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"I came into the world with the wrong family, but I’m leaving with the right one. I love you guys."
can you tell i miss them immensely
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alessiathepirate · 1 year
Now You See Me 2
MIDNIGHT ON THE THAMES: Dylan Rhodes/Shrike x fem!reader
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Summary: The reveal happens at the stroke of midnight, in the middle of the Thames, on New Year's Eve - and she couldn't be happier. Or maybe she could, because Lula and Jack won't be the only ones kissing that night.
Notes: English isn't my first language. I apologize for any mistake I made while I wrote this short story.
This man is so underrated, it's a crime. He deserves some love - please love him.
Warnings: a bit of swearing, but nothing more
No matter how many successful reveals they pull off, she still feels the same amount of excitement, happiness and slight nervousness at the end of every trick and show.
Yet, the strongest feeling out of all of them was the happiness. The happiness because everything turned out just fine in the end, because this tiring performance is close to being over and mostly because her friends are also smiling with honest, wide grins and letting out excited chuckles.
This one though, this one wasn't easy to pull off. It was possibly the hardest show they had to put together with the trouble and issues they had to overcome. It was tiring, stressful, but also kind of fun and thrilling.
After this they'll sleep through a day if not two, she smiled at the thought as she let go of Lula, who was the last to end the group hug.
As Walter, Tressler and Chase slowly, reluctantly left the plane, stepping into the light, not understanding what is happening around them; the last act was about to start -- and this, this will be her favourite.
Those three absolutely ruined her whole week, made her almost choke on tears and worry and made her hate their whole existence and the fact that if they wanted to fool them, they had to let them believe they won was hard to swallow. Now they will get those smirks off of their faces and make them realize how easy it was to fool them. They were greedy and arogant and now they are losers -- nothing more.
God, how much they had to go through to reveal their real faces to the world.
"No, no, you should feel pretty good about yourself man. You predicted it correctly." Atlas started to tease the three of them for her pleasure, as they looked around with nothing but pure shock on their faces. "The Thames, stroke of midnight. New Year's Eve. Happy New Year!"
The people, the hundreds of curious fans who decided to come and see the final act shouted in happiness and excitement. Before these people tonight, there'll be nothing they'll be able to hide. That thought alone made her smile wider.
"We would like to acknowledge not just our old friend, Arthur Tressler, but his young and brilliant son, Walter Mabry!" Daniel continued. "Who has performed one of the greatest feats of illusion even we have ever seen. He has, amazingly, brought himself back from the death!"
The audience roared again, but this time the happy laughter wasn't the thing what made her heartbeat unevenly fast. It was the presence of the person who could both calm her down and make her uneasy with butterflies. Dylan's hand landed on her arm, squeezing it gently, lovingly, making her mind into a mush and her tounge forgot how to function to speak - and it's soon her turn to say something. She didn't know what that meant, but it was a sign of something - something soft like a silent 'thank you' or 'congratulations'. Even if it was slightly confusing, it felt nice. Too nice.
"But before he did that, he revealed someone. And we think it only right to give him a proper introduction. He is our friend and he is our leader, Dylan Shrike!"
His hand slowly left her as he turned towards their audience and began to speak.
"So normally only the magician, his assistant, and a few trusted stage hands know the secret of a trick..."
His voice faded away as she looked at him, quietly admiring him from afar, letting him enjoy his place in the spotlight. Her mind was full of memories. Memories of him, memories of today. The day she thought she'll actually choke on stress and worry.
God, how thankful she is that he's okay. That he's alive and up here with them, not down there in the water.
They were close, so close she felt comfortable in his presence. He was a person she could trust with anything, a person who didn't tease her like Merritt or Danny did sometimes. They were play fights, she knew that, but still there was something special between her and Dylan, a different kind of honesty.
And knowing that he could die from the digusting 'magic trick' those three tried to pull off with him made her cry. Like actually cry, many tears with a dry and quiet voice.
After he climbed out of that damned safe, she followed him around like puppy, sitting next to him on the stairs as they discussed what to do next. She sat next to him, not daring to hug him, but craving it -- yet instead she just let their knees touch slightly. It was enough to give her some energy and acknowledge that now they are going to war.
A slight nudge made her let go of those memories, getting back to reality, to a moment she should enjoy. Jack was the one talking now, explaining the secret behind 'Find the Lady' and this time Merritt was the one standing next to her.
"Don't daydream yet, lover girl. We still got a show to run." he patted her back and then walked away with a knowing a smirk.
Damn mentalist, she thought just as Lula began to explain the secret behind the airplane. He knows everything he can use to tease people with.
"Basically, we showed them everything." she finally spoke up herself, still laughing a little as she watched how Merritt teased his brother, finally getting the upper hand. "The switch, the plane, the manipulation... Yet they were still too blind to see." she turned towards Walter, a smirk forming on her face. "And you kidnapped us to steal the very thing that is in your pocket."
Walter was about to reach into his coat's pocket, to see if their homemade special card is really there; but Atlas was quicker.
"Whoops!" he said as the card appeared in his hand, seemingly out of nowhere. "You know, this thing here, which you said you could use to adjust markets, manipulate goverments, and spy on whomever you choose."
"Also, you could, as you said, control the public from outside the grid." she continued as the public groaned in frustration, realizing what their words really meant.
That reaction filled her heart up with pride.
"These men destroy people's lives. Spying on the world, robbing you of your right to privacy." It was weird, how well she recognized Dylan's voice and how well her heart did as well - as it was beating faster. Their eyes met and even if he was speaking the harsh truth, his gaze was still soft. It was always soft with her. "And they do that by hiding in the dark. So in true Horsemen tradition, we are here to expose them."
"Tonight, they, like all of us, are finally stepping into the light." she was grinning as the people reacted, shouting, screaming happily, because the truth was finally out. "Thank you everybody!"
"We are the Horsemen and we will be back very soon!"
And the moment came - when the show ends, the tiredness appears. Her chest was heavy with pride and happiness, justice found those three men who ruined their lives for days without stopping. Now they got what they deserve.
And then the coundown began. The audience shouted, like if the wait until New Year was part of the show... They shouted as the sirens were turned on, meaning the FBI was on its way. It was time to leave -- and then finally rest.
And then she felt it, the push - the literal, physical push she knew she needed, which got her closer to Dylan, almost bumping into him. She didn't know who it was, although she could bet her right arm on one of her friends -- but it didn't really matter. Thoughts didn't really matter. She was there, close to him, their eyes met.
It was their moment.
"So fun's over, huh?" she tried to joke, but her throat was dry and she could feel that her cheeks were pink for sure.
And then it happened - the need in her was satisfied, they touched the other. That kind of closeness was new and intoxicating, but not at all uncomfortable. It was something what both of them longed for since forever - and now here they were.
Their lips touched. It was a quick and short kiss, but it was a very meaningful one. She felt it. She felt it in how warm his lips were, how he touched her cheeks and how he was slightly shaking just like her, because what they wanted finally happened. It was soft, but it was full of passion. All the unsaid feelings were pushed into that one, simple kiss.
"I love you." his words were simple, they were nothing special, but they still made her insides warm.
"Hey, we are on the clock here!"
Damn the clock!
They had to run, sure. But even that couldn't wash the lovesick smile off her face. It couldn't, because Dylan Shrike loved her. He said it himself and she knew it was true.
Dylan grabbed her arm, he held onto her firmly as they started to run - just in time, because the boats arrived and agents started to get out of them, running towards them.
"I love you too." she said as they hurried away. "I think I've loved you since you interrogated me."
"Ever since then, huh?" he chuckled.
"What can I say? I think it was the suit. You look really good in suits."
They both laughed even if they were a little bit out of breath.
Dylan suddenly stopped and so did she. She took a deep breath as she looked at the water of the Thames, which was only a few meters away. People shouted behind them, possibly the agents who were sent here, only to fail their mission once again. They never really learn.
He turned towards her and touched her cheeks once again, his thumbs drawing shapes gently into her skin.
"I need you to go, okay? I'll be right behind you, but there's one more thing I have to do."
"I promise."
She leaned forward and pressed a kiss to his cheek and then she looked up at him with a shy smile.
"I'll see you soon."
And just like that she was gone. Gone, disappeared into the night like the magician she is, making a fool out of the FBI once again.
Dylan stayed there, waiting for an agent to turn up so he can finish what he started and give them the proof they need against Tressler and his son. He stayed there as the shouts came closer. He stayed there and looked after his lover, knowing that he'll adore the moments he'll spend with her once they finally get to a safe place where they can finally rest.
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Things I hope to see/or not see in NYSM3
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Merritt and Jack bullying Daniel (so hard- please)
Dylan being a mastermind but an absolute stupid idiot at the same time, the energy this man produces is such a vibe but I need that energy specifically.
I mean like this guy can do the tough act, it cool, great- BUT PLEASE ALSO LET HIM GIVE OFF SOPPING WET PUPPY DOG VIBES-
A Henley & Lula meet up.
The Eye explained more in-depth and set straight, it was pretty confusing the first two movies.
I’d also like to see Dylan’s fbi and magic sides combined, it was awesome to see it in the second movie so to see it again would be amazing.
Thaddeus Bradley sucks and i would not mind if they never mention him again unless it’s to bully him.
Each of the members getting to showcase their magic methods in-depth, like Jack is the card guy, Merritt is the hypnotist, I’m assuming Lula is the hardcore illusionist? (Idk the work for a magician who’s specialty is killing things and bringing them back to life and also doing very gorey things 🧍‍♂️) and Idk what the hell Daniel is doing so- y’know, more info would be great.
Sorry, that was mean (/ref)
I feel like Daniel was just coming off as the “I hate everyone” type of team member, but now that he’s finally warmed up to the rest of the team I hope they refine his personality towards the others in a fun way.
Also Lula literally says that she’s “not like other girls” in the movie- please refine that part of her or I will forever have mary sue subconsciously repeating in the back of my head every time I see her.
Lula and Jack couple moments, they became a couple last movie! You have to give me more content of the two if your going to do that!
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superblizzardfire · 7 months
Dylan Rhodes' Birthday
The NYSM wiki states that Dylan's birthday is 1985 (this is actually the year of his father's death) but after squinting at the shot of Dylan's birth certificate in NYSM 2, he was born August 13th (or 15th?), 1971 (I think! It's hard to read!).
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Our boy is a leo! Some traits pulled from Google:
Yep, that's Dylan alright.
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hermionegalathynius · 2 years
Found Family (2/?)
Hey, so I genuinely expected zero reaction to the first part (because the nysm fandom has cooled down a lot since the second movie came out) but it was great to see people reacting to it! (Even if it was just 2 likes 😅)
Anyway, here’s the next part! To those few of you reading, enjoy 😉.
Fandom: Now You See Me
Pairing: Daniel Atlas x Reader
Warnings: nothing, just you sharing a pizza with Danny.
Part 1 Part 3
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The six of you spent the next hour going over the plans and working out the minor details. You and Lula were to make your debut with the Horsemen on the stage at the launch in three weeks’ time. With less than a month to prepare, you were to work with the other three Horsemen on a set for the performance. 
  Having been a duo for your whole magic career, Dylan suggested you and Lula split up for this first performance and do your acts with Atlas and Merritt respectively. It made sense, considering you were an escape artist, just like Atlas’s last partner had been. Henley. 
  When he heard what your specialised area of magic was, Atlas looked at you with an unreadable expression. It was a little unsettling and you got the impression you had let him down in some way. 
  “Okay, let’s wrap it up for today,” Dylan said, rolling up the blueprints. 
  With a sigh you realised you and Lula still had to catch the subway home. 
  “Yeah, we have to go now, Lula, if we’re going to get home before midnight,” you said, pulling your leather jacket on. 
  “Actually, ladies,” Dylan added, making you pause your search for your keys, “It might be easier if you both lived a little closer so we can all stick together. I have an extra room in this apartment for one of you and Danny has another in his.”
  “Oh, I call crashing here!” Lula said, flopping onto the couch and giving you what she probably thought was an inconspicuous wink, “I looked around earlier, this place is nuts.”
  “I guess that leaves Y/n with me,” Atlas said, catching your eye. 
  You gave him a small smile, “Thanks.”
  “Jack, you don’t live too far from here, do you?” Lula was asking. 
  “And that is my cue to leave,” you said quickly, grabbing your phone and making your way to the stairs. 
  “Yeah, me too,” Atlas said, following after you.
  Once outside, you suddenly realised you were going to be spending a lot of time alone with Atlas if you were living with him. It was a jarring thought. You also realised — as he climbed onto his motorbike — that you had taken the subway here. 
  “Um, any chance Dylan has another one of those lying around here somewhere?” you asked, stuffing your hands in your jacket pockets. 
  His quirked his brows, an amused smile playing around his mouth, “Nope. You’re riding with me. Here.”
  He extended an extra helmet to you and you took it, quickly placing it on your head and hopping on behind Atlas. 
  “Hold on,” he said.
  Settling your resolve, you held onto his waist.
  Unfortunately, you had never ridden as a passenger before, so the minute he pulled away, you panicked and wrapped your arms around him for dear life. 
  “Jesus, I wish I was driving,” you muttered, making him chuckle. 
  Luckily the drive took only ten minutes, and before you knew it you were stopping in a garage underneath an apartment building. 
  “I’ll ask Dylan to uh… acquire another bike for you,” Atlas said as you climbed off and began unbuckling the helmet. 
  “Acquire…?” You asked, frowning slightly at his strange word choice.
  “Uh, yeah, because he doesn’t buy them.”
  Your eyes widened, staring down at the bike you were just on. 
  “Don’t worry,” he added, “Only from big multinational companies who’s profits are barely affected.”
  “Well, okay then,” you said, feeling a little surreal. 
  You followed Atlas to the stairs and the two of you climbed them to the third floor. 
  The apartment was actually quite nice. There was a couch and a television on one side and a good sized kitchen on the other with a corridor branching off in the middle. You guessed that that was where the bathroom and bedrooms were. You suddenly realised you didn’t have your night clothes with you. Or any of your stuff for that matter. 
  “Um, I don’t have any clothes or toiletries,” you said softly, feeling a little awkward standing there as Atlas moved about the apartment.
  “Actually, you do,” he said, opening the fridge, “Dylan moved all your stuff here. It’s in your room. First door on the right, by the way.”
  You were shocked. Not because Dylan had somehow managed to move all your stuff here, but because of your lack of shock that he had. Barely twenty-four hours into being a Horseman and you were already getting accustomed to the abnormality. 
  “Oh, okay. Thanks,” you said, walking down the hall and opening the door he’d instructed. 
  Sure enough, a suitcase full of clothes sat on the bed, and two boxes full of books lay on the floor. There was a large window with the curtains drawn and an empty bookshelf against the wall. 
  All in all, it was probably the best room you’d ever had. 
  Changing into your tracksuit pants and a spaghetti strap top, you walked back into the main space.
  “Did I hear the doorbell?” You asked, padding into the kitchen where Atlas was typing away on his laptop, his eyes focused intently on the screen.
  “Uh, yes. I ordered pizza. Got a Hawaiian and a ham and mushroom. I’ll eat either, so take your pick,” he replied, jerking his head at the coffee table where there were indeed two pizza boxes. Your stomach growled in response to the idea of food. 
  With a grateful smile, you gathered your confidence and said, “You know, since we’re gonna be living together, we should take this brief period of respite to get to know each other.”
  His hands froze on the keyboard and he slowly retracted them from the laptop, turning in his chair to face you, “Alright, what do you want to know?”
  You shook your head and leaned against the armrest furthest from him, gesturing for him to sit down opposite you, “Come on, Atlas. Don’t leave me hanging.”
  He sighed, but it seemed less frustrated and more playful. You grinned as he got up only to plop down next to you. Leaning forward, you grabbed a pizza.
  “I’ll eat half of this one, and you eat half of the other, then we’ll swap? Deal?”
  He nodded, grabbing the other box.
  You grabbed a slice of ham and mushroom and hummed happily at the familiar flavour. 
  “Okay, I’m just going to get this out of the way quickly so we can clear the air,” you said eventually, tucking your legs underneath your body and avoiding his gaze, “I’m sorry my sister broke into your apartment. I know you and the others aren’t exactly overjoyed to have new teammates, but I promise we’re not just run-of-the-mill, amateur-“
  “Oh no,” Atlas interjected, a slice of Hawaiian balanced precariously in one hand, “believe me, you I don’t have a problem with. You seem sensible and probably a necessary addition to the group considering the maturity level you already witnessed today. Plus, you’re an escape artist and our old one left a while back.”
  Your expression softened, “Yeah, Henley, right? You guys were together?”
  He nodded, “Uh, yeah, but that’s irrelevant. My point is, you I don’t mind. Your sister on the other hand…”
  You laughed softly, glad to see the tension seep from the room, “Lula… she’s my older sister, but I’m the one who looks after her. She’s always been unpredictable and a little erratic, but once you get to know her you’ll see there isn’t a more loyal friend you could have. She’s the reason I got into magic, actually.”
  Atlas quirked his brow, tilting his head in silent query. 
  “When we were kids, Lula was obsessed with Lionel Shrike,” you began, aware of his eyes fixated on your face, “She would read every book on magic she could find just to see if there was any information about his tricks in there. She idolised him. I was 7 and she was 9, and while she was gushing over his card in the tree trick, I was frightened by his failed safe. I knew one day Lula was likely to out herself in a similar situation, and unless I learnt how to break her out of anything, I would lose her.”
  “That’s a lot of responsibility for a seven-year-old to take on,” Atlas murmured. 
  You shrugged, fiddling with your charm bracelet, “As I said, she’s the oldest, but I protect her. I always have. Anyway, from then on I began teaching myself magic tricks. While Lula taught me card work and illusions, I took it upon myself to learn the art of escaping. Trucker’s hitch, Bowline, Clove Hitch, you name it, I learnt how to escape from it.”
  “So you became an escape artist to save your sister if she ever tried something stupid,” Atlas summed up and you nodded, “But you do like magic right?”
  “Oh of course! Somewhere down the line I obviously realised I had found a passion in magic, but that didn’t divert my attention from my main goal,” you said. 
  “Is that why you decided to join the Horsemen?” 
  You gave him a bemused smile, “This is a lot of questions from someone who seemed content to sit in awkward silence ten minutes ago.”
  He huffed a laugh, “Yeah, well I’ve been known to be uh, standoffish. At least, that’s what others tell me.”
  “I get it,” you mused, “I’m the kind of person who enjoys her own company more than other people’s.”
  “It’s just easier, right?” He agreed, “You can’t control social situations. It’s like jumping straight in the deep end every time you enter a conversation.”
  “Merritt was wrong, you definitely don’t have control issues,” you stated, sarcasm dripping off your tone.
  He nodded, “Yep, I stepped right into that one.”
  You laughed softly, chewing and swallowing another bite of pizza, “Jokes aside though, I do get it. We might have more in common than we thought, Atlas.”
  “You can call me Danny,” he said, “Atlas sounds far too much like Dylan or Merritt. If we’re going to he living together we might as well be on a first name basis.”
  “Good point… Danny. In that case just call me Y/n.”
  “It’s nice to officially meet you, Y/n,” he said, a small, genuine smile spreading across his face. 
  “Likewise, Danny,” you replied, grinning. Then, reaching for the deck of playing cards lying on the far side of the coffee table, you shuffled around with them before spreading them out upside down and instructing, “Alright, pick a card, any card.”
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bobawitch · 1 year
Welcome to my blog <3
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my name's faede
i'm 18
my pronouns are they/them
i write for: Criminal Minds, NYSM (1&2), Stranger Things, Sturniolo Triplets, and many more to come
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giving birth
i won't write:
rape or suicide scenes
gay characters in straight relationships (and vise versa)
i will write:
angst and fluff
character x character
romantic and platonic
mental health issues to a degree
don't send requests over messages, i won't check them
plz be patient, i'm still in school and preparing for college so i will be busy sometimes
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some of my fav writers:
prompt list
master list
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angerissue · 3 years
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I am not my father. You're not getting in my head, okay? You think you're luring me into a trap, you're not.
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helicarrier · 3 years
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Mark Ruffalo as Dylan Rhodes in Now You See Me 2.
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2tothe10tothelens · 2 years
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(via GIPHY)
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cardvngreenbriar · 4 years
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Now You See Me 2 (2016) Dir. Jon M. Chu
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So because of the uhhhh posts I've seen in this fandom I think it's worth sharing that uhhh...
I wrote "that one friendship bracelet story" or whatever it's called on AO3 and I'm working on some Jack Backstory Angst rn.
I won't tell you its working title bc God that's a major spoiler at this point but there's not enough Jack angst, hurt/comfort, etc.
Instead, here's a hint
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Wish me luck!
(PS my ao3 name is ShutUpFoxFace and other story rant places on tumblr are my main, @jazzface273 and my writing blog, @authoratlas)
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xxjewellynwatts · 5 years
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Now You See Me aesthetic!
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Hey! May I request some nd headcanons for jack wilder? /gen
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Summary: Jack Wilder headcanons because ✨✨HIM!!!✨✨
Pairing: me and getting requests 😍
A/N: omg of course I will write headcanons for the guy! Let’s get into it!!
He started learning card tricks when he was little using youtube videos, I like to think his parents would shut off the lights after kissing him goodnight and he’d then slip his ipad out from under his pillow and practice little card tricks under his blanket.
I’m thinking he and Henley are the most “family” people out of all the horsemen and have pretty good familial ties with their family.
Jack is an only child and was really close to his parents. They probably got sick or he lost contact when they had to move away or something.
From what Jack gathered, his parents were pretty supportive of his career.
In school he was sort of the “outcast” that the girls had a crush on, he always knew when they’d take pictures to send to other girls.
Speaking of pictures, Jack is really photogenic, you could take a reel of pictures and somehow Jack looks like he’s posing for vogue or people’s magazine.
He thinks of the Horsemen as his second family, like most of them do, but he really likes playing into this. Especially with Merritt being his “big brother” figure.
He has random trivia knowledge, he also treats it like common information.
“What the hell you mean you don’t know?”
“How the hell was I supposed to know what the ends of a shoelace are called?!”
I think his love language are gift giving, like pulling a bouquet out of his sleeve, putting his phone number on a playing card and making it appear out of thin air.
He used to watch cartoons with his dad, they both learned impressions from those shows and it drove his mother insane.
I like to think the Wilder family took long car rides, his father and him recreating episodes w/ impressions or singing songs as crazy cartoon characters while his mother was laughing along.
He really loves playing games and making bets with the others, he spends a lot of his time playing Mario Kart with Merritt, making bets with Dylan. Sometimes he has a pretty heartfelt moment with Daniel while practicing for their shows.
Henley and Lula used to let him go on girl trips because Henley used to see him as a little brother. I bet they had a celebratory drink at a bar for when Dylan, Merritt, & Daniel finally included him in the “big boy magic.” (Big Boy Magic 😭😭😭)
He’s extremely happy where he is, doesn’t regret a single thing. Sure he had his moments of uncertainty but now Jack feels like he’s made it, that he’s there and he’s where he’s supposed to be.
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kadtherine · 6 years
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Seeing is believing, but is it truth? Depends on your point-of-view. Are you listening, horsemen? When you emerge, and you will, I will be there… waiting. Because mark my words, you will get what’s coming to you… in ways you can’t expect… but very much deserve. Because one thing I believe in is an eye for an eye.
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atlasandrhodes · 7 years
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nysm + weather (insp)
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cannibalshow-blog · 7 years
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