#now you clap for him until he turns beet red
columboscreens · 5 months
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instant-delusions · 1 year
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wind hashira || shinazugawa sanemi x f! reader
cw: sanemi 💀, steamy, curse words, alcohol
a/n: watched a 7h kny essay & I need more
༄ؘ ۪۪۫۫ ▹ attaboy ◃ ۪۪۫۫ ༄ؘ
slamming down your ochoko, you swallowed the rest of the disgustingly bitter sake. "another round!" shouted mitsuri, waving her hand in front of the bartender, who looked absolutely worn out. feeling your mind drifting slightly, you barely made out obanai's worried voice, telling her to slow down.
the hashira (except muichiro and shinobu) go out drinking often - which is a coping mechanism you don't know how to feel about - but you're glad mitsuri drags you along to these get-togethers, although you're a lower rank. luckily, you get along with the hashira well. all of them are booming personalities, each one much different than the other - you appreciate the different perspectives and worldviews, despite them ending in bickering most of the time.
"I've got an idea!" rengoku shouts excitedly, "let's play a game." a mischievous smile forms on his face. "fuck that" the wind hashira retorts, starting to get up. "dont be a buzzkill, sanemi!" you push him down again, hands gripping his shoulders. nervously, he glanced back at you, mouth opening as to respond in some way. he'll never, ever admit it, but he's had a crush on you for months now. not that he has to, really, it's obvious to everyone but you. sanemi's always been confident in his abilities to hide his feelings, although most of the time he's very easy to read. plumbing down next to him, you start filling his and your ochoko with sake, to which he grumbles a "thank you", not even looking your way.
unbeknownst to you two, the other hashira are done with the way you dance around each other and schemed a plan, feeling obligated to give a little push. "okay!" tengen started, "how about...hmmm...dare or dare." "the fuck ist that ?" sanemi questions, "you know..." giyuu starts nonchalantly, "like truth or dare, without the truth." both of them exchange fuming eye contact for some reason. "you think I'm stupid, bastard?" sanemi's clenching his fist, trying to get up, but obanai wraps his hand around the pillar's arm, pulling him down aggressively, whispering something about him 'looking like a fucking anger-management needing dumbass'.
it's sanemi's turn. until now, everything's been pretty tame, gyomei ate two spoons of wasabi, tengen asked the bartender "how much for a blowjob?" and giyuu wrote shinobu a letter, containing the word 'penis'. giggling and whispering, the hashira brainstormed a dare for sanemi. "so." tengen clapped his hands. "see that closet?" tengen pointed at the shoji on the other side of the room they rented. "enjoy twelve minutes in there with (y/n)."
sanemi and you turned beet-red, you proceeded to wave your fist in the air saying that you got nothing to do with this and sanemi just started spewing creative curses, but all in vain. gyomei picked both of you up and threw you into the closet, closing the shoji. muffled laughs was all you could hear, until your attention was drawn to the body pressed against yours and the minimal space of the closet. position-wise, this was definitely compromising, sanemi's legs were spread and you laid between them, your head on his chest. his body's so warm, his middle pressed against your chest, breath fanning over your hair, legs trembling. you're definitely dizzy now, the alcohol and proximity getting to you, with the magic of liquid courage, you pushed yourself up, lips barely brushing against each other.
"fuck..." sanemi whispered, you could feel the way his lips formed the word. he brushed his fingers through your hair in a gentle manner, curling it around one. eyes locking with yours, he continued; "I've wanted this...you...for so long. I could thank those idiots." his lips pressed against yours and you didn't waste time, immediately throwing your hands around his neck, bringing him closer. sanemi exhaled against your lips, "me too." you responded, diving into another kiss, nibbling at his bottom lip, asking for permission. he opened his mouth and you started exploring with your tongue, while the pillar let his hands travel across your body, groping your waist, trailing up your shirt. "wait..." changing the position, you put each of your legs next to his hips, straddling him. when you were done, he quickly cupped your cheeks and brought you down for another kiss. giggling, you pecked the corner of his lips, "you're quite needy, huh?" you teased, kissing his jaw next.
"shut up, twelve minutes are not gonna be enough."
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luimagines · 2 years
Oooooh, another one! What about the reader accidentally letting out which one is their favorite? Because they have a bit of a crush on them? ❤🧡💛💚💙💜 take care, ily ^^
..... Anon, I adore you and your brain. I'm doing this.
Immediate Reader! Boys under the cut!
It was a pleasant day all things considered. You were lost in your own thoughts as the group traveled.
You could hear them talking and teasing each other and vaguely you could see them rough house with each other. But nothing other than that registered.
You kept your head down and you kicked a stone ahead of you. It bounced off of other rocks and rolled through the dirt until it came to a stop.
One of the boys calls your name. “Hey! We have a question.”
You don’t look up and kick another rock. “Yes? How can I help you?”
“Which one of us is your favorite?”
“My favorite Link is the Traveler.”
Said Link’s head snaps up in question and his jaw drops. “...Really?”
Some of the other sighs and nods their heads in understanding.
You trip over yourself. It was not you intention to actually answer their question.
“I get it.” Wild holds his hands up in surrender. “I would argue that point but I get it.”
“He is pretty great.” Sky adds on. “He is definitely worthy of that spot.”
“Yup.” Wind nods. “I can’t even be mad.”
Hyrule’s face slowly turns pink. He looses his nerve to keep his head up, alternatively covering his face with his hands so that he doesn’t have to look at everyone.
You let out a small breath. The attention is off you for now. This is fine. Better than fine, actually. Besides, Hyrule deserves it.
You nod along, happy to have started this train of thought. “He’s the coolest out of all you.”
He squeaks.
You bite your grin like your life depends on it. He can’t know why you’re saying this. He can’t get even the slightest hint of your true feelings.
“He is a hero in his own right and we’re glad to have him as our brother.” Warrior claps the poor boy on the shoulder, nearly sending him face first into the soft earth beneath him.
Hyrule coughs and stumbles but he manages to let his hands fall just below his eyes. “...Thanks...”
You snap your head pointedly in the other direction. Hyrule is completely beet red from the tips of his ears to below his neck and under his tunic. It’s cute. He’s cute. He’s so cute!
You can hear him clear his throat and bashfully look up at the others. “You guys are pretty cool too.”
“But you can do magic~” Legend claps the other shoulder of the Traveler. “And none of us can do that.”
Hyrule groans. “That’s not true! you all have your ways of magic-”
“Ah-ah! With weapons and tools.” Legend amends. “You don’t need that.”
You grin, feeling your own happiness be buoyed by Hyrule being recognized for his talents.
“Not to mention his innate talent of picking a direction and it being the right one.” Twilight continues. “He has incredible sense of direction.”
“So naturally, our friend has a lot of reason to think he’s the best of us.” Time says and adds a cheeky wink. “I can’t complain with that.”
Four grins and skips ahead to bump your hip with his. “So are these the reasons you like him then?”
Your grin drops, your blood going cold in your veins.
Four’s grin widens, bordering on a knowing and malicious mischievous smile. “Can you name something else then?”
You turn to glare at the short boy but Hyrule catches your eye. For once, it’s to your chagrin. He looks up, almost hopeful and whatever you have to say.
You grit your teeth. ”Of course I have other reasons to like him.”
Four pokes your side and seals his fate. “What are they then?”
You step on his foot “on accident” and shrug. “He’s already embarrassed. I don’t see why I have to make it worse even if what you all said is true.”
“But what is it?” He says quietly, stopping you from storming off away from the snickering boys and their knowing smiles.
You stop and barely contain yourself from sagging. He looks so endearing. You have it within yourself to curse your fate. How are you going to dig yourself out of this one?
Warrior actually trips on his feet and spins toward you. 
“My condolences.” Legend snorts, firing the shot easily.
“Hey!” Warrior spins to him instead of acknowledging what you said. You take that as your escape and try to speed up your walk, trying to make your way to the front before anyone can look deeper into your subconsciously very honest answer.
“Wait- where are you going?” Wind calls after you.
You realize belatedly that you had disregarded any sort of subtlety in your attempt to escape the awkward conversation to follow. You cough and almost trip on your feet again but you manage to play it off. Until your voice cracks. Shush. It’s fine. “Nowhere don’t worry about it.”
Warrior makes an effort to jog up to you. He catches up to your fairly easily.  
You wince and try to keep the grimace off of your face when you feel his hand on your shoulder. You can’t school your features fast enough when he appears in your vision.
He has a blinding smile on his face. “Are you serious?”
You can feel the blush slowly appear on your cheek even as you nod. You don’t want to seem rude and break eye contact. You were doing so well these past few weeks. This is not how you wanted to let him know.
“Of course they mean it.” Sky laughs somewhere behind you. You vow to get revenge on a later date. “They answered incredibly fast for it to be anything other than an honest answer. They’ve thought of it before.”
That seems to only goad Warrior further. “Really?”
Well, you think to yourself, at least he seems happy about it.
Warrior then has the audacity to giggle as the information process. “Well then... Aren’t I lucky?”
You snort and roll your eyes. You try to walk further ahead and get to the safety of Time- the one who to disperse shenanigans by being in his presence. You think it’s because Time is in his hero mode more often than not but you can appreciate the safety of being by his side. The boys won’t bother him too much. You should be in the clear if you can reach him.
“They’re running away.” Twilight remarks. “I wonder why.”
Now you spin around. “Shut up Twilight!”
Warrior only seems to beam. “Yeah, shut up Twilight.”
“You-” You turn to Warrior again but he looks so incredible pleased by this that you have to bite your tongue. “Don’t encourage them.”
“Aww... but aren’t I your favorite?” He leans close to your face.
Your face burns a bit brighter. “Nope. I never said that. You heard nothing.”
You turn and power walk away again. Warrior is fast on your heels much to your chagrin. Why, oh why, did your own tongue betray you?
Warrior actually grabs your wrist, gently slowing you don’t from your near sprint to safety. Time turns around at last to witness all of this. You plead your eyes. Save me, you tell him, get them to stop.
The menace in disguise smirks and raises an eyebrow only to turn around again. The illusion of safety shatters. He’s as bad as the rest of them.
Warrior is still laughing under his breath. “Oh come on, I can’t be all that bad, can I?”
You bite your lip, taking the chance to hold his hand. To your surprise, he takes the initiative to lace your fingers together and pulls you a little closer to his side. “N-no.... you’re not.”
“Good.” Warrior looks pleased with himself. “Don’t think too much on it. But if I had to say one thing.... You look cute when you blush.”
Now you hide your face in shame. You’ve been found out.
“Four, of course.”
“Of course?” Twilight raises an eyebrow. You realize your mistake too late.
Four on the other hand, look like the cat that caught the canary. “I told you.”
You gawk and turn to look at the blacksmith, horrified by the implication of his words. Were you that obvious? Was he able to tell the entire time? Oh this is bad. This is very very bad.
Sky groans and run his hands through his hair- but it’s Hyrule who ends up coughing up a small bag of rupees.
You gawk some more, a small part of you daring to be offended. “You gambled on my answer!?”
Four turns to you with a grin. “I don’t gamble. I’ve made an investment.”
You clench your jaw and look away, trying to be as serious and collected as possible, not wanting to catastrophize just yet. “I take it back you’re no longer my favorite.”
Four actually looks concerned for a split second. “Wait. Please-”
“Who’s your favorite then?” Sky grins, leaning into your space. He has another cheeky smile on his face and you swear he’s more perceptive than anyone gave him the right to be.
You glare at him from the corner of your eyes and shrug, trying to appear nonchalant. It would work if you hadn’t picked up speed as well. “Wild is.”
Wild laughs in the background while Four runs up to catch up with you. “Oh come on we both know that’s not true.”
He’s joking but you feel like messing with him for a little moment. “Nope. I don’t even know who you are. What’s your name again?”
Four’s face drops. “Hey now.”
You turn to Twilight who’s watching with the biggest- if badly hidden smirk on his face. “Do you know who this is? Why is this sassy child left alone? Where are his parents?”
Twilight snorts and tries to clear his throat of the sound. “I have no clue.”
“Twilight, not funny.” Four glares.
You keep going forward, not sparring him a glance. Maybe if you keep this up it’ll die and then you can ignore that this ever happened. “Crazy. The wind almost sounds like it’s talking. Weird. Do you hear anything Warrior?”
Warrior raises an eyebrow and shakes his head. He’s not blind. Four may be oblivious but the smith isn’t blind either. Most of them know at this point that you’ve sweet on him. Warrior didn’t think you’d react this way, but then again he didn’t think you would answer so honestly to begin with. Now he can se that it wasn’t intentional. “No clue.”
“Oh come on! No you too!” Four all but shrieks.
You nearly crack a grin at the sound of his voice but you don’t give up. If anything you start walking faster once more.
“Hey!” Four calls after you, picking up speed as well. “Stop! Where do you think you’re going?”
“Away from this.” You answer.
“Oh so now you can hear me!” He yells and it breaks you. 
You start laughing and take off running. You don’t even know where the group plans on going but you’re going to get there first.
Four tackles you.
You also shriek and try to fight him off. Four puts his arms by your head and pouts. “....Say it.”
You blink and only start to laugh harder than before. “You’re insane! Are you serious?”
Four blushes and looks away for a moment before meeting you head on once more. “Say it.”
“...No.” You grin.
Four frowns before he smiles and starts poking your sides. Your laughter starts to ring out through the forest.
“Who’s going to tell them?” Legend raise an eyebrow.
“Don’t you dare.” Wild chastises the other boy. “I still have money it.“
“You and me both.” Sky says quietly.
“My favorite person is Sky.”
“Awww...” Sky responds delightfully. “You’re my favorite person too.”
“Sky.” Four puts his hand to his heart. He dramatically takes a step back in mock betrayal. “You lied to me. I thought we had something.”
Sky grins and crosses his arms, intending on walking ahead of the group. “We could have, Smithy. But I like them more than you.”
You cough, trying to not choke on your own spit. You can feel your face burn up a bit even as Sky continues to tease and jest with the other boys.
Luckily, the attention is off of you for the time being. 
You take a breath and calm down. You straighten up your tunic and fix your hair and smack your face enough to hopefully knock you out of the funk you’ve found yourself in.
That was too close for comfort.
You wiggle a bit, shaking your hands by your side before you stand straighter and hold your head up high. This is fine. So what if he knows. It’s not like you were lying. It’s was just the implications of your massive stupid school crush on the boy who holds the sword that seals the darkness. Hylia’s Chosen Hero.
You’re fine
You are not fine.
He’s incredibly intelligent. What if he figures it out? What if he doesn’t figure it out? What if someone else figures it out? What if they tell him before you can?
“Are you ok?” Time pokes your shoulder gently. “You seem a bit pale.... but also incredibly flushed.”
Time stops you from walking and puts his finger tips to your cheek first, before dropping them to under your jaw and lastly up to your forehead. He frowns. “You’re not getting sick are you?”
You put his hands down. “No, no, I’m ok. Honest.”
Sky managed to catch wind of that though. Before you could even register that he moved, he was already in front of you. “Are you feeling sick? You are a bit warm. Do you feel dizzy? Nauseous? Do you need to take a break?”
You can feel your face heat up more as a consequence which only spurs Sky on to keep looking you over. He frowns and ends up pulling you closer so that he can get a better look at your face.
It’s suddenly very hard to avoid eye contact- I wonder why. And yet, he’s being so incredibly gentle with you. So genuinely worried that you may be ill.
You’re heart is pounding within your rib cage. It threatens to jump out of your chest entirely. It even tries to escape through your throat, only to try dropping to your stomach the next.
Time clicks his tongue and takes pity on you. He pulls Sky away. “I know what’s the problem.”
Sky swerves to him. “You do?”
“You do?” You gulp. There’s too much going on. Your anxiety is spiking and your blood pressure is doing parkour on the charts and you think you’ve stopped breathing a while ago.
“They need to take a moment to rest.” Time gently puts his arm around your shoulders. “They’ll be fine. If they would take a nap it would be batter but we can take a break here. It’s around the time we should eat something anyway.”
Sky nods and looks back at you. Time stops him again. “Can you let the Champion know that they need something special to get their energy back?”
Sky’s eyes widen and he salutes the older man. “On it!”
Time grins and leads to a spot to sit your down. You gulp again, not wanting to face the Old Man. “...So... You know the problem?”
“Of course, love sickness is no laughing matter.”
“Oh my god, kill me.”
Time laughs and ruffles your hair. “I won’t tell him.”
“...Thank you.”
“I take it back.”
“I’m kidding.”
“Are you?”
“Am I?”
You glare at him and punch his arm. Time only laughs louder.
“Twilight is.”
Twilight doesn’t say anything but you can see him puff his chest out a bit in pride as he clasps his hands behind his back.
Wild rolls his eyes and drops his arm around your shoulders. ”Ok... fair. But who’s your second favorite. We have to settle a score here.”
You deadpan, borderline glaring at the boy next to you. “Wolfie.” You drop his arm. “Get off of me.”
Wild splutters and flails his arms round, trying to regain his mental footing. “You’re joking- You can’t be serious.”
“I said what I said.” You try to save face. You stare ahead, not wanting to give the boys the satisfaction of a reaction. “Twilight is great- actually, I take that back. Wolfie first, then Twilight. Wolfie wouldn’t ask me stupid questions.” 
Wild actually seems to despair at your words. He whines a bit in the back of his throat. “Come on, work with me here. Tell me you’re kidding.”
Four is laughing. Silently. But he’s laughing. Now you’re sure you’re missing more information that you thought you were.
Twilight for his part is blushing but grinning from ear to ear. The look is cute on him and you try to not stare. You cough, clearing your throat and turning back to Wild. “Is there a problem with my answer?”
“Yes.” Wild sags forward like a puppet with cut strings. “But I can’t tell you what.”
“Nope.” Twilight interrupts and wraps his arm around Wild, lifting him up easily. “You’re answer is perfect Darlin’, don’t worry about it,”
You’re eyes widen, zeroing in on his bicep as it flexes to compensate for the weight of the other boy. You don’t want to pay too much attention.... but the sight is very magnetic.
You gulp a bit and tear your eyes away. This is a dangerous game. Your own cheek burn up a bit and you look down to the ground. You smile though. He called you Darlin’. “I won’t then.”
Twilight takes two steps forward and only then turns to look at you once more. “They made a bet.” He tells you. “And they didn’t expect your answer. Just Four.”
You snap your gaze to the smith. He has a splitting grin on his face. Four waves.
You pout but wave back. Four laughs louder.
Twilight seems to miss the meaning of your exchange but he laughs quietly as well. “Don’t take it to heart. You know we care about you.”
“I can’t believe this.” Wild groans. Twilight puts him back on the ground, gently hitting the side of the younger boy’s head. “I could have sword-”
“Hush.” Twilight ruffles his hair and pushes the champion forward. “I’m the favorite. So what?”
“Yeah, so what?” Four is giggling like a mad man as he slide up next to you. “I was right.”
“I lost that bet.” Wild sighs.
“You did.” Four place both of his hands behind his back. “You can pay me later.”
“I hate all of you.” You whine.
Four snorts. “Except Twilight.”
“....Shut up...”
“I know whyyyy~~”
“Tell him and I smite you, Smithy.”
Four smirks. “I wouldn’t dare. But getting you see you tell him yourself would be a treat.”
“Not happening.”
“We’ll see.”
You start power walking away. He’s too perceptive for his own good. You’ll take this to your grave if you have to. Just like telling... he’s your favorite... Oh my god, you might actually blurt it out. You despair similar to Wild. Four is plotting now and Twilight is going to be hit in the crossfire. 
“Wind is my favorite.”
The pirate perk up and cheers. “Yeeeeaaahh!!!! You can all suck it!”
“Easy Sailor.” Warrior rolls his eyes. He’s not surprised, if a bruised in his ego considering Wind instantly rubbed it in.
Wind grins and runs up yo you, taking your hand and lacing your fingers with his. “I am the favorite.”
You cough and blush a bit. You didn’t necessarily want him to know that but he looks happy and you’re telling the truth and he’s holding your hand. So you don’t feel like complaining.
You only hope tat your palms don’t start to get sweaty and that it bothers him.
“I am the favorite~!” Wind sings, swinging your arms back and forth dramatically.
Legend groans loudly and gently knocks the back of Wind’s head with his wrist. “Ok. We get it. You win.”
Wind giggles, unbothered by the act. His cheeks go a bit pink and it travels up to his ears. It’s cute. “I win and you lose.”
You begin to blush, squeezing his hand a little tighter. You didn’t think it was that big of a deal. The other boys seem to be in a similar boat than you.
They roll their eyes and act annoyed, but some of them seem very happy by it. Whether it’s because Wind is happy by it or not, you’re not sure. But you can see the way the sneak little satisfied and pleased smiles when they look at the two of you.
Wind lets go of your hand suddenly and it feel cold. He swings his arms around your shoulders and pulls you closer, nearly throwing you off of your feet. He has a bright smile on his face. It’s lovely.
“Since I’m your favorite it means that you’re on my side, right?” He grins conspiratorially.
“Wind, what are you planning?” Twilight looks over with mock disapproval.
“Nothing.” Wind cries out, shaking you a little bit in the process. He turns to you with the same grin. “Right?”
You nod, not trusting your mouth to not betray you once more.
Wind’s Cheshire Cat grin gets impossibly wider. “See! Nothing to worry about.”
“There’s always something to worry about.” Warrior laughs. “Especially when you say it like that.”
“Quiet you.” Wind points a finger at him before turning to you again. “So you’re on my side right?”
You giggle and nod along. You don’t know what he means exactly, or what he’s planning, but you know that you’re going to be side regardless. So there’s no point in lying to him.
Wind cheers again and laughs. “Good!”
You hum and hug the arm that wraps around the front. You knew that Wind could get excitedly easily but this wasn’t what you were expecting.
“And you know what?” Wind proclaims loudly for the whole group to hear. “You’re my favorite too. You’re much cool than the Captain or Time.”
Time just smiles.
Wind sticks his tongue out. “It’s true.”
Time laughs under his breath. “I concede.”
“I don’t!” Warrior cries out. “I’m cool!”
“You’re not.”
You laugh louder and miss the look on Wind’s face. He looks prouder in this instance than the last. As if he was trying for that all along.
“Yes?” The man in question turns around and looks at you. It appears that he wasn’t paying attention either.
“Oh.” Wind calms down. “Well that’s no fun.”
“It explains a lot though.” Legend scoffs. “Those two are more similar than anyone of us are going to admit.”
“What are you boys talking about?” Time raises an eyebrow.
“They say you’re their favorite.” Twilight provides with a mild deadpan expression.
You don’t react nor do you say anything. You didn’t expect yourself to have your guard lowered to that extent. You can feel a faint blush bloom across your features.
You knew that you had admired him. Time was strong, kind and determined in ways that seemed to seamlessly take your breath away. It was nothing major and you were sure it was going to die away like the stupid school yard crush that it was.
If you weren’t looking up before, this time it’s completely intentional.
Time looks over to you and smiles. “Is that so?”
Your blush deepens. “It’s nothing.”
Time smirks and turns back around to keep the group moving forward. “I’ll keep that in mind.”
Ohhhhh no. You don’t like that. Nope. That spells trouble. He already has something planned.
Time chuckles under his breath and winks. At least, you think so.
You didn’t even notice when you looked up to see that. You’re head snapped up for all you knew.
Warrior catches your reaction and nudges your shoulders with his elbow. You unfortunately glance his way and he bounces his eyebrows suggestively.
You shove him away. He laughs.
Within moments you think the matter is dropped and you go back to minding your own business. That is until... he starts walking next to you.
“I’m your favorite?”
You trip over your own feet. Time catches you by the arm and pulls you back onto your feet. “Easy there. I can’t have you falling for me, now can we?”
You cough and straighten yourself the best you can. “Nope. That would be... unwise... and painful... and dumb.”
“Aw, I can’t be that bad.” He gently flicks the side of your head. You’re too flustered to really fire back any lines. You still can’t believe that you admitted to him being your favorite as quickly as you had. Should you lose your nerve, you could do a lot of damage.
“No... I suppose you’re not.” You flick him back. It hurts you a bit more than it hurts him. You had flicked his arm guard but the sentiments are still there.
“In that case then maybe you can answer some questions of mine.” Time replies easily enough.
You’re guard goes up about as much as you can handle when it comes to this man. Which is to say that if he asked you to jump into the river you doubt you would have any second thoughts.
You gulp and nod, putting your hands behind your back. “What is it?”
“If I were to do this-” Time leans over and gets into your personal space, just shy of brushing his cheek to yours. You’re heart starts pounding. You’ve completely stopped breathing. 
He doesn’t say anything else and you’re both stuck in that position for a while until he pulls away, satisfied with whatever conclusion he came to. “Interesting. Thank you for your answer.”
You gulp for air. “Bu-but I didn’t say anything.”
“You didn’t have to.”
And then he walks away.
“I love the Champion.”
Wild trips over himself for a second before he stands up and sends the most blinding smile your way.
Your face explodes into a blush and you smack you hand over your mouth. You clear your throat and smack your cheeks a bit. Hopefully, it looks like the smack gave you the pink cheeks instead of your own emotions betraying you.
Wild starts walking straighter with what you would only call a ‘pep in his step’. Warrior snickers from your right side, throwing his arm around your shoulders. “I can’t say that I’m surprised.”
“Captain, please-”
“You are sweet on him.” He winks at you.
Your face darkens without your consent and you cross your arms. You want to cover your face but you have the littlest inkling that it would be more incriminating than if you just let it run its course.
Wild begins to giggle incessantly. He bounds up to you and can feel your neck begin to lose inches. He gets right up to your face and Warrior laughs behind your back. Warrior lets you go and you’re left alone to deal with the Champion. While every one else watches.
Wild gets a little cheeky and pokes your cheek. “Interesting choice of words.”
By the gods- Someone just pitch you into the sun already. You nod. “Yup. Uh-huh.”
Wild then wraps his arm around your shoulders. “Nice. Noted.”
“Oh my god.” You clear your throat and hang your head in shame. “Yes. I said it. what of it.”
Wild picks up a bit of your hair and you can feel him twirl it around his finger. “Do you mean it?”
“You’re impossible.” You huff and look away even though you make no move to pull away from him. “Of course. You’re my favorite. That’s that. Don’t make me change my mind.”
Wild grins and pulls you closer. You can feel your hip hit his and his grip get tighter around. “It’s ok. I love you too.”
“Huzzah.” You try to say as monotonely as possible. “I feel so relieved. Happy day. This is the best day of my life.”
Wild giggles. “You’re so mean.”
You feel yourself softening up. “Now we both know that’s not true.”
“Kiss and make up somewhere else please!” Legend calls out, interrupting your moment together.
Wild actually pulls away from you for a moment and glares at the other hero. “Jealous?”
“Not really.” He shrugs. “But it’s a bit much to forget about the rest of us while we’re here.”
“You started it.” You point out and accuse the other boy. “You asked the question and I gave my answer. This is your fault.”
Sky starts laughing. His shoulders shake and you can see the amount of effort it takes for him to keep silent. You deadpan and let your shoulders drop. “Sky... you’re the worse.”
He laughs a little louder.
You miss the looks Hyrule and Twilight send to Wild but he becomes indignant and pointedly turns your way and kisses your cheek making you freeze on the spot.
“There. I did it. Screw you both.” Wild growls.
You blink and give up on trying to keep your dignity. Your hands fly over your face and fall into a squat. The group stops to let you have your moment.
Time rolls his eyes. The heart of youth... He doesn’t envy it.
“It’s Legend.”
“Oh snap, really?” Wild turns his head to look at you.
You take a moment to let the comment sink into your head and then you turn to him, offended on Legend behalf. “What is that supposed to mean?”
“Yeah, Champion. What is that supposed to mean?” Legend walks up to him and glares at him. It doesn’t do much considering the other hero is considerably taller.
You take the moment to get away and leave the situation before the tension rises and it inevitably leads back to you.
“Wait! No no nonono nono. Hold up.” Four calls after you. “Where do you think you’re going? I want to know why he’s your favorite.”
You cringe and stop mid-step. “Do I really need a reason?”
“Yes-” “I mean-” Legend interjects. “Of course you don’t.... But I wouldn’t mind hearing it.”
You turn to him. A part of you wats to feel betrayed but then you see his face. He can’t even stand to make direct eye contact with you. He keeps his head down as he scratches the back of his neck. He kicks the dirt from under his boot with his toe and his cheeks and ear are delightfully pink.
To everyone else that is.
You can feel your face heat up similarly and cough into the back of your hand. “Well... What am I to say?”
Time takes mercy on you. “Nothing.”
He smiles and walks up to you to put a hand on your shoulder. He spins you around and pushes you forward by the small of your back, keeping you from looking back to where the rest of the boys are congregated. “They owe no one an explanation and you shouldn’t expect one from them either.”
You sag your shoulders in relief. Thank you, Old Man Time.
You feel as if you can walk in silence now and not have to worry about anything. With Time’s intervention on the matter, it’s been set to rest and no one would dare bring it up again without your approval.
And you don’t plan on handing it out any time soon.
At least, that was your idea. You’re about an hour from the break when you can feel someone slide up to your side. You stick your courage to the sticking place and lift your head to peak at who it might be.
It’s Legend and butterflies instantly fly through your stomach up to your throat. You try to cough and send them on their way, but a few stubbornly hang on.
Legend mistakes this as you try to get his attention and you clamp your mouth shut in horror. “So uh... About what you said... you didn’t even think twice about it.”
“Nope.” You blurt out, cursing the butterflies as you go. “I don’t need to.”
Legend nods and smiles. He takes a moment to look at the other boys. They are trying and failing to hide that they are ever so curious about your conversation with the boy next to you. Legend takes it as a need to be quieter so he leans in and whispers. “Do you want to know a secret?”
You lean in as well, happy to humor him and ready for a change in conversation. You whisper back. “What is it?”
You can feel more than see the way Legend breaks into a grin. “You’re my favorite too.”
You snap your head up, unable to hide the blush on your face. You cover your mouth with your hand but nod. “...ThAnks...”
You clear your throat some more. The butterflies are now messing with your voice. No one is going to be able to take you serious after this.
Legend takes the reaction in stride- dare you say pride- and shrugs. “And thank you.”
“...Of course.”
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2centniffler · 6 months
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The Way the Wind Blows | Sebastian Sallow x F!MC
The Undercroft was many things - secluded, quiet, impossible to find.
Unfortunately, it wasn't well-ventilated, and Sebastian was having a rough afternoon.
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1,146
Authors Note: This is a 4 a.m. crackfic about farts. Please, don't ask for any further explanation because there isn't one.
Can be read on ao3 here (x)
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She told him she'd join him in the Undercroft at 4 o'clock on the nose.
Most of her day had been spent napping during History of Magic, and when she wasn't dozing off? She was doodling her and Sebastian's initials on sheets of spare parchment, surrounding the script with a slew of tiny little daisies and hearts until the ink of her quill ran dry.
It was the only thing that kept her going on that dreadfully dull day - knowing that the moment her classes came to an end, she would be able to spend the long-awaited weekend with the boy she held dearest to her heart, and not a single thing could ruin it.
A few days prior on a rainy afternoon, Sebastian had promised her a picnic by the shore knowing just how desperately she wanted to enjoy the afternoon beneath the late-spring sun, soaking in the rays and painting by the lake with the new set of watercolors he had gifted her on the day he had asked her to be his.
So after a few days of clear skies and the promise of a free weekend after their study session, she marched through the halls with her books in her arms and an excited smile on her lips.
The glow of the candelabras shining dimly down below grew brighter as she descended the hidden stairs, and with each step she took she became more excited for her weekend to begin. She thought of the sweet treats they would purchase from Honeydukes and share by the shore, and about who would win in a competition of skipping stones across the water, should one take place. But, the closer she got to the bottom of the stairs, the more a very particular and unpleasant smell became apparent.
"Merlin..." she exaggerated his name as she wafted her hand in front of her face, attempting to dispel the absolutely horrid odor. "Did a bloody rat get trapped down here and die?!"
There stood Sebastian in the dead-center of the room - his torso leaned across the table with his eyes wide, his cheeks beet-red, and his fist balled-up and covering his mouth while he stood as still as stone. "Don't know what you're talking about," he muttered, stifling back a tight-lipped laugh. "I can't smell a thing."
"You don't smell that?" her nostrils flared as she inhaled, this time deeper, and she couldn't figure out why, exactly, Sebastian was practically convulsing where he stood. She took a few steps closer, the stench slowly dissipating as she looked around the room in hopes of spotting the source. "You have to smell it, Sebas—"
"No." He responded swiftly, choosing to breeze off her concerns and change the subject entirely. "You're uh, you're here early."
"Professor Binns let us go earlier than anticipated..." she started, having a seat across from him and no longer thinking about the stench that once was. "He spent half of the class talking about nonsense. Honestly, you'd think that if he weren't a ghost, he'd be made of nothing but hot air. Are...you alright? You're acting strange."
All he did was shake his head 'no', turn away, then burst into a fit of laughter -  which left her more confused than she already had been...until Sebastian began to apologize profusely while on the verge on tears, just before dropping his head to the table, and ripping a copious amount of raw and unfiltered ass.
The poor girl sat there, unfazed at first. It was nothing but noise - a hearty, rippling noise that left her slightly disgusted, and now regretting ever stepping foot in the Undercroft. "Sebastian Sallow, you're disgusting."
"I'm sorry!" he wheezed, and just like a clap from Uranus himself, Sebastian broke wind again - but this time it was more thunderous, and it echoed off the walls and the pillars and every solid surface, leaving her with mere seconds until she was dusted in a stench so foul she was sure it would linger on her robes for days to come.
"...that is fucking mephitic." her muffled chides were barely audible between the layers of her sleeves and the hand that fought to keep the odor away from her olfactory senses. "What did you eat at lunch? I've told you a hundred times that eating that much cheese wasn't good for you!"
Against her better judgement, she moved her hand away from her nose and went to speak again, but the only sound that came out was a wretch and a gag - but from Sebastian? It was nothing but raucous laughter.
"I said I was sorry!"
No longer was she thinking about studying, or do anything with him in the rancid hot-box he'd made, and she certainly wasn't thinking about their outing the next day. The only thing she could think about was how the longer she stayed, the longer she was marinating in his noxious fumes - and she didn't want any part of that.
"No, no, no..." his intention was to stop her from leaving, to maybe hook his fingers in the hood of her robe, or stop her with a bear hug from behind, knowing she wouldn't be able to escape.
But that wasn't necessary.
As he dashed around the table, the last wispy remnants of his pent-up flatulence made itself known in the form of a tight, peppy little squeak - and this time, she couldn't help but giggle.
"Are you laughing?" Sebastian asked, doing his damnedest to fight back laughter of his own.
"...no." but it was clear that she was lying.
He grabbed her by the shoulders and turned her around, forcing her to look him dead in the eye. Hers were filled with tears, and her cheeks were more red than his ever were. They laughed and laughed, until no more sound came from their mouths (specifically), and they were sure their sides had split.
"I'm sorry..." Sebastian was laid across the floor, his arm across his stomach as he looked up at the ceiling, wiping away the tears that crested down his cheeks while letting out an occasional chuckle. "I didn't want to do that in front of you, but you're here early than expected, and I thought I had time to get it all out."
Did she fully believe him? Of course not. This wasn't the first time he'd acted so uncouth in front of her, and she was positive it wouldn't be the last - but, after it was all said, or, well, sounded off and done, the couple had a silly little memory that she knew they'd never forget, and something to laugh at for hopefully years to come.
"It's alright," she started as she helped lift him from the floor, hoping the age old 'Pull my finger' trick wouldn't apply. "But for the love of Merlin, please stop eating so much cheese at lunch."
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dragons-bones · 1 year
FFXIV Write Entry #5: Levin Deals
Prompt: barbarous || Master Post || On AO3
“You are completely lacking manners,” Aymeric said, voice dry and flat. “Utterly bereft of decorum and good sense.”
Affronted, Ixion snorted.
“Don’t you sass me, sir.”
Behind him in her lounging chair, Synnove stifled a laugh. Aymeric pointed at her without looking. “And you stay out of this!”
Synnove stopped bothering trying to hide her amusement at that.
The yard and its garden—both the myriad flowers and the kitchen garden—were typically Synnove’s domain at her Cedarwood home, but over the years, Aymeric had developed an affinity for tending the kitchen garden. The simplicity of digging in the soil, trimming back the herbs in their pots, keeping the rows of vegetables free of weeds, even readying the empty beds for winter, were chores that soothed his mind when the work of governance set him on edge. His developed green thumb proved useful, too, now that Synnove was still in recovery from her injuries and horrific aethershock sustained from the Final Day; she simply couldn’t do most of the work of keeping her home in order until she regained more of her strength.
His lady was also horribly indulgent of the overgrown colt that constantly snuck through the skies all the way from Gyr Abania to eat his vegetables.
Aymeric used the same finger he had pointed at Synnove to jab Ixion’s muzzle. The great unicorn jerked his head back with another snort, and glared at him with one baleful red eye.
Aymeric had regularly faced the might of the Dravanian Horde his adult life, and now regularly butted heads with the worst sorts of nobles and politicians in Ishgard. A spoiled unicorn, living legend or not, was not going to cow him.
Amandina, perched between Ixion’s ears and with only her head visible above the fluff of his mane, chittered, He says your dam was a hamster and your sire smelt of elderberries. Papa, what’s a hamster?
(Synnove’s laughter turned to outright cackling.)
“My mama was a saint and my da a gentleman, and I’ll thank you to leave the questions of my parentage out of this discussion,” Aymeric bit out, crossing his arms.
Ixion whickered, dipping his head, and Amandina peeped, He says sorry!
(Trust one the carbunclets to figure out how to communicate with a god’s steed or a Mhachi experiment or whatever Ixion actually was via “sympathetic aetherial resonance” as Synnove had put it, and we’re both levin! as Amandina had said.)
Sighing, Aymeric dragged his hand down his face. He’d been at this for over half a bell now, since discovering Ixion rampaging among the tomatoes and beets and radishes. And Ixion had been decimating the kitchen garden on a semi-regular basis for a few years now. It was far too late to actually put a stop to this, but he wasn’t going to let Rhalgr’s steed rule the roost.
Therefore: compromise.
He set his gaze on Ixion again and said, firm, “I’ll set aside one row of vegetables of your choice if you leave the rest of the kitchen garden alone.”
Ixion flicked an ear and pawed the ground. Once, twice, thrice, four times, five.
Aymeric clucked his tongue and shook his head. “No. Two.”
Ixion pinned his ears back and flared his nostrils.
Aymeric raised an eyebrow.
Ixion’s ears slowly half-perked again, and he pawed at the ground. Once, twice, thrice, four times.
Aymeric shook his head once more. “Two, final offer.”
Ixion grumbled, tossing his head (Amandina squealed in delight), then turned his head to look him straight on with one eye. He raised his hoof up, set it down. And, after another moment of thought, pawed at the ground. Once. Twice. Thrice.
Aymeric made a show of narrowing his eyes and tapping his chin, even as mentally he patted himself on the back. Three had been his initial thought, but the intelligent man did not let his opponent know his full hand in a negotiation. “Acceptable,” he finally said, and held out his hand.
Ixion tapped his palm with his horn. Deal sealed.
Synnove clapped behind him. Amandina cheered, then peeped as Ixion did a victorious piaffe as though he was the winner, Papa? What’s a hamster?
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inlovewithquotes · 2 years
"Ladies and gentlemen," Colin announced, his strong, confident voice booming throughout the hall, "I would like to propose a toast to the most remarkable woman in the world."
A low murmur spread across the room, and Penelope stood frozen, watching everyone watching her
"I am a newlywed," Colin continued, beguiling the partygoers with his lopsided smile, "and therefore you are all required to indulge me in my lovesick ways."
Friendly laughter rippled through the crowd.
"I know that many of you were surprised when I asked Penelope Featherington to be my wife. I was surprised myself."
A few unkind titters wafted through the air, but Penelope held herself perfectly still, completely proud. Colin would say the right thing. She knew he would. Colin always said the right thing.
"I wasn't surprised that I had fallen in love with her," he said pointedly, giving the crowd a look that dared them to comment, "but rather that it had taken so long. I've known her for so many years, you see," he continued, voice softening, " and somehow I'd never taken the time to look inside, to see the beautiful, brilliant, witty woman she'd become."
Penelope could feel the tears trickling down her face, but she couldn't move. She could barely breathe. She had expected him to reveal her secret, and instead he was giving her this incredible gift, this spectacular declaration of love.
"Therefore," Colin said, "with all of you here as my witnesses, I would like to say--Penelope--" he turned to her, taking her free hand in his and said: "I love you. I adore you. I worship the ground you walk upon."
He turned back to the crowd, lifted his glass, and said, "to my wife!"
"To your wife!" they all boomed, caught up in the magic of the moment.
Colin drank, and Penelope drank, even though she couldn't help but wonder when he was going to tell them all the real reason for this announcement.
"Put down your glass, dear," he murmured, plucking it from her fingers and setting it aside.
"You interrupt far too much," he scolded, and then he swept her into a passionate kiss, right there on the balcony in front of the entire ton.
"Colin!" she gasped, once he gave her a chance to breathe. He grinned wolfishly as their audience roared its approval.
"Oh, and one last thing!" he called to the crowd. They were now stamping their feet, hanging on his every word.
"I'm leaving the party early. Right now, as a matter of fact." He shot a wicked, sideways grin at Penelope. "I'm sure you'll all understand."
The men in the crowd hooted and hollered as Penelope turned beet red.
"But before I do, I have one last thing to say. One last little thing, in case you still don't believe me when I tell you that my wife is the wittiest, cleverest, most enchanting woman in all of London."
"Nooooo!" came a voice from the back, and Penelope knew it was Cressida. But even Cressida was no match for the crowd, none of whom would let her pass, or even listen to her cries of distress.
"You might say that my wife has two maiden names," he said thoughtfully. "Of course you all knew her as Penelope Featherington, as did I. But what you didn't know, and what even I was not clever enough to figure out until she told me herself...."
He paused waiting for the silence to fall over the room.
"....is that she is also the brilliant, the witty, the breathtakingly magnificent--- Oh, you all know who I am talking about," he said, his arm sweeping out toward the crowd.
"I give you my wife!" he said, his love and pride flowing across the room. "Lady Whistledown!"
For a moment there was nothing but silence. It was almost as if no one even dared to breathe.
And then it came. Clap. Clap. Clap. Slow and methodical, but with such force and determination that everyone had to turn and look to see who had dared to break the shocked silence.
It was Lady Danbury.
-Romancing Mister Bridgerton
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liminalpebble · 1 year
Eddie's Education: Chapter 4
Masterlist link
Minors DNI
As Eddie's van trundled through the heavy curtains of rain, he'd run out of things to say, so he was fidgeting instead, heart ready to thump out of his chest.
He didn't like the dark, the rain, the thunder storms; not after the crimson lightening and deafening thunder claps of the upside down, not after trekking through the cold endless nights of terrain like sinewy tar pits as his wounds stung with every step, always running on adrenaline and fight or flight, desperately seeking an exit. It was still hard to believe that it was all real, but if he ever doubted it, he could see and feel the scars to remind himself. Actually, he used to enjoy the night time most of all, and watching thunderstorms under the awning with his Uncle Wayne, swigging coffee from one of their many collected mugs and shootin' the shit until well after sunset, but those were more innocent days. Now just the vermilion wash of a stoplight gave him shivers, reminding him of that red-flashing sky.
Of course, his heart was also thumping from nerves, worried about his tutor; someone he was hoping to consider his friend (though he wouldn't dare get his hopes up for more). She was so quiet sitting there beside him, an expression of defeat drawn over her dark almond-shaped eyes like a curtain. She seemed so soft and so small, balled up in the passenger seat with her head against the window. He was dying to hold her.
As he pulled up to the spot outside her building and cut the engine, he heard sniffing and hiccuping just barely beneath the slashing din of the storm, and turned to see her sobbing.
“Oh...hey hey hey!” he prattled, suddenly forgetting his fears. He twisted in his seat to face her and fished his bandanna from his pocket, handing it to her.
“Thank you. I'm so sorry, Eddie. I'm being a baby,” she gasped out, rubbing her eyes with the soft cotton. “Thanks for the lift. I'll see you Thursday.”
“Hey!” He said holding her arm gently. “I'm not gonna let you go off to cry your eyes out alone, sweetheart. You've listened to me enough. Talk to me.”
“I shouldn't. I'm already on thin ice.”
“Leia, look at me. I won't tell anyone. I promise. Get it off your chest.”
Looking into his guileless brown eyes, she knew he meant it to the core. “I just...I've worked so hard to get my Master's, to be a good teacher and...and be taken seriously and it's just never enough. I've jumped all the hurdles in record time...tried to live up an insane standard, even though all my life no one had much faith in me. I get talked down to like a child. I'm up to my eyeballs in student debt,” she looked around and shrugged “and I don't have anything or anyone here in the ass end of nowhere...no offense,” she quickly added, worried that Eddie might take her comment personally.
“Nah, don't be sorry. You're right. This place is a shithole.”
She let out a little bark of laughter at that, wet eyes meeting his.
“I just feel so alone. The way people look at me here, like I'm an alien...just because I don't have a last name they recognize, or because I don't give a fuck about the local teams making the play-offs...”
“Or because you'd rather sit home reading Tolkien than going to the games,” Eddie added.
She knit her dark brows together in confusion. “How did you know I like Tolkien?”
He turned beet red. “Oh...Uh...I saw The Silmarillion on Book Mountain the first day.”
She laughed again, and it dislodged a few more tears, about to drip from her chin, onto her clothes. Without thinking, Eddie reached over to catch them, stroking them off her chin as he cradled her cheek. His eyes went wide with panic as he thought, oh fuck...oh fuck...that was weird, Eddie. That was a weird thing to do. You shouldn't have done that. Even as he thought this, he realized, to his horror that his hand wasn't moving from her face. In fact, she had closed her eyes, relaxed, her thick black lashes glossed with tears, lips and cheeks rosy from sobbing. He felt a little guilty thinking that she looked so pretty when she cried, that her skin felt so soft, and her lips looked so delicious, like a ripe wet apple. Her shoulders slumped in relief, leaning into his touch.
This feels so good...so right, Leia thought; the way the callouses on his fingers grazed gently over her jaw in little soothing strokes, as if he was terrified to hurt her with his rough hand. The cool smooth metal of his rings calmed her flushed skin. Then her heart sank as she thought, but it isn't right. It isn't right to lean on him. I'm the teacher, he's the student. I would be abusing my power.
“Sorry!” they yelped to each other simultaneously after being lost in the moment, as if they both touched a hot stove.
“It's just there was a little...” Eddie stammered.
“It's okay, Eddie. Thank you,” she said, smiling as she reassuringly patted his forearm, which was now bare without his jacket. With a start, she remembered that she was still wearing it and said “Oh...here you go,” passing it back to him.
“You sure, sweetheart? It's still coming down out there.”
“It's fine...it's fine. I'm like two steps from the door. Thank you Eddie, for listening...for everything.”
“No problem...it's nothing,” he said with a little dismissive wave. “Anytime, seriously...oh here,” he said grabbing a scrap of receipt and a pen from the littered dashboard and scribbling his phone number”.
“Eddie...I can't...”
“Seriously, call me. You shouldn't be alone in this town. There are other weirdos like us if you know where to look. Hawkins is your home now. It should feel like one.”
She nodded, tucking the little slip in her backpack, then looking him in the eye. “Goodnight, Eddie.”
He let out a breath he didn't realized he'd been holding as he said, “Goodnight, Miss Vespero.”
She giggled at that, and in a flash she was out the door, and in the lobby of her building, waving to him. He waved back, giving her a big silly grin which would be plastered to his face the rest of the evening, and most of the next day.
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bridgertonbabe · 2 years
Ended up in a old hollywood rabbit hole (as you do on a Monday trying to avoid writing essays) & I feel like there was a scenario in one of the HP books where someone got cursed & started tap dancing or something like that 😅
Anywho, imagine a situation gone wrong which leaves the Awesome Foursome like:
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Yes I've been laughing to myself for way too long 😂 so, how did the four end up like that & did the curse wear off or did someone else step in to help them? 😂🙈
Omg 😂😂😂
So Michael was actually the one who cast the spell.
They had all just finished their final NEWT exam and as they were relaxing by the lake Michael jumped to his feet and demanded they celebrate the official end of their Hogwarts education. His three friends all gave weak cheers and fist pumps from where they lay on the grass, too tired to give any more of a response than that.
Unsatisfied, Michael plucked Sophie up from the ground and forced her into a dance, spinning her around as she squealed at him to put her down. Amused by Sophie's indignation, Colin decided to join his partner in crime and jumped to his feet to join in on the lively dancing.
With Colin now joining in, Phillip was the only one not taking part. Colin tried beckoning him to dance with them but Phillip stoically refused in favour of basking in the sun.
Michael, on the other hand, had a different approach. He waved his wand in Phillip's direction and a second later Phillip suddenly jumped to his feet and began dancing, his limbs moving about in a mirror image of what Michael was doing.
"Michael!" Phillip snapped as his body continued to dance with a mind of it's own. "Stop it, you dick!"
"But Phil, you're having so much fun now!" Michael grinned and broke out into a little tap number - which Phillip copied.
"Michael, please!" Phillip begged, his face growing red with mounting frustration and mortification.
There were fellow NEWT students as well as OWL students who were enjoying the afternoon summer sun after finishing their exams, and while there weren't many people milling about near them, it didn't mean Phillip was any less embarrassed by the whole humiliation of it all.
"Michael, enough!" Sophie cried out, wrenching herself free from being dragged about in dancing by Colin. "It's not fair to single Phil out!"
"Hm. Fair point." Michael shrugged and waved his wand again - but rather than ending Phillip's suffering, he now had two of his friends under his dastardly dancing control.
"Michael!" Sophie exclaimed as she too began partaking in the elaborate tap dance against her will.
The sight of the three of them dancing in perfect coordination made Colin guffaw, bending over and slapping his thigh from the amusement of it all.
"Colin, please stop him! This isn't funny!" Sophie whined as Michael implemented jazz hands onto her and Phillip.
But Colin did nothing to come to their aid, being far too lost in his laughter at the spectacle.
"You gonna join us, Col?" Michael asked.
"Nah, you're alright." Colin cackled. "It's much more fun watching than partaking."
"We'll see about that." Michael smirked and Colin's face dropped - and one wand wave later Colin had unwillingly joined the dancing foray.
"Oh. My god."
Colin, Phillip, and Sophie all turned beet red and as Michael spun around, they all did too and came face to face with Posy and Daphne. The OWL students both had their mouths wide open at the sight of the dancing.
"Come on, guys! Lets put on a show!" Michael laughed at his friends and led them in a high-stepping musical number, which left both Posy and Daphne in fits of laughter.
"Daph, don't just stand there! Do something!" Colin hollered at his sister as Michael had them all marching in a line.
Daphne did do something. She got her camera out and began to film as Posy clapped along.
The hell Michael's victims were enduring continued for several more minutes until he wrapped up their show-stopping number and at long last relieved them from the curse he had put them under. He braced himself for the hexes he would receive in return (or even the physical beating he surely had coming to him).
Both Colin and Phillip turned to him with mutinous gazes and went to grab their wands from their pockets - until they heard a burst of laughter and turned to find Sophie doubled over. Despite the embarrassing ordeal she had just endured, now that she was out of it, she suddenly realised just how ridiculous and silly it had been and she couldn't help but laugh.
Colin and Phillip stared at her as she snorted and wheezed with hysterical laughter and within seconds they were laughing too. Sophie's amusement was infectious as Michael, Posy, and Daphne all joined in. They must have made for a right old sight, cackling like a pack of hyenas, but not a single one of them cared.
Eventually Sophie managed to calm down enough to give Michael a hug, thanking him for cheering things up like he always did, and Colin and Phillip joined in on the group hug (thought it wasn't without affectionate mutterings of him being a little shit).
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HJDJSJH I remember reading about Artem's reaction to MC singing along to 34+35 or something like that (I think it was from artemelle?) So could I please request Vyn's reaction to MC/ his s/o singing along to 34+35 by Ariana Grande in this car? I'm just curious to hear your thoughts/headcanons you have, it doesn't have to be a full fanfic or anything. Cheers!
- Krypton
Thank you for feeding the ideas gremlin
I took a bit of liberty to move the setting to NXX Headquarters instead of the car
I'm not too used to headcanons yet so please take this fic
And yes since this is Vyn Richter we're talking about, this is (WARNING: NSFW, do not click, interact if minor etc etc)
Poor Rosa had a tendency to sing out loud the last song she listened to whenever she reached peak stress levels at work.
First, it manifested as a humming as she compiled articles of past cases in Artem's office.
As the hours went on, specifically after Artem had proposed alterations of approach with one of their more difficult clients, song lyrics start to slip out from time to time, as she starts singing under her breath.
Her singing voice wasn't unpleasant, not at all. Sometimes it was a welcome distraction. However she was still in Artem's office, and the eponymous main occupant of the office was also present, bearing witness to Rosa's singing of the word Fuck.
Can you stay up all night
Fuck me til the daylight
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"Good lord." Artem watched Rosa blurt out a pathetic jumble of apologies, excuses, the I'm really sorry it's just that I'm having a bad case of LSS and I can't get it out of my head I'm sorrys before banging the door leading to his office closed behind her.
It took a few seconds to sink in before Artem, his face going beet red, buried his face in his hands.
NXX Headquarters. Meeting Room.
Rosa was sure that at 3 PM on a Wednesday, no one was using the premises, and she had exclusive use of the office for the day.
Having worked with the men for months, Rosa already knew their schedules to heart: Luke was away doing NSB duties until well into the evening. Marius would be babysitting the board members of his family conglomerate well until 7 PM. Vyn would be in the university doing lectures, and at 6 PM he would be doing his rounds in his research center. And Artem...she left him back in the office.
And so, she laid out her temporary workstation on the large table, and for good measure, turned up the volume of her laptop's music player.
Her fingertips swiftly flutter across the keyboard, a fierce wave of productivity crashing over her, now that she was comfortable with the fact that there was no one around to bear witness to her embarrassing tendency to sing out loud her stress, lyrics raunchy or not.
Baby you might need a seatbelt when I ride it
I’mma leave it open like a door, come inside it
Even though I’m wifey you can hit it like a side chick
Don’t need no side dick, no
This went on for at least 2 hours.
Aaaaaand Save. Rosa smiled, triumphant. It only took her a couple of hours to complete her revisions, with a few more to spare left to unwind.
Fuck me til the daylight
34 35
Means I wanna 69 with ya
Aww shit
It was needless to say that she felt proud of herself. Maybe I should hijack the NXX Headquarters the next crunch ti--
The sound of slow clapping emanated from the other end of the room.
No way.
With an acute feeling of dread thudding her heart against her rib cage, Rosa slowly turned to the source of the sound.
Dr. Vyn Richter was leaning by the open doorway, still wearing his white laboratory coat, a plastic bag of convenience store snacks hanging from his arm. His usual gentle smile was replaced by something quite...unreadable.
"How--how long you've been here?" Rosa stammered, now truly mortified.
"Long enough to hear you sing along to the song on loop at least three times." Still the same unreadable smile obscuring his golden gaze.
Yes, Rosa was now well and truly mortified.
"I do not understand why you should be so flustered. I am already well familiar with your tendency to sing out loud while you are experiencing work-related stress." Vyn's voice was slow and measured, not exactly devoid of warmth, but there was clearly something.
There would be some moments when Rosa--nor anyone else, for that matter--could not figure out what the man was thinking at the time. This would be one of those moments.
Vyn smiled as he placed his plastic bag of convenience store groceries on the table. "Or are you perhaps embarrassed at your choice of music?" He chuckled to himself. "There is no need for that. Do not forget that I dabbled with EDM onstage."
Without waiting for a reply from Rosa, he disappeared into the NXX server room.
A couple of minutes later, the lights in the headquarters had considerably dimmed, as if the main power source has been cut off with the emergency lights taking over the task of illuminating the premises.
Only the server room remained fully functional.
Rosa had noticed that the pilot light of her laptop has gone out as well. Is there a power outage? At this time?
"Vyn," Rosa called out, "I think the power's gone out--"
"Never you worry," Vyn said, his strangely serene smile still on his face as he emerged out of the server room. "That was me.
"I only switched off the main power." Hands in his pockets, he walked slowly towards Rosa. "Let us pick up the conversation again. Why were you so flustered upon finding out that I listened to your singing?"
His steps were slow, languid, and in the sudden dimness of the room his gold eyes flashed.
Just like a cat. A predatory cat.
"Well, um," Rosa was now confused as to why Vyn was insisting on getting an answer on such a trivial question. "Because the lyrics was...was on the lewd side...?"
"Hoh, interesting," Vyn's steps stop right behind Rosa's chair. He then grabbed the backrest of her swivel chair and turned it so she faced him.
"Vyn..." she gulped, her body becoming increasingly hot, the once light, comforting ambiance of having exclusive use of the expansive room now being replaced with a palpable tension caused by the man towering over her.
"If the power is out...the electronic doors wouldn't work, either...?" Rosa asked, slightly unnerved.
"Exactly. No one can go out." Vyn then slams his hands on the table behind Rosa, trapping her in his arms. One of his knees bend and rest on Rosa's chair, right between her thighs.
"And most importantly, no one can come in." His breath, panting ever so slightly, is hot and moist against her ear.
Rosa's eyes widen, finally realizing what was going on. Vyn was actually turned on by the song.
Before the thought fully sinks in Vyn's lips crash onto hers in a violent kiss, his tongue lashing hungrily against hers, their breaths mingling in their heady embrace.
Despite her initial confusion Rosa eventually found herself pulling Vyn by the lapels of his lab coat, returning his kissing with equally heated fervor.
She had yet to fully find out what exactly pushes her lover's buttons, but it was always a welcome break whenever something pushed one of his invisible little switches that turn the generally well-mannered, detached doctor to someone more...primal.
"If I tell you how I want to deal with my work stress, right now," Vyn murmured as he took a break from drawing wet, sloppy circles at the back of Rosa's nape with the tip of his tongue, "will you indulge me?"
Having reduced to putty in his arms, Rosa could only acquiesce. "Mm. Tell me?" She was subconsciously grinding her arousal against Vyn's knee.
Vyn licked his lips with his tongue sensuously, while maintaining eye contact with the woman who drove him quite mad.
"Let us do what you were...singing about."
The only sounds that could be heard in the dimly-lit NXX meeting room were muffled moaning and lewd, wet noises.
Vyn had assured Rosa that the power to the CCTV cameras were also cut along with the lights.
So there would be nothing to record the image of them lying on the cold, hard floor, with only Vyn's white lab coat spread out underneath them as a poor replacement for proper bedding.
There should also be nothing to record the unbelievably lewd manner she was grinding her sex against Vyn's hungry mouth, open just wide enough to let his tongue run along the length of her slit while two fingers gently nudge that sweet spot inside her in a maddening rhythm.
"Vyn..." Rosa moaned, feeling that tell-tale heavy, warm sensation gathering heavily in her loins.
The man underneath her pauses long enough to air out his need. "Please..."
Powering through the slowly-building wave of pleasure coursing throughout all her nerves, she lowers her mouth and wraps her wet lips around his shaft, feeling it twitch against the ministrations of her tongue.
She then lifts her lips just enough to let her tongue swirl around Vyn's tip, as her saliva-wet hand strokes the length left neglected by her hot lips.
"Please...do not stop," Vyn's voice was already strained with sheer need, his own hips now grinding against her mouth.
Vyn then switches up the licking to sucking and oh did that send Rosa over the edge with a cry--she was about to momentarily let go of his hardness when his hand firmly pushes her head back down, as he violently shot his seed directly into her throat.
The next day, Luke and Marius were going over the control panel in the NXX server room.
"Yeah. I really can't tell what happened for the main power to be cut." Luke said as he inspected the panels, running diagnostics trying to troubleshoot the cause of the mysterious power interruption that was isolated to the NXX meeting room only.
"At least the servers weren't affected." Marius crossed his arms. "This hasn't happened before. I wonder..."
"I will speak with the utility contractor later about this matter," Vyn said as he lifted the little vacuum robot out of its spot just right underneath one of the server racks. "Oh? This is a rather odd place for this thing to wander in."
Marius's brows furrowed. "Strange," then to Luke, he asked "Do you think this little guy may have tripped over something and caused the power to go out?"
"Mm. Dunno, can't say anything definite yet."
"Ah, poor little thing," Rosa cooed at the vacuum robot as she took it from Vyn's arms. "Being blamed for something...naughty."
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bunnygirlkate · 3 years
Truth or Dare: Tokoyami x reader
Genre: Fluff (but with sexually suggestive themes)
~1.9k words
Setting: you're in the UA dorms with the rest of your classmates just hanging around, watching videos, playing cards, etc. It's after dinner but too early for bed.
"Guuuyysss! I'm so boorrreeddd" groans Mina. I wanna play a game, something we can all play!
"I'm down for a game, what should we play?" asks Sero. "How about truth or dare?" says Mineta, with an eyebrow raised and that annoying sexually suggestive tone in his voice. Tsu, Ochaco, and Jiro scoff at him, knowing he's thinking something perverted. "Actually… that’s not a bad idea, it could be fun" Mina says. Mineta nods and smirks. He's about to say something but Ochaco jumps in first:
"I’m fine with that, but only if we play a pg-13 version…". 
Everyone in the common area shrugs in agreement, with the exception of Mineta who looks defeated.
 "I'm not usually one to take part in such social games, however, I've got nothing better to do since Shoji and I ran out of card games. I shall join just this once" says Tokoyami.
You like the idea of playing truth or dare, but you're a little nervous. You have a secret crush on Tokoyami. You two have been in the same class for a while but it wasn’t until recently that you started developing a crush on him after you two were paired up for an assignment. To avoid any awkwardness, you try to hide your feelings from him and your other classmates. You're afraid of someone asking you a truth or daring you to do something that would make you look foolish in front of him. Nevertheless, you join the circle with your classmates to play the game. Since there was so many of you (pretty much the whole class), the circle was fairly big.
"Alright" Mina says, clapping her hands together once to get everyone's attention. "Here's how we'll do this… I'll be the host, which means that I'll be asking the questions or giving out dares, but you're welcome to speak up if you come up with a really good truth or dare for someone. Once you receive your truth or dare, you must go through with it! No changing your mind or chickening out! And as Ochaco said before, everything has to be pg-13." Everyone glares at Mineta and Denki who are sitting next to each other in the circle, quietly plotting loopholes through the pg-13 rule. Everyone then nods in agreement to the rules.
Mina goes around the circle asking each person "Truth or Dare" first is Ochaco. She picks truth and Mina asks her who she thinks has the lamest quirk in the class. She's reluctant to respond in fear of hurting anyone's feelings, but eventually she reveals that she thinks Aoyama's quirk is the lamest. Mina quickly goes through Hagakure, Momo, Iida, and Jiro, who all pick truth. She gets to Denki and he's the first to be brave enough to pick dare. Before Mina can talk. Jiro asks her if she can offer the dare.
"Denki, I dare you to… charge my phone!" everyone laughs while Denki, looking very unamused, takes her phone and cord to charge it.
Bakugo is next and of course he picks dare. Instead of making him do something stupid, Mina dares him to 'smile like he means it'. Bakugo is irritated by the boring request and gives a sheepish, forced smile. "Jeez dude, is like you’ve never smiled before…" says Denki, with the phone cord still in his mouth. "shut up, phone charger! I know how to smile! … I just don’t want to". Responds Bakugo, muttering under his breath toward the end. Everyone lets out a soft chuckle.
Its Shoto's turn now and he chooses truth. Again, another student besides Mina offers up a question. 
"I got one for ya, Todoroki" says Denki. "you have to answer honestly. I'm sure we've all been wondering this… do the curtains match the drapes?"
"Hey! That’s not pg-13" yells Mina.
"It’s not like I’m asking him to show us!" says Denki! "It’s just a yes or no question." he smirks. 
"Fine, I'll allow it" says Mina as she crosses her arms.
Shoto stares at Denki for a few moments then responds "I don’t think I understand the question" 
"I believe he is asking about the interior design of your home." says Iida.
"No man, he's asking if the color of your pubes matches the hair on your head" explains Kirishima. 
Shoto blushes slightly and looks down to the floor. "I don’t know why you'd want to know that, but since I'm required to respond truthfully… my pubic hair is mostly white… I think there's a few strands of red hair" he says, still looking at the floor and rubbing his neck with his hand. 
"That was a bit more truth then I was asking for, but okay!" says Denki. 
Shoto looks around the circle to see averted eyes and slightly blushed cheeks (mostly from the girls).
Mina goes through a few more classmates before she gets to you. "Truth or Dare, Y/N?" 
"I'll try a dare" you say, after seeing that the previous dares weren't so bad and the truths were getting a bit to invasive for you.
"Sure thing, but I gotta be honest, I’m getting bored of my own prompts" Mina says, throwing in a fake a yawn. "I'm gonna give you something a little more…interesting." she says with a devilish look on her face as she stares you right in the eyes. 
Your brow starts to sweat as you become anxious at what she may ask you to do. "Y/N, I dare you… to kiss . your. crush. " she says, spacing out the words and saying them in a slightly melodic fashion.
Your face turns beet red as you realize, not only is she asking you to kiss someone (let along the person you like!), but she's also asking you to reveal your feelings to him and everyone watching. You look at her, your mouth open in surprise. 
"You have to do it! It’s in the rules!" Mina says. 
You look down at your lap, still beet red. "I know, I know" you respond. 
You pick your head up and purposely avoid eye contact with Tokoyami, who is sitting across from you in the circle. You and your classmates sat there in silence as you tried to figure out how you were going to do this in a way that was least awkward as possible. 
You finally say "Okay, I’ll do it. But I need everyone to close their eyes, actually, cover them with your hands too so I know nobody’s peeking. While your eyes are closed I'll walk over to the person and sit in front of them. Then I'll tell you when you can look… and that’s when I'll… kiss them…". 
You look around and everyone expresses understanding in some way. Some nod, some give a thumbs up, some say ok. You make sure everyone's eyes are covered. Before you stand up to make your way over to him, you look at Tokoyami covering his eyes with both hands, sitting cross legged, slightly slouched over. So many thoughts rush through your mind as you admire him from afar.
'I can’t believe I’m about to do this. He’s so cute. How do I kiss a beak? What if he doesn’t like me? What if he thinks it’s weird that I have a crush on him!? Oh my god I can’t do this. Ugh. No. I just have to get this over with'
You finally stand up, making your way over to Tokoyami slowly and quietly so that your classmates can’t use their other senses to try and guess where you are. You quietly sit down in front of him, trying to keep your breathing light so he doesn’t sense you're there until your ready. You look at him with his eyes still covered, admiring his appearance up close. You want him to know you're there before everyone else sees. So before you tell everyone to open their eyes, you gently reach up to touch his hands that are resting on his face. His hands twitch slightly, probably because he's surprised that his hands are being touched, or surprised that your sitting in front of him. 
You take his hands into yours and move them away from his face. He opens his eyes, blinking a few times, his beak slightly gaped open. He looks you in the eyes, they're wide with surprise. Your face is still red, but you offer him a small smile. 
"Ok, you all can open your eyes now" you say.
Everyone eagerly looks toward the direction of your voice. Some look surprised, others express a mix of joy and awe. "I knew it!" Mina exclaimed. 
'So this was just a set up, huh?' You think to yourself. 
Tokoyami clears his throat "Y/N, you must be mistaken, I think you’ve got the wrong person…" he says. A bit of confidence flowed through you as you said
"No, I think I've got just the right guy.”
Someone in the circle begins chanting. "kiss, kiss, kiss!" Your eyes meet his again, silently asking for consent. Tokoyami nods to express consent, though still looking surprised. Your hand reaches up to caress and hold underneath of his beak (where his chin would be). As your face moves closer and closer to his, you both close your eyes, and you plant a firm yet gentle kiss on the tip of his beak. It was a bit more then than a peck, lasting about 3 seconds. Everyone cheers.
You end the kiss and take your hand away from his face. Tokoyami looks a bit flustered, its difficult to see him blushing, but you notice that the base of his beak is a bit brighter and slightly more orange. "I'm truly honored, Y/N" Tokoyami says in his deep voice. You give him another small smile, then make your way back to you empty spot on the other side of the circle.
The game goes on, you and Tokoyami share glances every now and then as other students answer their truths or perform their dares. Once Tokoyami's turn came around, he chose truth. 
"Tell us Tokoyami, who do you have a crush on?" asks Mina.
You were partially excited for him to say he has a crush on you, but you were also prepared to have your heart broken. There were so many other people at this school, he could have a crush on any one of them, and you two only had one true close interaction a few weeks ago.
"Well…" Tokoyami started "I'm not really the type to possess a crush on someone, but ever since I got to this school there's someone I've had my sights on". 
You listen with anticipation as he drags out his answer.
"and now I've realized that the feeling is mutual". He says, finishing his statement and giving you a short and flustered glance. 
Your heart filled with joy, although he didn’t directly answer the question by saying your name, you know he was talking about you. Many others in the circle didn’t understand, thus sitting in silence and confusion. Suddenly, Dark Shadow pops out and yells "He likes Y/N!" the class cheers for both of you again as you sit on opposite sides of the circle looking equally happy and embarrassed.
Authors Note: This is my first time writing anything like this, actually my first time writing fiction! I hope it’s acceptable.you can give feedback if you’d like.
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luvhollands · 3 years
Sibling material
Summary: You and your step-brother Peter are close, but too close.
Warning: Smut /// this is just a story - i don’t intend to make more plots like this in the future, but if this is a sensitive topic for you then im sorry, click away.
Probably not gonna post for a while after this.
"Peter we can't, we're gonna get c-caught," I whispered; his face was buried in my neck as he continued his brutal fucking. I bit my lip so hard to conceal the screams to the point I bled, our interaction first started when Aunt May and my dad started going out -  even if she was Peter’s Aunt; he told me the story of his real parents but I knew he looked up to Aunt May as his mother, she was a kind and thoughtful woman, hence why my dad decided to pop the big question during our usual family dinner. We moved in together to begin a new life as a happy family, until me and Peter got too close for sibling material. I never noticed how our behavior towards each other was unnatural until the hints started showing.
A few days ago... 
"Y/N? Have you seen my-" I was cuddled up in my bed, his massive Spiderman sweatshirt making me feel secured and warm. "Why do you have my sweatshirt?" He said in compassion rather than annoyance, I snuggled my face deeper into his smell. "Because I like wearing your clothes." He smiled sweetly but eventually knew it was time for me to give it up. "I need it, me and the boys are going out for basketball." I whined like a sad puppy - knowing it's his weakness. "If you want it so bad, come get it." Peter raised a perfect brow, turned slightly to close the door before snickering. "You're asking for it."
Or this... 
While getting dressed for family night, I decided to wear lace panties and a very tight t-shirt. I didn't hear my ‘brother’ walk in nor did I see his figure standing between my doorframe. "What do you have on?" I nearly jumped out of my skin, but calmed myself since it was him; I thought it was weird that he didn't at least knock first...but I haven't kicked him out my room yet, what a sign. "Is there a problem?" I giggled, bending down to retrieve my slippers. I stood up to see him staring directly at my ass - I put on a small show and wiggled my bum, the way his mouth watered. "Uh...just hurry up." He rushed out, face beet red.
And this...
I rushed home crying from the stress and irritation by everything and everyone. I didn't acknowledge Peter calling my name nor my parents as I slammed the door to my room. I threw myself on the bed and continued to ball my eyes out. "Y/N?" Peter’s angelic voice came from the other side. "G-go away!" I sobbed, soaking my pillow cases. "I can stay beside this door all night if I have to...so can you please open the door?" I sniffled while wiping my tears, getting up to unlock the door. Peter stood there like a guardian angel; he immediately pulled me into a hug as I out of instinct wrapped my arms tightly around him, I felt perfectly embraced by him as all my problems began to fade away slowly until I was focused on his affection. After a few moments he pulled away from me, gazing into my eyes - searching for something. "You look beautiful when you cry." He chuckled which made me smile. 
Now to this...
"Peter  we can't, we're gonna get c-caught," I whispered; his face was buried in my neck as he continued his brutal fucking. I bit my lip so hard to conceal the screams to the point I bled, he refused to listen to my cries until I couldn't cum anymore, we've been going at it for hours since our parents left for date night. I watched as his muscles flex through every thrust; feeling his massive tip brush against my cervix. I threw my head back in utter pleasure as skin clapping and the delicious sounds we made got louder, I felt his cock twitch inside me - signaling his approaching orgasm. I wasn't far behind him while his palms fondled my breasts, fingers pinching my sensitive nipples. "F-fuck!" With more forceful hits to my sweet spot I saw stars as we came; I gushed all over him until I felt the sheets become drenched. Peter painting my walls with his sticky goodness, I felt full. He pulled out and brought me into his arms, caressing me like a baby. "Did that happen?" I smirked before nodding. "How long can we keep this up for?" 
"Long as you want."
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pinkchanelbag · 3 years
THE BOY IS MINE. [i. midoriya]
cw: unedited. possessive reader? that’s about it.
wc: 1.3k.
note: based on ‘the boy is mine’ by brandy you should listen while you read hehe. ++ this might become a fic collection, like atne same trope/title written for multiple characters.
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it’s selfish, you know.
but you can’t help it.
not selfish that you want to walk up to him and pull him away from the bright-eyed fan who’s flush against his arm. not selfish at the heat you feel in your head at seeing the way her chest is right on him, and he’s got one hand scratching the back of his curly green head and the other hovering away from her, making speaking gestures while also keeping off her. those are all givens. it’s not jealousy, not envy. because he’s yours.
selfish because you remember not two years ago that he’d turn beet red if an admirer—and he had many, the oblivious kid—even looked in his direction. you know so; he hyperventilated through the entire first month of dating you. the deku from your first year would fall over on his ass and flood the floor in his sweat if a girl pushed up on him like this one is doing.
he’s grown. his hands don’t even flail anymore when she pulls this way and that on his bicep, like she’s trying to shake a reaction out of him. he’s still nervous, you can tell. likelihood is he always will be, but he’s grown. he can handle it now. he can handle lots of things, but girls being one of them is something that has your lip twitching.
from where you’re standing in line for the bus, you can see sero clap a hand on izuku’s shoulder and pull slightly back and away—away from the ketsubutsu second year desperately trying to get him to look down the top of her suit. sero easily yanks your boyfriend back into him in a seemingly friendly, easygoing way, slinging an arm over his shoulder. you don’t miss the way he bends down and looks to his side, behind izuku’s head, to say something out of view of the girl.
whatever it is, it has your boyfriend’s focus twitching in your direction. the briefest of eye contact. you know he can’t possibly miss the blank expression on your face, a clear sign of agitation. he looks away in an instant, only because sero smacks him on his nape before loudly bidding farewell to the girl and turning himself and izuku away towards their own bus.
you watch them go for a moment before you feel eyes on you. one languid blink, and you slowly turn your head back to the second-year, who stares with curious, appraising, almost innocent eyes. your face is stone, and she can’t keep looking for longer than two seconds before she’s self-consciously turning back to find her classmates.
you don’t see deku until later in the evening.
a greuling girls’ night doesn’t do much to calm your nerves. especially when mina inquires on what’s got your face looking sour, and when you reluctantly tell her, the way your friends scorn on your behalf only bolsters the irritation.
finally, nearly four hours after arriving home from the joint training session, the girls let you slip out. you’re rounding the corner into the common area, and he’s there, stocking up on protein bars to keep at his desk while he studies.
he hears an entrance and turns to look. in a matter of milliseconds, his face changes from curious to smiling to a deer caught in headlights, because hours later, you’re still making that face.
he doesn’t get a moment to speak before you’re pulling him to his room.
those dark emerald eyes are wide when they stare up at you. nervous, anticipatory. he doesn’t resist when he’s pushed gently into the mattress, or when you crawl on top of him and watch his face in something like quizzical contemplation.
for his part, you know he has no idea what it means to have a girl—other than you—look at him in that way. you know it takes him too long to register that someone can want him. in fact, somewhere in the back of your head, you remind yourself to buy sero lunch or something for his quick thinking.
“what?” he asks with impossibly soft eyes. even when he looks like he’s ready to run, he’s still got that kind set of his mouth and tone of his voice.
you lay your forehead on his hard chest and sigh deeply. deku is frozen, hands ghosting your hips.
yeah. selfish. but you also know that some of your weird, deep-rooted, hard to shake irritation is justified.
you’ve loved izuku for years. you loved him when he was the humble wreck that people looked at with no more than a raised brow. you loved him and watched him grow and you knew all the reasons he was worth knowing, and sharing a bed with, and planning a future with. you couldn’t be prouder, and you’re happy he’s finally being recognized like he deserves. he’s always deserved it.
so a girl who wouldn’t have ever looked in his direction before he became a stronger hero doesn’t deserve him.
doesn’t deserve to even think she has a chance. to be able to put her hands on him and enjoy being close to the projected number one hero of the new generation.
you lift your head back up, but keep your chin planted between his pecks. he’s still got that wide-eyed look on his face, but something changes. it’s like his eyes are adjusting to something, to you. he realizes whose face he’s looking at, and is somehow newly reminded of its loveliness. he smiles.
“did that bug you...? earlier?” he asks carefully. his hands come to rest on your hips as if stroking a hungry tiger.
you grunt quietly with your eyes closed. you’ll have to get used to this.
you’d probably never make your peace with seeing him being wanted. it’s selfish to almost miss when people underestimated him, when you had him to yourself. but you know that this means he’s getting stronger, and that’s more important than anything. the only solution is to be there with him. yours and deku’s relationship is discrete, but the way that that ketsubutsu girl found your eyes in the crowded line, there’s something that lets onto it. well. you’d let on some more, and make sure that anyone who thinks to get close to him that way ends up scurrying away under your gaze, just like that second-year.
“no one deserves you,” you finally mumble. under your chin, you feel a short intake of breath that’s held in while he formulates. after a few beats, he responds.
“you do.”
you think about that. there was a time where he would’ve countered that he doesn’t deserve you. you honestly thought his answer might be something along those lines. you’re glad that’s not the case. you want him to believe he deserves you.
and his words make more sense to you as each moment passes. you know that you deserve him too.
finally, your heart starts unclenching from its ball of agitation. you grunt again to acknowledge, and agree with, his words.
just as you’re about to scoot up and lay your cheek into his neck, you say one final thing.
one of your hands flattens beside him on the bed to lift you slightly and the other balls the front of his shirt. you pull him up by the fabric, and he’s wide-eyed again for a moment.
“you,” the t-shirt grip hand pulls his body closer, “are mine.”
deku grins with a sleepy, starstruck sort of look on his face. he finally wraps his arms around you with ease, not looking away from your face as he pulls you down with him.
“yes, ma’am.”
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romiantic · 4 years
hi hi!! may i request tanaka x fem!reader fluff where the reader is a new student at karasuno and he’s immediately interested!! thank you!!! (black reader obviously LOL)
𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐥𝐞 𝐦𝐲 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐟𝐭. 𝐫𝐲𝐮𝐧𝐨𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐞 𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐤𝐚
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reading: black!fem!reader
genre: fluff
request: hi hi!! may i request tanaka x fem!reader fluff where the reader is a new student at karasuno and he’s immediately interested!! thank you!!! (black reader obviously LOL)
a/n: I’m so sorry anon for the wait 😭 I really do hope you enjoy
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At first it started with Kiyoko giving you a tour of the gym
She invited you to watch the boys play a bit and you agree of course. She introduced you to Yachi as well
Nishinoya was the first one to point you to Tanaka
When Tanaka saw you, WHEW, his heart almost stopped
How did a gorgeous girl with such gorgeous features end up in Karasuno? Of all the schools you could’ve joined, Karasuno.
And what were you doing here? How did he end up blessed to see someone like you just sitting there, just there, chatting with the other two managers?
The way your long faux locs wrapped perfect into a mini bun while the rest laid flat on your back, your soft skin glistening well under the gym, and how your pearly whites and brown cheeks popped out when Kiyoko mentioned something funny to you and Yachi.
Stop, leave, he can’t take it anymore. His brain wasn’t used to this much beauty since he first saw Kiyoko.
Your beauty alone was making the boy short-circuit
Thankfully enough Nishinoya brought him back to reality
You took a small notice of him and softly smiled and waved at him
Damn it y/n you broke Tanaka 🤦🏾‍♀️ the only thing that helped him out was Daichi announcing their usual five-on-five practice match
Which he took the opportunity to show his skills off
Hopefully it goes well...for him
“Oi Tanaka!” Nishinoya jogged over to his skinhead friend, who was currently getting a drink of water. Nishinoya pulled him over to a secluded area, not too far away from the team. “You see that girl over there? Our lovely Kiyoko has struck again and brought us more beauty.” The short black/blonde was so heartstrung over you, you would’ve seen hearts show up on his pupils.
Tanaka took a deep breath and puffed out his chest, “You’re right Noya, let’s do this.”
The two jogged back over to the court and joined the rest of their team. Their vice captain clapped loudly to get everyone’s attention. Everyone turned their heads to see what the two captains needed.
Their captain called out, “Alright everyone form out, we’re starting out our usual five-on five game. Sugawara will be captain of one team and I will do the other. For my team, I’ll have Kageyama, Tsukishima, Ennoshita, and Nishinoya. Sugawara will have Hinata, Tanaka, Yamaguchi, and Asahi.”
“Yes, I’m with Tanaka!” Hinata shouted and clapped his hands with Tanaka. Nishinoya nudged him and gave him a wink, “You got this bro.” The two boys split ways and joined in with their team.
At first it was going well for Tanaka, you were intrigued by his mass amount of energy and how sharp he hits the ball. You also found how cool that he would ALWAYS motivate his teammate, no matter how tired or worn out they look right now.
Actually, it seems like him, Hinata, and Nishinoya were the ones with the most energy out of it. Even Kageyama looked out of it, from trying to cooperate with Tsukishima, and his rude remarks, to trying to make the perfect sets for his teammates. The three mentioned look like they were on fire, especially on the last set.
It was Tanaka’s turn to serve, he took a deep breath and took a glance at you. You sat with your ankles crossed and phone flat on your lap, he winked at you and threw the ball up. This serve he made extra special by putting all force into the serve.
The ball was spiked straight across the net, passing the blockers, and giving his team the final point to win.
Kiyoko nudged you and smiled, “I think you’re the reason why Tanaka won and acted like that.”
You were genuinely confused and tucked some of your locs behind your ear, “What you mean? Wait, is the Tanaka the skinhead that winked at me?”
Kiyoko shook her head and pointed over to Tanaka, who was currently celebrating with his teammates and getting yelled at by his captain that he’s loud.
Yachi pitched, “Kiyoko isn’t wrong, Tanaka isn’t usually this loud.”
“See y/n, you’re the reason why.”
You waved them off, “Yeah yeah. Not gonna lie, he got some skills and he’s kind of cute.”
Kiyoko nudged you again and smiled, “First day here and y/n is already taking a liking to someone. Come on, I’ll introduce you to the team.”
You nodded your head and headed over to the team, who were currently chatting amongst themselves and discussing game strategies and improvements.
Suga was the first to notice you three coming, “Oh Shimizu, who’s your new friend?”
“This is l/n y/n. She’s new at Karasuno and I decided to give her a tour.”
Hinata leaned over a bit to show his interest in you, “Ouuu she’s pretty Kiyoko.”
She introduced and pointed out the rest of the team to you. You waved and at the team and they did the same.
You took a small glance at Tanaka from the corner of your eye and boy was his face red, redder than a grilled tomato.
“Woah Tanaka are you good?” Hinata asked.
Yamaguchi and Tsukishima snickered and pointed out, “I think he has a crush on the new girl.”
“No I don’t!”
“Yes you do.” Both Daichi and Suga said.
Kageyama added, “If you can countlessly admit your love to Kiyoko, I think you can admit your feelings to y/n.”
Tsukishima muttered, “At least this one would be realistic.”
“I’m flattered actually, he’s a fine lil thing and I like how he plays.”
Sugawara fake gasped, “Someone as bold as Tanaka? To think we’ve never seen the day.”
Hinata violently shook Tanaka, “Dude dude dude, you should like totally shoot your shot.”
Nishinoya agreed, “Yeah dude, she’s standing right there, what’s the worst that could happen?”
The team kept encouraging Tanaka until he mustered the courage to walk up to you.
He stood in front of you, nervously chuckling and rubbing his hand behind his neck while you had a smile plastered on his face, “Uh huh- hi- I’m- I’m.”
Nishinoya called, “Stop being a pussy!”
Daichi called out, “Nishinoya! Ten extra laps around the court.”
“Twenty and I get to show y/n rolling thunder.”
Tsukishima rolled his eyes, “Please anything but that annoyingly stupid receive.”
Nishinoya side-eyed him, “Tsukishima you wanna join me?”
You giggled at the encounter and gave your attention back to Tanaka. Still beet red and nervous, trying to spew out words, you meshed your hand into his free hand. “Take me to the finest ramen place this Saturday.” You winked at him as well.
Everyone’s eyes widened and were in awe at your actions.
Kiyoko crossed her arms and let out a ‘hmph’, “Did she just- wow, y/n. I didn’t know you had it in you.”
“I used to be somewhat of a player back in America.”
Hinata excitedly asked, “Ouu wait y/n, can you please tell us about America? How is it? What do you guys eat there? Is it fun? Do they have volleyball over there? Are they like really good at volleyball too? What about-”
Kageyama cut his questions by covering his mouth, “Do us all a favor and please shut up.”
You let out a small laugh, “I don’t mind getting questions, I mean I am pretty new here.”
“Good then…” Nishinoya did the same as Hinata and started rambling off question after question.
You spent the rest of the afternoon chatting with team and telling a lot about yourself. All while your hands were still connected with Tanaka’s. You looked over to him and winked while he talked into the conversation as well.
You’d say it was a pretty nice first day at a new country, and at a new school.
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FINALLY, I finished this Tanaka request. Sorry anon that it took so long 😭
Also sorry if you wanted just a straight oneshot instead of headcannons 😭
hope you enjoyed 💕
bye babes, drink your water, stay hydrated, and remember that you are the baddest bitch on the planet 🥰 no matter what ANYONE says
𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐛𝐬 𝟐:𝟑 💗
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© 𝟤𝟢𝟤𝟣 𝗂𝗓𝗎𝗄𝗎𝗌𝖽𝖾𝗄𝗎. 𝖺𝗅𝗅 𝗋𝗂𝗀𝗁𝗍𝗌 𝗋𝖾𝗌𝖾𝗋𝗏𝖾𝖽
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theresthesnitch · 3 years
The one where Ron begs for a memory charm
A/N: I've never written a drinking contest before, and I don't think I'm going to again. TW for alcohol and discussion of sex/roleplaying. Thanks to @harryandginuary for the Bingo prompt!
O 75. “I don’t know what made me fall for you.” “My charms, perhaps?”
Read it here on AO3.
“Okay, Ginny. You’re next.”
Ginny looked at Hermione through hazy eyes, the drinks she had already taken clouding her mind. “Alright, hit me with your best question.”
Hermione grabbed a card off the table and began giggling before she even asked.
“Oh Merlin,” Ron said. “How bad is this question if she can’t even read it.”
“Oh, it’s bad, Ron.” Hermione wiped her face with her free hand. “You’re going to hate it.” Hermione shook the hand holding the card as though preparing herself, and began to read: “What is the weirdest role-play you’ve ever done?”
The table laughed while Ron’s head hit the table with a groan. “Please, Ginny. I’m begging you to take a shot.”
Ginny winked at him. “You wish, Ronnikins.” She sat back in her seat for a moment and thought hard. “I guess it would be… when he was Godric and I was Rowena. It was a beautiful cross-house love affair.”
The laughter nearly covered the groan from Ron.
“Take a drink, Gin,” Harry said. “It’s two shots for lying.”
“Ohh, called out,” said Seamus. “You can’t lie here. Tell us the truth.”
“What are you talking about, Harry?” Ginny looked thoroughly confused.
Harry didn’t answer. He fixed her with a stare and slowly sipped his beer. Ginny’s face suddenly fell and she turned beet red.
“No, I forgot about that.” She covered her face.
“How did you forget about that? It’s seared into my memory?”
“I think I blocked it out. Can I block it out again?”
“If I don’t get to forget it, you don’t get to forget it.”
All eyes at the table volleyed between them like an intense tennis match.
“What was it?” Lavender finally asked.
“No, I’m not telling.” Ginny reached for her shot glass.
“You have to, it’s the rules.” Dean said.
“No, we never established that as a rule,” Harry said with a shudder. “No one needs to know.”
“Oh, it’s definitely in the rules.” Parvati replied.
They put it to a vote, resulting in a a 6 to 3 vote in favor of telling the story.
“Ron, why did you vote no?” Neville asked.
“Listen, I know you all want to embarrass them, but that’s my sister. I do not need to know the answer to this.”
“Too bad! You get to anyway.” Lavender turned to Ginny. “So, what did you do?”
Ginny took another shot. “Harry, why couldn’t you just let me lie? I don’t even know why I fell for you right now.”
Harry snorted. “Maybe it was my charms. Or my charming smile.”
Ginny fixed him with a look that would have sent him cowering if he wasn’t so drunk. “No, stop it. You do not get to make jokey references to this. Not tonight, not ever again. Not if you want to sleep with me ever again.”
Harry winked. “Like you could resist me for long.”
“Oh my Merlin. Just tell us!” Parvati said.
Ginny rubbed both hands over her face. “Okay, okay, fine.” She took another shot. “I’m not drunk enough for this. So, to start off, we were gifted this book of ways to enhance your sex life -”
“We all got that book from Luna,” Hermione cut in.
“- and one of the suggestions was to roleplay one of you as a celebrity.”
The table went quiet until Dean finally cut in. “I don’t get it. You both are basically celebrities.”
“Right, which made it really fucking weird. Like how were we supposed to act. So we started going really…. stereotypical.”
Hermione clapped her hand over her mouth. “No, you didn’t.”
“I don’t get it. Am I missing something?” asked Neville.
“If you are, then I am,” said Seamus.
Ginny’s head dropped. “Think of who first comes to mind when you think of stereotypical celebrity interactions.”
“Oh. My. Merlin.” Parvati said before busting out laughing. Slowly the realization dawned around the table, with roaring laughs and blushing faces.
“I still don’t get it,” Ron said. “But I’m really trying not to think about it too hard.”
“Fame is a fickle friend, Ron!” Harry said.
“Celebrity is as Celebrity does,” added Dean.
“Would you like to help me answer my fan mail, Ron?” Lavender asked sweetly.
Ron’s jaw dropped. “You two roleplayed Lockhart?” The table roared with laughter.
“To be fair,” Harry added, “it didn’t really work out.”
“Nope, nope. Too many details.” Ron took another shot. “Didn’t need to know that.”
“Well, I need to know more,” said Lavender. “Who was Lockhart?”
“How did it get there?” asked Pavarti.
“What made you stop?” asked Hermione.
“No, no more! Definitely no details.” Ron covered his face. “I hate you all right now.”
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theredsuzuran · 3 years
Hello! Could I request Douma with a s/o who enjoys art? For instance, painting or drawing then placing their artworks around the paradise cult? They could be demon / human but preferably aware about the whole eating cult members thing? Me being me I would be fine knowing that lol. Sorry if this is too specific but thank you in advance!
Thank you so much for this request, I hope its upto your liking and I apologize if I have messed up🥺
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Douma x Reader ~
The warm rays of the sun glistened your skin with a golden hue as you stood there on the long wide corridors holding the remaining pieces of arts that you were pasting on the walls of the busy temple, gazing at the distant sky with full concentration succumbing deep into the abyss of its aesthetics. So much so that you failed to notice your fellow cult members reaching out until someone pat your shoulder startling you suddenly.
"Oh" a soft sigh escape from your mouth as you to snapped out of your thoughts, looking directly at them with eyes still dreaming.
"We have been calling you for so long (y/n) san~ aren't you gonna tell your friends about him?"
"Do you think its going to rain anytime soon?"
"Are you even listening to what am saying?"
Averting your gaze from them you lifted your head upward at the direction of the tremendous vast expanse paying no attention to them while drifting away in your own world.
"If it rains will I see that again?" spacing out yet again but this time evoking vivid memories of a man finding your desolated body covered with blood and mud, drenched under the heavy downpour.
"What?" One or them inquired both curious and annoyed at the same time.
"I told you! (y/n) is weird just leave them alone its fruitless to strike any conversation at all, Lord douma probably shows his pity being a man of virtue" one of them whispered so that you don't hear them badmouthing you.
"Right who cares about those stupid paintings" the other giggled at your face then turned away leaving you behind in the now empty hallway.
All of them associate with you because of the favour you get from Douma, the supreme head of the eternal paradise cult. You have merely smiled knowing that they have always belittle your precious artworks crushing your fragile confidence into pieces although let's say you would never encounter them again and that's a different story, still they were unable to break your devotion. Every painting you made were nurtured and cared with great affection as you put your heart and soul into it. Most importantly there was the charming leader himself who encouraged you rather than making fun of it. That's the exact reason why douma was your savior.
Even though you knew the heinous crimes he have committed, the cannibalistic practices that occurs during midnight inside the temple complex, yes it terrifies you but still you cannot find in your heart to hate him, you wish demons could co exist together alongside mortals although it sounds absurd as predators can never befriend their natural prey but you were an artist who saw the world with a different perspective instead of blaming demons you felt sympathy. Since they were humans too once and due to unavoidable circumstances they are now suffering this fate. Making you wonder what was his story?
However you are quite mad lately since It has been days you last saw your beloved cult leader, afterall he has things to do and you seem to grow lonelier each day due to the lack of his presence. The way he caressed your cheeks and smiled ever so lovingly at you made your heart flutter with ecstacy. Art therefore have always been your escape as your days passes drawing sketches of him. You sat on the wooden engawa, with papers and colours scattered all over the floor holding your brush in hopes of completing his perfect image but your mind wandered to the eromous clouds engulfing the sky above. When suddenly you caught glimpse of a familiar sitting right next you.
"I thought I would wait since you were busy admiring the beautiful nature"
"Douma" a sudden rush of emotions came pouring down, the storm seem to have calm down by the heavy rain. However it was hard for poor (y/n) to decide whether to jump with pure happiness or to just sit and cry for leaving them astray.
"There there my little dove, am here" he replied smiling charmingly engulfing you in a tight embrace.
The two sat on top of the wooden floor. Once again letting the silence to develop, this time droplets of water accompanied the tranquil atmosphere with its drizzling sound.
"Are you hanging your paintings on the walls?" Douma asked enthusiastically breaking the previous calm.
"Yes" you replied politely
"good good" reaching his arms to pat you gently, he praised.
"Douma, where have you been?" You questioned Finally letting those words escape from your quivering lips which you were desperately trying to swallow inside this entire time and regretting because you are afraid of what might happen next for asking such an outrageous question ruining the blissful aura.
"Aww did (y/n) miss me?" Douma answered still maintaining his lively composure. Although there was sudden shift in the atmosphere as it grew a bit tense.
"What if I say I did?" You murmured under your breath blushing slightly to which his eyes widened for he have awaited long for something like this to happen.
"I have some orders to fulfill for that man" the douma chuckled slightly as he began speaking again "and probably he did not like it a bit that I failed to accomplish my mission" when you notice one of his beautiful multicolored orb a little swallowen as if someone have pierced his eyeballs out. You were aware of his supernatural existence and strength because he was not some ordinary demon but witnessing such injury made your heart drop.
"Now (y/n)~ show me what you are drawing" his face gleaming with excitement as he clapped his hands.
"It's not yet completed"
"Don't be like that show me" he made a puppy face.
"Noooo" you cried in protest trying your best to restrain him but failed miserably, since he was faster than you and upon seeing the drawing the sheet of paper he stopped responding. Been living for a century having money, status and almost a perfect immortal body, he still felt hollow. People stand in line for hours to worship him in order to achieve their own desires, to gift him valuable fortunes, antiques, exclusive garments and all sorts of expensive merchandise and sometimes in hope of wooing him but never in his life he felt so content by a simple piece of art made with such adoration. Overwhelming a ruthless uppermoon like him with strong emotions.
"I know it's not that good" you bit your lips in embarrassment but you were taken aback when you felt a pair of muscular arms wrapping your waist resting his head on your lean shoulders. Returning his gesture you smiled and closed your eyes running your hands in his platinum blonde hair in an attempt to soothe him.
"Douma do you remember the time we met?" douma hummed in response.
"Its because of you that am still alive and I can't show my gratitude enough, I have sworn to the art I love I will never break my loyalty towards you", douma looked at you this time when you suddenly reached your arms to cup his face amusing a bit in the process.
"Back when I was a child, I saw a beautiful arc covering the blue sky displaying a wide range of bright colours taking my breath away for I was mesmerized, and I hope I could see that again as I was laying down on the ground reminding the jovial moments of life before my demise, admist the rain I saw a shilloute of a man approaching me- that's when I saw that again in your eyes instilling hope within me, its a monochromatic world when you are not around"
That's when he took your hands into his large ones gently, giving the most lovable expression he could ever make, something so genuine for someone like him. He did not know why he was so attracted to a human like you. Moving his fingers on your lips caressing it softly smudging the colour you have applied before as he leaned closer and closer making your eyes shut tight too flustered to even look. Your face heating up on his cold touch, as you felt a his lips pressed softly onto your nose.
Opening your eyes slightly you found him grinning at your beet red face.
"Let's put that painting on my wall then!"
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yuulina-vre · 3 years
The Walk
Fauna’s save heaven
Summary: Y/N wants to go for a walk, igrnoring the heavy rain outside.
Pairing: Steve x Bucky x Reader
Wordcount: 5.134 words
Warnings: none
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Y/N sits on the couch in the living room, browsing through some magazines. She hums at some décor tips, thinking about adding some plants to her room and maybe some curtains to the common room, a new carpet would be nice too. The old one has some stains of indeterminable liquids that Y/N knows are the results of the many parties Tony had thrown. Despite this, it looks nice in these magazines. She turns the page only to cringe at the newest recommended diet for the perfect summer body, with pictures of women as thin as a stick. “Are people actually still falling for this shit?” She asks out loud, not concerned to talk to herself. Though, Natasha and Wanda look up from her own magazines to look at what she’s reading, then scoffing themselves and turning back to their own stuff that’s not really a better medium than hers. “What shit?” A deep voice startles her, not having heard someone approach her. She nearly jumps from the couch, the magazine falling into her lap as she clutches her chest over her racing heart and tries to keep the screech, that’s almost making its way out of her mouth, at bay. The urge to change and flee, or attack, rises in her gut but she pushes it down, knowing that nothing will ever happen to her here. The tall, muscular brunette that steps up behind her, apple in one hand and chewing on it, chuckles. “Jesus! Don’t scare a girl like that.” She scolds, taking a deep and calming breath. “Bucky is fine, but thanks.” He grins mischievously at her, even winks a little while wiping some of the apple juice from his mouth with the back of his hand. Y/N only scoffs, turns back, and picks up her magazine to show him. “I meant this diet shit in these magazines. That a woman has to be thin and fit to be able to wear bikinis at the beach. Only for men to attract. Who`s gonna fall for that? It’s not what’s important. Besides, most of these diets aren’t even helping or are backfiring as soon as you don’t follow it as strictly anymore.” Bucky looks over the page she who’s him, his eyes linger on the woman, then switch over to the recommended diet. “More woman than you think fall for it.” He chuckles again, takes another bite from his fruit before he rounds the couch to flop down beside her, eyeing her disgusted face. “Don’t worry doll, back in the day it was the same. My Ma always scolded Becca for falling for the magazines.” Y/N starts pouting at him and shoves the offending material of paper as far away from her as she can. “I don’t even know why people buy this? Is there no better thing than to read what some wannabe reporter thinks about celebrity relationships? They’re just people who want to live their lives in peace.”
“And because they’re celebrities everyone wants to know what’s going on.” Bucky reaches over and takes one of Y/N’s hands in his, squeezing lightly to reassure her. “You know you’re being followed as soon as you leave home. People want to know what you’re up to, too. It’s just natural.” He shrugs and presses a kiss to her temple but Y/N pout further. “Yeah, but I’m trained to slip by people unnoticed or lose them quickly. I know how to escape and only show what I want other people to see.” She crosses her arms for good measure. All she’s getting is Bucky’s chuckle and his chewing as he takes another big bite while he pulls her closer to his side. For a while, she just listens to Bucky eating and the girls silently turning page after page, sometimes scoffing and sometimes laughing at things they discover. It doesn’t take long for Y/N to get bored. If she had timed it, it probably took only about ten minutes or so. “Buckyyyy?” She whines, turning to him, puppy dog eyes already forming on her face, pout deepening a little. “Mhh?” He doesn’t look at her. She’s not sure if it because he knows what look she sends him or because he actually finds the page on the magazine, that she had pushed away, actually interests him. “Can we go for a walk?” The brunette nearly chokes on his apple, coughing wildly until Y/N quickly sits up to clap on his back hard, worry on her face. “N-now?” He chokes out, looking at her in disbelieve, face beet red from coughing. “I mean- yeah?” She shrugs a little, hand still on his back, rubbing absentmindedly. “Y/N! It’s raining cats and dogs!” Bucky motions to one of the windows with his hand still clutching the remains of his apple. She follows his hand with a sigh. It’s darker outside, the clouds hanging heavy on the sky, hiding the sun, emptying themselves at a rapid speed. The water runs down the glass and the splattering of raindrops against the window and ground sounds like small machine guns. “I know. But… Pretty please? You know I like running in the rain. And it’s not even cold outside!” She turns a little, pouting again and making big, pleading eyes at him that she knows he can’t resist. “Noo… Y/N. Don’t look at me like that. I don’t like you smelling like a wet dog. Can’t you ask Stevie? Or Sam?” Bucky actually whines himself but Y/N continues to look at him. “They are not here. Please Bucky. Pleaaaase!” Her pout and big eyes get bigger, she now turns fully to face him, hands reaching out to place on the forearm of his metal arm, shaking it lightly with desperation. “Y/N…” He whines again, looking to the window to avoid Y/N’s eyes, but she actually whines as a little puppy would. She knows she got him now. “B-but... only for half an hour or so.” He lets his head hang in defeat but Y/N’s already throwing her arms around him, pressing a kiss to his cheek ignoring the stickiness from him trying to eat an apple like a five-year-old. “Yes! Thank you!” She jumps up, happily clapping her hands in excitement before dashing out of the room, missing Bucky’s soft smile and Natasha’s eyes rolling in annoyance. They all tell him he is too soft when she asks for something but Bucky always tries to ignore it, claiming it's not true. He knows it’s true.
Y/N now dashes down the hall to the elevator, getting in and tapping her feet restlessly until the doors open a floor down again. Sam’s wandering down the hall, smiling as he sees her, “Hey /YN.”
“Can’t, Sam! Going for a walk!” She’s passed him with a grin before she’s finished shouting, rounding the corner, and sprinting for her door. She nearly pushes it out of its hinges as she shoves it open with some exciting force. She slitters to a halt at her bed, falls to her knees and gets the box with her supplies out from under it. The box isn’t a small one. It’s filled with collars and leashes, toys and treats, even some products like shampoo and conditioner or clothes, brushes, and accessories. Things she needs for her many animal changes. She digs around for a few seconds until she finds her favorite collar and leash. It’s a light brown one which is twisted at four different spots to look like it’s braided there. The buckle is silver just like the ring for the matching leash. Attached to the collar is a small round dog tag with her name and Bucky’s number on it. As Tony purchased the collar, they decided Bucky’s number would be best, since he’s the one to take her out as a dog the most, followed by Steve, though he doesn’t like for people to know his number. ‘They will spread it and I won’t have a calm minute to spend with my best guy and girl’.
Y/N makes quick work of getting out of her clothes putting them neatly on her bed. She won’t need them after changing but that doesn’t mean that she can’t put them on tomorrow. She probably won’t change back today, aiming for falling asleep on Bucky’s and Steve’s bed after dinner, cuddling up close to them.
She ties the collar around her neck, knowing pretty well how tight it needs to be so it won’t slip off. She has done it plenty of times by now that she thinks she could do it with closed eyes. She walks naked to the door, peeking outside to make sure no one’s actually in front of it or even in the hall before opening it just a tiny bit more to make getting out easier. She hates trying to open doors with her paws. It's frustrating at best. Then she closes her eyes and concentrates. While changing, she has to concentrate on the animal she wants to be, on how it looks, how the fur has to be, and how big she wants to be. Sometimes even on how the bones have to shift, especially if it’s a bigger or a really small animal like horses or hedgehogs. She feels herself shrink, her bones adjusting and her skin sporting soft brown and curly fur. The moment she opens her eyes again she knows she looks just like a beautiful soft brown Australian Labradoodle. She shakes herself happily to get the small ache out of her body before bouncing up and down, happily running through her room and then out of the door and down the hall once more. She barks at the doors of the elevator, dancing in front of it until FRIDAY finally opens them for her. Sometimes FRIDAY takes her time and Y/N swears that Tony programmed her to tease others. She’s impatient to finally move at a dizzying speed through the streets. When the doors finally open, she dashes inside, making sure the leash is all set in the cabin and not hanging out. She doesn’t want to choke and strangle herself. Then she nudges the button for one floor upstairs with her nose to meet with Bucky again. 
Bolting through the doors of the living room once more, with a happy dance and lots of barking, she runs around, sniffing and jumping everyone. Nat, Wanda, and Bucky aren’t the only ones in the room anymore. Steve and Sam have joined them and somewhere off, probably in the attached kitchen, she can smell Tony. “Hey, girl. You really going for a walk in that rain?” Sam stands up only to crouch down again, clapping for Y/N’s attention. She runs up to him immediately, leaving Steve behind, and dances around him only jumping a little to lick his face. Steve always scolds her for jumping but she’s satisfied that he’s not saying anything right now, besides Sam’s laughing and all. She barks once as an answer just as Bucky starts grumbling again. Sam only laughs, scratching Y/N on all the right places and cooing at her, which will earn him some teasing when she changes back later. She likes teasing him for his soft spots. “How did you get Buck to go with you?” Steve raises an eyebrow, an amused smirk on his face as he watches Sam playing with her, nudging Bucky with his shoulder, too. “Puppy eyes.” Nat supplies amused scrolling through her phone. Bucky grumbles some more but soon has his lap full of a grown dog. Y/N has enough of getting patted, she wants to go outside and run in the rain! Torture Bucky too! Playfully, but carefully, she starts biting at his shirt and arm, trying to get the lazy mass of muscles to move his pretty butt off the couch and outside with her. As encouragement she whines a little, earning several rolled eyes and a laugh from Steve. Though he laughs more to tease Bucky. “Fine, fine. Stop pulling. Just gonna get my jacket.” Bucky sighs, runs his hand over his face through his hair. He throws a last teasing look to Steve but the blonde actually stretches out his tongue like a child and grins. Bucky pouts and flips him off while he stands up, and shuffles out of the room grumpily. Y/N can hear him curse himself but she’s not really paying attention, instead lying down next to Steve’s thigh. He cards his fingers over her back, still scrolling through his StarkPad. “You have to make it up to him later, Y/N.” Steve chuckles and pulls playfully on her ear, earning a growl back. “You know how much he hates the rain.” She huffs, knowing that Bucky really doesn’t like it. He hates being soaked the feeling of wet hair plaster to his skin and, most importantly, the wet metal arm that he has to clean up later on. She licks Steve’s wrist before settling again. She feels the calmness overweight the excitement again. She relaxes under Steve’s touch and starts licking his leg in pleasure, even if it’s making Steve squirm a little. “Y/N, come here.” She looks up from her spot, seeing Wanda pat the space on the floor beside her, the magazine still in hand. She smiles at her and Y/N thinks she sees something shining in her eyes, so she huffs out a breath, licking a last time over Steve’s thigh and wrist. Just as she had lied down! She gets up nonetheless. She loves Wanda. She’s always so careful, knows which spots are magical while patting and she’s never disgusted with what Y/N chooses to turn into. She jumps from the couch and walks to the young woman. Her tail waggles a little as she settles next to her, licking over her face to make her laugh. She settles with a goofy grin on her snout, head on her paws, and huffing in content. The woman runs her hand gently through her fur, paying special attention to the spot behind her right ear, which she knows is Y/N’s favorite spot. Her tail thumbs a rapid rhythm on the ground. She can hear Natasha and Sam chuckle, just as Tony leaves the kitchen and comes into the living room, smoothie in hand. He eyes Y/N for a second, then settles next to Steve who’s tapping away on his StarkPad.
From time to time Tony complains about all the hairs she’s leaving or her scratching the furniture and walls while climbing, sometimes leaving other… things… behind but today seems as if he’s alright with her being a dog. He even steals more glances at her than usual. Y/N suspects that he would like for her to come over so he can pat her. Too bad she’s actually comfortable on the ground right now. But she makes a mental note to come to him later.
Wanda loves animals. She always tries to find some room for Y/N to get the love she needs and takes care of the animals she’s turned into when Steve and Bucky aren’t around or are busy. It does help her to keep herself calm and Y/N knows Wanda would be lying if she wouldn’t pay close attention to each individual. When do you actually have the chance to see a tiger or chipmunk up close and can touch them?
Sam mostly likes to coddle her or take her running. He’s found a lot of times with her playing on the ground and stuffing her up with treats. When they both are gone then it’s clear that Sam took her for a post-mission run. It helps him and her to get pent-up energy loose, clear the head after bad missions. On rare occasions, he even takes her to the VA. She’s always excited.
When Tony doesn’t complain about her fur then he likes to ramble to her in his lab, just like Bruce. It doesn’t matter if she’s shifted or not, they’re just happy to talk, Tony more than Bruce, though. Bruce likes to stroke her fur when she’s a cat to calm himself down. More than once has Y/N shifted in the jet after a mission to help him calm down when she noticed that his music doesn’t work. Sometimes she keeps him company when he has to stay behind in the jet. Then they’re often found fooling around with some mind games. Y/N then has to keep her animal instinct in charge so Bruce can see how intelligent the animal itself probably is. Y/N likes it because it means she’s learning more about the animals she turns into. Tony builds her playgrounds in his lab, like small labyrinths or tube mazes.
Nat actually is a lot different. She usually doesn’t let anybody see her vulnerable side, besides Clint and sometimes Bruce. But Y/N once has shifted and sneaked around until she found her in one of the empty offices on the other side of the compound. Nat had sat curled up and shivering, breathing heavily because of a panic attack. A weasel, Y/N was small enough to come up to her. She had climbed in her lap and done everything she could to comfort the redhead. In the evening, while they all ate dinner, she hadn’t brought it up, just send Nat a knowing smile and nod. Natasha later caught her alone in the hall and had thanked her. Sometimes Y/N now experiences some mental breakdowns, fierce anger, and a lot of other things Nat normally wouldn’t have shown anybody and tries to help as best as she can. The most surprising for Y/N was that Nat likes to cuddle, though. Like Bucky she seems to be touch starved and, on some occasions, she can’t hide it pretty well.
Clint is… well Clint. He’s like an overgrown excited child, no matter which animal Y/N chooses to be he’s the one trying to play with her. More than once she had bitten him while he overdid it but Clint never held a grudge. 
Under Wanda’s soothing touch Y/N nearly falls into a comfortable doze but the smell of Bucky’s returning scent lets her lift her head.
Bucky is one of her two favorite persons. She helps him just as much as he helps her. She knows he sleeps better when she and Steve are close to him, preferably in one bed, too. When Steve’s not there and Y/N is changed he can sleep almost just as good. Her animal form brings him an unknown comfort that her human form can’t while missing Steve. She suspects that, when Steve’s away and she’s not changed, that she reminds Bucky too much that Steve’s missing. So, changing it is then, it’s easier to pretend that Steve and she are away together and safe. Bucky never told her that it’s actually like that but Y/N guesses that it is. After the bad nightmares, he calms faster with a fluffy animal beside him, too. He doesn’t feel pressured to talk then. Also, Bucky is just as affectionate with her like an animal as a human. He presses kisses here and there, rubs all the right spots he knows, and just... is there. It helps that she’s in love with him and he with her. That’s why he can’t deny her anything.
Steve’s similar to Bucky and Wanda. He finds just as much peace in her changes, trying to draw her every chance he gets. That's when she stays still long enough, though. She is a really fidgety person and only stays in one spot long enough if she’s either comfortable, gets good scratches, is sleepy, or gets a lot of treats. Most of his art pieces about her animal forms are of her sleeping peacefully somewhere around the compound or on someone’s lap. But she loves those drawings. She made him copy some of them to hang up in her own room, which she only uses when she’s mad or feels overwhelmed and needs space for herself. Which actually happens a lot less in the last few months than it used to. Steve offered plenty of times to give her the originals but she always says that he should keep them for some sort of art portfolio. She stays with the copies. Steve actually enjoys the most of her changes, just as Bucky, in private. He sees more of them and Y/N isn’t opposed to change in front of both super-soldiers, with them being her boyfriends and all. Steve always tells her, that he likes to see her change. He finds it fascinating. Also, he can’t deny her anything but other than Bucky he never denies it.
Now her tongue lolls out, tail happily thumping against the floor as Bucky strolls in, scowl still on his face but clad in running gear and rain jacket. “Someone volunteering to accompany us?” He looks around but no one meets his eyes. A clear message. Y/N doesn’t take it, though. She stands up, nosing Wanda apologetically for leaving her but the woman only giggles and shoves her wet nose away. Then she walks up to Steve and sits down in front of him, right in his sight, head slightly angled with a whine and pleading look. She sees his eyes flicker to her and he pales a little, squirming. He can’t resist her, and she knows how to get him to confirm to go with them. “I… ehm…No?” Ohhh, his resolve is crumbling already. She doesn’t take his no. She whines again shuffles closer and places her head on his lap. The crease between his eyes deepens and his eyes flicker helplessly up, probably hoping someone’s saving him, but no one jumps in. Tony even smirks knowingly. “Okay, okay. Fine.” He groans, pushes his tablet in Tony’s hands, and stands up. He ruffles her fur before he walks past Bucky with a slight, but not real, glare. “I hate you.” His voice is muffled but Bucky laughs and Y/N starts jumping around again. She feels this itch to move growing, not being able to wait for a second longer. Bucky seems to catch it and whistles for her. “Ready beautiful?” She barks as confirmation, running up to him. Bucky grabs Y/N’s leash the moment she’s close enough and holds her back as she all but drags him to the elevator. He has his dear trouble to hold her still long enough for a grumpy Steve in rain clothes to join them in the entry hall before she starts dragging harder to get them outside, down the paths, and to the street by the forest. “Y/N! Stop dragging so much. You won’t get any air this way.” Y/N barks a little strangled but stops pulling. He’s right, breathing had turned out to be a bit of a struggle but she’s just so excited. The rain on her fur feels incredible. The air is warm and the rain is cooling, it smells fresh and the pitter-patter is a soothing sound in the background. She jumps happily through puddles, preferably the ones close to Bucky and Steve to try to get them as wet as possible. They both only scold her but she sees that they’re secretly smiling. And she caught Steve jumping in a big puddle that bucky just tried to not walk in, spraying him with muddy water. Bucky curses. “Dear God, Steve! Are you for real?!” The blonde only laughs. Steve looks relaxed and has Bucky’s hand in a loose grip, fingers interlaced. They walk for a little bit, chatting about everything and nothing while until the rain lets up a bit, though it’s still bad enough. At one point Steve takes the leash from Bucky with a distracting kiss and starts jogging slowly, leaving the brunette stunned, but for only a few seconds. He catches up pretty fast, even slapping Steve’s butt with a laugh. They continue jogging and Y/N happily follows. She likes running. The path guides them a little through the forest where the rain’s less heavy, due to the trees and leaves shielding them. Y/N takes some time to jump through puddles after Steve unleashes her and, to Bucky’s horror, rolls around in one particular muddy one. He’s in charge of cleaning her up this week and Steve gladly reminds him of that. Her light brown fur’s now a darker shade and she probably needs two baths to get everything out. Though, Y/N knows that that will lead to Bucky joining her in the tub, which then leads to soapy cuddles and doggy kisses while they relax. “Come on, doll. Please stop rolling in that. It’s cold and I’d like to go home now.” Y/N looks up from her happy puddle to see Bucky shivering. Both men are soaked through but Steve seems not to mind that much. She looks over to him and he only shrugs but nods. “We’re out for a while now.” She doesn’t feel the cold but Bucky’s wet from head to toe, his hair escaped his bun and hangs in his face, glued to his skin. Which he doesn’t like. She barks once and gets up, shaking herself and getting muddy water everywhere. She really doesn’t want him to get sick or freeze to death, so she lets him set his pace back after attaching the leash again. It’s not like she needs it but Bucky once said that he likes to have her on the leash. It brings a calm that he never really knew of. They nearly arrive at the entrance as Y/N suddenly stops. The pitter-patter is louder here. She looks around and finds a corner where the water flows from the roof in big fat streams. Excitement overcomes her, she barks, jumps happily from paw to paw, and looks at Steve, who’s still holding her leash, tugging a little. “What?” She tugs again, taking a step closer to the little waterfall. She sees the moment Steve realizes what she sees. An amused smile graces his lips. “Alright. You clean up a little while playing, yeah?” She barks loudly, performing a little dance after she gets the leash off, and then sprints over to the stream.
She runs under it a few times, watching the mud coming off of her and flowing on the ground to get spread by the rain. She even lies down for a second and turns in the puddle under the stream to get more mud out of her fur on every part that she can reach that way before standing back up. She jumps around a few times barking happily, then she tries to bite it. Snapping after it, as if it’s some sort of toy that gets pulled away at the last moment. She lifts her paws a few times to punch after the drops, getting water everywhere. The rain really is her favorite thing. The excitement doubles the longer she’s playing. Pawing at the water, biting, jumping back and biting again, then dancing around it only to repeat it. The feeling that she has is the one that she associates with being a little puppy. She feels happy and fidgety, the urge to hunt and play is overpowering everything else. She looks up to see Bucky and Steve grinning at her. Steve hugs Bucky close to warm him up a little, pressing soft kisses to his shoulder now and then while the brunette points his phone to her playground, probably filming her to show the others later on. She barks again and continues playing until a loud thunder blasts overhead, startling her. Y/N whimpers, having been scared to death, and rushes back to her men, pushing close between their legs to hide. Steve almost falls back with her force running into him but he catches himself quickly. “Holy, that was loud.”
“Hey, little one. Got scared, huh?” Bucky chuckles, passes his phone to Steve, and crouches down beside her, patting her head lovingly and tries to calm her. He presses a few kisses to her dirty head. “It’s alright, just the mean sound of a very angry nature phenomenon. It won’t be able to do something.” He knows she doesn’t like any sort of loud sounds, thunder being one of them. Past experiences in her childhood have led her to get startled easily when any sort of storm hits. Panic attacks have occurred more than usual in these times, and still do. Though, Bucky is always there to comfort and help her. In some way, she’s similar to his panic. Steve always supplies them with hot chocolate, food, and treats. She whimpers again as some lightning hits the darkened sky and presses herself into his side. “Alright, lovely. Let’s get you both inside.” Steve eyes the sky warily before he looks at her and Bucky, motioning for them to follow. “How about a warm, calming bath and maybe a movie? Steve can make the bed to a cozy hideout, hm?” Bucky looks her directly in the eyes while scratching carefully under her chin. Y/N licks over her nose, then over his wrist in agreement. It sounds like a plan and exactly like something she had thought of before going outside. The man smiles and opens the door to get her inside. “Alright, up we go. By the way. Tony says if you damage any furniture your banned from the compound for the next week.” He laughs loudly at her unimpressed face. They all know that Tony wouldn’t get it over himself to throw her out, not even for a minute. He would miss rambling to somebody too much.
Just as thought Y/N gets her bubbly cuddles with bucky in the tub before he gets her out again and passes Steve the towels to dry her off while he cleans the bathroom. Twenty minutes later Y/N lies snuggled up to Steve under the heavy blanket, her head resting on his chest while he watches the movie. She tries to doze, blend out the storm outside while the shower is running with Bucky in it. “You alright, beautiful?”
She whimpers a little and shuffles forward a little so her head lies nearly next to his. “Sleepy?” She huffs in his ear. Steve laughs but starts scratching her tummy affectionately. She closes her eyes, enjoying the touch and warmth. “Okay, then we take a nap.” One lick against his cheeks seems to be all the confirmation he needs. The TV sound gets lower and the blanket is drawn up a bit more. Steve’s arms come around her, hands burying in her fur, stroking lazily over her head now. “Sleep tight, beautiful.” She feels his hands on her until she slowly drifts off, thunder nearly forgotten. Only the dip of the mattress and Steve’s and Bucky’s silent voices get to her until she fully succumbs to her dreams.
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