adorablebanite · 2 months
Here is the silly Smooching Booth fic for the @gortash-week SUFFER prompt!
(It was mostly I who suffered abject fear of disappointing everyone involved, but I promise Gortash got his lil tyrant ass beat a little too, which was therapeutic for me ^_^)
Thank you so much for contributing! It means a lot that you've put your babies in my sweaty hands, so I promise I did my very best to be good to them! I had to cut a lot submission details, but it was more important to me to include everyone than be super detailed with every contribution. This is all for smooches and giggles - nothing makes sense xD
Lilla of course is the main host to move things along (and she's my first and probably only OC so of course I like to shamelessly shoehorn her in wherever I can :]
NOTE - I still have all the submission in my inbox. If any of you want me to share your submissions (and all the details within) please shoot me a DM saying so, and I'll smash that post button on them!
@nexu101 @beecreeper @akilah12902 @the0verboss @@saltystarsy @sapphosdisaster @forlornghosts @ennissg @yhmwatfhu @aurorawintersnight @demong @obuoliukai @wickedvixey @guringurasu @toobisa @niaranda @kaava @melvinthedepressedrobot @steampunkserpent @nusaran @bound-to-worse @newtia
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leftoverdinosaurbones · 7 months
Drawn Together
One-shot: Gortash x fem!Tav
This is a gift for @nusaran for the Elfsong Tavern’s Valentine’s Day gift exchange. Thanks for the fun prompts!!
Content Warning: NSFW (minors do not interact), little bit of smut (afab Tav), house fire
It's a day of celebration at the Elfsong Tavern, which is bursting at the seams with decorations, ale, and patrons. Everyone is eager to partake in the festivities and express their love for one another.
Well, almost everyone.
Your mind is elsewhere tonight. You have yet to find your soulmate, though one person in particular has been consuming your thoughts. And he isn't the type to attend a party at the Elfsong Tavern. Perhaps it wasn't meant to be, anyway.
Set in game during Act 3 (spoilers!). You can read it below or on ao3.
Gale is in particularly high spirits this morning.
He hums softly and smiles to himself, like someone just shared the most delightful secret with him.
His hands work in their practiced way, pulling the most beautiful decorations from the weave. Soft pink pastels dance among deep burgundies while pearl white accents twist them together, joined by garlands of flowers. It reminds you of home. Of celebrations with your friends, your family. Of a lighter time, seemingly lifetimes ago.
His outlook on life has taken a turn for the positive these days, though you suppose having a new lease on life could do that for a man. Only just a few days ago, you convinced him not to sacrifice himself to the netherbrain - instead, you believed that he was worth sacrificing for. Even if that meant more danger in the future, or an unknown path. We would all do it, together.
You grip a bit tighter to the warm mug in your hands as you walk over to Gale.
“What are we celebrating?” You ask, coyly.
“Oh,” Gale breathes out with a deep, content sigh. He drops his attention from the weave and focuses his eyes on yours.
“You must know what day it is! What we are celebrating! We partook in the festival each and every year back home in Waterdeep. I assumed it was well-known in Baldur’s Gate as well, but given your reaction - and Astarion’s as well - perhaps you’ve been suffering without such a holiday your entire lives! Please, allow me to explain it to you. It is a celebration of love - the divine and sacred bonds between family, treasured friends, and lovers.”
His hand reaches out for your arm, gently squeezing near your shoulder before letting his hand drop back to his side.
“I just wanted to thank you, again. I know that I truly cannot thank you enough for what you’ve done for me. For every single thing you do for me. You’ve made me start to believe in myself again - to believe that I am worth lifelong friendship… and perhaps even love.”
Your eyes dart away from his to look towards the ground. He is being so vulnerable and forthcoming with you, like always. But you can’t help having this wall up between you, holding you back from letting him in. You bring your mug up to your lips to distract from the growing silence.
“…perhaps even love, with someone, one day,” Gale relents. “I know we are only fated to be friends, and I respect that. Our friendship means the world to me, I hope you realize that.”
Gale’s words are warm and sincere. You return his kind words with a soft smile, looking back up at him.
“I really appreciate your friendship too, Gale.” You settle down on a seat nearby to watch as he brings the weave back to vibrant life.
You know, deep in your heart, that Gale will find his perfect match. At least they will be relatively easy to recognize, given the unique scar decorating his chest.
While many people form relationships - largely temporary - with others without matching scars, that idea never appealed to you. Oh, perhaps a stolen night here and there, but never anything real. You couldn’t see opening yourself up to someone, to let them in so deep, just to have them leave you for their real soulmate.
Your eyes scan the room at the Elfsong Tavern until you find Astarion. He is sitting on the ground, cross-legged and hunched over something he was working on in his lap. His scowl is present in every feature of his face - his lips drawn into a tight frown, his forehead knit together in frustration, his eyes narrowed. You assume he is bitter about the festival, and it goes beyond the fact that romance makes him feel uncomfortable and self-conscious.
This festival would only serve as another reminder of the many impacts of his vampiric affliction. Though otherwise a good thing, his skin can heal on its own - therefore, he has no scars. He will never be sure of his soulmate like the rest of us. And so he certainly can’t be sure that Wyll is his soulmate.
Time and time again, Wyll has offered reassurance to Astarion. Wyll will claim that the matching scars don’t matter to him, that he knows what is in his heart, that his love will never stray to another. But you can see the fear behind Astarion’s eyes. And you understand it.
Even now, you see Wyll crouch down next to Astarion and start to rub his shoulders, leaning to whisper something in his ear. Astarion flinches from his touch, reflexively. You look away to give them at least a modicum of privacy within this shared living space.
Swirling the liquid in your mug, your mind is pulled back into the events from the other day, when you entered Wyrm’s Rock. After your confrontation with the guard and the Steel Watchers at the bridge, you were surprised to receive an invitation to Gortash’s coronation. Though, from everything you heard of the man, he did seem a bit full of himself. Of course he would demand your attendance to that charade of an event, in his honor. Especially after you so easily defeated Ketheric.
You aren’t entirely sure why you accepted a strategic alliance with Gortash. He was clearly a better choice than Orin, though logic could also assume that you need not choose to ally with either of your enemies. His words were tempting, a seemingly genuine and alluring offer of shared power.
But that wasn’t what tempted you. The way he moved towards you with cool confidence. His tall figure loomed over you as he drew near. He didn’t have the same physical presence as someone like Halsin, but he frightened you all the same. He didn’t need it to appear formidable. To be imposing.
When he gripped your hand in partnership, you could swear he held on for just a moment longer than necessary. His dark eyes lingered on yours before trailing, slowly, down your body. Your heart lept into your throat as a flush of heat warmed your face and brightened the tips of your ears.
You tore your eyes away from his, embarrassment washing over you. Though, admittedly, this wasn’t the only feeling you were experiencing… You hadn’t felt those kinds of stirrings within you before. Not for any of your companions, despite their (many) advances.
No. You shook your head to try to distance yourself from such thoughts. A man like that, a follower of Bane, knows how to pull you into his web. This isn’t personal - it’s his own strategic manipulation, just like he used Karlach.
“Here.” You are startled out of your memories by a tight, strained voice. You look up to see Astarion handing Gale a delicate, embroidered heart.
The Elfsong Tavern is a sight to behold tonight. Gale, as convincing as ever, was able to fill the room with decorations for the festival. He stood by the door to greet each patron and provide them with a rousing introduction to the holiday, whether they were interested or not.
You find yourself at the bar, sipping on a glass of wine. You glance around the room as it is filled with joyful guests. Some were paired off and dancing - Wyll gracefully led Astarion as they danced together. You recognize it as one Wyll had been practicing on his own for several nights at camp.
Others were locked together in deep conversation; Lae’zel and Shadowheart among them. Over the past few months, you’ve watched their relationship move from enemies to friends. You saw perhaps a hint of something deeper, here and there, but they didn’t seem ready yet to admit that to themselves. You smile into your wine as you take in a deep drink.
Karlach and Halsin were making their rounds throughout the tavern. Halsin made fast friends wherever he could, offering stories and friendship to anyone who might be in need of it. Karlach, with her recent upgrades and ability to touch people, was very eager to make up for lost time.
All around you, people were happy. Your companions were coupling up - perhaps not with their soulmates, no. But at least they had some companionship, some connection. Why does it matter if it is only temporary? You might not even make it through all of this alive.
With a heavy sigh, you push yourself away from the bar and walk out to the front patio. You rest your forearms on the railing, closing your eyes. No one at the tavern caught your interest, anyway.
Your mind begins to drift, filling with ‘what ifs’. What if Gortash were at this party? Would he even notice you? Has he been thinking of you? Does he feel as ridiculous as you do, pining over someone after one simple interaction? What if...
The smell of smoke fills your nostrils and rips you away from your thoughts. Your eyes snap open, scanning the sky for smoke. You see a small plume of it begin to stack and rise into the air. You feel your legs propel you towards it before you can even register your actions - you know you don’t have much time to think about a plan of action before it’s too late.
Soon, you arrive in front of a small home. Through the window, you can see the flames rising, building up in strength. Amid the smoke, you see a figure, hunched over and immobilized in fear. You cast misty step to get inside the house.
“I’m here to help!” you call out to the person over the roar of flames. They lift their head towards you, their face contorted between fear and hope. You see a back window nearby, close enough that they could escape.
“Step to the side!” you command, and they dive for shelter out of your path. You cast thunderwave to bust open the window so they can make their escape. Glass explodes out through the back, allowing enough space for the person to make a quick leave. However, the new opening allowed for a rush of fresh air to flood the house, adding new fuel to the fire.
The flames leap up with greater force, tongues lashing at the ceiling and quickly melting through the thatches of the roof. The force and ferocity of the flames knock you back, breaking your concentration. You lost the small opportunity you had to fly out of the house after casting your spell.
The walls of flames burn hotter around you and smoke starts to fill your lungs. Panicking, you fall to the ground, desperate for air, throat burning. If you had only taken the time to think, for even just a moment, perhaps you’d have called for help from Karlach before leaving the tavern. Or you could have asked for a Steel Watcher on your way.
One last idea comes to your mind as your body begins to shut down for self-preservation. You feel your magic build within you as you summon everything left inside. Eyes blurry, the spell leaves your lips in a whisper.
Slowly, heavy droplets begin to build into a steady downpour, dampening the roar of the flames. You welcome the stinging rain as bit at your cheeks, offering relief from the heat gathered on your cheeks. Coughing, you struggled to try to get up, weak from the inhaled smoke and spent magic.
Through your blurry peripheral, you notice a figure enter the house. Could it be one of your companions, looking for you? Grateful, you remained on the ground and raised a hand, hoping they could notice you and help you out of this mess. Heavy steps come briskly towards you, and you feel one arm scoop up under your knees while the other holds your back. They lift you up into their arms to carry you out of the building.
Exhausted, you let your head fall against their chest, clutching the fabric of their jacket with your hand. Rain continues to pour even outside of the house (how strong was that spell?). Completely soaked, you begin to shiver, in violent contrast to the state you were in only moments ago. They hold you tighter to their chest as they walk briskly, tirelessly, down the street.
Finally, you are able to open your eyes and register the direction you are going.
“The Elfsong Tavern is the other way,” you mumble softly, bringing your eyes back to your hand that is pressed against their chest. You freeze, a jolt sent straight down your spine. This body doesn’t feel familiar to you. Against all better judgment, you will yourself to look up.
You see his long black hair, plastered down against his face from the pouring rain. The rain traces his cheekbones and small wrinkle lines, outlining his features. His dark eyes catch yours. They look right through you, piercing, hardened, angry. Your body tenses as you flatten your palms against his chest, ready to push yourself away.
He lifts your body up slightly to press his lips into the top of your head.
“Don’t.” He whispers before bringing you back down again and pressing you against his chest.
You aren’t sure why, but you listen to him. You close your eyes and lean your head back into his chest.
Finally, you are inside. Warmth burns your cheeks, though your body is freezing from the wet clothes clinging to your body. You are brought to a room where he gently sets you down on a chair. He hands you a health potion, which you quickly drink without a second thought. The liquid starts to work immediately, repairing your raw throat and the other, thankfully minor, injuries from the fire.
Gortash bends over a hearth, coaxing up the flames. You are surprised to see him like this - Lord Enver Gortash, on his knees, making a fire for you?
He crosses the room in a couple of broad steps, soon standing at your feet.
“We need to get you out of these wet clothes.” Gortash extends his hand towards you.
You raise an eyebrow up at him.
“Unless you want to get sick, and make an embarrassingly easy target for Orin.”
Of course. That is what this is about. He is simply protecting his business partner. Protecting his assets.
You roll your eyes, feeling self-conscious about your earlier thoughts and curiosities about your potential relationship. You take Gortash’s hand with an aggravated huff, masking your hurt feelings and slightly wounded pride with a show of annoyance.
He brings his gold-adorned hands up to your shoulders. His fingers linger near the straps of your dress, the metal tips of his gauntlet ghosting your skin. Gently, he slips the straps off to the side of your shoulders. Surprised by the softness of his touch, a small gasp escapes your mouth.
He touches your shoulders again, urging you to turn around. You give in, the tips of your ears turning bright red as you face away from him. His fingertips drag, slowly, from your shoulders to the middle of your back. Though his touch is gentle, it scorches your skin, sending waves of white-hot heat through your body. You tighten your hands into fists, nails biting into your palms and bite your bottom lip to stifle any unintended sounds that threaten to escape.
His fingers find purchase on your zipper and he pulls it down, opening your dress to the bottom of your back. He brings his hands up to the top of your dress and drags it down your body, the wet fabric clinging desperately to your skin. He follows it down your body, around the dip of your waist, over the curve of your hips, down to your ankles, then helps you step out of dripping cloth. He hangs the fabric over a chair near the fire, with care. Who is this man?
You try to make sense of this. He is just helping you. Helping his business partner.
You turn back around to face him. The hair on your body stands on end as goosebumps fill your exposed skin. Gortash steps back in front of you, closer this time.
He reaches his hand to catch your jaw in his grip, the metal tips biting into your skin. He lifts your chin up, eyes blazing as he takes you in. Eager to consume you. You struggle to pull away, to shield yourself from his hunger, but his grip on your jaw is steadfast.
He swipes the pad of his thumb across your chin, tracing a faint scar. A deep sigh rumbles within his chest. With his free hand, he brings yours up to his face. You copied his movements, placing your fingers along his jaw, running your thumb along the scar on his chin…
No. That’s…that’s just a common scar. So many people have scars on their face. It will take more than just this to convince you.
With trembling hands, you reach up to unlace his shirt. You fumble a bit, unsure if it’s because of nerves or the sloppy way in which he laced it in the first place. Finally, you grasp the bottom of his shirt and pull it up over his chest, peeling off the wet fabric as it clings to his skin. You take in the sight of him, the fire casting a dim light and deep shadows across his features. Your eyes trail along his warm, tanned skin, watching the subtle flex of the muscles in his arms as he pulls the shirt over his head. Dark hair, damp and lightly glistening, decorated his chest down to his stomach, disappearing in the waistband of his pants.
But, most importantly, your eyes land on a spot on his side. Impulsively, you reach out a hand to trace the line etched into his skin, a jagged edge, poorly healed. You hadn’t been able to stitch it up well enough to prevent the lasting mark. And here it is - reflected in another.
You drew in a sharp breath as the reality of this situation came crashing down into you. Enver Gortash: The man who kidnapped your friend’s father. The man who betrayed your friend and damned her to the hells. The man who controls the Netherbrain, and wants to rule over all of Faerûn.
Your soulmate.
Gortash laces his fingers into yours and leads you to the bed nearby. He sits you down on the bed and steps back. His hands move, slowly, to unbuckle his pants.
You bite your lips, holding your breath.
He let his pants fall to his ankles, kicking away the gathered fabric at his feet. Your eyes flick down below his waist for just a moment, long enough to glimpse the size of him straining at his undergarments. Gortash meets your wide eyes with a lazy half-smile, the knowing smile of a man with a dangerous amount of self-confidence.
He parts your legs to stand between them, raking the sharp points of his nails up and down your thighs. You shiver, feeling a burning need start to wind up inside your core.
He continues his exploration, hands running slowly over your hips, your waist, and dragging up to your breasts. He cups one in each hand, massaging gently before bringing one of your nipples into his mouth. He sucks and swirls his tongue around the sensitive bud, pinching your other nipple with his hand. You cry out, throwing your head back as you tangle your hands in his damp hair.
He releases you from his mouth to continue his slow worship of your skin, leaving soft kisses up your chest and over your shoulder. Once he reaches your neck, his kisses get more needy, more desperate. He opens his mouth to bite - hard. You gasp, wrapping your legs around his waist to press him closer to you. You know that are already leaking through your panties, and that doesn’t stop you from trying to grind your hips against him, making sure he feels just how badly you want him.
His mouth is replaced by his hand over your throat, metal-tipped nails digging sharply into your skin as he dulls your air supply. You bring your hands to the one at your neck, but his grip is firm. Your thoughts are swimming as you pull in shallow breaths, and you claw at his grip in vain. As he takes more and more from you, your need for him only deepens.
He pushes you back on the bed, caging you in with his arms around your head. A moment passes as you look at each other, his pupils blown.
You bring his head towards yours, inviting him in. His lips meet yours, tentatively at first, then mad with fervor - clashing against yours like a man starved. His tongue dances against yours, exploring your mouth, desperate to taste all of you. Your nails dug for purchase across his back as he groans into your mouth. You line your hips up with his, grinding yourself against his clothed erection, soaking it through. You wanted more, needed more of him, clawing and pulling at him to press you both together.
He breaks from the kiss, panting, and pushes his body off of yours.
“Ilyana.” Gortash says your name with confidence, possession. Hearing your name from his lips did something to you. You arch your back, keening towards him, wanting him - needing him - to take you. He slips off your panties and removes his last layer. You watch as his hard cock springs loose from his clothes, the tip of it already glistening with precum. Your body aches, desperate for him. He watches you writhe with anticipation as he slowly strokes himself.
“I have been waiting forever to find you. To have you. And now, you are mine.”
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aureli-us · 20 days
wip wednesday!
it is definitely still wednesday. it is not friday. tagged by my beloved @kiir-do-faal-rahhe and i'll tag @elventhief @nusaran @nuwanders @hircines-hunter and anyone who wants to do it!! ((you can wait til next wednesday if you want LMFAO))
this blurb is from a tiny oneshot in the atmora au, so enjoy long haired, 6'4" tharya😎
"Her hair is braided," Dukaan mused as the pair spun through his line of sight again.
"Is it his?"
"I think so." He recognized Miraak's handiwork because he himself had worn it once or twice. The First Mage preferred flatter strands, nothing so loose or tightly portioned as some others but something fashioned to display its natural beauty. Her braid started low, or at least it appeared to, but sheaves of hair at the back of her head were layered so minutely and so loosely it was impossible to see. And it glittered. The braid itself was a five-strand, quite impressive for a woman Dukaan and Zahkriisos had not met nor heard Miraak speak of before tonight. There were smaller braids barely the width of Dukaan's pinky interwoven as well, creating an altogether new pattern that swayed gently downwards. Small gemstones littered her hair, catching and gleaming in the light, and she wore what looked like blue snowlilies tucked into pieces of the braid. It looked like at least two hours of work.
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nyda-the-tav · 4 months
Last line tag & WIP Wednesday
Since it's the same rules for both, I'm combining them! Thanks for the tags @nusaran & @andrigyn
Rules: in a new post, show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or as many as you feel like).
Since I got tagged twice, I'll do both!
Here's a drawing WIP I'm currently working:
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As for writing, it's more than a single line but one line on it's own wasn't interesting sooooo:
Raina’s mind struggled to remember what exactly she was trying to accomplish but the temptation to give in stopped her mind altogether. 'I need to win him over first, then convince him to accommodate. He’ll have more interest in avoiding his darkest plots if he wants to win my favour.'
Who knows if these lines will survive as-is, but the idea behind them certainly will!
tagging @reirakurenai @amischiefofmice @luniidae @kurenai633
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murmel-malt · 4 months
WIP Wednesday
Rules: in a new post, show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or as many as you feel like).
Thank you @emilykaldwen and @vampire-exgirlfriend for the tag!
There are calls of protests as he jumps the fencing of the melee grounds but he has more pressing concerns than being reprimanded. By now people have taken note of the unmoving knight and from the corner of his eyes, Aeron spots Laenor up in the royal box. Even at the distance he sees the worry and panic in his eyes as his friend is leaning over the railing.
tagging: @nusaran, @godswood-girl, @selfproclaimedunicorn
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coreene · 2 months
OC Smash or Pass
Tagged by @my-favourite-zhent, thank you so much lovely <33 her OC Izzy here!
No pressure tags: @beesht @nusaran @alpydk @grossjay @megs-98
Rules: pretty self explanatory. include physical descriptions or pics, and propaganda. the “other” label can be used for “sexuality misalignment” (ie: oc is femme and you’re gay, vice versa or you aren’t into smashing but a specific thing you wanna do with them like perhaps hug or study them under a microscope idc).
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Instead of Lorelei this time let's do this for the boy that broke her heart:
Athedrin - The Midnight Rogue
I cannot draw so all I have are the screenies
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Emperor chose to appear to Lorelei as him. He could tell she was still very much hung up on him but didn't know more than that. The voice and face was there but he lacked Athedrin's charisma and Lorelei knew - that was just something who wore Athedrin's face.
Height: 182 cm~
Age: 80 ~
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Pansexual
Very good at disarming traps
Crafty, he can get himself in and out of any situation.
Persuasive and charismatic
A generous lover
He doesn't judge and will accept people as they are
Knows how to paint and is artistic.
Will seduce you, fuck you and then run away with your gold
Selfish and always self-serving
Liar and a coward, specially when it comes to feelings
Impulsive and will get defensive if you dig a little
Has superficial relationships, never gets too close
You can spend a year with him and still wonder who he is because he doesn't share his past.
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inqorporeal · 5 months
Rules! List 5 topics you can talk about for at least an hour without any preparation. Tag others to find out their topics.
I got tsgged by @bluemaskedkarma so let's gooooo
Star Wars -- specifically the older expanded universe content produced before 2004
Art and framing -- it's kind of my job now, I have to be able to discuss this stuff at a moment's notice
Astrophysics and astronomy -- it was my special interest when I was a kid and I keep up with the developments
ADHD and autism -- i wouldn't have said this before, but I just had a long conversation about this with a woman at the photography expo last night
Politics -- it ended up accidentally being a huge part of my courses at university, not just current politics but the way culture, religion, politics, the environment, and economy are inextricably linked together.
Bonus 6: any of the original novels I'm working on. I don't discuss them much because I KNOW I'll accidentally dominate the conversation.
Tagging, hmmm... @araceil @miniar @mneiai @dogmatix @nusaran and open tagging anyone who wants to join in!
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revan-escence · 2 years
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“...After Moff Xerxian failed to quell an uprising on the Imperial-conquered world of Sullust, the man was summoned to a private audience with Darth Marr. After the meeting, Xerxian dictated a letter of resignation and shot himself, leading to many rumors about what had happened. The most predominant one was that the Sith Lord had removed his mask and allowed Xerxian to view his supposedly ruined face.”
Merry Chistmas y’all, I’m back with a drawing I made while hiding from my family these festive holidays. I’m also trying to download SWTOR on my laptop and it’s stuck about 60% of the way through. Hopefully I shall play again!
Decided to re-do the headcanon I have for Darth Marr’s face, I’m ignoring the wookieepedia part that says he’s a Human because I find Sith Pureblood characters to be in short supply on the Dark Council, they should be everywhere with their elitism. Also I think they’re neat. Also I think that lightsaber scars should be more common and horrifying because a weapon that cauterises your face immediately should be terrifying to go against- and if Marr supposedly has a ruined face enough to spark such a rumour, it gotta be horrifying. Also I think they’re neat.
Also massive thanks to @nusaran for helping me figure out what I was doing with the scar colouration, I was stuck on it for ages!!!!!
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pentuppen · 7 months
Writing Patterns Tag Game!
Never done one of these before but I got Tagged by @dustdeepsea so I figured I would give it a go! Also @dustdeepsea i snagged your formatting because I am lazy!
Rules: list the first line(s) of your last 10 posted fics and see if there's a pattern!
The Devil You Don't (BG3 unfinished series. Rapahel/Tav. explicit)
The library was a place in which a thousand journeys waited.
2. Unleashed (BG3 Unfinished series. Book two of The Game series. Tav / Astarion spawn. Explicit)
Warner Gould half stumbled out of the Blushing Mermaid, weaving on the threshold for a few seconds before he bounced gently off the doorframe and half floated down the wooden stairs.
3. Bitter Suns (BG3 one shot. Gortash / Durge. Explicit)
Her mind was a spiral of revelation, coming undone at the seams she had roughly tied into place over the last few months, the urge once again circling her body like a shark, waiting for the first drop of her weakening will to fall like blood in the water.
4. Loose The Arrow (BG3 finished series, book one in The Game series. Astarion ascended / tav, i think at this point you can assume they are all explicit lol)
It was a perfect twilight by the time she’d finished setting up the camp.
5. Mid Winter In Moonrise (BG3 One shot. Astarion ascended/tav/halsin. Created as a xmas special for all the people who got me through 50 chapters of Loose the Arrow)
Twas the night before Deadwinter and all through the woods, not a creature was stirring…aside from the druid who sailed through the air and hit the trunk of a tree.
6. The Things We Must Do (DA:I Solas/lavellan angst fluff and smut, old fic)
The old wolf roamed across the Exalted plains and a trembling silence followed, broken only by the sound of dry grass beneath weary feet.
7. See Her Run (DA:I Solas / Lavallen angst fluff and basically unfinished because I ran out of steam)
When he had once sat within the painted rotunda of Skyhold and idly imagined her stepping amongst the ancient shelves of the shattered library, it had not been like this.
8. The Lady Doth Protest (DA:I One shot. Pure Blackwall/trevelyan smut)
He watched her mingle with the sycophantic ranks of nobles and dignitaries alike, a glittering array of strutting peacocks and bejewelled swans, all of them speaking from behind masks, whether they wore them on their faces or behind their lying eyes.
9. In Red (DA:I One shot. Pure Iron Bull / Trevelyan smut )
They meet on the battlefield again, and this time they are on the same side.
10. What You Owe (DA:I 3 parter. My very first fic, a Solas / lavellan angst smut sobfest! I made a lot of people cry)
“It was cruel of you to seek me in my dreams”
Not sure what any of that says about me other than I am a bit long winded lol
Don't actually know many other authors I can tag because im old and mostly shitpost stupid memes! But I will ask @nusaran and @chewchewman to take a stab at it!!
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kurenai633 · 4 months
WIP WEDNESDAY! (A day late, sorry)
Let's have some fun with creativity!
Thanks for the tag @nyda-the-tav1
Rules: in a new post, show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or as many as you feel like).
"Soft feathery hair falls in front of his pools of darkened, Charcoal-like sapphire, his features shadowed in the soft flickering lights."
I am tagging:
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greencrusader13 · 6 months
9 People You'd Like to Know Better
I got tagged by @saph-y! Thank you!
Last song: Resist and Disorder by Rezodrone/The Cartisian Duelists. I was feeling pretty frustrated earlier, and I just needed something angry and defiant to listen to.
Favorite color: On any given day I could answer green, blue, or silver/gray. I'd probably say green, considering my account name, but I also really like the other two. Green is the best lightsaber color though.
Currently watching: Shogun on FX. It's very intense (and at times downright horrifying/disturbing - looking at you episode 1), but so, so well made.
Sweet/Savory/Spicy: Savory. Too much sweet is no good, and I cannot handle spicy at all.
Relationship status: Single and almost ready to almost mingle.
Current Obsession: Other than my story, Rogue, which occupies at least half my brain space at all times, I'm finding myself excited for a Star Wars 5E campaign I'm going to be doing with friends soon! It's gonna take place after the established canon in a fractured galaxy, kinda like the days of SWTOR but with more than just the Republic/Empire. I'm going to be playing a Kaleesh Guardian (Paladin in D&D rules) named Qaal who's taking his first steps into a larger galaxy as he seeks to understand his connection to the Force and where his place is in it. I told my DM that I didn't want to start with everything figured out as a Jedi, so he's only got a spear right now, and he'll be wrestling with the lure of the dark side vs. a call to the light. I'm excited though for when he'll eventually build his lightsaber, and to see who he'll wind up being.
Last thing I googled: "Dwarf name generator." Some minor character in Rogue needed a name. He will likely never appear again beyond this chapter.
I'm gonna tag: @anchanted-one @the-sith-in-the-sky-with-diamond @chubbyooo @crqstalite @dingoat @nusaran @outcastcommander @commander-ralyle @sidhevicious
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anchanted-one · 6 months
9 people you'd like to get to know better
thanks for the tag, @greencrusader13 !
Last song: Heroes Forge Ahead (FF14: Endwalker soundtrack. first 6:22 minutes of this video)
Favorite color: Honestly, varies every day. Right now, I'm feeling a peacock blue, or turquoise.
Currently watching: Dunmeshi and Bad Batch, though I'm not into TV series like I used to be. I often forget to watch the latest episodes.
Sweet/Savory/Spicy: It used to be sweet, but in the past year or so, my taste buds have refused to accept spicy foods. I've even had to forgo some of my favorite chips flavors (goodbye, Lays magic masala. You were there for me when no one else was). I think I've lost my Indian badge. I'm more of a cheese, corn, paneer, and mushroom guy now. Is that 'savory'?
Relationship status: Single.
Current Obsession: My fanfic series, the Records of Heroes Past. It follows the PC cast of Star Wars: the Old Republic, plus additional OCs I added in. It retells the stories, and expands on them. I'm currently at Book 5: Limbo, which focuses on Lana Beniko during the 5 year timeskip after KOTFE Chapter 1. I've put my heart and soul into that garbage, and I can't stop now. Once it's done, I might quit everything.
Last thing I googled: Koth Melan. He's a character from Shadows of the Empire; a Bothan spymaster who is instrumental in securing the Death Star II intel for the Alliance to Restore the Republic.
That's it, I'm done. Tagging @the-sith-in-the-sky-with-diamond @captainderyn @elveny @pineaberry @nusaran @sheyshen @kunstpause @deadpoet117
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aureli-us · 4 months
last line tag
OP did NOT tag me (@pitiable-arisen) but i wanted to do it anyway :3 i've been getting close to finishing the last chapter of my new fic and wrote some miraak bangers (as usual, he always gets my best lines, sorry tharya)
“Good heroes do not exist.” Lofrek jumped a little at those words, surprised by their force and clarity since Miraak had been murmuring his sentences until now. But he said it so staunchly, so fully, that Lofrek couldn’t help but peer up at him. He would have to get used to that gaze if he wanted to make any of this work in the years they would inevitably be around each other. “They are only people whose shortcomings are weighted less when faced with the grandiosity of their accomplishments. Your sister tries to be something that does not exist, and cannot be attained - she knows this. It makes her better, but it destroys her.”
tagging anyone and everyone who wants to share! @kiir-do-faal-rahhe @nusaran @evil-is-relative @elventhief
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nientedenada · 1 year
Last Line Challenge
Tagged by @stormbeyondreality Share the last line of your wip and tag as many people as there are words in the sentence.
And the lamia princess might still be looking for him.
Full disclosure: She probably wasn't. If she even existed. @kookaburra1701, @dirty-bosmer, @thana-topsy, @blossom-adventures, @leahazel, @atypicalacademic, @akaviri-dovah, @expended-sleeper, @nusaran, @dumpsterhipster
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murmel-malt · 9 months
Got tagged in a ship meme by @ghilegab and now I am making all of you look at my bbg Juniper and her gf Karlach.
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I used the this couple template as base but I made some adjustements. There are also poly templates.
tagging because I am curious: @nusaran, @acrossthesestars (doesn't have to be BG3 btw. the templates are not specific)
and if anyone else sees this and wants to try it feel free ❤️
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formoflamp · 10 months
Thank you @kaijusaur for tagging me!
NAME: Nysa
NICKNAME: Gentle (typically followed by an add on like Lord or Hunter, but not always), Calliphoridae, Buzz
• GENDER: She generally identifies as a woman. (she/her)
• STAR SIGN: Aries
• HEIGHT: 6'1''
• NATIONALITY/ETHNICITY: Born & raised in Baldur's Gate.
• FAVORITE FRUIT: Pawpaw fruit (if they don't exsist on Toril... well they do now becuase I said so) and helmthorn berries.
• FAVORITE SEASON: Spring. It's the season of rebirth; all of the burgeoning life leads her to fantasize about the death she may wrought. She's also fond of Greengrass festivities.
• FAVORITE SCENT: Rotting meat & plant matter, blood, herbaceous & floral scents, burnt sugar
• COFFEE, TEA OR HOT CHOCOLATE: Tea. Dandelion tea reminds her of the woman who raised her before she became the Dark Urge- she loves it and hates it in equal measure.
• AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP: Varies greatly. Sometimes she will sleep 10 hours and sometimes none at all. It mostly depends on where her focus is.
DOGS OR CATS: Dogs, particularly hunting hounds
• DREAM TRIP: Chult. There are dinosaurs in Chult, and Nysa most definitely would like to hunt one.
• NUMBER OF BLANKETS: She would tell you that blankets are unnecessary, but given the opportunity she would sleep with an absurd number of them. Typically, she only uses one though.
• RANDOM FACT: Pre-cult of Bhaal she had an adopted sister. It very much further complicates her view on her relationship with Orin.
I'll tag @nusaran
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