#nypd memorial run
sadesluvr · 2 months
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Miguel O'Hara x Black Cat! F! Reader Warnings: None A/N: Longer chapter here! We're throwing it back to your first encounter with Miguel and Jess, featuring some backstory. PREVIOUS CHAPTER | READ ON AO3 | SERIES MASTERLIST
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One, two, three. Jump. 
One, two, three. Jump. 
One, two, three – four? Fall. Don’t forget your hook. 
The Lower East Side of Manhattan, though buzzing, was not one of your favourite areas to endure a life-or-death chase in. The tenement-style buildings brought about a good bit of consistency, and the dark alleys provided safety, but the boutiques and nightclubs ruined your sense of levelling; building height always falling somewhere between being too high and too low. 
Hammerhead was onto you. Well, his henchmen, at least.
You’d made the mistake of teaming up with him – a rising mafioso – in a particularly emotionally charged moment in your life; having negotiated with the man to help get yourself out of prison after your fabricated display of mental instability had been denounced.
All it had taken was a bit of hush money thrown in the prison psychologists' way, and the upholding of your promise to attend the government-mandated classes. Then you’d been as good as new. 
On paper, a thief and a mafia boss didn’t seem like a great pairing - and retrospectively, it wasn’t. Both of you were liars, con artists and utterly selfish; but you’d found that there was a strange level of trust between you, almost in a father/daughter way (You were one of the few people who knew him as Joseph).
If he had a shipment or a particularly wealthy associate, he’d let you in on it; and you’d drape yourself in one of your finest dresses to schmooze with rich folk at the beginning of the evening, yet by night they’d find themselves robbed. In turn, you’d used your private investigator skills to weed out any rats in the family. 
It was rather nice until it turned sour. Hammer, as greedy as ever, sought an opportunity to rise in the ranks, and started dropping little clues that you were the one stealing from all the wealthy people in town. News travelled, and when you confronted him, he shot at you. Narrowly missed, but a shot nonetheless.  
In turn you stole from him; not just the material items but wads of cash themselves, even tipping off the NYPD about inner dealings. It wasn’t comparable to attempted murder, but you were certain that you’d have fun in maiming his pathetic goons. 
Their motorbikes skidded along the pavement as they dipped and slid into alleyways in search of you, unsure as to whether you were above, or right behind them. 
In this case, it was somewhere in between. 
Blood rushed to your head as you slid upside down, putting your entire faith in your trusted grappling hook.  
“Looking for me?” 
Jumping off the rope, you swiftly retracted the object and lobbed it into one of the men's faces, making his nose bleed. As he was stunned, you kicked him in the groin, the heel of your boot wedging into his penis.  
“Fucking bitch!” One of the remaining two of them yelled, and the metallic click of a gun seemingly unlocked in your muscle memory. Using the weakened man's body as a shield, you flinched as the bullets penetrated his body, causing him to jostle and writhe like a fish out of water. 
You didn’t have the time to think. Quickly sliding the gun from his back pocket, you shot at them, aim slightly off from your awkward position behind a quickly dying body. Sliding it into your holster (a new addition thanks to your recent experiences), you used your grappling hook as a lasso, knocking the two of them in the process. 
“Agh!” they yelled, momentarily falling to their feet. You took off in the opposite direction, running towards the light of the main road.  
One, two, three. One, two, three. One, two, three. Your feet slammed onto the ground, your mind a muddle as you hastily tossed the hook and latched it onto the branch of a tree. Just as you were about to jump, you heard an engine again. 
Shit! Perhaps Hammer had sent more men than you’d thought.  
Fortunately for you, that wasn’t the case. This sound belonged to a fresher, snazzier motorbike, and a black woman with yellow glasses and gorgeous, free-flowing dark curly hair was barrelling down the road, with a red and blue figure following close behind. She was shouting something – most of it incoherent under the roar of the engine and busy Manhattan streets – but you were certain you heard the word ‘Hammerhead’. 
Narrowing your eyes, you scoped the scene from amongst the green leaves of the trees, watching as the two men emerged from the alley, somewhat disorientated. 
“Damnit, the bitch escaped again...Boss is gonna fucking kill us!”  “If that ain’t bad enough, we’ve got Spider-Man on our ass.” 
Spider-Man? Now that made for an interesting turn of events. 
Adjusting your mask, you took out your hook once more as you followed in pursuit of the mysterious woman and Spider-Man, smiling to yourself as you heard the criminals cry out in recognition. Swooping through the trees, traffic lights, and narrowly avoiding cars, once you felt that you were far enough ahead you dropped to the street level, somehow blending in with the sea of people that roamed the streets.  
The woman on the motorbike and Spider-Man weren’t far ahead. Though his figure were blurred under his swift, powerful motions, you could tell that there was something different about this one. He was futuristic; with bright red talons and red lassos rather than the typical spiderwebs, and his suit had a neon-like glow to it, as if he’d been rendered in. Where had he come from? 
“LYLA...Is the anomaly still in his initial position?” you heard the man say. Anomaly? Before you could mull it over, a yellow, glowing woman popped up beside him. 
“No movements on Hammer detected. But we do have two goons that are unaccounted for...” 
“What do you mean ���unaccounted?’ How did we miss this?”  
He sounded pissed. 
“Black Cat’s dealing with them.” 
“Black Cat? What business does a criminal have with a mafioso?” He had an accent, and the final word rolled off his tongue as he spoke. You guessed he was Spanish. 
“Turn around. She might tell you --”   
And with a flash she’d disappeared, leaving the man in a moment of shock and confusion. His head whipped around, and red lines on his mask – where you assumed his eyes were – widened and narrowed at the sight of you gliding through the air. It was shocking to how he hadn’t noticed you. Perhaps he was extremely well focused. Either that, or your lived up to your name. You guessed the latter. 
“Jess...” he muttered, and somehow the lady heard him, her mannerisms following his own as she glanced at you. 
“I’ll handle it.” She said pointedly, nodding forward so that the man could go ahead. He barely cast you a second look before taking off, causing you to frown. Seeing your opportunity for a bit of chaos, you plonked yourself on the back of her bike, the sudden weight causing her to temporarily lose her grip and making the bike jerk about. 
“Sorry,” you grinned. You weren’t really. “I heard you talking about Hammer. I’m interested.” 
“...And you are?” 
“Your biggest help right now.” 
She sighed, looking you up and down before giving in and focusing on the road. “...What’ve you got for us?” 
“I don’t know where you came from, or why you’re here but you’re not alone. I’ve had a run in with Jos— Hammer myself, ‘n he’s got his henchmen on my ass right now.” you said, looking back. You couldn’t see them, but your heightened senses told you that they could see you, likely having pistol-whipped someone for a vehicle. There’d be no way they could follow you on foot. 
“That’s rough.” The woman said, rather devoid of emotion. To be fair, she had just met you. 
“I’m sure a gal like you has got it covered, but if you’re beating his ass, aim for the lower half,” you said proudly. “He’s practically mush down there.” 
‘Jess’ paused and bit her lip. 
“How do we know you’re not messing with us and setting up some kind of trap?” 
You scoffed. 
“I have a loaded gun in my pocket and my claws are made of metal. If I wanted to kill you, you’d be dead by now. Besides, I owe him nothing. He tried to shoot at me you know.” 
You didn’t see it, but Jess cocked a brow. She didn’t know if she was impressed, annoyed, or disinterested. 
Squinting, she pressed down onto the accelerator before placing one hand to her ear, presumably to radio Spider-Man. 
“Miguel, we’ve got some new information…Yes, I know we don’t know her, but... Trust me, I think we’re good — No — Don’t worry, I’ll explain later. ” 
“Bosses, huh?” 
“He’s not all bad,” Jessica said, and her voice sounded noticeably soft. “We work very hard. It’s not easy doing what we do.” 
You raised a brow. What was it with all the cryptic bullshit? 
“And that is?” 
She cocked her lip into a small smirk. 
“You’re about to find out.” 
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 Watching all the mess go down from a nearby fire escape hadn’t made any more sense. Whilst you’d eventually hopped off Jess’ bike and lured the goons to the ‘meeting’ spot, Jess and Miguel had found Hammer and delivered him a beating, restraining the two men with webs and a red lasso respectively.  
Joseph was naturally a big guy, and it had taken the two of them to deal with the situation.
It was fascinating, really, to see that even in a crucial situation as this that he’d hung onto his morals of ‘not hitting women and children’… despite the fact he’d literally fired a bullet at you. Even with his agility, this ‘Miguel’ figure was taking most of the beating, to the point that you’d even considered stepping in.  
Trust me for choosing the losing team, you’d thought. You had for sure considered things to be over, at least until the man’s mask had glitched off to reveal the side of his face. He had rich brown skin and dark hair, second only to the enticing fact that he bared fangs and had plunged them into the side of the man’s neck. 
Your hands curled around the edge of the railings as he did; a euphoria coming from seeing Joseph drop to his knees. ‘Miguel’ looked spent, quickly reapplying his mask before picking up the man by the neck and restraining him. 
“LYLA, scan the area.” 
There was that yellow light again. 
“No further anomalies. Canon remains in tact.” 
And there was that word again. 
The men had been arrested by the NYPD, but Joseph had suffered a different fate, his body being thrust into a psychedelic looking wormhole. You’d never truly expected one of those to exist. 
“I guess my little tip worked, huh?” 
The two Spider’s whipped their heads around to face you, just as the portal abruptly closed. You took a step back from the sudden gesture and tried to readjust your eyes to the natural light after the cacophony of colours. 
“Thanks for your help,” Jess said with a small smile. “We’ll take it from here.” 
Frowning, you crossed your arms over your chest as you took a step forward. 
“You never told me what all of this was for.” 
Jess looked over at Miguel, who seemed to be deliberately avoiding eye contact with the pair of you. He didn’t answer, instead continuing to type something on his watch. 
“Hmm,” you grinned, eyeing the man up and down. Now that he was stationed, you could effectively see just how large he was; with a broad chest, slender torso and, admittedly, a great ass. He must’ve been almost 7’0. “ 
The strong, silent type. I didn’t know they made men like you anymore…” 
Unknowingly, that was the phrase that got him to look at you, the red outlines of his mask giving away the fact that he’d cocked a brow. His focus was lingering, as if he were studying you. In any other circumstance, one would’ve felt uncomfortable. 
“This —“he began, but cut himself off. “It doesn’t concern you.” 
“It’s technical stuff, really,” Jess jumped in. “We don’t want to bore you with details.” 
You shrugged. “I’ve got all sorts of time.” 
The pair paused again and shared a look, but this time Miguel was the one to speak. 
“We’re Spider-Man, but not from this dimension,” he began, placing his hands on his hips. “We’re not the only ones. We protect the multiverse, the thing that connects all of us. Hammerhead was going to interrupt a canon event for someone in this realm, and if he succeeded the entire universe could’ve collapsed.” 
You blinked.  
“…So where is he now?” 
“Back at HQ, with the others. We capture them, and keep them in so it doesn’t happen again,” Jess interjected. “Consider your debts cleared for a while.” 
It seemed you were stunned for the second time in a day. It seemed they’d done you a favour, no matter how unintentional. 
“This multiverse thing…There are other versions of me?” 
“Yes,” Miguel said quickly. “But they’re not you.” 
You clicked your tongue and pouted your painted lips before stepping towards the man, who stared down at you indiscernibly. You got close; so close that you were practically peering up at him through your lashes, in awe of his abnormal size. It was as if he were some kind of athlete, like a wrestler. Lowering your voice, you cocked your head in intrigue. 
“So, if I’m destined to be on this world forever, and you’re not from here…Why can’t I see you show me your face?” 
His body visibly tensed, and momentarily it felt like you were the only people in the world. It was provocative, and even though you couldn’t see his face, you could tell the cogs in his mind were turning; his head slightly swaying as he lowered his chin towards you. It was sweet that he was giving in so easily. Your eye contact was unwavering, and your nose made a soft whistling sound as you breathed, trying to control your racing heart. It was almost as if he were under your spell. 
“I’ll just be getting back...” Jess whispered awkwardly, pulling the two of you from your situation.  
The man composed himself once more, his chest expanding as he nodded, looking beyond you and to the black woman. It was barely perceptible, but there was a small smirk on her face as she backed away.
You heard a few pixels glitching just as she disappeared into the hole, and upon turning around you’d found that he’d taken his mask off. The bastard hadn’t even given you the satisfaction of watching it happen.  
Two could play at that game. 
He was handsome, finely crafted, with high cheekbones and a chiselled jaw to match, piercing brown eyes and perfectly moulded lips that unfortunately were fixed into a frown. Judging by his blunt tone of voice and general demeanour, you guessed he frowned often. 
“Do you do everything a woman tells you to?” you grinned, placing your hands on your hips. 
“Don’t flatter yourself. You’re not a threat. To us you may as well be a nobody.” 
“Ouch,” you hissed, but ultimately brushed it off. You knew what kind of man he was. “I wouldn’t be so harsh. I had Hammer eating out of the palm of my hand. Imagine what I could do to you…” you cooed, to which he raised a brow.  
“Estoy tan asustado.” [I’m so scared.] He said sarcastically. 
Narrowing your eyes, you smirked. He was quippy, not in the upbeat, childish sense but sarcastic and aloof. Interesting. 
“I can be really useful, y’know? You should let me join the team.” 
He didn’t respond. His frown got deeper. 
“Your skills would be better off elsewhere,” he said flippantly, now obviously bored of the conversation as he ran something into his watch. “I’m leaving. I have things to take care of.” 
You rolled your eyes. 
“All that science stuff, right?” You scoffed, checking your nails before you gave the man a pointed once over. “You Spiders…You’re all the same.” 
That seemed to pique his attention. Glaring, it was his turn to step towards you, angling his head in a manner that signified confusion. 
“ ‘Spiders?’” 
You chuckled. 
“That shouldn’t be a shock to you. You did say that there was more than one, right?” 
He huffed, placing his hands on his hips once more.  
“Yes…” he muttered. 
You clicked your tongue, a knowing smirk wiped across your face as you playfully tapped his cheek. 
“Then you know that this isn’t my maiden voyage.”  
You stepped away with a flirtatious wink before swinging onto the rooftop above you, making your way back into the sunset. It was rare for Miguel to ever find himself dumbfounded, but this interaction had superseded his expectations. One minute the power had been in his hands, and the next it had slipped away, dropped only due to a total lack of control. 
Fate was a strange concept, something that he hadn’t quite managed to wrap his head around, even after his years of studying. Black Cat (or at least a form of one) was ingrained in almost every Spider-Man’s story; the ultimate test of desire, commitment and morality, and now apparently it was time for his test. 
And he hated it. Or, at the very least, it scared him. 
(If you already had a Spider-Man, why had the universe brought you two together?) 
Taglist: @honeyluvsatj @saturnknows @vancehopper1987
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readingsquotes · 5 months
"The police and university had already barred outside press from the central campus, where they might have observed what was about to unfold. A crowd of student onlookers and journalists, most from student-run outlets, had already gathered in front of Hamilton Hall, which protesters had dubbed Hind's Hall in memory of a six-year-old girl, Hind Rajab, killed by the Israeli military in January. Having heard reports of an imminent police sweep,a group of around 20protesters wearing keffiyehs and facemasks to hide their identities linked their arms in front of the hall's main entrance as they sang "We Shall Not Be Moved."
Reporters were barred from entering Hamilton Hall, but video from inside the building shows police officers, with their weapons drawn, entering each room. Not long afterwards, protesters that were occupying Hamilton were brought out in handcuffs and taken off campus. In a press conference this morning, the NYPD said that 119 protesters had been arrested at Columbia on Tuesday evening.
Many Columbia studentson campus Tuesday evening were not surprised by the police response. 
"I expected it," said an undergraduate student who asked to remain anonymous. “I think police presence on campuses is whack. I'm not for it. I was definitely against Minouche calling the NYPD here a couple weeks ago on the encampment." They added, of the spectacle of hordes of police officers on campus, "It's dystopian. I think it's antithetical to what a university should be and what it should look like."
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gaysullengirl · 5 months
𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐞 𝐛𝐥𝐮𝐞, 𝐬𝐢𝐱. 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐲𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬
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❝ memories are something even smoking
weed does not replace ❞ - noah kahan, stick season
knock, knock, knock.
"Come in, sweet pea!" Penelope's voice called from the other side of the thick wood door.
Isabelle pushed it open, Penelope's facial expression changed when she realized it was Isabelle.
"Oh! I thought you were Emily, sorry." She smiled, even though Isabelle wasn't the person Penelope was expecting she still seemed happy to see her.
"Can we talk for a sec?" She asked and shut the door softly behind her.
"Of course."
Isabelle shifted uncomfortably, "Can you look someone up for me?"
"Mhm! is this an old case you worked?" Penelope swung her chair around, the lights from the computer illuminated her face.
"Uh, no." She replied, Penelope expecting the brunette to go into further detail- but she didn't.
"Her name is Juliana Cruz."
"Ok, let's see here." Penelope said enthusiastically and the sounds of typing filled the room.
"Found her! Juliana Cruz, all activity on her phone and bank account went radio silent four years ago, but she's never been reported missing." Penelope relayed with confusion filling her voice.
"Is she your sister?"
Isabelle stayed silent for a moment, "You can't tell anyone about her or her disappearance, especially not Spencer." She ordered.
Isabelle didn't want to do this to Garcia- but she was desperate, after years of being at the nypd and searching up her sister she found nothing, this was an opportunity to find out what happened to Juliana.
Isabelle sat at her desk, filling out paperwork from the case and eating an apple, she glanced to the elevator and saw penelope handing spencer a file.
she immediately knew what was in the file, and her eyes widened.
Luckily it was now four fifty, if isabelle could avoid spencer for ten more minutes she wouldn't have to deal with it until monday
maybe it was a force of habit or maybe it was a trait she inherited from her father- put anything off until the last possible moment.
What's the best way to avoid talking to someone? leave
Isabelle packed up quickly and left the building she texted aaron that she was having a family emergency and silenced her phone.
Spencer knocked on Isabelle's door three times in a row and heard nothing, no shifting from inside the apartment, no talking.
Normally he would just leave but he had called her multiple times and she didn't answer.
He looked down to her door mat 'No she's not stupid enough to hid her key under the door mat' He thought, then he looked up to the light fixture above her door.
He reached his hand on top of it and felt around for a key, he felt a bump and picked at the tape over it.
He grabbed the key and unlocked her door, "Isabelle are you okay?" He asked, searching the apartment for her,
he searched the bedroom and saw nothing, and the same in the bathroom.
Her apartment was open concept so she couldn't hide anywhere, he felt a cold breeze against his back and turned around.
The window in the kitchen that lead to the fire escape was open, he carefully climbed out of it and up the fire escape.
He sighed in relief when he saw Isabelle sitting on the roof.
"What are you doing here?" She asked urgently, the only thing running through her mind being 'shit shit shit.'
"Sorry I just came to check on you and got worried when I didn't hear you." He responded.
"You came here to check on me?" She asked, Spencer just nodded.
She brought a joint to her lips and inhaled, "Are you smoking?" Spencer asked and walked closer, she nodded her head, "Weed." "Are FBI agents even allowed to smoke?" "Yea, it's legal."
He sat down next to her on the cold concrete and breathed in the smell of weed causing him to scrunch his nose.
"Do you like the smell?" Isabelle asked even though she already knew the answer "No."
"Are you okay?" Spencer asked, staring into her brown eyes, "Why do you ask?" She questioned, but didn't move her gaze.
"Last night, you didn't seem okay, you were practically begging me to hate you and-" Spencer cut himself off, deciding not to bring up her sister so early.
"I'm fine."
"What about the marijuana? I remember you telling me you would never smoke again after high school." "I don't know, people change."
He scoffed, "I know that."
"Then why'd you bring up what I said?" "I don't know, I just wanna make sure you're okay." "More than 106,000 people die per year due to drug related overdoses."
"It's weed, it's not gonna kill me."
"I know but marijuana can lead to stronger drugs." Spencer said softly.
"I know people use it to- you know numb pain or escape reality."
Isabelle stared at Spencer, he quickly reached to his forearm and itched it, which Isabelle would have noticed if her mind weren't preoccupied- or if she weren't high.
The two sat in silence, the only sound that could be heard was the wind and the distant police sirens.
The gentle breeze blowing through Isabelle hair remained Spencer of how much he adored it, her hair was between wavy and curly, and complimented her face perfectly.
Isabelle glanced to Spencer hand, out of habit she wanted to reach over and grab it but held back, if she let herself she would've melted into his arms.
"What did Penelope tell you?"
"That there's been no trace of Juliana since four years ago which coincidentally was a week before you broke up with me."
Isabelle scoffed, "You're seriously bringing that up bright now?"
Spencer looked down, "Sorry, you're right I shouldn't have brought that up."
"Is there anything I can do? We can tell the team and we can look for her-"
"What, why?" Spencer scooted closer to Isabelle and rubbed her back.
"She called me a year after she disappeared, from a phone and said she didn't want to be found and that I should just move on."
Isabelle fought back tears, she hated showing emotion, she despised the idea of anyone thinking she was weak or delicate.
authors note!
thank you so much for reading!
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tropes-and-tales · 1 year
Prompt TRACING PERSON B'S TATTOOS for Mike Duarte please!!! I was LIVING for the Carrillo content you had too! You’re fantastic, thank you 🥹🥹🥹🥹
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It’s the heart of summer, the night hot and muggy.  Mike’s anemic window AC unit belches out tepid air as the two of you lie in the tangle of sheets, sweat cooling on your skin.
It’s new.  Not the hooking up—that’s been going on for months, back when the weather was still cool and crisp.  Back when he bumped into you at his neighborhood bar after months of flirting.  That night, you’d both been keyed up and restless.  
It was easy to fall into this thing between the two of you.  It was more difficult to keep feelings out of it.
Mike’s the one who breaks.  Tonight, after the two of you exhausted each other, took your pleasure from each other…after you returned from the bathroom from cleaning yourself up.  You had scooped up your clothing, ready to do your usual late-night scamper home.  
Mike stopped you.  The cloying, choking feeling in his throat became too much, finally, so he croaked out, “stay?”
You’d arched a curious eyebrow at him—at his words or tone or both—but you’d nodded, dropped your clothing, and crawled back into bed with him.
Now here the two of you are:  him sprawled out, you halfway on top of him.  Your chin digs into the soft spot below his sternum and above his belly, but Mike doesn’t care.  He doesn’t care about the way you’re watching him, trying to figure him out.  He doesn’t care that he’s breaking his own rule of no sleeping over.  
Or the rule of no feelings.
They were stupid fucking rules anyway.  His own rules, put in place to try and forestall future pain when you inevitably got tired of his shit and moved on.  Stupid rules because despite them, despite the shallow nature of your hooking up, you’ve crept into his wizened heart all the same.  Despite the rules, you’ve become a friend, first and foremost.  You shoot him texts throughout the day.  You check in on him.  Once, you even brought him dinner to the precinct when he was running on fumes.  The thoughtfulness almost made him cry that night—to be thought of, remembered, cared for.
You’re more to him, and he knows it.  He’s always known it.  Now he can admit it to himself.
Next step is to finally admit it to you.
That can wait.  Right now, the moment is perfect.  
Your weight on him is heavenly.  You tilt your head and reach out a fingertip, trace it over the tattoo on his pectoral, right over his heart.  The older ink used to spell out his ex-wife’s name.  Fresher ink—well, fresh as of ten years ago—turned the name into Gothic script gibberish.  Like Viking runes or something.
Then your finger moves, traces over the ink on his forearm.  It’s a NYPD policeman’s badge with his father’s badge number.  Then onto the tattoo on his ribcage, the memorial to his mother, a dove with a cross and her name.
It’s shit like this that did it.  The tender, everyday touches in between the rough and fast hookups.  The finger-combing out the snarls in his bed-head.  The soft press of your lips to his temple before you pushed away from the bed to get dressed and leave.  The cup of your palm on his stubbled cheek, the gentle way you pat him.  All those soft, gentle touches.  They were Mike’s undoing with you.
“If I stay much longer, I’m gonna fall asleep,” you warn him, and your voice has a lazy, heavy quality to it.  Your breath fans against his skin, makes goosebumps break out despite the heat of the night.
“I asked you to stay.  I meant it.”
That eyebrow arches again, and you pause in your tracing of his tattoos.  “It’s against the rules.”
“They’re stupid fucking rules.”
You snort, grin at him.  “They’re your rules, Mike.”
He shuts his eyes, smiles back at you.  “Sounds like I’m fucking stupid then.”
You snort again, and he cracks an eye open to peek at you.  You lift your head and press your lips against the tattoo over his heart.
“Only sometimes,” you murmur against his skin.  “You’re only fucking stupid sometimes.”
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skylarmoon71 · 3 months
Leonardo (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles/Superman Crossover) - Chapter 1
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It wasn’t supposed to be like this.
He knew.
Leo knew the reason why you were doing this. You trusted him despite everything. When you told him what happened with your family, he said he would help. He just wanted to make sure no one got hurt because he knew what you were capable of.
That’s why it hurts.
Standing in the warehouse, you just stared in disbelief. All their flashlights were aimed in your direction. When the room lights up, you can't speak.
The blond woman stepped out.
Lieutenant Rebecca Vincent.
You’d been ducking her for months, always just out of her reach. The damage you’d caused chasing the person that made you an orphan was still out there breathing. It didn’t feel right. You never thought they would catch you. No one had the slightest idea behind your identity except…
He was at her side, looking guilty. All of his brothers were present.
“You’re dangerous, we can’t have you running around the city taking revenge on anyone you think was involved in your parents murder. “ Vincent spoke.
There were more than a dozen officers, all guns aimed at you. The betrayal on your face changed to anger.
“Do you really think you can stop me?”
Vincent lifted her gun, firing a shot and you didn’t even bother blocking it. No bullet could hurt you. Leo knew that.
However the shot that struck you was no bullet. You flinched when you felt the prick, eyes lowering in shock. It was a dart, and when you pulled it out with shaky hands, you were stunned to see the blue liquid dripping off the tip.
“Blue Kryptonite blocks your powers. The injection is temporary. It gives us a chance to properly restrain you.”
You drop the dart with every intention to run before it fully circulated in your bloodstream, but another officer shot you with a taser and your body dropped to the ground as you convulsed. They removed it the second you were subdued and Leo could just watch as the tears gathered in your eyes as you looked up at him, just partly conscious now.
“I’m sorry (Y/N).”
He sounded sincere, but you could no longer trust a thing that left his lips..
“You..betrayed me..”
You’d told him everything. Your past, your parents, weaknesses. He was the only one who knew and he used it against you.
As you slipped into unconsciousness, you tried your best to ignore all the memories you shared with Leo.
“I’m surprised you reached out.”
You were standing on the roof and Leo clenched his blades. He had a hunch, and he’d planned the meeting alone to protect his brothers. He’d seen first hand what you were capable of.
“You’re powerful, at first I thought you were a threat but I saw you burn that drug dealer's building to the ground. You’re not one of them.”
“Of course not!”
You sounded furious just at the insinuation and Leo caught the way your eyes lit up as minor veins protrude around them. The light was the same one present when you seemed to shoot flames out of your eyes, directly at the building. He thought for sure you would fry him, but you took a few breaths as the veins receded, along with the light.
You looked a bit more controlled. He wasn’t out of the woods yet, but it helped that you didn’t want to barbeque him. You lowered your head in a way that displayed pain. He still couldn’t make out your face. You were wearing a hood, and you were careful to have a mask that blocked everything but your eyes.
“Why are you after those men?” Leo questioned.
You still seem to be studying him.
“How do I know you aren’t one of them?” You counter.
“You really think they’d have someone like me working for them.” He challenged.
You didn’t say anything. You were still trying to wrap your head around what you were seeing. When you saw that note at the warehouse after you went back, you thought it was a trick. It was obvious someone was tracking you, but you weren’t exactly scared. You just came to see the extent of the threat. You didn’t think some mutated lizard would show up.
If that’s even what it was.
“I’m one of the good guys. I’m the one who had to help clean up the mess you created after you set that building on fire. You put a lot of people in danger. There was a shelter right next to that warehouse.”
He caught the way your eyes shifted at that statement.
“I..I wasn’t trying to hurt innocent people I just-”
“It doesn’t matter what you meant! You could have killed people seeking your selfish revenge!”
He’s angry, and for a moment you understood. It’s clear now who he is. What he does. You’re not oblivious to what goes on in New York. You just assumed whatever vigilante was running around would be normal, human.
“I can’t let you run around putting other people’s life at risk, I also know you’re not going to give up searching because whoever you’re after, they obviously hurt you.”
He was reading you so easily. You wanted to deny everything and just disappear. It’s not like he could chase you. But those words, they did something. Just the thought of someone innocent dying because of you, it was just as bad as when you found your parents lying on the ground of your home.
“Join me, I’ll help you bring those men to justice without the casualties.”
The offer sounded promising, but the little voice in your head was telling you that you couldn’t trust it.
“How do I know that I can trust you?”
“You don’t, I guess you’ll just have to take a leap of faith.”
That wasn’t very reassuring.
“Do we have a deal?”
What else could you really say? Before he might have had a hunch, but now he knew you were out there and he’s aware of who you’re tracking. You have no doubt he would show up and might jeopardize the plan you’d been working on for months. You couldn’t take that risk, you also felt better keeping him close. If he thought you were an ally, you could do your own little surveillance.
“Fine. Don’t make me regret this.”
He just smiled.
“Wouldn’t dream of it.”
Leo walked over to the small room, metal bars keeping the person inside. You were seated, cuffs on each wrist, the blue glow of a gem embedded into them like they were some kind of bracelets.
“How long are we going to keep her here?”
When Vincent told him that she had a safe house to hold you up in, of course he agreed. They couldn’t really arrest you. The last thing New York needed was knowledge of another super powered being out there.
Officers were assigned to watch you around the clock. You were fed, clothed, taken care of. He knew you would be safe. Yet the dead look in your eyes, it hurt him every time he came. The room you were in was a replica of a prison cell, minus the small bathroom and lack of color. The metal bars instead of a door was just a precaution.
“Just until we stop Drew’s men. You know how strong she is, Leo. We’re doing the right thing. We can’t have citizens taking the law into their hands. Especially one as powerful as she is.”
He knew it was the right thing. There was no doubt when you found the men responsible you would kill them and he couldn’t live with that. But caging you here like an animal, it made him feel terrible. Despicable. There was no way to truly justify what he did. He looked you in the eye and lied to you. No amount of convincing would change that. All he could do was sit there and try to recall what it was like before. When you still looked at him like a friend, partner.
“You have brothers?”
He nodded.
“Yep, three of them. Protecting this city is our job.”
You took a seat at the edge of the building right next to him.
“What do you mean your job, you say it like someone hired you. You’re not getting paid for this are you?”
“Well no, but it’s still our responsibility. There are innocent people out there. We have the power to help them, keep them safe. So it is our job.”
His ideal was admirable. Your parents had views that were quite the same. You wanted to do something similar with your life. It’s why you’d planned to be a reporter. You wanted to chase those stories, get to the truth, save lives. At least that had been the plan. Coming home for spring break on your second semester was supposed to be a good memory. But the horror of what you saw would never leave your mind.
“I wanted to do the same thing..I wanted them to see me make a difference..”
Your broken tone caught his attention and he was stunned when he turned and you had removed your mask, pulling down your hood. Your eyes shifted in his direction and he could see the pain. This was the first time you had ever removed your mask.
“Promise me that we’ll find them, that we’ll stop them..”
At that moment he wanted to say anything to never see such a look on your face ever again. All he could do was hope, pray that he would be strong enough not just to stop the men, but do what needed to be done when the time came. So he did it.
“I promise.”
Looking at you now, he realized that he’d become the reason. That reason that you were now not only heartbroken over the loss of your only family, but also the trust you’d lost with him.
Leo pressed his head against the wall, just closing his eyes.
Maybe these memories would provide the solace he so desperately needed.
“You’re an alien?”
Your eyes are directed at the sky.
“I come from a place called Krypton apparently. I was adopted by Jonathan and Martha Kent. They took me in, cared for me, saved me in a lot of ways. My planet was destroyed. My biological parents sent me here to save my life. Krypton..it’s gone. My parents, they were the only ones I had left and now they’re gone too. I have no one now. I’m all alone.”
Leo wasn’t sure what comforts to offer because all of his life, he’d never been alone. He could only imagine what you were going through. Your drive to find their killer, it made sense. You should have been enjoying life like any other college student, instead you were here fighting a drug war.
“You’re not alone.”
You turned to him, and when he placed his hand on your shoulder, for a moment you honestly believed it.
“I appreciate the sentiment, but you don’t have to say that just to make me feel better.”
“I’m not.”
His eyes held so much emotion, you felt a bit weak at the intensity. You swallow, a bit shaken by the increase of your heart. You’ve come to depend on Leo. He’s your ally, so it’s not uncommon for you to feel this safe with him. However the beats of your heart were displaying something different.
“Thank you Leo..” 
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hitechlatte · 2 years
Alrightie! Thanks for waiting FINALLY GOT POLLS WORKING!
This poll will run for a week and you can pick which fic I write first! Each of these fics will take me 4-6 weeks to write depending on their length so I’ll keep you posted!
More details about each of the fics here:
Rise!Mikey X GN!Reader:
You had been Mikey's friend for years. His best friend in fact.
He had two drawers in your dresser and his own bean bag chair at your place.
Every minor update in your life, good, bad or ugly, he was the first person you'd text.
And who else did he call at 3am to rant about his family or vigilante escapades?
But now... you’d be gone for a 2 year service with the Peace Corps. 
Of course he’d miss his best friend, but you’d be back eventually and you promised to call everyday.
So then why couldn’t he shake the aching feeling in his stomach?
Why did everything suddenly feel... different?
Rated T or M, Friends to Lovers, Fluff, Two Idiots Sharing A Brain Cell
Rise!Raph X Irma
(This is Irma from the TMNT universe, just recreated with my own spin for ROTTMNT)
Irma’s internship with the NYPD was more than she could have ever asked for.
A job in her field, a possible switch to the FBI already in the works, and assisting her boyfriend on the occasional mission? 
She really had it made.
However, her romantic escapade with the red turtle was no secret around the office. So of course, her squadmates kept begging to hear the story of how the two of them got together.
So one lunch she finally caved and regaled the tale of how she fell in love with one of the infamous NYC turtles.
Rated T or M, Strangers to Lovers, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Flashbacks/Telling Stories, Crime Fighting Adventures
Rise!Future Donnie X GN!Reader
This was really happening, Donatello Hamato had actually proposed. 
After everything the two of you had been through with the Purple Dragons, your memory loss, Baxter Stockboy and now your insane work schedules, this was a welcomed surprise.
And now with the wedding only days away, everyone had come to stay in the lair. Including, the renown Casey Jones.
However, you were surprised when this cool headed vigilante from the future stood in front of you, stammering uncontrollably.
“Y/N… I think- I- it’s um... time I showed you these… I’m sorry I didn’t before, it’s just- it's never easy to…”
You could see he was holding back tears as he placed the tiny USB in your hand.
“You have the right to read these… To know what happened.”
Rated M, Strangers to Lovers, Angst, Major Character Death, Heartbreak, Grief, Flashbacks/Telling Stories
Rise!Leo X Usagi
Raph had his police work, Donnie had his tech and Mikey was on course to be the next big chef.
But besides protecting the city, Leo had nothing.
So when Usagi suggested that Leo should try out for this year's Battle Nexus Tournament, the blue turtle swore he finally found his calling.
However, the elation quickly faded when rejection after rejection flooded his inbox, each justification for denial stupider than the last. 
A fighter with his skill should have teams begging him to join. But the only group even willing to include him on their roster was practically a pyramid scheme!
Leo was started to wonder if a mutant could ever make it in the Yokai world.
Rated M, Friends to Lovers, Angst, Mutant/Yokai Racism, Trigger Warnings: Sexual Harassment, Discrimination and Emotional Abuse
Thanks again for your love and interest! Can't wait to see what you all pick!
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gerec · 2 years
Hi, do you have any recs where one of them has memory loss? Especially if Charles has it.
I haven't seen a lot of those
Almost caught up on these fic rec asks! Here's a list of amnesia/memory loss fics for you to enjoy, Anon - happy reading!!!
Sink or Swim by endingthemes
Erik is a struggling single dad of three kids with a burning hatred for Sebastian Shaw, the man who wronged him years ago. He’s tried to move on with his life, but a run-in with Shaw’s rude, spoiled omega, Charles, drags up old anger.
When Charles ends up in the hospital after an accident, Erik goes to confront him only to find that Charles has amnesia. In the confusion, Charles mistakenly assumes that Erik is his mate.
Erik knows he should clear up the misunderstanding, but how can he pass up this perfect chance for a little revenge?
(An Overboard AU)
First Breath After Coma by Signe (oxoniensis)
Charles wakes up to find he's been in a coma for two years, and the world he thought he lived in is a lie.
drastic measures by goodmorningbeloved (3799steps)
Erik glowers.
“I can’t believe we’re back to this,” Charles says, like he wants to throw his hands in the air. He’s pouting a little bit. “Years of progress, and we’ve returned to you brooding. Don’t tell me I have to break out the terrible flirting again.”
Erik glowers a little less. “Flirting,” he repeats, bland but also maybe just very, very, very slightly, faintly, vaguely hopeful.
“Oh, yes,” Charles says absently, until something seems to strike him. ��Don’t tell me you don’t…” He raises his left hand and brandishes the ring. “We promised ourselves to each other last week.”
Alternatively: Erik's memory is swiped clean of his and Charles's relationship.
Forgive Us Our Transgressions by PoorMedea
The mind is a strange place, as Charles knows all too well. Memories come and go, and sometimes are wiped away forever. is this finally the chance he's been waiting for?
When Magneto comes down with a terrible illness, the Brotherhood turns to the only mutant they know who can help—Hank McCoy. Unfortunately, this leaves Magneto at the doorstep of Charles Xavier: former friend, former lover, current adversary.
When Charles discovers that the illness has left Erik with no memories of what came before, he is left with a choice: To return Magneto to the Brotherhood, or to keep Erik for himself.
Island, Island by pibroch (littleblackdog) (unfinished)
Erik is a fisherman who lives in a cottage by the sea; it's a quiet, secluded life, and he enjoys it that way. Charles has a bump on his head, with no memory of why he was dangling off the side of a dock, unconscious and nearly frozen to death. 
Hook, Line and Sinker by Tawabids
For the kinkmeme prompt, "Erik is a grumpy fisherman who lives in a cosy cottage near the beach and Charles is the man he finds in his net one day with a bump on his head and a too cheerful demeanour."
And Charles is getting hunted by evil government agents, but all that is just an excuse to ensure Erik fishes Charles out of the sea.
Bewildered by wheel_pen
Charles knows he’s an Omega in heat, and he knows the man asleep next to him in bed is an Alpha named Erik. That’s the sum total of his knowledge, however. Which seems like a bad thing.
This Is the First Day of My Life by waketosleep
Life for Charles has become very confusing, but it continues nevertheless.
Lost and then Found by Gerec
Erik Lehnsherr is a detective in the NYPD, happily married for four years to Charles Xavier, Professor of Genetics at Columbia University. At least that's what he thinks when he wakes up in a hospital bed, arm broken and head swathed in bandages, his mother Edie holding his hand. A lot of things happened that he doesn't remember...the most important being the fact that he's no longer married to Charles.
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bullet-prooflove · 2 years
The North Star - Part Two: Case of the Ex - Terry Bruno x Reader
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Welcome to mine and @the-hinky-panda The Bronx universe featuring our favs Terry Bruno & Mike Duarte.
This story takes place several years after 'Blood Out'. Terry still lives in the Bronx and works in Manhatten SVU.
Following on from @the-hinky-panda story 'The Dog' Mike has retired from the NYPD on medical grounds due to seizures causes by the attack. He has a therapy dog called Bono and lives with @the-hinky-panda character Meredith.
Tagging: @mysoulisasunflower @legit9thlunaticwarrior @bbyxoo @the-adzukibean @xoxabs88xox @crazy4chickennuggets @beardedbarba @wooshwastaken @justreblogginfics @im-just-a-mississippi-girl @storiesofsvu @anime-weeb-4-life
Part One: Moments
You make it over the threshold of your Squad Room with a few minutes to spare, the conversation from the car still playing in your head as you secure your weapon in the individualised gun locker and drop your lunch bag off in the kitchen. Your actions are mechanical, your body running on auto pilot because you’re struggling to process. There’s a disconnect in your brain between what you want and your prior experiences.
“It’s ok.” Terry had reassured you before you left the car. “I’m not mad, you’re not ready and that’s ok.”
It’s more complicated than that you wanted to tell him. It was an impulse ingrained into your psyche, a remnant of a trauma you had spent years trying to bury.
He turned in the driver’s seat to face you, his eyes meeting yours as he leaned in close. The scent of his aftershave was in your nose, lavender and sandalwood, it clung to his skin as his thumb brushed over the apple of your cheek tenderly.
“It doesn’t change how I feel about you.” He told you with an honesty you felt in the very depths of your soul. “I can promise you that.”
You were in a haze of memories as you made your way to your desk, your thoughts ricocheting like bullets in your mind. Then and now, Paul and Terry, two different men. The past and the present. Sometimes in the dead of night you wake up in a cold sweat and you hear that laugh, that distinctive and hearty sound. It rebounds in your brain and it’s like you can hear it all over again, echoing in your ears.
You freeze, your muscles seizing because you are hearing that sound again, only it’s real and it’s coming from your workspace. There’s a small huddle of detectives lingering in the vicinity, they’re hanging on every word that emits from Detective Paul Russo’s mouth as he perches on the corner of your desk. You have to hand it to him it’s a power move, a way of claiming territory in an unfamiliar battleground. It’s just like Paul, a subtle way of trying to put you in your place. You didn’t see it back then but hindsight in a fine thing and you see it now. The same man, playing the same games, years later.
“Don’t you guys have cases to solve?” You said, breaking up the congregation. “Leads to follow up?”
The detectives scatter like school children caught out on the playground, heading in different directions. Only Paul remains. His blue eyes meet yours, they are clear and vivid, his pupils reactive and normal. He doesn’t flinch from your gaze; he knows what your seeking and he allows you to have it.
“I’ve been clean for over a year now.” He informed you, his gaze still on your face.
“Good for you.” You told him before dropping into your seat. “Now get your ass off my desk.”
He complied, slipping into the visitor’s chair instead. He was still in your proximity, not far enough away for you to be unaffected, it made your skin prickle and not in the good way. You removed the paperwork from your satchel before setting it down upon the surface of your desk, followed by your laptop.
There was a silence between the two of you, you let it hang, hoping he would get the message and disappear elsewhere.
“Aren’t you gonna ask what I’m doing here?”
“You are here to consult on my Robbery Homicide case.” You said, pressing the power button on your work laptop to bring it to life.
“That is the correct answer.” Paul informed you, clearly surprised. “But I guess that’s why they pay you the big bucks Sarge.”
He pronounced the last word with an air of respect, praise rolling off his tongue. It felt like an ice pick being driven into your skull as you twisted your head towards him. His large hand reached out, covering yours momentarily, his thumb trailing over the gold stacking rings that graced your fingers.
“I’m proud of you.” he said quietly. “You said you’d do it, and you did.”
You remembered this version of Paul. Charming and alluring, gentle touches that lingered and a smile that seduced. How easy it had been to fall in the beginning, to get caught up in a man that seemed so handsome, so thrilling. It had been exciting, having all of his attention focused on you.
You withdrew your hand from his, dropping it into your lap because you remembered the other part too. The mania, the blown pupils and the red rimmed eyes, his excitable moods, his excruciating lows. The nights you’d wake up alone, because he was out God knows where, doing God knows what with God knows who.
“Detective Sinclair will take you through the case.” You told him, indicating to the workspace across from yours. “I have to be in court in an hour.”
His elbow came to rest on the corner of your desk as he leaned in close. He was clean shaven these days, his chiselled cheek bones no longer as gaunt as you remembered. Flecks of auburn shone in his hair from the fluorescent lights from above, and you wondered how many women he had corrupted since you. How many more notches lined his bedpost. The scent of his cologne was in your nostrils. It was one of the Ralph Laurens, something with bergamot and sage. It tasted bitter on your tongue.
“We’re going out tonight.” He told you, those bold eyes meeting yours as his voice lowered just an octave. “You, me, that place we used to like. We can see where the night takes us.”
His tone was dark and full of promise. It reminded you of the beginning, slow fingers drawing down the zipper of a little black dress. Fabric falling to the floor as that hot mouth plundered yours. It had happened quickly, your descent into madness and it ended in a storm of agony, blood and broken glass.
“I’m seeing someone.” You informed him, your eyes fixed on his.
“Oh Darlin...” He tutted, the edges of his mouth twitching up into a small smile. “He can’t do the things that I do for you…”
“No.” You said softly. “He does it better.”
It was a low blow, but it was worth it to see the devastation on those handsome features of his. For a moment he looks crestfallen, and you drink it in like a fine wine because what he is feeling right now is just a sliver of the pain, he’s caused you. The scars are still etched into your skin, they play out in your nightmares and invade your thoughts, stealing away your hopes and dreams because you can’t stand to lose yourself like that again. You won’t. What happened between the two of you ripples out from the initial point of impact and it affects everything. You were never the same after that.
“We’ll see.” Paul says as he raised to his feet and fastens the button on his suit jacket. “There’s plenty of time for the two of us to get reacquainted.”
Love Terry Bruno? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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thebibliomancer · 6 months
Essential Avengers: Avengers #313: THIEVES HONOR
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January, 1990
The ULTIMATE Super-Villain Team-Up! Plus -> Beginning -- the FATE of the SCARLET WITCH!
Plus, it's the 90s! Dark times ahead! Allegedly! Things still feel pretty 80s around here, to be honest but we've only just got here.
Also, hi, Black Widow! Guess you're here to capitalize on the more fluid roster of the Byrne run. Should we call you the Gray Widow now? Because of that costume?
(I've been a little rude to the Wizard during Acts of Vengeance but c'mon, the ultimate team-up is the Wizard and Silver Samurai oh that's the Mandarin. Still not very ultimate. Now if Thanos and Doom worked together, that'd be scary.)
Last times in Acts of Vengeance: Some Doom robots sank Avengers Island while the Avengers were busy elsewhere. The U-Foes tried to burn down the Avengers West Coast Mansion. Freedom Force attacked Avengers Park, for some reason unrelated to Acts of Vengeance. Mole Man attacked Los Angeles with giant monsters, convinced that the Avengers attacked him first.
Slowly, the Avengers have realized that someone is targeting them, using the general chaos of villains picking unusual fights as cover. But they don't know yet that the someone is a big conspiracy among top villains and the Wizard.
Also, not just in Acts of Vengeance but in general, Scarlet Witch's life has been horrible! Her husband was dismantled, rebuilt without emotions, and decided to professionally separate from her. Not just that but she was crammed full of racism goo and then her babies turned out to be Actually Satan. Then Agatha Harkness erased her memory of ever having children. So because of some or all of that, Wanda keeps lapsing into catatonia.
She's having a difficult time.
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Speaking of difficult times, on top of all the villain attacks and HQ destruction, the public has turned against superheroes and Congress is debating a superpower registration act.
Times are tough.
Jarvis, watching the unruly crowd on the security monitors, asks Captain America if there's nothing the Avengers can do to calm the crowd.
Captain America: "Unfortunately not, Jarvis. We're just great when it comes to dealing with super-villains and cosmic menaces... but public opinion is something we cant' possibly control."
That's pretty big talk from a dude wearing a flag. Who gives such great speeches that he has on multiple occasions turned a mob around!
Weirdly, Captain America is sometimes portrayed as just bad and disinterested in PR.
During Kurt Busiek's later run, Cap found himself unable to deal with a concerted PR campaign against the Avengers and turned leadership over to the Wasp.
Which. Okay. That makes sense. I can see her as the Avenger leader great at PR.
(Still though. Captain America talks down mobs so much. You don't even want to try, Cap??)
In this specific instance, the Avengers have other stuff to attend to.
Captain America, Vision, and Wonder Man are going to be diving to where Avengers Island sank to see if they can salvage anything.
I don't know why Wonder Man is here. He was just in California. I'm glad that the Avengers are being more fluid between the East and West but I can't fathom why people are coming and going.
In the meantime, Hawkeye and Mockingbird are holding down the fort in the Midwest with the Great Lakes Avengers.
Who we haven't seen in a bit? Did Byrne backburner whatever he was doing with them?
Meanwhile, the Mandarin lands in Avengers Park and is immediately met with racism.
He is a villain but geez, NYPD officer. Don't be a dick.
Also, I really did mistake the Mandarin for Silver Samurai on first glance. I guess he's upped his game with power armor to better match Iron Man.
A police officer, maybe even the same one that was racist, runs up to the Mandarin and tells him he doesn't know who he is but maybe he better take a hike before he gets arrested for something.
The Mandarin: "Amazing... Do I face a bold warrior, or a blustering buffoon? It matters not."
And then he burns the guy to death with one of his special rings.
The police open fire on the Mandarin but he blocks the bullets with a force field and then starts killing cops.
Although, really, he's here to fight the Avengers.
Back at "Prime Movers" HQ, Doctor Doom is outraged at how dumb the Mandarin is.
VICTOR VON DOOM: "Dolt! Moron! How has this fool survived so long as a foe of Iron Man... when his every word and action shows him to have the fighting sense of a novice in a nunnery!!"
Doom says that if Doom were in the Mandarin's place, Doom would have reduced the Avengers' backup HQ to a crater instead of wasting time terrorizing cops.
Red Skull comes in just in time to zing Doom by pointing out how often Doom gets ousted from his own kingdom.
Doom doesn't like being talked to like that but Red Skull persists, saying... uh... I'm pretty sure he's saying that in his time (World War II) he would have had someone like Doom (guess) tortured and killed just for funsies.
It's really cathartic when Doom backhands Red Skull and tells him off for "angering your betters!"
But Red Skull turns being slapped across the room into a flip and pulls a science gun on Doom.
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Apparently, Red Skull has been placed into a new peak-human body? I don't really know what's been going on with him but I suspect there's always something like that happening with the Skull so he can keep up with Captain America.
Red Skull's science gun must be really potent because he shoots Doctor Doom and the guy goes flying to smash into one of those big computer monitors.
Kingpin comes in at the noise and is not impressed with his fellow top villains.
Kingpin: "Well, well, well... The childre are at play again, I see."
Red Skull threatens to shoot him too but crime man has more dunking to do.
Kingpin: "Spare me your preachings, Nazi. If I have learned nothing else in my brief association with you and Doctor Doom... I have learned that neither of you understands the true meaning, the true source of the power you claim to possess. You are infants in the modern world... playing your little games of world conquest... feint and counter feint... While all the while the true power slips ever through your fingers." Red Skull: "You... dare... ?!!" Kingpin: "Yes, Skull. I dare. The Kingpin of crime dares all."
I think he talks a big game but he is consistently slapped down when he tries to reach past really powerful at normal crime. But then again, he usually isn't interested in anything beyond that. There's no profit in the end of the world, etc etc.
Meanwhile, Captain America and Wonder Man (who doesn't need a diving helmet but is wearing one anyway to be like the cool kids) dive down to the sunken Avengers Island.
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Alas, fair island headquarters. We barely knew ye.
The good news is that since Avengers Island was a floating artificial island, a lot of the equipment was water-proofed Just In Case.
Water-proofed enough to be salvageable after sitting at the bottom of the ocean for a day or so?
They won't know until they haul stuff out. Which isn't today. Today is just poking around and moving some smaller stuff.
They're interrupted by Jarvis calling on the emergency channel.
Jarvis who is wearing his eyepatch again.
The book really goes back and forth on whether he needs it or is just wearing it to look cool.
It looks very cool. You do you, Jarvis.
Anyway, he reports that some dude is trying to blast through the ground of Avengers Park to get to the sub-basement.
Captain America ID's the guy as the Mandarin and the three Avengers haul ass towards New York.
Captain America: "Jarvis is a good man, but we've left him holding the fort too many times in the past." Vision: "I concur, Captain America. And against a foe like the Mandarin I fear even one so resourceful as Jarvis may be at a loss."
I like that it sounds like Vision is saying, with his computer logic, that if it was someone less than the Mandarin, Jarvis would kick their ass.
If it was Stilt-Man, Jarvis would have him flat on his ass in no time.
In the most recent Avengers comic as of this typing, (Avengers vol 9 #11) Jarvis and Jarvis' assistant beat the shit out of the Mad Thinker. Jarvis can throw hands.
The Wizard is also flying towards the Mandarin.
He noticed the guy leave the very secret headquarters and went to go call him an idiot for messing up the Wizard's very well-planned Acts of Vengeance. Yup, this is Wizard's plan and the Mandarin is screwing it up by attacking the Avengers too soon!
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Then the Wizard gets tackled by Wonder Man because he wasn't watching his own ass.
The Wizard breaks free, blasting Wonder Man into the ground, while mocking that he wasted time with bluster like all heroes do.
Vision tries to tangle with Wizard next but he also made the mistake of loudly announcing his presence.
You'd think his computer brain would have told him not to do that.
Wizard easily dodges away from Vision's grasp and then Russian reversals by fisting Vision instead of vice versa.
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Alas, Vision. Turns out losing your emotions has not made you a more efficient fighter. You get punked basically the same as always.
Meanwhile, thousands of miles away in California, the Avengers West Coast Compound and specifically Wanda's house.
After getting back from the Quinjet crash, I guess Hank and Wasp just propped Wanda up in a chair and left her to Agatha Harkness to watch.
Because that's where she is.
Propped up catatonic in a chair and being watched by Agatha Harkness.
Agatha Harkness: "*Sigh* It is still no use, Ebony. My former pupil is utterly unresponsive. She has suffered too many traumas in the past few weeks even for her to bear. Her robot husband, kidnapped, dismantled, reprogrammed... Her beloved children revealed as nothing more than figments of her mutant imagination. And, most recently, having her mind stolen from her by the Deviant known as Ghaur, part of his plan to turn her into one of the Brides of..."
I notice you conveniently left out where you magically wiped her memories of ever having children.
And I feel that very well could be related to whatever is going on with her brain.
Anyway, Agatha gets distracted. She feels like someone is coming up to the house but none of the proximity alarms are alarming.
She goes outside and sees no one, not even with her Special Eyes.
(Special magic eyes)
Then the house launches into space, without her.
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Surprise, it's Magneto.
(Also surprisingly funny, it's implied that launching a house into orbit was his anti-magic contingency for getting one over on Agatha)
Magneto: "Now it is time for a long delayed reunion. Good afternoon, daughter. What a pity you cannot express your joy on seeing me again."
I don't know that she would if she could.
Although, I guess in the Vision and Scarlet Witch Vol 2, she did sorta reconcile with Magneto.
But in these circumstances, I don't think she'd be thrilled to see him.
Especially considering how he continues that thought.
Magneto: "But soon enough will come a time when you will know joy beyond your wildest dreams! The joy only absolute power can bring!"
Go home, old man.
Anyway, back over in the A-plot, Captain America arrives at Avengers Park in a Quinjet. Hellcat and Black Widow also arrive, but by leaping and swinging over rooftops.
Cap promptly gets shot down by the Mandarin.
Right when he was telling the two to hang back since they don't have superpowers.
Mandarin: "You worry so much about others, Captain... When it is you who are most at hazard!"
Ya burnt.
(Also, c'mon, Cap. Black Widow doesn't have powers, maybe, but Hellcat is wearing a suit that jacks her up to superhuman levels. C'mon with that. C'mon.)
Also, also, god damn, another Quinjet going down? Not to mention all the ones that fell into the ocean when Avengers Island sank? That's a lot of damaged and destroyed Quinjets lately.
This has to be hurting Tony in the bank account.
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Mandarin tries to chop Captain America. An honorable death for an honorable foe. I mean sure, he's passed out after a plane crash but definitely an honorable death.
Black Widow and Hellcat jump Mandarin to save Cap. They punk him a bit but he manages to toss them away and blast them.
But this gives Cap enough time to recover and he bonks the Mandarin in the head with his shield.
It makes a WHONG! sound against Mandarin's helmet.
Love a good sound effect.
Captain America: "You must be really tired of being corrected by now, Mandarin... So I won't bother telling you how wrong you are. You're quite bright enough to figure it out for yourself!"
The Mandarin uses his rings to freeze Cap's feet in a giant block of ice. And then Wizard swoops in to blast Cap.
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Captain America flips out of the way, even with the ice weighing him down.
And Wonder Man recovers enough from his earlier attack on the Wizard to fly in and pop the guy in the noggin.
Even looks like he dented his helmet. Nice.
Mandarin complains that the Wizard's interference ruined his plan, which was clearly going so well before.
Then he gets hit by Mjolnir and his day gets worse.
Vision melts the ice block off of Cap's legs so now the full team of Thor, Black Widow, Wonder Man, Vision, Captain America, and Hellcat confront the Mandarin and the Wizard.
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The Mandarin decides 'fuck this, actually', uses his black light ring to befuddle the heroes, and then ditches.
Ditches the Wizard to be caught by the Avengers.
They think he's just one small fish in the conspiracy but Wizard loudly insists that he's the mastermind.
Captain America: "And you're going to tell us everything you know. We've deduced this current madness is part of some overall scheme to destroy the Avengers. We also know, courtesy of Cloak and Dagger, that Doctor Doom is somehow behind it all..." Wizard: "Then you know nothing, Captain. Do you really think a blustering charlatan such as Doom could craft a plan so ingenious in its multifarious texturings? This plan is mine, and mine alone! The others who I have recruited to my needs may well believe each move they make is of their own devising... But it is the wondrous Wizard who conceived the scheme... and it is I who shall enjoy the final victory!"
Definitely Loki is scrying this interrogation and laughs at how Wizard thinks he's the mastermind when, actually, Definitely Loki is the one pulling the strings.
But Definitely Loki gets interrupted from his favorite hobby in this event, watching things and being smug about it, by the noise of his pawns (the Prime Movers) bickering again.
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Red Skull is yelling at the returned Mandarin for ditching the Wizard. Also, he throws in some racism. Because, Red Skull.
Mandarin shoots back that it was Wizard's own fault he got captured, for being stupid.
Definitely Loki points out that maybe they should spring Wizard before he spills too many beans, out of spite.
The Mandarin takes issue with Definitely Loki's presumption and Kingpin implies that he's the mastermind, confusing Red Skull who thinks he's the mastermind.
But then Doom explodes.
Revealing that the Doom that Red Skull easily punked was a Doombot.
(A very Byrne move)
Doom was never directly involved in this plot. He sent a Doombot because he didn't feel like the scheme was worth his attention.
So when this inevitably falls apart, it doesn't reflect on Doom at all!
Kind of a weak point to end an issue on but I love the drama of Doom blowing up from the earlier tussle, revealing it was just a robot.
Next time, Avengers West Coast #55, Acts of Vengeance concludes.
It has felt very bearable, covering only the Avengers parts.
Follow @essential-avengers. Like and reblog these posts, maybe.
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90363462 · 2 years
Elliot Stabler From SVU's Entire Backstory Explained
By/July 2, 2020 10:57 am UTC
It generally holds true that the longer a character is on TV, the less of a backstory they have. That might seem counter-intuitive, but think about it. A miniseries like Sharp Objects or Watchmen dives deeply into character's psyches, because it has an endpoint and can plan accordingly. But audiences don't need to know why George Costanza is a lazy schemer for Seinfeld to work: We just need him to fill his role. Sure, these characters might struggle, but a true crisis demands a true resolution — something long-running TV can't supply. So these characters skate along, maintaining the status quo, creatures of the present until the show's end.
Things are different in the world of Law & Order: Special Victims Unit. There, each character brings their personal trauma into work, every single episode. Fin Tutuola's life on the streets is constantly invoked. Munch's jokes about jadedness hint towards his long and dark career. Olivia Benson is empathetic to a fault, driven by her own demons. And Elliot Stabler is white-hot rage incarnate. The past is always present in SVU, and Stabler's past is complex indeed. We're here to lay it out in its entirety.
A rough upbringing
Across 12 seasons on Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, Christopher Meloni's Stablerbrings passion, tenderness, and anger to the fore. He can be counted on to flip a table, scare a suspect, punch a wall, and seethe — but SVU  keeps him from becoming a caricature with careful deployments of backstory. He's not a maniac from nowhere, veins ready to pop in his forehead every time a sex crime is committed. All of Stabler's choices are rooted in his complicated past.
Elliot Stabler had a less-than-ideal childhood. His mother Bernadette suffered from undiagnosed mental illness, and his father Joseph, a police officer, was emotionally and physically abusive. One example that Stabler shares with a therapist involved a school project when Stabler was a young child. He and Joseph built a diorama the night before the project was due. When Stabler went back and moved an aspect of the diorama without his father's permission, his father lost his temper. Joseph beat Stabler with a belt and destroyed the project by stomping on it.
Joseph ultimately lost his position with the NYPD when he refused to testify against crooked cops.
Mommy dearest
His mother's frequent mood swings and irrationality made Stabler's early years in Bayside, Queens difficult. She had an episode while driving with Stabler in the car, in which she attempted to "chase the snowflakes" with her vehicle. She crashed the car into a lamppost, causing Stabler to break his arm. 
His mother was put on medication briefly, after a fight with her husband. She claims that they were arguing and she grabbed for Joseph's service weapon, noting that the "gun went off." Joseph had her committed after the argument, but Bernadette refused to admit that she was struggling with mental illness.
 Though Stabler is estranged from his mother and has attempted to erase his childhood from memory, he does reach out to her when his daughter Kathleen begins to exhibit abnormal and illegal behavior. Granted, he does this on the advice of Kathleen's lawyer, who believes she'll be less likely to be punished if they can demonstrate a family history of mental illness. Bernadette tells Kathleen that she paid a heavy price for refusing treatment, having lost her relationship with Stabler and any real connection to her grandchildren. 
Rules and order, from multiple places
Stabler's personality is much more like his father's than he'd care to admit. Possibly as a reaction to his mother's episodes (what she called her "flamboyance") and his father's corruption, Stabler became a stickler for order and rules. He maintained his relationship with the Catholic Church throughout his life, and is shown repeatedly to be extremely devout. His tattoos symbolize his fealty to two major sources of stability in his life:  One depicts Jesus Christ, the other depicts the instantly recognizable eagle, globe and anchor of the Marine Corps.
Though the show is unclear about the timeline of Stabler's service, we do know that he participated in Operation Desert Storm. It has also been disclosed that he was an expert in hand-to-hand combat — something that makes sense, given his brawler's personality. He's all about the order side of the ampersand, and his decision to become a police officer, despite his father's legacy, serves as proof. He signed up with the NYPD when he was not yet old enough to drink in 1986. He was promoted to detective and moved to the SVU in 1993.
History repeats itself
Stabler cannot actually escape his past, no matter how much he'd like to. Like his father before him, Stabler became a cop, a man who struggles with anger, and one half of a marriage grown perilously shaky.
Stabler and his wife Kathy have five children together. Though he loves his family dearly, his stoic nature puts them under tremendous strain. Throughout the series, he worries that his children will be exposed to the world's cruelties. Hoping to avoid his father's mistakes, he completely walls off his work life from home. Unfortunately, this leads to Stabler being a bit of a closed book to his entire family, including his wife. 
Unable to handle this distance, Kathy separates from Stabler and takes the children with her.  She files for divorce, but Stabler stubbornly refuses to sign the papers. It's only after he encounters a married couple who brutally attacked each other that he decides to sign the papers. He never wants their love to curdle into hatred, and knows that ultimately, he can be better than his own parents by accepting the divorce. But the divorce never actually goes through. After years of work on himself, Stabler is eventually allowed back into Kathy's life. His time on the series ends with the pair still married.
Blurring the lines of legality
Stabler tends to take his cases personally, fearing that the sexual assaults and other crimes he witnesses may one day happen to his daughters. Where his partner Olivia Bensontakes this same tendency to personalize their work and uses it to empathize with victims, Stabler runs in the opposite direction: He lashes out at suspects. It's impossible to keep count of the times he's used excessive force, but here are a few notable examples.
In season eight's "Annihilated," he nearly chokes a man to death in the interrogation room, following the man's admittance to killing his own family. The only thing that stops Stabler is the realization that he'd be leaving his children without a father. Later, in season four's "Pandora," Stabler nearly beats a suspect to death in Europe while working on a child pornography case. The camera hones in on Stabler, and we see his decision to ultimately keep himself from killing the man play out across his face.  In season six's "Rage," Stabler encounters his nemesis, Gordon Rickett, a depraved serial murderer who targets young girls. Stabler yet again contemplates killing a suspect — but luckily, Benson intervenes before he can. Stabler takes his rage out on a nearby locker.
Close calls
According to  executive producer and showrunner Neal Baer, Stabler is afraid of his own violent tendencies, and unable to fully confront the trauma of his past. As Baer puts it, Stabler is uncomfortable with "who he is, who his parents [are], where he's from, how he's tried to overcome and maybe ignore or be in denial about his roots." His volatility is "a side of him that he's tried to keep repressed" — though as any fan of the series could tell you, he doesn't actually succeed in doing so.
"Live by the sword, die by the sword" might be a cliche, but it's very much an applicable one when it comes to this complex character. Stabler moves through the world of SVU radiating violence: Inevitably, it splashes back upon him. During his time on the force, Stabler is nearly killed many, many times. Over the course of 12 seasons, he is shot nearly 10 times, stabbed, blown up twice, thrown from a window, gassed, tossed off a roof and temporarily blinded. It is, frankly, a miracle he's alive at all.
A lifelong friend
In spite of Stabler's trademark anger, he's managed to keep his working relationships stable. He's been partnered with Olivia Benson since joining the SVU, and the duo are frequently noted for how well they work together. Benson's empathy and Stabler's anger balance each other out: Where Benson might get mired down in the sad details of a case, Stabler's rage pushes the pair to keep hunting suspects and seeking justice. Conversely, when Stabler threatens to fly off the handle or loses the through-line of an investigation in a sea of red rage, Benson is there to act as a calming force.
Actress Mariska Hargitay explained their odd relationship in an interview with TV Guide, noting that they balance so well, they are almost a universe unto themselves. "I think the reason that they're so close is that they share a passion for their jobs and for the people. They have a mutual respect for one another," she said. "I think that the average lifespan of an SVU detective is four years because of the difficulty and stress involved. They're been doing it for longer than that, so they feel like they're in their own world, almost."
Seeking help
Stabler ultimately overcomes his rage by seeking the help of a therapist. The moment that convinces him he needs to get his anger under control comes when he sees a man abusing a child. But this isn't just any criminal: The man in question is Stabler's former partner, Pete Breslin. Breslin's son Luke is accused of committing an assault. Stabler's protective nature when it comes to his friends and family leads to him making bad (read: possibly illegal) decisions. He tries to tell the family of the victim that it would not be wise to press charges against Luke, earning him a reprimand from his captain. Lesson seemingly learned, Stabler goes to the arraignment of Luke Breslin after the victim refuses to back down. Stabler happens upon a private moment between Pete and Luke, and sees Pete beating his son in the bathroom. Stabler attacks Pete, beating him unconscious. 
This encounter affects Stabler profoundly. Realizing that his anger might one day manifest in him attacking his own son, Stabler begins to see psychiatrist Rebecca Hendrix and work through his issues with his own father. It's a step in the right direction, and frankly, a long time coming.
Leaving the force
Stabler's brutal nature comes to a head with the case of 16-year-old Jenna Fox in season 12's "Smoked." After Jenna's mother is murdered, she is brought into the SVU so that detectives can tell her that three suspects have been apprehended. Fox concludes her meeting with the detectives and leaves, only to return to the precinct with a gun. She fires on the suspects, killing two of them and injuring a third. Stabler distracts her, but this merely causes her to fire wildly and kill a bystander. In spite of this, Stabler still tries to end the situation without violence. He attempts to talk Fox down, but is foiled when the wounded suspect starts to tease Fox about her mother. She raises the gun and Stabler responds by shooting her in the chest.
The shooting triggers an investigation, during which Stabler's superiors can't help but notice his long record of extreme violence, justifiable and otherwise. They open up a wider investigation into Stabler's career, knowing that he will likely chafe at their recommendations.  Stabler is deeply troubled by the fact that he took a young woman's life. Rather than reliving it repeatedly in a review process, he retires from the force.
Not gone for long
Rich Polk/Getty Images
Stabler wasn't gone for good, as it turns out. It was announced in March 2020 that Elliot Stabler will be returning to the small screen, just outside of the world of SVU. A spinoff will follow Stabler as he takes on the world of organized crime. While the team behind the show are remaining relatively hush-hush, the show's logline reveals that the detective "returns to the NYPD to battle organized crime after a devastating personal loss." We don't yet know who is missing from Stabler's life, but details of a since-scrapped season finale of SVU offer some insight. Apparently, before the 2020 coronavirus pandemic shut down production, the show's 21st season was going to close with the return of Kathy Stabler. Her son has fallen in with a bad crowd, which puts a target on mom and son alike.
Beyond his own heartbreak, it seems like Stabler will be dealing with wider changes in the NYPD. "The city and police department have changed dramatically in the decade [Stabler's] been away, and he must adapt to a criminal justice system in the midst of its own moment of reckoning," NBC says. "Stabler will aim to find absolution and rebuild his life while leading a new elite task force that is taking apart the city's most powerful criminal syndicates one by one."
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storiesofsvu · 2 years
Unexpected Judgement Ch 13
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Warnings: Language.
Over the next couple of weeks you recovery seemed to be speeding by, thanks to the extra time of work to rest, and the gentle help from Casey, Rita and Liz, your wounds were healing up nicely. The brand was still burnt into your skin, but you were very careful to keep it covered when you left the house. While you didn’t quite have the stamina to return to SVU yet, you did start to see one or two clients a day in your private office, you were getting cabin fever cooped up in the house and needed something to do. You and Casey were still struggling to find a place together, which was starting to lay on the pressure. It was on the way home from your office early Monday you’d stopped by your crime scene of an apartment to pick up a couple of things, and start chucking things into give-away boxes. You weren’t surprised when your anxiety spiked entering the apartment, you may not have many memories of your assault, but it all started here, you felt the hairs on the back of your neck prickle.
When you got back to your Mom’s, you came in through the back, dropping a small box of your things onto the shelf by the back door. The door opened right into the kitchen, where you found Casey finishing up some dishes. she greeted you with a bright smile, wiping her hands on the dish towel.
“Hey.” Her lips met yours in a gentle ‘welcome home’ greeting, she couldn’t help but notice the downtrodden vibes coming off of you, “What’s going on?”
“We’re fucked..” She scrunched her brows at your reply, 
“What’re you talking about?” You dug through your bag, handing her a slightly crumpled piece of paper.
“I found an eviction notice on my apartment door…” The housing situation wasn’t exactly going uphill, your original plan had been to ride out the end of your lease in your apartment and simply pray that you’d find something you were willing to settle for in the meantime. Casey was quick to look over the sheet, 
“This is bullshit, it won’t stand up in court, we’ll just fight it.” You looked up at her with begging eyes, 
“Casey..I can’t..”
“Baby, you’ve always done great in court, hell this probably wouldn’t even need to go to trial.”
“It’s not that…” You took a heavy sigh, “I know the plan was to stay at my apartment in the meantime but I…I just can’t. I..thought I’d be okay, but just being there for half an hour today nearly gave me an anxiety attack. Every bump or crash I heard freaked me out…every time someone walked past the door I thought I was done for again…” Casey wrapped her arms around you, gently running a hand across your back, lips meeting your hair lightly. “Already feel like we’ve been here too long…” You muttered, giving her a squeeze before removing yourself from her embrace.
“The plan was to get back on Monday, so we’ll have ’til the end of the month at my place to figure things out. We’ll make it work.” You let out a hefty sigh, stuffing the eviction notice back into your bag.
“It’s not just that, I was off work for so long, and surprise, the hospital bill came in and wow….if I ever nearly die again either air lift me to Canada or just refuse care because…fuck….”
“Have you not been getting paid on medical leave this entire time?” 
“Nope.” You shouldered your bag, “Something about me being a ‘contracted employee’ since I still work at the practice and at NYPD, I guess that got left out of my contract…” You moved from the kitchen, stopping briefly at the dining table to give your Mom a squeeze on the shoulder.
“Everything alright sweetheart?”
“Peachy…”You called as you made your way through to the front of the house, “Just casually drowning here, if you need me I’ll be at the bottom of the East river…” They heard your feet jog their way up the stairs. Casey quirked a brow from the door to the kitchen,
“Blame her dramatics on that one..” Liz gestured toward Rita, “You guys okay?”
“Yeah.” Casey smiled, “We’ll be fine. We’ll be outta your hair this weekend.”
“You know you’re more than welcome to stay as long as you need.”
“I know.  But I think someone’s starting to feel like she’s 16 again…” It was perfectly on cue as you let out a frustrated groan of a yell, traipsing back down the stairs.
“Fucking SVU!” 
“I think we can all agree on that.” Rita smirked.
“I’m not even supposed to be on call today.”
“Hey.” Liz stopped her paperwork, reaching out to grab your hand, “Sweetheart, take a breath…going in all riled up isn’t going to help you. These guys know you’re the best at what you do, there’s some poor victim down there that needs someone special to help them through this. Whatever you’re drowning in, it’ll work itself out, I promise.” She gave you a squeeze,
“Thanks Mom.” Casey’s phone was quick to ping, breaking the short silence, “Suppose I’m taking you with me?” She nodded, you gave Liz a soft kiss on the cheek, “We’ll see you later.
The rest of the week passed quickly, you’d spent most of it talking with the victim from the case SVU had called you in for while Casey started her work to prosecute. You’d both packed up the small amount of stuff you had at Liz’s Brownstone, ready to head out to Casey’s apartment after the regular Sunday night dinner. You were still pretty downtrodden come dinner time, not to mention exhausted, working a full week with SVU and a couple of other clients for the first time since your hospital stay had been rough on you. 
You were however, more than pleased with how the dynamic between everyone in the house had changed. If Liz had started to warm up to the idea of you and Casey after seeing how much she cared while you were missing, her views had done a 180 after having both of you in her house. She noticed the little ways you wordlessly did things for one another, the way she’d catch one of you gazing at the other when you were supposed to be doing paperwork and she certainly didn’t miss the little laugh you had that was reserved only for Casey. 
Dinner progressed with the four of you as if it had always been that way, conversation flowing easily from one subject to the next, doing its best to stay away from work related topics. Laughs and jokes were shared over glasses of wine as the dishes were cleared into the dishwasher, Rita topped up the wine glasses before sitting back down, a container of cookies in the middle of the table.
“You know, I will say, I’m going to miss having some life in this house for once.” Liz began, smiling across at you, “It was nice to come home to a friendly face again.”
“We can’t thank you enough.” Casey replied, 
“Well, it may be a little unorthodox, but I did happen to get you two a little…going away…I guess…present.” She slid two small cardboard boxes across the table to you and Casey. Your brows furrowed when you lifted the lid, a pair of keys underneath it.
“Mom…I already have keys…”
“They’re not for here.” She slid a familiar clipping of paper across to you, “They’re for your own little piece of Seagate in Manhattan.” She was quoting the scrawl in your writing across the top of the listing.
“Where did you get this?” Rita was next to speak,
“I found it in Casey’s desk when I was going through her inbox.”
“But…” Casey started, “The condo’s out of our budget.” Liz smirked at that, 
“It’s not out of mine…”
“Mom!” You felt tears swell up in your eyes, looking over to Casey with shock on your face. “You didn’t!”
“I did. And I’m not taking no for an answer. After everything…I don’t want you living alone, and we overheard you in the kitchen on Monday, I figured if you were drowning the least I could do was find you a lifeboat.” You couldn’t help but launch yourself around the table, wrapping Liz in a tight hug, holding back the happy tears the best you could.
“Thank you…” She kissed your head gently before you pulled away.
“Well you’ve got to thank Rita too.”
“You pitched in?”
“To the house? No. But you don’t have to worry about those hospital bills.”
“Rita!!” You shrieked, “No!!!”
“You said it yourself, working for the defence is where you make the good money. I only wanted to help.” You pulled her into the tightest hug you could imagine, tears breaking their way down your face, you didn’t know the last time you’d felt this unconditionally loved and supported by your family. You turned back to your Mom, 
“So…does this mean that you’re..in support of us?” You gestured to Casey, Liz gave a soft sigh through a smile.
“You have my love and support.” You practically squealed, planting another kiss on her cheek, she turned to Casey, “But don’t forget that if you hurt her I will find some off the books way to fire you.” You yelped out in protest, giving her arm a swift smack, Casey laughed, saying that she would never do such a thing. “Good.” She smiled up at the two of you, “Well? What’re you waiting for? Go explore your new condo.” 
There was a smattering more of happy tears, thank you’s and hugs flying throughout the room, both of you so incredibly thankful for the way that everything had worked out. You truly couldn’t believe that Liz had come around as much as she did, and thanked Casey for being such an incredible partner and support system during your recovery. You pulled to the condo right as the sun began to set, amazed when the keys actually unlocked the door. The place may have been empty still, but you and Casey could picture where everything would go, how perfectly things fit into every nook and cranny of the apartment. You felt tears springing into your eyes again as you approached the floor to ceiling windows, the glorious sunset setting a glimmer of gold in its wake. Casey wrapped her arms around you from behind, tucking her head against your shoulder, laying a gentle kiss on your neck.
“It’s beautiful.” She murmured, you turned in her arms, wrapping around her neck.
“It’s ours…” You met her in a soft kiss, lips dancing perfectly against hers, you felt your body melting against her in complete passion and contentment. 
There may have been some horrible struggles and battles you had to face over the last near year, but you had been more than incredibly lucky to face them with Casey at your side. You knew that she would stand by you no matter what, that you fit together like two puzzle pieces that had been lost from the box for years until they were finally discovered, placed exactly where they belonged.
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orionares · 2 years
BTHB: Used as Bait
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BTHB: Used as Bait
Law and Order: SVU/OC
Olivia Benson watches the erratic, lanky man pacing in front of her check his phone the tenth or so time. She's handcuffed on a pallet in a warehouse room with a throbbing headache she's blaming on being pistol whipped.
"You kidnapped a police captain. I can guarantee you people are looking for me," Olivia says. The man in front of her stops pacing to shoot her a scowl. 
"It better be Stabler and his ego walking through the door," the man snaps and points in the direction of the door. Olivia swallows hard at the sight of what looks like a homemade explosive the size of a computer box sitting against the wall. She can see wires running from explosives to under the pallet but she can't see where they run to. 
Her conclusion terrifies her but she maintains her composure- I'm connected to a bomb.
The man kicks the wall, yanking her out of her thoughts, yelling, "I made sure everybody knows I took you because of him. Where is he?"
Burning the city down looking for me- the voice in the back of her head says. She shakes off the thought as a second, less hopeful one takes its place. 
He won't look for you. He left you for a decade, remember?
"What's your name?" Olivia asks to distract him. In the short time since waking, Olivia had clocked him to be in his late twenties and based on her knowledge of Elliot's latest focus- the Huerra cartel- a buyer or a lower level member. 
"Why? We're not friends."
"I could call you 'John Doe'."
The man sniffs, wipes his nose and grumbles, "Zeke Solomon. Stabler knows who I am."
Olivia nods. "Care to enlighten me?" 
Zeke crosses his arms and scans her head to toe. It's an uncomfortable leer he gives her before pointing in the direction of the door. "Stabler and his band of merry cops somehow figured out where our headquarters were and arrested half of my crew! It all got blamed on me! My life is over because of him. So I'm going to ruin his."
"By killing me in front of him?"
Zeke smiles greedily at the Captain. "By wiping everything he loves off the face of the Earth," he sneers.
Zeke starts to pace, giving her a minute to think. A part of her knows that Elliot's  likely a mess, arguing, threatening and destroying everything he can get his hands on. 
Or maybe he isn't coming. He wasn't here during the accident and he won't be here now. 
Maybe it's something she can use.
 So she decides to bluff.
"He won't come for me."
Zeke stops in his tracks and slowly turns his head to look at Olivia. "Excuse me?"
"He won't come for me," Olivia blurts out. "The NYPD won't let him and-"
"Stop talking."
"You chose wrong," she hisses. The line between bluffing and the last ten years blurs a bit further. "He left me for a decade without a word. Who does that to someone they love?" 
Zeke snorts at the question and walks over to a grocery bag by the wall. He pulls a roll of duct tape from a grocery bag and turns to Olivia. "I followed Stabler for a bit because I was going to confront him- shoot him," he explains, "and then I saw you two talking in front of one Zo's cafe in Brooklyn and I knew."
Oh. She remembers the chance meeting with Elliot two weeks prior in front of the cafe a few blocks from OCCB.  She had been buying a pair of ballroom shoes for Noah when Elliot had jogged up to her with a grin on his face.
He'd asked her about the shoes, Noah's dance and soon they'd talk for over an hour about life with a break for coffee.
He saw Elliot and I be….us. Whatever us is right now.
"You saw us?" Olivia repeats. Zeke tears off a piece of tape and walks over to her. He kneels in front of her and presses the tape over her mouth. 
"I did," Zeke replies, "Now enough talking."
"Let me at least buy you a coffee since you're here, Liv. I'd love to hear more about Noah if you'd let me."
Olivia jerks upward when a banging beyond the door interrupts the memory. She watches Zeke push himself off of the wall and pull a Glock 26 from his waistband. 
"NYPD! Zeke Soloman, come out with your hands up!"booms from beyond the door. 
"Stabler, you better be out there or I'm putting a bullet in your girlfriend's head!" Zeke yells.
Outside the door, Olivia can hear shuffling behind the door and guesses it to be ESU shifting and taking sides on each side. 
"I'm here, Solomon," Elliot's voice brings a relief that nearly brings Olivia to tears. "What can we do to get you to release Captain Benson?"
Zeke aims his gun at Olivia while reaching out and turning the lock. He carefully backs away from the door, careful to step over the wires and stop directly behind Olivia. 
"I'm coming in unarmed," Elliot warns and steps into the doorframe. He's wearing a navy blue Henley under a NYPD Kevlar vest and jeans. "Zeke, let her go."
"I was starting to believe that you weren't coming," Zeke sneers. He presses the muzzle of his Glock against the back of her head. She winces and hopes- prays- that their uncanny ability to communicate without speaking still works. 
El, there are wires and explosives.  Do not come any closer- Olivia thinks hard while flicking her eyes over to the explosives. Do not blow us up before-
"You got my attention," Elliot replies. He doesn't give her any sign that he's caught on her message. Instead, Elliot holds up both hands and pleads, "Let Captain Benson go."
"Do you know my bosses think I was the one who gave them up to the NYPD?" Zeke yells. 
"Your cartel put drugs on the streets that were killing people," Elliot growls through gritted teeth. "I did my job, neither of which have anything to do with her!"
"Mmph!" Olivia moans before jerking her head towards the explosives. Please, Elliot. Look to your left!
Elliot steps to his right, keeping his eyes on Zeke. "And you killing two cops isn't going to cement you in history. Especially when they've dismissed you for kidnapping a police captain."
Zeke's mouth drips open slightly before he shuts it and shoves Olivia onto her side. As the man steps towards Elliot, Olivia inhales and waits for an explosion.
"You're lying, Stabler!"
"Zeke, listen to me-"
Olivia looks down to a gap in the pallet to see the end of the wires sitting unconnected. 
It's a dummy bomb. 
The Captain turns her head to see Zeke and Elliot a few feet apart. She takes a sharp inhale and kicks as hard as she can at Zeke's foot. Her heel hits his ankle, causing him to yell out in pain and jerk his head towards her. 
Elliot takes the opportunity and charges towards Zeke and tackles the man to the ground next to her feet. She hears footsteps and a chorus of "Get down!" and "NYPD!" from ESU enter the room out of her eyeline. 
"Take him!" She hears from Elliot. Olivia moans as she hears someone approach her from the left, grab her shoulders and turn her over. Elliot lifts her up into a sitting position, removes the tape from her mouth and then presses his forehead against hers.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry," he pants."you okay?"
"You came," Olivia whispers. Tears begin to form in her eyes as she meets his blue eyes and truly sees her partner, here and now. “You came for me.” 
Elliot pulls back and looks at her in confusion, hurt clear in his eyes. “Liv?”
Olivia's sobbing now as she tucks her head into his chest. “You came for me.”
Elliot kisses the side of her head and drops his voice down to a whisper. "Liv, I love you," he whispers," I will never not come for you. I'm not making that mistake ever again. I promise. "
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cathygeha · 1 month
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Echoes of Memory by Sara Driscoll
This one took me back to patients I cared for when once a nurse working in neurosurgical intensive care and later in a skilled nursing facility for mentally alert neurologically impaired patients…loved reading about someone with the strength to pursue a better life than some in my care managed to have.
What I liked:
* Quinn Flemming: survivor, dealing with TBI and residual amnesia, witness to a murder, brilliant coping skills, mad art skills, florist, driven, intriguing character that I really liked
* Detective Nura Reyes: dedicated, capable, intelligent, protective, methodical, team player, believed in and was there for Quinn, someone I would like on my side
* Will Dawsey: medical professional, certified brain injury specialist, runs support groups for TBI survivors, supportive, kind, intelligent, sharing, possible love interest for Quinn
* Some of the supporting characters: Detective Felip Cerveló, Jacinta, and Vivian
* The police procedural aspects of the story
* Quinn’s artistic abilities and how they played into providing clues
* That I was drawn in, felt part of the story, and cared about the outcome
* The plot, pacing, setting, and writing
* The new information I learned about traumatic brain injuries and thinking about what goes into living with them
* That all the threads were tied up by the end of the story
* Wondering what will happen in the future
What I didn’t like:
* Who and what I was meant not to like
* The evil some are willing to do and the impact it has on others
Did I like this book? Yes
Would I read more by this author? Definitely
Thank you to NetGalley and Kensington Books for the ARC – This is my honest review.
5 Stars
A thrilling standalone mystery featuring a San Diego florist grappling with post-traumatic amnesia. The only witness to a murder she can’t remember, her handwritten notes and razor-sharp wits are all she has to solve the crime – and save her life. After surviving a terrible attack, Quinn Fleming has recovered in every way but one—her ability to retain new memories. Now, months later, it appears to the outside world as if the San Diego florist’s life is back to normal. But Quinn is barely holding on, relying on a notebook she carries with her at all times, a record of her entire existence since the assault. So when she witnesses a murder in the shadowy alley behind the florist shop, Quinn immediately writes down every terrifying detail of the incident before her amnesia wipes it away. By the time the police arrive, there’s no body, no crime scene, and no clues. The killing seems as erased from reality as it is from Quinn’s mind . . . until the flashbacks begin. Suddenly, fragments of memories are surfacing—mere glimpses of that horrible night, but enough to convince Quinn that somewhere, locked in her subconscious, is the key to solving the case . . . and she’s not the only one who knows. Somebody else has realized Quinn is a threat that needs to be eliminated. Now, with her life on the line and only her notes to guide her, Quinn sets out to find a killer she doesn’t remember, but can’t forget . . . Sara Driscoll is the pen name of Jen J. Danna, coauthor of the Abbott and Lowell Forensic Mysteries and author of the NYPD Negotiators. After over thirty years in infectious diseases research, Jen hung up her lab coat to concentrate on her real love—writing “exceptional” thrillers (Publishers Weekly). She is a member of the Crime Writers of Canada and lives with her husband and four rescued cats outside of Toronto, Ontario. You can follow the latest news on her books, including the FBI K-9s, at Saradriscollauthor.com.
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cyarskaren52 · 6 months
“Law & Order: Special Victims Unit” celebrates 25 seasons with a fabulous Entertainment Weekly spread, featuring the drama series’ stars #MariskaHargitay and #IceT. The series has captivated viewers since 1999. Let’s celebrate with a walk down memory lane, exploring the “Law & Order: SVU” episodes inspired by true pop culture events.
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Celebrating 25 Seasons Of ‘Law & Order: SVU’ With Pop Culture Inspired Episodes [Gallery]
Written byEditor at Global Grind
Published onFebruary 7, 2024
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“Law & Order: Special Victims Unit” celebrates 25 seasons with a fabulous Entertainment Weekly spread, featuring the drama series’ stars Mariska Hargitay and Ice-T. The series has captivated viewers since 1999. Let’s celebrate with a walk down memory lane, exploring the “Law & Order: SVU” episodes inspired by true pop culture events.
Actors Hargitay and Ice-T stun the cover story of Entertainment Weekly as they reminisce on the long-time running NBC drama series, “Law & Order: SVU.” The pair talk through their stories of partnership, heartbreak and healing, history, spinoffs, and their personal journeys.
The 25 season series created by Dick Wolf follows detectives that are part of the NYPD’s Special Victims Unit, who investigate crimes of sexual nature. While the focus of the other shows in the “Law & Order” franchise largely deal with murder cases, the SVU detectives frequently deal with crimes, such as rapes, in which the victim survives and assists authorities in the investigation. The series features a cast of veteran actors, including Hargitay, Ice-T, Richard Belzer, and Dann Florek. There are occasional crossover episodes, featuring detectives from other series in the franchise.
The show has featured countless guest stars like Snoop Dogg, Mahershala Ali, Meagan Good, Sarah Paulson and more. The series is also notable for using real-life stories and events as inspiration for the show. Though dramatized, the series has covered many pop culture moments from the Bill Cosby case to Chris Brown and Rihanna.
Check out a list of “Law & Order: SVU” episodes inspired by these historic pop culture moments below:
1. Blood Brothers (S13, Episode 3)
This episode follows a 13-year-old girl, whon ends up pregnant at a Catholic high school, and the “SVU” detectives are called in to investigate. While the girl’s best friend is a Hispanic boy named Arturo, his mother works as a maid for a politician, and it turns out that the politician’s son is who impregnated her. Not only that, but it turned out that the politician himself is Arturo’s father due to an affair with Arturo’s mother, who has been in his employment for many years. Sadly, Arturo killed his half-brother because he was angry about the pregnancy and felt he would never help his child.
However, the real story behind this episode has nothing to do with murder. Instead, the basis for this story was about Arnold Schwarzenegger, who had an affair with one of his maids in 1996 which he later confessed to wife Maria Schriver couples counseling sessions according to People. The episode takes considerable dramatic liberties with its source material, both with the homicide, underage pregnancy, and incestuous elements, and the general animosity of all involved toward one another.
2. Entitled (S1, Episode 15)
This isn’t directly linked to one particular true story or the other, but the first season has references to many famous cases. Some include the Son of Sam killer and the Zodiac killer, as well as the conspiracies surrounding these. It also references the 1969 Chappaquiddick incident involving the Kennedy family.
The “Entitled” episode based on a true story borrows from real life to construct its narrative, which centers on a wealthy and influential family — similar to the Kennedy’s — and looks into long-unsolved cases that authorities worry might see the same killer return despite decades passing.
3. Star-Struck Victims (S17, Episode 16)
In this episode, Barba is made to drop rape charges leveled against a well-known actor due to a lack of evidence. Rollins also goes rogue and tries to get a video confession, not realizing the suspect has lawyered up and this could hurt the entire department. This is another episode based on a true story of how easily the rich and powerful can defend themselves from the law.  
“Star-Struck Victims” is a loose adaptation of the real-world sex abuse scandal involving famed actor and comedian Bill Cosby. The episode makes these drastic crimes seem very personal, and part of that stems from the terrifyingly convincing turn from recurring cast member Delaney Williams.
4. Spousal Privilege (S16, Episode 8)
This episode involved a high-profile celebrity that made headlines when a video surfaced online. Detective Tutuola discovers security cam footage of a famous sportscaster having a physical altercation with his girlfriend. Footage showed him hitting her, knocking her unconscious, and dragging her body to the car.
Another story “ripped from the headlines,” the case for this episode was inspired by the Ray Rice scandal in 2014. Rice was arrested after a video surfaced of him assaulting his fiancé in an elevator of a New Jersey casino. She was knocked unconscious, and the video showed Rice dragging her body out of the elevator. The charges were later dropped.
5. Scorched Earth (S13, Episode 1)
The detectives of “SVU” are called in on a case when a hotel maid reports being assaulted by an Italian diplomat. The team finds more than enough evidence of assault, but, as the investigation continues, the maid’s credibility starts to fall apart. In 2011, a hotel maid accused French politician Dominique Strauss-Kahn of sexual assault.
The episode follows the real case closely as the maid in real life began to lose credibility as a victim. The prosecution also stated the inconclusive physical evidence of the crime. A judge later dismissed the case. However, further sexual assault accusations arose against him, forcing him to drop out of future elections.
It was also sadly the episode where Benson finds out Elliott will be leaving the squad. 
6. Sick (S5, Episode 19)
A troubled youth’s online activities lead investigators to the home of a billionaire toy manufacturer by the name of Billy Tripley. Billy is suspected of molesting children in one of his stores, but, after a lengthy judicial process, he beats the charges. This 2004 SVU installment took influence from the allegations of sexual misconduct that surrounded pop star Michael Jackson at the time.
Suspicions surrounding Jackson’s dealings with minors haunted his later career, and these issues once again surfaced posthumously following the release of the 2019 documentary Leaving Neverland. This episode based on a true story is a unfortunate reminder that justice isn’t always served.
7. Pathological (S19, Episode 10)
This notable episode is based on a real murder that was widely publicized. The real-life case gained immense media coverage and was covered by the show and later made into a limited Hulu series titled, “The Act.”
In the episode, the “SVU” team is called to investigate the sexual assault of two disabled children, but soon realize their illnesses were induced by their mother. Things get even more complex when the mother is found murdered.
The episode was inspired by the 2015 Dee Dee Blanchard murder case. Blanchard convinced the world that her daughter, Gypsy, was severely ill. Gypsy slowly learned that her mother was manipulating her and making her sick with medication. Her mother subjected her to physical abuse and unnecessary medical procedures. Blanchard was found murdered in her home, and Gypsy and her boyfriend were later convicted of first-degree murder, although Gypsy only served part of a 10-year sentence.
8. Funny Valentine (S14, Episode 16)
The show used the unfortunate events that took place between singers Chris Brown and Rihanna as the source material for an episode titled “Funny Valentine.” Some fans loved the real-life parallels. But others felt the storyline went too far.
The episode featured a sequence of events easily recognizable to any pop culture fan. It featured two young singers, Caleb and Micha, pursuing their individual careers while fostering their romantic relationship. When Micha confronts Caleb over his flirtations with a background singer, Caleb becomes enraged and violentyly attacks Micha.
News of the fictious characters goes public, which leads to a media circus with fans and news outlets reporting on the situation. The episode ultimately ends with even more violence, with a nightclub fight that results in more injuries for Micha. While Caleb is tagged for his role in the tragic event, Micha lies under oath to protect her boyfriend. At the end of the episode, Caleb kills Micha when she questions his fidelity.
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adamwatchesmovies · 6 months
A Good Day to Die Hard (2013)
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Live Free or Die Hard a.k.a. Die Hard 4.0 pushed the franchise to this limits but it's a documentary compared to A Good Day to Die Hard. This fifth and final chapter is a dumb, ugly, badly written film populated with templates instead of characters. Thankfully, it's so thin and unmemorable, it passes by like nothing and then exits your memory.
In Moscow, corrupt Russian official Viktor Cagarin (Sergei Kolesnikov) is strongarming former billionaire and government whistleblower Yuri Komarov (Sebastian Koch). Unless Yuri hands over his secret files incriminating Viktor, Yuri will never see the light of day again. When his trial is interrupted by a terrorist attack, Jack McClane (Jai Courtney) pulls Yuri out of the wreckage and they go on the run. Meanwhile, NYPD detective John McClane (Bruce Willis), unaware that his son works for the CIA, travels to Russia to rescue Jack.
Remember how John McClane’s biggest obstacle in the original film was a floor covered in glass? No one in this movie does. There’s “protagonist armour” and then, there’s the forcefield around this man. At various points throughout, John survives two car crashes within the span of ten minutes and walks away from them without even dusting himself off, he pulls a piece of jagged metal shrapnel from his leg as if it’s a wooden splinter, he jumps out of a glass window without hesitation before falling through half a dozen floors of wooden scaffolding and getting up again to keep the nonsense going. If they make another one of these, they might as well have him flying around the city shooting lazer beams from his eyes. Gaining super powers would be the only thing that could happen to a man who emerges from a pool of radioactive water like it’s nothing. Even Superman has well-documented weaknesses. 2013’s John McClane is IN-VIN-CIBLE.
From the director of Max Payne and the writer of Hitman comes a film that doesn’t care about anything and who banks entirely on an audience blinded by nostalgia. When John isn’t arguing with his son and making fun of him for working for the CIA (what?), he’s the living embodiment of “The Ugly American”. Having demolished the first car he’s stolen, he walks in the middle of traffic. He nearly gets hit by a car. The driver gets out, yelling at him. What does John do? He punches this man in the face, yells at him for speaking in Russian - in Russia - and then drives off with his vehicle. This is our hero?
I’ve focussed my thoughts almost exclusively on John because he’s the only character in the film. Well, that’s being generous. He’s more of a collection of sarcastic remarks than an actual human being. Jack is frustrated and determined. That's it. The villains? They’re a joke. Radivoje Bukvić plays a tap-dancing, carrot-eating baddie who's less threatening than Bugs Bunny. He does suceed in making your jaw fall to the floor, which is something but I can’t imagine what anyone was thinking with that nothing of a role.
There are more plot holes than plot in A Good Day to Die Hard. You think I’m joking, but not really. You'll see the twists coming. Character arcs? The closest thing we get to one is Jack shifting from calling his father “John” to “Dad” near the end. For comparison, here's my short list of things that make no sense:
If Yuri Komarov’s super secret file will expose Viktor Chagarin for the crook that he is, why does he want it back? Shouldn’t he just want Yuri dead so he can’t share it?
How can John and Jack - travelling via stolen car - get to Chernobyl nearly as quickly as a helicopter?
When did they invent those magic wands that can spray steam and make radiation disappear? If those exist, why haven’t they cleaned up all of Chernobyl?
Why aren’t there any police in Moscow? At one point, the villains fly a war helicopter through the city, blasting at buildings willy-nilly. We never even hear a single siren down below.
Why did Irina (Yulia Snigir) kill herself to avenge her father?
How are Jack and John supposed to get out of the country when they’re just created a second nuclear disaster by blowing up a safe full of radioactive materials less than twelve hours after engaging in a high-speed chase that saw at least a dozen cars (and their passengers) get squished?
Why didn’t that taxi driver (Pasha D. Lynchnikoff) ever come back?
I distinctly remember the theatrical release of A Good Day to Die Hard. A friend asked me if I wanted to see it with him. I said yes because I knew that at the nearby Futureshop, I could buy a Blu-ray of the original film and with it, get a promo code to see this new release for less than $3. Did paying less enhance my experience? Not really. I paid nothing to see A Good Day to Die Hard a second time and it sucks even more now! (February 11, 2022)
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apexart-journal · 7 months
Mvelo Mahlangu in NYC, Day 17
I woke up early this morning at about 4:30am for the Megabus to leave NYC for DC at 7am. I had timed myself in such a way that I would arrive at least 25 min before departure time (the Megabus suggests 15 minutes), which was ample time. However, as I got to the subway, I realised my card needed to be filled up again for the week so that I could enter the subway. In that short 1-2 minutes, I ended up missing my N train out, which lead me going into full panic mode. The Mega Bus was only 16 minutes away via car, but 25 minutes via the next train with a couple minutes. This meant that the next train would see that I end up arriving at the Megabus 5 minutes before departure. I couldn’t let that happen, but I had no choice as Uber had a waiting time which I couldn’t risk, another train was on its way and the Lyft app was also not an option because it couldn’t work on both my phone and fellowship phone. I even consulted with an NYPD officer, who must’ve thought I was a little crazy in my panic state. I tried breathing to calm myself down and made the split second decision to just hop onto the next train and sprint as soon as I got to my last stop. Thankfully the train was slightly faster than usual, and as soon as I got to my last stop, I ran so fast. I ran up the escalators at 34 Herald square station and let me say, it was a nightmare because the escalators at that specific station seem endless. As I exited the station a kind stranger, who I think could’ve been homeless, saw that I was running and asked me where I needed to be and then quickly pointed me in the right direction to the bus which I could see in the distance. What a moment I will be so grateful for. I ran down the road, and made it to the bus, and when I got there another delayed passenger and bus manager laughed at how out of breath I was. He asked me  if I had ever missed a flight before, hence the frantic running. Which I laughed and replied that I never have, and plan not to. I sat down into my seat, looked at the time. I made it 8 minutes before departure time. A word of advice, just plan to arrive 30-45 minutes before departure because you never know what could happen, even if it is suggested to arrive 15 minutes before departure. We ended up waiting 10 minutes after the initial departure time. 
The bus ride was slightly long but comfortable as no one was sitting next to me, meaning I could sit with both legs up. It was lovely being able to leave the skyscrapers and watch them melt away into trees. Usually on the highway back home, when you drive away from the city, all you end ups seeing are flat planes of grass and bush which we call “veldt” (pronounced ‘felt’). So seeing forests or rows of trees was interesting. I worked a bit on updating my journal, and then ended up taking a nap for about 2 hours. Casey was already waiting for me once we arrived, and gave a warm and welcoming hug. He told me that I was most probably the 100th fellow he’s met over the years, and that I could’ve been the youngest so far. This surprised me, as it was not something I noticed when looking through the past fellows (mental note to ask on this). Union station was so beautifully built, with a large dome overhead, decorated with gold square panelling. Casey shared a nostalgic memory of randomly meeting and having been greeted by the president George W. Bush at the station. Exiting the station and seeing Washington DC was such a huge contrast to New York. No tall skyscrapers and definitely a whole lot more quiet. And I welcomed it. Casey and I walked around for a bit, him showing some of his old haunts, while looking for a good place to sit and eat. It gave me time to soak up the environment which I must say was quiet, quaint and very suburban energy. We found a place to sit at and chatted away while eating. Amongst other things, we shared backgrounds, spoke on the fellowship, his personal experience of it, and his relationship to apexart & Steven which spans almost 20 years! 
We then headed over to Library of Congress. This was my first time being in the passenger seat of a left hand side driving car and it was such a weird experience, haha! The first mistake I made was instinctively going to the drivers side door, thinking it was the passenger side. The next was internally questioning why Casey would drive into the lane he’s was turning into, only to remember that where I was. Walking into the Library of congress was insane! The architecture immediately transported me out of America and into Europe. It was absolutely ostentatious with sculptures everywhere and beautiful wall murals & mosaics of mythology. Casey explained that this level of ostentation was a compensation for the superiority complex that America against Europe at the time. We made it to the actual library area, and it was quite a sight. Ive never seen something like this in my life and felt like out of a movie. The architectural detailing when looking at the dome in the middle but also the interaction of all the art & carvings was unreal. A lot of the mural writings and references seemed extremely progressive for a structure built in the 1800’s considering the documentation of cultures & religions from across the world. Casey gave me a tour of the whole place and even took me to other parts of the building that tourists did not go to, as he spent almost 20 years of his life frequenting these buildings while working on his PHD, so knew his way around. The wealth of knowledge that I was surrounded by, all in one place, from various era’s & timelines & places, was quite overwhelming. It was a lovely experience nonetheless, however at this point I had quite a headache. We finished our tour of The Library of Congress and headed to the Hotel. Casey waited before leaving to make sure that everything was alright with my check in. I can’t thank him enough for sharing his experiences with me and our conversations, which like Vanessa, made me a little sad knowing it would be the first and last time meeting up, until the future allows another meeting. 
I checked into the hotel, rested, then prepped myself for the last activity of the day: Classical music concert. Unlike NYC, and more like Johannesburg, DC has a simple subway system. The Concert was happening all the way in Mary Land, and I was initially a bit worried about how i’d get to and from. But using the train and bus, I made it. Awkwardly for me, in this instance, I made it 30 minutes before the start of the event. Even more awkward and confusing was that I realised it was happening in someone's private home, in a residential neighbourhood. Awkward then turned into worried because I didn’t know if I should ring the door bell, or just wait outside at a nearby park. But then I got scared because I got worried that someone might call the police on me, seeing me randomly roam the streets at night. I think in that moment for the first time being in the States, I became acutely aware of what I look like, how I could be perceived, and just the stories I’ve seen online. After 5 Minutes of waiting around, I worked up the courage to ring the door bell. The owner looked slightly confused even after I explained why I was there, which didn’t ease my feelings of awkwardness. Once he let me in, I was greeted by the performers, a young lady and young man, and proceeded to sit and wait in the performance room. Placing my feelings aside, I must say, to have a performance room that can accommodate 30 people, with soundproofing and a whole grand piano was unreal. Thats a dream! I still felt quite uneasy and still hyperaware, but people started arriving and filling up the seats. As they greeted each other, I realised that even though this event was posted onto eventbrite, almost everyone in the audience were just neighbours and friends of the homeowner. So in that moment I understood the slight confusion or surprise he must’ve had when seeing me.
Once the performance began, and the music filled my ears, a lot off what I felt melted away. In that moment I remember thinking to myself how music works so well at being a universal language that people from different backgrounds, who don’t even know each other, can just feel so connected through it. The young female performer was the lead, and played the violin. I couldn’t believe that she was just 13 years old. The question of nature vs. nurture comes up. Once the performance was over, I made my way back to the hotel. I was exhausted, hungry and cold. 
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