#oakland news now blog
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roazaana · 2 years
Twitter account of the Pakistani consulate in Afghanistan was hacked
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The Twitter account of Pakistan's Consulate in Kandahar, Afghanistan was hacked, which was later restored.
According to reports, Pakistan's Consul General in Kandahar, Tariq Ali, confirmed in a statement that the temporary closure of the mission was issued through a tweet after the official account of the Pakistani consulate was hacked.
The Consul General further said that the official account of the Pakistani Consulate in Kandahar has been restored while the irrelevant tweets made during the hacking have been deleted and Twitter has also been informed in this regard. The Consulate apologizes for any inconvenience caused during this time.
It should be noted that journalist Anas Malik had said in a tweet that a statement was made by the Pakistani consulate on the social media website that Pakistan is closing its consulate in Kandahar for 2 days in protest and strong demand from the Taliban government. Is that he should take action against the outlawed Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) and not give them safe passage.
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aimarketingtools · 2 years
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The CFPB is genuinely making America better, and they're going HARD
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On June 20, I'm keynoting the LOCUS AWARDS in OAKLAND.
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Let's take a sec here and notice something genuinely great happening in the US government: the Consumer Finance Protection Bureau's stunning, unbroken streak of major, muscular victories over the forces of corporate corruption, with the backing of the Supreme Court (yes, that Supreme Court), and which is only speeding up!
A little background. The CFPB was created in 2010. It was Elizabeth Warren's brainchild, an institution that was supposed to regulate finance from the perspective of the American public, not the American finance sector. Rather than fighting to "stabilize" the financial sector (the mission that led to Obama taking his advisor Timothy Geithner's advice to permit the foreclosure crisis to continue in order to "foam the runways" for the banks), the Bureau would fight to defend us from bankers.
The CFPB got off to a rocky start, with challenges to the unique system of long-term leadership appointments meant to depoliticize the office, as well as the sudden resignation of its inaugural boss, who broke his promise to see his term through in order to launch an unsuccessful bid for political office.
But after the 2020 election, the Bureau came into its own, when Biden poached Rohit Chopra from the FTC and put him in charge. Chopra went on a tear, taking on landlords who violated the covid eviction moratorium:
Then banning payday lenders' scummiest tactics:
Then striking at one of fintech's most predatory grifts, the "earned wage access" hustle:
Then closing the loophole that let credit reporting bureaus (like Equifax, who doxed every single American in a spectacular 2019 breach) avoid regulation by creating data brokerage divisions and claiming they weren't part of the regulated activity of credit reporting:
Chopra went on to promise to ban data-brokers altogether:
Then he banned comparison shopping sites where you go to find the best bank accounts and credit cards from accepting bribes and putting more expensive options at the top of the list. Instead, he's requiring banks to send the CFPB regular, accurate lists of all their charges, and standing up a federal operated comparison shopping site that gives only accurate and honest rankings. Finally, he's made an interoperability rule requiring banks to let you transfer to another institution with one click, just like you change phone carriers. That means you can search an honest site to find the best deal on your banking, and then, with a single click, transfer your accounts, your account history, your payees, and all your other banking data to that new bank:
Somewhere in there, big business got scared. They cooked up a legal theory declaring the CFPB's funding mechanism to be unconstitutional and got the case fast-tracked to the Supreme Court, in a bid to put Chopra and the CFPB permanently out of business. Instead, the Supremes – these Supremes! – upheld the CFPB's funding mechanism in a 7-2 ruling:
That ruling was a starter pistol for Chopra and the Bureau. Maybe it seemed like they were taking big swings before, but it turns out all that was just a warmup. Last week on The American Prospect, Robert Kuttner rounded up all the stuff the Bureau is kicking off:
First: regulating Buy Now, Pay Later companies (think: Klarna) as credit-card companies, with all the requirements for disclosure and interest rate caps dictated by the Truth In Lending Act:
Next: creating a registry of habitual corporate criminals. This rogues gallery will make it harder for other agencies – like the DOJ – and state Attorneys General to offer bullshit "delayed prosecution agreements" to companies that compulsively rip us off:
Then there's the rule against "fine print deception" – which is when the fine print in a contract lies to you about your rights, like when a mortgage lender forces you waive a right you can't actually waive, or car lenders that make you waive your bankruptcy rights, which, again, you can't waive:
As Kuttner writes, the common thread running through all these orders is that they ban deceptive practices – they make it illegal for companies to steal from us by lying to us. Especially in these dying days of class action suits – rapidly becoming obsolete thanks to "mandatory arbitration waivers" that make you sign away your right to join a class action – agencies like the CFPB are our only hope of punishing companies that lie to us to steal from us.
There's a lot of bad stuff going on in the world right now, and much of it – including an active genocide – is coming from the Biden White House.
But there are people in the Biden Administration who care about the American people and who are effective and committed fighters who have our back. What's more, they're winning. That doesn't make all the bad news go away, but sometimes it feels good to take a moment and take the W.
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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thenewreaper · 2 months
Hello everyone!
I am Alexis Jones, the new reaper of the multiverse.
I was told quite a bit of stuff happens here, including some demon stuff, so now I'm here.
From what I've been told and have seen myself, @psychoperdelicth has been tormenting @prof-d-oakland with his trauma and calling him his "pet".
@katha-angel @thelaststarstriker aka. Samuel and a few others have been trying to find ways to help him, yet found nothing, though she does have a plan.
Harold was kidnapped by someone and dragged C-284 and @yltharthedragon is currently on her way with me to help him.
Either way, It's about time I joined this circus.
[tags: Reblogs/posts- get reaped, Asks- side missions]
[all interactions on this blog are roleplay and meant to be light-hearted]
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clearlydiamondz · 1 year
Loyal to Royalty
Erik!Stevens x OC
Part Four
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Princess Imani was the black sheep of her family, never really fitting the female royal type. When an arrange marriage between Prince   N'Jadaka and her is set up, she tries her hardest to get away… but she just can’t.
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The following morning, Nakia and Imani woke up early to go for a run in the morning dew. With the perfect temperature, it was a must. "Princess please slow down. Not everyone can be as fast as you." Nakia panted bending over as Imani turned around chuckling.
"Sorry, I usually don't have anyone running with me." she replied before she grabbed Nakia's shoulder making her stand straight. "Hands on top of your head. There is no oxygen down there." she joking said as Nakia hit her with her towel on her thigh making her laugh.
"Soo... it seems like you and Prince N'Jadaka is getting quite familiar with each other." she wiggled her eyebrows as Imani rolled her eyes.
"Don't think to much of it." she responded sitting down in the grass as Nakia sat down next to her.
"How could I not, you guys looked more in love last night than me and Challa." she bumped shoulders with her.
"I'm really good in what I do." she responded back as Nakia laughed.
"I see. Have you seen the tabloids?" she responded as Imani looked at her confused.
"You may work hard but Wakanda works harder." she laughed as Imani shook her head. "I gotta look for myself." Imani said standing up and dusting her butt off and then helping Nakia up.
They were now at the palace, in the kitchen making smoothies. Imani sat at the counter on her iPad looking through the online articles and blogs. Not only were they viral in Africa, they were top trending in the States.
The new royal couple seem to come out of no where, but boy are we excited! American business owner, Erik Stevens, are now getting married to the Princess of Kambaho, Imani, daughter of King Z'Kiri have made their relationship public as they were seen with King T''Challa and his wife, Princess Nakia. Erik Stevens, also known as N'Jadaka in his father's country, were found out to be blood after the death of King T'Challas father. It is rumored the two will be the new royal couple in the Country of Kamabaho. More insights later to come.
"I was not expecting to be trending in America." she said in shock as Nakia laughed.
"I mean yeah.. it's not like everyday Americans have someone marrying royalty." she said pushing the smoothie her way as she took it opening another tabloid. Pictures of them were shown sitting on the front row, talking and smiling with each other. Damn, they looked real good.
One of the pictures had her laughing as Erik stared at her in awe. If she wasn't a fool, it looked as if that look was genuine. She continued looking through the pictures.
"Ayo, you got to see this!" Shuri came into the kitchen with her tablet, which she had on twitter. "Don't know if you know this but y'all are trending on twitter right now."
Me: Mom can we go watch Coming to America
Mom: We have coming to America at home
The coming to America at home:
That one made her laugh loudly.
She continued to read through the tweets as Erik came in. "Goodmorning y'all." he said sitting beside Imani as she looked at him with a smile.
"We are trending on twitter right now." she told him as he chuckled.
"Yeah I caught wind of that. Some of my niggas back home in Oakland saw it and hit me up." he chuckled sitting back in the chair.
"So, this will probably mean that you will need a publicists." Nakia said cleaning up the mess from the counter as Imani groaned.
"Oh god, I didn't even think about that." she said but then she thought about it.
"Well why would we need to do that?" Erik asked.
"Well for some interviews and events to be approved, we need a middle man to direct these things." she said as Nakia nodded.
"I mean I'm not sure how comfortable you are with American tabloids but you most definitely will need to do so if you plan on talking to them. You know how messy they can get." Nakia rolled her eyes.
"Don't even get me started. Took one look at the Shaderoom and my goodness are they misrable." Shuri rolled her eyes as Erik chuckled.
"I'll have to run it by my father. I'm not sure how comfortable he is with that." she said, then Erik looked at her.
"I mean, it's only fair. That is MY home country after all." he said. He was expecting her to say something negative but all she did was sigh.
"And I completely agree. But my father has a distrust with the American government. Not the American people. They know for a fact they'll try to mounvier some way to get vibranium. Especially with us trending right now." she said scratching her forehead.
"Seems like you did your job a little too good." Nakia smirked.
"Well, Nakia and I have some stuff to work down in the lab." Shuri grabbed her stuff before putting a hand on both of their shoulders.
"I wish you the best of luck my Coming to America rip offs." she said laughing. The two of them playfully rolled her eyes. They left the kitchen as Erik looked at her.
"What do you think your father will say?" he asked her standing up as she shrugged her shoulders.
"Honestly, my best bet is he'll say no. And quite frankly, I wouldn't feel too comfortable also." she said standing up. He turned around and looked at her.
"And why is that?" he said crossing his arms over his chest and looking down at her. If it wasn't for these circumstances, Imani most definitely seen that and would be turned on. His muscles were nicely on display with the black T-Shirt, and don't get her started on the grey sweat pants.
"I mean, I took a look on the Political news tabloids. They are already talking about trading with our Country if Wakanda isn't up for it. And I'll be damned if I let that happens."
"Well that doesn't have nothing to do with talking to American tabloids." he mentioned leaning against the counter.
"Not yet it doesn't. America is like-" she stopped her self before saying something offensive about America to this American.
"Say what you need to say. America ain't all that great to folks that looks like us." he chuckled noticing she was beating around the bush.
"You give America an inch, they'll want the same amount of miles from the Sun to the Earth." she said as he laughed.
"Well, this is something that needs to be discussed with King Z'Kiri." he responded. For some odd reason, she was a little offended by it.
"And why can't we come to this conclusion together. I mean, we will be the next King and Queen." Not it was her turn to cross her arms with an attitude.
"Okay, for one drop the attitude." he said grabbing her arms and unraveling them as she rolled her eyes. "For two, you seem a little hesitant. Plus, with the two of us as rulers no way America will step over us or Wakanda." he stated. "You already know what's up with me."
That bought her back to the first night they met. He was very adamant and helping black Americans and she knew damn well he would try to prevent that from happening. Maybe she could take this as an advantage for her country to be protected.
"Okay.. I admit your right." she whispered as he turned around with a fake shock.
"Me? Right? You have a fever." he said touching her forehead as she smacked his hand away as he smiled at her. Gold teeth, white straight teeth, dimple smile. Damn, why he had to look at her like that.
"Why you staring at me like that?" he asked her. Thinking quick on her feet, she pointed to his smile.
"Your gold teeth compliments you well." he smiled even harder to show it off.
"Eh, I have a nice collection of grills. Might get you your own." he winked at her as she laughed.
"My father would have a heart attack." she chuckled then nodded. "That would be nice."
"Aye, you can't be my woman and not walk around with some gold on your teeth."
Her trip to Wakanda came to an end. As much as she didn't want to leave, business needed to be attended at home. She walked through the halls before she saw her father, Amarah and Oshana sat in the living quarters reading and/or watching the television.
"Oh your back!" he exclaimed closing his book with a smile on his face. "I see you represented your country very well, daughter." he smiled at her as she nodded.
"Yeah, N'Jadaka was really supportive." she said scratching her forehead. "But father, there was something that the two of us needed to discuss about the news. I'm not sure if you know this-"
"Yeah you guys reached the Americans." he said standing up. "Seems like you guys are getting a positive feedback."
"Well not that exactly. Politics." she said as he groaned.
"It's not in your place as queen to make political decisions. You need to leave that with your father and Erik." Oshana said rolling her eyes.
"Listen, I'm really not in the mood to go back and forth with you right now. Dad whenever your free, please." she said looking at her father.
"Of course."
"Well since queens are being involved in politics now, I demand to be there for this conversation." she said standing up as Imani groaned. "Don't catch an attitude now. You're not even the Queen yet. That title still belongs-"
"Still belongs to you whatever. If you are that pressed fine. You can sit." she gave her dad one last glare before returning back to her room.
"I honestly can't with that disrespectful little girl. How dare she speaks to me that way." she snaps at her husband as Amarah budded in.
"I would never speak to you like that, yet you give her this grand opportunity." Amarah said annoyed.
Later that evening, the three of them sat in his office.
"For started Erik and I thought it would be necessary for us to higher a manger and publisits. This way, we can control any information that is leaked through the public." she started off as her father looked at her confused.
"We don't have publisits and we are fine." her father said.
"I know father, but these are different times that we live in. Any tiny bit of information that leaks out whether it's the marriage or the vibranium supply that we have here, we need to control it." she stated. "We are trending right now, and by my calculations may be trending until we are married. With this, plus the uproar about vibranium we need to have a tight security on what is put out on the internet. It's not just Wakanda or Oshana that we have to worry about at this point, it's the whole world now." she convinced him.
Her father didn't want to show it in her face, but damn was he proud. He knew without a shadow of a doubt that he could depend on his daughter to run things smoothly, but he just couldn't depend on her... is it because she is a woman. Or is because she is young. Maybe it's both.
"And what does Prince N'Jadaka have to say."
"He believes that we should have some control over the media in America too. This may be doing interviews, or working with officials but we cannot let them get the chance to over step us and take our natural resources away like they have any other country." she stated as he nodded.
"This could be a proposition that we make with the council. I trust your judgement daughter." she nodded before continuing.
"So, I don't know if you have read their political news lately but they are already having conversations about trading with us instead of Wakanda." Imani started off. "Even though Wakanda signed the Sokoivia Accords, they aren't giving up their vibranium and I don't think neither should we." she said.
"I agree." he said but his wife cut her off.
"I don't see why not. Vibranium is expensive and we can make money off of the trade. " Imani closed her eyes before saying,
"It's not about the money Oshana. It's about the distrust of deadly materials being handed over to the Americans. It's the dangers of Vibranium getting to outsiders." she said as Oshana groaned.
"Girl you're acting like America is going to go on a killing rampage. If we trade with them, this will result in them not overstepping our boundaries and making money at the same time. Is that not the goal?"
"No, it's not." she snapped at her. "Look, I know you are new to this but when I say trading with the Americans for the most deadly substance would be the downfall of this country, it will destroy us." she stated.
"You let them have just a bit of vibranium, they are going to keep asking for it, and asking for more. And when we either say no, or we can no longer provide it because we are emptied out, then what. Because the last time I checked I don't see America trying to rebuilding the countries that they have stolen violable resources from. They will leave us bone dry. And don't even get me started on the accords. We did not sign it, so that gives them any other reason to put a target on us." she stated looking at her. "Do you even know what the accords is?" she asked her as her mother looked at her father for back up.
"But with the money that-"
"Do you know what Sokovia Accords are?" she repeated herself but her step-mother was silent. She looked to her dad.
"And you thought bringing her in here was a smart idea. Tuh." she chuckled shaking her head.
"Okay you wait just a minute. Now I have every right to say what I think is better for this country as queen. And I think that idea is dumb as hell."
"Lady you don't know even know what the Sokovia Accords are. Do you not know that if we express to them hey we have vibranium and would like to trade, we will most likely not even make any money from it all. Because it goes against the One Nation." she stated to her.
"Then just sign the-"
"Father please stop this nonsense." she looked at her father. "I can not sit down and have a proper argument with someone who doesn't even know what she's talking about. All she see's is dollar signs." she rolled her eyes.
"That is far from my truth!"
"You literally just said and I quote 'Vibranium is expensive and we can make money off of the trade'. That is as close as your truth then I don't what." she responded back as her father stood.
"Enough! The both of you!" he yelled at the two of them. "Daughter, I hear you and I am listening. I've told you before I trust your judgement. We will discuss this further more with N'Jadaka." she smiled but then it dropped when he said, "Further more any decision that is made will still go through me and your step mother as we are your king and queen. I will also take into consideration what she has to say also." he stated as her eye twitched. "Understood?"
"Yes my king." Imani mumbled under her breath. Her looked at Oshana.
"Yes beloved king." She bowed her head at him.
Oshana entered her daughters room, closing the door. "Well how was it?" Amarah asked sitting up from her bed.
"She's as stupid as her damn mother." Oshana spat out sitting on the bed. "They will not trade with America over some foolishness. Does she not realize how much money we would receive."
"She probably doesn't understand. America needs to know we are willing to trade with them." Amarah said. That's when a thought came to the queens head.
"Pack your stuff. We are going to America."
Erik stood in front of the mirror completing his last set of bicep curls. His mind racing with everything that has happened in the last few weeks, but his mind started to drift off at the thought of Princess Imani.
The way she walked, her confidence, the way she talked, the way she could take control of a room. As bad as he didn't want to admit it, he was definitley crushing on the princess. Even finding solace in the idea that they will eventually become King and Queen.
But his thoughts overwhelmed him with the thought that those feelings were not mutual. She was pretty adamant on keeping it strictly business where as she was doing what she had to do for her country. But there was no foul rules on getting her to accept him.
He was deep in thought on how to win her over when he heard his phone ring. Answering it thinking that it was her since everyone he knew communicated through their bracelets, he answered it.
"Hello?" he answered putting the weight down.
"Prince N'Jadaka has a name ring to it." the girl said on the other end. It most definitely wasn't Imani.
"Who's this?"
"Wow, so you move and become prince and forget about me?" Immediately he recognized the voice.
Arianna Cope.
His sneaky link when he was back in the states. They fucked on occasion, not really making any moves past just wanting to fuck each other. Well that was until he caught feelings. Wanting more with her than just a fuck, she laughed in his face. That was the last time he spoke to her.
"Ohh." he chuckled. "Thought you lost my number."
"Eh, I never deleted it to be honest." the girl chuckled on the other end. "I seen your new little girlfriend. She's cute."
"Beautiful isn't she."
"Bet her daddy gotta lot of money." she laughed as Erik laughed too.
"Yeah.. but she got her own too." he said walking around the gym. He wasn't going to lie, he did like her. A lot. And really did miss her a lot. But he didn't want to mess up any chances of being King. He wasn't letting no hoe or bitch get in his way.
"You always went for the girls with big dreams huh. She got you over here trending and shit. Everybody been hitting me up about you... about us." she trailed off the last part. He closed his eyes looking up at the ceiling.
"Yeah well... there ain't no real us is there." he responded as she sighed. "You made that known long ago."
"That don't mean I didn't miss you." she said. Their was a long pause before she spoke again. "You still there?"
"Yeah, just thinking."
"About me, I hope."
"I was." he bluntly said. "But not in the way you were thinking."
"Boy please, don't be acting all brand new now that you got some royal blood in you and some royal pussy." she scoffed with a laugh.
"Nah I ain't acting brand new, but you are." he laughed. "You laughed in my face when I wanted to be with you. This could have easily been you, living in a palace. Anything you ever wanted and needed and you missed that opportunity. " he was lying his ass off, but he just wanted to flex on her.
"Mhm, I still got love for you though. You know that."
"I'm sure you do." he looked up and saw T'Challa walking in. "Aye look though, I gotta bounce. I appreciate the call though." he said.
"No problem. Call me soon , okay."
"Yeah.. I'll see about that."
@life-in-the-slut-house @gloglamsparks @waveynaee @lalaooopsie @luvvjada @nccu-rnc @prettyisasprettydoes1306 @leahnicole1219 @meeksmillsfenchfries @hinatasfleshlight @kokokonako @junie04 @sourbabynaee @sociallyawkward18 @raysunshine78 @justgetitoverwith0 @lishabaybee @rbhp @ladymac82 @musicismeb @keviekevswife1 @chaneajoyyy @youlovechicky   @sexicherri3 @amirra88 @jameica17695 @lishabaybee @softleoblue @automaticdragonmugalien @lynaye1993 @eterrealluvrr @xsweetdellzx @ajenae @forevermoremagcon @babbydollaaassignn @ziayamikaelson @blmcd57110 @kaireads2020 @ts1mp0ne @luvvvjada @cozyashhh  @hippieonboard @ejs398 @royaler1999 
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remembertheplunge · 9 months
My sister Zoe's journal entry re: my partner Jim's death
I am now on the couch in Atwater watching Big Love and tired of watching TV with Mom because she is drunk and tired and cannot follow the plot. She wanders off. I wait. Wait. Explain. Explain.
I’d like to finish it. (watching the show)
What a long, long day.
I cannot believe Jim is gone. 
So this is family. He drove me nuts, but, I never wanted this. His empty spot.
He will not be working in his gardens, hunting for treasures at yard sales, going to the farmer’s market. Demanding Lew love only Jim. 
He was a solar eclipse. He came along and Lew disappeared to me.
The distance so far I had decided not to attend another Thanksgiving. I wanted out of this family, perhaps all families. I’d just have animals and books. People are tiring me out.
Oh Jim, I did not want this. You had such a strong life force. You died because of a faulty part. Otherwise, you were fine. But, that is how frail bodies are.
To see you in bed in the living room, (awake) a wake. I thought I saw your left eye move. Just for a second
 When I first entered the room, the house told the story that things had changed.
Housework had fallen far behind.
The look of disease, narrowing of hallways with book cases, one bed five feet deep in clothes. 
Wine glasses tucked into book cases and on tables  all around Jim in the house.
I felt ill, not sure if I was going to cry or throw up.
While we were there, lividity set into his yellow, jaundiced skin. 
He was quiet and still. So unlike Jim who was not quiet or still.
I am wondering how Lew will go on?
They had their jobs to do, how will Lew go on without Jim?
I guess he just will.
As do all widows and widowers.
Life keeps coming at you.
At Lew’s for Jim: (People who attended Jim’s wake)
Jim’s friend from Oakland, a blonde. We hung a butterfly flag for Jim.
A neighbor who is a nurse
A lawyer who lived in San Diego
Another lawyer took Lew’s cases today
Many phone calls
Mom and I brought 2 bottles of wine and yellow Calla Lilies, a beautiful plant.
Jim’s gone and I cannot believe it.
Yet, he is gone.
End of entry
After my partner Jim died in our house on 9/09/2009, I kept his body for a day and threw a wake party. A lot of people came including my sister Zoe and my mother. Two of my lawyer friends helped me bath Jim and dress him. He had gone into full rigor mortis, meaning his body was stiff or stone like. That’s what my sister was referring to in her journal entry above when she wrote about lividity.
I brought my sister’s journals back with me after she died in May 2023. I didn’t know she kept journals until just before she died. My law practice has kept me busy since then. I have not had a chance to look at her journals until now.
I had never read the above entry until today. I had no idea it existed. As I was typing it for the blog, although I’d read some of the initial sentences earlier, I had not read the whole entry. I was thus like you, new to it..
I’m amazed to see Jim’s death through her eyes. The journal allowed this miracle to happen.
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dailyanarchistposts · 2 months
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The Bottom Line
The effectiveness of our actions cannot be measured in the same terms we measure the decline of our ecosystems. Life, and especially living resistance, is so much more than actions taken to influence a scientists’ interpretation of climate meta data and feedback loops. Measuring our efforts by their effectiveness on the scales of dominant society is falling for the same ‘return on investment’ paradigm that has allowed the looting of our habitats.
As long as we do not see our struggles as the continuation of an age-old fight against domination and state coercion [R.F. – see 23 Theses Concerning Revolt], we will be setting forth on half measures leaving the old powers alive underneath the surface, which has only led to an intensification of authoritarianism, ecological degradation and now climate crisis.
Decentralized organizing, non-hierarchical networks and joyful resistance have been and will be the most effective tools to fight the builders of this ecocidal world and to live a life free of oppression. We don’t need political parties or professional leaders to pacify these struggles. We need to support them, help them grow and connect, and show how they already contain the solutions to the interrelated problems of ecological collapse, poverty, and exploitation.
Situations of desperation and perceived emergency create opportunities for authoritarians to increase their power [R.F. – see ‘The Difference Between “Just Coping” & “Not Coping at All”’], and mislead efforts of decentralized movements towards tech-fixes that accelerate neo-colonial extractivism. If people have a desire to attempt to appropriate the state to create more favorable policy conditions for land defenders and ecosystems or become lawyers, this is understandable. The battle against ecological and climate catastrophe already exists, the problem is there are few actually fighting it and taking this battle seriously.
If you are reading this, you are the resistance to ecological catastrophe and the authoritarianism that put the world in this desperate situation.
...“Just as we
refuse to be ruled,
we refuse to rule
over anyone else”...
(Peter Gelderloos)
[1] medium.com/@fulalas/from-dispersion-to-apathy-how-technology-makes-us-lonely-1d489ee6004f
[2] Hickel J. (2020) Less is more: How degrowth will save the world, London: Random House.
[3] versobooks.com/blogs/4450-it-is-time-to-try-out-an-ecological-leninism-interview-with-andreas-malm
[4] researchgate.net/publication/328887527_Contemporary_Questions_on_Eco-terrorism_with_Michael_Loadenthal
[5] Leslie Pickering (2003) Earth Liberation Front 1997–2002
[6] kersplebedeb.com/posts/ecological-leninism-friend-or-foe
[7] Anonymous. (2018) Against the World Builders. Black Seed #6 : 84–108.
[8] youtu.be/8LSQLBFQruo?t=1675
[9] portal.research.lu.se/ws/files/96341244/HM_DAC.pdf
[10] reuters.com/article/us-usa-energy-carbon-capture-idUSKCN2523K8
[11] ecostandard.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/CCS-false-solution-food-water-action-europe.pdf
[12] cleantechnica.com/2019/06/12/best-carbon-capture-facility-in-world-emits-25-times-more-co2-than-sequestered
[13] Andreas Malm, (2020) Corona, Climate, Chronic Emergency – War Communism in the Twenty-First Century, p. 89
[14] ibid.
[15] Fairhead, James, Melissa Leach, and Ian Scoones. 2012. “Green Grabbing: a new appropriation of Nature?”
[16] Duffy, Rosaleen. 2016. “War, by Conservation.” Geoforum 69 (1): 238–248.
[17] Kelly, Alice. 2013. “Property and Negotiation in Waza National Park.” Land Deal Politics Initiative (LDPI), UK.
[18] Gelderloos P. (2017) Worshiping Power: An Anarchist View of Early State Formation, Oakland: AK Press. theanarchistlibrary.org/library/peter-gelderloos-worshipping-power
[19] Dunlap A. (2020) The Politics of Ecocide, Genocide and Megaprojects: Interrogating Natural Resource Extraction, Identity and the Normalization of Erasure.
[20] euobserver.com/nordic/150287
[21] offshore-energy.biz/saipem-lays-more-than-100km-of-baltic-pipe-pipeline
[22] energinet.dk/Anlaeg-og-projekter/Projektliste/Groen-gas-Lolland-Falster
[23] tv2east.dk/guldborgsund/sukkerfabrikker-udleder-naestmest-co2-i-danmark-er-gas-eller-el-loesningen
[24] canfor.com/sustainability-report/environment/canadian-boreal-forest-agreement
[25] totalenergies.com/media/news/press-releases/total-acquires-maersk-oil-for-7-45-billion-dollars-in-share-and-debt-transaction
[26] greenpeace.org/usa/maersk-stands-up-for-the-oceans
[27] Shiva V. (2002 [1989]) Staying Alive: Women, Ecology and Development, Carolyn Merchants (1983) The Death of Nature, Sullivan S. (2010) ‘Ecosystem service commodities’ – a new imperial ecology? Implications for animist immanent ecologies, with Deleuze and Guattari.
[28] marxists.org/archive/ruhle/1939/ruhle01.htm
[29] marx.libcom.org/library/russian-revolution-communist-party-alexander-berkman
[30] P. Gelderloos (2010) Worshipping Power
[31] Scott JC. (2017) Against the Grain: A Deep History of the Earliest States, New Haven: Yale University Press. Gelderloos P. (2017) Worshiping Power.
[32] A. Dunlap (2020) Compost the Colony: Exploring Anarchist Decolonization, see theanarchistlibrary.org/library/alexander-dunlap-compost-the-colony-exploring-anarchist-decolonization
[33] theguardian.com/environment/2021/jul/16/climate-scientists-shocked-by-scale-of-floods-in-germany
[34] grist.org/protest/dakota-access-pipeline-activists-property-destruction grist.org/protest/dakota-access-pipeline-activists-property-destruction [R.F. It turns out that Ruby has turned snitch, and is cooperating with cops and investigators.]
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thechembow · 2 years
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Culmination of Eight Years of Orgonite Gifting in the West
Dec. 26, 2022
I rarely post more than just the next day’s precipitation forecast or the 7 day total, but here is every day for the next week, and as you can see, California is in a terrible drought... a DOR drought that is. Orgone conditions will be extremely high, and after a little unseasonably warm weather and over a week of DORish conditions, everything is flipping again, and to an extreme we have not seen before.
The object of gifting Salt Lake City this past summer was to neutralize a major blockage to the jet stream in a strategic location for bringing in winter storms. Now, instead of interruptions to the natural west to east flow, we have a perfect restored jet stream, which is bringing in more equalized precipitation for everyone. This is the end of deserts on earth. The unnatural conditions which caused deserts are being corrected.
The rest of the continent received record breaking snow over the past week, which is also connected with the neutralization of weather weaponry (cell tower grid) in the west. Since our weather comes from the west, we are systematically disabling the arrays from west to east (and also because we began where we lived in Los Angeles in 2014). This blog has been a chronicle of these many years of work and the many places we’ve gifted in California, Oregon, Washington, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, and New Mexico.
We could not have done it without your support. We have devoted our lives to making orgonite and traveling from city to city, gridding street by street with orgonite to neutralize the DOR grid on a grand scale. We are entering our 9th year of orgonite gifting and our plans to continue eastward will bring us to Colorado soon (I placed a few in Boulder when I spoke with George Noory on Gaiam TV in 2015).
The massive rain coming to the west coast will break records and will be unprecedented. The Sierras will see over 8 feet of snow in the next week. Most of California will receive upwards of 5 inches of rain. Any hopes the parasites have to continue the lie that we are having a drought will be destroyed by the astronomical amounts of water that are about to fall from the sky. We are actually already above average for rainfall in California this season (they start measuring the year’s precipitation on Oct. 1 for some reason).
This winter season is already set to break the previous record for wettest winter for the entire continental US set in the winter of 2018-2019, which happened after our biggest gifting year of 2018. In January of 2018, we gifted Ventura, Oxnard and Camarillo (complete grid) following the Thomas Fire, Santa Rosa (following the weird fires which wiped out whole neighborhoods) as well as more work in San Francisco, Oakland, and Berkeley, including the top of Mt. Tamalpais. We gridded San Diego and surrounding cities to completion in June of 2018, and then went on to Oregon and Washington in July (we had already done a huge gifting in Oregon in 2016, and this time we covered Seattle and Tacoma as well). In August, we gifted in Arizona and New Mexico, and then we rested, doing a little more local gifting, and allowed the record breaking weather to roll in. That was our biggest year, but we have done a ton of projects before that and since then, including Fresno and Silicon Valley in 2019, and Phoenix and Sacramento in 2021.
Our gifting since 2018 has been systematic and strategic. We are only getting stronger. Storms this season are already breaking records across the continent. I’m excited to see what 2023 will bring for us and how the parasites will react. I predict that the winter of 2022-2023 will shatter the previous record four years ago, making it the wettest winter ever in recorded history.
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osarothomprince · 1 year
ASTEROID CITY Trailer (2023) Tom Hanks, Scarlett Johansson
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0xlNlzBTY_E Oakland News Now – ASTEROID CITY Trailer (2023) Tom Hanks, Scarlett Johansson – video made by the YouTube channel with the logo in the video’s upper left hand corner. … Read More The post ASTEROID CITY Trailer (2023) Tom Hanks, Scarlett Johansson appeared first on Oakland News Now Blog Live SF Bay Area.ASTEROID CITY Trailer (2023) Tom Hanks, Scarlett…
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occupied-retirement · 2 years
Introducing Me and My Blog (2012)
I retired from full-time movement work in July of 2011 when I left my job as Leadership Development Coordinator for the AFL-CIO. I took a few months off from work and traveled, caught up on personal business, hosted some friends from the south, renewed connections with some Oregon friends, and enjoyed the Oregon summer and early fall. Currently I’m doing part-time work with the Alliance for a Just Society and I serve on the boards of Western States Center and the Rural Organizing Project.
Now I am figuring out what it means to be “retired” when so much of my life is tied to activism. I’ll be reflecting more on that topic in my upcoming blog posts.
I love travel, my local library (novels, history, biography and autobiography), independent and documentary films, and going out to hear music. I live near downtown Salem and I’m committed to getting to the pool several times each week and doing as many of my errands on foot as possible. I’m learning to cook new recipes and rely as much as possible on locally grown foods. I have a network of friends around the country who I enjoy spending time with. Last year I took a month-long trip with my brother to Paris and the UK and connected with our Welsh cousins. This year I’m traveling to El Salvador with CAUSA, Oregon’s immigrant rights organization, and to Spain with a couple of friends.
My roots are in western Pennsylvania and each of my parents had a Welsh and an English parent. My grandfathers both worked in the steel mills in Homestead and my maternal grandmother was a seamstress in a baby clothes factory and later worked in a hospital laundry doing mending. My paternal great-grandfather was killed in the Homestead mill in an industrial accident and my grandfather Howell went to work there at age 12 to help support his mother and 4 other children. My mom was a secretary for our local school board and my dad worked on-site at big construction projects doing payroll, purchasing, and managing the trailer office and moved around from place to place where the company he worked for was building roads and bridges. I like looking at bridges because my dad got me interested in them.
I started my organizing career in 1973 with ACORN in Ft. Smith Arkansas. I worked with Oregon Fair Share (now Oregon Action), Oregon NARAL and national NARAL (now NARAL Pro-Choice America) in the late 1970′s and early 1980′s. In 1982 I moved to North Carolina and directed the Carolina Community Project, founded NC Fair Share, and then worked regionally in the south with Grassroots Leadership and South Carolina United Action. During that time I had the opportunity to be connected to programs led by the Center for Third World Organizing and the Applied Research Center based in Oakland, CA. I returned to Oregon in the mid-90′s to work as a trainer with Western States Center. In 1997 I moved back to NC to work for the AFL-CIO as a field representative and later became the Deputy Director for the Southern Region and then coordinator of national leadership development programs for staff and elected leaders of our local and state organizations.
Starting with my time at Grassroots Leadership I committed myself to embedding an anti-racist perspective into organizing and training work I am involved in. I am one of the founding members of the National Organizers Alliance and NOA has been an important place of connection and support for me. Through my regional work in the south and northwest, I have met and worked with many amazing organizers and organizations around the country. I am very excited to see the growth of the Occupy movement.
I’m looking forward to writing more in this blog about my retirement plans and questions, my reflections on my work as an organizer and current events, and the travel I’ll be doing over the next couple of years. I’m also including links to organizations I mention on the side bar on my blog page. I hope my readers will comment and both challenge and add to what I have to say.
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inherpower · 18 days
Walking with Grace: Be Careful What You Ask For
If you’ve been following along with my new journey you will know that in 2020 I began to feel a shift that came by way of my great, great grandmother. Why is this woman so important? Honestly I’m still not sure why and it’s been four years now since she emerged in my life. But what I can say is that she is the mother of my great grandmother who became a minister in her own right. My great grandmother, Menetha, married my great grandfather who was a minister. In fact one of the things I always tell people is that I come from a line of preachers and teachers. The men were often minster and pastors and the women were teachers, which was a form of ministry in their own right since they were so impactful in their students lives. After I wrote the last blog post about my great, great grandmother God reminded me of the entry point that allowed for her to come into my life in the first place.
Back in February of 2020 I was hiking in the hills and mountains of Oakland, California. My family and I would travel there often. We loved it so much that we were planning to move out there. My life had been in a free fall around that time starting in 2018. My marriage was changing and shifting in ways that I was unable to understand and recognize. While this shift was extremely painful I didn’t want to end my marriage. I did everything I could to make it work and had come to the conclusion that while there were things that I was not happy with, that I would simply deal with it. Now, it’s important to note that I am not going to go into detail because I care about my exes feelings. This is not about blasting someone else, it’s about healing.
When I felt lost and absolutely lonely I did what I had done since I was a child, I leaned on God. My spiritual work and practices ramped up and I started going to therapy. I thought that I was the problem, that I needed to change. So when we were on a family trip in Oakland I spent almost everyday hiking and walking, trying to clear my mind and allow for God to speak to me on what I needed to do. One week I found a new trail that seemed promising. This was right before the pandemic hit so there weren’t a lot of people on the hiking trail. The first day of hiking my new trail I noticed a peak far off in the distance. I said to myself That would be amazing if I could make it all the way up there. But the peak seemed way too high and way too far away for me to make it.
Each day I would spend hours trudging up the mountains, talking to God and the cows that were along the trail (someone owned a farm not too far and they allowed their cows to roam free). I would spend at least six hours each day hiking non-stop. These hikes became so crucial because I saw each step as a spiritual lesson. I truly believe that everything we do is spiritual and if we take the time to notice the subtle whispers of God, then we can bring meaning and understanding to confusing situations. My time in Oakland was coming to a close and I had to return back to my home in Florida as everything was beginning to shut down. We had to shelter in place. So on the last day of my time in The Bay I hiked as I had done, talking as I walked. I had come to a peak and stopped for a moment to take in the scenery around me. When I stopped and looked down at the starting point in the trail I noticed that I was standing at the peak where just days before I said I could not reach.
The realization brought tears to me eyes. I jumped up and down so proud of myself for what I had accomplished. As I stood on the peak I positioned myself to face north. I opened my arms up wide, closed my eyes and shouted out to God.
“I am ready God! I am ready to be what you have created me to be. I’m tired of trying to control everything. I have no idea what I’m doing and I need your help. I’m done hiding, I’m done trying to figure it out on my own. You have created me for a purpose and I want to live out that purpose the way that you intended for me to. Whatever I need to do, whatever steps I need to take, whatever sacrifices I need to make, I will do for you. I will follow you God. I trust you. You have never failed me but I have failed myself. I am ready.”
Let me tell y’all something. If you are not ready to have your life completely turned upside down, DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT say this to God. Once I got back home and sheltered in place I spent everyday doing spiritual work and developing a relationship with God where I would listen to his guidance. What began to happen was something that I was not at all prepared for.
Shifts began to happen internally. My soul felt unsettled and I could not shake the feeling of discomfort.
An ache began to surface that I simply could not let go of.
I turned 40 in the height of the pandemic and I celebrated by crying in my closet.
I felt a call that kept pulling and tugging at me but I didn’t know where it was coming from or what i was telling me to do.
And let me say that crying in my closet wasn’t actually a bad thing. It felt like a purge, like I was releasing so much pain that I had been holding back and was finally able to let go of. Fast forward three years and I was divorcing my spouse after fifteen years together, ten years of marriage. I was working a new job after being unemployed for eight years of being a stay-at-home wife and homeschooling mom. My family was in a new state and all of my support people were miles away. To make matters worse my ex was shocked and hurt by me wanting to leave and did not take it well. Let’s just say that things were very sensitive (and still are to some degree). I went from seeing my kids everyday from morning to night, to seeing them every other weekend. AND someone new had entered into my life.
While the newness felt nice and welcoming, I was spiraling out of complete and utter terror for the explosion that was my life at that point. In the height of my divorce when things were really tenuous, I meditated everyday. I focused my mind on the outcome of what I knew was on the other side. I saw my life blossoming and expanding. Everything around me was crumbling down but I clung to the wisdom that God had placed within my heart that all would not only be alright, but better than I could have ever imagined. This was when my faith and trust in God was really tested. I had to rely on something that was not in the present moment, an intangible thing that I could not touch and did not see on the horizon of my life.
To believe and know that if I trusted in God, then everything would work itself out often made me look like a crazy person to some people. And I would love to tell you that things got easier but they didn’t. In fact things got more and more tender as I became more and more rooted in God. It felt like I was being challenged at every turn like Job (which happens to be one of my favorite stories in the Bible). Just like Job I was being tested, pushed to the limits to see if I would break. But I continued to hold on. I rested on a couple of verses.
“Teach me, and I will be silent; make me understand how I have gone astray.” Job 6:24 NIV
“Behold I go forward, but he is not there, and backward, but I do not perceive him; on the left hand when he is working, I do not behold him; he turns to the right hand, but I do not see him. But he knows the way I take; when he has tried me, I shall come out as gold.” Job 23: 8-10 NIV
These verses became pillars for me to stand on in times of sheer panic and crisis. But the scripture that started it all for me was Psalm 91:1-2. In the English Standard Version it reads:
“He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say to the Lord, ‘My refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.”
I had not been trusting God for many years. I was too scared to admit that out loud at the time but it was true. Once I was able to say the words out loud and say them to God in prayer I felt a calming presence wash over me. I suddenly realized that I had been so afraid of telling God how I truly felt, not even understanding that God already knew how I felt and didn’t judge me for it. In fact the calmness was a way to let me know that no matter what, He would receive me with open arms and an open heart. This was true unconditional love.
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98boo · 23 days
hii caratblr ~
announcing my new seventeen blog @98boo!! I am a baby carat and started stanning a few months ago after seeing seungkwan on devil’s plan! and now he's one of my ult biases oops 🥲
it's crazy bc I keep discovering so many svt songs, videos, etc. that I liked ages ago, and I've even seen them live before 😭 my other ult bias is sinb from gfriend/viviz so I've literally seen seungkwan with 98z for years too 🤦🏻‍♀️
anyway I'm glad I finally slipped into the diamond life and I know a new sideblog in 2024 is crazy work but I'm hoping to gif my fave boo moments as I slowly watch through old content, as well as possibly stages for the upcoming comeback!
I'd love to make carat friends so please feel free to leave me asks or even gif requests! I'll also be at the oakland tour stop on election day lmao if anyone else is going
🩵, cyn
(p.s. you might recognize me from @bscenez or @huiverse hehe)
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norcalbruja · 2 months
Script-writing semi-progress!
[Note: The first half of this post is from my actual writing blog.]
So with my dead-end life and non-existent art career, I spent a while venting in one of my writing Discords. I'm just spinning my wheels trying to get LITERALLY ANYWHERE with my novel drafts, my poetry, my short stories, and a theater script that I'm probably going to convert into a comic series or some kind of serial/online series, and I'm just not fucking getting anywhere.
This hurts especially bad because I write about FILIPINO mythology, and I've been asking FILIPINO theaters if my script is cool and people want to like, workshop it or keep an eye out for when the first draft is finished. Of the few people who actually answered me, the general consensus is that IT SOUNDSSSSSSSSSSS COOL, but it's too expensive and nobody wants to take a risk on unpublished/new writers.
And I'm like "great, so you like it, you just want SOMEONE ELSE to take a risk on it."
The script is called "Takotsubo: The Story of a Superhero." It's about a bunch of Asian gangsters/superheroes who roam around Oakland, California, trying to heal from their damage and dealing with the media, who treat them WAY differently than they'd treat white superheroes. After they recruit their only Filipino-American member, she ends up being the only person with ENOUGH knowledge of hostile Filipino spirits to keep everyone alive--but luckily, she attracts the Filipino gods as well, who know that a half-trained and very short mage cannot be expected to handle the likes of the aswang and the bantay-tubig with just some kalis sticks and her anger issues.
Everyone (and by extension, the audience) then learns about the CULTURE-SPECIFIC shitstorm that is Filipino colonization.
I have currently asked six or seven of my Filipino actor friends about it, and three people asked me to send the current script! I've got everything in some email drafts, but I'm just trying to work the nerve up to press the damn "send" button, lmao.
I did tell them it's a gangster AND superhero script, but like... I'm still worried they're going to wince and go "no, even if you're literally deconstructing the stereotypes, I don't think I can do this."
So I emailed my friends and am waiting on the others to message me back.
Araw is yet another Tagalog spirit who said he'll help me, but unlike the others, he's actually brutally honest about how he knows I don't believe him and I don't even know if he's who he claims to be, and he's just constantly going "DO IT ANYWAY. YOU NEED HELP, I'M GIVING YOU HELP."
He's supportive in the most angry way possible, lmao.
And maybe he's a figment of my imagination or someone like Eric Draven as "a non-famous Tagalog spirit who took on my interpretation of Araw from my stories," but one thing that struck me a couple days ago was how I was Desperate Again and asked him for as much help as he could give me.
And once I was done, he was like "Yes, that's good enough, I'll get to work now."
I asked him, "...Okay? You don't want to stay a bit, or eat breakfast or something?"
And Araw told me, "I do not pretend that you love me. It seems that's for Haik and the other anito. You begged me for help, the same as as you begged the dead man, and the squid, and the crow, and all those foreign gods. Why shall I eat the food of someone who howls like a starving creature? Or play the kind god to a woman with no money, stuck in a job that she hates? You have as much choice in this as a beast lured into a trap, and if Ulupong is right, the other anito don't treat you any better than one."
And I'm like, "Well, that kind of hurts, but thanks for being honest, Araw."
Honestly, it IS very relieving that Araw just drops in to help me, listens to me say the same things over and over, and then he goes off to do stuff without trying to talk to me or being dramatically "concerned" about my situation, that I constantly tell the spirits I'm tired of explaining.
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mohifashion · 6 months
Top 10 Indian Clothing stores in Florida
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Are you looking for a wedding guest dresses preparing for your Indian lehenga choli in the lively state of New York? Join us in this blog as we delve into a selection of specialized indian clothing boutiques tailored to the unique preferences of Indian brides and grooms. From traditional lehenga for wedding to contemporary gowns and timeless shararas, these stores offer a diverse array of options to suit every taste and style.
Bollywood Fashion World:  
Address : 1207 N Dixie Hwy A, Lake Worth Beach, FL 33460, United States  
Website : https://bollywoodfashionworld.com/ 
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Tanzina Alam, founder of Bollywood Fashion World, leads a showroom in florida offering stylish Indian attire, Pakistani outfits and accessories for women, men, and kids. With a keen eye for fashion, she started her venture with a modest investment, focusing on quality and customer satisfaction. Over time, she cultivated a loyal clientele by prioritizing unique designs and strong relationships with suppliers and manufacturers. Her passion drives the business's growth in the competitive fashion industry. Bollywood Fashion world specialises in lehenga for bride, kurta sets, occasion attire, men's wear, wedding guest outfits, Bridesmaid dresses, Sangeet outfits, mehendi outfit,  jewelry, and accessories etc
Mona's Fashions - Bollywood Clothing: 
Address : 2712 W Oakland Park Blvd, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33311, United States
Website : https://www.facebook.com/MonasfashionIndianboutique/ 
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Embark on a Bollywood-inspired journey of glamour and sophistication at Mona's Fashions in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, where luxury and opulence have been epitomized since its inception in 2003, offering a diverse collection of premium designer Indian outfits for women, men, and children, alongside exquisite costume jewelry wedding guest dresses, lehenga for woman and wedding makeup, each piece encapsulating the timeless beauty and essence of Indian culture and heritage, inviting you to explore a treasure trove of elegance and style.
Mohi Fashion:
Website : https://www.mohifashion.com/ 
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 Mohi is a curated multi-designer online marketplace offering bridal lehengas, sarees, designer wear, lehenga for engagement, lehenga for reception, ghagra choli for women and men's groom wear. They source their products from Surat, Jaipur, Kolkata, Tamilnadu, Chandni Chowk, Lucknow, Assam and so on providing a focus on reflecting the diversity of South Asian fashion. Mohi Fashion provides a 10% discount on all MRPs year-round and exclusive offers, along with video consultations for brides and customizable outfits in all sizes.
Kushara Collections:
website : https://kusharacollections.com/
Address : 6325 W Commercial Blvd, Tamarac, FL 33319, United States
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Online elegance finds a home at Kushara Collections, where premium Indian wear adorns fashion enthusiasts worldwide.  wedding dresses like  haldi outfit , mehndi dress bride and accessories, and step into a world where tradition meets modernity, and elegance knows no bounds.
Rupees Sarees:
Address:  415 NW 27th St, Miami, FL 33127, United States
website :   https://rupeesinc.com/ 
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Since its establishment in 1994, Rupees Sarees has been synonymous with elegance and grace. From exquisite sarees , lehenga for reception to men's wear and accessories, this boutique caters to every facet of Indian fashion. Mainly they have Indian sarees and Indian wedding clothes .
Apna Andaaz Boutique:
Address :  9448 S Orange Blossom Trl, Orlando, FL 32837, United States
website : https://www.facebook.com/ApnaAndaazFashion/
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Founded in 2007 as a family-owned endeavor, Apna Andaaz set out to introduce the newest trends in Pakistani Clothing  to Orlando, swiftly flourishing under Ishrat Khan's guidance and extending its influence throughout Florida, Georgia, and beyond, leveraging over 15 years of managerial expertise to prioritize customer delight, personally greeting every guest with warmth and hospitality; now, Ishrat is pioneering the launch of an e-commerce platform, ensuring loyal patrons can seamlessly access Apna Andaaz's exquisite selections from any location.
Jyoti's Boutique-Indian Clothing Store:
Address :  4552 N University Dr, Lauderhill, FL 33351, United States
website : https://www.facebook.com/p/Jyotis-indian-bridal-more-100064087688551/
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Discover the allure of Indian fashion at Jyoti's Boutique, nestled in Lauderhill, Florida. From sarees to anarkalis and accessories, this boutique caters to every fashion need. Embark on a journey of elegance and sophistication, where every ensemble tells a story of timeless beauty.
In the realm of fashion, where every stitch narrates a tale of tradition and innovation, these boutiques stand as pillars of creativity and elegance. From bridal lehengas to everyday chic, each creation reflects the rich tapestry of Indian heritage, weaving dreams of glamor and allure. So, whether you're walking down the aisle or gracing a festive celebration, let your style speak volumes as you adorn the enchanting allure of lehengas crafted with love and passion.
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jkdanu · 7 months
Car rental company Getaround lays off 30% of staff after ditching SF headquarters http://dlvr.it/T2jmf4 #BestRealEstateAgentElkGrove http://dlvr.it/T2jmfF http://dlvr.it/T2jmfG http://dlvr.it/T2jmfH
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