#lex luthor zack snyder
beforethepoison · 8 months
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Jesse Eisenberg | OCD and What I Would Tell My Younger Self | Child Mind Institute
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tootalltech · 14 days
genuinely i feel like so many of the critiques about batman vs superman are just like. you guys just have marvel movie brain. like yeah i'm sorry the plot wasn't fed to you on a spoon. i'm sorry the comic book movie dared to reference things that happen in the comic books. i'm sorry zack snyder dared to set up stuff that he intended to resolve in a movie he never REALLY got to make. but actually i'm not though
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darkcrownninja · 1 month
Snyderverse Superman
I don't like the angle the story itself is trying to sell on him but I do think the reactions of the characters inside the story are realistic to what would happen to him in the real word.
Lex Luthor hates him because of his own internalized issues, using him as a scapegoat he can pin blame on. Pretending he hates him due to some higher purpose.
Bruce hates Superman because he doesn't understand him, and people fear what they don't understand. (and in this universe metas became common after Superman appeared so this Batman has no experience with superpowered beings, he didn't slowly increase the powerlevel of the powered being around him, he went from 0 to a 100, and that is scary)
The people who he has saved and cared for love him because they've seen him, they know him.
The people that hate him tend to be people in power or those affected by Black Zero.
He didn't get that much time to make the world know him, he was Superman for like 2 years only, compared to the 20+ he has in the comics.
He is this powerful being that sprung out of knowhere, that is bound to make people afraid, and no ones likes being afraid so they hate.
I think the most realistic part of the movie is the tv scene where people are sitting down and talking about weather he should be allowed to roam free or not.
As if it is moral to deny a sentient being freedom/ autonomy.
Because as much as it sucks to think about it is what would most likely happen if a superman appeared.
People say snyder superman is too angry or gloomy but who the fuck wouldn't if they were subject to hearing people treating them like an object and hating him?
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asm5129 · 2 months
TW: Mentions of Violence, Death, 9/11
MY PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=10398701
Hello to all of my Queers and Dears, and welcome back to my Adam Writes an Essay series! Today, in celebration of the new season of My Adventures with Superman Season 2 Finale and the increasingly more detailed information we’ve been getting around James Gunn’s upcoming Superman feature film, we’re going to be digging into an essay I wrote a few years back comparing and contrasting the approaches the Christopher Reeve-led and Henry Cavill-led respective Superman origin films have to the Superman mythos.
I’m excited to adapt it into a video essay for you all!
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Poll: Your favourite Lex Luthor?
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thingsasbarcodes · 25 days
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Zack Snyder's Justice League (2021)
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wonderbatbvs · 1 year
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His name... is Bruce Wayne.
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sassylittlecanary · 1 year
Cynicism and God Complexes: Thoughts on Batman v Superman
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There’s good stuff about this movie. Clark and Bruce are especially well cast, some of the costumes are pretty, Wonder Woman is there, etc. But as for the rest? I just rewatched this film, and here’s my two cents.
Bruce's Characterization
I appreciate how the beginning shows Bruce’s compassion for people (especially kids), but then it’s … not really relevant ever again? What Batman does to the sex traffickers is certainly satisfying, but it's also more in line with Huntress or Red Hood’s tactics (which comics!Bruce hates). So, by making him more like Frank Miller’s Batman (aka the Punisher in a cape -- seriously, The Dark Knight Returns had horrendous characterization and we should not be basing movies on it), it erases everything about his character that defines him as Batman, which is VERY relevant in comics batfam dynamics. Furthermore, there's the moment when the media is criticizing the bat brand, and Bruce says, "They’re criminals, Alfred — they’ve always been criminals. Nothing’s changed.” This is not who Bruce is! This is not his mindset! Where is the Bruce Wayne who gets a former villain a job at Wayne Enterprises and works toward reform and doesn't see anyone as a lost cause?
There's also the question of the dead Robin (not that you can really tell it’s a Robin costume because it's freaking BROWN) who is probably Jason Todd, which makes Bruce's characterization here even more implausible. Bruce didn’t kill his arch nemesis (who’s still alive and played by Jared Leto) who tortured and murdered his teenage son, but sure, he’ll kill Superman happily!! I call BS.
Clark's Characterization
This film is all about fear of Superman, and this is best personified by Bruce and Alfred's perspective — that Kal-El is a god coming down from the sky who could reign terror on the earth and answers to no one. Sure, they’re unreliable narrators, but this narrative still ruined many people’s perceptions of Superman. Despite scenes showing Clark’s kindness, fear of Superman (plus the idea that we SHOULD be afraid of him) is woven throughout the entire film. The entire point of the Knightmare sequences is fear of Superman. Even if they’re simply meant to demonstrate Bruce’s paranoia, they still serve to instill fear of Superman in the audience as well. (Also the Knightmare sequences are literally just Injustice ripoffs and I HATE IT. Literally the worst thing to take inspiration from for a Superman movie.) It's noteworthy that Superman's first appearance shows him looking scary and imposing. That's the image many people remembered.
Also, the core of Clark's character is that he cares about people. He does literally everything in his power to protect them. The idea of him allowing (or causing) destruction to befall innocents just so he can save Lois is ludicrous. Actually, the (heavily Injustice inspired) idea throughout the DCEU that Clark prioritizes Lois over other innocent people is awful. Clark cares about all of humanity — whom he lives among and is not isolated from  — not just Lois. (Also, while I love the tenderness in their relationship, it's just not a Lois & Clark relationship. Where is the banter? The flirtation? These two are cute together, but they were also made into a very generic couple.)
Additionally, I hate Superman as a Christ figure, and I hate the "he's a god among mortals!!" narrative. Y'all. This is post-Crisis. John Byrne got rid of that. We've moved past this.
The Villain
I hate Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor. I get that he’s Luthor Jr, but still. He’s kinda just playing the Joker without makeup. He’s just pathetic and annoying and I cringe when he’s on screen. It's honestly embarrassing that every other actor who has played Lex Luthor was both more menacing and more compelling. 
The Tone
Beyond a doubt, this movie's fatal flaw is how bleak and cynical it is. The tone, the characterization, the very premise, and even the color scheme are so cynical. It takes all the fun and meaning out of the genre. Thanks for turning these inspiring and beloved characters into another sad soulless action movie!! Love you Zack 😘
Also, the beginning bothers me. Bruce doesn't like Clark because of all the violence he causes -- except comics!Clark cares about protecting civilians. It's just that Zack Snyder followed the 2010s action flick trend of adding tons of gratuitous, gritty violence, and now BvS is reckoning not with the characters' actions, but with Snyder's directorial choices from Man of Steel. Which is lame and I hate it.
Snyder's choices in general just bother me. He literally took one of the brightest, most colorful, most fun genres ever and was like “Actually, what if everything was DARK and BROWN and SAD.” And you know what? I do not vibe with that. Not everything has to be Game of Thrones.
Honestly, all this cynicism and moralizing would've been more suited to an Authority film than one about the DC Trinity.  I don’t WANT a dark and realistic take on Superman and how people might view him. I don’t want a movie where Superman is put on trial or burned in effigy! I want a movie where Superman saves people and brings joy and hope to the world. I want my kind and inspirational beacon of hope. I want the hero whom children adore and adults admire. Give me a real superhero movie, not a hopeless grimdark action movie with superhero characters.
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picspammer · 2 years
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Happy birthday to the main girlie:
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice
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navarrocabrera · 1 year
Zack Snyder’s Justice League FANART
“Lex (Death)stroke a Deal”, new Road to ZSJL entry. Possibly the last one, but only as far as “road to” goes. We plan to go on with this series after the release, so it’ll mutate into something else. Stay tuned! Nueva entrada de “Camino a la ZSJL”. Posiblemente el último, pero solo en lo que respecta al “camino a”. Planeamos continuar con esta serie después del lanzamiento, por lo que mutará en…
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mndvx · 1 year
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Zack Snyder Lex skywalker….anyone? #fullcircle #snyderverse #afsp
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filmjet · 2 years
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Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016)
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kimbobbp · 2 years
me and @dr-sunshineisdead watched bvs...
heres a list of all the homosexual moments. they are 100% illegible
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and incase you cant tell, frank has been diagnosed with ben affleck manliker syndrome
also sorry if some of yall moots end up getting um. spam posting
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iamfitzwilliamdarcy · 2 years
dceu lex luthor in particular is such a smug little shit
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romancomicsnews · 1 year
Movie Redo: My take on Batman's Insurgency from The Snyder Cut
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While I was not crying out for more Snyder content, I was surprisingly impressed with Zack Snyder's Justice League. Yes, it is a long, and a little heavy on slow motion, but it had a vision that in my opinion, make his first two movies better. I don't think I connect with it in the same ways other do, but clearly it invokes passion.
While Zack Snyder's Justice League brought closure to a lot of DC fans, it brought a want for more from a lot of others, particularly in its closing scenes involving the Knightmare.
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This battle between Batman, heroes, and an evil Superman has been teased throughout Batman vs Superman and The Snyder Cut. While I don't think this will ever truly happen, I want to focus on one aspect of the film that boggled my mind, the team that Batman assembles.
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Batman assembles of team of heroes and villains to fight Superman, which in theory is a lot of fun and should be a team worth rooting for. However it is made up of (mostly in hindsight) some problematic stars and questionable choices in characters, none whom I believe could actually defeat Superman.
I want to go through the DCEU and make a team of heroes and villains that I think 1) would join up with Batman 2) would be able to put up a fight against Superman and 3) would make for an interesting movie.
Stipulations for myself are no heroes introduced after The Snyder Cut, as Zack would not have had access to them. So sorry, no Blue Beetle, no Supergirl, no Black Adam. But any heroes and villains introduced before then are fair game.
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I also want to generally keep the same types of characters that are on the team. Let's say two villains, two younger heroes, and two Leaguers.
First, let's look at who is staying:
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Besides Batman, I only have the one.
I think having a Justice League member who remembers what Superman was like and to have Batman's back is a great idea. While I do love the Barry and Bruce relationship in comics and other media, Ezra Miller is not a person I can stand behind nor do I want to see in more movies for a long while.
Ray Fisher was done dirty by Warner Bros and Joss Whedon. He is a fantastic actor and plays my favorite character in Zack Snyder's Justice League. Bringing him along as both muscle and tech support makes sense. And given his technology being of alien origin, he may have a chance of actually putting up a fight against Superman.
In this film, I want Cyborg to represent the hope for Humanity. He has been taken over by something terrible, like alien technology, and has overcome it. Despite everything that has happened, Cyborg still believes they can save the world, and Superman. I think it would be a nice change of pace for the character and keep him at the heart of the film.
Now let's go on to the fun ones.
The Villains
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The DCEU has a surprising amount of villains to choose from when it comes to people who would join the team. While both Joker and Deathstroke are fun fan favorite characters, I think for this cast, we can do better.
While I love the idea of Joe Manganiello as Deathstroke, he doesn't seem suited for a fight with the Man of Steel.
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Similarly, Jared Leto's Joker seems like a pointless nuisance at best. Having a crash wild card on the team seems fun, but wrong direction.
Let's start with the obvious pick.
Lex Luthor
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If we are doing a world where Superman truly goes evil, why not get help from the man who has been saying he would the Whole Time?!
I'm not a huge fan of Jesse Eisenbergs Lex Luthor, but in the post credits scene, he had seemed to calm down quite a bit, and seemed closer to the Luthor we know and love.
I still don't know if he entirely would nail it, but having Luthor on the team adds that same level of uneasiness Joker does while adding competence.
Luthor could have a chip on his shoulder with a lot of "I told you all" energy I love. And with his strong knowledge on Superman, and maybe a mech suit, he'd be incredibly useful against Superman.
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I think we missed an opportunity to further Luthor's involvement in this universe in a fun and interesting way, and he should absolutely be a part of this team.
Ocean Master
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While I did love the inclusion of Mera, I did not love the inclusion of Amber Heard. Having a violent Atlantean out for blood and vengeance for Arthur's death is a fun concept. Which brought me to his brother, Orm.
My hope is in Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom, Orm comes to an understanding and love for his brother. If that were true, Superman killing his brother (and likely the world's oceans) would put him on a warpath with Orm.
I think Orm is one of those characters elevated by the actor playing him, Patrick Wilson. And given Wilson and Snyder have worked together, I think the collaboration is in order.
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I think Orm is a good middle ground between Mera and Deathstroke, filling out both roles all while bringing an angry, violent energy to the team.
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While there are quite a few heroes in the DCEU, I tried to pick heroes Batman has not interacted with, or that would join his cause. Let's start with the bigger ask:
Harley Quinn
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If we want to match that chaotic Joker energy, Margot Robbie's Harley Quinn is the better way to go about it. This would be reminiscent of the Injustice Games where she goes good, following Batman's lead as his second in command.
She can represent how far both she and Bruce have come, having put aside their differences, even forgiving her for the death of Robin. While I know she's not the truest hero, we only see her as a protagonist throughout her films, and I'd like to keep her that way.
While I don't think she's the most useful in a fight against Superman, I think she still adds much needed humor to the bruting team. Plus, we can give her a Kryptonite hammer and boom, she's in the fight.
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I also want a character who can annoy Lex with her presence. I think those two would be at each other's throats the entire time.
And Finally:
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If there is one thing Batman is known to do, it's recruit a kid. While we can't have the Black Adam/Superman match up the Rock so desperately wants, we can have a more competent Billy Batson on the team.
As a hero with similar powers and magic at his disposal, Shazam would be the most capable in a fight against Superman. In this version, he has lost his Shazamily, and now hones the power of all of the Council of Wizards, making him the ideal foe for Superman.
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Batman not having an absolute tank on his team in the fight against Superman is insane. Shazam serves as Bruces back up plan incase they run into Superman. While he doesn't truly believe Billy can beat him, he thinks Shazam could sacrifice himself and save the others in time to come up with a true plan.
Levi can add comedy but mix in drama and sadness of his lost family. Levi's acting is often underutilized in the Shazam films, and under Snyder we may get some absolute gold.
Having a powerful Wizard, an Atlantean King, a Genius, a Motherbox enhanced Cyborg and one of the best members of the Suicide Squad on a team together led by Batman gives us not only a colorful cast of characters, but the DCEU a fighting chance against Superman.
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elyalovi · 3 months
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Jesse Eisenberg, Lex Zuckerberg
Jesse Eisenberg fue elogiado tras interpretar a un neurótico Mark Zuckerberg en Red Social. Y esa misma energía de un joven genio excéntrico y tecnológico se la dio a su Lex Luthor en Superman v Batman. Es el Lex Luthor más controversial hasta el momento por su construcción; elaboró un plan muy complicado para lograr que Superman se peleara con Batman y luego no tomó en cuenta que estos personajes podrían conversar y arreglar sus problemas con una sola palabra. Sin embargo, y en la defensa de Zack Snyder, se quiso modernizar a Lex Luthor para hacerlo más realista al mismo tiempo que se lanzaba una crítica a los millonarios excéntricos que dicen salvar el mundo cuando lo que quieren es controlarlo. Eisenberg como Luthor fue errático, desquiciado y exagerado, con los mismos manierismos que Zuckerberg, por eso mismo, parecía una especie de caricatura que jamás se sintió una amenaza real. De hecho, el creador de Zuckerberg da más miedo que su propio Lex Luthor. Si hay algo que reconocerle a Eisenberg es que tiene una de las mejores frases dichas por Superman: "Los demonios no vienen del infierno. No, vienen del cielo."
->El mejor Lex y los dem��s Luthor
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