fire-fist-ann · 1 year
Star crossed lovers
According to the rumors deep in the vast forest of nymphs and other creatures that walked around the land .There was a lonely kitsune who had everything life had to offer.  He had everything he could ever want, everything that was but a lover.  Across the years he had found men who wanted to appease him by offering their bodies and souls laid bare to him . But even that was not enough for him , humans all died so young and so much faster than he would have liked. The Kitsune ran his fingers through his black silky locks, sighing at the gifts left at his shrine once more .  He had told humans time and time again that he did not require gifts or even food.  His pointy ears twitched hearing the jingle of the totem around his shrine he had to alert him of anyone snooping around. Izou arched a thin black eyebrow as he stepped out of his shrine, his long black and golden robes dragging behind him on the ground . His shoes clacked as he turned the corner.  He had to suppress a gasp seeing what looked to be a Nymph .  He had heard rumors of a garden Nymph getting into everyone’s offerings. “ And who might you be?” He asked, his voice lacking any amusement despite the curl of his red painted lips . The Nymph in question let out a loud yelp tripping over his own feet and landing right into the koi pond. He sat up with a fish in his hair , he blew a strand out of his eyes . As he sat there soaked his white tunic sticking to his chest . He let out a loud laugh rubbing the back of his head“Ah I'm not making a very good first impression am I?, the name is Thatch , what’s your name?” Izou pinched the bridge of his nose  “ Izou is my name , so Thatch this does not explain what you are doing around my shrine. “ Thatch’s face tinted pink “ Ah I wanted to meet you but I heard you liked lava lilies so I was trying to place them with your offerings in hope you would come out.” “ If that was the case you could have just knocked on my shrine door, instead of looking like an utter fool” “ I do look pretty dumb huh? But I think it was worth it, you're much more extraordinary in person if I say so myself” . He said flashing a cheesy smile in the Kiatune’s direction . Izou blinked before he felt his face turn red, damn him it was like he was trying to get him worked up on purpose . He could withstand human men; they were nothing but a means to an end but this man was different . Maybe it was due to the fact he was a creature like himself. “ Flattery will get you nowhere you know , you have to fix my flowers and pay for scaring my poor koi fish,” “O-oh sorry about that , I can replant the flowers but uh how can I make it up to you?” Izou sighed, pushing his hair out of his eyes “ Well since you gave me such a headache . You may come to my shrine for a cup of tea and tell me why you wanted to see me so badly.” Thatch winced before his whole face lit up like the sun jumping out of the koi pond right over to him “ Really?!” “ Hold it, you may come once you are wearing something not so wet and flimsy , ring the bell when you come back.” Izou said as he turned on his heel walking back into his shrine the doors locking in place. Izou put his hand over his face. What was he even doing at this point? It's not like he could back off this now . He just hoped he would not regret this decision. He was only going to have a cup of tea with Thatch, that was all, so why was his heart racing. Like it once did when he had a new kitsune .                                             xx
Izou jolted hearing the bell ring of his shrine . He stood up opening the door to see that same garden Nymph from before . Thank the heavens he was wearing something that would not make Izou feel like he would explode . “It’s nice to see you can dress up,“ “I always dress to impress! “ Thatch countered with a arched eyebrow Izou shook his head “Just get in, I made the tea already, “ he said before pausing “what’s that in your hands?” Thatch let out a laugh “I like to cook so i asked your worshippers what foods you like so i made some onigiri, “ Izou could not help but to look surprised at that. A red tint matching his lipstick spread over his cheeks .“Is that so then it would be a waste to not give them at least a try,” He mused out loud with a sliver of a smile. “You won’t find anyone who can cook better than me, just so you know, “ Thatch said wiggling his brown brows at him getting in his face. Izou moved his hand pushing his face from his “Don’t get ahead of yourself there dumpling,” “Eh? Are you saying i'm chubby or something?” Thatch asked. “Mhm if the shoe fits.“ Thatch gasped pushing him over before he paled ah shit this day really was not going the way he would like. But it felt so natural to be around the Kistune like this it almost felt as if he knew him in another lifetime. Izou chuckled as he poured two cups of his finest green tea handing it to Thatch “Here drink before you say something stupid,“ He raised an eyebrow but took it, sipping it, his lips puckering. Oh that was bitter he forced a smile “It’s delicious thank you,“ Thatch forced himself to get out just barely able to. Izou’s lips curled up  “You don’t have to lie to appease me, green tea is not for everyone,“ Thatch relaxed “I was not trying to be insulting the taste is good but it’s not my thing:” Izou leaned back “So tell me why did you want to meet me was it because of the rumors of my beauty or something more>“ “Truthfully I wanted a friend, I have none here, sure there is the giant man, but he sees me more as a son, rather than a friend,” Thatch remarked with a fond expression on his face. “Ah whitebeard tends to be that way, you want to be friends? My answer is no,” Izou said as he took a sip out of his teacup. Thatch’s chocolate brown eyes went wide “Huh?! Why not?!” He exclaimed in complete and utter shock. Izou snorted “As ifI would be friends with someone who fell into my pond and scared my poor koi fish, you lack elegance, “ Instead of being turned away Thach grinned wider “ I will make you be my friend, you'll have to admit it.” “Fine then will give you one year to make me admit to being your friend,” “Challenge accepted! And just know I plan to win.” 
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octopeaux · 2 years
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t4tails · 7 months
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oh my god shes going to kidnap this baby. girl you are in no position to care for a child and your boyfriend has a HORRIBLE PARENTING TRACK RECORD. do NOT kidnap this baby!
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timelessxmemories · 21 days
Maura keeps. Coughing up blood and this weird black liquid. Chai is suspecting its some form of poison?? -Willow
I'm fine... -🩷🪽
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rosalinabloom · 9 months
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Daphne, the Nymph of Lake Roccaluce
Let's go! The last of the set! Next up should be the whole group together on my walls! A wonderful way to procrastinate studying for finals.
It took me way too long to realize that the poofy part behind her head is not her hair but part of her head dress. I did decide to make her hair mid length for more hair variety. Ya know, if you're gonna make her "corporeal again" why not make sure her hair length is the right length? Why is it insanely long with the rest of them???
Anyways, I only had 3 shades of yellow to color with, and frankly I was kinda scared that it wouldn't be enough to cover her. Thankfully it worked out. Although it did smudge... On her head, of all things. Thanks Alcohol Markers! I love and appreciate you! I feel like you could make the argument that it kinda makes sense in the shaded area, but it does all blend.
Say what you will about Daphne being revived not making sense (this is a kids show, there are no dead characters? Who do you speak of? Naboo? From Seasons 3 and 4? Never heard of him.) The Sirenix curse dies explain some things. I grew up with the Nick Dub and specials, so maybe this is my shakey memory, but Daphnes arc didn't make much sense. Like she was a nympth before the fall of Domino because she already had that form. But her parents didn't seem to recognize her in the film? So was she haunting the halls to protect her sister? How old was she, because in her first depictions she seemed very little, like 6, but she's an adult in her nympth form. I'm gonna do a rewatch to figure out what was up with her, and because Winx deserves a rewatch. (Right after I'm done with Sailor Moon).
(on a side note, I love rewriting a post for the 4th time because I forgot to schedule it for the right time.)
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tinytantae · 2 years
Just listening to Labour by Paris Paloma isn’t enough, I need to absorb it into my very soul and scream it from the rooftops.
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moonwarriorautumn · 10 months
Here Are Two Types of Nympths
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These are my take on Dryads in "Psychiatric Counterstike" and "Unusual Beauty."
They are born from and bonded to trees that have high life expectancy. Their appearance also looks similar to the tree they are bonded to, and if the tree is still young, they will look like children. (No they don't ever look like old people, no matter how old the tree is.) They can go several miles away from their tree, just as long as their tree remains unharmed. If their tree is killed, they have twenty-four hours to be bonded to a tree that doesn't already have a bond with another dryad, or they will die. It is illegal to harm or cut down a tree with a dryad. Dryads are capable of flight and can use nature magic. They watch over other living things and will protect innocent people and animals from harm. It's because of them and other types of nympths that there is very little crime.
Next are the Anthousai.
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Nympths that are born from and bonded with flower bushes that have long life expectancy. They're just like dryads, having the same abilities, and acting as protectors of the innocent. It is illegal to harm or kill a flower bush a anthousai is bonded to. If the flower bush they are bonded to dies, they twenty-four hours to bond to a flower bush that isn't already bonded to another anthousai.
(These pieces of art are a bit old.)
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flowerflamestars · 2 years
You should check out the snippet of Labor by Paris Paloma they released! The song doesn't fully come out until late March, but their music always gives me the same energy as how you write women. They're the same artist who wrote Fruits.
Ooooo! The fruits now lives on heavy rotation for my very messy writing playlists
But this? ho boy. the V I B E? the rage? I'm instantly in love, thank you!
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thealmightyemprex · 1 month
So in the Odyssey Scylla is part Nymph with 6 monster heads instead of legs.She is a man eater ......But is she a ravenous beast or is she concious ,how aware of her situation is Scylla ?
I like Epic The Musical where she is a terrifying monster who is aware she is a monster because ,"We do what it takes to survive " eating Odysseus men cause well shes gotta eat and respects Osysseus as a fellow monster ,putting his survival above all else
That said I think there is room for a sympathetic view of her ,a nympth who fell for a sea god (Either Posiedon or Glauchus ) and turned into a monster by a jealous goddess (Either Amphrite or Circe ),and perhaps taking to eating sailors out of desperation
I dunno I wanna discuss Scylla ,I havent heard many people talk about her
@piterelizabethdevries @themousefromfantasyland @ariel-seagull-wings @the-blue-fairie
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audreyscribes · 2 months
Random Idea and small headcanons I came up with: A half-blood? half-nymph? child of Minthe (yk the nymph that was turned to mint by Persephone cause Hades had an affair with her, and she got a bit to proud about it) showing up at camp and just kinda becoming a walking source of good vibes and being pretty.
I completely based this on:
Like it’d be the song playing the background whenever they appeared.
They also always smell of fresh mint.
They are also low-key terrified of Nico and any possible child of Hades or Persephone.
Just some random things I thought of, hope you like it :)
Oh yeah when I was working on the Half-Nymph Demigod work, Minthe was one of those I was interested in writing or do a psyche! moment.
I can see the child of Minthe having good vibes and being pretty, but much like Mint, some people like it and some people not. Some like the fresh taste and smell of mint (side note: I LOVE MINT) but like, some people just do not subscribe to the mint vibe, you get me? However, being pretty would be a general thing so there's that. With the smell of fresh mint, why not go even further. Imagine the child of Minthe or children of Minthe to be exact, all have variation of mint; like they could be peppermint or spearmint, which are very standard and verrry nice, but did you know there are other types of mint? You could have a child of Minthe being associated with Chocolate mint; an actual mint type that smells like chocolate, Apple Mint for its minty, fruity flavour, or better yet, a Watermint a wonderful connection between Minthe being a naiad and now a plant nympth; where Watermint can grow in shallow water! But yeah definitely avoiding yet being drawn to a child of Hades would be accurate and steering clear of the child of Persephone by sheer association of their godly parents. Thanks for the ask (and song rec!) and have a nice day! ヾ(•ω•`)o
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minthe-lover · 1 year
most of chapter 241 is like... pretty boring. It's alot of set up and very little pay off with just.. some really shitty art. Like damn they did Aetna dirty, some panels she just glows, other that look really interesting when she's glitching a bit.. and some she's just... a normal nympth? Did the assistance's not like share their work to have some level of consistent with the effect?
It's sad cause Aetna is one of the few character with a design that is more then just.. nymph + colour.
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Also... it's so funny how much hades freaks out over the smallest shit possible. Demeter mentions wanting persephone to come home and he freaks the fuck out so much that he drops his tea.... Persephone mentions that she's still busy with something and he's acting like she just admitting to stealing a baby. Like hades buddy.. she hasn't really done anything yet for you to be worried.
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Lastly I just... I need to talk about how fucking boring these shots of persephone and hades are. Like they feel so stilted, and just dull. Theirs barely any emotions are their face, hades mainly looks bored and Persephone look tired. Persephone isn't even naked???? This isn't interesting, and it's the same problem with the wedding episode....
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I mean christ rs you've done better shit then this in THIS comic with psyche and Eros. You have the switch from full colour to black and white to give the scene more emphasis, we don't see as much but it's still more dynamic and just interesting. Also because the panels are more stylized with get a sense that they are doing more then we are physically seeing.
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cowbilover · 1 year
lo and queer masc/man rep
or therefore the complete lack there of. which is incredibly insulting considering how common and prominent it was in original myth (although not always perfect but what greek myth is regardless of straight or gay). also i will be using queer in place of LGBT+ as an umbrella term so if you're not comfortable with that then sorry.
now rachel has made attempts at including queer rep through hestia and athena as lesbians and morpheus (and maybe chiron? idk) as trans women. which could be a whole separate post on its own with the problems that arise with them, but seeing as i am not a lesbian or trans woman, i will not be speaking on them in this post nor to the same degree if i do ever mention them.
what i am is a queer man, both bisexual and trans. i am also a big enjoyer of greek myth. i am not a big enjoyer of lore olympus nor of rachel's complete lack of representation when it comes to men like myself despite it being again very prominent within the original myths. now seeing how badly she has handled other forms of representation for other groups, i am partially glad she hasn't tried. but while i am a little happy, i am more so overall upset and annoyed at this. it comes off as nothing more than simple erasure.
the closest we've seen of rep for queer men/mascs is aged up storge who is more feminine then other men in the story, but this has not been explicitly confirmed therefore i will not be including this. besides men can be both feminine and still cishet. finally storge is a minor background character with little importance, so even if rachel did decide to make him canon queer we likely would not see much of that.
his brother eros is another annoying case as he is unarguably coded as a gay best friend stereotype. but without being gay. he is fashionable, witty, intelligent, dramatic, and always serves as a shoulder for his straight friend to cry on. but again he is not even fucking gay. he is married to a woman with a child. while i would like to see better representation then the gbf stereotype it is still insulting that rachel while coding eros to act like that couldn't even do the bare minimum of making him bisexual.
now it has been pointed out to me that names of male lovers to gods have been used and slapped on female nymphs. krokos (one of persephone's dead nympth friends) was a male spartan lover of hermes, and ampleus (the name pysche took as a nymph) was a lover of dionysus. now i am not upset that rachel didn't include the original stories since the story is already messy enough. i am upset that she took the names of two queer men from myth and slapped them on two woman. one of which ends up marrying a man, and the other dying. a quick google search could show that these names belonged to male lovers of gods, and so to me it comes off as at best lazy and at worst erasure.
i won't be discussing much of dionysus since he was only recently introudced. nor of apollo since the erasure of his queer identity is only one of many problems that occur with his character and how rachel wrote it, which could constitution a completely separate post.
i will be discussing hermes though. as both a character that we have seen a lot of, and as one that has not been completely villainized by the plot. he had an incredibly early appearance in the webtoon and had a handful of myths where he had male lovers or expressed homosexual love. but not a single mention or even passing comment has ever been made about this. it would be incredibly easy for rachel to just throw in one allusion to any of his male lovers (besides krokos who has been turned into a nymph for some reason) yet this never happens.
zeus is another character we have seen a lot of, especially in regards to his many affairs. all of which have canonically been with women. despite the many affairs he carried out with men. one of the most famous being ganymede and the foundation for the myth behind aquarius and the cup bearer. again it would not be so incredibly difficult for rachel to add any allusion to his male lovers. yet again though, nothing. (i will come back to this post after some fast passes become public and i can discuss his treatment as a pregnant man)
poseidon also had a couple queer lovers but besides the reference to the fact that he has a polygam "pod" we haven't actually seen any of his partners besides his wife.
the way rachel draws men with all perfect six pack bodies is also something that annoys me, and i'll be discussing it briefly here. people always comment on the lack of body diversity for the women in the comic but for the men it is much more severe. hermes, thanatos and eros who were all shown to be more skinny and not completely jacked in the beginning of the story are now all ripped with washboard abs. the men are all built like brick walls and it is just upsetting to see as a trans man who does not fit into that category. it sends the message that to be attractive a man must be perfectly fit. not scrawny or skinny or god forbid even fat.
also again as i said in the beginning many of the myths for queer men were just as fucked and problematic. it’s greek mythology it’s inevitable. but i’m more upset over the fact that if rachel can modernize and (attempt to) make hetero myths less gross, then where is that effort for homo myths
overall despite the overwhelming amount of queer man/masc rep that exists within the source material, rachel utilizes none of it. there has not been mention or allusion to a single queer god, forget any trans god. to me it comes off as purposefully ignorant and as erasure of queer men/mascs. which is fucking annoying considering how many of us see ourselves for once fucking represented in these myths. she has plenty of opportunity to include rep for people like myself but continuously chooses not to, instead adding another hetero-centric plot line for no reason. it is tiring and annoying to see so many gods that were queer in their myths not be represented as such. i will not make assumptions about why rachel chooses not to include this kind of rep, i will simply say to me it comes off as blatant erasure.
i could go on, and probably will come back to this post but for now i have said what i have wanted to say.
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Happy Circe Saga release day! (What do you mean the 14th is Valentine's, don't be silly-)
I've listened to these songs on repeat now for the day and I have made an interesting observation.
I think Circe didn't actually want to sleep with Odysseus. Like, on the surface, her flirting with Odysseus doesn't make any sense, really? Like, what would she gain from having sex with Odysseus besides pleasure? It sure wouldn't prevent him from attacking her nympths.
Except you see it as some sort of test for Odysseus by Circe.
Didn't she sing "You've given me no reason to bestow you with my trust, but everyone's true colors are revealed by acts of lust"?
If Odysseus gave into the temptation, she'd backstab him and she's in danger no more, but if Odysseus resists, he'd prove himself as trustworthy to her and she lets him go.
And, as we all know now, Odysseus does resist the temptation and not only does Circe release Odysseus' men, but she even aids him by suggesting he'd go to the underworld!
Sooo... cool new theory here for you?
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t4tails · 7 months
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oh my fucking god okay. im going to break this down. so minthe, hades significant other BEFORE persephone, a nympth girl who is consistently the victim of racism at the hands of his family while he never stands up for her, a girl who has been portrayed with clear abandonment issues and a lack of confidence in relationships, whos been demonized by the narrative for her RIGHTFUL jealousy of persephone, is now being portrayed as a domestic abuser who hades is scared of? jfc
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timelessxmemories · 21 days
I wanna say hi, but also, I remember being generally an asshole to almost every other prophet. -Blair Hill Jackson
i think it's a Starkid fictive town meeting bc Fern, Wilbur, Wiggly, Paul, and Webby are all up here. blinky is straining to eavesdrop. -crow
Mm... -🩷🪽
Maura came out to say hi.... the bab... -Willow
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im-just-a-dumb-gay · 5 months
Sams Dragon au
Backstory: Savio (Creator) is a human who gain immortality and is a Dragon Hunter. His goal is to find the fabled "Dragon's Lair." He uses the assistance of his most loyal Wrym, Clovis (KC), to hunt dragons. Wryms are used due to years ago when Hunters discovered that they secrete a venom that weakens dragons and that they naturally prey dragons for blood. Usually, Wyrms do not kill their prey. This is because they want the dragons alive for later blood to be drawn. However, once Hunters started to breed Wyrms, they bred them to be more violent as well as obedient.
When Savio tried to find the Lair, he first used the bodies of 2 adolescent dragons he already killed and brought them back to life. He hoped to use them under his power, however, the melded dragon fled his grasp. Later, when hunting a mother dragon, he decided instead to raise dragon eggs in the belief that the lair was found through instinct. These dragons were Aelius (Sun) and Narvi (Moon). To keep control of the two dragons, he binded Aelius wings to keep him grounded and kept a leash around Narvi. The young dragons, though uncomfortable, didn't resist.
Under orders, Clovis was not to eat them so he mostly ignored the 2 or scare them for slight pleasure. At some point Aelius and Narvi saw Savio murder a dragon, including the young, and started to fear for themselves. Clovis and Savio found the 2 and, since they longer listened to orders, Savio let Clovis chase them. The 2 fell in the rapids due to the binds and leadh. Narvi hit his head and was unconscious. Savio felt the rapids would drown the 2 and left with Clovis. Instead, the two were found by a kindly Wood Nympth, Hortensia (Earth) who just woke up a few days ago. She healed the two and they stayed with her until they were too big and needed to leave due to the local dragons protecting their territory.
At some point in time, a dragon raided a village, burning it to the ground. The only survivor was a young elf, Brandr (Eclipse) . (Might make it Aelius and Narvi who did it, by accident, however I don't know yet. I just know for a fact that Brandr was the only survivor). Brandr was found by Savio and taken as an apprentice. His goal is to never be vulnerable to a dragon again. Once he was considered good enough to be independent, Brandr was given the offspring of Clovis, Karro and Kanik (Bloodmoon twins).
At some point, Brandr also teamed up with a Lightning Elf village and worked alongside with Merriweather (Lunar). The two worked together and were able to catch 2 dragons, one with golden scales and another with dark blue and white. The reason Brandr didn't immediately kill them was because he wished to become invulnerable. Savio was immortal, but could still die to an arrow in the heart. Brandr wanted to never be vilnerable, so he found a way to drain the strength and power of dragons through a powerful stone. While holding the 2 dragons, Brandr let Merriweather weaken the blue one with Kanik while he himself used Karro to weaken the golden one.
Over time, Merriweather felt unloved by Brandr and gained sympathy for the blue one. Brandr, on the other hand, would let Karro terrorize the golden one and keep it submissive. Merriweather at some felt had enough of Brandr and escaped with both dragons. Later on, find Hortensia and Merriweather learns the dragons' names are Aelius and Narvi.
The story goes forward with the 4 traveling together and finding new friends along the way while Brandr tries to hunt specifically Aelius and Narvi because ego. (And potentially if their the reason his village burned down). Merriweather meets Cole(Solar), a blacksmith who ran from home as his mother blamed him for his father's death. Hamel(Ruin), a forced fushion of a human and dragon years ago, was found under a dark spell that was healed by likely Hortensia. Cole finds a skeleton dog and adopts him (Jack). Hortensia meets an Aligator and falls in love. A Fox adopts a kit and learns of a skeleton dragon in the woods that seem to be attached to the kit. A Water Nympth makes themselves known (nightmares seem to be less present now....). A Skeleton Deer befriends the Skeleton Dog. The Aligator has an adopted human child that also befriends the dog. Brandr meets an annoying bird creature. (These events are not in order lol)
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