I don't know,' and finally 'what the fuck is that?' You took them all as an absolute yes.
He was being defensive and you knew better than to miss anything after he almost burned the whole damn building. And with the small but confident experience you had with psychiatry, you concluded that he needed medication and therapy. As soon as fucking possible.
"Yeah, you have PTSD," you said after a moment and your eyes found his unreadable gaze.
He raised his eyebrows with false surprise. He already heard that shit from Hughie before. "And where's the fucking drugs?"
"For that to happen, you have to stop the weed first."
"I've survived bricks of coke mixed with shit you probably don't know about and you want to take the only thing that's keeping me sane? Fan-fucking-tastic!" he fumed, but you didn't flinch. Not a bit.
"Look, my goal is keeping you safe and making you sane because you definitely are not. Not right now. And since I took you out, you'll follow my process, so stop whining."
He chuckled softly with a bitter grimace on his lips as he shook his head softly. "No, that's not gonna happen."
"I don't care if you agree with that, it's settled," you continued, a triumphant smile plastered on your face.
It was true, you didn't give a single shit. He had to be clean and quit any type of drugs to start the medication but most importantly, to use his blood. Eventually. You were more than aware that he wouldn't die easily, that was proved. And it was just a matter of time to get him to your lab to take samples of his blood and run the necessary research on them while you and your team still continued the studies with the Anti-V prototype. You were only hoping that day would arrive soon enough. Two months sober, that was all you needed from him. And the best part? Soldier Boy didn't have to really know the whole details.
Ben, on the other hand, clenched his jaw so tight and closed his eyes for a moment after hearing your statement. You really were a fucking bitch, letting him fall into the abyss of misery and torture that was his own wrecked mind. He considered your intentions internally, once again for the millionth time. You showed up there all dressed up, playing a rich doctor when in reality you were just a fucking slutty brat, just to tell him he had to stop his usual pot, which you also brought happily when he asked you to. And now, you were taking away the only thing that stopped him from ripping your head off. What a great move.
"That's not smart," he insisted.
"Why not? I have you under my own terms."
Ben tilted his head, studying you carefully. "You can't stop me, doll. None of you can. I'm only here because I find it suitable instead of storming out and catching unnecessary attention."
Ben saw you swallow down, he immediately knew it was because you were angry, not scared. You never really seemed scared of him. And you tried to restrain yourself from slapping him right away. "Are you blackmailing me again, Soldier Boy?"
"Is just a warning," he said, nonchalantly. "Wouldn't want to harm such a pretty thing like you, now wouldn't we."
"Oh well, just a reminder I can also turn on the damn gas if needed," you snapped. The arrogant smirk on his lips fell off and it was your turn to smile back. "We all have hidden cards, right?"
Such an arrogant bitch, he thought.
"So, what's your plan?" you switched the subject to avoid going further into what was troubling him.
"What do you mean?"
"Homelander. You want him dead, don't you? You must be getting ready to fight again..."
His body seemed tense once you pushed him to talk, looking away from you to calm a bit. "Isn't that what all of you want?"
"Any sane person would love that, trust me."
Soldier Boy narrowed his eyes. "Well, I can do it. If I wasn't here... You've seen what he's capable of. Jesus, I've seen it," he bitterly chuckled. "And the kid? He's a fucking menace."
"You've been watching the news, I take that—"
"The fuck I do! Wasn't gonna wait for you to keep me up to date of what the fuck is going on!" Ben shouted, his loud voice roaring in your ears despite the distance.
"I don't want you to stress out more than you do," you said, vacillating. "A lot of things take time, such as you adapting to the twenty-first century."
"I'd love to know when that'll happen," Ben insisted. "Or else, I might just break out."
With a tentative smile, you started to write down the report. "I'm so glad you're talking more during our sessions."
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You barely said goodbye to Soldier Boy once you finished your daily session. Your head was aching as you walked down the aisle, barely leaving the empty wing of the building behind. Certainly he was hard to handle and was behaving defensively. Before you left he began asking, or better said, bossing you to get him whatever the kid Hughie told him he needed to learn how to use. Shit like the internet and GPS, he said. You told him he was not ready for it yet.
But you'd give him a golden star for trying and insisting so badly, even if he was against eighty percent of your methods. He was up to something, there was no question for that. He was a soldier, more or less like his given supe name. People like him always had a plan, and underneath his facade, there were more plans backed up with words of honor that you had to track sooner or later.
As you made your way to your office, greeting your lab employees and guards, a disturbing sensation grew up inside. Before crossing the doorframe you subtly looked around, focusing for some reason in the security camera, more time than you'd like to admit. You turned again to finally get inside, facing the entry of your office when hurried steps and a voice stopped you from doing so.
Once again you turned on your heels to see your assistant, tablet in hand. Those had to be the results.
"Hey," you began. "You have everything?"
Bianca nodded with a straight face and handed you the tablet. You noticed her tight grip and her somehow trembling fingers when you took the device from her hands. You eyed her a little, she remained with her hands intertwined in front of her, her attention seemed lost. With caution, you continued to check the file.
"Is the patient alright?" you asked, reading the profile of the supe who had the not so good luck of being tested previously.
Solaris was his supe name. And he had the ability to manipulate light and matter with his mind. He had taken part in the program for a month now and this was his first test. As always, each supe you had into the program was low-profile. You were thankful of your team keeping these supes under their gaze to offer them some sort of solution, even after all the deaths you tracked from time to time when a test of the Anti-V was run. More than a solution for them, it was a partial contribution to find it.
You quickly scanned the updated file that Bianca completed for you. He was doing better than projected, his powers were still gone with a forecast of probably coming back within a couple of hours. A deep breath left your lips. Now that was an improvement. It was the first time anything like that happened on any tests. The supe survived, he was weak but the powers were off for a bit. It was a small step closer to your goal. Just a little bit more maybe and it could be done, finally...
"He's resting right now," Bianca interrupted your thoughts. Your eyes were back on her face.
"This is great news, thank you. I trust he's doing okay."
She nodded. "He is."
"Great, I guess I'll see him in a couple of hours," you said about entering your office.
"Wait!" Bianca suddenly closed the little space between both of you. She breathed heavily before stuttering words out. "I, I have- I'm sorry..."
"Are you okay?" you inquired, knowing her behavior was unusual. She swallowed down, turning her gaze away, her hands shaking. Was she sick? "Bianca, what's wrong?"
You tried to reach her cheek with your hand, but she stepped back abruptly, looking at you like if you were a ghost with her eyes red and wet, and a fine layer of sweat adorning her skin.
"I'm sorry," she mumbled. "I'm so sorry," she sobbed.
You walked towards her, worried about what was going on but every step you took, she also gave it back.
"Bianca, what's happening?"
Her back bumped the wall of your office, and finally, she started to cry. "I'm sorry. You have to go, please..."
Your heart started pounding heavily on your chest. "What—"
"Go now! Please... Please don't hurt me..."
"I'm not going to hurt you, Bianca," you whispered, trying to comfort her.
But she continued crying and mumbled incoherent words with eyes shut, while hot tears streamed down her face. She choked on her sobs as she pleaded for her life. But you didn't understand why. You tried to soothe her, reaching her shoulder with your free hand.
And when you placed your palm on her, everything became red. It all happened in seconds. Ropes of warm blood covered your face in an instant. A loud gasp fell from your throat. You felt every drop mixed with brains on the skin of your face, on your neck, and sliding down the skin under your blouse. It was shocking and equally disgusting. And your eyes remained shut, not brave enough to move or see the horrid picture in front of you.
Your palm was still on her shoulder when the remains of her body fell to the ground with a thud. Your trembling hand wiped some blood from your face to open your eyes anew. The wall was painted with her, as much as you were, and it left a trail of blood from where her corpse slid to the floor. Her head long fucking gone.
Shit. Fucking shit. Was it him? It had to be him. There was no reason to doubt it. It was him. And he complied with his promise. Had Homelander been controlling Bianca? Was she the only one? No. There had to be something more. Homelander wasn't easy and he wasn't merciful with anyone. You had to stop him and get Soldier Boy out of the building. Now.
You tried to control yourself as best as you could, walking away to reach anyone, crossing a corner on the hallway, where a guard was casually passing by.
He stopped on his tracks at your sight, covered in blood and meat. "Doctor?"
"I need your help," you whispered.
He nodded quickly and you began explaining with a low, shaky voice.
"I don't know what happened, my assistant was right there with me when— Fuck!"
You walked some inches away when his head exploded, just like Bianca's did. Luckily, or not, this time was inside his helmet. All the red brains and blood were catched by it. Still, you wanted to throw up right fucking there. The remains of his body fell to the floor with a loud sound.
With a deep breath you continued your way, finding guards, lab assistants and agents. If they were alive, their heads popped into your sight. And if it was your somehow lucky moment of the day, you just found their headless corpses lying on the ground, creating a pool of blood you tried to avoid.
The only thing on your mind was taking Ben out of the building. The alarm had been turned on and the annoying sound of it was driving you crazy. Your head ached more than ever as you made your way to Soldier Boy for the second fucking time during the day.
Since there was no time to open the heavy door properly, you used a force field around the metal, moving the door until it slipped enough to let you in. You found him standing in the middle of the room. Eyes dark and alert, with fists and frame ready to fight. He wrinkled his nose once you entered the place.
"What the fuck's going on?" Ben growled, observing your blood covered face.
"We need to go, now. Take your clothes off."
He blinked, taken aback. Before he answered you continued with an explanation.
"I'll turn you invisible, but can't turn your clothes," you ordered, looking in the closet for a sports bag you knew was inside and picking a couple of shirts, pants and boxers as quickly as time allowed you to. Once finished, you turned to Ben again.
"Mind to fucking clarify?" he insisted. You sighed, closing your eyes for a moment.
"Look, I'll tell you everything once we're out," you turned one of your hands invisible for him to see.
Ben snorted with laughter. How ironic, he thought.
"No fucking way."
"Strip. We're leaving."
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memyselfandmya · 2 months
I'm a little bit behind with this one, took some time to get into the mindset but credit goes to @i-sing-i-still-sing for the concept! Without you, I'd still be struggling.
“Ben, I’m nervous,” Yasmina says, sitting down in one of the chairs and smoothing out her well-embellished wedding gown. 
“What? Nervous?” Ben places his hands on Yasmina’s shoulders, gentle but firm. “Don’t tell me you’re getting cold feet!”
Yaz turns her head away. “No, I’m not getting cold feet…I don’t know, I’m just a little nervous.”
Ben takes a deep breath to calm himself and sits himself in the chair across from her. Yaz doesn’t need him going crazy, that certainly won’t help anything. “What’s making you nervous?”
“That’s the thing, I don’t know! I mean I’m mean I’m beyond excited to get married to Sammy—it’s all I’ve ever wanted but…”
“But?” Ben presses. 
Yasmina sighs. “But this wedding is such a big thing.” Both Yasmina and Sammy’s parents had insisted that they go all out for the wedding—especially since extravagant weddings are prominent in both of their cultures—and so the two of them went along with it. “I guess it just feels like a bit of pressure.”
“Hey,” Ben said, placing a hand on her knee—or at least he thinks it’s her knee. It’s hard to tell with all that fabric.. “So what if this wedding is a ‘big thing.’ This day is for you and Sammy, all that matters is you and her. So, what are you most excited for after you get married?”
Yaz grins. “I’m excited to finally call her my wife, heh. Our honeymoon in Greece, just the two of us. And…well Sammy wants to have a baby sometime in the future.” 
Ben sits back in his seat a little bit. He can totally imagine a little Sammy or Yaz running around the place and the thought makes him happy. “And is that something you want as well?”
Yasmina plays with her fingers as if, on one of them sits her engagement ring and soon her wedding band will be added to the mix. “I mean at first I was a little hesitant, but now…I think I’m ready to start a family with her. I want to be with Sammy for the rest of my life.”
A large grin grows on Ben’s face. He claps his hands together. “Well, I think you’re ready to get married!”
There’s a knock on the door and then it opens slowly. “Hey,” comes Darius’ voice. “Everything’s ready! You guys good?”
“Yea,” Yasmina sighs with relief. “Come in!”
Darius fully enters the room and his face morphs into a smile when he sees Yaz. “Woah, you look really pretty, Yaz.”
Yasmina smiles. “Thanks, D. Think Sammy’ll agree?”
“Oh, please,” Ben scoffs. “Sammy won’t be able to take her eyes off you. She’s crazy about you, after all.”
“Sammy, you good?” Brooklynn only asks because of the fact that Sammy’s pacing around in her wedding dress, wearing a hole in the dressing room floor.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Just a little nervous, that’s all.” Sammy turns to Brooklynn and throws her hands down to the side with a pained look sprawled across her face. “Is it bad that I’m freaking out about getting married? I mean, this is supposed to be the biggest day of my life.”
“Hey, chill,” Brooklynn tells her, resting her hand on Sammy’s shoulders. “If I know Yaz, then Ben is probably having to talk her down right now, too. That’s why you guys are meant for each other.” 
“I know, I know. But what if Yaz regrets getting married, or—”
Brooklynn has to resist the urge to roll her eyes. “Sammy, that's absolutely ridiculous. The love you two have? It’s real. I’ve seen the way Yaz looks at you, do you really think believe that she’s not crazy for you?”
Sammy bites her lip. “I don’t know…I mean she already seemed hesitant about wanting kids, I just don’t want to force her into anything she doesn’t want.” She’s happy she and Yaz opted for a summer wedding, but God it feels like the heat is getting to her right now.
“If Yaz wasn’t sure about wanting to get married, she wouldn’t have beat you to proposing,” Brooklynn says folding her arms together. “The question is are you ready?”
Sammy shakes her head with a chuckle. “Wow, you just had to go there. Maybe I am going a little crazy.” She straightens. “I am ready. I really love Yaz and…when I saw her hold my nephew for the first time, I knew for sure that she’s the person I want to spend the rest of my life with.”
Brooklynn grins. “Well, it sounds to me like you’re ready for this.”
“Yea,” Sammy nods. “ I am ready for this.”
The door swings open and Kenji pops his head in. “Hey-o! Looking good, Sammy! You ready?”
Sammy puts her hands on her hips. “Yes, I am! I was a little nervous but I’m good now.”
“Alright!” Kenji says, walking in and giving Sammy a high-five. “As I like to tell my students, you ‘Kon’ do this!”
“Kenji, you’re such a goof,” Sammy laughs. “Now, let's get married!”
 The B-Team 
Brooklynn: All good on your side? Ben: You bet! Had some pre-wedding jitters but we got it covered. Brooklynn: Same here.  Brooklynn: These two are idiots if they can’t see how much they mean to each other. Ben: Ikr, now let’s get this wedding going before one of them freaks out again Brooklynn: Team Yasammy is a go!
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pinkydevil16 · 1 year
Benedict Bridgerton x reader: part 2
Part 1
Benedict stood staring at his painting, something didn't feel right, his hands itched to paint more but the figure was blurry. Not just a figure, she was blurry, a skin toned blur with her face and delicate hands. Nothing else could be painted, he felt like he was betraying her even imagining her in such a scandalous way, he'd never thought paintings were truly scandalous, art wasn't scandalous. But this, the way her hands held the dress barely against her body, her eyes staring back at him as he mixed the blue and added it to the fabric concealing her. He hadn't seen her hair in such a state, natural and untamed, just like be saw her. Throwing the paint brush to the side he dug his palms into his eyes and groaned, the images flooding his mind making his skin ablaze.
"I should not be this attached." Benedict mumbled to himself, tossing his head back as he moved away from the painting, sighing to himself as he did.
"Ben? Ben are you in there?" Panicking Benedict threw a blanket over the painting, looking around the room to make sure his others were covered. Anthony opened the door, raising an eyebrow at his brother's state, blue paint coating his eyebrows as he glared at Anthony.
"The L/n's will be here soon and if you plan to woo Y/n i suggest you clean yourself up. And take care of that." Anthony chuckled as he pointed down, Benedict giving him a confused looked before looking down, eyes widening as he threw a rag at his brother cursing.
"Shit, i'll be down soon." Anthony laughed as he closed the door leaving his brother with red cheeks and shame practically seeping from his pores. Benedict slapped his face as he took a deep breathe, looking back at the painting in shame and shaking his head as he rushed to wash and relieve himself. 
Y/n played with her gloves as her Mama spoke to Violet Bridgerton. She could feel the scrutinising gaze of Anthony and Eloise although she assumed the latter was more a questioning scrutiny compared to the judgemental gaze the eldest Bridgerton was giving her. Turning her head she caught his gaze, raising an eyebrow as he stared confidently back before looking away with his hands behind his back. The appearance of a perfect gentleman, but she could read him, could see the way his jaw tensed as she challenged him. It wasn't nearly as fun as when she challenged Benedict, the fun and playfulness of the challenge was no longer there instead she was questioning him.
"Please sit, i'm sure Benedict will be down soon he us just so passionate about his art he sometimes forgets the time." Y/n's Mama let out a small chuckle along with a comment Y/n didn't pay attention to as she looked around. A small cup in her hand as she thanked the maid, her fingers tapping against the porcelain as she smoothed down her dress, a simple dark blue dress her Mama had chosen. 
"Do you agree Y/n?" Snapping her head up Y/n tried to keep back the confused look as Violet and her Mama watched her, waiting for an answer. Her throat dry as she tried to remember what they said but nothing came to her mind.
"I apologise for being late i lost track of time painting." Y/n's eyes were wide as she looked at Benedict, a silent thank you along with pleading eyes, a subtle smirk on his face as he looked at her taking a seat in a chair across.
"It is no worry Mr Bridgerton, may i ask what you were painting?" Y/n spoke softly, her eyes shifting from him to her cup as she took a sip, the two Mama's now chatting away as they hushed their tone to speak about their children. Benedict swallowed as he felt his neck grow hot, the shirt he wore suddenly tight and suffocating as he looked her over, the dark blue beautiful against her skin and a colour he had dabbled with in paintings. 
"Just a few pieces of fruit Miss L/n, i just get lost in the details." Y/n looked him up and down, the small paint stains on his fingers with blues and skin tones making her eyebrow twitch as she wanted to question him further. In truth she wished to see some of his art, she was told time and again of his passion yet had never been privy to it.
"Well i would love to see your work sometime, i am a fan of art and your passion must be well founded." Her voice teased slightly but he knew she was genuine, a compliment that added to the heat under his collar, he was a mess and every comment she made was a temptation. He'd heard the men talk about the temptation of women, mostly of how they wanted to corrupt the innocent women of the ton but he had never thought of it. He would find a low cut dress to be desirable, the women he drew at parties and the way they would pull his collar to entice him, all deliberate, never had he been so entrapped by an innocent action such as how Y/n ran her hands along the chair. How the dark blue contrasted against her skin and pulled his eyes down, her hair down but meticulously pinned to frame her face, he wanted to be closer and see if her eyes had a mixture of colours instead of the singular one he painted. He felt addicted, taking in every detail down to the small embroidery on her dress, the length of her nails and what tone of blush coated her cheeks. He could sketch her from memory, wanted to sketch her now so she could see how he saw her but he didn't trust himself to be a gentleman the way she deserved. 
"Won't you show her Benedict?" His thoughts were broken, his eyes glazed as he realised there were many eyes on him, including Y/n's pointed ones, he had been caught again. This time by too many that he was now glowing red as she hid a small smile, Eloise holding back a comment from where she sat across the room reading.
"Of course, i will show Y/n." Benedict responded quickly, Violet's eyes lighting up as he agreed, standing quickly as she called for a maid.
"How delightful, we shall stay and finish our cake." Y/n stood as Benedict gulped, the situation hitting him as Y/n and the maid followed behind, someone to ensure they were supervised but able to sink into the walls. Benedict could feel the sweat as he loosened his collar, opening his art room door as he looked at all the covered canvases, praying she would be content to look at his other pieces and not question.
"Wow." Y/n's voice was gentle as she looked around, Benedict watching her as her hand ran along the wood, paint stains covering where he'd spent hours pouring over canvases. 
"Some aren't able to be seen yet, i don't like to show unfinished work." Y/n nodded, her voice stuck in her throat as she approached a finished piece, a sunset with lilies growing in a meadow, her fingers reaching out to touch it before she pulled them back. 
"It won't break if you touch it." Benedict echoed her own words making a small smile grow on her face as she turned to face him, his eyes staring into her as she searched his face.
"You are very talented Benedict, this is...stunning." Benedict was glad she turned away, the comment making him transfer his hands in front of his hips, his eyes now transfixed on how her dress sat against her body. Watching as she raised her hand to graze along his paint lines, unable to see her face as she touched each flower, each handstroke as though she could feel him painting it. 
"Thank you, but i'm only an amateur, perhaps one day i will deserve such praise." Y/n didn't speak for a moment as she moved away, her back to Benedict as she ran her hand along the covered canvas without a thought. 
"You deserve such praise for this work, i cannot imagine the beauty you're hiding behind this cloth but i will respect your talent. Although i would love to see it once you've finished if you'll let me." Y/n turned her head as she spoke, Benedict was transfixed as she walked around staring at any piece she could although he could see the curiosity in her eyes. He wanted to show her but he knew it would be scandalous, would make her run from the house and he would never see her again. Instead he handed her a small piece of parchment paper, her fingers brushing against his as she gave him a smirk, opening it to gaze at the painting of them dancing.
"I made this the first night we met." Y/n licked her lips and ran her finger over the paper before placing it down and playing with the side of the wooden table.
"That's lovely Benedict, but it's not being friends." Y/n was nervous as she spoke, she had been clear she wished for friendship with the second son, and she thought he wanted it too but this was intimate. 
"I...i meant nothing by the art, i was inspired and didn't think." Benedict could feel the distance grow, her body language cutting him off as she tapped her nails against the wood and stared down at the paper, his anxiety sky rocketing as she picked it up.
"It is wonderful. Thank you, you captured it beautifully." Y/n looked up at Benedict as she spoke, his stomach tightening as he held his breathe, not letting out the air in his lungs until she gave him a smile. His lips cracking into a matching one as she handed him the paper, his hands almost grasping hers as she let go, the faint heat from her skin prickling against his cold one. 
"Mr Bridgerton, Miss L/n, a lunch has been prepared in the garden." Y/n nodded as she side stepped Benedict, his heart beating as her arm grazed his, passing him slowly as he spun and walked to catch up. Extending his arm to her, feeling her fingers wrap around his bicep as she sent him a grin, the pair following the maid as she guided them to the lunch. 
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viivzn · 2 months
Hola, I'm back for more food. Can I request a poly sbg (again.) with a fem reader who is like Wonyoung from Ive (and she's an undercover singer and they all find out because they searched up her group name because they heard people *cough cough *Barron* talking about her (yummy)
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CLANDESTINE | sbg gang X wonyoung!reader | m. list
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tw. none/barron the stank 🤮🤮
a/n. ew barron mentioned smh!! 🙀 also i know i did this very late but uh here u go 🐢🐢,, i think it'll be a oneshot mixed w some drabbles too cuz!!
a/n#2. also new style?! 🗣️ enjoy btw!!
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Being a conspiratorial idol is a struggle ━━━ for the most part of studying at a school where some ruckus or tumult occuring most of the time, a majority of times, you'd have to wear a mask when you're not that congenial nor cozy in public, although as luck would have it, you're glad none of your friends at least knew your whole idol type of experience neither your existence as an artist. thence, you're pretty much at ease hanging around them, so you wouldn't really wear your mask on.
Until a fucking guy named “Barron” whom supposedly the school's trouble maker and a mass shitty manipulator ━━━ was talking about your whole secret identity with his friends or other schoolfellows in the corridors, they were crowding the confined hallway until you came making everyone proceed to you, presumably asking for an autograph, picture, etc. though everyone eventually stopped when a schoolmaster came in your way. you expected your group of friends to be here early than you yet your expectations failed to avail. at least for you.
The following day came, you were slightly overwhelmed or easily agitated, all owing to the fact yesterday and mostly Barron. and there he was again, talking about you for the fact that he still continued till now, and shit you were literally about to throw hands for that guy until Taylor suprised you from behind, and it added MORE problems to your mind, one, your circle of friends might hear what that boy is talking about, two, they might hate you for hiding it from them, three, they'll leave you forever leaving no friends which is pretty much a skill issue, four you'll become depressed over a simple problem which is huge to you.
Nonetheless, by good fortune, class had already started as your schoolmates passed by to their classrooms along with Barron to say the least.
"anyone else find [name] acting completely different till yesterday?" taylor questioned the group with a hint of concern in her voice. "yeah, she seems... dull. from my point of view to say the least of it." taylor's other twin responded with a compact shrug, earning a glance from others. "maybe some problems at home?" logan muttered, placing his palm under his jaw, "nah, her fam is fine." the blonde spoke confidently, leaning back on his seat, "how are you so sure? i mean, you're not that close to her either—", "asked their parents, they're all in good terms lol"
"you can't just question her parents without her knowledge—", "already did" the boy grinned insolently while he scrolled through his rectangular device, receiving a dagger from tyler as he looked back at the group.
"i did hear something about her from Barron," Ashlyn pressed a few buttons from her device before revealing a group of people, "plus there's this one girl who exactly looks like her", "or maybe [name]'s face card is too powerful?—" , "nope, this exactly looks like [name]. you can't change my mind" Tyler debated, looking fixedly at Ashlyn's phone.
"she looks nice" ben wrote on a pad of paper, receiving a small nod from others. "but why would she hide it from us though?" the deep brown haired girl was baffled, her face scrunched up. "maybe because she doesn't have confidence in us? i don't know" the copper hair coloured girl breathed heavily to show disappointment. "okay, let's just pretend we don't know any information we just acknowledge because—" taylor explained until she was cut by a notification from the gc, along with the other people from her group. nevertheless, there revealed a picture of [name] in her artist or idol form, in addition of aiden's message; "this u? loll".
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likes, reblogs, and comments are always appreciated!!!! <33
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bigassheart · 2 months
Let's talk TUA Season 4. (and obviously, spoilers ahead)
I actually didn't hate the season as much as other fans. Yeah, it definitely could have been better, but it also had a lot of very enjoyable parts to it. Maybe I would feel differently if I had watched all 4 seasons closer together. The length of time the show was spread out over did make me feel slightly less invested in the characters, so I think I wasn't as upset as others by the not so happy ending. All-in-all, I didn't think the season was bad. It was just incredibly mediocre, which is admittedly disappointing for a show that started as strongly as TUA did.
So let's talk about it.
I'm going to start with the good.
I liked that we dove into the mystery of Ben's death in the final season. That was the inciting incident that broke most of the family apart in the beginning (save for five, who was of course already gone) and I like that we circled back around to it in the end.
The baby shark bit killed me every time they used it. Peak Umbrella Academy. Just solid.
I liked the opening premise for the season being that everyone was trying to adapt to a normal life and doing so very poorly.
Reggie's wife being the one behind the destruction of the new universe was a good twist. The fact that she was doing it as atonement for their actions on their home world felt earned and I like that Reggie actually accepted not just her death, but his own in the end.
Now, let's move onto the stuff that was kind of a mixed bag. These are things that actually could have been really good, but I don't think the execution was there.
The expanded powers was something I liked in theory, but I think the way they handled it was a bit confusing. This is one of the places I think the show would have benefited from a full 10 episode season. The new powers come in and they just... aren't explained at all. And you can kind of piece it together on your own that this is because of either consuming more of the marigold or getting their powers back in a different way, but the characters don't really react to this in any way other than initial confusion, followed by very quickly just understanding how to use their new powers. That story needed more time to cook.
In every season, Klaus goes off on his own for a little side-story, and it's one of my favorite parts of every season. BUT, the reason those stories work is because we get good character growth for Klaus and because he gets some information that helps further the plot. This side-story added nothing to the plot, which was really noticeable in such a short season. They did give him a little character growth, but it felt kind of shallow and forced. I think bringing Dave back in this moment (especially after Klaus got his dog tags back in this universe), learning a new power, or talking to god again, or even just being kidnapped by someone more relevant to the plot, would have justified this story and made it so much better than what we got.
I actually don't hate the idea of killing off all the main characters at the end of the story. I also think the noble sacrifice plot works really well for these characters and for this universe. What I didn't like was the universe re-set to before they existed. It just left me wondering what the point of the show was. We've been following around this family and by the end of the show, they don't exist and they never existed and no one knows about them. The point of their story was for the story not to exist. It's just unsatisfying. Even if they were the threat to the universe (which actually is consistent with every moment of the show since season 1) and destined to destroy the universe every single time they tried to save it, and even if they had to die or remove themselves from the universe in some other way, I think you can accomplish that in ways other than making them never exist that actually feel more meaningful.
And for the bad...
Elephant in the room - Five and Lila. The romance was just completely unnecessary. Added nothing to the plot. Didn't feel believable for those characters. Was not fun to watch because we spent the whole episode thinking about how shitty it was to do that to Diego. And also just couldn't get over the ick factor of seeing someone in their mid-30's kissing an 18 year old. It just felt like drama that was added for the sake of drama, but was never fully resolved and didn't need to be there in order to have Five and Lila's subway adventure be an impactful mini-plot. There were so many other interesting things they could have explored in that side-adventure, and instead they went with the most cliche plot devise possible and it was just not good.
I don't think they ever figured out what to do with Luther after season 2. He just became this silly guy who's always around, but doesn't seem to have much of a purpose. Occasionally they find ways to make him feel a little like season 1 Luther again, but I feel like his character growth just completely stopped 2 seasons ago, and it's a real shame. Don't get me wrong. I didn't love season 1 Luther, but it felt like there was at least a reason for him to be there. Luther got lost a bit in season 3, but I feel like they really could have brought back his purpose and his drive in the final season if they had given him just a little bit more attention.
As I mentioned earlier, I love the idea of the final season revolving around Ben's death. That being said, Jennifer just didn't work for me. I didn't understand why Ben specifically was drawn to Jennifer. It seems like any of the kids could have been drawn to her, but it was just Ben and no one else. Unless I completely missed it, there is absolutely no explanation for this. What's worse is that they could have actually fixed my mixed bag complaint #3 by fixing this issue. If the multiple timelines were created because of Ben's initial contact with Jennifer when they were kids, it explains why it's now just Ben who's drawn to her. It also explains why Sparrow Ben, who has never met Jennifer, is having visions of her and why he can't seem to stay away. (but also, why doesn't he recognize her when he was having these visions and drawing her constantly last season?) This also allows us to have an end point for the season re-set that leaves the family intact and allows them to succeed in their goal of saving the family. What if they did their re-set and everyone except Five is affected because of his wibbly-wobbly-timey-wimey stuff, but now the season ends with him showing up and bringing the grown family back together to explain this wild timeline none of them now remember. I know that's still not an ending that would make everybody happy, but it would at least feel more meaningful than the one we got.
So those are my season 4 thoughts. I was so happy we were getting a final season and I really wished we could have ended it on a better note, but I'll still be happy for what we did get from Umbrella Academy - Some memorable characters, a family that loved each other despite all the chaos, a lot of laughs, a lot of great action, and excellent music.
It's been fun experiencing all of this with the fandom and I'm excited to see all the inevitable fanfics, trying to give season 4 a better go of it.
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lottieurl · 1 year
mixed feelings! some thoughts under the cut
i'd personally be okay with this death if not for the fact that the white men are all fcking immortal??? like it's getting laughable? travis is canon dead and so is javi now but ben somehow made it out alive of a season where he did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING INTERESTING and just added a whole ass new man with his brain. he better get murdered in the first ep of s3. jeff obviously SAVED! no jail no death for fcking jeff. walter also fucking alive and my biggest dread for s3 is that misty will continue to be. kinda meh in adulthood because he KEEPS BEING THERE. can't believe we had a whole character for no reason paralleling crystal and crystal died but the way she died was actually PARALLELED WITH NAT DYING. why the fuck does walter even EXIST then. get this man off my fcking screen. shitty creep cop also managed to live like literally only kevyn died of the men which is! a choice!
other complaints are just. REALLY? no jackie ghost in the FINALE??? makes me worried they're getting rid of jackie hauntings which is a downright awful choice. hopefully they don't but at this point i'll be shocked
they rly gave us a mistynat little win in the teen timeline just to . do this. huh. right after.
van is fascinating to me right now i am So curious where they're gonna take her in s3 and also? did anyone else think she seemed to think her cancer is gone because of nat's death? we'll see
ben totally did burn down that cabin right? my guy some of those girls are unkillable. they're totally killing him and going to live in the cave
love how the cabin burning paralleled them getting out of the plane. with van as last even and everything
lottie :(((((((((((
that scene with teen nat telling ben 'i'm worse' was SO LIKE ADULT NAT holy fuck that's gonna hurt bad in s3
btw travis biting into a raw heart of his brother was fucking insane. very good
btw so many fucking scenes with just men i am so serious showtime i will break all of those men's legs IN REAL LIFE so that they cannot film those for s3
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lovesongbracket · 2 years
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Reminder: Vote based on the song, not the artist or specific recording! The tracks referenced are the original artist, aside from a few rare cases where a cover is the most widely known.
Lyrics, videos, info, and notable covers under the cut. (Spotify playlist available in pinned post)
I Will Follow You into the Dark
Written By: Benjamin Gibbard
Artist: Death Cab for Cutie
Released: 2006
Even on a concept album whose main theme is death, “I’ll Follow You Into The Dark” is a standout moving song about the transcendental power of love, even when that boundary is death. This song was recorded unexpectedly while the band was having technical difficulties in studio. Chris Walla, Death Cab for Cutie’s lead guitarist and producer, said the following. “We were going to track the vocal for another song and there was something screwy happening with the headphone mix. We were having problems, so I said, “Ben, this is gonna be a few minutes. Take a break.” Ben’s version of taking a break while we addressed the headphone problem was to pick up this Stella guitar that he loves and start playing this song we were planning on recording sometime later during the sessions. He was still coming through the vocal mic as he was playing this, and it was sounding really cool to me, so I went up and said, “Let’s track this real quick,” and we did and that’s what’s on the record. It was a mono recording with no effects. Nothing. I added a little compression and de-essed it a bit. It’s really weird. It’s totally there and it’s happening.”
[Verse 1] Love of mine, someday you will die But I'll be close behind, I'll follow you into the dark No blinding light or tunnels to gates of white Just our hands clasped so tight, waiting for the hint of a spark [Chorus] If Heaven and Hell decide that they both are satisfied Illuminate the "no"s on their vacancy signs If there's no one beside you when your soul embarks Then I'll follow you into the dark [Verse 2] In Catholic school, as vicious as Roman rule I got my knuckles bruised by a lady in black And I held my tongue as she told me, "Son Fear is the heart of love," so I never went back [Chorus] If Heaven and Hell decide that they both are satisfied Illuminate the "no"s on their vacancy signs If there's no one beside you when your soul embarks Then I'll follow you into the dark [Verse 3] You and me have seen everything to see From Bangkok to Calgary and the soles of your shoes Are all worn down, the time for sleep is now But it's nothing to cry about 'cause we'll hold each other soon In the blackest of rooms [Chorus] And if Heaven and Hell decide that they both are satisfied And illuminate the "no"s on their vacancy signs If there's no one beside you when your soul embarks Then I'll follow you into the dark [Outro] Then I'll follow you into the dark
I Say a Little Prayer
Written By: Hal David & Burt Bacharach
Artist: Aretha Franklin
Released: 1968
Originally recorded by: Dionne Warwick, 1967
Cover included: Dianna Agron for Glee, 2009
Originally written for Dionne Warwick by Burt Bacharach and Hal David in 1966, Aretha and her ‘Sweet Inspirations’ were fooling around before a show and warming up by singing “Say A Little Prayer” when it became obvious that they should make their own version. A second chance for Bacharach who wasn’t happy with his original version and told the L.A Times: “I thought I blew it. The tempo seemed too fast. I never wanted the record to come out. So what happens? They put out the record and it was a huge hit. I was wrong.” Although Aretha’s never quite reached the fame of Warwick’s version, it did reach 10 on the Hot 100 chart and 3 on the R&B chart. Even Bacharach finds Aretha’s version more pleasing: “Aretha just made a far better record.”
[Intro] (I say a little prayer for you) [Verse 1] The moment I wake up Before I put on my makeup (Makeup) I say a little (Prayer for you) And while I'm combing my hair now And wondering what dress to wear now (Wear now) I say a little (Prayer for you) [Chorus] Forever (Forever), and ever (Yeah) You'll stay in my heart and I will love you Forever (Forever), and ever (Ever) We never will part, oh, how I love you Together (Together), together (Together) That's how it must be to live without you Would only mean heartbreak for me (Ooh-hoo) [Verse 2] I run for the bus, dear But while riding I think of us, dear (Us, dear) I say a little (Prayer for you) And at work I just take time And all through my coffee break time (Break time) I say a little (Prayer for you) [Chorus] Forever (Forever), and ever (Ever) You'll stay in my heart and I will love you Forever (Forever), and ever (Ever) We never will part, oh, how I love you Together (Together), together (Together) That's how it must be to live without you Would only mean heartbreak for me (Nobody but me) Forever (Ever), and ever (Ever) You'll stay in my heart and I will love you Forever (Forever), and ever (Ever) We never will part, oh, how I love you Together (Together), together (Together) That's how it must be to live without you Would only mean heartbreak for me (Ooh, ooh-hoo) [Bridge] My darling, believe me (Believe me) For me, there is no one but you Please love me true I'm in love with you (Answer my prayer) Answer my prayer, baby (Answer my prayer) Say you'll love me true (Answer my prayer) Answer my prayer, baby (Answer my prayer) [Chorus] (Ey) Forever (Forever), and ever (Ever, ever) You'll stay in my heart and I will love you Forever (Forever), and ever (Ever) We never will part, oh, how I love you Together (Together), together (Together) That's how it must be to live without you Would only mean heartbreak for me (Oh, nobody but me) [Bridge] My darling, believe me (Believe me) For me, there is no one but you Please love me true [Outro] This is my prayer (Answer my prayer, baby) Answer my prayer now, baby (Answer my prayer, baby) This is my prayer (Answer my prayer, baby) Answer it right now, baby (Answer my prayer, baby) Say you'll love me true (Answer my prayer, baby) This is my prayer, baby (Answer my prayer, baby) I'm in love with you (Answer my prayer)
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nonsenseandstuff · 1 month
I watched season 4 of Umbrella Academy. And I have thoughts. This post is mainly for my own processing of thoughts and feelings.
I know a lot of people were disappointed with this season. I get that, it certainly had it's issues. But, on the whole, I still enjoyed it, and I have mixed feelings about some of the comments I've seen. So, I'm going to break down the comments I've seen and address them, mainly to get these thoughts out of my head, your mileage may vary, and give my opinions on the season as a whole.
Spoilers ahead!
First, personally my main issue with season 4 was the shorter season led to issues with character arcs and development.
Claire for example has no real personality. She has been Alison's driving motivation for the past 3 seasons but we meet her and she is... nice? That's pretty much all I can say about her. The same for Gracie and the twins. They weren't given any development or depth.
The shorter season, along with the time skip, made many of the characters developments feel reversed and their arcs felt flat at times. We don't see Luthor looking for Sloan, we don't see why Ray isn't with Alison, or Sparrow Ben integrating to the umbrella guys, or Klaus's struggles with sobriety etc, etc. Lila felt very stripped back as well.
Jennifer absolutely wasn't given time or development that she really needed.
I thought the overall plot was pretty good, and it kept the same tone and vibes that previous series had. It was fun!
Now, the comments I've seen:
The main thing I've seen people have issues with is Five having a relationship with Lila during their 7 years on the subway. 'He spent 45 years alone in the apocalypse, he wouldn't cheat with his brother's wife!' For me, this is split into 2 parts. First, that Five spent 45 years alone, he can cope with 7 years. Five imprinted on a mannequin and spent 40 years in a loving relationship with her because our boy doesn't do well alone. He loves hard and he depends on people. He does not do well on his own. He cares deeply for his family. It makes sense for his character to fall for Lila when she was the only one there. Secondly, it was his brother's wife. They thought they were stuck, that they wouldn't see Diego again. Having said that, I think it was a shitty decision from a writing Doylist perspective. I don't have a problem with age gaps in fiction, but I get why people are not comfortable with Five-who has literally been in a school uniform for the rest of the series- be with a woman quite a bit older than him. Or vice versa as Five is a lot older in lived experience. Five also seemed quick to give up this season and not as comitted to his family as he had been in the past, which this added to. He didn't seem like himself.
'There are plot holes'. The main so called plot hole that I've seen get discussed is why didn't they need the other 43 powered/marigold effected people to join them to save the world? Those people don't exist in this reset universe. Reginald didn't release the marigold because his wife wasn't dead and he didn't need to save her.
Where is Sloan? - Alison was the one who controlled the reset. Alison, who is manipulative and jealous of Luther having a life outside her (shown more in the comics). She chose not to bring Sloan over.
Why did Luther get his Monkey body back? This is an actual plot hole. The ape body was the result of surgery performed by Reginald on Luther. The marigold didn't cause it.
Where is Ray? Again actual plot hole. I'm guessing this was the actor not being able/willing to come back or a result of the shorter season.
Why was Jennifer in the squid, how did she know the cleanse was happening? Which reality did that happen in? The reset world or the original? It seemed to me that it was in the original, but it is a bit confusing. I think that maybe Ben and Jennifer were conencted interdimensionally, with Ben's ability to summon monsters from another dimension via the portal on his abdomen. Sparrow Ben had been drawing adult Jennifer which could show this sort of connection.
Why did the umbrella academy have to die/turn into flowers? Shouldn't they have still existed just without their abilities? No, they only existed because of the marigold. Their mothers were impregnated by the marigold and the pregnancies last a matter of minutes. They wouldn't have been impregnated without it, and even if their mothers had children, they wouldn't have been the umbrella kids.
No Dance Routine. Yeah, I missed the umbrella siblings having their dance number. But we got Jean and Gene dancing at least.
Wouldn't Umbrella Ben have told Klaus how he died? I don't think Ben knows. He was shot in the back of the head, and we don't see spirit Ben manifest immediately. I think most likely that Ben was summoned back by Klaus, and at that point none of them remembered how Ben died and Ben didn't know. He knew he and Jennifer both died but not how.
Why was Ben on the subway and why wasn't this referred back to? No clue. I'm guessing this was cut due to the shorter season
So yeah, overall, I would say that there were definitely issues. But it's still a fun show, and most of the issues were down to the shorter series and not really having time to explore the characters or plots as deeply as in previous seasons.
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sizebrained · 2 months
Hazel's Second Night with Ben, Part 4
Hazel and Ben do a Ratatouille bit.
CW: Adult themes, mentions of panic attacks, fluff.
*** About an hour later Ben was looking at all of this new stuff on his countertops. He had spent hundreds of dollars and now his countertop was overflowing. It was like Hazel wanted to fill all of his cabinets. "Are you comfortable?" Hazel asked up at him. Ben just nodded. He was sitting on a stool watching Hazel walk around, surveying things like the stuff in her pack. She had him put a large mixing bowl front and center. "First, please bring out three eggs from the carton. One at a time. Hold each one in place for me while I open them, then pour the egg into the bowl. Understood?" Hazel asked having pushed up her sleeves. "Yea." Ben replied picking up a first egg and held it upright for her. Hazel took a small tool and punctured it, then walked around keeping the tool inside. She looked like she was sawing through the shell. Then she suddenly pushed the top off and looked at him. "Into the bowl, please." She said. They did the same with two more eggs. "Now, please add One And A Half cups of flour...from that bag...into that measuring cup...and pour it into that bowl." Hazel said pointing at each one as she spoke.
Ben thought she looked like she was directing airplane traffic at an airport while he did what she said. "Now do the same with this milk, please." Hazel added and Ben followed. Hazel found then hefted an empty half teaspoon up and over her head. She held it there for Ben to grab, and he took it from her watching her body release from the exertion. "Fill this with salt and add it to the bowl, please." "You don't have to be so polite with me you know? You've said please more than I have in 10 minutes than I a week." Ben smiled as he worked. "It's just that it makes me feel like you're talking to me like I'm a stranger but..we're...friends...right?" Ben looked at her with the side look. "It is called manners, dear boy. It is a hard habit to break, but I can try if it makes you uncomfortable...Ben..." Hazel offered.
She noticed how it felt to say his name and immediately felt some walls threatening to come down inside her. "And was that a question or an observation? About us being friends." Hazel crossed her arms trying to keep the walls from falling further. "Uh...both I guess...you've really. Well...it's just that you know..." he didn't know how to really express what he was thinking and felt himself falter. Hazel noticed and spared him, but couldn't let a good opportunity to tease him go. He was too cute when he was safely flustered.
"I would certainly hope we are friends. I am not in the habit of showing my naked body to strangers. If I can help it. And you are awful handsy for an acquaintance." She said watching him closely. "Oh! I didn't! Sorry it's!" Ben frantically sputtered out, his eyes wide in embarassment. "Ben! Stop. It is fine Ben. I was teasing..." Hazel smiled, giggling a little at his discomfort. She took a breath and suddenly got serious her thoughts taking up her focus again like her memories often did. "But if you must know..." she said softer before she walked away.
She had found a tablespoon and was dragging it across the countertop. It took a lot of effort, it was heavier than the half teaspoon. She could have sat in the bowl attached to the handle of it. Suddenly, she felt it lift up weighing nothing and let go of her grip. It rose far above her head into the air. Ben had seen her struggling and simply picked it up. He held it in the air assuming they needed it for something. "If I must know what?" Ben asked in a soft tone. He brought his face down slowly to get a better look at hers.
He was close again but he had spoken soft enough his voice didn't shake her. He knew what he was doing and didn't know what he was doing at the same time. She was flustered this time, his presence overtaking everything in her view. When he was this close she could just feel him there was so much of him.
He looked at her with a different expression than a moment ago. Hopeful. Like whatever she might say next could ruin him. "If you must know..." Hazel started. His green eyes were enormous like she was standing on a hill at her childhood home. Her heart was beating just noticeably faster.
She thought of how Ben lifted the spoon with just two fingers just before. It was like it was nothing and it made her feel their size difference deep in her chest. "I rather...like your hands. They are...surprisingly soft and you are...gentle. The trap, at the pool, and just now in the cabinet. I stayed asleep the whole time even though...because you and your hands are so...gentle and soft." She turned her head away while she spoke as if she was looking for something on the countertop. "It is a nice thing to feel again after so long," she said finally. She could feel the fear of what she might say if she had dared to look directly at his face while she spoke. Hazel could feel her cheeks blushing a bit and hoped the huge, bright green eyes didn't see. "Uh thanks...I'm trying...it's a big challenge when you're so..." Ben looked at her and then changed subjects.
"So what do I do with this?" Ben held the tablespoon upright. "Oh...Just go melt some butter in your microwave in one of these little bowls." Hazel said snapping out of it and talking while she pointed at a small glass bowl on the counter. "There are measured lines and numbers on the butter. Cut off two of those tablespoons, unwrap them them, and melt them in the bowl. 30 seconds in the microwave would be fine." Hazel said while she turned her back to him walked away from him to the bowl and slapped the side of it. "Then what am I doing with this?" Ben asked still holding the tablespoon. "Oh well...you were just proving my point...dear bo...Ben." Hazel said stopping herself and using his name again. She ignored how it felt again as she continued, "You saw me struggling with it and lifted it up for me without asking." "Even though, as I just explained with the butter, we do not need that spoon for anything. At the moment." She let herself grin. Ben looked offended in a way that he was thought she was funny rather than mean and said, "You know if you weren't so small that it would send you flying, I'd normally smack someone for doing something like that." He dropped the tablespoon down on the countertop and took care of the butter like she told him. He had to turn his back to her to use the microwave and waited for it to finish. "And no, I do not think you would ever smack me sweet, darling boy." Hazel said under her breath watching him. "That is why..." She added too quietly for him to hear. She almost added friends, but then she found herself wondering if there was more to it.
After the butter, Hazel had him add a pinch of pepper and whisk everything in the bowl together and let sit for half an hour. While they waited for that, Hazel talked Ben through greasing the brand new baking pan and had him set the oven to 425 degrees. Ben seemed pleased that he did actually have to use the tablespoon. He used it to add oil to a pan and brown the sausages, bending down to listen to her over the noise of it. When the wait for the mixing bowl ingredients to sit was over, he added the sausages to the pan in the oven and poured the mixture over. Ben was sitting on the counter opposite the oven. Hazel was standing to his side so he could see her. They were sharing an orange while they waited for it, the smell starting to fill his place. It was a new thing for Ben. Ben was on his third orange, while Hazel hadn't made her way through a single large portion of one piece. Finally, it was done and Ben laid it out on the countertop. Hazel looked pleased and excited as he stared. "So this is Toad in a Hole?" Ben asked looking at Hazel. "Yes, more work than Egg in a Hole, but you are..." she was going to add growing boy and thought better of it. "There is more protein in this with the sausage. You take the first bite and tell me what you think." Hazel said not having been able to make this with anyone in a very long time. But she remembered it. Not long after, there was only one slice left in the pan. Ben had devoured most of it shocking Hazel as he ate slices like they were popcorn kernels. Hazel had underestimated the serving sizes given Ben's hunger. Ben's door opened and his sister Sam filled the hallway outside of it. She was had a cardboard carrier balanced in one hand, with two large cups of coffee in its holders. She had a very greasy looking paper bag in the other. Cob was sitting between the much taller coffee cups on the carrier. Sam's jaw had dropped in shock. "You cooked?!" She asked her brother as she walked over to the counter. Sam slowly set the coffee, and Cob, down. Cob's tail was flicking wildly as they recognized the smell. Sam made sure to put it somewhere that left plenty of space for Hazel. She was getting better at seeing her and Cob. It was like she was playing an old spot it in the picture game all the time. "TOAD IN A HOLE?! Is there any left?!" Cob lept and ran towards the baking pan. "Well sort of? Not really...Hazel knew what to do I was just the muscle. I had to get all of this stuff delivered to even make it. It's called Toad in a Hole." Ben told his sister while they both watched Cob scurry. "Gross...there's not.." Sam started to ask before Ben shook his head. "No it's sausage...no idea why they call it that." Ben said. "Spotted Dick." Sam said suddenly. It sent both her and her brother into a giggle fit.
They did the same thing when someone brought it for a team Friendsgiving dinner a few years ago.
"You two are such children." Hazel said trying not to laugh at their laughing. Cob was face first into the side of the last slice had cooled enough that it no longer threatened to burn. They were making their way mouth first into the huge side of the breakfast.
It had been years since Hazel had access to a human kitchen to cook something like this and it was still warm. Sam and Hazel just looked at each other knowingly. This was going to work out better than either had thought. *** End Part 4
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destinyc1020 · 7 months
Whats crazy tahar rahim is actually a great actor he plays the villan in madame web ezekiel, hes really good in the 2009 film the prophet but you can tell madame web went through so many rewrites, reshoots and had problems with post production. It sounded like tahar rahim did all his dialogue in adr, I dont understand the accent he gave him b/c he speaks flawless english. Like to make tahar rahim look like bad actor is testemnet to how bad madame web was. Also everything ezekiel says sounds like he wasnt even in the same room with the other actors its incredibly jarring added with horrible lip synching and sound mixing, how sony released this film in that state is mind boggling, I mean it would still be a bad movie regardless but delaying the film would have at least given the film more time in post production to clean out some of the very fixable technical issues in the movie, and for them to make the necessary edits. This is just pathetic to release what looks like an unfinished movie. As much as the actors look uninterested and monotone throughout I cant blame them b/c sony rushed this out and the lack overall quality of the film is horrendous . I feel bad b/c people are gonna criticize the behind the scenes folks when the issue and culprit is sony for rushing this film out.
Yea girl, that's what I heard after I came from the movie. I came online immediately after and I read that SUPPOSEDLY the villain (Ezekiel) did his voice work AFTER everything had been filmed.
No wonder! I kept asking myself, "is he even talking to the people in the room?" Rofl 🤣 😂 It seriously sounded like he was just reading his lines. Like, he didn't even TRY. NOW I know why! I heard that supposedly Sony had to change the entire plot (and maybe his dialog?) when they switched from having the film linked to Tom's Peter Parker/Spider-man. You can tell it was supposed to be linked too, cuz they even have a "Ben Parker" in the film, and his sister-in-law (played by Emma Roberts in the film) is pregnant with (I'm assuming) with baby Peter. 👀
So yea girl, this film was just a crazy mess. 🤦🏾‍♀️
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heretherebedork · 2 years
I'm so distrustful of both Ben and Chopper from Never Let Me Go, but I'm also so devastated for them. Chopper's unrequited love and unsaid longing, which I suspect Ben has at least a little inkling of (I may be wrong though) because Ben seems quite intelligent to me. He is slightly manipulative too and also gaslights (for example his convo with Palm). Ben is definitely an interesting character. And then the way Chopper described Ben to Nueng, it's just all so intriguing! Chopper appears to be a really nice guy so far, I would go to say under the circumstances he seems kinda "too nice". But then sometimes, it's juxtaposed with that blank expression like when he shoots after Nueng leaves at the shooting range, giving him quite the antagonist vibe. But I don't know really if he is truly the bad guy or just the anti-hero. Although all of this is just adding to the fun, I guess! And lastly, I never thought Perth and Chimon would work, but surprisingly I am completely invested in their pairing.
Bonus, their superior acting skills clearly don't hurt the story.
I don't think Chopper is the bad guy at all, honestly. I think he's a good guy stuck in a bad situation and with a lot of bad influences around him and a lot to deal with.
Ben, I suppose I'm not totally sure about. But I think Ben is more... manipulative sunshine to cover a lot of pain rather than manipulative for the sake of manipulative. Those are different things.
I think Ben genuinely likes and loves Nueng. I think he genuinely wants to date him and his actions towards Palm are the same as Nueng's outbursts, manipulation from pain and from fear and from a need to be the first one in Nueng's heart.
I genuinely think they're both, in their hearts, good people who are caught in circumstances beyond their own control and that are breaking their own hearts in ways they can't stop.
Chopper is supporting Ben but he's tearing himself apart. Ben is trying to push Palm down because he wants that spot at Nueng's side.
I think Ben is unloved at home, rejected for who he is and pushed down by the people who should be lifting him up instead and so he clings to the idea of Nueng returning his love... only for that to be destroyed by his father (as we can see next episode).
I think they might end up in a more antagonistic role but not by their own choice but rather by the force of their fathers pushing them down and pushing them there, into a role they don't want and can't sustain.
I think Chopper now views Nueng as a love rival rather than just a cousin. It's not about being too nice, it's about realizing that the person he loves loves someone else and that he knows that someone else. It's the same way, again, that Nueng had the whole outburst with Palm flirting.
Chopper is a strange mix of Nueng and Palm, honestly, supportive outwardly but absolutely being torn apart internally by jealousy and a desperate yearning for love that he doesn't know how to express.
While Ben found the courage to confess but is now going to have that ripped away from him by his father.
There's a lot going on here and a lot of it is going to get complicated and I really wonder where they're going to go with the multiple layers of relationships.
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theburgessobserver · 6 months
Rotg-Prelude to the beggining.....
US outpost FAB220 Antarctica
It was a cold(It's always freezing down there anyway) and a blizzard was raging outside through the frozen wastes of Antarctica.The outpost sat there as if defying this harsh wasteland and showing that no matter the condition and weather, it can still be possible to live in it.
Ben, who from a young age was fascinated in the Poles and always wished to one day be at the South Pole and research it. It was so fascinating how even here at the bottom of the world there was life…and mysteries…he was always intrigued by snow and ice. It had that magic and fun to it…one that never left him.
He was playing with his paddleball while Jerry was playing on the computer,they studied together and shared some fascinations,like they played chess every now and again between each other and Ben would usually win as he used to be a champ, but Jerry was less interested in the day to day workings of the outpost and of the pole.It was lonely there…
It was quiet save for the playing music(-).Ben had just made himself a burger when suddenly…one of their machines started beeping,Ben was surprised and rushed to investigate.
Ben was in a mix of shock and surprise”Hey ,Jerry you might want to check this out ,Palomar just picked up something,and it's heading this way!”
Jerry:”How many times have I gotta tell you that we don't pick important stuff up and never will……Woah..”
Jerry was shocked this was completely different from anything he had ever seen,this was serious!And he was nervous,while checking the readings and computers. This was the big moment and he was breaking up under the pressure of it all.
“Its energy signature is massive!”Ben swiftly added.
Jerry lost it.”HOLY CHEZ-ITZ what do we? They never told us what to do ,the only reason I took the job was because I THOUGHT IT WAS EASY!!!!”
“Jerry stop it, I'm calculating its impact point…...California!Ben said in fright.”
Jerry swiftly reached for the phone”Hello Supernova?This is Red Dwarf we have one, we actually have one!Code Nimoy!I repeat
And so it begins.........(also were back in antartica....after that scene with pitch...but this happens years later and far more is at stake!)
So yes Ben the kid that was in the Burgess Observer is back!I made it because Jack winter magic just had such a good effect on him,one that he never lost and inspired him for his future.Just kind of wholesome.
What was it?NOBODY KNOWS……for now…
Other 2 parts of prolog out to day so stay on the lookout...
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