#now yall have some fun facts :3
empresskadia · 6 months
I've been productive today, I worked, got off early, did the dishes, and cleaned a little. I wrote 1110 words today [my main accomplishment] and got to talk to lovely people today.
And now, it's my weekend now
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luvh4nji · 11 months
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warning: just fluff, reader is shorter than jeno and jisung, sorry yall im a short girlie it's my default <//3, hyuck's is a little suggestive
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mark ; he makes time for you. he's such a busy guy, but whenever he has downtime, he's immediately inviting you over to the dorms or going to your apartment so he can just be with you, whether it's just cuddling or playing video games together or going out and doing something, he always makes time to be with you, no matter what. and he always leaves some of his clothing at your place so you won't miss him too much when he's gone.
"woah," he mumbles to himself, stopping in the doorway to his room when he sees you all curled up under his blankets in his bed, your face shielded from him by his clothes, blankets, and your own hair. he has to take a moment to take you in, mind racing at the fact that you're his, before he walks over, taking of his shoes and jacket, slipping into the bed beside you and wrapping an arm around your middle, pulling you into him, whispering "i love you so much" into your hair, pressing a kiss to the back of your neck.
renjun ; he notices the little things. even when you think he doesn't, even when he acts like he doesn't - he does. he's the type to see you something you mentioned you liked out in public and buy it for you, shrugging his shoulders casually when you start gushing over him and the gist. he's the type to overhear you talking on the phone to your friends about how much you like physical touch, so he starts touching you more; holding your hand, coming up behind you and wrapping his arms around your middle, pulling you into his lap.
"saw this at the store, thought you might like it." he tells you nonchalantly, handing you a little bag with a box of cookies inside, smiling to himself when you get all excited, running towards him to wrap you arms around his neck and press little kisses to his jaw. "they're you're favorite, right?" he asks, resting his hands on your waist, keeping you close, squeezing your hips imperceptibly as you snuggle into his chest.
jeno ; he's protective. he just finds so much comfort in knowing that you're safe and protected and that he's the one that makes you feel safe and protected. he's the type to keep your hand firmly trapped in his whenever you go out, to make sure to walk on the outside of the sidewalk, to keep his hand on the small of your back, just in case. he likes the feeling of knowing your safe.
"hold on," he leans down to whisper in your ear, grabbing your hand and pulling you to his other side as a car passed on the street beside you. he let go of your hand, wrapping an arm around your shoulder and bringing you close to his side, squeezing the skin of your arm every now and again to reaffirm himself that you were still there, that you were safe.
donghyuck ; before you started dating, hyuck was always such a shithead, always poking fun, teasing, pushing you to your limits, just so he can laugh at you when you get all flustered and upset. and he only does it because he can't do what he really wants to, which is kiss you until you can't stand up, so when you finally get together, he just gets so direct. if he wants something from you, he's determined to get it anyway he can to make up for all the lost time.
"you sure you have to go?" he asks, body hovering over yours, propping himself up on his elbows beside your head. and he just sighs heavily when you nod, looking down at you with his big, brown eyes for a moment before leaning down a pressing little kisses to your cheeks, the corners of your mouth, your lips, pushing against yours passionate and bruising, one hand moving down to lace with yours. and he loves how dazed you look when he pulls away, chasing after his lips as he leans back, pushing onto his side so you can get up. "alright, baby, i'll see you later." and all he can do is give you a sickeningly smug look when you roll on top of him, pressing your lips back to his.
jaemin ; he's so unbelievably, greasily soft with you. he's always looking at you with a lovesick look in his eyes, a soft smile taking over his features, and when you ask him what he's looking at, he just blinks slowly and grins up at you from where he's sitting, muttering a soft, "just you, baby." and if it was anyone else, it'd be enough to make you sick, but there's something about how genuine he is.
"c'mere, honey." he mumbles, grabbing your wrist as you walk by him and pulling you down into his lap, his hands immediately finding purchase wrapped around your waist, pulling you into his chest. "look so pretty today, y'know that?" he'd ask, grinning when your face darkens in embarrassment. "pretty thing. love you." and he'd lift your hand to his lips, brushing his lips across your knuckles before he lets you get up.
chenle ; he's gentle with you. he's known for being sassy and teasing with his friends, but he's so different with you. he's so much more soft; his hands hovering over you at all times, touch unassuming but present, his words kind and gentle, always checking in on you, telling you how pretty he thinks you are, how smart you are - constantly showering you in compliments so you never have the time to feel self-conscious.
"you're so gorgeous." he tells you, looking up at you from where he was resting his head on your lap. reaching a hand up, he cups your cheek, making sure you look at him, despite your embarrassment at his blunt comments. "your little freckles, the lines around your eyes, the way your hair frames your face, it's all so gorgeous." he says, looking at you like you're something divine, his thumb brushing over the crest of your cheekbone, before he gets up, pushing you down to lay on your back on the couch, positioning himself over you, leaning down to press a searing kiss to your lips.
jisung ; he gets clingy. or, at least, clingier than usual. he's a guy that, generally, enjoys his own space. he likes having that distance between himself and others; he's not exactly sure why, it's just always been that why. but it's different with you. he feels like he can never be close enough. he likes holding your hand, wrapping an arm around your waist or shoulders, having you sit in his lap, laying on top of you when he gets home from a long schedule; he just needs to be near you at all times.
"hey, honey." he mutters, collapsing beside you on your bed, laying on his back and closing his eyes, nodding slowly when you ask if he's had a long day. "the longest." he replies, peaking at you from the corner of his eyes, before rolling over on top of you, nuzzling his face into your neck, pressing little kisses to the skin there. "i love you." he mutters into your neck, his breath hot, his voice low.
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intheholler · 5 months
the appalachian murder ballad <3 one of the most interesting elements of americana and american folk, imo!
my wife recently gave me A Look when i had one playing in the car and she was like, "why do all of these old folk songs talk about killing people lmao" and i realized i wanted to Talk About It at length.
nerd shit under the cut, and it's long. y'all been warned
so, as y'all probably know, a lot of appalachian folk music grew its roots in scottish folk (and then was heavily influenced by Black folks once it arrived here, but that's a post for another time).
they existed, as most folk music does, to deliver a narrative--to pass on a story orally, especially in communities where literacy was not widespread. their whole purpose was to get the news out there about current events, and everyone loves a good murder mystery!
as an aside, i saw someone liken the murder ballad to a ye olde true crime podcast and tbh, yeah lol.
the "original" murder ballads started back across the pond as news stories printed on broadsheets and penned in such a way that it was easy to put to melody.
they were meant to be passed on and keep the people informed about the goings-on in town. i imagine that because these songs were left up to their original orators to get them going, this would be why we have sooo many variations of old folk songs.
naturally then, almost always, they were based on real events, either sung from an outside perspective, from the killer's perspective and in some cases, from the victim's. of course, like most things from days of yore, they reek of social dogshit. the particular flavor of dogshit of the OG murder ballad was misogyny.
so, the murder ballad came over when the english and scots-irish settlers did. in fact, a lot of the current murder ballads are still telling stories from centuries ago, and, as is the way of folk, getting rewritten and given new names and melodies and evolving into the modern recordings we hear today.
305 such scottish and english ballads were noted and collected into what is famously known as the Child Ballads collected by a professor named francis james child in the 19th century. they have been reshaped and covered and recorded a million and one times, as is the folk way.
while newer ones continued to largely fit the formula of retelling real events and murder trials (such as one of my favorite ones, little sadie, about a murderer getting chased through the carolinas to have justice handed down), they also evolved into sometimes fictional, (often unfortunately misogynistic) cautionary tales.
perhaps the most famous examples of these are omie wise and pretty polly where the woman's death almost feels justified as if it's her fault (big shocker).
but i digress. in this way, the evolution of the murder ballad came to serve a similar purpose as the spooky legends of appalachia did/do now.
(why do we have those urban legends and oral traditions warning yall out of the woods? to keep babies from gettin lost n dying in them. i know it's a fun tiktok trend rn to tell tale of spooky scary woods like there's really more haints out here than there are anywhere else, but that's a rant for another time too ain't it)
so, the aforementioned little sadie (also known as "bad lee brown" in some cases) was first recorded in the 1920s. i'm also plugging my favorite female-vocaist cover of it there because it's superior when a woman does it, sorry.
it is a pretty straightforward murder ballad in its content--in the original version, the guy kills a woman, a stranger or his girlfriend sometimes depending on who is covering it.
but instead of it being a cautionary 'be careful and don't get pregnant or it's your fault' tale like omie wise and pretty polly, the guy doesn't get away with it, and he's not portrayed as sympathetic like the murderer is in so many ballads.
a few decades after, women started saying fuck you and writing their own murder ballads.
in the 40s, the femme fatale trope was in full swing with women flipping the script and killing their male lovers for slights against them instead.
men began to enter the "find out" phase in these songs and paid up for being abusive partners. women regained their agency and humanity by actually giving themselves an active voice instead of just being essentially 'fridged in the ballads of old.
her majesty dolly parton even covered plenty of old ballads herself but then went on to write the bridge, telling the pregnant-woman-in-the-murder-ballad's side of things for once. love her.
as a listener, i realized that i personally prefer these modern covers of appalachian murder ballads sung by women-led acts like dolly and gillian welch and even the super-recent crooked still especially, because there is a sense of reclamation, subverting its roots by giving it a woman's voice instead.
meaning that, like a lot else from the problematic past, the appalachian murder ballad is something to be enjoyed with critical ears. violence against women is an evergreen issue, of course, and you're going to encounter a lot of that in this branch of historical music.
but with folk songs, and especially the murder ballad, being such a foundational element of appalachian history and culture and fitting squarely into the appalachian gothic, i still find them important and so, so interesting
i do feel it's worth mentioning that there are "tamer" ones. with traditional and modern murder ballads alike, some of them are just for "fun," like a murder mystery novel is enjoyable to read; not all have a message or retell a historical trial.
(for instance, i'd even argue ultra-modern, popular americana songs like hell's comin' with me is a contemporary americana murder ballad--being sung by a male vocalist and having evolved from being at the expense of a woman to instead being directed at a harmful and corrupt church. that kind of thing)
in short: it continues to evolve, and i continue to eat that shit up.
anyway, to leave off, lemme share with yall my personal favorite murder ballad which fits squarely into murder mystery/horror novel territory imo.
it's the 10th child ballad and was originally known as "the twa sisters." it's been covered to hell n back and named and renamed.
but! if you listen to any flavor of americana, chances are high you already know it; popular names are "the dreadful wind and rain" and sometimes just "wind and rain."
in it, a jealous older sister pushes her other sister into a river (or stream, or sea, depending on who's covering it) over a dumbass man. the little sister's body floats away and a fiddle maker come upon her and took parts of her body to make a fiddle of his own. the only song the new fiddle plays is the tale about how it came to be, and it is the same song you have been listening to until then.
how's that for genuinely spooky-scary appalachia, y'all?
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coquettebratzdoll · 4 months
ᡣ𐭩 •。ꪆৎ ˚⋅
Okay a while ago I made this post talking abt how I haven't shifted yet bc I'm lazy, and while the sentiment holds true, I made some advancements is my beliefs. I've come to the realisation that I wasn't lazy, I just lacked some things 😭😭. Since many of you guys seemed to relate to my struggle, I'll go over what I found to be lacking and how I am fixing it:
1. Persistence - I just wasn't persisting in the fact that I am a master shifter. Some days I believed, only to give up a few hours later. I let the 3d tell me stuff that was literally not true. Like okay not you tryna be relevant gtfo 💀💀
2. Direction - I had no clear goal in mind. Like ofc I wanted to shift, but I was switching up on myself every half hour. First, I want to shift by xyz date, but then I change my mind and say that I'll shift tonight. So by the time night actually came around, I would just say one aff then give up on myself.
3. Mindset - talking abt giving up on myself, my mindset is all over the place rn. I don't hate myself (far from it), but I do not believe in myself. It's even crazier cus I KNOW I can shift, and I HAVE SHIFTED multiple times to realities like this one 😭😭. Ik that it has to be real, but I am limiting myself by believing that I personally can't shift (or don't deserve to). I know that it is possible to shift with doubts, but if you don't believe in yourself, where will that get you.
4. Methods - there are a plethora of methods that I can choose from to aid my shifting, but I just don't resonate with the traditional methods of shifting. I know that you don't need a method to shift, but I wish someone told me sooner how little methods actually matter. Lemme be honest, I've never been a Type A planner person. Steps and instructions aren't my strong suite. I prefer to be 'lazy' and just go with the flow.
So now that I listed my problems, here are my solutions !!
For persistence, I'm just gonna shut my ass up and do it 💀💀. Like ik 4d is the only reality that matters, so imma continue to hold true in that assumption.
As for direction, imma focus on one dr for now. I'll also gaslight myself so badly yall just wait 😭🙏
Mindset is gonna be the most exposing one lmao. Imma do some shadow work to find the root cause of the problem and deal with it from the source.
For methods, imma use the law of assumption to my benefit. I alr apply it to everything else, so why not shifting ? I'll also add on lucid dreams cus they're fun 💀💀
Overall, this really made me think harder about why I am so 'lazy' when it comes to shifting and inspired me to do something about it. I hope you do the same :)
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2-dsimp · 6 months
A/n: hey yall this is my first ever yandere collab that I did with my dear mutual @yandere-dreams-but-not-really and I’ve never knew how much fun it’d be collabing with others until I did so with them <3
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Yandere company Bros
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The eldest brother
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→ CW: Yandere tendencies, unhealthy coping methods, obsessive/possessive behavior, Judas needs a hug, internal company conflict
Synopsis: 【You were a new intern for hire at the grand Acer international company ran by the Kinzen family. And you stood out amongst your colleagues by being capable, ambitious, and dedicated to the craft! All the qualities of a true corporate slave which may have attracted some unheeded attention from the future inheritors of said company itself. Ultimately you ended up getting sucked into an internal family succession battle between the youngest and the eldest brother…Let’s just hope you make it out in ONE PIECE.】
☆*:.。..。.:*☆ ☆*:.。..。.:*☆ ☆*:.。..。.:
【Eldest brother! Judas was never the type to believe in love at first sight. Despite his father always ranting on about how he fell for his strict mother at first glance. He never truly understood what it meant to feel a romantic love for someone. Throughout his highscool and college years he’s never had a crush or been in a relationship for that matter.】
【But all his reservations went out the window when he saw you, a well put together newbie walking past the doors of the well established business owned by him and his family. Encompassing an essence that of a fresh summer breeze which completely disarmed him.】
【Truly he thought he worked himself to death and was blessed with the sight of an angel who came down to take him away from his mundane life. Of being in his mother, Isidore’s shadow as a prominent businesswoman. Known across the world for her cutthroat business conduct.】
【Eldest brother! Judas was at a loss for words as you stepped up to him with those bright attentive eyes. And offered to help take on the loaded stacks of papers he was lugging into his office with an altruistic smile. The fact that he knew you didn’t know who he was at that time and was this naturally sweet. As opposed to everyone else who usually try coming to his aide with ulterior motives】
【Made His motherfucking heart grip at the enclosure of his rib cage at how you just politely interjected yourself in his space to go ahead and take half of his work load off of him. while he was stunned stupid too flabbergasted to even utter a sentence.】
【This socially stunted stoic man was trying his best to keep his mind afloat as he’s never been affected by such intense emotions before in his 23 years of living. He didn’t know how to act as he tended to isolate himself from his peers. In turn for studying business till his nose bled and working himself up the corporate food chain.】
【Eldest brother! Judas resembled that of a black cat who was looking in pure awe of his new fixation which wasn’t work or studying. His pristine appearance was now unkept with hairs falling flat in his face from how caught off guard he was. Finding himself mindlessly trailing after the new bubbly intern in long strides.】
【When yall reached his office he struggled to find the words to thank you. But his haywire brain opted to abruptly encase your hand in his and bring it towards his bleeding heart. as he gave you what seemed to be a death stare inherited from his mother but in reality was an expression full of gratitude, obsession, and adoration.】
【Congratulations you’ve unknowingly seduced the eldest heir of the Kinzen family. And there’s no take backsies.】
【Eldest brother!Judas is the type to be more or less clingy with his darling. Always calling them to his office to ask for “help” on some assignments. which caused onlookers to give him surprised exchanges. Since the famed hermit workaholic never came out of his dumpster fire of an office to request help of any kind.】
【He just loves seeing you breathe in his general direction. It makes him impulsively grip at the sides of ball pen till it damn near snapped in two. From how His heart is was overflowing with so much pure and genuine infatuation for you.】
【The eldest Kinzen was a ticking time bomb since he always kept everything little thing bottled up inside and never had anyone to confide to unlike his youngest brother Dexter who was a social troglodyte.】
【So as time progresses Judas spends each and every waking moment fantasizing. About what it would be to show you all the admiration that he feels for you. To convey how you’ve turned his world upside down and to emphasize how utterly precious you’d be underneath him due to size difference ahem his management. Working alongside him as his lovely equal/assistant manager.】
【Only one strand of restraint was holding him back from pouncing on you as if he had no good sense. But it was waning with how his meddlesome brother Dexter kept interfering with y’all’s pleasant time together.】
【Eventhough he may have been born with a diamond spoon he was never the one to indulge in it. Not that he could since his mother Isidore was a hard fashioned woman with a strict traditional upbringing. She instilled in her sons that what you earn is what you keep and how there was nothing such as free handouts in the world.】
【And yet since he was the eldest, Isidore made sure to remind him how it was his responsibility to steer his brother in the right direction. Taking her words to heart he always made an effort to accommodate his brother to an extent.】
【In their childhood days whatever Dexter wanted something from Judas. The eldest willingly gave in to him since he could be fussy if he didn’t get what he wanted. But once he noticed the eyes Dexter made at you whilist making you laugh from his charm.】
【Something snapped inside Judas. He didn’t like the way Dexter was trying to put dibs on you in his subtle hand placement on your waist. He despised how happy you sounded from the half baked jokes of the Youngest. He hated how easy it was for Dexter to strike up a conversation with you and be in your general presence without need for work excuses.】
【Don’t look at his brother look at him sure he may not have the best social ques or a way with words but he’ll treat you right. Judas will take care of you as if you were a queen to the throne of his heart.】
“I’ll be good, I’ll be perfect just for you… All I want is for you to look at me, focus only on me, Please don’t look elsewhere with those eyes of yours. I just wanna be yours. So choose me, not him.”
【He’d seldom show you in the most intense ways possible, the depraved man he’s become. Falling weak to his needs to hug you, to kiss you, to embrace you, to show you all the love that he can possibly show you. Within his iron grasp since you’re the one thing that he’ll never give up to his youngest sibling no matter how much tries to tempt you away from him.】
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etherealstar-writes · 8 months
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pairings: lionesses x reader
summary: in which you're accidentally added to a random group chat, not knowing they're all actually famous footballers, and obliviously end up having many of them competing for your love and attention.
part: three
part one here
✦ ——— ✦ ——— ✦
we have training tomorrow
just a reminder
the REAL karate kid
what's the bet leah and georgia
are gonna be a show off
while niamh's gonna be off in her own world
hey! no need to call me out like that
i do focus
i am not a show off
me neither!
door knob
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you guys need proof?
the imposter
you guys got that athletic build 💪
the REAL karate kid
the imposter
i think the rest are asleep
the imposter
are you guys all part of some cult omg
and why do you guys have like
group training together?
that's kinda sus
the REAL karate kid
honestly it's kinda fun and chaotic
are we all gonna ignore the fact that
nobbs has photos of georgia's and leah's muscles?
door knob
are we just gonna keep referring
the imposter as imposter?
or if anyone's gonna ask her name?
the imposter
your name's nobbs??
my name's y/n
that is such a pretty name
the imposter
thank you!
you know
you never really answered
lotte's question nobbs ....
it's because i'm her favourite duh
um it's actually me
hence why she sent a photo of mine first
and here we go again
✦ ——— ✦ ——— ✦
why is everyone so dead right now
maybe it's the fact that we just finished training
the REAL karate kid
and because we actually have lives
that's a lie and we all know it
the imposter
how was training?
feeling quite dead rn
funny actually
lessi slipped and slammed
face first into the training mat
that was the highlight of my day
the REAL karate kid
glad to know my misery
causes you guys happiness
rusty metal
i stumbled upon the best photo ever
my eyes have been blessed
bronzy in her active era??
ooh do show
it's intrigued my interest now too
rusty metal
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the REAL karate kid
this is a masterpiece
i'm saving this
she's a barbie gurl 💅
i'm blocking yall
your eyes just can't handle this much art
the imposter
hello friends of y/n!
i was trying to take photos of y/n
and accidentally clicked into here
hello friend of y/n
the imposter
is this some kind of football fan cult??
some of your usernames are familiar in a strange way
idk why i can't seem to place it
hmm quite strange
don't you all agree?
hmm very strange indeed
the REAL karate kid
where's y/n?
the imposter
standing in front of me
has no clue i'm on this chat
i'll send a photo
hang on
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(lets just pretend they can see your face in the photo)
now she wants her phone back
goodbye strange strangers
the REAL karate kid
rusty metal
lauren 1
the whole chat rn:
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i was not expecting this today-
the REAL karate kid
toone, this is literally the best
most dumbest thing you've done-
my eyes have been blessed twice today
the REAL karate kid
you can get my number wrong
anytime toone
part four here
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bitchlessdino · 11 months
scream your heart out (m)
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🔪pairing: fem!reader x seventeen (???) 🔪genre: horror, slasher, smut 🔪tags: DISCLAIMIER!!! MAY NOT SUIT MOST AUDIENCES, Graphic sexual and violent imagery color coded in pink, abrupt changes in text color, features/mentions members (Chan, Seungkwan, Wonwoo, Minghao, Seungcheol, Seokmin, Junhui, Soonyoung, Joshua), established relationships, scream au!seventeen, Hybristophilia, erotophonophilia, homicidophilia, graphic images, mention panic attacks, smoking, mentions disfigurement of faces, severed body parts, knives, guns, threatening phone calls, face masks (horror), knife wielding, blood, gore, death/murder, knife play, bloody handjobs, cum mixing with blood, consensual sex but nonconsensual murder, HONESTLY SOME REALLY FUCKED UP SHIT AND IM SORRY BUT YALL SHOULD BE READING THE WARNINGS, sexual innuendos, kitchen sex, daddy kink, unprotected sex, cream pies, cuck! (??) member, voyeurism, exhibitionism, breeding kink, PLS LET ME KNOW IF IM MISSING ANYTHING PLS 🔪word count: 6.8k 🔪summary: you and your friends get caught up in a classic horror slasher movie, only it's in real life. Now you're off to fend for yourselves in Seungcheol's million dollar home. The question is, did you keep them out, or did you just lock them in? 🔪author note: thank you @multi-kpop-fanfics and @wonwussy for beta reading for me <3. here's some of their notes “I’m scratching my face to not fucking scream” “WELL SHIT BRO WHAT THE FUCK” -Zeta “It definitely does capture that slasher essence” -SJ this was so fun yet mind numbing to write but this is way more extreme than anything I’ve ever written like I lost a lot of sanity writing this. FR one of the most fucked up things I’ve ever written. I hope it was worth it. ENJOY EVERYONE and even tho it came out late HAPPY HALLOWEEN
Ever since the murders over a week ago, everyone in town has been on edge. All including the individuals most closely involved.
You had lost three core members of your eight. 
Joshua, someone you’ve known since grade school who was sliced open from the back before being stabbed 8 times to the point of excessive bleeding. He had just gone out to walk his dog, the poor creature being the only reason they found his body at all. If not for the dog’s bloody paws, and the trail of blood they left behind finding help, Joshua’s cadaver would’ve lost deep in the woods.
And then Chan, your long-time boyfriend, was stabbed fifteen times in the chest. His face was so disfigured from obvious violence and what looked to be burn scars, that he was practically unrecognizable if not for the fact he died in his own home. Police are still looking for his severed arms and legs to this day with no luck.
And finally, Seungkwan, who hadn’t died but lost to the paranoia festering in his blood like a disease. That caused him to take the train to the furthest destination possible to attempt to escape death if at all possible, leaving the rest of you with only the reassuring texts he left in his wake.
All that was left was you, Seokmin, Seungcheol, Minghao, and Wonwoo; the core five.
“Okay, absolutely no one is leaving this house for the time being. Until the psycho is caught behind bars, dead, or whatever the fuck! We’re safe here.”
Seungcheol, the eldest, did just as expected: contacted the rest of you into a personal prison. Luckily, he was loaded. The prison happened to be six thousand square feet of space with countless rooms, amenities, and a housekeeper to boot. From the looks of it, it’s paradise, but it’s definitely a prison.
“Holy shit, you have an indoor basketball court?”
A prison with an indoor basketball court. And a pool apparently.
Seokmin wasted no time to enjoy these features, breaking out of his clothes and cannonballing in his underwear. If you knew any better, Seokmin didn’t even look like he went through any trauma at all. It looked like every other day for him.
“There's a murderer and you’re doing butterfly strokes?” You asked, baffled.
The golden man scoffed, reaching the edge of the pool and resting against it with his forearms. “What am I gonna do? Wallow, crying to my mom, worrying about dying, and not taking advantage of this gorgeous mansion we’re staying in?”
“Thank you, Seokmin,” Seungcheol grinned.
Seokmin winked back at him, “Of course, daddy.”
“How are you both so unserious about all this?”
Wonwoo left a kind hand against your shoulder, looking back at you with warm eyes and a small smile. “They’re grieving. Just in their own way.”
You sighed, crossing your arms. “They’re being ridiculous. We shouldn’t be here. We need to be at the police station or something.”
“You were there when I got the call. The creepy voice said no police or you all die. Remember?”
You shuddered, hands over your sides to relieve your chilled skin. “Of course I do, but we’re sitting ducks here. This isn’t any better. We need protection.”
It was Seungcheol’s turn to scoff then. He strutted in front of you, flaunting his wing span before flexing his arms and then crossing them over his chest. “Well, you have me.”
“And me,” Seokmin joined. “Pure muscle right here.”
“Maybe pure laughing gas, not sure about muscle. We’re actually living in a horror movie right now and you’re all making jokes.”
“Hey,” Wonwoo stroked your head as his soothingly deep voice serenaded you, “Don’t say that. We’ll make it out of here.”
His arms come around you, forearms pressed against your collarbones, and his chin crooked over your shoulder. “You have me too. I would run through that knife before it could get to you.”
You genuinely smile for the first time being there, your hand stroking over his embrace. Wonwoo delicately kissed the temple of your forehead, reminding you what it was like to be constantly adored.
You were grateful for what he had become in your life. Wonwoo had kept you company in your time of need. In the absence of Chan. He had come to your house with whatever he thought you might need, lent you his shoulder that you could cry on, lent his ears so that he could listen, lent his body that you could heal. In more ways than one.
“You’re right. You are.” You turned to face him, wrapping your arms around his body and meeting his eyes framed in specs of hard plastic. “You’re the first person I can sacrifice if we face them head to head.”
He mused at you. “Ooh, now look who’s pulling jokes.”
“Who said I was joking?”
“You two are disgustingly cute,” Minghao commented coming through the back door. “Horror movie rules: they get killed while having sex.”
You punched the new face right in the arm, watching him scurry away to your other friends laughing.
“Not funny, Hao.”
Minghao sneers at you, a jester smile still on his face. “Ease up, princess. Wonwoo, watch your girl.”
“Only because she’s so pretty to look at,” he briefly grinned down at you before directing his attention to Minghao sternly, “but come on. We’re all a little psyched right now. Cool it with the murder talk. Alright?”
Wonwoo pulled you aside into the dining area, ignoring the careless laughter outside. His thumb stroked against your knuckles, lips pressing sweetly against your cheeks. His grin sunk deeper in his cheeks the further he made it past your jaw and then down your neck. He felt your throat vibrate against his lips. “Wonwoo…”
“I can’t have all these guys get you heated like this. That’s my job,” he teased with a rasp.
You slightly pushed him off, your arms swung over his shoulders. “You’re so ridiculous right now.”
“Anything to put that smile on your face.”
His lips reconnected with your neck, nipping at your skin. His humming sent tingles down your spine, and he took your body to press you against the side of the counter. Your hands grasped his baggy shirt, lip close to his ear, fanning your breath against his face. You smiled like a girl in love. Obsessed.  “Daddy…”
“I love it when you call me that,” he mumbled, just as love-struck, if not more. Your giggles brought out the pink on Wonwoo’s ears and cheeks while tightening the groin of his pants. You noticed immediately, cupping it in your palm, and running your finger along the seam. Your eyes skimmed over his taken expression, leaning your full weight into him. “I know there’s something else you really love.”
“Do you now?”
You nodded, your bottom lip caught between your teeth. “But do you really want to do it here? Risk getting caught?”
He leaned into your touch, allowing your fingers to take apart his pants. “Try new things right? Like you always say. Plus you’re scared. Gonna turn that fear into pleasure. Make you feel good, just what my baby deserves.”
“You're so good to me, Daddy,” you moaned.
His hand finds the hem of your shorts, pulling them down to expose yourself to the cold air. He fingered through your panties and slid two digits through your folds. He felt your breath hitch as he squeezed your clit, eliciting your soft whines. “You’re so wet down there, baby.”
“Just waiting for daddy to fuck me where anyone can find us and watch.”
Wonwoo eagerly pulled down his pants, kicking them and yours aside, but not without pocketing your underwear. He lifted you up slightly from the ground, his exposed cock hitting at your hip. “Look what you do to me.”
Your throat went dry at the sight of him, hand aching to wrap your hand around his girth and have him shoved inside you.
He didn’t let you wait a second long, and pushed in slowly inch by inch, burying himself in your pussy until he was nearly balls deep. You grasped his shoulder in a gasp, savoring the fire burning in your stomach. The girth of his cock stretched your molten walls, allowing them to melt all around his cock as he spread your legs. You writhe in his embrace, your limbs closing around his lean and toned build, already blissful from the few seconds of him being inside you.
Wonwoo’s words kissed your lips, flushed your skin, and left a permanent smile on your face. It swelled pride in his chest, better than any physical trophy would have. His hips slowly rolled against yours, letting you adjust to his size. He massaged the flesh of your side through his fingers, mentally reassuring himself you were his and his alone, but his names on your lips became more than proof.
Your hips buckled towards him in heat, matching his pace before the carnal side of him decided to fuck you like an animal. His cock then plunged sharply inside you, and then again, a whimper coming out of your lips. Your hips stuttered the harder he pounded, arching your back, you felt his hand above your ass, pushing you against him.
He lost control when it came to you, addicted—religious—the second your body came in contact with his. He loved how your fingers ran through his hair, not caring how his glasses fell off his face in the process. With drool out of the corner of his lips, he could feel the blood rush up to the surface of your skin, making him feel warm at home inside you. Throbbing, he only got harder feeling how perfectly snug you were, pricking his clammy skin with goosebumps as he bottomed out.
“You’re sopping, precious,” he murmured with a sly grin.
He had you begging, flustered, and beautiful. Your hand clasped his face as your other arm looped around his neck, swallowing his lips, anxious and thirsty for his breath. You craved every part of him viscerally. “Cum in me, daddy. Please…”
He scoffed, lips ghosting over yours. “Will you take every bit of daddy’s cum, hmm? Hold my cum inside you.”
You nodded gingerly. “Yes, yes. I promise, daddy. Give it to me please, I want you to spill your cum inside me and make me yours…”
“Hold on to me.”
You obliged, met with the hot stream of his climax, yours quick to follow. He embraced your sides, devouring your lips and muffling your whines. His loads pumped into you in erratic thrusts, fucking his cum back into you and making sure you drained him of every ounce. His fingers dug into your flesh, feeling you just come apart for him, undoing the tension that festered earlier.
But that tension was needed. It was necessary to survive. Everyone let themselves forget the current predicament, basking in the glow of the sunset until dinner time arrived. Despite the housekeeper that supposedly exists, she hadn’t been around since all of you stepped foot in the house, like a ghost presence. Seungcheol scrambled to find her—reminding you of his peculiar obsession with the woman—as he wondered when dinner would be ready since a rise in temperature or a savory scent couldn’t be found in the kitchen.
“That’s strange. She’d be finished with a whole chicken by now,” the homeowner commented, noticeably picking his nails.
“Aww,” Seokmin groaned, “Well, is there anything else to eat?”
“I mean…you can look around.”
You narrowed your eyes at him in disbelief. “This is your house. You don’t know what you have in your own house?”
“You try navigating a five-story home with countless cabinets!”
“Buy a smaller house, you prick!”
“Guys!” Minghao chimed in. “Breathe in…and out. We’ll just find food. Seungcheol, your maid, your house, your search. She’s probably fine.”
Your hands slammed against those pristine marble counters. “We are NOT splitting up right now. This is what the killer wants. She’s probably already dead and we’re fucked.”
Wonwoo came to your side, laying a cool calm over your shoulder, and rubbed your sides. You let yourself melt in his touch, his sweet voice soothing you effectively. 
Seokmin sat up from his stool, “Okay, okay. I will help Seungcheol and you guys stick together.”
“That’s still splitting up!”
“Better than alone.” Seungcheol rebutted. “You guys stay.”
Despite your protests, they went on their search. Your head banged against Wonwoo’s chest, muttering in anguish about how everything was going wrong and that it’d only get worse. Meanwhile, Minghao seemed to regain some of that tension but masked the fear with the bright light of his phone, scrolling through TikTok. You didn’t know what was more annoying, sensation of imminent death possibly behind any door, or the same five songs replaying on Minghao’s feed.
After 15 minutes when they were nowhere to be seen, your patience had run thin. You picked yourself up from Wonwoo’s lap and dusted yourself off. “Fuck this. We’re finding them.”
You felt his hand on your shoulder, a concerned glow in his gaze. “Babe, hey. They’ve got it. Trust them.”
“Wonwoo, you know I can’t do that. Let’s just find them, hmm? Together?”
“Not a bad idea,” Minghao agreed. “Better in groups right? We go together, eliminate us as any potential suspects.”
Your boyfriend sighed, collected your hand, and laced his fingers through yours. “Fine.”
You were all joined together by the hip, making sure you were each other's sights. Through the wider than wingspan hallways, past the ridiculously expensive sculptures, you kept your eyes out for your estranged friends. Silence couldn’t have been more loud in these cavernous spaces, only hearing the gut feelings in your stomachs that’s churned in trepidation. Every step taken was the group closing in on the killer. 
Fortitude meant nothing if the danger was already inside.
Before turning around the corner, Minghao—reluctant to lead the group—crashed into a human-sized obstacle, causing the stumble of your entire party. You all faced a wide-eyed Seungcheol with the missing young housekeeper walking hand in hand with him. Suspicious, but besides the point.
“Holy shit, we said we’d come back!”
“It’s been 20 minutes, Cheol! You guys could’ve been dead for all we know.” You retorted.
“Wait, where’s Seokmin?” Wonwoo asked, noticing he didn’t see him nearby.
“He went ahead. He needed to piss or something and meet up later.”
“You idiot.” Your eyes burned a frustrated rage. “I said don't split up. DON’T SPLIT UP! That’s the number one rule of horror movies. You’re going get us fucking killed. He could be the murderer for all we know.”
Seungcheol scoffed, shaking his head. “Seokmin? No way. He’s the last person to even think to do that.”
“Well, do you see him? No! Probably he’s off someone being Ghostface reject with his stupid little voice modulator and cheap party city costume.”
“I told you—“ Before he could finish, his phone went off in the nick of time. When he pulled it out to saw Seokmin’s caller ID on display and the owner of the device wouldn’t help but smile. “See the bastard is even calling.”
He picked up and put him on speaker, eyeing you cheekily, amped to prove you wrong. “Seok, you little shit. How long does it take to piss, huh? Just say you wanted to take a dump.”
“Oh yeah, I took the shittiest, stinkiest, fattest dump. You could probably smell all the way from the other end of the hall.”
Instead of Seokmin on the other line, all of you were met with the eerie voice that had called you multiple times before. The voice that felt like spiders crawling up your legs. The voice that had you second guess whether you locked the front and the back door. The voice whose owner had killed countless people already. 
Seungcheol held the phone in a vice grip swallowing, fear stilling in his unsteady eyes. “You—Where the fuck is Seokmin, you son of a bitch?”
The morphed voice on the other end laughed, sounding bone chilling as nails against a blackboard. “What’s to say? Why don’t we play a little game to find out?”
“Mother fu—“You grabbed the phone from Seungcheol to answer in his place, cutting the older man off. “Why go through with this?”
“Why, I just want to help you find your beloved friend. All out of the kindness of my heart.”
“If it was all kindness, you could tell us where he is.”
“Where’s the fun in that?”
“Psycho,” Minghao muttered under his breath, eyes wide in shock and fear, as if registering the idea of death for the first time.
“And if we refuse?” Wonwoo interjected.
“Seokmin dies, rock for brains,” Seungcheol gritted.
“Ding, ding, ding. Or should I say, chop, chop, chop, since that’s what'll happen if you get any of my questions wrong.”
You scoffed, coming down the stairs with your friends to follow. “Have at it then, you freak.”
“Hey, hey, play nice. Maybe I’ll get too excited and decide to cut him up early.”
Seungcheol glared at you briefly before taking back the phone, storming down the stairs, and reaching the ground floor. “Ask away, as long as Seokmin is safe.”
“First an easy one. What’s your favorite scary movie, Seungcheol?”
His feet stopped at the end of the couch in his living room, stammering to answer. “What kind of fucking question—uh, The Ring?”
“Don’t lie to your friends, Seungcheol. You know that’s not the answer, that’s just what you say to anyone that asks. Say the real answer.”
“That’s the movie though!” he started to shout, visibly shaking.
“Just say it, Cheol!” Minghao pushed.
“Stop playing around Choi Seungcheol! Just say it,” You joined.
“Fine!” He faced the friends, evidently swallowing his pride as he choked up on his answer. “I never watched a goddamn scary movie! Is that what you want to hear? I get panic attacks every time I hear one in the background, why do you I’m always going off smoking when you guys put one on,” he confessed through his tears.
“Congratulations. Your first right answer. Now was that so hard? Pussy boy?”
“Fuck you,” Seungcheol sputtered, tossing the phone back to you.
“Next question. ‘The Texas Chainsaw Massacre,’ Leatherface is known for wearing a mask when it was in fact several. How many and what were they in the original movie?”
“Who the fuck would know an answer like that?” Minghao croaked in disbelief.
“Three. A ‘Killing Mask’, an ‘Old Lady Mask’ and a ‘Pretty Woman Mask.’” Wonwoo calmly answers, garnering horrified looks all around. “I wanted to be a filmmaker, remember?”
“Correct. Next question. What Was Freddy Krueger's serial killer nickname before he died?”
“It’s on the tip of my tongue,” you said slightly panicked, “Wonwoo?”
“The Springwood slasher.”
“Wow, Another amazingly correct answer. Hold on to that one, Y/n. He’s a keeper. He’s smart and fucks your brains out to the point of you screaming bloody murder? What a catch.”
You didn’t respond, impatience seething on the tip of your tongue, “Just tell us where this is all going.”
“Patience, sweetheart. Last question. What exact kind of knife does Ghostface use in the Stab movies? Here’s a hint: it’s the same one I’m holding in my hand against Seokmin’s throat. (Help me please...)”
“S-Seok.” Seungcheol gasped.
Seokmin’s voice could barely be heard on the other end, weak and afraid, only staggering breaths audible.
“Wonwoo, please,” Seungcheol begged, tears falling past his neck. “He’s our best friend.”
Wonwoo swallowed, gears visibly creaking in his head, “I know he uses a hunting knife, b-but—“
“Oh…” the voice cooed, “Well, that’s just not enough, is it? Seokminnie, say goodbye to your friends (Please, no…).”
“Wait!” You barged, clutching the phone to the point of it almost bending. “A modified Buck 120. I remember now. It’s coming back to me. Now, let Seokmin go!”
The line went dead and in turn, light cast in the evening darkness of the poolside. All your eyes shot back at the change of light, startled at the sight in front of them. Seokmin was seated in a chair, bruises against his sides, bleeding from the splices on his forearms, and duct tape over his mouth. Yet the most frightening part was his closed eyes.
You all rushed towards him, swinging the porch door in a panic. Seungcheol tried slapping him awake, pleading he’d be alive. “Seokmin please, please, wake up…
The poor victim's eyes start to flicker open, mumbling through the adhesive over his lips.
“Buddy,” Seungcheol ripped the duct tape clean off him, his ear coming up to his friend’s lips. “Speak to me…”
Seokmin’s voice came out in croaks, hardly incoherently, all except, “Be…hind…”
Minghao spat up blood, doubled over as Ghostface was revealed right behind him, and fell right into the pool. You and the housekeeper both let out a blood-curdling scream. The masked intruder wiped off the blood using his black rope, anticipating a lunge towards their next victim. 
“Run,” Wonwoo breathed out. 
He took your hand and ran with it. Taking a second to look back, you see Seungcheol and the housekeeper try to escape similarly before she was tugged right back towards the killer and she was stabbed right in front of him five times, each one faster than the last, having the poor Seungcheol paralyzed and fallen on his knees. The sounds of suffering were loud enough to hear throughout the neighborhood.
Wonwoo dragged you back upstairs, his survival instinct telling him to seek haven high and far up the house. 
“You left them there to die,” You proclaimed.
“He said he could manage it. You’re more important.”
“You actually believe that? Ghostface snuck up on Minghao with neither of us looking!”
“We’re going to have to. Secungcheol can handle himself.”
Finally, he finds the room, closing the door behind him and pushing heavy furniture in front of it for more time to stall. “We’ll be ok for a little bit here. Let’s look for weapons.”
He started rummaging through drawers, looking for anything strap, blunt, heavy, anything worth using. He was red in the face, sweat drenching his entire body. The only thing running through his mind was keeping you, the most important person in his life, safe. 
“Wonwoo, I don’t know if we’re going to find anything. Fuck. I’m so scared right now.”
He recognized the panic in your eyes, the bounce in your step, and the quiver in your voice. “Hey, hey, baby. Look at me.” He grasped your face in his hands, wiping your tears away with his thumb. 
“I’m here, hmm.” He kissed your closed eyes. “You’re alright.”
Then your tempered cheeks. “We’ll get through this.”
The tip of your nose. “I love you like hell.” 
Finally your trembling lips. “I’ll keep you alive.”
“Promise?” You managed to breathe out.
“Scouts honor.”
The banging resonated from outside the locked door, only getting louder and closer every passing second as if teasing you to death. You shook in Wonwoo’s embrace, burying your face in his chest. “I don’t want to die here, baby.”
“You won’t. Not with me.” One arm wrapped around your body, and another had his fingers locked around the base of a lamp, tugging it from the outlet. Pitch darkness joined you, only having to rely on the dim-lit sky through the peek of the windows.
Whomever on the other side cracked through the wood of the door, breaking it piece by piece as it fell to the ground, knocking over the dresser that blocked 
“Shit, shit, shit.” Wonwoo pushed you behind him.
Finally, your barrier came down with a final kick, rendering it useless. Wonwoo let out a battle cry, charging at them with the lamp above his head. He swung his weapon while Ghostface swung theirs, both missing simultaneously. Gritting his teeth, Wonwoo pulled forward, aiming for the head.
They crash against the wall in the process, but not without mutilating the midsection of Wonwoo’s stomach. The visually impaired man fell back to the ground, groaning in agony as he clutched his stomach, while blood trickled through his fingers. “Mother fucker...”
Wonwoo’s vision started to fight against him with the loss of his glasses, dimming images before him, and slowly processing the murderous figure trodding before him. Wonwoo’s determination picked him right back up slowly, picking up his lamp once again, trying to take another move toward the perpetrator. And by pure luck, the lamp crashed against the crown of their head.
Ghostface stumbled back, quick to recover but visibly agitated.  Soon enough, they plunged the full length of the knife right into Wonwoo’s gut, sticking it deep and long before kicking him off of it. Wonwoo lands on the hardwood, blood gushing out of him like a public water fountain. “Fuck, fuck!”
“Wonwoo!” You come by his side, clutching at his wound desperately. “No, no, no.”
The sinister figure approached once more, hand creeping against the edge before he pulled it over and off his head. His eyes stared back at you both maniacally. His grin stretched from both ends freakishly before overtaking in deep chuckles. “Happy to see me?”
“…C-Chan?” Wonwoo managed to gasp.
“Hi, bestie.” His signature smile, once warm and inviting, reflected horrifyingly as if out of a film, one with too much bloodshed and betrayal to imagine. “Well, didn’t think you’d see me again, huh?”
“Chan, what the fuck?” You screeched. 
“You’re supposed to be dead.” Wonwoo voiced panic-stricken. “What, how?”
One foot over the other, Chan carried himself with conviction, ease, and the confidence of a man who slaughtered countless amounts of people. 
“You guys don't know how easy it is to fake my death. I was surprised by how incredibly stupid police officers are. Find a body that’s my height, my build, cut off their hands and arms to not get their fingerprints, singe their skin and face to the point of unrecognition, and plant them in your own home. I’m a fucking genius.”
“S-Seungkwan,” Wonwoo wept, his adam’s apple, “You actually—”
“It was beautiful. Masterful.”
“Why?” Wonwoo stammered. “Your best friend—“
“He was an imbecile. Weak. All bark and no bite. You will never understand how good it felt to stick the knife inside him and watch the blood burst off of him like a sprinkler. Like the knife going in and out of him surged power throughout my entire body. So, I kept doing it. And doing it. And doing it. And doing it. And doing it. And doing it. And doing it. AND DOING IT.”
His smile. That violating smile.
You sobbed, covering Wonwoo’s wound with your hands. “Y-you monster.”
“This was all just fun for you?” Wonwoo bared his teeth. “You get your kicks from lying, deceiving, stabbing your friends? You think you’re some Billy Loomis?”
“Of course I have fun. I had lots of fun. We had so much fucking fun.”
“We?” Wonwoo repeated.
“What the fuck do you mean we?” You asked horrified.
Chan started to chuckle to himself, chest heaving exuberantly before he stood completely still. Dreadfully still. 
“Well, I'm not the one that killed Joshua, am I?”
A million guesses ran through Wonwoo’s brain. None made sense the more he thought about it. “Your Stu Macher? Seokmin…Seungcheol…?”
Your eyes turned to him fearful, before it melted into something else, something familiar. Something terrifying. “No…” your lips drew close to his ear. “Me…” 
Your hands squeezed around his wound, gripping, earning his moans of anguish, screaming at you to stop, before you retrieved the knife hidden behind your boot and drove it into his shoulder. Wonwoo let out the loudest scream he could ever muster, feeling the blade sharply cut his nerve whilst pain shot into his chest. He tapped his heel incessantly on the ground, tears streaming from his eyes, looking at you in disbelief, overcome with hurt.
“And he was a good fuck too until the knife I put through his back made him scream like a little bitch.”
You pulled out the knife from him, seeing how the pain he felt in his body only complimented the suffering pooling in his heart, his mind, his soul. His lips quivered in your direction, sucking in his breath. “Y/n…Why?”
You simply shrugged. “Why does anyone kill these days? They’re bored, daddy. Same reason why things can change in the bedroom, to spice things up. The flavor of life is murder now, darling.”
“You’re killing people.”
You drove the knife one more time into his thigh, savoring his scream of agony. “And we’re more alive than we ever have been,” you said, twisting the knife before pulling it out.
You walked toward Chan, helping him pull off his robe. “And so is our sex life.”
“So, Junhui, Soonyoung…Joshua, and even Seungkwan.” Wonwoo asked, catching his breath.
“Every. single. one,” You chuckled. “Draining their cum out of like having a second puberty until life is literally drained out of their bodies. What a bunch of pussy boys. So obsessed with sex, they didn’t see the knife coming their way.”
Your hand reached for the ottoman and pushed Chan there to be seated, underdressed in the black tank top and black jeans he hid underneath with his momentarily abandoned bloody knife at his side. You unbuckled his pants single-handedly, your knife still in your other hand. “And Chan just gets so fucking hard with all the bloodshed. Like a bloodthirsty animal.”
“You just look so fucking sexy with blood on your hands,” Chan moaned, “Touch me how I like it, baby.”
“Mmh, my pleasure.” Your hand used the blood covering it as a morbid form of lube, closing around the girth of his cock to squeeze and lightly stroking it from base to tip, softly thumbing over the small slit on top. 
His stomach flexed, bucking his hips in your direction as he bit down on his bottom lip, beaming like a child on Christmas. Horny for your touch, Chan couldn’t help but squirm in his seat, warning up to your touch. He was absolutely growing at a rapid pace. “Like that baby, like that.”
“That feel good, daddy? You like how the blood is covering your entire cock? Seokmin’s blood, Minghao’s blood, Seungcheol’s blood? Wonwoo’s blood?”
“Fuck. Yes.”
“You two,” Wonwoo’s shock couldn’t stagger from the scene in front of him, unable to process all this information at once.
“You’re massaging our friends into my cock so good, baby.”
“Yeah?” You traced your fingers over the details of his shaft, your nails prodding at the veins as your hand slowly picked up pace. You rolled him in your fist, letting him rut in your defiled hand as he moaned your name like an animal in heat. “I’m getting so wet watching fuck in my hand covered in blood. You’re just a sick lunatic obsessed with killing your friends and fucking my sweet pussy. I love that about you, Daddy.”
“Fuck,” he screamed, hands gripping the ottoman in restraint, brimming with passion, “Wanna mix Wonwoo’s cum you kept inside you with the blood. Sit that sweet pussy on my cock for me, lover.”
You nodded invitingly, not missing a beat. You never did replace the underwear from before, making it easy to remove your shorts and sliding him inside your warm walls, massaging his length as you rolled your hips against his. You held the knife you still had in a death grip, stabling against the reliability of Chan’s shoulders. You mumble his name pleased, arching your back as you grinded down on his lap. “Your cock feels so good covered in blood, daddy.” 
“Your pussy feels even better knowing how much fun you had stabbing Wonwoo for me.”
“Of course, daddy.” You turned to the body mutilated and defenseless on the ground, grinning as Wonwoo was forced to watch. “That look good, Daddy Wonwoo?” Your ass bounced purposely in Chan’s lap, the jiggle showing off the splatter of blood left from the handjob.
Everything in Wonwoo told him to look away but he couldn’t, like a train wreck or a car crash, he couldn’t part with the mess of a situation he was witnessing. He wasn't sure what this meant for him, mentally nor physically.
“You like watching Chan fuck me, Daddy? His bloody dirty cock fucking me like you did a hour ago, fucking me like a nasty little whore.”
He hissed through his teeth, right the strange feeling surging in his pain-stricken body, “Shut…the fuck up.”
You laughed obnoxiously. “You love it. You love being a little cuck, watching other guys fuck my pussy. As if you hadn’t peeped on me and Chan fucking when he wasn’t ‘dead’.”
“It’s not true, you bitch.” The twitch in his trousers told him otherwise.
“You’re such a liar a dirty, dirty liar like I’m a dirty, dirty fucking whore.” You groaned loudly taking Chan’s cock, bouncing against his lap as you felt him pulse around your walls.
“That’s right baby take my cock.” Chan’s hand came over your bare cheeks, striking them with his full palms while his hips jerked up your body. “Taking the murder fueled, hard fucking cock.”
“Daddy, your cock is making me so fucking wet, stretching my pussy the way you sliced open our friends,” You growled.
“Fuck you’re such a little succubus, baby. Bouncing on my cock, coating yourself in blood. And I’ll kill more and more for you. I’ll do anything for you.”
“Yeah,” You began slowing your pace, drinking in his every word. “You’d do anything for me?”
“I’d kill the entire human population for you.”
That left you smiling from ear to ear, the tension coiling in your stomach. Your chest pressed against his, pushing against his thrusts. “Yeah? Would you cum in me, Daddy? Mix our dirty mess inside me. Let me take your cum, daddy.”
“I’ll let you drain me of every drop, my little psychopath.”
“Cum daddy cum, make me full and breed me with our homicidal baby daddy. Make you a real daddy.”
Chan shuddered, overwhelmed with immense arousal. His hips found life of their own, hammering into you at top speed, and watching the pleasure morph on your face and the staccato rhythm of your breath leave your lips, all while the load threatened to burst out of his sack. “I’m cumming, baby, all for you, ah—“ then it exploded inside you. His cum launched out of his cock like a hose, he painted your wall in milky white, turning pink as it seeped out of you.
“I’m so close, daddy…”
Chan threw his head back to catch his breath, hands possessively finding purchases on your hips. “That’s it, baby. cum for daddy.”
“I’m cuming daddy, I’m—“ You gripped your knife, taking Chan’s abandoned one before plunging both in his head. His smile dropped, a small and weak, “baby” leaving his sweet lips before spitting up blood on your chest and he fell limp. 
You didn’t stop, however, given the fact that your orgasm had just arrived the mere second Chan tasted metal in his mouth. Your moans could’ve been mistaken for anguish if not for the smile on your savage face. “I’m cumming all over your cock, Daddy, fuck! You’re so good to me, you do so much for me. I love you so much. Hitting my spot even in death.”
The wave of climax finally started to fade, unlike your smile, wretched and demonic. “Thank you for your sacrifice, Daddy. I’ll miss you so much.” You kissed deceased Chan’s lips, coming down from him, and fixing his pants before fixing his pants before pulling your shorts back on your body.
“Y/n…what the fuck?”
Watching you pull the knives out of Chan’s head, Wonwoo's expression was a mix of confusion and horror, struggling to back away as you approached him calmly, almost serenely.
“Chan has served his purpose,” You answered plainly as if obvious. “It was his time.”
“You did that, all that, with him, and you MURDER HIM? Your partner in sick, sick psychotic crime?”
“I told you spice was necessary, plus I’ve grown rather fond of you.” You bent down to his level, eyes noticeably just a deep pit of disparity. “I couldn’t let him kill you, so I beat him to it. Good thing too, because that was the best orgasm I’ve ever had.”
Wonwoo whimpered under your touch—well, the knife’s touch—as the tip of it dragged over his jaw, drawing out a shudder. “Y-you’re letting me live?”
Your smile. That damned smile. You and Chan were mere reflections of each other. How had he not seen this sick image sooner?
“As long as it's with me, because you love me right? That’s what you said. You’ll always love me and keep me alive. You promised.”
You pressed the blade against his neck, “You’re cold-blooded. Fucking your dead friend’s girlfriend, leaving your other friends to die to save me, and taking on a mass murderer just for me.” Your other hand caressed over his face. “That’s hard fucking core, baby. I love that so much. You really love and want me. Well, I want you just as bad.”
“Like you wanted Chan?”
You scoffed, using the knife to point at the abandoned soulless body on the ground. “Chan was disposable. He was already fucked up in the brain. I can nurture you, let you prove you’re that you’re mine and only mine. Then I’d have no reason to kill you. Not at all…say you’ll be with me forever.”
“…yes, sweetie. O-of course I will.”
You sighed a breath of relief, your harmless hand coming over to stroke over the stray hairs on his head. “That’s my daddy. My one and only. We can be the finals. Together. Only us—”
“Hello! Wonwoo! Y/n!” Miraculously, Seungcheol found their way to you, barely alive it sounds like.
Rage filled your eyes. “Holy fuck how is he still alive,” you mumbled under your breath. “I’ll take care of him.”
You held the knife to your side, standing by the door and away from its open view. “Cheol! In here! We caught the killer!”
Seungcheol managed to find the defaced door, peeking through the rubble to see a disheveled Wonwoo, panting and close to death. “Wonwoo!”
“Cheol…” Wonwoo grunted. 
“Hang in there, buddy. I’ve got you.”
You glared at Wonwoo, betrayal in your eyes before launching yourself at the hero, who hardly had a scratch on their body. Seungcheol, taking his friend's warning in consideration, built up a wall of defense. His eyes caught you just in time and held up your arms, pinning you against a wall. His eyes finally registered on your face, and his grip on you only tightened. “Y/n, you evil little bitch.”
You chuckled tauntingly, struggling against his weight and strength. “Hi, Cheol. I know you always wanted to stick something in me, mind letting me do it first?”
“You—wow, you’re actually mentally deranged.”
“You don’t like that? Maybe my knife through your skull can change your mind.”
He kicked you in the groin, having you plummet to your knees, cusses streaming out of you like a river. “You pussy. Ass. Bitch.”
“Seungcheol,” Wonwoo groaned, painfully cheering him on.
You managed to kick Seungcheol down in your distress, crawling on top of him to gain leverage. “I know you liked to be topped.”
You held the knife, hands wrapped tightly around the handle before striking. Meanwhile, Seungcheol’s hands were wrapped around your wrists, the tip of the knife tickling his nose. Sweat beaded against his forehead, struggling harder than he thought he would as you smiled still.
“This would be a lot sexier if you let me run my knife inside you, baby.”
“Fuck you and your demented punk ass,” he grunted.
“I would if you’d just FUCKING DIE!”
A gunshot follows soon after and the blood gushed from your neck, pouring from both ends and falling lifelessly against Seungcheol, who let out a shrill scream.
“I found a gun,” Seokmin proclaimed weakly from the door before fainting to the ground.
Seungcheol rolled your body off of him, sick to his stomach. “Sick crazy bitch.”
He looked towards his friend who remained helpless his entire journey before his eyes got caught on the dead body he only realized now. “Is that…”
“Yeah,” Wonwoo whispered.
“And they…”
“Fuck, dude.”
Seungcheol went around to pick up Seokmin from the ground, grabbing the gun. Meanwhile, Wonwoo’s eyes lingered over your body, in disbelief it was alive a mere second ago, then he saw something strange, causing his eyes to fly open. “Cheol behind you!”
Another gunshot. Right between your eyes and your body that stood for hardly a second longer than it should’ve—of course with the knife still in your hand—fell right back on the ground.
“They always come back,” Wonwoo quoted.
Seungcheol let out a deep exhale, loosening his grip around the gun. “And aim for the head.”
“Sorry about your house.”
“…sorry about your girlfriend.”
“Me too.”
post reading a/n: always like me to insert chan into anything fr. i have no excuses
Tag: @shiningstar-byulxx @misssugarlips @tommolex @hoeforhao @homerunhansol @goblinvern @dkakapizzaboy @junhui-recs @svtup @buffhoshi @meowmeowminnie @caratochan @lovebot4han @6969lilithcat @camisun93 @emmmui @toruro @jeonride @novalpha @nvmrljk @feat-sun @tinkerbell460 @aaniag @tacosandbitch @smileysuh (felt fucked up not to tag you bc you’re fucked it just like me 💕)
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skyartworkzzz · 4 months
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The Followers (pt 1)
HEY YALL!! Finally got around to designing some of my COTL OCs which will be taking part in some future stories
Down below is some info about each of them from left to right! Some of it may be subject to changes futurely...
Enjoy <3
Astrid (she/her)
Rescued from Darkwood
Nurse apprentice
Was rescued by the Lamb while running away from heretics that chased her down the woods
A little clumsy, but tries her best and has an overall bubbly personality
Fun fact: Astrid was based off the pink-bow bunny from the official COTL animations!
Beau (he/him)
Rescued from Darkwood
The yellow cat! <3
Head-farmer and gardener of the cult, he is the one who decides which crops will be planted
Was a single child of a farmer family, they used to donate their crops to those who needed food
Managed to escape the heretics a few times, until eventually getting caught to be sacrificed to the Bishop of Chaos, thats when Lambert found and saved him
Felix (he/they/it)
Our little freaky lemur 😌 most of the followers think hes weird, but he does not mind and even finds such aversions quite amusing
Felix is a Witness. He was born in the cult a few years after Narinder became a follower, and turned into a Disciple somewhere before Lambert set off to free the Bishops from their Purgatory
One of the closests to the Lamb, he's seen as their little guy
Was raised by a lesbian couple that is still alive and love him very much <3
Tetris (she/her)
Rescued from Anura
Head-nurse of the Healing Bay, she mentors new nurses and defines their tasks
She used to have a family of her own, until they were taken away by illnesses and heretics
Very sweet and patient, sometimes quiet even, it takes a lot to get on this woman's nerves
Nanaty (she/her)
Rescued from Anchordeep
Widower; also used to have a family of her own, until they were slain by the heretics. Ever since then, Nanaty has resented the Old Faith and sought revenge
Was converted after fighting the Lamb during one of their crusades, with them promising to find the ones responsible for her tragedy. Once it was done, she swore her loyalty to the Lamb and became their guard
Loves children and is a natural mother, putting her guard down for the little ones whenever needed
Morris (he/him)
Rescued from Anura
Despite being a loyalty enforcer now, Morris was the first to dissent and very skeptical on his first days at the cult
Challenged the Lamb to a fight pit once, where he was brutally beaten up but spared at the end, taking the experience to learn from his stubborness
Nowadays he is the friendliest one to welcome new members of the cult and help them get used to their new home
Fun fact: altho Morris was based off on 2 bison followers I had in my gameplays, I also took inspo on the bison we see in the official COTL animations!
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serxinns · 29 days
Hi! I was wondering if u can do a normal class 1a x reader platonic hc’s? Like readers quirk is like briar from league of legends and readers pretty sweet but scares class 1a a lil
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I haven't did fucking headcannons In a WHILE I hope you enjoy them!
Disclaimer I do not know much about this character so if I mischaraterize something then I'm sorry
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•ever since you transferred to Ua, they always thought you were a bit weird, especially when you 1st introduced yourself. It was a wild one.
•"Hello, the names y/n l/n and I think blood is tasty!" There was a sudden silence in the class a couple of sweat drops formed on some of the students while you just casually smiled like what you said was completely normal... oh boy it was gonna be a long but fun ride for sure
•your 1st ever companions were Mina and Denki the three of you matched each other's energy and chaoticness it was like 2 dumbasses and one less of a dumbass the 3 of you would get into the most shit like one time you convince Kirishima that he could be a hammer so you somehow got a big nail and test it out resulting in Kirishima knocked out and you 3 getting scolded by and yelled at by katsuki , making iida realizing he has to deal with an extra chaotic person now
• Next was Kirishima your victim I mean your friend you can count on Kirishima was quick to like you due to your lay loose and enthusiastic behavior making him want to be you at times two whenever the two of you trained together you were encouraged each other Kirishima especially and whenever he feels insecure you would encourage him and make sure he's a strong manly man he is! Yall two are just loveable idiots
•Shoto and you had a strange yet wholesome friendship at 1st. Shoto was uncomfortable and cold towards you, which you didn't mind, and you respected his boundaries, but it all clicked when he saw you eating soba. "You like soba?" You turned to face the expressionless boy with a bright smile. "Of course! I even like it with sesame oil, grilled chicken, and a yummy fried egg! Want some?" You reached into the fridge and handed him an extra soba pack and that's how your friendship began even without the soba he thinks ur a pretty interesting person to talk to even with your bizarre talks
"Omg bro you look like that penguin dude from sanrio!"
"I have a cousin name sanrio?"
•next was Ochako she's a tiny bit scared of you at 1st worrying you might get her blood (cough cough flashbacks with toga) but you quickly reassured her that you wouldn't do it without permission which makes her feel a bit better after a bit of time and communicating with each other she starts to feel a bit comfortable with you like would invite you to her room for advice and stuff and the two if you would go out at night to watch the stars with some other students like tsuyu or maybe Tokoyami her most favorite activity is to tell space facts to you (I hc her as a space geek)
•Momo was always your go to whenever you need help with a test and she acts like she's annoyed with it but she genuinely enjoys your company you may the studying sessions fun and interesting for her whenever there's a big test that you forgot to study about all you had to do was go to her dorm and give her the puppy eyes and if she sighs you know that's a instant she then help you study mostly you just copying her notes and make SURE you get a Good grade if not she's gonna make you test the test again untill you get a good grade but outside of studying she spoils you with gifts and more to show off to your other classmates and invites you and the girls for a tea party which ends up quite chaotic
•Jirou was your music bestie you and her trade music Playlists like it's Halloween candy you like cutely but with disturbing music types of songs while jirou like cozy, calm, and peaceful genre but she admits your types of songs are amazing! But you sometimes scare her with your type of music one time she overheard your headphones blasting some sort of innocent cheery music talking about "we'll be together forever!" She thought it was cute so she asked you what song it was and you told her the lyrics and..
"Hey y/n what's the title of that song is sounds catchy?"
"So you became the moon!"
"Awww that's sounds pretty cute whats it about anyways?"
"It's about two kids drowning in a frozen late and they became together in heaven!"
"...you know what that's probably one of the tamest songs you played knowing you I'll take it"
Yea let's just say she was used to your kooky creepy music but she didn't mind, as long as that song slaps she's jamming it with you!
•Bakugo and you were fucking CHAOTIC rivals like yall two would never get along especially when the two of you 1st met you and bakugo would make a competition out of everything to the point he stopped paying attention to izuku at times which he doesn't know if he should be worried for blessed maybe both but the two of you will cause a storm one time yall wanted played Mario party with sero, and sato to see who was the best and it esuclated fast everyone in the class were rooting for you or bakugo even most of class 1b joined in on this making bets and momomeven making merch of this, shit was like a football game but unfortunately it was cut short by a angry aizawa with fuzzy bunny slippers with a hello kitty pajamas (don't even ask) but after thst night the two of you became popular
▪︎ but aside from then bakugo secretly respects you your determination and you wanting to give your all makes him admire that somehow so be bugs you everyday for now on wanting to see that determination again even the rest of the class started to notice and tease him about it which pissed him off
• Izuku isn't at all scared by you but rather is intrigued by your personality and quirk when you 1st introduced yourself he asked alot of questions about you, how your quirk operates, kind of quirk is it, do you drink animal blood-? He wants to know everything and you let him, you and him will chat each other's ears off about your favorite pro hero's and sometimes even go out to hunt for rare hero merch, you even helped izuku by participating in the black Friday event to get a all might themed ice cream maker that he has this day thanks to you if it wasn't for you punching that Karen, he cherished that ice cream maker to this day and even host ice cream parties here and there the two of you basically shared it
• But overall you were their chaotic sibing that are willing to protect, defend, and come to your aid even if it's your fault and out on the battle field you were a beast out there that one time when you, jirou, momo and denki, beat a bunch of villians you didn't know your arm was broken untill you pointed out momo and jirou freaked out while denki ran to get some aid but strangely you weren't bothered by it rather you were joking about it
Momo- "it's ok y/n help it's on the way stay put stay calm"
Jirou - just take deep breaths and count to 10-
"I wonder if I can sling it around will it spin freely"
Both- wtf-
• Yea you were a werid bitch but you were there werid bitch and they wouldn't trade you for the world
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delusionisaplace · 10 months
hii could you please do prompts for (highschool) students who have to work together but A is basically a grumpy black cat while B is a golden retriever yk. and like A is “annoyed” by B and wants to push him away but B doesnt budge and wants to be her friend. so sorry if this is confusing😭 i love your work btw, you’re great <3
ahhhhh thank you thank you thank you for your kind words!! here it is:
𝙜𝙧𝙪𝙢𝙥𝙮 𝙭 𝙨𝙪𝙣𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙚: 𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙥 𝙙𝙮𝙣𝙖𝙢𝙞𝙘 𝙥𝙧𝙤𝙢𝙥𝙩𝙨
have fun with these :) | if yall want more prompts like this, jus drop an ask nd ill respond as soon as possible | tag me if you use any bc i love seeing what you guys write :))
“How are you always so…happy?” “There’s no point wasting time being sad!”
“Do you know when to stop?” “Not at all!”
“I have to work with you of all people…” “I guess we both got lucky then.”
“Can we just get this project done?”
“Don’t you ever get tired of pretending everything’s fine?” “It’s not pretending if I genuinely feel that way.”
“Can’t you take anything seriously?” “Only when absolutely necessary! Life’s too dull otherwise.”
“I need a new partner.”
“You’re so tiring…”
“Don’t you have anything else to do besides bother me?”
“Have you ever tried smiling? Being positive? Something like that?”
A constantly side eyes B whenever they’re together (despite the fact that they’re getting used to B’s positivity)
"I don’t understand how you can smile all the time." "Frowns take too much energy."
“Hey, I finally made you laugh!” “That was a scoff, that doesn’t count.”
B finding A outside of class to have lunch, using their project as an excuse.
B always walking with A just to talk, even if A just sighs and rolls their eyes.
"You never seem to stop laughing…are you okay?”
B inviting A to do things with them and hang out with their friends just because they don’t want A to be alone.
“Your smile is starting to scare me…can you like, stop?” “Never!”
B opening up to A at random moments, just say that A knows that they can do the same if they ever want to.
“Are you ever gonna stop trying to be my friend?” “Nope! Might as well just accept it now.”
stop bc i had so many ideas for this im def gonna use some of these in lotstr 😭
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I just remembered a project I worked on for a while in like 2021 (maybe 2020) and it had a LOT of akumatized marinette's
That was the idea behind the whole thing but man I did one by one and found some of the most obscure akumatized marinette au's
Sooooo I'm dragging these drawings up from the ashes and maybe it'll be a nice surprise for some of y'all to see
yall got ✨fanart✨
and possibly reminded of miraculous ladybug HA
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usually these were done on different canvas's (that were like 250x250) and then just... copied onto a larger canvas??? Mistakes were made and I was insane
A handful of these akumanette's were actually made by me cause apparently... roughly 18 other marinette's wasn't enough
Click for quality and this is a long post
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First of all, shoutouts to my own akuma abominations creations.
First image, the ladybug with the red long hair? yeah the idea was the akuma bug seen in canon in like, s2 (also shown next to her) but updated for the new look in s4. Vry original we'll give it a 6/10
I don't remember too much for the middle one that is slightly dimmer. Though I do remember that was the kind of IDEA behind her. She's also holding a knife cause of course. Why have magical powers to kill people when you can harness the power of K N I F E 7/10
I remember a little more about the jester marinette in the back. She had a whole thing with medieval research, jester research, and she also wanted to stab Lila cause everyone wanted to stab lila at the time. 9/10 cause I had a fun time with her
Then the robinhood poster mari was a robin hood akuma mari. 3/10 not original
Slightly canon to downright canon
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Ladyblanc was a popular akumanette idea so slightly canon, I didn't base it off of anyone's au
Ladybug and Marinette are there because what's the fun of a crossover if the og doesn't get to panic along with the rest of them????
Last image, not talking about persecuter, we'll get to her in a bit. I just thought it would be funny at the time if I included Chloe and Antibug cause... haha
Antibug is kinda an akumatized lb rip off soooo
what you've been waiting for
Thank god I kept track of credit (pats past me on the back)
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First of all, at the very front we got @zoe-oneesama 's devil au that made an updated appearance in her scarlet lady au, love to see it
You'll also notice little devil bug on lb's knee in the sketch
Alopeka is to the left of Devil au, by @piearsonist
hi betcha you never would have guessed you got FANARTED HA
This is a post that explains that akumatized marinette, and you'll find more if you go to her page
Princess justice at the right by @kibouwmlb (also, hello hi, surprise) and honestly it is SUCH a pretty design OMYWORD I love the watercolors
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Twiddling her thumbs, minding her business. Remember the release of Descendants 3? Yeah, Queen of Mean baby. And MORE by @shiinaeu hi you are a legend to me
This was so fun to draw at the time and I was experimenting in ways I hadn't before. Peak youtube miraculous ladybug fixation meeting art interest. First one of the characters I did fun fact
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@edendaphne betcha you didn't expect fanart of that one scorpion akumanette well THINK AGAIN (also, crazy that this was around when I did your dtiys I just realized, huh)
ANd then slightly more obscure, though the post does have 173 ish notes so, is @skullqueensart 's akumanette right here
Why does akumanette have sunken cheeks here? I have no clue honestly. Take it up with me from 3 years ago and maybe you'll get answers who knows. She's also just... chilling. Looking at nothing. Into the abyss.
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Not now chloe's, we are discussing persecutor now.
Love the story idea honestly and the akuma design is so god tier AKUMA that oof @yiprincessart I love it
Oh uh, and chloe will be fine
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She is the moment, she is beauty, she is grace
@artist-from-outersp-ace I love her. She looks so SO pretty!! At the time I loved your artstyle and I still do!! Too bad at the time I didn't know that Tumblr works by reblogging. I will be amending that.
I also remember being SO frustrated when drawing her that I didn't get a timelapse saved in time to show the drawing process :(
But I did love figuring out folds in the dress and the coloring process! Figuring out how to replicate elements in your art!
srs guys. Look at the RUFFLES
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Alright, we are all agreeing to be accomplices and bystanders to Akuma jester marinette's NOT MURDER murder of Lila in the background? Okay good.
@lunian I have fanart for you~
And when I tell you I struggled with her design, I STRUGGLED. I ended up satisfied in the end but the curls bro, we lost the curls
But I do love her concepts and powers and I did back then too
And next to her, Okay, I never fully finished, mostly because I couldn't figure out how to get the hand to work with the tray balance thingie
@ladybub made this Lady Justice design and I WILL BE THERE when the comic updates. Or... if they aren't able to continue the comic that's also fine too <3 Life happens
Still love this au and the unique way for Marinette to get akumatized! Me and my sister bonded over our love over it!
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I think this might be the first akumanette that isn't on tumblr to my knowledge. They are on Instagram tho @stivenwithani
Anyway I really liked the concept and the design just, reeked, of akuma that I included her
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Okay more that I didn't really finish
We got another Princess/Lady Justice akuma idea at the left. Which I never kept track of the credit DANG IT I WAS DOING SO WELL
I'll update if I find the credit but man the OG did really well with the art.
And I have this akumanette comforting Lacrima from... a very graphic and whump fanfic Longest Night, read the tags
Anyway, Lacrima needs all the love she can get (also, funny enough, is the oldest out of this "gathering" of akumanette's)
It's not finished but hey @p-artsypants I gave angst ridden Lady Lacrima friends and fanart so.... yay...
was victim to so much reposting I could never find credit for it- UNTIL NOW
but the artist unfortunately deactivated their blog so that explains why I couldn't find their username all that time ago
It was a cool idea and I always love when creators take inspiration from how similar Marinette's name is to another word for a kind of puppet "Marionette"
But before I forget, I'll end this post on one of my akumanette's that I tried to squeeze in but never got to. But I did make more art for and I remember the story!
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I remember having a background planned but I never really got around to it. Basically the story was that marinette got akumatized but managed to take off her earrings in time. I think the reason for her akumatization was connected to figuring out the secrets that Emilie had been hiding with the peacock miraculous (BEFORE we knew that adrien was a sentimonster).
Tikki had to bring the earrings to Chat Noir and he had to find someone that looked ENOUGH like Ladybug that Hawkmoth wouldn't notice as much that Ladybug wasn't actually there. Enter Mireille cause at the time a few people were pointing out how similar she looked to the dupain chengs.
Akumanette's powers had something to do with casting depression? I think? In the form of dragons? Oh, Also she travels by walking on the dragons so thats cool
I don't remember everything but I did have a lot planned for her.
10/10 just because I had a fun time with her
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imdead770 · 7 months
Dallas with a s/o who lived in NYC too and has a similar accent as him pls🙏🙏 (Also I love love love you’re writing keep doing what you’re doing!!!)
Dallas Winston x Reader - NYC
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Authors Note - I have like 3 asks before this but I love this and it means it get to write a NY accent and that's so fun
Sorry for never writing yall
No excuse I'm just lazy 💞
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¤ Just a warning this is super stereotypical
¤ I'm sorry I'm from the south I don't know yall so I'm going off stereotypes 😭😭
¤ First of all people can barely understand either of you
¤ I mean everyone else has a southern accent, they're used to that
¤ So an accent that sounds like you're drunk 24/7 isn't exactly easy to understand
¤ If you're both from New York, you already have a lot in common
¤ The fights, the accent, the road rage, the food, all that
¤ Now I'm from the south, I haven't met a lot of New Yorkers
¤ But the ones I have met always have such a resting bitch face
¤ So like whenever someone introduced you to Dal (or the other way around) you both had that same, natural glare
¤ And somehow you both got the 'holy shit, you're a New Yorker too??' message
¤ I don't know how but New Yorkers just know if you're a New Yorker
¤ It's like a 6th sense
¤ So naturally you're both mean to each other
¤ The others are like 'oh shirt they hate each other'
¤ You don't
¤ Like eventually you leave and Dals all
"She ain't bad."
¤ And everyone's all
"You just insulted each other like.. 25 times?"
¤ And he just nods and lights a cigarette like he didn't just meet his second favorite person in this town
¤ Naturally you both see each other at some pizza place
¤ Probably one that's closest to greasy NY pizza
¤ This is meant as a compliment, yall have such good pizza omfg
¤ You both realize just how much you have in common
¤ How thick the air is, the random guy getting his ass beat as you're just minding your business, the fact nobody here can understand certain words you say
¤ You two understand each other
¤ If Dallas would ever open up to someone about his trauma (he wouldn't), it'd be you
¤ He knows you've seen at least a sliver of the same shit he did
¤ Anyways, both of yall love to hype of New York together
¤ Like really play into the stereotypes
"Oh ya', a rat nearly ate m' face off once"
"Happen'd to me, too"
¤ You both think it's hilarious
¤ Plus yall love to make your accents thicker to confuse people more
¤ Slur the vowels together, mumble more then you need to, then watch people try to figure out what the fuck you just said
¤ Dal gets all mad if someone asks him to lighten up the accent
¤ I think you both like hanging out together because it reminds the other of home
¤ Like Dal almost forgot what a New Yorker who wasn't him sounded like
¤ Plus if Dal ever met your parents, even though he's rude and kind of dangerous, they might tolerate him more
¤ Yall intumidate so many people omg
¤ Like half of that town are sweet southern people
¤ So seeing two New Yorkers you get the classic
"Ew, they're yankees"
¤ Yes we really do say that 👍
¤ But people get all scared cuz they're like 'omg they're gonna shoot me'
¤ Again, you both think it's the funniest shit
¤ Like being yelled at by a New Yorker is scary enough
¤ But TWO
¤ It's like you two are so intimidating together it's perfect
¤ Of course Dal asks you on a date to some pizza place and you two walk around the block sharing a cigarette
¤ Another thing
¤ You're actually used to the cold and he's so, so grateful for that
¤ Everyone else in Oklahoma gets all shivery the moment it's less then 60
¤ Like you don't complain about it and he loves that so much
¤ Back to the topic
¤ Date goes great
¤ Once you two become a thing you fight a good amount
¤ I mean you're from the North, it's natural (I think?? This might be stereotypical so sorry)
¤ Even people from the South fight with Dal so this isn't any different
¤ But since you're both used to fights the insults are crazy
¤ Like the gangs jaws have dropped hundreds of times with what the two of yall come up with
¤ Like it's the most foul, disturbingly impressive, heart breaking insults
¤ Then the other returns it with a snicker and another just as horrendously good insult
¤ Match made in heaven
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jocelynscrazyideas · 4 months
What you need | Quinn Hughes x Reader
Summary: y/n, comes home from a girls day out, you’re really drunk and Quinn takes care of you. He comforts you for hours, making sure you’ll sober up.
Warnings: language, breeding kinks, unprotected smut, p in v, oral (please be safe!), mention of alcohol use, that’s it?!
What’s next?: John Marino? Smut or Fluff?!
A:N- AHH if anything, Quinn and John are my hubbys. Hope yall enjoy 😉
I just came back from a girls night out. Quinn is in bed- so I thought. I’m walking into our home, my heels are clanking against our cold floor. In order to keep quiet I slide my hands down my legs and try to untie my heels. It’s pitch black in my house and I can smell what Quinn had eaten for dinner.
“Shit.” I whisper. I’m drunk. Like really drunk. I’m falling out of balance and I start to tip over my feet. I flip over my legs, my red bottomed heels are still on my feet. I lay on the ground, I throw my purse onto our couch.
I hear thumping, “holy fuck.” Quinn laughs, he’s bent over laughing. He’s catching he’s breath as he holds onto his bare chest. Quinn is in his blue boxers and his hair is a mess.
“It’s not funny.” I grunt as I try to get up. My heels are caught under my dress, my legs are wide open. “Hold on.” I sigh, letting my back relax. I fall into my back, my legs in the air. I’m really drunk. My hair is a mess, I wiggle out of my thong, and throw it at Quinn.
Quinn giggles as he catches the intimate accessory. He runs over to me and picks me up. “I think you’re drunk.” Quinn sets me down onto our couch. He sits on a knee as he unties my shoes and throws them towards our door. “You have fun?” Quinn looks at me and hold eye contact as he chucks legs over his shoulders.
“I had a great time.” I laugh as I twirl my hair. “Quinn, you look sexy.” I yell, I can’t hear myself. I sound like I’m underwater. I choke on my spit as I breathe in air. “I can tell!” Quinn exclaims when he runs me over to our room.
“Let me help you.” Quinn undresses me and pulls my hair up. He turns over to my vanity and clips my hair up with a claw clip that sits on my makeup drawer handle. “Let me get you some magic.” He jokes with me. “Magic?!” I laugh out. He hands me a bottle of water and advil. He walks me over to our toilet in our bathroom.
He holds my naked waist. He threw my dress into our hamper in our bathroom and he bends me down. “Let it out.” Quinn holds me over the toilet and I gag. “Did you take the pill? Drink up the water. It’ll help you.” Quinn taps my shoulder and pulls me back up. I drink more of my water and swish it throw my mouth.
“Good?” Quinn checks on me as he sits me on the cold tile. I lean over the toilet and k sit there. Quinn walks over to the kitchen. “Are you okay?” Quinn yells from our pantry. “Mhm.” I moan. I throw up all of my fun memories and stand up. “All done.” I clap and k run into Quinn.
Quinn catches me and holds me up on his hip. He grabs a banana and some milk. “You need to eat this tomorrow for breakfast. I’ll make sure okay.” He sets our milk carton back in the fridge and he spins me around. He walks me over to our bed.
I lick my feet up, teasing him to make his way into my holes. “Quinner. Come, I wnat cuddles.” I grunt out. I motion my hands toward me. Quinn sits in his knees as he unfolds his arms and he watches me spin. My head is pounding, “thanks.” I appreciate him.
“Can we?” I hold onto his arms that are now framing my shoulders. “You didn’t have to ask buba.” He jolts up and he un pants himself. He pulls his boxers out and shakes up his dick. His shaft falls onto my pelvis and he kissed my ear and whispers some sweet affectionate words.
“I’ve missed you. I had to wait all day.” Quinn brings the fact I was gone from 12:45pm-3:18AM. He jerks his tip and ran his tounge all the way from my breast to my pussy.
“Did you get a little excited?” Quinn teases me as I’m really wet. I’m waiting for him to finish himself off. “You’re to dry.” I mock him as I start sitting up.
“I can help you.” I look him in his eyes. I tilt my head to the right. I start sucking on his neck. I kiss my way to his v-line. Moaninh his name I jerk up. Sitting straight I rolls over to his side. I’m standing up and k Lena him into his forearms. I grab a hold of his cock and I start to jerk him off.
I let Quinn get in his back as he starts to whimper.
“You’re such a good boy.” I hold onto his quad as I let him cum into my hands. All of a sudden I’m sober enough, I forget I was out with my friends. I get on my knees and start bobbing onto Quinn. “Don’t finish fo fast, I want it inside of me.” I let Quinn know he can’t cum, only because I’ll probably throw up on him if he did cum in my mouth.
Quinn nods in agreement as he leans his head back and starts to moan and shake. His hips rise up and he falls back down. Quinn is too big to fit in my mouth so I hold a half of his cock in my hand and the other half in my mouth. I can feel him spurring a little warm fluid into my mouth so I suck on last time. I let go and he cums all over my boobs.
~ Quinn ~
She sits on her knees as I fall back into my arms. My hips level with her mouth as she jerks me iff. I feel her tounge moving, she’s massaging my dick. I want to cum. I’ll disobey her “orders” but it’ll feel good.
I let go and release all over her torso. My cum is pooled on y/ns breast. I get up and lick off all of my cum. I release more onto our bed sheets.
“Quinn! I told you-“ I yell at him. “I know baby. I couldn’t hold it in anymore. I felt it spurring.” Quinn apologized to me as he cuts me off. It’s not enough. He’s sincere look was cute, just not what I needed to fuel me up.
I fold over into my back and I let him take me in missionary pose. He jumps into me, he pushed into me in one hard thrust. It’s been weeks since our last session.
“Wait! Wait. Wait.” I mumbled, I have to get used to him inside of me. Quinn stretched me out, I felt my pussy expanding and clenching in to Quinn’s cock. He starts to move as I hold onto our bed sheets.
Quinn trusts into me, his head leans onto my neck. Once more Quinn thrusts into me, he moans out my name, he whimpers in excitement.
~ Quinn~
I feel it coming, only two seconds inside her and she’s got me in a bliss. She’s like the make orgasm. Anytime I look at her, I feel hard.
I start to tense up as I thrust into her multiple times. I feel her squeezing into me. Her hands climb their way onto my biceps as I hold her down. Y/n’s body jolts up at me, I look down at her, she’s ready to cum.
“Don’t release, not yet. I’m almost there.”
“You’ve taken it before, you can take it again.”
“Baby, look at me.”
I hold her down, I talk her through it. Her nails dig into my skin, I don’t feel the pain, I go numb. All I can think about is how I’m ready to finish. She needs to hop ontop. I can’t pull through without getting her pregnant.
“Mamas. You have to breathe. Let me take it, breathe for me.”
I fit my whole shaft into her hips and I grasp onto her head, she lets me cum in her for a minute until she pushes me away, he legs shake. She gets up as I pull out more.
She jumps onto me, pulling me down. My chain hits my chest as I fall into my back. Once again she looks devious to go down on me.
I know she can’t take my whole dick yet, so I let her have a grace period and let her ride.
“Get on.” I wink at her, she looks so beautiful on top of me. Her tits bounce up and down. Y/ns ties curl at me while she relaxes on me. My tip, blood rushes to the top and I’m ready for her to work it.
Y/n pushes her fingers into her own hole as she pulls her finger out she draws on my abs. My cum and her own fluid mix’s and bonds together. Light from our bathroom reflects onto her picture. She drew a smiley face- how childish.
She dances on me, my abs are wet with her stringy cum. “You’re such a slut. Keep going.” I yell out, I slap her ass, hoping to leave a mark.
“Baby, you’re so big..” I trail off, Quinn makes me feel some way. It’s so hard to describe. He makes me feel safe. When he and I have sex, it’s not likes he’s using my body- which of course he is, but it’s almost like he’s showing me how much he loves me when he fucks me.
“Keep talking, I’m gonna- c-cum” Quinn penetrates at me, he holds onto my tit. He grips me down and sucks on my breast, he cums into as I keep bouncing up and down waiting for my arrival to come. He cups my face as i fall onto his chest.
I cum and he thrust into me but raising his hips one last time, “I have to make sure I plug you up pretty well.” Quinn jokes around and he flips us over.
“You sober now?” Quinn flips my hair behind my ear and re clips my hair into my claw clip. He kissed me as he shoves his younge down my throat. He tickles my tonsils as he move sober to take his old shirt from our laundry bin. He wipes off any excess fluid and he licks me off.
He throws the shirt back k to the bin and holds me tight in bed. We fall asleep for hours until his alarm awakes both of us. Quinn gets up for another day, he kisses my cheek and brushes my hair up.
“Don’t forget! The banana and milk!” He says as he jumps into the shower.
It’s lie nothing happened.
I walk to our kitchen and my bare ass is out, “of baby! Petey is coming over soon, so you need to hurry!” Quinn yells out from our steamy shower. I finish my small breakfast and I run to the door. Our peephole is covered my a tall man in pjs.
“Peteys here!” I yell, letting Quinn know to get out of the shower. I run to our room and throw on some of Quinn’s clothes.
“Hey oetey!” I invite him in as I open the door. “Sorry the place is a mess! I just got home from a night out!” I say as I finish putting Quinn’s green shirt in, and I slide into a black boxer.
“Seems like you had fun!” Petey jokes around as Quinn comes out of the bathroom with a set of blue sweatpants and a white shirt.
“Don’t.” Quinn says under his breath as he pushed me away. He takes my out of the clip and brushed it out.
“No need to present yourself! I can tell you guys had fun.” Petey laughs out and I run back into Quinn’s arms. Hopping if he can’t see my embarrassment then no else can.
I backup to my room once again and close the door. Quinn comes knocking at our door, letting me know him and Petey are heading out.
“Have fun! Don’t get to drunk!” I laugh out as I hear the front door slam into the frame. I hear Peteys car roll out of the drive way, and now I feel like Quinn.
Exactly how Quinn felt when I left yesterday with my girls.
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banj0possum · 1 year
Hiii! Could you please do a scenario where the reader is gushing over a fictional character and saying stuff like how hot they are and that they (reader) want to marry them (fictional character). And then the reaction of your characters to all that (specifically darik and hallow I think were the names) thanks!!
When Their Darling Simps For A Fictional Character
My OCs x GN Reader
hey silly billys !! ill be on a little hiatus for a bit because ill be visiting family <3 thank you for all the love yall have given me and my characters!
Adrian sees you on your phone and smiling at...a cartoon character??
Over the course of the week, he teases and makes fun of you for it, but quickly goes through the stages of grief over how he's not getting your attention as much as before.
At first, he denies that he's jealous of a fucking picture, but that denial is soon forgotten once he hears you comment about how hot they were and he's fuming.
He'll try any way to get you to pay attention to him, slap your phone out of your hand, throw balls of paper at you, anything to make you stop ogling over that dumb character and be with him!!
"Stop looking at that stupid fanfiction and pay attention to me!"
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
Brandon is not hiding the fact that he's jealous.
I mean he's trying, but you can clearly see he has beef with your fictional husbando.
He goes home and does research on the character, asking you all casual sounding what you like about them and change a bit of his style depending on your answer.
If you like how masc they are, he's gonna show off his muscles more during training, take off his shirt drenched with sweat in front of you, anything he can think of to make you think he's more manly and therefore more worthy of your love and attention.
"Hey (Y/N)! Check out my new haircut! You know, it kinda reminds me of that character you like right?...right?"
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
Valeth brought you a few books to read and he notices you taking a liking to a certain character in one of them.
You tell him how dreamy and attractive the character is and how awesome they are, and he's trying not to grab your little book and throw it in the fire.
He would never want you to hate him for destroying something you love but goddAMN would it be satisfying.
He makes sure to note what characteristics you like about them and see if he can display them himself.
The big orc would even try to hide your book in a high shelf so you can't read it and pay attention to this fictional character instead of him :(
"Duckling? How about you put down that book and we prepare dinner together? I've missed spending time with my love~"
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
Bo hates it. But he stays quiet about it, there's no way he can tear apart something that doesn't exist...
He's really salty and a bit whiny about it, begging you to compliment and love on him instead.
"Why settle for some fake when ya got the real thing right 'ere darlin'?"
Ribs is tearing apart anything that depicts the character. Say goodbye to your comic books or magazines.
He just throws a little pouty tantrum because you love someone that isn't the horde.
"You're our mate! Now please come here so I can hug you!" >:I
Soda is sitting across from you as you ramble about how cool this character is and he's not listening at the slightest. Fuck this guy, who even are they???
After you're done, he crawls up to you and pulls you into a tight cuddle.
"Thats nice...can we go back to kissing now?"
Screw just thinks you like the merch and not the character so he collects anything with your favorite character on it.
However, the others get mad at him for it and explain. Screw then takes it all away and hides it somewhere you'll never find.
"mmm I think we're cooler.."
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
Wolfie isn't happy. He takes whatever thing you have of your character, and he rips it to pieces.
You run after him as he has your treasured item in his mouth and you hear his muffled laughing as he shakes his head around, ruining it..
He makes it his mission to jump in your lap whenever he sees you gushing about your little character, or pawing your face so you can look at him and love him now. It's been 5 minutes (Y/N)! It's his turn!
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
Dorik's eye twitches as he watches you smiling and giggling over some picture. What's so good about it anyway?
He tries to get your attention on him by being extra obedient, making your favorite food, turning on your favorite movie for the both of you to watch, running you a hot bath, anything to make you praise him and not that stupid little image!
He almost settles to whining and begging for your attention, asking why and how you like this drawing and not him! He's your loyal servant after all!
"Master! They don't deserve someone as wonderful and perfect as you! Let's just eat dinner together and forget about them!"
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
Kalva is a bit like screw and supports your interest in the character, but only if you praise him for finding little trinkets and stuff of them.
He loves seeing you happy, even though he hates the fact that you talk about them like they're your mate or something, but that's nonsense, he's your mate!
There will not be anything of that character in your shared bed/nest. You have a personal space for them, but your bed is special to only you and him.
He coos to sleep next to you, mumbling about you possessively while he huddles close to your warmth.
"Cute mate, my little mate, you're my mate! My happy little darling!"
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
Jasper wouldn't really care unless you directly tell him you like them better than him then he's committing a war crime.
If he hears you saying you want to marry them, he's stealing all your merch of the character and burning them.
He might distract you with Jonesy like pushing a glass off a table and framing it on the cat so you could stop paying attention to your fanfics or whatever.
"H-hey, Jonesy's on the table again...maybe you should switch apps...take some pictures.."
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
Viktor tries to stay cool but deep down, he's very very jealous of how much you like this character.
He's one of the only ones to actually confront you about it and he's adorable whilst doing so.
"M-my dear, maybe you should read some other books? I-I know how much you love that one but maybe uhm..we could read one together?"
Garrick doesn't even hide his hatred towards them, he insults and belittles them every chance his gets.
Why be interested in someone like them when you got 3 supernatural men hopelessly in love with you?
"Oh they're strong? Bet I could beat em in a fight. Can they turn into a bat? Probably not..I can though!"
Silas ignores it, he's sure it's just a little interest that will go away sooner or later.
But if he hears you talking about wanting to marry them, he's sitting you down and asking you why you'd want to do that. He hints a lot about him being a better pick.
"Darling I'm sure you can do better than them..I mean..you sure theres no other..attractive..intelligent and interesting people in your life?.."
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
Baron has to keep his cold exterior from breaking every time you ramble to him about your favorite character. He's read the books you've read because he's a creep because he wanted to know you better and he can't help but find some similarities between him and that character of yours.
He wants to speak up about it but he's scared what he might imply. A bit of him is a bit flattered that you find people like him hot, maybe he should show off those characteristics more often around you.
"They're uhm..interesting, Boss..sounds a lot like someone I know..."
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
Caspian is a whiny bitch when he finds out your liking to that character, he'll try to guilt trip you into dropping your interest in them because 'he should be your only love!'
He'll try his best to get you to look at him instead of that ugly little book.
"You love them more than me don't you? You're so very mean sometimes my treasure!"
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
Hallow is hiding the book, no ifs, ands or buts. He's not letting some big strong hero protagonist person take up your attention. If you try finding it, he's ripping it up and disappearing for days.
He'll be extra cuddly to you from then. He'll make sure he's the one who makes you happy, not your other little friend.
"I'll give it back to you doll, if you give me a kiss~"
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mazeinthemiroh · 1 year
skz reaction to there s/o have lots of tattoos (fluff pls) 🫶💕
stray kids reaction to their s/o having tattoos
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genre: fluff
warnings: none
please like and reblog if you enjoy <33
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he would LOVE your tattoos. will spend forever and ever tracing his fingers of tattooed skin with a sparkle of admiration glimmering in his eye, a fond smile on his face. it's as if each day he's seeing them for the very first time, finding something new to appreciate about the way they look. in short, he lives them very much <3
if you haven't gotten a cat tattoo he will express his deep and earnest disappointment. because... he just be like that. but seriously, he loves your tattoos. likes it when you show them off too instead of covering them up. he wants them to be ✨free✨, yk? finds himself staring at them and then denying it if you catch him out on it. he just thinks they're hella pretty!
it's the times when you're working out with him and your tattoos are on full display that he just melts inside. usually it wouldn't phase him but damn seeing you like this makes his mind wander to other things... thinks your tattoos are really sexy and will tell you every day without fail. with love a consistent king 🙌
he likes tattoos. admires them like pieces of artwork. because that's what they are to him. on your skin, they are art. he loves the freedom of expression and the different mediums of expressing oneself. the fact you found that through your tattoos makes him love and admire you even more. he likes knowing why you got them. the stories behind them. the deep meanings. everything.
thinks your look cool and badass and hot and loves your tattoos so much EEEEEEEEEE. you make him wanna get a tattoo so badly (he's kind of a wimp tho so it will take a lot of persuading and reassurance). just loves the way your tattoos look and tends to stare at them when he phases out and goes into a little daze. you let him look because, ay, what's the harm?
before yall started dating, he was super intimidated and super attracted to you all at once. you're definitely the type he would want to get to know. and now that he had you? he can't help but tell you how awesome and cool he thinks your tattoos are. he wants to know why you get them and if you were going to get any more. may even give you some ideas for your next one!
loves to absent-mindedly traces his fingertips along the designs of your tattoos when you guys are cuddled up to each other, staring at them, looking deep in thought. if you question him he will reply with a 'huh?', not even raising his head as he continues to stroke your designs. just loves how they look against your skin.
definitely the type to get matching tattoos. like, that's just his thing. he has to. you like tattoos. and he likes you. it's a win-win situation! he thinks your tattoos are cool and pretty and wants to join in on the fun himself. he appreciates them as being a sort of... fashion statement, in a way. a definite way to express yourselves.
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strniohoeee · 10 months
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Pairing: Matt Sturniolo X Female Reader
Synopsis: Y/N is depressed, and Matt takes notice to her behavior. Matt being the good friend he is he tries to get her out of her funk, but will it work?🫂
Warnings⚠️: None just mentions of depression. This was a request but Tumblrs being a munch and not letting me add it
Song for the imagine: hope ur ok- Olivia Rodrigo
But, God, I hope that you’re happier today
Cause I love you
And I hope that you’re okay
It’s been getting worse. I hate this feeling, this darkness that consumes me. I wanted nothing more than to feel okay. I hate the way my depression swallowed me whole and made me want to disappear from the face of the earth.
I just wanted to feel okay, I wanted to feel normal and not drained. I know my friends were getting annoyed with me. I would slip into these phases of not wanting to talk to them, see them, go out with them. I mean I could barely get out of my bed to do anything. Often skipping meals and not drinking water. I would just sleep all fucking day and cry when I was awake.
I was fortunate enough to be an influencer, so I didn’t have to worry about actually getting up to work. I posted YouTube drafts and TikTok drafts. It worked for a while, but people started to catch on, and were wondering where I went. I couldn’t even be honest and come out and say I was so depressed I couldn’t even sit up in my bed.
The one person who noticed the fastest was Matt. Randomly one day he started texting me wondering how I was doing, what I was doing, if I wanted to hang out with him and his brothers, if I wanted to join them for dinner, if I wanted to film a video with them. I appreciated it truly, but I also kept lying to him. Telling him that I was busy or I had plans, or I was filming. I could not allow anyone to see me this way. I mean I didn’t even want to see myself this way…..
Matt had put me in a groupchat with Chris and Nick, and honestly it was making me feel better. They kept my mind off of things by constantly making me laugh. I mean they would text from 10AM till 2AM every single day.
The blue eyed freaks🧿🧿
-Y/N can you pleaseeeeee come hang out with us we haven’t seen you in like two months- Chris
-Idkkkk -me
-plzzzzz like you never hangout with us anymore-Nick
-yeah I’ve just been busy-me
-busy??? Yeah right not busy enough to not hang out with us- Chris
-hey if she doesn’t want to hangout don’t force her, but we do miss you and would love to see you-Matt
-thanks Matt🖤-me
-booooo boring come over now, or I’ll come pick you up-Chris
-you can’t even drive Chris-me
-okay….ill get matt to drive me to come pick you up-Chris
-fineeeeee okay fine I’ll be over in a hour-me
-see yall soon<3-me
I had gotten up and decided to shower, washing my hair and just really try to clear my mind, and enjoy the fact that I’m getting to see my friends again. I hadn’t been out of my house in a good month, and this was giving me major anxiety.
I felt like once they’d see me they would know I haven’t been okay, and that’s something that scared me. I had to seem okay. I was never the one who broke down… ever.
I hadn’t finished getting ready. At first I wanted to put on some makeup to hide my dark eyes, but I decided against it because I really wasn’t in the mood. I headed out, and drove to the triplets house. When I got there Matt texted me letting me know that the door was unlocked and to meet them in his room.
I let myself in and walked to Matt’s room.
“Y/N” Chris yelled coming over and hugging me
“Hi guys” I said laughing
“She’s aliveeee” Nick said hugging me
“How have you guys been?” I asked plopping myself down on Matt’s bed with them
“We’ve been good, just filming honestly” Matt said
“Nice that’s always fun” I said
“I love it so much truly, but how have you been?” Nick asked
“I’ve been good, you know. Just uhhh been busy” I said lying straight through my teeth
“Nice, what have you been doing” Matt asked
“Oh you know just filming and editing and just going out with some of my other friends” I said
“I love your hair color by the way, when did you dye it red?” Chris asked me
“Oh like two months ago I need to get my roots done actually” I said running my hands through my hair
“Two months ago? I thought this was recent all your TikTok’s and YouTube videos your hair was black” Matt said looking at me suspiciously
“Oh uhhh” was all I could manage because I knew Matt was onto me
“Okay anyways I’m hungry” Chris said breaking the awkwardness
“Me too” Nick said
“McDonald’s?” Chris asked
“Fuck yes” Matt responded
“Okay Matt can you pick it up for us” Chris said pleading
“Uhhh I guess i have too since yall can’t drive” he said rolling his eyes
“I can drive” I said smiling
“Yayyyy this is why I love you” Chris said
“I’ll mobile order it so it’s less stressful” Nick said
They all put in their orders, and they handed the phone to me. My anxiety making me nauseous and not really in the mood to eat
“Oh I don’t think I’m going to get anything” I said
“WHAT? McDonald’s is your favorite” Nick said
“Uhh yeah I’m just not in the mood” I said
“Do you want something else?” Matt asked
“No I’m not hungry” I said looking at him
Matt nodded before taking the phone, messing with it f and then handing it to Nick.
“Alright let’s head out” I said
“Nick and I want to stay back y’all can go though” Chris said
“Sneaky fucks” Matt said laughing
Matt and I had gotten into my car heading over to the McDonalds
“What’s really going on?” Matt asked
“What do you mean?” I asked glancing over at him
“I know you’re not okay” he said looking at me
“Matt I’m fine” I said
“No you’re not. Your eyes…..I can tell that you’re sad” he said
“I’m just tired is all” I said swallowing thickly
“Y/N be honest…are you okay?” He asked reading my face for an answer
My lip quivered, and a lump formed in my throat. Nobody has asked me if I was okay.
“No” I whispered out in a croak
“Talk to me” he said sitting up
“I just don't know. I’ve been so depressed lately. I haven’t been able to get out of my bed. I’ve just been posting drafts because I can’t even get up to film. I can’t even get up to drink or eat anything. I miss my parents, I miss home and I just feel so alone. You were the first person to text me, and you have helped me a lot actually. You inviting me over was the first thing I have done in a month” I said letting a tear fall
“I’m so sorry you feel that way. I love you so fucking much, and I knew something was wrong that’s why I reached out. I care for you so much, and I don’t want you to struggle alone. I’m here for you” he said looking at me with saddened eyes
“I appreciate it Matt truly. You’re amazing” I said looking over at him and smiling weakly
“Never allow yourself to struggle alone okay. Please reach out to me or Nick or even Chris as crazy as that seems. We will always be here for you….always” he said
“I will. I just was fighting with myself for so long I couldn’t reach out for help” I said wiping my tears
“And that’s okay. No ones pressuring you to reach out, but know that the option is there. I would never turn you away. You know I’ll come flying to you in a heartbeat” he said nudging my shoulder
“I know Matt. I love you so much thank you for being here for me” I said nudging him back
“Also I got you your favorite from McDonald’s. I’m making sure you eat. I can tell you haven’t eaten. I can see it in your face” he said
“Thank you Matt what would I do without you” I said smiling at him
“I’m not sure actually” he said
“Don’t get too cocky” I said pointing my finger at him
We laughed, and I pulled up to the drive thru. We got our food, and we headed back home
We got back to their house, and started to eat in the kitchen. Laughing and catching up. Matt occasionally looking over at me, giving me reassuring smiles and glances.
I spent the night at their house, and I slept in Matt’s room. We watched my favorite childhood movies as he kept asking me if I was okay, and taking small glances at me.
Eventually we ended up falling asleep.
What would I do without Matt?
The End
This was a request, but Tumblr is actually being a dickrider so it wasn’t letting me put it with my story. But anywho I HOPE YOU ENJOYED THIS ONE🥹🖤🖤
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