#now you see me gif
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"I came into the world with the wrong family, but I’m leaving with the right one. I love you guys."
can you tell i miss them immensely
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caribbean1989 · 2 months
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Jesse Eisenberg as J. Daniel Atlas in Now You See Me (2013)
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clairedaring · 1 month
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NOW YOU SEE ME (2013) dir. Louis Leterrier
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heliads · 1 year
I would like to request a one-shot where the female reader is a paramedic and Jack from Now You See Me has a crush on her and keeps doing things that result in minor injuries in the hopes that she will be the one to patch him up
i will love now you see me (and dave franco) until the day that i die
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If you were going to thank the Four Horsemen for anything, you’d owe them a great deal just for getting you out of yet another boring workplace training. Other people across the world can love the magicians for the money they scatter across their performances, or the thrill of getting into one of their exclusive shows, or just to appreciate someone getting one up on the FBI. There are many reasons to be a fan of the Horsemen, and yours has to be the most mundane.
In your defense, you’ve been hideously overworked for what must be years at this point, and at least this is one afternoon you can relax. You knew what you were signing up for when you decided to become a paramedic, but that doesn’t mean you can’t appreciate a bit of down time when it comes to you.
The marvelous performances of the Four Horsemen don’t usually involve a whole lot of injury, but ever since one of the original shows ended with an FBI agent getting tackled by fifteen people under deep hypnosis, it was determined that having a few paramedics around couldn’t be the worst thing in the world. Usually, the shows are in lavish places across the planet, but this time, they announced that they’d be putting on a display right in your city.
You were excited when you first heard the news, much like anyone else. Even if all tickets sold out within a few minutes, just the thought that the world famous magicians would be so close to you was thrilling. There could be magic right in front of your nose and you wouldn’t even know it unless they snapped their fingers. Maybe they’d cross your path without you realizing it. Maybe they’d even stay next door to your home.
Your schedule was filled during their performance, so you knew there wasn’t a chance that you’d actually get to see a second of their show. There will always be YouTube videos, someone uploading a grainy video from the nosebleeds of whatever venue hall the Horsemen have decided to occupy, but it wouldn’t be the same as being there in person.
You’d assumed you’d be distracting yourself from thoughts of whatever exquisite show was going on down the street with some lovely mandatory trainings. Unless your squad was called upon for an accident, you’d have to content yourself with lackluster meetings and the like. 
That was the case until you got the call that you’d actually be at the event hall. In a professional capacity, of course, but still, it was closer than you thought possible. The city had decided that it would be a good thing to have a few medical professionals on hand just in case something happened. There had been a handful of faintings and a small stampede at the last show, so you can understand why you and a few of your coworkers were called out here.
Most of you will be staying outside near your ambulance, parked just out of view. One or two paramedics are stationed inside, but you’re all going within the venue now just to get a feel for how the place is set up. Odds are nothing major happens, but it’s still fun to peer around and imagine what might be going on later that day.
The show won’t start for another hour or so, but the Horsemen are still kind enough to greet you and point out the major entrances and exits. You aren’t allowed to look around too closely, of course; half the fun of the magic is that no one knows it, not even the medical staff, but you can guess at the areas they’re keeping from you and what that might entail.
In all honesty, you’re kind of distracted from peering too closely behind various curtains by one of the Horsemen. Although you’ve never been to one of their shows before, that didn’t stop you from picking out a favorite:  Jack Wilder, the cutest, or so you tell your friends between bouts of laughter and over drinks.
And, by all twists of fate, he seems most interested in you. He stutters twice over his one-syllable first name, and tries both to shake your hand and hold it, too. He got distracted when you smiled at him, you think, but that didn’t stop the rest of the Horsemen from shooting each other knowing glances, especially when Jack insisted that you be one of the paramedics to stay inside the venue. Just in case, you know.
The rest of the Horsemen file away to their dressing rooms or wherever they go to practice their tricks one last time, but Jack sticks around a little longer. The other paramedic staying in the venue with you opts to scout out the surrounding hallways, but you take the seat Jack offers you and he sits down too, grinning like he’s the audience and you’re the main attraction.
“Don’t you have to go back with the rest and rehearse your show?” You ask, teasing him lightly.
Jack shakes his head a little too quickly. “No, no, I’m good. Always good. Besides, if I did that, how would I get to know you?”
You laugh. “I suppose that’s a good point. Do you flirt with all of the paramedics you meet at your shows or just me?”
“Only the prettiest ones,” Jack grins, “although you’ve blown any competition out of the water, I can assure you that.”
You can feel your cheeks heating up when he says it, and you look away quickly to regain your composure. “That’s nice of you to say.”
You can still see the ghost of Jack’s smile out of the corner of your eye, blinking in your mind like you’ve stared too long at the sun. “I only speak the truth, of course.”
He looks like he has plenty more to say, but Daniel Atlas appears at the corner of the stage, looking irritable and tapping the watch at his wrist. “We need you, Jack. Quit flirting and help us, will you?”
Jack groans. “Always such a control freak. I hate to leave you alone like this.”
You swat him lightly on the shoulder. “I’ll survive somehow. Go handle Daniel.”
Jack grins again, but he’s still looking disappointed. “Can I talk to you after the show, at least?”
You make a face. “I don’t know. We’ll probably handle any injuries, if there are any, then head back pretty quickly.”
Jack’s brow furrows, thinking something through. “Alright. Okay. That makes sense. I’ll be sorry to miss you, though.”
You smile up at him. “It was nice to meet you, Jack.”
“Nice to meet you too,” he says in a rush, standing up quickly when Daniel shouts for him again.
You let yourself sit there for a moment or two longer, giddy over the undivided attention of one of the prettier boys you’ve had the pleasure of meeting, then head back out of the performance hall to go find your other paramedic. They’re a friend of yours, have been for a while, and so they greet you with a raised eyebrow and a question about if you’ve managed to secure a second date with your little magician for later that night.
You roll your eyes, but inside your heart can’t help but do a slow loop in your chest. He’s certainly charming, the Horseman, you only hope that his affections were genuine and not him trying to set up a trick for later that evening.
You’re able to peek through a window to see most of the show, which is as stunning as all the critics claim. You head back to the ambulance once the performance, tending to a few minor injuries like people forgetting insulin or getting their hand stuck in a door on the way out. You’re assuming it’ll be another ordinary day until you look up and see Jack standing in front of you again.
He grimaces at you, embarrassed. “Managed to slice myself open a little during the show. Would you mind patching me up, Doc?”
You reach for some bandages behind you with a grin. “Too cocky with our tricks, were we?”
Jack nods, feigning sadness. “My pride may never recover. Can I get a kiss while you’re here? You know, to help with the healing process?”
You arch a brow. “I don’t think that kissing an open wound would be all that sanitary. I can’t recommend it.”
“What about here instead?” Jack asks, tapping his cheek. 
You laugh at the hopeful expression on his face, then, in a rush of adrenaline you expect just as little as Jack, lean forward and do as told. The look in his eyes could trick any girl into falling for him, and if you hadn’t already had an inkling of feelings for him, perhaps you have a little more now than before.
He’s pulled away soon enough, but you don’t think you’ll ever forget that day. It’s certainly a memory you’ll treasure for a while. All’s well that ends well, though, and you’re in the ambulance driving back soon enough, staring out at the road zipping by you like you’ll be able to sight him again if you just look hard enough, just want him enough.
You don’t know how long the Horsemen will be staying in town, if they haven’t already left, yet one week later, the news starts blaring headlines about how the magicians’ next show will be here again. Here, in your city. In your reach. It seems impossible– they don’t repeat locations without a good reason, but yet so it is.
You insist a little quickly on being a part of the paramedic team to cover the new venue, even though the times don’t quite line up on your schedule. A few days’ time finds you waiting by the ambulance after the second show of the by now very famous Horsemen, looking around with too much foolish hope. 
You’re about to give up on the idea that you’d ever see Jack again– who were you kidding, after all, thinking that he’d be interested in you more than a passing crush on a pretty face– and then there he is, heading quickly down the stairs, walking directly towards you.
He holds up his hand, and you can make out a small dash of blood before he’s excitedly telling you about how he managed to cut himself again, can you believe that, and how are you anyway? Jack didn’t see you in the venue, only two other paramedics, and he was starting to think that you weren’t coming until he looked out and saw you.
You listen to his delighted wave of words, then speak once you’re able to. “This is a pretty small wound, Wilder. I’m assuming you would be able to patch it up by yourself.”
Jack’s face falls. “Shoot, you’re right. Wait, I’ll be right back. Don’t go anywhere.”
You laugh when he turns to run, grabbing his hand so he can’t leave. “Are you going to go back inside so you can make a worse wound? That’s absurd, you know that.”
Jack’s eyes widen almost imperceptibly, caught in the act. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. No magician would ever fake an injury.”
“Not even to talk to a paramedic they like?” You ask, the picture of innocence.
Jack chuckles. “Well, maybe in those circumstances. I feel like it’s understandable, though. I don’t want to distract you from your work, you know, but I do want to see you. A lot, actually.”
You haven’t let go of his hand yet, you realize, but you find that you don’t really want to. “Alright,” you tell him, “How about something else? I’m free for dinner tomorrow night if that works with you.”
Jack’s eyes light up, fireworks in rowan wood. “That’s perfect, actually. I’d love that.”
Someone appears behind him– Henley, fresh from their show. “Are you two finally going out? Good, he insisted on switching the location of our second performance to be here again because he couldn’t ask the first time.”
Jack turns around, expression dawning with horror. “You said you weren’t going to do something like this. You said.”
Henley just grins. “I couldn’t resist.”
“I’m just glad you moved the second show,” you smile, “I was worried we wouldn’t be able to talk again.”
“We’re going to talk a lot,” Jack promises, “I just need Henley to apologize for interrupting.”
“Not a chance,” she says gleefully, much to Jack’s dismay.
They’ve been lingering for a while now, so you’re not surprised when Henley starts to head away again. Jack looks between her and you again, knowing that it’s time to go.
“Text me,” he pleads, “we’ll set this up, alright?”
You watch him go, and it takes a few minutes before you realize that you don’t have Jack’s number. When you reach in your pocket for your phone, though, you notice a playing card stuck to the back of the case. It’s the Queen of Hearts, and there’s a number scrawled hastily on the surface. 
You laugh to yourself. Falling in love with a Horseman certainly won’t be boring, but who would want that? You have Jack. The best trick was winning him, and you’ve come up with the best hand. Nothing could make you happier.
requested by @thornyrose463, i hope you enjoy!
now you see me tag list: empty for now!
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broadwayfan92 · 5 months
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Dylan Rhodes is back! Let’s go!!
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owenhcrper · 1 year
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beforethepoison · 8 months
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Jesse Eisenberg | OCD and What I Would Tell My Younger Self | Child Mind Institute
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mysadcorner · 1 year
Ok great! Good to know you write for now you see me :)
So I was wondering if I could request J. Daniel Atlas x female magician reader + the 1 bed trope headcanons?? I have had a crush on this man for SO long and absolutely no one on this app writes for him 😪
J. Daniel Atlas x Reader One Bed Trope Headcanons
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Credit to the gifs owner - Please be specific about characters wanted in requests -
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Atlas would be awkward when he first sees that you’ll have to share a bed together. He doesn’t know how this mistake ended up happening (or if it was done on purpose for a specific job) but it certainly wasn’t expected.
Of course, he’s going to offer you the bed, but despite the situation you don’t want to make things unfair. Because of this, you finally end up agreeing to share the bed, and trying not to make things uncomfortable for you both.
Things will be awkward when you first share the bed together, and he certainly doesn’t know which way to face. So he’ll probably have to break the ice with sarcasm or wait until you’re comfortable with the situation you’re both in. But if you’re only intending on sleeping then it shouldn’t be too bad.
If you’re sharing the bed when he’s had a crush on you for a long time then he’s going to become a bashful mess. He has confidence when he’s putting on a show but when he’s opening up about new feelings he will be very hard to genuinely communicate with. Because of this, sharing the bed with him may be more difficult than originally expected, but he does find comfort from being next to you.
Eventually the two of you become more comfortable next to each other, and once this happens you feel more at ease. He's also more willing to get comfortable in bed, no longer worrying about laying down properly or making you feel like you don't have enough space.
If the two of you can't sleep then he'll try his best to give you at least a decent conversation to help you feel more relaxed. He often has a lot on his mind so this also helps him get out a lot that he may have been holding in, and hopefully this can do the same for you as no one else is around to hear what you're both talking about.
The late night conversation he has with you while you're both stuck sharing a bed could very well lead to a confession, from either one of you. He wouldn't be too inclined to tell you his feelings in this moment though as he doesn't want to ruin things and make you feel weird lying next to him, so he'll wait for you to confess something first (even if it's just a small comment).
If the two of you did confess that night then he will hold you to the things you had said and try to talk to you more about it. This could probably end up with a relationship between the two of you, but you would need to talk a lot more and be honest more often than just this one night you spent stuck sharing a bed.
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burningblake · 2 years
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GET TO KNOW ME: [19/20] FILMS ↪ Now You See Me (2013) dir. Louis Leterrier
"Let me warn you. I want you to follow, because no matter what you think you might know, we will always be one step, three steps- seven steps ahead of you, and just when you think you're catching up, that's when we'll be right behind you. And at no time will you be anywhere other than exactly where I want you to be. So come close, get all over me because the closer you think you are, the less you'll actually see."
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pastanest · 9 months
Danny x gn!reader
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Dating Danny Atlas Would Include
- first of all, you’re either his assistant or his assistant is viewed as a piece of furniture bc he has no interest in them if they aren’t you, period
- he’s the PINNACLE of asshole-to-everyone-except-you, but he’s still cocky as hell and we love him for it next question
- has a soft spot for you that he’ll only acknowledge in front of others in the form of soft smiles in response to things you say that he’d usually quip at someone else for
- this man will not hesitate to wake you at 3am to show you a new trick
- like a kid on Christmas morning except neurodivergent
- is very affectionate in private, but in front of others he restricts himself to gestures of affection that solely show you’re his (hand on the small of your back, your thigh, holding yours, etc)
- possessive with a capital P
- prone to jealousy but not in a fragile way, more like “oh this guy really thinks he can take you from me? watch me make him disappear” bc as soon as Danny gets a deck of cards out, you’re basically on all fours sorry, too much?
- LOVES showing off to you more than anyone else
- bc you’re his but also bc you give him the best reactions of pure glee every time
- has to learn how to show interest in your favorite things that aren’t already his, like shows he wouldn’t usually watch
- it’s funny actually bc if any of the Horsemen are like “hey Danny do you wanna watch-“ he’ll just look at them like 🤨 but if YOU ask?? he’s got a list of questions and he’s already agreed. what actors do you know are in it. why do you want to watch it. what about it appeals to you. where can we stream it. what’s the runtime. how soon can we watch it.
- you are his exception to every occasion on which he’d usually prioritize himself over anything else
- LOVES surprising you
- oh something new is coming out and you can’t wait to buy it?? preordered.
- oh a new movie is- he’s already bought two tickets.
- and your birthday??? omg. extravagant is actually his middle name so if you think Danny wont pull out EVERY mf trick in the book for you, you’re sorely mistaken
- it’d be perfectly tailored to your tastes too - if you don’t like parties, there won’t be one bc he’ll find another elaborate means of celebrating you like a super fancy restaurant or being serenaded by a band on a riverboat or some bs, but if you do like parties you can expect the biggest one and it only gets bigger every year
- LOVES trying to teach you card tricks and finds it so endearing when you just can’t hack it and get frustrated with yourself, he’s so patient when it comes to you, all like “not quite, baby, try it like this”
- which reminds me, he talks you through it
- sorry
- obviously knows your body like the back of his hand I mean have you seen him?? man THRIVES on mastering things but he’ll only objectify you if you want him to iykyk
- to the surprise of many, he’s an old-school gentleman with incredible manners in actual romance
- opening doors for you, standing up whenever you enter a room, asks for consent half a million times until you eventually tell him he doesn’t need to ask every time he wants to kiss you and he’s like thank god bc if these fools heard me-
- worships the ground you walk on
- adores everything you say and do
- will just look at you and give this sighing smile or smirk sometimes and you’re like “???” and he just says some cheesy bs that only his arrogant ass could pull off like “I think you just might be the magic I’ve been searching for”
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How the NYSM2 men would react to your kidnapping...
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Daniel Atlas
Daniel would be the first to take action to rescue Y/n.
He would use his charm and connections to gather information on her whereabouts and devise a plan to get her back.
He would be determined and focused, putting all his energy into finding and rescuing Y/n.
Daniel would be extremely protective of Y/n, especially after her kidnapping.
He would take it upon himself to make sure that she is safe and would go to great lengths to keep her out of harm's way.
Daniel is a strategic thinker and would use his skills in planning and execution to come up with a plan to rescue Y/n.
He would carefully consider all options and weigh the risks and benefits of each one before taking action.
Daniel has a natural charisma that would make him an effective leader in a crisis situation.
He would be able to inspire and motivate his team to take action and would be able to think on his feet to adapt to changing circumstances.
As a master illusionist, Daniel has a talent for thinking outside the box and coming up with creative solutions to problems.
He would use his skills in misdirection and sleight of hand to distract the
Despite his confident exterior, Daniel can be emotionally vulnerable at times.
Y/n's kidnapping would bring out a more vulnerable side to him, and he would rely on the support of his team to get through the ordeal.
He would also be more open with Y/n about his feelings towards her, which may surprise her given his usual suave and confident demeanor.
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Jack Wilder
Jack would be the most visibly upset and angry by Y/n's kidnapping.
He would be laser-focused on finding her and would stop at nothing to bring her back safely.
He would be willing to take extreme risks and use his skills in sleight of hand and pickpocketing to get any information that might help in the rescue.
Jack is a master thief and pickpocket, so he would blame himself for not being able to prevent Y/n's kidnapping.
He would be wracked with guilt and would feel responsible for her safety.
Jack is known for his daring and risky moves, and he would not hesitate to take dangerous actions to rescue Y/n.
He would be willing to break into high-security locations, confront dangerous criminals, and even put himself in harm's way to save her
Jack is a highly skilled and resourceful thief, and he would use all his talents to track down Y/n's kidnappers.
He would follow every lead, use his contacts in the criminal underworld, and even use his skills in illusion and misdirection to uncover information and rescue Y/n.
Underneath his tough exterior, Jack is a sensitive and emotional person.
He would be devastated by Y/n's kidnapping and would struggle to keep his emotions in check.
He would seek comfort and support from the other members of the Four Horsemen, and would be willing to let his guard down and show his vulnerability around them.
Jack has a strong sense of loyalty and would feel a deep connection to Y/n, especially since they have worked together as part of the Four Horsemen.
He would be fiercely protective of her and would stop at nothing to ensure her safety, even if it meant putting his own life on the line.
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Merritt Mckinney
Merritt would be devastated by Y/n's kidnapping, but he would remain calm and level-headed in order to help with the rescue mission.
He would use his skills in hypnosis to gather information from people involved in the kidnapping and to aid in the rescue efforts.
Merritt would blame himself for Y/n's kidnapping, even if he had no direct involvement in it.
He would feel guilty that he couldn't use his hypnosis skills to prevent it from happening.
Merritt would use his powers of hypnosis to try to gain information about Y/n's kidnappers.
He would use his knowledge of psychology to get into the minds of the kidnappers and figure out their motives and weaknesses.
Merritt would be the most compassionate and empathetic of the group towards Y/n.
He would be able to connect with her on a deeper emotional level and understand what she might be going through.
Merritt would be the voice of reason in the group, encouraging the others to stay focused and calm during the rescue mission.
He would remind them that their actions could have consequences and to think before they act.
Merritt would also be the most creative in terms of coming up with ideas to rescue Y/n.
He would use his knowledge of hypnosis and psychology to devise unique plans that the others might not have thought of.
Overall, Merritt's skills in hypnosis and psychology would make him a valuable asset in the group's efforts to rescue Y/n.
He would be both compassionate and creative in his approach, and would be a calming influence on the others during a high-stress situation.
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Dylan Rhodes/Shrike
Dylan would be extremely determined to rescue Y/n, but he would also be pragmatic and calculated in his approach.
He would use his position as an FBI agent to gather information and coordinate with law enforcement to ensure a safe and successful rescue operation.
Dylan would feel personally responsible for Y/n's safety, as he had recruited her to be a member of the Four Horsemen.
He would be deeply troubled by her kidnapping and would take it as a failure on his part to protect her.
Dylan would be methodical in his approach to the rescue mission, carefully analysing every detail and potential lead.
He would work closely with law enforcement to gather information and coordinate the rescue operation.
Despite his professionalism, Dylan would be emotionally invested in the mission to rescue Y/n.
He would be willing to take risks and make difficult decisions in order to bring her back safely.
Dylan's loyalty to Y/n would be unwavering, even in the face of danger.
He would be willing to put himself in harm's way to ensure her safety and would not hesitate to confront the kidnappers directly if necessary.
As the leader of the Four Horsemen, Dylan would take responsibility for the actions of his team and would work tirelessly to ensure that Y/n is rescued without any harm coming to her.
He would be determined to right the wrongs committed against her and ensure that justice is served.
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Walter Mabry
Walter would initially be indifferent to Y/n's kidnapping, but he would eventually become involved when he realizes that his own interests are at stake.
He would use his wealth and connections to gather information on Y/n's whereabouts, but his actions would be motivated more by self-interest than concern for her safety.
As a wealthy businessman with a history of shady dealings, he is not unused to dangerous situations and would likely prioritize his own interests over Y/n's safety.
However, as he becomes more involved in the search for Y/n, Walter would start to become more invested in her fate.
His self-interest may evolve into a desire to protect Y/n, as he sees her as a valuable asset that he wants to keep under his control.
Walter would use his connections in the criminal underworld to gather information about Y/n's kidnappers and would likely try to negotiate with them for her release.
However, his involvement in the situation may also put Y/n in greater danger, as his actions could draw attention from other powerful and dangerous people.
Ultimately, Walter's motivations for rescuing Y/n would remain murky. It is unclear whether he genuinely cares about her or if he is simply trying to protect his own interests.
His actions would likely be complex and multi-layered, with his true intentions remaining unclear until the very end.
If Y/n were to be rescued, Walter's reaction would depend on whether he succeeded in protecting his interests.
He may be genuinely relieved and grateful, or he may view her rescue as simply a business transaction that he was able to successfully negotiate.
Regardless, he would likely remain a complicated and ambiguous figure in Y/n's life.
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blazeofbones · 6 months
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caribbean1989 · 1 month
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Now You See Me (2013)
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clairedaring · 1 month
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NOW YOU SEE ME (2013) dir. Louis Leterrier
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heliads · 1 year
now you see me daniel atlas x reader where reader kinda volunteered to be a prop in a trick but atlas becomes super shy and stutters? I love me some shy men
loving your 'i love me some shy men.' speak on that anon
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Honestly, you never really thought you’d swing this. It’s one thing to talk about the Four Horsemen, sure, it’s all anyone wants to do these days, but it’s something else entirely to actually make it to one of their shows. Tickets sell out within minutes, it’s practically inhuman. 
You’ve heard rumors that the Horsemen control who gets seats at their show to make their tricks work better, which makes your presence here even more exciting. Somewhere, somehow, you were meant to be at this very show. You were intended to head over to the venue with your giggling friends, you were supposed to sit in your exact chair, and above all, you were divinely ordained to watch pure spectacle unfold before your eyes tonight. 
Maybe magic and fate aren’t that far off after all. The Four Horsemen have evidently decided to take your future into their hands tonight. It’s something fascinating, to be sure, a sort of excitement that makes your stomach spin with anticipation as you find your aisle with mounting thrill. 
Truth be told, it didn’t feel real until you were walking into the performance hall. Like, yeah, you somehow managed to get your tickets, and you’ll absolutely be holding on to your paper stub until the day you die, but it wasn’t certain. Not until you were sitting down, looking with wide eyes at the stage and seats around you like you’ll be able to spot the answer to all the tricks just by keeping your gaze strong and discerning. Maybe something would happen to pull everything away just before it started.
Goodness knows you’ve been extra careful as of late, just in case. No legs will be broken, no ankles twisted, and the chance of you losing your ticket was small but terrifying. You’ve been checking transportation schedules hours in advance, just in case, and you were fully prepared to call an Uber if something really didn’t work out.
It all went your way, though, and now you’re watching the lights dim around you. This is it, then. The show of shows, what you’ve been waiting for for ages and is now finally yours. They’re saying that the Four Horsemen are going to be the pinnacle of live entertainment for this decade at least, and when the quartet of magicians appear on the stage out of nowhere, you’re inclined to believe them. This is something altogether different than anything you’ve ever experienced before.
The show starts off like most of the Horsemen’s performances do– according to the articles you’ve had the chance to read, at least. They’ll do a few tricks, get the crowd excited, then they’ll start looking to the audience and that’s when things get really interesting. Jack Wilder does a few card tricks, Henley appears and disappears out of seemingly thin air, and then it’s Daniel Atlas’ time to go, and you lean forward slightly in your seat.
You know he’ll be interesting, that’s for sure. Of all of the performers that make up the Four Horsemen, Daniel is the only one that you’d heard of before. You’ve Googled his tricks before, watched grainy videos people took of his street shows before he joined the three other magicians and finally made it big. You’ve never been able to figure out how he did anything, not that you were looking all that closely at his hands.
No, you were, admittedly, a little more interested in the bright blue eyes flashing whenever someone fell for his tricks, the swoop of russet hair he kept irritably combing back. You’re not going to go so far as to say it was a celebrity crush, but. You know cute when you see it.
Sure enough, once Henley finishes off her performance to the thunderous applause of the audience, Atlas claps once to get everyone’s attention back on him, then announces that he’ll actually be needing a volunteer from the audience for his next trick.
One of your friends elbows you in the side. “You should totally raise your hand.”
“Really?” You ask.
“Absolutely!” She laughs. “I mean, this is your one chance to get him to notice you, right?”
You roll your eyes, but grin and do as suggested. After all, getting the chance to go up on that stage and actually have Daniel Atlas look you in the eyes would be nothing short of extraordinary. So, knowing there’s no chance he’ll actually look out and see your hand among the scores of other waving palms in this crowded room, you raise your arm, just because you can.
It’s ridiculous, the odds of actually getting picked for something like this. Hundreds of people all practically dragging each other down just for the possibility of one of the Horsemen seeing them, and you think you’ll be the one they see as opposed to anyone, anyone else.
The Four Horsemen thrive on ridiculous chances, though. Impossibility is their best habit. Somehow, Merritt McKinney turns directly at you and points.
“You,” he says, “Come up here. Yeah, you, the one I’m looking at.”
You rise slowly, as if in a dream, and, when no one stops you, walk up to the stage. It feels insane to be taking the stairs and then stepping up onto the raised platform, looking around at all the people staring back at you. Merritt heads over with a grin, whispering in your ear that he hopes stage fright isn’t an issue with you. When you shake your head, he gestures for you to walk over to Daniel, who’s waiting with an outstretched hand.
You take it with a smile. “Thanks for having me.”
“Yeah,” he says a little quickly, “yeah, thanks for coming. Really.”
He doesn’t say anything else for a moment or two, not even about his trick. Merritt coughs pointedly behind him. “Would you like to ask the lovely young lady her name?”
Daniel’s eyes widen and he straightens up in a hurry. “Yes, yes. Sorry about that. What is your name?”
“I’m Y/N,” you tell him, “Y/N L/N.”
The crowd roars its approval, but Daniel doesn’t seem to notice them for a second. Funny, for someone who’s been performing for massive audiences this long, it’s like he’s almost forgotten what it is that he’s there to do.
Merritt walks behind you, mumbling something to you about how he always picks pretty girls for these sorts of things because it makes Atlas lose his mind. You laugh at that, and if you weren’t sure that Daniel wasn’t hopeless for you before, he’s absolutely gone now. Jack has to come up and tap his shoulder before he remembers to carry on with the introduction for the trick.
Your volunteer opportunity is actually pretty exciting, as if you’d expect anything less. Daniel invites you to step into a glass case just a few inches taller than you, then shatters the entire thing to smithereens to the shock of the audience, all with you locked inside. You’re fine, of course, and step out of a cloud of blue smoke to the delight of the onlookers just a few minutes later after Daniel gets everyone to chant the necessary ‘magic words’ as loudly as they can.
Daniel takes your hand again the second you’re back in sight, raising it to the sky as if you’ve won a boxing round. “Can we hear it for Y/N L/N, our disappearing girl?”
Under the cover of the cheers, he turns to you, whispers something so you’re the only one who can hear. “Meet me after the show? Please?”
When you nod, he smiles like a schoolboy, and it takes the combined efforts of Merritt and Jack to get him to focus on the script for their performance, even after you’ve walked off stage and settled back in your seat once more.
Your friends are cheering when you get back to your place. “Did you see Atlas?” One of your friends laughs, “He was totally smitten. Like, totally. He couldn’t stop staring at you.”
You stare at her incredulously. “Really? I mean, I thought so, but I wasn’t sure. It was probably just a part of the performance, though.”
“No way,” your friend says derisively, “I’ve never seen someone more head over heels. You can’t fake something like that, not even if you’re a world famous magician.”
Your friend is right, as it turns out. Once the Four Horsemen disappear from sight to the tumultuous applause, you and your friends head out to the lobby, all eagerly discussing the magic you’d just seen before your very eyes. As you’re about to leave, though, you spot someone waiting in the shadows, near the backstage entrance. Daniel Atlas, just as promised.
You tell your friends to go on without you, ignoring their knowing looks when you start heading Daniel’s way. His eyes light up again when he sees you heading over.
“I was hoping you’d wait around,” he admits when you’re close enough to hear him over the chatter of the departing audience.
“Well, I promised, didn’t I?” You say lightly.
He smiles bashfully. “I wanted to apologize for being so, uh, distracted during the show. See, Merritt likes to play this joke on me by trying to find people who’ll pull my focus, and it’s never affected me like this before, not before you, but–”
You just laugh. “Don’t worry about it, honestly. He kind of told me as much back on stage.”
“Really?” Daniel asks, somewhat horrified.
“It’s fine,” you tell him, “Honestly, I’m going to take it as a compliment. Not every girl gets to say that one of the Four Horsemen thought they were pretty, right?”
“No other girls,” Daniel says on impulse. “Really, it was– it was just you. Promise.”
You smile. “Does that mean I’m special, Daniel Atlas?”
“Very. Special enough to give me your number, maybe?” He asks hopefully.
“I’d say so,” you grin.
Daniel hands over his phone and you input your name and number. He pockets it with a relieved laugh, and is just about to head away when you realize that you don’t have his number. 
When you point this out to him, Daniel just smiles. “Actually, I think you do.”
Someone calls his name in earnest now, and he has to head away with copious apologies. When you go to check your phone, you realize that a piece of paper has been stuck in your pocket without your knowledge. When you pull it out, it’s a business card for a coffee shop down the block. A date and time has been scrawled on it, with messy handwriting asking if you’d be so kind as to meet him again. As promised, Daniel’s phone number is at the bottom, next to a carefully drawn heart.
You smile to yourself as you tuck the card back inside your pocket. Looks like you’ve got some excitement in your life after all. The only thing it took was one bit of magic.
now you see me tag list: @mayfieldss
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broadwayfan92 · 8 months
Waiting for Now You See Me 3 after rewatching the first two movies:
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