ithappensoffstage · 3 years
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Let’s go lesbians, let’s go!
Lesbian Protector Min Yoongi, a piece I commissioned from the ever-cool honeyrins! Check out her comm info here!
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slxkpop · 5 years
The Sweet Taste of Candy (Chapter 1/?)
Pairing: Unknown
Genre: A bit of everything tbh 
Word Count: 2.7 k
This is a mini series about Jimin who is a complete, utter, slutty ass mess. He has issues that he doesn't want to face, so drugs is his way out :) and this story does indeed, include smut. Enjoy!
Waking up is the hardest thing to do. Every night his mind drifts into nothingness where he’s able to create a world of his own from scratch, where he’s able to do whatever he wants. To feel however he wants without reality influencing him. To wake up into this world that was so heavy and dark never ceased to bewilder him; he who did not belong here.
“Can you fucking get up already?” The stranger standing above Jimin shoved his body to the side to ensure he was alive. Jimin rolled over, almost lifeless in his underwear. He squinted his eyes open and pushed his light blue hair back, revealing his forehead. 
“Look you gotta go. My wife is pulling up with my kids soon so hurry up” The man struggles with his zipper as he speaks, soon letting it go out of frustration. Jimin had no recollection of what happened the night prior, but as always, he was being rushed to pick up and go. He wishes he could’ve gotten up earlier to at least clean himself up, but his pounding headache told him to get more rest. 
“The acid is on my nightstand. Don't forget it, I don't want that shit in my house.” 
Getting up, Jimin found his pants on the floor alongside his phone and shoes. He pulled up his joggers and checked his phone which has almost 10 messages from Taehyung. The blue-haired boy sighed and rolled his eyes. He looked around for his shirt but he couldn't find it anywhere. 
“Hey, do you know where my shirt is?” Jimin said in a quiet raspy voice. 
“I left it on the sink in the bathroom.'' As he entered the small room, he noticed that his black shirt was soaked, and what seemed to be traces of vomit was left on it. He gagged slightly while picking up the dampened fabric; most of it was rinsed out by water but the bathroom still reeked of throw up. 
Jimin made his way to the living room with all his belongings in his hand, including his shirt and a pack of acid. 
“Hey, can you lock the door on my way out?” He said with a soft voice. The fair man led him to the front door, where they stood looking at the pouring rain. Assuming he wouldn't be getting an umbrella, he took a step out of the house about to leave. He turned around to look at the stranger one more time and smirked while reaching  down towards the mans pants to pull up the undone zipper. The blue haired boy then tilted his head and winked at the man as he turned around to leave the house.
“See you”, was the last thing Jimin said to the stranger as he watched the man’s wife and kids stare at him from the driveway. 
“Jimin, its fucking pouring, why are you walking around shirtless?” Taehyung yelled through the rolled down window, he didn't think he’d find his friend wandering the streets shirtless in the middle of the afternoon. 
“My shirt was soaked before I even left the house so I decided to not put it on” Jimin looked at Taehyung blankly while opening the car door. 
“Whose house where you in this time?” Taehyung never understood how Jimin could so easily jump from place to place. He didn't understand why his blue haired friend jumped from place to place. Taehyung always welcomed him into his home with a warm heart.
“I don't know, some dude I met last night.” Taehyung sighed. Why did he even ask? 
“I'm taking you home.” Taehyung peered to the side to look at Jimin. He was a mess. His skin was pale and it looked like he hasn't had a good rest in days.
“It's not my home! It's yours so don’t fucking say that!” Jimin turned to Taehyung who looked shocked at the sudden aggression. 
“It's your home too, you know you’re welcomed at any time. I told you to just stay with me, you don't have to pay rent or anything” Jimin looked towards the window after he plugged his charger into his phone and tensed up at the thought of being in a house. 
“Don’t say that soft shit. I'm not going to live in your house for free-”
“So you’re going to go around, high off of your fucking ass, staying at different people’s houses every night? At the risk of literally fucking dying?” Another wave of anger pulsated inside of Jimin and his impulses took hold of him. 
“Taehyung shut the fuck up. Let me out of the car!” Jimin started banging on the window with a closed fist and tried to pry open the car door. 
“We are literally in the middle of a road. Calm down, what are you even trying to do!?”
Taehyung tried to grab Jimin's shoulder to get him to stop. 
“Don’t fucking touch me! Don't ever touch me!”  Jimin’s wave of anger bursts as he reaches over to Taehyung, grabbing the steering wheel and pulling it towards himself. The car jerks to the right before Taehyung can grab the wheel and push Jimin off of his side.
“Jimin what the actual fuck is wrong with you?! Are you on fucking crack?!” Jimin adjusted himself back in his seat after realizing what just happened.
“I don't know! I don’t fucking remember!” Jimin’s chest closes at the thought of what he just did. He almost killed his best friend and he suddenly feels sick, as if his body just took the toll of all the stupid shit he has been doing at once. 
He takes a deep breath and tries to subsume his emotions.
“I’m sorry… just take me home” Taehyung sighs as the atmosphere calms down. Thinking that Jimin would purposefully put his life in danger terrified him and he knew that he needed to get his friend help as soon as possible. 
A person's home is somewhere where they can feel safe and relaxed. A home is not just a convenient space to have, it also helps mentally. At home you disconnect yourself from outside life and are able to have a peace of mind, which is very important if you want to stay sane.
Jimin plopped himself onto Taehyung's soft sofa, closing his eyes in leisure. 
He felt unhappy to be back in Taehyung's residence, but the comfort of the pillows against his body was nice. Being in a house wasn't pleasant, in fact he felt more paranoid now than he ever was out in the street.
He started to get uncomfortable and shifted his position, trying to feel relaxed again. 
He breathed unsteadily, feeling as if the room was closing around him. His muscles tensed up and he shot his eyes closed trying not to think about the walls. Walls are associated with feeling trapped, being trapped reminds him of blood-
“Hey Jimin, are you okay?” Taehyung suddenly reached out for Jimin's shoulder causing the blue haired boy to gasp out. He was still panting and clenching his hands tightly trying to calm down. 
“Taehyung, I really cant fucking be in here. Either let me go or let me take another
tab” The brunette looked at Jimin and took the condition he was in, into consideration. 
 If he let him go, Jimin would just be wandering the streets again, walking around hopelessly until he found someone to take him home. 
God knows when Taehyung would find him again. 
Or he would go to the club, and work as a dancer where they would offer him even more drugs. There, he’ll have a cluster of creeps willing to take him home and spend the night. House him and let him sit pretty as his system stays hopped up on drugs. How can he feel so comfortable being so vulnerable around strangers? Letting him take another tablet seemed like the most reasonable option but Taehyung didn’t want to feed into his addiction.
“I won't let you take acid but I have weed you can smoke. Do you think that would be enough for you? The stuff I have has a pretty high potency.” Jimin nodded gently, body yearning for it as though it would cure some unseenable sickness. His face was eminently pale, skin glistening as a small sheen of sweat built up on his flesh. 
Taehyung hurried to his room and came back with a pre-rolled blunt and a lighter. At the sight, Jimin visibly relaxed, watching the hot orange light at the end of it flicker to life. With his first pull the familiar burn in his throat released the tension he sat with, his body unwinding as the walls start to appear just a bit less scary. 
The amount of narcotics he has taken made Jimin’s tolerance ridiculous, but he still got a buzz out of the blunt. But it was enough to ease his anxiety. 
“Are you okay now?” Jimin took one last pull before tapping a bit of ash into a tray before stubbing it out. Taehyung looks at him, observing his friend very carefully. He notices how Jimin’s face appears to have gotten thinner. There was a slight tremble in his hands and his pupils never seemed to return to its normal size, even when he peered at his phone which produced bright light. 
“Yea, I’m fine. Whatchu lookin at?” Taehyung averted his gaze to the object nearest to him, hoping he didn't look away too fast. He shifted uncomfortably in his seat and moved away from Jimin, he didn’t realize how long he was staring at him. He had watched him until the blunt turned into a roach, he didn't want to come off as rude. 
“Nothing. I was just noticing how you look different.” Taehyung managed to spit out the thought he was thinking since he encountered his blue haired friend. 
“Different in what way? Is it good?” Jimin tilted his head away from Taehyung, smirking at him alluringly. Seeing this expression on Jimin's face wasn't new to the brunette.
“I mean your whole atmosphere feels different… You look really good with blue hair” Taehyung was trying to compliment him but all he could think about was how concerned he was for his health. He did look good with blue hair though. 
“My atmosphere is different? I feel the same.” Jimin whispered before licking his lips. 
His mind was fuzzy and he didn't see his caring, childhood best friend. He could only see another hot stranger. Jimin’s eye patterns visibly changed. His gaze catching onto all the ‘not so friendly’ parts of Taehyung. His neck, his arms, his constantly moisturized lips. His jaw and strong brows. He looked so concerned but there was absolutely nothing wrong happening right now. Frustration seeped into Jimin’s features.  
“Jimin are you okay? You’re acting strange-” 
“But haven't I been acting strange this whole time? My atmosphere is different, RIGHT?” Taehyung furrowed his brows further. The other’s presence felt overwhelming and he couldn't help but feel intimidated by his friend.
“J-jimin, that's not what I meant. You’re just-”
“I'm just what?” 
“You just feel- distant!” Taehyung watched Jimin cautiously since it seemed like he was going to get attacked again. 
“So should I make it so that there’s no distance between us?” Jimin’s eyes burned with a crazed gleam as he quickly pounced on to Taehyung’s lap, grabbing both of his wrists. 
“Jimin what are you doing!” Taehyung was struggling to push Jimin off of him, he wouldn't budge at all. 
“What does it look like I’m doing?” Jimin’s tongue came out to further wet his lips before using it to sweep down Taehyung's neck. His friend’s breathing was ragged as he licked up towards his ear. Jimin’s teeth joined in as be began to nibble on it. Taehyung closed his eyes tightly at the feeling, fingers curling into a fist in Jimin’s hold. 
“Don't pretend this isn't why you’ve been searching for me for weeks. What other motive would you have?” Taehyung wouldn't let himself be caught up in Jimin's words. He knew all his friend felt right now was lust but he couldn’t give in, even if it was terribly tempting. 
“Jimin don’t fucking say shit like that! Seriously get off of me!” As Jimin began to explore his jaw, adrenaline began to burn in his body. Taehyung forcefully flipped Jimin over with his whole body, sending them both onto the floor. The sudden harsh contact made the buzzing in Jimin's head stop for a second. His eyelids didn't feel heavy and he was able to see and think clearly again.
He took a moment to formulate an apology. 
“I’m sorry. Again.”
“Jimin, you need help. Like for fucking real. During the time I searched for you I was looking into rehabilitation doctors and therapists. I really think you should go. I met up with one in person and he seemed like a genuinely good guy who wants to help people.”
 While above Jimin on the floor, Taehyung reached behind him and started shuffling through his back pocket.
“Look, this is his card. Please look into it, okay?” Taehyung got off of Jimin after handing him the business card. Jimin stayed on the floor, holding the card up to read the doctor's name. 
Dr. Jeon Jungkook
“What a shit name” 
Thankyou for reading the first chapter!! More will soon be uploaded. Also, keep a look out cause i will be doing a story in the future. 
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juhyunies · 6 years
happy pride month alice!!!!!💖💗💕💓💘🌈 my gutuals (gay mutuals) are the best
thank u sm lelah!! 💗🌈 happy pride month to u too ! 🌷
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bxngtanpics28-blog · 7 years
Bangtan Kinks
Suga: Top, daddy, praising, hair pulling, teasing, toys, roleplay Jin: Switch, mostly bottom, romantic, praise, slight daddy kink, kissing Namjoon: Top, vanilla, praise, romantic, neck kisses, begging Jimin: Bottom, Hair pulling, daddy, rough, blindfolds, roleplay, overstimulation J-Hope: Switch, Loud, kissing, romantic, ass and thigh grabbing V: Switch, mostly bottom, hickeys, hair pulling, spanking Jungkook: Bottom, vanilla, hickeys, teasing, shower sex
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hualians · 6 years
I love your blog so much it's one of my faves!!🤧💓
aaaah this made me so happy!! thank you💐💕
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fu-yao · 6 years
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* jeyongguk’s follow forever *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ 
hey guys, so i haven’t done one of these in a very, very, very long time and since i’m sitting on my ass procrastinating the fuck out of life in general, i thought i’d make a follow forever for some of my fave blogs/mutuals bc i love y’all (excuse the lazy graphic)
♡ in no order whatsoever @minseiok @softmcgraw @turnersophies @softlychae @arqangelo @taehiyung @undomiels @truthuntolds @osaemu @baekhyiun @veirtaserum @okjungkook @tchalllas @minyardx @axengers @firebclts @gaybts @cyyphr @tuehyung @triwizard @hoseokie @stormborn @queeniegoldtsein @kenocbi @kyloren @deanerys @selinaskyel @persepnohe @casterlys @lukeskywlker @tarth @bensolcs @zeniks @thiseveningsun @lahnister @j-murphy @daenerya @sirius @lilyevane @winchestheart @rosetico @faheys @destielonfire @jimminovak @samwincstr @bellamys @laliseok
♡ my close friends @softlyminho @ktmtaehyung @seokjiniie take my love (ꈍᴗꈍ)
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liberte · 6 years
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when that moon falls asleep, then the blue light that was with me disappears
i’ve been tagged by @seokjiniie to do a bias moodboard, thank you love 💜
tagging @thelasts, @minseiok, @jeyongguk, @jeonnguk, @bunyng, @cyphrs, @darkestalleys, @autummskies, @taehiyung, @parksjimins, @thegardenwitch, @softlyjoon, @gaybts, @josay, @softlyminho, @sebeak, @gotmeulk (only if you want to, of course!)
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autummskies · 6 years
tagged by: @yifoxu @softlyminho @soonyoongi (sorry for being like a year late) tagging: @jiinan @gaybts @bunyng @springrain @tuans @ktmtaehyung @okjungkook @seoksgal @berribaek and @01bun
rule: use only one song title from an artist/band, answer the ten questions below and tag people to complete it as well artist/band: bts
what is your gender: outro: her how do you feel: lost if you could go anywhere: paradise favourite mode of transportation:  airplane pt 2 your best friend: miss right favourite time of day: wake up if your life was a show: embarrassed relationship status: n.o your fear: don’t leave me
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saintflint · 6 years
fall/autumn preferences ☆.。.♡
tagged by @cassicpeia, thanks love!
rules: bold what you prefer and tag 10 people.
go apple picking vs. go on a hay ride
scary vs. sweet
sweaters vs. boots
socks vs. mittens
bonfires vs. football
trick-or-treating vs. watch scary movies
bake pie vs. bake cookies
rain vs. fog
black cats vs. owls
ghosts vs. wizards
harry potter vs. halloweentown
go hiking vs. sleep in
cinnamon vs. nutmeg
reading vs. writing
(MEXICAN) hot chocolate vs. tea
live in a cabin in a forest vs. have it be fall 24/7
candy apples vs. caramel apples
blankets vs. pillows
roasted marshmallows vs. roasted chestnuts
coffee vs. apple cider
red leaves vs. orange leaves
braids vs. bows
scented candles vs. the smell of fresh baked goods
carve pumpkins vs. make pumpkin pie
(iced) pumpkin spice lattes vs. chai tea lattes
coats vs. oversized sweaters
beanies vs. berets
candy corn vs. peanut butter cups
s'mores vs. apple crisp
jump in a pile of leaves vs. swing on a tire
corn maze vs. haunted house
bob for apples vs. visit a pumpkin patch
whipped cream on hot chocolate vs. marshmallows on hot chocolate
tagging: @nycs, @crowlleye, @ohsanvers, @starrk, @annewheelr, @gaybts, @kkinginthenorth, @ofstardusth, @interlude, @opscurums, and @630bc (only if you want to!)
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heybaetae · 3 years
pick 5 people that make your fandom experience wholesome and write a small paragraph about each one of them 💖
@vantehobi - julie's my closest friend i met through bts :') we technically met on twitter and we text every day, so we barely need to interact on tumblr but she deserves the loudest shoutout for this ask, because i think my fandom experience would still be kinda lonely if she hadn't struck up a friendship with me and i'm so thankful for her in my life every day
@hoseosk - i met mona on here before either of us got into bts because we're both fans of another artist with a very small fandom so we bonded over them first, then coincidentally got into bts around the same time which was really exciting !! we have very similar taste in things and also her gif skills are very much my vibe so i'm very fond of her and love seeing her thrive around here :)
@dylobriens - miss daisy makes my heart sing, she's just the sweetest mutual on earth. i think we were mutuals for a while before i made this sideblog too but i love her gifs SO much and everytime i see a new gifset of hers with my url tagged on it i can't smash that reblog button fast enough. i appreciate her kindness dearly xx
@kimtaegis - annie's presence on my dash is just so warm, i can't explain it. i love her content, i always recognize when something is hers. and she's so supportive and nice about my content in return. every time i see her posts i'm just like ahhh yes that is my pal annie GO ANNIE!!!
@gaybts - i'm introducing y'all to aaron. he and i have been mutuals for several years and he only recently starting getting into bts, despite insisting that it wouldn't happen, and it's been a RIDE watching him go through those first stages of learning about them and having Feelings and being like Oh My God at a new thing every day lol. it's been so fun to witness because i get to live vicariously through him again as he navigates through certain old content and gets to know the boys. nudging your pals into bts too has been made being an army very wholesome
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mark-lees · 6 years
tagged by @arqangelo and @yuukimuras! thanks for the tag!
rules choose any three fandoms and answer the questions, then tag 10 people you want to know better!
tagging @tuans @baekhyiun @internetsmom @softlyminho @gaybts @darkestalleys @softlychae
1. fandoms — attack on titan — percy jackson — naruto
2. first character i loved — eren jaeger — percy jackson — uzumaki naruto
i’m so basic i loved all the main characters haha
3. character i never expected to love so much — jean kirschtein — grover underwood — hatake kakashi
4. character i relate to most — mikasa ackerman or armin ugh it’s so hard to choose — percy jackson — uchiha sasuke
5. character i would date — eren jaeger — leo valdez — i have no idea???
6. character i would repeatedly slap — i don’t know, the people outside of the walls that started this mess or eren for being so impulsive haha — i don’t think i would slap any of them? — uchiha obito hands down lmao
7. three favorite characters in order — eren jaeger, potato girl, mikasa ackerman — percy jackson, grover underwood, annabeth chase (i’m still so unoriginal i love the original characters) — uzumaki naruto, uchiha sasuke, 
8. character i liked at first but don’t anymore — annie — i don’t think there’s any characters i don’t like — none of them
9. character i didn’t like at first but do now — honestly none — rachel — sakura haruno
10. three otps — bertolt and annie — percabeth — literally all the canon otps
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juhyunies · 6 years
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finally got around to doing the Bias Selfie Tag woo! tagged by @seokjiniie & @moonguk thank u lovelies!! 💌
tagging: @m1nze @gayoongis @gaybts @taeeguk @introtears @kihani @tzuyusgirl @bbydntstop @minseiok (Idk who to tag but u don’t have to do this if u don’t want! 💗)
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angeldevils · 6 years
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tagged by; @softlyminho to do the handwriting tag, thank u!! (I have the biggest handwriting kink ngl)
tagging; @seokjiniie​ , @kihani​ , @jeonnguk​ , @minseiok​ , @carswells​ , @gaybts​ , @laliseok​ , @arqangelo​ (you don’t have to ofc!) x
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gentlehwa · 6 years
tagged by – @jeyongguk​ & @softlychae​ thank you guys ily ♡ rules – bold the statements that are true tagging – @this-is-the-magic-shop @reallyreally @budapestalloveragain @bunyng @minseiok @ktmtaehyung @sobertwo @autummskies @hoseokie @bbydntstop @gaybts @gotmeulk
I am over 5′5″ • I wear glasses / contacts • I have blond hair • I wear sweatshirts a lot • I prefer loose clothing to tight clothing • I have one or more piercings • I have at least one tattoo • I have blue eyes • I have dyed or highlighted my hair • I have gotten plastic surgery • I have or had braces • I sunburn easily • I have freckles • I paint my nails • I typically wear makeup • I don’t often smile • I am pleased with how I look  • I prefer Nike to Adidas • I wear baseball hats backwards
I play a sport • I can play an instrument • I am artistic • I know more than one language • I have won a trophy in some sort of competition • I can cook or bake without a recipe• I know how to swim • I enjoy writing • I can do origami • I prefer movies to TV shows • I can execute a perfect somersault • I enjoy singing • I could survive in the wild on my own • I have read a new book series this year • I enjoy spending time with friends • I travel during school or work breaks • I can do a handstand
I have had my first kiss • I have gotten drunk • I have told a crush I like them • I have traveled outside of the country • I have flown on an airplane • I have stayed awake for more than 48 hours • I have had a near-death experience • I have caught something on fire • I have performed in a talent show • I have shot a gun • I have been on TV • I have gone scuba diving • I have broken a bone • I have slow-danced • I have gone on a shopping spree
I am in a relationship • I have been single for over a year • I have a crush • I have a best friend I have known for over ten years • my parents are together • I have a brother • I have dated my best friend • I am adopted • my crush has confessed to me • I have had a long-distance relationship • I am an only child • I give advice to my friends • I have made an online friend • I met up with someone I have met online
I have heard the ocean in a conch shell • I have watched the sun rise • I enjoy rainy days • I have slept under the stars • I meditate outside • the sound of chirping calms me • I enjoy the smell of the beach • I know what snow tastes like • I listen to music to fall asleep • I enjoy thunderstorms • I enjoy cloud watching • I have attended a bonfire • I pay close attention to colors • I find mystery in the ocean • I enjoy hiking on nature paths • autumn is my favorite season
I can fall asleep in a moving vehicle • I am the mom friend • I live by a certain quote • I like the smell of Sharpies • I am involved in extracurricular activities • I enjoy Mexican food • I can drive stick-shift • I have memorized an entire song in a day • I believe in true love • I dream up scenarios to fall asleep • I sing in the shower • I wish I lived in a video game • I have a canopy above my bed • I am multi-racial • I am a redhead • I own at least three dogs • I am LGBT
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fu-yao · 6 years
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yea i got a type and they’re called cute boys in glasses úwù
tagged by - i got tagged ages ago so i don’t really remember lmao sorry tagging - @seokjiniie @gaybts @gotmeulk @gentleyeol @ktmtaehyung @tehyungs @arqangelo @iwas @softlychae @bunyng @kyloren @jeonnguk @laliseok + anyone else who wants to do this!!
my babies (from left to right)
kim seokjin // bts
kim wonpil // day6
byun baekhyun // exo
kim mingyu // seventeen
moon taeil // nct
lee minhyuk // monsta x
lee jinki // shinee
seo changbin // stray kids
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liberte · 6 years
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i’ve been tagged by @minseiok, @baekhyiun & @seokjiniie, thank you loves ♡
i don’t know if you can tell but i really love bangtan and kim taehyung
i tag @parksjimins, @thegardenwitch, @nozakis, @bunyng, @arqangelo, @jcnghvun, @softjiminies, @taehiyung, @bbarnesghost, @josay, @strawars, @buckybarnesr, @softlyminho, @darkestalleys, @gaybts, @gotmeulk (optional of course ♡)
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