#now theres lots of now big ones and lots of new tiny ones.....
gwensy · 6 months
five slugs of various sizes in my laundry room. family reunion ??
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itsdumbbitchhours · 24 days
never give up on your dreams because when I first started listening to the magnus archives during the first lockdown, I thought to myself 'wow I wish I could have a job like that' and now I'm an arachnophobe working in a spider-infested office, so who's the real winner
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toytulini · 3 months
i feel like the makeup standards are not necessarily going to get Worse, just. stay the Same. "raised by sephora and ulta" christ alive yall act like this shit is new. as if this hasnt been the standard to blast young girls with makeup ads and shit via magazine and tv and imposed beauty standards anyway. the only real difference is like, idk, accessibility of tutorials for how to apply it well
#toy txt post#spoken as. a no makeup bitch#altho i have also been accused by a terf of wearing a pound if makeup for wearing. visible lipstick in a selfie. and that was It#the actual Beauty Standard has largely stayed the exact fucking same of like making your skin texture as fake as possible#that was the standard back then too but it was harder to achieve /know how to do it cos there werent tutorials the same way now#also yes sephora and ulta are evil and all that but like the same amount theyve always been.#yall really acting like these imposed beauty standards being exposed to children is like a new unique tiktom thing thats never happened#before. and yall blaming instagram are no fuckin better. this has been happening The Entire God Damn Time#also theres something rubbing me about the way this is getting talked about. 'she did all thos other arbitrary bullshit except this#One Thing! the discrimination against this one thing is awful!#and like. it is. but i feel like we could address that while also maybe stepping back a tiny bit further and questioning these arbitrary#standards of professionalism too while we're at it#why does she have to have a blazer either? why do the earrings have to be understated#why do the colors have ti be bland and boring? why does he hair have to be a natural color and gender conforming ?#etc etc etc#like if we're accepting all that other shit the ppl upset about this could acknowledge she might experience similar discrimination for say#very obvious goth or punk-y makeup or anything a little too far outside the bounds of the acceptable beauty standard#everyone is pissed about 'eyeliner sharp enough to kill a man' but theyd be saying nothing if she was discriminated for fuckin#big wings and black lipstick bc well thats Obviously not professional standard makeup. okay?#if we change how we look at professional standards of dress and makeup as a whole to include Fucking Freak Bitches#then it would be a lot easier to include No Makeup in there as welllllll#idk#im a no makeup bitch with blue hair whos only ever worked in warehouses so they didnt give too much of a shit about my lack of makeup#or blue hair as long as i didnt show up in like flip flops which is a Reasonable dress code bc its got an actual fucking reason#(safety so you dont lose your goddamn toes to a box or a grate or some shit) vs it makes the office corpo bros sad#anyway idk if you have the privilege to get away with it i think you should dress weirder in the office to get them used to weirder dress#maybe instead of Suddenly going No Makeup sort of slowly lessen the amount so its not a Sudden change or smth#again: if you have the privilege and job security to get away with it#also also also: easier to get away with if you were to say. mask. js. they cant get mad at schrodingers lack of lipstick
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so-very-small · 2 years
babygirl i can construct fearplay scenarios u couldnt dream of
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autism-corner · 1 year
man cleaning your room is such a fucking big thing wth. the entire back of my head is drenched, as if i just came out of the shower. wth.
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mediocreanomaly · 1 year
i have drowsy knives purring himself to sleep stuck in my head now--THIS IS LITERAL GOLD 😭 it would take a v special s/o to pick up the slight nuances of his emotions too n he'd be head over heels 🥺
but nesting instincts 🥺 please for the love of everything knives elaborate i i i wanna know all there is to know ab this man 🥺👉👈
n maybe vashy seperately too?? 🥴
Authors Note: Turned this into a full post because I'm procrastinating my drabbles anyways lmao this is going to give away a teeny tiny bit of my uncanny Vash post I'm making but I love talking about the Twins and their less than human instincts
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Savern Twins Nesting HC's
•Knives is surprisingly the less embarrassed of the twins about nesting instincts, this is solely based on the fact that he doesn't see his plant qualities to be anything to be ashamed about, it's just another thing that sets him apart from humans
•Although, no one (besides you) knows about Knives nest. You may wonder how the two points can co-exist but that because a Plant's nest is supposed to be somewhere secure and safe. So while he's not embarrassed that he has a nest, he's not going to openly talk about it and risk giving away someone trying to get a peek of it (not that he really openly talks about anything)
•Knives nest is big, he had a bed custom made that's larger than a kings but circular and with plush raised walls so it feels not secure and less in the open. He's collected various blankets and pillows that fill the empty space so that he can bundle up under them, all of it is white because he refuses to let his nest look ugly or disorganized
•He's a perfectionist too so he spends a lot of time organizing and reorganizing his nest. Every time he gets a new blanket or pillow to add he has to redo the whole thing to make sure it's in the perfect spot or else he refuses to sleep in it
•Now Knives doesn't have to sleep much like he doesn't have to eat, but sleeping is something enjoys. He stresses about his plans a lot even if he doesn't show it outwardly. What better way to destress than napping in his nest?
•Whenever he decides to officially make you his mate (yes he calls it that, what else is he supposed to call it? Everything else sounds too human) all his instincts will scream at him to burrow into his nest
•For awhile you'll actually be hard pressed to even be allowed out of the nest, because why would you want to leave? As your mate Knives needs to keep you safe, and where's the safest place in the world? His safest place in the world, so please stop trying to leave the nest- you're hungry? fine he'll bring you food that you can eat in the nest
•I honestly don't think Independents hold body heat because their sisters live in water, which is one of many reasons they nest. It's also why Nai will drag you in with him when he wants to sleep so he can bum off your body heat. That's when when you learn he can purr (yeah thats right Plants purr propaganda) naps like this are the best. It's hard to stay awake when he's got you cuddled under blankets, gentle rumbles lulling you asleep
•After awhile you'll be allowed out so long as you are by his side or being escorted by Legato, or atleast unless you get pregnant
•If Knives manages to get you pregnant...you are banished to the nest again. It's not so bad though, besides he likes you like this. All round and full of his child, surrounded by plush comforters and pillows that cradle your form. At this point he won't leave your side unless he has to, if his instincts were bad before then they are haywire now, he stays curled up with you because theres no way you'd be able to defend yourself in a state like this, it's his job as your mate to keep you and his unborn child safe and sound, tucked away from the rest of the world
•When the baby is born it's where you'll spend most your time too, I mean...c'mon think about it. Your little one all tucked against you and Nai curled protectively around both of you, gentle purrs from both him and your baby as both their plant markings glow ever so slightly? If there's such thing as heaven this is it
•Knives has purposely made his nest large enough to hold his growing family, so no matter how many children you have you'll all get to curl up in the nest to find comfort or just to sleep.
•I think unfortunately once the children hit a certain age they are kicked out of the nest lol, it's more reserved for a Plants mate and young ones, so starting at maybe teen age it's time for them to make their own nest
•This isn't to say they aren't ever allowed in at all though. If Knives children are in any sort of distress his instincts kick in telling him to make sure their safe so in times like that they are still allowed in, the purpose of the nest is to provide him and his family with safety and comfort so no matter what it's there waiting for you
•Vash is admittedly a bit more embarrassed about the fact that he nest
•He tries his best to blend in with humans and thinks that people might find it weird that his instincts are constantly telling him to grab every soft thing he can find and hunker down
•Not that it really matters because he's always on the run anyways, he doesn't have time to stop and nest in the first place which makes it an easy an excuse to not nest at all, so Vash doesn't have a nest...right?
•Wrong. Like I said it's instinct and even Vash can't help but begin to nest in whatever shitty motel room he's in, especially if he's had a really rough day and just wants to sleep.
•Vash's nest is...admittedly a bit more pitiful than Knives. Knives has the advantage of staying in one spot, Vash does not, so he doesn't have a single nest but more so a hastily made one consisting of anything soft he can find. old blankets, pillows, clothes, rags, and even his own coat all make up his haphazard resting place.
•When he meets you though oh boy does it make it harder to resist the urge to stay and make a nice big nest for the two of you to hide away in
•It takes awhile for you to learn of Vash's little habit because he tries really hard to hide it away. He doesn't want you to think he's weird so when he does show it to you and you don't react negativly he's shyly asking, "do you...want to get in it?"
•Please say yes, his heart can't take any other answer. After that Vash is more keen on nesting even though the two of you travel, you even buy him a couple blankets that you pack up and bring so that he has something more consistant to nest with. The two of you will arrive at the motel for the night and you sit on the bed watching as Vash sleepily mulls over the blankets, pillows, and clothes he's choosen and organses it in a satisfactory way before he weakily pulls you in with him, purring as he cuddles up to you
•If you run your hand through his hair you'll be rewarded with more purrs and him nuzzling into your hand, but don't comment on it or he'll get embarrassed and hide his face into the blankets while he pulls away
•Vash wouldn't try to get you pregnant unless it was after he dealt with his brother and at that point I think he'd have a more permanent nest. Whether that's on Ship 3 or your own little home he's finally got a spot that he knows is always there, perfect to keep you in while you grow your baby!
•Vash loves spending time in the nest, it's from a mixture of putting off his instincts so long when he was on the run and the fact he actually has a place of comfort for once that does it, so if you can't find your partner...he's most likely buried in the nest
•It's super cute though, you'll walk in the room and softly call "Vash?" and his head will peak out of the mountain of blankets eyes still half lidded with sleep and hair all messy as he says a soft "hmm?"
•This nest is still a bit more messy and it's one of those "it looks disorganized but Vash know exactly where everything is" situations, he doesn't really care about colors or anything, infact it's proably mostly blankets that other people have gifted him over the years, he feels like it tells a story
•Unlike Knives, you'll have to be the one to eventually kick the kids out of the nest once they get older because "what do you mean they can't stay in here with us? Their still our baby!" "Vash their 20" "and?"
•Vash's plant marks always appear when he's in the nest, he can't help it! It's so comforting, besides he has you here warming him up and your kids cuddled in the covers- oop he's crying, don't worry they're happy tears
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After note: I hope you liked it!!! I wanted to add more stuff about you being able to read Knives but it didn't really fit so that might have to be saved for another list I'm a firm "the boys do weird but cute animal things" believer and it's my job to infect people with that propaganda
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cyberdragoninfinity · 4 months
ms dana cyberdragoninfinity do you have any yugioh spinoff merch hunting tips 👉👈🥺
YESSSS WHIRLS AROUND IN MY BIG SPINNING CHAIR. i Love merch hunting and giving merch hunting tips, there's a whole beautiful world of often remarkably inexpensive yugioh merch out there and once you learn how to track it down a new chapter of your life can truly begin. I bestow onto you some of my advice gleaned from about two and a half years of Searching For Merch Like a Tuffle-Sniffing Hog:
(note: while im specifically focusing on ygo spinoff merch here, you can use this advice to find all kinds of cool japan-exclusive merch!! im constantly getting japanese pokemon merch via tips like these, for example.)
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HEAVY SIGH. ebay can be such a useful site but not for this. good god not for this. You might luck out with a stray deal here or there but stuff like japanese exclusive yugioh merch on ebay tends to more often than not be sold for OUTRAGEOUSLY high prices and maybe it's not technically a scam but well your wallet aint gonna be happy about it. Stuff like tiny Cospa keychains get sold for $30, $40, 80 FUCKING US AMERICAN DOLLARS. AND SHIPPING. LOOK AT THIS SHIT
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ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY FIVE DOLLARS??!??! NIGHTMARE. NIGHTMARE. do not buy spinoff merch from ebay!! INSTEAD....
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TIP TWO: come with me. to proxy buying service ❤❤❤❤
I love proxy services SO much. Basically theyre sites that will buy stuff from Japanese shopping sites on your behalf, then hold the goodies in their warehouse until you're ready to ship them over to you! They RULE. THEY ARE LIFECHANGING, FOR THE HUMBLE MERCH HUNTER. And they're all pretty intuitive to learn how to use, theyve got pretty solid FAQs and they'll walk you through how to request items, and theyll often let you search for merch ON their website, making the buying process even easier!
(There's a whole bunch of 'em, though and they all have different fees and amounts of time they'll hold your stuff for free, so you have to do some poking around and figure out which one you like using the most! My favorite go-to is Neokyo, personally; they have some great discount sales, they hold your stuff for free for 45 days, and their item request fees are all really reasonable!! I LOVE THEM. BEEN USING EM FOR YEARS NOW <3)
Anyway the point here, re: proxy sites, not only do they give you easy access to japanese resale sites and all the merch being sold on 'em, it also gives you access to tWay, Way, Waaaaayyy Lower Prices for trinkets and goodies. Like. look at this listing from Mercari JPN (viewed on Neokyo's site,) of the $125 Jack Atlas Phone Charm from my first tip
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yeah that is, um. the same charm. AND two other adorable charms. FOR 13 AMERICAN DOLLARS. THIRTEEN. THAT IS. LITERALLY LIKE 90% CHEAPER THAN THAT EBAY LISTING. AND YOURE GETTING MORE STUFF. there is SO much yugioh (and other anime) merch being sold on jpn shopping sites for like. $4-$10. it is ridiculous. and then when proxy sites have discount deals you can get stuff for even CHEAPER sometimes. (theres also, of course, expensive merch lots too, just like with anything, theres just. also listings for stuff sold for less than a fancy dinner for two yknow HHDFGS)
it basically opens a whole new avenue of sites to find goodies on... I like using proxy buyers especially for listings on more general ebay-type sites like JPN Mercari (there is so much good and sometimes really rare stuff on there) and Surugaya (lots of doujins on there if that's your thing,) but also for buying from the main sites New ygo merch drops happen on (Cospa, eeo store, and the official KaibaCorp store in particular are some of the best.)
Ok, so, ya got your proxy service of choice. How do you find the goodies you're looking for?
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this isnt really a rocket science tip, but, still: search for stuff not just in japanese but use the kanji!! Sometimes i'll just c/p the base characters of a yugioh guy's japanese name off their yugipedia page and then pop that into the mercari search just to see what sorta treats are floating around with them on it. But if going and constantly copy/pasting kanji into the proxy service search is a pain in the neck a lot 'em will auto translate your English searches too! again, theyre all really user friendly, which is great
(the one thing i will say you SHOULD search in english, though, is spinoff names, actually--you pop GX, ZEXAL, ARC-V, etc. into the proxy search and youll get all sorts of stuff for whatever series it is)
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ok so that is. the one pain, with merch hunting on proxy buying sites: shipping will probably be Expensive. (unless you go for the cheapest seamail options and then get your box maybe 4-6 months from now 🥴 but hey, it's an option! it's there!) I usually end up paying around $30-$50 for my boxes from Neokyo.
BUT you can at least make that shipping cost feel more reasonable if youre shipping A BUNCH OF STUFF. Shipping one (1) little $4 GX character can badge for $30 REALLY sucks, avoid this if you can--with proxies holding your stuff in their warehouse, you can get a bunch of little cheap goodies and just hold 'em until youre ready to get 'em packed and shipped. Then, whenever youre ready/have the money for the shipping cost, get all the stuff youve bought packed into one box, pay for the shipping, and (usually within two weeks--the one tradeoff of the high shipping price is you get that shit FAST) then get your stuff! It's like FUCKIN CHRISTMAS getting a box of proxy-obtained stuff including things from like two months ago i totally forgot i bought. Makes the $40 shipping sting a little less--like, hey, at least i got like 12 damn things in here and i didnt pay $125 for any of them!!!!
ok i think that's all i got. hopefully this is somewhat useful!! folks are always welcome to ask me stuff about merch hunting, like i said i really like helping people get a hold of stuff :3 it's really a lot easier than it seems at first!
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sturnlova · 7 months
We have no alone time
(Chris Sturniolo x Female reader)
( Warning : Smut, new to writing, not proof read all the way)
( Word count : 737)
( Send requests!!!)
Me, Chris, Matt and Nick were in the car driving to target as Nick said he “needed” to get a weighted stuffed animal because seeing me and Chris together made him suicidal. Me and Chris just giggled due to Nicks dramatic ass sentence.
We were around 5 minutes away from target, Chris had his hand on my thigh reaching higher to my dripping pussy. Luckily no one saw it as Chris made Nick sit in the front with Matt.
Matt had finally pulled in the parking lot and i knew i wasn’t gonna be able to last over 10 minutes without having Chris in me, and Chris knew this so he made an excuse for us to stay in the car for we could have our fun 😉. “Matt, Y/N isn’t feeling that well can we just stay in the car, just pass us the keys and we will lock it for you.” Chris spoke lying through his teeth. The oldest brother and the middle child looked at me and then his youngest brother and threw us the keys to walk off to target.
I knew this was the right opportunity, i wasted no time to straddle Chris’ lap. “ So needy aren’t we, making me lie to my brothers for i can fuck you in the car that our family and our friends sit in?” Chris’ words just made me more wet as the seconds went on.
I took his belt off along with my tiny black shorts, didn’t need to worry about underwear as i wasn’t wearing any because i claimed to Chris that i needed fresh air. The blue eyed boy pushed 2 fingers in me without a warning but who was i to complain i was begging for this. I moaned his name repeatedly as his fingers went faster in me.
I stopped Chris mid way and holy shit was he confused. He asked me if something was wrong and if i wanted him to stop. I told him i just need his cock in me and i knew he needed my pussy due to the big tent in his pants at this point. He put his pants ankle length and slipped his length in me easily as i was stretched and wet.
“ fuck f-fuck Chris i’m so close don’t stop, ugh fuck “ i moaned repeatedly along with whimpers due to me barely able to keep my composure, Chris just kept going kissing my cervix with his pink tip as he grunted in my ears. I could see his dick in my stomach, it just turned me on even more. Chris saw his dick in my stomach and pressed down on it to make lose it even more.
His thrusts got sloppy, he knew i was about to cum and i knew he was close. i begged for him to let me cum. Chris spoke with no patience “ cum on my cock now, i want to see you finish.” I couldn’t resist it so i finished along with him. Our faces had pleasure written all over it as his cum dripped out of me onto his bare thighs and the sweat rolled down our foreheads. Chris noticed that our cum was getting on him and used his middle finger to shove it right back in, i was so fucking sensitive i just yelped out as i was so sensitive.
He put my black shorts back on me and pulled his pants back on in a hurry as we saw Matt and Nick walking back to the car. We readjusted ourselves in the seats as Chris unlocked the car for his older brothers can get in.
As soon as Nick and Matt both sat down and put music on Nick yelled in fear like it was the end of the world “ YOU GUYS FUCKED IN HERE Y/N ISNT SICK ! YOU MONSTERS PLEASE TELL THERES NOT A MESS AND THAT YOUR GONNA CLEAN THE CAR EWWWWWWWW” me and Chris bursted out laughing and matt just screamed along with nick adding on to his points.
Me and Chris side eyed each other until Chris said “ there wont be a mess because i pushed it right back up in her pretty pink pussy 😊 “ i smacked Chris’ chest to tell him to shut up. “ To be fair we have no alone time we had to fuck somehow” I said adding to the conversation. Matt said “ please shush i don’t wanna hear about how you guys fuck and what y/n pussy looks like.” Matt started driving in a hurry to get out the car soon as possible. Me and Chris just held hands all the way home knowing we were going for round to in the shower…
(i hoped you guys liked that and i pray for requests guys!!)
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cattocavo · 6 months
So I’ve been tagged in six sentence sunday!
I’ve never done these before and I’m not very active on here so i wouldnt know who to tag in response (although if any of you are fine with being tagged, please write to me! Id love to hear what everyone’s doing, and make some new friends!!
Since I last posted on tumblr I’ve finished all the inktober drawings I planned to draw. They’re all posted on my instagram, but I’m severely behind on posting here😅 tumblr is great but I cannot for the life of me shake off the awkwardness that comes with posting on another media that isn’t my preferred one. But if anyone who doesnt have instagram wants to see the rest just lmk and I’ll post them!
Other than inktober I haven’t really done anything.. i wanted to draw something for valentines, and got an idea a day before which is obviously WAY too little time to finish anything. And well, then valentines day passed and I no longer had a deadline.. so I didn’t finish it. I cannot for the life of me finish anything without a deadline. (Literally realized like 4 days ago that ive basically never finished a high-effort illustration without a deadline or someone relying on me😵‍💫 which kinda sucks ngl)
But since six sentence sundays are for wips, I guess I can show it to y’all what i drew for valentines!
So heres the concept (which is almost better than the finished result will be. I didn’t manage sultry Simon’s facial expression very well in the actual drawing😭 he just looks annoyed instead of ‘sexy’)
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Aaannnd this is a wip of the actual drawing:
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I really might end up redoing sultry Simon’s face, cuz it just isn’t working. I wanted the “expectation” side to like be the baz vision equivalent of some sexy male models slicked in oil and faces all squinty and lip-bitey. I didn’t want there to be a trace of an actual person, only the vision of “hot” so an annoyed simon with a bow will not do :/
Sidenote about simons shirt: eat the rich more like swallow the rich amirite?
I have this dumbass obsession with putting simon in ugly T shirts where theres printed the most ridiculous quotes on. I have a whole pinterest board on it. I tastefully called it “simons questionable taste in fashion”
(It’s all dumbass crop tops and tiny shirts with big chunky shoes. Idk I just love that on him)
But uhh I think that’s all for now! Thank you for tagging me @thewholelemon and @j-nipper-95 for tagging me a lot of previous times where i didn’t do anything bc i was shy😅
See you all next time!
Also idk if people put tags on SSS but I’m just gonna do that bc its what I’m used to
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satoruzlove · 2 years
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- festive season hcs
with a little twist;)
suna rin , kuroo tetsurou , atsumu miya, osamu miya , sakusa kiyoomi
! lots n lots of fluff, mentions of food / eating , curse words ,i think i said the word assault, probably time skip spoilers,spoilers as to whether santa is real or not, alcohol mention in both the miyas’ part!
r suna !
• honestly just does what u’d wanna do cus he isn’t suuuper into decorating or anything
•if ur like that too then your christmas is rly mellow. u guys put up the christmas tree and get eachother gifts, play in some snow n take cute pics but that’s pretty much it
•lots of christmas movie cuddles though ,, sees it as an opportunity to just be close with u
• he would want a fire place hang out session. u guys find every single pillow in the house n pile it in front of the flame ( safe distance . dw ) and make some hot coco. at first you guys are just in silence, then rin may start a conversation by saying something about how “ y,know, my sister would’ve loved this kinda thing, ‘wanna visit her soon,”
•honestly only holds it dear to him because he loved watching his sister grow up and open presents with a look of pure joy on her face </3
•gets u guys matching scratchy sweaters n urs has a little kitty w a santa hat on it
•his has a tree and a biiiiig star on the top with a smiley face on it
•if u suggest , he’d have a BALL making cookies w u . there’s flour everywhere, he’s flung the dough at u in little balls , he’s licking his lips to make sugar stick to it and then kissing you all over
• eventually when they’re made he eats them and then proceeds to look at u in the eye and say they taste like the sound of ur laughter cus u guys were having fun while making them
•keeps eating but then realises how fucking cheesy that was n looks at u, n ur just like 😦
•never ever lives it down
•his ig highlight of u has like +50 new pics of u guys making cookies, waiting for them to bake n then him eating them
•you had to slap him like three times to make sure he didn’t eat the dough
• “ idc about solomon or whatever is in the eggs, life is short”
•he doesn’t get ‘solomon’ thankfully
•the night before you come home from work to see this unreasonably large pile of gifts under the tree that wasn’t there when u left
•n of course u still had urs hidden cus rin is annoying and would open them if he so much as smelt the wrapping paper
•so he comes n finds u and goes “ before you say anything, i know i can’t wrap for shit “ and ur like??? but when u look closer you see it.
•the paper is crumpled beyond your wildest dreams, theres rips covered up with tape and a lot of tiny bows to cover the rest that were a little too big
•honestly , a for effort
• you guys go to sleep in the ugly sweaters and when you wake up rin isn’t there anymore
•you go downstairs n he’s doing smth in the kitchen
•you sneak up behind him and he’s making those cute santa head pancakes with the banana beard
•they were so good
•b4 u open gifts he stops u n he’s like i wanna give u one myself first
•n it’s this tiiiny little box. fits in ur palm
•u open it and there’s a fucking zip tie on it so u struggle for like five minutes b4 getting scissors to cut it
•and u open it up, and it’s a gorgeous little ring
•with sapphire ( to match his eyes, he later explains ) in the middle
• you inspect it and you see “ because we are my favorite gift i’ve ever received “ scrawled beautifully into the metal of the band
•he smiles at the stupid look on ur face and goes “ i know marriage isn’t a thing we want right now, so a promise ring is the next best thing.”
•he has a matching one with a stone that holds your eye colour too
•told u he was good at gifts 🤷🏽‍♀️.
t kuroo !
•oh my god
•the tree is up in mid november and he’s already humming along to christmas music as he’s making lunch for u
•BEGGED U to paint little christmas trees or bobbles ( what do u guys call them, ornaments, i have no idea ) on his nails- will tell everyone at the office about how , “ my baby did them for me, aren’t they so festive ?”
•if you tell him it’s early he’ll scoff directly at u and go “ it’s never to early to be festive , you little grinch incarnate”
•you don’t miss the way he smiles at u lovingly when ur whistle along to his corny , crappy christmas music
•cue kuroo attempting to hit a mariah carey high note in ‘ all i want for christmas is you ‘ and bowing when he’s done like he didn’t just assault your ears
•you clap anyway cus he looks proud
•buys peppermint sticks n sucks on them randomly and will stick them in ur face. his speech is slurred with spit and by the candy as he says ,” bite “ but he TRICKS U and keeps it in his mouth so u can kiss him
•buys u corny matching christmas shirts with the shittily printed words on them
• FORCES u to wear them too
•he has these rly cute reindeer sockies and he slides around on the hard wood floors when he hears ,” it’s a holly , jolly christmas !” come from the radio, he almost fell directly onto his ass. he says he saw his life flash before his eyes
•when christmas eve rolls around you guys leave out milk n ( shop bought ) cookies for santa . u pretend that u didn’t notice him out of ur arms at 3am, n that u didn’t hear him almost drop the cup trying to wash it
•when u wake up he’s STARING at u like the fucking weirdo he is and he’s like gm bae and ur like bro fuck off holy shit
•you guys brush ur teeth, shower ( he didn’t wanna ) and go down
•you both left the presents there beforehand but he’s still so excited lol
•you’re opening up a present with some clothes folded and you feel smth hard
•it was a round box of reddish velvet
•you glance at him with a raised brow and he takes it from u, asking u to stand up. u obviously tell him to piss off but he eventually convinces u to stand
•he’s now on one knee and ur like ??? TETSUROU
•he opens the box n it’s a pretty simple silver band with a diamond in the middle
• he takes in the way ur eyes well up and ur lip wobbles, eyes searching his to make sure this isn’t a joke. he assures u it isnt.
• “ but tetsu -“
“ i wanna spend my life with you, baby,” his voice lowers to a whisper,” if you’ll have me, god i’d love if you’d have me. i’m already so blessed to be with you, i can’t imagine what it’d feel like to have you forever.”
• you accept OBVIOUSLY
•you spend the rest of the day toying around with y’all’s gifts n making phone calls to his dad, grand parents, your parents and friends about the proposal
• “ damn, u fr stuck with him now ” - kozume , 2022 ( or whenever idc leave me alone )
•yalls fav christmas. he has a polaroid in his phone case from that day, the date messily written in sharpie and a lipstick stamp of your own on the side.
a miya !
•stop immediately
“ ,, thursday ?”
“ITS THE FIRST OF DECEMBER.”!!!3;£&:92;£&:2@!!!!!”
•the entire team knows that atsumu LOVES christmas because who doesn’t like a festive for gifts, good food and movies ? crazy people .
•never lets osamu breathe cus they have christmas dishes at the restaurant and “ as your brother, you gottaaaaa let me try it first .”
•drags u along too but samu doesn’t mind cus ur nice
•comes up to u randomly and goes “ there’s *insert number* days left til christmas, babes, can you BELIEVE IT???!”
•however if the topic sticks too long he starts getting emotional and saying how he’s already spent another year with you, and it still feels like a couple weeks because the relationship is ‘ so timeless’ , how he’s gonna spend the rest of his years with you
•he did cry until u calmed him down lol
•if ur into baking he will FLIP OUT and say how that’s so cool, and he’ll watch u baking. asks “ what’s that for? “ every few minutes n be your personal spoon licker
•lots of huggles by the fire and spilt hot coco
•gets extra clingy bcus it’s cold ):
•rly likes the smell of ginger bread n got u a lotion that’s scented like it so when u wear it he just
•clings to u
•takes out his snowman sleeping mask n wears it religiously even tho he ends up sliding it off in his sleep
•the days approaching christmas are absolutely mad because the malls n shopping centres r PACKED but tsum refuses to stay in the house
•begs u to sit on santa’s lap so he can take pictures and the person playing santa thinks it’s funny n play along
•he now has that picture on the fridge n looks at it for like an hour every day cus you look so cute
•on christmas eve you guys sit down and wrap up gifts for your friends and family, giggling and throwing balls of paper at eachother.
• he looks so proud when he wraps his first one with no mistakes lololol
•he did get a paper cut
• “ baby, i’m injured, kiss my finger ):”
“ no tsumu”
“ can’t believe it’s almost christmas and yer being so mean. where’s the holiday spirit ? yer like the grinch. “
“ what was that last bit ?”
• on the actual day you guys go to a party at hinata’s and he says he’s got plans for after
•most of the day is spent chatting to his guys, taking cute pictures with bokuto’s girlfriend, nearly throwing up seeing hinata and kags eyeing eachother
•when it’s all over you guys get in the car and you drive bcus tsum had eggnog
•he drowsily reminds you of his plans and tells you where to drive
• he’s gazing at you from behind his lashes as u drive, nodding when he gives u directions
• you end up at this park place with a lake, and it’s so shimmery in the moonlight
•he’s pretty sobered up, so he walks you to a tree with fairy lights on it and you’re a little confused - but happy
• “ baby, y’know why i brought you here?”
“ to fuck? to drown me?”
•he urges you to sit and you do, for a moment you guys are quiet . his hand around you as you watch the moons essence dance and lurch over the water of the lake
•he turns to you, eyes sparkling and hooded as he speaks to you. it’s almost like he’s sending you affection via his eyes
•” i love you, yn”, he starts, turning to you and hand dipping into his coat. “ i think i always have. loved you, been inlove with you, and i know you feel the same. i think that’s the killer ,” he chuckles, holding a box. you know what’s coming . you’re ready. you feel a bump in your throat and affection well up in your chest. “ the fact that you want me, as annoying and fuckin’ childish as i can be sometimes,” he fiddles with the box- embarrassed. you lift his chin to meet your eyes again. you see his brows crease in weakness at your actions. “ i love ya, miya. “
•you pause and you smirk at him like “ miya????” and that’s when he pulls out the box, angling himself into his knees and looking at you.
•” if you’d make me the happiest man on earth and be a miya, that is. “
o miya !
•likes the basics : decorating , some christmas music , likes holding a big christmas dinner with his family ( + tsumu’s partner bcus they’re family now )
• absolutely HAS to make a gingerbread house with u and he will teach u how to make everything from scratch
• u guys are constructing it , slathering on icing to stick the slabs of biscuit together and ur all focused
• he’s wearing the ‘ kiss me !’ apron that u got him, thick hands gently placing sweets to mimic bushes near the house, his grey eyes are on u the WHOLE time
• he thinks u look so pretty when ur not trying to be
•he’ll say ,” lover” and u look up, he’s just asking “ does this look funny ? the way i placed it?” but he knows it looks wonderful. he just wants u to say it cus it makes him feel fuzzy.
•when it’s done u stand back from it together, his arm around u and ur PROUD cus it’s so cute
•later he takes out some egg nog you two made together, sits down with u and u just chat about the years thats ( nearly ) passed. he’s running his hands up n down ur calves , laughing every so often , nodding , passing sarcastic comments
•it feels very home-y with the soft , jazzy christmas music in the back
•when he tells u about the dinner he’s planning he urges u to invite ur family too, and it’s kinda a big thing 4 u guys
• he was planning on holding it at the shop , since it’d be closed for christmas
•you guys prep together- making the food, planning a seating chart ( “ this feels so fancy, like a wedding ! “ wink wink ), he almost seems stressed.
• when you ask about it, you see his eyes glint softly and he reassures you that he just needs it to be perfect for your guys’ family
•so the prep goes on normally and he thinks he’s fallen for you all over again with how helpful, positive and over all amazing you are as a team
•the day comes and in the morning you guys unwrap the gifts you’ve gotten for eachother, and he seems spacy as HELL
• again, when asked about it he says he’s just thinking about the dinner
•so you show up to the restaurant and the families are THERE . shits getting real and you’re hella nervy
•him and atsumu are being absolutely chaotic- it’s so entertaining lol
•rest of the night consists of their grandma saying how pretty / handsome / good looking u are 😔
• at some point samu stands on a table and dings his glass with a fork , and ur kinda confused but ur smiling heavily at his durpy expression
• you can tell he’s had one too many beers- but you don’t stop him , he looks happy and he’s probably gonna say something sappy
• he starts speaking and throws his cap to the ground as he starts ,” family , friends , merry christmas,” he says, earning a ripple of claps from your loved ones and his. you cheer, and he smiles at you- his gaze doesn’t move as he continues. “ christmas has different meanings for everyone, but for me, i use it to be close to people i love. people that mean something- everything to me. “
• his arm raises to gesture to you, and your face is flushed red, “ my partner , yn, we’ve been dating since college. that’s , what? , 8 years ? and today i’m ending that.” his words cause your stomach to drop and tsumu looks up at him - confused and almost angry- looking. osamu only chuckles.
• you feel like you’re gonna fucking cry
• he steps down from the table , “ yn ln, i don’t want to be your boyfriend anymore,” he walks closer and you can tell that your family is becoming restless, tension beading up in the air and threatening to crush you.
• the man pulls something from his pocket , and before you know it hes on his knee. the room is full of gasps, cheers, mutters of ‘ oh my god!’ ,’ someone record !’ as he opens the box. a ring.
•” baby, “ he says, goofy smile on his face ,” can i be your husband instead?”
• everyone is SCREAMING.
• tsumu is crying , your mother is crying , YOURE FUCKING CRYING
• you nod your head and he picks u up, spinning you around and kissing u
•the ring is a perfect fit , and amongst all the screams he whispers ,” fits like a glove . just like us. forever .”
•now yk why he was so stressed out😔
k sakusa !
•he wants this to b over wdym
• he hates how busy and bustling everything gets, and to make matters worse his s/o wants to decorate the whole damn house. which means that they have to go out and get the deco.
•he’s all masked up and ready, n you prance out the room wearing a cute little christmas outfit. he’s pretending he dgaf but he’s smiling so hard behind his mask
•you guys get driving n you’re chatting up a storm, “ omi, do you think we should have a colour scheme ?” , “ ooo baby, what if we got a white tree hm?” , “ AHH OMI LOOK A SNOWWW MAANNN!!”
•he’s just smiling at you cus stfu ur such a sweet little baby
•when u get to the shop ur going so feral cus there’s everything u want n more
•u start with lights , then tinsel, little spray on snow for ur pretty glass doors at home, a couple reefs , some candles
• he keeps complaining about how cluttered the house is gonna be , but you’re shushing him and telling him it’ll be just fine
•so when it comes time to pick a tree , you make him pick
•he’s holding your hand, fingers laced and whenever he sees a pretty one he tugs on your fingers
• you hum a, ‘ ‘s your choice , omi ‘ and he groans because WHY CANT U CHOOSE
• he eventually comes across a tall, dark green tree and ur very pleased with him
• so u take it home, blah blah unpack blah
• u switch on some of that corny music he hates and when he’s walking up to you , you take his hands
• bro is confused until you start swaying , your hands finding his waist and his lacing behind your neck
•he’s blushing profusely, muttering how ,” i can’t believe you’re forcing me to slow dance to this bullshit “
•he allows you to though, and he can’t help the big grin on his face when you attempt to twirl him, when he dips you and especially when you draw him in real close
• you mutter the words of the song against his lips, and all of a sudden nothing matters. not the festive, the decorations, the world. it’s just you two- exactly how he likes it.
• the song fades away and you two stand like that for a bit , his lips pressing ghostly, gentle kisses onto the warm skin of your cheeks
• the decorating eventually starts 😔😔
•it starts fine
• but it doesn’t end fine
• the first annoyance was the needles getting everywhere and him complaining about it
•but you ignored it and he got over himself
•you’re placing the bobbles everywhere and you start ducking behind the tree whenever he glances at you
•he’s like ?? the fuck but you keep doing it and giggling . he feels challenged in his soul
•” i can see you, yn,” he says . you don’t reply , just going into the opposite side of the tree where you’re no longer in his line of sight
•he has an idea , and sneaks onto that side. he’s confused
• you’re not there
• before he can turn around , a loud THWACK is heard and a pillow is in his face
•you’ve done it now.
• he scoffs, tackling you into the carpeted floor of your luxurious house. he’s tickling your sides , your giggles and pleas music to his ears. his smile reaches those same ears - as he laughs he’s teasing you. “ you think you can whack me and get away with it, huh? huh??”
•you’re shaking your head vigorously, apologizing but he only tickles more and blows raspberries onto your neck. even he’s laughing uncontrollably now, your legs around his waist in attempt to push him a way
• he only stops when he sees tears form in your shiny eyes, pulling back. he breathes deeply, muttering about what a brat you are.
• his first mistake is turning his back to you, his second is not guarding his sides.
• you jump onto him, small fingers poking him and drawing a loud, girly yelp from kiyoomi. before he knows it he’s on the floor, begging for mercy as you tickling his sides- his neck- every part of him you can touch. his feverish giggles and attempts to grab your fast hands make you smile
“ hmmm? what was that omi ??”
•this is the first time you’ve ever seen him giggle so much.
• eventually you stop . and hes catching his breath on the floor
• absolutely red in the face. hes gone.
•he comes up behind you and you’re ready to throw hands again, but he stops you and raises his hands in surrender. “ we need to put up the star, neither of us are tall enough. i was gonna put you on my shoulders,” he laughs airily ,” unless you wanna carry me?”
• you shake your head, and he hoists you up on his broad shoulders. you position he star and he’s looking up to watch your expression
•you pat his mop of curls when you’re done, he smiles, bringing you down. he has to fight the urge to tickle you again when your wide smile etches into his brain again
• you step back from your work. you huff happily
• omi is just watching from the counter . he thinks ur so cute tbh
• later in the night, it’s quiet . no music, no volley ball matches in the background, just silence.
• you’re laying next to eachother with dimmed lights filling the room, the blankets are disheveled and your eyelids are heavy
•he glances over , and when he sees youre awake he rolls to meet your gaze
• he stares at you, eyes flitting over your features for a moment
• “ i love you, yn” he mutters softly
•you smile like an absolute goof and for a sec he feels his throat close up
• his mind is flooded with love, affirmations of his love for you, just you in his head on repeat
•” i love you, omi,” you say, brushing his overgrown fringe from his eyes and placing a kiss to his forehead
• glossy, black eyes meet yours and there’s another beat of silence. when he speaks its barely even audible- you think you hear him wrong when he does
• “ marry me , baby”
•you blink for a second. you know for a fact he didn’t just say that
• “ please, if we don’t get married i’m never gonna recover,”
•something about the way he says ‘ please’, the sincerity and emotion lacing his voice as he speaks - its so special. something you’ve never seen from omi.
• you kiss him. a kiss that’s soft, but it’s meaningful. his eyebrows knit together as his hands find solace on the curve of your hip.
• “ i’ll marry you, omi.”
• he smiles
• he’s never quite loved anyone the way he’s loved you before
• best early christmas gift ever
raines thots ୨♡୧
WAAAHH ITS FINALLY DONSIES!! i’m so proud of this!! i rly liked omi’s and kuroo’s !!! also why is omi’s dub voice so ugly i wanna cry. n e ways OH EM GEE TY FOR ALL THE LOVE ??? ily all . bYE MWAHHH<33
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tinycoded360 · 3 months
Sterling Household: Happy 4th of July!
Note: Remember, these are snapshots of their lives, not necessarily in a timeline order. Even though the previous ones followed one after the other. :D
Sterling sat at his kitchen table, sipping his morning coffee. His eyes lit up at the sight of little Agnes throwing her makeshift grappling hook and climbing her way up to the top of the table. Sterling resisted the urge to pick her up or cup his hands under her to provide a safety net. In past cases when he tried this, the little folk gave him an ear full. Sterling understood now that doing something like that made them feel belittled, and such gestures were only appreciated if they were in true danger. He understood now that they needed to do things independently without help, and he should only aid them if they asked or if they truly did slip and fall.
“Hey there, little friend.” Sterling greeted the tiny teen.
"Hi, Mr. Sterling, do you have any of those big cotton balls? I think you keep them in your bathroom, Ma, and Pa told me to ask you." Agnes asked; she had to tilt her head up to meet his gaze.
“Sure, I have a bunch; how much do you need?” Sterling asked.
“I guess enough for all of us and extra for padding; we need to make new earmuffs and lining for the walls,” Agnes replied.
“Oh? Can I ask what for? It’s too hot outside for earmuffs?” Sterling asked, his tone filled with curiosity and puzzlement.
“Oh! It’s for the great booming tonight. You giants like to make a lot of noise, and it's scary, and my ears always hurt.”
“OH! I see it’s for the fireworks! I’m sorry. I didn’t think how that would affect you guys,” Sterling replied. In the past years, he wasn’t one to shoot off fireworks at home; usually, he was visiting family or spending it at a friend’s home. But his neighbors loved shooting them off. Thankfully, in the area they lived in, it was only allowed on the day and a few days after the 4th.
“It’s ok, we’re used to it,” Agnes replied with a shrug. “But why do you guys make so much noise?”
“I see; you don’t know what the 4th is?” Sterling asked; it never occurred to him that they might not know or wouldn’t have had anyone to ask or teach them.
“Of course, I know what the 4th is……it’s the great booming silly!” Agnes replied with a cheeky grin.
“No,” Sterling said with an amused grin. “It’s something we do to celebrate our country; it’s like a birthday; we shoot off fireworks, and they light up the sky! Theres so many colors and shapes, it’s quite the spectacle.”
“I don’t really understand what all that is. What are fireworks?” Agnes asked, getting more confused as Sterling tried to explain.
“I guess they’re explosives, really colorful fire, that explode into patterns and colors. There are smaller ones, too, things that use smoke and sparks.” Sterling tried to explain, finding it hard without showing the little borrower.
“That sounds dangerous, you giants play with fire? But why does it have to be so loud?” Agnes asked.
"They are loud because they are a really big explosion and they can be dangerous, we just find it fun to watch." Sterling conceded with a nod. “Here, let me show you.” Sterling reached for his phone in his pocket.
Sterling selected a video on his phone and brought it closer to the small girl. The phone looked massive compared to her. It could act as her personal TV.
"See," Sterling said, his voice gentle like a summer breeze, “Just watch this. Sterling suggested tapping the tablet to life. Bursts of color exploded across the display, accompanied by a symphony of oohs and aahs from a recorded crowd, the volume low enough not to startle.
"Look at that one!" Agnes pointed with a tiny finger toward the tablet screen, her eyes reflecting the cascade of colors as another firework exploded into a chrysanthemum of light.
"Fireworks are art, painted with light and gunpowder," Sterling explained, watching Agnes’s face. She watched in delight as the video played.
"I like this one; it doesn’t have that boom….. sometimes it feels like it shakes our entire home; it really scares Finn and Lila; I’m older, so it doesn’t scare me.” Agnes said.
“I’m sorry it scares you…...hmmmm……you know, I’m not planning to go anywhere this year…. we could spend it together.” Sterling mused.
“I guess, but we really don’t like the noise.”
“We can watch it on TV. The noise will be less, and you’ll have your little earmuffs. And I can treat you guys to a 4th of July cookout. Give you a taste of what we humans usually do.”
“Oooh, that does sound Yummy; I’ll ask Ma and Pa,” Agnes replied. She was more interested in the offer of free freshly cooked food.
“We can pick out a few movies to watch before the fireworks.”
“Oh! Can you make popcorn? I would really like that,” Agnes said, giving him her best puppy-eyed look.
Sterling leaned closer and gave her a teasing poke to her belly, he was very mindful of how delicate she is. “Of course, sweetheart, I’ll make whatever treat you want.”
“Hey!” Agnes giggled, batting her tiny hands at his finger.
"Thank you, Mr. Sterling," Agnes said, her voice steady, but Sterling could see the subtle excitement dancing in her eyes.
“Of course, now go run along. It seems like I've got some grocery shopping to do.” Sterling said with a hint of reluctance. He did not look forward to going to the stores on a holiday. He regretted not coming up with this plan earlier and thinking of spending time with the tiny family this way.
****** Much later, after Sterling slaved away in the kitchen, he presented a platter of hotdogs, hamburgers, and chips. And mini chocolate cupcakes and a bowl of popcorn for their movie night. He had made sure to cut the food into small pieces for his little guests. He even went as far as making miniature hamburgers that the borrowers could easily pick up. Sterling had watched video after video of miniature food preparation to get that right. Having to use a pair of tweezers to dress the tiny hamburger patty. The hardest part was cooking it.
 After a while, Emma had startled him in his task while he was grilling outside. Saying he’d make them too well done. The tiny woman had bullied him into giving her the tiny patties so she could cook them. She had even brought freshly made bread for the buns. She had offered to finish making them, but Sterling refused- wanting to have a hand in some of it.
Sterling felt warm and fuzzy in his gut. Out of all the borrowers, Emma was the hardest to impress. He was happy that she felt comfortable enough to approach him and offer to help.
"Wow! It's a feast!" Lila's voice was a quiet murmur, her eyes wide as saucers. She looked over the mountain of food, at least compared to her.
"Can we start now? Can we?" Finn bounced beside his siblings, his small stature barely containing his eagerness.
The Borrowfield family was gathered at Sterling’s coffee table, where everything was laid out.
“Thank you, Sterling. This is really too much,” Cassia said, but she looked grateful.
“Yes, thank you,” Milton said. He still felt nervous being this close to Sterling, but he tried his best to overcome that fear. He was starting to see that Sterling was a good human.
“No problem, I wanted to. Now dig in; I’ll start the movie. I think you might like this one.” Sterling waved a DVD in the air. The words “Night at the Museum” written on the disc.
The borrowers happily filled their plates and found a place to sit and watch. Sterling sat on his couch, and the borrowers sat on the top of the couch. Sterling only paid half a mind to the movie, but he couldn’t help but watch their reactions to the movie and watch them expertly climb down to the couch cushions and find their way back to the coffee table for seconds.
Sterling was amused and startled when little Pippin dropped to his shoulder and climbed down the front of his shirt like he was a mountain. The tiny boy scampered to his knee and then took a flying jump to the table. Sterling almost lounged forward to catch the boy. But another small weight landed on his shoulder, and tiny feet walked up to his ear and gave it a sharp tug. 
Sterling froze, not wanting to knock the borrower off him. He felt relieved to see Pippin make it safely, but Sterling could feel his heartbeat frantically.
“Let him, be, us borrowers are sturdy, we can handle jumps and falls like that.” Emma's voice sounded right next to his ear.
“I…sorry, I just…...” Sterling had trouble describing that he just felt protective and didn’t want to see them get hurt.
“HA! I know, you’re like a giant mother hen!” Emma laughed. “Now, I’m gonna sit here, and you better not knock me off.”
Sterling felt his face heat at this, but he held still, letting the tiny woman settle down against his neck.
Sterling held still as the other borrowers used him as a short cut to the table. Sterling looked in amusement as Milton gave Finn a piggyback ride as the father climbed down him and made his way to the snacks.
Lila took to sitting on his knee to watch the movie; she liked the close access to the table.
Sterling was so engrossed in watching the borrowers and marveling at the feeling of their tiny feet and hands climbing on him that he didn’t notice when the movie ended.
He felt a tug on his ear. “That was fun, Gigantor. Is there more, or are we gonna watch those fireworks I keep hearing about?” Emma asked.
“Oh, right!” Just then, sounds of booming started outside. Looking at the time, Sterling realized it was indeed dark enough for others to start firing them off.
The borrowers pulled out their cotton earmuffs and put them on.
Sterling made sure none of the borrowers were on him. He reached for Emma and scooped her up as he got up. This earned him a startled squawk from the tiny woman and a sharp punch of her fist to his thumb.
“Sorry, but this is quicker, and you weren’t moving,” Sterling said with a smirk.
Emma gave him a sharp glare but said nothing else. Sterling was glad she wasn’t scared; he would have put her back down if she had been trembling or shaking.
Sterling changed the DVD with one hand and then grabbed the remote, flicking to the correct channel. He made sure to keep the volume low, the sounds outside where enough.
Sterling then settled back into his spot and placed Emma on his shoulder. She gave him a playful hit to the side of his neck but sat back down, leaning her back against his neck.
Sterling kept an eye on the borrower’s reactions. He hoped they liked it. He smiled at the delight on their faces as they watched. Milton and Cassia were curled next to each other, with Finn on his mother’s lap and Lila on her father’s. Agnes had found a spot on Sterling’s other shoulder, leaning against his neck on that side. He could feel her tiny weight getting heavier as she dozed off.
Pippen sat on Sterling’s knee; the boy’s face was awash with wonder and delight as he watched.
"Happy 4th of July, everyone," Sterling whispered.
"Happy 4th of July," the Borrowfields echoed back. 
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st4rrmii · 3 months
LuciBen/LoveBug HCs/Facts:Pt.3-Sillies
(Last part! This one won't be as lore based as the others and will mainly just be silly lil hcs/cute stuff-thank y'all for sticking around for my shenanigans 🙏)
-Ben's the lil spoon
-Ben isn't much of a hugger but he will always cling to Lucien when possible, whenever anyone questions him about it he just tells them Lucien's just "comfortable" to hold onto (not a lie tbh)
-Lucien has a service dog named Latte that absolutely adores Ben, like if she's "off work" then the second she senses Ben, she's BOOKING IT to him. S1 Ben would've been a little icked out (and scared) by a full-size Malamute coming at him, but Big Ben is always happy to give the big pup all his love
-Ben was nervous to come to Lucien's place at first since he lives on the sanctuary he works at, which means theres a lot more of a chance of running into dinos, but he does quickly learn the ones that he will run into are very chill and used to humans so now he can come over without being spooked
-Mia(Lucien's lil sister) is a mechanic and has done an ungodly amount of repairs on the Van, at this point, she's the only one Ben will let touch it
-Lucien and Ben share a pretty similar music taste, mostly because they're constantly introducing each other to new music, so long roadtrips are pretty chill when it comes to who gets the aux
-Whenever they go out and have to look at least somewhat put together, Lucien will put a tiny bit of eyeliner/mascara and lipgloss on Ben, at first Ben was iffy about it but he very quickly got used to it, and even carries around his own little pouch with chapstick, gloss, mascara and eyeliner in his dork pouch
-They absolutely do the little dorky couples' trends you'll see on tiktok (like the nail polish to match each other's eyes, those hug shirts where they paint each other's arms then hug, matching pjs, etc.)
-Neither will admit it, but they are hopeless romantics. Even small romantic gestures from the other will have them giggling n kicking their feet for days
-Lucien's main love language is acts of service, if Ben says he's been stressing about doing something Lucien will do it for him, if Lucien notices the trash/dishes are building up in Ben's dorm he'll take it out/do them for him. Sometimes, Ben won't notice until Lucien's already done it and left, but it always makes him smile.
-On the other hand, Ben's main love language is gift giving, little trinkets he finds that reminds him of Lucien, post it note doodles, plushies (Lucien adores plushies and will always love getting them), you name it. Lucien doesn't really buy many nice things for himself unless they're necessities, so it always feels nice to have someone that does love him enough to think he's worth the money/time spent on gifts.
-Ben does most of the cooking, Lucien knows how to cook but unless it's certain dishes or he's in a certain mood it just stresses him out, whereas Ben grew up cooking with his mom a lot since she was at work a lot and therefore dinner was most of the time they got to spend together, so he finds it actually helps with stress. The boot slop was a low point in his life that we do not talk about.
-Lucien will compliment Ben at whatever chance he can. His hair looks good that day? Compliment. He's cooking, and it smells good? Compliment. The sun hits him in a way that makes his eyes shine and his freckles pop? 100 compliments. Lucien just loves Ben and thinks he's perfect in everything he does, and he's going to let him know that. Ben always gets flustered no matter how many compliments he's gotten.
-If Ben has an essay or exam coming up, Lucien will always stop by to bring him food, make sure he's resting, etc.
-Ben is a notorious clothing thief, I feel like I've mentioned this before, but I am mentioning it again because of how much he does it, someone help Lucien he's running out of clothes.
-They'll spend hours cuddling and talking, nothing else, just taking in each other's presence. They've both "lost" each other at some point in their lives, so they know not to take these things for granted.
-They have inside jokes in ASL, the other camp fam know if they're signing at each other and trying to hide their giggles, then the joke is probably at their expense. Especially Kenji.
-Lucien gets "Love Zoomies" as Sammy calls it, where sometimes Ben will do something or just like- exist- that has Lucien doing laps in his head, stimming, just a huge burst of energy that usually contains him going on about how much he loves Ben while trying not to do a backflip
-Lucien looks like he'd be the scary dog but he is like- the biggest dork, literally and figuratively- especially when it comes to Ben, like I know I've stated it fifteen goddamn times but I genuinely do not think there are enough words for me to properly describe just how madly, insanely, hesd over heels in love with Ben Lucien is, like that is his soulmate, he would take the trauma of Jurassic World an infinite amount of times if it meant he got to love Ben every time.
-Ben has Lucien wrapped around his finger, if he wants something he doesn't even have to say it, Lucien knows and he's already doing it
-Lucien is a biker, and while Ben does very much find it hot, he is also terrified by the way that man drives. He will be a backpack if absolutely necessary, but he will nearly break Lucien's ribs every time with how hard he holds onto him
-Ben was never really a concert enjoyer, hurts his ears and theres just too many people, but after seeing how excited Lucien gets at concerts and how much fun he has, suddenly Ben is a huge concert person, as long as he's with Lucien.
-Lucien's favourite sound in the world is Ben's laugh, the way he squeaks at the end of it, or how if he's laughing hard enough he'll cover his mouth and just go silent, and you can only tell he's laughing because he's shaking and has tears in his eyes- it's just the greatest thing in the world to Lucien. There has been so many time Lucien has completely embarrassed himself, and if it was anyone else laughing he'd curl into a ball and die, but the fact that it was Ben laughing just made everything so worth it.
-Ben thinks Lucien somehow hates pteranodons more than he does, which is crazy, Lucien's whole shtick is that dinosaurs are just doing what they have to do to survive and they shouldn't be punished for it, but pteranodons are a completely different story, they are the wasps of the dino world, they are hell spawns and will be treated as such if they dare come near him. Man, wonder why he hates them sm 🤔
-Lucien is the type of bf to send Ben pictures/videos etc. Of two random things and just caption it "us"
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beesmygod · 7 months
do you mind talking about what made effexor so bad for you? also where can I read about this streamer fake death lol
all the stuff on thedarkid is on SA in the sagas thread lol. i would prefer not to post a link bc the quality of new posters is at an all time low on that website and i dont want to contribute to the problem.
AS FOR EFFEXOR: i am prefacing this with the fact that this is my personal experience as a result of my body chemistry. effexor might work for some people with different body chemistry. my suggestion would be to try everything else first before resorting to this one and to be ready to feel really, really bad when discontinuing it.
i got off effexor because the negatives of taking it finally outweighed the positives and the problem i had been taking it for was no longer relevant. this will make me sound ridiculous so keep in mind i took crazy meds for this exact problem, but after we bought and moved into the house, i started having nightly panic attacks and weeping fits over both the decadence of my new non-renter lifestyle (which was materially going to impact the quality of my work and how i viewed reality) and the fact that i had taken a really big step toward commitment without having resolved the source of my deep social anxiety. i could realize how i was behaving and reacting was not normal and until i could get a therapist to address it, i was going to have to put a bandaid on it.
effexor flattened my emotions and my affect lol. this is really, really good for when you cannot reach a baseline of normality. this became bad when that flatness turned into apathy and started sliding into my day to day life. doing basic household chores became a daily struggle. then i started not making my deadlines on time because i completely lost the will to draw, which actively began to terrify me. and then once i started struggling to bathe and brush my teeth i was like "okay. something is really really wrong". so then i started the process of getting off.
that's the broad overview. i did not realize the extent of the damage it was causing me until i started getting it out of my system:
my sleep schedule was destroyed bc it gave me terrible insomnia.
night sweats. NIGHT SWEATS.
theres been a rash on my face for over a year that ive thrown EVERYTHING at to try to get rid of, thinking it was anything from lupus to a yeast infection. it turns out its just caused by the pill. it goes away when theres less in my system o_o
my lip was also split for a year. my gums were covered in sores. and the inside of my nose felt like someone put a weed whacker in there and sliced it up. huge scabs. constantly in tiny flecks of pain. miserable but not unbearable, you know?
pussy felt like sandpaper.
i didnt even notice this until later but it also made me fail to derive pleasure from the touch of another person. but like i wanted to. if someone held me or squeezed my hand it felt almost painful. shit made no sense but you just think "this isnt how its supposed to feel? whats wrong with me?". but like that's over. it stopped. it feels good again.
food tasted bad. and i dont mean no flavor i mean BAD. i say this a lot but i cannot understate how fucked it made my palate. its normal again thank god. i have a bag of coffee that tastes different depending on when the last time i took a pill was. i spent the last year complaining about how bad processed food tastes now like all companies decided to make their product bad instead of something being wrong with me specifically. but when adam's cooking started to taste bad i was like "wait. what? thats not possible". lol thanks honey for helping me realize....
this one is really weird: it would cause specific parts of my body to feel stiff. the worst and most chronic part was the small of my lower back, which felt pulled taught so tight it was uncomfortable. then it spread to the fingers of my right hand, causing me to have to stop every few minutes and scrunch my fingers to try to alleviate it. this symptom only returns after i take a dose now. it makes me thrash like a fish trying to get comfortable at night
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Dating Tam Song headcanons for the poor please? Also, are you excited for the shadow and bone cast q&a? Cause I certainly am.
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  ੈ✩‧₊˚ FANDOM: keeper of the lost cities
  ੈ✩‧₊˚ FORMAT: headcanons
  ੈ✩‧₊˚ WARNINGS: one teeny tiny angsty mention, like technically a few spoilers??
  ੈ✩‧₊˚ A/N: HI ALICE!!! i am over the moon for the shadow and bone cast q&a ive never been more excited for anything ever in my life
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okay so he is like the greatest most awesomest boyfriend ever istg
he seems like his love language would be acts of service
and also he’d genuinely be upset if you walked into a room without him opening the door for you or sat down without him pulling out the chair
he’s a gentleman let him be one <3
you’re required to be friends with linh
if she doesn’t like you it’s an immediate red flag (unless your rayni)
sophie WILL make you take a 325 question quiz to see if you’re right for her bsf
no i’m joking it’s 5 questions
he’d like shows from like the 50s-early 70s
so you’ll walk in on him watching something in black and white and be like “what’s this” and you better sit down because he’s gonna tell you the whole plot
it’s so interesting watching him talk about stuff he likes <33 his eyes light up and he starts rambling
you can tell he’s passionate about it
your legally obliged to not tell anyone especially keefe this but he thrives on cuddles
like even if it’s for 5 mins in the most uncomfortable position ever it’s enough to make his whole week
hed also make an insane effort to keep you away from both the neverseen and his parents
hes lost enough and you don’t need to be added to that long list <3
okay um anywyas next
hed call you the most weirdest names ever
“hey i brought that thing you wanted” “thank you baguette”
he basically just calls you foods
also we’ve seen how protective he is of linh right??? yeah that but with you is 10x worse
will quite literally follow you around
and like it’s not in a “i don’t trust you” way it’s in a “i just want you to be safe” way
he’ll back off if you ask him too
the thing is he has that “anything for you <3” mentality but it’s more like “ANYTHING for you. <3”
more threatening basically
also so help me god if someone tries to hurt you in some way
they like can’t even look at you afterwards
okay next set of hcs!!
i think he’d like
LOVE to read and hed like go to the library every other day to get 15 new books
and i have this cute little idea of him going there because you go there and it gives him an excuse to stare at you for several hours <3
its probably how you met him
but then again he seems like he’s more likely to fall for someone who’s known for a few months/years
also he can sculpt because i said so
so if you like sculptures/mythology he makes you little statues
will let you mess with his hair and braid it and put it in pigtails and stuff
after much convincing
he’s like super shy at the beginning of the relationship but as it progresses and he becomes more comfortable you can tell how much he really does like you
linh tells you not to be alarmed cause he’s just getting comfortable
also when he gets excited he has this little look in his eyes
they become all sparkly and glittery
now it’s 5x more sparkly and glittery when he’s talking to you
i kinda like the idea of him and a childhood friends to lovers and like he comes to your house a lot so he doesn’t have to go home
hed love holding your hands btw
no matter if they’re warm, cold, rough, soft, small, big, he loves them
will constantly be grabbing your hands and dragging you around (affectionately)
he loves kissing them also
before he’s about to leave to go do something he takes one of your hands and gently kisses it before skeddadling
he could talk to you for hours
theres times in conversations where someone will be talking and he internally WILL NOT CARE AT ALL but as soon as you have your own input/opinion he’s listening intently
also imagine going to something with him where you need to dress fancy and he sees you in your fancy pretty outfit and is like awestruck
unable to form words
thinks you are the most amazing person ever like he’d kill for you if you asked
also would love doing your hair
okay it’s 12am i have to sleep
he’s such a good bf i love him
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petrichorium · 17 hours
hiiii pluvi, nyla here! for your one piece and hq selfships: 💞, 📝, 🌦️ aaaaand 💌! thanks in advance! i'll have fun answering your asks too uwu
📝: How would your story in canon go? How would you influence the events of the original story?
Shanks — as of rn i dont influence the story tbh...... we'll have to re-address this in a decade when we get more red-haired pirates and after shanks dies KJHSDFJKHB but for now im just kinda lingering whenever theres rhp moments. my first appearance is the luffy wanted poster scene and i make a lil comment to mihawk (smthn like "always lovely to see you hawk-eyes" yk ambiguous enough), then im in the bg during the bit where rockstar calls shanks, im missing during marineford and then i show up during whitebeard/ace's funeral and im consistently w the red-haired pirates from then on. during the wano bit i finally get another line agreeing w lime juice after he mentions barto, then a passing goodbye to marco. im shown towards the side of the bar scene in elbaf reading a book and then im in the big wide-shot as theyre approaching the red force; the one "big" change is that im the one who hands the info on kidd off to shanks (bc that is Technically my official job as communications officer) and hongo and i have a tiny exchange. oda also talks abt me a bit in an sbs, he says im the only officer who hasnt met luffy and mentions im from a new world island, n says i joined the crew five yrs prior to the present
Kuroo — another one where i have minimal impact on the canon LOL but he and i r coworkers to lovers soooooo i only show up at the very end!!! i think im a recurring character in the final timeskip match chapters, i appear four or five times w the final time being w kuroo's appearance and described as his colleague. maybe later on theres an extra sketch of us grabbing a drink in our work uniforms and it sparks hella shippers
💞: Aside from with your f/o, who else would you commonly be shipped with? Why?
Shanks — i think any of the other red-haired officers is common but lime juice is the go-to for me simply bc of that one interaction in wano LMFAOOOOOOOO and then hongo later on for the elbaf interaction pfft. beckman is also a regular name in a "pair the spares" sense but icl i dont think hes ever spoken to me in canon (simply bc i do not have much screentime) & mihawk is also Somewhat up there again be of my one line. OH AND MARCO..... i think when he leaves the ship after wano he passes me and does an ambiguous hug/hand to the arm thing that has ppl like wtf was that 🫣
Kuroo — i think kenma bc im shown in the bg of a few of his shots!!! and i think theres a panel or two of me interacting w ushijima so theres a few instances of that...... theres like one super dedicated crackshipper of me and iwa LOL
🌦️: Would you be accompanied by mostly fluff or angst fanfics? Both? Explain why.
Shanks — ohhhh a mix.... i think whenever im involved its either relatively low-key fluff or a super in-depth character deep-dive. im often used as a catalyst for mishanks or shuggy or any manner of other m/m ships tho which means ig its angst for shuvi 😔
Kuroo — def fluff, but also a bit of angst. in a similar light a lot of fics im in have me being a catalyst specifically for kuroken, and there r probs just as many poly fics as there are of just me n kuroo, but by n large the Actual shipfics are cutesy work romance vibes
💌: How would your dynamic be portrayed? What might people focus on most? Any misconceptions?
Shanks — honestly the dynamic is varying bc theres just not much content of me or us interacting as of yet, just the tiniest bit of banter and then a very professional back n forth. shanks tends to be portrayed as Down Bad in ships so i think that is accurate, but i do think people generally overemphasize the captain/subordinate thing and a lot of the nuance wrt the nature of my joining the crew is not considered fully until my full backstory is discussed
Kuroo — sjhdfusbfv fuckboy kuroo my beloathed....... but i feel its not That bad. idk our dynamic is soooo Normal obvi its a v subtle ship/only vaguely hinted at so the specifics of our strangers-to-friends-to-lovers slow burn is not known,,,,,, i think generally the dynamic is far faster and not drawn out in fanon. people focus more on the working together, boss/secretary vibe (when i rlly quit my job right as we get together rip) and write us as having a very nuclear family i think.
send in some selfship questions!
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quirkthieves · 6 months
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NAME: viverra ! but ive also been called vixen, dogma, gabe, etc. any works
PRONOUNS : he/him
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION : big big fan of discord. tumblr ims are hard for me to read </3
NAME OF MUSE(s) : monoma neito, ibara shiozaki, chitose kizuki/curious, kaina tsutsumi/lady nagant, setsuna tokage, ryo inui/hound dog, natsuo todoroki, kendou itsuka, hinata haruka, nobimaru, inari yoko, marik ishtar, ishizu ishtar, rishid ishtar, atem, and lacramioara strigoi.
jesus christ who let me do this
BEST EXPERIENCE : ummm gee okay i cant just name one it turns out life is actually about the accumulation of small joys and not just a few big ones but every time i get in the car and listen to my music and go OH! THIS REMINDS ME OF THIS PERSONS MUSE AND OUR DYNAMIC! or when talking to people inspires me to draw little comics (esp while im at work let me live) it really just makes me so so happy
RP PET PEEVES / DEALBREAKERS : im pretty chill for the most part i think like ive definitely mellowed out a lot over the past few years but. i gotta say it:
formatting. the over-formatting of everything is killing me. i cant read most peoples carrds. i dont even know how they read it, because of how insanely tiny the text is. eye strain colors, hard to see icons, weird fonts... i dont mind a little bit of formatting, naturally, like go girl give us everything, but its getting to the point of being genuinely frustrating that almost every new blog i encounter has me fighting for my life just trying to learn the important info. i have visual and neurological issues please lord im only seven
MUSE PREFERENCES: seconding cam on if the "when someones pulled a muse apart like the spaghettification of a star and then put them back together". its fascinating. i think the fun part about rp is that i get just as invested in my partners character and what they get out of each thread as much as i do mine, so when people sit there and talk about their ideas and meta and really dig into that thing like . WHOOO NOW WE'RE COOKING
PLOTS OR MEMES : I like both! I think memes are good to kick things off regardless, and I dont mind building off of it. I like to plot a lot ooc but more in a loosey-goosey kind of way; i really like to get to know other muns and their characters and also talking is just sort of how i think through things so its very helpful to me. i also just get a lot of ideas because these things live rent free in my head but to me a natural progression is more important than like, sticking to a script.
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES : i write insanely long replies because i have things wrong with me. theres NEVER any pressure to length match-- a lot of the time im just doing it to establish exposition or setting so the other person finds it easier to work with. just give me something i can work with and we are a ok :D
BEST TIME TO WRITE : it really depends... i typically end up writing in the evening/afternoon because of my schedule. i think the biggest thing is that i work on weekends, so you may only hear from me ooc on those days. im also really trying to fix my sleep schedule.........to varying levels of success. sometimes the thread is too good
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S) : just talking about monoma here... i've also got a pretty snappy mouth and natural love of finding loopholes, but i just went into paralegal instead of making it class A's problem. i also love to laugh, but id like to think im a lot less meanspirited about it
tagged: @dynmghts
tagging: @veroxins @cloistress @killerhubby @enignoema @eclipsemuses @yeonban @starshinc @ofluminance @paracide @ohcruel
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