#o hope i got the colors right sorry if they're off im
cozones-hellhole · 2 years
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dandelionpixels · 3 years
Hi!! I just saw your blog abt making x reader hcs? And i would reaaaally really love one! I had a bad night last night, so i'm shooting my shot ( ˃̣̣̣̣̣̣o˂̣̣̣̣̣̣ ) I'm like hugging my Iron Man plushie as i'm typing this haha. One of my comfort characters is Bucky Barnes from Marvel and i'd love to request an romantic hc with him! i really really like him as well as the actor who plays him (*•̀ᴗ•́*)و ̑̑ ♡
a small info about me,,,
well considering my bad night last night, i'm just a tad bit sensitive? i got upset last night for certain reasons and told basically the air that "im not a bad person. i don't get why im treated this way."
i have trouble sleeping, i get nightmares when i sleep early or at a normal time and wake up in the middle of the night. i had one nightmare that was the scariest and got so scared i had to wake my older sister up then cried.
i like cute things! i love, love, love plushies. i'm 18 but i often get insecure bc i feel like im not the same as ppl my age? like i do babytalk with my family, even my two older sisters bf know (im the youngest in our family and they're basically family anyways since they saw me growing up) but normally im just a softspoken person. there was one time i was upset and my sister was in a call with her ldr boyfriend and told my sister that it was his first time hearing me without baby talk.
i get jealous? like im not when i see someone like my crush or something i get all war freak and all 'back away! he's mine!', im more of a silent one? like i get sulky and stuff. when im upset im just silent which you'd immediately know bc im usually all fun and outgoing.
idk why and what energy i radiate to people but i find almost everyone of them 'babying' me. or like has a soft spot for me? last year around October when i had to meet up with my teacher and classmates for our grad pic, i was told to remove my socks bc it was colorful. my teacher then said i was their baby in the class.
i like to drink milk and i like sweets ! i like to do my hair a lot too, and! i like big clothes. mostly jackets or hoodies. which if i get a bf id wear his.
last thing is i don't really like physical touch? bc of trauma. but i know if i get a bf someday and be comfy w him id get clingy and such. id basically glue to their side and cuddle with them and all. id also love some petnames, ppl call me petnames and that's something i actually love too. (ღ•͈ᴗ•͈ღ)
im sorry if some of it was tmi, but that's some info abt me!! thank you in advanced for reading this and for doing this! it means a lot. (╥﹏╥) have a good day!! < 333
omg okay first off you sound AWESOME!!! im so sorry you had a bad night!! i tried to get this one out as quickly as possible, i hope it’s what you’re looking for!! feel better!! <33
- i wanna start with the hoodie thing. bucky definitely loves when you steal his jackets and hoodies and stuff. he thinks you look so cute and honestly hes so embarrassed bc he’ll full on blush just seeing you
- i feel like even before you guys were together he’d sleep on your couch, just in case you had a nightmare or couldnt sleep. like you’d wake up suddenly and within two seconds he’s knocking gently at your door going “hey, are you alright?”
- he definitely understands feeling like the world is treating you poorly, even though you’re really a good person. and anytime you feel like talking about it he’s always such a good listener. like genuinely entirely focused on you bc hes so honored that you trust him
- also omg he likes that you get jealous. not in a creepy way but bc its still so crazy to him that someone actually loves him. so like you guys are lounging around on the couch together and he gets a call from some lady he met at the store right? you stop whatever you’re doing and kinda sulk where you’re sitting next to him. he notices it immediately and without missing a beat, puts his free arm around your shoulder and kisses you on the cheek
- he loves the way you talk. like genuinely he’s so glad you feel comfortable with him and he thinks its so sweet
- sometimes he goes to the store and comes back with barely anything he actually needs and instead he’s got a bag full of various sugar-y stuff because he thought it’d make you smile
- he always tries to let you initiate physical touch first, just to make sure you’re never uncomfy :)
- i also feel like you guys absolutely have lots of movie night dates... with snacks and pillow forts and the huge wolf plushie he bought you for valentines day
- he obviously knows how to braid and stuff from his long hair days, so he def loves when you let him help with your hair!!
- omg last thing sorry! sometimes you’ll fall asleep on him and he’ll just stay there for hours, because hes happy you’re not having a nightmare and he thinks you’re so cute when you’re asleep
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AAA sorry sorry, NB = Non-binary, and they're having a panic attack because they were getting yelled at by someone. I hope that makes sense, im not the best when it comes to describing things.
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I’m guessing they got into a panic attack after someone yelled at them because of coming from an unwelcoming environment where they were yelled at for not accepting gender norms
For convenience it’s someone from their past btw
Please shoot another ask if I got that totally wrong but yeah
No descriptive stuff on the panic attack but here’s a warning anyway PANIC ATTACK WARNING
- Mod Monaca
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Byakuya Togami x NB! Reader who goes into panic attack
• Byakuya already knew shouting gave his s/o anxiety not because he shouted at them or anything he just noticed they were jumpy whenever there was yelling
• In terms of how he reacted to his s/o being non-binary he didn’t care. They are someone he deems worthy of being his romantic partner because of their personality and he’s not one for following norms
(I headcannon he’s a big fan of people going against norms since he did defy all odds as the youngest Togami child so having a nonbinary s/o is actually quite pleasing to him but in terms of treatment being non-binary changes nothing)
• The panic attack was actually triggered when Byakuya wasn’t in the room because this person wasn’t brave enough to yell at them with other people in the room no less Byakuya Togami
• Byakuya had gotten some rare free time which was lucky because this person was having no mercy on s/o
• One loud cough and introduction was more than enough to shoo that person off but Byakuya had to help his s/o right now
• He’s never actually had someone have a panic attack on him before but he does have a general idea of what to do
• He starts by having his s/o sit down on a couch or whatever chair is nearby and calmly rubbing circles on their back to hopefully help their breathing
• He’s starting a breathing excercise and is patient as they follow along
• If they start crying while he doesn’t quite understand it, he’ll let his s/o cry if that helps calm them down
• After that he is willing to press charges on the person that caused them a panic attack but that’s his s/o’s choice
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Rantaro Amami x NB! Reader who goes into a panic attack
• Very supportive boy to his non binary datemate
• Always gets gender neutral stuff for them when coming back from adventures and traveling
• The minute he sees s/o in distress he is totally down to just shower them with love since he’s already failed his sisters so he can’t fail his s/o now
• So when his s/o had a panic attack after someone from the past started yelling at them his protective instincts were on
• He manages to scare the guy off with a serious talk down and a scary expression
(If you really wanna go the extra mile maybe even a knife I imagine he brings to his expeditions in case someone tries to mug him again since they target foreigners or people who look rich and he gives off a rich boy vibe in general so the knife is for self defense)
• After the guy runs off, he starts helping s/o
• Pretty much the same as Byakuya but is not as professional about it cause he’s pretty overwhelmed with worry
• After it all he treats his s/o to a pretty pricy date not that he minds since he has way too much money then what he’ll need and he even wore a shirt with non-binary colors the whole time as support to his wonderful s/o
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bakugous-abs · 6 years
Could you do a scenario where bakugou and the reader have a huge crush on eachother and they're both oblivious? Kirishima gives bakugou a dare to kiss the next person who walks through the door and at first he's like "what no, fuck off" then when the reader walks in, he's like "fine, only because you dared me to" thank you!!!!💘💖💘💟
Aaaaaaaa !! This was a cute ask and I loved it so much. I hope you like it! There was no gender that was specifically assigned so I made it gender neutral, I hope you don’t mind. It also got p long-Bomb
They sighed, picking attheir lunch food with the chopsticks in their hand. Their other hand rested ontheir cheek, pointer finger tapping on their cheek bone. They sighed again,this time, a breathier one, moving the soba around the plate and to the veryedge before picking it up and letting it fall onto the plate again
“You’re going to fillthe air with more carbon dioxide than oxygen at this rate, s/o” Kirishima said,picking up some of his meal and putting it into his mouth, his sharp and sharklike teeth easily tearing the hunk of meat to shreds 
“Oh shut it.” Theysmiled, putting down their chopsticks
“Are you still thinkingof him? Now? While you’re eating?” Sero looked at them with a concerned face,seeing their soba not touched 
“Ah, im sorry. I just,can’t stop?” They picked up their chopsticks again and grabbed some soba withthem, filtering it into their mouth and sucking them up, chewing on the noodlesto keep their mouth occupied
“No its just, this isthe third day in a row I haven’t seen you eat a whole meal because youve beenmore and more focused on Bakugou”
They chewed their food, their eyebrows crinkling as a confused and mufflednoise came from their throat. Had they really not been eating because they werethinking about him so much? Oops… that would explain the increased after schoolappetite and why they were so hungry at the end of the day. They swallowedtheir food, and voiced a part of their thoughts
“Have I really not beeneating?”
“Yeah. You should reallyeat bro, or i’m gonna have to start feeding you.” Kaminari butted in, liftinghis arm across the table with a piece of Yakitori that he picked today, sinceLunch Rush was lacking his usual favorite hamburgers today
They backed away, butKaminari kept moving forward. His efforts to make them eat some of his chosenmeal were futile, as a flaming ash haired blond came in unusually late,slamming his hand on the table, smoking and about to explode. His mouth wassculpted into his usual scowl and frown, and beautiful crimson eyes locked ontoKaminari
“They can eat their owndamn food, Pikachu! Now get your arm off the table before I blow it off!”Bakugou, s/o’s long time crush since the sports festival, yelled at Kaminari
He backed off, butinstead of a scared look, he was smirking at Sero and Kirishima, like he knewsomething s/o and Bakugou didn’t
S/o cocked their head atthem, but got distracted when Bakugou forcefully moved them over into the boothseat, but it wasn’t quite aggressive, more like a guiding touch to teach themto move over when he comes around. He placed his rather large hand on theirshoulder, not smoking anymore as he placed his other hand on their knee, movingthem against the wall
They made a small noiseof surprise when their entire body moved with ease, and their Soba was placedin front of them as Bakugous Tantanmen was put in their place
They could still feelBakugou’s hands lingering on their skin, even if they weren’t near their bodyanymore. It’s like his touch was being scanned and printed onto their skin,leaving a mark that would soon fade away
Their face became alittle warm. Why didn’t he just shove them to the side? He would have done thatwith anyone else? Maybe he’s tired. Yeah, he’s just tired, he probably doesn’thave the energy to be rude like that
They shook their headand picked up their chopsticks once more and put some more soba on them,dipping them into the sauce. They sunk into the dark sauce, soaking up itscontents before they were picked back up, dripping wet as they put them intotheir mouth, slurping them up 
“GUYSSSS!!!” A highpitched voice came running across the lunch room. The owner of the voice landedin front of the booth, revealing none other than Mina, a happy smile all acrossher face as her caramel pupils lit up with a new light contrasting to her jetblack sclera
Her voice scared themfrom the peace of their noodles, and for the 4th time this lunch period, theyset down their lunch and just opted to not eat anymore as they slid the tray tothe middle of the table, crossing their arms and leaning into the seat with ascowl resembling Bakugou’s on their face
“Hey, Ashido! What’sup?” Kaminari greated her, pulling a Yakitori ball off his skewer and chewingit as Kirishima greeting her as well
“Guess what?!” Sheasked, but before anyone could respond, she blurted it out anyway. “Aizawaisn’t assigning homework over the weekend so we’re free to do whatever wewant!” She jumped into the seat that sat Bakugou and S/o, pushing Bakugou intothem
His instincts kicked inand he reached over S/o with his right arm, grabbing onto the booth wall thatseparated them from the next booth over as well as grabbing the table with hisleft hand, preventing his body from ramming into theirs
By this time, S/o hadtried to take cover from Bakugou into them, holding their forearm in front ofthem as if to protect them from Bakugou falling into them. And when they feltnothing, they looked up, seeing themself trapped between the seat and Bakugou
Bakugou’s eyes weresqueezed shut, like he was anticipating himself to have crashed into them. Butwhen he opened his eyes, he was no more than a few inches away from S/o’s face.He could see colorful specks of similar color to their eyes in them, creating amystical glow. He could see their lashes, and he could feel their body heat
Unfortunately, themoment lasted no more than a few seconds before Bakugou’s face got a warm hueto it, and he turned himself around, giving Mina an earful as he tried towrestle his hand to her face, palms smoking as he was prepared to fire a shotat her
Bakugou’s head wasfilled with the image of their face. How perfect it looked underneath him. Howthey curiously stared up at him, as if confused by the way he put his armsaround them, shielding them from himself crashing into them with a hurtfulforce. Why did he do that? And why didn’t they look scared of him as everyoneelse would? Why didn’t they fear him?
They must be underestimating him, that’s what it is! They were underestimatinghim! His crush of all people was underestimating him! Damn… 
“Aaa!! Bakugou Im sorry!I’ll move!” Ashido screeched as Bakugou was still seething with anger, handssmoking as she escaped his grasp, going to the other side of the booth andweaving her way in between Kaminari and Kirishima
“You better be sorry! Ialmost just crushed S/o into a flapjack!” He yelled, pointing an accusingfinger at her while she hid between the two
“And why should you careabout whether you crushed them or not, hm?” Kaminari asked, holding a straightface as he continued to eat his meal. Everyone looked to Bakugou, staring athim for an answer
Bakugou opened his mouthto yell at him, but he couldn’t find the words to say, as the reason why wasbecause he liked them, but they were right fucking there!!!!! He couldn’t justsay it!!!! Even for as blunt and rude of a guy he is, this was something hecouldn’t say!!!!
S/o seemed to notice theuncomfortable and frustrated energy coming off of him as he couldn’t find ananswer, so as to not make their hopes run higher than they already were, theyturned to Ashido, asking her a clarification question
“Really? No homework?Why?” 
It seemed to cause a largeenough distraction from Bakugou as the table turned their attention to the pinkgirl, awaiting an answer
Her face lit up like astar as she sat back up, clapping her hands. “I don’t know!! That’s just thething though. Since there’s no homework tonight, what do you guys think about asleepover?!” Her hands clapped together excitedly, looking towards everyone“Ah, sorry, I can’t. My mother is coming down with a cold and I have to bethere all weekend to take care of her so my dad can catch up on workdays thathe missed.” Sero admitted sadly
“Aw, it’s ok Sero. Yourmother’s health is important, we understand.” S/o leaned forward, her bodyslightly pressing against Bakugous as they across the table and took Seros handin their, giving it a squeezeHis cheeks blushed barely noticeable, but he smiled and nodded. If Bakugou hadto be honest, he had to stop himself from relaxing his face to stare at s/o,seeing them able to calm someone down and brighten their mood in nearly aninstant was something he liked in their character, something that he couldn’tdo, but would be great for their hero work“That’s too bad Sero. I’ll come though Mina, I got you” Kaminari ate the lastof his Yakitori, sliding the empty dish to the middle
“And i’d love to cometoo Mina, I don’t have anything to do and my parents are gonna be out of townfor a few days in a business trip, so the house is gonna be a little lonelywhile they’re gone”
“Yay!! What about youKirishima? Bakugou?” 
“Sure, why not? Soundsfun” Kirishima put the last of his meat in his mouth, sliding his dish to themiddle of the table where s/o’s and Kaminaris sat, empty
“Like hell i’ll come.”Bakugou spat out, eating his Tantanmen in large mouthfuls
“Aw. Come on Bakugou!It’s going to be fun at Mina’s house! I’m sure of it!” they pinched his sleevebetween the side of the pointer finger and clamping it with their thumb,tugging it
“Yeah dude! It’s Minashouse for All Mights sake, you gotta know it’s fun!” Kirishima came in as well,leaning across the table with a little smile on his face seeing s/o’s realizinglook of what they just did, and seeing Bakugou not so scowly anymore
“Pleaaaase Bakugou?”Mina clapped her hands together and laced her fingers, holding them in front ofher as if to beg him
He growled, turning awayfrom S/o as he begrudgingly agreed to go
Everyone cheered as thebell to signal lunch time was over, and everyone grabbed their food and placedit in their respectable waste bins before putting the reusable trays into adrop bin, making their way to their next class
“Where are they?!” Minacomplained for the sixth time in fifteen minutes, not seeing S/o walk insidethe door yet. Bakugou and Kirishima had arrived for the sleepover early, andwere now sitting on the couch in more comfortable attire“Maybe they’re just running late? Did you try texting them?” Kirishima reachedfor his phone, ready to text them“I already did shitty hair.” Bakugou barked across the room, shutting off hisphone and putting it into his pocket. “S/o’s shitty fucking dog sitter was sickso they had to hurry and bring it to their aunts. They’ll be here in ten minutes”
“Ok… what aboutKaminari?”
“You really expect me tokeep tabs on the fucking Pikachu all damn day?”
“But you keep tabs onS/o?” 
“Shut the hell up shittyhair!” His face flashed into a red hue
Suddenly, Kirishima’sphone got a buzz, the screen lighting up with a message from none other thanKaminari
“Kaminari will be alittle late, he said he’ll also be here in ten minutes”
“Yay!!! They didn’t bailon us!” Mina’s limbs seemed to just shoot up in the air as she fell back intothe armchair, happy
“No shit, raccoon eyes”
The next few minuteswere spent in solemn silence, none of them realizing just how unalive the groupis without Kaminari or S/o here to lighten things up and cause a riot. TillKirishima suggested they play a game while they wait
“Oooo, what kinda game?”Mina asked, propping herself up in the chair right, sliding down it and towardsthe coffee table in the middle of the room
“I don’t know, truth ordare? Just something simple before they both arrive”
“Oooo, I haven’t playedthat game in a while! Come on Bakugou, get down here and play!” Mina urgedBakugou to the floor as Kirishima slid off his chosen couch, seating himselfnext to the table
“No way in hell am Igoing to play a little kids game-” He began, but Kirishima cut him off. “Great!I’ll start off. Bakugou. I dare you to kiss whoever walks in through that doornext.” Kirishima smiled a toothy smile, showing every single shark and sharklike tooth that Bakugou wanted to knock right the hell out of his head
“Excuse me?! Who thehell do you think you are?! No way in hell am I going to do tha-”His voice fellshort again as the door to the living room swung open, revealing S/o in a warmsweater and sweatpants, fit for the cool weather of the summer nights. It wasgreatly oversized, probably coming from their fathers closet rather than theirown, making them look smaller
“Sorry guys! Dog sittergot sick out of nowhere!” They kicked their shoes off at the door, closing itwith a click of the doorknob
Bakugou was shockedstill, Mina and Kirishima looking from S/o to Bakugou as they sat next to him.His mouth was stupidly agape as he looked at them. It wasn’t till he heardstifled giggling that he was released from his trance, eyes flickering toKirishima for a brief moment before he spoke
“Fine, but only becauseyou dared me to.” He turned to S/o, seeing them confused. He imagined himselfaggressively grabbing their face and turning their head towards himself, buthis actions were much more calming and less violent than his imagination
His hand reached out ashis scowl released from his face, becoming more and more worryful with everysecond that passed. They barely had time to react before his lips were placedon theirs
Mina and Kirishimawhistled at the both of them, watching as S/o’s eyes fluttered closed and theykissed back
Kaminari opened thedoor, hearing the whistling too as he saw the both of the them kissing, andjoined in too, taking out his phone and recording the scene
“It’s about time theyfound out! I was about to opt for plan B and just lock them in a closet!”
“There was a plan B?!”
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fluffi · 3 years
so should i reply in tiny font or just regular font?
hybe should do better in spreading out the comebacks of the groups under them :/ they're already at a huge advantage, might as well use it strategically. AHA streaming mvs is so convenient for a multi. the filler vids i could use in between could be mvs from the other groups that i stan. also you know what, i still haven't watched a single final performance bc im waiting for a friend to watch with me :D
i have a chinese movie recommendation in case you want something to cry over. i still love its ost and it's been months since i watched it. i'm not sure if you watched it already but more than blue. i've never cried over a movie as much as i cried for that one. the angst *chef's kiss*. i'd do anything to wipe my memory of it and watch it again for the first time.
also sungchan is mc-ing in inkigayo every sunday! and honestly, what the hell is nct hollywood :D but a part of me thinks it's just going to be a bunch of asians living in america like johnny that'll be a part of it. just a hunch tho. imagine having all 4 units coming back in a year with like 1 unit per quarter of the year. i'm not sure if sm even has the money to do this, especially when they filed bankruptcy recently.
and i've seen a lot of twitter memes saying taro's ghosted stans T_T alexa play ghosting by txt T_T sm come on give him smth to do, you're wasting talent.
the mall didn't burn down entirely (like from the outside it looked fine). the ventilation system caught fire so it was more internal—ceilings and all that. covered things with soot(?) and ashes so the entire mall was closed for nearly 2 years. and hey, i've experienced a school fire too back when i was younger. i, too, thought it was nothing but a fire drill until i saw the charred remains of the buildings behind our school : D thankfully, no one died.
the new nct track is for a samsung commercial AHAHA it's funny because nearly everyone uses apple TT_TT and the mv screams neo culture tech tho (well as it should lmao). yes, i was talking about that part in hot sauce but yes, it grew on me too.
ateez really know how to do a performance. they put the standard so high for me when it came to performing. their facial expressions and overall stage presence just impresses me. it's been a while since i've seen idols draw me to them by those standards.
ah, the long stan list! good luck in getting through it and i hope you do have fun as you go :] (also you can check out aurora by ateez and whiplash by tbz. the songs popped up in my head as i was typing this reply, you might like them)
ohhhh, what was the pd48 scandal? i don't watch survival shows so i don't know any of the stuff going on. would you care to elaborate? about their disbandment :(( i hope you're okay now tho! are the other girls still debuting in new groups? anyone eyeing an acting career instead of being an idol?
YES, A PATTERN IN THE BIASES (if you count an analysis of two ppl as a pattern, that is.) because it's the same pattern i have for my biaswreckers :D jake & seungmin, not only do they have the same animal to represent them, they have the same 'golden retriever' type of personality that just makes you go all soft. ygwim ;n; i wish i could elaborate but both boys just devastate me in the same level and my friends pointed out that they were quite similar in some aspects.
jaemin used to send really long bbl messages :< like if there was anything he loved most it was nctzens and it was obv in his messages. speaking of dream, album repackage news today! idk what to feel bc my hot sauce albums haven't even arrived yet :D + i'm dead br0ke.
how do you even manage to read 30k TT__TT i cant handle long fics bc of my attention span :D also, yes, i found the user now, i'll check if i'll like their works soon. <33
YES YOU SHOULDVE BEEN THERE T_T what a day that was. i think seungmin is still sweet and active in bbl. not a single cent goes to waste with him. also i think i'll post the drabble some time this month.
and oml seungmin vs jake :o let's see how that goes O.O XDD
clickity-clackity AHAH do you have a mechanical keyboard? :c i wanted one too but i haven't got around to saving up for one. but yes indeed, typing asmr v relaxing \m/
sunny hyuck day, fullsun sunday, fullsunday T_T feels were very strong that day. i kept seeing edits on my twt tl and i would just s o b : D i've only stanned nct for a year but i've seen him grow so much i just wanted to crie i love him sm :') yk my mom didn't cook spaghetti for my birthday, but she cooked for hyuck's? : D
and i checked ur recs blog and indeed, full of nct T_T
also have i mentioned that your desktop thing amuses me so much HAHAH i got confused for a sec if i had twt opened or tumblr. plus, i've been wanting to mention that i noticed that our mobile themes are opposites. black and red, white and blue. it's cute XDD <3
help, people have been telling me that our asks are long but i highkey love it. i added a ‘keep reading’ for the mobile users though, sorry in advance hh.
honestly, both works. tiny font saves space but regular font does more justice for my poor eyes haha. its your call!
hybe comebacks :( yeah enhypen got lucky because they came back right before cb season so they got three wins (yay)! on the bright side, txt just got their first win and bts has six wins, so it all works out i guess. omg yes, the streaming thing is perfect. i stan like 20 groups so i have a never-ending cycle of filler mvs and its always so helpful. ooh for the final performances - you wont regret watching any of them! literally wild, kingdom's budget and talent are wild.
ooh, I don't watch any cdramas lmao. i want to but i can barely finish kdramas. if its a movie ill watch it! ive never heard of more than blue but ill check it out <3 where can i watch it?
yes yes i have just realized that sungchan is yujin's co-mc! i watched their special stage (which is literally adorable) and was today years old when i realized that the dude is sungchan pls. nct hollywood was so unexpected and i still have mixed feelings about it now. LMAO JUST ASIANS LIVING IN AMERICA...help. that would be interesting (?) but the concept reminds me of those horrendous awesomeness tv shows. lets hope sm pulls this off well and proves me wrong. lmao all 4 units coming back would probably happen, but i hope none of them get overworked :( i constantly feel like mork lee has four clones :'( also...sm filed bankcruptcy??? dang, what happened?
ugh omg yeah shotaros talent is seriously being wasted in the basement right now. as for fires, scary T-T i wasnt that fazed by them until the australia wildfires happened, and i learned about the consequences of fire and got really scared. its good that the entire mall didnt burn down though! although its weird that no one is opening it :( schools really need to tell us the difference between drills though, it might be dangerous for those rebellious kids.
yeah i just realized that the nct track is an endorsement which partly explains why i cant listen to it. the mv's visuals are stunning!! the set and people are so gorgeous aa i cant
oh yeah im not an atiny but i have acknowledged since 2020 that they have one of the best, if not the best stage presence and expressions on stage for 4th gen. i think their only worthy competitor would be stray kids actually. theyre truly one of a kind and all of them are cute especially that yeosang guy. i will definitely check out your song recommendations though!
oof the pd48 scandal is extremely complicated. to condense it in a few statements: all of the girls' rankings have been rigged since the very beginning and it was rumored that they already had their end group before the show even started. it was like this for pf48 and pdx101 (group x1) which was why x1 disbanded within a month of debuting, and izone were on hiatus for like 4 months. im not the best at explaining stuff like this haha, but i think you get it. you can check out yt or search up 'pd48 scandal', a ton of articles and videos. as for new groups, nothing has been made clear yet. theyve only made instagram handles for now and appeared on variety shows haha. as for acting career, hyewon was supposed to do acting but was forced to join pd48 so maybe she'll continue acting afterwards? nothing is confirmed yet!
lmao two similarities, its okay it counts. ah, true, i can see their similarities now that youve mentioned it, as well as how jeno is kind of like that. however, i am currently attached to jaemin so we'll see what happens from there hehe. i swerve easily.
jaemin on bubble grr, that would be a whole experience. from the bare minimum of vidoes ive seen for him wbk jaemin is so whipped for czennies. ah yes repackage! i saw the post on instagram and went to the comments to see everything screaming ‘iM bROke!’ and it was lowkey hilarious lmao. kpop is really trying to suck our money T-T.
ope the longest fic ive read is like...40k words i think? and it was by jeonginks. ill read anything eiko produces lmao, theres always so much substance in her work. ooh, tell me what you think of luvdsc’s stuff, i just finished binging their entire masterlist lmao.
seungmin vs jake yeah, i havent been catching up on skz enha content because im still obsessing over the dreamies but when that saga is over then im going to focus on my ults lmao (which might include dream soon, hehe).
yes yes i have a mechanical bluetooth keyboard that i use to connect to my computer! it literally sounds amazing lmao, its only 10am here but i feel like im going to doze off from the clickity clackitys already. i cant wait for you to get one! tell me when you do, we can match hehe.
hyuck is an aodrable brat please. hes like the best comedian of nct at this point, so hilarious and filled with variety i love him. he rose up my bias list pretty fast too. LMAO YOUR MOM IS SO COOL I LOVE HER ALREADY. if only my mom would cook for my ults’ borndays.
yes my rec blog is a mess right now, ill organize it soon haha.
omg thank you and yes my website theme is one-of-a-kind. even i get confused when i open it or edit it, and i constantly get comments about it. also i just realized our opposing theme colors and i love it! its adorable.
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