#now im just thinking dirty things about where else i want those plump lips of yours
poppy-metal · 3 years
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"The first time you hear Izuku moan your name, its with you hiding on the other side of his closet door, your hand clapped over your mouth in shock.”
A/N: im placing this before the sexual side of their relationship begins. A prelude of sorts, if you will.
Cw: voyeurism, smut, dekus secretly dirty mouth.
All things considered izuku’s room was...not as gross as you expected a staple college aged guys dorm room to be. It was cluttered but not disgusting, posters of comics and figurines and manga and some clothes strewn about, everything kind of frenzied and haphazard. It was so incredibly deku, a secret smile pulled at your lips, even though your reasons for being here were less than innocent
He’s wearing fucking pink. Because of course he is, of course izuku is humble and comfortable in his masculinity enough to pull off a bright pink t-shirt. It hugs his chest too, and you have to wonder if literally any of his clothes fit him and the tits he decided to grow in college. His image is so utterly imposing, his smile so bright, and laugh so airy, it sends butterflies flipping through your stomach at just the sight of him and that makes you want to vomit. Your lips curl in a sneer and you’re walking towards him and the group of friends he’s talking to as if on reflex. 
Stupid, lovely deku. You knock your shoulder into his as you pass, hard enough that his books clatter and fall to the floor, scattering. And then those green eyes are on you, giving you his attention and your body feels alive, your blood cells buzzing under your skin even as he frowns. The dimples on his freckled face fall as he takes you in. Yes, you think, look at me, see me, want me. 
Out loud you say. “Watch where you’re going, stupid deku” and you’re looking at him like he’s the dirt under your shoe. He’s not. He’s the center of your universe. Your world tilts around his axis. “Pink isn’t your fucking color by the way”. it is. 
Izuku huffs. He’s past the point where he used to turn as red as a tomato and duck his head whenever you stood in front of him, but he’s still deku at the end of the day. An easy target. “If looking at me bothers you so much you could just ignore me.” He crouches down to pick up his things. His words make you itch, if you could ignore him, you wouldn’t fucking be here. Its because he exists too much, that you want to push him down so much. 
You step your manicured foot onto his notebook right as he’s about to grab it. He tugs at it, you dont budge, and he looks up at you, exasperated. “Can i have my notebook, please?” 
Why is he so fucking pretty? God, you want to throw up. You dig your heel in further, covering the flutter you feel in your chest with a practiced sneer. “I like the way you say please, deku.” You lean down a little, “Say ‘your highness’ and i’ll move” 
It’s a thrill, seeing the way his jaw sets, his brow furrows, his eyes go annoyed. Sweet, sweet, friendly izuku. You’re the only one he looks at like this, like he wants to throttle you. But he won’t. You see his adams apple bob, his cheeks dust pink, even as he glares. “No” 
You pause. It’s not the first time he’s gotten snippy with you, but the conviction behind it is new. You feel something in your stomach give a jump, your blood thrumming in your ears. You jerk your foot towards you, sliding his notebook out from his hands and standing completely on top of it with both your feet now. Your sticky lips, glossy and plump, spread into a mocking grin, “No? Do i need to slam you into some lockers and take you lunch money?” You feel a thousand feet tall, towering above him still kneeling, you on the high ground, looking down at him below you, where he can’t reach you. Can’t ever see the truth. “C’mon pansy, you’re already on your knees anyway” 
But he isn’t anymore. He jerks to a stand, and now he’s taller than you, but you puff your chest out, not letting that affect you. It always affects you. Not that he knows or ever notices. Your eyes are widening when he steps forward so you’re practically nose to nose and chest to chest. “I don’t have time for you” he snaps, irritated. And then he’s stepping away as suddenly as he stepped up, the rest of his things gathered in his arms, he shakes his head at you, a tendril of that mossy mousey hair falling into his eyes. “I gotta get to class” 
And then he’s gone, brushing by you, disengaging. You stand there, your breath stuck in your chest, not moving. ‘I dont have time for you’ over and over again rings through your head like a mantra. You step off his notebook robotically and kick it across the floor. It bangs against a wall and you feel your fists clench, nail beds digging into your palms harshly. ‘I dont have time for you’ 
You turn on your heel, away from the direction of your class, fury blinding you. Anger in place of humiliation, vindication in place of being humbled. You don’t know what crawled up his ass and made him think he was above you all the sudden, but you weren’t having it, not the fuck at all. 
And that’s how you found yourself snooping through izukus dorm, with the intention of finding some kind of dirt, or something to hold over his stupid head. He didn’t have time for you? How dare he act like he was better than you, like he had things more important to do than to indulge you. You were still so mad you wanted to throw a tantrum, kick and scream and claw his eyes out. Straddle his stupid broad waist and shake him until all he saw was you, you, you. 
You really hated him. Hated that because of him you were basically a bully because any attention from him was attention you thrived and lived under. Maybe if you weren’t so prideful, so disgusted by the weakness of your own gooey emotions for him, you would have tried to be the center of his attention in a nicer way, but as it was you were in too deep. This was the sick game you played, and losing wasn’t an option. 
You hated how much that made you similar to bakugou in a way. You didn’t like that guy, and even weirdly so, you wanted to gouge his fucking eyes out for the way he treated and talked to izuku. Was it jealousy or possesivness that drove you to want to be the only one who could rile izuku? You wondered, sometimes, if bakugou felt the same way about you. 
It was the loss of control, for you. Better yet, it was the way you liked the loss of that control. You had always prided yourself on being strong willed and a perfectionist. But whenever your eyes so much as grazed izukus, all your emotions went rattling around your stomach in sick twisted ways, giving you goosebumps, making you...nervous. It was a crush that had turned into an obsession, wasn’t it? And you wanted to make izuku suffer not only for invoking those messy feelings, but for not seeming to return them as well. If he couldn’t love you or want you romantically or sexually, you’d force yourself onto his radar and into his head until thinking about anyone else was impossible. Until you squirmed under his skin as much as he squirmed under yours. 
Acting like you didnt exist was unacceptable. Obviously you’d slacked off on your taunts and actions, if he could just brush past you so easily, not taking your bait. You needed to even the playing field again, and by even you meant you needed to be towering above him again. 
Towering over him so you dont have the time to think about how much you want to be under him, your mind whispers at you as you pick through his room, trying to find anything incripting. Someone like izuku would probably have something utterly embarrassing like a diary or some weird porn magazines, shameless, helpless guy that he was. 
You huff as you open his drawer next to his bedside, nearly slamming it back shut in shock at what you see there. 
You’re not stupid. You’re a healthy, young woman with an active sexual imagination and access to the world wide web, to porn. 
Izuku has a fleshlight in his drawer. Izuku has a sexytoy. Izuku. And its green. 
Izuku has a sex toy that he probably uses. That he probably sticks his cock into and moves- 
An absurd laugh barks out of you, shocked and helpless. Because while in your head you knew izuku had to be some kind pervert, what other explanation was there for the way he blushed and darted his gaze around like a ping pong ball whenever you leaned forward and get caught a glimpse under your blouse, this is...unexpected. Imagining izuku in explicit scenarios, doing lewd things, it was something you didn’t allow your mind to wonder to often over. You didn’t like the way you got all squirmy and meek whenever you thought too long about izuku without clothes. 
You feel kind of squirmy now, hot and uncomfortable as you shift around and try to gather your wits back about you. Revenge, that’s what you’re here for. 
With a shaky exhale you turn away from his dresser, your thoughts flitting around your head like annoying gnats. What, who, does he think about when he…? What does he look like? What does his...c- You shake your head, slap your cheeks, trying to center yourself from the images floating around, flustering you and distracting you. 
You’re in the middle of lifting the covers on his bed to peek under it, see if there’s anything there, when you hear the handle on his door jiggle. You freeze, every muscle in your body locked frozen like a deer in headlights as the knob twists, and then catches. Right. You’d picked the lock with one of your hair clips and then made sure to lock it again behind you just in case something like this happened. And by the, “Ugh” on the other side of the door, yep that’s definitely izuku. You’re shoved out of your shocked state, and bolting for his closet door as you hear the jingle of his keys twist in the lock, trying your best to close the door as quietly as possible behind you, it swishing shut barely a second before the door to his dorm opens and you hear him step in. 
Class must have let out early or something, you think huffily, gently rearranging yourself into a comfortable position on a pile of his clothes as he shuffles around his room. You hear the thumb of him dropping his books, the shuffle of his feet, the clutter of him taking off his shoes and the squeak of his mattress as he plops down on it. 
You tuck your knees to your chest and roll your eyes, picking at your leggings as you wonder how long you’ll have to hide before he goes to the bathroom or something so you can leave. It’s fucking stuffy in his closet already, the air hot. Your hand touches the soft fabric beneath you, realizing you’re sitting on one of his hoodies. Its too dark to see which one it is, but you imagine it as your favorite red one. Maybe you’d steal it as compensation for him making you sit and wait in his dumb closet while he probably stared at the ceiling with no thoughts in his dumb brain.
You hear him sigh, loud and dramatic, and then a muffled scream/groan into his pillow. Your lips twitch, he’s such a fucking drama queen. 
Your little smile drops off your face when you hear the sound of his drawer opening.  
Oh god. Oh no. 
Your face feels like there are embers burning under it as you hear the unmistakable sound of clothes being shucked, a zipper and and then flop, and then….a slick wet sound and a sigh of relief. 
Your eyes feel like they are bugging out of your head. Izuku is really about to fuck his fleshlight with you hiding in his closet with him none the wiser. You feel suddenly embarrassed and hot all over, hiding your face in your knees as you hear him let out a moan. A loud one. 
You’re on fire, every part of you. You don’t think you can take this, don’t think you can sit through this and listen to this, think you should just burst out of his closet and use your bravado to somehow flip the situation and make him feel humiliated for getting off in the privacy of his own room, like he’s in the wrong even though you had violated so many boundaries for even being here right now. 
You could do it too, you know. You’re good at twisting things, at powering through the complicated mess of flustered feelings izuku makes you feel and making it his fault, making him back down and cower. You could do it...you’re uncurling your legs and pushing your hands under you in the middle of getting up to do so when- 
“Fuck. ___” Your name. You freeze, for an unholy, goldy second you think you’ve been caught, that he has acquired x-ray vision and has spotted you but no. His voice isn’t surprised or upset its...breathless, airy. He moaned it. 
The first time you hear Izuku moan your name, its with you hiding on the other side of his closet door, your hand clapped over your mouth in shock.
Heat immediately shoots between your legs, your core throbbing unbidden in reflex to the sound, helpless to stop it, to have any other reaction. Your ass plops right back down. You turn slightly towards the door, pressing your side against it, your ear smooshed against the cool wood as you listen, as if drawn under a spell. 
“You’re such…” You hear izuku pant, his voice deeper and more rough then you’ve ever heard it before. “A fucking brat” 
Wet between your legs, seeping through your panties at his words, seemingly ripped out of him. God, he sounds pissed, wrecked. He cursed. You’ve never heard izuku curse before, never, even when you’d pushed him too far. Something really was different about today. 
The slick sounds are more frequent now, steady and...and sounding like real sex you’d heard from porn before. Wet, sloppy, and slapping. Your knees knock together as you lean forward even more. There’s an invisible string pulling, tugging you forward, you want to see…
“Fucking slut” He grunts, and there’s a heavy slap, your breath catching in your fucking throat as you realize that...that must be the clap of his balls hitting the back of his fleshlight everytime he thrusts into it. “Always running your fucking mouth, looking down at me, so mean, you’re so fucking mean to me…uh..” 
The sounds of sex fill the room and you can’t take it anymore, you’re burning, burning, burning, fuck the consequnces. You hesitantly and slowly turn the handle of the closet door, letting it slide open just a crack, enough for you to peek through, to get a glimpse.
His lean muscular back is the first thing you see, he’s facing directly away from his closet, thank god but oh god, that means you see..so much. The flex of his shoulder blades under his tan skin, the smattering of freckles over his shoulder, the long slender slope of his spine as it curves down his broad back, the dimbles at the bottom of his spine, flexing as he fucks his toy. His ass, because of course izuku would have a perfect round bubble butt. There are freckles there too. 
Your eyes skate down, hungry to his large and heavy balls, low hanging and full, currently smacked right up against the base of the little pocket pussy he’s practically straddling on his bed. 
It hits you again than, that deku is imagining that toy is you, he’s imagining fucking you in this position on his bed right now, imagining its your cunt hes pounding into, and your face he’s spitting those filthy words at. 
Your hand is really moving without your permission when it slips under the band of your leggings into your panties, fingers immediately dipping between the slick folds of your pussy, silky and wet. 
“-Wet” Izuku grunts, as you dip a finger just barely inside. “Fuck, i knew you’d be so fucking soft and good inside. Such a bratty girl would have a sweet cunt attached to her, huh?” 
Fuck, where and when did izuku start speaking like this? His soft voice curling around such crude words is making you gush all over your fingers. You wish you could see the kind of face he was making when he said them. 
“Yeah, you like taking my cock don’t you, baby?” He croons and if you close your eyes you can almost imagine he’s speaking directly into your ear, behind you. His thrusts get heavier, rougher, he lifts his leg up on the bed and you see a flash of the little green toy being fucked on his cock, big and angry looking. He’s being so brutal, hammering the thing down on his dick as he hips rut to meet every downward tug. “Milk it. Milk my fucking cock you whore. Wanna- fuck, wanna hear you say my name when you cum, want you to know who’s pouding that little pussy. The loser you fucking hate, yeah? Gonna cum for me?”
Yes, you whimper in your head in answer to him, your fingers curling deep, deep, inside, fucking yourself on them in earnest. He’s so big and you only caught a glimpse, but it was enough. Enough to know he’d fucking cleave you apart if he tried to fit that monster between his legs inside your tight little pussy. But you want it, god you fucking want it. You wanna feel him splitting you open, making you cream around him, making you beg for it. Making you bleed. 
“One of these day” he says, his voice breathless but steady, even as it cracks. You know he’s close. “I’m gonna fucking snap. Im going to make you look me in the fucking eye and apologize for making me want you, and then im going to split that pussy open- fuck, im coming, fuck, fuck, fuck. Do you understand, b-bitch? Gonna fucking make you mine, yeah, take it, take your senpais cock you dirty fucking girl, ah!” 
He slumps forward, hips humping into the toy and balls spasming as he pumps it full of his cum, shuddering deeply with little aborted whimpers. “Good girl, good girl” he pants, trailing off, giving one last little jerk of his hips before stilling. 
You bite your lip so hard you draw blood to stop yourself from whimpering out loud. You pull your sticky fingers out of your cunt and shuffle back into the dark of the closet, curling in on yourself as izuku lays there, panting heavily for a few moments before moving. 
You stay stock still as you hear him get up and shuffle around, his footsteps padding into the bathroom where you hear the door click softly shut. You spring up to your feet and don’t care if you make noise as you dart out of his room and into the hallway, sprinting like a bat out of hell as you make you way to the girls dorms.
You’ll think about how to reevaluate and recoup later. Right now you just really need to get to your bed so you can rut pathetically onto your own fingers and imagine izukus fat dick breaking you open. Never in a million years did you think he had those kinds of feelings for you, and you know it changes the whole game, is a whole other level of playing field where you now know he wants you on a physical level. 
You feel powerless and lie you’re slipping again, don’t know how you’re going to point your finger at him and laugh when you know for every insult you throw his way, is another way hes fucking his toy at night, adding it as another thing to get you back for. If he ever snaps. 
If. you want it to be a when, so bad, not an if. 
You’ll make it a when. You’ll push him off the metaphorical cliff he’s teetering on to make it so. 
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babylooneytoonz · 4 years
Trinity - [Tommy Shelby x Alfie Solomons x Reader]
A/N- Yes, I confess. I wrote this after two bottles of beer (which is a lot for me) and I couldn't control my freaking hormones? I couldn't choose one out of the two so I just picked them both. For those who are not a fan of Polyamory or the concept of having two men in bed, please do not read this or else you will definitely feel scandalized. Please do NOT hate, even if you do not like the concept.
Warning(s): A Scandal? (I didn't know how to classify this, atleast for the 1920s), SMUT, Porn Without Plot, Polyamory, Casual Sex, Explicit language & Cursing
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Camden Town, London, 1921
Alfie Solomons' voice, clear as a crystal, thick as mist, rang through the bakery; his volatility reflecting in his words. Thomas Fucking Shelby stood in a corner, unbothered, yet fazed by this sudden outburst he saw in this man.
"Jewish Women— " Alfie spat, pushing his thickly bearded face into a man's face, who was minutes back laughing at his own joke, but now looked like he could shit his pants. "You do not go anywhere near them for Jewish women for you are off the fucking menu."
Thomas rolled his eyes, almost inwardly, his cold, outer expressions remaining stoic as he brought up the lit cigarette stick to his plump lips and inhaled the smoke from it, smoke coiling around him. Alfie's grip was hard against his cane, his knuckles almost white as a sheet of snow when a sudden ruckus pulled him out of his little display of anger, causing both Tommy and Alfie to snap their heads in the direction of the door.
"Ollie, what the fuck is going on out there eh?" Alfie called out, his voice loud enough to boom all through the bakery, causing a sudden shiver run down the men's spines. Ollie ran down, his face literally puffy, his cheeks blown out, his eyes red, "We've got a fuckin' problem, one of yer lads 'ave been causing troubles."
"Fuckin' problems, all I hear about these days is FUCKING PROBLEMS!" Alfie shouted at the top of his lungs; especially when he said the last two words, words rolling out of his tongue like wildfire, full of venom. He then turned towards Tommy, all the rage disappeared, as though he never was angry, "They're all yours, Tommy Shelby, forgive me for interrupting." He then turned to Ollie and using his cane, pointing it in the direction of the door, he mumbled, "Bring 'im in." Tommy stood there, calmly, his hands buried into his trouser pockets, his eyes on the men, "Pick him up," he said, pointing in the direction of the man that Alfie had knocked down using his cane, to instill fear into these men's minds.
A few seconds later, Ollie dragged one of Alfie's lads, holding him by his arms, pushing him to walk, his face a bloodied mess.
"What the fuck happened to your face, lad?"
"He fuckin' tried to touch me with his filthy little paws is what happened." Your words spat out of your mouth, like missiles shot through the air as you were dragged into the basement by one of the boys, your arms locked behind you, tied with a rope. Your face had scratches and the hem of your skirt was ripped off, your bare thigh exposed.
Your feminine voice surprised the men in front of you, spreading a sudden silence amongst them all. The first to glance at your form was Alfie, but you also noticed the blue eyed man behind him, his pocket watch dangling from his waistcoat, a lit cigarette in his fingers. You noticed how sharp his blue eyes were, how calculating.
"Right, well, he fuckin' touched you eh?"
You noticed how this man's predatory eyes raked over your body, sending a shiver down the back of your neck, down your spine, causing you to stiffen slightly, your eyes even more enraged than they were, minutes back.
"You keep your fuckin' lads in control, Alfie, or else I will—"
"I see you do know who I am. Now where are your manners eh, pet?" You saw his hand flew up momentarily, hovering in the air, until it finally rested on his chin, scratching it lightly. "People here in Camden Town call me Mr. Solomons."
You smiled, crossing your arms over your chest, a sudden knot forming in your throat.
"And the coppers here in Camden Town call you a fuckin' cunt," Your words rolled of your lips, your voice and accent imitating that of his.
You bit back on your tongue; your father's words coming back to haunt you in the back of your mind. Your fast mouth will be the death of you love, he used to say, and maybe it will; but you didn't care, not when rage took complete control over you and your mind.
A click of a smirk crossed the blue eyed stranger's lips, and your eyes flew to him for a split second, before rolling back and fixing it on the Jewish gangster. You could see that Alfie was surprised, shocked and a little angry, you could see it in the way his lips contorted, as though he wanted to say something but had no idea what. He wasn't used to having women speak up to him in this way, and maybe that had pinched his ego, bruising his manliness. From the corner of your eye, you saw Thomas stub his cigarette, stepping on the cigarette butt as he made his way closer, fixing himself next to Alfie, his eyes on you, addressing Alfie, but his words meant as a chide remark for you.
"Since when did London start hiring women as coppers, Mr. Solomons?"
"I'm a copper's daughter." You deadpanned. A sudden silence and tension suddenly filled the air, all the men giving each other loose eyed glances, wondering what this copper's daughter's fate will be now, that she had landed into the gangsters' den herself. It was only when Alfie spoke, did the tension in the air seem to cease.
"Lad, why don't you apologize to the lady for eh, touching her without her consent?"
"Is that it then eh?" You kicked the man backwards who was holding you, causing him to lose his grip on your shoulders, giving you a minute to get free. You didn't run away, instead you went straight for the lion's den or should you say, the lions den, glaring at the Jewish gangster in the eye. "Is that all a lad should do when he tries to touch a fuckin' woman without her consent eh? Just apologize? Is that what he should say to your bloody sister when a fuckin' lad gropes her in public —"
A low, dangerous growl erupted from the man's mouth, his hand suddenly reaching out and grabbing you by your throat, and spat, "Ye don't speak to me that way, pet."
You wouldn't deny; the look in his eyes, the fire, the way he spoke and that accent, adding to it, the way he held you in a choke hold, you should have been mad, but here you were, starting to get all hot and bothered suddenly, sudden thoughts starting to creep into your mind, dirty thoughts.
"Mr. Solomons—" Thomas interjected, putting a full stop to your thoughts, his voice icy, causing him to let go off your throat. Your hand flew to your neck, where Alfie had just held you, your tongue sliding out, licking over your lips, rather seductively. It was this blue eyed man that spoke next as he stepped closer towards you, a sudden smell of cigarettes, blood and a strong eu de cologne wafting through the air, hitting your nostrils.
"Tell us then love, what would you have us do?"
"I've already broken his bloody face, I think the next time, it will be his fuckin' balls."
Your gaze was directed at Alfie's henchman, who had by now, his hands clenched tightly into fists by his sides.
"Well, you've heard the lady haven't ya lad? Now fuck off."
The man scurried away the way he had been brought in and a slow, uneasy silence took over the bakery, coming to a halt when you spoke again. You turned your back towards Alfie and nudged your hands that were tied together in a rope.
"Do you mind, Mr. Solomons?"
"Ollie" The man's voice called.
You felt Ollie loosen the binds that held your wrists and once the knot was undone, you pulled your hands to your front, watching in disdain at the marks of the rope that had blued your wrists. You winced slightly as you tried moving your wrists and shook your head. You then slowly lowered yourself, into a slight curtsy, taking one step backwards at one time until you reached the door. Then you turned on your tail and walked off, leaving the men spell bound as to what they had just witnessed.
"Looks like she knew you, Mr. Solomons." Tommy pointed out to Alfie who just turned around and swiped his index finger in the air, and all the men that were standing there started dispersing.
"Let's take the discussion to my office then eh?"
Tommy nodded and then once Alfie had walked out, he quietly walked out too, following the man. As the both of them made their way towards Alfie's study, both of them had the same thoughts running in their minds. Strangely enough, this small encounter with a woman; who had wits matching their own, a sharp tongue that they wanted to silence and the body of a seductress; had left a lasting impression on their minds. Unknown the each other, the both of them were thinking of you, as they were quietly walking towards Alfie's study.
Alfie stopped walking abruptly when he saw that the door to his study was shut. This alerted him a little and he straightened up, his grip on his cane tightening. Slowly, he placed his hand on the doorknob and the door croak open, very slowly, the first thing their eyes falling on; the form of a woman who was sat in Alfie's desk, her head resting against the comfortable backrest, her hand moving mechanically up and down as she inhaled the smoke from her lit cigarette.
"Come in, gentlemen, I was hoping you'd come." You mumbled, your eyes still shut but yet you knew they were here; the air had suddenly changed.
Alfie drew in a long, sharp breath, his eyes falling over the way your chest was moving up and down, in a rhythm while Tommy just noticed the outline of a tattoo that had managed to show a sneak peak through the neckline of the blouse you were wearing.
You fluttered your eyes open, and there in front of you, stood two of the most handsome men you had met— each having a contrasting personality and appearance; and yet appeasing and satisfying in so many aspects. You found yourself wanting to be manhandled by Alfie Solomons' rough form while at the same time, you wanted to feel Tommy Shelby's plump lips kiss you all over your body.
You slowly stood up, making an eye contact with the two devilishly handsome men standing in front of you as you walked up to them but instead, squeezed yourself through the distance between the two men and reached the door. You kicked it shut.
"You both have had two women in the same bed, haven't you?" You whispered, your voice laced with a sudden heaviness, and a budding form of desire. You had no idea who you desired more— but you wanted them both.
Tommy didn't answer, his cold, calculating gaze moving from you as he pushed past you and made his way to Alfie's liquor cabinet and grabbed three glasses, busying himself with filling them up. You figured Tommy Fucking Shelby was having a hard time digesting the fact that women were finally coming out of their shells and the city was moving forward. Or maybe, he thought that you were a woman of the night.
Alfie, however, seemed unfazed. He was almost leaning against the hardwood wall, shamelessly throwing you lustful glances. You closed the distance between you and him, fixing yourself so close to him, you could feel his hot breath on you. You were tall, but Alfie was way taller, still towering over you, making you feel weak and giddy in the knees.
"Y'know, darlin'—" You leaned closer towards him, your lips inches apart from his, "No one touches me unless I want them to."
"I must be special then, pet, you 'ave been practically throwing yerself into my fuckin' face." He growled back, at the same time, his hand coming to land on your hip, and with one jerk of a movement, he had you pressed to him, his hard body pressing against yours. You could already feel him get hard, and this didn't do anything to lighten the dull ache radiating through your core.
Perhaps, Thomas Shelby felt left out. From the corner of your eye, he slowly walked up to the door, downing the contents of his drink and reached for the doorknob when you reached out and grabbed his wrist, "Don't leave. I can't choose between a fucking Jew and a fucking Gypsy."
You pulled Tommy towards you, and this gave Alfie a chance to slide out from his cornered position by the wall. You could see that he was enjoying this. He plomped down on the couch, falling back comfortably, his legs wide open, his hand resting under his head, eyeing you. "How about fucking them both eh ? A fucking Jew and a fucking Gypsy?"
You slowly balled the fabric of Thomas Shelby's shirt, leaving a crease on it, pulling it out and leaving it untucked. You could see that the man was obnoxiously quiet, but his chest and the way he took his breaths betrayed him. He was turned on, no matter how hard he pretended not to be.
"I hope you're not religious, Mr. Shelby." You slid your tongue out, running it seductively over his left cheekbone, feeling his breathing hitch, and his hand finally lock around you, pulling you to him.
"Never was." He whispered back.
• ───━━━━─ ● ─━━━━─── •
You felt hammered, but to say the least, it was the best kind of hammered. You could taste Alfie on your lips and the way his mouth had sucked on your sweet spot and of course, the stretch and the burn from Tommy's cock as he had slammed mercilessly into you, even more fuelled up by watching a combination of your ample arse in full view in front of him, and your mouth choking on Alfie's cock, until he had finally smacked your arse hard, a sudden burning pain shooting through your body.
He had pulled out abruptly, holding his twitching cock with his palm, only to grab you by your hair and pull you away from Alfie, shoving his pulsating cock into your mouth while Alfie had switched position, planting himself just where Tommy had been mere seconds back. Without a warning, he had slammed his thickness into you, like a horse on drugs, so powerful, you felt your insides throb. The bakery was filled with your lustful moans and you screaming at the top of your lungs.
With cum running down the corner of your lips and cum trailing down your thigh, you had watched the two men collapse on the couch, with only a silk duvet cover to cover their cocks as Alfie grumbled some barely incoherent words and Tommy went back to his cold, manipulating gaze and helped you light a cigarette.
You fell gracefully in the space in the middle of the two men, not caring to cover your modesty even if someone was to walk in. You hand flew up to your lips and you took a long, lingering drag of it before there was a knock on the door. Lucky, you had locked it.
"What the fuck Ollie? Get the fuck out of here."
"It's Sabini, there are two fuckin' men outside, claim they are Sabini's men." Ollie called out from the other side of the door.
You were the first to slide out from the comfortable position. Then it was Tommy. As you slid on your underwear, Tommy pulled up his pants ,grunting slightly as Ollie continued to speak.
"What do they fuckin' want eh?" Alfie stood up, reaching for his pants.
"They say his fuckin' sister was spotted around here, an hour back."
You bit your lip hard, not wanting to smile as you buttoned up your shirt.
Tommy was the first one to turn to you, having finally understood who you were.
"You're his fucking sister."
"Don't look at me like that. I'm nothing like my brother, to think I'm here to rat you all and your little secret out eh? What you two are fuckin' best friends now?"
Tommy grabbed you by your arm, his nails almost digging into you, unlike the way you felt his nails digging into your hips in need.
"I didn't know Darby Sabini's sister had a death wish."
"Oh love, I don't. I know you two won't touch a hair on my head, because if you wanted you would have done it by now." You pushed Tommy's hand away, straightening up your shirt and running a hand through your messy hair. When you looked up, you could see two sets of eyes glaring at you, their hands itching to be the first one to hold your throat and squeeze life out of you.
"You don't get it, do you? I don't work for my brother. You secret's fucking safe with me. All the more, I think you'll need someone on the inside to help you. Killing me will only silence me for now, but one day, my fuckin' brother's gonna come looking for you. And he's sure as hell not gonna like how you two 'ave been fucking putting your cocks into his fuckin' sister."
"Do you trust her?" Tommy turned towards Alfie, completely ignoring your presence, as though you weren't in the room.
Alfie's hand flew up to his moustache as he stroked over it, his eyes fixed on you.
"I think the woman's sayin' the truth."
"Well then fuck off before Sabini himself comes over to look for you." Tommy motioned to you, his index finger pointed towards the door.
You pouted dramatically.
"I think I'd love to keep having our little fucking unholy Trinity." You winked and placed your hand on the doorknob, slowly turning it around and letting the door open. You turned back, your expressions now serious.
"Don't worry, I was never here. And —" You walked back to where both the men were, heading first to Tommy. You grabbed him by his arm and pulled him slightly, making him look like you were kissing his neck but in reality, you were whispering into his ears, "If you wanna get Sabini, get Georgie Sewell first, he is my brother's most trusted right hand man."
You then walked up to Alfie, placing a hand on his chest, and leaned in to kiss his cheek, at the same time whispering, "It's a fucking lie, he would never let yer bookies into the Epsom races. If I were you, I'd be siding with the Gypsies."
You then hurried back towards the door, the slit on the hem of your skirt still there.
"Would you go out like that? Take my coat."
Your lips curled into a smile at Tommy's words and you gave him a side glance.
"I don't want Sabini to smell you on me, love, no matter how good the two of you smell today."
• ───━━━━─ ● ─━━━━─── •
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ficsnroses · 4 years
Intimate - John Wick x Reader (nsfw A-Z headcanons)
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Word Count : Way too many. (little under 5K...im so sorry guys you know I have a problem)
Warnings : Smut. Fluffs.
Summary : All about your sex life with John :)
A/N : Requested by a few lovely anons! Did I forget a letter? Let’s hope not. Are these even headcanons cuz they’re so long??? These were tricky, I’m sorry if they kinda suck, it took me a hot minute into last night to complete them. Enjoy! Feedback is always appreciated.🖤
A : Aftercare. (What he’s like after sex).
John has a heart of gold, despite his enthralling profession. Many think John can be stoic, cold, reserved, but you; you know John. After sex, John makes sure to keep you close, asking over and over to make sure you’re alright. He’d never hurt you, even if during the deed. For a moment, he rests his forehead against yours as you’ve both came together, eyes closed as he catches his breath, cock still buried deep in you. He relishes in the afterglow, your head on his chest as he holds you, bulky arms wrapped around your figure, every now and then he presses a kiss to your hair, sighing deep relief; contentment. Sometimes, you’ll lay there together, skin sticking from the heat, relaxing in the moment. John will pepper kisses over your temples, your cheeks, your hands, your wrists. Being quiet and reserved, it’s his way of letting you know how much he loves you, and how lucky he feels to be able to make love to you. Normally, he prefers being the big spoon after sex. But, he is human. Sometimes, he likes being held by you; finds it really cute when you try to wrap your much smaller limbs to his much larger body. If he’s been away for a while, he loves pillow talk, lost in the company of just him, and the woman he loves.
B : Body Part. (His favourite body part of yours).
John is a simple man. He adores each part of you, to him, you are the embodiment of perfect. If he had to choose, however, he loves your breasts. They provide a safe haven for him to nestle his head in during sex, especially if its missionary. When you’re on top, it turns him on immensely to see them bounce up and down, so full, so plump, swollen from pleasure. John loves hugging you from behind, whether it be in the morning in front of the washroom mirror as you’re just waking up, or as you’re getting dressed on the edge of your bed after some hot and passionate sex. Occasionally, he’ll trail his hands up, palms and fingers working your breasts, fondling, massaging as delicate kisses place themselves on your neck from his sultry lips. Of course, when he’s spoon fucking you, or has you bent over as he slams in from behind, he loves to reach forward and hold your breasts.
C : Cum.
John has a lot of cum, can you even be surprised though? You feel dirty admitting it, but you love his cum. It’s the most intimate form of him, and its reserved only for you. It’s quality seed as well; thick, succulent, creamy, perfectly glossed. It’s not a bad taste at all; a delicacy to your lips if you will. John has almost a primal need for his cum to be inside you when he finishes; he feels it where it belongs. Whether it be brimmed deep inside your cunt, or in your mouth after you’ve gone down on him. He’s never actually admitted it due to his slight shyness, but he loves when you swallow for him. Pulls his heart seams to know you love and trust him enough to do it. Part of the reason you’re on birth control is so he can come inside, you know how much he enjoys it, and how much he appreciates to feel all of you, without the barrier of a condom. The feeling, his orgasm hitting him as with the force of night to day, you tighten around him, feeling him spill inside you; it’s pure nirvana for him. Coming inside you makes him feel closer to you; something he always craves.
D : Dirty Secret.
John is away often, but that doesn’t mean your sex life dies for the time he’s away. John and you always want one another, crave each other. You take pictures for John often, some suggestive; his favourite black, lacy lingerie embellished on your satin skin, allowing little to his imagination, and some full and frontal nudes. You love to hear the way his breath hitches over the phone as you hit send, the way his raspy voice compliments you.
 “Beautiful, sweetheart. So beautiful,” his coarse, yet velvety voice whispers, hand pulling out his girthy cock, that has already started to throb for you, from thousands of miles away.
What you don’t know though – John keeps each and every picture of you in an album on his phone, locked away where no one can find it, but him. He only does it because he knows you wont mind, those pictures are all for him, and you best believe he’s going to savour each and every one for as long as he can. They come in handy when he’s away and needs you; he can’t get off to anything else since but the thought of your heavenly body. You assume they just disappear in conversation overtime, so you take more for him, constantly replenishing his feed ;)
E : Experience.
John is experienced, in the sense that he certainly knows what he’s doing. He hasn’t slept with many people, his work made it tough, his attention and focus constantly diverted to it. You’ve been with John for many years now, but he is on the older side still. John has had a few flings over the course of his life, however, they never really meant much. With the very few times he has been with someone, it was merely because he needed someone to give him sweet, sweet relief. But when he met you, it all changed. With you, his experience comes in handy, because he always puts your needs before his. He pays close attention to what you want, always making sure to communicate.
“Does that feel good, sweetheart?” His hand moves to securely hold yours, letting you know he’s listening. “Harder, baby?”
John can effortlessly bring you to multiple orgasms during a session. His sturdy fingers, his veiny cock, his suave mouth, he knows how to use each tool to the best of it’s ability, for you. Of course, he’s willing to try anything new for you as well. You want to try a new position? He’s on it. Want him to pay attention to a certain part of your body? He’s already there.
F : Favourite Position.
Definitely depends on the mood, but he is simple and doesn’t try to be too adventurous. Normally, John prefers good old missionary. He likes the intimacy, holding onto your hips with your arms wrapped around his neck, holding him close. His lips have easy access to litter slow, passionate kisses to your face, your neck, your chest as he pleases. However, John also appreciates a good ol riding as well from his baby, especially after a demanding job. During riding sessions, he indulges in you; being able to sit back and relax, your aching cunt bobbing up and down on him, your walls tightening around him, so perfectly soaked. The way he’s able to buck his hips up into you, to feel you deeper, the way he can hold you to his chest as you ride him, allowing him to speed up when he needs. 
The sounds you let out drive him insane. Did I mention, he loves watching himself slip in and out of you, the way your glistening releases coat his thighs, slicking his pulsing cock. Sometimes, he likes taking you from behind, he enjoys the gorgeous view of your peachy ass for him, and the way you whimper when his balls slap into your skin, the sounds so delicious filling his ears. Doggy style is also a close favourite of his, more for days when you both crave a good, rough fuck that’ll clear any trace of stress.
He enjoys a good against the wall fuck as well, in the shower is always nice. There have been a few times, he’s came home, neither of you able to control as he pins you against the wall, legs wrapped around his waist with his cock pounding you into oblivion.
G : Goofy. (Is he serious in the act or goofy?)
John isn’t too too goofy in the moment, but he can be on some days. Although he finds sex to be a very intimate, serious act, he can’t help but giggle at how adorable you can get during foreplay. You make him smile, laugh, feel loved, valued. You make him happy, and that comes out during sex as well. He sees you smile, and he’s gone. It’s his favourite thing in the world. If something happens in the moment, such as your face turning red from a particularly loud and explicit moan, he can’t help but smile, giggling with you.
On days when he’s tired and just needs to feel you, he can be a bit more serious. You don’t mind though; on days such as those, you focus your entire attention on making him feel good anyway, you know he deserves it. In turn, John tries incredibly hard to make you come as many times as possible on those days as well, it gives him relief and makes him feel better to know his lady is being treated well, leaving little room for giggles and laughs in those sessions.
H : Hair.
John used to not care before he met you, but now, he makes sure to keep himself tame and trimmed for you. The mans beard is always on fleek, you best believe the same follows down under. He does keep his hair; he’s never been one for being clean shaven. You love going down on him, tasting him in your mouth. He doesn’t want you to be uncomfortable, so he makes sure to keep clean for you. It is a bit bushy, but he’s consistent with grooming.
I : Intimacy.
Sex is John’s way of showing you how much he loves you, and how much you mean to him. John hasn’t been with many women; he’s never really had time for sex before you. But now, now that you’re together, in love, sex is what keeps your love fresh, alive, keeps you close and vulnerable with each other. He takes his time with you, making sure to appreciate each part of you, and the alter that is your body. He’s tender, gentle, he loves to feed your self confidence.
He loves kissing you during the act, lips smothering you as his cock slips in and out leisurely. While he’s thrusting is usually when his lips leak with praise for you, how good you feel, how much he loves you.
“Fuck, Y/N…” your name glides off his tongue, smooth as honey. “You…you feel amazing, sweetheart.” He whimpers, cock grinding your G spot each time he thrusts. “So good, baby.”
Even when he’s pounding into you, thrusts hasty, profound; he’ll still make sure to hold you tight, whether it be your hips or your hand. Anywhere from eye contact, to forehead touching, to the cuddle sessions after - John likes to let you know that he’s there with you in the moment; there for you, as he’ll always be.
Till his last breath.
J : Jack off.
Only when he’s away from you. When you’re together, he doesn’t need anything but you to make him feel good. But his work calls for it, and you know there’s times where you need to be away from him. Of course, he loves to have you on the phone for him as he sits in the Continental hotel room, a completed job behind. His palm sloppily wraps around his base, pumping slow, thumb swirling his tip as precum seeps out to the sound of your voice.
“Are you touching yourself, John?” You purr, your own hand trailing suggestively close to your heating center. A mere moan escapes his lips, the sound of your voice enough to make him feel bliss. Twitching, shuddering, he throbs in his hand, movements picking up as he strokes, base to shaft, to tip, pumping, with images of you clouding his mind.
“I want you to come for me, John. Let it out, baby. Let me hear you.” You encourage, hearing his moans, gasps and grunts over the much too distant phone line.
K : Kinks.
John is calm and collected, yet still a little shy. You adore that about him, the way his gentle personality shies away from fully letting you know what he wants sometimes. Over the course of your relationship however, you’ve learned some of his preferred kinks, and you love using them on him, on days you lounge together and have time to really get down and dirty.
Due to his profession, John takes control too much in other aspects of his life. In bed, on days where you want to focus on making him feel good, John relishes in being submissive. He loves to let you take control of him, allow you to do what you please with him. It makes him feel vulnerable, helps him feel human to be at your mercy. He loves you, trusts you enough to let you have him this way. He’s into light bondage, he likes having his wrists restrained, although nothing too insane. He is a simple man after all. Marking is a huge turn on for him, he loves leaving hickies on your silky skin, your collarbones, loves having them on him in turn. He loves body worship, appreciating each inch of you as he trails his kisses down your breasts, your chest, your stomach, slowly inching down to the ache between your legs.
Although John isn’t huge on praise kink, you do like the way he blushes ever so slightly when you tell him how good he’s making you feel.
“John…” You moan, fingernails digging into his back. “You’re fucking me so…” Whimpering, you whine softly in his ear. “So good, Jonathan…don’t stop baby, please…” He picks up pace, husky tone letting out small, soft moans as he slips in and out, fueled by your praise.
L : Location.
John and you have a mission; to have sex in each part of your home. Although his favourite is your bed, it’s safe, familiar, allows you both to be free and active as can. A close second is the couch, usually because the couch means you’re on top of him, spread on his thighs as he thrust up into you, hugging your body close. Hot seat position sex is easier on the couch as well. Anywhere in your house is John’s preferred place, in the comfort of where you live in peace together, the gateway to the dream that is your connection. He’s had you in the shower, in all the rooms, even on the hood of his car in your garage. 
The kitchen counter has been one of John’s favourites, assuming how often he has you whimpering for him on it. Fucking into you with your body propped on the counter? He’s a sucker for it. Being tall enough to reach your cunt standing, he props your leg against his torso and shoulder, holding it for support as your other wraps around his waist, watching himself glide in and out of you. it’s always rough on the kitchen counter, but you like it that way. He makes breakfast right after, returning the favour for letting him get one in before the start of the day. 
M : Motivation. (What gets him going?)
John is always turned on by you, you never have to try to get him to want you. Perhaps that’s just how deep you both are smitten with each other. He loves when you wear lingerie for him, it gets him tenting in his pants, his cock rising to the mere sight of you embroidered in lace for him. Lingerie shopping with John is always tricky due to it, he’ll have his hands roaming each crevice of your body in the dressing room, lips leaving delicate, quiet kisses along the skimpy lace adorned on your breasts. Of course, he’s no help in choosing a piece. Everything is perfect on you through his eyes.
He has a sensitive neck and ears, so he loves when you whisper for him, in your oh so sensual voice, smooth and sugary.
He loves celebrating with you after a successful contract. What better way to wind down than buried deep inside your cunt, warm, wet, as if perfectly moulded for him. Sometimes, that’s what gets him through work. Knowing that soon, he’ll be in your arms, where you’ll make him feel so, so good.
N : No. (What he won’t do)
John would never, ever hurt you, even if you asked. With all the violence, the murder that lies on his fingertips, he feels guilt. He tries not to, but he feels guilt. You love him endlessly, and you know he fears causing you even the smallest amount of pain during sex. If you wince a bit too loud, he’ll immediately pause and ask if you’re okay. Even if its simply the bulk of his sizable cock making you feel pain when he first enters, he gets concerned, always holding off until you’re adjusted to him, nodding when you’re ready for him to move.
You have a fantasy of John face fucking you, his twitching length jammed inside your throat, lapping as much as you can with your cheeks hallowed. You know it would be pure bliss for him, they way you’d choke on his cock for him, allowing him to savour each inch of your wet, warm, tight mouth. John is still a bit scared, however. He almost doesn’t trust himself; he fears he’ll hurt you.
You’ll get there someday, though. As long as you keep proving to him that you trust him.
More than anyone, anything else in the word.
O : Oral.
Oral is one of John’s favourite parts of sex. He loves going down on you, and love’s having you go down on him. John is crazy good at eating you out, he has had tons of practice with you. The way you moan for him, fingers tangling his hair turns him on like crazy, it’s addicting. The mere sound of you, writhing, whimpering as he laps your nectar, tongue expertly flicking your folds, your clit, hands graciously soothing your thighs, your breasts; he thrives off all of it. You love the sound of his mouth eating you out as well, the slicking, the smacking, the wetness of two of his stocky fingers pumping you, the way you know they’re the sounds of him making you feel good. He flattens his tongue, spreading your folds, alternating between the perfect symphony of fast and slow licks, making sure to dot a few kisses to your center through the process.
Head from John is a dream. A sweet, sweet, beautiful dream; only you have the pleasure to drift in.
P : Pace.
John is a master of pace, another attribute that comes in handy from his work. He knows exactly what pace to use for exactly the type of fuck you’re going for. During proper sex, where you both can take your time, he’ll always start off close and sensual as you get used to each other. His generous length is thick, heavy, and always needs time to get used to as mentioned. Slow at first allows him to focus his attention on kissing you passionately as he glides his dick in and out, feeling each other close. Gradually, he’s unable to hold himself back. Not when your pussy feels so heavenly around him. He’ll get faster and faster, until the bed frame is creaking and the wall behind is being pounded into-much like you. John has the power to shake your entire body with his thrusts, always keeping sure to hold you secure. Often, John leaves you aching for hours later, sometimes into the next day.
Q : Quickie.
A good quickie is always delightful for the both of you. You crave each other so much, that quickies inevitably find their way into your daily lives together as you coexist. In the morning as you’re just waking up? John never says no to a good ol quick morning fuck in your bed, your soft morning voice moans causing his heart to flutter. At breakfast on the kitchen table? John wasn’t able to resist when you wore just his oversized shirt and a pair of panties. Sometimes a good ol quickie before bed helps him sleep better, and you never deny him when he asks for one. John can have trouble sleeping sometimes, so sex before bed helps him relax, wind down, and most of all,
feel good. Something he deserves. 
R : Risk.
John is okay with taking risks, if you want to. He’s always looking for new ways to satisfy you in bed. If you want to try something new, he’ll always say yes for you. He trusts you, and you trust him, so experimenting can be nice sometimes. Sometimes, there have been instances where either he, or you don’t end up liking it, and it makes him a little upset. He doesn’t want to let you down.
You try out new positions all the time, the most recent being The Wheelbarrow. He loved it, the way your hands planted on the floor as he raised your hips to his cock, pounding, pelting into you from behind; your legs wrapped around him.
John likes thrill too, sometimes. He fantasizes about public sex, perhaps in the washroom of a restaurant or something, somewhere where the stakes are higher and you could get caught. He’d be extra cautious, of course. He’d never want to do anything to make you feel uncomfortable.
S : Stamina.
John can last decently long, long enough to make you cum. If it’s been a few weeks away from each other, and you haven’t been able to have sex in a while, his stamina increases and he can go for more rounds. There have been times where you’ve had to tap out on him as well, but he’s alright with it. He respects you way too much to make you give him sex when you don’t want to. On average, John can go for 2 rounds if you want him to, although most of the time, one is enough. John is the embodiment of quality over quantity; he fucks you so good, so well the first round, that you’re too sore for another, you’ve been completely satisfied.
“You got another one in you for me, princess?” John chuckles, your breathless body under him, coming down from your high with him still nestled between your legs. You look at him in disbelief almost, wincing when he removes his cock out of you, collapsing on the bed beside.
“Another one already?” You breath, running a hand over your sweaty forehead.
He softly smiles, leaning over to kiss your shoulder, his hand moving to lightly rub a few circles to your clit, building your anticipation again. “Give me a few minutes, sweetheart, I’m not done with you just yet.”
T : Toys.
He has no problem incorporating toys into the bedroom. Neither of you need them, but they do add some spice to your sex life. John isn’t too much of a tech guy, but he did spend hours on his laptop searching up the best vibrators to try out for you. John gets off seeing you get off, and pleasing you. Sometimes, he’ll use the vibrator on you before sex, allowing you to delve into oblivion. On nights when he’s away, he loves when you send him pictures of you using it on yourself; his cock wheezes to the sight of your dripping cunt at the mercy of a vibrator, knowing it makes you feel no where near as good as he does when he’s home. John is willing to try out more toys, and he’s open to the idea of you buying some for him as well. You mentioned a vibrating cock ring to him; (not that he needs it for the extra support), but more for the pleasure the vibrations could give to your sensitive nub and his balls when he’s fucking you. There’s a lot you want to explore with John, you want to find out what he’s into, what he may be fond of. He’s a tricky man to get a feel of since he’s always so focused on you.
U : Unfair.
“John…John please..” You wail, feeling him sink just his tip into you, before pulling back out, teasing. He smirks slightly, placing a kiss to the corner of your mouth, teasing to not even give you a proper kiss when all you want is for him to fuck you senseless. His fingers rub small circles to your clit, eliciting deep moans, yet he makes sure to keep them slow, light, enough to let you feel him on you, but not enough to let you feel relief.
You love edging each other, love building up each other’s orgasm to maximum potential. When you’re on top, you’ll halt movement, your hands planted to his chest as his palms hold your hips tight. He’s always panting under you, biting his lip with breathy moans falling as you start to move again.
He’ll tease you when he’s going down on you as well, leaving kisses to the insides of your thighs, close to your heat. You totally get him back, though, the way you wear very revealing shorts around the house the next day, making sure to bend over a little further when you reach down to pick a towel off the floor.
V : Volume. (Is he loud?)
You both can be loud, depending on the type of sex. If it’s just a quickie before bed, you both tend to stay a little quieter, reverting to small whispers of praise, soft, gentle moans into each other’s necks and ears. John’s voice is smooth, buttery, fine as velvet when he’s trying to be quiet, it makes your pussy quite literally tremble knowing you’re the reason those delicious, delightful sounds are leaving his lips.
When you’re having a proper, longer session of sex however, you both tend to get slightly louder than you mean to. You live alone together, in a reserved neighbourhood. John’s grunts and groans can get excessive when you clench around him, your screams of his name flood the bedroom walls when he’s expertly working you. Sometimes, with John, its far too difficult to hold back your cries and sobs, his balls slapping your core to his demanding pace, his breath tantalizing on your skin. Perfectly, he hits your sensitive nerve endings each time, your eyes fill with tears at how well he’s fucking you, loud gasps to each buck of his hips.
W : Wildcard. (Random headcanon).
John has needs – he has to masturbate when he’s away from you, but only to the thought of you, and the nudes you send him. They’re marvellous, but he wants more. John wants to record you having sex at least once for when he’s away. He misses you dearly, although the lonesome comfort of his stocky palm, coated with the blend of shea hand cream he carries with him show no comparison to your soaking cunt. A video of you unravelling for him will definitely elevate his lonely nights spent away from you in the hotel walls. He would never do it without your consent, so he’s made a mental note to ask you next time you get intimate. Phone sex with you is nice, and it gets home going so well. But the thought of the real deal, a video in which your moans can be heard, your beautiful pussy on display for him, would be divine.
X : Xray. (What’s going on in the pants)
John has a very generous load to offer. His cock is quite literally- fucking gorgeous. When you first saw it, your breath hitched. He’s above average, makes you swallow in anticipation when he’s fully erect for you. He has the perfect amount of girth, a few striking veins running down his shaft, and a very slight curve. His tip shows a blushy, rosy shade of dusty pink, and you can’t help but elicit a moan when droplets of his gleaming pre cum glide down the length of his cock, almost as if a delicacy made just for you to devour. John’s cock is the only to ever had made you feel completely full, completely fulfilled. Struck gold? Definitely.
In more ways than just one.
Y : Yearning.
John has a pretty high sex drive. He’ll never deny you, that’s for sure. You almost never deny him either, whether it’s when he’s tossing and turning in the middle of the night and you offer him a quick session to calm his nerves, or whether it’s in the middle of the day, when he craves to feel your body close. John would like to have sex every single day of the week, but he knows that’s not always what you want, and he respects that. You settle for 4-5 times a week, right in the middle so his needs are taken care of. Sometimes, when you’re not in the mood for sex, you’ll give him a blowjob because you want him to feel good.
That’s your man, and you know how to take care of him.
Although he would like to have sex everyday, he doesn’t ever resort to masturbating unless he’s away. If you’re there, he wants it from you, or not at all. He’d rather wait for you than whip one out alone, without the feel of your body to compliment it.
Z : Zzzz. (How quickly he falls asleep after).
John and you both need a good round of cuddling, just holding each other after sex to doze off. A good cuddle session is part of sex for you; it’s part of the aftercare, part of the intimacy. Value is so important in a relationship, and holding each other, even if it’s just him holding onto your hand on his chest as you lie in comfortable silence, coming down from your highs; it all allows you both to feel valued, appreciated. You both share a little bit of pillow talk, and get cleaned up before you can actually fall asleep. John is a well organized, clean man. He helps you wipe down, change, shower, whatever you need to do before you both retire to bed, your skin freshly peppered with the scent of the eucalyptus shower gel you always buy. He can fall asleep pretty quickly after that, nice and relaxed, gratified and content with the love of his life tucked securely in his arms. He loves it when you hold him and use his chest as a pillow, takes him out like a light to know you’re safe there with him. The clothes you ripped off each other before sex are still scattered on the floor.
“John?” You quietly whisper, arms wrapped around his core, his biceps holding you close to his chest. He stirs slightly, half dozed off already.
“Hmm?” He murmurs, ever so slightly, eyes closed with his heartbeat steady against your ear.
Giggling, you softly plant a gentle kiss to his chest, allowing your head back to rest on him. “Goodnight, I love you.” You whisper into the quiet of the night, sure he’d already drifted to dreamland. He doesn’t reply, until a few seconds later, his deep voice drifting,
in and out of consciousness.
“Love you too, sweetheart.”
➶ ➴➶ ➴➶ ➴➶ ➴➶ ➴➶ ➴➶ ➴➶ ➴➶ ➴➶ ➴➶ ➴➶ ➴
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lemonpeter · 4 years
Day 6 - Dry Humping (Peter/Tony)
Sorry this one is getting out a bit late today! As I mentioned with my post yesterday, I decided to totally restart this one because I wasn’t satisfied with it at first. So I had to finish it. Now....I hope you enjoy 🧡
Warnings: age difference, college aged Peter, Tony calling Peter ‘kid’, dry humping, sort of power bottom!Tony, very nff but do I need to say that it’s kinktober
God, Tony Stark’s ass.
Peter knew fully well that he was supposed to be focusing on other things. Like his homework he had come to the lab for. Or his suit, which had quickly become Mr. Stark’s priority. Or maybe he could focus on the fact that it was wildly inappropriate for him to be nearly drooling over his mentor’s ass.
But he couldn’t focus on anything other than how absolutely perfect it was.
Framed perfectly by tight jeans, every curve shown off through the thick material, Peter couldn’t help but stare.
He was lucky that he didn’t get caught. Every time Mr. Stark started looking his way, he looked to something else.
He couldn’t get caught. That would be beyond embarrassing. And he would probably be kicked out of the lab forever. Tony would never let him come back. So he kept his thirsty thoughts and wandering eyes to where he wouldn’t be noticed. It was safer that way.
Tony noticed. Of course he did. Peter wasn’t sly. He wasn’t careful. Tony could feel the younger man’s eyes on him.
He knew the kid was watching him. And kept eyeing his backside. Was he bothered? Absolutely not.
And he decided to have a bit of fun with him, even.
He sort of arched his back, ass popping out more than it already did. Then he leaned down against the table where he was working on Peter’s suit. His elbows were braced against the table, leaving him in a stretched out position.
He bit his lip to keep from grinning at the soft noise he heard come from Peter. A person didn’t need heightened senses or superpowers to figure out that the kid was turned on.
“Peter,” he said suddenly. “So, how’s school going? Do I sound old? All I know to ask you about is school.” He hummed, ignoring that Peter hadn’t answered at all. “Maybe not school. I’m sure you’re doing great at that...don’t even make me say it.”
Peter cracked a small smile even though his cheeks were flaming red with the sudden conversation that tore him from his thoughts. “It’s just ESU, Mr. Stark. You can say it. It’s just three letters. Like MIT.”
“Don’t even dare to compare the two,” Tony said dramatically. “But yes. That. Im sure you’re doing great.” He stretched out more, pretending to stretch his back. “Sorry. Getting older is hard, kid, I feel like my back is always tense.” He grinned. “You ever get that problem?”
The younger man shook his head a little. “No, sir. I don’t. Unless I just got done with a twelve hour patrol or something. And I don’t do that much.”
Tony hummed. “Unfair. But I guess it makes sense.” He sat up suddenly. “Actually, would you mind rubbing my back real quick? Take some pity on an old man. I’ve been leaning over this table for forever and it’s hell on my spine.”
Peter blinked quickly, looking at him. His brain couldn’t seem to keep up, not taking in anything he was just asked. But that could have been due to how much Mr. Stark had said in such a short amount of time. “Sir?”
“A backrub, Parker. Please. It seems like fair payment for working on your suit, which is why my back hurts.”
“I thought you said your back hurts because you’re old,” Peter mumbled playfully, moving behind his mentor slowly.
Tony laughed. “Oh hush. That’s the one time you decide to listen to me? Step to it, underoos, we need to keep working on this suit so you can go home soon. But I’m not lifting another finger until-“
Peter moved his hands to Tony’s shoulders shyly, cheeks flushed.
“That’s a little high, kid. Unless you need a lesson in basic human anatomy, I think you know where a back is.”
Peter did know anatomy. Which was the issue. Because the back is very very close to the plump flesh that he had been eyeing for the better part of two hours. But his hands slowly dropped, resting on Tony’s back.
“Good.” Tony had been mildly worried that he misread the whole situation. Of course, he hadn’t. “Now, don’t be too gentle, okay? I can handle it. I like it rough.”
That phrase shot straight through Peter, blood quickly surging to his already half-hard dick. Fuck.
“O-okay,” he stuttered, thumbs gently moving to dig into the tight muscle.
Tony relaxed into the touch, smirking to himself when he was absolutely sure that Peter couldn’t see him. He groaned softly at a specific dig of the young man’s thumb into his back. He had meant to have a few well placed noises to get Peter’s attention, maybe get him thinking a little more, but that one had been completely unintentional.
Peter froze at the noise, biting his lip. “Everything okay?” He asked timidly, trying to press his legs together where he was standing. He was so hard, balls thrumming in time with his heartbeat. Some sort of friction or relief was needed. Of course, he couldn’t get much without touching himself and there was no way that he could do that yet.
“All good, Pete,” Tony breathed, pressing back into the touch more. “Don’t worry. That was nice. Keep going.”
The young man nodded slowly, sucking his bottom lip under his teeth and chewing it as he tried to focus. What they were doing was completely innocent. He was thinking wrong and needed to get his mind out of the gutter.
Then Tony was making more noise, the sound that left him barely something other than an outright moan.
Peter shivered, his entire body trembling for a second. He didn’t even realize how he began gravitating closer to Tony again. His hips were only a couple inches from his mentor, the soft swell of his bulge at the front of his jeans almost touching the very place he had been fantasizing about.
And Tony was running low on patience. But wasn’t he always? He arched his back again, leaning back against the table. Which pushed his ass right against the hard-on of the man behind him.
Peter had to quickly bite back a groan at the contact, hands pulling away like Tony had burned him. “I-I’m sorry, Mr. Stark,” he stuttered, face burning. He slowly pulled away. “I’ll leave. I’m sorry. You were just wanting me to do this innocent thing and-“
“Hold it right there, Parker,” Tony said lazily, hips swaying slightly. “I’ve known exactly what was going on the entire time. I’ve got a hold on this situation.” He paused for nothing more than the drama. “And I want this.”
There was silence for a moment, which was a real feat given the two people in the room.
Then Peter cleared his throat, slowly moving into the position he had been in before. But he placed his hands on Tony’s hips instead. “So this is okay?”
Tony pressed back a little, smirking when he felt the obvious bulge against him. “Get those jeans out of the way and it will be. And actually-“
He stood up straight one more time, undoing his own and pushing them down to his thighs. The action left him in tight briefs that showcased his assets even better than the pants had. “There. Much better.” He cupped his own cock through the front of the thin fabric, humming in a satisfied way before bending over again. “Now I’m ready.”
Peter stared at him, brain seemingly short circuiting. “You...huh?”
“Peter Parker you’ve been staring at me the entire time we’ve been here. And I’ve caught it before too. Usually I’d question your judgement, but I’m too worked up now to do anything but let you faux fuck me into this table. Got it?”
“Got it,” he said meekly, blush still burning from his ears to his chest. But it was a miracle he could manage the excess blood in his face at all with how hard he was. He awkwardly unbuttoned his jeans and kicked them off quickly, erection straining against his loose boxers.
Tony wiggled a little, trying to be enticing. He grinned when he felt strong hands on his hips again and a huge cock against his ass. “That’s it. Now have at it, honey.”
That was all the further encouragement Peter needed.
He started thrusting quickly, cock fitting perfectly between the cheeks of Tony’s ass even through the two layers of fabric. He groaned at the sight, fighting to keep himself from blowing his load right then.
The older man hummed, helpfully pressing back and grinding against the heavy length. “That’s it,” he praised gently. “I know you’ve been wanting this. I saw how you stared at me. Just couldn’t help your dirty feelings, could you, Pete? How long have you wanted this?”
Peter whined softly, not wanting to answer. Then he slowly started talking as he kept his hips moving at an even pace. “I-I’ve wanted this a long...long time. Too long. Since before I even knew you,” he admitted shyly, breathing hard.
He was embarrassingly close already, balls drawing up tightly as he kept moving and thought about how he was finally getting something - someone - he’d wanted for so long.
Tony hummed, pleased. “I know, baby. You just couldn’t help yourself. Have you touched yourself? Thinking about me?” His tone was teasing, but he obviously wanted an answer.
“Every time,” Peter choked out.
Tony moaned at that, rewarding the answer with a hard grind back. “You’re perfect...such a good boy. Aren’t you, Peter, you want to be my good boy?”
Peter whined softly, the previously swift and even movement of his hips getting rough and choppy. “Wanna be your good boy,” he answered obediently. His cock twitched at the admission, due to how hot he found the words and how close he was to his end.
“I know you do,” his mentor cooed, rubbing against the younger man in a way that made his toes curl with pleasure. Tony knew that he wouldn’t be able to get off from the action, but he was okay with just making Peter cum. That was all he needed for the moment.
Then he got an idea. “Take out your cock, kid.”
Peter moaned loudly. He couldn’t tell if it was because of the command or the highly inappropriate nickname for the occasion. “W-why?”
“I want you to cum on my ass,” Tony stated like it was a well known fact. “So do what I said, Peter. I know you want to.”
Peter nodded quickly, halting his movement to push his boxers down. Then he took his cock in one hand, free hand moving from its place on Tony’s hip to gently cup his balls. He whimpered softly, hips thrusting to fuck into his fist.
“Now cum, Peter,” Tony ordered. He didn’t know that it would work, he told himself that he wouldn’t be disappointed if it didn’t. It wasn’t like they had trained or anything for the young man to be able to finish on command.
But of course, as absolutely perfect as he was, he did.
His cock twitched almost violently in his hand just before his orgasm hit. The first spurt of his cum shot straight onto Tony’s back and he realized in the midst of his high that some more aim was needed. So he aimed himself better, slowly stroking himself through the high as more of the warm cum spurted onto the desired area, soaking Tony’s briefs and making them nearly translucent as they clung to his skin.
Once he rode out the high Peter slowly took his hands off of himself, panting quietly. He looked over the sight of his mentor, biting his lip. “Woah...”
“You’re like a fucking firehose,” Tony mumbled, turning to try and look. “I couldn’t see it unfortunately, but I could feel....jesus, you made a mess of me.” He grinned, looking at the other man. “I wish I could have watched. But you did so good,” he praised again, standing up straight and turning to face him.
Peter watched him, shyly pulling his boxers back up to hide his softening cock. “I did?”
“So good. So good that...” Tony hummed, tapping a finger to his chin. “You’re free tomorrow, right?”
“Tomorrow is Saturday, sir. So yes.”
“Perfect!” He clapped his hands together, ignoring the way that the wet fabric clinging to him was started to bother him. “You’ll come over tomorrow. Because I need more of this. And as good as it was, it wasn’t quite...” he gestured to the remaining tent in his underwear. “Fulfilling for both of us, hmm?”
“Who...who said we had to wait ‘til tomorrow?” Peter offered suddenly, eyes not leaving the bulge.
Tony chuckled, watching him. “Oh, I think I like where your mind is going. Better just spend the night tonight. Let’s claim it’s for research purposes.”
“Research purposes.”
It was going to be a long night.
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cutesuki--bakugou · 4 years
Tumblr media
Main Pairing: Katsuki Bakugou x Koge Naegi (OC)
Story Rating: Explicit
Genre: Fluff / Romance / Domestic
Story Warnings: Phone sex, sexting, dirty and degrading talk, Bakugou’s really fluffy don’t @ me. 
a/n: I was going to do like... the fake text screenshots along with this story and draw the pictures that they are sending to each other, but I was just getting too frustrated with it and I couldn’t find the time I needed to do it all, so I’m just gonna go with normal text lol. Maybe next time! 
Tagging @lady-bakuhoe​​ ‘cause she’s been so excited about this and pumping me up about it, and @rhombea​​ ‘cause she read it over and helped me with it, and just because I adore them both.  (*˘︶˘*).。.:*♡
Art in banner by me
Me = Koge Cutesuki = Bakugou
Me 3:03 AM: I miss you, Katsuki. I can’t sleep. (>﹏<)
A small sigh left Koge’s lips as she stared at her phone screen, rolling over onto her side to face the wall. The spot beside her was empty, the pillow untouched and the sheets cold, which was something she wasn’t sure she’d ever get used to. Sure, she had spent many nights alone when her lover was off on a trip or on a late-night job, but that didn’t matter. No amount of time could make her get used to being alone, not when she was so used to and craved his presence. It was truly miserable when he was gone, even though she did everything she could think of to try and distract herself. 
She spent time with her friends, watched movies, played video games, did yoga and meditation, went shopping, read books, and anything else she could possibly squeeze in so that the only time she was undistracted was while attempting to sleep. Along with texts and phone calls from him, she could get by, especially if the trip was only a few days or a week. But right now, he had been gone for a month. All the distractions in the world couldn’t stop her loneliness now, and what was worse, he was on the other side of the world in America. 
There was a huge hero conference being held in New York and being one of the top young heroes in Japan, he had been invited along with quite a few others. He was horribly busy, every day being either an event for the conference, meetings, or doing touristy things with his friends that had gone with him. Koge was glad that he wasn’t alone, with at least Kirishima and Midoriya there to keep him company, but damn was she jealous. She wished that she had been able to go with him, too, but her work responsibilities at home prevented her from leaving. 
It didn’t help that the times were so different on top of everything else. It was difficult for Koge to find time to talk to Bakugou for more than a few minutes over the phone, since he was 13 hours behind her in time. Right now, for him, it was just past two in the afternoon, meaning that he was probably in the middle of an event or maybe eating lunch. 
Meanwhile, Koge laid in bed, alone, cold, and bundled up in multiple fleece blankets for comfort as she waited for his response. 
When her phone buzzed in her hand sooner than expected, her eyes were instantly on the new text message, cuddling up tighter under the blankets. 
Cutesuki 3:07 AM: you need to try to sleep, utsuro. its late. 
Me 3:07 AM: I know, but… It’s hard without you. (。•́︿•̀。) I’m cold. 
Cutesuki 3:08 AM: i already know youre bundled up under all those fucking blankets, probably wearing my clothes, too. spray some of my cologne on my pillow or something. 
Me 3:08 AM: You know me so well. ( ◡‿◡ *) I am just as you say. And I already put some on my pillow… I didn’t want to mess with yours. 
Cutesuki 3:09 AM: considerate. of course youre in my clothes, might as well throw all of yours out. 
Me 3:09 AM: Hehe… ( ´ ▽ ` ) They’re just so comfy! 
Cutesuki 3:09 AM: which? 
Immediately, Koge felt heat rush to her cheeks, biting down onto her bottom lip as her stomach fluttered. He wanted to know what she was wearing. He had to be out and about right now, so what was he getting at? 
During trips like this, the two of them were no strangers to phone sex, exchanging sexy pictures or messing around on video chat if they were able. Sadly, Bakugou was also sharing a hotel room with his friends to save on funds, so time alone was scarce for him. In fact, the entire time he had been gone, they hadn’t been able to have more than a slightly flirtatious conversation before he had to go. Koge’s toys could satisfy her in the moment, but nothing could ever compare to the way he made her feel and the pleasure they could create together. Just the thought of the intimacy they shared made her body grow hot, squeezing her bare thighs together to try and relieve the new aching at her hips. 
Cutesuki 3:11 AM: well?
Sitting up, Koge reached over and turned on the lamp on the bedside table before leaning back against the headboard. Holding her phone out, she took a selfie, doing her best to make sure she got a flattering angle that showed her body beneath his black skull t-shirt and her bare legs, with a playful smirk and a peeking tongue being all that was visible of her face. Satisfied, she sent it to him, settling down to wait with her legs stretched out in front of her. As she waited, her heart only pounded harder in her chest, hoping that is what he had wanted to see.
Me 3:12 AM: (*´︶`*)
Cutesuki 3:16 AM: fuck. 
Cutesuki 3:16 AM: it would be that shirt. 
Cutesuki 3:16 AM: youre so predictable. 
Me 3:17 AM: Well if you know, why’d you want to see? (¬‿¬ )
Cutesuki 3:18 AM: i need something to jack off to. 
Koge’s body was immediately covered in goosebumps, making her shiver and squeal quietly to herself, bringing her phone up to her lips and kicking her legs like an excited child. Maybe he finally had some time to himself? Or was he hiding away in a bathroom somewhere? Any option turned her on. 
Me 3:18 AM: That’s all that’ll get you off, huh? ┐(︶▽︶)┌ Guess my job is done. 
Cutesuki 3:19 AM: dont be a smartass. more. 
Me 3:19 AM: More? (◕‿◕✿)
Cutesuki 3:19 AM: now bitch. or would you rather miss out on this? 
Within the next few seconds, he sent in his own picture, displaying his hips, clad in grey sweatpants. He seemed to be sitting on a bed with what looked to be a hotel room behind him, but that didn’t matter to Koge. All she was focused on was his hand, which was clutching onto the hard form of his cock beneath the fabric, showing off his size. Feeling as if her heart was in her throat, Koge squeezed and rubbed her thighs together, looking over every inch of him she could see, from the peek of his belly beneath his shirt to the strong veins that ran along his rugged hand and up his arm. “Damn you, Katsuki! You hot asshole.” 
Me 3:20 AM: Challenging me, huh? (ಠ_ಠ)
Cutesuki 3:20 AM: im threatening you. show me your tits. 
Unable to stop the smirk that crossed her lips, Koge pulled the t-shirt up, holding the bottom hem of it between her teeth. With only slight position and maneuvering, Koge was able to get a similar selfie as the one a moment ago, showing her legs, torso, and mouth. This time, she had the shirt taught so that it held her breasts in place, only showing a nice and plump peek of the bottom of them, along with her stomach. Her mouth was in a teasing smile, teeth shown clamped down around the shirt, and little pale blue undies fit snugly on her hips. 
Me 3:23 AM: (¯▿¯)
Cutesuki 3:26 AM: fuck youre such a tease. 
Cutesuki 3:26 AM: i miss you. 
A new picture came along with his message, bringing a new wave of heat to her already aching cunt. His cock was now out of his pants, hard and irresistible, crowned with a dribble of precum that had begun its descent down the underside of his head. He wasn’t touching it, using his free hand to hold his sweats down out of the way instead, but Koge could still see a little dark area that had gotten wet before he decided to expose himself. He had also removed his shirt at some point, so his muscular frame was visible. 
Giving a frustrated groan, Koge slipped her hand between her legs, beginning to lightly stroke along her sex outside of her underwear. Already soaked through, she couldn’t get her eyes off the picture, nibbling at her bottom lip as she pleasured herself. Every vein and girthy inch of him had her entire body on fire, wanting more than anything for him to shove that beautiful cock down her throat. She missed his hands on her body, the warmth of him against her and how delicious he tasted. 
Me 3:28 AM: Ooh, I get the dick before I even show you the tits? You must be horny.
Cutesuki 3:28 AM: you’re killing me.
Me 3:29 AM: ԅ(≖‿≖ԅ)
Sinking down a bit more against the headboard, Koge pulled the t-shirt up over her breasts, being sure to hold her arms in a way that nicely squished them together. Her recently fully healed nipple piercings gleamed in the dim light, and since they were so enticing, Koge decided to get a shot of the other piercing. Getting her mouth in the frame, she opened wide and let her tongue loll out, displaying the piercing on the wet muscle as well. He had yet to really get the chance to play with her with them both fully healed, so she knew this would set him off. 
Cutesuki 3:32 AM: fuck. I want to fuck that pretty mouth
Me 3:33 AM: Want to fuck my throat raw, huh? Or maybe my tits? 
Cutesuki 3:33 AM: show them closer. 
Me 3:33 AM: nuh uh. Pic for pic, right? 
Koge moved her fingers back between her legs, rubbing her clit on the outside of her soaked panties. Though, what she received wasn’t a picture. It was a video, the preview making her immediately slip her hand inside her underwear for direct and more vigorous contact. 
Pressing play, she felt her entire body quiver at the view, which was filmed from where she would assume his left knee would be. The frame tilted up, his hips all the way up to his nose was visible, showing a clear view of him pumping his cock and frustrated snarl. 
“Pic for pic, Utsuro? You fucking tease. Hmn, fuck-“ His voice cut off with a grunt, followed by a deep groan as he picked up the pace on jacking off. “Show me what you really want, whore.”
When the video cut off, Koge couldn’t resist playing it again, beginning to plunge two of her fingers in and out of her pussy as she watched him. It was so hot, his voice so gruff and filled with passion, that sexy growl with each degrading word making her heart race faster. She could only imagine what he’d be doing with that sexual tension; his hand around her throat as he fucked her into the mattress. Or perhaps his fist balled up in her hair while he made her gag on his cock. 
Although she didn’t want to stop, she took a moment to slip her undies off, tossing them away. Positioning the phone, Koge used her free hand to spread her glistening pussy open, showing him just how wet she was. 
Me 3:40 AM: I want your dick inside me, Katsuki. I want you to fuck me like the little horny bitch I am. 
Cutesuki 3:41 AM: good girl. 
Me 3:41 AM: I want to hear you. Can you call me?
The instant the phone began to ring, and his adorably innocent picture appeared on screen, Koge answered it, holding the phone up to her ear as she continued to rub delicious circles on her clit. “Katsuki…” She couldn’t restrain a soft moan, slipping two of her fingers into her cunt at the ragged sound of his breathing. “I wish you were here with me.” 
“You just can’t stand being without my cock, huh, little whore?” Bakugou’s voice was deep and quiet, making Koge sink further down to lay and dig her fingers in deeper. She could almost feel his body on top of her, pressing her down into the mattress as he hissed in her ear, his thick fingers teasing her pussy in punishment. “You’re such a nasty fuck, always begging for me to fuck you.” 
Koge was sure to let her voice flow freely, not restricting and moans or gasps of pleasure. “I love it so much, Katsuki. I love your big dick inside me! I want to cum all over it-” She paused just to hear the soft and frustrated grunts he made, even able to hear his hand working over his cock in a quick and steady rhythm. “Yes, Katsuki. You’re close, aren’t you, baby?” Much to her surprise, Koge found that even she was getting close to cumming quickly with just her fingers, which was a feat in of itself. After years of being with Bakugou, of growing so used to the way he fucked her, she found that something so tame as fingering herself couldn’t usually get the job done. A toy or two usually had to be used to get her off, but tonight, all she needed was the sound of his voice and a vivid imagination. 
“Yeah, I’m fuckin’ close. Damn it, Utsuro, your voice is fucking hot. And those shitty piercings… fuck!” 
“Mm, that’s right,” Koge’s voice hitched, moving her fingers back to her clit to work herself over the edge. “That’s it, Katsuki! Cum for me-” She was cut off again by her own moan, leaning her head back into her pillow as her hips arched up into her fingers. Straining against the sore burning in her forearm, she forced her hand to continue rubbing, listening closely to Bakugou’s own groans and curses of pleasure. She could tell the exact moment that he came, his voice growing into a deeper growl and trembling with relieved sighs. He couldn’t hold it for very long, and just the thought that he had been wanting her so badly immediately pushed Koge over the edge as well. 
Entire body quivering and twitching with the force of her orgasm, Koge clutched her thighs together, slowly and lightly letting her fingers slide across her pulsing sex to ride out the orgasm. In truth, she wasn’t sure how loud she had been or what she might have said when she came. All she had done was listen to Bakugou as he finished, imagining that tight grip on her hips and his hot release inside her. She could feel those rough and calloused hands slide up her sides, caressing her body so close and lovingly after ravaging her completely. 
Relaxing her body back against the bed, Koge rolled over onto her side, nuzzling her face against her pillow and taking in the scent of his cologne. On the other end, she could hear him still panting to catch his breath, though a sharp chuckle cut him off. 
“You sniffing some dirty boxers, Utsuro?” 
“What?! No! I’ve never been that desperate.” Koge couldn’t resist her own soft giggle, smiling against the pillowcase. “I told you, I put some of your cologne on my pillow.” 
Before she could respond, Koge got a message alert, pulling her phone away from her ear. Putting him on speaker, she opened the message, feeling her entire body flush hot again at the sight of him. Hand still around his dick, his lower stomach, sweatpants and fingers had dribbles of his cum, gleaming against the well-lit room. With a groan, Koge rubbed her thighs together again. “Man, I wanna lick it off!” 
“Where’s mine?” 
Sitting up again, Koge got into another pose, making sure her chest was exposed along with her puffy and wet pussy that was still tender with the need for more attention. Lips also in the frame, she puckered them in a sweet kiss, her fingers in a cute peace sign to go with it. After sending it, she pulled the shirt down and got comfortable again, smiling as she heard him give a short chortle. 
“You’re cute.” 
“That’s my new phone background.” 
“No! Someone will see it!” 
“No one ever sees my phone, stupid. I’m not an idiot like you who leaves it out where everyone can see the screen. Besides, they’ll catch a glimpse of the most beautiful woman they’ll ever see. That’s a privilege.” 
Cheeks flushing, Koge cuddled her blankets to her tightly, nuzzling herself into her pillow. “That’s not true… I’m not the most beautiful.” 
“You are to me.” 
“You’re too sweet. Turning me into mush over here when I can’t kiss you. Usually I’m the one doing the sweet talking.” 
“I miss you. This last week can’t go by fast enough. All this shit is great for my brand, but damn, I’m worn out. All this social interaction is fucked.” 
“Is that why you’re in your hotel room today? Isn’t it like two in the afternoon?” 
“I didn’t have a panel today to go to, but Kirishima and Deku did. I could have gone out, but I decided to stay in and relax. I’m kinda glad you weren’t able to sleep.” 
Reaching over, Koge turned off the bedside table lamp, placing the phone down on his pillow as she snuggled up nice and tight into her blankets. “Aw, I had good luck then today. I’m really glad. Tell me about it! How’s it been?” 
Koge wasn’t sure how long they talked, with him chatting on and on about what was happening, who he had met, and what benefits the convention had towards his hero branding. They laughed and got annoyed together. Bashed on this person or praised this company. Reminisced about what they missed of each other and what they wanted to do when he returned. But, at one point, Koge drifted off to sleep to the sound of his voice and his scent on her pillow. 
When she awoke to the sound of her alarm going off, Koge yawned and gave a heavy stretch, snatching her phone off the bed beside her, since it had at some point fallen off his pillow. Turning off the alarm, she looked at the time, immediately feeling guilt weigh heavily on her chest. “Oh no, I fell asleep talking to him… My poor Katsuki.” 
Rolling over onto her back, she went into her text messages to send him a good morning and apologize, but what she saw there instead made her stop. Bakugou had cleaned up and changed into some new lounge clothes, getting kind of an awkward selfie of him with the city view behind him as he stood on the balcony of his hotel room. It was a cute and innocent exchange compared to the debauchery that had occurred just a few hours ago, and it brought a fluttering to Koge’s stomach.  
Cutesuki 5:11 AM: i could tell you fell asleep from your snoring. its cute.
Cutesuki 5:11 AM: glad i could make your stubborn ass fall asleep. 
Cutesuki 5:11 AM: love you. call me around 10. the two idiots will be gone for a while tonight. maybe we can have round 2. 
Cutesuki 5:11 AM: xo
Smiling, Koge opened her camera and took a picture of her own, sleepy faced and smiling, still bundled up in her blankets. Attaching it to her message, she put the phone down once she responded, giving another stretch and a rub of her eyes. 
Me 8:02 AM: I love you too, my Katsuki. I’m sorry I crashed. (╥﹏╥)
Cutesuki 8:03 AM: new bg picture. 
Me 8:03 AM: What?? (・・;)ゞ Just pick one! (ᗒᗣᗕ)՞ Cutesuki 8:04 AM: youre beautiful in all of them, dumbass, i cant pick. 
Cutesuki 8:04 AM: cant text right now. call me around 10. love you.
Me 8:04 AM: I love you more! (♡‿♡) Cutesuki 8:05 AM: youll never. xo 
Me 8:05 AM: (´ ε ` )♡
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mingishoe · 5 years
The van ride
Mingi x Fem!Reader
Smut Warning: Kinda exhibitionsim, marking, dirty talking, lil bit of degrading, thigh riding, edging, handjob in the back of the van, finger sucking??? That’s it I think- 
Fluff if you squint
Word count: ~2.1k
Summary: While going to film their latest music video you just can’t seem to get enough of Mingi’s thighs even if you are in the back of the van with the other members.
Part 1 of the kink series
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If someone asked you what your favourite part of Song Mingi’s body was you’d say it was his thighs. You have to admit, Migni has some good thick thighs that you can never not be touching.
It’s not always sexual, it could be you laying your head on them, or your feet, or just having your hand resting on one. When you sit on Mingi’s lap it’s a different story. Sure it doesn’t always end where your legs feel like jelly, but today wasn’t one of those days. 
You were in the van with Mingi and the rest of the members driving like 13 hours to film a part for their new music video. You and Mingi got the two seats in the very back just so you could lay down properly since it was already 3 in the morning. 
It started off innocent, you just resting your head on his thigh while drawing shapes on his thigh. Y’all stopped so the driver could get some rest and pretty much everyone was asleep. You had been asleep for around 6 hours and you had woken up not feeling tired anymore.
In your opinion (the right opinion ;))Mingi was the most beautiful and ethereal man you’ve ever seen. You were still laying on his legs while you were looking up at him. He was awake too, having fallen asleep with you earlier, his phone screen lighting up his face. You find yourself always staring at Mingi with the most loving look on your face. It obviously isn’t the best angles to look at someone but from where you’re laying you can see all his best features, his jawline, his plump lips, his beautiful nose, and his cute eyes(basically his whole face) Mingi could feel you staring at him and let one of his hands down to play with your hair and face. 
You grabbed onto his hands and started playing with his fingers as you sat up. You leaned against his shoulder watching him scroll through his social media, “Not tired anymore?” he whispered as to not wake up anyone. You hummed, still feeling the grogginess of having just woken up. 
He puts down his phone down and holds his arms out for you to go with him. You turn towards him and straddle his lap and put your head in his neck. He’s rubbing your back and you’re playing with the hair on the back of his neck. This is one of your favourite positions to be in, or as crazy as it might sound or look because of the size difference between you and mingi, Mingi straddling your lap.
You know how this usually ends and it cannot happen in the back of the van with everyone in it. San, Wooyoung, and Seonghwa in the seats in front of you. Two of them will never let you live it down and the other will never not look at you in disgust from this point onward. “Mingi— no…” you mumbled into his neck as he started rubbing down your back and to your thighs. 
He hummed while starting to rub up and down your ass and thighs. “They’re gonna wake up, Min-” you got cut off as he moved you to where you were only on one of his thighs. You tried to close your legs before anything started to happen but as soon as your knee touched his hard on, it was all over for you. You let yourself relax while your face was hiding in his neck. 
Mingi’s hands were moving to grip your hips and slowly started to move your bottom half against his thigh. You usually were never super quiet while doing things like this but considering there were 8 other people in the van, you had to be completely silent. 
Your breathing is starting to become labored as he starts to move you a little bit faster, “Ah~ M-Mingi-“ you whined. “Shh~ baby girl, unless you want everyone to see you grinding on my thigh like a puppy, I’d suggest you be quiet.” You nod while starting to suck and nibble on mingi’s neck. You knew his makeup artist wouldn’t be happy about it, but it was the only thing that would keep you quiet enough. “C-can't,” you whispered in his ear. 
It was too hard for you not to make any noise, you were making small whimpers while licking the marks you left on Mingi’s neck in different shades of a pretty pink. “Can’t what? Hmm? Can’t be quiet so seonghwa won’t catch you? Maybe you want him to see you, don’t you? You want Seonghwa hyung to catch you being a little slut, don’t you?” He growled in your ear. Before you and Mingi dated you had the biggest crush on Seonghwa. The one time you told Mingi, before y’all even dated, he got so Jealous. It was at times like this where he would really bring out all his jealousy on the subject. 
You heard some rustling from somewhere in the van and you stopped all movement. Your chest heaving, your conscience telling you to stop, and your own need telling you to keep moving. Mingi didn’t like that, he grabbed your hips turning you to where you were facing the rest of the van. 
You turned your head towards Mingi with a pleading look to which he returns with a a laugh and a head shake, “keep going, this time don’t stop.” Your heart slamming against your ribs begging you to stop, but you don’t you grab the seat in front of you to stabilize yourself and started moving again. 
While his hands were on your hips you moved one of your hands back to palm him. He was wearing sweats so you could feel how hard he was in your hand. You could feel him grip your hips harder while he started to move you faster. You groaned as you put your head down to rest on the seat in front of you, right behind Wooyoung. 
You gripped his length harder before you moved your hand to grab him out of his pants. He bucked his hips making you bounce on his leg. You were close, your stomach was tensing, your core was throbbing, your legs were shaking. You turned to Mingi shaking your head with tears eyes, “p-please, can’t take it.” You were sloppily jerking him off, paying close attention to the tip to make him cum faster.
He grabbed you and pulled you so you were flush against him as he stuck his hands down your shorts feeling how wet you were. “Fuck~ you’re so wet, look” he practically moaned in your ear. He pulled his hand from out your shorts, showing you his two fingers covered in your slick. He brought his fingers to your lips as you opened your mouth for him to put his fingers there. You closed your mouth around his fingers and started to suck. 
Your hand started to move faster around his length while gripping it harder. He started bucking his hips more frequently and he pulled his fingers out your mouth to stop your hand, “F-fuck, you need to stop or else Im gonna cum.” You stopped your movements and gripped the base while he slid his hand back down your stomach to dip back in your shorts. 
You were so close you could cum from a single touch. Mingi used your slick as lube to stick a finger in you. “O-Oh fuck,” you moaned a little bit too loud. “What did I tell you? Hmm? Didn’t I tell you to be quiet? If you want Seonghwa Hyung to join us why don’t you just wake him up and ask? You could show him how much of a slut you are, how much you want him to touch you” your heart was slamming in your chest, Mingi wasn't being quiet, he was above a whisper. 
He stuck a second finger into your core and started to move his wrist faster and harder helping his fingers to reach your sweet spot which made you turn your head and take mingi into a kiss. You start to move your hand that gripping Mingi slowly causing him to growl in your mouth. You pull away with glassy eyes, “Mingi, fuck, Mingi Please, I can’t hold it anymore.” He looks down at you and smiles while starting to move his hand faster making a wet noise come from your bottom half, he brings you into a kiss trying to block all the muffled moans that threaten to spill from your now swollen lips.
Both your hands are moving faster, his precum all over your palm and fingers, your cum soaking your panties. Your eyes closed, vision filled with blurry dots as you cum. Hard. Your legs are shaking and whines spilling from your lips as Mingi continues his actions on your core helping you come down your high. You calm down a little and continue to move your hand that’s around Mingi’s length and you can feel him tensing and he starts to moan quietly in your ear. 
It physically hurts you how quiet he’s being. Mingi is usually loud and vocal and his moans are so beautiful to you. Right before he cums you panic for a second wondering what you’re gonna do, you don’t want him getting all messy with him cum but you don’t have enough space to take him in your mouth. 
All the worries go out the window as soon as he lets out his pretty sounds it’s all you can think about. You try and catch most of his cum in your hand but some of it goes onto his sweatshirt. You feel him softening in your palm so you use your other hand that isn’t filled with cum to put him back into his boxers. He slowly opens his eyes to look at you as you take your hand and start putting your fingers in your mouth one by one licking the cum off your fingers and palm while making eye contact. 
Your heart swells at the sight of your beautiful boyfriend looking so fucked out beside you. He looks down at his sweater and laughs slightly, “S’alright, we can wash it.” You slide off his lap with a bit of a grimace because your underwear is sticking to you uncomfortably, “uncomfortable?” You see Mingi looking at you with an amused expression. You nod while he laughs at you. You look around a little bit and try and take off your underwear without taking off your shorts too. You look up at Mingi and he grabs the thin fabric and rips it, “YAH, Mingi~ you’re getting me another pair!” You whisper laugh at him while he grabs your soiled, ripped, underwear and puts them into his bag. 
Mingi takes off his sweater and opens his arms once again for you to cuddle. It doesn’t matter where you are he’s always ready to cuddle and it’s your favourite thing ever, especially after moments like this he becomes into a big teddy bear. You go back into his arms and on his lap with your back against his chest and he just holds you. “You okay, was it too much?” He questions you while resting his face into your neck. You shake your head and giggle, “no, as long as no one heard that… even tho I’m sure someone did…” you laugh while playing with Mingi’s hands. 
You’re kinda just spaced out until you see someone’s phone screen light up on the roof of the car and your heart drops. “M-Mingi-“ you turn to look at him and he has the same expression on his face. Your phone buzzes next to you and your heart sinks out your ass when you see who it is.
[Seonghwa 4:13am] why don’t you wake me up next time, hmm?
Your eyes practically burst out your skull and what your looking at, however; Mingi is laughing his ass off behind you. “Seems like you were already awake tho?” You say aloud trying your best to sound innocent as you hear a snort coming from in front of you as Seonghwa turns around and rolls his eyes at you. “Next time just let me know oppa~ I’ll be happy to help” you say in a whisper while winking at him, knowing you got his soft spot with “oppa” Mingi is still laughing behind you but actually taking your proposition into consideration on Seonghwa joining y’all.
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madamsixx · 4 years
Beyond The Leather Chapter 28: I Want To Be Your Boyfriend
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I was out shopping for gifts to buy for Tommy and Heather's wedding. I didn't know what would be a good gift. I mean I always thought to myself what do you buy someone who already has everything? I looked around in a jewelry shop and settled on a his and her watch.
I haven't spoken to Lisa since we had our falling out. I really missed her and our friendship. Maybe later on I will call her. I called Slash today because I wanted to talk to him about Nikki. He said he will pick me up with Duff. Nikki's call last night really got to me. I wasn't able to sleep at all and I feel like such a crappy person for how I treated him. But in my defense I'm just trying to keep my distance from the drugs. But as Lisa pointed out every body is doing. Slash is doing it and I'm meeting up with him today.
I walked outside the store and saw Duff pull up on the side. "Hey Mani your right on time." He says looking at his watch. I got up and ran into the car. The smell of wet socks and weed hit my nose right away.
"Jesus this car stinks." I say as I'm getting in and plugging my nose. "Whine down the windows."
"Well princess Iman you can always walk to our place." Slash laughs sarcastically. "So what did you get Tommy and his wife?"
"I just got his and her watches. I couldn't think of anything else." I shrugged.
"So what's on your mind doll?" Slash asks.
"Well last night Nikki called me and he sounded really paranoid. He said there were intruders in his home hiding in his closet, his washing machine, and even under his bed." I said with a worried voice.
The boys looked at each other and started laughing. "Iman look theres nothing to worry about he'll be fine." Slash laughed.
"No Slash theres nothing to laugh about. I was really scared for him. I mean he called me for a reason. And ok in London when he nearly overdosed he ask Andy McCoy from Hanoi Rocks to bring him to my hotel room."
"Oh did he now." Duff smiled." So what else did you guys do in your hotel room?" They both started laughing again.
"Saul." I grumbled. "Ok ok geez Mani when did you become such a prude." He groaned. "Look Sixx likes you and clearly he trusts you if he's running to you every time he has a problem. And to be honest what's there not to like about you. Your a good person when your not following what your manager is telling you to do."
"What's that suppose to mean?" I hissed.
"It means you need to live a little. You need to break out of the shell she's keeping you in. And your mommy dearest isn't here so you don't need to report to her like your a soldier and she's your commander." Duff buds in.
"Um who told you about me and my moms relationship?" I questioned Duff.
It goes silent in the car.
Slash takes a cigarette out of his pocket and lights it up. "The point is." He laughs hesitantly. "You need to live. Were going out tonight and your coming."
"Ok but I'm only staying-"
"Iman shut the fuck up! Your staying out till what ever time we tell you too!" Slash yelled.
We finally pull up to a complex it was really small. We got out of the car and walked into there home. Again I was hit with the smell of weed, booze, and sweat. Izzy was passed out on the couch and Steven was snorting up coke off of the table.
"Oh shit Mani what the fuck?" He looked at me shocked. "No one told me you were coming. I would have cleaned up." He looked at the boys.
"Hey Steven." I walked over and hugged him.
The place was filthy there were dirty dishes piled up in the sink, half eaten food was scattered on the table, the walls were peeling, and there were clothes everywhere. How could any one live like this.
"So wheres Axl?" I asked. "He's in his room. He's a bit pissed for some reason so don't bother him." Steven warns.
"Ok." I look down at the so called chair that they had in there living room. I didn't want to be rude but at the same time I did. I cringed when I saw a roach run into the inside of the cushion.
"Sit." Duff got up and pushed me onto the couch making me squeal and get up fast in fear that the roach got on me.
"What... what happened." Izzy woke up in panic. The boys started laughing and I was aggravated.
"Say while your here we need a womans touch. Can you clean up the kitchen and cook something for us." Slash asked kicking his feet up on the table while smoking another cigarette.
"Seriously." I laugh humorously. "I came for advice and your asking me to clean up and cook for you?" I crossed my arms.
"The advice you got in the car." Duff spoke up. "So you have to repay us back by at least cleaning the kitchen and cooking something for us." Duff walked over to the fridge and grabbed a beer.
I groaned and walked over to the kitchen. I opened the fridge and noticed there were no groceries in there for me to even cook anything.
"It would help if you guys had groceries." I pointed out.
"Go buy some we'll still be here. Plus were going out tonight. So when we pick you up, bring the groceries with you." Slash laughed.
I scoffed and started heading for the door.
"Uh doll." Duff spoke up. I turned to look at him. "The kitchen isn't finished being cleaned. Even princesses have to do dirty work." He laughed.
Ugh ass holes. I walked back to the kitchen and started cleaning it up for them. Don't ask me why?
Later on at night...
I started getting ready for the night I was going to have out with Guns. I was hoping that Lisa would be there too seeing as there was something going on between her and Axl. And well also I didn't want to be the only girl tagging along.
I put on a silver short dress and put my hair up in a pony tail. I wore matching silver stelletoes and put a small black jacket over my shoulders to finish up my look. Slash said we were going to the Rainbow. At first I was hesitant because Tamara had told me never to go back there again. And here I was getting ready to go there again. I called the office were Tamara was and told her that I would be out with Lisa. She expected me home by 11. I don't know if Slash would approve but theres nothing I can do.
I grabbed my little wrist purse and the groceries bags I promised to buy and headed downstairs. I waited in the lobby until I heard a knock on the door. I saw Slash waving for me to come out. I headed over to him.
"Here are your groceries." I said with a sarcastic voice holding the bags up.
"Thanks doll I'll put those in the trunk." Steven got out of the car and took the groceries from me and put them in the trunk. I got into the car and we took off.
"That's is not an outfit for the Rainbow Iman." Slash chuckled.
"Well that's too bad." I hiss. This dress was made more for a modeling event. But im choosing to wear it at the Rainbow.
"You are certainly going to get picked up by a fellow at the Rainbow." Izzy piped up putting his arms around my shoulder.
"I am not talking to any guys there and I hope they don't talk to me." I warn.
We got to the Rainbow and the boys were already a mess. They got drunk, did drugs, were loud, and grabbing girls left and right. But im not here to judge. But places like this were not my scene. And being here with out any girlfriends or friends was awkward. Especially because I don't drink alcohol or snort drugs. So I just sat randomly at the bar looking at people drunk or high.
"What's a pretty little thing like you doing in a raunchy place like this?"
I turned around to see a guy or could be a girl with wild long hair and plump lips looking at me. "I...I'm sorry what?" I stuttered.
"You don't belong in a place this." He leaned closer to me smiling.
"What ever." I scoffed drinking my cranberry juice and turning away from him.
He chuckled and got up to walk in front of me. "I meant that with no disrespect. I just mean if I was a guy taking you out I would take you to the most extravagant restaurant there is around here." He smiled looking me up and down.
"I'm not into fancy restaurants. And I'm here with my friends. Guns n Roses." I rolled my eyes.
"Oh shit really? I love those guys." He flipped his hair. "I watched them play a couple times down at the Troubadour."
"Are you a rock star?" I asked with raised brows.
"Not yet but I'm gonna be. And when I do become one and I'm making shit loads of cash. I'm going to take you out on a date." He spoke softly.
I scoffed, "I don't think so." I say with attitude and turn away from him again.
He chuckled and walked closer to me. "I think so. I'm a gentleman and ladies such as your self deserve gentleman's." He signaled for the bartender to come to us.
"I don't have a lot but how much is her drink?" He asked the bartender.
"No you don't have to!" I wave my hands.
"$5.75." The bartender spoke. He placed the money down on the table and the bartender took it.
"I could have payed for it myself." I looked at him with annoyance.
"I said I was a gentleman." He smiled.
He's actually really cute.
"My names Sebastian... Sebastian Bach." He smiled.
"Iman Darlington." I smiled back.
"God I hope I see you again." He took my hand and gave me a sweet kiss on the back of it.
I felt like I had butterflies in my stomach. He walked out of the Rainbow with his long hair blowing in the wind. Lord help me.
2:34 am
The boys dropped me back home and I couldn't wait to take off my heels and get undressed. I tip toed to Tamara's room and noticed she wasn't home. I was startled when I heard the phone ring. I walked back to the living room to answer it.
"You were suppose to be back at the condo for 11!" She snapped.
I sighed. "I'm sorry I went out with Lisa and ended up seeing Slash. We came back late."
"Iman can't you make better friends. I mean really. Use your break to hang out with Rachel. Hopefully some of her stuck up attitude can rub on you." "Anyways I wont be back till tomorrow morning around 10. I can call Jess if you want her to-"
"No I'm good I don't need a babysitter Tammi."
"Ok alright honey call me if anything. I'll see you tomorrow."
"Ok good night." I hung the phone up walking away to my room when I heard it ring again.
"Tammi I said I was ok." I raised my voice.
I paused for a second hearing Nikki's voice. I was hoping he wasn't a paranoid mess today again.
"N...Nikki are you alright?"
"Can you please come over?" His voice sounded shakey.
"To your home? I asked.
"Nikki it's late I can't"
"I need you. Please!" He cried.
"Give me your adress?" ____
The car drove up to the front gate of the house. I couldn't see the house properly because all the lights were off and it was night time. I whined the window down in the back seat and pressed the buzzer.
"Who is it?" What do you want?" He sounded paranoid.
"It's me Nikki. Its Mani." I replied hesitantly.
The gates than opened and we drove in. I told my driver to wait for me because I wasn't going to be long. I got out of the car and headed up his stone steps. I knocked on the door several times but there was no answer. I twisted the door knob and to my pleasure the door was unlocked. I let my self in and the house was dark except for a little light that was beaming through one room.
I walked around the house. It was a single level home and I noticed there three bedrooms and two bathrooms. The house was interior decorated with red velvet hangings, gothic furniture, antiques and gargoyles that loom at you out of the darkness. It was creepy being in here.
I walked towards the light that was coming out of one of the rooms. I slowly opened the door and saw Nikki. He was holding his pillow sobbing listening to his answering machine. I walked closer to him and listened to the machine play two messages.
Frankie this is your mom. I know that your busy being a big star and all. I'd just really like to talk to you sometime call me back.
You must have gotten the selfish gene from your father. This is selfish what your doing. I just... I just miss you frankie. Talk to me please. Dammit frankie.
End of Messages
It was his mom, my heart was aching for him. I walked to the answer machine and deleted both of the messges.
"Don't listen to a single thing that she says Nikki. It's not worth it she's not worth it. She's not worth crying over." I calmly spoke.
I moved and sat down beside him and started brushing his hair with my fingertips. I felt guilty for the way I treated him when I was in Italy. I could tell now that he was a very hurt an lonely person. I didn't want to just leave him here by himself.
"Why the fuck did you come?" He sneered.
"Because you asked me too Nikki." I snapped back at him.
He scoffed. "So now all of a sudden you care about me?"
I furrowed my brows. "Nik I always cared about you." I whispered.
"No one cares about me!" He raised his voice. "Not my mom, not my dad, not my band mates. And you especially!" He says sobbing and squeezing his pillow tighter.
"Nikki I do care about you, that's why I came when you called. That's why in London when you nearly overdosed I took care of you. I care about you so it scares me." I mumble and look down at the bed.
He lifted himself up on his elbows and looked at me with his piercing green eyes that had tears all over them.
"What scares you?" He asks with confusion.
I stay silent and just stare at the sheets not wanting to look at him. He leaned and shuffled closer to me. He lifted my chin up with his finger for me to look at him. He leaned closer to face me with his lips barley brushing mine.
"What scares you princess?" He asks again.
"How I feel about you." I breathlessly reply.
He leans forward and kisses my lips. He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me on the bed with our lips still together and lays me down beside him. I kick off my flats and pull my lips away from him catching my breath. He brushes the side of my face with his thumb.
"Mani." He whispers.
"Yes." I reply.
"I want to be your boyfriend."
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tae-namjoon · 7 years
Yoongi X Reader
Word Count - 3516
Request -
where you trip over some boxes/files that were left on the floor by Yoongi (your crush and a long-ish time friend) and spill coffee you had on your new shirt. he wants to by you dinner as an apology and things take off when he wants to drive you home ^^
A/N -
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Your arms were engulfed with coffee cups and folders as you rushed to your desk. You were already 5 minutes late, and you knew your boss wouldn't be happy.
Fuck you hated your job.
You saw people exchange glances as you sat on the small table, slamming the folders down carelessly. You were in no mood to return fake smiles today. “Now that's not the right attitude to come into work with.” The, deep, tense voice that made your smile turn into a frown every time your ears recognised it. You turned to look behind you, to see him. His jet black hair seemed glossy, a smug smirk placed on his lips as he looked down at you. You turned back to your computer screen.
“Sorry, Mr. Min..” You mumbled, typing impatiently as you tried to ignore your bosses presence.
“No need to apologise, Y/N, but you need to understand, that in this company, we all have a positive attitude.” He whispered from behind you, his lips inches away from your ear.
You couldn't help but snort at his remark. Was he that stupid to not realise that not fucking everyone was as happy and cheery as him? Yoongi raised an eyebrow at the unusual sound that escaped you.
“Yes.” You nodded, breaking the awkward silence that was taking place between the two of you.
“Okay, good.” Yoongi nodded, his hand squeezed your shoulder. The warmth against your clothed skin made you feel slightly uncomfortable at his unnecessary touch.
“Please don't touch me.” You asked, your voice blank as you tried to stare at the computer screen. Failing in the process. Your eyes travelled to his large hand, veins bulging as he gripped your shoulder.
Although you had no possible intimate feelings towards your boss. You had to admit that he was a handsome man, and that if you were to have a ‘crush’ on this man, you would gladly fall at his feet.
“You must have taken my sign of reassurance out of context, I apologise Y/N” Yoongi chuckled, his hand falling by his side again, a smirk playing at his rosy pink lips.
“Well I apologise for taking it out of context, Mr. Min.” You smiled, turning around so you were facing him once again.
“Please, call me Yoongi” Yoongi smiled down at you, his hands now placed behind his back. He was indeed a formal man, who was enthusiastic enough to keep his workers irritated and tired 24/7.
“Okay, Yoongi, now please can I get back to my work?” You asked, annoyed at his lingering presence.
Usually people would scurry away from your boss, trying their best to ‘behave’ in a formal manner. To look good in front of him. To be like him.
But you decided to turn the other way, being honest and rude to him as much as you could. You couldn't help it. He just seemed to dehumanise everything in his way, and you weren't going to let the impact he had on other people, affect you.
“Of course” He nodded at you, patting your shoulder once more before turning his back to you and walking to his office.
“Oh fuck this” You breathed out, your eyes glancing at your watch.
You were going to be late, again.
You sipped your at your coffee, hissing as you swallowed the scorching hot liquid, you took no notice of your untied shoes, and before you knew it, you were tripping over your own feet, the hot beverage spilling carelessly over your hand.
You cussed, trying you hardest to focus on the way you were going.
You yelped, crashing against a soft chest. The large hands found their way to your hips as everything you had once carried was now on the ground. You cussed as you felt a sting against your chest, a painful, burning sensation that had settled there.
“Woah, hey, those boxes shouldn't have been there” A deep, soft chuckle broke the awkward silence.
“Shit.” You muttered, wincing as you started to realise that your face and body was pressed up against Min Yoongi’s, you slowly pulled your face away from his chest, to look up at him, flustered and embarrassed at the position you were both in.
His eyes studied your shy, guilt ridden face before travelling down to your chest, where the coffee had made your sheer red blouse expose your black, lace bra. Your breasts looked so plump and round in the wet shirt, that it was merely impossible for him to not think about dirty things.
“Y-you look like you’re in pain.” Yoongi stuttered, grabbing your wrists and pulling you out of the way of the boxes and anything that could possibly cause another commotion.
“Yoongi, I am fine.” You reassured him, trying to pull away from his firm grasp.
You could see the lust in his eyes, you could smell his desire. He wanted you so badly, seeing you, there, with your breasts practically exposed as your teeth overlapped your bottom lip in a why that turned Yoongi on.
You turned him on.
Yoongi thought for a moment, before releasing his grip from your wrists, a smile playing on his lips. “I should have looked where I was going, I was actually looking to see where you were-” He started, running a thumb across your heated cheeks.
God dammit why was he always following you.
“You know, to see if you had those files I needed for the meeting later this evening.” He smiled, shaking his head as he thought about your shocked expression when you had collided with Yoongis chest. He felt comforted by you, the weight between you two had been such a stimulating experience, even if it only lasted a minute or two.
You cussed under your breath. Yoongi had specifically told you to bring those files today. The meeting he was going to was practically his promotion on the line.
And you had let him down, once again.
“Shit, I’ll go home straight away and get them, I am so sorry, I was in such a rush this morning and-”
“How about we go out for lunch, and then I can overlook the papers with you, so were both confident about the level of work?” Yoongi asked, grinning.
“I mean, I guess so. But I have to change, I can’t go anywhere looking like this.”
“In my eyes, you look gorgeous-”
“Watch it, Yoongi.”
“But if you are worried about your appearance, I would happily drive you to your home so you can change.”
You hesitated, but nodded, turning around, grabbing the folders you had brought with you to work and threw them on your desk. You were coming back later anyway.
On the car drive home all Yoongi could look and think about was you and your body. The way the seatbelt wrapped around your curvy body made your breasts pop out made him grow, but Yoongi was a man who could control himself in these types of situations.
“Turn right” You told your boss, your voice hoarse and shaky.
You were nervous to say the least.. You had never really interacted with Yoongi out of work, so this was a first for you.
“Just park there, my car got towed a couple days ago so theres a free spot.” you mumble, pointing at the empty space.
You stepped out of the car, hissing as the cold air hit you. Rushing to the door, you unlocked it, motioning him to come inside quickly, it was cold, and your apartment was warm, cold usually overtakes heat at a rapid pace. And you liked being warm.
Without argument Yoongi rushed inside, looking around the room. It seemed cozy, a suitable size for someone who lived alone. He couldn't complain.
“I’ll be 5 minutes, make yourself at home.” You muttered, strolling to your bedroom, grasping clothes from your wardrobe as if it was a race.
You slipped out of your clothes and placed on a white button up shirt and black jeans slipping on grey converse. You weren't going to make yourself look sophisticated, you were too tired.
Yoongi looked around your apartement, his long slender fingers trailing across old novels that had been shoved into the oak wooden bookcase, to never be used again.
Without thinking he had walked right into your room. You were facing away from the door. But he saw you. In all your glory.
Your black, lace underwear hooked onto your hips, your ass lightly bouncing as you hummed softly to yourself. He looked at the mirror tactically, to get a better view of those beautiful breasts.
Fuck he shouldn't be doing this.
He forcefully pulled himself away from the door, walking quietly back to the living room, Yoongi slumped onto the sofa. taking a deep breath, he inhaled your sweet, musky scent. The house smelt just like you, like it was embedded with roses and pine.
“I'm sorry for taking more than five minutes” You chuckled, standing infront of him sheepishly.
He smirked, standing up before gesturing you towards the door. You nodded, grabbing the files that were intended to go with you this morning.
Yoongi had told you that you were going for lunch. Not to the fanciest restaurant in town.
“I’ll just have the steak, tender, with fries.” Yoongi nodded at the waiter, passing his menu to him.
“Can I just have the pasta?” You asked shyly, passing him the menu too, thanking him as he walked away.
“You don't need to be so shy..” Yoongi laughed, clapping his hands together as he stared down at the files.
“Ah, yes” You placed the papers on the table and started to go through them with him, pointing out your mistakes and what you thought could be improved.
He loved the way you spoke. You talked too fast, and that made him smile. And whenever you asked what was so funny, he would just shake his head and waver his hand for you to carry on with the conversation.
The way your fingers fumbled with your bracelet whenever you admitted to a mis-correction in the work. It made him smile. The way your cheeks puffed out as you started to get more tipsy. It made him smile.
Everything you did, made him smile.
You made him smile.
You both staggered out of the restaurant, giggles and chuckles muffled by the wind. Yoongi waved his hand out for a taxi. Once one had accepted the request, you both slid into the back.
“Fuck.” He hissed, shaking his head.
“I must have left my phone at yours.” He sighed, apologising for the inconvenience.
“Its okay, just come and get it” you shrugged, resting your head against the window. It felt cold against your heated skin.
You gave directions to the taxi driver, sitting quietly.
Yoongi glanced at you, he bit his lip. You looked so fucking hot. Your hair was stuck to your face from the heat inside of the restaurant, he bit his lip, looking away.
You gestured for him to come back inside of you apartment, throwing your coat onto the dining room chair carelessly. You turned to face him. You had to admit, within the past few hours, you had started to feel squirmish. There was no lying that you were drunk. But even when you were sober, you felt too comfortable with him.
How about you tease him?
Everyone teases, it cant be that bad, right?
You decided to go with the choice that could possibly make you lose your job. You looked at him, his black hair was messy from the heat and rain, his face was shiny from the humidity in the restaurant, he looked so inviting.
“Yoongi..” You smiled kindly, your voice seemed to had become higher within seconds of making your decision.
“Yes?” He looked at you, his brown eyes locking with yours, He was intimidating, even when you were drunk, you could still see the danger in those orbs.
“Its getting pretty late, I mean, you could bunk here for the night?” You stammered, your voice laced with alchohol.
“Are you sure? I mean I could just take a cab home.” He suggested, biting his lip as he smiled.
“I’m sure.” You gave a laugh, walking to the kitchen before grabbing a bottle of wine, “Wine?” You asked, stumbling slightly as you grabbed a wine glass, waiting for an answer.
“Of course.” Yoongi chuckled as he watched you from the sofa, smirking at your drunken state.
You poured the liquid, spilling some of it on the white kitchen top, causing a pool of red booze to form around the half filled glasses. Picking them up you brought them to the oak coffee table, leaving the spillage in the kitchen to miraculously clean itself.
It had been a couple of hours or so since Yoongi and you had stumbled into your apartment ‘under the influence’, and you both had started to sober up.
But that didn't stop you two from flirting with each other.
During the hours the two of you had spent together, you had started to tease, subtly, unbuttoning the buttons on your shirt leisurely, until the crease of your breasts was exposed. You could see him starting to stare at your chest more and more throughout conversations, his eyes laced with lust and desire.
“Don't do that.” You smirked, raising your eyebrow accusingly at the young man.
“Hm?” He snapped his head back up to your face, shaking away his devilish thoughts.
“Look at my chest while we’re talking about smoking in offices.” You chuckled, biting your lip purposefully
“That's not the only thing that's smoking tonight..” Yoongi gave a growl, his hand creeping up to your thigh.
“And what would that ‘thing’ be?” You breathed out, leaning in closer to him, you could feel his hot breath radiating off your nose.
“You.” He whispered, pressing his lips against yours, he pushed you back, his lips still connected. Your head hit the arm of the sofa softly. Yoongi laughed, his hand lay at the side of your head as he hovered over you, licking his lips in anticipation.
“Then cool me down...” You whispered back, cupping his face with your hands.
He winked at you, nodding slowly as his head started to lower, leaving a trail of colourful marks all the way down to your stomach. You gave moans of delight as the sweet touches sent shivers to your core.
His hands fumbled with your shirt, unbuttoning the last few buttons that were closed. they travelled to your jeans, he paused and looked up at you, “Do ever wear anything else?” He teased, sliding them off with no trouble.
You rolled your eyes at his sarcasm, your hands grasping his hair as he kissed your pelvis, his lips travelled down to your thighs. You blushed as he lay on his stomach, opening your legs and pushing the black lace material that covered your slick folds to the side. He observed the pink, juicy flesh, humming to himself.
“So vibrant Y/N..” He chuckled, spreading your lips with his fingers, your breath hitched as he did so. The two digits brushing against your clit, “Oh did that feel nice?” He raised an eyebrow, repeating the action.
You released a short moan, your hands gripping the sides of the sofa. He chuckled, his tongue licking a long stripe up your folds. You groaned, involuntarily spreading your legs wider.
“That feels good..” You whispered, biting your lip.
He mumbled against you, the vibrations making you arch your back. he released his lips from your heat, admiring your lower half for a couple of seconds before delving back in. You whined as he pushed his middle finger inside of you, the long digit sliding in and out of you, your juices shined on his finger.
His lips found their way back onto your core, engulfing the soft pink flesh that lay before him. A chorus of moans escaped you as he flicked his tongue into your delicious pink heat.
You were starting to feel lightheaded, and the tight coil that was once wrapped securely inside of you had began breaking and before you knew it, it snapped. You were practically drowning in pleasure, tingles travelling through all parts of your body at once. You exhaled, the hazy feeling of the aftermath of your orgasm coming to you all at once.
Looking down, you caught a glimpse of yoongi, his eyes looking up at you, his hands wrapped around your thighs and his lips, shining with your juices.
“Oh Yoongi...” You groaned as his licked his lips, the sound of his belt unbuckling making you sit up automatically. He looked at you, licking his lips hungrily. You smirked, grabbing his collar and pulling him towards you, your face inches away from Yoongi’s.
Your hands grasped at the material that covered his lower half, pulling them down eagerly. His cock proudly made a tent in his boxers. You licked your lips in anticipation, your fingers hooking under the cotton fabric, dragging them slowly down his toned legs, your nails scraping delicately against his warm pale skin.
The fabric pooled at his ankles, along with his pants. Your fingers started to trail back up his legs, you laid eyes on his sex, it had arose even more, his shaft an angry red. it was noticeable that he hadn't had much action for a while His head tilted back as you wrapped your hand around his member, slowly pumping him, a chorus of groans escaped him as your hand moved faster and gripped tighter by the second, along with that your confidence grew stronger as you cupped his balls, your mouth watered as you stared at the image infront of you, Yoongi, his cock being pumped by your small hand, his adams apple bobbing as he moaned, his toned arms and legs flexing as he tensed up. You knew he was close to his climax already.
Your tongue swirled around his tip, making him grasp your hair, tugging at it desperately, “Oh baby.” He groaned, looking down at you, you looked so fucking hot with your pretty little mouth wrapped around his hard cock, it was a sight to remember.
You tried your best to take him all, but you started to gag, your eyes watering, instead you used you wrapped your hand once more around the length you couldn't take. You started to move your head and hand at the same pace, your lips dark and wet with saliva, hollowing your cheeks intensely.
Yoongi releases a groan, he was so close to spilling his see, the overstimulation that you were causing him made him wince. He growled, before pulling you away from his member, you were so focused on sucking him off you gasped in shock as you were turned around and bent over, his hand made contact with your ass, the slight sting making you moan with pleasure, you were still soaked from before, he pulled your panties down, you couldn't see him but you could hear him sucking on his finger, the loud ‘pop’ indicating that his mouth wasn't the only thing that his finger was going into.
The digit slipped inside of you easily, sliding it in and out the pleasure that waved through you as he slipped another finger in, stretching you out. His fingers leaving you and replacing themselves with his cock, he teased you slightly, lingering around you entrance, pressing against your lips until he slipped inside of you.
The feeling was unimaginable, Yoongi didn't know it was going to be like this. Warm and wet. And good. So good, to be surrounded by slick and heat, the tightness of you putting the right amount of pressure on his dick to make him thrust into you like there was no tomorrow. You groaned and moaned, your fingers digging into the carpet as he quickened his pace, slapping your backside after every few thrusts.
He grunted, low growls releasing from the back of his throat as the sound of your body viciously smacking against his rang in his ears. Your vision darkened as you reached your peak, ripples of pleasure wavering through you effortlessly. Your juices dripped down your thighs.
Yoongi was nearing to his high, one final thrust and he started to feel dazed, his breaths getting heavier as he came, the hot white seed shooting out of him, and into you, he pulled out a white string of his cum was the only thing attaching you two.
The white liquid trickled down your thighs, mixing with your juices. He stood up straight, rushing to the bathroom. You stays there on all fours, unsure on what to do.
He came rushing back a towel in his hand, cleaning you up he tusked at the red marks he had made on your ass cheeks, he smoothed them out, cooling the stinging marks. “oh shit’.” he mumbled about the imprint he had left, you laughed shaking it off.
“Its fine, I enjoyed it.”
“Did you?” he raised an eyebrow, throwing the towel behind him, you turned over, laying down on the carpet, exhausted.
“I did.”
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slxkpop · 8 years
The Zipper of Good Fortune
A one shot of co-workers Jungkook and Jimin who have to stay late and close up shop. They end up staying late late if ya know what I mean ;)
"What do you mean we have to close up shop? We've never even worked a night-shift before, this is the first time!" Jungkook said to his manager, who was very done with Jungkook’s shit at the moment.
"Can you just stop complaining? You either work the night shift, or you go. Why cant you be like Jimin and just do as I say?" The manager looks at Jimin who was currently standing to next to Jungkook.
"Woah woah woah WOAH, leave me out of this" Jimin says to the manager.
"Get to work, both of you. Theres no one else working tonight because of Valentines Day, they all have dates and you two are the only ones here who are lonely and single, so don’t even try me. Now if you excuse me, I have a date with my boyfriend Namjoon."
"Have fun Jin hyung" said Jimin with a cheerful smile. That beautiful smile thats so welcoming to others. Jungkook sees his hyung's smile, and even though he’s in a bad mood he decides to smile anyways.
"Yea, bye" Jungkook said rolling his eyes. The younger of the two goes towards a tie rack and started to organize the ties that have been thrown all over the place from the long day in the store. Jungkook has always wanted to work in a fancy store for some reason, he felt that it would suit his personality. He looked at a black tie with pink stripes, and it reminded him of the first day he ever came to work. He walked in, and the first person he saw was a young man with pink hair, wearing a black Burberry tux, and he had a pink tie on. He found it the most weirdest thing, seeing a man with pink hair. But damn was he cute. Fetus Jungkook was very nervous of his first day at work at his dream job, so he went up to the man seeking guidance.
"u-um hello, i-im Jeon Jungkook, your new co-worker" he hesitantly bowed at a 90 degree angle and looked at the pink haired man.
"Theres no need to be so formal, my name is Jimin, nice to meet you Jungkook" He smiled and bowed. His smile. His smile omg. Jungkook’s heart started to race at how beautiful Jimin’s smile was, and how angelic his voice sounded. Jimin looked like he was glowing inside the already bright store.
"Is that what you came to work in?" Jimin said, pointing to the younger who was wearing a white shirt and ripped jeans with tims.
"Well then, lets go get a tux for you!" Jimin smiled and grabbed Jungkook’s hand, dragging him towards the fitting rooms.
Jungkook smiles at the sudden memory that popped up in his head, his hyung has always been sweet and patient with him. Jimin was the friend Jungkook could go to when he needed to rant, or when he needed advice with something.
"When he says that we have to close up, does that also mean we have to do the cleaning to?" Jungkook said while hanging up the ties on the stand.
"Yea, I guess so, we are the only ones here." Jungkook looked around the store and noticed that him and Jimin where actually the only ones there. Suddenly, an idea popped into his head.
"I have an idea"
"...What is it?"
"Its very stupid"
"Your very stupid"
"Oh shut up" Jungkook grabbed Jimin’s hand and they went to the backroom
"Jungkook, what the hel-"
"Shhhhhh, just wait" Jungkook walked further into the room and let go of Jimin’s hand unwillingly. His hands are just so soft and small, they are literally perfect to hold. He grabs a tux from the box that had just been shipped in today.
"Jimin. I HAVE to try this on"
"Jungkook you are an idiot"
"Yes. I am aware"
"Pass me the other one"
The younger smirked and reached into the box getting a tux that was Jimins size, and hands it over to him. They both left the dim backroom and went into the fitting rooms to try on the very, very expensive tux's.
Jimin gets dressed faster then the younger and exits the fitting room and looks in a mirror. The silver button down shirt thats tucked into his slacks make his butt pop out, and it compliments his hips very nicely.
"Kookie can you see how this looks?"
"Yea sure hold on, i’m having a little bit of trouble with the zipper, it wont go up" he says struggling with the zipper.
"Do you need help?"
"W-what?" The younger started blushing at the thought of Jimin being so close to his dick...
"Do you need help?" Jimin said in a more powerful voice.
"NO I-im good"
After another minute or so struggling with the zipper, he finally gets it up.
"I GOT IT! HELL YEA" Jungkook exits the fitting room to a beautiful human being right in front of him. Oh wait he’s looking at a mirror. But then he looks to the side, OMG HES GORGEOUS!!!! Woop thats another mirror. He looks to the other side to see his hyung on his phone. Jungkook’s mouth drops at the side in front of him. Now, he’s just staring at Jimin without saying a word. The elder finally catches on and says-
"WOW Jungkook you look AMAZING" A little bit of blush creeps on his face noticing how sharp Jungkook looks. Sure, they were tux everyday, but the younger looks like he just came out of Prince Charming's ball. His facial features suddenly look a lot sharper too, and its making the older feel some type of way.
"J-jimin you l-look really nice t-too" Jungkook stutters because the beauty in front of him is just so overwhelming.
"Can we take a picture together? I told my friend Yoongi that i’m going on a date with you tonight, and as you know, i’m not" Jimin laughs nervously as he scratches his head, hoping that Jungkook would be okay with what he suggested, and hoping he wouldn’t question why he decided to tell his friend that they went on a date.
"Yea sure, why not" Well, that went better then Jimin expected. He couldn’t help but notice the blush both of them had on in the selca. *Damn we look good together..*
"Damn we look good, can you send me that?" Jungkook said smiling with his cute bunny smile.
"Sure" Jimin sent the picture to his friend Yoongi and to Jungkook. The younger took out his phone when it rang, and Jimin looked at the notification. It was a text under the contact name of-
"Big Booty Jimin? PFFFFT"
"But seriously Jimin, damn that ass!"
"Bro your thighs look like they were sculpted by gods"
"Why, thank you" Great, now Jungkook was thinking about his Hyung’s ass. But its just so peachy and-
"Imma go get out of this tux, i’m scared i might rip it or something, we don’t want that happening"
"Yea we really don’t need that happening" They both went into the fitting rooms and started to get undressed. As Jungkook took off his shirt he couldn’t help but think about how Jimin told his friend that he went on a date with Jungkook. When Yoongi brought up a boyfriend, was the younger the first person Jimin thought of? The elder wouldn’t mind going out with him? The sudden though got him blushing and his cheeks felt hot. He went to take of his pants when he notices the zipper wouldn’t budge.
"Fuck" He kept trying with all his force to pull down the zipper but it just wasnt budging.
"Shit, shit shit" He started panicking, what the hell was gonna happen if he didnt get these pants off? He's currently shirtless, stuck in pants that are part of a very expensive tux suit, he’s getting sweaty, and he’s at WORK. What a Valentines Day.
"Um, Jungkook are you okay?"
"No. Not really. Not at all"
"What happened?" Jungkook swung open the door and saw a startled Jimin outside of the fitting room stall. Jimin was currently looking at a sexy beast. He younger was shirtless, his nice abs exposed, and there was sweat dripping down his forehead and a little on his collarbone. He pointed to the zipper and said,
"This is the problem"
"OMG sorry i was pointing to my dick i meant the zipper"
"You scared me"
"I dont know what to do its stuck"
"Wait let me try" Jimin approaches Jungkook who’s currently in the fitting room fidgeting. The elder kneels down and his head is right above the younger’s dick and he suddenly feels awkward. He starts to blush and clears his throat. Jungkook is blushing hard as well, he’s basically a tomato at this point. The younger looks up at the ceiling and tries not to think too much of it.
"Well, uhm, im just gonna go for it" Jimin suddenly put his hand on the zipper and tries to pull it down. He tries again but this time his hand accidentally brushes a little too hard against the younger’s dick and Jungkook groans but when he realized what just happened he jumps back in shock.
"IM SORRY OMG" They are now both feriously blushing, and jimin can no longer look jungkook in the eye.
"JUST, JUST HURRY, i cant take them off by myself"
"Are you sure?"
"Yes just go ahead"
"O-okay" Jimin tried his best to not touch Jungkook’s dick, however, that didn’t turn out so well. Not just that, but the younger cant help but to look down and imagine Jimin’s pretty plump lips around his dick, sucking away. He bites his lip at the thought, he’s got to get these dirty thoughts to go away, he’s already getting a boner and he doesn’t need to make it worse. The elder is trying his best to not touch Jungkook again but when he does, the younger moans, and honestly, Jimin wants to hear him moan even more. He wants to hear the younger moan his name while he’s grinding on him and-
"mhmmm" Jungkook, just, he, MOANED? Jimin’s dirty thoughts distracted him and he accidentally let go of the zipper with force, and he put pressure on the younger’s dick. An idea popped into Jimin;s head. It really isn’t his fault, all those dirty thoughts. Jungkook got him all hot a flustered, being shirtless, moaning in all his glory. Jimin suddenly smirked and groped the younger, adding pressure and feeling the younger’s dick in his hand. Jungkook moaned, and took a step back in surprise, and shock.
"J-Jimin?" Jungkook looked into Jimin’s eyes and saw something he's never seen before. His pupils have gone large, and he has a smirk on his plump lips. He’s no longer the cute angelic Jimin he first met, now he looks intimidating and sexy as hell. Jimin gropes the younger’s hardening dick again and the he groans at the friction. He feels to sensitive under his hyung’s intimidating touch, and he wants a lot more.
"J-jimin, do-do it again" Jimin’s smirk becomes even wider when he hears those words, he does the same action again however adding more pressure. The younger cant take it anymore, he starts grinding his hips against Jimin’s hand and lets out a lewd groan. The pink haired man looks up at Jungkook in shock, but he is just even more turned on now. He stands up and grabs the back of Jungkook’s neck and kisses him passionately. He starts grinding on him and the friction of their dicks rubbing against one another makes him go insane. He loves the way Jungkook’s body feels against his own, and he loved how the younger blushes innocently under his touch.
"Fuck Jungkook, you are so incredibly hot" He says while kissing the raven haired boy. The younger moans and grinds against the elders dick. All those fantasies he's had in his head are now becoming reality. He lets his hands travel against the others chest, feeling every crease and playing close attention to his abs. He never knew Jungkook had an amazing body like this, just seeing the other shirtless is getting him turned on and making him lustful. Jungkook reaches down and grabs Jimin’s dick and adds the right amount of pressure to make Jimin groan and thrust his hips forward. Jimin pushes Jungkook against the wall and bites his shoulder,  he sucks and nibbles some more to leaving a love mark to claim him. Jungkook throws his head back in pleasure. He couldn’t believe that this was happening either, he’s currently having a heated make-out session with his hot co-worker. The older starts sucking and leaves love bites all over the younger’s collarbones .
"These pants are a problem, they've got to go" The older says in a husky voice that sends a shiver down the others spine. That husky voice made the younger lose his shyness. He was ready to fuck Jimin until he couldn't walk.
"I've got an idea. Sit down" Jungkook sits down on the chair in the fitting room, following the others directions. Jimin straddles him, and starts riding the younger. The younger’s head falls back in pleasure and he lets out a moan. He grabs Jimin’s hips and starts adding more pressure to add more friction on their aching dicks.
"I cant take it anymore. Fuck it " Jungkook reaches for the zipper and pulls it down with all the force he has. Jimin looks at the younger in shock,
"You-you broke it! Damn you want me to suck you off that badly, huh?"
"Its better broken then me cumming all over the pants, now isn’t it? Now suck my dick" He stands up and swiftly takes off the pants, leaving him in only underwear.
"My turn" Jungkook says with a grin. He slides off Jimin’s shirt and immediately attacks the new smooth skin. He nibbles on the older’s earlobe and gets a slight moan as a reward. He thrusts his hips onto Jimin’s, earning a very lewd moan from the elder. Jimin pulls the younger away from his body, eying him up and down. Jimin gives the younger a smirk, and he starts kissing and nibbling at the younger’s chest, soon lowering to his abdomen, leaving love bites. He swiftly takes off the others underwear, freeing Jungkook’s hard dick from the article of clothing. *Fuck hes big*. The elder continues what he was doing, leaving a trail of sloppy kisses as he gets closer and closer to the younger’s dick, the younger waiting in anticipation. Jimin kisses and sucks everywhere besides where the younger wants him to kiss and suck making the younger get needy.
"Stop teasing me"
"But your thighs are just too beautiful" Jungkook grabs a handful of Jimin’s hair and forces him to face the younger’s dick.
"Im about to fuck your mouth so I suggest your open those pretty plump lips of yours" Jimin obediently opens his mouth, accepting the switch of things and lets Jungkook force his dick inside his mouth. The younger moans at the feeling of him being swallowed, he loves the feeling of the older’s warm mouth around him, sucking away. Jungkook grabs the pink hair tighter and thrusts his hips into Jimin’s mouth, throwing his head back at the amazing feeling. Tears start forming on the elders eyes when Jungkook’s thrusts become harsh, and the hair pulling is intense, however he loves being mouth fucked.
"Mmm you dirty slut, you love the taste of my dick don’t you?" Jungkook says in a low breathy moan. Jimin hums in response causing a vibration that makes the younger whimper. Jungkook starts wildly thrusting into jimin’s mouth, pulling the older’s hair so he can swallow more of him. The younger throws his head back in pleasure when he feels he’s about to cum. Jimin however, grabs the younger’s hips firmly stopping the younger’s intense hip thrusting. He removes his lips from the younger’s painfully hard dick, making the younger moan in disappointment.
"J-jimin what the fuck?"
"I cant have you cum just yet, i want your dick inside of me" Jungkook’s eyes widened in shock and Jimin was honestly a little surprised with his own words, however he was just too horny to even give a shit. All he knew at the moment was that he wanted the younger’s dick inside of him. The truth is, neither of them has ever done it with a guy. This is the first time Jungkook has ever fucked a guy, and this is the first time Jimin has ever had a dick inside of him.
"What" The youngers eyes widened in shock.
"Fuck me" The younger’s shock just changed into pure lust when he saw the way Jimin looked into his eyes and how low his voice sounded. The younger groaned and pushed Jimin against the wall again biting at his neck. The elder moved his head to the side offering the younger more space to bite and suck. Jimin moaned at the feeling of the younger’s body surrounding his own. Jungkook went up and bit his hyungs earlobe, earning a satisfied groan. He felt two hands rub his sides and then they grabbed his ass earning a yelp.
"Fuck your ass is so peachy, we need to get those pants off" Jungkook smirked and unbuttoned the elders jeans, lowering them, allowing Jimin to slide them off. The younger gave Jimin one last kiss, tongues fighting for dominance as Jungkook rubs his hand against Jimin’s hard-on. He younger breaks the kiss and brings his fingers up to Jimin’s pretty plump lips.
"Suck" The older gladly accepts the younger’s demand and puts the fingers in his mouth. He sucks, his tongue swirling around the fingers and the younger swears he could cum by just looking at the sight. He brings his other hand down to Jimin’s hard dick and rubs through the clothing.
"Mmm baby your so hard for me" Jimin thrusts his dick into the younger’s hands wanting more friction. Jungkook watches as Jimin sucks desperately on his fingers wishing that it was his dick again. Jimin lets the younger slip his fingers outside of his mouth, and pulls him into a kiss. Jungkook uses his free hand to rub Jimin’s hard on through the fabric again and the elder moans against Jungkook’s mouth. He pulls away from the kiss and thrusts his hips onto Jungkooks hands again, letting him get the friction that he desperately wants.
"Fuck just, FUCK ME ALREADY" Jimin slides off his underwear in a blink of an eye and basically tackled Jungkook. He pins the younger against the wall, kissing his swollen cherry lips. Jungkook takes his lubricated finger and gets closer to Jimin’s pink hole, while sucking on those heavenly lips. As Jungkook’s hand brushes against the older’s hole, the older lets out a little squeak. He’s never felt a finger so close to his hole before and its a new feeling. He suddenly regrets what he said and he breaks the kiss, and bites his lip. Jungkook looks into the younger’s eyes, he could see a little bit of fright.
"Are you sure you want me to do this"
"Y-yes, but how painful will it be?
"Just a finger or my cock" Jimin blushes hard at these words,
"J-just a finger"
"You've never fingered yourself before?"
"YOU HaVe?"
"Of course!" Jungkook takes this opportunity while Jimin is distracted and put his two fingers through the muscle.
"AH, it burns!" Jimin yells out squinting his eyes. He has to admit, he really doesn’t like this feeling, but the younger’s hand slowly rapping around his cock is making up for it. Jungkook slides his finger in, and kisses Jimin trying to distract him from the pain.
"Babe, are you sure you are okay with this" Jungkook looked at Jimin’s watery eyes and saw pain. Jimin was about to answer no when-
"OH, fuck me!" Jimin’s eyes closed shut as he gasped for air. Jungkook found the older’s prostate and grinned, knowing that if he had waited any longer to find it he wouldn’t have been able to fuck Jimin.
"W-what was that!?" Jungkook rubbed against his prostate again and Jimin threw his head back welcoming the wonderful knew feeling. He closed his eyes so tight that he could see white when he opened them again. The younger added a knew finger and the elder whimpered in pain as the new finger was pushed into the tight muscle. But then again, the younger brushed against the bundle of nerves causing Jimin to arch his back and push his ass against Jungkook’s finger.
"FUCK! DO IT AGAIN" Jungkook thrusts his fingers into the elder at a fast pace, basically finger fucking the elder, each time aiming and hitting the elders prostate. Jimin couldn’t help but let his tongue fall out as he panted and threw his hips back everytime the younger’s fingers entered him. Jungkook’s pace got faster and faster until he noticed Jimin’s breathing and how his hole clenched against his fingers. The younger suddenly pulled out, getting a groan from the elder. He didn’t want him to cum just yet, and he felt that the elder was prepped enough for his dick. Jungkook turned around so now his hyung was against the wall and the younger was hovering over him.
"Jump" The elder jumped and the younger caught him, bringing his legs around his hips. Jungkook’s dick teased the elders whole, gaining a shiver from him.
"This may hurt a bit.." Jungkook entered Jimin’s entrance, stretching out the tense muscles slowly. Tears started forming on the elders eyes, he knew it would hurt, but this burns and it feels like something is ripping him open.
"Ah-hh, it-t hurts" Jungkook leans in and kisses the elder, trying to distract him from the pain.
"Its gonna be okay, I promise it’ll feel good in a little bit" He leans in for another kiss as he pushes deeper into the elder. They stay in that position for a little bit, Jungkook not wanting to cause Jimin more pain.
"You... You can go now" Jimin bites his lip as he sees Jungkook thrust into him from the dressing room mirror. He looks at the younger’s perfect body figure, the way he muscles flex, his nice broad back. He lets his eyes fall as Jungkook thrusts into him again. He didn’t think it would be so painful but it honestly feels like something is tearing him apart. He opens his mouth to let out a pained groan when Jungkook captures his lips in a deep kiss. Their tongues intertwine as they fight for dominance, the younger quickly winning as Jimin melts into the kiss. Jungkook’s thrusting is slowly speeding up, he just cant control it anymore. He's secretly wanted to fuck his hyung and make him moan his name from the first day he met him.
"J-jimin your so tight" The younger says as he thrusts even harder into the elder.
"F-fuck" The elder is starting to get used to the thrusting and the pain is being replaced by pleasure. The elder starts moving his hips in sync with Jungkook’s thrusts, he felt like something was missing and he wanted to find it. The way his hole felt around Jungkook’s dick felt overwhelming to the younger. This is better than any girl he ever did. The younger moaned when Jimin started sucking on his neck, leaving another love bite. The elder started nibbling on the younger’s ear piercing which was one of his sensitive spots.
"J-jimin" the younger moaned. He thrusts really hard at an angle and Jimin swears he could see a white light-
"DADDY! F U C K ME" Well he found what he was looking for.
"What did you just call me?" The younger says with a wide smirk.
"Say it again"
"Fine ill just have to make you say it" The younger thrusts into the elder at the same angle making Jimin see stars.
"F-FUCK" Jungkook thrusts again, he’s quickening his pace but the elder wants more
"J-jungkook, h-harder!" The younger throws his hips against Jimin’s and the elder is hanging on to the younger’s shoulders for dear life. However, he knew Jungkook was holding back and he wanted more, he didn’t care what he has to do, he wants to be fucked harder
"Daddy harder!" The younger groans at the name, making him even more turned on. He thrusts harder and the elder is losing his grip on the younger’s shoulders. Jungkook is now thrusting in full pace with all his might, and Jimin could feel the ball of heat build up in his stomach. His prostate is being abused and he doesn’t know how much more he can take.
"F-uck i-im go-ing to c-cum" Jimin breathes out in moans.
"Hmm me too" Jimin’s entrance started to squeeze around the younger’s dick, making Jungkook moan at the tight feeling. Its just urging him to go more. He removes his dick from Jimins entrance, and slams back in with full force hitting the elders prostate completely.
"D-daddy!" Jimin pants out. He swears that he saw the gates of heaven for a good few seconds as he cums all over his and the younger’s stomach. He’s panting non-stop, and he feels amazing. The younger thrusts again into Jimin, going for his own release. He cums inside of the elder after a few more thrusts, moaning at how good it felt to finally release. They stay in that position for a little bit, trying to get their breathes back. He sits down on the chair and puts Jimin to sit on his lap.
"That was amazing"
"Yea i know but you couldve at least taken me on a date first"
"UM excuse me, you were the one who kept touching my dick! Its not my fault that you just looked so incredible during everything" Jimin laughed at the younger’s words.
"What are we gonna do about the pants?" Jimin says
"Oh shit I forgot about it. And that we are still at work!"
"Crap we have to close up!" Jimin suddenly gets up reaching for his clothes but then-
"OH FUCK" He falls back on Jungkooks lap as he feels a sudden pain on his lower back.
"My back hurts so much" Jungkook smiles and shrugs. He pulls the elder in for a kiss. It was deep and passionate and they both are enjoying it. Jungkook is the first to pull away as he says,
"Ill get us our clothes" He stands up and rests Jimin on the chair. He reaches for his clothing and once he has his underwear on, he gives Jimin his underwear and the rest of his clothing. They both struggle to get dressed, especially the elder who cant even stand.
"I have an idea about the pants" the younger said as he put on his shoes.
"What is it?"
"Why don’t we just put the pants back exactly how we found it, and then pretend like we don’t know anything if they ask us why the zipper is fucked? They don’t have to ever find out." The younger grinned at Jimin, thinking this is an amazing plan.
"We are so getting fired"
"I know, but lets just try to stay until our next paycheck" They both smiled and started to close up shop. It was mostly Jungkook doing the work because the elder was having difficulty standing. They shut off all the lights and Jungkook helped Jimin walk outside. The younger locked the door and looked at the pink haired man.
"So, i was thinking, how about we go on a date? I mean if thats, if its okay with you, im not gonna force to do anything..." the younger babbles. He started to blush and looked at the floor smiling awkwardly.
"You know, for a guy I just called daddy, that was not smooth at all" They both started laughing and Jimin looked at the younger with kindness in his eyes.
"Yes i’ll go on a date with you" He pulled Jungkook closer from the collar on his shirt and they shared a deep, romantic kiss.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 
This is my first fan fiction and first smut so its pretty wack but yea. Thankyou for reading!
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